Diarrhea sore throat fever

FNA results came back indeterminate on 6cm nodule. Feeling stressed and confused…

2024.06.09 02:59 Ok_Chemical_7904 FNA results came back indeterminate on 6cm nodule. Feeling stressed and confused…

Hi all, first time poster here!
The story goes, I (26f) found a large nodule on the right side of my thyroid back in February, went to see my GP who sent me for an ultrasound and blood tests. Bloods were done in Feb and came back completely normal. At the ultrasound they found 2 nodules, one was about 2cm and the other 6cm. With this my GP referred me for an FNA that was finally done in late May and got my results back 2 weeks later - last Thursday. They said that the smaller nodule had come back as benign but that the larger 6cm nodule had come back as indeterminate and they want me to go back and have a second FNA in 6-8 weeks time.
My GP had mentioned the possibility of surgery due to the size of the nodule as well as the pain and other issues it is causing me and I’m not sure if it will be a waste of money and time to go for the second FNA if ultimately I will likely have to get it removed anyway. She told me to make the appointment for the next FNA but if I feel like my symptoms are worsening to come back and she will refer me to a surgeon.
I’m just feeling a bit lost at the moment and unsure of what the best next move is. I’m in constant pain, have a hard time catching my breath, my heart will randomly start racing throughout the day, I’m gagging and dry heaving most days and have had a sore throat for God knows how long. I just want to feel like a normal person.
Do I push for the referral for surgery or do I wait and go through with the second FNA and see if they find anything?
Thanks in advance 🦋
submitted by Ok_Chemical_7904 to thyroidcancer [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:39 Upset-Touch713 Guys is my fever bad? Be honest...

(14f)(5'4)(197.3lbs) My fever is 101.0°F and I feel horrible, what should I take (took 2 Tylenol already) and should I take a cold shower to bring it down? Please help me I feel fatal. I don't even know what I have but I'd rather have covid then whatever tf I have rn 😭. Might have the stomach flu I think, vomited 3 times already and my head is throbbing. I also have diarrhea, water based and horrible indigestion and gas. I feel tired 24/7, my eyes hurt and my body is trembling violently. 😭 what do I do!? Please help! 😭🙏
I Have HS, (Hidradenitis suppurativa), and Anxiety.
I was prescribed propranolol for Anxiety (I don't take it anymore), and nothing for my HS.
It all started with yesterday when I went to a friend's house and started having what I thought was an Anxiety attack because of how overwhelming the place was, I felt sick to my stomach and nausea then asked to use the restroom where I then voluntarily vomited as I couldn't take the nausea anymore and needed relief. It helped me calm down for a bit but the anxiety was still there, later on they drove me home and on the way home, I asked my friends mother to stop the car as I felt nauseous, I then threw up involuntarily outside on the curb. When I got home, I had diarrhea and a throbbing headache, it was around 11 when I hot home. I fell asleep and then woke up around 1:40am throwing up in my sleep. I ran to the restroom and vomited, but a yellow, watery liquid instead of clumps of food like the past two. Mother was alerted, she gave me nausea medication, (I don't know what she gave me) and the. I went back to sleep and woke up with a 100.0°F fever, then it dropped to 99.9°F fever then spiked to 101.0°F and my head throbs in pain.
submitted by Upset-Touch713 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:31 THROWRA-done2345 How long for taste and smell to come back?

So I tested positive Monday, first time I have had COVID. Monday- noon on Thursday I had headache, sore throat, body aches, and fatigue but no fever. Half way through Thursday I started to get congestion and by Friday morning I could hardly breath and lost my taste and smell… this is my first time with COVID I have already taken a week off of work and I don’t know what to do… when should this go away? I am resting, lots of fluids, taking ibuprofen/ Tylenol and starting today Sudafed and nasal spray for congestion.. what else can I do ?? Thank you 🙏
submitted by THROWRA-done2345 to COVID19positive [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:16 ProfessionalAd7417 Me vs Rabies

16m Myanmar. So on the 3rd of may, I went up to a stray cat and tried petting it and it bit me on my left hand and right. Bite was around a half a cm deep. I knew that we have bats flying around every night around my house so I freaked out, "what if it had rabies". Many dogs around here died of rabies but I assumed I had at least a few days without the vaccine.
Cat bite - may 3rd Date of Shots. May 5th 2x shots, / 24th,/ 2nd of June.
2 days goes by. May 5th. Went to hospital and Took 2 shots on both of my arms. Here's where my ignorance might've killed me. Doc told me to come back on the. After 7 days. But I didn't. And another week goes by and I'm on the 14th day. Still didn't take the shot. Cuz I thought It was nothing. Only then I start developing this fever on the 20th of may, it wouldn't go away. It's just high body temp. No other symptoms. But a slight headache.
So I took another shot on the 24th and the doc renewed My schedule. And I freaked out cuz I thought what if I have rabies. And died so young. So I started panicking and stressing out of my mind to the point I can't sleep for days.
After a few days, the headache started to worsen and I get this sensation, like my blood vessels are about to Burst. And I also got tingling feeling on both of my hands, lasted for a few hours.
Now I'm here, on the 9th of June 2024. I have this feeling of something's stuck just under to my larynx, also a sore throat that goes and comes back. When I check my throat with a mirror I saw yellioish little bumbs as well. _ Throat spasms started mild but now I can hardly breathe sometimes. I can drink water and eat well with good apatite But I keep having spasms on my throat and it's killing me, I can't breath much. I can shallow my own saliva, but it's hard to. Feels like you can't sometimes. And right when I wake up from a sleep, the spasms is not as intense but right after I eat a meal it just comes flooding back with intense spasms, but I can drink. Also I have random twitchings throughout the day.
S - I started having symptoms of rabies 20 days ago. And started having sore throat and spasms for about 3 - 6 days now.
If anyone can knows if I really have rabies or I'm just tripping balls. Thank you all. 💓🤞
submitted by ProfessionalAd7417 to rabies [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:59 Vivid-Bell-2615 Please help. Oral issues

Gave a guy oral around 3 weeks ago. He claims he was tested and clean. Now I have a ulcer on the tip of my tongue that hurts. And I noticed 2 smaller ones on the side I'm hoping it's just canker sores from stress but I did take a full std test just to be sure. Also note I've had a sore throat but it is allergy season. Someone help!
submitted by Vivid-Bell-2615 to STD [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:58 Anhivae Is it ok with a cold?

Hey, does anyone know is it's ok to take when you have a sore throat and also irritated nasal canals? I have a cold, it's not bad and throat is getting better but i don't wanna introduce a potential irritant? Unless it's ok or maybe even healing in some way?
Thank you
submitted by Anhivae to rapeh [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:51 Away-Leg-525 Possible loss limbo

Currently 5w6d pregnant based on LMP but based on ovulation I’m 20DPO, I ovulated later, and typically have 32-35 day cycles. I tracked ovulation with Inito fertility tracker so I’m pretty sure in ovulating later. I got a BPF 9 dpo and have had great line progression since. 48 hours ago I started experiencing pretty intense cramping accompanied by a lot of diarrhea (TMI) on top of a lot of nausea and just feeling awful. I experienced some pink discharge that only happened when I wiped and stoped by the morning. My doctor referred me to the ER to rule out ectopic. The heaviness and soreness in my breasts also decreased around the time the cramping began. The ER said my beta was 4,956 and they did a tv US. Alls they could see was a gs that was 4mm and no yolk. They said they should be able to see the yolk sac by now but it could be to early and to get my betas rechecked in two days. It says on my paperwork most likely spontaneous abortion. It’s been quite the rollercoaster of emotions and I just don’t know what to think about anything. The cramping has subsided a lot and the diarrhea and spotting has completely stopped. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced something similar.
submitted by Away-Leg-525 to CautiousBB [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:48 Commercial_Affect113 I didn’t even do anything differently, but it’s so bad today

submitted by Commercial_Affect113 to TrollCoping [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:06 jxsmarie Sick & have bad congestion

I’m currently 29 weeks pregnant & i’ve been sick for a couple of days now, i can barely breathe through my nose and my throat is really sore, i’ve went my whole pregnancy without taking medicine even the ones that they say are “safe” bc i simply don’t want to risk anything, do yall have any home remedies or natural ways to feel better or at least to help with the congestion?
submitted by jxsmarie to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:05 trencherswear Being treated for sepsis at home. Need to know when I should start feeling better.

Age 24
Sex: F
Height: 5’7
Weight: 145lbs
Race: Caucasian
Duration of complaint: Since May 14
Location: Western Canada
Current medications: Dienogest (2mg) Concerta (36mg) Topiramate (50mg)
Hello, I ended up with a positive pharmacy swab for Group A Strep May 14. Walk in doctor in my area (Western Canada) only gave me 7 days of Amoxicillin. I felt wrong about it (like it should have been longer) but foolishly didn’t question, and took the full 7. Sore throat remained, my GP was out of town for almost 2 and a half weeks after, I waited for him…
I got a lot worse in that time. Struggled with fatigue, insomnia, migrating joint pain to lower back pain, dizziness, weakness… you get the picture. I saw my GP once he returned, he suspected mono but didn’t test, and gave me 10 days of another round of Amoxicillin. 3 days in on the antibiotic I’m shivering and shaking, with a fever, the body pain persists, the confusion really set in - I couldn’t safely drive. My pancreas was causing me pain, shortness of break has been consistent for a good week, everyone tells me the ER is the next step.
They couldn’t culture me because I’m in the process of antibiotics, which is very fair. My fever is low grade, but my symptoms are pretty significant. They test for viruses and it all comes back negative, they send me home because my fever isn’t high enough to admit me, but they say it’s “early sepsis”. Come back if it’s worse in any way.
There’s a stronger antibiotic and even a steroid he gave me, I filled it as soon as I could the next day with the help of a friend. I’ve passed 24 hour but this morning my pancreas was incredibly bothersome, wrapping around my back. Got a lot worse with drinking water or eating. Mind you, I’m not eating much to begin with, think every 24 hours most. Reflux to go along. The steroid was meant to last me for two days, so I just took my last dose. The antibiotics I was given should last for 10. I’m keeping an eye on my temp, still low 100’s.
I should continue to give it a couple of days right? Anything I should look out for aside from progression in fever? I’m just worried I won’t be entirely functional Monday when my family needs me. Trying very hard to be ahead of this. I’m not sure if I’ve ever felt worse in my life. Thank you all
submitted by trencherswear to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:48 missbitterness Why is my dog eating her poop?

I know this is a thing dogs do when they are stressed sometime, or if they are deficient in some vitamin. My dog is a foster so she is definitely stressed, but I don’t think she’s deficient in anything.
I’m just curious as to why she’s so intent on eating it. As soon as she goes she tries to turn right around and eat it. She gets upset if I pull her away and pulls hard to get back to it. She recently had diarrhea, pretty sure she is sore back there and pooping hurts a bit. Idk if that could have something to do with it? Behavior doesn’t get repeated if it isn’t rewarded, so what is she finding rewarding about eating her own shit?
submitted by missbitterness to DOG [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:06 Bright-Essay2027 Should I go to the doctor?

I’m not native and my language is not English so please excuse the grammatical errors.
About 1 week ago or so I started vomiting a lot, I have an eating disorder which is bulimia and I didn't stop vomiting for 2 days in a row, this left my throat quite hurt but I don't know if it has anything to do with these last 3 days that I was spitting phlegm with blood and mucus with blood.
I'm pretty poor so I don't really consider going to the doctor as an option.
any ideas?
(I have had a fever and my glands are swollen but I can't eat *I don't know if this is due to my eating disorder* I just feel like my throat is internally stripped of skin)
Sorry for this I know it is gross
submitted by Bright-Essay2027 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:59 ghostpotentially Is it too late to test?

On May 24th, I was with my sister and she began showing symptoms (coughing, sounded very congested). By the night of May 30th, I noticed I was feeling body aches and a slight sore throat. I took many rapid tests which all turned out negative, but I still definitely felt off. Brain fog and fatigue continued after June 1st.
I went to Walgreens for a PCR on May 31st and waited 5 whole days for my results. Turns out they had messed up my test, not labelled it, and so the lab had not even run the test. I took one more RAT on June 5th which was negative. I'm almost at 10 days since the day I noticed I was feeling symptomatic, but I'm still feeling like I may have some brain fog or lasting fatigue going on. I've had COVID (confirmed) twice before and both times left me feeling foggy and fatigued, and I had been dealing with some other symptoms I suspected were Long COVID related throughout 2023/early 2024.
I will note I have OCD and health anxiety issues. I have been trying to treat this as though it were COVID despite no confirmed positives. However, the uncertainty is killing me. I am considering using the money that was refunded to me from Walgreens for the failed PCR and buying some Metrix tests, but that would take another 2 - 3 days to even get here. Would it be too late then to tell if this illness from the past two weeks was COVID?
P.S. my sister said she tested negative but she only took one RAT. Her symptoms definitely seemed more "severe" than mine but that's subjective so idk.
submitted by ghostpotentially to ZeroCovidCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:55 Tiggersarebest Help!! White spots in my throat, I think it’s chlamydia?

I recently did oral on a new sex parter and 4 days later I woke up with a terrible sore throat. I started developing body aches and chills later that Thursday and when I woke up there were white patches in my throat (1st picture) I went to urgent care and the rapid tested for strep- it came back negative and the told me I had tonsillitis/ tonsil stones (they didn’t test for anything else) Saturday I woke up and the patches had spread more, I’ve had strep, tonsillitis and mono before but nothing that ever looked or hurt like this. I can barely talk, swallow food or water or open my mouth it hurts so bad. I still have a low grade fever, body aches and chills and a headache that comes and goes. I’m wondering if I should go back and get a throat culture done or if it really looks like tonsillitis and I have to just let it run its course. Thank you all !!!
https://ibb.co/9gRDBPP https://ibb.co/ZTW5TnG
submitted by Tiggersarebest to STD [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:53 gueravieja options for anxious/aggressive 'community cat'?

Signalment (species, age, sex/neuter status, breed, body weight): DSH (orange tabby), 10-ish years old, neutered and ear-tipped male (100% outdoor), 12-ish pounds
Short history: part of an outdoor community cat colony (TNR) since a kitten, in good health and very friendly with humans
Relevant clinical signs (vomiting, diarrhea, coughing, fever etc): none, he's in good physical health with no issues
Length of time you have seen these changes: he's always been food-anxious, disliking other cats near him at feeding time
Links to any test results, vet reports, X-rays etc. that you have: n/a
Your general location: central Texas, small town neighborhood
My next door neighbor and I manage a colony of roughly 8 'community cats.' One of them has had ongoing problems with aggression toward the others. We have tried all kinds of things to get him to stop but he hasn't, and it seems to be getting worse, to the point we're afraid he's going to seriously injure one of the other cats. Here are the things we have tried so far:
Relocating seems like the obvious solution, but it would have to be a single-cat household that would be able / willing to keep him confined until he acclimated to his new surroundings. He's never lived indoors and doesn't like being confined so it would be big ask, in an area where people are historically apathetic about cats in general.
Any other ideas on what might help? Sedatives? Behavioral modifications we could try? Thanks for any suggestions.
submitted by gueravieja to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:29 PinacoladaBunny Throat problems - pressure, clunking, swallowing, breathing.. need help on what to do next?

Hi 👋 I hope you are having a great weekend.
Info: 33F, 160cm, 92kg, White British residing in the UK, current dx Sjogren's / Hypermobility Syndrome / Alopecia Areata, very long list of medications, don't smoke, rarely drink. I take Beconase and Fexofenadine in case allergies were causing this. In 2018 I had a hemithyroidectomy due to nodular hyperplasia (colloid, hemorrhagic nodules, vascular changes) with a retrosternal goitre.
Reason for posting:
I really do hope it is silent reflux, although after bedtime Gaviscon my throat felt worse than ever this morning, very painful. I think the doctor's manipulation of my throat this week has hurt it a lot, today has been a lot of 'clunking' and increased pressure. I'm just so worried, the doctor said 'something else' must be causing all my symptoms, but provided no suggestions of what that might be, or who might be able to help me - I just want it to get better.
Thank you
submitted by PinacoladaBunny to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:25 TDSRage97 Almond allergy and just accidentally ate some. (need advice asap)

Yup, so around 6 or 7 years ago I had a sudden allergic reaction to almonds. I stayed home and chilled and ended up just fine. Fast forward to about 30-40 minutes ago, my mom accidentally swapped our ice creams (hers was heath bar which has almond) and mine was supposed to be snickers. I tried mine as it looked like snickers, and tasted toffee. I stopped eating it after that first bite, and got itchy. My mouth didn't itch like it did the first time though, and I had slightly labored breathing. I still do but even less labored breathing almost normal with a very small sore throat. Now, its been over half an hour, and my symptoms have faded mostly besides my tickling throat at the bottom. Is there really a reason to go to the hospital at this point? I also don't have an epipen. No dizziness, face or tongue swelling, no anxious feeling either.
submitted by TDSRage97 to FoodAllergies [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:07 total_normie Is it time to give up, or do I keep insisting?

Hi all!
20M, no vitamins, just started tianeptine (atypical antidepressant), no (significant) medical history.
Had a tough couple of months health-wise, not sure if it's time to give up. Not looking for medical advice or ideas necessarily; want to know if I'm exaggerating at this point.
Medical History:
I had a urogenital infection around 2 months ago which was treated with gentamicin, levofloxacin and cefixime (3 weeks total). Had side effects the entire time, but most notably I suffered extreme panic attacks, anxiety, appetite loss, yellow stool, night terrors, night sweats and paranoia while on the gentamicin + levofloxacin, and then vertigo, dizziness, and constant nausea on the Cefixime. My symptoms all started in the week I was treated with levofloxacin and gentamicin, but some have appeared since.
Current symptoms: Fatigue (restless sleep, exhaustion during the day, lack of motivation). 2 months.
Lymphadenopathy in my neck and armpits, ultrasound suggested they were reactive. Armpits have persisted for 2-3 months.
Diffuse, right-sided abdominal pain. Abdominal ultrasound was completely normal. Gastro thinks its gas/contractions. 3 weeks. Sometimes goes to my back.
Nausea. Initially, I had constant nausea which was treated with prochlorperazine. Now I experience pretty severe morning nausea which has persisted. 2 months.
Neck/upper-back pain. This is ongoing and I don't know if it's related. It's very localised to one spot. Also gets worse when I swallow or move my body, and I get related headaches often too.
Discomfort swallowing on the right side. Again ongoing, been on and off for 2 months.
One swollen tonsil, also on and off for 2 months. Has tonsil stones/exudate.
Sore throat. Recurrent/persistent for 2 months.
Digestion issues. Bloating, gas, loose stools sometimes, weird coloured stools etc.
New onset depression/anxiety which has continued from the initial adverse reaction.
What I have done:
I have had an abdominal ultrasound, lymph node ultrasounds, a brain MRI (recommended by neuropsychiatrist), a full fatigue blood panel (liver, kidney, thyroid, CBC), serum lipids, blood sugar and HbA1c, tested for mono reactivation, inflammation markers, everything. Before my symptom onset I also had full blood tests done for the axillary lymphadenopathy which was almost perfect, with only relative neutropenia/leukocytosis (but normal WBC) and a vitamin D deficiency (corrected with supplementation). I have also done stool tests for calprotectin and H. Pylori which have yet to come back. Had a negative throat and nose swab this week.
I have been seen by gastroenterology, ENT, neuropsychiatry, nephrology (referred from abdominal ultrasound), urology (follow-up), and psychology.
Every test and imaging study has come back completely perfect. My family doctor 'doesn't know what else to do' and says that all of my symptoms can be attributed to the levofloxacin reaction I had.
Today, ANOTHER round of comprehensive blood work was sent off. Pretty much everything my parents' doctor could think of as my doctor said she was at a dead end.
Sorry for the massive post! I'm just at a complete loss at this point. My doctor and family think it's all from the levofloxacin, and I've read the EMA and FDA reports where they discuss these long-term side effects appearing, but it is so rare, especially at my age.
Is it time to give up?
I was really hoping to have a concrete answer by now, but everyone insists my symptoms are either psychological or from the levofloxacin.
submitted by total_normie to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:06 RylesDaArtist i was given no info about how to deal with my symptoms

so just as the title says, i’m clueless. i’m 18F and i got diagnosed almost a year ago. i wasn’t given any medication or tips on what to do during a flare up or what i flare up could look like. the only thing they gave me was a packet of common triggers.
this may get a little tmi, sorry! well i came to the conclusion that i have ibs-c because im always constipated. what has been happening to me lately is that i’ll go about a week without pooping at all, and during this time i don’t really have symptoms. then for like 2 days when the week is over i am constantly in pain, needing to go but struggle to get anything out, and im nauseous and exhausted. when i finally can go it’s like mushy but not diarrhea yk? for couple days, my life revolves around the bathroom. the stomach pains are EXTREME like idek how to describe them. sometimes i’ll get a few weeks of relief where i use the bathroom almost every day but the stool is very hard and pellet-like.
the only foods that i know for sure trigger it is caffeine and fiber. i prefer to eat the same few meals and snacks throughout the week and i like to keep my meals on a schedule so i dont really add in new stuff. even with eating the same few things, i will be fine for a few weeks and then have a “flare up?” happen and idk what to do.
i think it might be related to stress because thats when everything gets worse. i’m currently on day 2 of the painful part of the flare up after having a week of no bowel movements and im supposed to go to a grad party rn 😐. i honestly don’t know what to do because i feel miserable but i don’t want to cancel on my friend.
i also have severe emetophobia (fear of nausea and puking) which makes everything so much worse. i’m so incredibly anxious right now and i always panic when i have a flare up. my stomach is making so many noises and it feels like my intestines are contracting. it’s so weird and uncomfortable because i can feel each bend and turn of my intestines being angry. and for some reason i also have acid reflux rn so my throat is burning and im nauseous. i just want to love my life this is awful
submitted by RylesDaArtist to ibs [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:02 Ok_Adhesiveness4063 Reoccurring lymph node swelling

Reoccurring lymph node swelling
34 year old male diagnosed with one episode of acute pancreatitis back in 2021 and then exocrine pancreatic insufficiency like 6 months later due to chronic diarrhea, weight loss, fatigue and low fecal elastase around 150. After I started taking pancreatic enzymes with every meal however had a fecal elastase of 800 about 8 months ago and decided to stop the enzymes about a month ago with normal solid stools since. The enzymes were causing abdominal discomfort and some other symptoms I won’t mention but normal for that medication.
Episode of pancreatitis: severe pain 8-10/10 December 2021. ER visit w/ elevated lipase levels 599 and CT unremarkable except hutch diverticuli on bladder. Sent home on clear liquid diet, low fat diet etc. was vaping during this time. Leading up to this event I was drinking moderately (night before first pain occurrence and then quit), vaping heavily (chain vaping), eating lots of fatty foods due to holidays. I also ate sketchy food from ethnic market (fruit in water, beef and chicken empanada). I’ve never been an alcoholic and it wasn’t difficult for me to just stop altogether after this episode. So that’s what I did. I also quit vaping nicotine shortly after (never smoked cigs).
Started GI consult in January 2022 as follow up and due to having diarrhea, weight loss, chills, fatigue. Fecal elastase test can back normal at 399. (Above 200 normal). Also tested positive for Covid with symptoms January 2022 for the 3rd time and only 2.5 months after receiving my second Pfizer vaccine. Blood work was normal and lipase level was normal. Causation likely acute pancreatitis related to vaping and alcohol use per doctors and no further follow up needed per GI.
Started with new PCP due to ongoing symptoms of diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss, but no chills around March 2022. Sent for HIDA scan which showed gallbladder and ductal function w/ ejection fraction greater than 65% (normal test). Abdominal ultrasound also normal. Was started on Paxil 10mg daily for off label purpose of IBS symptoms and OCD but shortly after discontinued due to side effects. Referred out for another GI follow up where my fecal elastase came back at like 150 moderately insufficient due to chronic diarrhea, weight loss, etc. and then started pancreatic enzymes.
So about 6 months ago, I got some kind of virus (I think) and my lymph nodes have been rotating sites between arm pits and initially in throat. I did go to the doctor in January when it first started as one of my lymph nodes under my left armpit was grossly enlarged and painful to touch. My PCP placed me on antibiotics and it seemed to help with the lymph node which eventually went away. 1 month later the lymph node came back under both armpits. They are painful to touch. I mentioned this to my pcp and she was not very concerned. I asked about going to see an immunologist and was allergy tested. My panel did come back with allergies to dust, cats, and dogs (I do own a small Aussie doodle 7lbs) and sometimes will get a little rash near neck but no other symptoms. The immunologist also ran a lymphocyte panel which came back normal however my IGM was slightly out of range low at 47. Prior to that in January 2024 (same month lymph nodes started swelling) I had an autoimmune panel (due to symptoms of joint pain [I stretch daily and am active in the gym, hair loss, and abdominal symptoms which I still wasn’t entirely sold on the idea of alcohol being main culprit of pancreatitis] which also came back normal. My TSH was elevated at 5.76 (retested a month later and back to 2.5). My compliment component C4C was normal low at 15. All of these tests were completed after my lymph node initially showed up Jan 2024.
So now I’m driving myself a bit nutty related to my reoccurring lymph nodes. Had a PCP visit this month and mentioned they are continuing to swell for a few days, are painful with palpitation, and then go away. I’ve also noticed my armpit oder has increased.
What could this be? Deodorant? Exercise related (I do pull ups weekly)? Cancer? HIV? Mono?
Any and all info is greatly appreciated. I’m also a practicing nurse although I appear to be going crazy lol. I was a hospice nurse for several years which prob added to my health anxiety however these issues that are coming up are real and not imagined. My fiancé can see and feel the lymph nodes as well. I’ve prob spent $1,500 on blood work alone with insurance since January 2024 and am considering switching PCPs at this point.
submitted by Ok_Adhesiveness4063 to Lymphoma_MD_Answers [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:59 TDSRage97 Ate a food allergy on accident, having a very mild reaction so far.

Hi, I'm a male and 27 years old, 270 pounds. one time ate almonds and realized I was allergic when I ate them all the time before about 6 or 7 years ago (a sudden allergy to them) . I've avoided almond ever since. Back then I ate them and my tongue itched, but now that I ate some in some ice cream on accident, my mouth didn't itch, but my skin got itchy for a bit and has mostly subsided now with slightly labored breathing. No dizziness, a very slight sore throat with a small amount of mucus, which may just be from already existing seasonal allergies. So, it's been about 20-30 minutes since I've ate it, and I'm feeling mostly alright. Is there a reason for me to go to the ER? I don't feel like I'll need to but I should ask someone who has experience with food allergies. I also forgot to mention I did drink about 16 ounces of water after so it would "dilute" the allergen.
submitted by TDSRage97 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:56 EmpresssArtemis I suspect my son has HFM

My 9 month old ran a high fever the last 2 days. I also noticed he had a hard time eating and doesn’t want solids what so ever. I think he’s throat hurts. Yesterday was the day I noticed bumps on his hands and feet. He has no fever but still only wants purées, the small red bumps Re starting to multiply. If it is HFM what are my chances of getting it? It’s just him and I and he’s been so extremely attached to me not to mention we bedshare🙃 am I doomed?
submitted by EmpresssArtemis to beyondthebump [link] [comments]
