Dol worksheets for grade

Essay and homework help from vetted contributors.

2018.02.13 16:31 Essay and homework help from vetted contributors.

This subreddit is for students who want to pay vetted and qualified contributors to write essays on any topic in addition to completing other homework assignments. Assignments for any topic, subject, or course can be posted here, regardless of grade level. Whether you need help with simple programming exercises, lengthy biology essays, tedious calculus worksheets, or anything else, /paidessays is here for you!

2012.12.18 00:57 ZisforZombie discussion about and for young adult writers

This sub is for authors of YA novels. Discussing your original WIP (work in progress) is our purpose. Feel free to discuss titles, characters, plots, themes, settings, critiques, and any information pertinent to authors and genre. Hopefully we can all learn from each other and write great books!

2024.06.01 23:09 EyeBest What to do

Hey everyone, first time sub who started back in February. I’m a roving sub and love my position since I get to see all the kids in different grades at my elementary. All of the staff in the school are great and super friendly. Although the principal is questionable. There are a good amount of kids with tough behaviors at the school but there are also a lot of great kids. I notice it’s a lot of kids in the lower grades and that could be due to Covid which I was told by another teacher.
One kid in particular who has had some of the worst behaviors there, has been displaying red flags the moment I started working there. He likes to google inappropriate words on his Chromebook when doing the learning programs in class, he ignores adults and keeps talking to another kid and a lot of times it’s about something inappropriate like weapons like guns and bombs (mainly due to bringing up family members who were in the military but I believe he also watches in appropriate YouTube videos), barely has consequences being done in order to learn from mistakes, he’s even called kids using the n word which he knew exactly what he was saying. So many other things. Parents don’t do much, and seem to like to blame the school.🙄
The other day I was subbing his class for an hour. He wasn’t doing his work and got up from his seat. When I told him to work on his worksheet he said “no I don’t care, I’ll go with the FBI and shoot you.” These kind of threats are a major red flag to me. With all the inappropriate things he says and to say that to me makes me uncomfortable. I’ve heard of other teachers saying he makes them feel uncomfortable as well. I called for assistance when he told me that so the school psychologist took him out for a talk. He came back right before his teacher came back. I’m just flabbergasted nothing much is done besides a talk with the student. I ended up making a report to the principal but I never got talked to. What else can I do? I feel for the kids who have to witness these behaviors and not get the attention they need. Instead this kid is always having issues, distracting the whole class. It’s also a danger to others around him. This is why I believe school shootings happen. Not enough help or recognition of this behavior is met so then bad things happen.
Would appreciate any advice on how to be helpful in this situation.
submitted by EyeBest to SubstituteTeachers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:55 dizzlevizzle LF: Cebu-Based Sales Partners to Sell e-Learning Online Subscriptions. Commission+Bonus Pay

Hey guys! I'm Bea from Hagwow, the first modern e-learning platform in the Philippines made for kids. We're looking for Sales Partners or Sales Affiliates from all over the country to help spread our service throughout your communities. We specifically need to build out our sales network around Cebu and the rest of the Visayas.
The basics:
Our terms:
How to apply:
Learn more about our platform on our site:
Thanks guys! :) Let me know if you have any questions.
submitted by dizzlevizzle to Cebu [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:49 dizzlevizzle LF: Sales Partners to Sell e-Learning Online Subscriptions. Commission+Bonus Pay

Hey guys! I'm Bea from Hagwow, the first modern e-learning platform in the Philippines made for kids. We're looking for Sales Partners or Sales Affiliates from all over the country to help spread our service throughout your communities.
The basics:
Our terms:
How to apply:
Learn more about our platform on our site:
Thanks guys! :) Let me know if you have any questions.
submitted by dizzlevizzle to PHJobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:28 dizzlevizzle LF: Sales Partners to Sell e-Learning Online Subscriptions. Commission+Bonus Pay

Hey guys! I'm Bea from Hagwow, the first modern e-learning platform in the Philippines made for kids. We're looking for Sales Partners or Sales Affiliates from all over the country to help spread our service throughout your communities.
The basics:
Our terms:
How to apply:
Learn more about our platform on our site:
Thanks guys! :) Let me know if you have any questions.
submitted by dizzlevizzle to phclassifieds [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:41 Recent_Scar_6991 Assigning digital hw or paper ? Secondary school and up

What do you prefer to assign? Lately I've been working fully online (hopefully temporary) and I've been assigning only digital work of course but I remember as a student using paper too and in my first year teaching in person struggling with paper hw (student's loosing the worksheet, carrying a lot of paper around ) so now I'm thinking that maybe when o I go back to a classroom I could stick to asking for a pic of their worksheet or letting them use whatever tools they want to edit the file.
I think it really is more convenient for everyone, I'm grading papers on an ipad which make it way faster and more convenient for me as I can do it on short bus rides or while waiting for my coffee idk.
what's your opinion on going fully digital for HW and how do you do it? What apps do you use? I've been using telegram as it allows you to draw and annotate over the picture and send it immediately to the same number you got it from, you can't have WhatsApp on an ipad and I think google classroom is more inconvenient for kids this age. Lmk your thoughts! I'm a little scared of being back in a real classroom and the mess of papers flying around
submitted by Recent_Scar_6991 to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:17 CautiousGold6736 I'm Reporting My Gym Teacher - Any Advice?

So, I moved to my current school for 4th grade (2017). I go to a preK-12 school, and the gym & health teacher for the entire school is one man who's been teacher for around 15 or so years.
He starts "subtle" in 5th or 6th grade, always getting really up close with the girls. He seems to think in 7th grade that we became free range, and starts openly harassing us. It started with grabbing my one classmate by the feet and making weird comments about "how small and petiet your feet are". Then we had a 12 major muscles test, he grabbed a girl's ass and stated the muscle there. He watches us workout, stares at our asses and breasts, and even stands outside the locker room to hear our conversations.
We take his classes through 10th grade, having both health & gym the last 2 years. This year, he started asking us about our sexual turns off and turn ons. This didn't pertain to the class, we were learning about cancers at the time. He also kept these sheets to grade and never handed them back. (These werent from a program, they were clearly hand typed. I have pictures of all of them) When we stretch in class, he stands there and pretends to stretch, but aggressively crotch thrusts towards the girls. He also often asks us about if we sleep with guys or what our opinions on sleeping with older men are.
We've tried multiple times to report him this year, but every time, the girls backed out (they didnt want to "ruin his life") and the school year ended. Today, I was talking to the school librarian at the local diner, and I decided to speak up. Being a mandated reporter, she sat and listened to me and my friend for almost 2 hours about everything he's done. She went to the principal and reported the teachers behavior.
Now, the principal would like to speak with me and my friend next week with the sheriff about the correct steps to take. I live in a small, conservative town, where things like this don't happen, and if they do, you don't talk. I've decided to change that for the girls who have put up with him and the girls whi are yet to.
I know to print & bring my pictures of the worksheets, but not what else. Does anyone have any advice or tips for when I go to see the principal and sheriff? It's me, my friend, and our librarian who has to be involved (mandated reporter rules.) Really, any advice helps!!
submitted by CautiousGold6736 to SexualHarassment [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:51 Ok-Ebb2872 What to do with your experience teaching in Korea after returning home? What career path options are there?

Long story short: I am a US citizen male who taught in South Korea for 6 months 2 years ago at a govt funded after school hagwon owned by the mayor of a small city. After being fired, I returned home to the US at the recommendation of my lawyer and worked odd jobs via a temp agency.
Recently, I got a job offer from a local school district near my home to work as a sports aide to watch the students during summer camp hosted at a local school district for low income kids and make sure they're safe. I accepted and currently undergoing employee training.
What job/career options should I pursue here in the US that I can utilize my TEFL skills that I learned in Korea? Skills I learned in Korea were creating lesson plans, making up PPT presentations, walking students to their parents in the front of the school safely, creating classroom games like pin the tail on the tiger and indoor golfing, and creating/grading worksheets.
I don't have a teaching license as I have a Bachelor's degree in an unrelated field that I have no more interest with, but I do have a completed 120 hour online TEFL course, a 30 hour teaching young learners certificate, and am CPR certified. Any ideas?
submitted by Ok-Ebb2872 to teachinginkorea [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 05:22 Dancing_Jackfruit347 What Types of Life Skills Worksheets Would You Like to See More?

hey y'all! I'm a college student working towards providing completely free, no log-in required worksheets for teachers across all grades. There are multitudes of math/science worksheets out there on the internet. My question is what types of other worksheets would you like to see? Examples are importance of sharing, importance of voting/having your voice heard, what taxes are, etc. Would you like to have a short story that teaches a lesson combined with the worksheets? Please let me know all your thoughts and opinions, I want to take as much feedback and implement it as possible. TIA
submitted by Dancing_Jackfruit347 to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 15:49 JellyfishLeast7189 14 year old looking for part time tutoring students of same age or younger.

Hi, I am a 14 year old girl and is pretty good at studies. I have a lot of free time at home and was wondering to take online tuition classes for teens my same age or younger.
I used to live in a foreign country and recently moved back to India so I am extremely good in English.
Starting price for each subject is 500 rupees per class. For final rate please message me.
If interested kindly DM me and I shall share the details.
In DM's please mention your name, grade, which subject you want support in, and how many classes you require in a week and your extra time so I can arrange a timetable.
Extra worksheets and online question banks will be provided for free for anyone joining the classes.
submitted by JellyfishLeast7189 to u/JellyfishLeast7189 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 08:05 meepcatmeep Difficult student advice

So i started teaching at a school and i teach a variety of speaking levels. they’re all pretty good except my lowest level class, i really struggle to connect with them on any level due to the massive language barrier.
The biggest difficult is one boy who absolutely refuses to do any work. he is in first grade and doesn’t sit still well, he walks around, he won’t participate when we play games, he draws on the desks and hides under desks. he also bothers other students while they’re trying to do their work, and sometimes he hits them (this is the point that i get my coteacher, but she has her own class to teach so i can’t do it for everything). he coughs loudly or sings because he is bored and it bothers the other students. I understand that he's bored so I don't mind if he walks around, but everything is really unacceptable because it bothers the other students.
his erratic behavior spreads to the other students and makes them think it’s okay to act this way, too. so now it’s snowballed and it’s hard for me to have control over the whole class.
i try to sit next to him and do the worksheets with him, but at this point he doesn’t want to do anything because i’m the one making him do it. he likes to draw so i tried to give him handouts where he can color, but he just scribbles over the top and doesn’t do it. i can’t help but act frustrated around him, so now our relationship is deeply in the hole and i don’t know how to gain his respect or connect with him, much more help him enjoy learning english..
Does anyone have advice for re-building this type of relationship and what I can do to make my classes run more smoothly? it's my first time teaching so I'm overwhelmed
submitted by meepcatmeep to teachinginkorea [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 13:10 opscurus_dub What's the most literal you've ever taken a figure of speech?

When I was in first grade, we were given a worksheet for the lesson of that particular day and, for reasons I can't remember, we were asked to double check the sheet to make sure we had the correct one. In my genius, I put two checks on it.
submitted by opscurus_dub to aspergers [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:06 Over_Blood_9233 Can I Do Anything?

I'm just going through my timetable to make a worksheet of what my courses for registration will hopefully look like, and I was going to choose a science to work with my Psych major. The only issue is, all over them (BIOL 1103, CHEM 1001) All have "an Ontario 4U/M in Chemistry/Biology (or equivalent)" and the issue is, I chose to be lazy and take social sciences in high school (no bio/chem/phys even grade 11). Is there any way I can get into them? Or am I only able to take social sciences/humanities courses? (No hate to that stream, I adore it but I want sciences ti help with my understanding)
submitted by Over_Blood_9233 to CarletonU [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 19:58 catwashere-and-there “Star” math

My son is in 10th grade math and was sent home a worksheet with no instructions. He doesn’t keep the best of notes. A Google search of star meth does not help. Does someone know what they are asking for here? Sorry I would put a photo but can’t. There is a horizontal line with two lines that make an x on top. Then there are numbers in each of the 6 resulting angles. They don’t add to 180 or appear to be degrees or radians or represent the angle size at all. Thanks in advance.
submitted by catwashere-and-there to highschoolmath [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 23:36 infieldmitt Seeing red. I cannot stand when classes take understandable material then create artificially challenging assignments

ex: I'm majoring in Library Sciences; I've done years of coursework in Computer Science, and we're doing a basic chapter on searching and Boolean operators. I know how Boolean operators work, that's easy at this point.
But the assignment is so vague, like we're meant to design a search string based on a user query. I by nature want to include quotes in there (i.e., "Harry Potter" vs. just typing Harry Potter) because of how search engines work. But the textbook doesn't do that, which I feel is wrong.
And now, based on how tight the grading was last week, I have no idea how this will turn out, and I'm spending an hour stressing over how to word this for zero fucking reason (because in real life I'd type in what I think works and if not simply change it, not fail half the fucking assignment because the assignment is designed to make you overthink and pretend this is "super challenging"). It's creating a mountain out of a molehill, it's rigor for the sake of rigor, where there doesn't need to be rigor. It genuinely makes me sick, I hate this so so much.
In my other classes for the program, it was mostly essays, like say something and you have space to explain it. Not these pernicious 5th grade little right/wrong worksheets. Frankly I have pretty severe PTSD from when my previous university drove me to years of intense suicidal ideation (and attempts, if you wanna call em that) because of the designed rigor and intensity of the program, independent of the actual, intrinsic difficulty of the material itself. So this really pisses me off.
If anyone would like to step in and blindly, wantonly defend this assignment PURELY because I am a student and thus must simply "suck it up" or "deal with it" because it is my place to do so, please, please fuck off. Thank you.
submitted by infieldmitt to CollegeRant [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 22:49 alagasianflame_z Public School for Dummies

Hi! This is going to sound super weird at first. I’m on my way to jumping through all the hr hoops to start subbing as a side gig. Now I know I love teaching; I work summer camps run through the local community college, mentor community highschool sports and robotics teams, tutor regularly, and have been doing similar activities for many many years. I’m not scared of kids, know how classroom management works, understand the burnout involved with rough classes and low pay yadda yadda. I trust myself with this decision where teaching is concerned.
The one thing I’m extremely anxious about? I’ve never been to anything resembling a public school. I was homeschooled all the way from pre-k through highschool in prestigious online schools and then went straight into college. I have no concept of the rhythm of the day or what’s expected of me as a sub/teacher beyond whatever sort of highschool experience disney channel shows were selling. I know it’s become a thing in some places where full-time teachers end up bringing their own sets of markers and paper products and whatever else for the class. I’ve seen a few posts on this sub where y’all have brought worksheets/prepared material/snacks (!?) for keeping classes occupied, others where you brought a book to keep yourself occupied (?? you mean i can finish my tbr pile on the job??)…should I be prepping a stack of word puzzles before I’m even assigned someplace? Am I keeping a pile of pencils on hand? Help!
I’m aware much of the particulars depends on the subject, school system, age-group, etc, but genuinely if you think it’s an obvious School Thing I promise you I don’t know it. Saw a post that mentioned ‘after daily announcements’ and realized I had no idea there were ‘announcements’ prior to most classes, and would never have thought about it unless the school gave me a day schedule when I walked in, which it sounds like is a % chance in any given assignment gjdhdh.
So I guess my questions are twofold. First, are there any basic school expectations that are not dependent on specific class and not specifically related to The Actual Teaching Part that I should be aware of? and Second, if I had to pack a Basic Sub Survival Backpack, what should I put in there and why?
I’m in central maryland, potentially all grades but will probably be aiming for more middle-highschool. My degree areas are art, tech, and English/Lit, but like…I did ap calc, I could work with an algebra class (and my area is super hurting for subs, so I fully expect to get a few assignments that are Not my expert areas, hence the general prep questions).
Thanks for reading all this way, and thanks in advance to those who respond!
submitted by alagasianflame_z to SubstituteTeachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 18:45 anonteacherchicken EOY Advice from a Veteran Teacher

Okay, we’ve all been there. It’s the end of the year and for whatever reason admin and the district are still lurking around looking for best practices, bell-to-bell, or whatever. So now instead of enlisting the kids to help you pack up your room for the summer you’re coming up with ways to keep them occupied and busy so you can get your EOY work done in peace.
So you come up with a neat little research project (a research project! In math!) with real world connections and key words like “essential question,” “enrichment,” and “rubric.” You want the kids occupied for a while, so you make the instructions really detailed. It might take an entire class period just for them to break down the first part! You hand out the Chromebooks and then “circulate the room” (aka take down your posters) while the class works quietly - totally “immersed” and “engaged” in the learning.
Yeah, you’re totally phoning it in and giving busywork for the end of the year. And if you’re going to give busywork, do yourself a favor and phone in the grading. Did they fill out the worksheets and appear to make effort? Top marks! Don’t give parents and admin a reason to come at you on the last day of school.
Thank you for coming to my PD.
submitted by anonteacherchicken to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 17:44 trash_opportunity IXL for summer reinforcement?

I have 3 kids going into 5th, 7th, and 8th. The youngest will be repeating 5th grade next year, and the other two do fine mostly but struggle with math. I'm looking for an affordable online option for them to practice over the summer. Prior summers I have had them do 30 minutes to an hour each weekday of practice on worksheets/workbooks and reading library books, but I'd like something more convenient than paper. IXL seems to check all the boxes, but I've seen really mixed reviews.
Would you recommend? Or do you have a better option? I'm not trying to teach them anything new. I just want them to retain as much as possible from previous years.
submitted by trash_opportunity to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 16:35 Senku2 All of my 7th Grade Civics Students are Failing

Note: This is not really me asking for advice, just venting. If there's an obvious piece of advice, like contact parents, admin, etc., believe me, I tried it.
Background: I am in at roughly the 3/4 mark of the year to finish out the marking period. I teach 11th grade U.S. History and 7th grade Civics. I think what happened is that 7th grade Civics didn't think I would do ANYTHING and were surprised when I put in grades.
They are, by far, THE worst class I have ever had. I mean it's unbelievable. It is basically as if I am not there. Here are the assignments they have gotten from me:
The Principal came in and spoke to them. To be clear, I emailed *her*. I'm not hiding any of this, they all know what's going on, I'm being transparent.
I was told that "Some of these students are A students, you have to listen when they say something,". I was asked to use more physical paper assignments. I did. They did not do them, I slowed down what I taught. They still did not listen.
At this point I literally took the Edpuzzles and earlier assignments they got and turned them into Google forms that I then printed out. At this point they FINALLY tried answering the questions.
So in other words - the only work they ever even attempted...was when I just gave them worksheets and didn't teach.
Here is the really annoying part. You can guess who's side the principal is on. Hint: It is not mine.
I'm going to level with you. My work was not too difficult, it was not unfair, it was not overwhelming, nor was it presented in a confusing way. They simply did not want to do it. The students who were normally A students clearly thought that the new teacher wouldn't assign real work and made the decision to not do anything.
And guess what? They're going to be right! Because admin is going to make me pass them. Joke's on me.
I'm out of here next year.
submitted by Senku2 to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 18:01 ProfessorProveIt "attendance policy modification"

This is regarding student accessibility, or it might still be called disability services in some places. I am disabled myself, so this is not me hating on the disabled or the utility of these services in general.
Also some background: I teach a 5-week summer course. This is a condensed version of the same course taught in the fall and spring. At the beginning of this semester, a student requested a list of accommodations: extended time on assessments, special recording software, etc. These accommodations were nothing I haven't seen before.
The new thing, which I have never seen before, is that this student has requested an "attendance policy modification." I pushed back on this when I was first notified, saying that this is a five-week course. They have some assignment every day, whether it's a quiz, exam, recitation worksheet with the TA, or combination. Further, I only get 72 hours following the day of the final exam to post final grades in this course. Disabled or not, we all only have the same five weeks.
Today is the day of our first midterm, and I was notified in an email that this student WILL be using their attendance policy modification, in order to miss today's exam. They WILL be re-taking the exam, on Tuesday, during class time, and they WILL be missing next Tuesday's assignments in order to do so. Furthermore, failure to respond to this unilateral demand on me, means that I agree to comply.
This email was sent less than an hour before the test start time. I actually physically called the office, and apparently my earlier objection to the unreasonable accommodation meant nothing. This student has the unilateral right to demand to miss any and all accommodations in a five week course. I have zero recourse.
I did reply to the email and pushed back, but it doesn't matter. The student and the student's accessibility coordinator are not there. This student will be expecting to take their makeup exam at a time and day of their choosing and I have no choice but to write and grade a special exam just for this one person. And I was given less than an hour's notice that I would be doing all of this extra unpaid work. I am most disturbed by the "Silence equals consent" provision from the Accessibility email.
I am not getting paid enough to deal with this shit.
submitted by ProfessorProveIt to Professors [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 02:52 CustardMango Failing both Algebra 2 and Chemistry, am I cooked?

I am 16. I'm a girl in the 10th grade, and I'm failing 2 classes. (Also srry for the format and spelling mistakes, I'm on my phone)
I can't sit still in class, I struggle with anything regarding math to the point I'm failing 2 classes. Which is both Algebra 2 and Chemistry. There's so many numbers my mind can't keep up with, so many formulas, rules that have to happen. Yet I can't do anything. My grades are failing, and as much as I try the moment I look at any question I just can't. The numbers get mixed up, I type them in wrong, and I can't do math problems that include words.
I studied, and tried so many ways to study. Working in a study group, tutoring, staying after school, getting extra help, studying with friends, asking for help, studying for 30 mins then take a break for 10, listening to music as I study, doing those IXLs, etc. You name it I've probably done it. Yet nothing changes, besides my grades getting worse and worse. My handwriting is terrible, and I can't focus, when I try I get distracted by stupid things. Like stuff on the walls, people, drawing, etc.
My teacher, (who I'll call M), is a saint. She's so helpful and yet I know she's wasting her time trying to help me. I struggle with such basic math at times that it feels like everyone is judging me. I get nervous, so nervous about everything. Waking up, going to school, talking with my friends and saying the wrong thing, learning, leaving school, going home, people, life, death, and especially my future.
I went to the doctor's, and I'm supposed to get a neurological exam, which hasn't happened. I have a therapist and I'm getting a psych evaluation, but the exams are getting closer and closer and I'm falling behind. All my peers, my friends, have so much better grades than me. I laugh it off when I'm with them, but it hurts deep inside. I hate them sometimes as well, and I know I'm terrible for that but it's hard not to.
There are some things I'm good at. I'm good at art, really good, I have a 100 in the class. Art is straight and too the point, there is no right or wrong at times. Art is amazing. I'm good at ELA, Spanish, and Health (bc we mainly do worksheets). But I never sit still in any of my classes, I bounce my legs, fidget, make noises quietly, stare off into space, daydream, etc.
My friends are nice. But I can't keep up with any of them. They're smart, and I'm me. I can remember things that don't need remembering, like what I ate a week ago, useless bits of information, stuff abt cats, etc. Yet nothing important. Talking to my friends feels like a chore at times, and all I want to do is sleep. I have games I hyper fixate on like Stardew Valley.
But I really want to learn and I want to be smart. We recently bad the PSATs, and all my friends broke 1000s, and yet I only got a 940. My one friend laughed at me for it, and I did too but it really hurt. I have no confidence and I won't stick up for myself at all. I sometimes wonder if I have a issue that'll never be fixed.
But I also miss the days when math was easy, (though it never was for me). I used to love science until Chemistry. I wanted to be a neurosurgeon when I grew up. Another friend told me I was too 'autistic' and 'slow' to become that. Which doesn't make sense, and nor do I have any form of nuerodivergenty(?) that I know off. But I don't want to be a surgeon or a doctor anymore.
Everything requires math, a thing I struggle greatly at. I want to be a paleontologist now, which has math. But I really like dinosaurs, I've always liked dinosaurs. I've enjoyed music, enjoyed things that doesn't make my brain frazzled like it does looking at a math problem. I fail nearly all my math and chemistry tests. My mom took a look at my grades and said I'm not trying hard enough, and I really am.
Are there any tips I could try to study, or make things more simple. In Algebra 2 we are doinf probability and statistics rn, and for Chemistry it's Kinetic thermal something. But anything will help honestly.
TLDR: 16 year old girl cries and whines abt life. (She's cooked)
submitted by CustardMango to school [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 20:34 QuillAndQuirk My awful experience with therapy

I'll try to keep this short.
I recently started seeking therapy after suffering from anxiety and depression-like symptoms for years. Yesterday was my fourth session. My therapist and I were discussing conflict resolution and a worksheet that I had completed during my last visit. She was urging me to keep working on myself, emphasizing that I wouldn't want my children to endure what I did growing up.
I interrupted to clarify that I don't believe I will ever have kids. She was taken aback for a moment, smirked, and said coolly, "Of course you will! How else would you become a complete woman?" Mind you, I am just 17.
She went on to say that it was unnatural not to have children and swiftly added, "Just like how it is unnatural to be homosexual."
Now, I am straight on most days and haven't mentioned anything related to my sexuality to her. Moreover, the clinic has a board that lists LGBTQ+ support specifically, along with other issues people might be dealing with. I always assumed they provided support for people who fall under that umbrella term, but boy, was I wrong!
She proudly asserted that she had a patient, a young boy in 5th grade, who likes men, and she is trying to cajole him into accepting that he is straight. As soon as those words left her mouth, I felt like throwing up.
I never expected a therapist, of all people, to be so unempathetic and cruel. I have been spiraling now because this simply feels unreal.

TL;DR (Courtesy of ChatGPT) :

In my fourth therapy session, my therapist dismissed my decision not to have kids, saying I need to be a mom to be a "complete woman." She also said being gay is unnatural and proudly talked about trying to make a young boy accept he's straight. This left me shocked and upset, especially since the clinic claims to support LGBTQ+ issues.
submitted by QuillAndQuirk to librandu [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 16:24 thecobralily I know the answer is always “tell you child they have autism,” but my child has a deep aversion to stigma/labels/illness.

Hello community, I am looking for insight. My daughter is almost twelve, and we asked for a school evaluation which met criteria for mild-to-moderate autism. She is not using special education and does fine at school, grades-wise. She struggles with interpersonal relationships, though not with me, or those she knows well. She hates being the focus of attention. In a different time, I think she might have been described as just extremely shy, and socially awkward. She has an extreme (EXTREME) aversion/fear around being different. She has told the school psychologist that she doesn’t feel different, and thinks she is the same as her peers. If she is asked even to do something simple like extra math worksheets to review for a test, it will bring forth a cascade of interpretations, tears and wounds, all centering on “why do I have to do that, there’s nothing wrong with me.” I am SO afraid to tell her about the diagnosis, because she was bullied in a previous school, and “you’re autistic” was used as a pejorative against her. She desperately wants to feel normal. I am afraid to confirm the bullies’ words.
I know we as a family have to reassign meaning to the word autism, and celebrate it, but I already celebrate her the exact way she is, don’t want her to change, and tell her often that I’m so glad she thinks independently and originally.
I don’t know what to do. She’ll be entering middle school next year with an IEP in place. She found and read some of the report from the school, and came to me crying, saying that there were lies in it.
Where do I go from here? 🙏🏽
submitted by thecobralily to autism [link] [comments]