Welrod for sale

Pics of people trying to sell their mirrors

2018.03.22 21:32 jloy88 Pics of people trying to sell their mirrors

Shitpost sub of people posting mirrors with themselves in it.

2018.03.21 23:24 CannibalVegan Gun Accessories for Sale

MODERATORS WILL NOT ASK FOR YOUR ACCOUNT INFO FOR ANY REASON. USE COMMON SENSE. This subreddit is dedicated to the legal sale of firearm related accessories and add-ons that are not banned by Reddit Policy. It was created after the Feb 2018 unannounced rule change and subsequent blanket ban of innocent gun-specific communities.

2011.06.24 19:36 Domain_Mod Buy and Sell Domain Names

Buy and Sell Domain Names List domain names for sale; please don't post articles or questions. For general domain related discussions, visit /Domaining or other subs meant for that sort of thing. Please read our rules before posting.

2023.08.20 11:11 cuttino_mowgli Sniper Elite 4: A very good game ruined by questionable DLCs and half baked multiplayer.

I finished the campaign for Sniper Elite 4, didn't know this series until I saw some youtube videos about shooting Nazi testicles and other gruesome xray shot.
I bought the game last steam sale and I was hooked! First I played normal, because that's how I want to play most games and then learned that wind direction isn't turned off on that difficulty so I turn it up to hard. Let me say that it was awesome to learn how wind can affect bullet trajectory. If I have the time I can revisit the campaign and turn it to hard core to see if I learn a lot from my playtime on hard.
The campaign has 8 missions and each missions have objectives you need to fulfill. The game let's you use your creativity on how to handle the entire mission and the objective. You can play the game as your standard shooter guns blazing, or you can play it with stealth and deception or just snipe the enemies off the map. This is the type of assassination game that I thought hitman was going to be. Don't get me wrong hitman is fine the issue I have with hitman is it's more of a puzzler than action. Hitman has more downtime of waiting for this certain NPCs to react while sniper elite's downtime is up to you before springing into action again.
Hitman gameplay is you exploring other piece of the puzzle in the area and you have to know how to fit those puzzle piece together, whereas Sniper elite is "here's all of the puzzle pieces! Do what you want but you need to finish it." You get what I'm saying.
Overall I'm impressed with the gameplay. The story is okay, I guess. I'm more invested on shooting Nazis in the testicles and right through their eye socket that the story.
The only complain I have with the game is the monetization. There 7 rifles, 6 SMGs and 6 pistols to choose for your loadout. Why there are guns that I have to pay with my own money just to unlock it? And when I saw the steam store page of the game, they're also selling gun skins as DLC! I mean why?! This game feels like it was published by paradox. I get that you have some DLC for extra missions but why the guns skins and other types of guns that should be included in the base game? I finished the entire campaign without changing my loadout to spingfield, thompson and welrod. So why the game is stopping me from using other guns? I'm also not aware that there's a skill tree on this game until I get to mission 6. I also don't know why there's a "rank" of some sort. Maybe that's for the multiplayer and for achievement hunters but overall I don't care.
Now let's talk about multiplayer. It's awful. There's a reason why most multiplayer FPS shooters are on 1st person and not on 3rd person. There's a lot of hackers and cheaters on MP that once I joined a quick game of deathmatch and after 5 deaths in a row against an enemy I can't see I just quit. I really don't know what's the point of MP on this game when the devs should focus on giving extra missions or an expansion.
Overall, A good game that has an awful monetization that I thought this game wasn't self publish by the devs themselves.
Edit: Supposed to be shooter not FPS lol
submitted by cuttino_mowgli to patientgamers [link] [comments]

2023.04.25 17:30 Ceeg-SIG Marauders Update - The United Allies

Greetings, Marauders!

It has been a while since our last update, but we have been working hard, creating what has become our BIGGEST content update yet! Welcome to the United Allies Update! We had many focus points that we wanted to address this time around, including creating more “space” mechanics to keep the ship to ship combat spicy, as well as rewarding. We also wanted to transform how you play Marauders over a longer period of time, allowing us to add a wealth of content like ‘Tournaments’, which you will learn about later in this document. With all of this, AND adding new faction enemies, The United Allies, and their Colony Cruiser, we are confident that you will have more content to keep you entertained on those cold lonely nights among the stars.
Before I send you on this journey of discovery through the Patch Notes, a quick update on our Anti-Cheat!
We’ve been having a lot of success with our new Anti-Cheat implementations, catching and reporting with a high success rate. So now, it’s time to turn on the Auto Ban feature of this tool. For the last few months throughout testing, we were manually banning those caught, but with full confidence, we believe it’s time to move forward with Auto Banning. - Mac
And now, on to the Patch Notes!

Known Issues

Full Patch notes below:




















To celebrate the United Allies Update, Marauders is currently on SALE on Steam (20% off!), so if you haven’t joined us yet, now is the time!
That was a lot to get through. You’ll probably have to go read it again to catch everything, or you know, go play Marauders! Get out there and start earning your loot, Space Pirates! As always, if you encounter any issues/bugs after the update is live, please use the Support section in our Discord or the in-game Bug report option to get in touch with our team. We appreciate you taking the time to report issues as it helps us find and fix them as fast as possible.
Thanks for coming on this journey with us! See you out there!
- Ceeg
submitted by Ceeg-SIG to MaraudersGame [link] [comments]

2023.01.08 18:55 bearosky [SALE] Moving Sale!

Hi there! I will be moving within a few months and I wanted to consolidate my collection a bitand find new homes for some figures! Shipping is included for every figure EXCEPT the 2 bunnies. US only please. Sales will be done through Paypal goods & services. Prices are negotiable, but please be reasonable! Thank you so much for looking :D
Pictures: https://postimg.cc/gallery/LJTjLQY
DISCLAIMER: only the items listed below are for sale, thank you!
Rindou Kobayashi 1/4 Bunny Figure - Good condition - $700
Kurisu Makise 1/4 Bunny Figure - Good condition - $700
Futaba Sakura 1/7 by Phat Company - Good condition, all parts included! - $230
Welrod MK II 1/7 by GSC - Good condition - $200
Sawamura Spencer Eriri 1/7 by Max Factory - She is missing the pen that she holds in her hand, but all other parts are included. Good condition as well - $200
Rou Chenfa 1/8 by GSC - Good condition. - $220
Please message me with any questions or offers!
submitted by bearosky to AnimeFigures [link] [comments]

2022.07.31 00:22 AmethystBlackscale Suggestion: Add DLC weapons to the shooting range without having to purchase them.

Its a simple suggestion, but by adding the current (and upcoming) DLC weapons to the gun racks in the shooting range level would be a great way to have a little try before you buy, sure you're only putting digital holes in digital paper, rather than digital holes in digital nazis. but being able to trial the new weapons out, and seeing what customisations are on offer for them, would be a great way for people to decide on if they want to spring for the DLC or give it a miss.

EG. the IRL delisle is cool as hell, but in SE5 that niche for me is already taken up by the welrod for ultimate quiet, and a custom P08 with a optic to deal with the mid range (upto 100M) stuff, so its hard to flat out say if i would find it useful or not. (not like in SE4 where practically unlimited suppressed ammunition made the delisle DLC a priority buy)

same with the PPSH really, cant see that doing anything the thompson doesn't already do, but worse. As in, the 71 round drum is smaller than the 100, the damage will likely be lower due to 7.62 vs .45ACP, soviet iron sights aren't usually great and due to the built in muzzle brake i have a feeling you wont be able to add muzzle attachments like the type 100. so the only way i feel i could be persuaded to get the PPSH would be if: it could mount a optical sight, have a faster reload than the thompson, and a more favourable recoil pattern for longer range combat.

though as i cant have a fiddle round with the weapon without buying the DLC its probably just going to get filed in the 'not interested' pile, but if i could give the new weapons a trial run on the range, that way i might be able to find a niche for it. but without the ability to try before you buy, probably wont buy as there's already weapons in the base game that can do what the DLC weapons do just as well (unless this is a zombie army 4 thing, where the DLC stuff is way better than the base game stuff, the springfield in ZA4 just ruins anything you point it at, to the point that once i maxed it out and removed the super headshot rounds could pretty much just one-shot the majority of enemies with it.)

But having access to the weapons and customisation so you can spend a little time trying out a few different builds before buying the DLC and deciding if you'll actually want to use the weapon (like i barely use the type 100, just cos its missing a suppressor option, if the PPSH was in the same boat as i suspect id pass on it), and with there being workbenches in the shooting range, that gives you the option of at least looking at the stats and potential upgrades.

though if this cant be done without breaking something, just putting the weapons in the customisation menu in a way where you can look at the customisation would be a good compromise, sure not as good as a test fire on the shooting range, but looking at the customisation options and the stats should give you a idea on how the weapon will perform in the field. At least better than the current descriptions of a stealthy D.L. Carbine rifle and powerful PPSH Submachine gun.

Anyways ramble over, just thought it would be a simple way to boost DLC sales, and while you could have a look on youtube at the performance of it, being able to build it up in the way you'd use it, (I usually go for max zoom and max power on a rifle to get those lazy one hit body shots, though i know a few players who go all in on control and use their sniper rifle like a modern carbine with the whole missmissmiss, HIT, next target strategy that works great with the M1 carbine) and maybe get to test fire it on the shooting range would be a fantastic addition to the game.

TL:DR: please add DLC weapons to the shooting range before you buy the DLC, or at least let us see the stats and customisation options in the loadout screen on the main menu so we have a idea of what were buying before spending money on it.
submitted by AmethystBlackscale to sniperelite [link] [comments]

2022.05.07 13:59 DrFGHobo Question regarding SE 4's "The Best Of The Best Of The Best" achievement on Steam

Hello there.
After playing SE4 on PlayStation, I also pulled the trigger (pun intended) on the game during the last sale on Steam.
And finally, with a lot of sneaking and liberal use of the Welrod, I actually got through the campaign on Authentic Plus without using any manual saves.
However, neither "The Best Of The Best" nor "The Best Of The Best Of The Best" achievement were unlocked.
Is it bugged? Do I have to do something else besides the main objectives for it to pop? Also, do I have to do all missions to 100% completion (which would be interesting given some objectives are time-based)?
submitted by DrFGHobo to sniperelite [link] [comments]

2020.09.24 03:29 FilipeREP My review of Sniper Elite 3: Afrika

Sniper Elite 3: Afrika is one of my favorite games, and one of the best sniper games ever made. The main strength of SE3 is the sniper killcam but goes way beyond that (like shooting Hitler in the nuts). The graphics and soundtrack are incredible and immersive, and sometimes you just have to take a moment to appreciate the beauty of your surroundings. Hell, just to have a bright sun in a WWII game instead of the old dark and gloomy European setting cliché is already a great thing. The protagonist is a reminiscent of those old WWII action comics and he really resembles Rick O'Connell from The Mummy (which explains The Strange Brigade, but I digress) and the story is straight to the point.
In an Era where people confuse length with depth and complexity with intelligence, a straight to the point approach is more than welcome. You are American volunteer Karl Fairburne, a deep-voiced Rough&Tough sniper, tasked by British Naval Intelligence to track down a German general planning the unleashing of a project aimed at pushing the Allies well over Suez; and there is nothing wrong with that.
What first caught my attention to this game was the presence of Italian soldiers. It is not well known for the ordinary audience that most manpower for the Axis in the Northern African campaign was provided by the Royal Italian Army, and their casualties in North African and East African campaigns - killed, wounded, missing and prisoners of war - totaled in excess of 350,000 men. Their German allies belatedly acknowledged this with the redesignation of Panzerarmee Afrika as 1st Italian Army in February 1943, with General Giovanni Messe - the best Italian general of the war - coming from the Soviet Union to command this force.
The Italian soldiers act and fight like their German counterparts in the game too. Those are divided in Grunts, Elites and Officers; the grunts are ordinary soldiers that will patrol and defend around the map; the elites are paratroopers that see further, are tougher and shoot better (causing more damage), and the officers are equipped with binoculars and have better vision. Those enemies have three states - idle, searching and attacking - that are clearly demonstrated and explained in-game. Their AI, unfortunately, is inconsistent and sometimes they will be completly oblivious to your presence when you are right next to them and, at others, they will spot you from all over the map. They are really sensitive to sound and will follow a noise to its very source, even if bellow floors or because you runned a little from all the way over a chasm; so prepare to walk mostly crouched. But make no mistake, they're deadly in numbers and even advance leap-froggin by fire and movement.
To overcome those soldiers, you have your rifle, a submachine gun (or a Panzerschreck) and a pistol (you will mostly stick to your Welrod anyway), and booby-traps.
The missions in SE3 are mostly stealthy with a mix of open and linear routes that present you with many avenues of approach (snipe while masking the sound, placing mines in patrol routes, attract enemies with sound and kill them etc). While not that hard per se, you'll spend hours looking for collectibles like diaries, cards and weapon pieces; those pieces allow you to customize your rifle to your liking with scopes, triggers and muzzles. Your objectives may be to blow something up, to kill someone in order to get a document or to rescue your friend Brauer. The maps really immerse you in those exotic stories of Wunderwaffen, with Allied soldiers being tortured in German blood-stained interrogation dungeons, stalking the enemy as if they were prey and action-packed commando raids. Amid all that you may be hunted down by counter-snipers wearing guillie suits or face minibosses in the form of tanks or reaction forces coming out of trucks. Sometimes the game presents some shooting galleries for you to let off your frustation on some happiless soldiers.
The killcam never gets old and I cheer at every well-placed shot. One of the coolest effects is the one-second silence before your bullet breaks an enemy's sniper scope just like in Saving Private Ryan.
This game is not all roses, though. SE3 has some serious technical problems, and I lost count of how many times I had to check my files or how many times I got disconnected from the multiplayer. Multiplayer itself is a double-edged sword with the competitive multiplayer being its weakest link. There are 5 modes but only Team Deathmatch and Capture the Flag have any resemblance of what fun is and the gameplay itself is not dinamic enough for the many ribbons and medals the MP game offers (which is made worse by the streaks being restricted to individual games and not as an overall grinding); and it is really clear the competitive MP was shoehorned in a later stage and without some serious thought - as the lack of characters to choose makes painfully obvious.
You have a vast array of weapons to chose, my favorites being the Carcano and Type 99 rifles, plus my favorite SMG - the MAB38 - or the Polish Błyskawica SMG, but I really missed French weapons and the lack of French mentions in this game, with only a loading screen poster showing French colonial troops and the mention of Operation Torch in Hitler's mission, pointing to a massive oversight on Rebellion's part. Three additional MP characters were added and not one of them is a Foreign Légionnaire with képi blanc and khaki shorts - inexcusable in a war game set in Africa. At least one mission with you helping the beleaguered French in Bir Hakeim would be in order.
In the campaign mode Brauer doesn't do anything and even in the mission he is supposed to act as your spotter he only spots literally one single German soldier right at the start of the mission and then disappears completely. Vehicles instantly spot you, which is nonsensical (tankers can barely see what happens outside), and denies you the ability to surprise them from behind. The game does not show you which weapon parts did you get and, if you miss one, you have to do it all over again until you find it. There are also some cheap shots by the Devs with soldiers sprouting from the ground on top of you and the LRDG section was really broken in Authentic.
But SE3 has strengths outweighting its weaknesses. You can play the story in Coop, which is a more combat-driven experience and feels almost like a different game, changing the pace and being really, really fun. There are also special missions for Coop where one acts as the sniper and the other as the spotter. Survival is a horde mode that, while punishing in single player, is really fun in Coop (I missed the Italians, though). The game also has DLCs with new missions, like Grey Fox, that is pure fanservice and the three missions about Churchill, plus more equipment. If you buy this game do it with the Season Pass and all DLCs - if you can get it on sale, it's even better - and find a friend to play with you until you are good enough to tackle Authentic by yourself. This mode is mostly about memorizing patrol patterns and sniping distances. While hard, it is really satisfying to beat. This game needs better polish but it more than rewards the player.
If you liked my review, please give it a thumbs up on Steam.
submitted by FilipeREP to sniperelite [link] [comments]

2019.10.29 04:15 Ionascrub Answered Questions from GFL's November Twitter and FB Q&A

Waifu is finally coming \o/
Link to Twitter Q&A
Link to FB Q&A
Questions about dates (release dates, schedules, etc.)
Question Answer
Q: At this rate, when is the projected year that we will be catching up with older servers? A: We will first reach the point where we are just 1 or 2 big events behind before deciding if we will fully catch up with older servers.
Q: Does the Swimsuit Packages event mentioned in the November roadmap include the re-supply banner or only the Gem packages? A: Just the 3 packages missing from the original banner (aka AK-12, AN-94 and MP7). (In a similar question, the swimsuit packages were stated to be released along with Singularity)
Q: When are we getting Uzi's outfit? A: In the beginning, we planned to include her costume in another casual wear banner, but no such banner has been out since then, so we are looking for alternative ways now.
Q: When are you going to give a voice to M200 ? or is she mute ? A: She didn't make it into the recent batch, but we will definitely voice her later.
Q: Will sangvis ferri dolls be available anytime in the near future? A: I'm afraid that I don't have any relevant information at hand. If this feature ever gets released, it will drop in older servers first.
Q: Ak-12 & AN, Ik they’re releasing soon in November, any specific date tho? A: Actually second half, on the same day Singularity drops.
Q: so when was the last time that a Name change card was sold? And when is it expected to be sold again? A: The interval should be several months at least.
Q: Is DJMAX collab going to happen after Singularity or continuum turbulence? A: It can come before or after CT.
Q: Can we hope to have a rerun to get Noel and Elphelt? A: Unfortunately, I don't think we have any plan for a rerun in the near future.
Q: Are there any plans for a rate-up for ak12 and an94? A: Yes, there will be a rate-up for them.
Q: Will there be a logistic Rate-up before Singularity? A: Unlikely
Q: will there be a Rate Up for AK12 and AN94 upon release or close after same like P90? A: It will be like P90's pattern.
Q: When will 5-7 most likely be brought back? A: I'd say the chance of her coming back in Singularity is 50-50, since she's been getting a rerun in more than half of the big events.
Q: Tentative next round of new Doll VAs? A: No ETA yet.
Q: When will we see Js9? Will the bingo event be close or really far A: It will probably take a while
Q: Will the 1st anniversary icons be sale again one day? Didn't know those icon will be gone after the event. A: I believe it will become obtainable again later.
Q: 1. Does intellegence Center and Garage will be opened soon? 2. Are there double monthy gem again at November? A: 1. They are for the HOC units which come along with the major event COntinuum Turbulence. 2. Unlikely.
Q: Any plan for when the next batch of new shotguns will be released? A: Probably within this year.
Q: Are you planning to add the Hanyang Type88 outfit event? A: Yes, we do.
Q: When M1918 Bar Digimind upgrade available?? A: Unlikely to be any time soon.
Q: Will the yukata and Christmas dress for kalina be available to get again? I missed the chance to get them and I want to know if I can get a chance to obtain them in the future. A: Unfortunately, the chance is not that hight. Many of her costumes are unlikely to get a rerun.
Q: Would there be an exp up before singularity or when christmas comes? Thx in advance. A: There will probably be an exp-up before Singularity.
Q: Have you already decided, what event will be next after Singularity - Djmax collab or CT? A: I think we will make the decision after Singularity.
Q: Will there be Furball Academy gatcha in the near future? A: Unlikely to be any time soon.
Q: How often are you going to release new digimind upgrade to the EN server? A :More like 2-3 months at least, and the Singularity batch is still considered a valid batch since a lot of the players will go for it.
Q: Any ETA for deep dive being permanently added to campaign? A :Unlikely to be any time soon, since it usually takes more than half a year for an event to become permanent.
Q: Will the seasonal event furniture like the drum and microphone ever return? A: I think most of them are unlikely to have a rerun.
Gameplay related questions
Question Answer
Q: Is being unable to move your tdolls to nodes a known issue? Seems to occur when I zoom in or out in planning mode, or similar; makes it bring up the node details instead if i tap one. A: Yes, we have received some similar reports so far. The devs are working on the cause of it, so hopefully there will be a solution later.
Q: 1. how's the index translation going? 2. when swapping dolls from different echelons they seem to always reset to position 1 when its not occupied, is this intentional? A: 1. We may need some more time since we have been prioritizing the new client and Singularity. 2. It's not intentional, and as far as I know the devs are working on it.
Q: any chance the memory leak will be fixed soon? A: We are trying to fix the memory leak as soon as we can, as it does affect many players' gameplay, however, it's unlikely to be fixable through hotfix, and we may need to wait for a client update.
Q: AN-94 and AK-12 will be event only or are gonna been added to the construction pool? A: They will be permanently added to the production pool.
Q: Will the EN client be available to all regions in the play store in the future? A: We do have plans to release the game in more countries, but I can't reveal any details now.
Q: Will there be any fragments package purchasable or gifted when singularity drops? Seems like a lot of skk's are complaining about not being able to or didn't farm frags when the mod function dropped. A: Singularity itself will give 1000+ fragments, and there might be some fragment packages as well, but that depends
Q: 1) could you guys make it possible to use combat reports to reach X level instead of manually pumping hundreds of combat reports one by one? 2) how about auto resupply when passing by a heliport (with auto resupply on) and/or an option to chose "resupply" manually in planning mode? 3) any chance to have a "order by repair time" option in the repair bay? A: 1-3: I don't think we have any similar plan so far, but I will add them to the suggestion list. (Another similar suggestion was to add a +10 gift button which was also acknowledged)
Q: is it possible to receive all the "clean X-Y quests" rewards if you already cleaned the proper node? it is just a "check if player has bronze medal on X-Y" to retroactively award the completation and would spare thousands of players the dull task A: I think this part will remain as it is right now.
Q: Can we suggest to have a switch on each T-doll to turn on/off skill cut-in animation individually rather than the current global setting. I mean I’d like my IWS2000 show her cut-in animation in an battle, other support HGs don’t. Hope you can pass this wish to tech-team for a consideration. A: I will definitely do that (pass on the suggestion), but I'm not sure if this will be possible.
Q: Since now we can swap t-dolls between echelons, when can we do the same to fairy? A: I'm sorry but I don't have relevant information at hand.
Q: Do you actually plan on balancing dolls so that more than a third of them would be useful ? A: Some underpowered dolls are getting buff via neural upgrade and some is getting exclusive equipment to boost their stats. Plus we just have a skill rework for some bamboo RFs. I'd say certain types of re-balance is always possible.
Q: Would it be possible to someday get manually aimable grenade skills? Somewhat annoying that sometimes grenades, specially flashbangs go to absolute waste by being thrown at a single enemy that is dead by the time the grenade hits, when there is a whole army nagging at my echelon. A: I don't think we have a similar plan for that right now.
Q: Would we still have the Backtrack mechanic? A: No, the backtrack will be removed.
Q: Any way to turn off the simulation repeat popup as-well as the quick production timer? A: I will suggest an option to turn off the combat sim repeat, but the quick production pop up will not automatically show up upon you entering the factory. It's probably caused by a double-tapping.
Q: Would you guys ever want to add a 1v1 pvp mode, or possibly raid with two or three players working together on one map? A: Well, I don't think a 1v1 mode will be a thing in the near future.
Q: Any plans for more mini/seasonal events going forward? Honestly love these kinda things. A: Yes, we do plan to bring out more mini events in the future.
Q: And, uh, any plans for a L2D costume for Spas-12? A: Live2D is done by a different group of artist, but I don't think I can promise anything, since SPAS-12 hasn't got a Live2D costume in older servers yet.
Q: For mobile and tablet players, when we wanted to move T-doll we usually got stuck moving the screen of the battlefield instead, can we move the screen of the battlefield in pause mode? A: You made a good point. I believe that similar suggestions have already been made before. Let's hope there will be some optimizations in the future.
Q: Will there be some kind of "World Map" or "Base Camp" feature in the pipeline? A: World map: unlikely to be a thing soon. Base Camp: I think we have it now. It's called "Stronghold" and can be accessed through the button next to the "Dormitory" button on your homepage.
Q: When will you guys implement auto unequip Equipment or vice versa. Especially system that help us Unequip equipment tdoll that isnot in Echelon?. A: This has been suggested to the devs before, but I can't make any promise right now.
Q: When I updated M14 to mod3 her voice lines were non existent. Is it some bug or is it the same for everyone? A: Many of the mod3 lines are not voiced so far, and we plan to have them voiced over time.
Q: is suggest how about CG gallery is better to see CG with HQ in game. A: That's interesting. I will try to suggest it to the devs.
Q: Can we get a phone notification for stuff like skill training finishing or expeditions finishing? Skill training finishing would be especially useful for the 12h+ ones. A: As far as I know, we will add a notification for explorations, but I'm not sure if the skill training push will be a thing at the same time.
Q: 1. Can we disable the popup warning before doing heavy doll/equipment production? Or at least add an option to? 2. Lets say you only have slot for 1 more doll/equip/fairy, you can't do batch production. But u can do >1x individually. Can this be fixed? A: Understood. I'm not sure if they are possible, but I will suggest them to the devs.
Q: Would it be possible to add different music for the in game Hub? The games chapter music is very good, feels like a waste to not hear it without being in a specific chapter of the game. A: Something like a jukebox was suggested before, but I'm not sure if it will be possible.
Q: Have you asked if change in positioning mechanism when editing echelon is bug or intended? And also, another bug with SF cannon units. As you see in the screenshot, when pink line shows up, enemy cannon avoids being targeted until last moment even when in ally's range. A: The positioning issue is not intended, and I think it will get fixed later. As for the second problem, it seems to be a problem with the grenade vfx, and it will be fixed with the upcoming maintenance.
Q: will there be a fix for the transition between Expedition and the Dorms? After the change there is a massive lag that consist of 2-7 seconds. Or is it just a hardware problem? A: It's a mix of both. It does need some improvements, but as the game gets heavier the hardware issue is unavoidable.
Q: The info about the guns that appear in the background. Could it be a way to watch it again without needing to obtain the T-doll again? I really like to see that stuff and find it interesting. A: Unfortunately I don't think it will be possible for now.
Q: Can we have the dolls moving in the map with more speed ? Or a option to optimize that for users who want to griding more fast ? Transitions and dolls moviment in the game took a lot of griding time I think, even with the optimization from this actual patch A: Noted.
Q: with the latest smartphone poppin' up, many released high framerates supported smartphone, any plans for 90 or up supported framerates? thank you! A: As far as I know, we will stay at 60 for a while.
Q: With the rifle skill changes, can we expect to see other skills with long initial cool down get reworks? A: That's not something I can reveal as of now.
Q: Would RESCUE FAIRY work on 1. Limited drop in an event like a major event 2. Special rescue addin extra limited drop to map 3. Rescuing collab. Dolls 4. If u dun mind, how high of a chance does she increase for each rarity (345*) exactly, numerically? A: I think it does work on all of the situation, but I'm not allowed to reveal the actual percentage.
Q: Hey. Recently the fix for Bamboo RFs was added. However, the mutliplicator does not stack while moving the RF, thereby hampering the ability to actually bamboo bosses and triggering certain phases of them. Is this intended or can we ecpect a fix? A: I believe it is intended. All skills will be suspended while moving.
Q: there seem to be a bug sometimes when I used planning mode,during which I cannot choose any team nor touch any button.But I can still use other apps with my phone. A: We've noticed the planning mode issue, but until now we are unsuccessful reproducing the problem, so we may need some time to fix it.
Q: Will there be a fix for stuttering on the login screen at "Fetching user info"? It stutter up to 5 minutes sometimes, before client rework everything works fine, but now this problem has showed up. A: The new client should make the loading faster, but for some reason, a few start to get the same problem. We are currently trying to pinpoint the cause of it.
Q: Do event pets count towards the Advantage Terminal? (Example Shiba Inu & Rad Shiba) A: Event pets like the Undead Musician Dog do count, but collaboration pets (aka Fore and Rad Shiba) are not included.
Q: Now that simulations can be repeated without going back to the mission menu, can you please display the amount of energy left when asking if you want to repeat your current simulation? I've accidentally spent around 10 extra energy I didn't want to spend just because of that. A: Noted. I'm not sure if it's possible, but I will make sure to let the devs know about it.
Q: Is there any plan to speed up the pop up you get when you walk over a node in auto plan? It nice to see what I got, but when I am auto planning I am not looking at the screen so it slows down a farm. A: As far as I know, there is no similar plan for that right now.
Q: Any chance for some interactions between Commander chibi and T-doll chibis in dorm? A: I can't tell for sure. Commander chibi is a new thing, and whether there will be such changes is yet to be decided.
Q: Why is there no timer on the left-side facility panel for Forward Base's exploration? Like Data Room's Combat Report creation timer. Are you willing to separate 'eyes' and 'hair' for Commander customization? A: 1. I believe that's because their mechanism differs, but this is a fairly new feature, so improvements are always possible. 2. I'm afraid that we don't have similar plans for now.
Q: Is the newest kiting animation issue with nemeums caused by the client? If you don't know what I mean, when you kite a Nemeum after it started charging, instead of staying still to shoot it begins moving again and fires despite not showing the charge animation. A: I don't think we have got any feedback on that so far. I will ask the devs to check on it later. Thank you for letting us know about the problem. (Note from me: AFAIK, this was a thing for a very long time)
Q: After the latest update, notifications no longer work unless I'm in-game. There was an Android 8 -> 9 OS update during this period, so it mighr be responsible. A: This is probably an Android 9 issue. Try not to kill/close the game and see if you will get the notification.
Q: Silly question, but will you add different text/random events for the expedition system? Also, is K5's suspicion about Super SASS related to a certain anonymous imageboard? A: Unfortunately I don't have any relevant information at hand for both questions.
Q: Are simplified live2D clipping bugs ever going to get fixed by any chance? If you press any buttons that are above adjutant sprite, it always play her voiceline on transition to other menu. A: It's a known issue and I believe the devs are working on it. Hopefully it will be solved in the future.
Q: 1. i noticed that when the special skills activate in battle, the entire name of the skill is not displayed. 2. what is the highlighted words that show up when the Carcano sisters fire their weapons in battle? 3. I will be stopping over in Korea next month, and staying in the Philippines for 2 weeks, will I be able to play? while I'm waiting in Korea, will i connect to a korean server or an english server? A: 1. Yeah, for now some of the skill names seem to be cut off. We will fix the problem soon. 2. Could you give me an example? 3. You can connect without problems, and you will be connecting to the English server.
Misc Questions
Question Answer
Q: any plans to release the newbie guides videos from GFL(dolls frontline) Japan YouTube channel in English subtitles on GFL en YouTube channel? A: I'd say it's possible, but not guaranteed.
Q: Also is there a bug report page? I have been experiencing quite a few bugs since the new update including missing textures and softlocking. A: There are still some bugs left to be attended during the upcoming maintenance. Maybe you can check after the maintenance to see if you are still having those problems.
Q: Should we include friendly tournament to 'create' 2nd skill MOD for EN exclusive T-doll release (will release on different server given time). Ofc only on the available t-doll release, want to see M950A n M2HB shine better A: Back to your question, if possible, we don't want a thing to be server-exclusive, so the tournament you proposed is unlikely to be possible.
Q: When will MICA release the English art book ?, I really want that SPAS skin A: I'm afraid that I cannot reveal any details now.
Q: Is there's any plan to release an official english artbook? A: I'm afraid that I can't reveal any information related to that.
Q: When is our mascot going to get a new skin? A: Unfortunately, we wouldn't know if there will be one unless it's announced in older servers.
Q: Why I often get the "Security Violation: Memory Scanning Detected" warning after the latest client update? A : The cause might be the memory leak issue. You may get the error when the game takes up too much of your memory, despite not really scanning the memory.
Q: Will the spotify OST be available on more regions? A: It was uploaded by our publisher in TW, so I don't think it will become available in more regions.
Q: Will we ever get an official answer to the height of T-Dolls? Stuff like kar98k, P7 or Five-SeveN that go totally off the rails stop me from sleeping at night. A: Unfortunately, there is no similar plan for that.
Q: Will the game change the design of the (male)commander? A : I think for now it will remain as it is.
Q: Is there any known substantial problem with running GFL on iOS13? A: According to our testers, there won't be any problems.
Q: Seeing as we can customize the commander's gender, is there any chance of using more gender neutral language in the future? The commander is referred to as male in several places, it's a little annoying as a female commander, and using neutral terms would include everyone. A: That's a good point. I think a review of all the story texts and dialogues is required.
Fluff Questions
Question Answer
Q: Which SF Ringleader do you think is the cutest? A: Shar... I mean Architect.
Q: Will the shikikan have a child outfit for childrens day? A: I can't promise anything, but I like that idea.
Q: When will I be able to oath Helian? A: I think it will more likely to be an April Fool's joke than a real thing.
Q: Welrod keeps asking about a Belmont individual, should I be concerned? A: "Die monster!"
Q: Wish me luck in my continued effort for the Welrod L2D skin A: Thank you for your help as always. You have my best wishes.
submitted by Ionascrub to girlsfrontline [link] [comments]

2019.05.10 09:46 Kazeon1 Curious about integrally suppressed pistol legality.

Greetings. Now I've been a shooter for many years. However I've never considered getting suppressors because of all of the various hoops and red tape that you have to go through to get them. However I recently became aware of two specific Pistols that I would love to add to my collection. However I'm not sure if either of these weapons are even legal to own on the civilian Market.
The first one being the maxim 9. A relatively new integrally suppressed pistol that aesthetically almost looks like something out of a Sci-Fi video game. And the other one is the B&T vp9. The vp9 is essentially a modern iteration on what it is for me at least the Holy Grail of classic pistols the welrod.
Are either of these pistols number one, even available for sale on the civilian market? And number two are they even legal to own?
submitted by Kazeon1 to WA_guns [link] [comments]

2018.05.16 13:02 Xealiouth [17.05.18] Maintenance notes

Dear Commanders,
Girls Frontline will be undergoing maintenance on 17 May 10:00-16:00. Maintenance may be extended.
  1. [Event] Collab event Glory Day will end on 17 May 10:00, and the skin packages will be removed.
  2. [Event] Double initial purchase gems will be reset after the maintenance.
  3. [Event] Dark Directive event will begin. Complete missions to accumulate points. Rewards include \5* T-Doll AUG, 2nd anniversary background and avatar. Event period: 20 May 00:00 - 10 June 23:59:59.
  4. [Event] Normal T-Doll production rate up. Event period: 20 May 00:00 - 21 May 23:59:59.
  5. [Event] Normal equip production rate up. Event period: 22 May 00:00 - 23 May 23:59:59.
  6. [Event] Heavy T-Doll production rate up. Event period: 24 May 00:00 - 25 May 23:59:59.
  7. [Event] Heavy equip production rate up. Event period: 26 May 00:00 - 27 May 23:59:59. Note: Fairy rate up.
  8. [Event] EXP*1.5 event. Event period: 28 May 00:00 - 3 June 23:59:59.
  9. [New] Limited procurement Midsummer Night's Dream Skins:
  10. [New] New skin packages in the shop:
  11. [New] 1st Anniversary skins added to common procurement pool.
  12. [New] 1st Anniversary cafe story added.
  13. [New] Wedding skins added to black card exchange.
  14. [New] 2nd Anniversary Fortune Pack will be sold in the shop. Price: 198 RMB Contents: Img 1 random skin from the image 520 diamonds 1000 memory fragments 1000 calibration tickets 1x OATH ring 100 coins Limited to 1 purchase per account.
  15. [New] Resource scam packs on sale, limited to 50 purchases per day. Sale period: 17 May after maintenance - 31 May before maintenance.
  16. [New] Limited edition 2nd anniversary avatars will be on sale. Sale period: 17 May after maintenance - 31 May before maintenance.
  17. [Improvement] Fixed voices for RFB and DSR Live2D skins. New interaction added for DSR Live2D skin.
Will add link to the images soon. Added. All commanders will receive 500x4 after the maintenance.
Credits to Jetroyz for TL, lov u bum.
submitted by Xealiouth to girlsfrontline [link] [comments]

2017.12.28 08:16 kaptainkooleio Battlefield: WW2 List of Weapons & Equipment

Hello There's been a lot of rumors from reliable sources that Battlefield 2018 is going into the 2nd World War. Since I'm bored and off for the week, I wanted to to compile possible weapons and equipment for a WW2 Game. I'll be formatting it in a similar way to Battlefield 1 since I like the setup. I'll be excluding some weapons that appear in Battlefield 1 that served in WW2 (like the Steyr M1912) but will include most service pistols like the Luger P08 and Colt M1911.
I'll provide links to pages with more information & pictures below
Colt M1911
  • U.S service pistol that has seen service with America since World War 1
  • .45 ACP
  • 7+1 Capacity
Walther P38
  • German Infantry Pistol built to replace the costly Luger P08
  • 9mm Parabellum
  • 8+1 Capacity
Nambu Type 14
  • Japanese standard Issue pistol in service with the Imperial Military since 1906
  • 8x22 Nambu
  • 8+1 Capacity
Tokarev TT-33
  • Soviet standard issue pistol based on designs from John Browning
  • 7.62 Tokarev
  • 8+1 Capacity
Browning Hi-Power
  • High capacity handgun used in many European countries including Britain and pressed into German service after the invasion of Belgium
  • 9mm Parabellum
  • 13 - 15+1 Capacity
Walther PPK
  • A German Officer Pocket Pistol, made famous for its use by the fictional character James Bond.
  • .32 ACP
  • 7+1 Capacity
Beretta 1935
  • Italian semi auto service pistol, considered to be one of the fore fathers of the modern Beretta 92.
  • .32 ACP
  • 8+1 Capactiy
Luger P08
  • German sidearm in both world wars, coveted by allied troops due to its elegant design.
  • 9mm Parabellum
  • 8+1 Capacity
Mauser C96
  • German exported sidearm in WW1/ WW2
  • 7.63 Mause9mm Parabellum
  • 10/20 Internal Magazine, reloaded via stripper clips
FN Model 1910/1922
  • Belgian semi-automatic handgun
  • .32 ACP
  • 9+1 Capacity
Welrod Mk1/Welrod Mk2
  • Internally Suppressed Bolt action pistol used by many special forces operatives in Europe like the OSS
  • 9mm/.32 ACP
  • 6-8+1 Capacity
High Standard HDM
  • internally suppressed pistol used by OSS operatives. Semi-automatic as opposed to the Welrods bolt action
  • .22 LR Full Metal Jacket
  • 10+1 Capacity
FP45 Liberator
  • Last ditch pistol dropped into occupied territories as a way for civilians to use against axis forces. Could be a joke pistol like the Kolibri
  • Single Shot
  • .45 ACP
Webley Revolver
  • British Standard issue revolver. the most common variant was the No.2 Revolver
  • .38 ACP/.455 Webley
  • 6 Round Cylinder
Nagant M1895
  • Russian double action service revolver with a sealed cylinder system allowing it to be suppressed
  • 7.62x38mm Nagant
  • 7 round sealed cylinder
Type 26 Revolver
  • Japanese hammerless revolver with a top break action
  • 9mm Japanese Revolver
  • 6 Round Cylinder
Colt M1917
  • American Service revolver, served alongside M1911 in both world wars
  • .45 ACP
  • 6 round cylinder
Smith & Wesson Model 10
  • double action service revolver that has continued to see service into the modern age
  • .38 Long Colt
  • 6 round cylinder
Smith & Wesson Model 27
  • one of the few high caliber magnum revolvers to exist
  • .357 Magnum
  • 6 round cylinder
Smith & Wesson Model 3
  • high caliber revolver used in WW1
  • .44 Russian/.44 S&W
  • 6 Round top break cylinder
1892 Modele Revolver
  • French service revolver in both world wars
  • 8mm French Ordinance
  • 6 cylinder
Sub-machine Gun
Thompson M1/M1A1
  • Standard issue SMG for United States, simplified version of earlier models
  • 700-800 Rpm
  • .45 ACP
  • 20/30 Round magazine
Thompson M1928/M1928A1
  • SMG used by the US & allies, featured either a box or drum magazine
  • 600-725 Rpm
  • .45 ACP
  • 20/ 30/ 50 Round box/ drum magazines
MP40 / MP41
Sten Gun
  • British Standard issue SMG, known for its simplicity for mass production
  • 600 Rpm
  • 9mm Parabellum
  • 32 Round box magazine
Berreta Modello 38A
  • Italian Standard issue SMG
  • 600 Rpm
  • 9mm Parabellum
  • 20/30/40 Round box magazine
  • SMG used by numerous SS and Wehrmacht soldiers, upgrade of the earlier MP-18
  • 550-600 Rpm
  • 9mm Parabellum
  • 20/32 Box Magazine
  • Austrian SMG pressed into German service
  • ~600 RPM
  • 9mm Parabellum/ 9x23 Steyr
  • 20-32 Round Magazine
M3/M3A1 Grease Gun
  • Mass produced American Sub machine gun that served alongside the Thompson
  • 450 Rpm
  • .45 ACP
  • 30 Round magazine
Owen SMG
  • Australian Submachine gun used in the Pacific Theater
  • 700 Rpm
  • 9mm Parabellum
  • 33 round box magazine
MAS 38
  • French produced service sub-machine gun
  • 600-700 Rpm
  • 7.65mm Longue
  • 32 round box magazine
Danuvia 39M / Danuvia 43M
  • Hungarian SMG designed in the late 1930's
  • 750 RPM
  • 9mm Mauser Export
  • 40 Round magazine
Type 100
  • Japanese SMG produced in limited numbers
  • 800 Rpm
  • 8x22 Nambu
  • 30 Round magazine
  • Standard issue Soviet SMG, known for its high rate of fire
  • 900-1000 Rpm
  • 7.62 Tokarev
  • 35/71 Box/Drum Magazine
  • Late war, standard issue Soviet SMG meant to replace the PPSh-41
  • 600-700 Rpm
  • 7.62 Tokarev
  • 35 Round box magazine
M50 Reising
  • American reserve SMG that saw some service with US troops
  • 550 Rpm
  • .45 Auto
  • 20 Round magazine
Sterling Sub-machine Gun
  • late war SMG that saw limited use with Britain but has continued to see service in the modern age
  • 550 Rpm
  • 9mm parabellum
  • 34 Round box magazine
Suomi KP-31
  • Finnish SMG used in both the winter war and WW2 against Soviets and Germans respectively
  • 750 Rpm
  • 9mm parabellum
  • 20/ 36/ 50 Box magazine or 40/ 71 Drum
Erma EMP
  • German developed SMG used by many nations like France and Spain
  • 550 Rpm
  • 9mm Parabellum
  • 32 Round box
Winchester M1897
  • Standard trench gun used by the US
  • Pump-Action
  • 5 round tube
Winchester M1912
  • Standard trench gun used by the US alongside the Model 1897
  • Pump-Action
  • 6 Round Tube
    Ithaca 37
  • standard trench gun used by the US and British Commonwealth
  • Pump-Action
  • 5-8 Round Tube
Browning Auto 5
  • American self-loading commercial shotgun
  • Semi-auto shotgun
  • 5 round tube
Walther 1918
  • German semi auto, toggle lock shotgun
  • Semi-auto
  • 6 round tube
Model 21 Shotgun
  • American commercial Double Barrel Shotgun
  • Double barrel
M30 Luftwaffe Drilling
  • Triple barrel German combination survival shotgun with two shotgun shells and 1 rifle bullet
  • 12 Gauge & 9x74mmR
  • Double barrel shotgun, single barrel Smooth bore rifle
M1 / M1A1 Carbine
  • carbine issued to American troops in numerous roles
  • Semi-automatic
  • .30 Carbine
  • 15 Round Box Magazine
M712 Schnellfeur
  • Full-automatic variant of the C96 pistol, can utilize a wooden stock and detachable magazines
  • 7.63 Mauser
  • 900-1000 Rpm
  • 20 round detachable magazine
C96 Carbine
  • carbine variant of the C96 pistol with a wooden stock, lengthened barrel and wooden foreguard
  • 7.63 Mauser
  • 10/20 Round internal magazine fed with stripper clips
Mosin Nagant Carbine M44
  • shortened, Carbine variant of the standard Russian Mosin Nagant, not as common as the M38 Carbine
  • Bolt Action
  • 7.62x54mmR
  • 5 round internal magazine
Arisaka Type 44 Carbine
  • Carbine variant of the Japanese Arisaka Rifle
  • Bolt Action
  • 6.5x50mmR Arisaka
  • 5 round internal magazine
Carcano Calvary Carbine
  • Italian carbine variant of the Carcano, featured in the Turning Tides DLC of BF1
  • Bolt action
  • 6.5x52mm Carcano
  • 6 Round en bloc clip
Lee Enfield Jungle Carbine No.5 Mk1
  • Carbine variant of the Lee-Enfield rifle
  • Bolt Action
  • .303 British
  • 10 round internal magazine
Steyr M1895 Short Rifle
  • Shortened 1930 carbine version of the Gewehr M.95
  • Straight Pull Bolt Action
  • 8x56mmR
  • 5 Round en bloc clip
Gustloff Volksturmgewehr VG-1-5
  • Last ditch carbine issued to German troops late in the war for the Volksturm
  • Semi-automatic (Full auto conversion?)
  • 7.92x33mm Kurz
  • 30 Round Magazine (same used with STG 44)
Gerat 06 (STG-45_M)
  • Prototype Assault rifle based on the STG44, developed late into the war
  • 400-450 RPM
  • 7.92x33mm Kurz
  • 30 Round magazine
Ribeyrolles 1918 Carbine
  • prototype French carbine issued in some capacity in WW1 and apparently used in WW2
  • 550-600 Rpm
  • 8x35mm Ribeyrolles
  • 25 Round magazine
De Lisle Carbine
  • internally suppressed carbine uses by British commandos
  • Bolt action
  • .45 ACP
  • 11 Round magazine
Automatic Rifles
Charlton Automatic Rifle
  • Automatic Rifle conversion of the Lee Metford Rifle used in New Zealand
  • 600 Rpm
  • .303 British
  • 30 Round Magazine
Johnson Machine Gun
  • American squad support weapon issued in a limited capacity for troops in the pacific
  • 600 Rpm
  • 30-06 Springfield
  • 25 Round magazine
  • German assault rifle issued to troops late into World War 2
  • 600 Rpm
  • 7.92x33mm kurz
  • 30 Round magazine
Federov Avtomat
  • Russian assault rifle introduced in ww1 and used up until the winter war
  • 450 Rpm
  • 6.5x50mmSR Arisaka
  • 25 Round magazine
Browning Automatic Rifle M1918 A2
  • automatic rifle issued in a light machine gun role to american troops in WW1 and WW2
  • 450-650 Rpm(select fire between two)
  • 30-06 Springfield
  • 20 Round Magazine
FG-42 / FG-42 Late War
  • German Battle rifle issued to paratroopers as a replacement for the Kar 98k
  • 900 Rpm (600 for the second late war model)
  • 7.92x57mm Mauser
  • 20 Round magazine
AVS 36
  • Automatic Rifle used by the Soviet Union early into WW2
  • 800 Rpm
  • 7.62x54mmR
  • 15 Round magazine
  • czech prototype assault rifle
  • ~700 Rpm
  • 8mm
  • 20/30 round magazine
M2 Carbine
  • Full auto variant of the M1 Carbine developed during the war
  • 750 Rpm
  • 15/30 Round Magazine
Russian Prototype Assault Rifles
Self-Loading Rifles
Ljungman Ag-42b
  • Swedish standard issue semi-automatic rifle with a detachable magazine
  • 6.5x55 mm
  • 10 round magazine
M1 Garand
  • Standard issue battle rifle issued to American Troops on a massive scale.
  • 30-06 Springfield
  • 8 Round En Bloc Clip
Gewehr 43
  • German standard issue battle rifle issued as a response to the M1 Garand
  • 7.92x57mm Mauser
  • 10 Round magazine
  • Soviet standard issue semi-auto rifle
  • 7.62x54mmR
  • 10 Round magazine
Arisaka Type 4/Type 5
  • Prototype Japanese copy of the US M1 Garand
  • 7.7x58mm Arisaka
  • 10 Round internal magazine fed with stripper clips
Johnson 1941 Semi-Automatic Rifle
  • American Semi-automatic Rifle issued alongside the M1 Garand in a limited capacity
  • 30-06 Springfield
  • 10 Round internal magazine fed with stripper clips
Mauser Selbstladter 1916
  • German designed Self Loading rifle issued in a limited capacity in WW1
  • 7.92x57mm Mauser
  • 20/25 Round Magazine
Winchester 1907
  • Commercially sold Self loading rifle issued in France. Can be converted to full auto at a rate of 600-750 Rpm
  • .351 WSL
  • 10/20 Round Magazine
Kbsp WZ.38m
  • Polish prototype rifle that saw very limited use in WW2
  • 7.92x57mm Mauser
  • 10 Round Internal magazine
  • Czech rifle that is considered to be the first successful Self load rifle to enter service(after the RSC 1917
  • 7.92x57mm Mauser
  • 10/20 Round box magazine
Simonov SKS
  • Semi-automatic rifle that entered service with the Soviet Union very late into WW2
  • 7.62x39mm
  • 10 Round internal magazine
Infantry Machine Gun's
  • German GPMG that was known for its high rate of fire, can be issued as a battle pickup/Elite Kit instead of an infantry weapon
  • 1200 Rpm
  • 7.92x57mm Mauser
  • 50/250 Round Belt
  • German GPMG issued before the MG-42 as a form of "universal machine gun" (GPMG
  • 800-900 Rpm
  • 7.92x57mm Mauser
  • 50/250 Round Belt or the 75 Round Drum
Browning 1919A4 or the Browning 1919A6
  • American Belt fed LMG
  • 400-600 Rpm
    • 30-06 Springfield
  • 250 Round fabric belt
Breda 30
  • unconventional LMG used by the Royal Italian Army. Has a side mounted magazine that was reloaded using stripper clips
  • 6.5x52mm Carcano
  • 500 Rpm
  • 20 Round magazine fed via stripper clip
Type 96
  • early Japanese LMG that proved to be an improvement over the unconventional Type 11
  • 450-500 Rpm
  • 6.5x50mm Arisaka
  • 30 Round magazine
Type 99
  • Japanese LMG thats basically an upgraded version of the Type 96
  • 700 Rpm
  • 7.7x58mm Arisaka
  • 30 Round magazine
FM24/29 LMG
  • a robust French light machine gun that was pressed into German service after Frances surrender
  • 450 Rpm
  • 7.5x54mm French
  • 25 Round Magazine
Madsen Machine Gun
  • Danish LMG developed at the turn of the century and used extensively in both World Wars
  • 450 Rpm
  • 7.92x57mm Mauser
  • 25/30/40 Round Magazine
  • German Aircraft machine gun retrofitted for infantry use. Used in the tail gunner of German Stukas
  • 1000 Rpm
  • 7.92x57mm Mauser
  • 75 Round drum magazine
  • Soviet Light machine gun known for its distinctive pan shaped magazine
  • 550 Rpm
  • 7.62x54mmR
  • 47 Round pan magazine
Bren Machine Gun
  • British light machine gun that saw extensive use for over 50 years with the UK military
  • 500 Rpm
  • .303 British
  • 30 Round magazine/ 100 Round Pan magazine
Lewis Machine Gun
  • distinctive machine gun that saw extensive use in both WW1 and WW2
  • 550 Rpm
  • .303 British
  • 47/97 Round pan Magazine
Hotchkiss Portative
  • Great war machine gun that saw limited use in WW2
  • 500 Rpm
  • .303 British
  • 20/30 Round metallic strip
ZB vz.26
  • renowned Czech light machine gun that saw limited use with many armies during WW2, and the inspiration for the Bren Gun
  • 500 Rpm
  • 7.92x57mm Mauser
  • 20 Round magazine
Steyr MG-30
  • Austrian LMG that saw limited service and became the inspiration for the MG-15 machine gun
  • 800 Rpm
  • 7.92x57mm Mauser
  • 30 Round magazine
  • Prominent Soviet Light Machine gun that saw limited war trial use late into WW2
  • 650-750 Rpm
  • 7.62x39mm
  • 100 Round Belt
Vickers K Machine Gun
  • British aircraft machine gun modified for "land service" in WW2, used by SAS
  • 900-1000 Rpm
  • .303 British
  • 100 Round pan Magazine
Sniper Rifles/ Bolt Action Rifles
Springfield 1903
  • American standard issue rifle that saw service in WW1 and as a sniper rifle in WW2
  • Sniper Variant
  • Bolt Action
  • 30-06 Springfield
  • 5 round internal magazine
Lee Enfield No.4
  • Sniper Variant
  • British Service Rifle that saw extensive use in both world wars
  • Bolt-action
  • .303 British
  • 10 Round Detachable magazine(usually fed with stripper clips)
Arisaka 99
  • Sniper Variant
  • Japanese service rifle that also served as the countries sniper rifle
  • Bolt Action
  • 7.7x58mm Arisaka
  • 5 round internal magazine
Karbiner 98k
  • German service rifle based on a shortened version of the legendary Gewehr 1898
  • Sniper Variant
  • Bolt Action
  • 7.92x57mm Mauser
  • 5 round internal magazine
Mannlicher M1895
  • Austrian standard issue rifle pressed into German service
  • Sniper Variant
  • Straight pull bolt action rifle
  • 8x56mmR
  • 5 Round En Bloc Clip
Mosin Nagant
  • robust Russian service rifle that served in both World Wars
  • Marksmen Variant
  • Bolt Action
  • 7.62x54mmR
  • 5 round internal magazine
K31 Rifle
  • Reliable Swiss service rifle
  • Straight pull bolt action
  • 7.5mm Swiss
  • Detachable 6 Round Box magazine(can be fed with phenolic stripper clips like the Vetterli Rifle)
Ross Rifle Mk3
  • Canadian service rifle that saw service in both world wars
  • Marksmen Variant
  • Straight Pull bolt action
  • .303 British
  • 5 round internal magazine
Carcano M91
  • Italian Service rifle used in both world wars
  • Bolt action
  • 6.5mm Carcano
  • 6 round en bloc clip
Winchester 1915
  • One of the few Lever action rifles to serve in either world war.
  • Lever action
  • 7.62x54mmR
  • 5 round internal magazine
MAS 36
  • French service rifle that saw little use
  • bolt action
  • 7.5mm French
  • 5 round internal magazine
K43 Sniper Rifle
  • Sniper variant of the Gewehr 43
  • Semi-automatic
  • 7.92x57mm Mauser
  • 10 Round box magazine
M1C Garand
  • Sniper Variant of the M1 Garand
  • Semi-automatic
  • 30-06 Springfield
  • 8 round en Bloc clip
Mk 2 Frag
  • American Fragmentation Grenade
  • Soviet Stick grenade that served into WW2
F1 Grenade)
  • Soviet Standard issue grenade based on a French design
Steilhandgranate Model 24
  • Standard issue German stick grenade known for its unique design
Mk2 Mills Grenade
  • British Fragmentation grenade with a similar design to the earlier Mills bomb of WW1
Molotov Cocktail
  • made famous for its use by the Fins in the Winter War, this improvised incendiary device saw extensive use by many sides for its simplicity
Type 97 Grenade
  • Japanese Fragmentation grenade that can double as an anti personnel mine
Model 39 Egg Grenade
  • small sized German grenade that can be thrown further than most grenades, similar to the Model 17 Egg grenade from BF1
Mk1 Illumination grenade
  • US grenade that illuminates a blinding light, can be used in a similar capacity to modern flash bangs
M14 Thermite Grenade
  • US TH3 Thermite grenade used to disable vehicles
No.69 Impact grenade
  • a British standard issue grenades that detonates on impact
Mk2/Mk5 Cn Gas Grenade
  • US nerve gas grenades used to clear bunkers
M18 Smoke Grenade
  • US designed smoke grenade
Anti-Material Rifles
Boy's Anti-Tank Rifle
  • .55 Caliber British Anti Tank Rifle that could serve as a battle pickup or Assault Class Equipment
  • .55 Boys
  • 5 round box magazine
  • Polish anti-tank rifle light enough for use with the Assault class against lightly armored vehicles and light tanks
  • 7.92x107mm DS
  • 4 round detachable magazine
  • Single shot, Russian Anti tank rifle perfect for use in the Assault class against light vehicles and medium tanks. Heavy and must be fired prone
  • 14.5x114mm
  • Breech loading, single shot
  • Semi-automatic Soviet Anti Tank Rifle perfect as a Battlepickup that can only be shot while prone
  • 14.5x114mm
  • 5 round internal magazine, fed via stripper clips.
Panzerbushce 39
  • German single shot rifle that can be used against infantry and light vehicles
  • 7.92x94mm Patron
  • Single shot, breech loading
Lahti L39
  • Finnish 20mm Anti tank rifle, that could serve as a stationary weapon against all vehicles and aircraft
  • 20x138B Long Solothurn
  • 10 Detachable Magazine
Type 97 Automatic Cannon
  • Japanese 20mm cannon used against vehicles and aircraft. Heavy, like the Lahti L39 so it can't be lifted so it could serve a stationary role in Pacific settings.
  • 20x125mm
  • 7 round detachable magazine
Solothurn S18-100
  • Heavy, bullpup anti material rifle from Switzerland. Utilized during WW2 and can serve as a stationary weapon.
  • 20x105mmB
  • 10 round detachable magazine
Anti-Tank/Anti-Air Launchers
M1 /// M1A1 /// M9 Bazooka
  • More information here
  • The famous US anti-tank weapon that was one of the first weapons to utilize Rocket technology in a combative role. Perfect for the Assault Class against all ground vehicles
M20 Super Bazooka
  • Heavier variant of the US Bazooka, could be used as a battlepickup. Power wise, its on par with the Panzerschrek (88mm).
  • Heavy, German 88mm anti tank Launcher that can do heavy damage to all ground vehicles.
  • German fire and forget launcher, the shaped charge war head provides heavy damage against tanks in a small package
PIAT launcher
  • British Anti tank launcher with an extremely limited effective range.
Type 4 70mm AT rocket Launcher
  • Japanese reverse engineered Bazooka
M18 Recoilless Rifle
  • Long ranged, high velocity anti tank/personnel weapon.
GrB-39 Grenade Launcher
  • Modification of the German Anti Tank Panzerbusche 38 Rifle. Launches a HEAT grenade instead of a anti tank round.
  • German flare gun modified to launch HE grenades, could be a good anti tank weapon for the Scout Class.
Fleigerfaust B
  • German Rocket launcher designed for dealing with aircraft. Fires 9 high velocity rockets.
Anti-Tank Grenades/ Explosives
*German magnetic mine, similar to the Limpet Charge from BF1
Anti Tank No.74 Sticky Grenade
  • British anti-tank grenade that utilizes a sticky adhesive to latch onto enemy tanks.
M1A1 Bangalore Torpedo
  • explosive charged used to destroy emplacements and structures.
Satchel Charge
  • Shaped explosive consisting of Composition C or TNT
RPG-43 AT grenades
  • Soviet anti-tank grenade
Bouncing Betty S-mine 1944
  • German anti-personnel mine filled will steel bearings, perfect landmine for Scout class
TM35 AT Mine
  • Russian anti-tank mine perfect for use with the Assault class
Tellermine 43
  • German Anti-tank mine also perfect for use with the assault class
M7 Rifle Grenade
  • American Rifle grenade that can be used in the Medic Class.
Dyakonov Rifle Grenade
  • Soviet rifle grenade designed for the Mosin Nagant, and utilizing a special bipod
Gewehrgranatengerät Rifle Grenade Launcher
  • German designed rifle grenade that can be used with the Kar 98k, STG-44 and the FG-42
Type 89 Grenade Discharger
  • Japanese "Knee Mortar", used to launch 50mm explosives
US M-2 Mortar
  • light, portable American mortar for use with the Support class
M9 HEAT Grenade
  • American anti-tank rifle grenade
Granatnik Wz.36 Grenade Launcher
  • Polish grenade launcher, similar to the Japanese Type 89
  • Repair Tool: Repairs Vehicles, utilized by the support class
  • Ammo Box: Provides ammunition
  • Ammo Pouch: Provides ammunition, more portable
  • Medical Pouch: provides health
  • Medical Kit: Health station
  • Medical Syringe or Morphine Syrette: Revives teammates\
  • Flare Gun: can be used in a similar role for spotting enemies or marking targets for artillery
  • Binoculars: provides long-range spotting capabilities
  • Portable Radio: Spawn beacon or for calling in artillery
  • Grappling Hook: Used to reach high areas
Flammenwerfer 35
  • German Flamethrower
M2 Flamethrower
  • American Flamethrower
Portable No.2
  • British "Lifebuoy" flamethrower
ROKS Flamethrower
  • Russian Flamethrower
Heavy Machine-guns (Emplacements)
Browning M1917
  • Used by American forces in the Pacific Theater by 1942 before being slowly replaced by the M1919 Variant
Browning 1919A4
  • More common US machine gun used in both the Pacific and European maps
Type 3/Type 92 Machine Gun
  • Japanese heavy machine gun known for its low rate of fire.
Vickers .303 Mk 1 Machine Gun
  • Iconic British heavy machine gun that served extensively in both World wars.
PM1910 Machine Gun
  • Russian Produced variant of the Maxim Gun that continued to see service with the Soviet Union
Browning M2 Machine Gun
  • American produced .50 Caliber heavy machine gun perfect against light vehicles and Aircraft
DShK Machine Gun
  • Soviet .50 caliber machine gun that saw extensive use in WW2
  • German produced .51 Caliber machine gun, with a high rate of fire (900Rpm)
submitted by kaptainkooleio to battlefield_one [link] [comments]

2014.08.04 20:08 ThomasTShiftlet Where is the B&T VP9?

I recently learned that the Swedish manufacturer, Brugger & Thomet have developed a "Welrod for the 21st century" and since I've been wanting to get my first suppressed pistol for some time now I would love to make it the VP9. So I did some searching, I went to the B&T website, found this brochure (PDF file) for the pistol. I also found out that a company called Armati is supposedly importing B&T firearms to the U.S. market, but the Armati website is a ghost town. I haven't seen a price tag or for sale sign anywhere, so I'm wondering if this is just a lost pipe dream or if owning a VP9 is still possible. If anyone has seen one or knows anything more about B&T products in the U.S. please let me know!
EDIT: found a video of the VP9 being fired http://youtu.be/9aTJzMY2il8?list=UUTkzozGwKJEgz5--GRYdRAQ
submitted by ThomasTShiftlet to guns [link] [comments]
