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Advice on Starting and Marketing Two Small Businesses as a College Student

2024.06.02 07:11 Trick-Click8355 Advice on Starting and Marketing Two Small Businesses as a College Student

Hello, I (17M) want to start two businesses. I am from Nepal. And I don't know how to get Nepali or International audience.
About the first business: My dad has a textile business and he has all sorts of textile clothes too, he asked me to make his store online. I don't really know how to do that. Like he sells the customers desired quantity of the cloth, he sells kurthas and teachers dresses, army dresses, police and student uniforms, bedding and mattresses and blankets, tents and curtains and water proof clothes. I have no idea on how to convert this business into an online business. He didn't ask me to take his entire business online but he wanted to have clients over the internet too. and he has a wholesale business of mosquito nets and pillows too. He wanted me to take those online too. Can you guys provide me any help on that? Please?
About the second business: My mom came to me with a business idea about selling spices and sauces. She will cover almost all my expenses, packaging and spice production.
P.s. I am a college students if it matters. Should I go with both of these businesses? I don't have much budget like 200 dollars maximum budget for both businesses. Should I mainly use Social media marketing? I am so lost right now. I will appreciate any help. Thank you!
submitted by Trick-Click8355 to smallbusiness [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:53 SHAHJIIFOLYF Please help me with my dad's Resume

Please help me with my dad's Resume
Hey guys, my dad is looking to apply to new jobs. He doesn't speak the best English so I am helping him improve his resume. But I am very young and don't have expiernece creating good resumes. Please give me advice on if I need to add anything to the job duties or anything. Also is there any majour portions that should be added or taken out.
He is looking to largely apply largely to labour Jobs. Espically those that are posted by are city and provincial government. Also forklift operation and machinery operation jobs.
Thank you to everyone who gives me tips and advice. I really apperciate it.
submitted by SHAHJIIFOLYF to ResumeExperts [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 18:57 Beautiful_Swimming91 New to wholesale real estate any advice?

Hey guys me and my friends are getting into wholesale real estate this summer to try and make some money before I go off to college. There are 3 of us working together on this. Any advice on what to do/look for?
submitted by Beautiful_Swimming91 to WholesaleRealestate [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:24 Tony-34-rockin Allianz or Jackson internal wholesaling job?

Hi everyone! I have offers with Allianz in Minneapolis mn and Jackson in Franklin tn for my first job out of college as an internal wholesaler. I’m having a rough time deciding which one. Pay is very similar along with the beginning stages, training, inbound team etc. Jackson is offering relocation bonus and sign on bonus. anyone have any first hand experience or opinions on things to consider for each? Which one!!???
submitted by Tony-34-rockin to FinancialCareers [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:43 BadBoyBrazil Costco Hat Do We need to wear the red hat or I can wear my black Costco hat at The meat department?

Costco Hat Do We need to wear the red hat or I can wear my black Costco hat at The meat department? submitted by BadBoyBrazil to Costco [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 17:29 Peacock-Shah-III The New Order of Cincinnatus National Convention of 1952 Peacock-Shah Alternate Elections

The New Order of Cincinnatus National Convention of 1952 Peacock-Shah Alternate Elections
“We must all hang together or we shall all hang separately.”
Thus quipped Benjamin Franklin as the American colonies joined against the tyranny of George III, the phrase hangs heavy in the imaginations of today’s political opposition. Laden with fears of violence, Chairman Osro Cobb of the Progressive-Federalist National Committee announced the cancellation of the party’s presidential primaries and the formal acquiescence of the party to the Committee for the Preservation of the Republic’s call for a joint presidential nominating convention with the American Liberty League. Yet, with the organization’s President Thomas Schall, once seen as the nearly prohibitive favorite for the nomination, dying in an unforeseen car accident and populist contender Eduardo Chibas taking his own life on live radio, the attempt to unite the opposition must find a candidate able to carry both banners in the face of Philip La Follette’s campaign for a third term.

Clare Boothe Luce waves to her supporters.
Major Candidates:
The following candidates are seen as frontrunners for the nomination.
Clare Boothe Luce: 49 year old Clare Boothe Luce of Connecticut rose to prominence as Henry Luce’s scandal-ridden yet massively popular First Lady, whose charisma would lead to a popular joke that every Luce voter wished they had voted for Clare despite widely known allegations of mutual marital infidelity. Marrying Henry after divorcing her first husband and entering high society as the author of an all-female play, Luce would become First Lady at the young age of 38 and soon emerge as a face of the American home front amidst the Third Pacific War. Describing the nation as having become a “dictatorial bumbledom,” Luce has echoed the anti-New State ethos of the party and is seen as the candidate of establishment conservatives. Criticizing the very slogan of President La Follette, she has argued that the United States cannot “win the peace” as it has not truly won the war until the defeat of international communism. Clare has supported the Zionist project in Alaska, a unified military command to replace the Department of Peace, and the creation of a defense pact among American allies in the Pacific as the centerpiece of an aggressively interventionist foreign policy declaring “if we are no longer willing to fight for it, our Christian democracy is finished." Yet, Luce has also opposed the creation of a stronger international United Nations to replace the powerless Parliament of Nations.
Driven to Catholicism in 1946 following the death of her daughter, even as her ex-president husband gallivanted about with a girlfriend a thousand miles from his wife’s baptism, Luce has emerged as a changed woman, reportedly abandoning her affairs and entering a career in electoral politics with her 1946 election to the Senate. Though Aaron Burr Houston maintained a private devotion to the Church of Rome, Clare has taken her faith with a zeal heretofore unseen in American politics, using the Senate as a pulpit to preach against “materialism” and a spiritual decline as the root of both communism and fascism, slyly suggesting that the rise of the Pentecostal, Immannuelite, and Mormon faiths has come hand-in-hand with the nation’s fascist surge as she has publicly wished that “the whole world would be Catholic.” Despite defenses from Presbyterian former President Luce, Clare’s faith has weakened her amongst convention delegates fearing the alienation of firmly Protestant voters. Yet her charm, wealth, and ability to attract millions in funding from backers such as Henry Ford II while winning key endorsements such as that of Richard Nixon has catapulted her to the front of the field.
W. Lee O’Daniel: 62 year old Senator W. Lee O’Daniel, better known as Pappy, rose to prominence in his late 20s as an architect of domestic policy during Aaron Burr Houston’s third term, being largely credited with the introduction of an old age pension system funded by a consumption tax. After making his way to the fore of Texas politics on his own through the integration of musical numbers and a widely popular radio show with his political antics, O’Daniel would turn from an upset gubernatorial defeat in the 1938 midterms to organizing Aaron Burr Houston’s campaign for a fourth term in the White House as the nation’s last hope against Charles Lindbergh. Accused by critics of puppeteering a dementia ridden 86 year old out of his own lust for power, O’Daniel would serve as Secretary of the Treasury for a year before being unceremoniously removed from the cabinet by Henry Luce for his critique of the American attack on Pearl Harbor and opposition to the draft, leaving him in political isolation as the Texan distinguished himself by demanding the execution of striking laborers as crucial to the war effort over his radio show.
A steadfast isolationist, O’Daniel’s foreign policy views have made him a favorite among Liberty League libertarians. Depicting himself as nearly as conservative as Luce on domestic issues with an isolationist foreign policy able to appeal to the Midwest, O’Daniel has emphasized ties to the legendary ABH and anti-alcohol views he claims can over the rural South. O’Daniel has also sought to use Luce’s Catholicism into an issue, seeking the support of Ben Gitlow through their shared membership in the Evangelical Christian Right. Yet, O’Daniel has been seen as the least committed among the candidates to the Committee’s pro-democracy ideals, while others question his fitness for office based on his eccentric manners as a cabinet Secretary and Senator, with Eleanor B. Roosevelt’s 1936 running mate Dan Moody remarking that “Pappy is as lost at the Treasury as I would be in a circus trapeze.
Lucius D. Clay: A distant relative of former President Henry Clay, 54 year old General of the Army turned banker Lucius D. Clay of Georgia has been the subject of a draft movement seeking to secure a candidate with the allure of a war hero after an attack on right wing generals such as Harold George, “some of whom are my own classmates,” accusing them of leading the party astray with the nomination of the ultra-conservative Benjamin Gitlow. Clay has portrayed himself as the candidate of order, supporting, as the others do, the prosecution of Blackshirts and the freeing of prosecuted opposition politicians. However, Clay, a former administrator of Lindbergh-era public works programs, is the only candidate to stop short of supporting the abolition of the New State, with backers instead focusing on the renowned administrative talent that led Douglas MacArthur to quip that Clay “could run General Motors or General Bradley’s army.” Despite his reticence to campaign at the convention, Clay’s moderation, vague platform, connections, and war hero status have won over a significant segment of delegates.
John Sampson Cooper: Named for martyred Admiral William T. Sampson not long after the First Pacific War dramatically ended with the Second Battle of Hawai’i, 50 year old Kentucky Senator John Sampson Cooper has led an underdog campaign of moderate liberals led by young activists Mark Hatfield and Chuck Mathias and Tannenbaum territorial delegate Jacob Javits. Returning home from Yale to find his father on his deathbed and his beloved Pulaski County burned to the ground amidst the Revolution, Cooper would be elected to county leadership at age 24, famously responding to a legal requirement that he evict the impoverished by personally paying their debts, earning the moniker “the poor man’s judge” as he emerged as a major figure in post-Revolutionary reconciliation in Kentucky. Returning home once more from service as a military attache in the Third Pacific War, Cooper would oust incumbent Farmer-Laborite Jerry Spencer in a 1944 upset, delaying taking his seat to serve as a legal advisor to hundreds of thousands of displaced Indonesians before emerging as a Senate leader in bringing the United States closer to India and other nations newly liberated from colonialism.
While eschewing the isolationism of O’Daniel, Cooper has demonstrated a far more relaxed stand on foreign policy than Luce, opposing aggressive anti-communism abroad while depicting the United States as a great mediator of peace in situations such as the violence in Palestine or partition of India. The reported favorite of Fulgencio Batista despite Cooper’s criticism of Batista as insufficiently committed to democracy, the Kentuckian has managed to maintain a widespread popularity with labor that has led many to speculate that Cooper would be the only candidate able to win the endorsement of organized labor and an imprisoned John L. Lewis. Lacking the celebrity draw of Senator Luce, Cooper has countered with a far more detailed platform, calling for the opening of American borders to the world’s refugees, massively increased federal aid to education, and, in stances that have left him anathema to many party conservatives, support for universal health insurance, coal subsidies, and public housing. A self admitted “truly terrible public speaker," Cooper’s political independence has won him the support of Will Rogers Jr. and made him a favorite of the modern liberal wing of the Liberty League.

Roy Acuff strikes up the band.
Minor Candidates:
The following have significant support, but lag behind the frontrunner candidates.
Luis A. Ferre: Among the most grim results of the 1948 elections emerged from the Caribbean, where states once considered the most loyally anti-Farmer-Labor in America crossed the aisle for the first time in history. With strategists seeing the path to the presidency running through the island states, many among the electorally minded have flocked to 48 year old Puerto Rico Senator Luis A. Ferre, publisher of the nation’s largest Spanish language newspaper, El Nuevo Dia. A classically trained pianist who has focused his senatorial career on securing funding for the arts, Ferre has referred to the United States as the “moral summit of the world,” while aligning himself in the middle on economic policy, calling for “addressing the inequalities of society” by selling off public land at a low price and supporting federal public housing with an emphasis on rural revitalization, in addition to a call for a 4% Christmas bonus on the grounds of the Jesus Amendment.
James A. Rhodes: "Every time I take a position on an issue, I lose two percent of the people. If I do that 50 times, I have everybody mad at me," the quip encapsulates the philosophy of 43 year old Ohio Governor James A. “Jim” Rhodes and his backers. Emerging as the favorite of many convention delegates who have argued that the best path forward for a united campaign is a steadfast focus on bread and butter issues, Rhodes has remarked that “there are only three issues in this campaign: jobs, jobs, and jobs,” and has argued that any anti-La Follette campaign must focus on people’s lives and the economy, not vague notions of democracy and American ideals. Born in the hills of Appalachia, Rhodes would be forced out of college after failing every class, only to work his way into the Mayoralty of Columbus, before unexpectedly catapulting himself to the Ohio Governorship before the age of 40, where he has governed with a moderate conservatism focused on local issues such as water rights and a program to "put a college education within 25 miles of every boy and girl” that has been praised as a national model.
Roy Acuff: 49 year old Roy Acuff of Tennessee was christened “The King of Country Music” for smash hits such as Wabash Cannonball, leading fellow musician Hank Williams to quip “book him and you don’t worry about crowds…for drawing power in the South, it’s Roy Acuff, then God.” Yet, after a rumor that Governor Buford Elington had labeled his music “disgraceful,” Acuff would embrace the label “king of the Hillbillies” in the 1948 election cycle to trade his acoustic throne for the Governor’s chair. Declaring that “any business must be put on a business plan, and so must a state government,” Acuff has cut the budget while requiring the Ten Commandments to be posted in government buildings, increasing state pensions, instituting a free school textbook program, cooperating with the La Follette Administration on the hydroelectric Tennessee Valley Authority, and has controversially called for additional restrictions on firearm ownership. Widely considered a possible frontrunner for his celebrity status if a primary were to have been held, Acuff has supported O’Daniel at the convention, yet has evasively refused to disavow a draft movement arising from his pro-union sympathies that many suspect could bring Fulgencio Batista into the fold alongside John L. Lewis, Jimmy Hoffa, and the opposition Farmer-Laborites.
Henry S. Breckinridge: The only member of the Liberty League at the fore of presidential consideration, 66 year old New York Congressman Henry Skillman Breckinridge ran alongside Al Capone in 1936 in the campaign that doomed the Commonwealth alliance, but has reinvented his career since by working to ally Federalist and Liberty League causes against La Follette and serving as the organization’s House leader. Advocating a heavily internationalist vision in line somewhere between that of Cooper and Luce, Breckinridge’s commitment to small government classical liberalism and a strict construction of the constitution has made him the favorite of Liberty League loyalists and some party conservatives. However, it is considered unlikely for a Liberty League member to win outright due to Progressive-Federalists comprising a majority of convention delegates.
Eleanor Butler Roosevelt: 63 year old former President Eleanor Butler Roosevelt was promoted for the nomination for months by her former counsel turned the “voice of impeachment,” Richard Nixon, who has noted that her re-election would have stopped the rise of fascism in its tracks. However, content with retirement, the writing of her memoirs, and the promotion of Nixon’s career, Roosevelt has categorically refused to seek the presidency. Nonetheless, she is expected to receive votes on the convention’s opening ballot from admirers.

Richard Nixon with the California delegation.
The Convention:
District of Columbia police scattered the Immanuelites, holding fliers declaring that their savior had prophesied nuclear armageddon on October 3rd of 1952, but they did not touch the Blackshirts. Ominously, they milled about in the blocks surrounding the convention, brandishing small arms and chants for Phil, as, within, the national convention of the Committee for the Preservation of the Republic proceeded without the pomp and circumstance conventions thrive in, a veil of despair lying over the nearly two thousand delegates in the plaza as they longed from their windows for days past. Further, a rule requiring two thirds of the convention for nomination, instituted by Liberty Leaguers fearful of a tyranny of the majority, would practically guarantee balloting periods stretching long into the night.
The first ballot would open with a surprise, as Roy Acuff rose to rebuff the acolytes of Fulgencio Batista. Pointing to the imprisoned Cuba Governor’s permissive policies towards gambling and prostitution, Acuff would draw a firm line between his pro-labor Christian conservatism and the “moral and political corruption” of Governor Batista. With the vociferousness of the singer’s vituperations and an unexpected willingness to attack Batista personally where other candidates stood largely silent, Acuff would find himself winning extensive support. With the rise of Roy Acuff splintering Pappy O’Daniel’s support, the former Secretary of the Treasury would find himself performing unexpectedly weakly, the beginning of a hemorrhage that would see his support move to Acuff in the first several rounds of balloting. Meanwhile, Clare Boothe Luce would take a lead out of the gate, but soon find that the collapse of Pappy O'Daniel's campaign following a wholesale defection to Acuff would lead other O'Daniel backers to rally behind Clay as an electable alternative. With Luce's lead dwindling, Cooper would swiftly capture her momentum, driving her to second place as a draft movement for Eleanor Butler Roosevelt peeled off dozens more Luce votes.

Ballot 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Lucius D. Clay 512 513 549 601 632 637 656
Clare Boothe Luce 646 641 619 599 529 515 514
John Sampson Cooper 277 282 308 310 366 368 369
Roy Acuff 46 101 112 165 187 188 170
Pappy O'Daniel 351 299 247 143 89 88 87
James A. Rhodes 58 58 58 58 58 58 58
Luis A. Ferre 42 42 43 42 43 44 46
Eleanor B. Roosevelt 1 1 1 19 31 38 38
Henry Skillman Breckinri-dge 21 21 21 21 19 17 15
With 1,310 delegates necessary to win the nomination, another half dozen rounds of balloting would bring no candidate anywhere near the necessary supermajority. Luce delegates would fiercely resist the rise of Lucius D. Clay, with Luce's manager Walter Judd and friend Anna Chennault illicitly spreading pamphlets accusing the General of being a plant of the regime to take control of the opposition. Yet, with his eyes on leading a reformed State Department, Pappy O'Daniel would stand back as his collapsing campaign gave its strength to Lucius D. Clay. Flatlining after several ballots with delegates consternated at the unwillingness of their chieftain to actively rally them, Roy Acuff's support would soon begin to bolt to Cooper and Clay, leaving Cooper to peak on the 11th ballot. However, a core of loyalist Acuff delegates would hold back the Kentuckian's momentum, as Lucius D. Clay covered ever closer to a majority. Yet, Clay would find himself having exhausted every avenue, with Acuff delegates reluctant to switch, and the block of Cooper and Luceites unwilling to come to the table. Further, a movement would begin to circumvent the squabbles of the major candidates and nominate General Curtis LeMay, the young face of the Pacific War. Yet, LeMay's role in the atomic bombings of millions of Japanese civilians would leave Senator Will Rogers Jr. to implore the convention not to proceed with the General as a compromise.

Ballot 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Lucius D. Clay 659 661 692 712 739 744 744
Clare Boothe Luce 514 513 512 512 513 516 516
John Sampson Cooper 368 392 397 439 438 435 433
Roy Acuff 168 144 141 99 71 61 61
Pappy O'Daniel 83 81 28 8 2 2 3
James A. Rhodes 58 58 58 58 58 58 58
Luis A. Ferre 46 47 61 61 61 61 65
Eleanor B. Roosevelt 45 45 45 45 48 48 47
Henry Skillman Breckinri-dge 10 9 7 6 5 4 2
Curtis LeMay 1 2 12 13 13 13 13
The Convention would lock itself in deadlock as three ballots passed. The night as black as the shirts of the threatening bystanders, it would become clear that, with neither's supporters willing to concede to the other, neither Clay nor Luce would prevail. From Haitian Senator Elie Lescot to Convention Chair S.I. Hayakawa and General Claire Chennault, delegates would attempt to draft a compromise. On friendly terms with Luce and Clay alike, Chennault would nearly prevail, yet his dogged loyalty to the Liberalism of his youth would hold back his chances. The Liberals could veto a candidate, but they could never nominate one. Yet, Chennault would telegraph his wife Anna with a suggestion, a protege of his whose famed dogfights over the Pacific and haughty demeanor had bought him fame. A protege drummed out of his beloved Air Force for opposing the "Bomber Mafia" consensus of Curtis LeMay only to purchase a baseball team. A protege who survived eight airplaine crashes. A protege who had once been an aid to Hugh S. Johnson and who counts Charles Lindbergh among his friends, but who donated to the re-election campaign of "the voice of impeachment," Representative Nixon. A protege married to the heir to the Pulitzer fortune and media empire. A protege by the name of Elwood R. Quesada, but better known to friend and foe alike as "Pete." Bankers Fred Akers and George Garrett, friends of the dashing commander, would throw themselves in pre-organizing on his behalf, hiring demonstrators to spark what seemed an almost spontaneous movement.
Kate Quesada, once the young Kate Pulitzer who had defied high society to marry a hot tempered Major League Baseball player turned fighter pilot, would awake her husband before dawn to inform him that Professor Chennault from his Academy days had entered his name to be nominated for President of the United States, with delegate Milton Eisenhower casting the first vote. In the Convention's recess between the 16th and 17th ballots, Anna would go about printing hundreds of "Can't Beat Pete!" buttons, while working behind the scenes among those such as the Ohio delegation, long loyal to Jim Rhodes, winning second choice. Most importantly, she would win over Richard Nixon among the Luce delegates and Jimmie Davis among the supporters of Clay, portraying Quesada as capturing the party platform while holding the war hero's mystique. Taking things a step further, Chennault would pitch the ex-General as a moderate, a liberal, and a conservative at variance, refusing to let policy distract her from her central argument: the 48-year-old Quesada could win, Clay and Luce had proven they couldn't. The 18th ballot would see the deadlock broken as hundreds of supporters abandoned Luce and Clay alike for Quesada, by the 19th, Clay and Luce themselves would step back from their campaigns. With Luce admiring tales of Quesada's pre-flight rosaries and Clay on friendly terms, both would accept the compromise as supporters of the minor candidates such as Ferre and Rhodes rallied behind him. On the 20th ballot, with other candidates excepting Cooper falling behind Quesada, he would win the nomination, narrowly surpassing the 2/3 requirement before a motion to declare his nomination unanimous on the 21st ballot.
Ballot 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Pete Quesada 0 0 1 368 734 1,379 1,954
Lucius D. Clay 744 744 743 503 402 98 0
Clare Boothe Luce 519 517 513 489 365 101 0
John Sampson Cooper 430 427 407 387 354 355 0
Roy Acuff 57 57 56 49 49 11 0
Pappy O'Daniel 3 3 3 3 3 3 0
James A. Rhodes 58 58 58 58 0 0 0
Luis A. Ferre 65 69 86 46 46 0 0
Eleanor B. Roosevelt 47 46 49 48 3 0 0
Henry Skillman Breckinri-dge 2 2 3 3 3 1 0
Curtis LeMay 13 12 12 1 0 0 0
Claire Chenault 2 3 3 1 0 0 0
S.I. Hayakawa 1 1 3 3 1 1 0
Elie Lescot 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
Louisiana Governor and former country musician Jimmie Davis, famous for "You Are My Sunshine," would come in third to S.I. Hayakawa, with California Senator Will Rogers a narrow second. Yet, many would worry that Hayakawa's Japanese ancestry would risk racist attacks so soon after the Third Pacific War, even as Americans reconciled with the now fallen sun across the ocean. Hayakawa's chances would be further weakened with the remark that “I would encourage insurrection in those poor crushed countries that have been under tyranny all these years.” Further, the death of Rogers' father by a fascist bomb and his military service would be contrasted with Davis's lack of either to paint Rogers as more compatible with the theme of a heroic ticket to rescue the nation from fascism. With the eccentric linguist's support set back, Hayakawa would endorse Rogers in the name of party unity, securing the Senator a third ballot victory despite significant support for Jimmie Davis across the South. Thus, at four o'clock in the morning on August 14th of 1952, the Committee for the Preservation of the Republic would adjourn its first national convention.
Senator Will Rogers Jr. of California, Cincinnatus nominee for the Vice Presidency.
Ballot 1 2 3
Will Rogers Jr. 838 947 1,329
S.I. Hayakawa 906 801 4
Jimmie Davis 209 208 523
Happy Chandler 1 1 1

A DC native, Pete Quesada would be in the convention hall at ten as it convened anew, meeting kingmakers and strutting through mobs of delegates as the party considered a series of resolutions on names. With a breakaway group led by legal Chairman Frank Chodorov suing the merger faction of the Liberty League, affiliated delegates would vote near unanimously to drop the title in favor of christening themselves anew with the old moniker of Liberal. Further, in an attempt to stress the status of the Preservationist nominee as a military hero, the convention would vote to adopt for its presidential ticket, and presidential ticket only, the partisan line of "Cincinnatus," after the New Order of Cincinnatus operating among oppositionists in Washington state and Alabama, and, of course, the Roman statesman who transformed his swords into plowshares after a brief tenure as leader of his republic in a time of crisis. With every delegate declared a member, the New Order of Cincinnatus would go national as the campaign vehicle of the Quesada and Rogers ticket.
A narrower vote would approve the use of the name "Law Preservation Party" for those candidates running without Progressive or Liberal affiliation.
Further, the party would approve a short platform, rejecting a suggestion from Quesada to enshrine an age limit for holding office while vowing:
  • First and foremost, to recognize no political principle other than the Constitution of the country, the Union of the states, and the enforcement of the law.
    • To bring about a renaissance in politics and to promote a Spartan-like devotion to honesty, cleanliness, efficiency, and economy in government.
    • To clean out graft, corruption, and hypocrisy in our public offices.
    • To modernize state, county, and local government and to eliminate all duplicating phases thereof.
    • To eliminate waste in governmental machinery and to work for a substantial reduction in the tax burden the average taxpayer is forced to bear.

Elwood R. \"Pete\" Quesada in flight gear after a demonstration of his aeronautical prowess to eager delegates.
With the end of procedural matters, Pete Quesada would rise to the stage for the first time, a handful of cheers greeting him. Omar Bradley once wrote that the dashing young Air Force General "could have passed for a prototype of the hot pilot, with his shiny green trousers, broad easy smile, and crumpled yet jaunty hat, but he was a brilliant, hard, and daring air-support commander on the ground," and his youthful smile upheld that characterization today, yet his face would soon turn grave as he began.
I think a military officer, regardless of what service he’s in, is improved if he handles unusual assignments...I look forward to being assigned by the American people to the White House! I believe every person has been put on this Earth for just one purpose—to serve his fellow man. It doesn’t matter how he does this. He can build a bridge, paint a picture, invent a labor-saving gadget, or run a gas station. The point is, he should try to leave the Earth a better place than he found it. If he does, his life will have been worthwhile. If he doesn’t do what he can within his own limitations, he is destined to be unhappy.” Comparing himself to his longtime friend Lindbergh, Quesada would continue with a chuckle, saying that “I'll have something to bounce off Lindy whenever he boasts too much about that little term he served.”
Promising without elaboration to defend “integrity, Americanism, fiscal responsibility, and courage,” Quesada would speak on foreign policy, declaring that the United States had won a war on tyranny, and that “Korea remembers. Indonesia remembers. The Philippines abandon them is to tell the Free World that they cannot depend on the United States.” Further, he would note that while "“I abhor war," he stands firm in a belief that "we can maintain peace only through strength.
Moving to domestic matters, Quesada would claim that “a government is the servant, not the master,” declaring that “Fascism has been wasted effort...middle class, sincere decent people, need to regain the influence they’ve lost over the past decades," while arguing that “there are too many intellectuals in government who have no experience in management in which the majority’s will is to be followed.” Quesada would accuse the government of being led by “men of limited imagination" and “those who postponed making decisions," promising to “weed out the incapable and inefficient." Then, in a tacit move of comparison between the man the convention styled as a latter day Cincinnatus and the incumbent dynamo who had energized so many Blackshirts, Quesada would declare that "the more I see the more I realize there is a difference between men.
Quesada would turn to the party's past failures and shock many delegates by placing them directly at the feet of the opposition itself, claiming that "an examination of these failures reveals contributory negligence on the part of ourselves, discord and a lack of confidence in our forces.” The convention looked on with bated breath as Pete Quesada, infuriated by the fear among the delegates assembled, raised his voice for the shouted words that have entered immortality as the most famous words of his campaign, screaming from his microphone into millions of American homes and newspaper headlines that:
"Our whole country is stopped by a tinpot dictator that tossed a few dozen of us into jail! Follow the light which leads to truth and we will prevail, history will show we saved the day...

submitted by Peacock-Shah-III to Presidentialpoll [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 04:59 Born-Loan6758 What to do? What’s next to FIRE!?

First things first, I would like to say, I am extremely blessed to be in the situation that I currently am in.
I am 23M in a VHCOL in the northeast (high taxes). I graduated with a undergrad in May 2023 with a BS in business administration. I currently live at home with my parents rent free for now. (Again, I understand how blessed I am to be in this position they allowed me to get to.)
Since my junior year in college, I created a real estate company. In 2022 I made about 45K pre-tax as a self employed individual. In 2023, I made 112 K pretax. I was a College student in both these years.
I run this business virtually from my computer, so I don’t even own a car or have car payments. Most of my income goes back into the business pour into investments. I wholesale real estate. I don’t but the real estate but contract the house and sell that contract for a higher amount to an end buyer without buying the house with my own money. Because of this I have very low risk. It’s more of phone sales then actually real estate.
Cash in biz account: 38k (if deals in escrow close will have an additional 52k in revenue coming in)
Other Cash: 5.1k
Taxable brokerage accounts: $44.9k
Combination of stocks, and some index funds.
Roth IRA: $15.7k
Land: I own about a 2 acre lot in NC, I plan on selling this land in 2024 I will list for 70k but I would be okay if I can sell for 40-50k and I purchased for 5k in 2023.
Total net worth: $137,000 (since I’m not sure what the land will sell for)
Could be closer to 177k in the next 30 days if the deals in escrow all go through - however cannot count that as anything until closing)
I am looking to purchase a duplex in my area within this next year as I will have 2 years of tax returns. A lender I talked to in Feb2024 said I need to have taxable income of 225k I order to qualify for a 725k duplex. I have to work harder for these next 6 months to be on pace for that 225k number.
I also have $0 in debt at all. Again I’m eternally thankful for my parents for allowing me to have this opportunity. I understand the gift I have so I am looking to try and make the most of this situation. My parents don’t want to kick me out and we are close. (but the downside is I can’t bring girls home, which is why I would love my own place ASAP)
So, with a little bit of a background I understand I’m 23 years old and people in this group have way more life experience than myself. I’m interested in hearing anyone’s opinion on where I currently am at in life and what the next logical step would be in this situation in order to have a couple million dollar net worth to make work 100% optional.
However, I consider myself a real estate investor so currently I don’t have any inclination to “retire” ever in my life. I will try my best to continue to improve, but this is real life monopoly and it’s a game that I think I can play forever and not retire from.
So with all this in mind, what should my roadmap be, what should I be heading towards? Currently, my immediate goal is to keep working the business to make as much active income as possible.
Thanks for reading again and I look forward to reading the responses. ✅
EDIT: I also invest about ~$300 every Friday into my Roth and taxable accounts. ETFs and some stocks (SPY, all sectors of the spy, QQQ, SMH, QQQM, Vti, MSFT, amzn, TSM)
submitted by Born-Loan6758 to Fire [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 23:53 Shyguy2399 My Clancy review

I know my opinion is only one of many but I wanted to share it anyways
First of all I love this album, it’s theme is really well done and sonically I love it. The idea that no matter how much you recover you never truly leave trauma and mental illness behind, but you can still push on through. 1. Overcompensate- I think this is a great start to the album, I think the “welcome back to trench” isn’t necessarily a statement of it being trench 2 but rather saying “we’re going through it again, back in the “city” so to speak. It’s more saying we’re opening this box of ideas from trench back up. This song is also just banger. 2. Next Semester- first of all, this song is super relatable to me because I’ve made it through my first year of college and I definitely hated some things more than others. I definitely had moments where I wanted to just quit. But like this song says, I just gotta start over next semester, set goals, do better this year. 3. Backslide- So first time I heard this one I didn’t listen to the lyrics very well but on my next listen I realized what this song means. For Tyler he’s feeling overwhelmed with the story of Dema, it’s a logistical nightmare, “how do I end this story with just an album”. He’s been setting up this story since Self Titled. Of course there’s more to it than that because obviously I don’t know Tyler personally. Everyone backslides, knowing you’ve only got one left try in you. Finally admitting you need help and accepting any you can get, it offers itself as a bit of a sequel to Next Semester I feel. 4. Midwest Indigo-I can find this one pretty relatable in a lighter way, growing up in Canada it’s pretty cold and the bus rides and car rides with only a little hole through the frost to see. On the sorta sadder side I’ve been in a situation where I reach out to someone and I get nothing but cold silence back but I keep trying. It touches on it in a lighthearted line but I feel like it’s on point. I am also a stickler for being on time so there’s that too. 5. Routines in The Night- Love this song, I get the feeling that most of this community can relate to this one. I know it’s been said on here before but this is definitely a lore heavy song; the bandit is travel at night often times, Clancy is “testing the limits of what a mind can do” the “Neural Expansion Device” or Ned’s antlers. He’s back in Dema, giving you the torch, he’s ready for his face off and wants to give you the means of doing it yourself as well. 6. Vignette- Wow I think this is my favorite one, I heard someone say it communicates a false sense of grandiose that isn’t present. I think that’s exactly what it’s meant to be. The fight of addiction is a tough battle, you’ll feel like you’re fighting something that can swallow you and make you fade into the background, become just another detail. It’s a battle you don’t want to have, you can be comfortable in it but that isn’t good. I even thought maybe the act of seizing that Clancy is doing is in a similar vein to addiction, damaging him or turning him into a bishop in a way. Using the power doesn’t want it to change him. 7. The Craving- This is great love song, this one shows some maturity from its predecessors on previous albums as well. I don’t have much to say on this one, it’s cute. 8. Lavish- So this one definitely stands out, once again I think it’s intentional. In the livestream just before they played Tyler said that it’s on the album and to deal with it. I this is song is supposed to be a way of saying he will make whatever music he wants, Clancy can be whatever he wants it to be, it’s a kitchen sink. S.A.I. received negativity (not from me I loved it) and I think this song is the one saying to everyone “I don’t care”. 9. Navigating- I think Navigating is pretty deep, where to start? Lore wise I think it could be trying to find your footing in life after having gone through dark times. It was delayed, it takes time and it’s not a straight or clear path. You’ll pick up on new things as time goes on, turning cold after finding your self esteem, thinking everyone leaves due to that cold mindset. Dema is a big city, literally and metaphorically. It’s a maze, and it’s not easy to traverse, especially after being gone and coming back. 10. Snap back- This feels like a song about growing up, maybe losing yourself along the way. Realizing you’ve got to snap back and find yourself. In that way it feels like you’ve lost progress but it’s going to happen one way or another. 11. Oldies Station- This song is definitely for the fans, perhaps following up on SnapBack in growing up. All these things you fear or worry about start to lose their intensity when you get older and even when they comeback you can deal and push through them. 12. At the Risk of Feeling Dumb- I for one know what it’s like not wanting to get involved with your friend’s problems and feel stupid for asking. But it’s worth it because checking in can help them actualize and understand what they’re feeling or going through. It’s worth the risk of feeling dumb. 13. Paladin Strait- what a great closer, this song is great end to the album. It feels like a summation of the ideas in the album and feeling ready to confront these problems. And yet no matter how ready you think you are, they’ll sneak up on you. Also Nico at the end wow!! I can’t wait to see this video. Anyways thanks for coming to my Ted talk. I look forward to hearing what y’all have to say about my opinions and interpretations. Stay low :/
submitted by Shyguy2399 to twentyonepilots [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 22:25 Ascleph Timeguessr getting out of hand

Timeguessr getting out of hand submitted by Ascleph to Destiny [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 23:34 quizbowlanthony [WTS] Newp: Yunnan Sycee, HongKong $5 Specie Ingot, China Dragon Silver, Cash Coins, Sinkiang+Vintage Chinese Notes, Two Rolls of Pennies (UNC), Korea 1/4 Yang, Yunnan 50 Cents Dragon, Cuba Coins, Silver/Copper British Empire Lot (Ceylon, HK), Old Yunnan 20 Cents - Scarce, Memento $, Burma Peacocks

Hello again to Anthony's post-college sale. These are nearly all new items! There is a nice little blob of sycee from Yunnan that is the other piece that completed the one sold in the previous sale. We also have a rare and popular vintage silver ingot from the Hong Kong Specie Office with a value of 5 dollars. Toned and UNC with a nice and sharp strike. We have a wide variety of Chinese silver coins that were from my personal collection and sold raw--these are the last of my remaining stock that was acquired back when I was in middle school in either Hong Kong or in America. We also have some interesting and misc lots like Chinese vintage Yuan and a pair of older Sinkiang paper banknotes (2, from Khotan, with a nominal or face value of 3 taels). Also some ther machine struck cash coins including a Fukien 2 cash (in brass). We also have a ex. Daniel K.E. Ching 5 Cash, which is a rare denomination. Kraft envelope is included. Lastly, a misc two rolls of UNC lincoln pennies dated 1960D.
To be transparent, I have been trying to get some more Chinese and Annamnese (Vietnamnese) coins in the near future, so I have to offload some of my stuff to get towards my collecting goals.
Thank you all! I hope you all can enjoy these coins from my personal collection!
Please Private Message (and not DM) me to order. Also, be sure to put a comment on this post with a "PM" so that I can respond to it before and after the trade is verified.
INVENTORY - Guaranteed GENUINE and Two are Certified:
Lot 1: Lot of 8 pieces - aEF Korea 1/4 Yangs from 1898 (Kwangmu Year 2) - wholesale dealer's lot
Lot 2: TWO Pieces of Sinkiang Woodblock Printed and SCARCE Khotan 3 Taels Banknotes - Year 25 , plenty of original color
Lot 3: AU, TONED and Lustrous 1927 Memento - Old cleaning on obverse - Rare DDO and retoned nicely!
Lot 4: Rare and Popular 1970s - Hong Kong Shanghai Office - Specie Bar - UNC, toned and nice. Vintage ingot. 165.7 grams - VERTICAL FORMAT - "Five Dollars" - really nice for the type, sourced from a California Dealer's inventory
Lot 5: Yunnan Sycee (snail sycee) or yuansi with high purity silver; late qing and early republic (清末民初. used for daily transactions and even the opium trade!
Lot 6: Nice XF - Yunnan 50 Cents "New Yunnan" - rare 3 circles variety, intermediate silver fineness.
Lot 7: aVF - RARE 1908 OLD YUNNAN 20 Cents - Kuang Hsu Issue - Kunming Mint
Lot 8: Lot of 2 (a pair) of Fukien 10 Cents with Dragons -- two types: BUREAU Mint and PROVINCE Mint - ex. Dan Ching, ex. Scott Semans. Silver and popular. Grades about F+
Lot 9: The Crossed Flags (JIA ZI) 1924 20 Cents from Fukien (republican era) - EF, toned. Sharp strike.
Lot 10: UNC 1968 Singapore 1 Dollar with Merlion - in plastic capsule.
Lot 11: Lot of 6 Hong Kong colonial era coins - includes three Victoria era 10 cents.
Lot 12: Lot of 9 pieces of circulated and two UNCc renminbi (chinese yuan) — assorted lots of lower valued bills
Lot 13: AU Burmese Silver Mindon Min 1/4 and 1/8 Rupees/Kyat, scarce and nicely toned.
Lot 14: cuba postcard with 8 coins (circulating? I know nothing!) … a nifty souvenir bought from Havana (from my past history) and with original printer paper as a wrapper LOL
Lot 15: lot of 5 british coins and includes a ceylon silver 50 cents! three large pennies with nice patina, a farthing too! three rulers!
Lot 16: Nice starting lot of Chinese milled cash (9 coins) - includes elusive 2 Cash (Brass) from 1906 and minted in the Fukien Province + 5 Cash (ex. dan ching) and from 1905
Lot 17: Two Rolls of UNC 1960 D Lincoln Memorial Cents
All 17 lots sum up to 1003 USD shipped.
Take all 17 lots for 800 shipped priority, padded and placed into a box!
submitted by quizbowlanthony to CoinSales [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 06:55 human_raisedbyhumans What's up with this area? (First-time home buyer)

What's up with this area? (First-time home buyer) submitted by human_raisedbyhumans to Oceanside [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 00:29 VEEW0N My father is in a debt trap, and I don't know how to prioritise things. Please help.

TL;DR - My father has a loan of over 1cr (again). We (me, my wife) earn about 1 lakh a month. Don't know if I (late 30s) should prioritise myself, my kid or my father.
Sorry this is going to be a very long post, as I feel like giving you a 40 year background and TBH, I don't even have right questiona to ask.
Part 1 - Background
My father started his first business (1980s) before even I was born. As he didn't have any capital, he took heavy loans to begin. Although he was running a successful wholesale agency (among top 10 in my state as per the company accounts), our expenses+interest was huge. By 1995 his interest was about 10 lakhs per month vs ~8L he made. By 1998, we got bankrupt and he had to sell everything, even his shop, my mother's ornaments and the house where we lived. As per the agreements court ordered us to pay 50% or principal to each lender (all of them had already got 10x via interests earlier). We did that, but not all money was owned by noble men, some of it was from loan sharks and they wanted last penny so they threatened and kept on taking money till today.
In 2000, after the shame of bankruptcy went little bit down, my father restarted the business as a retailer, with just 8000 that he earned doing petty things. With his contacts and dedication he grew enough to support our family, but 2005-2010 hit him hard. I went to college, my sibling wanted badly to go to Kota, all savings went down coz of 2008 crash and he took loans again.
Since then his expenses vs earning is constantly negative and loans have soared to 1 CR again. With zero assets this bubble will burst in maximum 1-2 years.
He has ZERO assets, just a 2007 Activa that he bought for me.
Part 2 - My story.
I (late 30s) along with my wife earn ~1.5 LPM. We spend about 80k in Rent, grocery, shopping, insurance etc. give 30k to my father for their expenses, rest saving in FDs/RDs for down payment to buy us a home.
My father loved us like anything and despite of him not having anything fulfilled all our naive wishes. Now all I wish is same like Babu Bhai from Hera pheri. I want to see my father sit in his own home debt free and take a sip of tea.
But this would be at stake of me not building anything for my future and can seriously jeopardize my kid's future too.
Part 3 - Questions
  1. Should we consider him closing his business and shifting with us? His account says business earns about 1Lpm with average expenses of 80k. But his interests some of it from suppliers cause it go negative.
  2. Should I send more money home to help him repay his loans?
  3. How do I plan for my kid (~3 yo).
  4. For my case does saving even matter?
P.S. Serious answer only Don't need upvotes, just need genuine advice, so rather share with someone who you think can really help.
submitted by VEEW0N to personalfinanceindia [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 22:04 nightbeast88 There’s never been a better time to be a programmer. There’s never been a worse time to be a corporate programmer.

Who Am I?

Let’s start with who I am. I’m a software engineer in Columbus, Ohio. I got my start in programming in college back in 2007. Back then, I was exposed to three different programming languages: C for embedded systems, C++ for business processes, and Java for desktop/web apps. I began my IT career doing Ruby and Java development in 2012, added Angular development in 2014, and transitioned to full-stack JavaScript on AWS in 2016. Well...sort of. Even though I was doing full-stack JS at that time, I still had to support the Ruby and Java apps we created before.

That’s Great Boomer, but It Doesn’t Work Like That Today

You’re right. Let’s look at a typical person starting in software development in 2024. You’re a recent high school graduate excited to start your career in IT. You scour the job boards and see a ton of well-paying software engineering jobs, but which ones should you target, and what training do you need? You go onto YouTube, self-learn whatever the new hotness is, and think you’re set. Not quite.
In this day and age, the barrier to entry for programming jobs has never been lower. Gone are the days when you had to worry about state management, memory management, and deep knowledge of operating systems, networking, and TCP/UDP stacks just to get your foot in the door. What used to require a 4-year degree and a master's in system design has evolved into 6-week “boot camps.” You’re taught just enough to “make it work” and sent off to your first software engineering job.
Congratulations! You probably know something about MERN or MEAN. You’ve built a few simple web applications and are now thrust into the world of corporate software engineering. But what’s this? Java? Where did this come from?

Pets vs. Cattle

You’ve maybe heard this phrase before, but for those new to the industry, it boils down to this: pets you care for until they’re no longer able to continue living; cattle you care for until they’ve served their purpose and then you “delete” them. In programming, this translates to code that goes on to live for decades and code that serves a specific purpose that you throw away when your needs change. As much as we would like to write code as cattle, the truth is there’s little financial benefit in most industries to do that.

What is Your Company's Purpose?

While some companies compete on technical competency, most programmers end up in well-established companies whose primary business is in insurance, banking, wholesale, retail, hospitality, etc., not companies whose sole existence rests on their ability to provide the best technical solution. In such companies, it’s very hard to convince the decision-makers to update anything. They loathe the day their software architects say, “we need to stop working on your project for 2 weeks to do a framework version upgrade.” To them, that’s throwing money away because they don’t see any value in it. They will let defects and bugs exist in systems and just work around them if it means they can have you work on something else. This leads us back to something I’ve mentioned a few times now: Java.

Java, C#, and Legacy Software

Looking at the 2023 Stack Overflow developer survey, about 60% of professional developers use C# or Java. Realistically, the only things that beat these out are web development and Python (primarily for machine learning). Looking through job boards, this is a common theme, and most web jobs include either needing Java, C#, or Python skills in addition to web development. In this article, I’m going to speak specifically to Java because I know it best, but the same principles apply to C# and legacy software in general.

The History of Why Java is Everywhere

Java was written in the early 90s and widely adopted around the turn of the century. When many companies were looking for software solutions that weren’t tied to the mainframe and were more feature-complete than Bash, the options at the time were basically Java and C++. I realize there were other options, but let’s admit it, no one was going to write their software using OCaml. It really was a language ahead of its time, with a promise to “run anywhere,” including on websites, and without the complexities of writing C++ code. While it had its challenges, its requirement to define everything meant it was so structured that it reduced the risk of bugs, making Java the go-to language in the early 2000s.

Modern Day Java

There’s no way around it: from a developer experience standpoint, Java sucks. To be fair, the language has come a long way. At the time of writing, Java 22 is out, with a roadmap planned out to Java 26, including releasing Java 25 as a Long Term Support version in about 15 months. Java has incorporated many improvements from the community, and modern IDEs help automate much of its verbosity. So it sounds like Java is at least attempting to keep up with modern languages, right? So why does it feel so cumbersome?
Remember when companies adopted Java around the turn of the century? Fortunately for those companies, many of Java’s promises held true. The safety Java provided meant that core business functions could be written in it and often were. Now, 20+ years later, those businesses are still run by that same software. While Java 22 is the current version, Java 8 from 2014 still has to be supported because many companies cannot upgrade without breaking things, and they can pay Oracle to support it through 2030 and beyond.

So Why Is That So Challenging?

Well, software engineering practices have evolved. We’re better at defining and designing software, and our practices have updated because of it. We’re no longer writing abstraction for abstraction’s sake because the overly complex inheritance hierarchies of the early 2000s (like Creature -> Animal -> Amphibian -> Bipedal -> Primate -> Human -> Customer) made things unnecessarily hard to manage. What version of the “move” function are we using again? Where do I need to define “wave”? Guess I better make a “WithArms” abstraction and add it to the chain. But as we have evolved as an industry, we still have to support 20+ year-old software, which is why from a developer experience standpoint, Java sucks.

Where Does This Leave Us?

Unfortunately, this leaves us in a world of really cool things that we won’t really be able to use in our day-to-day job. If we look at the current landscape of things, everything works “well enough,” and there isn’t much incentive to change anything, and there’s usually more incentive not to adopt anything new.

New Languages

Newer languages like Go, Rust, and Zig likely won’t be coming to many companies anytime soon. While they are better technological evolutions of earlier languages, that means your development team needs to have more skills. I have problems hiring Angular + Node + Java developers, and as much as I would love to use the newer technologies to improve my own skills, hiring people who know Angular + Node + Java + Go + Rust would be nigh impossible. Not to mention those developers are $150K/year employees with 10+ years of experience, not $50K/year employees out of a boot camp.

New Frameworks

So okay, new languages are out of the question, but what about adopting new frameworks or technologies within those frameworks? SSR in Angular / React / Vue is beneficial, right? Well...yes, but it’s not quite that simple. If you’re using one of the big three in production today, chances are you have a build pipeline that builds your HTML/JS/CSS files, and you host them on an NGINX server or upload them to something like S3. So you have to convince your company to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars setting things up to be able to deploy, host, performance test, and scale a NodeJS application, and incur the recurring cost of additional processing power to render the applications server-side on every request. And the question is, for what benefit? To take ½ a second off load time and to have a preview thumbnail pop up when someone links your website on Facebook? If you’re in retail, maybe. Anywhere else? Probably not.

You Will Have to Support Legacy Code, and You’re Not Going to Like It

This brings us back to our good old enemy, legacy code. Unlike the days of COBOL when the industry wanted to get off proprietary mainframe computers, there really isn’t a need to rewrite things. Things generally work “good enough,” and a vast majority of us are just going to continue to build on top of what’s already built wherever we work. I’m not happy about it, and the only people I know who are happy about it are those just trying to cruise through to retirement, but from a business sense, it’s the only thing that makes sense. Thank you for your time. Learn OOP, read Clean Code, learn Java. Even though we agree there are better ways to do it, this is the world we all live in.
submitted by nightbeast88 to theprimeagen [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 14:52 growthstart10 How This Guy Bootstrapped To $100 Million

Founder, Erik Allebest shares the story:
Our business was flat. I was playing too many video games, wasn't taking care of my health, and I needed a big reset.
My wife said, ‘You’ve got to go to business school. I'm going to help you write your essays. I think this is your last chance to use that really lucky GMAT score you got coming out of college.’
I decided, ‘Alright, let's do it.’
But I will say I went there with a fair amount of ego. I'm a pretty different person than when I first got there because I didn't have a lot of other peers who were doing similar things as me. Most people were in entry-level jobs right out of college, and I was here running a business and making a lot of money.
I thought, ‘Hey, I'm an entrepreneur. I know what I'm doing. I'm going to go to Stanford. I don't know what I'm going to learn there...’
It turns out I didn't know anything.
Q: What is the biggest thing you learned?
Wow. That's a huge question.
I realized that building a company is bringing together an orchestration of so many different elements. You’re a conductor in an orchestra, and you're moving people around to create something. In order to do that, you have to put the best people in the right seats.
There are a lot of different types of leaders from sales leaders, cultural leaders, product leaders, and technology founders. You have some people who have a ruthless mission and are jerks to work for, but they pay people a lot of money.
But when I went to business school, my personal life philosophy was much different.
I wanted to know, ‘How do you create an amazing culture that people want to be a part of and do great things together?’
That’s what I learned.
Q: What's the founding story behind How did you come up with the idea? And why did you decide to start the business?
We started with wholesale chess, and when you searched on Google, there were two sections:
  1. Ads
  2. Search Results
We were constantly battling who was first for organic search results on Google, and there was immense competition between the top sites. We were nickel-and-diming each other down on price. Meanwhile, we were spending more and more money to get clicks to our site, and our margins were evaporating. I was like, ‘This is going to break and fail.’
That’s when I noticed this platform called MySpace, which at the time was very popular. I thought to myself, ‘Why don't we build a community for chess players?’
Then they'll come to play and learn about chess. Eventually, they'll buy the chess equipment, and we can have a better chess-selling business.
While this was percolating, I got into Stanford Business School and realized I couldn't keep running this business. So, I sold the business but kept the domain name.
While I was at the business school, I built all the wireframes and began work with my co-founder, Jay. He was on the technical side and two of us would do school during the day and work until 3 AM. I was staying up and building with Jay. It was a grind. Also, I had two or three kids at the time. I was a pretty busy person, not taking care of myself. It was a period of investment.
But when I graduated, I had some job offers at Facebook, Palantir, YouTube, Mint, and other companies.
Yet I decided to try this chess thing, and everyone was like, ‘You're crazy!’
I was like, ‘Maybe. I'll go get a job later, but I'm just going to see this out.’
And as I graduated, we started using some money from having sold the other companies.
Q: How did you get your first thousand people in’s community?
Through online communities and forums.
It was a simpler world. Social media was different back then. There used to be tiny pockets, like subreddits. One would be a place for talking about cars, then you'd go to to talk about golf, etc. was where we had the community forum. Every single day, a thousand people would type chess into the browser, and Google would put a .com on it, and people would sign up. Eventually, Google Chrome stopped putting the .com on the end. So people would search chess, and we were already number one. There was a lot of natural growth from search engine optimization (SEO) and the virality of people sharing their experiences.
Q: Why did every investor say “no” to you?
I met so many great people. When you're an investor, you have to be very careful in choosing businesses because your hit rate is so low. You have to choose businesses that can do outsized returns.
So everyone looked at chess and thought, ‘Chess is tiny. It's insignificant. Why are you spending your time on this?’
And so it just wasn't big enough for anybody. I ended up funding it myself.
Q: What were the key inflection points that kind of led to where it is today?
So being excellent at SEO and being excellent at content.
People don't want ads; they want content. That's where they're putting their eyeballs. We knew very early on that instead of investing a ton of money into buying ads, we should invest in content because that's where people want to be.
People are more inclined from short-form content and creator partnerships. All of it’s just content, and the community builds around the content.
There are a lot of people who do well using ads, but it just wasn't our strategy. Content and community have always been our strategy plus product excellence.
You can listen to my full interview with Erik here, and you can find more stories like this one here.
submitted by growthstart10 to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 07:45 Zealousideal_Eye8954 (List 400-800)Trading courses available from 49$-120$. ( Price depends on the course selected) All proofs will be provided before your purchase so that you can verify genuinity. See the text below for the list of added courses. Feel free to message me if you need any course, If we have it we will he

List 400-800
  1. Duncan Cramer - Advanced Quantitative Data Analysis - pdf
  2. Dynamic Technical Analysis - Philippe Cahen
  3. Dynamic Traders - The Art of Trading a Correction
  4. Earik Beann
  5. Easy 5-Step Fibonacci Swing Trading System
  6. Eben Pagan - Money Psychology
  7. ecs.SWAT - Simple Wave Analysis and Trading by Chris Svorcik
  8. ED PONSI - FXeducator Forex Trading
  9. Edward O. Thorp-A Man for All Markets, From Las Vegas to Wall Street
  10. Egill Bjorgvinnson - Technical.Analysis.From.Beginner.To.Pro
  11. Egill Bjorgvinsson - LearnTo Trade the Improved ( Advanced ) Patterns
  12. Electronic.AGS.Trading.Workshop
  13. Elev8 Trading
  14. Elev8 Updates March
  15. Elliot Waves + Fibo
  16. Elliott Wave Int. - Educational Video Series Volumes 1 - 10 by Robert Prechter, Dave Allman & Wayne Gorman
  17. Elliott Wave Junctures
  18. Elliott Wave Ultimate & Harmonic
  19. EminiAddict
  20. Envelope Profit System
  21. Epic Sequal! FOUS4x2! New Day Trading Strategies
  22. Euan Sinclair – Option Trading. Pricing & Volatility Strategies & Technique
  23. EUSE
  24. Everything Presidential
  25. Exact Trading - Price Action Trader Training
  26. Explosive Bottoming Patterns
  27. Exponential Moving Average.mp4
  28. EzeeTrader - MBT.Swing.Trading.2014
  29. Ezeetrader -Divergent Swing Trading 2015
  30. Falcon - foundation series 2020
  31. Falcon FX Pro
  32. Falcon FX.Forex.Course
  33. Falcon FxPro Full Course
  34. Fast-Up Trading Mentorship
  35. Feibel Trading - Logical Price Action
  36. FestX - Main Online Course
  37. Ffounders Ebooks
  38. Fib Finer Points SPS
  39. FIB IN 4 - Learning to Trade Using fibonnaci by Josh
  40. Fib Trader Workshop 2004 Carolyn Boroden
  41. Fibonacci Swing Trader v 2.0 (ForexMentor) by Frank Paul
  42. Fibonacci Trading - Learn How to Trade with Fibonacci Video Training
  43. Fibs Don't Lie - Day Trading Course 2018
  44. Fibs Don't Lie Advanced
  45. Fibs Dont Lie
  46. Financial Markets Online - VIP Membership
  47. Financial Spread Betting - TRADING WITH INDICATORS
  48. Flagship Trading Course
  49. Flipping Markets Video Course
  50. Flipping_Markets_Trading_Plan
  51. Flipping-markets Mentorship
  52. FlyDownX
  53. Football Hedging System by Tony Langley
  54. Footprint Deep Dive
  55. Forever-Blue---Forex-Course
  56. foreverinprofit
  57. Forex Bible - The Key to Understanding the Forex Market
  58. Forex Chasers – FX Chasers 3.0
  59. Forex for Beginners Easy Forex Trading for Beginners
  60. Forex Harmonic Pattern Trading- With Multiple Chart Examples
  61. forex hunt
  62. Forex Marvel Trader
  63. Forex Master Class – Your A-Z Step By Step Guide To Mastering The Forex Market
  64. Forex Mentor Full [3 DVDs] [Full Trading Video Course]
  65. Forex Raid Trading
  66. Forex Rebellion Trading Course
  67. Forex Scalping Masterclass ( Scalping Strategy ) - Daksh Murkute
  68. Forex Scalping Strategy Course-Guide in Scalping the Forex
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2024.05.22 07:14 empressempire1206 Expanding my small business, 24f

I’m looking for a $4k investment to expand my jewelry business. I’m a university student, so last year what I did was mainly focus on summer markets that were in person while I had more free time. Last year from March-October I made $5k in sales. I started my business with no guidance (except youtube), and learned a lot of do's and donts. I now know what type of inventory is most profitable, who my market is and how I reach them best.
My plan for this upcoming summer season is to not only continue my summer markets, but to also focus on my social media reach. I’ve seen how amazing tik tok in particular can be for a wide reach and sales. My category of jewelry is niche yet versatile, so I fully trust its ability to do well. My products are a combination of handmade and wholesale bought charms/chains.
With the online sales consistently flowing, I’ll develop a structure this summer where I set myself up for success in the upkeep and growth while i’m in my last semester of college. After graduating, I’m back to full business focus.
I would use the money for custom packaging, ordering more inventory & campaigning.
I’m so determined. I just need one angel to have faith in me so I can make this magic happen. My specific category of jewelry has such a big market, and with the right tools I believe I can convert a wide reach to sales all year long with tackling socials in addition to the in person markets.
submitted by empressempire1206 to angelinvestors [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:19 Fermule Character Chat: Tarvek

Hey and hi! I previously posted these Character Chats in order to fill the void when the comic was on involuntary hiatus, and I'm pleased to hear that it was received positively and people were asking for more. I couldn't really commit to it once the hiatus was over, since I've got a job and all. But good news, my whole team got laid off! I've got a lot more time on my hands now, so I think I'll keep this series going for a few weeks on Tuesdays and Thursdays or so. If anyone complains about me surfing reddit at work during my notice period... well, what are they gonna do, fire me?
Today my giant novely ouija board has selected Prince Aaronev Tarvek Sturmvoraus. Our first Spark, and first main character, but somehow our third Valois out of five picks.
Tarvek is a member of the large and complicated Valois family tree, descended from our pal Andronicus Valois, the Storm King. He is the son of Prince Aaronev Sturmvoraus VI of Sturmhalten and an unknown mother, and the older brother of Anevka Sturmvoraus. He and Anevka share the same grandmother with the von Bliztengaard siblings and Violetta, making them all cousins. The Selnikovs may also be close family members, as their main residence is in Sturmhalten. Tarvek also calls Zulenna a cousin at one point.
The Storm King conspiracy among the Fifty Families was said to be fizzling out in the time before the comic, but the Mongfish family (i.e. Lucrezia) got involved and whipped them all into shape. Besides making most of the Knights of Jove Lucrezia loyalists, part of this involvment was ensuring there was a suitable male heir to the Storm King using Spark sceince, which ended up producing, at minimum, Tarvek and Martellus von Blitzengaard. The degree to which Tarvek's mother was involved and consenting is unknown. While we don't know how much was done, Tarvek is a powerful Spark, physically fit, and quite intelligent, so mission accomplished I suppose (though Tarvek does wear these tiny pince-nez around, so he may have poor vision - nice going, Lucrezia).
We don't have a family tree or anything, so we need to take the story's word that Tarvek's claim for being a direct heir of Andronicus is one of the most direct, if not the strongest overall. Two of the strongest claimants, Tarvek and Martellus, share a grandmother, so presumably their legitimacy is either through her or her late husband. Grandmama is once referred to with the title "Dowager Princess of Sturmhalten", it's possible Aaronev inherited his title as Prince of Sturmhalten by being her son. On the other hand, Tarvek also says that his descent comes down through his mother, so maybe she's Grandmama's child instead? Or it's wrong to trace back things to this set of grandparents after all? The family tree is thrown for another loop when Orotine declares Martellus a third-place heir rather than the commonly assumed second-place, so now who's in second place and how's that guy related to Tarvek's family tree, and... it's at this point I throw up my hands in exasperation.
Tarvek spent some of his early childhood as a political hostage on Castle Wulfenbach, being raised with other hostages by von Pinn. Tarvek recalls this time fondly, and in particular became good friends with Gil, whose identity was still hidden. When the two of them were hunting for secrets, hoping to discover Gil's lineage, they discover a red-herring left by the Baron. While Tarvek didn't buy it and tried to dig further, he got caught. Along with some snitching from Gil, this got him expelled from the Castle. Of course, everyone was spying abord the Castle, and Tarvek was just the only one kicked out. My assumption is that the Baron wasn't worried about Gil's identity being exposed, but didn't approve of Gil getting close with Tarvek for one reason or another and arranged to destroy the friendship.
He spent his remaining childhood in Sturmhalten, where he was wrapped up in family scheming, including Aaronev's schemes with the Other. Besides Aaronev, he also spent time with Anevka and Violetta during this period, and received some Smoke Knight training. He later goes to Paris for his higher education, where he was a good student and made friendships with influential young people like Colette and Neena. He was also involuntarily dragged into Gil's college adventures, where he became, uh, "acquainted" with disreputable characters like Bangladesh Dupree and Zola. He's called back to Sturmhalten after completing his education.
As a young adult, Tarvek's goals are initially to learn all he can from the Other conspiracy in Sturmhalten, destroy them afterwards, use this knowledge to overthrow the Baron, become Storm King, get the Fifty Families under control, and bring peace and prosperity to his new empire. However, Aaronev is in charge in Sturmhalten, and has different ideas. Tarvek detests his father and the Other conspiracy he's involved with, but cooperates with them to stay in their good graces and learn all he can. Tarvek attempts to act as a moderating influence on Aaronev, but Aaronev is too far gone to pull back. Aaronev ends up capturing nearly all the young female Sparks in Europa beneath the Baron's nose, and destroys them utterly trying to implant copies of Lucrezia into their minds, while Tarvek doesn't do much more than watch.
Aaronev eventually subjects his daughter Anevka to the treatment, nearly killing her. The Circus of Adventure happens to be in town, and as an expert on the Muses, Tarvek recognizes Tinka as a van Rijn original when she performs. Tarvek has his men abduct Tinka, and uses her as the basis for building a masterpiece clank which would connect to Anevka's mind and allow her to move and speak while her body was comatose. For what it's worth, he does try to pay the Circus after the fact, but they naturally ran like hell out of town. Tinka is eventually damaged beyond his ability to repair by Aaronev.
After this, he also conspires (or pretends to conspire) with Anevka to use her clank body's voice box to imitate Lucrezia's ability to command revenants, and use that ability to overthrow Aaronev and the Baron. When the Circus comes back to town with Agatha in tow, she's found out as Lucrezia's daughter at a show, with more beans being spilled later when Agatha's drugged with a truth serum. Aaronev tries to throw her in the Lucrezia-machine, but Anevka launches her coup right then, and finalizes her voice box by studying Agatha's own voice. Tarvek, having fallen for Agatha basically immediately, attempts to smuggle Agatha out of town under Anevka's nose, but the Geisters eventually get Lucrezia in her head anyway.
Tarvek, at this point, wants to integrate Agatha into his plan to use Other technology to usurp the Baron, which means keeping her safely at his side. This means both cooperating with Lucrezia to learn from her to begin with and protect Agatha's body, and also sabotaging Agatha's efforts at surrendering herself to the Baron for the greater good. One his deals with Lucrezia is making a clank head imprinted with a Lucrezia copy, designed to fit onto Anevka's clank body. Tarvek lures in Anevka for Lucrezia, and after some back-and-forth betrayals, eventually deactivates Anevka's head and puts her in storage, essentially killing her for the time being. Juggling Agatha, Lucrezia, and now a second Lucrezia proves too much for Tarvek once the Baron's troops arrive in Sturmhalten, and he ends up slashed in the gut, shot, and abandoned in the ensuing chaos.
Tarvek ends up in the Great Hospital in Mechanicsburg, as one of many of the injured from Sturmhalten. Violetta, who had been assigned to Mechanicsburg by Tarvek to keep her out of the proverbial firing line, manages to get him out of custody in the hospital... but inside of Castle Heterodyne instead, which is something of a lateral move. After connecting up with Agatha, Taevek comes down with Hogfarb's Respelendent Immolation, either due to traipsing about Castle Heterodyne of all places while wounded, or, Tarvek speculates, as a poisoning attempt from his own extended family. Gil is recruited to help with curing him, and after extensive bickering, infections, distractions, complications, and one apotheosis, he's back in good health. Tarvek attempts to help fix the Castle, and aid Agatha however he can, including fighting with Lucrezia and Vole, and attempting to strangle Zola. His bickering with Gil during this time mostly puts him on the defensive and has Tarvek trying to justify his actions, but he eventually does have a quiet epiphany.
He eventually gets grabbed by Othar in a case of mistaken identity, and his quick analytical skills wind up placing him in charge of the Wulfenbach fleet's grand strategy temporarily - it's at gunpoint, but Boris assesses that he's really doing what's in the best interest of the Empire. He has to scurry off when Klaus comes onto the scene, placing him in a perfect position to recruit the Empire's Vespiary Squad and their weasels when Klaus turns on them. Notably, he risks life and limb rescuing a squad member, who he needs of course, but also Jorgi, who mostly annoys him. He sends the Vespiary Squad to hiding places abroad. As the battle for Mechanicsburg wraps up, Tarvek ends up stabbed with a poisoned dagger by Martellus just before the time-stop.
Post time-skip, Gil dedicates extensive resources towards getting Tarvek out of the time stop. Tarvek isn't able to do much before being kidnapped by the Immortal Library, and then kidnapped by Mister Obsidian on behalf of Grandmama. He does manage to breathe a bit in Paris, before being kidnapped by Mister Obsidian again on behalf of Seffie, to be sent to England. But en route aboard a pirate vessel, he's (shockingly) interrupted by a kidnapping attempt, this time for Grandmama again. Martellus sent assassins after Tarvek to interrupt the interruption, leading to bloody battle between Seffie's pirates, Grandmama's Smoke Knights, Martellus' Knights of the Hunt, and poor Tarvek. After being rescued by Gil, Tarvek flips the script, and he and Bang kidnap Gil instead, changing course to England.
In England, he can finally, you know, not get kidnapped for a bit. He decides to join Agatha in the Royal Society, and despite nearly getting strangled by Higgs, manages to reach Agatha and help work on curing her of Lucrezia, and curing Gil of Klaus. After interminable delays like a undersea cult, briefly seeing beyond time, punching Tweedle, and a revenant attack, they eventually pull it all off.
Later, in the war against the Polar Lords, Tarvek is essentially given the role of Gil's official treacherous vizier. On paper, helping the Empire helps keep him safe to further his own ambitions, but in practice, Tarvek seems more focused on doing good by his friends than anything to do with becoming Storm King.
Whew! And that's the short synopsis!
As a Spark, Tarvek's specialty is masterwork clanks in the van Rijn mold. His Anevka clank maintains full sentience even after any organic parts it was attached to died off, and continues to be used by Lucrezia to devastating effect. He also has a knack for rapid analysis, such as being able to understand the Wulfenbach fleet's strategy with just a glance. It's possible his political aptitude, scheming skills and ability to anticipate people's actions are a byproduct of his spark, but it may also just be the natural result of his upbringing. He is unusually composed for a Spark, and is very rarely seen in the Madness Place, and never for very long.
Beyond the Spark and his cunning, Tarvek also received some Smoke Knight training, making him skilled in martial arts and sleight of hand. That said, he'd prefer not to get in fights, and his first resort use his Spark or guile to get out safely (his second resort is just shooting them, with a gun). He also has a passion for fashion design, particularly lady's fashion.
Besides his conquer-Europa ambitions, Tarvek seems primarily driven to help and protect the people he loves, but his preferred tactics for doing so are often underhanded, or screw over people that he doesn't particularly love. Tarvek is the kind of guy who has to come to the conclusion that mind-control slavery is bad in general, rather than bad for people I know. He does come to that conclusion on his own, so kudos for that, but for a lot of people it's not even something you have to think about. Tarvek is also quick to use "they'd kill me if I tried, I had no choice" as a defense, but never quite understands that there was always a choice available he didn't consider - die trying. That all said, Tarvek is in generally improving his character over time, and wants to do the right thing, both in the "greater good" sense and doing right by other people individually, and finds himself frustrated at himself that he's often failed. I don't want to discuss Tarvek's ethics too much further here, since there's a great deal to talk about and this is supposed to be a discussion thread! Why do I have to do all the work?
Major Relationships:
submitted by Fermule to girlgenius [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 16:19 International-Log-47 Finally got a job interview

Finally got an email for an interview to be a construction project manager for a gas station company. I’m really excited as I’ve been a diesel tech for a while now and have Been wanting to move up.
Any tips on how to nail the interview?
Past experience:
I did the google project manager course and some Coursera courses. And I went to college for 2 years for a psych degree that I couldn’t keep paying.
Currently a diesel tech going on a year before I was a service coordinatoservice advisor for the same company for a couple of months.
i worked construction as a framer for a year and come from a framing family.
before i worked at fidelity and for a year
i worked as a wholesaler for a real estate company for a couple of months.
then i was a banker for a 3 years.
I really want to get out of hard labor and move onto the office side of things. Especially the better pay.
submitted by International-Log-47 to ConstructionManagers [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:08 International-Log-47 Got an interview!

Finally got an email for an interview to be a construction project manager for a gas station company. I’m really excited as I’ve been a diesel tech for a while now and have Been wanting to move up.
Any tips on how to nail the interview?
Past experience:
I did the google project manager course and some Coursera courses. And I went to college for 2 years for a psych degree that I couldn’t keep paying.
Currently a diesel tech going on a year before I was a service coordinatoservice advisor for the same company for a couple of months.
i worked construction as a framer for a year and come from a framing family.
before i worked at fidelity and for a year
i worked as a wholesaler for a real estate company for a couple of months.
then i was a banker for a 3 years.
I really want to get out of hard labor and move onto the office side of things. Especially the better pay.
submitted by International-Log-47 to Career_Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:41 pm_me_ur_chichirones Is risk management a mark against you on your resume?

I have about 5 years of experience in the physical energy trading industry, both on the wholesale and retail side. My first job out of college was a risk analyst for a power desk, since then I've moved on to several demand forecasting/pricing/risk hybrid-type roles which heavily engage with the market. I collaborate daily with our traders & schedulers, and generate hedging products to structure deals (designing swaps, options, weather mix).
But it seems like I'm only every reached out to by headhunters and recruiters for back office - settlement/data entry roles. Is an external move out of risk possible even though most of my roles have had 'risk' in the title?
submitted by pm_me_ur_chichirones to Commodities [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 12:04 Least_Bread2623 What the hell do I even do with my life ?

I don't even know where to start, feel like time is just passing by and I'm just flowing with it recently, I just waste away my time and don't accomplish much.
I'm 27M, graduated with hospitality management and really messed up in college. No internships, no networking, and no real management or supervisory experience at any jobs. Ngl, I don't like hospitality lol it's such a whack ass industry, I don't mind interacting with people and have become much more social than I used to be, but still, the whole industry as a whole is bullshit.
I've worked at a few restaurants, quick service and gas stations lol, best job I ever got was 50k/year as a busser in a steakhouse.
Granted, I've had to deal with immigration obstacles if I wanted to stay in the US and it's been tough to imagine a future, in a place where you are expected to leave. I get it, but got married recently and I guess that will atleast take care of the immigration issue when I get that done, which ofc isn't the easiest in the world but I have a genuine and strong case.
Meanwhile I wait to apply for my work permit and everything, I've decided to still work, whatever I can do, until I can atleast get some sort of job legally which can fit in my life.
Currently I do some food delivery whenever I can, not making much atm, but when ubedoordash wasn't bad, I was aiming for atleast 100-150/day or minimum 2k/month but it's been super slow recently in my area.
I also work on my family business with my mom, she's been running a women's clothing boutique for over 20 years now, it slowed down when she moved here to help me out and pay for my college (which I fucked up lol) and recently we've been picking up steam with US sales since covid died down. We do clothing, jewlery, leather shoes, men's apparel, accessories and whatever else we think will move.
Sadly, we have almost no online sales and not the greatest social media presence and I'm trying to fix that, but I just feel like I never do enough or stay consistent with the posts. We had some issues which stopped us from being organized and having storage nearby for our inventory but that's been solved by moving to a bigger place.
I still need to get a business license, and implement some legit organization/inventory systems in place, so we can manage everything better, but we've had some Cash flow issues. Also run 2 households and pay employee wages back in India, as we make most of our own clothing, or buy wholesale for the styles we cannot make cheaper, so money's been a little tight.
We mostly do events, which require a lot of driving and end up costing us a lot in Van rental/gas/hotels almost every weekend, which is something we have to do, as moving closer to the events would mean our cost of living would go up quite a lot, it would also increase sales, but it's a risky move right now, and buying a home in CA is no joke lol.
We stay busy Friday morning till Monday morning usually, which leads me to almost never have time enough for a stable job other than flexible gas station shifts or ubeddash atm.
So after giving some context on how my life is going, I just don't know what kind of careejobs I could actually do ?
Hospitality seems out of the question unless we end up saving enough to get a store of some kind which we can run and still do the events on the side and slowly build repeat clientele in all the cities we visit.
Idk what kind of job will let me come in to work late or have a flexible schedule while still keep me employed 🤣, even if it's only for 1-2 days of the week. Or just take a whole week off a few times a year, which I need to do for some of the busy weeks or bigger events.
I know my self employed experience wouldn't get me too far in getting decent job, and I would need to end up choosing between the events and a job, but I just feel like shit all the time.
I've gained a lot of weight, feel like engaging in destructive food habits like eating innout 4 times a week because it's easy, I like to cook but still just take the easy route a lot, especially a few days after coming back from driving 16-18 hours over the weekend and having to stay up for more than 24 hours straight.
Don't really drink or do any drugs, been struggling with quitting vaping and getting rid of the nic demon, but it hasn't been easy. Up until last year, I also used to use a LOT of thc, chronic daily use but finally got around to cutting that out and felt much better and more present in life.
Money's always been tight, even with multiple incomes to support the household bills and whatnot, my husband does help with bills more recently and that's made it a little easier but still been tough.
Having a shit ton of inventory on hand, managing rapid changes in customer needs has been a challenge too, even after we got better at it. I just feel so lazy and aimless in life, I do love doing the events (only when we make $ lol) but goddammit it's tough on my body and with no cannabis use, only so many coffees/energy drinks can keep someone going for 24 hours+.
Idk why I've been writing down so much stuff, sorry if yall actually read all of this but fuck me dude, what do I even do in life ??
submitted by Least_Bread2623 to findapath [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 00:04 ContentBall I want to make/buy something like this!

I want to make/buy something like this!
Hi guys sorry if this is not supposed to be in this sub, please redirect me if there's a better place to post! I saw an ad for this jumpsuit online and did a bunch of research to try and find something similar, but found that this photo is just frequently edited to include different designs from dropshippers or scam businesses etc. and the closest things I could find were screenprinted t-shirts and a no-longer-available beach coverup dress. I would rather find an individual artist who could design and print a similar pattern onto wholesale clothing OR make it myself (home from college so looking for something to occupy me lol) but I don't know where I would start. I'm not looking to make the jumpsuit from scratch, just add the print, and if I buy from someone they would need to design the art themselves (I think? Again, I am not totally clear on printing methods). If anyone can help or redirect me to someone who could, that would be great. Thanks!
there are like a billion available designs that look like this but i couldnt find anything original
submitted by ContentBall to DIYclothes [link] [comments]