Coloring rubric

We tested 12 self-tanners and one was immaculate

2024.05.31 19:40 reviewedexperts We tested 12 self-tanners and one was immaculate

We tested 12 self-tanners and one was immaculate
We tested 12 of the best self-tanners and have some immediate favorites. While three ended up receiving our Editors’ Choice awards, only one came back from testing with an immaculate score.
Everything we recommend has been independently tested and recommended based on that testing. Our links may earn us commission to help us continue to test and recommend products.

Editors’ Choice self-tanners

The Bali Body Self Tanning Mousse won our Best Overall spot for its smooth application, natural-looking tan, and non-blotchy fading.
Bali Body Self Tanning Mousse
This was all “pro" and no “con" when we tested it, and we consider Bali Body Self Tanning Mousse to be the best overall self-tanner. It checked all the boxes, from being easy to apply to having long-lasting effects. The tan color is beautiful and, when it started to fade, it faded evenly.
Our tester was impressed with Bali Body’s “color guard” feature, which gives a gentle tint to skin where it’s been applied. It comes in two shades and you have extra control by choosing how long to leave the solution on.
Buy it at ULTA Beauty
The L’Oréal Paris Sublime Bronze Self-Tanning Mousse is our Best Value pick because it offers a smooth application and natural-looking color at a fraction of the price of the Best Overall.
L'Oréal Paris Sublime Bronze Self-Tanning Water Mousse
We look at L'Oréal Paris Sublime Bronze Self-Tanning Water Mousse as the best value we’ve seen. The only reason it doesn’t share a top spot with Bali Body is because it doesn’t have the same color guard feature to help guide us in applying it evenly. The tan from this is kind of understated, which is helpful to know because it’s only available in one tone.
We did notice the tan looked a bit blotchy when developing, but the next day it had cleaned up and was much more natural-looking.
Buy it at Amazon
The Clarins Self-Tanning Instant Gel earned a Best for Beginner spot because of its easy-to-apply gel formula and subtle color.
Clarins Self Tanning Instant Gel
Clarins turned out to be our favorite self-tanner for beginners. The application process is about as simple as it gets, it’s forgiving on the skin, and it fades evenly. The texture feels much like a body lotion and application happens fast enough that you don’t need a protective mitt or a backdrop of experience to do a good job at applying.
The aroma is something to call out, too. It’s floral and enjoyable.
The instructions guide you to wait until it dries, but it still felt somewhat tacky after 30 minutes. We’d recommend waiting a bit longer before touching any of your clothes to it.
Buy it at CLARINS

Self-tanner honorable mentions

Two other self-tanners we tested ended up on our top-five list, but had some minor drawbacks:
The Coco & Eve Sunny Honey Bali Bronzing Self Tanner Mousse earned our Best Shade Range spot for its decent shade range.
Coco & Eve Sunny Honey Bali Bronzing Foam
  • Pros: Great tan color, long-lasting, and fades evenly.
  • Cons: The scent is very strong.
Buy it at Amazon
The St. Tropez Self Tan Classic Bronzing Mousse earned our Best Scent spot for its pleasant, floral fragrance.
St. Tropez Self Tan Classic Bronzing Mousse
  • Pros: Gives you a natural-looking tan color, coats evenly in hard-to-reach areas, and has a great scent.
  • Cons: The shade range is limited.
Buy it at Amazon

Other self-tanners we tested

We tested 12 separate self-tanners as a part of this process. The other tanning options we spent time with were:
Read more on our site if you’d like an in-depth look at each of these.

How we test self-tanners

The author's arm with swatches of the Clarins (left), L'Oréal (center), and Bali Body (right) self-tanners.
Jessica, a former beauty editor at Reviewed, has tested everything from skincare and makeup products to hair and beauty. When testing self-tanner products, she started by picking which to test, opting for the 12 products ranked highest by customer reviews.
After that, Jessica did small application tests. For those, she applied products to her legs—specifically, one product per leg. She waited until they faded enough for the application of a new product and worked her way through all 12.
The four top-performing self-tanners then went on to full-body tests. For those tests, Jessica followed a rubric created by Reviewed’s laboratory team of scientists. That rubric assigned weighted scores for each product's:
  • Shade range
  • Application experience
  • Wear quality
  • Longevity
  • Scent
  • Staining of clothes and bedding

About this self-tanner post

This post was adapted by Ben Garves from The best self-tanners of 2024, originally written by Jessica Kasparian. Photography is courtesy of Reviewed, Clarins, Bali Body, Coco & Eve, St. Tropez, L'Oréal Paris, Jessica Kasparian, and Marissa Bracker.
Reviewed's mission is to help you buy the best stuff and get the most out of what you already own. Our team of product experts thoroughly vests every product we recommend helping you cut through the clutter and find what you need.

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2024.05.30 17:27 StAnselmsProof Disorder and Confusion Everywhere: A Rubric for Navigating Our Over-Production of Scripture

For a fun trip down memory lane, in 1961, the prophet of the church said this:
We will never get a man into space. This earth is man’s sphere and it was never intended that he should get away from it. . . . The moon is a superior planet to the earth, and it was never intended that man should go there. You can write it down in your book that this will never happen.
That's a firm declaration by a living prophet. Now, a good many passages of our canonized scripture could be read as teaching the saints that this statement should be regarded as the words of Jesus Christ.
Whether by my own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same
His word shall ye receive as if from my own mouth.
Eight years later, NASA demonstrated that these were not the words of Christ.
Of course, it is easy to brush this away as one prophet interpreting our existing scripture and not receiving revelation, etc., etc., and therefore this embarrassing failure does not demonstrate a lack of prophetic authority/capability but merely a lack of judgment in interpreting scripture.
That's fine, as far as it goes.
The Over-Production Problem
But what about the Saints in 1961? How should they have received those words? How could they have known in the moment in 1961 that this statement was not a prophecy, was not a revelation?
Given our belief in ongoing revelation at all levels of our organization, both official and unofficial, as a church, a culture, as a people, as individuals, we produce a lot of words that could plausibly be categorized as "scripture". A few years ago, for example, a young womens president in my ward was receiving revelations for the young women within her stewardship. She would write them down and give them to the young women. I read a few of them. They certainly sounded revelatory, at least as revelatory as your average patriarchal blessing, and in some cases sounded an awful lot like some of the narrative passages in the D&C. That poor bishop--he felt like something improper was going on, but had trouble articulating how or why what she was doing was violating church protocol. What would you have advised him?
As a people and as individuals, we sorely lack a rubric for sorting the revelatory wheat from the chaff, to borrow a metaphor from the greatest. Doing so in hindsight only is not sufficient. The question each of us must answer must be answered in the present moment, in a moment in which the future is not known.
StA's Rubric
I apply a fairly legalistic approach to scripture--i.e., which of the many utterances by prophets and apostles should be regarded as authoritative at all, and which are more authoritative within that set:
  1. Our canonized scripture is the most authoritative body of scripture, even more authoritative than non-canonized words of living prophets.
  2. Within our canon, (a) words attributed directly to God the Father are the most authoritative, (b) followed by words attributed to Jesus Christ, (c) followed by prophetic statements that are not attributed to deity.
  3. Within our canon, with regard to (c), a prophet speaking in his core mission is more authoritative than a prophet speaking outside his core mission.
  4. Outside of our canon, no prophetic statement is scripture or revelation, unless it is specifically identified by the prophet as such.
  5. Current prophets only take priority of canonized scripture if (1) their words are canonized or (2) their words are specifically identified to the church as revelation that takes priority over and alters the words of canonized scripture.
  6. Other teachings, declarations, prognostications are useful, helpful, informative, but need not be considered revelatory.
  7. Notwithstanding, these teachings, declarations, prognostications are authoritative for purposes of administering the church.
I realize this approach narrows the scope of revelatory, prophetic statements substantially over what is commonly understood. But I think it is appropriate for the following reasons:
  1. God's house is house of order. When every prophetic statement is taken as potentially revelatory, we don't have order, we have chaos and confusion. Men on the moon, Adam God, priesthood for black people or not, two earrings or not, etc. Disorder and confusion.
  2. Our prophets know what revelations look like--they've read them and studied them their entire lives. I'm confident that when they receive such a revelation, they will tell us.
  3. This approach is eminently useful. Give it a try sometimes.
Example: The Family Proclamation
Try my approach on for size--it makes it a lot easier to navigate the flood of possible revelation.
Applying my approach, the Family Proclamation would not be viewed as a revelatory document. It is useful, helpful, and informative as to how our leaders think about our canon and God's will for families. But it is not a revelatory document. It is not an expression of the word and will of God in the way that, say, D&C 132 is an expression of the word and will of God.
It may be correct about gender and gender roles, for example, and it may not be. No doubt, I give a lot of deference to our prophets and apostles in correctly interpreting and applying our canon. (I happen to think they are correct on these questions based on our existing canon) Moreover, the FP is certainly authoritative for purposes of administering the church. And even if I disagreed with them on substance, I would defer to them for purposes of church administration.
But my approach also prepares me for the day (if it ever happens) that aspects of the FP will be changed. My faith won't be shaken in our prophets ability to reveal the will of God because I never thought the FP was the will of God.
Example: The Polygamy Declaration
This is an interesting case, because many church leaders thought at the time that the priesthood restriction had been imposed by Joseph Smith; it occurred prior to our canonization process; and, as a result, had the effect of potentially reversing a revelatory action undertaken by Joseph Smith. So, it fits well within my rubric. Here's the money quote:
He has heard our prayers, and by revelation has confirmed that the long-promised day has come when every faithful, worthy man in the Church may receive the holy priesthood, with power to exercise its divine authority, and enjoy with his loved ones every blessing that flows therefrom, including the blessings of the temple. Accordingly, all worthy male members of the Church may be ordained to the priesthood without regard for race or color.
This is a perfect example of principle 5 of my rubric. Specifically identified to the church as revelation that overrules prior prophets. Perfect execution. Perfect clarity and order.
submitted by StAnselmsProof to LatterDayTheology [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 19:26 Diabetocles Casual player feeling really conflicted about Tzaangors. Looking for some opinions.

Hi everyone, I'm a new-ish player and TSons are my first army. I've had a blast this past year working and painting my way up to 2000 points.
So far I've pretty much made purchases based on Rule of Cool and aesthetics, I've come up with a custom color scheme for my space wizard army and in my opinion they look absolutely sick. How they look on the tabletop is really important to me.
Right now I have:
Infernal Master
Ex Sorc on Disc
Ex Sorc
Regualr Sorc
Daemon Prince on foot
30 Rubrics
Chaos Spawn
It totals up to just over 2000 points with enhancements but now I feel I'm really lacking some cheap, expendable units to hold my backfield, score secondaries, or push forward to protect my rubrics which brings me to my dilemma.
Tzaangors just really bum me out. It's not their datasheets, I think their rules are totally fine and I'm not that competitive of a player, it's just that I feel their aesthetic doesn't match the rest of my army at all! They're so clearly fantasy models that don't look right in a sci-fi setting. The Enlightened are even worse, I mean bows and arrows in the 41st Millennium is a little ridiculous to me.
Cultists are another option I know but I have a similar problem with their models too. Their models just wouldn't look right in my army and I've yet to find any proxies I like for them or tzaangors. I'm also curious if anyone thinks it's worth waiting for our codex release to see what new models we might get and if this problem will resolve itself.
Maybe I'm just being picky and I should suck it up and buy some damn goat-men but I would love to hear some opinions from anyone who values aesthetics as much as, if not more than, having a super competitive list.
Thank you in advance everyone!
submitted by Diabetocles to ThousandSons [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 10:33 Vezimira [TSunday] Thousand Sons Symbols

It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I thought I’d covered about everything there was to cover about the Thousand Sons, but I had some ideas recently that I could spin into topics people might be interested in. By the way, how long did it take you to realize that the old Thousand Sons color scheme - red and white - was taken from the crown of Egypt, same as the new one? It took me five years, and I feel stupid. Anyway, on to the topic of the day, which is Thousand Sons symbolism.

The Ouroboros
This entire thing began when I tried to precisely source the Thousand Sons ouroboros. Where did it come from? Lorewise, the old Thousand Sons symbol was very similar to it, and they’re sometimes still overlaid; it was referred to as the serpentine sun across the works of McNeill (A Thousand Sons, Crimson King) and French (the Ahriman saga). The first mention of the ouroboros itself chronologically appears in M32, in the second Ahriman book, though the first book has no mention of the snake, only the serpentine sun. This pertains specifically to Ahriman’s exile warband, but there is no mention of the sigil’s inscription when Ahriman changed the color of Amon’s armor from red to blue; the sigil is simply observed later by another party, and it is mentioned again in the collected stories of Ctesias in Ahriman: Exodus. This means that, like with the color, the sigil was adopted independently by the two factions, Ahriman’s and Magnus’; I should note that Battle of the Fang, which takes place roughly at the same time with Magnus’ faction, makes no mention of the symbol.
Now, what’s the deal with it, then?
I’m afraid the answer is going to be a little disappointing. Since, as far as I know, there’s no in-book explanation of why exactly it was adopted, we have to look at out-of-character explanations. Like with the color scheme, the old symbol - the sun - was added retroactively, and was specifically made to resemble the original ouroboros so that there would be some lore continuity. The ouroboros itself appeared along with the oooldest mentions of Tzeentch, and is listed as a Tzeentchian symbol in Slaves to Darkness from 1990. Serpentine symbols in general are co-oped by Tzeentch, and the books of McNeill and French lean heavily into describing the old symbol as serpentine to convey the similarity.
But why did they pick the ouroboros specifically back then?
Well, we know that the Thousand Sons are predominantly Egypt-themed, and the earliest depictions of the serpent eating its own tail appear in ancient Egyptian iconography. In the mythology of the real world, it has generally positive interpretations of renewal and the cyclical nature of things; while the brighter associations don’t work so well with the Thousand Sons, there is definitely a theme of cyclicality, repeating one’s mistakes, dark renewal (the Rubric) and the inevitability of fate.
Note: Khayon mentions an ouroboros, though not in a Thousand Sons context. I add it mostly to note that the symbol is known under the same name in-universe.

The Sun
I touched a bit on the Prosperine sun above and explained it is a symbol added retroactively to resemble the ouroboros and ultimately develop into it. A Thousand Sons grounds it in Prosperine culture, which is inspired by Egyptian culture, which considered the sun a god and of great importance. One notable thing worth mentioning is that it is frequently (if not always) described as serpentine as (I assume) foreshadowing.

Aesthetic Egyptian symbols
The Thousand Sons carry a lot of Egyptian symbols on them, and the majority of them seem to be there solely for the aesthetic. While snakes and birds have some connection to Tzeentch, the same cannot be said about the ubiquitous scarabs, khopeshes or the muchly-beloved Eye of Horus eyeliner.
Note: Sometimes, the eyeliner is described as tear-shaped, perhaps to reflect the tragedy of the Thousand Sons.

Color scheme
Both the old and the new colors of the Thousand Sons are taken from Egypt and I'm not sure if explaining Egyptian color associations has much merit here, since the colors appear to have been taken solely to support the aesthetic. There are two basic, notable things though; besides the whole wow Egyptian aesthetic cool thing, we know in that in lore the red was adopted because of Magnus (a change made from the original Millennium color scheme, which was beige, orange and blue) and while the reasoning for the blue change isn’t explicitly stated, we know that blue is the color of Tzeentch.
Note: You will notice that there is a lot of bright green present on the new Thousand Sons, especially in their eyes, gemstones and magical details. This is because warpfire is green; pink also sometimes appears, and has been mentioned at least once to be the color of the mutating flame of Tzeentch.

The Trim
While painting your minis, you have undoubtedly noticed the feared TRIM. Thousand Sons armor is ornate and the golden trim is a large part of that, and if you look closer, you’ll notice that the patterns are deliberate; in many cases, the trim is stylized to look like flames licking the surrounding armor. Fire is present in a lot of Thousand Sons iconography, and is meant to represent the flames of Tzeentch.

Birds and bird skulls
Bird symbols are present nearly everywhere on the Thousand Sons, from the mouths of their guns to the ornaments of their power packs to the symbols and thought-forms of the Cults. Birds in general are associated with Tzeentch, and with the Thousand Sons being a Tzeentchian legion, this one’s an easy connection to make. Or maybe it’s just that birds look good on anything; after all, even the Imperium felt inclined to adopt Kairos Fateweaver as their symbol, hm?

Some of the new Cults’ symbols are eyes. Sometimes, the gemstones on Thousand Sons armor become eyeballs. Sometimes, sorcerers sprout new eyes. Generally speaking, this is a Tzeentch thing, and represents the god’s domain of secrets, hidden sight and magic.
Note: Why is that the Eye of Horus isn't a symbol of the Egyptian legion? Why is it that the primarch called Horus is not the primarch of the Egyptian legion? Yes, I am still mad about it.

The Number Nine
9 is a sacred number to the Thousand Sons and is mentioned frequently; in lore, it is the number of Tzeentch. The association is simple, but oftentimes characters will try to explain it through parallels to real life mysticism; Magnus himself makes a mention of the orders of angels and the Egyptian Ennead, a pantheon of nine gods worshipped at Heliopolis. If you want to know more, google Ennead Seth Horus and go to images, you'll find a veritable stash of knowledge :)

The New Cults’ sigils
Six of the new Cults’ symbols are variations of the symbol of Tzeentch. The remaining three are stylized eyes, which are explained above.

Other symbols
A lot of what we see on the tabards of the Thousand Sons and sometimes elsewhere is the Dark Tongue, but I made an entirely separate topic about that.

Sources: A Thousand Sons, Black Legion, The Lost and the Damned, Warzone Fenris: Wrath of Magnus, The Ahriman saga, TS codex 8&9

Next topic will probably revolve around everyone's favorite eeby tzeebies, the Tzaangors.

If you want to read more about the Thousand Sons, here's the TSunday series:
In addition to the occasional bonus side posts:
And lastly, there were some fun/interesting/important book excerpt posts:
Happy reading!
submitted by Vezimira to 40kLore [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 06:55 TheMuffinManDrury Trying out some Rubric Marines Looking for Tips

Hello, I'm a long time youtube watcher, short time player. I tried out Deathwatch a bit and enjoyed it, but got entirely seduced by the TSons color scheme and models. (my favorite part of painting so far has been doing metallic trim like Aquilas or DW pads) I jumped the gun a bit and bought a box of rubric marines.
I was wondering how I should build them if I wanted to branch out into the army for the future? I'd like to ideally build for 500-1000 points then build up later.
My main concern is weapon wise, Inferno Bolter vs Warp Flamer since I see a lot of arguments back and forth. I'll probably build the aspiring sorcerer with a plasma pistol from what I saw.
I want to make sure I enjoy painting TSons from the first box before I heavily invest too much, but I want to make sure I can put a lot of effort into these units without needing to redo their arms later or buy another box. (So far my noob friendly painting plan (Using paints I already have) is to prime in sprue in Wraithbone, color in the yellow with imperial fist yellow, then follow up with TSons blue and then Retributor gold trim & runefang steel for the metal bits like the vents. Shade with either Agrax Earth or Nuln Oil & maybe figure out highlights later)
Was curious about opinions especially on the wargear issue or painting scheme. I've seen most people priming in gold to make life easier ,but I think it'll be okay priming in Wraithbone. I do use GW paints (even as priced as they are) to support my local store as thats where I tend to hang out ,but do want to limit the amounts I use. (I have the starter box paints as well as those mentioned above as my brother got the starter set.)
It may be worth mentioning I'm not super interested in the chaos side of TSons, I more favor the marine/sorcerer side (and Magnus) so your classic rubrics, scarrabs, exalted ect. I've heard thats the best part current so I do feel a bit lucky.
submitted by TheMuffinManDrury to ThousandSons [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 11:06 Blackunio Problem with snowy bases

Problem with snowy bases
Hey lads, I have an issue with my base. I tried to do some snowy effect on my rubric. But I really dislike how it turned out. Do you have any advice on what it lacks? Or what it has too much? I think the stone looks okay (strange thing to say) But I think either there are too many colors, or wrong colors. Something's off. I will appreciate any advice. Have a great day <3
submitted by Blackunio to Warhammer40k [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 04:25 Firm_Swan_1249 Final Semester Nightmare

Throwaway for obvious reasons.
tl;dr: Preparing for academic war against a hostile professor.
The Preface (a bit of background about me):
I am a perfect GPA student with over 150+ (quite a bit more, actually) credits to my name.
I have never made below an A before and have had professors from many different colleges and three separate universities.
I have suffered multiple life-struggling events throughout my academic career, but I have never let them define or impact my desire to succeed and deliver regarding grades and studying.
I have won many awards, made personal connections with many outstanding professors, and been granted scholarship after scholarship.
I know what success and dedication looks like and what an excellent educator looks like.
The Situation:
My final semester just ended, and for the first time in my entire academic career, I am now facing the possibility of a failing grade, which would require an additional semester.
Why, might you ask, did I receive a failing grade after having taken 60+ classes before that succeeded? I finally had that one professor. The one professor we all dread and hope never to meet again.
I have been very gracious to have had primarily fantastic (the rest average) professors during my academic life.
This professor was different. A new hire, one who had jumped between universities before landing on mine two semesters ago. I have no idea why the department ever hired him.
I’ll give a couple of problems: - Waste half the class time to reiterate the same statements made from the last class. - Lack of competence in the area being taught - Keeps topics at a high level and never truly explains them to students - Never correctly understands or answers the actual question from students - Assigns homework that requires you to know the topic in-depth, forcing students to learn from other resources (such as a different professor) - Refuses to explain material during office hours, brushes off questions
Now, the most crucial part… the final project.
For the professors reading this, I am genuinely curious to see and hear your viewpoint on the following list.
Have you ever considered it appropriate to:
  1. State on your rubric # of minutes for the presentation and # of minutes for Q&A, but go well over the # of minutes for Q&A?
  2. Berate (you should have done, why didn’t you do?), Shame (that’s not right, this isn’t correct), or Laugh at student project presentations when conducting Q&A? Especially when they’re in front of a class of 40-something students?
  3. Continue to criticize, degrade, and question even after one group states they went to a colleague who said their project looked fine?
  4. Target specific groups by asking questions of varying difficulty levels? Nothing wrong with giving your favorites easy questions, right?
  5. Having no uniform question base set asked to every group.
  6. Target specific individuals within groups presenting by asking them to answer only (rudely and condescendingly)—when that was never in the rubric.
  7. Start late and end later than the registered official time for the final presentations by the registrar?
The Current:
I am now in the process of filing formal complaints and appeals because I genuinely love my department and university. I want to see my university thrive, but I don’t see that happening when it allows inept and discriminatory professors into the system.
Side Highlight Extras
I’ll update here with how it goes! Btw obviously no advice needed, I’m definitely going through the appropriate pathway and have guidance.
submitted by Firm_Swan_1249 to CollegeRant [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 14:00 KindMoose1499 What color is rubrics dust in the lore?

submitted by KindMoose1499 to ThousandSons [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 18:53 ConnectMarionberry94 Wrote my college paper on Doja

submitted by ConnectMarionberry94 to DojaCat [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 14:16 thedumbbagle Color scheme help

I've got this idea for a warp coven kill team that in my head I'm calling the dust bunnies and my concept is I paint the sorcerer's in the discord dark mode colors and call them my server admins or discord mods instead of sorcerer's and I call the rubric marines the dust bunny's and give them like a uwu egirl discord kitten paint scheme.
For the rubrics. I know for a fact I want to use a pastel pink. dose any one have suggestion for what other colors and layout I should use.
Ps. This is a joke that im going to probably actually commit to bc the idea us hilarious to me.
submitted by thedumbbagle to ThousandSons [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 13:02 sharewithme Word of The Hour: rubrical

rubrical: colored in, or marked with, red
See tree for rubrical:
submitted by sharewithme to funwithwords [link] [comments]

2024.04.20 22:02 Duchess_Aria Love and Deepspace Protocore Guide: for late game

Love and Deepspace Protocore Guide: for late game
April 20th, 2024 - Without notifying me, the LnD mods had removed my Protocore guide because brigaders reported it for "plagiarism". I have asked the mod team what evidence was there to support this decision because I have plenty prooving the contrary, and includes all the time stamps from my previous guides that show the developmental process of my protocore guide AND a post (HERE) that addressed the previous problem I had with brigaders on my threads --- the mods had disallowed that post two weeks ago (after having a team discussion) because it would "cause drama". At that time, my Protocore guide was still up. So sometime between then and now, the mod team had silently removed it. I will try to have the original guide un-removed, but I'm unsure how successful that would be. It's been a day and I have not received a response from the mod team. So I'm leaving a copy of the original protocore guide here for anyone that needs it. HERE is the message to the LnD mod team and the party that is accusing me of plagiarism (after they have taken some of my ideas without credit). I will wait for their response.
Update April 21, 2024 - so far the only response by the mods is removing the comment above exposing the situation. Moving it to the comment section HERE for records.

Protocore Guide

Updated as of May 26th, 2024
“※” means recommendations, you can skip the details and read solely for this symbol


  • Extension of my previous team-building guide, focusing on late-game protocore builds
  • Once again, like the other guide, this guide is aimed at min-maxing and assumes that the reader will only rely on natural resources (no shop purchases, no stamina refilled with diamonds)
  • Any possible builds regarding myth pairs R2 and above will not be covered
  • All the numbers in this guide refer to SSR (legendary) protocores, but the concepts remain the same for lower-level cores
  • But we still want to avoid leveling cores that are not SSR
    • Some SR cores may be good placeholders but are not worth leveling pass +3
  • See the comment section for my personal mini-rubric on leveling requirements
  • ※DO NOT do the Onboard of +10 protocore, it is a waste of resources
  • ※Lock the protocores that you wish to keep to avoid accidentally feeding them away

==Leveling Protocores==

  • Core Exp:
    • R cores grant 100 exp
    • SR cores grant 200 exp
    • SSR cores grant 400 exp
    • For 20 stamina, running a lvl 8 Core Hunt, can reliably farm you 1000 exp
  • Leveling Cost:
    • +3 core — 1800 exp & 7200 gold
    • +6 core — 6500 exp & 26,000 gold
    • +9 core — 18,500 exp & 74,000 gold
    • +12 core — 43,000 exp & 172,000 gold
    • +13 core — 55,000 exp & 220,000 gold
    • +14 core — 69,000 exp & 276,000 gold
    • +15 core (SSR max) — 86,000 exp & 344,000 gold
It DOES NOT matter if you decompose the core first or feed it directly, any exp and gold value it will give will be the same. When exp recycling a leveled core, you will lose 20% of the exp used (i.e. leveling a +10 core will cost 25,000 exp, recycling it will only give you back 20,000 exp). The higher the level of the core, the more expensive it is to level up, but it will not give you more marginal value.
In between farming for card exp and ascension materials, players can expect to get around enough exp for one +15 core a month with natural stamina (2-3 core hunts a day, stage 8 and above). You have 3 LI x 12 cards per roster (6 dominant cards and 6 auxiliary cards for Senior Hunting Contest. Any other color cards can steal cores from other teams when doing Orbital Trials) x 2 cores per card = 72 cores = 72 months = 6 years to get one set of +15 for all your battling cards. If you change the target to +12, then it becomes 3 years, still a little long but manageable. Especially if you selectively level only the most perfect cores to +12
※Spread exp amongst your cores instead of trying to max out a single core, providing higher stat-to-exp value while lowering the cost of upgrading/exp recycling
※DO NOT go for expensive +15 cores, a team of +9 and perfect +12 cores will give you the most value

==CRIT vs Weakness vs ATK Builds==

Key Concepts
  • “DMG Boost to Weakened” only applies to enemies who can be weakened, which occurs when all of the enemy’s Protocore shields have been broken
  • “CRIT Rate” and “CRIT DMG” only apply to enemies that are NOT weakened, meaning enemies that have no Protocore shields or only partially broken shields
  • Flat “ATK” and “ATK% Bonus” will apply to weakened and non-weakened enemies
  • Stacking ATK
    • High early-mid game damage (team under and around 4000 ATK) but falls off endgame (>6000 ATK)
  • Stacking CRIT
    • Lower early-mid game value. Crit values are multipliers for your ATK, and since early teams have low ATK, Crit will not give as much value (200% Crit damage applied to 2000 ATK is just 4000 ATK, but the same 200% applied to 6,000 ATK is 12,000 ATK)
    • High endgame damage
    • Expensive to build because it needs 2 stats (Crit rate & Crit damage) to be effective, and Delta pyramids cores are hard to farm
    • Useful for certain Orbital Trial stages that are filled with tough monsters without shields
    • A good rule of thumb is to aim for a 1:2 Crit rate to Crit damage ratio. I.e. if your Crit rate is 40%, your Crit damage should be around 180% (40%*2+100% base damage)
  • Stacking WEAKNESS
    • Same as Crit, with lower early-mid game value but high endgame damage
    • Also expensive to build, but a little cheaper than CRIT due to not needing 2 stats
    • Useful for Senior Hunting Contests, which are mostly filled with monsters with shields
    • A good rule of thumb is to aim for 100% Weakness damage for your end-game team
  • ※You can stack attack (ATK% & flat ATK) while your team ATK is around 4000 and under, and then transition weakness and crit builds as you advance
  • ※I would prioritize building for weakness first as it will help you more in the Senior Hunting Contest. SHC is a renewable way to farm diamonds, Orbital Trials are not
  • HERE is my 36/36 medal clear of SHC using a Weakness build with mostly lvl 60-65 unranked cards and +3/+6/+9 protocores (spoiler: myth companions are crucial)

==Main & Sub Stats==

Key Concepts
  • Every Protocore has one main stat and a maximum of 4 sub-stats
  • Cores with less than 4 sub stats can develop new sub-stat(s) or remain as is depending on RNG
  • Every freshly farmed core comes with a base main stat
  • Every +1 of enhancement will give one incremental value to the main stat
  • Every +3 of enhancement will give additional sub-stats value
  • The main stat (both +0 base and +1 incremental value) are pre-set and the same across cores of the same type
  • The sub-stats are based on RNG, and I have a working theory below as how that is calculated
  • Flat ATK/HP/DEF in essence applies to the card but also the team as well
  • ATK%, HP%, DEF% stats only apply to the card itself
  • CRIT rate, CRIT dmg, DMG Boost to Weakened, Oath’s Strength, Oath Recovery Boost, Expedited Energy Boost are applied across the whole team
  • A core’s flat ATK will NOT stack with ATK%
Main Stats base and incremental value (fact):
  • Alpha α (diamond): 1000 flat HP (+200/lvl) ← no choice
  • Beta β (cube):
    • ATK 3% (+0.5%/lvl)
    • DEF 3% (+0.5%/lvl)
    • HP 3% (+0.5%/lvl)
    • Oath's Strength 3.5% (+0.7%/lvl) ← you want this eventually
    • *Oath Recovery 5% (+1%/lvl) ← you want this asap
    • *Expedited Energy Boost 6% (+1.2%/lvl) ← you want this asap
  • *OR and *EEB stats can only be obtained on the main stat of Beta cores
  • Gamma γ (spiky star): 50 flat ATK (10/lvl) ← no choice
  • Delta δ (pyramid):
    • ATK 3% (+0.5%/lvl)
    • DEF 3% (+0.5%/lvl)
    • HP 3% (+0.5%/lvl)
    • CRIT Rate 3.7% (+0.5%/lvl) ← you want this eventually
    • CRIT DMG 7.4% (+1%/lvl) ← you want this eventually
    • DMG Boost to Weakened 4.7% (+0.9%/lvl) ← you want this earlier than crit
Sub Stats base and incremental value (theory):
  • Below is my working theory on how the sub-stats are calculated
  • By analyzing the numbers and patterns of over a thousand protocores, I am quite confident my numbers are correct. But feel free to post any screenshots that prove otherwise, thank you!
  • Each sub-stat has a unit amount
    • ATK: 20
    • DEF: 10
    • HP: 400
    • ATK Bonus: 3.5%
    • DEF Bonus: 3.5%
    • HP Bonus: 3.5%
    • CRIT Rate: 0.5%
    • CRIT DMG: 1%
    • DMG Boost to Weakened: 0.9%
    • Oath’s Strength: 0.4%
  • When a protocore is generated from Core Hunt, the RNG will roll “the dice” four times
    • Brand new sub stat’s base value = (unit amount)*(RNG multiplier between 2–3x)
    • If the dice rolls onto an existing sub stat, the sub stat’s incremental value = (unit amount)*(RNG multiplier between 1–1.5x)
  • When you gain a +3 sub-stat bonus, the dice are rolled again and the process repeats itself
  • With THIS lovely post, I’ve confirmed that it’s completely possible for cores to ever only have 3 sub stat (not yet confirmed if only 2 sub stats are possible, but a core with 2 sub stats is not ideal anyway)
By comparing the sub-stat to main-stat ratio we can arrive at several conclusions:
  • ATK%/DEF%/HP% are amazing sub stats to companions that are ATK/DEF/HP scaling
  • Flat ATK is really good (but only for early game as it will eventually fall off because it does not scale)
  • Weakness is also good as sub stats
  • Crit rate and Crit damage are equally ok as sub stats, just a little worse off than Weakness
  • Oath’s Strength as a sub stat is pretty bad, I would not go chasing after this stat
  • ※Generally speaking, equip the cores with the highest scaling % sub stat on your strongest card, especially if the Talent matches
Sub Stats Gambling:
  • The game is a gacha, the core hunt is a gacha, the sub-stat leveling is also a gacha. So like any seasoned gambler, we need to weigh the risk and rewards of each gamble
  • When you see a freshly farmed core with good potential, you may consider leveling it up to +3 in search for better stats
  • If you win the RNG, you can continue leveling up the core
  • If you lose the RNG, abandon the core with no regrets since you only lost 360 exp
  • If you want to continue to gamble on the same core by going for +6, then you’ll lose 1300 exp if you fail the RNG
    • I would typically not recommend this, but it may still be within an acceptable range for you depending on how badly you want the core and how much potential it has
  • ※I strongly advise against going for a +9 gamble, as you stand to lose 3700 exp if you fail to land on the right stat
  • Below are some examples:
Core with sub-stats: ATK% and Weakness
  • High potential for all companions (as of May 2024)
  • On ATK main scaling companion teams, this is already a +9 worthy core
  • On DEF or HP main scaling companions’ teams, you can gamble for a DEF% or HP%
Core with sub-stats: Crit rate and Crit damage
  • Good potential if it’s for a companion that is ATK main scaling and if you have finished leveling up all your Weakness cores and enough extra resources to go for expensive Crit builds
  • Low potential if it’s for a companion that requires DEF & ATK or HP & ATK as you need to win the gamble twice to make it worthwhile
Core with sub-stats: flat DEF, flat HP, Oath's strength
  • No potential
Card Talent
  • Every card can be either ATK, DEF, or HP Talent
  • Additional stats in a card’s respective Talent will grant bonus Weakness damage
  • But this bonus is quite small and does not justify losing out on the value of stronger combat stats
  • ※When possible, align your cores with the card’s Talent for bonus Weakness damage when you can, but only when more important stats are satisfied

==Beta cores: 12% Oath Recovery & 16.8% Expedited Energy==

After bullying the big golem in the training room, here are some stat targets I’d like to recommend:
※Aim for 12–14% Oath Recovery and 16.8% Expedited Energy Boost
Having these stats will allow you to perform certain attack rotations for maximized damage.
Ardent Oath takes 67 seconds to charge, so having 12% Oath Recovery ensures the skill can be used every 59 seconds, or twice in a two-minute fight. This is crucial for certain battles battles. Technically, only 11% is needed, but it is not practical to use in actual fights as it requires perfect timing. A split second of delay will render the entire stat useless.
Having 12–14% Oath Recovery (+7/+9) and 6% Expedited Energy Boost (+0) allows you to perform this Claymore rotation against bosses in two-minute fights (must know how to attack animation cancel):
  1. Resonance → Claymore charged/enhanced attack smash while stacking up the 3 charges. Resonance → smash, Weapon skill, more smashing until enemy recovers from Weakened state (when executed correctly, you should have enough time to get 3 smashes in total before the enemy recovers. DO NOT waste time trying to stack during this time)
  2. Resonance → smash while stacking charges. Resonance → Oath (at ~1 min mark) → smash, Weapon skill, one smashing
  3. Resonance → smash while stacking charges → Weapon skill → smash while stacking charges → Weapon skill → more smashing while stacking charges for the final rotation
  4. When the timer has 12–13 seconds remaining: Resonance → smash → Weapon skill → more smashing → Oath right before the timer runs out
In a 2-minute fight, you can only use the Resonance skill 7 times. The bottleneck of this rotation is the Resonance skill, not the Oath skill, having more than 12-14% Oath Recovery (+7/+9 cores) will help with the ease of execution, but it will not give you more overall damage. Hence:
※If you have no myth pair Rank 1 bonus, one Oath Recovery Beta cube core per team at +9 will give the most value, above this is not a priority
Having 16.8% Expedited Energy (+9 Beta core) gives you enough energy to perform this Claymore rotation against smaller monsters with shields, using skills as soon they come off cooldown:
  1. Resonance → Claymore charged/enhanced attack smash while stacking up the 3 charges
  2. Resonance → smash, Weapon Skill, more smashing and stacking
  3. Resonance → smash, Weapon Skill, more smashing and stacking
  4. (split-second delay) Resonance → smash, Weapon Skill, more smashing and stacking
  5. On the 5th rotation, the energy will not be able to keep up
Even if you use a +12 EEB core (20.4%) the energy still will not keep up on the 5th rotation. Even having around 30% (2 EEB cores required) will only last until the 6th rotation. And in actual fights, you often may not get the chance to use the skills as soon as it comes off cooldown anyway. Hence:
※One Expedited Beta cube core per team at +9 will give the most value, above this is not a priority
Oath's Strength is just a damage multiplier, it will give the same marginal value regardless, so no target numbers as far as I can tell. Feel free to leave it at +3/+6/+9/+12, depending on how great the sub stats are.

==Protocore Builds for Different Companions & Weapons==

Key Concepts
  • Each companion and weapon (regular and myth) will have stat(s) that their damage scales from
  • All the regular companions and weapons (including the Claymore) only scales from ATK
  • Some myth companions and weapons will only scale from ATK while others scale from a combination of stats
  • For example: ⅔ of Foreseer Zayne and his legendary wand scaling damage comes from DEF, and only ⅓ is from ATK. So ideally for him, you would want ATK and DEF stats on your protocores. Especially in situations where the Claymore will perform better than his legendary wand (like the above 2-minute boss fights)
  • Below is a list of the different companions and the sub stats you want for each build in order of importance
※Non-myth companions (ATK scaling)
  • Main stat on Alpha diamond cores is always HP — not a priority
  • Main stat wanted for Beta cube cores:
    • One Expedited Energy Boost — at least +0, ideally +9 for best value
    • One Oath Recovery — at least +7 (12%) if solar pairs have no R1 bonus, but ideally one with good sub stats to level to +9 for the best value
  • Main stat on Gamma spiky cores is always ATK — priority
  • Main stat wanted for Delta inverted pyramid cores:
    • DMG Boost to Weakened for Weakness builds
    • CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG for Crit build
  • Sub stats wanted on all cores:
    • Weakness build: ATK %, Weakness, (% or flat stats corresponding to the card's specific Talent)
    • Crit build: ATK %, Crit rate, Crit damage
  • Core leveling priority: Beta > Gamma > Delta > Alpha
※Abysswalker Rafayel (Purple, ATK scaling)
  • Main stat on Alpha diamond cores is always HP — not a priority
  • Main stat wanted for Beta cube cores:
    • One Expedited Energy Boost — at least +0, ideally +9 for best value
    • One Oath Recovery — at least +7 (12%) if solar pairs have no R1 bonus, but ideally one with good sub stats to level to +9 for the best value
    • One Oath’s Strength in situations when Oath Recovery is not needed (have R1 bonus, fight only have enough time to let you use Oath once)
  • Main stat on Gamma spiky cores is always ATK — priority
  • Main stat wanted for Delta inverted pyramid cores:
    • DMG Boost to Weakened for Weakness builds
    • CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG for Crit build
  • Sub stats wanted on all cores:
    • Weakness build: ATK %, Weakness, (% or flat stats corresponding to the card's specific Talent)
    • Crit build: ATK %, Crit rate, Crit damage
  • Core leveling priority: Beta > Gamma > Delta > Alpha
※Sea God Rafayel (Pink, HP & ATK scaling)
  • Main stat on Alpha diamond cores is always HP — priority
  • Main stat wanted for Beta cube cores:
    • One Expedited Energy Boost — at least +0, ideally +9 for best value
    • One Oath Recovery — at least +7 (12%) if solar pairs have no R1 bonus, but ideally one with good sub stats to level to +9 for the best value
    • One Oath’s Strength in situations when Oath Recovery is not needed (have R1 bonus, fight only have enough time to let you use Oath once)
  • Main stat on Gamma spiky cores is always ATK — priority
  • Main stat wanted for Delta inverted pyramid cores:
    • DMG Boost to Weakened for Weakness builds
    • CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG for Crit build
  • Sub stats wanted on all cores:
    • Weakness build: HP %, ATK %, Weakness, (% or flat stats corresponding to the card's specific Talent)
    • Crit build: HP %, ATK %, Crit rate, Crit damage
  • Core leveling priority: Beta > Alpha > Gamma > Delta
※Lightseeker Xavier (Green, ATK scaling)
  • Main stat on Alpha diamond cores is always HP — not a priority
  • Main stat wanted for Beta cube cores:
    • One Expedited Energy Boost — at least +0, ideally +9 for best value
    • One Oath’s Strength
    • Note: Lightseeker does not need an Oath Recovery core because his support skill already reduces Oath cooldown, so don’t forget to use it!
  • Main stat on Gamma spiky cores is always ATK — priority
  • Main stat wanted for Delta inverted pyramid cores:
    • DMG Boost to Weakened for Weakness builds
    • CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG for Crit build
  • Sub stats wanted on all cores:
    • Weakness build: ATK %, Weakness, (% or flat stats corresponding to the card's specific Talent)
    • Crit build: ATK %, Crit rate, Crit damage
  • Core leveling priority: Beta > Gamma > Delta > Alpha
※Lumiere Xavier (Yellow, DEF & ATK scaling)
  • Main stat on Alpha diamond cores is always HP — not a priority
  • Main stat wanted for Beta cube cores:
    • One Expedited Energy Boost — at least +0, ideally +9 for best value
    • One Oath Recovery — at least +7 (12%) if solar pairs have no R1 bonus, but ideally one with good sub stats to level to +9 for the best value
    • One Oath’s Strength in situations when Oath Recovery is not needed (have R1 bonus, fight only have enough time to let you use Oath once)
  • Main stat on Gamma spiky cores is always ATK — priority
  • Main stat wanted for Delta inverted pyramid cores
    • DMG Boost to Weakened for Weakness builds
    • CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG for Crit build
  • Sub stats wanted on all cores
    • Weakness build: DEF %, ATK %, Weakness, (% or flat stats corresponding to the card's specific Talent)
    • Crit build: DEF %, ATK %, Crit rate, Crit damage
  • Core leveling priority: Beta > Gamma / Delta > Alpha
※Foreseer Zayne (Blue, DEF & ATK scaling)
  • Main stat on Alpha diamond cores is always HP — not a priority
  • Main stat wanted for Beta cube cores:
    • One Expedited Energy Boost — at least +0, ideally +9 for best value
    • One Oath Recovery — at least +7 (12%) if solar pairs have no R1 bonus, but ideally one with good sub stats to level to +9 for the best value
    • One Oath’s Strength in situations when Oath Recovery is not needed (have R1 bonus, fight only have enough time to let you use Oath once) — at least +6, ideally +9 or perfect +12
  • Main stat on Gamma spiky cores is always ATK — priority
  • Main stat wanted for Delta inverted pyramid cores:
    • DMG Boost to Weakened for Weakness builds
    • CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG for Crit build
  • Sub stats wanted on all cores:
    • Weakness build: DEF %, ATK %, Weakness, (% or flat stats corresponding to the card's specific Talent)
    • Crit build: DEF %, ATK %, Crit rate, Crit damage
  • Core leveling priority: Beta > Gamma / Delta > Alpha
※Upcoming Zayne’s new myth (Red, ??? scaling)
  • TBD
※Tip — for great value, prioritize leveling auxiliary/tertiary (yellow, red, pink) cores, especially Gamma and Delta ones. You can swap these between teams for Hunter Contest, Core Hunt, and Orbital trials (i.e. use the +12 red Gamma core for Zayne’s Hunter Contest, for Xavier’s Core Hunt, and for Xavier’s and Rafayel’s double-staged Orbital Trials)

==Core Farming Roadmap Example==

Objective: Clearing as much content as possible, with emphasis on farming Senior Hunter Contest as a priority
Step #1 — Beat Core Hunt Level 7
  • Level 7 guarantees your one SSR core per hunt
  • It is not advisable to core hunt before clearing Level 7 as the stamina is better spent upgrading your cards
  • Dungeon requirement: 2 dominant color cards, 2 tertiary color cards
  • Depending on how many 5-stars cards you have, expect the team average to be lvl 35–50 when effectively using Claymore
  • Equip your team with as many flat ATK and ATK% as possible, use whatever cores you have on hand
Step #2 — Acquire 12% Oath Recovery ASAP
  • At least 12% can be achieved in the following ways:
    • Duo Rank 1 Myth Memory Pair (20%)
    • Duo Rank 1 4-star Memory Pair (10%) plus any +0 Oath Recovery Beta cube core (2.5% R, 4% SR, 5% SSR)
    • One +7 SSR Oath Recovery cube (12%)
    • Two +3 SR Oath Recovery cube (12.2%)
    • One +3 SSR Oath Recovery cube (8%), One +0 SR Oath Recovery cube (4%)
    • One +1 SSR Oath Recovery cube (6%), One +3 SR Oath Recovery cube (6.1%)
  • Once you meet the requirement stop core farming and focus on leveling up your cards instead (even if the sub-stats of the cubes you found are utter trash, it’s just not stamina efficient to hunt for better sub-stat for marginal upgrade)
  • EXTRA CDR: 12% will sometimes still be rough to play around with because it gives little room for error, in this situation, I can recommend some alternatives:
    • (Default) One +7 SSR core (12%) costs 9500 exp & 38,000 gold, lets you use Oath every 59 seconds
    • (Recommended if the sub stats are decent) One +9 SSR core (14%) costs 18,500 exp & 74,000 gold, lets you use Oath every 57.5 seconds (This gives you room to use an Expedited Energy Boost core)
    • Two +6 SSR cores (22%) cost 13,000 exp and 52,000 gold, lets you use Oath every 52 seconds
    • +15 SSR core (20%) is NOT recommended due to Resonance bottleneck and high cost: 86,000 exp & 344,000 gold
Step #3 — Beat Core Hunt Level 8
  • Level 8 guarantees your one SSR core per hunt, occasionally granting two
  • Dungeon requirement: 3 dominant color cards, 1 tertiary color card
  • Depending on how many 5-star cards you have, expect the team average to be lvl 40–55 when effectively using Claymore
  • Equip your team with the 12% Oath Recovery and any good cores you have found along the way
Step #4 — Focus on Gamma spiky cores
  • After clearing Level 8, start another round of bulk core hunt focusing on Gamma spiky cores
  • All Gamma cores have flat ATK as their main stat, so they are easy to farm for as you only need to care about their sub-stats
  • Bulk farm until you have one core for each color (six in total) that meets the Requirements for +9 cores [details in comments] and +3/+6 cores for everything else on your Senior Hunt team
  • You may come across nice Alpha cores, but because their main stat is always HP, they are low priority, and I would not level them above +6 for now
  • You may come across +12 worthy cores but refrain from leveling them for now as it is very costly at this stage of the game. With the resources required from a single +12 core, you can make two +9 and one +6 core instead (for a single +15 core, you can make four +9 and two +6 cores instead)
Step #5 — Beat Core Hunt Level 9
  • Level 9 guarantees your one SSR core per hunt, often granting two
  • Dungeon requirement: 3 dominant color cards, 2 tertiary color card
  • Depending on how many 5-star cards you have, expect the team average to be lvl 45–60 when effectively using Claymore
  • Equip your team with the 12% Oath Recovery, at least two +9 Gamma cores, and any +3/+6 cores you have acquired
Step #6 — Focus on filling up your roster with leveled-up protocores
  • A good checklist of stuff to have on each of your three Senior Hunt teams at this point:
    • 12% Oath Recovery at least
    • One Expedited Energy Boost (does not need to be leveled if the sub stats are really bad)
    • One Oath’s Strength if you don’t need Oath Recovery core (does not need to be leveled if the sub stats are really bad)
    • At least two +9 Gamma spiky cores
    • A mix of +6 Gamma spiky cores or Delta pyramids (2–4)
    • +3 cores for most of everything else
Step #7 — Beat Core Hunt Level 10:
  • Level 10 guarantees two SSR cores per hunt
  • Dungeon requirement: 4 dominant color cards, 2 tertiary color cards
  • Depending on how many 5-star cards you have, expect the team average to be lvl 50–65 when effectively using Claymore
  • Equip your team with all the best cores you have found so far
Step #8 — Focus on Delta pyramid cores:
  • After beating Level 10, every 10 stamina will net you one SSR core, making it more efficient to farm for the expensive Delta cores
  • This is extra valuable during double drop rate events, so be sure to prioritize beating Core Hunt Stage 10
  • I would not recommend specifically hunting for Delta weakness cores before beating Stage 10 as the stamina use is not efficient
  • A good rule of thumb is to get at least 50% Weakness team damage for Senior Hunting Contest (closer to 100% for end-game)
  • A good target checklist of stuff to have on each of your three Senior Hunt teams is:
    • +3/+6 Alpha diamonds for non-HP scaling teams, +9 for HP-scaling teams
    • 12%–14% Oath Recovery at least
    • One +9 Expedited Energy Boost Beta core
    • One Oath’s Strength Beta core if Oath Recovery core is not needed
    • +9 Gamma spiky cores (3–4)
    • +9 Delta pyramids (3–4)
  • After the checklist is near completion, you can consider pushing for +12 cores

==58% Oath Recovery==

  • 58% allows you to use Oath skill every half a minute
    • This is very difficult for most players to achieve without spending a lot of money on the game
    • Because this build requires you to acquire Duo Rank 1 Myth Memory Pair (20%) in addition to two +14 SSR Oath Recovery cubes (38%)
    • You might as well go for double +15 Oath Recovery cores at this point if your resource allows it. This lets you use Oath every 27 seconds.
  • In such a build, Oath’s Strength would actually be a good sub stat to have
  • Disclaimer: I have not personally tried this build, it just looks very strong on paper. But I’ve managed to get 36/36 medals in SHC without it so it is not a must-have build
  • The two-minute Claymore fight rotation would be different. I imagine it will be somewhere along the lines of:
    • Resonance → smash while stacking charges. Resonance → smash, Weapon skill, smash x2 → Oath
    • Resonance → smash while stacking charges. Resonance → smash, Weapon skill, smash x2 → Oath (~1 min mark)
    • Resonance → smash while stacking charges. Resonance → smash, Weapon skill, smash x2 → Oath
    • Resonance → smash while stacking charges → Weapon skill → Oath
  • If anyone tried this build, let me know how it worked for you!
Happy Hunting! :)
submitted by Duchess_Aria to u/Duchess_Aria [link] [comments]

2024.04.20 16:57 1QWERTY35 Primer recommendation

Hello fellow dust lads, i am new to the faction, and preping to paint my very first Rubrics. I wanted to ask what color spray primer to use, thanks in advance for the advice:)
submitted by 1QWERTY35 to ThousandSons [link] [comments]

2024.04.19 00:12 Officially-demon [Venting] Bad art college experience

A bit about me, growing up I loved art, I was actually really good but by middle school I stopped, I grew up in nyc so when choosing a high school I had tons of options where I could pick a major. I wanted something artsy but not art so I went for fashion.
I'm currently on my second semester of college taking my second art class and omg I hate art!!! I don't hate, hate it but I just don't like that art classes are a thing. if your putting your time and money there should be no reason why art teachers want to sabotage you.
last semester I had a art 101 class, the class was all done in charcoal and the work itself wasn't hard but the teacher expected the whole class to be van Gogh and she was sexist. I ended up getting a C+ from all the other A's I got.
This semester I'm doing 2d design. the professor only has a year of teaching and about 1 year of being a teacher assistance. She acts more like a teen than a adult, all she talks about is fashion in class, gives terrible to no feedback, using the rubric only when she wants to prove a point but grades depending on how she feels. I ended up reporting her because her attitude towards me was nasty and she recently changed my grades from a b to a c after changing it multiple times with out a reason.
Why is art required for fashion? And why are art teachers so difficult and subjective, this might sound sexist but I've had terrible experience with female teachers more than males, and I don't believe it has anything to do with my skin color because I'm a light skin Hispanic with most of my professors being white, I'm also taking class in NY, which may be a reason considering how new Yorkers are lol but my professors are white immigrants who live downtown in expensive places so idk honestly.
submitted by Officially-demon to ArtistLounge [link] [comments]

2024.04.04 04:53 Ok-Garbage-604 Tabard colors

Tabard colors
I know I’m not the best painter and my models are far from finished, but want some advice on the tabard colors for about 20 rubrics and 10 SOT. I want to do all the bases like the center and currently have some flamers with the white, some bolter rubrics with the purple and some SOT with that red. Should I stick with just those colors or switch them up? And if so, what colors would you suggest. Would love to see some models for examples, or if you want to just show off.
submitted by Ok-Garbage-604 to ThousandSons [link] [comments]

2024.03.31 05:59 yeetkingallmighty Colors for Word Bearers Rubrics and Berzerkers?

Am painting my Word Bearers army, and I want to include a squad of Rubric Marines and a squad of Khorne Berzerkers. Is it more lore friendly to paint them the classic colors for the models (blue/gold for Rubrics and Red/Brass for Berzerkers) or to do them all up in Word Bearers red and silver?
I'm leaning towards the classic colors, as I'm already painting a ton of red and silver, but I'd like to hear some more opinions
submitted by yeetkingallmighty to WordBearers [link] [comments]

2024.03.28 14:42 TheGreatGrackle Help needed with Mutalith Vortex Beast!

I have started and partially finished two different paint schemes on my MVB already and each time I end up starting over. I have looked at every picture I can find through Google and multiple post on multiple forums going back to when it was released. I just cannot find any paint scheme that I really like. Originally I wanted to go with thousand sons blue as the base color of the carapace and yellow for the spikes and horns to try and give it the appearance of a mutated rubric. But that ended up looking terrible. I really like a lot of the Slime / mucus green colors that some folks have used but I don't want it to end up looking like it belongs in a different chaos Army. If you have one of these and have finished painting it can you please, please post a link to a picture? I'm all out of ideas. Thanks!
submitted by TheGreatGrackle to ThousandSons [link] [comments]

2024.03.26 02:13 LawyerofRules FLG Painting Standards and Tournament "Cuts"

Hello to all. I was wondering if anyone might be able to share some general (and more specific) insights into the FLG painting rubric and the ways in which painting is judged in large, FLG, 40k events. As I currently understand it thanks to this rubric, due to the high number of attendees, painting is initially judged on a very rough basis, either in a "paint judging" time or while matches are ongoing. During this initial judging, armies are then sorted into one of the following broad brackets:
Tournament Ready: The army is painted to a 3 color standard and qualifies for prize support.
This army is not to a 3 color standard and is intelligible for prize support.
3 Colors Plus: The Army is painted above and beyond the 3 color standard and shows a great deal of effort and care. Well done!
Exceptional: The Army represent both exceptional skill and effort, and warrants a close inspection as it is in the running for a painting prize and is subject to the following scoring system. This army is in the top 10% of armies present based on majority vote of paint judges.
I assume that armies in the first three categories (or the first and third) are assigned ITC Hobby Track points equal to one another within the same brackets. After this, those deemed "exceptional" then receive scoring based on the next rubric and are awarded points and prize(s) accordingly. Please let me know if this is incorrect.
I would greatly appreciate if anyone might be able to clarify a couple of points and share their own experiences with regard to the following:
  1. Are display boards involved in initial judging? (I assume not if judging is done at the table, but *might* be involved if judgement is a separate period.)
  2. Does anyone have some photos/examples of armies that have been sorted into the "3 Colors Plus" or "Exceptional" categories? (If so and they are yours, congratulations!)
  3. Considering the more complicated rubric for the "exceptional"/top 10% of armies, does anyone have any insights into or good examples of what counts as (for example) "blended highlighting" or what constitutes a "cohesive, noteworthy theme"? There are many bits of the rubric that are extremely vague and difficult to understand in practical application to an army, such as what constitutes actual kitbashing or conversion, and it is even more difficult to apply some of the criteria to particular armies for which things like "NMM" or "freehanding" are very difficult to feature without resorting to adding models of other factions as basing elements.
Thanks in advance to any painters or perhaps even judges that might be able to help.
submitted by LawyerofRules to WarhammerCompetitive [link] [comments]

2024.03.25 21:09 MoiraBrownsMoleRats After decades of avoiding the plunge, I'm finally learning about 40k lore and I absolutely love these dusty boys.

So I'm closer to 30 than I am to 40, and in the last few years I've really gotten into miniatures. Started with X-Wing, moved to ASOIAF, finally found a real home with Fallout: Wasteland Warfare. With F:WW, I've really started to push myself as a painter and, with minipainting, it's kind of impossible not to see a billion 40k models as examples.
I've known about 40k for a good 20 years, but never took the plunge. Still probably may never "plunge", but after finally learning some lore and reading up on various groups... I kinda want to dip in a couple toes. Legimitately, actually playing the game might be near impossible for me for a variety, but I still wouldn't mind having a little army to paint when I need something other than Fallout. I love my Enclave Soldiers and Deathclaws, but there's only so many of them for me to paint.
I kinda just want a little piece of 40k, and of all the myriad factions I've learned about these past few weeks? I feel like The Thousand Sons speak to me the most. They have a touch of that classic 40k Space Marine vibe, but with the whole "we're super cursed" lore and the dope ancient Egyptian asthetics and the colors schemes of the various wathrallbands are all beautiful and I even adore the little goat-bird guys.
And... I dunno, I'm not sure what the point of this post was, other than of my brief time learning of WH40k, you guys have been my favorite part (Tyranids are a close second, hard to hate dinosaur-bug Zerg). Maybe one day I'll burn money I don't have and my wife will roll her eyes at me, and I'll figure out a warband scheme to paint some Rubric Marines. They can sit on a shelf, their unfeeling, glowing eyes watching me push Mole Rats around a table because that game doesn't require me interacting with other human beings.
Seriously, these guys are the best.
submitted by MoiraBrownsMoleRats to ThousandSons [link] [comments]

2024.03.23 18:57 browncoat00 A little fun painting time.... with questions.

So i know this might be an unpopular idea, but im painting up some rubric marines and im NOT painting them in thousand sons colors.
I bought them a while back cause i thought they looked cool and now im just gonna paint them with some friends and let them pick their own colors for everything.
What i came here for is some examples of rubric marines youve painted or seen painted in nonstandard colors. Link em here or send me the links or images in dms if you want. I wanna talk bout this and see what people think.
submitted by browncoat00 to Warhammer40k [link] [comments]

2024.03.21 22:21 rayinsan I hate Rubrics

Today the professors were given a task to make sure that the students are writing a certain amount of words per semester. For our tools we were given Rubrics to follow. I hate Rubrics for so many reasons. Some are below. My main issue is that I want a more clear and easy translation of them, like what is a writing example to match these rubrics. The below is not from me, but from the excellent educator, Jesse Fletcher. Although this is mostly from the perspective of the student, it also is relevant to professors as well.
People think rubrics are this: cold, calculating tools that give truth how it is, whether you like it or not. Nothing could be further from the truth:
Look, education has a lot - and I really do mean a LOT - of ideas that sound amazing on the surface, but when you drill down and see them in action on a day-to-day basis in a classroom, they go horribly wrong and cause far more problems than they solve. (That list could go on for pages and thus is better suited for another question on another day.) This is a large part of what’s going on with rubrics.
submitted by rayinsan to Professors [link] [comments]

2024.03.19 17:01 upallday_allen Official March Equinox 2024 Writing Contest

Submit Your Story Here

Deadline: 30 April 2024
Good morning fantasy authors! I’ve got another fantasy authoring contest for you.
This is our second quarterly writing contest, which begins on each solstice and equinox. To check out the first contest, here’s our winners announcement! A few minor adjustments have been made to the format and rules of the competition, which I’ll get to very soon. But first… the prompt!

Write a story about a “Sabotutor” (a Mentor who intentionally trains their student(s) incorrectly) whose scheme could be spoiled after their poor guidance leads to an unexpected discovery.

Additional Optional Prompts:
  • Include an animal companion.
  • Write a sentence at least five words long where every word starts with the same letter.
  • Make your POV character trip and fall.


There is a slight change here: We are reducing the required word count to 2,000-3,000 words. This is to make the contest easier for both the authors and judges to meet their deadlines.
  • The submission must be a Google Doc. 12pt Georgia, 1-inch margins, 1.5-spaced, left-aligned. The title should be in the center-top with the author's name directly below. No fancy type-setting embellishments. The only thing that should stand out is the content of your story. Example.
  • Word count should be between 2,000 and 3,000 words.
  • The genre must be speculative fiction. (e.g., fantasy, sci-fi, magical realism, etc.)
  • Keep it PG-13. (e.g., no graphic descriptions of violence or sex, etc.)
  • No plagiarism. No A.I.-generated content. If found in violation of this rule, you will be immediately disqualified and banned from participating in future contests.

Your Rights

All submissions to this contest belong to their respective authors. You are free to share your story however you like whenever you like, before or after the submission deadline. We’re literally just a subreddit and will not be taking any action against you for distributing your story how you want to.
With that said, by submitting your story to our contest, you are giving us permission to also share, distribute, and judge the content, with all credit to you.
You also have the right to use your Reddit username or a pseudonym as the "Author" if you don’t want to share your real name on the anonymous internet.


This section will also be modified with a less strict rubric for judging. Rather than giving a numerical rating scale for each story’s concept, prose, plot, and characters, judges will instead choose their top four entries and be asked to give justifications. Again, this makes the judging process much simpler.
If you're interested in being judge (and you are not planning to participate) you must be a member of our Discord server, and you should DM me at @Page2000 with a request.
Like last time, we will have a Reader’s Choice Thread. However, the comment section will be unlocked this time so that people can give comments/critiques on the stories they've read. I originally had the thread locked to enable more unbiased reads, but several participants from the previous contest asked if there could be a way to receive feedback, and this seemed like an obvious solution that would also encourage engagement.
The awards will be as follows:
  • First Place: A special yellow flair.
  • Reader’s Choice: A special green flair.
  • Runners-up (3): A special blue flair.
If the same author wins multiple awards, their flare color will be by order of the following priority: yellow, green, then blue. This goes without saying, but if you choose to participate in the competition, there is a chance you may not win anything at all. Please don’t take this too personally, and feel free to try next time!
Timeline: (Subject to change)
  • 19 March 2024: Submissions Open
  • 30 April 2024: Submissions Close / Reader’s Choice Thread
  • 1 June 2024: Winners Announced
  • 20 June 2024: Next Contest Begins

Submit Your Story Here

To submit, you must include the following:
  1. Title of the story
  2. Your Reddit username
  3. A one-sentence blurb
  4. A Google Doc with your story
To share your Google Doc, press “Share” on the top right, under “General Access” select “Anyone with a link,” make sure the role is set to “Viewer,” and then press “Copy Link.” Paste the link into the submission form.
If you haven't already, join our official Discord server where you can participate in word sprints, find beta readers, and brainstorm ideas for your entries.
I also apologize for the delayed activity and response from me over the past few months. Life has been a lot and my brain has been a little, so I'm pushing through the best I can. Thank you for your patience and enthusiasm, it's been super encouraging!
Happy storytelling!
submitted by upallday_allen to fantasywriters [link] [comments]