Flat sinnet knotp

How to splice a sinnet to itself to make a wreath?

2022.06.16 19:48 wenestvedt How to splice a sinnet to itself to make a wreath?

How do I splice a four- or five-strand sinnet into a ring, to make a decorative wreath? I would like to make a braided-rope wreath something like this item.
I know how to do simple flat splices in Dyneema and other cords large and small, and how to make four-, five-, and six-strand sinnets and Turk's Heads. I have worked with climbing ropes and 2mm cord and stuff in between. I have made whoopie slings, dogbones (with McDonald Brummel splices so both ends are locked), soft shackles, and other items.
But how do I splice the ends of a big sinnet together?
Most directions I can find are for rope grommets, which are spliced by tucking the three free strands into the strands at the other end -- but a sinnet has a "butt" end where it starts, and I fear that weaving so many free strands into it will make a bulge.
Thank you!
submitted by wenestvedt to knots [link] [comments]

2021.07.25 22:27 para-things Some knots and braids derived from Ashley Book Of Knots

Here are some videos that show how to make an 18 strand dog leash. I plan on adding more in the future but felt like this is enough for most intermediate advanced tyers to get started and finish
¹1. Flat Gaucho Braid Coded 1 2 2 2 1 AKA Fan Knot or Locked Edged Gaucho Braid: https://youtu.be/TDf7upDUP7U
  1. First I learned ABOK #2995 then I expanded by 2 strand and continued the pattern from ABOK #2995 into a Nine-Strand Double-Edge Flat Sinnet which is also known as a flat Herringbone Braid: https://youtu.be/dx_beEAJ3ME
  2. ABOK #696 using 18 Strand 3 Ply footrope knot: Ashley also considers this to be a "Terminal Knot" https://youtu.be/yOVuGMagNxc
²4. 18 Strand 3 Pass Gaucho Round Braid: https://youtu.be/YQzcTWUNEVI
²5. 18 Strand 3 Pass Herringbone Braid: https://youtu.be/XaH2O2WWfkk
²6. 18 Strand 2 Pass Gaucho Round Braid: https://youtu.be/bl9BkFF51to
³7. Splicing the 1 2 1 braid into a hand loop: https://youtu.be/nomPTTJy9Lk
¹if this video is not shown the splicing shown info video 7 would not be relevant.
²In order for me to figure the runlist for each braid I first have to build the knot using ABOK #1289. The I deconstruct the knot and make notes on what I find. I encourage anyone to do the same.
³please refer to ABOK Chapter 18 and 19. ABOK 1429 is based off a Carrick Bend which has similar structure of a 4 part Turkshead knot. All I did was apply it to the first flat braid in this series. ABOK 2634 a Sailor Short Splice is shown and is applied to round rope, I use the same idea but apply it to the Sinnet I made which I called the 1 2 2 2 1 flat braid
submitted by para-things to knots [link] [comments]

2019.01.16 22:07 ExcellentFinance Noen andre som blir påvirket av mørketiden?

Jeg føler meg flat og sliten hver eneste dag. Jeg mangler energi og har såvidt motivasjon til noe som helst. Alt føles kjedelig og meningsløst og jeg deriverer nesten aldri glede av noen ting. Jeg har skippet fester med vennene mine fordi jeg klarer ikke ha det moro. Jeg synes heller ikke at det å i det hele tatt snakke med venner lenger er særlig moro. Jeg ler så si aldri. Jeg orker ikke engang sette på en dokumentar eller starte et spill, så dere kan tenke dere hvor motivert jeg er til historieprøven min imorgen (haha).
Men seriøst, jeg føler lite til ingenting hver eneste dag og jeg endte nesten opp med å stryke i historie fordi jeg hadde akkurat 10% (og fikk ikke legetime på samme dag, så jeg fikk uken etter, men da kunne han ikke skrive ut en legeerklæring til meg), men jeg klarte ikke bry meg. Note: Klarte ikke - jeg fikk ikke mentalt til å kalle frem en følelse om at jeg nesten strøk.
Jeg utnyttet tidligere sukker og koffein for å føle meg mer oppegående, men har kuttet ut dette da det i bunn og grunn er dårlig - spesielt koffeinen. Jeg prøver å spise sunt og trene regelmessig. Det rare er at jeg sjeldent føler at jeg får utbytte av treningen. Jeg kan ikke føle gladhormonene som skal skilles ut i kroppen når man trener og heller ikke etterpå. Istedenfor blir jeg enda mer sliten og føler at jeg har brukt opp så mye energi at jeg såvidt klarer å dusje etterpå. Jeg får i meg rikelig med mat og drikke før treningen også.
Når våren kommer føler jeg meg euforisk, fordi sola dukker endelig opp. Jeg begynner plutselig å føle meg optimistisk og glad. Jeg kan nyte musikk bedre igjen. Jeg begynner å føle mer motivasjon og får mer tro på meg selv generelt. Jeg vet av lang erfaring at sollys har en stor innvirkning på humøret mitt. Jeg har kjøpt lyslampe, den er grei å ha, men den kan ikke løfte humøret mitt betydelig. Jeg går for øyeblikket på Venlafaxin, et antidepressiva som skal øke serotonin og noradrenalin, samt dopamin, men i veldig liten mengde. Jeg er klar over at man ikke kan lene seg tilbake i stolen og vente på at medisinen skal virke, men at man heller må "hjelpe" antidepressivaen med å fungere. Jeg bare føler at mine egne tiltak ikke strekker til.
Jeg har ikke akkurat noen spesielle grunner til å føle meg slik, annet enn at jeg kanskje gruver meg til fremtiden, men det dominerer ikke akkurat sinnet mitt i hverdagen. Jeg tenker dette er normalt for VG3-elever.
Er det noen andre som har det/har hatt det slik? Hva hjalp dere?
submitted by ExcellentFinance to norge [link] [comments]

2018.05.12 21:44 msstk Make a French Sinnet/Mad Max Style Closure- 4 Strand Flat Braid Paracord Survival Bracelet

Make a French Sinnet/Mad Max Style Closure- 4 Strand Flat Braid Paracord Survival Bracelet submitted by msstk to paracord [link] [comments]

2014.01.20 21:25 adog12341 [SG] Back selling parcord accessories! Many successful trades.

Hi Shibes! I'm back to sell more paracord accessories!
Here's my post in the verification thread!
Now on to the merchandise!
Pictures and colors
Shipping is a flat 1.5k doge to anywhere in the Continental US! Canadian customers will need to pay 2.5k for shipping. If you're willing to pay more, I can ship internationally.
Feel free to comment or PM to ask questions or order! To streamline ordering, please provide the following information:
The Dogeback Guarantee: When we go to the moon, I will return 5% of the doge you paid! PM me when we get to at least $0.01 per coin and I will return 5% of your doge!
All items handmade by me in the US with US made cord! This stuff can hold at least 550 lb, enough to hold 5+ shibes!
Once again, if you have any questions feel free to ask!
submitted by adog12341 to dogemarket [link] [comments]

2014.01.03 19:51 adog12341 [SG]Paracord Bracelets, keyfobs, and lanyards. Same low price!

Pictures and colors
I should've raised prices, but since there are still many poorshibes out there, I'm still selling at $1/1k!
The Dogeback Guarantee: When we go to the moon, I will return 5% of the doge you paid! PM me when we get to at least $0.01 per coin and I will return 5% of your doge! Buy with confidence knowing that when we reach astronomical prices, you will have that 5% back AND a wicked cool accessory to wear around.
All items handmade by me in the US with US made cord! This stuff can hold at least 550 lb, enough to hold 5+ shibes!
Shipping is a flat 2k doge to anywhere in the Continental US! Canadian customers will need to pay 3k for shipping. No other international shipping.
Feel free to comment or PM to ask questions or order! To streamline ordering, please provide the following information:
Once again, if you have any questions feel free to ask!
submitted by adog12341 to dogemarket [link] [comments]

2013.12.28 07:19 adog12341 [WTS] Paracord Bracelets, keyfobs, and lanyards with a DOGE BACK GUARANTEE! Details inside!

Previous thread :)
Product pictures and colors
The Dogeback Guarantee: When we go to the moon, I will return 5% of the doge you paid! PM me when we get to at least $0.10 per coin and I will return 5% of your doge! Buy with confidence knowing that when we reach astronomical prices, you will have that 5% back AND a wicked cool accessory to wear around.
Example of the Dogeback Guarantee: You buy a keyfob and bracelet from me. Total is 9k. In a couple months we land on the moon! Excellent. Time to PM adog and get that 5% back! You will receive 450 doge back, which equates to $45.
wow, how can you pass this shit up?
All items handmade by me in the US with US made cord! This stuff can hold at least 550 lb, enough to hold 5+ shibes! My prices are $1 lower than what I would sell for fiat so buy it up!
Shipping is a flat 2k doge to anywhere in the Continental US! Canadian customers will need to pay 3k for shipping.
Feel free to comment or PM to ask questions or order! To streamline ordering, please provide the following information:
Once again, if you have any questions feel free to ask!
submitted by adog12341 to dogemarket [link] [comments]

2013.12.25 17:48 adog12341 [WTS] Very merry paracord bracelets, keyfobs, and lanyards for Doge!

Previous thread :)
Product pictures and colors
All items handmade by me in the US with US made cord! This stuff can hold at least 550 lb, enough to hold 5+ shibes!
Shipping is still a flat 2k doge to anywhere in the Continental US! 1k extra for Canadian.
Feel free to comment or PM to ask questions or order! To streamline ordering, please provide the following information:
Once again, if you have any questions feel free to ask!
submitted by adog12341 to dogemarket [link] [comments]

2013.12.23 06:24 adog12341 [WTS] Paracord Bracelets, Keyfobs, Lanyards! Dogecoin and Combo discounts!

What's up my shibes! I have a local paracord business that I'm expanding to accept DOGE! All merchandise is made by me with USA made paracord. I'm knocking off $1 for each of my items as a special Doge discount! I'm also offering a 10% discount if you buy more than 1 item. Shipping is 2k flat to anywhere in the Cont. US, order as much as you want. No international shipping, sorry :(
Here's what I can make you along with the colors I have!
Let me know if you'd like to see what colors look like together as I can make a sample and send you a picture so you can see if you like it.
To tha moon!
submitted by adog12341 to dogemarket [link] [comments]
