Mucus in throat fatiguev

8 year old coughing for 3.5 months

2024.05.17 06:40 Industry_Forward 8 year old coughing for 3.5 months

Hey there,
My son who is usually healthy (ran in 100m and came 3rd in class on Feb 3rd) has been coughing from mid Feb. He did 3XX situps and got fever towards the end of Feb. Doc ordered a Chest Xray and provided amoxyxicillin for 5 days. He was fine and was just trying to clear his throat after the duration. He started going to taekwndo where he did 3xx situps again and had a fever. Went to the doc. they re-ordered chest X-ray. They said healing is not complete. He was put on augmentine for 10 days and mometasone for a month. The times he coughs significantly reduced. But he was still coughing. Then he was put on Laveta and some other syrup. His cough decreased a little but not completely gone. He coughs once in the morning with Phlegm. He is otherwise playing and all. He is active and has not had fever for a month and half. He mostly tries to clear his throat all the time and coughs with mucus 2 3 times a day.
  1. What are warning signs I should watch out for and report ?
  2. Why is it taking so long for him to be relieved of his cough ?
  3. He had fever in january which was going till 103 for 6 days and then it subsided on its own. He had some cough symptoms then too. We did not get tested for covid since the day he went to doc his temp started coming down on its own. Could this be COVID related ?
Will appreciate any one with similar experience to share their experience.
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2024.05.17 05:08 Brunette7 Heart attack symptoms or just sick?

I (23 F, 195lbs) have been having some odd symptoms for about a week. It started out with heart palpitations, which I blamed on the stress I’ve been under in the last few weeks. I had to put a pet down and was going through finals and graduation. I apologize for my terrible storytelling skills below.
Starting around last Friday, I began experiencing coughing (with mucus in throat), dull aching in my left arm, left side of chest, and back, and some indigestion. Mostly the feeling of acid in my throat or tightness. Sometimes it’s just a mild discomfort, sometimes it’s straight up pain.
The worst was on Sunday, when I had 5/10 pain in the back of my neck that made it somewhat hard to drive. I’ve also had some weakness in my left arm and some light-headedness/mild headache. I have tried drinking more water, thinking it could be dehydration (which I do have a problem with) but it has not helped.
It should be noted that last Friday, I was out in the cold rain and wind for about 2 hours. It was bad enough that my feet (which were in sandals) hurt terribly by the end of it. I did notice that my aching, coughing, and mucus picked up after that.
I should also note that I have had bronchitis once, COVID twice, and have PCOS. I also hurt my left arm a couple months ago. Nothing serious. Just pulled a muscle in my shoulder. Additionally, I did receive a DEPO (birth control) shot in my left shoulder on Tuesday. It sent immediate pain through my arm and shoulder, and is still tender today.
Mucinex DM has been somewhat helpful in relieving my cough and getting rid of mucus, but it only works for a few hours. Cracking my back, shoulder, and chest also offers some minor relief. Occasionally, I find myself needing to take a deep breath, which causes some ache in my back, but also some relief.
Not sure if it’s related, but I’ve also found myself feeling fuller faster. I can usually put away a good amount of food. But lately I’ve been done after only a fraction of that (but not to the point that I’m not getting enough).
Interestingly, my heart palpitations have decreased today. I’ve only had a couple and they’ve been gentle flutters. And it just so happens to be the same day that I’ve stopped drinking some lavender lemonade that I bought.
I went to an urgent care center on Sunday. They performed an EKG and found that my heart is beating fine, if not beating a little fast due to my nervousness. They prescribed some hydroxyzine for stress, but I’ve been hesitant to take it only because I feel relaxed most of the time. I’ve also been referred to a cardiologist but have yet to get a call back from them to make an appointment.
For some minor notes, I have noticed swelling in my left armpit (I assume to be a lymph node) a couple times over the last few months. It is not swollen now, but I do have a pea-sized lump in the left crook of my neck.
I also got my hair braided recently and the weight of it is new for me. I understand it may be affecting my headaches.
I would just like any advice possible. Most of my family says I’m fine and I really would like to believe them. I also don’t want to waste a visit to urgent care (again) or to the ER. And in case anyone wonders, I do not smoke (though I live with smokers), drink, or do drugs. I also used to bike 5 miles a day until about last month, when I started slacking.
submitted by Brunette7 to AskDocs [link] [comments]


World Economic Forum Founder Klaus Schwab is hospitalized in critical condition at Naval Hospital Guantanamo Bay, and doctors question whether the maniacal megalomaniac will live long enough to stand trial for crimes against humanity.
As reported previously, Delta Force raided Schwab’s Switzerland fortress last Friday, killing 21 heavily armed private security guards before finding Schwab tethered to an Adrenochrome pump beside his bed.
Sources would not tell Real Raw News how White Hats exfiltrated Schwab from Switzerland, citing operational security, but Real Raw News’ ongoing investigation suggests that members of the Swiss Federal Intelligence Service (FIS) who despise Schwab played a part in the extraction.
Regardless of the method, Schwab arrived at GITMO Wednesday afternoon and was at once brought by ambulance to the hospital, a GITMO source told RRN.
Schwab’s health, he said, started worsening halfway through the flight; handcuffed to his airplane seat, he shivered and coughed uncontrollably, violently, and begged for his “medicine.” By the time the flight was co-latitude with South Carolina, Schwab was sweating profusely, pissing himself, and hacking up bloody mucus, sounding as if his throat were filled with crushed glass.
A physician aboard the flight recommended diverting to Raleigh-Duram in North Carolina, but the pilots rejected the suggestion, as they had immutable orders to get Schwab to GITMO without delay. The doctor said he couldn’t guarantee Schwab would live long enough to reach Guantanamo Bay.
Although Schwab survived the trip, medics had to stretcher him off the plane because he had lost all mobility, as well as the ability to speak coherent sentences.
At the hospital, doctors diagnosed him with acute renal failure and put him on dialysis. Bloodwork revealed Schwab was unvaccinated and that his white blood cell count was markedly high. Moreover, they determined Schwab was suffering from acute Adrenochrome withdrawal.
Side effects of Adrenochrome withdrawal vary from patient to patient but mimic opioid and ethanal withdrawal, primarily because the Deep State’s drug of choice—siphoned from the adrenal glands of terrified children—is an amalgamation of adrenal fluid and synthetic opiates. Previously examined batches of confiscated Adrenochrome were found to contain either oxycodone or fentanyl. Even one dose can induce an incapacitating form of dependence in users—overall health, duration of drug use, and the purity of refined Adrenochrome dictate an addict’s side effects, which can occur within hours of abrupt cessation. Systemic organ failure is a rare and fatal reaction.
“It’s unclear how long Schwab was on Adrenochrome, but it could’ve been decades. It wouldn’t surprise me if he wore a portable pump, like those concealable insulin pumps, so that he could self-administer in public. His condition is critical but stable, and he’s being kept unconscious for the time being. If his other organs start failing, well, he might not live to see his tribunal. Needless to say, no one here’s donating a kidney to that evil bastard,” our source said.
submitted by Far-War-3804 to CourtofAges [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:29 Away-Prompt-8490 LPR? Not sure, advice needed!

About two weeks ago I smoked half a joint and ate some scalloped potatoes with an incredible amount of cream and cheese; I have ibs but I usually just accept the pain in cases like these e.g it looked delicious.
I lay down after and maybe half an hour goes by and suddenly - really out of nowhere - I knew I had to throw up. It was one of those really terrible, shaky pukes which threw me off, but it's not unknown that I've had food poisoning symptoms after eating something that might interact with my ibs. Usually it's reserved for pizza though, which I actually do avoid like the plague.
Since then I've had a persistent feeling of something being stuck in my throat, plus blosting and (maybe not aligned with an LRP diagnosis and generally quite tmi) quite weird shits. The feeling in the back of my throat - mucus - makes it difficult to swallow, and my voice has become progressively more hoarse, but no actual heartburn symptoms apart from burping/some chest tightness. Now that it's been two weeks with no change, I'm officially starting to worry, hence the googling and posting on reddit.
Reading all these symptom posts feels quite familiar, and while I know no ones a doctor, I was just looking for some opinions I guess on whether I should start trying fixes for LRP. And what those fixes might be? I miss swallowing.
Thank you for any help! And just for some complicating factors - I had laryngitis last year and fully lost my voice for three days, so my throat has already been through it; and I have an aunt who died of bowel cancer (in her 50s), a brother who has ulcerative colitis, and a mother who would never admit to gut trouble but has the selective diet of a pigeon. Don't know if that affects anything, or if anyone else has the ibs/potential acid reflux Venn diagram - they both seem p restrictive on diet!
submitted by Away-Prompt-8490 to GERD [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:03 sangcti Pyridostigmine Allergy?

35f, LRP4+. The Pyridostigmine has really helped with my weakness over the past month but I've been having worsening reactions to it that got pretty spooky recently and my Neurologist has recommended that I cease it entirely for 3 days then reassess treatment. Whenever I took it I'd get extreme mucus secretions to the point where I've had to take an expectorant (guiafenesin) alongside each dose and would wheeze for a good hour or so while struggling to bring up a glue like phlegm. I also had an extreme burning skin sensation all over body daily that was getting more and more painful (nurses at the hospital didn't really know what to do and gave me Tylenol and ice packs) and recently after upping the dose to 90, feeling of constricted airways, tightness in my throat, itchy mouth/throat and ears and nape of my neck and feet. In the hospital last week and an ER visit this week they had to give me an abuterol treatment that led to me violently coughing up an unexpected amount of white stringy mucus from my lungs and eased my breathing. So I guess I have asthma now along with MG. I am still taking Prednisone and Mycophenolate without any major issues as of now.
Today is the first day in weeks that I've experienced absolutely no burning skin sensation or super tight airway feeling or itchyness in my mouth or limbs. My last dose was yesterday morning. So if the Pyridostigmine is a no go, are there any alternative daily maintenance pills or would the next step be IV treatment? My Neuro has said that I couldn't quality for IVIG unless I failed the Pyridostigmine and I think being actively allergic to it sounds as failing...
submitted by sangcti to MyastheniaGravis [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:12 krgilbert1414 SLIT Reaction or Cold?

The last three years in Oklahoma has me about losing my mind. I recently tested very allergic to 27 of 60 common local allergens and decided to start the daily SLIT drops instead of the weekly shots.
The first week was ok with one drop. The day after I started two drops I woke up feeling so sick. I don't think I'm having an anaphylactic response, but something is definitely happening... But it could be a cold, I guess?
I think that's about all of it. Is this normal to feel sick when increasing the dose? I have plans and can't keep rescheduling if I'm not really sick.
submitted by krgilbert1414 to Allergies [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:13 moondollbaby Do I really have asthma?

I'm posting in this community to see if anyone can give me advice or can tell me their experiences if they had something similar happen.
Back in January I had the flu pretty severely, or something very close to the flu. I recovered, but not completely. For a while after, I was still coughing (some mucus sometimes) and I started wheezing pretty bad. I went to the doctor and I was told maybe I still have some infection in my body left, so I was given just antibiotics. They did nothing at all.
I went back again because I was having the same exact problems. This time I got something to suppress the coughing and an inhaler. The constant coughing stopped, and the inhaler does help. But after all this time, I am still wheezing and having to use my inhaler. I can pretty much always feel like an accumulation of mucus in the back of my throat and it makes me cough. Sometimes it comes up and it's clear and sticky.
I got a chest x-ray done, and I was told it was clear. My doctor told me I might just have asthma. But how? I'm scared something is going on that I can't see, and I'm kind of a hypochondriac so I'm already anxious enough as it is. Also how did I develop asthma from the flu? Is this normal?
submitted by moondollbaby to Asthma [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:38 Ok_Shake9331 Whats happening with my nose? (Possible trigger warning - snot/blood)

Warning, this may get gross. Roughly 3 weeks ago I(21M) got pretty heavy allergies. Since then, my nose has been off and on runny, stopped up, or some mixture. Along with a hefty amount of mucus.
Things calmed down recently, and my sinuses have gotten much better. However, last night, when I tried to spit/clear out some mucus, as I tried to pull it into my mouth so that I could get rid of it I felt pain in my left nostril. Kind of like a pulsing bruise-like pain. It also hurt after it was out and gone. Just a few minutes ago I had the same thing happen today. Only this time, I looked at the mucus. It was almost like a clot of blood covered in mucus. When I blew my same left nostril after getting most of it out, I felt the same pain, and a very stringy dark yellowish snot came out, with blood in it. This one piece of snot had like 3x the normal amount of stuff that comes out when I normally blow my nose spanning the length and thickness of a small pencil. The pain faded relatively quickly, but it is an extremely discomforting feeling. Leaving the mucus built up in my throat/nose for prolonged periods is equally discomforting.
I don't smoke, I'm relatively healthy, 21, male, and roughly 5'11.
submitted by Ok_Shake9331 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:23 DogeyAnimates Chick having trouble breathing

Chick having trouble breathing
One chick from our batch of 10 chicks is very lethargic and acts like there is something stuck in her throat. She seems like she can breathe alright, but she needs to sit down and rest. She has some sticky stuff that is like mucus/saliva that is forming in her throat and coming a bit out the beak.
Anyone know what this is?
Thank you in advance.
submitted by DogeyAnimates to BackYardChickens [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:03 Aqua_girlx Vyvanse causing brain fog & circulation problems :(

I have been taking 40mg vyvanse for 4.5 years now and have absolutely loved it until about 8-10 months ago. Since then, I have developed strange side effects including:
Constant yawns: - Feeling like I have to take big yawns constantly (every few minutes)
Poor circulation: - Fingers and toes turn blue/purple and are always FREEZING cold. Left arm gets tingly sometimes and overall just feels tight.
Brain fog: - Feeling of being tired, unable to keep my head up & eyes open. - Almost dizzy or lightheadedness. - Forgetfulness.
Poor social skills: - Almost like I am awkward or that I have forgotten how to speak to people. - No energy and feeling of wasting my breath when socializing.
Throat discomfort: - Constant swallowing to clear “mucus” - Sometimes experience the feeling of a swollen throat
I am currently & always have taken brand-name medication (except for the couple of months I tried generic which was terrible and exacerbated these symptoms). I am a healthy 23 year old female who eats healthy and works out 3-4 times a week. I also drink plenty of water to the point I run to the restroom at least 3-4 times a day. This is driving me crazy.. vyvanse used to work so well for me & over the span of a year the side effects have become intolerable!
Not sure if this has anything to do with blood pressure being high/low? I have never heard of anyone experience this problem, but I am desperate for answers. Have I developed some kind of allergy/intolerance to the medication? Or could I be experiencing these side effects due to a heart issue? I’ve had my heart checked through an EKG & doctors said everything looked good.
I recently spoke with my psychiatrist about this and she thought it would be best to take a “Genesight” test to find out what medications would work best for my body. The results indicated that Guanfacine (non-stimulant), Conerta & Ritalin (stimulant) would be best for me. My doctor just prescribed me Guanfacine to take in addition to the vyvanse. However, I don’t want to take it because I’m worried About not being able to stop it since the medication affects your heart rate and blood pressure.
Has anyone experienced these side effects after years of taking the medication? I would love to stop taking these medications, but have developed such a dependency on them :( At this point, I am desperate for answers and would appreciate any thoughts/reccomendations/advice you might have.
Thank you <3
submitted by Aqua_girlx to VyvanseADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:32 nemmoph Husband Wanted.

I’m aware that this is unconventional. Believe me, I’ve tried conventional – it didn’t end well for anyone. I require a certain open mindedness that I’m hoping I might find here, but more importantly, I need my future husband to know the rules. Meet-cutes are well and good on the screen, but they don’t guarantee a partner’s ability to follow basic instructions. That was my mistake the first time.
So, begging your pardon for my bluntness, I’m going to be clear about my requirements. Please read carefully – if you can’t meet them, there’s no point in going any further.
This is the part where I should talk about myself, but let’s face it, this is hardly a romantic proposal. I require commitment up-front and there’s no guarantee that, once we do meet, we’ll really even like each other. If we do? Fantastic! It’ll help the years fly by. If we don’t, you’ll still have the main prize – years of rent-free, expenses-free living at The Old Oak Hotel.
A sanctuary has stood in this spot in one form or another since before the ley lines. During its tenure, it has been flooded, put to the flame, and pounded into dust. Time and again, it has been reimagined and rebuilt. Most of the current building dates back to Victoria’s reign, though the oldest parts were constructed in the 13th century. At the very bottom of the garden, cut into the surrounding hills, there is a cave bearing handprints of red ochre.
There has always been an Edwards at the hotel, though of course we haven’t always gone by that name. You would think a family so tied to one place would do a better job of keeping records, but no one is certain of our origins. Perhaps it was a cosmic bargain, or perhaps mere luck – whether good or bad, I have never been able to decide. Either way, our presence is required. Throughout our spotty past, there’s a story here and there of an Edwards deserting their post, and it always coincides with a particularly brutal period of history.
I inherited the position five years ago. At midnight on my eighteenth birthday, my parents took their already-packed suitcases and left. I don’t blame them for their abandonment; I intend to one day do the same thing to my – or, hopefully, our – child.
They send me postcards and photos from time-to-time, always smiling on sunny beaches. Money isn’t a concern for them. That’s part of whatever mysterious deal our ancestors made – when a caretaker leaves in good-standing, they will never want for anything again. They could travel the world for the rest of their lives, always sleeping in the softest sheets and dining in the finest restaurants, and never find their pockets empty.
Keep this point in mind, for if you can meet my requirements, you will share my good fortune.
And what must we do in return? I can all but hear you scream the question. Why, very little. The presence of an Edwards ensures that the guests can’t stray from the hotel grounds. Most of our guests are live-in residents, though we do get the occasional walk-in. Where they come from, I don’t know, for we are not visible to most people who stumble upon our lonely corner of the world. I’ve come to believe the hotel chooses to reveal itself when its lacking entertainment, or to fill a need.
Jimmy, my first husband, was one such guest.
For the most part, the guests are harmless. They’ll give you a little fright from time-to-time, popping out from a wall or turning your bathwater into blood, but I find it hard to hold it against them. I’ve found twenty-three years here dreary; I can’t imagine how bored I would be after five hundred.
There are a few exceptions you should be aware of:
Guests aside, there are other rules you will need to follow to ensure a safe, satisfactory stay at The Old Oak Hotel. They are listed in a book that has been re-penned many times over the centuries. If you choose to accept this opportunity, I will insist that you read it until you can recite the pages word-for-word.
However, there are some rules so critical for your survival that I feel compelled to list them here:
Failure to observe that last rule is what got Jimmy.
She doted on him. I think he reminded her of her long-dead son, for she pampered him as if he were one of her own. Each morning, she had breakfast ready for him before I had so much as opened my eyes, and she developed a habit of trailing along after him, complimenting his skill as he oiled rusted hinges or set a crooked picture straight.
At first, Jimmy basked in the attention. But by the end of his second month, he was growing bored of Mrs Jones, me, and the hotel itself. We pride ourselves on our facilities. If you need more activity than a turn around the garden, we have a lovely indoor pool – it freezes over every now and then, but most of the time it’s perfectly usable. Our library is unmatched. Although the room is cramped, it has every book imaginable; you only need to think of a particular title, and it will appear on one of the shelves. And now that I’ve dragged us kicking and screaming into the 21st century, we have a wide array of streaming services.
It wasn’t enough for Jimmy. He wanted to go out – eat in a restaurant, watch a film in the cinema, see any faces other than the ones he was surrounded by every day. He began having a drink each evening. One drink turned into several, and after a few weeks, the bar became his permanent residence between dusk and midnight.
He wasn’t the only one getting bored. I had been thrilled when he first arrived; ecstatic when he agreed to stay. How marvellous to feel real flesh beneath my fingers after five years of only the dead for company. What a relief to have some assistance in the many tasks required to keep the hotel running as it should.
The more he drank, the less inclined he was to help – or even spend time in my company. He no longer visited my bed, choosing a room for himself on the opposite end of the floor. When our paths did cross, at best he would ignore me. At worst, he would nitpick or outright rail against me, blaming me for his captivity.
Still, I made an effort to be present whenever he frequented the bar. As lovely as Mrs Jones can be, she does have a tendency to nag. Before and after her death, she was close to teetotal, only consenting to take a single sherry at Christmas, and drinking outside of special occasions is something of a bugbear of hers.
“Think of your health, dear,” she would tell Jimmy brusquely. “You’ll miss it when it’s gone.”
Or, “How about we switch to a nice apple juice now? You’ve had quite enough to drink for one night.”
Most of the time, Jimmy managed to pull himself together enough to flash a charming smile and distract her with a compliment about her latest meal. But after one drink too many, I’d noticed him gritting his teeth and just barely managing to hold his tongue.
It was better if I was present. Playing the doting wife, I insisted on pouring his drinks, watering them down out of his sight. When Mrs Jones’s nagging bordered on relentless, I could always distract her with a game of gin rummy.
On his final day, I was running behind. The ghoul on the second floor – usually the least demanding of our guests – had come down with some dreadful illness, or else decided he wanted to inconvenience me. Either way, I had woken that morning to the foulest stench I had ever experienced. I followed it to his room and found every surface covered in putrid green-blank gunge, its consistency somewhere between mucus and vomit.
All day I scrubbed, taking only brief breaks to step outside before I fainted. By the time the room was restored to a passable state, and I had filled several bin bags to bursting with filthy rags, it was already deep into the night. Mindful of the time, I paused only long enough to wash the streaks of muck from my arms and face before racing to the bar.
I arrived just in time to hear Jimmy’s last words. After he spat them at Mrs Jones, she only stared for a small eternity, her mouth frozen in the motherly smile she wore whenever she scolded him.
Then, like melted wax, her face began to shift.
I shouted at Jimmy to run, but he didn’t need to be told. Before the words left my mouth, he leapt from his barstool and streaked through the door. Mrs Jones followed him seconds later. Her lips were already peeling back to reveal rows upon rows of long, wickedly sharp fangs, while claws sprouted from beneath her lace-edged cuffs.
I sprinted after them, but Jimmy was fuelled by fear and Mrs Jones by whatever force propels the Mrs Joneses of the world. I followed the screeching to the lobby. Breathless, I arrived to see he had arrived within mere feet of the entrance before Mrs Jones grabbed him.
Claws wrapped around his throat, she lifted him into the air. As I watched, her jaw unhinged, the lower part dropping so that it was nearly level with her chest.
That sight drove all the sense out of my head. Forgetting every rule my parents had ever drilled into me, I lunged at her.
She batted me away as though I weighed no more than a fly.
I crashed into the reception desk, the breath bursting from my lungs in a great woosh. I was certain that I would die, for no amount of effort seemed to force air back into my aching chest. At last, as my vision began to dim, I managed to take a small gulp – then another, and another, until I was able to draw myself together enough to regain my feet.
By that time, Mrs Jones had nearly finished her dinner. Jimmy’s chest was splayed open, muscle and shattered ribs protruding every which way from his flesh, and she was devouring the last few bites of his heart.
His head was angled towards me. The light had winked out from his eyes, but they still held his final terror – and an accusation which, I was quite certain, was directed at me. I would like to say I felt only horror, but I couldn’t help my sudden jolt of irritation. How may times had I told him to mind his manners?
Mrs Jones gulped, the sound thick and wet in her gullet, and dropped what remained of Jimmy to the floor.
Then she turned to me.
Here’s another rule for you, one which I hope you never have cause to use: never interfere with a kill.
The Mrs Jones who used to kiss my grazed knees, who argued with my mother for the right to read me bedtime stories, was no longer at the wheel. No amount of pleading or reasoning would move her.
I could only run.
Spinning around, I vaulted over the reception desk and raced for the office behind it. If Jimmy had not been out of his mind with fear and booze, he might have remembered the rules and survived; it was one of several staff-only rooms throughout the hotel warded to keep out unwanted guests.
Just ten steps from desk to door, yet it was the longest journey of my life. My hard-won breath burned my throat; my heart pounded in my ears, deafening me to all other sounds than Mrs Jones’s heavy, pounding footsteps.
Grasping the handle, her hot, copper-tanged breath was on my neck. Fire exploded in my flesh as she raked her claws down my back. A step further away, and I wouldn’t have made it; the pain would have been too great. But I managed to throw myself into the office and slam the door before crumpling to the ground.
Before I passed out, I heard her grunting and shrieking outside, furious that she couldn’t get in.
Three days I spent in the office, emerging only to feed The Thing in the Cellar before scurrying back to my hiding place. Whenever I left, I tried not to look at the mangled heap that used to be Jimmy. There was no avoiding the smell, though.
With no small difficulty, and the help of a first aid kit, I managed to treat and bandage the wounds on my back. They bled sluggishly all throughout the first day, but thankfully didn’t fester.
On the morning of the fourth day, there was a tentative knock on the door followed by the sound of rapidly retreating footsteps. I waited until they had disappeared down the corridor before cracking the door open. On the floor was a freshly baked Victoria sponge and a beautifully written note of apology.
It took every ounce of courage I possessed, but that evening I forced myself to go to the dining room. Mrs Jones was waiting for me, her eyes red-rimmed, a steaming cottage pie on the table. I tried not to flinch as she took my hand, re-iterating the apology she had already delivered in writing.
The next morning, she helped me clean Jimmy up.
We treated each other cautiously for a while, but eventually we got back to playing gin rummy again. When the scars on my back twinge, as they sometimes do, she helps me rub a soothing ointment into them. Even though I’ve told her it’s not necessary, she apologises every time.
So, you’ve heard my story and you have my proposal. If you think you could be the man for me, I invite you to visit. You will need to drink a cup of ram’s blood (a pinch of nutmeg makes it a little more tolerable) and light a black candle before bedtime. When you next wake, you will find yourself at our gates. As travel arrangements go, it’s hardly the Orient Express, but it beats the airfare.
If you have read this without flinching, if you can stomach the journey to get here, if you walk up to our door and find the nerve to open it, I have one more instruction for you.
Just as you enter, look to your right. You will see a deep brown stain on the lobby carpet. I’ve scrubbed and scrubbed but it just won’t come out. Perhaps that’s for the best. It’s a good reminder of what will happen to you should you call Mrs Jones a “nosy old bat”.
And when you run into Jimmy – as you will, for he still likes hanging around the bar in the evening, his silvery wounds glistening as though they had just been inflicted – don’t let him convince you he was some sort of victim.
He knew the rules.
submitted by nemmoph to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:01 Chaptertricked Excess mucus

I’m due in June so almost done with my pregnancy. Has anyone else had excess mucus while pregnant and does it go away after giving birth? By excess mucus I mean I feel it sitting in the back of my throat and I cough it up to get it out. I have had this excess mucus my entire pregnancy it’s very bothersome please tell me it goes away.
submitted by Chaptertricked to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:18 Final-Lab2123 Gotta catch them all

Oh my bros, I wanted to share my story with you, so you know what's out there...
I was lonely went to a gay bar.
Started talking to an older dude, he flattered me and asked me to suck on my toes. Never did it before, but I thought, well just licking my toes might feel nice and should be safe.
Que to worst two minutes of my life, his teeth where like knives on my piggies.
After couple of minutes he wanted to stamp on him , I very carefully did not to damage him. Then other things, but I said no. I sprayed my foot with rubbing alcohol and that was supposed to be that...
Que a week later I return from a trip and I have herp blisters near my ankle, two days later throat ache starts.
I had cold sores on my mouth my entire life, so it's probably HSV II, since the sores would give me protection against HSV I.
I sent a swap for PCR... But I already know I'm doomed...
Few licks on the skin and now I risk passing this on to everyone I meet.
I don't know what to do bros...
I feel so ashamed and dirty.
If it's on the ankle, will it flare on my junk later in life?
Will my saliva/mouth mucus membranes shed it if it's on the leg?
submitted by Final-Lab2123 to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:56 VeterinarianPrior302 Health anxiety or real?

Hello everyone, I want to talk about something that's been bothering me. For weeks now, I've had a feeling of hoarseness in my throat and as if there's constantly some mucus in my throat that I want to cough away. I've asked my friend if I sound hoarse, but he says no. Additionally, I've been experiencing chest and shoulder pains that aren't constant but come and go. However, the worst symptom I have is the feeling as if there's something in my throat or lungs, causing me to struggle to breathe. It feels like it's constantly there, sometimes less so, but otherwise persistent. I'm so afraid it might be lung cancer. I'm 22 and a non-smoker. It's weighing heavily on me. I'm soon moving in with my boyfriend, and I'm terrified it might be something serious, and I'll have to leave him with all the responsibility because I'm dying. Could it just be my anxiety? I know I shouldn't make remote diagnoses, but my doctors say I have hyperventilation syndrome, but I want clear answers and evidence.
Should I just go to the emergency?
Thanks for the responses.
submitted by VeterinarianPrior302 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:07 Key_Advantage_597 POTS and Allergies?

I don't typically have allergies but the pollen in my area is super high. I've had an itchy throat and a cough with mucus (I'm also a smoker so that's not really different from my normal cough). Anyways I was just wondering if anyone else with POTS has bad tachycardia with allergies ? (Also just listing my symptoms to show it's what I believe to be allergies, not asking for a diagnosis or anything :))
submitted by Key_Advantage_597 to POTS [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:16 Terrible-Eagle70 Idk what's happening... Any Advice?

So last year, during October through December, I ended up getting strep throat five times at least, and I was put on amoxicillin, cefdinir, keflex, and a couple more antibotics that I forgot the name of, but I ended up starting to feel really fatigued: diarrhea at least three to nine times a day, constant dehydration, bloating, a bad sour taste in my mouth almost all the time, my stomach constantly making bubbly gas noises and feels weird and uncomfortable, especially when I am trying to sleep, and when I was tested, I did have a lot of inflammation. In January, I tested positive for both A and B toxins of Cdiff, and I took Vancomycin 125 mg of it for around 8 days, and then it turned bad. :( So I had to recall the doctor and get another dose of Vancomycin 125 mg to get rid of it. While taking Vancomycin, I was told to follow a low-fod diet, which I did, and there was no improvement in any of my symptoms at all except that I had diarrhea only one to three times a day. What I thought was weird was that it was changing from hard stool to diarrhea in the same BM, and there was a lot of mucus almost every time I went. In March, I got tested for Cdiff again because I thought no way. It's over; every symptom is the exact same except the diarrhea. Another thing I find weird is that it turns different shades of green and yellow even when I have not eaten anything green or yellow that day while also being on equate soluable fiber and Align probiotics, but I ended up testing negative for both toxin A and B. In early April, I made the switch to Pysllium husk only because I kept having diarrhea 3–4 times a day, sometimes all It was mucus, which wasn't helpful because I was trying to stop having diarrhea every day. Here I am a month later, and I am on powder psyllium husk only, no probiotic currently because it just continually makes me use the bathroom more. But after switching to psyllium husk, I am only on 2 teaspoons, and almost immediately, if not 15-20 minutes after taking it, I immediately have to use the bathroom, and yet again, it's still diarrhea, basically. I'd love to know any advice, as I am getting a hydrogen breath test for Sibo in a couple of months. If you or anyone you know has experienced something like this, please let me know how they were able to heal it:)
submitted by Terrible-Eagle70 to cdifficile [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:30 Flaky-Purple5665 It’s going to happen :(

My 3 year old got sick 8 days ago and my 1 year old has been sick for the last 3 days now. I’ve been feeling horrible all day and it just got really really bad. I have stomach spasms and mucus in my throat and I just know it’s going to happen and I’m shaking because I’m so scared😢 I’ve had bad gas/stomach pains, nausea, and an achey tired feeling all day and I just know it’s coming… idk what to do
Does anyone have any tips to make it easier?😭
submitted by Flaky-Purple5665 to emetophobia [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:29 Imaginary-Ad7349 Does one PPI work better than the other for mucus / saliva in throat

??? Let Me know
submitted by Imaginary-Ad7349 to acidreflux [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:35 Nearby-Monk-7901 Never ending throat clearing

I will make it short.
I have to clear my throat constantly since almost a year. The feeling ist mostly around my adams apple, but sometimes all the way down to the Suprasternal notch. It feels like a thin layer of tough mucus and gives me the urge to clear my throat. Sometimes it actually helps and some slime comes up, a lot of times it‘s without success.
First I thought it was my sinuses but an MRT figured that I have no chronic sinus infection. I have an slighty odd nasal septum which leads to a less airflow in one of the nostrils.
Apart from that I took an allergy test and it turns out I am allergic to a whole bunch of things and first and foremost dust and dustmites which could lead to a constand slime production up my knows which drips down my throat. Apparently a 6 week treatment with Momentasol (cortsiol spray) should have helped but it didn’t. I took the spray, an airfilter, encasings to have everything in my bed anti allergic and anti-histamines. But I don’t really feel much of an improvement.
Next week my doctor might do a laser treatment to make my nasal cavernosas smaller. But I don’t think it will do much of a thing, since I don’t really have the feeling that my airflow is hindered.
Now I have 2 questions:
  1. It really destroys my eagerness to be social or on dates to constantly clear my throat. Do you have recommendations for products from the pharmacy to numb this forced throat clearing or make the slime lightemore liquid? To basically just temporarily make me more comfortable in social setting and my daily life with restricting the symptoms to a minimum
  2. Do you have an Idea what also the problem could be and what other options/specialists I should try out? Maybe some hints could lead me in the right direction.
Thank you so much in advance!
EDIT: I don’t think it’s a tic since I do feel slime coming from deep inside my nose/ sinuses dripping down when I swallow
submitted by Nearby-Monk-7901 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:53 Tight-Recording396 Getting sick after fights & only after fights. Anybody else?

Hey y'all!
I've (29F) been having an issue where for my last three competitions I developed a burning throat directly after, coughed up some mucus (starts dark green then goes cleawhite), then it usually lasts a few days before I feel fine again.
It started back in mid-March when I had a two 2 minute rounds of a PKB (semi-contact sparring match), had a burning throat after and a small cough. That faded after a couple days and I went back to training for a tournament. Then early April I competed in three 3 minute rounds and came out coughing up one big dirty green hunk of phlegm, had a burning throat for a little while that faded after a few days. After one week of getting back to training I woke up with a severe burning throat I thought must be strep. The doctor diagnosed me with a sinus infection and gave me medication. After resting and taking my meds I felt loads better, and suspected that I may have had something wrong for a while because I suddenly could breathe better than before.
Now just this last weekend I fought again for three 2 minute rounds and while my cardio did feel loads better I'm once again noticing a scratchy throat, excess phlegm, and coughed a single small dirty green mucous glob right after the fight. It's only been a couple days now with the scratchy throat lingering, and this time I'm really committed to rest. But this worries me because I don't remember this happening to me in my fights before that PKB in March.
This only happens after fights. It never really comes up after intense pad work, drills, sparring etc. Maybe some excess phlegm at most but I figured allergy season my play a role in that. I run 3 miles 3 times a week and sprint 2 times a week when in fight camp. My cardio is great during training so it's frustrating to see it fall off during fights.
So my question is: does this happen to anybody else? Is it just cardio being more intense due to nerves plus the increasing skill level of my opponents? Is the sinus infection just lingering? Am I dying? Lol. Any and all insight would be helpful.
Thank you!
submitted by Tight-Recording396 to MuayThai [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:51 Fit-Surprise-6327 What should I do now?

I finished triple therapy 3 weeks ago. I can eat more and I don’t feel nauseous. But I get a fullness in my belly even when I don’t eat a bunch and my stool is more undigested. The first week after therapy I was (tmi) popping bricks which did result in a little blood on stool. Nowadays my stool is softer but not the normal log shape. A lot of mucus in it as well. I now suffer from a blocked nostril whenever I lay down in bed resulting in me being unable to relax and waking up feeling awful.(This started during the antibiotics) My balance feels worse when walking. I’m also not a regular pooper, I go 3-4 times a week (that was before antibiotics and the same after). Burning sensation in throat which I assume is acid reflux.
Should I start taking probiotics or naturals ones like kefir, yogurt, kimchi and sauerkraut? Will these side effects from the antibiotics go away? I didn’t permanently damage myself did I?
submitted by Fit-Surprise-6327 to HPylori [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:44 Chasing-Daffodils First Week of Phentermine

SW - 259 - CW- 254
Pretty sure I’m down a few pounds from water weight. I started this medicine because since I’ve been home from school my binge eating has been out of control. I gained almost 15 pounds in 3 weeks so I had to do something. Since starting Phentermine Saturday my food noise has completely stopped, where before all I thought about was food now I don’t think about it at all. I don’t know if it’s placebo or what because I thought it would take time for it to work so now it feels like I’m just waiting for the thoughts to come back, it’s a weird feeling.
Has anyone else dealt with having a feeling in there throat like when you’re sick and you swallow mucus (I dont know how else to explain it) but it doesn’t go away after swallowing it just stays, it’s very weird.
Also having anxiety but I think that’s because I went down the rabbit hole of all the side effects that could happen so my anxiety is more so the what ifs🤦🏽‍♀️
submitted by Chasing-Daffodils to PhentermineTopiramate [link] [comments]