Nicotrol refills

It finally happened, I can’t orgasm

2020.10.28 16:20 neverstopnodding It finally happened, I can’t orgasm

I’ve been on Nardil for months now, about 4 and I’m up to 75mg a day. Last night whether it was because I was too in my head (or my arm was sore from working out) that I couldn’t orgasm no matter how hard I tried. Possible TMI but I could get an erection no problem but lotion and rigorous effort to no avail. I’m on quite a few meds, Nardil 75mg, Abilify 2mg, Armodafinil sometimes, 20mg Focalin, 10mg Ambien, and next month I refill my 1mg ativans for anxiety. The ambien helped me relax 2 nights ago and I had just smoked some weed (bad habit I know, I have some nerve damage pain) so I was in the mood. But I don’t know, is there a way to counter this?
I was thinking of switching from Abilify to Amisulpride which is super interesting to treat dysthymia. It has about the same possible side effect list as Abilify but binds to the GHB receptor.
low doses preferentially block inhibitory presynaptic autoreceptors. This results in a facilitation of dopamine activity, and for this reason, low-dose amisulpride has also been used to treat dysthymia.
Amisulpride and its relatives sulpiride, levosulpiride, and sultopride have been shown to bind to the high-affinity GHB receptor at concentrations that are therapeutically relevant (IC50 = 50 nM for amisulpride)
Which I think is a very novel approach to treating the kind of depression I have. Just that low motivation, very tired, anhedonic, low self esteem kind of stuff. I’m talking to my psychiatrist soon and I was thinking of mentioning it since I’ve given Abilify about 2 months to work and it isn’t helping me stay interested in much. I’ll let you guys know how it works.
But to be fair, I’m trying to quit vaping and I’m very restless. I have 2 nicotine patches on and got prescribed a Nicotrol inhaler that hits the throat kind of like a vape but safely. Sorry if this is long, I just took my Focalin so I’m feeling a lot better.
Also: has anyone tried Uridine supplementation? I’ve read it helps repair DNA and RNA damage to dopamine receptors and helps with choline to form new dopaminergic receptors or neurotransmitters or something. I’ve been trying it and so far I’ve noticed it kinda helps me focus.
Lastly, and this is political: is anyone else scared they want to repeal the ACA? I seriously wouldn’t be in the place I am today without my marketplace insurance and I’m afraid they’ll mess up so many of my doctors and therapies if the new Supreme Court justice does what she’s said. I mean cmon, that whole ceremony was so rushed and eerily a power show.
submitted by neverstopnodding to MAOIs [link] [comments]

2020.03.24 07:14 FaineUSA Quarantine has me chain smoking and I hate it.

I have been an off-again, on-again cigarette smoker. I have been trying for a week to quit smoking. I even have a fresh refill of my Nicotrol inhaler (Rx) sitting bedside ready to be utilized. I keep failing. I have medical setbacks, headache, etc. Global stress has me chain smoking. They make me feel sick, tired, sore throat, ears hurt. I have always been able to stop and for some reason I can not. I also received news that my CTSCAN from January has a few(10mm or less) lung nodules in each lungs. Knowing this I should be able to quit cold turkey. I am frustrated and quarantine is not allowing for much but boardem and fear. Both of which fuel the cigarettes. Advice?
submitted by FaineUSA to smokingcessation [link] [comments]