Morning sayings

Life Quotes Wishes Beautiful Quotes SMS Inspirational Quotes

2016.02.15 05:14 msaini01 Life Quotes Wishes Beautiful Quotes SMS Inspirational Quotes

QuoteSmS having a hug collection of Morning Quotes, Inspirational Words and Life Quotes. Send these Life quotes and sayings images to your friends, family members, beloved and relatives. This is a easiest way to express your feelings of love to them. There is a vast range of quotes which we have include Good morning, Good night, birthday, love, life Quotes SMS, funny jokes, whats-app Quotes and many more, demonstrating someone special that how much you love and care.

2011.09.08 20:31 Skuld British Problems

You can only whinge if it makes us chuckle

2010.09.05 15:50 admin36 Good Morning!

A place to say Good Morning

2024.06.02 10:32 AcceptLesbians My boyfriend is man in a child’s body.

My boyfriend is man in a child’s body.
TDLR; my boyfriend is trying to manipulate me into forgiving him for being secretive about an ex lover he calls his best friend.
My bf (M22) and me (F23) are having another tiff. We’ve been together for a year and moved in together October 2023.
It started when I was in the kitchen. I marinated chicken for supper then I set the dough for some donuts and started deep cleaning. When I was finished I walked into the bedroom where he had been all morning and afternoon. When I walked in he started whispering to someone on the phone then got up and left and I began to put some things in their rightful place.
I told myself to let it go and I'll check his phone later because what the actual eff! I checked his phone before I left for work and after I had gotten out of the shower he was awake. — I found a 20minute phone call so I went to check texts in WhatsApp. He was talking to a girl and I recognized the name. I saw texts from them from before we started dating and he was calling her sexy, beautiful etc. I brought it up to him asking who it was he said "it was a friend" I asked why he was whispering and he left he said "I didn't realize I was doing that" so I pressed further and asked who it was specifically, he said "it was my best friend" but I had never heard of this woman, I have never heard of this woman. He says "well I don't tell you about all my friends" and I said if this was your best friend I would definitely know them" and he started to name friends that I don't know about. Anyway he tried to show me the texts and I shrugged him off and he went to tl V shower as I was about to leave for work.
As I am leaving he comes up to me and tries to show the texts again and says something I cannot recall atm. He holds the door to our apartment open so l couldn't lock it while I left but I just walked down the stairs to go. As I am leaving he starts banging the door and smashes something, then he starts screaming, and I hear this all the way till I walked out of the door of our 3 floor walk up.
As I walk to the bus I text his saying to check on the bunny and make sure he feels safe and isn't scared. (Bunny's are prey animals and they get scared easily.) mind you during this entire conversation I was calm and only asking questions because I wanted to see what was going on before I jump to conclusions (I only checked his phone so I could know the facts w/o being blindly lied too and forgiving him) his exact texts were and I am going to copy and paste: (Screenshot above)
Him: picture of texts between them two
"Okay You are the prefect girlfriend You should know that love how you treat me I'm probably gonna be out when you get back so"
I said: "If I was you wouldn't be chatting with your rich mama privately" (he called her “rich mama” in the text a day before the call)
Him: "You make me wish I never met you I swear I'm blocking you cause I don't want to keep hearing hurtful things"
And then he blocked me. When I had gotten home from work my vape was missing and he took it, so I texted him and he ignored me for hours then said it was basically his cause he bought it and I was trying to quit so it didn't matter (bought it with my money) so I said but I was still mine and I wanted to use it tonight cause l'm stressing out and he didn't use it cause he didn't like the flavour. He ignored me for 3 more hours and then came back to the apartment. He came home talking about stuff that didn't relate to our argument, saying I never do anything for him, l'm never there for him, I don't take care of him. As he is pointing at the unfolded laundry. The one thing I didn't do this week.
I honestly don't know how I feel. I give my all for him and do my best for him. And it feels like he only sees what I don't do. He doesn't have a job right now because he booked of too much time between his all year job and his summer job (he leaves for moths to make 20k) so I don't understand why he couldn't folded the laundry or fixed supper when I have been working. I honestly have nothing to say to him after he said those things. I am so tired. So exhausted. He ignores me every time we have an argument and leaves for hours while blocking me. I'm tired of the psychological abuse. But I have no where to go. What should I do? How should I bring this conversation up to squash what happened? Or should I just leave him?
submitted by AcceptLesbians to u/AcceptLesbians [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:30 Background-Swan1610 AITAH for not wanting to break up

hey guys, I know this sounds really stupid, but I really needed advice and I am in a foreign country all by myself and have no one else to talk to. so my boyfriend and I decided to go on study abroads because he really wanted to go to a country that he’s studying the language of and I wanted to go to a country that I always loved and had a connection with so right now we have a seven hour time difference and have not seen each other since January. We have been together for a little under a year and a half and have been fighting for the past three months due to communication or lack there of. he is a very independent person and does not like to text or talk a lot unless it’s in person. Which brings us to our problems. I want to talk to my significant other and have calls or text throughout the day even if it’s not a lot however he doesn’t feel the need to since he communicates with his family every three days and says that’s how it should be. We have weekly dates which I typically plan or remind him, and we also have nightly calls. Those range a little on the longer side for my sake, he says. he has told me that he would text me throughout the day however I caught onto the fact that he never does unless I do first and I had a relationship like that before and it didn’t end well and he knows that. yesterday I texted him in the morning to our conversation that we previously had and did not say good morning just texted him. I had not heard back from him until he called me that night at 4 AM after he got back with his friends and we talked and I brought up the fact that he says that he would text me if I gave him the opportunity. he got really upset at the fact that I tested him and I rely and or wait on him for a text. he then flipped a switch and said is it a crime to want to hang out with my friends which I responded no and I had no problem with him hanging out with his friends I would just like to be a part of his day, which he does not believe can be possible because we are abroad, and I shouldn’t need to be part of his day. He said that he has friends and he’s sorry that I don’t have many friends on the study abroad, but that’s not his fault. I told him if he’s gonna keep being mean then I don’t think we would work. I hung up. I texted him about 40 minutes later saying hey I love you. You know my rule is not to go to bed angry but please call me in the morning so we can talk. I went to bed and woke up to no call or text. so I proceeded to text him saying hey please call me. He then ignored it, went on a run and called me afterwards saying we need to break up. I personally don’t believe that we should break up and I think this is a rash decision because midterms are coming up and he is stressed. as well as I see him in a week as I fly to his country. he told me that he does not want to see me that I should cancel all of our trips because (we have an upcoming trip where he will come and see me at the end of his study abroad so we can go back home together since we have a house that we are renting at our Uni) we are broken up and he does not feel like we should see each other. I asked him if there was any possibility of us getting back together he said no, I asked about our house, Our friends, our friendship and he is undecided. I called one of his friends. He thinks he is also stressed and is making a rash decision. I read himy thoughts and how I believe we should try one more time and he thought the letter was really good and we would stay together. However, I know my boyfriend and he is very stubborn once he makes his mind up to something he will not change it so Am I the Asshole not wanting to break up?
submitted by Background-Swan1610 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:28 Expensive-Block-6034 He says he hates the show but he specifically asked this morning for me to put it on.

He says he hates the show but he specifically asked this morning for me to put it on. submitted by Expensive-Block-6034 to rhoslc [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:23 legal_dept Say hello 👋

Say hello 👋
Say hello to the beauty which i picked up this morning. Loving it so far. Take a good guess where is she from 😎
submitted by legal_dept to LandCruisers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:18 nasseyz Struggling Any Advice?

I (M21) have been in a relationship with my partner (NB21) for almost 3 years. We’ve hit a point in our relationship that I’ve never had to deal with before. We are currently on a break. And as much as I hate that term it was either that or a break up and I love this person with all my heart and would do anything to make it work.
Mini personal info before getting in to what lead us here. They are my 2nd but first REAL relationship to this extent with someone. And I already had a good mindset about mental health but had no idea about BPD especially undiagnosed and diagnosed differences. Once we made things official they opened up and were very honest about what I could be getting into. I told them I’d make things work and we’d figure it out. We’ve even gotten to the point of having a note we collab on so I can ask questions and she can answer them and I always can go back and look if I’m lost or confused. I’ve done plenty of research and try my best to respect what they go through. They’ve even done better for themselves since being together such as, no more self harm and feeling more comfortable being around me even when they switch most of the time. They go to college and we’ve had to adjust to long distance and back and forth visits but they’re currently down for the summer. Since they’ve been down they struggle to make friends down here and the home they’re staying in is with their family that they’ve gotten a lot of trauma from.
To get back to the main topic, this began a week from today. We went out camping with their family for the weekend and on the night before we left the campsite I noticed they were very distant and short with convo. I realized this must’ve been a switch and knew I had to be patient. The next morning comes and I noticed it was the same. When we got back to their place they gave me dirty laundry to put away and I stupidly put them in the wrong places this triggered them and made things a bit worse. Once I left for work I went home after and noticed even her texts were still pretty dry and short. Which is normal for this behavior. I tried to make conversation and change the topic to keep convos going. For the next 2 days it felt like what I can best describe as being emotionally neglected getting no convo or life out of them. On those 2 days, were my days off of work and I tried to link up to eat together since they were close by but we ended up missing each other. We later saw each other for their little sister’s concert but I went to go get their brother a vape before coming. (i was told the wrong time and already late so i figured i’d just get it first, kind of slow ik) This added fuel to the fire. After the concert I tried to talk with them a bit when we were out with their family but it was the same vibe. I even tried to offer plans for tomorrow or even after we were done hanging with family. But the way they rejected I took a little personally, since it just felt like I was just getting nowhere. The next day they had to take their brother to a baseball game and I selfishly choose not to go simply because they were going to be out all day up at the baseball game and I wanted to genuinely relax at home. I texted them while they were there trying to make a conversation but it just kept dying. Eventually when they were leaving I texted and asked if they were upset with me personally. They opened up and said that the whole situation still had them angry simply because they felt like it was just very stupid to mess that up (i wouldn’t say they’re wrong) and that they had emotionless detachment from me JUST me. When they switch they usually show it towards everyone unapologetically. I’ve never dealt with that before and it honestly hurt reading it so i replied with simply “okay” and went to bed shortly after. I was in my head but tried to keep texting we couldn’t hangout because i work long hours and I usually try to make up for that in the weekends when i see them but this time due to what they said i asked pretty much if there was any point of me being over there and they pretty much replied you can come if you want to this unfortunately started to turn into a argument since I began to get more frustrated from not getting a straight answer and not knowing what to do it got really bad to the point I said triggering things such as “you need to help yourself more.” and “it just feels like you want to be mad at me.”These things were said out of pure emotional defense but it destroyed them. In the middle of the argument they opened up and said they were reallly tired of the texting and how things felt the same as if they still up in college even though they’re back home. Due to what I said they feel like I truly can’t handle being with them and being broken up is the better answer since things like this have been a repeated through the years and have steadily gotten a bit worse over time. I tried to explain it was simply the fact that they were emotionless towards me and being told that directly made me feel like whatever i said or did had no emotional value therefore had no meaning in their eyes. We agreed on a week break of no contact no location no nothing. This is currently day 3 and I’ve been trying to do a lot of self reflection on myself so I can have a clear mindset for this person to be there for them and love them for who they are but it’s hard to not get emotionally defensive myself sometimes.
I know this is a long read but any advice would mean the world. I know we can make this work I just feel like I need a better way of handling certain situations. I hope I made everything clear if anything isn’t don’t be afraid to ask!
thank you for reading :)
submitted by nasseyz to BPDPartners [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:15 Tricky-Muffin7102 AITA (19M) for making a bingo out of my dad's (52M) conversations?

I (19M) recently went back to my parents (52F and 52M) home after graduating with a basic college degree. I was living in an apartment and went back to my parents' home to find a job and pile up money. So, since I was jobless, I was pretty much making up for it by doing house chores.
Living with them, especially with my father, is very annoying though. My father is the type to always rant about wars and politics all the time. It's come to a point that my mother pretends to listen during dinner to satisfy my father while she maintains a bit of her sanity.
A few days ago, my father was having a racist rant about xyz group having the same conversation topics, as well as mock me for being jobless by calling me lazy and making jokes about renovating the basement since "it looks like I'll live here forever", to which I snapped and said that he's the one having the same conversations over and over. We fought a bit over it and I had a thought: I'll prove it by making a bingo of his conversation topics when we'll have our Friday family dinner with the grand-parents.
Friday comes and I discreetly fill out my bingo on my phone. I showed it to my mother and she thought it was pretty funny, letting me know when something needs to be stamped. My grand-mother (74F) warned me that it was a bad idea to make fun of others like that. I ignored it.
That evening, after the grand-parents went home, I showed my father the 3 bingos that I marked and he was livid, saying that it's highly disrespectful and a low-blow, even though I contested saying he did the same by not respecting the way we're tired of hearing about war and politics everyday. He called me an asshole for using him as entertainment like that. Yesterday morning, my mother went to me and said to never do that again, and my father continued to rant about non-various things during breakfast.
AITA for making a bingo out of my dad's conversations?
submitted by Tricky-Muffin7102 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:14 gleamandglowcloud How do you remember to take your meds????

I’m on Wellbutrin until I can get a formal diagnosis. I got a list of resources/jumping off points from my GP months ago and I’m not sure where I put it (probably somewhere I knew I’d see it and remember, so obviously it’s missing). The meds work well enough when I remember to take them! I’m supposed to take it in the morning because it’s energizing. I have a different med that I take at night, which I remember because my husband takes his vitamins at night. But I’m the morning I forget. I made myself a little sign that goes on the coffeemaker (bright orange, big letters) and lately I find myself moving it to the side as I make my coffee saying “oh I’ll do that as soon as I get this going” and then a child needs fruit snacks immediately or they will die, or my phone calls distantly, or I remember to look up that one thing that I thought about at 2am.
Surely one of you must have devised a system to remember this?? How do?? Please help 😫
submitted by gleamandglowcloud to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:07 FloatyFloatyCloud Does this look/sound like an exhaust leak?

Does this look/sound like an exhaust leak?
2009 Citroen C4, Diesel 1.6.
Neighbour says he thinks it sounds like an exhaust leak. Not sure if it comes though entirely in the audio but it's a quick puffing sound, gets fastelouder when the engine is revved. Certainly smells of exhaust. Will be getting it seen tomorrow if I can, but need to get my kid to a swimming lesson this morning and not sure if it's safe to take him (short 5 min drive).
submitted by FloatyFloatyCloud to AskAMechanic [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:01 papercup57 Dreams that felt too real.

2nd June 2024 11:45am
Work has been a little hectic lately, but my body can't sleep past 530 in the morning which adds to my lack of decent sleep to fully recover. It's a Sunday and I've been awake from 5 in the morning and decided to not get up and just lay on the bed. I know I'm tired, my body knows it's been stretched for a little too long so I decide to take the day slow. I somehow dozzed off after sometime and fell into a deep slumber.
Not realising I've fallen asleep I started having a vivid dream where I was driving on the highway, most likely returning from a work trip. I was driving at a decent speed considering it being a highway and the road seems like a familiar stretch, somewhere in a small village about 60 to 90 mins drive from the city. That is when a truck from the opposite side approaches with a wide turn onto my lane, which was on the cliffside of the road and crashed onto the vehicle I'm driving.
I just hold on and felt the scraping and collision of metals on my side. There was nothing I could do for it all happened so quickly and was over in a moment before I could ever react to it. With my senses all numb (probably due to my deep sleep) and being highly disoriented (probably due to the crash) I can clearly recall that the right side of the car was smashed and done for good. I was stuck in the drivers seat, all hazy, heard people screaming in a distance saying, "There's man inside". Someone rushed and tried opening the door to drag me out and there's smoke everywhere. I was terrified and shaken, but felt lucky to be alive with a slight regret of being a little tired. Just as I was about to be dragged out of the card to step out on the road I woke up.
Suddenly, realising it was a dream and considering that I often have extremely tiring journeys waking up from a nap was a huge relief. I sat and contemplated for a while and broke down, not because anything hurts. It overwhelms me on how tired I am and that I have to be on a constant watch, not ever having a moment to sit back and catch my breath. The realisation broke me down, but I was relieved knowing it was a dream.
I realized I was somehow parked facing the direction away from home so I decided to turn around.
I was turning the car around on a curved road with a tiny cottage perched on the slope towards the cliffside of the road and a man pleating bamboo strips on the yard. As I put the reverse on to turn, the rear of the car bump on the cottage which violently shook and almost tumbled down the hill.
This gave me another burst of fear, almost skipped a heartbeat as I watched the cottage shook and almost fall apart.
For the second time, with that sudden fear of closely avoiding another major accident, I woke up again from my sleep; realising that I had been dreaming within my dream. I took a huge breath, gasping a heavy sigh of relief, feeling my tired feet and my sore back resting on the bed.
Inspite of me now realising that it was a dream, I can still feel my heart beating really fast and my hands and feet still trembling from the shock of colliding with a truck.
It sure is amazing how our mind works and how amazingly real our dreams can feel.
submitted by papercup57 to Dreams [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:00 thictacs 12 hours without insulin part 2

I made a post about this 2 months ago and I concluded that it was a bad idea and my specialists had been unreliable to tell me it was okay.
HOWEVER!!! This is not the case! I added the fact in that post that my blood sugar levels were getting really high in the morning, and I kinda forgot that it hadn't always been like that for the past 10 years due to emotional permanence. I've been doing this for about 7-8 years and I just had a small patch of high blood sugar in the morning during the time I made the post. I checked my ketones in the mornings as people suggested, never went above 0.2 and haven't for the past 10 years except when I was diagnosed. I upped my morning basal as someone suggested and my blood sugar levels have been great, it almost felt like they levelled out of spite hehe.
I just wanted to make an update because I got a LOT of replies and it made me think I was being silly by doing this (understandably) but its been so fine, and my levels are so stable overnight. It doesn't make much sense to me or my specialists, who say they've never seen anything like it, but yeah just wanted to hear everyone's thoughts about it because lots of people commented on the post and seemed very intrigued!
I just got a new closed-link pump that talks to my CGM and controls my basal and it's all been fine and jolly :) Thanks for everyone's concerns on my last post!
submitted by thictacs to Type1Diabetes [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:52 brokeazzthrowawayhlp ULPT Request: What do I do about the junk haulers that moved in next door?

My mom lives in a residential neighborhood, but some junk haulers moved into an empty lot next door. This lot is literally in between my mom's house and another house. It's an empty residential lot. My mom lives in an unincorporated area of a major county. It's not remote or anything, it's actually a pretty nice area very close to some famous landmarks you've probably heard of. But for whatever reason, in the 90s, some fucking geniuses in the county decided to change the zoning laws here, so these junk haulers area technically able to operate out of here.
They're fucking assholes. They start their loud trucks with the "BEEP BEEP BEEP" Usually at 6:30 am, but sometimes as early as 4:30 am. They'll operate as late as midnight sometimes. They even sometimes work on weekends. What they also like to do on weekends is have parties on the property. I guess the guys who work there like to hang out and loudly drink and laugh long into the night. They're absolutely inconsiderate assholes.
When they first moved in, I dunno if it was quite a year ago now, my mom was battling with them, talking to them about the noise, calling the sheriff etc. Of course, this did nothing, the sheriff doesn't care and didn't do anything, and the neighbor, the guy on the other side of the junk haulers lot, go in trouble one of the times my mom called the sheriff. Guess what he got in trouble for... Having too much junk on his property!
Not only that, but she's convinced that in retaliation, the guys started planting nails under my mom's tires. Both my mom and my sister's boyfriend ending up getting nails in their tires (they drive the exact same type of car, coincidentally). My mom says that she saw someone one night sneaking around her car in the dark, and she checked it out the next morning and found nails (this was after she had to have a tire replaced). And now has to check her car in the morning for sabotage before driving to work.
Their trucks are massive, and apparently the guys stand on the trucks and look into my mom's back yard and smile and wave at my mom and sister while they're back there, or when they're walking from the house to the garage to do laundry, etc. My mom and sister are the only two people who live there and it makes them really uncomfortable.
So, what do we do? How do we make them stop? How do we get them to move out?
Bonus points if you can think of some way to get even with the landlord who rented this residential lot to junk haulers! He had been renting it to a company who parked unused vehicles there for years. That was fine. But I guess he decided to be a greedy asshole and destroy a neighborhood by getting some new tenants.
submitted by brokeazzthrowawayhlp to UnethicalLifeProTips [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:51 adulting4kids Psalms 1-37

  1. Psalm 1: The Way of the Righteous and the Wicked
  1. Psalm 2: The Reign of the Lord's Anointed
  1. Psalm 3: Save Me, O My God
  1. Psalm 4: Answer Me When I Call
  1. Psalm 5: Lead Me in Your Righteousness
  1. Psalm 6: O Lord, Deliver My Life
  1. Psalm 7: In You Do I Take Refuge
  1. Psalm 8: God's Glory and Human Dignity
9-10. Psalm 9-10: God's Justice and the Oppression of the Poor
  1. Psalm 11: The Lord is in His Holy Temple
  1. Psalm 12: Save, O Lord, for the godly one is gone
  1. Psalm 13: How Long, O Lord?
  1. Psalm 14: The Fool Says, There Is No God
  1. Psalm 15: Who Shall Dwell on Your Holy Hill?
  1. Psalm 16: You Will Not Abandon My Soul
  1. Psalm 17: In the Shadow of Your Wings
  1. Psalm 18: The Lord is My Rock and My Fortress
  1. Psalm 19: The Law of the Lord Is Perfect
  1. Psalm 20: May the Lord Answer You in the Day of Trouble
  1. Psalm 21: The King Rejoices in Your Strength, O Lord
  1. Psalm 22: Why Have You Forsaken Me?
  1. Psalm 23: The Lord Is My Shepherd
  1. Psalm 24: The King of Glory
  1. Psalm 25: To You, O Lord, I Lift Up My Soul
  1. Psalm 26: Vindicate Me, O Lord
  1. Psalm 27: The Lord Is My Light and My Salvation
  1. Psalm 28: The Lord Is My Strength and My Shield
  1. Psalm 29: Ascribe to the Lord Glory
  1. Psalm 30: Joy Comes with the Morning
  1. Psalm 31: In You, O Lord, Do I Take Refuge
  1. Psalm 32: Blessed is the one whose transgression is forgiven
  1. Psalm 33: Sing to him a new song
  1. Psalm 34: I Will Bless the Lord at All Times
  1. Psalm 35: Contend, O Lord, with those who contend with me
  1. Psalm 36: Transgression Speaks to the Wicked
  1. Psalm 37: Fret not yourself because of evildoers
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:49 OneDifficult297 will this decrease my protection

hi so i’m on the combined pill and my leaflet says if you have diarrhoea within 4 hours of taking it or continuously for 24 hours you are no longer protected. i keep having minor diarrhoea in the morning (8am)and i take my pill at 11pm so im right in thinking im still covered yeah
submitted by OneDifficult297 to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:44 Kitten7981 Update on Lovey, the Orb Spider outside my window....

Update on Lovey, the Orb Spider outside my window....
TL;DR: Lovey is great and has 2 egg sacs now on the window. Can anyone tell me what type she is? species? breed? whatever its called?
Preface: I am severely arachnophobic and a Golden Orb Spider is living outside my window. Lovey and I are in the Wide Bay area in QLD, Not too far from Bundaberg.
Lovey is doing well. She has a second golden blob, slightly below the first, on the top of the window. My original photos of Lovey were taken early one morning on my phone through the Crim Safe that allows us to be friends. They were bad... Anyway..
All had been well, till Thursday Morning. I opened the curtain to say hi, like I do, and there she was, all upside down and broken looking, Legs all over the place and looking all bent out of shape. We'd had a bad storm on Wednesday night and it rained hard. I tapped the window and called out to her (Can spiders even hear?) but nothing... As I looked out there I knew she had left me. Shed died in her web and was smashed about by the rain.
I shuffled myself down stairs, and I cried. I really cried. I cried to my husband and he said we could get her down later tonight and lay her to rest somewhere nicer than dangling outside my window... I went to work and was sad all day.
Later that afternoon, I went to close the curtains - it was getting cold - and there she was. Just sitting in her web, all normal and fine looking. I did a double take. but sure as heck, there she was! She must have flipped herself backwards in the rain? Do they do that? I was ecstatic! She was alive!!
I decided that I needed to capture some real photos of my friend, Lovey, and today was the day...
So, through shuddering bones and a whole lot of sweating, I went out there to make some memories.
I took a billion bad photos, but only a few were ok. So, Can anyone tell me what type of spider she is? or how old she might be? or anything about her??
Thank you for reading our journey, & we hope you think she's as pretty as I do.
submitted by Kitten7981 to AustralianSpiders [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:44 Worldly-Ad-2867 I’m a basketcase.

Good morning all. I’m Justin. 34. Husband. Dad. I have battled anxiety since I was 16 or so. I have had a variety of meds, counseling, etc. I have been doing pretty well until I my diabetes diagnosis in 2018 I think it was. Maybe 2019. I was doing really really well and then fell off the wagon. I got back on track and have done much better until a few weeks ago. I feel like it’s wreaking havoc keeping up with sugars, diet, good days, bad days, etc.
In saying all the above, I have really been fighting myself. I have been worried more about “me” instead of the one who holds me and my world together. I stopped caring, reading the Bible, praying, spending time in my worship/prayer closet, just loving on the Lord. I feel so distant. I feel like I’m going crazy. I fell back into severe p*rn addiction, cussing, etc. I am on my churches worship team but I just feel so sick and out of place knowing I’m like the biggest sinner. Doing the worship team is how I feel spiritually fulfilled but also so dry. I can’t explain that right 😆.
So I am asking for a simple prayer for getting bath on that narrow path. I write this as I try to worship and pray at 2:40am and my body is feeling like it’s in fight or flight and I feel completely unworthy to even talk to Jesus.
Sorry so long. I think my mind finally gave in to shouting for help and prayer. Thanks for listening. ❤️
submitted by Worldly-Ad-2867 to PrayerRequests [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:43 Cryptalaus Dirty shoes

‘Do not bring home the mudmen.’ That’s what my uncle said to me when I went camping in the woods behind his farm. I asked him for more information but he shook his head. ‘It’s a tradition. It's just a thing people around here used to say in the old days.’ He smiled at me, even though his eyes looked rather sad. I said goodbye and started walking. Ever since my sister died, I have not been the same. My mother had sent me camping in these woods to defeat the numbness. ‘A bit of fresh air will do you good. One night alone in the woods, that's all you need!’. I remembered her words when it started raining, only one hour into my camping trip. Part of me wanted to return to the farm but my body kept walking. I have to admit that it felt good to be outside. While the rain fell, my thoughts kept going back to the funeral. It had also rained then. It was hard actually to remember a single thing about that day. All the speeches and the faces and the condolences blurred together in my head. The only moment that I did remember, was after the funeral when everyone had gone home and I lingered for a while at my sister’s grave. I joked around like we used to do but with no response, all the while crying like a child. Joking to my sister’s grave did make me feel better though it did not stop the numbness.
The afternoon passed while I thought about my sister and my future. Every couple of hours the rain stopped, only to begin again a few minutes later. The earth made squishy sounds while I trudged my way towards a good camping spot. Sometimes one of my boots got stuck in the dirt but it didn’t bother me. My sister and me, we used to go on adventures in the small woods near our school. A world of imagination and freedom awaited us there between the trees. My current trip made me reminisce about our adventures. With my shoes in the wet soil, I felt like an adventurer myself, a lonely hero on his way towards an epic quest. I smiled while the rain kept falling.
By nightfall, I had secured a cosy camping spot on a hill, high and dry from the ever-present rain. I ate the sandwiches my uncle made for me and fell asleep to the faint beginnings of a thunderstorm in the distance. I broke up my tent and returned to the farm. I felt much better, to be honest. It had finally stopped raining and the sun guided me during my walk back. I had some time for myself. Time to think about my sister but also about me. I’d finally started thinking about my future. Made some plans and jotted some things down in my journal. So it was with great enthusiasm that I returned to the world of the living. Even though the rain had stopped, the mud was still there. It was impossible to traverse the woods without getting dirty. But I didn’t care. I felt happy and a little mud had never killed anyone, right?
When I came back, my uncle wasn’t there. He had left a note that he had gone to a friend’s house and that he wouldn’t return until that evening. Because my shoes were already dirty I decided to help my uncle out and do a bit of work on the farm. I cleaned up the stables, fed the pigs and reorganized his storage. When I was ready, I left my muddy shoes outside.
I woke up to the sound of a scream. Sleep still had me in its thrall when I came down the stairs. A second scream shook me from my slumber and I raced outside, towards the sound. It came from the stable. I crossed the courtyard and saw dirty footprints everywhere, all ominous looking in the moonlight. I threw open the stable’s door but I saw it was already too late.
I want you to imagine my uncle. He’s in his forties. Short brownish hair, modest beard, big friendly eyebrows. Now imagine him again but with mud and dirty black water coming out of his eyes, ears, nose and mouth. His scream had turned into a desperate gurgle when I saw him. He sat upon his knees surrounded by three humanoid figures entirely covered in mud. At second glance, they weren’t covered in it. They were mud. Their whole body was mud. These figures stared at me or I thought they did. They had no faces but their heads turned towards me. My uncle tried to gurgle a warning or something but he had wasted his last breaths. As he fell in a puddle of saliva and dirt I ran away as fast as I could. I heard the wet squelching steps of my pursuers, reminding me of my return to the farm while it rained earlier that day. I ran inside, shoved a closet against the door and started thinking about an escape plan. Meanwhile it had started to rain again.
My initial plan was to escape through the front door. But what to do after that? Where to go? I searched for the keys to my uncle’s pickup truck but found nothing. Shit. He probably had the keys on him. Which meant I had to get all the way back to the stable and face the mudmen. I picked up a big knife from the kitchen and decided to risk it. On foot in the rain with mud everywhere I probably won’t last long, especially when my pursuers were made out of the same dirt I was walking upon. The steady rhythm of rainfall synchronised with the beating of my heart as I went outside. When I put on my shoes, I noticed they were clean as if I never even had been camping. While adrenaline raged and all my rational thinking was being crushed by raw fear, I darted towards the stable. On my way I sank halfway into a deep puddle and when I reached the doors I had become some of a mudman myself. All my muscles strained and my brain was going in survival mode as I opened the door. I was ready to stab these mudmen. To avenge my uncle and… I saw no one. The stable was empty. No mudmen but also not a trace of my uncle.
I decided to return back to the house and that was the moment I found out where all the mudmen had been. They had been gathering reinforcements. Outside the stables stood eight mudmen. Their slick featureless heads ‘looked’ at me. It was difficult to say where their legs ended or where the ground started. One of them seemed new. The mud was not as thick as with the others and pieces of farm overall were visible. It was my uncle. Before I had any time to process this, the fuckers began to make their way towards me. I quickly decided to abandon my hope of a pick-up truck and to go with my plan B. I ran away as fast as I could. They followed me, slowly but surely. Mud was everywhere as I sprinted through the woods. Water, dirt and tree branches clung to me as I tried to shake off the mudmen. They moved like boneless masses, ever merging with the ground upon which they persuaded me.
I don’t know how far or fast I ran. I passed some other farms and wondered whether they could be potential targets of the mudmen. The way my uncle had warned me this morning, seemed like folklore but real. Maybe everyone that lived there knew to watch out when walking through mud. After crossing multiple asphalt roads and some hills, I arrived in a small village. I went to the local diner and decided to call my parents to come and pick me up. I have no idea how I will explain any of this to them or to myself.
I’m currently waiting for my parents. I decided to post my story here to get my thoughts straight. Has anyone ever heard of these mudmen? Or encountered them? I wonder if there is any way to stop them. As I write this grey clouds gather once again and I just heard a conversation between two truckers. According to them, it will keep raining for the next couple of days. Better avoid the woods for a while.
submitted by Cryptalaus to NoSleepAuthors [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:43 SquareChildhood6550 AITA for breaking up with my girlfriend after she didn’t tell me she got an abortion and wanted to have a PI look into me?

I am going to clear this right now and say yes, I am pro-choice, she would be the one growing a baby inside her so she has the right to make whatever choice she wants. At the same time, anyone has the right to end a relationship whenever and for whatever reason they want.
This is going to be a long story, my apologies in advance.
Onto the actual story, my ex-girlfriend Jas (25F) and I (24M) were together for two years. We had an amazing relationship. It just felt like we understood each other perfectly. We’re both Punjabi-Canadian/American currently living on the west coast so there are some cultural stigmas at play here that we overcame. My parents absolutely loved Jas and basically considered her to be a daughter. Her parents and siblings were amazing and very welcoming to me. When we wanted to move in together, literally no one objected and while some people in our community criticized the move, our parents didn’t care. Anyway, last week, I was away on a trip for work and came home Friday evening. I got her parents’ blessing to propose before I left and my plan was to take her to our spot, the highest point of a hill that oversees our city, on Saturday and ask her to marry me. I had a few of our friends get to the spot about 30 minutes before us to take some pictures.
When we get there, I propose, Jas starts crying, I think it’s happy crying, she gets down on her knees, hugs me, and says she has to tell me something. Turns out she found out she was pregnant the day I left for the trip and took an abortion pill the next day. Everyday for the last three months, Jas has been telling me she can’t wait for us to become parents and experimenting with what our kids are going to be named. So now, she finds out she is pregnant and we are going to be parents, she decides to not even tell me that she was pregnant and gets an abortion. We talked every single day while I was away so she had every chance to tell me 1) she was pregnant, 2) she wanted to get an abortion, 3) she got an abortion. Obviously, the choice to keep or abort the baby is hers but she chose to hide it. On top of that, were those three months of her fantasizing about becoming parents and starting a family a lie? All the trust I had in her was lost in that moment.
One of her friends came over to where we were talking and asked if everything was ok. Jas told her that we needed to talk and everyone should leave. I didn’t really know what to say and I just held Jas’ hand and we walked back down to my car and drove home. She was crying and begging me to talk the whole way. I just asked her two questions. Why hide the pregnancy from me? Why get an abortion? My initial guess was that she was afraid of what our parents would say (fair enough) about having a baby before marriage but I was so wrong.
She said she told her parents the night she found out and they were supportive of whatever she chose to do. She admitted that she lied to her parents that she told me. Anyway, she also told her best friend Lily (who did not show up to the hilltop proposal which I thought was weird but didn’t think too much of it) and asked for her advice. Lily told her that I was cheating (I have never cheated) and she should abort the baby as she didn’t deserve to be tied to me for 18 years. Jas didn’t believe her but said she would get a PI to look into me and get an abortion in the meanwhile. By the time we got home, I knew the full truth and decided that our relationship was done. She hid that she was pregnant from me, she hid getting an abortion, she lied to her parents about telling me, on top of that, she trusted her friend more than me and decided to have a PI look into me.
The love I had for Jas was gone. I calmly told her that we were done and asked her to pack her things and be gone by the next morning (it’s my apartment since before we met and her parents live 20 minutes away and she has her own car) and left to go stay in a hotel room for the night. She begged me to not leave her and try to see things from her angle. I had texts and calls from our friends asking what happened but I didn’t respond to anything. I just ate and fell asleep.
I go back home the next morning and see she hasn’t packed anything. We have the exact same conversation as the day before. I tell her that she has two options. She can either pack her things and leave on her own or I will put all her things into some garbage bags and go drop it off at her parents’ place. I leave and spend the night at a hotel again.
I woke up to a text from her telling me that she left and she was sorry. I also got a text from her parents saying they’re sorry on behalf of Jas. I responded saying there was nothing for them to apologize for and asked them to take care of Jas and thanked them for their love and support.
Later, she announced to our friends that we broke up in our group chat. She didn’t specify the reason and just said we wanted different things. That evening, I got a message from Lily, asking to meet up and saying she is worried and wants to check up on me with a red heart emoji. I had no interest in this and didn’t reply and sent a screenshot of the message to Jas. Jas and Lily got into a heated argument in the girls-only group chat. As per a screenshot I received from one of the other girls (Emma) in the group, Jas blamed Lily for manipulating her into getting an abortion and for ruining our relationship and Lily admitted that she was jealous of Jas and had a crush on me and tried apologizing. I got a lot of crying voice notes from Jas that night apologizing more and begging me to take her back. I felt bad for her but I can’t trust her anymore. I didn’t respond and asked Emma to check up on Jas and make sure she is okay.
Tuesday, Wednesday:
Emma told me that Jas is okay and I thanked her for checking on her on Tuesday. Nothing on Wednesday
I meet a girl at the gym and we start talking and we make plans to meet up the following day. Nothing from Jas, Emma, or anyone regarding the situation.
I go for a walk in the city with the new girl and we grab dinner together. Before anyone asks, I was up front to her about my situation with Jas and she said she didn’t mind.
I walk to my favorite cafe to get some work done on a personal project. As I’m working, Jas sits down across the table from me. She admits to following me for the last few days. She’s crying, yelling, and apologizing all at once. She says she’s “willing to overlook” me going on a date with someone else. I packed up my stuff and grabbed her hand and went outside where we could talk without causing a scene. I tell her calmly that I will always love her but I can no longer be with her. I told her I hope she heals, moves on, and finds someone new who brings her all the happiness in the world. She was following me on foot so I drove her to her parents’ place and she asked me to hug her one last time and I did and we said our goodbyes.
As soon as I get home, I’m bombarded by messages and calls from Jas’ friends except Lily and Emma accusing me of destroying her mental wellbeing and self-esteem. To be completely honest, I have no idea what I did now that they're all mad about? Telling her I hope she finds someone else and finds happiness? I don’t know anymore. I’ve silenced my phone and I’m here typing this, wondering if I went about this the wrong way. I’ve never used Reddit before and I’m hoping I could get some unbiased opinions here.
submitted by SquareChildhood6550 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:42 itsthegoldeneagle AITA for telling my family to stop letting my older sister depend on my parents too much?

[EDIT : WARNING — Long text and grammatical errors]
I (24M) is working as a chief audit officer in a small company, the salary is not too-big but enough to pay our electricity and water bills.
I came from a big family, all in all I have 5 siblings one being a step-brother. I have two older sisters, two older brothers, and one younger step-brother. To give more visual on it, the order is; older brother, older sister, older sister, older brother, me, and younger step-brother.
Despite my parents being annuled they still live in the same neighborhood, I live under our mother's (46) roof while the two older brothers had long moved away from the state we live in. Along with me are my older sister and her girlfriend. So basically, Me, my mother, older sister and her girlfriend is living in the same roof. Recently my second older sister got married and decided to live with her husband on her in-laws city two years ago.
In the second house where my father (58) and his second wife lives is my younger step-brother. Although the age-gap between me and my baby brother is huge we are really close, often time he would sleep with me in my room.
However, recently my sister who got married two years ago had just given birth. She decided to move back to my mother's house, hearing that news I immediately offered her my room. Few weeks passed and it's going well, the baby is receiving a lot of attention, plus my younger brother loves her he can spend his time with the baby when I'm still at work. This until my brother in-law decided to stay with my sister. At first I had no issue, literally none.
One Sunday morning my mother's neighbor friends came to visit, no work during weekends. They are chatting in the living room while I do work stuff in my laptop, despite being busy I can still listen to their conversations and would crack up when they throw jokes. Then one of them asked if my sister's husband is here, which my mother replied 'yes'. The same woman pointed out that they never actually saw his face, which made me realize something.
My older sister (29) have always been introverted, before even her marriage she often just stay still on her bedroom (my father's house). She also found her husband through Facebook, after a year of chatting she started going to HIS house! And after a year of dating they decided to get married because... she got pregnant. Just like her, my brother in-law had stayed in my room since he arrived. He would only get out when meal is prepared, yk what, sometimes my sister would even bring the foods inside my room so they can eat their meals there.
This realization made me believe that it shouldn't be this way, her husband should at least help to wash their daughter's clothes because they keep letting my mother do ALL of it. I tried as much as possible to understand them and their situation, but it was too much. I finally decided to step-up when I heard that he (brother-in-law) actually quit his job so he can HELP my sister get through the first-time-mother-experience. And I actually heard this during the time my sister's having conversation with my mother asking for money to buy diapers and formula. It got me enraged.
Before I could confront my older sister, I first, decided to talk to my mom. My mother is unemployed (I told her to just sit home and relax since me and my other older sister with her girlfriend can support her daily needs and we often bring her to restaurants to let her enjoy at least. Which we stopped doing after my sister moved in.) I told my mom to knock some-sense on my brother-in-law and of course my sister. I get it, my sister is caring for her daughter but her husband in not doing much — he should've just stayed where he was and should've never quit his job. My mother said she couldn't, it's too hard to do. And I don't want to her to feel this kind of feelings anymore so I said I should be the one to do it. (I can right? Since I'm the one paying for the electricity and water bills I think the right to)
Which then I did, over dinner we invited everyone to be on the dining area to eat. My older sister along with her girlfriend are the ones that cooked and prepared the dining table, I carefully knocked on my room's door to invite the two to eat dinner. Thankfully their daughter had already fallen asleep, without waiting for them to open the door I walk back to the dining area. I once again, only saw my sister walked out of the room carrying the dishes they used early that morning for their breakfast. I waited for her to see what she will do next, I was waiting whether she will eat with us or would bring her meal with her husband's in the room. She did the latter. I had enough. Before she could even walked out of the dining area I stopped her and softly told her to eat with us, and for her to invite her husband out.
She said that her husband is SHY!? I let out the most bravest words I could ever say. I told her that if they continue acting like this I would personally kicked them out of the house and they stay with my father's. It was a long night but I'd rather not discuss all of it, all I knew was that she got really mad and locked the door of my very own room.
Edit: Her husband did not confront me for what I did, just like his wife said, HE is SHY!
submitted by itsthegoldeneagle to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:40 Individual-Crow4570 Setting Circadian Rhythm, windows not allowed but contacts & eyeglasses??

I don't get it: He mentions that setting the circadian rhythm through a window isn't effective, because it filters too much of the relevant wavelengths but contrary he says, "contacts and eyeglasses (even those with UV protection) are fine to wear when viewing morning sunlight. However, don’t use sunglasses or blue blockers during morning sunlight-viewing". So eyeglasses with uv protection are ok but windows not? Don't windows mainly block some wavelengths from the uv spectrums (which shouldn't have any circadian effects)?
submitted by Individual-Crow4570 to HubermanLab [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:36 JoshAsdvgi The Foundling who was befriend by Wolves

The Foundling Who Was Befriended by Wolves
The elder of two brothers was very expert at catching eagles.
He would cover a hole with leaves and brush, place on top the carcass of some animal, and hide underneath until an eagle settled on the brush to eat the meat.
Then he would seize the bird’s legs, draw it inside, and kill it.
Once he caught a big red eagle, but not wishing to kill such a bird he let it fly away.
The younger boy now begged permission to catch eagles also.
The elder refused him three times. The fourth time he consented, but warned the lad not to touch a big red eagle.
So the boy concealed himself in the trap.
One of the smaller eagles soared down and began to eat the meat.
The boy caught and killed it without difficulty.
Another settled on the trap, then a third. Those also he killed.
Then came a big red eagle. Forgetting his brother’s warning and tempted by its bright feathers, he seized its wing and tried to drag it down.
The eagle, however, was too strong. It pulled him out of the trap and carried him far away.
His brother looked for him that evening, saw the gaping hole in the trap, and knowing what had happened sat down and wept.
He wept and wept, until he shriveled up and became a tiny baby again.
An old woman who was traveling to one side of a party happened to hear the baby cry.
She picked it up, wrapped it in her blanket, gathered some of the feathers that were strewn about, and hurried on to rejoin her people.
In the party were her ten sons.
As the eldest was pitching his tent that evening, she said to him, “Back yonder on the hill I found a little baby and brought it along with me.
May we sleep in your tent tonight?”
“No”, he answered gruffly. “The child will disturb us too much.”
She approached the second son, the third, the fourth; each rejected her in almost the same words.
Last of all, she approached the tenth and youngest.
“Yes, mother, come in and bring your baby with you.
He will be a little brother to me.”
So the old woman lodged with her youngest son, to whom she gave her eagle feathers.
The years passed by, and her baby grew into a sturdy youth.
One winter the Indians set up their tents beside a large pond and began to scour the countryside for buffalo. Not an animal could they find anywhere.
Before long their supply of food ran low, yet they would not move away, for they still hoped that one or more herds would appear in their neighbourhood.
While they were idly waiting, the chief of the band tried to capture two foxes that had made their dens in the vicinity, but the animals were too cunning for him.
Annoyed at the failure, he sent a crier round the camp to proclaim that the man who brought him their skins might marry one of his daughters.
All the best hunters went out to try their skill but failed — the foxes outwitted every one.
One day the boy brought some sticks into his foster-grandmother’s tent and began to make a bow and arrows.
She said to him, “What are you going to shoot, my grandson?”
“I am going to try for the foxes.”
“Foolish boy. If the best hunters in the camp can’t catch them, you certainly will not succeed.”
“I can at least try. It may be that I can shoot them with my arrows.”
The grandmother only laughed; she said no more.
Unnoticed by anyone in the camp, the boy slipped away the next morning and hid near one of the dens.
A fox emerged and wandered away.
As soon as it disappeared, he planted a circle of pointed sticks around the hole, then hid again and waited.
Not long afterwards the fox returned, spied the watching lad, and darted for its hole.
The sharp sticks pierced its neck and killed it. The boy killed the other fox in exactly the same manner and, concealing the furs under his coat, he started for home.
As he trudged along, snow fell and obliterated his tracks so that no one discovered where he had been.
Outside his tent he stopped, glanced quickly round, and concealed his furs in a heap of firewood.
Then he went inside and sat down without saying a word.
His grandmother looked up and asked:
“Where have you been?”
“Oh, I just went out and caught the foxes.”
She laughed again.
“Oh, but I will prove it,” he said.
And going outside he plucked a few hairs from the furs and brought them in to her.
“You shouldn’t pull the hair out of our dogs,” she said. “The weather is very cold, and they need all their fur.”
Three times he brought in scraps of the fox fur, and each time she declared that he had pulled them out of the dogs.
The fourth time he brought in the furs themselves.
The old woman gazed at them in amazement.
At last she said, “My grandchild, you have been very lucky.
But you are too young to marry one of the chief’s daughters.
You had better give the furs to one of your brothers.”
The boy did not answer.
In the evening she told her younger son what had happened.
Loudly he voiced his praise and said to the boy:
“Don’t give the furs to anyone else.
Take them to the chief yourself.”
At dawn the people discovered that the foxes were missing and informed the chief, who walked through the camp crying before every tent, “Who killed the foxes?”
No one answered him. None of the hunters could produce the furs, and no one thought of the poor orphan lad.
Greatly perplexed, the chief retired to his tent again.
The sun had reached noon when the old woman, concealing the furs under her robe, stole inside the tent and sat down humbly at the right of the door.
The chief looked up and said to his family, “This old woman has never visited me before.
Feed her well, and then let her tell us what she wants.”
They fed her, but instead of announcing why she had come, she quietly slipped through the door and returned home.
“I brought the furs back,” she said to the boy.
“You are such a poor wretched orphan that I was ashamed to tell him.”
Before he could reply, her own son spoke up, “You did wrong, mother.
You should have told the chief.
Go back now and give him the furs.”
The old woman went out slowly.
Presently she returned with her message again undelivered.
He sent her a third time but shame still sealed her lips.
Driven back for the fourth time, she sat with bowed head inside the doorway vainly trying to muster up her courage.
At last she rose to steal outside again but as she stooped to pass through the door, the fox’s tail slipped down into view below her robe.
With one bound the chief pulled it away from her, seized the other fox fur also, and cried, “Now — which of your sons was it that killed them?”
“It was my foster-grandson”, she murmured.
“I was too ashamed to give you the furs before.”
The chief sat down in silence, and his elder daughter turned her face away in disgust. But the younger girl cried out, “If her grandson has killed the foxes, I will marry him.”
So the younger girl returned with the old woman and married the youth, while her sister remained with her father.
Three days passed without incident.
On the fourth, the youth said to his bride, “Tell your father to build the pound higher and to keep a sharp watch, for tomorrow I am going to drive in some buffalo”.
The girl carried his message to her father, who issued the necessary orders to his people.
He was a wise old man and realized that the orphan possessed great medicine-power.
Most of the hunters, however, ridiculed the youth, and the boys in the camp pelted him with clods when he started out at dawn for the hunting grounds.
All that morning the camp waited expectantly.
A party that left before the orphan had returned empty-handed and reported that there was no sign of game. The sun was already low when a watchman excitedly signaled that a large herd of buffalo was approaching the pound, driven by someone he could not distinguish.
It was the orphan, who, having changed himself into a wolf as soon as the camp was out of sight, had rounded up the animals and now in his proper form was herding them toward the corral.
Glowing with pride, the old chief shouted to his followers, “Come and watch my son-in-law drive in the buffalo.”
As the last of the buffalo stampeded into the pound, the Indians closed the barrier, mounted the ramparts, and shot them down.
Not one escaped.
Then they butchered them and divided the meat and hides among all the families in the camp.
Next day the youth drove in more buffalo, and still more on the third day.
At daybreak on the fourth he said to his wife, “Tell your father to strengthen the pound, because in today’s herd will come the biggest animal he has ever seen.
That animal he must reserve for me to kill.”
The herd he drove in that day was even larger than the three earlier ones.
He did not stay to watch the massacre, but retired to his tent, where he ordered his wife to comb and dress her hair.
Then from behind his sleeping place he mysteriously produced two beautiful costumes, one for her and one for himself.
Arraying themselves in these garments, they proceeded to the pound, where the hunters had killed all the buffalo except the giant animal he had specially reserved for his own arrows.
He shot this last buffalo, and his wife carried the meat in a precious otter skin to his tent.
There she disdained to wash the skin, but scornfully threw it away, for now she and her husband were so prosperous that even an otter skin possessed little value in their eyes.
Henceforth the camp recognized the orphan youth as its leader and promptly obeyed whatever commands he issued through the old chief, his father-in-law.
Yet there was one person who hated him — his wife’s older sister, the girl who had scorned him in the days of his poverty.
If her parents offered her meat from any buffalo he had driven into the pound, she flung it to the ground in contempt.
Constantly did she spy on his movements in the hope that her “medicine”, which was a mole, might be able to work him some injury.
Now the youth frequently visited a hilltop above the camp and often slept there.
One day the girl discovered him asleep and sent her mole-spirit to tunnel the ground under his body.
The mole did its work so well that the earth collapsed and precipitated him into a deep pit, from which he could not get out.
Then day after day his sister-in-law climbed the hill and mockingly threw dirt in his face.
In vain he cried for mercy and begged her to help him out, or a t least to tell his people.
She merely derided his misery. Not knowing what had become of him, his people concluded that he had perished.
Even his own wife gave up all hope and went into mourning for him.
Now that they had no one to drive the buffalo into their pound the Indians moved away.
Then a wolf that was prowling for food round the deserted campsite discovered the youth, and howled.
Soon a whole pack gathered about the pit.
The mother wolf said to them:
“Whoever succeeds in extricating this man may take him for her son.”
The animals scratched vigorously, but no sooner had they loosened the earth all around than the old wolf herself caught hold of him and pulled him out.
She adopted him as her son and allowed him to join the wanderings of her pack.
At night, because he no longer owned a blanket, the wolves made a soft mattress for him by spreading their tails together on the ground; but within two or three days they killed a buffalo, whose hide provided him with a warm robe.
This pack of wolves roaming in the vicinity spoiled the hunting of the youth’s people, who set traps to catch them.
But the youth protected his companions by breaking the traps.
The old chief awakened one night and listened to their howling.
“Hark,” he said. “I seem to hear a man calling to those wolves.”
He roused the hunters, who intercepted the pack and seized the youth as he ran in front of it.
The prisoner tried to bite them, but they said, “Don’t bite. You haven’t yet changed to a wolf.”
They then led him quietly home, where he settled down again with his wife and people.
Every night thereafter he lay awake in his tent, listening for the howl of his foster-mother.
For several nights he could not hear it.
Then one day he saw her skin drying outside a hunter’s tent for she had wandered away from the pack and had been caught in a trap.
The youth sent his grandmother to ask for the skin.
When she handed it to him, he grunted over it four times, at the fourth grunt it became a live wolf again.
He set the animal free and it returned to the prairies.
Thus he repaid his debt to his foster-mother.
He now resumed his hunting and rounded up a large herd of buffalo.
As the animals trotted over the plain, he called to a young heifer, “When my arrow strikes you, leap over the rampart of the pound and flee to that tall poplar beyond the hill.
Then lie down and die.”
The Indians slaughtered all the buffalo he drove into the pound except the young heifer, which leaped the rampart and fled over the hill.
The youth shouted to his wife, “Come with me.
We will follow it”.
“Let me go too”, cried his sister-in-law.
“Yes, you may come”, he answered.
So the two women accompanied him to the dead heifer and watched him butcher it.
“There is your load,” he said to his wife. “Carry it to our tent.”
“Give me a load also”, his sister-in-law demanded.
“Yes here is a load for you too.
You can use the intestine of the heifer for your pack-strap.”
The two women started back with their loads but had traveled only a very short distance when the intestine broke and the elder woman’s pack fell to the ground.
While she was retying it, her sister walked on and disappeared over the top of the hill.
Then the youth, who had lingered behind, began to howl like a wolf.
“Why do you howl like that?” his sister-in-law asked anxiously.
Without answering he turned his back to her and howled three times again.
Suddenly a pack of wolves appeared –his foster family.
They pounced on the woman and devoured her.
submitted by JoshAsdvgi to Native_Stories [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:34 wgoldsworthy23 That last win

That last win
I was 6-7 after the worst start to a weekend league I’ve had all year, I usually get 14 comfortably, decided to stop and play the rest this morning. Clutched 11 in my last game in extra time, safe to say the reds reflected that clutch 😮‍💨
submitted by wgoldsworthy23 to fut [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:30 PapaAverage Finish of Week 12

Hello all,
I've just realised that I never updated since I finished week 12. My last update was at the end of week 8 which was my first month on 5mg.
I made the decision to continue on 5mg as I had few side effects but was losing weight. I have not had any really problematic side effects - slight need to use the bathroom more than usual and sulphur burps that start about the middle of the day after my jab but don't really last.
I did find slight discomfort in eating an evening meal between week 8 and 10 but in my first few weeks of MJ when I was fasting for Lent I would feel very feint and lethargic so I know that I have to make sure I have some calories to keep me going. I made use of Huel shakes if I was really struggling to make sure I kept my intake up.
I also found around week 10 a slight weakness and a feeling of growing pains in my legs but I have since started to use rehydration supplements whenever this feeling comes on and it solves it by the very next morning.
I have lost in the last month 9lbs which is down quite a lot from my first couple of months but is still really good. In the last couple of weeks I have not seen much of a drop at all and, given that the side effects have become less and less, I have decided this month to step up to 7.5mg before going on to the 10mg dose.
In total I am now down circa 40lbs or 18kg. This is incredible progress for me and much more than I ever thought I would actually be able to lose in this amount of time.
A few little anecdotes from this time:
I went for a meal with colleagues at lunchtime to nandos and ordered the rice bowl with the plant based strips. Comes in at around 700cals. Loved it. Forgot how good broccoli can taste! Nobody questioned it but I forgot how much people can pressure you into eating! The table decided they wanted starters to share and I said I hadn't wanted any. They ordered them and said "it's OK, you can just have some of them if you change your mind" I told them that I wouldn't. They then kept saying "are you not going to have any?" I don't know how many times I had to tell them I was fine! They're lovely people and I don't think they realised what they were doing, they just wanted to make sure I was happy but it can be hard work sometimes!
I also went to a theatre to see a friend in a musical. I know that this theatre has tight seats even for normal sized people so I usually dread the idea of having to perch at the end of the seat but you know, I was always wondering why it doesn't look like I've lost much weight considering the scales say I've lost 40lbs... I think I figured out why. It appears to be around my hips and bum. I sat in the chair, not comfortably, but I was definitely actually in the chair this time! Small wins.
Had a day where I was craving pizza so I decided to make some instead. Used real tomato's and sparing amounts of mozzarella (it reminded me of the pizza I had in Italy where actually, less is often more). Tasted great, got rid of my cravings and it wasn't huge in calories either considering pizza used to be my big vice.
Fruit is incredible. Pears in particular.
Anyway. That's enough for this month. Let's hope the 7.5mg works out for me and I successfully continue this journey.
submitted by PapaAverage to mounjarouk [link] [comments]