Funny dialogues 2 minutes long

Click and Consume

2014.06.23 03:24 The_Comma_Splicer Click and Consume

You know when you sit down for a meal in front of the computer and you just need something new to watch for a bit while you eat? If you search /videos or other places, you'll find mostly short videos. But while you're eating, you don't want to be constantly fumbling around with the mouse, loading video after video. You just want to **Click and Consume**. Discord:

2012.04.09 18:08 fairyxxx TrollYChromosome - A subreddit for guys, beer is in the fridge

Quality reddit dudes sharing quality reddit wisdom.

2017.08.02 19:30 orangeredFTW Videos that suddenly end in chaos, often hilariously

Videos that suddenly end in chaos, often hilariously.

2024.06.02 11:14 DrowningInFun Started Ozempic a week ago, here's how it's going

So far, no real appetite reduction (not sure appetite is why I overeat, anyway, though). Not worried or anything, won't be worried unless I get to 1 mg and no effect. Just doing the normal 0.25 now, for a month, and then prob move up to 0.5.
I do have some minor side effects. No nausea or pain (thank goodness, that's the main things I want to avoid). I do seem to be getting random belching episodes every other day where I belch repeatedly for anywhere between 5 minutes and an hour.
Also feel bloated here and there but as long as it doesn't happen at the gym, it doesn't bother me. Had to cut one training sessions short but not the end of the world.
Doesn't seem to be tied to any particular food or even being full.
Taking second shot tonight. Wish me luck!
submitted by DrowningInFun to Ozempic [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 11:14 VisionsOfG [online][5e][CEST][18+] Player Looking For New Long-Term Campaign (Lvl 1-20)

Hello, Gid here! I've played DnD5e for about a year now and I'm still learning, so a group with patience would be great. My schedule is mostly flexible and the only days I can't play are Friday and Sunday. A little something about me would be that I'm a 22 years old who likes outdoorsy stuff and nature, yes druid is my favourite class who could guess. A fun (or not so fun) fact about me is that I enjoyed bg1 and bg2 more than bg3 so far (I've only come to act 2).
What I'm looking for in a campaign is first of all long-term spanning from lvl 1 - lvl 20. PC backstory integrated with a high fantasy world setting. I'm not looking for a meatgrinder but rather a challenging adventure with party that goes from running away from goblins to keeping the realm from complete decay. I am not sensitive to any topics as long as it is in-game and makes sense within the setting or context.
What I look for in a group is that they don't discriminate against anyone for i.e. ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, religion etc. Can play once a week, and has patience for less experienced players.
submitted by VisionsOfG to LFG_Europe [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 11:14 GodOfNothing22 Which one should I go for?

Which one should I go for?
  1. Is there a 1TB version of LOQ 13th Gen?
  2. Which of these is long lasting and has better battery life?
My main purpose is editing and light gaming
submitted by GodOfNothing22 to LenovoLOQ [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 11:14 Chillboy2 Help kardo guys 🙏

How do I study under this pressure
I am a 17 year old male in 11th grade. My subject combination is English, Maths, physics , chemistry and bio ( yea the mighty 4) . Our school selects the top ranking students in 10th grade and puts them in a single class in grade 11. I made the mistake of being one of the top rankers ( 37 out of 1000 or so) and hence i am surrounded by people who care only about marks and being 1st . Sometimes i find myself doing too much math and hence lag behind other subjects. Its not that i hate the others. I hated math till 11 . But since i loved physics i had to learn it( and somehow got 99 in maths in my class 10 finals too ) . My main problem is my unhealthy lifestyle most probably. I go to sleep at 3 am . And in order to attend classes i have to wake up at 8 am. Some classes arent even worth going. Maths teachers are really passionate about teaching hence i love it. Physics teachers have 2 problems . They dont go too deep into ANY topic. For example our physics teacher left the topic of projectile motion halfway to start thermodynamics. I reviewed past year question papers and it is filled with projectile motion on inclined plane and stuff which school never taught ( but thanks to youtube i learnt them myself ). 2nd problem is they dont even teach us the stuff properly. I cant memorize 10 differenciation formulas without understanding wtf am i doing. Similar problems for other teachers too. I feel like school is going way too fast and i cant keep up. On top of that whenever i see some youtube videos on topics i missed out on for over an hour , i get a headache. Maybe its my eyes cause on applying medicine the headache goes away in 15 or so minutes. I have an health anxiety about getting rabies. I talked to experts and doctors about it and they said i dont have rabies and i am just having anxiety which results in me mistaking my globus for hydrophobia ( its funny writing that being a bio student myself ) . I hate my current situation as i took science after 10th completely due to curiosity. Never had any dreams of becoming a doctor or physicist but loved the subjects. But 11th syllabus is vast and i do find some things boring like botany ( i already have backlogs in it ) . Any advice would be highly appreciated. I really need my previous form back. I tried having some study buddies. But as i said before my classmates are all selfish and whenever i ask them a doubt they either ignore me or advice me to figure it out myself ( cheap ngl ). I posted previously on studying .
submitted by Chillboy2 to CBSE [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 11:14 Atelene Sensory issue

I see that most people on this sub pick for different reasons than me, so I’m unsure how to go about treating it. For me, it’s more of a sensory issue. I don’t have anxiety and I don’t care how my skin looks. The only thing that causes me to pick is the feeling of excess skin on my body, especially my lips. I don’t like the feeling of picking in the slightest, which is what I’ve seen is the main reason other people with sensory issues do it. I usually pick every other day, but if I don’t pick thoroughly enough I’ll pick 2 days in a row. I will pick until my lips feel smooth, whether that be after as little as 2 hours, or as many as 20. On average I pick for around 8 hours though. During that time, I can’t do anything else, other than maybe watch TV. No matter how hungry I am, or how tired I am, I can’t stop until it’s smooth. I can never resist long enough for my lips to heal. I mainly pick at my bottom lip, and until recently I had stopped picking at my top lip (which happened out of nowhere). But the moment I felt something off about my top lip, I picked, which led to a cycle of healing and picking again. If I can just get past the healing stage to where my skin is smooth again, I’m sure I’d be able to eliminate the urges. Problem is, I have no idea how to go about that. Anyone else have a similar problem or advice?
submitted by Atelene to Dermatillomania [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 11:14 Binkbock Helping 2 friends escape homelessness and through a pregnancy to get ghosted?

Signed a new lease with another couple in a 2bed 2bath apartment in the same complex as my other friends, We agreed to get the bigger renovated space to have them hangout regularly but luckily I made sure I could afford this on my own albeit not the plan.
At the start they kept getting jobs long enough to last through training or to get a paycheck here and there but it felt like they just needed help at the time so I was willing to get us moved in and utilities on, I paid everything from the application fees to the pet deposit they chipped in $300, man if I could go back 6 months lol
The excuse for calling off work so much and getting fired was stomach issues, he saw a doctor which for a while could not find anything, so we paid our December holiday pay and skipped our anniversary for this
They had their dog as well as a child now which with them agreeing for me to start adding what they can’t make for rent to a “debt list” if you would, caused them a great deal of stress. Aswell as for me. Picture never getting sleep for work on a 40 hour week because you’re off at 6am and anything after 10am their dog is having an anxiety attack, or they’re screaming at each other or the baby to stop fussing. That often. We really didn’t care too much because I tried to keep in mind I’m living with someone and people have noises but I live with someone who has a traumatic past, the screaming and slamming after getting off a long shift is so rough.
They managed to pay rent! With their taxes…
I was hopeless and put him on my car insurance and let him Uber if he respected my gas to hopefully counteract the Job issue, this mainly went to other things not any came back to paying us back and was still often short on rent. His mom would typically help with either the dog, the baby, or rent so that was amazing for us. Eventually this just dropped off and he’s still on my insurance 100/month was added to his debt.
I typically had to use borrow apps to cover his part truthfully I wasn’t the smartest with it after a bit, me and my girlfriend caved and wanted to do stuff for ourselves to I just hoped he’d make his part and if not I’d borrow the rest from my next paycheck but honestly that only worked for a bit and now doing anything is impossible again until I fix my finances
If you’ve read this far I’ve actually written him a MUCH larger plea for him to get stuff rolling but that was skim read. I’m also not going to go too hard on the cleaning we probably all know how bad room mates are with it, it seemed like it was only done when asked “if you do this I might take some off your debt”.
We still took them out despite this to a few dinners or activities and would’ve loved for them to have taken us somewhere even free
I’m jumping pretty fast but at this point they’re $4000 in debt, they could pay my portion of rent for 5 months and still owe me some dimes we’ve felt like we’ve put up with enough cause now things of ours are appearing in their room, I guess I can’t leave food or blankets laying out, we are 420 friendly and often my expensive dab equipment which is fragile would end up taken into their room and with everything adding up we snapped and texted them to stop taking our shit.
They said they didn’t and that we could’ve handled it better which I agree a cuss word might be too far at this point?! The two girls texted each other and then like I’ve never seen before my girlfriend got loud like they do in their fights so I told myself it was done and this wouldn’t work out. I am fine when they’re screaming at themselves but when you have created an environment where we have to do that and where we’re this stressed out it will not work for another year, the cause is our clean blanket we finally managed to get to around being the only 2 working was taken into their room and thrown raggedy across their bed, what is my brain going to think happened with my fresh clean blanket?????? (They said they didn’t but who knows)
I gave them an ultimatum we leave or you do either way the one staying has to prove they can afford to live here, legally I can’t do this but it seems they’re dipping and ghosting me without question, it is the first of the month and rent is due, I have my part and they’re partially moved out so at this point what would you do. I have thought about going to small claims court as it’s $4500
If anyone has experience would it be worth it in Ohio to attempt this, should I force him to stay on the lease for this, or can I let them break off and still be able to possibly get any of this money back. I have text messages showing he acknowledges and accepts the debt, that he’s sorry, I have a few of the utility bills kept and bank statements, I may have a money order or two but we pay with flex most of the time online. I may be able to get a friend of both of us to witness the inability to pay because they live in the same complex and I’d have to ask them sometimes to borrow his part. As well as in the screenshots a long “debt list” of most of what went on.
Please feel free to let me know how dumb I am I am’ too easy to try and help people and I need to get out of it I’m learning it’s worse habit than drinking
submitted by Binkbock to badroommates [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 11:13 Clarice_Lake It’s All For Her ~ Clarice Lake

Everyone in this story is 18+
Chapter 1 ~ Mark
I turn on my phone and open the app bumble. I’m not much of a relationship type of guy, but it’s always a little fun and exciting to go on dating apps every now and then. After all I have to keep adding names to my list. As soon as I open the app I see a girl named Daisy. She has blue eyes and ginger red hair. It seems like she loves art because of the pictures she posted on her bumble profile. A minute or two pass of viewing her profile and I swipe left. Immediately after swiping left, I get a notification on top saying “you might have missed a potential match”. Even though I swiped left, I felt a little bummed out, after all, I missed a chance to hear her cries and screams.
Another girl appears. She immediately catches my attention and I start checking out her profile. It’s her. It’s Stella Simmons. The girl I’ve been keeping an eye on for a while now. “I honestly don’t even know why I bother checking her profile” I say chuckling. As soon as I laid eyes on her weeks ago at the grocery store I knew she was going to be another girl on my list. From waking up in the morning, to going to sleep at night, she was on my mind 24/7. I had to have her is all I can think of after that day. Her coffee brown eyes, her beautiful curly black hair, everything about her was perfect. I wasted no time and swiped right. “Congratulations, you found a new match” the app rewards me. I feel a swarm of butterflies in my stomach fluttering around. I close bumble and press the power button on my phone but quickly gets turned on by a notification. I unlock my phone to read the notification that says “Stella Simmons sent you a message”. I immediately tap on the notification and read her message.
Stella: Hii.
A smile that’s goes from the end of one ear to the other appears. “I finally managed to get her attention” I whispered.
I waste no time replying back.
Mark: Hey, how are you doing?
Immediately after pressing send I try my best to calm myself down. One wrong move and It’s all over. I would be failing to write her name on my list, and I simply can’t let that happen. She replied as quick as I did.
Stella: I’ve been in a dark place for a while now. I’m hoping that meeting new people will bring some life back into me.
Mark: I’m sorry to hear that, really I am. I know we just met and started talking but if you ever need someone to talk to I’m here.
To her we just met, but to me, I’ve been knowing her for a couple of weeks already.
Stella: Thank you, I appreciate that I really do.
We continued texting for a while but she ended our conversation with a message that made me believe I had her exactly where I wanted her.
Stella: I would love to continue this conversation but I have to get going. Heres my phone number if that’s an easier way to contact me.
She gave me her number and I immediately put her on my contacts.
If you guys want to read chapter 2 let me know :) This is my first story that I made so if you guys have any tips please let me know.
submitted by Clarice_Lake to mystery [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 11:13 GodOfNothing22 Which should I buy?

Which should I buy?
  1. Is there a 1TB version of LOQ 13th Gen?
  2. Which of these is long lasting and has better battery life?
My main purpose is editing and light gaming
submitted by GodOfNothing22 to Lenovo [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 11:13 HealthyYard6559 Revelation 4:4-5

"And around the throne were twenty-four thrones; and on the thrones I saw twenty-four elders sitting, clothed in white robes, and having crowns of gold on their heads. And from the throne proceeded lightnings and thunders and voices; and seven embers of fire burned before the throne, which are the seven spirits of God.
Rev. 4:4-5
"And around the throne were twenty-four thrones; and on the thrones I saw twenty-four elders sitting, dressed in white robes, and they had crowns of gold on their heads"
Based on the text from the second book of the Diary, we learn who these twenty-four elders are. The text says that David divided the priestly order into twenty-four orders and each order was supposed to serve for two weeks in Solomon's temple. This order existed as long as the Lord Jesus did not come to earth. In Luke's Gospel, we read about John the Baptist's father, Zaria, who was from the eighth line of Abia.
"In the time of Herod, king of Judea, there was a certain priest from the order of Abia, named Zaria, and his wife from the tribe of Aaron, named Elizabeth."
Luke 1:5
Since there were many priests and they could not all serve at once, they were divided into twenty-four lines, one from each line was chosen to serve. And these twenty-four were representatives of the entire priestly order.
,, And David divided them: Zadok, who was from the sons of Eleazar, and Ahimelech, who was from the sons of Ithamar, according to their order in their service. chieftains by paternal homes sixteen, and of the sons of Itamar eight by paternal homes. And both were divided by lot; because the leaders in the sanctuary and the leaders before God were from the sons of Eleazar and from the sons of Ithamar. And Shemaiah the son of Nathanael the scribe from the tribe of Levi listed them before the king and the princes and Zadok the priest and Ahimelech the son of Abiathar and before the heads of the fathers' families among the priests and Levites, taking one house of the fathers for Eleazar and one for Ithamar. And the first lot fell on Jehoiarib , the second to Jedai, the third to Harim, the fourth to Seorim, the fifth to Malchi, the sixth to Mejamin, the seventh to Akos, the eighth to Avi. Ninth to Isuja, tenth to Sehania, eleventh to Eliasiv, twelfth to Jakim, thirteenth to Ufa, fourteenth to Jesevav, fifteenth to Vilgo, sixteenth to Imir, seventeenth to Ezir, eighteenth to Aphisis, nineteenth to Petai, twentieth to Ezekiel, Twenty-first to Jahin, the twenty-second to Gamul, the twenty-third to Delai, the twenty-fourth to Mazia. This is their order for their service in which they go to the house of the Lord to do their work according to the order of Aaron, his father, as the Lord God of Israel commanded him."
1 Chronicles 24:3-19
The text we are studying refers to the church of Christ which is in heaven about which it is written:
"Whoever wins will be dressed in white robes..."
Rev. 3:5
"And you are the chosen race, the royal priesthood, the holy people, the people of gain..."
1 Peter 2:9
and these twenty-four elders are dressed in Christ's righteousness and have crowns on their heads. Dressed in robes and crowns on their heads, they can only have "persons" who have a body, so they are saved believers who have been taken from earth to heaven, who have glorified bodies that are crowned, clothed and seated. To the winners, saved or born-again believers, Jesus said;
"To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with me on my throne, just as I overcame and sat down with my Father on his throne."
Rev. 3:21
It goes on to say that they have crowns on their heads, which are the rewards they received at the judgment of Christ. Only the faithful will appear at this judgment and they will receive rewards in the form of crowns.
"Because it is necessary for us all to appear at the judgment seat of Christ, so that we may receive what everyone has done in the body, whether good or bad;"
2 Cor. 5:10
The apostle Paul writes about this:
,, I fought a good war, I finished the race, I kept the faith. Then, therefore, a crown of justice is prepared for me, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will give me on that day; but not only to me, but to all who rejoice at His coming."
2 Tim 4:7-8
"And when he took the book, four animals and twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each having a fiddle, and golden cups full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints. And they sang a new song, saying: You are worthy to take the book and to open its seals ; for you sacrificed yourself, and you redeemed us to God with your blood from every kindred and tongue and nation and tribe."
Rev. 5:9
So it clearly says and we can conclude that this is the church because it says that they are from "every kindred and language and nation and tribe" in heaven, which means that there are more than twenty-four of them and we can say that "twenty-four are representatives of the entire church" such as the twenty-four elders representing the entire priestly order that we mentioned earlier.
It goes on to say:
"And from the throne came lightnings and thunders and voices; "Since the church is in heaven, we further read about the throne from which "lightnings and thunders and voices proceeded;" and it refers to the judgment that is ready for the earth. While the church was on earth, this throne was the throne of grace,
"Let us approach, therefore, freely to the throne of grace, to receive grace and find grace for the time when we need help."
Hebrews 4:16
for us it is still the throne of grace because the events we are talking about are just before us. But since John is in heaven, he is practically speaking from the perspective of the future when the Church has already been taken to heaven. After the Church is taken to the earth, the throne of judgment begins to "act" from which, "lightnings and thunders and voices came out;" Here the description is similar to that at Sinai when God showed his holiness and righteousness on which occasion lightning, thunders and voices were heard: Here is the description:
"And on the third day, in the morning, thunder thundered and lightning flashed, and there was a thick cloud on the mountain, and the trumpet blew very loudly, so that all the people who were in the camp trembled. Then Moses led the people out of the camp before God, and they stood under the mountain."
Here we read that Moses led the people who were afraid before God in front of the mountain, and here we have the throne of judgment from which lightning and thunders and voices come out; " and when that happens the people who will be on earth will also be terrified of what follows.
Before judgment, God always shows mercy in the way that he warns because he does not like the death of anyone, and that is why he says:
"For I have no pleasure in the death of him who dies, says the Lord God; turn therefore and live"
Ezekiel 18:32
We are still able to see the rainbow, so the judgment has not yet begun, but if someone persistently refuses mercy, lightning and thunder and voices follow; ".
"and seven embers of fire rose before the throne, which are the seven spirits of God." We saw the glory of God on the throne, and now we see "seven embers of fire rose before the throne, which are the seven spirits of God." Here we are talking about the fullness of the Spirit The Holy One who is one, but His completeness is described here.
Isaiah writes of Jesus:
"And the Spirit of the Lord will rest on Him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and power, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord."
Isa 11:2
In several other places, the number seven is mentioned in connection with the Holy Spirit.
"And he said to me: What do you see? And I said: I see, behold, a candlestick all of gold, and a cup above it, and its seven jars on it, and seven funnels for the seven jars that are above it, and two olive trees by it, one on the right side of the cup and one from the left. And I spoke to the angel who spoke with me, and I said: What is it, my lord? And the angel who spoke with me answered and said to me: Don't you know what it is? And I said: No, my lord. And he answered and said to me, saying: This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: not by force or by virtue, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of hosts. What are you, great woe, before Zerubbabel? Ravnica; and he will bring out the highest stone, with exclamations: Mercy, mercy to him. And the word of the Lord came to me, saying: Zerubbabel's hands founded this house, his hands will finish it, and you will know that the Lord of hosts has sent me to you. For who has despised the day of small things? Because he will rejoice when he sees the measuring stone in the hand of Zerubbabel, those seven eyes of the Lord that cross the whole earth"
Zechariah 4:2-10
Here, from the sixth verse, we conclude that it is about the Holy Spirit, "not by power or virtue, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of hosts."
"And I saw, and behold, in the middle of the throne and four animals, and in the middle of the elders the Lamb stood as if it had been slain, and it had seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God sent throughout the world."
Rev. 5:6
Here we have seven spirits and seven eyes that refer to seven aspects of the work of the Holy Spirit that brings us God's graces, that is why Paul could write in the first Corinthians:
"The gifts are different, but the Spirit is one. And there are different ministries, but the Lord is one. And there are different forces, but there is one God who does everything in everything. And in everyone the Spirit appears for the benefit; For once the word of wisdom is given by the Spirit; and to another the word of understanding by the same Spirit; And to another faith, by that same Spirit; and to another the gift of healing, by that same Spirit; And to another to work miracles, and to another to prophesy, and to another to discern spirits, and to another different language, and to another to speak in tongues. and he has many members, and all the members of one body, although they are many, they are one body: so is Christ"
another different language:
1 Cor.12:4-12
The Holy Spirit was previously revealed as a dove, the wind or the Comforter, and now we see in the Revelation that he appears as "and seven fiery embers". Fire is a symbol of judgment and seven is the number of perfection, which means that God will judge the earth and the inhabitants of the earth with perfect justice. are unfaithful. Today the Holy Spirit is in the Church and the fact that he is in the Church is the reason that the judgment on earth has not yet begun, but one day the Church will be taken and then the judgment will follow, just and perfect.
"Because the secret of iniquity is already being done, only until the one who is holding it back is removed."
2 Thess. 2:7
The Holy Spirit is still in the Church and still calls and will do so until the Church is taken.
"Both the Spirit and the bride say: Come. And let him who hears say: Come. And whoever is thirsty, let him come, and whoever wants, let him take the water of life forever."
Rev. 22:17
submitted by HealthyYard6559 to u/HealthyYard6559 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 11:12 StepThruLife Just hit Master with 79% wr with my Nocturne only account

Just hit Master with 79% wr with my Nocturne only account
Just want to share with fellow Noc mains!
submitted by StepThruLife to nocturnemains [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 11:12 Count-Daring243 Best Deer Targets

Best Deer Targets
When it comes to hunting, selecting the right deer target is crucial for a successful and safe experience. In this article, we'll explore some of the top deer targets available in the market, taking into consideration factors such as accuracy, portability, and durability. Whether you're a seasoned hunter or a beginner, our roundup will provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision. So, buckle up and get ready to enhance your deer hunting adventures with our top picks.

The Top 8 Best Deer Targets

  1. Realistic Bear 3D Archery Target for Affordable Practice - The Shooter 3D Archery Targets offer a 3D realistic look and scoring rings in vital areas for improved accuracy and practice with field points or broadheads, all at an affordable price.
  2. High-Quality Crossbow Buck Target for Accurate Hunting Practice - Elevate your archery practice with the GlenDel Crossbow 3D Archery Buck Target: A high-quality, sturdy and lifelike target designed for compound bow and crossbow hunters seeking to improve their accuracy and confidence before their next big hunt.
  3. AR500-Comparable Steel Deer Target for Shooting Practice - The Champion Target Impact Steel Deer Target is a durable, highly visible shooting target with a familiar deer shape, perfect for sharpening your skills while providing endless shooting entertainment.
  4. Indoor Archery Practice Life-Size Deer Target - Experience lifelike deer targets for archery practice or competition with the durable, self-healing Big Daddy Buck by Delta McKenzie, featuring both vital rings and universal scoring for improved skills.
  5. Foam Deer Target with Locking Antlers - Replaceable Signature Series foam core for Woodland series Jimmy Big Tine target, built to withstand harsh weather and UV rays, perfect for year-round practice with compound and crossbow shots.
  6. GlenDel Pre-Rut Buck Target Replacement Core for Longlasting Deer Targets - Experience exceptional protection and durability with Glendel's Pre Rut Buck Target Replacement Core, featuring Open Layered Polyfusion Technology and replaceable inserts for optimal target life.
  7. Big Buck Target Replacement Insert for 3-D Archery - Reinforce your Big Buck Shooter 72200 Target with the 25% larger replacement core insert, designed for extended life and compatible with a variety of arrow types.
  8. EZ-Aim Four Color Whitetail Paper Target for Shooting Practice - Ezaim Four Color Whitetail Paper Targets - Perfect for any shooting game with splash technology and life-like images!
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đź”—Realistic Bear 3D Archery Target for Affordable Practice
As an archery enthusiast, I recently had the opportunity to test out the Shooter 3D Archery Targets - Bear. This 3D target was not only visually impressive with its realistic design, but also proved to be quite durable with its solid body design. While shooting with my recurve bow, I noticed that the target could withstand the impact of my arrows, despite a few passing through slightly.
The target also came with two metal poles for easy setup and ground stakes, which kept it securely in place during my practice sessions. However, one drawback was that the target didn't seem to perform as well with heavier arrows or higher draw weights. For these reasons, I would recommend the Shooter 3D Archery Targets - Bear to those using lighter setups and practicing at close distances.

đź”—High-Quality Crossbow Buck Target for Accurate Hunting Practice
I recently got my hands on the Glendel Crossbow Buck Target, and I have to say, I was impressed. The 3D buck design is so lifelike that it feels like I'm practicing on a real deer. With its long-lasting, replaceable vitals insert, I don't have to worry about my shots wearing down the target too quickly. The PolyFusion core not only makes it easier to remove arrows but also extends the life of the target, saving me money in the long run.
On the downside, I did encounter a few issues. The offset shooting zones sometimes obscure the vitals, making it harder to practice those critical shots. And, as mentioned by some reviewers, the target didn't arrive in the best condition, with one even having to put it in the trash due to flimsy construction.
Overall, the Glendel Crossbow Buck Target is a great product for those looking to up their archery game. With its realistic design and durable construction, it's a worthwhile investment for any hunter or archery enthusiast.

đź”—AR500-Comparable Steel Deer Target for Shooting Practice
As a dedicated hunter, I've been seeking the perfect deer target to improve my shooting skills. The Champion Target Impact Steel Deer Target caught my eye with its life-like deer design and tough, durable construction. The AR500-comparable steel build promised to withstand countless rounds, and the vibrant orange powder-coat made it easy to spot from afar.
Setup and maintenance were a breeze, thanks to the sturdy hanging hole. However, even though it's designed to take a beating, the noise it made was quite jarring.
Nonetheless, if you're looking to sharpen your shooting skills, this target is a reliable and visible choice.

đź”—Indoor Archery Practice Life-Size Deer Target
As I was out in my backyard practicing my archery skills, I stumbled upon the Delta McKenzie Big Daddy Buck Target. It was easy to set up and the vibrant brown color made it stand out in the greenery. The most impressive feature was the universal scoring on one side and vitals on the other, making it ideal for both hunting and tournament preparation.
In my first shot, I was pleasantly surprised by the 100% self-healing foam that allowed me to easily remove the arrows without any damage to the target. However, the first arrow didn't quite hit the mark, and I noticed that the foam wasn't as stable as I would have hoped. I reached out to Delta McKenzie's customer service and they promptly sent a replacement at no additional cost, which resolved the issue.
The Big Daddy Buck Target was truly a lifesaver during my archery competitions, and its durable construction helped me feel confident in my shots. However, the foam wasn't as sturdy as I would have hoped, which is a minor inconvenience that I had to overcome during my practice sessions.
Overall, the Delta McKenzie Big Daddy Buck Target is a fantastic product that provides excellent realism and durability for archery enthusiasts. Its large size and 100% self-healing foam make it a valuable addition to any backyard archery range, but its foam stability could be improved for even better performance.

đź”—Foam Deer Target with Locking Antlers
As a hunter and target practice enthusiast, I've always been in search of a realistic target that truly resembles my quarry. The Rinehart Woodland Big Jim Insert caught my eye with its lifelike sculpturing and airbrush detailing. Standing at 48 inches tall and 40 inches long, this target feels just right for my living room setup.
One of the aspects I particularly appreciate about this target is the locking antler feature, allowing me to use my own set of antlers if desired. Its solid FX Woodland foam construction ensures durability and resistance against harsh weather, making it a reliable choice for year-round practice.
However, I've also noticed that the Signature Series foam core, which is replaceable, has a tendency to wear out faster than I would have liked. Additionally, the target seems slightly heavier than expected, at 5.14 pounds.
Despite these minor setbacks, the Rinehart Woodland Big Jim Insert provides a realistic and sturdy target for both compound and crossbow shots, and its replaceable core adds a touch of convenience. Overall, it's a worthy investment for any avid hunter or target practice aficionado.

đź”—GlenDel Pre-Rut Buck Target Replacement Core for Longlasting Deer Targets
I recently had the chance to try the Glendel Pre Rut Buck Target Replacement Core, and I have to say, it was quite the experience. The open layered polyfusion technology definitely made a difference in the target's ability to withstand a multitude of arrows.
One of the most impressive features was the replaceable insert for longer target life. I was able to shoot a variety of deer without any issues, and it was clear that the product was designed with durability in mind. The 4-sided core made it easy to prepare for a variety of shooting angles, ensuring I had plenty of chances to practice.
However, there were a couple of drawbacks to note. The stakes that came with the target were a little too short, so I ended up having to make a quick modification. The product also came with some minor aesthetic defects, but considering it was a target, it wasn't a major concern.
Overall, I was quite pleased with my experience using the Glendel Pre Rut Buck Target Replacement Core. While it had its pros and cons, the positives definitely outweighed the negatives, making it a great choice for any archery enthusiast looking to practice their shooting skills.

đź”—Big Buck Target Replacement Insert for 3-D Archery
As a passionate archery enthusiast, I recently got my hands on the Shooter 72200 Big Buck Replacement Core Insert. This replacement insert is designed to extend the life of my Big Shooter Buck 3D Target, a thrilling and valuable addition to any archery setup.
One of the standout features of this insert is its large size - it's much bigger than the standard 3D target inserts out there. This extra space makes it a breeze to remove arrows with minimal hassle, allowing me to continue practicing and improving my skills without any unnecessary interruptions.
However, there have been a few challenges I encountered with the Shooter 72200. For instance, I sometimes find that the insert is slightly loose, making it difficult to maintain a steady and accurate shooting angle. This loose fit can be frustrating when trying to perfect my shot.
Additionally, while the product is advertised as "Made in the USA, " I couldn't help but feel that the quality could have been better for the price. There have been instances when I've needed to replace parts, and the overall durability of the product could be improved to provide better value for money.
In conclusion, the Shooter 72200 Big Buck Replacement Core Insert is a useful tool for anyone looking to extend the life of their 3D target. Though it does have minor drawbacks, the pros outweigh the cons, making it a worthwhile investment for any target shooter.

đź”—EZ-Aim Four Color Whitetail Paper Target for Shooting Practice
I remember the first time I tried out the Ezaim Four Color Whitetail Paper Target. It was a sunny day, and I was in the mood for some target practice with my rifle. When I unfolded the target, I was impressed by the life-like image of the deer, which made it feel more like a real hunt rather than just practice.
The target had multiple bullseyes, offering different points of aim for shooters like me who like to challenge themselves with accurate shooting. I found the target's ability to crumble and flake upon impact to be quite satisfying, as it symbolized the successful hit.
One downside, however, was that the target was quite large and cumbersome to store, especially when folded. I wished there was a more compact storage solution for this great product.
Overall, though, the Ezaim Four Color Whitetail Paper Target was a fantastic addition to my target-shooting routine. It offered versatility, realism, and the satisfaction of seeing my targets disintegrate upon impact. Its only drawback was the inconvenience of storage, but that was a minor issue when compared to the joy it brought to my target practice.

Buyer's Guide

Welcome to the Buyer's Guide for Deer Targets. In this section, we will discuss the essential features, considerations, and general advice for choosing the right deer target. Let's dive into the world of deer hunting and find the perfect target to enhance your sporting experience.

Materials and Durability
When selecting a deer target, it is essential to consider the materials used in its construction. High-density foam is a popular choice as it provides a realistic texture and absorbs bullets effectively. Other materials, such as rubber, can offer similar benefits. Ensure that the target can withstand multiple uses and withstand the elements, such as exposure to rain, snow, and sunlight.

Target Size and Shape

The size and shape of the deer target play a vital role in its accuracy and usability. Standard deer targets are often 18 inches long and have 5-point targeting systems to help hunters aim accurately. Opt for a target that closely resembles real deer to foster realistic shooting experiences. You may also consider selecting a model featuring three-dimensional features that simulate the actual deer's anatomy and provide extra challenge to your shooting skills.

Ease of Setup and Portability

A deer target's ease of setup and portability are crucial factors to consider, particularly if you plan to transport it frequently. Look for targets that are lightweight and come equipped with quick-tie straps, stakes, or mounts. This will allow you to set up the target quickly, making it easier for you to practice or participate in friendly shooting competitions with fellow hunters.

Price and Value

When purchasing a deer target, it is essential to weigh the price against the value it provides. Although it is tempting to opt for a lower-cost model, investing in a high-quality target offers long-term benefits in the form of durability, realism, and ease of use. Consider the target's intended use and the desired level of challenge it offers. Balancing these factors can help you select a target that provides the best value for your money.

Additional Features and Accessories

Some deer targets may offer additional features, such as integrated scoring systems or built-in target stands. Accessories, such as replacement parts or practice rounds, can also be valuable considerations. Research the target models you are interested in and ensure they have the features and accessories that suit your needs.

Tips and Advice
  • Ensure the target is placed at a safe distance and complies with local hunting regulations.
  • Practice with the target outdoors before trying it during a hunting expedition.
  • Use the appropriate ammunition for the target and adhere to recommended safety guidelines.
  • Invest in a reliable, high-quality shooting vest or jacket to protect your clothing from bullet holes.
  • Seek guidance from experienced hunters to help you develop and refine your shooting skills.
Choosing the perfect deer target involves considering various factors, such as material quality, target size and shape, setup ease, and value. By keeping these aspects in mind and following our tips and advice, you can find a target that will enhance your deer hunting experience and help you develop your shooting skills.


What are deer targets?

Deer targets are special targets designed for practicing shooting at deer-sized objects. They usually resemble the shape of a deer and are made of materials that simulate the look and feel of real deer skin or antlers. These targets help hunters improve their accuracy and aim when shooting at live animals.

What materials are deer targets typically made from?

Deer targets are usually made from materials such as high-density foam, vinyl, or rubber. These materials provide a realistic feel and can withstand repeated shots without being damaged. Some targets also use materials that simulate the look and feel of real deer skin or antlers for added realism.

How many deer targets should I buy for my shooting practice?

The number of deer targets you need depends on the type of practice you plan to do. If you only plan to practice shooting at one angle or distance, one target should suffice. However, if you want to practice from different angles and distances, it's best to buy multiple targets to simulate different deer positions.

What are the benefits of using deer targets for hunting practice?

Using deer targets for hunting practice has several benefits. First, it helps improve your accuracy and aim when shooting at live animals. Second, it allows you to practice in a controlled and safe environment without risking injury to yourself or damage to property. Finally, it helps you become more confident in your shooting abilities, which can improve your overall hunting success.

Are deer targets suitable for all types of hunting?

Deer targets are primarily designed for practicing shooting at deer-sized objects. However, they can also be used for practicing shooting at other types of game, such as elk or moose. The targets may need to be adjusted to simulate the different sizes and shapes of these animals, but they can still be used effectively for hunting practice.

Can I use deer targets for archery practice as well?

Yes, deer targets can be used for archery practice as well. The targets are designed to simulate the shape and size of a deer, which makes them a great choice for practicing shooting with a bow. Just make sure the target is suitable for archery use and that you follow all safety guidelines when using it.

How should I store my deer targets when not in use?

When storing your deer targets, make sure to keep them in a dry and protected area to prevent damage from the elements. You should also store them away from direct sunlight, as this can cause the materials to break down over time. Finally, make sure the targets are stored in a way that prevents them from being damaged by other objects or animals.

What are some safety tips to follow when using deer targets?

When using deer targets, make sure to follow all safety guidelines to prevent injury or damage. This includes wearing proper safety gear, such as gloves and eye protection, and ensuring that the target is securely positioned and properly set up. You should also make sure that the target is the appropriate size and shape for the type of shooting you plan to do, and that it is suitable for use with your firearm or bow.
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submitted by Count-Daring243 to u/Count-Daring243 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 11:12 healmehealme [Update] [TW: Consequences] How do I get over this fear of anaphylaxis?

Previous post here
TW: I mention the negative results that happened to me that might be scary. Not anaphylaxis or an allergy and no hospitals or tubes.
It’s been almost a year since I made that post, and over a year since all of this started. It’s been a very stressful period. Sorry this is long. I'm trying to be as thorough/helpful as possible because I know this is hell to experience, and want others to have an easier go of it than I have.
So to cut a very long story short, I believe I’ve figured out what was going on. Years ago I developed hypothyroidism. Was on medicine for years. Well suddenly I had become hyperthyroid. Not sure why. Doctor was of zero help for any of my issues. But I learned October of last year at my annual blood draw that I was now VERY hyperthyroid. This, I believe, was why my anxiety was so wildly out of control. It makes so much sense in retrospect, because even after a lifetime of having bad anxiety and learning how to cope (mostly lol), nothing was working this time around, and the symptoms were so much more severe.
Against my doctor’s wishes and with the help of my local pharmacist, I decided to go off of my medicine. It was a huge mess and so scary but my doctor majorly dropped the ball with me and didn’t leave me much choice anyways.
After a bit, as the medicine got out of my system, I started to calm down. Just like that. It was night and day. But my ARFID didn't magically disappear by any means.
It would take me 30min-1hr just to take a teeny nibble of a fear food. Suddenly I could do it in less than five, and wasn't reduced to tears in the process. And I didn’t rely so much on waiting 30 minutes just waiting to have a reaction and die.
It’s been months since then and I’ve been slowly reclaiming the foods that I lost. Potato was in my top three fear foods because I was washing peeled potatoes and got a hive. Now I’m back to eating it regularly. The other top two are tomatoes and peanuts, and I took a tiny lick of ketchup the other day and hope to get the nerve to try more soon because I seriously miss pizza and salad.
I still get really scared and nervous but it’s nowhere near as overwhelming. I’ve also gotten better at touching things/having things on my skin and washing my hands less than I was.
Two important notes for others going through this though.
First, if you severely restricted your diet/eating, as you start to recover there’s a good chance your hair will start falling out in small or large clumps. And the strands will become super fine. Mine sure did. It was incredibly distressing. This took 3-4 months to get better but it WILL get better. Supposedly your hair is affected by how you ate months ago, so it takes a bit to catch up and play out. Now I only lose a few when I brush or shower, like normal. Brush your hair as little as possible. I have long hair and kept mine in a loose braid with a soft scrunchy, not a tight rubber band, which helped a lot to keep the fine hairs from matting up as easily, so I didn't have to brush as much. I also showered less often...sucked, but it helped.
Secondly, at my worst I ended up developing scurvy. This was also super distressing and I had to fight really hard to trust cranberry juice so I could have a glass a day and get my full vitamin C requirement. I had scurvy for 2-4 months or so but turned out fine. Just try not to let it get that far. I was too afraid to take vitamins (still am) so it was quite a difficult spot to be in.
Also, I had SO MANY “allergic reaction” symptoms. Especially hives, itching, nausea, tight throat, etc. It wasn’t an allergy, it was anxiety. I still get all of these symptoms from time to time. What I eat doesn’t matter, they just happen, especially when I’m stressed.
Now I just have a few foods left to try and learn to trust again. Tomatoes, peanuts, pineapple, watermelon, fresh corn (though I do eat processed corn now), olives, apples, lettuce, grapes, cherries mustard, and maybe a few others I’m forgetting.
This list is longer than what my safe foods list used to be.
I just wanted to share this to show that it can get better, and while I’m not a doctor and this isn’t medical advice, there could be something else going on to keep you so anxious about food so it’s worth exploring. All of this was an extension of severe stress I went through in November of 2022, and I was in a stress spiral for the following year, then in 2023 it culminated into the ARFID, helped along by the hyperthyroidism exacerbating my anxiety levels.
Also, no, I never got an allergy test. I didn’t see a therapist. I did watch Felix Economakis’ therapy session videos someone here on Reddit shared and found them helpful, but I didn’t use the hypnosis part lol.
A few tips, in case they might be helpful to anyone:
If you need to talk about your ARFID (at least the kind where you're afraid of anaphylaxis), I'll be happy to try to help however I can. :]
submitted by healmehealme to ARFID [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 11:11 placebo92 Please me pick a SUV for daily use, but also some car camping and off-roading under about 40k cad

My main considerations in order of priority: 1. Long term reliability 2. Fun factor / off road capability 3. Fuel economy
Fuel economy isn't a huge concern for me, as I have a truck for work, so this will be mostly for groceries and errands, and weekend car camping trips around the Vancouver BC area. My budget is around $40k cad, so will likely be looking for a few years old used model. I plan on keeping the car for hopefully decades to come. Here are the 4 vehicles I have narrowed it down to:
Each choice seems to have its upsides and downsides, and I keep going round and round in my head.. Please offer me your opinions on what you think is the best vehicle here, or your suggestion for one to consider outside of the list. Thank you!
submitted by placebo92 to whatcarshouldIbuy [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 11:11 elnegro23 VSF - VC Overseas 4500v

VSF - VC Overseas 4500v
Hi - added a second watch to my first purchase from Steve at theonewatches and would like some help with QC
  1. Dealer name: theonewatches
  2. Factory name: VSF
  3. Model name (& version number): Vacheron Constantin 4500v
  4. Price Paid: $528
  5. Album Links:
  6. Index alignment: looks good to me
  7. Dial Printing: looks good
  8. Date Wheel alignment/printing: looks good on single digits. I requested additional pictures/video for double digits
  9. Hand Alignment: looks good
  10. Bezel: looks good
  11. Solid End Links (SELs): good
  12. Timegrapher numbers: 2s/d
  13. Anything else you notice: know the purpose isn’t to compare to gen but not sure if the lighting or what but I thought there was sort of a ring that wraps around the minute marker but it’s not visible here
submitted by elnegro23 to RepTimeQC [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 11:11 pehagahdeh No stir = better?

Over time, I have realized that no stir AT ALL after putting the water in, equals consistently rounder, sweeter coffee. Anyone else?... 12.5 grams, dark roast, 1ZPresso X-Pro S at 1-1-8, water at 80 degrees at 2 cup mark,, around 1 minute steeping time, a splash of cold water after brewing.)
submitted by pehagahdeh to AeroPress [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 11:11 technocraticnihilist What everyone should know about housing policy

What everyone should know about housing policy submitted by technocraticnihilist to austrian_economics [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 11:10 jaxoniuto Calf and ankle tension

Calf and ankle tension
Hey everyone, I've been running for about a month now, and lately when I run for more than 2 minutes at a time I get this weird cramp-like sensation in my calf and ankle region. It doesn't hurt, just a lot of tension, Iike my leg turning into wood. It doesn't hurt after the run either, only when I run. I took a vid of me running to check my form and I'm suspecting the problem is me putting my feet a bit too far away from me? Or could it be something else, like weak muscles? Also I try to consciously land on my midfoot, but sometimes I unknowingly run on my forefoot because it feels like that's where my midfoot is... Besides running I walk 90% barefoot and try to keep an eye on my gait to keep my feet "under my body", but I sometimes forget and take long strides, and I'm wondering if this also contributes to the tension when running... If anyone had similar experiences I'd love to hear it
submitted by jaxoniuto to BarefootRunning [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 11:10 brocky28 My wife of 15 years wants to be with her ex of over 20 years ago.

Sorry for the long winded post. My wife 41, and I 43, have been open minded sexually for our entire relationship. We have explored fantasys together, we have traveled the world together. We have done houses up and recently built a new house in that we live in together, for 2.5 years.
A long time ago my wife told me she has unfinished business with her ex that brought her to NZ from Romania 20 years ago. That relationship lasted 6 months before she left him. She has no family here apart from her two boys from her previous marriage another ex.
We have lived very good lives she has a business where she works from a studio that we built into the house. And I have work at a port. Loading big ships. We do pritty well. However the interest rats on the mortgage has added stress and we now don't really have much spare for fun or holidays like we used to. We love going away gold panning to the south island of NZ. Or to Thailand or back home to her home land Romania.
My wife now clames she is in love with her ex and that he is her one true love and that it will never go away. This guy turned up on my door step and flipped our marriage upside down.
My wife says you can't help who you love and that she does not love me as a man should be loved. But I hat she still loves and cares for me. It's really confusing. 15 years. She sita here next to me as I type this.
She talks about fantasy stuff with this guy uncle based things and pregnancy and all sorts of really not good things. My wife is 41 and I am 43
I know that I have to let her go but she has absolutely no fall back as she is about to stop her business and do this big walk across NZ called Te Aroaroa. It's 3000km and she has not done a day or training. I am petrified for her safety actually. I have no idea what to do. I don't like to use labels but I have reason to belive she is having some sort of midlife crises.
I as her husband are a decant man. I do suffer from anxious attachment that I know does not help matters.. Makes me look weak and stuff. But I do most of the house hold chores and out door chores.. Food shopping or most other things... Simply because I am very efficient and don't spend more than what is needed. I am a caring man. Non abuseive and very capable.
Wife says I am the best husband ever and that life is easy with me.. But she wants out. Literally within 3 weeks of this ex of hers turning up out of the blue.
This ex of hers has never been with another woman since my wife 20 years ago. He lives in the same house. And is not used to a woman living with him.
I am so concerned about my wifes decisions. I love her so much. And before you all make me feel like some sort of weakling for not kicking this woman to the streets.. Let me tell you I think about it every second. I think about doing lawyers and separation agreements and flipping the switch on her like she has me.
Trouble is I am kind hearted and thus guy has been there or there abouts for many years. And I also really think my wife needs help. But I can't approach that topic because she thinks she knows everything. Astrology and tarrot and enlightened soul.. She knows she is a flight risk. She knows she changes her mind like her underpants. She knows she is betraying me.. She says she does not want to ruin me... She want me to be happy for her. That's she is leaving me.... Jeepers all this sounds rather too much.. I hope someone reads this and understands.
submitted by brocky28 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 11:09 Karixolu Majority of my issues with the game after playing the past week.

Snipers: Zoom too quickly, have no flinch, have 1hKO from upper body to head (Stomach in the case of Tac-50).
Solution: Despite not making much sense, reduce damage close, like the Marksman rifles. 80 Dmg close, reaching 100 Dmg at around 20+m. They should be your long range choice. Increase time to scope in, make ADS Speed attachments have Sprint to Shoot penalties/Meaningful Fire-rate penalties.
AR's: Very well rounded, due to the middling stats of each weapon, attachments feel like they have impact.
Solution: ?
SMG: Fire rate is the only stat that matters. They should not beat out a shotgun point blank range. Bunny hopping mobility is too high, accuracy is not punished while ADS and jumping.
Solution: Harsher bullet damage drop off. They should be good close range. They should not beat AR's in Mid-High by sheer amount of bullet.
Shotguns: TTK is very fast, when you get in a good position, they dominate, if anything 15m+ happens, you're SoL. All shotguns feel they have a nice niche. Jumping 1-2 times reduces accuracy by 200%~. Explain the barrel going from a 10° angle to 180° and all shots splattering out randomly.
Solution: Majority of attachments are meaningless. Fire-rate is negligible. Effective range, and damage are the only things that matter. Make the attachements DO something.
Marksman rifles: If you're good, you ruin people consistently from long range. Close range damage is lower, and stronger at mid-Long range.
Solution: Give them more identity. Make attachments actually shape the weapon. Have them be like a semi-auto AR, or a semi-auto sniper.
LMG: My most used weapon class. Fire-rate is the only stat that matters, meaning the M60 and RPK lose every time to the M249. Effective ranges don't matter as long as you're pumping bullets.
Solution: Increase damage on RPK/M60 to balance out the slower fire-rate, have them be zone holding weapons.
Abilities for Cleaners: They both feel like they have their uses. I like. Lower damage, increase duration for zone holding/denial
Abilities for Phantoms: They have their uses, and respective counterplay. Riot shield should have HP/Slow down while being shot. Increase coverage zone of player so getting shot in the foot doesn't kill you.
Abilities for Echelon: Lower the pulse frequency, and time it reveals enemies. Increase the duration of the ability to compensate. Invis is fine, though being caught out should momentarily stun you. Why are you being caught out!
Abilities for Libertad: Pills should have lower healing, and multiple charges, and larger AoE for their ability to really shine as a supportive, team based ability. Deployable should have charges, but higher CD. Use them wisely, but don't punish!
Abilities for Deadsec: Spiderbot is very inconsistent with how it gets destroyed by yourself, teammates being able to shoot it off is great. Throw and forget, feels bad to use, and be affected by. Hacking is actually really fun, but only effects 4 abilities. Barrier. Spiders. Drones. Deployable healing. Option to throw down your device in an area to steal/disable an enemies ability when they pass over it would be neat.
Overall: Class passives feel like they could be tuned up a little more, for more identity between classes. Movement feels sluggish when using anything but SMG/Pistol.
Your movement should be based on your overall weapon class, not current equipped weapon. Taking out my pistol makes the 20lbs LMG on my back lighter??
TTK in the game is too fast. People die in split seconds usually, which, combined with the fact maps have 3-5 points of entry to contested zones, with too many back alleys to count often leads to surprise kills. 200 HP for Phantoms, make them slower. (Can still be 1 shot to the head by snipers), 175 for cleaners, 150 for Deadsec/Libertad and 125 for Echelon, make them faster. Silent steps. They're covert. Give the classes more identity. The abilities should reflect their playstyle. Frontline Phantom running an ALMG/Shotgun should be common place. Echelon running SMG/Shotgun/Sniper depending on playstyle. You're able to swap weapons, classes, and even attachments mid-game for goodness sake.
Make attachments ACTUALLY IMPACT THE WEAPONS. My biggest point of contention with this game is that the attachments feel so inconsequential half the time. 2.5% Fire-rate on 80RPM shotgun?? Right, now I can fire 2 more rounds from my shotgun every minute. It's meaningless. 10% Dmg, making 14 Dmg become 15? That means I have to hit 7/12 pellets, not 8/12 for a kill. 2.5% on an 825 RPM SMG? 20 Extra bullets per minute. That feels like it matters. 10% Dmg, making a 6 Bullet kill to the body become a..! 6 bullet kill to the body! The attachment serves no purpose.
There is no identity in any of the attachments, and it's frustrating to see such a modular system be ignored. The % stat increases need to be increased based on the weapons, not a general coat of paint across them all. 25% Fire-rate on the shotgun, but increase spread. 20% Dmg on SMG, but decrease fire-rate.
That's my feedback / ranting.
submitted by Karixolu to XDefiant [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 11:09 Dyain_ I had a fight with my mom and I think it was the final nail in the coffin for our relationship

my moms been dating her boyfriend "J" for the past 2 years now, but I met him only once during the first year. I guess the root of this started when she began inviting him to things without asking. first time I remember this was for my birthday dinner last year. she had only asked me if it was ok at midnight the night before. (he's a farmer, planting season had just gotten done. he definitely wasn't awake.)
pretty much right after my birthday, she started going to his place every Friday for date nights.that quickly became every Friday Saturday and Sunday, sometimes more. it depended on the week but it was always those 3 days atleast. the only days I got her were a few week days where I had only 2 or 3 hours with her before she had to go to bed. God forbid I wanted to do somthing with her. it was always about how much she hated whatever I suggested or it wouldn't be worth it cuz we'd have to drive to the city and have water it was close in an hour. and then she would refuse to take time of to give us more time to do stuff. but she's always complaining about having to much pto time saved and she always jumps to use it to be with J more.
even the times I do have her she always manages to bring him up and text him like 50 times. if it's some event mom makes a big speech about how much he wanted to be there. people at my school have started to think he's my dad and it makes me want to puke. honestly, she can't go without him for 10 minutes but it's fine to leave me alone for 10 hours without checking in!
but anyways there's been a couple times she actually managed to be home when I've cried about this and she's tying so hard to get me to tell her what's wrong. (she has a habit of asking what's wrong then lashing out if it's about her or making me feel worse if it's about something else so I've learned to just shut up till she leaves.)
today, I already had to plan around her and her Js hangouts to do a celebratory dinner for me finishing juiner year and we had to bring my aunt because I want to go to an Indian place and I don't know a lot about it yet but my aunt does. so she'd essentially be our baby sitter. mom confidently told me that yesterday at lunch sounded like a good time for it so I thought she had texted my aunt and they had figured out a time together before i did. turns out, NOPE! she had ment that she had confirmed with J that it was a good time for it (mind you I never told her to invite him) and she never texted my aunt because she thought I was doing it. so because of that my aunt couldn't make it and we had to cancel.
my mom kept trying to convince me to just go with them and it would be okay but I'm not comfortable around him! I never was! she just assumed that since we got along once or twice that he can come along to everything without asking me. so I didn't want to go to the Indian place with just them, especially since I know if food involved I'll just be third wheeling them the whole time (it's happend before). after thst I was distant and that's when she kept prying for me to open up to her about what's wrong.
I tried. I tried so hard to word it in the nicest way possible. so that she could take the lest offense and actually listen to me.
"I feel like you spend to much time with him" "it feels like you always bring him up when you are around" "I feel like a burden around you"
you wanna know what she said back to me
"first of all, your stupid for thinking your a burden. and second I am allowed to have a boyfriend." "if you can invite other people [my other FAMILY member] then J can be there." "he's in my life and that means he's in yours" "I am not gone that much you are lying"
by the end of everything she was yelling and cussing at me about every little thing I've ever done wrong while I was just sitting there crying.
at one point, she told me "it my problem you dont have any friends to go be with when im not hand holding you." that hurt so much, she knows how hard it's been the last few years for me to connect to people. she knows I've tried so hard to be on better terms with people at my school. she knows what happened to my "friend" I thought I had this year. and she still said that. no, correction, she YELLED that.after all of that, she then went to go stay at Js place for the night.
and now, she's just trying to pretend nothing happend. asked me to go with her and J to a surprise part and got prissy when I said I didn't want to and because I was still distant today. turns out she wasn't bothered by anything that happened just hours after our fight. I know this cuz my brother (moved out cuz he got sick of her antics) had a 20 minute call with her were she was all cheery and joyful. mind you st this time I was crying to myself in my room.
there's so many thing outside of this too that's happened this year. but if I wrote it down it'd be a 300 page book. if someone curious about other events that have happened or for more details just ask.
I need to get out of here the second I turn 18 or I swear I'll go crazy in the empty house. thanks if anyone actually read this word vomit of a reddit post.
submitted by Dyain_ to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 11:09 IllInspection3639 My hair is very straight and flat. The first 2 photos are me and the 2nd 2 is my current dream hair. Is there anyway i can achieve this? or someway i can add volume/texture while keeping it long? im open to getting a trim but not sure what can be done through that, any suggestions are appreciated :)

My hair is very straight and flat. The first 2 photos are me and the 2nd 2 is my current dream hair. Is there anyway i can achieve this? or someway i can add volume/texture while keeping it long? im open to getting a trim but not sure what can be done through that, any suggestions are appreciated :) submitted by IllInspection3639 to Hair [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 11:09 ConsequenceSure3063 Best Decut Arrow Saw

Best Decut Arrow Saw
Are you in search of the perfect saw for your cutting needs? Look no further! In this article, we're rounding up some of the best products available and bringing them right to your fingertips. Get ready to discover the Decut Arrow Saw, a tool that promises effortless and precise cuts. So sit back, relax, and let's delve into the world of saws together!

The Top 5 Best Decut Arrow Saw

  1. DeWalt 20V Max Drywall Cut-Out Tool: Fast and Precise Cutting with Tool-Free Bit Changes - The DeWalt DCE555B 20V MAX Drywall Cut-Out Tool with a brushless motor ensures fast and clean cutting, offering tool-free bit changes for ease and a compact design for reduced fatigue during extended use.
  2. Festool TS 75 EQ-F-Plus-FS Plunge Cut Track Saw for Precise Cuts - The Festool 576119 Plunge Cut Track Saw TS 75 EQ-F-Plus-FS is a powerful and accurate tool, offering perfectly straight and splinter-free cuts with minimal risk of kickback, making it an essential addition to any woodworking project.
  3. Decut Mini Arrow Saw with Miter Vice - Streamline your small-scale crafts with the Jounjip Mini Miter Chop Saw, delivering ultra-smooth and precise cuts on wood, plastic, and light metals, all while offering superior portability and ease of use for hobby and DIY enthusiasts.
  4. Precision Arrow Saw for Carbon and Aluminum Shafts with Dust Collector - Carbon Express CX Arrow Saw with Dust Collector: Trusted for cutting carbon and aluminum shafts with its Heavy Duty Motor, precision-blade system, and dust-free operation.
  5. Fast and Efficient Double Gang Electric Box Cutter - The Arrow Fastener OSCGB2-1 Double Gang Box Cutter offers unmatched speed and ease in cutting through drywall, making installation of electrical boxes effortless and efficient.
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đź”—DeWalt 20V Max Drywall Cut-Out Tool: Fast and Precise Cutting with Tool-Free Bit Changes
I recently had the chance to try out the DeWalt 20V MAX Drywall Cut-Out Tool, and let me tell you, it's a game-changer for any drywall work you have in your life. One feature that stood out to me was the tool-free bit change - it's so much easier to make any necessary adjustments without needing extra tools. Plus, the LED light illuminates dark work surfaces, allowing you to make precise cuts.
Of course, no tool is perfect, and I noticed a few drawbacks as well. My biggest complaint is the battery and charger not being included - it can be a bit of an annoyance having to purchase those separately. The size and weight are quite compact, which is great for reducing fatigue during extended use, but it might not be as suitable for larger tasks.
Using this cut-out tool has been a breeze, and I can confidently say it's a must-have addition to any DIYer's or professional's toolbox. Now that I've experienced its features, I'm excited to tackle more drywall projects with ease.

đź”—Festool TS 75 EQ-F-Plus-FS Plunge Cut Track Saw for Precise Cuts
I've been using the Festool TS 75 EQ-F-Plus-FS, and it's been an absolute game-changer in my woodworking projects. The combination of its Festool guide rails and the spring-loaded riving knife make for a smooth and splinter-free cutting experience. The slip clutch not only minimizes the risk of kickback but also helps to protect the blade, gear case, and motor from wear and tear. Changing the blade is now a breeze with Festool's FastFix system, which not only locks the switch and arbor together but also ensures it's safely removed.
This saw is a powerhouse, capable of cutting through 2-3/4" thick material with pinpoint accuracy. Its cutting depth and capacity have made it an invaluable tool for projects like cutting solid doors, truing rough lumber, and even cutting stacked sheet goods. I've grown accustomed to the TS 75's strength and precision, and I can confidently say it's a saw I can rely on for all my woodworking needs. Try it out, and you'll never want to go back to a different saw.

đź”—Decut Mini Arrow Saw with Miter Vice
Using the Jounjip Mini Miter Cut-off Chop Saw has been a game-changer for my hobby woodworking projects. I was immediately drawn to its compact size and lightweight design, making it a breeze to take with me on trips. This little workhorse can cut through some thick materials without any hassle. The high speed of 7800 RPMs has saved me a ton of time, especially when cutting the narrower 273/5.56 brass cases for my arrows.
One thing that took me slightly off-guard was the blade's sharpness, which required a bit of extra caution. But overall, the saw has been a fantastic addition to my hobby tool kit. It cuts through the materials smoothly, leaving no rough edges that would typically require sanding. If you're into small-scale hobbies like stained glass work, miniature woodworking, or even crafting carbon fiber arrow shafts, this Jounjip saw is a fantastic choice. With a 1-year warranty to boot, you've got nothing to lose!

đź”—Precision Arrow Saw for Carbon and Aluminum Shafts with Dust Collector
As an avid archer, I'm always on the lookout for reliable tools to make my life easier. The Carbon Express CX Arrow Saw was a game-changer for me.
Its heavy-duty dust-collecting motor made quick work of cutting arrow shafts, and I couldn't believe how clean the cuts were. The rotating micro-blade made the process smooth and hassle-free.
However, I have to admit that the instruction manual was a bit confusing, and I wish it were easier to understand. Overall, this arrow saw is definitely a go-to for any serious arrow builder and archer.

đź”—Fast and Efficient Double Gang Electric Box Cutter
The Arrow Fastener OSCGB2-1 Double Gang Box Cutter offers a swift and efficient solution for cutting through drywall during the installation of double gang electrical boxes. Measuring 4 inches by 3-3/4 inches, this compact tool proves perfect for those situations.
Constructed from stamped steel, this box cutter promises longevity and durability. Its compatibility with most oscillating multi-tools in the industry further enhances its versatility. However, one drawback worth mentioning is that it seems to be originating from China, which might be a concern for some users when considering the product's authenticity and quality standards.

Buyer's Guide

A Decut Arrow Saw can be a versatile and essential tool for various woodworking projects. It is crucial to consider essential features, considerations, and general advice to make the right purchase decision.

Important Features
  • Material: Look for a Decut Arrow Saw made of high-quality materials that can withstand the wear and tear of daily use.
  • Blade Length and Thickness: A longer blade is more suitable for cutting larger wood pieces, while a thicker blade offers better durability and cutting capacity.
  • Size and Weight: Consider the size and weight of the saw to ensure ease of use and portability for your projects.
  • Handle: A comfortable and secure handle will provide grip and control during use.


When selecting a Decut Arrow Saw, consider your woodworking projects and requirements. Are you a beginner or a professional? What size of wood will you be cutting? Do you need the saw for outdoor or indoor use? Answering these questions will help you choose the right tool for your needs.

General Advice

  • Maintenance: Proper maintenance of your Decut Arrow Saw will ensure its longevity. Clean and oil the blade regularly to keep it sharp and rust-free.
  • Safety: Always use safety gears such as gloves and eye protection while working with a Decut Arrow Saw. Keep the blade away from children and pets.
  • Experience: If you are a beginner, practice with a smaller, less expensive saw before investing in a high-quality Decut Arrow Saw. This will help you gain experience and confidence in using the tool effectively.
In conclusion, investing in a Decut Arrow Saw requires considering important features, understanding your needs and requirements, and being knowledgeable about the tool's maintenance and safety. Choosing the right Decut Arrow Saw will enable you to complete your woodworking projects efficiently and effectively.


What is the Decut Arrow Saw?

The Decut Arrow Saw is a versatile and efficient cutting tool designed for a variety of tasks such as cutting trees, branches, and other hard materials. It is lightweight and features a sharp blade that allows for quick and accurate cuts, making it suitable for both professional and DIY users.

What materials can the Decut Arrow Saw be used on?
The Decut Arrow Saw can be used on various materials such as trees, branches, wood, and PVC. Its sharp blade is designed to cut through these materials with ease, ensuring a clean and precise cut.

What is the blade length of the Decut Arrow Saw?

The Decut Arrow Saw comes with a blade length of 7.5 cm, which allows for a comfortable and efficient cutting experience.

Is the Decut Arrow Saw suitable for professional use?

Yes, the Decut Arrow Saw is suitable for professional use due to its durability, efficiency, and ease of use. It can handle a variety of cutting tasks and is designed to withstand the demands of professional use.

Is the Decut Arrow Saw easy to use?

Yes, the Decut Arrow Saw is easy to use even for beginners. It features a lightweight design and a comfortable grip, which makes it easy to handle and maneuver. Additionally, its sharp blade ensures quick and efficient cutting.

What safety precautions should be taken when using the Decut Arrow Saw?

  • Always wear safety goggles and gloves while using the saw.
  • Keep the blade sharp to prevent it from slipping or breaking during use.
  • Use caution when making cuts, especially in tight spaces or near obstacles.
  • Ensure the area around the cutting site is clear of debris and other obstacles.

Is the Decut Arrow Saw easy to clean and maintain?

Yes, the Decut Arrow Saw is easy to clean and maintain. Simply rinse it with water and dry it thoroughly before storing it away.

How long does the Decut Arrow Saw last?

The longevity of the Decut Arrow Saw depends on the frequency and duration of use, as well as proper maintenance. However, with proper care, the saw can last for several years.

Where can I buy the Decut Arrow Saw?

The Decut Arrow Saw can be purchased online or at select hardware stores. Be sure to compare prices and read customer reviews before making a purchase.
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submitted by ConsequenceSure3063 to u/ConsequenceSure3063 [link] [comments]