What is an mlm company

Stop MLM schemes from draining your friends dry.

2011.09.22 17:56 eagleapex Stop MLM schemes from draining your friends dry.

Multi Level Marketing (MLM) schemes are a drain on our society. Its participants either build the pyramid taller or get squashed by it.

2015.03.03 20:26 kittydentures Skin care for people over 30

Skin care is a pretty big deal, and we love subs like /SkinCareAddiction, however we felt there needed to be a sub that deals specifically with skin that's over 30. Share your questions, frustrations and triumphs!

2016.08.16 13:04 Skincare Addiction - Not a Dermatology Clinic!

This sub is a relaxed community to discuss skincare products and routines. Do NOT ask us to diagnose your acne/skin condition or advise on how to treat it. This is not a dermatology clinic!

2024.05.31 20:22 More_Potato_6096 How are MLMs still recruiting people?

Back before the internet was what it is today, it made sense how people could get roped into these "business opportunities". But now with all of the widespread information, documentaries, and general public knowledge that MLMs are scams and should be avoided - HOW are they still recruiting so many people?!
I'm in my early 30s and am struggling to understand how people my age, who grew up on the internet and have seen the memes and negative reports about these companies, are falling for it. Has anyone here ever been in an MLM who can shed some light on how they're taking perfectly normal people with jobs and families and turning them into these hunbots who really believe "oh we're not an MLM or a pyramid scheme! Trust me!" What do they say to people to convince them so well that they're willing to fork over tons of money and embarrass themselves in public (online) just to maybe make a buck or two here and there.
It makes absolutely no sense to me.
submitted by More_Potato_6096 to antiMLM [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 17:45 Ravenamore Southwestern Advantage MLM

Southwestern Advantage
An hour ago, I had a knock at the door. It was a clean-cut college age kid who said he was distributing "educational materials". His "proof" that he was legit was showing me pictures on his FB of local families that he supposedly had contact with.
I knew none of these people. I couldn't recognize anything in the backgrouds. I have no idea what kind of "proof" this was supposed to be. For all I know, he took the pics from online and just slapped labels on them.
He was very obviously reciting from a memorized script. I cut to the chase and asked him what it was he was selling. He said the educational materials, which he kept saying went from high school to preschool.
I told him I had no money for that sort of thing (I'm pretty sure the stuff was expensive as hell), said goodbye, and started to shut the door.
He immediately said, "I understand, but if you'd just let me explain, it won't take more than a minute, and I'll still get credit..." That's when I said goodbye again and shut the door. He kept talking after I shut the door, asking if any of my neighbors had kids, then waited a bit before leaving.
I looked these guys up, and they did show up as an MLM in the stickied thread on the first page. They recruit college kids as independent contractors, who are sent to Nashville for training, They're then posted outside their home or college state and stay with a host family. It's door to door sales.
There are no employee benefits, there is no guaranteed income. They get 40% commission, but that's after they pay expenses and cost of the material. They're responsible for their expenses while working, they pay their host families $50 a week, and usually have to go to weekly meetings that also cost money.
I know a lot of MLMs are cult-like, but this added factor of sending the kids out of their home or college state and having them lodge with a host family and pay them rent REALLY concerns me. It reminds me of what I've heard LDS missionaries go through.
The person's uprooted, without friends or families for help. Paying the host family weekly means that's $200 a month gone, plus expenses, plus paying for stock. Apparently some sellers work 80+ hours weeks.
I'm sure those "host families" are not neutral, but involved with the company in some way. They're probably told to keep up company speak and toxic positivity, keep pressure on the kid to sell and sell, and guilt trip them if they try to leave.
It concerns some colleges too - some have banned Southwestern Advantage from recruiting.
I wanted to do this post because I'd never heard of them before, It's all earnest kids selling "educational materials" for school, I think they'd be more likely to get people to lower their guard and feel like they're helping out, when, really, they're perpetuating the company taking advantage of kids.
submitted by Ravenamore to antiMLM [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 01:59 Ganmorg Potential employment scam from Geneva Pop-Ups

Hey all, first time posting here, so apologies if I mess anything up. I'm not positive that this is a scam, but it's certainly quite suspect, so I was wondering if anyone here had experience dealing with something like this. Hell, maybe they are legitimate, but I have my doubts.
I've been looking for work the past few months without much luck, since I'm pretty fresh out of college and don't have a ton of experience. Last week I got a message from a number calling themselves Geneva Pop-Ups, saying they had received my Resume and wanted to speak with me. I was initially kind of suspicious as I hadn't applied to any position there, but I checked out their website at genevapopups. com, which raised some eyebrows since it was so barren, but I decided to give them the benefit of the doubt. I was suspicious from the start but I had gotten reached out to by another marketing firm that found my resume on Monster, and while a bit weird those guys were legit, so I figured why not.
The first round of "interviews" was a Zoom seminar, where I went in and saw that I wasn't able to talk or post in the chat, or see what other people were in the room with me. There they gave me a brief rundown of what they were trying to do. After that they sent me a surveymonkey link where I filled out some info (values, goals, etc), and invited me to an actual zoom interview, which had two other prospective hires. The guy I talked to there seemed nice but stuff was still weird, like he was conducting it from his car because he was "running late," and he talked about how the company aimed to expand to a shocking degree, like 19 new offices in the next 9 months, and how their goal was to make us all managers within that time period. The way he showed the progression within the company also looked very MLMey to me, with a lot of huge promises about how quickly we'd be promoted and how much we'd be paid, including "yatch" trips for higher level. Then another survey, which continued with weirdly easy interview questions, and then a phone call from a third person. We talked briefly and he said he'd call me back to let me know if I got the job (seemed very weird to be offered a job after having never met anyone in person or seeing the office), and after giving me a bit of a runaround he said I got it.
I was still really hesitant to be excited because it still felt like the whole thing stunk, and upon further research it seems likely that it did. The company had absolutely no online presence, and I wasn't able to find an entry for them on Glassdoor, Linkedin, or anywhere other than their own website. The email they sent me at the end of the process was the final straw, since it was written in a way that said very little about what the company actually did or who their clients were, and was generally shady. The office they directed me to also didn't have them registered anywhere on it. It was then I decided I wasn't going to go, and basically to call this whole thing a wash. It didn't make any sense to me that a company that allegedly is going through 1000s of candidates and has so many high value clients would have zero online presence.
I'm curious if anyone else has had experience dealing with this company or something like this. I'm hesitant to say it's out and out a scam or an MLM scheme, but it was certainly suspicious, and regardless the job I was offered seems like it'd be a bad fit for me personally while also being in a terrible location. I'll update this thread if anything else comes of this, but please let me know what you guys think! This has definitely been a very interesting past few days.
submitted by Ganmorg to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 07:15 touchwoodtech A Complete Guide to MLM Software Understanding

A Complete Guide to MLM Software Understanding
A Complete Guide to MLM Software Understanding
A common business strategy used by many entrepreneurs looking to expand their companies through network marketing and direct sales is multi-level marketing, or MLM. The correct tools are essential for managing and growing such a firm, and MLM software fills that need. We will examine MLM software definition, features, advantages, and how to select the right software for your company in this extensive blog.
MLM Software: What Is It?
Multi-level marketing (MLM) software is a specialized application made to help companies in managing their MLM activities. Numerous tasks, including commission computations, network administration, sales tracking, and internal communication inside the MLM company, are automated and streamlined by it. In order to support business owners in making wise decisions, the program offers crucial reporting and assist for various MLM pay plans.
Important MLM Software Features:
1.Compensation Plan Administration
Managing different compensation schemes, including binary, matrix, uni-level, and hybrid plans, is one of the main purposes of multilevel marketing software. The program guarantees exact commission and bonus computation based on the plan that the multilevel marketing organization uses.
  1. Visualization of Genealogy Trees
Users can see their network structure with this functionality. It makes possible following each network member's performance and understanding the organizational structure.
  1. Monitoring Sales and Commissions
Commissions and sales are tracked in real time using MLM software. Members of the network benefit from this transparency since it allows them to view their profits and the performance of their downline.
  1. Processing Payments and E-Wallets
Members can receive commissions straight into their accounts with an integrated e-wallet system. For simple and safe transactions, the software also supports several payment gateways.
  1. Duplicate Websites
Every member can have a customized webpage thanks to duplicated webpages. This aids in preserving brand the sameness and giving every distributor a polished web presence.
  1. Relationship management with customers (CRM)
An MLM business's ability to expand depends on its ability to collect leads, manage customer interactions, and nurture customer relationships—all of which are helped by integrated CRM solutions.
  1. Usability on Mobile Devices
Members may stay involved and productive by using mobile apps to access their accounts, monitor their progress, and connect with their team while on the go.
Using MLM Software Has Its Advantages:
  1. Automation and Efficiency
MLM software reduces the time and effort needed to perform repetitive tasks manually by automating them, such as commission computations and sales tracking.
  1. Precise Management of Finances
The program makes sure that commissions and bonuses are paid on time and accurately, which is essential for keeping network members motivated and trusting one another.
  1. Improved Interaction
Better interactions between team members and leaders are made possible by integrated communication tools like email and messaging platforms, which promote a collaborative atmosphere.
  1. Data-Informed Choices
Data-driven decision-making is made possible by comprehensive analytics and reporting, which offer insights into member performance, sales patterns, and the general health of the company.
  1. Flexibility
MLM software may grow with the company, handling more members, transactions, and complexity without sacrificing functionality.
How to Pick the Best MLM Software:
  1. Determine What You Need
Recognize the needs of your multilevel marketing company, such as the intended features, user count, and remuneration structure.
  1. Consider usability and features
Make sure the software is user-friendly and has all the important features mentioned above. Adoption and
efficient use of the software depend on a positive user experience.
  1. Look for Options for Customization
Select software that may be tailored to your particular branding requirements and company model.
  1. Take Compliance and Security into Account
Make sure the program has strong security features to safeguard sensitive data and conforms with all applicable standards.
  1. Seek Dependable Assistance
Excellent customer service is essential. To ensure that the program continues to function properly, pick a vendor who provides dependable support and frequent upgrades.
In summary
An essential tool for running and expanding a multi-level marketing company is multi-level marketing software. It assists business owners in concentrating on strategy and expansion by simplifying critical procedures, offering insightful data, and improving communication. At Touchwood Technologies, we provide state-of-the-art multilevel marketing software solutions customized to your company's specific requirements. Reach out to us right now to find out how we can support your success in the ever-changing multi-level marketing industry.
submitted by touchwoodtech to u/touchwoodtech [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 07:00 Not_Jabez Is this Internship a scam?

So, I applied for a marketing internship on LinkedIn. I have experience in marketing and logistics for school and internships. I went to the interview to see what was up but when I asked what exactly they do, their main form of marketing is direct. The main process of their company was that I would train for 6 days, then the next week or so be promoted as a client representative and sell an internet provider's product. When I asked what the pay is they said that I would be making 17 hours during office hours but when I go meet with clients, I would get paid in commission. I seemed sketched out about this job. What is the likelihood it's an MLM? The hours are from 10:00 AM - 8 PM, Monday-Friday as well as 9-4 Saturday.
submitted by Not_Jabez to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:15 healthmedicinet Health daily news May 27 2024

DAY: May 27 2024


People who regularly eat fish or take fish oil supplements are getting omega-3 fatty acids, which play a critical role in brain function. Research has long shown a basis in the brain for aggressive and violent behavior, and that poor nutrition is a risk factor for behavior problems. Penn neurocriminologist Adrian Raine has for years been studying whether omega-3 supplementation could therefore reduce aggressive behavior, publishing five randomized controlled trials from different countries. He found significant effects but wanted to know whether these findings extended beyond his laboratory.


With summer around the corner, telehealth outlets and medical spas are going into hyperdrive advertising the sale of semaglutide, the active ingredient in popular weight-loss drugs Ozempic and Wegovy. Recent shortages of the brand-name drugs have opened the door to copycat versions that, while legal, also raise some concerns for consumers, says Kelly Ann Barnes, Northeastern professor of pharmacy law. The copycat drugs are made by specialized pharmacies known as compounding pharmacies, which are allowed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to make off-label


Professor Nick Titov’s professional goal is to make himself redundant. he wants to empower more people with mild to moderate anxiety and depression to understand what they can do each day to care for their mental health. As part of this mission, Professor Titov and his team developed The Big 5, an evidence-based program encouraging five broad types of activities that are strongly linked with good mental health when performed regularly. Everyone’s


During the peak of the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021, the health-care system’s capacity was stretched and hospitals across Canada relied on each other to share resources and provide care. Experts from


The peripubertal DHT-induced mouse model is a non-obese but insulin-resistant model of PCOS. a) Experimental design. b) Fat mass. c) Insulin levels at baseline and 15 min following glucose administration. d) Blood glucose levels during oGTT. e) HOMA-IR, calculated from fasted glucose and insulin levels. f) Glycosylated hemoglobin levels (HbA1c). A new study shows that hyperandrogenism—a key characteristic of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)—affects immune cell populations in reproductive, metabolic and immunological tissues in a PCOS-like mouse model. These findings are of great importance as


Common acquired neurogenic stuttering network. Common areas that were sensitive and specific across both neurogenic stuttering cohorts. Amy = amygdala; ASt = amygdalostriatal transition area; Cl = claustrum; Pall = Pallidum; Put = putamen. A new study published in the journal Brain has identified a specific brain network hub that plays a key role in stuttering. The research, by Te Whare W?nanga o Waitaha University of Canterbury (UC) Associate Professor Catherine Theys, examines two different types of stuttering—developmental and acquired—to show a clear neural


How employers behave toward workers experiencing thyroid dysfunction could play a critical part in addressing the UK’s labor market challenges. With long-term sickness on the rise in the UK, researchers at the University of Aberdeen Business School have marked World Thyroid Day (May 25) by releasing new findings which, for the first time, explore the relationship between employer sympathy and the labor market prospects of people with thyroid conditions. One in 20 people in the UK have a thyroid problem, with a significant majority of sufferers being women. Posing serious


High-income earners have a 32% lower risk of dying after a stroke compared to low-income earners. The equivalent for high education is 26% lower risk. The differences in stroke survival linked to socioeconomics are striking, according to a study at the University of Gothenburg.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology could offer companionship to lonely people amid an international epidemic of loneliness, says a robotics expert. Tony Prescott, a professor of cognitive robotics at the University of Sheffield, argues in his new book “The Psychology of Artificial Intelligence” that “relationships with AIs could support people” with forms of social interaction. Loneliness has been found to seriously impair human health, and Professor Prescott makes a case that advances in AI technology could offer a partial solution. He argues that people can spiral into loneliness, becoming


Some 7 million Americans live with Alzheimer’s, and about 11 million provide unpaid care for them. Dementia caregiving can present unique challenges, including financial burdens and time constraints, as well as health complications. A report this year from the Alzheimer’s Association demonstrates the true cost of caregiving for those with the disease and calls to establish dementia care navigation throughout the U.S. to lift this burden. Not only is the estimated value of unpaid care near $14 billion in Pennsylvania alone, the report also revealed emotional and physical tolls. Nearly


An artificial pancreas developed by researchers at the University of Cambridge has been granted approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use by individuals with type 1 diabetes aged 2 and older, including during pregnancy. This means that even more people living with the disease will be able to use this life-changing app. For the first time, the FDA authorized the use of the artificial pancreas system in pregnancy. CamAPS FX, produced by Cambridge spinout company CamDiab, is an Android app that can


Researchers at Edith Cowan University (ECU) are investigating the effects ellagic acid, an antioxidant found in some fruits and vegetables, could have on halting and potentially reversing the damage caused by fatty liver disease. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the physiological manifestation of obesity in the liver. The prevalence of NAFLD has increased from 25.24% in 2015 to 29.38% in 2021, and this condition now accounts for 45.8% of all cases of chronic-liver-disease-related deaths worldwide. There currently exists no treatment for the long-term management of NAFLD; however, dietary interventions


Anorexia nervosa is a severe mental health disorder where people fear weight gain. Those with the disorder have distorted body image and hold rigid beliefs their body is too big. They typically manage this through restricted eating, leading to the serious medical consequences of malnutrition. Anorexia has one of the highest death rates of any mental illness. Yet there are currently no effective drug treatments and the outcomes of psychotherapy (talk therapy) are poor. So we’re desperately in need of new and improved treatments. Psilocybin, commonly known as magic mushrooms,


Feeding children peanuts regularly from infancy to age five reduced the rate of peanut allergy in adolescence by 71%, even after many years when the children ate or avoided peanut as desired. The new findings provide conclusive evidence that introducing peanuts into babies’ diets early will achieve long-term prevention of peanut allergy. Lead investigator Professor Gideon Lack from King’s College London said, “Decades of advice to avoid peanuts has made parents fearful of introducing peanuts at an early age. The evidence is clear that early introduction of peanut in infancy


Good health depends on a healthy diet and sufficient exercise and sleep. There are clear associations among these components; for example, good nutrition provides energy for exercise, and many people report that getting enough exercise is important to their ability to get enough sleep. So how might nutrition affect sleep? A new study looks at the connection between fruit and vegetable intake and sleep duration.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention continues to actively monitor the ongoing outbreak of H5N1 avian influenza, also known as bird flu, and says that the public health risk remains low. Dr. Matthew Binnicker, director of the Clinical Virology Laboratory at Mayo Clinic, says scientists and public health officials have known about avian influenza for decades. “What’s different today is that since 2020, we’re seeing the largest outbreak of avian influenza among wild birds, poultry and backyard bird flocks,” he says. “The virus has also been found in certain


A randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial has revealed surprising new insights into how SGLT2 inhibitor drugs, originally developed for diabetes, benefit patients with heart failure. Contrary to common assumptions, these drugs may improve cardiac outcomes and heart health without acting as diuretics. Heart failure is a condition where the heart cannot pump enough blood to meet the body’s demands, often leading to fluid


Clinics specializing in first seizures reduce the need for patients to present at emergency departments or be admitted to hospital later, Monash University-led research has found. Timely attendance, particularly within 14 days of the seizure, was associated with reduced subsequent all-cause emergency presentations and all-cause hospital admission. Later hospital admissions were reduced by about 25%. First author Dr. Yingtong Li, an adjunct


As gene sequencing technologies become more powerful, our understanding of cellular diversity has grown in parallel. This led scientists at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital to


Climate change is pushing daytime summer temperatures higher for longer periods of time, and that can spell real danger for folks who work outside, like gardeners and landscapers. Protecting yourself in the heat and knowing the warning signs of heat-related illness is crucial, said Chris Enroth, horticulture educator at University of Illinois Extension. He should know: It happened to him. “When I was working as a landscaper, we had to sod a large backyard during a day when the temperature was over 100 degrees Fahrenheit,” Enroth said. “We were hustling


Memorial Day means firing up that backyard grill for the season, hopefully under warm, sunny skies. You can be sure to enjoy the day without hazards by taking a few simple precautions, said Dr. Mike Ren, an associate professor of family and community medicine at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. Watch out for rising heat and humidity If Memorial day is a scorcher, hydration is key, Ren said. “A good rule of thumb is to drink water regularly throughout the day, aiming for 12 or more cups; when in


If you’re one of the millions of Americans walking around with a new knee or hip, your odds for an infection in that joint rise if you ever have to undergo cancer chemotherapy, researchers report. “Given the number of people of receiving total joint replacements each year, as well as the cost both physically, emotionally and financially for those who develop an infection and may need subsequent treatment, we need to understand what factors may increase the risk for postoperative infections,” said study author Dr. Janet Conway. She’s an orthopedic


Antihypertensive drugs are associated with an increased risk for eczematous dermatitis in older adults, and the effect sizes are largest for diuretics and calcium channel blockers, whether antihypertensive drug use is associated with eczematous dermatitis in a longitudinal cohort study of individuals aged 60 years and older without eczematous dermatitis at baseline. The researchers found that the overall prevalence of eczematous dermatitis was 6.7% among 1,561,358


Receipt of a kidney from a deceased donor who underwent dialysis is associated with an increased incidence of delayed graft function, compared outcomes of transplant recipients who received kidneys from deceased donors who underwent dialysis prior to kidney donation versus recipients of kidneys from deceased donors who did not undergo dialysis in a retrospective cohort study using data from 58 U.S. organ procurement organizations. Among the donors with


Antibody-mediated rejection (AMR) is one of the most common causes of kidney transplant failure. To date, however, no treatment has proven effective in combating this complication in the long term. As part of an international and multidisciplinary clinical study led by Georg Böhmig and Katharina Mayer, Clinical Division of Nephrology and Dialysis, Department of Medicine III at MedUni Vienna and University Hospital Vienna, a new therapeutic principle in transplant medicine has been found to be both safe and highly effective. The results were recently published in the New England Journal


Smart Identification of Health Status based on QR Code and User Health Data. Credit: author’s own creation The University of Sharjah has been granted a patent for inventing a smart gadget with the ability to filter user information that will allow doctors to diagnose COVID-19 and other ailments from a distance. The patent, granted by United States Patent and Trademark Office on 1 August 2023, comprises “a display unit, a color code detection unit, an image filter, an optical character recognition unit, a code detection unit and an elimination unit,”


When it comes to responding to a stroke, speed is a crucial factor; the longer it takes for someone experiencing a stroke to get to a hospital, the worse the outcome will be. Yet across the United States, delays to treatment can be significant. A Yale study uncovers new insights into factors associated with treatment delays and where in the United States patients are more likely to experience slower responses. The findings, which were published May 24 in the journal Stroke, highlight where interventions should


The increased frequency and intensity of heat waves due to climate change puts women at a higher risk of experiencing preterm and early-term labor—jeopardizing the health and well-being of their babies. An analysis of 53 million births that occurred in the 50 most populous U.S. metropolitan areas during the 25-year period 1993–2017, showed


Noise can make it hard to concentrate, especially for people who are extra sensitive to it. Neurodivergent people (such as those who are autistic or have attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder—ADHD) can experience different sensory sensitivities. Their nervous system may process information differently when they are exposed to sensory experiences such as bright lights, loud noise, strong smells or busy environments. Decreased sound tolerance is estimated to affect up to 70% of autistic people and is described in three ways: hyperacusis (perceiving everyday sounds as loud or painful), misophonia (an aversion to


State officials have pumped nearly $400,000 into a program to review the vaccine records of families entering the emergency shelter system, including migrants from other countries who may have foreign documentation, according to the Healey administration. Officials at Boston-based John Snow, Inc., which has long worked with the state, have been contracted to review immunization documents. Since January, more than 1,200 children in state-run shelters have had their records checked, according to the Executive Office of Health and Human Services, or HHS. Vaccine record checks have occurred since September 2023


The Palm Beach Health Network has become the latest health provider accused of illegally sharing identities and private health information of its patients with the social media company Meta, owner of Facebook. A lawsuit filed Wednesday in U.S. District Court in West Palm Beach says the health network’s websites share code with Meta that enables patients to be targeted with advertising on Facebook based on “highly sensitive personal information” they share. It names as defendants the Palm Beach Health Network Physicians Group, doing business as Palm Beach Health Network, and


Globally, head and neck cancer accounts for 5% of all cancer types, with a mortality rate of 50%. However, in the Nordic countries, head and neck cancer accounts for only 2.6% of all cancers, with a mortality rate of just 30%. But more survivors mean that many must live with extensive damage and side effects


More cryptosporidiosis outbreaks could be on the cards for Aotearoa New Zealand as extreme rainfall events become more frequent, causing higher levels of the diarrhea-causing parasite to be washed into waterways, public health researchers warn. The researchers studied clusters of cryptosporidium outbreaks around the country between 1997 and 2015 and found 13 coincided with severe weather events. Their research is published in the journal Epidemiology & Infection. It is the first study to compare clusters of outbreaks of cryptosporidiosis to severe weather events in Aotearoa.


Unrealistic expectations about what our bodies should look like—whether from the media, friends or family—make adults and children of all ages more vulnerable to body dissatisfaction, eating disorders and other mental health challenges. In a new study published in Body Image, Flinders University experts assessing the program’s usefulness in classrooms highlight the potential for the film “Embrace Kids,” directed by 2023 Australian of the Year Taryn Brumfitt, to achieve large-scale improvements in body image


Data Collection in the War-Affected Donetsk Region and Non-War Kirovograd Region. A new study carried out by a multinational research group showed high levels of suicidal thoughts and attempts in adolescents, which were strongly associated with wartime traumatic experiences, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and anxiety. Dr. Sanju Silwal from the Research Center for Child Psychiatry in the University of Turku, Finland, one of the lead authors, says that the study was conducted in two regions that


It’s important to ensure that care provided at US hospitals that predominantly serve Black and Hispanic populations is as high-quality as the care provided at other US hospitals. New research reveals significant disparities in the delivery of cancer-related care at minority serving hospitals (MSHs) compared with non-MSHs, however. The findings are published in Cancer. For the study, investigators analyzed information from the National Cancer Database (which accrues approximately 70% of US cancer diagnoses) to identify patients eligible for definitive treatment for breast, prostate, non-small cell lung, and colon cancers between


The World Health Organization launched Sunday a new financing mechanism that aims to raise $7 billion of funds that can be deployed more quickly and flexibly. The UN agency has traditionally relied on commitments from its 194 member states, but often these are apportioned to specific projects with several conditions attached, including deadlines that can prove too short. WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said commitment increases would contribute $4 billion to the agency’s budget of $11.1 billion over the four years through 2028. “The Investment Round aims to mobilize the


Scanning electron microscope image of Vibrio cholerae. Credit: Wikipedia A 62-year-old woman has died of cholera in Mayotte, bringing to two the death toll from the epidemic on the French island in the Indian Ocean, health authorities said on Sunday. The woman died on Saturday at her home in Mamoudzou, the capital, the ARS health authority said in a statement. “Response teams went to the scene to disinfect the home and take care of the deceased’s family and friends”, the statement added. In May, the disease claimed its first life


Researchers at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai have made a significant breakthrough in Alzheimer’s disease research by identifying a novel way to potentially slow down or even halt disease progression. The study, which focuses on the role of reactive astrocytes and the plexin-B1 protein in Alzheimer’s pathophysiology, provides crucial insights into brain


Our willingness to help others is governed by a specific brain region pinpointed by researchers in a study of patients with brain damage to that region. Learning about where in the brain “helping” decisions are made is important for understanding how people might be motivated to tackle large global challenges, such as climate change, infectious disease and international conflict. It is also essential for finding new approaches to treating disorders of social interactions. The study, published in Nature Human Behaviour, was carried out by researchers at the University of Birmingham


NSP as a computational account of discourse comprehension. (A) Humans integrate words and sentences to achieve a full understanding of discourse. In LLMs, the NSP task proposed by BERT can serve as a computational account of human discourse comprehension. (B) Illustration of the MLM task. (C) Illustration of the NSP task and its relevance to the Mason and Just model. (D) Illustration of Mason and Just’s neurocognitive model of discourse processing. Credit: Science Advances (2024). DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adn7744 With generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) transforming the social interaction landscape in recent years,


In a study published in Nature Communications, scientists have made significant strides in understanding the complex interplay between the immune system and cancer metabolism in breast cancer treatment. The research


An international team of clinicians and neuroscientists have published a new perspective on the process of neurodegeneration. Their findings review evidence for a mechanism upstream of amyloid including the key neurochemical driving this process. The paper, published in Alzheimer’s & Dementia, focuses on a selective group of neurons (“the isodendritic core”). These cells have a different provenance from neurons in the rest of the brain and have previously been identified as primarily
The research, by a team from Finland’s University of Helsinki, National Institute for Health and Welfare, and Turku University of Applied Sciences, is published in


WHO countries have spent two years seeking an agreement on tackling pandemics. The World Health Organization chief on Monday urged countries to nail down a landmark global agreement on handling of future pandemics after they missed a hard deadline. Scarred by COVID-19—which killed millions, shredded economies and crippled health systems—nations have spent two years trying to forge binding commitments on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response. Negotiators failed to clinch a deal ahead of this week’s World Health Assembly—the annual gathering of WHO’s 194 member states—the deadline for concluding the talks.


It turns out flatulence can serve a purpose beyond being uncomfortable or funny: Gas released by some gut bacteria stimulates other gut bacteria to produce a hormone involved in pregnancy and in an FDA-approved treatment for postpartum depression, according to new research led by Harvard Medical School scientists. The work shows how gut bacteria can produce new hormones from steroids in bile and, in doing so, act like an endocrine organ. This research adds to the growing list of ways gut microbiota may influence human


Individuals who meet at least one of the criteria for physical frailty are at higher risk of also developing depression, a new Yale study finds. The findings—which also include insights into the specific inflammatory molecules and changes in brain structure that could underlie this association between frailty and depression—point to a need for routine assessment of physical frailty in clinical practice, researchers said. The study was published May 23 in Nature Communications. In clinical settings, physical


For the first time, a team co-led by CHU Sainte-Justine researcher and professor in the Faculty of Medicine at Université de Montréal, Alexey Pshezhetsky has succeeded in resolving the unique structure of the HGSNAT enzyme, a deficiency of which causes Sanfilippo syndrome, a rare pediatric disease affecting the central nervous system. Through collaboration with a team from Shanghai University, the structure of this enzyme and the mechanism of its function were revealed using high-performance

submitted by healthmedicinet to u/healthmedicinet [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 20:37 Complete_Fig6316 Local Indeed Scam

Just wanted to give everyone a warning in case you applied. There’s a local company called Elite Power Agency that I interviewed for last week, I applied for the position Account Associate, which was described as an accounting assistant job.
Got the interview started and the interviewer started to describe a sales job. Talking about how their company non-hierarchal and everyone has the ability to become a manager. She also told me how she’s seen people getting promoted in as little as 3-4 days. When I asked her about the discrepancy between the job she was describing and the job listed, she kept explaining how this was a marketing job, with a few financial aspects. Mind you, her description did not at all align with what they have posted.
I wanted to leave a google review but the only thing I can find out about them is on their website. I assume the job was some sort of mlm, and I advise anyone who comes across their listings to stay away.
submitted by Complete_Fig6316 to Birmingham [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 21:35 Explodingshulker I feel lost

I just graduated college with my bachelors in business administration. I don’t know what I want to do as a career, but I like working hard, helping people, and making money.
I’ve always worked in retail and would work overtime every week because I like money and helping people. Throughout college I worked full time while studying full time so I never made the opportunity to network or explore professional jobs. Just busting my butt in retail.
Fast forward I graduate so I decide to take the jump to start a professional career in sales. As it’s working hard, helping people, and making money. I send my resume everywhere, get rejected everywhere, then I come across a life insurance sales job. They tell me how great the “opportunity” is, how much money you make (unlimited potential) but straight commission. I go to the interview and they don’t ask me any questions about myself, sell me the job, and hire me on the spot. I’ve done a lot of research and it’s 100% an MLM. I think to myself this is my only option so I might as well give it a shot.
When I first started they started telling me to recruit other people . I said I’ll recruit others when I prove my OWN success first. Out of the 30 people on my training, 27 of them quit already. I was and still very skeptical about this “opportunity” so I am still working my retail job 15 hours a week to create a base pay for myself.
I’ve been working here for almost 2 months now. I work 60+ hours a week plus 15 hours in retail and I’m starting to make sales but it’s exhausting. Sitting on my butt and Calling 200-300 people a day to create appointments just for most of them to not show up. The company claims the leads are warm but most people that pick up the phone have been harassed before. When the appointment isn’t set by another agent, they get passed to another agent. Most of my leads are 2+ years old. No amount of money will make me enjoy this job.
I am miserable here. I work 70+ hours a week and don’t have a life. but I feel like this is my only option. Every other sales agency wants 1-2 years of sales experience for entry level. But I’m the one who wants to make money, so I feel like I have to stay here. I want to do something with my life but I absolutely hate life insurance. I feel lost. Other salespeople, have you ever felt this way? What would you do?
TLDR I hate life insurance sales but I feel like this is my only option right now out of college. I don’t want to give up but I don’t wan’t to stay here.
submitted by Explodingshulker to sales [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 15:00 AutoModerator Weekly Who's Hiring Post for May 27, 2024

For the job seekers, simply comment on a job posting listed or DM that user if you are interested. Any comments not in response to a job posting will be removed.
Welcome to the weekly sales "Who's hiring" post where you may post job openings you want to share with our sub. Post here are exempt from our Rule 3, "recruiting users" but all other rules apply such as posting referral or affiliate links.

Posts that do not include all the information required from the below format may be removed at the mods' discretion.

Job Title/Role:
Job duties/description:
Any external job posting link or application instructions:

If you don't see anything on this week's posting, you may also check our who's hiring posts from past several weeks.
That's it, good luck and good hunting,
submitted by AutoModerator to sales [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 20:11 Present-Direction865 I write this because my ex companies reviews are not reflecting the truth. And I do not want more people to be taken advantage of like I was.

I write this because my ex companies reviews are not reflecting the truth. And I do not want more people to be taken advantage of like I was.
🚨Warning: Potential MLM Scams in Mesa, AZ - What You Need to Know About MOCSIN Inc. and Smart Circle🚨
When considering employment at MOCSIN, it's important to be aware of potential issues and controversial business practices. This company is closely associated with Smart Circle, a name often linked with questionable MLM (multi-level marketing) operations. Smart Circle, along with other firms in its network, has faced criticism for its business practices and is sometimes referred to as part of the "Devil Corp" network
oai_citation:1,The Devil Corp An unchallenged assessment of a notorious and insanely wicked direct sales cult oai_citation:2,FAQs — Devilcorp.org.
Business Structure and Practices:
MOCSIN operates under a business model similar to the MLM strategies used by Smart Circle. These strategies often involve recruitment tactics that promise high earnings and rapid career advancement, but the reality may be different.
High Turnover and Employee Dissatisfaction:
The company reportedly has a high turnover rate, with more than half of the staff resigning in recent months. Employees have cited a lack of career growth and inadequate compensation as primary reasons for leaving. Despite the company's claims of significant earning potential, it seems most of the financial benefits go to the owner.
Pay and Work Hours:
There have been reports of discrepancies between promised and actual pay. The owner frequently suggests that employees should be earning more, but the contracts appear to indicate otherwise. When questioned, employees are often told that issues stem from their sales performance or system errors, though it seems to be a contractual issue.
Additionally, there are claims of altered work hours to avoid paying overtime, which raises ethical and legal concerns. Despite complaints, this practice reportedly continues.
Controversial Association with Smart Circle:
The connection to Smart Circle adds another layer of controversy. Smart Circle has been criticized for high-pressure sales tactics, deceptive marketing strategies, and creating a challenging work environment. These practices are seen as maximizing profits at the expense of employee welfare
oai_citation:3,A Corporate Horror Story With All The Misery Of Humanity Packed Into One Scam The Devil Corp.
Final Thoughts:
In summary, MOCSIN's association with Smart Circle and its similar business practices should be a significant concern for potential employees. The reported high turnover rate, pay discrepancies, and unethical work hour practices suggest a company more focused on profits than employee well-being. Those seeking a stable and fair working environment might consider other opportunities.
submitted by Present-Direction865 to Devilcorp [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 18:54 Fine_Maintenance_638 Possible Scam Alert: Friend Being Asked to Pay 3L to Join a Vague Business

Hi everyone,
I'm reaching out because my friend just finished an internship at an IT company where she was paid very little. She's always found the job stressful and has struggled to focus. Now that her internship is over, she's seriously considering a career change and wants to do something less stressful and more flexible.
Recently, an old roommate who lives in a different city suggested she become a partner in her business to help expand into my friend's city. However, my friend has not been able to clearly explain what the business entails. The only keywords I've caught from their conversations are "customer needs generation," "120 international brands," and "franchisee rights/copy rights."
My friend has been asked to pay 3 lakh (300,000 INR) upfront before she can join as a partner. She was told that this amount would cover training about the business and the workflow. Additionally, she mentioned that her role would involve analyzing data of products and brands.
None of this makes much sense to me. I don't have a business background, but this situation raises several red flags. It seems to me like she might be getting pulled into some kind of chain marketing or MLM scheme.
I'm trying to convince her not to go down this path due to the vague nature of the business and the large upfront payment. Has anyone else encountered something like this? Is there any advice on how to handle this situation?
Thanks in advance for your insights.
submitted by Fine_Maintenance_638 to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 16:49 NanaAndHatchi Tenacity Solutions (Vanguard Inc or Exemplum now) Pittsburgh PA CEO: E.D.

I am ready to talk about my horrible experience that has left me traumatized. sorry if this was all over the place i am coming to terms i was in an MLM after discovering these Reddit post. In 2021-22 i applied for the position and on the site it stated that job is 70-80k with a process of going up this promotion ladder. When i went to the interview i was very skeptical as they didn't go through specifics of what the day to day entailed. They claimed to promote big names like apple samsung and other companies. The moment i asked about anything else it was immediately disregarded. E.D. did my initial interview. I was told at the end of the interview many people get a second interview and there's a lot of prospects. i immediately got a call the next day to set up orientation.
Going to the orientation we were filing out what i thought were W-2 forms that were not properly explained at all. You think you were becoming an employee but actually you're an independent contractor. Then they explained how the pay process would work which is so confusing in itself. basically you're not getting paid enough. I should've left then but was optimistic about the opportunity because i was like these people wouldn't be that deceiving right?? (spoiler alert they were) E.D. herself prided on diversity and the fact that "White people were the minority here" and kept saying that to the group. I looked at her so confused and puzzled.
Going to the first day i arrived early into the small office building across from the main office to go to some book reading were we listen to E.D. read some excerpt of a book? (we weren't paid for that) then we all go across back to the main office to learn sales techniques and i'm like okay why do i have to learn about this? they start talking about Fuji method and other methods (sorry its been 3 years i forgot the others) then we broke off into groups. This is where i really should've left. the new people and i looked so puzzled because we were given a packet to memorize a script to practice sales techniques. I was put into a group with "C" who did Energy. We had to practice going up to shoppers asking them about electricity... i about cried because i felt deceived because this is not what i wanted to do at all. the job description said nothing about this whatsoever. i continued through the rest of the day then towards the end we gathered for meeting before we left. this was a complete waste of my time because this was unpaid and only lasted 4 hours.
The next day when we mastered our lines. E.D. was in a bad mood and started going off on people berating for bending their knees and not wearing blazers. One person who leaned a little on the pole while she was talking was yelled at for that . i was yelled at for bending my knees "are you bored listening to me??" like WTF? who tf wants to hear a liar in a cheap ass suit you picked up from shein acting like she makes all this money? Then we have a final talks before we have a company wide meeting with other marketing corps (also this was unpaid). The place i had to be at with "C" was 2 hours away... that is absolutely ridicoulous and you don't even get reimbursed for. Needless to say my time with "C" doing electricity was awful i felt so betrayed by her and Ellen because they knew this is something people didn't sign up for. i ended up driving and literally felt shame and disgust. "C" was trying to guide me but i was about to cry. apparently "C" messaging Ellen about how poor i was doing but i was so traumatized and i kept asking to use the bathroom bc i would puke. Like they did even try to comfort me at all. it go to the point where i would grab my cell phone from the little table she made me put it under and not even ask to go... I just went. then i was told I wasn't allowed to take a break bc i went to the restroom too many times. "C" has told me that she signed people up before who didn't even ask she just memorized their info. so basically if you worked in electricity part of tenacity your part of a group who steals information just to get sales.
My mentor "H" was so incredibly nice and I told her i'm sorry this is not for me at all and i left the place and never went back. i did get my paycheck which was $125 which doesn't even cover the amount of gas i spent the whole 1 1/2 weeks i was there. when it was time to pick it up i had to text her about it and she said get it monday. i came into the office. she asked what could have gone better i said dont lie on the application you post. this is not a marketing job this is am annoying people who come up and scam you in the middle of Costco. there's nothing i can do was E.D. response. which is true because when we went to the OG meeting for paperwork we signed as independent contractors which was explained at all.
Sorry if this was all scrambled but i finally came across this on Reddit and wanted to tell my story. E.D. should be ashamed of what she has done. it's no wonder i am reading stories about how she has failed businesses. if you have any questions i will try to answer them in the comments:) also if you need me to elaborate on any names i will:)
submitted by NanaAndHatchi to Devilcorp [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 16:46 Priivy 100% commission Telus door to door sales?

I have an offer from a company called Go Sales to be a door to door salesman selling Telus products making only commission.
They sent a video “explaining” the position but it honestly did not explain much, so I’m not sure what to think of it.
The company website says there is training and help to make sure you can be successful, however.
While I do like the people skills aspect of this, it also just seems like it could be an MLM. Should I take it?
submitted by Priivy to telus [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 04:46 zed-kid What poisoned the YouTube production company water (Anthony interview)?

Tldr I've watched the Try Guys pretty much since their first vids with Buzzfeed and same for Watcher. I've followed both creatoes turned companies and enjoy a good 70% of the content they put out.
That being said, watching Anthony interview Zach and Keith, I couldn't help but notice so much of the verbiage they used was identical to that used by the Watcher guys. Specially, the anti-algorithim talk, business and advertiser disdain and the use of the word "streamer" all stand out as such scripted sounding things. The more I learn about 2nd Try the more it seems it's the brother to Watcher.TV. At risk of sounding consirpratiorial, does anyone else think that maybe the Try Guys, Watcher and perhaps other companies were scouted by streaming platform server? Idk it just seems so...weird?
I also just can't help to see this as MLM dealings. They're already struggling with payroll and cash flow, how in the hell is a big financial gamble the smart move for growth? It just seems like 2nd Try is trying to move quicker than it can, overworking it's engine sorta speak.
As an aside, Zach sounded borderline condescending in the Anthony interview with how he was babystepping an audience through the "big business dealings and process" like get a grip, a lot of fans are college grads/uni students and also have taken management 201.
Which brings me to what I think is the biggest overreaching point is the lack of audience identity. Ie, who the hell is their target audience? Because all of this happened as soon as the wave of "bringing fans over" died
(Edit: i know 2nd try was rocked hard by the whole ginger incident so i dont mean to discount the business acumen needed to weather that. Rather, just think they lack audience awareness)
submitted by zed-kid to TheTryGuysSnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 19:08 Wildcat_AF Morph Management Interview Experience (Woburn, MA)

To anyone who may be interviewing or looking to interview with Morph Management, in any of their MA offices, I hope you do some due diligence on the company and come across this post.
I've been on the job market for a while, and came across two job listings on ZipRecruiter from Morph Management - one titled Marketing Assistant and one titled Entry Level Communications Coordinator. At the time, I had no idea what a Devil Corp was and had never heard of this company before, but the job listings had the town I lived in on them and had "1-Click Apply" enabled so I sent off some applications and thought nothing of it.
The next day I get a text early in the morning, and then a phone call shortly after that, from Morph Management. I spoke with a woman on the phone who mentioned my LinkedIn application (red flag one) and wanted to set up a time with me to conduct a Zoom interview. We settled on a time for the following day, and I received a few emails and automated texts about it. One of the emails briefly mentioned the interview as a group interview, and looking into their Glassdoor reviews I saw that this company has a history of misrepresenting jobs, surprise group interviews, and actually being door to door sales no matter what the job description says (red flag two).
I became apprehensive, but where I've been on the job market for a while I decided to go through with the first round of interviews just to keep my options open and potentially use an offer from them as leverage with a job I actually wanted. I showed up and there were four candidates and one company rep. Ten minutes into the interview two of the candidates had dropped out of the Zoom call.
The interview went as follows:
The interview painted a picture of the job being a fast track management training program with some in-office client sales in order to understand company methodologies and better manage others. I hesitantly said I'd be interested in continuing to a second interview, just in case this specific position truly was management focused and not door to door sales.
I received a phone call later that evening to set up a time for the second interview, confirming a time for the following morning. Just like with the first interview, I received an email and a few automated text messages leading up to the start time.
After this call, I decided to do some more research on Morph Management, which led me to discovering this subreddit, Devil Corps in general, and I saw some stories about other Devil Corp experiences that lined up a little too closely to my experiences with Morph Management (red flag three). I made a decision that I wasn't going to accept any potential offers from them, but I was still going to attend the next interview to ask some pointed questions and see what they have to say.
The second interview was with an individual who had just become a manager. I know this because at the start of the interview he mentioned that he's only been a manager for 3 months. It felt like he was giving a sales pitch to work for the company and it gave hard MLM vibes (red flag four). He tried to make me feel special, saying I was among very few who made it to this stage (not sure how, considering they barely have candidates speak in the interviews and literally asked "do you want to move on to the next stage"), how he wants to help mold me into a future business partner, and how it's a "hustle the pavement" door to door sales job that can allow me to retire by 35. He made a point to say that he loves what he does, that they have the best people, and that he could tell that I could be someone who is a good fit (red flag five).
He asked me what my thoughts were and I told him it was a pretty good pitch to work for Morph Management, which he seemed to be offended by. He then made an "off script" joke to talk about how the job takes up a lot of your time (red flag six). I think it was meant to show how dedication pays off, as he then said he has been promoted twice within a month and a half, but that's not how it came across.
I was asked if I had any questions, and I decided to directly bring up the poor reviews on Glassdoor and Indeed, and the online accusations of being a Devil Corp affiliated business. He responded, clearly already knowing about both of those things, saying that those reviews and accusations are just from disgruntled former employees who couldn't keep up with the grind and that I shouldn't listen to them (red flag seven).
I pivoted and asked what the position progression was within the company, and folks, this is where it truly gets into MLM territory. This is the job progression that he responds with:
  1. Entry Level Sales
  2. Level 1 Management (still doing door to door sales just a slightly higher commission)
  3. Level 2 Management/Account Manager (some employee training and slightly higher commission, but still door to door sales)
  4. Assistant Manager (basically running the office without actually doing so, and again still door to door sales)
  5. Branch Manager (be your own boss vibe/run your own branch of 40/60 employees)
He also mentioned that they actively share an office with Megalodon Management, which is another company I've seen mentioned on this sub (albeit not as much), but they were planning on moving to New Jersey (red flags eight and nine). If you see a Megalodon Management job in NJ, it's probably an identical experience to what I've said in this post.
"His phone died" mid sentence on that last part, and I eventually got a voicemail from the manager on another phone giving me his number if I wanted to continue the interview. I texted the number he gave saying I wasn't interested in door to door sales, and as of writing this I did not get a response.
TL;DR: This company is definitely a Devil Corp/MLM kind of setup, purposely hides the fact that it's all door to door Verizon sales until the second interview, and dangles a carrot of high paying management in the near future to entice people into selling for them.
submitted by Wildcat_AF to Devilcorp [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 07:49 Ex-CultMember The Ultimate MLM Con - The Multi-Billion Dollar Investment Company, the LDS Church

People seemed to like one of my comments on another post so I thought I'd make a post out of it, haha.
I wrote:
Pretty incredible what the church can con, I mean, trick, I mean, get its members to do, if you think about it.
Can you imagine talking someone into paying $12,000 so that they can knock on doors as an unpaid salesperson, for 12 hours a day, for TWO YEARS, where they are instructed to sign up random strangers, who don’t want your product, which has no tangible benefits, to join your MLM so that they, too, can be unpaid volunteers and pay this 200 billion dollar investment company to pay, like you, 10% of their income for the rest of their lives?
And don’t forget all the unpaid sales meetings you have to attend every week where you get guilted and pressured to keep believing in this con and to keep trying to get those other, unpaid, volunteers to keep attending the sales meetings too.
That’s essentially what the LDS Church is.
submitted by Ex-CultMember to exmormon [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:47 echobase_2000 Wellness entrepreneur?

A FB friend keeps posting about how her “company” is blowing up and when people ask her what company she says she’s a “wellness entrepreneur.”
That’s gotta be an MLM, right?
submitted by echobase_2000 to antiMLM [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 15:00 AutoModerator Weekly Who's Hiring Post for May 20, 2024

For the job seekers, simply comment on a job posting listed or DM that user if you are interested. Any comments not in response to a job posting will be removed.
Welcome to the weekly sales "Who's hiring" post where you may post job openings you want to share with our sub. Post here are exempt from our Rule 3, "recruiting users" but all other rules apply such as posting referral or affiliate links.

Posts that do not include all the information required from the below format may be removed at the mods' discretion.

Job Title/Role:
Job duties/description:
Any external job posting link or application instructions:

If you don't see anything on this week's posting, you may also check our who's hiring posts from past several weeks.
That's it, good luck and good hunting,
submitted by AutoModerator to sales [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:29 OutOfMyLeague_ Girlfriend & Herbalife

To start, I have been with my girlfriend for two years.
Since meeting her she's always held a part-time position at a place called "(insert local town here) Nutrition."
I would come in and see all these shakes and "energy teas" she'd be making, and all the customers who requested additions like "fat reduction" or "collagen" in these drinks, and I didn't really think much of it, but behind the counter all the products are from one company, which happens to be Herbalife.
The owner of the shop proposed for my girlfriend to take over another local store which also happens to be using Herbalife products, which seemed sweet and possibly a good business opportunity, so we went and checked the location out and the store is pretty hidden in a shopping center so we decided not to do that.
Queue my research: I quickly found out Herbalife is an MLM company and realized she won't be making much money from selling their products, only if she starts to get other people to sell in a downline.
I've warned her about what she's getting sucked into but she only responds to my precautions with anger and tells me about how this could buy us a house, retire our family, blah blah blah. On the note of family, her parents are now actively aiding her in getting into this MLM business without doing any research on the company and are speaking to realtors to find a store location so that their daughter can open up a brand new Herbalife front, looking at $2,500-4,000/mo in rent.
Just based off calculations, cost of product, expected sales, etc, I really don't see this making much more $$$ than a job paying $15/hr, but any job she's had since she's been with me she has walked out on.
So her parents are going to foot the bill for the startup costs (looking at about $15-20k) and she's going to be working 54-60 hours a week to run it. I don't doubt that this will end badly, so could anyone give me any advice? She's repeatedly tried to loop me into this and I don't want any part of it because I can see through the get-rich-quick, be-your-own boss bs that the company peddles.
submitted by OutOfMyLeague_ to antiMLM [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:59 Marabaaaa My best friend has been a victim of WFG (World Financial Group) since they were young.

I need a bit of advice. WFG has been one of the biggest organizations to look out for, but I never realized that one of my best friends was a victim since she was young. I’ll call her Sophia, and my other friend, Jay.
Suddenly, Sophia’s mom called her, asking where she was, and she told her that we were on the court playing basketball just for fun. Sophia’s mom told her to wait to be picked up, and after 40 minutes, her mom arrived with someone else wearing luxurious clothes, like Louis Vuitton and expensive jewelry. We’ll call her Rose. Sophia quickly notified us that Rose would be talking about her business, which didn’t seem fishy at all.
But then, out of nowhere, Rose decided to show us this 4x4 card that included all the bills and told us that we could easily avoid paying taxes, get our brand-new cars paid for by the government, and earn a “passive/residual income.” Rose also talked about how a certain person from their company recently sold her code for “50 million USD.” She also pulled out a picture of her business partner in the Philippines distributing 1,000 wheelchairs to those who couldn’t afford one.
At first, I thought this was just some other MLM organization, and when I tried to ask her the name of the organization, she instantly avoided the question by asking me what my parents’ jobs were. My father works as a janitor, and my mom works in a warehouse. She was like, “Would you like to marry someone whose parents work in a factory or as a janitor?” I kept my composure and told her that I didn’t, but deep inside, I was really pissed about how she insulted my parents. My friend Jay was also shocked at what he just heard from Rose.
After that, Rose asked us if we would like to go to their seminar this upcoming Saturday, and we told her that we were uncertain and would let them know ASAP. After Rose was done talking about her business proposal to us, Sophia came up to us, apologizing and telling us that Rose has been doing this with her friends as well. That’s how she lost some of her friends, who told her that she should stay away from them.
Jay and I knew that this was all WFG’s doing because of the 4x4 card that Rose showed us earlier, and they forgot to exclude the organization’s name on it. We tried explaining to Sophia that WFG is a pyramid scheme, but she kept denying it and telling us to search about the organization ourselves. It felt like she was under an oath not to tell us that it was all part of a scam. The worst part is, Sophia is only 17 and told us that she has been to every single meeting since she was 11 or 12. Her mom is also part of the organization, and after searching a bit, I saw that her mom is part of the manager’s team.
I have one year from now to somehow convince her not to join the organization, but if I decide to report them, her family would be greatly affected. I really want to help her. What should I do?
submitted by Marabaaaa to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:58 DramaticAd5956 Defining entrepreneurship

I’ve seen a lot of talk of M&A on small businesses or ideas, but I think we are destroying the word by applying it to everything, including a BS MLM scheme.
Is the minimum of a company formed, EIN obtained, people hired and holding equity not the foundation? I’ve been trying to find a community to connect with but I’m either too large of a company or there is a interviews / elitism.
Basically, what is an entrepreneur to you? Just as a baseline. I don’t like to refer to myself as one and I have several dozen of people on a w2 and topped the inc5000. They had a cool honoree thing in SA TX and I got to meet Terry Crews and I’m a fan tbh.
Also what vertical are you tackling? (Tech, luxury goods or oil as examples).
I’d love to get to FY2024 overall revenue goals with others and tailwinds in supply chain or whatever. Basically share strengths and opportunities.
Example is LTL shipments I slashed 20% but have international air shipments to keep my prepaid inventory up. My international is TQL. To sell over in Europe I used avalara for VAT compliance.
Some of my recent issues and stats: EBITDA margin was 21.82 last quarter and SG&A rose as I pay everyone above market rate. Currently, I have the forward curve on FX for foreign business and that was hard to find. Challenges for myself is having HR let someone go as we all have families. Larger challenge is audits and wiring over the consideration of a factory I’ve acquired. Why is this challenging? My senior debt facility has a cash covenant and my SOP standard on liquidity is high.
submitted by DramaticAd5956 to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:50 Downtown_Zookeeper Final Update - MLM and Plexus party in my work locker

Hello friends!
Over the last few weeks I posted about my coworker who decided to throw out my personal items from my locker and replace it with Plexus garbage.
For those of you wanting more context start here:
TRIGGER WARNING: mentions of cancer, eating disorders and body dysmorphia.
Part 1: https://www.reddit.com/antiMLM/s/DKtg3tPztv
Part 2 : https://www.reddit.com/antiMLM/s/W3mDFhdZOt
So on to the finale!! It’s a long one!!
Quick recap: I am a night shifter security guard and have struggled with EDs the majority of my life and am very self conscious about my body and how I look. I keep crystal light and some snacks in my locker for when I need a little pick me up mid shift or if I want some juice instead of water. My personal items were removed from my locker and thrown out and replaced with Plexus weight loss garbage.
Buckle up everyone, here we go!!
I was paid back for the stuff she threw out. She handed me the money in front of our manager who for the record was not impressed she had to be on site at 8pm to make sure it was done. Our manager is a no-nonsense Slavic woman who hails from the same region I do - so I’m very familiar with the attitude 😂. So needless to say, having to show up at site on a Tuesday at 8pm when she’s an early to bed early to rise type was already a bad thing.
If there’s anything I can say as a take away for anyone in a similar situation at their workplace - be brave and be confident in reporting it. Document everything in relation to the MLM crap - paper trails are your friend. If you’re unsure of how to approach the topic with a manager find someone you trust and are comfortable with (preferably an outside source. Eg: mom or dad, sibling, friend) and have a mock-manageemployee-conversation with them about the situation. I know not all managers are good and some are absolute crap - report it and then send an email to them with a “just to recap what we spoke about on _______ date at _____ time.” If that goes nowhere, most companies have an anonymous whistle blower hotline - call them if you’re comfortable doing so.
Good luck to anyone dealing with this!
submitted by Downtown_Zookeeper to antiMLM [link] [comments]
