Valentine printable activities


2009.10.25 18:55 e99u9gr9gu9 Surrealism

This subreddit is for the free exchange of surreal visual art. Post your own work or that of other artists (please make sure to give credit) Surrealist works feature the element of surprise, unexpected juxtapositions and non sequitur; however, many Surrealist artists and writers regard their work as an expression of the philosophical movement first and foremost, with the works being an artefact.

2017.01.08 00:47 dinapubu Free math activities, worksheets and lessons online.

Primary school free online and printable math activities and lessons for children. Kids can use any device to work on these activities and lessons. These resources are helpful for parents who are doing home schooling for their children

2008.01.26 21:24 Singapore

Welcome to /singapore: The place for anything Singapore.

2024.06.02 06:23 Fantastic_Subject309 I need help…

Hi me 20(m) and my ex gf 20(f) broke up with me the week after Valentine’s Day. We still stayed in contact without each other and a or two later she told me she wanted to get back together. But that didn’t happen for a multitude of reasons one me being tired of her posting and tagging a guy I told her I wasn’t too fond of but her excuse was that they had a brother sister relationship and are just friends and will always be. Another reason I forgot she was filming for her college’s basketball team so she wasn’t on her phone for most of the day so I texted her “r u dead?” Because she didn’t snap me back from last night and she wasn’t active of either IG or tiktok. I didn’t even mean anything by asking it, I meant it in a joking manner because her manager said the same thing to her a few days prior. But she got super mad at me and said that’s that behavior that’s pushing her away. Which was extremely heartbreaking to hear bc it wasn’t meant to be taken like that.
So after that “incident” she got upset bc I was reposting stuff on tiktok about narcissist people/behaviors. And she took great offense to that and told me to stop trying to convince her that she’s a narcissist but… I’m not the first person to call her one. Her BEST FRIEND did a pros and cons of dating her and one of her cons was that she was a narcissist. Orrrrrr when her SISTER made a video about her (ex gf) redflags and one of them was that she was a narcissist. Orrrrr the fact she has “ narcissistic, but nonchalant” in her bio of one of her private tiktoks. Orrrrr her old college roommate making a story posting saying “were narcissistic asf”. Personally I’ve never had a person let alone multiple people call me a narcissist especially but people that know me the best and longest but ig I’m the bad guy for saying it…
And while I was on one of the private tiktoks I would a post of a photo dump posting two days before we hung out for the first time and it had multiple pictures of her and her ex that she broke up with in October (we hung out for the first time on Jan. 3rd. So I bring it up to her and basically she proceeds to lie and manipulate me into thinking I’m weird to even bringing this topic up. Mind you the only reason I did was being it was bothering me too much not knowing the truth behind the photos and I just wanted some form of reassurance so I could gts but instead the situation got flipped back on me because she was upset I brought it up and that I didn’t blindly trust what she was saying. Her exact words were “ you should just give me the benefit of the doubt sometimes”. But turns she “cheated” on the ex that was in the photo dump. And I say “cheated” for multiple reasons. One being after her and the previous ex broke up in October she told him she wanted to get back together with him now she denies that conversation ever happened but her ex told me otherwise and at this point, I believe him more than her. But he told me she asked him to come stay with her in her apartment (just them two) because she didn’t wanted to be alone. Or when he told me they hung out frequently after they both were home from college. Or when he told me they spent Christmas together or when he told me the last time they hung out before I came into the picture was two days before me and her hung for the first time. So he kinda sounds like he’s telling the truth here.
But the real kicker is that she texted me explaining the whole situation and she said she KNEW he still liked her like that but when I slid into her dm’s around Dec. 13th she didn’t mention anything about an ex. So we hung out the 3rd of January I went they we went out to eating then shopped a bit and went back to her place. After I left she told me her ex pulled up on her and cussed her about and she was telling me about how crazy he was because she said she made it clear to him they were just friends now. But what I know now from her whole explanation she gave me she straight up lied to him about what she was doing that day. She told him she was going to with friends not that she was with another guy or anything. And her excuse was “I didn’t feel comfy telling him what I was doing”…crazy ik
But that brings me to my point. We dating for almost a year and when he broke up and I unadded her not even two months later she’s soft launching some new guy. But one of her private tiktoks and instagrams I’m still posted on it multiple times. And only the private tiktok she likes my reposts even though we haven’t talked since March 20th.
I also don’t want to sound conceited in anyway, but the new guy kinda looks like me slightly.
So if anyone actually read all of this, can you please help me get over this? Or think about all of this in a more healthy way.
submitted by Fantastic_Subject309 to AdviceForTeens [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:57 lil_lilith13 AITAH for not telling his wife but also for not blocking him?

Please be kind as this whole situation has me kinda anxious. I feel like there's no right answer on what to do.
Minor TW for mention of SA but its not significant to the whole post.
TLDR- My ex from almost 10 years ago has been secretly stalking my Instagram account for just under 2 years. The situation gives me the ick but I also don't care enough to take the time to block him. Especially as I feel his behavior doesn't deserve my attention or acknowledgement and could just lead to bigger problems i dont need. How ever, the girls girl in me feels bad for his wife because I know she would not be happy to find this out. I wouldn't be happy if my fiance did this. Am I the asshole for not making a bigger deal out of this. For not confronting/blocking him or telling his wife.
Here's more details. The long version with the back story.
My (28F now 17/18F at time of relationship) ex fiance (21/22M At time of relationship) has been stalking me on Instagram. Our relationship started when I was a junior in High School at a local Votech. He was my shop teachers son who was paying for and taking classes as an adult for another shop along side the high school students. A special opportunity that he was presented because of his parents employment at the school. That's how we met and started dating in like April of 2013.
He was extremely toxic in our relationship (I'm not saying I'm perfect). He would constantly try to make me jealous. First by saying a girl in the shop class he was taking was constantly flirting with him. Later by telling me while working at his job (gas station convince store) women gave him their number. Even one time trying to tell me some woman messaged him asking to sleep with him. I told him it sounded like an ad from a porn site and he got extremely offended and tried to convince me it wasn't an ad but that a real woman was trying to get him to come sleep with her. Basically the whole "other women want me. You should feel lucky I only want you" behavior BS. He also refused to let me have friends. He would start fights with me almost every time I was with a friend. I'm bisexual so he assumed I would cheat on him with my girl friends. None of my friends liked him because of this.
But I was naive and thought I was in love. He proposed to me on Valentines Day 2014. I turned 18 and graduated a few months later before going to college in August 2 hours away. Things got worse between him fighting with me all the time about him being paranoid I'd cheat on him. Then him taking 2 months before visiting me only to say he was coming up for the weekend then actually only come up to visit for 2.5 hours, fuck me, eat a donut, and then decide to leave and go home. Long story short we broke up at the end of October after some toxic shit.
I quickly moved on because of some homophobic shit he said to a friend of mine causing me to lose any love or respect I had for him. His SIL messaged me after we broke up to tell me how horrible I was for breaking his heart. He had told his family we broke up because I had "cheated on him with a female and decided I'm a lesbian." I promptly told her he lied and told her what really happened including screenshots. I thought that was the end of everything. Deleted everyones number and moved on. November came and went and in December I met a different guy we can call Matt and we started dating.
After 6 months of dating Matt, my exs SIL messaged me cussing me out, insulting and threatening me. Telling me he found someone much prettier and better than me (her cousin who we had actually met at her wedding to his brother). She claimed my ex said I had been texting him gloating about my new relationship and sending him photos of Matt and I. I explained I hadn't texted my ex since the day we broke up in October and lost his number with in the same week. It was not me trying to text him. But I was genuinely concerned and wanted to know who did since I didn't want or need unnecessary drama. I offered to help find out who was doing this (though my suspicion told me it was him using a text app on his iPod Touch to text himself and the photo that was sent was one of my public FB Profile pictures since as I said above he tried similar to make me jealous before when I was his GF so it would not shock me if he did it to the new girl too). Unsurprisingly when I asked for the number that texted him this stuff he conveniently deleted it and didn't know the number. But I was told if they texted again the SIL would tell me the number. They never texted again. That was in 2015. I hadn't thought about them since.
Until this past December 2023.
I was on Instagram looking through stories. Instagram showed me a "People you may know" story with a few accounts it thought I may want to follow. The first one showed my Exs account, his picture of him and his wife (the SILs Cousin). This weirded me out because we've been broken up for 9 years at this point. We don't have mutual friends or social circles. He shouldn't be in my "people you may know". But then I saw it specifically said "Follow BACK" indicating he was following me. Which is why it showed me his account. I was so confused because I would have noticed if my ex had shown up in my notifications.
I went to his profile and I actually did recognize the username. And was able to check when he had followed me. He followed me in August of 2022. But he didn't have a PFP or any post then. I didn't realize it was my ex because even though the username included his first name it had been so long that I didn't even think it was him. The only reason why I remembered the account even following me is because it includes his middle name (that I forgot was his middle name at this time) and that middle name is the same first name as the man who assaulted me in 2017. So I was afraid the account was my rapists Instagram but realized I was being paranoid and that he was still in jail at that time so it couldn't have been him. A lot of random accounts follow me on Instagram because my account is public.
Anyway, he followed me in August of 2022 and never had a PFP or any post until November of 2023 which is why I had no idea he was following me and why he showed up in December as someone I may know (because he was active on Instagram then and recently made his first post). I know he sees my post because he only follows 9 accounts, me, a few shops, and model accounts.
What had me the most weirded out by this is that in the 9 years we were broken up I never saw him or ran into him. But in the time between August 22 and November 23, he showed up at the mall at the same time as me. More than likely a coincidence. But it was still weird. I considered blocking him but both my fiance and best friend told me not to worry about it unless he does keep showing up places. Because otherwise I'm just giving him a response to his behavior and he isn't worth that.
Some may say not blocking him means I'm trying to rub my relationship and family (I have a toddler and another baby on the way and I'm getting married this year too) in his face. But I'm not forcing him to look. I'm not posting anything with him in mind. And it's not my responsibility to help him move on. If he wants to look through my photos, as long as it doesn't actually affect or hurt me, I honestly could care less.
So I let it go. And honestly forgot about it until this week. While driving to my OB appointment I got a notification that my Exs account liked one of my photos on Instagram. When I saw this later at my appointment I did take a screenshot and then clicked the notification to see what it was. This wasn't a recent photo. It was a photo from 2015. Instagram showed he had unliked it, indicating he didn't mean to and was probably hoping I wouldn't see that he did in the first place. But what was weird to me about this was that he had to scroll through over 1,000 photos on my Instagram to get to and accidentally like this one from 9 years ago. So like this wasn't a casual just keeping tabs on how my ex is doing these days. He was scrolling through over 1,000 photos I've posted.
I once again considered blocking him but my friend made a good point that he followed me undetected before for over a year. He could make a new account and follow me again undetected. At least right now I am able to document anything that happens incase things were to escalate. And that not warranting the behavior with acknowledgement or a response is best. As it's highly unlikely this will go beyond him looking at my Instagram. I didn't post i was going to the mall the two times he was also there. And I don't share my location on any other social media apps. So it truly was more than likely a weird coincidence. So I'm just documenting everything incase it does escalate OR incase he tries something again like mentioned above and I get threatening messages from his family.
This is the part that's eating me up. His wife knows who I am. As I said I met her when his brother and her cousin got married. We were both in her bridal party. She's had me blocked on Facebook since the situation were her cousin messaged me about someone texting him thinking it was me. She was also with him at the mall the second time he was coincidentally there and she definitely saw me which was in itself an embarrassing encounter (because I had just bought my fiance a father's day gift but they couldn't remove the security tag from it so as I exited the store the alarm sounds like I'm robbing the place armed and they were in the food court right by the entrance and all this attention was on me, I went back to the counter but they told me they couldnt remove the tag so I had to let the alarm go off as I leave and it will turn off after a moment). I heard her even say "isn't that [my name]?" Anyway, I know she probably would not be happy to know he's following me. I looked her up on Instagram, she doesn't post often but most recently posted on Valentines Day about their 5 year wedding anniversary. But I don't think she knows he has an Instagram. She only follows a few accounts, including her cousin mentioned above. But neither of them follow her husband, my ex. And he doesn't follow any of them either.
Idk, maybe it's just me. But I would be livid to find out my fiance/husband had an Instagram where he didn't follow me but did follow his ex. I honestly feel bad for her because I know it would hurt me. But I also don't know if she truly has no idea. I asked my friend if I should say something to her but my friend said I'd just be opening myself up to unnecessary drama and stirring a pot that doesn't need to be stirred. Unless things escalate. That it would be wrong to potentially cause issues in their relationships over what could be innocent curiosity.
Idk. Maybe I'm over thinking things as I am hormonal as I'm 7 months pregnant. But I feel bad not telling her. And I also don't want to block him because at least now I know and can be aware of what's happening. Since he doesn't know I know at this time. I guess it's important to mention I have diagnosed ptsd from multiple things including abusive partners and had an ex stalk me previously. So being able to document things makes me feel calm and more in control of the situation. As finding out he was following me unnoticed for over a year was extremely triggering and as I said before blocking him could result in him just making another fake account.
submitted by lil_lilith13 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 22:31 bbubblebath Special Events

Tell me about the school-wide special events your school does. Who plans and executes them? We do Valentine's Day, Spring Fling, Winter Holidays, Halloween, and then a few others throughout the year. It's usually the assistant director and a couple enthusiastic teachers that plan things. These enthusiastic teachers often stay til late in the evening setting up events. I think they complained that other teachers aren't helping, so now we are being roped in. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to help, but we are not allowed to use overtime and I refuse to work for free.
My director has decided that each teacher needs to choose a holiday/celebration and plan a school-wide event. I plan amazing learning activities for my toddlers. We have class parties for all sorts of reasons. I am so overwhelmed by the idea of having to plan an event for 100 children. How? When? My to-do list is constantly a mile long! Is this the norm? Am I just being dramatic? #notapartyplanner
submitted by bbubblebath to ECEProfessionals [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 22:03 Cromacarat Multiple heartbreaks from the same love

Hi all. About a month and a half ago my LTR of 7 years came to a definite end. I (29M) met this girl (28F) in high school and developed a major unrequited crush on her. We quickly became friends and in hindsight there was an obvious attraction and chemistry between us. Eventually someone points out I like her like that but I foolishly crumble when put on the spot and lie saying I don't. Imagine my shock when the same day someone else in our friend group confesses to her and they start dating shortly after. Heartbreak #1. It was honestly devastating. I thought I'd be able to confess on my own terms but the rug was pulled out from under me. But I suck it up, I care about her and don't feel romantically entitled to her, we still talk all the time.
Eventually her and that guy break up but we didn't start dating until I was in college when I finally confessed and we started a relationship. We're each other's firsts. Unfortunately she lived 500 miles away and I was broke and had no car. We're able to visit each other sometimes but its mostly long distance and I'm busy with school and my social life. She ends up breaking up with me because the distance feels too hard, and she again shortly after reconnects with her ex from high school (same guy), who moves in with her as a friend but they end up dating again. Heartbreak #2. This one feels like more of a betrayal.
Fast forward a year or so later, she ends up breaking up with that guy and moves back in with her mom, who now lives quite close to where I am going to college. Of course her and I immediately reconnect. We are together for the longest we ever have. She ends up moving into my apartment, then we get our own place together, things are often great and progressing nicely. But there are cracks. I develop depression and an anger problem. She has social anxiety which worsens. We don't realize it but our attachment styles are in opposition and we find ourselves struggling often. I'm afraid to lose my sense of self and she's afraid I'll abandon her. She wants to get married and I don't have much faith in marriage as a concept. There are cracks. But we seem to be making it work. But then we make a big mistake and put everything on the line to move to another country. I have family there that can host us but beyond that not much of a plan. Over the course of a year being there the stress of the situation exacerbate all our existing issues. We have a confusing and messy series of break ups and make ups. She ends up coming down with gallstones and goes to our home country for surgery and stays there. I'm not financially able to follow her without leaving our cats behind which wouldn't be fair to them or my mother. She's recovering from surgery and reconnecting with her family. Over the course of the next few months, she finds a decent job and settles into a life over there. I'm able to convince her to assist me with bringing the cats up so she can take them and I can move in with my college friends.
In the meantime, she expresses that she's considering pursuing a relationship with someone else, and that she's kissed someone. I feel pretty weird about this. At this point we are broken up, but I wasn't interested in pursuing anything else. I feel pretty abandoned right now and decide if she's going to move on like that then I can too! So I get on a dating app and over the course of the next month I get in touch with and make plans to hook up with a woman. I am not upfront with this to my ex like she is about these other possibilities she is expressing interest in. I end up meeting this woman and we sleep together. Fast forward to my ex arriving to help me move back to our home country with our cats. Immediate chemistry, flirting, desire. Before we do anything I admit what happened with this other woman. She says it's okay. Doesn't seem bothered by it. We make love again for the first time in months. Then we pack up the cats and head home.
We rekindle a lot. I am unemployed and crashing on my friend's couch, she is living with her mother and borrowing a car. Its difficult to find time for intimacy but we spend time together and it feels like we can make it work. I find a job that is working for me. We do Halloween and Christmas activities together. Things are a bit ramshackle and not too smooth, but we are unofficially an item again. We have a New Years date planned but I cancel because I'm worried about a covid surge. I'm trying to save money for a car but it's slow going. She is feeling increasingly frustrated because she feels like she is contributing more to the relationship, but she doesn't seem to understand how that's circumstantial. I lose my job when they close the office down. I apparently am banned from her mother's house after apparently being too rude (scoffing at stupid comments made while watching movies at home, overstaying my welcome by sleeping in my ex's bed while nobody is home). I try to make some Valentine's Day plans but it seems to fall apart. We breakup again when I have an anger outburst because I feel like she is rejecting me being her Valentine, and she alludes to having other plans. I apologize nearly immediately but she's upset because she feels like I've disrespected her. A little while later she says she wants to keep hooking up but would like to keep things open to consider other possibilities should they come into her life. I agree and go back on the dating apps. I connect with a couple women there but ultimately my ex and I come back to each other and agree to date eachother exclusively. Things seem to be going well again. I start a new job. I work nights and weekends but I'm making time for her. We go on dates. We find ways to be intimate. We still have arguments. I'm trying to get my act together but she's impatient with my progress. It feels like shes increasingly intolerant of my problems and weaknesses. Like if I'm not praising and loving on her she doesn't want any of it. In the middle of one of our dates I try to express how it stresses me out when she insists on using her phone while driving to select music and it turns into an argument which culminates when she decides to bring up driving mistakes and bad behavior I've made like 4 years ago. I snap and yell at her, then get out of the car and walk away to try and calm down. I come back and apologize, but try to express how I don't feel like it's fair for her to do that and that I think she shouldn't invalidate my feelings because I'm asking her to modify her behavior a little. That's not me "talking shit". Eventually we get past it and finish the date but I don't think she really engaged with anything I said.
A day or two later she informs me that she is going to be 'getting more serious about finding someone else' by using a dating app, because 'she doesn't see a future with me'. I wish I had said, "Don't do that, I love you. I want a future with you." But I tried to respect the choice. Anyways, she rejects my attempts to get closer with her, says we can still be friends, and finds someone else. I decide I need to go NC to process everything. But I'm heartbroken.
Heartbreak #3. Definitely the worst of the 3. I've had panic attacks and days where I just breakdown crying over and over again. I break the NC a few times and one of us ends up hurting other and we go back to NC.
Eventually I realize the most painful part of the grief is losing my best friend, rather than the relationship. I don't romanticize it anymore. But I miss talking to her.
So I tell her this. I say I just want to be friends. I'm not trying to win her back. Her new boyfriend is comfortable with it. For a little while it feels really possible. We have a couple great conversations like we used to when we were friends. But she's way more sensitive to my words now. Anything that's remotely critical and unsolicited sets her off. The last conversation we had lead to her blocking me on apparently everything and I really don't understand why. Honestly I think she has a lot of emotions she hasn't properly processed and is coping with them by villainizing me and trying to speed run her new relationship.
Idk I just don't get it. But I guess I have to accept it.
submitted by Cromacarat to heartbreak [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 19:01 Jadedfuckingbittch Free English Comedy TONIGHT

Free English Comedy TONIGHT
Get ready for a CHAOTIC comedy show in English
  • The comedy show where comedians will talk about their chaotic mishaps with love, life and in general chaotic topics it might get dark, it might get twisted it might get chaotic to a level where we end up laughing in uncomfortable truths that turns into a fun evening of entertainment.💥
It's the show where we turn our chaotic tragedies into comedy.
Looking for an activity before going to the club..? Or just want another type of chaos for once after hitting the club too hard? Then this is the place to go🥳
The only rule of the evening is: Chaotic vibes only
If you happen to be a fan of turmoil and chaos and feel like nobody understands your allegiance to the chaotic lifestyle or decisions in your life;
Come and laugh at our comedians who promise to entertain and validate your feelings and feed into the chaos of the night😎
Where? Valentin Stuberl in Neukölln
How much does it cost..? Free entry: No donations are asked at the end, only chaotic vibes.
Doors: 22.00 ish Show start: 22.30 Show ends: at 23.30ish
Its a small venue with limited seating; so get your free reservation NOW‼️
submitted by Jadedfuckingbittch to berlinsocialclub [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 17:01 amiwrongthothrowaway Spanish Saturday

¡Hola estudiantes! Buenos días! Welcome to Spanish Saturday! It's the day of the weekend where we deepen our Spanish knowledge a bit more than before. How was your week? I hope it went well. Mine was okay. Today, we're talking about celebration days in Spanish. Let's begin.
How would you wish someone a happy birthday in English? Well, you would say, "Happy Birthday!" What about wishing that they enjoy the Christmas season? One would say, "Merry Christmas!" In Spanish there are similar greetings for special occasions. Today, we're learning about those times.
Below are some special occasions in Spanish.
El cumpleaños - the Birthday
El Día de Año Nuevo - New Year's Day
El Día de San Valentín/El Día de los Enamorados - Valentine's Day/ The Day of the Lovers
Las Pascuas - Easter
La Navidad - Christmas
So for today's first activity, you are to fill in the blanks in Spanish with the correct translation of the occasion given.
  1. New Year's Day - El Día de Año Nuevo
  2. Easter - Las Pascuas
  3. Christmas - La Navidad
  4. Valentine's Day - El Día de San Valentín El Día de los Enamorados
  5. The birthday - El cumpleaños
Now let's do the reverse. Fill in the blank with the Spanish translation of the special occasions given. One person will have to stand and answer these questions aloud.
  1. El cumpleaños - The Birthday
  2. El Día de San Valentín - Valentine's Day
  3. Las Pascuas - Easter
  4. El Día de Año Nuevo - New Year's Day
  5. La Navidad - Christmas
Now let's learn about how to wish persons to have a happy celebration of each of these events.
  1. ¡Feliz cumpleaños! - Happy birthday
  2. ¡Feliz Año Nuevo/ Prospero Año Nuevo! Happy New Year! Have a Prosperous New Year!
  3. ¡Feliz Día de San Valentín/ Feliz Día de los Enamorados! - Happy Valentine's Day! Happy Day of the Lovers!
  4. ¡Feliz Pascua! - Happy Easter!
  5. ¡Feliz Navidad! - Merry Christmas!
So your next in class assignment is to go online and find and download photos that represent each of the special occasions listed above. You are to create a picture calendar with all of the events listed above, with one photo added for each month of the year. You may also include photos of some of your classmates for their birthday month if you need images to fill out all the months in the calendar. Also include the name of the event (in Spanish), the month (in Spanish), the days of the week (in Spanish) and one celebratory greeting wishing persons to have a happy celebration day. So for example, your month of December in your calendar could include a photo representing Christmas, the name of the month "diciembre," the days of the week, as well as a greeting somewhere on the photo saying, "Feliz Navidad!"
For homework, you are to create a matching game on "" and include the days of the week in Spanish, the months of the year in Spanish and celebration days and exclamations in Spanish and match the Spanish answers to their English counterparts.
For today's Culture Corner, we're learning about Cacerolazos or pots and pans protests. It's a unique way that persons in Latin America speak up about social injustice. A video on cacerolazos is attached below. Chile's cacerolazos movement
And that does it for today's Spanish Saturday! I hope it went well. I hope you left today's class with more knowledge than before you took the class. Remember, it takes 40 minutes of daily Spanish practice to improve your knowledge. So get to it. Until next time, ¡Vámonos!
submitted by amiwrongthothrowaway to SheIsRambling [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:43 como365 All about the Missouri woodchuck

All about the Missouri woodchuck
Scientific Name Marmota monax
Family Sciuridae (squirrels) in the order Rodentia Description
The woodchuck, or groundhog, is a common Missouri rodent with short, powerful legs and a medium-long, bushy, and somewhat flattened tail. The long, coarse fur of the back is a grizzled grayish brown with a yellowish or reddish cast. Woodchucks weigh least in spring when they are just out of hibernation and most in fall prior to hibernation. When alarmed or suddenly disturbed, they can give a loud, shrill whistle.
Similar species: The woodchuck is in the same genus (Marmota) as the yellow-bellied marmot and hoary marmot, which are well-known in western states but do not occur in Missouri. Size
Total length: 16–27 inches; tail length: 4–7 inches; weight: 4–14 pounds.
Woodchucks dig burrows along borders between timbered areas and open land or along fencerows, heavily vegetated gullies, or streams. The main entrance is often by a tree stump or rock and is usually conspicuous because of a pile of freshly excavated earth. Side entrances are smaller and better hidden. Tunnels lead to an enlarged chamber 3–6 feet underground containing the nest.
Where woodchucks are too plentiful, consult a competent person who is acquainted with state and federal laws.
The woodchuck is almost a complete vegetarian, eating leaves, flowers, and soft stems of various grasses, of field crops such as clover and alfalfa, and of many kinds of wild herbs. Certain garden crops like peas, beans, and corn are favorites. They occasionally climb trees to obtain apples and pawpaws.
Common. One of the best-known wild mammals in Missouri, the woodchuck is a rodent in the squirrel family.
Woodchucks hibernate in their burrows from late October to sometime in February. Breeding begins soon after they emerge. Pregnancy lasts 31–33 days, and the single, annual litter of 2–9 young arrives toward the end of March. At birth, the 4-inch young are naked, blind, and helpless; the eyes open after 4 weeks. They start going outside at 6–7 weeks old. By midsummer, the young weigh about 4 pounds and may dig temporary burrows before moving farther away to establish their own homes. The lifespan is usually only 2 or 3 years in the wild, but in captivity they have lived to age 14.
Woodchuck fur was once used for fur coats.
The flesh of young, lean animals is good food.
Because they are one of the few large mammals that are active in daylight, many people enjoy seeing them.
Their burrowing makes them unwelcome in cemeteries and where earthen dams hold back lake water.
The name “woodchuck” is possibly derived from an Algonquian name for this species. Woodchucks are also sometimes called "whistle pigs" for their loud alarm whistles.
Missouri conservationist and author Leonard Hall (1899–1992) wrote about woodchucks with affection and humor. Over the course of the summer, he said, "the young groundhogs mature and the old ones grow fat as senators. Often in early morning and late afternoon we see them standing contemplatively beside the mouths of their burrows, observing their small world with a calm and philosophical eye. Summer has been good and all during early autumn they've been storing fat for the long winter's sleep that lies ahead."
Groundhog Day
Today, February 2 is the well-known date for Groundhog Day, when groundhogs supposedly emerge from their dens and either "see their shadows" or not. If it's sunny on Groundhog Day, the groundhog supposedly sees its shadow and returns to its burrow to continue hibernation, knowing there will be six more weeks of winter. But if it's cloudy, then winter weather is over, and it's safe for people to begin plowing and planting. We are amused by such folklore today, but historically, weather "signs" and omens were taken seriously because they determined the best timing for farming activities. Apparently, decades ago, it really didn't matter if anyone actually saw a groundhog on Groundhog Day — it was mainly about whether it was cloudy or sunny on this special date.
However, before people from other parts of the country started to influence Ozark culture, Groundhog Day in southern Missouri and northern Arkansas was widely believed to be February 14, the same as Valentine's Day. Ozark folklorist Vance Randolph explained that from about 1900 to 1940, the "correct" date for Groundhog Day was a truly contentious issue in the Ozarks, pitting longtime backcountry Ozarkers against "outsiders," "furriners," and "the younger generation," who were clearly rushing the season and getting it all wrong. By the early 1930s, having a sunny February 2 and a cloudy February 14 would mean that the oldtimers were taking off their coats and cultivating their gardens, while newcomers were settling in for another six weeks of winter.
The woodchuck is important for providing homes for other animals: skunks, foxes, weasels, opossums, and rabbits all use woodchuck burrows for their dens.
Also, as they move tremendous quantities of subsoil as they dig, woodchucks aerate and mix the soil. This improves soil quality for plants and other beneficial organisms and helps the soil to absorb rain and other water.
Adult woodchucks often avoid predation by running into their burrows and, if necessary, by defending themselves fiercely with their powerful claws and teeth. Still, dogs, coyotes, and foxes may kill adult woodchucks.
As with most species, the young are the most vulnerable to predation, particularly to hawks and other raptors.
At first it may seem strange to think of woodchucks as being members of the squirrel family. But they share many characteristics with other squirrels, including anatomical details of the teeth and skull, such as the muscles and bones associated with the cheek and jaw.
Text and image from the Missouri Department of Conservation.
submitted by como365 to missouri [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:48 GiversBot /u/Cornbr3t [COMPLETED] was deleted from /r/borrow on 2024-06-01 (t3_anhi73 up 1942.48 days, LONGTAIL)

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Hey guys, this is my first time posting in here, but pretty much I just need some money to last for food and gas for the month. I've came across a rough time with bills and having to help my girlfriend set up her dad's funeral service, and I'm like really not having enough money to last right now. I have a couple bills to be paid Valentines Day so I can't do it all at once, but I can throw in an extra hundred in. Thank you.
submitted by GiversBot to borrowdeletes [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:57 Watchtvland [US] [Selling] [ Trade] Arrow, Vestron, Vinegar Syndrome, Blu Rays
Trying this instead of eBay. I have 100% positive feedback with 667 transactions. I can give you my username if you like and I can respond in a message on eBay for proof.
Also, bought from jdbuddha1976, Schsm213, zdmetal, waiting on delivery to get some credits.
Payment via PayPal G&S + $5 Shipping Media
All slips may have shelf wear, the ones noted as Worn have the most wear. If you would like more pictures, please let me know. No digital codes if sealed, codes may be expired.
All Blu Rays below - Trade for 4K or sell price next to each item.
I also have 4K Slipcovers, but do not know how to price them. Anyone has a site or an average fair price per slip? Thanks
submitted by Watchtvland to MediaSwap [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:30 Hopeful_Doubt3148 Me 23M & GF 22F. Unable to get over and accept my GF's past. I love her very much so and she says the same too. How do I accept it and stop overthinking ? this is a long story so please bare with me.

Coming from a very religious family, I grew up having very strong moral values. 4 months before I met my now GF, I started delving into the now present society norms of hook-ups, sex before marriages and what not. Though I found it convulsive I started to accept these norms and thought of it every individuals own autonomous decisions. Until I met my GF. I met her at a club while attending a friends birthday party, during the month of october end. Coincidently so we both were studying at the same Grad University, under the same Major, but different specialization. We had a, you could say netflix drama start, she approached me in the club for a dance we kissed at the end of the night, she was with a group of college friends who didn't like it and then from there on there was some more drama where she met me twice for a date the other day itself and once more in college before blocking me for a week due to her friends not liking the whole setting of how we met. A week later, on a dare given to me by friends while we were drinking, I called her, which surprisingly enough she received, and even agreed to meet me for a night date, that date lasted for a whole 6-7 hours that was until sunrise when i dropped her off. We continued meeting like this for almost a month. During daily hangouts in the month of november she opened up to me about a lot many things and we decided to keep it casual and nothing serious. She came over to my place we even made out a couple of times, and during the beginning of December we had sex, it was during our end semester when we had decided to study together. the following week, after the end sem she was suppose to leave for her home which was in another country and her flight was from a different city. She was staying at her sisters place and was enjoying the weekend clubbing and partying there, until I decided that I want to meet her once more before she leaves for home because I had hunch that after that we weren't going to meet. So went there, to meet her, and just like always we met at night at around 9pm and we hangout the whole night until sunrise going from a bar to walking on the streets and talking about almost everything. It was then when we both got attached to each other. During our times away talked almost daily over messages or Video chats, and in January when we met, We were doing a netflix and chill night when i heard her softly whisper the she loves me, when i asked her what she said she said it was nothing. and since then she almost everyday came over to my place, even stayed with me. During valentines, I took her to a date, after which she once again slowly whispered she loves me very much, and just like before she said no it was nothing. Now here is the plot twist, while all this time we were together since October, she told me she was not seeing any guys, dating or anything, though i knew instinctively that she was, she told me what the number of people she had PIV with was, that it was just three, of which one was her long time ex, with a relationship of 3.5 years, another was hook-up with a mutual friend of her and her bestfriend, which she says she didn't like it at all, and another was a guy she started having feelings for and was in a situationship with. She even told me about some guys she just went out on dates with of which with some she even made out with. I accepted it all. But I did this one thing I shouldn't have. I wanted to confirm if i was really the only one she wanted and was not the side chick. So on the day after valentines day while she was sleeping I checked her phone. It turned out ... I was the other guy. She told me once she was dating this really green flag dude from her class but they ended things cause he couldn't give her time and would vanish for weeks and be back again due to his start-up and all. She was still talking to that guy, and not talking Talking, it was almost like they were in a relationship. From one of her friend's chat I even found it during january she was contemplating getting in a relationship with him. Now the thing was 11th january was my birthday, and on 10th itself she had decided to meet this guy for a date in the evening. She told me she was going out with a few college friends, she sent me an outfit check, and went MIA for 4 hours. Later that day, i.e 10th she called me up and asked when are we meeting today, we met that day, she came over we had sex and everything and from her chats it was clear she had decided that she was going to go for me. So she ghosted that Guy and hung around me all january. I was brain fucked. I knew we weren't in a relationship but it fucked me over. While I stayed honest with her telling her that I was not seeing anyone but her..... I was the side dude. We had lot of drama afterwards where she confessed everything, she told me about that day she went on that date and that they only made out in his car and that she really never had any feelings for him and all the general BS. She told me she wanted be with me and she loved me, she told me she didn't care about anything else but to be with me. Now before all this had happened. During January too we almost split because i found out ..... she had dated a friend of mine, she had been to a hotel room with him and as per her honesty, only made out, obviously without no clothes on and didn't have sex. About my friend she was the one who told me about it and it happened before she knew me. However, she was still talking to him while we were together during november and december, she even invited him to come for party during the time she was leaving for her home after the end sem cause he was from the same city, she admitted she would have hooked up with him had he not declined, she even confessed that when i came to meet her in december, just a day prior she was at an afterparty where she met another guy who was flirting with her, and she obviously gave her full attention. So that made 3 other guys she was already engaging with , while also me being there as an option. and until january mid she was still talking to them flirting with them over text, while already have said "I love you " to me discretely. She told me she wasn't sure of her feelings and now she was and wanted to be with me. There was whole another level of drama that day a lot of confessions and a lot of things i found out from her messages to her friends and what not. I read all the chats of all the other guys she was talking to infront of her, asking her questions about everything. Me being me I accepted it all, seeing to it as me not being committed to her while all this conspired, and how she was honest to me or even partially honest to me about it all when I asked her something. After that she told me she wanted to commit with me and was serious about it. I told her I'd need a lot reassurances and I might go back at things if we continue but she was hard bent on being only with me cause according to her I made efforts that were actually over the top of any other guy and she really loved me. So today. it's been almost 5 months, 6th running since we've been officially together as couple, she has given me reassurances again and again every time whenever we talked about, or I felt insecure of her past. But for some reason every now and then I still start overthinking about her past, I start questioning if what she told me about the other guys she went out with and made out with was even completely all there was. I always assume that she definitely had sex with this dude or how can she go over to place get all naked and not have sex. Every time I tell her that this is what I feel, that I still don't trust her that all she did was make out with those guys, she tells me ki it really was all. Logically speaking I don't think anyone would accept that that was all but every time this happens I just accept it and say nothing because I know it was all in the past and it shouldn't matter to me anymore. But for some reason I am just obsessed with wanting to know the truth, I told her I need to know what happened honestly so that I can accept it and move on with it but everytime this happens she tells me ki it's true that that was it, that her PIV was actually three and not more than that and that she's never had any sexual activity with anyone else other than making out, but I still beg to differ and want to know. I need advice cause i want it make it right I want to accept it and move on with it. She really does love me. She has made efforts to prove so. We even lived in an almost live-in relationship. Our Degree ended 2 weeks ago and now we are doing long distance. I want to continue this relationship but i also don't want jeopardies it by every time asking her these questions. I know I am being an ass, but I really do love her, I want a way to make it work out, by reflecting on myself. I need advice.
EDIT: I would also appreciate it on sharing your thoughts on our relationship stance, that if it just an overly romanticized dream of mine or she really is the better half for me.
submitted by Hopeful_Doubt3148 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:30 Hopeful_Doubt3148 Me 23M & GF 22F. Unable to get over and accept my GF's past. I love her very much so and she says the same too. How do I accept it and stop overthinking ? this is a long story so please bare with me.

Coming from a very religious family, I grew up having very strong moral values. 4 months before I met my now GF, I started delving into the now present society norms of hook-ups, sex before marriages and what not. Though I found it convulsive I started to accept these norms and thought of it every individuals own autonomous decisions. Until I met my GF. I met her at a club while attending a friends birthday party, during the month of october end. Coincidently so we both were studying at the same Grad University, under the same Major, but different specialization. We had a, you could say netflix drama start, she approached me in the club for a dance we kissed at the end of the night, she was with a group of college friends who didn't like it and then from there on there was some more drama where she met me twice for a date the other day itself and once more in college before blocking me for a week due to her friends not liking the whole setting of how we met. A week later, on a dare given to me by friends while we were drinking, I called her, which surprisingly enough she received, and even agreed to meet me for a night date, that date lasted for a whole 6-7 hours that was until sunrise when i dropped her off. We continued meeting like this for almost a month. During daily hangouts in the month of november she opened up to me about a lot many things and we decided to keep it casual and nothing serious. She came over to my place we even made out a couple of times, and during the beginning of December we had sex, it was during our end semester when we had decided to study together. the following week, after the end sem she was suppose to leave for her home which was in another country and her flight was from a different city. She was staying at her sisters place and was enjoying the weekend clubbing and partying there, until I decided that I want to meet her once more before she leaves for home because I had hunch that after that we weren't going to meet. So went there, to meet her, and just like always we met at night at around 9pm and we hangout the whole night until sunrise going from a bar to walking on the streets and talking about almost everything. It was then when we both got attached to each other. During our times away talked almost daily over messages or Video chats, and in January when we met, We were doing a netflix and chill night when i heard her softly whisper the she loves me, when i asked her what she said she said it was nothing. and since then she almost everyday came over to my place, even stayed with me. During valentines, I took her to a date, after which she once again slowly whispered she loves me very much, and just like before she said no it was nothing. Now here is the plot twist, while all this time we were together since October, she told me she was not seeing any guys, dating or anything, though i knew instinctively that she was, she told me what the number of people she had PIV with was, that it was just three, of which one was her long time ex, with a relationship of 3.5 years, another was hook-up with a mutual friend of her and her bestfriend, which she says she didn't like it at all, and another was a guy she started having feelings for and was in a situationship with. She even told me about some guys she just went out on dates with of which with some she even made out with. I accepted it all. But I did this one thing I shouldn't have. I wanted to confirm if i was really the only one she wanted and was not the side chick. So on the day after valentines day while she was sleeping I checked her phone. It turned out ... I was the other guy. She told me once she was dating this really green flag dude from her class but they ended things cause he couldn't give her time and would vanish for weeks and be back again due to his start-up and all. She was still talking to that guy, and not talking Talking, it was almost like they were in a relationship. From one of her friend's chat I even found it during january she was contemplating getting in a relationship with him. Now the thing was 11th january was my birthday, and on 10th itself she had decided to meet this guy for a date in the evening. She told me she was going out with a few college friends, she sent me an outfit check, and went MIA for 4 hours. Later that day, i.e 10th she called me up and asked when are we meeting today, we met that day, she came over we had sex and everything and from her chats it was clear she had decided that she was going to go for me. So she ghosted that Guy and hung around me all january. I was brain fucked. I knew we weren't in a relationship but it fucked me over. While I stayed honest with her telling her that I was not seeing anyone but her..... I was the side dude. We had lot of drama afterwards where she confessed everything, she told me about that day she went on that date and that they only made out in his car and that she really never had any feelings for him and all the general BS. She told me she wanted be with me and she loved me, she told me she didn't care about anything else but to be with me. Now before all this had happened. During January too we almost split because i found out ..... she had dated a friend of mine, she had been to a hotel room with him and as per her honesty, only made out, obviously without no clothes on and didn't have sex. About my friend she was the one who told me about it and it happened before she knew me. However, she was still talking to him while we were together during november and december, she even invited him to come for party during the time she was leaving for her home after the end sem cause he was from the same city, she admitted she would have hooked up with him had he not declined, she even confessed that when i came to meet her in december, just a day prior she was at an afterparty where she met another guy who was flirting with her, and she obviously gave her full attention. So that made 3 other guys she was already engaging with , while also me being there as an option. and until january mid she was still talking to them flirting with them over text, while already have said "I love you " to me discretely. She told me she wasn't sure of her feelings and now she was and wanted to be with me. There was whole another level of drama that day a lot of confessions and a lot of things i found out from her messages to her friends and what not. I read all the chats of all the other guys she was talking to infront of her, asking her questions about everything. Me being me I accepted it all, seeing to it as me not being committed to her while all this conspired, and how she was honest to me or even partially honest to me about it all when I asked her something. After that she told me she wanted to commit with me and was serious about it. I told her I'd need a lot reassurances and I might go back at things if we continue but she was hard bent on being only with me cause according to her I made efforts that were actually over the top of any other guy and she really loved me. So today. it's been almost 5 months, 6th running since we've been officially together as couple, she has given me reassurances again and again every time whenever we talked about, or I felt insecure of her past. But for some reason every now and then I still start overthinking about her past, I start questioning if what she told me about the other guys she went out with and made out with was even completely all there was. I always assume that she definitely had sex with this dude or how can she go over to place get all naked and not have sex. Every time I tell her that this is what I feel, that I still don't trust her that all she did was make out with those guys, she tells me ki it really was all. Logically speaking I don't think anyone would accept that that was all but every time this happens I just accept it and say nothing because I know it was all in the past and it shouldn't matter to me anymore. But for some reason I am just obsessed with wanting to know the truth, I told her I need to know what happened honestly so that I can accept it and move on with it but everytime this happens she tells me ki it's true that that was it, that her PIV was actually three and not more than that and that she's never had any sexual activity with anyone else other than making out, but I still beg to differ and want to know. I need advice cause i want it make it right I want to accept it and move on with it. She really does love me. She has made efforts to prove so. We even lived in an almost live-in relationship. Our Degree ended 2 weeks ago and now we are doing long distance. I want to continue this relationship but i also don't want jeopardies it by every time asking her these questions. I know I am being an ass, but I really do love her, I want a way to make it work out, by reflecting on myself. I need advice.
EDIT: Also I would appreciate you guys letting me know about your thoughts on this relationship.
submitted by Hopeful_Doubt3148 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 15:58 ToomintheEllimist [Cooking contests] “Pico de GAL-low”: Great British Bake-Off Destroys Its Entire Premise with Racist Blunders

The Background
Great British Bake Off (GBBO) is a cooking contest show that has been on BBC since 2010, Channel 4 since 2017. It’s long been notable for its refusal to entertain petty drama: in a 2014 incident known as “bingate”, judges famously voted off contestant Iain because he “lost it” after his ice cream was accidentally removed from a refrigerator. The judges later praise (and favor?) contestants like Nadiya and Rahul who persist through similar mishaps to deliver imperfect-but-intact food. Many fans saw bingate as a declaration of identity, that GBBO is not an American high-drama competition between cutthroat cheaters “not here to make friends” — it’s a cozy apolitical show where contestants help one another, and the worst drama comes from a mix-up between custards quickly resolved with heartfelt apology.
GBBO is a show about food, not interpersonal drama. It’s about British food, but also about multicultural influences on British food. It’s about being polite and caring and utterly British, soldiering on through dropped ice-creams and elbow-smashed rolls. It’s not about corporate sponsorship, and it’s not about politics.
HOWEVER. Then came Series 13. The resultant backlash caused a restructuring of the show, an alleged firing of a host, and a classic series of corporate apologies.
The Blunder
To be clear: what made the Series 13 fuckup unique was NOT (merely) going beyond the judges’ and contestants’ expertise in ways that revealed the hidden imperialism of the show’s assumptions about “coziness," “lack of drama," and "apolitical food." What made the Series 13 fuckup unique was that the show did all that for North American food.
The Imperialism
Butchering foreign recipes, and blundering in describing non-Anglo food, isn’t actually new for GBBO. S1E2, judge Paul refers to challah as “plaited bread” and claims it’s “dying off,” leading Shira Feder to declare “GBBO has zero Jewish friends.” Throughout S10, judges Prue and Paul ask contestants of SE Asian descent (Michael, Priya) to “tone down the spice” and stop using “so many chiles.” Paul openly declares American pie disgusting. In a brownie challenge (S11E04), literally every contestant fails to make good or edible food. During “Japan” Week (scare quotes intended), the challenges include Chinese bao and a stir fry where most contestants use Indian flavors. Hosts mispronouncing non-Anglo food names (“schichttorte,” “babka”) for humorous effect is a running bit on the show.
These incidents were not without backlash, but (until S13) none of it rose to the interest of producers.
S13E04: Mexican Week
GBBO has had national-themed weeks since S2, with what’s alternately referred to as “Patisserie” or “French Week.” In S11, it finally expanded beyond Europe with “’Japan’” Week. And in S13, in what was no doubt an effort to appeal to the simple majority of viewers who view the show through Netflix from North America, the producers gave us Mexican Week. Or “”Mexican”” Week. At least there were no bao this time?
This tweet of a butchered avocado foreboded everything wrong with the episode. Though the U.K. etc. largely consider avocado an exotic luxury (see: the avocado toast meme), in North America it’s been a staple for millennia, #1 produce item in Mexico and #6 in the U.S. last year. Contestant Carole’s attempts to cut the avocado… like an apple? I guess? result in food waste, and an inedible end product if pieces of the skin or toxic core are mixed in with the flesh. It calls into question the alleged expertise of the contestant bakers.
Then the episode aired. It opens with white hosts Noel and Matt in sombreros and sarapes (costume versions, not historical garb), Noel announcing “I don’t think we should make Mexican jokes; people will get upset.” Matt asks, “Not even Juan?” And Noel replies, “Not even Juan.” As NYT points out: both men have a history of blackface and brownface on other shows, so this is hardly out of the norm for them. It then goes into a montage sequence of the contestants proclaiming their lack of knowledge of Mexican food: “What do Mexicans even bake?”
Then contestant Janusz refers to “cactuses” and judge Prue interrupts him to say “cacti”; Janusz apologizes and corrects it to “cacti.” Cactuses is a correct plural. Then Noel’s voice-over complains about the “tongue-twisting title” of bella naranja. It just keeps coming. Paul and Prue go on to explain to the viewer that tacos typically contain “pico de GAL-low,” repeatedly saying “gallo” as if it is a singular of “gallows.” These are the people, let me remind you, who are being paid for their food expertise. The people who are about to judge food on the extent to which it is “authentically Mexican.” The people who can’t even say the name of the unofficial national sauce of Mexico. But in case you were worried that this buffoonery calls into question the whole premise of the show, fear not — Paul “recently visited Mexico”, and Prue “enjoy[s] a tres leces [sp] cake.”
Meanwhile in the tent, the poor contestants try to make tortillas… with the undersides of mixing bowls. Because there are no tortilla presses, and the show doesn’t appear to know what a tortilla press is. “Bleh!” one contestant announces, after trying cumin, “It’s burning my mouth… Well, it’s meant to be Mexican, isn’t it?” All of them speculate on what “pick-io day galliow” could be.
If I could soapbox for a second: it’s not so much that these fuckups happen. It’s that every single one makes the final edit. 10+ hours of baking, likely 20+ hours of testimonials, and an unknown number of reshoots got turned into a 60-minute episode… and no one bothered to look up the plural(s) of “cactus” or how to pronounce the Spanish word for “chicken.” GBBO has zero Hispanic friends. We all get the history of anglicizing words like “lieutenant” and “bangle.” But it’s not fucking ideal to be evoking that history so blatantly and clumsily, not when (an estimate since Netflix doesn’t do numbers) over 70% of your audience is syndicating this show from the Americas. To paraphrase Taika Waititi: the recent increase in performers of color is great… but behind the camera, most big shows are still whiter than a Willie Nelson concert.
S13E06: Halloween Week
This was the cherry on the shit sundae. Meant to be a North American week. Yes, Halloween originated in the British Isles, but it only became a major holiday in the U.S., and all the bakes were North American. It just added to the clusterfuck to see judges Paul and Prue deducting for contestants melting the marshmallow in their s’mores, presenting the piñata as Halloween décor, and otherwise anglicizing the hell out of bakes with North American names.
The Consequences
That avocado image went viral, as did the blatant incompetence about s’mores. The New York Times’s Tejal Rao did a great piece on the “casually racist” history of GBBO, archived here. Dozens of American publications got in on the criticism. Again, I want to emphasize: this wasn’t the first colonialist blunder committed by GBBO. It was just one impossible for North American viewers to ignore.
It also proved impossible for the BBC to ignore. Host Matt Lucas left the show, allegedly after being asked to step down. He was replaced by GBBO’s first-ever cast member of color: Alison Hammond is a comedian of Afro-Caribbean descent and a veteran TV host. GBBO announced an end to all “national” weeks. Reddit bandied the phrase “jump the shark.” The future of the BBC’s most popular reality show is looking murky.
Regardless of what else happens, the illusion of GBBO as “cozy” and “apolitical” has collapsed. Probably for good.
  1. I used the British name and numbering system for the show, despite being from the U.S., because those are more conventional online.
  2. “Cactuses” and “cacti” are both correct plurals of “cactus.” I’m not saying Prue had the plural wrong; I’m saying Janusz’s plural didn’t need correcting.
submitted by ToomintheEllimist to HobbyDrama [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 10:37 Daewee What does this mean in the FtHoF Planner?

What does this mean in the FtHoF Planner?
I started using it for cookie clicker combos and it's great and makes combos like 10x easier. But there are still stuff that I don't really understand which is the EF in parentheses next to "Lucky". I know EF means Elder Frenzy but why are they in parentheses? I tried getting the elder frenzy but nothing really worked, it always gave me Frenzy so i genuinely don't understand what the EF means.
Another thing unrelated to the fthof planner, I see many people talking about getting a very good combo, and that they can somehow stack: frenzy, click frenzy, dragon harvest and dragonflight JUST from natural golden cookies. Idk if I heard it wrong that that was done purely from natural golden cookies, but it seems pretty impossible to me. I have the golden clover and the nursetulip, and I have been using them for some time but they don't seem to be that useful...? I mean i tried to get multiple natural gc buffs but the best I got was just frenzy and dragon harvest so yeah, i dont know how it works.
And also another thing lol, what do the loans in the bank do and why do you need them for combos? (the 1st loan 2nd loan and 3rd loan thingys)
I need this info cuz I want to get all of the 'cookies baked in one ascension' achievements. My best combo yet was a dragon harvest + frenzy + click frenzy + elder frenzy, I got ~225 vigintillion cookies out of that, so pretty good i guess, and iirc you need like at least 10 buffs at once to get a chance at 1 trevigintillion.
submitted by Daewee to CookieClicker [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 04:42 Screaminginthevoid19 AITAH for refusing to go on a family holiday after agreeing to?

For some context: I (f19) am disabled and need to use a wheelchair part time. I also have severe eczema and am allergic to most body products. My partner, Ali (f19) has coeliacs and is so severe that even the smallest amount of gluten makes them extremely sick. We have 12 animals that are mostly exotics and require a fair amount of care. Names have been changed to protect everyone.
On to the story:
My mums 60th birthday is next year and 2 of my sisters Rosin(f31) and Raya (f34) have taken it upon themselves to book a trip to Centre Parks to celebrate.
For those outside of the UK, Centre Parks is a woodland holiday destination where you stay in lodges, do activities, rides bikes everywhere and there is a massive swimming pool.
I was anxious about the thought of this trip due to my disability as riding a bike is painful and exhausting for me. They are also not very coeiac friendly and so me and my Ali would have to take lots of precautions (probably in vain) to stop them from getting sick. This includes bringing cleaning products to scrub down the self catering kitchen, bringing their toaster and avoiding non coeliac friendly restaurants. It also meant having strict rules in the lodge on how food could be prepared and protecting from cross contamination. We also had to find a pet sitter willing to learn how to care for our animals that wasn’t too expensive. Overall a lot of work just to prepare and already a lot of money beforehand.
When talking with our other siblings about the trip, my sisters led me to believe it wouldn’t cost much, as costs would be split by rooms rather than evenly between families. (4 siblings plus their partners and kids - they would need to pay for 2 rooms rather than 1)
The holiday was booked yesterday and turns out it will cost £400 for one room and my partner hadn’t been added to the booking. This would be fine if it wasn’t booked for over Valentine’s Day and Ali’s birthday.
I immediately called Rosin to see if she could put Ali on the booking and if so could we please have mums birthday meal and one of the 2 coeliac friendly restaurants. She said she would try to add them and get back to me.
I got a call 20 minutes later saying that she couldn’t add Ali and so we wouldn’t need to eat at one of those restaurants, which she was glad about because none of the other siblings wanted to eat there anyways.
I then asked if there were any other expenses I would need to know about. A spa day was mentioned. I explained that I couldn’t go to the spa due to allergies and also I just genuinely hate the idea of being touched by someone who I don’t know. I was told that “if I didn’t want to go to the spa, I could babysit the 6 children under 10 so that everyone else could go.”
Now here’s the problem:
  1. I cannot justify spending £400 just on 1 room, not including the activities, food costs, birthday meal and fuel costs for just me. Ali and I were prepared to spend that amount altogether as we would be splitting costs.
  2. I cannot justify going away over Ali’s birthday and Valentine’s Day without them while all of my siblings are with their partners/spouses.
  3. I am not spending what would end up being around £600 to babysit 6 kids under 10 and be miserable for 4 days.
  4. As the youngest sibling I am generally ignored and not treated as an adult, so I would be alone most of the time. It also doesn’t help that I do need occasional assistance in my chair and my siblings would not help me.
I told Rosin that I couldn’t justify the cost and that I wouldn’t be coming. She asked if I was sure and I thought she left it alone when I said yes.
Turns out she told my brother who the messaged and tried to guilt me saying that “mum would want us all together to celebrate” and that “I could spend decades of birthday with Ali but I only get one mum”. I understand where he’s coming from but I also know that my mum would smack me up the head for spending such a ridiculous amount for 1 holiday without Ali even being there to celebrate their birthday too.
The conversation ended when I told him outright that I couldn’t go.
For a little more context, all of my siblings are middle or upper middle class and live very comfortably. I am lower class as I cannot work due to my disability as cant Ali. We live comfortably enough but can’t afford holidays, instead opting for nights away or the occasional concert.
A message was put out on the groupchat after my conversation with my brother from Raya, saying rather passive aggressively that she was disappointed that not everyone would be there but at least most of the siblings were celebrating mum. This was her way of calling me out and trying to make me feel guilty.
My plan is to take my mum out for a nice meal after she gets back from the holiday so that I can celebrate her without spending so much and being so miserable. I am also planning to embroider her a family portrait as she loves to hang artwork in her house and she is trying to find a portrait to put over she mantle.
I have blocked all of my siblings and left the groupchat because I feel so angry with them for not considering the different budgets and then trying to guilt me into making myself broke for a holiday.
submitted by Screaminginthevoid19 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 02:53 duke_of_flukes Yuko Yurei: What Really happened?

I feel like the truth needs to be heard. Please respect the privacy of Yuko and the people surrounding this. I have censored the names and PL accounts involved. Some might call this drama but it was the reason Yuko Yurei ended the way she did. I am mostly doing this because I feel like the boo bros got treated unfairly in the eyes of the public. Mods delete this if you must but I believe it clears all the rules. I don’t think this is petty drama since it involved the graduation of a talent.
First off I would like to say that I was briefly part of Yuko’s fanbase as a lurker. I joined right before her hiatus and quite enjoyed her content. I membered to her and didn’t mind her GFE shtick. I thought she was really talented and I found it interesting to see how invested she was into the lives of her fans and much she interacted with them. Then everything fell apart in the blink of an eye.
I joined the idol fan discord to see if they knew what was going on. I was thrown into a rabbit hole that was an emotional roller coaster. I read and read and watched almost everything that had happened up until this point. It really affected me. It really hurts to know the truth sometimes. I watched as people laughed and criticized her fans without knowing anything.
To start out I would like to discuss what Yuko’s content was like. No, I will not post members content out of respect for Yuko. Yuko was not your normal GFE streamer. She took it to the next level. She described how she didn’t want a parasocial relationship with their fans because she actually wanted to get to know them. She would ask for maros frequently, ask about people’s days, write members posts on her days, share very personal stories and constantly pushed the boundaries of how close a streamer could get to her fans. This started out slowly and began to build and build over the months of her time in Idol corp. She then began to say she loved them. She would constantly make references to being their GF on a very frequent basis (not just in RP streams). Fans started to admit their feelings to her. Some were concerned as they knew it was a fantasy that could ever be fulfilled. They asked her if it was ok to love her, she said that’s what she wanted. They asked if it bothered her that people were obsessed, she said that’s what she wanted to encourage. She did all sorts of content with GFE sprinkled in everywhere. She would do very explicit ASMRs and even "indulge herself" while doing so. She even accepted receiving "tributes" (look this one up yourself). She made her donothon goals very explicit with some goals reaching as high as $20000. Even after reaching her top goal, her fans continued to contribute. She made 34000$ by the end of the donothon. Continuing on after her donothon, she would continue to "love bomb" her audience and hype up the rewards especially the "spicy asmr" which was promised to be her most explicit one yet.
One of the phrases she would use on occasion was: "honesty is policy". She promised to always be honest with her fans. Her fans loved her. Despite this, people would anti her fanbase constantly because they thought they were GFE "degenerates". Most of this hate came from her supposed PL fanbase.
At one point, one of Yuko's fans pulled a really vapid stunt and posted his "tribute" publicly. It was gross to find that out but Yuko consented to receiving them so I can’t judge too harshly. Yuko accidently saw it while streaming and freaked out but laughed about it. It was a pretty big controversy at the time supposedly. Yuko didn’t seem bothered with it and continued her normal song and dance. It ended in him getting doxxed by someone that was likely from her PL fanbase. Yeah... some of Yuko's fans were weird freaks... but they genuinely loved her and were some of the most passionate fans I've ever seen. From making and commissioning art on an almost weekly basis to making massive projects and gifts for her. This wasn't just buying her throne gifts, but putting there love, passion and skills to work to make more personal gifts. Everyone was happy or so it was thought... Queue the downfall.
It began around October of 2023 when Yuko started to act different. She began to stream less and less. Fans were concerned as they thought she was unhappy. They got together and asked her in Maros if something was wrong because of the lack of streams. "Honesty is policy" after all. She came on stream to address it. At first her fans apologized for bringing it up, but she insisted that it was ok. She began to put their worries to ease stating that she was just really busy working on donothon goals and that the recent October attacks were effecting the company. She vented a bunch about management and said she would try to stream more. The fans insisted that she didn’t have to do higher effort material and she could just stream to have fun and hangout. The rest of October was met with less streams as her fans began to expect. Her fans never waivered in their support for her even in these times. They were a little worried though. Something was off. (This is when I joined funnily enough). Come November, the Riro Ron situation occurred causing a massive amount of stress to the talents and the fanbase. Yuko went silent for the day. She apologized for not saying anything but it was obvious that it had affected her as she was fairly close to Riro. Later that month she did a members stream where she discussed how happy she was being where she is and that she had no regrets doing any of the explicit streams and that she liked doing them. She then talked about wanting to do more kinds of content such as the Cabella's stream (my favourite stream to be honest) and other kinds of skit content. It was received well. Later in that stream she went dead silent for about 5-10 minutes. She said she was crying during that time and implied how she loved what she had built up. I think the fans thought it was strange but I wasn't paying attention at the time. Later on she discussed getting a new laptop from management so she could stream on vacation. She said she knew how much people would miss her streams with her taking so many vacations recently. December came. She was lovebombing the audience more than usual and sending tweets about how she will always love her boo bros. Her December streams did not last long as she soon found out that she was accidently overdosing on afrin which was causing her some fairly annoying sinus issues and she was likely suffering some other amount of side effects that from withdrawal. She came back and did another member's stream hyping up her "spicy asmr" and decided it would be fun to shop for "toys" on stream. Even her fans were shocked by this and seemed to enjoy it. She talked about her feelings for the rest of stream and her usual ramblings that her fans had come to love. Christmas came and she did a few fun skit streams before leaving for vacation where she said she would try to tweet a bunch for her boobros. She did 1 laptop stream over her vacation and fans expected that she was busy with family. Then shortly after Christmas, it happened. The action that would completely change the trajectory of her career and inevitably lead to the collapse of the once loved Yuko Yurei.
Christmas had come and gone. Yuko decided to recreate her Past Life account on twitter after tweeting something vaguely bad was happening within idol but that eventually things would be "so back". While that was happening, word spread on twitter, 4chan, and the fan discord that her PL was back, The fans were worried but went to go support her anyways. It didn't matter where she went, they would follow. She hinted at reactivating her PL account in a members post and if you had a keen eye, you would have picked up on it. She then went to her PL youtube channel community section to address the fans that had came from Yuko and was happy to see "familiar faces". She told them to spread the word that she was returning to her PL activities. All was going well with her usual kind of tweets, but then she made her first mistake. She made a vague post for her members saying that she was at a "crossroads" that she couldn't say what was wrong but that she had greivances and that things might not be ok. This obviously worried her fans but they supported her despite it. That is until she made a 2nd mistake that completely blew up in her face. Whether it was intentional or not, she upset all her biggest fans in a matter of minutes. An uproar ensued in the official idol discord with fans straight up saying they were leaving and that Pandora's box had opened. So what was it that caused such massive amounts backlash? From the outside, it seemed like they were upset that she wasn't streaming as she had promised on Yuko Yurei, but no, it was one worst branding mistakes I've ever seen a Vtuber make.
Misinformation is being spread by drama-tuber channels. Yes, one reason for Yuko’s hiatus was burnout. That much was obvious since October, but the whole truth is that it was her PL account that was the main cause of her long hiatus at the beginning of what would be a long winter for the boo bros. You see the thing about Yuko is that she had some interesting connections to 4chan in her past life. This connection happened to be to the "guns" board typically referred to as /k/. This was fine by itself but the company she surrounded herself was the main issue. I won't go into the serious allegations or even say who it is but just know these people were despised by the boobros. Yuko knew this as she removed her association with them in the past. These two individuals were considered antis to the boo bros. They hated what Yuko had become. They hated the content she created and most of all, hated her fanbase. They were quite vocal about it supposedly. I have heard from the boobros experience that they have sent some weird DMs but I cannot confirm myself. I’ve attached censored images of what they have been posting recently and why I believe the boobros’ allegations to be true. There is more serious allegations in terms of their meetups at /k/ events but I will not delve into this. The issue started when Yuko both liked and followed them on her PL account. People started asking questions. Why was she following people who were antis? Why would she re-open her PL? Does she actually hate her fans? Does she actually hate being Yuko? Are allegations of these two real? Why wasn’t she following fan artists? Why isn’t she following her friends at Idol? Why prioritize following them? The fans remembered the vague post she had made earlier. The talk of grievances and being at a crossroads sent a message to her fans. They took it as her endorsing the antis and that she really despised her fans. This caused the most vocal boo bros to run to Twitter and ask her what was going on. She was acting strange. Then her daily tweets stopped. She said “honesty was policy” so why was she avoiding answering? Fans started to panic. Speculation got out of control. They went to the official discord to share their concerns with each other. People began to leave while other’s said they would wait and see how Yuko responds.
The boo bros did not account for something. Their fan discord was being watched by an ex moderator of hers. The speculation and anger that was supposed to be contained to their fan server was likely being leaked to Yuko. On the other side of things, a Boo bro also had a connection to the /k/ “antis’” discord. Allegedly the supposed antis were gloating that they convinced her stop ASMR. I cannot confirm the veracity of these statements.
Trust was shattered. The vocal boo bros reached out to her Marshmallow account supposedly voicing their displeasure. It is likely she was flooded with criticism, anger, and confusion. Maros are usually filtered through an AI to weed out negativity so I don’t know how much of it actually reached her. A week passed with Boo bros continuing to discuss the drama in the fan discord while the official moderators told them to avoid doomposting and alluding to her PL account. Infighting ensued in fan discord. This where things started getting messy. The 4chan thread for Idol was up in flames. Mocking boo bros, mocking Yuko, and mocking her /k/ friends. The thread was raided by individuals that were either the /k/ antis themselves or people pretending to be them. Shortly after, one of them decided to change their Twitter user name to “oshislayer”. While this was happening, a self-titled PL fan decided to dox them on Kiwifarms. This got spread to 4chan and “oshislayer” privated their account. A week passed and Yuko was still silent until she tweeted and announcement apologizing for making people worry and that she would be back to streaming full time “soon”. She then privated her PL account and refrained from posting on it. Boo bros relaxed. They would soon have their answers and she would be back soon. She didn’t come back. Not for an entire month and a half. This waiting caused boo bros a lot of pain. She promised that she would never leave them in the dark so why was she so silent? As Valentine’s Day approached fans began to get more agitated and lose patience. She lied to them. They waited and waited until some decided that they couldn’t take the anxiety of waiting for her to address things. One by one they began to move on. They changed their avatars back from the boo bro mascot they once loved.
After valentines week, she announced her schedule. Most boo bros were anxious to hear what she had to say but most had enough already. The dreaded announcement stream began. It looked like she was going to graduate. That would have been better for the boo bros considering what happened next.
The announcement stream began with her old intro. The one she hadn’t used in a long time. She was a mess. She couldn’t stop laughing nervously which agitated the boo bros as it appeared she wasn’t taking things seriously. Then she teased it. She knew why they were upset and said she was going to address the “elephant in the room”. Instead of responding to the controversy, she said she was dropping GFE for good and that her old content would be deleted by the end of the week. This was last straw for the remaining most vocal supporters of Yuko Yurei. Her fans were furious. She had betrayed them. She chose to withdraw from completing her promised donothon goals, she was going to delete all the memories they had built and cherished for an entire year. They protested, and hated her for what she had done and the sheer amount of lies she told. Some of the boo bros took things too far with one wishing her dead but the vast majority gave her biting criticism. One changed their profile to suggest she was a bad person and felt he had been taken advantage of. Most of her attached fans told her that they were leaving and that they were disappointed with how she handled things. They left. After the stream, her fans were called names: toxic, psychos, freaks, degenerates, incels, they were called too parasocial despite Yuko being the one to encourage it up until the day she disappeared. Then Yuko deleted most of her content…1 hour later instead of the week she had initially said. Fans tried to defend themselves saying how betrayed they felt but she had just deleted all evidence of her being the one pushing them to be parasocial, to be honest with her, for her to be honest with them. It was messy. Fans wanted an apology for her retracting donothon goals, they wanted an apology for her lying about so much, for hurting them emotionally and for the handling of the stream in front of the most live viewers she ever had. She never apologized and only decided to address the issues in a members stream one week later.
In this stream, she admitted she hurt people but again never apologized. Her explanation for quitting GFE was that she was getting stressed out and had burnout. Then she decided to push the blame to some of her fans. She said she wasn’t getting enough support for her other content and that people only wanted more ASMR and were stressing her out. This was a flat out lie. If you saw what her fans were saying in the comments of every members posts, of every video and stream she did, it was all positive. Now it could have been that complaints were being sent via marshmallow but the issue with marshmallow is that it’s anonymous. Anyone can say anything without repercussions. This invites bad actors to join in and stir the pot. It could be possible that Yuko faced a torrent of harassment from bad actors but I don’t know. Nobody does. From the outside all I saw was positivity. Later on in the stream Yuko briefly suggested that people not make fun of her fans that left but, the fact that she was still following the people that did made her message appear insincere. The now ex-fans took her deleting her lies and blaming them for her change in content as blatant gaslighting. It’s frustrating because I get it. I saw the members posts she was making. I saw how up until the day she disappeared, her fans worried about her well being. I remember one of her last members streams a bunch of boo bros were asking if she was still comfortable with their behaviour, with the content she made. She enthusiastically said yes each and every time. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills. I saw it with my own eyes but I don’t have the proof to back it because it was all deleted by her. It will always be the boo bros who look bad in the face of the public. Yuko controls the narrative. Eventually Yuko began to feel the consequences of her actions. Weeks of donations being almost nothing. The people who claimed to support her content shift had barely donated a penny. It got to the point where she had a stream complaining about her stress getting to the point of almost having a panic attack. This is where she cried about potentially having to work a normal job like at Starbucks or Walmart. Unfortunately for Yuko, a scorned ex boo bro or troll decided to leak the clip to 4chan. This got picked up by Banned VT Memes and went viral. Banned VT memes seemed to have sided with the fans and provided a bastardized version of events to the likes of thousands of Twitter followers with it being slightly inaccurate. Despite this her biggest ex-supporters either just corrected some details and confirmed the rest but had nothing else to say as far as I’m aware.
Yuko pretty much stopped streaming after this event and has decided to graduate. She is now reopened her PL and kept following the /k/ “antis” that started this all. They decided to appear on her PL stream and donate around 100$ worth of bits. Yuko ignored them completely. Additionally Yuko has now attempted to complete her donothon goals that she promised with the exception of the spicy Asmr which was a top goal worth thousands of dollars. She decided to mock the idea that she promised long ago and make a low effort video that was 15 min of her eating noodles. Most of her biggest ex supporters didn’t care but a few people came to laugh and bunch criticized her heavily for pulling out of such a large donothon goal and mocking the people who paid. The comments are disabled on said video. Finally, Yuko has not explained why she’s graduating and said she “doesn’t know”. To me I think it’s pretty clear.
Some thoughts: This situation was handled very poorly by Yuko and is an interesting case study in Vtubing scandals. I am reminded of Nyanners scandal that happened a decade ago. At first I thought the Boo bros were crazy when this whole event kicked off but I did the digging to find the context. I found myself in miasma of emotions. It certainly looks like a betrayal to me. I would have dug into Yuko’s side of the story but she never gave it. She just ignored it. I won’t support some of the accusations that were made towards her /k/ friends as the evidence is shaky and I don’t like spreading criminal accusations without sufficient evidence even if there’s a lot of suspicion surrounding them.
The boo bros definitely pushed her away with some of the discourse they had in the fan server that was meant to be contained. That being said, I think Yuko was irresponsible and hurt a lot of people. It hurt me to see her fans done dirty. It is even more frustrating that so few people know what actually happened. Granted, there probably were a couple of bad apples but does the whole audience deserve to be thrown in with the hatred of the few?
Always be careful what you like and follow on Twitter. Remember it’s public. It hurts to see Yuko get support while the boo bros are scorned and hated. It was never that simple. I wish it could be as simple as there being a victim and villain but more often than not, it’s complicated.
submitted by duke_of_flukes to VirtualYoutubers [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 02:07 Foolmetwice949484 How to deal with flashbacks 13 years after R

Need to type this and talk out my story - a long read! (42M).
I have been with WW(42F) since we were 18, a very deep and meaningful relationship where we felt we were soulmates. We got married at 21. WW has had an amazing upbringing and close family, as have I.
WW first had an affair with my friend 3 years into our marriage; endless texts etc, flirting, kissing and fondling upstairs when I was downstairs with other friends, meeting up in car parks to kiss. I experienced a distance and challenged it but it was put down to being tired or busy. It eventually came to a head when WW did not return home after work, seeking refuge with AP at a mutual friend’s house for several hours with phone switched off, no emails answered and no other friends replying either. I was terrified that WW was in an accident or worse and spent that time in pure panic. Eventually received an email saying how she was in love with someone else, things hadn’t been right for a while and loved me but was no longer in love with me. I remember being curled into a ball for about 2 hours in tears.
I begged her to come home and eventually she came back that night. She seemed remorseful and discussed that she did not want to have a short marriage and things would be better if we spent more time together. This was never flagged as an issue before she started getting involved with AP.
I did angrily confront AP on the phone who took no responsibility as he was single, played the victim and cockily stated he wasn’t my friend and never was. I ended up being uninvited to mutual friends gatherings and weddings etc as AP was favoured. I quickly distanced myself from that group of friends. I confided about the affair to a work colleague who was a loose lipped idiot and when WW fell pregnant they joked that it probably wasn’t mine,and that I should get a DNA test. Not really something a new parent wants to hear.
Fast forward 6 years and we had moved house, have a beautiful 5 year old Daughter but still enjoy times out as adults, socialising with friends and family as well as having family holidays along with holidays just as adults.
Around time I notice WW becoming a lot more intimate with me, sending selfies in lingerie, being more sexually adventurous and taking better care of herself. This at the time felt like such a great awakening but over a period of 6 months. I realised I was living a fake life.
WW had began an EA with a co-worker which had seemed to intensify following a car accident my wife was in where AP stated that he realised how much she meant to him at this point and it was more than just friends. This was in January, on Valentine’s day they were sexting. Following this, kisses in the office and cars were exchanged on a daily basis.
On a work night out in April (one week after we spent a week away together which was seemingly romantic, with lots of intamacy) WW and AP had sex for the first time, WW asking her female room mate (a mutual friend of ours) to switch rooms. During this time, WW and I were still very intimate and sexually active, right up until July where time was less spent with me and more at work on weekends (engaging in oral sex with AP) and a greater amount of secrecy and distance. What pains me the most is that during this, WW took our daughter to McDonalds and met some work colleagues there for lunch and of course AP was there - a thinly veiled ‘meet your new step daughter’ exercise.
I confronted WW one evening and she confessed she was in love with someone else and that it had gone too far this time. Initially it was just disclosed as feelings and kissing and I had to drag the details out over a couple of days to get the full story. WW admitted she had made a mistake and was confused about her feelings, feeling like she was ‘mumsy’ and ‘past it’ and getting old (she was 29 by this point FFS) and enjoyed the thrill of a younger (26) man showing attention. She admitted she found his body more attractive than mine but not his face which has stuck with me.
I asked WW for full access to emails, phone and used it to call AP who simply stated “I am in love with your wife” and said he was intent on meeting her still. WW emailed him asking to be left alone before deleting email accounts and blocking him on all channels. Still he persisted to the point where WW’s parents had to speak to him to tell him to back off.
The in-laws as well as her sisters were a massive support in this and helped us through a very rough week and helped WW understand the impact of her actions, they were as shocked and as devastated as me. WW instantly quit her job, changed numbers to avoid and move on from AP.
We had about 4 rounds of couples therapy which did really help at the time. Over the years the pain eased and WW changed as a person doing everything to be the best wife and mother she could be, I can hand on heart say that there has been no further infidelity and we have been closer as a couple than ever.
However whilst I forgave, forgetting was impossible. Over the years it has felt like I have had a dark cloud hanging over me at all times, dulling my excitement and joy and taking me away from the person I wanted to be.
My self esteem was suffering throughout and I would have mood swings with low periods that would stick for around a week. I did not share this struggle with friends and just tried to supress the memories and negative thoughts and smile through it.
Another daughter came along 8 years ago and life seemed better, of course still memories in my head each day but did not manifest or spiral.
Where things came to a head for me finally was the familar feeling of rejection again, this time due to redundancy during Covid. All the repressed memories started to come back as flashbacks and then spiral into negative thoughts and scenarios. I began to loose what little was left of my self worth and became heavily depressed with no optimism for our future with thoughts turning to suicide as I felt at the end of my tether.
Throughout this time I confided in my WW who, although remorseful and apologetic for the past, became upset that I had held back these feelings for so long and that she felt the last few years had been fake. Somewhat ironic.
I’ve now been through 2 years of therapy, firstly to deal with intrusive thoughts, using mindfulness and improving my self esteem and future outlook (reducing thoughts about history repeating and not enjoying the present). Secondly I have been processing the past to address my PTSD, confronting gaps in timelines, missing pieces of the puzzle and feeling justified in discussing this with WW about the whys and whens. It was great to be told I am a strong person and deserve to put my feelings first.
What this seems to have done though is almost re-open the wounds and I often re-live the confrontations and details of both affairs through flashbacks and nightmares, often waking with a heightened sense of anxiety at 4 am, unable to calm down and get back to sleep.
I cycle through questions, thoughts and anxieties constantly now, trying to understand why WW was so intimate with me and 2nd AP concurrently. Why I feel 3rd best, or the fall back guy. Again WW gets upset and frustrated if I try to vocalise this with comments back like “If you still feel like this then maybe you should fuck me off”. After explaining how much this hurt me and still affects me she has listened better has been more apologetic etc but I can now just see her racked with guilt and sadness about bad decisions 19 and 13 years ago.
I often see facebook memories showing posts of this time and can see loving posts of us as a couple on the same valentine’s day she was sexting AP, and nostalgic photos of us as teens posted days after sex with AP. Was this all manipulation to make me feel loved and cover her actions?
I honestly feel torn about whether it has all been worth it. Maybe if I had more self esteem the point of DD1 or DD2 I could have had a happier life and moved on. But then I look at my life and realise it is good and my WW is a different person now.
Today I went back into therapy and also have had some ADs perscribed by the doctor for the very first time which I am hoping will help with the nightmares and flashbacks. If they don’t, I don’t know what to do!
Thanks for reading
submitted by Foolmetwice949484 to survivinginfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 23:09 ComfortOneStop [M4A] Comforting the Former King of Hearts [WonderLand] [King Speaker x FlowerPerson] [Strangers to Friends] [Breakup Comfort] [Consent Checks] [Implied Drinking]

Monetization is okay, but do not lock behind a paywall, if you make an audio using this script please post the link or comment as I would love to hear it! Tweaking is fine on all my scripts! Change anything you want as long as long as it is clear it is the same script and credit is given! Feel free to add any ambiance or noises you think fit.
(Former) King of Hearts: Heartbroken and meek, needs a lot of comfort and is not used to people treating him with a lot of respect or care.
A crying stranger has shown up in your garden and as a lavender flower it is your job to calm and comfort all those who need it, even if that stranger turns out to be royalty!
("Spoken" noises)
*Tone Changes / Suggestions*
~~~~~~~~ Listener "speaks", longer pause in spoken audio
[Crying, footsteps]
KOH: (crying, to himself) I do not know how to apologize, how could she have done this? I have been by her side, done whatever she commanded for years! I- How long have I been walking? (Takes a breath)
KOH: Let's see... I've walked past the mushrooms, the tea party, of course I did spend a bit trying to get back into the castle domain... *Realization* I'm in a garden... [Sits down, sniffs a flower] Well, this is one of the better places to be lonely I suppose...
[Listener blossoms from the ground]
KOH: *Surprised* Great Spades! A flower citizen!
KOH: What am I doing in your territory? Oh! This is your part of the garden? I- Uh- Forgive me... I was not aware, please, um, I apologize for the intrusion... and for plucking a flower, I thought this part of the domain was uninhabited... I will leave... [Stands up] Uh- here, your flower, I cannot replace it but I can at least return it to you.
KOH: I did not answer your question? Oh, of course. You see...I am...just...sad at the moment and when I came upon this calming place, I wanted to take a rest. I have been traveling for a while I believe.
KOH: Oh yes! This area is very relaxing! And beautiful! I mean... (Clears throat) I would assume that would be the case from such a lovely lavender owner...
KOH: Yes I know a bit about flower citizens! The Queen of Hearts and I visited the domain for a time a few decades back, the entire place was fantastic! *Realization, slaps hand over mouth* Um, I mean... (Sighs) I completely ruined it now.
KOH: What do you mean it was not that difficult to figure out who I am? How could you tell?
KOH: I am wearing all red and still have my cape and crown... yes... that makes sense... oh you do not need to bow to me, I do not believe anyone ever has anyway. Besides, the Queen of Hearts has... abandoned our relationship. I am no longer a king, not that it ever mattered that I was. [Sits back down]
KOH: Do you mind if I stay and rest? Like I said I have been traveling for a while. When I...left...the castle domain, the Magic gave me a path that fractured into many places, it has only just recently merged into one again and led me here.
KOH: Of course you may sit with me! It is your territory after all. Thank you, lovely lavender, for letting me rest.
KOH: My name? I.. do not think anyone has ever asked me for my name before, it is always my title and that is if anyone speaks to me at all. You can call me Valentine. May I have your name?
KOH: A name as lovely as you are. (Sighs) I do not know what to do, I feel so lost...
KOH: I do have activities that I enjoy, but it has been so long since I have done any of them. And even with that, it was always "her way" and it was always... The Queen and King of Hearts... I was an afterthought at best... I admit I am more subservient than most so I am used to following and making sure others are happy...
KOH: You understand the feeling? Ah, of course, a lavender, that makes sense. [Drink pouring] Oh, do I want a drink? Um, I usually do not drink nectar... You know what? I will take a bit... [Takes a drink] Thank you.
KOH: What hobbies do I enjoy? Oh well, I like cleaning and cooking, most of the time the servants took care of those things but the few opportunities I did have, I loved it. I also liked reading in the library and exploring WonderLand. [Takes a drink] What about you?
KOH: That sounds very relaxing. You really are a calming person.
KOH: Of course you may ask something. Why... did the Queen of Hearts ask me to leave? That is... a bit personal... oh no... I just... I suppose I can tell you. I am in your home after all. There was a mouse you see and I...might... have accidentally... hit her in the head with a mallet....
KOH: Do not laugh! It is not.... okay, it is a bit funny... I just did not think she would get so mad over a mistake, at least not with me... (crying, takes a drink) Oh, I drank the last of the nectar, I am sorry.
KOH: Hmm? Yes, I would love a hug, please. [settles into hug, long breath in] Oh! Forgive me, that was very bold. (clears throat) You smell very nice. I am sorry I really do not mean to be a creep, I will keep my hands to myself, I swear. If there is anything I can do to make up for that...
KOH: You want to see my cape? Um, alright. [Takes off cape] Here, it is soft and warm. I kept it because I thought that the Queen would take me back however... I guess I do not need it now. I still enjoy the look of having a cape though, it makes me feel elegant...but all the red does start to hurt my eyes a bit...
[Tearing sounds]
KOH: *Panic* What are you doing?! Your petals! [swooshing] A new cape...for me? You want to place it on my shoulders..? Of course... thank you. *Worried* Did that hurt?
KOH: *Relief* Oh it was your outer petals, good. A petal cape. (laughs) Fitting, it is lighter than my old one, which matches the warmer air here. The purple color is very beautiful as well. Oh but I feel so bad, I have nothing for you...
KOH: Can with my hair? Of course. Let me take off my crown. [Crown dropping on floor, sounds of petting] That feels...nice. Thank you...for speaking to me. I have been alone for a while. The only company I have is my memories but lately... I wonder if my mind has been playing tricks on me. I loved the Queen and she did care for me I am certain, but I do not think she loved me in the same way I loved her. I think...I was more of entertainment to her...
KOH: My hair is soft? (Laughs) Thank you. And you like hearing me laugh? You think I deserve to heal and be happy? (Sighs) You are amazing. I feel like a broken record with how much I keep thanking you but...
KOH: *Shock* What did you just ask? You want me to stay here and help you tend to your garden? I couldn't possibly impose myself on your territory like that....
KOH: Yes, I know how to care for a home, I would not mind doing that at all as long as I am not trapped in the house all day...
KOH: You would not do that to me? It is entirely my choice and I can leave if I ever want to? I... think I would like that. Having a friend after so long feels like a dream. Where do you live exactly? It is a house right? Or at least something I can live in as well? I can not exactly bury myself into the dirt like you can.
[Listener gets up, walks away]
KOH: [Going after them, laughing] Hey wait! I'm still a bit wobbly, give me a second to find my legs! I can not care for the home if I can not stand!
[Fade Out]
submitted by ComfortOneStop to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 21:07 Feraligatrzz Spare chocolate or Sanrio gifts? 😭

Spare chocolate or Sanrio gifts? 😭
I missed the event with Sanrio fans in gifts and chocolate valentines gifts as my old phone wouldn’t play pocket camp! if anyone would be so kind to gift me one I would be eternally grateful, I’m active and send gifts everyday! My fc is : 6336 0983 894 I saw them on my timeline and they are so cute!
submitted by Feraligatrzz to ACPocketCamp [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 20:39 KuromanKuro So I guess it's a question of how much Chris G likes Babu Frik...

So I guess it's a question of how much Chris G likes Babu Frik... submitted by KuromanKuro to blankies [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 19:01 mattmawsh Fallout 4 mods troubleshooting advice. (Beginner)

Hey all I wanted to compile a bit of advice for the new (pc) players coming to the sub looking for help that may fix issues you’re currently running into.
Pre-requisites: MO2 or VORTEX, F4SE (installed MANUALLY not using your mod organizer)
*1. Is your game version pre or post 2024 update?
This is arguably the most important bit of info you can include in your post. (along with your mod list) If you have not prevented the update or just recently bought and installed the game then you are on the post update version of the game.
*2. Which version of the script extender are you using? (F4SE, )
A lot of mods are dependent on the script extender so it is important that you know which version you are using. (Again I will refer to this as pre and post 2024 patch for ease for new players)
*3. Are your mods dependent on the script extender? AND IF THEY ARE HAVE THEY BEEN UPDATED IN THE MONTHS AFTER THE 2024 UPDATE?
This will be found on the mod page itself on nexus. If it says a date after the update (ex April or May 2024) then it is post-patch ready! If it has NOT been updated then it is either not going to work or may have issues. (As a new modder you should avoid this mods it is unfortunate but this will help avoid any headaches) luckily the nexus community is active and you will find comments in the mod post section saying “I’ve tested this and it works post patch” or something along those lines.
*4. Do you have all the pre-requisite mods and have they been updated?
Again we are looking at the mod page and making sure if the mod relies on another mod then you need to make sure that is downloaded and installed.
*5. Did you perform all the steps the mod author recommends when installing?
Some mods like ENBs require additional in game setup by using a menu installed in MCM (mod configuration menu) or included in the mod.
*6. Disabling mods 1 by 1.
This is the by far the most time consuming way to fix your issue but the most reliable one. Let’s say you have an issue that has not been resolved by the above steps. Fortunately mod organizers have made this part incredibly easy nowadays. Go into your mod organizer and from there top, disable the top mod, start the game and test. If your issue is not fixed continue down the list repeating those steps until your issue is resolved. Once you see the issue is fixed uninstall the last mod you have disabled and enable all of your mods. If issue persist, repeat.
Hope this helps happy modding, and above all else…protect Nick Valentine at all costs
submitted by mattmawsh to Fallout4Mods [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 14:10 Yurii_S_Kh A Christian Surrounded by Non-Believers

A Christian Surrounded by Non-Believers
Priest Nikolai Konyukhov
Every Christian has people around him who do not believe in Christ. We often have conflicts with them, because the life of an Orthodox Christian is regulated by the Church Typicon one way or another. There are some days when must go to Church services, there are periods of fasting, and so on. What are we supposed to do? We are not always able to immediately make the right decision. This subject is especially relevant now, when the Church recently celebrated St. Thomas Sunday. We have talked with Priest Nikolai Konyukhov, a teacher of the Department of Church Practical and General Humanitarian Subjects of the Sretensky Theological Academy, and cleric of the Holy Trinity Church at Saltykov Bridge in Moscow.
Father, could you give us a general rule—in which cases we should ignore the Church Typicon for the sake of love for our neighbor, and in which cases we should stand our ground firmly and not compromise our principles?
—The most important law that the Lord has given us is the commandment of love. In ancient times, the law was the basis of everything, and Judaism is still considered to be the religion of the law. It was by observing the rules that a person was considered to be pious, to honor God and regard Him as his Father. And even breaking the slightest commandment was considered a violation of the entire law. In the New Testament, the Lord says that He gives people the principle of love and the principle of conformity. We must discern what love is and how we should combine love for our relatives and the strictness of the rules. As we know from the Lord, love is sacrifice. When it comes to fundamental dogmatic issues, we try to show consistency, rigor and precision. It is difficult to imagine such a situation when parents ask their children to renounce Christ for their sake—most often it is about some everyday moments.
Many people call it “betrayal” if you come to your grandfather and he treats you to meat dumplings during the fast. My grandfather is ninety-four, he has his own diet, and if I come with my Lenten food he will not be very pleased. He wants to cook something special for his beloved grandson. The first time, I was confused and spoke with my father-confessor about this. There are moments when you can compromise something and not impose your views on another person, but there are also fundamental moments.
If your friends have invited you to a concert at the club on Holy Friday, for the love of your neighbor you can go with them. Sometimes it’s about loving others, and sometimes it’s about loving yourself, and that’s the most important indicator. When you compromise out of self-love, to gratify your pride or to indulge your passions, then this is unacceptable. And when it comes to your neighbors, when your elderly mother asks for your help on Sunday, then go to the service on Saturday. The main rule is that if you act according to the law of love for your neighbor and show love to him, then you understand that you were not created for these rules, but these rules were created for your salvation.
Suppose a wife comes to believe in the Lord and begins to go to church, but her husband and the other family members do not. And she wants to go to church on Sunday, but the family has other plans. In this case should the wife obey her husband, or put the question pointblank and say that she listens to God more than people?
The unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife (1 Cor. 7:14), the Apostle Paul wrote about this. A Christian should be a torch. Our task is to make people’s lives better and enlighten them. The Light of Christ illuminates all (cf. Jn. 1:9), including our loved ones. And the biggest problem is, “when a family member becomes a Christian, all the other family members become martyrs”. Unfortunately, there is some truth in this joke.
There is an interesting rule that I heard from a priest. When a person comes to the faith, he must ask himself the simple question: “What does my family gain from me being a Christian?” We never ask ourselves such a question. We generally have an egoistic system of views and think more about our own benefits. But Christ gives us an absolutely different commandment: If any man desire to be first, the same shall be last of all, and servant of all (Mk. 9:35).
James Tissot. Christ Teaches the People by the Sea. 1886–1896
The wife of someone I know became a Christian, and she was lucky enough to have a good father-confessor. The priest wondered why she was constantly arguing with her husband, and explained that men understand love through respect and obedience. If a wife does not listen to her husband, she does not respect and does not love him. And Christianity helped this woman understand that she should not carry everything on her shoulders, but hand over the reins of the household to her husband. She felt and looked better after that. Her husband even came to the priest and asked what had happened to his wife. He said she would come home from church so gentle and kind. When someone in a family becomes a vegan or goes on a diet, he begins to dictate to his family the rules of what he can eat and what he cannot, and now it is no longer possible to cook the same food for everyone.
It can be even worse when a neophyte converts to Christianity. He will dig down to the bottom: “They listen to the wrong music and talk the wrong way.” And we should get attuned to the fact that after embracing Christianity we all become preachers of the Christian faith. The Apostle Paul appeals to Christians with a cry full of pain: For the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles (Rom. 2:24). This applies to every Christian, because each one of us is part of the Church, and outsiders judge the Church by us. We just don’t care about it, and when we swear in line in a store, we don’t think about the fact that we are blaspheming the name of Christ among the gentiles. Religion should draw us towards the light. But we use the commandments as a weapon and justify our weaknesses by our religious beliefs. When Christ talks about blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, He also means the misuse of our gifts. Christ gave you a wife to make her happy, but she cries all the time. Or you became a Christian and began denouncing everyone, tormenting them with quotations from the Holy Scriptures.
As for denunciations, there can be a problem when your colleagues at work use foul language. What should we do about it? Should we denounce and rebuke them, or tacitly show indignation and disagreement?
—I grew up in a priest’s family, my father is a priest. It was no secret among our circles in Moscow as well as in the countryside. No one ever swore in our family—it was considered indecent. Plus, my mother has a philological education; she graduated from the Institute of Foreign Languages. I never used foul language either. In the company where we hung out in the 1990s it was exactly the opposite. When I joined them, I didn’t swear, and it was noticeable. I was often younger than the other guys, and so I never told them that I didn’t like swearing. But gradually people began to understand that I did not swear, and in my presence, they even began to apologize if they used obscenities, although I never rebuked them. Later it got to the point where a new guy would join our company, start swearing, and the others would tell him not to use obscene language in my presence. I didn’t do anything to cause that. My secular friends knew that I did not swear, and they also apologized whenever they used foul language in my presence. It seems to me that when a person himself preserves culture and behaves with dignity, it sets a good example. Much depends on how you behave. I could not stand to remain in the presence of vile abuse. After all, when we turn on the TV and hear foul language, we can simply change the channel and not watch it.
Sometimes people ask: “I see that my friend doesn’t live properly. How can I tell her about it?”
—There is a great sin that people hardly ever repent of in confession. I am talking about when a person lives someone else’s life. The Lord gives us the greatest gift, and tells each one of us to work our salvation. The saints spoke about this as well. But our thinking is such that we begin to work on our salvation, we realize that it is long and complicated, and we don’t really want to do it anymore. Our consciousness always switches to what is easier. Like water, we tend to flow to where it is freer. We don’t want to solve very difficult tasks. We don’t want difficulties. On the contrary, we tend to seek a comfort zone. We will always be inclined to save someone else, and we will think that they will not be able to cope without our help. But this often has detrimental consequences. During confession I usually show people the cross on which Christ is depicted and say that He is the Savior, and He is the only One Who saves people. Why do we play saviors? St. Anthony the Great says: “Do not suggest anything to anyone as a rule before you yourself fulfil it.” First do something yourself, learn something, and then offer your help. St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov) says, “A pious yet inexperienced adviser can give more harm than help.”
How can this commandment be fulfilled by someone who is an extrovert by nature? It seems to me that we often perceive this commandment as kind of going back into our shells and an attempt to practice ascetic life, but not to be socially active. Is it possible to be active by fulfilling this commandment?
—It by no means implies that you should be unsociable or withdraw into your shell. It can be perceived by people as disdain, as if a person is not interested in what is happening to others at all. A socially active person communicates, talks about himself, about his life, about his ups and downs, listens to other people and shows interest in their lives. But it’s another matter when a person teaches. Thus, he goes on the warpath. He has not attained salvation and has not acquired any virtue yet, but he is already determined to change and break other people. We often use certain things to our own benefit. We even use good quotes and correct instructions to our advantage. Suppose a husband says, The wife see that she reverence her husband (Eph. 5:33), and starts being rude to her and shouting at her. A person can justify his base passions with sublime quotations from the Holy Scriptures. To prevent this, I often use the following brilliant quotation from the Holy Hierarch Gregory the Theologian and even repeat it for myself: “It’s good to teach, but it’s much safer to learn.” It seems to me that this phrase hits the nail on the head. Before you tell people anything, you need to learn thoroughly yourself. I have been a priest for ten years now and I remember that when I was a very young priest, I so wanted to teach people, explain something to them, tell them something. But the older I get as a priest, the less I try to give advice. Now I do it only if a person asks persistently, and I try to do it very carefully, because what works for me may simply not suit another person. Of course, I can cite something from the Holy Scriptures or Church Tradition. I am surprised how delicately the Optina elders gave advice.
Optina elders
We should be socially active, communicate with everyone and be friendly to people, but we should be very cautious with “teaching”. There are two concepts: vertical and horizontal. If you are vertical, like a teacher with his students, you can evaluate their work. You can judge whether someone has written a good or bad work. It’s not your student who is bad, but his work. Likewise, A boss can evaluate the work of his subordinate, not the subordinate himself. And when we are horizontal, we try not to evaluate each other. If a person has not made you his teacher and mentor, why do you have the audacity to teach him? When you are asked for advice, then you can say something carefully and delicately. You will advise something, and the person will fall into an even more disastrous state. It is indeed safer to learn than to teach.
Thank you, Father. But what if your colleagues speak ill of the Patriarch, blaspheming the Church and its hierarchy? How should we react?
—Someone who speaks ill of the Patriarch does so because he has mental anguish—he does not go to church and finds an excuse for himself. From my experience, I can say that provocative questions can be the beginning of a very serious dialogue about faith. People feel when others speak haughtily with them. The Apostle Paul says that there should be friendliness in communication. He always found kind words to say.
It often comes to pass that parents come to the faith, but their children have already grown up and it is news to them that their parents suddenly begin to attend church. How should we bring our children to church? Clearly, we must show Christian love in the family, but what about Church discipline for which our children are obviously not ready yet?
—You should become a church person yourself first. As long as I am not well taught myself, I will not teach others. It is not enough to read one book and come to church once. We should try to understand very well what confession and Communion is. Each one of us has gone through the convert stage and radical period. And when a person calms down a little, he can communicate with his child calmly, without hurting him. I have four children, and I also commit such a sin—they get a lot of criticism. And when our conversion to the faith, our Christianity becomes yet another reason for criticism, it is quite difficult. Children are required to be disciplined at school, in clubs, and now they also have to get up early to go to church on Sundays. It becomes another burden. From my pastoral experience, I know how painful it is for parents themselves. They bring their child to church and tell him to stand still. My daughter once stood at the service, watched and then asked me, “Daddy, I didn’t understand what was going on. First you came out and said something, then Fr. Andrei, and then Fr. Gregory had just a little bit to say, and then he left too.” This is how my child saw it from the outside, so we ourselves should first become Church people and understand well what goes on in church, so that we can explain it to our children. And going to church must be an occasion for joy.
My mother explained to us from our childhood what went on in church, but did not demand much at a certain stage. It is hard to explain sublime spiritual truths to people. Christ came to us in the world, became one of us out of very great love, so He conveyed information to us in very simple images. The Heavenly Kingdom is a place of the fullness of God’s grace. It will be a Kingdom where Christ will be the King, it will be jubilation. We had a sense of joy in church in our childhood. We didn’t go to church to be rewarded with ice cream. Everyone just felt joy.
How should I respond to criticism and labels? Should I just stand up and leave, or answer?
—Criticism can be justified and unjustified. Sometimes we can take criticism as an answer to our prayer to God. Sometimes criticism, especially from our relatives, is God’s answer to our prayer request: We asked for humility and now have a chance to show it. And sometimes people just don’t like something. All people are selfish in many ways; we Christians make efforts not to be selfish, but we don’t always succeed. When a person criticizes someone else, he does it for his own benefit, so that the other person can become more “comfortable” for him. And here you should discern whether it is justified or not. If you are wrong, you need to admit your mistake. There is nothing stronger in man than the ability to admit his mistakes.
Valentin Perov. Sermon in a Village, 1861
And it happens that people impudently violate your boundaries because they want you to be “comfortable” for them. You must be able to defend your boundaries. When the Lord was slapped, He did not turn the other cheek, but asked: Why smitest thou me? (Jn. 18:23). He began to defend His boundaries—He did not remain silent. It is a misconception that Christians must be silent. We cannot tolerate humiliations like the early martyrs. We can keep quiet and be patient, but this is called “deferred revenge”. It is necessary to be able to speak, to respond and say, “I’m sorry, but it is unpleasant for me to listen to these words.” I at first always gave my wife roses, because I in fact, liked them. Then she confessed that she didn’t like roses, she loved alstroemeria (Peruvian lilies). I had acted logically, buying what I liked. Men need this: Women should say everything to them, and not keep silent and then later tell them how they feel. And they should say it not in the form of a rebuke, but simply expressing their true likes and dislikes. It’s the same with colleagues—you should express your opinion and say that it is not very pleasant for you to hear such words about the Patriarch, or it is unpleasant to hear obscene language. But we keep silent, take offense, and then come to the priest for confession. We should learn how to express our feelings in words correctly.
Sergei Komarov spoke with Priest Nikolai Konyukhov
submitted by Yurii_S_Kh to SophiaWisdomOfGod [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 13:47 forgutten-lullaby I need advice... Am I just not cut out for the dating scene in this day and age?

I (28/F) has always stuggled with love. I am a hopeless romantic but maybe my expectations are too high for reality. I would love to hear what you think and if I should accept a life as the cat lady.
Before I get into the story of my sad dating life, here are some thoughts I have: 1. I was never good in catching a man's interest. Physically, I am not horribly ugly but I also do not turn heads. Personality, I am in introvert with extroverted charactistics. I love the company of my girlfriends and can easily be one of the guys. But maybe there is something I am not seeing about myself? 2. The dating pool in my age rage is left with questionable characters. Of Course not all are bad, but pearls are rare and they might not want to be found by me. I am cautious of red flags and to not settle just because I am lonely. Standards are health. 3. I am an old fashioned romantic in a world of online dating, hookup culture and normalised maltreatment. This makes it very hard to make sound judgements about people.
I was single up until 24 when I met my wonderful ex BF (28/M) of 3,5 years. Unfortunately, he left me due to irremediable differences in religious views. It broke my heart into pieces when he moved on soon after. I am happy that he is happy. I just wish I didn't get the short end of the stick after being dumped and having to navigate the dating world again. I have sinces healed from the break up and do not wish to get him back.
I gave myself a good year to be in my feelings and heal from the heart break. Then I met someone (26/M) online who completely love bombed me. He said all the right things and had all the right qualities. We lived far apart so couldn't see one another really. But still we spoke about ways he can transfer for work so he could move closer. He sent me a valentines gift because he couldn't spend the day Physically with me. We spent hours on the phone, even when he is supposed to be working, talking about life and a poaaible future together. We shared vulnerable things with one another for 3 months. But all of a sudden I was just ghosted. No explanation, no fight, just radio silence.
Again here I am utterly confused and with no explanation. Just me coming up with my own reasons like he probably had a GF all along, living a double life.
Fast forward 2 months I tried again and met someone (29/M) really special. He also appeared old fashioned, sophisticated and very clever. His values seemed to align with mine very well. I encouraged open communication so we don't hurt one another and to take it slow. After going on several nice dates I asked him if he is seeing others as well, because we met online. I have since deleted my profile and he said he did too. This was not to trap him down. I wanted to know if he was exploring other options so I can set my own boundaries and to not get too attached. And I told him as much. So Even though we were not official we agreed that we are exclusively seeing one another and taking it step by step. This was a really easy person to date, he was romatice, kind and funny. He really made me feel special. I had all the confidence and trust. Until one of my best girlfriends showed me her online profile and I saw him on there. He was still active on it and even liked her profile. This to me was blatant dishonesty. We had that open conversation about whether he is seeing other people prior. He felt the need to lie until he was caught. So after feeling confused and angry for a few days I organize a date for us to talk about it. And he bailed on me on the time we were supposed to meet. I was waiting at the venue when he decided he will no longer come. Disheartened, I sent him voice notes about me wanting to talk to him about what I found out. I wasn't shouting or accusing or mean. I was just honest about how it made me feel.
His response was explaining why he couldn't make it to the date and that he feels like financially he is not in the space to make a commitment right now. All this did not explain his need to lie. He did not answer my question of wether he is exploring other options. I asked him again about his dishonesty and he requested we meet up next week to talk about it in person (but that was my intention of our date yesterday but he bailed, so now we are left talk via text and voice notes).
My last ditch effort to get some clarity was to confirm that after the talk wr are planning to have next week, is he intended for us to just be friends going forward. And he said yes.
So yes, I got dumped again.
Now I am here asking people on reddit for some honesty cause I can't seem to find it anywhere anymore. What do you think? Some construction criticism on my part is also welcome, cause maybe I am the problem.
TL;DR I (28F) have been seeing a guy (29M) who said he is not on the dating app or seeing anyone else when I saw his dating profile being active on my best friends dating app. Now I can contemplating accepting a life of a cat lady. Because maybe I am the problem.
submitted by forgutten-lullaby to DatingHelp [link] [comments]