Tramadol and nicotine

Support for people wanting to free themselves from smoking/using nicotine (& help for staying quit)

2009.06.08 17:06 salvage Support for people wanting to free themselves from smoking/using nicotine (& help for staying quit)

Hello! This sub is for anyone looking for support and assistance in breaking free from nicotine addiction. It is also for for those who have already broken the grasp of nicotine in their lives and want to remain vigilant against relapse. Every last person reading this right now is capable of breaking free from nicotine. It takes some work, especially in the beginning, but you’ll find you can truly live life just fine without it. Let’s help each other quit and stay quit.

2011.07.08 01:42 matttebbetts sharing is caring

Subreddit for P2P file-sharing client Soulseek. Sharing is caring.

2011.02.23 05:42 Godofwarmike Discussion about Nicotine and the products that contain them

Anything and everything to do with Nicotine.

2024.05.06 04:11 psychdelicresearch is euthanasia the answer

I (19 M) have, for the entirety of my life been that one weird kid in class, an outcast, a freak but since i did well academically and in extra curriculars people just dismissed by abnormal behaviour as being correlated to signs of high intelligence. I have never been in love until i was 12 years old, i fell in love with music, my orthodox parents did not like that as they wanted me to be a doctor, 3 years of fighting led to depression followed by substance abuse (nicotine, alcohol, dxm hbr, dph hcl, cannabis, ketamine hcl, tramadol hcl and more), at age 15 i self diagnosed myself with ADHD and depression and requested my parents to provide me with adderall and antidepressants, 2 months of fighting and they didn't let me use it, that's why i had to start abusing substances under the guise of a self diagnosed mental illness.
Since i did academically well most of my life, i got into a top college and since then have been constantly sick, lost 30kgs, no doctors could diagnose the cause as all my lab reports showed i was healthy therefore i made the assumption the problems in my head and visited a psychiatrist.
Turns out i was right, i did have ADHD. Along with Anxiety, OCPD and Dysthymia. My parents keep arguing with me saying I don't need medicines just need to do yoga.
I have explained in both scientific and layman terms what i am going through.
Besides the therapy and psychiatrist consultation and medicines are so expensive I can't keep continuing them.
My therapist keeps suggesting i have high IQ, i know well for a fact that i fucking don't. All my life i have been called intelligent or gifted because i could learn things at insanely inhuman speeds and retain such information in my long term memory for years to come, retaining even the tiniest of details, Also due to my ability to creatively solve problems and to think outside the box.
That is not intelligence, that is someone who has ADHD and is really good at masking it.
My entire life i had this ego since i was told i am gifted but it's all a lie and i just lost the last living link to my past, my life is in disarray, it makes no sense to try again for I already know what's going to happen.
Now on the other hand, let's say my clinical psychologist is right and i do indeed have high IQ, well... That doesn't change anything. "Pain and suffering are inevitable for a large intelligence and a deep heart","happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing i know ".... I can quote more great minds talking about how intelligence makes your life miserable.
Is euthanasia available for those with these type of illnesses?
submitted by psychdelicresearch to depression [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 01:38 7fishjesus7 Just vaped 1 day post-op

My boyfriend got his top surgery with nipple grafts yesterday early in the morning. He stopped vaping nicotine and weed the day before which the surgeon told him was fine, they said he could take edibles the day after but try not to smoke any weed for a week or two.
He is prescribed tramadol and he hasn’t been able to shit in three days, and has taken multiple laxatives that are not working, so he tried hitting the vape just one time- like seriously only one hit of a 5% menthol vuse pod because it has always been the best remedy for his constipation, but I’ve been researching and I’m so scared his nipples are going to fall off or that he’s going to die of a blood clot
I am probably just overthinking it but I am a very anxious person so I thought it would be best to make sure just in case. His surgeon is an old dude who was one of the best in his time and he’s still one of the best in Texas if not the whole US. my BF has one of those really tight compression vests they told us to leave on for 1-2 weeks and ONLY take it off if I’m washing the areas around his incisions/grafts. He has been wearing it the whole time.
He’s not going to hit it anymore, but is there anything we should do to ensure he is safe from blood clots and losing his new nipples???
submitted by 7fishjesus7 to TopSurgery [link] [comments]

2024.04.02 18:56 Standard_of_Care Mental Illness

450 million people suffer with mental disorders worldwide.
About one in eight people worldwide, nearly 1,000,000,000 individuals, live with a mental health disorder (WHO).
Mental illnesses are a leading cause of disease burden worldwide, with anxiety disorders being the second most influential contributor, after depressive disorders to global disability adjusted life years..
One fourth of the world’s population will suffer a mental or behavioral disorder during their lifetime.
Mental illness accounts for about one-third of adult disability globally.
One on everyone hundred deaths is due to suicide and is a leading cause of adolescent death.
Mental health conditions represent the fifth greatest contributor to global burden of disease, with an economic cost of $2.5 trillion in 2010 in expected to be 6.0 trillion by 2030.
Governments spend on average 2% of health budgets on mental health care, and low and middle income countries spend just about 1%.
Roughly half the world‘s population lives in the country with one psychiatrist for 200,000 or more people.
Child and adolescent mental health specialists in many low and middle income countries are almost nonexistent.
Most people living with mental illness do not get care.
Many individuals with mental health conditions face human right violations, and counting discrimination, exclusion from community life and work, face physical of sexual abuse, may be denied the right to food and shelter, and are prohibited from voting or marrying.
In many countries are mental health patients are concentrated in long-term psychiatric hospitals with human rights violations, where they may be held against their will and they experience overcrowding, unsatisfactory conditions, or inadequate nourishment.
Almost every country in the world fails to provide mental health care in comparison to physical health care.
Up to 20% of children and adolescents have a mental disorder in a given year (CDC).
Accounts for 25% of disability in the U.S. and is a leading cause of premature mortality.
Affects nearly 25% of the US adult population, with mood disorders affecting nearly 10%.
Approximately 22% of adult population in the U.S. has one or more diagnosable mental disorders in a year.
Approximate lifetime prevalence for anxiety disorders is 29% for U.S. adult population.
Approximate lifetime prevalence for impulse control disorders in the U.S. adult population is 25%.
People with a serious mental illness are responsible for less than 4% of all the violent acts committed in the United States.
Approximate lifetime prevalence for mood disorders in the U.S. adult population is 21%.
Approximate lifetime prevalence for substance abuse disorders is 15% for adult U.S. population.
Estimated that 1 in 10 children in the U.S. has a mental disorder.
Less than half of adults with mental health diagnoses receive treatment for their illness.
For patients with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or other more serious mental health conditions, less than 2/3 receive care for their illness.
Most mental disorders are associated with an increased risk of subsequent medical conditions.
Mental disorders in children and adolescents are increasing.
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is the most prevalent mental disorder diagnosed and reported among nearly 7% of children and teens.
Behavioral or conduct problems are reported among children and teens at 3.5% and 3% have anxiety disorders.
Depression affects 2.1% of children and adolescents.
Mental health issues associated with all cause mortality.
People with poor mental health have a shorter life expectancy.
Depression is associated with higher all-cause mortality.
1.1% of children and adolescents have autism spectrum disorders.
Tourette syndrome is reported in 0.2% of those aged 6-17 years.
Should be treated with the same rapidity as physical illnesses.
Influences onset, progression and prognosis of other illnesses and can correlate with health risk behaviors such as smoking, drug abuse and physical inactivity.
People with serious mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia have smoking rates reach as high as 75%.
Effects are evident across life span, among all socioeconomic groups and every ethnic, racial and cultural groups.
The social and physical environment interacting with genetics exert significant influence on the development of mental disease.
A disproportioned number of people with mental disorders smoke.
Nicotine improves some cognitive deficits associated with ADHD, Alzheimer’s disease and schizophrenia.
Patients suffering with mental disorders are less likely to quit smoking.
People with mental illnesses including schizophrenia and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder may have a greater propensity to smoke and more positive effects than individuals without such illnesses.
Patients with serious mental illness such associated schizophrenia, major depression or bipolar disorder are 2-3 times associated likely associated people without such problems to be assaultive.
People with severe disease die up to 3 decades earlier than the general population.
Weight gain is a risk factor for the development of heart disease and early death.
Patients have a greater risk of weight gain and obesity than the general population.
Up to 60% of patients with severe mental illness may be obese.
Cardiovascular disease is the most common cause of death in this group of patients.
Obesity in mental illness is multifactorial and includes genetic and lifestyle factors plus treatment related effects.
Higher rates of smoking, physical inactivity, poor dietary habits, and limited access to healthcare.
Many psychotropic medications associated with weight gain.
Psychotropic drug induced weight gain can contribute to further excess bodyweight by impairing self-image, lowering self-esteem, and reducing social interactions.
Psychotropic induced weight gain can cause medication nonadherence and worsening outcomes for such patients.
Antidepressants associated with weight gain, and amitriptyline, mirtazapine and paroxetine are associated with the greatest risk.
Mental illness refers to a specific set of medically defined conditions.
Mental distress a term used to describe a range of symptoms and experiences of a persons internal life that are commonly held to be troubling, confusing, or out of the ordinary.
Mental distress may be exhibited with anxiety, confusion, hallucinations, anger, and depression without being ill in a medical sense.
Mental distress may be associated with a wide variety of life situations including: bereavement stress, loss of a job, sleep deprivation, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, assault, abuse or accidents.
Opioid Prescriptions Are Highest Among Patients With Mental Health Disorders
Prescription opioid use is highest among patients with mental health conditions like mood and anxiety disorders, accounting for more than half of all opioids prescribed in the United States.
It is estimated that, among the 38.6 million, 16% of the total US population Americans with mental health disorders, 7.2 million, 18.7%, take prescription opioids.
Of the 115 million opioid prescriptions distributed in the United States per year, a total of 60 million or 51.4%, of these are prescribed to adults with mental health disorders.
Opioid users with mental health disorders were more likely to be middle-aged, female, non-Hispanic white, and either divorced, separated, or widowed, compared with opioid users without mental health disorders.
The most common oral opioids prescribed were hydrocodone with acetaminophen, tramadol, and hydrocodone.
Adjusted analyses indicated that having a mental health disorder was associated with prescription opioid use overall.
submitted by Standard_of_Care to u/Standard_of_Care [link] [comments]

2024.04.02 03:10 Cool_Homework1388 A cool guide to drugs

A cool guide to drugs submitted by Cool_Homework1388 to u/Cool_Homework1388 [link] [comments]

2024.04.01 22:40 Peakayo A breakdown of drugs

A breakdown of drugs submitted by Peakayo to u/Peakayo [link] [comments]

2024.04.01 10:18 Naive_Spend8713 A cool guide to drugs

A cool guide to drugs submitted by Naive_Spend8713 to u/Naive_Spend8713 [link] [comments]

2024.04.01 09:15 Dune_101 A cool guide to drugs

A cool guide to drugs submitted by Dune_101 to u/Dune_101 [link] [comments]

2024.04.01 00:19 BubbleWubble814 The drug wheel!

The drug wheel! submitted by BubbleWubble814 to timesuck [link] [comments]

2024.04.01 00:07 More_Watercress3887 A cool guide to drugs

A cool guide to drugs submitted by More_Watercress3887 to u/More_Watercress3887 [link] [comments]

2024.04.01 00:05 UnhappyFun8535 A cool guide to drugs

A cool guide to drugs submitted by UnhappyFun8535 to u/UnhappyFun8535 [link] [comments]

2024.03.08 04:18 AmbientGeek Zoloft and Tramadol?

29F, 5’6, 218. Vapes nicotine, mild low dose thc gummies, rarely drinks alcohol.
I’m on 50mg Zoloft a day and my doctor has now prescribed 50 mg of tramadol one to two times a day for endometriosis and pain possibly related to crohns (waiting on diagnosis). Is this a safe combination? My mom seemed to think it wasn’t.
submitted by AmbientGeek to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.02.17 17:07 tacctacc Bedridden since Christmas. Symptoms make no sense and keep changing.

29F, 168cm, 230lbs, caucasian, bedridden. From Scandinavia. Wegovy (Ozempic) Escitalopram 10mg - Tapering: (Ketamine treatments heavily relieved long term-depression) Tramadol 400mg due to chronic neck pain I eat healthy, and take fiber supplements due to the tramadol side effects. I don't drink or smoke. I take nicotine pastilles, and have for years. It started during Christmas. The whole family got sick, could be covid. My symptoms were primarily fever. Then I would be better for a couple of days, then I would get a fever again, fast forward to the end of january when I had a fever constantly for three weeks. It led to severe constipation. Like fecal impaction levels. I'm assuming the night sweats, dehydration and not moving at all caused this. Horrible, dear god never again tnx.
After my fever and constipation subsided (still exhausted and bedridden), I've developed a constant nausea. I've been on a steady dose of Wegovy for months and never had any side effects, so I'm confident it isn't that. I have also tapered escitalopram before without any of the symptoms im having now.
I can't sleep on my sides or my stomach due to inflammation in my shoulders and neck, THAT has gotten worse during this time.
The worst part of this, is how after having successful treatments with Ketamine before christmas, and twice in january, I am now starting to have depressive episodes during the day due to the isolation and lack of activity. I need my friends, my studies and the ability to take care of basic needs. I can't. I am on the verge of cancelling this semester and moving back home to my family to recover whatever the hell is going on.
Please, does anybody recognize this? Could I have caught everything going around? Blood tests were normal, some sign of infection and some higher gamma-alat levels but nothing concerning.
Any advice at all?
submitted by tacctacc to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.01.19 16:42 TheMajorHimself Hey guys I’ve got a question

So I bought one of these impulsively bc I saw it in a gas station and thought it was just kava, after further looking into it I found this sub and figured out it also has Kratom in it. Anyways, so I wanna try it (I personally hate Kratom, it’s just shitty imo) because of the kava in it but I don’t want to get addicted. Is it possible to do it once or twice and not get addicted? For reference I’ve done tramadol and O-DSMT once or twice without getting addicted, I’ve been addicted to nicotine and ketamine in the past but never opiates. What do you guys think?
submitted by TheMajorHimself to Quittingfeelfree [link] [comments]

2024.01.07 05:59 CrackheadGaming0815 I am kinda Stuck in life

Well Hello and greetings to you reading this. I have been the same person since my whole life, the only things that have really changed are my views on life and they are just pessimistic. I have a memory of me taking my first drugs in 7th Grade (2018)
I have been talking with a friend before that about theoretically using drugs only in a safe way and etc. And after that I just kinda became more and more open or at least used to it being the norm (I snorted ritalin and starting using laughing gas (n2o) daily to the point where I was doing with my friend 100 capsules per school week), because of this and me basically being the drug wizard at my school (because it was so interesting I knew a lot about this topic) I started taking the stuff daily and I was always searching for a new high, slowly worrying about myself less and less that I now have to take multiple substances (like nutmeg, n2o, thc, hhc, ethanol, tramadol, quetiapine, ritalin, theobromin, lsd, kratom, nicotine and just really whatever I can get my hands on. I am also now combining recklessly everything I have, of course I check LD50 and stuff like that, but still it doesn't really matter to me that much if I die(?).
But yeah, since 2018 I have just been taking drugs and hurting myself indirectly and directly and I am about to turn 18 and I just have been way too stuck on the past. My ex girlfriend who I had in 2021 for 4 months, then we broke up and got together again in 2022 to 2023 (also just 2 months or so) had kinda traumatised me for life (even though that was the happiest phase of my entire life), because I now couldn't trust anyone anymore and I think this is the moment my whole life went dogshit because I did not know how to handle people around me or just how to interact with these people. I know that my ex girlfriend did not do much wrong in our time together, but I had done so much awful stuff, after that I have been only thinking about what I have done wrong in my life and got never to love anyone again. I had like 3 guys I had sexual stuff to do with (I tried to love these guy's, but I just couldn't). I also had after that like 2 people(1m and 1f) straight up tell me they love me, but I just turned them down or ghosted them because I just thought of my ex and I do not want anything else rn.(fuck it's been almoat 3 years).
I also did self harm for awhile, but I just did it for the jist of it, now I just forgot about it.
But yeah, I am kinda bad at keeping friends, but I am good at manipulating people to like me (for the first few meetings), but after that they see the real me and get disgusted I think. I also do some awkward stuff I will be thinking about forever and I don't really want to meet them after that, so I just get new people to distract me.
And now the point of it all, I have been kinda the same for years because of braindamage(?), and I just can't keep up the life of a almost 18yo with a 14yo mind with depression and more fun stuff. I just think back when I was happy (at least more than now) and I don't look to the future at all, because it's ugly and I Don really care at all.
Sometimes I wonder what would have changed if I never started taking drugs. But also.... I hate my life completely without them.
But yeah, because of all that I hate everyone I meet, the more often I meet them I hate them more. But I still keep all the friends because I am at least kinda good at acting like a normal person.
I say "act like a normal person" because I don't really care that much about others, but I care about myself (even though I hate me, Ironic.) In reality I hate everyone around me who I met for about 2 times and they are still better people than me (realistically speaking).
Because of this I have only been focused on my "happy" past and forgot completely about the present. I have been like this for 3 years...
But yeah, thank you for reading this complete mess of combination of words.
I am also sorry for having such a weird way of choosing my words.
But if you read this, thank you for reading and listening to my braindamage. If you also comment on this shit I would be more than grateful. Goodbye random internet person.
submitted by CrackheadGaming0815 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2023.11.16 07:51 TheTragedyMachine Extreme pain after filling; is this normal?

Hi I’m a 27F. On Monday I got a filling for a very deep cavity. My dentist actually told me the damage was a lot worse than he expected and it was damaged down to the pulp and it needs to be extracted. I have a dental surgeon consult on the 28th for it. It did not hurt pre-filling but now I feel extreme sharp and throbbing pain in that tooth. It’s so bad I can barely stand it.
I called my dentist and he prescribed me an antibiotic and tramadol today but the pain isn’t lessening at all even after taking the tramadol. I’m terrified I’m going to be in this extreme tooth pain for weeks until it can get extracted as the dental surgeon is booked far out and I probably won’t be able to get it extracted before the middle of December.
Is this pain normal? Will it go away? Am I going to be dealing with excruciating tooth pain until mid December? Because if that’s the case right now it hurts so bad I wouldn’t care if someone ripped it out of my mouth with rusty pliers and no anesthesia.
I don’t drink and I don’t smoke cigarettes but occasionally vape though I’m trying to instead use nicotine patches since I know smoking/vaping can make it worse.
Also, idk if this matters but I have Ehlers-Danlos syndrome which my dentist said affects my teeth.
submitted by TheTragedyMachine to askdentists [link] [comments]

2023.10.15 15:48 FireNymph13 Progressing Strange Sleep Phenomena In 33-yr-old White Female (Long, sorry)

The issue:
For about a year I've noticed that I'll randomly wake up with my arm in strange positions: arm straight in the air, hand tucked in but elbow straight in the air, elbow straight in the air with my knuckles pressed into my eyeball or the bridge of my nose -- or even my fingers pressed circularly around the edge of my eye, or doing an upside down facepalm coming from over the top of my head like some creepy disembodied hand from a horror movie. None of these have been direct movements and have been in these positions for a bit before I wake up. I've never done this before and it's gone from an annoying set of random nights, a handful of times a night to the last two nights where I've gotten maybe a combined 3 hours sleep because I'm waking up so frequently with it. A few of these times, especially last night, with post discomfort in the squished eye. Again, I've NEVER done this before this year, and it's never been as bad as the last two nights. Mostly concerned because of the eye part to be frank. Nothing I seem to find when looking seems to match/feel close. I do have a sleep study tentatively scheduled for late January due to other issues, but would also prefer not to moosh my eye into oblivion and continuously toss and turn until then if possible. Thoughts?
EDIT TO ADD: I struggled again last night, this is how I awoke and finally decided to give up on sleep this morning. Elbow straight in the air, more or less punching myself (only mild pressure) with my forearm/half my hand almost asleep.
Wanted to ask about a secondary related thing: I started having various muscle/nerve twitches or whole jerks a few months before this time last year. Not rhythmic, but random and individualistic. Mostly in my legs and neck/head, but varying from tiny muscle/nerve spasm to my whole torso kind of lurching or my head kind of snapping back rather violently.
33 yrs old, caucasian, female, 5'10, about 245
Epilepsy(previous) - have not had a seizure since about 2006, not on ~ DIRECT ~ medication after EEG circa 2009
(Likely less important: tubes in ears as toddler, E.coli -2000, Viral Meningitis - 2008, Swine Flu-09/10, finger reconstruction surgery post dog bite-2017, COVID -multiple times most recently January of this year, Gallbladder removal -August this year)
Asthma, ADHD, Bipolar-Depression, Generalized Anxiety Disorder w/ Panic Attacks, cPTSD/PTSD, GERD, Migraines (infrequent currently), Insomnia(periodic, had seemingly been getting better), Chiari Malformation(mild), Retention cyst in nasopharynx, Several spinal adventures - desiccation, osteophytes, etc , SI joint -'possible' sacroiliitis, marrow issue, fatty tissue at top of each joint, Foot structure struggles, Chronic pain, Chronic fatigue.
Currently waiting on specialists/confirmations: POTS, hEDS, what potential flavor of autoimmune (y'all got some ideas on these that would be a life saver too tbh), confirm/eliminate-thyroid issues
Daily - Pregabalin, Duloxetine, Famotidine, Adderall XR+Adderall, Lamotrigine, Super B-Complex, Zinc, Vitamin D3, Cetirizine Hydrochloride, Probiotic --- NEW: Buprenorphine patch (does line up with worsening but not on the whole)
As Needed: Cyclobenzaprine, Ibuprofen 800mg, Omeprazole, Azelastine, Alprazolam, Zolpidem, Diclofenac Gel
No illicit. Occasionally drink (on average once a month or less, winter holiday/birthday month a little more). Vape some - low nicotine 3mg.
Add'l Info: When this started it was pre- Adderall, Famotidine, Lamotrigine, Omeprazole, Azelastine, Alprazolam, Zolpidem, Diclofenac Gel, Buprenorphine patch. And at the time I was on not listed Hydroxychloroquine(disc. May) and Tramadol(disc. Aug) , which I thought originally it was perhaps the Tramadol because that did cause me some other side effects but it continued after discontinuing use of both though perhaps less frequent until now. Noting observations as far as other meds nothing seems to line up as a continuous cause (unless one of those two can just cause issues this far down the road). Buprenorphine patch does line up near perfectly for worsening, but I've also seemed to return to a normal or potentially hypomanic/manic state after about a 2 month deepening of depression.
If you've made it this far, thanks for reading! Sorry it's a book, my body is falling apart at every angle lol
submitted by FireNymph13 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2023.10.05 18:01 Unlikely_Ad_1859 1 year update

M28 — previously healthy and very fit, got Covid in October 2022, severe fatigue since April 2023.


When I started Lactoferrin and Black Seed Oil in July '23, I experienced noticeable improvement for a week. However, after that, I became bedbound again.
If I had to pick one supplement that benefited me slightly but noticeably, it would be Quercetin.
As you can see below, I tried a lot of supplements and medications. Some of them made me feel subtly better, but none of them provided any effect that I would consider healing.
Inositol and Magnesiumbisglycinat 30 minutes before sleep helped with sleep problems/ night sweating from January to April 2023.
I had adverse reactions to LDN, Nattokinase, and Reishi.

Treatment attempts

  • Metformin
  • Valaciclovir (Valtrex)
  • Celecoxib
  • Paxlovid (5 day course)
  • Aspirin (ASS 100)
  • LDN (discontinued at 0,5mg due to sleep disturbance and stomach problems)
  • Benadryl (Vomex)
covidlonghaulers recommendations
  • Lactoferrin & Apolactoferrin (300mg -1500mg)
  • Quercetin (500mg)
  • Nicotine Patches (7mg, 14mg - multiple weeks)
  • Nattokinase (2000 FU) + Serrapeptease (40000 SPU)
  • NAC + Bromelain
  • Pycnogenol (pine bark extract)
  • Black Seed Oil (capsules and various oils high in thymoquinone)
  • Dandelion (leaves, root extract, whole plant dry concentrate & root juice)
Natural remedies
  • Curcumin + Piperin
  • Beet Root Powder
  • Rosemary leaf extract
  • Spirulina
  • Chlorella
  • Nettle Powder
  • Barley Root Powder
  • Wheatgras Powder
  • Spinach leaf Powder
  • Broccoli Powder
  • Kale Powder
  • Ginger Root
  • Licorice Root Powder
  • Kelp whole plant powder
  • Green tea extract
  • Artichoke
  • Manuka honey
  • Inulin
  • Apple vinegar cider
  • Hemp Protein Powder
  • Resveratrol (extract & liposomal)
  • OPC
  • Glutathione (liposomal)
  • Grapeseed extract
  • Coenzym Q10
  • Astaxanthin
  • Kombucha
  • Kvass (Brottrunk)
  • Kefir
  • Sauerkraut
  • Lactobacillus acidophilus
  • Bifidobacterium bifidum
  • Ashwagandha
  • Schisandra
  • Siberian Ginseng
  • Rhodiola Rosea
  • Chaga
  • Reishi (powder + extract)
  • Lionesmane
  • Shiitake
  • Maitake
  • Cordyceps
  • Tremala
  • Hericium
  • Astragalus
  • Omega 3 Fish Oil
  • Vitamin D3 + K2
  • Vitamin C (liposomal)
  • Iron
  • Inositol
  • D-Ribose
  • Creatine Monohydrat
  • L-Lysine
  • L-Carnitine
  • L-Theanine
  • Biotin
  • Selen
  • NMN (1 mg sublingual with Reservatol)
  • Niacin Flush (was good for bad days, had the typical flush and my skin turned red, after that subtle betterment of symptoms)
  • Magnesiumbisglycinat
Recreational drugs
  • Kratom (1,8g - 2,5g only once a month to help with really shitty days)
  • Tramadol (200 - 400mg only very rarely, when symptoms are unbearable)
  • Ketamin (Tried 2 times in spring, great for depression, didn‘t helped with anything else)
  • Acupuncture (5 sessions, got progressively worst)
  • Infrared light
  • Fasting (18/6 for multiple months, tried once 2 day fast, made me feel bad)
  • Acupressure/Shakti mat
  • Helminthic therapy (5 NA larves — tried it when I was most desperate, had the typical itches for 3 days, which was unpleasent - after 1,5 months I decided to eradicated the hookworms, due to the limitations of what you can eat and what supplements you can take — didn‘t noticed any change)


October 2022:
First coronavirus infection, 2-3 days of temperature fluctuations, couldn't sleep, very strange thoughts, and a distorted perception of reality, bloody sputum.
November 2022 - March 2023:
After one month, I was back to sports, felt good but not 100% fit, occasional sleep problems, night sweats, sometimes waking up with a racing heart.
April 2023 - July 2023:
This is when hell started. After one week of subtle swallowing problems, my sleep problems went away, and my fatigue/PEM became more and more severe. Couldn't do sports anymore and quickly became unable to do simple everyday tasks and became bedbound.
Since then, I noticed that whenever I feel bad, I have a subtle burning sensation in the lungs and pressure on my jaw.
August 2023 - October 2023:
My sleep schedule changed, so I wouldn't be able to go to bed early. The burning sensation in the chest went away, but the feeling that my jaw is "locked" kept occurring whenever my fatigue is more severe.
There's definitely a correlation, but I couldn't really figure out the reason for it.
I tried to keep this as short as possible, if you have any questions considering dosage or anything else let me know
submitted by Unlikely_Ad_1859 to covidlonghaulers [link] [comments]

2023.08.22 23:57 SnooSeagulls2635 Cataclysmic Survival Guide Part 13: Equipment Management and Recommendations (3)

Next I'll be covering storage, specifically specialized pouches and containers to carry around. These pouches can be worn separately, though I recommend to attach them to clothing with MOLLE straps, which includes bulletproof vests, load bearing vests, and military grade backpacks and belts. These items save space in your packs, allow you to access items faster, and can save you precious encumerance on some limbs. (I might be missing a few, tell me if I am and I will edit)
Chest pouches: Stores generally one magazine each, which can be of size up to a 30 round magazines. Grenade pouches: Stores several grenades efficiently. Gas mask pouch: Stores a gas mask and spare filters. Canteen pouch: Stores a standard size canteen, which is great for minimizing encumberance on your legs. Dump bag: Big pocket for storage of large and small things. Tool pouch: Good extra storage and organization for small tools. Gadget pouch: Put really anything in there, maybe an artifact or spare meds. Flashlight pouch: Stores a flashlight and makes it faster to activate. Tactical holster: Saves leg encumberance and functions as a normal holster. Shotshell pouch: Holds shotgun shells or loose rifle rounds. IFAK pouch: Perfect storage for a medkit that can be easily accessed. H2O pouch: A canteen pouch but for a water bottle. Just use the canteen pouch.
Shrink wrapper: Found at supply drops and is good storage for little weight. Great for inventory organization rather than wielding as a container.
Reinforced garbage bag: Easily crafted from 10 garbage bags and has quite high volume and weight capacity while itself only weighing about 0.09 when empty. Great for when your bags are full but want more loot, or when you want to become way overburdened via backpack swapping and get a whole lot of loot without a car or horse.
Body bag: A better reinforced garbage bag, though a little heavier to carry when empty and a little more rare.
The kits I describe here are my personal recommendation, and are completely optional and can be adjusted to your playstyle and needs. O = Optional
Field Mess Kit Container: Shrink Wrapper Mess Kit w/battery. 2-3 sealed MRE's OR 6 Pemmican Any kind of snacks: Candy, dehydrated fruit and vegetables, hardtack, sourdough bread, anything with decent calories and good shelf life to sate you between meals Large plastic bottle/Gallon Ziploc Bag of Clean Water (O) Tinder and fire starting gear (O) Flour and additional water (O) Spices, butter, dehydrated meats, powdered eggs and milk
This kit is for runs out to areas where scavenging food will be limited or nonexistant. The foods present can be replaced by whatever you have on hand. You can adjust the amounts of food to how long the trip is going to be, this kit is enough food for roughly two days. However this kit is only for when foraging is unable to sustain you and you need additional calories. Foraging plants can then be cooked with the mess kit, battery or fire, and made better and more nutritious with various spices. Any hostile animals that attempt to attack you can be killed and butchered for meat, which can give you more than enough meat to boost your calories and possibly take some home. Don't bother hunting, there isn't a stealth system and most animals are 2-3x your speed and will sprint off long before you can get a shot.
Medkit Container: IFAK pouch Full bottle of antiseptic or hydrogen peroxide 4 bandages 6 medical gauzes Bottle of aspirin/tramadol Bottle of codeine/morphine Syringe (O) Hemostatic powdetourniquet (O) Sleeping pills (O) Caffeine pills (O) Prescription stimulant (O) Pack of cigarettes (O) Cheap, commonly found alcohol, such as homebrew beer or dandelion wine (O) Panacea, as a panic button
When it comes to field treatment, your characters needs are simple. Healthy limbs, no bleeding, limited pain, and rest. Simply wait and have your hands empty to stop minor bleeds, but major bleeds will need bandages, and intense bleeding will need hemo powder. Medical gauzes can be used to heal limbs faster as can bandages, but use medical gauzes first for that. Antiseptic is important for faster healing and for disinfecting bites, which should be done immediately. Painkillers are very important to carry around for both moderate pain and very severe pain. Strong painkillers can stop pain quickly but should be used in moderation, as overdose is incredibly easy and dangerous especially in combat. Caffeine pills and stimulants can aid in long ongoing combat or travel with no time to stop. Nicotine and alcohol can also be carried in case you have any current addictions.
Camp Tool Kit Container: Any large backpack or container Wood axe/hatchet Wood saw Hammer 4 Short Cordage Ropes 2 Long String (O) 100-300 Nails Screwdriver Kit Entrenching Tool (O) 4 Gallon Ziploc Bags Tent Tinder+Flint and Steel Any good quality knife Lifestraw/Water Purification Tablets (O) Hacksaw (O) Charcoal Water Purifier (O) Oil/Electric Lantern (O) Fishing Gear (O) Butchering Kit (O) Washing Kit
If you're planning to set up a camp outside of a high interest area that you can store loot at and safely sleep and craft in, having enough equipment there is important. Having a tent or the tools necessary to create a shelter, being able to easily gather wood and water, and being able to efficiently craft and start fires are all necessary things to bring when setting up somewhere. I will note that the supplies on here are all optional, and generally you will basically never need to set up a field camp out in the wilderness. This is just for the situation that you might, and what good survival supplies you should bring.
That's all I can currently come up with. Very sorry for it being split up, I kept getting an error. I plan to edit this over time, so if I have forgotten anything important or you have suggestions for items for me to cover I will absolutely talk about them. Like said prior this is generally my personal opinion and everything here can be changed or outright ignored. I hope this helps, and I'm going to be working on other guides soon. Thank you for reading
Part 1
Part 2
submitted by SnooSeagulls2635 to cataclysmdda [link] [comments]

2023.08.19 21:54 Aesops-Foibles Spreading rash resembling petechiae (pics included) - how urgently do I need to have this checked out?

Hi Docs, I'm mainly hoping to get some guidance about whether I should seek medical attention ASAP (like urgent care or ER) or if this can wait until I can get in with my PCP sometime next week. But also very interested in any ideas about what this could possibly be.
Current symptoms:
-Since Thursday, several clusters of tiny red spots have been appearing in various places on my body (link to photos below). The pattern seems pretty symmetrical. The areas of skin are not raised or bumpy or flakey or anything like that on the surface.
-The affected areas are ITCHY (not constantly, just hard to ignore when they are). You'll see in the photos that some places seem to have tiny little pinprick-size scabs - I'm not 100% sure whether they're from scratching or not, but want to point out that I really don't think I've scratched hard enough to break the skin.
-The first place I noticed the rash/itchiness was my wrists on Thursday evening. I wasn't concerned at that point though, so I didn't inspect myself or anything, and it's possible that it was already in other places too. On Friday, I found the spots on my inner thighs and across my hips. Today, I've found them around my ribcage, further down my thighs, and some near my armpits.
*Please excuse the less-than-great quality, my phone is old, but I tried to find good lighting and get the best pics I could.
Basic info:
-Meds: Vyvanse, Gabapentin, Tramadol
-Substances: Sometimes smoke marijuana, rarely drink alcohol, never use nicotine or other drugs
Other potentially relevant info:
-I haven't changed my laundry detergent or worn any new clothes, used any new soaps/lotions, etc recently... I can't think of anything that would suggest this is an allergic reaction.
-I've had an undiagnosed chronic pain condition (what the gabapentin and tramadol are for) with some cutaneous symptoms (primarily livedo and telangiectasia) for about 7 years now. I have no idea if that's relevant but mentioning it just in case. My pain does not seem any worse than normal though, and I've never had these tiny spots pop up before.
-I started my period the day after these symptoms began. Again, no idea if this is relevant, but including just in case the timing is a clue.
How concerning is this/how soon do I need to see a doctor? Any ideas about what it could be? Thank you in advance.
submitted by Aesops-Foibles to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2023.06.27 00:04 Puzzled_Presence_261 A cool guide to drugs

A cool guide to drugs submitted by Puzzled_Presence_261 to coolguides [link] [comments]

2023.05.13 05:56 Avthony Prescribed Tramadol HCL 50mg for sciatic nerve pain - should I take this?

I had to go to the urgent care yesteday due to a large amount of sciatic back pain. I was putting my son in his car seat and it absolutely pinched my sciatic nerve. The PA prescribed me Tramadol and I’ve been doing my due diligence of looking around at peoples thoughts.
I’m a bit of a hypochondriac and take 10mg of Escitalpram daily for the past year now. I am scared of addiction and am nervous about the various posts about Tramadol. I was prescribed 50mg to take every 6 hours and they gave me 20 of them…
Should I take this? I’m kind of nervous - I already have a strong addiction to nicotine and marijuana. I have a family background of addiction so I’m a bit nervous.
Side note - I was also prescribed 10mg of Cyclobenzaprine and it has been helping for the most part. Should I even consider taking the Tramadol?
submitted by Avthony to ChronicPain [link] [comments]

2023.04.15 22:38 marzlichto Severe pain lingering after endometriosis removal

F28 Caucasian. 5'4" 205 lbs. Daily user of nicotine vape. Occasional alcohol (not mixed with opioids). Apologies in advance for the length.
I have had pain near my right ovary since getting PID from an IUD in 2016. It was removed but the infection badly scarred my fallopian tubes. On Feb 28 this year, I decided to try another IUD (Mirena). We took precautions to ensure no infection was present and the strings were cut short. Since then, the pain started to increase. They thought scar tissue had formed adhesions. Surgery on March 17 (ex lap) showed stage two endometriosis with partial obliteration of the cul-de-sac instead. I was on Percocet and 600 mg ibuprofen, alternating every three hours. Pain lessened until I got a UTI. Then a few days after that, the right kidney pain started. Took my last two Percocet to deal with the kidney and pelvic pain (I hadn't needed any in over a week) and wound up in the ER April 4 to rule out an infected kidney stone (I've had stones before). Three doses of fentanyl barely touched the pain, just made it so I wasn't crying from it anymore and I didn't care as much.
CT was clean, and they sent me home with tramadol saying it was surgical pain. My OBGYN saw me a couple days later at my post op. Prescribed more Percocet since the tramadol wasn't helping at all, and added continuous NuvaRing to see if that would help. Since then, when it gets bad, it takes 2 Percocet, an extra 500-650 mg Tylenol, and 600 mg ibuprofen all at the same time is the only thing that takes the edge off. And it gets bad daily, worsening as the day goes on. I've had ultrasounds, CBC, urine cultures, and vaginal swabs to rule out infection. Yesterday I didn't notice that my Dr had messaged me on MyChart around 12:30 asking about the pain. When I did notice, it was after office hours.
I have two Percocet left and the pain is starting to get intense again. I've been trying to stick with Tylenol and the 600 mg ibuprofen but I'm not sure how long I can keep this up. I've not had any Percocet today. It's the weekend. Urgent care and the walk in clinic won't prescribe opioids, plus I don't wanna seem like I'm doctor shopping. I also don't want to come across as drug seeking if I end up back in the ER. I have a lot of chronic health issues and they know me well, but still. I'm not sure what to do. Percocet isn't cutting it but I don't want to become dependent on opioids either. Next step is a referral to the pain clinic but that could take weeks. I'm in tears by the end of the day most days, especially if the pain starts early. I'm not sure how to go about treating my pain in the meantime. Heating pads don't help. Hot baths don't help. Nothing is helping.
Diagnoses: (physical) hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, SVT, chronic gastritis and GERD, fibromyalgia, neuropathy, occipital neuralgia, Trigeminal Neuralgia (currently not flaring), asthma (mild), obstructive sleep apnea (moderate), central sleep apnea (variable), arthritis (mild), hyperhidrosis (thanks dysautonomia), chronic migraines, pre-diabetes. Also had a back injury in 2021 that flares up, and am in remission from Gastroparesis.
(Mental) GAD, major depression, OCD, ADHD, BPD (borderline), cPTSD, ASD (awaiting appt for testing), and some type of dissociative disorder that my therapist is trying to figure out how to code (not quite OSDD 1a, not quite OSDD 1b).
Current meds: Morning: COQ10 200 mg. Fish oil 500 mg. B6 complex. Vitamin B12. Vitamin D. Pindolol 5 mg. Protonix 40 mg? Metformin 1000 mg. Vyvanse 60 mg. Glycopyrrolate 2 mg. Probiotic.
Afternoon: Gabapentin 300 mg.
Evening: Metformin 1000 mg.
Night: Fish oil 500 mg. Magnesium 250 mg. Melatonin 5 mg. Trazodone 25 mg. Unisom 25 mg. Cymbalta 120 mg. Prazosin 5 mg. Guanfacine 3 mg. Latuda 40 mg. Glycopyrrolate 2 mg. Protonix 40 mg? Amitriptyline HCI 25 mg. Gabapentin 600 mg. Baclofen 20 mg. (I don't take within 6 hrs of taking Percocet)
Weekly: ozempic injection, 1 mg
PRN. Zofran 4 mg. Klonopin 0.5-1 mg. Rizatriptan Benzoate ODT 10 mg. Lidoderm patches. Baclofen 20 mg.
Also have a Mirena IUD and continuous NuvaRing for birth control and endometriosis.
Edit to add: my most recent ultrasound showed a small ovarian cyst on my left ovary, and said my right ovary has a polycystic appearance. They removed a fallopian cyst on my right tube during surgery.
submitted by marzlichto to AskDocs [link] [comments]