Perfume allergy statistics

9 Best Eco Friendly Laundry Detergent

2024.06.01 20:35 iamkingsleyf 9 Best Eco Friendly Laundry Detergent

It’s not difficult to adopt a more eco-friendly way of living, despite how daunting the idea may seem.
It’s preferable to start using healthier, more environmentally friendly items by replacing things like laundry detergent with less harmful alternatives.
Most of the best eco-friendly laundry detergents have been certified hypoallergenic by dermatologists.
These make them ideal for those sensitive to fragrances or sensitive skin.
Switching from traditional detergent to one that is organic, natural, vegan, or plant-based helps you live a safer and more sustainable lifestyle.
However, it may also positively affect the softness of your clothing, sheets, and skin.
In contrast to their chemically injected counterparts, eco-friendly laundry products are packaged in a way that doesn’t harm the environment.
They are biodegradable and don’t include any of the following: parabens, phosphates, dyes, artificial colors, perfumes, or allergies.
Here are the lists of the best eco friendly laundry detergent;

1. Tru Earth Laundry Detergent Sheets or Eco-Strips

With its zero-waste Eco-Strips Laundry Detergent, Tru Earth is trying a new approach to saving the environment. Tru Earth has developed vegan detergent strips that replace the need for pods, liquid detergent, or powder.
They are also safe from the harmful effects of parabens, phosphates, and other chemicals. You don’t have to worry about measuring or spilling with these dissolvable sheets, yet they perform the same job as regular detergent.
Tru Earth Eco Strips is one of the best eco friendly laundry detergent. These are unlike any other laundry detergent since they come in small sheets that you can easily add to your washing machine.
Each strip is equivalent to one wash, and while it weighs just 0.1 ounces, it is as effective as 1.4 ounces of traditional detergent.
You won’t have to waste time sifting through your laundry to find the Tru Earth laundry strips since they dissolve entirely in warm and cold water. This also ensures that the machine filter will not catch these strips.

2. Molly’s Suds Laundry Powder

If you’re looking for a laundry powder that uses some of the same essential components as the pioneers used, go no further than Molly’s Suds Laundry Powder.
Only four all-natural, cruelty-free, plant-based components make up this formula, and they’re all gentle enough for even the most delicate skin types. There are no artificial colors, odor-concealing ingredients, parabens, or chlorine.
Since you’ll only need a tablespoon per load, the shipping cost is less than it would be for many liquid detergents.
The people who should be worried about using the optional peppermint-scented detergent are those who are allergic to peppermint oil, so you may buy it confidently.
The manufacturer suggests adding a tablespoon or two of white vinegar to each load if you have hard water to get the best results from your washing machine. A tablespoon or less per load is all needed for those with soft water.

3. Earth Breeze Laundry Detergent Eco Sheets

These disposable sheets clean and remove stains using natural plant-based components, and they come in two scents: Fresh and Unscented.
Each one is safe enough to use on cloth diapers and other delicate items since it does not include any common irritants like palm oil, colors, chlorine, parabens, phosphates, or phthalates.
You may reduce the environmental impact of doing laundry even further by using a cold water cycle since these detergents work just as well in cold water as in hot water.
Each pack’s cardboard sleeve is included, which may be recycled or composted. Undoubtedly, this is one of the best eco friendly laundry detergent.

4. Biokleen Natural Concentrated Free & Clear Liquid Laundry Detergent

There’s a good chance you’ve seen a unique packaging in the supermarket’s laundry section. In response to consumer demand, some companies have begun packaging their liquid detergent in recyclable cardboard containers.
The 32-ounce container of Biokleen Natural Concentrated Free & Clear liquid laundry detergent is now available and created entirely from recycled cardboard and paper.
Although the bag used to store the liquid and the measuring cap are both made of plastic, this is an improvement over previous designs. You take off the top, open the cardboard case, and take out the pouch when the bottle is empty.
You may recycle the plastic parts in your area, but you should double-check with your local recycler to be sure. The outer shell may be recycled together with your regular paper and cardboard.
There is around 70% less plastic in each container than in a standard detergent bottle. Thankfully, the cost hasn’t gone up due to this novel improvement.
Ecologic Brands, pioneering the movement away from plastic packaging, is responsible for this innovative new form factor. Biokleen, like some of the best eco friendly laundry detergent mentioned above, is triple concentrated.
This means that it uses less energy to package, and transport and can clean 64 loads with just one bottle. The Biokleen brand, also manufactured in the USA, is plant-based and gets high marks for its effectiveness.

5. Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day Laundry Detergent Pacs

The fresh lemon verbena aroma of these laundry Pacs, which come from a respected brand called Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day, was inspired by flowers and herbs. However, it still delivers a powerful punch in the laundry room.
They only use essential oils and other plant-based components in their cruelty-free perfumes. You won’t find chlorine, azo dyes, parabens, phthalates, monoethanolamine (MEA), or diethanolamine in these Pacs (DEA).
Since some of the components used to generate the perfume may be annoying to people sensitive to odors or skin sensitive, this laundry detergent received a “B” rating from EWG.

6. Puracy Natural Detergent

This detergent is unscented and hypoallergenic, making it a great option for people with odor or skin sensitivity and those who want a more natural, free-and-clear detergent.
The cruelty-free detergent is made from plant, vegetable oils, coconut oil, and a natural mineral cleanser.
It doesn’t contain anything listed on the back of the detergent’s bag, like phosphates, sulfates, petrochemicals, animal by-products, chlorine, perfumes, optical brighteners, or dyes.
Though they are environmentally sensitive and package their products in tiny recyclable bottles, they do not use plastic.
Puracy liquid laundry detergent is cheaper than the best eco friendly laundry detergent on this list. Their detergent costs less than Earth Breeze in the long run, at $0.17 per load.

7. ECOS Hypoallergenic Laundry Detergent

Buying things that make you happy shouldn’t strain your finances. The hypoallergenic Free & Clear liquid detergent from ECOS is an excellent compromise. It’s twice as concentrated as traditional liquid detergents, so you only need a quarter of the amount to get the job done.
This detergent is made entirely from natural, renewable resources and biodegradable products. It’s mild enough for use on baby clothes and won’t harm their delicate fabrics. There are just six components to this detergent.
The surfactant in ECO detergents comes from anionic coconut kernel oil, soapy and designed to dissolve stains. Methylisothiazolinone is one substance that has raised some red flags. It’s used in minute amounts to foods and drinks as a preservative to lengthen their storage lives.
This chemical may irritate those with sensitive skin and is hazardous to aquatic species. This hypoallergenic detergent has been dermatologist-tested and is ideal for those with sensitive skin.
It is also vegan and has a neutral pH. It includes an integrated softener and works with any water temperature or color load, including whites.

8. Common Good Bergamot

The novel concept behind Common Good detergent is the use of refill stations strategically placed across the country. Thus, you may use the recyclable bottle again. The detergent itself is constructed entirely of renewable resources.
Common Good performed poorly in the cleaning department, leaving behind 5% more stains than Tide Purclean. This is among the best eco friendly laundry detergent.

9. Attitude Baby Laundry Detergent

Attitude baby laundry detergent includes chamomile, an ancient medicinal plant, making it suitable for sensitive skin even though many eco-friendly detergents are already hypoallergenic.
People have been using this plant for generations for its anti-inflammatory effects and well-known ability to aid sleep when consumed as a tea. This detergent may have been designed for infants and young children.
However, it has practically no scent, so adults won’t end up smelling like a baby or annoyed by artificial fragrances. It might be helpful for those with eczema or similar skin conditions.
Plant-based components mean it doesn’t use animal products. Considering/* its PETA and ECOLOGO certifications, you may be sure that no animals were harmed during its production.
Since it is designed for use with cold water and has an “A” rating from the Environmental Working Group, you may use less hot water and save money.
submitted by iamkingsleyf to u/iamkingsleyf [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 17:17 SensorSelf Sensory Issues - horrible part of my life - under valued in psychology by the DSM-V

I understand for ASD L2 and L3 that communication and social issues are massive.
But for me, un-diagnosed ASD L1, my whole life has been controlled by sensory issues.
Many of these issues make me less or un-social (not antisocial) or I piss friends and family off.
This on it's own made me lonely or extreme weird most my life.
SPD isn't recognized and if that's what I have it's somehow meaningless.
If the medical field worked on this people like me would have better health and less need for going to the doc.
Having all these negative physical feelings all the time drastically adds to anxiety and stress.


I don't eat most foods. I mean I eat variations on like 10 things. I can and have gone through periods of eating the same foods daily for 5 yrs at a time. I ate tuna fish for lunch every day for 2 yrs then never ate fish again. I ate Stouffer's lasagna every night (almost except lasagna pizza) every night for 5 yrs.
The diet issues alone can kill anyone and the diet issues can make other sensory issues worse.
For example:
-if you under eat nutrients your body becomes obsessed with getting whatever it can in and you can then go to horrible foods like sweets/carbs which then...
-cause inflammation and weight gain
-that increases any allergy issues, temperature issues, clothing sensitivities etc.
When I was a kid and didn't understand much of this I was in an allergy nightmare land and much of that was due to diet and much of our foods we didn't know how bad they were (70s-90s) because they just started converting them to mostly artificial and addictive chems.
Many of my sensory issues diminished once I controlled my diet. But since diets are the wild west and filled with marketing lies I had to go through so much unhealthy stuff before I figured that out.
Now my interest in limited types of food is a benefit.
I've had stomach issues all my life. I have stress from digestion.
Digestion even affects my back to the point it swells up and I can't move from extreme pain.
Friends parents forcing me to try to eat at their homes made me stop being friends with at least a few kids.

Sun, Temperature, Sweat and Freezing

I can't explain how much I hate the f'n sun.
I sneeze when it shines warm on my nose.
My clothing becomes uncomfortable in various ways.
I have weird temperature issues where hot in some areas cold in others. My hands are freezing in 90 degree weather. Even when active EXCEPT when I eat tons of sugar snacks. Docs don't know what it is.
I do not go many places because of this.
As a kid it was worse because you don't go out at night as much but in my teens going out was way more fun because it was at night.
When I sweat I ONLY feel my sweat. I almost can't feel or think about anything else and it drives me nuts.
So I have to avoid being hot or moving a lot.
I get sun sick without a tan. I have to sleep out of sickness and dizziness after being outside too much in the sun.


I feel my body hair when I sweat.
I don't shave much of it off because I can feel it growing back in for days.
My facial only bothers me after a few days as long as I shower immediately after shaving.
People think I'm a narcissist because I'm obsessed with my hair.
I HAVE to control it completely because i feel it in various areas moving all day.
My hair is also a key component to my very successful masking.


I don't hear the beginning and ending of words as loudly. Likely an auditory processing issue from endless ear infections as a kid. They won't test it for some friggin reason.
That prevents me from learning my wife's language and processing many conversations.
It may have caused my dyslexia or fully similar dyslexia like symptoms.
I can hear people talking VERY clearly behind me from hundreds of feet aware but up close in front of me certain words don't process.
It's event possibly me processing people visually may make me not hear them as well.
If there is something in a plastic bag on the seat in the back of my car, when I turn it slides, then suddenly I can't see anything except my imagination of what that bag sliding looks like. So I have to pull over and put it on the floor - I'm not the only person that uses my car.
Hearing my kids talk loud or scream puts me into a shocked state where I have issues thinking straight for a few minutes after.


My mother faints from certain smells.
I'm allergic to almost all colognes or perfumes.
Many food smells make me want to throw up.
I can smell things from hundreds of feet away.
My wife says i can't smell many smells that disgust her. I've read this is normal/common in evolution though.


Most tastes are gross as F to me.
Even some days my favorite sweets are disgusting. Then I'm just totally dissatisfied.

Texture and Feeling

My food the texture is the biggest deal. I love the taste of most meats but can't stand various textures when chewing it.
Clothing it took a long time to realize I just didn't like how it grasped my body and rubbed on me. 40 yrs to figure this out. Closets filled with clothing I liked how it looked but could never wear it. Costed me THOUSANDS in my life.
I had mentioned I can feel my hair all the time.
I can feel the sun on my skin and HATE IT.
Here's where I'm weird. Hugs from my parents overwhelms me or stresses me out. I don't recall ever hugging or touching my mother.
Hugs from my wife/kids and girlfriends before my wife are very important to me.
I do flinch extremely when people touch me and I'm unprepared.


I have both a huge sensitivity to my inner body and don't notice normal things in my body.
I don't realize I have to go to the bathroom until I'm physically sick sometimes or it's right away minutes after I eat.
I can feel various veins pumping blood, not just arteries.
I knew I had ulcers at 11 or so pretty quickly but that may be normal.
I can feel almost every location in my head that is affected by allergies and mucus. I feel the upper back of my throat daily. I feel my inner ears.

Proprioception and muscle nerve communication

I have to lean on the wall to put on sneakers or pants etc.
I have general walking balance issues. Adjusting for this causes more back issues.
I have issues tying shoes.
I choke on water daily.
I spill water if I filled a glass beyond 60%, almost daily.
I don't have a fear of heights but I have a fear of controlling my balance when on a ladder or a high area. This then appears as a fear of heights.
I worked very hard at becoming a good guitarist as a teen. 2-3 hours a day, I loved it. But I was always confused why some days i'd seem like a virtuoso and other days I just couldn't play accurately at all. I'd lose timing in picking and then next day I was great. I do know alcohol, a small amount, improves this but this is likely why many guitarists have drinking issues - on top of life issues. So I don't want that.


If I don't drink half a glass of water with 200mg of magnesium EVERY night I have to shoot out of bed with excruciating pain nightly. It hurts me so bad that those muscles hurt for days after. I can get cramps in the front muscles of one leg and back of the other at the same time causing me to be immobile.
I have to add zinc on my diet cheat days after too much sugar or worse cramps.
I get cramps in my hands from just lifting drinking glasses.
This is just some of it that I could think of right now.
submitted by SensorSelf to autism [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:27 RoseSpades Had a horrible allergic reaction to the smell of flowers...

Over the years I started developing a reaction to fragrance/perfume and floral smells. This year outside my workplace all the bushes bloomed flowers. I had to ask to be moved away from the window since the smell of the flowers caused my inner ears to swell, my throat to tighten and I would get dizzy and nauseous. I tried taking extra strength Benadryl, since it has helped alleviate allergies in the past, but even that wouldn't alleviate the symptoms.
Yesterday I had to leave work early since within 30 minutes my throat started to tighten to the point I had trouble swallowing and I was worried I'd faint due to the dizziness. Even over a day later, when I'm no longer near any of the flowers my throat is still tight and my ears keep popping due to the pressure.
submitted by RoseSpades to Allergies [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 15:43 Away-Stand-2239 Workplace won’t make an accommodation for my allergies

I work in an office and I have a dust mite allergy. I did ask facilities to approve of a purifier on my desk and they said no. I bought my own anyways and provided them a doctors note. Instead of directly saying no, they implemented a “clean desk policy” claiming no personal items on desk and SPECIFYING no humidifiedehumidifier etc… Even no plants (some plants can clean the air)
They’ve accommodated perfume allergies and a service dog in my office but for some reason a purifier is a no go. I think they’re gonna push for me to wear a mask but that’s not an option for me (glasses fog, headaches, acne, makes everyone think I’m sick, isolating, makes my nose runny, costly, polluting)
I think I have the right to breathe clean-ish air. I’m not sure if there’s a racial aspect to it since all the accommodated people are white. They also allow purifiers downstairs on the floor open to the public.
What should I do ?
submitted by Away-Stand-2239 to legaladvicecanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 15:30 c2833 Those of you who have had allergic reactions to specific tattoo ink/colour, what happened?

Those of you who have had allergic reactions to specific tattoo ink/colour, what happened?
(Doctor appointment already made, and have taken antihistamine) this is 3 days after tattoo. so I think I have an allergic reaction to the grey tattoo ink that was used on this tattoo (first session, not finished yet). The red rash is only apparent around the grey lines of this tattoo. Rest of the tattoo looks healing normally. I noticed the red rash starting yesterday. I will follow the doctors instructions. Because this looks a lot like ink allergy, I’m wondering what to expect and peoples experiences with tattoo ink allergy? Thanks so much! (I know the tattoo looks dry, this was taken when I woke up. The rash is itchy, slightly warm to touch! I clean with a gentle perfume free wash, and I apply a small amount of Cerave moisturising lotion. ) (I will add that my skin is quite sensitive in general and especially nowadays since last month I flared up with an unknown allergy)
submitted by c2833 to tattooadvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 11:00 methanalmkay These are all the sunscreens I've used up in the past year, have you ever calculated how much you go through?

These are all the sunscreens I've used up in the past year, have you ever calculated how much you go through?
I took this photo in July last year, and by that time I'll be done will all of these, except the sunscreen stick. So in a year I go through 800-900 ml of sunscreen I guess, it's a lot! I think I spent around 70-80€ on all this.
I've also had probably 5x this amount of sunscreen samples more, and I used those up, too.
My skin type: combination, acne prone, on tretinoin, fairly light, but I tan easily.
My favourite here is probably the Ladival sunscreen (the body and face one are basically the same) Babe (this feels the lightest of them all) and I liked the Bioderma ones a lot, too. Sundance kids I also love, but I wish it's SPF50+, but I used it on my face throughout autumn/winter.
Whitecast: A-Derma contains Tinosorb M, so there's a bit of a whitecast, similar to Uriage sunscreens.
Yellow: LRP and Avene both look yellow on me, and I hated using them.
Pilling: Heliocare pilled the most, but it was still useable, mostly pilled with makeup, Ladival and Sundance kids also pill a tiny bit with makeup, but also useable and I didn't have issues unless I messed with my face a lot.
Stinging: none of these sting my eyes, except the Garnier one if I'm sweating. Garnier and LRP also sting my skin if it's irritated.
Shiny: they're all shiny. I think the Babe one is the least shiny, really liked that one, but it's too expensive imo (especially for SPF50, not 50+). Heliocare isn't terribly shiny either, looks natural, Sundance kids is ok too. For me the most shiny are Garnier and LRP.
I like the Sundance lipbalm, but it's very sweet and perfumy, which made me nauseous at times lol. Also it doesn't last long on the lips, but it's a nice lip sunscreen imo. I also use the Babylove stick on my lips (smells like castor oil, hate that) and on the backs of my hands, and it's ok, sticky, but nice and cheap for quick reapplication.
If anyone wants a more detailed review of any of these please comment :)
submitted by methanalmkay to EuroSkincare [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 04:43 tamsui_tosspot ELI5: Why can certain smells make you sneeze?

I know that someone might sneeze because of an allergy or due to irritation from some particulate matter like pepper, but outside of that sometimes I'll sneeze in response to perfume or some other smell that doesn't seem to fall into these categories.
submitted by tamsui_tosspot to explainlikeimfive [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 03:37 de_2290 lazy student results

Demographics Gender: Male Race/Ethnicity: South Asian Residence: Northeast Income Bracket: 200k+ Type of School: Extremely-competitive public Hooks (Recruited Athlete, URM, First-Gen, Geographic, Legacy, etc.): duke legacy but mba Intended Major(s): (write here): Biology/Biochemistry/Biomedical Sciences/Philosophy Academics GPA (UW/W): 3.94/5.08 Rank (or percentile): idk maybe top 10% our school doesn't do rank

of Honors/AP/IB/Dual Enrollment/etc.: 18 AP weighted courses

Senior Year Course Load: AP Art History, AP Physics E&M, AP Psychology, AP Lit, Multivariable Calculus, Spanish 5 Standardized Testing List the highest scores earned and all scores that were reported. SAT I: #### (###RW, ###M)
1560 (770 RW, 790M) AP/IB: ____ (#), ____ (#), ... 5 on Calc BC, Chemistry, Gov, Statistics, US History, and World History
4 on Physics, Bio, CSA and a 3 in Lang which i didn't report
Other (ex. IELTS, TOEFL, etc.): Extracurriculars/Activities List all extracurricular involvements, including leadership roles, time commitments, major achievements, etc.

1 Robotics: core team member, team went to worlds (national comp) few times

2 Academic Competition Varsity Captain

3 FBLA Co-FoundeBoard Member

4 DECA Competitor

5 VP of Public Health Club

6 Student researcher at a nonprofit for voter registration

7 Intern at another nonprofit for water safety

8 Podcast Creator for Mental Health


10 Investment Club

Awards/Honors List all awards and honors submitted on your application.

1 VEX Worlds Division Finalist

2 National Merit Semi-Finalist

3 FBLA State Finalist

4 some regional deca award

5 AP Scholar with Distinction

Letters of Recommendation (Briefly describe relationships with your recommenders and estimated rating.)
AP Spanish teacher: 6/10. I enjoyed her class but I wasn't the best at Spanish so I wonder if that may have hurt her recommendation. I assume it had something about growth, because she mentioned that to me when I asked her.
AP Chem teacher: 8/10. His class actually made me switch my career path from CS to something related to biochemistry because I realized I was way more interested in that.
AP Calc teacher: I asked this because I initially thought I was going to apply to Cornell's engineering school, but I applied to CAS instead. 5/10, nothing amazing. Interviews Princeton: 7/10, I feel like I connected with the interviewer a lot and she seemed very interested in what I had to say. We had a cool discussion on Eastern philosophy for a little bit, and overall we had a very good rapport.
Harvard: 3/10. I couldn't relate to the interviewer that much and he largely seemed interested about his own career path (consulting.) I did get a new side to that field though!
Penn: 5/10: Very normalish. Just some basic questions. Neither bad or good
Duke: 6/10: Talked with my interviewer about my AP Art History class, and we had a nice conversation about that.
Cornell: 5/10: Only in-person interview, again just some basic questions, neither bad or good Essays Personal Statement: was about how i learned to be confident and speak properly, in hindsight kind of a bad topic but i feel like it showed my personal growth decently, 6/10
Supplements: focused on my experiences with undergoing treatment for my allergies and how i want to focus on the intersection between ethics and biochemistry to develop treatments in a way that respects patients. 6/10 Decisions (indicate ED/EA/REA/SCEA/RD) Acceptances: Pitt (Honors College)
Penn State (Rejected Schreyers)
University of South Florida (nmf full ride + honors college, committed)
Case Western (deferred -> accepted with 35k per year scholarship)
UC Davis (Provost, 15k per year scholarship) Waitlists: UCLA
Georgia Tech (deferred + waitlist)
UMich (deferred + waitlist)
Northeastern (deferred + waitlist) Rejections: UNC Chapel Hill
UC Berkeley
Johns Hopkins
Penn (early decision)
Additional Information:
I added UCSD and UC Davis on last minute because I thought it would be stupid only applying to UCLA and UC Berkeley and I'm glad that I had those options, because they're pretty good for what I want to study. If I had any advice, just lock in with everything. I had no aims in high school for what I wanted to do, and a lot of the things I did were just because I was friends with more high-achieving people. I had decently good grades (save for freshman year) but almost nothing else. Happy with where I committed though, because I don't really care about prestige that much anymore and just want to develop as a person, plus no undergrad debt is nice. USF also has a BSMD program (not guaranteed, but benchmarks basically give you acceptance into their med school) so I'm also declaring my intent for that, but honestly would be fine also going into research.
submitted by de_2290 to collegeresults [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 01:00 SportComplete3183 Fragrance sensitivity anyone?

I was hoping this would go away but being almost 3 years post covid, i'm sure this is permanent.
So i've always had allergies but not as bad. After covid my allergies were definitely exacerbated and I developed asthma. Besides environmental allergens, the main things that bother me are anything fragranced - perfumes, deodorant, detergent, shampoo, hair products, cleaning products. Also smoke like cigarette smoke, smoke from a campfire. The smell of gasoline and car exhaust. All those things hurt my lungs and I'll feel tightness and pain in my chest and back & shortness of breath.
It's horrible. I used to have a big perfume collection but I got rid of like 90% of it and I'm trying to get back into it and try different scents. I spray only on the back of my neck and wrists so I don't smell it that close. Ugh
submitted by SportComplete3183 to covidlonghaulers [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 22:30 Illhealer I just lost my last safe food. Now what?

I started having symptoms completely out of the blue about two years ago, and it was incredibly aggressive at that. Over the course of a week and a half I had been reduced down to only eating white bread, rice, beef, pork, chicken, unflavored Pedialyte and sugar. Everything else would cause my airway to swell up and restrict my breathing. After that, one by one I lost those and for the last year I've only been able to eat pork. Five chops a meal, just salted, twice a day every day I could afford it. And sure as can be, last night, halfway through dinner, I reacted to that too. I have no sources of nutrition now.
Doctors have been of no help to me at all. I live in an isolated part of my state that's equal distance in any direction from someone competent, and the ones here are religiously dedicated to the "will blow off any concerns you have for the first ten visits as a mental health issue until they reluctantly quasi-'treat' whatever you're in for" method of medical care. The most I have gotten out of my allergist were prescriptions which I was allergic to the fillers in, which I can't bypass through compounding because I can barely afford to feed myself because the both the symptoms from the lack of nutrition make it so I can't sleep for less than 14 hours a day, not to mention the allergies to perfume/cologne, pollen, and smoke have me jobless and living as a hermit unless I go out with my paint respirator on. I also managed to get xolair shots and after a year I have seen no difference.
So... what's next realistically? Is this just it? Do I just look at the sunset and eat a slice of cheesecake to go out with a little dignity and readiness instead of starving to death? I genuinely don't know what else to do. I don't even know what good this post will do considering everyone else I've spoken to with MCAS has primarily digestive, skin, or mental symptoms. I don't know anymore, and nobody else seems to either with how under researched mast cell stuff is. I wish I had cancer instead.
submitted by Illhealer to MCAS [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 09:51 mustydustycrusty45 AITA for breaking my classmate’s body mist and refusing to compensate her

I (14f) was just finished getting changed at the end of gym class and when I was about to walk out of gym class, I saw my classmate “Rose” (14f) put on a spray of body mist so I ripped it out of her hands and threw it across the room. All of the sudden another girl in my class “Gia” (14f) started yelling at me because it apparently almost hit her, then Rose picked up her body mist and then started shouting at me because I broke the pump and she is unable to fix it and wants me to compensate her, I said no because I’m against perfume or body mist of any kind and I even think deodorant is ridiculous but I still wear it because my parents make me do it. And before anyone asks I don’t have any allergies. Just got morals and view it as poisonous and wrong.
submitted by mustydustycrusty45 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 14:03 Familiar-Tourist1458 Paraben/perfume/peru balsam/rosin free emollient?

Hello everyone!
Turns out I am allergic not most of the stuff you find in emollient and eczema cream 😂 It is a nightmare but I guess now I know why my skin was not getting any better … Does anyone know brands of cream without the following: paraben, perfume, Peru balsam,rosin?
I already tried Eucerin, ACO(Swedish), Avene, Laroche Posay! If anyone know a good allergy friendly brand preferably from EU, it would be awesome, extensive google research always turned out to have one of these ingredients and maybe someone else has the same allergies and eczema?
Thanks a lot!
submitted by Familiar-Tourist1458 to eczema [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 12:07 InspectorSorry85 Trigger vs prodromal phase

Reading the discussion about what is a real trigger of a migraine, and what is just a prodromal symptome of a migraine, I would like to talk about it in further detail.
What I experienced now that I spent time finding sense in all of this, we may agree that we can split the symptoms surrounding migraine into three groups.
You are exposed to it, and in 90% of the cases you will get, resproducibly, a migraine within the next 12 hours.
For me, I could identify only a very few hard triggers:
A lot of alcohol, or less alcohol but starting with red wine/beer. Whenever I did that, I was knocked out the next day completely, sometimes already starting in the late evening.
A VERY stressy situation. Almost all very emotional situations initiated a heavy migraine the next day or a few hours later.
Interestingly, after an alcohol-induced migraine, I was able to drink as much as I want for a few days. So a migraine resets the migraine potential.
Also interesting for some of you, an anti-allergy medicine helps me prevent alcohol-induced migraine. If I plan on having 2-3 drinks, I take 2x 10 mg loratadine (not less) at least 1 hour before the first glass, and usually, migraine doesnt set in the next day or evening. Possibly, loratadine is blocking histamine-associated inflammation, which probably is one of the bad sideeffect of too much ethanol. Maybe the inflammation and histamine flush is one of the biochemical triggers of migraine.
As I understand it, it may be that the migraine potential is accumulating to a very high level, or migraine already started.
For example, I thought exercising would be trigger, as sometimes I get neck stiffness quickly during workouts and training stressing my spine. However, now I believe that the "migraine potential" was already there, the trigeminal nerve is already irritated (by the migraine potential, or an ongoing migraine building up), which is why bending and stressing it leads to neck stiffness.
Same with smells. The perfume, I assume, does not trigger the migraine, but instead the ongoing migraine or elevated migraine potential makes me sensitive to smell. It already started. And of course, soon afterwards, the pain arrives.
I guess the difference is very important. You dont need to ban prodromal symptoms from your life, just during your migraine. Its only the triggers that one should be careful with.
The migraine potential rises with time and is filled by those candidates. The higher the basal potential, the smaller the trigger has to be to activate the migraine. If you have basal, cosntant events increasing your migraine potential, at some point it will spill over an lead to a migraine even without any trigger.
Work stress. Based on my experience that in vacation (and in longer Covid-based sick leave), attack frequency was strongly reduced or disappears completely. Returning to work and attacks returned too. Funnily enough, I do not consider my work to be extremely stressy.
(Just for information, this experience is based on my migraine experience, which is currently 1-2 attacks a week, but I am able to shut them down with ibuprofen (2x400 mg) und eletripan (2x 20 mg) before they unleash their full potential. Unfortunately, it increased 2 years ago. Before that, it was anly once every 1-2 month.)
Maybe you can share your experiences with triggers that you are absolutely sure are triggers and not prodromal symptoms. Would be curious.
Is someone an expert for the Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and its biochemical pathways? As eletriptan was a game-changer for me (the times where only had ibuprofen and no triptan yet was painful), I know it is really acting on a very fundamental level of migraine. So CGRP must somehow be a key player in migraine onset. I read it is done by importing calcium into the cells, which inhibits the CGRP-promotor. But maybe we are already a little bit further with the science here?
submitted by InspectorSorry85 to migraine [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:43 WaveCave420 Sterilization Success !

ETA: I forgot to talk about the 3 incisions! - 2 tiny half inch slits right above each hip, closed with that surgical glue stuff, mild dried blood/scabby, but very skinny & short. The navel - literally a tiny dot inside, my bestie looked in there tonight lol My navel isn't swollen or bloody, just a lil iodine residue I'm just gonna leave alone lol Not scabby or crusty or sensitive so far. Nothing is itchy or painful or tender yet. Just an occasional feeling of the mildest lil menstrual cramps here and there, nothing like the real deal though thankfully. No spotting at all immediately after surgery, and none now 9 hours later either btw. A lil pressure getting up & down out of bed, but no pain, and no assistance required for that or going up & down the stairs, just moving a lil slowegentler, still feeling decent 9 hours later! Still tired AF though, gonna hit the hay now!
Just had my bilateral salpingectomy today! I saw Dr. Charlotte Pickens in La Jolla, CA at USCD hospital btw. It was an amazing experience y'all! Much easier than I anticipated! Buckle up, it's a long one, and very detailed! But all positive for the most part LOL
I'm 34 and have never EVER had surgery aside from getting my wisdom teeth out at 16, and a colonoscopy at 24. Never even broken a bone or gotten stitches, nothing. I have a lot of medical anxiety, I was tripping out the most over sleep paralysis despite anesthesia LOL Wasn't even nervous about the actual surgery, just didn't wanna wake up during it and be mentally scarred for life 🤣 Saw a few scary stories on TV once about that phenomenon.
The office gave me Hibiclens at my consult appt to take home & scrub my abdomen with the last 3 showers leading up surgery. Yesterday morning, yesterday evening, and this morning. No deodorant, lotions, perfumes, nail polish or jewelry after my shower this morning.
I was NPO after midnight last night. They instructed me to drink an ensure between 9pm-11pm last night since my surgery was in the afternoon. I also took half an Ativan last night at 9pm to make sure I slept and didn't have anxiety insomnia lol They also instructed me to take my heart arrythmia pill this morning right upon wakening with a tiny sip of water. I had an echocardiogram a week ago, so yes, I got cardiac clearance lol I also had a pre-op transvaginal ultrasound and blood work 2 weeks ago.
When I got there, they called me back to the pre-op room. I got weighed, asked for my height, and had to pee in a cup first thing. They then had me change into my gown, skiddy socks & hair net. They gave me 2 Tylenol 500mg & a Celebrex (200mg - for preventative nerve pain) with a tiny sip of water. Then they took my BP/pulse ox, and started my IV in my left hand, and started fluids and some Ativan. They also put on the leg compression things, man they feel great lol They got me heated blankets, and even had a lil pack of lavender smelly stuff they taped to the top left of my paper gown for relaxation 😊
All the staff came in and introduced themselves while in pre-op, from the surgeon herself, to the anesthesia team, to the OR scrub nurses, to the surgical resident that'd be observing (with my permission of course.) They also asked if they had permission to let the surgical resident practice a pelvic exam on me while under anesthesia, I agreed. I've been employed in healthcare myself for 17 years, so anything to help with someone's education! I could've refused if I wanted, but I really appreciated them asking beforehand.
They then wheeled me back to the OR, and I was feeling goooood with the Ativan lol They also pushed a lil GI cocktail too before they gave me the gas. I had to scoot myself from my original pre-op bed to the OR table, which was easy, they leveled the beds together and helped me. They then masked me with the gas, and I was outttt like a light after about 4-5 deeeeep inhales!!!
I woke up in post-op an hour and a half later. Went in at 12 noon, woke up at 1:30pm, all done! They intubated me after falling asleep, and pulled it out before waking up, it's like nothing ever happened! No soreness, hoarseness or coughing. I'm clearing my throat occasionally here and there 7 hours later, just kinda feels like when you get "bubbles" (post-nadal drip basically lol) in your throat with seasonal allergies. Not often enough to cause soreness which is great, waaaay better then what I anticipated after reading about other people's experiences on here. They cathed me too since they gave me fluids, thankfully after I was out, and removed it before I woke up, so it hurts to pee just a little bit, not even as bad a UTI 🤣 Like, a 4 on a scale of 1-10.
They gave me ice chips & apple juice straight upon awakening too, which was great! I had no nausea at all, still don't hours later. I rested for about 30 mins, then they brought back my ride to hang out with me and go over discharge instructions. I got up to go pee, and then they wheeled me outside to the car, and even opened the door & helped me get in!! They have $5 valet services for 0-3 hours parking, so the car was pulled right up to the curb right outside the front doors!
We drove straight to IHOP afterwards. I took it easy with some Belgian waffles & a few strips of bacon, and a mango iced tea, and a few sips of my ride's cinnamon milkshake lol I then stopped by Walgreens to grab a few house things I forgot to pick up last night, my ride helped & carried everything 😊
The ride home was smooth, I didn't have any discomfort from the shitty ass bumpy roads on our 30 min drive home lol I did bring a squishmallow to put between my belly and the seat belt, which was a genius idea I picked up on here!
BTW, I'm an occasional recreational cannabis user. I was honest and disclosed my use to my anesthesiologist only (VERY IMPORTANT), I didn't want that ICD-10 diagnosis use code going to Tricare from my consult appt ahead of surgery & prior authorization for obvious reasons lol. I quit edibles 2 months ago, and vaping 1 month ago. My anesthesiologist said I would've been fine discontinuing use just 5-7 days prior to surgery (no ibuprofen 7 days before either lol), but I did a month + to be safe, I'm a bit on the heavier side, and I've heard edibles stick around in your system (fat lol) much longer than just smoking/vaping, so I wanted to be super certain that I'd be clear and not fuck up anesthesia for myself. For reference, I'm 5'6", 180lbs. I took 3-4 puffs of a vape 4-5 days a week, and 10mg worth of edibles once almost every weekend for a few months straight, so not a super heavy user.
I hope my experience can help others make the decision to take the plunge too before election day lol I called to set up the consult appt back in December, had the actual consult appt in February, and first available surgery was today, late May.
ETA #2 lol: My surgeon sent me home with pics from the operative report included in my discharge papers, so I have instant photograpic evidence of their removal! Total peace of mind walking out of there today ☮️🙏🏼
I am a generally super anxious person by nature, and had my bestie/coworker take me to my very first surgery. My family is 3k miles away on the east Coast and couldn't be here, so if my anxious ass can do it, literally anybody can do it! I literally have nobody out here but my bestie, no family, no nothing. My soon to be ex husband is on deployment right now out in the Pacific, and is unreachable at the moment, and frankly doesn't give a shit. He knows I had surgery today too, and I KNOW he won't call or email out of common human decency to at least ask how it went when he does get back in service/port. He asked for a divorce a week after my consult appt, which happened to be 2 weeks before deployment, how convenient, after saying straight to my face before & after the appt that he totally supported my choice, and was looking forward to the DINK lifestyle with me. Oh well.
Y'all are 💯 when you say men aren't ~truly~ childfree unless they've had a vasectomy, or atleast got one scheduled on the books soon lol My conservative family back on the east coast are losing their shit over this, they're all christofacist trump bootlickers, I'm so glad I got to move away from all that and experience personal freedom/a different & better way of life out here. I'm so thankful to be in a position financially & geographically to have been able to take care of this. My GYN back home wouldn't even put an IUD in me at 29yrs old cause I never had kid before, so my cervix wasn't soft enough 🙄 Whatever bitch, I left and got spayed in Cali at 34 with no pushback from my Drs out here, kiss my grits lol
Thanks for coming to my hippie TED talk, hope this helps others! ♥️
submitted by WaveCave420 to sterilization [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 16:08 ChennaiAcu Best Acupuncture treatment for Dry Eyes in Chennai.

Best Acupuncture treatment for Dry Eyes in Chennai.
Best Acupuncture treatment for Dry Eyes in Chennai.
Best Acupuncture for Dry Eyes in Chennai - Jayanth Acupuncture Clinic Discover the top acupuncture treatment for dry eyes at Jayanth Acupuncture Clinic in Anna Nagar and Chetpet, Chennai. Our holistic approach helps reduce eye dryness and irritation, promoting better eye health. Visit us for expert care and relief.
Best Acupuncture treatment for Dry Eyes in Chennai.
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2024.05.28 06:28 boiitoyy Made this list of all my migraine triggers (at the moment) and it’s been really helpful

Made this list of all my migraine triggers (at the moment) and it’s been really helpful
I’ve been using this for whenever I have a migraine, I take a look at this list and see what could’ve / couldn’t have caused it. It’s also very useful to send to people who live with you or loved ones. I made this one easily in Google Docs, and it’s been helping me a lot!
submitted by boiitoyy to migraine [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 04:55 AussieKoala-2795 Can I use my own laundry detergent at a laundromat?

I'm hoping someone with local knowledge can help me. I'm planning a three week trip to Germany later this year and will need to use laundromats. I am wondering whether laundromats in Cologne have machines that automatically dispense washing detergent or whether I can use my own detergent.
I have a quite severe perfume allergy and need to use unscented laundry detergent. Last year in Spain we found it impossible to find a laundromat that allowed you to use your own detergent.
I haven't booked my accommodation yet so don't know which part of Cologne we'll be staying in.
submitted by AussieKoala-2795 to cologne [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 02:57 AussieKoala-2795 Laundromats - can I use my own laundry detergent?

I'm planning a three week trip to Germany for later this year and will need to use laundromats. I am wondering whether laundromats have machines that automatically dispense washing detergent or whether I can use my own detergent.
I have a quite severe perfume allergy and need to use unscented laundry detergent. Last year in Spain we found it impossible to find a laundromat that allowed you to use your own detergent.
I will probably want to use a laundromat in Cologne and in Wurzburg.
We had been thinking of renting apartments but understand that in Germany short term rentals for tourist purposes are being discouraged in favour of returning housing stock to the long term rental market. So it looks like we'll be staying mostly in hotels.
submitted by AussieKoala-2795 to germany [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 23:05 ParsleyMan How I used paid ads to reach Steam's Popular Upcoming list

TL;DR - Money make line go up <--this is a link
Background and context
As an introvert I have a hard time finding motivation to yell into the void about my game. I sent emails and made a post when the demo was launched and got covered by one youtuber with the video receiving 100 views. After that I crawled back into my cave to work on the game and forgot about marketing.
Since I enjoy numbers and statistics, I decided to try reach the magic wishlists mark with paid advertising, mostly on Reddit but also some Twitter and Facebook. The goal was to receive the blessings of the Steam algorithm at launch by getting on Popular Upcoming so I was fine if the strategy lost a bit of money per wishlist.
Here is my game for some context. It's a nerdy 2D tycoon life sim, not the type that goes viral with cool gifs but does appeal to a niche.
The Reddit ad format
I decided to "borrow" Hooded Horse's ad format since they're a very successful publisher and must know what they're doing. From what I can gather (and reading other Reddit ad post mortems) the best strategy is:
Setting up ad groups and ads
Experimentation and analysis
Other insights and discoveries
In total I spent $4365 (USD) to get on Popular Upcoming. The usual disclaimer, this is my experience and others might have wildly betteworse results. Would be interested to hear other's experiences with paid advertising and what worked best.
24h later update: You'll often hear the advice on this sub, "game devs are not your target audience" so I wanted to test it out. Here are the results from the above UTM link to my game - 481 Tracked Visits, 10 Wishlists. If this were an ad, it would be going in the trash!
submitted by ParsleyMan to gamedev [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 23:40 Thin_Butterscotch_59 My asthmatic son wants to learn soldering.

I’m worried about my son’s asthma and also about the carcinogenic fumes from soldering (even with the use of fume extractors). I think inhaling the fumes is the one of the worst damage one can do to their bodies. On top of that my son is asthmatic, overweight, and he has daily allergies/sensitivities (so persistent body inflammation). So In concluded that his case, based on the correlation I have made about the possibility of breathing in fumes with the use of extractors, and the effect this has of raising the possibility of cancer (not sure by what extent, as most substances are labeled carcinogenic these days, but I imagine the fumes and inhalation to be much more detrimental) is more critical when it comes to soldering. There are a lot of assumptions here so I made sure to lay them out perfectly so I don’t prevent him from doing something he likes doing. And now that I read the number of assumptions I am inclined to think that we make choices everyday based that have similar statistical probabilities and built assumptions, and I am one of those who would choose a little statistical risk to enjoy the things that matter to me, and since determining the importance of things relative to their risks subjective, can a 13 year old make such a decision? He is still under my care, and I would still do what’s in my power to prevent him, say, from smoking (I’m not sure which is worse than the other, but I suspect soldering fumes are worse, even though the quantity of inhalation “of which I know nothing” might make it in fact less bad). So should I say no, or should I let him do something like that on his own?
He talks a lot about it and seems knowledgeable about it. He just hasn’t soldered anything yet.
submitted by Thin_Butterscotch_59 to soldering [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:46 No_Return_3348 YSK how to use Epipen

Why YSK: 33 million Americans have anaphylactic food allergies. The only cure for anaphylactic shock is epinephrine. Epipens can vary in size in design, but most follow these simple rules: 1) take out of carrying case 2) remove safety cap (can be one or two, usually blue clored) 3) inject NEEDLE SIDE DOWN (often orange side) into middle outter thigh 4) hold for 5-10 seconds!!!!!!!! Remove and call 911 Most of these injectors also have instructions on them, though can be difficult to read in a rush.
submitted by No_Return_3348 to YouShouldKnow [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 00:12 healthmedicinet Health Daily News May 24 2024

DAY: MAY 24 2024


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The rate at which Americans under the age of 65 suffered a stroke rose by about 15% between 2011 and 2022, new government data shows. That was true even among the young: The rate of stroke jumped 14.6% among people ages 18 to 44 during the study period, researchers from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found. It’s not clear why stroke rates have risen so sharply, but rising rates of obesity and high blood


The 2023 wildfire season was worst on record. High temperatures and widespread drought fueled over 6,600 fires, burning a record-breaking 18.4 million hectares, an area more than double the size of New Brunswick. The fires emitted nearly 480 million tons of carbon, five times the emissions of an average season, turning the skies hazy and orange and blanketing much of North America in wildfire smoke for weeks. Many regions of Canada experienced over 40 days where air pollution concentrations exceeded the World Health Organization’s air quality guidelines, leading to


A pioneering study has demonstrated that semaglutide significantly reduces the risk of major kidney disease events, cardiovascular outcomes, and all-cause mortality in patients with type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease. will pave the way for new treatment strategies and offer hope to millions of patients globally. The study is also published in the New England Journal of Medicine. The FLOW (Evaluate Renal Function with Semaglutide Once Weekly) study is a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled international trial comprising 3,533 patients, with a


A. Experimental setup and conditions (created with; B. Correlation between age and pain thresholds; Significant difference in heat threshold; Pain ratings of heat stimuli across younger and older groups (**p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001); C. Significant difference in pain discriminability at various levels of heat stimuli; Correlations between pain discriminability and pain threshold; Correlations between age and discriminability of heat stimulation (**p < 0.01). Does pain perception change with age? In particular, is there a significant increase or decrease in perception between older and


Integration of pharmacies with physician practices, where on-site pharmacies open at physician practice locations, is a growing trend in cancer treatment. However, little is known about how this integration affects drug utilization or expenditures, along with other aspects of the patient experience. Open compares the outcomes of patients treated by oncologists whose practices integrated with pharmacies, to those of oncologists that did not integrate. Researchers found a slight increase in utilization of oral oncology drugs,


The diseases caused by PM2.5 pollution in different systems are shown. CAD, cardiovascular disease; NASH, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis; HCC, hepatocellular carcinoma. Fine air particles, less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter (PM2.5), are a major air pollutant linked to various health problems. These particles can travel deep into the lungs and even enter the bloodstream when inhaled. Recent research suggests a major health concern: PM2.5 exposure can also damage the digestive system, including the liver, pancreas, and intestines.


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New AI can help detect breast cancer that is spreading to other parts of the body, without the need for biopsies, a new study finds. The AI analyzes MRI scans to detect the presence of cancer cells in the lymph nodes under the arms, researchers said. In clinical practice, the AI could help avoid 51% of unnecessary surgical biopsies to test lymph nodes for cancer, while correctly identifying 95% of patients whose breast cancer had spread, results showed. Most breast cancer deaths are due to cancer that’s spread elsewhere, and


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A new treatment approach using an older drug may enable more patients with high-risk blood cancers to receive transplanted stem cells from unrelated, partially matched donors, according to a study conducted by researchers at Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine and colleagues. Results to be presented at the annual meetings of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) and the European Hematology Association suggest the new approach may expand the donor pool, with patients from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups standing to benefit


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Sweden is seeing “an explosion” of ADHD cases among children that has put it far above the global average, the government said Friday as it ordered a review to find out why. Around 10.5 percent of boys and six percent of girls in Sweden in 2022 had been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Social Affairs Minister Jakob Forssmed told reporters, citing statistics from the Board of Health and Welfare. The figures were expected to rise to 15 and 11 percent respectively before leveling


When one family member looks out the window at sidewalks and green space and the other sees a multilane highway and power lines, the differences may contribute to more than just sibling rivalry. A new study by University of Maryland public health researchers has shown that those neighborhood characteristics correlate with different health outcomes.


Cardiovascular disease has profound effects on the structure and function of the heart. While past research has mainly focused on the left ventricle and the coronary arteries, the effects of the disease on the right atrium remain largely unexplored. The right atrium functions as the entryway to the heart, pushing blood towards the right ventricle and the lungs. It also houses the pacemaker of the heart, the sinoatrial node, that initiates and maintains the heartbeat. For this reason, pathological remodeling of the site


Patients with fibromyalgia and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) have increased rates of severe multiple drug intolerance syndrome (MDIS), according to a study published in the May issue of the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice. Alicia A. Alvarez, M.D., from Sarasota Memorial Hospital in Florida, and colleagues conducted a retrospective chart review to examine the prevalence of MDIS in patients diagnosed with fibromyalgia or IBS. Patients who had been seen at a large academic center were identified and matched to controls seen within the same timeframe by exact


Researchers have developed an artificial olfactory system that discriminates odorants at the molecular chain length level. The olfactory system has been developed through the integration of human olfactory receptors and organic synaptic devices. The system generates distinct conductance patterns for odorants and mixtures. This approach enables precise odorant recognition via training and inference simulations.


. In a study published in Cell Host & Microbe, a research team has demonstrated the causal link between microbial factors and dysfunction of intestinal stem cells (ISCs) in colitis. On the basis of this mechanism, they proposed a possible approach to restore ISC function in colitis. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic disease characterized by microbial dysbiosis and dysfunction of ISCs in the gut. However, how these two factors are directly communicated remains poorly understood. In this study, researchers first revealed that ?


Immunotherapy increases survival rates in kidney cancer, but does not work for everyone. A Leuven research team has developed a new method to predict which patients will benefit from it. The team of Francesca Finotello (Computational Biomedicine Group) from the University of Innsbruck also contributed. Their study also opens new avenues to even more effective treatments. Every year, roughly 1,300 people in Austria are diagnosed with kidney cancer. Thanks to


The 2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting is being held May 31 to June 4, 2024, in Chicago and online. The theme of this year’s meeting is “The Art and Science of Cancer Care: From Comfort to Cure.” Attendees will share and discuss the latest clinical cancer research impacting patient care. “Treatment advances involving targeted therapies, immunotherapy, and new uses of technology, as well as research on improving patient quality of life and outcomes are among the topics that will be highlighted in the meeting’s official Press


Parental legal system involvement may negatively impact child mental health, according to a study published online May 23 in Pediatrics. Lilian G. Bravo, Ph.D., R.N., from the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California in Los Angeles, and colleagues used two-year follow-up data from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study when children were 11 to 12 years of age to examine whether adverse parental legal system involvement (incarceration, arrest) was associated with suicide risk. Of the 10,532 children included in the study, 6.5 percent reported parent incarceration


Massively parallel characterization and prediction of gene regulatory activity in the developing brain. In a scientific feat that broadens our knowledge of genetic changes that shape brain development or lead to psychiatric disorders, a team of researchers combined high-throughput experiments and machine learning to analyze more than 100,000 sequences in human brain cells—and identify over 150 variants that likely cause disease. The study, from scientists at Gladstone Institutes and University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), establishes a comprehensive catalog of genetic sequences involved in brain
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