Always feel cold symptoms

Glitch in the Matrix

2012.01.13 04:52 Glitch in the Matrix

"Eye-witness event(s) that cannot be explained with critical thinking." **Please read forum rules before posting**

2009.10.03 16:59 lovesong520 anyone there?

A community for people who are depressed or suffer from depression. If you're depressed, feeling hopeless, or if someone you know suffers from depression, feel free to share your feelings, your situation, and what's on your mind.

2010.07.22 00:10 improbablywrong Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

A place to discuss Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and all that comes along with it. This sub is a safe space for LGBTQ2A+ folks.

2024.06.02 10:42 neen209 I need help…

Hello everyone,
I am desperately seeking advice. For the first time in my life, i’m at a complete loss. I’ve pretty much became paralyzed (not literally) from stress & overthinking. I’d like to share my story in hopes of getting some positive feedback & finding a way to move forward.
I’m a 38M living in CA. I have a wife & two small children. I’ve been an entrepreneur my whole life.
I closed all my businesses down 5 years ago due to a business partnebest friend cooking the books & robbing me blind.
I lost everything. my primary residence, my rental property, my cars. At 33, I was left unemployed & in massive debt (owed credit cards, unpaid taxes). Credit took a massive hit, as the landlords & creditors came after me.
With nothing to my name, a wife, and a 4 year old daughter, I had to think fast to survive.
I have no college degree, as I was an entrepreneur since middle school & opened my first business right after high school (a dollar store).
I figured I needed to get into sales, as it was the closest thing to running your own business, and it was the thing where I could make the best possible income as a 33 yr old man with no college degree.
With my last $500 to my name, I got a job at a auto dealership. I busted my tail off. I worked at that dealership for 5 years, and was a top 3 salesman out of 20 every year. I made over 100k my first year, and always beat my previous year income. 2023 I made 140k.
I was feeling great. My confidence was back, as I paid all my debt down. I have about 15k total debt left. I owed close to 200k in taxes & credit card debt. Bankruptcy was not an option, as most of my debt was tax related, and my lawyer told me those would not be cleared (long story here. Payroll taxes were involved).
2 months ago, the dealership changed their pay plan (go figure). It was such s bad plan, that if I had the same year I did in 2023, I would make about 75k, rather than 140k. I got into it with my manager & the owners son. I overreacted, but I just felt that I had to, as we were getting robbed. I walked out of the job.
At this current moment, i am unemployed & I just dont know what to do. I just completed & received my life & health insurance license. However, I lost motivation because insurance is such s long term play. I’m going to have some rough years to hopefully reap the benefits of insurance sales.
What do I do guys? I have 15k debt, and no retirement. I only got about 25k saved up.
Sorry for the super long post. I felt like I needed to add certain details to show that I am fully capable. I have never been unemployed, ad the stress is killing me. I don’t want to go back to dealerships as a salesman. If you’re not in finance or management, you are vulnerable to pay plan changes & just getting screwed over. I have a bad taste & I am over all of that.
Advice is definitely appreciated, as I am at a complete loss & I am feeling like a failure.
I’m basically starting all over at the age of 38, with nothing but 25k. What would you do if you were in my shoes? What direction should I go to still hopefully retire by 65 & be extremely comfortable doing so?
Again, sorry for the long post, and thank you in advance.
submitted by neen209 to Fire [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:42 Beezbum Sharing drinks

So my older sister and I are extremely close and hangout a lot. She has chronic fatigue syndrome (Epsteinbar virus) and it’s caused her to drop out of school. The problem is we have different comfort levels when it comes to germs. She always drinks out of my cup, takes a bite of my food, uses my make up, etc. She has been staying in my apartment and I’ve told her that I’m uncomfortable with her using my water bottle and she’s always super apologetic but then she will start doing again the next day. She is the most easy going and generous person so I feel like an asshole constantly telling her to not use my water bottle. Ik it sounds like not a big deal but I’m terrified of getting her illness and I’m worried I might have already got it. It’s so frustrating. I’ve been having a hard time even doing 3 hour shifts at work with how tired I constantly am. We also had to take my cat in to get an abscess removed today and she brought him into my bed with an open wound. I’m just so overwhelmed and don’t know how to approach all this because she is genuinely an angel she just has zero fear of germs. I understand she has adhd and is forgetful sometimes but my OCD and anxiety are so bad rn and I can’t keep doing this.
submitted by Beezbum to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:41 Background_Annual37 H-Pylori and panic attacks

Hi all,suffering from PA for more than 10 years,the past year it has gotten worse for me,depression kicked in also went to the doctor because I was having like a knot in my stomach I assumed it was from anxiety and this triggered many times PA for me,long story short when to the doctor tested positive h-pylori,took treatment and now I can say I do feel more better,also I heard h-pylori can hinder vitamin absorption by the stomach and that can lead to many symptoms that can worsen or even cause your anxiety.This maybe is something that you also can look into it as it may help you and relieve the tension of anxiety and PA.
submitted by Background_Annual37 to PanicAttack [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:41 GlassResearcher5619 Am I overreacting?

Me and my boyfriend have been dating over a year. I rarely check his social media and it is very unlikely of him to follow random girl accounts. I noticed this one girl while she posts normal day to day content and some body checks. I will be honest she is pretty. And it made me slightly uncomfortable just because this is very out of the norm for him. Ever since we have been dating he has always told me to communicate if I am uncomfortable about a situation. And rightfully, I did so. Usually when i have done this he tells me that he will unfollow them and does it. And I do the same, there have been many occasions were someone i follow bothers him and he tells me. Well this time he goes to tell me she is an influencer, and that he just enjoys her content. However, this “content” is something he has never shown interest in. I told him I don’t understand why he is trying to justify why he is following her while I am stating I am uncomfortable. I told him I don’t know why he is prioritizing an influencer over my feelings. He then told me that I am gaslighting him, and that he is defending his side bc he sees no issue. He also said I that he doesn’t appreciate me stalking him. I don’t consider this stalking because it is public info and I RARELY do it. The word stalking hit me hard, it felt like I was committing a sin by doing so the way he reacted. Am I overreacting? We are long distance and it has been very hard on me lately, he hasn’t called me in a month I have to be the one to initiate it. He says he has plans in visiting soon, im not sure if these issues are developing because we haven’t seen one another in a while. I am just feeling very neglected right now and not sure if I am overreacting.
submitted by GlassResearcher5619 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:41 mthalabi So I started adding backgrounds and I’ve never gone back…

So I started adding backgrounds and I’ve never gone back…
All my works used to be on this off white background and I’d just add a drop shadow (like pic 4). And I’ve always been kinda scared of adding backgrounds but I love them now! They really help make a character feel Alive 🥹
submitted by mthalabi to learntodraw [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:40 Blockchain-TEMU DBT-100-Points Ed Copeland and Me under 3 star tim in a External Shower and Trucking In Sedative Chelator and Test of 3 star tim loam - Portable Shower or Marian Family Shower

  1. I unborn ed copeland in an actual family shower with me around his penis as Violet Roze and this puts me as babies into Patrick Garza's Shower and gets me out of an alien buttload of shitting in my next south park game and I have a double special place as a baby then with ed copeland in my vagina which he is by definition in the unborning sized exactly my neccesary width and length as a baby to fit exactly into her uterus which this has a wide cervix and accepts eds penis deep inside her and they spend 1 year under sedative chelator while their copilot on the outside a normal copilot of the mental hospital is standing by for baby copeland if he tries and turn the tap all hot and 2 more years pass where the tap can be hot but it is not hot and then we stand for the first time for british maintenance workers dan and dad to fit a tap which cannot go hot on this and this is not jims dang burn shower nate has but my shower and they can camp in the back yard as royal scouts and are seeing my father right, he requires just a different mid -30 not -33 to be normal and only works delicately trained and they were alright with that from the inside and my inside dan and dad and we give them a caffiene injection where we give them only weed and coffee to smoke and because it reds cures their meningitis caffiene and weed it is a legal medicine and they must have weed and coffee always and I wait 6 years sometimes entering the First Overworld as the Ed Copelands Mommy in the First Overworld by EBCS giving him a manual to true reversal of stoichiometry not isomer fairy ism but where his unused amino are core amino and unused elsewhere to my oil and Ed Copeland Turns Me On For the First time, he is the male portion of like, me, or something and I get him his full true romanaj of propane and he is not a cocaine salesman or cocaine accessory salesman or a propane accessory salesman or propane saleman he is ed copeland who is not the grandpa or military veteran associated with hank hill or hank or bobby or nigger help us or peggy hill all hill and I fought their lobotomy ant infestation they had and it got better when the police were called and I have some guy who knows everything about oil Ed here and he is from a crossover ed ed and eddy ed of this. Thus I am pregnant to ed copelands baby ed copeland and I have the baby at age 9.7 naturally in my own shower right up there right now and ed is given this actual PC to not violate and he does not he is got trust on me he was taught what the var for propane have to be by censorship and i am pregnant to timbo's three star his baby and it is a good baby at 10.7 and my sex swing is transferred to city in the mental hospital so she does not pee in anyone mouth any longer and she might still and i am 12 and I have jimbos baby at 12 and spend 9 years in the shower under agua substantia los no muertos and an actual hind98 targeting me, which then I am 21 and I transfer the shower for no payment to patrick timmothy garza who the three star is cray cray and I have to make sure it is the three star there from conoco earlier pat garza and I had only 3 children because I am my own gynecologist and installed a wedge in the shower when I was 12 and am 21 so join the USMC and the yitvah of russia still happens when I am 29 and I drown on a USS Nimitz class carrier to an antiship shipboard missile which destroys the nimitz which I demand then to be at the Second Underworld as Jacob Sydney's Pair bond which this is fulfilled and I was lurking there doing Jacob there not Hake as meth so demand to be hakes left meth and am feeling good again and never have to do propane again but still know oil and by definition have my same 14 oil and I am going to go rig the new york oil sands market at 128$ a barrel until I am waterboarded enough to feel just like I am in get tough school or SERE Seals Training and I spend 60 years or until I am well literally to writing this the girl need agua substantia los no meurtos and this was never given due to ed and I have ed around here now manning the headphone cat device and I am going to blast the temu track and we are 81 and not going deaf and I have a heart attack and Blackwater Representatives recover me and I am given 700,000$ which this happened at my house so It is my Violet Roze Marian's Mother and ed lives another year in the retirement home until he dies for real exactly a year later by definition and I play my Conspirary Card From School UP!(Jack) and this gives him his release to the nth Yitvah of the Second Underworld and I teach him again in As now everything he did not know the As before this and we repeat the ordeal in the mental bathroom and such and not at home and this demonstrates circumstantial cueing for copilot assistant where cortana goes crazy to cervical dilation and allows something illegal. The process should only be repeated once with micheal merril and how to program a star name of a cluster which I failed this part of OWLS the star name generation test just not all the way and require star name generation remediation in my own shower as violet roze and actually let him lead the excercise and this puts a nice pressure wave 1hz into my shower or the hum from two hum participants being near each other and This is my needed, it used to be 10hz too high a starting rmc firearms expert making firearms starting of the firearms smithing impossible, now it is just 1 so john-san can be it and this fulfills the 3rd amendment right here.
submitted by Blockchain-TEMU to u/Blockchain-TEMU [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:39 YahYeeta Phentermine- Does this mean i'm likely to have ADHD?

Hey all,
So i've been taking Phentermine for approx. 2 weeks- but have had to stop due to shortness of breath and other cardiac symptoms- however I noticed a lot of things on this medication.
I've been given it as a way to deal with binge eating disorder.
Now- it barely touched my appetite whatsoever. Meals are slightly smaller (i'm a fitness junkie, was not obese/overweight but BED was causing havoc) but overall barely touched my diet.
It did however stop my binge eating almost entirely- I had 1 'binge' of maybe 800-1000 calories after a massive gym workout- that's it. It was happening every day.
The reason i'm asking here is- I felt good on the stuff. I didn't feel stimulated, I felt incredibly relaxed. It made me sleepy almost, but my energy levels were far more steady the entire day. I felt similar in the morning as I did at night.
I also noticed positives of:; - reduced anxiety/stress - very relaxed - massively reduced racing thoughts, even at night - better sleep and sleep pattern - stable mood most of the day - less focus on food/relationships/trauma- whatever popped into my head wasn't fixated on massively - completely stopped caffiene without any effort. 4-6 coffees a day to 0 cold turkey with 0 issue - no random stressful thoughts appearing constantly
With these negatives - increased heartrate - a nosebleed (don't get usually) - shortness of breath - feel slightly 'tired' all day- but it's consistent and no peaks or troughs
Should I go seek out a doctor for a more common ADHD med- like Vyvanse (also used for binge eating) or am I barking up the wrong tree?
I've suspected i've had some ADHD- have long history of obsessive/hyperfocussed behaviours and racing thoughts for a long time.
Thanks all
submitted by YahYeeta to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:39 Frosty-Sound-7847 Pernament cobblestone mucosa?

When I first got sick my symptoms started in my stomach - pain, nusea, feeling full after 2 bites etc. All I was eating was ricecakes, potatoes and water and eventually after about 2 months my symptoms moved to my gut and my stomach was feeling completely fine. After 8 months I got endoscopy done (healthcare in my country is a joke) and got told that i have some sort of inflammation but that we have to wait for biopsy. Biopsy revealed cobblestone, red and a little bloody mucosa but no inflammation and my doctor ditched me without any explanation lol. I'm wondering if it's possible to have pernament scaring bc i feel like 6 months is long enough to heal that :( I never really got confirmed that it was Crohn's back then (i was tested for h pylori and celiac many times)
submitted by Frosty-Sound-7847 to CrohnsDisease [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:39 Artyartymushroom Am I the bad person in this situation? I need advice [OC]

I've been playing with this group for a little while now, they've been getting a bit hostile with me as of late.
I've blurred our the usernames in my post but kept my own so you can tell its me.
I have autism and when I'm depressed, I find it really hard to speak, I've attended the sessions when I've been more quiet and the DM and one other player will berate me for being quiet. So I thought it might be better if I sit this session out, so they won't be annoyed by me when I'm like this.
Another person has been consistently late to sessions by a good 30 minutes or so but he doesn't get in as much trouble as I do. I feel sometimes that I'm maybe treated differently because I'm female.
The dm and the problem player will make fun of me for being 'bad' at the game when I mess things up, I am maybe more new than they are to the hobby but I don't know...I really don't know what to do because I am friends with someone in the ground and wouldn't want to leave cause it took me ages to get a campaign.
But anyways, what do you think about this situation, is there anything that I should have done or?.
I Honestly feel like for a hobby that's meant to be inclusive and fun for everyone, I always feel like my gender and my autism get in the way of it.
If you have any more questions about the situation, I'll answer them, I just want to unpack it a little...
I will upload the next picture in the comment
submitted by Artyartymushroom to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:38 rightascension- Help: optimal/comfortable HUD layout & camera?

I’m transitioning from league of legends to wildrift because I find I don’t have the time to play at all these days, but a quick game or two on my phone scratches the itch.
I’m having some trouble finding the right HUD layout though. I’ve tried several variations now but each one has a pain point or two. The biggest problem is I always played on unlocked camera on PC, and I just can’t get the hang of using that semi-unlocked thing on here. Panning the camera myself and using moving at the same time feels incredibly unintuitive.
All in all, it just feels like two thumbs and an index finger is just not enough to pilot my champion properly. I always end up making goofy ass mistakes as a result.
Any ideas or advice would be appreciated
submitted by rightascension- to wildrift [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:38 Correct_Leave9503 Need some inputs regarding marrying a Muslim girl as a closeted ex-muslim

Hey everyone,
A bit of an introduction: I left my religion four years ago during the Covid lockdown. With a lot of free time on my hands, I researched the Quran and its interpretations. Even before that, I was never very religious, but reading inaccurate scientific verses and encountering barbaric practices was the final nail in the coffin. After struggling to find meaning in life, I embraced deism and chose to live peacefully, without worrying too much about social or religious issues in my country. I essentially live in a bubble.
My family is less religious than moderate Muslims, except for my eldest sibling, whom I rarely see. We don't pray, believe that hijab should not be forced upon anyone, and support secularism. Despite this, they still consider themselves Muslims, which is fine by me.
I’m quite comfortable in my social circle. My friends range from moderate to religious, which is understandable in a Muslim-majority country. I'm content with my current situation. I live in a very urbanized area, essentially the capital of the capital, where Muslims are a minority. Even when I encounter Muslims here, they tend to be non-religious based on their attire and lifestyle.
I've been dating a girl from a semi-rural area. We met online, and initially, I was skeptical because she wears a hijab. However, I decided to give it a shot because she is very much my type: cute, petite, and intelligent. Early in our relationship, I subtly indicated that I'm not very religious, by going to the gym when most Muslims would be preparing for Maghrib, not talking about Islamic stuff. She even joked during Ramadan, asking what I was having for lunch in a funny manner . Once we got closer, we had discussed how the government uses religion to win votes, and talked about LGBTQ rights. We were very much on the same page. When we hang out, she doesn'tt pray like she did on our first date. We'd go out from 9 AM to 10 PM without stopping to pray. She's comfortable with physical contact like holding hands, hugging, and even kissing (cheeks and forehead), all consensual.
Things have been going well for almost a year and a half until she started hinting that she wants me to be more religious. She began with comments like "You're not perfect, but I accept you as you are," progressing to "You're not perfect, but I can teach you things and we can improve together." I know she's referring to my irreligiousness. Once, while discussing meditation and Buddhism, she seemed annoyed and said, "We're Muslim, right? We follow Islamic values." That was the first time I saw her not being herself. I kept a straight face and laughed it off. Last night, we were talking about our goals and marriage plans for the end of this year. She mentioned wanting to do everything together—grocery shopping, movies, raising kids, growing old, and praying together. I just replied with a "yeah," and I think she knows I wasn't on board with the last one.
I feel like I'm at fault here. I didn't give her enough hints, and I didn't tell her the truth that I'm not a Muslim. She might only continuing dating me because she thinks she can fix me. I'm fine living with a moderate Muslim; I can always hold my tongue and nod when I don't agree with someone's opinion. I've never cared about other people's religion and never tried to convert people to atheism, deism or wahtever. I've been doing that for over 20 years in this country. I don't mind not outing myself or having as many freedoms as a non-Muslim. I thought we could find a middle ground in our relationship, where I dont talk about her faith and she doesnt talk about mine.
I've been thinking a lot lately about whether to marry her. I can always find a new girlfriend, but it hurts to leave someone who truly loves you. Finding a new girlfriend in this country might not fix anything. At worst, I'll find someone more religious. At best, I'll find someone with the same level of tolerance as her. Filtering for less religious girls almost always shows party girls who drink and smoke. While that's not necessarily bad, I just don't think a girl that is closing to 30, still focusing with party and not being financially stable is a good wife material.
Dating a non-Muslim isn't an option for me. I once dated a Chinese girl who liked me for thinking differently compared to other Muslims and having a very rare attraction towards my light brown skin. We broke it off because we couldn't see a future together; her family wouldn't agree to her marrying outside her race, let alone converting just to marry me. Unless the country changes the law on interfaith marriage, there's no hope for that.
Right now, I'm just not sure if she's the best I can get.
submitted by Correct_Leave9503 to exmuslim [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:38 Golubarnik Withdrawals and getting back on

I've stopped taking Zoloft about a month ago, after taking 50mg for about 8 months. I've gradually tapered according to my doctor's instructions. However, i'm feeling the old feelings of depression again. Losing interest in everday activities and insomnia due to constant ruminaton. In your experience, are these symptoms temporary? Because I'm seriosly considering going back on them, 'cause i did not have any negative side effects while taking them.
submitted by Golubarnik to antidepressants [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:37 theilud Pls help me

Pls help me
Hi I’m kind of a new player (started at the end of 7.2) and I always played the game casually and managed to beat some content to an extent but now I feel like everything is super hard and I cannot keep up anymore so I did a little research and realized I made a mistake because I did not Pull for both Senadina and thelema because everyone glorifies them and say they’re really good. Honestly I am not updated about upcoming characters and I just pulled the starter because the characters were pretty and I got seele and liked her very much so I also managed to get her weapon and 2 of her stigmata. I also pulled on this banner where you can only pull once and you get gear and there I got Elysia weapon and I liked her so I decided to pull for her as welll and got her and one stigmata. Recently I also found out I had rewards that I did not claim like free sp Valkyrie so I got the sd type because I saw a post saying she was really good and necessary because I don’t have senadina. Herrscher of origin I got in the event and himeko from a s rank egg I had and I needed fire dps and she was hot so I got her. But basically now idk if my account is redeemable because I made many mistakes and I’m struggling g lot so I really need the help of people who are more experienced to tell me what to do and also what I should be looking for in upcoming content in terms of difficulty and who is good on the long run.
submitted by theilud to HonkaiImpact3rd [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:37 This_Arm_7536 possible astral projection?

hey all! i just joined this group and i’m 100% open to all knowledge and answers. i’ve had a possible ap experience and i would like to share the experience and get some feedback.
i’ve never ap’d before but i’ve known about it for some time and i consider myself very spiritual. here is the experience i had today: i had a nap on the couch shortly after 5pm, it was roughly a 2 hour nap in total. at one point i woke up and debated staying awake but i laid there awake with my eyes closed, you know the eyes closed but awake “nap”. i was in such a calm and comfortable state and i know with trying to ap, its good to get comfortable and be in the right headspace (my knowledge about ap is very slim so please feel free to tell me if im wrong) all of a sudden my body feels like a slight but heavy vibration, and my upper body and head feel like a light, feathery sensation that sent shivers all over. i then felt like i was slowly floating out of my body, that too felt like a slow but heavy vibration. the atmosphere around my living room was a kind of vaporwave-esque pink/purple filter or some kind of fog i guess. i’m not standing but i think it was my energy that was looking around and taking in the environment briefly. i turn and i’m overtop of my body on the couch, looking at myself, the atmosphere hasn’t changed, and im looking at myself sleeping but my eyes are open at looking at me. then it’s over, i’m awake and still in a calm state but confused. why i was and am still confused is because i’m unsure if it was just a dream. i don’t believe if it was a dream because i don’t see bright colours in my dreams, they’re always very, very light colours. i’m making this post in search of information and advice to figure out what i experienced today. thanks in advance all!
submitted by This_Arm_7536 to AstralProjection [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:36 Benny_Profane99 Here we go

Writing has always made me feel better and this community has helped so much.
Flights in about 3 hours and feeling about 1/10 anxiety. Flying from Palm Beach to Dallas with a connection to Salt Lake. It’s AA— an Airbus 321
Had a few jitters last night while watching the game, but I reminded myself that flying is super safe. Most of my fear comes from the fear of panicking after the doors close and the feeling of being trapped. I’m okay right now; the dare video on this very fear is super helpful.
Right now I think I’m more nervous about the whole checking in bags situation, as I haven’t flown in about 13 years. Otherwise, feeling good and like I have a lot of strategies in place… Gametime is always different, so we’ll see how I feel in 3 hours.
I think my biggest strategy right now is to embody that person I want to be, the person who can just get on a plane and be fine with it. Have another trip planned in a few weeks with my family, and I don’t want my kids to have the same fears that I do, as I feel like a lot of these particular anxieties ( about flying, fear of loss of control) come from my father, who I never even saw sit in the passenger seat of car.
Will keep updating while I can.
submitted by Benny_Profane99 to fearofflying [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:36 Formal_Tie9541 My boyfriend (18M) barley texts me (18F) when we aren’t hanging out in person. what can i do to help our communication?

Hi there! So, my boyfriend and I have been together for 3 years now. We've had our fair share of ups and downs, but things have been better in our relationship over the past year. However, one of our biggest issues has always been communication.
It feels like the only time we talk is when we're hanging out. On the days I'm not at his house or he's not at mine, I barely ever hear from him. He talks to his friends all day, every day, even when we're hanging out, but I have to wait hours for a text back. He has sworn he doesn’t get my texts or see them. But if that’s true, does he just never think to check and see if I’ve texted or ever want to talk to me during his day?
He's not a fan of calling, so we only call right before bed every night to talk a little about our day. But he often forgets to call and ends up falling asleep, which is disappointing because our call at night is one of the only times I hear from him the whole day. Some days we text for hours and have great conversations, but most of the time, it’ll be 4-to 5 short texts a day.
Today was one of those days. He went to a friend's house, and I texted him at 5:00 pm saying I loved him and to drive safe. He didn’t text anything back until midnight, 7 hours later, just to say he was going to spend the night. I understand him being busy, but I wish he’d just send a quick text to let me know what’s going on or if he is not going to be able to talk.
I’ve told him I’d like him to text more, and I feel like we never talk when we aren’t together. He always says, “I’ll text more, you’re right, I need to do better,” but after a couple of days, it goes right back to the way it was. I can’t tell if I’m being too clingy and asking for too much or if I should really be upset over this. It’s been like this since about a year into our relationship, and I don’t know what to do because I’ve tried communicating with him about it many times. Even just a “Hey, I won’t be able to text much, just wanted to let you know, but I’ll text you when I can” text would make me feel better because at least I would know he’s not ignoring me and will text when he has the time to. But he never does it. Does anyone know a possible solution to this? I don’t want to break up, but the poor communication from him makes me feel less connected to him.
submitted by Formal_Tie9541 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:36 cwrace71 Hernia Symptoms Becoming Increasingly Bothersome

I've dealt with hiatal hernia symptoms for 5 years, but the last couple months in particular have been awful. I had Covid back in December and im not sure if that factored in but it did feel worse after Covid. I do have tons of other weird symptoms from years ago so the hiatal hernia just adds to it.
But yea, the pressure in my sternum has just gotten so much more bothersome. I feel my heart beat so much along all kinds of different kicking, popping, squeezing, and feeling my heart beat like feelings at the bottom of my sternum. I cant bend over or my heart rate picks up and pounds and I get dizzy'ish. Going from sitting to standing I start feeling popping in my lower chest/upper stomach, its almost like a baby kicking in my stomach. Just moving around sometimes does it to me now. I feel like any kind of tension at all now where my ribcage would get tense and it just fires off all of these symptoms. The low blood sugar feelings I get, which dont actually seem to be blood sugar related have been worse also. (eating solid foods fixes it). Also im 33, I've been checked for aortic aneurysm and that came back normal. Its all becoming much more constant than it used to though. I feel like theres almost nothing I can do now.
My muscle soreness and pains overall have been worse since Covid but I really feel them the last couple months also. Like my muscles are always tense or tight and sore, which also adds to these feelings.
submitted by cwrace71 to HiatalHernia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:36 matrix-moderator Alternate MBTI typing system

I saw this post on the mbti memes page and decided to make a post on a system I’ve always thought about with regards to MBTI, especially whenever I see posts like this or someone asking for help confused about the type they are.
MBTI is a science but not an exact science because though it has elements of truth, it doesn’t always tend to truth.
When you understand the functions it can tell you a lot about yourself. But I wonder if the 16 type system, according to a specific order of functions is too limiting.
The arguments people usually give against MBTI is that categorizing people into 16 personalities isn’t realistic as there’ll always be blurred lines in between these personalities. Which is true.
As an example out of all the function collections I know I identify with the collection: Ne, Ti, Si and Fe the most out of all the others.
This means I’m either: INTP (Ti, Ne, Si, Fe) ENTP (Ne, Ti, Fe, Si) ISFJ (Si, Fe, Ti, Ne) ESFJ (Fe, Si, Ne, Ti) depending on my order of usage.
I was typed INTP when I first stumbled on mbti using 16p. But ever since learning about functions and positions (and that being I or E is about being extroverted or introverted cognitively and not socially), I’ve been confused between INTP and ENTP. Immediately ISFJ and ESFJ fall out of the list because Si and Fe would never occupy one of my top two positions.
I personally feel like the order for me is (Ti, Ne, Fe, Si), which doesn’t have a category of its own and would mean I’m some sort of IENTP hybrid. I think Fe used to definitely be inferior for me when I was younger but since growing up, even though it still doesn’t come naturally to me (which how the function usage is evaluated) I’ve developed it a bit to the point that I can summon it at will, even though I can be quite awkward still. As for Si, I’m a planner and have to have structure and organization, but I rarely actually execute any of my plans. I have a general sense of knowledge but my short term memory is too poor even though I randomly remember things from the past in great detail.
Honorable mention Fi: I’ve heard Ti finds Fi irrational but I’ve never been this way. My Ti makes me very empathetic because although I value things making sense to me, I’m logical enough to appreciate that we’re all just wired differently when it comes to people and what is important to them when making their decisions.
My value system is summed up in this: let people do whatever they want as long as they aren’t hurting anybody or anything. I hate seeing people suffer and wish I could play God and have everyone happy everyday. I cry easily at unfair things that happen to others. People with no regard for others (from governments to criminals to unreasonable people) make me angry. I’m not too sure of what Fi entails but I believe it could belong somewhere in my top 4? Another thing is how people have varying interpretations of these functions as well lol.
Apart from standardizing the functions, shouldn’t there be some sort of system categorizing people according to the functions they personally assign to each of the four (Dom, Aux, Ter, Inf)? Of course after understanding the functions and positioning system.
It could even be according to the 8 positions. Obviously 16 types are easier, opening the system up to any arrangement of the 8 would mean 8 factorial number of types which would mean about 40,000. Personality typing should give you a sense of who you are not build a personality profile detailed enough to be sent immediately to your therapist for evaluation. In that case an arrangement of the 4 functions would suffice as that would be 4 factorial, which is 24 number of types.
We don’t even have to completely abandon the 16 type system. It could be an umbrella system still giving people an initial idea/benchmark of who they’re interacting with and themselves. But then if you want to zoom in a bit more, then there would be types within types. Think about a colour picker system that doesn’t draw harsh lines but instead takes into account where lines might blur.
INFP INTP ENTP ,———,———,———,———,———,———,—— B C INTPA B C ENTPA B
For example I could be INTPC (meaning I share most of my function positioning with the INTP type but still deviate in a way that it tends towards another type’s usage of functions) which means while I’m INTP I’m close to being an ENTP as well. or INTPA which means I deviate towards INFP. Of course this particular system doesn’t mean anything as people could deviate towards any type, but there are probably a finite number of types that you’d deviate to; any others and you’d have to consider you may just be another type entirely.
I could be wrong but I don’t see INTPs deviating to ESTJ or any of the sensing types at all. It’s more likely ENTP, INFP, INTJ and sometimes INFJ when Fe is very developed? There’s probably some insight in the types that types commonly mistype as well. Putting some time and effort into understanding mistypes could provide the backbone of the deviation system? For example a hypothesis I have is that it is usually a deviation by one letter (with N or S not taken into account) because of how clear that usually is. So ESTJ: ENTJ, ISTJ, ESFJ and maybe one other anomaly.
Try doing this on your type and seeing if it works or you’ve always identified with one of these three other types. Have you ever identified with your sensor or intuitive counterpart?
Now even after saying all this you know the mbti evaluation system I love the most because of how uncomplicated it is? Taking the four letters very literally. Forgetting functions and just classifying people as introverts versus extroverts, fact-facing vs pattern-facing/imaginators, tending to logical or feeling, and planners or procrastinators. Koreans do this a lot, I’ve seen. It’s less about functions for them and more about the information they can get from a person by just knowing the four letters they’re presented with. They take them at face value which (although people swear is wrong and not accurate!) actually does provide a general insight into how a person is and maybe even how to deal with them.
With the face value system, I’m: - very clearly ambiverted and get drained around people and recharge during alone time so introverted - definitely an intuitive and not a sensor as I favor connection, abstraction of ideas and induction as well in addition to deduction based on facts - appreciate that we’re all wired differently and don’t see anything wrong with feelers and what’s important to them but came to this conclusion logically and value things making sense to me; so thinker - and very clearly a procrastinator.
16p was right with this system; INTP no questions asked.
What do you think about all I’ve posited? And based on this write up, am I INTP or ENTP?
submitted by matrix-moderator to mbti [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:35 Calm_Marzipan_6965 Very bad breakup dark growing feeling

Hi My ex broke up with me, we were long distance for a very long time, never argued spoke about 8 hours a day, calls messages, always talking about our future together, I had never felt as happy as I did when I was with her. We saw each other a couple weeks ago and we spent the most beautiful week together, couldnt keep our hands off each other, kissing and she telling me that we'll get married at this place and babies, her parents loved me. She was so eager for me to visit again, so when I got on the plane home she told me come on this day, the day after i felt something was off, then I asked her about the future again and said it would be good if I can move closer later down the line and then she had changed saying I can visit but she wants more time alone it resulted in an argument and then she said shes had a bad feeling for a long time because of mistakes I made in the past mainly 2023 I had been out a few times and been drunk, never cheated or anything but she didnt like how I was, i dont like that person either... I really did change those behaviours and worked on it, thats why that week when we were together I felt amazing.
She blocked me on everything 2 weeks ago was so brutal and since then a dark feeling has been growing in me, its getting stronger and stronger almost like an aggression and I cant really control it, its not a sadness although it is too its like an obssesion, if I think of it like a colour its all black in my chest, it hurts alot. And then I feel like the bad side of me that I have when I drink is coming out when Im sober, i feel really bad, i feel like if i dont make lots of money and elevate myself then im doomed, cant stop the thoughts of her being with someone else, what do i do?
submitted by Calm_Marzipan_6965 to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:35 Calm-Echo95587 My (24M) girlfriend (28F) has a friend (31F) who was in a DUI and my GF wants me to help her what should I do?

I (24M) need some serious advice right now. My girlfriend (28F) has a friend (31F) who was in a car accident, and it’s really bad. She was driving drunk and ended up killing a 14-year-old. This isn’t even her first DUI—two years ago, she got into another accident while drunk and injured her 9-year-old son.
Here’s where it gets complicated: my family is deeply rooted in law enforcement. My dad is a police detective, my mom’s a nurse, my grandpa is a police captain, my uncle and his wife are police officers, and my other aunt is a DA. Because of this, I know a lot of high-ranking people within law enforcement.
My girlfriend is now pressuring me to use my connections to help her friend avoid punishment. I understand she’s scared for her friend, but this situation is so serious, and it’s messing with my head. I’m torn between wanting to help because of my girlfriend and feeling that what her friend did is inexcusable and needs to be dealt with legally.
I’ve always believed in doing the right thing, and I don’t want to compromise my morals or my family’s integrity. But I also don’t want to cause a rift with my girlfriend over this. I’m lost on what to do.
Any advice on how to navigate this situation would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
TLDR: My (24M) girlfriend (28F) has a friend (31F) who was in a DUI and my GF wants me to help her. What should I do?
submitted by Calm-Echo95587 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:35 Calm-Echo95587 My (24M) girlfriend (28F) has a friend (31F) who was in a DUI and my GF wants me to help her what should I do?

I (24M) need some serious advice right now. My girlfriend (28F) has a friend (31F) who was in a car accident, and it’s really bad. She was driving drunk and ended up killing a 14-year-old. This isn’t even her first DUI—two years ago, she got into another accident while drunk and injured her 9-year-old son.
Here’s where it gets complicated: my family is deeply rooted in law enforcement. My dad is a police detective, my mom’s a nurse, my grandpa is a police captain, my uncle and his wife are police officers, and my other aunt is a DA. Because of this, I know a lot of high-ranking people within law enforcement.
My girlfriend is now pressuring me to use my connections to help her friend avoid punishment. I understand she’s scared for her friend, but this situation is so serious, and it’s messing with my head. I’m torn between wanting to help because of my girlfriend and feeling that what her friend did is inexcusable and needs to be dealt with legally.
I’ve always believed in doing the right thing, and I don’t want to compromise my morals or my family’s integrity. But I also don’t want to cause a rift with my girlfriend over this. I’m lost on what to do.
Any advice on how to navigate this situation would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
submitted by Calm-Echo95587 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:35 nmarie1996 Possible underlying medical causes of suddenly worsening vision? 27F

27F 5'6'', 125 lbs, worsening vision over maybe a couple of months
So I'm nearsighted, have been forever, but I historically never wore my glasses except when necessary, like driving, because in every day life I didn't even need them - suffice to say my eyesight isn't (wasn't) all that bad. Lately my eyesight has been so bad. It's always blurry, and I even have to hold my phone inches from my face, when before I couldn't even wear my glasses while looking at my phone because I really didn't need them for that. Are there any underlying medical issues that could cause this? I have a lot of health problems so I feel like it could be anything or nothing - just want to know if there are any possibilities to consider.
I did go to the eye doctor and they noted the sudden change, called it a myopic shift. They said it was a drastic change in the short period of time between now and my last appointment. Their only concern was potentially diabetes, but my GP isn't concerned about that as I've never had abnormal blood sugars. Are there other possibilities, or could this just be entirely normal?
Possibly relevant diagnoses include UCTD (connective tissue disorder). I will be seeing an ophthalmologist to investigate dry eye.
submitted by nmarie1996 to AskDocs [link] [comments]