General things to write on a birthday card

Clash Royale: A Most Ridiculous Duel!

2016.01.04 08:39 HyperXxX Clash Royale: A Most Ridiculous Duel!

Subreddit for all things Clash Royale, the free mobile strategy game from Supercell.

2009.10.28 00:53 tty2 coding

Fuck spez.

2013.06.27 15:48 r/nonononoyes

A sub for things that seem to go so brilliantly wrong, but oh so right.

2024.06.02 08:33 Over-9000plus1 Need a less rigid free AI

Google Gemini has been really good for me, but the limited inputs and the inability to understand that certain things that are part of a story and slightly suggestive are not 'too sexual to print at all' or whatever it thinks.
The following has some aspects removed to hide my fiction in order for the anti-ai snobs to not freak out about my story being AI assisted.
I need to give a model this:
Chapter 16 scene 1: OC and the group pass through the desert. They notice that the two they were searching for are about half-way there and sitting at camp. With the moon high in the sky, they sit as Canon character invites them with a happy, sickly flattering, demeanor. This rubs OC and the party the wrong way, but OC tries to give him a chance on a count of him defending Morgiana. (Canon crossover love interest from another series 1) demands Aladdin stop staring at her chest and tells him that it's not acceptable to do such a thing. She then declares that she would like to knock whoever raised him to act that way on their butt, interrupting herself before she curses 'ass' in the presence of what she believes to be just a kid. Aladdin looks away, begins to say that Ugo is the best, but is interrupted when his gaze sees the lack of Rukh around Morgiana. He stands and brandishes his flute, declaring that stealing someone's fate is worse than allowing them to fall to depravity. He then summons Ugo who immediately attacks.
Then come out with a proper scene after being directed towards the information about the series I am referring to while still using the langauge, word choice, and prose I have already established.
Gemini is good with all of this until my AU crossover character scolds Aladdin(From the Magi series of anime) for his negative character trait that is a huge part of his character.
If a generative AI can't write a portion of the story that is vital to the story and misunderstands trying to correct bad behaivior as being sexual, then what the heck am I supposed to do to write realistic longform fanfiction with AI assitance?
Rant over, basically I'm asking for a generative AI chat bot that can take instructions, Remember at least 500000 tokens of data, and be available online for free and with not many limits.
submitted by Over-9000plus1 to Chatbots [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:33 cycloc Super basic early game strat for Great Horde to quickly cripple Muscovy

This involves a bit of RNG, but mostly for day one so you shouldn't waste too much time.
  1. Restart until you get a diplo rep advisor to get a day one royal marriage with the Ottomans and alliance on December 11th,
  2. Declare war on Ryazan ASAP - maybe restart if they get an ally first, but they probably shouldn't and if they do it's probably Tver who is easy enough to deal with.
  3. Stay at war with Ryazan until Muscovy declares war on them. This is where a bit more RNG comes into play, but if you stay at war with Ryazan for a while Muscovy generally should declare after you've destroyed their army.
  4. Vassalize Ryazan, which makes you the leader in a defensive war against Muscovy, allowing you to call your allies without using favors or promising land.
  5. Let your Ottobro do his thing.
  6. Play the rest of the game, which should be much easier since you're crippled your most powerful early game rival.
It's super possible this is a known strat, so apologies if this is common knowledge - I didn't do much research, I just kinda came across it as I was playing my most recent Great Horde game. They're one of my favorite nations, and one thing I almost always do is go for that early Ryazan war. Idk why I never thought of it before, but Muscovy declared on them and suddenly the lightbulb went off that if I could get some strong allies very early I could get into a defensive war against the Russians and easily curbstomp them. On this particular playthrough I didn't get the early Ottoman alliance, but Uzbek and I are dealing with them pretty easily ourselves so you don't really even need to restart for the Ottoman alliance - any decent ally should be more than enough to help you easily win this war.
submitted by cycloc to eu4 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:31 Kassonjaaa Routine help?

Routine help?
Heya! Just looking for some pointers mostly. I finally am over a really bad last 8 years of cystic acne, and just break out after break out. I’m 8 months without my IUD which has totally changed how often I see pimples in general. I’m 31 and looking to essentially do preventative care while also giving my face proper moisture. I live in a very very very dry place, and still have fairly sensitive skin, but feel comfortable with it enough right now to test out some new things. I also live in a mountain town where I need to drive 2 1/2 hours to even get to a Sephora or ulta. I do get bad wrinkles in my forehead on sunnier days as well as the ones between my eyebrows from squinting, and it’s very hard for me not to for some reason. My mom also has them, i’d just love to soften them a bit if possible. I do not ever want any sort of Botox or procedure though. I’m praying for a graceful age lol.
Current routine: AM: -Thayers facial toner with witch hazel -Under eye cream (I’ve been working A LOT and look more tired than usual) -Bubble Cloud surf then topped with Bubble level up balancing moisturizer gel (this brand has surprisingly worked wonders with me) -Hourglass hydrating skin tint, sometimes I hard bronzer or blush if I’m feel frisky
PM: -Glow Recipe PHA + BHA pore-tight toner, this also was a huge game changer for me about 2 years ago with my acne. -under eye cream -Bubble super clear acne treating serum -Bubble Cloud surf then topped with Bubble level up balancing moisturizer gel
I was using a light mask twice a week which helped a lot with my acne, but I stopped using it about 2 months ago after I developed 2 sunspots on my face (they’re small, one under my eye and the other on the bridge of my nose) and wasn’t sure if that could’ve made me more prone to them?
Is there anything I could add or take away from this routine? Am I using too much toner? lol
submitted by Kassonjaaa to 30PlusSkinCare [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:31 soft_pure_snow Give me your masterpieces!

Hey Animers,
I have been on a binge of absolutely fantastic anime as of recently. I have been truly blown away by the goodness I have seen and it gives me soo much hope for future of anime.
I took a long break for years because I felt that soo many animes resort to using sexiness as the selling point OR had such promising premises only for the writing to be abyssmal when looked at objectively. I felt so let down so many times by the hype train and the prospect of a really good concept, that I had all but given up on the medium…
And then I found Vivy: Fluorites Eyes Song, and then Odd Taxi… and then Hells Paradise and then… Frieren… which was just a masterpiece. I just got done watching Talentless Nana and 86, which 86 was also a fucking masterpiece.
I want to keep the goodness flowing, and I feel so empowered by the anime I am consuming and I don’t want it to cease. So I ask you… would you please tell me what you feel is an absolute masterpiece, that fits my tastes as well.
Female MC
Little to no fan service
Really well written (objective, I know)
Any genre is fine at all but I do prefer darker ones generally.
A few anime I really dislike to save the trouble:
Mushoku Tensei
Attack on Titan
Sword Art Online
Most things Shounen
Heavy fan service (though I can look past it with a really good story IE: Elfen Lied)
My favorite anime of all time:
When They Cry (Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni)
Perfect Blue
Elfen Lied
Paranoia Agent
TLDR: Give me your masterpieces! Please and thank you! (But with little or not fan service)
Thanks for reading!
submitted by soft_pure_snow to AnimeReccomendations [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:31 RagefulShrimp Constantly mentally tired after covid 3 years ago. Neurologists and psychiatrists find nothing and sending to each other

30M,173cm,64kg,W. In may 2021 I had a 10 day period of fever 39.5 degrees with other symptoms such as severe headache(more than usual when I have high temp), particles in urine and itchiness in urethra after urination, added weird odor to both gases from colon and from mouth(took 2 years to disappear). After the illness I had a period of muscle weakness for about a month. Also I had issues with severe decrease in bowel movement which took more than 2 years to heal(things become much better after I've started eating white rice). Although it was not confirmed but it's likely that I had a covid19.
After a month and a half I felt like I've almost recovered but some symptoms remained which I expected to just disappear over a longer period of time but they did not. At first I just stopped feeling well rested after waking up and I couldn't get energized from anything like music or sports. I've started quickly getting mentally exhausted from any activity. Right now after 3 years I can't even look straight when walking because processing that amount of visual information is already too exhausting for me. I have to look at the ground to not waste my mental energy when walking outside. Before the easiest and the most enjoyable things for me were reading and playing games which I could do for days or weeks almost ignoring sleep and eating but now even 30 minutes of playing video games could feel like previous 9 hours of office work.
Before this issue I was very healthy and still don't feel physically anything wrong. Did some sports, eat only healthy boiled food, mostly grains and eggs/meat. Never consumed any harmful substances like alcohol or drugs. Don't have any phycological issues. I have a decent family, no reason being stressed, accept myself for who I am and even if I'm not doing my best - I'm having fun with my life and it is all I care about.
I did brain MRI, encephalogram, neck vessels ultrasound which showed venous insufficiency which does not explain the symptoms, blood(general, hepatitis, ferritin, thyroid functions), urine tests.
In December 2023 neurologist assumed I have a depression and prescribed escitalopram. I took 5mg for 24 days with no positive results. But it helped me realize that I at least don't have the kind of depression that this drug induced. It completely cut off my concept of having fun reading a book. I stopped being able to understand this. And it made everything else felt much more bland till I've stopped taking the drug. I feel everything the same way I felt before the illness and I can enjoy everything I could before but I'm just constantly very tired with nothing being able to alleviate this.
In February 2024 I visited a psychiatrist as previous neurologist advised and after some talk no mental disorders or other issues were discovered. Got advised to check in with neurologist and received a prescription for emoxypine 250mg/day, idebenone 60mg/day and sulpiride 100mg 2 times/day. After 24 days of taking this stuff also got zero improvement.
Other drugs and vitamins I've taken over the period of 3 years with no short of long term improvement for the main symptoms: B1+3+6+9+12, D, Iron, Mg, Zinc, Ca, potassium iodide Ginkgo biloba, choline alfoscerate, vinpocetine, detralex, cinnarizine, pentoxifylline, inosine, piracetam, phenibut, levocarnitine, meldonium
Would be important to mention that I had 3 remissions since then: 1st for about 2-3 weeks starting at 1st of July 2022. It took 1 or 2 days to get from pretty bad condition to somewhat alright 2nd was for about 1.5 - 2 weeks at around 12 sep 2022. Took around 12h including sleep to get from bad into a decent condition(but worse then in previous remission) 3rd was for 4 days from around 11 of july 2023. My condition was gradually improving for 2 weeks before that stating from when I began taking ginkgo biloba and choline alfoscerate. I'm not sure if those drugs actually did anything or if it was a placebo effect.
From at least the first two remissions I would assume that my condition is reversible and should have an easy fix but I haven't found anything that energizes me or makes me less tired, Sports which I liked my whole life only makes me sleepy depending on intensity of physical exercises. Also my condition continues to deteriorate. Now I feel a little but noticeable worse than at June previous year. My condition does not have any effect on mood or irritability. At beast it is an indirect result of me having hard time doing things I liked to do before and being frustrated about it.
submitted by RagefulShrimp to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:30 MrsBlueEyedDevil95 ATIA for not giving up my wedding anniversary?

Hey! First time reddit poster, but long time watcher. That sounds creepy... Lol. Anyways... Backstory. I'm going to change up names and stuff for privacy purposes. Me, F24 (will be 25 in July) have step siblings. I'm the youngest. We all (except one) have a July birthday. About a week each apart, but different years. I got married in July last year. As my parents did too years ago. My step parent wanted us to get together and have birthday celebration for all of us. We do every year, not a big deal, it's fun, right? My step parent wanted me to give up my first wedding anniversary that my spouse and I have planned for months on what exactly we wanted to do and such. My step parent kept saying since we didn't have any reservations or anything of that nature that we could just move it to another day and celebrate everyone's birthday. I straight up said no that we had plans and she kept pushing. I suggested other days and stuff and my step parent kept persisting it. I finally put my foot down and told them straight up no. Parent has another trip going on with my actual parent and didn't want to give up their anniversary trip early.. I suggested another day where we didn't have to give up. Step parent did not like that and said we'd do it on this day. (The day that cuts their trip short) Whatever I will say we've done these celebrations before on my actual birthday and step parent got mad at me one year because i went out with friends on my day and decided to do a birthday celebration last minute on my birthday. Same thing happened last year but I sucked it up and went bc i was getting married that July.
submitted by MrsBlueEyedDevil95 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:29 wontforget99 Good stack for simple but scalable android/iOS/mobile web app?

I haven't done web or app development in many years. My current career has nothing to do with it.
However, I have an idea I would like to implement, but I am a little bit confused about the best way to do it these days.
Server-side, in 2024 (back in the day I would have gone with PHP + MySQL on a random web hosting service), it seems like AWS Lambda + AWS DynamoDB + Node.js is one possible good way to go.
On the UI side, I basically want it to be easy to use this service from a phone. So, I guess a mobile website + Android App + iOS app would be ideal. I don't have a Mac so I can't make an iOS app. I'm not in the USA and have to use a proxy to download Android Studio, and I've already encountered issues with it and it seems like it's going to be a massive headache.
So, I figured I could do one of these 2024 moves which is to make a mobile website that, if I rely on certain libraries, could basically directly be exported into an Android App and iPhone app as well.
However, on the front end side, for making a mobile website + Android App + iPhone app where I don't have a Mac and live in a country where I need a proxy to access many normal Android things and it seems to cause issues, I'm not sure what the normal tech stack for this is. Ionic? React Native? React Native + React Native Expo? There are other toolkits like Onsen? I don't want to waste time writing a bunch of UI components from scratch for a mobile website - and THEN, even worse, having to rewrite them from scratch again for an Android app and iPhone app.
I'm also much more comfortable with web development in general than with Android development, and I have never even done iPhone development.
Any advice?
submitted by wontforget99 to ionic [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:28 No-Neighborhood3323 Boyfriend unrecognizable while drunk

I(24F) and my boyfriend (26M) just had our worst fight yet. We have been together for 6 years and our relationship is very healthy overall and I consider us being really happy together and communicating well with no large trust issues.
My boyfriend rarely gets drunk but today it was his friend’s birthday so he got home very drunk. I was already upset with him drinking so much and then he mentioned a girl who he kissed once 10 years ago( he didn’t say it like that) that was there and I got into a stupid jealousy argument when I saw he followed her and liked some of her posts. I didn’t really suspect something and it didn’t bother me too much honestly and I think just because I was already upset at him I was picking fights. I know I am at fault for starting accusing him and arguing when he clearly was drunk but what came next I did not expect. My boyfriend started getting so mad he became unrecognizable. He started saying to me the most hurtful things like: that I am always like that with my stupid trauma and insecurities ruining our relationship he was screaming over and over with trears “why are you like this” “why are you like this”. He just was screaming at me fck you fck this. He was acting unrecognizable where I never heard him talk to me and treat me this way ever. I was just sitting shocked when he kept going on and on slurring his words saying the most terrible things to me. When he saw me crying he said he doesn’t even care I can cry as much as I want to. I was checking something on my phone and he took the phone from my hands because he thought it was his phone and when he realized it was actually my phone he threw my phone on the floor. He was clearly really drunk and I did my best through the tears to help him lay down and sleep but I am just crying in bed still in shock of what just happened. He never showed any signs of violence or aggression before so I really don’t even know how to process it. He started crying after I layed him down and he was crying over and over how sorry he is and how much he loves me.
I want to make it clear that I am not gonna just leave him after 6 years because of an isolated case like this. But I want an advice of how can I move forward with this and how do I bring it up to him? I doubt he would even remember anything he said. I feel like even though I shouldn’t have started arguing with him liking this girl’s insta pictures he was way way overreacting to it. I love him very much and he makes me always so happy that’s why this is just shaking up my world. i just want to know how can we leave this behind us but also make sure this won’t happen again?
What is the best way to go about it without letting it ruin our relationship?
TLDR: boyfriend of 6 years was bordeline abusive when drunk which is really out of character for him. I love him very much and I want to know of how to move on from this situation but make sure this won’t happen again.
submitted by No-Neighborhood3323 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:28 Sunapr1 Having an atrocious time in dating as someone post age 25 Is it normal? and need advice

I am 28 (M), a research scholar who started dating for the first time after 25 years of age. I have no idea why I didn't try to date before. It's not that I was extremely oblivious to finding someone; I was mostly involved in my undergraduate and graduate studies and more into friendship stuff than anything else. I don't regret the time, as it was one of the best years of my life, exploring my individuality, traveling alone to far-off places, going to concerts, etc.
I started to look out for dates after my 25th year of age during my PhD, and ever since then I have been experiencing quite lows, and it has been quite stressful. I fell in love with someone, and after knowing her for a while, I asked her out for commitment, which didn't pan out. Similarly, I have been ghosted, with people randomly losing interest some day. All of this is contributing so much stress to my studies because these are things I cannot do for someone. Now, when I feel interested in someone, it feels like a bigger task to try to have a conversation with her, ask her out, and then officially ask for a date. I know it's the norm usually, and one has to suffer many rejections, but is it still bad to try to date, or am I the only one who is having a hard time? because this is really hard compared to the research I am doing.
I don't suffer from self-esteem issues much; I have many hobbies and try to indulge in them; I am an active participant in writing and literature clubs, debates, and similar things; I also go out often to meetups, etc. to meet more people. Furthermore, I myself was approached by three fantastic women a couple of years ago, but I was very emotionally unavailable at that time, and I rejected it, so I know I can be attractive to someone out there. I use dating apps, and while I do get a match every couple of months, things don't go anywhere much. Despite putting in as much effort, I could be in conversation and flirting without being crassy at all.
I know its a fate of time and eventually things fall in line, so I just wanted to know, am I doing fine in whatever I am doing and keep on continuing? or some things that I am missing, which is making the dating apps atrocious, especially for me.
submitted by Sunapr1 to self [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:27 Sunapr1 Having an atrocious time in dating as someone post age 25 Is it normal? and need advice

I am 28 (M), a research scholar who started dating for the first time after 25 years of age. I have no idea why I didn't try to date before. It's not that I was extremely oblivious to finding someone; I was mostly involved in my undergraduate and graduate studies and more into friendship stuff than anything else. I don't regret the time, as it was one of the best years of my life, exploring my individuality, traveling alone to far-off places, going to concerts, etc.
I started to look out for dates after my 25th year of age during my PhD, and ever since then I have been experiencing quite lows, and it has been quite stressful. I fell in love with someone, and after knowing her for a while, I asked her out for commitment, which didn't pan out. Similarly, I have been ghosted, with people randomly losing interest some day. All of this is contributing so much stress to my studies because these are things I cannot do for someone. Now, when I feel interested in someone, it feels like a bigger task to try to have a conversation with her, ask her out, and then officially ask for a date. I know it's the norm usually, and one has to suffer many rejections, but is it still bad to try to date, or am I the only one who is having a hard time? because this is really hard compared to the research I am doing.
I don't suffer from self-esteem issues much; I have many hobbies and try to indulge in them; I am an active participant in writing and literature clubs, debates, and similar things; I also go out often to meetups, etc. to meet more people. Furthermore, I myself was approached by three fantastic women a couple of years ago, but I was very emotionally unavailable at that time, and I rejected it, so I know I can be attractive to someone out there. I use dating apps, and while I do get a match every couple of months, things don't go anywhere much. Despite putting in as much effort, I could be in conversation and flirting without being crassy at all.
I know its a fate of time and eventually things fall in line, so I just wanted to know, am I doing fine in whatever I am doing and keep on continuing? or some things that I am missing, which is making the dating apps atrocious, especially for me.
submitted by Sunapr1 to Adulting [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:27 Ubud_bamboo_ninja New hypothesis for Fermi paradox explanation. Reason why other star system's conscious life forms might never reach an essential level of technical development could be philosophical. That's why "aliens don't come".

New hypothesis for Fermi paradox explanation. Reason why other star system's conscious life forms might never reach an essential level of technical development could be philosophical. That's why
I do this research of humanity's philosophy earliest sources and read through Plato's works again and again. It's amazing and I want to share some "shower thoughts" about Plato. Couldn't imagine I would say like that ever. But it will be a small input into Fermi paradox discussion. First I'll tell you a short story from the ancient times and at the end I'll give you new interesting reason why some Intelligent Life forms all over the world might be extremely introvert and solipsistic and not technically developed. Why there might be Intelligent civilizations but they never reach essential technical and philosophical progress. Here goes:
Socrates: \"George Lucas\" of 2300 years ago.
Have you heard about Theuth? The ancient philosopher who sort of “invented” main sciences earlier than 7000 years ago. During the times 100-200 years before Ancient Kingdom of Egypt.
That info comes from Plato's dialogue "Protagoras." In the dialogue, Socrates recounts a tale about Protagoras meeting with a king named Amanthus. During this meeting, Protagoras tells the king a story about a mythical figure named Teuth or Theuth (sometimes spelled as Thoth or Thouth), who was a deity associated with writing, wisdom, and knowledge in ancient Egyptian mythology.
According to the story, Theuth presented the king with various inventions, including mathematics, astronomy, and the alphabet. Theuth claimed that his inventions would improve the wisdom and memory of the people who used them. However, Socrates raises questions about the true nature of these inventions and whether they would truly benefit humanity as Theuth claimed, leading to a discussion about the nature of knowledge and its effects on society.
When reading original "Protagoras" you can find interesting dialogue of the King Amanthus and Theuth. King Amanthus gives a very interesting thought: “When Theuth presents him a technique of writing, to preserve knowledge, Amanthus asks him a question: Do you think you invented a good thing to preserve knowledge and make future generations wiser? You are wrong. By writing down the real knowledge we all keep inside our minds now, by taking it out of your head and your real experience, you will give birth to “wise men” that got their knowledge from written texts, they really know nothing about real life, their knowledge will become useless, and they will lose the true connection with gods. So you think you bring goodness by that, but you only make people loose real believes and knowledge.”
Now a new thought why some civilizations from other star systems might never reach our level of development:
Becoming complex and developed, people are still focused on real knowledge of "here and now", "See it with your own eyes" living only "now" moment and having only a personal "bag" of knowledge in their heads. Almost for 10k of years ancient humans lived developed society style, but without using any good written symbol language. Complex rituals and social activity was ruled buy structure that still passed from parents to children directly "in motion" without distortion on the way.
By becoming "wise" by writing books and computer codes we opened a "demon box" of eternal knowledge and opportunities but we are doomed to have a lot of "fake" "false" "disguised" knowledge, events and information around us that we can never be sure for 100% to be real. Though partially this info brings you benefits if you work it out enough and you are lucky enough.
Maybe a lot of "wiser" that us aliens on other planets already understood that "extra knowledge" brings this stress of creating a goal to become God. (know all) Maybe they chose to live happily without inventing printed word and alphabets. So they have no signals to send to us. Like humanity did for thousands of years before some crazy mushroomed guys started to draw symbols on those stones and caves.
If you want to check more of same framework thought experiments about story telling nature of our reality and interdenominational alien intrusion in our every day life through story creating machine, try my other posts on Reddit or a book about basics of quantum dramaturgy.
submitted by Ubud_bamboo_ninja to UFOs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:27 wontforget99 Good stack for simple but scalable android/iOS/mobile web app?

I haven't done web or app development in many years. My current career has nothing to do with it.
However, I have an idea I would like to implement, but I am a little bit confused about the best way to do it these days.
Server-side, in 2024 (back in the day I would have gone with PHP + MySQL on a random web hosting service), it seems like AWS Lambda + AWS DynamoDB + Node.js is one possible good way to go.
On the UI side, I basically want it to be easy to use this service from a phone. So, I guess a mobile website + Android App + iOS app would be ideal. I don't have a Mac so I can't make an iOS app. I'm not in the USA and have to use a proxy to download Android Studio, and I've already encountered issues with it and it seems like it's going to be a massive headache.
So, I figured I could do one of these 2024 moves which is to make a mobile website that, if I rely on certain libraries, could basically directly be exported into an Android App and iPhone app as well.
However, on the front end side, for making a mobile website + Android App + iPhone app where I don't have a Mac and live in a country where I need a proxy to access many normal Android things and it seems to cause issues, I'm not sure what the normal tech stack for this is. React Native? React Native + React Native Expo? There are other toolkits like Onset and Ionic? I don't want to waste time writing a bunch of UI components from scratch for a mobile website - and THEN, even worse, having to rewrite them from scratch again for an Android app and iPhone app.
I'm also much more comfortable with web development in general than with Android development, and I have never even done iPhone development.
Any advice?
submitted by wontforget99 to reactnative [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:27 Personal_Cow_4162 My son has been estranged on and off for over 5 years

Just wondering why it’s the new thing for it seems people to cut off their parents. I get severe abuse but while I wasn’t perfect by any means I raised my son from being 18 years old worker super hard went to school dealt with physical and mental abuse from his father so much so he went to jail. Fast forward, he finds someone in his early 20s and ends up paying for everything while working and going to school with my money as well. I don’t say much just ask the normal questions that concerned parents have when monetary questions come up and other minor things but only to him. Very minor things. I help with two degrees, rent, cars everything. Suddenly, after being with her he has a different beliefs on everything and while I get people evolve to this level and extent was definitely concerning. Ended up in counseling with him for a year while I am getting sick really sick I just ask for a chance with him - yet I feel this entire time I don’t bring up religion or politics which to be fair I never did before I would just go over things like I do think he is and was starting to just 100% be about her which is fine but so many changes so many of us being slowly distanced from but was happy to take any financial help from me so did she. Fast forward helped her with job didn’t exactly work out I was upset - meanwhile I never said anything to her only to my son. The were just living together but I understand not the best but I did it just like I feel many parents are concerned or can get frustrated esp since I was still helping financial and she went through career and jobs and everyone else was toxic and she was not speaking to her parents for years. He never cuts off contact from dad ever he is good guy the one that refused to help him his entire life, picked drugs and beating me over his son and helped his new kids with everything. He resumes contact with me after even cutting off my parents that treated him like a son even when my dad is sick just zero. Has over and over again said I don’t make her feel welcome or accepted oddly I have never felt the same I went out of my way besides a few statements about work to him only been humble and nice and helped them always with nothing expected. His dad introduced them. After I found out he got married from social media, I did lose it - we had been talking maybe once or twice a month and he always was scared to talk to me once he got near her being around and moved out of state. I knew something must be going on when I was crying and asking why he said I was being a victim that I am reactionary a lot of therapy speak but no apology just basically not a big deal and she doesn’t feel accepted I said what can I do I have apologized, send notes prior, acknowledge holidays zero worked. He said we all need therapy I agreed even though last time there were incidents he said happened that didn’t happen like I made fun of him at a birthday dinner by saying he was too serious at 16 was abusive. I still apologized. When I was blocked again after 5 years and spending less time than 3 hours with him in person I lost it - I did write emails about how I’ve been begging and walking on eggshells to gain acceptance and if this and a lot more but I had held in everything for years just pretending I am a horrible parent all her words btw - when I agreed to therapy he blocks me again and nothing makes sense unless it’s her even is own dad says it is. He is being 100% controlled by her and it’s rough being cut off. I am so depressed and my treatments are barely helping because of the chronic depression and anxiety - his dad still around so are her parents. I have apologized, letters emails calls and then left it alone for a year before he would send a birthday card or note or flowers or Mother’s Day he sends his two siblings Amazon cards only two weeks late. Barely speaks to them or my parents - doesn’t acknowledge me at all no cards no emails zero contact. I wrote a letter one of many to her no response.
I pray every day that my son will accept me for someone that can never be perfect but estrangement is so devastating I don’t diminish serious cases of abuse but that isn’t the case here. No parents are perfect they can try. I don’t understand why I can’t even get something back just hope nothing more. For children, please consider how devastating and depressing it can be to erase the person that gave you their all and sacrificed whatever you needed. I am not perfect again but I know in my heart I do not deserve no contact. It is like grieving a death and begging knowing I have zero ability to change it I even asked please if you can just let me know if there is a chance you will forgive me and speak to me no response- my dad is sick and I am sick - for kids that are thinking this is the only way it’s super hard. Beyond devastating.
Anything I can do?
submitted by Personal_Cow_4162 to EstrangedAdultChild [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:26 Lonely_Elk_17 AITAH for wanting to slap some common sense into my sister?

I (15F) and my Older sister Eli (22F) have gotten along for most of my childhood, I remember her as my hero and Shield for helping me and my younger sister Luz (12F) to not get grounded. But over the past few years I can see how she changed as a person, for context, I was her first course of help and advise before my parents because I was well known for knowing more than a 30 year old person, I was the first one to know when she decided to get married at the age of 18 with her now ex Vincent (21M). I was her Bridesmaids and the one that helped her thought the whole thing, like choices of dresses and Make-up, as well as Hair, basically her right hand.
Not long after the marriage Vincent came to my parents house, asking if we've seen her wife, apparently, they got into a fight over some texts on Eli's phone during a party, Vincent was mad, as he had a right to be, his mother was on his side as my mom and dad called Eli with no response. This happened one day before my 13th birthday, I was upset as to why she had runned away and not told me anything as she did always. The next day Eli came to my parents house for some clothes, she looked miserable, she told my dad she was staying over her Grandparents (me and her are only related thanks to my father), my father got mad at her, and she cried in me and now Luz' room for at least an hour, I said nothing because my father told me to.
For months we lost contact with her, and we didn't knew were or with who she was. Until she actually reached out to us, se tried to fix her relationship with Us over gifts, visits and even calls, my mom and dad Helped Eli thought the whole divorce process, everything was okay until we lost contact with her once again. My mom was pissed but said nothing, as well as my dad. Some months later we come to contact again, she told us she had some problems with her partner (who I just had the chance to meet like five times), but everything was okay now. Until her partner died from Blood cancer, she was devastated and she slept with us for a few days, during those few days I stayed up all night to watch over her (me and my sisters slept in the same room and bed), as she talked and moved during her sleep, I bought a night lamp so she could fell secure as she was now scared of darkness, and my mother noticed, she thanked me for taking care of Eli and Luz during sleep.
Our relationship grew, until she found another partner, and left her old MIL's house. Her partner was really chill, overall a great guy, but I never got to meet him fully. They broke up at least 2 times and got back before actually breaking up because the guy cheated. Not a month latter Eli got another partner, During that time as she lived in my parents house, she got into a Fight/Chat with my mom, I was present to whole thing where she claimed she had Depression, anxiety and other problems I can't recall, she never actually went to therapy so she was self diagnosing herself (I hate when people do that). During the fight she claimed that no one cares about her and she had to endure everything alone basically forgetting how I stayed up at night watching over her, helping her to distract herself on other stuff, taking her side at most fights etcetera. I told her "You have a family who cares about you, if you can't see that, is your problem because you're so selfish and Mentally unstable" She looked at me with shocked eyes as I was always a person to keep silent during fights, she told me to not get into the fight as it wasn't none of my business, I told her to suck it up because it was the truth and I went to sleep.
She became distant of me and I didn't mind, I had my friends to distract myself from my family problems. She had at least 2 or 3 other relationships after the during fight guy. She got with a guy who I don't like in any way a few months ago, she now lives with him. She had at least fought with him over 5 times, everytime she "Broke up" with him she would go with me and my mom, Telling us how she will not come back with him because of how he and his mother treats her, at one point my mom got mad, and my dad had to give Eli a long talk as he always did when something wrong happened.
1 month ago my dad died from a heart attack and blood cancer related. I was the one to maintain my composure for more long, i basically helped the rest of my family during the whole funeral, watching over my sister and mother when they slept. Eli cried, saying how she didn't said she loved my dad enough, or that she had a lot to things to apologize for, she hugged the box for the longest as my mother cried uncontrollably, mainly my two sisters and mom cried in my shoulders and chest as I only let some tears go.
We became more closer with my sister, only two days later Eli told us that her MIL told her to suck up her pain as my dad was already dead and another stuff (she sent us an audio of her MIL saying this). I obviously got mad and I told her to tell her MIL to f off.
In the 9th day of my dad's passing (as my dad's family is very religious) they made a praying, I didn't felt good and Eli took me outside, I talked to her and I cried so hard on her shoulder, my eyes where swollen and I could barely Oppen them. She told me that I could rely on her anytime I wanted, going to the beach, for a walk, anytime I wished. Everything went well until her birthday a few weeks ago. We visited and cleaned my dads grave, she told us how her partner called her all sorts of hurtful names because the guy saw her with another dude on a bike (her best friends boyfriend), she told us how her MIL called her name's and made her the bay guy, Bethen other things. She told us she was not going to get back with him, two days latter she went out with her friend, she didn't came Back until 9am the next day, apparently she went back with her "ex" over some cute words he told her, and that was it. Shes now on a business trip, she's posting stuff with her boyfriend and cute stuff that I now find disgusting realising how toxic that couple is.
I realised that Eli can't be without a man, I don't know what to do or what to tell her so she could realize that he's not the one as she said in her WhatsApp status. I can't let her live like this, i really care about her, i suggested therapy but she brushed it off, my mother told me to let her go, but I don't want Eli to end in the streets, or something to happen to her. She's my sister and I care about her, but anytime I want to talk to her privately my mother tells me to not do it and that is not worth it.
So, AITAH for wanting to slap some common sense into my sister?
submitted by Lonely_Elk_17 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:26 Count-Daring243 Best Acrylic Bookshelf

Best Acrylic Bookshelf
Welcome bookworms! In this article, we're diving into the world of acrylic bookshelves. Acrylic has taken the furniture world by storm, offering not only chic, modern design but also practical functionality. So, let's explore the best acrylic bookshelves on the market and find the perfect addition for your reading nook.

The Top 13 Best Acrylic Bookshelf

  1. Contemporary Acrylic Floating Shelves for Books and Decor - Add style and storage with the Proman Products WM17261 Clear Acrylic Spine Wall Floating Shelves, featuring a modern design, 100% acrylic construction, and a space-saving vertical layout.
  2. Stylish Dwelling with Pride Acrylic Shelves for Display and Organization - Upgrade your home décor and storage with Dwelling with Pride's modern, easy-to-install acrylic shelves, perfect for displaying photos, books, and more.
  3. Acrylic Bookshelf with Magnetic Acrylic Doors for Storage and Decoration - The MoNiBloom Narrow Bookcase, featuring acrylic doors and a bamboo finish, is a waterproof, dirt-proof storage solution that adds natural beauty to your home while keeping your belongings secure and easily accessible.
  4. Large Modern Clear Acrylic Leaning Bookcase for Open Shelving Storage - Organize and display with style - the 6-foot Claimed Corner Leaning Acrylic Ladder Bookcase offers a modern, multifunctional solution for any space.
  5. LED Light Acrylic Bookshelf for Versatile Storage - Illuminate your space with style: This 5-tier acrylic bookshelf, featuring adjustable LED lights and adjustable bottom shelves, is a versatile and sleek storage solution for any room.
  6. Brass Safavieh Hayley Acrylic Bookshelf - Elevate your home decor with the Safavieh Hayley Acrylic Bookshelf, a stylish blend of brass and glass that's as strong as it is sophisticated, perfect for holding your collection in high regard.
  7. Orren Ellis Clear Acrylic Modern Bookcase - The Orren Ellis Crystal Clear Acrylic Bookcase offers a sleek, modern design that lets your collection of photobooks or unique objects shine, making it a must-have for any book lover seeking an elegant display option.
  8. Acrylic Invisible Floating Bookshelf for Kids - This 5mm twice thicker premium acrylic invisible floating bookshelf from NIUBEE is a sturdy, safe and versatile solution for organizing kids' books, making it a perfect gift for mothers and kids while also being ideal for various spaces and decor styles.
  9. Elegant Double Acrylic Shelf for Ample Storage Space - Get double the storage space with our stylish Double Acrylic Shelf, perfect for any room and effortlessly blends with any decor.
  10. Luxurious 5-Tier Acrylic Bookshelf for Stylish Storage - Moasis 5-Tier Acrylic Bookshelf: A luxurious and versatile storage solution crafted from durable wrought iron and acrylic, perfect for displaying your favorite books, plants, and decorations in your home.
  11. Acrylic Bamboo Narrow Bookcase with Magnetic Locking Doors - Keep your room organized and stylish with the MoNiBloom Narrow Bookcase, featuring a slim yet sturdy bamboo structure, acrylic doors with magnetic locking, and a water-proof, transparent design for easy access to your stored items.
  12. Acrylic Wall-Mounted Floating Shelves for Versatile Wall Storage - Experience ultimate convenience and style with the Sezanrpt Black Acrylic Wall Shelves, offering unmatched stability, versatility, and easy installation for any room in your home.
  13. Impressive Clear Acrylic Floating Bookshelf for Space-Saving Storage - Transform your space with the NIUBEE Acrylic Invisible Floating Bookshelf, a versatile and durable solution for neatly displaying books, photos, and other items while keeping children safe.
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🔗Contemporary Acrylic Floating Shelves for Books and Decor
As someone who was constantly struggling to find the perfect storage solution for my eclectic collection of trinkets, I was thrilled when I came across the Proman Products WM17261 Clear Acrylic Spine Wall Floating Shelves Decor, Bookshelf. The sleek acrylic design really caught my eye and piqued my interest.
The first thing I noticed upon setting up the shelves was their sturdy construction. Made from solid pine wood, they exuded a sense of durability that left me confident in their ability to hold up against daily wear and tear. The black neutral finish was also a bonus, as it allowed me to seamlessly blend the shelves into my existing decor.
However, one area where these shelves fell short was their space-saving design. While they were perfect for preserving valuable floor space in my small apartment, I found that they didn't have enough room to hold some of my larger items comfortably.
Despite this minor hiccup, I was pleasantly surprised by how well the shelves performed in terms of storage capacity. With five shelves offering ample real estate to display my favorite books, picture frames, and collectibles, I was able to showcase every item with pride.
In terms of appearance, I couldn't have asked for a better addition to my living space. The clean, modern lines of the shelves were the perfect complement to my contemporary aesthetic, and they made a real statement when placed alongside my other decorative accents.
Overall, my experience with the Proman Products WM17261 Clear Acrylic Spine Wall Floating Shelves Decor, Bookshelf has been a positive one. Despite a minor space issue and a slightly higher price point than I had initially anticipated, the combination of durability, style, and ample storage capacity more than made up for it.

🔗Stylish Dwelling with Pride Acrylic Shelves for Display and Organization
In my search for modern, easy-to-clean, and long-lasting shelves, I stumbled upon Dwelling with Pride's Acrylic Shelf. It was love at first sight - the sleek, clear design made my favorite books and photos pop. Plus, it's sturdier than I thought, making it a great investment for my small space. The easy-to-install process was a breeze, thanks to the handy hardware provided.
One of my favorite features has to be the effortless organization. No more fumbling for that perfect spice; these shelves keep everything in plain sight. I also appreciate the versatility - this Acrylic Shelf can be a display for my treasured photos or the perfect spot for my daughter's favorite toys. I'm thrilled with my purchase, and I wholeheartedly recommend Dwelling with Pride's Acrylic Shelf to anyone looking to add a touch of style and functionality to their home.

🔗Acrylic Bookshelf with Magnetic Acrylic Doors for Storage and Decoration
I recently came across the MoNiBloom Narrow Bookcase, a slim and elegant addition to any home or office decor. In my experience, the bamboo construction gives it an earthy and natural touch, while the 5-tier design offers ample storage space for various items. However, what really stands out is the acrylic door with magnetic locking – a practical feature that keeps your belongings protected and dry.
The see-through design allows for easy organization and showcases your favourite items, making it a beautiful statement piece in any room.

🔗Large Modern Clear Acrylic Leaning Bookcase for Open Shelving Storage
As a lover of modern decor in my home, I was intrigued by the Claimed Corner Large Modern Clear Leaning Wall Bookshelf. It was a breath of fresh air to have an acrylic, non-wood bookshelf that could easily blend into the modern design of our living space. Its multifunctionality allowed it to be placed in various rooms, making this versatile bookshelf even more appealing.
The sturdy construction of the bookshelf was really impressive. It had strong acrylic frames that could hold up to 30lbs each, guaranteeing durability. The mounting hole and hardware made the entire process of securing it to the wall a breeze. Despite its industrial-strength design, the bookshelf's modern aesthetic never compromised.
My only concern was the limited space for displaying books on each shelf, which at times made it challenging to store all my books. Nevertheless, I managed to work around it, arranging and rotating the books to ensure they fit nicely. Despite this drawback, the bookshelf exceeded my expectations in terms of utility and style, becoming a beloved part of our home decor.

🔗LED Light Acrylic Bookshelf for Versatile Storage
This white LED-lit bookshelf has been a game-changer in organizing my study space. The acrylic door adds sophistication, and with the LED light's adjustable brightness and color options, it's perfect for any mood. It's lightweight and easy to move around to different rooms, making it incredibly versatile.
The adjustable lower shelves are super helpful for storing books of varying sizes, and the sturdy structure ensures the bookshelf won't topple over. However, I did notice some minor scratches after a few months, but no major issues to worry about. Overall, it's a stylish and practical addition to any space.

🔗Brass Safavieh Hayley Acrylic Bookshelf
Imagine walking into your room to find a stunning piece of modern furniture that effortlessly brings together luxury and style. That's the experience you get with the Safavieh Hayley Acrylic Bookshelf in Brass. This tall, elegant piece has a warm-toned brass finish that perfectly complements the cool strength of the acrylic and glass components. I recently added this bookcase to my living space, and let me tell you, it makes quite a statement.
One of my favorite aspects of this bookshelf is its weight capacity of 66 pounds. It may not seem like much, but it was more than enough for my collection of books and decorative pieces. However, be prepared to assemble it yourself, as the instruction manual is not the easiest to follow.
The brass finish on the bookshelf is quite impressive, offering a subtle shimmer that catches the light just right. The acrylic and glass components are of high quality, ensuring that the shelf will maintain its timeless fashion for years to come. The only downside is that the item seems to be quite fragile, as some users have reported damaged items upon delivery.
Despite the occasional quality concern, the Safavieh Hayley Acrylic Bookshelf in Brass is a stunning addition to any room. It's the perfect blend of luxury and modern design, offering a touch of glamour to any space. While the assembly process can be a bit challenging, the end result is definitely worth the effort.

🔗Orren Ellis Clear Acrylic Modern Bookcase
The Orren Ellis acrylic bookcase has been a staple in my living room for the past few months. Crafted from crystal clear acrylic, it has a minimalist modern design that effortlessly blends into the room's decor. The understated look allows my favorite photobooks and intriguing objects to take center stage, making it an instant conversation starter when guests visit.
One of the features that stood out to me is the clarity of the acrylic material. It creates a seamless connection between the bookcase and the objects inside, giving them a floating appearance that is both sleek and captivating. However, I also noticed that the acrylic material is quite stubborn, which can make it difficult to reposition items within the bookcase, especially heavier ones.
Overall, the Orren Ellis acrylic bookcase is a stylish and functional addition to any living space. It effortlessly combines form and function, making it a standout piece in any home.

🔗Acrylic Invisible Floating Bookshelf for Kids
I recently stumbled upon the NIUBEE Acrylic Invisible Floating Bookshelf and decided to give it a try. This little gem is perfect for organizing my kids' books, as it floats in the air, making it a fun and engaging way for them to keep their reading space neat and tidy. The high front lip on this wall-mounted shelf is an added safety feature that prevents books and even my makeup from falling down, providing peace of mind for both me and my kids.
The shelf comes with a free screwdriver and easy installation, making the whole setup process a breeze. I also appreciate the rounded front edge, which not only looks great but is also safe for the little ones running around. Plus, the acrylic material is sturdy and guarantees a lifetime, giving me confidence in the product's durability.
This shelf has become a versatile addition to our home, and not just for books. It's perfect for organizing and displaying items like photos, artwork, spices, and even nail polishes. The invisible design adds that wow factor when it comes to organizing, making it a fantastic conversation starter for guests.
Overall, the NIUBEE Acrylic Invisible Floating Bookshelf is a must-have for those looking to spice up their book storage while keeping things safe for their kids. It's a stylish and functional addition to any room in the house, and I highly recommend it as a perfect gift for mothers and kids alike.

🔗Elegant Double Acrylic Shelf for Ample Storage Space
I recently purchased the Double Acrylic Shelf from The Container Store, and I must say, it has been a game-changer in my daily life. This sleek, clear shelf effortlessly enhances any space while providing ample storage. Mounting was a breeze, and the wall anchors included made sure my shelf could handle the weight without any compromise.
One of my favorite features of this shelf is its versatility. I found it to be an excellent storage solution in my compact bathroom, but its clear design also lends itself well to a plant shelf or even as a subtle display in a corner. The acrylic material is sturdy without appearing bulky, making it a great fit for any home or office decor.
While the installation process was simple, I did notice that the shelf had a few scuffs on the clear plastic. However, these minor imperfections became invisible once the shelf was in place and in use.
Overall, the Double Acrylic Shelf exceeded my expectations, providing the perfect blend of functionality and simplicity. I'm already considering picking up more for other areas of my home!

Buyer's Guide

Acrylic bookshelves are a durable and elegant choice for organizing and displaying books and other decorative items. In this guide, we'll cover important features, considerations, and general advice to help you make the best purchase for your needs.

Features to Consider

  • Size and Capacity
  • Shelf Count and Depth
  • Material Thickness
  • Weight Capacity
  • Color and Finish

Size and Capacity

Consider the number of books and items you plan to store when choosing a size for your acrylic bookshelf. Measure the space where the bookshelf will be placed to ensure a proper fit. Also, consider the height of the bookshelf to accommodate larger books or other items.

Shelf Count and Depth

Determine the number and depth of shelves needed for your books and decorative items. Shelves with deeper depths can hold larger items, while shallow shelves are better for smaller objects. The number of shelves will affect the overall size of the bookshelf, so make sure to choose a size that accommodates the desired number of shelves.

Material Thickness

Acrylic bookshelves are typically made of clear acrylic or a clear acrylic with a tint, ensuring that your books and decorative items remain the center of attention. The thickness of the material should be considered for both durability and appearance. Thicker acrylic provides more stability and reduces the risk of warping or bending, while thinner acrylic can be more susceptible to damage.

Weight Capacity

Check the weight capacity of the acrylic bookshelf to ensure it can hold the weight of your books and other items. Generally, acrylic bookshelves have higher weight capacities than comparable wooden bookshelves, but it's still essential to verify the weight capacity before making a purchase.

Color and Finish

Acrylic bookshelves come in a variety of colors and finishes, allowing you to choose one that complements your home decor. Consider the color and finish that will be most visually appealing and functional for your space.

Additional Tips

  • Look for acrylic bookshelves with reinforced corner joints for added stability.
  • Measure the space where the bookshelf will be placed before making a purchase.
  • Consider the placement of the bookshelf, taking into account any nearby windows or doors to avoid glare or obstruction.
  • Check the return or exchange policy of the seller in case you need to make a change after receiving the bookshelf.
Investing in an acrylic bookshelf can be a great addition to any home, providing both functionality and style. By considering the important features and tips outlined in this guide, you'll be well on your way to finding the perfect acrylic bookshelf for your needs.


Why should I choose an acrylic bookshelf?

Acrylic bookshelves are popular for their modern, sleek design and lightweight construction. They do not rust and are easy to clean, making them perfect for placing in different spaces. Their transparent nature also allows you to showcase your books and decorations with a touch of elegance.

What are the advantages of using an acrylic bookshelf over a wooden or metal one?

Acrylic bookshelves have several advantages over wooden or metal ones. Firstly, they are lightweight, making them easy to move around the house. Secondly, they do not rust or warp, ensuring durability even in humid environments. Lastly, the transparent nature of acrylic allows you to display your books and decorations instead of obscuring them. This results in a more visually appealing and organised space.

Can I customise the size or shape of the acrylic bookshelf?

Yes, acrylic bookshelves can be customised to fit your specific needs. Manufacturers often allow customization of size, shape, colour, and even the presence of built-in shelves or drawers.

Are acrylic bookshelves durable?

Yes, acrylic bookshelves are quite durable. They do not rust, warp, or bend easily. Acrylic is a versatile material that offers long-lasting performance in different environments, including humid spaces.

What tools do I need to assemble an acrylic bookshelf?

Assembly instructions usually accompany an acrylic bookshelf. It's generally straightforward and typically requires no specialised tools. However, you might need a screwdriver and perhaps a hammer depending on the style of screws or nails used for securing the bookshelf to the wall.

Can I install an acrylic bookshelf on a wall?

Yes, many acrylic bookshelves come with wall mounting hardware, which makes them easy to install on a wall. Consult the manufacturer's instructions for specific installation details.

How do I maintain and clean an acrylic bookshelf?

To maintain and clean your acrylic bookshelf, simply use a damp cloth or mild soap solution. Avoid using abrasive cleaners or scratchy materials that could damage the surface. Regular dusting and wiping will keep your bookshelf looking as good as new.

What happens if the acrylic bookshelf gets scratched or damaged?

Acrylic is a durable material, but it's not completely scratch-proof. If your acrylic bookshelf gets scratched or damaged, it can often be repaired. Contact the manufacturer for information on how to repair the damage, or consider using touch-up paint or acrylic repair kits available at home improvement stores.
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submitted by Count-Daring243 to u/Count-Daring243 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:26 Sage_Lotus28 So, fax machines....

Dude, fax machines are so weird. Like you just put a piece of paper in, push a button, there's a pretty light, then boom, it shows up on another machine. It makes me uncomfortable. Technology and the way it works in general is wild. Craziest thing ever. Seems like it shouldn't be possible to work the way it does.
And there's my random think of the day.
submitted by Sage_Lotus28 to RandomThinks [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:26 moukiez WiFi and Bluetooth keep disabling themselves, shows no networks, and laptop freezes and has trouble turning on/restarting properly, all since yesterday.

I'm at my wit's end, hopefully someone can help me resolve this issue. I apologize for the deluge of text you're about to read.
My laptop is an Acer ConceptD 7 Ezel CC715-71, running Windows 11 Pro. I got it late 2020 I believe, and aside from the sound no longer working a few months in and the finger print sensor saying it can't recognize my fingerprint after like a handful of uses until I reset/re-register the fingerprints and anew, only for the process to repeat yet again, it's been perfect.
(I was living in Canada at the time and imported it from the States, so after all the hassle with customs, it wasn't worth jumping through all those hoops to send it back again, even if it was ridiculous that the sound and fingerprint sensor stopped working just a few months in for such an expensive device.)
Fast forward four years to yesterday, and it was working fine, but I went to the bathroom and came back, and suddenly the WiFi wasn't working. It was fine on every other device/phone/laptop/Steam Deck, but no matter what I did, the WiFi refused to connect.
In the past, I've had issues with this laptop being the only device to not connect to the WiFi network in this building, but now it's not detecting any networks. It claims the WiFi is on, but checking in the settings show it isn't. Clicking it on refuses to engage, either failing to do so, or looking like it complies before immediately turning itself off.
Then the WiFi icon/option would disappear entirely, and the Bluetooth did the same. I would find the Bluetooth setting in the Device Manager window when I enable "Show Hidden Devices", but I don't know how or why it was hidden.
My Network Adapter (Intel (R) Wi-Fi 6 AX201160MHz, I believe) would be disabled, and checking the Event tab in the Properties would say things like "Device not started (Netwtw10)" and "Device configured (oem91.inf)" and things like that.
I would try updating, downloading the latest drivers from Acer for my laptop using my phone and transfer it to my phone and try to install them, and sometimes it would say it installed and works, but other times it would say it detected the drivers I wanted to install but failed to install them.
I've tried disabling and enabling the driver, uninstalling and reinstalling it, deleting it and restarting the laptop to automatically get it again (not sure how it did so without the internet, but it would be there, every time), and doing the same for the Bluetooth driver.
Sometimes the WiFi would work for like all of a minute or two, before it would become disabled and find no networks and there would be an error with the driver and the event log saying things like the Device didn't start, and once or twice I think I saw it say "WiFi Device Cannot Start (code 10)".
At this point I was ready to give up and just use my phone as a hotspot for my laptop to connect to and call it a day until I could care enough again, but even that wasn't applicable, because that option for Mobile Hotspot was grayed out and said something about how I couldn't connect it no Ethernet or Wifi device connected. (Specifically, it says "We can't set up mobile hotspot because your PC doesn't have an Ethernet, Wi-Fi, or cellular data connection.)
All through this, my laptop started being fucking weird in that if I clicked "restart", it wouldn't turn itself back on. I'd have to press the power button to do so, and even then, it often wouldn't. I've tried power cycling like three fucking trillion times, and it would never work consistently or turn on after I've let the lights blink several times or waited 30 seconds or 60 seconds or longer.
(Aaaaaaaand I suspected my WiFi would be a bitch again and so I tried to send what I've typed out on the laptop to my phone via Telegram (because typing all this on my phone was getting tedious), but of course, the WiFi went out the SECOND I tried. I was using the Mobile Hotspot option immediately just in case my normal WiFi network went out, but it still disabled itself and wouldn't stay online via Mobile HotSpot when the option was available/not grayed out like it is now.
So I'm going to have to save this wall of text as a text document or something and manually transfer it to my phone.)
I finally decided to do a system restore, selecting one from May 26th, and it took like 30 - 45+ minutes, and of course it didn't restart itself, but when I finally managed to find the right power cycle attempt to get it to turn on, my laptop said the system restore was a success.
Huzzah! It was working. For 30 minutes.
So I tried to download MalwareBytes on my phone, and it downloaded then I transferred it to my laptop, and of course it needed to connect to the internet to download the rest of itself, so it wasn't conducive to anything in this situation.
I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the driver and I (foolishly) thought I had solved my WiFi/Bluetooth issues last night and was even feeling galvanized to try and open up the bottom of my laptop and see if the sound issue I've been avoiding dealing with/coping by using Bluetooth earbuds/headphones for the past four years was as simple as something being unplugged, so I went to get my strebito kit, which I see everywhere around me and in my vicinity, except of course (you guessed it) the one time in four years that I actually genuinely needed it :))))))))))))))))
I also got a BSOD today, and I think I glimpsed it saying something like "ACPI block management", but it was very quick so I can't be sure. I tried to google that, but the only ACPI answers I could see in relation to googling it for reddit solutions (lol I love that everyone has had a problem before and that there is invariably a reddit thread with that exact problem, situation, and solution) were in relation to ACPI BIOS errors, so it may have been that.
I tried accessing the BIOS (which took a lot and trial of error in power cycling because of how inconsistent it is that my laptop has been with turning on since yesterday). Of course, I had apparently previously set a BIOS password when trying to allow my laptop to boot into Batocera like a year or so ago, and I apparently am not intelligent enough to have had the foresight to write it down in a note or document on my phone, despite me knowing my ADHD/memory is garbagio, so I always make it a POINT to do so, because I don't trust my powers of recollection (and apparently, as evidenced by this instance, with good fucking reason!).
Of course, I forgot to mention that now my laptop freezes, including when I was writing up a majority of this thread in the aforementioned notepad, so now I can't even transfer it and have to re-type what few paragraphs I see (I had JUST scrolled down to make more distance between the bottom of the text and the document because I hate not having that visual buffer between the text and the bottom of the window, it makes me feel like the text is running out or more difficult to see/continue) on my phone anyways, so that was yet another obstacle. 🙃
So, to summarize:
  1. Laptop's WiFi/Bluetooth keep disabling themselves and the Bluetooth keeps hiding itself, so not even the icon is visible. The WiFi can't find any networks, and refuses to turn on (even though it says it does when I toggle it), and when it's like this, I cannot connect via Mobile Hotspot either.
  2. The laptop is being very peculiar about it restarting, only does so if I press the power again after it shuts down (despite me selecting restart), and even then, only sometimes. I keep having to power cycle it to try and find the perfect sweet spot to let go and have it actually turn on.
  3. The laptop now freezes within 20 or so minutes, and stays that way until I restart the laptop.
  4. Sometimes it tells me that a driver reinstall works, other times it says it doesn't.
  5. The driver events say that the device did not start, and error 10.
  6. The laptop showed a Blue Screen of Death today, and the error said "ACPI" followed by (what I think it was) "block management" or (what it probably was) "BIOS error".
  7. I set a BIOS password that I do not remember.
  8. I do not have access to my Strebito toolkit to open up the laptop, nor do I have money to take it to BestBuy Geek Squad or wherever does laptop repair.
  9. My laptop speakers do not work, despite sound apparently playing based on the animation/sound waves playing in the sound settings when media is active, and stops when nothing is playing, leading me to believe maybe something has been unplugged for like 4 years internally.
  10. (I have many a time tried to uninstall, reinstall, download, and update Realtek drivers, but no sound comes from my speakers.)
  11. I managed to run MalwareBytes, and it said it found a Neshta virus in a CEMU/WiiU emulator I downloaded literally years ago in the CEMUHOOK.DLL file), which I assume was present even in the system restore done yesterday backed up from 6 days ago. Apparently there was also Yontoo adware. I have since quarantined them.
  12. (I should perhaps also note I rarely if ever use CEMU, and certainly haven't within the past two years, if not longer. I just like having access should I do desire on a whim to play.)
  13. The problems (aside from the missing sound) started just yesterday, when I was away from the computer briefly, so it's even more vexing because I wasn't there at the onset of the issue or saw what caused it.
  14. I'm incredibly reticent to do a clean install/start from scratch because I have so much stuff I'd have to reconfigure and download and reinstall because I'm a very particular person, and that would be so insanely time-consuming, you don't even know. If there's anything short of nuking this laptop that can help resolve these issues, that's what I would like to find out. I'm aware this is not the optimal/best idea, but I'm willing to deal with that in the future.
Either the universe or my own hubris and ineptitude keep trying to humble me, so I require patience and assistance. Please. And thank you. 😭 Whatever steps, whatever instructions, as long as they're clear and step by step, I can provide whatever you might need to deduce what the issue is and what a solution might be.
submitted by moukiez to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:26 BClynx22 Can’t decide on where to stay in Tokyo

Hello all!!
Second time Japan tourist here. Spent 5 days in Tokyo in 2017 and it wasn’t enough. Last time we stayed in Ginza in an Airbnb and it was awesome. This time we want to do a hotel.
We’re considering mitsui garden otemachi or the mitsui garden premier nihonbashi (two of us - a couple).
I’m a bit torn between this and staying somewhere in shibuya… I think the thing is we enjoy both the hecticness of Tokyo during the day but like to be able to leave it at night and are hoping our choices above will be quieter but not so far from transit options, with walking distance to some things. We do love shopping, aimless walking etc.
However I hope I’m not just trying to relive my past experience by staying on the same side of Tokyo as ginza even tho I loved it and we already did akihabara, asakusa and the imperial palace last time.
Despite booking this I’m still really scouting for different amazing hotel options for our 6 nights there (Y200,000 budget) or around $33,000 a night - which is what the first mitsui garden offers.
Any thoughts? Am I valid in my hesitancy to avoid staying in shibuya/shinjuku if we aren’t first timers and don’t necessarily see ourselves staying out late and partying?
General suggestions of where you stayed and why you liked it or restaurant suggestions (high end yakiniku??) welcome! We’re going in October.
submitted by BClynx22 to JapanTravelTips [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:25 littl-snail How am I supposed to cope with my upcoming 18th birthday?

I'm not going to kill myself. I thought about it since the new year so if I truly wanted to those thoughts would've turned into action before I had six days left. I do not want to be an adult for many reasons: I have no parents or family to rely on. The people I live with belittle me and have been breaking me down mentally even further than I already am. They helped make my already distressing birthdays from 15-17 traumatic. Being a csa victim, I suffer everyday in many ways and I feel like I haven't emotionally aged beyond eight years old. I'm still distressed about things I should've gotten over like how my favorite video games are changing, my favorite places are changing, I don't have any of my elementary-early middle school friends to play with, and everyone else is growing up. People mistaking me for a woman when I'm a girl or calling me ma'am makes me sick. And I know when I turn this evil age my world will flip for the worst. And nobody cares.
submitted by littl-snail to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:25 ZoodiacBeast 25M Father of 2

Hello, I'm Alex 👋 I'm a single father of two boys. I'm a very open book for the most part. I'm looking for something long term and serious, someone who is nearby and we could work together as a team. I'm currently located in southern California, in the city of Disneyland. Would definitely love to go out first a couple of times and get to know each other well. Another few things about me is that I'm not particularly set on certain aesthetics and lifestyles, I enjoy a variety of things whether it be movies or music. I enjoy something from every genre for the most part. Some of my hobbies include gaming; whether it be card games, table, or video games. I enjoy binging shows and movies, movies are best in theater though. I definitely enjoy going out on occasion. Get some nice fresh air and enjoy the outside vibe.
submitted by ZoodiacBeast to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:25 cassmyassbutt Moving with pets

my husband and i recently tied the knot and now we’re applying for base housing. the issue is that i live in California with my pets and he lives all the way in Washington DC. when i make the move, what are my options to get my belongings across the country? and i know i’m able to bring my dog on the plane with me, but how am i able to get my cat there as well? they don’t allow you to ship pets by plane anymore unless i were to be traveled with my husband and if he were to have orders. i’m not worried about my stuff im wayy more worried about my pets. my chihuahua has major separation anxiety and is not friendly with strangers so i think the best choice is to just fly with her. my cat on the other hand, is thirteen years old and also not particularly friendly but that’s just in general. i have traveled a week with both of them by car and my cat was not having it and i had to give her calming treats. she’s an old kitty so i worry about something happening to her. we’re probably not going to move for another month or three but i like to have these things planned out. any advice?
submitted by cassmyassbutt to USMilitarySO [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:24 vex_the_dm (m4F) finding the red string

Brief: Hey there, I’m Vex. In short, I’m a retired Marine vet with a hyper brain, seeking a female partner
About Me:
What I’m Looking For:
My RP Preferences:
Samples of My Writing: ASK for them, i cant post them here only because of the way i write.
Take in that deep breath, not the one for oxygen, but the one that reassures you that you are still alive.
If you think we’d make a great team, please reach out with:
submitted by vex_the_dm to Roleplay [link] [comments]