Behavior charts for students

The Experimental Analysis of Behavior

2011.08.13 23:54 MasCapital The Experimental Analysis of Behavior


2009.12.11 03:20 creator11 /r/MedicalSchool

/medicalschool is an international community for medical students

2009.05.06 06:09 Mr_A Listen To This

The musical community of reddit -- Now reopened by the order of Reddit

2024.06.02 10:55 hazeljonathan How do you make STEM accessible for students with different learning styles?

The field of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) is crucial in shaping the future. Ensuring that STEM education is accessible to all students, regardless of their learning styles, is essential for fostering innovation and inclusivity. In this article, we will explore effective strategies and methodologies to make STEM accessible for students with diverse learning preferences.

Understanding Different Learning Styles

Before delving into the strategies, it is important to recognize the various learning styles students may possess. Generally, learning styles can be categorized into three main types:
  1. Visual Learners: These students grasp information better through images, diagrams, and visual representations.
  2. Auditory Learners: These individuals learn best through listening to lectures, discussions, and audio materials.
  3. Kinesthetic Learners: These students prefer hands-on experiences and learn through doing and physical activities.
By acknowledging these differences, educators can tailor their teaching methods to better suit each learning style.

Incorporating Visual Learning Strategies in STEM

Utilizing Diagrams and Charts

For visual learners, diagrams, charts, and graphs are invaluable tools. In subjects like biology, chemistry, and physics, visual representations can simplify complex concepts and make them more comprehensible. For instance, using the periodic table in chemistry or diagrams of the human body in biology can enhance understanding.

Interactive Visual Aids

Incorporating interactive visual aids, such as simulations and animations, can make learning more engaging. Software programs and applications that visualize mathematical problems or scientific phenomena can cater to visual learners, making abstract concepts tangible.

Enhancing Auditory Learning in STEM

Effective Use of Lectures and Discussions

Auditory learners benefit greatly from well-structured lectures and active discussions. Incorporating storytelling techniques in lectures can make the content more relatable and memorable. Additionally, encouraging students to participate in discussions and verbalize their understanding helps reinforce their learning.

Incorporating Audio Materials

Podcasts, recorded lectures, and audio books are excellent resources for auditory learners. Providing these materials allows students to revisit the content at their own pace, enhancing retention and comprehension.

Supporting Kinesthetic Learners in STEM

Hands-On Experiments and Projects

Kinesthetic learners thrive in environments where they can engage in hands-on activities. Incorporating laboratory experiments, engineering projects, and coding exercises allows these students to apply theoretical knowledge in practical scenarios, facilitating deeper understanding.

Field Trips and Real-World Applications

Field trips to science museums, research labs, and technology companies can provide kinesthetic learners with real-world experiences that reinforce classroom learning. Demonstrating the practical applications of STEM concepts in real-world settings makes learning more meaningful and impactful.

Integrating Technology in STEM Education

Adaptive Learning Platforms

Adaptive learning platforms utilize artificial intelligence to tailor educational content to individual learning styles. These platforms can identify a student’s strengths and weaknesses, providing personalized learning pathways that cater to their unique needs.

Virtual and Augmented Reality

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) technologies offer immersive learning experiences. For instance, VR can transport students to virtual laboratories or distant planets, while AR can overlay digital information onto physical objects, enhancing interactive learning.

Creating Inclusive Learning Environments

Differentiated Instruction

Differentiated instruction involves tailoring teaching methods and materials to accommodate different learning styles. By offering multiple pathways to understanding, educators can ensure that all students have equal opportunities to succeed in STEM subjects.

Collaborative Learning

Group projects and collaborative learning activities can benefit students with different learning styles. By working together, students can leverage each other’s strengths, fostering a supportive learning environment where diverse perspectives are valued.

Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a framework that aims to improve and optimize teaching for all people based on scientific insights into how humans learn. UDL principles emphasize providing multiple means of representation, engagement, and expression, ensuring that all students can access and participate in STEM education.

Professional Development for Educators

Training in Diverse Teaching Strategies

Educators need ongoing professional development to effectively cater to diverse learning styles. Training programs that focus on differentiated instruction, use of technology in the classroom, and inclusive teaching practices can empower educators to create more accessible STEM education.

Collaborative Planning

Encouraging educators to collaborate and share best practices can lead to more effective teaching strategies. Collaborative planning sessions and professional learning communities provide opportunities for teachers to learn from one another and continuously improve their teaching methods.

Parental and Community Involvement

Engaging Parents in the Learning Process

Parents play a crucial role in supporting their children’s education. Schools should actively involve parents by providing resources and workshops that help them understand different learning styles and how to support their children’s STEM learning at home.

Community Partnerships

Partnerships with local businesses, universities, and non-profit organizations can enhance STEM education. These partnerships can provide additional resources, mentorship opportunities, and real-world experiences that enrich the learning process for students.


Making STEM education accessible for students with different learning styles is not only a pedagogical imperative but also a societal one. By adopting a variety of teaching strategies, incorporating technology, fostering inclusive learning environments, and engaging parents and the community, we can ensure that every student has the opportunity to excel in STEM. This inclusive approach will not only benefit individual students but also contribute to a diverse and innovative future workforce.
submitted by hazeljonathan to u/hazeljonathan [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:54 cloudsasw1tnesses I went from my NDad being blocked to going out to dinner with him tomorrow

I don’t know why I’m so weak. I can’t go fully no contact with my whole family yet because I am dependent on them for health insurance right now (I’m 21 and can’t get my jobs for over a year, thanks America). I blocked my Dad a little odd than two months ago because I couldn’t take it anymore but I ended up unblocking him because my EMom guilted me into it after I asked if I could take her out for her birthday and Mother’s Day instead of joining the family. He was giving me the silent treatment at first after I sent him a text saying clearly that I would not allow any more bullshit mind games etc instead of just correcting his behavior and being a Dad, but that wasn’t very surprising. I saw him at my sisters graduation at a stadium full of other families and he was all of a sudden super dad and all over me and sooo interested in college even though he didn’t give a fuck about it until I begged him for the third time to pretend he cared (I’ve struggled for years with mental health and addiction and worked really hard to get to this point and he literally tried to make it harder for me to go by refusing to give his required info for my student loans for a month). He has done so much fucked up shit to me and has fucked my mental health completely over the years. I have such a low self esteem and constantly doubt my reality and feelings. I started to feel bad for him and let my guard down a bit after my sisters graduation and responded with hearts when he said it was good to see me. This Friday I was thinking about how I want to find a better job because I do pizza delivery right now and I want to find something like a psych hospital job to give me experience since I’m studying Psychology and want to get a job when I graduate. He hates me doing pizza delivery and tormented me when I was doing Uber Eats by calling me constantly telling me to not do it and trying to scare me about how bad it was for my car no matter how many times I told him to stop. I have stopped putting up with the bullshit since November and that was one thing I got him to stop doing, he put his focus onto other ways of making me crazy and trying to feel powerful. But I had this thought that I should ask him if he knows anyone who would hire me and I texted him telling him I didn’t want to do pizza delivery anymore and listed some of the reasons he said it’s bad, honestly because I just wanted validation and to make him feel good that I listened to him. I literally laughed out loud at the narcissism in his response, he just went “makes sense!”, didn’t address me asking about if he knows anyone, and then started talking about how he’s at the gym getting swole and no ones there blah blah blah me me me. He said he misses me and I was still wanting some validation I guess because I told him I could come see him soon and he suggested dinner and I agreed. It’s 4am, I just worked a closing shift at work and I’m just thinking about how I have to spend my one off day getting dinner with him and I feel so disappointed in myself for just folding like that and trying to make him happy and feel special even though it fucks with me to just be in his presence. I will feel so insanely guilty if I cancel and I just can’t get myself to do it. I guess this is just a vent and I also would appreciate any insight or advice about how to break out of the way I am programmed to cater to him and make him feel important and loved while accepting being neglected as if that’s what I deserve. I feel like I have to make it better with him for blocking him yet I blocked him because he’s abusive and did him a favor by unblocking him and he hasn’t even owned any of his actions or apologized at all. Why do I care so fucking much about what he thinks and if he’s ok emotionally when I am fully aware he is a narcissist? I am going to try to limit the amount I share tomorrow and honestly my goal is to just make him feel cared about so that I can feel less guilt and anxiety about him feeling abandoned by me. Typing this out I realize it’s so twisted and I don’t know why I’m not staying true to myself and my needs.
submitted by cloudsasw1tnesses to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:22 Mother_Craft3756 Best Stochastic RSI settings And Strategy

Best Stochastic RSI settings And Strategy

What is Stochastic RSI? Understanding Stochastic RSI Dynamics

Stochastic RSI (StochRSI) operates on the principle that in a bullish market, prices close near their high, and during a bearish market, prices close near their low. It involves applying the Stochastic formula to the RSI of the asset:
StochRSI = (RSI - Lowest Low RSI) / (Highest High RSI - Lowest Low RSI)
What is Stochastic RSI
Key Parameters of StochRSI:
  • RSI: Measures the magnitude of recent price changes to evaluate overbought or oversold conditions.
  • Lowest Low RSI: The lowest value of RSI in the look-back period.
  • Highest High RSI: The highest value of RSI in the look-back period.
Interpreting StochRSI Signals:
  • Overbought Territory: StochRSI above 0.8 suggests the asset may be due for a pullback or reversal.
  • Oversold Territory: StochRSI below 0.2 indicates a potential for price increase or reversal.
Optimizing StochRSI Settings:
  • Time Period: A standard setting is a 14-period StochRSI, adjustable for sensitivity.
  • Smoothing: Applying a moving average, like a 3-day simple moving average, can help smooth out the StochRSI and filter out noise.
Combining StochRSI with Other Indicators:
  • Moving Averages: Confirm trend direction.
  • MACD: Provide additional momentum and trend confirmation.
  • Bollinger Bands: Identify price volatility and potential breakouts.
Practical Tips for Traders Using StochRSI:
  • Look for Divergences: New highs or lows not mirrored by StochRSI could indicate a weakening trend and potential reversal.
  • StochRSI Crossovers: A crossover above 0.8 or below 0.2 can signal a buying or selling opportunity.
  • Use in Different Market Conditions: Adjust approach based on whether the market is trending or range-bound.

How to Set Up Stochastic RSI in Your Trading Platform

When configuring the Stochastic RSI, note its two main components: the %K line (actual value) and the %D line (a moving average of the %K line). A common practice is to set the %D line to a 3-period moving average of the %K line.
Interpreting Stochastic RSI:
  • Overbought: Values above 0.80 suggest a potential sell signal.
  • Oversold: Values below 0.20 hint at a potential buy signal.
Key Concepts:
  • Divergence: Bearish divergence (price high, StochRSI not) signals potential downside reversal. Bullish divergence (price low, StochRSI not) indicates possible upward momentum.
  • Crosses: %K line crossing the %D line is significant for signals. Cross above %D is bullish; cross below is bearish.

Selecting the Right Time Frame

Time Frame Selection for Stochastic RSI:
Trader Type Preferred Time Frame Purpose
Day Traders 1-minute to 15-minute Capture quick, intraday movements
Swing Traders 1-hour to 4-hour Balance signal frequency with noise
Position Traders Daily Reliable momentum and trend indicators
Optimization and Backtesting:
  • Adjust settings to match the chosen time frame.
  • Backtest strategies using historical data.
  • Balance signal accuracy and trade opportunities.

Adjusting the Indicator Settings

Key Settings for Stochastic RSI:
  • Lookback Period: Default is 14, adjustable for sensitivity.
  • %K Line Smoothing: Adjust calculation period for reaction to changes.
  • %D Line Smoothing: Adjust moving average of %K for signal sensitivity.
  • Overbought/Oversold Thresholds: Default 80/20, but can be adjusted to 70/30 or 85/15.
Backtesting is crucial to validate new settings and align them with your strategy, mitigating the risk of inefficient settings.

Integrating with Charting Tools

Volume Indicators:
  • Volume indicators like OBV or VWAP validate Stochastic RSI momentum. Rising volume with bullish Stochastic RSI confirms buying interest; increasing volume with bearish RSI indicates selling pressure.
Oscillators for Momentum Confirmation:

Combine with MACD or RSI for additional confirmation. Bullish MACD crossover or RSI above 50 reinforces buy signals from Stochastic RSI.

Candlestick Patterns:
  • Candlestick patterns like engulfing, hammer, or shooting star alongside Stochastic RSI enhance trade setup reliability.

How to Use Stochastic RSI for Trade Signals

Key Points:
  • Overbought/Oversold Conditions: Adjust thresholds to fit the asset's behavior and market conditions.
  • Signal Line Crossovers: Monitor %K line crossing over %D line for buy/sell signals.
  • Divergence: Look for divergences between StochRSI and price, confirming with other indicators.
  • Risk Management: Use stop-loss orders and manage trade size to protect capital.

Identifying Overbought and Oversold Conditions

Divergence Types:
Divergence Type Price Action StochRSI Action Potential Signal
Bullish Lower Low Higher Low Upward Movement
Bearish Higher High Lower High Downward Movement
Adjust StochRSI settings for sensitivity or smoothness, incorporating trend analysis to better interpret StochRSI readings.

Recognizing Bullish and Bearish Divergences

  1. Monitor the Trend: Observe overall trend.
  2. Locate Extremes in Price Action: Identify recent peaks/troughs.
  3. Compare with Stochastic RSI: Check for alignment or discrepancy.
  4. Identify Divergence Type: Bullish or bearish.
  5. Seek Confirmation: Additional signals or pattern breakouts.
  6. Evaluate Against Other Indicators: Confirm with other technical indicators.

Combining with Other Technical Indicators

EMA Integration:
  • Stochastic RSI crossing above/below an EMA indicates trend momentum changes.
Volume Indicators:
  • OBV confirms trend strength; increasing OBV with bullish Stochastic RSI signals a strong upward trend.
Fibonacci Levels:
  • Watch for Stochastic RSI signals around key Fibonacci levels.
Candlestick Patterns:
  • Candlestick patterns confirm potential reversals or continuations with Stochastic RSI.

Best Strategies for Implementing Stochastic RSI

Consolidation Markets:
  • Use Stochastic RSI to identify breakouts during consolidation periods.
Volatile Markets:
  • Gauge momentum shifts with rapid Stochastic RSI movements for short-term trades.
Divergence Trading:
  • Use divergence to anticipate trend reversals.
Combining with Other Indicators:
  • Moving averages, Bollinger Bands, and volume indicators enhance signal reliability.

Adapting Stochastic RSI to Trading Styles

Day Trading:
  • Use shorter time frames for fast signals and combine with level breaks or candlestick patterns.
Swing Trading:
  • Use longer time frames for smoother signals, aligning with weekly highs and lows.
Position Trading:
  • Identify long-term trends with long-term Stochastic RSI settings.
Practical Tips:
  • Backtest strategies: Understand effectiveness under different conditions.
  • Use multiple time frames: Confirm signals with broader market perspective.
  • Apply risk management: Set stop-loss orders and manage trade size.
  • Stay informed: Be aware of economic releases and news events.
For a more in-depth read on stochastic RSI, please visit Best Stochastic RSI Settings & Strategy In 2024 (
submitted by Mother_Craft3756 to TraderTips [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:05 DrkMagicianGirl Pattern of non-compliant professors?

Since I arrived to ASU as an employee and and a student, I have observed a lot of unethical things.
First, when I requested work accommodations through the proper channels, my then boss who is a research professor brought me into their office and said that they lost all confidence in me and asked why I didn't talk to them first. It is my legal right to request accommodations for my disability and I told the accommodation office. Long story short, they reported the professor, the provost ruled that it was discrimination and retaliation, but that professor is still there. It was a shock because this professor preached about equality and rights, so their behavior really shocked me.
Moving forward, I have worked for another research professor that had compliance issues which resulted in the loss of their grant.
I have also just finished TAing for a class, and the Teaching professor literally called a student a whiny b**** over an email with the rest of us TA's.
I constantly see people post on here how their professor did them wrong. It's getting to the point that I am losing faith in ASU's ability to manage and hold professors to a higher standard.
Sorry for the rant. I'm just really hurt and upset that this keeps happening.
submitted by DrkMagicianGirl to ASU [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:37 GoBI6 Survey for business research

link to survey:
Hi guys, we are students from UCSI University, we are having a business research with a title of "measuring the impact of online shopping, shopping behaviors of consumers, consumer preferences payments methods, and consumers satisfaction on online shopping decisions in Kuala Lumpur", and we need to collect data from the consumers, this survey only take about 1-2 minutes. Thank you for your time.
submitted by GoBI6 to KualaLumpur [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:36 GoBI6 Survey for business research

link to survey:
Hi guys, we are students from UCSI University, we are having a business research with a title of "measuring the impact of online shopping, shopping behaviors of consumers, consumer preferences payments methods, and consumers satisfaction on online shopping decisions in Kuala Lumpur", and we need to collect data from the consumers, this survey only take about 1-2 minutes. Thank you for your time.
submitted by GoBI6 to malaysiauni [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:04 ReasonDear7255 Help I am completely lost - what do you think makes someone entitled?

I am not entirely sure how to write this so please excuse the word vomit that is about to happen. Thank you.
I am an 18 year old online college student and I've always had a bit of trouble making friends and being able to keep them. My anxious tendency's make it hard for me to fully understand why someone would truly want to be my friend. I'm in therapy trying to work this my issues and trying to find better ways of communication. While I've only been in therapy for a short while I, personally, feel like made a ton of progress. I have contacted old friends and have made a couple new ones. I wouldn't go as far to say that I don't struggle with responding but I eventually will.
A big part of my anxiety is that I might take up "too much space", that my behavior would be "too much", that I would be annoying, and ultimately that people would hate be and I'd be lonely. My anxiety sometimes blinds me and I can't tell who I can and can't trust. I see the word alone being used a lot when people use it to describe how they feel but I don't feel alone. The word alone in the dictionary reads "having no one present" and the work lonely in the dictionary reads "without companions; solitary; cut off from others". I believe that the word lonely fits the description of my feeling better than alone. I know that I enjoy my alone time - my space - but for a long time I couldn't tell the difference between the two.
The first time I ever really felt my anxiety was in middle school. My younger self was much more open and optimistic than I am now. I still had that child-like wonder and sense of safety; like nothing could ever go wrong. I wish that feeling never left. As it is for most people, middle school was horrible. I remember being eccentric, happy, and very talkative. This was a direct hit for those "mean girl clicks" everyone had encountered in middle school. At that time I never really understand how cruel the world could truly be. This was the moment I truly felt the anxiety click in, hearing people talk behind your back then be so loving and caring to your face.I won't say that I am a saint because I know that I have also had rude conversations behind peoples backs and I can say nothing eats me alive more then knowing how rude I was. I know that it is almost impossible to get people to not talk about you behind your back, it happens to everyone but this never stopped me from trying.
Those "mean girl clicks" used to talk about how I'm too loud, annoying, they hated my hair, the way I dressed, etc. And I can positively say this went on with me though my entire life. I started dressing in all black, I would speak unless spoken to, I would keep my opinion to myself unless cued otherwise; I did all of this and more just to try and keep the attention off of me. I would keep a book with me at all times so I didn't disrupt anyone so that wouldn't be annoying. I was so fearful of seeing self-centered, being too much to handle, annoying, egotistical, and entitled to how much damage I was doing to my self worth in the long run. I wanted to so anything to avoid being those words because I thought that it would earn me friends; I thought that it would finally make me worthy.
All of this is to say that this was of living followed me though my life. Anytime someone needed something I was the first to volunteer, I wanted to help everyone in every way I could, I wanted to be a natural friend of people. A neutral friend - someone who was like enough to keep around but not noticeable enough to be talked about behind their back. I did this with everyone I met at school, work, family, etc. With this my therapist has helped me open up more and I've gotten more comfortable with myself and the fact that it's okay for me to take up space. However, I am still very aware of how I am acting and how I might be perceived. I think three times about what I am going to say before I say it to make sure I don't say anything that can hurt someone. Does it still accidentally happen, yes, but I am always empathic about it and I always apologize.
I have been in a bit of a job switch recently and I am working with people much older than me and I have had a hard time with management. My most recent bosses and have rude, unforgiving, and disrespectful. Now I understand that not all jobs will be perfect and for the most part you just have to deal with it but as I've said above I take comments that are made to me seriously. I know this can be a bad thing to do but my anxiety had a tendency to pick it up and run with it. My employer makes the schedule on a monthly basis, I am a full-time employee, and for the past two months I have worked 20-25 days each month and now the new schedule (June) I am only scheduled to work for 11 days. With quick math working 11 days can't pay my car insurance let alone the car note. I was understandably, in my opinion, upset and I took it up with them the next day so that I was not speaking out of anger in the moment. When I brought it up to my employer the next morning they told me that 30% of my productivity can from them helping me and the other 70% came from me working alone. I was essentially told that my productivity level was too low and that if I wanted to work more then I need to "prove myself". This honestly stirred a lot of my past worried and anxieties about never be good enough and not being worthy. And while that's not what was explicitly said it is what my anxiety heard.
When I finally got home (I live with a relative) they asked me what was wrong and I had explained the situation with that and I that I felt like I was being productive and trying my hardest. They had brought up the idea that my productivity level might be the issue and when I asked further I was met with one of the more gut-wrenching comments I have ever had anyone say about me. They told me that I act entitled. I have been called many things but for be being called entitled, one of the very things I have tried so hard not to be, it completely broke me inside. I have entered a few inserts below about my "Being Entitled" search.
Entitled - Adjective - Google Definition
What does it mean to be entitled? -
How do entitled people behave? - Well Mind Article
Example of being entitled -
What does entitled mean as an insult?
With going though and finding all of these articles describing what an entitled person acts like I don't think that I fit into this category. I try so hard to make everyone happy to make sure that their days are going good. I have always shown gratitude when someone does something for me and I have a tendency to say that "I am sorry" even if it has nothing to do with me. They called me entitled on Monday the 27th of May and it is not June 2nd and I never received an apology. This evening I brought it up during a discussion and they asked if it was really still think about it. Part of me wanted to say no that it was just a joke, bottle it up, and move on but I didn't. Instead I said, yes I am, you never said sorry for being rude me, and all they said was that they were being honest. I told them I understand honesty but they could have brought it up in a nice more adult manner. They brushed me off and told be I was being a baby about it that I should take it for face value and "re-evaluate myself". They were never specific about any time I was acting "entitled". When I brought up why it was rude to me and that it was a main center point for my anxiety and that my therapist was helping me finally get through it; they told be that my therapist can't be the only person I talk to about my feelings. They told me that this is not what she is here for. That I needed to talk to my friends and family instead. But this is the problem, I thought that I was so safe with this relative (emotions wise) and now I have been proven wrong so I don't see any reason I would open up to them now. I also brought up the point that it is hard for me to make friends. They looked and me and said well I try and get you to go out to clubs and events but I just don't find it easy to make friends like that. I like quiet spaces where things are calm but even in settings like those it's so hard for me to make friends.
They still never apologized and I truly don't think that they will. I've been dwelling on their comment about me being entitled everyday. And everyday it makes me more and more anxious, I've noticed myself being more secluded to avoid stepping on anyones toes. I think what I am looking for here is opinions that aren't mine or theirs. I know that was a lot to read but if you did I would appreciate some feedback. Do I seem entitled? Do I deserve an apology? How do I deal with something like this because I am completely lost.
Thank you for reading my word-vomit <3
submitted by ReasonDear7255 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:57 ReasonDear7255 Help I am completely lost - Do you think I am entitled?

I am not entirely sure how to write this so please excuse the word vomit that is about to happen. Thank you.
I am an 18 year old online college student and I've always had a bit of trouble making friends and being able to keep them. My anxious tendency's make it hard for me to fully understand why someone would truly want to be my friend. I'm in therapy trying to work this my issues and trying to find better ways of communication. While I've only been in therapy for a short while I, personally, feel like made a ton of progress. I have contacted old friends and have made a couple new ones. I wouldn't go as far to say that I don't struggle with responding but I eventually will.
A big part of my anxiety is that I might take up "too much space", that my behavior would be "too much", that I would be annoying, and ultimately that people would hate be and I'd be lonely. My anxiety sometimes blinds me and I can't tell who I can and can't trust. I see the word alone being used a lot when people use it to describe how they feel but I don't feel alone. The word alone in the dictionary reads "having no one present" and the work lonely in the dictionary reads "without companions; solitary; cut off from others". I believe that the word lonely fits the description of my feeling better than alone. I know that I enjoy my alone time - my space - but for a long time I couldn't tell the difference between the two.
The first time I ever really felt my anxiety was in middle school. My younger self was much more open and optimistic than I am now. I still had that child-like wonder and sense of safety; like nothing could ever go wrong. I wish that feeling never left. As it is for most people, middle school was horrible. I remember being eccentric, happy, and very talkative. This was a direct hit for those "mean girl clicks" everyone had encountered in middle school. At that time I never really understand how cruel the world could truly be. This was the moment I truly felt the anxiety click in, hearing people talk behind your back then be so loving and caring to your face.I won't say that I am a saint because I know that I have also had rude conversations behind peoples backs and I can say nothing eats me alive more then knowing how rude I was. I know that it is almost impossible to get people to not talk about you behind your back, it happens to everyone but this never stopped me from trying.
Those "mean girl clicks" used to talk about how I'm too loud, annoying, they hated my hair, the way I dressed, etc. And I can positively say this went on with me though my entire life. I started dressing in all black, I would speak unless spoken to, I would keep my opinion to myself unless cued otherwise; I did all of this and more just to try and keep the attention off of me. I would keep a book with me at all times so I didn't disrupt anyone so that wouldn't be annoying. I was so fearful of seeing self-centered, being too much to handle, annoying, egotistical, and entitled to how much damage I was doing to my self worth in the long run. I wanted to so anything to avoid being those words because I thought that it would earn me friends; I thought that it would finally make me worthy.
All of this is to say that this was of living followed me though my life. Anytime someone needed something I was the first to volunteer, I wanted to help everyone in every way I could, I wanted to be a natural friend of people. A neutral friend - someone who was like enough to keep around but not noticeable enough to be talked about behind their back. I did this with everyone I met at school, work, family, etc. With this my therapist has helped me open up more and I've gotten more comfortable with myself and the fact that it's okay for me to take up space. However, I am still very aware of how I am acting and how I might be perceived. I think three times about what I am going to say before I say it to make sure I don't say anything that can hurt someone. Does it still accidentally happen, yes, but I am always empathic about it and I always apologize.
I have been in a bit of a job switch recently and I am working with people much older than me and I have had a hard time with management. My most recent bosses and have rude, unforgiving, and disrespectful. Now I understand that not all jobs will be perfect and for the most part you just have to deal with it but as I've said above I take comments that are made to me seriously. I know this can be a bad thing to do but my anxiety had a tendency to pick it up and run with it. My employer makes the schedule on a monthly basis, I am a full-time employee, and for the past two months I have worked 20-25 days each month and now the new schedule (June) I am only scheduled to work for 11 days. With quick math working 11 days can't pay my car insurance let alone the car note. I was understandably, in my opinion, upset and I took it up with them the next day so that I was not speaking out of anger in the moment. When I brought it up to my employer the next morning they told me that 30% of my productivity can from them helping me and the other 70% came from me working alone. I was essentially told that my productivity level was too low and that if I wanted to work more then I need to "prove myself". This honestly stirred a lot of my past worried and anxieties about never be good enough and not being worthy. And while that's not what was explicitly said it is what my anxiety heard.
When I finally got home (I live with a relative) they asked me what was wrong and I had explained the situation with that and I that I felt like I was being productive and trying my hardest. They had brought up the idea that my productivity level might be the issue and when I asked further I was met with one of the more gut-wrenching comments I have ever had anyone say about me. They told me that I act entitled. I have been called many things but for be being called entitled, one of the very things I have tried so hard not to be, it completely broke me inside. I have entered a few inserts below about my "Being Entitled" search.
Entitled - Adjective - Google Definition
What does it mean to be entitled? -
How do entitled people behave? - Well Mind Article
Example of being entitled -
What does entitled mean as an insult?
With going though and finding all of these articles describing what an entitled person acts like I don't think that I fit into this category. I try so hard to make everyone happy to make sure that their days are going good. I have always shown gratitude when someone does something for me and I have a tendency to say that "I am sorry" even if it has nothing to do with me. They called me entitled on Monday the 27th of May and it is not June 2nd and I never received an apology. This evening I brought it up during a discussion and they asked if it was really still think about it. Part of me wanted to say no that it was just a joke, bottle it up, and move on but I didn't. Instead I said, yes I am, you never said sorry for being rude me, and all they said was that they were being honest. I told them I understand honesty but they could have brought it up in a nice more adult manner. They brushed me off and told be I was being a baby about it that I should take it for face value and "re-evaluate myself". They were never specific about any time I was acting "entitled". When I brought up why it was rude to me and that it was a main center point for my anxiety and that my therapist was helping me finally get through it; they told be that my therapist can't be the only person I talk to about my feelings. They told me that this is not what she is here for. That I needed to talk to my friends and family instead. But this is the problem, I thought that I was so safe with this relative (emotions wise) and now I have been proven wrong so I don't see any reason I would open up to them now. I also brought up the point that it is hard for me to make friends. They looked and me and said well I try and get you to go out to clubs and events but I just don't find it easy to make friends like that. I like quiet spaces where things are calm but even in settings like those it's so hard for me to make friends.
They still never apologized and I truly don't think that they will. I've been dwelling on their comment about me being entitled everyday. And everyday it makes me more and more anxious, I've noticed myself being more secluded to avoid stepping on anyones toes. I think what I am looking for here is opinions that aren't mine or theirs. I know that was a lot to read but if you did I would appreciate some feedback. Do I seem entitled? Do I deserve an apology? How do I deal with something like this because I am completely lost.
Thank you for reading my word-vomit <3
submitted by ReasonDear7255 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:36 AnthonyMetivier How to Study

The most effective study methods for academic success boil down to:
Time management
There are countless time management techniques, but one beautiful thing about going to school is that a lot of your time is managed for you.
The week and when you need to be in class is arranged.
Professors tell you when assignments are due, etc.
Heck, when I was in university they even gave us calendars for use to write in our due dates.
So the number one thing is to combine what you know with the tools everyone has: the calendar.
In many cases, you can also get advanced notices from professors by simply talking to them before the semester even begins.
You would also do well to explore techniques like the Eisenhower Matrix, time blocking and the Pareto Principle.
Above all, make time management something you study unto itself.
There's no one-size-fits-all approach. But those who study it as the discipline it is will win.
Study Environment Optimization
Studying effectively cannot be random or subject to interruptions.
If you have to study on transit, invest in custom ear plugs of the kind musicians use, not noise-cancelling headphones that will put you at risk in the case of an emergency. Custom ear plugs have filters that let you still hear without being bothered by shrill noises and you can switch between light and heavy filters.
Having multiple study locations worked out in advance is a great strategy because you can walk between them and percolate your thoughts – literally remembering more by simply getting in a bit of exercise. I used to call this "Road Work" when I was in university.
When at home, put a "Do not disturb" sign on your door. Make it clear to others that you are studying and train them to respect the hours you want to put it. Do not compromise. It's your future.
Note-Taking Strategies
There are many different kinds of note-taking methods. My fave is to use Zettelkasten in combination with Memory Palaces.
These two videos detail how the Zettelkasten Method operates in combination with the Memory Palace technique:
Memory techniques
Like time management, the topic of memory improvement is huge. Make sure to spend a good three months learning all of its ins-and-outs.
The key techniques you'll want to master are:
The Memory Palace A Alphabet System (or pegword system) A Number System (usually based on the Major System) A Symbol System A Spaced Repetition system
These accelerated learning techniques may feel like you're building an airport in the beginning, but think about it:
You do need airports to launch and land planes as effectively and efficiently as possible. It's the same with memory techniques.
You can also do yourself a favor and learn more about memory science. It will teach you about how the mind and memory work and give you ideas that will only arise if you know a little bit about what researchers have found.
Stress Management For Students
Don't make my mistake. I drank like a fish and ate poorly throughout university. This meant that a lot of the experience was lost to depression.
Sure, memory techniques helped… but I can't help but imagine how much more successful I would have been during and after if I'd had better ways of coping with the stress.
Diet, fitness, mindfulness practices, time off with friends for positive and healthy recreation. This is not complicated, though when you're young, impulsivity can certainly make it seem that way.
Exam Preparation Strategies
This basically comes back to properly using your calendar and memory techniques.
For the benefits of what is sometimes called state-dependent or context-dependent memory, it can be useful to study where you will take your exams. It's advisable to use Memory Palaces based on these exam rooms whenever possible.
(Those terms are the kinds of insider memory hacks you'll enjoy only when you understand your memory science, and there are many more that can help you with your exam prep.)
Take mock tests as much as you can. Reflect on what you're learning often. Talk about it with other students.
Don't cram and avoid wasting time on the fantasy that there are any "subject-specific study tips." Maybe if you're in nursing school and need to have patient bodies in specific position, but generally tests are about words, numbers and symbols. Learn how to commit them to memory and talk as much as you can about the information so it is well-exercised before you sit for your exams.
Form Effective Study Groups
There are many benefits to group study if you can select solid group members. This can be tricky, but one way to do it involves a slightly involved strategy:
Try to be part of a club or association. I was president of the English Undergraduate Student Association at York University in Toronto, for example. This drew precisely the right people because anyone who wanted to be part of the association already loved English Literature by default.
After you find the right members, it's just a matter of scheduling regular meetings based on decent agendas and following reasonable time limits so you don't burn out.
One thing my fave study group in university did a lot was to share reading. In other words, we'd each tackle an article or book and then present on it.
Ultimately, you still have to do the reading yourself, but it forms a nice mental framework that makes reading faster and easier when someone you can speak with has summarized the core ideas. These days, you can search YouTube and podcasts for this kind of summarization much of the time, but it's still not the same as being in a study group with other people.
You also get experience with peer teaching and tutoring this way, which is hugely beneficial for your memory. Even if you never intend to teach yourself, the simple effort that goes into preparing and delivering short presentations will benefit you in the short-term for your exams and long-term in your career. Collaborative learning also gives you something powerful to put on your resume, especially if your study group is linked with a formal university institution or group.
Work On Your Reading And Comprehension Skills
The main shortcut here is to simply read a lot, boost your vocabulary as you go by memorizing terms and write summaries as much as you can.
Doesn't sound like a shortcut, I know. But it really is. It helps develop pattern recognition and that's how you ultimately wind up quickly assessing the key points and inferring many things correctly.
Be humble, though. Mistakes will always happen, so be willing to go back and read things again.
Another key aspect of reading is to challenge yourself. Get outside of your comfort zone and read above your level at least a few times a week.
Don't worry about whether you understand what you're reading or not. Soon, moments of insight will arise.
Even if it doesn't happen soon, rest assured that will. There are aspects of philosophy that didn't come clear to me until after 30 years of reading. I'm not ashamed of this at all. I just haven't read and reflected enough to connect the dots. But if I had read above my level sooner, I probably would have had the insights sooner.
Motivation and Discipline
Technically, motivation is not necessary when you have systems. That's what discipline is all about.
That said, it's useful to know about intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. These will be arranged differently in different people as some people respond well to threats of pain whereas others respond better to promises of reward.
Know thyself.
Hire a coach if you have to, as it will be worth it in the end. Many exist and some universities have behavioral science programs, learning disability labs and other institutions where you can learn more directly about these issues.
Finally, you can learn about the difference between tonic and phasic dopamine relative to how the Default Mode Network of your brain is in a kind of battle with the Task Positive Network. This area is kind of heavy on the brain science, but well worth an afternoon or two to figure out the implications in your life.
Just watch out: When optimizing your dopamine levels for motivation, you could wind up enlightened and have your ego make you think you're better than everyone else… which would not be enlightenment. But it'll sure feel that way.
That's why the next category is so important.
Make Time To Learn Critical Thinking
A lot of education involves humans who weigh what they teach and how they teach it based on subjective agendas. It's pretty difficult for anyone not to do that.
When you spend some time developing your critical thinking skills, you'll be able to determine when teachers and writers/video creators, etc. are being too subjective or otherwise slaves to any number of cognitive biases.
Likewise, you'll be able to spot them in yourself and weed many of them out before they can distract you.
The simplest way to use critical thinking while studying is to put Why, Where, When, Who and How up on a Memory Wheel and constantly rotate through it.
As you learn more about different thinkers, you can also start to ask, "What would Freud say about this? What would Skinner say? What would x say?"
To do this, study as many of the sciences and Liberal Arts as you possibly can. If you don't know where to start, go through the Trivium and then the Quadrivium. Knowing how to think through those seven lenses and ask what the major figures in each field would generally say will help you "triangulate" just about any issue and think both objectively and subjectively about it and know which is which.
Self-Assessment And Improvement
Ultimately, the best judge of your progress is you.
To make sure you're giving yourself good materials to judge yourself by, journal, ideally daily.
If you can, keep two journals:
A snapshot journal that simply lists what you did on a particular day.
A discursive journal where you reflect on your thoughts about how things went.
There are many formal products you can buy that will help you journal in particular ways. The Freedom Journal has been one of my faves, but the real tip is to experiment with as many journaling styles as you can in the two main styles I just mentioned.
As you can tell, there's not that much when it comes to embracing a wide number of learning strategies. Apply these tips to the study resources you need to cover on your way to the exam room and you'll do well.
Take Care Around Technology And Studying
There are tons of apps that can help "gamify" these activities, but at the end of the day, gamification is really just a mental metaphor. If it doesn't work for you, find a better metaphor.
Nir Eyal discussion the power of mental metaphors based on some research in Indistractable and more on the matter is found in The Victorious Mind by yours truly. There was even recently a Duke University study showing just how powerful adopting mental metaphors can be for remembering information.
Academic success can indeed be enjoyable, and all the more so when you work out what will make it enjoyable and meaningful for you. Personalize as much of the journey as you can, constantly applying critical thinking to every suggestion you come across and all of your study experiences will become much, much more rewarding.
submitted by AnthonyMetivier to MagneticMemoryMethod [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:01 3dgeFall_711 HELPING A FRIEND FOR THEIR SURVEY

Greetings to everyone!
We are a group of Business Administration students from Mapua University - Makati Campus, currently taking up Methods - Business Research.
For our undergraduate thesis, we are conducting a study entitled "Understanding the Acceptance and Usage of Tapping Card Systems in a Developing Country Perspective.” Our study aims to explore the variables that impact Filipino consumers' behavioral intentions toward accepting and adopting tapping cards.✨ With that, we are looking for participants to answer our survey. If you are: - 15 years old and above - A resident of the Philippines - Have experience using tapping card systems (e.g., debit/credit cards, Beep cards, etc.)
Then you are what we need!🤩
Answer our survey through the link below or scan our QR code in the photo:
Rest assured that all the data we will collect will be used for ACADEMIC PURPOSES ONLY and will be strictly confidential.
As a token of our appreciation, we will also have a raffle draw worth Php 100.00 via GCash for 5 lucky participants! So don't miss your chance and answer our survey now!🚀
Thank you very much, and have a great day!
submitted by 3dgeFall_711 to PUPians [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:57 lil_lilith13 AITAH for not telling his wife but also for not blocking him?

Please be kind as this whole situation has me kinda anxious. I feel like there's no right answer on what to do.
Minor TW for mention of SA but its not significant to the whole post.
TLDR- My ex from almost 10 years ago has been secretly stalking my Instagram account for just under 2 years. The situation gives me the ick but I also don't care enough to take the time to block him. Especially as I feel his behavior doesn't deserve my attention or acknowledgement and could just lead to bigger problems i dont need. How ever, the girls girl in me feels bad for his wife because I know she would not be happy to find this out. I wouldn't be happy if my fiance did this. Am I the asshole for not making a bigger deal out of this. For not confronting/blocking him or telling his wife.
Here's more details. The long version with the back story.
My (28F now 17/18F at time of relationship) ex fiance (21/22M At time of relationship) has been stalking me on Instagram. Our relationship started when I was a junior in High School at a local Votech. He was my shop teachers son who was paying for and taking classes as an adult for another shop along side the high school students. A special opportunity that he was presented because of his parents employment at the school. That's how we met and started dating in like April of 2013.
He was extremely toxic in our relationship (I'm not saying I'm perfect). He would constantly try to make me jealous. First by saying a girl in the shop class he was taking was constantly flirting with him. Later by telling me while working at his job (gas station convince store) women gave him their number. Even one time trying to tell me some woman messaged him asking to sleep with him. I told him it sounded like an ad from a porn site and he got extremely offended and tried to convince me it wasn't an ad but that a real woman was trying to get him to come sleep with her. Basically the whole "other women want me. You should feel lucky I only want you" behavior BS. He also refused to let me have friends. He would start fights with me almost every time I was with a friend. I'm bisexual so he assumed I would cheat on him with my girl friends. None of my friends liked him because of this.
But I was naive and thought I was in love. He proposed to me on Valentines Day 2014. I turned 18 and graduated a few months later before going to college in August 2 hours away. Things got worse between him fighting with me all the time about him being paranoid I'd cheat on him. Then him taking 2 months before visiting me only to say he was coming up for the weekend then actually only come up to visit for 2.5 hours, fuck me, eat a donut, and then decide to leave and go home. Long story short we broke up at the end of October after some toxic shit.
I quickly moved on because of some homophobic shit he said to a friend of mine causing me to lose any love or respect I had for him. His SIL messaged me after we broke up to tell me how horrible I was for breaking his heart. He had told his family we broke up because I had "cheated on him with a female and decided I'm a lesbian." I promptly told her he lied and told her what really happened including screenshots. I thought that was the end of everything. Deleted everyones number and moved on. November came and went and in December I met a different guy we can call Matt and we started dating.
After 6 months of dating Matt, my exs SIL messaged me cussing me out, insulting and threatening me. Telling me he found someone much prettier and better than me (her cousin who we had actually met at her wedding to his brother). She claimed my ex said I had been texting him gloating about my new relationship and sending him photos of Matt and I. I explained I hadn't texted my ex since the day we broke up in October and lost his number with in the same week. It was not me trying to text him. But I was genuinely concerned and wanted to know who did since I didn't want or need unnecessary drama. I offered to help find out who was doing this (though my suspicion told me it was him using a text app on his iPod Touch to text himself and the photo that was sent was one of my public FB Profile pictures since as I said above he tried similar to make me jealous before when I was his GF so it would not shock me if he did it to the new girl too). Unsurprisingly when I asked for the number that texted him this stuff he conveniently deleted it and didn't know the number. But I was told if they texted again the SIL would tell me the number. They never texted again. That was in 2015. I hadn't thought about them since.
Until this past December 2023.
I was on Instagram looking through stories. Instagram showed me a "People you may know" story with a few accounts it thought I may want to follow. The first one showed my Exs account, his picture of him and his wife (the SILs Cousin). This weirded me out because we've been broken up for 9 years at this point. We don't have mutual friends or social circles. He shouldn't be in my "people you may know". But then I saw it specifically said "Follow BACK" indicating he was following me. Which is why it showed me his account. I was so confused because I would have noticed if my ex had shown up in my notifications.
I went to his profile and I actually did recognize the username. And was able to check when he had followed me. He followed me in August of 2022. But he didn't have a PFP or any post then. I didn't realize it was my ex because even though the username included his first name it had been so long that I didn't even think it was him. The only reason why I remembered the account even following me is because it includes his middle name (that I forgot was his middle name at this time) and that middle name is the same first name as the man who assaulted me in 2017. So I was afraid the account was my rapists Instagram but realized I was being paranoid and that he was still in jail at that time so it couldn't have been him. A lot of random accounts follow me on Instagram because my account is public.
Anyway, he followed me in August of 2022 and never had a PFP or any post until November of 2023 which is why I had no idea he was following me and why he showed up in December as someone I may know (because he was active on Instagram then and recently made his first post). I know he sees my post because he only follows 9 accounts, me, a few shops, and model accounts.
What had me the most weirded out by this is that in the 9 years we were broken up I never saw him or ran into him. But in the time between August 22 and November 23, he showed up at the mall at the same time as me. More than likely a coincidence. But it was still weird. I considered blocking him but both my fiance and best friend told me not to worry about it unless he does keep showing up places. Because otherwise I'm just giving him a response to his behavior and he isn't worth that.
Some may say not blocking him means I'm trying to rub my relationship and family (I have a toddler and another baby on the way and I'm getting married this year too) in his face. But I'm not forcing him to look. I'm not posting anything with him in mind. And it's not my responsibility to help him move on. If he wants to look through my photos, as long as it doesn't actually affect or hurt me, I honestly could care less.
So I let it go. And honestly forgot about it until this week. While driving to my OB appointment I got a notification that my Exs account liked one of my photos on Instagram. When I saw this later at my appointment I did take a screenshot and then clicked the notification to see what it was. This wasn't a recent photo. It was a photo from 2015. Instagram showed he had unliked it, indicating he didn't mean to and was probably hoping I wouldn't see that he did in the first place. But what was weird to me about this was that he had to scroll through over 1,000 photos on my Instagram to get to and accidentally like this one from 9 years ago. So like this wasn't a casual just keeping tabs on how my ex is doing these days. He was scrolling through over 1,000 photos I've posted.
I once again considered blocking him but my friend made a good point that he followed me undetected before for over a year. He could make a new account and follow me again undetected. At least right now I am able to document anything that happens incase things were to escalate. And that not warranting the behavior with acknowledgement or a response is best. As it's highly unlikely this will go beyond him looking at my Instagram. I didn't post i was going to the mall the two times he was also there. And I don't share my location on any other social media apps. So it truly was more than likely a weird coincidence. So I'm just documenting everything incase it does escalate OR incase he tries something again like mentioned above and I get threatening messages from his family.
This is the part that's eating me up. His wife knows who I am. As I said I met her when his brother and her cousin got married. We were both in her bridal party. She's had me blocked on Facebook since the situation were her cousin messaged me about someone texting him thinking it was me. She was also with him at the mall the second time he was coincidentally there and she definitely saw me which was in itself an embarrassing encounter (because I had just bought my fiance a father's day gift but they couldn't remove the security tag from it so as I exited the store the alarm sounds like I'm robbing the place armed and they were in the food court right by the entrance and all this attention was on me, I went back to the counter but they told me they couldnt remove the tag so I had to let the alarm go off as I leave and it will turn off after a moment). I heard her even say "isn't that [my name]?" Anyway, I know she probably would not be happy to know he's following me. I looked her up on Instagram, she doesn't post often but most recently posted on Valentines Day about their 5 year wedding anniversary. But I don't think she knows he has an Instagram. She only follows a few accounts, including her cousin mentioned above. But neither of them follow her husband, my ex. And he doesn't follow any of them either.
Idk, maybe it's just me. But I would be livid to find out my fiance/husband had an Instagram where he didn't follow me but did follow his ex. I honestly feel bad for her because I know it would hurt me. But I also don't know if she truly has no idea. I asked my friend if I should say something to her but my friend said I'd just be opening myself up to unnecessary drama and stirring a pot that doesn't need to be stirred. Unless things escalate. That it would be wrong to potentially cause issues in their relationships over what could be innocent curiosity.
Idk. Maybe I'm over thinking things as I am hormonal as I'm 7 months pregnant. But I feel bad not telling her. And I also don't want to block him because at least now I know and can be aware of what's happening. Since he doesn't know I know at this time. I guess it's important to mention I have diagnosed ptsd from multiple things including abusive partners and had an ex stalk me previously. So being able to document things makes me feel calm and more in control of the situation. As finding out he was following me unnoticed for over a year was extremely triggering and as I said before blocking him could result in him just making another fake account.
submitted by lil_lilith13 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:49 prettyokhuman99 I think I messed up

Im currently a substitute & am at an assignment for a week. I know it isn’t long. I had a student (4th grade) who was physically fighting in class, saying/making inappropriate sounds & getting other students (primarily the special Ed students that join the class for part of the day) to do the same sounds such as moaning saying “Daddy” loudly in a moaning/sexual way. He was also not listening & was faking “stabbing” students saying “shank shank” as he chased them with pencils, running around lifting chairs & chasing people…really doing the most. He was sent to the office, then another classroom then he was sent back. He would still not listen still & I had a week ahead of me with this behavior. I wasn’t able to send a message to the teacher as I only had their school messenger account which was offline & I was hesitant to begin with as their absence was due to a family emergency (I believe their parent passed/was in the process of passing). This is where I think I messed up, I sent a letter home about the behavior (listed it) & said that I hope we can have a better week to come. My district hasn’t told me anything about not contacting parents, but I fear I overstepped as the teacher stated she would call parents if any behavior issues occurred but I couldn’t have this everyday for a week ESPECIALLY if she was negatively influencing other students. This is only my 3rd year as a sub & my 1st yr in a new district. My first 2 yrs were as a long term position so I had to act like a full time teacher so I guess I got use to contacting parents. I fear I have really messed up. Any tips? Should I talk to someone or should I just see what happens? I feel so bad that I may have been to harsh. I also don’t know these parents so I’m unsure if this is going to be an issue. I feel awful & so stressed.
Here is what the letter said to the best of my memory: Hello, we had a rough day today with (Student’s) behavior. He was (listed behavior) & was sent to the office but unfortunately that didn’t help. I hope we can have a better week next week. -Sub
Edit to include more details
submitted by prettyokhuman99 to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:42 Macaroni2018 Lesson Planning/Summer Prep for First Year Teacher

I start my first year teaching art in August. I really want to do as much as I can to prep materials etc. I have the summer off and want to really use the time productively. Please share any tips for curriculum development/prepping etc. My task list for what I plan to complete within the next two months:
-Classroom management plan -Curriculum Map for academic year -lesson plans K-8 -Lesson slides -Video demo -Make lesson projects samples -Anchor Charts & Labels -Create any additional lesson materials -Research/visit local Art organizations/artist/. museums to incorporate them in curriculum
What’s your lesson plan process?
I am confused on exactly what to teach or what order. I have project ideas but if anyone can give advice on that I would appreciate it. I was very fortunate to receive a large laminate machine, printer and document camera as graduation gifts so I plan on using them along with my cricut to make art posters, classroom materials etc. I also want to prerecord some art skill demos for the lessons so I can really focus on classroom management/monitoring students.
submitted by Macaroni2018 to ArtEd [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:19 healthmedicinet Health Daily News MAY 31 2024

DAY: MAY 31 2024


Over 180 world leaders maintain social media accounts, and some of them issue policy warnings to rivals and the public on these platforms rather than relying on traditional government statements. How seriously do people take such social media postings? A new study suggests the general public and policymakers alike take leaders’ social media posts just as seriously as they take formal government statements. The research, by MIT political scientists, deploys novel surveys of both the public and experienced foreign policy specialists. “What we find, which is really surprising, across both


More than 300 million children a year are victims of online sexual exploitation and abuse, research indicates. Pupils in every classroom, in every school, in every country are victims of this hidden pandemic, according to researchers who have conducted the first global estimate of the scale of the crisis. The statistics, from the Childlight Global Child Safety Institute at the University of Edinburgh, amount to a clear and present danger to the world’s children, according to the crime agency Interpol. Online risks One in eight of the world’s children, about


For Malcolm and Simone Collins, declining birth rates across many developed countries are an existential threat. The solution is to have “tons of kids,” and to use a hyperrational, data-driven approach to guide everything from genetic selection to baby names and day-to-day parenting. They don’t heat their Pennsylvania home in winter, because heating is a “pointless indulgence.” Their children wear iPads around their necks. And a Guardian journalist witnessed Malcolm strike their two-year-old across the face for misbehavior, a parenting style they apparently developed based on watching “tigers


One hundred years ago, in the 1924 Paris Olympics, American Johnny Weissmuller won the men’s 100m freestyle with a time of 59 seconds. Nearly 100 years later, in the most recent Olympics, the delayed 2020 Games in Tokyo, Caeleb Dressel took home the same event with a time that was 12 seconds faster than Weissmuller’s. Swimming times across the board have become much faster over the past century, a result of several factors, including innovations


The government of British Columbia recently introduced a bill to ban people convicted of serious offenses from legally changing their name. The proposed amendment to the province’s Name Act would also prohibit those found not criminally responsible due to mental disorder from changing their name. The government announced the move after media reports that Allan Schoenborn legally changed his name to Ken Johnson. Schoenborn was found not criminally responsible for the deaths of his children in 2010 because of a delusional disorder, and was placed at a psychiatric hospital.


Silicon Valley—considered the world’s hub of technology and innovation—can breed inequality and sameness among budding entrepreneurs, according to new research. Behind the multi-million-dollar deals and tales of start-up utopia, Silicon Valley’s “uneven” investment landscape is in fact a barrier to many budding businesses, says the study from the University of Stirling and Georg-August-University Göttingen. But the researchers suggest other countries could still learn from the more discerning entrepreneurial ecosystem that bred giants such as Apple and Google, to be more selective in backing start-ups. While it is not uncommon for


Child sexual abuse is uncomfortable to think about, much less talk about. The idea of an adult engaging in sexual behaviors with a child feels sickening. It’s easiest to believe that it rarely happens, and when it does, that it’s only to children whose parents aren’t protecting them. This belief stayed with me during my early days as a parent. I kept an eye out for creepy men at the playground and was skeptical of men who worked with young children, such as teachers and coaches. When my kids were


It takes a lot to shock Kelvin Lay. My friend and colleague was responsible for setting up Africa’s first dedicated child exploitation and human trafficking units, and for many years he was a senior investigating officer for the Child Exploitation Online Protection Center at the UK’s National Crime Agency, specializing in extra territorial prosecutions on child exploitation across the globe. But what happened when he recently volunteered for a demonstration of cutting-edge identification software left him speechless. Within seconds of being fed with an image


Sexting—sending sexually suggestive or explicit messages and images—is now a widespread practice, and can be a healthy way to express and explore sexuality. However, there is a need to distinguish between consensual sexting and forms of sexual harassment like cyberflashing. Cyberflashing refers to the act of non-consensually sending sexual imagery (like nudes or “dick pics”) to another person. It is facilitated through communications technologies including text, AirDrop and social media applications like Snapchat and Tinder. Similar to flashing—when a person unexpectedly and deliberately “flashes” their genitals to others—that occurs in


Teachers and other child educators can benefit from regular professional development, but in-person training can be expensive. New research found that virtual training can be a budget-friendly alternative—and especially effective for certain groups of educators. The study—a collaboration between researchers at Penn State and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and published in the International Journal of Professional Development, Learners and Learning—found that educators who took a virtual training reported feeling more confident in their abilities to implement practices shown to support positive youth development. In particular, after-school providers who did not


There are many different types of workplace leaders, from those who prioritize the needs of team members and the organization above their own, to authentic leaders who foster openness, trust and transparency. A recent study by the University of South Australia published in the Journal of Organizational Behavior has highlighted the significant benefits of humble leadership in the workplace. According to the study by UniSA’s Dr. Xiao Lin, humble leadership can effectively elevate the workplace status of employees by boosting their sense of respect and prominence. It also leads to


Rising food costs are squeezing Canadians around the country. Nearly everyone is feeling the pinch, and it’s not just an inconvenience—high food prices are a major threat to food security for many Canadians. Understanding why food prices are so high and why they are changing is critical to the well-being of our society. Unfortunately, consensus on why food price are so high is in short supply. Explanations given in reports like Canada’s Food Price Report and the news media range widely, from the war in Ukraine to supply chain issues


Is artificial intelligence an unprecedented opportunity, or will it rob everyone of jobs and creativity? As we debate on social media (and perhaps use ChatGPT almost daily), generative AIs have also entered the arena of university communication. These tools—based on large language models that were optimized for interactive communication—can indeed support, expand, and innovate university communication offerings. Justus Henke has analyzed the situation of German realities about six months after the launch of ChatGPT 3. “The research was conducted about a year ago when enthusiasm was high, but it was


Classification of superspreader accounts. A large portion (55.1%) of accounts are no longer active. For each class annotated with political affiliations, colors indicate the ideological split. The last group aggregates all accounts with political affiliations. Credit: PLOS ONE (2024). DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0302201 A small team of social media analysts at Indiana University has found that a major portion of tweets spreading disinformation are sent by a surprisingly small percentage of a given userbase. In their study, published in PLOS ONE, the group conducted a review of 2,397,388 tweets posted on Twitter


Life-changing events like the birth of a child, the purchase of a new home, or a lottery win could threaten the survival of a new business venture, the positive family events had a comparatively greater influence, albeit negatively, on the survival of a new venture, compared with


We’ve all done it. A bad night’s sleep or a tough commute made us cranky, and we lashed out at a coworker who did nothing wrong. What can we do to make up for it? According to a new study published in the Journal of Business Ethics, embracing our guilty feelings can help us make up for our bad behavior by encouraging us to act more politely and work harder the next day. “We found that anyone can be rude at work, because anyone can


Social inclusion and having a sense of belonging with other people are key elements of a good life. However, the fate of humanity is a challenge that extends beyond our social reality. Experiences of belonging and inclusion, understood in a broader sense than before, may be crucial for a sustainable future. In an article published in the International Journal of Social Pedagogy, a team of researchers propose a new planetary inclusion scale that structures our planetary relationship three-dimensionally based on temporal, spatial and ethical orientation. The temporal element relates to


Women in leadership are often told to “Lean In,” designed to be motivational messaging demonstrating that they are more confident, strategic and resilient to setback. However, new research indicates that such “lean in” messaging can hinder women’s motivation to protest gender equality. Popularized in a book by American technology executive Sherly Sandberg, the “Lean In” solution to gender inequality advises women that demonstrating personal resilience and perseverance in the face of setbacks is key to career advancement. Now, a new study led by the University of Exeter, Bath Spa University


A new paper in the Quarterly Journal of Economics finds that replacing certain judicial decision-making functions with algorithms could improve outcomes for defendants by eliminating some of the systemic biases of judges. Decision makers make consequential choices based on predictions of unknown outcomes. Judges, in particular, make decisions about whether to grant bail to defendants or how to sentence those convicted. Companies now use machine learning based models increasingly in high-stakes decisions. There are various assumptions about human behavior underlying the deployment of such learning models that play out in


The election has commenced and the race is on—to amass as many likes, shares and comments as possible. Digital campaigning, particularly through social media, is now a key part of political candidates’ communication toolkit. In fact, every general election campaign since 1997 has at some point been lauded as the first to make effective use of digital campaigning. But it was in 2015 that David Cameron’s campaign first made strategic use of social media to drive an election victory. As political reporter Tim Ross outlines in his excellent book, Why


The TV dramatization of the UK Horizon Post Office scandal evoked outrage and disbelief. However, as another example of dysfunctional organizational behavior, it was expected rather than exceptional. The Post Office saga joins a long list of cover-ups or scandals that includes Hillsborough, Enron, Grenfell, the infected blood scandal, the Tuam babies scandal in the Republic of Ireland, Boeing 737 Max and Nasa (Columbia space shuttle). They represent what happens when there is a move within organizations and institutions to cover up the causes of


Spirituality is increasingly popular with young Australians: recent research shows 38% of Gen Z Australians identify as spiritual. It also reports 50% of them believe in karma, 29% in reincarnation and 20% in astrology. When it comes to activities equated with spirituality, 28% of Gen Z Australians practice meditation and 22% practice yoga. In Australia, spirituality is strongly, enduringly central to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and culturally and religiously diverse communities. Yet until recently, spirituality has received far less attention than religion. Spirituality may be


An interdisciplinary team of researchers from Lithuanian and Italian universities propose a tool that allows companies to assess the circularity of their future products. The self-assessment tool emphasizes the co-creation of circular design in the early (creative) stages of product development, encouraging entrepreneurs and designers to think more systematically and collaborate better by integrating related stakeholders into the product development process. The study is published in the Journal of Industrial Ecology. “The majority of existing practical tools (systems of indicators) are aimed at measuring the environmental impact of products already


New research has revealed up to a 9% increase in college first-year enrollments in US states that have legalized recreational marijuana compared with states without such legalization. The study, which is published in Economic Inquiry, found that the increase was from out-of-state enrollments, with early adopter states and public non-research institutions experiencing the most pronounced increases. Recreational marijuana legalization did not negatively impact degree completion or graduation rate, and it did not affect college prices, quality, or in?state enrollment. The findings suggest that some students perceive recreational marijuana legalization as


New research has revealed up to a 9% increase in college first-year enrollments in US states that have legalized recreational marijuana compared with states without such legalization. The study, which is published in Economic Inquiry, found that the increase was from out-of-state enrollments, with early adopter states and public non-research institutions experiencing the most pronounced increases. Recreational marijuana legalization did not negatively impact degree completion or graduation rate, and it did not affect college prices, quality, or in?state enrollment. The findings suggest that some students perceive recreational marijuana legalization as


May is Asian and Pacific American Heritage Month, a time when Americans celebrate the profound contributions of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders—a group that is commonly abbreviated as AAPI—to U.S. society. It’s also a time to acknowledge the complexity of AAPI experience. And as a professor who studies equity and inclusion in business, I think the focus on AAPI communities this month provides an excellent occasion to push back against a stereotype that has long misrepresented and marginalized a diverse range of people: the myth of the “model minority.” The


The Australian government’s new campaign Consent Can’t Wait challenges us all to improve our understanding of consent. It asks a series of questions to illustrate this issue is more complex than simplistic “no means no” messaging. The campaign invites viewers to consider the nuances of consent, so we can raise these important issues with children and young people in our lives. But what is a good age to start talking about consent? How do parents tackle such conversations when this information probably wasn’t readily discussed in our own upbringing? How


The concept of cultural entrepreneurship has many facets. It encompasses both the cultural and social impact of entrepreneurial training, and the environmental factors that influence its development. Some societies, such as the U.S., have a strong entrepreneurial culture. This means that certain characteristics are celebrated and encouraged, such as the ability of individuals to assume risks, patience when confronting challenges, and innovative problem solving, especially in uncertain situations. However, not all countries have such an entrepreneurial culture. Entrepreneurship struggles to take off in Europe In general, entrepreneurship can drive economic


A graphic depicting a student coding. Credit: Carnegie Mellon University Teachers today face a bit of a conundrum, according to a new study from researchers at Carnegie Mellon University and the Rochester Institute of Technology. Their goal is to prepare young students to enter a rapidly changing world. Even basic jobs require technical proficiency, which requires computational and analytical skills. To address this need, many educators are pushing to fold these important STEM skills into elementary curriculum. Here’s the problem. Young students can lose interest and even develop an aversion


On the left, a bird’s-eye view of the virtual classroom; on the right, screenshots of each of the four gaze-visualization conditions. Teachers need to know their material, but they must also keep their students engaged and interested. Part of that involves making eye contact with their students—all of them. A multidisciplinary team of researchers tested several methods of data visualization in an immersive virtual reality (VR) classroom, to give teachers a way to gauge


Wifi-enabled washing machines. Voice-controlled microwaves. App-enabled TVs, vacuum cleaners, and even window blinds you can control from the comfort of your couch. Many of the technological features now included in everyday products are useful and accessible. But research has shown that having too many can overwhelm potential buyers, making them less likely to make a purchase. In recent research, Wayne Hoyer, marketing professor and James L. Bayless/William S. Farrish Fund Chair for Free Enterprise at Texas McCombs, digs into the phenomenon of “feature creep” and its impact on consumer sentiment.


A new paper summarizing decades of research demonstrates how social media has supported an explosion of diversity in gender and sexuality in America during the 21st century, and also how these technologies have equally enabled a cultural backlash. The paper’s authors, UC Santa Cruz Psychology Department faculty members Phil Hammack and Adriana Manago, identified five main narratives about gender and sexuality that they believe emerged through social media as people have strived to be “authentic” on these platforms. The findings, along with resulting recommendations for psychology researchers and practitioners, were


New research is examining how organizations can improve their training programs by customizing frame-of-reference training to emphasize identifying negative behaviors critical to their goals. While assessors naturally identify positive behaviors, C. Allen Gorman, Ph.D., associate professor in UAB’s Department of Management, Information Systems and Quantitative Methods, says targeted training helps them recognize harmful actions that can hinder organizational objectives. Involving assessors in defining important performance dimensions and examples of behaviors, both good and


Justin Frake is interested in cause-and-effect relationships in real-world data and the hidden dynamics that shape workplace behavior and equality—or inequality, as the case might be. His curiosity has led to research that challenges some popular beliefs as well as published studies related to women in the workforce. One study shows that firms promoting flatter hierarchies inadvertently discourage female applicants and another study counters several recent studies that claim women CEOs negatively impact career outcomes of other women. Both are published in the Strategic Management Journal. The assistant professor of


A recent series of experiments challenges the longstanding theory of motivational conflict resolution introduced by Kurt Lewin. According to Lewin, conflicts between two undesirable outcomes (avoidance–avoidance conflicts) are typically harder to resolve than those between two desirable ones (approach–approach conflicts). Lewin posited that avoidance–avoidance conflicts, where individuals must choose between two undesirable outcomes, are typically more challenging to resolve compared to approach–approach conflicts, which involve choosing between two desirable options.


No means no when it comes to sex. But what happens when a woman makes a more passive response to a sexual advance? According to new research from Binghamton University, men differ in how they interpret these types of responses, and men who display hostile masculinity, known commonly as “toxic masculinity,” tend to act on them regardless of whether or not they think it’s consensual. A team of researchers, including Binghamton psychology professor Richard Mattson and graduate student Michael Shaw asked men between the ages of 18–25 to respond to


Some of human history’s greatest atrocities—genocide, slavery, ethnic cleanings—are rooted in our ability to dehumanize people from other social, political, or cultural groups. Whereas prior research has traced dehumanization to the belief that others think or feel less than we do, new research co-authored by Haas professor Sameer Srivastava shows that our tendency to dehumanize can also be influenced by how we think others view important facets of the world. The greater the difference between our perceptions of an outgroup’s worldview


When a child peruses YouTube, the content recommended to them is not always age appropriate, a new study suggests. Researchers mimicked search behaviors of children using popular search terms, such as memes, Minecraft and Fortnite, and captured video thumbnails recommended at the end of each video. Among the 2,880 thumbnails analyzed, many contained problematic click bait, such as violence or frightening images, according to the Michigan Medicine led research in JAMA Network Open. “Children spend a significant amount of time on free video sharing platforms that include user-generated content,” said


Post-war peace processes are a dangerous period for women. Many are forced to live close to men who committed serious abuse during the war or are expected to testify in various types of truth commissions, which can be both retraumatizing and stigmatizing. These are the findings of a new study by peace researchers at Uppsala University, published in the journal PLOS ONE. “In short, peace projects can force women to live side by side with ex-combatants who committed atrocities during the war. This puts them at risk of further threat


We can all agree that dating is hard. Getting to know people can feel vulnerable, but at the same time, exciting. We can also agree that feeling rejected can be one of the worst feelings, especially after we put ourselves out there. Dating can also expose us to a lot of cringey things, maybe even something we didn’t know we’d consider cringey. Think of cringe like something that makes you uncomfortable, or something about someone else that you don’t find attractive. Before dating, most of us consider what we’re looking


New survey results from Wiley suggest people still feel connected at work despite the prevalence of hybrid and remote work environments and the rise of artificial intelligence (AI). According to the latest Wiley Workplace Intelligence report, “Human Connection: The Crucial Secret to Thriving in the Digital Age,” nearly 8 in 10 employees surveyed (78%) said they feel connected with their coworkers, and almost 7 in 10 (69%) said they also enjoy making connections with their colleagues. Around half even said they want to learn more about their coworkers by doing


A study has provided new insights into social media influencers, particularly focusing on those in the women’s fashion sector on the well-known image and video sharing platform Instagram. In a departure from the approach taken by earlier studies, Jens K. Perret of the International School of Management in Cologne, Germany, has used network statistics and centrality measures to establish a model of influencer importance within their network. Perret analyzed data from 255 influencers covering a four-year period. Influencers are loosely


Rank (X-axis) does not affect the evaluation of trustworthiness (Y-axis, mean-centered) of accurate results. This lack of relationship is robust across experiments (columns) and for clicked results (top row, red) as well as non-clicked results (bottom row, blue). The trend lines represent the predicted change in trustworthiness ratings per unit decrease in rank fitted by the linear regression models. Credit: Scientific Reports (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-61645-8 Using experiments with COVID-19 related queries, Cornell sociology and information science researchers found that in a public health emergency, most people pick out and click


Despite the greater potency of “fake news” on Facebook to discourage Americans from taking the COVID-19 vaccine, users’ greater exposure to unflagged, vaccine-skeptical content meant the latter had a much greater negative effect on vaccine uptake. Credit: Jennifer Allen, Duncan Watts, David G. Rand Since the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine in 2021, fake news on social media has been widely blamed for low vaccine uptake in the United States—but research by MIT Sloan School of Management Ph.D. candidate Jennifer Allen and Professor David Rand finds that the blame lies


Adult heterosexual men with sexist and homophobic views can potentially improve their attitudes toward gay men and women by engaging in critical dialogues that use illustrations as a springboard, according to a new University of Michigan study. The work is published in the journal Sexual and Gender Diversity in Social Services. The process by which people shift from a prejudicial stance to one of relative acceptance is a key innovation of the study. Guided by trained facilitators, critical dialogues reflect illustrations depicting different gender roles and sexual identities. The images


If you dread public speaking you are not alone. It is a leading social phobia, one that can cause a state of anxiety that reduces otherwise articulate people to nervous incoherence. A strong fear of public speaking is known as glossophobia. Academic studies estimate it affects 20% of the population, but depending on the sample and methodology, the figure could be as high as 40%. As American writer and humourist Mark Twain said, “There are two types of speakers: Those who get nervous and those who are liars.” But help


How do universities and colleges decide who to admit? Given the earnings advantage of a post-secondary degree both globally and in Canada, this is an important social mobility question. While the answer varies from one institution to the next, most focus on education criteria like exam scores and grades. However, Canada’s new intake cap on study permit applications puts increased pressure on Canadian institutions to also consider immigration criteria when admitting international undergraduate students. This is just the latest example of immigration’s growing influence on the societal roles of Canadian
submitted by healthmedicinet to u/healthmedicinet [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:03 Kooky_Reflection_578 I am tired of dealing with my bfs mental health issues.

I met my bf 3 years ago and he seemed like a really sweet guy at first. I knew he was struggling with leaving the military, but I had no idea how bad things actually were.
Quick backstory: My bf has high functioning autism but his mom had him in therapy very young, and by the time he was 17 he was a happy and healthy teenager. He joined the military and did great until the 3rd year in.
He started dating a girl and things got really serious, then she started cheating on him. He also started dealing with issues at work with someone higher ranking then him (I am not familiar with the military so I can't describe the situation well, sorry).
So on top of the horrible relationship where he was being cheated on, he was getting bullied at work and even physically assaulted a few times. Some of the guys teamed up and ended up jumping him a few times. When my bf would mess up at work the higher ranking guy would hit him with metal objects, it was bad.
My bf ended up having a psychotic break where he had a few attempts so they sent him to the psych ward, then he got out. He was a few months away from finishing his contract out, so it messed with his head really badly. He felt like a failure.
When he came back home the girl ended up leaving him for the guy she cheated on him with, further pushing him into his breakdown. She also spread lies about him because people that knew them were calling her out about cheating on him, so my bf lost a lot of friends and his reputation took a hit.
He began drinking heavily and he was having fits of rage/panic attacks along with S. attempts.
I had NO idea it was that bad, or I wouldn't have ever gotten with him.
6 months into us dating he started having panic attacks around me which I didn't mind helping with, until he eventually just dropped the facade and let me see the real him.
By then we had moved in together and I felt trapped. I desperately wanted to move out of my parents house so it was dumb on my part to move in with him so early into our relationship.
For the past 3 years I have had hope that he could get better. I have now lost all hope.
In the last 3 years I realized that he has a major issue with alcohol and when he gets drunk his emotions are amplified by 1000. He kept getting into fist fights, two of which I was hurt in trying to stop. He had two S. attempts in the parking lot of his favorite bar, he would get upset and just sprint away from everyone where we would have to search for him, he would scream and cry, it was a lot.
I was able to get him to cut back on drinking, but he refuses to stop. He doesn't get drunk anymore thank God, but when I would beg him to stop drinking he would get defensive and angry and start fights with me.
He has been diagnosed with bpd, bipolar disorder, literally anything the VA can think of to explain his insane behavior.
He would have daily "panic attacks" or episodes, I don't even know what to call them but he would have a melt down where he is hurting himself, screaming, crying, and breaking stuff. These episodes could last for hours.
He has broken so many doors, broken blinds, he threw a barstool in our kitchen across the room and broke the floor, I can go on and on and on.
My life revolves around him now. He has ruined so many things for me because of his anxiety and depression issues. I resent him.
On my birthday one year he got upset because I was frustrated with him for not putting more effort in. He didn't get me a present or plan anything and I was sad. So he took a bunch of his medication, went into a psychotic break, and I had to have a friend help me drag him to the ER where he freaked out and physically assaulted our friend.
I had to repeatedly punch and kick him to get him off our friend. It took 3 cops to restrain him.
I have had to call the cops multiple times because he is losing his mind and it is going on for hours. I have had to stop what I am doing and come find him because he is freaking out somewhere.
I am tired, I am angry, and I am so mentally done.
Every time we find a medication that works, it has some crazy ass side effect. So he will be completely normal for 6 months, and then boom the medication is attacking his thyroid, or the medication made him gain 45 pounds in 3 months and he looks badly swollen. Or his lab work is awful and he needs to stop taking the meds before he dies or something.
Then I have to deal with the manic and depressive episode that comes with us switching his meds, then we try meds that make things worse instead of better, until we finally find a med that works again. Only to start the cycle all over again 6 months later when he is having some insane side effect.
He is in therapy, he is taking his medication, but to him that is enough. He thinks that is him trying. He does nothing else to better his life.
I cook. I clean. I do everything around the house. His mom and I are like his personal assistants. We book his doctors appointments, I wake him up for work, I remind him of his appointments, I do everything but wipe his ass for him.
He is 100% disabled with the VA so he only has to work 2 days a week. The rest of the week he just bums around or he goes and hangs out with his friends.
While I work full time, I take care of him full time, I take on all of the mental load of our relationship, and I am a full time college student. I get no help or emotional support from him.
There is so much more I could say but this would be pages long.
I will probably get comments saying to leave but it isn't that easy. I don't have a supportive family or friend group. I have two cats that I would have to give away which would destroy me. I have an apartment with a lease I am stuck in for another year, and a life I have built down here that I don't want to lose.
I work from home for his mom which helps me get my college degree. I have adhd so when I was working full time in retail and trying to do school I kept flunking out. I would study after work but be so exhausted that I wasn't retaining it.
I need to do in person classes and with this job I can.
It just doesn't feel fair that if I left him, I would lose everything and have to give my pets away to someone, and have to put my degree on hold again. So I can either blow up my life and lose literally everything I have, or I can just put up with his craziness and just distance myself emotionally to survive through it until I can get my college degree and a good paying job.
It just really sucks. I am exhausted. Some days I hate him. Some days I am mean to him because I just feel so done. Some days I have bad thoughts like I wish I didn't wakeup, or I wish that he didn't wakeup because it would make my life easier.
It feels like there is no solution so that is why I came here to vent.
submitted by Kooky_Reflection_578 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:57 I-Eat-Assets Thoughts on my schedule for teaching beginner investors?

I will be taking over as president for my university's investment club this year, and part of that is creating weekly powerpoints to teach people about investing. I whipped up this mini curriculum for the semester to try and get a condensed, comprehensive idea of what investing is all about. Please give any notes you have on anything that I should add/drop from this. Apologies if this post breaks any rules.
Week 1: Introduction to Investing
Week 2: Understanding the Stock Market
Week 3: Fundamental Analysis
Week 4: Technical Analysis
Week 5: Portfolio Management and Diversification
Week 6: Bonds and Fixed Income Investments
Week 7: Mutual Funds and ETFs
Week 8: Behavioral Effects on Market / Consumer Sentiment
Week 9: Macroeconomic Indicators and Their Impact on Markets
Week 10: Introduction to Financial Derivatives
Week 11: Real Estate Investment
Week 12: Socially Responsible and ESG Investing
Week 13: Developing an Investment Strategy and Staying Informed
I'm not sure about ESG investing for week 12, so if anyone can think of a better topic I'm all ears. Thank you!
submitted by I-Eat-Assets to investing_discussion [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:54 lakija Secret Dragon - Chapter 2: Ignite

Secret Dragon - Chapter 2: Ignite
I opened the book and skimmed through a few chapters, happy to finally see some true information, with substance. Although I had many books of my own, I had never brought any of them to class; I had no intention of being asked about them or pressing the issue.
By virtue of my existence, it and I would be scrutinized. I had neither the patience nor the desire for another microscope to be placed above me.
But Sasha had no such reservations even after I told him about the curriculum, although he relented and said he would figure out a way around that nonsense. It seemed as if he was determined to go against the grain.
We spoke deeply, about different subjects, our project, and his books. The more he talked the more at ease he became. I unknowingly got closer and closer to him as the time passed. I had to literally pull myself back a few times. I wondered if he noticed. It was confusing how I kept leaning into the heat coming off his breath.
We were both startled at the sound of chairs scraping. We looked around as our peers gathered their things.
“It seems that for the first time this class is actually worth my time. Usually I am the first to leave,” Sasha said, surprised.
“I know,” I revealed.
“Hmmm,” he vocalized deeply. I had no idea if it was “oh really” or “interesting” or any other answer. It was just a deep throat vibration. I just knew he would do that a lot. I could feel it.
As I was packing my things, I realized I was a little feverish. I put a hand to my cheek. Was it hot? Or was it that he was speaking heat in my direction? I couldn’t tell. I never ran hot.
He watched me touching my face and chuckled to himself, putting away his books. I really wanted to be annoyed—at anyone else I would have been—but his lighthearted laughter surprised me; so joyous after so many weeks of being a specter in the classroom.
I looked him in his eyes, though, and shook my head challengingly at him, as if to say “what?” That only made him laugh out loud. It was both quiet and bassy all at the same time. The kind of laugh that was bottomless, scratchy. The kind of laugh you could tell would boom and shake you if given the space.
I never thought I’d hear that coming from him, let alone directed at me. I refrained from expressing an iota of emotion beyond a small smile. I had to stay cool.
Pam walked over to our table swiftly, no doubt looking to be rid of Jonah. She smiled at Sasha, grinned really.
“So. We finally meet! Pam Swiftwater,” she chirped. Her hand shot out as fast as she walked. Sasha halted his movement. He extended his hand more slowly, gently, engulfing her delicate hands in his large ones.
“Of course. I am Sasha Emberscale,” Sasha said, pulling his hand back to pat his chest.
Pam gave me a knowing glance of drama. “Oh I know who you are,” she said.
“Likewise; you are in my open physical hour,” he reminded her. “You are on the track team.”
“That’s right! It’s nice to finally, officially, meet you.”
Sasha raised his brow at her. “My friend has spoken of you,” he said offhand.
“What friend?” Pam asked, taken aback.
“Seth Fairbreeze, dragon of the wind.”
“Oh?” Pam said, her interest piqued. I didn’t know whether she knew who that was. But it intrigued both of us nonetheless.
“I will introduce you, of course, now that we are properly acquainted.”
“I can’t wait.” I knew she couldn’t.
Pam glanced back at her table and groaned. “Let’s get out of here. If I have to talk to Jonah any longer, I swear Imma strangle him.”
Sasha laughed heartily. “Very well. Let us depart this place to avoid attempted murder,” he joked.
“Why don’t you stick with us? We’re in the same course after this,” I suggested, gathering my items. I didn’t even hesitate asking him that. I’d done enough hesitating.
Sasha’s laugh tapered off into a quiet chuckle. “Of course. I would desire nothing more.”
I couldn’t hide my elation this time. Pam snickered at me. Thankfully he didn’t notice. I assumed.
Sasha draped his jacket across his arm, opting not to put it back on. Admittedly I enjoyed the view. He gestured for us to exit the class before him.
Every once in a while he would look down at me as we walked through the halls. I noticed his eyes following me.
I would sneak a glance at him when he wasn’t looking. It was apparent just how large he was now that I was walking right next to him. He was one of the only people in school taller than me. His shoulders were broad, arms thick. I know I was staring at the way they flexed as he moved. Couldn’t help but to.
Everything in me wanted to take that arm of his for my own. The thought of it being mine just felt so natural. I had to check myself a few times walking beside him.
It would be mine in time. That I promised myself.

We entered our Dragontongue class where I took a seat on his right at a table. Pam sat at mine.
Class with Sasha was much more interesting than ever before. He spoke freely and pleasantly, a stark contrast to the silent dragon he had been before I sat at his table in Dragonology. It was like something that had weighed on him had vanished.
I wasn’t unaware that he was happier since we had talked. I was pleased that it was me that had pulled him out of whatever darkness was holding him.
Again a pang of irritation ran through me. Why had I not introduced myself before? Just hearing the depth of his voice and the eloquence of his speech had me feeling some type of way. I could have been hearing that in my ears for weeks, those words of his carried on desert sands.
As class droned on, I saw that Sasha was appraising the professor with a raised brow as if too polite to allow complete disdain across his face.
He began to tell us about different Dragontongue dialects quietly, I suppose to keep himself occupied or distracted. I had to lean all the way in to hear his voice. It reverberated in my ears.
“If you were to say that word in the southern regions of Lyfax, it would mean to place bricks or stones atop each other as if building something. If you said that in the northeastern region, it means much the same, but doubles as a slang word meaning to fu— I am sorry, to have relations with someone.”
Pam squealed and covered her mouth. I covered mine too. I had wanted to hear the word ‘fuck’ come out of his polite mouth.
“Are you serious?” I asked instead.
“Yes, I am,” he said, brow raised. “Take care in who you say it to and in what context.”
Sasha tapped another paragraph “This term here. If you were to say it in the Northernmost tip of the country, it is basically calling someone a piece of filth in the wrong context, while just a few regions down it simply means to clean something without any further colloquial use. Their origins most likely started off with the same meaning and deviated as the people left and settled elsewhere. Knowing different dialects of Dragontongue in Lyfax is important. Linguistics interests me, as you can probably surmise.”
“Do you speak a lot of languages?” Pam asked.
“I occasionally travel for my work and interact with different dignitaries. I must know many languages and dialects at least at a rudimentary level.”
“Oh wow…” I said, truly impressed. Now that I had listened to his voice, I couldn’t place his accent. Unless deep was one. It wasn’t as if I was familiar with Lyfaxians’ manner of speech or various accents anyway. “What do you speak?” I asked
“Hmmmm. Common Lyfaxian. Common Lizardtongue. Dragontongue, of course; several dialects: fire, moon and wind. Many people know these. Shelltongue. Salamandra…one other.”
“Goodness,” I said in awe. I stashed away that “one other.” I’d ask about it later. I couldn’t imagine why it would be a secret. Hypocritically.
“My speech is not perfect in Shelltongue or Salamandra yet. But I can hold a conversation. I would enjoy learning and speaking your dialect of Dragontongue, as you mentioned earlier,” he remarked to me. Of course, Pam regarded me in shock. She gave me a chiding look, rightfully so.
Sasha didn’t miss her reaction. “If it is trouble, do not worry about it,” he said, frowning.
“No, It’s okay,” I reassured him. “I don’t mind.”
He was still uncertain, looking at Pam’s concerned face. “If I am to converse with a new group of dragons, I would prefer to know their dialect,” he whispered. “But not if it is cause for alarm. For some reason.”
Pam sighed in relief upon hearing him refer to me as a dragon. “Oh okay.”
“It’s fine. Complicated. I’ll tell you later,” I said, waving it all away. Sasha nodded.
“So did you all decide on a topic for your assignment?” Pam asked.
“Of course. We spoke much of it. I look forward to working with Leila.” Sasha said. I liked the way he said my name, the way he swung the vowels upward to where they needed to go. As it should be. “It will be interesting,” he said.
Pam glanced over to me. “How so?”
I looked amused, I’m sure. “Let’s say our Dragonology topic is about to be spicy,” I hinted.
“Sasha you’re a horrible influence already,” she accused, raising her brows at him.
“Of course,” he confirmed, chuckling deeply. “One needs a little corruption in the right direction, every once in a while.”
“Corruption? Oh really?” I said, regarding him in what I intended to be mock surprise. But I was genuinely shocked that he said it. He hadn’t corrupted me yet. He could try, but only when I was through with him.
Sasha chuckled silently. Just a trembling of the shoulders. A soft billow of scalding heat wafting across my face. Mmm, maybe sooner then.
Pam’s eyes widened, but she was beyond amused. If she could manifest a snack to observe our rapidly forming dynamic, she would have in a heartbeat.
She sat back, twirling her pencil. I knew she was about to start something. The twitch in the corner of her mouth was working. She was about to instigate her heart out. I groaned quietly.
“You know, Leila speaks all the same languages you do. She’s fluent in Shelltongue even; one of her best friends is Turtlefolk. She works at a place where a lot of people from different places come through. She took it upon herself to learn their languages.”
I groaned more.
“Is that so?” Sasha inquired, angling his body toward me. He sounded impressed.
I just rubbed my brows. I did not advertise my language skills. He looked at me with interest. “That is admirable. Why do you not wish to speak of it?” he asked.
“I don’t like puffing myself up. Drawing attention. Not that you are doing that,” I clarified.
Sasha smiled. “I know what you meant,” he said, speaking Shelltongue. I grinned. “I have been somewhat successful at not drawing attention—past my appearance at least—for a few weeks now.”
“Except your grades of course,” I pointed out in Shelltongue as well. “Literally perfect grades except two, and that’s only because of inaccuracies.”
Sasha raised his brow. “Ah, right, you have been keeping tabs on my marks. Very well; I have been under the radar except for my marks.”
“See? Y’all can speak tongues to each other in every flavor,” Pam said casually.
My mouth dropped. To say my eyes widened would be an understand. I shielded the side of my face.
Sasha choked and laughed quietly, holding his chest.
Never had she been that brazen. And she had said some crazy ass things for as long as I’d know her.
She looked so proud of herself.
“Pam, you are trying to start something, are you not?” Sasha guessed—back in Lizardtongue—looking away in laughter.
“Of course not. I don’t know what you mean,” she said, smirking.
I rubbed my face. “What were we even talking about?”
Sasha spoke as quietly as he could. “Different languages. Dialects. Things of that nature. Tongues, apparently,” he said, leaning toward me.
Really Sasha? I thought. He was something else.
He leaned back again and looked ahead, his smile dimming. “Also, things your professor apparently will not teach,” he said, the scales of his brows beginning to furrow.
“Yeah. It’s frustrating,” I agreed, uncovering my face.
“This class is testing my endurance. To hear my language butchered and be told that the proper way is incorrect is vexing.”
Pam stared at the professor, then at Sasha. “I’m sorry. This class is far beneath how you—and we—speak.”Pam and the rest of the Swiftwater Clan spoke to my family in the True way, the way of Sun Dragons.
Sasha leaned back. “And yet I have no choice but to be here,” he remarked. “And, apparently, neither do you both.”
It was a painful requirement, but a mandatory one. I nodded.
Pam turned back to the front of class. “You must be bored here at this university,” she said.
Sasha rubbed his chin. “Hmmmm,” he rumbled deeply. The vibration of that inquisitive hum made my shoulders tingle. I had to close my eyes and put a hand to my chest to halt my heart’s pounding.
“I was, yes,” he said slowly, “but yesterday was my last day of boredom. Today, the season has changed.” He glanced at me as he said it.
My mouth twitched into a smile. I found his choice of words particularly appealing. Pam looked curiously at him, but said nothing.
Sasha angled his body back toward me. I don’t know if I imagined it, but it felt like his whole existence was radiating heat now. It sent rush through my body.
“Let us return to our ‘lesson’ and pretend to care,” he suggested.
“Sasha,” I laughed, nudging his arm. It was hot to the touch. I was not imagining it.
“What?” he said innocently.
I shook my head at him, incredulous. I had no idea he was so funny. Who would have thought that sullen dragon was full of humor. He relented.
“I will behave myself,” he lied through his fanged teeth, patting his chest.
“Doubtful,” I returned, amused. It was easy to talk to him. Like we were old friends. Sasha was right: Pam had started something.

Sasha continued pointing out more language dialect rules and vocabulary from Lyfax. Things we couldn’t have learned on our own.
There were so many regions to learn about. I listened intently as he described them, and asked questions about everything. It was as if he was taking me on a mental tour of those far away places…
Before that day we hadn’t said a word to each other. Hadn’t shaken hands or anything. Whenever we had met eyes, we would quickly look away. I didn’t understand why we had done that. Now here we were hunched over a text book with our heads damn near touching. The heat of his breath warmed my face. It was hotter than earlier that day. Much hotter. No one was close enough to be bothered by it but Pam, and she did not seem to react to it.
And still I kept on gravitating closer. Because of how he had angled his body toward me, my left arm eventually pressed against his right.
My breathing stuttered, being in such close proximity to him. And I knew he felt it. He had to have felt it. Because I felt him tremble.
And there it was again! That strange rumble emanating from him, from his throat, I could now tell. Now that I was touching him, it was amplified, coursing through me. I tried to pinpoint its essence. It was very much like a growl, the crackling of a fire. And a hum; it reminded me of the way he responded to things without words. Hmmm.
All of it together was a magnetic song. I couldn’t help but listen. Let it lull me into a dream.
I wandered from the lesson for a moment to imagine what it would be like to just feel all of it pressed up against my chest. To embrace him and the heat he radiated.
I wanted to feel his fire whipping around me, not just the heat off him. To embrace a cascade of his flames. washing over me, engulfing me fully.
What would kissing Sasha be like? By the Goddess, the thought of drinking his fire until the persistent ice inside me melted was too tantalizing. If only I could just taste his breath inside my mouth… I wanted to look into his throat where I knew a flickering flame lie in wait. To explore it. Mmm.
It was like some deep ancestral memory was awakening. My breathing grew heavier. I swear to the goddess I heard his breath do the same. Except his breathing was punctuated by the rumbling crackle right under it. I knew he was in the same place I was.
I had to close my eyes and turn my head away from the heat coming off the words from his mouth. Because if I didn’t I would do something about it in that classroom—
I emerged from my other world, his voice having shaken me from my daydream. I looked back to him.
“Class is over,” he rumbled into my ear quietly, the hotness washing over my neck and face. I rubbed those intense thoughts from my brows but they lingered everywhere else. I inhaled deeply and set about gathering my stuff. My hands shook.
Something hot brushed down my arm as he got up to gather his things. I looked down to see his claw drifting away from it. I thought it was an accident until he glanced at me. He smiled faintly though his brows were intense.
“Let us go,” he said gently, nodding toward the door.
“Okay,” I said, my eyebrow raising in interest. I slipped my bag over my shoulder. When he turned toward the door, I touched the trail of burning scales where he’d run his finger. When I say I could not breathe… I covered my mouth, then just rubbed my face with both hands. I didn’t know what to do. Mercy.
Looking around, my peers were also preparing to leave, so I composed myself the best I could and followed Sasha through the doorway.
Dragontongue had been our last class of the day—”wow, you want that Dragontongue real bad huh?”Pam said— and it was time for us to part ways.
She chatted with Sasha, and I examined him while he was distracted.
I followed his gestures and mannerisms, wondering how he could weave such a spell over me that day. My behavior and my carefully curated facade were usually well under my control, perfected to give nothing away but pleasantness. But this dragon…
What I thought had been a perfect program was utterly interrupted. And the funny thing was, I wasn’t even mad at it. It was a break from the rigidity and monotony of my endless time at school. A break from my own reluctance to invite unknowns to myself, even those I desired. Like him.
For the first time in my life I thought ‘this is what the Sun must feel like to everyone else.’
From the moment I knew myself, my body had been cold. It was a point of contention between me, my parents and my Clan, all the Sun Clans. My mother was literally the leader of the Sun Dragons. And we, Sunscales, were Prime. Named directly after the Goddess.
People thought I was sickly. Anemic they called me. Even worse, some thought I was cursed. Most thought I wasn’t fit to be a leader in the future.
I did not let it stop me. I aimed for absolute perfection to stave off any doubt. Even at the expense of my own happiness sometimes.
My cold scales did not bother me. Although, at times, I wondered if I would be that way forever.
But now, I had felt Sasha’s warmth. This dragon had actually apologized in our first class for giving me the heat I never felt outside of putting my whole hand in a woodfire. It lingered in my scales as if they had drank it. They had awakened from a cold slumber.
I couldn’t go back.
I touched my arm that had been pressed against his, where his claw had grazed. Still hot to the touch. In fact everywhere he had breathed on, been near or looked at blazed. He had touched other things, shook hands with peers, finally, spoken to Pam, and none reacted as if he was exuding endless fire. Just me. Just for me.
“It has been a good day. You two have been so welcoming,” he said graciously. I was broken from my musings, realizing he was leaving. “I hope we continue to be friends during my time here.”
“For sure,” I said without hesitation, a little breathlessly. I didn’t want him to leave. He smiled warmly at me, almost in relief.
Pam smiled too. “Same,” she said. She began to rummage in her bag.
“It was nice to finally meet you,” he said softly to me. He put his hand out. I took it in mine. It was even hotter than before, unless I imagined it. I again put my other hand on top of his as if taking the warmth from it, to hold till later.
I don’t know what possessed me, but I let my thumb slide over the scales on the back of his hand. I didn’t even realize at first. But then I looked up and noticed Sasha was staring at me with his brow raised.
Gods, I could have died right there. Melted right into the floor and fallen into the void.
I almost pulled my hand in embarrassment, but he did not seem startled or upset. Instead Sasha placed his other hand atop mine. His face became intense for a moment, then softened. It seemed that neither of us wanted to let go. We did, though. The moment was brief, but it held much.
Pam, who had glanced up at us, had a barely concealed grin spreading over her face. She broke the spell that had drifted over us.
“Thank you for teaching us all that extra stuff about different dialects. I especially like that ridiculous word with the bricks,” she said, breaking the tense air.
Sasha shook his head as if clearing it. “Of course. I thought you might find that one amusing,” he said. He glanced at his phone, which had vibrated.
“You can lay your bricks on me anytime,” I mumbled to myself, still feeling the heaviness of that moment in my chest. I couldn’t help myself, saying that. I knew good and well it was provocative. I knew he might hear me. My mouth simply didn’t care. It was going to get me in trouble, I just knew it. I stared at my hand in wonder. It felt like fire had spread over it. What was he doing to me? Did he even realize that he was doing something? It didn’t seem like it.
In that same vein, Sasha didn’t say anything; he hadn’t been paying attention, I thought. Probably for the best. But then I heard him say something under his breath.
“Wow,” he whispered, silently laughing. I looked up at him. He covered his eyes, his shoulders shaking.
“Oh shit,” I said, covering my eyes as well.
Pam looked up. “What?” she asked, startled.
Sasha tried his best to keep a straight face, but it was impossible. He just laughed aloud then, a laugh that shook me to the core.
“Shut up,” I said, also laughing. I shielded my face in my hand as if I could hide from the embarrassment.
“I have said nothing,” he pointed out, his hands up.
“Please, please, let’s pretend I didn’t just say that shit,” I pleaded with him.
Pam’s eyes widened. “Oh my gods, what?”
“I will not say, Pam, yet I will never forget it,” Sasha said, smiling widely.
“What?” I replied, shocked.
“I will never forget it,” he repeated.
“By the Goddess Sasha. Are you serious?”
Sasha rubbed his eyes, still chuckling occasionally. “I am. Would you, if you were in my position?”
“Oh my gods,” I said weakly, still covering the side of my face.
Sasha patted his hand on his chest. “Gods, truly I needed today, desperately. It is no trouble to me, that you have said this. Certainly not. Unfortunately, I have a meeting to attend to, but we will discuss this permanent memory later, Leila Sunscale,” he said.
“Yeah, I bet,” I groaned, my voice shakey. I covered my face more. I was out of my mind, surely.
I heard Sasha begin to walk away, but his footsteps slowed. He hesitated, I guessed.
“Leila, do you have plans today?" he asked.
I looked up. He was looking at me expectantly. I couldn’t even say anything. I was still reeling from my ridiculous blunder. Now he wanted to see me! “What? I… umm—“
“No she doesn’t have plans,” Pam spoke up. Bless her.
Sasha smiled. “Perhaps we can speak of our project. I will find you later this evening as long as you are outside. I apologize for my abrupt departure but I must go.”
“Okay, cool,” I said. I rubbed my forehead.
He walked to the exit and looked back at me. “Perhaps we can build something later; I am not a bad mason, Leila Sunscale,” he said, chin raised. My mouth dropped. This dragon…
He let out a deep laugh and left. I watched him disappear through the doors of the hall, then followed him out. I saw a flash of red turn a corner into another building, vanishing from my sight.
"No he didn’t," I said in disbelief. "Did you hear what he just said?" I asked incredulously, gesturing toward his exit.
“What the hells did you say Leila?”
“I may have said a little something about bricks under my breath but his ass heard me. My gods.”
“Are you serious? Girrrrl," Pam said, shaking her head. “The gall on you.”
"Why did I say that? I must be crazy." I placed my hand over my forehead. Hot.
"I mean, he liked it," Pam said. "He thought it was funny. See, no harm done. If anything it sounds like Sasha has some business with you Leila," she teased.
I rubbed my face. I couldn't believe that I had run my mouth like that. In the other hand, I was pleased to have been so reckless. It had led me down this path. My scales prickled despite my embarrassment. Why should I feel bad now? He took my accidental flirtations as an invitation. And wasn’t that what I wanted?
Pam’s demeanor softened.
“Hey, for weeks you’ve been talking about how attracted you are to him. He turned out to be super nice, and he has a sense of humor, too. I like him. Fate is smiling on you again.”
"You sound like my mother," I noted.
“That's 'cause she's always right, isn’t she?" Pam pointed out, brow raised.
“Fine… She is,” I conceded. She would have said those words. In truth I had heard her say them many times.
Resigned to my fate, I stepped into the quad with Pan. I walked into a shaft of sunlight and sat on the bench it spilled onto, the Sun’s rays warming me. I closed my eyes against them, basking.
“I may as well go study while I wait for him. I can’t believe this is happening,” I remarked.
“Well believe it. Your bricklayer is seeing you today,” Pam teased.
“Pam, for real?” I remarked, opening my eyes.
“What? Come on. We can both go study.” Pam hugged me. She looked puzzled though.
“Leila. You feel hot. You never run hot. You’re not having a stroke are you?” she asked, alarmed.
“No. That’s just because he sat next to me the whole day,” I revealed. And breathed on me, leaned on me… I shut my eyes, wishing I had lied.
Pam nodded, not noticing my apprehension. “Oh okay. That makes sense. We did just get out of class. I didn’t know fire dragons were like that just idly,” she mused. “Let’s get on out of here.”
I wanted to tell her what I really felt. But I was sure it would sound crazy. Maybe I would after I met him and spoke to him. Privately.

We walked together through the courtyard. I glanced through the windows of various buildings looking for red scales moving in the halls. I saw nothing, of course.
We ended up going to the library. The room was large and made of ironwood. Small nooks with tables were tucked away amongst large shelves full of tomes.
We chose a table with a window next to it.
I studied as attentively as I could, trying to occupy my mind. But I could not stop seeing Sasha in my vision. Pam gave up trying to get me to engage in conversations with her. Instead I studied for the assignment in Dragonology on my laptop, and daydreamed.

“It’s getting late. You don’t know when Sasha will be looking for you.” Pam said, shaking me from my focus.
The light from the windows had waned somewhat, giving way to the Sun readying for slumber.
“Oh, right. I was deep into this essay here. I wish I had borrowed his books and saved my eyes,” I said, rubbing them.
Pam yawned as we packed our things, hefting her bag up. “I’m going to head home. Tell me how everything goes. Tell me if y’all build a house!”
“Pam!” I gasped. “Oh my gods.”
“Love you! Bye!” Pam called, rushing off.

I strolled around the grounds reading a book, looking up at the Sun every once in a while. But I didn’t spot Sasha anywhere. I hoped that I had not missed him. I had studied a bit longer than I intended.
Eventually I sat on a bench to wait. I would wait until dusk settled. And if he didn’t show I would see him the following day. It was not as if we had exchanged our numbers.
I pulled out my notebook full of writings, poetry, doodles. It was just one volume from a collection of filled books over the duration of my life, where I pressed flowers of my heart through its pages.
Before I could put pen to paper, I paused.
I put away my old faithful journal and pulled out a new one in deep red. It was not a coincidence by any stretch. I had stared at it on the shelves of an art store until I gave in and bought it.
I hadn’t written one thing in it since. After all, I hadn’t known him, and didn’t want to write only about his appearance. I wanted to know what he was made of. Now, having met Sasha, the red book was begging for ink.
So I let myself fall into a rhythm. So many elements of Sasha had revealed themselves to me that day: this dragon’s voice, his heat, his mannerisms. The words he said, the way he said them, his sense of humor hidden under all that seriousness.
I searched my brain and gathered up all my own words, sifted through them. I wrote a few things here and there, but nothing like what I wanted.
I looked up toward the Sun for some bit of inspiration, and my breath caught. A red form flew in front of it, wings beating. Seeing Sasha framed in that circle of fire was more than I could have hoped for. I stared up at him flying until he stopped, scanning for something.
The moment of inspiration I had been searching for was right there. I spoke aloud what I had and wrote it as swiftly as my claws could move:
“A dragon in a Circle. An Inferno wrapped in the Sun A scarlet vision framed in fire A cloud of embers in the Goddess’s hands She Holds all of him out toward me The gift of a flame within a flame “
I dropped my pen and covered my mouth in embarrassment. “Oh my gods what am I writing?” I asked myself. I stared at the words.
I turned my head to read them as if a new perspective would make them less mortifying.
“Hmm,” I muttered. “Needs some work but…’A flame within a flame.’ That’s some good shit.”
I looked back up. Sasha’s gaze swept over me then away. I waved my arm up at him, bangles jangling, hoping he saw me so he wouldn’t be looking all around all day.
When Sasha looked back in my direction he stopped where he was. He descended slowly until he locked eyes with me. My heart pounded again. It was driving me up the wall, the anxiety. Or rather anticipation. I pressed my hand to my chest watching him grow closer. His wings were huge, blocking out the Sun.
I had been staring at Sasha from a distance since he had arrived, his very first day. He was imposing, the way he had entered my classes, but exceptionally polite. I had been silently competing with him since laying eyes on his grades.
Now the distance was finally closed after my nervousness had kept me away. I folded my notebook shut and stood as Sasha landed with a woosh of air.
I looked upon him not as a mysterious figure in the back of class but as a new friend. More. I couldn’t help but smile when he straightened his already straight clothes as he moved toward me.
He smiled right back at me, chin raised.
“Leila,” he said.
“Sasha. Hey,” I replied.
“So,” he said, “you spoke of bricks earlier,” he teased.
My mouth dropped again. This dragon…
“You aren’t letting that go are you?” I asked.
“Never. Even if nothing ever came of it, I would never forget.”
“By the gods,” I muttered.
“I am not complaining,” he clarified.
My eyes widened. Then it occurred to me that he had insinuated something would come of it. Goddess, I felt my own fire sweep across my cheeks. I was so flustered I covered my mouth with the heel of my palm letting my claws settle over my cheek. I couldn’t stop the motion fast enough.
Sasha laughed good naturedly. Sweetly, even. “I will stop teasing. For now,” he said.
“For now?” I repeated past my palm.
“For now.”
I lowered my hand. “You are a trip, do you know that?” I said, raising my eyebrow. Even though I had been nervous, actually talking to him made me feel like meeting all his words head on.
He gestured for me to walk beside him without answering. I did. I almost took his arm again, so I clutched my notebook to my chest to keep my hands in check. We didn’t say much as we walked along the quad together.
Some students were staring at us as we walked. I suppose we made quite the pair together.
“It appears we are a bit of a spectacle,” he muttered to himself curiously, agreeing with my thoughts.
I couldn’t help stealing glances at him every once in a while.
His posture was impecable. He held his left hand behind his back. The other lingered in front of his chest as if ready for something. I didn’t know how else to describe it. It was interesting, that pose; deliberate. I saw that he had rings on his fingers as well. I had not noticed them before. They were red like his scales, rough hewn. The overall pose made him seem so stately.
I couldn’t quite describe his expression. It was both intense and peaceful all at once.
He caught me staring one time, though. He was looking right at me when I peeked. I turned away and put a hand to my face. I hoisted up my bag.
“Here,” he said.
I turned back. “Here what?” I asked.
He put his hand out to me, gesturing toward my bag. I stopped walking.
“Oh. Okay. Such a gentleman,” I said, a smile playing on my face, impressed. He chuckled to himself, accepting my compliment.
I slipped my bag from my shoulder, and he took it to hold on his elbow. We started walking again. I didn’t care after that; I looked at him openly, a little bit enamored.
‘Ok Mr. Sasha Emberscale. I see you,’ I thought.
submitted by lakija to lakija [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:00 BlueArchiveMod Daily Questions Megathread June 02, 2024

Daily Questions Megathread June 02, 2024

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2024.06.02 03:59 bohospecs It’s one mountain after another isn’t it.

We’ve been seeking diagnosis since about summer of 22. Sedated mri, eeg, 7 appointments with 3 doctors. We got it. Level 2. Woop-de-doo, I can read the diagnostic criteria I’ve known for a while.
I assumed we would be connected with therapies but no. I got a list of places I can call that “mostly have long wait lists” I have one intake appointment at the end of June and nobody else of 6 has called or emailed back. Most of them are in our local major city one county over and 30 - 40 minutes from our home.
It seems most local help is through the school district and it’s summer break. I also don’t know if I trust the school system because I disagree with their pedagogy (sit down do this worksheet. I don’t care if you want to read a book or learn about penguins were learning about volcanoes today, etc. ) and I’m terrified of something happening to my son he can’t tell me about while he is there. When he’s upset or hurt he loses most of his communication. Anything from a teacher that’s frequently impatient or snide to him being hurt in secret I may not find out until he’s older if I find out at all. Also this is the school district I went to and unless things have changed it was not a kind culture for sped students from my perspective.
Disclaimer: this is a vent. I am thankful for the fact my son can talk and or communicate most of the time. I love him I just don’t feel like I’m enough to help him. I’m a nurse not a SLP or behavioral therapist or OT/PT. I’m smart and I can learn, but there’s only so much time in the day.
submitted by bohospecs to Autism_Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:58 No-Tie4700 Why are OT's consistently not following day plans?

I have had to take off after 5 weeks of an LTO Grade 1/2. I have a specific reading block where my ESL students were given books to read with partners. I had on chart paper sight words to get students to write sentences. We are heading into read assessment week and I want my class to catch up on certain areas. I was told this Teacher came in for me and was given math work from my neighbour teacher which was fine. Not only did she not follow the day plans again, she left some book from our library in the room, gave very easy work to the kids about building a tree fort...left no end of day note for me. She found some work not yet used I had set in a corner of the room and used was not challenging materials also. I never saw a copy of my plans left anywhere. Maybe the OA did not print it for her? The students told me they did all their Math which was acceptable however she covered up all kinds of assessments I left there also. So I asked around who this Teacher was and they just said she was bounced around all week and part of the day she was helping out in other classes. I would understand if she is used to dealing with other classes but what stood out to me was once I told her before she covered for me there was no way kids would be using chromebooks after losing them for behaviours, I walked in later on and they were all on them! OA told me maybe she had a misunderstanding...
I understand some teachers are just trying to survive now but my detailed plans should have been recognized. This is part of our collective agreement no? I would never ask the Principal if it was the same person because I am not hiring them and I do think she has her qualifications but still, it sort of messed up a couple of things I needed to get done this week. If it were me, I would have at least taken out the book she brought in and checked off what got done. Was I expecting too much?
submitted by No-Tie4700 to CanadianTeachers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:14 Heztia02 My Bf (26) nag aya kumain sa labas then sabay sabi send niya na lang online yung payment pag uwi namin.

I just need some words from you guys
Hi everyone! I'm F22 full time college student and Bf 26, working (wh). In college ako pero 'di ko naman makakaila na laging enough ang money ko kasi nagiipon ako from my allowance and generous din mom ko sa pag aabot ng allowance. Nag ka work na rin ako before so I have exp sa work and cash management. And besides, pag ako nanghihiram or pa spot sa kanya binabayaran ko agad kapag kaya ko na mag bayad tska nagreremind ako. Pinapraxtice ko yung ganun behavior para sana nakikita niya from me, gagawin niya rin.
So yun nga, minsan lang si Bf mag aya lumabas and may mga times na pag nangyari yun (hindi kasi siya ma cash na tao, nasa online banking siya) pinapa-spot niya muna sa'kin tas sabay sabi na babayaran na lang niya once makauwi kami. Which is okay lang naman sa'kin.
Nahihiya lang ako na singilin siya right after ganon, it turns out hindi na niya nababayaran. Idk kung nakakalimutan niya lang ba or sinasadya. Ako na lang nahihiya magsabi. Part of me lang parang nadedegrade. Alam niyo yun? Siya nag aya kumain sa labas tas it turns out ako rin ulit gumastos.
Nahhurt lang ako sa ganon. Atska ganon ba kadali makalimot na gf mo nag bayad sa pag labas niyo na at the first place ikaw nag aya? Kasi for me it's not about the money, yung idea lang na siya yung nag aya tas ako magbabayad tas nakakalimutan na lang niya bigla shinoulder ko pala yun.
Ang hirap lang sa part ko kasi kahit college pa lang ako syempre gusto ko rin nag iipon for my own expense. It hurts lang na never ko narinig sa kanya yung thoughts na "Wag kana gumastos kasi alam ko naman sa parents mo lang din nang gagaling allowance mo and and madami ka rin binabayaran from your course" hindi naman sa malaki expectation ko, is just that yung thoughts man lang never niya nasabi sa'kin.
Alam ko naman na breadwinner siya, may mga times lang na feeling ko to be with him I have to spend a lot of money. Kasi super maalahanin ako na ayaw ko siyang gumagastos ng malaki sa'min kasi mas gusto ko sa family niya mapunta.
submitted by Heztia02 to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:11 Intrepid-Road-9022 Coworker dealings

I (35F) work for a small startup firm as a consulting engineer. I work in a satellite office with 3 other part time employees: a Boomer, Gen X, and a Gen Z part-time student. We all get along well and navigate each other’s quirks. When I started a few years ago, I had no guidance or training—just a sink or swim situation, as that is how our firm is set up. It was terrifying and I was often anxious, especially since I worked alone most of the time, except for our part-time Gen Z student worker. They are 20, hardworking, and a genuinely nice person. Over time, I became their informal supervisor, delegating tasks as needed because her official manager just isn’t good at delegating. In addition, her position was created, as the company had never had a student worker.
Being a millennial, I’ve always been relaxed and chill with this student worker. They’re eager to help and always do what I ask. Together, we created our office’s first student worker policy/protocol manual.
Here's the problem: I’ve gotten too close to the student worker—not romantically, but in a big sister way. They helped reduce my anxiety when I first started, and we’ve grown to be more like friends, sharing personal info. Neither of us has a ton of friends, so we bonded. Inappropriate, I know, but our firm is laid back and projects get done.
Recently, though, they’ve developed a “know-it-all” attitude and become strongly opinionated. They voice opinions on my personal experiences, and it’s starting to irk me. They even try to gaslight me into believing I said things I didn’t—nine times out of 10, they ultimately misconstrued previous things I may have said. They’re not majoring in a STEM field and seem to act like they’re “above” my field because of their major. It’s weird and cringey. Whenever I try to mentor them about real-world scenarios, they shut me down as if they have it all figured out. It feels like they’ve lost respect for me.
I know I should have kept things more professional and not gotten so personal. While I’m not their formal supervisor, I should have maintained boundaries. Any advice on how to approach this going forward? Our firm is laid back and small, so this doesn’t impact work quality or delivery. I’m just fed up with the behavior but don’t want to come off as cold or harsh.
submitted by Intrepid-Road-9022 to Adulting [link] [comments]