Metal gear solid theme music

METAL GEAR SOLID Tactical Subreddit Operations

2010.09.26 05:58 Killerzeit METAL GEAR SOLID Tactical Subreddit Operations

The home for everything Metal Gear on reddit

2019.01.03 06:27 gabejr25 Memes dedicated to the Metal Gear Solid series

A subreddit dedicated to memes of the Metal Gear Solid series. Kept you waiting, huh?

2015.08.10 12:44 drmonix Metal Gear Solid V: PC

This subreddit is dedicated to Metal Gear Solid V. It caters to users specifically on the PC, but anyone is welcome to post here regarding MGS5.

2024.06.10 03:29 LookingForTheGirl25 31 [M4F] Florida/USA - Looking for my person that I can spend the rest of my life with!

Hey there everyone, I never know how to start these, so I'm just going to jump right into it! My name is Austin, I'm 31 years old, and I live in Orlando, FL! 🌴
Here is me: 1 of 6
I'm on a journey to find that special someone who makes my heart skip a beat. I believe in creating a safe and nurturing emotional space in a relationship, where we can be vulnerable, open, and truly ourselves. Let's build something amazing together and have a ton of fun along the way. Whether it's sharing our deepest feelings or just laughing at YouTube videos and memes, I'm all in!
One of my life goals is to have a family and kids. If that's not your cup of tea, no worries – it's not for everyone, and I respect that. 😊
Here's a quick snapshot of the things I'm passionate about:
🍳 Cooking: I love whipping up delicious dishes, and I'm always up for trying new recipes. Let's cook up a storm together!
🎮 Video Games: I'm a gaming enthusiast and can't resist a good gaming session. Whether you're a fellow gamer or just curious to learn, I'd love to share the joystick with you.
📺 TV/Anime/Movies: I'm a big fan of all things screen-related, from binge-watching TV series to exploring the captivating worlds of anime and film.
🏋️‍♂️ Going to the gym or Batting Cages: Staying active is important to me, and I used to play baseball. I'd love a workout buddy or someone to join me at the batting cages.
🐱🐶 Playing with my cat and dog (Licorice and Wade): My furry friends are a big part of my life, and I hope you'll adore them as much as I do!
🎺 Playing my trumpet (recently started again from high school): I've picked up my trumpet again, and I'm eager to share some tunes with you. Maybe you can be my number one fan!
🎶 Music: If music could be a love language, it would be my top choice! I'm a massive music lover, and I'm always excited to share playlists and discuss our favorite artists. My musical taste is pretty diverse, but I particularly enjoy Rock, Metal, EDM, Punk, and Musicals.
If you're looking for a partner who's genuine, caring, and ready for a serious and fun relationship, let's chat and see if we click. I'm excited to get to know you, share experiences, and build a future together. Feel free to reach out, and let's start this adventure! 💫
submitted by LookingForTheGirl25 to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:29 LookingForTheGirl25 31 [M4F] Florida/USA - Looking for my person that I can spend the rest of my life with!

Hey there everyone, I never know how to start these, so I'm just going to jump right into it! My name is Austin, I'm 31 years old, and I live in Orlando, FL! 🌴
Here is me: 1 of 6
I'm on a journey to find that special someone who makes my heart skip a beat. I believe in creating a safe and nurturing emotional space in a relationship, where we can be vulnerable, open, and truly ourselves. Let's build something amazing together and have a ton of fun along the way. Whether it's sharing our deepest feelings or just laughing at YouTube videos and memes, I'm all in!
One of my life goals is to have a family and kids. If that's not your cup of tea, no worries – it's not for everyone, and I respect that. 😊
Here's a quick snapshot of the things I'm passionate about:
🍳 Cooking: I love whipping up delicious dishes, and I'm always up for trying new recipes. Let's cook up a storm together!
🎮 Video Games: I'm a gaming enthusiast and can't resist a good gaming session. Whether you're a fellow gamer or just curious to learn, I'd love to share the joystick with you.
📺 TV/Anime/Movies: I'm a big fan of all things screen-related, from binge-watching TV series to exploring the captivating worlds of anime and film.
🏋️‍♂️ Going to the gym or Batting Cages: Staying active is important to me, and I used to play baseball. I'd love a workout buddy or someone to join me at the batting cages.
🐱🐶 Playing with my cat and dog (Licorice and Wade): My furry friends are a big part of my life, and I hope you'll adore them as much as I do!
🎺 Playing my trumpet (recently started again from high school): I've picked up my trumpet again, and I'm eager to share some tunes with you. Maybe you can be my number one fan!
🎶 Music: If music could be a love language, it would be my top choice! I'm a massive music lover, and I'm always excited to share playlists and discuss our favorite artists. My musical taste is pretty diverse, but I particularly enjoy Rock, Metal, EDM, Punk, and Musicals.
If you're looking for a partner who's genuine, caring, and ready for a serious and fun relationship, let's chat and see if we click. I'm excited to get to know you, share experiences, and build a future together. Feel free to reach out, and let's start this adventure! 💫
submitted by LookingForTheGirl25 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:28 Hot-Initial3299 The more I go through this community on Reddit the more I realize why people think trap metal is dead

People default to trap metal when they are awful at music, people don’t realize you actually have to be skilled to make shit like this, it’s filled with privileged white kids who meat ride tf out of x, they don’t realize they need to be distinct although you can’t be completely original cause everything to an extent has already been done, you can still be creative and build off things that have been set in place for you, trap metal is dead because everyone wants to be a rapper or an artist but they’re not actually doing what artists do, which is create be distinct be yourself and that’s a personal thing you need to be your full authentic self and it will show in your music I can promise you.
submitted by Hot-Initial3299 to trapmetal [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:27 bizarreiguana 🌟Friend Space🌟 21+ small lgbt friendly space themed server⭐️🌑☄️ with bots, music, gaming, pets and fun members looking for more people to join :)

submitted by bizarreiguana to DiscordAdvertising [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:26 SirZyrian [17/m]I'm bored af and want to chat with anyone around my age(16 to 18 preferably)and hopefully become freinds

My favorite movie genre is probably horror movies,my favorite music genres are probably alternative rock,nu metal,metalcore and death metal,my favorite game is probably minecraft,my favorite bands rn are Bad Omens,imagine dragons and lorna shore,so if your interested in maybe becoming freinds just dm me,preferably people from the US
submitted by SirZyrian to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:25 KILLA_UNIQUE What is a good 2-3s brushless system for my Arrma Granite boost 4x4?

So I have the Granite 4x4 Mega and I’ve burnt through two brushed motors already. Last one went up in lots of smoke and almost made my car catch fire. So now, I am looking for a cheap brushless setup for it. Something better than the $200 spectrum system, at which point it’s better to get the BLX Granite since it also has metal diffs and gears. I have been looking at this:
Would I also need some metal diffs? What are some good recommendations with IC3/EC3 connectors?
submitted by KILLA_UNIQUE to rccars [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:25 Reflexorz15 Bad clutch at 17,000 miles?

Hey everyone, something’s been bothering me about my VB WRX and I’m not sure if it’s just a WRX thing so I’d like some feedback.
I know the WRX has a really light clutch and the stock shifter sometimes feels like you are dragging a stick through a box of rocks from 1-2 sometimes, and even other gears randomly. But does anyone else’s clutch vibrate/shake when you are starting to ride on the biting point, let’s say in a car wash dryer or in stop and go traffic? I don’t know if I’ve just gotten used to the light clutch, but I swear it’s gotten weaker at the bite point too.
Ontop of everything, I’ve heard a rotational grinding sound when I am coasting, which my friends VB doesn’t have. I started noticing this around 5,000 miles and it’s gotten a little louder. It’s not that loud and you can really only hear it when music is off and HVAC is off.
Anyway, I feel like this clutch shaking didn’t happen for the first 8,000 - 10,000 miles or so and I’m now at 17,000 miles. I’ve never done a true launch (only have done a soft launch a few times), I did a proper break-in period, I always put the car in neutral at stoplights, I’ve only “slammed” through the gears a few times (otherwise I am mostly granny shifting while doing pulls due to the weird shift feeling sometimes).
I’m just curious if anyone else has felt this shaking/vibrating in the clutch pedal when you start riding on the biting point. And maybe felt their clutch get a weaker bite point over time? I’m having a master tech check out my slight rotational grinding sound when coasting, because maybe all these things I’ve been feeling have to do with that.
submitted by Reflexorz15 to wrx_vb [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:22 EricShanRick Twisted Metal Creepypasta- The Lost Files

I used to love playing Twisted Metal. Its vehicular combat style gameplay made it a huge contrast from other videogames on the market and the characters had a lot of charm to them. My favorite character out of all of them was definitely Sweet Tooth. His unrepentant brutality and wise-cracking mouth made him an instant icon of the series. He's more or less the mascot of the franchise and it's hard to imagine a twisted metal game without him. Playing the game as a kid, he scared the hell out of me, but now, I can't help admiring him as a villain.
One day I found myself growing nostalgic for the killer clown so I decided to boot up my old PS2 to play my favorite game in the series, TM Black. I inserted the disc into the console but nothing happened. I repeated this process several times only to reach the same result. The unfortunate reality that my game disc was damaged then dawned on me. This naturally pissed me off since I invested countless hours into this near masterpiece.
All was not lost however. I knew of a comic book shop that specialized in selling old and obscure media. Their videogame selection was paltry, but I figured it was the fastest way to get the game at a reasonable price. It took a long but well worth it train ride to downtown Toronto to reach my destination. I clenched firmly to the hood of my coat as the harsh winter winds collided with my face. Snowfall was sure to come soon so hunkering down in my apartment with my favorite game was looking ideal.
Greg, the owner of the shop, stared daggers into me as soon as I arrived. He's kinda weird like that. He had this shaggy black hair and heavy sunken eyes that made him look like the type of guy you'd bump into a dark alleyway. Greg's never really bothered me before so I tried not to pay him any mind. Still, it's hard not to wonder what goes on in his creepy little mind. The way he looks at female customers always gives the chills. I'd be surprised if he didn't have some kind of rap sheet.
I walked past aisles of comics and headed straight to their modest videogame section. My eyes scanned on each title in my hunt for Black. To my dismay, it wasn't there. Did I come all this way for nothing?
Not wanting to admit defeat just yet, I asked Greg if he had the game in stock. He just stared at me for a few seconds before giving a creepy smile and led me to the back of the shop. There was a whole row of games and dvds with pitch black covers. He handed me a case with " Twisted metal black" which was crudely drawn featuring a picture of Sweet Tooth.
" What the heck is this?" I asked.
" It's the game you wanted. It's a used copy so it didn't come with its original cover. Decided to give it a makeover," Greg replied in his gravely voice.
I remained skeptical of the game's quality but bought it regardless. I joked to myself that this would be like owning a rare collector's item. My excitement lasted the entire train ride back home.
I quickly inserted the disc inside my PlayStation and watched the screen come to life. Maybe it's because its been a while since I've played the game, but the intro was different from what I remembered. There was a much heavier focus on Sweet Tooth who was often seen slashing at unseen victims with his large knife. A blood splatter briefly appeared on the screen before the scene shifted to a blurry image of him sitting in an apartment room. This was incredibly strange because none of the games ever featured the characters in a home environment.
Once the game finished booting up, I had the time of my life playing through sweet tooth's route. His story of being a serial killer clown who killed Calpyso in his own ending remained as iconic as ever. It felt so satisfying to finally turn the tables on that sadistic mastermind. My entertainment soon turned into confusion upon seeing the credits finish rolling and display the title " Twisted Metal Lost" on screen.
What the hell was going on?
TM Lost is a bonus feature that was only featured in special editions of TM Head-on so it should've been impossible for my copy of Black to have it. Greg definitely modded the disc but I wasn't complaining. Little surprises like this will always get a warm welcome from me. At least that's what I thought before finding out what the game truly had in store for me.
Immediately after selecting the Lost mode, Sweet Tooth's guttural laugh blared from my speakers. The scene then showed Sweet Tooth running around in an asylum with his iconic cleaver in hand. Asylum workers would spawn sporadically throughout the stage and I controlled sweet tooth to cut them all up. I was loving this mod more and more with every second. It was like I was experiencing the true Sweet Tooth; a seasoned serial killer unrestricted by the confines of a car. He was free to slaughter indiscriminately and I was in full control of his mayhem. By the time I was done, the asylum was left painted in blood.
Once the level was complete, the screen faded to black before an image of Sweet Tooth sitting in a wooden chair appeared.
" Hello John. Having fun yet?" I felt my body jolt in surprise. Sweet Tooth had just said my name. Even if Greg modded this game, how could he know that I would be the one to buy it? Just how many more surprises did he have up his sleeve?
" Looks to me like you've been having a helluva time cutting those pigs up. Can't say I blame ya. Just don't forget that this is still MY game and you have to play by my rules. This next level should be something very familiar. Let's play a game of hide and seek. You be the scared little lamb and I'll be the butcher that serves you on a platter. See you soon." A wicked cackle roared from my speakers before a loading screen of a smiling Sweet Tooth popped up.
My blood ran cold when I saw what stage was next. It was my city. More specifically, it was a supermarket near my neighborhood. I find it hard to believe that Greg had only coincidently modded my neighborhood into one of my favorite games. Had he been stalking me? The attention to detail was immaculate. Greg had perfectly replicated the streets and stores surrounding the market down to the chips of paint on their signs. It was all so uncanny. I watched Sweet Tooth walk through the crowded streets while brandishing his cleaver without anyone noticing him. He was completely invisible to everyone but me. Sweet Tooth dashed down several blocks, gradually getting closer to my neighborhood. Fear swelled in my heart as Sweet Tooth approached my home with his bloody cleaver shining radiantly.
I immediately unplugged my PS2 and locked my bedroom door. Bullets of sweat raced down my head as I ruminated about what just happened. Greg was one sick fuck for making something like this. Was this his idea of a joke? He must've been some sort of messed up stalker. Just as I was about to curse him out over the phone, a loud bang at more door froze me solid. It was a kind of unhinged, violent bang that made it clear whoever was on the other side had vile intentions. I weakly walked over to the peephole to see who it could be and I felt my blood turn to ice.
Those baggy white pants and macabre mask were unmistakable. Sweet Tooth was at my door with his face mere inches away from the hole. What the hell was going on? I had no explanation for what I saw but there Sweet Tooth was looking like he wanted to make my head roll. I at first thought it was Greg continuing his prank on me but Sweet Tooth's physique is far too different. Greg was more on the lean side while Sweet Tooth is incredibly stocky. To make matters worse, this man's head was aflame and yet he didn't seem to be in the slightest bit of pain.
I immediately barricaded my door with whatever furniture I had and locked myself in my upstairs bedroom. I grabbed my phone to call the cops but for some reason, it wasn't working. All I got was static on the speaker. I barely had time it wonder what was going on when I heard a loud crash come from downstairs. Loud stomps echoed throughout the apartment and quickly drew closer to me. My heart felt just about ready to burst from my chest. I couldn't believe that Sweet Tooth was about to kill me. The pounding at my door grew louder by the second and it felt like the walls were closing in on me. In my panic, I almost forgot about my fire escape.
I dashed out of the window and to the metallic balcony just in time to hear my door burst open. Not taking a second to look back, I bolted down each ladder with frantic energy. My mind was focused solely on getting the hell out of there. Once my feet touched the concrete, I was prepared to run to the nearest police station, but to my horror, Sweet Tooth had just landed right in front of me. He cackled a hideous laugh before the tip of his cleaver was embedded in my stomach. Mind numbing pain consumed every part of my mind and the only thing I could do was cry and puke up blood. The last thing I saw before blacking out was Sweet Tooth standing over me, laughing menacingly.
When I woke up, I could hardly believe I was still alive. I sat in a hospital room with a whole bunch of tubes connected to me. After the nurses let the police know I was awake, they came over to interrogate me. All I could tell them was that someone dressed as a clown broke into my apartment and tried to kill me. No way were they going to believe that some videogame character had come to life to annihilate me. It was obvious that the police search would lead nowhere. I never went back to the comic shop after that day. Whoever Greg is, he's a creepy bastard that everyone should stay the hell away from. I can't even enjoy playing Twisted Metal anymore without thinking of that horrific incident. To anyone reading this, keep yourself safe and never go to the Magnifique Noir Comic shop.
submitted by EricShanRick to scarystories [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:21 doc_nano Musical Discovery (w/ Video) Related to Jenova Theory in Rebirth

Some of you may be familiar with Max Dood's video (which I will try to post in the comments; the sub won't let me post the link here) where Alex Moukala speculated that the musical arpeggio playing when Cloud sees Aerith sitting next to him at the lakeside near the end of Rebirth would be the perfect foundation for Jenova's theme to "soar" over. This was taken as circumstantial evidence that Aerith might be a Jenova hallucination in this scene.
As it turns out, we don't have to speculate: this arpeggio was intended to work well with Jenova's theme. As I was playing through Chapter 1 of Rebirth with the SFX and voices turned down to hear the music better, I noticed a very similar arpeggio playing while Sephiroth tells Cloud about the discovery of Jenova by Dr. Gast:
And in this case, Jenova's theme actually plays on top of the arpeggio, starting at about 0:10 in my video above. It's pretty subtle, and I probably wouldn't have noticed it without turning off the voice audio, but it's there.
This doesn't necessarily mean Aerith is a Jenova hallucination in the lakeside scene of Rebirth's ending, but it's a very suggestive musical connection that means we should at least take this idea seriously.
submitted by doc_nano to FinalFantasyVII [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:21 beepboop3250 [24/F] brain rottttttttttttt :3

heyyy (derogatory), i have social anxiety and i’m looking to make some friends. please only hmu if you’re an introvert from the United States who is 22-26 my interests are anything spooky, reading, videogames, horror movies, tiktoks, and memes. i love cats and dogs so please feel free to send me pictures of your pets! im also trying to expand my music horizons so send me your fav alternative, rock, metal, or indie songs. btw, we don’t need to have the same interests to talk :)
submitted by beepboop3250 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:21 EricShanRick Twisted Metal Creepypasta- The Lost Files

I used to love playing Twisted Metal. Its vehicular combat style gameplay made it a huge contrast from other videogames on the market and the characters had a lot of charm to them. My favorite character out of all of them was definitely Sweet Tooth. His unrepentant brutality and wise-cracking mouth made him an instant icon of the series. He's more or less the mascot of the franchise and it's hard to imagine a twisted metal game without him. Playing the game as a kid, he scared the hell out of me, but now, I can't help admiring him as a villain.
One day I found myself growing nostalgic for the killer clown so I decided to boot up my old PS2 to play my favorite game in the series, TM Black. I inserted the disc into the console but nothing happened. I repeated this process several times only to reach the same result. The unfortunate reality that my game disc was damaged then dawned on me. This naturally pissed me off since I invested countless hours into this near masterpiece.
All was not lost however. I knew of a comic book shop that specialized in selling old and obscure media. Their videogame selection was paltry, but I figured it was the fastest way to get the game at a reasonable price. It took a long but well worth it train ride to downtown Toronto to reach my destination. I clenched firmly to the hood of my coat as the harsh winter winds collided with my face. Snowfall was sure to come soon so hunkering down in my apartment with my favorite game was looking ideal.
Greg, the owner of the shop, stared daggers into me as soon as I arrived. He's kinda weird like that. He had this shaggy black hair and heavy sunken eyes that made him look like the type of guy you'd bump into a dark alleyway. Greg's never really bothered me before so I tried not to pay him any mind. Still, it's hard not to wonder what goes on in his creepy little mind. The way he looks at female customers always gives the chills. I'd be surprised if he didn't have some kind of rap sheet.
I walked past aisles of comics and headed straight to their modest videogame section. My eyes scanned on each title in my hunt for Black. To my dismay, it wasn't there. Did I come all this way for nothing?
Not wanting to admit defeat just yet, I asked Greg if he had the game in stock. He just stared at me for a few seconds before giving a creepy smile and led me to the back of the shop. There was a whole row of games and dvds with pitch black covers. He handed me a case with " Twisted metal black" which was crudely drawn featuring a picture of Sweet Tooth.
" What the heck is this?" I asked.
" It's the game you wanted. It's a used copy so it didn't come with its original cover. Decided to give it a makeover," Greg replied in his gravely voice.
I remained skeptical of the game's quality but bought it regardless. I joked to myself that this would be like owning a rare collector's item. My excitement lasted the entire train ride back home.
I quickly inserted the disc inside my PlayStation and watched the screen come to life. Maybe it's because its been a while since I've played the game, but the intro was different from what I remembered. There was a much heavier focus on Sweet Tooth who was often seen slashing at unseen victims with his large knife. A blood splatter briefly appeared on the screen before the scene shifted to a blurry image of him sitting in an apartment room. This was incredibly strange because none of the games ever featured the characters in a home environment.
Once the game finished booting up, I had the time of my life playing through sweet tooth's route. His story of being a serial killer clown who killed Calpyso in his own ending remained as iconic as ever. It felt so satisfying to finally turn the tables on that sadistic mastermind. My entertainment soon turned into confusion upon seeing the credits finish rolling and display the title " Twisted Metal Lost" on screen.
What the hell was going on?
TM Lost is a bonus feature that was only featured in special editions of TM Head-on so it should've been impossible for my copy of Black to have it. Greg definitely modded the disc but I wasn't complaining. Little surprises like this will always get a warm welcome from me. At least that's what I thought before finding out what the game truly had in store for me.
Immediately after selecting the Lost mode, Sweet Tooth's guttural laugh blared from my speakers. The scene then showed Sweet Tooth running around in an asylum with his iconic cleaver in hand. Asylum workers would spawn sporadically throughout the stage and I controlled sweet tooth to cut them all up. I was loving this mod more and more with every second. It was like I was experiencing the true Sweet Tooth; a seasoned serial killer unrestricted by the confines of a car. He was free to slaughter indiscriminately and I was in full control of his mayhem. By the time I was done, the asylum was left painted in blood.
Once the level was complete, the screen faded to black before an image of Sweet Tooth sitting in a wooden chair appeared.
" Hello John. Having fun yet?" I felt my body jolt in surprise. Sweet Tooth had just said my name. Even if Greg modded this game, how could he know that I would be the one to buy it? Just how many more surprises did he have up his sleeve?
" Looks to me like you've been having a helluva time cutting those pigs up. Can't say I blame ya. Just don't forget that this is still MY game and you have to play by my rules. This next level should be something very familiar. Let's play a game of hide and seek. You be the scared little lamb and I'll be the butcher that serves you on a platter. See you soon." A wicked cackle roared from my speakers before a loading screen of a smiling Sweet Tooth popped up.
My blood ran cold when I saw what stage was next. It was my city. More specifically, it was a supermarket near my neighborhood. I find it hard to believe that Greg had only coincidently modded my neighborhood into one of my favorite games. Had he been stalking me? The attention to detail was immaculate. Greg had perfectly replicated the streets and stores surrounding the market down to the chips of paint on their signs. It was all so uncanny. I watched Sweet Tooth walk through the crowded streets while brandishing his cleaver without anyone noticing him. He was completely invisible to everyone but me. Sweet Tooth dashed down several blocks, gradually getting closer to my neighborhood. Fear swelled in my heart as Sweet Tooth approached my home with his bloody cleaver shining radiantly.
I immediately unplugged my PS2 and locked my bedroom door. Bullets of sweat raced down my head as I ruminated about what just happened. Greg was one sick fuck for making something like this. Was this his idea of a joke? He must've been some sort of messed up stalker. Just as I was about to curse him out over the phone, a loud bang at more door froze me solid. It was a kind of unhinged, violent bang that made it clear whoever was on the other side had vile intentions. I weakly walked over to the peephole to see who it could be and I felt my blood turn to ice.
Those baggy white pants and macabre mask were unmistakable. Sweet Tooth was at my door with his face mere inches away from the hole. What the hell was going on? I had no explanation for what I saw but there Sweet Tooth was looking like he wanted to make my head roll. I at first thought it was Greg continuing his prank on me but Sweet Tooth's physique is far too different. Greg was more on the lean side while Sweet Tooth is incredibly stocky. To make matters worse, this man's head was aflame and yet he didn't seem to be in the slightest bit of pain.
I immediately barricaded my door with whatever furniture I had and locked myself in my upstairs bedroom. I grabbed my phone to call the cops but for some reason, it wasn't working. All I got was static on the speaker. I barely had time it wonder what was going on when I heard a loud crash come from downstairs. Loud stomps echoed throughout the apartment and quickly drew closer to me. My heart felt just about ready to burst from my chest. I couldn't believe that Sweet Tooth was about to kill me. The pounding at my door grew louder by the second and it felt like the walls were closing in on me. In my panic, I almost forgot about my fire escape.
I dashed out of the window and to the metallic balcony just in time to hear my door burst open. Not taking a second to look back, I bolted down each ladder with frantic energy. My mind was focused solely on getting the hell out of there. Once my feet touched the concrete, I was prepared to run to the nearest police station, but to my horror, Sweet Tooth had just landed right in front of me. He cackled a hideous laugh before the tip of his cleaver was embedded in my stomach. Mind numbing pain consumed every part of my mind and the only thing I could do was cry and puke up blood. The last thing I saw before blacking out was Sweet Tooth standing over me, laughing menacingly.
When I woke up, I could hardly believe I was still alive. I sat in a hospital room with a whole bunch of tubes connected to me. After the nurses let the police know I was awake, they came over to interrogate me. All I could tell them was that someone dressed as a clown broke into my apartment and tried to kill me. No way were they going to believe that some videogame character had come to life to annihilate me. It was obvious that the police search would lead nowhere. I never went back to the comic shop after that day. Whoever Greg is, he's a creepy bastard that everyone should stay the hell away from. I can't even enjoy playing Twisted Metal anymore without thinking of that horrific incident. To anyone reading this, keep yourself safe and never go to the Magnifique Noir Comic shop.
submitted by EricShanRick to libraryofshadows [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:21 RandomGuy86123 Anime game with realistic environment graphics

I'm having an idea of making an anime stealth game, inspired by Metal Gear. But is it suitable for me to use cel-shading only for the characters and not the environment? Like the buildings, rain and water. And I want to make it realistic and not flashy like other anime games by combat and stuff like that. Is it suitable to do that?
submitted by RandomGuy86123 to gamedev [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:20 EricShanRick Twisted Metal Creepypasta- The Lost Files

I used to love playing Twisted Metal. Its vehicular combat style gameplay made it a huge contrast from other videogames on the market and the characters had a lot of charm to them. My favorite character out of all of them was definitely Sweet Tooth. His unrepentant brutality and wise-cracking mouth made him an instant icon of the series. He's more or less the mascot of the franchise and it's hard to imagine a twisted metal game without him. Playing the game as a kid, he scared the hell out of me, but now, I can't help admiring him as a villain.
One day I found myself growing nostalgic for the killer clown so I decided to boot up my old PS2 to play my favorite game in the series, TM Black. I inserted the disc into the console but nothing happened. I repeated this process several times only to reach the same result. The unfortunate reality that my game disc was damaged then dawned on me. This naturally pissed me off since I invested countless hours into this near masterpiece.
All was not lost however. I knew of a comic book shop that specialized in selling old and obscure media. Their videogame selection was paltry, but I figured it was the fastest way to get the game at a reasonable price. It took a long but well worth it train ride to downtown Toronto to reach my destination. I clenched firmly to the hood of my coat as the harsh winter winds collided with my face. Snowfall was sure to come soon so hunkering down in my apartment with my favorite game was looking ideal.
Greg, the owner of the shop, stared daggers into me as soon as I arrived. He's kinda weird like that. He had this shaggy black hair and heavy sunken eyes that made him look like the type of guy you'd bump into a dark alleyway. Greg's never really bothered me before so I tried not to pay him any mind. Still, it's hard not to wonder what goes on in his creepy little mind. The way he looks at female customers always gives the chills. I'd be surprised if he didn't have some kind of rap sheet.
I walked past aisles of comics and headed straight to their modest videogame section. My eyes scanned on each title in my hunt for Black. To my dismay, it wasn't there. Did I come all this way for nothing?
Not wanting to admit defeat just yet, I asked Greg if he had the game in stock. He just stared at me for a few seconds before giving a creepy smile and led me to the back of the shop. There was a whole row of games and dvds with pitch black covers. He handed me a case with " Twisted metal black" which was crudely drawn featuring a picture of Sweet Tooth.
" What the heck is this?" I asked.
" It's the game you wanted. It's a used copy so it didn't come with its original cover. Decided to give it a makeover," Greg replied in his gravely voice.
I remained skeptical of the game's quality but bought it regardless. I joked to myself that this would be like owning a rare collector's item. My excitement lasted the entire train ride back home.
I quickly inserted the disc inside my PlayStation and watched the screen come to life. Maybe it's because its been a while since I've played the game, but the intro was different from what I remembered. There was a much heavier focus on Sweet Tooth who was often seen slashing at unseen victims with his large knife. A blood splatter briefly appeared on the screen before the scene shifted to a blurry image of him sitting in an apartment room. This was incredibly strange because none of the games ever featured the characters in a home environment.
Once the game finished booting up, I had the time of my life playing through sweet tooth's route. His story of being a serial killer clown who killed Calpyso in his own ending remained as iconic as ever. It felt so satisfying to finally turn the tables on that sadistic mastermind. My entertainment soon turned into confusion upon seeing the credits finish rolling and display the title " Twisted Metal Lost" on screen.
What the hell was going on?
TM Lost is a bonus feature that was only featured in special editions of TM Head-on so it should've been impossible for my copy of Black to have it. Greg definitely modded the disc but I wasn't complaining. Little surprises like this will always get a warm welcome from me. At least that's what I thought before finding out what the game truly had in store for me.
Immediately after selecting the Lost mode, Sweet Tooth's guttural laugh blared from my speakers. The scene then showed Sweet Tooth running around in an asylum with his iconic cleaver in hand. Asylum workers would spawn sporadically throughout the stage and I controlled sweet tooth to cut them all up. I was loving this mod more and more with every second. It was like I was experiencing the true Sweet Tooth; a seasoned serial killer unrestricted by the confines of a car. He was free to slaughter indiscriminately and I was in full control of his mayhem. By the time I was done, the asylum was left painted in blood.
Once the level was complete, the screen faded to black before an image of Sweet Tooth sitting in a wooden chair appeared.
" Hello John. Having fun yet?" I felt my body jolt in surprise. Sweet Tooth had just said my name. Even if Greg modded this game, how could he know that I would be the one to buy it? Just how many more surprises did he have up his sleeve?
" Looks to me like you've been having a helluva time cutting those pigs up. Can't say I blame ya. Just don't forget that this is still MY game and you have to play by my rules. This next level should be something very familiar. Let's play a game of hide and seek. You be the scared little lamb and I'll be the butcher that serves you on a platter. See you soon." A wicked cackle roared from my speakers before a loading screen of a smiling Sweet Tooth popped up.
My blood ran cold when I saw what stage was next. It was my city. More specifically, it was a supermarket near my neighborhood. I find it hard to believe that Greg had only coincidently modded my neighborhood into one of my favorite games. Had he been stalking me? The attention to detail was immaculate. Greg had perfectly replicated the streets and stores surrounding the market down to the chips of paint on their signs. It was all so uncanny. I watched Sweet Tooth walk through the crowded streets while brandishing his cleaver without anyone noticing him. He was completely invisible to everyone but me. Sweet Tooth dashed down several blocks, gradually getting closer to my neighborhood. Fear swelled in my heart as Sweet Tooth approached my home with his bloody cleaver shining radiantly.
I immediately unplugged my PS2 and locked my bedroom door. Bullets of sweat raced down my head as I ruminated about what just happened. Greg was one sick fuck for making something like this. Was this his idea of a joke? He must've been some sort of messed up stalker. Just as I was about to curse him out over the phone, a loud bang at more door froze me solid. It was a kind of unhinged, violent bang that made it clear whoever was on the other side had vile intentions. I weakly walked over to the peephole to see who it could be and I felt my blood turn to ice.
Those baggy white pants and macabre mask were unmistakable. Sweet Tooth was at my door with his face mere inches away from the hole. What the hell was going on? I had no explanation for what I saw but there Sweet Tooth was looking like he wanted to make my head roll. I at first thought it was Greg continuing his prank on me but Sweet Tooth's physique is far too different. Greg was more on the lean side while Sweet Tooth is incredibly stocky. To make matters worse, this man's head was aflame and yet he didn't seem to be in the slightest bit of pain.
I immediately barricaded my door with whatever furniture I had and locked myself in my upstairs bedroom. I grabbed my phone to call the cops but for some reason, it wasn't working. All I got was static on the speaker. I barely had time it wonder what was going on when I heard a loud crash come from downstairs. Loud stomps echoed throughout the apartment and quickly drew closer to me. My heart felt just about ready to burst from my chest. I couldn't believe that Sweet Tooth was about to kill me. The pounding at my door grew louder by the second and it felt like the walls were closing in on me. In my panic, I almost forgot about my fire escape.
I dashed out of the window and to the metallic balcony just in time to hear my door burst open. Not taking a second to look back, I bolted down each ladder with frantic energy. My mind was focused solely on getting the hell out of there. Once my feet touched the concrete, I was prepared to run to the nearest police station, but to my horror, Sweet Tooth had just landed right in front of me. He cackled a hideous laugh before the tip of his cleaver was embedded in my stomach. Mind numbing pain consumed every part of my mind and the only thing I could do was cry and puke up blood. The last thing I saw before blacking out was Sweet Tooth standing over me, laughing menacingly.
When I woke up, I could hardly believe I was still alive. I sat in a hospital room with a whole bunch of tubes connected to me. After the nurses let the police know I was awake, they came over to interrogate me. All I could tell them was that someone dressed as a clown broke into my apartment and tried to kill me. No way were they going to believe that some videogame character had come to life to annihilate me. It was obvious that the police search would lead nowhere. I never went back to the comic shop after that day. Whoever Greg is, he's a creepy bastard that everyone should stay the hell away from. I can't even enjoy playing Twisted Metal anymore without thinking of that horrific incident. To anyone reading this, keep yourself safe and never go to the Magnifique Noir Comic shop.
submitted by EricShanRick to DarkTales [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:15 MoeRogain I asked Chat GPT What is a Juggalo? And I agree with its response 💯 Whoop! Whoop!!

I asked Chat GPT What is a Juggalo? And I agree with its response 💯 Whoop! Whoop!! submitted by MoeRogain to juggalo [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:12 -username-1234- What are you're favorite aspects of Hozier’s 2014 album?

Hi, friends! It's nearing the 10 year anniversary of Hozier (2014). I can't believe it's been this long. I know it's still a few months out, but I'm too excited to wait to ask this question 😂
What are some of your favorite aspects of this album? Anything that stands out to you and makes it feel special. (Ex. musical style, lyricism, synth use, genre influences, etc.)
For me, the first thing that drew me to this album years ago was his fingerstyle compositions. As a budding guitar player, it really expanded my view of what a good fingerstyle song could be. The fact that songs like Cherry Wine, To Be Alone, and In A Week were so complex yet gorgeous and easy to listen to was MIND-BLOWING.
I also really enjoy the emotion in his voice!! I love folk music, but in my experience I've found a lot of mainstream indie folk is mixed in such a way that the singer's emotion is lost. Hozier’s vocals are still mixed in a pop/indie style, but he's kept it raw enough and sang with such expression that you can really feel his passion. I've been in choir my whole life and I still struggle with singing that emotively.
Also, his guitar tone. I'm still salty that Arsonist's Lullaby isn't on the official album, because oh my god the subtly crunchy distortion 😍😍 the metal head in me goes crazy for the tone in that song.
I'm excited to hear your thoughts!! Have a wonderful pride month, fellow hozier fans.
submitted by -username-1234- to Hozier [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:10 amitzinman2020 Prince 4Ever Ride 2024

Highlights of the Prince themed annual Bike Summer (the festival formerly known as Pedalpalooza) bicycle ride. I wish you could hear some of the wonderful music we were listening to but due to copyright restriction I had to enlist the help of AI to create the music track for this video.
submitted by amitzinman2020 to PortlandOR [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:10 Dry-Award-9382 Lead/Rhythm Guitarist Looking for a band in LA Area

Hey everyone I'm a Lead/Rhythm Guitarist with a really strong passion for music. I do not see myself doing anything else with my life besides this lol. I'm looking for a band or just people with the same dedication and passion for music as me. To be completely honest I've never had any experience performing but I know for a fact I'm beyond ready. I have experience playing all types of music but I primarily play rock and metal.
submitted by Dry-Award-9382 to FindABand [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:07 InsectoidDeveloper Insectoid Descent - Looking for 3D Animator for Cinematic Cutscenes

This is a pixel art retro style game called Insectoid Descent, nearing full release on steam for october. I am familiar with low poly modelling in Maya.
I am inspired by those SFM short movies on youtube, like Stalker and Half-Life fan films. I am willing to pay 300 US dollars (Via PayPal, Venmo, or Cashapp).
Please send your portfolio with examples of your 3D animation. The goal of this animation is simple; to be flashy and engaging yet tell a story and visual aesthetic that cannot be achieved through our top-down retro pixel art gameplay.
In short, our game is similar to Hotline Miami in graphics / POV. I am open to creative processes, but the primary goal is to tell our story, in between levels.
Cutscenes planned: Introduction, Bad Ending, Good ending, level transitions.
Introductory: "Plane descends into foggy forest area, secret base. Plane engine explodes while landing, leaving the crew stuck there. alarms begin going off. (art and music can be found here Insectoid Descent OST Album (
Themes: Sci-fi, gritty realism, military, dark / horror / genetics laboratories
My email is: (remove spaces) --- J D E M (at.) umich . EDU
I will also share my discord via reddit DM if you prefer that over email. (example of my 3d modelling ability, password is 1234)
submitted by InsectoidDeveloper to gameDevClassifieds [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:05 _humanbean_ 25 [M4F] Cincinnati/Dayton Ohio or northern Kentucky. Looking for life partner

Hi, I’m Nathan. I’m 25. I live in Morrow, OH which is kinda equal distance between Cincinnati and Dayton. I’m here to find a woman that hopefully turns into a life partnew*fe (censored because word isn’t allowed lol). Like something that turns into ride or die type shit, ya know? I’m definitely more of a homebody so I haven’t been meeting a lot of new people.
I’d prefer if you were around my age and somewhat local. I can deal with an hour or so drive, just nothing long distance.
Physical attributes:
I’m 6’2”, about 190 lbs right now. I like to work out and I’m in decent shape. Im handsome tbh, I have curly/wavy longer blonde hair and a beard that’s ginger for some reason. More than willing to trade face pics! I also have a tattoo and I plan on getting many more.
Important values, goals, etc (we should align on most of these):
Stuff I’m into:
Like what you see? Message me and we can talk!
submitted by _humanbean_ to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:04 Main-Analysis Passenger Newbie Question

Hello! Female here! Being on a motorcycle is completely new to me but means a lot to my boyfriend so I am wanting to enjoy more time on the bike with him. He has a nice cruising (??) bike that I have a comfy seat and then there is a seat backing in between us too.
A couple questions (i dont have pictures sorry):
1) for longer trips, do you have a recommendation for a phone pouch i can attach to the seat back between us? My phone is nooked away right now but id like it out for ease of switching songs (i would keep it in the mount/pouch while changing songs/etc) im definitely nervous of my phone flying off but longer trips will definitely be hard if i cant easily change music 2) any general passenger recommendations or tips? 3) gear recommendations? This is also super important to me!
submitted by Main-Analysis to motorcycle [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:04 DifferentAd9713 How we feeling so far about the MGS3 Remake??

How we feeling so far about the MGS3 Remake??
Personally I’m excited for it! It’s so cool that they’re using the original voice audio from the OG game!
submitted by DifferentAd9713 to metalgearsolid [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:02 blueshades_mu ‘I Saw The TV Glow’ review

The following review is copied and pasted from my Letterboxd. Here is a link to the original review:
A somewhat novel concept that was stomped repeatedly until death over the course of one hour and forty minutes. The perpetrators of this murder; a lack of the slightest semblance of storytelling, horrible direction/editing decisions, and poor acting.
The story and the characters in the film are completely flat. They start one way, fester in their own steaming angst, and then end exactly how they started. Even after Maddie returns from her apparent journey of self discovery she is still the same emotionless, unlikable zombie she started as. This is just a horribly cynical film made by a director who thinks they are above even basic storytelling.
So many editing or directorial choices in this film are just obnoxious. An all out aesthetic assault. I hated the music whenever it took center stage. I hated the doodling on the frame. I hated the 4th wall breaking monologues and voice overs. I hated Mr. Melancholy’s voice. I hated the spoon feeding of the “There is still time” message. All of these things just took me out of the film.
Almost all of the events of interest happen off screen and are retold to the audience by Owen to the camera (again, why did this film need to have 4th wall breaking?) or by Maddie to Owen. Maddie running away and her adventures inside the pink opaque, or the whole false history of their lives. All of these things are just told to the audience and never shown. Worse is that neither of its lead actors are at all compelling enough to hold down these monologues. Really some of the most brutal moments of the film.
The ending is horrible. This is not to say a film needs to have a happy ending but a film on some level should have a satisfying ending. We have no idea what happened to Maddie at the end and we are just left to watch Owen wither away. The combination of slow burn + abrupt, anticlimactic ending is not at all a good one.
The way this film is paced is just so poor. Scenes don’t feel connected tonally.
Lastly, Schoenbrun borrows memetic ideas from Lynch but lacks the earnestness and beating heart that Lynch’s films have. The fundamental theme of twin peaks is the balance between light and dark. This film is nothing but darkness, cynicism and nastiness. Everything is vague but there’s no sense of intrigue. Just mood. Gestures towards something grander than itself.
submitted by blueshades_mu to TrueFilm [link] [comments]