Descripton of cpt code 53670

Team CPT will rule the WORLD!!!

2014.09.30 01:20 warmness Team CPT will rule the WORLD!!!

Give pokemon to everyone!

2011.10.28 07:43 AllWrong74 The Malazan Subreddit of the Fallen

For discussion of all things Malazan and their authors Steven Erikson and Ian C. Esslemont

2012.09.18 11:16 jiem Faeria

The subreddit for discussing Faeria with other gamers, fans, and the devs themselves.

2024.06.01 22:32 ThrowRA1236789 Hitting dead ends with CPT

I’ve been struggling with the cpt manual. HCPCS, ICD10,I’m flawless at. I am better at certain areas of the cpt manual like E/M or anesthesia. But in my program they drill it into you that you code only what is written. Which is correct. And it’s taught that you code exactly by how it’s written in the report. But then I try to code the exact procedure at hand in the report and there’s nothing. Simply nothing that fits the wording to a T. And then I get struck by the difference of resection and removal for example. And which code to go with. So I’ve been struggling with filling in the gaps of some things which I feel I have to do often with cpt.
submitted by ThrowRA1236789 to CodingandBilling [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:49 TFVooDoo A Note About Strength Training

Given the recent discussion of Shut Up And Ruck’s strength programming, I thought it might be appropriate to address a few lingering comments.
First, we’re not immune to criticism. It is perfectly reasonable to criticize whenever and whoever you want, even me. Clearly, the anonymity of the internet provides ample license to do so. I’m not infallible and I make at least one mistake every fiscal year. I get downvoted all the time and I recognize that many things that I say are taken as gospel based on my years of providing accurate information. I don’t take this leniency lightly. I’ve earned this gift and I don’t look gift horses in the mouth. I certainly don’t shy away from criticizing others, but I always seek to do so from a position of best intentions of the outcome. But if you think that it’s appropriate to draw conclusions like “He definitely doesn’t know what he’s talking about”, “It violates basic principles”, or my favorite “It looks like he stole this from X, Y, or Z” and you’re basing that on one tiny screenshot of one sample day of one singular domain absent of context of the entirety of the programming then you must be special. I wish I had that sort of clairvoyance.
Second, our programming is not a mistake. Is it aggressive? Absolutely. Is it wrong? Absolutely not. It is deliberate and intentional. A few points to consider:
-The higher percentages and rep ranges occur at the end of each cycle. You don’t start off at the high end, you finish there. The passage cited is 9 weeks post 1RM testing. At a minimum the higher % come 5 weeks after testing. You get stronger and the programming reflects that.
-Just because you’ve never done anything like this doesn’t mean much. We follow the evidence, and the literature clearly indicates that our recommendations are appropriate. Aggressive, but appropriate. Here are 6 sources, including some meta-analyses that bring the body of knowledge to several hundred; there are many more.
Source 1
Source 2
Source 3
Source 4
Source 5
Source 6
Your experience not withstanding, our programming is entirely valid. This is especially true given the other variables. 1) we prioritize intensity and we manifest that through heavy weights 2) you only lift each exercise 2 times in every 5 day cycle - plenty of time for macro recovery 3) you are resting up to 4 minutes between sets - plenty of time for micro recovery 4) you are only doing 3 lifts in a day and only one for that domain - you aren’t doing 3 sets of barbell bench, then 3 sets of incline, then 3 sets of decline, then some cable cross-overs, then some dumbbell flys, then finishing with some drop sets on the Smith machine. 1 exercise, at maximal intensity. No need to pace yourself. 5) we are seeking to balance strength and endurance. It’s impossible to fully address both simultaneously. There will inevitably be friction. 6) we are seeking to challenge you, not accommodate you. 7) we emphasize self-reflection, data analysis, and agency. If you are struggling to meet the listed criteria then we encourage you to program accordingly. It’s foundational to our approach.
But allow me to let you in on a little secret. Even though we cite no small amount of literature, you can find lots of literature that argues against our programming. In fact, there is so much ‘literature’ out there that you can find supporting information for damn near everything and anything. So, back to my first point, you are welcome to criticize. But you should at least provide some counter-evidence beyond “in my experience”. In the Taxonomy of Information, anecdotal testimony is the least rigorous. We have presented our arguments, you are invited to present yours. Or be a little more graceful in your criticism.
We are well aware of Prilepin’s optimal reps (for powerlifting), and the NASM 5 Phase Optimum Performance Training Model (which we follow) and the NSCA Performance Pyramid (which we follow). We don’t disagree that they are to be well considered. We did a full and complete survey of the information environment. But we stated in our introduction and made available for free our philosophy…we have no interest in preserving the credentialed protectorate of the fitness industry. SFAS is different, so shall the programming be.
Third, we didn’t “steal” another program and stack it on top of our own stuff. That’s not how this works. If you survey all of the programs and methodology out there, you will find a ton of overlap. If you follow established principles and seek consensus, then you end up looking a lot like the other stuff. Did we look at other programs? Yes, dozens of them. Did we steal them? No. The fact that we favor a more intense program that most programs don’t should make this argument moot. This is a serious accusation and should be reserved for the most egregious circumstances. You might not have experience with this type of programming, you might not be familiar with recent literature, and you are only seeing a very minuscule event absent of any of the other programming and ancillary elements.
Fourth, and finally, I want to address the unhinged discussion of cost. We’re particularly sensitive to this topic because we know that our target population skews younger and likely less affluent, so cost matters. And I don’t like calling guys out necessarily, but u/Certain-Exam-2577 and u/Potential_Presence67 ? You two can go fuck yourselves. You anonymous peices of shit decided from your castles on top of Mount Holy that we are looking for a “money grab”? I could have charged hundreds, I could put all of my content behind a paywall, and I could simply pump and dump and walk away to stack cash. But that’s not the case.
What do you two fucking genius economists think would be appropriate for 8 months of daily programming for strength, conditioning, rucking, mental prep, mobility, skills, recovery and much more? We charge 60 dollars. Let’s take a very small survey the prep environment and see where we stack up:
Evoke - 3 months, requires additional programming prerequisites, $65
Performance First - 3 months, $90
18A Fitness - 4 months, $179
Gritty Soldier - 3 months, $30
Mountain Tactical - 12 months, $329
Blue/Green Training - 11 weeks, $129
We’re looking pretty competitive given these numbers. And these are the better programs. We mostly like them (and others) and we have tremendous respect for their creators and coaches. We don’t think they are as good as ours, especially our ruck programming, but they’re in the ballpark. Many guys in this sub have used them and speak highly of them. There are also near endless shit programs out there. AI generated, generic, point-of-sale trash with slick marketing and zero support.
We are a complete program that covers every single domain, and we have well established our expertise for SFAS. But we don’t rely on reputation, we deliver. We research, analyze, synthesize, and present the most comprehensive program out there. For just 60 bucks. Hell, you’ll spend over half that on a blank journal…we’ve recommended this excellent journal many times. But that’s just a cool journal. Zero programming. So we think we’re not “grabbing” too much.
Our resident pricks go on to say that RUSU wasn’t worth $50. Good thing we only charge $40. And perhaps you’d prefer the 15+ year old, lack-luster competition? They’re in the same price range. They even take a cheap shot at our Muster events as just a ‘wAlK iN tHe wOoDs tHaT yOu cOuLd do for FrEe’ or ‘info you could probably find online’. Our “competition” is $750 and one of the programs isn’t even taught by a military guy, much less a Green Beret. You two retarded laureates haven’t even attended an event, so your opinion is irrelevant.
And I should put a pin in all of this money grab, predatory, grifter talk by reminding them that this is all voluntary. You don’t have to spend a single dime if you don’t want to. Lots of guys don’t do anything extra and they get Selected all the time. But if a guy wants to be compensated for his hard work and another guy wants to allocate the cost of a night out drinking, then maybe your keen criticism could be stymied a bit. I offer plenty of free advice and commentary every day. I note that neither of you provide anything of value.
So, that’s my assessment of the situation. You don’t have to be a part of the conversation, but I thought that I should let you know how I see it. I endlessly tell you about the importance of foot care, so it’s only fair that I weigh in on this important topic. I should note that there was also some very reasoned comments and lots of guys understanding the intent of the programming AND of the program. And the OP reached out via DM and we had a very reasonable and productive discussion. He gets it. And the number of guys commenting is <1% of the number of guys reading the actual full program. I like that guys are passionate about this stuff. If you get 10 Green Berets in a room you’ll get 11 different opinions on damn near every topic. You know what they say about opinions…
submitted by TFVooDoo to greenberets [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 01:00 AllieInTexas77079 Attn to any medical biller in psychiatry billing

I started using an app to see a psychiatrist because I travel Mon-Fri for work. I’ve had an evaluation back in February and we did a zoom type call for an hour. In March, April and May ALL of my appts were less than 30 min total in length. I have a therapist who sees me for therapy. However, this app or platform billed my health insurance a 99204 AND 90836 for 1st appointment (1 hour evaluation) and my 3 monthly appts my insurance was billed for 99214 AND 90833. I don’t have any type of therapy with this clinician because I have a therapist already. Now out of no where I have a bill for almost 800 that’s due. (It’s all been applied to my deductible) My question is- is an evaluation that lasted 1 hour warranted a 99204 AND 90836 and my 30 min (some were less than 25 min long) follow ups warranted a 99214 AND 90833. Part of me thinks they are over billing. They aren’t using modifiers… These are 2 separate CPT codes being used on same day of service. Please advise.
submitted by AllieInTexas77079 to CodingandBilling [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:57 d6minis [H] Marines, Tau, Orks, Chaos, Heresy, Imperialis, AOS, [W] $$, [Loc] Toronto, CAD

Hello guys looking to sell alot of warhammer items.
Shipping will be bundled for multiple items and is much more worthwhile
Shipping to USA roughly $6-$13 USD average
Shipping to Canada roughly $13.50 - $15 CAD average
I request canadian amounts via paypal USD prices are more for reference
10th Edition Rulebook and Cards - new - $30 USD / $40 CAD
10th Edition Cards - new - $12 USD / $20 CAD
Beta Garmon - new sealed - $41 USD / $55 CAD
Solar Auxilia Battle Group - new on sprue - $155 USD / $210 CAD
Solar Aux Command Section - new on sprue - $15.50 USD / $20 CAD
10 Solar Aux LasRilfe Section - new on sprue - $23 USD / $30 CAD
Solar Aux Veletaris - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
Aethon Heavy Sentinal - new on sprue - $36 USD / $50 CAD
Hermes Sentinal Squadron - new on sprue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
Solar Aux Leman Russ - new on sprue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
Solar Aux Leman Russ Assault Tank - new on sprue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
Malcador Heavy Tank - new on sprue - $66 USD / $90 CAD
Dracosan Armoured Transport - new on sprue - $69 USD / $80 CAD
Solar Auxilia Basilisk / Medusa - new on sprue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
Legion Sky Hunter Squadron - new on sprue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
Deimos Predator - new on sprue - $48 USD / $70 CAD
Deimos Support Predator - new on sprue - $48 USD / $70 CAD
Legion Vindicator - new on sprue - $51.50 USD / $70 CAD
Land Raider Proteus - new on sprue - $65 USD / $90 CAD
Old World Core Rulebook - new - $52 USD / $70 CAD
Forces of Fantasy - new - $39 USD / $50 CAD
Ravening Hordes - new - $39 USD / $50 CAD
Bretonnia Core Set - new no book - $150 USD / $200 CAD
Tomb Kings Core Set - new no book - $170 USD / $230 CAD
Orcs and Goblins Battalion - new on sprue - $120 USD / $160 CAD
Black Orc Mob - new on sprue - $55 USD / $75 CAD
Goblin Wo1f Riders - new on sprue - $45 USD / $60 CAD
Adeptus Astartes Dice - great condition - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
Iron Hands Dice - new - $39.50 USD / $50 CAD
Ravn Guard Dice - new - $39.50 USD / $50 CAD
Space Marines Spearhead Force - new on sprue - $180 USD / $240 CAD
Black Library Cpt Messinius - new in box - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Guilliman - new on sprue - $52 USD / $70 CAD
Sgt Castus - new in box - $44.50 USD / $60 CAD
Primaris Shrike - new on sprue - $34 USD / $45 CAD
Primaris Calgar (full kit) - new on sprue - $44 USD / $60 CAD
Primaris Calgar only - painted well - $44 USD / $60 CAD
Primaris Tigurius - new on sprue - $34 USD / $45 CAD
Primaris Tigurius - painted tabletop - $34 USD / $45 CAD
Tor Garradon - new on sprue - $34 USD / $45 CAD
Primaris Kosarro Khan - new on sprue - $34 USD / $45 CAD
Custom Primaris Smash Captain - Pro Painted - $44.50 USD / $60 CAD
Captain in Terminator Armour (Leviathan) - new on sprue - $19.50 USD / $25 CAD
Captain in Terminator Armour (Leviathan) - built - $15 USD / $20 CAD
Librarian in Terminator Armour (Leviathan) - new on sprue - $15 USD / $20 CAD
Librarian in Terminator Armour (Leviathan) - painted - $12 USD / $15 CAD
Liutenant (Leviathan) - new on sprue - $19.50 USD / $25 CAD
Liutenant (Leviathan) - primed - $15 USD / $20 CAD
Gravis Cpt - new on sprue - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Gravis Cpt - painted - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
Gravis Captain (Dark Imperium) - painted fists - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Gravis Captain (Dark Imperium) - painted ultras - $39.50 USD / $50 CAD
Gravis Cpt w/ Heavy Bolt - new on sprue - $30.50 USD / $38.50 CAD
Primaris Cpt w/ Jump Pack - new on sprue - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Primaris Captain (Indomitus) - built/painted - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Captain in Phobos Armor - damaged - $15 USD / $20 CAD
Primaris LT Agastus - new on sprue - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
Primaris LT Agastus - primed - $19.50 USD / $25 CAD
Primaris LT (Indomitus) - new on sprue - $19.50 USD / $25 CAD
Primaris LT (Indomitus) -primed/built - $12 USD / $20 CAD
Primaris LT phobos armor - built/primed - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
Primaris LT w/ Power swrd - new on sprue - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
Primaris LT w/ Power swrd - painted fists - $19.50 USD / $25 CAD
Primaris LT (Dark imperium) - built - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
Primaris LT (Dark imperium) - painted - $12 USD / $20 CAD
Primaris Chaplain - new on sprue - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
Primaris Chaplain - painted well - $39.50 USD / $50 CAD
Primaris Chaplain - painted/built - $19.50 USD / $25 CAD
Primaris Chaplain on bike - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
Chaplain in Terminator Armour - new on sprue - $34 USD / $45 CAD
Primaris Librarian - new on sprue - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Primaris Librarian - primed/painted - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
Primaris Librarian Phobos Armor - built - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
Primaris Librarian Phobos Armor - painted ultras - $39.50 USD / $50 CAD
Primaris Ancient - new on sprue - $30.50 USD / $38.50 CAD
Primaris Ancient (Dark Imperium) - painted fists - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
Primaris Ancient (Dark Imperium) - built/primed - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
Company Heroes - new on sprue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
Apothecary Biologis - new on sprue - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Primaris Apothecary - new on sprue - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Primaris Apothecary - painted - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
5 Primaris Reivers (Full kit) - new on sprue - $23 USD / $30 CAD
5 Primaris Reivers - painted crimson fists - $19.50 USD / $25 CAD
5 White Scars Reivers - painted well- $19.50 USD / $25 CAD
Sternguard (full kit) - new on sprue - $44 USD / $60 CAD
Sternguard (leviathan) - new on sprue - $30 USD / $40 CAD
5 Sternguard - primed - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
Terminators (Full Kit) - new on sprue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
Terminators (Leviathan) - new on sprue - $39.50 USD / $50 CAD
5 Terminators - primed - $34 USD / $45 CAD
3 Aggressors (Full kit) - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
3 Aggressors - primed/built - $39.50 USD / $50 CAD
Invictor warsuit - new on sprue - $52 USD / $70 CAD
Invictor warsuit - painted/built - $44 USD / $60 CAD
Brutalis - new on sprue - $55 USD / $75 CAD
Redemptor (full kit) - new on sprue - $57 USD / $75 CAD
Redemptor - painted - $48 USD / $65 CAD
Redemptor - painted ultras - $65 USD / $90 CAD
Ballistus Dread - new on sprue - $52 USD / $70 CAD
Ballistus Dread - painted well - $75 USD / $100 CAD
Bladeguard (full kit) - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
3 Bladeguard - primed - $39.50 USD / $50 CAD
10 Kill Team Scouts - new on sprue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
5 Kill Team Scouts - new on sprue - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
5 Primaris Intercessors (full kit) - new on sprue - $22 USD / $30 CAD
5 Primaris Intercessors - painted crimson fists - $19.50 USD / $25 CAD
5 Primaris Intercessor - primed/painted - $15 USD / $20 CAD
10 Assault Intercessors - Pro Painted - $65 USD / $90 CAD
5 Assault Intercessors - built - $19.50 USD / $25 CAD
5 Primaris Infiltrators/incursors (full kit) - new on sprue - $22 USD / $30 CAD
5 Primaris Infiltrators/incursors - painted/primed - $19.50 USD / $25 CAD
5 Infernus Squad - new on sprue - $15 USD / $20 CAD
5 Infernus Squad - built - $12 USD / $15 CAD
Heavy Intercessors - new on sprue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
5 Heavy Intercessors - built - $44 USD / $60 CAD
Jump Pack Intercessors - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
5 Jump Pack Intercessors - primed - $39.50 USD / $50 CAD
3 Primaris Inceptors - primed - $39.50 USD / $50 CAD
Primaris Outriders - new on sprue - $44.50 USD / $60 CAD
3 Primaris Outriders - built/painted - $39.50 USD / $50 CAD
Primaris Invader ATV - new on sprue - $39.50 USD / $50 CAD
5 Desolation Marines - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
5 Desolation Marines - primed - $34 USD / $45 CAD
5 Primaris Hellblasters (full kit) - new on sprue - $22 USD / $30 CAD
5 Primaris Hellblasters - painted well - $29 USD / $35 CAD
5 Primaris Hellblasters - painted - $19.50 USD / $25 CAD
Eliminators (full kit) - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
3 Eliminators - primed/built - $34 USD / $45 CAD
Eradicators (full kit) - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
3 Eradicators - painted ultras - $53 USD / $70 CAD
Firestrike Servo Turrent - new on sprue - $29 USD / $35 CAD
Firestrike Servo Turrent - primed/built - $22 USD / $30 CAD
Repulsor Executioner - new on sprue - $82 USD / $110 CAD
Impulsor - painted/built - $53 USD / $70 CAD
Hamerfall Bunker - new on sprue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
Hamerfall Bunker - painted - $44 USD / $60 CAD
Stormrven - painted/primed - $80 USD / $105 CAD
Black Templars
Limited Ed Black Templar Codex and Cards - new - $8 USD / $10 CAD
Black Templars Combat Patrol - new on sprue - $116 USD / $155 CAD
Bayard's Revenge - new sealed - $44 USD / $55 CAD
Helbrecht - new on sprue - $44 USD / $55 CAD
Helbrecht - primed/built - $35 USD / $45 CAD
Grimaldus and Retinue - new on sprue - $44 USD / $55 CAD
Grimaldus and Retinue - primed/built - $35 USD / $45 CAD
OOP Metal Grimaldus and retinue - painted - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
Primaris Emperor's Champion - new on sprue - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Primaris Emperor's Champion - painted well - $47 USD / $60 CAD
Primaris Emperor's Champion - primed/painted - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
OOP Emporers Champion - painted well - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Black Templars Marshall - new on sprue - $19.50 USD / $25 CAD
Black Templars Marshall - painted/primed - $15 USD / $20 CAD
BT Gravis Cpt - painted - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
BT Ancient - built - $30.50 USD / $38.50 CAD
Castellan - built - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
Castellan - missing shoulderpad - $15 USD / $20 CAD
BT Primaris Chaplain - built - $30 USD / $38.50 CAD
BT Ancient - built - $30 USD / $38.50 CAD
BT BG Ancient - built - $30 USD / $38.50 CAD
Converted Primaris Apothecary - primed - $12 USD / $15 CAD
Single Templar Primaris Marine - converted - $8 USD / $10 CAD
Primaris Crusader Squad - new on sprue - $47 USD / $60 CAD
Primaris Crusader Squad (10 Models) - built/primed/painted - $38 USD / $50 CAD
Primaris Swrd Bretheren - new on sprue - $48.50 USD / $60 CAD
Primaris Sword Bretheren - built/primed - $38 USD / $50 CAD
5 BT Reivers - painted - $15.50 USD / $20 CAD
3 BT Outriders - built - $35 USD / $45 CAD
Cerastus Knight Lancer - new on sprue - $141 USD / $195 CAD
Cerastus Knight Castigator - new on sprue - $141 USD / $195 CAD
Cerastus Knight Archeron - new on sprue - $141 USD / $195 CAD
IK Crusader - painted tabletop - $151 USD / $210 CAD
IK Paladin - painted tabletop - $151 USD / $210 CAD
IK Errant - Pro Painted - $200 USD/ $270 CAD
IK Gallant - painted well - $166 USD / $230 CAD
Knight Abominant / Desecrator / Rampager - new on sprue - $134 USD / $175 CAD
Armigers Warglaives/Helverins - new on sprue - $66 USD / $90 CAD
Chaos Knight Wardogs - new on sprue - $66 USD / $90 CAD
World Eaters
World Eaters Combat Patrol - new on sprue - $114 USD / $155 CAD
Angron - new on sprue - new on sprue - $117 USD / $160 CAD
Lord Invocatus / Lord on Juggernaut - new on sprue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
Lord Invocatus - painted tabletop - $58 USD / $80 CAD
Eightbound / Exalted Eightbound - new on sprue - $47 USD / $60 CAD
Eightbound / Exalted Eightbound - Pro Painted - $85 USD / $115 CAD
Khorne Berzerkers - new on sprue - $47 USD / $60 CAD
Jakhals - new on sprue - $41.50 USD / $55 CAD
10th Edition CSM Codex - new sealed - $43 USD / $55 CAD
10th Edition CSM Codex - new no code - $31 USD / $40 CAD
10th Ed CSM Data Cards - new sealed - 27.50 USD / $35 CAD
Chaos Dice 2024 - new sealed - $29 USD / $35 CAD
Vashtorr Dice - new sealed - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
Kill Team Chaotica Dice - new sealed - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
Balefleet Battleforce - new on sprue - $190 USD / $260 CAD
CSM Combat Patrol 2024 - new on sprue - $117 USD / $155 CAD
Vashtorr = new on sprue - $70 USD / $95 CAD
Abaddon (new) - new on sprue - $52 USD / $70 CAD
Abaddon (new) - primed - $47 USD / $60 CAD
OOP Metal Abaddon - Pro Painted - $45 USD / $50 CAD
Fabius Bile - new on sprue - $36 USD / $45 CAD
Warpsmith - built - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
Daemon Prince (New 2023) - new on sprue - $60 USD / $80 CAD
Daemon Prince - painted well - $47 USD / $60 CAD
Daemon Prince - painted/built - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
Master of Executions - new on sprue - $23 USD / $30 CAD
Dark Apostle w/ Disciples (new) - new on sprue - $30 USD / $45 CAD
Lord Discordant - new on sprue - $51.50 USD / $70 CAD
Lord Discordant - Pro Painted - $100 USD / $135 CAD
Lord Discordant - painted iron warriors - $85 USD / $115 CAD
Lord Discordant - painted wel black legion - $85 USD / $115 CAD
Chaos Sorc (new) - new on sprue - $23 USD / $30 CAD
OOP Metal Chaos Sorcerer w/ wings - painted - $15 USD / $20 CAD
Chaos Lord / Sorcerer in Terminator Armour - new on sprue - $23 USD / $30 CAD
OOP Metal Khorne Chaos Lord - primed - $19.50 USD / $25 CAD
Noise Marine - primed - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
Aspiring Champion - part built - $23 USD / $30 CAD
Dark Commune - new on sprue - $41.50 USD / $55 CAD
Chosen (New) - new on sprue - $45 USD / $60 CAD
Chaos Terminators (new) - new on sprue - $47 USD / $60 CAD
5 Chaos Terminators - painted iron warriors - $49 USD / $65 CAD
5 Chaos Terminators - built - $45 USD / $50 CAD
Possessed (New) - new on sprue - $45 USD / $50 CAD
5 Possessed - painted/primed - $36 USD / $45 CAD
Kill Team Legionaries - new on sprue - $53 USD / $70 CAD
Chaos Space Marines (full kit) - new on sprue - $49 USD / $65 CAD
10 Chaos Space Marines - painted iron warriors - $53 USD / $70 CAD
10 Chaos Space Marines - built - $41.50 USD / $55 CAD
Accursed Cultists - new on sprue - $41.50 USD / $55 CAD
Cultists (New) - new on sprue - $34 USD / $45 CAD
Chaos Bikers - new on sprue - $34 USD / $45 CAD
Chaos Spawn - new on sprue - $41.50 USD / $55 CAD
Single Chaos Spawn - painted well - $23 USD / $30 CAD
Venomcrawler - new unbuilt - $45 USD / $50 CAD
Venomcrawler - Pro Painted - $55 USD / $75 CAD
5 Chaos Havocs - new on sprue - $47 USD / $60 CAD
5 Khorne Havocs - built - $43 USD / $55 CAD
Chaos Rino - new on sprue - $41.50 USD / $55 CAD
Warpforged - new on sprue - $60 USD / $75 CAD
2 Obliterators - new unbuilt - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Hellbrute (full kit) - new on sprue - $49 USD / $65 CAD
Chaos Predator - new on sprue - $60 USD / $75 CAD
Helldrake - new on sprue - $60 USD / $75 CAD
Noctilith Crown - new on sprue - $53 USD / $70 CAD
10th Ed Custodes Codex - new sealed - $43 USD / $55 CAD
10th Ed Custodes Codex - new no code - $31 USD / $40 CAD
10th Ed Custodes Codex - code only - $19.50 USD / $25 CAD
10th Ed Custodes Data Cards - new sealed - 27.50 USD / $35 CAD
10th Ed Index Cards - new - $8 USD / $10 CAD
9th Ed LImited Ed Custodes Codex - great - $20 USD / $25 CAD
9th Ed Custodes Codex - great - $8 USD / $10 CAD
Auric Champions Battleforce - new on sprue - $190 USD / $260 CAD
Custodes Combat Patrol (2024) - new on sprue - $115 USD / $155 CAD
Trajan Valoris - new on sprue - $35 USD / $45 CAD
Trajan Valoris - Pro Painted - $64 USD / $85 CAD
Trajan Valoris - painted well - $44.50 USD / $60 CAD
Valerian and Aleya - new on sprue - $43 USD / $55 CAD
Single Shield Captain - converted - $22 USD / $30 CAD
Single Vertus Praetor on Dawn Egle - new on sprue - $19.50 USD / $25 CAD
Single Vertus Praetor on Dawn Eagle - painted based - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
5 Custodian Guard - new on sprue - $38 USD / $50 CAD
5 Custodian Guard - built/primed/part built - $35 USD / $45 CAD
9 Custodian Guard - painted well - $110 USD / $150 CAD
3 Allarus Custodians - new on sprue - $43 USD / $55 CAD
3 Allarus Custodians - Pro Painted - $67 USD / $90 CAD
3 Allarus Custodians - painted well - $58 USD / $80 CAD
3 Allarus Custodians converted w/ 3rd party bits - $51.50 USD / $70 CAD
5 Custodian Wardens - new on sprue - $44.50 USD / $60 CAD
4 Custodian Wardens - painted well - $60 USD / $80 CAD
Sisters of Silence - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
Vertus Praetors - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
3 Vertus Praetors - pro painted - $82 USD / $110 CAD
3 Vertus Praetors - painted well - 70 USD / $95 CAD
3 Vertus Praetors - painted/primed - $38 USD / $50 CAD
10th Ed Tau Codex and Cards - new - $51 USD / $70 CAD
10th Ed Tau Codex and Cards - new no code - $41 USD / $55 CAD
10th Ed Tau Cards - new - $15 USD / $20 CAD
Tau Empire Dice - great - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Tau Kroot Hunting Pack - models only - $135 USD / $185 CAD
Tau Combat Patrol (2024) - new on sprue - $115 USD / $155 CAD
Farsight (2023) - new on sprue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
OOP Farsight - painted well - $38.50 USD / $50 CAD
Shadownsun (New) - new on sprue - $40 USD / $55 CAD
Shadownsun (New) - painted tabletop - $48 USD / $65 CAD
OOP Shadowsun - built - $15 USD / $20 CAD
Commander Suit - new on sprue - $45 USD /$60 CAD
Commander Suit - Pro Painted - $75 USD / $100 CAD
Commander Suit - painted well - $41 USD / $55 CAD
Commander Suit - built/painted - $34 USD / $45 CAD
Commander Suit - converted need tlc - $30 USD / $40 CAD
OOP Commander Suit - damaged - $20 USD / $25 CAD
Darkstrider (new) - new on sprue - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
OOP Darkstrider - Pro Painted - $34 USD / $45 CAD
OOP Metal Tau Ehereal - painted - $15 USD / $20 CAD
Ethereal w/ Honorb1ade - damaged - $8 USD / $10 CAD
Ethereal on Hover Drone - new on sprue - $20 USD / $25 CAD
Ethereal on Hover Drone - painted well - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Ethereal on Hover Drone - painted - $12 USD / $15 CAD
2 Aunva Bodyguard - built - $12 USD / $15 CAD
Cadre Fireb1ade - new on sprue - $22 USD / $30 CAD
Cadre Fireb1ade - primed/painted - $20 USD / $25 CAD
Kroot Lone Spear - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
Kroot Warshaper - new on sprue - $22 USD / $30 CAD
Kroot Trailshaper - new on sprue - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
Kroot Fleshshaper - new on sprue - $20 USD / $25 CAD
Stealth Suits - new on sprue - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
3 Stealth Suits - painted well - $30 USD / $40 CAD
3 Stealth Suits - painted/built - $22 USD / $30 CAD
Ghostkeel - new on sprue - $68 USD / $90 CAD
Ghostkeel - painted - $56 USD / $75 CAD
Farstalker Kinband - new on sprue - - $45 USD /$60 CAD
3 XV8 Crisis Suits - new on sprue - $58 USD / $80 CAD
3 XV8 Crisis Suits - needs tlc - $45 USD /$60 CAD
10 Fire WarrioBreachers (full Kit) - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
10 Fire Warriors/Breachers - painted red - $41 USD / $55 CAD
10 Fire Warriors/Breachers - painted - $34 USD / $45 CAD
DS 8 Support turret - painted/primed - $4 USD / $5 CAD
Kroot Carnivore Squad - new on sprue - - $41 USD / $55 CAD
Tau Prhana - painted - $23 USD / $30 CAD
Firestrike marksman w/ 3 sniper drones - painted - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Pathfinders (New) - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
10 Pathfinders (New) - built - $34 USD / $45 CAD
10 Pathfinders - painted - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
6 Assorted Drones - painted/built/primed - $12 USD / $15 CAD
Kroot Hounds - new on sprue - $30 USD / $40 CAD
2 Tetras - built - $15 USD / $20 CAD
Krootox Rider - new on sprue - $34 USD / $45 CAD
Krootox Rampagers - new on sprue - $45 USD /$60 CAD
Broadside - new on sprue - $45 USD /$60 CAD
Broadside - primed - $38.50 USD / $50 CAD
OOP Metal Broadside - painted - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
Riptide - painted/primed - $80 USD / $100 CAD
Riptide - painted needs TLC - $65 USD / $85 CAD
Devilfsh - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
Stormsurge - new on sprue - $132 USD / $175 CAD
Votann Combat Patrol - new on sprue - $117 USD / $155 CAD
9th Ed Codex Cards + Tokens - new - $12 USD / $15 CAD
Ancestors Wrath - new in box - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Uthar the Destined / Kahl - new on sprue - $19.50 USD / $25 CAD
Uthar the Destined / Kahl - painted - $15 USD / $20 CAD
Kahl - painted well - $25 USD / $35 CAD
Einhyr Champion - new on sprue - $30.50 USD / $38.50 CAD
Einhyr Champion - painted tabletop - $30.50 USD / $38.50 CAD
Einhyr Champion - painted - $22 USD / $30 CAD
Grimnyr - new on sprue - $34 USD / $45 CAD
Grimnyr - painted well - $34 USD / $45 CAD
Brokhyr Iron Master - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
Brokhyr Iron Master - painted well -$41 USD / $55 CAD
Brokhyr Iron Master - painted - $39.50 USD / $50 CAD
Hearthguard - new on sprue - $44.50 USD / $60 CAD
5 Einhyr Hearthguard - painted well - $65 USD / $90 CAD
Cthonian Berserks - painted/primed - $39.50 USD / $50 CAD
10 Hearthkyn Warriors - new on sprue - $34 USD / $45 CAD
10 Hearthkyn Warriors - painted/primed - $25 USD / $35 CAD
10 Hearthkyn Warriors - painted well - $65 USD / $90 CAD
3 Hernkyn Pioneers - new on sprue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
3 Hernkyn Pioneers - painted tabletop - $48 USD / $65 CAD
3 Hernkyn Pioneers - painted well - $74 USD / $100 CAD
Sagitaur - new on sprue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
Sagitaur - primed - $41 USD / $55 CAD
Sagitaur - missing canopy - $39.50 USD / $50 CAD
Brokyhr Thunderkyn - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
3 Brokyhr Thunderkyn - painted tabletop - $61 USD / $85 CAD
3 Brokyhr Thunderkyn - primed/painted - $39.50 USD / $50 CAD
Land Fortress - new on sprue - $84 USD / $110 CAD
Land Fortress - primed - $72 USD / $100 CAD
10th Ed Orks Codex - new sealed - $43 USD / $55 CAD
10th Ed Orks Codex - new no code - $30 USD / $40 CAD
10th Ed Orks Data Cards - new sealed - 27.50 USD / $35 CAD
Beast Snaggas Stampede - new on sprue - $190 USD / $260 CAD
Orks Combat Patrol (2024) - new on sprue - $115 USD / $155 CAD
Orks Dice - new sealed - $28 USD / $35 CAD
KT Ork Kommandos Dice - new sealed - $28 USD / $35 CAD
Ufthak Blackhawk - new sealed - $34.50 USD / $45 CAD
Grotmas Gitz - new in box - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Da Red Gobbos Surprise - new in box - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Warboss w/ Mega Armor (combat patrol) - primed - $28 USD / $35 CAD
Warboss w/ Mega Armor (combat patrol) - painted well - $48 USD / $65 CAD
Converted Warboss - painted well - $45 USD / $60 CAD
Ghazghkull and Makari - new on sprue - $51.50 USD / $70 CAD
OOP Ghaz - painted well - $45 USD / $60 CAD
Mozrog Skragbad / Beastboss on Squig - new on sprue - $43 USD / $55 CAD
Beastboss on Squig - Pro Painted - $73.50 USD / $100 CAD
Beastboss on Squig - painted well - $58 USD / $80 CAD
Zodgrod Wortsnagga - new on sprue - $34 USD / $45 CAD
Zodgrod Wortsnagga - built/painted - $28.50 USD / $35 CAD
Deff Killa Wartrike - new on sprue - $43 USD / $55 CAD
Deffkilla War Trike - painted well - $65 USD / $90 CAD
Converted Warboss on bike - painted well - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
Big Mek (2024) - new on sprue - $45 USD / $60 CAD
Big Mek w/ shokk atk gun - painted well - $34.50 USD / $45 CAD
Big Mek w/ KFF - painted well - $48 USD / $65 CAD
OOP Metal Big Mek - painted well - $41 USD / $50 CAD
OOP Metal Snikrot - painted well - $51 USD / $70 CAD
Weirdboy - Pro Painted - $53 USD / $65 CAD
Painboss - new on sprue - $30 USD / $40 CAD
OOP Metal Painboy - painted well - $41 USD / $50 CAD
5 Burna boyz - painted well - $41 USD / $50 CAD
3 Mega Nobz - new on sprue - $51 USD / $70 CAD
5 Nobz - painted/primed - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
5 Nobz - painted tabletop - $30 USD / $40 CAD
10 Kommandos (Octarius) - part built/painted/primed - $43 USD / $55 CAD
10 OOP Kommandos - painted well - $59 USD / $80 CAD
10 Beast Snagga Boyz - new on sprue - $43 USD / $55 CAD
10 Beast Snagga Boyz - primed/built/painted - $41 USD / $50 CAD
10 Ork Boyz (New) - new on sprue - $41 USD / $50 CAD
10 Ork Boyz (New) - primed - $30 USD / $40 CAD
10 Ork Boyz (shootas) - painted well - $37 USD / $50 CAD
10 Ork Boyz (shootas) - built/primed/painted - $28.50 USD / $35 CAD
10 Ork Boyz (Sluggas) - painted tabletop - $36.50 USD / $45 CAD
3 DeffKoptas (new) - new on sprue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
3 DeffKoptas (new) - painted well - $77 USD / $105 CAD
Squighog boyz w/ Smasha Squig - new on sprue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
3 Squighog boyz w/ Smasha Squig - painted - $37 USD / $50 CAD
3 Squighog boyz - painted well - $65 USD / $85 CAD
Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy - new on sprue - $43 USD / $55 CAD
Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy - primed/built - $41 USD / $50 CAD
Kustom Boosta Blasta - new on sprue - $43 USD / $55 CAD
Shokkjump Dragsta - new on sprue - $43 USD / $55 CAD
Megatrakk Scrapjet - new on sprue - $43 USD / $55 CAD
Boomdakka Snazzwagon - painted well- $55 USD / $75 CAD
5 OOP Ork Warbikers - painted tabletop - $52 USD / $70 CAD
OOP Ork Buggies - painted tabletop - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
5 Stormboyz - built - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
5 Stormboyz - Pro Painted - $52 USD / $70 CAD
5 lootas/Burnas - new on sprue - $28.50 USD / $38.50 CAD
5 Lootas - painted/primed/built - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
Mek Gunz - new on sprue - $43 USD / $55 CAD
Mek Gunz - built/primed - $36.50 USD / $45 CAD
Flashgitz - new on sprue - $44.50 USD / $60 CAD
Deff Dread - new on sprue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
Deff Dread - painted tabletop - $51 USD / $70 CAD
Deff Dread - painted/primed - $43 USD / $55 CAD
OOP Metal Deff Dread - painted tabletop - $41 USD / $50 CAD
3 Killa Kanz - new on sprue - $44.50 USD / $60 CAD
Kill Rig / Hunta Rig - new on sprue - $100 USD / $135 CAD
Kill Rig / Hunta Rig - primed/built - $90 USD / $120 CAD
Kill Rig - painted well - $165 USD / $220 CAD
Battlewagon - Pro Painted - $150 USD / $220 CAD
Battlewagon - painted well - $85 USD / $115 CAD
Morkanaut / Gorkanaut - painted well - $140 USD / $190 CAD
KIll Krusha Tnk - $255 USD / $350 CAD
Stompa - new on sprue - $115 USD / $155 CAD
Stompa - Pro Painted - $185 USD / $255 CAD
Stompa - primed - $91 USD / $125 CAD
Burna Bommer (full kit) - new on sprue - $60 USD / $80 CAD
Dakkajet/Burna Bomber - painted well - $75 USD / $100 CAD
Wazbom / Dakkajet - painted - $53 USD / $65 CAD
Chaos Daemons
9th Ed Chaos Daemons Data Cards - new sealed - $4 USD / $5 CAD
Chaos Daemons Dice 40k 2023 - new sealed - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Chaos Daemons Boarding patrol - new on sprue - $96 USD / $130 CAD
Belakor - new on sprue - $107 USD / $155 CAD
Belakor - Pro Painted - $190 USD / $260 CAD
Daemon Prince 2023 - new on sprue - $60 USD / $80 CAD
Daemon Prince - Pro Painted - $45 USD / $60 CAD
Daemon Prince - painted well - $34.50 USD / $45 CAD
Daemon Prince - painted/built - $28 USD / $35 CAD
Great Unclean One - new on sprue - $107 USD / $155 CAD
Spoilpox Scriviner - new on sprue - $20 USD / $25 CAD
Sloppity Bilepiper - new on sprue - $28.50 USD / $38.50
Sloppity Bilepiper - primed - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
PoxbringeHerald of Nurgle - new on sprue - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
PoxbringeHerald of Nurgle - primed/painted - $20 USD / $25 CAD
Beasts of Nurgle - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
Skarbrand - new on sprue - $107 USD / $155 CAD
Skarbrand - painted tabletop - $107 USD / $155 CAD
Bloodthirster - new on sprue - $107 USD / $155 CAD
Bloodthirster - Pro Painted - $185 USD / $250 CAD
Bloodthirster - painted well magnetized - $185 USD / $250 CAD
Skulltaker - new on sprue - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Fleshhouns - new on sprue - $34.50 USD / $45 CAD
5 Fleshhounds - built - $30 USD / $40 CAD
10 Bloodletters - new on sprue - $28 USD / $35 CAD
10 Bloodletters - painted tabletop - $37 USD / $50 CAD
10 Bloodletters - painted - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
Contorted Epitome - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
10 Daemonettes - new on sprue - $30 USD / $40 CAD
10 Daemonettes - primed/built - $28 USD / $35 CAD
5 Seekers - new on sprue - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
Keeper of Secrets / Shalaxi - new on sprue - $107 USD / $155 CAD
Keeper of Secrets / Shalaxi - painted tabletop - $107 USD / $155 CAD
Dexcessa/Synessa - new on sprue - $85 USD / $105 CAD
Lord of Change / Kairos Fateweaver - new on sprue - $107 USD / $155 CAD
Lord of Change / Kairos Fateweaver - painted tabletop - $107 USD / $155 CAD
Lord of Change / Kairos Fateweaver - damaged - $92 USD / $125 CAD
Channgeing - painted tabletop - $30 USD / $40 CAD
3 Screamers of Tzeentch - new on sprue - $30 USD / $40 CAD
3 Flamers of Tzeentch - new on sprue - $28 USD / $35 CAD
3 Flamers - painted tabletop - $28 USD / $35 CAD
10 Pink Horrors - new on sprue - $34.50 USD / $45 CAD
Exalted Flamer - painted well - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
10 Pink Horrors - new on sprue - $34.50 USD / $45 CAD
10 Pink Horrors - built - $28 USD / $38.50 CAD
Blue and Brimstone Horrors - new on sprue - $34.50 USD / $45 CAD
10 Blue and Brimstone Horrors - painted - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Burning Chariot of Tzeentch - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
Burning Chariot of Tzeentch - painted well - $52 USD / $70 CAD
Burning Chariot of Tzeentch - painted tabletop - $41 USD / $55 CAD
Slaves to Darkness Tome and Warscrolls Cards - new - $39.50 USD / $50 CAD
Slaves to Darkness Dice - new sealed - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Darkoath Army Set - new on sprue - $145 USD / $195 CAD
Vanguard Slaves to Darkness - new on sprue - $102 USD / $140 CAD
Khagaras Ravagers - painted well - $45 USD / $60 CAD
Mindstealer Sphrinx - new on sprue - $39 USD / $50 CAD
Mindstealer Sphiranx - built - $31 USD / $40 CAD
Fomoroid Crusher - Pro Painted - $52 USD / $70 CAD
Fomoroid Crusher - new on sprue - $39 USD / $50 CAD
Daemon Prince (New) - new on sprue - $60 USD / $80 CAD
Eternus / Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount - new on sprue - $45 USD / $60 CAD
Eternus - built - $39 USD / $50 CAD
Chaos Lord/Sorc on Manticore - new on sprue - $52 USD / $70 CAD
Chaos Lord on Karkadrak - new on sprue - $39 USD / $50 CAD
Chaos Lord on Karkadrak - painted well - $45 USD / $60 CAD
Chaos Lord - new on sprue - $15.50 USD / $20 CAD
Centaurion Marshall - new on sprue - $36.50 USD / $45 CAD
Exalted Hero of Chaos - new on sprue - $28 USD / $38.50 CAD
Ogroid Myrmidon - new on sprue - $39 USD / $50 CAD
3 Ogroid Theridons - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
3 Ogroid Theridons - built/primed - $39 USD / $50 CAD
5 Chosen - new on sprue - $45 USD / $60 CAD
5 Chosen - painted well - $65 USD / $85 CAD
5 Chosen - painted/primed - $39 USD / $50 CAD
5 Chaos Knights (new) - new on srpue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
5 Chaos Knights (new) - painted well - $78 USD / $105 CAD
10 Warriors of Chaos (new) - new on sprue - $45 USD / $60 CAD
10 Warriors of Chaos (new) - painted well - $71 USD / $95 CAD
Darkoath Chieftan on Warsteed - new on sprue - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Darkoath Wilderfiend - new on sprue - $39 USD / $50 CAD
10 Darkoath Marauders - new on sprue - $39 USD / $50 CAD
5 Darkoath Fellriders - new on sprue - $45 USD / $60 CAD
20 Converted Chaos Marauders - painted well - $56 USD / $75 CAD
5 Chaos Maruader Horsemen - painted well - $36.50 USD / $45 CAD
Legions Imperialis: The Horus Heresy
Legions Imperialis Starter Set - new on sprue - $145 USD / $195 CAD
Legion Drop Pods - new on sprue - $37 USD / $50 CAD
Legion Dreadnought Drop Pods - new on sprue - $37 USD / $50 CAD
Legion Fast Attack - new on sprue - $37 USD / $50 CAD
Land Raider Proteus Explorator Squadron - new on sprue - $37 USD / $50 CAD
Solar Auxilia Infantry - new on sprue - $37 USD / $50 CAD
Solar Auxilia Support - new on sprue - $37 USD / $50 CAD
Legions Imperialis Arvus Lighters - new on sprue - $37 USD / $50 CAD
Legions Imperialis Medusa / Basilisk - new on sprue - $37 USD / $50 CAD
Legions Imperialis Malcador Infernus/Valdors - new on sprue - $37 USD / $50 CAD
Dracosans Transport Detachment - new on sprue - $37 USD / $50 CAD
Stormhammers - new on sprue - $37 USD / $50 CAD
submitted by d6minis to Miniswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:20 Mindinatorrr Urology

Hi folks, are there any good resources to ask my urology coding questions too?
While my company has been doing coding for a very long time and my bosses have over 20 years experience they have never done urology.
Here's my outstanding questions.
+Performed a 52352 (basketing) and then a stent insertion. I can't find it the stent should be billed separately or is included. Same laterality.
+Guidelines for coding for removing multiple stones in multiple sites, same laterality. (Let's say 52356)
+Coding a bladder tumor resection (say a 52234) / then another tumor at a completely separate site (my example is lateral wall and urethra) as well as a biopsy at a 3rd site. Can any of that be separated or does it all fall under the main code. (I know you code for the biggest for MCR, and add them for commercial - is this correct?)
I wish I could find a book that would tell me all this, but it seems to be all the same descriptions as the CPT and coders desk reference for procedures, which only gets me so far.
I'm worried I'm not coding for maximum reimbursement.
submitted by Mindinatorrr to MedicalCoding [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 23:25 colour_coloring More Notes on Remarkable2

More Notes on Remarkable2
Outside of missing some colorful fun, I'm enjoying this! 😍
submitted by colour_coloring to RemarkableTablet [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 20:24 Own-Cow-236 What CPT Codes Do Psych NPs Use?

Hello all,
I'm an admin in a private practice and struggling with picking which cpt codes to prepopulate into our system for our psych NP to use. My job is not clinical, I do not have any clinical training--I am NOT deciding which CPT codes to use for which pt, but I need to pre-populate a list of options for our NP to use/pick from.
I've read from the American Medical Association and Mentalyc websites for a basic list of which psychiatry codes are most used/useful for an outpatient practice serving mostly routine medication management; I wanted confirmation from some actual practicing clinicians. Our NP new hire seems very competent, but he hasn't been transparent or prompt about confirming which codes he needs. Our 3rd party billing company has provided a total list of possible codes that they physically allow, but it's about 150 codes and I don't want to confuse any other admin by adding all of them (also it'd be a lot of work). I know some CPT are infamously hard to get reimbursed for, our NP has said off-handedly that 99213 is one such code, but I can't find any confirmation of that elsewhere. I can always add more codes later if he needs them, but I need to populate at least a dozen or so to start with--per my boss.
This is the list I've compiled so far: 90792, 99204, 99205, 90832, 90833, 90836, 99213, 99214, 99215. Is this a good start? Any that you'd take off/just don't apply? Any that you'd add?
Additionally, after I compile a list, I'll need to add a short but clear description for at least the intake/"new patient" CPT code that will make sense for both the psych NP himself, our schedulers, other therapists in the practice who want to book their client with our new NP, and self-scheduling clients who want to book an intake with him.
I'm terribly sorry if this isn't the right forum for this question, or if this is a bother. Thank so much in advance if anyone has any thoughts or help, I greatly appreciate it.
TLDR: What CPT codes are most often used for routine medication management by a psych NP (USA) in an outpatient setting? Or please confirm what are good sources to find out this information (other than AMA which has been somewhat helpful).
submitted by Own-Cow-236 to AskPsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 18:34 OK6164 CPT Codes for Operating Room and Anesthesia

First-time Reddit posting, and I'm hoping someone could please help provide me with the correct CPT codes for: (1) operating room fees and (2) anesthesia costs.
The surgery was done in a surgical center that is part of the doctor's office (i.e., not at a hospital).
The anesthesia was: (i) general endotracheal and (ii) 1/2% lidocaine and 1:200,000 epinephrine pre-injected into the incision.
The underlying procedure codes are 19371 and 19330 (related to removal of ruptured silicone implants).
Cigna has told me they won't release codes to subscribers and the provider's office is telling me it's the patient's responsibility to collect all necessary codes because they are very adamantly "not providers for any insurance company." I've already paid them in full so they are not incentivized to do anything.
I'd be very grateful for any assistance that might help pull me out of this Kafkaesque cycle of stonewalling and incompetence that I've been dealing with for the past 6 months. I have been unable to submit properly a claim in full for the surgery costs due to these missing CPT codes. Thank you!
submitted by OK6164 to CodingandBilling [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 14:09 Instapayhealthcar The Vital Role of Cardiology Billing Services in Medical Billing

The Vital Role of Cardiology Billing Services in Medical Billing
In the rapidly evolving healthcare landscape, powerful medical billing is vital for the financial health of any medical exercise. Among the diverse specialties, cardiology billing gives particular demanding situations due to its complex tactics and frequent updates to coding requirements. Efficient cardiology billing services in US are essential for making sure accurate reimbursement and maintaining the financial stability of cardiology practices. This article delves into the importance of specialized cardiology billing services and highlights why Instapay Healthcare Services stands out as the most efficient provider inside the United States.

Understanding the Complexity of Cardiology Billing
Cardiology billing features a wide variety of services, together with diagnostic assessments, invasive procedures, and lengthy-time period treatments. Each of these services has its unique codes and documentation requirements, making the billing method difficult and time-consuming. Errors in coding or documentation can cause claim denials, delayed payments, and significant revenue loss.

cardiology billing services in US
Key Challenges in Cardiology Billing
1. Detailed Coding Requirements: Cardiology methods often involve more than one steps and additives, every requiring particular coding. Missteps in this manner can bring about declare rejections.
2. Regulatory Changes: The healthcare enterprise is issue to frequent regulatory updates. Staying compliant with the today's coding requirements, which include ICD-10, CPT, and HCPCS codes, is essential for accurate billing.
3. Insurance Verification: Ensuring that insurance information is current and accurate is important to avoid denials and delays in payments.
4. Complex Documentation: Proper documentation is crucial for substantiating the scientific necessity of tactics. Incomplete or incorrect documentation can cause compliance troubles and financial penalties.

The Role of Cardiology Billing Services
Given the intricacies of cardiology billing, partnering with a specialized billing service provider can significantly enhance the performance and profitability of a cardiology practice. Here’s how:
1. Accuracy and Compliance: Professional cardiology billing services have the information to handle distinctive coding correctly, ensuring compliance with the ultra-modern policies. This reduces the risk of declare denials and audits.
2. Time and Resource Management: Outsourcing billing permits healthcare providers to focus on patient care in place of administrative duties. This improves common performance and patient pleasure.
3. Revenue Optimization: Expert billing services make sure that all eligible claims are submitted correctly and promptly, maximizing reimbursements and reducing the cycle time for payments.
4. Advanced Technology: Specialized billing services utilize modern-day software and analytics to track claims, manage denials, and identify regions for improvement. This technology-driven technique enhances the accuracy and speed of the billing system.

Why Choose Instapay Healthcare Services?
When it involves cardiology billing services in US, Instapay Healthcare Services is identified as the leading provider inside the United States. Here’s what units them apart:
1. Expertise in Cardiology Billing: Instapay Healthcare Services boasts a group of billing professionals with extensive experience in cardiology. Their in-intensity knowledge of the today's coding standards and regulatory requirements guarantees precision in every claim submitted.
2. Comprehensive Services: From insurance verification to claim submission and follow-up, Instapay provides a full spectrum of billing services tailored in particular to cardiology practices. This comprehensive method guarantees that no thing of the billing manner is not noted.
3. Cutting-Edge Technology: Instapay leverages superior billing software program and analytics tools to streamline the billing process. Their technology no longer best hurries up claims processing but also gives precious insights into practice performance and revenue traits.
4. Personalized Support: Understanding that each exercise is specific, Instapay gives customized answers to meet the particular wishes of every customer. Their devoted support group is always to be had to cope with any worries and provide ongoing help.
5. Proven Track Record: With a excessive achievement rate in claim approvals and a sturdy recognition for purchaser pleasure, Instapay Healthcare Services has installed itself because go-to choice for cardiology billing services.

Efficient cardiology billing is essential for the financial health of cardiology practices. By addressing the complexities of targeted coding, regulatory compliance, and documentation, specialized cardiology billing services can optimize revenue and streamline operations. Instapay Healthcare Services often is the satisfactory cardiology billing provider in US, providing unmatched information, complete services, and advanced generation to make sure accurate and well timed reimbursements. Partnering with Instapay no longer most effective enhances the economic overall performance of cardiology practices but also permits healthcare providers to focus on what they do great—handing over first-rate patient care.

By optimizing your cardiology billing with Instapay Healthcare Services, you could rest confident that your practice’s financial health is in expert hands.
submitted by Instapayhealthcar to u/Instapayhealthcar [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 14:03 icemedic89 I'm Looking For Something Different

I do, truthfully, mean the title. I’m seeking a realistic high Command position, Cpt level or above. By this, I mean where the admin stuff takes up most of the time, and in-game is not the primary focus. I’m looking for this due to my work schedule. I’m on call Monday through Friday, so while ingame can be a significant part of it, there are some limits.
What I am looking for in a server:
Due to my work schedule, the variety of patrol times across world time zones is not a deal breaker. I am in EST.
About Me:
I have been RPing since 2012, yes, GTA IV days, mostly Fire and EMS, and I have spent time in all positions up to and including HOD. IRL, I am a former juvenile corrections officer, Army medic, and BLS supervisor. I work for the coroner now (I am not opposed to doing that as a unit if there is interest. This would be a ground-up build). I even have the beginnings of a program to put EMS responders in an LEO dept due to the challenges of an EMS roleplay.
Rp Resume: Fire Chief/ Director of Emergency Services, OPP Constable-RCMP / Mounites gaming(GTA IV and GTA V)
EMS Captain/ BCSO Emergency Ambulance SGT, Asst. Director of HR -Roleplay Code 3/ Priority roleplay(GTA IV and GTA V)
Trooper First Class- LegitRP
Firefighte Paramedic - SAF
Deputy Fire Chief, Officer III- Blizzard RP
Fire Capt(Ret.), Snr Firefighter, Paramedic, Head of IA for the fire dept.-Elevation RP
Community Coordinator, IA Director, Fire Chief- Blue Mountain RolePlay
If you or your community are interested in exploring this further, please respond to this post with a way to communicate. I’m open to any suggestions or ideas you may have, and I’m eager to discuss how we can work together. Thank you for your time and consideration.
submitted by icemedic89 to FiveMServers [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 19:04 AlarmedAd8713 Pathology Results Finally Back

Pathology Results Finally Back
Hey guys, I joined this subreddit about a month ago after I was diagnosed with TC. I've been fairly active on here and have gained a lot of knowledge and comfort in the comments, posts, and DM conversations that have helped me through my process so far.
I had my orchi on May 3rd and just got my pathology back, which was delayed due to the physician reviewing the pathology going on vacation or something, I'm not too sure. I have read a lot of other pathology results and have done lots of research to get a grasp on the risk factors and the lingo that goes along with it.
As you can see, it thankfully came back as pure seminoma. I'm only 22 years old and so far have read and been told by my doc that non-seminoma is much more common the younger you are and certainly the more aggressive type typically. I am extremely grateful this was not the case for me, however there were a couple things I wanted some more eyes to look at before my follow-up next week. So far the concerning things I've noticed have been the tumor size, which I was shocked at being 6 cm as I have no idea how that was being contained down there. It certainly felt much smaller than that but in my case it grew inside my right testicle and essentially took it over from the inside, when it got removed my testicle was almost completely a seminoma tumor it seems.
Secondly, I know rete testis is another risk factor that can be considered for recurrence. Personally, I don't know how much of a risk factor this leads to. There was no LVI which from what I know is a good sign. Overall, I know there are lots of you guys that have gone through this before me and therefore are more knowledgeable on the subject.
So, what do you guys think? How typical is it for a 22 year old to get a pure seminoma tumor; and from what you guys can tell, what do you think my recurrence odds are? Based on the tumor size and RTI I'm guesstimating around 75%-80%. Lastly, would you consider adjuvant treatment for this pathology or let it ride out with surveillance only? Sorry for the long winded post, thanks so much guys. Everybody here is a true legend in their own right.
submitted by AlarmedAd8713 to testicularcancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 17:26 ChanceDisaster711 Nervous

So, I think I might have gotten the insurance thing taken care of. Only took an entire afternoon on the phone, but I called my insurance company again yesterday, and this time I spoke to a different representative who said that I should be 100% covered. She gave me 4 CPT codes to give to my GYN office and told me to call her again if there's a problem.
I'm leaving in about 20 min. and I'm going to go talk to someone in my doctor's office face-to-face. I want to be excited about it, but I also don't want to count my chickens before they hatch 🙁
I'm so effing nervous, guys. Wish me luck.
submitted by ChanceDisaster711 to childfree [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 17:06 JPChorgan Need Advice - Which Program is Best for me? Data Analytics

Hi All,
I've been applying for some online programs to attend while also working a full time job. I currently work in a support function at an investment bank, and am looking to develop some technical skills in data analysis. I want to learn a respectable coding level to be able to enhance my resume/skillset moving forward. I've applied to 4 programs at the moment, and just want to hear 2 cents on which is best. - Cheapest option, Courses seemed least interesting of the 4, But it is accredited and seems to do the job. Already accepted too. - Slightly better, but also not an amazing reputation. - Seems to be a quality option, my first/second choice if accepted. - Also first or second choice if accepted.
My main concerns are kinda conflicting. I went to a pretty good lib arts undergrad program for Econ, so people have been telling me that a less desirable college for this program might look bad on my resume. At the same time, I don't have a very strong undergraduate math background, so it hasn't been easy to find many coding heavy graduate programs that I qualify for. Would love to hear anyone's two cents!
Thank you!
submitted by JPChorgan to gradadmissions [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 14:16 ABrownMBP 6 Tips for CPT Modifier Reimbursement

Accurately using CPT modifiers is key to getting reimbursed fairly for your healthcare services. These codes add crucial details about service complexity to primary procedure codes. But using them incorrectly can lead to claim denials and lost revenue.
This guide offers six essential tips to ensure you get reimbursed for the CPT modifiers you deserve. By following these steps, you can streamline your medical billing and improve your practice’s financial health.
1. Master Your Payer’s Policies
Different insurance companies have varying rules regarding accepted modifiers and their usage. Understanding these nuances is crucial for successful claims.
2. Consider a Certified Coder
A certified coder brings expertise in navigating medical coding and modifier application. They can:
3. Focus on Detailed Clinical Documentation
Modifiers are only effective when supported by thorough clinical documentation in the patient’s medical record.
By following these tips, you can ensure proper CPT modifier usage, optimize your medical billing process, and maximize your practice’s financial well-being.
Top Benefits of Hiring a Medical Billing Company for Your Small Practice
Hiring a medical billing company for a small practice offers numerous benefits that can enhance the practice’s efficiency, financial stability, and overall patient care.
Here are some key reasons why a small practice might consider outsourcing their medical billing:
  1. Improved Revenue Cycle Management:
2. Expertise and Compliance:
3. Cost Savings:
submitted by ABrownMBP to u/ABrownMBP [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 14:15 ABrownMBP 6 Tips for CPT Modifier Reimbursement

Accurately using CPT modifiers is key to getting reimbursed fairly for your healthcare services. These codes add crucial details about service complexity to primary procedure codes. But using them incorrectly can lead to claim denials and lost revenue.
This guide offers six essential tips to ensure you get reimbursed for the CPT modifiers you deserve. By following these steps, you can streamline your medical billing and improve your practice’s financial health.
1. Master Your Payer’s Policies
Different insurance companies have varying rules regarding accepted modifiers and their usage. Understanding these nuances is crucial for successful claims.
2. Consider a Certified Coder
A certified coder brings expertise in navigating medical coding and modifier application. They can:
3. Focus on Detailed Clinical Documentation
Modifiers are only effective when supported by thorough clinical documentation in the patient’s medical record.
By following these tips, you can ensure proper CPT modifier usage, optimize your medical billing process, and maximize your practice’s financial well-being.
Top Benefits of Hiring a Medical Billing Company for Your Small Practice
Hiring a medical billing company for a small practice offers numerous benefits that can enhance the practice’s efficiency, financial stability, and overall patient care.
Here are some key reasons why a small practice might consider outsourcing their medical billing:
  1. Improved Revenue Cycle Management:
2. Expertise and Compliance:
3. Cost Savings:
submitted by ABrownMBP to physician [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 06:18 SweetShortyK May I get a Hospital bill break down from a qualified person? Extremely overpriced. Thank goodness for discount.

May I get a Hospital bill break down from a qualified person? Extremely overpriced. Thank goodness for discount.
Went to the ER for abdominal pain lasted more than a week, severe at times that it was crippling. I had a free STD test panel from a local womens clinic ealrier the same day. They refer me to hospital as nothing much they else they provide. The STD Panel was Negative everything, i informed nurse and provided paperwork. They did a urine test and blood test, then sent me for an intra vaginal ultrasound. Said I was pregnant est. 4 to 6 weeks, but only saw a gestational sac. I had a "period" last week so I guess I had miscarried before I even knew I was pregnant.
submitted by SweetShortyK to HospitalBills [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 19:50 honeyandbread01 Concurrent commercial billing

Seeking clarity for concurrent commercial treatment with 3+ patients and billing. My understanding is regardless of payer source, it is not right to bill > 7 units per hour IF only using timed CPT codes from AMA using their “Rule of 8’s”, not the “8-Minute Rule” for federal payers.
I have heard of folks full charging 4+ units per patient for 3+ patients per 60-minute session even if they are commercial and I am not understanding how that works.
submitted by honeyandbread01 to physicaltherapy [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 21:58 d6minis [H] Chaos, Marines, Orks, Tau, Heresy, AOS, Imperialis, + Lots, [W] $$, [Loc] Toronto, CAD

Hello guys looking to sell alot of warhammer items.
Shipping will be bundled for multiple items and is much more worthwhile
Shipping to USA roughly $6-$13 USD average
Shipping to Canada roughly $13.50 - $15 CAD average
I request canadian amounts via paypal USD prices are more for reference
10th Edition Rulebook and Cards - new - $41 USD / $55 CAD
10th Edition Cards - new - $12 USD / $20 CAD
Beta Garmon - new sealed - $41 USD / $55 CAD
Solar Auxilia Battle Group - new on sprue - $155 USD / $210 CAD
Solar Aux Command Section - new on sprue - $15.50 USD / $20 CAD
10 Solar Aux LasRilfe Section - new on sprue - $23 USD / $30 CAD
Solar Aux Veletaris - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
Aethon Heavy Sentinal - new on sprue - $36 USD / $50 CAD
Hermes Sentinal Squadron - new on sprue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
Solar Aux Leman Russ - new on sprue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
Solar Aux Leman Russ Assault Tank - new on sprue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
Malcador Heavy Tank - new on sprue - $66 USD / $90 CAD
Dracosan Armoured Transport - new on sprue - $69 USD / $80 CAD
Solar Auxilia Basilisk / Medusa - new on sprue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
Forces of Fantasy - new - $39 USD / $50 CAD
Ravening Hordes - new - $39 USD / $50 CAD
Orcs and Goblins Battalion - new on sprue - $120 USD / $160 CAD
Black Orc Mob - new on sprue - $55 USD / $75 CAD
Goblin Wo1f Riders - new on sprue - $45 USD / $60 CAD
Primaris Space Marines
Adeptus Astartes Dice - great condition - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
Iron Hands Dice - new - $39.50 USD / $50 CAD
Ravn Guard Dice - new - $39.50 USD / $50 CAD
Space Marines Spearhead Force - new on sprue - $180 USD / $240 CAD
Black Library Cpt Messinius - new in box - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Guilliman - new on sprue - $52 USD / $70 CAD
Sgt Castus - new in box - $44.50 USD / $60 CAD
Primaris Shrike - new on sprue - $34 USD / $45 CAD
Primaris Calgar (full kit) - new on sprue - $44 USD / $60 CAD
Primaris Calgar only - painted well - $44 USD / $60 CAD
Primaris Tigurius - new on sprue - $34 USD / $45 CAD
Primaris Tigurius - painted tabletop - $34 USD / $45 CAD
Tor Garradon - new on sprue - $34 USD / $45 CAD
Primaris Kosarro Khan - new on sprue - $34 USD / $45 CAD
Custom Primaris Smash Captain - Pro Painted - $44.50 USD / $60 CAD
Captain in Terminator Armour (Leviathan) - new on sprue - $19.50 USD / $25 CAD
Librarian in Terminator Armour (Leviathan) - new on sprue - $12 USD / $20 CAD
Librarian in Terminator Armour (Leviathan) - painted - $12 USD / $15 CAD
Liutenant (Leviathan) - new on sprue - $19.50 USD / $25 CAD
Liutenant (Leviathan) - primed - $12 USD / $20 CAD
Gravis Cpt - new on sprue - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Gravis Captain (Dark Imperium) - primed - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
Gravis Captain (Dark Imperium) - painted fists - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Gravis Captain (Dark Imperium) - painted ultras - $39.50 USD / $50 CAD
Gravis Cpt w/ Heavy Bolt - new on sprue - $30.50 USD / $38.50 CAD
Primaris Cpt w/ Jump Pack - new on sprue - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Primaris Captain - new on sprue - $32 USD / $38.50 CAD
Primaris Captain (Indomitus) - built/painted - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
White Scars HQ w/ Jump pack - painted well- $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
White Scars Primaris LT - painted - $12 USD / $15 CAD
Captain in Phobos Armor - new on sprue - $30.50 USD / $38.50 CAD
Captain in Phobos Armor - built/primed - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
Primaris LT Agastus - new on sprue - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
Primaris LT Agastus - primed - $19.50 USD / $25 CAD
Primaris LT (Indomitus) - new on sprue - $19.50 USD / $25 CAD
Primaris LT (Indomitus) -primed/painted - $12 USD / $20 CAD
Primaris LT phobos armor - built/primed - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
Primaris LT w/ Power swrd - new on sprue - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
Primaris LT w/ Power swrd - painted fists - $19.50 USD / $25 CAD
Primaris LT (Dark imperium) - built - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
Primaris Chaplain - new on sprue - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
Primaris Chaplain on bike - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
Chaplain in Terminator Armour - new on sprue - $34 USD / $45 CAD
Primaris Librarian - new on sprue - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Primaris Librarian - primed/painted - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
Primaris Librarian Phobos Armor - painted ultras - $39.50 USD / $50 CAD
Primaris Ancient - new on sprue - $30.50 USD / $38.50 CAD
Primaris Ancient (Dark Imperium) - painted fists - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
Primaris Ancient (Dark Imperium) - built/primed - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
Company Heroes - new on sprue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
Primaris Bladeguard Ancient - primed - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
Judiciar - primed - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Apothecary Biologis - new on sprue - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Primaris Apothecary - new on sprue - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Primaris Apothecary - painted - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
5 Primaris Reivers - painted crimson fists - $19.50 USD / $25 CAD
5 White Scars Reivers - painted well- $19.50 USD / $25 CAD
Sternguard (full kit) - new on sprue - $44 USD / $60 CAD
Sternguard (leviathan) - new on sprue - $39.50 USD / $50 CAD
5 Sternguard - primed - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Terminators (Full Kit) - new on sprue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
Terminators (Leviathan) - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
5 Terminators - primed - $34 USD / $45 CAD
3 Aggressors (Full kit) - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
Invictor warsuit - new on sprue - $52 USD / $70 CAD
Invictor warsuit - painted/built - $44 USD / $60 CAD
Brutalis - new on sprue - $55 USD / $75 CAD
Redemptor (full kit) - new on sprue - $57 USD / $75 CAD
Redemptor - painted - $48 USD / $65 CAD
Redemptor - painted ultras - $65 USD / $90 CAD
Ballistus Dread - new on sprue - $52 USD / $70 CAD
Ballistus Dread - painted well - $75 USD / $100 CAD
10 Kill Team Scouts - new on sprue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
5 Primaris Intercessors (full kit) - new on sprue - $22 USD / $30 CAD
5 Primaris Intercessors - painted crimson fists - $19.50 USD / $25 CAD
5 Primaris Intercessor - primed/painted - $15 USD / $20 CAD
5 Primaris Infiltrators/incursors (full kit) - new on sprue - $22 USD / $30 CAD
5 Primaris Infiltrators/incursors - painted/primed - $19.50 USD / $25 CAD
10 Primaris Infiltrators/incursors (Kill Team) - new on sprue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
5 Infernus Squad - new on sprue - $15 USD / $20 CAD
Heavy Intercessors - new on sprue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
Jump Pack Intercessors - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
5 Jump Pack Intercessors - primed - $39.50 USD / $50 CAD
3 Primaris Inceptors - painted - $39.50 USD / $50 CAD
Primaris Outriders - new on sprue - $44.50 USD / $60 CAD
3 Primaris Outriders - built/painted - $39.50 USD / $50 CAD
Primaris Invader ATV - new on sprue - $39.50 USD / $50 CAD
5 Desolation Marines - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
5 Primaris Hellblasters (full kit) - new on sprue - $22 USD / $30 CAD
5 Primaris Hellblasters - painted well - $29 USD / $35 CAD
5 Primaris Hellblasters - painted - $19.50 USD / $25 CAD
Eliminators (full kit) - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
3 Eliminators - primed/built - $34 USD / $45 CAD
3 Eradicators - painted ultras - $53 USD / $70 CAD
Firestrike Servo Turrent - new on sprue - $29 USD / $35 CAD
Firestrike Servo Turrent - primed/built - $22 USD / $30 CAD
Repulsor Executioner - new on sprue - $82 USD / $110 CAD
Impulsor - painted - $53 USD / $70 CAD
Hamerfall Bunker - new on sprue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
Hamerfall Bunker - painted - $44 USD / $60 CAD
Stormrven - painted/primed - $80 USD / $105 CAD
Black Templars
Limited Ed Black Templar Codex and Cards - new - $8 USD / $10 CAD
Black Templars Combat Patrol - new on sprue - $116 USD / $155 CAD
Bayard's Revenge - new sealed - $44 USD / $55 CAD
Bayard's Revenge - primed - $35 USD / $45 CAD
Helbrecht - new on sprue - $44 USD / $55 CAD
Helbrecht - primed/built - $35 USD / $45 CAD
Grimaldus and Retinue - new on sprue - $44 USD / $55 CAD
Grimaldus and Retinue - primed/built - $35 USD / $45 CAD
OOP Metal Grimaldus and retinue - painted - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
Primaris Emperor's Champion - new on sprue - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Primaris Emperor's Champion - painted well - $47 USD / $60 CAD
Primaris Emperor's Champion - primed/painted - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
OOP Emporers Champion - painted well - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Black Templars Marshall - new on sprue - $19.50 USD / $25 CAD
Black Templars Marshall - painted/primed - $15 USD / $20 CAD
BT Gravis Cpt - painted - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
BT Ancient - built - $30.50 USD / $38.50 CAD
Castellan - built - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
Castellan - missing shoulderpad - $15 USD / $20 CAD
BT Primaris Chaplain - built - $30 USD / $38.50 CAD
BT Ancient - built - $30 USD / $38.50 CAD
BT BG Ancient - built - $30 USD / $38.50 CAD
Converted Primaris Apothecary - primed - $12 USD / $15 CAD
Single Templar Primaris Marine - converted - $8 USD / $10 CAD
Primaris Crusader Squad - new on sprue - $47 USD / $60 CAD
Primaris Crusader Squad (10 Models) - built/primed/painted - $38 USD / $50 CAD
Primaris Swrd Bretheren - new on sprue - $48.50 USD / $60 CAD
Primaris Sword Bretheren - built/primed - $38 USD / $50 CAD
5 BT Assault Intercessors - built - $19.50 USD / $25 CAD
5 BT Reivers - painted - $15.50 USD / $20 CAD
3 BT Outriders - built - $35 USD / $45 CAD
Cerastus Knight Lancer - new on sprue - $141 USD / $195 CAD
Cerastus Knight Castigator - new on sprue - $141 USD / $195 CAD
Cerastus Knight Archeron - new on sprue - $141 USD / $195 CAD
IK Crusader - painted tabletop - $151 USD / $210 CAD
IK Paladin - painted tabletop - $151 USD / $210 CAD
IK Errant - Pro Painted - $200 USD/ $270 CAD
IK Gallant - painted well - $166 USD / $230 CAD
Knight Abominant / Desecrator / Rampager - new on sprue - $134 USD / $175 CAD
Chaos Knight Wardogs - new on sprue - $66 USD / $90 CAD
World Eaters
World Eaters Combat Patrol - new on sprue - $114 USD / $155 CAD
Angron - new on sprue - new on sprue - $117 USD / $160 CAD
Lord Invocatus / Lord on Juggernaut - new on sprue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
Lord Invocatus - painted tabletop - $58 USD / $80 CAD
Eightbound / Exalted Eightbound - new on sprue - $47 USD / $60 CAD
Eightbound / Exalted Eightbound - painted - $38 USD / $50 CAD
Eightbound / Exalted Eightbound - Pro Painted - $85 USD / $115 CAD
Khorne Berzerkers - new on sprue - $47 USD / $60 CAD
Jakhals - new on sprue - $41.50 USD / $55 CAD
10th Edition CSM Codex - new sealed - $43 USD / $55 CAD
10th Edition CSM Codex - new no code - $31 USD / $40 CAD
10th Ed CSM Data Cards - new sealed - 27.50 USD / $35 CAD
Chaos Dice 2024 - new sealed - $29 USD / $35 CAD
Vashtorr Dice - new sealed - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
Kill Team Chaotica Dice - new sealed - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
Balefleet Battleforce - new on sprue - $190 USD / $260 CAD
CSM Combat Patrol 2024 - new on sprue - $117 USD / $155 CAD
Vashtorr = new on sprue - $70 USD / $55 CAD
Vashtorr - Pro Painted - $125 USD / $170 CAD
Abaddon (new) - new on sprue - $52 USD / $70 CAD
Abaddon (new) - primed - $47 USD / $60 CAD
OOP Metal Abaddon - Pro Painted - $45 USD / $50 CAD
Fabius Bile - new on sprue - $36 USD / $45 CAD
Warpsmith - built - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
Haarken Worldclaimer - built - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
Daemon Prince (New 2023) - new on sprue - $60 USD / $80 CAD
Daemon Prince - painted well - $47 USD / $60 CAD
Daemon Prince - painted/built - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
Master of Executions - new on sprue - $23 USD / $30 CAD
Dark Apostle w/ Disciples (new) - new on sprue - $30 USD / $45 CAD
Lord Discordant - new on sprue - $51.50 USD / $70 CAD
Lord Discordant - Pro Painted - $100 USD / $135 CAD
Lord Discordant - painted iron warriors - $85 USD / $115 CAD
Lord Discordant - painted wel black legion - $85 USD / $115 CAD
Chaos Sorc (new) - new on sprue - $23 USD / $30 CAD
OOP Metal Chaos Sorcerer w/ wings - painted - $15 USD / $20 CAD
Chaos Lord / Sorcerer in Terminator Armour - new on sprue - $23 USD / $30 CAD
Custom Chaos Lord - builtprimed - $15 USD / $20 CAD
OOP Metal Khorne Chaos Lord - primed - $19.50 USD / $25 CAD
Noise Marine - primed - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
Aspiring Champion - part built - $23 USD / $30 CAD
Dark Commune - new on sprue - $41.50 USD / $55 CAD
Dark Commune - part built - $36 USD / $45 CAD
Chosen (New) - new on sprue - $45 USD / $60 CAD
Chaos Terminators (new) - new on sprue - $47 USD / $60 CAD
5 Chaos Terminators - painted iron warriors - $49 USD / $65 CAD
5 Chaos Terminators - built - $45 USD / $50 CAD
Possessed (New) - new on sprue - $45 USD / $50 CAD
5 Possessed - painted/primed - $36 USD / $45 CAD
Kill Team Legionaries - new on sprue - $53 USD / $70 CAD
Chaos Space Marines (full kit) - new on sprue - $49 USD / $65 CAD
10 Chaos Space Marines - painted iron warriors - $53 USD / $70 CAD
10 Chaos Space Marines - built - $41.50 USD / $55 CAD
Accursed Cultists - new on sprue - $41.50 USD / $55 CAD
8 Accursed Cultists - built - $34 USD / $45 CAD
Cultists (New) - new on sprue - $34 USD / $45 CAD
Raptors/Warptalons - new on sprue - $34 USD / $45 CAD
Chaos Bikers - new on sprue - $34 USD / $45 CAD
Chaos Spawn - new on sprue - $41.50 USD / $55 CAD
Single Chaos Spawn - painted well - $23 USD / $30 CAD
Venomcrawler - new unbuilt - $45 USD / $50 CAD
Venomcrawler - Pro Painted - $55 USD / $75 CAD
5 Chaos Havocs - new on sprue - $47 USD / $60 CAD
5 Chaos Havocs - built - $45 USD / $50 CAD
5 Khorne Havocs - built - $43 USD / $55 CAD
Chaos Rino - new on sprue - $41.50 USD / $55 CAD
Warpforged - new on sprue - $60 USD / $75 CAD
2 Obliterators - new unbuilt - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Hellbrute (full kit) - new on sprue - $49 USD / $65 CAD
Chaos Predator - new on sprue - $60 USD / $75 CAD
Forgefiend - Pro Painted - $95 USD / $130 CAD
Helldrake - new on sprue - $60 USD / $75 CAD
Noctilith Crown - new on sprue - $53 USD / $70 CAD
10th Ed Custodes Codex - new sealed - $43 USD / $55 CAD
10th Ed Custodes Codex - new no code - $31 USD / $40 CAD
10th Ed Custodes Codex - code only - $19.50 USD / $25 CAD
10th Ed Custodes Data Cards - new sealed - 27.50 USD / $35 CAD
10th Ed Index Cards - new - $8 USD / $10 CAD
9th Ed LImited Ed Custodes Codex - great - $20 USD / $25 CAD
9th Ed Custodes Codex - great - $8 USD / $10 CAD
Auric Champions Battleforce - new on sprue - $190 USD / $260 CAD
Custodes Combat Patrol (2024) - new on sprue - $115 USD / $155 CAD
Trajan Valoris - new on sprue - $35 USD / $45 CAD
Trajan Valoris - Pro Painted - $64 USD / $85 CAD
Trajan Valoris - painted well - $44.50 USD / $60 CAD
Valerian and Aleya - new on sprue - $43 USD / $55 CAD
Single Shield Captain - converted - $22 USD / $30 CAD
Single Vertus Praetor on Dawn Egle - new on sprue - $19.50 USD / $25 CAD
Single Vertus Praetor on Dawn Eagle - painted based - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
5 Custodian Guard - new on sprue - $38 USD / $50 CAD
5 Custodian Guard - built/primed/part built - $35 USD / $45 CAD
9 Custodian Guard - painted well - $110 USD / $150 CAD
3 Allarus Custodians - new on sprue - $43 USD / $55 CAD
3 Allarus Custodians - Pro Painted - $67 USD / $90 CAD
3 Allarus Custodians - painted well - $58 USD / $80 CAD
3 Allarus Custodians converted w/ 3rd party bits - $51.50 USD / $70 CAD
5 Custodian Wardens - new on sprue - $44.50 USD / $60 CAD
4 Custodian Wardens - painted well - $60 USD / $80 CAD
Sisters of Silence - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
Vertus Praetors - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
3 Vertus Praetors - pro painted - $82 USD / $110 CAD
3 Vertus Praetors - painted well - 70 USD / $95 CAD
3 Vertus Praetors - painted/primed - $38 USD / $50 CAD
10th Ed Tau Codex and Cards - new - $51 USD / $70 CAD
10th Ed Tau Codex and Cards - new no code - $41 USD / $55 CAD
10th Ed Tau Cards - new - $15 USD / $20 CAD
Tau Empire Dice - great - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Tau Kroot Hunting Pack - models only - $135 USD / $185 CAD
Tau Combat Patrol (2024) - new on sprue - $115 USD / $155 CAD
Farsight (2023) - new on sprue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
OOP Farsight - painted well - $38.50 USD / $50 CAD
Shadownsun (New) - new on sprue - $40 USD / $55 CAD
Shadownsun (New) - painted tabletop - $48 USD / $65 CAD
OOP Shadowsun - built - $15 USD / $20 CAD
Commander Suit - new on sprue - $45 USD /$60 CAD
Commander Suit - Pro Painted - $75 USD / $100 CAD
Commander Suit - painted well - $41 USD / $55 CAD
Commander Suit - built/painted - $34 USD / $45 CAD
Commander Suit - converted need tlc - $30 USD / $40 CAD
OOP Commander Suit - damaged - $20 USD / $25 CAD
Darkstrider (new) - new on sprue - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
Dark Strider (New) - built - $22 USD / $30 CAD
OOP Darkstrider - Pro Painted - $34 USD / $45 CAD
OOP Metal Tau Ehereal - painted - $15 USD / $20 CAD
Ethereal w/ Honorb1ade - damaged - $8 USD / $10 CAD
Ethereal on Hover Drone - new on sprue - $20 USD / $25 CAD
Ethereal on Hover Drone - painted well - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Ethereal on Hover Drone - painted - $12 USD / $15 CAD
2 Aunva Bodyguard - built - $12 USD / $15 CAD
Cadre Fireb1ade - new on sprue - $22 USD / $30 CAD
Cadre Fireb1ade - primed/painted - $20 USD / $25 CAD
Kroot Lone Spear - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
Kroot Warshaper - new on sprue - $22 USD / $30 CAD
Kroot Trailshaper - new on sprue - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
Kroot Fleshshaper - new on sprue - $20 USD / $25 CAD
Stealth Suits - new on sprue - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
3 Stealth Suits - painted well - $30 USD / $40 CAD
3 Stealth Suits - painted/built - $22 USD / $30 CAD
Ghostkeel - new on sprue - $68 USD / $90 CAD
Ghostkeel - painted - $56 USD / $75 CAD
Farstalker Kinband - new on sprue - - $45 USD /$60 CAD
3 XV8 Crisis Suits - needs tlc - $45 USD /$60 CAD
10 Fire WarrioBreachers (full Kit) - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
10 Fire Warriors/Breachers - painted red - $41 USD / $55 CAD
10 Fire Warriors/Breachers - painted - $34 USD / $45 CAD
DS 8 Support turret - painted/primed - $4 USD / $5 CAD
Kroot Carnivore Squad - new on sprue - - $41 USD / $55 CAD
Tau Prhana - painted - $23 USD / $30 CAD
Firestrike marksman w/ 3 sniper drones - painted - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Pathfinders (New) - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
10 Pathfinders (New) - built - $34 USD / $45 CAD
10 Pathfinders - painted - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
6 Assorted Drones - painted/built/primed - $12 USD / $15 CAD
Kroot Hounds - new on sprue - $30 USD / $40 CAD
2 Tetras - built - $15 USD / $20 CAD
Krootox Rider - new on sprue - $34 USD / $45 CAD
Krootox Rampagers - new on sprue - $45 USD /$60 CAD
Broadside - new on sprue - $45 USD /$60 CAD
Broadside - primed - $38.50 USD / $50 CAD
OOP Metal Broadside - painted - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
Riptide - painted/primed - $80 USD / $100 CAD
Riptide - painted needs TLC - $65 USD / $85 CAD
Devilfsh - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
Stormsurge - new on sprue - $132 USD / $175 CAD
Votann Combat Patrol - new on sprue - $117 USD / $155 CAD
9th Ed Codex Cards + Tokens - new - $12 USD / $15 CAD
Ancestors Wrath - new in box - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Uthar the Destined / Kahl - new on sprue - $19.50 USD / $25 CAD
Uthar the Destined / Kahl - painted - $15 USD / $20 CAD
Kahl - painted well - $25 USD / $35 CAD
Einhyr Champion - new on sprue - $30.50 USD / $38.50 CAD
Einhyr Champion - painted tabletop - $30.50 USD / $38.50 CAD
Einhyr Champion - painted - $22 USD / $30 CAD
Grimnyr - new on sprue - $34 USD / $45 CAD
Grimnyr - painted well - $34 USD / $45 CAD
Brokhyr Iron Master - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
Brokhyr Iron Master - painted well -$41 USD / $55 CAD
Brokhyr Iron Master - painted - $39.50 USD / $50 CAD
Hearthguard - new on sprue - $44.50 USD / $60 CAD
5 Einhyr Hearthguard - painted well - $65 USD / $90 CAD
Cthonian Berserks - painted/primed - $39.50 USD / $50 CAD
10 Hearthkyn Warriors - new on sprue - $34 USD / $45 CAD
10 Hearthkyn Warriors - painted/primed - $25 USD / $35 CAD
10 Hearthkyn Warriors - painted well - $65 USD / $90 CAD
3 Hernkyn Pioneers - new on sprue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
3 Hernkyn Pioneers - painted/primed - $41 USD / $55 CAD
3 Hernkyn Pioneers - painted tabletop - $48 USD / $65 CAD
3 Hernkyn Pioneers - painted well - $74 USD / $100 CAD
Sagitaur - new on sprue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
Sagitaur - missing canopy - $39.50 USD / $50 CAD
Brokyhr Thunderkyn - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
3 Brokyhr Thunderkyn - painted tabletop - $61 USD / $85 CAD
3 Brokyhr Thunderkyn - primed/painted - $39.50 USD / $50 CAD
Land Fortress - new on sprue - $84 USD / $110 CAD
Land Fortress - primed - $72 USD / $100 CAD
10th Ed Orks Codex - new sealed - $43 USD / $55 CAD
10th Ed Orks Codex - new no code - $30 USD / $40 CAD
10th Ed Orks Data Cards - new sealed - 27.50 USD / $35 CAD
Beast Snaggas Stampede - new on sprue - $190 USD / $260 CAD
Orks Combat Patrol (2024) - new on sprue - $115 USD / $155 CAD
Orks Dice - new sealed - $28 USD / $35 CAD
KT Ork Kommandos Dice - new sealed - $28 USD / $35 CAD
Ufthak Blackhawk - new sealed - $34.50 USD / $45 CAD
Grotmas Gitz - new in box - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Da Red Gobbos Surprise - new in box - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Warboss w/ Mega Armor (combat patrol) - primed - $28 USD / $35 CAD
Warboss w/ Mega Armor (combat patrol) - painted well - $48 USD / $65 CAD
Converted Warboss - painted well - $45 USD / $60 CAD
Ghazghkull and Makari - new on sprue - $51.50 USD / $70 CAD
OOP Ghaz - painted well - $45 USD / $60 CAD
Mozrog Skragbad / Beastboss on Squig - new on sprue - $43 USD / $55 CAD
Beastboss on Squig - Pro Painted - $73.50 USD / $100 CAD
Beastboss on Squig - painted well - $58 USD / $80 CAD
Zodgrod Wortsnagga - new on sprue - $34 USD / $45 CAD
Zodgrod Wortsnagga - built/painted - $28.50 USD / $35 CAD
Deff Killa Wartrike - new on sprue - $43 USD / $55 CAD
Deffkilla War Trike - painted well - $65 USD / $90 CAD
Converted Warboss on bike - painted well - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
Big Mek (2024) - new on sprue - $45 USD / $60 CAD
Big Mek w/ shokk atk gun - painted well - $34.50 USD / $45 CAD
Big Mek w/ KFF - painted well - $48 USD / $65 CAD
OOP Metal Big Mek - painted well - $41 USD / $50 CAD
OOP Metal Snikrot - painted well - $51 USD / $70 CAD
Weirdboy - Pro Painted - $53 USD / $65 CAD
Painboss - new on sprue - $30 USD / $40 CAD
OOP Metal Painboy - painted well - $41 USD / $50 CAD
5 Burna boyz - painted well - $41 USD / $50 CAD
3 Mega Nobz - new on sprue - $51 USD / $70 CAD
5 Nobz - painted/primed - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
5 Nobz - painted tabletop - $30 USD / $40 CAD
10 Kommandos (Octarius) - part built/painted/primed - $43 USD / $55 CAD
10 OOP Kommandos - painted well - $59 USD / $80 CAD
10 Beast Snagga Boyz - new on sprue - $43 USD / $55 CAD
10 Beast Snagga Boyz - primed/built/painted - $41 USD / $50 CAD
10 Ork Boyz (New) - new on sprue - $41 USD / $50 CAD
10 Ork Boyz (New) - primed - $30 USD / $40 CAD
10 Ork Boyz (shootas) - painted well - $37 USD / $50 CAD
10 Ork Boyz (shootas) - built/primed/painted - $28.50 USD / $35 CAD
10 Ork Boyz (Sluggas) - painted tabletop - $36.50 USD / $45 CAD
3 DeffKoptas (new) - new on sprue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
3 DeffKoptas (new) - painted well - $77 USD / $105 CAD
Squighog boyz w/ Smasha Squig - new on sprue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
3 Squighog boyz w/ Smasha Squig - painted - $37 USD / $50 CAD
3 Squighog boyz - painted well - $65 USD / $85 CAD
Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy - new on sprue - $43 USD / $55 CAD
Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy - primed/built - $41 USD / $50 CAD
Kustom Boosta Blasta - new on sprue - $43 USD / $55 CAD
Shokkjump Dragsta - new on sprue - $43 USD / $55 CAD
Megatrakk Scrapjet - new on sprue - $43 USD / $55 CAD
Boomdakka Snazzwagon - painted well- $55 USD / $75 CAD
5 OOP Ork Warbikers - painted tabletop - $52 USD / $70 CAD
OOP Ork Buggies - painted tabletop - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
5 Stormboyz - built - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
5 Stormboyz - Pro Painted - $52 USD / $70 CAD
5 lootas/Burnas - new on sprue - $28.50 USD / $38.50 CAD
5 Lootas - painted/primed/built - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
Mek Gunz - new on sprue - $43 USD / $55 CAD
Mek Gunz - built/primed - $36.50 USD / $45 CAD
Flashgitz - new on sprue - $44.50 USD / $60 CAD
Deff Dread - new on sprue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
Deff Dread - painted tabletop - $51 USD / $70 CAD
Deff Dread - painted/primed - $43 USD / $55 CAD
OOP Metal Deff Dread - painted tabletop - $41 USD / $50 CAD
3 Killa Kanz - new on sprue - $44.50 USD / $60 CAD
Kill Rig / Hunta Rig - new on sprue - $100 USD / $135 CAD
Kill Rig / Hunta Rig - primed/built - $90 USD / $120 CAD
Kill Rig - painted well - $165 USD / $220 CAD
Battlewagon - Pro Painted - $150 USD / $220 CAD
Battlewagon - painted well - $85 USD / $115 CAD
Morkanaut / Gorkanaut - painted well - $140 USD / $190 CAD
KIll Krusha Tnk - $255 USD / $350 CAD
Stompa - new on sprue - $115 USD / $155 CAD
Stompa - Pro Painted - $185 USD / $255 CAD
Stompa - primed - $91 USD / $125 CAD
Burna Bommer (full kit) - new on sprue - $60 USD / $80 CAD
Dakkajet/Burna Bomber - painted well - $75 USD / $100 CAD
Wazbom / Dakkajet - painted - $53 USD / $65 CAD
Death Guard
DG Combat Patrol - new on sprue - $115 USD / $155 CAD
Mortarion - new on sprue - $115 USD / $155 CAD
Typhus - new on sprue - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Typhus - painted well - $47 USD / $60 CAD
Typhus - painted - $24.50 USD / $30 CAD
Lord of Virulence - new on sprue - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Lord of Virulence - primed - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
Lord of Contagion - painted - $24.50 USD / $30 CAD
Malignant Plaguecaster - converted painted well - $33 USD / $45 CAD
Malignant Plaguecaster - painted - $24.50 USD / $30 CAD
Noxious Blightbringer - painted well - $24.50 USD / $30 CAD
Plague Marine Champion - new on sprue - 24.50 USD / $30 CAD
Plague Surgeon - new on sprue - $24.50 USD / $30 CAD
Plague Surgeon - primed - $20 USD / $25 CAD
Tallyman - new on sprue - $24.50 USD / $30 CAD
Tallyman - painted well - $33 USD / $45 CAD
Foul Blightspawn - painted well - $33 USD / $45 CAD
Biologous Putrifier - painted well - $33 USD / $45 CAD
Plague Marine Icon Bearer - new on sprue - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
Plague Marine Icon Bearer - built/primed - $20 USD / $25 CAD
Blightlords - new on sprue - $45 USD / $60 CAD
5 Blightlord Terminators - painted well - $70 USD / $95 CAD
5 Blightlord Terminators - painted - $43 USD / $55 CAD
Deathshroud - painted/primed - $43 USD / $55 CAD
3 Deathshroud - painted well - $78 USD / $90 CAD
10 Poxwalkers - new on sprue - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
10 Poxwalkers- painted - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
10 Poxwalkers - painted well - $43 USD / $55 CAD
7 Plague Marines - new on sprue - $43 USD / $55 CAD
7 Plague Marines - painted well - $70 USD / $95 CAD
7 Plague Marines - painted - $39 USD / $50 CAD
DG Rhino - painted well - $52 USD / $70 CAD
Foetid Bloat Drone (full kit) - new on sprue - $39 USD / $50 CAD
Foetid Bloat Drone fleshmower - painted well - $63 USD / $80 CAD
Myphtic Blighthauler - new on sprue - $20 USD / $27.50 CAD
Myphtic Blighthauler - painted well - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Plagueburst Crawler - new on sprue - $55 USD / $75 CAD
Plagueburst Crawler - painted tabletop - $65 USD / $90 CAD
Miasmic Malignifier - new on sprue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
Chaos Daemons
9th Ed Chaos Daemons Data Cards - new sealed - $4 USD / $5 CAD
Chaos Daemons Dice 40k 2023 - new sealed - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Chaos Daemons Boarding patrol - new on sprue - $96 USD / $130 CAD
Belakor - new on sprue - $107 USD / $155 CAD
Belakor - Pro Painted - $190 USD / $260 CAD
Daemon Prince 2023 - new on sprue - $60 USD / $80 CAD
Daemon Prince - Pro Painted - $45 USD / $60 CAD
Daemon Prince - painted well - $34.50 USD / $45 CAD
Daemon Prince - painted/built - $28 USD / $35 CAD
Great Unclean One - new on sprue - $107 USD / $155 CAD
Great Unclean One - painted tabletop - $107 USD / $155 CAD
Spoilpox Scriviner - new on sprue - $20 USD / $25 CAD
Sloppity Bilepiper - new on sprue - $28.50 USD / $38.50
Sloppity Bilepiper - primed - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
PoxbringeHerald of Nurgle - new on sprue - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
PoxbringeHerald of Nurgle - primed/painted - $20 USD / $25 CAD
Beasts of Nurgle - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
Skarbrand - new on sprue - $107 USD / $155 CAD
Skarbrand - painted tabletop - $107 USD / $155 CAD
Bloodthirster - new on sprue - $107 USD / $155 CAD
Bloodthirster - Pro Painted - $185 USD / $250 CAD
Bloodthirster - painted well magnetized - $185 USD / $250 CAD
Skulltaker - new on sprue - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Fleshhouns - new on sprue - $34.50 USD / $45 CAD
5 Fleshhounds - built - $30 USD / $40 CAD
10 Bloodletters - new on sprue - $28 USD / $35 CAD
10 Bloodletters - painted tabletop - $37 USD / $50 CAD
10 Bloodletters - painted - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
Contorted Epitome - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
10 Daemonettes - new on sprue - $30 USD / $40 CAD
10 Daemonettes - primed/built - $28 USD / $35 CAD
5 Seekers - new on sprue - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
Keeper of Secrets / Shalaxi - new on sprue - $107 USD / $155 CAD
Keeper of Secrets / Shalaxi - painted tabletop - $107 USD / $155 CAD
Dexcessa/Synessa - new on sprue - $85 USD / $105 CAD
Lord of Change / Kairos Fateweaver - new on sprue - $107 USD / $155 CAD
Lord of Change / Kairos Fateweaver - painted tabletop - $107 USD / $155 CAD
Lord of Change / Kairos Fateweaver - damaged - $92 USD / $125 CAD
Channgeing - painted tabletop - $30 USD / $40 CAD
3 Screamers of Tzeentch - new on sprue - $30 USD / $40 CAD
3 Flamers of Tzeentch - new on sprue - $28 USD / $35 CAD
3 Flamers - painted tabletop - $28 USD / $35 CAD
10 Pink Horrors - new on sprue - $34.50 USD / $45 CAD
Exalted Flamer - painted well - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
10 Pink Horrors - new on sprue - $34.50 USD / $45 CAD
10 Pink Horrors - built - $28 USD / $38.50 CAD
Blue and Brimstone Horrors - new on sprue - $34.50 USD / $45 CAD
10 Blue and Brimstone Horrors - painted - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Burning Chariot of Tzeentch - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
Burning Chariot of Tzeentch - painted well - $52 USD / $70 CAD
Burning Chariot of Tzeentch - painted tabletop - $41 USD / $55 CAD
Slaves to Darkness Tome and Warscrolls Cards - new - $39.50 USD / $50 CAD
Slaves to Darkness Dice - new sealed - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Darkoath Army Set - new on sprue - $145 USD / $195 CAD
Vanguard Slaves to Darkness - new on sprue - $102 USD / $140 CAD
Khagaras Ravagers - painted well - $45 USD / $60 CAD
Mindstealer Sphrinx - new on sprue - $39 USD / $50 CAD
Mindstealer Sphiranx - built - $31 USD / $40 CAD
Fomoroid Crusher - Pro Painted - $52 USD / $70 CAD
Fomoroid Crusher - new on sprue - $39 USD / $50 CAD
Daemon Prince (New) - new on sprue - $60 USD / $80 CAD
Eternus / Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount - new on sprue - $45 USD / $60 CAD
Eternus - built - $39 USD / $50 CAD
Chaos Lord/Sorc on Manticore - new on sprue - $52 USD / $70 CAD
Chaos Lord on Karkadrak - new on sprue - $39 USD / $50 CAD
Chaos Lord on Karkadrak - painted well - $45 USD / $60 CAD
Chaos Lord - new on sprue - $15.50 USD / $20 CAD
Centaurion Marshall - new on sprue - $36.50 USD / $45 CAD
Exalted Hero of Chaos - new on sprue - $28 USD / $38.50 CAD
Ogroid Myrmidon - new on sprue - $39 USD / $50 CAD
3 Ogroid Theridons - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
3 Ogroid Theridons - built/primed - $39 USD / $50 CAD
5 Chosen - new on sprue - $45 USD / $60 CAD
5 Chosen - painted well - $65 USD / $85 CAD
5 Chosen - painted/primed - $39 USD / $50 CAD
5 Chaos Knights (new) - new on srpue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
5 Chaos Knights (new) - painted well - $78 USD / $105 CAD
10 Warriors of Chaos (new) - new on sprue - $45 USD / $60 CAD
10 Warriors of Chaos (new) - painted well - $71 USD / $95 CAD
Darkoath Chieftan on Warsteed - new on sprue - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Darkoath Wilderfiend - new on sprue - $39 USD / $50 CAD
10 Darkoath Marauders - new on sprue - $39 USD / $50 CAD
5 Darkoath Fellriders - new on sprue - $45 USD / $60 CAD
20 Converted Chaos Marauders - painted well - $56 USD / $75 CAD
5 Chaos Maruader Horsemen - painted well - $36.50 USD / $45 CAD
Legions Imperialis: The Horus Heresy
Legions Imperialis Starter Set - new on sprue - $145 USD / $195 CAD
Legion Drop Pods - new on sprue - $37 USD / $50 CAD
Legion Dreadnought Drop Pods - new on sprue - $37 USD / $50 CAD
Legion Fast Attack - new on sprue - $37 USD / $50 CAD
Land Raider Proteus Explorator Squadron - new on sprue - $37 USD / $50 CAD
Solar Auxilia Infantry - new on sprue - $37 USD / $50 CAD
Solar Auxilia Support - new on sprue - $37 USD / $50 CAD
Legions Imperialis Arvus Lighters - new on sprue - $37 USD / $50 CAD
Legions Imperialis Medusa / Basilisk - new on sprue - $37 USD / $50 CAD
Legions Imperialis Malcador Infernus/Valdors - new on sprue - $37 USD / $50 CAD
Dracosans Transport Detachment - new on sprue - $37 USD / $50 CAD
Stormhammers - new on sprue - $37 USD / $50 CAD
submitted by d6minis to Miniswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 15:43 Unicodehealthcare Unlock Your Future with the Best Medical Coding & CPC Certification Courses in Hyderabad and Bangalore


Medical Coding & CPC Certification in Hyderabad

Medical Coding & CPC Certification in Bangalore

Key Features of Unicode Healthcare Medical Courses

What to Expect from a Medical Coding Training Program?

Choosing the Right Institute

Online vs. Offline Training: Which is Better?

Career Opportunities After CPC Certification

Study Tips and Resources

Challenges in Medical Coding and How to Overcome Them

Future of Medical Coding

Success Stories: Professionals from Hyderabad and Bangalore



Unlock Your Future with the Best Medical Coding & CPC Certification Courses in Hyderabad and Bangalore
Are you considering a career in medical coding? It's an excellent choice, offering both stability and growth. With the healthcare industry booming, the demand for skilled medical coders is on the rise. But where should you start? If you’re Hyderabad and Bangalore Then Unicode Healthcare is the best medical coding and CPC certification training Institute in Hyderabad and Bangalore.
Why Choose Medical Coding as a Career?
Medical coding is a vital part of the healthcare industry. It involves translating medical procedures and diagnoses into standardized codes used for billing and record-keeping. This role ensures that healthcare providers are reimbursed accurately and that patient records are maintained efficiently.
Job Security
One of the biggest perks of a career in medical coding is job security. The healthcare sector is ever-expanding, and the need for medical coders is consistent. As long as there are medical services, the need for accurate coding will persist.
Growing Demand in Healthcare
The demand for medical coders is not just steady; it’s growing. With advancements in medical technologies and an ageing population, the healthcare industry is expanding rapidly, leading to a surge in job opportunities for certified medical coders.
Understanding CPC Certification
What is CPC Certification?
CPC (Certified Professional Coder) certification is a credential offered by the AAPC (American Academy of Professional Coders). It is one of the most recognized certifications in the field of medical coding, validating your skills and knowledge in coding.
Benefits of CPC Certification
At Unicode Healthcare Services Earning a CPC certification can significantly boost your career in Medical Coding. It demonstrates your proficiency in medical coding, increases your job prospects, and often leads to higher salaries. Employers prefer certified coders as they assure accuracy and compliance in coding practices.
Medical Coding & CPC Certification in Hyderabad
Overview of Training Programs
Unicode Healthcare services is a Best institute for Medical Coding & CPC certification , offers medical coding training programs in medical coding , CPC certification , COC Certification Training in Bangalore, Hyderabad. At Unicode HealthCare Services are designed to provide comprehensive knowledge and practical skills required to excel in this field.
Unicode Healthcare services is on of the Top Institutes in Hyderabad & Bangalore
Unicode Healthcare services are the top institute for medical coding and CPC certification in Hyderabad
Key Features of Unicode Healthcare Courses
Courses in Unicode Healthcare often include detailed curriculum, experienced faculty, state-of-the-art facilities, and strong placement assistance & 100% pass Guarantee They focus on both theoretical knowledge and practical application, ensuring students are job-ready.
Medical Coding & CPC Certification in Bangalore
Overview of Training Programs
At Unicode Healthcare Services, known as medical coding and CPC certification in Bangalore, is another excellent location for medical coding training. This institute offers a variety of programs tailored to meet the needs of aspiring medical coders.
Unicode Healthcare services are the top institute for medical coding and CPC certification in Bangalore
Key Features of Unicode Healthcare at Bangalore Courses
Courses in Bangalore are known for their robust curriculum, expert trainers, hands-on experience, and excellent placement records. They ensure that students gain a deep understanding of medical coding standards and practices.
Course Curriculum
Unicode Healthcare services offers comprehensive course curriculums covering all aspects of medical coding and CPC certification. They ensure that students are well-prepared for the certification exam and the job market.
Faculty Expertise
Institute in Unicode Healthcare services boasts highly experienced faculty who bring real-world expertise to the classroom. This practical insight is invaluable in helping students understand the nuances of medical coding.
Infrastructure and Facilities in Unicode Healthcare services
you'll find the institute provides excellent infrastructure and learning facilities, including modern classrooms.
What to Expect from a Medical Coding Training Program at Unicode Healthcare services?
Course Content
A typical medical coding training program covers topics such as anatomy, medical terminology, coding systems (ICD, CPT, HCPCS), and healthcare regulations. The aim is to equip you with the knowledge needed to perform coding tasks accurately.
Hands-on Training
Practical training is a critical component of these programs. You'll work on real-world scenarios and case studies, gaining the experience necessary to handle the demands of a medical coding job.
Certification Preparation
Training programs also focus on preparing you for the CPC certification exam. This includes mock tests, exam strategies, and tips to ensure you pass the certification with flying colours.
"Why Unicode Healthcare are the Best institute for Medical Coding & CPC Certification Training in Hyderabad and Bangalore"
1.Accreditation and Reputation
2.Student Reviews and Testimonials
Look at reviews and testimonials from former students. They can provide insights into the quality of education, faculty, and placement assistance offered by the institute.
3.Placement Assistance
Good institutes offer strong placement support, helping you find job opportunities after completing the course. They often have tie-ups with healthcare providers, increasing your chances of employment.
Online vs. Offline Training: Which is Better?
Pros and Cons of Online Training
Online training offers flexibility, allowing you to learn at your own pace. It's a great option if you have other commitments. However, it may lack the hands-on experience that offline training provides.
Pros and Cons of Offline Training
Offline training provides a more structured learning environment with direct interaction with instructors and peers. It often includes practical sessions that are crucial for mastering medical coding skills.
Career Opportunities After CPC Certification
Job Roles and Responsibilities
With a CPC certification, you can pursue various roles such as medical coder, coding analyst, billing specialist, and compliance auditor. These roles involve coding medical procedures, ensuring accuracy in billing, and maintaining healthcare records.
Potential Employers
Potential employers include hospitals, clinics, insurance companies, and healthcare consulting firms. The demand for certified coders is high across these sectors.
Salary Expectations
Certified medical coders can expect competitive salaries. While entry-level positions offer decent pay, experienced coders can earn significantly higher salaries, reflecting their expertise and value to employers.
Tips for Succeeding in Medical Coding
Study Tips and Resources
Utilize various study resources like textbooks, online courses, and coding forums. Consistent study habits and practice are key to mastering medical coding.
Importance of Practice
Regular practice is crucial. Work on coding exercises and real-world scenarios to improve your accuracy and speed.
Networking and Professional Growth
Join professional networks and associations like AAPC. Networking can provide job leads, resources, and opportunities for professional development.
Challenges in Medical Coding and How to Overcome Them
Common Challenges
Challenges include keeping up with coding updates, maintaining accuracy, and managing workload. These can be daunting but are manageable with the right strategies.
Solutions and Strategies
Stay updated with industry changes, attend workshops, and use coding software to improve efficiency. Balancing workload through time management and prioritization is also essential.
Future of Medical Coding
Technological Advancements
Technology is transforming medical coding with advancements like AI and coding software. These tools are making coding more efficient and accurate.
Industry Trends
Trends include an increased focus on compliance, the rise of telehealth, and the growing importance of data security. Staying abreast of these trends is crucial for long-term success.
submitted by Unicodehealthcare to u/Unicodehealthcare [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 15:31 Unicodehealthcare Transform Your Career with Bangalore's Premier Medical Coding & Billing Training

Are you considering a career in medical coding and billing? With the healthcare industry rapidly expanding, the demand for skilled professionals in this field is on the rise. Bangalore, known as the "Silicon Valley of India," is home to Unicode Healthcare, is the best medical coding and billing training institute in Bangalore that can equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in this rewarding career. This article highlights why Unicode Healthcare Services is the best medical coding and billing training institute in Bangalore Are you considering a career in medical coding and billing? With the healthcare industry rapidly expanding, the demand for skilled professionals in this field is on the rise. Bangalore, known as the "Silicon Valley of India," is home to Unicode Healthcare, is the best medical coding and billing training institute in Bangalore that can equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in this rewarding career. This article highlights why Unicode Healthcare Services is the best medical coding and billing training institute in Bangalore, ensuring you make an informed decision for your future.
Why Choose Bangalore for Medical Coding and Billing Training?
Educational Excellence
Bangalore boasts a strong educational infrastructure with numerous institutes offering specialized courses in medical coding and billing. The city's reputation as an educational hub attracts top faculty and provides students with access to the latest industry practices and technologies.
Thriving Healthcare Sector
Bangalore's booming healthcare sector provides ample job opportunities for medical coding and billing professionals. Hospitals, clinics, and insurance companies in the city are constantly seeking qualified individuals to manage their coding and billing needs.
Networking Opportunities
Bangalore offers numerous networking opportunities through industry seminars, workshops, and professional associations. These events allow students to connect with industry leaders, potential employers, and peers, enhancing their career prospects.
Top Medical Coding and Billing Training Institutes in Bangalore
1. Unicode Healthcare Services
Unicode Healthcare Services is renowned for its comprehensive and high-quality training programs in medical coding and billing. Key features of their program include:
Extensive Curriculum: Covering all essential topics such as medical terminology, anatomy, ICD-10, CPT, and HCPCS coding systems.
Experienced Faculty: Instructors with significant industry experience and credentials.
Certification Preparation: Preparation for industry-recognized certifications like CPC and CMRS.
Placement Assistance: Robust support in job placement after course completion.
How to Choose the Right Training Institute
Ensure that the training institute is accredited by a recognized organization. Accreditation ensures that the institute meets high educational standards and is respected by employers in the industry.
Look for a program with a comprehensive and up-to-date curriculum that covers all necessary topics, including medical terminology, anatomy, coding systems, and healthcare regulations.
The quality of the faculty is crucial. Instructors should have significant industry experience and relevant certifications to provide real-world insights and knowledge.
Student Support
Choose an institute that offers robust student support services, including career counselling, job placement assistance, and access to study resources and practice exams.
Reviews and Testimonials
Read reviews and testimonials from former students to gauge the effectiveness of the program and the success of its graduates. Positive feedback from alumni can be a good indicator of the institute's quality.
The Certification Process
Certified Professional Coder (CPC)
The CPC certification is one of the most recognized credentials in the medical coding industry. It requires passing an exam that tests your knowledge of medical terminology, coding guidelines, and regulatory compliance.

Certified Medical Reimbursement Specialist (CMRS)

The CMRS certification focuses on the billing aspect of the profession. It covers topics like medical billing procedures, insurance claim processes, and patient financial services.
Unicode Healthcare Services - AHIMA UK Certified Coding Specialist CCS Affordable and High-quality , Unicode Healthcare provides UK AHIMA Certified Coding Specialist Training (CCS) Course with Internship and Live Projects in HIMAA, ICD-10, ACHI, and ACS India.
UK Certified Coding Specialist Training (CCS) Training is dedicated to offering high-quality coding and software services, as well as client happiness; we will do everything possible to satisfy your expectations.
All AAPC certification Lead By a Certified Coder CPC , COC , CIC , CRC , CCA , CSS , CPC , CPB.
AAPC provides certifications for every level of your career to help you reach your goals.
Exam Preparation
Top training programs offer exam preparation courses to help you pass these certification exams. These courses include practice exams, study guides, and tips for success.
Unicode Healthcare is the best training institute is a critical step in launching a successful career in medical coding and billing. Bangalore's premier training institutes offer comprehensive programs, expert faculty, and robust support services to help you achieve your career goals. By enrolling in one of these top institutes, you can gain the skills and certifications needed to excel in this growing field and make a significant impact in the healthcare industry.
Invest in your future today by choosing the best medical coding and billing training institute in Bangalore, and take the first step towards a rewarding and prosperous career. ensuring you make an informed decision for your future.
submitted by Unicodehealthcare to u/Unicodehealthcare [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 18:49 MarcJordan CPT Data Set source

I run a small company which provides claim editing services for small payor organizations such as ACO's. I currently subscribe to a large national vendor to obtain my CPT Codes, which includes the full complement of data elements including Bilateral and MPPR indicators, as well as age/sex, global days and assistant surgeon flags. I also license a CPT to Modifier crosswalk. My vendor has hit me up with a major price increase and I'm looking to find another source but am having trouble finding any. I have approached Optum and AAPC, and while their offerings are just what I need, their pricing isn't any better than my current vendor.
That said, who else licenses this kind of data file outside of the companies that I mentioned?
submitted by MarcJordan to CodingandBilling [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 02:17 kdangaaaa PLEASE help- small NEMT business with in house insurance billing

My husband and I own a non emergent medical transportation business in Georgia. We have been up and running for about 5 weeks now.
I am looking for someone (anyone) with experience in billing for ambulance providers to answer some questions regarding CPT and ICD codes, as I am completely lost.
I am a registered nurse on a medical/surgical telemetry floor, so I do have a medical background, I am just having a difficult time using Availity/Office Ally and actually getting any of my claims to be approved.
I would be happy to compensate for any help given!! Thanks so much
submitted by kdangaaaa to CodingandBilling [link] [comments]