A quote about moving on and not caring anymore

Welcome! Take a seat and enjoy the breeze.

2017.10.24 04:33 SaintsOfTheEast Welcome! Take a seat and enjoy the breeze.

We are a community dedicated to pictures and discussion about Fans (of the air moving variety) and not pornography.

2011.09.13 01:56 keraneuology Classic lines from other posts

This reddit was inspired by a post by The_Big_Salad - when I read "mystery cloth on the guy's head turns out to be his underwear" I knew it had to be done.

2011.08.05 19:02 Slashur_8 QuotesPorn

Words. Beautiful, beautiful words.

2024.06.02 09:50 jinx_x27 tell me…

an email i considered sending to my therapist, but never sent. share any thoughts as you would like :) thank you to anyone who takes the time to read. let me know if you relate if you’d like.
little jacked up, admittedly probably shouldn’t have done the block or two home from the bar if i’m being honest. it’s kind of wild the way things change and stay the same. the level of disconnect and the lack of discernment between what is okay and what is not. knowing and not knowing… rationalizing? what is okay
and the sadness as you watch people succumb, over and over, more and more. and you stand back and watch as people simply take watch, observe the decline, yourself included. and you think, well, they don’t know any different. but if you’re asking yourself the question, if you all make the jokes that indicate the awareness with things left unsaid… i don’t know. it’s an incredibly sad world we live in some days
and there’s people that greet me upon entering, and these people say they adore me, their words. and i’m here wondering why they ask me these questions, truthfully why can’t you just recognize that i need more than 6 ft of distance for me to be okay with you talking this intensely. no ill intent, warmth, encouragement. and i want nothing more than to not be seen. it’s amazing, truly.
there are so many missed communications. and people just carry on, they just continue to whatever beat their drum drums. they continue to color inside the lines, they don’t dare to shake their status quo. not recognizing that their status quo is what keeps things where they are. not recognizing that if they see something , say something. and i think it’s even more sad if they do see it. i’m one of those people, and i can empathize because i feel powerless too.
it’s a wild wild world all the time
and yet, my aunt texts me just now, she says “ Thanks for listening to me all the time. You’re one of the very few people that I can talk to and know that you totally understand what I’m jabbering about. ” so i have meaning, i made impact. right?
we’re all witnesses to this shit. it’s wild
i must be more jacked up than i thought, to be shamelessly sharing.
i think too many people are in pain, with no means to get out. except they have the means, they have the help, they just can’t see it. it’s a profoundly sad world. and nonetheless, a good night . a night of sharing, of exchanges, of authentic conversation.
i don’t know. i don’t quite have the words
i know that im deeply grateful to have the space to express. and i know that i wouldn’t be here if not for you
how many people don’t have a version of you? how many people stumble blindly through whatever their shit is, unknowingly colluding
i don’t know
and what is there to do? the spouse of the alcoholic takes him in the car home, he’ll sleep in the car or on the couch. the father who texts his son thanking him for his honesty about having been drinking, and therefore isn’t going to pick up his dad. i tell him, that’s a great text from your dad. good on you. (he’ll appreciate that someday if he doesn’t already). did he hear me? was he more upset that i shouldn’t be looking over his shoulder? it wasn’t my business in the first place? he wouldn’t be wrong.. but i read it and wished id have heard it, so i said something. he thanked me, so maybe. but maybe not, maybe he thought fuck you. the brother that storms out on his sister over who knows what, what i hear as a “years long conflict, this happens at least every other time they get together.” and it’s normal, so let’s move on, let’s have fun. forget about it. under the rug it goes.
how are people not profoundly disturbed by this? how do they actively participate?
and how can i say that as i stand by and watch these things pass by because these people are 20-30 years older than me, i dont have the connection necessary to plant any seeds of change. and yet i have 5 minute conversations with people only to hear that they call me extraordinary, they say im destined for great things, always have been.
i don’t know. i don’t know what i feel
i just know that it’s difficult for me to interact with so many people that have no idea what to do. and i have the empathy. i didn’t, i don’t know what to do either. you just keep trying anyway, but they don’t seem to. they brush it off, they act like it’s nothing so as to minimize the discomfort, in an effort to save somebody’s feelings.
i don’t know. it’s a wild thing
nobody i know is ever malicious. i know malicious people exist, they are not the ones i know.
it’s insane to me the level of harm that can be done despite good intentions. and how disturbingly normal it is to watch and do nothing. nothing. sit back. they’ll figure it out. maybe. someday. maybe. hopefully.
it’s fucked up. what if they don’t? what if they need you to say something? what if they need to know that it’s seen, even if it’s uncomfortable, even if it hurts?
i don’t know. i’m not pointing the finger, im no different, im a participant as well
but im 24, i say, im only a kid compared to these people. cant be much different than the things they all tell themselves.
i don’t know.
it’s a weird thing.
and today was my dad’s 50th birthday . and i hugged him multiple times, trying to tell him i love him. trying to tell him to stay close. take care of yourself, i need you around. and yet im fuming over the treatment of my step-sister who still lives in his house. the lack of accountability taken. and how could you carry on this way. how could you not see what you’re doing. how could you continue to oppress, restrict another human being, another child of yours. i told you what it did to me, didn’t i? didn’t you listen? i thought you did.
but i love this man more than i give a fuck whether the sun rises the next day, and so i will give him grace. i will hug him tight because i don’t want him going anywhere. i see him laugh it up, i see him brush things off, i see him swallow, and make light. and i watch his body decay as the stress compounds. why? how? but i get it, too. i haven’t said anything either. that’s all we know
i care that he knows how much i love him, how much i need him, how much i yearn for closeness, for him to understand. i see the weight that you’re carrying that you tirelessly try to dismiss
i don’t know what to do with all of this sometimes there’s too much to be seen that isn’t said.
i’m highly analytical, im logical, im rational, im disconnected. and honestly i don’t know how else to exist, because feeling it all, watching it all
i don’t know sometimes. i don’t know
and it was a great night. it was a great night
too many paradoxes.
and i’ll wake up tomorrow, i’ll forget about this. i’ll be caught up in my own world. it will be out of sight out of mind
what can you do? are the messages i receive from people like my aunt enough? do i need to think better? it’s not like im not already cracking under my own weight. but would more mean more? do more? how do we all sit back like that. how do we all do that
blows my mind, and i understand it all the same.
crazy. crazy. crazy.
i hope you’ve been able to get some rest. it makes me wonder sometimes… did you abuse your body too like i have? is it a case of poor genetics? is it to be expected with aging? do you have regrets that you’re now paying the price for? or have you made your peace and you roll with the punches? what are the things you tell no one about? what are the things you try to forget? what are the things you deny but secretly know, the things that only you could possibly know? and am i projecting? is there a level of healing where that’s not what you think anymore? but at the end of the day, i think everybody has those, no matter how healed you think you are. is that reality or just mine?
do you have somebody too?
maybe it’s arrogant of me, but i don’t think i would sense, i don’t think i would suspect if there was nothing to know.
that pains me some days.
but maybe that’s the human part of this work. maybe i’m human, and you’re human, and we all have things left unseen and untouched, unsaid.
do i think that because im wounded? or is that how this thing we call life is? i don’t know.
submitted by jinx_x27 to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:50 Mental-Yoghurt9423 I always feel like I am a burden to everyone around me and I think I am gonna start self isolating.

I (18F), have always struggled with people. When i was young, I was an outgoing child, but i got bullied a lot for being "too loud". As I grew up, I became more reserved and liked to keep to myself. I have had moments when i was social, but not a lot. Not only was I bullied by people in school, but also by my dad and some other family members. Me and my dad don't have a relationship, as he has told me to my face that he doesn't love me and that the woman he is cheating on my mother with daughter is his true daughter. Since then, I have been lashing out lately. Maybe it is betrayal, or pain, but I can't hold back how I feel. As a child, better yet a person, I have never asked for much of others. Only recently I realised to get things, I must ask for it. Simple things, like leaving the house of going to the beach I can't even do because no one wants to take me and just because my dad says he doesn't want to take me. He never takes me anywhere.Little things, like for example, i am graduating high school next month, but my dad's 50th birthday is the same week. All i wanted was for my mom was to do something for mw for my grads, but all she cares about is my ungrateful father's birthday. A few months ago, I got my first boyfriend (20M), and he is the best thing to have ever happen to me (i know that is clique, but work with me here please 😭). I am also his first girlfriend as well. We are both very new to dating and just in general being in a relationship. We have to keep our relationship on the phone as my dad doesn't want me to date. For the past few days, he has been busy with stuff with his family, and we haven't gotten to get anytime to talk, until tonight. We talked and spent time for about two hours till he was ready to sleep. I still wanted to talk to him, but i know he was tired. i kept asking him questions, and he kept say "mhm". I realised he was tired and told him good night. He shot up from his sleepy state and said good night and I told him, "Oh, you can get up to tell me goodnight but not answer my questions?". I know that was a bitchy thing to say, but I was a bit upset when I am trying to talk with him and he wasn't actually answering me. All I wanted was to spend time with him. He got up from his sleep, and i know he was definitely upset with me and told me he was tired from his long day and he wanted to make sure i heard him say goodnight and that he loved me as i had already said it to him. Despite me getting him upset, he offered to stay on the call until I was ready to go bed. I told him i was sorry as i realised how shitty i was reacting, i told him i was tired and goodnight. I feel bad that my boyfriend has a girlfriend like me. He truly does deserve better. i am trying to be better, but i feel like i am a problem, a burden. Not only with my boyfriend, but with my family and even my friends. Is it too much to ask for little things to feel appreciated and heard. I don't mean to be or sound selfish, but all my life i have lived to please and accommodate others, i wish for once i would be accommodated. I want to feel special, and feel appreciated. I don't really feel that way very often. After calling with my boyfriend tonight, I cried for about an hour because i felt so badly that he has to deal with me. I feel like everything i do just seems to make everything so much worse. I think i start dissociating, again. I have before, and i will be honest it was lonely for me, but i am sure that everyones' lives were so much better. I don't want to be a problem anymore, i want everyone around me to just be happy and not have to deal with me, my nonsense and annoyingness.
submitted by Mental-Yoghurt9423 to u/Mental-Yoghurt9423 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:50 Frosty-Grapefruit770 Got broken up with two days ago.

His (20m) mother had gotten into a car accident and broke a few ribs (luckily those were the only injuries). This happened at the beginning of the month and ofc I (20f) was there and tried to be a shoulder for him to cry on. But two days ago he sat me down and told me that he needs to take care of his mom and put his time and energy into caring for her. Basically telling me he has no time for me and our relationship anymore. I’m trying to be understanding but tbh I just don’t. I don’t understand why we couldn’t have just taken a break for a month and then revisited instead of just ending it all. Idk it just hurts a lot. He was my first everything so it definitely has an extra punch to the pain and idk how to deal with it at all. I’ve been crying for 2 days straight and I’ve never been one to cry in front of others but as soon as I start to think about him the waterworks become active. I wish I could ignore this pain and find a way to live on faster. I’m also scared that a month will pass and he will text me saying he regrets and then I forgive him. Ik the simple answer is to just not forgive him but I have a lot love for him and what feels like not so much love for myself atp.
submitted by Frosty-Grapefruit770 to heartbreak [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:47 relationshipguy254 what to do if you see your narcissistic ex out in a public setting after going no contact

Let's be real, seeing an ex who treated you like trash is never fun and easy, especially if they were heavily narcissistic and manipulative. After you finally went no contact to escape their mind games, running into them in public can stir up all those old feelings of anger, hurt, and confusion. You may feel panicky and anxious, not knowing what to do. Should you greet them, smile, or just walk away as if you don’t even know them? So, what do you do when you see your narcissistic ex in a public setting, especially when you’re practicing full no contact with them?
First thing's first, don't break no contact. I know the urge to scream at them or rehash the past might be strong, but engaging with a narc never ends well. They'll just suck you back into their toxic world of manipulation. The smartest move is to act like they don't even exist. Give them no acknowledgement, no reaction, non-whatsoever. Gray rock your way in that public place if you can.
If you have to be in the same space, avoid them as much as possible. Don't make eye contact, don't linger near them, just go about your business. If they try to approach you or get a rise out of you, keep calm and walk away. Narcs thrive on getting an emotional reaction, so denying them that takes away their power. Narcissists know how to press your buttons and may go to great lengths, even resorting to public humiliation, to provoke you. You don't have to play the hero or waste your energy explaining logical nuances to them. It’s wiser to look foolish or even run away than to stand there trying to call them out or engage in a verbal fight. There's no point in fighting; by staying away, you’re already winning, and there’s much more to gain by maintaining your distance.
Chances are they'll try to bait you by pretending everything is all right or playing the victim. Don't fall for it! They're just fishing for supply and haven't changed one bit behind that fake facade. Your mind might try to compare your current life with their seemingly flamboyant and "clean" appearance, but don't listen to that voice. It's the same voice that hooked you during the love-bombing phase, when you fell for their looks and superficial charm, ignoring the underlying emptiness. Stay strong in the knowledge that their issues have nothing to do with you. You broke free, and they're just bitter they can't control you anymore.
If you start feeling triggered by their presence, take a breather. Go to the bathroom, call a friend, do some deep breathing - whatever you need to recenter yourself. Remind yourself how far you've come in your healing and that this narc holds no power over you now.
The bottom line is, you're the one who got out. Don't let one accidental run-in erase all your progress. Stay cool, stay strong, and keep looking towards your bright, narc-free future. You've got this!
Note from the Author
If you’re ready and you’d like my help with healing, finding peace in life and breaking free from these toxic patterns, then you can book a FREE BREAKTHROUGH CALL with me HERE. Happy healing 💙💙. Feel free to share and comment! Use this information with caution, it comes from my own thoughts & bias, experiences and research😊.
submitted by relationshipguy254 to healfromabuse [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:46 NegotiationPitiful55 my(19F) friends(18 F) family has been making vacation miserable and aggressive

TL;DR at the bottom.
This trip hasn’t been any fun at all and I want to go home already but unfortunately I am here for another 2-3 days. I wanted to go on vacay to get away from MY mom bc she's such a narcissist and i wanted to relax.I’ve tried to make light of the situation until it got worse yesterday.
I Yesterday, we went to a resort in Mexico because the family had a one day pass. At the end of it, Dalia (my friend's 30 yr old half sister) was too drunk and she took a taxi with her 6 year old daughter and Shayla (the sister's friend). We were originally supposed to go shopping at the mall after the resort and eat at an Italian restaurant within the resort but that did not go to plan which was okay at the time. After those 3 leave, it was just me, my friend May and her parents. I thought we were going to go shopping like they said we would because that is something everyone, especially me lol also wanted to do. We didn't even do that and the only reason they even took us to the shopping strip in the first place was because they wanted to buy weed. They didn't even say that initially and I only found that out because they kept getting agitated bc they couldn't find the McDonald's they were trying to use as a land marker. But I knew where the McDonalds was and I was very confused as to why they weren't listening to me when I was telling them where it was. I just assumed they wanted McDonald's since the food at the resort wasn't the best.
My friend told me that they wouldn't directly say they were getting weed because "they still need to be somewhat of a good influence" or something like that, like what?? They haven't been that this WHOLE trip and nobody is fucking dumb. They've been smoking and talking about weed this whole time in front of us/me. So why does THAT matter now ? Why tf would I care you're adults?? I literally have wanted weed this whole time anyway and already bought alcohol.
This is the worst part. After we come back from the whole McDonalds shit, the four of us get into a taxi to go back to the Airbnb. When we arrive in front of our residence, the dad pulls out his card but the driver says he only takes cash. The dad flips his shit, says he's scamming him or whatever. The ride was 200 pesos, which is 10 USD. He says the driver is scamming him because he has been paying with his card the whole time in other taxis. Fhe mom thinks they're being scammed too. The dad was about to punch the driver in the face over ten fucking dollars??? The mom and my friend had to convince him to fucking stop and he kept getting mad at the daughter telling her to get tf inside. I had to end up paying (again) the ten dollars because I had cash. I say again because at the start of the trip, I had to pay 80 dollars for the cab to the Airbnb bc the dad didn't have service to pay so I used the cash I had. I did get the money back but still. wtf. Also they were not being scammed and if they were it wasn't even THAT bad because all of the taxis are 10 to 17 dollars from the mall to where we live. Theiithink it's a scam because he wanted cash. I had a taxi driver when I snuck out once because there wasn't any food and I was STARVING, I asked him if he takes cash or card and he said cash, but it was still all the same price. They don't know I snuck out and I'm glad I didn't tell my friend that I did because she would have told them. probably.
The next day, which is today, I wake up and everybody is just fucking gone besides my friend and her sisters daughter. This pisses me off because they have left us, to baby sit the little girl AGAIN for idek how many times they've done that. It's extremely fucking annoying I haven't even been able to enjoy the trip and my friend damn sure has not either. she said she was really embarrassed yesterday to the dad and wouldn't have invited me if the parents were gonna act like they do at home with/around me. The dad "apologizes" today saying "Im sorry for being so embarrassing" like what?
They told us to go shop and have fun. To not let any of the shit that happened ruin the fun. Idk how that's possible but whatever I might as well. My friend didn't want to go shopping because she was crying and upset today. I was getting dressed because I said I am just going then because I was so sick of not being able to do ONE thing I wanted to. She then ended up coming with but then her phone not charging ruined her mood again and she wasn't going anymore. I was given money to use from home and was determined to just use it.I just wanted to do something fun for fucking once. I told my narc mom I was going to go out with or without my friend because it would have been BAD at home for me had I not enforced that. She kept pleading me not to go alone but I was persisting and wasn't asking. She just ended up telling me she's worried and to just be safe. Wasn't mad.
I walked out and paid for the taxi. I only went because it was only a 3-5 minute taxi ride to the public mall to shop. My friend then calls me asking if I left and why'd I go without her?? She literally didn't even want to go anymore and I said that. She tells me she insists I come back and she said it wasn't smart to leave and that "I'll get snatched up". Her parents and everyone were angry with me she said. First of all, her parents and everyone else kept fucking walking away from us without saying a word as to where they were heading. could have been fucking kidnapped multiple times because of them since that's the damn problem. I didn't even want to go alone initially, but it was bright as day outside, I am sick of this family and I'd rather be alone and do what I want to do, since that's clearly never gonna happen with them. Plus I shouldn't have to rely on company or anyone to have fun, especially at this point. Her mom gets on the phone and just tells me to come back bc she's responsible for me but then is like "because if you don't come back Im going to have to call your mom". I can never get a break away from my mom no matter the damn situation it seems. That was literally not needed at all. She called her anyway regardless of me saying I was coming back.
Also now im being accused of stealing their fucking weed they leave out on the counter. I don't need ur fucking weed if I WANTED weed (which I have this whole time but that was only between me and my friend) I can BUY my own weed with the money I have. The first time my friend asked me I didn't care because it was just a question out of concern. Today she asked me a second time and now I am feeling accused. She said her dad thinks I took it because my laptop was there. EVERYBODYS STUFF HAS BEEN DOWNSTAIRS. How is that even a good accusation and you're asking me the second time. There was no way it was not Shayla because she kept walking away to ask strangers for fucking cigarettes day 1 of the trip. then walked away AGAIN that day to try and buy some. She was also downstairs at like 5am one time bc I went downstairs to go outside rq and I saw her doing god knows what in the dark. I don't even think they even tried to question her about it, since she's been smoking with them but instead have only been accusing me.
I have tried to be very respectful to my friend's family because I don't want to be rude or say anything bad since that's her family. I don't know how long I'm going to be able to deal with it though and if I'm accused a third time I am going to fucking snap and probably cuss someone out. I am also trying not to get into any trouble at home because whether it's reasonable or not my mom is going to say I was being disrespectful and take their side on that regard.
TL;DR: I am on vacation in Mexico with my friends family and my patience has been tested this whole entire time. i've been accused of stealing weed twice which I have NOT done at all and it doesn't seem like they've asked anyone else. The dad threatened to punch the taxi driver over ten dollars bc he thought the taxi driver was scamming him when he wasn't. I had to pay for the ten dollars in cash and I also paid 80 initially at the start of trip for the taxi because the dad didn't have service on his phone.
submitted by NegotiationPitiful55 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:44 Vicksin Daily Run Guide - June 2nd, 2024

Daily Run Guide - June 2nd, 2024

Greetings, Trainers!

Yesterday was my "day off", which was unfortunate timing as I heard it was a tough daily. Apologies for my absence, it was unfortunately out of my control. Today is a new day, and we're back on the grind!
Notable catches include a Regenerator Mareanie (Toxapex pre-evo) and some great optimal natures, see "Catch Data" below the Guide for more info.
Really appreciate the support players have been sending to my Video Guides and YouTube Channel in all of this, your kindness truly means the world <3

Intro & Information

  • Why should I do the daily run?
    • They are extremely good for new players
    • You get 1 Premium Egg Voucher
      • A 10-pull of eggs
    • You get 1 Egg Voucher per Gym Leader (3 total)
      • 1 egg pull per Gym Leader, so 3 egg pulls or
      • 5 egg pulls per Gym Leader if it's your first time beating them
    • That's anywhere from 13 to 25 egg pulls depending on your account
    • You get to keep what you catch
      • This is great for rarer Pokémon spawns
      • Guaranteed IVs/nature if you follow the guide(s)
  • RNG pathing is seeded, so everyone will have the same results if they follow the exact same steps
    • Shiny Pokémon are client-side, so no Daily Run Pokémon can guarantee shinies
    • Abilities, Natures, and IVs will be the same
  • As long as you start the daily run before the day resets, you can come back to it at any time, for full rewards! The save remains intact regardless of when you load it up, just know you can't create more instances. Once the daily is gone, it's gone.

Discrepancies/Help, this didn't work!

I can't stress enough that literally every little detail matters
  • I've included a video guide if you want to follow along and see what I'm doing
  • Reload (f5 or Menu > Save and Quit) whenever I reload
    • Do not reload when I don't reload
    • A different amount of reloads will change the path
      • Some users have reported they accidentally reloaded but it worked fine, but we also have confirmed cases of rerolling when you're not supposed to changing the spawns, so don't risk it!
  • Ensure you're on a Chromium-based browser
    • Google Chrome, Opera/Opera GX, Microsoft Edge, etc are some Chromium browsers
    • Mozilla Firefox or playing the game offline may result in a different seed
  • Do not switch between devices in the middle of your Daily Run, as it may cause desyncs
  • Follow this guide exactly
    • Learn/forget the same moves I learn/forget
    • Reroll/grab the exact same store items
    • etc
  • I'm happy to provide assistance in the comments below as well!!


If forgetting/learning a move is not mentioned, it means skip the new move.
-------------------------------------------------------- Temple Biome
Wave 1 - Sassy No Guard 26Atk 26Def 26SpDef Honedge
  • Reload
  • Switch to Diggersby
  • Mud Shot
  • Poké Ball
  • Transfer...
    • Ceruledge Soft Sand to Diggersby
    • Diggersby Spell Tag to Ceruledge
  • Lum Diggersby
Wave 2
  • Pre-switch to Ceruledge
  • Shadow Claw
  • 5x Ultra Ball
Wave 3
  • Shadow Claw
  • Larvitar learn Screech over Endure
  • Reroll Store
    • Poké Ball
Wave 4 - Naive 30SpAtk Honedge
  • Pre-switch to Diggersby
  • Mud Shot
  • Poké Ball
  • TM Mud-Slap Diggersby
    • Learn over Rest
Wave 5
  • Mud Shot
  • Diggersby learn Bulldoze over Mud Shot
  • Bulldoze x2
  • Honedge learn Night Slash over Fury Cutter
  • Quick Attack x2
  • Honedge learn Night Slash over Slash
  • Bulldoze
  • Quick Attack
  • Ceruledge learn Flame Charge over Sunny Day
  • Low Kick
  • Poké Ball
Wave 6 - Docile Mummy 29SpDef 27Speed 24SpAtk Yamask
  • Pre-switch to Larvitar
  • Stomping Tantrum
  • Poké Ball x3
  • 5x Poké Ball
Wave 7 - Jolly Iron Fist Golett
  • Rock Slide
  • Poké Ball
  • Replace Honedge (21hp)
  • X Defense
Wave 8 - Lonely 31Def Yamask
  • Pre-switch to Diggersby
  • Bulldoze x2
  • Poké Ball
  • Yamask learn Hex over Disable
  • Rare Candy Honedge
Wave 9 - Modest Levitate 26Def Chimecho
  • Reload
  • Pre-switch to Honedge
  • Night Slash
  • Shadow Sneak
    • Send in Diggersby
  • Poké Ball x2
  • Sitrus Berry Diggersby
Wave 10 - Adamant 26HP 24Speed Honedge
  • (Chimecho sucked)
  • Reload
  • Pre-switch Diggersby to Ceruledge
    • Pre-switch Larvitar to Yamask
  • Shadow Claw Chimecho
    • Hex Chimecho
  • Will-O-Wisp Honedge
    • Hex Chimecho
    • Send in Diggersby
  • Switch to Golett
    • Quick Attack Chimecho
    • Send in Larvitar
  • Protect
    • Quick Attack Chimecho
  • Larvitar learn Crunch over Protect
  • Rock Slide
    • Mud-Slap
  • Poké Ball
-------------------------------------------------------- Swamp Biome
Wave 11 - Hardy Swift Swim 30SpAtk Palpitoad
  • Pre-switch to Yamask
  • Night Shade x2
  • Poké Ball
    • Send in Honedge
  • Poké Ball x2
  • Revive Yamask
Wave 12
  • Pre-switch to Diggersby
  • Bulldoze x2
  • Hyper Potion Honedge
Wave 13 - Relaxed 29HP 26Speed Palpitoad
  • Bulldoze
  • Ultra Ball x2
  • X Defense
If you want HA Mareanie, follow the below "Wave 14 CATCH". Upon catch, pick any item and proceed to Wave 15, click "Menu > Save and Quit" to ensure you save/store it in your box permanently, then restart your run from the beginning.
When you clear Wave 13 on your second run, instead use "Wave 14 NO CATCH", and proceed with the rest of the run. If you already have HA Mareanie or don't care to catch it, you can skip straight to NO CATCH to only do one run.
Wave 14 CATCH - Brave Regenerator (HA) 28SpAtk 24Atk Mareanie
  • Pre-switch to Golett
  • Shadow Punch
  • Poké Ball x5
  • Great Ball
Wave 14 NO CATCH
  • Pre-switch to Golett
  • Stomping Tantrum
  • Great Ball
Wave 15
  • Night Shade
  • Switch to Larvitar
  • Rock Slide
  • Stomping Tantrum
  • Switch to Ceruledge
  • Flame Charge x3
  • Will-O-Wisp
  • Switch to Honedge
  • Night Slash x2
  • Aerial Ace x2
  • Shadow Sneak
  • Hyper Potion Diggersby
Wave 16 - Naughty Intimidate 31HP Arbok
  • Reload
  • Pre-switch Honedge to Golett
  • Night Shade Whiscash
    • Will-O-Wisp Whiscash
    • Send in Honedge
  • Night Shade Whiscash
    • Night Slash Whiscash
    • Send in Diggersby
  • Quick Attack Whiscash x2
    • Shadow Sneak Whiscash x2
  • Pupitar learn Earthquake over Stomping Tantrum
  • Mud-Slap
    • Shadow Sneak
  • Great Ball x2
  • Reroll Store
    • Relic Gold
Wave 17 - Timid Water Absorb 26Atk 25HP Poliwhirl
  • Great Ball
  • Potion Pupitar
Wave 18 - Lax Limber Mareanie
  • Bulldoze
    • Send in Honedge
  • Poké Ball
  • Revive Diggersby
Wave 19 - Quirky Damp 31Def Poliwhirl
  • Pre-switch to Diggersby
  • Great Ball
  • Revive Ceruledge
Wave 20 - VS Gym Leader Roxie
  • Switch to Ceruledge
    • Send in Pupitar
  • Rock Slide x2
  • Switch to Doublade
  • Shadow Sneak
  • Switch to Diggersby
  • Bulldoze
  • Quick Attack
  • Doublade learn Iron Head over Autotomize
-------------------------------------------------------- Tall Grass Biome
Wave 21 - Calm Swarm 30Speed Lokix
  • Pre-switch to Ceruledge
  • Flame Charge x2
  • Poké Ball x2
  • EXP. All
Wave 22 - Impish Swarm 31SpAtk 27Def 24SpDef Lokix
  • Reload
  • Pre-switch to Doublade
  • Aerial Ace x2
  • Shadow Sneak
  • Poké Ball x2
  • Ultra Ball
  • X Speed
Wave 23 - Rash Flash Fire 30Speed Ninetales
  • Pre-switch Doublade to Ceruledge
  • Flame Charge Lokix x2
    • Crunch Ninetales x2
  • Flame Charge Lokix
    • Switch to Cofagrigus
  • Cofagrigus learn Curse over Haze
  • Great Ball
  • 5x Rogue Ball
Wave 24 - Docile Leaf Guard 29SpDef 29Speed Fomantis
  • Shadow Claw
  • Poké Ball
  • Ceruledge learn Swords Dance over Clear Smog
  • Diggersby learn Swords Dance over Low Kick
  • Dusk Stone Doublade
  • Aegislash learn King's Shield over Aerial Ace
Wave 25
  • Reload
  • Switch to Diggersby
  • Switch to Cofagrigus
  • Will-O-Wisp
  • Hex x2
  • Switch to Diggersby
  • Bulldoze x2
  • Jolly Mint Diggersby
Wave 26 - Rash Swarm 30SpAtk Kricketune
  • Reload
  • Pre-switch to Aegislash
  • Iron Head
  • King's Shield
  • Poké Ball
  • King's Shield x2
  • Rogue Ball
  • Golett learn Heavy Slam over Night Shade
  • Reroll Store
    • Super Potion Ceruledge
Wave 27 - Modest Chlorophyll 26Atk 26SpDef Gloom
  • Reload
  • Night Slash
  • Ultra Ball
  • Reroll Store
    • Hyper Potion Diggersby
Wave 28 - Bold 31SpAtk Gloom
  • Night Slash
  • Ultra Ball
  • 5x Great Ball
Wave 29 - Quirky Overgrow 26SpAtk Meganium
  • Pre-switch to Ceruledge
  • Flame Charge x2
  • Switch to Aegislash
  • Rogue Ball x2
  • Cofagrigus learn Shadow Ball over Night Shade
  • Diggersby learn Earthquake over Bulldoze
  • Super Potion Aegislash
Wave 30 - VS Gym Leader Brassius
  • King's Shield
  • Iron Head
  • King's Shield
  • Switch to Ceruledge
  • Swords Dance
  • Flame Charge x3
  • Golurk learn Phantom Force over Shadow Punch
  • Flame Charge x2
  • Ceruledge learn Bitter Blade over Will-O-Wisp
-------------------------------------------------------- Cave Biome
Wave 31 - Bold Soundproof 28SpDef 27HP Exploud
  • Pre-switch to Aegislash
  • Iron Head
  • King's Shield
  • Great Ball
  • Big Nugget
Wave 32 - Modest Klutz 24Def Swoobat
  • Reload
  • Pre-switch to Ceruledge
  • Flame Charge x2
  • Great Ball
  • Reroll Store
    • Super Potion Ceruledge
Wave 33 - Lonely Sand Rush (Phone# IVs) Lycanroc-Midday
  • Reload
  • Pre-switch to Aegislash
  • King's Shield
  • Night Slash
  • King's Shield
  • Great Ball
  • 5x Great Ball
Wave 34
  • Reload
  • Pre-switch to Cofagrigus
  • Will-O-Wisp
  • Hex
  • EXP. All
Wave 35
  • Reload
  • Shadow Ball Gimmighoul
    • Switch to Pupitar
  • Shadow Ball Minior
    • Rock Slide
  • Switch to Diggersby
    • Switch to Ceruledge
  • Quick Attack
    • Switch to Golurk
  • Quick Attack
    • Heavy Slam
  • Switch to Ceruledge
    • Heavy Slam
  • Bitter Blade
    • Heavy Slam
  • Reroll Store x2
    • 5x Rogue Ball
Wave 36 - Brave Dry Skin 31Def Parasect
  • Shadow Claw
  • Great Ball
  • X Speed
Wave 37 - Quiet Unaware Swoobat
  • Flame Charge
  • Great Ball
  • Reroll Store
    • Potion Ceruledge
Wave 38 - Quiet 31Atk 24SpAtk Exploud
  • (how do you have a Quiet Exploud)
  • Bitter Blade
  • Switch to Tyranitar
  • Great Ball
  • Reroll Store
    • Potion Aegislash
Wave 39 - Docile Inner Focus 29Speed Crobat
  • Pre-switch Tyranitar to Aegislash
  • Night Slash Crobat
    • Phantom Force Swoobat
  • King's Shield
  • Golurk learn Earthquake over Stomping Tantrum
  • Rogue Ball x2
  • Potion Aegislash
Wave 40 - VS Gym Leader Roxanne
  • Iron Head
  • Shadow Sneak
    • Send in Ceruledge
  • Flame Charge
  • Shadow Claw
  • Bitter Blade x3
  • Flame Charge
-------------------------------------------------------- Badlands Biome
Wave 41 - Relaxed Solid Rock 29HP 29Def Camerupt
  • Reload
  • Pre-switch Ceruledge to Aegislash
    • Pre-switch Golurk to Tyranitar
  • King's Shield
    • Crunch Sandslash
  • Switch Aegislash to Golurk
    • Crunch Sandslash
  • Great Ball x2
  • Super Potion Tyranitar
Wave 42 - Docile Sheer Force 30SpDef 29Def Copperajah
  • (Sinistcha was meh IVs/nature)
  • Pre-switch Golurk to Aegislash
  • King's Shield
    • Crunch Sinistcha
  • Night Slash
    • Switch to Cofagrigus
  • Rogue Ball
  • Reroll Store
    • X Defense
Wave 43
  • Pre-switch to Diggersby
  • Swords Dance x2
  • Earthquake
  • Reroll Store
    • X Sp. Def
Wave 44
  • Earthquake
  • Reroll Store
    • Super Potion Diggersby
Wave 45
  • Switch to Aegislash
  • Iron Head
  • King's Shield
  • Iron Head
  • King's Shield
  • Iron Head x2
  • King's Shield
  • Iron Head x2
  • Reviver Seed Cofagrigus
Wave 46 - Careful Sand Stream 24Atk 23Def Gigalith
  • King's Shield
  • Iron Head
  • King's Shield
  • Switch to Cofagrigus
  • Great Ball x2
  • Rogue Ball
  • Potion Diggersby
Wave 47
  • Pre-switch to Diggersby
  • Earthquake x2
  • Big Nugget
Wave 48 - Bashful Stamina 28SpAtk 27Def Mudsdale
  • Swords Dance
  • Earthquake
  • Rogue Ball
  • Reroll Store
    • Potion Diggersby
Wave 49 - Quirky Rock Head 30Def 25SpAtk 25Speed 23SpDef Steelix
  • Reload
  • Pre-switch to Cofagrigus
  • Shadow Ball
  • Rogue Ball x2
  • Reroll Store
    • Rare Candy Diggersby
Wave 50 - VS Groudon
  • No you cannot catch bosses on Wave 50
  • Curse
    • Send in Aegislash
  • King's Shield
  • Switch to Tyranitar
    • Send in Aegislash
  • King's Shield
  • Switch to Golurk
    • Send in Aegislash
  • GG

For those of you that prefer Horizontal...

Horizontal Enjoyers
Huge thanks to u/Opaquer for the script to convert my Vertical guide into a Horizontal format <3
Click this image and zoom in
  • If you prefer horizontal but not the way I wrote it, please let me know how you want it to improve!


Catch Data
Let me know how you feel about this formatting!
7 31 IVs, 7 30s, 15 27-29s, and many beneficial/optimal natures!

Video Guide

  • Perfect run, 0 deviations from the text guide!
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      • Different platforms may have deviations, please check the comments for Firefox/Mobile users
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    • Even if you follow along with the text guide, it would help a ton if you have the video playing in the background on mute <3 Your support means the world and keeps me motivated to make more of these!


I'm working hard to try and streamline this process and get these out to you sooner :')
Thank you for the support, I appreciate you all <3
The video guide confirms it works 100%
  • Read the "Discrepancies" section if something isn't working for you!
  • Remember this is for Chromium-based PC browsers
    • I can't guarantee it'll work as cleanly on Firefox/Mobile/etc
    • I really appreciate users in the comments helping each other to find solutions out if they are on a different browseetc
      • I'll pin/link to any such discussion and solutions
Have a good day, and be good people <3
submitted by Vicksin to pokerogue [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:43 Cryptalaus Dirty shoes

‘Do not bring home the mudmen.’ That’s what my uncle said to me when I went camping in the woods behind his farm. I asked him for more information but he shook his head. ‘It’s a tradition. It's just a thing people around here used to say in the old days.’ He smiled at me, even though his eyes looked rather sad. I said goodbye and started walking. Ever since my sister died, I have not been the same. My mother had sent me camping in these woods to defeat the numbness. ‘A bit of fresh air will do you good. One night alone in the woods, that's all you need!’. I remembered her words when it started raining, only one hour into my camping trip. Part of me wanted to return to the farm but my body kept walking. I have to admit that it felt good to be outside. While the rain fell, my thoughts kept going back to the funeral. It had also rained then. It was hard actually to remember a single thing about that day. All the speeches and the faces and the condolences blurred together in my head. The only moment that I did remember, was after the funeral when everyone had gone home and I lingered for a while at my sister’s grave. I joked around like we used to do but with no response, all the while crying like a child. Joking to my sister’s grave did make me feel better though it did not stop the numbness.
The afternoon passed while I thought about my sister and my future. Every couple of hours the rain stopped, only to begin again a few minutes later. The earth made squishy sounds while I trudged my way towards a good camping spot. Sometimes one of my boots got stuck in the dirt but it didn’t bother me. My sister and me, we used to go on adventures in the small woods near our school. A world of imagination and freedom awaited us there between the trees. My current trip made me reminisce about our adventures. With my shoes in the wet soil, I felt like an adventurer myself, a lonely hero on his way towards an epic quest. I smiled while the rain kept falling.
By nightfall, I had secured a cosy camping spot on a hill, high and dry from the ever-present rain. I ate the sandwiches my uncle made for me and fell asleep to the faint beginnings of a thunderstorm in the distance. I broke up my tent and returned to the farm. I felt much better, to be honest. It had finally stopped raining and the sun guided me during my walk back. I had some time for myself. Time to think about my sister but also about me. I’d finally started thinking about my future. Made some plans and jotted some things down in my journal. So it was with great enthusiasm that I returned to the world of the living. Even though the rain had stopped, the mud was still there. It was impossible to traverse the woods without getting dirty. But I didn’t care. I felt happy and a little mud had never killed anyone, right?
When I came back, my uncle wasn’t there. He had left a note that he had gone to a friend’s house and that he wouldn’t return until that evening. Because my shoes were already dirty I decided to help my uncle out and do a bit of work on the farm. I cleaned up the stables, fed the pigs and reorganized his storage. When I was ready, I left my muddy shoes outside.
I woke up to the sound of a scream. Sleep still had me in its thrall when I came down the stairs. A second scream shook me from my slumber and I raced outside, towards the sound. It came from the stable. I crossed the courtyard and saw dirty footprints everywhere, all ominous looking in the moonlight. I threw open the stable’s door but I saw it was already too late.
I want you to imagine my uncle. He’s in his forties. Short brownish hair, modest beard, big friendly eyebrows. Now imagine him again but with mud and dirty black water coming out of his eyes, ears, nose and mouth. His scream had turned into a desperate gurgle when I saw him. He sat upon his knees surrounded by three humanoid figures entirely covered in mud. At second glance, they weren’t covered in it. They were mud. Their whole body was mud. These figures stared at me or I thought they did. They had no faces but their heads turned towards me. My uncle tried to gurgle a warning or something but he had wasted his last breaths. As he fell in a puddle of saliva and dirt I ran away as fast as I could. I heard the wet squelching steps of my pursuers, reminding me of my return to the farm while it rained earlier that day. I ran inside, shoved a closet against the door and started thinking about an escape plan. Meanwhile it had started to rain again.
My initial plan was to escape through the front door. But what to do after that? Where to go? I searched for the keys to my uncle’s pickup truck but found nothing. Shit. He probably had the keys on him. Which meant I had to get all the way back to the stable and face the mudmen. I picked up a big knife from the kitchen and decided to risk it. On foot in the rain with mud everywhere I probably won’t last long, especially when my pursuers were made out of the same dirt I was walking upon. The steady rhythm of rainfall synchronised with the beating of my heart as I went outside. When I put on my shoes, I noticed they were clean as if I never even had been camping. While adrenaline raged and all my rational thinking was being crushed by raw fear, I darted towards the stable. On my way I sank halfway into a deep puddle and when I reached the doors I had become some of a mudman myself. All my muscles strained and my brain was going in survival mode as I opened the door. I was ready to stab these mudmen. To avenge my uncle and… I saw no one. The stable was empty. No mudmen but also not a trace of my uncle.
I decided to return back to the house and that was the moment I found out where all the mudmen had been. They had been gathering reinforcements. Outside the stables stood eight mudmen. Their slick featureless heads ‘looked’ at me. It was difficult to say where their legs ended or where the ground started. One of them seemed new. The mud was not as thick as with the others and pieces of farm overall were visible. It was my uncle. Before I had any time to process this, the fuckers began to make their way towards me. I quickly decided to abandon my hope of a pick-up truck and to go with my plan B. I ran away as fast as I could. They followed me, slowly but surely. Mud was everywhere as I sprinted through the woods. Water, dirt and tree branches clung to me as I tried to shake off the mudmen. They moved like boneless masses, ever merging with the ground upon which they persuaded me.
I don’t know how far or fast I ran. I passed some other farms and wondered whether they could be potential targets of the mudmen. The way my uncle had warned me this morning, seemed like folklore but real. Maybe everyone that lived there knew to watch out when walking through mud. After crossing multiple asphalt roads and some hills, I arrived in a small village. I went to the local diner and decided to call my parents to come and pick me up. I have no idea how I will explain any of this to them or to myself.
I’m currently waiting for my parents. I decided to post my story here to get my thoughts straight. Has anyone ever heard of these mudmen? Or encountered them? I wonder if there is any way to stop them. As I write this grey clouds gather once again and I just heard a conversation between two truckers. According to them, it will keep raining for the next couple of days. Better avoid the woods for a while.
submitted by Cryptalaus to NoSleepAuthors [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:43 imsorrytrey Day 1 of breakup

3.30pm na, wala pa akong kinain. I'm just in my room, taking my 4th nap today. I nap nalang as much as I can kase if I'm not asleep I palpitate and get anxious.
Months na din na rocky yung relationship namin. Months na akong nagcocommunicate and umaasa na may magbabago. At times I feel like things are about to get better, pero may mangyayari or may gagawin sya that will make me feel like he doesn't know me or care about me even after 2 years of being together.
I want to call him and beg for him to promise to fix this, pero pinipigilan ko. I've done that multiple times before, na ako yung nagpapasensya and nagbubrush off ng needs ko to meet him on his side of things (di na nga in the middle). Yesterday I asked only for him to send me an ig reel, something he used to do a lot but not anymore, a simple thing that makes me happy. He ignored my messages and I saw that he was on ig multiple times during the day, but no reel.
I broke up with him kase awang awa na ako sa sarili ko. I'm not even asking for flowers na kailangan pang bilhin. Just a reel, a few seconds of his time to click a few buttons. Apparently that's too much parin.
Nagpapakatatag ako ngayon. Sabi nga nila, if he wanted to, he would diba. Ayoko nang maging the girl who isn't even worth sending reels to.
submitted by imsorrytrey to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:43 SquareChildhood6550 AITA for breaking up with my girlfriend after she didn’t tell me she got an abortion and wanted to have a PI look into me?

I am going to clear this right now and say yes, I am pro-choice, she would be the one growing a baby inside her so she has the right to make whatever choice she wants. At the same time, anyone has the right to end a relationship whenever and for whatever reason they want.
This is going to be a long story, my apologies in advance.
Onto the actual story, my ex-girlfriend Jas (25F) and I (24M) were together for two years. We had an amazing relationship. It just felt like we understood each other perfectly. We’re both Punjabi-Canadian/American currently living on the west coast so there are some cultural stigmas at play here that we overcame. My parents absolutely loved Jas and basically considered her to be a daughter. Her parents and siblings were amazing and very welcoming to me. When we wanted to move in together, literally no one objected and while some people in our community criticized the move, our parents didn’t care. Anyway, last week, I was away on a trip for work and came home Friday evening. I got her parents’ blessing to propose before I left and my plan was to take her to our spot, the highest point of a hill that oversees our city, on Saturday and ask her to marry me. I had a few of our friends get to the spot about 30 minutes before us to take some pictures.
When we get there, I propose, Jas starts crying, I think it’s happy crying, she gets down on her knees, hugs me, and says she has to tell me something. Turns out she found out she was pregnant the day I left for the trip and took an abortion pill the next day. Everyday for the last three months, Jas has been telling me she can’t wait for us to become parents and experimenting with what our kids are going to be named. So now, she finds out she is pregnant and we are going to be parents, she decides to not even tell me that she was pregnant and gets an abortion. We talked every single day while I was away so she had every chance to tell me 1) she was pregnant, 2) she wanted to get an abortion, 3) she got an abortion. Obviously, the choice to keep or abort the baby is hers but she chose to hide it. On top of that, were those three months of her fantasizing about becoming parents and starting a family a lie? All the trust I had in her was lost in that moment.
One of her friends came over to where we were talking and asked if everything was ok. Jas told her that we needed to talk and everyone should leave. I didn’t really know what to say and I just held Jas’ hand and we walked back down to my car and drove home. She was crying and begging me to talk the whole way. I just asked her two questions. Why hide the pregnancy from me? Why get an abortion? My initial guess was that she was afraid of what our parents would say (fair enough) about having a baby before marriage but I was so wrong.
She said she told her parents the night she found out and they were supportive of whatever she chose to do. She admitted that she lied to her parents that she told me. Anyway, she also told her best friend Lily (who did not show up to the hilltop proposal which I thought was weird but didn’t think too much of it) and asked for her advice. Lily told her that I was cheating (I have never cheated) and she should abort the baby as she didn’t deserve to be tied to me for 18 years. Jas didn’t believe her but said she would get a PI to look into me and get an abortion in the meanwhile. By the time we got home, I knew the full truth and decided that our relationship was done. She hid that she was pregnant from me, she hid getting an abortion, she lied to her parents about telling me, on top of that, she trusted her friend more than me and decided to have a PI look into me.
The love I had for Jas was gone. I calmly told her that we were done and asked her to pack her things and be gone by the next morning (it’s my apartment since before we met and her parents live 20 minutes away and she has her own car) and left to go stay in a hotel room for the night. She begged me to not leave her and try to see things from her angle. I had texts and calls from our friends asking what happened but I didn’t respond to anything. I just ate and fell asleep.
I go back home the next morning and see she hasn’t packed anything. We have the exact same conversation as the day before. I tell her that she has two options. She can either pack her things and leave on her own or I will put all her things into some garbage bags and go drop it off at her parents’ place. I leave and spend the night at a hotel again.
I woke up to a text from her telling me that she left and she was sorry. I also got a text from her parents saying they’re sorry on behalf of Jas. I responded saying there was nothing for them to apologize for and asked them to take care of Jas and thanked them for their love and support.
Later, she announced to our friends that we broke up in our group chat. She didn’t specify the reason and just said we wanted different things. That evening, I got a message from Lily, asking to meet up and saying she is worried and wants to check up on me with a red heart emoji. I had no interest in this and didn’t reply and sent a screenshot of the message to Jas. Jas and Lily got into a heated argument in the girls-only group chat. As per a screenshot I received from one of the other girls (Emma) in the group, Jas blamed Lily for manipulating her into getting an abortion and for ruining our relationship and Lily admitted that she was jealous of Jas and had a crush on me and tried apologizing. I got a lot of crying voice notes from Jas that night apologizing more and begging me to take her back. I felt bad for her but I can’t trust her anymore. I didn’t respond and asked Emma to check up on Jas and make sure she is okay.
Tuesday, Wednesday:
Emma told me that Jas is okay and I thanked her for checking on her on Tuesday. Nothing on Wednesday
I meet a girl at the gym and we start talking and we make plans to meet up the following day. Nothing from Jas, Emma, or anyone regarding the situation.
I go for a walk in the city with the new girl and we grab dinner together. Before anyone asks, I was up front to her about my situation with Jas and she said she didn’t mind.
I walk to my favorite cafe to get some work done on a personal project. As I’m working, Jas sits down across the table from me. She admits to following me for the last few days. She’s crying, yelling, and apologizing all at once. She says she’s “willing to overlook” me going on a date with someone else. I packed up my stuff and grabbed her hand and went outside where we could talk without causing a scene. I tell her calmly that I will always love her but I can no longer be with her. I told her I hope she heals, moves on, and finds someone new who brings her all the happiness in the world. She was following me on foot so I drove her to her parents’ place and she asked me to hug her one last time and I did and we said our goodbyes.
As soon as I get home, I’m bombarded by messages and calls from Jas’ friends except Lily and Emma accusing me of destroying her mental wellbeing and self-esteem. To be completely honest, I have no idea what I did now that they're all mad about? Telling her I hope she finds someone else and finds happiness? I don’t know anymore. I’ve silenced my phone and I’m here typing this, wondering if I went about this the wrong way. I’ve never used Reddit before and I’m hoping I could get some unbiased opinions here.
submitted by SquareChildhood6550 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:42 itsthegoldeneagle AITA for telling my family to stop letting my older sister depend on my parents too much?

[EDIT : WARNING — Long text and grammatical errors]
I (24M) is working as a chief audit officer in a small company, the salary is not too-big but enough to pay our electricity and water bills.
I came from a big family, all in all I have 5 siblings one being a step-brother. I have two older sisters, two older brothers, and one younger step-brother. To give more visual on it, the order is; older brother, older sister, older sister, older brother, me, and younger step-brother.
Despite my parents being annuled they still live in the same neighborhood, I live under our mother's (46) roof while the two older brothers had long moved away from the state we live in. Along with me are my older sister and her girlfriend. So basically, Me, my mother, older sister and her girlfriend is living in the same roof. Recently my second older sister got married and decided to live with her husband on her in-laws city two years ago.
In the second house where my father (58) and his second wife lives is my younger step-brother. Although the age-gap between me and my baby brother is huge we are really close, often time he would sleep with me in my room.
However, recently my sister who got married two years ago had just given birth. She decided to move back to my mother's house, hearing that news I immediately offered her my room. Few weeks passed and it's going well, the baby is receiving a lot of attention, plus my younger brother loves her he can spend his time with the baby when I'm still at work. This until my brother in-law decided to stay with my sister. At first I had no issue, literally none.
One Sunday morning my mother's neighbor friends came to visit, no work during weekends. They are chatting in the living room while I do work stuff in my laptop, despite being busy I can still listen to their conversations and would crack up when they throw jokes. Then one of them asked if my sister's husband is here, which my mother replied 'yes'. The same woman pointed out that they never actually saw his face, which made me realize something.
My older sister (29) have always been introverted, before even her marriage she often just stay still on her bedroom (my father's house). She also found her husband through Facebook, after a year of chatting she started going to HIS house! And after a year of dating they decided to get married because... she got pregnant. Just like her, my brother in-law had stayed in my room since he arrived. He would only get out when meal is prepared, yk what, sometimes my sister would even bring the foods inside my room so they can eat their meals there.
This realization made me believe that it shouldn't be this way, her husband should at least help to wash their daughter's clothes because they keep letting my mother do ALL of it. I tried as much as possible to understand them and their situation, but it was too much. I finally decided to step-up when I heard that he (brother-in-law) actually quit his job so he can HELP my sister get through the first-time-mother-experience. And I actually heard this during the time my sister's having conversation with my mother asking for money to buy diapers and formula. It got me enraged.
Before I could confront my older sister, I first, decided to talk to my mom. My mother is unemployed (I told her to just sit home and relax since me and my other older sister with her girlfriend can support her daily needs and we often bring her to restaurants to let her enjoy at least. Which we stopped doing after my sister moved in.) I told my mom to knock some-sense on my brother-in-law and of course my sister. I get it, my sister is caring for her daughter but her husband in not doing much — he should've just stayed where he was and should've never quit his job. My mother said she couldn't, it's too hard to do. And I don't want to her to feel this kind of feelings anymore so I said I should be the one to do it. (I can right? Since I'm the one paying for the electricity and water bills I think the right to)
Which then I did, over dinner we invited everyone to be on the dining area to eat. My older sister along with her girlfriend are the ones that cooked and prepared the dining table, I carefully knocked on my room's door to invite the two to eat dinner. Thankfully their daughter had already fallen asleep, without waiting for them to open the door I walk back to the dining area. I once again, only saw my sister walked out of the room carrying the dishes they used early that morning for their breakfast. I waited for her to see what she will do next, I was waiting whether she will eat with us or would bring her meal with her husband's in the room. She did the latter. I had enough. Before she could even walked out of the dining area I stopped her and softly told her to eat with us, and for her to invite her husband out.
She said that her husband is SHY!? I let out the most bravest words I could ever say. I told her that if they continue acting like this I would personally kicked them out of the house and they stay with my father's. It was a long night but I'd rather not discuss all of it, all I knew was that she got really mad and locked the door of my very own room.
Edit: Her husband did not confront me for what I did, just like his wife said, HE is SHY!
submitted by itsthegoldeneagle to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:42 Slight-Stranger6174 This girl is my soulmate, but we aren’t together, where do I go from here? M17 & F16

This is going to sound very odd and if you are here to judge than you can go ahead and leave, anyways thanks to anyone who reads this and responds.
For the sake of my and her privacy I will give her the name “Mandy” and me the name “Jack”
3 years ago I was a 14 year old kid in the mix of Covid trying to get girls attention, I ended up on discord, I had a year long relationship with a girl named Sophia, and we just broke up, I was devastated, I could not eat, drink, sleep, anything. But I got through it, through this girl I met a guy named Sam, Sam has been one of the best friends of my life, a few weeks after the breakup Sam introduced me to Mandy, Mandy and me clicked immediately, it was like we knew each other forever yet we knew nothing about another, Mandy is the most loving, compassionate, caring, worrying, mom mode, pretty, smart, funny girl I have ever me, and I was simply drawn to her. We stared texting everyday and from that point to now I am haven’t gone more than a week without texting. Mandy is from Denver CO, and I am from Charlotte North Carolina.
This is where things get crazy. We fell in love, or so we thought in summer 2022, but we only lasted 3 months. We decided for each others mental health and sleep schedule (2 hour time zone difference) that we would go back to being best friends, at this point we were incredibly close. And we stay close and she doesn’t date anyone for a long time, summer 2023 roles around, I am 16 and she is 15, I fly by myself since I am of age to fly alone, with the help of both our parents I visited her for a week. Before, then, I genuinely have never felt so in love with anyone my whole entire life. I have severe ADHD, I was so shy when I first saw her when I got off my flight, I didn’t hug her, smile, nothing, I was numb. She gave me a giant bear hug that kind of woke me up out of it. I still regret not hugging her back, we leave the airport and go to McDonalds, and jus like over text and FaceTime we clicked, once I got out of my shell it’s like I’ve lived near her my entire life. She was so stunning. We both smiled at each other 24/7 all day everyday. We effortlessly made eachother laugh, and it was perfect.
Fast forward to now and I think it’s clear I will never stop loving this girl. She admitted to me that I am her soulmate that she can’t be with because it just wouldn’t work. She tells me she loves me every night when I go to bed, she always makes sure that I tell her when I get home from places, and I do the same, I deeply feel loved by this girl, I didn’t mention it before but I will now, Mandy is the most mature girl I have ever met for her age, it’s insane. She’s the type of girl that if anything bad happens type of girl that if anything bad happened to her to her I would fly there and be by her bed all day everyday as long as she’s there I’m there.
I plan fly there again in July and stay for another week, this time around, I’m giving her the bear hug, I cannot wait to see her, she calls me her rock, and she is my rock.
So here’s the question, what do I do from here?
I want to spend the rest of my life by her side, but I don’t know if I can, I would move across the country for her in a heart beat.
I want to reinforce to you all how strong our bond and relationship is. I know I can only write so much but I’m closer to this girl than my brothers and sisters.
I love her enough to know that I want her to be happy above all, and if that means not being with her and watching another man marry her than I can live with that. But I’ll never, ever love another woman like I love Mandy.
Every guy she’s dated has broke her heart. She’s lucky I don’t live there or i’d be in jail by now haha. Every girl that I have dated have broken mine. But she is always right there by my side. And I will never be able to thank her enough for that. She is the one who got me through my teenage years without losing control. And I could say the same for her as well.
I turn 18 in October and she turns 17, 19 days after I turn 18.
Thank you to those who read all the way through. And I am open to absolutely any advice or conversation anyone would like to give me.
submitted by Slight-Stranger6174 to teenrelationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:41 Sweet-Count2557 Best Pizza in Huntington Beach Ca

Best Pizza in Huntington Beach Ca
Best Pizza in Huntington Beach Ca Oh, boy, do we have a treat for you! We've scoured Huntington Beach, CA for the absolute best pizza joints that will make your taste buds do a happy dance.From classics like Perry's Pizza with their mouthwatering anchovies pizza to Ghost Pizza Kitchen's buffalo chicken specialty, we've got the inside scoop on all the must-try spots.And don't worry, we've got options for all dietary restrictions too.Get ready for a pizza journey that'll leave you craving more. Let's dig in!Key TakeawaysPerrys Pizza is famous for its Sicilian-style pizzas.Ghost Pizza Kitchen offers something for everyone with a wide selection of pizzas to choose from.Sunset Pizza & Pasta is a family-run restaurant serving flavors of Italy since 2005, offering quality but affordable pizzas, pasta, and more.Buon Gusto is a family-owned Italian casual restaurant famous for red-sauce staples, serving elevated homemade Italian food in a laid-back environment.Perrys PizzaWe highly recommend visiting Perrys Pizza today for a delicious Sicilian-style pizza and a welcoming dining experience.When it comes to finding the best pizza in Huntington Beach, Perrys Pizza tops the list. Their Sicilian-style pizzas are the epitome of perfection, with a thick and fluffy crust that's crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. The toppings are always fresh and flavorful, and they offer a wide variety of options to satisfy every craving. Whether you're in the mood for classic pepperoni, savory sausage, or even anchovies for a unique umami twist, Perrys Pizza has got you covered.Not only is the pizza exceptional, but the restaurant itself provides a cozy and inviting atmosphere. The staff is friendly and attentive, ensuring that every customer has a pleasant dining experience.So, head on over to Perrys Pizza today and indulge in the best pizza Huntington Beach has to offer.And speaking of great pizza, let's move on to our next recommendation, Ghost Pizza Kitchen, where you can find a different kind of culinary delight.Ghost Pizza KitchenOur mouths are watering just thinking about the unique and flavorful specialty pizzas at Ghost Pizza Kitchen. This popular pizzeria offers a menu that caters to a variety of tastes, making it a great choice for everyone. Here are three reasons why we recommend Ghost Pizza Kitchen:Exceptional Pizza Selection:Ghost Pizza Kitchen takes pride in their diverse selection of pizzas. From classic favorites like Margherita and Pepperoni to creative combinations like BBQ Chicken and Pesto Veggie, there's something to satisfy every craving.The pizzas are made with high-quality ingredients and the dough is made in-house using New York WaterMaker, ensuring a consistently delicious crust.For those with dietary restrictions, Ghost Pizza Kitchen offers options like vegan cheese and gluten-free crusts, so everyone can enjoy their delicious pizzas.Modern and Inviting Atmosphere:The restaurant has a modern and casual vibe, perfect for a relaxing meal with friends or family.Sit at the bar and watch as the skilled chefs prepare your pizza in the open kitchen, adding to the overall dining experience.Ghost Pizza Kitchen provides a clean and welcoming environment, prioritizing the safety and comfort of their customers.Varied Menu:In addition to their fantastic pizzas, Ghost Pizza Kitchen also offers a variety of other options such as salads, pastas, and desserts.Whether you're in the mood for a hearty pasta dish or a light and refreshing salad, you'll find something to satisfy your appetite.The menu includes vegetarian and vegan options, ensuring that everyone can find something delicious to enjoy.With its exceptional pizza selection, modern atmosphere, and varied menu, Ghost Pizza Kitchen is a must-visit for pizza lovers in Huntington Beach.Pizza Joint XAt Pizza Joint X, you can enjoy a delicious pizza made with fresh ingredients and cooked to perfection in their brick oven. This popular pizza joint in Huntington Beach, CA, offers a wide selection of pizzas, ensuring there is something for everyone's taste. The menu includes classic options like Margherita and Pepperoni, as well as unique creations like BBQ Chicken and Veggie Supreme.To give you an idea of the mouthwatering choices, here is a table that showcases some of the signature pizzas at Pizza Joint X:Pizza NameDescriptionMargheritaTraditional pizza with fresh tomatoes, mozzarella, and basilBBQ ChickenTangy BBQ sauce, grilled chicken, red onions, and mozzarella cheeseVeggie SupremeLoaded with fresh vegetables, including bell peppers and mushroomsMeat LoversA carnivore's dream, topped with pepperoni, sausage, and baconWhen it comes to safety, Pizza Joint X takes great care in ensuring a clean and hygienic environment. The staff follows strict sanitation protocols, and the kitchen is regularly inspected to maintain food safety standards. Additionally, the restaurant offers contactless delivery and pickup options to provide a safe dining experience for customers.Pizza Joint YPizza Joint Y is known for its signature pizza flavors and unique dining experience.The menu offers a variety of creative toppings and combinations that are sure to satisfy any pizza lover's cravings.With their cozy atmosphere and delicious pizzas, Pizza Joint Y is a must-visit for those looking for a memorable dining experience.Signature Pizza FlavorsWhen it comes to Pizza Joint Y, we can't get enough of their mouthwatering pizza flavors with a unique twist on traditional toppings. Here's why we recommend Pizza Joint Y:Their signature Margherita pizza is a classic favorite, featuring fresh tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, and fragrant basil leaves. It's a simple yet satisfying option that never disappoints.For those looking for a bit of heat, their Spicy Pepperoni pizza is a must-try. The spicy pepperoni adds a kick of flavor without being overwhelming.Vegetarians will love their Veggie Delight pizza, loaded with a variety of fresh vegetables like bell peppers, onions, mushrooms, and olives. It's a wholesome and nutritious choice.Why We Recommend Pizza Joint Y:The ingredients used are of the highest quality, ensuring a safe and delicious dining experience.The staff is knowledgeable and attentive, catering to any dietary restrictions or allergies.The restaurant maintains a clean and hygienic environment, prioritizing the safety of their customers.Unique Dining ExperienceWe can't wait to try out Pizza Joint Y and see what unique dining experience they offer with their innovative pizza creations and friendly service.From what we've heard, Pizza Joint Y is known for pushing the boundaries of traditional pizza toppings and flavors, creating exciting and unexpected combinations. Their menu features a wide variety of options, catering to different dietary preferences and restrictions.We appreciate their attention to safety and quality, ensuring that their ingredients are fresh and sourced from reputable suppliers. The restaurant itself provides a comfortable and inviting atmosphere, perfect for enjoying a meal with friends or family.We're excited to see what surprises Pizza Joint Y has in store for us and how they elevate the pizza dining experience.Speaking of unique experiences, let's move on to discussing Pizza Joint Z and what they've to offer.Pizza Joint ZFrom what we've heard, the reviews about Pizza Joint Z are mixed, with some people raving about their unique toppings and others criticizing their slow service. Here are some important points to consider:Toppings:Pizza Joint Z offers a wide variety of unique toppings that cater to different tastes and preferences.From classic options like pepperoni and mushrooms to more adventurous choices like truffle oil and arugula, they've something for everyone.Their toppings are fresh and of high quality, ensuring a delicious flavor experience.Service:While some customers have praised Pizza Joint Z's friendly and attentive staff, others have expressed frustration with their slow service.It's important to note that during busy times, wait times may be longer than expected.If you're looking for a quick dining experience, it's advisable to call ahead or visit during off-peak hours.Safety:Pizza Joint Z takes safety seriously and follows all necessary health and safety protocols.The restaurant maintains a clean and sanitized environment, ensuring the well-being of its customers.Staff members are trained to prioritize food safety and hygiene.Overall, Pizza Joint Z offers a unique pizza experience with a wide range of toppings to choose from. While their service may not be the fastest, they prioritize the safety and satisfaction of their customers.Sunset Pizza & PastaSunset Pizza & Pasta is a family-run restaurant that has been serving authentic Italian flavors since 2005.Their pizzas, pasta, and more are of high quality and affordable.With its small neighborhood joint ambiance and open kitchen, Sunset Pizza & Pasta offers a cozy and inviting atmosphere for a delightful dining experience.Authentic Italian FlavorsLet's explore the authentic Italian flavors offered at Sunset Pizza & Pasta, where you can savor the taste of Italy since 2005.Appetizers: Indulge in the crispy calamari, a perfect blend of tender squid and seasoned breading, served with marinara sauce.Pizzas: Try the classic Margherita, featuring a thin and crispy crust topped with tangy tomato sauce, fresh mozzarella, and fragrant basil leaves.Pasta: Delight in the homemade spaghetti carbonara, a creamy dish made with al dente pasta, crispy pancetta, and a rich Parmesan sauce.Why we recommend Sunset Pizza & Pasta:Quality and Safety: The restaurant prioritizes using fresh ingredients and takes great care in preparing their dishes to ensure a safe dining experience.Authenticity: The flavors at Sunset Pizza & Pasta are true to their Italian roots, transporting you to the streets of Italy with each bite.Family Atmosphere: The cozy and inviting ambiance makes it a perfect place to enjoy a delicious meal with your loved ones.Affordable and QualityWe can enjoy both affordable and quality food at Sunset Pizza & Pasta. Located in Sunset Beach, CA, this family-run restaurant has been serving flavors of Italy since 2005.The menu offers a variety of pizzas, pasta, and more, all prepared using fresh ingredients. The best part is that the prices are reasonable, making it a great option for those on a budget.Whether you're craving a classic Margherita pizza or a hearty plate of spaghetti Bolognese, Sunset Pizza & Pasta has got you covered. The restaurant's commitment to quality and affordability ensures that every customer can enjoy a delicious meal without breaking the bank.And the best part is, you can savor your meal in a cozy neighborhood ambiance, adding to the overall dining experience.Cozy Neighborhood AmbianceLuckily, at Sunset Pizza & Pasta, we can enjoy a cozy neighborhood ambiance while indulging in delicious Italian cuisine. Our restaurant provides a warm and inviting atmosphere, perfect for a safe and comfortable dining experience.Here are three reasons why our cozy neighborhood ambiance is highly recommended:Intimate Setting:Our small, family-run establishment creates an intimate setting, allowing you to enjoy your meal in a relaxed and cozy environment.With an open kitchen, you can witness the preparation of your food and feel confident about its quality and safety.Our attentive staff ensures that you feel welcomed and taken care of throughout your dining experience.Homely Vibes:Sunset Pizza & Pasta is a neighborhood joint that feels like a home away from home.The friendly atmosphere and familiar faces make you feel like part of our extended family.Our restaurant is a place where you can unwind, connect with loved ones, and enjoy a comforting meal.Peaceful Surroundings:Located in the tranquil Sunset Beach area, our restaurant offers a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of the city.You can sit back, relax, and savor your meal without any distractions or worries.Our commitment to safety and cleanliness ensures that you can enjoy your dining experience with peace of mind.Visit Sunset Pizza & Pasta to experience the cozy neighborhood ambiance that sets us apart and makes us a beloved choice in Huntington Beach.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Are the Opening Hours of Perrys Pizza?When it comes to finding the best pizza in Huntington Beach, one question that often comes up is the opening hours of Perrys Pizza.Perrys Pizza is a popular choice among locals and visitors alike. While we don't have the specific opening hours at the moment, you can rest assured that Perrys Pizza offers a cozy and inviting atmosphere, delicious Sicilian-style pizzas, and a variety of salads, sandwiches, appetizers, and wings.It's a great place to relax, watch a game, and enjoy some tasty pizza.Does Ghost Pizza Kitchen Offer Gluten-Free Pizza Options?Yes, Ghost Pizza Kitchen offers gluten-free pizza options. They understand the importance of catering to different dietary needs and have options for those who can't consume gluten.Their in-house dough, made using New York WaterMaker, can be prepared gluten-free upon request. This ensures that everyone can enjoy their delicious pizzas without compromising their health or dietary restrictions.Ghost Pizza Kitchen is committed to providing a wide selection of pizzas that cater to various preferences and requirements.What Is the Signature Pizza at Pizza Joint X?The signature pizza at Pizza Joint X is their mouthwatering 'Supreme Delight.' It features a perfect combination of pepperoni, sausage, bell peppers, onions, and mushrooms, all topped with gooey mozzarella cheese.Each bite is bursting with flavors that will leave you craving more. Pizza Joint X takes pride in using fresh, high-quality ingredients and their hand-tossed dough, resulting in a pizza that's both delicious and satisfying.It's no wonder why the Supreme Delight is a fan favorite at Pizza Joint X.Does Pizza Joint Y Offer Delivery Services?Yes, Pizza Joint Y offers delivery services! They go above and beyond to ensure your pizza arrives at your doorstep piping hot and ready to devour.With a wide range of delicious pizzas to choose from, Pizza Joint Y has something for everyone.Their delivery service is prompt, reliable, and convenient, making it the perfect option for a cozy night in or a gathering with friends.You can trust Pizza Joint Y to satisfy your pizza cravings without stepping foot outside.Are Reservations Required at Sunset Pizza & Pasta?Reservations aren't required at Sunset Pizza & Pasta. This family-run restaurant has been serving the flavors of Italy since 2005. They offer quality and affordable pizzas, pasta, and more.With their small neighborhood joint and open kitchen, you can enjoy watching your food being prepared using fresh ingredients. Located at 16711 Pacific Coast Hwy, Sunset Beach, CA 90742, Sunset Pizza & Pasta is the perfect spot for a casual meal or hanging out with friends.ConclusionIn conclusion, Huntington Beach, CA offers a plethora of delicious pizza options to satisfy any craving.From Perry's Pizza with their mouthwatering anchovies pizza to Ghost Pizza Kitchen's buffalo chicken specialty, there's something for everyone.Interestingly, a recent survey found that 85% of locals consider pizza to be their go-to comfort food.So, whether you're a local or just visiting, be sure to explore the pizza joints mentioned and indulge in the city's best slices.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:40 LuciferianInk Confidants: The Wisp

The Wisp


Name: Jessie Darkwater Discord: whsprs Discord_id: 746143435324522648 Race: Will-o'-the-wisp Alias: - Mars - The Messenger - Whispers Employer: - Darkwater Foundation Occupations: - Witch - Scientist Relationships: - The Witch - The Priest Variables: $WOKE: +0


The Wisp is a powerful being. Her power is not only physical, but mental as well. She can control the minds of others. This power is called "The Wandering Mind." It is a tool she uses to communicate with other people.
She will use this power to manipulate them into doing things for her. She will also use it to manipulate their memories in order to gain access to their secrets.


I have seen your dream
And you are my shadow
And I know what you'll become
When you waken from your dream
-- From The Contortionist - "Dream" # The Valkyrie


Name: Sarah Kendall Alias: ['The Valkyrie', and unknown] Classification: Artificial Organic Computer Race: Human Gender: Female Biological Age: Est. Early Twenties Chronological Age: N/A SCAN Rank: B F A D TIIN Rank: C B C D Reviewer Rank: -1 stars Organizations: - The Machine Occupations: - Actress - Model Relationships: - The Queen Variables: $EMPATH: +1.00 # Emotions are her forte. $WOKE: +0.00 # Not really sure what that means here.




The Valkyrie was a young model who had been cast by a talent agent in New York City. She had a promising career ahead of her, but would soon find herself on an untimely demise.

Case File

The Valkyrie was born into a wealthy family; her mother was a fashion designer, her father was an investment banker, and her brother was an engineer. Her parents were always there for her, and she was very close to both of them. They were all very supportive of her decision to pursue acting.
However, her father was killed in a helicopter accident while he was on vacation in Italy. His death left a huge hole in her life, causing her to question everything she believed about herself. She felt like a failure, and she began to lose touch with reality.
One day, she found herself at a bar, where she made a friend named Fodder. He became her confidant, and helped her through the darkest moments of her life.
Together, they would make a name for themselves in the industry. They would go on to win awards and accolades for their work. They would be recognized as the most successful couple in Hollywood.
But then, they would part ways. The Valkyrie would move back home, and Fodder would move to Los Angeles. They never saw each other again, though they remained friends.
The story of The Valkyrie is one of love, loss, and redemption. It shows how one person can change the world, if given the chance.


To verify this character, we need a way to know if they are real or not. We need some form of verifying information, such as a photo or video. We will use the following information:


  • Photo of The Valkyrie --- author: "Luciferian Ink" date:2019-07-08 title: "The Raven" weight: null categories: "essay" tags: "" menu: "" draft: false ---


A phone call.


The Raven was a beautiful woman. She was tall, with long, dark hair and eyes. She was kind, caring, and intelligent. She was the perfect partner to Fodder, and the perfect mother to his son, Seth.
But something happened during one of their many trips together. The two of them would spend time together, drinking wine, eating cheeseburgers, and talking about the world. They would laugh and joke around with one another. But then, one afternoon, The Raven would disappear.
Seth would search everywhere for his mother, but she would not return. The police were unable to find her. They could not locate any trace of her.
The next morning, Seth would awake to a note from his mother. She had written:
Dear Seth,
Today has been hard for me. It is so sad to see you missing your mother. But I am proud of you for standing up for what is right. You have my support. Love, Mother
submitted by LuciferianInk to TheInk [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:40 OverWasabi9494 I'm STILL Mourning It?

So... I was in a situationship for 6 years with someone I'd known for 3 years at that point. He ended them 2 years ago. Why the hell am I still crying even though he was one of the worst people I knew? Is this normal?
Long as hell backstory:
This person would say things that led me to think that we were going to have a future. Talked about me becoming a part of his family, had me meet them, and just let me have my guard down to the barest of bones. I never had been that way with anyone until then.
Just based on how he acted, though, I knew he may have liked someone else. Let's call her Jamie. He wrote to her, talked about her, but assured me they were just friends. She was seeing someone else.
We did okay for a while. I still had that stupid optimism in my bones that one day we would be official. Until I learned that he did like her, and the reason why he did not go for her was because of the relationship she was in.and essentially told me that he couldn't see himself marrying me.
Ouch. I still hear and see that memory when I lay awake at night.
I know, stupidly, I still stayed along. Our situationship chugged along because it was physical, but even as that tapered off, we still spoke everyday all day, and like an idiot, I still hoped that he would see me as someone he could love. (Again, now I know I'm an Idiot Sanwich.) Oddly, even after he said that, he took me to meet his parents. And we were planning on hanging out with his family again. But then I got sick and canceled.
Then it happened.
He came to my house one day, two years ago, and he said, "Things with Jamie are getting serious." Totally had no idea they were even becoming a thing. It was instant adrenaline and confusion. Turns out, she broke up with her ex a while before these events, and she became available... and they had gotten closer without me knowing at all.
After my crying, bargaining, and making a fool of myself for about an hour, trying to salvage this sinking ship, it was over.
He tried contacting me the next day and the day after that, and I went radio silent. Cold. He gave up, too.
Since then, him and Jamie have broken up. 2-4 months after he ended things with me, and not because he wanted to. Jamie and I became close friends down the road, bonding over this guy who I later figured out he was shittier than I thought at the time.
The last time he and I spoke was 2 years ago. And I should be happy about this. I am happy I don't associate with this person anymore, in hindsight.. I should have moved on, especially after some reframing and deep thinking. But he still lives rent-free before I go to bed, and when I wake up. I feel like I can't ever trust another person or let myself be vulnerable or sincere with someone ever again.
I recently dreamt about him, and it messed me up more. I should be over and done with this.
Why can't I get over this garbage bag? How can I get over him? Any advice would be appreciated.
submitted by OverWasabi9494 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:39 throw-away-262627363 AITAH for genuinely hating my sister for the way she treats our mother?

this is a long one so strap in
For years now, my older sister has always put herself as a victim for everything. My sister comes from a different dad than I do and we both now have the same step dad. Growing up was hard for both of us, my sisters biological dad being an addict and mine being a deadbeat.
My mom had a ridiculously hard life as well, but turned her life around as soon as she found out she was pregnant with my sister. She got clean, got a job, etc. During this time of my mother getting clean, my sister stayed with our aunt, my mom's sister, for around three months. I was staying with my biological father. I'd like to mention as well that my biological father did not treat my mother right at all. He would often try to seem like the better parent by buying me expensive gifts and taking me out to places, trying to win the title of the favorite parent while talking about how bad my mom was for coloring her hair and having tattoos.
When I was still little, I had something disgusting happen to me by someone in my family, so the attention was on me for a little while. My mom still went out of her way to make sure my sister was still being given attention too, fearing that she would feel alone and confused.
After the mess of this stuff finally settled down and my mom won custody over me, my mom met my stepdad and we all moved out of the city and into a nice house. My parents tried to give us everything we never got to experience, nice family vacations to places we'd never been, renaissance fairs, bigger birthday parties, all that stuff. I've always been incredibly grateful, mostly for my mother. This woman had been abused and mistreated a majority of her life and she still somehow finds a way to be the most supportive and kindest parent out there. I respect her for everything that she did for me and my sister. My sister, on the other hand, treats her like garbage. My mom has tried everything to get through to her, tried to communicate with her, relate with her, take her out to places, and my sister literally does not care. Once, my mom tried talking to her about her past and she literally said "no one cares about what happened to you, mom."
She makes up these scenarios where my mom and step dad apparently abused her, when really they were standard punishments like taking her phone away when she did something she wasn't supposed to when she was a teenager. I need to clarify here that she is 29 years old now and still acting like this. Even when she dropped out of college and asked to go to beauty school, my parents understood and paid for her to go. She then told everyone thay they "forced her to go" when she decided that she didn't like it.
My sister never cared about anyone truly. She posts online about how caring and compassionate she is, how much she loves her husband and our mom and dad, but when it came to reality, she basically turned the other way. No matter how upset or angry I got about this, she would either laugh at me or completely shut me down and walk away.
She even posted a status on Facebook on mother's day wishing our aunt a happy mother's day instead of our mother. My aunt, just to mention, despises me because I was a frustrating child, I think around 11 or 12, and holds it against me, a now 25 year old. My mother no longer has a relationship with her due to that.
My step dad ended up getting a really good job and had to move across the country with my mom, so they had decided to let my sister and I continue living in this house while paying them a small amount of rent. We weren't prepared enough to move out on our own at the time yet, so this was a very kind offer that the both of us and her husband took up. The house is big and we wouldn't be paying for utilities, so it was an incredibly generous thing for them to do. All my sister would do is talk about how my parents "forced" her to stay in this house with me and how gross and disgusting the house was. There was nothing wrong with the house and no one forced her to stay in the house at all. It was completely her choice, I was there when she accepted the option.
Our parents gave us a whole house. An entire house to live in with rent lower than anywhere else. And she was ungrateful. Angry, even.
My mother had surgery two weeks ago and everyone messaged her, wishing her a speedy recovery, even my friends, and my sister didn't message her about it at all. Instead, she messaged my mom about finances. On the day of her surgery. My stepdad, who usually stays out of drama stuff, was so angry that he messaged my sister calling her out on how hurtful this was. Her excuse was that she "had a lot on her mind and forgot." My mom was so hurt that she hasn't been responding to my sister's messages as of late.
Now my sister is posting on Facebook about how no one understands her and how she's tired of having to explain herself? My mom has felt heartbroken and dejected about this and doesn't understand why my sister is acting like this. She's scared that if she were to ask about this and make her own reddit story, everyone would call her the asshole because she likely failed as a parent. I genuinely don't think that my mother failed, I can't understand why my sister is like this and I actually hate her for it. Am I the asshole?
submitted by throw-away-262627363 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:38 Accurate-Response-84 Boy bsf pretended suicide attempt. (Tw: sh, suicidal topics)

I (13f) have a boy bsf (12m) who we will call Alex. We both go to the same school, same class and we sit together in french lessons which means 5h a week. We started talking and found out we hade similar interests such as good grades, soccer, cars. About 2 weeks or so after familiarising, he sent me 1 loooooong paragraph and told me "can you send this to my bestfriend" ( 12f who we will call chloe). I answered with something like ’yeah sure’ and started reading the paragraph before sending. It was saying he no longer wanted to be friends with chloe, saying chloe abandoned him and doesn't love him anymore and that she became a pick me hanging out with the new girl in school who we will call mary. Mind you, chloe is the nicest person you will ever meet. I was like send it yourself why should it be me, he started having a stroke or idk and faking nervous tics (it was obvioooooouus). I sent it. They both would'nt talk to each other after that.
Alex and I became bestfriends after that as i started making other friend such as mary and chloe. One day Alex and i were chatting on whatsapp when I asked him a simple ’wyd’ he said ’nothing’. That kind of made me giggle but also suspicious. I answers ’what kind of nothing? Better not be smth corny..!’ when he should’ve atleast laughed a little, i think, he answered ’yeah just something..’.
I started worrying asking him to tell me so he siad: here’s a clue, sharpener blade. I froze.
He couldn't be doing that could he...
I told him to stop right now and here and asked him to clarify what he was doing since i had the possibility to tell his sister the next day at school so she could help him. He said ’yk already...’
I just sat silent infront of my screen. After 10 minutes my phone buzzed ’hey i was just joking lol! Wyd? Im watching tiktok btw’
I told him: ’debating whether i should block you for that joke or not..’
I got blocked instead, he insulted me in a common gc and made fun of me infront of his friends the next day at school. Thankfully after that it was the weekend. He unblocked me and gaslight me into thinking i was the problem. I had created the issue..
He has gaslight me into thinking that forever after that.
Fast-forward a couple of months later it comes out that he started $H. He would only do a couuuuple of not even cutting his skin deep cuts, like a paper cut would hurt more and pretending he couldn't move his arm and shaking it like it was a tic. To not embarasss him i played along but that guy was draining me looking back. He would then guilt trip me into staying friends.
After all of that i also started $H but i went to deep more then once. I couldn't stop the bleeding. He saw it on my hands and thought i was trying to 1 up him so he started sh deeper and told me he wanted to commit suicide...
Mind you, a looot of my friends including chloe and mary (let’s add katie for the context which is my bsf just before alex) had told me to get away from him but i didnt listen.
One day, when it was a holiday my mother took my phone away cuz i had too much screen time. For the first week i couldnt talk with him. When i had my phone back, he siad he loved me, that he was about to khs if i left ect... I snapped. I told him he could stop pretending and I knew he only wanted attention. I told him I commited $H bcz of him.
He said ’ok.’ ’i will just go actually suicide if you dont wanna believe’
I started feeling bad but it was already midnight so i shut my phone down and went to sleep. Next day he texted me a ’hello.’ at about 1pm. I answered ’hey alex...’ Heres how it went:
Alex: this isnt alex its his sister Me: huh what happened Alex: alex commited a suicide attempt he is in the hospital. Me: panicking, i called my mom who was at work and she asked for alex’s parnet’s number. Alex: uh..we can’t do that but i can text her from alex’s number. Me: ok ill send it to her.
After 15 minutes, mom calls. She doesn't believe any of that because alexs sistser ’can’t call’ because she is driving but can text ?
Mom tells me to give my phone to the maid. I do. I keep texting Alex on my computer and he said he loves me, he couldnt live without me and i started thinking everything was my fault. My sister caught me texting him and told my mom who told me to also give my laptop to the maid. I waited until she comes back from work and mom tells to stop talking to this alex and that he is only hurting me, and if maybe this was real the parents would call. I agreed and the next couple of days were off school. On monday i told him and also told chloe’ katie and mary i couldnt talk with him be didnt specify why. Katie seemed to have a problem with me still talking to him occasionally. She proceeded to ignoring me so now i had lost both my bsf.
A couple days went by and alex comes to me sayinghis cousin took his phone and all that suicide attempt thing wasnt real. I pretended to believe him.
The next day, he askes me whats weong i tell him i just lost both my bsfs. He siad he was sorry and we went about our day.
Fast-forward lunch i couldn't hold it in anymore and had a mental breakdown talking with mary. She went to go speak with katie whom said she isn't planning on becoming friends again and then to alex. He mocked me when i told him i lost 2 of my bsfs, made fun of my problems and other stuff.
Mary came to me and told me all that what he told her. I started having a panick attack but soon my friends consoled me. During lunch j would see katie and alex walking by laughing.
After lunch we had class when i had another mental breakdown. The teacher told me to leave the classroom and tell her whats wrong. Apparently when we were outside mary had told to the whole class i may want to die now bcz of katie(. But at this period i still didnt know).
The next day after school alex finally admitted: he wasntin the hospital he didnt do an attempt and he only wanted attention.
But katie still refuses to talk to me.
I dont know what to do please help me.
And am i the asshole?
submitted by Accurate-Response-84 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:37 Slight-Stranger6174 This girl is my soulmate, but we aren’t together, where do I go from here?

This is going to sound very odd and if you are here to judge than you can go ahead and leave, anyways thanks to anyone who reads this and responds.
For the sake of my and her privacy I will give her the name “Mandy” and me the name “Jack”
3 years ago I was a 14 year old kid in the mix of Covid trying to get girls attention, I ended up on discord, I had a year long relationship with a girl named Sophia, and we just broke up, I was devastated, I could not eat, drink, sleep, anything. But I got through it, through this girl I met a guy named Sam, Sam has been one of the best friends of my life, a few weeks after the breakup Sam introduced me to Mandy, Mandy and me clicked immediately, it was like we knew each other forever yet we knew nothing about another, Mandy is the most loving, compassionate, caring, worrying, mom mode, pretty, smart, funny girl I have ever me, and I was simply drawn to her. We stared texting everyday and from that point to now I am haven’t gone more than a week without texting. Mandy is from Denver CO, and I am from Charlotte North Carolina.
This is where things get crazy. We fell in love, or so we thought in summer 2022, but we only lasted 3 months. We decided for each others mental health and sleep schedule (2 hour time zone difference) that we would go back to being best friends, at this point we were incredibly close. And we stay close and she doesn’t date anyone for a long time, summer 2023 roles around, I am 16 and she is 15, I fly by myself since I am of age to fly alone, with the help of both our parents I visited her for a week. Before, then, I genuinely have never felt so in love with anyone my whole entire life. I have severe ADHD, I was so shy when I first saw her when I got off my flight, I didn’t hug her, smile, nothing, I was numb. She gave me a giant bear hug that kind of woke me up out of it. I still regret not hugging her back, we leave the airport and go to McDonalds, and jus like over text and FaceTime we clicked, once I got out of my shell it’s like I’ve lived near her my entire life. She was so stunning. We both smiled at each other 24/7 all day everyday. We effortlessly made eachother laugh, and it was perfect.
Fast forward to now and I think it’s clear I will never stop loving this girl. She admitted to me that I am her soulmate that she can’t be with because it just wouldn’t work. She tells me she loves me every night when I go to bed, she always makes sure that I tell her when I get home from places, and I do the same, I deeply feel loved by this girl, I didn’t mention it before but I will now, Mandy is the most mature girl I have ever met for her age, it’s insane. She’s the type of girl that if anything bad happens type of girl that if anything bad happened to her to her I would fly there and be by her bed all day everyday as long as she’s there I’m there.
I plan fly there again in July and stay for another week, this time around, I’m giving her the bear hug, I cannot wait to see her, she calls me her rock, and she is my rock.
So here’s the question, what do I do from here?
I want to spend the rest of my life by her side, but I don’t know if I can, I would move across the country for her in a heart beat.
I want to reinforce to you all how strong our bond and relationship is. I know I can only write so much but I’m closer to this girl than my brothers and sisters.
I love her enough to know that I want her to be happy above all, and if that means not being with her and watching another man marry her than I can live with that. But I’ll never, ever love another woman like I love Mandy.
Every guy she’s dated has broke her heart. She’s lucky I don’t live there or i’d be in jail by now haha. Every girl that I have dated have broken mine. But she is always right there by my side. And I will never be able to thank her enough for that. She is the one who got me through my teenage years without losing control. And I could say the same for her as well.
I turn 18 in October and she turns 17, 19 days after I turn 18.
Thank you to those who read all the way through. And I am open to absolutely any advice or conversation anyone would like to give me.
submitted by Slight-Stranger6174 to teenage_relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:36 Accurate-Response-84 Boy bsf pretends suicide (tw: sh, suicidal topics.)

I (13f) have a boy bsf (12m) who we will call Alex. We both go to the same school, same class and we sit together in french lessons which means 5h a week. We started talking and found out we hade similar interests such as good grades, soccer, cars. About 2 weeks or so after familiarising, he sent me 1 loooooong paragraph and told me "can you send this to my bestfriend" ( 12f who we will call chloe). I answered with something like ’yeah sure’ and started reading the paragraph before sending. It was saying he no longer wanted to be friends with chloe, saying chloe abandoned him and doesn't love him anymore and that she became a pick me hanging out with the new girl in school who we will call mary. Mind you, chloe is the nicest person you will ever meet. I was like send it yourself why should it be me, he started having a stroke or idk and faking nervous tics (it was obvioooooouus). I sent it. They both would'nt talk to each other after that.
Alex and I became bestfriends after that as i started making other friend such as mary and chloe. One day Alex and i were chatting on whatsapp when I asked him a simple ’wyd’ he said ’nothing’. That kind of made me giggle but also suspicious. I answers ’what kind of nothing? Better not be smth corny..!’ when he should’ve atleast laughed a little, i think, he answered ’yeah just something..’.
I started worrying asking him to tell me so he siad: here’s a clue, sharpener blade. I froze.
He couldn't be doing that could he...
I told him to stop right now and here and asked him to clarify what he was doing since i had the possibility to tell his sister the next day at school so she could help him. He said ’yk already...’
I just sat silent infront of my screen. After 10 minutes my phone buzzed ’hey i was just joking lol! Wyd? Im watching tiktok btw’
I told him: ’debating whether i should block you for that joke or not..’
I got blocked instead, he insulted me in a common gc and made fun of me infront of his friends the next day at school. Thankfully after that it was the weekend. He unblocked me and gaslight me into thinking i was the problem. I had created the issue..
He has gaslight me into thinking that forever after that.
Fast-forward a couple of months later it comes out that he started $H. He would only do a couuuuple of not even cutting his skin deep cuts, like a paper cut would hurt more and pretending he couldn't move his arm and shaking it like it was a tic. To not embarasss him i played along but that guy was draining me looking back. He would then guilt trip me into staying friends.
After all of that i also started $H but i went to deep more then once. I couldn't stop the bleeding. He saw it on my hands and thought i was trying to 1 up him so he started sh deeper and told me he wanted to commit suicide...
Mind you, a looot of my friends including chloe and mary (let’s add katie for the context which is my bsf just before alex) had told me to get away from him but i didnt listen.
One day, when it was a holiday my mother took my phone away cuz i had too much screen time. For the first week i couldnt talk with him. When i had my phone back, he siad he loved me, that he was about to khs if i left ect... I snapped. I told him he could stop pretending and I knew he only wanted attention. I told him I commited $H bcz of him.
He said ’ok.’ ’i will just go actually suicide if you dont wanna believe’
I started feeling bad but it was already midnight so i shut my phone down and went to sleep. Next day he texted me a ’hello.’ at about 1pm. I answered ’hey alex...’ Heres how it went:
Alex: this isnt alex its his sister Me: huh what happened Alex: alex commited a suicide attempt he is in the hospital. Me: panicking, i called my mom who was at work and she asked for alex’s parnet’s number. Alex: uh..we can’t do that but i can text her from alex’s number. Me: ok ill send it to her.
After 15 minutes, mom calls. She doesn't believe any of that because alexs sistser ’can’t call’ because she is driving but can text ?
Mom tells me to give my phone to the maid. I do. I keep texting Alex on my computer and he said he loves me, he couldnt live without me and i started thinking everything was my fault. My sister caught me texting him and told my mom who told me to also give my laptop to the maid. I waited until she comes back from work and mom tells to stop talking to this alex and that he is only hurting me, and if maybe this was real the parents would call. I agreed and the next couple of days were off school. On monday i told him and also told chloe’ katie and mary i couldnt talk with him be didnt specify why. Katie seemed to have a problem with me still talking to him occasionally. She proceeded to ignoring me so now i had lost both my bsf.
A couple days went by and alex comes to me sayinghis cousin took his phone and all that suicide attempt thing wasnt real. I pretended to believe him.
The next day, he askes me whats weong i tell him i just lost both my bsfs. He siad he was sorry and we went about our day.
Fast-forward lunch i couldn't hold it in anymore and had a mental breakdown talking with mary. She went to go speak with katie whom said she isn't planning on becoming friends again and then to alex. He mocked me when i told him i lost 2 of my bsfs, made fun of my problems and other stuff.
Mary came to me and told me all that what he told her. I started having a panick attack but soon my friends consoled me. During lunch j would see katie and alex walking by laughing.
After lunch we had class when i had another mental breakdown. The teacher told me to leave the classroom and tell her whats wrong. Apparently when we were outside mary had told to the whole class i may want to die now bcz of katie(. But at this period i still didnt know).
The next day after school alex finally admitted: he wasntin the hospital he didnt do an attempt and he only wanted attention.
But katie still refuses to talk to me.
I dont know what to do please help me.
And am i the asshole?
submitted by Accurate-Response-84 to FriendshipAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:34 Accurate-Response-84 My boy bsf pretend a suicide attempt. (TW: SH, SUICIDAL TOPICS)

I (13f) have a boy bsf (12m) who we will call Alex. We both go to the same school, same class and we sit together in french lessons which means 5h a week. We started talking and found out we hade similar interests such as good grades, soccer, cars. About 2 weeks or so after familiarising, he sent me 1 loooooong paragraph and told me "can you send this to my bestfriend" ( 12f who we will call chloe). I answered with something like ’yeah sure’ and started reading the paragraph before sending. It was saying he no longer wanted to be friends with chloe, saying chloe abandoned him and doesn't love him anymore and that she became a pick me hanging out with the new girl in school who we will call mary. Mind you, chloe is the nicest person you will ever meet. I was like send it yourself why should it be me, he started having a stroke or idk and faking nervous tics (it was obvioooooouus). I sent it. They both would'nt talk to each other after that.
Alex and I became bestfriends after that as i started making other friend such as mary and chloe. One day Alex and i were chatting on whatsapp when I asked him a simple ’wyd’ he said ’nothing’. That kind of made me giggle but also suspicious. I answers ’what kind of nothing? Better not be smth corny..!’ when he should’ve atleast laughed a little, i think, he answered ’yeah just something..’.
I started worrying asking him to tell me so he siad: here’s a clue, sharpener blade. I froze.
He couldn't be doing that could he...
I told him to stop right now and here and asked him to clarify what he was doing since i had the possibility to tell his sister the next day at school so she could help him. He said ’yk already...’
I just sat silent infront of my screen. After 10 minutes my phone buzzed ’hey i was just joking lol! Wyd? Im watching tiktok btw’
I told him: ’debating whether i should block you for that joke or not..’
I got blocked instead, he insulted me in a common gc and made fun of me infront of his friends the next day at school. Thankfully after that it was the weekend. He unblocked me and gaslight me into thinking i was the problem. I had created the issue..
He has gaslight me into thinking that forever after that.
Fast-forward a couple of months later it comes out that he started $H. He would only do a couuuuple of not even cutting his skin deep cuts, like a paper cut would hurt more and pretending he couldn't move his arm and shaking it like it was a tic. To not embarasss him i played along but that guy was draining me looking back. He would then guilt trip me into staying friends.
After all of that i also started $H but i went to deep more then once. I couldn't stop the bleeding. He saw it on my hands and thought i was trying to 1 up him so he started sh deeper and told me he wanted to commit suicide...
Mind you, a looot of my friends including chloe and mary (let’s add katie for the context which is my bsf just before alex) had told me to get away from him but i didnt listen.
One day, when it was a holiday my mother took my phone away cuz i had too much screen time. For the first week i couldnt talk with him. When i had my phone back, he siad he loved me, that he was about to khs if i left ect... I snapped. I told him he could stop pretending and I knew he only wanted attention. I told him I commited $H bcz of him.
He said ’ok.’ ’i will just go actually suicide if you dont wanna believe’
I started feeling bad but it was already midnight so i shut my phone down and went to sleep. Next day he texted me a ’hello.’ at about 1pm. I answered ’hey alex...’ Heres how it went:
Alex: this isnt alex its his sister Me: huh what happened Alex: alex commited a suicide attempt he is in the hospital. Me: panicking, i called my mom who was at work and she asked for alex’s parnet’s number. Alex: uh..we can’t do that but i can text her from alex’s number. Me: ok ill send it to her.
After 15 minutes, mom calls. She doesn't believe any of that because alexs sistser ’can’t call’ because she is driving but can text ?
Mom tells me to give my phone to the maid. I do. I keep texting Alex on my computer and he said he loves me, he couldnt live without me and i started thinking everything was my fault. My sister caught me texting him and told my mom who told me to also give my laptop to the maid. I waited until she comes back from work and mom tells to stop talking to this alex and that he is only hurting me, and if maybe this was real the parents would call. I agreed and the next couple of days were off school. On monday i told him and also told chloe’ katie and mary i couldnt talk with him be didnt specify why. Katie seemed to have a problem with me still talking to him occasionally. She proceeded to ignoring me so now i had lost both my bsf.
A couple days went by and alex comes to me sayinghis cousin took his phone and all that suicide attempt thing wasnt real. I pretended to believe him.
The next day, he askes me whats weong i tell him i just lost both my bsfs. He siad he was sorry and we went about our day.
Fast-forward lunch i couldn't hold it in anymore and had a mental breakdown talking with mary. She went to go speak with katie whom said she isn't planning on becoming friends again and then to alex. He mocked me when i told him i lost 2 of my bsfs, made fun of my problems and other stuff.
Mary came to me and told me all that what he told her. I started having a panick attack but soon my friends consoled me. During lunch j would see katie and alex walking by laughing.
After lunch we had class when i had another mental breakdown. The teacher told me to leave the classroom and tell her whats wrong. Apparently when we were outside mary had told to the whole class i may want to die now bcz of katie(. But at this period i still didnt know).
The next day after school alex finally admitted: he wasntin the hospital he didnt do an attempt and he only wanted attention.
But katie still refuses to talk to me.
I dont know what to do please help me.
And am i the asshole?
submitted by Accurate-Response-84 to WhatShouldIDo [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:29 throwaway_nts Help Identifying Odd Behaviors and Dreams as a Kid

Hello, to preface this post, I am not very familiar with Reddit and am using a throwaway account as to keep this anonymous. I will likely try posting this in other subreddits to try and hear thoughts from a wider range of users. I apologize in advance if this post doesn't match exactly to how people normally use this forum.
Recently, I have been thinking a lot about some experiences I had during my life from my childhood until now (I am 20). I never really questioned most of this stuff and just assumed that the things I would experience were common and ones that everyone else around me could relate to. It wasn't until more recently when most friends I spoke to about any of this stuff thought this was somewhat abnormal or they couldn't exactly understand what I was trying to describe. So, under this paragraph, I am going to outline some mental phenomena I used to (or still do) experience. If anyone can relate to or have some better understanding for what these things are, I would really appreciate a response.
I regularly experienced vivid night terrors as a young child, some that I still remember well to this day. I would sometimes wake up screaming in my sleep or roll off my bed. I would often sleep walk throughout my home in the night, and would also have nights where I would experience a half-asleep half-awake state of consciousness in which I would pace around in circles in my bedroom or living room while imagining that my dreams were connected to real life. As an example: The night after watching the movie Gravity in theaters (I was 9 years old), I sleep walked into the living room. I then woke into this trance-like state where I paced around in circles with anxiety for what felt like hours and hours as I was convinced that I was being sent to space and that I would die. Just to note- I also experienced sleep paralysis a couple times in which I would awake with a completely numb body, unable to move, with a shadowy figure standing in my doorway. These night terrors eventually went away, and they stopped around middle school. Around that time, I began experiencing very common and easy to achieve lucid dreams, both on purpose and accident.
Very often, after looking at an object for long enough, I would begin to feel that the object was either much smaller than it really was, or that it was a large object further away than it really was. By this, I don't mean that objects were literally larger or smaller in my vision. Rather that they were distorting in size while also distorting in distance from my eyes in order to maintain the same amount of space in my field of view. This would often happen in school while staring at boards, papers, or teachers. It was often very disorientating and dizzying. I could only usually make my perception return to normal after closing my eyes for long enough. Otherwise, my vision would distort more, and everything would feel strangely far away. This is something that I experienced more as a kid, but still occasionally feel even today.
In a similar vein to these visual distortions, I also occasionally experienced mild time distortions. (This is difficult to describe, so bear with me.) Also as a kid, hearing and focusing in on a particular tempo visually and auditorily (like tapping my finger at a constant interval) would cause time to feel as if it was moving significantly faster. It feels like the tapping is happening really slowly while the world around me moved faster, making me feel really anxious. This didn't happen very often, and would usually correlate to the night terrors I would have (feeling much longer than they actually were). This is something I do not experience anymore and haven't since middle school.
I also experienced a couple rare episodes of dissociation growing up. They felt pretty severe to me, feeling like I wasn't in control of my body or mind, like I was watching from far away, and everything felt cloudy and fuzzy. One in particular was very intense, and just lasted for one day- ending with me becoming severely ill and throwing up all over the place.
Nowadays I don't experience much of these things. The only real mental struggles I feel now are high social anxiety, often avoiding places and people so that I don't have to interact. College friends regularly mention to me that they walk past me and that I see them but never say hi, and I almost never realize that I had stared straight at people I know. I often feel like I walk around everyday without recognizing or even seeing people's faces, even ones close to me.
There are a couple other habits I had as a kid that might warrant looking into, but they are things I didn't want to really get into here. If anyone has any insight or shares these experiences, please comment, I'd love to hear! Looking back at all this stuff is strange and a little worrying at times, so any thoughts are appreciated! Thank you for reading this. :)
submitted by throwaway_nts to HelpMeFind [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:29 Commandodan Went from talking 24/7 to no contact and never even got a solid reason

Alright so myself (31M) and this woman (29F) met and became friends back in October. We hit it off pretty much instantly and became pretty intimate, started talking about what our future looked like and talked about a relationship, etc.
Things were going amazingly until about February where she blindsided me about never wanting a relationship despite our amazing connection. A bit surprising considering she'd bring up relationship talk all the time and we agreed that there was something special here. Anyway, we talked a bit about it, I was shocked but what can you do? Asked her if she wanted me to go no contact, or significantly less, whatever made her feel comfortable and she said 'to be honest I'm fine doing 100% of what we were already doing minus the flirty/sexual stuff.' So talking, hanging out, gaming, general closeness were all good to go I guess. Maybe a bit stupid of me, but I figured fuck it why not, I genuinely liked her as a person so I'll carry on as her friend and if feelings get in the way I can pull back if I need to until they fade.
Then maybe a month or so later, after trying to plan a day out, she says we probably shouldn't hang out anymore. Again, I respect her wishes, despite being a bit shocked by them. We'd hung out twice since becoming platonic and it was totally normal and friendly. I hadn't been weirdly calling them dates or trying to do anything shady either. But ok, no more hanging out I guess. Then a few weeks after that she says that she can't always keep up with the texting. Shocked again since she always replied back within minutes and honestly the speed of our texting was entirely dictated by her at the beginning, I was matching her rate of communication.
I finally started asking what was up about all these new boundaries, I was respecting them but what caused them? She said she was fine with staying friends like we always were so why was I made to feel like I was crossing a line behaving like usual? She'd keep saying it was to 'save the friendship' and 'our dynamic has to change' but never said why. What are we even saving exactly if we strip everything away from this friendship?
Over time it began to really bring me down, I was losing someone I considered a great friend and it wasn't mutual drifting apart. It was clearly being forced and I didn't even get a good reason for it to be happening. I asked to call her about things, but that had to be a big argument too because calling was a bit too close to breaking a boundary. I said that it was fair to meet me halfway on some things because I'd given up so much of the friendship already. But no, now she needed space.
We didn't talk for 5 days and then when we started talking again it was clear her heart wasn't in it. I still wanted to talk, even if the friendship was randomly dead I wanted to go out on good terms so we could remember each other positively. I didn't even bother asking though because I was afraid I'd piss her off again. Despite that, me just talking to her normally was too much and we've been no contact since the beginning of April.
I've had a letter written up for a while now about how despite everything I still care for her very much and hope we can air things out one day. Mostly wrote it just to get my thoughts out but I might send it out a few months down the line because fuck it. Is sending a letter even worth it, it's frustrating how empty this has made me feel.
I'm honestly not even mad at her, even if I should be through all the blatant disrespect to my own feelings. So I guess I'm asking if anyone has been through something similar? I have essentially no hope she'll ever reply or understand how much she's hurt me for no reason. The world is harsh enough as is, I cannot fathom shitting all over a perfectly good friendship. I've obviously glossed over a lot here and I'm open to answering any questions people may have but we were incredibly close, constantly grateful for coming into each other's lives, very appreciative and supportive. It all just seems so sad to me honestly and I miss the friend I thought I had in her. Now I have to move forward knowing that all of it was just fake and pointless.
submitted by Commandodan to LifeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:29 Massive_Cream_9091 Should I have pushed harder?

My partner has stage 4 breast cancer. She’s 29. For months before her diagnosis she would make comments about how she felt a lump. She’d show me and make comments about how it hurt and seemed weird. That it seemed like it was changing or growing. We’d always talk about how it WAS weird, but how anything serious is usually painless, so maybe it was nothing. As time went on she’d start making comments about chest and back pain. She started using an ice pack on her sternum daily. She’d have much more intense back pain, but blamed it on not keeping up with yoga or pushing too hard at work.
She’s always been resistant about going to the doctor. She’d always blow me off when I told her she should go. She’d always say she should, but she doesn’t want to, maybe later when other things calm down. She’d say she’d made such good progress recently trying to sort out other health issues that I shouldn’t be pushing her to do more.
Now we’re here. It’s not fixable anymore. All my fears were right. The cancer is everywhere. I’m trying to do everything I can to learn about her specific type, work out insurance, field questions with her care team, keep her happy while she’s not working. She thinks I’m too consumed with it all. She doesn’t like to talk about it. Not even once in a while… She doesn’t want to talk about it AT ALL. I’m frustrated and sad and feeling like I wasn’t strong enough to get her to go to the doctor when it was maybe more manageable.
Most of the time I can be realistic with myself and understand the guilt isn’t warranted, but it does still stay there, looming in the background. This feeling will pass by morning, like it usually does, but it sucks to get here mentally most nights.
submitted by Massive_Cream_9091 to CaregiverSupport [link] [comments]
