Discriptive vocabulary

How do you learn more complex/discriptive words?

2023.11.26 11:41 mainaltacount How do you learn more complex/discriptive words?

I'm fluent enough that was able to work a part time job in Japan with very little stuggle language work wise but I realized that I'm really bad at explaining things as well as casual conversations. I believe the issue is that my vocabulary is fine for most basic conversations but I struggle with less commonly used words. For example I don't know the translations to the following words crude oil, mother board, torque wrench, appendix, ICU, etc as well as discriptive words like, disposable, marvelous, pity, disputable, abomination, etc. None of these words are used very commonly but it's causing me issues if I try to respond to someone I keep not knowing words so I just give up trying to say it since I don't want to say jibberish and end up looking like I have no interest on the conversation. Any tips?
In terms of skill level I never took the JLPT officially but I was able to get N1 on a online practice test.
submitted by mainaltacount to Japaneselanguage [link] [comments]

2021.01.10 00:06 LampPost_00 Should I try to have a more varied vocabulary?

So I'm dm for a group of my friends, and I'm still pretty new to this entire dm thing, but I think I'm doing good. One of the things I thought was my kinda strong side was discriptions n stuff (besides having a stuttering problem, but that's a hole nother thing), for example comparing the glow of a certain potion to the fading Amber's of a campfire or the effects of night vision goggles to that time for the evening where all color is gone and there's only shades of gray and black, stuff like that. I've also practiced using a more varied vocabulary by for example using "scarlett" or "crimson" instead of only saying red.
But a player of mine has like started making fun of me for using certain words so much, mostly "lightly", "somewhat" and "slightly". Now I'm personally not very confident in any area, and certain not in my skill, so it hits hard when she does it, harder than i think she means it to.
For example, when i was like introducing a thing: "the light midsummer rain and low noises of ongoing conversations are abruptly cut by the sounds of the tavern door getting slammed open"
After i said "light midsummer rain" she went, "hehe, light midsummer rain", loud enough so everyone could hear it, but not to make it sound like she necessarily wanted it.
But to get to the chase, should i try to use a more varied language, and also finding substitutes for those 3 words, is it a big thing to bring s good dm? Using lots of fancy words? Or at least a lot of words that mean the same thing, so you can make it more varied?
Any help is appreciated
(Also English is not my first language so those big fancy "wright in an a level essay"words are hard for me, and my autocorrect is also having a rough day, so pardon mistakes)
submitted by LampPost_00 to DnD [link] [comments]

2020.02.09 15:08 allismind The difference between LOA and the LAW. (Debunking Joseph Alai)

I get asked a lot about the difference between LOA aka law of attraction and the LAW aka power of beliefs. A few days ago someone showed me a youtube video from a "popular" Neville Goddard student. I say popular because often people ask me about him and I will give my thoughts on him as well. It was very frustrating to watch and hear what he says.
PS: you don't have to watch the video if you don't want, its very long and inaccurate anyway. But it is his opionion and that's fine. I will correct what he said here and I will give you my own perspective for people who asked me and for those interested. You are advised to think deeply and go bayond labels.
Now back to the big subject: Short answer: THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE LAW AND LOA. Because those are two labels of the same power. They are both distorted to some degrees they are both incomplete understanding of the same power, but they are accurate enough to be applied and produce results.
Long answer:
Through the years and centuries people always had LABELS and names for the power over matter, or just the power of the mind. Those vary greatly depending depending of the culture where they were talked about and the era and of course the individual mind who talks about it. For example Neville Goddard is relevant around 1950's, in that time the Bible has GREAT if not huge influence over people (in Western culture). It is NOT like today where it has little influence compared to his era. If you read spirituality or self help books or any manifestation book from that time you will see only biblical references and biblical vocabulary. Everything evolved around "the scripture". There was no LOA vocabulary back in Neville's time! Words like vibration, frequency, multiverse, dimensions made little sense to those people. Those "new" words came around 1970's with Seth and other channelling materials, at least in the spiritual books. YET those words existed even in Hindu scriptures and in fact those texts had way better understanding of the mind than lets say "the scripture".
Joseph Alai from the video I mentioned above thinks that "the scripture" is the key. Because Neville is probably the only author he reads. Neville is hugely influenced by the Bible and he projects all of his understanding in it but the Bible is far from being the source of the Law or even a good sourc. for the most part. Of course there is great verses and words from it, Jesus had great ones and it does describe the Law in a poetic way but 99,8% of the Bible has nothing to do with the Law. And even the Jesus verses are very "poetic" or "symbolic": they don't go deep into explainations like Buddha explains. So to me it makes no sense to talk about the Bible when it comes to the Law or the LOA. In my personal opinion reading the whole Bible to understand would be a waste of time. Now I have nothing with people who just love to read that book for their own reasons but here I'm talking strictly about the LAW understanding.So Joseph Alai being influenced greatly by Neville thinks that bible is the key, especially the KJV. Which is funny to me.
You have to understand that the Bible and the Christianity itself is very young compared to what religions, wisdom and knowledge existed before. Hinduism and Buddhism existed much earlier and you would be mind blown of all the knowledge of the mind and even the LOA/LAW that was present 3500 years back. One of the most impressive is the theory by Buddha. His theory is probably still the most relevant. The discription is like a scientific text. People who say that the Bible is the key to the Law are probably American and/or Christian and never read other texts. I don't say that in a negative way, I'm not Buddhist, I was born in a Christian surrounding and I was very religious but the facts are facts.
Then Joseph Alai goes on describing the flaws of the LOA... What he says in this part is quite okay. It has flaws. But those flaws are in fact a distortion of the understanding of the people/or person who invented that term. Its not a flaw of that power. His whole video is wrong because of the basic fact of separating two labels as if they were two powers. Same with people who say they prefer "magick" over the LAW. They don't understand that there is no such separation or division.
You have to understand that even between Neville and me there is differences yet we talk about the same power. In my opinion and in my experience even Neville has his flaws and sometimes I can completly disagree with him. No author or teacher is absolute, myself included. So when you read a book or a post you have to read the words but they are not key, the key is to see what is behind them. And process it in your own way.
Where I COMPLETLY DISAGREE WITH THE VIDEO OF JOSEPH ALAI: Around 8 min he says that you don't have to persist in a feeling or assumption or the state. He says that you can see yourself rich or maried and get in that state once and completly forget it and never go into that state of mind again. He says that you still will manifest it in a week, month or year or a decade because you have no power over WHEN. This is ridiculously wrong. It blew my mind when he said that.
THE LOA: In Joseph's video there is key words behind him such as vibration, maintain, mood, match and he goes on "debunking" them, saying its all wrong. The fact are and I will talk in Neville vocabulary here so to prove that even in his own territory he is wrong:
Vibration = you have to be in the desired state of mind. Neville supports this. To be rich you have to be rich in your self image, you have to live it that state of mind. Maintain = you have to persist in the assumption of your wish fulfilled. This is literaly Neville's quote. Match = its basically the what I said in Vibration, just above. Mood = If you assume and live in a desired state of mind you cannot be depressed or sad or needy or negative in any way. Yet I admit that its not always easy and this doesnt mean that you cannot ever be negative or sad. You can but you have to be aware of the reasons because thats important. If you try to manifest love and are sad of not being loved then you are going against yourself and so in that context you cannot manifest what you want, you have to change the mood.
I'm aware that people love to lie to themselves and want results without doing the thing but the fact is that mental diet is basically everything I said above and it is a key to practicing LOA/LAW. There is no need seeking understanding of the Law or LOA if you try to make excuses for yourself to feel depressed, needy or like a victim. Your mood has to impove, its part of self image and it bad mood is like a stinky, old clothes, you have to abandon it. No great states of mind can grow in that mood.
I stopped the video at around 11 minutes because this would be too long and I have no time to watch more of his desinformation. His video was like a torture knowing that many people with not analyse this and just accept it. I'm actually mind blown to know that people prefer watch him than going directly to the source because he doesnt even teach what Neville says, let alone the LOA thing.
Sorry Joseph but Im being honest here. If you read this please stop focusing on making money on people's pain and start building true knowledge and be happy yourself. For all other readers I hope you got some important info.
EDIT: I have to tell that I just hate the lawofattraction sub. Its full of ignorance and ignorance. Just because I said that LOA and LAW are the same thing doesnt mean that people who talk about any of those two are accurate. Many people when it comes to the LOA have very little understanding of the nature of mind. I think thats the reason some people dislike "loa".
submitted by allismind to ALLISMIND [link] [comments]

2019.03.31 00:15 IcaNtthinkofANAMEk Aizen's backstory/ origin story theory

Oh boy! I can't belive I'm finally posting this theory on the internet! This is the best theory I've ever made and it might sound a bit like a fanfiction, but I hope you like it or at least find it entartaining!

Now, about Aizen's backstory we know prety much nothing. Fist thing I think we need to establish is that Aizens parents aren't in the picture. We don't know anyone's parents there, but I highly doubt Aizen grew up in a family. If he had, there would have been a point made about it, since I think Aizen would consider his parents too dangerous for his plans and would likely try rid of them. In general I belive if Aizen's parents were present in his life, they would have something to say, some role to play in the story. I mean, their son is the worst criminal in S.S.! So we're staring blank here, or so it migh seem...If you look closely we have one clue, one SINGLE clue I could find that we can start from. That comes from Shinji. When Aizen betrayed S.S. Shinji told him this very important line "I suspected you since you were in your mother's womb". I think in the dub he misgh have said something like "Since you were in your mother's womb and even before that". That is very important, because it gives us our first clue, Shinji knew Aizen's mother. Now we know something about the mother. She was someone Shinji knew, someone perhaps from Gotei 13, but we'll get to that later. Now that we have a mother, we need to find Aizen's father. Now, originally I had two people that I though were likely to be Aizen's father. It was either Yammamoto or Shinji himself. I reed a translated version of some questinos Kubo was asked for the new artbook (JET) and the two things stuck with me. At firs Kubo said it would be weird for Yammamoto not to have a son and given the really big reiatsu, Yammamoto was a candiate. The other thing I remember in that interview was, when Kubo was asked what powers Ichika and Kazui would have, he said they would probably inherit a combination of their parent's powers. That is very significant since it reveals that powers and with that I am assuming Zanpakuto types are inherited traits. That, knowing Aizen's mother and having chosen him as a leutenant made Shinji a possible father to because of his illusion type Zanpakuto. Shnji was the first I ruled out because of his suspicion and weird behavour towards Aizen. He doesn't seem all that firendly to him and during that betrayal scene we find out how truly supsicious Aizen was to him. Their interactions especially there didn't seem like the interactions a father would have with his son. Now a big question I also had was: If Shinji was so supicious of Aizen, why didn't he say anything. Of course he couldn't accuse him, but he could deffinately tell sombody and since people were being murdered, there could have been some investigation. To me this seems kinda weird and it would support the theory that Yammamoto is Aizen's father, since Shinji would probably get in trouble for accusing the Headcaptain's son of being guilty (S.S. isn't the most fair and just place after all... As we all know). Now, Yammamoto seems so far prety likely to be Aizen's father and I would have kept it there if it wasn't for someone else. Someone who is old enough, has a very big reiatsu and is prety high up the highierarchy to warant Shinji not voicing his suspicions. That man is Shunsui Kyoraku!

Let's examine the evidence we have here! Fisrt of all, genetics! Now anime isn't the most loyal to biology all the time, but as far as I've seen, Bleach is prety consisntent (Kids inherit their parent's traits if not the dominat ones all the time) Aizen and Kyoraku look prety similar. They both have brown wavy hair. Aizen's are a bit lighter, but we'll come back to this. Now, that's not a massive similarity, but it is the only similarity we have within the characters we know that could potentialy be related. Bonus, if you look at young Kyoraku and young Aizen they look prety much identical. Of course that isn't the only thing we have. Just take a good look at Kyoraku's personality! I mean, come on! He likes drinking, women and drinks around women who could potentially be drunk themselves. This is a bomb combination for accidental babies! I would be really surpised if that didn't happen. Another thing, their powers. Their zanpakuto powers are so SO SIMILAR! Kyoraku's zanpakuto has the ability to manipulate reality, aizen's has the ability to manipulate senses! Both of them bring things to reality and manipulate. Their only differnce is that Aizen's is illusion type. Finaly, their interactions are just so... weird. There are lot's of insances where Kyoraku is very friendly towards Aizen and even calls him by his first name Sosuke, which NO ONE but Shinji does, and he has his CAPTAIN! Now, I know Kyoraku has a very friendly personality, but Aizen is a traitor and everybody should hate him. An interesting part is when Kyoraku learns of Aizen's "death". We see many people's reactions, but Kyoraku has a very suddle and interesting one one. He appears shoked and then lowers his hat in grief. and isn't it intersting how Kubo chose to show this eaction in particular to the death? Sure, Aizen had other people that were close to him and we saw Momo's reaction so... Why Kyoraku? And of course I have to mention that final arc, right! Kyoraku went and freed Aizen from Muken! Again, he had a reason to do it, but it adds more to their interactions which is again strange as Kyoraku isn't anything special to Aizen... Another thing I find very interesting is Kyoraku's middle name "Sozosuke". It is common (and we see that happen in Bleach to) for parents to give their kids a name similar to theirs'. I'm sure there are many more thing you can find, and I can't really pinpoint them all, but from all of this you can see there is a large amount of evidence suggesting Kyoraku could be Aizen's father (at least compaired to the rest of the cast). That would explain why Shinji didn't tell, say, Yammamoto about his suspicion. Kyoraku is practically Yamamoto's adoptive son so I can't imagine he would take this lightly. And then, there could be another reason, I will mention later.

Now after this long thing is over it's time to return to Aizen's mother! As we mentoned, Shinji knew her and saying he suspected Aizen since he was in her womb implies one more thing. That Shinji was susicious of this unborn child. Couple that with his weird, kind of... resentment... he seems to have towards Aizen implies he did not really like that child. Perhaps because Aizen was responsible for her death. So Aizen's mother, Shinji's acquaintance/friend/relative might have died at childbirth. Now, based on what we know, let's try to build a picture of Aizen's mother. According to the genetics metioned above, she should have light coloured hair, brown eyes has Kyoraku has gray and Aizen brown) and in order for the powers to mach, she should have an illusion type zanpakuto (remember, combination). Interestingly enough, there is (or rather, could be someone) who fits this discription and also knows Shinji and that would be Sjinji's twin sister. I know this sounds weird and fanfic-y but bear with me. If that twin sister existed, she would have blonde hair, brown eyes (same colour as Aizen's really), an illusion type zanpakuto (I immagine twins would probably have a high chance of having the same zanpakuto type) and her death would lead to Shinji disliking her baby. Now, that we have all the evidense gathered, I'm going to go ahead and expalin how this all probably went.

Shinji has a twin sister with whom they look very similar. They both attend the academy and become Shinigami. Shinji's sister becomes leutenant in squad 8 whith Kyoraku as her captain. (As we know, Kyoraku has a tendancy to hit on his leutenants, but there is another reason this is important.) One night she and Kyoraku go out (to celebrate a victory or for whatever reason you want) and start drinking. They get druk and she ends up pregnant. She tells Kyoraku about it, but they both agree to keep the kid a secret because it might spark controvercy. S.S if very strinct with their rules as far as I know. I don't think they would allow this to pass lightly. At best, Yammamoto would scold them for irresponsible behavour and at worst they would probably loose their positions. I'm not sure if there are any laws against having illigitimate children with your Squad Captain, but I'm prety sure there would be judging by S.S stict law system and really unfair punishments. There are various reasons why they would want to hide their child. For starters they are Captain and Leutenant so I imagine these short of relation between them would be at least controversial. Kyoraku already acts really irresponsibly drinking and flirting so I think ending up with a child because of this behavour wouldn't be very good for him. So, they decide to no reaveal who the kid's father is and name him Sosuke (from Kyoraku's middle name) and give him the last name Aizen, probably from some random Shinigami who passed away. They didn't give him Shinji's last name "Hirako" because that would raise suspicion. Since the kid would have his mother's last name, people might have suspected there was no apparent father and all eyes would probably fall on Kyoraku since they would be close and as I said earyer, Kyoraku's personality is perfect for that short of thing to happen. Now after that, Shinji's sister tries to hide everything that's happened but Shinji eventually learns who the father is. As we all know, Aizen if famous for his big reiatsu (reaching Yammamoto levels) so it is possible that his mother was weakened by son's reiatsu to the point where she ended up dying after giving birth to him. Shinji begins to dislike Aizen because of his sisters death and as a result he never reveals to him their relationship. He just watches Aizen grow and eventually takes him as his leutenant.

That's it! That's my massive, weird theory about Aizen! I really hope you enjoy this and find it interesting. Please forgive possible vocabulary and gramatic errors as I'm writting this really late at nigh and I'm supper tired. I might come back tomorrow to eddit this and maybe add a few things I might have overlooked or correct a few mistakes, but now that's it! Please tell me what you think!

submitted by IcaNtthinkofANAMEk to bleach [link] [comments]

2017.04.11 05:59 Sydney_2816 Poem strategies

Hey guys I have a ELA assignment where I need to write about 10 poems all using different strategies so I thought hey I am struggling with coming up with that many strategies so I thought "Hey others may need to know some core ones!" So I have decided to post it to reddit. Please comment some other strategies for me too use thx:)
-1-Description- In this strategy all you need to do is take the object you are writing about make a list of words that describe it than put it in a poem. For example; If I were to write about a apple I may list -yellow or red or green -smooth -crunchy -bitter yet sweet -juicey -fruit -makes a crunch sound -contains core
Than I put it in context like this/ I am red yellow and green. I am bitter and sweet, I go "CRUNCH" when you take a munch of me I am juicey and I am a fruit I have a core after you have one of me you want more.
-2-use figurtive language- Using figurtive language streches out the poem so you do not have to write as much. The types of figurtive language include -personifacation -similies -metaphors -alliteration -onomatopoeia -ect.
like If I am talking about the wind in a poem I could use personification to say "The wind dances with the trees and shakes it's leaves" Than that is a example or figurtive language. It also help the poem seem less bland. For example; compare theese two sentances "The wind dances with the trees and ruffles its leaves." Or "The wind makes trees lose leaves." It obviously sounds better to use the first one. If I wanted to use a simile it also sounds better. Compare theese two sentances; "The night was as silent as a mouse." Or "It was quiet." It sounds much better in simile form. A metaphore is pretty similar to a simile so I will skip that one. Alliteration is using the same first letter of a word frequently in a row like; "Susan saw sam's super supreme skate shop shoes." And it helps you expand your vocabulary it sounds better than "Susan looked at sam's shoes." Onomatopoeia is sound words and it helps you give more discription so rather than saying "It made a loud sound." You would say "BOOM POW CRACK! Went the fireworks!"
-3-Riddle poems If you do not want to write a default style poem you can make a riddle poem! A riddle poem is a poem that turned into a riddle so I will take one poem I wrote and turn it into a riddle poem/ Normal version "Dandilion Dandilion Upon you I wish Dandilion Dandilion I blow your seeds through the air Dandilion Dandilion At your beauty I will stare."
Riddle version "I have seeds of white I grow in sunlight People wish upon me Blowing away my seeds Leaving me a stem Can you guess me?"
It is as simple as that niw I think I will wrap this post up here thank you for reading bye:)
submitted by Sydney_2816 to writing [link] [comments]

2016.01.23 14:40 Neodeathsyth [LFA] Boris the Undead Weredolphin Troll

Our DM loves to to create unique NPCs or monsters to fill our adventuring world and I hope someone can help bring this one to life. This was his exact discription he gave to us 'In life, Boris was a troll. The meanest looking, scarred with brutality troll. Then he was bitten by a Were-Dolphin, and became one himself, transforming into a dolphin every time that he hit water, but otherwise being his usual troll self. Unfortunately, something went wrong whilst on a mission to the legendary island of Devil, and Boris the Were-Dolphin troll became undead. His vocabulary had never been much beyond "Boris hit Goblins!", but now it was reduced to nothing. He still became a dolphin under water, but now his form was more terrifying for his scars had become great goudges through his flesh, flesh that was now discoloured with the absence of any blood flow. The great and powerful Boris maintained his prowess and morals, but was now an even deadlier force. He rarely used a weapon, relying more upon his brute strength, but he carried a greatclub on his back, attached by a baldrick of dark leather whose origins are better left unknown than thought about too deeply. Incapable of smiling, the Undead Were-Dolphin Troll is a force worthy of the highest respect.' Thanks in advance
submitted by Neodeathsyth to characterdrawing [link] [comments]

2014.12.08 01:20 Vitolas [META] ORP Sunday

The awesomely written 'Remember' series and its reponse, which is also written brilliantly, and the fact people think Sundays are boring sprouted an idea in my head.
I don't know if people here are familiar with an ORPG or open roleplay, but the idea is that someone starts with a backstory, which can be of something that happened during the week( a war, meeting, sailors arriving at a port, etc...).
I used to be active on some ORP forums, although I think my writing is rubbish and my vocabulary is restricted I still enjoyed it. One time I roleplayed as an innkeeper and listened to stories of adventurers, cracking jokes with drunks or stopping drunks getting in a fight.
As you might have guessed, a lot of interaction goes on between the actors. This might cause some confusion and a lot of clutter in the threads. When an ORP is started the 'storymaster' posts a thread with a backstory and introduces his/her character(s) and then people join and make a reply to the post (never to a comment). This might confuse people but trust me, it's better to reply on someones actions by a post-reply rather than a comment-reply.
Most ORPs who get very large or very in-depth get an OOC thread. this is where all the links to all the parts of the story/stories go and where people give a discription of their characters (looks, behaviour, etc...) and if people want to join, they first need to post their character's traits and have to be approved by the 'storymaster'.
Also the 'storymaster' is basically a mod for the RP making sure people stay IC, he does not decide where the story goes just where it starts.
I'm just throwing this out here as a concept. I also like the idea of crises being posted, but I have noticed there are a lot of people who like RP/writing or both and doing this on a Sunday could be a way to make things more interesting, stories can continue during the week to create more interaction for the characters.
So...what do you guys think? Any suggestions or if don't like it (due to time constraints or other things) please do speak your mind as well.
submitted by Vitolas to WastelandPowers [link] [comments]
