High school hero app money hack


2013.05.27 07:14 SUMMON OPPAI!!!

This is for the DxD Light Novel series not High School or your High School experience.

2013.02.11 19:09 foolman89 God of High School

A subreddit dedicated to the God of High School webtoon & anime series.

2018.05.12 17:04 Venom_is_an_ace KhaosBrigade

For all DxD memes

2024.06.02 11:08 hipcats I (F28) stepped up and took on all the domestic duties when my boyfriend (M30) had a heavy workload. Now that I have the heavy workload, I am still the domestic keeper. Advice for how to approach?

I (28F) think I am a bit of an asshole due to HOW I bring the topic up, but I think my boyfriend (30M) is the asshole for being blind about what needs to be done/WATCHING me do housework and not considering how he could contribute. I’ll let Reddit decide for now and hopefully give me some advice.
For background, I and my partner work full-time and live together. I am a high school teacher and he works as a manager in a warehouse/production capacity. I don’t want to say more, in case it can identify me/us, but we typically make a similar amount of money as a base-line, but he gets his vehicle, phone, health, etc. paid for by work and generally makes a $50,000 bonus on top of that if work is going well that year. He owns his own home but won’t let me contribute to the mortgage, “just in case” things go south as it would, legally in my country, give me rights to his home. Fair enough - instead, I contribute to bills, pay for all the food and household items, all subscription services, etc.
It should be said that I am currently in a position where I work most nights when I get home and spend about 10-20 hours, most weekends, marking. It’s shit. This is my fifth year teaching and I’m beginning to look for ‘outs’. Regardless, I’m not enjoying my job and I spend a lot, if not all, of my free-time working.
My partner was in a similar position for about a year and a half (1-2 years ago), as his company was not doing well, and he was working on weekends and nights, on top of his daily hours. It was utter shit for him. I figured to help him and make his life easier, I would always clean the house, have dinner on the table by the time he got home, fed the dogs, do his washing /do anything in my power to make his life easier. He has come out of this working environment this year, and often gets home earlier than me (he does begin earlier than me, however). I have discovered that, now that my working life has become increasingly more difficult and time-consuming, the same level of reciprocation has not occurred. Perhaps it is because I do a lot of my 'extra' work at home, whereas he had to go into work to do his.
Regardless, I am still the one who comes home, unpacks the dishwasher, tidies the house, cooks dinner, cleans up afterwards, feeds the dogs, and then continues to work until 11:30-12 at night, whilst he falls asleep by 9:30-10. After 5 months of this, I am royally pissed off. My work schedule has increased, his has decreased, yet my domestic duties have not changed in the slightest. He gets home and, generally, apart from a work call every now and then, gets to relax until he falls asleep. I rarely get this luxury yet get told by him that I am "burnt out" and "stressed" from work, as though domestic duties don't contribute to this. I lived as a single woman/by myself before moving in with him and it seems like the time I spend cooking and cleaning has almost doubled.
FOR INSTANCE: We order a food/cooking delivery service, where they deliver the ingredients, the recipes, and it takes literally 15-30 minutes to cook and serve the dishes. On the rare occasion (like when I’m doing school reports) that I simply don’t have the time in the evening to cook, I’ll ask him to do it. He says yes, puts it off until it’s late, and then orders unhealthy take-away “because I didn’t know what to do/didn’t know what you wanted to eat”. The recipes are on a magnet on the fridge and are simple enough for a 12-year-old to follow. I have called him out on ‘weaponised incompetence’ already and he’s accepted this but hasn’t had changed his actions.
When I do call him out or ask for his help I’ll come home to an unpacked dishwasher and a clean kitchen. I’ll cook and he’ll take our plates and clean up the kitchen… for a day or two. It goes back to 'normal' after this. It’s clear he knows what/how to do the jobs required to maintain a household, but won’t do them consistently. Like, when I didn't take the bins out for a few days I found maggots in them. I expressed a similar issue with my past boyfriend when I started dating my current boyfriend a few years ago and he said, "what a child, how disgusting" - yet here I am again.
I have brought it up, not going to lie, it hasn’t gone well in the past so now it’s usually after a night out and we’re both a bit tipsy and end up fighting. He claims that he does a lot around the house (like set up shelves once a year, or look at my car every 6 months, and change my tyres when they go flat - things that I know are labour intensive, but as I have said to him, don't contribute to the day-to-day running of a household). I have gone out and bought him flowers, apologised, etc. the last two occasions, even though I think my reasoning is right despite approaching it in a bitchy manner, yet nothing changes and I continue to live in a shithole that I seem to clean up every day, yet he will trash it by kicking his shoes off wherever he feels like it, never taking his empty cans to the trash, pulling out all his tools and equipment to maintain his car (he does this every weekend), yet never put it away. I’m sick of cleaning up after him – I’ve tried being subtle and kind, I have tried the passive-aggressive bitch route, so I am here, finally, for some adult advice. Perhaps for a bit of a vent too, now that I’m reading back what I wrote.
He’s made such a fuss about being desperate for children – although I could live without them, but can see myself really loving motherhood after infancy, I don’t want to be a mother to my boyfriend as well, and I’d utterly resent him if I had to maintain my current job and domestic duties ON TOP OF those that come with having a child. We need some change or a way forward that we can both agree on, or else I really don't see us having children for my own sanity and longevity. HELP!!
TL;DR: I stepped up and took over all the domestic duties when my boyfriend was working like a dog, now that the working roles are reversed, I am still the one maintaining the domestic workload. I have been a bit of a bitter bitch when bringing up the topic in the aim to receive a bit of help around the house, and I need the help to NOT be. BUT - It is my opinion that my boyfriend is an adult and should know that the bins need to be taken out, the dishwasher unpacked, on a 2 day basis etc. but??? HELP. Am I a bitch? How do I salvage this?
submitted by hipcats to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 11:01 Cryptalaus Dirty shoes

‘Do not bring home the mudmen.’ That’s what my uncle said to me when I went camping in the woods behind his farm. I asked him for more information but he shook his head. ‘It’s a tradition. It's just a thing people around here used to say in the old days.’ He smiled at me, even though his eyes looked rather sad. I said goodbye and started walking. Ever since my sister died, I have not been the same. My mother had sent me camping in these woods to defeat the numbness. ‘A bit of fresh air will do you good. One night alone in the woods, that's all you need!’. I remembered her words when it started raining, only one hour into my camping trip. Part of me wanted to return to the farm but my body kept walking. I have to admit that it felt good to be outside. While the rain fell, my thoughts kept going back to the funeral. It had also rained then. It was hard actually to remember a single thing about that day. All the speeches and the faces and the condolences blurred together in my head. The only moment that I did remember, was after the funeral when everyone had gone home and I lingered for a while at my sister’s grave. I joked around like we used to do but with no response, all the while crying like a child. Joking to my sister’s grave did make me feel better though it did not stop the numbness.
The afternoon passed while I thought about my sister and my future. Every couple of hours the rain stopped, only to begin again a few minutes later. The earth made squishy sounds while I trudged my way towards a good camping spot. Sometimes one of my boots got stuck in the dirt but it didn’t bother me. My sister and me, we used to go on adventures in the small woods near our school. A world of imagination and freedom awaited us there between the trees. My current trip made me reminisce about our adventures. With my shoes in the wet soil, I felt like an adventurer myself, a lonely hero on his way towards an epic quest. I smiled while the rain kept falling.
By nightfall, I had secured a cosy camping spot on a hill, high and dry from the ever-present rain. I ate the sandwiches my uncle made for me and fell asleep to the faint beginnings of a thunderstorm in the distance. I broke up my tent and returned to the farm. I felt much better, to be honest. It had finally stopped raining and the sun guided me during my walk back. I had some time for myself. Time to think about my sister but also about me. I’d finally started thinking about my future. Made some plans and jotted some things down in my journal. So it was with great enthusiasm that I returned to the world of the living. Even though the rain had stopped, the mud was still there. It was impossible to traverse the woods without getting dirty. But I didn’t care. I felt happy and a little mud had never killed anyone, right?
When I came back, my uncle wasn’t there. He had left a note that he had gone to a friend’s house and that he wouldn’t return until that evening. Because my shoes were already dirty I decided to help my uncle out and do a bit of work on the farm. I cleaned up the stables, fed the pigs and reorganized his storage. When I was ready, I left my muddy shoes outside.
I woke up to the sound of a scream. Sleep still had me in its thrall when I came down the stairs. A second scream shook me from my slumber and I raced outside, towards the sound. It came from the stable. I crossed the courtyard and saw dirty footprints everywhere, all ominous looking in the moonlight. I threw open the stable’s door but I saw it was already too late.
I want you to imagine my uncle. He’s in his forties. Short brownish hair, modest beard, big friendly eyebrows. Now imagine him again but with mud and dirty black water coming out of his eyes, ears, nose and mouth. His scream had turned into a desperate gurgle when I saw him. He sat upon his knees surrounded by three humanoid figures entirely covered in mud. At second glance, they weren’t covered in it. They were mud. Their whole body was mud. These figures stared at me or I thought they did. They had no faces but their heads turned towards me. My uncle tried to gurgle a warning or something but he had wasted his last breaths. As he fell in a puddle of saliva and dirt I ran away as fast as I could. I heard the wet squelching steps of my pursuers, reminding me of my return to the farm while it rained earlier that day. I ran inside, shoved a closet against the door and started thinking about an escape plan. Meanwhile it had started to rain again.
My initial plan was to escape through the front door. But what to do after that? Where to go? I searched for the keys to my uncle’s pickup truck but found nothing. Shit. He probably had the keys on him. Which meant I had to get all the way back to the stable and face the mudmen. I picked up a big knife from the kitchen and decided to risk it. On foot in the rain with mud everywhere I probably won’t last long, especially when my pursuers were made out of the same dirt I was walking upon. The steady rhythm of rainfall synchronised with the beating of my heart as I went outside. When I put on my shoes, I noticed they were clean as if I never even had been camping. While adrenaline raged and all my rational thinking was being crushed by raw fear, I darted towards the stable. On my way I sank halfway into a deep puddle and when I reached the doors I had become some of a mudman myself. All my muscles strained and my brain was going in survival mode as I opened the door. I was ready to stab these mudmen. To avenge my uncle and… I saw no one. The stable was empty. No mudmen but also not a trace of my uncle.
I decided to return back to the house and that was the moment I found out where all the mudmen had been. They had been gathering reinforcements. Outside the stables stood eight mudmen. Their slick featureless heads ‘looked’ at me. It was difficult to say where their legs ended or where the ground started. One of them seemed new. The mud was not as thick as with the others and pieces of farm overall were visible. It was my uncle. Before I had any time to process this, the fuckers began to make their way towards me. I quickly decided to abandon my hope of a pick-up truck and to go with my plan B. I ran away as fast as I could. They followed me, slowly but surely. Mud was everywhere as I sprinted through the woods. Water, dirt and tree branches clung to me as I tried to shake off the mudmen. They moved like boneless masses, ever merging with the ground upon which they persuaded me.
I don’t know how far or fast I ran. I passed some other farms and wondered whether they could be potential targets of the mudmen. The way my uncle had warned me this morning, seemed like folklore but real. Maybe everyone that lived there knew to watch out when walking through mud. After crossing multiple asphalt roads and some hills, I arrived in a small village. I went to the local diner and decided to call my parents to come and pick me up. I have no idea how I will explain any of this to them or to myself.
I’m currently waiting for my parents. I decided to post my story here to get my thoughts straight. Has anyone ever heard of these mudmen? Or encountered them? I wonder if there is any way to stop them. As I write this grey clouds gather once again and I just heard a conversation between two truckers. According to them, it will keep raining for the next couple of days. Better avoid the woods for a while.
submitted by Cryptalaus to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:49 Malgus20033 Personal Life Question and CSU Sacramento Frats

Since the second question will have almost no answers due to the specific uni, I'll ask this first. What should I do ahead of time to prepare for Greek life? I've recently started recovering from a 14 year long video game addiction and that hit my social life pretty severely, esp with COVID and a commuter community college back to back giving me no time to live. What hobbies and skills should I focus on developing ahead of time to both be a better brother in the fraternity, and a better person in life as a whole? Part of the reason I wanna join a frat is to develop those social and life skills to help get out of my shell, meet people, and have fun in university, but what can I do over this summer to help develop some necessary ones ahead of time? Same thing for dating. I skipped the high school and community college period of romance and I believe that college is the best and most convenient time to start doing it, so what can I improve about myself ahead of time? Cant work until my Greencard is restored so I got tons of free time to do this (but no money).
If anyone wants to help more privately, I am down to dm as well!
I'm transferring from a community college to California State University Sacramento. I'm aware that the Greek life in CSU, and Sacramento County as a whole is not just dead, but was practically never born. Do any of you know of any frats there that are fine? The CSUS subreddit absolutely despises any concept of Greek life mostly because the only ones in the news are the party rape coverup ones and because it's mostly a commuter university, so I can't really get any useful information from there.
submitted by Malgus20033 to Frat [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:42 Extra-Front-2968 Nonsense about judging people

Imagine. You don't want to know about STDs, and you behave like offended because someone else is thinking about that.
Or having some other highly transmitable disease, and you prepare food for everyone, going on workplace not thinking about consequences.
Or, you see that person is having some wishes in their life, but you are offended because you are not sharing opinion.
Or someone else wants kids, but no, you are offended because you think that you finally can have a good time, or to solve "problems".
Some person was offended yesterday because I said that one move is showing lack of knowledge.
The stunt was totally- I didn't have education.
Worse example.
My father was wasting money - when he spent a waste sum on nonsense (my money, not his), and when I told him that he could buy a car with that he said - I am not economist.
I have to take papers to the lawyer, so I can retake huge parts of my properties. Because he was "jerking" by watching tv shows and shiting how he don't know a shit. But he knew how to get accolades as any parasite. He predates fucking Gen Z by lazyness and self-pitty.
It is good that offing himself was a disgrace then, otherwise that would be a manipulation. He was pretending all his life he is a victim of losing his father early. He had that much land to do something usegul with that, instead of that he was crying out.
Fucking Gen Z predecessor!
He was trying to shit on my accomplishments that gave him money, because they were hardworking, because ghey were legal, and because I didn't complain "on my bad luck".
"I hate my grades, I hate my uncle telling me to give him back his money, I hate doing what I promised, I hate to have obligations, I hate this world because it made me this way, I hate people because my delusions are not working".
There is a decision to bot think this way. Take it. You don't have strength? How do you know if you only tried to change your life on better.
I am really sick of American saying - everyone has rights on stupid opinions.
Because it doesn't mean - you have rights to push other people to do what you think, or to complain why noone understand you.
Your right to talk doesn't mean that you have a right to push. I will not sue anyone for such shit, but that is directly the problem. "I am counting on that, so I can do whatever I want ". Pussies.
"Oh I admitted I am". Should I give you a medal for not wanting to put an effort? Because on internet you see a lot of people who complains on the same way, making their illusion that numbers and yelling make them right?
I am brave person, proved thousands of times, and I saved a lot of lives.
Do you know what I hate most about this opinion nonsense? That cowards are complaining about their saviors because even heroes have fucking lives!
You want to be my life priority? Show me that I am yours. I am not? Go fuck yourself.
I think that I deserve at least normal non- manipulative, basically educated person, with loyalty in my house.
Cheating is not about sex only. Cheating is also about pretending.
submitted by Extra-Front-2968 to venting [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:41 LyokoPersona My Hero Academia x Code Lyoko (Drawn by David Ngo

My Hero Academia x Code Lyoko (Drawn by David Ngo
Drawn by David Ngo (Facebook)
submitted by LyokoPersona to CodeLyoko [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:39 Potential_Occasion_5 Did I do the right thing?

This was a few years ago now. At the time I 17m and my new wife 21f got pregnant and had a kid. Sorry but this is a long story..
A bit of needed back story though… when I was 6 my parents divorced due to my dad cheating on my mom. I didn’t realize until I was older but my dad was what you would call an abusive drunk. My mom was verbally abusive and high on pills all the time. When my parents finally got divorced I remember couch surfing with my mom because we got evicted from the house since she wasn’t able to keep a job. My dad did pay child support but I have no idea what would happen to it. There were a lot of guns, drugs, violence, and death in my younger years. I turned 12 and started to understand everything and saw my dad turning his life around with his new wife so I decided to move in with him. It was a rough couple of years but it worked out in the end. That said onto the story..
That summer was a very fulling time in my life. I graduated high school, signed up for the military, and got married in 2019. I was in boot camp for the first 10 weeks of my wife’s pregnancy as it was our only income. Flash forward to us going to my first duty station. My first duty station ended up being 5 hours away from my father’s, and 3 hours away from her parents. In early 2020 our beautiful son was born. This where things started getting bad. My wife was suffering from postpartum and refused to get treatment. So instead, her treatment was going to her parents for a few weeks at a time. Besides her mom knowing my son better than I did, this worked out well. My wife and kid were happy and healthy besides a few mental breakdowns here and there. Then Covid and the Riots started happening. I was stationed on the outskirts of a large city. My base ended up restricting travel to 50 miles outside of base (this meant I wasn’t able to drive my wife and son to her parents anymore as I’d be breaking no less than 4 articles of the UCMJ if I was caught) this is where things took a turn for the worst. My wife got separation anxiety as this was the longest she’s ever been away. We started arguing a lot more often. Everytime I went to work, she would just stay in bed with our son and do nothing at all. I got very stressed but managed to juggle a 70 hour work week, feeding and taking care of my family, cleaning our apartment, and taking care of all the bills and expenses. My command decided to put me in something called ASF which basically means twice a week on top of my regular job, I’d now do gate guard duty and work with the MP’s on a 14 hour rotation. Things got so loaded on to my metaphorical plate that I developed stress related sleep apnea and couldn’t get a good nights rest on top of all of this. Months go by and nothing is getting better. I’ve recommended therapy, couples therapy, trying to go on walks, talking it out.. my wife didn’t want to do any of it. What’s worse is still wasn’t able to hold of get to know my kid very much at all. It got it he point that in August of 2020 I decided I wasn’t going to let my kid grow up how I grew up and asked for a divorce. I didn’t want him to grow up living with resentment towards his mom and dad, I hated every second of the arguing that took place in front of him, even if he didn’t understand. It broke my heart but I felt we’d do better co parenting instead of being together.
The divorce goes through and it was uncontested. My ex wife fell in love with her best friend from her hometown and was able to quickly move on and marry within a year. She got main custody and I got weekends. I started paying child support 3 months before I had to bc I wanted to make sure they were taken care of. She moved back in with her parents, however, and this caused some strain once we were divorced seeing as how I still wasn’t allowed to travel up there that often. Things got worse between me and my now ex wife dues to the travel ban and her not willing to compromise that much. From January of 2021 to July I was only able to see my kid about 5 times in total. In July my state decided to lift the travel ban and so did my base!
I started making plans and a schedule that my ex agreed to at first. Me and my ex were not very friendly to each other however. I resorted to only texting her about making plans surrounding my son. Bc of this she retaliates and won’t let me see him. It got to the point to where I was calling the cops so they could knock on her door as I stayed by my car. There is body cam footage, recorded phone calls, text messages, and screen shots of her refusing to let me see my kid. My ex then decides to file for more custody and more child support. Wishing 2 weeks I had to take leave, find and hire a lawyer with no money to my name, gather my evidence, and show up to court on a Thursday. Thankfully my loving aunt helped me pay a portion of the retainer so we could get things started with the lawyer. My wife also filed a temporary restraining order against me stating I was “violent and a danger to her and our kid” I had evidence to prove otherwise however, so I wasn’t worried. My lawyer stated this would be considered a separate case thus doubling my retainer. At this point in time I’m living on 70% of $30,000 a year, maxed out my credit cards to pay bills, and had to find an extra $10,000 for this lawyer. My wife lived in a small town so he was literally the only other option for me. This lawyer was terrible though. He told me I had to file my own affidavit, subpoena the officers linked to my case number for the body cam footage, and file all my evidence with the court due to the short notice. I didn’t have access to half the websites due to them costing money and needing an attorneys credentials so needless to say, I didn’t get the body cam footage. Court time appears and the judge grants that I’m allowed to do supervised visits every weekend until the new year. Once the new year came I would’ve been allowed to see him on the original plan for every other week unsupervised. This had me livid, but I accepted since I just wanted to see my kid. A few weeks go by and I’m finally getting to know my son. He was the only thing that kept me going in life at this point. He was and still is my main source of happiness. My lawyer calls me randomly one day stating that my wife put on the terms that my son wasn’t allowed to see my grandparents or my aunt when he was going to start staying with me every other weekend. No reasons were given. I of course denied these changes and wanted to keep the agreement how it was. Atleast then I could keep seeing him. My ex text me later that day stating “my lawyer asked me to inform you that since you refused to sign the updated agreement the restraining order is now back in place” I called my lawyer and immediately asked him to figure this out as this shouldn’t be legal. My lawyer then asked for another $5000 as it’s another case. I told him fine but he needs to actually do some work this time. He said he’d get back to me in a week with an update. A month goes by and I end up calling him asking what the situation was with my current case and he asked for the money to be paid before he looks into it. I told him that’s not what we agreed and that I’m making regular payments as you requested. My lawyer flat out says it’s not enough. I need it up front since I don’t believe you’re able to pay it. He was right I wasn’t able to pay it but I was trying my damndest to. I took 2 weeks to deliberate and talk to family and friends about my whole situation. At this point I’m now $12,000 in lawyer debt ($3,00 is what my aunt help with earlier) $15,000 in credit card debt and surviving off of $50-$100 a week for food and gas. I can’t sleep, I’ve gained 70 pounds in the span of a year. I was getting in trouble with the military for being late due to lack of sleep, being overweight, and rarely being at work since I had to go to my ex wife’s town to fight this custody battle so often. Ultimately I decided that this is turning into my parents divorce where they were putting me and my brother in the middle of all of there disagreements and fights. That’s exactly what I was trying to prevent, so I decided I couldn’t bring myself to hurt my son with all of this anymore. I’d keep a folder full of all the screen shots, text messages, photos, affidavits, etc. when he gets older, if he decides he wants to give me a chance… if he even knows about me, I’ll have it ready for him to read so he can make his own decision. This was the hardest thing I’ve ever done and I still don’t know if it was the right thing to do..
submitted by Potential_Occasion_5 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:38 MKthegayburr What can I do with this crochet?

What can I do with this crochet?
Back in July of 2022 when my schooling was primarily online based, I took up crocheting as a hobby. In what I'd like to call "beginner's high", I thought I could make 90x90 inch blanket from entirely single crochets. While I realize someone more experienced could do it, at the time when I started this crochet, all I had ever done was make a scarf. Several months passed of working on this, I got it to be 40 inchee x 90 inches.
Then 2023 rolled around and I was no longer at home as I attended on-site classes. After which I started internship and I had to drop this project to focus. Now that I've picked it back up, I am realizing my folly. I have 2.25kg (5lbs) of this blanket and I'm not even half way done. I had used up about 22 and a half skeins of yarn to make it and it may need another 25 or more to finish it. I dont wanna spend that much money on yarn to finish this.
What can I do with this? Is there a way I can stitch it up into a poncho or jacket? Should I just undo all of this stitching and re-skein the yarn?
TL;DR: I have 2.25kg of crochet fabric with the dimensions of 40 inches by 90 inches. What can I do with this? Is there a way I can stitch it up into a poncho or jacket? Should I just undo all of this stitching and re-skein the yarn?
submitted by MKthegayburr to CrochetHelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:33 Potential_Occasion_5 Did I make the right move?

This was a few years ago now. At the time I 17m and my new wife 21f got pregnant and had a kid. Sorry but this is going to be a long post.
A bit of needed back story though… when I was 6 my parents divorced due to my dad cheating on my mom. I didn’t realize until I was older but my dad was what you would call an abusive drunk. My mom was verbally abusive and high on pills all the time. When my parents finally got divorced I remember couch surfing with my mom because we got evicted from the house since she wasn’t able to keep a job. My dad did pay child support but I have no idea what would happen to it. There were a lot of guns, drugs, violence, and death in my younger years. I turned 12 and started to understand everything and saw my dad turning his life around with his new wife so I decided to move in with him. It was a rough couple of years but it worked out in the end. That said onto the story..
That summer was a very fulling time in my life. I graduated high school, signed up for the military, and got married in 2019. I was in boot camp for the first 10 weeks of my wife’s pregnancy as it was our only income. Flash forward to us going to my first duty station. My first duty station ended up being 5 hours away from my father’s, and 3 hours away from her parents. In early 2020 our beautiful son was born. This where things started getting bad. My wife was suffering from postpartum and refused to get treatment. So instead, her treatment was going to her parents for a few weeks at a time. Besides her mom knowing my son better than I did, this worked out well. My wife and kid were happy and healthy besides a few mental breakdowns here and there. Then Covid and the Riots started happening. I was stationed on the outskirts of a large city. My base ended up restricting travel to 50 miles outside of base (this meant I wasn’t able to drive my wife and son to her parents anymore as I’d be breaking no less than 4 articles of the UCMJ if I was caught) this is where things took a turn for the worst. My wife got separation anxiety as this was the longest she’s ever been away. We started arguing a lot more often. Everytime I went to work, she would just stay in bed with our son and do nothing at all. I got very stressed but managed to juggle a 70 hour work week, feeding and taking care of my family, cleaning our apartment, and taking care of all the bills and expenses. My command decided to put me in something called ASF which basically means twice a week on top of my regular job, I’d now do gate guard duty and work with the MP’s on a 14 hour rotation. Things got so loaded on to my metaphorical plate that I developed stress related sleep apnea and couldn’t get a good nights rest on top of all of this. Months go by and nothing is getting better. I’ve recommended therapy, couples therapy, trying to go on walks, talking it out.. my wife didn’t want to do any of it. What’s worse is still wasn’t able to hold of get to know my kid very much at all. It got it he point that in August of 2020 I decided I wasn’t going to let my kid grow up how I grew up and asked for a divorce. I didn’t want him to grow up living with resentment towards his mom and dad, I hated every second of the arguing that took place in front of him, even if he didn’t understand. It broke my heart but I felt we’d do better co parenting instead of being together.
The divorce goes through and it was uncontested. My ex wife fell in love with her best friend from her hometown and was able to quickly move on and marry within a year. She got main custody and I got weekends. I started paying child support 3 months before I had to bc I wanted to make sure they were taken care of. She moved back in with her parents, however, and this caused some strain once we were divorced seeing as how I still wasn’t allowed to travel up there that often. Things got worse between me and my now ex wife dues to the travel ban and her not willing to compromise that much. From January of 2021 to July I was only able to see my kid about 5 times in total. In July my state decided to lift the travel ban and so did my base!
I started making plans and a schedule that my ex agreed to at first. Me and my ex were not very friendly to each other however. I resorted to only texting her about making plans surrounding my son. Bc of this she retaliates and won’t let me see him. It got to the point to where I was calling the cops so they could knock on her door as I stayed by my car. There is body cam footage, recorded phone calls, text messages, and screen shots of her refusing to let me see my kid. My ex then decides to file for more custody and more child support. Wishing 2 weeks I had to take leave, find and hire a lawyer with no money to my name, gather my evidence, and show up to court on a Thursday. Thankfully my loving aunt helped me pay a portion of the retainer so we could get things started with the lawyer. My wife also filed a temporary restraining order against me stating I was “violent and a danger to her and our kid” I had evidence to prove otherwise however, so I wasn’t worried. My lawyer stated this would be considered a separate case thus doubling my retainer. At this point in time I’m living on 70% of $30,000 a year, maxed out my credit cards to pay bills, and had to find an extra $10,000 for this lawyer. My wife lived in a small town so he was literally the only other option for me. This lawyer was terrible though. He told me I had to file my own affidavit, subpoena the officers linked to my case number for the body cam footage, and file all my evidence with the court due to the short notice. I didn’t have access to half the websites due to them costing money and needing an attorneys credentials so needless to say, I didn’t get the body cam footage. Court time appears and the judge grants that I’m allowed to do supervised visits every weekend until the new year. Once the new year came I would’ve been allowed to see him on the original plan for every other week unsupervised. This had me livid, but I accepted since I just wanted to see my kid. A few weeks go by and I’m finally getting to know my son. He was the only thing that kept me going in life at this point. He was and still is my main source of happiness. My lawyer calls me randomly one day stating that my wife put on the terms that my son wasn’t allowed to see my grandparents or my aunt when he was going to start staying with me every other weekend. No reasons were given. I of course denied these changes and wanted to keep the agreement how it was. Atleast then I could keep seeing him. My ex text me later that day stating “my lawyer asked me to inform you that since you refused to sign the updated agreement the restraining order is now back in place” I called my lawyer and immediately asked him to figure this out as this shouldn’t be legal. My lawyer then asked for another $5000 as it’s another case. I told him fine but he needs to actually do some work this time. He said he’d get back to me in a week with an update. A month goes by and I end up calling him asking what the situation was with my current case and he asked for the money to be paid before he looks into it. I told him that’s not what we agreed and that I’m making regular payments as you requested. My lawyer flat out says it’s not enough. I need it up front since I don’t believe you’re able to pay it. He was right I wasn’t able to pay it but I was trying my damndest to. I took 2 weeks to deliberate and talk to family and friends about my whole situation. At this point I’m now $12,000 in lawyer debt ($3,00 is what my aunt help with earlier) $15,000 in credit card debt and surviving off of $50-$100 a week for food and gas. I can’t sleep, I’ve gained 70 pounds in the span of a year. I was getting in trouble with the military for being late due to lack of sleep, being overweight, and rarely being at work since I had to go to my ex wife’s town to fight this custody battle so often. Ultimately I decided that this is turning into my parents divorce where they were putting me and my brother in the middle of all of there disagreements and fights. That’s exactly what I was trying to prevent, so I decided I couldn’t bring myself to hurt my son with all of this anymore. I’d keep a folder full of all the screen shots, text messages, photos, affidavits, etc. when he gets older, if he decides he wants to give me a chance… if he even knows about me, I’ll have it ready for him to read so he can make his own decision. This was the hardest thing I’ve ever done and I still don’t know if it was the right thing to do…
submitted by Potential_Occasion_5 to Dads [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:27 Wayfaring_Witch0626 Is it too late to start?

I’m 21, I have an associates in education, and I decided I want to pursue dental hygiene, as my community college has a good program and it would make me more money anyway, and with the education system these days, I decided I would be happier in healthcare. Then i thought wtf let’s go all the way and be a dentist. Problem is, getting an AAS in hygiene doesn’t make sense for applying to dental school, so I’d have to reevaluate and get on track for a BS in biology or health sciences. I’m smart but I’m basically starting a BS from scratch except for generals and electives, it would take 3 years max I think. The future feels bright, but so painfully far away that it doesn’t feel possible. Plus, I don’t know what job I would do in the meantime during the BS, except for piano teaching which is my current job. Dental assistanting would be good but I would make less than I currently do by quite a bit. The flexibility of dental hygiene was really appealing too so looking at something way less flexible is daunting lol.
As you can probably tell I’m spiraling and going a mile a minute lmao. As I said I’m 21, but my partner is 24 and I hang out with people more his age so a lot of my friends are graduating with bachelors right now, so as a former really smart high schooler I’m feeling a little discouraged and far behind. I’m looking for general advice, as well as some success stories from people who didn’t know what they wanted to do since they were 18 and kept with it the whole time. TIA
submitted by Wayfaring_Witch0626 to predental [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:08 Izumi_MidoriyaThe1st AITA for getting my manipulative classmates kicked out of my school?

My entitled classmate thinks I’ll allow him to walk all over me, so I got revenge by getting him kicked out of the school.
Okay now before I start, I’m probably a bit young to be on this app but I don’t care and I have a good feeling people will tell me I’m dramatic since I’m “jUsT a KiD” complaining about school. I need a place to vent when I don’t want to bother my friends.
So I (12F) am a student at a school which I won’t mention the name of for my privacy. I have this classmate, we’ll call him Jace. (Not his real name) Jace and I never got along. In the UK, we have this thing called “transition day” where in our last year of primary school, we would visit the high school we got accepted into. So I saw my high school and I instantly fell in love with the place, I was so excited to start going there and I was so happy. I was making new friends, getting a tour around the place and I learned so many things about the school. Everything was going well.. until I met Jace. From the start, he was always really mean to me. He mocked my voice, my accent and even made it look like I was full of myself. (Which I’m not, I’m actually really insecure about how I looks). He even called me a racial slur because I’m black. I told him to fuck off and that he was paler than his white shirt, which I got in trouble for but didn’t give two shits since I was defending myself. This had gone on up until Year 8 (The year I’m currently in) He kept being racist and this has gone on for a year and a half and I was sick of it. He acted like he owned me and that I was his toy, but enough was enough. I was planning my revenge and oh was it worth seeing his reaction. Me and my friends (Who I’ll call Arianna and Selena for the sake of their privacy) came up with a plan to get him kicked out of the school for good as he had actually been racist to my friends too. Me and Selena are both black and Arianna is mixed race. Since I sit next to Jace in History, we thought it would be the perfect time to record him. I had my phone underneath my desk and recorded as he whispered racial slurs to me as the teacher was talking. I did this for about a month before I finally went to my head teacher’s office and showed her the recordings, she listened and her eyes widened. She then went on to say some bullshit on how she never thought Jace would do something like this as he was “a sweet boy” more like a manipulative devil. Anyways, on his last day, she went on the announcements and was so straightforward I couldn’t help but smile. She said “Sorry students and teachers for interrupting your lessons but I have to announce that Jace (last name) will no longer be attending here at (school name) high school, this will be his last day. Thank you!” Jace’s face went pale, I mean paler than he already was. He glared at me and asked if I had anything to do with this. I said no, innocently. Obviously playing the nice girl game. He had no proof I was the reason of his permanent exclusion. Therefore he couldn’t accuse me of anything. At lunchtime, me and my friends were laughing our heads off and singing in a mocking tone “Goodbye Jace~ This a grace~ we won’t miss you and neither will the class~!” It was probably the happiest day of my high school. Jace left the school on his last day and that was the last time anyone ever heard or saw him. And I never had to deal with a person like Jace ever again.
submitted by Izumi_MidoriyaThe1st to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:01 123KidHello Why do people have kids then complain?

I am so freaking tired of hearing what do you have hard? You don't have any kids.
Pretty much because I Worked hard to be responsible adult, Go to university. And work hard at my job I am now being punished by being told by people all over and coworkers that whats so hard for me. I don't have any kids. I'm not allowed to be tired and I'm not allowed to sleep
One time I was Closing my eyes during my Lunch at work and my coworker said why are you sleeping? What do you have hard you you don't even have any kids. I've had coworkers tell me oh you're lucky you don't have to wake up in the middle of the night and take care of kids You have it Easy. I've probably done the most work because of short staffing and I've even and if I even mentioned that I'm tired I'll get responses like you don't even have any kids. Are you kidding me?
I just don't get it ? Why am I being punished for other peoples choice to have kids? Why do women get jealous when they see a man that doesn't have kids, but don't bother their husband to help them With their kids? What annoys me is that woman always married lazy men that don't help them with the kids then they go around bothering Hard-working men because they're jealous that they couldn't get a hard-working man. They're just jealous that their husband doesn't know how to earn money and get maids for them
Your husband knocked you up and now you want random men to help you with your kids?
Why do you approach random men that haven't had kids and tell them how easy their life is because they don't have any kids? Your husband Wanted to have fun with you in bed and then you guys had a kid and now everyone else is getting blamed for it.
I just don't get Society. And what's crazy is I'm expected to work twice as hard work at work, Because I don't have any kids then people with kids because supposedly if you don't have kids, you have no right to be a normal human being that actually requires rest and relaxation.
What's crazy is if I I would have gotten some girl knocked Up in high school then the whole world would be showing me, compassion and saying wow, you poor man you had to work so hard. But in the real world girls never even talked to me in high school. I just don't get it. I think society is just stupid. It's always hard-working people that get the short end of the stick
I just don't get it. It's like that episode of Frank Grimes in The Simpsons. Somethings just don't make sense and it's best not to think about it lol
submitted by 123KidHello to childfree [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:00 DontCommentMuch Just starting out. Looking for advice please

Hi all,
I am an Australian, now in my mid 40's, and am looking to start investing. Yes I'm late to the party, I know, but I won't bore you with the details on why.
I have ~10k to start investing. I have learned that I should invest in dividend aristocrats. I am trying to decide if I should start with picking these dividends on my own, or invest in an aristocrat ETF so I have instant diversification.
I also need a good broker\app to hand my hard earned money over to.
I am a low risk person. Basically I want what everyone does I guess: low risk with high reward. Any help is greatly appreciated
submitted by DontCommentMuch to dividends [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:00 Open_Closed_69 I’m so angry at my mom and I can’t let it out because of the children obeying your parents rule in the bible.

26F. When I was in the 4th grade my mom introduced me to a man and told me he was my dad. I was confused because I already had a dad.
I had a dad who gave me hugs and kisses and would rub his beard all over my face to make me laugh. A dad who was a good father to me and my sister. She didn’t tell my sister she had a new dad.
My mom had cheated on my dad who literally saved my life at birth when headwater got into my nose (home birth) and I as a child not wanting to let my mother down had to play the game of lying to both men so they’d both give us money. I love my dad but I can’t disobey my mom.
When I was in high school I stayed at the new dad’s house for a while as school was closer to him. They both visited me at the school and the security once made me embarrassed by asking. 🥴
Other dad wanted to change my name to his which I’d never agree to of course. I just don’t want a whopping from my mom so I was polite. Point is this man locks me out his house when I get home from school forcing my mom to come get me in the middle of the night from miles away. He wanted to initiate a conversation with her.
Good I don’t have to talk to him anymore. He start calling my school mates telling them my mom is prostituting me and all kinda lies because he hates her for giving me to someone else. I get a restraining order.
I go to my dad’s house which my mom should’ve done from day one. I get along with my daddy’s family so well. He didn’t live at his house he had remarried and was at that wife’s house. Was me my brother and my niece. Uncles lived next door.
One day I’m coming home from school final year it was. I stop to play with my 2 year old cousin. I peek over in my yard and see the other dad. He found me idk how. And told my whole family the truth. That was in 2015. He ruined my life. Now I have no dad because I’m too embarrassed to ever go see my dad. I did see him once because he is very ill. He’s old. He probably doesn’t think I love him but he doesn’t know how I wanna hug him. I’m angry at my mother and I’m angry at the other dad.
Fucked up this is in not the only child she gave multiple dads and my sisters have also done it multiple times which is wild. Family secrets but I feel so bad for those men and I’ll never do it. Never!!! It’s disgusting!!!
submitted by Open_Closed_69 to family [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:49 Forward-Crab-7752 AITA For not listening to my cousin’s advice about the management of my finances and relationships?

Good day everyone. I’m (30 yo) an independent woman, have been married (Also 30 yo) for 6 months through an arranged marriage. I’ll confess that I was very reluctant about getting married at first, especially after observing all the failed marriages of most of my cousins, however, I got lucky as my husband is the best partner one could have. He had always treated me like his queen, supporting me and my dreams.
We were a big joint family of eight until I was 5 and my dad transferred out to another city. Before that, it had always been my 5-years older cousin who had been the one who raised me and babysat me most of the time, as my mum, being the only housewife, took care of the whole family. She is the elder daughter of my paternal uncle and the eldest of all my paternal cousins, let's call her B. I am the only child of my parents. My dad had six siblings, though my uncle and dad were the only ones who stayed together until my dad’s transfer, that’s why we were so close.
B had always been domineering in nature, but it never bothered me as I tend to be very laid back. She would always find me ‘too generous’ and ‘too lazy and incompetent’, as I’ve sometimes made the mistake of confessing about sharing my lunch and occasionally some money from my allowance with some of my poor classmates, scolding me and saying that I have no regards for budgets. I used to get upset but tried my best to ignore her as my parents told me I did nothing wrong when B complained to them, and my mum even started giving me extra lunch to share. I started keeping a polite distance out of respect that she raised me until I was 5, and was a decent company when she was not scolding me for always wasting my allowances. She had also been a vehement support when I protested against my wedding. She even somehow found out about several debts and loans of my in-laws and protested against my wedding to that family, though my parents didn't listen to her. I had always thought she was looking after my future and thought nothing about it. She even supported me when I said I didn't want any kids, saying if I wanted to play with any kids, I was welcome to spend time with her son. Her son is 8 years old, studying in a boarding school, and I pay for his schools.
After marriage, I’ve discovered my FIL took many loans in my husband’s name, after lying to him and saying it was for the treatment of my terminally ill MIL, who died 5 months before our wedding. Then we found out FIL had been cheating and my husband cut his relationship with him. I suggested taking some of his loans, to reduce his financial loads and close them ASAP, as we were planning to buy a house next year.
In the last family union, B pulled me apart and started asking about my savings and how much I had saved up. I, being forgetful in nature, thought nothing of it as she tends to do that sometimes; and told her that I just went through the biggest event of my life, so I don't have anything saved now. Arguments spiked as she started listing how much I spent on everything for my wedding and that it had been 6 months, so I must have started to have a decent amount as my salary was high enough (Yes, apparently she kept a list of everything). In the heat of the moment, I accidentally blurted out about helping my husband with his loans. At that time, B completely lost her mind and started yelling at me. That's when I learned that she somehow found out that I had also been financially helping my other cousin’s education after his dad, my maternal uncle, went bankrupt. She kept accusing me of being spendthrift, having no regard for my money and always being reckless. It really hurt me, as I know I am not a spendthrift, I don't waste my money on useless shopping or other things. My only addiction is buying books, nothing else!
In the middle of her tirades, my husband came and told me that my mum was asking for me, pretending to not hear anything but I know he heard everything, as he somehow has developed an extra sense when it comes to me and notices everything. I was ashamed and angry, on the verge of crying, but we didn't speak about it.
Later my husband kept asking questions and finally learned everything about her. Then he asked whether she wished that I wouldn't get married or have any kids so all my money and property would go to her son.
I never thought about it before, I didn't even want to think like that about her... but it makes sense. Could that be the reason, or is she just looking after me? Please let me know!
submitted by Forward-Crab-7752 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:48 ddafternoontea I need to fall in love with my wife again

Hi there. I don't know how long ago but my Facebook reels started showing me narrated Reddit stories and I got addicted. I loved how people seemed to get actual help and advice for their issues so that's why I came to this forum.
I have been married for over 15 years. We met just out of high-school and moved rather quickly. We were married less than 18 months after meeting. Back then, I was 1000% sure this was the one to grow old and expire happy with. I know the flame eventually dies down but a while back, it damn near extinguished. We were both large people. The weren't skinny when we met and we only got bigger. At our peak, we were together half a ton (do the math yourself). At that size, I didn't find myself at all attractive and didn't find my wife hot either. We had our one child and couldn't get pregnant again (The excess weight was the cause of it- I'll explain why shortly). But sex had slowed down and when we did have it, it was pretty quick anyway. Being that out of shape, I had little to no stamina. We even got into a fight once where she asked me if I found her attractive anymore and I told her no. But things changed shortly after the pandemic. We had good jobs and insurance and were both able to get bariatric surgery. We've both lost a considerable amount of weight. I'm literally less than half the man I used to be and I think I'm smaller now than I was back even I'm high school. She's been doing great as well and lost almost as much as I have. We even were able to get pregnant and have a new baby.
But , with that weightloss came attention I wasn't ready for and I stepped out on my marriage. To be fair, even before that i had gotten onto apps to see what's out there. I would put on the profile that I was married and just looking to flirt. I wanted to kill time with the apps. Those would fill my attention bucket since it wasn't being filled at home. For the most part, the women on there could understand. One even said "you just wanna see if you can still hunt without actually making a kill?" And that was going okay for a while but then it got too serious. I had met someone and I even fell in love with another woman and tried to divorce my wife. I had moved out and gotten an apartment and everything ... I loved how that other person made me feel. You see, my job keeps me out late and traveling. Im a full time musician. So the wife stayed home. And since we were big, even when she could come out- she wouldn't want to. And on the even more extreme rare chance she did, i wouldnt be proud to show her off. And it seemed like she was only there to get out of the house and get drunk. It wasn't to support me, but to escape motherhood. She works hard and she does deserve a break, I knew that but it still felt bad to me. To have a wife be there, get f*ed up and seemingly not give a damn or pay attention to me. In my eyes, she stopped showing that she loved me. I felt like a roommate in my own home that occasionally she decided to sleep with. But this other person made me feel important. She was infatuated with me.
But I decided, no matter what, I couldn't break up my family like that. I tried to and thought I could do it. But I love my kids to much. I would be seeing them part time just to have her full time and I just couldn't do it. This other woman was/is an amazing woman. If things were different (like my wife had divorced me and was the one to break up the home) this person would have been perfect fit to my broken heart and home. But there's a difference in finding an amazing port in a terrible storm and causing a storm (I hope that makes sense)
So that brings me to now... I'm moved back into my house with my wife. I cut off all contact with the other person and blocked her on all social media. I removed apps that allowed me to do those bad things (Snapchat, WhatsApp, tinder, etc) and I wanna fall in love with my wife again but I don't know how to. I still feel alot of guilt. And , I hate to say it, I'm not that attracted to her atm. She's lost alot of weight but as a result, she has alot of excess skin. We are both working hard at saving money to pay for surgery to remove the skin and to do breast augmentation, but im worried that won't be enough. That I'll still feel like a roommate. I've decided no matter what, imma stay here. If I never fall in love again, so be it. Im going to do it for the kids. Her and I are a great pair as partners. We rarely fight, so it's not like staying just for the kids would be a terrible option. I don't think I'm going to F them up or be those parents who fight day and night and should have divorced ages ago. We've had plenty of conversations and I see now that she never stopped loving me. She was showing it in a way that I didn't see. Or in a way that I didn't receive love. Like our love languages changed and we drifted apart. Now when I'm on a trip for work and she'll call and tell me she misses me, she'll ask if I miss her. And I don't. Idk how to change that or how to make myself long for her. She deserves to be loved and cherished. Like how I used to love and cherish her... I do love her but im not IN love with her. I know that sounds stupid and cliché , but it's the best way I can describe it.
So what can I do to get that spark back?
What can I do to Snuff out the spark for that other person? I hate to admit it but I do miss her. I've never broken up with anyone so I have never had to walk away from someone and maybe that's it? Idk how to do that step?
I hope this didn't come off too scattered or rambling. Any advice would be helpful. Please don't hop on just to talk crap and put me down, I know I messed up. I am trying to fix it and be a better man and live up to the being the husband I used to be. The husband she deserves.
TL;DR advice needed to fall back in love with my wife after 15+yrs of marriage and coming back from infidelity
submitted by ddafternoontea to marriageadvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:43 Cryptalaus Dirty shoes

‘Do not bring home the mudmen.’ That’s what my uncle said to me when I went camping in the woods behind his farm. I asked him for more information but he shook his head. ‘It’s a tradition. It's just a thing people around here used to say in the old days.’ He smiled at me, even though his eyes looked rather sad. I said goodbye and started walking. Ever since my sister died, I have not been the same. My mother had sent me camping in these woods to defeat the numbness. ‘A bit of fresh air will do you good. One night alone in the woods, that's all you need!’. I remembered her words when it started raining, only one hour into my camping trip. Part of me wanted to return to the farm but my body kept walking. I have to admit that it felt good to be outside. While the rain fell, my thoughts kept going back to the funeral. It had also rained then. It was hard actually to remember a single thing about that day. All the speeches and the faces and the condolences blurred together in my head. The only moment that I did remember, was after the funeral when everyone had gone home and I lingered for a while at my sister’s grave. I joked around like we used to do but with no response, all the while crying like a child. Joking to my sister’s grave did make me feel better though it did not stop the numbness.
The afternoon passed while I thought about my sister and my future. Every couple of hours the rain stopped, only to begin again a few minutes later. The earth made squishy sounds while I trudged my way towards a good camping spot. Sometimes one of my boots got stuck in the dirt but it didn’t bother me. My sister and me, we used to go on adventures in the small woods near our school. A world of imagination and freedom awaited us there between the trees. My current trip made me reminisce about our adventures. With my shoes in the wet soil, I felt like an adventurer myself, a lonely hero on his way towards an epic quest. I smiled while the rain kept falling.
By nightfall, I had secured a cosy camping spot on a hill, high and dry from the ever-present rain. I ate the sandwiches my uncle made for me and fell asleep to the faint beginnings of a thunderstorm in the distance. I broke up my tent and returned to the farm. I felt much better, to be honest. It had finally stopped raining and the sun guided me during my walk back. I had some time for myself. Time to think about my sister but also about me. I’d finally started thinking about my future. Made some plans and jotted some things down in my journal. So it was with great enthusiasm that I returned to the world of the living. Even though the rain had stopped, the mud was still there. It was impossible to traverse the woods without getting dirty. But I didn’t care. I felt happy and a little mud had never killed anyone, right?
When I came back, my uncle wasn’t there. He had left a note that he had gone to a friend’s house and that he wouldn’t return until that evening. Because my shoes were already dirty I decided to help my uncle out and do a bit of work on the farm. I cleaned up the stables, fed the pigs and reorganized his storage. When I was ready, I left my muddy shoes outside.
I woke up to the sound of a scream. Sleep still had me in its thrall when I came down the stairs. A second scream shook me from my slumber and I raced outside, towards the sound. It came from the stable. I crossed the courtyard and saw dirty footprints everywhere, all ominous looking in the moonlight. I threw open the stable’s door but I saw it was already too late.
I want you to imagine my uncle. He’s in his forties. Short brownish hair, modest beard, big friendly eyebrows. Now imagine him again but with mud and dirty black water coming out of his eyes, ears, nose and mouth. His scream had turned into a desperate gurgle when I saw him. He sat upon his knees surrounded by three humanoid figures entirely covered in mud. At second glance, they weren’t covered in it. They were mud. Their whole body was mud. These figures stared at me or I thought they did. They had no faces but their heads turned towards me. My uncle tried to gurgle a warning or something but he had wasted his last breaths. As he fell in a puddle of saliva and dirt I ran away as fast as I could. I heard the wet squelching steps of my pursuers, reminding me of my return to the farm while it rained earlier that day. I ran inside, shoved a closet against the door and started thinking about an escape plan. Meanwhile it had started to rain again.
My initial plan was to escape through the front door. But what to do after that? Where to go? I searched for the keys to my uncle’s pickup truck but found nothing. Shit. He probably had the keys on him. Which meant I had to get all the way back to the stable and face the mudmen. I picked up a big knife from the kitchen and decided to risk it. On foot in the rain with mud everywhere I probably won’t last long, especially when my pursuers were made out of the same dirt I was walking upon. The steady rhythm of rainfall synchronised with the beating of my heart as I went outside. When I put on my shoes, I noticed they were clean as if I never even had been camping. While adrenaline raged and all my rational thinking was being crushed by raw fear, I darted towards the stable. On my way I sank halfway into a deep puddle and when I reached the doors I had become some of a mudman myself. All my muscles strained and my brain was going in survival mode as I opened the door. I was ready to stab these mudmen. To avenge my uncle and… I saw no one. The stable was empty. No mudmen but also not a trace of my uncle.
I decided to return back to the house and that was the moment I found out where all the mudmen had been. They had been gathering reinforcements. Outside the stables stood eight mudmen. Their slick featureless heads ‘looked’ at me. It was difficult to say where their legs ended or where the ground started. One of them seemed new. The mud was not as thick as with the others and pieces of farm overall were visible. It was my uncle. Before I had any time to process this, the fuckers began to make their way towards me. I quickly decided to abandon my hope of a pick-up truck and to go with my plan B. I ran away as fast as I could. They followed me, slowly but surely. Mud was everywhere as I sprinted through the woods. Water, dirt and tree branches clung to me as I tried to shake off the mudmen. They moved like boneless masses, ever merging with the ground upon which they persuaded me.
I don’t know how far or fast I ran. I passed some other farms and wondered whether they could be potential targets of the mudmen. The way my uncle had warned me this morning, seemed like folklore but real. Maybe everyone that lived there knew to watch out when walking through mud. After crossing multiple asphalt roads and some hills, I arrived in a small village. I went to the local diner and decided to call my parents to come and pick me up. I have no idea how I will explain any of this to them or to myself.
I’m currently waiting for my parents. I decided to post my story here to get my thoughts straight. Has anyone ever heard of these mudmen? Or encountered them? I wonder if there is any way to stop them. As I write this grey clouds gather once again and I just heard a conversation between two truckers. According to them, it will keep raining for the next couple of days. Better avoid the woods for a while.
submitted by Cryptalaus to NoSleepAuthors [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:28 justlingeringon How do we go about my little sister’s theft and lying problem? What can we do?

This has gone far enough. Strange way to end the night. We think my little sister (13f) stole our mom’s phone. Btw my sister already has a nice phone and she just got an iPad for Christmas. My mom has like 3 phones, her new one which is her main one and old two phones. Anywho, they’re all in sync so when she gets a call all 3 of the phones ring. Apparently, she left one of the phones on her bed and when she left the room it was gone. She tried calling it, her other two phones rang but not the other one. She walked around the house in hopes of hearing it but nothing. She even came in my room and asked me if I had it. I didn’t. She pinged all her phones and went on the Find my app and it said that the phone was still in the house. This means that whoever took the phone had shut it off which is the reason it didn’t ring. My mom never has any of her phones off. Back to the part of my is her being a thief. She is, I don’t care if my family doesn’t like me calling her that, she is. Back in elementary school when slime was popular she stole this girl’s slime even though she had her own and lied about it. My grandmother found out and made her give it back to the girl. Another time, maybe about 3-4 years ago we all had this app called “Greenlight” it’s basically cashapp for kids but the parent could see everyone’s wallet and give money. This girl took my grandmother’s phone and cleared my saving’s account. I had about $25 I didn’t touch. When I went on there I saw my money way gone. Keep in mind, you can see everyone’s account history like when money was put in and out. I check my history it says my grandma took money out of my account. But she was sleeping and this had just happened. So I check my grandmas account and find that she had taken money out of my account. Then it says she took (insert amount of money taken out of my account) and placed it in my sister’s account. I check to see if I get it back….the money was gone. I check her history….this girl just ordered a phone charger off door dash. :/ I remeber when I told my grandma she had a talk with my sister and that’s it. She told her not to do it again and got me back my money. Basically letting her off. She’s too nice for her own good. Another time I was laying in bed, I had my phone under my pillowcase on the charger. I hear my door open and my sister starts calling my name. I didn’t respond and pretended to be asleep. Keep in mind, my wallet is under my pillow too. This girl starts slowing sliding her hand under my pillow and grabs my wallet. I sprung up so fast and asked her what she thought she was doing and she said she need (insert the over $20+ amount she asked for) and I told her “no.” She had already gotten her own allowance and chose to spend it poorly. She stormed off. Then another time, she had stolen $20 from my grandmother using this same app and keep in mind we can see the history. It says that our grandma sent her $20. She didn’t. She tried to lie and say she didn’t know how it got there. She just got a gentle talk and my grandma sent myself and my other sister $20 each since our little sister got to get $20. Much like the current situation I remember one day a couple years ago I was cleaning my room. I had just made my bed. My bedding was all black so my white AirPods case is obviously visible. It was on the charger on my bed. I leave the room come back it’s gone. That whole day I’m stressed out I can’t find them. I get on some kind of search app and this app made it to where the closer you were to the missing device the louder it started beeping and pointing a compass. Every time I got close to her room it got more intense and further away it died down. Okay, so I know it’s in her room and I confront her, her room is a hot mess impossible to find anything. I show her the evidence and tell her I know it’s here but she denies. I end up finding another set of AirPods which belonged to my mother (yes she also stole our mothers AirPods and our mother had been looking for them for weeks) and they were working just fine she why’d she take mine? Sorry, I’m fuming just writing this out. Anyway, she did what she always does after a while, she somehow snuck into my room and planted them in one of the shoes I wear everyday like they were there the whole time. :/ she’s also planted our other sisters phone in a clothing basket once. Anyway, this girl stays stealing. She’s always stealing our clothes and our stuff and our moms stuff and peoples money. One day mom got on the phone with her dad and told him to come get his thieving child and put my sister on the phone and yall guess what she told her dad. :/ She told this man that everything she had belonged to her and that she couldn’t never have nothing because everyone was always stealing her things so she didn’t have anything….girl….oh ya guys I didn’t mention that she’s a compulsive liar? I fear this results from her never being held accountable for her actions growing up and always getting her way. Sorry, I just had to say something. What do we do about this girl?
submitted by justlingeringon to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:16 HelpDearGodHelpMe My mental state is weakening and I don't know if I can't keep it all up anymore

This is my first post so I'm sorry if it's way to long but I needed to get this out.
Trigger warnings: sa, suicidal ideation, physical abuse (kinda), neglect, stalking,
(These topics are mentioned but not explored deeply)
I (m19) have been losing everything it seems since I was 11 I think.
Off the bat I have autism, ADHD, a learning disability, and a bad family dynamic I think (this is apart of it), due to this and growing up in a town that's not very open minded I quickly became suicide. When I started therapy in middle school I would score as severely depressed every 2 weeks when the test was done. Along with talking to councilors, therapists, resurch and how life has been going I think I might have developed BPD and Narcissism.
Right before middle school I met S, they where my best friend and first "love". The day I met S I feel hard, and over the next 7 years my feelings would deepen. Our relationship dynamic was very toxic, we'd yell and scream at each other then the next day say we loved each other but if I didn't want to be there friend they wouldn't care and they'd echo this sintament in a million different ways that would userally come at the end of our fights. S would say things like "if I'm so mean then why are you still friends with me" or "that's a you problem" when I'd bring up a way they would make me feel, once they said "no wonder your dad doesn't love you" (this was years ago so I'm not sure if that's exactly what they said but the last 4 words where still in there) just to give you an idea of the kinda things they'd say.
On the other side, I would constantly make my personal episodes there problem, call them a bad person, accuse them of intentionally hurting me, I'd be extremely controlling of there relationships and just controlling in general. I'd also ask them to berate me, and call me any terrible thing they could think of, like a good friend they only did this a few times at first but then stopped. All this would be going on while I act like the guy best friend with feelings, I'd confess to them on avrage once a year in bigger and grander ways.
Other then S, there have been a lot of other unwell people I'd have to deal with. The actual scary ones where a couple rapists and one person who'd brag about sending there boyfriends on suicide watch. The rest where all either bullies or "crazy" people, either way I didn't care much, I was just happy I could live out a heros fantasy. Even though on paper I was a good guy, I only did it to feed my ego and feel secure. So even though I was hurting people who where hurting others it could have very easily been the other way around and a few times it was. I would stalk people in school, I'm not proud of it but it happened, ive also struggled with homosidle tendencies. One more thing, I was sa'd twice my freshman year which the school did nothing about, you could probably imagine how I feel.
My home life wasn't much better in my opinion, my autism crated a huge divide between my family and by existence everyone else. Out of my whole family I'm the most severe and most of us have autism (this is all my opinion) my mom has taken tests and is open to the idea but my brother (m20) doesn't see what I do, It would also make since for my dad but I don't know. This is important because my needs and acomedations are seen as to much for my family, and then when I went out into the world I didn't understand the social difference between my autistic family and the rest of the world. Whatever I learn out here is hard to communicate to my family and what I learn from my family isn't the best out here.
More specificly my brother would beat me up not super often but often enough for it to be a thing I was scared of for a long time. to be fair I did use to bite him when we where little which is what he mentioned when I brought up the times he'd beat me up, he also denied doing this to the extent I mentioned and said "all brothers fight". He has been teaching me about emotional intelligence recently because of my issus with being very defensive, this was after he stopped beating me up for a while so I think he's changed. But he still says things like "why do you look like that" or "you smell" as a joke, I've asked him to stop but he's never stopped. He also makes jokes about sexualizing animals, children, and even made incest jokes just because I have a funny reaction. I've told him to stop because it makes me uncomfortable but after high school I gave up, he hasn't made these jokes in a while and thankfully the ones about kids are ferthar in the past then the others. When he didn't stop I told him I would tell my friends that he made these jokes and he said that he wouldn't care.
Other then him, my mom recently called me to yell at me about the traffic being bad, the phone called ended with me throwing my headphones and yelling about killing myself in a school building. To be brief.
My dad was just super neglectful, nights I'd go hungry, he cooked only 2 times for me and my brother. Once I had to take him to the bathroom because he was to drunk to know he wasn't in the bathroom. This should be enough.
In modern day.
I'm in college for acting and writing, I haven't lived with my dad for years and he recently took out a EBT card under my name. I got in a car crash a year ago, in the same week I got it, my mom yells at me to drive and yells at me to not drive without insurance, she yells at me for not being prepared wile packing my bags for college for me wile not letting me do it on my own. My mom offers help but then complains about everyone catering to me and yells at me about every single unplanned step. My brother is trying to help me but he doesn't except that I'm disabled or that the issues I bring to him are as bad as I say they are, he buys me fast food almost everyday I'm home though. All the other freshman in my college ghosted me at once after the car crash (for real, I get back from the crash, everyone's int he commons, one person asked if I was okay, the other people from the crash show up and everyone flocks to them and I still don't understand why), this caused rummers about me to be created and at the end of the year it got so bad that a group calls me a pedophile. Even though all the shit I've had to deal with just at school I found someone, F. F is super caring and kind because they really do care. Simply put, niceness is transactional, your nice to someone you expect them to be nice back. F just gives all away and expects nothing in return, they've been helping me with my family and school issues along with the mental shit and their just all around a good person.
Even though things are better and I have someone I like, I feel miserable. Everyday it gets harder and harder to keep myself from letting go and do fucked up things to people just because I see something I like or that I'm intereged in, I have a need to feel power and to know everything I can out of insecurities which I've mentioned in this post. I also wanna break up with F but because I know I will hurt them like everyone else in my life, and I'm not sure if I'm with then for them because there the only person who supports or if it's all the free weed. And like the Annabelle movies, my obsession over S isn't and probably won't ever go away as it gets stronger and more annoying.
So after all this I don't know if I should keep fighting until I can't anymore which feels soon, or finally kill my self which I don't think is likely but if not me then I'm scared of who it could be one day. I will continue to try and work though this anyway unless I make a decision, then I'll try to make an update.
Also please let me know if this is violating the Staying on topic rule.
Thank you.
submitted by HelpDearGodHelpMe to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:14 OceanSun85 Would you say that Vancouver is a difficult city to meet people in?

This topic often comes up a lot. Whether its trying to make friends or date, Vancouver seems to have a reputations as a cold, closed off city. One example that I find that is kind of true is that people in their 20s and sometimes 30s still hang out or are associated with their high school friends, which is different from the general "drifting off after school" you often see elsewhere. One other thing is that many Vancouverites seem to rely on dating apps to meet people when it comes to finding a relationship. Although this is common in other places, Vancouver seems to be an extreme example of this. What do you think about this topic when it comes to Vancouver?
submitted by OceanSun85 to askvan [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:11 EggScout Lily LV Victorine Monogram Wallet

Lily LV Victorine Monogram Wallet
From: Lily WhatsApp +8619924142818
Price: 400yuan ($56)
Payment: I used F&F PayPal. I paid on May 20th and in less than 24 hours I received QC photos. No issues with communicating what I wanted and she responded quickly.
Shipping: I paid 160yuan($22) for shipping directly from her, but she also allows you to send items to superbuy and similar agents free of charge. Shipping takes 7-15 days on average from her. On May 21st she shipped the wallet with a tracking number and it arrived on May 30th with no issues.
Overall: The wallet looks very well done and the leather is very high quality looking. The monogram pattern is placed symmetrically and it is puffed up while the inside leather is smooth in the money pocket area. All of the pockets in the wallet are sturdy. Zippers work really smoothly. Button works with no issues and holds the flap in place with no budge. Stitching is very neat as well. Very happy with my purchase and will be coming back to review more.
submitted by EggScout to FashionReps [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:10 ApprehensiveGas6505 I saw someone else’s pictures in my photos widget

I saw this a while ago and still haven’t found an answer. These photos popped up when you’re at the Home Screen and swipe over to the left one more time, where random little widgets take up the screen. It was one of those photo ones where it chooses random photos to scroll through each time you swipe over
Anyways these were pictures I DEFINITELY did not take lol. They were of some old friends I no longer talk to, and their trip down south to the mountains. I had never seen most of the pictures before, one of them had posted some picture on Instagram but these were a mix of some I had seen and some I had never seen. Pictures of them together, couples, scenery etc.
Keep in mind I’m no longer in contact with any of these people. I don’t have WhatsApp either, which I had seen was one way this has happened to people. But even if I did I do not talk to these people, so I know nobody has sent them to me over text or anything else. One Instagram post was the most I had seen, maybe some Snapchat stories.
Seeing the pictures happened within this year, and this was a trip around 2021-2022. It was some time after our high school graduation. So the photos were older but not very old. I do not have a screenshot and it hasn’t happened again but I would love to find out what happened or if it has happened to anyone else?
submitted by ApprehensiveGas6505 to iphone [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:07 Progressive-Change How do I make a choice? I want to move to California, Oregon or Washington but I don't know how to narrow it down.

I don't know what to ask or what to search up to understand the differences. I know they are all about the same when it comes to politics but what else? Will I expect the same experiences living in each state or will it be noticable? I live in NC for reference and I hate it here. Too many drug overdoes and shootouts and sad and angry people. The PAVE act which was recently passed I hate with a burning passion as well. It reminds me of when I had an iphone and their saftey nonsense. It's like some big brother dystopian crap. VPN's are useful but it makes me feel like I live in China or something with censorship and that's not the free country of America that I know.
You could say that I fully express my 1st amendment right but people here who think backwards see it differently. Meanwhile, the south steadily tops the list as #1 for teenage pregancies and LGBTQ discrimination and they activley try to push that type of education out of schools and I hate that boomer ass thinking. I'm not about being around people that are not open-minded and accepting and willing to change. A majority of red states just straight up deny everything and never say that there are any problems at all with anything and they play the blame game on those "libtard states" (eg California), especially Louisiana and Alabama and other deep deep southern states with their high murder rates and poverty and their wealth inequality and such. Monkey see no evil, monkey hear no evil, monkey speak no evil type stuff.
True, it's cheap to live there in those states but you really are cutting yourself short on just about everything else just to save yourself a few dollars. Now I don't mind living in a cheap area in one of those 3 states that I mentioned and it would do me wonders if I could find that place. I'm just worried about my commute to work and if it's going to be too far of a drive. I can at max drive maybe an hour or 2? Any more than that and I will just be wasting my sleeping time because I'm on the road trying to get home and back and fourth.
Right now I make $24 an hour at my job and it's full time Monday through Friday and where I live has a cost of living score of 70 (30% below national average of 100) which is meh but it's affordable. I'd like to be somewhere that has a cost of living of somewhere in the 70's and even the 80's if need be but nowhere over 100 like Los Angeles which has a cost of living score of 161 (61 times more expensive than the national average of 100 to live there).
I don't mind living in small cities or smaller towns even. I'm not looking for a fancy getaway place. I won't even mind living in a ghost town. I just want to make sure that where I live isn't too far away from a job which supports me, that's all. I work in construction and I cut grass and do manual labor and I work on cars and I weld and do stuff like that so maybe I can find work anywhere, who knows.
I want to see what Leavenworth, Washington is all about and Paulsbo but those are not really livable towns as they are more tourist attractions so it won't feel like an authentic small town experience. I do like culture though which is why I mentioned those places. I like to explore old ghost towns and metal detect which is why I mentioned ghost towns too. The mountains I really enjoy also with the snow on top but I don't mind being around joshua, juniper or redwood trees. I'm just a little iffy about living on a flat ground desert where it stays 100%+ degrees all day and you're sweating to death. I do like riding my bicycle though and walking so anywhere I can take a hike or walk through town even would be nice. I don't mind the beach either but that's like LA and I don't have LA money.
Any advice or suggestions? Thanks
submitted by Progressive-Change to SameGrassButGreener [link] [comments]
