Two guys one horse free

putting the lol in vexillology

2013.07.24 21:56 Cosman246 putting the lol in vexillology

2016.05.12 01:40 Dorkside The Ted Place

Welcome! Everything is not fine. Reddit is introducing new API pricing that will drive all third party clients out of business. If you use RES (enhancement) you may be affected, too: Even the author of toolbox is worried: “these API changes are part of a downward spiral… Reddit has gone from a platform where the code was open… to one where a once vibrant third party developer community has been dealt blow after blow.”

2009.08.29 06:36 sugaryeti For all your A², Tree Town, People's Republic of Ann Arbor News!

A wonderful city on the banks of the Huron River, home of the University of Michigan and a wide palette of culture, nature, technology and sports.

2024.06.02 07:30 zedadex ...Wishing you the best, stranger across the world...

Thank you, even if we don’t cross paths,
Even if we never do again...
for reminding me there are and will be people like us
...I'll never again meet another like you.
The stars, "which hair", the tears, the cheer; The "O_O", the harsh truths, trying despite your fear.
Your worries, your foibles, both bold and withdrawn, The words by which you bade I be gone...
who think as openly and freely as we do.
...I didn't listen. I didn't hear you.
What good was thinking if I never heard you?
‘Net folk, our people. Two of many, not the first.
You'll always be one of my people, creative turtle. But if you don't want to be, you don't have to be my person-person and I yours, you were never trapped. (And I wasn't going to ask you to decide, that day either. I just... hadn't realized something left unsaid, until far too late when I lost it.)
- zedadex
So many things I...
I'm so sorry. That's all I can say. That's all I should have said.
submitted by zedadex to u/zedadex [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:29 Few_Airline5293 Visit to Deerfield/Pompano Beach. Large spotted burns on legs?

After visiting Deerfield beach two days ago, (although Ive swam at pompano and south miami this week) I’ve noticed two large burns the size of thumb prints on my right knee with one blowing up into a yellow blister. There is an identical burn of two thumb prints with no blistering on my opposite left knee in a similar spot. Below where my shorts would be. Sunburn makes no sense, I have no burns anywhere else on my body. I’m doing all kinds of research out of curiosity but it’s getting on my nerves! I cant figure it out. Lots of what I find online looks like bumps from sea louse, sun poisoning or a jellyfish sting but it doesn’t look like anything, hurts pretty bad.
submitted by Few_Airline5293 to SouthFlorida [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:29 seadogsnpyrite I self injected!

I've had a fear of needles my whole life. Not as severe as others, for sure. But I've had my fair share of anxiety attacks/sobbing about needle related things. Not "hold me down" level, but more like crying and shaking like a child.
First big step: HRT. I'm a trans man and I started testosterone last summer. I chose injections (subcutaneous, stomach) as they are the most economical, only every two weeks, and I had a friend who can do them for me. So I would build myself up and close my eyes, squeeze hands, etc. for awhile before they became no big deal. About half a year in, I worked up to looking down at it for sec, the watching the syringe injections, then the needle exit, then the needle entry, and then the whole process. The pain is never bad, It's just the thought of having a piece of metal lodged in me I think. Sometimes I get the stabbies for a minute afterwards but thats just annoying.
My friend trained my boyfriend to do them for me. His first time supervised was perfect, but when we did it together the next time, the preparation was rocky and he entered, accidentally exited and said "oops", I looked down and I saw a prick of blood, and then saw him reenter. This was probably my worst injection experience and we both agreed that he wouldn't do them again lol. Some time after that I went on birth control and decided to do the injection method for similar reasons- just one shot like every 3 months and I don't have to remember to take a pill everyday or have the thought of a foreign metal object inside me. What's funny is that those arm intramuscular shots are now no big deal. My nurse doesn't give any warning, countdown, etc which was actually SO helpful because then my body doesn't have time to be anxious, nauseous, shaky, and lightheaded.
The only issue left is blood withdrawal. If you're familiar with HRT, you know about regular blood testing. My first two times I almost passed out afterwards. Intensely nauseous and faint. Now, I can immediately walk out the clinic and be fine. Unfortunately after my last lab result, turns out I have too much blood and now have to donate it every 3 months. I PANICKED. I was terrified and I started crying. Not only do I have to deal with a needle, I have to deal with the thought of blood leaving my body. When it came time, it was at the appointment I learned of the finger prick. It was like blood lab #1 all over again. My iron is SUPER high and I nearly passed out and they questioned if I was okay to donate. But I had to. It took an hour for me to calm down and work myself up. I'm so glad the red cross nurses were patient with me. Turns out blood donation was no problem! Having to constantly squeeze my hand was a little freaky, but I genuinely couldn't feel anything. And afterwards I didn't feel faint at all!
So you would think I've defeated the needle fear with every aspect of my medical life being needle based... until it came time for me to inject myself. I told myself I would not go get my T injection unless I could do it myself.... well thats how I was almost a week late on this dose. So I went over to my friend and mostly helped prepare the syringe. But after about 15 minutes I couldn't do it so they injected me while we recorded it for me to desensitize myself. Come this week, it was again injection time and for real- it was going to just be me to do it. I did put it off for a whole two days (so my next labs might look strange) but today I took out my supplies, prepared it good enough (definitely was 0.1mL short on my dose).... and sat there for an hour. I would hold the needle capped near me, practice holding the syringe. I would get brave enough to uncap the needle and hold it just millimeters away from my skin... and then after about 5 seconds of looking at the scene, my heart would start racing, my head get a little light, and my hand get shaky. I probably uncapped and capped the needle 7 times. Eventually, I really had to poop, so it had to be done. I didn't feel a thing. It definitely took longer than usual because for the first 5 seconds the needle was in, I was trying to find the correct amount of force to push the syringe- harder than expected. My exit was smooth and I was SO relieved. That along with blood donations were probably the biggest hurdles in my needle journey and now that the bandaid is ripped off, I'm sure the next times will be easier. I'm so relieved to get injections on my own schedule so my T levels don't drop too low.
Thanks for sticking with the long read if you did. And if you are also a trans person who is scared of needles, you're not alone and I hope you find a method that works for you, or that you can get over the fear! Looking away and distracting yourself for an injection is one thing, but looking at it, let aline doing it yourself is scary. However, I think the autonomy in doing it yourself is a benefit. You can work at your own pace and it also just feels badass!
submitted by seadogsnpyrite to trypanophobia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:29 Electrical-Ad1820 Guide to Willo: Part 2- Talents

So it’s quite the well-known fact that of Willo’s talent: Blastflower, is Willo’s best talent, at least statistically it does well. I won’t say it’s not because it is just that much better than her other two talents. But there’s a huge “why?” to it. In general, the factors of why talents are good or bad when compared to one another come from three factors: Their actual upsides, their actual downsides, and how they make someone play.If anyone takes a look at most talents in the game you’ll notice that most don’t list a downside, the “downside” of taking Darkstalker is the fact he’s not using either of his other talents, that and my technicality certain cards don’t work the same as they would if they were on a chained Netherstep and so this example sucks and I didn’t want to change what I had written, but that’s not the point. All talents have this drawback- the fact they’re not other talents. Some talents in their upsides come up short of their peers. Sometimes they’re not even a problem and it’s that one talent overwhelms the others with its sheer power- I’m not saying Blastflower needs to be nerfed even if the bar graphs are showing that (though it should on principle), that’s not what I’m saying.
The final issue is the playstyle that is incentivized by both Nightshade and Scorn actively making them contrast with their intended and more effective playstyles, I should say that Nightshade is less egregious than Scorn thought it still has problems.
They yellow/gold represents a increase in a stat, The red represents a decrease the red spots represent a potential decrease. Top left is the default.


By increasing the damage Nightshade does you make it an easy-to-land damage tool, in the previous guide I mentioned that Nightshade doesn’t have falloff, and that makes it incredibly useful for helping new players land it, however, it also gives the impression that you should use deadzone for dueling, which you shouldn’t since you’re now no longer using it for Area Denial or Crowd Control, however, if you don’t use it to fight squishies and just use it as normal you end up risking the chance you effectively have a non-talent since unless you save it for only hitting targets you might end up never taking the shot at all, that mixed with Deadzones cooldown makes it incredibly hard to use effectively for a reward that’s more or less able to be caught up with via Blastflower, even with a specialized build for Nightshade, my best advice for when to use this (outside of never) is to use it on TDM where the lack of tanks and objective gives plenty of room to use this for deathmatching.A side note, Nightshade is considered ability damage which ignores AP and instead can only be stopped by flat DR or AW.
In conclusion, in the case of Nightshade, risks, by its incentivised damage amp rewarding using it for fighting targets rather than stopping healing, means it possibly loses out on the area denial, however, it still is capable of doing this job even if the reward of the talent may be lost, so the red isn’t a full stop, though the talent also risks not using the damage however, you will rarely not gain value from deadzone denying heal, and if you use it on a tank or a shield, that damage still exists so it won’t be losing out on its value since you still have use cases of Crowd Control, and Ensuring kills where you’d have used the ability in the same way regardless.


Willo’s meta talent, and by a large margin as it gives Willo the means to duel enemies more easily (without using deadzone to do so) gives her more damage against health pools and generally has no real downsides. It’s to the point it’s more or less self-explanatory but I shall elaborate regardless. Blastflower as a Talent works regardless of whatever else you have going on, by the nature of it being attached to her primary attack with no special gimmicks beyond just hitting the same person multiple times, this and its ability to consistently get this stacking damage even with splash damage (though increasing 125 damage by 90% still doesn’t kill anyone any time soon so still aim at target) means you can easily ramp up damage and land the absolutely lethal 900 damage, while normally these guides won’t be used for balance discussion I will say that they should reduce the max stacks by 1, capping Willo’s damage to 800, to allow for duels, and some tank shredding while at the same time not doing 900 goddamn damage. Since I genuinely believe any attempts at balancing Nightshade in its current state are hopeless and giving her scorched earth (perhaps at a weaker value or without the cooldown reduction to not entirely gut point tanks with a single ability no matter how little uptime it has) it’s hard to advise people about Blastflower beyond just hit your shots.


Okay so while I personally never looked at Scorn beyond it being just a weirder weaker version of the already weak accelerant, it was Snake (the person who does my math for me and helped me make this guide via his time on Willo) who made me realize the problems with it. We’ll talk about the positives first, it’ll be quick.
  1. It does over 3500 damage if all seedlings hit
  2. It’s easier to use aggressively
  3. They are considered ability damage like Nightshade so all the same benefits apply.
And we’re done, the issue with Scorn is that by the nature of seedlings, they’re inconsistent in where they land, and the possibility of them spreading too far out or being evaded (they are only reduced by 0.5 seconds means while they are easier to use aggressively they still aren’t doing anything for a decent while, and this means certain techniques that can be done with normal seedlings become much harder on Scorn. This and using them for area denial can end up being pointless since while they still last for 1.5 seconds they disappear sooner which means you can drop your shields sooner, and go on through sooner.They make area denial harder for the incentive of killing a default AFK Barik in 1.5 seconds, which anyone with a brain can easily mitigate the damage they take and make space, and even with decks that focus on spamming seedlings, shields easily eat up the damage they offer and without these builds you end up with a similar long cooldown issue that Nightshade faces without the use cases to use the cooldown on actually mattering since you’re throwing them in hoping for the best. Oh, and you feed Terminus’ siphon more than throwing normal seedlings at him already does which you know… they won’t complain about.
Tommorow I'll make a post about Willo's best and worst cards, and further elaborate on builds.
submitted by Electrical-Ad1820 to Paladins [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:28 GalaxiGazer Finally ... I have peace about you

Dear A,
I honestly cannot explain where this came from, why it's there, or how it happened. I will be thankful because it's like there's no struggle energy between us. The energy signature is one of anticipation, growth, new life, strength, and the realistic expectation of success.
Now while I can't explain why I have this peace about you, I can quantify how it's paying off dividends to me right now.
You may have, beginning in 2021 when we separated, had relationships with other women. There might be an ex or two that you're getting over. That's okay! The lessons you've learned from being with them, and you applying the wisdom from those lessons, will eventually prepare you to be at your best when you're with me.
I'm learning to distinguish and hear your voice. I mean, I already know what it sounds like because I've heard it before. But the universe has me so in tune with you that I'm becoming better at being able to distinguish the way you speak and present yourself from the others I read. When the time comes for us to truly reconnect, you're not going to be a mysterious wall of text. I will hear your voice and you will be physically involved in my life.
I will know that it was/is our decision to take the necessary steps toward a future together. It will not be like the past, where it was the circumstances in our lives that brought us together and our brief bond was built on mutual pain we were experiencing at the time. Moving forward, what we decide between each other and for each other will be made from a place of health, abundance, agreement, forethought, and stability.
We no longer need to define things and figure out the past. I already know how you feel about me, and I trust the universe has told you how I feel about you. I already know your intentions and you're endgame, so you're not treating this casually or flippantly "seeing where it goes". I trust that you've had the time to figure how you could fit in my life and what you'd be able to provide if you were in mine. I'm thinking the exact same thing, so we're in agreement.
The confirmation of the expected manifestation is simply discussing the logistics of slowly integrating each other in our lives. This is when the real work of building a relationship actually happens, where you and I can daily work together to invest the required time, effort, compromise, emotional intelligence, interdependence, availability and focus to take that next step. All these past few years were just preparation for us to get there and we should be able to see further payoffs if we both have used our time apart productively.
~ K
submitted by GalaxiGazer to letters [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:28 Subm1t-to-Allah Being Harassed, what actions can i take before fully diving into the expenses of a lawyer.

I have been harassed by two individuals, though not sure about one of them most recently but they generally run together. I have a decently detailed time line of events, stretching from 2022 to now. I haven't been threatened nor have my family, but some members do feel unsafe. Also they make life inconvenient and frustrating more than anything, especially since they have no reason to be harassing me. I have not made a report yet, I will be Monday through non-emergency unless something happens. Not really sure what next steps i should take, so let'er rip in the comments. Thanks y'all
submitted by Subm1t-to-Allah to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:28 Ora_Ora_Muda Is it overly strict for my parents to not let me go to a concert alone?

Just a quick question, there's a concert in my town that I really wanted to go to but my parents said that I can't go alone and would need to bring an adult with me (either one of them or another family member). I'm 16m and live in a college town so i'm asumming most people attending would be college aged but the concert is also in the middle of the day and the venue isn't super big.
Wondering what you guys think
submitted by Ora_Ora_Muda to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:28 ProperMatter5021 ZeroDarkTony claims to be exempt from any charges or accusations because he's an "ordained minister".

So apparently our guy ZeroDarkTony is an ordained minister (in good standing, mind you LMAO) and cannot be charged, served or accused of anything because he is a mandated reporter. Yo Tony, what church? I'm going to have to NOT believe you based on your previous lies (that have been proven over and over). A certificate you got online doesn't count.
And also, no one is above the law. Not even you Tony Baloney. You should probably get off of the phone with your fake FBI and Pentagon friends and learn actual law.
And for the love of God, please stop doxxing and harassing and stalking minors. It's weird.
submitted by ProperMatter5021 to Scientology_Protest [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:28 Loud_Match_2008 Changed day of dose = worse side effect

Hello guys. I’ve been on wegovy since december, and it has worked out fine with a little bit of side effects but nothing to bad. Now however, the last two weeks I have tried changning the day of my dose. I used to take it fridays but I wanted to move it back a little to the middle of the week, so two weeks ago I took it thursday, and this past week I took it Wednesday.
This weekend I’m having attacks of nausea, mostly when I feel a little bit stressed or in a hurry. Do you guys think this is due to the changing of day, or is this something I will be experiencing from now on?
What are your experiences?
submitted by Loud_Match_2008 to WegovyWeightLoss [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:28 forreddit01011989 West Bengal, Nadia: BJP worker Hafizul Sheikh, shot and beheaded.................Is this NORMAL DURING ELECTIONS. I AM SCARED

How can this be NORMAL. How has this become Normal for every elections in BENGAL....NO matter the Party in Power , rest of the country does elections peacefully , what is wrong with BENGAL . U guys are one step away from complete Meltdown of law n order in few years .Please speak up on VIOLENCE during Elections no matter what party u support. I see u guys have have given up on the Violence during every elections as a TOPIC to discuss and have just considered it as a NORMAL behaviour.Its not.WAKE UP
submitted by forreddit01011989 to kolkata [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:27 Spotty1122 who belongs in the selfish category?

who belongs in the selfish category?
who do you think would belong in it? been awhile since i did one of these are you guys interested?
submitted by Spotty1122 to TheWalkingDeadGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:27 IcyAd964 Can anyone explain to me how Leon the guy who is the Jack of all trades and has fought and outclassed two of one of the best wrestlers the ufc has ever seen is going to lose against Islam? Thanks

Can anyone explain to me how Leon the guy who is the Jack of all trades and has fought and outclassed two of one of the best wrestlers the ufc has ever seen is going to lose against Islam? Thanks submitted by IcyAd964 to ufc [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:27 BarracudaBrilliant79 Am I allowed to celebrate pride

I’m a bi guy but don’t feel romantic feelings for men. Don’t really have sexual feelings either, just find them really attractive and want to stare at them and kiss them and get aroused. Am I allowed to celebrate pride even though I am not romantically attracted to the same sex. Only out to one person so I’m not sure how much it matters but still.
submitted by BarracudaBrilliant79 to bisexual [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:27 BigRocksWilderness [DIPLOMACY] With a Little Help from My Friends Going the Distance with the Bandung Pact

The Commonwealth - UASR

Cayenne, Guiana
  • President Maxim Katz
  • Fleet Admiral Kalev Morozov
  • General Secretary of Commonwealth Space Operations Anastasia Wisniewska
  • Governor of Guiana, Dmitri Benoît
"You cant do this Big Guy! Money! We need Money!"
Greetings to our foul weather friends in the UASR!
The special relationship between The Commonwealth and the Bandung Pact never faltered, but has simply changed. We are proud to be members of the pact now that the EU has long since fallen, The Great Shield of Democracy has changed hands a few times but has remained as strong as ever. However, while we are more than to happy to remain close with The Bandung Pact, their remains the pressing issue that The Commonwealth is living on borrowed time. We need supplies, and we needed them yesterday, and to put it simply, we will not accept any reductions or restrictions upon our sovereignty or our democracy, not that we expect such things from the UASR, but it needed to be said. The Commonwealth's Red Banner Fleets can and will supply a significant upgrade of firepower and capability over the existing fleets of the Bandung Pact, if you can help us maintain and expand it. To put it simply we need money, and you have lots of it. Further Guiana provides critical redundancy for the UASR's space launch capabilities, and will provide a net economic boon to our mutual economies if we can work together. For our mutual benefit, we propose the following items.
  • The Bandung Pact, and the UASR specifically will charitably assist in the upkeep and expansion of the Commonwealth's Defense Forces.
  • The UASR and The Commonwealth will cooperate in the security of space assets, and will cooperate economically with the free flow of trade between our space-ports.
  • The Bandung Pact and the Based Department will have joint secure communication channels per their request.
We look forward to continue working together.
submitted by BigRocksWilderness to worldpowers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:27 hsjenkekwkwkw Questions about maternity roosts and pups

Questions about maternity roosts and pups
Before I ask anything here— I want to say right off the bat (no pun intended) that the pups in the pictures were alive and I immediately brought them to an emergency vet that works with a wildlife rehab and accepts bats. I obviously did NOT touch them with my bare hands.
I figure here is a good community to ask about bat information. So this afternoon I stumbled upon some bat pups that were on the ground outside of my work. There were two of them lying in the direct sun on the pavement, and one clinging to the slide of the building about 2” off the ground and next to the others. I’m honestly shocked they were alive— I live in California and it was about 75° f and sunny midday when I found them. I was sure they were baked-bat until one moved.
After some cursory googling I realize there is what I assume to be a maternity roost in the roofing above where the pups (fell?), so ostensibly thats where they came from. I’ve seen bats flying in and out of that corner of the building before, and even saw one flying out this evening around dusk.
Okay, now finally my question(s). Is this situation at all normal? It seems odd that I found three pups, and of which all were alive. Is it common for bats to roost on the edge of a surface, enabling their babies to fall— sort of like birds nests sometimes do? Do predators target adult bats in a roost during the day, and if so, why wouldn’t the babies have been targeted as well? Are there any diseases or otherwise normal bat behaviors that would cause three pups to be pushed from the roost? Has anyone else seen something similar? I’m so confused as to what happened. I understand all answers will be speculative but I know nothing about bats so I’m curious for any insight.
TLDR; I’m wondering what sorts of things would cause three living bat pups to be expelled from a roost in the middle of the day?
submitted by hsjenkekwkwkw to bats [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:27 mikej2727 Specimen Tree Recommendations (Santa Barbara, CA)

Looking for input on what we're considering and/or other suggestions.
It's going in the center of the yard straight out the back french doors. 15' diameter circular area with groundcover underneath (thyme or similar). 8' from neighbors fence. Full sun. Clay soil (will be amended). Mature height to 15' ish tall with a similar canopy width. Likely buying a 5-15 gallon size (to save money) and hoping to have some sort of small canopy w/in the first year or two. The rest of the yard is kind of ecclectic, DG pathways and sitting areas with beds with bark with clumping grasses, salvias, phormium, madeiras, rock purslanes, poppies, other similar plants. So, we're not looking to match a particular style.
Desired traits, but not requirements:
So far, we're considering:
submitted by mikej2727 to landscaping [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:27 mansplanar 40 Creative Tinder Bio Ideas (That Will Work For Any Dating App!)

If you're on the apps—whether you're looking for marriage, looking for a hookup or you're just looking for a nice night out on the town—one thing is for sure: You have seconds to make a first impression that keeps someone from swiping left. What's the key? Knowing how to make your Tinder bios stand out among the rest.
If you're wondering: "What is a good bio for Tinder? How do I spice up my Tinder bio?" then you've come to the right place. Marissa Moore, a counselor and couples therapist with years of experience, gave us all her recommendations for making your bio the best of them all (plus 40 ideas for the best Tinder bios, below!)
What to Put In a Tinder Bio
So, you've opened up the "edit" section on your Tinder bio (or Hinge bio or even Bumble bio, too) and you're staring blankly at your phone. How are you supposed to know how to write a Tinder bio that will stop someone in their tracks?
How Dating Apps Are Changing Our Psychology
The secret, Moore says, is deciding between a few different formulas, and sticking to one. Remember: This doesn't have to be super complicated. It's actually supposed to be fun! To get started, use these are a guide on what to put in Tinder bio:
Everyone loves a perfectly-timed one-liner, right? Write something that captures your personality or sense of humor.
Want to keep it straight forward? Go the old-fashioned route and write a brief description of yourself, highlighting your interests, hobbies or passions.
You're funny, so maybe use this time to show it off. Using a joke or witty remark can be a great way to give someone a sense of your personality, too.
Lastly, if you're a romantic at heart or suave in your own right, try using a creative and flirty pick up line that stands out (but avoid anything overly cheesy or inappropriate.)
How to Write a Tinder Bio
Now that you've got a road map for how to make a good Tinder bio—i.e. you've chosen a one-liner, keeping it straight forward, leaning on your humor or a pick up line—what is the best way to approach actually writing it all out?
Whether you're looking to write clever Tinder bios, Tinder bios for guys or just wanting to make your dating app bio shine with your personality, Moore has a few tried-and-true tricks up her sleeve to stand out.
Be Authentic
It might be tempting to want to make yourself look "better" than you are IRL, but this is never a good idea, and your dates will learn the truth eventually. That's why Moore suggests the biggest piece of advice: to be authentic.
Good Morning Texts For Her
Wake Her With A Smile With These 82 Good Morning Texts
Let her know that she's always the first thing on your mind.
Woman looks at her phone while smiling.
Funny, punny and non-corny inpsiration, right this way.
"Showcase your genuine personality and interests," Moore says. "Rather than trying to portray yourself as someone you're not."
Keep it Concise
Next up? Make sure to keep your Tinder bios as concise as possible. Remember: you've got seconds to impress the person on the other end — let's make sure you get a swipe right.
"Aim for a bio that is clear, concise and easy to read," she says. "Avoid overwhelming potential matches with too much information."
Show, Don't Tell
Another tip? Show, don't tell. According to Moore, Instead of listing qualities about yourself, you might consider sharing anecdotes or stories that illustrate who you are and what you enjoy. This can sometimes be more intriguing.
Highlight Your Unique Traits
What makes you unique is a good thing! Use it to your advantage. By focusing on what makes you stand out from the crowd, and what you can offer in a relationship, you may find someone who already loves your quirks and differences, right off the bat.
Funny Tinder Bios
Do you consider yourself a comic? If so, you might have chosen going with the funny Tinder bios route. If so, here are some ideas to use, below.
I'm not a photographer, but I can picture us together.
Looking for someone who can keep up with my pun game.
Swipe right if you're ready for cheesy pick up lines and spontaneous dance parties.
Looking for a wingwoman to hunt down the best tacos in town on a random Tuesday afternoon.
Seeking someone who will support my travel addiction and my obsession for squeezing everything into a carry on bag.
If you date me, you'll be the good looking one.
Looking for someone to appreciate my puns and share pizza with. If you can't handle my cheesy jokes, you're not the one for me. Let's see if we can find the perfect slice together!
You're single, I'm single. You know what that means? Nobody wants us.
Life's too short for boring conversations and dull dates! Let's do both.
I'm really bad at putting together IKEA furniture—looking for a cute helper 😉
Clever Tinder Bios
Maybe a clever bio is more your speed. If so, there are plenty of ideas for Tinder bio that fall under clever and smart, too.
Currently accepting applications for a partner in crime and fellow Netflix binge-watcher.
Like a 'Fun-Size' Snickers bar, they say good things come in small packages.
If life is a game, consider me your cheat code. Swipe right and let's unlock some bonus levels together.
I'm like a Rubik's Cube—complex, colorful and slightly frustrating at times. But once you figure me out, you'll realize I'm worth the challenge.
If you can guess my favorite pizza topping, you win bonus points.
Seeking someone who can match my level of sarcasm and appreciation for dry humor.
Looking for someone who can handle my impeccable taste in music, questionable cooking skills and my uncanny ability to always find the best meme for every situation.
Outdoor enthusiast and indoor Netflix champion.
Professional overthinker seeking someone who analyzes texts as much as I do. Showcases self-awareness and a touch of vulnerability.
Chapter 23 - Looking for someone to co-author the next chapters. Indicates a life seen as an unfolding story, inviting collaboration.
Cute Tinder Bios
If being cutesy is more your thing, look no further: using cute Tinder bios has been proven to work again and again. Being and feeling cute can be a confidence boost when dating — here are some of our fave examples.
Lover of sunsets, dog walks and spontaneous adventures. Let's create our own love story.
Looking for someone to share lazy Sunday mornings and late-night conversations with.
Searching for my partner-in-crime to explore the city, try new foods and cuddle up with on rainy days.
Puppy enthusiast. Ice cream connoisseur. A seeker of great coffee dates.
Might steal your heart, will steal your fries.
Just a Jim looking for his Pam. Bonus points if you give great bear hugs!
A believer in fairy tales, serendipity and the magic of a good cup of coffee.
Looking for someone who's all about making everyday moments a little bit extraordinary.
Cuddling champion searching for a worthy competitor. Must be fond of star-gazing and midnight snacks.
Looking for someone to share in my adventure of finding the best tacos in town.
Simple Tinder Bios
If being cute, funny or clever doesn't speak to you, it's OK to stick to simple, too! Here are some ideas to try on for size.
Looking for a real connection, not just a one-time thing.
Just trying to find my other half.
Come say hello.
____ born & raised.
Looking for more laugh lines.
Traveling and exploring. Want to join?
Let's see how this goes.
Looking for an adventure partner.
If I am not home, you can find me ____.
submitted by mansplanar to MatchMeBro [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:27 BarracudaBrilliant79 Am I allowed to celebrate pride

I’m a bi guy but don’t feel romantic feelings for men. Don’t really have sexual feelings either, just find them really attractive and want to stare at them and kiss them and get aroused. Am I allowed to celebrate pride even though I am not romantically attracted to the same sex. Only out to one person so I’m not sure how much it matters but still.
submitted by BarracudaBrilliant79 to BisexualTeens [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:27 MermaidPomeranian Another question about hills

This is my very first Reddit post after years of lurking, so hello all! For context, my husband and I bought ebikes today to get back in shape. I purchased a Tenways CGO600 Pro, which will arrive sometime late next week. My husband got a used Electra Townie Go 8i.
I rode his bike around today and it’s raised a question for me about how the Tenways handles on hills. I’ll start by saying I have read all the other super helpful posts about hills but have a bit more of a specific question.
We live in the suburbs that are pretty flat, but there are one or two hills that clock in at around 6-8 degrees of incline. On my analog bike, in my current condition, I’d probably end up walking the bike. When I drove the Electra, I made it up the hill on gear 4. It was definitely work, and my legs felt the burn, but I didn’t feel like death on wheels.
The Electra has gears (although I didn’t really change gears much when I rode it) a mid-drive motor, and cadence sensors. The CGO600 is a one speed with a rear motor and a torque sensor. So I know it might be comparing apples to oranges, but I’m wondering how the CGO600 will do on the hills?
I took it for a test ride and it handled a smaller incline just fine and overall it felt great. But I’m nervous about the 6-8 degree hills and how the bike will fare, now knowing how it feels on the Electra. I know I’ll find out next week when it gets here, but I figured I’d ask if anyone has any thoughts on how it might compare to the Electra (especially considering I didn’t put the Electra into low gear when I did the hill)
submitted by MermaidPomeranian to tenwaysebike [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:26 RZirb What do you guys think of this one?

What do you guys think of this one? submitted by RZirb to GunStippling [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:26 arturcodes Is there any mod wich allows to take off clothes from sims?

Hey, currently I'm having a problem when some of the mods looks like two part clothing but they are actually one part e.g. swimming suits.
Is there any mod that allows you to take off clothes from one part or completly but also not nudify the sim?
submitted by arturcodes to thesims4 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:26 Sweetbellic78 Why do I want to cry so easily?

my grandfather has been dead for almost three years coming up in august. I was twelve when he died and at first, I didn’t feel much of anything. Of course I cried at first and at the funeral, but after that I didn’t feel the need to.
I was very close to him considering both my parents are worth a fuck. My grandma and him took me in and raised me. I’ve been thinking about him a lot for the last two months and wondering what it would be like if he was here. At first, I’d think about him and think about bawling up in a ball drunk crying over his death- and it was the only possible way I’d ever cry like that. But now, it’s like every time I think about him/ my grandma brings him up my throat gets tight and it feels like I wanna cry. Even while writing this out.
I try to be so strong for my grandma because I can’t be emotional too when shes the one who gets easily choked up over anything.
submitted by Sweetbellic78 to GriefSupport [link] [comments]