Macrobid trichomoniasis

Trichomoniasis alternative treatments

2023.05.21 14:20 Regular_Progress_651 Trichomoniasis alternative treatments

Hi there, Before I start, I am asking whoever responds to have understanding and open mindedness. I am aware that what I'm going to share is going to be difficult for some to understand.
I was diagnosed on Friday with trichomoniasis. I was prescribed a 7 day course of metronidazole. For most people that would be no problem. However, I suffer from extreme emetophobia, which is a fear of vomiting. It's extreme, I've had it my entire life and it is something I battle every minute of every day.
I'm terrified to take the meds. I struggle to take ANY medication but antibiotics are generally the worst for me. I will usually only take amoxicillin because I know how I respond to it. A few years ago I had a terrible reaction to macrobid and it just made the entire situation worse for me.
I have been researching alternative treatments for this and have landed on pomegranate juice, garlic, black tea and I think i saw something about boric acid. I've also looked at a few studies around vaginal metronidazole as a (weak) treatment.
Has anyone had any treatment other than metronidazole? Has anyone successfully treated it with more natural remedies? Does anyone know anything about it?
I am abstaining from any sexual activity until I have a confirmed negative test, I'm not that selfish....I know the risks associated with seeking natural remedies. Right now my symptoms are almost non existent.
I actually didn't expect to be told I had anything, it showed up in a urine culture that I had done to confirm my UTI was gone. It didn't show up in the first one, so the entire thing is confusing.
I appreciate anything anyone can share. I know most will think who cares, take the meds.. trust me, I would love to be that person. This has ruled my life for 30 years and it's a fear that paralyzes me.
Thank you so much
submitted by Regular_Progress_651 to Healthyhooha [link] [comments]

2022.10.18 07:13 Ok-Illustrator-2940 I think this is a sucess story

English isn't my first language so sorry in advance for any errors! This is a long post so bear with me.
F22. In april 2021 i had my first UTI ever. I had all the classic symptoms; burning when I peed, constant urge that never went away, bladder and urethra pain after I peed. I managed to get an appointment at my doctor's office the next day and she put me on 7 days of macrobid. The burning feeling when I peed and the pain in my bladder stopped around day 4. I still had the constant urge to pee and went to the bathroom every 30 minutes. After 7 days on macrobid I called my doctor back and said that not all the symptoms were gone. She then prescribed 10 days of Cipro and sent me to get a urine analysis and culture. Analysis came back with high levels of blood and leucocytes but the culture was inconclusive. After the 10 days on Cipro, I still had to pee every 15-30 minutes and felt a weird pressure in my bladder area. Doctor sent me to do another urine analysis and culture but everything looked good except for small amounts of leucocytes.
I've always had health anxiety and i'm also a nurse so i started looking up what these symptoms could be and found out about Interstitial Cystitis. I immediately panicked and started reading about it on every website I could find. After a month and a half I went back to another doctor and he prescribed me naproxen because he thought it was just residual inflammation from the UTI. In that month i started to cut back on alcohol and acidic foods. I was pretty much only eating pasta, rice, berries and yogurt. But nothing seemed to help. I had a 14 day prescription of naproxen that helped relieve some of the pressure feeling in my bladder and burning urethra. In august I was fed up and got an appointment with a private urologist. Based off my symptoms he diagnosed me with interstitial cystitis and started me on elmiron twice a day. I would say that about a month in I started to feel a bit better but not as I would like. I already had anxiety and OCD before all of this so obviously this condition made it worse. I changed antidepressants, doctor put me on 20 mg of cipralex and that's when my symptoms started getting really better. Fast forward to almost a year and a half later, I live a very normal life. I can eat and drink what I want including alcohol. I still get some bladder fullness feeling symptoms 2-3 times a week but I just take naproxen and it's gone within an hour.
I know I had it way easier than most but I did reach a point where I wanted to end it all because i couldn't live with the symptoms anymore. Now i'm 22, in a healthy relationship and I have my dream job of being a nurse. This condition doesn't stop me from doing anything anymore.
Edit: I didn't go too much into detail because it would be too long but from my first symptoms to being relatively normal, it was about 8 months. I tried oregano oil and marshmallow root too but those did nothing for me. If you have any other questions please ask me!
Edit 2: I also got tested for every STD including trichomoniasis, BV, yeast, ureaplasma and mycoplasma and every UTI test came back clear. I do also have vaginismus so that didn't help but pelvic floor therapy helped for that and for urinary urgency.
submitted by Ok-Illustrator-2940 to Interstitialcystitis [link] [comments]

2021.10.04 16:57 carrrrmcarm UTI-like symptoms that won’t go away after two rounds of antibiotics

22F Height: 5’5 Weight: 127 pounds Medical conditions: depression, anxiety, ADHD Medications: 50 mg fluoxetine, birth control pill (active pills are taken every day of the month- I do not get periods ever)
Several weeks ago I started having symptoms that I thought were a UTI. I was having pain in my lower left abdomen and frequent urination. My at home UTI test seemed to show that I had a UTI, and I was given antibiotics by a doctor without them doing a lab test. I also started taking Concerta during this time for ADHD.
I had taken the antibiotics for about 4 days with no improvement. One day my abdomen pain moved to the right side, and would switch to the left side. The pain was worse than previously. This may be unrelated, but I also began shaking violently and felt really “out of it”. I believe these were some sort of seizures by the way my whole body was flailing around.
I ended up going to urgent care and the doctor said the shaking was likely from the Concerta and to stop taking that right away. I had a urine test done, blood tests, and an X-ray on my abdomen. The doctor said it looked like I had a UTI and prescribed me a new antibiotic (Macrobid).
The x ray was normal, urine test showed trace leukocyte esterase, 2+ hpf for urine bacteria, 2+ hpf for mucus, and Trace-lysed for blood in urine. The rest was normal. My blood tests were mostly normal except for slightly high protein (8.5 gm/dL), slightly low MPV (6 fl), and high platelet count (552 k/ul). I also was tested for chlamydia, gonorrhea, and trichomoniasis which were all negative.
I finished my second round of antibiotics and am still having a frequent urge to urinate and pain in the lower abdomen on both sides. I also get like a burning feeling on both sides sometimes, and sometimes the pain will move toward my hips and back. It does not hurt to urinate. Any ideas of where to go from here? I have been to doctors several times in the past few weeks for this issue and am getting frustrated.
submitted by carrrrmcarm to Healthyhooha [link] [comments]

2021.10.04 16:55 carrrrmcarm UTI-like symptoms not going away?

22F Height: 5’5 Weight: 127 pounds Medical conditions: depression, anxiety, ADHD Medications: 50 mg fluoxetine, birth control pill (active pills are taken every day of the month- I do not get periods ever)
Several weeks ago I started having symptoms that I thought were a UTI. I was having pain in my lower left abdomen and frequent urination. My at home UTI test seemed to show that I had a UTI, and I was given antibiotics by a doctor without them doing a lab test. I also started taking Concerta during this time for ADHD.
I had taken the antibiotics for about 4 days with no improvement. One day my abdomen pain moved to the right side, and would switch to the left side. The pain was worse than previously. This may be unrelated, but I also began shaking violently and felt really “out of it”. I believe these were some sort of seizures by the way my whole body was flailing around.
I ended up going to urgent care and the doctor said the shaking was likely from the Concerta and to stop taking that right away. I had a urine test done, blood tests, and an X-ray on my abdomen. The doctor said it looked like I had a UTI and prescribed me a new antibiotic (Macrobid).
The x ray was normal, urine test showed trace leukocyte esterase, 2+ hpf for urine bacteria, 2+ hpf for mucus, and Trace-lysed for blood in urine. The rest was normal. My blood tests were mostly normal except for slightly high protein (8.5 gm/dL), slightly low MPV (6 fl), and high platelet count (552 k/ul). I also was tested for chlamydia, gonorrhea, and trichomoniasis which were all negative.
I finished my second round of antibiotics and am still having a frequent urge to urinate and pain in the lower abdomen on both sides. I also get like a burning feeling on both sides sometimes, and sometimes the pain will move toward my hips and back. It does not hurt to urinate. Any ideas of where to go from here? I have been to doctors several times in the past few weeks for this issue and am getting frustrated.
submitted by carrrrmcarm to WomensHealth [link] [comments]

2020.09.10 09:05 charred_burner Penis help wanted: many months burning urination, clammy balls

36 year old circumcised, white, straight male. Single. Thinnish body type. Diet isn't super awesome, more of a carbs and salts guy than a sweet tooth. Should eat more vegetables, but I do get a couple plates in a week.
I am really not a hypochondriac, but you'll see I take notice when I think somethings wrong with my dick...
For 10 months I've experienced burning urination, and a kinda clammy / grippy / moist / retracted / irritated dick and balls. Nothing monstrous, just like 40% percent clammier. Unfortunately, it's not very observable, most doctors think its pretty normal looking. It's like an "invisible rash".
It's a long, winding saga, and other symptoms have come and gone, but those ones^ are the mainstays. I've seen multiple specialists and tried tons of treatments:
...but I still don't know exactly what it is I'm dealing with. I try and stay positive but its pretty depressing. I want my old dick back so, so very badly.
So... Yeast infection? UTI? Bacterial infection? Candida? Interstitial Cystitis? I have some symptoms of all, but nothing that really matches the descriptions or pics I've seen. Skin seems dryesmoother when aroused.
Have I just irritated my most sensitive zone with a barrage of heavily medicated creams? HELP!!!!
Oct 12
I had a lot of unprotected sex with "Beth", during an air travel weekend full of alcohol, bad food, lack of sleep, etc (immune system run down?)
24 hours after sex: I arrive home Sunday night, I notice a pair of little pink dots in my pubes north of my dick and the general area just feels a bit irritated. Not really itchy-- more tingles/pinches/burns. I fear its herpes (which tends to not appear that quickly after exposure?) Wouldn't think much of the dots if it werent for the odd sensation.
Next morning I'm at my normal Doctor. He figures its friction irritating hair follicles. He says "soap and water."
Oct 19
A week after sex: Beth on the phone, reports I "gave her a yeast infection AND a UTI" (or she gave me? No biggie anyway.) So I'm freaked, but also partly relieved to have some clue. She was given Fluconazole antifungal (150mg) and 7 days of Nitrofurantoin antibiotics (100mg, 2x/day) And she's all set.
I get worse, now it burns when I pee, the underside of my penis mostly, esp in the "chin".
Oct 28
I return to my Doctor (for the 2nd part of a shingles vaccine) and insist they take another look at my dick. Again, "soap and water". They take a urinalysis: negative.
Dick feels a bit "retracted", like the skin is thicker, angrier, clammier. Butthole feels clammy sometimes too.
Nov 6
Third time to my Doctor! Still doesn't "look" like much to the observer. He prescribes Ketoconazole antifungal lotion for 2 wks, 2x/day.
I do it, still eating and drinking normal/not great. The lotion itself is clammy/sticky, making it tough to see improvement in dick clamminess. Or really any improvement other than its back to only burning when I pee. The pinching/burning kinda goes away.
Nov 20
Finished 2 wks Ketoconazole. Dick just still feels a little retracted/clammy but I think I’m outta the woods. It seems normal when aroused.
Nov 24-25
I have sex with "Ashley" and "Cara" Fri and Sat night, respectively. I wake up w burning penis tip at REST (not even during urination!) Neither of them report anything weird.
Nov 27
Fourth trip to Doctor. Urinalysis test for "everything".... negative again.
Ketoconazole lotion for 2 more weeks, 2x/day, now plus Fluconazole oral 1/wk for 2 wks. Also some optional corticosteroid thats supposed to help the Keto. (I heard it can irritate too much so I stopped after a few days.)
I read about “candida” overgrowth, eventually I cut out sugar, yeast, alcohol, coffee, go paleo for about a month. I hated this part.
Also starting to feel pain in flanks/mid back, tightness and soreness. I'm afraid it's kidney infection or something. (In retrospect this might have been more because of the diet shift)
Dec 15
I'm on my third week of Ketoconazole ("to be safe") and I switch to Terbinafine antifungal lotion. It’s a smoother, drier lotion so I like it better but I’m not sure its working any better.
Burning urination. Pinching sensation in pubes maybe better. Now have a "crawling skin"/pins and needles sensation that travels mid/upper back. Dunno if its related but maybe similar.
Dec 17
I convince urgent care to give me antibiotics: Nitrofurantoin "Macrobid" (2x/day, 5 days)
Seems to ease up on symptoms somewhat, especially the kidney/back pain/crawling sensation
Dec 31
Kidney/Bladder ultrasound reveals nothing. All looks good.
Dermatologist. Rx Alcortin A (Iodoquinol/hydrocortisone acetate) topical, 2x/day 2 weeks. This stuff is also very clammy/grippy, and neon green.
Jan 6
Trichomoniasis test comes back negative
Urinalysis/blood test negative
This whole time I'm still thinking it's a yeast infection or bacterial infection.
Feb 5
Urologist. Cystoscopy (fuck that shit by the way) reveals nothing. "A perfect urethra and bladder."
I recall they gave me an Antibiotic shot before the camera goes in. Cant remember but seems (which seems to clear up back crawling feeling, "relaxes" the skin of my dick/balls somewhat?)
Feb 26
Specialist for Infectious Diseases. He won't give antibiotics without observable symptoms (clammy penis/burning urination not enough) Still have the occasional "hot pinch" on the butt or penis head.
Blood/Urine tests come back normal.
Tried home remedies, White Vinegar spray, Apple Cider Vinegar spray in shower. Minimal burning (seemed to relax the scrotum a bit, after the fact?)
Tried Monistat (Miconazole) 2x/day for 4 weeks.
April 8th
Scrotum again felt thick and constricted. Starting Alcortin A again ("1 week on, 1 week off" was the initial rec)
April 22
First day of non-clammy dick in a long, long time! Maybe it was the Blue Gold Bond or organic Coconut Oil 2x/day topical, but I suspect it's probably the lack of medicated lotions 2-3 times a day.
April 23
Dermatologist. Blue Gold Bond seems to have burned my scrotum. Dry flaky ball skin peeling. "Finish Alcortin A then give it a rest."
Apr 27
Stopped everything. Still sticky/grippy skin, burning urination
May 13
Started Tacrolimus for 1 week. Flare up, made skin clammy and burn, sensitive to hot showers. Stopped for a week to prep for scrotum biopsy...
May 27
Dermatologist: scrotum biospy. Negative for fungus (is that conclusive for yeast infection? Dunno.) I tell em I want a gentler approach. They give me Rx Nystatin Powder. The powder itself takes care of the moisture. But no real improvement, especially for the burning pee.
July 3
Another doctor friend of mine, prescribes me Doxycycline Hyclate antibiotics (2x/day for 10 days)
Sept 1
Back to Primary Doctor. He wants to keep trying things. No coffee, no underwear. Rx: Mupirocin antibacterial... maybe feels less invasive than antifungal.

Main lasting issues:
Burning urination (and maybe takes an extra second or two to start.) Clammy/Grippy/Rubbery feeling dick and balls. Sometimes damp (but never visible moisture.)

I'm avoiding coffee and obvious breads and sugars, but not going full keto diet.
I'm thinking I probably had a yeast infection and/or UTI, got rid of it, but irritated my skin (and urethra?) with all the crazy creams and now I'm just trying to just rehabilitate the skin. I read that Primrose oil (with GLA) is good for restoring skin integrity, pH balance, circulation so I'm going to try a little of that, just at night for a while, keepin em dry during the day.
I've also discovered a great product (with a dumb name) called Fresh Balls, it goes on like a lotion but dries like a powder. Using it twice a day relieves my clam symptoms pretty well, but they return when I stop.
Several doctors have said I shouldn't worry about communicating it to anyone, which is comforting, but I don't entirely trust it, plus it still burns when I pee. Seems dryesmoother when aroused.
Had shingles last year... had chicken pox as a kid, which can come back with a weird shock to the system, suspect it was brought on by a super bad sunburn. Shingles affected left thigh, not the dick zone. This was resolved a few months before the current issue.
Sometimes get athletes foot, tinea maunum (hands), Angular Cheilitis (all mild). Never had "jock itch" to my knowledge. Unless this is that.
submitted by charred_burner to STD [link] [comments]