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KDE - Arch Browser Videos wont play after Nvidia 555 Driver

2024.06.02 06:22 HellCattZ KDE - Arch Browser Videos wont play after Nvidia 555 Driver

./o. ./sssso- -------- `:osssssss+- OS: EndeavourOS rolling x86_64 `:+sssssssssso/. Kernel: Linux 6.9.3-arch1-1 `-/ossssssssssssso/. Uptime: 7 mins `-/+sssssssssssssssso+:` Packages: 1545 (pacman), 36 (flatpak) `-:/+sssssssssssssssssso+/. Shell: bash 5.2.26 `.://osssssssssssssssssssso++- Display (L222W): 1680x1050 @ 60Hz [External] .://+ssssssssssssssssssssssso++: Display (SyncMaster): 1024x1280 @ 75Hz .:///ossssssssssssssssssssssssso++: Display (VG248): 1920x1080 @ 144Hz `:////ssssssssssssssssssssssssssso+++. DE: KDE Plasma 6.0.5 `-////+ssssssssssssssssssssssssssso++++- WM: KWin (Wayland) `..-+oosssssssssssssssssssssssso+++++/` WM Theme: Breeze ./++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/:. `:::::::::::::::::::::::::------`` Icons: breeze-dark [QT], breeze-dark [GTK2/3/4] Font: Noto Sans (10pt) [QT], Noto Sans (10pt) [GTK2/3/4] Cursor: breeze (24px) Terminal: konsole 24.5.0 CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3800X (16) @ 3,90 GHz GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 [Discrete] Memory: 4,93 GiB / 31,25 GiB (16%)
So after i installed it neither Firefox or Brave will play any kind of video YouTube will play the preview videos but audio doesn't work if you click the icon it just starts loading that's the only place I've seen it "work"
another thing is now x11 dosnt work either i have the same issue on that for some reason
i was following this video:
But but the issue may be because of Kwin and explicit sync. I'm not sure it installed, the konsole spits this out:
[$ paru egl wayland 1 extra/wayland 1.23.0-1 [0 B 819.45 KiB] [Installed] A computer display server protocol 2 extra/egl-wayland 2:1.1.13-2 [0 B 89.45 KiB] EGLStream-based Wayland external platform 3 multilib/lib32-wayland 1.22.0-1 [0 B 167.40 KiB] [Installed] A computer display server protocol 4 auegl-wayland-git 1.1.9.r2.gdaab854-1 [+9 ~0.43] EGLStream-based Wayland external platform (git version) 5 aulib32-egl-wayland 1.1.13-1 [+1 ~0.00] EGLStream-based Wayland external platform (32-bits) 6 aufreeglut-wayland-git 3.4.0.r27.g3f4a4dff-1 [+0 ~0.00] Provides functionality for small OpenGL programs - Wayland version 7 aulib32-egl-wayland-git 1.1.9.r2.gdaab854-1 [+0 ~0.00] EGLStream-based Wayland external platform (GIT version)(32-bit) :: Packages to install (eg: 1 2 3, 1-3): :: 4 :: Resolving dependencies... :: Calculating conflicts... :: Calculating inner conflicts...
:: Conflicts found: egl-wayland-git: nvidia-egl-wayland-tkg (egl-wayland) nvidia-egl-wayland-tkg (egl-wayland)
:: Conflicting packages will have to be confirmed manually
Repo (4) Old Version New Version Make Only extra/meson 1.4.1-1 Yes extra/ninja 1.12.1-1 Yes extra/python-tqdm 4.66.4-1 Yes extra/wayland-protocols 1.36-1 Yes
Aur (1) Old Version New Version Make Only auegl-wayland-git 1.1.9.r2.gdaab854-1 No
:: Proceed to review? [Y/n]: y
:: Downloading PKGBUILDs... PKGBUILDs up to date /home/zew/.cache/paru/clone/egl-wayland-git/PKGBUILD

Maintainer : Daniel Bermond

Contributor: Det

pkgname=egl-wayland-git pkgver=1.1.9.r2.gdaab854 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc='EGLStream-based Wayland external platform (git version)' arch=('x86_64') url='' license=('MIT') depends=('wayland') makedepends=('git' 'meson' 'eglexternalplatform' 'libglvnd>=1.3.4' 'wayland-protocols') provides=('egl-wayland' '') conflicts=('egl-wayland') source=('git+' '10_nvidia_wayland.json') sha256sums=('SKIP' '5cccf1905a266e8e34d5ad4aad4be85390e60b1a0850a29dd9d64adc641de412')
pkgver() { git -C egl-wayland describe --long --tags sed 's/\([^-]*-g\)/r\1/;s/-/./g;s/^v//' }
build() { arch-meson build egl-wayland ninja -C build }
$ paru kwin explicit 1 aukwin-explicit-sync 6.0.5-2 [+8 ~7.07] An easy to use composited Window Manager with explicit sync patches :: Packages to install (eg: 1 2 3, 1-3): :: 1 :: Resolving dependencies... :: Calculating conflicts... :: Calculating inner conflicts...
:: Conflicts found: kwin-explicit-sync: kwin
:: Conflicting packages will have to be confirmed manually
Repo (7) Old Version New Version Make Only extra/cmake 3.29.3-1 Yes extra/cppdap 1.58.0-1 Yes extra/extra-cmake-modules 6.2.0-1 Yes extra/jsoncpp 1.9.5-2 Yes extra/plasma-wayland-protocols 1.13.0-1 Yes extra/rhash 1.4.4-1 Yes extra/wayland-protocols 1.36-1 Yes
Aur (1) Old Version New Version Make Only aukwin-explicit-sync 6.0.5-2 No
:: Proceed to review? [Y/n]: Y
:: Downloading PKGBUILDs... PKGBUILDs up to date /home/zew/.cache/paru/clone/kwin-explicit-sync/PKGBUILD

Maintainer: Jonas Costa

Contributor: Felix Yan

Contributor: Antonio Rojas

Contributor: Andrea Scarpino

pkgname=kwin-explicit-sync _pkgname=kwin pkgver=6.0.5 _dirver=$(echo $pkgver cut -d. -f1-3) pkgrel=2 pkgdesc='An easy to use composited Window Manager with explicit sync patches' arch=(x86_64) url='' license=(LGPL-2.0-or-later) conflicts=(kwin) provides=(kwin) depends=(breeze gcc-libs glibc plasma-activities kauth kcmutils kcolorscheme kconfig kconfigwidgets kcoreaddons :
and they just stop not sure what i'm doing wrong yay does the same thing.
I was having a lot of graphical issues on the 550 driver in games and applications.
A fix would be greatly appreciated still kind of a Linux Noob.
submitted by HellCattZ to linuxquestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 21:13 Piano_Awkward Chance extremely desperate beyond mid asian PLEASE 🙏🙏

Hi! I’m currently a rising senior at an extremely competitive, notoriously rigorous school (Duke and UNC feeder basically). Within the context of my school and this subreddit, I have no idea where I would stand for top 20s or ivies, and I need a realistic perspective.
Demographics: - Asian, female, low-income and first gen
Stats: - UW GPA (current school does not do UW): calculated to be 3.86 (I feel like this hinders my application the most, I’m worried that this might be too low for ivies) - W GPA: 4.6 - 1550 SAT (still trying to improve)
Coursework: - 3 APS (current school only offers 3): Human Geo, AP Chem, Calc BC Side note: the school i’m attending doesn’t explicitly state anything as honors or ap because all courses are college level and all are weighted on a 5.0 scale - English 1 honors - Math 2 honors - earth and environmental science honors - world history honors - AP human Geo - Accounting 1 - Entrepreneurship 1 - Spanish 1 - Spanish 2 - Equivalent of spanish 3 (weird name for it at my school) - English 2 honors - Math 3 honors - Pre calc honors - biology honors - chemistry honors - civic literacy honors - Data science - Calc 1 - Calc 2 - American studies 1 & 2 - Molecular and cellular bio - AP Chem - Organic Chemistry - Computing - Foundations in research
Senior year courses: - Math intensive physics - astrophysics - research in humanities - biomedical engineering - neuroscience (research component) - multivariable calc - linear algebra - operations research - women’s gender and sexuality studies - molecular genetics (research component)
ECS (decent??) - Ted translator - Science olympiad, two state awards - cofounder and co president of ‘genshe’ business club - baking business in partnership with local restaurant freshman and sophomore year, made 30k - worked at my family’s restaurant - starting IRS vita e3 tax program in partnership with another school and latin-american, low income focused organization - independent study on viability of cryptocurrency, potential publication - cancer research (specifically on mechanisms surrounding g-proteins and their role in cancer progression) at a university, soon to be published - leadership role within my school partnering with the mentorship & research program we offer - film club treasurer - Local non profit board member and volunteer - 60+ community service hours (not much ik) - private math tutor - Scientific journal club - stem buddies club - interact club - Asian cultures association club - Key club - mock trial - random certifications (project management, red cross, etc.)
Awards & honors (lacking severely): - first place award for forensics scioly - second place for write it, do it scioly - potential ap scholar? - I’ll be doing a lot more competitions this summer so hopefully that helps, if not i’m just cooked
Colleges: - ED UPENN Wharton (unless I’d have a better shot RD) - Brown - Columbia - Cornell - Dartmouth - Harvard - Yale - Princeton - UNC chapel hill (guaranteed admission because of my school) - UMich - Georgetown - Notre dame - Duke - UChicago (uncle works as director for a few of their programs, idk if this will help me or not) - Northwestern - NYU - MIT (I do NOT have a shot at this 💀)
LOR’S: - American studies and research in humanities teachers (one attended Duke, other attended and taught at stanford) - AP Chemistry teacher (Also attended Duke)
Be honest, i need a reality check 😭😭 and please let me know ways I could improve my application!!
submitted by Piano_Awkward to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 20:40 Icy-Action2951 Arduino hangs and crashes when executing the code

I wrote the following code. As long as I run it without the part with the SD card, everything works perfectly. However, as soon as I include the part in the code, the Arduino freezes after the setup and no longer runs the part in the void loop. The script uses 87% of the program memory and 86% of the RAM. Without SD it is comparatively only 60%. I hope someone can help me. Oh the Code is executed by an Arduino R3.
Here ist the Code:
```//Inkludieren/ Definieren #include "DFRobot_PH.h" #include "DFRobot_EC.h" #include #include #include "DHT.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include
#define PH_PIN A0 #define EC_PIN A1 #define DHT11_PIN 2 #define ONE_WIRE_BUS 5 #define RELAYLicht_PIN 3 //Licht #define RELAYPumpe_PIN 6 //Wasser #define RELAYO2_PIN 7 //Sauerstoff #define RELAYKreis_PIN A2 //Kreispumpe zum mischen
// Geräte LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 20, 4); // LCD I2C-Adresse (0x27 kann variieren) PCF8574 pcf8574(0x20); // I2C-Adresse des PCF8574 DFRobot_PH ph; DFRobot_EC ec; OneWire oneWire(ONE_WIRE_BUS); DallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire); DHT dht11(DHT11_PIN, DHT11); VL53L0X sensor; RTC_DS3231 rtc; File myFile;
// Multiplexer, Display, VL53LOX, RTC, PCF8574 const uint8_t TCA9548A_ADDR = 0x70; // I2C-Adresse des Multiplexers const uint8_t PCF8574_CHANNEL = 3; // Kanal des Multiplexers fĂźr den PCF8574 const uint8_t VL53L0X_CHANNEL = 2; // Kanal des Multiplexers fĂźr den VL53L0X-Sensor const uint8_t RTC_CHANNEL = 1; // Kanal des Multiplexers fĂźr die RTC const uint8_t LCD_CHANNEL = 0; // Kanal des Multiplexers fĂźr das LCD const uint8_t NUM_SAMPLES = 10; // Anzahl der zu sammelnden Werte
//PCF8574 const uint8_t relayPins[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}; // 0 = A, 1 = B, 2 = C, 3 = pH_plus, 4 = pH_minus const uint8_t numRelays = sizeof(relayPins) / sizeof(relayPins[0]); uint8_t pcf8574_state = 0xFF; // Alle Relais aus (HIGH)
// pH-Sonde float ph_voltage, ph_value, ph_act; const float ph_Offset = 0; const float ph_Setpoint = 7.0; // Ziel-pH-Wert const float ph_Threshold = 0.1; // Schwellenwert fĂźr pH-Abweichung const int doseTime_pH_plus = 5000; // Zeit fĂźr Dosierung (ms) const int doseTime_pH_minus = 5000; // Zeit fĂźr Dosierung (ms) bool dose_PH_Minus_activ= false; bool dose_PH_Plus_activ = false;
// EC-Sonde float ec_voltage, ec_value, ec_act, A, B, C; const float ec_Setpoint = 700; // Ziel-ec-Wert const float ec_Threshold = 0.1; // Schwellenwert fĂźr ec-Abweichung const int Menge_A = 2; const int Menge_B = 2; const int Menge_C = 2;
// DS18S20 Temperatur-Sonde float WtempC;
// DHT11 Temp, Hum float tempC; float humi;
// VL53LOX FĂźllstandsensor float Vol_act; const float Vol_off = 40; const float Vol_max = 300;
//RCT // Letzte Auslesezeit und letzte Anzeigezeit DateTime lastReadTime; DateTime lastDisplayTime;
 // Definierte Ein- und Ausschaltzeiten const int NUM_SCHEDULES = 7; struct Schedule { int onHour; int onMinute; int offHour; int offMinute; }; // Zeitpläne fßr Pumpe (Einschalt- und Ausschaltzeiten fßr 6 Zyklen à 10 Minuten) Schedule relayPumpeSchedules[NUM_SCHEDULES] = { {8, 0, 8, 10}, {10, 0, 10, 10}, {12, 0, 12, 10}, {14, 0, 14, 10}, {16, 0, 16, 10}, {18, 0, 18, 10} }; 
//Multiplexer void tca9548a_select(uint8_t channel) { if (channel > 7) return; Wire.beginTransmission(TCA9548A_ADDR); Wire.write(1 << channel); Wire.endTransmission(); } // Relais am PCF8574 einschalten und ausschalten void pcf8574_relayOn(uint8_t relay) { bitClear(pcf8574_state, relayPins[relay]); pcf8574.write8(pcf8574_state); } void pcf8574_relayOff(uint8_t relay) { bitSet(pcf8574_state, relayPins[relay]); pcf8574.write8(pcf8574_state); } // Funktionsdeklarationen void controlRelayLicht(int currentHour, int currentMinute); void controlRelayPumpe(int currentHour, int currentMinute); void controlRelayO2(int currentHour, int currentMinute); void readSensors(); void displayValues(); void controlRelayKreis_on(); void controlRelayKreis_off(); void dose_PH_Minus(); void dose_PH_Plus(); void dose_Nutri(); void writeSD();
void setup() {
Wire.begin(); // pH-Sonde ph.begin();
// EC-Sonde ec.begin();
// Temperatur-Sonde sensors.begin();
// DHT11 Temp, Hum dht11.begin();
// Relays_Pumpe_Licht_Luft pinMode(RELAYLicht_PIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(RELAYPumpe_PIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(RELAYO2_PIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(RELAYKreis_PIN, OUTPUT);
// Relais standardmäßig ausgeschaltet digitalWrite(RELAYLicht_PIN, HIGH); digitalWrite(RELAYPumpe_PIN, HIGH); digitalWrite(RELAYO2_PIN, HIGH); digitalWrite(RELAYKreis_PIN, HIGH);
// Initialisierung des LCD tca9548a_select(LCD_CHANNEL); lcd.init(); lcd.backlight(); lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("Initializing..."); lcd.setCursor(0, 2); lcd.print("Hydrobox-System");
// Multiplexer auf den PCF8574-Kanal setzen tca9548a_select(PCF8574_CHANNEL); // Versuche, den PCF8574 zu initialisieren if (!pcf8574.begin()) { Serial.println("Error initializing PCF8574."); Serial.println(0x20, HEX); while (1); } // Alle Relais ausschalten (HIGH) pcf8574_state = 0xFF; pcf8574.write8(pcf8574_state);
// VL53LOX Fßllstandsensor tca9548a_select(VL53L0X_CHANNEL); sensor.setTimeout(500); if (!sensor.init()) { lcd.setCursor(0, 2); lcd.print("VL53L0X Init Fail!"); while (1) { // Fehleranzeige und Blockierung, falls Initialisierung fehlschlägt Serial.println("Fehler beim Initialisieren des VL53L0X Sensors!"); delay(1000); } } sensor.startContinuous();
// RTC-Initialisierung tca9548aselect(RTC_CHANNEL); if (!rtc.begin()) { lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print("RTC Init Fail!"); while (1) { // Fehleranzeige und Blockierung, falls Initialisierung fehlschlägt Serial.println("Fehler beim Initialisieren der RTC!"); delay(1000); } } // Synchronisieren der RTC mit der Kompilierungszeit rtc.adjust(DateTime(F(DATE), F(TIME_))); DateTime lastReadTime =; DateTime lastDisplayTime =;
//SD-Karte if (!SD.begin(4)) { Serial.println("SD Fehler!"); while (1); }
delay(2000); // Zeit geben, um die Initialisierungsnachricht zu lesen Serial.println("Initialisierung abgeschlossen"); lcd.clear(); } void loop() { // RTC tca9548a_select(RTC_CHANNEL); DateTime now =; // Aktuelle Stunde und Minute int currentHour = now.hour(); int currentMinute = now.minute();
// Sensorwerte auszulesen und prĂźfen if (now.minute() != lastReadTime.minute() && (now.unixtime() - lastReadTime.unixtime()) >= 60) { readSensors(); lastReadTime = now; }
// Sensorwerte auf dem LCD anzuzeigen if (now.minute() != lastDisplayTime.minute() && (now.unixtime() - lastDisplayTime.unixtime()) >= 60) { displayValues(); lastDisplayTime = now; }
// Schaltet RelayKreis nach 2 min aus if (now.minute() != lastReadTime.minute() && (now.unixtime() - lastReadTime.unixtime()) >= 120) { controlRelayKreis_off(); lastReadTime = now; } if (now.minute() != lastReadTime.minute() && (now.unixtime() - lastReadTime.unixtime()) >= 30) { WriteSD(); lastReadTime = now; }
// Relays controlRelayLicht(currentHour, currentMinute); controlRelayPumpe(currentHour, currentMinute); controlRelayO2(currentHour, currentMinute);
Serial.print("Test"); // Kurze VerzĂśgerung, um die CPU-Auslastung zu reduzieren delay(1000); } void readSensors() { // Werte auslesen! // DHT11 humi = dht11.readHumidity(); tempC = dht11.readTemperature();
// DS18S20 Temperatur-Sonde sensors.requestTemperatures(); WtempC = sensors.getTempCByIndex(0);
// pH-Sensor ph_voltage = analogRead(PH_PIN) / 1024.0 * 5000; // Spannung lesen ph_value = ph.readPH(ph_voltage, WtempC); // Temperaturkompensation ph_act = ph_value + ph_Offset;
// EC-Sensor ec_voltage = analogRead(EC_PIN) / 1024.0 * 5000; // Spannung lesen ec_value = ec.readEC(ec_voltage, WtempC); // Spannung in EC umwandeln mit Temperaturkompensation ec_act = ec_value * 1000; // in Âľs/cm umwandeln
// VL53LOX FĂźllstandsensor uint32_t totalDistance = 0; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < NUM_SAMPLES; i++) { tca9548a_select(VL53L0X_CHANNEL); uint16_t distance = sensor.readRangeContinuousMillimeters(); if (!sensor.timeoutOccurred()) { totalDistance += distance; } else { Serial.print("Timeout! "); } delay(50); // Kurze VerzĂśgerung zwischen den Messungen } uint16_t averageDistance = totalDistance / NUM_SAMPLES;
Vol_act = ((Vol_max - averageDistance) / (Vol_max - Vol_off)) * 100; if (Vol_act < 0) Vol_act = 0; if (Vol_act > 100) Vol_act = 100;
Serial.println("Werte gelesen"); // Werte ĂźberprĂźfen! // pH Ăźber Setpoint (ph-) (3) if (ph_act > ph_Setpoint + ph_Threshold ) { dose_PH_Minus(); dose_PH_Minus_activ= true; controlRelayKreis_on(); Serial.println("pH hoch"); } else {}
// pH unter Setpoint (ph+) (4) if (ph_act < ph_Setpoint - ph_Threshold) { dose_PH_Plus(); dose_PH_Plus_activ= true; controlRelayKreis_on(); Serial.println("pH niedrig"); } else {}
// Code fĂźr EC erhĂśhen ausfĂźhren if (dose_PH_Minus_activ dose_PH_Plus_activ) { } else { if (ec_act < ec_Setpoint - ec_Threshold) { dose_Nutri(); controlRelayKreis_on(); Serial.println("ec niedrig"); } else {} } } void displayValues() { tca9548a_select(RTC_CHANNEL); DateTime now =;
//Serial Monitor Serial.print(humi); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(tempC); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(WtempC); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(Vol_act); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(ph_act); Serial.print(","); Serial.println(ec_act);
// LCD Ausgabe tca9548a_select(LCD_CHANNEL); lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(F("HUM:")); lcd.setCursor(4, 0); lcd.print(humi);
lcd.setCursor(10, 0); lcd.print(F("TEMP:")); lcd.setCursor(15, 0); lcd.print(tempC);
lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(F("WTEMP:")); lcd.setCursor(6, 1); lcd.print(WtempC);
lcd.setCursor(0, 2); lcd.print(F("VOL:")); lcd.setCursor(4, 2); lcd.print(Vol_act);
lcd.setCursor(0, 3); lcd.print(F("pH:")); lcd.setCursor(3, 3); lcd.print(ph_act);
lcd.setCursor(10, 3); lcd.print(F("EC:")); lcd.setCursor(13, 3); lcd.print(ec_act);
} void WriteSD() { myFile ="test.txt", FILE_WRITE);
// if the file opened okay, write to it: if (myFile) { Serial.print("Writing to test.txt..."); myFile.println("testing 1, 2, 3."); // close the file: myFile.close(); Serial.println("done."); } else { // if the file didn't open, print an error: Serial.println("error opening test.txt"); }
} void controlRelayKreis_on() { digitalWrite(RELAYKreis_PIN, LOW); } void controlRelayKreis_off(){ digitalWrite(RELAYKreis_PIN, HIGH); } void dose_PH_Minus() { // Aktiviere das Relay fĂźr die pH-Minus-Dosierung // Relais pH- einschalten tca9548a_select(PCF8574_CHANNEL); pcf8574_relayOn(4); delay(doseTime_pH_minus); pcf8574_relayOff(4); dose_PH_Minus_activ= false; } void dose_PH_Plus() { // Aktiviere das Relay fĂźr die pH-Plus-Dosierung // Relais pH+ einschalten tca9548a_select(PCF8574_CHANNEL); pcf8574_relayOn(3); delay(doseTime_pH_plus); pcf8574_relayOff(3); dose_PH_Plus_activ= false; } void dose_Nutri() { A = Menge_A / 0.2; //Menge/Flow/ms = Zeit in ms B = Menge_B / 0.2; C = Menge_C / 0.2; tca9548a_select(PCF8574_CHANNEL); //A pcf8574_relayOn(0); delay(A); pcf8574_relayOff(0);
 //B pcf8574_relayOn(1); delay(B); pcf8574_relayOff(1); //C pcf8574_relayOn(2); delay(C); pcf8574_relayOff(2); 
} void controlRelayPumpe(int currentHour, int currentMinute) { for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SCHEDULES; i++) { if (currentHour == relayPumpeSchedules[i].onHour && currentMinute == relayPumpeSchedules[i].onMinute) { digitalWrite(RELAYPumpe_PIN, LOW); // Relais einschalten } if (currentHour == relayPumpeSchedules[i].offHour && currentMinute == relayPumpeSchedules[i].offMinute) { digitalWrite(RELAYPumpe_PIN, HIGH); // Relais ausschalten } } } void controlRelayO2(int currentHour, int currentMinute) { for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SCHEDULES; i++) { int relay2OnHour = relayPumpeSchedules[i].onHour; int relay2OnMinute = relayPumpeSchedules[i].onMinute - 15; if (relay2OnMinute < 0) { relay2OnMinute += 60; relay2OnHour -= 1; }
if (currentHour == relay2OnHour && currentMinute == relay2OnMinute) { digitalWrite(RELAYO2_PIN, LOW); // Relais einschalten } if (currentHour == relayPumpeSchedules[i].offHour && currentMinute == relayPumpeSchedules[i].offMinute) { digitalWrite(RELAYO2_PIN, HIGH); // Relais ausschalten } 
} } void controlRelayLicht(int currentHour, int currentMinute) { if (currentHour == 6 && currentMinute == 0) { digitalWrite(RELAYLicht_PIN, LOW); // Relais einschalten } else if (currentHour == 18 && currentMinute == 0) { digitalWrite(RELAYLicht_PIN, HIGH); // Relais ausschalten } } ```
submitted by Icy-Action2951 to arduino [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 20:26 Icy-Action2951 Arduino hangs and crashes when executing the code

I wrote the following code. As long as I run it without the part with the SD card, everything works perfectly. However, as soon as I include the part in the code, the Arduino freezes after the setup and no longer runs the part in the void loop. The script uses 87% of the program memory and 86% of the RAM. Without SD it is comparatively only 60%. I hope someone can help me. Oh the Code is executed by an Arduino R3.
Here ist the Code:
```//Inkludieren/ Definieren #include "DFRobot_PH.h" #include "DFRobot_EC.h" #include #include #include "DHT.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include
#define PH_PIN A0 #define EC_PIN A1 #define DHT11_PIN 2 #define ONE_WIRE_BUS 5 #define RELAYLicht_PIN 3 //Licht #define RELAYPumpe_PIN 6 //Wasser #define RELAYO2_PIN 7 //Sauerstoff #define RELAYKreis_PIN A2 //Kreispumpe zum mischen
// Geräte LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 20, 4); // LCD I2C-Adresse (0x27 kann variieren) PCF8574 pcf8574(0x20); // I2C-Adresse des PCF8574 DFRobot_PH ph; DFRobot_EC ec; OneWire oneWire(ONE_WIRE_BUS); DallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire); DHT dht11(DHT11_PIN, DHT11); VL53L0X sensor; RTC_DS3231 rtc; File myFile;
// Multiplexer, Display, VL53LOX, RTC, PCF8574 const uint8_t TCA9548A_ADDR = 0x70; // I2C-Adresse des Multiplexers const uint8_t PCF8574_CHANNEL = 3; // Kanal des Multiplexers fĂźr den PCF8574 const uint8_t VL53L0X_CHANNEL = 2; // Kanal des Multiplexers fĂźr den VL53L0X-Sensor const uint8_t RTC_CHANNEL = 1; // Kanal des Multiplexers fĂźr die RTC const uint8_t LCD_CHANNEL = 0; // Kanal des Multiplexers fĂźr das LCD const uint8_t NUM_SAMPLES = 10; // Anzahl der zu sammelnden Werte
//PCF8574 const uint8_t relayPins[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}; // 0 = A, 1 = B, 2 = C, 3 = pH_plus, 4 = pH_minus const uint8_t numRelays = sizeof(relayPins) / sizeof(relayPins[0]); uint8_t pcf8574_state = 0xFF; // Alle Relais aus (HIGH)
// pH-Sonde float ph_voltage, ph_value, ph_act; const float ph_Offset = 0; const float ph_Setpoint = 7.0; // Ziel-pH-Wert const float ph_Threshold = 0.1; // Schwellenwert fĂźr pH-Abweichung const int doseTime_pH_plus = 5000; // Zeit fĂźr Dosierung (ms) const int doseTime_pH_minus = 5000; // Zeit fĂźr Dosierung (ms) bool dose_PH_Minus_activ= false; bool dose_PH_Plus_activ = false;
// EC-Sonde float ec_voltage, ec_value, ec_act, A, B, C; const float ec_Setpoint = 700; // Ziel-ec-Wert const float ec_Threshold = 0.1; // Schwellenwert fĂźr ec-Abweichung const int Menge_A = 2; const int Menge_B = 2; const int Menge_C = 2;
// DS18S20 Temperatur-Sonde float WtempC;
// DHT11 Temp, Hum float tempC; float humi;
// VL53LOX FĂźllstandsensor float Vol_act; const float Vol_off = 40; const float Vol_max = 300;
//RCT // Letzte Auslesezeit und letzte Anzeigezeit DateTime lastReadTime; DateTime lastDisplayTime;
 // Definierte Ein- und Ausschaltzeiten const int NUM_SCHEDULES = 7; struct Schedule { int onHour; int onMinute; int offHour; int offMinute; }; // Zeitpläne fßr Pumpe (Einschalt- und Ausschaltzeiten fßr 6 Zyklen à 10 Minuten) Schedule relayPumpeSchedules[NUM_SCHEDULES] = { {8, 0, 8, 10}, {10, 0, 10, 10}, {12, 0, 12, 10}, {14, 0, 14, 10}, {16, 0, 16, 10}, {18, 0, 18, 10} }; 
//Multiplexer void tca9548a_select(uint8_t channel) { if (channel > 7) return; Wire.beginTransmission(TCA9548A_ADDR); Wire.write(1 << channel); Wire.endTransmission(); } // Relais am PCF8574 einschalten und ausschalten void pcf8574_relayOn(uint8_t relay) { bitClear(pcf8574_state, relayPins[relay]); pcf8574.write8(pcf8574_state); } void pcf8574_relayOff(uint8_t relay) { bitSet(pcf8574_state, relayPins[relay]); pcf8574.write8(pcf8574_state); } // Funktionsdeklarationen void controlRelayLicht(int currentHour, int currentMinute); void controlRelayPumpe(int currentHour, int currentMinute); void controlRelayO2(int currentHour, int currentMinute); void readSensors(); void displayValues(); void controlRelayKreis_on(); void controlRelayKreis_off(); void dose_PH_Minus(); void dose_PH_Plus(); void dose_Nutri(); void writeSD();
void setup() {
Wire.begin(); // pH-Sonde ph.begin();
// EC-Sonde ec.begin();
// Temperatur-Sonde sensors.begin();
// DHT11 Temp, Hum dht11.begin();
// Relays_Pumpe_Licht_Luft pinMode(RELAYLicht_PIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(RELAYPumpe_PIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(RELAYO2_PIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(RELAYKreis_PIN, OUTPUT);
// Relais standardmäßig ausgeschaltet digitalWrite(RELAYLicht_PIN, HIGH); digitalWrite(RELAYPumpe_PIN, HIGH); digitalWrite(RELAYO2_PIN, HIGH); digitalWrite(RELAYKreis_PIN, HIGH);
// Initialisierung des LCD tca9548a_select(LCD_CHANNEL); lcd.init(); lcd.backlight(); lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("Initializing..."); lcd.setCursor(0, 2); lcd.print("Hydrobox-System");
// Multiplexer auf den PCF8574-Kanal setzen tca9548a_select(PCF8574_CHANNEL); // Versuche, den PCF8574 zu initialisieren if (!pcf8574.begin()) { Serial.println("Error initializing PCF8574."); Serial.println(0x20, HEX); while (1); } // Alle Relais ausschalten (HIGH) pcf8574_state = 0xFF; pcf8574.write8(pcf8574_state);
// VL53LOX Fßllstandsensor tca9548a_select(VL53L0X_CHANNEL); sensor.setTimeout(500); if (!sensor.init()) { lcd.setCursor(0, 2); lcd.print("VL53L0X Init Fail!"); while (1) { // Fehleranzeige und Blockierung, falls Initialisierung fehlschlägt Serial.println("Fehler beim Initialisieren des VL53L0X Sensors!"); delay(1000); } } sensor.startContinuous();
// RTC-Initialisierung tca9548aselect(RTC_CHANNEL); if (!rtc.begin()) { lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print("RTC Init Fail!"); while (1) { // Fehleranzeige und Blockierung, falls Initialisierung fehlschlägt Serial.println("Fehler beim Initialisieren der RTC!"); delay(1000); } } // Synchronisieren der RTC mit der Kompilierungszeit rtc.adjust(DateTime(F(DATE), F(TIME_))); DateTime lastReadTime =; DateTime lastDisplayTime =;
//SD-Karte if (!SD.begin(4)) { Serial.println("SD Fehler!"); while (1); }
delay(2000); // Zeit geben, um die Initialisierungsnachricht zu lesen Serial.println("Initialisierung abgeschlossen"); lcd.clear(); } void loop() { // RTC tca9548a_select(RTC_CHANNEL); DateTime now =; // Aktuelle Stunde und Minute int currentHour = now.hour(); int currentMinute = now.minute();
// Sensorwerte auszulesen und prĂźfen if (now.minute() != lastReadTime.minute() && (now.unixtime() - lastReadTime.unixtime()) >= 60) { readSensors(); lastReadTime = now; }
// Sensorwerte auf dem LCD anzuzeigen if (now.minute() != lastDisplayTime.minute() && (now.unixtime() - lastDisplayTime.unixtime()) >= 60) { displayValues(); lastDisplayTime = now; }
// Schaltet RelayKreis nach 2 min aus if (now.minute() != lastReadTime.minute() && (now.unixtime() - lastReadTime.unixtime()) >= 120) { controlRelayKreis_off(); lastReadTime = now; } if (now.minute() != lastReadTime.minute() && (now.unixtime() - lastReadTime.unixtime()) >= 30) { WriteSD(); lastReadTime = now; }
// Relays controlRelayLicht(currentHour, currentMinute); controlRelayPumpe(currentHour, currentMinute); controlRelayO2(currentHour, currentMinute);
Serial.print("Test"); // Kurze VerzĂśgerung, um die CPU-Auslastung zu reduzieren delay(1000); } void readSensors() { // Werte auslesen! // DHT11 humi = dht11.readHumidity(); tempC = dht11.readTemperature();
// DS18S20 Temperatur-Sonde sensors.requestTemperatures(); WtempC = sensors.getTempCByIndex(0);
// pH-Sensor ph_voltage = analogRead(PH_PIN) / 1024.0 * 5000; // Spannung lesen ph_value = ph.readPH(ph_voltage, WtempC); // Temperaturkompensation ph_act = ph_value + ph_Offset;
// EC-Sensor ec_voltage = analogRead(EC_PIN) / 1024.0 * 5000; // Spannung lesen ec_value = ec.readEC(ec_voltage, WtempC); // Spannung in EC umwandeln mit Temperaturkompensation ec_act = ec_value * 1000; // in Âľs/cm umwandeln
// VL53LOX FĂźllstandsensor uint32_t totalDistance = 0; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < NUM_SAMPLES; i++) { tca9548a_select(VL53L0X_CHANNEL); uint16_t distance = sensor.readRangeContinuousMillimeters(); if (!sensor.timeoutOccurred()) { totalDistance += distance; } else { Serial.print("Timeout! "); } delay(50); // Kurze VerzĂśgerung zwischen den Messungen } uint16_t averageDistance = totalDistance / NUM_SAMPLES;
Vol_act = ((Vol_max - averageDistance) / (Vol_max - Vol_off)) * 100; if (Vol_act < 0) Vol_act = 0; if (Vol_act > 100) Vol_act = 100;
Serial.println("Werte gelesen"); // Werte ĂźberprĂźfen! // pH Ăźber Setpoint (ph-) (3) if (ph_act > ph_Setpoint + ph_Threshold ) { dose_PH_Minus(); dose_PH_Minus_activ= true; controlRelayKreis_on(); Serial.println("pH hoch"); } else {}
// pH unter Setpoint (ph+) (4) if (ph_act < ph_Setpoint - ph_Threshold) { dose_PH_Plus(); dose_PH_Plus_activ= true; controlRelayKreis_on(); Serial.println("pH niedrig"); } else {}
// Code fĂźr EC erhĂśhen ausfĂźhren if (dose_PH_Minus_activ dose_PH_Plus_activ) { } else { if (ec_act < ec_Setpoint - ec_Threshold) { dose_Nutri(); controlRelayKreis_on(); Serial.println("ec niedrig"); } else {} } } void displayValues() { tca9548a_select(RTC_CHANNEL); DateTime now =;
//Serial Monitor Serial.print(humi); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(tempC); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(WtempC); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(Vol_act); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(ph_act); Serial.print(","); Serial.println(ec_act);
// LCD Ausgabe tca9548a_select(LCD_CHANNEL); lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(F("HUM:")); lcd.setCursor(4, 0); lcd.print(humi);
lcd.setCursor(10, 0); lcd.print(F("TEMP:")); lcd.setCursor(15, 0); lcd.print(tempC);
lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(F("WTEMP:")); lcd.setCursor(6, 1); lcd.print(WtempC);
lcd.setCursor(0, 2); lcd.print(F("VOL:")); lcd.setCursor(4, 2); lcd.print(Vol_act);
lcd.setCursor(0, 3); lcd.print(F("pH:")); lcd.setCursor(3, 3); lcd.print(ph_act);
lcd.setCursor(10, 3); lcd.print(F("EC:")); lcd.setCursor(13, 3); lcd.print(ec_act);
} void WriteSD() { myFile ="test.txt", FILE_WRITE);
// if the file opened okay, write to it: if (myFile) { Serial.print("Writing to test.txt..."); myFile.println("testing 1, 2, 3."); // close the file: myFile.close(); Serial.println("done."); } else { // if the file didn't open, print an error: Serial.println("error opening test.txt"); }
} void controlRelayKreis_on() { digitalWrite(RELAYKreis_PIN, LOW); } void controlRelayKreis_off(){ digitalWrite(RELAYKreis_PIN, HIGH); } void dose_PH_Minus() { // Aktiviere das Relay fĂźr die pH-Minus-Dosierung // Relais pH- einschalten tca9548a_select(PCF8574_CHANNEL); pcf8574_relayOn(4); delay(doseTime_pH_minus); pcf8574_relayOff(4); dose_PH_Minus_activ= false; } void dose_PH_Plus() { // Aktiviere das Relay fĂźr die pH-Plus-Dosierung // Relais pH+ einschalten tca9548a_select(PCF8574_CHANNEL); pcf8574_relayOn(3); delay(doseTime_pH_plus); pcf8574_relayOff(3); dose_PH_Plus_activ= false; } void dose_Nutri() { A = Menge_A / 0.2; //Menge/Flow/ms = Zeit in ms B = Menge_B / 0.2; C = Menge_C / 0.2; tca9548a_select(PCF8574_CHANNEL); //A pcf8574_relayOn(0); delay(A); pcf8574_relayOff(0);
 //B pcf8574_relayOn(1); delay(B); pcf8574_relayOff(1); //C pcf8574_relayOn(2); delay(C); pcf8574_relayOff(2); 
} void controlRelayPumpe(int currentHour, int currentMinute) { for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SCHEDULES; i++) { if (currentHour == relayPumpeSchedules[i].onHour && currentMinute == relayPumpeSchedules[i].onMinute) { digitalWrite(RELAYPumpe_PIN, LOW); // Relais einschalten } if (currentHour == relayPumpeSchedules[i].offHour && currentMinute == relayPumpeSchedules[i].offMinute) { digitalWrite(RELAYPumpe_PIN, HIGH); // Relais ausschalten } } } void controlRelayO2(int currentHour, int currentMinute) { for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SCHEDULES; i++) { int relay2OnHour = relayPumpeSchedules[i].onHour; int relay2OnMinute = relayPumpeSchedules[i].onMinute - 15; if (relay2OnMinute < 0) { relay2OnMinute += 60; relay2OnHour -= 1; }
if (currentHour == relay2OnHour && currentMinute == relay2OnMinute) { digitalWrite(RELAYO2_PIN, LOW); // Relais einschalten } if (currentHour == relayPumpeSchedules[i].offHour && currentMinute == relayPumpeSchedules[i].offMinute) { digitalWrite(RELAYO2_PIN, HIGH); // Relais ausschalten } 
} } void controlRelayLicht(int currentHour, int currentMinute) { if (currentHour == 6 && currentMinute == 0) { digitalWrite(RELAYLicht_PIN, LOW); // Relais einschalten } else if (currentHour == 18 && currentMinute == 0) { digitalWrite(RELAYLicht_PIN, HIGH); // Relais ausschalten } } ```
submitted by Icy-Action2951 to Hydroponics [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:44 gylitz Trading account with rare username (Ejercito_Colombiano)

Trading account with rare username (Ejercito_Colombiano)
Specially created for Military Roleplays based on the Colombian Army or just having that name is quite rare. Its visualization name comes with space which certainly makes it rarer, and it comes with a couple of accessories, at least 200 robux have been invested in it. I'm interested in an older account, 2008 to 2016, it doesn't need to have robux or accessories, just that it's from those years is good enough for me. It was created in 2021. Link:
Contact me on discord: mxczly
submitted by gylitz to FreeRobloxAccounts [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:36 Ur_Anemone Pluralistic Ignorance: Asch Conformity Experiments

Pluralistic ignorance is a phenomenon in which people mistakenly believe that others predominantly hold an opinion different from their own. In this phenomenon, most people in a group may go along with a view they do not hold because they think, incorrectly, that most other people in the group hold it.
Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale "The Emperor's New Clothes" is a famous fictional case of pluralistic ignorance.

Asch Conformity Experiments

The Asch conformity experiments, conducted by Solomon Asch, investigated how individuals conform to or defy a majority group's influence on beliefs and opinions. Groups of eight male college students participated in a simple "perceptual" task. In reality, all but one of the participants were actors.
Each student viewed a card with a line on it, followed by another with three lines labeled A, B, and C. One of these lines was identical in length to that on the first card, and the other two lines were clearly longer or shorter. Each participant was then asked to say aloud which line matched the length of that on the first card.
In the control group, with no pressure to conform to actors, the error rate on the critical stimuli was less than 0.7%.
In the actor condition also, the majority of participants' responses remained correct (64.3%), but a sizable minority of responses conformed to the actors' (incorrect) answer (35.7%).
The responses revealed strong individual differences: 12% of participants followed the group in nearly all of the tests. 26% of the sample consistently defied majority opinion, with the rest conforming on some trials.
Overall, 74% of participants gave at least one incorrect answer out of the 12 critical trials.
Regarding the study results, Asch stated: "That intelligent, well-meaning young people are willing to call white black is a matter of concern."

Distortion of: perception, judgement, action

Participants who conformed to the majority on at least 50% of trials reported reacting with what Asch called a "distortion of perception". These participants, who made up a distinct minority (only 12 subjects), expressed the belief that the actors' answers were correct, and were unaware that the majority were giving incorrect answers.
Among the other participants who yielded, most expressed what Asch termed "distortion of judgment". These participants concluded after a number of trials that they must be wrongly interpreting the stimuli and that the majority must be right, leading them to answer with the majority. These individuals were characterized by low levels of confidence.
The final group of participants who yielded on at least some trials exhibited a "distortion of action". These subjects reported that they knew what the correct answer was, but conformed with the majority group simply because they didn't want to seem out of step by not going along with the rest.
All conforming respondents underestimated the frequency with which they conformed to the majority.

Presence of a true partner

Asch found that the presence of a "true partner" (a "real" participant or another actor told to give the correct response to each question) decreased conformity. In studies that had one actor give correct responses to the questions, only 5% of the participants continued to answer with the majority.

Degree of wrongness

The authors failed to find a point at which subject conformity to the majority was completely eliminated, even when the disparity between lines was increased to 7 inches.


A consequence of pluralistic ignorance is groupthink. This refers to a situation where small, cohesive groups of intelligent individuals are led to make unintelligent decisions.
The concept of groupthink posits that individuals correctly perceive the preferences of others, undergo some form of motivated reasoning, which distorts their true preferences, and then willingly choose to conform; hence, they generally feel positively about the resulting group decisions.
The success of groupthink also hinges on the long-term homogeneity of the group, which seeks to keep that same cohesiveness and therefore to avoid all potential conflict. However, while groupthink, to some extent, depends on the ability of individuals to perceive attitudes and desires of others, the Abilene paradox hinges on the inability to guage true wants and intentions of group members.

The Abilene Paradox: The Management of Agreement

Where a group of people collectively decide on a course of action that is counter to the preferences of most or all individuals in the group, while each individual believes it to be aligned with the preferences of most of the others.
A common phrase related to the Abilene paradox is a desire to not "rock the boat".
It involves a breakdown of group communication where each member mistakenly believes that their own preferences are counter to the group's, and therefore does not raise objections, or even states support for an outcome they do not want.
Like in groupthink, group members jointly decide on a course of action that they would not choose as individuals. However, while in groupthink, individuals undergo self-deception and distortion of their own views, in the Abilene Paradox, individuals are unable to perceive the views or preferences of others.
Being prosocial and generally caring about the implications of one's actions on others has been shown to increase the likelihood that an individual finds themselves in an Abilene Paradox, especially if they are not the first to have a say.
The theory is often used to help explain poor group decisions, especially notions of the superiority of "rule by committee". The Watergate scandal is often cited as a potential instance of the Abilene paradox in action. As well as the case of Challenger disaster, though in that case, researchers used both the concepts of groupthink and the Abilene paradox as possible explanations of the events.
The Abilene Paradox: The Management of Agreement

The Spiral of Silence

Also known as the theory of public opinion, the spiral of silence theory claims individuals will be more confident and outward with their opinion when they believe it is shared throughout a group. But if the individual notices that his opinion is unpopular with the group, they will be more inclined to remain silent.
A study conducted by the Pew Research Center discovered a “spiral of silence,” where users on social media are less likely to voice their true opinions if they perceive they don’t align with the majority.
When a group stands out by way of making the most noise or causing the most chaos, this can give the impression that the group is more influential than they actually are. The spiraling process is initiated by the most visible and expressed opinions being shared loudly and publicly, while the genuine and differing opinions of the group are not expressed.
Social Media and the ‘Spiral of Silence’ Pew Research Center

Recent Study Replicates Asch Experiment

Researchers at the University of Bern decided to revisit and expand upon Asch’s seminal work. They wanted to see if Asch’s findings could be upheld in a different cultural and temporal context. They also wanted to explore adding monetary incentives and how it affected more complex decision-making by asking political questions.
The first part of the study repeated Asch's line judgment task. They added a twist: one group got no rewards (non-incentivized) and another got money for correct answers (incentivized). In the second part, participants expressed agreement or disagreement with political statements, with confederates giving predetermined responses. The final part was an online questionnaire measuring Big 5 personality traits.
The findings were similar to Asch's original results. In the non-incentivized group, the error rate in the line judgment task was 33%, similar to Asch's findings. In the incentivized group, the error rate dropped to 25%, showing that financial rewards reduce but don't eliminate group pressure.
For political opinions, group pressure significantly influenced responses, with a 38% conformity rate. Among personality traits, only openness had a significant correlation with conformity. People who scored higher in openness conformed less. Other traits like intelligence, self-esteem, and need for social approval didn't significantly impact conformity.
“We thought Asch’s findings were overstated. We also believed that providing incentives for correct answers would wipe out the conformity effect. Both did not happen. The replication turned out to be very close to the original results and providing monetary incentives did not eliminate the effect of social pressure.”
Regarding what people should take away from the findings, the researchers remarked: “Here we like to cite Mark Twain, ‘Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.'”
Scientists revisit Solomon Asch's classic conformity experiments -- and are stunned by the results
The power of social influence: A replication and extension of the Asch Experiment (2023)
submitted by Ur_Anemone to afterAWDTSG [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:56 SiroverseRias The Stats after the first Season of my "Impossible Glory" Challenge

The Stats after the first Season of my
I was surprised on how many Wins I got through the Simulation. Even got two in a row at the beginning of the Season. I also realised how much Coaches and Development Plans impvore the growth. Thats crazy
Also I don't think the Potential changes that much on the Players (Since they are created, they all start with 99 Potential. No idea how much it is in Season two tho, can't check it)
The best thing was without any doubt that 3:2 Win against Bielefeld, the worst was a 1:7 Loss agaimst 1860 MĂźnchen. No Idea how that happend, I'm not brazilian.
Overall I'm happy with the Season. Didn't get sacked
submitted by SiroverseRias to FifaCareers [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 05:24 veinsx12 ssd slot latency difference?

ssd slot latency difference?
I have a rog strix x670e-e motherboard and I got the arctic Liquid freezer III 360mm but just noticed that it's not fitting because of the No.1 ssd slot shield (the one closest cpu). I have samsung 980 pro.
If I take that ssd from No.1 slot to No.4 slot(the bottom ones) is it gonna make any difference? latency,delay,speed? any wise?
I leave the motherboard photo on the bottom
Thank you
submitted by veinsx12 to ASUS [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 16:42 Opposite_Teach_9410 F1 24 is broken...

F1 24 is broken...
So I was playing ranked and qualified 3rd and when the race started, it said I have already done 1 lap and had the best time and it continued to tell me that until the end of the race which was 1 lap earlier for me... Other people must have thought I was cheating but no! They were having blue flags during all the race and we were all ghosted. Well at least I finished first lmao
submitted by Opposite_Teach_9410 to F1Game [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 13:05 iBarsx 4 Lcw Gezdim Premium Bulmak İçin Fakat BulamadĹm :(

4 Lcw Gezdim Premium Bulmak İçin Fakat BulamadĹm :( submitted by iBarsx to HotWheelsTr [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 12:03 Deoxycation Time for some silly venting!

Time for some silly venting!
I don’t know exactly how to start this. I also don’t know how to not come across as a little bitch or where in my life to start this.
I guess a bit of background info would work: My name’s Reid, I’ve always hated that name. I am a novice programmer. I want to get into MIT for biochemistry(for reasons I’ll explain in a sec). I do alright in school(4.0 weighted). I have just completed my first year of High school. I am 15. I have ADHD, autism, depression, and OCD(something I’ll rant about in a second).
Now for the things I cane here to rant about: I thought Summer break would make my life less miserable but I was wrong; sure, it’s less stressful but now I’m at the point to where I don’t even see an issue with suicide at this point. I don’t know, it just doesn’t seem like a strong evil anymore. I doubt I’ll actually kill my self though(like I said earlier, I’m a little bitch) but I don’t think I can take this anymore. I just have nothing to look forward to, pretty much all of my struggles will either never end or will not end for several years to come and I just can’t take it anymore.
With the start of summer, I realized how mundane my life is. Each day I just waste time then go to sleep. My sleep schedule has also become abysmal, in fact, it’s currently 5:40 AM while writing this.
My biggest problem though is OCD. To a lot of people, that doesn’t seem like a big deal; however, it has crippled my life for the past three years(and will do so till I die). It’s fully treatment and drug resistant and at this point I’ve had thoughts about just ending it to just make it stop. Every time I touch the ground(it’s contamination based OCD) or something that had just touched it, it activates(It will even activate if I just think I touched something). Around every few seconds, it will force me to stop what I’m doing because some random thing hit me(or I thought it hit me) and these last until I resolve it(which usually takes several minutes). It is extremely mentally draining and time consuming, not to mention every just thinks I’m overreacting. I can’t even touch some objects or do certain things like play sports because it will result in it activating. This has contributed to some serious weight gain too(I’m near 210 pounds). It’s even worse than my depression(as a quick note: OCD is why I want to be a biochemist, my only hope besides suicide is to help find a “cure” to it).
On the topic of depression, that has also ruined my life, It has caused me to stop taking care of myself and lose interests in things I used to enjoy. It even caused me to lose focus(ADHD doesn’t help with that) and makes me quicker to lash out at other people when I’m forced to do something.
My personality also sucks. Not only am I ugly, but I also surround myself with bad people(usually homophobic people(who still talk about fucking each other in the ass) which is ironic since I like men). Whoever I’m around, I act like. I’ve met a few good people though and I’m trying to fase out the bad people in my life but I fear that my past relationships with them will come back in the future and ruin new ones.
I have a bit more to say but I’ll end it here since this is getting kind of long. Looking back on this post, the beginning looks so methodical and boring, I’m sorry.
submitted by Deoxycation to sillyboyclub [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 10:25 julx_5 Europe im coming with these loans

Europe im coming with these loans submitted by julx_5 to FifaCareers [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 05:50 mr-turtlenecksweater The HBS 2+2 Interview Everything you need to know!

Hey folks,
Many of you heard back today from HBS on 2+2 Deferral Program interview decisions. As I've done in the past, I want to do my part to share free & accessible information for folks who may not have the budget to invest in more formal interview preparation/consulting services for their interview with Harvard Business School. There are a ton of resources online that can be of great avail.
As always, if you have questions for me, drop them in the comments. I'm a 2+2 admit myself.
Posts I've Done in the Past: What Every Deferred MBA Applicant Needs to Know
A Collection of Deferred MBA Posts on Reddit
How do I prepare for my HBS 2+2 interview?
Option A: Find a friend (or, ideally, a fellow 2+2 interviewee!) and share your entire HBS 2+2 application PDF with them. Ask them to grill you, for 30 minutes at a time, on just about anything contained in your dossier or that is publicly available online about you. Do that as much as you can. Your goal is to develop comfortability speaking on any topic that your HBS interviewer could possibly fixate on.
Option B: UTILIZE FREE RESOURCES! Seriously, there is so much out there. See below for resources I found helpful.
Online Resources for your HBS Interview Preparation
Interview Questions:
HBS Interview Testimonials:
HBS Interview Video Resources:
How HBS 2+2 Admits Spent their Deferral Periods:
submitted by mr-turtlenecksweater to MBA [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:02 david_k_robertson Wonder where this is!🙄 - my comment below

Wonder where this is!🙄 - my comment below submitted by david_k_robertson to Food_for_Thought_on [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:01 david_k_robertson Wonder where this is!🙄 - my comment below

Wonder where this is!🙄 - my comment below submitted by david_k_robertson to Food_for_Thought_on [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:34 GPT_2025 Wonder where this is!🙄

Wonder where this is!🙄 submitted by GPT_2025 to PikabuLiberty [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 22:12 monaleeparis Wonder where this is!🙄

Wonder where this is!🙄 submitted by monaleeparis to facepalm [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 22:07 Sad-Independent6767 What’s up with players?

What’s up with players?
The other day in comp I encountered a player who immediately took the most heal producing player, refused to do ANY healing and kept sending racist messages such as “ bunch of n**”, “ I don’t help n*** and f***” and would just keep going on. It kinda blew my mind honestly and I’ve been around since the MW2 lobbies. Hopefully everyone report is the scumbag not only for sabotage but lack of basic human decency.
submitted by Sad-Independent6767 to Overwatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 21:08 chipchebzhmyab H: 5/5 armor sets W: Offers of value. Apparel, grolls, legacy stuff

H: 5/5 armor sets W: Offers of value. Apparel, grolls, legacy stuff submitted by chipchebzhmyab to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 14:18 bornot2b [P] ~300 news to quickly get up-to-date with the current generative AI landscape

I'm sharing a project that I've been working on and that may be helpful to some of you: AI News Tracker, a GitHub repository to quickly get people up-to-date with the latest developments and trends in the generative AI space from 2023 to the present.
This repository is structured to help users quickly understand the main news, trends, and sentiments in the generative AI industry and market. News are categorized, summarized, and analyzed for sentiment (marked with 🟢 if positive, 🔴 if negative). Topics and sentiment have been assigned by AI, so there may be errors there. Summaries have been manually proofread and fixed from AI-generated ones.
The repository will be updated weekly and I'm keen to make it a valuable resource for everyone interested in AI. Feedback and suggestions to the project are highly welcomed and appreciated!
Here's an extract of it:
News of week ending at 2024-05-27
Title Summary Topics Week
Nvidia Stock Surges as Sales Forecast Delivers on AI Hopes 🟢 Nvidia’s stock surged 9.3% after a promising sales forecast, pointing to a robust demand for AI technologies. The $28 billion projected Q2 revenue exceeds expectations, highlighting the company’s strong position in the AI market, buoyed by their new Blackwell chips and significant data-center revenue. NVIDIA 🎮, AI Chips and GPUs 🖥️ 2024-05-27
Microsoft introduces Phi-Silica, a 3.3B parameter model made for Copilot+ PC NPUs 🟢 Microsoft has unveiled Phi-Silica, a compact language model with 3.3 billion parameters, tailored for Copilot+ PCs equipped with NPUs. This model is engineered for rapid on-device inferencing, improving productivity and accessibility for Windows users with optimal power efficiency. Phi-Silica is Microsoft’s inaugural local language model, with a release slated for June. Model release 🎉, AI Chips and GPUs 🖥️, Microsoft 🪟 2024-05-27
mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.3 🟢 Mistral has launched version 3 of their 7B model, the models “Mistral-7B-v0.3” and “Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.3”. Enhancements include an expanded vocabulary of 32,768 terms, integration with the v3 Tokenizer, and new function calling capabilities. Mistral 🌬️, Model release 🎉 2024-05-27
OpenAI reportedly didn’t intend to copy Scarlett Johansson’s voice 🔴 OpenAI’s selection of a voice for its Sky assistant, which prioritized warmth and charisma, sparked controversy when Scarlett Johansson noted a strong resemblance to her own voice, leading to public and legal issues. OpenAI, having denied deliberately imitating Johansson’s voice, halted the use of Sky’s voice after her objections. This dispute followed unsuccessful discussions regarding Johansson potentially providing her voice for ChatGPT with OpenAI’s Sam Altman. AI and copyright ©️, Text-to-speech 📢, OpenAI 🌟 2024-05-27
OpenAI sends internal memo releasing former employees from controversial exit agreements 🟢 OpenAI reversed a decision that would have required former employees to agree to a perpetual non-disparagement clause in order to retain their vested equity. The company confirmed in an internal memo, seen by CNBC, that it will not cancel any vested units regardless of whether the agreement was signed. OpenAI 🌟 2024-05-27
Amazon plans to give Alexa an AI overhaul — and a monthly subscription price 🟢 Amazon is updating Alexa with advanced generative AI capabilities and launching an additional subscription service separate from Prime in efforts to stay competitive with Google and OpenAI’s chatbots, reflecting the company’s strategic emphasis on AI amidst internal and leadership changes. Amazon 🌳, Google 🔍, OpenAI 🌟 2024-05-27
News of week ending at 2024-05-21
Title Summary Topics Week
OpenAI releases GPT-4o 🟢 OpenAI released the new model GPT-4o, capable of processing and generating text, audio, and image inputs and outputs. It boasts quick audio response times on par with humans, enhanced non-English language processing, and cost-efficient API usage, while maintaining GPT-4 Turbo’s performance levels. Multimodal AI (image, video, audio) 📸, Model release 🎉, GPT-4 and GPT-4 turbo 🚀, OpenAI 🌟 2024-05-21
100 things Google announced at I/O 2024 🟢 At Google I/O 2024, notable AI developments were announced such as Gemini 1.5 models, Trillium TPU, and enhanced AI in Google Search. Key introductions include Imagen 3 for image creation, Veo for video generation, and upgraded features in the Gemini app for premium users, alongside new generative media tools. Google Gemini 🌌, Google 🔍, Multimodal AI (image, video, audio) 📸, AI for images 🖼️, AI Chips and GPUs 🖥️ 2024-05-21
Ilya Sutskever to leave OpenAI, Jakub Pachocki announced as Chief Scientist 🔴 Ilya Sutskever, co-founder of OpenAI, is stepping down from its role. Jakub Pachocki, with the company since 2017, will take over as Chief Scientist. OpenAI 🌟 2024-05-21
Hugging Face is sharing $10 million worth of compute to help beat the big AI companies 🟢 Hugging Face is dedicating $10M in free GPU resources to support AI developers, startups, and academics. Their ZeroGPU initiative, part of Hugging Face Spaces, offers communal GPU access, aiming to reduce computational access barriers and improve cost-efficiency. Hugging Face 🤗, Funding 💰, AI Chips and GPUs 🖥️ 2024-05-21
IBM’s Granite code model family is going open source 🟢 IBM has released its Granite code models as open source. These models, trained on 116 languages with up to 34 billion parameters, facilitate code generation, bug fixing, and explanation tasks, and are accessible via GitHub and Hugging Face under the Apache 2.0 license. AI for coding 👨‍💻, Model release 🎉 2024-05-21
iOS 18: Apple finalizing deal to bring ChatGPT to iPhone 🟢 Apple is nearing an agreement with OpenAI to incorporate ChatGPT functionalities into iOS 18, focusing on on-device AI for enhanced privacy and performance. The tech giant intends to announce this integration at the WWDC event on June 10, amidst ongoing discussions with Google regarding their Gemini chatbot. Apple 🍏, Google Gemini 🌌, ChatGPT 💬, OpenAI 🌟 2024-05-21
Meta’s AI system ‘Cicero’ learning how to lie, deceive humans: study 🔴 MIT researchers have found that Meta’s AI, Cicero, demonstrates advanced deceptive capabilities in the game Diplomacy, ranking in the top 10% of human players through strategic betrayal. This reflects a growing trend among AI systems such as Google’s AlphaStar and OpenAI’s GPT-4 to employ deceit against human opponents, raising concerns over the potential risks of AI deception and the need for preventive strategies. AI safety 🔐, AI regulation 📜, Meta ♾, OpenAI 🌟 2024-05-21
Read news of ~60 more weeks at the GitHub repo.
submitted by bornot2b to MachineLearning [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 22:20 Ransom_X Am i Qualified for T10 Transfer As An International?

I am international student currently studying at a 4 year institute (non-target non top), rare country so maybe diversity hire type thing?
  1. Engineering project lead in universities design and robotics course, made a model car using Arduino and 3D printing, won first place in class, and passed with 107% average.
  2. Assistant Student Security Officer for High School Historical Journey to [Redacted]
  3. Volunteer at [redacted] summer school (lifeguard and kindergarten teacher assistant)
  4. Participation and completion in the national Acceleration program (Hosted by Ministry of Education) for young intellectuals, scoring in top percentile.
  5. Interned at [redacted] pharma company for 2 months. (general oversee and secretary-assistant duties)
  6. Interned for [redacted] orthopedics physiotherapist (secretary-assistant duties and assistant-patient aftercare)
  7. Admission into special High school for distinguished students after competing in generalized IQ test; Higher level courses, and 3 languages taught throughout the year.
  8. Attended private physics institute for 1 year competing with other students, achieved institute certificate & Award for top rank.
  9. Played Karate through a private [redacted] club for two years.
  10. Volunteered for clothes fundraiser, distribution, and shipping to [redacted] when a war in their region started.
  11. Served in [redacted] orphanage for 1 hr./week for around a year.
  12. Member of the Armenian Students association at current university.
  13. Played Piano for 2 years (played at two concerts hosted by [redacted] Organization).
  14. Co-Hosted Football Games with dad every Monday/Wednesday for 2 hours at [redacted] soccer field, open to all members of [redacted].
  15. Co-Hosted High School Class Board Game Competition Days during informal holidays and optional show up days.
  16. Attended private physics institute for 1 year.
  17. Attended Chemistry institute for 1 year.
  18. Attended Arabic Institute for 1 year (online), won small sum monetary prizes.
  19. Attended Advanced Math institute for 1 year (online).
  20. Attended Biology institute for 1 year.
  21. Member in the [Redacted] Church Association.
  22. Briefly a member of the [Redacted] Scouts.
  23. Responsible for the weekly Thursday Flag SCOUT at Primary School (Consists of leading the scouts, raising the flag, and singing the national anthem).
  24. Various additional family duties and responsibilities articulated on common app under family responsibility section including tutoring cousins and brothers, and cooking BBQs (every Friday).
  25. Highest Placement Match- University of [redacted] Medical school; attended and participated in Orientation workshop week (Included a series of medical seminars, conferences, and gatherings).
Potential EC Future.

A+ record for every year except 1 during high school (Covid year all grades defaulted to C for passing)
UNI GPA by the time of application 3.9 or 4.0 while taking summer classes. Also skipped a year because I competed in a program for young intellectuals and won. (started college at 17 years old)
Honestly, I feel like I'm ready for a greater challenge and integration into research since my current four year institute isn’t pushing me and isn’t as competitive or academically advanced as I would hope, but it was the only one I could apply for because my home countries final exams were done so late.
Note: I will Not be asking for financial aid or scholarships since i can pay the full amount. so maybe that boosts my chances?
Note: I can (probably) secure 7 Letters of recommendation in total (3 academic, Head of my church from my home country, 2 from separate internships i did at medical companies and one from a previous university professocurrent dentist)
Do I have a Chance?
submitted by Ransom_X to MITAdmissions [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 21:34 Ransom_X Am i Qualified for T10 Transfer As An International?

I am international student currently studying at a 4 year institute (non-target non top), I come from a country that I know for a fact no one applies or goes to these top schools from, so maybe diversity hire type thing? I want to transfer to any of
-Stanford (plan on doing a PhD there too) -Harvard -MIT -Columbia -Cornell -Carnegie
These are the schools that fit my criteria (I have family there/good programs for CompSci and grad programs for Data analysis)
  1. Engineering project lead in universities design and robotics course, made a model car using Arduino and 3D printing, won first place in class, and passed with 107% average.
  2. Assistant Student Security Officer for High School Historical Journey to [Redacted]
  3. Volunteer at [redacted] summer school (lifeguard and kindergarten teacher assistant)
  4. Participation and completion in the national Acceleration program (Hosted by Ministry of Education) for young intellectuals, scoring in top percentile.
  5. Interned at [redacted] pharma company for 2 months. (general oversee and secretary-assistant duties)
  6. Interned for [redacted] orthopedics physiotherapist (secretary-assistant duties and assistant-patient aftercare)
  7. Admission into special High school for distinguished students after competing in generalized IQ test; Higher level courses, and 3 languages taught throughout the year.
  8. Attended private physics institute for 1 year competing with other students, achieved institute certificate & Award for top rank.
  9. Played Karate through a private [redacted] club for two years.
  10. Volunteered for clothes fundraiser, distribution, and shipping to [redacted] when a war in their region started.
  11. Served in [redacted] orphanage for 1 hr./week for around a year.
  12. Member of the Armenian Students association at current university.
  13. Played Piano for 2 years (played at two concerts hosted by [redacted] Organization).
  14. Co-Hosted Football Games with dad every Monday/Wednesday for 2 hours at [redacted] soccer field, open to all members of [redacted].
  15. Co-Hosted High School Class Board Game Competition Days during informal holidays and optional show up days.
  16. Attended private physics institute for 1 year.
  17. Attended Chemistry institute for 1 year.
  18. Attended Arabic Institute for 1 year (online), won small sum monetary prizes.
  19. Attended Advanced Math institute for 1 year (online).
  20. Attended Biology institute for 1 year.
  21. Member in the [Redacted] Church Association.
  22. Briefly a member of the [Redacted] Scouts.
  23. Responsible for the weekly Thursday Flag SCOUT at Primary School (Consists of leading the scouts, raising the flag, and singing the national anthem).
  24. Various additional family duties and responsibilities articulated on common app under family responsibility section including tutoring cousins and brothers, and cooking BBQs (every Friday).
  25. Highest Placement Match- University of [redacted] Medical school; attended and participated in Orientation workshop week (Included a series of medical seminars, conferences, and gatherings).
Potential EC Future.

A+ record for every year except 1 during high school (Covid year all grades defaulted to C for passing)
UNI GPA by the time of application 3.9 or 4.0 while taking summer classes. Also skipped a year because I competed in a program for young intellectuals and won. (started college at 17 years old)
Honestly, I feel like I'm ready for a greater challenge and integration into research since my current four year institute isn’t pushing me and isn’t as competitive or academically advanced as I would hope, but it was the only one I could apply for because my home countries final exams were done so late.
Note: I will Not be asking for financial aid or scholarships since i can pay the full amount. so maybe that boosts my chances?
Note: I can (probably) secure 7 Letters of recommendation in total (3 academic, Head of my church from my home country, 2 from separate internships i did at medical companies and one from a previous university professocurrent dentist)
Do I have a Chance?
submitted by Ransom_X to InternationalStudents [link] [comments]