

2013.06.29 20:30 Metalcore

A Subreddit to post and discuss bands that are categorized as Metalcore. Crossover Thrash can also be discussed and posted. (From wikipedia: Metalcore is a broad fusion genre of extreme metal and hardcore punk. The name is an amalgam of the names of the two genres, distinguished by its emphasis on breakdowns, which are slow, intense passages that are conducive to moshing.) See also: /90sMetalcore

2024.05.25 10:48 magicmango2104 Help I cant stop buying!

Help I cant stop buying!
Really can't wait to try these out
submitted by magicmango2104 to RedditLaqueristas [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 22:02 GoAheadAndBan78 Kristen Taekman

Kristen Taekman submitted by GoAheadAndBan78 to celeb_sandals [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 15:50 Rock-light-526 Cecilia

Cecilia submitted by Rock-light-526 to Porristasymodelos [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 11:06 SarasCaptions A big smile

A big smile submitted by SarasCaptions to AlyssaMilanoPhotos [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 18:32 Glittering_Log8241 أفضل زيت لتطويل الشعر ونموه تجارب حقيقية لثلاثة منتجات

ربما نحتاج للكثير من الثقة لإطلاق على زيت ما أنه أحد أفضل الزيوت لتطويل الشعر، إذا يتطلب ذلك علميا مقارنة جميع الزيوت وتجربتها وقياس أثارها وملاحظة نتائجها وفق شروط متعددة على عدد كبير من البشر لإعطاء مثل هكذا جواب بمثل هذه الحزم
لا يتوافر عمليا في واقعنا العربي مثل هذه البحوث ولكن من واقع تجربة من عدد كبير مع العملاء لأحد متاجر مستحضرات التجميل المتخصصة بزيوت الشعر التركية، ومن واقع عمل متجر روابي فإنه يمكنه ان يضع دراسة اقرب للواقعية حول أفضل الزيوت للشعر من واقع حجم المبيعات، وتكرار شراء المنتج نفسه من قبل العميل الواحد، وبالتنسيق مع بيانات ضمان جودة المنتجات وفريق ضمان الجودة

أفضل زيت شعر لنمو الشعر وتطويله حسب مبيعات متجر روابي

أفضل زيت شعر بلا منازع هو زيت الثوم الأسود المخمر حيث يعد زيت الثوم الأسود التركي أحد أكثر الزيوت طلبا و فائدة من قبل العملاء بعد تجريبه لانه لا يحتوي أي مواد كيماوية مطلقا، إذا تم بيع ما يقارب من اكثر من 150 الف عميل من هذا المنتج معظمهم في دول الخليج واستفاد الكثيرون منه بشكل كبير للمشاكل التالية
  1. مشاكلة الثعلبة ووجود فراغات في منطقة محددة من الرأس
  2. ضعف نمو الشعر وضعف الفروة
  3. تساقط الشعر بشكل كبير وبخاصة عند التمشيط او بعد الحمام
يقوم الثوم الأسود بتكثيف الشعر بشكل واضح ، ويمكنك من الحصول على شعر ممتلئ. كما يعد أفضل زيت لإنبات الشعر وملء الفراغات فى الرأس. كما أنه مقاوم مميز للصلع وتساقط الشعر ولم يثبت بشكل كاف إذا كان يصلج كعلاج الصلع الوراثي ولكن بفضل ما به من مضادات اكسدة. يساعد إصلاح الأطراف المتقصفة وتغذية الشعر.
يبقى لزيت الثوم الأسود بعض الاثار الجانبية فهو كغيره من المنتجات قد لا يعطي فاعلية عند نسبة محددة من العملاء، وأيضا قد يجب بعض العملاء ثقلا في استعماله فتحتاج ان تستعمله مرة كل يومين وان تغسل شعرك بعد استعماله

ثاني أفضل زيت لتطويل الشعر وتكثيفه

ثانيأفضل زيت لتطويل الشعر وتكثيفه هو السيروم الأزرق التركي ، وهو منتج يشتهر بشكل كبير في المغرب العربي وله شعبية كبيرة جدا في ليبيا وهو أحد الزيوت فعالية بحسب تجارب عينة من العملاء تصل ل 50 الف عميل
وهو مركب من مجموعة فيتامينات خاصة للشعر يستعمله بشكل كبير من يحتاجون لتقوية شعرهم بعد عمليات التساقط الكبيرة او بعد عمليات زراعة الشعر حيث ينصح به نظرا لفوائده الكبيرة ونتائجه المثبتة والمجربة على العملاء الذين عادوا لطلبه والذين تم استطلاع أراءهم حول فعاليته

ثالث أفضل زيت لتكثيف الشعر

يعد زيت جوز الهند من المنتجات المميزة جدا التي تساعد على تكثيف الشعر ومنع تساقطه واعادة تغذيته بالبروتينات التي تنقصه، وبالنسبة لنا فإن ثالثأفضل زيت لتكثيف الشعر وهو هذا السيروم ، ومن حيث المبيعات فإن نسبة رضا العملاء عن هذا المنتج قد تجاوزت 73 بالمئة ويمكن استعماله كمرطب للشعر او كماسك بعد الاستحمام أفضل زيت لتطويل الشعر ونموه تجارب حقيقية لثلاثة منتجات
submitted by Glittering_Log8241 to u/Glittering_Log8241 [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 13:52 GabagoolJunior Nobody: Adriana, exacerbated

Nobody: Adriana, exacerbated submitted by GabagoolJunior to Sopranosduckposting [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 21:30 harleyarts Eyebrow tint color & eyelash tinting tips!

Eyebrow tint color & eyelash tinting tips!
As a genuine redhead... who has darn near invisible eyebrows & eyelashes, I find it easier than looking sickly everyday, to just buy a few tubes of Refectocil tint & liquid oxidant to tint my eyelashes & eyebrows myself! So I thought I would share my tips & my journey to finding a good eyebrow colour for us redheads, that looks more natural than a un-natural looking brown or bright red. (If I'm going out, I still touch them up with make-up still though.)
Having grey-blue eyes, I prefer to use dark black for my eyelashes to make my eye colour stand out a bit more. They do tend to stay a nice dark black, & seem to last until they drop out or grow out. (As long as the lashes are really clean of any make-up & are free of any oils, etc before dying) Don't worry, dispite the Refectocil gel going on looking not looking so black in colour, it does end up a really nice dark black when its done.
My eyebrows don't quite last quite as long, so they need to be redone a bit more often. But that is probably because I am not as confident with leaving the tint on for too long! I don't want to look like Groucho Marx! ..... again.
So first what I want to share, is my journey on finding a way to get a natural color eyebrow. For me anyway. Not too dark, not too red/bright. Because you definitely don't want to buy "red"... thinking that it is for us redheads..... because trust me, it IS Red! Like Ronald McDonald kinda RED. (Yes. I went there, ...so you don't have to! Lol)
So then I went back onto Amazon & purchased "Natural Brown" (#3) My thinking: ...because after all, I've used a brown eyeliner pencil sometimes to darken my brows. And IT looks ok! Right?...Nope. Hilariously dark! WAY too Dark for a natural redhead! And it sure took to my brows the second it hit em! BAM! Groucho Marx!!! All the scrubbing in the world couldn't fully remove them! So I had to wait it out, hiding in my house for a bit. (I think I have seen that they now have a tint remover available!)
So next, I tried a Light brown tint (#3.1) .....Nope. Although it wasn't as bad as the darker Natural Brown was, if I put it on & quickly remove it almost right away. Then at least it kinda looks like I actually have eyebrows!
So working my way down the embarrassment scale, I then found the "Chesnut" (#4) color. This HAS to be right. Right?... Wrong! Again it was too dark & still too red for my eyebrows. So I went back to the light brown tint, quickly removed, until I got brave enough to try something different.
Remembering my younger years, working in a hair salon sweeping hair etc, I recalled the hairdresser who would mix hair colours. I wondered if it would work with this tint? So I decided to try mixing the Chesnut (colour #4) to the light brown (colour #3.1).... & BINGO! It worked! Eventually, I found a good mix for what I wanted. A little under a third of the chesnut to the amount of the Light brown worked great for me!
It was so bang on, that I had once put the excess I had onto some of those darn white stripes of hair above my ears that I had recieved as a "gift" for entering into my 50's. It ended up being a great match!
Another few tips I have for tinting your eyelashes: Vaseline. You don't want this tint getting into your eyes.... it stings! A lot. But because I have curly lashes, I find it is difficult to get the dye right down to the base without that happening eventually. And once it's in your eye, the game is over! Your eye will water and sting. You'll have no control, & it will shut tight... then your other one does the same & the next thing you know, the tint is washing through both of your eyes, down your cheeks & you're blindly racing to the sink! .... SO make sure you DO Vaseline ALL of your face & anywhere that you DON'T want the tint to stick to, in advance! Better to be prepared!
To avoid this you really need to take your time & be super careful! Or better yet...get a pro to do it! But just know that even they will get it in your eyes sometimes... so don't wear contacts that are not disposable! Lol
This leads to my next tip: Like decorating a cake! After a few years of experimenting, for my super curly lashes, I find that putting the tint & Oxidant into one of those tiny ziplock bags to use for mixing (by squishing around) & then for application,(see below), works quite well.
After mixing well, you snip off the smallest bit of the corner of the bag that you can, & then by squeezing the tint to that corner, you can use it just like you would a icing bag for decorating cakes! By squeezing a tiny line out, right at the base of your eyelashes. (On the topside only!) Then you can use a clean mascara wand to brush it through the rest of your lashes. (Repeat as necessary) It will work its way through to the other side eventually, without having to apply it directly so close to your eyeball & risk getting into your eyes. This works way better than any other method I have tried so far to get the tint all the way down & it reduces the chances of burning eyeballs from hell too! LOL
Sorry it's so long of a post. I just don't seem to have the ability to compact what I'm trying to say anymore!
submitted by harleyarts to Redhair [link] [comments]

2024.04.09 14:26 Illustrious-Sea-5650 Calculated Fields in a Pivot Table

Hey guys. This is a form I made for employees to fill out, rating their skill, speed and quality in different areas out of 5. The aim is to quickly analyse who I can send to certain jobs and also some admin stuff that will come later. I have made a pivot table see what areas they are good in and not so good in. What I want is to be able to add another column in the table next to sum of speed that would count how many values there are for each trade, then times it by 5 to show the maximum score that they could have gotten in that specific area.
I want to do it in a way so that if we have to add tasks in the future we don't have to go and change the maximum score manually.
I hope that was clear. Thank you!
submitted by Illustrious-Sea-5650 to excel [link] [comments]

2024.04.07 01:54 Lucifyrre My beautiful new 5th gen celica and all the things wrong with her

My beautiful new 5th gen celica and all the things wrong with her
I just got her 2 weeks ago and I’ve fallen in love with her but she needs an insane amount of work . The fuel tank is my priority but finding a Toyota celica fuel tank is like finding a needle in a haystack 😭😭
submitted by Lucifyrre to Celica [link] [comments]

2024.04.03 16:48 Selenajennifertaylor Emily Osmet

Emily Osmet submitted by Selenajennifertaylor to CelebsBikiniUndies [link] [comments]

2024.03.23 23:35 TrashCanEnigma Oh, a stained airline sleep mask for only $2.19? What a deal.

Oh, a stained airline sleep mask for only $2.19? What a deal. submitted by TrashCanEnigma to ThriftGrift [link] [comments]

2024.03.18 11:16 Old_Regular_4346 I month ago I was making fun of people with no coins and only pp, I got karma now

I month ago I was making fun of people with no coins and only pp, I got karma now submitted by Old_Regular_4346 to Brawlstars [link] [comments]

2024.03.10 21:31 E46Polarbear 'Show Me Yours' Week 4: Phoenix NX Winner!

'Show Me Yours' Week 4: Phoenix NX Winner!
Another big congratulations to McGrathA for winning Favorite Phoenix NX Build!! 🎉🏆🎉
Awesome colors and design overall! We're still waiting for that Share Code 😉 Show some love for this weeks' winner!!! 🥳🚘🤘
submitted by E46Polarbear to carxdriftracingonline [link] [comments]

2024.03.08 06:26 RuinSelect2591 Just found a very cool combo

Just found a very cool combo
Just was looking at stuff from the past that I didn't get and happen to see this helmet and decided to mess with the shadder to find a very cool look that other hunters can use.
submitted by RuinSelect2591 to DestinyFashion [link] [comments]

2024.03.07 19:47 DiversiFashion Long Coat Wool Liner Hooded Jacket

Long Coat Wool Liner Hooded Jacket submitted by DiversiFashion to u/DiversiFashion [link] [comments]

2024.03.04 13:21 CelebrityNET Emily osmet

Emily osmet submitted by CelebrityNET to Celebs_Booty_World [link] [comments]

2024.03.04 13:19 CelebrityNET Emily osmet

Emily osmet submitted by CelebrityNET to Hot_BlondesCelebs [link] [comments]


2004 MARCH 06 _ CALVIN KLEIN LAUNCH PARTY FOR ''ETERNITY MOMENT'' FRAGRANCE - SCARLETT JOHANSSON submitted by Cobainjoy79 to ScarlettJohanssonpics [link] [comments]

2024.02.29 07:10 Kirbo283 Beautiful gold nuggie found!

Beautiful gold nuggie found!
It makes it so much better to find this because there is a toxic collector that pushes anyone even kids or women, yells at employees, and scams people. I was able to catch a restock just in time and once the lady put the super on the pegs, he was right behind me seeing what I got. I picked that boi and ran. I wasn't gonna risk him taking it so I had to leave. But that guy doesn't deserve anything. I'm happy to have this this look pretty and not for money.
submitted by Kirbo283 to HotWheels [link] [comments]

2024.02.27 18:38 Glittering_Log8241 طرق تكثيف شعر اللحية والذقن

طرق تكثيف شعر اللحية والذقن
شعر اللحية والذقن
يعتقد البعض أنّ الحصول على لحية أمرٌ سهلٌ وبسيط، إذ أنّ شعر الذّقن بطبيعته ينمو، لكنّ الأمر ليس بهذه البساطة، إذ يتطلّب الوقت والعناية للحصول على لحيةٍ ذات مظهر جميل، ونظيف، وذات شكلٍ مناسب لشكل الوجه،


طرق تكثيف شعر اللحية والذقن

توجد عدّة عوامل قد تمنع الحصول على اللّحية المرغوبة، مثل الوراثة، والهرمونات، وبعض الأدوية، والتّغذية، وفيما يلي سنذكر عدّة أساليب تساعد على نمو شعر الذّقن بسرعةٍ وكثافة، لكن يجب الأخذ بعين الاعتبار أنّ الأمر يتطلّب التّصميم، والرّغبة الحقيقية باللّحية، والعناية الجيّدة بها

أفضل زيت لتكثيف اللحية

طورت شركة لويس بيان التركية افضل زيت لتكثيف اللحية، وهو سيروم أزرق مع جهاز ديرما رول لزيادة فعالية انبات شعر اللحية وملء الفراغات في اللحية والذقن وتعد هذه المجموعة أفضل زيت لشعر الذقن في السوق التركي للآن
submitted by Glittering_Log8241 to u/Glittering_Log8241 [link] [comments]

2024.02.22 14:06 DallasDressers Emily osmet

Emily osmet submitted by DallasDressers to Hot_BlondesCelebs [link] [comments]

2024.02.20 22:23 ConsistentTie4393 Haven’t played since ch2 s2 so a quick question if you had save the world before did you lose it and have to buy it again from this

Haven’t played since ch2 s2 so a quick question if you had save the world before did you lose it and have to buy it again from this submitted by ConsistentTie4393 to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]
