
Tucking and banking?

2015.03.24 00:06 cis-trans-isomerism Tucking and banking?

Ok so I'm (mtf) pre-everything (except a little laser). I was reading this awesome article, and it mentions about sperm taking 90 days to mature and about how tucking can negatively impact fertility (although it sounds temporary). And I'd heard things of a similar nature before.
But would I have to go without tucking or HRT (I'd really like to start soon) for 90 days for it to be worthwhile? For the record I tuck all day for maybe 1-2 days a week at most and sometimes (maybe another 2-3 days a week max) for just evening time (maybe like 4 hours on average, so a total of around 30hrs/week). Also sometimes I like a little bit of muffing maybe...
Are all of these going to have to stop for a period of time before banking? Can I get a fertility test before banking so I could bank sooner rather than later maybe? There is a possibility (slim though it might be) that I'll want children someday and I don't want to eliminate that as a possibility, but I also don't want to have to not tuck for 3 months...
submitted by cis-trans-isomerism to ask_transgender [link] [comments]