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2024.05.19 00:16 NiceDragonfruit9606 From the first chapter of my book. Don't have a name for it really. Epic fantasy, fantasy romance. I'm not really good at writing yet, but I'm studying a lot of other work to improve my style.

He's leaving his village to get away from a civil war between the branch family, and the main family. His dad doesn't expect to win the war Yes I understand d that using dots to represent a pause isn't the best way to do it, and that it confuses people. This is un-revised. I plan to do a little more research to better signal a pause for emotional exclamation. Tell me what you think of my first exerpt
"Why do I have to go mother?, you said I wouldn't be leaving for another 4 more years. so why?" Luceon asked.
"We are sorry son but the circumstances have changed. It is becoming too dangerous for you to stay." His mother said
"Father, at least tell me why I wasn't told before hand. Why so suddenly am I being torn from my home without even a warning?" Said Luceon
His father got down on one knee so as to be close to eye level.
"Luceon my son. You are a wise boy. The light behing your eyes seuggests an age far beyond your years so i..... I assure you that" for a moment his father's cheeks reddened as if he was about to let loose a tear. But only for moment. Then it was gone. His father, ever stoic wished to keep an air of "everything will be alright. Don't worry about us". Although Luceon could tell right away that something was horribly wrong. Something was being kept hidden from him. "I assure you... that if there was another way, we would keep you by our side... one day you will understand why it is you have had to leave."
His younger, adoptive brother by one year, crawled out from behind his father's legs and asked "brother, why are you leaving us? Why do you have to go?" His voice became quivery and a tear slid apart from his left eye. "I don't want you to go brother."
Luceon wrapped his arms around his brother and said "I don't want to go either. I really do hope we'll see each other again one day." He tightly held his brother., just as tight as his throat felt.
His mother stooped beside them and gripped them tightly. She said " Audrey is a fine woman. She is an old friend of ours, and of yours as well. She was here the day you were born. She's even held you in her arms. She has been anticipating the day she would see you again, though it is a bit early.... please come and greet luceon" his mother said aloud, so Audrey, who was still waiting inside the [not yet named animal] drawn carriage could hear, and be signaled to come out.
The woman who stepped out had the brightest shade of red hair he had ever seen. And the deep green color of her emerald eyes was a stark, and beautiful contrast. The fair and smooth features of her face gave him goosebumps. Yes... she had the kind of beauty that could spark war between nations. The kind of beauty that would tempt even the most zealous of clergymen. Yes.. to say she was beautiful was an understatement to be sure.
"Hello there child. I am Audrey Harpa. Though it is far to soon for us to meet, and the circumstances are less than optimal, I am more than happy to make your acquaintance." Her voice had a slight lilt in it. An echo of a forgotten accent, long since sanded away by the cogwheels of time. Luceon tucked himself away behind his father's legs just like his brother. "Luceon" his father said "say hello! You aren't like this with anyone else. Where did this bashfullness come from?"
He reluctantly came out from behind his father, and slowly raised his hand. Instead of stooping down to hold his hand like a normal adult would to greet a child, she stretched her arm down to meet his, as if she were greeting an equal. "I'm not happy for the circumstances either, but.... well, it's nice to make your acquaintance."
"So well spoken for your age" Audrey said
"Son, I would love to stay here with you and hold onto you for a few moments more but.... we really must say goodbye now. Audrey cannot linger any longer " his father stated.
"Father be truthful. Will I ever see you, mother and [unknown name] again?" He asked
This was the final straw that broke his father's composure."Damn this boy's intuition." He thought. He let loose more than a few tears, and his mother followed suit. "I..... I honestly cannot tell you. I really wish I could assure you that we will. But I cannot..."
His mother broke down into sobs next to him and held him. She said through choked tears "son.... promise me one thing.... promise you'll never forget who you are. Promise you'll never forget where you came from..... no matter what obstacles come, or what challenges you face, you came from us, and because of that we..." she was barely able to talk through the sobbing. "We are always with you..." she said as she placed a small leather bracelet adorned with little copper oraments into his palm. "Remember us"
They all held each other a little longer. Him, his mother, father, and tiny little brother. They cried for a few moments then, with his head facing the ground, he walked over to Audrey's side, unable to pick up his face.
Luceons father handed Audrey Luceon's baggage, and a small leather satchel as well as he whispered something into her ear. She nodded her head. And the climbed into the carriage. As the carriage departed, Luceon looked back through the dirty glass paned window to take in one last image of his family and his village. He stared until they were to far to see any longer... once his eyes were sure that they were out of sight.... luceon turned his back on his family. He turned his back on his old cobble stone village that housed his prideful clansmen. He turned his back on the rolling emerald plains that stretched across the isle of skye. He turned his back on scottland And most importantly, he turned his back on his home.
He shed one more solitary tear, and whispered "goodbye."
submitted by NiceDragonfruit9606 to writers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:16 CRG1994 Transition troubles

I work in a special needs unit for children aged 4 to 5. I work with one child who really struggles with transitions. They happily walk with you to wherever they’re going and they know where they’re going, but once there, they cry, thrown themselves to the floor and hit the back of their head or run into the door. If they’re out for play time and not allowed to throw themselves against the door, they can’t move on and will spend the whole play time crying because they can’t do that. If they get to do it, this crying will last anywhere between 3 to 10 minutes. Any advice on how to stop this? We’ve tried entering rooms different ways, distracting with praise, giving a job as soon as he comes in and allowing time to play inside and outside of the room but this still happens no matter what room they enter, even if it’s outside and a place they enjoy.
submitted by CRG1994 to autism [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:16 Financial_Skin_9779 Help

So the dead line for my college is coming soon and I want to do cybersecurity been waiting to do it for about 2 years now and they have a AAS cyber security degree program is it worth doing it ? Everyone makes it seem like it’s so hard to find a cybersecurity job
submitted by Financial_Skin_9779 to CyberSecurityJobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:15 marfish95 My Thoughts as an Atheist for Almost 10 Years.

I'm never really active on reddit but I've decided to write this post about some of my thoughts and experiences as an ex-muslim atheist for almost 10 years who lived his entire life in Egypt, I'm gonna talk about some of my life aspects and how they're affected by my beliefs and how I coped with some of the hardships and challenges being an atheist in this society. So let's think about it as part venting part sharing experiences for anyone whom it might be helpful to.
A bit about my background:
I come from a lower middle class family, Like many Egyptians from such class, I never received the best education, my entire education up until college was in Arabic and most teachers always found a way to teach you some of the Islamic values somehow, being indoctrinated from a young age creates fears in a kid's mind, such as fears from the afterlife, fears from the supernatural and fears from the Islamic apocalypse and the horrific pictures drawn to us which was repeatedly being to reassured to be happening soon. As I grow older and more rational, those things bothered me less with time, I soon realized that it's all nonsense and with time, any feeling that this might be slightly true has vanished, now I'm more concerned about normal adult stuff, like economy, war and the possibility of dying alone....
I've become an atheist in my late teens and now that I'm in my late twenties, the process of leaving the religion itself wasn't that emotionally tough for me particularly, but the difficulty comes from being different in this society, having to hide parts of you from your family and friends is always the toughest part, although my journey wasn't that emotional, I still stuck to some of the Islamic ideas even after deciding to stop believing, after all, it's the one idea that I was brought up to believe, that however faded as time passed and I clung less to this religion as I found out more about it.
Although I was never that open about my beliefs, I've just recently been trying to be a bit more open about them with more people (of course trustworthy people) even if they're not close friends and they don't share the same views, but I try to be careful with the family, although they're not gonna hurt me in anyway, I'm afraid knowing that about me might hurt them, which I find tough, having to hide parts of you from your family, but I'd say try to be as smart as you can regarding that. And of course I try to hide it as much as possible with people I work with, but sometimes some stuff slips through the cracks and it can't be helped, but I don't think it's very wise letting them suspect anything.
I've made some friends years ago who share the same beliefs, or are open minded enough to accept them, but I find my social life unfulfilling now, I'm kinda picky when it comes to people anyway, and finding people who share the same values and who you like is even harder, then you have to invest the energy to build a friendship with them, but I'm lucky enough to have those few people in my life, but it's very hard making friends in this country who I can connect with.
Relationships are much of the same as friendships, it's hard finding a suitable partner in this society, because your mutual values aren't everything, you'll need connection and chemistry and shared life goals, so yeah it's not easy.
How I coped with depression and loneliness:
I've had depression years ago, accompanied by low self-esteem, self hatred, feeling of uselessness, social anxiety and crippling shyness, and I was able to overcome a great deal of those with time and perseverance, some of the things I did was learning new things, new talents helped me boost my self confidence and feel better about myself, even it seemed hard, I just kept going. Realizing my value as a human being helped me a lot, even things as simple as being able to break out of the norm and think for myself is something not everyone does, being able to introspect and realize you were wrong is a very valuable thing on itself, of course everyone has different strengths and weakness, but if you're reading this far, I advise you to think about things that make you special and work on improving them.
Other things that helped me where some philosophies like Stoicism, Stoicism philosophy revolves around that life is gonna be tough, but you'll be able to endure it. Look it up if you're not familiar with it.
That's gonna be it I guess, hopefully this was an enjoyable read and I hope it was of help.
submitted by marfish95 to ExEgypt [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:15 TechnicalCoyote3341 Need a little bit of guidance if possible

Long story short;
My partner has asked for an open physical relationship last year. I reluctantly agreed putting their feelings above my own but said I didn’t want them coming home telling me about it and it was physical only.
Obviously, that blew up in my face. Omission, flat out lies and the whole EA side of things - coupled with it actually being a mutual friend in an FWB type setup.
I asked them to call it off as I wasn’t on board. They did, job done right?
Wrong. They went out to a concert with this person around Christmas, got stupid drunk and ended up making out with them. They eventually told me, I was devastated
We got into a pretty intense bout of questioning from me where it turned out more things had happened which they flat out lied to me about in the first place (not by omission, specifically stating things weren’t happening that were)
Since that they allegedly cut off this person, told them they are no longer friends and not to contact them.
Obviously they have, little meaningless things but contact all the same
To me that either means my partner didn’t set that boundary or isn’t enforcing it
I asked them to let me know if they ever got in contact. That is apparently stepping on their liberty, but they finally agreed reluctantly
They think it’s not a big deal, because it isn’t to them and I shouldn’t be so worried about it but I don’t think they understand the damage that has been done to my trust with the trickle truthing of the whole thing. They are fed up with me asking because they’ve told me everything and have nothing more to say
I keep going back to the issue because for me, it isn’t resolved. I get berated for seemingly wanting to know details and asking sometimes very awkward questions about what actually happened which - and I quote - “I have no right to ask questions like that”
I’ve tried explaining that it damaged my trust and in order for that to rebuild I have to want to trust, and they have to consistently demonstrate they can be trusted
It doesn’t help that since Christmas there’s been a slew of other things, all totally inconsequential, that my partner has lied to me about and subsequently TT’d me on as well. Sometimes never even getting close to the lie.
I snooped on their phone last week because I had to know the truth
I’d already tried months of presenting my case, pleading, begging for the truth - even going so far as to say I was developing trust issues and couldn’t believe what I was being told. Apparently “thats entirely a you problem to sort”
At least I didn’t find evidence of cheating, but everything else I suspected was true
They’re now telling me that my behaviour is questionable and they don’t know if they can be ok with that. I explained the whole broken trust thing and was told “you can therapise yourself as much as you want. You need to take a look at your thoughts, you are a very confused person”
What on earth do I do here?
submitted by TechnicalCoyote3341 to survivinginfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:14 unwashedbrainiac FY1 here, any advice on how to best work with RN colleagues?

Hi. I'm an FY1 Doctor currently working in a sizeble Paediatric ED. Background of working as an HCA/HCSW before/during med school so usually find it easy to get on with nursing colleagues. But now that I've moved to my first EM placement I'm finding I'm butting heads a bit when it comes to working under pressure with my nursing colleagues.
Just wondered if I could get some advice on a few things that have come up?
  1. What's the etiquette in speaking to nurses whilst they're preparing/administering medication? I don't want to interrupt but sometimes plans change very quickly (especially in ED).
  2. How often is the right amount to update nurses? Obviously everytime the plan significantly changes or something is prescribed, but how often in the shift is right for catch ups/board rounds?
  3. Ward nurses station phones - should I be answering? At least half the time it's something I can't help with or the person is looking to speak to a nurse - then I feel I need to pass on the phone which might not be appreciated? Do you want/expect doctors to answer the ward phones?
Thanks for your advice, just trying to make my life (and my colleagues) a little easier.
submitted by unwashedbrainiac to NursingUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:14 Icy-Somewhere8977 Am I wrong for emotionaly checking out of a 8 years relationship ?

I f26 met my boyfriend of 8 years in highschool m25 we've had are ups and downs but 6 months ago I discovered he was having an emotionally affair with a coworker f30 at the beginning he refused to tell me the truth about what was going on after I noticed odd behavior a month later I found deleted messages in his phone that confirmed my suspicions . I've confronted them both but he keeps denying that it ment anything to him because it was just messages without Meaning but I know that he has spend time out side of work with her and has established an emotionally bond with her he keeps saying I'm in the wrong that I pushed him to do it because I wouldn't give him the attention he wanted but we have to son's 6m and 5m are youngest son is non verbal autistic and I'm the one doing all the house work , school , therapy and doctors appointments with bother of them while he works from 5am to 5:30 pm when he comes home all he wants to do is play on his game because he need s to destress from a long and hard work day but when I try to speak with him regarding are problem he shuts down and won't acknowledge me so am I in the wrong for wnting to end all this ?
submitted by Icy-Somewhere8977 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:13 MarionberryThese1954 AITA for standing up to my parents for treating my fiancé differently

I’m M20 and Fiancé is M20 and we been together for 2 years, known each other for 3. I live with my parents and he lives with his due to getting our own place is expensive and we both work full time and trying to save up.
They always been stand off ish with him, I’ve mentioned it many of times to my parents and they say that there not. My fiancé is a lovely and caring guy that has helped me get through my current illness and been there all the way and my parents haven’t.
I’ve started realising it a bit more since my brother M17 has got a girlfriend. They invite her over, let her stay the night, she can come whenever she wants and leave whenever she wants. Parents always joke around with her and talk to her. But when my fiancé comes, they practically ignore him and give dry answers when he tries to speak to them. My dad is always in a mood (Which he’s not when brother’s girlfriend comes round).
So yesterday I mentioned to my parents my fiancé is coming to visit us so we all can watch football (As family loves football). He came about 4pm and brought a crate of alcohol for everyone to share. My dad was in a mood and didn’t want to watch it and so did my mam (Siblings was out at the time). So it left me and my fiancé watching it in my room. Which I felt upset for him as he was looking forward to having drinks n watching football with my family. 30 minutes after he arrived my phone kept buzzing, my mam was messaging me saying she wants him gone by 9pm as she’s “tired of the house being full”. My fiancé does come round twice a week and I go to his parents too and they always have open arms for me. My fiancé left at 8pm to get the train and I walked him up. As soon as I got home I went into living room to find my Brothers girlfriend sitting there, and my mam mentioned that she will be leaving after the boxing match is done (So around 11:30pm to 12:00) which I found unfair due to my mam wanting my fiancé gone by 9pm. They was all sat there laughing and joking and saying “My daughter-in-Law” which is quite funny when my dad told me that my fiancé isn’t “family” and will never be his “Son-in-law”. I didn’t want to start an argument while she was there due to her obviously not knowing about the situation. So I pulled my mam to the side and told her that it feels like my fiancé gets treated differently to her and asked if he’s done anything wrong to them which she replied “No he hasn’t, he’s a decent guy”. So I asked why they treat him differently and she walked away. I mentioned it to my older sister (Who doesn’t live with us anymore) and she said it seems like they are homophobic as she didn’t have the problem as I do when she lived at home and brought boyfriends round. My fiancé’s parents never make me feel unwanted when I go to theirs. But my parents make my fiancé uncomfortable as there in a mood while he’s there or just don’t talk.
submitted by MarionberryThese1954 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:12 _Administrative_Emu apartment complex false advertising help

I'm new here but my girlfriend and I are in our 20s and looking for an affordable apartment complex in NC. We found a place online that looked nice and had a fair price. We toured the place and it was perfect for our needs, and they were advertising a "99 to apply" promo code and a first full month free after signing. I went online to apply a couple days later and the unit was available.
I put in the promo code and it took off right around $200 leaving ~$50 to apply for the two of us. I was perfectly fine with that, despite not really understanding the math. When I went to submit, the payment didn't go through. I called the complex and was told the online card service was down, and I'd need to bring in a money order. So, the next day, I went to the store, purchased a money order for the exact amount that was listed on the site after promo was applied and tax/service fees were totaled. It was the same amount that the site had tried to charge my card.
When we brought in the money order, the woman at the complex told us that the unit we were wanting to apply to actually was not available. this was the second time this had happened in the past week, and that they still needed to inspect the room. Upon checking the site, it is still up as 'available today' as she's saying this. I remained calm but the woman was becoming incredibly rude. She refused the money order, and told us that I would need to come back on Monday and still pay the full application fee via money order of $99 per applicant, as that was the promo code advertised, even if their site is bugged/glitching.
I feel like the actual words that go in the promo code box don't really matter, only the discount applied does... right? Otherwise that would mean that there's no possible way for somebody to apply for any unit at this complex with the promo code offered and advertised? While I understand now that the discount that had been applied wasn't the promo intended, the amount quoted on the website that I had signed and agreed to was ~$50 for the two of us. Of course, they are not legally required to accept an application or give us an apartment... but is this not false advertising?
The site was wrong about availability dates, the charging service isn't functional, and they will not accept an application with the promo code advertised. How is anybody supposed to apply? Is it just a scam or incompetent management. She told us to call back on Monday if I'd like to speak to the manager. I'd like it if the promo code is honored, even if it's unlikely i'll be approved now.
We need a place soon and this complex was really promising. Anything will help. Thank you!
submitted by _Administrative_Emu to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:12 squigly17 Affirming with any Auto lead pencils

Hello MP enthusiasts!
It has come to my attention that specific details must be shared!
When using an auto lead pencil you must be very careful with it. The sleeve drags.
If your tip (like the S30) is actually chipped like mine. Then go get a new tip. It will not run the same at any cost. Look for very specific details. I would get replacement parts if available.
If yours breaks or if you lose it. Get a replacement one asap. Or if you already have one. Good for you. You are spot on well!
Do not load lead from the front ever. Always load from the back.
More info coming soon
submitted by squigly17 to mechanicalpencils [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:12 PlantBasedDelinquent I really need help and idk what to do. I need some money tonight urgently

Anything helps, and I will do everything in my power to repay you.
I have never been so low in my life.
My car was repossessed.
My house is foreclosing, first court date is first week of June.
I have over $30k of credit card debt.
I was laid off of work and haven't had luck with my job search, especially without transportation.
Every "friend" I had has robbed me. It adds up to thousands. They use me until I have nothing left then they take it all and leave.
My mother is unemployed without any income or effort, and I cannot help but help her as much as I possibly can.
I hate begging. I used to reject any money or gifts from people because I am a giver. But I don't know what to do. I don't want to do anything that involves selling my body and I have no belongings left to sell. Even my phone is broken and I can't afford a new one.
I am so lost and so alone. I need help. I need help so bad.
I am willing work for it or pay it back if needed as I don't expect hand outs, but anything at all is appreciated. I am a 26 year old female from MA. My mother owned her house but town tried to take it due to 12 years of neglected property tax, in turn I bought her house and had the mortgage in my name, even though she was going to live there and pay the mortgage just using my name as her credit sucks. She lied about paying it and didn't give me the account information but I trusted her, stupidly, now it's too late. If I can't save it I want to fix it up as much as I can while I have time left. She put ruined my credit further, put me in collections with home owners insurance, and broke her promises of it only being a year until we sell, and her giving me the cash to pay my car off. Now I have no car and no home soon. I had perfect credit and $30k of available credit cards in good standing but my ex racked them up to the point they all maxed. Not only did he use them without my permission sometimes, but I couldn't eat in front of him and watch him go hungry, I just couldn't. I had to support him too. He couldn't hold a job. And when enough was enough and I said no more, he would abuse and threaten me. I do everything for everyone I care about but no one is there for me. I legit can't afford food tonight. I only get $22 in food stamps.
I need it help immediately and I don't know what to do
My cashapp is $Aceeee98, Venmo @ Aislyn-B, and Paypal @ AislynB. Thank you in advance
submitted by PlantBasedDelinquent to INeedMoneyNow [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:11 angim350 You friendly barmaid comforts you following the loss of a pet [ASMR Roleplay] [F4A] [grief] [comfort] [sweet] [kindness of strangers]

Hey all!
My second (much shorter) script!
This is based on real events. My childhood dog was put to sleep when I was sat in a bar one time, and the barmaid who served me was so lovely to me about it. She had some mutual friends that I knew and posted about me on Facebook afterwards. I never forgot how nice she was, and was really sad to learn she died a few years back in a car accident :(
In honour of her, and the kindness of strangers, I put together this little script below.
I doubt anyone will want to, but open for YouTube/Patreon etc and monetization. Just credit and link to me :)
Sound of clinking glasses. Maybe some background noise but the bar isn’t too busy.

Hey, what can I get you? Pint of lager? Sure thing, coming up.

Sound of pint being poured.

There you go. [specifies the price – the currency of your country] Thankyou.

Sound of drink being drunk quickly.

Are you okay? Sorry, don’t mean to pry, but you look a little down.

Sound of a phone ringing. More clinking glasses for a second.

A shock of straight whisky? Urm, okay. Here you go. Look, are you sure you’re okay? It’s just, you’re on your own, it’s midday, and you’re downing whisky. Plus, don’t often see people your age in here.
You may have noticed, our cliental is a bit older than you.
No offence, Brian. You still look no older than 50!
I swear that guy was coming in here before they invented the TV.

Sound of a drink being drunk quick. A bit of a gasp.

Yeah, that stuff is pretty grim on it’s own. Would you like some water? What was that? Oh no, really? I’m so sorry hon.
(voice softens)
When did it happen? Just now? That was your Dad on the phone? Oh, honey, that’s really sad. I don’t think a lot of people fully appreciate how much pets are a big part of our life. Here, let me get you some water.

Sound of water being poured.

There you go. Drink that. Trust me. You’re too young to be downing whisky like this. It’s okay, you can have a little cry if you want. Nobody’s going to mind here. We’re really not that busy. I just need to dry these glasses.
Nope, I don’t have a pet. My arsehole landlord won’t allow them! My mum has a cat though. To be honest, he’s a right vicious sod. Scratched my arm last week. But she loves him to bits. He gets better food than I do! Was yours a cat, or… a dog? Aww, I love dogs! They’re tying, but they bring so much love to a house. What breed was yours?
A boxer girl? Aww, they’re awesome dogs! So funny. Great with kids. I’m guessing you were young when you got her?
10? Aww man, I’m jealous. I always wanted a dog but mum always said no. Said they were too messy, but I could have a goldfish. Won one at a fair once. Ended up down the toilet two days later. Sorry, I know I’m rambling on. Do you want to be alone?
Well, I’m just here then. You can tell me about your girl if you like. What was her name?
Sorry, I misheard… Crotchet? That’s an, urm, unusual name. If you don’t mind me asking… oh, you mean like the music note? Ahh I see! You play piano? Your sister’s idea, eh? No, it isn’t silly! Come on, my mum’s cat is called Miss Kitty Fantastico. Yeah, really. No, I don’t know either.
You got her when she was eight weeks old? Aww I bet she was so cute! Yeah, I’d love to see a photo! Aww, look at her! I bet she followed you guys around everywhere! I can see her in the sea there with you two! Dogs love swimming, don’t they? Oh, boxers not really a big fan of it? Looks like she didn’t want to leave you guys alone in the scary water then! Bet you’ve got lots of stories about her. What, a ‘famous poop’?
Oh my god, no way! So your mum picked her up mid-poop to try and stop her? Bet it went all over her carpet! Haha, I’m not surprised she was fuming! Sure she was a good girl when she got older, though?
Haha really? She just sat down mid-walk and refused to move? You know, my uncle had an old lab once that used to do that. They’d get half way up a hill near his house and his dog would just sit and stare at him. He wouldn’t budge until my uncle turned round, then he’d jump up like a snake had bit him. He was called Bullet.
Yeah, Bullet slowed down a lot as he got older too. Couldn’t be bothered to get out of his chair. Crotchet was the same? Bet she thought she was royalty. Awww, look at her on the sofa. Yeah honey, she does look a bit ill there. That’s her last photo? Aww, bless her.
Well, from those pics it really looks like she had a great life. She was clearly adored by you all. It does suck that we have to lose them so soon, but if she was in pain then at least she is at peace now. Aww, it’s okay, please don’t worry. You have a little cry. There, there. It’s okay.
It’s hard today, but eventually you’ll focus on the good times. The times in the park, that day on the beach, her ‘famous poop’. You were blessed to have her there with you to grow up with. Bet she didn’t like it when you cried, did she? She wouldn’t want you to be sad. And I’m a firm believer that the ones we love never truly leave us. You feel sad now, but just picture here there, watching over you and wagging her tail.
It’s probably the last thing you want to think about now, but one day you may get another pet. They’ll be different, but they’ll also do little things that remind you of Crotchet, and you’ll smile to yourself. My uncle got a little Dalmatian called Freddie and they’re inseparable. It’s kinda funny.
Okay honey. You go. Take care of yourself, and I’m sorry for your loss.
submitted by angim350 to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:11 Physical-Assistance [Chicago]Choosing a real estate agent to sell a condominium

I am starting to sell a condo in west loop (City/downtown) in June or July, the area is growing and people are buying somewhat in the area. I'm down to three agents after discussing with them and would like to hear what others think. All three are agents my colleagues have used to sell/buy and referred me. I plan to be out of the condoby early June and leave my furniture for showings/photos
Agent One
Agent Two
Agent Three
TLDR: I'm leaning towards Agent Two or Three. Two is because he was upfront about the numbers/fees and process of what to expect with other agents, and the fee would be 3.75% vs 5% which is like $10,000 more in my pocket. Agent Three since he is more familiar with the area and had a better pricing initial pricing strategy.
submitted by Physical-Assistance to RealEstate [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:10 Formal_Night8636 Evrymod

Hello, i wanted to ask if its possible to evrymod an n/a engine? Im planning on putting an turbo on my n/a engine but i havent found a way to improve fuel volume coming to the injectors. One way is installing different high presure fuel pump but at the moment im looking for the easiest way, plus this exact engine is gonna die soon anyway so i dont care about the damage done to it. The engine is om604. I have found videos of people Installing evrymod to om605 and om606, but not om604. I also would be thankfull if someone could explain the principle of everymod, i've heard that evrymod messes with fuel temperature signal or something like that.
submitted by Formal_Night8636 to Diesel [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:10 Resin65 Buying a property as a community group in Scotland

Posting on here for a bit of advice over the weekend, with a view that I’ll contact a solicitor as soon as I’m able on Monday morning. I’m obviously trying not to disclose too much personal information.
I am part of the committee for a community drama group, and we are looking at buying a property that has recently come up for sale. All signs show that the property will be bought up quickly for development, however it would be perfect for our purposes.
We would be cash buying from our existing funds.
What is the legality of a community group owning property in Scotland? We are an SCO registered with OSCR, not an SCIO, without any other financial obligations, and regular income within our remit. Could the property ownership be the group, not a names individual?
Sorry, really dry post, just looking for some advice and to get our ducks in a row for what might be quite a hectic start to the week.
submitted by Resin65 to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:08 Nearby-Highlight-115 AITAH for my "scorched earth" intervention methods against my ex after she became a religious zealot?

For context, this story happened nearly 3 years ago, however a recent late-night conversation with a friend made it clear to me that the repercussions of this incident are still being felt to this day.
I (25M) met my now-ex girlfriend (25F), whom I will be assigning the fake name "Anne," when we were both 17 at our small town high school in semi-rural Georgia. Our romantic relationship began following our senior prom which we attended together. Despite our approaching high school graduations, the two of us decided that we could make our relationship work beyond high school and into college since we would both be attending different universities in the same city. We each grew up in typical southern protestant traditions and casually held onto some sort of religious beliefs. I, myself, have always identified religiously as something of a deist, meaning I believed (and still do to this day) that some sort of higher entity, force, or meaning was responsible for existence. Anne, at that time, would have self-identified as a Christian and attended church semi-regularly, however it was never a significant part of her life or attitude toward the world.
Shortly after we both began our new lives as college students in an unfamiliar city, Anne expressed that she would like to search for a new church to attend regularly as it helped create a sense of community and belonging for her which she had been missing since moving away from home. I strongly encouraged this, since I wanted her to be able to make friends and discover herself philosophically. The church that caught her attention was a non-denominational "modern" church that seemed to emphasize community at least on a surface level basis. However, out of curiosity, I took a look at the church's website and did notice a few mentions of "Pentecostal experience", which worried me since my only knowledge of Pentecostals was rumors of snake handling, especially in the more rural areas of the South. However, I chose to not be too judgmental upfront and continued to encourage her to find herself and meet new people.
Over the next few months, Anne started to spend more and more time devoted to bible studies and attending gatherings for women at the church. She specifically asked me not to accompany her on Sunday services since, as she put it, the elder members of the church would not act too kindly about unmarried woman "dragging around" some unfamiliar man who was not her husband. It became clear pretty quickly that she was becoming more than just a casual Christian and I supported this, however we did not talk much about the specifics of what she was being taught at this church.
This all came to a head when one night, Anne asked me if she could pray over me in something she called a "spiritual language." Having only ever heard vaguely of speaking in tongues, I obliged. I sat next to her on my couch and watched as she raised one hand and began quietly chanting in complete gibberish. My heart immediately sank in discomfort and fear but I was too stunned to do anything. so I just sat and watched for several minutes until she finally went quiet. All I could do or say was tell her that I appreciated her thoughtfulness and went about my day.
Pretty soon, the behaviors and acts became more and more extreme. Her "tongues" became louder and more intense and began to include violent shakes and lots (and I mean LOTS) of crying. She spoke of seeing "signs" and hearing "the voice of God" in a very literal sense. Her grades in college even began to suffer as more and more of her time was devoted to these newfound beliefs. Naturally, I became extremely worried that she was slowly slipping into some sort of paranoid delusional psychosis. At the very least, these teachings made her into a much angrier and more paranoid person. It was clear that her new beliefs were more than just a spiritual awakening but also a nose-dive into a mental health crisis.
Our relationship, at this point, was very clearly waning but my feelings toward the woman I once knew were still strong. I decided that it was time for an intervention of sorts. This resulted in me spending a whole weekend studying Pentecostal beliefs and reading Reddit stories from ex-Pentecostals about what it took to break them out of their conditioning. It was on a Monday night when I invited her over to my apartment to confront her about how the things her church were teaching her were actively harming her and even presented her with evidence of how these churches prey on mentally unwell people and how "speaking in tongues" was nothing more than an experience in her own brain chemicals. While I had hoped that hearing her new beliefs be directly confronted would help break the spell they had on her, it seemed to have no effect. Surprisingly, she did not fight back or show much anger toward my confrontation, instead resorting to the "please respect my beliefs" argument that made it so hard to push back against, since, at this time, I was still concerned about preserving our relationship.
Unfortunately, things only got worse from here. I spent some time trying to ignore the issue for the sake of the relationship, especially because I did not sense that I had many other romantic options given my shy nature and struggles to make new friends at college. However, my new "ignorance is bliss" approach to our relationship did not last long. At this point, we had been together for about 3 years and the conversation of marriage and kids started to become serious. I have always wanted kids since I come from a large family with many siblings, which Anne seemingly was excited about as well. However, after a pleasant conversation in which we fantasized about what we would name our children, she said something that sparked an anger in me that I did not often feel. She told me that if any of our future children came out to us as gay, lesbian, bi, transgender, or anything like that, that we would have to disown that child at all costs and that she could not love her child knowing that they were a "sodomite" (her words). I have always considered myself an ally of LGBTQ+ folks and wouldn't think twice about loving my children any less if they came out to me and have always felt this way. I did not say much in the moment out of pure shock and instead steered the conversation elsewhere while I quietly boiled over in anger over this comment.
Here is where the title of this post comes into play and where my role in this interaction enters a grey area. I spent several days unable to let this anger subside while imagining my own perspective children being thrown to the streets for bravely coming out to their own parents. I decided that another intervention was necessary, except this time I didn't want to be ignored. I came up with a plan that I referred to as a "scorched earth" intervention. Over the course of an evening, I began texting, calling, or messaging almost every person that Anne was close to. This included family, friends, past friends, classmates, and even some plain old acquaintances. I needed her paranoid and hateful beliefs to be confronted by more than just myself and hoped that if everyone important to her also expressed concern; that she would separate herself from this church and seek proper mental health counseling.
The responses I received from Anne's friends and family ranged significantly. Some people, including her mother whom I was close with, asked that I not try to "insert myself between Anne and God". Some friends agreed with me wholeheartedly and would reach out to Anne over text or in person to try and offer help. Some people met me with total apathy. Unsurprisingly, once Anne found out what I did, she broke things off over a brief but highly emotional phone call. She told me that I had embarrassed her and that supposedly God was telling her I wasn't the man she was supposed to marry. It did not hurt too bad since I was anticipating the end of this relationship for a while. The effects of my approach seemingly had lasting impacts on many of her relationships, however. At least one longtime friendship had ended because the friend was appalled by Anne's new paranoid beliefs. It was also unsuccessful, as Anne would never seek mental health counseling. In fact, it probably pushed her further into her church crowd - only further bolstering her new delusions.
Since much time has passed, I have started to feel uncertain whether or not I did the right thing in trying to have all of Anne's friends and family confront her about her extreme beliefs. At the time, I felt that I was justified and doing the right thing by trying to encourage a clearly delusion person to seek mental health counseling by any means necessary. Now, I am able to realize that I acted out of anger and permanently damaged how some of her oldest friends view her. I also realize that I acted immaturely and probably should not have tried to bring in every person close to Anne to fight a battle on my behalf.
Nowadays, Anne is still with that church and regularly posts on Facebook all sorts of whacky spiritual conspiracies. She is still very clearly paranoid and delusional all while putting on a facade of normalcy. I just pity her for living in a constant state of paranoia at this point. She even works full time with the church as a "worship leader," although I am not sure what exactly that means. She actually got married about a year after the relationship ended to a man she met at her church. They met, got engaged, and married all within 12 months. Thankfully, no children have been brought into this world yet from their relationship, which is surprising to me considering how urgent it seemed to her during our relationship. I do not hear much from any friends or family of hers anymore, other than one mutual friend who told me that Anne frequently refers to me as "that demon." As for myself, I finished school and have not married but was able to finally make friends and go on dates and my future is looking bright.
So, Reddit, am I the asshole for my "scorched earth" methods towards my fanatical ex-girlfriend?
submitted by Nearby-Highlight-115 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:08 Sweaty-Nectarine-878 AITA For denying someone to stay at my house

Within the last couple of days, there has been bad storms throughout the city I live in. This has caused power lines to go down in some areas.
Me and my wife recently bought our first home slightly away from the city. We fortunately did not lose power and have had no issues up here.
We’ve been checking in with family over the past couple of days. Making sure it’s not too hot, check if they need anything. We also offered if people need, they could come up and charge phones and get some cool air if they’re struggling with the heat. We didn’t at anytime offer anyone to stay the night because our guest room is full of boxes and there’s no where to sleep at this time.
Yesterday, I got a message from my nephew asking what we were up to. I let him know that both me and my wife were at work and we’d be home in the next couple of hours. I asked him if he would like to come up and chill and charge his phone. He’s more than welcome to. He agreed and said he would be bringing his son too. No problems from our end.
On my way home I called him and gave him instructions on how to get there (it’s a new community and apple/google maps currently derps getting there). He said he was just about to leave and he was packing his PS5 and Clothes in case power wasn’t restored by that night. I asked him if he was staying and he said. If powers not restored then yeah. I’ll stay and game for a few days.
This threw both me and my wife off guard because we didn’t have the means to put anyone up for the night and with some extra warning, we would have gone to the store and got stuff so that someone could stay at least with some comfort. We don’t have a lot in the house or much money but we would do what we can.
I explained that we didn’t have anywhere for them to stay right now and we would need to get things. He hangs up and then texts me 30 minutes later saying he’s probably just gonna stay home because a storm was picking back up (it was getting nasty outside again to be honest)
This morning my wife has woken up to messages from her sister stating she’s an asshole for ‘denying them to stay’. I honestly don’t think we’re in the wrong here. I feel like it’s a breakdown of communication from their end not letting us know what they were truly intending.
submitted by Sweaty-Nectarine-878 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:07 shortstory1 Hello I would like a pizza

"Hello I would like to order a pizza"
This is what I have been hearing all day and I cannot believe it. The violence within household groups from both men and women is just staggering. When they add pepperoni or other items to the pizza, it just sends shivers down my spine. Sometimes it's the woman who makes the call, other times it's the man and now and then it's a child. When a child makes a call ordering for pizza my faith in humanity just goes down. I wish I was on the front line of the police again instead I had been put down to office duty and answering phone calls.
"Hello I would like to order a pizza"
"I want a pizza"
That is all I have been hearing all day and I am tempted to just get off my seat get into a car drive down to one of these houses, and just lay out justice to the abuser. I kind of regret joining the police in the first place and witnessing the things I have witnessed, it's quite traumatising. Going home after a night of violence, crime and murder will always be surreal and to try and go to sleep after all of that is just hard. Just constantly more pizza orders with sides which just disgusts me even more as it tells me that the violence has turned gory. Why can't people just be nice?
I then told myself that if I got one more call that ordered a pizza then I would get up from my seat and go down to the house and shoot the abuser. I will bring justice on my own terms and when another call came through and another so-called pizza order, I got up from my seat and went down to the very house the call had come from and knocked on the front door. The call came from a woman ordering a pizza so I knew the man was the abuser.
When the man opened the door and looked confused with a £30 note in his hands he asked me "Where's the pizza?" And as I shot him down his wife screamed in horror. I then remembered that I don't work for the police anymore and that I work in a pizza joint. It was just instinctive or automatic for me to react like that after working so long in the police. Something's are hard to shake off.
submitted by shortstory1 to Horror_stories [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:07 OmgItSThe0 How to beat coherence

Would love to see a how to beat on the sci-fi/thriller coherence about eight friends come together one evening for a dinner party. They soon experience a chain of strange events after a comet passes the Earth
submitted by OmgItSThe0 to NerdExplains [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:07 shortstory1 Hello I would like a pizza

"Hello I would like to order a pizza"
This is what I have been hearing all day and I cannot believe it. The violence within household groups from both men and women is just staggering. When they add pepperoni or other items to the pizza, it just sends shivers down my spine. Sometimes it's the woman who makes the call, other times it's the man and now and then it's a child. When a child makes a call ordering for pizza my faith in humanity just goes down. I wish I was on the front line of the police again instead I had been put down to office duty and answering phone calls.
"Hello I would like to order a pizza"
"I want a pizza"
That is all I have been hearing all day and I am tempted to just get off my seat get into a car drive down to one of these houses, and just lay out justice to the abuser. I kind of regret joining the police in the first place and witnessing the things I have witnessed, it's quite traumatising. Going home after a night of violence, crime and murder will always be surreal and to try and go to sleep after all of that is just hard. Just constantly more pizza orders with sides which just disgusts me even more as it tells me that the violence has turned gory. Why can't people just be nice?
I then told myself that if I got one more call that ordered a pizza then I would get up from my seat and go down to the house and shoot the abuser. I will bring justice on my own terms and when another call came through and another so-called pizza order, I got up from my seat and went down to the very house the call had come from and knocked on the front door. The call came from a woman ordering a pizza so I knew the man was the abuser.
When the man opened the door and looked confused with a £30 note in his hands he asked me "Where's the pizza?" And as I shot him down his wife screamed in horror. I then remembered that I don't work for the police anymore and that I work in a pizza joint. It was just instinctive or automatic for me to react like that after working so long in the police. Something's are hard to shake off.
submitted by shortstory1 to scarystories [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:06 Agakla Could this be achalasia

Hello All!
I am new here, and would like some insight from people, who deal with achalasia already, and could give some guidence.
I am 35 years old female, non drinking, non smoking. For about a year I am dealing with seems like some mistery illness, and I cannot figure out the cause. I thought I have asthma, sinusitis, allergies, LPR and you name it.
My most deliberating symptoms are: -mucus in throat shortly after eating, some days more, some days less, it cause coughing and throat clearing -fullness in my chest after meals, feeling like I can't take deep breaths in, chest feels tight in sternum area and feels like lungs have no space to expand, it passes maybe about half an hour after eating, warm tea helps and rest helps to calm it down -with excessive throat clearing and cough, comes feeling like I always have upper respiratory infection, lots of rawness in throat, sensitivity to smells, and strong tastes. Feeling asthmatic. Many times I will keep coughing, feeling like something is there, but it is not providing any relief -difficulty swallowing, sometimes feeling like somethings tickles my throat or food is stuck -regurgitation of foods, many times undigested, feeling of food sitting in my chest -thick mucus in my throat, food getting stuck sometimes as I swallow, and I cannot tolerate any sticky, slimy foods, like yogurts, peanut butter, breads, chocolate etc -tounge feels swollen, raw, coated and I do have sour taste in mouth
I had done so far: -lung function test, and chest xray that was normal, waiting for chest ct -ent scope, saw lots of mucus and dr thought it's mix reflux and allergies, waiting for sinus ct scan -autoimmune panel, came back slightly positive and waiting for reumatologist
Waiting for GI visit in October this year and PH probe November this year. I am currently on Acid Watcher diet and not taking anything for reflux, trying to deal with it with dietary and lifestyle adjustment. I am really hoping to get barium swallow soon, and gastroscopy done in the future.
Could my symptoms be related to achalasia?
Thanks for any tips!
submitted by Agakla to achalasia [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:05 Ok-Help-1405 I'm free :))

I think I've finally gotten over this whole thing. I spent almost 2 years antagonising over my partners porn use and I got to the point where I prepared my splitting up conversation with him and planned a date. I spent every day hysterically crying leading up to it. I was splitting with him. Then one morning I had an epiphany moment where I actually just stopped giving a fuck about his porn use... It's weird to say because it's something that almost broke me so many times but I just suddenly don't care. I think i finally came to the realisation that when im pressuring him to do something he's not ready fodoesn't actually want to do, he feels like he has to lie because he feels trapped. And I hate that I created a situation and relationship where he felt like he had to lie to me. I will never trust him blindly like I used to, I'm now very aware he's capable of lying to me, but that also means I'm not naive anymore. You can't make someone do something they don't want to do. I've accepted that he sometimes can't choose the truth, but I'm choosing him over giving a fuck about this whole thing. And tbh this whole month and a bit since this brain switch has been so freeing. I've been waiting for the wave of anxiousness and desperation to come again and there has been maybe 2 days where I've felt those thoughts rearing their head, but I think of the state we were in compared to where we are now, and I go back to not caring about porn again. We've been the happiest we've been in over a year , we talk about how we feel all the time and our sex is so great- which I used to have to dissociate from and frequently cried during/after. Honesty and being truthful to each other is my priority and if that means he's watching porn then that's ok.
I don't really know what advice to give, but I guess if you're not happy with how things are with your partner, thinking about your priorities really might help, or it did for me anyway. If he's lying then he will continue to if things go on as they are, so how are things going to change?? Who will compromise?? Do you split up over this? Really try and sit down and have a brutally honest conversation- does he really REALLY want to stop watching porn for himself or is he just trying in order to appease you? If the latter, then he won't be successful and your relationship WILL breed dishonesty and bitterness. If that's the case- do you go your separate ways, or do you re-evaluate your stance on porn? There's no correct answer, I can just say that letting go seems to have worked out for me
I'm sending you all of the love and I hope you figure this all out soon, we all just deserve to be happy
submitted by Ok-Help-1405 to loveafterporn [link] [comments]