Ear acupuncture loss weight

Weight Loss Resorts

2012.01.19 23:21 Bobaghanoush Weight Loss Resorts


2014.09.19 01:24 healthyalmonds Staphylococcus aureus bacteria colonizing the body: the unifying agent of acute and chronic disease

Staphylococcus aureus is a bacteria that can live in the nostrils, ears, mouth, tonsils, and skin. It may cause or be associated with your congestion, swollen lymph nodes, sinus problems, sore throat, eczema, rosacea, acne, cystic pimples, folliculitis, bowel disease, chronic fatigue, diabetes, lupus, weight gain, hair loss, and other diseases. Chlorhexidine, iodine, or Triple Antibiotic Ointment (Neosporin) may stop the Staph infection. See inside for more information.

2024.05.29 03:22 Sully0077 A few thoughts…

I’m a 54 year old male. I’ve been taking Mounjaro for 15 months. I started out at 419.6lbs and am currently at 227.6lbs, down 192.0lbs. I post from time to time. I don’t post for pats on the back. I post because when I began I 15 months ago, I relied on posts from experienced MJ users to get me on the right track. So now I do it for those looking for some insight and maybe a few tips.
-Til next time! 👍
submitted by Sully0077 to Mounjaro [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:21 Chelmastly Omg Trouble’s health issue was ridiculous lmfao (if I don’t laugh I’ll cry it sucked so much)

Omg Trouble’s health issue was ridiculous lmfao (if I don’t laugh I’ll cry it sucked so much)
So I made a post recently asking for help enticing my goob to eat because he’d suddenly stopped, and I needed to buy time to get him to the vet. This is that update, here’s what all I discovered about Trouble and some about tegus overall.
Found out I was fortunately overly worried about his weight loss—while he was losing it fast, he was still at 10 1/2 pounds today, so he was skinny but not emaciated. Vet also pointed out that I wasn’t considering the way his body looks when he stands versus when he’s splooting, which makes a difference in his general shape. His diet has been upgraded to include a wider variety of meats and fruits, since true red tegus need a more omnivorous diet plan.
Well anyway we figured out what was wrong the night before the appointment when he’d decided to sleep on his back, like a dead lizard, so that scared tf out of me, but he was electing to go belly up because his ass was hurting because of a prolapse. Like a serious one. This dummy threw it back so hard he threw a golfball’s worth of it out, I guess. The vet agreed that they do sort of have like… a bit of the cloaca that extends out and goes back in when they defecate which is normal, since I’d observed that before, but this wasn’t at all that.
At the end of the day, we were lucky the vet was there on his off day to meet us, and it was a coincidence that he was happy to see us too because he was there to train a vet student with exotics and needed more of them coming in. However, the unfortunate part is that all of his civil rights and personal space got violated today in an effort to mend his butthole. Had to be put back in, given two shots of lidocaine in the asshole and then get the torn sides of his asshole sutured with dissolvable stitches yall my boy went THROUGH it. When the vet pulled out the suturing shit I literally went “WAIT ARE YOU SEWING HIS BUTT CLOSED YOU CANT DO THAT” so that was funny, but in seriousness that was horrible to watch. I realize this is a wee bit anthropomorphic language but he was agonized and horrified, and I’m just really glad he doesn’t have a voice because if he’d started screaming during that procedure I’d have wanted to hurl myself out into the street over listen to it.
Other than one scratch on my arm and popping a fang out during a mouth inspection (initially p a n i k but those grow back actually), he didn’t hurt anyone today trying to defend himself, which makes the way our relationship started feel like a fever dream. Then again he also is missing a lot of toes from that time spent in petco so he didn’t have anything but nubs to paw with. The vet even remarked on how tolerant and trusting he is now versus when I got him.
Game plan to treat his infected, now rightfully internal, butt is two beef flavored antibiotic pills every other day. He’s generally accepting of them being tossed in his mouth, although the first time we used a credit card to slide his mouth open to show the student how to do that. Worst case scenario, his butt re-emerges and I apply an emergency topical ointment and get him back to the doctor.
Bubba is currently snuggled in a heated blanket and is being given emotional support for the godawful day he had. Partway wants pets, partway doesn’t, so he’s getting the same treatment right now that I’d personally want if I had what he had. Period pain is the best I can relate but it seems gentle heat on the hips is a big hit.
So uh make sure yall monitor yalls lizards’ asses on occasion.
submitted by Chelmastly to Tegu [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:18 NegotiationOk2768 No weight loss yet but really changing my way of thinking

I’m very new to this - on day 18 - 4 days after my second dose of 2.5mg. My SW was 223 and for some reason, on the day after my first shot, I gained a literal 5 lbs and shot up to 28 lbs. Now, over 2 weeks later, and I still haven’t rid the 5lbs. I weighed in this morning at 227.6. I’ve been eating a lot less and ensuring that every meal I do have is protein rich. I’ve been having protein shakes for breakfast, some nuts and salami for lunch, and a meal from Tovala for dinner which normally ranges from 400-800 calories and 25+ protein, equating to around 80+ grams of protein a day.
Weight aside, this has really started changing my way of thinking. The 6th day after the first shot my old ways of thinking and eating started coming back and thank goodness the next day was shot day because I ate two candy bars that day and buffalo chicken Mac for lunch. Fast forward 5 days and I can’t handle the thought of that. Today, I had a protein shake for breakfast, skipped lunch and had a tovala meal for dinner and could only eat half of it. Me a week ago would’ve eaten the entire thing and then looked for a snack later that night. Today, I am starting to think about portions differently and how to eat for nutrients rather than restrict calories. I read in another post someone retrained their brain to think of this like at least we’re not restricting calories, we’re trying to get more protein. She worded it better than me, but you get it. Now I’m feeling more fulfilled after smaller portions but I am finding it difficult to hit my protein goals. Thankfully, I think the premiere protein shakes they sell at Target are delicious and try to have one before bed if I didn’t hit my protein goal (which I still haven’t figured out).
TLDR: haven’t lost weight but have lost cravings and gained an appreciation for nutrients
submitted by NegotiationOk2768 to Zepbound [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:09 Grouchy-Twist4887 Quality Steroids, Peptides, and HGH from China

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submitted by Grouchy-Twist4887 to MadeinChina [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:08 OrganicRoad6570 Ice hunny

Ice hunny submitted by OrganicRoad6570 to KyleaGomezsnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:06 Sufficient_Win_3412 Advice? 5 months on / now maintenance doses

Is anyone experiencing the same weight loss but then bulging fat becoming more obvious in other places ? I legit have 2 very solid abs in my upper abdomen area (never ever been this defined and rock solid) but I have even chubbier lower belly fat now alongside no ass 😅😅😅😅
submitted by Sufficient_Win_3412 to Semaglutide [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:06 sml0802 I’m At A Loss With My Pain

Hey there. I will start this out by saying I do plan on being seen by a doctor again, but I need help with what steps to take, and what kind of questions to ask/things to bring up. This is going to be a little lengthy as I want to give all the information I can, because I’m not getting the advice I need, to know what to do. I’m also typing on a phone so I apologize in advance if I miss any typos.
Now to provide context. I am a 23 year old woman, and I have been dealing with sciatica ‘like’ issues since I was 14/15. I can’t really pinpoint exactly when it started, but I just remember being in early high school and I was significantly too young to be having this (usually). I was told it was sciatica around 17 ish, and it was suspected the whole time. My parents had 5 kids age ranging currently from late 30s to very early 20s. We’re re pretty spaced out and they had me and my younger sibling when they were almost 40. My parents passed down quite a few bodily issues, and while I know sciatica is not “literally” genetic, I know things that are hereditary can lead to said sciatica. They have problems ranging from blood pressure issues, muscle spasms, autoimmune diseases, etc. As for what I personally know I have is sciatica, PCOS, a type of arthritis in my hands (a lot of computer work in school and I’m an artist), GERDS, carpal tunnel, and the list goes on.
As for what I dealt with. When I first started experiencing it, it would just be a pinched kind of pain in my lower back. Moving on to pain moving into my hips. We knew it was probably sciatica when I would “lock up” so to speak. It was so hard to move and the couple of times I’d get it I would miss school for about two days until it eased up. During this time I always had a severely irregular period cycle (the first time I ever had it, I was 11 and had it for 2 weeks). I did not know I had PCOS until I was diagnosed last year, which explains why I struggled with weight my whole life. I was never super obese or anything like that, and I was fairly active my whole life.
But when I started high school, I went to an “early college” where I was dual enrolled in high school curriculum and college at the same time. It was solely academic other than one “gym” class which was required to graduate, and the few credits you could pick between from the college. This meant no sports, and I had to put an effort into moving more on my own. I taught myself to dance and joined the school dance team (which they changed to club), I did yoga periodically in a yoga club and on my own, tried working in the college gym as we had access to it until certain hours, I would go on walks frequently. Yet my weight could still change so easily. I ended up around 270 my senior year, I still held my weight better than realized because I had a fair bit of muscle. But it was clearly unhealthy at this point, I wore a size 18.
After high school I moved out and started working at a salad place and in turn I was eating way better. I wasn’t working out as often, but I worked a second job cleaning bars during day hours when they were closed (ownemanager and one of age person at least around while working), office spaces, construction sites, etc. I eventually became much healthier and I got down to 170 pounds. I was in roughly a size 12/14. I could have gone down more but again I had a lot of muscle. I thought my healthy lifestyle was helping because I hadn’t had a flare up in the 7 months I was there. And one day it hit me out of nowhere. But I wasn’t home. I lived above one of the bars we cleaned at the time so I had to climb a flight of stairs. It took me an hour to do so. From this point on if I work an extra long day on my feet or it was super busy, my day could end with me limping from back pain. Grabbing my hip or butt and then stuck in bed the second I’m down, and stuck for the rest of the night.
Jumping forward to present day, that was the easiest it was going to be. I learned to cope more but the pain has progressed over the years. It spread to my legs, mostly my right, particularly bad times can make my upper back hurt from accommodating to my lower back. Recently, about 3 weeks ago it was the worst I had ever felt. I take virtual therapy and I have to sit on a bed to have privacy at home (I moved back in with family and live with 6 others). I have therapy twice a week, and meet with my psychiatrist every few weeks. This particular week I had an appointment 3 days in a row. At least an hour each. My back always feels a bit stiff after, but having no breaks triggered a flare up. It was so bad it would wake me at night. It was the first time it affected both legs at the same time, and it was just overall the most intense the pain has ever been. My oldest sister also deals with pretty severe sciatica as well (she’s 5’2 and has a GG chest) and offered me some nerve pills she had leftover. It was the only thing that helped and I could still feel the pain. I could barely walk and had to be helped out of bed to go to the bathroom. It was that bad for three days, but then I could walk. It’s been almost a month and I’m still getting the effects. I went to a walk-in and got an X-ray and they didn’t see anything. Said to just strengthen my core. I want to get more help but my sister has been thrown through so many hoops in regards to this and she’s almost 40. I feel like I’m not taken seriously because of my age.
I’m at a loss. I can’t be seated for more than 10 minutes before the pain starts and my legs start to tingle more (I’ve had constant nerve activity since). Long car rides are uncomfortable, therapy is hard to sit through, I can’t sit to do chores like fold laundry, standing can be too much. I desperately want to get back to working out but it’s been so bad I’m scared to hurt myself farther. Any and all advice is appreciated!
submitted by sml0802 to Sciatica [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:05 burntout_burner_acct Missing person

Missing person
Hello all, hope everyone is well. Our neighbor’s brother went missing last week, I’m posting here for visibility and in hopes that someone has seen or knows something. If you have any information about Cesar or his whereabouts please contact SAPD’s Missing Persons Unit at 210-207-7660
submitted by burntout_burner_acct to sanantonio [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:00 PrimeLifeMan Looking for a weight loss coach for men over 30

Any suggestions or recommendations?
Thank you
submitted by PrimeLifeMan to WeightLossAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:59 DifficultCabinet6701 Osteoarthritis

Does anyone have osteoarthritis in the knee that has essentially become a non-issue after taking sema? I realize some of it is because of the weight loss, but I wasn’t really that heavy to begin with. I can’t believe how much less pain I have! Anyone else?
submitted by DifficultCabinet6701 to Semaglutide [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:59 stryk3r1215 Documented titration strategies and weight loss

I've been trying to research the different studies related to Zepbound for weight loss. I know that the conventional wisdom in this sub is that you should only titrate up if you stop gaining weight. My prescribing doctor agrees, and says it should only be done if I don't lose weight for a span of three weeks.
I'm curious to know if anyone has seen or can share direct information from the studies (or similar) about this as being a better strategy than simply titrating up every 4 weeks until reaching maximum dose. From what I've understood (I can definitely be wrong here), the current maximum dose of 15mg produced the largest weight loss in the surmount trials.
Any information that can be shared would be appreciated. I've done 4 weeks on 2.5mg, and 7 weeks on 5mg, and although I'm still losing weight, if I compare my progress to the "Body weight change by week from start of intensive lifestyle intervention" chart, I'm a bit behind that one, although I did not have the 12 weeks of lifestyle intervention before starting [unless you count weight loss from losing my gallbladder :) ]
SW: 326.6 CW: 293.2 Total % Loss: 10.20 %
submitted by stryk3r1215 to Zepbound [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:57 JMHxTDE 32M , let’s talk throughout the day?

32M turning to the internet to meet new people with similar interests, which include film/TV, books, and RPGs. I’d love to watch movie recommendations from someone and then talk about them afterwards.
I have been on a weight-loss journey for a while, and I think it would be cool to have an accountability buddy of sorts.
Unfortunately, like too many people, I deal with anxiety and depression, and would like to talk to someone who understands what that's like.
I write as a hobby, and I'd be interested in talking about that with someone who also enjoys writing.
Overall, if you'd like to message me, please feel free to do so. I like to consider myself a good listener, and I'd be happy to meet you.
submitted by JMHxTDE to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:57 PrimeLifeMan Looking for a weight loss coach for men over 30

Any suggestions or recommendations?
Thank you
submitted by PrimeLifeMan to workout [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:57 knobgobblen69 Am I in denial?

Hi I'm 46 F new to group and supposedly I have afrid. I might be a bit in denial? I don't know. My DBT therapist says I do. I have a disorder called Gastroparisis. I can't eat anything. I also take ozempic for Diabetes. Not Weight loss. But I dislike everything now. I barely eat and when I do it's very little. I basically hate foods now. Especially meat. Eww. I make myself throw up as a part of my disorder. The food rots inside my stomach because it won't digest. So I throw up. Not because oh I ate and I want to throw up. Ya know? Lol. Please help. Am I in denial? I need to hear it from ya'll.
submitted by knobgobblen69 to ARFID [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:52 MisterSquidInc 24 hours before his death, Gus Scott wrote this heartfelt account of a 115mph lap at his first TT. (From Performance Bikes magazine August 2005)

24 hours before his death, Gus Scott wrote this heartfelt account of a 115mph lap at his first TT. (From Performance Bikes magazine August 2005)
"24 hours before his death, Gus Scott wrote this heartfelt account of a 115mph lap at his first TT. We couldn't think of a finer tribute to our friend than to publish it."
"As I funnel towards the start line in a big group, pushing my bike slowly forward, it's weird but I'm calm. I was so nervous on the ferry over, thinking, 'Is this going to be one of those one-way trips?'
I didn't sleep last night. I was getting annoyed with myself because I wasn't picking up the whole lap - there were certain sections that I still didn't know. I was frightening myself in some blind, flat-out sections. i ended up watching a DVD of the track, rewinding certain sections again and again.
down on the start it's not like a normal race. there's no mass start. It's just you, the bike and the road. That's a nice feeling. They set you off individually. when I get to the front there's a bloke in a white coat who puts his hand on my shoulder and looks up to the box. He counts 10 seconds as the rider in front disappears down Bray Hill. Then he lifts his hand and I think, 'He could be the last person to touch me.'
Bray Hills fast, fast as fuck, but you've got time to think. You aim to go under the bush on the right, then come to the crossroads and you've got to pull on the bars to jump or it'll load the front. You apex at the lights, in top gear flat-stick. The bike compresses so much that you scrub off loads of speed. then over Ago's Leap. The bike naturally lifts. I try not to roll the throttle, just let it come down.
There's a rise before Quarter Bridge. You have to go down a gear and accelerate to wheelie over it. One lap I didn't and it went into a massive slapper. then you've got to slam on the brakes to go through slippery Quarter Bridge.
Second, third, fourth, towards Braddan Bridge. Aim for the junction on the right, brake, back down two gears, follow the white railings that jump out at you. Gingerly through here because this is the first time the tyres have been on their left side. Full tank of fuel, new tyres - these bikes feel awful at low speeds.
Flick it over, into a dip - bah, bah, bah, bah - flat-out through two terrifying blind kinks hurtling at Union Mills. Coming out there's a garage on the left, you've got to have the thing absolutely pinned. There's a kerb on the left you've got to skim with your wheels as the bike bucks and weaves.
On to a long straight toward the campsite. people sit on a green bank. Their feet are so close I'm sure I'm going to hit them. Then you peel away towards one of the fastest corners on the track - Ballagary that's also called Glen Vine. people call it Ballascary because there's been a few fatalities there.
There was a massive crash here in one race - bikes and carnage everywhere. Next lap there's shit all over the road, fuel spills, I slowed right down to 50 and still got a massive slide. then the next lap there are fewer flags, then the third lap it's up to you if you want to keep it lit through there.
I start to relax, I'm glad I got that right, but there's a hump on the way out. The bike's still leant over so you've got to get it right. You pull on the bars to do a crossed-up wheelie.
Up to Crosby and DJ's [David Jeffries] corner which is a hard one for me. I greet him every time I go through, saying 'this one's for you Deej.' At the start of the week I didn't think I'd be able to flat it, but then I though, 'Fuck it, I know it's only a kink.' You've got to commit to these corners early, otherwise you'll just pussyfoot through them all week.
This is a learning year, I've put no pressure on myself and told everyone that right form the start. I've never had any interest in doing the Manx [Manx GP] and because I've got an international race licencee I didn't have to, so this is my first time on the Island's closed roads. the idea is to keep coming back until I start getting podiums.
On to Crosby. The Fireblade hates it. it's done some awful things all week. I was speaking to Michael Rutter last night and he said, 'You've got to roll off', there's no point getting in a silly mess or you'll be off the throttle for too long.
Greeba Castle has a rollercoaster dip, you've got to go slower than you think to get the drive out. There's an off-camber right that would be easy to highside out of. then the left-right-left-right skimming the kerbs, before a nasty left.
Greeba Bridge, flat-out on the 600, back two gears on the Blade, down a rollercoaster hill. I've already been into teh fast right that follows too fast, hit some little potholes, the front tucked, all my weight on my kneeslider, and then it just flicked back. scary. It took me1 0 miles to get my concentration back.
Up to fifth, then another fast right. It would be kneedown but I keep it up because it's so fast it would drag. Look for the 30 sign to brake into Ballacraine. Boot it down to third, nice and easy, through Ballaspur, then just kick it up the box weaving towards Glen Helen. I'm going too fats but I don;lt brake, just drop a gear. This is where you see the flowers.
I've lost a few friends around here. When you're flying round you see bouquets of flowers and purple ribbons stuck in the wall. it's a bit off-putting. Ronnie Smith suggested that people should respect the riders who were still racing by putting the flowers just over the wall. there'd be no harm, but the racers wouldn't have to see them."
I'm on the climb to Sarah's Cottage. Third gear uphill, I ran out of road here before and thought, "I'm in the bales." You don't want to look at what you're going to hit, so I looked up the road. I was lent over at full tilt, I had my knee down, boot on the ground, everything, then I felt the wheels hit the bales, flick me up, and I was still going, so I just kept racing. this place gets you like that.
My heart was trying to pound out of my ribcage, I had eyes like frisbees. That could've been it. Get it out of your head, get it out of your head. You think about pulling over, then just keep building up speed top Cronk-y-Voddy. It's hard at the end of there. I had some nasty slappers, lock-to-lock with loads of people watching. On the video it looks like DJ just rolls it off, but I've found it better to pull on the bars to take the load off the front.
The funny thing about this place is you accelerate in to a lot of the corners before you see them. that lifts the front end and you wont believe how smooth it makes it.
Into top gear, towards the big bottler at the bottom of Barregarrow. what's going to happen this lap? Back a gear, brush the brakes, and accelerate into it. you've got to do your turn beforehand because everything bottoms out and you can't turn it, everything compressed, the bike won't go anywhere.
Then into the 13th milepost. the first time I went into there I thought it was straight. it isn't. It's bumping all over the road, a kerb on the right pops out right under your wheels, brushes your footrest. Then you're onto the nice smooth tarmac towards Kirk Michael.
In the first practice I floated round and thought this is the next best thing I've ever done in my life. Next time I went a bit faster and had some big scares. I got lost, I nearly ran into some walls and then a Swedish lad I was out with on Saturday night was killed. He got lost and ran into a wall going into Kirk Michael, a tight, third-gear right-hander. Spectators said he went on full tilt, he just got caught out. I know how it felt. He was over here for all the right reasons. He was 39 and wanted a bit of a ride. It really fucked my head up.
Into Kirk Michael and I brake just after the 30mph sign. Strangely enough, they put in 300m brake markers after Kim died the other night. Ian Lougher broke down here and said I looked really good through this section. He's been helping me with my suspension all week.
Then accelerate like mad, but this is where something strange happened. In the first few races I was only passed by three riders and I've only caught a few. I went through the Superstock race without seeing anybody. It's quite lonely. It was my fifth lap and my head started playing tricks on me.I went through Kirk Michael and saw a copper and thought, 'What am I doing?' I was flat-out, so I shut off because I'm used to riding on roads. Then it clicked that I was racing. There's nothing to tell you the you should or shouldn't be doing it. It's a really weird situation.
The buildings are tall on both sides. Kerb to kerb to kerb. Apexing yellow line, yellow line, yellow line. You can hear the bikes noise rattling off the buildings. It's bumpy, hairy and scary but an awesome feeling - full-tilt through a 30mph village, throttle pinned, kicking up to sixth.
Hard-ish left, hard over the bumps, back a gear and then accelerate over Rhencullen. Right-left, wheelie so it doesn't go into a tankslapper, then a quick right, down to fourth, down a dip and get the bike absolutely straight over the next rise or it'll tankslap. It's taken me all week to get that right.
Pin it through Alpine Cottage and off towards Ballaugh Bridge. Brake at the 30 signs - bang, bang, bang - down three, then another and accelerate and pull on the bars in the centre of the bridge, but at an angle to get your line right. No one tells you how to do it. I was landing my front wheel at first. I haven't got experience of jumping bridges and I haven't raced motocross like some of the top guys. You hear the front clonk and you've got to get on the gas immediately.
hard up the box to this bit of worn-out road where the surface is like tar. You can feel the wheels moving through the long left-hander, towards Ballacrye - which is scary. You jump about 160 feet, a foot or so off the ground. It's like a little skip and everybody's had a nasty moment here. The bike twists slightly in the air and you get a whip when you land. The other day John McGuinness broke his screen off and his steering damper snapped it was such a nasty slapper.
then there's Gwen's Cottage. Little Gwen is over 80 years old and she comes out shaking her fist at you, to will you on towards the the awesome Quarry Bends. There's a bump on the way in that unsettles you, roll in in top, then back a gear to drive through. get it wrong and you know it.
I came out of Quarry Bends and thought I was on Sulby Straight and could relax, but I wasn't. I was heading straight towards a wall. I was trying to turn the bike at 180mph with the throttle pinned. It was a nightmare. the bike's screaming it's head off down Sulby Straight, but I take the chance to give my fingers a bit of a waggle around. In the 600 race the bike in front hit a bird and it was like a pillow exploding. Then you apex off the houses, before going down into second to wheelie over Sulby Bridge.
Just there my mate, Kenny Munro, was killed a few years ago. I say hello to Kenny every time I go past.
Then all hell breaks loose. I've never ridden a road as bumpy as the one between Ginger Hall and Ramsey. The bike's lock-to-lock through Milntown. Down a hill, through the bumpiest corner, then you start building up to a horrible jump where Rob Frost crashed. Pull on the bars to wheelie. then keep it pinned until I see a little fence. I call it Fast Fence, to remind myself not to roll off through the blind kink. The sunlight coming through the trees distracts you.
I'm not getting used to animals on the track. In the 600 race I came through Milntown to see a massive black cockerel in the middle of the road. It looked at me and I looked at it. I thought 'I'm going to hit this', before it casually walked to the side of the road.
It's really bumpy, but the faster you go, the smoother it gets. Bumpy right, back another gear. there's a tree with a big 'K' carved into it. Aim for that and you miss the kerb.
Ramsey's a nightmare to get round so you may as well just pootle. Up towards the Waterworks there's a lot of nice short circuit scratching stuff. Waterworks is a tight right with loads of people shouting into your ear. It's great. Do a tiny wheelie before the climb up the Mountain.
Three corners taken as one into Guthries, a nasty little bastard that can easily have you off. fast left, keep climbing, over a tiny bridge where you nearly hit your shoulder on a bale, then you start the Mountain Mile. It's not a straight and easy to get wrong.
Everything's a blur, but it's a nice feeling. The bike's labouring, but I feel great in the fresh air and sunlight.
Up the top I get a pitboard as I go over the tramlines telling me if I have to come in for fuel or not. On to Brandywell and Windy Corner, past where Simon Beck died, two apex left-hander that can catch you out and a lovely right...
I'm missing out chunks because it's all constantly left-right up here. You can't compare this place to anywhere else and that's exactly what I wanted. I wanted a completely new challenge. It doesn't even compare to other road circuits because it's such a length. In one race I'm only going through a corner four times. On a short circuit I'm going through 20 times. Even the longest race you're only going through six times. And the conditions could've changed, someone could've fallen off.
Accelerate through Kate's, through the damp patches. I always think I'm going to lose the front here. down to Creg-ny-Baa. Down three, gentle kneedown for the punters, close to their feet to give them a proper buzz. through Brandish in top, right up close to the spectators. I love it.
Into Signpost. My team-mate Nigel 'Cap' Davis crashed here the other night and broke his femur in half. I think the bike landed on him. It's blind in second, then into another nice corner that's off-camber, aim for the gatepost, then turn away, accelerate towards the horrible Nook, then a whiff of throttle to Governor's then bam-bam...
Governor's is awful. It kicks your arse-end all over the place. Through gently, I nearly topple off I'm going so slow. Short-shift into second, there's a nasty little rise so I stand up and accelerate like fuck, skim the kerb and that's it, on to the start/finish for another lap or five.
submitted by MisterSquidInc to iomtt [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:46 Visual-Wish-6317 Lots of issues w/ bloodwork

My dog Lucky, a rescue, has been gaining weight and is generally lethargic. I switched her from Kirkland to Iams dogfood to see if it helped, but finally took her to the vet after no improvement. Appetite is still there, no excessive drinking, solid poop usually, no bleeding from gums or anything. She doesn’t seem at deaths door, just sleeps a lot. Also had a yeast infection in her ear. I finally took her to the vet and her blood work was alarming. I’d appreciate any insights. I’m treating her ear infection with otomax. She is currently on doxycycline since 5/20/24 to treat for any bacterial infections such as leptospirosis (she was vaccinated for it in 2022) and I’m starting her on thyroid meds tomorrow. I’ve been instructed to collect a urine sample and am hoping to get that to the vet tomorrow. Here are her current results 5/28/24: RBC low - 5.26 M/uL MCH high - 26.9 pg BASO normal - 0.02 K/uL PLT low 63 K/uL PCT low 0.06% SDMA high 15ug/dL CREA high 1.9 mg/dL TT4 low <0.5 ug/dL
She was tested 5/20/24 with an improvement in BASO by 0.10 K/uL, PLT by 5 K/uL and CREA by 0.1 mg/dL on 5/28/24 and worsening in everything else except SDMA which remained constant.
5/20/24 results RBC low - 5.36 M/uL MCH high - 26.7 pg BASO high 0.12 K/uL PLT low 58 K/uL PCT low 0.08% SDMA high 15ug/dL CREA high 1.8 mg/dL TT4 not tested 5/20/24
Any insight is appreciated. Thank you thank you thank you 🙏
submitted by Visual-Wish-6317 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:46 zxmbiedeer_ 18f Any advice on how to improve my face shape/lose face fat without body weight loss or plastic surgery?

18f Any advice on how to improve my face shape/lose face fat without body weight loss or plastic surgery?
I'm trying to maintain my current weight (as advised by doctors) as I am in restrictive ED recovery. I do workout and eat mostly clean and high protein to try and lose some fat and gain muscle but will face stay fat if I maintain my weight? Is there a way to improve my overall face shape without plastic surgery? Or lose face fat without weightloss? I'm open to any tips or advice! 🙏 like I said, I'm not open to plastic surgery/botox/filled suggestions.
submitted by zxmbiedeer_ to looks [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:37 AccomplishedRoom3225 Weight loss consult tomorrow

I have a “weight loss consultation” tomorrow which my GP said is the first step in getting Wegovy. (My A1C is 6.1 and my BMI is 33, I have had gestational diabetes twice- so I definitely fit the criteria for it and my dr said it would be a great tool for me.) Any tips on what to say to the weight loss specialist to get her to prescribe? I’m worried the “consult” will end in the advice to “kEEp a foOd jOuRnAl” “pOrTioN cOnTrOl” advice I’ve gotten a million times. I’ve had a hard time articulating the intense food noise/hunger cues issues I’ve had my whole life. I’m just so tired of living this way and I want this tool in my arsenal ASAP. Tips or advice welcome 🫶🏻 thanks in advance.
submitted by AccomplishedRoom3225 to WegovyWeightLoss [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:36 tnsaidr Maintaining pressure or practice options

Maintaining pressure or practice options
Want to ask how do you guys keep an eye on the weight of the extraction whilst keepng an eye on the pressure gauge?
18g mediusm roast
The sudden dip at 20 seconds is me taking my eye off to look at the time XD . Also I find it really hard to also keep a steady pressure and that is why it's good up and down .
Like I'm pressing down as it goes I need to push harder to get it back up to 9 and then back and forth.
I'm using the same beans I am using with my semi auto so ive got.a baseline of what to expect and so far it's on the bitter side
Any tips ? Is the random loss of pressure due to the coffee not ground find enough (I use my hand grinder jxpro 1.9.0 for this instead of my eureka)
Plus tried 3 shots and man it's a small workout for my arms (a bit sore) is this normal for first time use or I really need to get some workout (what's a good workout? Lifting ?)
submitted by tnsaidr to FlairEspresso [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:35 Nemo__404 Deathworlders Should Not Be Allowed To Date! [Ch. 36/??]

Luna VI query: Set the source to the translation logs of Princess Amara Auralyn.
No problem!
Luna VI query: Narrate Amara's plan to flee from the war.
The moment Amara's nose caught the scent of that little puff of smoke ascending from Nathan's damaged equipment, she suspected something terrible had happened. Her lack of understanding of the nature of this particular piece of human tech was unimportant. Just from knowing the fact that this was one of the few items Nathan had rushingly retrieved was more than enough for her to infer its importance.
His extremely negative reaction to its destruction also hadn't escaped her notice.
Amid the ragged bursts of breath and droplets of sweat running down his face, he stared at the smoking piece of equipment on the ground as he cursed. Then he stood up in a huff, pulling his hair as if trying to remove it from his scalp.
With the object source of their distress in between herself and Nathan, she asked a question that she already knew the answer to. "Was that the device you would use to request help?"
Nathan was breathing too fast to speak properly. "What else could. It be."
His confirmation was the last straw for her to close her eyes, allowing all the emotions she'd been suppressing to be manifested, like a multi-colored river flowing among her black spots.
When she opened her eyes again, she and Nathan were already locking gazes, him bending his head forward as he used his knees to support his upper body, while she stood upright with her head at the same vertical level as his.
Amara felt a shared sense of anger at the situation between them, but she was also afraid that Nathan’s anger was more targeted at her than at the situation.
It took some courage for her to speak first.
"Do you have other means for contacting your people?" She knew it was unlikely he had that, but it was still a question worth asking.
"The radio transmitter was being jammed. I didn't think of bringing it with me." He was recovering his breath fast. "What about you? There is that earpiece, and yesterday you had that AR visor on all day."
"The communicator in my ear is short-ranged. As for the AR visor..." She struggled to tell the truth, but she still did it. "I hid it inside a hole in a tree and forgot it."
"A hole? In a tree? Are you kidding me?"
The truth was that Amara hid it before entering Nathan's tent on the previous night. She had certain expectations and didn't want to be interrupted by the notifications.
But of course, she would never admit that.
"See any pockets?" She extended both hands and put her tail beside them, showing she had nowhere to store the items.
"Oh… sorry. Sometimes I forget our differences."
Nathan believed her so easily that she felt a little bad for him, but not bad enough to waste their precious time with unnecessary talking. "Even should I go alone, I fear I cannot retrieve our devices. I would just get killed or captured for nothing. We cannot stay here either because soon they will follow your trail; we need a plan."
She was certain the only reason the enemies hadn't followed them yet was because they had underestimated Nathan's ability to run.
"I wouldn't let you go back there even if you wanted to, Amara. But at least you are thinking now." He touched his chin, his eyes wandering around. "And yeah, we need a plan."
Unknowingly to Nathan, his words had caused Amara to drift away. And it was not because of him saying he wouldn't allow her to return, but because of his mention of the fact that she wasn't thinking before.
And this had affected her deeply because she utterly agreed with him.
By noticing how differently Ryo and Elysira had handled the same situation before they had fleed, Amara had reflected about how poorly she had reacted to the war. She was guilty of thinking about this more than just a little while Nathan was putting in all the effort to take her away from danger.
She traced back her mistake to a single moment—when Nathan had told her his list of reasons why they couldn't be together. This was when she had allowed her heart to be poisoned with rejection, which by morning had spiraled out of control by the dreadful reportings she had received, and finally, it had culminated in her emotional response to the crisis.
Which curiously Nathan had later fixed by his total commitment to staying together.
Amara found all of that pathetic.
This time she set her priorities straight as she suppressed her detrimental feelings in favor of reason. "We could trek parallel to the mountain and find a cave to hide until the elders send help."
"How long would that take?" He asked.
His questions triggered a long chain of assumptions in her mind. She first considered the political situation after the disruptive assassinations in the capital, and then the logistics of the deployment of reinforcements.
But Amara discarded the whole plan when she tried to envision how long it would take for her allies to find them in the darkness of the forest, realizing how flawed her suggestion was.
Displaying red, she said, "Help will be here today, yet the war on the ground will turn into a slow spot-and-kill conflict. My thoughts must still be clouded. To hide in the mountains is a death sentence; the rebels would have a better idea where to search for us than my allies would."
Nathan touched his face and shook his head at her admission. Without fully understanding what he was doing, she watched him approach a young tree and stare at its bark as his right arm tensed.
Before she could ask a single question, he punched the rough bark, dislodging some wood from the brittle surface and making it fall.
He said, "I'm such an idiot. Now our only option is to keep running and I didn't even bring the water."
She was taken aback by his reaction.
It was true among her species that the males could be more aggressive under stressful situations. But to go as far as hunting themselves against a tree? This was something she hadn't seen before nor she could understand.
What would she do now?
Of all her priorities, communicating with him was very high on her list. This went much beyond certain feelings she had, being directly linked to their survival. Remembering how Ryo and Elysira had handled the same situation before they had fled, she couldn't help but feel like she and Nathan were still failing at this.
Following more instinct than reason, Amara decided to approach him as the red on her skin gradually gave way to purple at every step she took.
When he was within tails reach of her, she spoke.
"I cannot read your thoughts much less can I see your feelings, but I presume that similar to me you can also sense that we failed today, am I wrong?" Nathan pursed his lips and didn't reply, leaving her at a loss for a moment. Yet she didn't give up and wrapped her tail around his wrist, raising his scraped knuckles for him to see. "Why have you done this?"
"I..." He averted his eyes from the wound, relaxing his arm. "This ain't me I swear Amara. It's just-"
"The drones are coming." She was forced to shut him up with her tail to confirm what she heard in the background while he was speaking. After adjusting the angle of her ears she added, "At least three."
Seeing Nathan's face contort from one weird expression after the other, she could only feel regret and anger that she was forced to interrupt him. But as long as they were alive they could always talk more later.
"Great!" He took a deep breath and lowered his back for her to climb. "Let's see how far I can go without water."
"No." She could hear the drones advancing slowly, likely searching for places where they might have hidden, underestimating how far Nathan had taken her. "I do not doubt you can run more, but there is no point in running unless we can lose them. Can you do what Ryo did and destroy them?"
He didn't look at her as he replied, "I could try, but I don't have whatever aim improving add-on the military gave him, much less the years of training."
"Can I borrow your loud gun then?" Amara had a seed of a plan in her mind, a risky and reckless plan but still better than doing nothing or engaging in more random running.
"What? Do you have any idea how hard is to shoot those things down?" Nathan took her request so badly that he lifted his body again to explain more. "Your species may have precise movements and all, but this revolver needs more than just aiming, there's the recoil, reloading, and I bet it hurt your ears; besides I doubt you can do better than me without having taken a single shot with one of our guns your whole life."
Nathan was not wrong.
No matter how hard it felt to admit it to herself, the truth was that she was not a frontline fighter. She could bring order. She could weed out traitors. She could give directions. But taking a gun and firing at the enemies? Even a gun crafted by her species was something she lacked experience using.
Still, the way that he expressed his doubt without even hearing what she had in mind made her quite angry. It was nothing close to the feeling of rejection from the night, but it was still enough to encourage her to double down on her idea.
"I do not intend to shoot the drones from far away like you humans do." Amara pointed at the canopy of the young tree beside them and waited for him to look up before she added, "I want to ambush them from a close distance."
His eyes widened, but Nathan still wasn't convinced. "That's dangerous Amara. What if you miss it? You'll just let them know where we are for nothing. And even if you don't miss the shots can’t they just send more drones?"
"You speak reason, but my goal extends beyond destroying them. I know how brother and my species think and I want to mislead them." Amara did her best to let him know her intention. "You will have to be my bait too, and we will need to run as fast as we can towards the valleys once I destroy them. I would explain everything if there was time, but right now you will have to trust me."
"You want to go to the valleys..." He spoke in a low voice as he scratched his head.
Seeing that he didn't straight up reject her idea this time, Amara went on for the last push, showing a forced hint of yellow to try and sound confident. "No sane individual would go to the valleys without equipment and a large group, my brother and his army will never consider searching for us in there."
She regretted her wording as soon as she was done speaking, afraid she might have scared Nathan who was taking his time to reply.
But before she could say anything more, Nathan started loading his gun and when he was done he used his thumb to lower a little lever. "You have to pull this thing down each time before pulling the trigger, but I guess you saw me doing it enough times already." He then undid his action before offering the gun to her as he held it by the muzzle. "Don't forget to hold it with all your might or the recoil will hurt you."
She considered saying some words to let him know how much his trust meant to her, but the drones were approaching and there were more important things to say. Her tail simply coiled around the gun, and she took it as the weight of the task ahead caused the object to feel heavier than it was.
She considered if she should ask for more ammunition, but concluded she wouldn't have time to reload, which she knew was bad despite making things significantly easier.
"Go there and make it convincing that you are absolutely exhausted, can you?" Using her tail, Amara pointed at a bright spot on the ground, where a beam of blue light was making its way from the canopies to the ground. "This is important Nathan. The operators must believe you reached your limit, they must report to my brother that you cannot run much longer."
"This won't be too hard." His lips curled into a hint of a smile. "But are you sure they don't use AI instead of operators to guide the drones?"
"Only you humans are crazy enough to disregard the only law the alliance enforces." She started climbing the tree with each of her clawed hands poking holes into the bark from a different side, but when she was already above Nathan, she looked below. "I am counting on you. We made too many mistakes today, one more and it might not be forgiven."
"I'll do what you asked, okay? Just hit the drones and don't fall from the tree." He said before running towards the spot she had instructed him.
With each of them agreeing on their role, Amara kept climbing the tree, finding little difficulty in her initial task. This was so easy that almost all of her attention was focused on tracking the spinning blades of the drones, which were constantly approaching at a speed that suggested they were doing a minute inspection of the ground.
It was only when she was already high above that she noticed the first problem.
If she wanted the advantage of shooting the drones from the same plane they were approaching, Amara would either have to give up a hand for the aim, or she would have to compromise her camouflage by wrapping her legs around the tree to help her tail to hold her body.
Neither of the options was ideal, but doing nothing was even worse, which led her to choose to sacrifice some of her ability to aim in favor of a tighter grip, ensuring that her legs kept hidden behind the trunk as she pressed each of her clawed fingers of her left hand against the rough bark for a secure hold.
Feeling a burning anxiety like she never felt before, she transferred the gun from her tail to her right hand and surrounded the tree with her now free tail to improve her grip even more.
She then turned her head and took a final glance at Nathan and confirmed he was stooping down and breathing loudly, exactly on the spot she had asked him to go.
Now everything was ready.
Amara hid the gun in between her belly and the tree as her whole body mimicked the brownish color of the bark, even her tail and hair transitioning from their typical blue to a copy of the textured color surrounding her.
Her eyes closed and only a mental representation of her surroundings remained, being especially accurate this time as if her her body knew there was no room for mistakes.
As the seconds passed, her heart rate slowed down and her awareness peaked. Of all her body, only her long ears slightly moved as the positions of the three drones became less foggy in her mind the closer they got to her.
The fact that one of them suddenly stopped moving right in front of the tree was something she expected, that being the exact moment its sensors had found Nathan on the ground.
Instead of attacking, Amara waited.
And almost envisioning the exact conversation the operators were having behind their visors, she gauged the time they took to communicate among themselves by observing how long the other two drones had taken to start moving closer to the one that had spotted Nathan first.
This wasn't a lot of time, which put into perspective how fast she would have to act in order to prevent the other two drones from repositioning after the first one was destroyed.
Her heart was beating slowly and her mind was focused; the chances of the targets getting closer were no different than that of them getting more distant.
Somewhere inside she could feel it—now was the perfect moment for her attack.
Amara's eyes snapped open and her heart rate multiplied by nearly threefold, preparing her for intense exertion. The muscles of her left arm propelled her body sideways, taking her head away from the protection of the tree trunk. That happened at the same time that her clawed finger pulled down the little lever, just like Nathan had taught her.
Her eyes locked first on the most distant target, which was not further away from her than twelve meters, and her right arm moved accordingly, raising the gun as her clawed finger slipped into the trigger.
She knew how painful to her ears the noise would be, yet she still forced her eyes to stay open as she pulled the trigger.
Except, she flinched at the last moment and ended up missing the target because of it.
Now her ears were ringing and the number of targets was the same, fueling her fury for the next shots she fired in a quick sequence.
It took three more attempts to destroy the furthest target, turning her fury into apprehension.
And apprehension quickly transitioned into despair when, after destroying the middle target with two shots, she pulled the trigger aiming at the closed drone, only to hear an empty click.
The drone rotated towards her and she also felt Nathan's gaze in the distance, screaming something that she was too numb to understand.
Would she be the reason for their demise?
Just the thought of how happy her brother would be for seeing her so helpless was more than enough of a reason for her to not accept that.
So at the lack of bullets, she spitefully threw the gun at the spinning blades.
And when the outcome of her desperate action did little more than cause the drone to lose control for a few moments, she still refused to give up and pounced on it as if she were a trained huntress.
If Bhaela could jump from a tree and dig her claws into the veins of an Oczoil from high above and survive to tell the tale, why couldn't she do the same with a little drone?
Her confidence only lasted until no part of her body was touching the tree and her limbs contacted the blades, causing a sharp pain, which she promptly forgot as flesh and machine plummeted together.
Amara tried to use her tail and arms to cushion the fall, but unlike Bhaela graceful performance, all she achieved was her belly smashing the drone against the ground before her arms and head split the kinetic energy from the fall.
Her vision went black after that, but Amara knew she wasn't dead because that annoying ringing sound in her ears persisted, reminding her of her failure.
Time became confused in her state of disorientation, and she had no idea how long had passed when she felt her eyes being opened. As she watched the world around her through a red filter, Amara got to see Nathan's mouth moving, but she was unable to grasp a single word he said.
In a rushed manner, he took off his jacket and pulled out a knife, which he then used to slice a piece of fabric.
He said something again, and she felt his hand pressing against her forehead, the severed portion of his jacket he held being large enough to cover even her eyes below.
Amara felt like sleeping this time, the darkness feeling more welcoming than scary.
But before she could fall asleep, she noticed her body being lifted from the ground. And unlike the last time, she was being held from below as Nathan's hand kept her head locked against his body.
The last memory she retained before her consciousness faded was of hearing the rhythmic sound of his breathing and his loud steps below, feeling as if she might have wrapped her tail around his arm. Yet, she remained unsure whether she had truly done so or if it was just a product of her imagination.
This was an account based on Amara's plan to flee from the war. The previous narrative is based on the events of the morning of the twentieth day of the exploratory mission of Irisa. According to your current settings, no queries will be suggested.
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submitted by Nemo__404 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:33 moonmama14 Is it worth starting?

So my insurance denied my PA on the basis of no weight loss medication benefits. I can afford to pay for 5 months with the savings card. Is it worth it to do it for that short amount of time? I am considering stretching out the time between injections to get what I can afford to help for longer.
Any thoughts/opinions are welcome!
submitted by moonmama14 to Zepbound [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:31 Fatandugly35 Weight loss uniform allowance

On a weight loss journey. Got my first set of uniform and I purposely ordered a size too small so I can eventually fit into it.
But, I will still have more to lose even once I do fit into it.
How likely is it I will be allowed more once I am drowning in the fabric? Even if I don’t have allowance at that time?
submitted by Fatandugly35 to tesco [link] [comments]
