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2024.06.02 06:28 -Umbra- What do you think will happen to Sendo AFTER his next fight?

After Sendo loses to Ricardo, what do you see happening to him?
This is based on the assumption that he will lose -- which is the only outcome that follows the story development up to this point. In essence, Ippo eventually returning means that he must be the one to give Ricardo his greatest challenge/beat him. Sendo has been portrayed as a boxer that is skilled but not among the best, even in his weight class. It doesn't make sense that Sendo defeats Ricardo, unless Morikawa suddenly decides to end the story due to unforeseen consequences.
There are 3 possible outcomes for Sendo after his defeat:
1) Continues boxing
2) Retire (due to injury)
3) šŸ’€
Writing this has me theorizing he will break his fist in the ring, continue the fight (while giving Ricardo his best challenge yet), and then be unable to box forever. I also think Ippo will spar with Sendo, which will lead to Sendo having faith that Ippo could succeed where he couldn't, encouraging Ippo to unretire.
What outcome do you think will happen, and how?
submitted by -Umbra- to hajimenoippo [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:28 IENJOYCINEMA Physical training tips?

Iā€™ve had a strain in by lower back and a sting in my left wrist during rounds and after. Load up on ibuprofens and benadryl (bad allergies- and not just losers and eagles lol) mixed with weed cigs beers (occasionally shots if cart lady wants it from one of us) and hotdog + nachos so it doesnā€™t hurt as bad during the round. I bought a silver wristband that my grandfather used to have that helped build gradual wrist strength over time. Looking for any physical programs (YouTube, online , instagram, social media, people on here) that will guide me into a path of excellent physical shape before my round. Open to all products tho I have a variety from Amazon. Yes. I have already gone to a doctor. No. Iā€™m not listening to some jackass say an MRI is necessary for a strain in my back just because they want Medicare money. System is messed up. I know Iā€™m not the first one with this issue here Iā€™m sure. Speaking up for anyone else whoā€™s had this problem as well. 38 y/o lift weights 3 times a week and golf a lot as well. Canā€™t keep count on that Iā€™m there so much. 5ā€™4 206 lost 23 pounds this year gang gang. Lover of all things golf. Have gone through a few marriages but lost $117 of uncooked meat from Costco to one but thatā€™s a whole different story. Iā€™m thankful to play this game and Iā€™ve seen a lot of great posts in this community. Looking for anything that could help my physically and emotionally throughout the game. Lots of loss in my life this year. Cheers.


submitted by IENJOYCINEMA to golf [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:27 Competitive_Dream233 What are your experiences with Metformin for weight loss and bringing your period back?

Iā€™m taking Metformin to bring my periods back and help with weight loss. I am experiencing some side effects like dizziness and fatigue which are manageable but pretty bothersome. Iā€™m really hoping this works out for me after going through these initial side effects. My A1C levels are normal, but because Iā€™m 30lbs overweight, have no periods, and obvious cysts on my ovaries (that were seen on an ultrasound) my doctor prescribed Metformin. Iā€™m interested in others experiences with this medication, and especially those who arenā€™t insulin resistant but are overweight or have absent periods.
submitted by Competitive_Dream233 to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:25 taenerys Euthanized my cat this week and feeling a lot of self hatred over my overall decisions.

I had two cats 10M and 3F. They were cuddle buddies and loved each other. About 2 months about the male started losing weight and declining. He went through many tests and bloodwork and meds but ended up getting diagnosed with cancer on Tuesday and was put to sleep to end his suffering as he wasnā€™t himself. The entire time, my girl cat who is my entire heart and soul seemed so sad. She didnā€™t play with him anymore (it feels like she knew he didnā€™t feel good and didnā€™t want to bother him) and would cry at night for someone to play with as she would run around.
Iā€™m feeling a lot of guilt and regret I didnā€™t spoil him in his last months. What if he had future symptoms and I didnā€™t register them as abnormal? I feel like I was in strong denial we would find something out and he would be fixed and healthy again. We would cuddle every night but I feel like I shouldā€™ve done more and spent more time focusing all my attention on him. He was such a sweet loving boy. I can barely eat and Iā€™ve been throwing up I feel so sick for how it ended. When we brought him to the vet on Tuesday I feel like I got hit by a truck when the vet felt his abdomen and immediately said itā€™s not good and he thinks itā€™s rapidly spreading intestinal cancer. X-rays confirmed this. He was put to sleep with me and fiance in the room while he weakly laid there.
We stayed in the room for the process by his head petting and kissing him while he got injected with the anesthetic. I didnā€™t want him to look at what was going on and he kept his eyes on us the entire time. After the first injection, he started purring so loud. He hadnā€™t purred like this in weeks. I feel so guilty he was purring to comfort himself because he was scared or in pain but was too weak to vocalize or move.
We chose to do cremation. Iā€™m scared they werenā€™t kind and gentle with his body. Iā€™m personally so against cremation as it feels so cruel to do to a body even if theyā€™ve passed. Iā€™m scared he was just thrown into an incinerator and didnā€™t get the respect he deserves. My coworkers asked me if it was a solitary or mixed cremation. I didnā€™t even think about this. I donā€™t mind getting mixed ashes - it could be multiple animals whose owners chose not to keep their ashes and thatā€™s so sad to me. But what if I get the ashes back and itā€™s barely his? How do I even know if itā€™s him? I want to ask the vet clinic but Iā€™m so scared of the answer and how Iā€™ll linger on it forever.
Thenā€¦ I got two new outdoor kittens that were about to get trapped in storms happening and adopted them this week. I got one Monday and my male cat cuddled him and me the entire time before his appointment. After we euthanized himā€¦ we went back and got the other babies brother the same night so he wouldnā€™t be alone and scared and in the storms. It wasnā€™t to replace him - that was not our intention whatsoever. We just knew we could help this baby and it would be more comforting to the first kitten to have his brother.
Theyā€™re so sweet. But I feel so guilty my cat somehow feels replaced. But they could never be a replacement for him, they just needed help and we had the resources to do so. I feel like it looks really shitty of me to adopt so quickly and that it looks just forgetting my cat for some new babies. I know I shouldnā€™t care what people think and I would never judge someone else for helping out a cat after a loss.
My girl cat seems happy. She loves cuddling them when theyā€™re calm during the day and plays with them at night which is her regular crazy hours. She sets her boundaries gently with them when they get a little wild and sheā€™s not ready to play. But I feel so guilty and evil. They get lots of love but to be honest I canā€™t help but look at them and think that shouldā€™ve never happened with my male cat and he should be here. I applied to volunteer at my local shelter that needs help to help with their cats - they have a lot of senior and special needs cats I want to work with as they deserve love.
Iā€™m really just rambling but I feel like I canā€™t talk to anyone about it without looking crazy. Iā€™m in one on one therapy but itā€™s not until Tuesday and I feel weird going in and just dumping all my problems about cats. It feels so insignificant compared to issues people go through in life and weā€™ve been focusing on my OCD obsessions and rituals.
Am I a bad cat owner? Did I make too many wrong quick decisions?
submitted by taenerys to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:24 taenerys Lost my cat this week and having a lot of conflicted feelings.

I had two cats 10M and 3F. They were cuddle buddies and loved each other. About 2 months about the male started losing weight and declining. He went through many tests and bloodwork and meds but ended up getting diagnosed with cancer on Tuesday and was put to sleep to end his suffering as he wasnā€™t himself. The entire time, my girl cat who is my entire heart and soul seemed so sad. She didnā€™t play with him anymore (it feels like she knew he didnā€™t feel good and didnā€™t want to bother him) and would cry at night for someone to play with as she would run around.
Iā€™m feeling a lot of guilt and regret I didnā€™t spoil him in his last months. I feel like I was in strong denial we would find something out and he would be fixed and healthy again. We would cuddle every night but I feel like I shouldā€™ve done more and spent more time focusing all my attention on him. He was such a sweet loving boy. I can barely eat and Iā€™ve been throwing up I feel so sick for how it ended. When we brought him to the vet on Tuesday I feel like I got hit by a truck when the vet felt his abdomen and immediately said itā€™s not good and he thinks itā€™s rapidly spreading intestinal cancer. X-rays confirmed this. He was put to sleep with me and fiancee in the room while he weakly laid there.
We stayed in the room for the process by his head petting and kissing him while he got injected with the anesthetic. I didnā€™t want him to look at what was going on and he kept his eyes on us the entire time. After the first injection, he started purring so loud. He hadnā€™t purred like this in weeks. I feel so guilty he was purring to comfort himself because he was scared or in pain but was too weak to vocalize or move.
We chose to do cremation. Iā€™m scared they werenā€™t kind and gentle with his body. Iā€™m personally so against cremation as it feels so cruel to do to a body even if theyā€™ve passed. Iā€™m scared he was just thrown into an incinerator and didnā€™t get the respect he deserves. My coworkers asked me if it was a solitary or mixed cremation. I didnā€™t even think about this. I donā€™t mind getting mixed ashes - it could be multiple animals whose owners chose not to keep their ashes and thatā€™s so sad to me. But what if I get the ashes back and itā€™s barely his? How do I even know if itā€™s him? I want to ask the vet clinic but Iā€™m so scared of the answer and how Iā€™ll linger on it forever.
Thenā€¦ I got two new outdoor kittens that were about to get trapped in storms happening and adopted them this week. I got one Monday and my male cat cuddled him and me the entire time before his appointment. After we euthanized himā€¦ we went back and got the other babies brother the same night so he wouldnā€™t be alone and scared and in the storms. It wasnā€™t to replace him - that was not our intention whatsoever. We just knew we could help this baby and it would be more comforting to the first kitten to have his brother.
Theyā€™re so sweet. But I feel so guilty my cat somehow feels replaced. But they could never be a replacement for him, they just needed help and we had the resources to do so. I feel like it looks really shitty of me to adopt so quickly and that it looks just forgetting my cat for some new babies. I know I shouldnā€™t care what people think and I would never judge someone else for helping out a cat after a loss.
My girl cat seems happy. She loves cuddling them when theyā€™re calm during the day and plays with them at night which is her regular crazy hours. She sets her boundaries gently with them when they get a little wild and sheā€™s not ready to play. But I feel so guilty and evil. They get lots of love but to be honest I canā€™t help but look at them and think that shouldā€™ve never happened with my male cat and he should be here. I applied to volunteer at my local shelter that needs help to help with their cats - they have a lot of senior and special needs cats I want to work with as they deserve love.
Iā€™m really just rambling but I feel like I canā€™t talk to anyone about it without looking crazy. Iā€™m in one on one therapy but itā€™s not until Tuesday and I feel weird going in and just dumping all my problems about cats. It feels so insignificant compared to issues people go through in life and weā€™ve been focusing on my OCD obsessions and rituals.
Am I a bad pet owner? Did I make too many wrong quick decisions?
submitted by taenerys to Petloss [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:22 blurryturtle 2024 Roland Garros Men's & Women's 4th Round - Sunday Matches

Swiatek vs Potapova :

Swiatek had to have been happy with her third round matchup after waking up from the nightmare that Naomi Osaka presented. She made quick work of Bouzkova, who was outmatched in every department. Bouzkova did manage to battle back in the first and make the set close, and she served surprisingly well, but she just doesnā€™t hit hard enough to beat Swiatek. It was one of those matches where Swiatek looks a bit impatient because sheā€™s supplying all the offense, and it seems like when it takes 3-4 shots to get an opportunity to hit a winner, she tries to just infuse extra pace or spin instead and unforced errors appear. Trying to make the ball explode doesnā€™t really work, and extra force applied tends to fall short when compared to smooth technique. I watched Rune and Zverev have similar trouble today against their opponents. Players wind up pushing because they hit bigger than their opponent, but donā€™t want to make errors. Itā€™s accuracy thatā€™s missing, and itā€™s something for Swiatek to work on in the off-season. I would say that accuracy is the main problem with her serve as well. It has plenty of pace and spin, but the ball lands towards the center of the box way too often. Less pace, and more location will go a long way.
If it feels like Iā€™m levying criticism today, yes. Your turn, Potapova and Wang. Potapova was down 5-0 in the first set, and won 7 games in a row. Wang has a tendency to just go big on her forehand, and she doesnā€™t stop when she misses. Potapova was an uphill battle, but Wang doesnā€™t actually need to hit clean winners to score. Her forehand is one of the biggest in the game, and once she locks into a cross-court rally she usually can win provided the ball lands inside the court. Landing the ball inside the court proved difficult, and it felt a bit like watching Struff. All the ability in the world but a sense of urgency that doesnā€™t really match the moment. Yes you want to stay aggressive, but the weight of shot buys you time in the rally, you donā€™t need to escape a rally youā€™re in control of.
Potapova wound up losing the second, and down a break in the third. She dug in admirably, but there were some really poor decisions late in the match. After getting to triple break point by rallying with Wang and keeping the ball deep until Wang missed, she got a simple backhand return off a serve. She went for a clean winner down the line for some reason, and then suddenly the next point mattered. She lost it, and suddenly the ā€œoh F I had it and now itā€™s goneā€ fears rose. The game ended up at duece, and she went to tactic B : screaming on every shot. You canā€™t scream your opponent off the court, so this didnā€™t really work. In the end, Wang coughed up errors and Potapova won, but it was a match that was managed poorly by both. Potapova was very reactive to misses and makes, which is fine but wastes a bunch of energy and tends to affect your decisionmaking in a readable way. You want to maintain some mystery, and at a minimum not give your opponent any inspiration or hope to work off of while youā€™re out there.
Swiatek Potapova should be another safe match for Swiatek, but Potapova has good power off both wings and she hits her backhand down the line decent. Swiatek will need more than she brought against Bouzkova, and chances are this wonā€™t be a blowout. Potapova won their last meeting 6-0 in the third on clay, but it was in 2016 at the juniors. Swiatek in 2.

Danilovic vs Vondrousova :

Olga Danilovic has made the 4th round of a major. This changes her career in a major way. Tons of points, at least $250k, and a chance to win more. Itā€™s even sweeter I would imagine because she probably shouldnā€™t be there. Her match against Donna Vekic was filled with many fumbles. Both players have enough power to hit past the other. Vekic was able to hit inside out forehands to great effect. Danilovicā€™s pendulum swing on her backhand was able to force errors from Vekic quite often. Her forehand down the line was almost a clean winner anytime she made it. In between all that though, they missed constantly.
The first set was a 6-0 beatdown from Vekic. She played excellent, and likely should have won the second. In the third, she went up a quick break. She gave that back, but broke to serve for the match. Immediately, she threw in a handful of forced dropshots and errors. Luckily, she broke again to serve for the match at 6-5. This gave her the opportunity to come up with a few more bailout dropshots and errors. If you watch highlights, this was an incredible match. If you watched the match, you saw two players whose games were affected by the situation. Vekic forced the issue and missed anytime she got control of the scoreboard, and Danilovic went through bouts of not missing at all followed by sending every ball wide. The tiebreaker was vaguely like watching a junior match. Every miss brought a huge reaction from the player. There were constant gestures and faces made to their boxes, and it was a little difficult to watch two great players struggle to focus and execute. Vekic managed to go up again 6-2 in the tiebreaker, but froze at that point and began hitting most of her shots long. She had trouble serving first serves in for the second half of the entire third set, but she really was unable to respond defensively once Danilovic got a full swing in.
After watching Danilovic down Collins and sort of defeat Vekic, itā€™s hard to count her out against Vondrousova. Marketa is a clear favorite against most players on clay, but the scorelines of her matches can be hard to predict. Against Paquet she was up a set and cruising up a double break in the second, and wound up back on serve. She closed out, but Vondrousova doesnā€™t hit that big and mostly thrives by defending and earning errors, so Danilovic will be able to compete. They played in the BJK cup and Vondrousova won in 3, and Iā€™m guessing slower clay will give Vondrousova more of an edge. Vekicā€™s lack of speed really hurt her, and I think Vondrousova being able to put extra ball consistently in play will make Danilovicā€™s rough patches more of an issue. The emotional and physical output of Danilovic over the last few rounds has to take a toll, and I think sheā€™ll fall a game or two short here. Vondrousova in 3.

Gauff vs Cocciaretto :

This is an excellent draw for Gauff so far. Sheā€™s playing great players, but stylistically theyā€™re not a lot of trouble for her. This round is another good spot. Elisabetta Cocciaretto is a good server and has nice power, but sheā€™s not the fastest around the court and she can make some unforced errors if sheā€™s rushed. This means Gauffā€™s defense and power give her a great shot to win without trouble. Cocciaretto beating Samsonova was a surprise to me, but Samsonova doesnā€™t have the speed that Gauff does nor the consistency. This is a criminally short analysis but Gauff in 2.

Tauson vs Jabeur :

Great champions are able to elevate their games. This round, Ons will need to elevate hers. Clara Tauson is playing some great tennis, and coming into this match hers is the higher level. Jabeur was projected to have trouble against Fernandez and she did. It was another match where I felt like a good coach could have gotten their player across the finish line. Fernandez didnā€™t have a great chance in the first, but Jabeur was very willing to give the second away. Fernandez was able to dig in on defense and rally with Jabeur until she made errors or gave Leylah opportunities. Rather than keep rallying and really punish Jabeur, Fernandez went for winners ā€¦ and missed them all. Iā€™m not exaggerating here, in the second set she missed almost every offensive shot she went for, and it didnā€™t feel like she had to go for them. Jabeur hits bigger than Fernandez, so on the court it may have felt like she needed to do a lot, but most of her points come from consistency, so Leylahā€™s team will want to focus on having her focus on the mental battle going on in her opponentā€™s head rather than trying to be a big hitter. Physically, itā€™s just not in the cards for her to be slinging offense. Maybe she landed those same shots in an earlier round, so going for them was fine, but awareness on court is important, and Jabeur was trying to give the set away. After winning, Jabeur celebrated a bit which left me puzzled. Itā€™s natural to be happy when you win, but I feel a little odd about these matches sometimes. Fernandez didnā€™t land a first serve for the last 20 minutes, threw in a ton of errors, and tried to hit an overhand winner for some reason off a return at 5-5 in the tiebreaker. It was a nice win, but Jabeur made this match hard on herself. I might be in hater mode today and I apologize, but it feels like sometimes players tap their head or pump their fist after overcoming challenges that they themselves created.
Positives for Jabeur were the times she put one extra ball back. She has had a middling season, and seeing her dig in is great. Her racquet skill is some of the best on tour as well, so the gets arenā€™t just a boost, theyā€™re downright effective. She has the ability to stretch to her forehand and put squash gets back extremely low, and to flick cross-court forehands that seem impossible from how extended her arm is. Jabeurā€™s depth of talent is why she is still slightly favored in this match, because again, Clara Tauson is coming in at a high level. Tauson beat Ostapenko, and followed it up by putting Kenin through the ringer. Kenin had no chance in the first, but in the second she was able to reel back a break of serve and apply some decent pressure. Frustratingly, she just wasnā€™t able to execute in the big moments. At 15-30 5-5, Tauson hit a lob that was going a few feet out (to the side). While running backwards, Kenin seemed unaware of where she was in the court. She tried to play it overhead and missed. It was a momentum killer, and she ended up missing the remainder of her offensive opportunities.
Throughout the match, the big difference in the two was Tausonā€™s ability to score quickly. When she lands first serves, or if you give her a moment to get a full swing anywhere inside the baseline, you are toast. She has the type of power that Anisimova/Collins generate on their backhand, and she has a heavy forehand. That is why I suspect Jabeur will have a tough time winning this quickly. Jabeur has the endurance and variety to frustrate Tauson, but this feels like a battle of two big offenses, and Jabeurā€™s is a bit less consistent at this point. I want to believe Jabeur wins in 3, but she will need to step up her game and avoid the type of letdown she had in the second against Fernandez. Tauson is several tiers above Leylah and Osorio in terms of offensive opportunities, and both those players were able to get in winning position in at least one set. Iā€™m still going to go with Jabeur in 3. Tauson has beaten some offenses, and some defenses, but Ons is the most complete player sheā€™s faced so it feels very much like ā€œprove itā€ territory for me.

Arnaldi vs Tsitsipas :

The story in Arnaldiā€™s match seems to be Rublevā€™s temper, but donā€™t let that overshadow Arnaldiā€™s performance. For me, Rublevā€™s temper is partially his fault, and partially his teamā€™s. Iā€™m especially sensitive to this after watching the last round, but being reactive to the outcome of points is a bit of a leak. If you are easily moved by events, then you are always able to be moved. It compounds, because if you are really good at something, there is no reason to believe that minor failures will continue, or even matter. It gives your opponent motivation, it wastes your valuable reserves of adrenaline and dopamine (depending on good/bad outcomes), and itā€™s honestly fairly distracting for an opponent. Just generally speaking, if my opponent is smashing his head with a racquet, I donā€™t really want to beat him. Iā€™m still going to, but I want to compete and win, I donā€™t really want to add suffering to someone else. Itā€™s unprofessional, itā€™s a detriment to his game, and it puts his opponents and umpires in an uncomfortable spot. Of course, he knows this, but it should hit home in this moment that he lost this match because of his lack of composure, and lost it to a player who thrives because of his composure.
Matteo Arnaldi plays steady consistent tennis. He works hard, he constantly works on his game, and he isnā€™t reactive out there aside from hyping himself up. He beat Fils because of deviations in his level of play and because he made it clear he wouldnā€™t miss. Fils forced shots and missed because he was unwilling to do the work. He beat Rublev because despite Rublev opening the match hitting clean and crushing winners, he just stayed the course and kept competing. When Christmas disappeared, Rublev noticed, and he did not like it. The crux of the issue is, he did not accept it. If I am upset about the way things are, that is natural. If I grit against the way they are, I suffer. If I accept the way things are, I am (counterintuitively) instantly free to begin working on changing them. It doesnā€™t mean we celebrate errors or loss, but resetting to the present moment is a major key to winning in professional sports and tennis players in particular have a difficulty with this.
Iā€™m not trying to dump on all these players or attack them here either. All of them are tremendous athletes and are mostly excellent ambassadors and competitors. All of these struggles are natural and we all experiences the highs and lows of competition, but Rublev wants to win and this is something he needs to work on to do that consistently. If his coaches arenā€™t working on this with him, theyā€™re doing him a disservice. If they are and he isnā€™t buying into it, heā€™s doing them a disservice. Everything is fine with Rublevā€™s game but the holes are clear. He needs more reps at net, he needs to develop dropshots, and he needs to not smash racquets.
For now, itā€™s Arnaldi vs Tsitsipas. Stefanos has been excellent this event, and he opens as the favorite for a reason. Zhang played solid in round 3, but he was helpless against Tsitsipas. Stef is holding serving quickly, and the speed with which heā€™s finding a forehand to the open court off of playersā€™ returns is the catalyst of this. His stamina is a major weapon in these conditions and in this format, and his serve/forehand is one of the best left in the event. If Arnaldi wants to win, the plot is simple. Isolate Tsitsipasā€™ backhand, and get deep in sets. In the late stages of a close set, Tsitsipas is still prone to some shanks. I really do think Arnaldi needs to win the first set to have a shot here, but had Rublev been playing Tsitsipas I think weā€™d be expecting a somewhat close match so thereā€™s no real argument for Arnaldi to get blown out here. He has a complete game, and he has good discipline. Heā€™s lanky so he might be able to return well, and he can send his backhand down the line so Tsitsipas canā€™t just camp in his backhand corner. Forehand to forehand though, I think Tsitsipas wins. Losses to Ruud, Jarry, Medvedev make me think that Arnaldi has a bit of a ceiling, but all those were close affairs so Tsitsipas should have his hands full here. Tsitsipas in 4-5.

Alcaraz vs Auger-Aliassume :

Shelton and FAA was fairly hyped, but only Felix delivered. Shelton wasnā€™t really that bad, but FAA just showed heā€™s more comfortable on the surface. He faced no break points, and won comfortably in straight sets. His next match will be a lot more difficult, as he plays a version of Carlos Alcaraz that is cruising through the draw without really playing his best tennis. Alcaraz vs Korda was a strange contest. It reminded me a bit of Zverev or Rune playing matches they know theyā€™re going to win. They donā€™t want to play extra sets, so they play a bit more carefully and just make sure to outlast their opponent. What ends up happening is the score stays close, and the stronger players needs to win a tense tiebreaker or break late in the set. Sure, they still win, but I think that an all-out assault from an earlier moment would allow them to fatigue their opponent.
These guys are all in tremendous shape (even Kotov), but there are levels/paces that they canā€™t hang at for long. Someone like Alcaraz can push the pace and wear Korda down, and once he breaks from that level, the odds of him winning the next sets easily are more likely. We watched Nadal and Djokovic do this to opponents for a long time, and the late sets were almost always blowouts after frantic openers. We watched Federer do the same thing mentally to opponents with a constant onslaught of offensive shots and tricky slices. If you donā€™t push the pace to a level your lower-tier opponent canā€™t hang at, they end up playing at a pace theyā€™re comfortable with and then you play the same level of Korda in set 1 as you do in set 3.
Hater mode continues, but in this case I think itā€™s all assuming that Alcaraz is totally healthy. If heā€™s saving his arm for later, he played Korda perfectly. Sebastian continues to battle even with the best players on tour, and in the big moments he doesnā€™t change his game. 4-4 in a tiebreaker isnā€™t the time to force anything, but if youā€™re the underdog and have nothing to lose, it might be a good choice to ratchet up the pace a little, or take some chances. Instead, he seems to throw in rally ball errors. The two forehand misses he had in the tiebreaker were rough, but worse was that they werenā€™t even shots that were going to score. He was just guiding the ball in straight over the net. I guess in the end, beating Alcaraz, or even playing him even for a time, is a huge ask. It was a great match.
FAA will have his best chance to beat Alcaraz here. Alcarazā€™s arm is potentially not 100%, and Korda probably should have won a set. I think the pace alone that Felix brings will wake Carlitos up a bit, and he has beaten FAA the last few times theyā€™ve played so heā€™ll know which shots to employ and when. Even with his arm a question mark, Alcarazā€™s speed around the court and ability to extend rallies are the right assets to score on FAA. Auger-Aliassimeā€™s main issue on tour is that he can overhit forehands and cough up unforced errors. It should be noted also that FAA Shelton was played under a closed roof, which helps Felixā€™s serve a bit. The weather in Paris looks pretty nice for the rest of the tournament, so itā€™ll be warm and ideal for Alcaraz to wear him down and isolate his backhand when he can. FAA is good enough to compete at this level, but hasnā€™t been doing it regularly enough for me to think he can do so here for 3 whole sets. Alcaraz in 4.

Hurkacz vs Dimitrov :

Dimitrov leads this h2h 5-0. All the matches have been close, but you donā€™t get to 5-0 against Hurkacz unless you can reliably return serve. If you can reliably return serve, you can beat Hurkacz, and on clay it should be even more beneficial. Hurkacz has played excellent in this clay swing considering his status as a servebot, and leading into Wimbledon and the North American swing I think his baseline improves have him primed for some titles. He had a hard test with Shapovalov in round 3, and the new and sort of decent Shapovalov put up a good fight. Dimitrov had an easier time with Zizou Bergs, despite dropping a set. Bergs broke Dimitrov a bunch in this match, but Dimitrovā€™s slice gave him a lot of trouble. Grigor was content to just keep hitting the court, and it was enough in the end. Bergs had trouble lifting his forehand inside in off of the slice, and it meant going mostly inside out which Dimitrov was only too comfortable with. The quick turnaround is a concern here, but I donā€™t think the Bergs match was as labor intensive as it could have been. There were numerous rain delays, and the scores were close but only because Dimitrov didnā€™t redline. He served with control, he hit to big targets, and he secured the bag.
I donā€™t think Hurkacz gets beaten quickly here, and I donā€™t think Dimitrov is automatic just because of the h2h. He should win, but Dimitrov lost to Rune/Mensik/Fritz recently and those are all players right around Hurkacz level. If this goes to a 5th, Iā€™d be pretty worried for Dimitrovā€™s chances. Picking Dimitrov in 4 feels tough, because Bergs got to a 4th and he wasnā€™t really playing his best today. The h2h is hard to ignore, so Iā€™ll go with Dimitrov in 5. The quick turnaround might leave him tired but he should be able to outduel Hurkacz in most volleys and the low slices will be tough for the big dude to get down on.

Sinner vs Moutet :

Nothing like a seemingly simple one to end a full day of criticizing professional athletes for not being perfect <3. Moutet has been the most entertaining player in this event. He has won and lost lopsided sets, he has gone for every shot possible, he is chatting with the crowd, and he is giving the home country something to believe in. Considering he couldnā€™t even hit a two-handed backhand for a good chunk of the past year due to wrist surgery, itā€™s pretty impressive for him to get his game back to a really high level. Ofner was beating him early in the third round, but he was also sweating profusely. The workload of defending against Moutetā€™s big forehand strokes and his clever dropshots is exhausting, and Ofnerā€™s game dipped as the match went on. Itā€™ll be fun to see Sinner trading with Moutet, and itā€™ll be another look at his physical ability to see how quickly he moves to the frontcourt and how he defends Moutetā€™s forehand inside out. Generally with a hip injury, itā€™s sprinting forward and leaning wide to that side that becomes an issue.
Sinner has sort of entered a big however many group in terms of his results. He is able to beat the lower tier players for the entire match, and is consistently able to do so. There are no holes in his game, and aside from his hip issue there is no reason to think he loses here. Moutet has the game to make this the match of the day, but it feels like heā€™s spent a lot more time and energy on court and thatā€™ll cost him. Sinner in 3.
submitted by blurryturtle to tennis [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:21 Additional_Answer298 Tips for weight loss and snatching waist?

Iā€™m 4ā€™11, 22 months pp with second baby. My weight before kids was 92-98lbs. Had some upper abs but always had a bit of fat around belly. Didnā€™t hate it or love it. I bounced back super quickly and easily after my first pregnancy (csection) but it left me with a bit of a mom pouch though it didnā€™t bother me much.
Unfortunately gained some unwanted weight due to high stress and poor food choices after I stopped BFing, but started working out and built a lot of muscle + lost fat! I weighed a steady 117lbs but was still not very happy with how my belly and body looked. I def had too much arm muscle and looked more bulky than I liked.
Post pandemic + second pregnancy, went to 120lbs however I lost all my muscle and have a lot of body fat I am super unhappy with. I only recent started trying to change up my diet bc I stopped BFing again (which makes you super hungry). Not currently counting macros or calories but I make it a point to eat less and try to make healthier food choices. My biggest problem area is definitely my belly and I know I canā€™t spot reduce but I would love to go back to a 24 inch waist and maybe 100-105lbs. (For reference I am currently 117lbs and a 27-28 waist.)
I loved weight training but I find that lifting made me super hungry and difficult for me to stick to a caloric deficit in the past when I did keep track. I am wondering if I should try Pilates instead to focus on my core/snatch my waist or focus more on cardio this time (HIIT, 10k steps, stairmaster)? Maybe I need to work on my caloric deficit first?
What has worked for you? How many calories should I stick to? Any tips are super appreciated!
submitted by Additional_Answer298 to PetiteFitness [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:18 shenanigans0127 Fitness apps that don't emphasize weight loss?

I've gone through the wiki but the only resources on the disordered eating page were for EDs, so I figured I'd ask here! As some background, I'm disabled & overweight, and I've spent the last few years working on self acceptance, body neutrality, all that jazz.
All of the apps I've tried have either had weight loss baked into goal setting (walk X steps a day to lose Y weight in Z amount of time) or not had any goal tracking or way of looking through my history and progress. I just want to be able to count my steps and track workouts and be able to set goals within the program without those goals all focusing on weight and size. I'm okay with seeing calories used, but if it's connected to weight loss I'll slip into obsessive calorie counting.
I'd love some suggestions from any of you who have struggled with the same thing! I've been avoiding MFP but it's starting to look like that might be my best option.
submitted by shenanigans0127 to xxfitness [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:17 EBeewtf Going Keto For The Summer, Then Back To More Balance ā€” Good Idea?

Iā€™ll admit, a lot of this has to do with wanting to accelerate some loss.
I donā€™t think that is terrible. I think it will give me more motivation to finish, and in a timeframe that isnā€™t forever.
Iā€™ve been too slow with my progress. I do great for a few weeks. Then something happens and I fall off track and stall for MONTHS. I canā€™t do it anymore, so either way, I am working overtime ā€” mentally ā€” to stay on track and consistently lose.
Iā€™ve lost about 62lbs so far. It may be more. I am truly hoping for another 3 to 4 (5 would be amazing) pounds gone by Tuesday, my weigh in date. But I messed up for two weeks due to being a lady with lady issues.
I have 130ish more pounds to lose. My weight is ruining my life. Itā€™s ruined my whole life. I wanted to be my goal weight, 145lbs, by the age I am right now. And I messed that up big time. I am happy that I lost over the years. 62lbs isnā€™t nothing, but it is not enough when youā€™re almost 200lbs overweight.
My hope is to keto and drop 40 to 50lbs in about four months. Now to September. Then I can either continue that, or move back into calorie counting and add carbs back a bit. Iā€™m not opposed to carbs.
Iā€™m not sure how to Keto, so Iā€™ll need to do some research, but Iā€™m curious if others have gone back and forth and had success with it?
submitted by EBeewtf to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:14 bootinara Name some effective popular weight loss diets

I have been doing an egg diet for 3 days and I have lost few pounds so it is working. But I donā€™t feel itā€™s sustainable in the long run. So I was looking to try out some other similar diets that could rapidly lose me some pounds.
submitted by bootinara to diet [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:11 voluptuous_lime Liver issues after pregnancy

Hi all!
Iā€™m curious. I had GD and preeclampsia during pregnancy which caused me to be induced at 36 weeks. I got my first bloodwork done PP at 6 months (because of the healthcare system in Las Vegas, that was the soonest I could get in with my PCP). My liver enzymes were elevated, I was diagnosed with T2 Diabetes (I was told there was a 50/50 chance of that occurring, so not surprising but still upsetting), and my potassium was super low.
Iā€™ve been out on metformin and potassium supplements and told to stop drinking and using Tylenol. I rarely drank because I get migraines, and I used Tylenol maybe twice a month. My levels had never been elevated prior to or during pregnancy.
Has anyone else experienced this? Iā€™m seeing my PCP again in a couple of weeks to go over my results, but Iā€™m taking my brain to figure out what the cause could have been. I was displeased with my treatment during pregnancy (I was diagnosed with preeclampsia in my 7th month of pregnancy at the hospital but my OBGYN refused to treat me for it, saying my levels werenā€™t elevated enough). I never got an ultrasound of my heart afterwards (which Iā€™m getting this week because Iā€™m also seeing a cardiologistā€” I went to the ER for chest pains a couple of weeks ago). The cardiologist told me I should have received one because of my history of preeclampsia.
Iā€™m working on dropping weight (195, 5ā€™00ā€), which will happen with my low-carb diet that I have to follow for diabetes + added exercise, but until now, itā€™s been a slow process post-partum because Iā€™ve been working full-time since my baby was 4 weeks old.
submitted by voluptuous_lime to beyondthebump [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:10 Soft-Engineering-304 Side effects?

Has anyone not been able to tolerate the side effects? I have been on bupropion and phentermine for a year for weight loss, MD added naltrexone to the mix to speed up my loss. I took it for 2 days and was so fatigued, nauseated, and dizzy I couldnā€™t function! I could not get off the couch and kept falling asleep. I tried to exercise and had to stop due to dizziness and I also had to sit down 3 times during my shower because I thought I was going to pass out. I didnā€™t take it today because I had to work and there is no way I could have functioned like I was feelingā€¦I still have a dull headache and nausea today. I have heard such great things about the bupropion and naltrexone together so I am bummed it doesnā€™t seem like it is going to work out for me. I would honestly rather be obese forever than to feel like I felt the last few days againšŸ˜« Did anyone else have this reaction? Did it go away/get better eventually?
submitted by Soft-Engineering-304 to naltrexone [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:07 mecrurydreams safari searches saved as files

safari searches saved as files
hey guys so i decided to go on icloud.com and i saw thes but i dont remember ever saving these as a file and even if i did delete them and these were safari searches so how were they saved as a file
submitted by mecrurydreams to ios [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:05 highdefinitionjoke Scared my baby dechonking too fast

Scared my baby dechonking too fast
Little bit of a storyā€¦
So before I moved back home to take care of my mum, she used to free feed her cats with large bowls of kibble they could graze on 24/7, as well as wet food whenever they asked for it. One cat (boy) has always stayed slim and lean no matter what, other cat (girl) got more and more chonk over the years.
When I moved in, with mumā€™s permission, I started by finding them a wet food theyā€™d actually eat the meat from, not just lick off the jelly.
Then very slowly I switched out the old kibble that had carbs in it to one that is 75% animal protein.
Next, I gradually removed the kibble all together, replacing it slowly with more and more of the new wet food. (For both cats, just because itā€™s healthier even tho the slim one has no weight issues).
Now on a diet of almost only wet food, I guess you could say we are essentially still ā€˜free feedingā€™, leaving multiple portions out when we go to work, leaving food out over night so they donā€™t bother us when weā€™re asleep etc.
So there is absolutely no food deprivation.
And because of this, I didnā€™t see the need to count calories or use special diet foods, because just getting them to eat so much better was a huge win all by itself. I didnā€™t even know if it would work/they would go along with it! I wasnā€™t even trying to get Chunky Girl to lose weight particularly, just be healthier and see what happened. She would barely touch wet food with the kibble always around, but that is a thing of the past now!
This has been going super well over the last several months (2-4 months, I canā€™t remember when I started doing it). Skinny boy has stayed exactly the same size, happy boy.
My baby girl however, itā€™s hard to explain. Like you know when you go on a diet for weeks and see no change and then one day you look in the mirror and youā€™re like, damn I lookā€¦ SMALLER. Like TODAY. But rationally you know itā€™s happened slowly over many weeks?!
So chonky cat is doing really well slimming down and in the last few days/week-ish Iā€™ve suddenly noticed how trim sheā€™s looking and feeling.
Iā€™m like great!!!! Proud of you!!! And then Iā€™m like oh no, I heard fast weight loss is bad for cats. IS it fast?! IS it TOO fast?! Iā€™m not weighing her! I donā€™t even know what she weighed when we started or how long ago that was!
Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™m being paranoid as she is totally acting like her normal self and definitely not too thin or even lost all the weight yet!
But I feel like I wanna take her to the vet just to be sure. I have helped her so much and now Iā€™m scared Iā€™ve harmed her :(
submitted by highdefinitionjoke to dechonkers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:05 Beautiful-Basket2813 AITAH for putting my daughter in a weight loss camp?

i (28F), have an fat 10 year old. I always try not to judge her, but these past few months itā€™s been really getting to me. I was struggling with money a lot during her earlier years, so i couldnā€™t provide her with many healthy foods. Iā€™ve been able to move past that and try to feed her greens now, but she has been refusing and keeps eating the food she is accustomed to. iā€™ve tried mixing broccoli into her brownies and things like that, but to no avail. This summer, i am deciding to send her to a weight loss camp in hopes that she will come back skinnier and develop better food habits. As her life continues, i fear she will be treated differently and bullied for her weight. When i told my husband about this, he told me i was being too hard on her. i tried to reason with him by saying that i want her to succeed in her teen years, and it will be hard to fit in (both literally and socially) if she continues down this path. he told me no. i very mad because lately heā€™s been feeding her junk food when iā€™m not home. heā€™s made no efforts to try and fix this. So, i signed her up anyway. i think itā€™s best for her. But, he managed to find out about me secretly signing her up, and isnā€™t talking to me and is very mad. AITAH?
submitted by Beautiful-Basket2813 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:05 Ok-Client-820 I had gastric bypass and now Iā€™m taking GLP-1. AMA

Hi Reddit. In my early 40s I found myself weighing over 300 pounds. I saw my relatives struggling with the long term consequences of their morbid obesity and I decided I wasnā€™t going to live that way. I reached out to my doctor, who was/is a saint of a human being. She referred me to a specialist and my team began to form around me. For a year (during the height of COVID) I worked with a dietician and lost 80 lbs. I was exceptionally diligent in my exercise and nutrition intake but I knew I wouldnā€™t be able to keep it up. I had gastric bypass in 2022 and lost another 80+ pounds. At my lowest weight I wore a size 2 and could see every rib. I lost too much weight. I became obsessed with my food intake, logging everything, and doing some extreme exercise. I finally pulled myself out of that last fall but went to the other extreme. I began compulsively eating again. I could eat a half a loaf of bread in minutes. Despite the bypass, there were/are things that arenā€™t impacted by my smaller stomach. Go figure. Since January I put on 20+ pounds. I started using compounded tirzepitide at the end of April. Iā€™ve lost 15 pounds and am back at a comfortable weight and place. I fully intent to stay on this medication for as long as I can. I have an extraordinary family history of diabetes. Despite all of my weight loss, my A1C was still increasing. Iā€™m hopeful this will help me manage my weight and other impulsive behaviors. So, with all that said, ask me anything.
submitted by Ok-Client-820 to AMA [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:02 kataraya My Experience Using PhenQ Diet Pills to Burn Fat Naturally: Personal Results

In the quest for an effective weight loss solution, the market offers a plethora of options, each claiming to be the best. PhenQ diet pills caught my attention due to their popularity and positive reviews. Eager to find a natural way to burn fat, I decided to test PhenQ myself. Hereā€™s a detailed account of my journey and results.
PhenQ is a thermogenic weight loss supplement, which means it helps increase your body's temperature to boost your metabolism and burn more calories.

What is PhenQ?

PhenQ is a dietary supplement designed to aid weight loss by combining multiple benefits into one pill. It aims to:
PhenQā€™s formulation includes natural ingredients like Ī±-Lacys Reset, Capsimax Powder, Chromium Picolinate, Caffeine, Nopal, and L-Carnitine Fumarate, each contributing to its overall effectiveness.

Starting Point: My Weight Loss Journey Begins

Before starting PhenQ, I documented my weight and measurements to track progress accurately. At the outset, I weighed 180 pounds with a body mass index (BMI) of 28, categorizing me as overweight. My goal was to lose 20 pounds and achieve a healthier BMI.

The First Month: Adjusting to PhenQ

Week 1

The initial week was about getting accustomed to PhenQ. I took one pill with breakfast and another with lunch, as recommended. Notable changes included a slight boost in energy and a reduced appetite, which helped me cut down on snacking.

Week 2

By the second week, I noticed a more consistent energy level throughout the day. My workouts felt more productive, and I started losing some water weight, shedding around 2 pounds.

Week 3

Cravings for unhealthy foods significantly decreased. I felt fuller for longer periods, making it easier to stick to smaller portions. My energy levels continued to stay up, and I lost an additional 3 pounds.

Week 4

By the end of the first month, I had lost a total of 7 pounds. My clothes fit better, and I felt more motivated to continue the regimen.

The Second Month: Accelerated Fat Loss

Week 5-6

These weeks were marked by a steady decline in weight. My body adjusted to the changes, and I lost another 5 pounds. Regular exercise and a balanced diet complemented the effects of PhenQ.

Week 7-8

During these weeks, I experienced significant fat loss around my abdomen and thighs. My energy levels peaked, making it easier to stay active. By the end of the second month, I had lost a total of 15 pounds.

The Third Month: Achieving My Goal

Week 9-10

PhenQā€™s appetite suppression was crucial during these weeks, helping me avoid holiday overeating. I maintained a steady weight loss rate, dropping an additional 3 pounds.

Week 11-12

As I neared my goal, I focused on toning and building muscle. PhenQ provided the energy needed for intense workouts. By the end of the third month, I had lost a total of 20 pounds, reaching my target weight of 160 pounds.

Conclusion: PhenQā€™s Effectiveness

Testing PhenQ diet pills has been a transformative experience. Over three months, I achieved my weight loss goal and gained better control over my eating habits and energy levels. PhenQā€™s natural ingredients played a vital role in burning fat, suppressing appetite, and boosting overall well-being.

Key Takeaways:

While PhenQ worked for me, itā€™s essential to remember that results can vary. Combining PhenQ with a balanced diet and regular exercise maximizes its benefits. If you're considering a natural way to burn fat, PhenQ might be worth a try.
PhenQ is a thermogenic weight loss supplement, which means it helps increase your body's temperature to boost your metabolism and burn more calories.


Consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking other medications.
submitted by kataraya to hansgoreview [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:02 mecrurydreams how were these saved as a file if they are safari searches

how were these saved as a file if they are safari searches
how were these saved as a a file
hey guys so i decided to go on icloud.com and i saw these? but i dont remember ever saving these as a file and even if i did delete them and these were safari searches so how were they saved as a file??
submitted by mecrurydreams to iphone [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:01 mecrurydreams how were these saved as files if they are safari searches

how were these saved as files if they are safari searches
hey guys so i decided to go on icloud.com and i saw these? but i dont remember ever saving these as a file and even if i did delete them and these were safari searches so how were they saved as a file??
submitted by mecrurydreams to ios [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:01 AutoModerator r/BWF - Daily Discussion Thread for June 02, 2024

Welcome to the bodyweightfitness Daily Discussion! This is the place to post simple questions, anecdotes, achievements, or just about anything that's on your mind related to fitness!
Commonly asked questions about training and nutrition:
Our Discord server is very active and is truly the heart of the community. It is not only a social space, but it is also a great place for live discussion on training and nutrition compared to the slow pace of reddit! Come say Hi!
If you'd like to look at previous Discussion threads, click here.
submitted by AutoModerator to bodyweightfitness [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:00 mecrurydreams how were these saved as a a file

hey guys so i decided to go on icloud.com and i saw these? but i dont remember ever saving these as a file and even if i did delete them and these were safari searches so how were they saved as a file??
submitted by mecrurydreams to applehelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:00 m_Endgame Kelly Clarkson Weight Loss Journey - Modern HealthMe

Kelly Clarkson Weight Loss Journey - Modern HealthMe submitted by m_Endgame to Natural_Life [link] [comments]
