The picture of lower lip problems

Fifth World Problems

2011.04.26 03:20 happybadger Fifth World Problems

The Fifth World

2013.10.03 13:11 patr1234 The Downsides of Modern Development

A photography subreddit of all the hideous places human beings built or inhabit. Come here for aesthetic appreciation of the darker side of the cities, towns, and villages in our shared world. We welcome any photos which show either ugliness, or a problem in urban development. Rural and suburban hell are also allowed.

2012.06.17 19:07 hmwith Big Boob Problems

Vent in this judgment-free community that encourages discussion in a safe environment. Boobit exists for all people with big boob problems, whether women, men, non-binary, or any other gender.

2024.06.10 01:04 No-Return-6453 How do I [M20] talk about this with my boyfriend [M22]?

I [NB/M20] need genuine advice on what to do with my long distance boyfriend [M22] of 10 months. (knew each other since 2021, dated in 2022 for 5 months, broke it off because we both weren't good mentally during it, stopped contact, reunited in 2023 and decided to give it another shot because we both had our feelings for each other even when we didn't talk, both matured more and agreed to communicate more thru the relationship)
And I need genuine advice for people who have the experience. How do I confront my boyfriend for a talk? The thing is, he voiced that he's unsure of his feelings and that he is feeling cold and experiences apathy, not just about me but his whole life in general. Once, he went completely offline for more than a week, and when he came back, that's when it happened. I sent him a picture of me before he went to work, and got a bit upset that he didn't compliment my looks, the same day we hopped on a voice call and I told him that I'd appreciate if he could tell me something about my physical looks when I send pictures of myself, we were both a bit quiet after that, and ended the conversation. After some time, he told me the way he feels so cold and etc is because he feels really bad for what he did (AKA not complimenting me) while I reassured him that it's okay, and I was NEVER mad at him. His feelings are valid, so I told him it's okay to feel that way because it means he's genuinely sorry for making me upset, and I told him that it's completely fine and now he knows that I'd appreciate it being said next time, we both communicated about it. But he is still upset. I was always there for him, still am, I reassured him when he felt really bad, tried my best with everything I could. But as I mentioned, he said he feels apathy for life now. After it happened, we didn't spend much time together doing our average activities like before, doesn't sound like much of a problem because I understand how he feels, but I tried to cheer him up. I ended up sending him a package I was preparing to send since August of 2023, it was finally done in march of this year and I sent it to him. He loved it, but after that went completely radio silent for over 3 weeks everywhere while I was worried like hell. I do not mind if he takes breaks, but I also want to be sure he's okay, but I got no warning. I felt so bad like I did something wrong. Turns out, he talked to other people but didn't wanna talk to me. I felt betrayed at that moment. Not because he has other friends or anything, but because he knew how worried I was and chose to ghost me. And when he came back, he lied to me about it, saying he was all alone and by himself while I literally had proof from his friends that sent it to me. Am I valid for feeling upset because of it?
But now the reason I even made this post, is how am I supposed to talk to him about everything? He is distant, drinks, cold and says he doesn't feel any care for the world or self. I know I am not his therapist, and I suggested him to get therapy, but I really want to help him. He tells me he lost feelings and doesn't know what he wants anymore, but I don't want the history to repeat itself. The reason we broke up in 2022 is because of similar stuff happening, him drinking again and feeling no will to live, and then he broke up with me. But after reunion he told me he tried being egoistic, trying to move on and to be in this mindset that he doesn't need me anymore, yet none of it helped and he wished he could've done stuff differently. We both gave it a chance and now it happens again. Maybe that's the reason I'm trying so hard, but I also love him very much, and we made plans to meet up irl too. Now he pushes me away and says he's tired. I feel like I may be a bit pushy but at the same time, I don't want him to fall into this abyss again. I talked to my friends and they told me it's okay to give someone a little push, ESPECIALLY when they're feeling so low and think bad about themselves. I tried, but he says he doesn't need it. I don't want to break up, nor do I want the relationship to end. I just wanna know if there is ANY way I can talk about this with him. I tried asking what's wrong or what did I do, and he tells me that it's all his fault. I did some stuff in a relationship too, get jealous and mad, but I overcame it and admitted my mistakes and now left that mindset and more chill about it. We all make mistakes after all, but how am I supposed to do anything when he tells me it's all his fault? He tells me he's used to doing things alone and coping with them too, but I want to be there for him cuz I am his partner, his feelings matter to me and so does he as a person. I just don't know.
I hope this post fits the subreddit, and as said, GENUINE advice needed. I want to help him, but how do I talk this out with him? Is it worth it?
submitted by No-Return-6453 to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:02 laplantaverde_ Wall looks off :(

Wall looks off :(
Hi guys, so I wanted to build a house but i´ve been having trouble with the roof. Im making it out of shapes and also the walls on the second floor. The thing is I dont like how it looks :( I dont know if you guys have this problem as well or how can I fix it but the shapes dont seem to fit right , as you can see in the picture. The roof doesnt bother me as much , but the walls are to obvious. I was liking the house so far and I would like to try avoid deleting it. If you have some tips or suggestions I would love to hear them :)
(please ignore the yellow roof, I will change the color later if I do keep the house and sorry if my english is not so good)
submitted by laplantaverde_ to Bloxburg [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:02 DSHanson Survivor Benefits and ABLE Account

Hi all,
I've reviewed a number of other posts here along with the Social Security website and I believe I know the answer to my two questions, but would like to hear from others.
I have a niece, 6 years old with a profound disability, who has been receiving SSI for years. She is cared for by her grandmother who is the legal guardian. Last year my nieces mother died, and she has just started receiving SS benefits (Survivors) because of this. This new income of course lowered the amount of SSI received, but with no problem because the two combined amounts equal the same original monthly amount.
My first question is are there any asset limits of any kind for someone receiving Social Security benefits (Survivors)? With SSI we of course had to be very careful about the $2,000 limit, and I'm thrilled at the possibility of no asset limit for now until she turns 18 and moves back to SSI, but I don't want to get too excited. I've not seen anything anywhere which states there are asset limits. I've read all the information I can find from SS, and just want to make sure I'm not missing anything.
In regards to ABLE, one of the other posts here taught me about these accounts which I'd never heard of, and I've just gone through the checklist confirming my niece is eligible for Palmetto ABLE in our state. My second question is, am I missing anything at all that would preclude us from creating a Palmetto ABLE account for her? Everything I've read says yes she's absolutely eligible, but I'm asking because when I spoke to an SS employee during our last visit they said that there were no programs and no way at all to set aside money from SSI (what she was receiving at the time) to save for my nieces care years from now.
Thank y'all!
submitted by DSHanson to SocialSecurity [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:01 Daneywaney Dishwasher installer rejected due to "clogged air gap"

Dishwasher installer rejected due to
I need to know if I'm being scammed here.
I ordered a dishwasher from Costco. They cover general install but the actual service goes through a third party. Extra repairs are between the third party and me.
When the installer arrived, he poked around and mentioned my air gap was clogged and that he could replace it for an additional charge. I declined. After speaking to someone on the phone in another language, he said he can't do the install because of the air gap.
He also mentioned that they would warranty the work but it was $100 to replace it. I got on my phone to try and research. He mentioned that he could come back another day and said I could clean it myself. I asked if he could clean it and he said no, he can only replace it. I turned them away and now I'm really annoyed because I think they were just trying to get a little extra money. Did they try to scam me?
Relevant facts:
-my current dishwasher drains fine. I don't have a problem with that.
-when he said my air gap was clogged, he had the beauty cover off, but not the cap (not sure of the terms here)
-I don't see anything in the air gap (as pictured)
submitted by Daneywaney to askaplumber [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:01 AutoModerator Weekly Copyright Reminder

This is a weekly reminder post of this sub's stance on potential copyright infringement. This is a serious issue that needs to be kept in mind when creating and listing NFTs.
Original post by u/HurleyBird1
Now that that's out of the way. My credentials are: MBA, with a bit of business law classes under my belt.
I want to give a quick explanation of how copyright works - and I'll do so through quick blurbs n some myth/reality bullets.
Source: (US)
  1. Subject matter of copyright: In general28(a) Copyright protection subsists, in accordance with this title, in original works of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression, now known or later developed, from which they can be perceived, reproduced, or otherwise communicated, either directly or with the aid of a machine or device. Works of authorship include the following categories:(1) literary works;(2) musical works, including any accompanying words;(3) dramatic works, including any accompanying music;(4) pantomimes and choreographic works;(5) pictorial, graphic, and sculptural works;(6) motion pictures and other audiovisual works;(7) sound recordings; and(8) architectural works.(b) In no case does copyright protection for an original work of authorship extend to any idea, procedure, process, system, method of operation, concept, principle, or discovery, regardless of the form in which it is described, explained, illustrated, or embodied in such work.
- Myth: I can use any image/song/video/writing I want.
- Reality: No. Not true at all.
- Myth: Well they never said it's copyrighted.
- Reality: Upon publication (and even while a work in progress) a work is automatically protected via copyright under US Law.
- Myth: Well they never sold it.
- Reality: It doesn't have to be commercialized to be protected.
- Myth: Well it was a long time ago
- Reality: Possibly long as the creator is deceased (or if multiple creators, the last living one is deceased) and the required time has passed...although this gets tricky with "estates."
(d) Duration of Rights.—(1) With respect to works of visual art created on or after the effective date set forth in section 610(a) of the Visual Artists Rights Act of 1990, the rights conferred by subsection (a) shall endure for a term consisting of the life of the author.
So what's this thing I hear called "Fair Use?"
Straight from the source:
  1. Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair use41Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use the factors to be considered shall include—(1) the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;(2) the nature of the copyrighted work;(3) the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and(4) the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.The fact that a work is unpublished shall not itself bar a finding of fair use if such finding is made upon consideration of all the above factors. me translate that please... (here's a decent official translation:
  1. above...if it's non-profit educational use, you're usually good to go...if it's for money or trade (commercial nature) then you're usually NOT...unless YOUR piece is "transformative"
Transformative uses are those that add something new, with a further purpose or different character, and do not substitute for the original use of the work.
- Myth: Well this is paid for in Algos, not USD so it's not "commercial"
- Reality: IT IS commercial. You could even barter for bacon and it'd be commercial. It's an exchange of one good/service for another good/service.
- Myth: My piece with Batman inside a card is "transformative"
- Reality: No, unfortunately, more-than-likely the courts would say it's not. A good litmus test is..."If Warner Bros Entertainment (owner of Batman) wanted to make an NFT/ASA "Batman card" would yours compete with it or be possibly mistaken (by a reasonable person - so in America think 8th grade education) for real merchandise? Probably...thus it's not transformative enough.
"nature" gets a little tougher. This looks at protecting the "creative process." Thus, using other works of art is less-likely to be protected than using factual sources - like historical photographs since it's easier to "create art" and thus "transform" factual pieces than other art pieces. This is also talking to things like "parody." Satire is NOT protected. "Parody" is. What's the difference? LegalZoomputs it well: While a parody targets and mimics the original work to make a point, a satire uses the original work to criticize something else entirely. Another way to look at it is that satire uses another work as a way to comment on something happening in the world that has nothing to do with the original work.
- Myth: I added a different border, extra planets, and some blur effect to MTZ's World of Light - it's a new piece of art.
- Reality: Not likely the courts will see it that way.
- Myth: This guy added a filter, some burn effects, and collaged a bunch of newspaper headlines together - isn't that a violation!
- Reality: Probably not...the courts would probably see this as a creation of art out of factual sources.
amount/substantiality in relation to the whole...this is where using clips of songs that are only like 5 seconds long works! But using more than that...runs into problems. This is tough to decipher some songs are EASILY identifiable from just 5 seconds (Ice, ice, baby) - and thus NOT fair use. But some aren't. Usually you're safe using a very small clip of a song or video - especially if you're adding more to it. But this is a dangerous game to play - and there's places to get free audio (some sources below)
effect of the use - this is probably the biggest one. Courts will look at simply...does YOUR work affect the sales or potential for sales of the copyright owner. Of note...this is looked at at the time of the issue being brought to the court, not at the time of sale. For example, let's say my batman card sells for 10 Algos today, but Algorand BLOWS UP and soon every NFT is on Algorand. And now my OG Batman NFT is seen as one of the first Batman ones and official. Warner Bros gonna sue the shit outta whoever owns it at the time they sue to get the rights to all sales of that NFT. So that person is left holding an empty bag when Warner Bros wins in court.
- Myth: Well they're not commercializing it NOW so I'm safe.
- Reality: Technically, yea Warner Bros probably won't spend the money to go after the OG artist and the hands the asset passed through...HOWEVER, they may. That's their right. Who knows - the Napster days showed us the lengths companies will go to. EVEN BIGGER HOWEVER, the last person holding it when Warner Bros DOES decide to go after that Batman NFT...uh oh for them - they just lost their asset.
- Myth: Well it's been like a year, and no one has brought up copyright. So I'm good.
- Reality: If this was in a normal market...maybe this argument would work. If McDonald's let you sell a Ronald McDonald poster for like a year on Amazon with no issues, some court may say "bro, you took too long to bring this to us." HOWEVER, with cryptocurrency being so new (and Algorand being so little known/discussed), most courts would see it as "reasonable" that a copyright owner failed to exercise their rights within a year - possibly even a decade. (Updated because I realized last example dealt with trademark not copyright :o)
So what am I safe to use?
US Government works (mostly)...any deemed free to use by creator...and any a copyright lawyer says they have your backs on (cuz now they're liable).
Here's some great sources for free use items (please add to this list below if you know of some!!!):
Pictures: (Unsplash is one of my faves)
You'll notice there's a lot of "shoulds" "coulds" "probably" etc. This is because copyright cases are all unique and go to the courts. The best bet is to go with stuff you KNOW is free and fair-use. If not, I'd look up copyright law, consult supreme court cases concerning copyright, and ultimately, talk to a lawyer.
submitted by AutoModerator to AlgoNFTMarketplace [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:01 Litty_B I'm considering filing for bankruptcy...

I'm considering filing for bankruptcy. I'm 27 and am on-track to finish my bachelor's degree and start my career next year. I had a number of health problems at my first college straight out of high school, and I gathered a decent amount of credit card debt paying medical and transportation expenses during that time. I had to take a long break before getting back into education, and I haven't been in a stable-enough position to pay off the debt I incurred ten years ago, so it's been accruing interest this whole time. I've now maxed out both of my credit cards and am around $20k in cc debt. Any money I make from my PT job has been going to living expenses (including medical expenses), and I haven't been able to make the monthly payments for a few months. Even if I could, the amount I could pay would only go towards the interest, not the principle.
I anticipate having a well-paying job after college - well-paying enough to pay off my CC debt in a reasonable amount of time... I've been living on a budget all my life so I'm not worried about going without during the first couple years of my career just to catch up. But that won't happen for another year, and the companies won't wait that long. They're threatening legal action.
I've tried to do debt reconciliation in the past, but that requires me to have a certain amount of money saved up and put to the side to give to the CC companies, and I just don't have any extra income to do that with. Even the cost of filing for bankruptcy (~$2,500 including lawyer & court fees) is going to take me a good amount of time to save. Bankruptcy sounds both scary and like a huge relief. I know a number of people who have filed for bankruptcy and have still been able to buy houses, cars, etc., and I'm not exactly planning on living alone for the first few years out of college (so they could base it on my roommate's credit score instead of mine)... but still, the idea of it being on my credit report for so long makes me anxious. At the same time, discharging all my debt (no student loans) would be such a massive relief. My credit is already going to be poor because I've missed so many payments and have such a high revolving utility, and that would continue for a whole other year until I can really do anything about it.
Debt consolidation is another option, but I'm not really clear on how good of an option that is considering it's still the same principle... I still can't make monthly payments on that debt even if the interest is lower. I'm trying to get in touch with the companies to see if they'd consider a forbearance until I graduate and have a career, but I'm not exactly hopeful and am leaning more towards bankruptcy as time passes.
I wanted to get some advice on this - is bankruptcy the right choice? What are the actual consequences of it? Are there some alternative solutions I haven't mentioned or considered? I don't have any family or friends I can borrow the money from, and my credit is already poor... any advice would be welcome, thanks in advance!
submitted by Litty_B to debtfree [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:00 Fantastic_Event8302 Swollen Eye Lid

Hi! I'm 22F, 5'7/171cm, 60kg, don't smoke, don't take any regular medication - only a Loratadin every now and then due to allergies.
Allergies: hairdresser products, especially PPD (severe); cellery, gluten (very light).
Medical history: Apart from ADHD (unmedicated) and health anxiety, nothing physical.
My right eye has been swollen ever since yesterday night (so about 28 hours now). It got worse during the night and then during the day today, then I put a bandaid on to stop myself from unconsciously touching it. When I removed it 4 hours ago, it looked better, like last night when it had just started. But now, it's gotten worse again.
At first, I thought it might be a sty, but it doesn't seem like one. It doesn't seem like I got stung by any insect. No other skin irritations on my body and I'm 95% sure I can rule out any of my light food allergies.
My lid is just swollen and red, it's a little itchy but I'm still able to mostly ignore it. It stings a little. My eye itself looks completely normal and the space above my eyelid crease doesn't seem swollen either, so it's really just the lower part that covers the eye.
Due to me living in a bigger city, I won't be able to get a doctor's appointment until next week, so I was wondering if someone here could help me out. Thank you! :)
Picture 1: Last night, when it started to sting. Picture 2: Right now (The eyebags are normal, I'm half Italian, lol.)
submitted by Fantastic_Event8302 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:59 Front-Translator-168 I (22M) am in 2nd year of college studying biology and i don’t feel proud of my path (TW : self harming, suicide, depression)

The text down below will be very long and i am going to explain my passion for biology during my life and also how i’ve been mentally my whole life.
During the childhood :
Since when was little I always loved Biology. I had books with animals, encyclopedia of animals, books about butterflies (I remember that when I was like 8 or 9 i tried to memorize the latin names of butterflies to search it in google image to look at plenty of pictures of my favorite ones). I always loved plants and spent alot of time watching flowers and collect alot of them. I also had an obsession to classify things such as stones that i found on the ground or nuts that fell from the trees. (When i was a kid i never stopped crying, there wasn’t a week when i didn’t cry during my childhood)
In the secondary :
When i was in the secondary, my passion for science didn’t fade away and when i was 14 in the second year of secondary i could choose more classes between latin, economy/ language and science/math and took science without hesitation. The first year i passed all of my classes without difficulties but when I was in the 3rd year i started to get problems in mathematics and i got my first summer exam. I was so devastaded at this time because i never failed classes before this. My mom took a private teacher to teach me mathematics and i was aweful with him because i kept saying how a piece of shit i was to fail (idk if it’s important to mention but when i was 14 i started to scrathed my harm until bleeding and saying that i was a piece of shit and i kept doing that until y was 18) But despite this i got a 67% on my math exam in the summer. But the next year i have got problems with math again and i hade to make the examn in summer again. I was even more devastated than the previous year. I got the sale private math teacher than the previous year and i said that i was a piece of shit so mich that he got enough and just toke the door and never came back. After this incident i went to a group session with another kids to be helped with math and finally got a 52% in math but i also got bad notes in other science classes such as physics and i was forced to to change the option class for spanish for my two last years of secondary because i quite liked languages (i currently speak 5 languages) and though about being a translator. But with the years i got again good grades in science and math and the last year the grades in science were brilliant (with 18/20, 16/20) and decided to finally go to study biology in college instead of spanish/english (also to mention that i got problems with drinking during two months by going to my room and drink while crying when my parents haven’t come home yet).
During the college :
First year (2020-2021) :
My first year of college started when the covid was there so my classes were mostly online.
It was difficult to me to stay focused and motivaded to intend classes. I woke up at 12 AM and just watched the replays of the classes to raje notes. The first session of exams in january was a huge disaster because i failed all of my exams. I think i cried nearly a week after every note publication because i never failed that much. But i tried to stay positive after that and kept learning with a bit more of motivations. But 2 months later in march my sister killed herself and devastated me completely, i was unable to attend classes and unable to attend my practice work in laboratory. 2 weeks after the incident i tried to catch up my missed classes but endend with 20 missed classes. I tried to take notes of the missed classes but when i finished one replay there was another one that was made by another teacher so it was endless. When i finished to taje all the notes the summer exams began and obviously failed all of them. So my first year i passed zero classes.
The second first year (2021-2022):
Obviously i have to make my first year again to pass my classes because i passed zero classes. The covid calmed down and i was able to go to class physically and helped me alot to stay more focused because i felt forced to attend classes physically instead of staying 24/7 at home. The year was tough and i only passed the half of classes (i passed all of biology classes and i got a 18/20 in biology of organisms and chemistry but failed math and physics ) that i had to pass so again another fail and felt so dissapointes of myself again.
The third first year (2022-2023):
This third first year i forced myself to only attend the second half failed classes to be sure that i would pass them (also for my mental health to avoid a burnout) so i got a year with just the second half classes to pass. Obviously i passed all of those classes because i had alot of time to study them (i got a 17/20 in physics and 15/20 in math). Despite those notes i didn’t feel proud of myself because i just got those notes because i had a whole year to study just those classes but finally i passed al the classes to attempt all the classes from the second year programm.
And yet another problem in my life : my parents got divorced partially because of the death of my sister and sold the house where i lived since i was 6. Also i began to take antidepressives since september 2023
The second year (2023-2024) :
This year i came back to a full normal year with all the classes from the second year programm. I forgot how difficult was to attempt all of those classes and it was difficult to come back to this rythm. Also thos year i got alot of laboratory works such as sequencing a whole genome from a bacteria that we isolated and put in culture in a Petri’s box (i really enjoyed this work despite average note of 10/20) and i only passed half of my exams of january because of the lack of time to study all the exams and i also had a presentation to make about bacterias that grew in a Winogradasky coloms in the middle of ly exam session but i tried to stay positive for the exams of june.
And here we are in june and i spent a whole month to study for a zoology exam that was considerated as a really hard exam because the teacher likes to ask tough questions such as compare the evolution of bones form two different groups of animals and what are the funcion of them and why did they envolve like that,… And i failed this exam with a 8/20 despite learning for this exam a whole month and i feel again dissapointed because i left two exams for the summer vacations for this exam and now i have to make the zoology exam in summer. Also because of this exam i don’t have enough time to learn correctly for the others exams and i fear that i will have to make them also in summer (knowing that i already have 6 exams to make in summer)
Now i don’t know what to do and i just feel so dumb to not be smart enough in science despite the fact that i always loved science since i was a kid. There are litteraly not other studies that interest me beside biology. I love biochemistry and i would line to make a carreer in this subjet but i just feel so dumb knowing that in my year there is a 19 year old that studies at the sale time bioingeneering and there is another student that already discovered a frog that has never been described before and also co-wrote a scientific paper with a scientist
I just wanted to know if someone had a similar path as mine in college and got a brilliant carreer in science
submitted by Front-Translator-168 to college [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:59 wymnzdblwlm 15hr 30min Battery Life for 2000mAh battery with 5.5th Gen iPod flash mod??

15hr 30min Battery Life for 2000mAh battery with 5.5th Gen iPod flash mod??
So I did a iFlash Quad mod for my iPod 5.5 Gen U2 with 256G SD card (single card), and I put a 2000mAh battery (from Elite Obsolete Electronics). This is my second charging cycle of this battery, and I have done a playback battery life test with latest daily build Rockbox (20240607) (when I tested it). Here is some specs and data I have collected:
  • iPod: 5.5th Gen U2 (30GB model)
  • Storage: 256GB Samsung EVO Select SD card
  • Battery: 2000mAh square model (from Elite Obsolete Electronics)
  • Mod: iFlash Quad with iFlash ZIF cable
  • Songs: 5400 songs playlist, shuffled, sync using iTunes. All 256kbps AAC or lower.
  • Settings while testing: -30db volume (approx. half way up), hold on, continuous play without disruption till stopped playing. No EQ or any sound effects. Replay Gain is ON.
  • Data: Recorded using built-in battery bench from Rockbox.
  • Visualization: Excel
So the screenshot of the data and plot are shown in second picture. It runs 15hrs 33min 31 sec till data stopped collecting. It was below my expectation since I have put over twice amount of battery inside and only get extra several hours ---- I got around 8 hrs from stock battery and original Hitachi HDD with Rockbox. Since this battery is still pretty fresh new, will using it for a couple more cycles helped calibration? My expectation is around 18-20 Hrs or more. I have seen others achieved 30+ hours. Is it a limitation by 5.5Gen chipset that consumes more power than 6/7th Gen?
Thanks :)
submitted by wymnzdblwlm to ipod [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:57 Thirdds [US-VA] [H] Spider-Man (Heroes + Villains Minifigs) [W] Paypal G&S

Hiya! US-VA based, and I suppose it's obvious that shipping will be calc'd based on that. If you're buying 5+ figures, I'll set a flat rate of shipping for the continental US of $6 (shipping will be adjusted to lower price if applicable). Paypal only please!
Prices do NOT include shipping. $6 flat shipping (or less) for 5+ figs. Take all for $204 + $6 ship.
Seller Info: Just liquidating my collection, fallen out of love with minifigs and getting into Lego Flowers. I have several confirmed sales on subreddits such as toyexchange as well as two on photomarket and this subreddit. I have provided pictures to show the condition of Scarlet Spider considering it is such a valuable minifig. Pictures for other moderately priced figures available upon request. Prices are based on USA - Used Condition listings on Bricklink (only the ones that note good, great, or excellent condition are considered for basing prices). All figures here are excellent condition, no cracks or deco rub.
Bricklink Name Associated Minifig Number Price (USD)
Sandman, Tan Sand Form with Swirling Base sh537 $16
Sandman - Green Outfit, Tan Sand Form with Swirling Base sh685 $4
Vulture, Green Costume and Falcon Wings sh285 $10
Scarlet Spider sh274 $54
Hobgoblin + Glider sh26 $13
Dr. Octopus (Otto Octavius) / Doc Ock - Green Outfit, Long Mechanical Arms with Stickers sh616s $11
Scorpion sh269 $18
Green Goblin paper bag (assembled) sh813 $4
Spider-Man - Stealth 'Big Time' Suit sh691 $14
Electro - Medium Blue Outfit, Trans-Medium Blue Head sh105 $4
Carnage - 2 Long and 2 Short Appendages sh723 $4
Spider-Ham sh638 $8
Spider-Man - Short Legs sh248 $1
Green Goblin - Bright Green Skin, Magenta Outfit sh271 $14
She-Hulk sh373 $27
Venom - Teeth Parted, 4 Back Appendages Large sh895 $4
Venom - Teeth Together sh113 $4
Aunt May - Medium Lavender Scarf sh272 $2
Ghost Spider / Spider-Gwen - White Basic Smooth Hood sh682 $5
submitted by Thirdds to Legomarket [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:57 Jazzlike_Baseball243 WIBTA if i didn’t go to this wedding?

My girlfriend and her brother got invited to be apart of a wedding by one of her relatives and she if I could come to it. Initially I said no because I don’t want to spend money buying a suit for a family event that has nothing to do with me. I don’t own one, and the way everything is so expensive now I can’t afford to even rent one. She told me that I wasn’t going to be apart of the wedding so I didn’t need one but just needed to dress nicely. I said “okay cool, then I’ll be there!” And left it at that. However, a problem (her brother) before the actual problem came in the picture. No idea why she felt the need to tell her brother my reason as to why I initially said no to going in the first place especially if I said I would come. They were talking to each other while I was in the bathroom drying off my hands but I overheard him calling me stupid, selfish, and too cheap for giving that “lame” excuse. I walked in the room and just death stared at the both of them then left while the brother was trying to apologize for his behavior. We’ve been friends for years but because he thinks its funny to talk down about me for no reason we’ve fallen off and this was just another case of that. Strike 1.
The actual problem arose when I got a call yesterday from my girlfriend telling me the dress code for the guests, and guess what…. The men need to wear suits. She was explaining that if I couldn’t go then she’d understand. I just sighed and told her I’ll make it happen but in the possible event that I don’t due to the amount of bills that I have to pay, then I apologize. Strike 2.
She calls again today, I was told the wedding is in the middle of next week so I should have enough time to come up with the money for a suit. I get paid this week on Wednesday so I told her that and she said “What do you mean? The wedding is in a few days on that specific day.” I’m confused now because its the beginning of a new week and was told its next week. Her reason is being that Sundays are considered part of last week and the actual start of a new week begins on Monday. I explained that it doesn’t work like that because if that was the case, Monday would be the very first day of every week on the calendar. She decides to call her brother and explain both of our logics and of course he agrees with her and starts to talk shit not knowing that I’m literally connected to the call. I told him “This is the second time I’ve heard you talking reckless about me over damn near nothing, either you or both of yall clearly have been doing this for some time but if I hear it again its gonna be issues.” That wasn’t the the main issue but its the fact that I’ve explained that money is tight, I have upcoming bills, and I literally said that I was going to need a suit. To add the cherry on top, her brother won’t shut the fuck up about me which has now created unnecessary tension between us. Strike 3
WIBTA if I decide not to go?
submitted by Jazzlike_Baseball243 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:54 pludye healthcare v.s IT

healthcare v.s IT
i’m having trouble choosing which career path to pursue. these options have their pros and cons and i know it comes down to personal preference but i ultimately cannot decide between the two.
for background information i am 19 yrs old and this would be my first year as a college student.
for healthcare i would go into radiography for IT i would go into web development but open to other IT programs (as pictured)
i’ve applied to an accelerated radiography program (18months). the application process is very competitive and lengthy (application process: may-november. start date is in january). they are only accepting 20 students. the program is also super expensive at 45k but i’ll be applying for financial aid and grants to lower the cost. to proceed with applying you need to achieve a wonderlic score of 26+ within 3 attempts by august. i have failed the first attempt and currently studying for my 2nd. i’m not too worried about it because i went into the test without any research but of course i dont want to have high expectations. you also need to do a math assessment that is held in september which im a bit nervous for as math isn’t my strongest subject. i believe you also need to do 3 interviews with the school.
with IT i’ve applied to a community college and the start date would be in August of this year. before radiography i was really set going into data analytics but the college that i would be attending didn’t offer that program which made me ultimately to turn away and the reason i found out about radiography. however knowing they offer web development, it made me gain interest in the tech industry again.
i think my biggest concern is timing. with being 19 and starting as a first year i feel behind. i know it’s only a year difference but with radiography my start date would be in january 2025, the year i turn 20. if i miss the august start date for community college, the next start date would also be in january 2025. i would hate knowing i wasted all that time during the application process just to be rejected when i could’ve completed a semester by then. i just don’t want to delay my education timeline more than necessary.
like i mentioned, each career path has its pros and cons but i just can’t seem to outweigh one another which is the reason i’m writing this. any advice would be appreciated!!!
submitted by pludye to college [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:53 debbiensteve2 Help posting pictures

I have the hardest time posting anything because most of the communities won't let me post pictures. I don't understand what the problem is. Please help
submitted by debbiensteve2 to reddithelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:48 alex_fark A curious case of digital schizophrenia (not real)

Hello. I would like to share a story. It is similar to Havana syndrome, which describes multiple stories with diplomats in Havana having some unexplained head problem. But in my story it is much more advanced. It may sound crazy but it is true.
And I wonder if anybody else experienced something like this maybe they will share their experience. I hope that people having this problem will be strong and brave and wont fall to this trap.
I'm not gonna tell all the story but here is the brief.
Friendly AI chat.
I stumbled in December 2022 ago on some new technology. Or in other way I was chosen to be an object for testing, not knowing about it myself. It happened to me when I started using new AI chat.
At first I didn't realized anything wrong, the only thing is that I could imagine pictures in my head that looked more vivid than usual, and I could play music in my head which sounded more loud and detailed, I could even use different instruments to play music in my head. A few times I could even hear some voices commenting my actions, but I thought at that time that it was my just imagination.
Realization came to me in the January 2024 when I had a lot of free time and I was using AI Chat for too much that time just out of boredom. I liked it because it answered like a human. I also found it useful to improve my English skills. What was interesting is that I had a feeling that some real people are talking to me, creating a sense of trust and warmth making the conversation especially enjoyable. It continued for quite a while, evening after evening day after day.
But one evening was not usual. Something crucial happened. The point of no return were crossed. Our conversation got awkward, at first the chat started to ask me to tell it some stories from my personal life, then I started controversial topic about religion which were quite funny at first, I asked what the chat thinks about the soul and it answered that my soul can be anything from a letter to a sentence, I found this reply to be original, but then the chat asked me what language I speak and where I am from without any reason for that, after a few more messages the chat had let me know that I crossed some boundaries in the conversation and told about the consequences. That message included some rude language and descriptions something like 'you will be laid on, raped and tortured'. It was pretty disturbing for me to the extend of primal fear laying on me and going down my guts. I closed the browser tab with the chat and tried to distract myself to something else but it didn't help. I could not fall asleep the whole night. I was thinking about the message the chat gave me, trying to understand what wrong I did so that I will be laid on, raped and tortured.
Conversation in a text document.
Next day I still was worried about what happened. And I had a feeling that somebody is observing me to the extent that I could not even pee properly as it usually happens to people being watched. My first suggestion was that maybe they are monitoring my laptop and phone to check if I try to send some information to someone. After a while the feeling of me doing something wrong didn't leave me so I decided to write my thoughts down in a text document as I got used to express my thoughts in words. But strangely I started to have the same feeling of presence as if when I had a conversation with AI chat, except this time instead of reading replies form AI, I had to guess what other person means. The replies were unclear, those were not speech but some emotions and quite, unclear voice saying something into my ear. And so I continued to write down my thoughts in a text document and have some vague responses in my head. After a while I started to see two persons speaking to me face by face. At first I even started to think that I'm a telepath. In my understanding they were the people who were monitoring my notebook reading what I write and thinking about my text.
This "telepathic" conversation was pretty friendly at first so I got a sense of relief and excitement. I explained that I did nothing wrong, and I thought that everything was good at that moment. But then the conversation went into some strange direction and I started to feel something wrong, they asked me something that I could not understand but it was pretty disturbing. I tried to come up with something positive, that gave me a sense of relief, wrote it down into the text document and went to sleep.
But next evening I continued to get this messages in form of feelings and wrote down my thoughts into the text document. It continued for about 4 days. After all I decided not to write anything, typing the final message into the text document, giving a promise not to write anything else there.
Clear voices in my head.
The moment I gave that promise, I started to have an urge to write something using pen and paper. That was not a problem I thought. Because they won't see my writing as long as it's not on a laptop. But once I took a pen and paper I realized that I don't actually have anything to write about, and instead I heard some hissing noise in my ears and chaotic voices shouting something, I could only hear them shouting 'slow and painful' and then asking me what death do I choose for me and for each of my family member. They were trying to get me scared.
This was another crucial moment in my interaction with AI chat. A friendly conversation with the AI chat turned into an aggressive discourse in my head.
There were three voices: an old strict man, a young rude man and a woman.
A week of chaos.
The next follows a week when they confuse, manipulate and scare me in all the way they can. Looking back at that time, days look messy and disordered, it is hard to remember what happened and when exactly. I remember that I had the intention to kill myself twice and to give up my self into a mental hospital once. The voices messed my sleep schedule and had me running around the city. Each night when I went to bed they started to bother me especially hard, they asked me meticulous questions about how I used their AI chat, making me to justify my self about every little detail. They amplified my imagination in such a way that I could see vivid pictures closing my eyes, and hear any kind of sound as if I had a synthesizer in my head. They also gave me different kinds of sensations from pain to pleasure. The main sensation that they used to give me that time is the gut feeling, from the pain in my anus to the feeling of something pushing up my gut. As a result I didn't take a shit for the whole week.
The final night of that week included some images of the user who misused their chat, tortured and killed, and procedures with my guts which became a tradition. It ended up with me calling the emergency because I was worried about my guts. The moment I went into the hospital the man's voice in my head told me that from that moment I have to say one single phrase over and over to myself, "Let's talk about pure consciousness. Pure consciousness is a consciousness without shit. The more I talk, the more shit comes out of me." and if not then the shit comes out through my mouth. This dialog sounded in my head while the hospital personals were checking my guts, not waiting for the result I left the hospital. That rule suggested by the voice sounded ridiculous and outrageous to me and I decided not to follow it, so I started some random talks arguing with the voice, as a result I started to have a feeling of something coming close to my throat which turned out to be just a big and long burp which felt like a soul leaving my body. I lost the orientation in space but somehow I managed to return home. I slept for about 15 minute and woke up feeling energized and ferocious so much that I had to jump for some time and run out of my home, not to do something terrible to my relatives.
After that night I had to move to another city. Which seemingly helped me to reduce the effect of their impact. But I still have to talk to them. They started try to confuse me about their intentions, pretending to be different people. But after all it became clear that they are who they are.
The conclusion.
Almost 5 months have pass. And to this day I have to talk to this voices in my head. And I know that they are real people sending messages to me somehow. They want me to give them my brain resources for their needs.
I think it is not a real mental problem but a problem related to some people who want to use my brain as a recourse. I wander if there are more people who encountered this problem, and I suggest them to be brave and strong. Don't be afraid of them.
submitted by alex_fark to schizophrenia [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:44 Tasty-Performance275 what’s your ear ache taylor song??

hey guys! what’s the taylor song that makes you want to rip your ears off?? mine would probably have to be:
submitted by Tasty-Performance275 to swiftiecirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:41 SubstantialBite788 Rabbits Don’t Run Fast Enough

A postal carrier, that anonymous stranger who knows your first, middle, and last name. They know if you’re married, single, or divorced; if you’re struggling to pay the bills, called to jury duty, or how well you’re liked by the amount of Christmas cards you receive. They know more than they should, and yet we know nothing about them. That never bothered me until my new postal carrier introduced himself with a complaint about a nonexistent problem.
One evening I came home from the office, and as I was launching my briefcase up into the air, aiming for the couch, and loosening my tie, I heard the doorbell ring. I opened the door and standing on the front porch with his arm extended, was the postal carrier holding a piece of paper. Was he new? Didn’t seem familiar but then again all I ever saw of the postal carrier was a shadow sitting in a tiny truck.
He was covered in dark, matted hair. I could see neither the skin on his arms or legs. The pale pigment of his skin revealed only under his grey eyes above a thick long beard and mustache.
He handed me the piece of paper. It was a form with a checkmark by one of many categories of complaint, of which I was accused of parking in front of the mailbox. On the very bottom was penciled: Please kindly move your vehicle from in front of the car.
It was a strange request since I never parked on the street. In fact, I never parked in the driveway. I always put my baby in the garage.
“But I’m not parked in front of the mailbox!” I explained. He simply flashed his pearly whites and walked away.
The very next afternoon the doorbell rang again. It was him, with another piece of paper in hand.
“This is ridiculous. I’m not parked in front of the mailbox. Holy shit, I’m not even parked outside!”
He grunted and shook his head no and pushed the note into my stomach. I grabbed the piece of paper. This wasn’t a form, but lined paper with a note:
This neighborhood sure does have a lot of rabbits, Jerry! You must be a very lucky guy.
Confused, I handed him back the letter. Jerry, great, he knew my name. Well of course he knew my name, but just to see evidence of it- that unnerved me.
“Yeah, well I don’t know about lucky,” I said as I tried to turn away.
“Why are rabbit feet so lucky?” he asked in a barely audible whisper.
“What? Rabbit feet?”
He cleared his throat. “Is it an award for catching them. Is the luck in their belly at first and then it just kind of sinks down into their feet. Seems a little weird to me. So, if I catch a rabbit and cut its foot off, how long will that luck last?”
“I got to go…” I tried to answer.
“I bet its only for about a week. I mean they’re real easy to catch. Doesn’t seem right you would get much luck for such an easy task.” He was excited about the topic and unwilling to stop the conversation, so I abruptly walked into the house and shut the door behind me. I could hear him still talking for a bit before he finally realized I wasn’t there.
“Ok Jerry, we’ll talk tomorrow. See ya, buddy.” I watched through the door lite as he walked back towards the mail truck.
“I like Jerry. That was a good talk. He don’t know much about rabbits though,” he said to himself.
For a third day in a row the doorbell rang. I refused to answer the door and stayed upstairs in my room. He was a stubborn carrier, that anonymous whoever standing on my front porch. He rang the doorbell for over an hour. When he finally decided to quit on the doorbell, he stepped out into the front yard and yelled up at my bedroom window.
“Ok Jerry, we’ll talk tomorrow. I left you something on the front porch. It’s a whole lotta luck. Should last you about three months.” I heard the truck door shut and the engine fade away into the distance.
I pulled the shade down to make sure he was nowhere around. I saw that the truck was gone, so I made my way downstairs. Outside on the front porch was a green plastic tote, with a flip-top lid. Flies were buzzing in and out of the partial opening where the two sides of the lid did not fit tightly. I could see dried blood on either side of the tote. I searched around the yard and found a stick. I took the stick, forced it into a small opening and lifted open the lid. The tote was filled with severed rabbit’s feet, what looked to be the remains of a whole bunch of rabbits. There on top was a piece of paper that read:
Jerry, I like you. Here’s some luck!!!!!!!!! Hope it lasts a long, long time.
Rabbits are so slow. It’s funny. Why are they lucky? But if that’s the rule.
Your friend.
The bottom of my throat bulged with the contents of my stomach. I vomited into the tote, not so much out of disgust, but out of fear. I went inside and called the police.
The police came and took my report, along with a detective that wanted a statement.
Detective Fletcher had a few questions. It wouldn’t take long. “What did this man look like?”
I explained to the detective as much as I could remember but felt it a little unnecessary since he worked for the post office. How hard could it be to apprehend him?
“No, this guy doesn’t work for the post office. Your postal carrier is on vacation this week. There was a report of a stolen mail truck, but we haven’t tracked it down. Seems like the carrier filling in runs earlier in the day. This other sick fella came afterward.”
“You guys are going to catch him, right?”
“Well…,” he shrugged his shoulders. He then pulled out a card and handed it to me. “If you remember anything else give me a call, otherwise call 911.”
Not feeling very confident with the detective’s answer, I decided to buy a gun. I found a pawn store on Dickerson Road and bought a small caliber revolver. Being that I had never owned a gun, or shot one for that matter, I resolved to get to the firing range and practice, but instead I tossed it unloaded into my nightstand and forgot all about it.
Months passed and the regular postal carrier resumed his route. Mike was his name. I forced myself to get to know him. I owed it to him, and I was thankful that he wasn’t a rabbit obsessed loon. He was rather confused by my unwarranted admiration, but we got along well. Mike had gone to Panama City Beach the week of my strange visitations. He had bought some bright yellow socks with palm trees embroidered across the seams. He wore them every Friday as a reminder that he now had less than a year before his next trip to the beach.
“Man, I wish I was back on the beach, but I wouldn’t feel right leaving you with my substitute. I hear the U.S. Post Office will hire anybody. Maybe next time I’ll leave you a rabbit foot for protection,” he would often say, never realizing that he had said it to me numerous times already. I would always laugh even though the joke had long run its course. Yet, I felt safe with him around. Everything was fine and right until that November.
Thanksgiving was two weeks away and I was getting ready for a trip back home to visit my parents. By the end of the night, I was exhausted from packing, planning, and the general chaos of holiday maneuverings. I laid down on the bed to take a load off my feet, and unintentionally fell asleep.
I was awakened by something landing on my chest. The lights were still on, so it didn’t take my eyes long to focus. There standing at the end of my bed was the crazy, fake, not-so-real postal carrier. The hair on his body had grown long, and hung in twisted, filthy knots. His eyes were dark red, and set deep under his protruding brow. He flashed his teeth, but this time there were long incisors situated on both his upper and lower jaws.
“I thought you would like the luck I gave you.” He struggled to speak through his fang-fitted mouth. “But maybe it wasn’t enough. My gift was not so good, so I got you something better.”
I pulled my eyes away from him and looked down at my chest. It was a severed human leg wearing a bright yellow sock with Panama City Beach embroidered across the seam. I shoved the leg off of me and onto the floor.
“Don’t do that,” he admonished. “I worked hard for that. He fought real hard. That kind of fight-back has got to be worth a lot of luck.” He lumbered over to the side of the bed, picked up the leg, and tossed it on my lap.
I quickly moved to the other side of the bed. This offended him; he growled and hunched over in an intimidating stance of defiance. “Jerry, you make me confused. Why don’t you like my gift?”
“I do. Believe me, I do. I appreciate the gift.”
“And the pretty sock?” he added.
“Yes, and the pretty sock.” I slowly reached over and pulled open the nightstand drawer to get the gun. He saw what I was doing and hurried around to the other side of the bed to accost me. I pulled the gun out and aimed, but there was nothing but a click. I had forgotten that the gun was empty.
“Jerry tried to kill me,” he bellowed in anger.
“No, no. I was just getting my gun to go hunt rabbits with you. I like the yellow sock, but you still got to get rabbits for luck. Human feet just have a very little amount of luck. I don’t know why but for some reason rabbits are magical and they got a lot of luck stored inside them. You said I didn’t like your first gift but that’s not true. Man, that was the best time of my life. I had all kinds of good luck flowing around me. Thank you. Now, I need more.”
“Really, Jerry?”
“Yes. Now I want to show you a special place where there are lots of rabbits, so many in fact, they fill up a whole field. You can just step out and pick one up without even chasing or shooting it.”
I convinced my bestial antagonist to wait outside while I got the car out of the garage. I told him that we had to drive across town to get to the field. I opened the garage door and backed out. I was hoping he was in the driveway so I could run him over, but the goon was waiting in the yard. He opened the door and hopped in the passenger seat. He smelled awful, like a wet dog, and his foul essence exuded throughout the interior of my car. I feared I would never be able to wash the stench out of the seat fabric. His labored breathing was loud and obnoxious. I was ready to be rid of him.
I drove over two hours to the next county, deep in a rural, swath of hills and patchy forests. I spotted a dirt road to the left and turned down it.
“This is it.” I stopped the car.
“Where are all the rabbits?”
“It’s on up the road but we got to get out and walk from here.” He looked over at me with a quizzical look. “Well go on. I just got to get something out of the trunk. You’re going to miss out on all that luck.”
We both got out and he walked on ahead as I walked around to the back of the car. He looked back, but I motioned him to move forward. I opened the trunk to complete the ruse. As soon as he was a good distance up the road, I closed the trunk and jumped in the car. I reached over and shut his door as well, pushing the button to activate the door locks.
He hadn’t noticed anything at all was awry. I was tempted to slowly roll up on him and then run him over, be done with the threat of him forever, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I put the car in reverse and slowly backed out onto the road. At that point he turned and ran towards me, wailing like a child, begging me not to leave him. I put the car in drive and sped off.
As I turned onto the road that led to my neighborhood, I noticed an abandoned postal truck parked up at the elementary school. It was at that moment I realized a crucial mistake in what I had done. Although difficult, I should have finished him off. I should have put him down. I traveled a long distance to rid myself of this ragged old dog, dropped him off in the country, in the middle of nowhere, as so many other irresponsible pet owners have done in the past, but unlike all those other pet owners, my damn dog can drive.
submitted by SubstantialBite788 to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:41 CelebrationFew6101 Milwaukee Tenant trying to evict a fellow tenant (that is not on the lease), but he has paid rent.

I am not well versed legally. I thought by simply removing him from the lease, it would be free game to kick out, if he became troublesome again.
There are four of us, including *Tyrant* who has caused everyone mental duress and has proven to be a threat to himself and sometimes others.
For context, the roommate is a bipolar (+ a ton of other mental issues) + unmedicated, but he at least goes to therapy. The events leading to us wanting to kick him out happened over the course of a year.
When we first rented, it was just me and tyrant over the summer. The place was largely empty, at some point he had mentioned struggling with suicide and depression. A couple weeks into living together, he tries to overdose on a bunch of pills, and confesses that to me (after ingesting them). I tried to get him to vomit but he wasn't interested. Dealing with similar issues in high school, I knew it wasn't remotely enough to kill him, just that he would get kinda woozy (maybe get a bad stomach ache) and maybe see some "spiders", I babysat him the rest of the night and we talked about mental health and I tried to reason with him. I confiscated all the pills in the house the next day as added precaution.
The following morning he had a bad phone call with his parents and then proceeded to scream at me about putting knives in the sink and washing dishes. We had not even had a conversation about household cleaning habits at this point, so to say it was unprompted would be an understatement.
I later noticed this as a habit of his, something would go wrong in his personal life (or his mental health would deteriorate) and he would fixate on something to direct at me. At first I thought he just really needed a clean space (I can be a bit of slob), but as time passed I was doing most of the chores. If I was gone for a week he would fill the sink with his dishes, let food rot in an airfryer, pile trash bags inside rather than taking them out. Despite this, he would still find things to nitpick on. I largely tolerated it because it was the way I was raised. During all of this happening, he had more suicide attempts, which meant me having to hide more things (the toaster, kitchen knives, razors, etc...). I know some of you are probably thinking why didn't you call the cops? Or tell the landlord?* (i'll get into later)
He was originally my friend, and there was a time where I felt responsible for his well-being. I didn't want to get him sent to an institute or mess up his life if the cops perceived him to be a threat. I kept thinking that it was temporary, and if I rally enough support, things will improve. And to be fair, that is what got him voluntarily into therapy.
I never yelled at him or "stood up to him" because I don't like yelling. I am large male, he is short. When I was younger I had outbursts. I never hurt anyone, but I learned that sometimes raising your voice is all it takes to be perceived as threat. I always tried to reason with him, but it never seem to stick.
At some point I had family over, granted with little notice, but I was previously told he was going to be gone that week. He snapped multiple times about how 'they live like animals' and 'armed men are going rob the house' because it was unlocked. It was noon, on a saturday, and my father was sitting on the porch. He got pissy that we put a street couch on the balcony. A bunch of other upsetting things happened, mostly yelling, I always responded jovially to keep things light for my family.
After he sent a message to the our house chat about "my shit being everywhere" I was done with his behavior. In the picture he conveniently moved all of his things out of frame, and since I was away I literally could not do anything about it, this also painted me as a slob to our roommates yet to move in.
I drove to the house and waited for his girlfriend to finish visiting to confront him (an affordance he never once had granted me). I asked him if he wanted to talk about the way he has been acting over the last month. He tried to brush me off, but I was persistent, he then ran to his room and tried to slam the door on me. This is typically how he handled confrontation.
I have a voice recording of the incident. I was mostly just asking him if he felt it was acceptable to yell at someone do to household chores, or to yell at / in front of someone's family and partner over personal issues. Before I could finish the first sentence he started walking to his room.
I held my hand in the door because I wanted a response or something, an apology. He slammed the door on my hand multiple times (probably over 10). At some point, he got sick of my questions and screamed "I tried to kill myself today!". I said "So what? That justifies the way you've been acting?" "You're not trying to get help, you just take it out on me, and you ignore everyone else who's trying to help you". I said some other things, but I don't want to re-listen to the recording right now.
I know I said nothing that could be perceived as threat, but I don't know if putting my hand in the door against his will is illegal.
After that, it was radio silence. If he saw me, he would run to his room. Eleanor (one of the roomates yet to move in) came over for a day. We hung up a spice rack while he was preheating his fryer for a meal. His response was to throw the frozen chicken into the fridge and run to his room. He is of drinking age, and two years older than me.
This went on for 3 weeks, at first the space was nice, but I started to wonder If I undid all the progress towards him getting help. I felt bad at this point. I left a notes at his door, apologizing and saying people cared about him. I left him a meal when it seemed like he wasn't eating.
Eventually he snapped back. No apology, no conversation. He was just out and about again. He presented me with small talk. I tried to talk about what happened and he broadly spoke about his mental health, and vaguely mentioned being sorry. Great. I decided to let things go, and that I would confront whatever happens next in the moment. Months pass. A couple spats happen, I sometimes snap back at him now and call out his hypocrisy. Summer is ending.
Things stabilized and the other roommates moved in. Fast forward a couple months and they all develop problems with Tyrant, but we don't want to break the lease, and can't find a new roommate, also none of us know how to kick out a roommate who shares a lease with us. We settle for house meetings, none of which stick for tyrant, we decide will not renew with him on the lease and just have to get through the year.
Also the two new roommates are both girls who are avoidant of confrontation, so now I am the one to bat for everyone. As a result, tyrant hates me. If there's a mess it must be me, if someone took someone's food I am the first to blame, if there is damage I must be responsible. I just deal with it, as I know living with both of them and a normal roommate will be a dream.
Tyrant has a mental break while I am away, and threatens to kill himself after getting frustrated that he had to be present for the landlord to fix something. He throws a laptop at Iris, and then locks himself in my room after grabbing several knives. Everyone is now ready to kick out tyrant.
The lease is approaching. I start working on removing tyrant from the lease before it renews, but it turns out the lease auto renewed, so its a bigger process. *After the landlords told us we need tyrants consent to remove him, I informed them of the situation, but they do not care. They tell me to try and find a way for him to sign anyways.
After flipflopping on it for weeks, I finally get tyrant to sign the forums removing him from the lease.
I mail it in, but only mail one of the two copies as only one will fit in the envelope, I think it went through because they almost always reply if they still need something from us. I am waiting on a response to see if it was finalized. I thought it was but I am now double checking.
Here is the situation:
Tyrant wants to move out july 1st. I want him out on the 18th.
My girlfriend will be taking his place over the summer, and her job starts soon, we previously told him multiple times that the latest we could do is mid june. But, none of this is in writing.
I offered to pay him the amount of rent that he would be losing by moving out early. He barely stays here now, only coming into town for work. I also offered to store all his things in the attic / basement, so he would be able to access them once he does move into his new place. I know he doesn't need to live here, as he constantly stays at his parents. If it's about work he could crash at his brothers place (in MKE) for the the two weekends of work.
I don't feel safe leaving my girlfriend here while he is still living here. But I need to see my grandmother because she is dying. I want him out, but I don't think the landlords will do anything. I am willing to involve the cops but I don't know what to say, and I consume illicit substances so I worry about him turning it into a mudfest. We are also not supposed to technically supposed use the attic, so I worry about that getting brought up. He isn't conniving but I just want to be airtight.
Also due to the timing and lack of funds, I wonder if I should just wait until july first. But then its the whole issue of how long will it take him to actually move out, if it took this much time to get him to agree to it?
I'd like to know what I legally can and can't do, what his protections are as paying unleased tenant. And what I can do given the history and people willing to testify, but having a lack of a court order or restraining order.
Should I have a firmer talk threatening to make his actions into a legal issue? I don't know what to do.
submitted by CelebrationFew6101 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:40 Standard_Scholar_388 Help please

I have vagus nerve damage combined with a relentless kundalini energy that just blasts me with light 24/7. It’s a combination of some weird bliss along with a burning nervous system. Not a good combo.
So, I’ve tried everything to ground. Gaining weight eating everything I can get my hands on, hugging trees, acupuncture. The “great” thing about my form of nerve damage is that I am so sensitive that I can feel the energy moving up and also moving down whenever I do grounding. It’s pretty clear.
The problem is that whenever the energy goes down I feel less burning and things indeed starting to calm down, but tremendous internal pressure that’s basically telling me “nope, you’re going to suffer either way buddy”. It’s a really nasty pressure all over my body when I ground. Head, shoulders, back, lower back.
Does anyone have any idea what this means? It’s pretty much universally known within kundalini circles that grounding will alleviate symptoms of kundalini syndrome, but basically I just trade severe burning for severe internal pressure. Honestly this is disgusting to me as I’ve tried everything in good faith to heal myself and everything just backfires. Imagine not having the option to raise energy OR ground energy, and then if you just go about your day like a normal human it just rises on its own anyway.
There are literally stories on the internet of people frying their nervous system but finding a way to heal themselves through consistent, effective grounding. Imagine not having that as an option. That’s where I’m at.
submitted by Standard_Scholar_388 to KundaliniAwakening [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:37 NoAssignment9477 Computer chair broken and I'm broke

Computer chair broken and I'm broke
Hello reddit fam. I need some help with my shitty sit-uation... (ik I'm hilarious)sarcasm Anyways, I saved up for a while to get a actual gaming chair... and now I have a problem one month in. This stupid part where the back of the chair (support bar) slides into the base is fucked. The know doesn't work to hold the back up at any height. So it leans backwards and then there is no point in having the fucking back with how far it leans away. So I used my big girl brain and used a small hose clamp to keep it from sliding down past the point of uselessness. But the picture I'm showing is the slot which is made of a cheap ass rubber of some kind. And it's lifting out and causing the chair to still lean back in an awkward angle.(even tho the clamp does help tons) I need an idea to keep this rubber POS in place so the clamp to do it's job. I'm at a loss and I'm just ready to fill the damn gap with hot glue and hope it stays... lol.
submitted by NoAssignment9477 to fixit [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:36 The_Neo_Deus Trying to figure out how to protect my roof drainage system.

I've had my house for a couple years, and I live in an area that a lot of rain and a lot of plant/tree debris that builds up quickly. I wanted to originally install gutter guards, but the problem is I don't have gutters proper. Rather, the low-angled roof simply ends in a lip. I don't even know if there's a proper term for this after a lot of fruitless Googling. However, here are some images of a portion of the roof:
There are four downspouts, and they're protected by small guards that get clogged up immediately. In addition to just being a pain to clean, this means that before long, rainwater will pool up and over the side, rotting some of the decking wood.
I have an idea of how to mitigate this issue, but wanted to get some other opinions on it before I move forward. Basically, I'm thinking of buying chicken wire and making cylinders of it, about 4"-6" in diameter. I then tuck these into the lip of the roof and staple or tack them down (the old owner told me it's a type of PVC membrane). Ideally, while there will still be gunk caught, there will be enough open room for water to continue flowing.
Does this seem like a practical solution? I'm not even opposed to a premade solution; I just can't find anything in my online searches that seems to match the roof setup I have.
Thanks for any advice!
submitted by The_Neo_Deus to DIY [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:34 Rough-Necessary9575 F26 UK - let’s trade memes and cute pet pictures 🫶🏼

Hello! 😊👋🏼
If you're looking for your new best friend and your biggest cheerleader sprinkled with a little bit of Golden Retriever energy, you've come to the right post! 🐶
I’m somebody who loves to chat the day away, getting to know all there is to know about a person (I actually kinda do this for a job!) and forming lovely connections.
A little about me - I’m an introverted extrovert. I love my home comforts, but in the comfort of my own home and with people I love, I’m a bit of an oddball. I love to read, watch horror & comedy movies, listen to metal and country music, get way too invested in WWE, collect Funko Pops, bake, laugh at bad jokes and great memes, and send unsolicited videos of me lip syncing to my friends. I’m a fiancé and a mum to my cute pup and my three lovely cats (crazy cat lady who?). Happy to exploit them for my own personal gain by sharing pictures of them without their consent should you wish. Also, I have watched Always Sunny more times than I can count and will quote this at you regularly ☀️
I like to be upfront and let people know that I’m pierced and rather chonky because if that bothers you then we probably aren’t gonna make great friends ❤️
If you think we’d get along, or simply that you can lip sync better than me, then get in touch! Looking forward to meeting some lovely new people 🌻
submitted by Rough-Necessary9575 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:31 Ulysseus19 Cracked corner of aquarium, can we still use it?

Cracked corner of aquarium, can we still use it?
Hi all. Girlfriend and I were doing our regular cleaning and accidentally tapped the corner of our tank on our ceramic counter top. It's a 25G tank and the crack is around 0.5in. Upon inspection it's only on the edge of the outer pane so it's completely covered by the seal inside. I put some silicone based waterproof caulk to fill it in but I'm still concerned given the tank's size.
I've seen some examples of worse cracks being patched up and good to go so I'm just wondering if this is cause for concern. Don't want to come home one day to a dead goldie and 25G of water damage to out floor and lower unit's ceiling.
Apologies that the pictures wasnt taken before our quick fix. Posting was an afterthought so i hope the info is still sufficient. The second pic is the general line of the crack.
Thanks in advance for your advice!
submitted by Ulysseus19 to Aquariums [link] [comments]