Symbiosis worksheets

0/200+, something weird i experience

2024.02.12 16:38 rroeyourboatt 0/200+, something weird i experience

0/200+, something weird i experience submitted by rroeyourboatt to ResumeExperts [link] [comments]

2022.01.12 13:04 AnWitlessWit Wick Explains Evangelion

Wick Explains Evangelion
I thought it might be interesting to explore this concept to as IC as I could make it. Inspired by the recent charity stream in which Wick's VA rendered his understanding of a classic anime series for a donation incentive.
(Wick stands at a podium at a university. A bunch of students morosely keep their eyes on him as he fumbles about with his notes.)
WICK Hello! Well, uhm... where to begin... well as you all know, this is Professor Donahugh's lecture series on Practical Business Methods In A Changing Economy, and as most of you probably already know, Professor Donahugh, \ahem** tragically passed away last night. Oh, it looks like quite a few of you didn't know. Well. Now you do.
What some of you may not know is my name. Which is Wick Sable. *ahem* You're also probably curious as to why I'm standing before you here today and Uhm, not Professor Donahue. Well, I can say with some confidence that I'm a bit foggy myself but I'll try and manage, *ahem* nevertheless.
Now uh, for the people who didn't know, which seems like most of you, my apologies, the late Professor Donahue died of uh, well what can only be described as a rather extensive psychotic episode, during which his heart gave out. I'm privy to this because, well suffice it to say I was with him in his final hours and-
Unfortunately, that's what brings me here today. The late Professor Donahue originally had me pegged to give you a business song and dance and I suppose I can touch on that briefly before we move into our uhm - updated curriculum.
Uhhh (hisses) briefly... Well, as it turns out if you know a little chemistry and the most rudimentary geology and where to buy the respective ingredients; To put it bluntly, explosives are surprisingly thrifty and explosions are exponentially profitable.
And uhh- well I think that's all we have the time for in ehm, that regard.
Now to the majority of what we will be discussing today is uhm,-
(He reveals a copious amount of notes in his bag, which are crudely handwritten on a bunch of cocktail napkins and various non-paper substances. )
(He writes this on the chalkboard, as he adjusts his glasses looking at the notes)
And I hope I've spelled that right.
Now uh, normally situation being what it is, I would say class dismissed and let's have some respect for the deceased but uh, well there's no way else around that I'm here to fulfill a man's dying wish as I'm hoping you will.
Being a gentleman, I told him I would relay the following to you, with no clear motive to ehm, actually subject you to the following but eh, well, he was really quite adamant about passing this information on to his students, and as I was uh... Desperate for the key he kept threatening to swallow, I let him goad me into...
Well, long story, short, I'm more seriously beholden to a promise than I somewhat imagined I ever would be.
There was some sort of ritual, and I won't bore you with the particulars, but I can assure you it was quite frightening. Now, I'm usually not a superstitious individual but there were extremely compelling cases -in between the weeping- for time being a different set of circumstances than I was brought up with.
Although I will point out my willingness to listen at that juncture was partially due to the amount of alcohol I had consumed. But you must understand, at the time it seemed necessary to my very survival.
Are there any questions so far?
Now uh, I suppose we better start with what is an Evanjellion?
Well as near as I can figure, an Evajellion is a large equipable, monster, entity, thing that Uhm, we, that is we, as a species will have a dire need for in the much distant future.
Apparently, the world is going to, explode a few times which, does put a bit of a damper on the business section we just discussed. Though to my credit, it will be an explosion not caused by our species but rather by a, (Checks a particularly wrinkled napkin,)-... second set of ehm... giant entities. Called...
Thankfully the explosions that the... angels caused won't destroy the earth, I mean unless I have anything to say about it. Little joke. We're breaking new ground next week. Ahem.
Now, apparently, we use our entities, after the explosions...the Evanjellions, that is, in a...well we darn well climb right into them, don't we? And ... fight the Angels, with our Evanjellions, which funnily enough, children pilot to protect the earth from... More explosions.
Now the symbiosis of such an event of climbing into a larger entity and controlling it is frankly went over my head and he whispered more than I would've preferred about certain details but for the sake of fulfilling my rather dark contract perhaps I should mention that-
(Cycles through the napkins, arrives at a shirt front with many words scrawled on it.)
Right, human instrumentality. That's the important one...Uhm right you'll find a worksheet at the front of the class if you could all come up and collect them, they'll be a few words I'm quite sure you're not familiar with but don't worry we'll just slowly work through the factoids one by one.
Now uh, please take good care of those papers there will only be one provided as my secretary has taken ill with indignation...
We have a lot to cover for the remaining hour so I might as well introduce you to Shingee, Ray and Ossika, the children in which our very fate, will apparently rest...
submitted by AnWitlessWit to Lackadaisy [link] [comments]