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2008.05.06 22:53 Grammar

A subreddit for questions and discussions about grammar, language, style, conventions[,] and punctuation.

2009.02.25 08:00 pallaviwensil r/Spanish: Learn, teach or discuss the 2nd most spoken language by natives

This is the biggest Reddit community dedicated to discussing, teaching, and learning Spanish. Answer or ask questions, share information, stories, and more on themes related to the 2nd most spoken language in the world by native speakers.

2011.03.13 16:32 DrJulianBashir /r/ScenesFromAHat, where everything's made up and the points don't matter

Welcome to the official unofficial community for the game Scenes from a Hat, as played in the popular improv comedy show "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" Create hilarious scene responses to some recent prompts, or post new scenes and see what the community can deliver! Just make sure to create a scene with your response; Reddit has enough of that from AskReddit ! For a sample of how the game is played, check this video: Also, make sure to check the rules. Bzzzzzzzzz!

2024.05.15 10:12 tempmailgenerator Configuring the Default Email Client Subject Line on Android

Setting Up Your Email Subject on Android

In the ever-evolving world of mobile communications, email remains a steadfast tool for personal and professional exchanges. Android users, in particular, benefit from a versatile operating system that allows for a high degree of customization, including the ability to set default actions and preferences for their email applications. Whether you're a business professional looking to streamline your communication processes or an individual aiming to organize your inbox more efficiently, understanding how to configure your email client on Android can significantly enhance your emailing experience.
This guide will delve into the specifics of setting the subject line in your preferred email client on Android devices. By adjusting this setting, you can save time and increase productivity by predefining subject lines for various types of emails. This not only aids in maintaining consistency across your communications but also helps in managing your emails more effectively. The process involves a few simple steps that can be easily implemented by users of any technical skill level, ensuring that everyone can optimize their email usage on Android.
Command Description
Intent Used to start email activities within Android applications.
putExtra Adds extended data to the intent for email subject, body, etc.
setType Sets the MIME type for the email intent.
startActivity Launches an email client installed on the Android device.

Understanding Email Configuration on Android

Setting the subject in the default email client on Android devices is more than just a matter of convenience; it's about making the most out of the email communication process. With the sheer volume of emails sent and received daily, having a pre-set subject line can significantly streamline your email management. This feature is particularly beneficial for business users who frequently send emails with similar subjects, such as weekly reports, updates to team members, or notifications to clients. By pre-defining these subjects, users can reduce the time spent on composing emails, ensuring consistency and reducing the likelihood of sending emails without a subject. Furthermore, this customization reflects the flexibility of Android's operating system, which allows users to tailor their devices to their specific needs and preferences, enhancing overall productivity and efficiency.
However, configuring the default email client on Android to include a predefined subject requires understanding the capabilities of your email application and possibly leveraging intent filters in Android app development. Intent filters are used to specify the type of intents an application can respond to. For instance, when you compose an email through an app, an intent is created with action SEND or SENDTO, and you can include extra data such as the email's subject, body, and recipients. Developers can use this to build apps or features within apps that automate filling in certain parts of an email. This functionality not only serves to improve user experience by saving time but also opens up possibilities for app developers to create more personalized and efficient communication tools on the Android platform.

Email Subject Configuration Example

Android Development Code
Intent emailIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND); emailIntent.setType("message/rfc822"); emailIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_EMAIL, new String[] {""}); emailIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, "Subject Text"); emailIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, "Body of the email"); try { startActivity(Intent.createChooser(emailIntent, "Send mail...")); } catch (android.content.ActivityNotFoundException ex) { Toast.makeText(YourActivity.this, "There are no email clients installed.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } 

Enhancing Email Efficiency on Android

Email has become an indispensable part of our daily communications, especially in the professional world where promptness and efficiency are key. On Android, setting the default email client to include specific subjects for emails can significantly enhance this efficiency. This functionality is not just a mere convenience but a strategic tool for managing communications more effectively. For example, individuals can set up their devices to automatically include subjects for routine emails, such as daily reports or meeting reminders. This not only saves time but also helps in organizing emails better, making it easier to search for and categorize messages.
Moreover, this feature is a boon for app developers and marketers who regularly engage with users via email. By pre-setting subjects, they can ensure their messages are consistent and recognizable, increasing the likelihood of their emails being opened and read. Additionally, this capability underscores the customizable nature of the Android platform, allowing users to tailor their devices to fit their personal and professional needs. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, such features will play a crucial role in enhancing communication workflows, thereby improving productivity and user satisfaction.

FAQs on Email Configuration in Android

  1. Question: Can I set a default subject line for all outgoing emails on Android?
  2. Answer: Yes, but it depends on the email client you are using. Some clients allow for this customization directly, while others may require additional steps or apps.
  3. Question: Is it possible to automate the email subject line for specific types of emails?
  4. Answer: Yes, through the use of intent filters and Android app development, you can automate subject lines for specific scenarios.
  5. Question: Will setting a default subject line affect how I receive emails?
  6. Answer: No, it only affects the emails you send, not the ones you receive.
  7. Question: Can I change the default subject line setting after I've set it?
  8. Answer: Yes, you can always modify your email client's settings to change or remove the default subject line.
  9. Question: Do all Android email clients support setting a default subject line?
  10. Answer: Not all, but many popular email clients offer some level of customization for this feature. Check your specific client's settings or support documentation.
  11. Question: How does setting a default subject line improve email management?
  12. Answer: It helps in categorizing and finding emails faster, besides ensuring consistency in communication.
  13. Question: Is there a way to set different default subject lines for different types of emails?
  14. Answer: Yes, this can be achieved through custom app development or using specific email management apps that offer this functionality.
  15. Question: Can setting a default subject line help in reducing email clutter?
  16. Answer: Yes, by making emails more searchable and categorizable, it can help in managing and reducing clutter.
  17. Question: Are there any security concerns with automating email subjects on Android?
  18. Answer: As long as you are using reputable apps and services, there should be minimal security concerns. However, always be cautious about the permissions you grant to apps.

Streamlining Communication with Android

Configuring the default subject line in Android's email clients represents a significant step towards streamlining communication and enhancing productivity. This customization option not only simplifies the process of sending emails but also aids in better organization and quicker retrieval of messages. For businesses and individuals alike, the ability to pre-set subjects for emails means less time spent on repetitive tasks and more time focusing on content. Moreover, this feature underlines the adaptable and user-friendly nature of Android devices, allowing users to tailor their email experiences to their specific needs. As we move forward in an increasingly digital world, such functionalities become crucial in managing our digital communications effectively. Ultimately, setting a default subject line is a small but powerful tool in the arsenal of Android users, offering a blend of convenience, efficiency, and customization that can significantly improve the email management process.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:00 RealPumuckl No "add to start page" for certain pages on Android

hi all, sorry if this has already been answered, but I find it hard to google as the key words are install, app, bookmark, and of course there are a lot of pages on those...
anyways. I use the ff android function "add to start page" a lot for websites I regularly visit. however, for some pages, the option is not available. instead there is "install" option, which is kind of similar, but opens the page in full screen, less responsive and without some context options, e.g. password auto fill via bitwarden. what is this install function and how can I get rid of it?
submitted by RealPumuckl to firefox [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:05 tempmailgenerator Enhancing Data Integrity in Protocol Buffers with Email Validation

Unlocking Data Precision with Protocol Buffers

In the realm of data serialization, Protocol Buffers, or Protobufs, have emerged as a cornerstone technology, offering a lightweight, efficient, and language-agnostic format for structuring and transmitting data across various systems. Developed by Google, Protobufs serve as a compelling alternative to XML and JSON, focusing on minimizing message size and processing time. Their design allows for clear, precise definitions of data structures with the added benefit of generating source code for the most popular programming languages, thereby ensuring seamless integration and data manipulation across diverse computing environments.
However, the utility of Protobufs extends beyond mere data serialization. A significant aspect of leveraging Protobufs effectively involves enforcing data integrity and validation rules, such as email validation within serialized data. This layer of validation is crucial for applications that rely on accurate and validated user input, especially for fields that require specific formats, like email addresses. By embedding validation rules directly within Protobuf definitions, developers can ensure that data adheres to specified constraints from the get-go, thus enhancing the reliability and robustness of data communication protocols.
Command Description
message Defines a message type in Protobuf, which is a data structure similar to a class in object-oriented languages.
required Specifies that a field must be provided and cannot be left unset when the message is serialized.
string Indicates the type of a field that holds a sequence of characters, used for text.
pattern Used in validation frameworks that work with Protobuf to define a regex pattern a string field must match.

Implementing Email Validation in Protobuf

Protobuf schema definition
message User { required string name = 1; required string email = 2 [(validate.rules).string.pattern = "^[^\\s@]+@[^\\s@]+\\.[^\\s@]+$"]; } 

Deep Dive into Protobuf Email Validation

Protocol Buffers (Protobuf) provide a systematic way of encoding structured data, especially useful in the context of network communication and data storage where efficiency is crucial. At its core, Protobuf allows for the definition of structured data schema through .proto files, which then can be compiled into code in various programming languages. This process ensures that the data structure is maintained across different systems, offering a robust mechanism for data serialization and deserialization. When it comes to enforcing data integrity and validation, Protobuf itself does not natively support complex validation rules out of the box. This limitation necessitates the integration of additional validation logic either at the application level or through the use of custom options in .proto definitions.
To address the need for sophisticated data validation, such as verifying that an email address fits a specific format, developers can leverage extensions and third-party libraries designed to augment Protobuf's capabilities. For instance, by defining custom validation rules, such as regex patterns for email addresses, within the .proto file, one can ensure that the data adheres to certain standards before it is processed by the application. This approach not only streamlines data validation by catching errors early in the data handling process but also enhances security by preventing invalid or malicious data from penetrating the system. Ultimately, incorporating email validation directly into Protobuf definitions promotes a more secure, efficient, and reliable data communication strategy.

Exploring Protocol Buffers and Email Validation

Protocol Buffers (Protobuf) offer a high-performance, language-neutral, and platform-neutral mechanism for serializing structured data, similar to XML but smaller, faster, and simpler. At its core, Protobuf allows developers to define data structures in a special language and compile them into native code for various programming environments, enabling seamless data exchange across disparate systems. This efficiency makes Protobuf an ideal choice for developing complex applications, where data integrity and validation are crucial. For instance, integrating email validation within Protobuf schemas ensures that only valid email addresses are processed, significantly reducing the potential for errors and improving overall data quality.
Email validation in Protobuf can be implemented through custom validation rules or by integrating with external validation libraries that extend Protobuf's functionality. This approach allows developers to specify complex validation patterns, such as regex for email addresses, directly within their Protobuf definitions. This built-in validation mechanism is particularly useful in microservices architectures, where data consistency across services is paramount. By enforcing data validation rules at the serialization level, Protobuf helps maintain a high level of data integrity and reliability across the network, laying a solid foundation for robust and error-resistant applications.

Frequently Asked Questions on Protobuf and Email Validation

  1. Question: What are Protocol Buffers?
  2. Answer: Protocol Buffers are a method of serializing structured data used by Google for nearly all of its internal RPC protocols and file formats.
  3. Question: How does email validation work in Protobuf?
  4. Answer: Email validation in Protobuf typically involves specifying regex patterns in the schema definition that match valid email formats, which are then enforced during data serialization.
  5. Question: Can Protobuf handle complex validation logic?
  6. Answer: Yes, with the help of custom options or integration with external libraries, Protobuf can handle complex validation logic, including custom regex for emails.
  7. Question: Why is data validation important in Protobuf?
  8. Answer: Data validation ensures the integrity and correctness of the data being serialized and deserialized, which is crucial for maintaining application reliability and performance.
  9. Question: How does Protobuf compare to JSON and XML?
  10. Answer: Protobuf is more efficient than JSON and XML in terms of both size and speed, making it suitable for high-performance applications.
  11. Question: Is Protobuf only used by Google?
  12. Answer: While developed by Google, Protobuf is open-source and widely used by various organizations for data serialization.
  13. Question: Can Protobuf be used with any programming language?
  14. Answer: Protobuf supports generated code in multiple languages, including C++, Java, Python, and more, making it highly versatile.
  15. Question: What is the advantage of using Protobuf for microservices?
  16. Answer: Protobuf facilitates efficient and reliable communication between microservices, thanks to its compact format and support for data validation.
  17. Question: How can I define an email field in Protobuf?
  18. Answer: An email field can be defined as a string with a regex pattern option to validate its format.

Wrapping Up Protocol Buffers and Validation

As we've explored, Protocol Buffers, with their efficient data serialization capabilities, play a pivotal role in the development of scalable and maintainable applications. The ability to enforce data integrity through validation rules, especially for critical data types like email addresses, underscores the versatility and power of Protobuf. This technology not only ensures that data is compact and fast to transmit but also maintains its correctness across different parts of a system. By leveraging Protobuf for both its serialization efficiency and its validation capabilities, developers can create more reliable and secure applications. This dual functionality makes Protobuf an invaluable tool in the modern developer's toolkit, facilitating better data management and communication in a wide range of applications, from microservices to large-scale distributed systems. The key takeaway is that Protobuf offers more than just a method for structuring data; it provides a comprehensive solution for ensuring data validity and integrity, which is critical in today's digital landscape.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:52 MaayanKah Idea: WvW retention, guilds leaderboard

Hi, I'm not a very active poster in Reddit so my writing may be a bit sluggish. Please ask me for clarification for anything I wrote in an odd manner.
There has been something on my mind for a long time, ever since the early WvW restructing betas, and I am eager to hear other people's thoughts and opinions about it. (I haven't seen anyone mention this notion so I've decided to step forward and make this post!)
I've been playing GW2 since the early days, and a major portion of that time has been spent in WvW. I'm a part of a very small guild and we spens the majority of our time roaming, scouting, smallscaling & lowmanning enemy population or providing support for zergs/raids/GvG's.
At least in my case, I have mixed feelings about some players/guilds in our server, but it still feels like home, and whenever our server is winning and climbing the tiers, it always feels like our guild's ops had its impact in tipping the scales.
I personally feel like that feeling of fame may lose some of its charm with the upcoming changes, as the teams get mixed and rematched and even if you win the matchup that week, it feels less immortalized and long term that it does now.
In the long run, it may hurt retention with smaller guilds/individual longtime roamers and scouts who are not a part of a large guild. (And yes, people could join larger guilds, but some people are comfortable with their current way of playing and old habits may die hard, in particular older players with introvert tendencies)
One of two answers I could come up with which would retain that feeling of success and fame is a leaderboard for guilds who are active in WvW.
Each matchup, a guild can qualify to get a chance to appear it in following a certain level of activity/participation. Once qualified, score will be awarded based on the place your team finished with. Overtime, guilds who are active and were winning a lot of matches will take their spot on the top of the leaderboard.
The number of members would not matter, only that your guild was active and that you ended up in the winning team often. Inactivity in a match would cause decay, so in order to retain your spot in the leaderboard, your guild must keep playing actively, similarly to PvP.
The other solution which involves no fame but could still encourage "caring about winning the match" is to award the active player for currency based on their team's place in the end of the match and introduce cosmetics or titles purchased with that currency. People who are actively victorious will be able to gain those faster.
I can definitely understand if larger guilds or GvG orienated guild members may feel differently than I do. I hope this still made some sense to you and you can at least sympathize with my notion!
Edits: captioning and grammaspelling.
submitted by MaayanKah to Guildwars2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:32 shallah New Michigan State University research to explore influenza outbreak in cattle - AgBioResearch

New Michigan State University research to explore influenza outbreak in cattle - AgBioResearch
The research team will seek to answer several key questions, such as:
Impact: What are the short- and long-term effects of the disease on reproduction and milk production?
At the herd level: What factors influence the likelihood of herds becoming infected?
At the cow level: What increases or decreases the likelihood of cows becoming infected?
Transmission: How is the virus spreading within and between herds?
“There’s still an enormous amount of information we don’t know,” O’Connor said. “This outbreak underscored the critical need to understand the dynamics, impact and prevention of H5N1 among the cattle population. We are fortunate to be able to ground this research in on-farm studies, working closely with MDARD to access farms that have had herds test positive for the virus.”
The team plans to conduct five studies on farms with H5N1-positive animals. They will study lactating cows, dry cows and calves, collecting blood, nasal swabs and milk samples to be tested. All H5N1 testing is being performed by the MSU Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, the only laboratory in Michigan approved by the USDA to test for highly pathogenic avian influenza in any species.
Additionally, researchers will examine milking equipment for H5N1 presence and compare testing accuracy between pooled and individual samples.
Data from Michigan farms will be combined with findings from other universities nationwide for a comprehensive analysis.
“We’re trying to understand how long animals are shedding the virus and how long the virus stays active,” O’Connor said. “For example, if we were to find that cattle are often positive on nasal swabs, we might conclude that nose-to-nose contact is a common route of transmission. Likewise, we may see that some samples come back negative quite often and show that those routes are much less likely. The overall goal is to equip our producers with the information needed to make informed decisions on how to best protect their cattle, and by extension, animal
submitted by shallah to H5N1_AvianFlu [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:22 arcticfox4 The Deck Dev Stream Notes (May15th)

The Deck Dev Stream Notes (May15th)
I once again noted down some key points during the dev stream. There were some audio issues for certain parts of the stream and so I might've missed some things. Still, here's what I caught for those who couldn't watch the stream:
  • New Ship: Brig, 4 upper deck 4 lower deck guns, has a reload time buff. Seems to go 14-15 knots. Support class, though it'll probably be really good for dps too.
  • New Auxillary Weapon Type: Spring Loader, looks a bit like a mangonel, shoots out either fire or healing mines(buoys?), they heal or deal damage in a large circle around them. You can heal or damage yourself with them. They get destroyed if shot.
  • New Guided Torpedo: Their direction can be controlled by moving the aiming reticle left or right.
  • New Demi-Cannons: Their projectile spread seems less, shoots in columns rather than a usual shotgun like spread. Projectile kind of looks like it may have tearing effect.
  • New Armour: Purple with pink trims.
  • New Long Guns: Poison effect of some sort.
  • Alternate ways to get (missing?) blueprints besides combat.
  • New boss health bar meter at the top of the screen.
  • La Peste (And content in general) will be accessible/come back after S1
  • Manufactory running costs will be lowered.
  • New silver making methods will be added that should compete with contrabands.
  • Long gun balance being looked at, requests of making them all deck heard.
  • Close to 20 new weapons/armoufurniture in S2.
  • Rockets using crow's nest view being looked at.
  • Third person view is being looked into, performance concerns.
  • Crab pet, certified cute.
  • Fleet Management: Can assign up to 40 ships you have to manufactories. One ship collects Po8 from one manufactory. More complexity like one ship collecting from more manufactories, certain ship types and sizes being more suited for certain locations, defending ships etc. are possibilities for the future.
  • Ship Upgrades: Bedar shown at upgrade 1/6, possibly upgradable to level 6. Small ships will be more manuevarable and sail better into wind to make up for lack of gun ports. Upgrades will also give more hull. Not sure if hit points or cargo space is meant by hull.
  • A Rempah convoy with golden ships, similar to current french and dutch convyos, shown.
  • Season Reset: Keep up to 300k Po8, Keep Sovereigns, additional rewards based on the amount of territories and manufactories owned. See picture below.
  • Helm Lease: Allows you to just sail to a manufactory and claim it from the interact menu without having to do heists or takeovers.
  • Warehouse space being looked at, not straightforward due to data limitations.
  • New game mode: Manufactors Defense.
  • Killcam: Shows the ship that killed you on your death screen.
  • Adding more stuff to Black Market being looked at.
  • Armour Transmogs: Ways to make your ship your own is always something we're looking into, still nothing concrete.
I want to thank the devs for the stream. The solution to the Po8 problem is fairly elegant I think, which is good to see. However, I'd liked to have seen more questions be answered. Maybe that wasn't the main purpose of the stream though, it seemed more focused on S1 wrapup and S2 teaser. Hopefully in the near future we get a more Q&A focused stream too.
submitted by arcticfox4 to SkullAndBonesGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:20 ExtensionMajor2916 Neotonics Reviews: The Truth About Skin & Gut Health

Neotonics Reviews: The Truth About Skin & Gut Health

Neotonics Reviews: Unveiling the Truth About Skin and Gut Health
Navigating the fusion of skin and gut health, Neotonics emerges as a natural supplement tailored to enhance skin health, ensuring a youthful glow by promoting skin cell rejuvenation and minimizing wrinkles, dark spots, and other aging signs. Its unique approach targets gut health as a pivotal factor in skin care, emphasizing the gut’s significant role in managing the skin’s aging process with its all-natural, toxin-free formula. Moreover, the Neotonics reviews highlight its efficiency and safety, backed by a 60-day money-back guarantee that underscores the brand’s confidence in their product.
With Neotonics, consumers delve into a blend of probiotics and advanced formula capsules captured in convenient gummy form, designed to not only support gut health but also contribute to overall well-being. Neotonics customer reviews often point to its ease of use, with the supplement being available in bottles containing 60 gummies exclusively on the Neotonics official website, ensuring a secure buying process. This commitment to quality and consumer satisfaction, combined with its manufacturing in a GMP-certified, FDA-registered facility, positions Neotonics as a standout choice for those seeking to integrate a skin and gut health supplement into their daily regimen.
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What is Neotonics?

Neotonics is a dietary supplement specifically formulated to enhance both skin and gut health. Here’s a breakdown of its key components and functions:
  1. Composition and Form: Neotonics comes in a gummy form, making it easy and pleasant to consume. Each bottle contains 30 gummies, with a recommended dosage of one gummy per day.
  2. Ingredients: The supplement is packed with a blend of natural elements, including Babchi, Inulin, Fenugreek, Lemon Balm, Fennel, Organic Lion’s Mane, and others. These ingredients are chosen for their effectiveness in supporting gut health and enhancing skin condition.
  3. Probiotic and Prebiotic Support: It contains 500 million units of beneficial bacteria along with prebiotics that help in maintaining a healthy gut microbiome. This is crucial, as a healthy gut contributes to improved skin health.
  4. Targeted Benefits: Neotonics aims to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, support healthy skin cell turnover, promote blood flow, and assist in achieving an overall healthy body weight. Additionally, it supports the digestive system and boosts energy levels.
  5. Safety and Manufacturing: Manufactured in an FDA-registered facility, Neotonics adheres to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). It is designed with safety in mind, containing no GMOs or toxins, which makes it suitable for regular consumption.
This comprehensive approach to both skin and gut health, encapsulated in a convenient gummy, makes Neotonics a unique supplement in the wellness market.
Click Here To Know Who Developed The Neotonics Formula
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How Neotonics Works

Neotonics operates on a multifaceted approach to enhance both skin and gut health through a series of interconnected mechanisms:
  1. Probiotic and Prebiotic Synergy: The supplement combines probiotics and prebiotics to balance the gut microbiome, which is crucial for overall health.
  2. Skin Health Enhancement: By promoting optimal gut health, Neotonics supports healthy skin from within, which includes promoting collagen formation and enhancing skin elasticity.
  3. Digestive System Support: It aids in balancing beneficial bacteria in the digestive system, which is instrumental in improving gut health.
  4. Comprehensive Health Benefits: Beyond skin and gut health, Neotonics supports digestive health, empowers the immune system, and maintains gut health balance.
  5. Nutrient Absorption: The unique blend of ingredients enhances nutrient absorption by promoting a healthy balance of bacteria in the gut.
  6. Vital Nutrients: Incorporates essential vitamins and minerals that aid in skin cell turnover and collagen production.
  7. Overall Wellness: Additional active components in Neotonics work synergistically to promote overall gut and skin wellness.
  8. Cellular Turnover and Inflammation Reduction: The supplement enhances cellular turnover, reduces inflammation, and rejuvenates skin cells, contributing to a fresher, more radiant complexion.
  9. Energy and Vitality Boost: Neotonics may also enhance vitality and boost energy levels, further improving skin health.
  10. Gut-Skin Connection: Targets the direct impact of gut health on skin health, promoting processes like skin cell turnover to reduce aging signs.
  11. Cell Renewal Process: Improves the effectiveness of cell turnover in the body, a process influenced significantly by the gut and its microbiome.
  12. Barrier Function and Immune Support: Enhances gut barrier function, supports immune health, and balances the gut microbiome.
  13. Hydration and Antioxidant Protection: Supports skin health by promoting hydration, moisture retention, and antioxidant protection.
This comprehensive action plan ensures that Neotonics not only targets skin and gut health individually but also enhances their interdependent functions for overall well-being.
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Key Ingredients and Their Benefits

Neotonics is enriched with a variety of natural ingredients, each selected for their specific health benefits to both the skin and gut. Here’s a detailed look at some of the key components:
  1. Babchi: Known for stimulating collagen production, Babchi enhances skin elasticity and reduces signs of aging. It also helps in skin rejuvenation and evens out skin tone due to its anti-inflammatory properties.
  2. Inulin & Dandelion: These ingredients act as powerful prebiotics, nourishing the gut microbiome and aiding in digestive health. They also protect the skin from external factors and support overall wellness.
  3. Bacillus Coagulans: This probiotic ingredient modulates the gut microbiome, promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria, which is crucial for both gut health and skin appearance.
  4. Fenugreek: Rich in antioxidants, Fenugreek supports skin health by aiding in tissue repair and collagen production, which improves skin elasticity.
  5. Lemon Balm: Known for its soothing properties, Lemon Balm reduces skin redness and irritation while also fighting acne-causing bacteria and promoting clear skin.
  6. Organic Ceylon Ginger: This ingredient boosts beneficial bacteria in the gut and offers protection against environmental skin damage, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties.
  7. Slippery Elm Bark: It supports the stomach lining and helps in conditions like eczema and psoriasis by forming a protective barrier on the skin, which locks in moisture.
  8. Organic Lion’s Mane Mushroom: Offers long-term anti-aging effects by stimulating collagen production and improving skin elasticity. It also nourishes the skin with essential vitamins and minerals.
  9. Fennel: Aids in repairing body tissues and calms skin irritation, while also improving skin elasticity and reducing the appearance of fine lines.
Neotonics Key Ingredients and Their Benefits
These ingredients collectively contribute to Neotonics’ ability to improve gut health and enhance skin quality, making it a comprehensive supplement for overall well-being.

The Science Behind Neotonics

The scientific foundation of Neotonics is robust, focusing on the intricate relationship between gut health and skin aging. This supplement is formulated based on extensive research that confirms the pivotal role of the gut microbiome in skin health and overall well-being. Here are the key scientific insights supporting Neotonics:
  1. Probiotic and Prebiotic Synergy: Neotonics contains 500 million units of beneficial bacteria, specifically designed to optimize the gut microbiome. This significant concentration of bacteria is essential for promoting gut health, which in turn supports healthier skin and enhances general vitality.
  2. Targeting the Root Cause: The aging of skin is intricately linked to gut health. Neotonics addresses this connection by targeting the gut microbiome, which plays a crucial role in the turnover of skin cells and the overall aging process.
  3. Scientific Endorsement of Ingredients: The formula includes a blend of nine powerful natural ingredients, each scientifically proven to support gut and skin health. This combination not only helps in treating the skin’s microbiome but also in slowing down the skin’s aging process.
  4. Enhanced Nutrient Absorption and Metabolism: By optimizing the gut microbiome, Neotonics enhances nutrient absorption and improves metabolic functions. This optimization is crucial for maintaining vitality and improving skin health, as confirmed by scientific studies.
  5. Cell Turnover and Gut Health: Research has shown a clear link between the health of the gut microbiome and the rate of cellular turnover. This relationship is fundamental to understanding how Neotonics works to improve skin health by influencing these underlying biological processes.
  6. Inulin’s Role in Gut Health: The effectiveness of Neotonics is further supported by evidence from the National Center for Biotechnology Information, which highlights the benefits of inulin. Inulin is a key ingredient in Neotonics that supports healthy gut bacteria, which is crucial for maintaining skin health.
These points collectively demonstrate the scientific rigor behind Neotonics, emphasizing its potential to significantly impact skin and gut health through its carefully researched and proven ingredients.How to Use Neotonics for Optimal Results
To achieve the best outcomes with Neotonics, adhering to the recommended guidelines is crucial. Below is a concise guide on how to effectively incorporate Neotonics into your daily health regimen:
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Recommended Dosage

  1. Daily Intake: It is advised to consume one to two gummies daily.
  2. Consistency: For optimal results, Neotonics should be taken consistently every day.
  3. Duration: Noticeable improvements in skin texture and overall health may be observed after 3 to 6 months of regular use.

Usage Tips

  • Flexibility in Consumption: Neotonics gummies can be taken at any time of the day, with or without food, offering flexibility to fit into any schedule.
  • Health Consultation: Always consult with a healthcare professional before beginning any new supplement regimen, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions or are on other medications.
  • Monitoring Effects: If you experience any adverse reactions while taking Neotonics, discontinue use immediately and consult medical advice.


  • Bottle Contents: Each bottle of Neotonics contains 30 gummies, sufficient for one month of daily use if following the standard dosage of one gummy per day.
Neotonics Skin & Guts
By following these guidelines, users can maximize the health benefits of Neotonics, effectively enhancing both gut and skin wellness.

How Neotonics Promotes Skin and Gut Health

Neotonics has been formulated to target both skin and gut health, offering a dual approach that enhances overall well-being. Here’s how it works:
  1. Comprehensive Formula: Neotonics employs a holistic formula that not only improves digestive health but also enhances skin appearance and texture.
  2. Digestive Health Benefits: It supports the reduction of symptoms associated with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and helps to reduce constipation and intestinal gas, promoting a healthier digestive system.
  3. Skin Health Promotion: By nourishing the gut microbiome, Neotonics positively impacts skin health, leading to increased radiance, hydration, and elasticity, as reported by users.
  4. Energy and Vitality: Users have noticed improvements in their energy levels and vitality, which contribute to a healthier appearance and enhanced well-being.
  5. Natural Ingredients: The inclusion of all-natural ingredients ensures that the product protects against skin and gut damage while promoting a healthy gut microbiome.
  6. Skin Rejuvenation: Improved gut health directly contributes to skin rejuvenation, helping maintain a flawless and youthful skin appearance.
  7. Overall Health Benefits: Neotonics also aids in improving nutrient absorption, supporting cellular turnover, and contributing to hormonal balance, all of which are beneficial for both gut health and skin quality.
This multifaceted approach ensures that Neotonics not only targets specific health issues but also enhances the interconnected health of the skin and gut, leading to better overall health outcomes.

What Makes Neotonics Stand Out

Neotonics distinguishes itself in the market through several key factors that contribute to its popularity and effectiveness. Here are the notable attributes that make Neotonics stand out:

Unique Formulation and Safety

  1. Natural Ingredients: Neotonics is crafted using only natural ingredients, ensuring it is free from stimulants or major side effects, making it a safe option for daily use.
  2. Certified Manufacturing: The supplement is produced in an FDA-registered facility, adhering to strict Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), which guarantees the high quality and safety of the product.

Affordability and Value

  1. Cost-Effectiveness: Compared to similar products like My Way Up Skin + Gut, Neotonics is more affordable, providing a budget-friendly option without compromising on effectiveness.
  2. Additional Benefits: Unlike YourBiology Gut+, Neotonics offers extra advantages such as stress reduction and focus enhancement, all at a lower price point.

Exclusive Availability and Support

  1. Direct Purchase: To ensure authenticity, Neotonics is available exclusively through the official website, which helps prevent counterfeit products and ensures customers receive a genuine product.
  2. Educational Resources: With every purchase of three or six bottles, Neotonics provides two free e-books, adding educational value and supporting users in their health journey.

Environmental and Health Standards

  1. Eco-Friendly and Safe: The product adheres to environmental and health safety standards by being free from GMOs, harsh chemicals, and banned substances, which appeals to health-conscious consumers.
  2. Allergen-Free: Ensuring wider accessibility, Neotonics is formulated without common allergens and is non-GMO and hormone-free, catering to individuals with specific dietary restrictions.
These features collectively position Neotonics as a standout choice in the crowded market of health supplements, particularly for those prioritizing safety, affordability, and comprehensive health benefits.

How to Integrate Neotonics into Your Daily Routine

Integrating Neotonics into your daily routine can be a seamless and straightforward process. Here are some practical steps to ensure that you make the most out of Neotonics supplements for optimal skin and gut health:

Step-by-Step Integration Guide

  1. Morning Routine: Start your day by taking a Neotonics gummy with your breakfast. This helps in establishing a consistent routine and ensures that you do not forget to take your daily supplement.
  2. Set Reminders: In the initial days, setting reminders on your phone or using a pill organizer can help you remember to take your Neotonics gummy. Consistency is key to achieving the best results.
  3. Incorporate into Dietary Habits: If you have specific dietary routines like a smoothie for breakfast or a mid-morning snack, you can take your Neotonics gummy during these times. The gummies are designed to be easy to consume with or without food. Follow a stick diet like The Mediterranean Diet the best Diet for the past 10years and also The Keto Diet are 2 BEST DIET.
  4. Evening Routine: Alternatively, you can take your Neotonics gummy in the evening with your dinner if mornings are too rushed or if you prefer to space out your supplements throughout the day.
  5. Monitor Your Progress: Keep a health journal to note any changes in your skin and gut health after you start taking Neotonics. This can help you track progress and adjust your intake if needed.
By following these simple steps, integrating Neotonics into your daily routine can become a natural part of your day, supporting your health goals without disrupting your usual habits.

Comparing Neotonics to Other Probiotic Supplements

Neotonics stands out in the competitive market of probiotic supplements through several distinct features that cater to consumer needs and preferences. Here’s a detailed comparison that highlights its unique offerings:
  1. Exclusive Availability: Neotonics is exclusively available through its official website, ensuring that customers receive an authentic product directly from the source. This exclusivity helps maintain quality control and customer satisfaction.
  2. Pricing Strategy: Priced at $69 for a one-month supply, Neotonics is positioned within the premium segment of the market. However, the brand also offers significant discounts on bulk purchases, making it more accessible for long-term users.
  3. Customer Assurance: Offering a 60-day money-back guarantee, Neotonics provides customers with a risk-free opportunity to try their product. This guarantee reflects the company’s confidence in the effectiveness of their supplement and enhances customer trust.
These points illustrate how Neotonics differentiates itself from other probiotic supplements, focusing on quality, customer satisfaction, and accessible pricing.

Free Ebook Bonuses?

Along with every purchase of a set of 3 or 6 bottles of the Neotonics formula, you will get two different bonuses, which will help you enhance the different effects of the supplement.
Here are the complete details of the bonuses provided along with the bottles.
#1 Cellulite Be Gone: How to Banish Cellulite Naturally & Effectively at Home
Justice the name suggests, the ebook contains different tips and tricks that will help you to get rid of cellulite in your body effectively at the condor of your home.
Cellulite Be Gone: How to Banish Cellulite Naturally & Effectively at Home
#2 The Great Haior Reset: How to Grow Thick, Full, and Lustrous Locks
If you are looking for an effective way to ensure the health and proper growth of your hair, then this ebook will help you to get there faster.
The Great Haior Reset: How to Grow Thick, Full, and Lustrous Locks

Neotonics Price And Refund Policy Explained!

The Neotonics price details are as follows; Neotonics Price
According to the Neotonics official website, all the purchases made from the website are covered by a 60-day money-back guarantee. This means that you are free to return the bottles within 60 days of the original purchase and receive a full refund on the amount that you spent on the purchase if it isn’t giving you the needed or claimed results.
Click Here To Buy Neotonics From Its Official Website

Conclusion and Recommendations

Through a comprehensive exploration of Neotonics, it’s evident that this supplement stands as a significant innovation in the pursuit of enhanced skin and gut health. Its unique formulation combines natural ingredients with scientific backing to target the intricate relationship between the gut microbiome and skin health, ensuring a holistic approach to wellness. The plethora of positive reviews and the robust scientific foundation not only underscore Neotonics’ effectiveness but also solidify its position as a must-consider option for those seeking to nurture their skin and gut health simultaneously.
In wrapping up, the multifaceted benefits of Neotonics, from promoting skin cell turnover to enhancing gut health, highlight its role as a key player in the wellness market. Its ease of use, combined with the assurance of safety and quality, make it an attractive choice for individuals looking to integrate a skin and gut health supplement into their daily routine. Encouraging further research or a personal trial could offer invaluable insight into its effectiveness, potentially paving the way for improved well-being and a better quality of life for its users.


Currently, there are no questions listed in the “People Also Ask” section for the topic “Neotonics Reviews: Unveiling the Truth About Skin and Gut Health.” If you have specific questions about Neotonics and their impact on skin and gut health, please feel free to ask, and I’ll do my best to provide you with informative answersNeotonics Reviews: Unveiling the Truth About Skin and Gut Health
Navigating the fusion of skin and gut health, Neotonics emerges as a natural supplement tailored to enhance skin health, ensuring a youthful glow by promoting skin cell rejuvenation and minimizing wrinkles, dark spots, and other aging signs. Its unique approach targets gut health as a pivotal factor in skin care, emphasizing the gut’s significant role in managing the skin’s aging process with its all-natural, toxin-free formula. Moreover, the Neotonics reviews highlight its efficiency and safety, backed by a 60-day money-back guarantee that underscores the brand’s confidence in their product.
With Neotonics, consumers delve into a blend of probiotics and advanced formula capsules captured in convenient gummy form, designed to not only support gut health but also contribute to overall well-being. Neotonics customer reviews often point to its ease of use, with the supplement being available in bottles containing 60 gummies exclusively on the Neotonics official website, ensuring a secure buying process. This commitment to quality and consumer satisfaction, combined with its manufacturing in a GMP-certified, FDA-registered facility, positions Neotonics as a standout choice for those seeking to integrate a skin and gut health supplement into their daily regimen.
submitted by ExtensionMajor2916 to u/ExtensionMajor2916 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:11 jennylovesotf Flare subsiding - now what???

My 8 year old son has had IBD-type symptoms for about 6 weeks and we've been investigating the cause. Late last week, we finally got his fecal calprotectin levels back and they were 1200 so likely IBD (I think Crohn's based on what I've read). We've been referred for a colonoscopy but it looks like it will be a fairly long wait.
Meanwhile, we've been super careful about what we feed him and about 3/4 of his calories are from Pediasure at this point. And thank god, it seems like it's starting to work - today was his second day back at school and he's starting to be himself again. Such a relief! But now I have a few questions that I'm hoping you all might know the answer to based on your experience:
1) If his colonoscopy is in another month from now, will they still be able to diagnose Crohn's vs colitis if he's still in remission? And the severity?
2) Why can't he start treatment now to help prevent another flare in the meantime? It seems like several treatments are common to both Crohn's and colitis?
3) Do I keep him on this super restrictive diet until he finally gets his colonoscopy and starts medication? Or can I slowly introduce a more varied diet (e.g., fruits and vegetables)?
I'm sorry if my questions are super naive - I've been researching all this like crazy but still feel so lost. And I'm kicking myself for not asking the pediatrician when I had her on the phone. Thanks for any information you can provide!
submitted by jennylovesotf to CrohnsDisease [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:01 SelectionOptimal7348 Elevate Your Bitcoin Citadel: Crafting with Precision Using Our Bitcoin QR Code Generator API 🏰💰

Elevate Your Bitcoin Citadel: Crafting with Precision Using Our Bitcoin QR Code Generator API 🏰💰
In the frenetic realm of cryptocurrency, where innovation reverberates like thunder and fortunes rise and fall with the capriciousness of the wind, building an impregnable fortress for your digital wealth is paramount. Enter the realm of Bitcoin, the undisputed titan of decentralized finance, and the quintessential embodiment of digital gold. But mere possession of Bitcoin is akin to having a glittering gem without a secure vault. Thus, to fortify your financial bastion, one must delve into the art of constructing an impenetrable Bitcoin ivory tower, and our Bitcoin QR Code Generator API stands as the quintessential cornerstone in this noble endeavor.
🔗 Bitcoin QR Code Generator API: Your Gateway to Fortification
Picture this: a citadel rising from the digital ether, fortified not with stone and mortar, but with the cryptographic might of Bitcoin. At its heart lies the guardian of your wealth – a QR code, brimming with encoded data, a sentinel of security and convenience. This is no ordinary QR code; it is the linchpin of your financial sovereignty, a gateway to your digital treasury.
Crafting such a masterpiece requires precision, ingenuity, and the right tools. Herein lies the brilliance of our Bitcoin QR Code Generator API. With a few lines of code, you wield the power to fashion QR codes tailored to your specifications, each a testament to your commitment to security and efficiency.
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Building your Bitcoin ivory tower begins with selecting the right materials, and our API offers a plethora of customization options to suit your needs. From size and color to error correction level and data encoding, every aspect can be finely tuned to match your aesthetic preferences and security requirements. Whether you envision a minimalist monolith or a vibrant beacon amidst the digital landscape, our API empowers you to bring your vision to fruition.
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But the journey doesn't end with the creation of your Bitcoin ivory tower; it is merely the beginning. With our API, you possess the tools to monitor and manage your QR codes with ease, ensuring their continued integrity and effectiveness. Whether you're tracking usage analytics, updating metadata, or generating new codes on the fly, our comprehensive suite of features empowers you to maintain control over your digital domain with confidence and precision.
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Embrace the future. Build your Bitcoin citadel today.

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submitted by SelectionOptimal7348 to BitcoinQR [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:58 tempmailgenerator Creating Custom Email Templates in Salesforce

Unlocking Personalized Communication

In today's digital era, personalized communication stands at the forefront of business success, especially when it comes to customer engagement and sales growth. Salesforce, a leading customer relationship management (CRM) platform, offers robust features for creating custom email messages. These tailored emails are not just about sending information; they're a crucial part of building lasting relationships with customers. By leveraging Salesforce's customizable email templates, businesses can deliver content that resonates with each recipient's interests and behaviors, significantly enhancing the effectiveness of their communication strategies.
The ability to craft custom email messages in Salesforce empowers organizations to go beyond generic broadcasts. It opens up avenues for targeted marketing, personalized sales pitches, and customer service communications that speak directly to the needs and preferences of the audience. This level of personalization is key to not only attracting but also retaining customers in a competitive market. Moreover, Salesforce's intuitive design and comprehensive tools make it accessible for users of all technical levels to create and manage custom email templates, ensuring that every message sent out is both professional and on-brand.
Command / Feature Description
EmailTemplate Object Represents a template that can be used to send emails through Salesforce.
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage Allows for sending a single email message to individuals or leads.
setTemplateId Method to associate a specific email template with the email message being sent.
setTargetObjectId Specifies the recipient of the email by their Salesforce object ID.
setWhatId Links the email to a related Salesforce record, providing context for the email content.

Enhancing Customer Engagement Through Salesforce Custom Emails

Customizing email messages in Salesforce goes beyond merely personalizing greetings and content based on the recipient's name or recent activity. It involves a strategic approach to communication that can significantly influence customer behavior and brand perception. By utilizing Salesforce's advanced features, businesses can segment their audience based on various criteria such as purchase history, engagement level, and demographic information. This segmentation allows for the crafting of messages that are highly relevant and timely, making each recipient feel understood and valued. Moreover, Salesforce enables the integration of dynamic content within emails, which can adjust based on the recipient's data, ensuring that the message's relevance is maximized. Such targeted communication strategies not only boost the effectiveness of marketing campaigns but also foster a stronger connection between the brand and its customers.
Another crucial aspect of using Salesforce for custom email messages is the ability to track and analyze the performance of each email campaign. Salesforce provides comprehensive analytics tools that offer insights into open rates, click-through rates, and conversion metrics. This data is invaluable for refining email strategies, as it highlights what resonates with the audience and what doesn't. Furthermore, Salesforce's A/B testing capabilities allow marketers to experiment with different email elements, such as subject lines and call-to-action buttons, to determine what maximizes engagement. By continuously optimizing email communications based on data-driven decisions, businesses can ensure that their messages always hit the mark, thereby enhancing customer engagement and driving sales.

Creating and Sending Custom Email Messages in Salesforce Apex

Apex programming in Salesforce
Id templateId = [SELECT Id FROM EmailTemplate WHERE Name = 'My Custom Email Template'].Id; Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); mail.setTemplateId(templateId); mail.setTargetObjectId('003XXXXXXXXXXXX'); // Target Object ID for a Contact or Lead mail.setWhatId('006XXXXXXXXXXXX'); // Optional: Related Record ID to provide email context mail.setSaveAsActivity(false); // Optional: To not log email as activity Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail }); 

Mastering Salesforce Email Customization

At the heart of Salesforce's email customization capabilities lies the power to significantly enhance customer relations and drive marketing success. By leveraging Salesforce's comprehensive tools, businesses are equipped to send emails that are not just messages, but experiences tailored to each recipient. This personalized approach is crucial in an era where consumers expect interactions with brands to be relevant, timely, and helpful. Salesforce's email customization tools extend beyond basic personalization tokens. They allow for the inclusion of dynamic content, which can change based on the recipient's interactions with the brand, ensuring that each communication is as relevant as possible.
Furthermore, the integration of Salesforce with other marketing tools and platforms provides a seamless experience for both marketers and recipients. This ecosystem allows for the creation of sophisticated email campaigns that can trigger based on specific customer actions or milestones. For example, a customer making a second purchase could receive a thank you email with a personalized discount code for their next purchase. These automated, yet highly personalized, email sequences nurture customer relationships, encourage loyalty, and increase the likelihood of repeat business, demonstrating the profound impact of Salesforce's email customization on customer engagement strategies.

Top Salesforce Email Customization FAQs

  1. Question: Can Salesforce send automated personalized emails?
  2. Answer: Yes, Salesforce can send automated personalized emails using its Email Studio and Journey Builder features, allowing for dynamic content based on customer data and behaviors.
  3. Question: How do I create a custom email template in Salesforce?
  4. Answer: Custom email templates can be created in Salesforce by navigating to the Email Templates section under Email Administration, where you can use the Template Builder or HTML editor to design your template.
  5. Question: Is it possible to track email engagement in Salesforce?
  6. Answer: Yes, Salesforce provides detailed analytics on email campaigns, including open rates, click-through rates, and conversions, through its Marketing Cloud and Sales Cloud platforms.
  7. Question: Can Salesforce emails be personalized for each recipient?
  8. Answer: Absolutely, Salesforce emails can be highly personalized using merge fields, dynamic content, and segmentation to tailor messages for each recipient.
  9. Question: How does Salesforce handle email consent and GDPR compliance?
  10. Answer: Salesforce includes features to help manage email consent, opt-in preferences, and compliance with GDPR and other privacy regulations, through preference management settings and data protection tools.
  11. Question: Can I integrate Salesforce with other marketing platforms for email campaigns?
  12. Answer: Yes, Salesforce offers extensive integration capabilities with other marketing platforms and services, enhancing the power and reach of your email campaigns.
  13. Question: How do I use A/B testing for emails in Salesforce?
  14. Answer: A/B testing can be conducted in Salesforce Marketing Cloud by creating variations of your email campaign and testing them with a subset of your audience to determine the most effective version.
  15. Question: Can Salesforce email templates include interactive elements?
  16. Answer: Yes, Salesforce email templates can include interactive elements like buttons, animated GIFs, and embedded videos to engage recipients.
  17. Question: How can I ensure my Salesforce emails are mobile-friendly?
  18. Answer: Salesforce provides responsive email templates that automatically adjust to fit the screen size of mobile devices, ensuring a positive reading experience.
  19. Question: Is it possible to segment email recipients based on their behavior in Salesforce?
  20. Answer: Yes, Salesforce allows for advanced segmentation of email recipients based on their behavior, preferences, and interactions with your brand, enabling highly targeted email campaigns.

Wrapping Up Custom Email Messaging in Salesforce

Mastering the art of custom email messaging in Salesforce is a game-changer for businesses aiming to elevate their customer engagement and sales strategies. By personalizing email content, companies can create a more meaningful connection with their audience, leading to increased customer retention and loyalty. Salesforce's platform provides the tools necessary for crafting targeted messages, segmenting audiences, and analyzing the impact of each campaign. These capabilities enable marketers to continuously refine their approach based on actionable insights, ensuring that their communications remain relevant and compelling. As businesses strive to stand out in a crowded digital landscape, the ability to deliver customized, impactful email messages through Salesforce becomes an invaluable asset. Ultimately, harnessing the power of Salesforce's email customization features not only enhances the customer experience but also drives business growth in an increasingly competitive market.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:53 SlimeSpree MEGA SIZED Rodem review (with many pics!)

MEGA SIZED Rodem review (with many pics!)
Rodem Slime Shop
7.5oz for $12.99-19.50 Labels are now waterproof! Yaaay! 💪🏻
I was so excited to get into this giant package from one of my favourite stores, and one I really love to support as they deserve it! This was actually a couple of orders I placed over time and Rodem contacted me to ask me if I wanted to combine them which demonstrates their incredibly attentive customer service. Usually the customer needs to contact the store for this to happen.
Included inside was powdered borax, a free gift slime for each order plus one more because it was a large order and they are generous. This exchange with Rodem got us chatting and then something very special transpired but I will post separately about that as I have to cram a lot of slime into this review and have limited space for images!
I had to brew a cup of tea, sit down and take my time going through all of these to make sure I combined all the correct things! It helps a lot that they are all pictured on the enclosed invoice but it would be helpful if they were packaged together. That having been said, separating the heavy pots of slime from the clays is a good idea when the order is this big and heavy so I can't complain!

  • LEMON TART (DIY butter snowfizz, lemon cookie scented)
This smelled OH SO good. The lemon and the cookie notes comes through and were just delicious and very realistic smelling! Sometimes lemon scent is reminiscent of citrus scented cleaning products to my nose but not this, this was an excellent effort. but My clay lemon was a little squished but clay often can be due to being delicate and tricky to package and the issue is not uncommon with any company.
The clay was soooo very soft, moist and pleasant to squish into the base. After you take the base out the pot you are met with a little bit of “caramel” sauce on the bottom of the pie. It’s all very mouth watering. This was the perfect, massively inflatable snow fizz and I was so in love with it. It was super crunchy and had the expected abundance of ASMR fizzles. It was beautifully activated and in every way a perfect slime. Some may find snow fizz a bit pokey but this wasn’t bad at all, the inflation was very cushioning!

  • TEA TIME (DIY clay, strawberry, blackcurrant, blackberry blended fruity scent)
The scent is fresh, fruity and yummy and the charms SO charming and well thought out! This clay was slightly stiffer and a tad dried out but the base extremely moist, silky and jiggly with tons of resistance on the pulls and I didn't end up with any lumps. It becomes extremely light, puffy, chubby and flubbery with massive pops and medium to soft clicks on the pokes which get louder as it inflates. I love Rodem’s take on this texture, it has all the awesome elements of the fluffy slimes I got from Seoul Gage but was more robust with no destabilisation issues (I found the SG ones a little dehydrated and sticky the next time I played.)

  • BUMPER CAR (silica sand x salt, rose scented, also a choice of peach scent if you prefer)
I love rose scent and this was PERFECT! It isn’t a perfume type scent, just pure, sweet rose water like rose Turkish delight or, indeed, actual rosewater. I was utterly obsessed! This was a stunning slime with a beautiful iridescent pink topper and the most gorgeous little pink bumper car charm. It sounded absolutely incredible to crunch and combine. The little pops, sizzles and crackles were out of this world. This was so heavy in silica crystals and yet not pokey as the pieces were quite smooth and small but of course your mileage may vary. I can’t express just how much I adored this slime, one of my all time favourites!

  • YUMMY POPCORN (styrofoam slay, caramel popcorn scented)
The fact this comes with a little paper popcorn bag containing the Styrofoam "popcorn" is the cutest touch ever! I adore Rodem, they think of everything to make the experience so incredibly fun. This smells just like freshly popped caramel popcorn with a tiny hint of sweet corn, I loved it! The two hyperrealistic popcorn charms that comes with it are hilarious!
The base was soft, jiggly, super clicky and fluffy and the Styrofoam really satisfying to crush into it. I just couldn’t get over how spectacular the scent was, it was making me hungry! This slime was a slightly looser slay texture and needed a little bit of activator to aid in handleability but not much. It had a few nice medium pops in it but very little hold, which unfortunately isn’t to my taste but many people love that. I was tied over this slime as the scent was just divine but I prefer more holdable textures. That is a reflection on my personal tastes however, not the slime which was great! If you like jiggly slays you’ll fall in love with this. I may not be a slay person but there is no way this wasn't going be a keeper, it had just too good a scent and crushing the styrofoam is great fun!

  • CAROUSEL (DIY clay, citrus fruit and aloe blend scented)
The scent wasn't bad but just wasn't a hit for me, a personal taste thing again. The clay was a little bit smooshed and it was tricky to tell what it was but extremely, soft squishy and moist. (Incidentally it was, you guessed it, a carousel 🎠)
The base was quite loose and jiggly and called for a little bit of activator but very soft, chubby, quite matte and pleasant in the hands. This combined into a huge, soft, marshmallowy mound of slime with a lovely plush surface. Super stretchy and fun to fold for soft bubble pops and lovely soft sizzles. It was a little on the loose side for my personal tastes but slay lover will again adore this! It was a well made slime.

  • EMMENTAL CHEESE CAKE (DIY clay/butter, savoury cheese cookie scented)
This was a very interesting, fun and unusual scent. A little sweet but notably savoury with a subtle hint of cheese. The first time I played with it I enjoyed the novelty but the second time I wasn’t sure if I loved it enough to buy again. It’s hard to describe but definitely worth trying.
The HUUUUUGE cheese clay came in a sealed package and was so soft and pleasant to squish. It became a ginormous, matte, sort of butter texture, which was both fairly holdable and yet exceedingly soft. It stuck to my play area a bit. It was quite a job to handle it on account of its size and a difficult texture to describe. It didn’t feel sticky at all on my play surface but stuck to my hands when I tried to pick it up and stretch it. When I pressed my hand into it on the surface it didn’t stick or feel sticky but if I picked it up to try and stretch it, it was very gooey and hard to shape. Activator didn’t seem to make that much of a difference. This was a texture unlike any other I’ve experienced. It’s one I’m a little lukewarm on but still enjoyed playing with for an unusual experience and worth it for the mega-sized clay cheese alone!

  • MIXED COFFEE (super gloss thick T&G, mixed coffee and coffee ice cream blend scented)
This was a delicious, very creamy coffee ice cream/frappe coffee creme scent, very rich with subtle notes of chocolate. It was a medium thickness, super clicky, moist glossy texture with decent resistance on the stretch. Very good and elastic with tons of bubble pops and wet crackles. This was an extremely pleasant and easy to play with moist and jiggly glossy slime. The longer you play the looser it gets but not problematically so.

  • FUJI APPLE ICE CREAM (DIY cloud creme, apple scented)
A lovely, fresh, crisp apple scent. The clay apple is so cute with its velvety exterior and so perfectly made. It was amazing fun to squish. This combined to a super stretchy and ultra fuzzy cloud creme. It was extremely light and super sizzly. This was another texture which is familiar and yet very unusual on account of the extreme fuzziness. I loved it and found it pretty amazing to look at!

  • FLAT PEACH CAKE (DIY clay and coated jelly/fluffy snow, peach scented)
The base has an absolutely beautiful fresh peach scent. Another stunningly well made clay which looks so much like a peach with the way they have created the fuzzy surface and peachy-perfect colour shift. It was soft and great fun to combine into the jelly base. The resulting slime was nice and clicky with big, soft bubble pops. It really felt plush and soft-surfaced on my fingers as I stretched it and was very moist, chubby, jiggly and flubby when I set it down. This was ultra inflatable with nice soft sizzles.

  • YAKULT GELATO (DIY snow creme, Yakult scented
A pleasant, mild, fruity yogurty scent. The little scoops of ice cream were so soft, moist and great to squish. This started off with lots of resistance and a nice plush feel as I pulled it. It had moist clicks and soft bubble pops. While it gave a little bit as it warmed up, it did retain a bouncy and elastic stretch with a nice little bit of resistance. This is another fun, boingy, flubby, jiggly texture, which is super inflatable and great fun to play with.

  • MY COSY SPACE (cloud slime, sweet juicy peach/added perfume)
It’s so ironic that cloud slime is my favorite and yet I have so very few of them retained in my collection as I just can’t find ones I love that drizzle perfectly! I was very, very excited for a cloud from Rodem but also anxious as clouds are so rarely perfectly in line with the exact level of drizzle I’m looking for! I absolutely ADORE the aesthetic with the soft little rug that comes with it in the shape of Rodem’s bunny logo and the couch charm, how stinking CUTE! The slime even matches! I think this is the best charm/slime combo I have ever seen, a big standing ovation for Rodem on this incredibly whimsical and charmingly presented slime!
The scent was a relaxing and homely peachy perfume with notes of bubble bath and baby powder. The drizzle was good!! True cloud is a hard slime to make to spec and, in light of that, a lot of companies don’t really bother with it. I’m so happy Rodem did and did such a great job. It was very soft and plush with gorgeous blankety folds and I have everything crossed they make more of this texture soon. I have no idea what I’ll do with the delightful little rug other than treasure it forever! Haha!
Even just looking at these photos as I type out the review I'm smiling again! I wish this slime was my dressing gown! haha!

  • ONIGIRI (white glue foam chip, savoury black sesame.)
Another incredibly interesting and unique savoury scent. This was definitely giving sesame seed/oil, albeit a bit more subtle than the real thing. I would say your mileage may very on this scent, it won’t be for everyone but it is certainly worth trying for a whole new experience.
This was a medium thickness, glossy texture which was very chewy and clicky. The foam pieces were quite hard and angular but crushable if you really go for it. This was a very novel floam texture which made a great change from the usual balls. This was exploding with fantastic crackles and pops, top tier sounds. I think the angular foam is even better for trapping air as this slime sounded like a tiny elephant stampeding in a bubble wrap factory! I got some big air pocket type bubbles from this one too!

  • FRENCH APPLE PIE (white glue/snow/fluffy, French apple pie scented)
The apple and the crust both come through in the scent, as well as a little hint of caramel (which is very typical of a French tarte tatin, well done Rodem!) The little doilies in the bottoms of the clay pots (even though the clay is wrapped) are yet another gorgeous little touch that impress me about these guys, I love their intimate attention to detail.
The clay was again super soft and pleasant to squish into the nice, clicky base. This was a lovely, chubby, stretchy slime. It was a little on the thicker side and created satisfying farty bubble pops.
C'est bon!

  • SAKURA SAND (sand slime, sakura flower scented)
This is an absolutely beautiful scent. A slightly cotton candy leaning sweet Sakura. I love pink, I love sand slimes and I love Sakura scents so this really pleased me! Unfortunately I found it very sticky and loose so added a lot of activator until it was more resistant and was able to get it where it needed to be. Once I did it had great bubble pops and was a very sand-dense and crunchy/sizzly sounding slime, the exact sort of sand slime I like.

  • STRAWBERRY MATCHA SUGAR CAKE (snow fizz, strawberry matcha scented)
A nice scent with both strawberry and Matcha coming through. This was an extremely fluffy, airy snowfizz with tons of fantastic ASMR sounds, so fizzy, sizzly and fun to inflate and tingle-inducing to deflate. It started off feeling like a light, sugary super airy scrub and got denser as I played. Another great slime.

  • TANGHULU BALL (big foam ball, strawberry-ade)
This had a very subtle strawberryade scent. The giant floam balls were a total novelty to me and SO much fun! Who doesn’t love the feeling of big balls in their hands!? 🙊 The base was quite loose and wonderful for plentiful crackles and pops. I really enjoyed this!

  • STEAMED BUN (chewy mochi texture, sweet red bean BingSu)
This was an extremely savoury scent, there is some sweetness there but it was very much umami focused and I really enjoyed it! I was getting notes of red bean with a saltiness.
This is a moist, super clicky, jiggly slime with two large sponges in it that crush like jelly cubes. This is extremely bubbly and full of juicy wet crackles and high pitched big pops. You can create absolutely gargantuan air bubbles with this texture. If you, like me, don’t typically enjoy loose jiggly slimes, there is a damn good chance that you will enjoy this as I loved it! It was just so multifaceted with what it offered. First, you have the unusual scent which is pretty intriguing and different. Then you have the two giant cubes to crush which is always nice. Then you have the joy of the crackles, pops and loud clicks. Finally, you have the enormous bubbles! You just can’t not have fun with this!
That bubble (slubble?) was bigger than me!!

  • PLOP DUCKLING (Snow creme, lemon meringue scented)
This has a gorgeous and accurate sweet and creamy lemon meringue scent. It’s so much fun watching the little duck’s butt slowly dive into the slime when you pop him on there.
This was exactly the texture and scent I fancied finishing on and quite by chance it was! I couldn’t find Rodem’s description for this one’s texture until later so I had no idea what to expect as I had forgotten, what a joy!!! This combined into a really lovely, soft sage green. This is another light, soft, squishy, chewy and chubby inflating texture that ends up airy and puffy. I absolutely loved it! Unfortunately that is one more image than I am able to embed on Reddit so please click here to see it!
With Rodem, nothing is fully predictable and every texture brings with it a nice surprise. This is especially pleasing to experience when you place big orders. There is nothing more disappointing to me than buying a lot of slimes from a company just to discovered there is hardly any nuance between them and the experience is basically a rinse and repeat one, texturally identical and/or predictable. Rodem break the mold and throw in some very unusual elements and scents. Their themes are so well thought out and utterly charming and beautifully presented. They produce so many textures and master them, each one designed with so much love and attentiveness.
I really adore this company and feel they work hard to bring joy and excellence to the slime community. Recently one of the more commercial slime companies was caught using Rodem’s brand as a key word on their google ads to steer business away from them and onto their own website which I thought was in very poor taste. It is however testament to the fact that they knew Rodem was a company slime enthusiasts were talking about. And so we should be! It is my pleasure and honour to continue supporting this wonderful company. I'm so excited to see what they come up with next!
I loved pretty much every slime and the ones I didn’t were more so a personal taste thing than a quality control issue. There were a couple I found less handleable or with activation issues (Emmental and Sakura Sand) but that is pretty damn good going for an order this huge and the sand one was easily fixable. A well deserved 9.9/10
submitted by SlimeSpree to Slime [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:52 StarTechUP_Inc PostgreSQL vs MySQL: 10 Key Differences

Read the full blog here!
If you are in the midst of choosing a database management system (DBMS), you have two top options: PostgreSQL and MySQL.
Both databases are open-source and have a large user base, making them popular choices for many web applications.
But which one is better for your specific needs?

MySQL Database

Firstly, let's take a closer look at MySQL.
MySQL is an open-source relational database management systems (RDBMS) made by Oracle. It's designed to help users efficiently store, manage, and pull up structured data. Boasting its versatility, MySQL is being used for everything from small projects to big websites and even massive company solutions.

Why choose MySQL?

MySQL is a go-to choice for companies when it comes to software as a service. If you're looking for reasons why, here are a few of them:

PostgreSQL Database

Now, we look at PostgreSQL, another popular open-source RDBMS.
PostgreSQL, or "Postgres" for short, kicked off back in 1986 at the Berkeley Computer Science Department, University of California. It's an object-relational database management system (ORDBMS) that's packed with powerful features and really nails standards compliance.
It's common use cases are:

Why choose PostgreSQL?

Among the relational databases, PostgreSQL has been gaining popularity over the years due to several factors, including:

Key Differences of PostgreSQL vs MySQL

The popularity of PostgreSQL and MySQL is soaring thanks to the cloud, which makes things easier to set up.
In 2023, PostgreSQL was awarded the Database Management System of the Year by DB-Engines.
While PostgreSQL is the go-to for professional developers, learners are still big on MySQL, with 45% preferring it over PostgreSQL.
Data types
MySQL and PostgreSQL both handle a bunch of data types, from the simple to the more complex ones.
MySQL supports various data types for different applications, including Integers, Characters or Strings, Dates with Timestamps and Time Zones, Boolean, Float, Decimal, Large Text, and BLOB for binary data (like images). However, it doesn't support geometric data types.
On the other hand, PostgreSQL supports traditional SQL data types (e.g., Numeric, Strings, Date, Decimal) and unstructured types (e.g., JSON, XML, HSTORE), network data types, bit strings, etc. It stands out by supporting ARRAYs, NETWORK types, and Geometric data types for spatial data, thanks to the PostGIS extension, an open-source extension for advanced spatial functions.
See the complete details here.
MySQL's community edition uses the GPL license, which is pretty open.
On the other hand, Postgres goes with the PostgreSQL license—it's liberal, kind of like BSD or MIT licenses.
Despite MySQL being all about GPL, some users worry since Oracle owns it. That's actually why MariaDB was created as a sort of branch-off from MySQL. Oracle still owns MySQL, but the community rallies behind MariaDB.
PostgreSQL has been free to use and distribute since its inception. It's never been owned by any enterprise company unless you count the 1986 Berkeley Computer Science Department as a company.
MySQL uses a proprietary SQL database language, which is straightforward to learn and implement.
In contrast, PostgreSQL uses the standard SQL dialect that beginners may struggle with at first but will reward them in the long run since they'll have a solid foundation for other databases like Oracle, SQL Server, and others.
Database performance
MySQL performs better with simple SQL queries, while PostgreSQL excels at complex ones. However, for most workloads, Postgres and MySQL have similar performance, with up to 30% variation. Regardless of the database, missing an index can degrade query performance by 10x to 1000x.
MySQL has always been faster than PostgreSQL due to the way it implements data structures and locks tables, which usually leads to performance issues when dealing with large databases.
However, with its advanced indexing functionality and MVCC model for concurrency control, PostgreSQL can outperform MySQL on complex queries and large datasets.
MySQL and PostgreSQL both have excellent security features. They both support RBAC.
They also support secure connections through SSL, advanced authentication methods like Kerberos and LDAP, and encryption at the column level.
However, PostgreSQL has a slight edge over MySQL in terms of security. It uses its client authentication system to perform user authentication, while MySQL relies on the host operating system for this task, which can be more vulnerable.
MySQL is a relational database, while PostgreSQL is an object-relational database with advanced data types and inheritance for objects. However, this complexity can make PostgreSQL more challenging to use.
PostgreSQL comes with one ACID-compliant storage engine, while MySQL gives you options with 15 different storage engines beyond its default storage engine, InnoDB. This huge selection means you can easily find one that fits your specific needs.
Data storage is essential for any database. PostgreSQL and MySQL offer various data storage options, including Tables and Indexes on disk. This section looks at two storage options: common storage and pluggable storage.
PostgreSQL supports tablespaces for storing Tables, Indexes, and Materialized Views in various locations, improving I/O efficiency. However, it doesn't offer pluggable storage engines yet.
MySQL also uses tablespaces (within the InnoDB engine) for efficient I/O distribution by grouping physical objects. Unlike PostgreSQL, MySQL supports pluggable storage engines, enabling it to meet specific needs to store data for different applications, such as OLTP and Data Warehousing.
MySQL supports primary-replica and multi-replica replication, copying data changes from the primary to replicas using SQL. This asynchronous replication could affect performance and scalability.
MySQL replication allows replicas to manage reads and writes, ensuring continuity after a primary crash. However, syncing changes when transitioning a replica back to primary can slow the process, particularly with lengthy SQL operations.
PostgreSQL replication uses WAL files for fast, reliable, and manageable replication, outperforming MySQL's. It supports primary-replica and multi-replica setups, including cascading replication, with options for synchronous or asynchronous modes. Asynchronous allows for read requests on replicas, while synchronous replication ensures consistency across replicas and the primary but slows down transaction commits.
Community support
PostgreSQL and MySQL are both open-source databases, which means that they have a large community of developers who contribute to their development. However, the size of the community differs for these two databases.

Get Web Development from StarTechUP!

Before starting your project, consider which database system meets your needs. PostgreSQL is favored for enterprise applications because of its advanced features and reliability. In contrast, MySQL better suits smaller-scale web applications.
At StarTechUP, we offer expert web development services using both PostgreSQL and MySQL databases. Our experienced developers can help you choose the right database for your project and ensure its seamless integration into your web application.
Contact us today to learn more about our services or get a FREE quote for your web development needs!
submitted by StarTechUP_Inc to u/StarTechUP_Inc [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:27 Responsible-Copy6987 Unit's Special Gauge meter

Hello! Can someone sense check me with how I think the game behavior is.
What I noticed is, (1) as you AWAKEN a unit, their ultimate/special gets stronger however, in return (2) the gauge meter kind of increases as you level it up, taking you longer to fill the special gauge. Is both of my statement, correct?
I ask because I'm thinking the new UR ark Kairos Zobra decreases the dmg you receive depending on how low your special gauge is. I think this ark is good in PvP & GvG as most of the time you won't even get to use your special attack in those content. My point being is, to AWAKEN a unit to it's max so it will stay as low as it could in PvP or GvG.
And say if you have AWAKENED a unit to level 5 to 8, does this increases the gauge meter as well on this level or your unit just get an increase on their stats?
Thank you in advance for your answer
submitted by Responsible-Copy6987 to lastcloudia [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:18 MediteranneanFoodEnj why are linux tools so un-modular, and what's the reasoning around it?

TLDR - I rant about not understanding userspace tools that well and then ask "how can I reason about being efficient at doing linux things and how can I quickly gain insight that answers critical questions - why does this exist? why is this the best approach? how does it work?"
I fully expect that the answer to this is because "because things are harder to manage at the kernel level" but I'm still interested in the details.
I'm a computer science major that used to work on web backend before slowly moving towards systems-level programming. I mostly write C++ now (completely self taught) and have taken up learning linux tools like tmux, vim, sed, awk and also nice community-developed tools like fzf and zoxide to ease my dev workflow.
One thing I find in common between everything linux (or should I say posix) related is that there seems to be a large paradigm shift away from web-oriented languages that drive fast software development. A huge side effect seems to be modularity.
I'm struggling to put into words what I mean here so I'll lead by examples. Rather than being about *why* I should use it, linux-based software seems to be "we exist and if you think you might need us, start reading manpages". There seems to be an implicit trust that the software maintainers have made good decisions that isn't exactly user-facing.
Take tmux for example. I recently tried to implement primeagen's harpoon workflow - which in 1 sentence makes tmux sessions accessible through pre-homerow (and also vim buffers). I mucked around with trying to make sessions sort themselves temporally like :choose-tree does before realizing that choose-tree has its own internal implementation that for whatever reason isn't publicly available. Tmux is a terminal multiplexer that is powerful because of its configurability. Wouldn't it benefit users to control the main display board?
C++ might be another example. The language is massively obfuscated as I'm sure many of you know, and I've spent many nights reading books on move semantics, generics, template argument deduction, you name it (scott meyers and vandervoorde ftw). And yes C++ isn't linux specific but I feel follows very similar systems principles in regards to its development (and is in fact tied very closely with microarch)
The common thing I'm seeing here is the word *why*. I feel that if documentation or discussion around the language started with justification for it being there in the first place, that all reasoning follows.
I also find it hard to believe that learning linux tools isn't the kind of skill that applies to "fear not the man who practices a thousand kicks ones but one kick a thousand times". I see linux tools as just that - tools, an end to a means - and don't see the merit of spending dozens of hours learning the intricacies of some tool when it just needs to do one thing well (core linux principle). Kind of like how the best mathematicians and learners don't memorize proofs but instead make things intuitive to them so that they can rederive them at a whim.
Another aspect that systems-level dev that I think does differently is incorporate many more "paradigms" into their workings. Whereas high-level languages like Java, golang, python have a "shtick" (garbage collection and strong typing, easy scripting language with duck typing, etc) the tree of concepts seems to branch much more heavily. I feel that the latter is much more economical especially when my job is to get a certain thing done, not learn obscure things (thought it is fun)
A final point that I might make is that the linux ecosystem of tools constantly makes me feel like I don't understand what I'm doing. I have a feeling that the right workflow is something like trying new things on a need-to basis but I constantly feel like I don't know what's going on even after reasonably understanding what terminal multiplexers, tiling window managers, shells, temrinal emulators, etc are. I feel that one of the hallmarks of a good engineer is being able to answer the 5 key W's - why, what, how, etc. My answer is mostly "because I don't understand the linux ecosystem to be able to justify why what I am doing is efficient" - and "I find it hard to believe there is something better) is not adequate justification
So, all of this might be a massive skill issue. And I'm sorry if this comes of as demeaning in any way to you guys but time is fleeting and as much as I love tinkering with my config and learning obscure stuff I think it's in my best interest to be learning efficiently so I can be the best engineer possible.
So, I am curious as to two things
  • how do you go about reasoning through doing linux stuff?
  • why aren't linux tools more modular, task-motivated, and better documented?
submitted by MediteranneanFoodEnj to linuxquestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:07 SuperGoody [14.10] Zoe Reroll Guide - Is she OP or Balanced?


Hello, I'm Goody. I make TFT content on YouTube, Twitch, and occassionally Reddit.

This time I'm here to discuss Zoe Reroll, a comp that has caused a little bit of a stir on the PBE due to her buffs in 14.10

I honestly think Zoe is insanely OP now (I mean just watch this clip I posted a few days ago).

But there are those that say Zoe is a terrible unit

The most prominent of which is Mortdog who said "Stop playing Zoe. She's not good. Despite the buff even"
(VOD Timestamp of this here)

Challenger Zoe One-Trick: LIGhtYgo

I've been playing a lot of Zoe Reroll on the PBE, but recently in my stream CuLe TV told me about a Challenger on the Japanese server who one-tricks Zoe Reroll called LIGhtYgo. His lolchess page is here if you want to read it
And coincidentally, I've been playing the same comp they play amongst others that I'll share with you today


If you want a TLDR, this timestamped section should cover that


(The video also has Spanish and Vietnamese Subtitles)
Disclaimer: I tested these comps on the PBE and I have not played them in ranked. For transparency, here is my lolchess
And my Exalted only account here
(Highly recommend trying this btw, it's very fun)
But let's get started!

Ghoe Reroll (Ghostly Zoe)

So let's start with what LIGhtYgo plays which is this comp here
(Teambuilder here)
I couldn't find any VODs to link from LIGhtYgo but here's some of my gameplay of this comp on the PBE
From looking at their match history, LIGhtYgo tends to reroll Shen + Zyra or Zoe + Illaoi (1 tank + 1 carry) but sometimes they manage to 3 star everything alongside Aatrox.

Give Zoe Shiv

LIGhtYgo also frequently itemises Zoe with Statikk Shiv, 3 star or otherwise, to stack Zoe's passive as much as possible.
Passive: Kills increase the number of ricochets by 1 for the rest of combat.
Now, I should mention that Zoe's tooltip here is misleading and frankly incorrect. Zoe gains more ricochets if she participates in a kill, also known as takedowns.
And that is why Statikk Shiv is so phenomenal for Zoe. Not only is she reducing the MR of enemy units (helps Ghostly and your Magic Damage Dealers) but the damage from Shiv will give Zoe takedown credit once those enemy units perish.
So, even with just a Shiv and at 2 star, Zoe can be very impactful as her passive continues to easily stack.
Thus Zoe has great synergy with other AP carries like Zyra, Morgana, Teemo, Alune etc as they soften enemy units for each other to clean up.
And so Zoe is an incredible secondary carry as she needs very little to come online
You can infer this from LIGhtYgo's match history as they tend to succeed more when Zoe isn't their primary carry but rather secondary.
Although the buff to Zoe in 14.10 should change that, especially combined with the buffs to Ghostly, Warden, Aatrox, Behemoth and Jax.

Zoe's Weaknesses

From my games, I've felt Zoe has 2 main weaknesses
  • Firstly, she can struggle into tanky frontliners as it'll take her more time to stack her passive.
  • Secondly, Zoe can lose 1v1s as her ult will no longer ricochet (no targets left to bounce to)
These weaknesses can make Zoe feel very binary: - she either gets 3/4 takedowns and nukes - or she gets stuck, gets no passive stacks, and does nothing

Spooky Solution

But that’s why Ghostly can provide so much value to Zoe.
Those Spectres will help Zoe get through tanks and once they're concentrated, Zoe's single target will nuke which even allows her to win those 1v1s

Problems with Ghoe Reroll

From what I tried on the PBE, I did find this comp to be very powerful at level 9. However it could be a struggle getting there as you also need to reroll Zoe who can be contested by Fortune, Arcanist, and Storyweaver players

Is it a Player Diff?

I also find there to be a really odd tempo where I need to find Zoe 3 but also hit level 9 to find Udyr. I did learn later that you don't really need to 3 star Zoe to get to 9, and it's certainly not impossible to hit Zoe 3 at level 9.
Although, it seems that LIGhtYgo resolves this problem by keeping the option of Zyra Reroll open. (They play boards akin to this one occasionally)
Also, sometimes the Inkshadow item doesn't tend to be that useful, especially if it's Tattoo of Bombardment, as you don't have an AD carry.
Lastly, the position of the Ghostly units is really important so the Spectres concentrate onto Zoe's target(s). This can be really awkward if your primary Ghostly tank has a Stoneplate.
I have lost games because I moved Zoe away from my Ghostly units last second :(
But by far the biggest problem I have found is how much better the comp becomes at 9 than level 8. I personally find rerolling at level 8 to be the easiest to find 3 star Illaoi, Zoe, and Galio 2 whilst also being able to field 8 units which enable many important synergies.
Essentially, I don't like rerolling at either 7 or 8 with this comp. So I decided to comp up with a new comp to address this problem which is Altruist Arcanist.

4 Arcanist 3 Altruist Zoe Reroll

So here's a new variant of Zoe Reroll that has an incredibly strong level 8 (you play Rakan at 9) that gives you more time to reroll and find Zoe 3. This makes this comp so much easier to play and in turn, I have had so much more success with this variation particularly.
Teambuilder here
[Here's the full game from that clip with this comp]
This board also has a primary tank option between Amumu or Illaoi so you can play around whichever you manage to 3 star.
Although your secondary carry here is Lux who also holds your utility items like Morello and Shiv.

The Lissandra Nerfs really hurt...

Honestly, this may be extreme bias due to a bad few games, but I find a Lux 2 to be more reliable than post-nerf Lissandra. Lux feels like she needs a lot less to function better as she CC's more units, usually targets and slows down the enemy carry, and softens up enemy units for Zoe.
(VOD of why I don't like Lissandra)
The combination of Lux, Amumu, and Illaoi feels incredibly solid
Now the reason why I don't give Zoe Shiv on this board is due to a few reasons - Altruists prolong combat due to the mana reave, damage reduction, ally healing, and the trait resistances - That allows your frontline to be super beefy especially since the resistances are great for Bruisers/Wardens (loads of EHP) - Lux will have more AS than Zoe (Lux: 0.7x1.5=1.05 vs Zoe: 0.75x1.2=0.9) - And finally, opening up that item slot allows you to give Zoe a third damage item

Why not itemise Soraka?

Your secondary carry items should be going to Lux as she has more AP from Arcanist.
While Soraka can do a lot of damage, you only really care about her mana reave because it's such a powerful utility ability.
Regardless, Soraka will gain AP naturally from her passive as your frontline will continue to heal during combat. As she gains more AP, she heals your frontline more, who then stall for longer.
Lastly, the following 2 combinations are literally perfect for Altruist Arcanist.
Lux, Teemo, Thresh, Volibear, Galio, Morgana Darius, Bard, Soraka, Galio, Lissandra

4 Warden 6 Arcanist

Here's the board for this one
(Here's some Footage of this Comp in Action)

Meta Report from Khym and YBY1

In the 14.10 Meta Report by Khym and YBY1, Arcanist Zoe is described as an Easy Top 4 Comp (if I'm reading that correctly)
Khym also has a guide on how to play Zoe/Illaoi RR here
And what's great here is that, again, as you reroll you have option between Amumu or Illaoi 3 as your tank (however Illaoi is better due to the Arcanist AP)
Also, with the 4 Warden buff, this frontline feels great and buys plenty of time for Zoe to scale.
And this variation certainly has the highest ceiling out of all the comps if you get a Porcelain Spatula

6 Arcanist, 4 Warden, 4 Porcelain is extremely powerful.

Luckily, you can easily pivot into this board from Altruist Arcanist but pivoting is a tad more difficult to do if you're playing Ghoe.
Similarly, both the Warden and Altruist boards can tech in Hwei at 8 to make hitting the 3 stars easier.
4 Warden Hwei 4 Arcanist 2 Altruist Hweimothy
So if you're low rolling Zoe, Hwei can easily save the day.
Regardless, all 3 comps make up for at least one of Zoe's weaknesses. They either buy her plenty of time to scale or they tremendously enable her damage and, in turn, her passive.
And, at the very least, Zoe is great item holder due to her buffed passive
Speaking of which, let's talk about Zoe's items now.

Zoe's Items

Of course, as I've mentioned, you can give Zoe Shiv so she can get takedown credit and stack her passive quickly
But generally, MR reduction is necessary (even if it's not on her) so Zoe can kill units and stack her passive. Shiv is far more preferable to build but Ionic still does the job.
But I'm a simple guy, I want to see BIG damage numbers and huge ricochets, thus I forgo Shiv on Zoe for pure damage items.
But before we get into those items, let's talk about which casting item Zoe will want

Casting item: Shojin vs Adaptive Math

First cast:

Zoe is 0/60 and Shojin/Adaptive give 15 mana


0.75-1x3 = 4 seconds


0.75-1x4 = 5.3 seconds

Second Cast onwards


0.75-1x4 = 5.3 seconds


10 mana after 0.7 seconds 40 mana every 3 autos every 4 seconds Then 1 more auto for 10 more mana
Thus Adaptive: 0.75-1x4 = 5.3 seconds
So Shojin will get Zoe's first cast off sooner however after that Zoe's cast frequency between Adaptive and Shojin is the same.
Considering Adaptive gives more AP, is not dependant on auto attacking, will continue to generate mana even if Zoe gets stunned (or has to walk up) and it grants MR (useful against magic damage), I believe Adaptive is the superior mana generating item on Zoe if she has no bonus attack speed
If Zoe has just a Shiv, then her cast frequency is much faster [(0.75x1.2)-1x4 = 4.4 seconds] with Shojin.


  • Give Zoe Adaptive if you're going solely damage items on her (Rabadon/Archangel's + Jewelled Gauntlet)
  • Give Zoe Shojin if she has any bonus attack speed (Nashor's/Shiv/Pumping Up)

AP item: Rabadon or Archangel's

Of course, Zoe is a Mage and so she wants as much AP as possible which is either Rabadon or Archangel’s
I prefer Rabadon because it's more upfront AP alongside a great damage amplifier. However Archangel's can be more realistic to build and eventually it will outscale Rabadon's AP.

Increase Casting/Damage Multiplier

Lastly, you can give Zoe an item to increase her casting frequency like Shiv or Nashor's Tooth. Both of these items maximise Zoe's Kill Participation.
Or you can give her more damage amp for more, well, damage. Those are items like Jewelled Gauntlet or even items like Guardbreaker or Giant Slayer.
Although if you go the pure damage route, you need Zoe 3 and a ton of AP, so Zoe can stack her passive by one shotting whatever she touches.


Generally great build : Shiv/Nashor's + Shojin + Rabadon/Jewelled
My favourite: Adaptive + Rabadon + Jewelled

Bonus: Luden's Tempest

Luden's Tempest feels amazing on Zoe. With her ricochets, she gets so much takedown credit so quickly with it and it's so much damage.
[Here's my gameplay of Luden's Zoe in action]
And what's nice is that Zoe formerly built Luden's in TFT's spinoff game League of Legends. So it's a great callback
Although I've never played Zoe before...can I pretend to have a sense of nostalgia?

Kayle Upgrade

It's Blue.
20 AP is 20 AP. You're already building Shred so Green is Redundant, and the Attack Speed from Red is only 12%.

Pivot Potential

Zoe's items are very flexible so if you don't hit Zoe 3, you can pivot them to other AP carries like Syndra, Azir, Lissandra and Lillia.
So you don't absolutely need to reroll Zoe, you can just as easily use Zoe to Fast 9 instead, especially around Storyweaver, and pivot into a Legendary board.


That is all the information I currently have on Zoe Reroll
Hopefully this was helpful but I'd like to ask for your thoughts
What do you guys think about Zoe?

Do you think it's as OP as I believe or is Mortdog right?

Also, I usually do Patch Previews for each patch (for example here's my 14.10 patch preview), but I'm curious whether you guys would be interested if i made that into a Reddit post as well.
I imagine it'd be similar to how they do it on the LoL subreddit but I'd include my thoughts as well.
For example, I think Low Interest Rates is turbo giga insane in 14.10 because you can hit max interest rate at 2-6 (by the latest) at which point you're earning 6 gold a turn.
Lastly, I'm currently working on a Rek'sai reroll comp that is incredibly funny so look forward to that!
But yeah, I'll leave it on that note I think

Let me know if you have any questions!

I shall answer them as soon as i wake up lol

Thank you for reading <3

submitted by SuperGoody to TeamfightTactics [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:55 Jerifus Growing as a Streamer: A Comprehensive Guide

Growing as a Streamer: A Comprehensive Guide

1. Content Creation

Learning Editing

Crafting Jokes

2. Humor, Jokes, and Entertainment

Keeping your audience entertained and engaged is crucial for a successful streaming experience. Incorporating humor, jokes, and entertaining elements into your streams can help create a fun and memorable environment for your viewers. Here are some strategies to consider:

Developing a Comedic Persona

Incorporating Humor into Your Content

Maintaining a Fun and Entertaining Atmosphere

Finding Your Voice and Style

3. Audience Engagement

Engaging with your audience is crucial for building a loyal and invested community. Social media platforms provide powerful tools for connecting with viewers, promoting your content, and fostering interactions beyond your live streams.

Active Posting on Social Media

Interacting with Others on Platforms

Effective audience engagement on social media requires a consistent effort and a genuine desire to connect with your viewers. By actively promoting your content, interacting with your community, and collaborating with others, you can build a strong and engaged audience that will support your growth as a streamer.

4. Community Building

Building a strong and engaged community is essential for long-term success as a streamer. A loyal and supportive community not only provides a consistent viewership but also creates a sense of belonging and shared experience for everyone involved.

Support Systems

Discord and Community Events

Moderation and Guidelines

5. Personal Development

To achieve long-term success and growth as a streamer, it's essential to focus on personal development and maintaining a healthy mindset. This encompasses not only your on-stream persona but also your overall well-being and resilience.

Mindset and Energy

No Envy

Continuous Learning

Work-Life Balance

Personal development is an ongoing journey that requires self-awareness, discipline, and a growth mindset. By cultivating a positive attitude, avoiding envy, continuously learning, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance, you can position yourself for sustainable growth and success as a streamer.

6. Practical Tips

In addition to the broader strategies and mindsets outlined earlier, there are several practical tips and best practices that can contribute to your growth and success as a streamer.

Streaming Setup

Stream Presentation

Content Repurposing and Discoverability

Analytics and Feedback

Networking and Collaboration

By implementing these practical tips and best practices, you can enhance the overall quality and presentation of your streams, increase discoverability, gather valuable insights, and foster connections within the streaming community – all of which can contribute to your growth and success as a content creator.

7. Long-Term Goals

As you progress on your journey as a streamer, it's important to set long-term goals that align with your vision and aspirations. These goals can serve as guideposts, providing direction and motivation for your growth and development.

Expanding Your Content Offerings

Building a Team and Infrastructure

Additional Insights

Perseverance and Resilience

By embracing emerging technologies, fostering industry connections, adapting to audience preferences, embracing self-improvement, and developing perseverance and resilience, you can position yourself for long-term growth and success in the ever-evolving world of streaming and content creation.
submitted by Jerifus to Jerifus [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:35 powpow44 Personal review between X1 Extreme-G5 and Legion i7-G9 (Slim)

I have been daily driving an X1 Extreme Gen 5 (12th gen Intel) with RTX 4070 for 9 months and switched to the Legion i7 Gen 9 (14th Gen Intel).
My initial impressions, coming from a long-term business user of ThinkPads to my first Legion, are as follows. This is a personal and opinionated brief summary of impressions.
These laptops have different use cases, but the specs are on par with the form factor. I thought this might help some people when trying to decide.
The outer materials on both laptops fingerprint quite easily, the metal on the Lei7 is a little more resistant compared to the material of the X1E. I wish I could have had the Glacier White as I hear it's more resistant. At the time of writing this, Glacier White is not available on the US Lenovo Store but only available at BestBuy.
Pros for Lei7G9:
Overall, I'm really happy with my Lei7G9. I got used to the trackpad, love the keyboard, and enjoying the experience.
submitted by powpow44 to LenovoLegion [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:20 TrackingSystemDirect GPS Tracking Shipping Containers

GPS Tracking Shipping Containers

GPS Tracking For Shipping Containers: Preventing Cargo Theft

Are you concerned about the safety of your valuable cargo shipments in the face of the alarming rise in cargo theft? You're not the only one grappling with this challenge. Shockingly, the FBI reports that cargo theft amounts to nearly $30 billion annually in the United States alone. The question then arises: how can you safeguard your shipments effectively? The answer lies in the innovative use of GPS tracking for shipping containers.
This cutting-edge technology stands as a game-changer in the shipping industry, offering real-time, comprehensive tracking of your cargo. By reading this article, you will gain insights into how GPS tracking not only acts as a deterrent against theft but also significantly boosts operational efficiency. Get ready to explore the multifaceted advantages of GPS tracking and why it's becoming an indispensable tool for protecting your cargo shipments.

GPS Tracking For Shipping Containers - The Easy 5-Step Process

GPS tracking for shipping containers employs satellites to relay precise location data. Containers are equipped with GPS devices, constantly transmitting their whereabouts. This real-time monitoring is key for deterring theft and ensuring cargo safety. The system uses cellular and satellite networks for data transfer. Users access this information through secure online platforms. Instant alerts are sent for unexpected container movements. Geofencing technology establishes virtual perimeters for additional security. This setup also aids in optimizing routes, reducing delays, and improving delivery schedules. Essentially, GPS tracking is a comprehensive solution for safeguarding shipping containers.
  1. Device Setup and Activation. Install GPS devices on shipping containers and activate them for satellite communication.
  2. Continuous Tracking and Data Transmission. These devices continuously track container locations and transmit this data via cellular and satellite networks.
  3. Access and Monitoring. Users access real-time location data through a secure online platform, enabling constant monitoring of the containers.
  4. Alerts and Geofencing. Receive instant alerts for any unauthorized movement or geofence breaches, enhancing security measures.
  5. Route Optimization and Operational Improvement. Utilize GPS data for efficient route planning, reducing delays, and improving overall operational efficiency in shipping.

Best GPS Tracking Device For Shipping Containers
The Oyster GPS tracking device is a location monitoring tool specifically designed for tracking shipping containers and valuable cargo assets. When considering this device over alternatives, especially those at a lower price point, it's important to assess its distinctive features and specifications.
Key Features:
  • Long Battery Life: Powered by three AA Energizer Ultimate Lithium batteries, offering up to five years of operation with one daily location update.
  • Versatile Tracking: Capable of updating location every five minutes when in motion and once a day when stationary.
  • Recovery Mode: Provides more frequent updates, useful for tracking in critical situations.
  • Instant Alerts: Sends notifications via text or email when cargo moves or enters/exits a geofenced area.
  • Wide Coverage: Supports 4G and 5G Cat-M1 Towers, ensuring connectivity in the US, Canada, and Mexico.
  • Rugged Design: Comes in a waterproof casing with an IP67 rating, making it suitable for harsh environmental conditions.
  • Size and Weight: Compact and lightweight, easy to install on various cargo assets.
  • Network Compatibility: Operates on both 4G and 5G networks for broader coverage.
  • Durability: Waterproof and dustproof with an IP67 rating.
When buying a GPS tracker or shipping containers, consider these features alongside your specific tracking needs, budget constraints, and the potential long-term benefits of investing in a reliable tracking solution. The price of the Oyster GPS tracking device, while potentially higher than some alternatives, reflects its extended battery life, robust build, and comprehensive coverage capabilities.

How Bad Is Cargo Theft - A Look Into The Stats

Navigating the world of cargo shipping involves understanding the risks associated with cargo theft. These quick facts shine a light on the extent of this problem, revealing what is most commonly stolen, where thefts tend to occur, and just how significant these losses can be. Get informed and stay ahead with these crucial statistics:
  • According to the FBI, the average value of goods stolen per cargo theft incident in the U.S. is approximately $214,000.
  • Food and beverages are the most targeted goods, accounting for nearly 20% of all cargo thefts.
  • Electronics make up the second most stolen goods, constituting around 15% of total cargo thefts.
  • The states most targeted for cargo theft are California, Texas, and Florida, which together account for over 60% of all reported incidents in the U.S.
  • Warehouses and truck stops are the most common places for cargo theft, with around 50% of thefts occurring at these locations.
  • Approximately $15-30 billion is lost annually in the U.S. due to cargo theft, according to the National Insurance Crime Bureau.
  • Less than 20% of stolen cargo is ever recovered, making prevention crucial in cargo management.
  • Thefts tend to spike around holidays, with notable increases around Thanksgiving and the 4th of July.
  • Global losses from cargo theft reached a staggering $22 billion in 2021, according to BSI's annual Global Supply Chain Intelligence report.

GPS Tracking Device For Shipments

Imagine how simple it becomes to monitor shipping containers and prevent cargo theft with GPS tracking devices. Picture this - you run a shipping business, and you want to keep a close eye on your containers. You attach a real-time GPS tracker to each container you wish to monitor.
This tracking system consistently beams back the container's location data. You can access this real-time GPS tracking data online, anytime you want. It's as if you're in constant communication with your cargo containers.
Every time one of your GPS-equipped containers moves, you receive a notification. Imagine the peace of mind this brings. Asset theft? That's a concern of the past.
Think about the precision and efficiency GPS tracking units add to your operations. You're able to calculate estimated delivery dates with a new level of accuracy.
But let's face it. Some criminals see cargo theft as a low-risk, high-reward endeavor. When a single container can contain a million-dollar payout in electronics or tobacco, the temptation for black market crooks is hard to ignore. Here are additional benefits of how real-time GPS tracking technology can be your solution for theft prevention and asset management:
  • Enhanced Asset Management: GPS asset trackers provide real-time location information for both powered and unpowered assets. This visibility enhances your ability to monitor specific containers and manage your fleet effectively.
  • Advanced Features: Incorporating technologies such as a Bluetooth gateway, temperature sensors, and IoT systems, these tracking devices offer more than just basic functions. They bring smart container capabilities, improving shipment tracking and ensuring the safety of the cargo.
  • User-Friendly Interface: With developer API and API integration, you can easily incorporate GPS tracking into your current operations. The tracking dashboard and container tracking software provide a user-friendly interface for quick access to data.
  • Adaptable to Increased Demand: As your business grows, these GPS container tracking solutions scale with your needs. They support additional features like trailer tracking, vehicle tracking, and chassis tracking to meet the increased demand in your operations
Learn more about trackers that work internationally!

GPS Tracking Shipping Containers - Frequently Asked Questions

Do GPS Container Tracking Systems Work Anywhere In The World?

Yes, most GPS container tracking systems utilize a cellular network to transmit location data, ensuring global coverage. In some cases, the container GPS can record location data, but can't transmit it until the ship is in cellular coverage. However, it's essential to confirm that your specific tracking solution offers both global coverage and satellite tracking.

Can GPS Tracking Devices Help Reduce Costs In The Shipping Industry?

Absolutely! GPS tracking devices for shipping containers contribute to operational efficiency, enabling route optimization and better utilization of resources. This helps reduce costs associated with fuel consumption, insurance premiums, and asset recovery.

Are There Any IoT Sensors Available For Shipping Container Tracking?

Yes, IoT sensors are increasingly popular in the shipping industry. These sensors, such as temperature and humidity sensors, provide real-time environmental monitoring. Why is this important? Because it can help ensure cargo security and allow for better decision-making to protect sensitive goods!

How Can GPS Tracking Shipping Containers Improve Customer Experience?

With asset tracking systems, customers receive accurate information about the location and status of their shipments. This transparency allows them to make better-informed decisions and provides an enhanced customer experience with your service.

Can Container Tracking Technologies Offer More Than Just Location Tracking?

Definitely! Advanced container tracking technologies can provide valuable insights, such as dwell times and ETA predictions. This GPS data helps improve scheduling and overall efficiency in the shipping process!
Some photos in this article, "GPS Tracking Shipping Containers" were generated using AI
submitted by TrackingSystemDirect to GPStracking [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:16 StarBurstero Analysis of Michael: The path to being human

Warning: This post contains chapter 261, so only read it after you've read that chapter! Also this post is 10% cringy, 50% analytical, 40% theory crafting. Hope you enjoy!
Now that Kaiser's flashback is over, it's time to analyze where Kaiser's character arc seems to be heading this match.
Kaiser's proof of originality I think what's most interesting about Kaiser is that while the backstory explained Kaiser's mentality, we've been seeing signs of who Kaiser is as a person even before the backstory. His way of speaking theatrically, his constant obsession with sinking other players into despair, his self-harming attitude, and even the way he treats Ness as a person. All of what we've been seeing as been building up to the current backstory that we're witnessing unfold in our eyes.
Now, let's talk about the originality of Kaiser.
Kaiser is a complex character, but if I were to sum it all up. His environment brought out the monster known as malice. He's someone whose perception of love has been warped due to him being constantly tortured by his father. To him there is no such thing as kindness. In the world he lives in, you can only show kindness through the act of malice.
The act of hurting others and destroying their dreams brings him one step closer to being human. It explains the actions of Kaiser throughout the NEL, he isn't the type to play nice with others. While others would introduce themselves with a simple hello, he would rather introduce himself by challenging others to a fight as seen at the start of the NEL).
We've seen before that certain players in Blue Lock come from unfortunate homes and soccer is a means of escape to them. For Kaiser, it's no different and it's warped the way he views football. It is impossible to play football as a single person, soccer as a sport is one that requires you to communicate with your teammates and to craft plays to crush the opposition.
In order to counteract this level of teamwork, he created a single weapon to prove his individuality and sink his opponents into despair. That weapon being known as the Kaiser Impact. A weapon not born out of love, but pure malice. Even with such an invincible weapon, it's still a sport played by 11 people. Most people in his situation would have realized that they need to make a friend or at least a teammate they're on friendly terms with.
But instead, he decided to find someone that would be loyal to him to a fault. Somebody that couldn't challenge his ideas and wouldn't question him. Someone he could bring hope to and easily corrupt their heart. And that person being Ness, now before I dissect more into Ness and Kaiser's relationship. Let's take a quick moment to answer a question that a few people are wondering in this match. Even though Kaiser is such a talented player, why is his current level of play not as satisfactory?
Ultimate performance
So far in the current match, we've had 2 goals scored and each of them were done by a clash of peak performances. The first goal being a clash with Shidou and Charles pulling a similar move as the final goal scored in Ubers. And the next goal being scored by a clash of three players colliding their ultimate performances in order to score in this match.
Each of these goals were scored by following the proposed formula that Hiori explains in the panel above. Hunger -> Suitable Goal -> Flow -> Ultimate Challenge -> Peak Performance. Let's use Kunigami as an example! His hunger was destroying Shidou which transformed into his suitable goal of man-marking him. Leading him to reach the state of flow and having successfully completing his ultimate challenge of stopping Shidou, he reached his peak performance allowing Isagi and Hiori to make use of this.
If you've been reading so far and paying attention. In order to succeed in this match, you need to fulfill two simple conditions.
  1. Reaching your peak performance
  2. Collaborating with someone else's peak performance to score.
And so far, Michael Kaiser has failed at reaching both of these conditions. So, let's start with condition one and how his character arc is leading to that.
The path to being human
This section of the post was inspired by this comment from u/Zukiinis: Inspiration!
There are a lot of things eating at Kaiser right now, but if I were to name the biggest one. It's the fact that his current ego is not the one that will lead to his best performance. This ego of hurting others through malice is something that is eerily similar to that of his father when he was heartbroken. It's an ego that was born as a result of that day.
But this current ego leads him to seeing himself as not human and to plunge all of his foes into despair and to reign over his teammates as a tyrant. It's one that dissociates himself from reality and leads him to believing he's someone not worthy of love. Which has given him a warp sense of view on his relationship with Ness and one that was possibly blooming into a friendship. It's true that Kaiser approached Ness with the intent of using him as nothing but a tool. But is that how their relationship has stayed throughout everything?
If Kaiser considers Ness as a tool, then why is he openly laughing with him? Why would he allow someone else to touch his hair and get close to him? Better yet, why would he open his heart to someone else and reveal that part of his past? In Kaiser's mind he may consider Ness as nothing but a tool (currently), but his heart and actions are speaking differently. He's treating Ness as more of a friend, something that Kaiser has never had before in his life and has no way of knowing how to act with a friend. I'm pretty sure the concept of friendship is foreign in Kaiser's mind. So, where am I going with all of this?
I (and many others) believe that Kaiser is on the verge of an awakening. When Kaiser first awakened his ego, it wasn't out of despair as Kaiser seems to believe. But it was out of the fact that he wanted to protect the one thing in his life that he learned to love, the one thing that his father was attempted to take away from him. A soccer ball, Kaiser didn't awaken his sense of identity due to malice as he seems to believe, but due to the fact that in the first time in his life he learned to love something.
I believe that Kaiser at the end of this match will learn to view himself as human and will start to learn of the concept of love. And for that to happen he needs to receive a similar trigger and that trigger will be when he's on the verge of losing Ness. Which I'm not sure how that would happen, but what better way to awaken Kaiser fully by having his rival Isagi stealing Ness temporarily by forcing a pass out of him. Which will potentially spiral Kaiser to despair and lead to the birth of his evolution.
So, why do I think Ness being almost taken away from Kaiser is the key to his evolution? I think the ball in the flashback is literally just Ness and is foreshadowing the future for this two. The current Kaiser is very abusive to Ness and simply treats him as the ball in his flashback. Someone who is there to just be obedient to Kaiser and not make up a fuss. But I think what's really interesting is that the ball (Ness) is Kaiser's only companion and the moment he was about to lose that companion. It sparked the birth of his ego and prompted him into action.
Interlude: Ness's evolution So, if Kaiser's evolution is linked to Ness being taken away, then what is the key to Ness's evolution? I believe Ness's evolution will come before Kaiser's evolution and the key to that will be seeing Kaiser in despair and being on the verge of almost giving up. This will spark Ness to unleash his creativity and try to make a play that will allow for both him and Kaiser to succeed. But Isagi will be the first one to notice this change and will run to the perfect pass course forcing the pass out of Ness as he hoped Kaiser could have read him. Once Kaiser sees this interaction of Isagi stealing Ness's pass, that will be when Kaiser will awaken.
Honestly, I imagine it'll be a mix of Bachira's evolution for Ness and a Barou like conqueror moment for Isagi.
Now, let's move on to the final act of this post
A weapon not born out of malice, but pure friendship
Kaiser's whole character arc seems to be heading in a direction where he's being forced to discover who he really is as a player and to understand what he wants. And in order to do that, he's being constantly met with the same level of despair that he forced onto others. In order for Kaiser to reach his peak performance, he has to fight with the same intensity of ego as he felt first when he discovered himself for the first time.
And I think one of the main things that needs to happen is Kaiser is taking a moment of introspection (possibly on the bench after Noa swaps with him). Understanding that behaving like his father isn't the best way to move forward in life. Him being constantly obsessed with putting others in despair is clouding his judgement and leading to him making reckless mistakes that he would normally avoid. And most importantly to realize that he no longer sees Ness as a tool, but as a friend for the first time in his life. Leading to him accepting Ness's creativity and to stop berating him.
And if Kaiser does possibly get benched, I think it'll be the moment he goes back to analyzing the field and planning his moves accordingly. Which will lead to Kaiser utilizing Ness's imagination on the field and leading to both of them succeeding in their ultimate challenge. Which is...
Making the Kaiser Impact: Magnus succeed.
If Kaiser Impact was a weapon born out of an individual talent to drive those into despair. The Kaiser Impact: Magnus will be a weapon born out of a collaboration of peak performance to turn a 0 into 1. In order for this weapon to succeed, there are two main conditions that need to be fulfilled.
  1. The ball must not be in motion
  2. Kaiser has to perform the Magnus
Each of these conditions are absurdly difficult to perform in a moving game and it's almost impossible. But with someone who loves unexplainable things and another that loves trying the impossible. It's quite the perfect challenge for them, isn't it? Anyway, I'm sure many of you see where I'm going with this. But for this shot to work, Ness will have to perform a godly maneuvepass utilizing those ankles of his to lead the ball into having zero motion. While Kaiser will have to arrive at the perfect spot in time to use the Kaiser Impact: Magnus and unleash it.
This weapon will be born out of Ness and Kaiser's peak performance. I imagine that once Kaiser and Ness scores the final goal, this two will be on better terms and Kaiser will actually put effort into treating Ness as a friend. The path to being human isn't easy, but all it takes is one single friend to make you human. Ask Ray Dark, he knows what I'm talking about.
My face after completing this post
And that's the end of my theory/analysis. I hope you enjoyed it, let me know your thoughts!
submitted by StarBurstero to BlueLock [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:13 jajamjam An in-depth guide to technologies for charging, docks and more

Hi all! This is a rather comprehensive guide for newcomers to PC gaming to help understand the relevant technologies when it comes to docks, peripherals, external storage and monitors. This should help navigate the sometimes conflicting and confusing advice online and enable you to make buying decisions based on your personal needs.

Cables, Power Delivery and 30W Turbo

(More info regarding cables under Data Transfer - Cables)
Cables and Power Delivery
All USB C to C cables built to spec are capable of providing 20V@3A for a maximum of 60W. For any higher power output, there are different protocols and the Ally uses the Power Delivery (PD) protocol which is common for laptops - If you already have a laptop with USB C charging, check to see if its charger supports PD charging since you could use its charger with the Ally and vice versa.
The PD protocol requires a handshake where the power source, whether it be a charger or power bank, communicates its different capabilities (eg. 15V @ 3A = 45W, 20V @ 3.25A = 65W, 20V @ 5A = 100W, etc.) and the device communicates what it can safely receive over the USB cable. This communication requires an E marker chip built into the USB C cable which allows the power source to deliver up to 48V @ 5A = 240W, although it is more common to find the older 20V @5 A = 100W cables. The E marker is also what allows you to plug in a high output PD charger to charge much lower powered devices without frying any components since the charger will keep to a safe/low power output until the E marker communicates the capabilities on both ends.
The Ally uses the 20V @ 3.25A (65W) PD power profile and any USB C to C cable with an E marker should work for the Ally as long as your charger or power bank can deliver the aforementioned 20V @ 3.25A.
Note: Sometimes cables just aren't built to spec and cheaper cables might not work as intended or fail quickly. The E marker chip malfunctioning is a primary reason why your charger and cable combination might suddenly stop working as intended and not deliver the 65W to the Ally even if it did earlier - in most situations, it might just drop to 20V @ 3A (60W).
30W Turbo requirements
As far as the ROG Ally is concerned,
How to enable 30W Turbo
If you're connecting the power source directly to the Ally, i.e. not using a hub:
If you're connecting the Ally through a dock/hub:
This is where things get interesting. Without getting very technical, USB specifications are set by the USB Implementers Forum (USB IF). For docks and hubs, the specification states that USB devices should be able to draw power at the port with max power draw specified. For USB 3 devices, this max power draw is 5V @ 900 mA (4.5W at the port) and for USB 2 devices, this max draw is 5V @ 500 mA (2.5W). This is why most docks and hubs have their own power requirement, around 15W usually but may vary, so that power is reserved for the USB ports. Depending on the device connected, this power draw can vary - a portable spinning hard disk drive will draw more power than a dongle for a wireless mouse for instance. Insufficient power to the ports can manifest in many ways such as USB devices disconnecting and reconnecting, HDMI intermittently disconnecting, etc.
I haven't been able to test this so please take this section with a grain of salt - docks that support 30W Turbo with the original charger don't seem to meet the official USB IF specs since the dock must be exposing the Ally to the 20V @ 3.25A PD profile without reserving any power to the USB ports. I haven't been able to confirm this myself as all the docks and hubs I use reserve around 15W for the ports and require at least 80W+ PD to allow the 30W Turbo mode. Based on my digging online, it seems like some people have no issues using these docks while others have reliability issues such as the ones I described earlier.
To summarise, enabling 30W Turbo mode reliably on the Ally when connected to a dock or hub requires (should require?) the following:
If you don't care about playing on 30W Turbo mode,
As mentioned earlier, all USB C to C cables should be capable of at least 60W. Using a charger with any lower PD profiles such as a 45W charger will not cause any damage or harm, you might just lose battery even with a charger connected but that's about it. I often use my 25W phone charger or even Nintendo Switch charger - reliable chargers will not damage your device.

Data Transfer

General info
Mbps, MB/s, Gbps and GB/s - there's a difference.
You'll often see the terms Mbps or MB/s (alternatively Gbps or GB/s) used to refer to USB speed, storage speed, internet speeds, etc. but it's important to note the difference.
Mbps = Megabits per second, MB/s = Megabytes per second
Gbps = Gigabits per second, GB/s = Gigabytes per second
Data transfer is usually measured in Megabits per second, Mbps (or Gigabits per second, Gbps). Your internet speed is a great example of this. Files and any storage in general is measured as Megabytes or Gigabytes. To work out file transfers in Megabytes or Gigabytes per second use the following:
8 bits make up 1 byte and 1 Gigabit = 1000 Megabits. To keep things confusing, 1 Gigabyte = 1024 Megabytes.
If your internet service provider is providing a 1 Gigabit connection it works out to 1000/8= 125 Megabytes per second, i.e. a file that is 250 Megabytes will take 2 seconds to download. (Note: real speeds will always be lower due to network overhead, congestion, distance to servers and a bunch of other factors.)
A breakdown for the things most relevant to the ROG Ally:
The Ally's USB C port is USB 3.1 Gen 2 with DP Alt mode so the max transfer speed you can get from the Ally is 10 Gbps. Ideally you should look for docks and cables that are capable of 10 Gbps.
Other notable mentions:
WiFi 5 and 6 speeds are theoretically MUCH higher but this is what most people can expect from their routers to their device - including crappy ISP provided routers.
For LAN and WiFI, these are the speeds you can expect on your local network and NOT the speed your ISP provides to the internet. Your local network is what you are using when you stream in home from a PC or console to the Ally using something like Steam Link or Sunshine. Or if you access storage on your network (NAS, Plex server, Jellyfin, etc.)
Real speeds will always be lower across the board when you account for any overhead such as the Windows File system, background tasks, network overhead etc.
Data Transfer - Cables
Make sure you're using a cable that can match the speed of the device, ie. if you're connecting a USB 3.0 device, make sure the cable also supports USB 3.0 at least. Similarly, you need to use a 10Gbps USB cable to achieve 10Gbps data transfer speeds. Using higher spec cables should always work reliably with lower spec devices too, such as using a 10Gbps cable with a USB 2 device will just operate at USB 2 speeds.
NOTE: A cable containing an E marker chip does not necessarily mean it can do video or even USB 3.0 file speeds. The E marker chip is unrelated to data transfer capabilities. In general, most 100W E marker cables only work at USB 2 speeds if used for file transfer, unless they explicitly state other capabilities.
I've personally had great reliability with 240W E marker cables though and it's been much easier to find reliable cables that provide 10Gbps data transfer, 4K 60Hz video output and any level of PD required all through one cable. I suspect the reliability mainly comes from the more stringent certification process required for 240W PD. These cables can be chonky though.
Can games run from an SD card, external hard drive, external SSD or USB flash drive?
Short answer, yes.
Longer answer, yes, but keep the following in mind:
My advice would be to install any game you intend to play only while the Ally is connected to a dock on external storage devices, otherwise install them internally. For instance, I only play Ace Combat when I'm connected to my TV so it made sense to install it on external storage that is always connected to my dock and TV.
External storage - What should I use?
What's the best keyboard, mouse, controller for the Ally?
This will entirely depend on you - There are three main ways to connect and each has its pros and cons. The way you personally see these pros and cons will help you pick.
Wired devices:
Pros - lowest latency in most cases, no need to recharge devices.
Cons - need a dock to connect more than one device and you'll need to manage cables.
Pros - cable free, no need for a dock to connect to your devices.
Cons - some latency, need recharging/batteries, connectivity issues are common.
Wireless dongles:
Pros - cable free, lower latency than Bluetooth and some devices have latency comparable to wired performance.
Cons - still need a dock if you require more than one dongle, dongles often use 2.4Ghz protocols and might have crazy interference with poorly shielded devices around them.
Some devices will offer more than one way to connect - I've found them ideal for the Ally.
My peripherals (not recommendations per se, rather my use case since all were bought for an existing work from home/gaming PC setup)


HDMI vs DisplayPort
Like any data cable, HDMI and DisplayPort carry data but in the form of audio/video data. DisplayPort can carry more of this information based on the most common version available, ie. DisplayPort 1.4 which supports up to 32.4Gbps. The most common version for HDMI is 2.0 which supports up to 18Gbps.
DisplayPort is preferred for gaming PCs generally since they are better at communicating capabilities such as FreeSync capabilities, HDR capabilities, etc. which is why most monitors use DisplayPort, especially modern ones.
DP Alt mode and USB C monitors
The Ally along with numerous phones and laptops support video out over USB C using what is known as DisplayPort Alt Mode (DP Alt Mode). This only works over USB C to USB C.
Some newer monitors support this and can be driven by just one USB C to USB C cable. They might also provide USB PD power.
Portable monitors also use DP Alt Mode to work over USB C. For HDMI, they use a standard HDMI to mini HDM and you need to plug in power when using HDMI. I haven't come across a dock that supports DP-Alt mode on its USB C ports making it impossible to drive a portable monitor over USB C with a dock (HDMI obviously will still work.)
Thunderbolt hubs may have USB C ports which allow DP Alt mode but in my experience they downgrade these ports to only USB 3 (without DP ALT mode) when connected to something that isn't Thunderbolt.
I only have experience with the Arzopa A1C (1920x1080, 60hz, 15.6 inch display) but here is my takeaway:
Common misconceptions for anyone used to console gaming or new to PC gaming
(Note: The section below is only relevant to native resolution output without any frame gen or upscaling such as RSR, FSR, AFMF, etc.)
I've seen numerous posts asking "will this __inch monitor work?". Your physical screen size does not matter. The pixel count does. A 24inch 4K 60hz monitor will be just as hard for the Ally to run as a 60inch 4k 60hz TV.
For the Ally at its native 1920x1080 resolution at 120 frames per second, the GPU has to render 2,073,600 pixels, 120 times per second.
When you connect your Ally to a 4K 60Hz TV and try to output at your TVs native resolution of 3840x2160, the Ally has to process 8,294,400 pixels, 60 times per second.
Essentially, you will never get the same performance hooked up to a 4K TV at native resolution compared to running a game at the Ally's native 1080p resolution.
The same goes if you're looking at 3440x1440, 2560x1440 or any resolution when considering a monitor. In terms of "will it work with the Ally?" The answer is always "yes it will work" since the Ally is a PC, but adjust your game settings or your resolution accordingly.
Simply put, the higher the resolution (and frame rate), the more pixels the GPU needs to render, the bigger the performance hit.
I can put together a detailed AMD Adrenaline and general game settings guide if there's interest.

Things to keep in mind while buying a dock or hub:

My thoughts on the docks/hubs I own
All of them work pretty identically and offer 4K HDR, 30W Turbo, etc. when connected to a 100W PD charger. The ports are all USB 3.0 so max speed of 5Gbps. I’ve mentioned anything of note
Other handy accessories
Thanks for reading and hope it helps!
submitted by jajamjam to ROGAlly [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:51 tempmailgenerator Implementing Geolocation Capture in Google Forms via Google Script

Capturing User Location in Google Forms Seamlessly

Integrating geolocation functionality into Google Forms can significantly enhance the data collection process, enabling a more dynamic and context-aware approach to surveys and forms. This capability allows form creators to automatically capture the geographical location of respondents without requiring manual input or verification of email addresses. The process leverages Google Script, a powerful tool that extends the functionality of Google Apps, including Forms. By embedding custom scripts into Google Forms, developers can programmatically retrieve geolocation data at the moment of form submission, enriching the dataset with valuable location-based insights.
The application of geolocation data in Google Forms is vast, ranging from academic research to customer feedback and beyond. This approach not only streamlines the data collection process but also opens up new possibilities for analyzing and utilizing the collected data. For instance, understanding the geographic distribution of survey responses can help in tailoring services or products to specific regions. However, implementing this feature requires a careful consideration of privacy and consent, ensuring that respondents are aware of the data being collected and have agreed to share their location information. The following guide aims to demonstrate how to seamlessly integrate geolocation capture into Google Forms using Google Script, without the complexities of email verification or additional permissions.
Command Description
HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile() Creates and serves HTML content from a file in the Google Apps Script project. Allows client-side JavaScript to call server-side Apps Script functions.
Session.getActiveUser().getEmail() Retrieves the email address of the current user (not used for geolocation, but relevant for context).
Geolocation API Web API used to access the geographic location of a device.

Deep Dive into Geolocation Integration

Integrating geolocation into Google Forms through Google Script offers a compelling way to enhance data collection by embedding geographical intelligence into responses. This technique allows form creators to capture the respondent's location data automatically, adding a new layer of depth to the insights that can be gleaned from the responses. The process involves the use of client-side JavaScript for geolocation detection, which is then passed to the server side via Google Script. This seamless integration bridges the gap between simple form responses and geospatial data analytics, enabling a myriad of applications such as market research, event planning, and even educational activities. By leveraging the native geolocation API available in modern web browsers, developers can ensure that this functionality is broadly accessible without the need for external plugins or tools.
The application of geolocation data capture in Google Forms transcends mere data collection; it facilitates a nuanced understanding of demographic distributions, behavioral patterns, and logistical planning. For businesses, this can translate into targeted marketing strategies and optimized service delivery based on geographic insights. In educational contexts, it offers a unique approach to field studies, allowing for the collection of data points that are automatically tagged with location information. However, it is crucial to navigate the ethical considerations associated with geolocation data, including privacy concerns and consent. Transparent communication with respondents about what data is being collected and how it will be used is essential to maintaining trust and compliance with data protection regulations.

Integrating Geolocation in Google Forms

Google Apps Script & JavaScript

Enhancing Forms with Geolocation Insights

Implementing geolocation functionality into Google Forms via Google Script is an innovative approach to gather enriched data from form respondents. This method not only captures traditional form responses but also collects valuable geographical information, providing a multifaceted view of the data. The integration of geolocation enhances the utility of Google Forms in various sectors, including research, retail, and social sciences, by enabling the collection of location-specific insights. For instance, researchers can track environmental data submissions across different regions, while retailers can understand the geographical distribution of customer feedback, tailoring services to meet regional demands more effectively.
The technical aspect of integrating geolocation involves utilizing browser-based geolocation APIs in conjunction with Google Script to process and store location data alongside form responses. This process is transparent to the user, requiring their consent to share location data, thereby adhering to privacy standards. The approach not only enriches the data collected through forms but also opens up new avenues for analyzing data through a geographical lens. For example, educational institutions can map out student survey responses to better understand regional variations in educational needs or interests. The ability to automatically collect and analyze location data adds a powerful tool to the arsenal of data analysts and form creators alike.

Frequently Asked Questions About Geolocation in Google Forms

  1. Question: Can geolocation data be collected without user consent?
  2. Answer: No, collecting geolocation data requires explicit consent from the user as per privacy laws and regulations.
  3. Question: Is it possible to collect geolocation data for all respondents?
  4. Answer: It depends on the user's device and browser settings. If geolocation services are disabled, it won't be possible to collect this data.
  5. Question: How accurate is the geolocation data collected via Google Forms?
  6. Answer: The accuracy of geolocation data varies based on the device and the method used for locating (e.g., GPS, Wi-Fi, cellular networks).
  7. Question: Can geolocation data collection be integrated into all types of Google Forms?
  8. Answer: Yes, with the proper scripting and user permissions, geolocation data collection can be integrated into any Google Form.
  9. Question: How is the collected geolocation data stored and can it be exported?
  10. Answer: Collected geolocation data is stored within the Google Forms' responses or linked Google Sheets, from where it can be exported for analysis.
  11. Question: Are there any privacy concerns with collecting geolocation data?
  12. Answer: Yes, privacy concerns are significant. It's essential to inform users about the data collection and adhere to GDPR or other relevant privacy regulations.
  13. Question: Can geolocation functionality affect the user experience or form submission rates?
  14. Answer: While it may add an extra step for consent, if communicated effectively, it should not significantly impact submission rates.
  15. Question: Is programming knowledge required to implement geolocation data collection in Google Forms?
  16. Answer: Yes, basic knowledge of JavaScript and Google Script is necessary for integrating geolocation functionality.
  17. Question: How does geolocation data collection comply with GDPR?
  18. Answer: Compliance involves obtaining clear consent, informing users about the data collection, and providing options to opt-out.
  19. Question: Can collected geolocation data be used for marketing analysis?
  20. Answer: Yes, with proper consent, geolocation data can be a valuable asset for targeted marketing and regional analysis.

Wrapping Up Geolocation Integration

The integration of geolocation functionality into Google Forms represents a significant leap forward in data collection and analysis. By capturing respondents' locations, form creators can unlock new insights and tailor their strategies more effectively. This approach not only enriches the data collected from surveys and forms but also opens up new possibilities for targeted analysis and decision-making. However, it's crucial to navigate the ethical and privacy considerations associated with geolocation data. Ensuring transparency and securing consent are paramount to maintaining trust and compliance with data protection laws. As technology advances, the potential applications of geolocation data in Google Forms are bound to expand, offering even more innovative ways to harness this valuable information for research, marketing, and beyond. The key to successful implementation lies in the seamless integration of technology while respecting user privacy and leveraging the data responsibly to drive informed decisions.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:27 Murder_Giraffe Another review if you feel like reading! From a HW art fanatic

Hey there, here is my review for who cares to read it. I am gonna keep it simple as most people have launched a lot of good and bad points! Just another nobody dropping my opinion!
Fair notice HW is more about the art sound and story to me then it is the game mechanics so I wont touch most of that.
Soundtrack: Seriously how amazing is this. If anything the soundtrack takes this home. It is just incredible to hear and mix with the older entries. Really try mixing it on a playlist it just fits so well, it screams and sounds homeworld! I use all of the HW soundtracks for my creative endeavors and this one is anther godsend. Im not sure it wa 100% made solely by Paul Ruskay, but I can not stress enough just how divine the sound track is to let me immerse fully into that mysterious far away feel so peculiar of HW.
Ambience: Ive paused this game to death so I could look at every single little detail that might be hidden. Might be a bit biased here but I love homeworld for the feeling of wonder. The backgrounds and colors now mixed with new hazy environments make me feel like I am in some mythical dream space. I wish I could express my words better but it will definitely make me wanna draw lots of new things. The megaliths might feel a bit to claustrophobic at times but holy jesus they are and look amazing. Some levels look like a piece of art, really its that beautiful and it left me mouth open.
Combat: Combat was never what I looked for in this game franchise so my opinion is a bit mute here. I do feel sometimes it goes to fast for my liking and some units might not respond so well but I think time will fix this. I do miss watching my slow lumbering ships get ready for action tough and I wish I could have some places with more distance.
Ship designs: Fellas I am a HW1 diehard fan. No ships will ever look better then the Taiidan Ships from HW1 to me :D. Now putting that aside all of the new ships look great! I loved pausing and zooming in on them.
We definitely can see that Higaaran designs have jumped technologically even if the weapon systems don't always make sense, I do think a more streamlined fleet makes a lot of sense. The fighters looks suspiciously a bit Taiidan to me and I like that we might be going full circle there..
The incarnate ships could have had a bit more divergence to them but they are growing on me already. The destroyers look like angry space fish that don't take no for an answer and I'm digging that a lot. Loved all the other little ships you see in the tutorial and campaign start. Kalaan ships were great also! Probably my favorite! I low key love the mega freighter and im happy we rammed it.
Wargames: Played just a couple. Seemed ok to me but I hope we get new fleets (id kill for a Taiidan fleet haha) Please devs?
Lore/Story: Here is where I might be a bit more negative. It starts great. It was amazing to launch from Higaara itself. SERIOUSLY people, how cool was that small part. I almost felt in DOK again and I lost some time here also. It was nice to see Higaara. I loved the Kalaan raiders and a fact that these Taiidan vassals still hate us, for me curiously this was the the cherry on the cake and I loved this little lore detail. The Kalaan captain for the little screen time he had was a great small villian and I wished I had seen him more.
What can I say. I love this franchise to death but I would lie if I wouldn't say that after this point I feel it went down hill there is no denying it. It was not what I was expecting and our main villain was really off putting, I have memed her to death (pigeon on discord, zoom call meme) but I have made my peace with it. I have seen people criticizing about Imogen and Isaac (which is your right if you feel so) but I really feel they worked well in general! It was nice to see a more inexperienced person in command and In general I think Isaac grew on me over time.
Again the Incarnate Queen leaves much to be desired and I firmly believe if we had a more ''serious'' villain in terms of being able to keep his cool and composure this would have been a nice addition to the greater hw story. I guess we got so used to the 1 liner stoic villians from before that this just clashed to much. IQ could have been vocal as she was but I wished there was more maturity. The rest of the campain was ok. Also missed the mini enemies factions that were a HW staple of the series, but i absolutely loved the Kalaan raiders and the little lore we got with them. I could go on a deep dive about the fgreater HW lore that I felt was missing but that's it there is no point for me to debate this more :D
Also I miss the animatics from the old ones. Even In DOK I missed the old style animatics but I guess that makes the older ones so much more special to me now. Didn't care much for the whole dance of personalities going on. That new CGI could have been used to showcase more wonderfull HW places :P!
My conclusion: Take a seat here because this might be a tad emotional. I love Homeworld. No seriously I know you love it also but I love it. No other game has manged to pull me so deep and I still don't know why. It was there when my life went to sh*t and it was there when it got back on track. Homeworld for me will forever be the trip I did from Kharak to Higaara. Nothing will beat 1999 child me listening to the soundtrack for the first time. My main character will always be Banana ship 1 with Karan onboard and all the colonist trays I manged to save. My vilian will always be the Taiidan Emperor and the many little battles I made to get ''home'' (and junkyard dog lol). I will forever try to save as many ships possible and every time Elson hyperspaces above to save me it still makes me fuzzy inside.
And you see I think that is my problem. Somebody else had said here that the OG HW was lightning in a bottle and It will never happen again and I believe it. For some cataclysm was the high point and while I agree its amazing I still prefer og HW. The Vaygr and Makaan felt like imposters to me, I defeated the Taiidan and retook Higaara, surely bathtub jesus wont stop me. Over time he grew on me and I made my peace with HW2 and it changes and now I do really like it. The scene with the Keeper is just engraved in me and I hum the tune from time to time without noticing. As flawed as I think hW3 story was I am happy to be back in the homeworld universe. I'm happy I finally got to see the megaliths and I wish we could have seen even more! I wasen't initially sure of it but now I am.
To finish while a lot of the criticism is fair I feel a lot of it is reaching points of nitpicking at this point. While story wise it wasent what maybe most of us wanted It looks beautiful and I would still recommend people to get it. I wish and hope that we get all the fleets (like remastered did) together for the the wargames and skirmish! And hopefully ill see another homeworld in the future.
Thank you for reading trough my poorly constructed mess of a review. Expect new homeworld drawings to come soon!
submitted by Murder_Giraffe to homeworld [link] [comments]