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Jenna-Louise Coleman

2012.04.11 10:50 vodkacokebloke Jenna-Louise Coleman

The subreddit for all admirers of the actress Jenna-Louise Coleman.

2024.06.01 23:07 Still_Screen_610 So, I made a post on here earlier today, asking if I could post my own stories- so here's something I've been working on :)

(Very much an early draft, so criticism and advice is absolutely appreciated, lol-)

Entry 1203
Hey! I thought I’d start a new book- a new diary. You know, new house, new part of my life, I guess. Anyway, it starts here. This one, at least- I lost most of the others a while ago, I’m afraid.
I walked back into that house for the first time today, since last I visited my uncle. It was- weird. But also kind of nostalgic? Like, I remember these rooms and places from my childhood- but they seem different now. Empty- with him gone. I suppose that makes sense. I don’t know if I’m still processing the grief, or whatever- I’ve done enough crying, I mean. He’s gone, and that’s all there is to it, right? I’ve always seen it that way, with losing people. But I guess a lot of it is subconscious. I don’t know that we can really, like- manipulate that aspect of ourselves? It’s weird.
That’s probably it- the house is nice, and normal- I’m writing from inside his study. It’s this massive room with a load of papers and books- and a really cluttered desk in the middle. I love this desk, always have. It’s awesome too, to be able to go in there, and, like- be able to actually read the manuscripts. He never let me before- I can see why now, there’s some pretty disturbing stuff in there. He was such an amazing writer, and even the rejected concepts he kept in there are amazing. There are some letters, too! I have most of them enclosed in old entries, but there are some he didn’t seem to have sent? There’s a weird one- I’ll put a copy in here. Most of them are to me, anyway- I didn’t realize that at the time. I didn’t know he was so lonely here. I’m starting to
I’ve talked in here before about the house being, like, you know- creepy? I had a nightmare about here, once. Must’ve been, like- a kid. 12 or 13? Long before I started writing this diary. I used to get a lot of nightmares. But this one wasn’t like the rest- it wasn’t that there was some big monster chasing me, or that someone I loved was dead, or that it was that I was just- here. In the house. Alone, somehow- I don’t know how to talk about it, really. But I keep thinking about it- keep remembering it. I think I still have the page where I talked about the dream somewhere- I’ll put it in here if I find it. I remember submitting the page to English- top of the class. I really have him to thank for that, suppose I inherited some of his talents.
Well, I’ll write again tomorrow- Oh, and- I made a friend! There’s this cat in the house. It’s weirdly thin, but I guess it’s been living round here. Probably taking food from Lindow, and sleeping in the house- anyway, I’ve decided to take care of it. Cute little thing- I’ll put in a photo, too.
Writing Task: Dreams- Emily Woodley
Write at least four sentences of descriptive writing based on a dream you have recently had, or one you find online.
15/20 Marks
Feedback Under Work
I’m alone. I’m alone in a place that seems so familiar, so peaceful to me- a place which once felt so comforting, but which is now my prison. My lonely prison. I haven’t seen another person in days- I just wander these hallways by myself, through this endless twisting labyrinth of the house I used to love- I think I’m trying to find someone. But I don’t. I don’t even know who I’m looking for- is it someone specific, or just- another life? Another face in the loneliness? I hope I don’t find anyone else. Because then- it’d mean someone else was stuck here too. I wish I didn’t know this place- that it was as much a stranger to me as I am to it. That it was simply somewhere, a meaningless spot in the universe that nobody would care for. I don’t like caring for it. Now, I know it’s wrong. It might be easier if I didn’t.
Feedback: Excellent work! Very emotive- I can tell you’ve put a lot of yourself into this. My only criticism would be your use of “but” at the beginning of a sentence- that’s a habit you should probably break. Amazing work though!
-This is actually pretty funny in retrospect, I never really broke that habit.
-I found that letter from my uncle, by the way-
Dr Grayson,
I’d like to issue an apology for how I acted in my last session. It was wrong, and I am sorry.
Your use of specific terms to describe what I am going through was simply- disconcerting. I do not like to think of myself as insane. I have a degree in psychology, and I can tell you that what I feel is not a simple insanity or psychosis. However, your methods have helped, apart from that-
The rest of it is torn off. It’s weird though- I never knew he had a therapist. I guess he must’ve lived in Lindow? Maybe he’s still there. Hmm- I’ll ask around tomorrow, see what I can find about him. I don’t know why I’m so weirded out by this- why would he tell us if he had mental health problems? He was always a private person. But I’m still curious. He said that was always my trouble.
Oh and- speaking of Lindow tomorrow, I’d better buy some cat food while I’m in there- I’m not sure what to name him yet, but here’s a photo:
Entry 1204
Hi again. Emily here, obviously- I’m writing from the study again- Decided to start saying the time, as well. It’s the morning, about 9:30, so I thought I’d write a shorter entry now before I go into Lindow later. I slept okay- I’ve never been good at adjusting to new beds, so that’s amazing for me. The cat helped, too- he curled up near my legs while I slept. I’m glad he likes me- I’ve never had a pet before. Well- not much else to say. I’ll write again after Lindow, bye!
Hi! It’s the evening now- I just got back from Lindow, like you probably expected. Nice old place- I can see why my uncle liked the area so much. There’s this really beautiful forest between here and the town- I drove through it on the way, but it doesn’t beat walking there today. Lindow was nice, like I said- Quaint, I guess the word would be. I got some groceries at the shop in town, well, I think it was. Hard to say. I sure as heck wasn’t going to the supermarket on the edge of town. I hate those- definitely my least favorite part of city life.
I did end up having to go to the supermarket- for the cat food. It was horrible. I don’t feel like writing too much about it- oh well, at least Toffee’s happy. The cat, I mean- I’ve decided to call him Toffee. You probably guessed- oh well. I asked the cashier lady- Angie, her name was- about that Dr Grayson, too. She didn’t know anyone by that name-, I don’t know why I assumed she did, I suppose I thought everyone in a town like Lindow knows each other. I’ll ask someone else next time I’m there.
The rest of the day was pretty uneventful- mostly cleaning since I got back. Sorting out the study so it’s fit for a new writer. It still feels pretty morbid- but it is giving me a lot of writing inspiration. I keep remembering these little things that happened when I was here last, when my uncle was still alive, just small anecdotes. I have walked in that forest before- with him. We were talking about my story, at the time- it never went anywhere, of course. But even so, he had so much faith it would. I almost feel bad that it never did, and now he’s gone. At least now I can keep going without him, keep up the legacy, you know?
That’ll be all from me today- it’s been quite uneventful. I’ll include the draft of what I’ve been working on below- see you next time I feel like writing.
This Old House- First Draft
The rain pours down in great sheets, as if itself is trying to rot the wood of the supports that hold the thing in place- to bring down the affront that is this old house. That is this thing of wood and stone and blood and bone- that is this endless maze of deceit and insanity, that is this lonely miasma of violence, that is this flesh-stained, cold-blooded predator- like a shark circling in the waters of the world who has just smelt blood in the ocean.
This wasn’t my writing, actually- I just found this. I went over to the study to write what I mentioned before- but I found this thing from my Uncle, I think. It’s just a bit of scrap paper on the floor. But… I’ve never heard of this before. “This Old House.” A novel he was working on? Must’ve been… About the house? Maybe I’m not the first to feel this way about this place. I don’t know. We had similar imaginations, I suppose… A coincidence. It must’ve been.
I’m going to bed now, anyway. Goodnight.
Entry 1205
Hi again. I’ve been thinking about that draft I found yesterday, it was so different from his usual style- He always hated that flowery language, the way those sorts of books created imagery with emotional language, rather than literal descriptions. His descriptions were beautiful, don’t get me wrong, but he’d sooner describe a house in literal construction rather than a shark in the water. So, he changed, right? Only reasonable explanation- but, thing is, I can’t find anything else that matches this style. Everything else in the study is his normal writing style- the letters, the texts- it wasn’t the only draft. There were others- here.
Chapter 16 of “Why They Left”
The shadow of the chair was cast at an odd angle from the window- there seemed to be a lump, sticking out strangely. The boy heard no sound, as he slowly crept into the room. He didn’t know why he was scared, even as a sound did start to creep into his head. It was a slow, steady drip. He found the source of the dripping from behind the chair, and as he watched a droplet fall to the ground, his eyes followed it as it coalesced into the rest of the pool on the floor. It was dark and red, like water stained with copper- only it wasn’t copper. The smell, which he somehow hadn’t noticed up until now- became obvious, and the boy finally realized what it was that stuck out of the shadow of the chair.
He wasn’t the sort of author to describe a house in a similar way. I don’t see him just changing styles like that, he was extremely rigid. I don’t know- I haven’t searched all of the study, of course. But then, if it was a new book he was working on, why would he hide it? Even if it’s somewhere here- what would be the point of
It if it was just a normal manuscript?
I was thinking about this earlier- that’s why I checked the library. Books, I suppose. Before I arrived here, I was given the houses’ master key. It's meant to have access to every room in the house- that’s what I was told, you know? Well- it didn’t, simply. After thinking about it this morning, I went over to the library, in the west wing of the first floor, and looked at the lock. I didn’t bother trying the key, because the lock was so different- it was big and brass, old fashioned, and the key was just normal. I knew, somehow, that it wouldn’t get into this lock. I just… Turned away. I didn’t want to keep looking at it. Maybe, I’ll try to get a photo later.
There’s only one other lock in the house I haven’t tried, apart from the basement- the door to my uncle’s bedroom. Currently, I’m sleeping in a guest bedroom which my parents stayed in when we used to come over. It’s on the second floor, and the study is on the third, which is also just the attic.
Anyway, I haven’t been in his bedroom. I don’t know- even if I’m okay with the rest of the morbidity, it still seems too much. I don’t know exactly how he So I won’t be going in there- not yet. Not ever, I hope.
The loneliness is really starting to set in- it’s only the third day, and I’m already missing everyone. I didn’t have many real friends in the city, I know, and in many ways I’m glad to be away from my family- but still. It’s this house. It’s so big, but it’s only me in here. It’s not meant to be that way. I haven’t seen Toffee all day- but I have heard him, once or twice. It was when I was at the library- I swear I heard him meow, on the other side. I wonder how he got in there- cats have their ways, I suppose. I’m not sure what I’ll do now- I think I’ll go into Lindow again tomorrow. There’s still so much cleaning and tidying to do around here, but I don’t feel able to do it myself- not when I feel like this.
Oh- it’s the evening. Sorry, I forgot to say before. I’m thinking of taking this diary with me- so I can jot down whatever, on the fly. I keep getting this sense of deja vu- but not like I’ve been here before, more like… Like I’ve thought this before. I don’t know what it means. I… I think I’m going to go to bed. Goodnight. -Emily
Here’s a photo of the lock- along with the key, and the others in the house. Weird, right?
There is something that should not be there. The familiar, taken, replaced, hidden behind lock and key. Except that I have no key, and the lock is far unfamiliar. There is something that should not be here. What is familiar, lost, replaced, gone behind lock and key. Except that I have no key, and the lock is far unfamiliar. There is something that should not be here. The familiar, taken, replaced, hidden behind some great beast. Except that I have no weapon to slay it, and it is unknown to me how. I should not be here. I am taken, unfamiliar, to a place I should know so well except that I know nothing, and all but myself is gone. This place should not exist. The familiar, which should never have been, taken, replaced, hidden among the unknown like a grain of sand in a desert. Except that I have no means of finding it, and no means of destroying this place. There is something that should not be there. The familiar, taken, replaced, hidden behind lock and key. Except that I have no key, and the lock is far unfamiliar. There is something that should not be here. What is familiar, lost, replaced, gone behind lock and key. Except that I have no key, and the lock is far unfamiliar. There is something that should not be here. The familiar, taken, replaced, hidden behind some great beast. Except that I have no weapon to slay it, and it is unknown to me how. I should not be here. I am taken, unfamiliar, to a place I should know so well except that I know nothing, and all but myself is gone. This place should not exist. The familiar, which should never have been, taken, replaced, hidden among the unknown like a grain of sand in a desert. Except that I have no means of finding it, and no means of destroying this place. There is something that should not be there. The familiar, taken, replaced, hidden behind lock and key. Except that I have no key, and the lock is far unfamiliar. There is something that should not be here. What is familiar, lost, replaced, gone behind lock and key. Except that I have no key, and the lock is far unfamiliar. There is something that should not be here. The familiar, taken, replaced, hidden behind some great beast. Except that I have no weapon to slay it, and it is unknown to me how. I should not be here. I am taken, unfamiliar, to a place I should know so well except that I know nothing, and all but myself is gone. This place should not exist. The familiar, which should never have been, taken, replaced, hidden among the unknown like a grain of sand in a desert. Except that I have no means of finding it, and no means of destroying this place. There is something that should not be there. The familiar, taken, replaced, hidden behind lock and key. Except that I have no key, and the lock is far unfamiliar. There is something that should not be here. What is familiar, lost, replaced, gone behind lock and key. Except that I have no key, and the lock is far unfamiliar. There is something that should not be here. The familiar, taken, replaced, hidden behind some great beast. Except that I have no weapon to slay it, and it is unknown to me how. I should not be here. I am taken, unfamiliar, to a place I should know so well except that I know nothing, and all but myself is gone. This place should not exist. The familiar, which should never have been, taken, replaced, hidden among the unknown like a grain of sand in a desert. Except that I have no means of finding it, and no means of destroying this place. There is something that should not be there. The familiar, taken, replaced, hidden behind lock and key. Except that I have no key, and the lock is far unfamiliar. There is something that should not be here. What is familiar, lost, replaced, gone behind lock and key. Except that I have no key, and the lock is far unfamiliar. There is something
I decided not to go into Lindow today, after I found this, clearing out the study. I don’t know what it is. Well… Obviously, it’s some kind of writing by my uncle, for one of his books, but- I mean, you can see it? You can see why it’s so… Unnerving? Just… Just that paragraph, repeated for a page. It’s ripped off at the bottom, too- I don’t know how much longer it would’ve gone on for, but… I don’t know. I don’t know why this’s unsettled me so much. It’s obviously just a passage from that book he was working on, the same one as before- “This Old House.” but, I don’t know.
The other weird thing is… I’ve finished clearing out the study. I’ve been here four days, and it’s already done- I started doing it first because I thought it would take the longest, but no, it’s finished. It seemed so cluttered, so full of letters and manuscripts- but reading most of them, and putting the interesting ones into here, it’s only taken this long. I’m surprised, I suppose- but I don’t know why I’m still scared. It’s the library, it’s still locked, and… finding this, and finishing with the study has just reminded me of it too much. I thought that that study was his stash. Where he kept all his secrets, all his best works- but it wasn’t. I barely learned anything. Now that I write that- I don’t know what I expected to learn. I didn’t come here to learn more about my dead uncle. He’s gone, and that’s all there is to it. I came here to live here, and that’s what I’m going to do.
I’m… I’m going for a walk. I haven’t seen the lake yet, and I’d like to.
The lake was nice. It’s ironic really- I was always so scared of it, growing up. It used to seem so deep, and I was convinced for years there was some kind of monster inside it. There wasn’t, of course, monsters aren’t real. For all his faults, my uncle had done his best to impress that upon me- that however terrifying things seemed, there was no such thing as the supernatural. I still believe him- but now I don’t know if he said it because he agreed with himself, or that he just wanted to reassure me. I’m going to make dinner. I might write this evening, but probably not. I don’t know what it is today, but I just feel so sluggish and tired. Oh well, the walk did help. I’m not afraid anymore. Just tired, really. Oh, I forgot to put the date- I’ll do that now, sorry.
Entry 1206
Entry 1207
Going into Lindow helped a lot, I think. Being able to actually see and talk to other faces, I feel less scared and isolated now. Even if… Even if later, I have to go back into the house. I’m not there now, I’m in the town square- there’s a fountain, and some benches next to it. I’m on one of them, writing this.
I thought I may as well buy food while I was in here, so I was just in the same shop as last time. Turns out it doesn’t really have a name, but most people call it “Broken Tree Supplies,” after, well, a tree- it’d fallen a couple years back, apparently, and just narrowly missed the shop. Angie told me that- the cashier? We got to talking. She asked who I was- just traveling through, or staying. I told her the truth. She seemed surprised to hear that the “weird old guy” as she had described my uncle, had had family- even estranged. She knew the place, though. Everyone did. Apparently, my uncle had quite a reputation, as the rich recluse outside of town. No offense though, Angie had said. “You seem nicer.” She smiled. I smiled back, slightly shyly. “Em, is it?” “Emily.” “Nice to meet you. It’s not every day we see a new face around here, most people are creeped out by the forest- or housing prices.” I smiled again at the joke. “I don’t mind the woods- they’re nice actually. And, as for housing prices, well- not like I bought the place.” Angie smiled back at me.
“Quite. Well… how is it?” “The house?” “Oh, yeah. If it’s not too personal, we’ve always been interested in the place. Your uncle ran a tight ship, though. Hated intruders.” I nodded. It sounded like him. “You do seem nicer though.” Angie smiled again. “Always good to see a new friendly face.” “Same to you.” I nodded again, and turned away, before Angie called me to wait. “You think I could ever… I don’t know, come round there? I’ve always been really curious.” She must have noticed my small blush, because she shook her head suddenly. “No, I didn’t mean- I just…” I shook my head, the blush clearing. “It’s okay! Actually… That’d be nice. It’s pretty lonely in there, and… A second opinion might help.” Angie opened her mouth, as if to ask another question, but the shop's door swung open behind me, and I hastily walked out as the other stepped in.
It’s only writing this now that I remember that I forgot to ask about that Dr Grayson from a few days ago. Oh well- I doubt she’d have known anything anyway. I’m going home in any case.
Huh. I’m back at the house now, and, re-reading what I wrote earlier, I see the word “home.” I’m not sure how to feel about that. I suppose it is my home now, for better or worse. I don’t know why I still feel like this, still that the house itself is somehow odd, sinister- it isn’t. It’s just a house. I hope I can see Angie again soon. I don’t know if I’ll be able to explain any of this to her, but it’ll be nice to have someone else anyway.
I was lying yesterday. I do want to know him- my uncle, I mean. Of course I do. He was always so secretive, so reclusive- and, as a kid, I always accepted that. He was just my cool and weird, albeit slightly scary sometimes, uncle. My inspiration as a writer. But lately, I keep remembering things, details, stuff that I’d forgotten from my childhood. Both at home, and when we started visiting. I remember a very definite dividing line, somehow, from when I was about nine or ten. Before that, I don’t think I knew he existed. After that, though, we visited on about a bi-yearly basis, up until the months leading up to his death.
Now that I come to think of it, my parents, my mother- his sister- had always resented him. I don’t think they hated each other, not really, but still. Why visit a brother you were so bitter towards? My mother was never a woman for family ties, either. If she didn’t want to see him, she wouldn’t have bothered. And it was never my idea, not at first. I barely remember that first visit. He’d been the most reclusive I would see until the last visit I made to him- until I’d made some joke. He just stared at me for a moment, blinking almost uncomprehendingly, before heartily. For all that could be said about my uncle, he had a sense of humor. A dark and arguably twisted one, but one nonetheless. Kindred spirits, I suppose.
I wasn’t allowed in the study on that first visit. He’d shook his head, said it was too scary a place for a little girl. I was allowed in the library though.
I wish I could say more, but I don’t remember it. I think I would if it was unusual in any way, but- I have no idea. It was just a library, from what I recall. It was locked on my later visits, and, when on my second at around twelve- I mentioned that I wanted to be a writer, he’d shown me the study, and a manuscript he’d been working on. I’d shown him my diary, where I wrote all my stories. I won’t put what I showed him here. I still have it, but it’s embarrassing to read my writing from seven years ago, so I won’t put it here.
It’s getting late, and I haven’t slept much these past few days. Granted, I never sleep well, but this is bad, even for me. I’m signing off for today. Goodnight.
I know I said I cleaned out the study. I know I did, actually- but I just get this feeling, like there’s something I’m missing.
I didn’t sleep. I haven’t slept. It’s 3AM, and I’m still writing, I can barely see the ink in the dark. I’ve decided to give up on this- I’m that close to starting a corkboard with red string and pins. I’m curious, of course I am- he was so mysterious, and I feel as if I’m just starting to know him, even if I have my whole life. But- this, the writing, the theorizing, the “mystery” it isn’t helping. It’s just a house that I have to live in now, and, if I keep treating it like it's some kind of monster, it won’t exactly be happy. I might write in here again, but I’m done for now. Bye.
submitted by Still_Screen_610 to creepcast [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:28 Musictravels23 SUMMER IN THE CITY! 1-2 FuIIy Furn amazing BRS ASAP within a Iarger shared 3BR/2BA apt in a high end property, in awesome Woodley Park right at the red Iine metro.

Both BRs are spacious, bright, sunny and include everything from a double bed with sheets, towels and a desk and chair, decent sized closet with hangers, laundry basket and iron/ironing board etc.Both fantastic BRs are available for entire summer ideaIIy starting ASAP (or by June 1) untiI end of August and rent is $1649/month/BR (but pIease note the rental agreements will be individual, per room). *For summer, June-Aug needs to be covered in full, May can be negotiated if needed, and exact move in/out dates can also be negotiated but rent terms remain.either $89/night/BR (4 night min), - ie if you have a place for 6/1 but need a fully furnished BR prior to that, or take for the entire summer.Included (but not limited to!):-Fully equipped kitchen (dishes, pots, pans, silverware, microwave etc)-Central air throughout the apartment and building-Fantastic Gym-Roofdeck with wifi-Business Center with wet bar and wifi-24/7 front desk, ATM, and many other amenities!-So close to the (red line) Woodley Park metro so you won't need a car here, but can get guest street parking for a month if need be and potentiaIIy parking avaiIabIe at an extra fee-DC Circulator (to downtown) and other bus lines also steps away (Metrobus 96 and L2 at least) Please note unfortunately this is not an ideal option for those who work mostly or fully from home, but certainly open and flexible to other arrangements so just share your details which will be much appreciated! Can't Be Missed! Viewings this week! AvaiIabIe in September again and rent wiII be a bit Iess! Just caII 240-48nine-133eight ASAP!
submitted by Musictravels23 to DCforRent [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 13:33 creative-license FERRARI on Hulu May 24th

FERRARI on Hulu May 24th submitted by creative-license to adamdriverfans [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 20:59 DemolitionMatter Gender inequality has more evolutionary roots than sociogenic roots, research shows.

DISCLAIMER: This post does NOT condone violence or crime, nor does it say that sexism is a good thing, but explains that it is not caused by patriarchy. It is not sociogenic, but part of nature. This does not mean it is good, but that it is not sociogenic, even if feminists say it is.
Feminists argue it was the "patriarchy" or men who created gender inequality or gender roles, and gender roles are often portrayed as evil and oppressive, but feminists reinforce them all the time in a subtle manner. It's actually evolution that caused gender inequality.
Gender equality doesn't necessarily create more happiness.
First, although there is evidence of gender equality bringing happiness, there's no consistent evidence that gender equality causes wellbeing in men or women. One study wrote: "greater gender equality has few significant effects on overall subjective well-being (males and females combined), except for a slight association of more female (relative to male) education with higher well-being." They elaborated:
Most of the gender equality measures do not predict differences between male and female subjective well-being, neither when considering zero-order correlations (Table 1) nor in regression models that control for plausible covariates (Tables 5, 6). Therefore we can confirm the conclusion of Vieira Lima (2011) that greater gender equality or higher female status does not usually benefit women more than men. For example, a higher proportion of women in high-status occupations does not raise the average subjective well- being of all women, although it is likely to do so for the minority of highly ambitious women competing for these positions. High female labor force participation and non- agricultural employment emerge as conditions that appear to reduce female relative to male (or raise male relative to female) well-being (Tables 5, 6). This result confirms and extends the observation of Tesch-Ro ̈mer et al. (2008) of a predominantly negative rela- tionship between relative female life satisfaction and relative female economic activity rate. One possible explanation is that in many (though not necessarily all) countries, the disutility of work is greater for women than men. In other words, women dislike gainful work in a modern economy more than men do.
In fact, the research found that women are happier or more satisfied with life than men in Muslim countries, countries with less Catholic people, and countries without "communist" history. Furthermore, they found that female life satisfaction is higher in countries with more old-school gender roles:
One possibility is that higher female life satisfaction in countries with traditional gender roles is caused by lower female expectations. However, in this case we would expect that traditional gender roles favor higher self-reported female life satisfaction but not neces- sarily happiness. Inspection of Fig. 1 shows this not to be the case.
Additionally, gender equality was not associated with more happiness/life satisfaction, and more female employment, or socializing it, actually reduces wellbeing for women.
The present study is strictly cross-sectional. However, it shows that greater gender equality is not associated with higher subjective well-being of women relative to men. It even suggests that high rates of female employment, or possibly a value system that insists on female employment, have the potential to reduce female well-being. Therefore we need to be aware of the possibility that continued efforts at educating women out of traditional female roles and into traditional male roles can reduce female subjective well-being, as has happened in the communist and ex-communist countries. But is this really surprising? Men would not be happy and satisfied either if they were forced out of traditional male roles and into traditional female roles. Perhaps the implicit belief among many social scientists that male-typical preferences, values and social roles are in some way superior to traditional female ones needs to be re-evaluated.
They concluded this explains why wellbeing for women in the United States has declined in the past few decades as women entered the workforce more. This study found that although gender equality promoted happiness in both developed and developing countries, the effect was stronger in democratic or high income countries compared to nondemocratic or low income countries.
This study, which is far more well-researched than others, shows a nuanced pattern across many countries. When it came to happiness, people in "gender equal" countries were more likely to simply happy but people in "gender unequal" countries are more likely to be very happy. People in "gender equal" countries were more likely to be simply satisfied with life but in "gender unequal" countries, people were more likely to be very satisfied with life. Being simply unhappy or unsatisfied did not differ between countries but being very unhappy/unsatisfied was slightly more common in "gender unequal" countries, but the percentage who were very unhappy/satisfied was minuscule. The vast majority of people in both kinds of countries were at least happy/satisfied with life. Increasing gender equality was mixed in its results:
In gender equal countries, it was seen that increasing levels of gender egalitarianism tend to improve a person’s likelihood to be either very unhappy or at higher levels of happiness than unhappy.
Increasing gender equality in the "egalitarian" countries decreased unhappiness, very slightly increased being very unhappy (very minuscule change), very slightly increased (minuscule change) being very happy and increased being simply happy. In the "unequal" countries, increasing gender equality decreased being very happy, increased being simply happy, somewhat increased being unhappy and made a minuscule decrease in being very unhappy. With life satisfaction, it decreased being unsatisfied or very unsatisfied in both kinds of countries but only made a noteworthy increase in being satisfied or being very satisfied in "unequal" countries and "equal" countries, respectively. Either way, the authors concluded that their research "demonstrates that levels of happiness and life satisfaction have a similar distribution in gender equal and unequal countries overall", and "while the impact of demographic components on happiness and life satisfaction does not vary in gender equal and unequal countries, gender egalitarianism demonstrates diversified patterns of happiness".
Sexism and gender inequality has evolutionary roots.
This is a highly controversial point, but it is true. There's a lot of talk lately about how the hunter-gatherer societies were egalitarian, but this is false (a myth promoted by both the far left and feminists), and women did not hunt as much as men, but that idea was "proven" by research with high amounts of methodological bias.
A study called "An evolutionary life history explanation of sexism and gender inequality" by Nan Zhu and Lei Chang shows that sexism/gender inequality is indeed evolutionary. Contrary to popular belief, sexism was more based on discriminating against men or women or singling them out due to gender roles, and gender roles were important for the success of our species and survival. It wasn't about punishing a gender for their gender. Here's the abstract:
Predisposed to differences in parental investment, men and women are expected to enact different reproduction-oriented, accelerated life-history strategies when facing high extrinsic risks or resource insecurity. Sexual selection processes would strengthen the sex differences in support of such accelerated life-history strategy, causing women to divert more time and energy to reproductive activities and depend more on men's economic provisioning and therefore enforcing sexist attitudes and gender inequality. This paper provides empirical support for this life-history explanation of sexism based on data from the World Values Survey and four United Nations sources. The results generally support our explanation in the following manners: (1) Societal-level extrinsic risks (worries over intergroup violence) were associated with higher sexism. (2) Men were more sexist, and the association between individual-level resource insecurity and sexism was more moderate in countries and regions with greater society-level extrinsic risks. (3) Societal-level extrinsic risks (adult mortality) and resource availability were associated with higher and lower gender inequality, respectively, through the mediating effects of accelerated life-history strategies, indicated by adolescent birth rates and total fertility.
They also cite evidence for how environment affects reproductive outcomes and general behavior:
Resource insecurity, which is related to higher exposure to morbi- dity–mortality risks for offspring in almost all human forager societies (Marlowe, 2000), has been demonstrated to be associated with parental harshness and insecure attachment, which, in turn, are linked to traits of accelerated life-history strategies. These traits include earlier sexual debut and higher sexual activities during adolescence, which are pre- dicted by earlier pubertal development (Belsky, Houts & Fearon, 2010; (Belsky et al., 2010b)). In a longitudinal study, Belsky, Schlomer and Ellis (2012) found that lower income-to-needs ratio experienced during the early years was indirectly associated with higher adolescent sexuality through lower maternal parenting quality in childhood. By con- trast, Ellis and Essex (2007) observed that fewer marital conflicts, higher quality parental care, and higher socioeconomic status predicted later sexual development in girls. Overall, accelerated life-history strategies are in accordance with increased reproductive efforts at an earlier age, which are adaptive to stressful environments that reduce the chance of offspring surviving to maturity, but less so in stable and competitive environments (Del Giudice et al., 2015).
Across countries, men scored higher on beliefs about old-school gender roles (or as the authors described, more sexist) than women. It wasn't because they're the "patriarchy" or "oppressors", but this difference in beliefs was higher in countries with higher extrinsic risks like intergroup violence (e.g.: war).
We found that males exhibited higher sexism than did females and that this trend was stronger in societies facing greater intergroup violence. This is consistent with our extrapolation that the traditional, sexist “protective males” stereotype is more advocated in societies facing an elevated danger of intergroup conflicts. Moreover, given that males have more incentives to escape parenting duties to focus on mating compared with females, males likely gain more reproductive success from sexist gender roles than females do when enacting accelerated life-history strategies. This might explain why the sex difference in sexism was greater in societies with higher extrinsic risks.
Extrinsic risks were associated with accelerated life history strategies (e.g.: having children), which, in turn, is associated with gender inequality. Societal level extrinsic risks (like intergroup violence) were associated with more sexism, and "societal-level extrinsic risks (adult mortality) and resource availability were associated with higher and lower gender inequality, respectively, through the mediating effects of accelerated life-history strategies, indicated by adolescent birth rates and total fertility." Individual-level resource insecurity and societal intergroup violence both predicted more sexism or beliefs endorsing old-school gender roles, but: "society-level intergroup violence may have overshadowed individual-level resource insecurity such that the detrimental effect of resource insecurity was less severe in societies with high intergroup violence".
Rape and intimate partner violence are not caused by patriarchy, but are evolutionary tactics (despite being immoral and evolution/nature being amoral).
This is just like how men committing crimes against men (which is far more common) is also an evolutionary tactic. Nature is amoral and humans are, to an extent, a barbaric species (like any other species). This thread of mine talks about how not only is most sexism towards women benevolent sexism, but actual misogyny is rare among men, and those men were simply full of dark triad traits, and dark triad men and misogynistic men or rapists were two sides of the same coin. Dark triad traits are an evolutionary adaptation to have lots of casual sex, and they caused men to be interested in as many sex partners as possible. When these men have unusually high aspirations about how sexually active they must be, they tend to become misogynistic because they believe they are unattractive to women when they aren't, yet engage in a lot of promiscuity. As a result, these men have committed rape to get sex, but they also have a high amount of consensual sex partners. As a result, rape was found to be an evolutionary mating strategy from dark triad traits, which I elaborated on in that thread (no, it doesn't condone or defend sexual violence).
It is also possible countries with less gender equality, which have more intergroup violence or lack of resource security (which is what causes old-school gender roles and less gender equality), have more dark triad men, and the gender difference in dark triad traits between men and women is bigger. It's not patriarchy that causes dark triad traits in these countries, but intergroup violence and lack of resource security that causes these traits there. It could be intimate partner violence might be more common in these countries and it could be for evolutionary reasons and for the same reasons these countries have gender inequality or old-school gender roles more: the environment.
Although intimate partner violence is a gender symmetrical crime, I don't know if there's evolutionary reasons for why women commit intimate partner violence. There could be, but it has probably less research because society ignores male domestic violence victims. Among men who commit the crime, there are evolutionary reasons or hardwired instincts that cause it. For example, women with boyfriends/husbands who had children from previous partners are far more likely to be victims of intimate partner violence or homicide, whereas stepfather are more likely to be abusive. This is potentially due to sexual jealousy or resentment of the actual father due to knowing their children are not biologically their children. Even other species had intimate partner violence among both males and females:
These cases demonstrate that intimate partner violence is neither exclusive to humans nor exclusive to males. Intimate partner violence is the result of a natural process—Darwinian selection. These cases also call into question the default hypothesis that physical violence between pair-bonded individuals is caused by socialization. Proponents of the socialization hypothesis would not argue that burying beetles and razorbills are socialized to inflict partner-directed violence, and it may be erroneous to assume this default position for human intimate partner violence. In every species studied to date (including humans), intimate partner violence occurs when the actions of one partner (either male or female) threaten the survival or reproduction of the other.
Men also mate guard (guard their partner from other men) when she has high reproductive value or attractiveness, is ovulating, is around other men, or has other traits making her more prone to infidelity. Men's mate retention behaviors and mate guarding about making sure where she was or knowing who she talks to was associated with intimate partner violence perpetration against her. The relationship between accusations of female infidelity and female-directed violence was mediated by non-violent direct guarding behaviors. When it comes to marital sexual aggression, women's risk of sexual coercion by their partner was not related to power in the relationship, like who controls the decision making, and thus, women with a man with the dominant position in the relationship don't experience more sexual coercion from their husbands. A lot of evidence shows that sexual coercion in marriage might be due to paternity uncertainty or worrying the wife is cheating:
Sexual coercion in response to cues of his partner's sexual infidelity might function to introduce a male's sperm into his partner's reproductive tract at a time when there is a high risk of cuckoldry (i.e., when his partner has recently been inseminated by a rival male). This sperm competition hypothesis was proposed following recognition that forced in-pair copulation (i.e., partner rape) in nonhuman species followed female extra-pair copulations and that sexual coercion and rape in human intimate relationships often followed accusations of female infidelity.
Forced in-pair copulation, unlike general forced copulation, is rare in the animal kingdom because many species don't have long-term pair bonding, which is why it cannot occur. Many avian species have long-term pair bonds, as it exists in many of these species. It does not exist randomly, and happens immediately after extra-pair copulations, intrusions by rival males, and female species in some of these species, which leads to male-favoring sex ratio. Forced in-pair copulation right after suspected or confirmed extra-pair copulation in these species is a sign of a sperm competition tactic. Some ancestral women have mated with multiple men within short periods of time so sperm from more than 1 man can enter her reproductive tract. This explains why women are hardwired to cheat or get sexually bored quicker in relationships compared to men. Men who physically abuse or rape their wives had higher scores on sexual jealousy. Women who are victims of marital rape also are more likely to have been unfaithful. If they weren't, they were perceived that way. Because women can't be cuckolded given that they know which child is theirs and men would not bring an illegitimate child into the marriage, but outside the marriage, sexual jealousy and risk of being cheated on was not linked to women committing sexual coercion, but men who worried about sexual infidelity, had a partner who was at risk of cheating or who had a partner who did cheat, engaged in more sexual coercion, and many convicted partner rapists disproportionately had wives who cheated on them. Men's sexual coercion was consistently predicted by female infidelity and this held true even when controlling for men's personalities and controlling behavior (which can amplify the risk under these circumstances). Additionally, this explains why abusive relationships have more sex, and this is true for mates in various species close to humans, including gorillas, baboons, macaques, and chimpanzees.
Obviously, most men won't do these things, but obviously personality traits can still increase the risk along with evolutionary instincts, and so can attachment anxiety. There's also other factors for intimate partner violence and homicide, such as the fact that these offenders often tend to be generally violent criminals and have violent criminal records. There's obviously antisocial men who do tend to be violent in relationships because they're generally violent, but this is talking more about at least situation partner violence/homicide. Not all women killed by their partners were abused by them, even if it's true for most, but it's even more common for them to notice their partners' sexual jealousy or worries about infidelity, which the vast majority noticed for concerns their partner had. Additonally, this thread is NOT condoning violence against women, just like how acknowledging how violence against men is evolutionary does not condone it. Most male criminals harm men, and men usually restrict violence against women to when they commit sexual violence or intimate partner violence, and evolution explains all of this. Men have less evolutionary benefits to committing non-sexual crimes against women outside their relationship, unlike when they commit the same crimes against men.
There's also evidence showing that when the sex ratio has more women (more women than men in a population), men mated with more women than sexual aggression against women declined (rapists do tend to be promiscuous, but they have dark triad traits that make them more promiscuous as an adaptation, especially if women are less available to mate with, like polygamous societies). When there were more men than women, sexual aggression by men against women increased. Another study found that a sex ratio of more men than women increases men's intimate partner violence against women, and even more so when more women are working. They explain the evolutionary reason behind it:
Multivariate regression results furnish evidence supporting evolutionary psychology by demonstrating that a high sex ratio increases male-on-female intimate partner violence. Results also show that male-on-female intimate partner violence is higher in cities where more women work. Such a finding further buttresses the logic associated with evolutionary psychology because participation in the workforce is theorized to afford a woman a greater opportunity to meet and interact with men other than her husband or boyfriend.
There is a lot of evidence that gender inequality or sexism comes from evolution, and as society becomes more economically successful, has less intergroup violence, and becomes more convenient as a whole, this issue in society lessens. There's also evidence that men are evolutionarily hardwired to be more likely than women to endorse old-school gender roles, or sexism, about men and women.
This is in line with my post, which cites a lot of evidence to back its statements up, about how the changes in gender roles, ages of marriage, fertility, etc. were due to changes in environment, and that feminism played no role in it.
submitted by DemolitionMatter to LeftWingMaleAdvocates [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 20:55 DemolitionMatter Gender inequality has more evolutionary roots than sociogenic roots, research shows.

DISCLAIMER: This post does NOT condone violence or crime, nor does it say that sexism is a good thing, but explains that it is not caused by patriarchy. It is not sociogenic, but part of nature. This does not mean it is good, but that it is not sociogenic, even if feminists say it is.
Feminists argue it was the "patriarchy" or men who created gender inequality or gender roles, and gender roles are often portrayed as evil and oppressive, but feminists reinforce them all the time in a subtle manner. It's actually evolution that caused gender inequality.
Gender equality doesn't necessarily create more happiness.
First, although there is evidence of gender equality bringing happiness, there's no consistent evidence that gender equality causes wellbeing in men or women. One study wrote: "greater gender equality has few significant effects on overall subjective well-being (males and females combined), except for a slight association of more female (relative to male) education with higher well-being." They elaborated:
Most of the gender equality measures do not predict differences between male and female subjective well-being, neither when considering zero-order correlations (Table 1) nor in regression models that control for plausible covariates (Tables 5, 6). Therefore we can confirm the conclusion of Vieira Lima (2011) that greater gender equality or higher female status does not usually benefit women more than men. For example, a higher proportion of women in high-status occupations does not raise the average subjective well- being of all women, although it is likely to do so for the minority of highly ambitious women competing for these positions. High female labor force participation and non- agricultural employment emerge as conditions that appear to reduce female relative to male (or raise male relative to female) well-being (Tables 5, 6). This result confirms and extends the observation of Tesch-Ro ̈mer et al. (2008) of a predominantly negative rela- tionship between relative female life satisfaction and relative female economic activity rate. One possible explanation is that in many (though not necessarily all) countries, the disutility of work is greater for women than men. In other words, women dislike gainful work in a modern economy more than men do.
In fact, the research found that women are happier or more satisfied with life than men in Muslim countries, countries with less Catholic people, and countries without "communist" history. Furthermore, they found that female life satisfaction is higher in countries with more old-school gender roles:
One possibility is that higher female life satisfaction in countries with traditional gender roles is caused by lower female expectations. However, in this case we would expect that traditional gender roles favor higher self-reported female life satisfaction but not neces- sarily happiness. Inspection of Fig. 1 shows this not to be the case.
Additionally, gender equality was not associated with more happiness/life satisfaction, and more female employment, or socializing it, actually reduces wellbeing for women.
The present study is strictly cross-sectional. However, it shows that greater gender equality is not associated with higher subjective well-being of women relative to men. It even suggests that high rates of female employment, or possibly a value system that insists on female employment, have the potential to reduce female well-being. Therefore we need to be aware of the possibility that continued efforts at educating women out of traditional female roles and into traditional male roles can reduce female subjective well-being, as has happened in the communist and ex-communist countries. But is this really surprising? Men would not be happy and satisfied either if they were forced out of traditional male roles and into traditional female roles. Perhaps the implicit belief among many social scientists that male-typical preferences, values and social roles are in some way superior to traditional female ones needs to be re-evaluated.
They concluded this explains why wellbeing for women in the United States has declined in the past few decades as women entered the workforce more. This study found that although gender equality promoted happiness in both developed and developing countries, the effect was stronger in democratic or high income countries compared to nondemocratic or low income countries.
This study, which is far more well-researched than others, shows a nuanced pattern across many countries. When it came to happiness, people in "gender equal" countries were more likely to simply happy but people in "gender unequal" countries are more likely to be very happy. People in "gender equal" countries were more likely to be simply satisfied with life but in "gender unequal" countries, people were more likely to be very satisfied with life. Being simply unhappy or unsatisfied did not differ between countries but being very unhappy/unsatisfied was slightly more common in "gender unequal" countries, but the percentage who were very unhappy/satisfied was minuscule. The vast majority of people in both kinds of countries were at least happy/satisfied with life. Increasing gender equality was mixed in its results:
In gender equal countries, it was seen that increasing levels of gender egalitarianism tend to improve a person’s likelihood to be either very unhappy or at higher levels of happiness than unhappy.
Increasing gender equality in the "egalitarian" countries decreased unhappiness, very slightly increased being very unhappy (very minuscule change), very slightly increased (minuscule change) being very happy and increased being simply happy. In the "unequal" countries, increasing gender equality decreased being very happy, increased being simply happy, somewhat increased being unhappy and made a minuscule decrease in being very unhappy. With life satisfaction, it decreased being unsatisfied or very unsatisfied in both kinds of countries but only made a noteworthy increase in being satisfied or being very satisfied in "unequal" countries and "equal" countries, respectively. Either way, the authors concluded that their research "demonstrates that levels of happiness and life satisfaction have a similar distribution in gender equal and unequal countries overall", and "while the impact of demographic components on happiness and life satisfaction does not vary in gender equal and unequal countries, gender egalitarianism demonstrates diversified patterns of happiness".
Sexism and gender inequality has evolutionary roots.
This is a highly controversial point, but it is true. There's a lot of talk lately about how the hunter-gatherer societies were egalitarian, but this is false (a myth promoted by both the far left and feminists), and women did not hunt as much as men, but that idea was "proven" by research with high amounts of methodological bias.
A study called "An evolutionary life history explanation of sexism and gender inequality" by Nan Zhu and Lei Chang shows that sexism/gender inequality is indeed evolutionary. Contrary to popular belief, sexism was more based on discriminating against men or women or singling them out due to gender roles, and gender roles were important for the success of our species and survival. It wasn't about punishing a gender for their gender. Here's the abstract:
Predisposed to differences in parental investment, men and women are expected to enact different reproduction-oriented, accelerated life-history strategies when facing high extrinsic risks or resource insecurity. Sexual selection processes would strengthen the sex differences in support of such accelerated life-history strategy, causing women to divert more time and energy to reproductive activities and depend more on men's economic provisioning and therefore enforcing sexist attitudes and gender inequality. This paper provides empirical support for this life-history explanation of sexism based on data from the World Values Survey and four United Nations sources. The results generally support our explanation in the following manners: (1) Societal-level extrinsic risks (worries over intergroup violence) were associated with higher sexism. (2) Men were more sexist, and the association between individual-level resource insecurity and sexism was more moderate in countries and regions with greater society-level extrinsic risks. (3) Societal-level extrinsic risks (adult mortality) and resource availability were associated with higher and lower gender inequality, respectively, through the mediating effects of accelerated life-history strategies, indicated by adolescent birth rates and total fertility.
They also cite evidence for how environment affects reproductive outcomes and general behavior:
Resource insecurity, which is related to higher exposure to morbi- dity–mortality risks for offspring in almost all human forager societies (Marlowe, 2000), has been demonstrated to be associated with parental harshness and insecure attachment, which, in turn, are linked to traits of accelerated life-history strategies. These traits include earlier sexual debut and higher sexual activities during adolescence, which are pre- dicted by earlier pubertal development (Belsky, Houts & Fearon, 2010; (Belsky et al., 2010b)). In a longitudinal study, Belsky, Schlomer and Ellis (2012) found that lower income-to-needs ratio experienced during the early years was indirectly associated with higher adolescent sexuality through lower maternal parenting quality in childhood. By con- trast, Ellis and Essex (2007) observed that fewer marital conflicts, higher quality parental care, and higher socioeconomic status predicted later sexual development in girls. Overall, accelerated life-history strategies are in accordance with increased reproductive efforts at an earlier age, which are adaptive to stressful environments that reduce the chance of offspring surviving to maturity, but less so in stable and competitive environments (Del Giudice et al., 2015).
Across countries, men scored higher on beliefs about old-school gender roles (or as the authors described, more sexist) than women. It wasn't because they're the "patriarchy" or "oppressors", but this difference in beliefs was higher in countries with higher extrinsic risks like intergroup violence (e.g.: war).
We found that males exhibited higher sexism than did females and that this trend was stronger in societies facing greater intergroup violence. This is consistent with our extrapolation that the traditional, sexist “protective males” stereotype is more advocated in societies facing an elevated danger of intergroup conflicts. Moreover, given that males have more incentives to escape parenting duties to focus on mating compared with females, males likely gain more reproductive success from sexist gender roles than females do when enacting accelerated life-history strategies. This might explain why the sex difference in sexism was greater in societies with higher extrinsic risks.
Extrinsic risks were associated with accelerated life history strategies (e.g.: having children), which, in turn, is associated with gender inequality. Societal level extrinsic risks (like intergroup violence) were associated with more sexism, and "societal-level extrinsic risks (adult mortality) and resource availability were associated with higher and lower gender inequality, respectively, through the mediating effects of accelerated life-history strategies, indicated by adolescent birth rates and total fertility." Individual-level resource insecurity and societal intergroup violence both predicted more sexism or beliefs endorsing old-school gender roles, but: "society-level intergroup violence may have overshadowed individual-level resource insecurity such that the detrimental effect of resource insecurity was less severe in societies with high intergroup violence".
Rape and intimate partner violence are not caused by patriarchy, but are evolutionary tactics (despite being immoral and evolution/nature being amoral).
This is just like how men committing crimes against men (which is far more common) is also an evolutionary tactic. Nature is amoral and humans are, to an extent, a barbaric species (like any other species). This thread of mine talks about how not only is most sexism towards women benevolent sexism, but actual misogyny is rare among men, and those men were simply full of dark triad traits, and dark triad men and misogynistic men or rapists were two sides of the same coin. Dark triad traits are an evolutionary adaptation to have lots of casual sex, and they caused men to be interested in as many sex partners as possible. When these men have unusually high aspirations about how sexually active they must be, they tend to become misogynistic because they believe they are unattractive to women when they aren't, yet engage in a lot of promiscuity. As a result, these men have committed rape to get sex, but they also have a high amount of consensual sex partners. As a result, rape was found to be an evolutionary mating strategy from dark triad traits, which I elaborated on in that thread (no, it doesn't condone or defend sexual violence).
It is also possible countries with less gender equality, which have more intergroup violence or lack of resource security (which is what causes old-school gender roles and less gender equality), have more dark triad men, and the gender difference in dark triad traits between men and women is bigger. It's not patriarchy that causes dark triad traits in these countries, but intergroup violence and lack of resource security that causes these traits there. It could be intimate partner violence might be more common in these countries and it could be for evolutionary reasons and for the same reasons these countries have gender inequality or old-school gender roles more: the environment.
Although intimate partner violence is a gender symmetrical crime, I don't know if there's evolutionary reasons for why women commit intimate partner violence. There could be, but it has probably less research because society ignores male domestic violence victims. Among men who commit the crime, there are evolutionary reasons or hardwired instincts that cause it. For example, women with boyfriends/husbands who had children from previous partners are far more likely to be victims of intimate partner violence or homicide, whereas stepfather are more likely to be abusive. This is potentially due to sexual jealousy or resentment of the actual father due to knowing their children are not biologically their children. Even other species had intimate partner violence among both males and females:
These cases demonstrate that intimate partner violence is neither exclusive to humans nor exclusive to males. Intimate partner violence is the result of a natural process—Darwinian selection. These cases also call into question the default hypothesis that physical violence between pair-bonded individuals is caused by socialization. Proponents of the socialization hypothesis would not argue that burying beetles and razorbills are socialized to inflict partner-directed violence, and it may be erroneous to assume this default position for human intimate partner violence. In every species studied to date (including humans), intimate partner violence occurs when the actions of one partner (either male or female) threaten the survival or reproduction of the other.
Men also mate guard (guard their partner from other men) when she has high reproductive value or attractiveness, is ovulating, is around other men, or has other traits making her more prone to infidelity. Men's mate retention behaviors and mate guarding about making sure where she was or knowing who she talks to was associated with intimate partner violence perpetration against her. The relationship between accusations of female infidelity and female-directed violence was mediated by non-violent direct guarding behaviors. When it comes to marital sexual aggression, women's risk of sexual coercion by their partner was not related to power in the relationship, like who controls the decision making, and thus, women with a man with the dominant position in the relationship don't experience more sexual coercion from their husbands. A lot of evidence shows that sexual coercion in marriage might be due to paternity uncertainty or worrying the wife is cheating:
Sexual coercion in response to cues of his partner's sexual infidelity might function to introduce a male's sperm into his partner's reproductive tract at a time when there is a high risk of cuckoldry (i.e., when his partner has recently been inseminated by a rival male). This sperm competition hypothesis was proposed following recognition that forced in-pair copulation (i.e., partner rape) in nonhuman species followed female extra-pair copulations and that sexual coercion and rape in human intimate relationships often followed accusations of female infidelity.
Forced in-pair copulation, unlike general forced copulation, is rare in the animal kingdom because many species don't have long-term pair bonding, which is why it cannot occur. Many avian species have long-term pair bonds, as it exists in many of these species. It does not exist randomly, and happens immediately after extra-pair copulations, intrusions by rival males, and female species in some of these species, which leads to male-favoring sex ratio. Forced in-pair copulation right after suspected or confirmed extra-pair copulation in these species is a sign of a sperm competition tactic. Some ancestral women have mated with multiple men within short periods of time so sperm from more than 1 man can enter her reproductive tract. This explains why women are hardwired to cheat or get sexually bored quicker in relationships compared to men. Men who physically abuse or rape their wives had higher scores on sexual jealousy. Women who are victims of marital rape also are more likely to have been unfaithful. If they weren't, they were perceived that way. Because women can't be cuckolded given that they know which child is theirs and men would not bring an illegitimate child into the marriage, but outside the marriage, sexual jealousy and risk of being cheated on was not linked to women committing sexual coercion, but men who worried about sexual infidelity, had a partner who was at risk of cheating or who had a partner who did cheat, engaged in more sexual coercion, and many convicted partner rapists disproportionately had wives who cheated on them. Men's sexual coercion was consistently predicted by female infidelity and this held true even when controlling for men's personalities and controlling behavior (which can amplify the risk under these circumstances). Additionally, this explains why abusive relationships have more sex, and this is true for mates in various species close to humans, including gorillas, baboons, macaques, and chimpanzees.
Obviously, most men won't do these things, but obviously personality traits can still increase the risk along with evolutionary instincts, and so can attachment anxiety. There's also other factors for intimate partner violence and homicide, such as the fact that these offenders often tend to be generally violent criminals and have violent criminal records. There's obviously antisocial men who do tend to be violent in relationships because they're generally violent, but this is talking more about at least situation partner violence/homicide. Not all women killed by their partners were abused by them, even if it's true for most, but it's even more common for them to notice their partners' sexual jealousy or worries about infidelity, which the vast majority noticed for concerns their partner had. Additonally, this thread is NOT condoning violence against women, just like how acknowledging how violence against men is evolutionary does not condone it. Most male criminals harm men, and men usually restrict violence against women to when they commit sexual violence or intimate partner violence, and evolution explains all of this. Men have less evolutionary benefits to committing non-sexual crimes against women outside their relationship, unlike when they commit the same crimes against men.
There's also evidence showing that when the sex ratio has more women (more women than men in a population), men mated with more women than sexual aggression against women declined (rapists do tend to be promiscuous, but they have dark triad traits that make them more promiscuous as an adaptation, especially if women are less available to mate with, like polygamous societies). When there were more men than women, sexual aggression by men against women increased. Another study found that a sex ratio of more men than women increases men's intimate partner violence against women, and even more so when more women are working. They explain the evolutionary reason behind it:
Multivariate regression results furnish evidence supporting evolutionary psychology by demonstrating that a high sex ratio increases male-on-female intimate partner violence. Results also show that male-on-female intimate partner violence is higher in cities where more women work. Such a finding further buttresses the logic associated with evolutionary psychology because participation in the workforce is theorized to afford a woman a greater opportunity to meet and interact with men other than her husband or boyfriend.
There is a lot of evidence that gender inequality or sexism comes from evolution, and as society becomes more economically successful, has less intergroup violence, and becomes more convenient as a whole, this issue in society lessens. There's also evidence that men are evolutionarily hardwired to be more likely than women to endorse old-school gender roles, or sexism, about men and women.
This is in line with my post, which cites a lot of evidence to back its statements up, about how the changes in gender roles, ages of marriage, fertility, etc. were due to changes in environment, and that feminism played no role in it.
submitted by DemolitionMatter to MensRights [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:16 Superb-Programmer311 Small world

Small world
I was watching The Secret Life of the American Teenager. And Cierra Ramirez plays a pregnant teen. And I think the woman playing her grandmother is the same actress as her birth grandma in the fosters!
submitted by Superb-Programmer311 to TheFosters [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 07:47 Affectionate-Art8631 Sex and the City in 2024?

As a fun little thought experiment, I started to wonder what it would be like if either SATC had come out this year, or if it had been rebooted instead of 'And Just Like That'. Like, who would be a good cast to embody these characters in today's pool of actors? What elements would have opportunities to be updated? This is what I came up with:
Carrie: I think Carrie would have the most career changes (you can't live her lifestyle and be a newspaper columnist in 2024), but the fewest character changes. A prominent social media influencer under the handle @ sexandthecity. The interview interludes from the first few seasons would be the #streetinterviews all over TikTok (ex: whatspoppin), and her "I couldn't help but wonder" moments could #storytime style vlogs. Vapes instead of smoking cigarettes. Played by Vanessa Hudgens.
Miranda: Career-wise, very similar, but specifically a lawyer for a big tech company. Is updated to a more overt, millennial feminist, fluent in Twitter discourse lingo. In a classic Miranda fashion, contains multitudes, and probably loudly criticizes the media's reductionist portrayal of women while also being a Housewives superfan. Starts the show out identifying as straight, and slowly coming to terms with her bisexuality (in a way more natural and character driven than in 'And Just Like That'). Played by Alia Shawkat (if Cynthia Nixon can go bottle red, so can Alia 🤭 ).
Samantha: In order to Samantha to remain the scandalizing, sex positive heart of the show in a 2024 setting, the goal post needs to move a little. Updating Samantha from a "trysexual" to openly pansexual, albeit with a healthy love for dick 😂 (I don't even feel like this is a major change as she had a serious relationship with Maria) , and getting into messy situations with polyamory, kink, and other modern ideas of sex/relationships. A PR job in the 2020s also has a lot of fun updated story opportunities. Played by Kate Hudson.
Charlotte: WASPy Charlotte is still here, but she's gone "stealth wealth." She is a GOOP loving woman who is lowkey addicted to #tradwife content on Instagram and enjoys cottagecore minimalism. Besides those time period updates, she's still the same naive, idealistic romantic that we know and love. Played by Shailene Woodley.
Big: I don't really feel like there's a ton to update about Big because he's made so enigmatic in the original series, and you can kind of fit that in any time period without it seeming dated. The hard part is finding an actor who gives cool energy, but also a kind of weary energy, and isn't a polished pretty boy. My money is on Ben Affleck for Big.
Stev(i)e: Still giving working class, native New Yorker energy, but make it soft stud. I know this would change up the pregnancy plotline a bit, but swap testicular canceorchidectomy with breast cancemastectomy, and have Miranda get pregnant from a one-night-stand , and I think it could work. Played by Lena Waithe.
Stanford: Stanford is honestly unchanged personality-wise. Maybe gets a bit more inclusion into the group instead of being relegated to the GBF, but otherwise it's classic Stanford. Played by Bowen Yang.
Anywho, this was fun for me to think about! How about y'all? What would you think would need a 2024 update if the show had aired today? Who would you cast?
submitted by Affectionate-Art8631 to sexandthecity [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 19:35 Automatic_Usual9568 The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare Review

The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare
By Mike Likes Stuff
I have a complicated relationship with the works of Guy Ritchie. His films helped shape the way I interact with cinema, but as of late, I’ve been mostly out on his work. Newer works feel like a self-referential self-love act that we are all forced to reckon with. Luckily, Ritchie’s second pair up with Henry Cavil (god damn statue of a man) isn’t horrible, but honestly isn’t great either. Two interwoven plots, held up by some good acting, keep this from being unwatchable.
There are two things we can count on from Guy Ritchie: style, and guns (or swords for you Aladdin stands). Oozing with angsty English attitude, The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare doesn’t stray far from its filmographic brethren. Slick in wardrobe, hair and makeup, we are easily transported to the mid-forties which, shockingly, doesn’t impede Ritchie’s flair. Every character but two, more on that later, do feel like pieces plucked directly from World War Two. Bombastic and clear, the sound mixing only aids in getting us to the port of Fernado Po. Dialogue is exactly what you’d expect it to be, quick with the sarcasm we’ve heard in the last eighteen things Ritchie has written.
The acting is serviceable. While being the center of attention for every shot he’s in, Cavil somehow saunters through the entire film. His entire character has absolutely zero sense of urgency for anything, often times being the person that makes other characters wait. With the film ostensibly written to be about his character, based on the real-life exploits of Gus March-Philips, I wondered if the real March-Philips was so nonchalant about the madness around him as well. One of the great tragedies is that Cavil is so out acted and its by three other actors, two of which I didn’t see coming. Most would assume Alan Ritchson hot off success of season two of Reacher would pull away from Cavil, and they would be one hundred percent correct. In sheer size Ritchson towers above everyone, even though he’s only a few inches taller than our lead. His chest is wild, like how does someone get that broad? He’s impressive and honestly, his character seems more fleshed out too. Most aside from March-Philips most characters do seem like actual people. Where March-Philips only exists as an idea; and one that, if we ask too many questions, we may not believe him as a character; other characters have more backstory, more interesting characteristics, more fun things to say. The other two characters of interest were Babs Olsanmokun’s Richard Heron and Til Schweiger’s Heinrich Luhr. Olsanmokun’s character has the benefit of not being based off an existing person, so Heron can have depth and intrigue. In a film that has the basis for James Bond lurking among the cast, Olsanmokun feels more like an international man of mystery; always able to use wit and a few well-placed bullets to de-escalate a situation. Schweiger’s Luhr is the kind of bad guy we all love to hate, self-obsessed Nazi. He has a real, I wanna hit this guy face, and evil half smile that makes even the calm moments feel stressful.
Though with all this good there are some rougher aspects of the film. First and foremost: Roy Kinnear, great job getting the voice of Churchill down, but you missed everything else. The mannerisms are wrong, the cadence is wrong, and whoever did Kinnear’s makeup got as far away from Churchill as they could get. The Churchill was unbelievable and pulled away from the rest of the film in such a huge way that it was hard to get back on track. Eiza Gonzalez is clearly trying as our token female Marjorie Stewart, but she has a look in her face that can only be described as someone who has seen a smart phone. Much like Shailene Woodley in 2023’s Farrari, there are some actors we just won’t be able to get the 21st century out of; and that’s fine for the right role, this was not the right role. All of the action sequences are wonderful when lit properly. This makes for a rather rough third act where everything happens under the guise of night with most of the cast wearing a dark color to blend in with their enemies. The last action sequence is easy to lose yourself in. From time to time I was confused about where we were. Anything that isn’t an interior is just ok at best with flashes of massive fire that erupt seemingly out of nowhere.
The long and short of it is this isn’t going to take Richie’s career back to the heights of his work in the UK on a smaller budget, I’m not even sure he knows how to make those films anymore. This isn’t gonna make or break any of the rest of the cast nor does it deserve to. This film is a gentleman’s six, it’s not great, but in no way bad. When it’s finally streaming, this will be a worthy watch for anyone who needs an action fix.
Much like a tea break, this film deserves a beer break. Go get an English porter. Really sit in the lovely nuttiness and perceived over carbed notes of the beer. Let it dance on your taste buds like you with Henry Cavil would dance on you. Enjoy the beer, not a bad movie, not a bad beer style.
Cheers to Y’all and to the movies
submitted by Automatic_Usual9568 to u/Automatic_Usual9568 [link] [comments]

2024.03.31 09:01 createdjustforthis23 31/03/2024

I still felt like he was kind of upset with me last night, well not upset with me per se but idk, disinterested? He didn’t sound like he wanted to spend time with me. I’ve been asking how he is and if he’s okay and he says he’s fine, so he’s either a) not telling me something or b) it’s nothing outside of us. I’m trying to think of rational reasoning, ie he’s tired as I know he hasn’t been sleeping so well or he’s a bit down because he’s lost some motivation with his writing or he misses his friends and not seeing them regularly is maybe taking a toll on him more than he thinks or I don’t know. I’m trying to not fall into a black hole of doom and gloom about us and not be stuck in that fearful feeling that he’s about to end things. The thing is sometimes I want him to end things with us, not because I don’t want him and us - I want that so badly, more than anything - I guess purely because of my guilt. Guilt for being so difficult with us. He deserves someone easy and local and just someone who doesn’t take energy and patience but instead gives those things. I don’t know. I just want the best for him, I want him to be his happiest self, and I feel like maybe I’m not the one to bring that out in him? I don’t want him to so much as think about another girl, the idea of him with someone else makes me want to erupt into flames and scream (healthy, no?) but I hate hate hate the idea of dragging him down and being the source of his unhappiness. That sounds so lame. I hope he doesn’t end things, I hope it so much.
I don’t know what my season is. M was trying to work it out the other day but we came up with nothing. I seem to be several of them and none of them at the same time?! HOW. I don’t have unique colouring in the slightest! Half of me wants to go be professionally analysed but it’s a lot of money for something I don’t hugely care about. But so naturally I have:
I feel like I can safely rule out summer - that tends to require ashier hair tone and bluey-grey kind of eye colours. Oh god idk. There’s winter but I don’t have cool/ashy hair and my eyes are too warm. There’s autumn but I don’t have a warm/golden undertone to my skin but the rest is kind of accurate. There’s spring but again my skin is too cool I think and I have rosier cheeks as opposed to pinky but the hair and eyes is accurate. So…?? Does that mean I’m either a spring or an autumn? But I feel like they’re quite warm and I look at myself and I often look quite icey. So like I said, I don’t fit in anywhere. And so then I look at famous people with similar-ish features to me in terms of colouring and they’re all autumns? So maybe I’m some kind of autumn?
Famous brunette Autumns: * Shailene Woodley * Evangeline Lilly * Ana de Armas * Annes Elwy * Lilly Collins * Kate Beckinsale * Ashley Judd * Minnie Driver * Liv Tyler
Except a lot of them have darker skin than I do and they’re a lot warmer in tone, granted they’re all famous and get spray tans and stuff but still. So I’ve been trying to google what seasons these celebrities are as they have vaguely similar coloured features to me - obviously they’re all infinitely more beautiful than I could ever even hope to be - but I STILL DONT MNOW MY SEASON. It doesn’t even matter but it’s now the fact I can’t work it out it’s making me want to know more. Maybe I’m too bleh to have a season, maybe that’s a part of why I’m ugly - because my colours just don’t mesh?
I love puppy so much, he’s so cute it’s unbearable.
I think I have a skewed take on sexual assault, I never seem to think it’s that bad. I know in theory it is and I always feel sympathy and all of that, but for example the book I’m reading today, she’s just endured something sexual she did NOT want and here I am reading and thinking it’s not that big of a deal just accept it. And I don’t like that I think like that, because that’s always my thought process. Apart from say some sort of aggressive rape or something, but even then I think “it could be worse” and I just… I don’t want to react that way. It’s not that I don’t believe someone or that I think it’s a nothing thing, but I also do feel like sometimes it’s a nothing thing even though I know it’s not - I wonder why? I’m presuming because of my own history with men. I know I’ve technically been sexually assaulted a fair bit, but idk. I say technically as I didn’t give any form of consent but I also blamed myself - like the time when I was 16 or 17 and my friends found me asleep/super tipsy in a room at a party with some guy all over me and fingers inside me and feeling me up and anyway. I know that doesn’t excuse his actions, but I also shouldn’t have put myself in that position so I put that blame on myself. Or with R, I don’t want to write about that but in retrospect that wasn’t him just wanting me it was him not accepting no for an answer and doing things anyway and me just letting it happen for idk, four years I guess. Not all the time, I wanted it a lottt of the time and initiated it a lotttt, but I would probably say a couple times a month he would disregard what I wanted and go ahead anyway. Or the time I was actively not wanting it and pushing him away and anyway I don’t want to write or think about this. I know I need to talk about this in therapy, I just find it scary to bring up, but I guess it will help me move on so it’s a necessity. Anyway I don’t want to write about myself or think about that, tbh it’s not even a big deal I feel entirely numb about everything that’s happened - more or less- I just wanted to say that I don’t like my reaction to some things.
Sometimes I wonder if it’s even possible to have the kind of life I want. I mean.. is it too late? I’m 31, 32 this year. I know in the grand scheme of things that still leaves a lot of time - should I live to the average age - but I feel like so much of life has passed me and I’ve missed it. This is not a pity party, I just wonder if it’s too late.
Are things with him crumbling? I can’t shake the feeling he has no interest in me or time with me. And it makes sense if that is the case, it makes more sense than him still wanting me. Then again what difference does it truly make to me, it’s not like he would end things and I would go out and go on dates and sleep around - I do not want that, I mean I do - I want romance and love with my whole entire heart, it’s all I want - but I’m not in a place for a relationship and if he ends things with me I’m not going to go out and replace him, I’ll commit to being fully single and focusing on myself. Not forever, but for a while. I don’t want to write about this either. I don’t want to think about myself today. I’m getting on my last f’ing nerves, I want to claw myself to shreds I’m irritating myself so much. I’m not a violent person with others but I do have very violent thoughts about myself like fantasies about slicing myself and flinging myself off buildings and clawing into myself - it always tends go come from a place of self hatred and disgust in myself. I’m wary of mentioning that though, because I’ve mentioned it in passing before and self harm became this big conversation in a session and like I’m sorry but this is a waste of time like I’m not going to do that so just calm the hell down? Anyway it would only make me uglier to have scars all over me now wouldn’t it.
I don’t like how todays journal sounds so I’m just going to write what I’ve done and be done with it:
That’s about it. I feel like I’m forgetting something but if I am it’s something incredibly minor, probably something like put a new pillow case on - as that’s the kind of day I’ve had. That’s the kind of existence I have.
Right I’m feeling flat and this journaling is making it worse. I’m sorry for being so negative, I’m finding it harder to fight it the last little bit but I shall keep trying. Night
submitted by createdjustforthis23 to u/createdjustforthis23 [link] [comments]

2024.03.24 22:26 sideswipe781 UFC Atlantic City: Blanchfield vs Fiorot Full Card Betting Preview Sideswipe MMA

Lifetime - Staked: 800.9u, Profit/Loss: +31.44u, ROI: 3.93%, Parlay Suggestions: 156-54 Dog of the Week: 12-11
2024 - Staked: 153.8u, Profit/Loss: -1.92u, ROI: -1.25%
As always, scroll down for UFC Atlantic City Breakdowns. The following is just a recap of last event’s results.
Staked: 12u
Profit/Loss: -5.18u
Parlay Suggestions: 1-1
Dog of the week: Cameron Saaiman
✅ 2u Namajunas to Win at -160 (won +1.22u)
✅ 1u Namajunas to Win and Over 1.5 Rounds at -115 (won +0.85u)
❌ 0.25u hahbazyan to Win by Submission at +1100
❌ 2u Saaiman to Win at +137
❌ 3.5u Quarantillo to Win at -137
❌ 1.5u Quarantillo to Win & Over 1.5 Rounds at +120
✅ 0.25u Padilla to Win by Submission at +600 (won +1.5u)
❌ 1u Usman to Win & Over 1.5 Rounds at +210
❌ 0.25u Namajunas, Saaiman & Quarantillo all to Win at +517
❌ 0.15u Namajunas, Saaiman, Quarantillo & Usman all to Win at +1369
❌ 0.1u Namajunas, Saaiman, Quarantillo & Usman to Win & O1.5 Rnds in Each at +3,565

UFC Atlantic City: Blanchfield v Fiorot
Deleted the opening rambling as character count hit the limit. Just know I am tired and need a break from these endless cards.
Let’s get into it!

Erin Blanchfield v Manon Fiorot
High level fight! Excited to see this one. Quite a binary matchup though, as we have the division’s best striker vs the division’s best grappler. As exciting as it is from a fan perspective, given the stylistic clash and what it means for the future of the women’s game…it’s not an easy fight to break down.
The reason for that is Fiorot’s takedown defence: a 91% success rate – which also included defending six from Namajunas (who has a 48% takedown success rate with those added…very good takedown ability from Rose). The only woman who has taken her down is Jennifer Maia, who never settled Fiorot and got reversed in the same exchange. In fact, the way Fiorot handled the wrestling exchanges in that one was phenomenal, so no woman has gotten the better of her in the grappling yet.
That’s what makes this one so exciting, as Blanchfield’s got good takedowns from a variety of ways. Against Maverick she was hitting bodylock trips, singles/doubles and hip throws. It was a pleasure to watch that performance, against an opponent I rate highly.
If Blanchfield manages to ground Manon though, then I think we could see the most dominant angle to the fight. Of course, we haven’t really seen it, but I would imagine that Fiorot’s bottom grappling on the mat isn’t going to be super elite. Especially not against Erin, who is really, really good there.
If it does get stuck on the feet, we’re clearly going to expect Fiorot to get the better of her opponent…but I think there’s something to be said for Erin’s pressure and tenacity on the feet. I wouldn’t have expected her to get the better of Taila Santos on the feet either, but she made the difference with how intense she was. I’ve said it before quite a few times, but pressure, volume, and just generally being a nuisance can work wonders when you’re technically outclassed. Merab Dvalishvili does this better than anyone.
So I don’t really have strong opinions here when it comes to picking a winner, because remarkably we still have gaps in our knowledge of how Fiorot grapples. It’s a close fight where one woman is probably going to look dominant and look like value…but because we don’t know who is going to win the takedown battle, or how Fiorot handles potentially being on her back it could be either of them. A classic “I told you so fight” as I like to call it.
However, I do think it’s fair to give a slight advantage to Erin, as I expect the gap in the grappling to be the biggest gap of all. Erin can win this fight easier than Fiorot can, because even if we get 15 minutes of striking, Erin could still make it competitive. -150 Blanchfield seems about right to me, but I don’t think there’s enough value or confidence to be placing a bet here.
How I line this fight: Erin Blanchfield -150 (60%), Manon Fiorot +150 (40%)
Bet or pass: Pass
Prop leans: None

Vicente Luque v Joaquin Buckley
I’m convinced that Vicente Luque is a bit of a busted prospect by this point. The guy was in some WARS in his very long-winded journey to the top 15 (Bryan Barberena and Niko Price x2), that by the time he actually got to the big stages he found himself being a step behind the elite level. Things have gotten worse, as the recent KO loss to Geoff Neal was significantly brutal and caused a bleed on the brain, which supposedly Luque needed to seek important medical clearance for, or else his MMA career would have ended prematurely.
He’s a mainstay in the rankings now, but his best win is only Michael Chiesa, and he only won that fight because Chiesa got too aggressive going for the kill when he was in a very dominant position. You could argue that RDA and Tyron Woodley are bigger names to have on the record, but both of those guys are considered old and way past their prime by this point.
In terms of his in-cage abilities, Luque will always be dangerous and well rounded. He doesn’t actively wrestle much, but he’s clearly got some opportunistic submissions up his sleeve – mainly in the form of front chokes when defending takedown attempts. On the feet, he is certainly hittable and has obviously relied on durability to carry him all this way, but he certainly packs power on the return.
Joaquin Buckley is taking a big step up in competition here. I’ve always had a bit of a soft spot for Buckley – I think he’s funny on the mic and his KO of Impa Kasangany is still the best UFC KO of all time in my opinion. Buckley’s best UFC win to date came in his most recent performance against Alex Morono, an unranked journeyman that’s well-rounded by unathletic and flawed.
Buckley’s a physical specimen, and his athleticism and strength obviously play a huge part in his style. He’s not the most technical striker in the world, but technique isn’t a metric the judges score fights on…damage is though, and Joaquin can dish out damage!
So in terms of a head-to-head, I think this fight is pretty self-explanatory. It’s very likely going to turn into chaos, as both men’s careers have often promised. Luque loves getting into gritty wars that go down to the wire, and Buckley will certainly oblige in that. Both men have clear fight ending power, but Luque has the more diverse skillset with the ability to mix in submission threats and potentially even takedowns. Also, the Brazilian is clearly the more experienced and battle tested opponent, with the far superior resume so far.
With that said, I think Luque has shown himself to be frail enough that an explosive big hitter will always have a chance against him. Not to make a serious comparison between the two, but the way Geoff Neal ran through Luque has kind of made it impossible for me to ever count out a KO from a big swinger like Buckley. And after that result, his durability is only going to be brought into question more.
So all in all that leads me to lean Luque’s way, but not by as significant a margin as it would be if he was fighting someone like Alex Morono. Buckley excels in one area that Luque has started to show weakness towards (durability), but not enough for there to be multiple process driven paths to victory for him (like if he was a committed takedown threat). I expect the Brazilian to win but I really wouldn’t be shocked if Buckley scored an upset. Therefore, Luque -175 is roughly where I would line this one, which is similar to the odds currently available and subsequently providing no value on either man.
How I line this fight: Vicente Luque -175 (64%), Joaquin Buckley +175 (36%)
Bet or pass: Pass
Prop leans: None

Virna Jandiroba v Lupita Godinez
This is a very fun fight. I really love when Jandiroba gets scheduled, because she’s got that Demian Maia-esque one-dimensional style that she unapologetically brings to every fight…and it’s fun trying to figure out how her opponents attempt to solve the puzzle.
She goes up against a pure wrestler here in Lupita Godinez. I’ve spoken at length about how good I think Lupita can be, citing her performances over Ariane Carnelossi and Elise Reed as some of the most dominant we have ever seen in recent years in WMMA. I have also had issues with the way Godinez sometimes forgets about what got her to the dance, such as when she attempted just two/three takedowns and barely won/lost a split decisions in striking contests against Cynthia Calvillo/Angela Hill. The latter was most concerning as Hill has long been known as a fighter you DEFINITELY want to grapple if you want the easiest path to victory…and Godinez didn’t. Performances like that will always stay with me, and I therefore become very untrusting of those fighters going forward. There’s a few fighters later on the card who have been guilty of similar (Jamall Emmers).
Ironically, that kind of striking-based gameplan is absolutely the path Godinez needs to take here. She’s not blowing anyone’s hair back with her stand up, but it’s going to be better than Virna’s! Despite making slight improvements, the Brazilian is still very rigid and awkward, and tries to avoid engaging too much on the feet as she figures out how to work in her next takedown. But as I said in the previous paragraph when questioning Lupita’s IQ, I wouldn’t be surprised to see the Mexican play the fool and over-engage in the grappling and not look to strike…and therefore put herself into trouble. Virna on bottom is still a more dangerous position for Lupita than Virna on the feet, and Virna herself would rather have the fight there also.
Another key aspect to this fight is therefore figuring out how much success Virna can have in landing takedowns herself. Unfortunately, Lupita has done a very good job of staying upright whenever she’s been challenged with a takedown, having only suffered four in her UFC career so far. The defence rate sits at a very impressive 86%, and the takedowns she has suffered haven’t really resulted in anything significant for her opponents as her get-ups are also good. That’s the key piece of information here, and it’s why Loopy is the favourite.
Loopy has the fundamental advantages in being the better striker, a decent grappler herself, and also seemingly having the ability to keep the fight standing, but questions about her fight IQ and her instinctive Plan A skillset (IE looking to shoot takedowns and grapple when she knows she shouldn’t) concern me too much to have significant faith in her. The most likely and dominant outcome is a win for Godinez via striking, but can we really trust her to stay away from her wrestling? I just have clear visions of her clearly winning three minutes of striking, then shooting a sloppy takedown and getting submitted straight away.
I think it’s up to the individual bettor as to whether or not they want to roll the dice here. Personally I couldn’t trust her enough to grade her any steeper than -200, so there isn’t enough value on the betting line for me, but it’s currently quite fair.
How I line this fight: Virna Jandiroba +200 (33%), Lupita Godinez -200 (67%)
Bet or pass: Pass
Prop leans: None

Bruno Silva v Chris Weidman
Oh god, please don’t do this Chris. He’s absolutely cooked, there’s really no need for him to be bone-headed and test himself like this in front of a home crowd.
He looked pretty shit in that fight against the equally shit and massively regressed Brad Tavares. He lost that fight as the more wilted fighter, but also because Tavares’ one elite skillset is his takedown defence…basically preventing Chris from winning the only way he confidently knows how.
He faces another striker in Bruno Silva here, but there are a few differences this time around. Bruno CAN be taken down, which gives the immobile and old Chris Weidman a genuine path to victory here. However, unlike against Tavares, the chances of Weidman getting sent to the shadow realm are much, MUCH higher, because Silva absolutely can and will crack if given the chance (whereas Tavares is very pillow-fisted).
I simply cannot trust Chris Weidman to stay safe for long enough in this fight, and another key issue here is that even in his prime he was never super dangerous from top position. Due to that, even if he does have a good first round and spends time on top of Bruno, the Brazilian has shown he has 15 minutes worth of KO potential, so he’ll get multiple bites of the cherry when each fight starts standing. Think back to Silva’s win over Andrew Sanchez, where he got soundly outgrappled for 10 minutes and still bonked the wrestler in the third (guess who bet Sanchez as a +200 underdog there!).
The Bruno KO method of victory is obviously going to the most expected outcome here, so I think it’s highly unlikely that we see any sort of value on it…but that’s firmly what I predict to happen here. I couldn’t trust Chris to win this fight, especially when I’m only being offered around +200 for it. Conversely, Bruno Silva is a flawed fighter that can be taken down, so I’m not sure I really trust him to be the one to play executioner here either, at least from a moneyline perspective. I’ll keep an eye out for the Silva KO line, but I fully expect the current -275 moneyline to get steamed before the props show up…so that KO line will be something ugly like -150.
I have a personal rule of not betting MoV props at anything shorter than -150 because you’re paying juice for something very specific…so it’s likely I’ll pass. -125 or better on the KO would be worth a bet though.
How I line this fight: Bruno Silva -300 (75%), Chris Weidman +300 (25%)
Bet or pass: Depends on Silva’s KO price.
Prop leans: See above.

Nursulton Ruziboev v Sedriques Dumas
Strange that the UFC have gone from being gentle with Dumas to suddenly attempting to send him up shit’s creek. Fremd/Brundage/Azaitar is some generous competition, but Ruziboev really might not be. Not only that, but Dumas has kind of been fairly tested in all three of those fights. Obviously he lost to Fremd, but 29-28 scorecards against the others indicate that his UFC career isn’t going to go very far unless he makes serious improvements.
Dumas is a rangey and lengthy kind of guy, but will be at a three-inch height disadvantage to his Uzbekistani opponent. Neither guy is a particularly impressive striker, but Ruziboev has at least demonstrated some clear KO power. Dumas does his best work on the mat, but Nursulton’s got a very active guard and has shown he’s a fighter you don’t really want to taked own with his sweeps and reversal…so does Dumas hold an advantage anywhere?
However, having said all that, running the tape on Ruziboev is kind of a pointless task. The way he manages to lock up submissions so quickly is certainly impressive, but they happen so quick that there’s not much evidence of him showing he is a complete martial artist, , or that the level of competition he’s facing is any good either. It was entertaining viewing, but it really didn’t give me any real confidence that Ruziboev can do anything except look dangerous in the opening three minutes. He could have elite cardio, or he could have 3 minutes and one second…we just don’t know.
To make matters worse, I watched about five fights that were all one-way traffic for the Uzbekistani fighter, but not once did I see him attempt a takedown. When his primary skillset appears to be his opportunistic submission ability, it surprises me that he doesn’t actively seem to initiate a whole lot of grappling, instead preferring to remain at kickboxing range where he’s not particularly impressive at all.
Anyone who has a strong opinion on this fight is talking out their ass, I think. With more questions than answers about Ruziboev, putting money on this fight would solely be in the interest of fading Dumas – which although I understand, is still not a particularly good idea in the long run.
Ruziboev may hit yet another R1 finish, but if this one goes into the second round then there’s going to be a lot of new information. I hope we get to see it, because I cannot engage with his fights in the future until I know more. I advise you take the same stance.
I might have some fun and ask all of this week’s parlay posters what they like about Ruziboev’s game to see if they can formulate a justification for the -275 (or likely worse) pricetag. I expect many/all will be exposed as not having a fucking clue other than “submission go brr”... because there’s literally no tape out there.
How I line this fight: It is completely impossible to do so.
Bet or pass: Pass
Prop leans: None

Andre Petroski v Jacob Malkoun
Yo why is a guy who lost to Cody Brundage a favourite here!? Just kidding.
This is yet another really fun fight. Both men are really good offensive grapplers, with Andre showing class with his top control, transitions and submission ability, and Malkoun showing himself to be a tenacious wrestler that won’t quit on himself.
Petroski’s stock plummeted really badly in 2023. He almost fumbled a really easy layup match against Gerald Meerschaert (had the potential to keep the fight standing but failed to beat a very average striker because he had no set up and tried to hit home runs with every punch), and then he parlay’d that flat performance with a 66 second KO bludgeoning from Michel Pereira. No shame in that really but it was a year to forget for the former TUF competitor.
It's kind of unfortunate that Petroski’s on a two-fight skid, because I think a much nicer price on Malkoun would have been available were it not for Petroski being in bad form. Reason being, Malkoun’s cardio is going to be the biggest weapon in this fight, as long as he can stay safe to extend it into the latter half. Petroski does not have good cardio, and even in performances where he’s been dominant with the grappling, he’s faded late. Against Malkoun, who averages 7.2 takedowns landed per 15 minutes (that might lowkey be an all-time great record for someone with over an hour’s in-cage time), he will be fucked if this fight hits round three because we are about to watch a terrifying grappling pace.
The question is whether or not Petroski can end the fight before it gets there. I don’t rate Petroski’s striking – but he will hit hard and can finish Jacob if he lands clean (though I think this unlikely with how badly he looked against GM3). He also has very good BJJ, and has displayed the ability to win via sprawl-based submissions before (Anaconda vs Maximov, who was viewed as a BJJ specialist). So can Malkoun mind his Ps and Qs in the grappling realm to drag Petroski into deep waters, in quintessential Jacob Malkoun fashion?
I’d certainly lean towards yes, given that he looked more than comfortable and actually the better grappler than Brendan Allen…and that’s why I have no problem with the -200 pricetag on Malkoun. There’s some danger in finishing ability for Andre, sure, but I think the Aussie has demonstrated enough tenacity and grit to be able to fight hard for your money and come out the other side. Kind of a similar skillset to a Fluffy Hernandez, but without the submission threat.
I don’t think there’s enough meat on the bone for a bet here, but I’d say Malkoun’s price is spot on so I don’t mind him as a parlay leg. I will be keeping an eye out to potentially play Malkoun and Over 1.5 Rounds via an SGP builder though, as I think Malkoun’s path to victory is pretty much synonymous with the fight going late. He’s not very dangerous so I don’t see him finding a finish over Petroski early.
How I line this fight: Andre Petroski +250 (29%), Jacob Malkoun -250 (71%)
Bet or pass: 1.5u Jacob Malkoun to Win & Over 1.5 Rounds (+100 or better)
Prop leans: See above. Any sort of late-based props for Malkoun would be interesting
Live Betting Leans: If Malkoun loses the first round, keep an eye on your app. The tide will turn here.

Connor Matthews v Dennis Buzukja
Dunno who Connor Matthews is, but I know Dennis Buzukja shouldn’t really be good enough to be a favourite against anyone at a UFC level. Tape’s about to be painful…
He has a 7-1 record that’s absolutely pathetic. The combined record of his non-DWCS opponents was 27-119, which is nothing short of embarrassing. He trains at New England Cartel with Rob Font and Calvin Kattar. Predominantly wins by submission…including against Jay Ellis…
He lost to Francis Marshall in his first DWCS appearance, but I was impressed with his hands, head movement and general pressure in the early goings of that one. Took about a minute of tape before the NEC affiliation made a whole tonne of sense with those hands! He faced multiple takedown threats and did a great job defensively with each of them, even threatening a guillotine with one of them. He got wobbled in the first round and the fight change drastically after that, but I was still impressed with his performance whilst seemingly on auto-pilot.
Watching the Farias fight (his return to DWCS), I was again impressed with his R1 pressure and top control grappling…but again he got tagged a fair bit and had to hustle through it. He did slow down a bit in round three but he had his foot on the gas much better this time around, and I’d attribute it moreso to Francis Marshall being a better pressure fighter in his first fight. Overall, I was quite impressed and I think he’s ready for the UFC step up, despite the awful regional record.
He faces Dennis Buzukja, who has been on the cusp of UFC level for what’s felt like years. He made his DWCS appearance in 2020, after having a similarly embarrassing regional record against bums and also training at a reputable gym at Serra Longo. He got pieced up in that fight by Melsik Bahgdasaryan, who seems to be cutting it just fine in the UFC himself. Dennis then took to social media and begged for a short notice spot seemingly every time someone in his weight class fell out, and his opportunity came against Sean Woodson in August 2023.
Woodson’s no joke and the kind of fighter you kind need a full camp to really prepare for, so I give him a pass for that loss. However, he attempted just one takedown and landed less than 50 significant strikes, which isn’t an impressive output by any stretch. He just doesn’t have a striking style that impresses – it’s very single shot and square stance.
Next came his sophomore UFC appearance against Jamall Emmers, a guy that’s failed to show any finishing ability at UFC level – until he sparked Buzukja in under a minute. Again Dennis fought passively, and had nothing to offer in return as Emmers came hot out the gates.
It’s not often I do this, but I think I’m going to be betting a DWCS making their debut. I think Matthews has proven that he will fight hard for your money, and is well rounded enough to be able to handle what isn’t really a step up in competition at all. Buzukja on the other hand is clearly not capable of surviving at this level and doesn’t have long before he’ll get cut. Matthews isn’t a world beater, but I could easily see him beating a few of the more flawed fighters on the roster’s lower end…and Dennis Buzukja fits the bill for that. Personally I think Matthews should be a -150 favourite at least here, as my only strong dislike of his style is the amount he gets wobbled…and Dennis Buzukja hasn’t really shown much in terms of volume or damage with his striking. I’ll be betting Matthews for 1u at +110 or better.
How I line this fight: Connor Matthews -150 (60%), Dennis Buzukja +150 (40%)
Bet or pass: 1u Connor Matthews to Win (+110 or better)
Prop leans: None

Angel Pacheco v Caolan Loughran
Loughran is a talented guy that didn’t really show what he’s capable of in his debut. Taylor Lapilus is just more talented and had the skillset necessary to keep the fight where he wanted it.
Angel Pacheco got a UFC contract despite losing his DWCS fight…because of course he did! He threw a lot of shots and landed quite a few of them, but that’s all he did. Wasn’t enough to win a single round though. We’ve also since seen Danny Silva barely handle the lower level of UFC calibre in Josh Culibao.
Prior to that his record is pretty shite. No wins over notable opposition, but a loss to now 15-14 Nate Williams, who couldn’t get a win in LFA or PFL.
That’s all we can really say here, because there are gaps in my knowledge of Pacheco and Loughran isn’t well-rounded enough to be trusted with the fade. If Pacheco had elite takedown defence and the fight was forced into a standup affair, I can’t have confidence that Loughran is even superior.
Therefore, there’s not much point in looking into this fight any further. I’ll root for Loughran because Pacheco doesn’t deserve to be here and Caolan had a tough debut, but that’s as far as my investment goes. These debut fights should be treated more as an opportunity to learn more about fighters.
How I line this fight: Too many unknowns to line this one
Bet or pass: Pass
Prop leans: None

Chidi Njokuani v Rhys McKee
Chidi Njokuani is 35 years old, which immediately waves red flags for some people. Can’t really blame them.
Rhys McKee is shit at fighting, which immediately waves red flags for me.
He’s got a hell of a chin, but his toughness and heart are pretty much the only thing that’s remarkable about him. I’ve spoken before about being wary of fighters who get credit for toughness, as it’s a nice way of highlighting their inferiority. Getting pieced up by Ange Loosa on the feet is the perfect example, as Ange isn’t that good a striker. The toughness could actually be useful here against Chidi though, as he’s pretty damn low volume and could be outhustled if the fight spans across 15 minutes.
Chidi’s on a three-fight losing streak himself, including two brutal knockout losses amongst them. This is a steep price to be paying on a guy who is old and declining, with durability that’s only going to get worse…but I still think he deserves to be favoured due to actually being a decent striker. I won’t trust him with my money because he’s waving too many red flags, but I reckon he probably wins.
EDIT: Shoutout to u/Shabozz for the added insight in the comment section. I had no idea this fight was as 170lbs, which is a terrible idea for Chidi. Moving down in weight and starving your brain of Oxygen at 35 years old when you've been KO'd twice sounds like an idea I'd be keen to fade. I still don't really think McKee is any good but he's a potent finisher and will absolutely give it his all. The money is piling in on him as well at the moment which I think is also I'll be playing McKee ITD for 1u at +200 or better.
How I line this fight: Given the weight class, it's probably a pick'em
Bet or pass: 1u McKee ITD at +200 or better
Prop leans: None

Julio Arce v Herbert Burns
Herbert Burns is one dimensional but not good enough to get the fight where he wants it to be, also having about seven minutes of cardio to attempt to wrestle. Julio Arce is far more well-rounded but has been a bit of a middleman. I don’t like the idea of trusting middlemen at -500. He does however have a 95% takedown defence rate, which implies he’s got the good to keep this fight right where he wants it. Sounds like a nightmare matchup for Herbert Burns.
Can’t bet the juice, can’t bet the dog. Easy as that.
How I line this fight: Julio Arce -400 (80%), Herbert Burns +400 (20%)
Bet or pass: Pass
Prop leans: None

Ibo Aslan v Anton Turkalj
Anton Turkalj is everyone’s favourite shit underdog. This guy is 0-3 in the UFC but he’s somehow conned his way into being a reliable + money play that everyone seems to want to back. I bet Tyson Pedro against this guy, and the betting public graciously let me get +100 to do it (I liked Pedro when he was -150 and the public all steamed Anton).
Interestingly enough they’re giving Ibo Aslan the chance to play executioner to Turkalj’s UFC career, and also the chance to avenge the only loss of his professional career. I watched that fight back and Ibo Aslan won 95% of it in a pretty dull and cage pushy affair, before completely gassing out and quitting. Turkalj has always been credited as a guy who can weather a R1 storm and turn the tide, that’s why people backed him against Pedro, Petrino and even Jailton Almeida. He certainly did it in that 2020 fight, and I’m sure he’ll probably use the exact same gameplan here.
These two really don’t like each other, as there was plenty of animosity and shit talking before and after their first encounter. Massive thank you to the UFC for putting this one together, it just makes so much sense.
So does lightning strike twice for Anton Turkalj here? Very possibly. Aslan has only won one fight that’s gone passed the first round, and that came before we knew he had cardio issues anyway. The initial loss to Turkalj could have provided the wakeup call that he needed to fix that cardio, as is often the way when R1 demolition men get dragged into deep waters and exposed. It could however have taught him absolutely nothing, and he might still have the exact same amount of gas in the tank as he did the first time they fought. We haven’t seen him go any longer since then, so we simply cannot know unless we train with him.
On the subject of training - I have learnt since initially posting that Aslan now trains at Xtreme Couture, which i think could have some significance. Considering I expect him to probably have learnt from the cardio problems, training there probably enhances his ceiling and raises the expectation of how good he could be.
Initially I believed it should be a pick'em, but I don't mind Aslan being the slight favourite here. I'm still not super convinced in either side, but I am now interested in combining Aslan to Win with an Under in an SGP. It will only be a 1u bet but should enhance the odds for Aslan to hit the PTV his moneyline is based on anyway.
In short, I'm backing Aslan's potential improvements because of the camp he is at and the mistakes he has already made. Small 1u bet though.
How I line this fight: Aslan around -150 max
Bet or pass: 1u Aslan to Win and Under 1.5 or 2.5 Rounds....we will see.
Prop leans: Alsan R1 or Turkalj 2/3, or Under 2.5 Rounds, or FDGTD
Live Betting Leans: I’m sure the books will be all over it, but if this one makes it to the stool you absolutely need to bet Anton. He’ll likely be a significant underdog by that point, but he’s dealt with the worst and actually has a much cleaner path to victory now.

Melissa Gatto v Victoria Dudakova
I still think about that takedown that Dudakova landed on Istela Nunes – she like rolled off a low single, I’ve never seen that before (granted I have no wrestling background so maybe that’s pretty common). Then she fought Jinh Yu Frey who is old and had already lost to Demopoulos, Viana and Reed, which is a disgustingly bad run of losses and deserves cutting instantly. Despite that, Dudakova’s still clearly lost a round, where she was taken down and controlled, with very little ability to get back to her feet. She locked down position, regained guard and threatened submissions, as well as some pretty threatening upkicks…but I could very easily see her getting controlled on the mat for 15 by a good wrestler with decent submission defence from top. It’s not a good idea long term to play defence for a round and happily surrender it, especially not in WMMA where you cannot rely on finishes to bail you out.
That’s the angle that explains the betting line here, I think…because it’s certainly surprising to see an undefeated prospect be an underdog to journeywoman currently on a two-fight losing streak. So…is it valid?
Melissa Gatto looks to wrestle a fair bit, but she’s not very good at it I don’t think. She struggled to get Ariane Lipski to the floor, which doesn’t really bode well here given her gameplan going into this fight would probably be very similar to that one. She also showed the exact weakness that I’ve just criticised Dudakova for too – fishing for submissions and not really looking to find a way back into a neutral position. I know Gatto’s got a BJJ background…but we’ve not really seen it at this level, have we? Attempting armbars from back control isn’t a high IQ move. She had absolutely nothing in terms of get ups against Tracy Cortez either.
So in a fight where both women will want to be on top, I’ve got to favour Dudakova’s wrestling and believe she’s going to be the one winning the majority of those exchanges. And on the mat I think she’s got what it takes to be careful against the submission attempts and to win rounds with control time, and maybe a little ground and pound.
I’m not really too sure which woman deserves to be favoured when it comes to pure standup though, but I don’t really think that’s where this fight is going to be won and lost anyway. I liked Dudakova’s jab in that Frey fight, but Gatto’s got decent enough footwork and fundamentals to turn this one into a very close one to score if they strike for 15 minutes.
So to summarise, I see Dudakova being the much more likely to win the fight via dominant position in scrambles, I don’t rate Gatto’s submission game from bottom, and I think the striking is going to be too close to give an edge. Therefore, that has me thinking Dudakova deserves to be the slight favourite. Add in the intangibles about the Russian being an untested fighter that could have a much higher ceiling than we realise (what if she had an off night against Frey and in every other parallel universe she smokes her?), and that leaves me thinking Dudakova should be about -125 to -150 here.
However, I can currently see her as the betting underdog at +137. To me that’s just wrong, and I don’t expect the public to bet Gatto at this price. People don’t care about WMMA, and if they do it will be to blind bet the dog (not saying that’s a bad strategy). Therefore, I’m going to capitalise on the overcorrection to a lacklustre performance from Dudakova, and back her to win at +137 or better for 1u sometime soon.
How I line this fight: Viktoria Dudakova -135 (57%), Melissa Gatto +135 (43%)
Bet or pass: 1u Viktoria Dudakova to Win at +137
Prop leans: Probably a decision win, but the underdog moneyline is more than enough for me

Bill Algeo v Kyle Nelson
This matchup is basically the Sideswipe Derby – my greatest money train vs the guy I have lost the most money on.
Bill Algeo is one of my money trains. I’ve bet confidently on that fella in each of his last three wins, and they weren’t small bets either. He’s well-rounded, durable, and cocky, and his cardio can be weaponised as he grows into fights.
Kyle Nelson is a guy I’ve been fading since like 2017. I’ve just never understood what exactly he does well. He’s got that weird mesmerising ability to lull opponents into his tempo and style, completely ignoring their own strengths and just chasing him as he does his annoying circle, circle, body kick routine.
Bill Algeo at -200 is a weird price though, in my opinion. Nelson’s probably one of the worst guys Algeo has fought in his UFC career but he’s being respected like it’s a reasonable matchup. I’d personally be fine with Algeo getting close to the top 15 opponent with a win here, whereas Nelson’s still not far off getting cut if he loses a fight or two.
Algeo’s basically the same kind of guy as Billy Q. Well rounded, but with an intense gas tank that will push you if you aren’t ready for it. Nelson’s cardio is okay but we saw him struggle when a pace was put on him by Billy Q…so I think Algeo grows into this fight similarly to how Billy Q did.
I’ve actually got a bit of a bad record trying to bet against Kyle Nelson, but I think this is a real gift of a spot for Bill Algeo, who fights in front of a home crowd. Personally I think the -200 price tag is a bit on the generous side, so I will be keen to play Algeo for 3u. However, like last week I am keen to utilise the Over 1.5 Round prop in a SGP for this fight, as I think Nelson is durable and Algeo needs a bit of time to get going. It’ll likely be 2u Algeo to Win at -200, and 1u on the prop when the lines drop.
How I line this fight: Bill Algeo -300 (75%), Kyle Nelson +200 (25%)
Bet or pass: 3u Bill Algeo to Win, in some capacity
Prop leans: Algeo and Over 1.5 Rounds or Algeo Decision.

Nate Landwehr v Jamall Emmers
Jamall Emmers is one of those guys. Plenty of talent and promise, but combined the fight IQ of a plank of wood, it just never worked out like it was supposed to. I’ll never forget him waiting until round 3 to grapple Giga Chikadze, when everyone and their mother knew it was the obvious path to take. Ironically he did the same thing against Jack Jenkins recently and he lost a split AGAIN. It’s therefore a re-occuring theme, and it makes him incredibly untrustworthy.
On the complete opposite end of the spectrum we have Nate Landwehr. Nate the Train isn’t particularly good at any one area of MMA, but boy is he scrappy and dedicated. He’ll go hard for 15, and you won’t deter him from getting right back on the horse when things don’t go his way.
Personally I think that kind of archetype usually causes a lot of problems for guys with bad fight IQ, because someone like Landwehr is going to ask Emmers a lot of questions…and the fight becomes a case of whether or not Emmers has the answers. He’s looked sensational in his last two wins, but the level of competition has been amongst the lowest the UFC could produce. Before that, he was dropping Pat Sabatini and getting leg locked 30 seconds later. Poor IQ.
So this one is a case of pick your poison. The inferior fighter but a dog you can trust, or the man with the better skillset who is prone to capitulating at any moment? No idea, it’s an easy pass for me. Excited to watch the car crash unfold though!
Moneyline wise, I wouldn’t blame you for taking a stab on Nate Landwehr really. Emmers just objectively cannot be trusted at anything north of -200.
How I line this fight: No idea but not Emmers passed -200.
Bet or pass: Pass
Prop leans: None

Bets (Bold = been placed)
1u Cage Warriors - Sean Marcos da Silva to Win (+200)
1.5u Bruno Silva to Win by TKO/KO (-125)
2u Bill Algeo to Win (-188)
1u Bill Algeo to Win & Over 1.5 Rounds (-125)
0.5u Bill Algeo to Win in Rounds 2 or 3 (+448)
1u Rhys McKee to Win ITD (+190)
1u Julio Arce to Win in Rounds 2 or 3 (+207)
1u Connor Matthews to Win (+114)
1u Ibo Aslan to Win & Under 1.5 Rounds (+175)
1u Viktoria Dudakova to Win (+137)
1.5u Jacob Malkoun to Win & Over 1.5 Rounds (-125)
0.25u Parlay Pieces (+405)

Parlay Pieces: Bruno Silva, Jacob Malkoun, Bill Algeo, Jamal Emmers
Dog of the Week: Connor Matthews

1.5u PFL Liz Carmouche & Kana Watanabe to Win (-125)
UFC Vegas 91: Allen v Curtis 2
1u Chris Curtis to Win (+200)
0.5u Alexander Hernandez to Win in Round 1 (+225 or better)
3u Melissa Mullins/Dixon & Deiveson Figueiredo to Win (-115)
3u Morgan Charriere to Win (-125)
1u Charlie Campbell to Win (-188)
1u Ignacio Bahamondes to Win in Rounds 2 or 3 (+300 or better)
1u Dan Argueta to Win (+170 or better)
UFC 300: Pereira v Hill
2u Alex Pereira to Win (-137) (This was bet ages ago in the hopes the price would shoot off, but it hasn't so I'm reducing my stake)
submitted by sideswipe781 to MMAbetting [link] [comments]

2024.03.23 18:58 autobuzzfeedbot 29 Times Celebs Revealed Things And We Were Uh....No One Asked, But Thanks

  1. Jada Pinkett Smith once revealed that her grandma taught her about masturbation at age nine. "My grandmother taught me about self-pleasuring because she wanted me to know that that pleasure was from me,” Pinkett Smith revealed. “She didn’t want me to fall into the hands of a man — and if he gave me pleasure, to think that that was him. And she taught me at nine!”
  2. Meghan Trainor and her husband Daryl Sabara made headlines when they revealed they installed double toilets in their home so they could pee together simultaneously. They've only pooped at the same time once, but Trainor says Sabana will hang out with her while she poops there. However, Trainor won't return the favor — "He'll hang out with me while I poop. It was just, I can't take his poops. Sorry, Daryl," she revealed. "Like, man poops are a different fucking level. But my poops don't smell."
  3. Machine Gun Kelly and Megan Fox have made numerous headlines for sharing details of their relationship, but probably the most controversial was when Megan said they drank each other's blood. Clarifying her comments, Fox said, "It’s just a few drops, but yes, we do consume each other’s blood on occasion for ritual purposes only .... And it is controlled where it’s, like, ‘Let’s shed a few drops of blood and each drink it.' He’s much more haphazard and hectic and chaotic, where he’s willing to just cut his chest open with broken glass and be like, ‘Take my soul.’”
  4. Lea Michelle once showed BFF Jonathan Groff her "whole vagina" after he asked her to, saying he'd never seen one before. "I was like, 'Sure.' And I took a desk lamp … and showed him. That's how close we are," Michelle recounted.
  5. Kim Kardashian said she once had sex with Pete Davidson in front of a fireplace to honor her (still-living, BTW) grandmother MJ. Speaking to MJ, she said, "You know what's so crazy? Pete and I were staying at the Beverly Hills Hotel last weekend, and we were sitting in front of the fireplace, just talking for hours, and I was like, 'My grandma told me that you really live life when you have sex in front of the fireplace,' and so we had sex in front of the fireplace in honor of you."
  6. Olivia Wilde once said of her sex life drying up with ex-husband Tao Ruspoli, "I felt like my vagina died. Turned off. Lights out ... you can lie to your relatives at Christmas dinner and tell them everything on the home front is just peachy. But you cannot lie to your vagina.” She added later, “Sometimes your vagina dies. Then you know it’s time to go. ... [Men] are not allowed to be the only ones thinking with their genitals.”
  7. She also told us a littleeeee too much about her sex life with then-partner Jason Sudeikis, saying they “have sex like Kenyan marathon runners.”
  8. Cate Blanchett once described the first sex scene she ever saw, which she said she witnessed at a movie with her mother. "I remember the first time I saw a sex scene. My parents took me, I think I was in third grade. It had Gene Wilder in it, it was Silver Streak. ... He was with this woman on a runaway train, running from the law, and he'd hurt himself. She started to kiss him. And he said, 'Well actually it hurts here and here' and I thought, 'Where is this going?' And she started to unbutton his shirt. I could feel my mother's buttocks clenching beside me. And I thought, 'Ooo I want some of that.'"
  9. Sarah Jessica Parker once revealed she loves how diapers smell. "I even like when they´re wet and you smell them all warm like a baked good. I love the smell of Balmex. Love it," she said.
  10. Alicia Silverstone revealed that she basically mama-birds her son when she posted a video of her feeding her son by chewing food and then spitting it into his mouth. She described, “I fed Bear the mochi and a tiny bit of veggies from the soup from my mouth to his," saying “It’s his favorite … and mine. He literally crawls across the room to attack my mouth if I’m eating."
  11. She also said that she didn't have to use diapers much with him because she knew when he'd need to go to the bathroom, saying, “The cues part for me was really fun because I thought he was flirting with me because he'd do this little smile. That’s when he had to pee.”
  12. In an interview with Playboy, John Mayer claimed “there have probably been days when I saw 300 vaginas before I got out of bed" (referring to porn).
  13. In the same interview with Playboy, John Mayer described Jessica Simpson as "crack cocaine to me,” saying, “Sexually it was crazy. That’s all I’ll say. It was like napalm, sexual napalm. Did you ever say, ‘I want to quit my life and just f—ing snort you? If you charged me $10,000 to f–k you, I would start selling all my s–t just to keep f—ing you.'”
  14. Speaking of Jessica Simpson, she once revealed on Ellen that she only brushes her teeth "maybe three times a week." because she doesn't "like them to feel too slippery" and she needs "a little coating." Instead of brushing every day, she uses "a shirt of something" to wipe her teeth.
  15. Ricky Martin once revealed he loves giving golden showers. "I've done it before in the shower. It's like so sexy, you know, the temperature of your body and the shower water is very different."
  16. On their podcast, We Bought A House, Claudia Sulewski and Finneas O'Connell revealed that Claudia sometimes has Finneas check her vagina for tampons because she's forgotten a tampon in before and is afraid of getting Toxic Shock Syndrome, and if she tries to check herself her body goes numb and she's been known to faint. They also revealed that the first time Finneas performed oral sex on her, she was wearing a tampon and forgot.
  17. Charlie Puth once revealed that the first song he ever "jerked off to" was "This Love" by Maroon 5. He later told Adam Levine this, who apparently said "That’s really weird," which...I agree with.
  18. On the Office Ladies podcast, Jenna Fischer once revealed she doesn't wash her hands after peeing when she's at home— though, don't worry, she added, "I always wash my hands after poop. Always. I never wipe a poop and then not wash my hands, everybody. I feel like I want that to be clear."
  19. Speaking of pee, Madonna once posted a video of herself taking an ice bath and drinking her own pee, saying, "It's really good to drink urine after you’ve got out of the frozen bath."
  20. Kristen Bell and Dax Shephard often tell us a little too much information. In one of their worst stories, they revealed their kids sleep on their floor every night while they sleep on a water-based mattress pad. One night, Bell smelled a terrible odor and they all admitted to farting, with Shephard admitting to being the "leader." But when the smell persisted for a few days, Bell checked the sleeping pad and realized Sherhard had accidentally filled it with a protein shake instead of water. They were unsuccessful in eliminating the smell and continued to sleep on it anyway — even though Shepherd was worried about maggots.
  21. Terrance Howard revealed in an interview with Elle that he wouldn't date a woman who doesn't keep baby wipes in her bathroom, saying, "If they're using dry paper, they aren't washing all of themselves. It's just unclean. So if I go inside a woman's house and see the toilet paper there, I'll explain this. And if she doesn't make the adjustment to baby wipes, I'll know she's not completely clean."
  22. In an interview with Marie Claire, Chrissy Teigen revealed that she used to think John Legend had never seen her butthole...until he corrected her, saying "Are you kidding? Every time anyone does anything doggy style, you see a butthole. I see it every time."
  23. DJ Khaled once garnered backlash for revealing that he doesn't perform oral sex, saying, "I can't do that" and "It's certain things I just don't do. I believe a woman should praise the man, the King." He then said it wasn't okay for his girlfriend to refuse to perform oral sex, saying, "Nah, it's not okay. You gotta understand I'm the Don, I'm the King."
  24. Kelly Clarkson revealed that she pees "almost every time" she takes a shower, saying. “You can't help it. It goes back to that childhood sleepover, they put your hand in the hot water, and sometimes you pee. The hot water hits your body and — not every time, but, like, if I've gotta go."
  25. Shailene Woodley once revealed she likes to expose her vagina to the sun. "[One] thing I like to do is give my vagina a little vitamin D," she said. "I was reading an article written by an herbalist about yeast infections and other genital issues. She said there's nothing better than vitamin D. If you're feeling depleted, go in the sun for an hour and see how much energy you get. Or, if you live in a place that has heavy winters, when the sun finally comes out, spread your legs and get some sunshine."
  26. Woodley also eats clay, makes her own toothpaste out of clay and essential oils, and apparently even makes her own medicine. Oh, and she only washes her hair once a month.
  27. Speaking of washing, let's end with the infamous celebrity bathing habits examples. After Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher once revealed that they only bathe their kids when they see dirt on them, a whole bunch of other celebrities joined in.
  28. Kristen Bell agreed, saying "I'm a big fan of waiting for the stink. Once you catch a whiff, that's biology's way of letting you know you need to clean it up."
  29. And Jake Gyllenhaal told Vanity Fair, "More and more I find bathing to be less necessary, at times."
Link to article
submitted by autobuzzfeedbot to buzzfeedbot [link] [comments]

2024.03.22 14:20 chrisoncontent Javier Bardem should have played Ferrari (imho)

Hear me out! I've loved Adam Driver since Girls. He's one of our most interesting movie stars and he's a perfect Leading Mann. And don't get me wrong: he's good in Ferrari! As discussed on the pod, it could have easily been an embarrassing miscalculation but it totally works.
However, as I've been reflecting on the movie over the past few months, a movie which is so much about mortality and human costs, I think it would benefit from a more age-accurate actor. Someone who probably does have more miles behind them than in front of them.
I think Bardem is an obvious choice: he can bring both paternal warmth and a dangerous brusqueness; you know he'd have chemistry with Cruz (imagine those scenes!); and I think Ferrari's infidelity plays differently with an older actor - you're no longer afforded a subconscious "of course Shailene Woodley and Adam Driver would be into each other."
Idk, just a thought that I had falling asleep last night as I continue to wrestle with this film that, like many Michael Mann films, will undoubtedly grow in my estimation as time goes on.
submitted by chrisoncontent to blankies [link] [comments]

2024.03.22 09:05 Several-Lie4513 Which young actors/actresses aged well?

I (35m) have always followed the actors/actresses growing up around my same age and was always curious who would translate in to a great actor. I have a top and it's : Paul Dano, shailene woodley, Dane Dehaan, Zach Efron, Emile Hirsch, shia lebouf, ... Are there any that I've missed?
submitted by Several-Lie4513 to moviecritic [link] [comments]

2024.03.16 02:09 BlackWidow1990 Inspired by Rider: Which celebrities did you predict would make it that actually did make it? Which aren’t as big as you thought? Who made it big that surprised you?

Here are mine!
Who I predicted would make it big: Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus, Tom Hardy, Darren Criss, Emma Roberts, Elizabeth Olsen, Chris Evans
Who I thought would be bigger: Logan Lerman, Victoria Justice, Leighton Meester, Emily Osment, Nick Robinson
Who I was surprised by: Zac Efron, Megan Fox, Shailene Woodley
submitted by BlackWidow1990 to boymeetsworld [link] [comments]

2024.03.04 21:11 jonfinazzo Close Decision Wins That Changed Fighters’ Careers

  1. Alex Pereira v Jan Blachowicz
  1. Alex Volkanovski v Max Holloway II
  1. Khamzat Chimaev v Gilbert Burns/Kamaru Usman
  1. Henry Cejudo v Demetrious Johnson II
  1. GSP v Johnny Hendricks
  1. Jorge Masvidal’s entire career
  1. Israel Adesanya v Robert Whittaker II
  1. Robbie Lawler v Carlos Condit
  1. Driccus Du Plessis v Sean Strickland
  1. Sean O’Malley v Petr Yan
Honorary Mentions:
EDIT: I made this script for a YouTube video and posted it here first. Thankfully I didn't make the video yet because I am not sure how I forgot Jones Reyes.
RE-EDIT: Masvidal Wonderboy wasn't as close I remembered - apologies on that specific take
submitted by jonfinazzo to MMA [link] [comments]

2024.02.07 19:49 KeptCurrent Best of Park City: Feb 7 - 14

Best of Park City: Feb 7 - 14
Hey Everyone,
This week is packed with excitement, as we gear up for both the Super Bowl and Valentine's Day next week. We tried to make it easy for you to make your plans.
In addition to these festivities, Kept Current has something special in store for next week. We're thrilled to announce that will be running a campaign for Random Acts of Kindness Week. We've teamed up with the Chamber of Commerce and a host of local businesses ready to surprise you with some wonderful gestures! Make sure to follow us on Instagram because that is where all the fun will take place Feb 14 - 20.
But that's not all – we're extending an invitation to other local businesses interested in joining our campaign to give back to the community. If you are a business with a product or a solo entrepreneur with a service and you want to join forces, reach out to me and I'll give you the details. The deadline for participation is Friday.
Big Game Viewing Party @ The Pendry Sunday, February 11, from 4:00 PM - 9:00 PM / Rick Gerber 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Get ready for the ultimate game day experience in Park City on Sunday, February 11th! Aprés Pendry is hosting a lively pre-game event with live music by Rick Gerber, followed by the big game on large HD TVs. Enjoy great seats, tasty game-time snacks, draft beers, and fantastic entertainment. Join the fun and cheer on your favorite team!Other Places to Watch the Game
  • Montage 3:30 PM - 10:00 PM. Superbowl Buffet COST: $37.50 Kids /$62.00 Adults Call (435) 604-1700 for Reservations
  • StarBar Big Game Buffet $60 pp ($35 for food & $25 drink minimum). Call 435-513-7200
  • EPC @ Hyatt Centric: Game Day Buffett and Whiskey Blitz Cocktail Special. $29 pp
  • Hearth & Hill Call 435-200-8840 for reservations.
Other Places to Watch
  • No Name
  • The Spur
  • Boneyard
  • Collies
  • Top of Main
  • O'Shucks
  • Butchers
Valentine's Day Specials Wednesday, February 14th
  • KITA @ The Pendry Valentine's 3 Course Prix-Fixe $160 MENU & RESERVE
  • Apex @ The Montage Call (435) 604-1402 for Reservations
  • Yama Sushi Valentine’s Day Oshinagaki @ The Montage Call (435) 604-1700 for Reservations
  • EPC @ Hyatt Centric: 3-course Prix-Fixe Menu w/ Pink Lady Cocktail Special $69 pp
  • Tina's Bakery Valentine's Day Cooking Class: Wednesday, February 14, from 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM RSVP
  • Goldener Hirsch Valentine's Day Mixology Class RSVP
  • Goldener Hirsch Restaurant Valentine’s Day Dinner RESERVE
  • Blue Sky Lodge: Bloom Bar: Build Your own Mini Bouquet with Petal Coop. Cost $50+ (depending on flowers you choose) No RSVPs necessary, just drop in anytime between 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Yuta: Blue Sky Lodge: Valentine's Day Dinner $150 pp / +$120 pp for wine pairing RERSERVE
  • Courchevel 4 Course Special $125 pp RSVP
  • Grub Steak 2-Course Valentine's Day Special. COST $59.75 pp RESERVE
  • Mariposa V-Day Dinner. $175 pp / + $90 wine Pairing MENU & RESERVE
  • Simon's Restaurant 4-course prix fixe@ Homestead Resort Midway Call 435-654-1102 to reserve.
  • Mindful Cuisine Valentine's Day Cooking Classes $224 per Couple

Kept Current Collective Valentine's Day Gift GivingLooking for the perfect Valentine's Day gift? Kept Current has got you covered! Our new Fashion Contributor, Diana Heather, has curated a special holiday assortment suitable for the whole family. From super affordable finds to high-end luxury items, we've made sure there's something accessible for everyone. CHECK IT OUT

Green Business Lunch & Learn: Recycle Utah Wednesday, February 14 from 12:00 - 1:00 PM
Join Park City's vibrant energy community this February at the Energy Lunch & Learn. Designed for professionals, entrepreneurs, and sustainability enthusiasts, the event features enlightening talks on clean energy and efficiency. Hear from experts like Scott Dwire, Peter Nelson, and Emily Quinton, and discuss the latest in sustainable energy practices. Enjoy a Chamber-provided lunch and valuable networking opportunities. For dietary accommodations, contact Morgan Mingle at [](


The Art of Cake Decorating @ Deer Valley Creative Academy February 10 & 11, from 3:30 PM - 5:00 PMEnhance your cake decorating skills with a Deer Valley pastry chef's expert guidance. Learn the art of layering and coating to create stunning cakes that captivate. This hands-on experience is perfect for those looking to elevate their cake decoration prowess. RSVP
Sweetheart Sips: Passion Inspiring Wines Friday, February 9, from 6:30 PM - 7:45 PMJoin Professor Maggie Heile for a lively session to delight the senses just in time for an early V-Day. She will curate a selection of distinctive wines, each under $40 and often missed in stores. Enjoy tastings, engaging stories about the wineries, and a Blind Tasting Challenge. This event is ideal for wine lovers and beginners alike.
Enhance your wine tasting experience with delicious Charcuterie Platters, available for purchase from our friends at Park City Dessert. Must be ordered at least 1 day in advance.
New Location: They are now located at the Treasure Mountain Inn - Crescent Room.

Winter Pasta by Hand @ Mindful Cuisine February 9, from 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Join a fun-filled pasta making class where attendees dive into the art of creating three types of pasta, each paired with its own seasonal sauce. Ideal for those who enjoy a hands-on culinary experience. Vegetarian option available, but sorry to say, it's not suitable for those with gluten sensitivities. The evening menu includes:
Savory Crostini with jam and cheese Tricolor Salad with apples and hazelnuts Ravioli, Herb Laminated Pappardelle, and Gnocchetti Pear and Cranberry Galette

Mardi Gras Costume Party: Club Free Tuesday, February 13, from 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Discover a lively, alcohol-free social scene with ClubFree in Summit County, perfect for adults 21 and over. Join them for a Mardi Gras celebration where you can showcase your creativity with the best costume. They are offering prizes for the top three! Space is limited, so be sure to register. Enjoy complimentary non-alcoholic drinks and snacks.

The Nordic Yurt: Wilderness Access OutfittersExperience a unique winter adventure with the Nordic Yurt snowshoe dinner at Soldier Hollow Nordic Center in the Olympic Park. Embark on a half-mile snowshoe trek through the scenic Olympic venue to a cozy yurt. There, you'll savor a 4-course meal, relax by the fire, and enjoy stunning views of the snow-covered Heber Valley. This is the quintessential winter experience you've been seeking
Enlighten Yoga: Valentine's Day Yoga Sculpt w/ Bethany Saturday, February 10 from 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Gather your best friends for a Galentine's celebration focused on self-love and friendship! Join us for a reflective and uplifting sculpt class led by Bethany, complete with galentine cards and a fun atmosphere. After the workout, enjoy a protein recovery shake and explore the option of getting some permanent jewelry. It's a perfect way to celebrate yourself and the special women in your life! COST: $30
Park City Mountain's 60th Anniversary Weekend February 9 - 11
Join the 60th season celebration at Park City Mountain, a journey from Treasure Mountains to the largest ski resort in the U.S.
Weekend Highlights:
  • Friday, February 9: Enjoy The Pranksters' performance at Canyons Village's Forum Stage, followed by fireworks.
  • Saturday, February 10: Wilderado takes the stage at Mountain Village's Eagle Super Stage.
  • Throughout the Weekend: Experience live music and partner activations at Miners Camp and Mid Mountain Lodge.
    • Kona Big Wave Ski Beach @ Legacy Lodge
    • Mtn Dew Yeti Yurt @ Red Pine Lodge
    • Toyota Music Den @ Miners Camp

Utah Jazz Vs Golden State Warriors Monday, February 12, @ 7:00 PM
Get ready for a showdown as the Utah Jazz take on the Golden State Warriors at the Delta Center! This thrilling match-up promises to be a high-energy battle between two of these iconic NBA teams. Don't miss the chance to witness this epic clash on the court.
Soldier Hollow Grand Tour & Grand Enduro February 10 & 11
The Soldier Hollow Grand Tour is a celebrated highlight of the ski season, offering participants a comprehensive challenge across Soldier Hollow's (SOHO) renowned terrain. Known for its world-class grooming, the Grand Tour showcases the best of Soldier Hollow, testing skiers' abilities in a variety of conditions. Following this, the new 2024 Soldier Hollow Grand Enduro adds an exciting twist with its Enduro-style downhill race. This unique event is perfect for adrenaline seekers, featuring multiple timed downhill segments to determine the swiftest skiers.
Park City Ski & Snowboard Town Series u/Utah Olympic Park Thursday, February 15, Check-in u/5**:00 PM / Race @ 6:00 PM**
The Town Series offers two distinct racing formats for ski enthusiasts. First, there's a traditional downhill format, granting alpine racers rare access to the UOP lifts. Additionally, an uphill SkiMo race is available for those seeking a different challenge. Each race format is independent and timed separately.
This series welcomes all community members and ages, though it's recommended for intermediate level skiers and above. It's a great opportunity for ski lovers to showcase their skills in a friendly, competitive environment.
The Shop
The Shop has a few cool things going on this week. First don't miss "Friends for Free" in February. Simply sign up as usual, either online or in-person, and bring or meet your friend at the studio. Introduce them to your instructor, and they'll handle the rest. Offer valid from February 1st to March 1st. Enjoy yoga with a buddy!
If that wasn't enough:
  • 2/9 @ 7:00 PM Kirtan - No registration necessary, just show up! $20 per person. Whether you are a seasoned Kirtan enthusiast or someone exploring the magic of chanting for the first time, this event will uplift your spirit and create a space for shared joy and connection.
2/10 Sounds of the Heart Sound Healing from 3:50 PM - 5:30 PM: Join Elizabeth Jensen for a celebration of love, gratitude, and a healing journey through sound. Connect with your heart as you experience different instruments including metal bowls, crystal bowls, metal drums, a gong, a rain stick, and an African ocean drum. Registration is required for this event.

Mid-Week Fat Bike Series Tuesday, February 13, Check-in 5:00 PM / Race @ 6:30 PM
This is an inclusive community event catering to cyclists of all skill levels and ages. Set on picturesque snow-laden tracks under the night lights, it fosters a warm, community-centric vibe. Ditching conventional podium presentations, each race night is spiced up with thrilling giveaways, featuring an array of sponsor-provided gear. More than just a race, it's a meaningful contribution to the biking community, with all proceeds from season passes and race entries benefiting various BIKE UTAH programs.REGISTER
Fins & Fur 10th Annual Ice Fishing Derby Saturday, February 10, from 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
The 10th annual Fins & Fur Ice Fishing Derby at East Canyon Reservoir is set to thrill fishing fans. Along with the top four prizes, participants can also compete for hourly awards for the biggest catch. Remember, pre-registration is a must to join in the excitement and the chance to win! Tickets are selling out, so I listed this early. REGISTER

Rossignol X Ski Utah Women's Touring Day @ Solitude February 10, from 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM & February 11, from 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM Women of all skill levels and ages are invited to a fun, educational day on snow at Solitude Mountain Resort. The event kicks off on February 10th with a welcome party and essential snow safety overview by the Utah Avalanche Center. On February 11th, the day is packed with activities, including a guided tour, skiing, and an après-ski session. Registration covers the welcome reception, breakfast, guided tour, lunch, demo gear, and more. Participants should bring their own equipment. This special event is a collaboration between Ski Utah, Utah Avalanche Center, and Solitude Mountain Resort, with no lift ticket required. COST: $150 Sales end Feb 9.REGISTER
Valentine's Family Mindful Yoga @ The Shop Saturday, February 10 from 10:00 AM - 11:00 AMThis family-friendly event welcomes everyone, from babies to grandparents, for a delightful time filled with yoga, mindfulness, storytelling, dancing, art, and more. A suggested donation of $30 per family is appreciated. Just bring your yoga mat and join in – no registration needed! It's a perfect opportunity for families to bond and have fun together in a relaxed and positive environment.
\Woodward Park City If you are looking for some wholesome family fun, or just trying to get the kids out of the house for a bit, here is what is going on at Woodward this week!
  • 2/8 SkullCandy Rail Jam Series: Snowboarders and skiers jib for top honors at Woodward Park City's Monthly Rail Jam Series.
  • 2/10 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Bubly Tubing Bash
  • 2/14 -16 Futures Tour: Multi-day Sloepstyle contest.
We Dream of Robots @ Park City Film Saturday, February 10 @ 4:00 PM
“We Dream of Robots” showcases the hopes and dreams of a determined group of teenagers from the Uruguayan countryside whose rural daily lives inspire them to embrace the challenge of building a better future for all. Imagine having no cell phone but learning to assemble and program a robot. Imagine walking or biking three hours to school, then staying an additional three hours to brainstorm robotic solutions to local flooding. The film documents the journeys of two teams from such humble origins that vie for glory against 70 other squads in the first robotics competition ever held in Latin America. The collaboration, commitment, national pride, and creative spark these kids share will lift your heart and inspire you. Ages 10 + COST: FREE
MUSIC THIS WEEKGo to KEPT CURRENT MUSIC for show times, tickets, and future concerts.
2/7 +++ (Crosses) @ The Depot
2/7 DJ Juggy @ Downstairs
2/7 Brooke Mackintosh @ Riverhorse
2/7 Terrell Thomas & Morgen Call Duo @ The Spur
2/8 Robbie Law @ Alpine Social Aid & Pleasure Club
2/8 Dan Weldon @ Riverhorse
2/8 Matthew Bashaw @ Silver Star Cafe
2/8 The Lone Bellow @ The Egyptian Theatre
2/8 Cosmic Hootenanny @ The Commonwealth Room
2/8 Shannon Runyon Duo & Dueling Pianos @ The Spur
2/8 Nate Smith @ The Complex
2/8 DJ Dolph @ Downstairs
2/9 David Quackenbush @ Snowbasin
2/9 Simply B @ Apres Pendry
2/9 Angie Petty @ RIverhorse
2/9 Wildflowers @ The Stateroom
2/9 Mister Sister Trio @ Silver Star Cafe
2/9 The Lone Bellow @ Egyptian Theatre
2/9 Soja @ The Complex
2/9 Scott Foster & Los Hellcaminos @ The Spur
2/9 Lavelle Dupree @ Downstairs
2/10 DJ My Guy @ Canyons Village
2/10 Cherry Thomas @ Snowbasin
2/10 Ryan Innes @ Apres Pendry
2/10 Wilderado @ PCMR
2/10 Mister Sister @ Riverhorse
2/10 Magic City Hippies @ The Depot
2/10 Red Rock Hot Club @ Silver Star Cafe
2/10 Lil Skies @ The Complex
2/10 THe Lone Bellow @ Egyptian Theatre
2/10 Night Lovell @ The Complex
2/10 Miss DJ Lux & Hardy Brothers @ The Spur
2/10 Nathan Spenser & His Band @ The Notch
2/10 Big Richard @ The Commonwealth Room
2/10 Dreamers Delight @ The Cabin
2/10 DJ Crooked @ Downstairs
2/11 Rick Gerber @ Apres Pendry
2/11 Nate Robinson @ Riverhorse
2/11 Ian McIver & Dueling Pianos @ The Spur
2/11 DJ Dirty Dave @ Downstairs
2/12 Tucker Eschmeyer @ Riverhorse
2/12 Cory Wong featuring Monica Martin @ The Depot
2/12 Sarah Hakes & Daniel Torriente @ The Spur
2/13 Kate Chanson @ State Road Tavern
2/13 Ryan Innes @ Riverhorse
2/13 Haken @ The Depot
2/13 Sydnie Keddington & Brennan Hansen Duo
2/14 Randy Moser @ State Road Tavern
2/14 Tucker Eschmeyer @ Riverhorse
2/14 Bailey Zimmerman @ The Complex
2/14 Aspen Anonda & Moren Call Duo @ The Spur
2/14 Kitchen Dwellers @ The Commonwealth Room
2/14 Industry Night w/ DJ Juggy @ Downstairs
Leadership 101: Charting Our Community's Future Friday, February 9 from 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Leadership 101 is an insightful and comprehensive program tailored for busy citizens, local employees, and community leaders eager to understand the inner workings of their community. This deep-dive initiative offers valuable knowledge about local operations and roles, empowering participants to be more informed and actively engaged in the ever-evolving dynamics of their community. It's an ideal resource for those looking to make a meaningful impact locally.
I'll be here with my Leadership Class 30. Come say hiGET TICKETS

VDay Candy-Crush Floral Arrangement Thursday, February 8, @ 4:00 PM Flower enthusiasts are invited to an arranging session where you can create your own petal-filled masterpiece. You will be supplied with an array of beautiful blooms, a stylish vase, and all necessary materials, complemented by sips and chocolates. Each attendee gets to create and take home their own beautiful arrangement. Hurry, as spots for this blooming experience are limited.GET TICKETS
Dr. Wendy Troxel, Ph.D. Sleep Well to Live Well Thursday, February 8, @ 7:00 PM
Don't miss Dr. Wendy Troxel, an internationally acclaimed sleep expert and author, as she sheds light on the essential role of sleep in our lives. In her talk, Dr. Troxel will reveal practical and research-backed strategies to enhance both the quantity and quality of your sleep. She'll tackle common sleep questions and highlight how good sleep is crucial for health, well-being, and productivity. This is a chance to learn small but impactful steps to improve your overall sleep health.GET TICKETS📷
Matt Flint: Pentimento @ Gallery MAR Friday, February 9, from 6:00 PM -9:00 PM
"Pentimento," a captivating solo exhibition by the exceptionally gifted Matt Flint, showcases his exploration of the art term "pentimento." This concept reveals the visible traces of a painting's earlier layers or alterations. Flint's work masterfully embodies this, with each canvas unveiling the intricate journey of its creation. The layers beneath subtly emerge, creating rich textures and complex compositions. Attendees can immerse themselves in the narrative of each piece, complemented by live music and light refreshments. COST: FREE
Happily Ever After with Rom-Com Author Tessa Bailey VIA ZOOM w/ Summit County Library Thursday, February 8 @ 6:00 PM
Meet Tessa Bailey, #1 New York Times bestselling author, as she launches her steamy sports romance, "Fangirl Down." Dive into the tale of a fallen golfer and his number one fan, blending love, challenge, and redemption. Discover Bailey's captivating storytelling at this not-to-be-missed event.
Ferrari @ Park City Film February 9 - 11 Fri & Sat @ 7:00 PM / Sun @ 6:00 PM
“Ferrari” is set during the summer of 1957. Behind the spectacle and danger of 1950’s Formula 1, ex-racer, Enzo Ferrari, is in crisis. Bankruptcy stalks the company he and his wife, Laura, built from nothing ten years earlier. Their tempestuous marriage struggles with the mourning for their one son. Ferrari struggles with the acknowledgement of another. His drivers’ lust to win pushes them out to the edge. He wagers all in a roll of the dice on one race, the treacherous 1,000-mile race across Italy, the iconic Mille Miglia.
Starring Adam Driver, Penélope Cruz, Patrick Dempsey and Shailene Woodley.
submitted by KeptCurrent to parkcityvisitors [link] [comments]

2024.02.07 19:35 KeptCurrent Best of Park City: Feb 7 - 14

This week is packed with excitement, as we gear up for both the Super Bowl and Valentine's Day next week. We tried to make it easy for you to make your plans.
In addition to these festivities, Kept Current has something special in store for next week. We're thrilled to announce that will be running a campaign for Random Acts of Kindness Week. We've teamed up with the Chamber of Commerce and a host of local businesses ready to surprise you with some wonderful gestures! Make sure to follow us on Instagram because that is where all the fun will take place Feb 14 - 20.
But that's not all – we're extending an invitation to other local businesses interested in joining our campaign to give back to the community. If you are a business with a product or a solo entrepreneur with a service and you want to join forces, reach out to me and I'll give you the details. The deadline for participation is Friday.


Big Game Viewing Party @ The Pendry Sunday, February 11, from 4:00 PM - 9:00 PM / Rick Gerber 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Get ready for the ultimate game day experience in Park City on Sunday, February 11th! Aprés Pendry is hosting a lively pre-game event with live music by Rick Gerber, followed by the big game on large HD TVs. Enjoy great seats, tasty game-time snacks, draft beers, and fantastic entertainment. Join the fun and cheer on your favorite team!Other Places to Watch the Game
Other Places to Watch

Valentine's Day Specials Wednesday, February 14th
Kept Current Collective Valentine's Day Gift GivingLooking for the perfect Valentine's Day gift? Kept Current has got you covered! Our new Fashion Contributor, Diana Heather, has curated a special holiday assortment suitable for the whole family. From super affordable finds to high-end luxury items, we've made sure there's something accessible for everyone. CHECK IT OUT
Green Business Lunch & Learn: Recycle Utah Wednesday, February 14 from 12:00 - 1:00 PM
Join Park City's vibrant energy community this February at the Energy Lunch & Learn. Designed for professionals, entrepreneurs, and sustainability enthusiasts, the event features enlightening talks on clean energy and efficiency. Hear from experts like Scott Dwire, Peter Nelson, and Emily Quinton, and discuss the latest in sustainable energy practices. Enjoy a Chamber-provided lunch and valuable networking opportunities. For dietary accommodations, contact Morgan Mingle at [](
The Art of Cake Decorating @ Deer Valley Creative Academy February 10 & 11, from 3:30 PM - 5:00 PMEnhance your cake decorating skills with a Deer Valley pastry chef's expert guidance. Learn the art of layering and coating to create stunning cakes that captivate. This hands-on experience is perfect for those looking to elevate their cake decoration prowess. RSVP
Sweetheart Sips: Passion Inspiring Wines Friday, February 9, from 6:30 PM - 7:45 PMJoin Professor Maggie Heile for a lively session to delight the senses just in time for an early V-Day. She will curate a selection of distinctive wines, each under $40 and often missed in stores. Enjoy tastings, engaging stories about the wineries, and a Blind Tasting Challenge. This event is ideal for wine lovers and beginners alike.
Enhance your wine tasting experience with delicious Charcuterie Platters, available for purchase from our friends at Park City Dessert. Must be ordered at least 1 day in advance.
New Location: They are now located at the Treasure Mountain Inn - Crescent Room.

Winter Pasta by Hand @ Mindful Cuisine February 9, from 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Join a fun-filled pasta making class where attendees dive into the art of creating three types of pasta, each paired with its own seasonal sauce. Ideal for those who enjoy a hands-on culinary experience. Vegetarian option available, but sorry to say, it's not suitable for those with gluten sensitivities. The evening menu includes:
Savory Crostini with jam and cheese Tricolor Salad with apples and hazelnuts Ravioli, Herb Laminated Pappardelle, and Gnocchetti Pear and Cranberry Galette
Mardi Gras Costume Party: Club Free Tuesday, February 13, from 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Discover a lively, alcohol-free social scene with ClubFree in Summit County, perfect for adults 21 and over. Join them for a Mardi Gras celebration where you can showcase your creativity with the best costume. They are offering prizes for the top three! Space is limited, so be sure to register. Enjoy complimentary non-alcoholic drinks and snacks.
The Nordic Yurt: Wilderness Access OutfittersExperience a unique winter adventure with the Nordic Yurt snowshoe dinner at Soldier Hollow Nordic Center in the Olympic Park. Embark on a half-mile snowshoe trek through the scenic Olympic venue to a cozy yurt. There, you'll savor a 4-course meal, relax by the fire, and enjoy stunning views of the snow-covered Heber Valley. This is the quintessential winter experience you've been seeking![RESERVE](
Enlighten Yoga: Valentine's Day Yoga Sculpt w/ Bethany Saturday, February 10 from 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Gather your best friends for a Galentine's celebration focused on self-love and friendship! Join us for a reflective and uplifting sculpt class led by Bethany, complete with galentine cards and a fun atmosphere. After the workout, enjoy a protein recovery shake and explore the option of getting some permanent jewelry. It's a perfect way to celebrate yourself and the special women in your life! COST: $30
Park City Mountain's 60th Anniversary Weekend February 9 - 11
Join the 60th season celebration at Park City Mountain, a journey from Treasure Mountains to the largest ski resort in the U.S.
Weekend Highlights:
Utah Jazz Vs Golden State Warriors Monday, February 12, @ 7:00 PM
Get ready for a showdown as the Utah Jazz take on the Golden State Warriors at the Delta Center! This thrilling match-up promises to be a high-energy battle between two of these iconic NBA teams. Don't miss the chance to witness this epic clash on the court.
Soldier Hollow Grand Tour & Grand Enduro February 10 & 11
The Soldier Hollow Grand Tour is a celebrated highlight of the ski season, offering participants a comprehensive challenge across Soldier Hollow's (SOHO) renowned terrain. Known for its world-class grooming, the Grand Tour showcases the best of Soldier Hollow, testing skiers' abilities in a variety of conditions. Following this, the new 2024 Soldier Hollow Grand Enduro adds an exciting twist with its Enduro-style downhill race. This unique event is perfect for adrenaline seekers, featuring multiple timed downhill segments to determine the swiftest skiers.
Park City Ski & Snowboard Town Series u/Utah Olympic Park Thursday, February 15, Check-in u/5:00 PM / Race @ 6:00 PM
The Town Series offers two distinct racing formats for ski enthusiasts. First, there's a traditional downhill format, granting alpine racers rare access to the UOP lifts. Additionally, an uphill SkiMo race is available for those seeking a different challenge. Each race format is independent and timed separately.
This series welcomes all community members and ages, though it's recommended for intermediate level skiers and above. It's a great opportunity for ski lovers to showcase their skills in a friendly, competitive environment.
The Shop
The Shop has a few cool things going on this week. First don't miss "Friends for Free" in February. Simply sign up as usual, either online or in-person, and bring or meet your friend at the studio. Introduce them to your instructor, and they'll handle the rest. Offer valid from February 1st to March 1st. Enjoy yoga with a buddy!
If that wasn't enough:

Mid-Week Fat Bike Series Tuesday, February 13, Check-in 5:00 PM / Race @ 6:30 PM
This is an inclusive community event catering to cyclists of all skill levels and ages. Set on picturesque snow-laden tracks under the night lights, it fosters a warm, community-centric vibe. Ditching conventional podium presentations, each race night is spiced up with thrilling giveaways, featuring an array of sponsor-provided gear. More than just a race, it's a meaningful contribution to the biking community, with all proceeds from season passes and race entries benefiting various BIKE UTAH programs.REGISTER

Fins & Fur 10th Annual Ice Fishing Derby Saturday, February 10, from 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
The 10th annual Fins & Fur Ice Fishing Derby at East Canyon Reservoir is set to thrill fishing fans. Along with the top four prizes, participants can also compete for hourly awards for the biggest catch. Remember, pre-registration is a must to join in the excitement and the chance to win! Tickets are selling out, so I listed this early. REGISTER
Rossignol X Ski Utah Women's Touring Day @ Solitude February 10, from 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM & February 11, from 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM Women of all skill levels and ages are invited to a fun, educational day on snow at Solitude Mountain Resort. The event kicks off on February 10th with a welcome party and essential snow safety overview by the Utah Avalanche Center. On February 11th, the day is packed with activities, including a guided tour, skiing, and an après-ski session. Registration covers the welcome reception, breakfast, guided tour, lunch, demo gear, and more. Participants should bring their own equipment. This special event is a collaboration between Ski Utah, Utah Avalanche Center, and Solitude Mountain Resort, with no lift ticket required. COST: $150 Sales end Feb 9.REGISTER

Valentine's Family Mindful Yoga @ The Shop Saturday, February 10 from 10:00 AM - 11:00 AMThis family-friendly event welcomes everyone, from babies to grandparents, for a delightful time filled with yoga, mindfulness, storytelling, dancing, art, and more. A suggested donation of $30 per family is appreciated. Just bring your yoga mat and join in – no registration needed! It's a perfect opportunity for families to bond and have fun together in a relaxed and positive environment.📷 Woodward Park City If you are looking for some wholesome family fun, or just trying to get the kids out of the house for a bit, here is what is going on at Woodward this week!
We Dream of Robots @ Park City Film Saturday, February 10 @ 4:00 PM
“We Dream of Robots” showcases the hopes and dreams of a determined group of teenagers from the Uruguayan countryside whose rural daily lives inspire them to embrace the challenge of building a better future for all. Imagine having no cell phone but learning to assemble and program a robot. Imagine walking or biking three hours to school, then staying an additional three hours to brainstorm robotic solutions to local flooding. The film documents the journeys of two teams from such humble origins that vie for glory against 70 other squads in the first robotics competition ever held in Latin America. The collaboration, commitment, national pride, and creative spark these kids share will lift your heart and inspire you. Ages 10 + COST: FREE
MUSIC THIS WEEKGo to KEPT CURRENT MUSIC for show times, tickets, and future concerts.
2/7 +++ (Crosses) @ The Depot
2/7 DJ Juggy @ Downstairs
2/7 Brooke Mackintosh @ Riverhorse
2/7 Terrell Thomas & Morgen Call Duo @ The Spur
2/8 Robbie Law @ Alpine Social Aid & Pleasure Club
2/8 Dan Weldon @ Riverhorse
2/8 Matthew Bashaw @ Silver Star Cafe
2/8 The Lone Bellow @ The Egyptian Theatre
2/8 Cosmic Hootenanny @ The Commonwealth Room
2/8 Shannon Runyon Duo & Dueling Pianos @ The Spur
2/8 Nate Smith @ The Complex
2/8 DJ Dolph @ Downstairs
2/9 David Quackenbush @ Snowbasin
2/9 Simply B @ Apres Pendry
2/9 Angie Petty @ RIverhorse
2/9 Wildflowers @ The Stateroom
2/9 Mister Sister Trio @ Silver Star Cafe
2/9 The Lone Bellow @ Egyptian Theatre
2/9 Soja @ The Complex
2/9 Scott Foster & Los Hellcaminos @ The Spur
2/9 Lavelle Dupree @ Downstairs
2/10 DJ My Guy @ Canyons Village
2/10 Cherry Thomas @ Snowbasin
2/10 Ryan Innes @ Apres Pendry
2/10 Wilderado @ PCMR
2/10 Mister Sister @ Riverhorse
2/10 Magic City Hippies @ The Depot
2/10 Red Rock Hot Club @ Silver Star Cafe
2/10 Lil Skies @ The Complex
2/10 THe Lone Bellow @ Egyptian Theatre
2/10 Night Lovell @ The Complex
2/10 Miss DJ Lux & Hardy Brothers @ The Spur
2/10 Nathan Spenser & His Band @ The Notch
2/10 Big Richard @ The Commonwealth Room
2/10 Dreamers Delight @ The Cabin
2/10 DJ Crooked @ Downstairs
2/11 Rick Gerber @ Apres Pendry
2/11 Nate Robinson @ Riverhorse
2/11 Ian McIver & Dueling Pianos @ The Spur
2/11 DJ Dirty Dave @ Downstairs
2/12 Tucker Eschmeyer @ Riverhorse
2/12 Cory Wong featuring Monica Martin @ The Depot
2/12 Sarah Hakes & Daniel Torriente @ The Spur
2/13 Kate Chanson @ State Road Tavern
2/13 Ryan Innes @ Riverhorse
2/13 Haken @ The Depot
2/13 Sydnie Keddington & Brennan Hansen Duo
2/14 Randy Moser @ State Road Tavern
2/14 Tucker Eschmeyer @ Riverhorse
2/14 Bailey Zimmerman @ The Complex
2/14 Aspen Anonda & Moren Call Duo @ The Spur
2/14 Kitchen Dwellers @ The Commonwealth Room
2/14 Industry Night w/ DJ Juggy @ Downstairs
Leadership 101: Charting Our Community's Future Friday, February 9 from 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Leadership 101 is an insightful and comprehensive program tailored for busy citizens, local employees, and community leaders eager to understand the inner workings of their community. This deep-dive initiative offers valuable knowledge about local operations and roles, empowering participants to be more informed and actively engaged in the ever-evolving dynamics of their community. It's an ideal resource for those looking to make a meaningful impact locally.
I'll be here with my Leadership Class 30. Come say hi![GET TICKETS](
VDay Candy-Crush Floral Arrangement Thursday, February 8, @ 4:00 PM Flower enthusiasts are invited to an arranging session where you can create your own petal-filled masterpiece. You will be supplied with an array of beautiful blooms, a stylish vase, and all necessary materials, complemented by sips and chocolates. Each attendee gets to create and take home their own beautiful arrangement. Hurry, as spots for this blooming experience are limited.GET TICKETS
Dr. Wendy Troxel, Ph.D. Sleep Well to Live Well Thursday, February 8, @ 7:00 PM
Don't miss Dr. Wendy Troxel, an internationally acclaimed sleep expert and author, as she sheds light on the essential role of sleep in our lives. In her talk, Dr. Troxel will reveal practical and research-backed strategies to enhance both the quantity and quality of your sleep. She'll tackle common sleep questions and highlight how good sleep is crucial for health, well-being, and productivity. This is a chance to learn small but impactful steps to improve your overall sleep health.GET TICKETS📷
Matt Flint: Pentimento @ Gallery MAR Friday, February 9, from 6:00 PM -9:00 PM
"Pentimento," a captivating solo exhibition by the exceptionally gifted Matt Flint, showcases his exploration of the art term "pentimento." This concept reveals the visible traces of a painting's earlier layers or alterations. Flint's work masterfully embodies this, with each canvas unveiling the intricate journey of its creation. The layers beneath subtly emerge, creating rich textures and complex compositions. Attendees can immerse themselves in the narrative of each piece, complemented by live music and light refreshments. COST: FREE
Happily Ever After with Rom-Com Author Tessa Bailey VIA ZOOM w/ Summit County Library Thursday, February 8 @ 6:00 PM
Meet Tessa Bailey, #1 New York Times bestselling author, as she launches her steamy sports romance, "Fangirl Down." Dive into the tale of a fallen golfer and his number one fan, blending love, challenge, and redemption. Discover Bailey's captivating storytelling at this not-to-be-missed event.
Ferrari @ Park City Film February 9 - 11 Fri & Sat @ 7:00 PM / Sun @ 6:00 PM
“Ferrari” is set during the summer of 1957. Behind the spectacle and danger of 1950’s Formula 1, ex-racer, Enzo Ferrari, is in crisis. Bankruptcy stalks the company he and his wife, Laura, built from nothing ten years earlier. Their tempestuous marriage struggles with the mourning for their one son. Ferrari struggles with the acknowledgement of another. His drivers’ lust to win pushes them out to the edge. He wagers all in a roll of the dice on one race, the treacherous 1,000-mile race across Italy, the iconic Mille Miglia.
Starring Adam Driver, Penélope Cruz, Patrick Dempsey and Shailene Woodley.
submitted by KeptCurrent to ParkCity [link] [comments]

2024.02.02 11:02 TREV-THOM Max Kay's TASM 3 script & concept art...

Max Kay's TASM 3 script & concept art...
So unlike some users on here (thinking of one in particular who shall live in infamy), I'm not operating under the delusion that the current SSU line-up is secretly a continuation of the TASM duo, even if that's what I would personally want. I don't think Andrew is coming back in anything Sony related till we officially hear otherwise. His happiest experience with playing Spidey was with Disney on NWH.
That said, I've decided to accept a very solid fan effort by an individual known as Max Kay, (which takes the form of the shared concept art & linked script), as my head-canon TASM 3.
It's a surprisingly professionally written script that, had I had any say in Sony's decision making post-TASM 2, I would've absolutely greenlit as the sequel.
Kay's TASM 3 delivers on TASM 2's Sinister Six tease, but instead of spending time introducing new characters like Kraven & Mysterio, Kay wisely assembles the majority of the Six from elements we were already introduced to, upgrading Rhino's suit, resurrecting Electro (now a puppet essentially), putting Felicia Hardy into the Black Cat persona, breaking Harry out of Ravencroft, & creating a surprise reveal for The Gentleman character that's actually brilliant, & again, saves time by not introducing a whole new character.
Really our only brand new additions are Adrian Toomes/Vulture & Mary Jane Watson. The former is written with Christopher Lloyd in mind, & humorously the character tries to introduce himself as "The Eagle", but keeps on being mistaken as a Vulture by various characters throughout the script. And instead of Shailene Woodley, the script envisions Lily James in the part of MJ.
Instead of a full blown romance, Peter & Mary Jane's interactions start off as an awkward matchmaking scheme by their Aunts, but they gradually develop a friendship, with a tease of their destined future suggested by script's end.
Kay's main goal was to tie-up as many loose ends from the previous films as possible, completing their personal experience with the TASM films. This includes a wonderful send-off for Curt Connors/The Lizard, Aunt May confirming her suspicions about Peter, & even Peter finding Uncle Ben's killer.
Other great highlights from the script:
Peter diving fully into the Spider-Man persona, blaming himself for Gwen's death, culminating in a wonderful nightmare mirroring the Spidey on the side of a building moment from TASM 1, looking at his reflection in the glass, only to tear away the mask & find nothing underneath, a consequence of his neglecting his life as Peter.
Peter helping the remaining members of the Stacy family move out of their apartment, a touching moment showing that despite the tragedy, there's no estrangement between the Stacys & Peter.
Taking place at Christmas time, & J. Jonah Jameson wearing a Santa hat. (likely still played by J.K. Simmons)
A Stan Lee cameo & expanded role for The Gentleman that would've only worked if this had been made in 2016, given the deaths of Stan & Michael Massee.
In all, well worth a read for TASM fans who want a conclusion to the throughline of the films without getting lost in the weeds of cinematic universe building, which could've came after. Check out the script below:
submitted by TREV-THOM to SUMC [link] [comments]

2024.01.29 09:10 elonmuskatemyson Do you have an insatiable craving for more TD4 akin content?

Fargo - A classic! 90s comedy murder mystery drama - MAX
Fargo - No relation to the movie, a murdecrime anthology tv series but also taking place in frozen Fargo, stacked casts and excellent storylines - FX/HULU
The Valhalla Murders - serial killer murder mystery 8 episode limited series taking place in Iceland, watch with subtitles and not the dub, dub is bad lol - NETFLIX
Insomnia - great Al Pacino/Robin Williams murder mystery, opposite of TD4, in this winter scape crime thriller the sun never sets - PARAMOUNT PLUS/RENT on Prime
Wind River - great movie (and sad/tragic and something that happens to indigenous women) with Elizabeth Olsen investigating a SA crime/murder on a frozen Native American reservation - FREEVEE/RENT on Prime
Whiteout - a poorly made 2000s murder mystery in Antarctica - MAX
The Snowman - a poorly executed murder mystery/thriller taking place in Sweden (I think?) - NETFLIX
Black Mountain Side - archeologist uncover a strange structure in frozen northern Canada. ThrilleMystery/Horror - FREEVEE/ROKU/PRIME
Underwater - not in a winter scape but has a similar plot: scientists accidentally discovering terrifying fill in the blank in a remote nearly inescapable lab. A horrosci-fi flick - HULU
To Catch a Killer - (2023) serial killer murder mystery taking place mid-winter in Baltimore with Shailene Woodley and Ben Mendelson - HULU
No Exit - stranded in a blizzard kidnap mystery thriller - HULU
The Thing - a classic! Listing for anyone who may not be familiar, sci-fi/mystery/horror 80s flick taking place in the Antarctica (there’s a remake from 2011 that is not very good watch the 80s version) - Rent on Prime
The Outsider - this is a pretty scary and baffling murder mystery limited series, it’s not a winter scape but akin in the level of spookiness and more Ben Mendelson content - MAX
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty - this is a great funny feel good adventure that only partially takes place in a winter scape but is really fun! - RENT on prime
Full Circle - Documentary about tragic winter sports accident that leads to inspiring journey about being disabled and still pursuing your dreams - NETFLIX
The Day After Tomorrow - stranded in NYC when a sudden new ice age begins to take over the world. Sci-fi/action/adventure - RENT on prime
The Lake at the Bottom of the World - documentary about scientists trying to get to a lake 3500 feet below the ice to learn about the origins of life and climate change - PRIME
Into the Wild - another classic, doesn’t completely take place in a winter scape, based on a true story of a feel good adventure to go live in the Alaska wilderness - RENT on Prime
Society of the Snow - new award nominee drama based on a true story of a rugby team’s plane that crashes into a mountain glacier - NETFLIX
EVEREST - you can guess what this survival drama/adventure is about - PEACOCK
The Revenant - period piece winter survival/revenge drama with DiCaprio - RENT on prime
The Grey - stranded in the Alaskan wilderness from a plane crash Liam Neeson basically takes on a pack of wolves thrilledrama/action - MAX
Arctic - A drama like The Grey but with a different lead and in the arctic - NETFLIX
Frozen - A dumb 2010 thriller, not the Disney movie, where friends get stranded on a ski lift in dangerous freezing temps at a resort that’s closed for the weekend - FREEVEE/ROKU/PRIME
Buried - Documentary about a deadly avalanche in the 80s at a Utah ski resort - NETFLIX
Visual/aesthetic list available here on my Letterboxd (add me!)
submitted by elonmuskatemyson to TrueDetective [link] [comments]

2024.01.14 22:57 jobsinanywhere Stan Reveals Premiere Date for Three Women Starring Shailene Woodley and Betty Gilpin

Stan Reveals Premiere Date for Three Women Starring Shailene Woodley and Betty Gilpin submitted by jobsinanywhere to newslive [link] [comments]

2024.01.10 12:17 Jhonjournalist Angela Bassett and Many Others in the 14th Annual Governors Awards

Angela Bassett and Many Others in the 14th Annual Governors Awards

  • The entertainer was joined by her family on the honorary pathway.
  • Her significant other, Courtney B. Vance, wore a dark velvet tuxedo with a dark glossy silk tie and a fleece speculator cap.
In the wake of being deferred because of the strikes, the fourteenth Yearly Lead Representatives Grants occurred in LA to distribute the privileged Oscars.
Angela Bassett, Mel Streams, and Ditty Littleton got privileged Oscars, while Michelle Satter was regarded with the Jean Hersholt Compassionate Honor.

14th Annual Governor Awards

The celebration at the Beam Dolby Assembly Hall at Applause Hollywood was attended by numerous Hollywood stars, including Margot Robbie, Ayo Edebiri, Julianne Moore, Natalie Portman, Jurnee Smollett, Charles Melton, Barry Keoghan, Eugenio Derbez, Gael García Bernal, Claire Foy, Cailee Spaeny, Lily Gladstone, Leonardo DiCaprio, Robert Downey Jr., Cillian Murphy, Florence Pugh and Taraji P. Henson.
Different VIPs who showed up at the occasion included Shailene Woodley, Olivia Munn, Rita Wilson, Tom Hanks, Emily Obtuse, Emma Stone, Olivia Rodrigo, Eva Longoria, David Oyelow, Imprint Ruffalo, Ariana DeBose, Penelope Cruz, among numerous others.
Angela Bassett hit the honorary pathway on Tuesday to accept her privileged Oscar in an honor commendable look.
The entertainer, 65, shone in a Dolce and Gabbana naked tulle dress. The Dark Jaguar: Wakanda Always star’s mermaid outline was encrusted with precious stones from her neck to the dress’ stitch. The sleeveless look was made with a deception tulle that incorporated an ombre impact made by the gems.
Several kid twins, Bronwyn Brilliant, and Slater Josiah matched their dad in every single dark outfit — giving their mom her opportunity to excel! Slater presented in a smooth dark patent calfskin suit that incorporated a weak padded design. He finished his look with a dark tie.
Bronwyn wore a decorated dark A-line dress that incorporated a dark beading and white gems. Her look was finished off with a gem-encrusted miniature dark sack and silver circle studs.
Learn More:
submitted by Jhonjournalist to u/Jhonjournalist [link] [comments]

2024.01.06 14:03 RallySallyBear PSA: Don’t see the Ferrari movie. This is your trigger warning.

Came back just to share this despite saying I’d absent myself from the sub for the month (going well so far!)
1) it’s… not good. Just so much about it is a mess - let’s start with, why is Adam Driver playing a 60 year old man? Shailene Woodley a minor part of an Italian woman? Patrick Dempsey’s accent - why? I know Dempsey loves racing but it is such a poor choice when the part is so minor! Cast anyone else! Why is the score so bad, randomly cutting off but for no real effect? And the dialogue??? Anyone who said this is one of the best movies of 2023 is being delusionally swayed by the strength of the cast based on their prior work - but it’s just made me question if Adam Driver is talented, or just tall. But more importantly… 2) in terms of triggering the betrayed, it’s worse than Oppenheimer, IMO - it’s Penelope Cruz’s entire story line, finding out how deeply she’s been betrayed by not just her husband, but her entire town … like it’s literally 50/50 in terms of “affair and betrayal” versus “zoom zoom race cars!”
(Also at least Oppenheimer was good - I actually found it quite beautiful despite those affair-laden moments. For me those twinges of pain were worth it - Ferrari is not, not only because it’s bad but because the affair content is way too much)
ETA: Penelope Cruz is a great angry wife
submitted by RallySallyBear to AsOneAfterInfidelity [link] [comments]