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2008.11.22 00:38 Netflix

Unofficial Netflix discussion, and all things Netflix related! (Mods are not Netflix employees, but employees occasionally post here).

2008.08.08 08:43 nginx


2013.02.09 01:02 sendmefreemoney Send me free money on Paypal

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2024.06.02 08:48 Oyrkider Pirate Bay Proxy List Updated June 2024

I have personally tested each proxy to ensure they are all fully operational. The best part of these proxy sites is that they are completely ad-free, allowing users to browse without the interruption of pop-up ads. Enjoy a seamless and hassle-free experience with these verified Pirate Bay proxies.
submitted by Oyrkider to ThePirateBays [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:45 Oyrkider Pirate Bay Proxy List Updated June 2024 ( 100% Clean/ No Ads)

After conducting an extensive search of numerous Pirate Bay mirror sites, I have curated a list of reliable proxies that ensure high loading speeds and an ad-free experience. Below, you will find a selection of verified Pirate Bay proxies that are 100% clean—no ads, no pop-ups—just a seamless and enjoyable browsing experience.
submitted by Oyrkider to TPB [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:22 Zorrgo [WTS] Price Reduced ->> BCM QRF-10 // PA SLx 1x Micro

  1. BCM QRF-10
    • Brand new, unused
    • $200 $170 shipped OBO
  2. Primary Arms SLx 1X MicroPrism™ Scope - Red Illuminated ACSS Cyclops Reticle - Gen II
    • half painted, works great, less than 100rds
    • $175 $130 shipped OBO
  3. The M4E1 300BLK Upper in the pictures SOLD
Proxy required
submitted by Zorrgo to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:58 Fancy_Passenger_1931 DDOS Attack- Google

Hey guys, while browsing about somethings on Google, I got the message about how my router was compromised and I am a part of meris Botnet DDOS, and I have a proxy that was related to past attacks along with a reCaptcha. I was connected to Proton VPN free, and I was not connected to any wifi. I was connected to mobile data. I have Kaspersky free, it shows no detections. I got the error on my mobile phone. Should I be worried? What should I do? Thanks.
submitted by Fancy_Passenger_1931 to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:17 WinterDazzling Cloudfare Protection

Hello everyone, I am trying to access a website via Selenium Python so as to automate some daily actions I take at this domain almost daily. I have used Selenium before so I quicly tested against the website's home page and Selenium failed the second that it load the page, redirecting me to a special screen said that Cloudfare blocked me. I have heard things that Cloudafare is really hard to bypass but I give it another try. This time I have added/disabled certain known flags that make Selenium detectable and added the known thing about Selenium returning true if the domain execute JS on my browser to see if webdriver is set to true rather than undefined etc. again it failed same failure behaviour. Then I tried to load one of my chrome profiles to make it look more natural, run always non headless, maximazed window size etc, same results again. Configured chromedriver as a mobile one, again the same. Then I tried selenium stealth package and add this add on to my webdriver again failure. Havent tried to rotate my user agents since the failure happens at first request, judt used one two different ones just in case. All these attempts failed. Googled a little bit, found out about proxies. Signed Up for Zen Rows, got the free trial then used this service to send request to the website. All the attempts returned 422 status code. Enabled premium residential proxies origamited from my country as they claim, enbaled JS rendering option again nothing. Integrating Zen Rows with my selenium driver again nothing. Same with plain requests both from the dashboard and using the pip installed package they have and runned it through python locally. Tried another similar service, apiscrape same results and here I am lol The question is obvious, is there any way to do the job or cloudfare puts an end?
submitted by WinterDazzling to webscraping [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:18 Free_Dependent_1446 Petflow sending unordered products

To preface this, I live in the house I grew up in, in NJ. My parents retired to Florida 5 years ago. All of their mail goes to their FL address except for 1 credit card statement (Chase Visa). My parents have 2 dogs. I am fostering 2 senior cats for a friend, but my parents did not know about them.
About 2 months ago, I got a package from FedEx that contained a very expensive bag of senior cat food. It was addressed to my mom but contained no packing slip. At the time, I contacted everyone who knew I had the cats and knew my mother's name, but no one sent the food. I chalked it up to (possibly) having signed up for a free sample, maybe something through my veterinarian. The cats loved the food, so I figured it was a marketing ploy to get you hooked on a pricey brand you would normally never try.
Today, I received another bag - same circumstances as before. It was shipped from Petflow, Easton, PA. I immediately contacted my mother, who told me she used the site once, several months ago, to order nail clippers that could be used for a dog or a cat. They were only given her Florida address, and she received the item she selected. She used her Chase Visa to pay. When she called Petflow to inquire, she found out that she was charged for both bags ($40+ a piece) and they claimed the catfood was ordered from a random Hotmail address (she has never used Hotmail). They quickly offered to issue a refund for both bags of food, and said "someone will be by" to pickup the new bag, but gave no details on when/how that will occur.
To the scam... It seems like Petflow is sending random products to the credit card billing address of customers who use a separate shipping address. The assumption would be that, if a person has moved, the new resident won't know how to contact them about a wrong package. Since most accounts have gone paperless, changing the mailing address after a move might not seem like a priority, and a charge under $50 is easy to overlook. And if you do still get a paper statement, it goes to a different address. Plus, if they get caught, Petflow can claim it was a legit order "accidentally" sent to a prior address.
As I mentioned before, my parents would have no reason to order cat food ever. And there is no reason for Petflow to have my address. It's just a coincidence that I happened to have older cats.
Has anyone else had a similar experience with this company? Is there another explanation for this situation that I'm missing? I can't really see how ordering (and charging) a random product to a prior address would benefit anyone but Petflow.
submitted by Free_Dependent_1446 to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 23:34 dnuohxof-1 In 2024, what is the BEST way to set up Plex/*arrs/Proxy?

I am at my wits end for the last 4 days with TrueNAS, all their changes and anticipated major future changes.
My current **FreeNAS** box is on its last legs. The hardware is failing, I haven't been able to upgrade it because of issues with the encrypted pool and the jails, and I have the opportunity to just start fresh on a new, bigger, box.
I want to set up Plex, *arrs, Nextcloud, pihole, and a few other apps/services. SSLs with LetsEncrypt, and Cloudflare. I don't have a static WAN IP, but do have verrry long lease times. I am used to FreeNAS jails, they were pretty easy and straightforward to use, and they didn't cost a lot of overhead.
I went down a rabbithole with TrueCharts, saw many recommendations for their helm charts, went so far as to get qBitTorrent with Gluetun and PIA working. Now, as I was setting up Traefik, since that seems to be the preferred ingress handler for truecharts apps, I came across error after error after error.
I started with this guide; Set up Traefik reverse proxy and Lets Encrypt TLS on TrueNAS Scale by David Kong Medium
But once I got to the cert part, it all fell apart. It wouldn't run and complained about CRDs, whatever the fuck that is..... So I found Traefik-crds that doesn't work......
So I go to TrueCharts documentation and then find:
TrueNAS SCALE Apps are considered Deprecated. We heavily advice using a more mature and solid kubernetes platform such as “TalosOS” instead
So I'm like WTF, and then I see on IXSystems:
We’ve thought long and hard about how to introduce Docker Compose support and have developed a plan that minimizes disruption. It will include moving the Apps infrastructure from K3S to Docker. Docker and Compose will simplify portability and innovation of Apps. All of the TrueNAS Apps catalog will migrate to Docker Compose without requiring users to take any manual actions; all current users will need to do is update the system to Electric Eel when it launches.
I'm not going to invest my time and effort into k3s, truecharts and core apps if it's all gonna go tits up in 6-8 months. TrueCharts has no official plan on migration as they just announced deprecation a few days ago and said that they will not migrate to iX's new docker system. ElectricEel won't even be released until end of this yeastart of 2025. They claim it will be an easy migration without manual actions, but knowing how something like a torrent client with VPN dependencies can get very touchy may not exactly migrate without a lot of effort. I speculate.... for all I know it could work just fine, point is it is an unknown and a risk I'd rather avoid if I can with the right planning today.
So, my questions are: how with TrueNas SCALE can I futureproof my Plex/*arr stack?
Do I stick with Traefik or go with NGinix? I only care about reverse proxy for Nextcloud and Overseerr from the Internet. Having SSL on internal DNS resolution is just a nice bonus. I went with Traefik at first because TrueCharts used it.
Do I stick with Apps or go to VMs? If VMs, how do I go about that without causing unnecessary overhead? If I should stick with Apps, without TrueCharts, how would one today set up QBittorrent with PIA VPN with Gluetun, killswitch and auto port forwarding?
Any advice is appreciated.
submitted by dnuohxof-1 to truenas [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 20:30 AutoModerator June What Editing Software should I use?

🎬 Looking for Video Editing Software? You've Hit the Jackpot! 🎬

This post solves 98% of "What software do I use" questions. It's meant to be *self serve and answer the most common questions/needs.
See at the end for what you need to include if you're going to ask for more details.
TL;DR: We recommend DaVinci Resolve, Hitfilm Express, Olive Editor/Kdenlive, ClipChamp/Capcut for all your video editing needs.
But stick around; you'll want to!

📌 Need-to-Know: Before Asking Questions

Hold up! Before you ask, "Which software should I use?", you've gotta know these:
  1. Footage Type: Compression types like h264/5 could mess you up.
  2. Hardware Specs: We need details. "Great for gaming" isn't enough.

🖥 How do I know my Footage & Hardware: The Dynamic Duo


Different footage types will affect playback. E.g., Action cam, mobile, and screen recordings can slow down your system.
Common issues:


🛠 Actual Recommendations

Want a Free Ride?
Easy but Limited?
Pro Tools?
Open Source. Open source tools are free - but usually lack great UI.
Special Effects:
Web Tools:
Compression Tools:
Mobile Editors:

Isn't there an AI that does this or that feature?

Nope, not really there yet. REALLY. IF there was, we'd mention it.

📅 Updates

Dec 2023: Added - has a free tier, with zero watermarking..


Begin your post with "I read the above" and then provide system & footage info. Otherwise, answers will be slower.

System & Footage type:

Check your system with Speccy and your footage with MediaInfo.
submitted by AutoModerator to VideoEditing [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 18:59 obsessivebg3follower Claude Install Tutorial

Saw that someone wanted a tutorial on installing Claude and thought maybe others would want one too. So, here it is:
Important Links:
Cloudfare Link:
Anthropic Console Link:
Instructions: Select the link or search anthropic console and make an account. You get $5 of free credits for the account which is cool
Hope this helps anyone that's struggling with it!
submitted by obsessivebg3follower to JanitorAI_Official [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 18:10 Karma-Karma1 Proxy Servers

CoProxy, A leading internet proxy services company since 2022. What we offer:
Check out our site and don't forget to use coupon code SAVE10 for 10% discount on all our orders. Check out the free web proxy service and our 20% affiliate program.
submitted by Karma-Karma1 to coproxy [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 17:28 Truniq [cEDH] - Rakdos Artifact Combo - Asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar

It has been over a year since I posted my last deck list asking for help. I have not given up on [[Asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar]] and [[The Underworld Cookbook]] but I have given up on trying to assemble the older combos of the deck.
Please review the decklist below and tell me what you seasoned veterans think:
With the printing of [[Nuka-Cola Vending Machine]] I was able to cut out [[Clock of Omens]] and [[Ovalchase Daredevil]] Lines. The combo works with the commander this time alongside [[Academy Manufactor]] and generates infinite Clue tokens and tapped Treasure tokens. An added bonus is I can destroy all opposing creatures and remove creature based stax pieces. With an untap step involved I can draw my entire deck and win with cards like [[Reckless Fireweaver]] and [[Mayhem Devil]].
Please look at the primer as it will provide you with the most information possible. It is still a work in progress but my goal is to actually have a chance at a cEDH table at my LGS. Since I reside in Ontario(Canada) I don't think we have any major tournaments here so I know the age old saying of "play established decks".
However, I have made progress over the years on this deck testing and trying to create an identify for it. I think I am close this time with the printing of strong cards in Modern Horizons III. Just as last time I have no budget and can do proxies. Currently only three cards are proxied, LED, Mox Diamond and Badlands.
I am hopeful that more established players can see cards in the deck for what they truly are. As mentioned in the primer many of the cards have layers that intertwine and I followed the NBC (No Bad Card) rule as best as I could.
The glaring issue with Asmo is being able to cast her, with discard effects being mid to powerful the consistency can be lacking at times to cast her. Rakdos also has abysmal food support as well making Food tokens not the primary focus but just the catalyst for the combo. WOTC eventual will provide food support for Rakdos again and I will be waiting.
The primer is mostly complete but I still need to work on some more details. As this deck is a new variant it will be playtested after the release of MH3. This time I will not tweak the deck until I get sufficient reps in, as that was my personal issue in the previous posts.
As I continue to fight and support madame chef in her endeavors to be cEDH worthy please feel free to critique the deck and perhaps together I can gain more insight and knowledge into the world. Thank you.
Old Reddit Posts:
submitted by Truniq to CompetitiveEDH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:08 Jamshed01 What is Proxyium? Best Proxyium Alternative in 2024

Proxyium is the ultimate solution for those seeking a free and secure web experience. With Proxyium, users can break free from geographical restrictions and access blocked websites, all while ensuring their online activities remain private and anonymous. This web proxy server is designed to offer seamless browsing, empowering individuals to explore the internet with confidence and ease.
submitted by Jamshed01 to Techolac [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:03 Wuyley New Megathread Set Rule Goes Into Effect June 12th

Starting with set 2, and going forward with each new set, a sticky thread will be posted a month before a set’s release and stay up until a month after release. For example, with set two releasing July 12th, this thread will be stickied from June 12th - August 12th and while this thread is up, the following topics should be kept in that thread. All related post flare will be taken offline during this time as a reminder and any new posts made will be taken down.
Please use this set thread for the following:
Why is this thread being made?
Reddit only allows a sub to have two sticky threads up at a time and the mod team wants to reserve at least one of those slots for notices, official news, AMA's, or other relevant items that may come up that we feel the sub would want to be made aware of. That leaves us only one other sticky thread so we are trying to balance the two thoughts of "leave the sub wide open and let the people decide" and "put everything into a sicky thread" groups of people.
This thread is a compromise that tries to funnel a majority of the same traffic into a consolidated place when excitement is high (new set release) while also relaxing the rules during the "off-peak" season between sets.
As always, we are open to ways to improve the sub but please remember that decisions like these need to be made with the collective whole in mind, and not cater to a small number of people's personal tastes.
-The Mod Team-
submitted by Wuyley to starwarsunlimited [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:02 the_panda_painter Engine of the Gods and Skink Chief on Stegadon

Some of my proxy models I use for my stegodons. I used parts from the "onepagerules" models for the dinos and the skinks. I used different priests from "raventwinminatures" for the leaders on the podiums. I used free componenets from cults3d to add things like spears and the crystal engine. I used bits from the old saurus knights and warriors sprues.
submitted by the_panda_painter to seraphon [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:27 ExperiencePersonal99 🇵🇭 Finally, I resigned. Thank you all! What's your best life advice?

🇵🇭 Finally, I resigned. Thank you all! What's your best life advice?
Hi, wonderful individuals! 🤍
I'm from the Philippines 🇵🇭 ✅ Born in the Covenant ✅ Primary: Faith in God Award ✅ Young Women: Personal Progress (4x) ✅ Ward Missionary ✅ Seminary 5 years (Old & New Testament, D&C, Pearl of Great Price, Book of Mormon 2x). ✅ Sunday school teacher ✅ Young Women Secretary (5 years) ✅ Relief Society Activity Coordinator ✅ Family History Service Missionary ✅ Institute (4 years) ✅ Temple ordinances (baptism for the dead, endowment, proxy sealing: husband & wife, parents, family) ❌ Applied for Full-time Mission last 2018. My Bishop asked me to have a "down payment" for my mission fund so that it can be processed right away. I paid $646 (₱37,800). But after a few months, my Stake President received a letter from Salt Lake and told me that I'm not going on a mission... without any explanations why I'm not allowed to serve given that I've done everything since Primary. It broke my heart... and my wallet 🤣 because of course there's no chance of getting a "refund". Yet, I still continued to be "worthy."
For so many years, I've always devoted my life to my family and the Mormon church. I've always had 2 or more callings every year. My family, relatives, friends, classmates, and teachers were all looking up to me as a "good example". My highschool classmates even encouraged me to discuss the "Plan of Salvation" in our classroom's white board. Guess what happened? 🤣 They were all shocked and amazed at how complex it was. They always asked me to pray during school events and competitions. I'm the only "Mormon" in our batch, and still they respected my beliefs.
Last 2022, I declined 2 Stake callings just because I have existing callings already and I'm so occupied with my college thesis. I also resigned to my 2 Ward callings. Then, after my college graduation, I felt lost. I'm burned out. I'm asking myself, "now what?"
Since I was a young woman, I've always observed and said to myself and my family that the Mormon church is an "ORGANIZED RELIGION". I've observed that it has many RULES. It has PATTERNS. It has a "COVENANT PATH" (seminary, institute, endowment, mission, BYU, temple marriage, children, etc). Like, "why is everybody doing things so similar?" 🤔 "How about me? I still don't want to date and get married, I don't even want to have kids. I want to further my studies, have a career, and explore life." I also said to myself, "I DON'T want to be racist and homophobic". 😭 My moral values conflict with the church's doctrines in so many ways.
Then, I decided I want to be an USRN in Utah because there's the Salt Lake City, there's a lot of "Mormons" there, I felt I will be "in" because of the same beliefs, same culture, and same religion. That's when I started to “DEEP DIVE” about sa “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints”. I used my COMMON SENSE and CRITICAL THINKING as I did my PERSONAL RESEARCH about the church, its history and teachings. I meditate, pray, write my questions before I sleep, as I sleep my subconscious mind gets to work, approaching the questions from a variety of angles and making connections that may hold the answers. My other questions, observations, and past experiences begin to resurface. When I wake up in the morning, I pray, meditate and do my personal study to find the answers to my questions. I studied from the church resources, gospel library, scriptures, lessons, articles, research findings, news, YouTube, reddit, etc. I analyzed, compared, and connected my findings. I removed my BIASES. After going down a DEEP RABBIT HOLE, finally, I discovered the REAL TRUTH about “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.”
"Listen to your BODY and the signals it is giving. One of the most overlooked signals of intuition is CONFUSION."
🤯 It took me just one week to do my personal research to find answers for my questions that I've put on my "shelf" (subconscious mind) for so many years. I organized my findings then I made a summarized script and a presentation using a big sketch pad to present it with my family. I asked my parents first for their permission for our family discussion. These were the main topics that I shared with them: • FREE AGENCY • JOSEPH SMITH • CHURCH NAMES • BOOK OF MORMON • TEMPLE • MISSIONARY WORK • LDS LAW FIRM • HIDDEN AGENDA = LD$ business corporation (Money: Tithes, Fast Offering, etc) - City Creek Mall ("Let's Go Shopping!"🤣) - Beneficial Life - Ensign Peak Advisors - Shell companies - Reserve fund: HUNDRED BILLION of dollars $ • CULT "BITE" Model
Gladly, my dear family respected my decision to leave the Mormon church. I sent my resignation letter last May 20, 2024, 5 years after my Temple Endowment (when I said to myself, "Oh shit! Cult!!!). I decided to leave “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints” NOT because I wanted to sin and NOT because I'm a lazy learner. I chose to leave “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints” because it is NOT true. It is NOT a church, it is a CORPORATION. Joseph Smith and all the so-called “prophets” and “apostles” were not chosen by God. They DO NOT receive any direct revelations from God. They are NOT special chosen people. I chose to leave because they LIED a lot for so many years. They whitewashed church history. They took advantage of many people for POWER, MONEY, and SEX. These people teach damaging doctrines that lead to many people dying.
As a PERSON with PURE INTENTIONS, I CANNOT support any organization who lies, controls, manipulates, discriminates, abuses, and kills so many people. I choose HONESTY. I choose INTEGRITY. I choose LOVE. 🤍
"You don't have to be the victim of your environment. You can also be the ARCHITECT of it. Habits can be easier to change in a NEW ENVIRONMENT."
"Old habits are hard to break and new habits are hard to form because the behavioral patterns that humans repeat become IMPRINTED in brain neural pathways, but it is POSSIBLE to FORM NEW HABITS through REPETITION."
I don't know where I'd be without you, all. Thank you for your help, my new awesome community. 🤍
submitted by ExperiencePersonal99 to exmormon [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:36 luckylinux777 Server Naming Convention and Internal (Private) vs External (Public) DNS Records

I run a Homelab (selfhosted) with a ICANN Registered MYHOMELABDOMAIN.TLD Domain.
In order to avoid Split DNS and potentially having to add yet another level of Subdomains, I actually decided to purchase a different Domain for Services I host in the Cloud (e.g. VPN Server), say MYCLOUDDOMAIN.TLD.
In my Homelab, since I am running everything "Internal" (Private BIND DNS Server only accessible in my LAN), the "Problem" didn't really exist. I have a quite simple (although one could say insufficient) Naming Scheme. Since most Hosts are running either Ubuntu or Proxmox VE, this typically translates into:
And, for the more confusing Part (related to: "on which PVEXY does this Virtual Machine/Container Reside ?"), it's usually just a very crude Hostname:
(meaning there is no direct Relationship with the Host Machine (it's NOT e.g. cloud.pveXY.MYHOMELABDOMAIN.TLD, although nothing would forbid me in the future of creating such CNAME record)
The "Where is this VM/Container Located" Part is usually taken care by a Libreoffice/Excel Spreadsheet (maybe not updated as often as it needs to be though). I know, not Optimal, but IPAM Solutions or maybe something like Netbox / Nautobot could be done in the Future. Not there yet ...
Now for the "real" part of the Question. I have seen some Posts indicating Good Naming Conventions to follow (notably, and maybe
At the moment I have 3 VPS and 1 Dedicated Server and the Naming Convention ... well ... sucks. It's either just rX on the VPSs (meaning "Remote" following by 1 NumbeCharacter Typically), whereas in other cases it's hostingProviderNameXX like on the Dedicated Server. This is inconsistent, somewhat insecure (no Obscurity), kind of a mess IMHO.
It's NOT fully clear to me whether the Authors linked above (and other) are actively suggesting to use, on Public DNS Server Records (accessible by everybody), the complete and comprehensive DNS Records (which might give away type of System [e.g. Production], Location, Service [e.g. NGINX], ...).
In particular seems to suggest against it, even though it's just Security through Obscurity, not really a comprehensive Security Policy (but something that might be part of a larger Scheme). Of course there are other ways of detecting Services and Location (if proxied by Cloudflare the latter maybe a bit less), Port Scans, etc.
So I am wondering if I should just use something like the mnemonic wordlist mentioned above in Public DNS for every different Service (e.g. basically 1 of these words for each Podman/Docker Container), while maybe registering more human-friendly aliases in my Private BIND DNS Server when trying to access those. Or just maintain a Libreoffice/Excel Mapping List instead like I (try to) do now.
A thing to consider is also the Limitation of Cloudflare (DNS/SSL) Free Proxy Service (limited to DOMAIN.TLD and *.DOMAIN.TLD), so either:
The first is relatively expensive. For that Price, I can get like 12-24 top-level domains per year, thus reducing the need to go "Third Subdomain Level" etc. Availability might not be optimal, but I usually go for not so used extensions where I can get a good deal for a 10-year term (like 5$/year). But availability might be an issue (although you could in theory always add like an article/adjective before or after the word you plan to use).
The second option with separate Letsencrypt Certificates will negate all the benefits related to "Obscurity" (and again, by itself this is NOT a comprehensive Policy !), since ALL Certificates Generated are published on So instead of giving away the DNS Records, I give away the Certificates List, which is EVEN EASIER to access (in most cases the DNS Zone cannot simply be dumped). It's true that many hostnames are quite common e.g. www.MYDOMAIN.TLD, while the mnemonicwordlist is also "just" 1600 words to "Bruteforce" or so.
So basically with a list of the most used subdomains, one could in the end reverse engineer a DNS Zone (to a more or less extent), but the Certificates List is really just a click away and everything is listed.
Yet another Option (which however becomes a Single Point of Failure) is to run a Reverse Proxy on the Dedicated Server, and do the Forwarding from there (basically point *.MYCLOUDDOMAIN.TLD to my Dedicated Server, which in turns either handle the Request directly, or forwards it to the VPSs). Of course if Dedicated Server is down everything will fail, so I am NOT a huge fan of this. Plus the fact that I would do double-reverse-proxy and probably also have issues related to SSL Certificates.
Not sure if relevant, but Hosts (in terms of DNS Record at leats) typically of:
submitted by luckylinux777 to sysadmin [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:41 Character_Arm_3888 KRAZYZONE OPEN SIGNUP

OPEN TILL 10/6/2024
True Email must be used sign up Please Do not use Gmail as by now most know it does not work on a lot of private tackers
Sign up from Home IP is needed as serveVPN/Proxy is not permitted as it wont let you on site. You can use serveVPN/Proxy once on site
.General Tracker:
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.All content on seed boxes or servers regardless the number of seeds you still get Bonus Points
.Request are also very active and filled as quick as we can
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.Forum Is open for everyone to use with lots of info in it
.Seed time is 24hrs over 48 hours
.Ratio easy to maintain
.Lots free leech
.Bonus Points use them to help you with Hit and Runs to zap a download
.Uploaded: 20,904
.Uploaded today: 309
.Seeders: 33,905
.Leechers: 116
.Peers: 33,821
.Views: 159915
.Downloads: 286201
.Comments: 2439
.Dead Torrents 140
.Registered: 1,239
.Inactive Users: 140
submitted by Character_Arm_3888 to OpenSignups [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:45 Edwardthecrazyman Hiraeth or Where the Children Play: Execution Day [18]

“How’d you think that was going to go?” asked a voice from the other side of the door.
I lay on the bunk and stared at the ceiling; my head throbbed. The place where I’d been grazed stung whenever I touched my fingers to it. A bullet had—by whoever’s grace—scraped my scalp and traced a line from the far corner of my right eyebrow. It'd only been three days and it still caused pain. No doctors came and I was certain there would be infection—if not plain infection, then it could always be the worser: skitterbugs. I ached still. I had never fully recovered, not like how I should have.
The day of anger, as I’d begun to think of it in my mind, had caused no great ruckus beyond a few dead men. Two were Bosses, but who knew if they’d announce that as casually as they’d surely announce my execution. Perhaps they’d string me up alongside thieves. A good thief and a bad. What a riot; I deserved no thieves, of course.
What was I? Some great hero? Some idiot was more likely. I wanted misery to befall those that perpetrated it themselves and there I was, more miserable. Perhaps the wrath in my heart came from some mutation; the demon Mephisto resurrected me (so said the demon) and I’d begun to accept it. It was the reason for my poor state, surely, and the more I thought on it, the more I believed it was true; it felt true right down to my bones. The truth hurt or it was age and I rose from the cot I lay on; I’d been detained in a room beside the one I’d visited Andrew many months prior. They’d starved me, rattled the door to try and frighten me, and they’d wasted water on my head to keep me from good sleep.
I did not respond to the voice from the other side of the door and the object rattled in its frame and the voice came again, this time angrier, “Really? How did you think that was going to go? Crazy bastard! Thought you’d put the hurt on the Bosses? Thought you’d kill us at our worst? First, it’s that explosion. You have something to do with that? No! First, it was Harold’s daughter running off!” The voice on the other side of the door grew with mirth as it did with anger. “I’d seen you around town a bit. Thought the Bosses always liked you. Huh. Boss Harold mentioned you at his parties and said how you were a smart fella’, a good fella’, and there you killed him. Stone cold.” The man which spoke was a jailor that tortured me in those dreamlike days I spent locked in their prison, and he seemed personally affronted. “So first it’s the explosions; steam or dust rose out of cracks in the ground you know—some thought hell was rising up, but the Bosses put those thoughts to bed. God, what’s it with the likes of you? The explosions and now I’ve lost an eye and its because of the skitterbugs. You probably brought that on!” The voice muttered and then the door shook in its frame again, seemingly from a hard kick. I wished I could see the face of the man throwing his tantrum. “Can’t wait to see you hang.”
“So, I’ll hang?” I asked the door. There was a long silence, and I was uncertain if I’d pitched my voice enough for the man on the other side to hear me. I opened my mouth to ask, “So-
“You’ll hang.” The man on other side seemed to knock his knuckles against the surface of the door. “Or you’ll die here.”
“What’s Maron said?”
“Don’t you worry about him.”
“What’s he said?”
“Said you’d probably appreciate the punishment that we’d put on you. Said you’re a sick man. Said you like speaking with devils and people like you only find pleasure in such things.”
“So, I won’t hang?”
“Oh, you’ll hang, sir. You’ll hang if I need to do it myself with no one else. If not that, I’ll be sure to put you under one way or another. Accidents happen.” He chuckled. “Maybe you’d enjoy it, but it doesn’t matter. Whatever enjoyment you find in your tortures won’t compare to what ideas I have.”
A long silence followed, and I watched dust motes dance in the air; the place was stagnant and even a breath caused a shift in their glide. I closed my eyes and tried to remember a better time. I thought of Suzanne. I thought of Gemma. What a time to be alive. I thought of the movies, the books, the musical cartridges that sung of yesteryears. How unlucky I’d been, of course. Something had changed in me though and it was totally refreshing. Perhaps it was in realizing the evils of my brothers was that of a man and not some otherworldly force, or perhaps it was a push that came from years of terrible inconsistencies. All that living in the past and so it was. It didn’t matter—the past. I’d been so busy with it that I’d been in a constant state of unliving. I’d known that always, of course—something new had come.
“You dozing off in there?” asked the jailor.
“Good. Stay awake or I’ll be forced to stay you awake.”
I’d been reborn with a rage, justified or otherwise, and it was felt all over. It was a wild compulsion. All that time and it had been me that was brought back.
The wound on my head throbbed and I prodded it with a finger and brought the finger away and examined the digit; it was dried well enough, and I did not smell infection nor were there any of the accompanying symptoms of a fever or hallucination. I was me, through and through. For now.
The door banged. I didn’t bother an answer and the door banged again.
“Who’s there?” I asked, surprising myself with the sarcasm.
“Why’d you do it?” asked the jailor.
“You wanna’ ask me about it now?”
“Tell me.” The voice on the other side of the door was serious entirely.
“Bah!” “Bah to you! Why’d you do it?”
“Is there a reason to explain myself? If you knew better the things I knew, would it get you to unlock that door and let me walk free? Would it change your mind even?”
The jailor caught a laugh before responding. “Can’t say it would.”
“So, what’s it that you want? You won’t understand me, and I don’t think I’ve got the energies of persuasion to try.”
“You like the Bosses?”
“They’re okay. Keep me in work anyway. Keep people safe.” I slumped forward onto my knees where I sat and placed my elbows on my knees and watched the crack at the base of the door on the other side of the prison cell. “What’s it matter if they keep you in work? Think they care about you anymore than what you represent?”
“I mean, you keep riffraff down and they like you for it. I wonder if they know you. You ever get invited to the feasts they hold at the hall? You ever worry about your water rations? You ever wonder why it is that so few of the women or men invited to the hall return? Children too, now that I think of it. They’d call those captured criminals, I know. Those brothers—the sheriff is to blame too—they’re bastards. You know they are.”
“Is that so? What’s that make me? A bastard too?”
“By proxy maybe.” I dryly chuckled. “What’s it matter? What do you want outta’ me anyhow? Some gratification? Some confession—you’ve gotten that already, ain’tcha? Maybe a repentance? Why don’t you call one of those Bosses on down from their throne and have them here on the other side of the door so I can apologize? Or call Lady and I’ll get her to channel some message to the afterlife and I’ll plead for forgiveness. That what you want? Now I’m a bad man and I know it, but it ain’t for the reasons you believe. What you want is belief that there’s a man under the skin of the monster you’ve projected? No, I won’t shoo away your boogeyman for you. It can’t be done, not from me.”
“You talk big for someone in your predicament. I like how you talk so holier. Like you’re talking down on me. I just wanted to know what made you want to go on a mad-killing spree the way you did.”
“Mm.” I cupped my hands together; as it was, my left knee shot off with pain and I tried to massage it to little comfort and stretched it out straight from my body. “When violence keeps you bound, violence is necessary to free yourself. That’s all I’ll say about it. If you hang me, then hang me. Spill my guts out for the birds and put a sack over my head so you won’t be sick by my face.”
“You’re a mouthy pig.”
I listened to the jailor’s footfalls disappear down the hall and finally it was totally quiet and all I could hear was the throb on my head. Lucky or unlucky? No, it wasn’t luck. I’d been marked. I was the payment, and I knew the price. The demon had my soul. Whatever protection it afforded me, I intended on using.
The image of that room continued over in my mind, with the peasantry (that’s what I saw them as then) knelt in front of the Bosses and the wall men, with the intense blood-smell, with the surprise on Maron’s face. Billy’s face. There was still a part of me, however small, that wanted to plead with him to change his ways. That wasn’t the part that welled up in me then though. The piece of me that wanted to see him die was what took over. It hadn’t been Maron that fired his gun; he’d still been fighting with his holster. I’d only taken a step in through the door and a spray of gunfire from one of the wall men’s rifles exploded and I was sure I was dead because I fell, and my vision went white. They should’ve put me down then.
I didn’t come too fully until I had a few goons on me, hauling me upright roughly under my arms. Maron didn’t say anything at first and those wall men took over; they shouted that I was alive still and I felt a hot gun barrel against my cheek.
“Stop!” shouted Maron. The Boss Sheriff stepped forward with his stilted gait and looked me over thoroughly. The gun barrel fell from my cheek, but they held me still; it wasn’t like I planned on fighting. “You got uglier,” said Boss Maron, “Really ugly.” His left eye, afflicted by the skitterbug infestation, had gone dead white with only the faintest trace of an iris; it dribbled pus.
I held his stare to the point that my eyes watered—whether from anger or sorrow or both—and my muscles tightened like an animal threatening to pounce. It was a ridiculous display.
“Lock him up,” said Boss Maron.
So, I was locked up and those uncounted days I was mildly tortured: sleep deprivation, pummeling, and sometimes they spit on me. It could have been worse. I’d seen worse.
The cell was numbingly quiet, and I continued to massage my knee, continued in thinking about how investing so much thought with the past twisted any future of mine into a dismal satire.
I could not tell how long it had been without sunlight and the jailor returned (he was bulbous and fattened and old but very strong—it could be sensed in how he carried himself) pushed through the door this time with a tray of diced potatoes, steamed but cold, and a metal cup of water. He sat them on the floor, stared at the tray there with his one good left eye, and it was like I could read his mind as he looked at the food there. He could destroy it; he jerked from the tray without saying a word to me then disappeared behind the door he closed. The jailor remained there outside.
Pride swelled in me momentarily before I pushed whatever silliness that was and devoured the food and drank the clear water. If it was poison, so be it. If it was poison, then all the problems of the world would disperse.
Again, the jailor pushed in through the door and bent to remove the tray and I was struck by the immediate thought of strangling him. So, I tried and threw myself at the man.
My hands felt the scruff around his throat, and I pressed hard with my fingers on his Adams apple. He’d lurched forward to lift the tray and he immediately came up with force, throwing me off him; my nails raked his cheek as I scrambled for purchase. He took the metal tray in both of his hands and thwapped me across the head—it rang, and I was stunned while he lifted back his right hand in a swing. In the dizziness, I momentarily caught a glimpse of the holster on his left hip and reached out dumbly for the revolver there. A meaty smack could be heard, and I didn’t even feel it when his fist met my face the second time. My head rocked and I fought to look upright, and his hand came again, and I put up my own hand in return; it was pushed away, and he continued at me, muttering epithets he found useful.
Once he was heaving and spitting, he left me on the cot and directly before slamming the door, he mentioned something about violence and how if I liked violence so much that he’d show it to me.
I nursed myself to sitting right-up and though adrenaline kept the pain away, I felt my face bruising already. There was no way for me to inspect the welts his hands had left, but I could guess their places by touch and how they thrummed with my heart.
Two days passed, if I counted them by the visits from the jailor and then Maron made his appearance to me, and I was surprised to see him with a leather eye patch over his left eye; he seemed ill on his feet and the jailor, though the man was there, did not move to stop Maron from entering the room and relieving me of my prison. He and the jailor roped my hands together in front of my pelvis and I didn’t fight.
Boss Maron stank of infection and yellow oozed from beneath his eye patch and he kept his cowboy hat pulled snugly over both his ears and did not speak so jovially—there were no crude jokes at my expense. A warmth radiated off him. The Boss carried my shotgun with him but made no remark on it. He marched me from the prison, and I met daylight, and it burned my eyes while I stared up into the reddish sky. Dust scattered from the nearest portion of wall and caught on the wind till it was carried and disappeared overhead, and I briefly thought how nice it must be to fly.
Golgotha stirred as ever, and people spoke loudly and candidly as I passed them by. Words came my way from passing faces like, “You kissed the devil’s ass!” or, “You sure are a monster, look at you!” and Maron pushed me on with the gun at my back, and I wavered on my legs like I was without any control.
“Is it true?” asked Boss Maron, “Did you kiss the devil’s ass?” He tilted the shotgun casually on his shoulder and kept me ahead of himself. He was taking me to hang—and making a big deal out of it too. “I know how you like to speak to them. The demons. I know how you conspire with them. I told them all how you do. Now they know I was right.”
What a rotten town it was, and it smelled like it. The atrophied muscles and diseased infections of those fine folks emanated in the air, flies buzzed around my head, bloated and doubtlessly happy from whatever corpse they’d sprung from.
“Say somethin’,” said Maron.
“What do you want?” I asked, watching my footfalls, ignoring the screeches of those on the sidelines; he marched me through the runways, past the onlookers which saw me with faces of twisted hatred. The tension was palpable—I could feel the venom off the eyes of those that watched. Blood red eyes which judged carelessly.
“I want you to say it,” said Maron; I felt the nudge of the shotgun at my back again and I stumbled forward, caught myself, carried on, “I want you to admit it to me. You’re like a mutant, ain’tcha? No better than any other monster. I knew it all them years. I seen it.” We took an alley and cretins followed behind; wall men flanked Maron and on either side of the narrow stretch there were faces made even with the wall, pressed there like they were afraid to be involved.
“Whatever you say, brother.”
“Don’t,” hissed Maron, “Don’t even.”
“What?” I spat the word, “Afraid they’ll treat you differently if they all know how close we are?” I felt the gun barrel press against my back, and I yelped out the words, “Hey! He’s my brother! My baby brother!” The barrel jabbed me in the spine, and I spilled forward, catching myself on one of those nearby faces. It was an old woman. She shoved me from her, and I flailed across the ground after trying to catch myself with my bound hands. Dirt met my face and exploded around me. I laughed, blinking through the dust. I spit too. He couldn’t kill me. Whatever black magic there was in me—bequeathed by Mephisto—refused me death. Maron lifted me with the help of his wall men, pinching the coat around my throat with his fist. He shoved me on, and we continued.
“You smell that?” I asked Maron.
“Stop talkin’. You might not be a man, but you’ll die like one,” he said. The wall men around muttered, and we took the way to the front square; already there were looky-loos gathered, throngs of them not at all bashful to see the day’s line-up—it was just me. The platform was emptier and that was good (Frank, Paul, and Matt looked naked without their eldest brother). Those Bosses which remained looked drunk as they did for any other execution. It was a good day for it. Warm. The stink of the crowd was worse and as those gathered parted for my entourage, the warmth of them cloistered us like the blood of a wound.
Even through the vile aroma, the smell of rotted poultry rose like nothing else. “You don’t smell it then?”
The roar, a cacophony of the damned souls stolen, shook the ground and the air changed. A dragon—Leviathan.
Along the wall which old skeletal corpses hung against dried blood stains from hook-chains, men and women scattered the length of the parapets with their weapons. Gunfire came and one of those atop the wall shouted, “Artillery! Dragon! Big guns!”
There was fire in the sky and the creature circled overhead and its wings beat the wind like mad; those organic ropes that hung from its body took on horrid shapes with its movement in the high noon sunlight.
Screams filled the air as the square erupted into panic. I dove into the sickly crowd; among the loudness, the horses which were lined by the big door fought against their ties and bolted across the square. Arms and heads disappeared beneath those dashing hooves, and it was not long before people were trampling people and in a quick glance I saw the Boss platform came down in splinters as the horses rushes it. Blood slickened the feet of many as they rushed to the buildings adjacent the square—what a small protection that’d be against Leviathan. A wall man went stumbling over the wall’s ledge and his body met the ground beneath the hanging corpses and he didn’t get up.
In the wild fray, Maron fired the shotgun into the air, and I briefly thought of where the pellets might fall.
Finally, artillery fire came and put a hole in the creature. It wavered in the air, its head lurched downward like it might pierce the ground and it pulled its long neck back and blew flames across the buildings. The heat was immaculate. Rotted chicken filled my lungs.
“There’s more!” shouted a wall man above, “Running across the field.”
The crowd grew more enamored with escape; there’s no good way to say it—blood frothed around our heels as I was shoved through the avenues of elbows, rocking heads, plunging knees. I pushed on, shielding myself with my bound hands as well as I could. I kept my head as high, and felt scratches reach my throat—doubtlessly those which could not continue—nails and fists came from every direction. In the ephemeral madness, I too screamed and it did not stop until I spilled into an alleyway along the wall nearest the execution chains. I ran and tripped from the crowd, slid, and bit my tongue so thoroughly that my teeth clicked together though the tissue; my breath was knocked from me. My pants were wet from the viscera. Others too had found the opening and barreled past me. I went to my feet and panted thought the pain, through the twinge in my left knee. I took the walls for support and still, those which rushed past nearly knocked me from my feet.
Some poor child—a lean, bony-faced boy—fell in the rush and before I had a moment to reach out, he was gone. Whether he lived or not, I did not stop to know. The crunch of bones as more people spilled into the narrow stretch indicated the worst.
submitted by Edwardthecrazyman to Odd_directions [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 01:41 Sweet-Count2557 Souk Kafe Restaurant in Marrakech,Morocco

Souk Kafe Restaurant in Marrakech,Morocco
Souk Kafe Restaurant in Marrakech,Morocco
Discover the Authentic Taste of Marrakech at Souk Kafe: A Hidden Gem for Local Food and Refreshments in Marrakech, Morocco
Price Level: $$ - $$$
If you're looking for an authentic taste of Marrakech, look no further than Souk Kafe. Situated near the renowned museum of Marrakech and the historic Ben Youssef Madrasa, this restaurant is a hidden gem for local food and refreshments. The menu boasts a delightful array of traditional Moroccan cuisine, including mouthwatering tagines, flavorful couscous, and delectable pastries. What sets Souk Kafe apart is its charming patio and terrace, where you can savor your meal while enjoying breathtaking views of the city. Whether you're a food enthusiast or simply seeking a memorable dining experience, Souk Kafe is a must-visit destination for an authentic taste of Marrakech.
Cuisines of Souk Kafe in Marrakech,Morocco
If you're a food enthusiast looking to embark on a culinary adventure, Souk Kafe Restaurant is the perfect destination for you. This hidden gem offers a diverse range of cuisines that will tantalize your taste buds. From the rich and flavorful African dishes to the aromatic Moroccan delicacies, every bite at Souk Kafe is a journey to a different part of the world. The Mediterranean-inspired menu showcases a fusion of flavors, while the grill section offers succulent meats cooked to perfection. For those seeking vegetarian or vegan options, Souk Kafe has an array of delectable choices that will satisfy even the most discerning palate. The restaurant also caters to specific dietary needs, with halal and gluten-free options available. With its commitment to serving a variety of cuisines, Souk Kafe is a haven for food lovers seeking an unforgettable dining experience.
Contact of Souk Kafe in Marrakech,Morocco
+212 604-301959
11 Derb Souk Jeldid Sidi Abdelaziz -medina, Marrakech 40000 Morocco
Features of Souk Kafe in Marrakech,Morocco
Takeout- Outdoor Seating- Seating- Serves Alcohol- Wine and Beer- Free Wifi- Table Service- Live Music
Location of Souk Kafe in Marrakech,Morocco
Reviews of Souk Kafe in Marrakech,Morocco
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:12 femboypower1995 Oldschool Runescape is going down a terrifying path and I don't think it's going to end well.

You won't find another game that exists out there that so heavily follows what the players want. Is that a good thing? I really don't think so, and that is the catalyst of this entire post.
To put it simply, I don't think players know what is best for the game, and at best know what's best for *them*. People play this game, generally, and sadly, these days, to head towards goals. Any feedback any player gives is inherently going to be biased towards what will make their goals either feel more valuable or be easier to obtain. It will be biased towards whatever they personally like.
Having polls is one thing -- but recently Jagex has been taking feedback into account. I cannot imagine the people giving feedback account for more than 1% of the playerbase, and if this feedback comes from Reddit or Twitter then this is going to be even more skewed. So we have a situation where a minority of biased individuals are heavily influencing the game for all players. Now, can someone tell me how this is exactly a good thing?
The reason the polls exist at all is because Jagex wanted to "do things right" and "gain players trust". I think they've done that, and lets not forget this player trust lead to awful things such as the giga slayer cave, nightmare zone, money snake, all things with large inherent negatives that linger to this day -- some more heavily than others.
I think that we have yet to see the negatives that our current era of updates will bring to the game, it will only become obvious after some time, and I think the only way to fix things is to acknowledge there are issues to begin with and to stop taking feedback and to stop polling things so heavily.
Here are a list of reasons why polls are negative aspects to the game:
1) It stifles artistic creativity
2) It causes developers to worry that whatever they make may be voted no to
3) It wastes development time
4) It favors updates that players are biased towards (updating for personal interests over the games interest)
5) It creates a toxic environment in some situations, causing people to be negative to each other due to poll questions
6) The polls themselves can be heavily influenced by streamers, twitter users, youtubers, people on reddit who cheat their threads to the front page (yes this happens), and other various smaller things
7) It spoils and ruins updates before they come out, in most games when an update comes out, especially old runescape, itd come out and players would discover it together, this really doesn't exist in the same degree anymore
8) Sometimes, polls don't even matter. I.E. Teas passing polls but not being added.
8 is one of the most egregious examples of the negatives of the system, a thing the majority wants that a minority vetoes because of their own personal interests.
I can't think of any more, but hey, I'm sure there are, but lets be fair and list the pros that polls have as well, lets try to come up with the best argument for their existence in a numbered list and extrapolate a bit on it.
1) They make sure that nothing is added to the game that players wouldnt want
2) They act as a form of player and community engagement and a way to further tease future updates
3) They promote discussion of the game in general
4) They give the community confidence that the game will maintain the status quo and continue to improve (assuming you are a part of the larger % of people that actually enjoy most updates and the decisions that are made)
5) They help the developers get a more objective and measurable idea of what features and things players want.
I think this is a generally accurate idea of the bros and cons of both, if I missed something please let me know, maybe you thought of something I didn't even consider. But I would like to remark on point 5 for a bit and come back to this point. "things players want." Why is what players want a good thing? Imagine for a second, From Software let players design.. the next entry to the series in some vague point in the past or even the present. People would (the majority) almost assuredly ask for something like.. Bloodborne 2.. but then we wouldn't have got Sekiro. Dark Souls 4.. but then we wouldn't have got Elden Ring.. Elden Ring 2.. but then we wouldn't get whatever original and creatively free expression of ideas that they had in mind, because they are artists in their craft following their ideas as a team, and not subject to the whims and personal biases of a group of players who are not trained and most likely are not artists.
Do you see the issue here?
This system feels almost self defeating, cannibalistic, backwards. Who lets the car driver design the car and do the work of an engineer? The reasons why people feel like they are owed this system as well come from an inherently biased place. If you ask most people they'd say they don't trust jagex, or something of that regard. But I just don't think that that is an actual thing people actually believe. If you didn't trust Jagex then why do you enjoy all of the various things that they've added that weren't polled? And personally, some of these unpolled ideas and pieces of content are some of the best things added recently. If you don't trust them why do you give them you account information? If you don't trust them then why do you think they will follow the poll results in general (when they haven't in the past?)
I think people just don't like change, they want to feel a part of the process, they follow what the loudest voice is, and they follow their own interests. I don't think any of this is actually in ANYONES interest though. As players we should and would be happier enjoying the world as it changes and grows without the need to give input to any of the artists creating it, and the creators should be able to express themselves without the worries of what players are constantly asking for or may complain about next seemingly randomly.
No other game does this. No game needs to do this. The closest is western early access indie games with a larger audience. This happens occasionally there, and from my experience it frustrates the developers and the changes are added in a way to appeal to this loud, loud, small, small minority.
We need to change, OSRS is not going down a positive path, people inherently play differently and in my mind incorrectly. Just vibe, stop using the game as a proxy for self fulfillment and just enjoy it as a game. Jagex. At LEAST stop asking for written feedback. Ignore it completely. Stop letting a biased group of people alter the game.
submitted by femboypower1995 to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:07 babeneso Thoughts on Halide's new "Kino" app and other video recording apps

A few weeks ago, I saw Halide’s developer comment “Stay tuned for our next app” on a Reddit post discussing Apple’s upcoming Final Cut Camera app. In the post, a user mentioned that he wants video apps that support auto-ISO with locked shutter speed (I’ll refer to this as Tv Mode below).
As a Halide user who has been searching for a video app that supports Tv Mode — since I often shoot handheld in changing lighting conditions — I was excited and thought their new app would finally offer this feature.
Yesterday, I saw a news article on MacRumors about Halide’s team launching their new video app “Kino”. I purchased it instantly, only to be disappointed to find that it’s not the app I was looking for.
I’m feeling let down because the developer’s vague suggestion made me believe they were going to implement Tv Mode without explicitly answering the questions:
So, no, there is no Tv Mode, and you don’t even get custom white balance in this “Pro” app. I know the iOS camera API doesn’t provide Tv Mode, but Kino’s “AutoMotion” setting suggests they’ve created a custom exposure logic.
I hope they can clarify their features or provide a product roadmap like Photomator did, or this experience will leave a bad taste in my mouth.
(I’m not a native English speaker, so please excuse any awkward phrasing.)
Anyway, I also made a list of pros and cons of the video apps I’ve purchased below, I was a Filmic Pro fan years ago, but not anymore, so it’s not on the list:

iOS Stock Camera

Blackmaigic Camera


Pro Camera by Moment



Final Cut Camera (by Apple, coming soon)

submitted by babeneso to videography [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:06 Trazilius_Marcayth Do you know some good lord of change proxies for free

I wanted to 3d print it but I couldn't seem to find a good one
submitted by Trazilius_Marcayth to tzeentch [link] [comments]