Nha cua dam vinh hung

quen không =))))) ăn được 50k

2024.06.02 09:00 Wanqy1810 quen không =))))) ăn được 50k

quen không =))))) ăn được 50k submitted by Wanqy1810 to vozforums [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 17:07 Big-Requirement-884 1 chút suy nghĩ cá nhân

“Tổng Bí thư phải là người miền Bắc và phải có lý luận”
Đó là tuyên bố của Nguyễn Phú Trọng. Theo nghĩa thông thường, thì Tổng Trọng tuyên bố như thế để lộ cái ngu dốt, kỳ thị địa phương, chia rẻ dân tộc của người lãnh đạo đảng.
Nhưng trên thực tế, câu nói nầy được phát biểu trong cuộc tranh cử chức vụ Tổng bí thư đảng và chỉ thẳng vào Nguyễn Tấn Dũng, cho rằng ông Ba Y tá là người ngu dốt, không có trình độ lý luận về chủ nghĩa Mác-Lênin. Mà thật ra, ai ai cũng biết, năm 13 tuổi Ba Dũng đi làm giao liên, rồi tham gia “cách mạng” làm y tá. Sau đó làm tiểu đội trưởng với cấp bậc trung sĩ. Như thế, có thì giờ đâu mà học với hành?
Trong tiểu sử, phần lý lịch ông khai có bằng cử nhân luật. Trong đảng có câu “Dốt bằng chuyên tu, ngu như tại chức”. Ông Dũng học tại chức. Một ký giả “người nước ngoài” chơi cắc cớ hỏi: “Thưa ngài, ngài tốt nghiệp đại học nào?” Trả lời “The U-Minh super jungle University of Camau”. “Diễn nôm”. “Đại học rừng U Minh Thượng, CaMau”
Nguyễn Phú Trọng không phải là người tốt
  1. Mượn danh nghĩa chống tham nhũng để đấu đá nhau tranh giành quyền lực. Đúng là bản sao của quan thầy Tập Cận Bình ở Trung Quốc.
  2. Tay đã nhúng chàm. Nhận hối lộ 2 biệt thự và tượng HCM nặng 50kg bằng vàng ròng.
  3. Tội nặng nhất là tội bán nước, mãi quốc cầu vinh. Đã ký rất nhiều văn bản đặt nhà nước VN vào thành một khu tự trị thuộc chính quyền trung ương ở Bắc Kinh. Vừa qua, Trọng đã ký 15 văn bản đặt các bộ, cơ quan VN vào sự quản lý của Trung Cộng. Đài truyền hình VN phải chiếu những phim do Trung Cộng đưa sang.
Ngày xưa Lê Chiếu Thống, Trần Ích Tắc mãi quốc cầu vinh, ngày nay Nguyễn Phú Trọng bán nước cầu an bằng cách triệt hạ những đối thủ chính trị.
Bác Trọng ơi! Sao bác bê bối, bệ rạc quá vậy? Sao bác không noi gương những anh hùng dân tộc ta như Ngô Quyền, Trần Hưng Đạo… để bảo vệ độc lập chủ quyền của dân tộc.
Đảng của Nguyễn Phú Trọng có “truyền thống” bán nước.
  1. Chia rẻ dân tộc
Đảng CSVN chia dân tộc VN ra nhiều thành phần, nhiều giai cấp, gây hận thù để giết nhau một cách hợp pháp. Đưa vũ khí cho thành phần ba đời bần cố nông để sát hại đồng bào của mình trong “Cải cách ruộng đất”. Khẩu hiệu “Trí phú, địa hào-đào tận gốc trốc tận rễ”
  1. Đảng CSVN cướp của giết người
Sau 1975, cướp tài sản của những thương gia, đưa họ vào các trại tù cải tạo, đưa gia đình họ đến những vùng khỉ ho cò gáy được gọi là “vùng kinh tế mới”.
Một điều mỉa mai buồn cười là cướp tài sản của tư bản để trở thành tầng lớp tư bản đỏ như hiện nay.
  1. Tội bán nước
Hồ Chí Minh-Phạm Văn Đồng bán nước có văn tự. Đó là công hàm ngày 14-9-1958 giao HS/TS cho Trung Cộng.
“Ra trận cấm nổ súng” đó là lịnh của Đảng ban ra trong trận gọi là Hải chiến Trường Sa vào ngày 14-3-1988.
Tại Hội nghị Thành Đô ngày 3 và 4 tháng 9 năm 1990, đảng CSVN năn nỉ xin Trung Cộng chấp nhận VN làm một khu sắc tộc tự trị như Mãn, Tạng, Hồi, Mông thuộc chính quyền TW ở Bắc Kinh. Nguồn gốc của cờ Trung Quốc có 6 ngôi sao.
Tổng Bí thu Lê Khả Phiêu bị sập mỹ nhân kế, chơi gái Trung Cộng tên Trương Mỹ Vân (Cheng Mei Wang), bị bắt chẹt nên phải ký những hiệp ước dâng 11,326 km2 vùng biển ở Vịnh Bắc Bộ. Dâng đất ở thác Bản Giốc cho Tàu khựa một diện tích khá lớn. Người dân có câu chỉ ông Phiêu ”sướng con koo, mù con mắt”
“Các vua Hùng có công dựng nước, Đức Trần Hưng Đạo có công giữ nước để bác cháu ta tha hồ bán nước”.
Đảng của ông Trọng tàn phá đất nước, hủy diệt truyền thống đạo đức của dân tộc
  1. Tàn phá đất nước
Cán bộ đảng viên CSVN ăn cắp, rúc rỉa tài nguyên quốc gia từ lâm sản, hải sản, khoáng sản đến các mỏ dầu khí của VN. Cho Trung Cộng thuê rừng đầu nguồn để khai thác lâm sản, khoáng sản và để lập những căn cứ chiến lược không chế VN, buộc phải luôn luôn nằm trong bàn tay của quan thầy Trung Quốc.
  1. Hủy diệt truyền thống đạo đức dân tộc
Dưới 80 năm cai trị của đảng CSVN, đạo đức dân tộc bị hủy hoại, tàn phá đến tận cùng. Đa số mất tính người, mất tình người. .
Có câu “Loài người bắt đầu từ thời kỳ đồ đá, tiến lên đồ đồng và ngày nay VN đang ở thời kỳ đồ đểu”.
Kết luận
Đòn đốt lò của Nguyễn Phú Trọng lợi hại thật. Từ dưới đánh lên, tuy chậm mà chắc. Tiêu diệt bọn đàn em thân tín, từng bước cô lập làm cho đối thủ như cua gãy càng, hồi hộp chờ đến phiên mình bị đưa vào lò hỏa táng. Củi tươi cũng phải cháy thôi.
Thật ra cha nội nầy không phải là người tốt. Tội nặng nhất là tội bán nước.
Đảng còn thì công an còn. Công an còn thì người dân vô tội cũng còn chết trong đồn “côn an”.
submitted by Big-Requirement-884 to u/Big-Requirement-884 [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 12:11 hypercorevn Lợi ích của các dịch vụ điện toán đám mây

Bước vào kỷ nguyên số đầy tiềm năng và biến đổi, các doanh nghiệp đang đối mặt với nhu cầu ngày càng cao về khả năng tiếp cận nguồn lực công nghệ tiên tiến, linh hoạt và hiệu quả. Điện toán đám mây, với những ưu điểm vượt trội, đã và đang trở thành giải pháp tối ưu, giúp doanh nghiệp gia tăng lợi thế cạnh tranh và bứt phá giới hạn trong thời đại công nghệ số.
Tìm hiểu về các dịch vụ của điện toán đám mây: https://hypercore.vn/cac-dich-vu-cua-dien-toan-dam-may/
submitted by hypercorevn to u/hypercorevn [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 06:18 Proof-Butterfly1481 Twilight masquerade pulls.

submitted by Proof-Butterfly1481 to pokemoncards [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 00:10 Few_Ebb7774 My husband (45M) doesn't try hard enough to keep this marriage going. Should I (35F) leave or stick it out?

I firstly want to apologize. I am typically not a person to put my business out in public but for me, this is more of a rant and to maybe get some feedback/advise on how I can deal with my current relationship with my husband.
To start off, I will say my husband is not a terrible person. We have been together since 2012 and I will say that our relationship was never bad and it started off pretty smoothly. I met him through a mutual friend and we hit it off pretty well. He was a genuine guy who gave me a lot of attention and it grabbed my interest. So thanks to that, I made the decision to cut ties with other would-be candidates and choose him. At the time, I was very young (21), I had moved out of my family home to live with friends, had a falling out with said friends, got in a bit of a tough situation and meeting him saved me. I will admit that I chose him cause being with him not only made me happy but he was also a pretty established guy (had a house, decent job and a car). Before we started dating, he was still married but separated from his wife. I knew him for a good year and 2 weeks after their divorce was when we officially started dating. In the beginning, it was great. He pursued me, asked me out on dates, we hung out often and then very quickly, moved in together. I felt happy and safe being with him. Realistically, our relationship was nothing like crazy romance dramas, it was more of the mutual benefits that we offered each other. He gave me the freedom and financial safety and I gave him the care and attention he didn't have from his ex.
A few months into our relationship, his job required him to relocate and he asked me if I wanted to go with him. At the time, I still thought our relationship was moving so fast but I still went with him cause I made the choice to commit myself to him and our relationship. During this time, I slowly fell in love with him and genuinely wanted to keep the relationship going for as much as possible. I can remember the times that we would sleep at night and I would just watch him and think how much I would never want to be apart from him, that the thought of losing him would make me cry some nights. I dreaded the thoughts, imagining what I would do if I ever lost him. I had loved him so much at the time.
Few years later, his health started getting worst and the sad thing was because it was due to his own neglect. When I met him, I knew he had diabetes but never went to the doctor get the necessary treatments until I forced him to. I made sure that he kept up with his doctors, told him to make his follow up appointments, make sure he takes his medication, etc. I wanted him to be healthy as possible cause the fear of losing him would destroy me. I think he enjoyed the attention and was happy to let me do all of this for him but I think this is where a lot of the problems started.
I'm a pretty realistic person and never had any delusions that I would have an over the top romance but maybe because I let too many things slide was my fault as to why I am having this issue now with my marriage. My husband has always done "just enough" and I tried to satisfy my needs/wants because I thought I didn't need the extravagant stuff. I prided myself for being self sufficient and independent. Making do with what we had and being happy with it. My concerns were just making sure we had a home, food and each other. During our time together and dealing with his health, we talked about our future as well. Marriage with definitely something we talked about and agreed upon but when it came down to it, my husband to this day, has never official proposed to me. Due to tight funds, we had a simple court marriage in 2015 and boom, we were husband and wife just like that. We didn't celebrate and make a big deal out of it and all we did to announce it was a simple Facebook posting our our hands wearing our $20 wedding bands bought off of Amazon. I do say this now with a bitterness but back then, I thought I was happy. When people asked about our marriage, I used to laugh it off and say that we only go married for tax purposes but now, I feel like we actually only did for that reason. Thinking back now, there was nothing special about it.
We also talked about kids. I grew up with a big family and always wanted at least 1 child. By the time we were married, I thought that now would be a good time to start planning that type of future. We would talk but it always seemed that I was the only thinking about it and he would take every opportunity to avoid/change the subject. At the time, we didn't really consider it because we wanted to buy a house together. It made sense so I didn't push that hard.
We always talked about money as well. I'm not a freeloader and never will be. I worked as well. Albeit, I didn't have high paying jobs but I definitely contributed to our finances. Taking on multiple jobs, working long hours, etc. I did what I could and made sure to budget accordingly. Down the road, I felt more and more pressure from my husband due to my lack of higher paying jobs (I worked as a fast food manager and office assistant). The pressure ate at me and I would always push myself harder because I felt that it was my obligation to support my husband with the finances. Everything I made, went to bills. I rarely spent on myself. Since my husband was the main provider, I didn't question our finances but overtime, certain bills would be late, we wouldn't have enough money and we were constantly living paycheck to paycheck. The pressure increased to contribute more and get a better job. Eventually, we moved back to our original home after my husband got another job opportunity and things got a bit better. I too, managed to find a good company and made equal pay to my husbands salary. Things were suppose to get better, but they never did.
The house we moved back into was the original house my husband and ex bought together. It was a simple townhouse in a not so nice neighborhood but it was a roof over our head. Since we both had better jobs, I was excited to continue our plans for the future. But things were not adding up as they should be. We were still living paycheck to paycheck, struggling with our finances and not able to save anything. And this frustrated me. We talked about our budget and went over our expenses and I found that my husband was not managing the money well. I will admit that we were both at fault. I should have been smarter and less trusting that we had the funds and could've curbed some spendings so I took the initiative by creating a budget that made sense. I found that we spent thousands of dollars each month over unnecessary spending and with our new budget, I cut that more than half. It was a plan that we both agreed on. Once again, my excitement for our future returned and that's when I tried to bring up the subject of children once again.
After some attempts and to the point when one day, I broke down due to the lack of serious commit my husband had to kids. I later found out that he never wanted any. This broke my heart. By this time, we were together for 9 years (married for 6) and I felt my world crashing down. It was the first real slap of reality for me that this marriage wasn't going to work out. I did my best to deal with it, try to convince myself that maybe having kids wasn't a good idea, that I didn't waste all this time staying with a man that lied to me about our future plans together. I did what I could but the resentment grew. I changed. My husband changed as well. Despite my encouragement for more outdoor physical activity and changing his eating habits, his health got worst. He was diagnosed with heart and kidney failure. This also affected our bedroom activity as well. We pretty much stopped having sex for 3 years.
We started arguing more and by we, it was mostly me. I vented a lot of my frustrations to him at this point and I was terrible for it. I saw the changes in me and hated every bit of it but I found that I couldn't stop. Little things that I tried not to let bother me in our time together just kept adding up and it was like a dam that overflowed. All the things I stressed about, disliked, hated or had issues with; I took them all out on him. Stupid things, like how my husband refused to clean more then the few dishes or take our the trash. How he liked to always overspend and use money that was suppose to be for saving. Or like how he would tell me he loved me but never showed those feelings with any physical affection. Repeat arguments of the same things, I felt like I was going crazy. And for the most part, my husband took my verbal "beatings" in silence. Or repeating words like "I understand your frustration" or "I'll do better". Over time, if felt more like living with a roommate/son rather than a husband. I kept myself busy with work, managed to get a few promotions. Kept plugging away at life while silently hoping that my husband would take one of our arguments to heart and actually make a change.
Over time, these bursts of frustrations narrowed down to just one issue. Our lack of a physical interaction. I have always been an affectionate person and my love language was everything touchy feely. My husband was very much the opposite. At first, I accepted that this was how he is. He cared for me, gave me enough space and enjoyed each other company, what more could I ask for? However, due to our fights, I shut down, became depressed and I started to notice that the time we spent together was always initiated by me. My husband rarely came to comfort me or offer me any physical forms of affection. I had long given up on sex but I at least craved a cuddle, hug or kiss. We fought about this, me basically begging him for attention each time. He would fix it - for a short period of time though and then go back to the same neglect. I felt that to him, as long as I acted okay on the outside, he did not feel the need to offer any more affection then a peck on the check. There was one time I actually kept track and he never kissed, hugged or touched me for almost a month. Again, just confirming that any physical interaction we did have was due to me.
I learned a lot of things about our relationship. If I wanted a date night, I planned it. If I wanted a hug, I would come to him and request the affection. If I wanted to talk to him, I would call or find him and chat. If things needed to be done in the house, I had to tell him to do it (he would still forget). Our marriage definitely did not feel like one, no equal partnership, nothing. If I didn't do it, bring it up, say something or plan it, it would never happen. I felt that there was no contribution from him at all except for what he says each time we fight "but I love you". To me, those words feel empty. Nothing but words that have lost their meaning. My feelings for my husband is torn between love/hate. I care for him deeply but I don't have the love for him like I once did. Coming home to a house where I get more affection from my two pets and then being greeted by my husband who grumble a simple "hey" as he goes back to watching whatever video he was watching. I have a husband but I feel single.
I am at my wits end. He claims to love me but doesn't show it when I literally beg him for attention. I don't know what else to do. We've been together for so long. I've tried to be patient and understanding due to his health. I tried to trick myself into accepting my fate, that this is my life going forward but I'm so unhappy and can no longer kid myself. Is it a difficult request to ask your husband to hug you more?
I'm ready to end it but I'm torn. Should I leave or stick it out?
submitted by Few_Ebb7774 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 20:20 Electronic_Put9508 Công ty Safework Việt Nam lừa đảo xuất khẩu lao động đi Úc

Công ty Safework Việt Nam lừa đảo xuất khẩu lao động đi Úc
Chào mọi người, mình vừa bị lừa đảo nên đăng bài cảnh báo Công ty SafeWork Việt Nam lừa đảo xuất khẩu lao động đi Úc
Mới đầu sẽ giới thiệu qua thằng giẻ rách tên Nguyễn Đức Bằng, rồi bắt nộp 258k phí làm hồ sơ
Rồi nó sẽ gửi lại 50k để mọi người làm tin
Rồi nó sẽ đưa qua bên nhóm Telegram cho thằng óc chó tên Trần Minh Phú, tại đây sẽ tạo nhóm với đồng bọn của tụi nó
Sẽ tạo tài khoản trên webiste safeworkvietnams..com để kiếm điểm, bỏ phiếu bầu chọn cho công ty con tên Westpac
Cứ mỗi lần như vậy sẽ nạp tiền rất nhiều, lần sau tăng hơn lần trước
Lần đầu nạp 258k, rồi nạp 998k, rồi nạp 6tr8 ....
Nạp tiền ko rút ra được, tụi nó cứ lấy lý do đổ qua đổ lại cho nhau
Hiện tại mình đang làm đơn kiện tụi nó lên Công an, cảnh báo mọi người lừa đảo
Thông tin của tụi nó
  • Tên công ty: SafeWork Việt Nam lừa đảo xuất khẩu lao động đi Úc
  • Địa chỉ: Số 72 Lê Thánh Tôn quận 1 tại TPHCM, ở Hà Nội thì tầng 8 tòa nhà Eurowindow số 27 Trần Duy Hưng
  • Số điện thoại:
    Thằng Nguyễn Đức Bằng óc chó: 056 .2428 .843
    Thằng giẻ rách Trần Minh Phú: 0563 . 625 . 525
    Thằng kiểm toán viên con chó: Hoàng Vinh Quang
Đáng chú ý khi mọi người phát hiện lừa đảo thì tụi nó còn cắt ghép, chỉnh sửa thông tin hình ảnh căn cước công dân của mọi người trên các tờ báo pháp luật và công an để hù dọa
Những ai bị tụi nó lừa thì nên ra trình báo công an nha mọi người
submitted by Electronic_Put9508 to vozforums [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 18:37 Even_Equivalent2102 Update on my permanent ban penalty. I am truly desperate as I post this. Please help me!

First of all, thank you everyone for taking the time to visit and read this post
One day ago, I posted to explain the issue of my account being permanently banned, here is the link: https://www.reddit.com/riotgames/comments/1d2g68w/my_account_got_permanent_banned_with_no_reasonno/
I will provide some additional context about my situation. I have been playing League of Legends with this account for over 10 years. Last year, I accidentally clicked on a link on Discord, resulting in my original email account registered with Riot being hijacked. Consequently, it's understandable that my League of Legends account was also compromised. I managed to recover my account at the end of last year and in early 2024. However, on April 30, 2024, my account was compromised once again. Fortunately, I received support and regained access to my account on May 17, 2024. The support representative mentioned that my account had been hacked multiple times and that this might be the final account recovery support. I can imagine how the perpetrator gained access to my account more than once, as they had control over my original email, which contained my CV with personal information such as my name and date of birth. It was easy for them to submit a recovery request to regain access to my account. Then, nearly a week later, on the evening of May 23, 2024, I was unable to access any Riot Games on this account. When I tried to log in to TFT mobile, I received a notification that my account had been permanently banned. Subsequently, I attempted to submit a ticket to the support team. After several failed attempts, this afternoon, I finally received a response from the support team. It is as follows:
"Unfortunately, this account has been permanently suspended due to the extent of the compromise. Severely compromised accounts pose a risk to other players and, as mentioned before, are at risk of suspension. All players are responsible for the security of their accounts.
Please let me know if you have any constructive feedback. I apologize if this decision disappoints you, but it is the final decision."
I'm extremely sad and disappointed right now. Over a decade of being connected with League of Legends, 5 years with TFT, 950+ ~ 1000 skins in LOL, and then one day my account disappeared because of a permanent penalty.
It is truly difficult to accept that all the time, effort, and money I spent on buying skins, Little Legends, and my memories of playing League of Legends have disappeared without a 3-day, 7-day, or 14-day penalty or any other warning, but instead a sudden permanent ban on 'a beautiful day'.
Thank you everyone for taking the time to read my long post and sorry about my bad English. I still hope that someone can help me because I am not yet able to fully accept what is happening to me, to my account
submitted by Even_Equivalent2102 to riotgames [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 11:21 congtydinhcuBSOP Co hoi cuoi cung nhan uu dai BSOP EXPO Mua 4

Co hoi cuoi cung nhan uu dai BSOP EXPO Mua 4 submitted by congtydinhcuBSOP to u/congtydinhcuBSOP [link] [comments]


"Cô gái này vào một khách sạn 5* tại Hà Nội, ăn mặc sang trọng, nói chuyện rất lịch sự, cô ta yêu cầu nhân viên lấy Menu và gọi món như sau: 1 bò wagyu nhật A5 , (300gr) 1 con Tôm hùm nguyên con ( 1kg) 1 chai rượu vang Đức Ăn xong 3 món chính trên cô ta order gọi món thêm: 1 đĩa hoa quả 1 đĩa bánh 1 oliuver 1 ly cocktail 1 chai nước
Tới lúc cửa hàng chuẩn bị đóng cửa và tiến hành in hoá đơn tính tiền là 11 triệu đồng , thì cô này bắt đầu nói chuyện kiểu cười ngây ngô, nói quen các quan chức, xong giả t.hần k.inh. "
Nguồn Cafe đường phố
submitted by ANHPOLY to ChinhTriNgheThuat [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:58 Adventurous-Fact7448 Bác Trọng là pháp sư?

Vụ cháy 14 người chết ở Hà Nội: Gần 3 tỉ đồng bồi thường bảo hiểm cho nạn nhân Báo Pháp Luật TP. Hồ Chí Minh (plo.vn)
Chắc chắn bác Trọng đã triệu hồi Bà Hỏa để phục vụ cho việc đốt lò, đốt hết những cán bụ tham nhũng.
Chưa thấy năm nào mà Bà Hỏa nổi lửa đốt nhiều và liên tục như năm nay. Có khi nào các khúc gỗ của bác Trọng bắt đầu bục lớp vỏ, rò rỉ mùi gỗ nồng nàn pha lẫn kim tiền, Bà Hỏa đánh hơi thấy, khoái chí mà trồi lên đi tìm củi quý.
Hà Nội: Cháy nhà trên phố Hàng Hành, khói đen cuồn cuộn (tienphong.vn)
Cháy quán cơm ở Hải Dương, thiếu niên 15 tuổi tử vong (vietnamnet.vn)
Cháy lớn cửa hàng nội thất ô tô, tài sản hàng tỉ đồng biến thành tro (nld.com.vn)
Cháy lớn nhà máy sản xuất quạt ở Bình Dương - Báo VnExpress
Video cháy lớn tại Bắc Ninh, cột khói khổng lồ bốc cao hàng trăm mét (suckhoedoisong.vn)
submitted by Adventurous-Fact7448 to TroChuyenLinhTinh [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 17:27 Gullible_Campaign_79 Khi nào lĩnh vực sức khỏe tâm thần ở VN mới được quan tâm?

Khi nào lĩnh vực sức khỏe tâm thần ở VN mới được quan tâm?
E là học sinh đang trong giai đoạn định hướng nghề nghiệp trong tương lai và e có ý định theo đuổi ngành y. E có một sự quan tâm đặc biệt đến chuyên khoa tâm thần. Gần đây e đang theo dõi một serie của Netflix “Daily dose of Sunshine” (Chút nắng ấm mỗi ngày), và e nhận ra ai trong chúng ta đều có thể mắc bệnh tâm thần. Bản thân e sau khi xem phim cũng ngạc nhiên khi nhận thức được mình đang mắc rối loạn ám ảnh xã hội. Dường như bộ phim càng củng cố niềm yêu thích của e đối với chuyên khoa tâm thần. Vậy nhưng khi e tìm kiếm các thông tin liên quan, có lẽ e đã quên một điều: Thực tế sao có thể màu hồng như trong phim. Điều kiện, môi trường làm việc, mức lương, chính sách đãi ngộ… Quả thực bác sĩ tâm thần hiện nay đang phải đối mặt với vô vàn khó khăn và thách thức. Vậy nên e cảm thấy khá buồn vì chuyên khoa mình yêu thích lại không được đảm bảo, cũng không rõ trong tương lai sức khỏe tâm thần liệu có được chú trọng? Mọi người nghĩ sao ạ?
submitted by Gullible_Campaign_79 to vozforums [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 09:36 Personal_Addition752 cua roi nha

submitted by Personal_Addition752 to u/Personal_Addition752 [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:27 spontaneousgurl Tonsillectomy recovery

Day 1: post op surgery . I have pain but similar to tonsillitis or strep. Able to swallow with moderate pain. Drinking alot of water and eating ice chips. I was hungry so I had soft scrambled eggs with mashed avocado. That was fine it took me 45 minutes to eat 1 egg and 1/2 a small Hass avocado. I took Tylenol and have an ice pack for my throat. I can talk (more of a whisper) but avoiding it to help decrease swelling. Tonight I will end my night with )l motrin , and 1 dose of Oxycotin mostly to help me sleep through the night. I will continue to drink water all night , use throat ice pack, and sleep with humidifer to help keep my throat moisture. Oh yeah and I will also take 1 table spoon of Honey onion garlic and ginger mixture to help soothing ( i did this daily althought its not added in other entries). At 2 AM I woke up I'm alot of pain I had to take more medication the meds I had took were wearing off. I did not sleep well through the night. Also felt like I could taste blood but when I spit nothing was coming up.. so im guessing it was just residual blood for the procedure... overall pain level 4/10 at night when meds wore off and I woke up 8/10.
Day 2 : Woke up 717 AM feeling super dry despite running a humdifier 24.7. Ice chips and a popsicle to help calm things down . I don't feel well but it could be lack of sleep. Anyways I am preparing to take mortin again. I am taking ibuprofen/motrin alternating every 4-6 hrs with Oxycotin every 4-6 hrs. WARNING set an alarm for more meds so there isn't a lapse when they wear off. OK so I tired drinking a chocolate protien shake before my meds it was too hard to swallow. I took meds and now I'm chewing gum and drinking ice cold water. Pain after meds kicked in is tolerable. Similar to a strep throat although my throat and lips appear to have swelling. I was able to get down 1/2 avocado and steamed chicken dumplings mashed up once meds kicked in. Continued ice water and Ice pack wrap around my neck to reduce swelling. Also took nausea meds . Attempted to nap but I could not. Now I'm eating some protient oatmeal. I went outside today walked my dog hung out in the sun . Did light house choirs vacuum and dishes. I did eat a few bites of the sushi roll but for some reason my stomach turned Maybe because I was eating raw fish and my stomach was messed up from the meds.. after 3 rolls I was feeling nausea so I stopped eating.
Day 3: I am in agony now. Woke up super inflamed unable to swallow or breathe properly. Very painful trying to get the liquid meds down. I took mortin with Oxycotin . I took oral prednisone to help with swelling. Popicle for instant relief. Once things calmed I ate oatmeal and ice chips. Ice chips r my savior. I have ice pack around my mouth. Able to eat the remaining three sushi rolls. Pain level is now manageable. ... DO NOT LAPSE PAIN meds before bed you will wake up in excruciating pain unable to swallow or breathe. Keep drinking water and ice chips best relief.
Day 4: Was not in as much pain as normal because I made sure I stayed on top of the meds. My throat did hurt a little bit more but I think i could fell the scab pealing off.. I woke up stomach upset I am starving & nauseas. My husband made me protien oatmeal very hard and painful to swallow. I had pedaltye today for the electrolytes. Eating a mashed banana it really uncomfortable to swallow. Later on I successfully eat rice noodle soup with chicken, a couple bites of chow mein, and 2 pieces of general toas chicken. Yes it was hard to eat like it hurts but I managed. I was so hungry I ate a small lemon ricotta crepe that was super soft and a small amount of mango sorbet. That was delicious... ice water for the rest of the night. Ice pack around my throat for the rest of the night. Pain was manageable but Def hurt when swallowing.
Day 5: woke up at 430 AM pain meds wearing off because I didn't take oxy as schedule . I woke up took Tylenol and motrin every 4-6, had a popsicle to calm down my throat because again the feeling of glass and burning were present. I took Miralax to help me with constipation. In the mean time I was eating mashed eggs and avocado it goes down okay it definitely hurts 8/10 when I eat but the key is to chew your food a millions times before swallowing and follow it up with ice chips. In the middle of eating I had to rush to the bathroom. The pain to release gas from my stomach was awful so bad I sat there for 40 minutes tryna not to strain my throat. Finally after 40 minutes I was able to release some stomach matter. It's beautiful outside so I'll probably be spending time out there .I can talk very quietly and slowly in intervals but I'm choosing not to talk much just want my throat to heal faster. So I drank 1 16 oz bottle of coconut water for electrolytes. Never finished my eggs I feel hott and sick probably from trying to do stuff around the house. I am going to take my Tylenol and 1/2 of a gummy edibles and lay down . Still not oxy- I'm waiting for night time as I only have 3 left and dr. Never called back for refill. Trying to eat oatmeal with banana and strawberry puree. The right side hurts alot the left not so much.. The pain is manageable but when trying to eat it hurts alot 8/10. Which sucks because I'm actually starving. I could not sleep at all last night I was in so much pain. I honestly think it was from laying down flat. So after another round of meds I proppped up 2 pillow and tryed to lay up on an angle. Woke up with pain at 730 but not as much pain I was in during that day.
Day 6: Today I didn't wake up in agony. There was pain 7/10 , but after taking motrin and wearing my ice Pack it's down to a 4/10. Im sitting up in bed eating ice chips. I would honestly like to clean a tad bit more if I can today. I only have 1 oxy left so I have to save for emergency pain. I taste blood but there is no blood in my spit must be the scabs falling off. Also I'm still slightly constipated but I am able to pass small bowel movements now. Was able to endure a deep spring cleaning today . Drinking 16 oz coconut water now still rotating mortin and ibuprofen every 3-4 hours. I can see a reduction in the pain except for when I eat. I eat soft foods and it hurts to swallow so mostly likely today will be broth with rice again. I don't feel sick and drained even though I haven't slept in almost a week. Today I will try to get bed at like midnight. The pain is only agonizing like when i try to lay down . I ate a few bites of Greek yogurt still uncomfortable but i took more meds and ill wait so i can eat the mac and cheese my husband bought me. Ok so by 800PM the pain came back and I wasn't home so didn't take my meds til 9pm again I feel miserable I'm in so much pain. Just took meds and last oxy now laying in bed ice pack and ice chips popsicle. Pain level swallowing 9/10. Woke up at 4 am in pain barley slept. I was up in pain most of the night.
Day 7: checked the back of my Throat it just appears white and red.... not sure what I am looking for .I definitely felt the scabs though and I've also tasted slight bleeding so I assume they are healing.. Anyways woke up with ice pack and popsicle can't. At this point mentally I'm starting to get drained. I'm hungry and tired. Bed for a while. Also my ears do hurt today but not too bad they ar bearable..husband called in a refill for Motrin and oxy. Once med kicked I'm I got down 1 scrambled egg and about 1/4 cup of mac and cheesIe. I mean yeah it hurt to swallow but was manageable 6/10 . Also drinking warm tea with honey is soothing. Ice water non stop and ice wrap. I am gonna take a oxy to help me sleep for a few . Couldn't s Nap :'(. Took another round of tylenol making myself a soup with chicken dumplings. Gonna eat and then relax in the bath tub for about an hour. I hope tomorrow things gets better for me. . The soup was over salted which resulted me in agonizing chronic burning pain . Got so bad i had to take an oxy prednisone and tylenol ... ice chips layed down.
Day 8- last night I actually slept a few hours without much discomfort. This morning throat was a little dry but not nearly as bad as it's been . Took some motrin and ice chips and honestly I could probably try to go back to sleep. Today i am going to attempt Chipotle and drink plenty of ice water + fluids. I feel much better today . Like the pain is very manageable. 2/10 this morning once motrin kicked in prior 5/10, b4 meds. Today focused on doing light choirs and resting. Pain kicked back In . Back to ice pack, ice chips, and tylenol. I was hopeful I could eat something good without agony but every bite that I forced down my throat was agonizing. I knew I had to do it because food helps the body heal faster but also helps with removing residual scabbing. Hot shower and bath- next dose of tylenol is scheduled for 8pm . Between now and than ill drink a warm cup of soothing tea and honey.
Day 9- I slept thru the night again . I did wake up every 4 hrs for meds. Today I managed to get alot of cleaning done + made a run to target because why not it's beautiful outside. This morning I managed to eat a scrambled egg although painful I got through it. Currently I am trying to eat my left over Chipotle that was so very painful to eat last night. I am finally eating it without excruciating pain but it does still hurt to swallow so im not really enjoying the food mostly just tryna get it down my pipes for fuel. I used my ice Pack this morning , ice chips all morning. Also just made myself a warm tea with honey to sooth my throat after eating this food. Seems like things are getting better. Eating is definitely not 100% as I have to eat very slowly, chew 1 million times and follow most bites up with water. I will stay definitely an improvement. I ate a whole side of mash potatoes. It took me like 1 hour and I hurt a little but I did it.
Day 10- woke up at 245AM in pain again, lapsed on my meds cuz sleeping just feels too dam good after not being able to sleep for a week. Also I know even though I have a dehumidifier my room is drying out my throat and that's why it hurting more. Set an alarm for 7 am woke up again in pain. I was one hour over due for meds. Up now sucking on ice chips with ice wrap on. I can Def feel the scabs hanging on by a thread esp the right side. At this point I'm getting annoyed because I just want to be over this pain threshold. I want to be able to get back to my normal routine cooking, cleaning , working out, being in less pain. There's Def improvement and the meds work almost instantly now once I take them. Feeling ok I went for a 3 5 mile walk today and layed out in the sun. Other than that I been in bed all day. Just tryna give my body proper rest. By 230pm I was able to eat eggs and pico de galo. It was mildly uncomfortable but nothing to crazy took me like 1 hour to eat but I did it. Throat is feeling better. Just finished a bowl of pho (beef noodle soup). It was delicious I got full fast and my throat does hurt a tad bit because I was swallowing pretty decent sizes of thinly sliced beef. Went down a little rough . Finishing off with ice cold water . I
Day 1: post op surgery . I have pain but similar to tonsillitis or strep. Able to swallow with moderate pain. Drinking alot of water and eating ice chips. I was hungry so I had soft scrambled eggs with mashed avocado. That was fine it took me 45 minutes to eat 1 egg and 1/2 a small Hass avocado. I took Tylenol and have an ice pack for my throat. I can talk (more of a whisper) but avoiding it to help decrease swelling. Tonight I will end my night with )l motrin , and 1 dose of Oxycotin mostly to help me sleep through the night. I will continue to drink water all night , use throat ice pack, and sleep with humidifer to help keep my throat moisture. Oh yeah and I will also take 1 table spoon of Honey onion garlic and ginger mixture to help soothing ( i did this daily althought its not added in other entries). At 2 AM I woke up I'm alot of pain I had to take more medication the meds I had took were wearing off. I did not sleep well through the night. Also felt like I could taste blood but when I spit nothing was coming up.. so im guessing it was just residual blood for the procedure... overall pain level 4/10 at night when meds wore off and I woke up 8/10.
Day 2 : Woke up 717 AM feeling super dry despite running a humdifier 24.7. Ice chips and a popsicle to help calm things down . I don't feel well but it could be lack of sleep. Anyways I am preparing to take mortin again. I am taking ibuprofen/motrin alternating every 4-6 hrs with Oxycotin every 4-6 hrs. WARNING set an alarm for more meds so there isn't a lapse when they wear off. OK so I tired drinking a chocolate protien shake before my meds it was too hard to swallow. I took meds and now I'm chewing gum and drinking ice cold water. Pain after meds kicked in is tolerable. Similar to a strep throat although my throat and lips appear to have swelling. I was able to get down 1/2 avocado and steamed chicken dumplings mashed up once meds kicked in. Continued ice water and Ice pack wrap around my neck to reduce swelling. Also took nausea meds . Attempted to nap but I could not. Now I'm eating some protient oatmeal. I went outside today walked my dog hung out in the sun . Did light house choirs vacuum and dishes. I did eat a few bites of the sushi roll but for some reason my stomach turned Maybe because I was eating raw fish and my stomach was messed up from the meds.. after 3 rolls I was feeling nausea so I stopped eating.
Day 3: I am in agony now. Woke up super inflamed unable to swallow or breathe properly. Very painful trying to get the liquid meds down. I took mortin with Oxycotin . I took oral prednisone to help with swelling. Popicle for instant relief. Once things calmed I ate oatmeal and ice chips. Ice chips r my savior. I have ice pack around my mouth. Able to eat the remaining three sushi rolls. Pain level is now manageable. ... DO NOT LAPSE PAIN meds before bed you will wake up in excruciating pain unable to swallow or breathe. Keep drinking water and ice chips best relief.
Day 4: Was not in as much pain as normal because I made sure I stayed on top of the meds. My throat did hurt a little bit more but I think i could fell the scab pealing off.. I woke up stomach upset I am starving & nauseas. My husband made me protien oatmeal very hard and painful to swallow. I had pedaltye today for the electrolytes. Eating a mashed banana it really uncomfortable to swallow. Later on I successfully eat rice noodle soup with chicken, a couple bites of chow mein, and 2 pieces of general toas chicken. Yes it was hard to eat like it hurts but I managed. I was so hungry I ate a small lemon ricotta crepe that was super soft and a small amount of mango sorbet. That was delicious... ice water for the rest of the night. Ice pack around my throat for the rest of the night. Pain was manageable but Def hurt when swallowing.
Day 5: woke up at 430 AM pain meds wearing off because I didn't take oxy as schedule . I woke up took Tylenol and motrin every 4-6, had a popsicle to calm down my throat because again the feeling of glass and burning were present. I took Miralax to help me with constipation. In the mean time I was eating mashed eggs and avocado it goes down okay it definitely hurts 8/10 when I eat but the key is to chew your food a millions times before swallowing and follow it up with ice chips. In the middle of eating I had to rush to the bathroom. The pain to release gas from my stomach was awful so bad I sat there for 40 minutes tryna not to strain my throat. Finally after 40 minutes I was able to release some stomach matter. It's beautiful outside so I'll probably be spending time out there .I can talk very quietly and slowly in intervals but I'm choosing not to talk much just want my throat to heal faster. So I drank 1 16 oz bottle of coconut water for electrolytes. Never finished my eggs I feel hott and sick probably from trying to do stuff around the house. I am going to take my Tylenol and 1/2 of a gummy edibles and lay down . Still not oxy- I'm waiting for night time as I only have 3 left and dr. Never called back for refill. Trying to eat oatmeal with banana and strawberry puree. The right side hurts alot the left not so much.. The pain is manageable but when trying to eat it hurts alot 8/10. Which sucks because I'm actually starving. I could not sleep at all last night I was in so much pain. I honestly think it was from laying down flat. So after another round of meds I proppped up 2 pillow and tryed to lay up on an angle. Woke up with pain at 730 but not as much pain I was in during that day.
Day 6: Today I didn't wake up in agony. There was pain 7/10 , but after taking motrin and wearing my ice Pack it's down to a 4/10. Im sitting up in bed eating ice chips. I would honestly like to clean a tad bit more if I can today. I only have 1 oxy left so I have to save for emergency pain. I taste blood but there is no blood in my spit must be the scabs falling off. Also I'm still slightly constipated but I am able to pass small bowel movements now. Was able to endure a deep spring cleaning today . Drinking 16 oz coconut water now still rotating mortin and ibuprofen every 3-4 hours. I can see a reduction in the pain except for when I eat. I eat soft foods and it hurts to swallow so mostly likely today will be broth with rice again. I don't feel sick and drained even though I haven't slept in almost a week. Today I will try to get bed at like midnight. The pain is only agonizing like when i try to lay down . I ate a few bites of Greek yogurt still uncomfortable but i took more meds and ill wait so i can eat the mac and cheese my husband bought me. Ok so by 800PM the pain came back and I wasn't home so didn't take my meds til 9pm again I feel miserable I'm in so much pain. Just took meds and last oxy now laying in bed ice pack and ice chips popsicle. Pain level swallowing 9/10. Woke up at 4 am in pain barley slept. I was up in pain most of the night.
Day 7: checked the back of my Throat it just appears white and red.... not sure what I am looking for .I definitely felt the scabs though and I've also tasted slight bleeding so I assume they are healing.. Anyways woke up with ice pack and popsicle can't. At this point mentally I'm starting to get drained. I'm hungry and tired. Bed for a while. Also my ears do hurt today but not too bad they ar bearable..husband called in a refill for Motrin and oxy. Once med kicked I'm I got down 1 scrambled egg and about 1/4 cup of mac and cheesIe. I mean yeah it hurt to swallow but was manageable 6/10 . Also drinking warm tea with honey is soothing. Ice water non stop and ice wrap. I am gonna take a oxy to help me sleep for a few . Couldn't s Nap :'(. Took another round of tylenol making myself a soup with chicken dumplings. Gonna eat and then relax in the bath tub for about an hour. I hope tomorrow things gets better for me. . The soup was over salted which resulted me in agonizing chronic burning pain . Got so bad i had to take an oxy prednisone and tylenol ... ice chips layed down.
Day 8- last night I actually slept a few hours without much discomfort. This morning throat was a little dry but not nearly as bad as it's been . Took some motrin and ice chips and honestly I could probably try to go back to sleep. Today i am going to attempt Chipotle and drink plenty of ice water + fluids. I feel much better today . Like the pain is very manageable. 2/10 this morning once motrin kicked in prior 5/10, b4 meds. Today focused on doing light choirs and resting. Pain kicked back In . Back to ice pack, ice chips, and tylenol. I was hopeful I could eat something good without agony but every bite that I forced down my throat was agonizing. I knew I had to do it because food helps the body heal faster but also helps with removing residual scabbing. Hot shower and bath- next dose of tylenol is scheduled for 8pm . Between now and than ill drink a warm cup of soothing tea and honey.
Day 9- I slept thru the night again . I did wake up every 4 hrs for meds. Today I managed to get alot of cleaning done + made a run to target because why not it's beautiful outside. This morning I managed to eat a scrambled egg although painful I got through it. Currently I am trying to eat my left over Chipotle that was so very painful to eat last night. I am finally eating it without excruciating pain but it does still hurt to swallow so im not really enjoying the food mostly just tryna get it down my pipes for fuel. I used my ice Pack this morning , ice chips all morning. Also just made myself a warm tea with honey to sooth my throat after eating this food. Seems like things are getting better. Eating is definitely not 100% as I have to eat very slowly, chew 1 million times and follow most bites up with water. I will stay definitely an improvement. I ate a whole side of mash potatoes. It took me like 1 hour and I hurt a little but I did it.
Day 10- woke up at 245AM in pain again, lapsed on my meds cuz sleeping just feels too dam good after not being able to sleep for a week. Also I know even though I have a dehumidifier my room is drying out my throat and that's why it hurting more. Set an alarm for 7 am woke up again in pain. I was one hour over due for meds. Up now sucking on ice chips with ice wrap on. I can Def feel the scabs hanging on by a thread esp the right side. At this point I'm getting annoyed because I just want to be over this pain threshold. I want to be able to get back to my normal routine cooking, cleaning , working out, being in less pain. There's Def improvement and the meds work almost instantly now once I take them. Feeling ok I went for a 3 5 mile walk today and layed out in the sun. Other than that I been in bed all day. Just tryna give my body proper rest. By 230pm I was able to eat eggs and pico de galo. It was mildly uncomfortable but nothing to crazy took me like 1 hour to eat but I did it. Throat is feeling better. Just finished a bowl of pho (beef noodle soup). It was delicious I got full fast and my throat does hurt a tad bit because I was swallowing pretty decent sizes of thinly sliced beef. Went down a little rough . Finishing off with ice cold water .
Day 11-14: slight-moderate pain during swallowing. Only taking motrin 2-3x day and 1 oxy at night . Sleeping fully through the night. Sleeping with a dehumidifier to reduce dry mouth. Still painful to yawn.... eating more but still sticking with easier things to eat. (No spicy or sharp edges). Scabs pretty much healed. Overall I am at the finish line now.
Tips: 1. Do not lapse on pain meds. Set alarm for every 4-6 hrs. Alternating motrin/ibuprofen. 2. Ice pack is a huge necessity . It helps woth swelling and gives relief. 3. Sleep with dehumidifier- waking up to a dry throat is very unpleasant 4. Popsicles, sorbet and ice chips constantly 5. Warm tea with honey daily
submitted by spontaneousgurl to Tonsillectomy [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 09:38 Minimum-Vegetable-57 cua nha

submitted by Minimum-Vegetable-57 to u/Minimum-Vegetable-57 [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 04:14 Sufficient_Topic_467 dam do nha

submitted by Sufficient_Topic_467 to u/Sufficient_Topic_467 [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 03:56 Inevitable-Storm-687 nha cua mi

submitted by Inevitable-Storm-687 to u/Inevitable-Storm-687 [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 09:02 The-Utimate-Vietlish Lòng trung thành của bò đỏ ở đâu?

Tôi trung không thờ 2 chủ. Cái đám 2 lòng sao dám nói về tình yêu nước?
submitted by The-Utimate-Vietlish to TroChuyenLinhTinh [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 05:25 VietBoyAdelaide Trung bình bò đỏ mất não

Post đéo liên quan mẹ gì mà cũng vô ngạo nghễ cho bằng được. Avatar để hình thằng mập độc tài thì hiểu rồi ha.
submitted by VietBoyAdelaide to TroChuyenLinhTinh [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 19:24 Far-Theory6036 Một bài viết khá hay hồi mùa dịch mà t mới mò được :))

submitted by Far-Theory6036 to TroChuyenLinhTinh [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 09:44 SuchALoserYeah [show off Saturday] My hobby project Midpoint web map app is now publicly accessible.

[show off Saturday] My hobby project Midpoint web map app is now publicly accessible.
My hobby project Midpoint web map app is now publicly accessible. Instead of eyeballing locations, Midpoint can help narrow down your search by pinpointing a middle point between 2 addresses/places. Then, you can use that midpoint as basis to scout for cafes, restaurants etc.
You can now access the app thru this link https://cmlosariagis.github.io/midpoint/
I hope this will be useful for planning dates, scouting for apartments, planning where to meet clients etc.
This is still in beta, lots of features are planned for later.
submitted by SuchALoserYeah to webdev [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 05:57 thienthaidaquy Mua đá thạch anh vụn tại Vinh số lượng giá tốt ở đâu ?

Thạch anh được biết đến là loại đá quý tự nhiên có nguồn năng lượng cao, có nhiều công dụng và ứng dụng trong đời sống cũng như cải thiện phong thuỷ. Tuy nhiên làm thế nào để mua đá thạch anh vụn chất lượng thì không phải ai cũng biết. Bài viết hôm nay sẽ chia sẻ đến quý khách hàng về địa chỉ bán đá thạch anh vụn tại Vinh số lượng giá tốt. Để giúp khách hàng có thêm sự lựa chọn cho mình. Theo dõi bài viết sau của chúng tôi nhé.

Đá thạch anh vụn là gì ?

Đá thạch anh vụn là những mảnh vỡ ra từ khối đá thạch anh lớn do tác động của thiên nhiên trong quá trình chế tác. Những mảnh vỡ đó thường được chế tác thành các vật phẩm phong thuỷ như bi cầu, linh vật, trang sức.....

Đá thạch anh vụn có tác dụng gì ?


Sử dụng thạch anh vụn như thế nào để đạt năng lượng cao nhất ?

Thạch anh vụn có nhiều màu sắc và kích thước khác nhau. Tuỳ vào từng mục đích sử dụng khác nhau mà chúng ta lựa chọn màu sắc phù hợp. Muốn sử dụng thạch anh vụn đạt năng lượng cao nhất bạn có thể tham khảo một số gợi ý sau :
>>> Tham khảo thêm : Top 5 cửa hàng bán đá phong thuỷ tại Vinh uy tín giá rẻ

Mua đá thạch anh vụn tại Vinh số lượng giá tốt

Tại Vinh có khá nhiều cửa hàng bán đá thạch anh vụn. Tuy nhiên Thiên Thái vẫn là lựa chọn của nhiều khách hàng. Bởi vì chúng tôi có kinh nghiệm nhiều năm trong lĩnh vực phong thuỷ. Chuyên cung cấp và phân phối các sản phẩm đá phong thuỷ đẹp chất lượng. Các sản phẩm đá thạch anh vụn của chúng tôi được chọn lọc kỹ lưỡng nhằm mang đến cho khách hàng chất lượng tốt nhất. Bên cạnh các sản phẩm về đá thạch anh vụn thì chúng tôi còn cung cấp các sản phẩm về đá trang sức, vật phẩm phong thuỷ khác.
Khi đến mua hàng ở Thiên Thái bạn sẽ được đội ngũ nhân viên bán hàng lâu năm, am hiểu về kiến thức phong thuỷ sẽ tư vấn cho bạn tận tình giúp bạn lựa chọn được sản phẩm phù hợp nhất với mình.
Nếu còn đang băn khoăn chưa biết nên mua đá thạch anh vụn ở đâu. Hãy đến với Thiên Thái để mua cho mình sản phẩm chất lượng với giá tốt nhất nhé.

Đá quý Thiên Thái

submitted by thienthaidaquy to u/thienthaidaquy [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 03:42 snifflingkitty 45/F and ex 40/M- If he starts talking to me again should i allow him back, and what kind of boundaries should i lay down to prevent this from happening again? We were planning to move in together would that be a bad idea if we ever make up?

45/F and ex 40/M
like to say this is a relationship that just ended was a roller coaster of such. started out like a dream and ended like what the bgees.
i had a crush on a guy I worked with for the first 2 years of knowing him. Couldn't approach him since i was already in a relationship from hell. I swear these guys may have met up and thought hmm what can we do to amuse ourselves. Well not saying they did; however, this is how it feels.
well anyways this guy to me was like bam! gorgeous, pretty boy if you will. I was always scared to talk to him whenever i had to, the full nine yards. Stupid right. I always thought he was to pretty for me he wouldn't like a girl like me. well, I think i was wrong but right at the same time.
well by the third year we actually started talking and then we begin dating. well, if you want to call it dating. i would go to his house and he would come to mine. this happened for a while. then we were like rabbits. every day after work and every weekend. then i became paranoid thinking this man is going to think this is all i want, to be a rabbit. told him Hey I don't want you just for this. he always said no problem i don't think that, but i wasn't so sure. well over time we weren't rabbits any more we went from every day to every other day then every other day to only weekends then less and less. you get the picture. During all this love bombing he was so romantic it was freakin awesome. never had someone treat me so nice and romanced me from the beginning. as you know that is how they all start out. then the jealousy came and it was horrible. I went from all smiles to tears within a year. by the second year it started to get better but i was thinking well it gettings better so im going to stick it out. Stupid me was catching feelings for this man. dumb idea. Now here is the dumbest thing you probably heard. i eventually fell in love with him. he became my first love. Yes, I know i said i had a relationship before, but i never could love that person. the relationship was so toxic and dangerous i couldnt fall in love with them. but i had to pick this guy. I sure you thinking didnt you get out much, or date. well i had 1 boyfreind as a teen (17) and he wasnt really considered as a boyfriend since i never really saw them. He had a wife. Yes i know.. it wasnt like that.. he was my age too but he got married in high school but still played the field. that only lasted 2 months before it was cutt off, I turned 18 and met my kids dad. and was with him for 22 years, it was hell. i could never get away. literally. Neither one ever romanced me. fast forward to now ex. i found ways to fix his jealousy and other issues that came up. 3 years in still have problems here and there but nothing to serious. but he always like we are breaking up and then we get back together. sad really. this went on for 6 years with this alone. if i sneezed he wanted to break up, if i told him what my feelings were he wanted to break up if i got mad at him he wanted to break up (like this time) each time gas lighting me and avoiding the problem. It alot. I cant hang with this kind of relationship anymore. its hard juggling everything i got going in in my life. Yes this is vague. Its stupid fights that any normal couple would say ok, you feel this way lets talk about it, not him hes like we are breaking up. this will be too long if i tell everything and this is long already. HIs family thinks i dont want to visit but it is him not telling me or him going over without telling me. (this was all a set up, for the future) he used to get mad when his family texted me or talked to me. its like he wanted me to stay away from them so he could tell them anything he wanted to make sure id stay the bad guy if he wanted me to be. if i did end up going with him to his fam. house he rush us out as fast as we came. If his friends or fam talked to me he be like oh you guys get along you should date them instead. His dad gave us money at christmas and he'd get mad and say thats my dad why did you get money. or say my fam asked about you why did they ask about you, they are my family. its was like he didnt want to share his family or friends. I get the friends but dang.. if i didnt answer his phone hed get mad didnt matter if i was at work. ( i have 3 jobs currently) you would think from all this jealousy he'd be glued to me like glue in glue gun. NOPE wrong again. I came up with a partial solutions to him not coming over. He used to come over everyday after work then it slowly stopped. so i was like ok, i get your tired ( yes i know i gave him a excuse) everyday after work then why dont you sleep over friday -sunday. well he like this idea. he started doing that. but.. its not like you think. friday i understand.. get off work want to sit and unwind take a shower then boom out the door. well hed show up at 10pm then 11pm or oops i feel asleep and come over on saturday at 10pm like a party favor. get mad tell him he could text me hey not coming over. well he wasnt happy with the fact i get mad. then he gas lights me. we move on to the next day. now him coming over at 10pm became a regular time sometimes he came over at 9pm just enough time for me to get a drink and fall asleep. this goes on for 4 of these years. i know what you are thinking "wow dont you feel special" understatement at best. we rarely hung out to actually do things like a boyfriend and girlfriend. mind you for almost 6 years i made him lunch every day and brought it to work, on friday- sunday i made breakfast or hed order food for breakfast. and i make diner hoping that if he come and wanted to eat hed have something. I was doing wifey stuff. ( and dont get me started on that. That is another story in itself) well to wrap this up a little bit faster we had a fight. friday night he came over didnt tell me anything till the next morning that we were going to a wake for his fam. i said ok. i ask him what time then he says 4pm. im like cool ill be ready. he says ok im going to get my hair cut see you later. he asks me what im i going to do i tell him im going to get my headlight fixed. he says ok. this was at 11am i have time right. well i get a suite ready to wear and did my makeup, then left to get my car fixed. at 321pm he texted me hey im getting in the shower you dont have to come, just letting you know where ill be. Im like dam he just uninvited me. here i was getting ready to leave to go home. Im like ok... later he doesnt come over. doesnt text. im a little mad because i know this man never stays asleep all night. so this looks like he did it on purpose. I tell him it would be nice if you would run your fingers over the keys to send me a text like im not coming or hey i feel asleep but dont want to come over. unless it is not worth telling me . that he has less and less communication with me. one would think that someone is trying to ghost someone. or not wanting them or worth their time. but it could me. that his actions are making scratch my head. I also said dont tell me you fell asleep, because this excuse is weak,. I told him some other stuff to but this is way to long ... then he asks why would i lie. i told him i didnt say you lied, i said your excuse of being asleep is weak. (cause he never stays asleep who wouldnt think that) so he said - i could have easily make you feel bad while at my fathers house , while every one was asking for you even my grandparents/people. i was there lieing to my family but im the bad guy even though i didnt push you to join me. i understand that but you care more about yourself than my situation. WTF!!!...is what i was thinking. I told him this is not true and far from the truth. I told him he never wants me around and finds reasons like this time why i shouldn't go, or indirectly tell me not to come. Well at the end of all of this I am single. Im not going to say i did this or that because then that looks bad.. the whole point is we arent together because of a stupid fight. he rather break up then actually talk. Mind you all of this was via text. so i got pictures of this...LOL. i got to watch him block me and my family on Facebook and block my number. so that part....
now he just sees me and looks sad or mad and runs the other way. this kind of stuff last about 2 weeks of silence.
submitted by snifflingkitty to relationship_advice [link] [comments]
