Whos dating jared padalecki

My(F24) boyfriend (29) is sending daily snaps to women he has had sex with. I want to see the snaps from them and have him block them.

2024.04.27 12:13 Oiinkiee My(F24) boyfriend (29) is sending daily snaps to women he has had sex with. I want to see the snaps from them and have him block them.

Hello, Everyone.

I(24F) have been officially together with my boyfriend(29), Jared(fake name), since January 21st this year.

This will be lengthy as I feel I need to put in some backstory so please bear with me..

Jared and I started talking back in the end of December 2022/January 2023. We live almost 2hours away from each other by car. I was currently going through a breakup with my then fiancé, Alec(fake name), and was not ready to jump into anything serious afterwards. Alec and I had an open relationship towards the end of it, between just after christmas 2022 and january 19th 2023, so that is where I started to talk to Jared. However, Jared and I did not actually meet until a while later in February 2023. Sadly, back then Alec still lived with me as it was hard to find somewhere seperate to live. Alec did have the opportunity to stay at a friend's place for that weekend, and that was the original plan until he heard I was having a guy over, so he decided to stay at our place.

I was smitten by Jared when we first met. Handsome, tall, sexy and he seemed so calm and collected. Curly dark blonde/brownish hair, greengrey eyes that reminded me of the sea. More on the athletic looking side... I found him so dreamy to look at. Where he got me? Well.. He handled the situation with my ex being there so amazingly.. I was starstruck by it. Sadly, I refused back then to believe we could ever be anything more than a fling because it was simply too soon for me to go into anything serious. Jared and I kept meeting up once a month until we decided to become exclusive September 24th 2023. We saw other people up until maybe a couple weeks before we decided on this.

I ain't gonna lie, our situationship was truly a rocky road during this whole time. I kept seeing other guys quite often to avoid staying home (as my ex was there and it was constant fighting and such to the point I totally broke down). Jared and I also had fights becuase I wanted to see him and I felt he never put in the time or efforts to make it happen. Now this is important because I tried breaking things off with him several times due to this - everytime he would manipulate and guilttrip me into staying. First time being in May/June 2023: we then came to the agreement of just continuing seeing each other as it was then, nothing romantic (even tho I knew I wanted more, but I could not allow myself that, especially since he didn't put in the efforts I felt I needed for things to be sustainable).

My ex finally moved out in may 2023. I was also in the middle of moving in june/july 2023 as I could not afford our old place on my own.

Up until Jared and I got exclusive, I was self destructive AF. As said I was seeing other guys, which I regret as I had feelings for him (which I refused to give in to). I gave in to trying substances (happened twice) which ended really bad both times. I drank whenever I could, etc. I was going through cutting out a bunch of ppl in my life as well.

All this stopped after I saw my then FWB, Neil(fake name), whom I'd been seeing since around new years 2023, within the first week of september 2023. I went through a breakdown after having been with him, fed up and disgusted with myself... I was tired of trying to fight myself and my feelings. Then about 2-3 weeks of trying to collect myself, I asked Jared to become exclusive. He agreed and then we just tried seeing how it'd go. I had already told Neil that I wanted to stop being intimate with him just a few days after he and I last saw each other, but would love to be friends (I thought we had an overall wonderful friendship where we talked about anything and everything and was supporting of each other). He seemed alright with this. I also cut off other guys I had flirted with. Guys I had been intimate with, but havent seen in long. I eventually went on to cut off any guys Jared believed only talked to me to get in my pants. I removed guys I were only friends with, but I removed em because we met through dating apps. I also removed Neil after a while since he told me he wanted to go back to hooking up.

Moving on, October 6th-7th 2023, I tried dumping Jared again as things were basically just the same as it had been before. No efforts to spending time together. No planning on when to see each other, no gaming together(we are both gamers, had gamed a few times together before, which I absolutely loved), no calls, no nothing. It made me want to back out as I felt things would not change, and I felt I needed more than having to chase him to meet up with me once a month. Yet again he managed to make me stay by using the tactics of "You're just leaving before we have even begun.. Just leaving me like everyone else" etc. Honestly, I did not really want to leave as I had developed feelings for him and I really wanted it to work, but he promised he'd try better with the planning on seeing each other and putting in efforts, which I fell for over and over.

We still kept seeing each other once a month, but we texted more. In december 2023 we had another fight about the same. I felt I deserved better than what was going on, he said I was free to go, but I'd probably not find anything better out there since "guys only want to get into womens panties" and that he hoped I wouldn't make a choice I would then regret. It broke me, but managed to make me drop it as I was still just hoping for him to step up... However, this time things actually started to change and he actually gave some efforts into meeting up and such. We even spoke more and tried to focus on our communication.

After some some back and forth, it seemed to go more and more forwards and we officially became a couple January 21st 2024 - and have been since. Still not been easy, but we in general communicate better and we also see each other as often as we can (about every 2nd weekend since march 2024).

However.. lately... and this is where our biggest problem are atm.. we are going through a bunch of insecurities and struggle to communicate with each other. Most of it being from my side (this has been coming up earlier in the relationship, but honestly not spiralled utnil now).

You see, Jared has snapchat(so does I) and he snaps with other women daily. He says it is just empty snaps to keep the daily score. However, when I have asked about the women he has just said they are just some women, some nobodies. I had asked before about what kind of relationship he has had with them, where he has stated that they are just old friends. It did not really sit well with me the way he spoke about it, as he said it in such a dismissive manner. He has said he would not have any problems opening some of the snaps in front of me(just to let me see that what he said is true and I don't have to worry about it). However, this has yet to happen. But I've waited. Until I decided about 3 weeks ago to try and be smooth and joking with him. We were at my place watching a movie late, I slid my hand in his pocket to grab his phone, being all foolish. I slowly took it up, grinning at him. Him asking me coldly what I was up to. I said "I am just checking what you're hiding from me. Oh here is a snap from one of your ladies. Please open so I can see". Which is where he got mad at me, grabbed the phone and refused. This obviously left me very upset and somewhat angry. I didn't know what to do, as I felt his reaction was too harsh, especially if he truly has nothing to hide as he claims. I didn't want to go batshit and just went quiet and asked advice from my friends on my own phone (texting).

After a while I tried talking to him, still feeling distraught. He and I started arguing about the whole ordeal. Me being mad at him for not letting me see, and moreso reacting the way he did. Him being mad at me, calling me controlling and also being mad at me for apparently talking "smack" about him to my friends. It went on for a while. He even threatened to go home in the middle of the night (reminder, he lives almost 2hours away), which I refused him, saying it was too late to start driving (also had he done that, I would have ended things there with him, but I didn't tell him that.)

After a while, it went quiet and we both tried collecting ourselves to talk about it properly.

I told him that it did not sit well with me how he seemed so defensive about his phone, especially since he says he has nothing to hide, and he knows I struggle with guys doing that due to earlier relationships with partners hiding their cheating and other things. I also explained that I did not talk smack about him to my friends, but I was turning to them for advice on how to proceed talking about the situation and try forward how it made me feel and all.

He told me he got defensive because his ex had been all paranoid and such with his phone before they had broken up, and he felt it was a huge invasion of privacy to have someone snoop through his phone. I tried my best to understand him, but it still did not sit well with me. We eventually made up - I guess? I guess more me just backing down because he told me I was being invasive, controlling and crazy and that I just needed to trust him. So I let it go and we talked about other things. I felt a part of me died that night tho.

After he went home I brought it up again and asked him to please show me the snaps next time, just to ease my mind. Him being the one holding onto the phone and show me. He said he could.

Last weekend he was visiting me again. However I really tried to not push on the snap thingy, even tho it was nagging at me. I did make comments about him recieving snaps from his other ladies tho (jokingly) when I noticed he got notifications for it. He still never showed me. Overall the best weekend we ever had together tho. I felt things would be better after this.

Fast forwards, I notice he has lately gone onto snap, but not been checking on my snaps and messages I send him. Been going on all week. I asked him about it last night by saying "How come you sign in, but ignore me? Are you talking to someone else who's more important?" (Yes I recognise this was maybe not such a healthy way to go about it, but honestly, this shit has been eating me up inside). He told me there is noone. He proceeds to send me a screenshot of his inbox where I can see the name of 5 other ladies and 3 men that has snapped him. He hadn't opened any of them. The timeframes matches that he has in fact not bothered to open them when he had answered me earlier. (He sent me all this 30-40 mins after his last response to me, the other snaps were 1+ hours old anf unopened). But it still bothered me seeing all the women. this was around 22:45 last night.

I commented how many women he had on the list (All the women had Best Friends Marks. None of the guys, and it said he had more unread chats, but he didn't scroll down to show me those. What made it worse? He has at some point changed the Best Friend Mark from the original heart icon to a Hot and bothered type of smiley. I was apparently his top 1 best friend, but my mark was a puppy face-smiley? This also somehow bothered me. Also all the snapscores were like 218, 41, 283, 1304 and 262 days on these ladies).

I sent him a screenshot of mine where he could see I had snapped him, my niece, family group chat, my brother, sister, uncle, cousin and my 2 gay besties. I only have snap scores of more than 6 days with Jared (181 days), my sister, brother, cousin and niece. I don't really care much for snapping any1 but Jared.

Here is how the conversation went:

I commented on how many women were on his list. I also just had to ask if there were anything special about these ladies. Had he slept with any of them? Had be flirted with them?

He told me: "So. Some I knew since long time and some met through tinder long ago, why?"

Me: "......"

Him: "What?"

Me: "So you banged some of them"

Him: "I mean i guess..?"

Me: "...."

Him: "What?"

Me: "So why are you keeping them around then?"

Him: "Cuz they not tryna hit me up like your Guy "friends" did."

Me: "And how am I supposed to know that?"

Him: "Why in the world would a girl ever hit a Guy up?"

Me: "Girls do that too"

Him: "Yeah sure it happens, but it's not common"

Me: "So you lied to me then. Saying they were nobodies when obviously you've been intimate with them...."

Him: "....."

Me: "Why didn't you just tell me?"

Him: "Cuz they are nobodies...?"

Me: "No. They are women you have seen naked and had your D**K IN. Girls you flirted with. Girls you find attractive"

Him(time is now 23:09): "No. Well I need to sleep now so. I don't have time to argue Over nothing".

Me: "This is not nothing. Please give me a call"

Him: "I'm not gonna give you a call? I'm going to sleep I just told you?"

Me: "Give me a call. Please"

Him: "Why? I don't want to talk and argue over the phone when I'm going to sleep"

Me:"Because this is something I feel needs resolvement"

Him: "That can wait"

Me: "No it cannot"

Him: "bcz?"


Him: " I just told you I need to sleep. I don't have time to argue"

Me: "call me"

Him: "NO"

Me: "Yes"

Him: "Absolutely not. I am gonna work tomorrow. Why can't you just respect that I need to sleep?"

Me: "Why can't you respect my feelings? You lied to me"

Him: "I didn't lie about anything"

Me: "You did"

Him: "Okej. What did I lie about?"

Me: "You said they were nobodies, obviously they are not if you f***d them"

Him: "Okey? So? Still nobody since I don't really know them?"

Me: "Then block them"

Him: "Really"

Me: "Yes"

Him: "Why"

Me: "I am highly uncomfortable about the relations you had with them. Also that you did not let me know before and just dismissed me when I had asked before makes it even worse"

Him:" I'll do you one better. I go to sleep"

Me: "So you're dismissing me again"

Him: "Just respect my f**ing sleep. I do not want to argue every night just because you are used to be awake 24/7"

Me: "then when will we talk about it?

Him: "Idk, not atm at least"

Me:" tomorrow then. After you've been at work"

Him: "Totally retarded to start a fight in the middle of the night"

Me: "Stop it."

Him: "No you stop it"

Me: "No, you stop it. I don't get why you never care how I feel about shit like this. And why do you care so much for keeping them around if they truly are nothing to you?"

Him: "I do (care), but you gotta stop starting fights in the middle of the night. Also, because you say I have to take away people just because?"


Him: "I think you are very controlling atm"

Me: "Don't even. Don't gaslight me"

Him: "Okey if u say so"

Me: "I am serious about this. I am not comfy knowing you talk daily with ppl you been having s*x with. And especially since you never disclosed that with me when I have tried asking"

Him(now at 23:21: "sure well gn".

Me:"You honestly think that my feelings and concerns about this is not important?"

Fast forwards to this morning

Me at 07:53: "I really hope you take the time to talk to me"

me at 09:19 after seeing he saw my text but left me on read: "..."

Him at 09:58: ".... what"

Me: "you could at least reply instead of ignoring me"

Him: "Not in the mood to talk"

Me: "Why?"

Him at 10:00: " Bcz Im not. I don't handle this fighting all the time"

Me: "Are you seriously mad at me because I don't want my boyfriend to talk to women he had sex with? Women he says are nobodies to him? How can you not see how this could possibly upset me?"

And that is it for now. Have not heard from him since. I got a feeling he won't talk to me more today. I honestly do not know what to do... I was thinking of going over to his place tonight (have to take train and bus there because I lent him my car last time he was over because his will not be fixed before in May).. I am unsure tho, I feel like doing so would make things worse... But I also feel like it might be the only way to get him to actually talk to me and try hear me out.... But I am so broken down by all this. I've been up all night crying like crazy, feeling heartbroken and at loss..

I love him, despite it all. I truly do love him with all my heart and I feel I'd do anything for him. I'd do anything for him to feel happy and loved and safe in me as his partner.. I feel the happiest when I am with him. Being in his arms makes me feel safe. And he manages to make me feel loved when we actually are together and just exsist together or do random shit together. However when he is away, I am at my lonliest. I try to keep busy with work and friends, but it doesn't work so well.

Thank you for having read it all.. I know it is a mess, but I am just so out of it. I feel like I am wrong, but I mostly feel I have a right to feel the way I do and that me asking him to drop these "nobodies" is not too much. I hate myself for even feeling this insecure about the whole thing..


**TL;DR;** : This is a sample summary of the TLDR

My BF, Jared (29), snaps women he has had se*ual relationships with in the past, daily.
He says they just snap empty snaps for the daily score and that they are nobodies to him. I have asked him before to let me see the snaps, which he has said he will, but this has still not happened.We have had several fights this and I have told him about how I am uncomfortable that he snaps all these women I have no idea who are, daily. ALSO It was not until last night that he actually let me know that he has had s*x with them before he and I became exclusive. He had always told me before that they were only old friends and nothing more. I feel betrayed at this and hurt. I want to see the snaps to see he hasn't been unfaithful, and I want him to block them. He is mad at me tho for starting yet another fight with him over nothing and calls me controlling.
I am thinking of going over to his place to talk it out because he is now just ignoring me... (Takes over 2 hours with bus and train. He is borrowing my car until his gets fixed in may).
Am I wrong for wanting him to show me the snaps and then have him delete the women? Am I being controlling and crazy like he says? Should I go to his place? Please help me :'(
‐------------------- UPDATE
We finally talked. It took a little while. We both yelled and screamed at each other until we finally calmed down. We talked about it. He chose us. I guess we will see where it goes. I set my boundaries. He accepted.
Thank you all so much for the kind words and the encouragement. Thank you for helping me stand up for myself.
submitted by Oiinkiee to relationships_advice [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 20:50 TINYUSAGI Episode 6 spoiler

JusticeForJared I mean seriously his own brother betrayed him his mother started dating his therapist who's evil his sister has been against him up until this episode he got blamed and punished for literally everything he didn't do and called crazy for saying he didn't do it he's continuously gaslighted HIS SIBLINGS EVEN BLAMED HIM FOR THIER FATHER ABANDONING THEM!!! He calls himself "the bad twin" because that's how his family genuinely makes him feel I felt so terrible after this episode

submitted by TINYUSAGI to TheSpiderwickChronic [link] [comments]

2024.04.06 23:26 SanderSo47 Directors at the Box Office: Terrence Malick

Directors at the Box Office: Terrence Malick
Here's a new edition of "Directors at the Box Office", which seeks to explore the directors' trajectory at the box office and analyze their hits and bombs. I already talked about a few, and as I promised, it's Terrence Malick's turn.
Malick's younger years faced tragedy, as his younger brother died as he faced pressure over his musical studies. Malick graduated from Harvard College in 1965 with a Bachelor of Arts, summa cum laude. He then studied philosophy at Oxford. After a disagreement with his advisor, Gilbert Ryle, over Malick's thesis on the concept of world in Kierkegaard, Heidegger, and Wittgenstein, Malick left Oxford without a degree. One of his most notable achievements was translating Heidegger's The Essence of Reasons into English. After returning to the United States, Malick taught philosophy at MIT while freelancing as a journalist. He subsequently earned an MFA from the brand-new AFI Conservatory in 1969, and he got contacts in the industry to start working as an uncredited writer. After one of his screenplays, Deadhead Miles, was made into what Paramount Pictures believed was an unreleasable film, Malick decided to direct his own scripts.
From a box office perspective, how reliable was he to deliver a box office hit?
That's the point of this post. To analyze his career.

It should be noted that as he started his career in the 1970s, some of the domestic grosses here will be adjusted by inflation. The table with his highest grossing films, however, will be left in its unadjusted form, as the worldwide grosses are more difficult to adjust.

Badlands (1973)

"In 1959, a lot of people were killing time. Kit and Holly were killing people."
His directorial debut. It stars Martin Sheen, Sissy Spacek, Ramon Bieri and Warren Oates. Loosely based on the real-life murder spree of Charles Starkweather and his girlfriend Caril Ann Fugate in 1958, the film follows Holly Sargis, a 15-year old who goes on a killing spree with her partner, Kit Carruthers.
In 1970, Malick started writing the script while on a road trip. Malick paid $25,000 of his own funds, while the remainder of his share was raised from professionals such as doctors and dentists. Sissy Spacek was chosen, despite being unknown and only appearing in one film, as Malick found her small-town Texas roots and accent were perfect for the part of the naive impressionable high school girl. In fact, he allowed her to help in the creative progress and accomodated the script based on her experiences. When Martin Sheen was suggested by the casting director, Malick was hesitant, thinking he was too old for the role. Spacek wrote in her autobiography that "the chemistry was immediate. He was Kit. And with him, I was Holly."
The film carried a low $300,000 budget and most of the crew was non-union. The film had a somewhat troubled production history: several members of the crew clashed with Malick, and another was severely injured when an explosion occurred while filming the fire scene. Jack Fisk served as art director for the film in his first of several collaborations with Malick. During production, Spacek and Fisk fell in love and got married one year after the year came out.
There are no available numbers for the film's original release. The only numbers we've got is a $54,396 run it had on the UK and New Zealand 15 years ago. The film received acclaim, particularly for its cinematography, soundtrack and acting, and has been named as one of the greatest films of the 1970s. It successfully launched the careers of Malick, Sheen and Spacek.
  • Budget: N/A.
  • Domestic gross: $0.
  • Worldwide gross: $54,396.

Days of Heaven (1978)

"You've got to go through Hell before you get to Heaven."
His second film. It stars Richard Gere, Brooke Adams, Sam Shepard and Linda Manz. Set in 1916, it tells the story of Bill and Abby, lovers who travel to the Texas Panhandle to harvest crops for a wealthy farmer. Bill persuades Abby to claim the fortune of the dying farmer by tricking him into a false marriage.
While on a trip to Cuba with producer Ben Schneider, Malick started working on the film. Malick had tried and failed to get Dustin Hoffman or Al Pacino to star in the film, and John Travolta auditioned for and won the lead role of Bill, but ABC-TV wouldn't let him out of his contract for his series Welcome Back Kotter. Impressed by The Wild Child, Malick asked Néstor Almendros to become the film's cinematographer, winning him over with his knowledge and willingness to use little studio lighting. They drew inspiration from painters such as Johannes Vermeer, Edward Hopper, and Andrew Wyeth, as well as photo-reporters from the start of the 20th century.
According to Almendros, the production was not "rigidly prepared", allowing for improvisation. Daily call sheets could have been more detailed, and the schedule changed to suit the weather. This upset some Hollywood crew members not used to working this way. Most crew members were used to a "glossy style of photography" and felt frustrated because Almendros did not give them much work. Daily, he asked them to turn off the lights they had prepared for him. Some crew members said that Almendros and Malick did not know what they were doing. The tension led to some of the crew quitting the production. Malick supported what Almendros was doing and pushed the film's look further, removing more lighting aids and leaving the image bare.
While the photography yielded the director satisfactory results, the rest of the production was difficult. The actors and crew reportedly viewed Malick as cold and distant. After two weeks of shooting, Malick was so disappointed with the dailies, he "decided to toss the script, go Leo Tolstoy instead of Fyodor Dostoyevsky, wide instead of deep [and] shoot miles of film with the hope of solving the problems in the editing room." Post-production took 2 years, as Malick had a difficult time shaping the film and getting the pieces to go together. He experimented with voice-overs from Linda Manz's character, scrapped much of the film's dialogue, replacing it with Manz's voice-over, which served as an oblique commentary on the story.
Schneider was disappointed with Malick. He had confronted Malick numerous times about missed deadlines and broken promises. Due to further cost overruns, he had to ask Paramount for more money, which he preferred not to do. When they screened a demo for Paramount and made their pitch, the studio was impressed and reportedly "gave Malick a very sweet deal at the studio, carte blanche, essentially".
Despite a heavy push from Paramount, the film was a box office bomb, earning just $3.4 million in its run. The film also received a polarizing response; while the cinematography was praised, the storyline and structure were points of criticism. But time was kind to the film, eventually being acknowleged as one of the best films of the 1970s. Despite losing money, Charles Bluhdorn (who ran Paramount's parent company Gulf + Western), loved it so much he offered Malick $1 million for his next project, whatever it was.
Malick began developing a project for Paramount named Q, that explored the origins of life on earth. During pre-production, he suddenly moved to Paris and disappeared from public view for years.
  • Budget: $3,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $3,446,749. ($16.4 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $3,485,264.

The Thin Red Line (1998)

"Every man fights his own war."
His third film. Based on the novel by James Jones, it stars Jim Caviezel, Sean Penn, Adrien Brody, Ben Chaplin, George Clooney, John Cusack, Woody Harrelson, Elias Koteas, Jared Leto, Dash Mihok, Tim Blake Nelson, Nick Nolte, John C. Reilly, Larry Romano, John Savage and John Travolta. It tells a fictionalized version of the Battle of Mount Austen, which was part of the Guadalcanal Campaign in the Pacific Theater of the Second World War, and portrays U.S. soldiers of C Company, 1st Battalion, 27th Infantry Regiment, 25th Infantry Division.
In 1978, Malick was approached by producer Bobby Geisler, and both exchanged different ideas for films that never materialized. Ten years later, Geisler visited him in Paris, and Malick was interested in adapting either Molière's Tartuffe or James Jones' The Thin Red Line. The following year, Malick wrote a 300-page script. As he slowly worked on the film, the producers earned his trust by providing him with reliable sources, paying his travel plans and getting him a mortgage in Paris. By 1995, Sony was involved, but new studio chairman John Calley did not think Malick could make his movie with the proposed $52 million budget. 20th Century Fox picked up the project, with the condition that Malick cast five known stars.
In 1995, once word went out that Malick was making another movie after many years, numerous actors approached him, flooding the casting directors until they had to announce they wouldn't be accepting more requests. Sean Penn told Malick that he would appear for just one dollar. Brad Pitt, Al Pacino, Gary Oldman, and George Clooney offered to work for a fraction and some even offered to work for free. Bruce Willis even went as far as offering to pay for first-class tickets for the casting crew, to get a few lines for the movie. Before the casting was finalized, Nicolas Cage had lunch with Malick in Hollywood in February 1996. Malick went off to scout locations and tried calling Cage that summer only to find out that his phone number had been disconnected. Tom Sizemore, however, was offered a more substantial role in Saving Private Ryan and, when he could not contact Malick for several days, decided to do Spielberg's film instead. Edward Norton flew out to Austin and met Malick, who had been impressed by the actor's screen test for Primal Fear. Matthew McConaughey reportedly took a day off filming A Time to Kill to see Malick. Others followed, including William Baldwin, Edward Burns, Josh Hartnett, Crispin Glover, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Stephen Dorff, and Leonardo DiCaprio.
Malick's unconventional filming techniques included shooting part of a scene during a bright, sunny morning only to finish it weeks later at sunset. He made a habit of pointing the camera away during an action sequence and focus on a parrot, a tree branch or other fauna. Malick's reputation and working methods commanded great respect among the actors, with both Woody Harrelson and John Savage staying on for an extra month after they finished all of their scenes just to watch him at work.
Despite a big cast, some names were left out. Bill Pullman, Lukas Haas and Mickey Rourke performed but their scenes were eventually cut, while Billy Bob Thornton recorded narration that was scrapped. Editor Leslie Jones was on location for 5 months and rarely saw Malick, who left her to her own devices. After principal photography wrapped, she came back with a five-hour first cut and spent 7 months editing, with Thornton contributing 3 hours of narrative voice-over material. It was at this point that editor Billy Weber joined and they spent 13 months in post-production and the last 4 months mixing the film, using four Avid machines with a fifth added at one point. Malick edited the footage one reel at a time with the sound off while listening to a Green Day CD.
The editing resulted in many of the well-known cast members being on screen for only a brief period. John Travolta and George Clooney's appearances are little more than cameos, yet Clooney's name appears prominently in the marketing of the movie. The unfinished film was screened for the New York press in December 1998 and Adrien Brody attended a screening to find that his originally significant role, "to carry the movie", as he put it, had been reduced to two lines and approximately five minutes of screen time, while Malick changed the lead role to Caviezel. Brody actually shared his frustration:
"I was so focused and professional, I gave everything to it, and then to not receive everything... in terms of witnessing my own work. It was extremely unpleasant because I’d already begun the press for a film that I wasn’t really in. Terry obviously changed the entire concept of the film. I had never experienced anything like that. You know the expression ‘Don’t believe the hype’? Well, you shouldn’t."
The film started on limited release before expanding. The film failed to double its budget, although it earned almost $100 million worldwide. The film received critical acclaim, particularly for its philosophical depiction of war, Malick's direction, musical score, cinematography, screenplay, editing, and performances. It received 7 Oscar nominations, including Best Picture, with Malick nominated for Best Director and Best Adapted Screenplay. Malick rested for 20 years and then came back with a banger.
  • Budget: $52,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $36,400,491. ($69.3 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $98,126,565.

The New World (2005)

"Once discovered, it was changed forever."
His fourth film. It stars Colin Farrell, Q'orianka Kilcher, Christopher Plummer, Christian Bale, August Schellenberg, Wes Studi, David Thewlis, Yorick van Wageningen and John Savage. It depicts the founding of the Jamestown, Virginia, settlement and inspired by the historical figures Captain John Smith, Pocahontas of the Powhatan tribe, and Englishman John Rolfe.
After The Thin Red Line, Malick worked on a film about Che Guevara and his failed revolution in Bolivia. When financing had yet to come through, Malick was offered the chance to direct The New World (a project he worked on since the 1970s) and left the Guevara project in March 2004. Christopher Plummer, while respectful of Malick, found the experience very frustrating. He told Malick "to get a writer" and complained about a scene where "this very emotional scene that I had suddenly was background noise." He said he would never work with Malick ever again, also telling him "you are so boring. You get in these ruts. You’ve got to get yourself a writer."
The film received mixed reviews from critics, who disliked its unfocused narrative and runtime. The audience hated it even more, and the film bombed with just $49 million worldwide. Nevertheless, Emmanuel Lubezki received an Oscar nomination for its cinematography. In the years since, it has been re-appraised.
  • Budget: $30,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $12,712,093. ($20.1 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $49,334,775.

The Tree of Life (2011)

"Nothing stands still."
His fifth film. The film stars Brad Pitt, Sean Penn, Jessica Chastain and Tye Sheridan. It follows the impressionistic story of a Texas family in the 1950s. The film follows the life journey of the eldest son, Jack, through the innocence of childhood to his disillusioned adult years as he tries to reconcile a complicated relationship with his father. Jack finds himself a lost soul in the modern world, seeking answers to the origins and meaning of life while questioning the existence of faith.
After Days of Heaven, Malick started working on Q, a film about the origin of life. Malick had an idea for a film that would be "a history of the cosmos up through the formation of the Earth and the beginnings of life." It would include elements such as a section set in the Middle East during World War I, and an underwater minotaur dreaming about the evolution of the universe. One day, Malick "just stopped" working on the film and left for Paris.
Decades later, Malick got help from a producer to get the project made. Brad Pitt got involved through his company, Plan B, and was eventually cast as the lead. At one point, Colin Farrell and Mel Gibson were attached. Heath Ledger was set to play the role of Mr. O'Brien, but dropped out (due to recurring sicknesses) a month before his death in early 2008. Sean Penn was proud of the film, although he said, "The screenplay is the most magnificent one that I've ever read but I couldn't find that same emotion on screen... A clearer and more conventional narrative would have helped the film without, in my opinion, lessening its beauty and its impact."
Malick disliked the look of computer-generated imagery. So, after nearly 30 years away from Hollywood, famed special effects supervisor Douglas Trumbull (2001: A Space Odyssey) contributed to the visual effects work on the film. Trumbull asked Malick, "Why not do it the old way? The way we did it in 2001?" Working with visual effects supervisor Dan Glass, Trumbull used a variety of materials for the creation of the universe sequence. "We worked with chemicals, paint, fluorescent dyes, smoke, liquids, CO2, flares, spin dishes, fluid dynamics, lighting and high speed photography to see how effective they might be."
Originally scheduled for 2009, the film was delayed until 2011 due to Malick still working on post-production. The film premiered at the Cannes Film Festival, where it garnered a polarizing response; it was met with both boos and applause. In a surprising move, it won the Palme d'Or. At the box office, the film earned $61 million worldwide, almost doubling its budget. Even with the polarizing response, it was still received with thunderous acclaim, with some proclaiming it as Malick's magnum opus as well as one of the greatest films of the century. Malick once again received an Oscar nomination for Best Director, while the film was also nominated for Best Picture.
  • Budget: $32,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $13,305,665. ($18.3 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $61,721,826.

To the Wonder (2013)

His sixth film. It stars Ben Affleck, Olga Kurylenko, Rachel McAdams, and Javier Bardem. The film chronicles a couple who, after falling in love in Paris, struggle to keep their relationship from falling apart after moving to the United States.
Malick and his crew adopted an experimental approach. Actors described working without a screenplay or the use of lights. Likewise, cinematographer on the film, Emmanuel Lubezki, was given instructions to be “in the eye of the hurricane” — in the middle of a scene, constantly interacting with the characters. Lubezki called the film "abstract", and described it as being less tied to theatrical conventions and more purely cinematic than any prior film directed by Malick. Jessica Chastain, Rachel Weisz, Amanda Peet, Barry Pepper and Michael Sheen were originally part of the film, but no footage of their performances was kept for the final cut.
The film only received a limited release, earning less than $3 million. It also received mixed reviews, as many found its narrative emotionally unsatisfying. Interestingly, this was the last film reviewed by Roger Ebert. He gave it a 3.5/4 and wrote:
"A more conventional film would have assigned a plot to these characters and made their motivations more clear. Malick, who is surely one of the most romantic and spiritual of filmmakers, appears almost naked here before his audience, a man not able to conceal the depth of his vision."
  • Budget: $0.
  • Domestic gross: $587,615. ($782,771 adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $2,801,166.

Knight of Cups (2016)

"A quest."
His seventh film. The film stars Christian Bale, Cate Blanchett, Natalie Portman, Brian Dennehy, Antonio Banderas, Wes Bentley, Isabel Lucas, Teresa Palmer, Imogen Poots, Armin Mueller-Stahl, Freida Pinto, Cherry Jones, Nick Offerman, Clifton Collins Jr., Dane DeHaan, Thomas Lennon, Joel Kinnaman, Jason Clarke, Shea Whigham, Ryan O'Neal, Joe Manganiello, Kevin Corrigan, Fabio, Joe Lo Truglio, Beau Garrett and Nick Kroll. The film follows screenwriter Rick on an odyssey through Los Angeles and Las Vegas as he undertakes a series of adventures with colorful figures, identified by seven tarot cards from the Major Arcana, with Rick as the Knight of Cups.
Although a script was written, Bale received no pages from it, while all other cast members received only pages of internal and verbal monologue for each shooting day. Bale later said that while filming, he was unclear about what the final film would actually be. During production, Malick used a process he calls "torpedoing", where a character is thrown into a scene without the other actors' advance knowledge, forcing them to improvise. In addition to a traditional studio, the cast also recorded their voice-over work in nontraditional places, such as in a van or by the side of the road.
The film received mixed reviews, particularly for its story. The film was another bomb for Malick, barely making it past $1 million.
  • Budget: N/A.
  • Domestic gross: $566,006. ($731,838 adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $1,026,288.

Voyage of Time (2016)

"Life's journey."
His eighth film. A documentary narrated by Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett, the film is an examination of the birth and death of the known universe.
Malick worked on the film since the 1970s, and some ideas from Q are part of the film. It was released in two versions: a forty-minute IMAX version with narration by Brad Pitt, and a 35-millimetre feature-length edition narrated by Cate Blanchett.
Even with the backing of IMAX, the film didn't even make $400,000 at the box office. The IMAX version was met with positive reviews, but the feature-length edition received a more mixed response.
  • Budget: $12,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $55,409. ($71,643 adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $337,038.

Song to Song (2017)

"Love. Obsession. Betrayal."
His ninth film. It stars Ryan Gosling, Rooney Mara, Michael Fassbender, Natalie Portman, and Cate Blanchett. Set in Austin, Texas, two entangled couples — struggling songwriters Faye and BV, and music mogul Cook and the waitress whom he ensnares — chase success through a rock ’n’ roll landscape of seduction and betrayal.
It fared similar reviews to his past films; great performances caught in an unsatisfying narrative. Once again, another box office dud.
  • Budget: N/A.
  • Domestic gross: $443,684. ($561,711 adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $1,813,453.

A Hidden Life (2019)

"Based on true events."
His 10th film. It stars August Diehl, Valerie Pachner, Matthias Schoenaerts, Michael Nyqvist and Bruno Ganz. The film depicts the life of Franz Jägerstätter, an Austrian farmer and devout Catholic who refused to fight for the Nazis in World War II.
Malick said the film would have a more structured narrative than his previous works, "Lately — I keep insisting, only very lately — have I been working without a script and I've lately repented the idea. The last picture we shot, and we're now cutting, went back to a script that was very well ordered." This makes it his first linear, plot-driven film since The New World. It was filmed in 2016, but it spent three years on post-production.
Surprise surprise, it was another box office bomb for Malick. But it received his best reviews in almost a decade, and was deemed a return to form for Malick after a slate of weak films.
  • Budget: $7,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $1,730,597. ($2.1 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $4,622,354.

Other Projects

As mentioned, he started as an uncredited writer in the industry. One of those films was Dirty Harry, in which Malick wrote an early draft.
He was originally slated to direct a Che Guevara biopic, but abandoned the film when financing fell through. Steven Soderbergh would later direct from this script, and Malick is credited as a writer on the film.

The Future

Malick's next film is The Way of the Wind, which chronicles many chapters in the life of Jesus of Nazareth. It stars Géza Röhrig, Matthias Schoenaerts, Mark Rylance, Tawfeek Barhom, Aidan Turner, Ben Kingsley, Joseph Fiennes, and Douglas Booth. Filming occurred in 2019, but five years later, there are no updates on the film.


No. Movie Year Studio Domestic Total Overseas Total Worldwide Total Budget
1 The Thin Red Line 1998 20th Century Fox $36,400,491 $61,726,074 $98,126,565 $52M
2 The Tree of Life 2011 Searchlight $13,305,665 $48,416,161 $61,721,826 $32M
3 The New World 2005 New Line Cinema $12,712,093 $36,622,682 $49,334,775 $30M
4 A Hidden Life 2019 Searchlight $1,730,597 $2,891,757 $4,622,354 $7M
5 Days of Heaven 1978 Paramount $3,446,749 $38,515 $3,485,264 $3M
6 To the Wonder 2013 Magnolia $587,615 $2,213,551 $2,801,166 N/A
7 Song to Song 2017 Broad Green $443,684 $1,369,769 $1,813,453 N/A
8 Knight of Cups 2016 Broad Green $566,006 $460,282 $1,026,288 N/A
9 Voyage of Time 2016 Broad Green / IMAX $55,409 $281,629 $337,038 $12M
10 Badlands 1973 Warner Bros. $0 $54,396 $54,396 $300K
Across those 10 films, he has made $223,323,125 worldwide. That's $22,332,312 per film.

The Verdict

Unreliable. Not even close.
Malick has been unable to make a single profitable film in his career. Of course, the one exception might be Badlands, but we have no box office data from 1973 to corroborate. And that shouldn't be a surprise. His films are way too experimental, and have often been criticized for the lack of plot and character development. That's not for everyone. And some actors have expressed frustration with his post-production, especially because their roles are entirely cut from his films.
At the same time, however, there's a lot to admire about Malick. His films often read like meditative poetry, trying to convey emotion through cinematography and philosophy instead of dialogue or plot. The Thin Red Line has received a huge amount of praise in subsequent years, to the point that some might consider it superior to that year's other war film, Saving Private Ryan (like your OP here). And The Tree of Life has been one of the century's most acclaimed and analyzed films, so clearly Malick knows his magic (I'd put it in the top 5 of the century, but that's just me). Studios know they won't make any money with Malick, but they still want to see his works. And that's fine.
As a fun fact, one of Malick's favorite films is none other than... Zoolander. After hearing that Malick was a fan, Ben Stiller made an in-character happy-birthday video for the director. He not only loves the film, but he often quotes it on set. Now you gotta picture a crew member explaining something to Malick, and then Malick replying with "but why male models?"
Hope you liked this edition. You can find this and more in the wiki for this section.
The next director will be Guillermo del Toro. I'll have to post at least some of his projects that never materialized.
I asked you to choose who else should be in the run and the comment with the most upvotes would be chosen. Well, we'll later talk about... Danny Boyle. One of the most iconic British directors.
This is the schedule for the following four:
Week Director Reasoning
April 8-14 Guillermo del Toro So... no At the Mountains of Madness?
April 15-21 Todd Phillips Who's laughing now?
April 22-28 John Carpenter Is that really it? No more films?
April 29-May 5 Danny Boyle It was a long wait, but 28 Years Later is finally happening.
Who should be next after Boyle? That's up to you.
And to finally answer your question, there's finally a date on Christopher Nolan's post. It was a long wait, but I wanted to know how it will do on Japan before calling it. The post will be on... July 20. Some might think this is too long to wait, but I think it's a fitting date. It is what it is.
submitted by SanderSo47 to boxoffice [link] [comments]

2024.03.28 03:42 rKo_23 Walker Is TV Guide’s Pick Of The Week

Walker Is TV Guide’s Pick Of The Week submitted by rKo_23 to Walker [link] [comments]

2024.03.25 21:46 These_Fan7447 "But some of us genuinely do like The...."

Just for fun. Am 39 and married with wife and kids now, but when I was dating in my early 20's, my "ace in the hole" like what Trevor pulled was "I love the Gilmore Girls." Minds were blown any time I dropped that one, and further blown when I backed it up with knowledge that confirmed I was telling the truth.
Trevor's fatal mistake here was he played it so safe that it was sus. If you go with Dear John or The Notebook, it's too on the nose. No guy, myself included, watches those types of movies or shows without some sort of happenstance. We're just not wired that way. I can guarantee you Trevor was not in line at the theatre on opening night, lol.
In my case, Gilmore Girls followed Supernatural; A more stereotypical "guy show" on Thursdays on the CW back in the 2000s. Jared Padalecki was on both Supernatural and Gilmore Girls, and Jenson Ackles played Dean in Supernatural while Jared played Dean in Gilmore Girls. I guess that was enough of an association in my subconscious brain that after the Supernatural credits rolled my brain said to me; "You'll now stay tuned for Gilmore Girls, you will watch it and you will like it Sir!"
And now they fear me on Trivia night. They fear me like Stars Hollow fears Mrs. Kim :-P
submitted by These_Fan7447 to LoveIsBlindOnNetflix [link] [comments]

2024.03.19 19:06 Thunderblessed63 Fit Check? Lions Centric Mock Draft v. 4

Fit Check? Lions Centric Mock Draft v. 4
Welcome back to a fourth installment of the Fit Checks! We have seven of them in store, so we're now over halfway complete. These are a series of mock drafts that aim to run through a number of players who fit the main molds/tendencies/traits/testing that Holmes has targeted during his time as the Lions general manager, and some influence that has carried over from the Rams tendencies he came up with.
Here are the players we have identified in prior mocks as being pretty strong scheme fits already to this point:
G Graham Barton (Duke) DL Darius Robinson (Missouri) CB Kamari Lassiter (Georgia)
DT DeWayne Carter (Duke) G Cooper Beebe (Kansas St.) EDGE Marshawn Kneeland (WMU)
CB Renardo Green (FSU) CB Max Melton (Rutgers) WR Jermaine Burton (Alabama)
EDGE Brennan Jackson (Washington St.) EDGE Nelson Ceaser (Houston) OT Javon Foster (Missouri)
OLB Mohamed Kamara (Colorado St.) S Kitan Oladapo (Oregon St.) DT Jordan Jefferson (LSU)
WR Jalen Coker (Holy Cross) K Joshua Karty (Stanford) RB Jase McClellan (Alabama)
S Cameron Allen (Purdue) LB J.D. Bertrand (Notre Dame) CB Tarheeb Still (Maryland)
C Andrew Raym (Oklahoma)
Anyways, with a reminder that players do not repeat in this, and that I aim to vary the approach here to focus on who fits the Lions established mold/benchmarks, more so than filling needs, so genuinely do not care if you like that we "hit all the positions needed", that's Quinntricia crap, not how Holmes operates.

Round 1, Pick #18 (via CIN) - Florida St. EDGE Jared Verse

For this one, I am going to do a little aggressiveness, as the last one I had the Lions trading down. While there are a few quality players that could fit what the Lions are looking for (Quinyon Mitchell or Terrion Arnold or Laitu Latu all would be reasonable targets), the one I think is most ideal to move up for is if the Seminoles' star pass rusher slides past the mid-teens and into reach. Let's dive into why?
First off, the Lions mold at edge rusher is for explosive hard-charging edge rushers who can use their hands to defeat blocks and generate pressure. We see this with just about every edge Holmes has targeted, both in Detroit and in LAR, and both in the Draft and in Free Agency to date. Aidan Hutchinson was described as playing with a "charged up attack into first contact", Joshua Paschal as an "urgent, full-tilt demeanor", Marcus Davenport as an "aggressive hitter... relentless...too much for tight ends to handle". And what would the Lions be adding in Jared Verse? A rocked up edge rusher with excellent burst, strength, and violence at the point of attack, with a menacing bull rush and dominant hands that shoot out quickly.
And with the Lions securing more definite "need fillers" at cornerback (Carlton Davis) and defensive tackle (D.J. Reader) than they did at edge rusher (Marcus Davenport), I do think edge is the position to watch if the Lions are going to make a splashy move. And personally, I do not think I could be even more thrilled if it happened, as Verse actually ranks sixth-overall on my personal big board overall. I think he's a genuine superstar who plays with the right demeanor and style to thrive opposite of Aidan Hutchinson long-term in Detroit.

Round 2, Pick #61 - Iowa State CB T.J. Tampa

With Carlton Davis now a Lion, Detroit does not need to go grab a top end cornerback in the first, but they're still in a spot where adding one by the end of Day 2 would be quite advantageous, especially as Davis is on just a one-year deal in Detroit. And if the Lions are able to walk out of this one with Tampa (whom I'd guess will go earlier, but we'll see how it ultimately unfolds, then that'd be an excellent situation to develop a promising talent at a reasonable rate, able to work him in sporadically early in advantageous situations.
T.J. Tampa is a three-year starter for Matt Campbell's Iowa State program, one that has done an excellent job developing NFL talents despite lesser college recruiting juice. Tampa is a bigger corner coming in at 6-2, 200 pounds, but still is a very sharp athlete who moves very naturally and easily. He's got excellent length to disrupt receivers at the line of scrimmage in press, and with his footwork on the turn and run. Tampa also is a bit of a "gambler", meaning he'll take chances on the ball going for a big play, but that historically is something Holmes and Snead were quite good with at LAR, though it's not something we've seen one way or the other in Detroit so far.
I think Tampa is physically an ideal fit for press man coverage, but the Lions will want to develop some of his feel for mirroring routes, as he gets a little antsy and impatient there, and can sometimes struggle adjusting deeper into the route. However, his upside and overall fit is very good, and bringing him in to develop for a season before taking on a larger role in 2025 seems very shrewd from Brad Holmes.

Round 5, Pick #164 - Northern Iowa DT Khristian Boyd

Boyd is already scheduled to be in Detroit for one of their top-30 visits, as Boyd was a combine snub and thus will be highly coveted for these informative visits. As a prospect, he's an enticing blend of traits on the inside, with excellent size (6-2, 320 pounds), speed, burst, and explosiveness, but likely in need of some technical refinement once he's in an NFL franchise.
Right now, Boyd flashes the necessary Holmes' tendency traits of strong hands, able to play the run firmly and aggressively at the point of attack, and athletic enough to slide and make tackles down the line of scrimmage. He's also quite versatile in his usage, even playing edge snaps at NIU, though long-term that's unlikely he does that at the NFL level, but does give him some flexibility to play any of the interior line spots, all the way from a NT in some looks to a 5T in others.
His upside comes down to his conditioning and his pass rush prowess. Boyd has a lot of tools to develop, but his pass rush plan is quite minimal, and he'll need to up his conditioning in order to factor as something more than an early down run-stuffer. So in the meantime, Boyd's going to project somewhat similarly to Sebastian Joseph-Day in my opinion, a hard-nosed run stopper who has the ability to develop some pass rushing upside, but no guarantee. Detroit's going to get a good look at him on his Top-30 visit.

Round 6, Pick #201 - Illinois OL Isaiah Adams

Detroit grabs some offensive line help here in the sixth with Adams. Measuring in at 6-4, 315 pounds, Adams played tackle a decent bit for the Illini, but also has starting experience at guard, the spot he best projects for the NFL, and where the Lions would likely try to develop him into Kevin Zeitler's successor. He's got the wide, thick build that a majority of NFL teams, Detroit included, tend to prefer in their guards, and showed enough athleticism to pull and kick out in gap scheme runs, which is crucial for Detroit in their rushing scheme. His combine testing was largely solid, and though his RAS measurement for explosiveness comes out as "poor", the reality of it is that Adams had a 62nd percentile broad jump, which is the one most scouts and front offices prioritize in that testing.
The other traits that Holmes has largely prioritized at the iOL spots, largely at LAR however, as there really haven't been many iOL additions in Detroit, but those are stoutness and power at the point of attack, able to drive defenders off the ball with force and explosiveness off the snap, and then able to sit and anchor against the bull rush. Adams is excellent in both facets, often playing with a chip on his shoulder.
He has a bad tendency to let his pad level rise a bit later into games, so improving the conditioning to keep at it later into games should be a focus of his development, but overall, Adams is a super clean fit for what the Lions like to do, and they have a heavy degree of familiarity and insight into the Illinois program, given all the work they did drafting Kerby Joseph and then scouting into Devon Witherspoon last cycle. If Adams is available on Day 3, and Detroit still needs a guard, I'd be quite shocked if they passed up on him given how much he fits.

Round 6, Pick #204 - Baylor DL Gabe Hall

A second defensive tackle in this one, but I tend to differentiate between true DTs who can only play the 0-3T alignments as "DT" compared to "DL" which means they have more versatility, and that's the reality here with Hall, who measures in at 6-6, 290 pounds. With his length and size, and strength in his hands, Hall can stretch out and play some 5T/4i looks in a 3-4, or play a little more inside in a 4-3, or in rush packages. Versatility is one of the big keys the Lions prioritize on the DL, and Hall's shown he can handle a number of alignments well, and comes from a strong defensive coaching situation in Baylor to add to that.
At his best, Hall reminds me a good of John Cominsky (6-5, 285 pounds so just a smidge shorter), though the difference is that while Cominsky has some of that edge-inside versatility, he's a bit more natural of an edge, whereas I think Hall is a bit more natural of a tackle. And when measured as an interior lineman, Hall's a fantastic athlete (9.20 RAS with elite explosiveness). He's quick off the snap, has good length, decent strength in his hands, and plays aggressively. Think Hall does an excellent job at being a relentless rusher, which you don't often see from DTs. He'll keep coming even after that first move stalls out.
The one area he's not a great fit is that the DT mold that Brad Holmes has usually gone for includes players who are good playing laterally too, meaning they can shuffle down the line to make tackles there regularly, and I think Hall is somewhat lacking in that one. He'll need some further refinement to become a complete DL, but for now, in the sixth-round in particularly, he's an excellent upside bet due to the size, length, strength, and burst off the snap with decent hands.

Round 7, Pick #249 - Arizona TE Tanner McLachlan

When it comes to Day 3, it's largely a crapshoot as to who's available, so don't read into the seventh-round nature too much when it comes to a draft evaluation, as most of these "fits" I'm mentioning on Day 3 are guys I'd be very enthusiastic about hearing called as early as the 4th or 5th round if the Lions maneuvered and took them there. McLachlan is an intriguing tight end fit who could be a really fun player to add to Detroit's rotation. It's one position where Detroit doesn't need someone, but with Brock Wright on a one-year deal as a tendered free agent, the Lions could certainly look for a Day 3 pick to give them some longer term options there.
The mold at tight end is that whatever size they may be (and Holmes in LAR definitely went with smaller tight ends more often than not), the main thing is that they need to be solid, fluid separators who can get open and provide a target for the quarterback. That one was true with the LAR tight ends Holmes helped target, and was eptimozied with LaPorta, whose report from BR reads that he "moves with great fluidity and quick feet for a 250-pounder, showing effortless work in an out of his route breaks", thus somewhat cementing this trend.
McLachlan's a high effort player, with a sneaky shiftiness in his route running and elite level athleticism (tested at a 9.13 RAS, well north of Holmes' average line of 8.1 RAS). He's a fluid athlete, but will need to sharpen the precision on his routes, which are inconsistent right now. McLachlan plays at a high energy level, and is a very willing and eager blocker. He's also got some special teams experience at Arizona, giving him a good shot to stick either on the very back end of Detroit's 53-man roster, or more likely, as a practice squad option ready to step up when called upon.
Thoughts: I do love the way this one really shapes and refines the Lions DT room, which is pretty set in its top-2 to 3 players, but behind them is quite unknown. The room would end up looking something like this...
COVERED END (4i) John Cominsky Gabe Hall
TACKLE (3-TECH) Alim McNeill Levi Onwuzurike Khristian Boyd, Chris Smith
NOSE (0-1 TECH) D.J. Reader Brodoric Martin

Beyond that, I think Tampa would be an ideal developmental cornerback for the Lions to prioritize in the second-round. I am not sure if he slides to them at 2.61, as mock drafts right now have him anywhere from the back end of the first-round to the back end of the second-round, but if the Lions trade back out of the first, or up in the second, think Tampa's going to be a dude who peaks their interest. Then on Day 3, I think it's a great move for the Lions adding Isaiah Adams. He's a bit different than Colby Sorsdal, so I struggle to really identify a true mold or tendency for guard, but he fits a lot of what the Lions rushing scheme requires, and then also fits the old LAR model. Whomever the Lions add at guard here this year should give us some cleaner insights into what Brad Holmes is looking for, as this one is more likely to be a clearer intent-to-start type of pick, whereas Day 3 adds are a little more depth oriented.
The next post I'll be doing will be the Kool Aid-McKinstry scouting report, and then after that, we are going to run through all 18 of the Michigan Wolverine draft prospects fall along the fit scale, trying to identify which ones really match up with what the Lions have prioritized under Holmes.
submitted by Thunderblessed63 to detroitlions [link] [comments]

2024.03.13 11:15 druidcitychef Damn . No wonder ot felt so real...

Damn . No wonder ot felt so real...
Too bad for Logan...
submitted by druidcitychef to GilmoreGirls [link] [comments]

2024.03.02 20:41 Burrunguy Classic Doctor Who is judged more harshly than the revival by fandom.

Generally speaking, I've noticed on sites like TV Tropes, or bloggers like Doux Reviews, youtubers, retrospectives, sites like Gallifrey Base etc. Most of the time people will come down like a ton of bricks on anything wrong in classic who, especially the 80s. We'll always be told that this trend in the 80s is proof of why the show died, and that classic who doesn't hold up to normal people, newcomers should only start with Eccelston etc. Yet when the revival does the same things, to a worse extent, it gets praised?
For instance people always go on about how JNT undermined the shows credibility with stunt casting. Even though he always cast the stars in actual acting roles and therefore didn't date the show, and in some cases gave them the chance to do something different like Nicholas Parsons. RTD meanwhile casts celebrities as themselves, and in ways that completely date the show, like the Anne Droid, Davina McColl, Sharon Osborne etc and that is generally seen as a good thing as it was him getting in touch with the zeitgeist?
We are always told that the 80s featured too many continuity references because of a few clips in stories like Resurrection of the Daleks, yet the Moffat era reveled in them to the point where in Capaldi's time practically an episode didn't go by without references too or even clips of previous Doctors at one point.
People also go on about season 24 undermining the show by making it a panto. For the record I dislike season 24 too. It IS panto crap, but oh dear god, nothing in it is even remotely as campy as.... farting aliens, big brother in space, burping wheely bins, Anne Droid, a woman who has had so much plastic surgery she is a leaf, guns being shoved up people's rear ends, aliens dancing to soft cell in the year five billion, the Doctor being aged until he shrinks for some reason, and then floating along on the power of luuuuuuuurrrrvvvve because everybody thinks of him, the Master turning everyone on earth into clones of himself, Missy, a cat man and a woman shagging and their children being actual kittens etc. Yet those are all fine and part of why DW is such a wonderfully silly show?
PS I'm not saying all of new who is campy or bad. These episodes I just mentioned obviously represent the worst of New Who. Still that's the point why do they get a pass more than the worst of classic who which generally tends to be seen as representing the entire thing?,
You see fanboys on these forums or on youtube come out with things like "I'd never dream of showing anyone I know any 20th century Who." Or "remember this is old tv." Or one youtube reviewer who I can't remember his name right now, but he is very popular and he said "Genesis of the Daleks is the best classic who has to offer and it's embarrassing, dated, slow, boring tv that would put 98 percent of people to sleep." Why have that attitude? PS New Who isn't actually so new anyway. Eccelston is now twenty years old. We are further away from him than we were from McCoy when Eccelston was new.
Even in terms of production values, how are say Dalek and the gas mask two parter better than Remembrance or Fenric either? Both about the same from that point of view I'd say. The Dalek prop in Dalek is more well made than any in Remembrance and doesn't wobble, but the flying bit is done better in Remembrance for instance.
The double standard to some classic era Masters meanwhile might annoy me the most. Anthony Ainley for years was told he wasn't a worthy successor to Roger Delgado, because he made it too campy, Eric Roberts similarly was told his acting was atrocious as the villain.
Missy meanwhile is the most laughably ridiculous, non threatening, over acted and embarrassing villain I think I've ever seen in anything, and no that's not hyperbole.
To start with she has absolutely nothing in common with the Master. She doesn't have any of his motivations, wanting to conquer the galaxy, make the Doctor suffer, prolong his own miserable life etc. She also doesn't have any of his classic powers or attributes, like hypnosis or the TCE, she isn't a sly, manipulative, charming rogue like the villain was in the old series, who could twist people into trusting him or thinking he was a good guy etc. I'd say she is the Master in name only, but even then she's not! Never seen as unfaithful a version of a villain.
On top of that, at no point is she a legit threat either. In her first story she literally hands the Doctor her Cyber army, with no way of taking it back which means she is beaten by a no thanks, in her second, well she has no plan and is just an annoying moron prancing around looking drunk.
In her next meanwhile she has to be rescued by the Doctor and alternates between being his and Simm's sidekick until she is thankfully killed off. All she does that's even remotely notable in terms of being a villain, is kill an asthmatic fan girl and even then, said fan girl is back the next year and has become a more prominent character since in both the show and in spin off material. On top of that she only managed to kill Osgood, because she suddenly gained teleporting powers the Master has never had before. Seriously watch it back, Missy has to teleport to kill her. It just comes over as not only ridiculous, but annoying that Missy only won because she had new powers as the plot demanded.
She's also actually an offensive, dated caricature of a female villain when you think about it. Her only motivation is to be with the Doctor, her fella. She calls him her boyfriend, creates a Cyber army just to win him back, mentions being jealous of Osgood and Clara and tries to kill them in a jealous rage, (she literally says that about Clara.) Tries to become good to win him round etc. On top of that she is also shown to be more sensitive than the male Masters and bursts into tears and is moved by the Doctors cheesy godawful speech.
It's embarrassing when you compare her to female villains like Alti from Xena, Glory from Buffy, IE powerful female villains, that were genuinely evil, had grand ambitions to take over the world, who weren't just the jealous ex of the male hero, who were genuinely threatening to male characters in ways beyond their sex appeal, like Glory being physically powerful, Alti being manipulative, sly and both saw the male protagonists and characters around them like Spike as nothing (and if sex was used, then they were shown to be predatory and threatening and basically used the men for their own ends, like Glory getting off on torturing Spike, or Alti seducing and then cutting Cesar to bits.) Finally the likes of Glory and Alt suffer gruesome deaths as befitting any villain like that. Overall they represent proper equality in terms of the female villains being treated exactly how you would a male villain. Just as threatening and treated as being just as wicked.
Missy meanwhile is a throwback to the type of female villains we used to see in old spy thrillers or sexist comic books from the 20s and 30s. You know female villains who have to be in love with the male hero, and basically be a fantasy on the writers part, the bad girl they can tame, but who doesn't actually threaten them because she just wants him? Who is made out to not really be that bad anyway because women are such delicate creatures and more sensitive than men? The Adam West Batman used to take the piss out of this back in the 60s as an old outdated sexist cliche, with Adam West's female villains always being in love with him, crying when things got real and were always sent to the Wayne foundation for delinquent girls LOL. That's basically Missy!
Paloma Faith recently said when playing Bet Sykes in Pennyworth, one of her conditions was that she not just be shown to be in love with Alfred, the male hero as she found that demeaning. One wonders what she'd have thought of Missy, a character who not only embodies that stereotype, but worse, when she was a man she did want to take over the universe, but now she's a chick, it's all about her fella. Yet people only go on about classic who's female characters being out of date?
To me Steven Moffat just reused his River Song, Tasha Lem and Irene Adler story arc again for the fourth time, which all do seem to fit his sexist idea that women need men more than men need women. He said that, it's an exact quote and again you can see it in how he writes these female villains, whose motivation is always I just want my fella.
River, Missy, Tasha and Irene to different extents are all flirty dominatrix style villains who show up, attack the hero in a sexual way, but then find out they are in love with him, and then the male hero has to rescue her from some kind of execution, and then they develop a more respectful relationship, though they never get together forever. Again some differences, like we don't see as much of Irene after the rescue, Tasha isn't as villainous, but basically the same. Moffat I might add openly admitted he despised the Master and more or less did his own thing, which makes Missy an outright insult to the Master and Delgado.
Finally whilst Michelle Gomez is a good actress in other things, her performance was woeful. Far too hammy, ridiculous and comedic the way she switches accents, overdoes her scots accent and prances around looking drunk. In some ways she reminded me of Cathy from Two Doors Down, difference is Cathy was supposed to not only be a comedy role, but an annoying idiot too.
Yet in spite of all this, I see people PRAISING her from the point of view that she finally made the Master a threatening villain again after Ainley and Robert's made it too hammy, and come out with ridiculous nonsense like "she channelled Roger Delgado perfectly." I mean seriously? You might as well say black is white. Even Moffat himself admitted he didn't bother with the previous Masters! Meanwhile these same people have the cheek to say Eric Roberts made the character too campy because he said "I always Drezz for the occassion." Would you rather he had played it as a horny Disney character? Would you rather he flew in and randomly switched accents and said he was jealous of Daphne Ashbrook and asked McGann if he thought that was sexy and then stuck his tongue, forcibly down McGann's throat? Apparently that's channelling Delgado and being more faithful and respectful, than Roberts hypnotizing people, wanting to kill the Doctor, steal his lives and dressing in black and being quietly manipulative to Chang? Gee I could have sworn those were all things Delgado actually did rather than kiss Pertwee on the nose. (PS I'm not overly keen on Robert's Master either. He's okay, but a bit of a bland version in a story that's a boring retread of The Deadly Assassin, but oh dear god is that still a step up from River Song 4.0. meets Cathy from Two Doors Down.)
I feel like Frank Grimes with Missy praise honestly. I get bitter when I look at all these other adaptations of villains over the years that have been absolutely savaged for much less like Jared Leto's Joker, and then see some of the same people praise her. It's not fair. Missy praise to me is like modern art being praised.
Finally however on top of all this, even when it comes to just mainstream success, new who isn't scrutinized to the same extent by official fandom. It is by the fandom menace crowd, but that's just because they have their own axe to grind.
People still go on about the 1985 cancellation as proof JNT was incompetent. Meanwhile New Who has had about 5 hiatuses in the past 15 years. One in 2009 bar the specials, one in 2016, one in 2019, one in 2022 and another in 2023. On top of that season 7 was broadcast in two halves, meaning that in 2012 and 13 there were mini hiatuses in a way as no full series was broadcast.
From 2015 to 2023 meanwhile, New Who produced a grand total of 4 complete series, all of which bar Jodie's first were huge ratings flops. Yet people still act like new who is the mainstream, successful series and classic who the niche one that would humiliate us if we ever went back to anything like it?
Classic Who's formula was a mainstream success, barring the last season of Troughton for at least 17 years, new who only managed 7 until the end of Matt. At the stage New Who was imploding with Jodie, that was the classic era's golden age of popularity!
I think the double standard only exists because of how the media treated both. Basically the reason classic who finished in the 80s, was because Michael Grade and Jonathan Powell hated it and science fiction and wanted it finished, and did everything they could to undermine it. I'm not saying 80s who was perfect, but ultimately those are the hard facts as to why it finished, and afterwards the elites who killed it made sure it was ridiculed in the media to show they were right. (Even more so when the show refused to die.)
New Who was made by people who were in with the bricks at the BBC like RTD and Moffat and so therefore they hyped it up, even as it was collapsing from the Capaldi era on, and the fans sadly I think just bought into that and therefore assume that new who will always be less of an embarrassment than the original.
Of course I'm not saying you can't prefer the revival. It's all just taste, but I think that people either need to stop being so hard on the classic, or at least acknowledge the faults of the revival more. It's annoying and unfair.
submitted by Burrunguy to gallifrey [link] [comments]

2024.02.16 14:19 Schmolik64 Nick Viall on Daisy

I saw/heard a clip of the Viall Files that Nick about Daisy. Some things said.
She's "such an obvious choice" for Bachelorette.
She's "Bachelorette gold".
If she's Joey's favorites, the producers could aim to sabotage their relationship and lean Joey to one of the other women and it may have happened in the past. Nick though used the phrase "they walk a fine line".
Do you think there's any merit to producers trying to swing leads off the obvious next lead pick (Bachelor or Bachelorette) Will they try to sway Joey off Daisy and on to one of the other women? If it has happened in the past, who (lead and potential lead)?
It's time for another installment of BacheloBachelorette Conspiracy Theory!!!
If you're thinking about blonde sweethearts with personal sob stories that are the logical choice for both the Final Rose and the Bachelorette other than Daisy, the first name to come to my mind is Emily Maynard. That season the producers may have tried but completely failed as Brad did choose Emily. Brad stuck them in a pickle at the Final Two when it was down to Emily and a woman who slapped him and unfortunately Brad couldn't pull the "I choose no one" again. Now at After the Final Rose it appeared Brad and Emily's relationship was on the rocks when they couldn't agree to where to live (Emily didn't want to uproot Ricki from Charlotte and Brad didn't want to leave Dallas). The show couldn't appear to want them to break up so they brought in Trista/Ryan, Jason/Molly, and Ali/Roberto (they were still together) to "save their relationship" although I wonder in the back of their mind the producers were hoping they would break up so Emily could be Bachelorette. In fact, Ashley Hebert was not announced as Bachelorette at the After the Final Rose. Were they secretly hoping for a breakup and that they could get Emily? The poster on Bachelor Fandom for Ashley shows her season poster with a shadow of her as opposed to her clearly shown like all other Bachelorettes. They cast Bentley who was all in on Emily from day one instead of for Ashley. Then they had the roast for Ashley and had Will say to Ashley that the men wanted Emily! You don't think the producers that season were just begging Emily to be Bachelorette all along? Then of course she became the next Bachelorette. Could the producers really have behind the scenes tried to break Brad and Emily up? Supposedly Brad didn't want to leave his businesses behind? Why can't you just start a bar in Charlotte? You can't expect a little girl to leave her hometown.
I don't know if the producers had any thought of making Cassie the Bachelorette but Cassie's dad was the only one of the dad's to flat out not give Colton his blessing and they flew him out to Portugal. Were they trying to get Cassie to break up with Colton? It was pretty clear Cassie had doubts so flying her dad out was perfect to get her to break up with him and it was clear she was the one (although rumor is Colton lied and said Hannah was his #1 to trick the producers and Hannah was scheduled to get the last Fantasy Suite Date). Again, this backfired when Colton jumped the fence (literally) and then dumped both Hannah and Tayshia and if the producers had any intentions of making Cassie Bachelorette it went out the window.
Likewise, Susie seemed like the obvious Bachelorette choice on Clayton's season before the double dumping and Gabby refusing to let Clayton walk him out and Rachel's tearful goodbye. Was there any production interference in that last date to get either Clayton to dump Susie or Susie to quit? Again, the plan didn't work when Clayton wanted Susie back but after the double dumping they lucked into two new Bachelorette candidates to replace Susie.
One time the producers may have gotten their Bachelorette away from the lead (and this is pushing it) was Desiree. I don't know why they wanted her to be Bachelorette that season and why she was even chosen (I would have chosen Sarah or Lindsay over Desiree). But let's assume they wanted Desiree all season. Before the Rose Ceremony after Hometowns, Sean talked with Chris and said it was a toss up between eliminating Des or Catherine. It seems like Catherine was Sean's #1 all along but if you saw that rose ceremony you wouldn't think that. What sent Desiree home? Most likely her brother giving Sean a hard time, calling Sean a "playboy". Could the producers have tried to push Des's brother to poke Sean in an effort to get Sean to dump her?
Moving to some of the Bachelorette cases where I could have wondered where there were shenanigans at play...
Emily: I thought Jef was a great guy and definitely loved Emily as well as Ricki. I do have to wonder how Emily let Sean go? I couldn't really remember any explanation as to why Emily dumped him other than she liked Jef (and Arie) better but could the producers have pushed her to dump Sean to make him Bachelor?
Kaitlyn: Dumping Ben (and to a lesser degree Jared) to keep the Bickerson twins didn't seem to make sense to me. I thought I remember Kaitlyn sitting down with Chris complaining about Shawn and Nick fighting and saying about how great Ben was and then dumping Ben at the final rose ceremony. Same thing, it seemed like Ben was the obvious Bachelor choice. Could Kaitlyn be that dumb or did producers have something to do with it?
Rachel Lindsay: I don't really like Peter Kraus but I hear women did like him and I think Krystal hinted that he thought Peter was going to be Bachelor instead of Arie. Could Rachel have been steered towards Bryan instead of Peter? Could the "engagement at the end" have been something the producers really pushed in Rachel's head to make sure Rachel didn't pick Peter? Unfortunately Peter's "mediocre" comment at the end probably cost him Bachelor, not to mention who wants to see a Bachelor who's not ready for an engagement?
Hannah: Tyler was the obvious Bachelor choice and it seemed such an idiotic choice for her to choose Jed over him. Even though Hannah didn't know about Jed's girlfriend, Hannah was even warned by Jed's parents that Jed was definitely into his music. Tyler probably would have been Bachelor except for Hannah finding out about Jed's girlfriend and Hannah wanting Tyler back.
You have anything else?
submitted by Schmolik64 to BachelorNation [link] [comments]

2024.02.06 22:04 defyalllogic I think I found your Dad and the milk he went to buy…

I sighed, passing a stack of Dave's "Missing" flyers to my best friend. I had known Dave since I was a little girl - he was like an uncle who snuck me sweets when my sister Julianne wasn't looking. Watching his smiling portrait on yet another missing flyer shook me.
"Who's missing now?" Riley asked, unphased. She was used to the constant reports - in our town, loss was inevitable.
"Dave... Julianne's husband," I replied grimly. First, my grandfather when we were kids, then my cousin Jared, now Dave - the constant disappearances had marked my life in profound ways. As children, losing Grandad to a Milk Run felt upsetting but almost expected. The vanishing fathers had become an integral part of our community by now.
But seeing Julianne's hopeful face turning to concern, then grief as the days without Dave turned to weeks turned to months - that hurt more profoundly. She didn't deserve to have her family ripped apart this way, nor did her kids. It wasn't right or fair, even if the resilience of our town's women was extraordinary. We shouldn't have to bear these wounds alone.
I wished there was something I could do to bring Dave home, to stop whatever dark force kept stealing our fathers and brothers and husbands away into the night without explanation or trace.
There was always an initial search after a Dad vanished on an errand. Then, there were flyers. Then we said nice things to his family. Finally, the family grieved, and the community banded together in resilience.
But experiencing it myself, seeing Julianne's grief firsthand, made me realize how profoundly unfair it was. The women here were strong, but they shouldn't have to be. Losing fathers and brothers shouldn't be a simple fact of life, no matter what the errand. I wished I could stop these endless Milk Runs and solve the sinister mystery of our town once and for all.
Riley gave my shoulder a supportive squeeze, snapping me from my brooding thoughts. She promised to put the flyers up before our trip this weekend. The trip we both desperately needed to process our grief over losing Dave in the relentless tragedy of the endless Milk Runs.
Riley grimaced as she took in Dave's smiling portrait, his arm slung around my sister Julianne in happier times. "I'll put these up at the Community Center right away. Tell your sister thoughts and prayers," she whispered.
"Thoughts and prayers." I nodded, sadness and frustration welling as always when another father disappeared on a Milk Run. "Thanks. I'll swing by to grab you after work for our trip. We both could use some time away after... all this." I waved the rest of the flyers as if shooing away the specter of loss that haunted this town.
Riley flashed a sad smile before heading out to her beat-up Civic. I trudged off to work, seeking solace among the shelves of books that lined the cozy interior of Book Club - the wine would have to wait until after work.
I bid Riley farewell and refocused my attention on my work, unpacking bottles of wine behind the counter at Book Club. I took a beat to take in all the happy, cozy women drinking reds and whites while they read or discussed the latest books.
My gaze lingered on the corner nook where the writers' group always gathered. As I tidied up bottles behind the bar, their voices carried over.
A woman with bits of gray like streamers in her dark brown afro pulled her in a chunky cardigan tight and leaned in. Her eyes gleamed with knowledge and mischief. "You know," she began, her voice low and mysterious, "there's an ancient evil that some believe lies beneath these streets. It's said that deep beneath Eastborough are channels in the earth, pathways to a realm older than time itself."
Curiosity piqued, I paused, listening intently as she continued. "Legend has it that if you dig too deep and disturb those channels, you risk awakening the slumbering darkness that lives within. And when they wake up hungry and insatiable, nothing can satiate their appetite. Nothing but cutting it off that the root so it can no longer feed in this world."
A tingle ran up my spine as she spun her tale, and I couldn't help but connect her words to Dave's recent disappearance. My heart ached for answers, for an understanding of why the men in Eastborough kept disappearing without a trace.
She paused, her eyes scanning the room before locking with mine. "It's like those old Milk Run stories - fathers lured from home by some insatiable urge for milk, vanishing forever without explanation," she concluded.
Her voice was magnified by caution and fear.
As her words hung in the air, a chill settled over me, and the weight of the unknown pressed upon my shoulders. Despite the pain and grief of our loss, a deep-set part of me yearned to understand the enigmatic forces that lurked beneath the surface of Eastborough. My phone buzzed, jolting me from ominous imaginings. It was my dad checking if I'd be home for dinner or if I was leaving for my trip right after work. Seeing his silly use of every emoji and hashtag in text messages made me smile despite lingering unease.
"I love you, Dad! I'm leaving right from work. Don't worry; I'll bring you a souvenir cow from our trip!" I texted back cheerily, my chest tightening at the thought of losing him, too.
The winding back roads unfurled before us, a ribbon of asphalt winding through the countryside. The setting sun painted the landscape, casting long shadows that danced with the gentle swaying of trees. Riley and I chatted, relieved to escape the clutches of responsibilities and the once again mournful atmosphere of home, if only for a fleeting weekend.
She mentioned needing to grab a mug or trinket from our trip as a souvenir for her mom. "I thought your mom hated clutter?" I remarked, my eyes on the road.
"She does. But her wife loves tchotchkes," Riley replied with a grin.
I chuckled, "A match made in heaven."
Riley laughed and added, "Honestly, at the rate Dads go missing in our area, two moms are ideal. Except for all the laundry... it's too much fucking laundry."
I forced a smile. I should have been home helping Julianne look for Dave, but even Julianne encouraged me to keep my plans. When a Dad went missing on a Milk Run, he would not be found during a search, no matter how many people volunteered. It was just part of the process. Like so many townspeople before us, we had to keep living.
Riley pointed to a sign for Benny's Dairy Farm. "I've never been there, but that could be a decent spot for snacks and junk."
"Yeah, a dairy farm might have a cow thing for my dad," I mused, a hint of unease beneath my laughter.
As we approached the farm stand, the air changed. The scent of freshly harvested hay lingered, mixing with the distant fragrance of manure and earth. The rustic charm of the place pulled us in, and we stepped out of the car, our senses instantly assaulted by the myriad of sounds and smells.
Riley and I scanned the surroundings, trying to shake off an odd feeling that had crept over us. The man behind the counter seemed familiar, his weathered face etched with lines of age and wisdom. We exchanged hushed whispers, uncertain of our recognition.
Riley approached the man, her phone in hand. With a charming smile, she asked if she could take a photo of him and me for her scrapbook. The man, his eyes betraying a flicker of recognition, agreed. He politely removed his hat, revealing salt-and-pepper hair that framed his face.
Back in the car, I, curious about Riley's newfound hobby, asked when she had started scrapbooking. Riley chuckled, "I don't. But you can't just ask people to take photos of them to image search—Oh my god!"
"What?" I inquired, sensing a sudden shift in Riley's demeanor.
"He's Rick Johnson!" Riley exclaimed, her eyes widening.
"Who?" I questioned, puzzled.
"Sam Johnson's dad," Riley clarified. When I didn't respond with recognition, she added, "Smarty Pants, Sam."
"Oh! Didn't he disappear when we were in middle school?" I asked, a shiver running down my spine.
Riley nodded, her attention focused on the photo on her phone. I pressed her for more information, and she, still distracted, silently compared the image to a missing flyer she pulled out.
"So weird. Did Sam's dad run off to be a farmer less than an hour away from town, and no one could find him?"
"Holy shit, Liv. I think that's your brother-in-law Dave in the background!" Riley finally explained, her voice tinged with shock and disbelief. The car felt cramped and like an ever-expanding void at her revelation. The tires hummed on the road as my thoughts raced.
I focused on getting us to the Inn in one piece before letting my mind spiral into the depths of conspiracy. It could just be someone who looked like Dave, and Riley was connecting dots that didn't connect. All I knew was Dave didn't just fuck off to be a farmer. A Milk Run took Dave.
The quaint Inn wrapped us in a blanket of rustic charm, its creaking wooden floors harmonizing with the soft hum of conversations. It was like stepping into another world. A world at odds with the feeling of dread and darkness growing inside me.
Vintage photographs on the walls silently narrated the Inn's rich history, creating an atmosphere that felt like a portal to the past.
The kindly middle-aged woman who ran the Inn brought us to our room with an adjoining bathroom. We tossed our bags on my bed and changed into more comfortable clothes. When I'd finished washing my face, Riley sat on my bed and spooned ice cream straight from the cardboard container into her mouth.
As I indulged in a spoonful of the rich ice cream, its flavors exploded on my palate, sweeping me away from the weight of our earlier discovery.
Still holding onto a half-eaten spoonful of ice cream, Riley playfully remarked, "I'd leave my wife for this ice cream."
"Riley!" I chastised half-heartedly. I knew she didn't mean it. I knew dark humor was her fallback when processing life's most challenging moments. She had to lighten situations, even if it got her more than the occasional disdainful glare. She took her duty as the friend who kept me smiling very seriously. So seriously that I sometimes worried that I might miss it if she was genuinely upset.
"What? We can't be sad about everything all the time. How aren't you numb to it? If anything, we're lucky. In other places, people get sick and waste away before they die. For us, at least half the time. It's out of sight and out of mind."
"It was. Until it was Dave, it could be Conor."
Riley shrugged sadly. "Pastor and Law are making Conor go away for grad school. They say he's not allowed to settle down here. I'm lucky because the Milk Runs don't affect moms, but you can't spend your life in Eastborough and get re-upset about every man who disappears. You'd never be happy. I don't want to be miserable because life's not fair. I want to enjoy the life we've lucked into and this amazing ice cream we discovered."
As I thought about her poignant perspective, I savored the delicious treat. "It is shockingly good ice cream. Good enough to get me to forgive a shocking number of crimes." The distraction offered by the exquisite flavors momentarily eased the tension.
She extended her hand for the ice cream until I reluctantly surrendered it. "Free pass on all misdemeanors for this ice cream, and... is a minor felony a thing?" she teased.
I replied thoughtfully, "I think they classify them like drugs."
"But not kidnapping Dave. That's definitely on the other side of the line," Riley clarified with a supportive smile.
When Riley mentioned Dave, curiosity gripped me. "Let me see that picture. Are you sure it was Dave?" I asked, holding my hand out for her phone.
She passed me the phone. Zooming in on the image, it was unmistakable. That was Dave. Davy Crocket, if you're his annoying little sister-in-law. The realization that he looked sick and had abandoned his family filled me with a sense of urgency. "I have to go back and figure out what's going on. He looks sick, and he wouldn't just abandon his family. This many men wouldn't just abandon their families. I don't know if it's a cult or kidnapping or what, but I have to find out. Jules needs to know where he went and why."
"We should go back and try to talk to him, figure out what's going on," Riley suggested.
"You don't need to go with me. It could be dangerous, and it's my family on the line," I said, my nerves surfacing.
"Shut up. Obviously, I'm going with you. I didn't know Dave well, but I love Jules like a sister, and we both lost our grandads to Milk Runs. Lesbian moms only bless me so much. My brother could be next. And, duh, I won't let you go trespassing on a farm alone."
Grateful for Riley's unwavering support, I nodded. She turned her laptop toward me, revealing a digital map she had compiled. "Most of the Missing Milk Run Dads were on the north side of town or on their way to places north of town."
Studying the map, I traced the familiar streets and landmarks. "Okay?"
Riley playfully rolled her eyes. "We're north of town."
As I took a spoonful of the velvety ice cream from Riley's pint container, my taste buds erupted in ecstasy. Her eyes danced with amusement. "Regretting not getting your own pint now, huh?"
I shot her a playful glare. "Just a little. Strawberries are a poor substitute for this heavenly concoction."
Riley grinned, taking another bite of her ice cream. "We'll go back tomorrow during the day. Maybe we'll see something interesting. Maybe we can confirm our suspicions before we investigate further."
Nodding in agreement, I appreciated Riley's practicality.
While discussing our strategy, Riley pulled her laptop toward her and started typing purposefully.
"What are you doing?" I asked, curious about the sudden change in her demeanor.
Riley's fingers danced across the keyboard as she explained, "I'm emailing my moms, telling them what we found and what we plan to do. I'm not ending up in people's thoughts and prayers on a true crime special because I didn't leave a paper trail."
I chuckled at her foresight. "Smart move. We don't want to be another Milk Run mystery. What are you writing, exactly?"
Riley smirked, her gaze focused on the screen. "Just the facts, Liv. No embellishments. Better safe than sorry." She paused, glancing up at me. "Ready for a day of mystery-solving tomorrow?"
I nodded, the nervousness building within me. Exhausted from the emotional day, Riley and I retired to our rooms to rest before resuming our investigation in the morning.
Awaking from a fitful night's sleep, the comforting aroma of freshly ground coffee brewing greeted me in the Inn's common area, mingling with the persistent pit in my stomach. The day ahead loomed with uncertainty, and I couldn't shake the sense of foreboding that clung to my thoughts like a shadow.
Riley reached out for the car keys, and I handed them over, feeling a mix of apprehension and determination. As she took the keys, she pulled me into a tight hug, her voice laced with resolve. "We'll figure out what happened to Dave and get some ice cream."
"You are my sunshine," I murmured, the familiar phrase invoking a sense of camaraderie and shared strength between us. It was our best friend code, a reminder of the unyielding support we provided for each other. She was sunshine, and I was a rain cloud. Riley was always optimistic and ready for a new adventure, and I was always sporting a foreboding scowl, prepared for something to go wrong. Our moms had gifted us matching graduation necklaces with cloud and sun charms, symbols of our unbreakable bond.
Under the high sun, Riley and I approached Benny's Dairy Farm. The distinct aroma of freshly cut hay filled the air, mingling with the distant sounds of cows and creating an eerie backdrop to the picturesque setting. Did someone kidnap the cows, too, I wondered.
The day appeared tranquil, masking the hidden secrets beneath the surface.
After enjoying a delicious strawberry tart for breakfast, we spotted Dave among the workers. Even from a distance, I recognized his familiar face, his expression betraying an inner conflict before he made eye contact with me. Although I couldn't hear his words, I could sense him silently mouthing "Liver?" as a sign of recognition.
Before I could approach him, a call from the farm overseer summoned Dave away. We watched silently as he descended into a cellar and disappeared, leaving us with a lingering unease and unanswered questions.
"That's definitely Dave," I told Riley, my voice tinged with concern and determination.
"Well, we can't follow him into the basement. And he doesn't seem like he's being held against his will, so I don't think we can call the cops," Riley mused aloud, her thoughts mirroring my own. "But we can stay nearby and return under the cover of night to see if anything weird happens. They might have some nighttime ritual or gathering that could give us clues."
As the sun dipped below the horizon, Riley and I parked our car in the shadows, the inky blackness of the night setting the stage for our clandestine mission. Riley tapped away on her phone, updating her moms about every move we made, creating a protective legal shield around our covert activities.
"Is this legally responsible?" I asked. The weight of the potential consequences if we were wrong pressed on me.
Riley, ever nonchalant, reassured me, "My mom's a lawyer, and she charges me a monthly retainer of a dollar. It's all confidential. Plus, my other mother is a Church of the Spaghetti Monster minister. Riley, ever nonchalant, reassured me, "My mom, a lawyer, charges me a monthly retainer of a dollar. Plus, my other mother is a Church of the Spaghetti Monster minister. It's all confidential."
They didn't seem like sound legal advice to me, but I preferred the comfort of having my friend with me and her family, knowing where to find our bodies if necessary. "Is that why you refer to your moms as Pastor and Law?" I asked.
Riley paused for a moment. "Huh. Conor did it, and I just say what he says. I wonder if he was doing it a bit, and it just stuck. Honestly, I never gave it much thought. Law says to make sure the GPS on your phone is on and only start a recording if you have a full battery. Making a call for help is more important than collecting evidence."
Now cloaked in darkness, the farm loomed as we approached stealthily. The creak of the cellar door echoed in the still night, and I hesitated, the gravity of the situation settling over me like a heavy shroud.
Riley's fingers danced on her phone screen while she updated her mom about our progress.
"Can you at least turn down your brightness if you're going to text your moms the whole time?" I urged Riley.
"Good idea," Riley said, turning down the brightness of her phone. "Conor says hi."
"What?" I asked, puzzled.
"They added him to the group chat," Riley explained, unbothered. "He says pick up something we can use as a weapon."
As we stealthily approached the farm, the night veiled the landscape in shadows, and the air carried a chilly breeze. We scoured the surroundings, finding a handheld sickle for me and a rusty crowbar for Riley. Armed and ready, we cautiously moved towards the cellar door.
Initially, the cellar appeared ordinary. But then Riley searched around the entrance with her phone's flashlight. She found and flipped a light switch that lit up the space, revealing it was bigger than I expected. Behind a set of hanging plastic curtains awaited an eerie and unsettling glow, accompanied by the constant drone of machinery.
I pushed past the curtains and felt like I'd entered an Occultist's laboratory.
With the lights on, I quickly spotted Dave, close enough to be sure it was him. The small, high-tech cell with runic symbols etched in it confined him. A shiver shook me to my core. "Dave!" I whispered-shouted, hoping to break through whatever hold this place had on him.
He squinted at us, rubbing his head as if struggling to focus. "Liver? Onions and Liver?"
"Yeah, Davy Crocket, it's me," I said.
"I thought that was a past life... I failed that life... I need to get the milk."
We noticed a hose-like apparatus attached to the back of Dave's neck. There were two tubes inside the main tube. Whenever he spoke about his life or recognized me, one inner tube pulsed something into him. However, when he mentioned failure and the need for milk, the other inner tube pulsed and seemed to extract something from him.
Exploring the area, Riley directed my attention to a vintage and mystical containment tank across from Dave's cell. She handed me a postcard we bought earlier in the day, pointing at the man inside the tank.
I gasped, recognizing Benny from the photograph of the farm's first year in business. Frozen in time, Benny looked precisely as he did when they opened the farm in the 1940s.
"I thought the sickle was overkill at first," Riley admitted. "But now, I wish I had one too." Riley tried to keep her tone light, but she couldn't entirely hide the unease in her eyes as we confronted the disturbing scene.
Gulping, I agreed. "Let's get Dave and get the fuck out of here."
Determined, we set to work, opening Dave's cell and severing his tether. My stomach churned as a liquid resembling Benny's Dairy's signature Moonshine Milk sprayed from the tube. I held back a retch when the smell of the liquid hit my nose and delighted my senses. It smelled delicious.
"Dave, are you okay?" I asked gently after cutting him free.
"I...I'm not sure," he stammered, eyes wide with shock. "It's like a nightmare I can't wake up from."
As we turned for the exit, Dave resisted. "We need to help them. Or burn it to the ground," he begged us in a ragged whisper. "Make it stop."
"Them?" I asked. Was he already brainwashed by whatever was keeping him captive?
He found another switch and flipped it. Lights blinked on, revealing rows of containment tanks in the expansive cellar, each holding missing men tethered to tubes, floating in a nightmarish suspension.
The scope of the horror struck us, and a newfound urgency gripped our hearts as we confronted the proper depth of the atrocities hidden beneath Benny's Dairy Farm.
Dim, flickering lights cast eerie shadows that danced like ethereal specters on the damp, moss-covered walls. The cold, stone floor sent a chill through our bodies.
Riley and I exchanged glances, our eyes reflecting the gravity of our discovery. The silence was heavy, broken only by the distant sound of dripping water and the faint hum of the mysterious machinery that filled the cellar.
Gritting my teeth, I mustered the courage to break the silence. "Benny must have been the first victim," I suggested, my voice laced with a knot of anxiety that tightened in my stomach. "Let's start with him. He could be key to understanding all of this."
With unease, I approached Benny's containment tank with Riley and Dave behind me.
Riley squeezed my bicep in silent support. She had no jokes to lighten this situation. Sometimes, I forgot that she always knew when a situation was too heavy to try to lighten. Some situations earned their weight and deserved to at least attempt to crush you.
The glass surface of Benny's container was clouded with a patina of age and secrecy. The ethereal glow from within cast an otherworldly aura, bathing Benny in an eerie light. He appeared frozen, caught in a perpetual moment of confusion; his expression was a mask of fear and bewilderment.
Benny's movements were jerky and disjointed as we worked to release him from his glass prison, like a marionette with tangled strings.
Once vibrant and full of life, his eyes reflected a profound disorientation. They darted back and forth between us and the unfamiliar surroundings, seeking answers that seemed just out of reach.
His expression was familiar, like a father trying to show empathy and build confidence in his kid. Dave placed a steadying hand on Benny's shoulder. "Take your time, Benny."
Benny struggled to process his existence, his thoughts racing to catch up with the fragmented pieces of his memory. "They... they suck out their minds, their souls, their memories," he muttered, his voice a haunting echo that reverberated through the cellar. His words carried the weight of a man lost in the labyrinthine corridors of his mind.
As Benny spoke, his disjointed ramblings echoed like ghostly whispers from the past. "Try our magical Harvest Milk," he parroted, his voice carrying the remnants of a forgotten commercial jingle. "It's a family farm," Benny continued, his words a jumbled collage of marketing slogans long buried in the annals of time. "Try our guilt-free dairy," he whispered, the essence of a once vibrant man fading into the dimness of the cellar.
The aging process gripped Benny visibly as time greedily took back what this farm tried to keep from it. Wrinkles etched themselves across his face, etching a map of sorrow and despair. Vitality drained away from him like water escaping a sinking ship, leaving behind a mere shell of his former self.
"We dug too deep. We thought it was oil. It was evil," Benny rambled about the monsters unleashed from a well he had dug, creatures that infiltrated his farm, took over his body, and fed insatiably on friends, family, and neighbors.
His eyes glazed with horror as he described the insidious plan to lure more unsuspecting men to the farm, ensnared by the irresistible allure of Harvest Milk, a byproduct of the horrifying farming process.
His desperate plea hung in the air, a last act of defiance against the encroaching darkness. "Destroy the well," Benny implored his voice a husk of its former self. His words reverberated through the oppressive silence, a haunting refrain that lingered in the depths of our souls. The cellar seemed to hold its breath as if even the ancient stones understood the magnitude of the horrors we had encountered.
We felt a burning urgency to confront the lurking monsters, to defeat the darkness that loomed over us. The weight of our mission rested on our shoulders, fueled by fear, determination, and an unwavering desire to end the nightmares that had haunted Benny and so many others.
The darkness of the cellar clung to us as we huddled together, our minds racing. Dave, Riley, and I exchanged determined glances, our eyes reflecting a shared resolve to end the monstrous nightmare that had plagued our town for far too long.
"We need to move quietly, stick to the shadows," Dave whispered, his voice barely audible. His gaze swept across the vast underground expanse, the dim light casting eerie shadows on his face. "They hear everything." He looked like he was going to say something else, but instead, he just held a shaky finger to his lips.
As we emerged from the cellar, the cool night air enveloped us, shivering our spines. The moon, a pale orb in the sky, cast an ethereal glow upon the farm, transforming it into a sinister landscape marred by the grotesque secrets hidden beneath. Shadows slithered through the fields as if the monsters were awakening, reacting to our intrusion.
The creatures were chilling, a grotesque combination of farm animals and distorted human features. Their eyes glowed with an eerie malice, their movements an unsettling dance that defied natural order. Distorted cries and nightmarish growls accompanied each step they took, creating a symphony of terror that echoed through the night.
We proceeded as if guided by an invisible hand. Every footfall was deliberate and calculated, a desperate attempt to avoid attracting the attention of these abominations.
Dave, whose memory was clouded by the influence of the monsters, led us towards the well from which these horrors originated. It appeared to be a peaceful and picturesque farm well rather than a haunting symbol of generations of torment.
As we approached the well, the monsters seemed to sense our presence. Their misshapen heads turned towards us, and the air grew thick with an ominous energy. It felt like the atmosphere was against us, resisting our mission and hindering our progress.
The twisted creatures swarmed as we approached the pulsing well, their distorted limbs writhing in the moonlight. One horror's talon grazed my arm, and I was awash in floods of remorse and self-loathing. Mental whispers berated my every perceived failure, magnifying each into unforgivable sins.
I buckled under the overwhelming tsunami of guilt from real and imagined mistakes. "I'm sorry..." I whimpered as caustic shame seared through my veins. To my horror, I witnessed the spectral creature before me swell from my anguished outpouring, thriving on the misery it induced. A pulse of vile energy flowed between us, a pulse like the one that I saw in the tubes attached to Dave in his cell - it was feeding from my torment.
"Liv! What the fuck? Keep moving!" Riley shouted, her voice muted under screeching internal voices cataloging my every regret. With monumental effort, I wrenched away, breaking contact. The tide of mental venom receded though a chill slithered within.
I shuddered, realizing the degree of emotional torture Dave had endured. A single moment had nearly shattered my sanity - how had he emerged from days steeped in this soul-flaying anguish with any shred of himself intact?
My horror swelled, imagining the crippling despair my brother-in-law was subjected to, the very nightmares used to sustain the grotesque horde still swarming in search of fresh agony. We had to end this. Now. Before anyone else was twisted into an empty husk by clinging shadows and bottomless guilt.
Dave, his determination unwavering, unraveled a hose from the farm's massive gas tank. It was a dangerous plan to drown the well in volatile fuel, turning it into a ticking time bomb. Nimble and silent, Riley made her way to the tank, her movements swift and purposeful as she turned on the gas flow.
My heart pounded in my chest as I watched Dave, his hands trembling, reach into his pocket. He pulled out a lighter, a relic from his former life as a smoker, now engraved with the date of his last cigarette—the date Julianne had shared she was pregnant with their first child. The flame flickered to life, casting an amber glow on his resolute face.
Sensing the impending threat, the monsters unleashed guttural roars reverberating through the night. Their distorted forms writhed in agitation as Dave approached the well, the hose held in one hand, the lighter in the other. He became a beacon of hope amidst the encroaching darkness.
In one swift motion, Dave ignited the well, erupting in flames in a dazzling display of destruction. The monsters recoiled, their screeches merging with the crackling of the inferno. Once a conduit of suffering, the well became a pyre of redemption, consuming the malevolence that had plagued our town.
As the monstrous cries faded into the night, we retreated, our bodies weary but our spirits relieved. The night swallowed the remnants of our harrowing battle, leaving behind a transformed farm. No longer a haven for nightmares, it stood as a testament to our triumph, a symbol of the dawn of a new era, free from the suffocating grip of the creatures that had tormented us for far too long.
Returning to the cellar, a surreal and haunting scene greeted us. Once held captive in the eerie containment tanks, the Dads now wandered, their movements devoid of purpose. Some struggled to free themselves and their fellow captives, their faces etched with determination. Others appeared lost, their spirits worn down by the passage of time that the tanks had shielded them from.
Riley and I approached Rick, Sam's dad, our hearts heavy with concern. "Rick, how are you feeling?" I asked, hoping for even the slightest glimmer of recognition in his eyes.
Once filled with life and warmth, his gaze now held a vacant emptiness. Memories erased, he stood before us as a mere shell, driven by an unrelenting desire to complete a task. His voice, devoid of its usual vibrancy, mumbled a repetitive mantra, "Get the milk."
The other Dads mirrored this state of mindlessness. The men tended to leaks and creaking boards in the cellar. They spilled out, filling the space with a restless energy yet lacking purpose or direction. It was a hive of activity, lost and disconnected like bees without a queen.
"It's like witnessing a beehive without a purpose," I murmured, a mix of horror and fascination playing on my face.
Riley and I exchanged glances, the weight of the situation sinking in. "Should we call the authorities?" I turned to her, seeking guidance in this surreal moment.
She shrugged, her gaze fixed on the disorienting spectacle unfolding before us. "The fire should be enough to alert them, " she said.
Realization settled on us as we considered the consequences of our actions. "They won't be making ice cream anymore," I whispered a tinge of melancholy coloring my words.
Riley nodded, a vacant look on her face. "At least not ice cream that good."
Dave interrupted our shell-shocked contemplation; his tone tinged with sorrow and urgency. "I'm sorry you won't get to taste that ice cream made from the souls of absent fathers anymore, but can you give me a ride home to my family, Liver?"
I let out a nervous chuckle, the gravity of the situation still weighing on us. "Oh, yeah, of course."
Riley turned to Dave, her voice filled with concern. "Do you want us to take you to the police station or a trauma center? This has been a traumatic experience."
He shook his head, his eyes reflecting the weariness of his soul. "No, I just want to go home; pretend this never happened. I just want to put this nightmare behind me and move forward with my life."
As we left the cavernous cellar behind, the images of the Dads trapped in a cycle of meaningless tasks lingered in my mind. Their souls drained, their purpose extinguished by the monstrous horrors lurking beneath Benny's Dairy Farm.
"Dave, you're going to be the most popular person in town," Riley said as she glanced at him in the rearview mirror. "People have been trying to solve the Milk Run mystery for years."
I glanced back at Dave in the rearview mirror. Arms crossed, gaze averted, he looked haunted.
"Dave, do you remember how they captured you?" Riley asked, her voice soft and gentle.
He gave a slight shake of his head, body tensing. He closed his eyes and shuddered. "I think they stole my soul..."
I couldn't help but feel a profound sense of sorrow and disbelief. We will forever have the memories of this harrowing experience. Memories that, despite their disturbing nature, were a luxury most of the victims of this farm didn't have. At least, I initially considered having all my memories a luxury.
"Oh," I said, not knowing what else to say. "Do-- Do you want to talk about it?"
"I really don't." He stared out the window, flinching at headlights every so often before saying, "How come they got to forget it? Do you think I'll get to forget it?"
"Maybe," I said. "If you try hard enough. If you think of it as a bad dream. You know how hard it is to remember dreams."
Dave nodded. "A bad dream."
In the days after the farm's destruction, Dave's return home was a small victory despite the horrifying discoveries we made. He had only been missing for a few days, and his memory remained mostly intact. He reintegrated into the loving embrace of my sister Julianne and their children. Their family structure proved resilient, offering stability despite his unsettling absence.
Dave claimed that he couldn't remember anything that happened before he saw his family in the living room again. Given what he had been through, I had no objections to supporting his story. He wasn't portrayed as a hero but rather as another victim who had been rescued, with no recollection of the time between picking up a jug of milk and reuniting with his anxious family.
However, the other fathers we rescued from Benny's Dairy were shells of their former selves. They wandered the streets with empty eyes and vacant expressions as if they were automatons trying desperately to complete simple tasks now that they were free from their milking shackles. Stripped of their identities, memories, and personal connections, menial chores consumed their shattered minds as their sole occupation.
Their shell-shocked families, who had spent years adapting to the absence of these men, found the prospect of reintegrating these emotionless ghosts into their lives daunting. The men seemed like strangers, devoid of remnants of their past lives because of the entities' soul-draining extractions. Their wives, children, and the community at large had moved on and thrived in their absence.
Recognizing the futility of forcing broken reunions, the women of the town organized a compassionate solution. Thanks to the town's women, most of the men returned to the farm, now renamed "The Hive. " There, they could toil contentedly, producing honey and artisan goods. Their simple presence caused no pain to the loved ones who had long mourned and moved on.
Some men stayed in town, doing work and contributing to the community. They returned to The Hive's dormitories after work each day. Work and purpose became what sustained their fragile minds, like workers caring for a queen bee.
Volunteers and caretakers managed The Hive's new operations, overseeing the fathers' activities. The men's vacant serenity as they performed basic tasks stirred a mix of emotions—pity for their shattered minds and hope for a bit of purpose salvaged from their cruel captivity.
Weeks later, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting warm hues across the living room, I returned home from work, my senses attuned to everyday life's familiar sights and sounds. In the heart of our kitchen stood my father, an aura of contentment surrounding him as he polished off a glass of milk with a big, satisfied smile.
My eyes widened with surprise, the subtle fragrance of fresh milk lingering in the air. Quickly sensing my curiosity and concern for my dad's digestive system, he reassured me with a chuckle, "It's a new product, Liv—lactose-free! You know your old man can't resist trying the latest things."
As he finished the glass, a content smile spread across his face. I observed him attending his online class, the soft hum of the computer providing an undertone to the evening. Reassured by the normalcy of his actions, I dismissed the fleeting thought of anything amiss. However, my curiosity got the better of me as my father grabbed his keys as soon as the class concluded.
"Where are you going, Dad?" I couldn't help but ask, the soft glow of the kitchen lights casting a warm ambiance.
With a smile, he replied, "Need to grab more milk for the family, Liv. I'll be back in a jiffy." His reassuring tone was full of warmth, and I nodded and urged him to drive safely.
Yet, as he headed out, I glanced at the lactose-free milk carton on the kitchen counter, bathed in the soft glow of the lights. In the gentle hush of the evening, my fingers traced the small logo on the carton—identical to the one etched in my memory from the milk lure that the entities had produced at Benny's Dairy. A shiver ran down my spine, and the tranquility of the evening air held an undercurrent of unsettling familiarity.
submitted by defyalllogic to LighthouseHorror [link] [comments]

2024.01.22 00:43 XLandonSkywolfX 2024 Community Update

Community Update from the Mods (01/21/2024) Hey all, Landon here again, if anybody remembers.
I believe the last direct post I made on this subreddit was over a year ago, so it's long overdue that I update you guys on what's going on behind the scenes. This one is going to be a bit longer than my usual PSA, since there is a lot to cover, so strap in. I'll be covering a few topics that aren't necessarily related to one another directly, so as to avoid making you all read a bunch of different posts. This post will be divided into 3 parts.

Part A: Explanation

Where have the mods been?

I'll be the first to admit that the public activity of the moderation team has been less than frequent in the last odd year. I cannot speak for the others, but I no longer actively play Minecraft Dungeons. This is due to several reasons, the standout of which being that I don't agree with many of the decisions made by Mojang/Microsoft.
I want to be very clear that I have no ill-will towards any individuals or groups that have been responsible for the development of the game, in fact I've had many pleasant interactions with the Mojang team throughout my time moderating this community, and I'm grateful for those experiences. On a personal level, I simply lost interest in the direction the game was going. It began to feel too "grindy" and unoriginal to me after the tier-based power level system was added awhile back.
All that being said, it's not an excuse to let the community suffer from inactive mods, which takes me into the next section of this post.

What's Changing?

After discussion with u/blackdragon6547, the decision was reached that I will be taking over primary control of the direction of this community. He will remain as the lead moderator for the foreseeable future, but I will be the one making the decisions and actively running things. I have made a recent effort to clear the backlogged mod-queue, which I'm happy to inform is up to date and actively being screened daily by myself, so all reports should be addressed within 24 hours going forward. If you see content violating the rules, report it!
We have also enabled a number of automatic moderation features provided to us by the Admins, some of which we've been granted early access to as a result of our community's size. In other words, we're cleaning house on the spam. We'll also be slowly cleaning up the subreddit in little ways, such as keeping the patch notes up to date, tweaking the Wiki, and removing old/irrelevant content from Sub News.

The "YouTuber Apology" Segment

Before I continue with the post, I wanted to personally say that I apologize for the recent state of things within this community. Once again speaking for myself, I've got a lot going on in life. As I'm sure many of you can relate to, growing up is hard. I was newly 17 and a senior in high school when I joined this community as a moderator. I'm now going on 21 as a full-time university student with a job, relationship, and extracurriculars to juggle, so it's not as easy to find the time for hobbies these days. I don't mention all this to excuse the inactivity, just to explain how we got here.
On that note, I would also like to touch on the role of moderator. Moderators are not bots. We are people. I have moderated countless forums, Discord servers, Minecraft servers, you name it. All that said, I would like to highlight that being a moderator is a volunteer position and not a full-time job. Next time you go to type out an angry modmail, please refrain from the phrase "do(ing) your job." This is not my job. This is my volunteer position in the an online forum. Anyone who's read my post history knows I work at a Subway (feel free to make Jared jokes in the comments if you feel so inclined). That's my job. This is something I do to get away from that and have fun engaging with a community that I've sadly begun to neglect over the last year and a half, and I'll be making a genuine effort to correct that going forward. Just try to be patient, and consider the difficulty of essentially single-handedly moderating a community of 93,000 people (amazing number btw, we're in the top 5%!)
TLDR: Be nice to mods, I'm going to be more active going forward.

Part B: Updates and Information

Now that we've got that taken care of, I want to let you all know about a few important changes that will be coming to the community.

Rule Changes

AI Content?

During the process of cleaning up the backlog of mod queue reports and modmail inquiries, I noticed numerous references to AI content as an issue. Some have asked if we are going to be censoring it as "low effort" or the like, and I will be pasting the modmail response I have been giving to this question here:
"For the moment, AI content will not immediately be considered low-effort, unless it is simply a copy-paste of the AI image without relevant context. This subreddit has not had a major problem with AI content overrunning the page, so unless that begins to happen, we'll continue to allow it."
To recap, AI content is allowed**, but it will be removed if it is low-effort as defined above and by Rule #5**. Don't make us take away nice things. If the subreddit becomes overrun by low-effort AI content, it will be banned altogether.

Minecraft Legends is shut down! Should I make a low-effort post about it?

Nope! As a matter of fact, you shouldn't. I've been letting this go, but it's becoming increasingly spammy, and from this point forward, posts with the sole intention of re-hashing this topic (including memes!) will be removed under Rule #5. I don't mind the occasional picking of low-hanging fruit, but this is old news. Move on.

Minecraft Dungeons' discontinuation

Yes, we know Dungeons was also discontinued by Mojang recently. With the game being what it was, it was inevitable that this would happen eventually. We had a great run, but not all games will live forever. Someday, you'll place your last block in Minecraft too. That said, posts about this subject are fine, but once again, it is important to keep Rule #5 in mind. Low-effort content will be removed.
As for the subreddit, we still have a vibrant and active community, and I will continue to maintain it until the day it dies. In the meantime, this won't meaningfully affect us, though it is expected that activity will slowly trickle down in the coming months/years, so don't be surprised if you see that. There's nothing that we can really do about this. The game has lived its natural life cycle.


As many of you have suggested, I intend to open applications for new community moderators in the near future. This will take some time to set up, so bear with me as I get things going. Keep in mind I'm doing this myself, with the creative freedom given to me by blackdragon, so don't be surprised if you don't see applications for a week or two. When they are released, the format and information will be included in another pinned post below this one. Though the format and final details have not yet been decided, I'll list a few requirements I already know will be included below (**SUBJECT TO CHANGE**):
This is a rough requirement list. These are subject to heavy modification prior to the release of applications. Keep in mind that meeting the requirements does NOT guarantee your acceptance to the role. There will be merit based interview-style questions on the application that favor relevant experience and maturity. I will likely bring on no more than 5-10 additional moderators for the time being, so don't bet your life savings on your acceptance to the role. I'm likely to receive far more applications than there are open positions.
Please keep in mind also that being a moderator will not grant you access to other subreddit functions, such as editing permissions and changing the visual style, rules, or other elements of the community. If your intention is to "grief," the best you'll get away with is a few bans before you're removed and banned yourself.
Well, that about covers it! This took over an hour to fully write out the way I wanted, so I deeply thank those who read through it! I want to do right by this community going forward, and I can't wait to make the moderation team bigger and better than ever. Thank you guys for sticking around and continuing to support this community. If you have any questions, thoughts, concerns, or feedback, please leave a comment! I will respond to them all as quickly as possible.
Happy Dungeon crawling in 2024!
submitted by XLandonSkywolfX to MinecraftDungeons [link] [comments]

2024.01.21 04:46 nikitaraqs Albuquerque Comic Con

I went to the con today and while it had some good vendors and cool guests, it was also totally disorganized with no effort for crowd control at all, like to a scary degree. I was at a standstill in traffic on MLK to get to the parking garage for half an hour before I gave up and found a garage a few blocks away. I got there early and left by 1:30 and the line to get in was around the block, it was nuts. I was surprised they had Christopher Lloyd and Jared Padalecki out in the open doing autographs, I would have thought they'd have them behind a curtained booth. I admit it was cool to see them though. Bam Margera looked hungover. Also so many Funko Pop vendors. I also read a bunch of dirt on the organizer in this sub after the fact so I'm not thrilled about having supported a douchebag by going.
Does anyone know if Comic Expo is happening this year? Loved it in 2019. Their website says it's coming in 2024 but there's no info on there outside of the date. I hope it's happening because this one was expensive and underwhelming.
submitted by nikitaraqs to Albuquerque [link] [comments]

2023.12.30 18:47 FrederickFF0 ENCANTO THE SERIES MUST HAPPEN

I just finished watching Tangled The Series on Disney+, and started to think about if something similar could happen to Encanto, So here are my ideas
-Layout- 3-5 Seasons Artstyle Is basically just TTS Songs won't be in every episode, but they will still appear Release Date would be NOW-
-Plot- It's similar to Tangled the serieswhere there's an overarching plot, but lots of filler episodes that would slightly progress the main plot.
The main plot would be Mirabel finding out how to guide through the newly found magic, and keeping the Encanto safe. Also, been 8 years since the rebuilt Casita, and Mirabel would be 23. Sadly I don't think Abuela would be alive for this series
Maybe 20 episodes, the first 11 would be focused around a central madrigal for that episode. (I invision episode 1 would be for the Casita and the whole family. Felix and Agustìn would both have half an episode to themselves.
We also have 2 New Madrigals. I would be happy with anything but ima just say it like this: Tasha, who's gift would be to detect love around the village. She's obsessed with books and fairy-tales and these books might cameo other Disney movies like Tangled or Princess & The Frog, she would be 7 years old.
The second New Madrigal would be Luna, who is able to help people find the path to their dreams. She would be y6 years old, and She would bond alot With Bruno, as he tries to figure out how her gift works. These 2 New Madrigals would be Mariano and Dolores' children.
Maybe Mirabel's main goal is to Guide the village as the new Candle Holder, but. And on her journey of discovering the new Madrigal magic, Mirabel realizes that the magic has been passed on to her ever since She didn't get a gift. She was the one who gave Antonio the tiger plushie, just for him to be able to talk to animals! She is able to grant any new Madrigal a gift once their ceremony is about to begin! That would be so cool.
Anyways, I want some filler but I'm kinda tired of typing so here's a few
●Madrigal Football game with Bruno as referee and Pepa's Side VS Julieta's Side (gifts would be allowed obviously)
●Madrigal Cooking Contest with Julieta judging
●The Triplets fight over being the favorite Madrigal adult
● Lots more
submitted by FrederickFF0 to Encanto [link] [comments]

2023.12.30 18:47 FrederickFF0 ENCANTO THE SERIES MUST HAPPEN

I just finished watching Tangled The Series on Disney+, and started to think about if something similar could happen to Encanto, So here are my ideas
-Layout- 3-5 Seasons Artstyle Is basically just TTS Songs won't be in every episode, but they will still appear Release Date would be NOW-
-Plot- It's similar to Tangled the serieswhere there's an overarching plot, but lots of filler episodes that would slightly progress the main plot.
The main plot would be Mirabel finding out how to guide through the newly found magic, and keeping the Encanto safe. Also, been 8 years since the rebuilt Casita, and Mirabel would be 23. Sadly I don't think Abuela would be alive for this series
Maybe 20 episodes, the first 11 would be focused around a central madrigal for that episode. (I invision episode 1 would be for the Casita and the whole family. Felix and Agustìn would both have half an episode to themselves.
We also have 2 New Madrigals. I would be happy with anything but ima just say it like this: Tasha, who's gift would be to detect love around the village. She's obsessed with books and fairy-tales and these books might cameo other Disney movies like Tangled or Princess & The Frog, she would be 7 years old.
The second New Madrigal would be Luna, who is able to help people find the path to their dreams. She would be y6 years old, and She would bond alot With Bruno, as he tries to figure out how her gift works. These 2 New Madrigals would be Mariano and Dolores' children.
Maybe Mirabel's main goal is to Guide the village as the new Candle Holder, but. And on her journey of discovering the new Madrigal magic, Mirabel realizes that the magic has been passed on to her ever since She didn't get a gift. She was the one who gave Antonio the tiger plushie, just for him to be able to talk to animals! She is able to grant any new Madrigal a gift once their ceremony is about to begin! That would be so cool.
Anyways, I want some filler but I'm kinda tired of typing so here's a few
●Madrigal Football game with Bruno as referee and Pepa's Side VS Julieta's Side (gifts would be allowed obviously)
●Madrigal Cooking Contest with Julieta judging
●The Triplets fight over being the favorite Madrigal adult
● Lots more
submitted by FrederickFF0 to Encanto [link] [comments]

2023.12.30 03:03 PinFabulous Power Rangers Beyond The Future Episode 45

The Scene Begins at the Time machine Where they are sitting down
Foobo then comes in with the mail
Foobo: May i please have your attention Rangers
Everyone continues to do there own thing and not listen to Foobo which causes him to use his fire powers
Dre: Ow you inside out Anus looking rabbit prick!
Foobo: God all of you have a weak attention span your all too busy in your own worlds now and a then anyway as i was saying a letter has been sent right through my mail box for us
Gran: Us?
Foobo: Its been said that we been solicit to a get together by the Cyber Empire!? and also no Morphers
Zane: A get together why would we want to chill out with those psychopaths? after all the shit they put on us and the present
Foobo: It might as well be a peace treaty or some sort i haven't got a club but its the best that we should go just to see what unforeseen there drafting
Robin: Fine but im bringing someone with me along the journey
Foobo: What? who possibly bringing to this peace treaty between and the cyber legion?
Robin: Oh my new girlfriend she's much better than my soon to be ex who doesn't bring me down of who i am plus she's a porn star
Brandt: You my friend are a lucky ass man
The Scene cuts to the Rangers going inside Foobo's Ship for the peace treaty
Robin and his new chick Bella are seen tongue kissing
Clin then comes closer to the both of them which makes them very uncomfortable
Clin: Hi
Robin Then shoves him away
Ken: So uh how did you two meet?
Robin: Oh a coca cola sign was about to fall on top of her so i used my zord to save her life
Bella: And after that he asked me out six times which i said no then asked again and then i had to say yes
Foobo: Ugh can you too fornicate outside instead of inside my ship
Foobo then sees the place of how big it is
Foobo: By the Morphing gods
They then land the ship to walk around
Kimiko: Holy shit for a bunch of Cybernetic douchebag criminals these guys sure live fancy god im just wondering what they have probably could rob it all
Gundar and the others show up as well
Foobo: Gundar what are you doing here?
Gundar: We came here for a peace treaty
Morgan: Thats odd i only thought it was us and us only
Gundar: Naw my friend we also came to feast and enjoy ourselves against our common enemies too
Gatron: I wouldn't exactly say enjoy
Zane: Wow it looks like the whole entire Ranger squad got invited
Every Ranger starts to show up in ships and vehicles
They All go inside the room to be even more surprised
Mondy: Oh my god this place is more bigger than the Oscars you could even slap the hell out of someone up there
A Cyber Butler named Coin Mire approaches them
Coin Mire: Good evening you all must be the Power Rangers
Foobo: Correct
Coin Mire: Hm.. don;t really care now if i may show you all to your tables
Victor: Damn bro who's the hottie
Robin: My all new girlfriend better than the ex i'll stick by her no matter what
Bella: Aw babe your making me wet myself
Clin: Me too
The Scene cuts to the peace treaty dinner
Shanelle: Ugh do you think this dress makes my ass looks fat?
Drago: Your ass only looks fat when your in those videos getting destroyed by other ranger dudes
MG: What about does this dress also make my ass look fat?
Shanelle: Honey your ass just looks fat in General
Ken: Dude were about to have a proper meal and your stuffing yourself with a packet of chips and chugging a cola
Bob: Uh yeah kinda thought it be good to bring my own appetiser problem?
Ken: Can't wait when you get your arteries clogged dude
They all sit down in their seats
Robotnix and every other cyborg comes down to greet them
Robotnix: Good evening everyone
Rangers: Good evening No energy
Robotnix: Come on now that didn't even sound like you meant it where's that energy
Rangers: Good evening!
Law: There you happy now!?
Robotnix: Thats better
Foobo: The party hasn't even started yet and im already getting bored
Robotnix: This here truly is a wonderful night to solemnise especially me
Dave: God kill us already
Robotnix: You see we all decided to pack away this goal for world domination as we now see the present as a happy place isn't that right folks
Cruncher: You bet General
Circuitina: Indeed
Robotnix: I even did a go fund me page for a boy named Wilson who has stage 2 cancer wouldn't you say thats heart warming?
Connely: Boo!
Robotnix: And here's us at the farm feeding all the animals
Stampina: Aw
Robotnix: And yet we even found ourselves in the blood of ... whats that guy with the Long hair and the beard
Collin: Jesus Christ
Robotnix: Oh yes thats the guy and if you excuse me i'll go check how dinner is doing anyway here's Mordecai with the violin
Mordecai then starts playing the violin as everyone waits for the food
Circuitina: I'll come along too dear
Cyber Captain: Functious you better not eat anything while were down there
Functious: I won't god!
Gatron: This all seems very uncanny
Shariah: Agreed something isn't quite right here
Cyla: Okay just here me out for a bit maybe we can give him a chance plus we all saw those photos he sent us
Marv: There probably fake by any chance
Professor Parrot: And i do say this Mordecai fellow is putting on an outstanding performance
The Ranger clones then show up with their food
Robin: Oh Fuck
Bella: What is it?
Robin: Thats my ex
Bella: Oh babe don't let the sight of seeing your ex girlfriend ruin this perfect night
Whick: Didn't anyone expected to be fed wires and bolts because i didn't
Bot 68: Not me
Ken: Finally some decent food put down the chocolate bar Bob
Lola: Oh god and some wine might take some for the journey afterwards
Bella: Oh god im vanished
as Bella takes a sip of her wine and a bite of her pasta she then pauses
Robin: Wow babe the food must taste so great you ended up pauses
She then starts to foam from the mouth
Robin: Babe?
Bella then shakes and drops
The Rangers all start to scream as they see her drop
Murray: Is she?
Sandy: She's Dead
Robin: No! The only girl i cared much about other than the other one i had Sobs
Foobo: The food here its poisoned
Ken: Agh! Bob don't eat that!
Mr Fans: We gotta get the fuck out of here!
They then start running for their lives but as soon as they do the ranger clones stop them but they bring out cheese and crackers
Foobo: We don't any more food move the hell aside
Foobo then pushes them as they all go to the door however its locked
Dan: Fuck its locked
Morgan: Were just gonna have to find a window to break through and escape from there
As they try to get pass the windows the shut
Foobo: And as if this day would get more stressful
Zane: Man and our Zords were outside too
Leo Core: Maybe we should just face the music were locked in here
The Scene cuts to the Rangers being locked inside forever for at least
Foobo: This is all my fault i should have trusted Robotnix with my own gut feeling
Brandt: Foobo.. Yeah your defiantly all right its one hundred percent your fault
Kimiko: Yeah Mr thinks he knows all if you hadn't agreed and we just would have stayed at home doing noting
Leo Core: Everyone Foobo's not at fault here we all got the same letter that sent to us meaning apart from you all forced ourselves to come
Gran: Oh No I can't get a signal
Collin: And im doing all i can to summon my Pet rider but he ain't even showing up who knows what its doing
Collin's rider is seen sleeping outside
Zac: Maybe there's a landline we can use
Landis: Hate to break it too you but its been cut
Everyone starts to moan and complaining and panic at the same time
Stu: Everybody calm down! and lets find our way out of this
Flower: He's right we just gotta stay positive and just relax a little yeah?
Gambino: Just by you saying that i can tell you took a shit ton of brownies on the way here
Mordecai then shows up
Zane: Oh Mordecai its just you look you gotta get us out of here man
Foobo: I think specifically gave you a reminder thats not Mordecai
Mordecai: As much like my dude im afraid that won't be happening
Clin: You fucking traitor!
Foobo: Sighs
Robotnix then shows up and so does the Cyborgs
Foobo: You!
Robotnix: Your damn right me
Foobo: You insolent fuck! you think you can commit murder and get away with it Robin loved that girl like a diamond ring
Feebi is then seen comforting Robin
Robin: Why why why!?
Cyla: How could you we trusted you
Chuckley: Bitch Who's we?
Cyla: I even just followed you on my Twitter and Instagram now i want to unfollow and now your blocked
Waden: I might aswell join the block party too
Robotnix: I can't hide this anymore Yes it was all a lie an elaborate scheme to kidnap you all and turn you into cyborgs
Foobo: Huh?
Robotnix: And did you really think I'd have a change of heart you know what every Power Ranger Villain would think of me they would think I'm a joke
Geese: You already are
Foobo then jumps in mid air with his sword about to attack Robotnix however he shoots Foobo in the leg
Foobo: Ow!
Zane: Foobo!
Gran: What are you two doing?
Vee: What there was coffee laying around so me and K decided to pour us a glass
Gran uses the coffee to pour on Robotnix
Robotnix: Aaaah!
Gran: Everybody run for it!
All 80 Rangers run for their lives as they are Powerless
Robotnix then uses his communicator to call out his Cyber Hunters
Robotnix: Hunters get ready we have rats to exterminate and all of you get me a tower I'm soaked here ugh
Zane Gran Robin Ken Dre and Foobo head to the other room Where Cyber Hunter Blue Yellow and Green are chasing them
Zane: Keep the pace Foobo or were dead meat
Foobo: Um can't you see my leg is in fucking pain right now!?
Dre: Can.t you just at least teleport us somewhere where they cant find us?
Foobo: I'm trying but it hurts when i do it
Ken: Over there
The six of them go inside the closet hiding from the cyber hunters
Robin: Sniffs
Gran: Are you still crying?
Robin: No something flew into my eye of course im crying! why why her why not you guys who should have just eaten the poisoned food?
Ken: Aw how nice of you
Gran: My god Foobo your bleeding badly
Foobo: Oh so you think so?
Gran then gets a Tissue out of her bag and wraps it around Foobo's leg
Zane's Phone hen starts to ring
Zane: Fuck Fuck!
Gran: Zane why couldn't you turn your phone off since we got here?
Zane: Well i have to know if Grandma needs anything from the store don't I?
Gran: Oh so does your Grandma not walk properly thats why your her errand boy i seen her walk properly
Cyber Hunter Blue: What the shit was that?
Gran: Nice going Zane
Zane: Zip it
Gran: You zip it
Foobo: Why don't Zip it before..
They then open the door to catch them
Foobo: We get caught
Zane hits the three of the Cyber Hunters and then they all run for it once again
The Scene cuts to Gatron Brandt Kimiko Morgan Clin Bob and Kliff
They wonder where Kliff is until they see him fast a sleep
Kliff: Snores
Morgan: One of these days this guy's gonna die of old age
They then pick him up and carry him
The Cyber Hunter then catch them by surprise who are Pink Red and Orange
Cyber Hunter: Nuh uh uh don't even think of running again unless you all want your brains on this nice which we'll have to clean up later because you know how Robotnix hates bloody floors
Kimiko: Leave this shit to me
Kimiko then starts going savage on them as attacks them brutally
Morgan: Wow remind me to never fuck with Kimiko
Kimiko then gets out her chain and knocks Orange's arm off
Cyber Hunter Orange: My Arm! Waaaah!
Kimiko: Oh be a man you big metal pussy!
Bob: Oooh!
Gatron: Whats the matter with you?
Bob: My stomach don't feel good
Brandt: Hm..
Bob then starts to turn and takes a big fart
Cyber Hunter Pink: Oh my god that stinks!
Cyber Hunter Red: I think im gonna vomit from my whole entire circuits
They all get knocked down because of the Bob's stinky gas
Kimiko: Wow you really let one rip
Gatron; Yeah a big one now lets go! before i vomit too
The Scene cuts to Zane and the other walking
Zane: Did we lose em?
Zane: Yep
Mordecai: May have lost but im still here
Cyber God Mordecai then appears with a machine blaster
Mordecai: Come with me nice and slowly and don't try anything heroic or funny
Zane then shows him a video of Skibidi Red Ranger
Red Ranger: Skibidi Red Ranger Yes Yes! Skibidi dib dib!
Mordecai: Okay Now Hahaha now thats freaking hysterical
Zane then punches the fake Mordecai in the groin and takes his Gun
Foobo: Way to think outside the box Zane
Zane: Thanks i knew showing him funny videos would distract him some how
Foobo: We haven't got enough time he must me forwards
Gran: Ugh why does this whole room smell like farts?
The Scene cuts to the Rangers finding the control room
Foobo: Alright now we need to find the control button that'll unlock all the doors so we can escape this death treaty
Ken: Hm... Ah found it
Functious then comes in to stop them
Functious: Uh What are idiots think your doing?
Gran: Ugh God
Foobo: Of course the Cyber Empire would send you after us the same thing's going to happen like last time your going ego get the best of you were going to over power you then your going to lose the fight
Functious: No I'm remember you losers don't even have your Morphers and your bandaged up so if you fought me it'll just put you in more pain
Zane: He does make a good point
Functious: Besides the point just step away from the controls so I won't end up leaving with a human hand tonight
Robin: Aaaaah!
Robin then starts beating up Functious with his bare hands
Robin: You and your stupid fucking evil took only woman I truly loved I hate you I hate you you piece of metal shit!
Dre: Dude dude Robin Relax! he's dead or maybe unconscious i dont know
Foobo then releases the locks from every entry by pressing the button
Robotnix: Ah Perfect that would cover all the smell of that unknown person who let out that big fart
Robotnix: Oh Shit
Cruncher: General someone has..
Robotnix: I know Cruncher thats why the doors are opening! go check on Functious
Cruncher: I did and he is knocked out cold like really cold you kinda terrible too
The Rangers then meet up with each other
Foobo: So you managed to keep yourselves alive did you?
Morgan: Yeah by one Bob's nasty ass farts
Dre: Ew not surprised by the amount of crap he consumes
Zane: We gotta go before the Cyborgs actually find us and lock us up
Foobo: But first we got to blow this place to the ground before we make our exit
Robin: Im not going without Bella I need her
Gran: Robin she's dead let her go
Robin: And let her become human paste no fucking way
Foobo: Fine just make it quick
Robin: Alright I'm done
Gran: Ugh nasty her skin is starting to rot
The Cyber Hunters start to to head up towards the Rangers
Foobo uses his Fire Powers to burn Cyber Hunter Indigo Navy and Crimson and they proceed to make their run
All 89 Rangers get inside their zords
However Foobo Blows up the whole entire Place with his ship
Foobo: Farewell Robot Prix
The Rangers all then take their leave
Dre: Hahaha Robotnix is finally out of our lives for fucking good
Foobo: This is honestly Music to my ears now the Power Capsules and the present are now at good hands did you get that Feebi
Feebi: Just did and now im Tweeting this to my girlfriends
Robin is then seen making out with Bella's dead body
Ken: You do know she's dead right?
Clin: Hey after your done can i have a go
Brandt: No let me go first
Gatron: You two are the most mentally unstable Rangers i ever teamed up with
The Scene cuts to the Rangers who are back on the present
Zane: How's your leg doing?
Foobo: Good. Just uh.. Good .. Wow that dinner party sure wasn't quite the blast i had
Ken: Yeah got to admit it those Cyborg's aren't qualified to be cooks at all
Robotnix: And you Ass holes aren't Qualified to be alive
Foobo: Robotnix: But how did you?
Robotnix: Uh hello I'm a Cyborg we have jets on our feet you know
Foobo: Eh..
Robotnix: Prepare to for Obliteration!
Foobo: Stay back everyone we've got this
Chandler: Okay then lets all attack at once then
Foobo: When i mean stay back i mean't my team everybody go home and do what you usually do
They all start to walk themselves home
Foobo and the rest of his Team then Morph to take on Robotnix
Foobo uses the Ranger summoner to summon Egyptian Ultra Yellow Godzilla Force Orange and Warcraft Crimson Ranger
Robotnix uses his arm cannon to shoot at Egyptian Ultra Yellow as she falls to the ground
Warcraft Star Crimson then comes for Robotnix but he uses his mouth to fire missiles at him
Godzilla Force Orange Grows big
Robotnix then uses a rocket launcher blowing up Orange and a building
Kimiko: Im going to turn you dick into a pencil sharpener!
Kimiko uses her Oz Blaster to shoot at Robotnix she then turns into Thundercat Squadron Black and uses her Pantho Chucks to hit Robotnix but he blasts her away Gatron uses his Karate skills to kick Robotnix but he grabs his leg and snaps it
Gatron: Aaaaaah!
Robin: Don't worry babe this one's for you
Bella just lies there as fly's go around her and a dog sniffs her
Ken: We outta dispose of his girlfriend after this fight
Robin uses his Operator Rod to hit Robotnix three times but he uses his Lasers to throw him away
Robin: Wasn't that awesome babe?.. Thanks
Robotnix then fires another huge blast but Ken uses Bella as a shield
Robin: Nooo! Ken how could..
Ken: She was already dead Robin god even you knew god just move on there's plenty of more girls for you to date
The rest of the Ranger use their weapons to slash and blast Robotnix but they just keep getting beaten
Dre: I can't believe thirteen on one and were still getting our asses mopped
Foobo: Bob they said you had a bad case of gas when you ate too much junk during the treaty right?
Bob: Yeah
Foobo: My friend time to let one rip again
The Rangers then use Bob as a fart machine aiming at Robotnix
They then fire and causing the whole town to stink and killing Robotnix as so they think
Foobo then steps on his cape as a star wars reference
The Scene cuts to the Rangers walking across the city
They then stumble across Mordecai
Zane: Oh my god!
Mordecai: What your acting like you haven't seen me before
Morgan: Oh we have seen you countless of times but your hair went from Jared leto to Jesus Christ Ugh and you smell terrible i don't which is worse your bad B O or Bob's farts
Gran: Both
Zane: Mordecai where were you? i tried texting you several times but you never seemed to reply
Mordecai: Um maybe because i was held captive by the cyber empire once again and what about you where did you go it looks like you went to a dinner party that went horribly wrong
Foobo: Matter of fact we did it was a peace treaty by Robotnix but suddenly it was fake and had a plan to turn us all into Cyborgs which failed miserably by the way Robotnix is dead
Mordecai: Wait really Oh my lord thats a W! and also before i got here i've happen to walk across a dead girl when meeting you guys
Ken: He's the guy to explain to in case you wanna know the full story
Foobo: Mordecai apperantly there was some strange who i think might have been you but actually wasn't do you know who he was by chance?
Mordecai: All i know is that this guy who was me referred himself as a god
Foobo: A god?
The Ending scene cuts to a Dead Robotnix on the floor
God Mordecai: You reek of the foul gas of the human being do mind if i restore you back to full health again?
He says nothing
God Mordecai: I'll take that as a yes come on once your better you'll feel superior than before
The End
submitted by PinFabulous to WacoverseFanfics [link] [comments]

2023.11.11 16:35 Feyfyre1 Humanity’s Awakening – The Parasitic God Arc (Complete) – Chapter 30.1 (His Connection To Me Is Through My Joy - 2 of 2)

First : Previous : Next
The crowd erupted in cheers only to be drowned out by another sonic boom Crow from Seth. Cara jumped into Seth’s arms just after she’d nuzzled Keanu to thank him for both the courage and celebratory Crows. And right after that, Jessica grabbed Seth’s long ear and told him not to do it again.
The best part of Denning ceremonies were always the festival afterwards where the audience got the chance to congratulate the newly joined, offer gifts or other small honors, mingle with those around them to reconnect with those they missed, and connect with those who they found interesting. And in this double ceremony, there were many of the latter.
Saral’Aureila’s Moon-Maidens were ever diligent female De’Nari because they not only joined in with the festivities, but they also made sure that their charges were never left out of the festive affairs. And this was always the risk the Moon-Maiden order took in these ceremonies because the Moon-Maidens themselves weren't prohibited from finding a mate, though it wasn't a priority. It never failed that Saral’Aureila would lose a few of her order during these happy times. While Saral’Aureila stood upon her altar’s step to just watch and enjoy the vibes emanating around, she noticed one of her younger Moon-Maidens sitting awfully close to the dashingly exotic Lardent’Dant over by the fence. Just by Amari’s tail and hand movements and Lardent’s excited talking and chuffing, Saral’Aureila knew Amari was going to be one of her lost ones and Saral’Aureila couldn't be happier for her.
And damnit, if she didn't get startled again when a soft voice spoke into her ear, "You seem different. You look fantastic but different," Seth said to her which had Saral’Aureila almost jump out of her skin… again.
"What is it with today?! Is everyone out to scare the life out of me or something?!" She yelled at his smiling smug face while Saral’Aureila held onto her microphone stand for dear life. "I swear, the next person who startles me is gonna get turned over my knee and beat within an inch of their life! Quit laughing at me you nightmare thing, you!"
Seth didn't stop laughing even when he pulled her into a hug, something he'd never done to her before. It should've sent her alarms off, but it felt wonderful, and she began giggling along with him until they both calmed down. The Lone Hunter hugged me!!! Was the only thought in her head until he spoke.
"Come on high priestess, I want to escort you to our table. Voren has requested that you be the first to discuss the names for her two new cubs to be."
It was rare to be asked, so Saral’Aureila never turned down a naming opportunity like that. "Lead on, then. I can't wait to get off my feet too."
Seth held her by the waist the whole way. Saral’Aureila noticed but kept getting distracted by the different guests they passed who spoke to her when they made their way to a big table under a large shade tree outside of the pasture. All of the Monsters of Avalon were there, either sitting or standing while a parade of government and other officials came by to talk. Voren and Le were being brought all they needed by some of Jake's people who were serving the VIPs.
Voren was glowing brighter now more than ever because she kept touching both her belly and her new finger ring and arm band in turn. Le was just pride itself wrapped in metal and fur as he doted on Voren and laughed at all of the good-natured ribbing. Having him breaking out of his normally stoic shell was a grand event in itself and led to all at the table truly enjoying the big De’Nari’s company.
Saral’Aureila came and gently made her presence known. Jessica spotted her and gave up her seat next to Voren. She then all but pushed Saral’Aureila into it. And Voren, the excited mother to be, grabbed Saral’s hands and put them on her belly for Saral’Aureila to be given the gift of knowing what was to come. Voren said in happy contentment, "Saral, they’re twins. You know I’m going to insist you be my midwife, right?."
"Oh, yes. I’ll be here for these two just like all the others. They feel strong and healthy to me. I was told you wanted help with their names, true?"
Voren nodded rapidly but said, "Later, not now. I want to talk with you in private about it, so please, don't leave before then."
Saral’Aureila hadn't felt a happy baby bump in a while and didn't want to take her hands away, but did, so she could say, "It seems I may have to stay longer than I intended as it is. Would you have any room to spare for me?"
Saral’Aureila was greeted by a loud chorus of yeses. However, there was one face that wasn't exactly happy about it and that was Kathy in the back of the group who seemed apprehensive of Saral’Aureila staying in the compound. But it was too late because Jessica and Voren insisted that she stay in the new quarters that had been cleaned for any of the others who were even now matching up with Ring De’Nari.
After that, the festivities and talks and dancing and cheers and all of the fun blurred together which all left Saral’Aureila swearing never to do a double joining along with a match making service ever again. It was overwhelming… wonderful… but still overwhelming.
Thankfully she got a respite when Allessandra 'borrowed' her, put her on the back of a little vehicle and about killed her heart again when she raced them perilously around dirt trails to end up at Kathy's large dwelling.
Saral’Aureila nearly fell off the thing as her warrior grinned mischievously at her. "What the green moon, Allessandra?! I'm old! And why haven't you gotten dressed yet?!"
Allessandra was chuckling at Saral’Aureila while she helped her up. "One, you don't look old, two, I like how I look, and three, you had fun, but you like fussing at people more."
It was Saral’Aureila’s turn to chuckle. "You're not allowed to get that wise around me. You can't have my job. Now go before I take that sword off your back and pop that tail of yours."
Allessandra hugged her and took her hand to lead her up the steps and to the door. It opened before they got there and Delik bowed to them. "High Moon-Maiden, Kathy and I went ahead and rounded up all who need to attend this meeting now so we can clear the air and avoid any misunderstandings that may come with how fast things are moving."
Saral’Aureila could've nuzzled the big purple thing. "I swear, you are the best De’Nari Moon-Maiden of us all. Thank you."
Delik seemed unfazed by the praise, but Saral’Aureila knew better. That small smile of hers and six twinkles in her eyes meant she would float for days.
Saral’Aureila entered the grand room and was led to the right into a comfortable receiving area lined with cushioned chairs and deep cushioned couches. Saral’Aureila went straight to the biggest flumph couch and plopped right down to message her toes between her claws. "Oooo. I needed that."
Kathy's amused voice found her when she sat beside Saral’Aureila. "I was going to say make yourself at home, but you beat me to it."
"Kathy, right now, you are my favorite human. If you could spare something to drink that isn't spiked with alcohol, I'd keep you on that list for three weeks."
Kathy covered her mouth and giggled wonderfully back at her. Then she called out, "Aiden, be a dear and bring this poor thing some lemonade and a straw."
Aiden, the strapping blonde son of hers had already changed out into more comfortable clothes. Some blue jean shorts and a thing called a muscle shirt. The muscles Saral’Aureila saw rippling under his skin would give even Keanu a run for his credit.
Saral’Aureila looked around and saw Delik sit in front of her mate Vlak so he could massage her neck and wings. Seth was over towards the back of the room in one of those comfy chairs with Jessica on his lap while they talked excitedly to each other in hushed voices. Kathy's husband Jake was pacing not far away while talking to someone on the phone. The call didn't seem to be an issue because he was laughing a little. But a snippet caught her interest when he said, "It's a gift from Seth and me. No, it's not poisoned, you schmuck! It's a wedding day and we thought you guys would just appreciate some good booze. Yes! Please tell Alex I'll see him tomorrow and update him on who's staying and the next phase..."
Saral’Aureila didn't hear any more because he walked out and around the corner. Then she felt a heaviness on her legs and found that Allessandra had sat on the floor to lean on her. The big sword was sheathed and had been sat up in the far corner. "What do you think you're doing?" she asked amused.
Alessandra leaned her head back and answered smiling, "I'm not getting my butt beat with my sword so I'm guarding you."
Saral’Aureila patted her head. "You're learning!! There's hope for you yet!" she said happily. Kathy just shook her head at both of them in amused satisfaction.
Kathy patted Alessandra's head but directed the conversation to Saral’Aureila. "Sorry Saral’Aureila, she's my guard first but I'll let it go this time since you're my honored guest. However, I've heard many stories about you over the years. They don't do you justice."
"Oh. I'm sure they don't. I'm much worse in person and I eat wayward maidens for breakfast and am not afraid to put anyone in their place when they step out of line. Isn't that so, Delik?"
Delik’s eyes opened, and she smiled deviously. "Mrs. Donovan, I apologize, but I seem to be her biggest joy and greatest thorn in her… foot."
Allessandra laughed out loud at that just as Aiden returned with a tray full of drinks. "Delik. You?! You're a pain in her ass?! Oh wow! I'd have never thought!"
Delik tried to frown but the room had heard Allessandra’s outburst and they all snickered at her. "I have to admit, I keep Saral’Aureila on her claw tips though I don't mean to," she said after a few moments, still chuckling softly.
Saral’Aureila called out to the room in general, "No laughing at Delik’s expense. That's my job and none of you have earned it from me yet. Now. Where's that big son of yours with the refresh… aaahhh! Just what I needed. Thank you, Aiden," she said after Aiden handed her the last tall glass of iced lemonade with a straw in it.
He sat down next to her and smiled winningly, "You're very welcome. Glad to help."
Saral’Aureila drank a lot and was grateful because it soothed her throat and thirst. Allessandra had shifted over to sit between them and put an arm on both her leg and Aiden’s, treating them both like the arms of a throne. Saral’Aureila sighed and ignored the over familiarity. She wasn't home and would probably have to ignore a lot. Like how five younger human cubs walked in with trays of snacks and the one she knew as Delik’s daughter Kimiko had a chain around her neck attached to who clearly had to be an offspring of Queen Xalansss. Even though that daughter was serving, she was still clearly the master of the other one.
Saral’Aureila tried to bite her tongue, but it would not stay silent. "Delik! What is the meaning of that?!" She said pointing to Kimiko who looked at her like she'd been slapped.
Delik frowned and spoke low but firm. "Saral’Aureila. I should have warned you and for that I apologize. My daughter has aligned herself with Daughter Queen Xallessica and the chain is only a symbol of that commitment. Nothing more. As is the chain I wear when I visit Queen Xalansss."
Saral’Aureila crooked her finger at Kimiko. "Come here, Kimiko."
Kimiko looked at a frowning Xallessica and then at her parents who weren't exactly happy, but they nodded.
Xallessica set down her tray on a table and took Kimiko’s to set hers down as well. Then she walked with Kimiko across the room to Saral’Aureila and seemed firm about not removing the chain in any way.
Saral’Aureila scooted forward and pointed at the floor indicating Kimiko should kneel so they could look at each other face to face. Kimiko's worried expression met Saral’Aureila when she came down to her level beside a non-moving Allessandra. "Did I do something wrong, High Moon-Maiden?" she asked, clearly frightened.
Saral’Aureila took her face in her hands and held it, studying her. "The only mistake you made was not making me aware that you'd chosen a Fate Bonding, sweet one. And if you were unaware of that, then that fault either lies with your sire for not paying attention in his classes or myself for forgetting to remind your matron that I gave her such a ceremony years ago when she told me about hers with Xalansss. Young one, you are as beautiful as your matron and your heart is just as big. Daughter Queen Xallessica is very lucky to have such a one as you in her life. If she doesn't, then I hope these words I speak wrap around her heart now. Would you mind if I take you two out under the stars tonight and perform this special and rare ceremony to ease my mind and make all De’Nari understand how special that symbol you wear truly is?"
The six pink eyes that looked at her went from worried fright to soothed acceptance in Saral’Aureila’s hands and she enjoyed being able to see that small truth. She glanced up to the formerly frowning Draxian to see her beaming in love and pride in her to be bonded. Saral’Aureila held up her hand to stop Xallessica from speaking and looked back at Kimiko’s face.
Kimiko finally found her words. "I want that. We'd be honored to take a Fate Bond. It's exactly what this means to us."
"Go on then and stay close. Don't let me forget or I'll hunt you two down later," Saral’Aureila said gently to them.
Xallessica smiled at her as Kimiko got up. "Forgive me, Saral’Aureila. My mother has always told me that if I ever met you that I should be more gracious to you than any other. She always told me you were forever seeking to bring people together, never to pull them apart. I believe her now. She also said that if ever there was a De’Nari that she could ever think of that might be her equal as a queen when it comes to caring for her people, it was you. I hope you can stay or visit often because I want to learn from you."
Saral’Aureila could feel how genuine her request was and she readjusted her opinions regarding the young queen. "You make your Mother Queen proud. I can't promise you right now, but I will figure something out. I refuse to let a bright future such as you go without at least some guidance that you would find, if not valuable, perhaps enlightening at least."
Saral’Aureila nodded to the young queen and noticed that Xallessica and Kimiko went to sit over on another couch with the three other young humans or rather much more grown children of Allessandra's and Seth's. She noticed that the twins had on silver collars too but no chains and were acting just as subservient to Xallessica as Kimiko had. Saral’Aureila rubbed her eyes trying to understand this queen.
It was soon after that thought when Saral noticed that the room had quieted. They weren't looking at her but past her towards the entrance. She turned and found it was just Jared filling it up, not wearing a shirt while finishing a leg of meat and a bottled beverage while he watched them all.
"Jared," Saral’Aureila began. "What do you think you're doing?" she asked acerbically.
Jared swallowed his last bite and washed it down before wrapping it all up in a paper towel. "I apologize for being late. I got caught up in a flag football match with all of the cubs. By the way, the Brood cubs cheat, Jessica. Anyway, other than the fact that Delik summoned me here for a reason I'm still not grasping, I have the pleasure to inform you all that this match making endeavor of yours has been a resounding success. Hey Kathy, apparently Carlos Santiago and his DJ partner Kaela have been on a few dates already and they hit it off. That young man is one of a kind for sure as he seems so dang in love with her. So, they are now calling themselves DJ Broodwolf and she nipped his ear today too. I'm sorry Saral’Aureila, but you may have to bunk in here for a long while because I believe every one of the Brood De’Nari have entered into some relationship with either a Ring De’Nari or in some cases like Voren and Le’s boy, a Moon-Maiden. Again, sorry Saral’Aureila."
Jessica squealed and the rest of the room erupted in happy cheers. Saral’Aureila sat back and hung her head. She was both relieved and in full dread now because Jared was right, there was no way any of the rest of her order was going to be able to handle all that these fresh relationships would need to help them flourish without one of them staying in the compound. She felt a sympathetic pat on her back, and she looked over to see Kathy's understanding eyes. "No good deed goes unpunished in this world. Good luck."
Saral’Aureila chuffed and patted her leg. "Now that is wisdom. Thank you."
She looked over at Jared. "Okay, you know what we'll need. Please make the official requests for credit and supplies from the Ring government and our silent benefactor, Queen Xalansss."
Jessica had sat up and asked loudly, "Wait? What was that? My sister is helping to bankroll this?"
Saral’Aureila let her tongue loll out. "Well, yes. When she found out about the match making, she made direct contact with Jared and myself to supplement, and I quote, 'my sister's growing adopted Brood. No sister of mine will shoulder that burden alone when I have the means to help.'” Saral’Aureila enjoyed that surprised look on Jessica’s face.
Saral’Aureila continued. "So, Sister Queen Jessica, I think you better go clear your head and grovel at a particular Queen’s feet to graciously thank her for her generosity, don't you?"
Jessica sat back in pure dumbfounded wonder. She finally closed her mouth, stood up so she could walk over and take Saral’s hand. "I'm going to thank you first. Thank you from the bottom of my Draxian soul. And yes, I owe Xal a call and a lot of gratitude too."
Jessica wrapped Saral’Aureila in another tight hug. Saral’Aureila was not used to so many huggy types, but it was growing on her.
When Jessica sat back down, Saral’Aureila noticed there were a lot more people in the room looking at her than what she felt was needed. "Delik, are you expecting me to talk to Seth now or can we go somewhere more private?"
Delik smiled at her prettily and said, "Now, please. This concerns us all. Jed, Inanna, Sara and Laesha are still out directing traffic or helping those who wish to stay find their way. They will be told later. The teenagers stay too because they have been through a version of what you have and may either have a unique insight or find it a learning experience. And well, they're family and generally, no one in this family is allowed to keep secrets unless it would destroy us all. Yours is no such secret, so please share and let's see what happens."
Saral’Aureila didn't feel like sitting any more. She also didn't want to speak halfway across the room to someone. "Fine Delik. Have it your way," she said testily. She got up off the couch and stretched her legs. "Seth, please join me. I need to discuss something personal with you and it seems we have a bunch of nosy busy bodies who think they need a show. Ugh!"
Seth chuckled softly before Jessica let him up and then stole his spot. He was still dressed in his black tuxedo, and he straightened his bow tie while he approached. Saral’Aureila could see in those few steps why every De’Nari male was intimidated by him now as they were back then. He moved fluidly, too fluidly to be considered normal. And it seemed it was a De’Nari trait to notice it and be wary. However… for her. Saral’s heart thumped a little at that small display and also at how his eyes did not move away from hers.
"I'm here, Saral. What is so important that this meeting is necessary?" he asked in that soft voice of his that hid a shout that could shake mountains.
Saral’Aureila took his hand in both of hers and confessed. "First. I'm going to tell everyone around this room that what happened was absolutely not Seth's fault or doing. This is all on me and my lapse in judgment."
She nodded when everyone got really quiet and interested. "Seth, I've been growing concerned over the years as to why I haven't been aging. I finally told someone this morning. Meaning I told Delik and she did that Queen Xalansss hand scan thing and she found that I've been somehow connected to you for years now."
The collective gasps and grumbles started, but Saral’Aureila said loudly, "Everyone! I fucked up! Not him, I said! Seth. I'm sorry. I broke the gift you gave me."
"You what? How? When?" he asked but for some reason, he was still smiling at her like it was the greatest gift she could have given him.
Saral’Aureila hung her head in shame. "Just a few months after you gave it to me. I wore it on a long day of joining and celebrations. I’m sorry. I got tired. I saw it on me shining in the dark of my room and felt… I thought I was pretty. I fell asleep on my pad, but I'd rolled off it sometime in the night… and well. I just thought I'd lost the stone for all this time and I was too embarrassed to tell you. Delik confirmed that it was part of me now and it's why I stopped aging and why I never get sick anymore. Seth, I'm scared. What are you going to do to me?"
Seth put a hand on her shoulder and began laughing. He was laughing so hard he was using her to hold himself up as he tried to stop and get his air back.
Saral’Aureila snapped, "It's not funny asshole! I've been told I'm connected to the Nightmare of Crag’Al’Thaoal, and I may have leash on you. Why aren't you mad?!"
Seth was breathing hard still but was getting himself back under control. He finally got his words out. "Oh Saral’Aureila. I'm sorry I laughed. I really am. But there's nothing I can do to you, not really. I told you that stone came from the Protected Lands. I tried to tell you that it was fragile. Look, here’s why. It was as fragile as happiness because it's made from happiness. Children's happiness. That's who lives in my Protected Land. Children who were lucky enough to be rescued but had enough light left in them to go and play and know joy forever. They are rare and are loved even more so because they remind all the rest who dwell there of what they fight so hard to protect. Saral, I'm afraid you are tied to me, that will never change. But because it was that stone and it was activated by you instead of me, I actually have not one shred of influence over you. It's actually the other way around. I'd been wondering for a while where that little voice was coming from that kept me from taking what I did to the darkest places possible. It'd been giving me restraint and the knowledge that there was always a better way. Well now I know. It was you and I'm grateful for it. Now if you want to know a really neat trick, you have the power to visit just the Protected Lands if you want. Just let me guide you the first time and then you can go visit a horde of happy kids any time you wish. Be careful though. They make big puppy dog eyes at you when you try to leave."
And that's when everyone began speaking at one time, drowning out each other around them.
Saral’Aureila leaned into Seth to tell him alone what she wanted to say. "Seth. I truly have to apologize to you. I have tried so hard to see the best in people and you have always been the one for whom I could never get a solid understanding of. Well, I’ve figured you out now. And I know your gift wasn't just that necklace, now was it? You knew I'd end up breaking it and taking that power, didn't you? You want me, don’t you? After all these years, you’ve been hunting me as subtly as your shadow, haven’t you?"
Seth whispered into her ear as his arms encircled her waist to hold her close. “I have and yes, I do. I knew it was inevitable that it would find you. However, I didn’t lie. I did truly give it to you because you brought each of my cubs into this world. So, I thought the least I could do was one day show you what I wish for all children to have. Just tell me when you're ready and we'll make a day of it. I think you'll really get along with Gramma Goose. You remind me of her. Other than that, it's all up to you as to what you want from me even if it’s nothing more. I look forward to hearing what that is whenever you’re ready."
Saral’Aureila put her arms around his neck and hugged him tight. She whispered, "You really are a devilish one. And here I thought you'd force me into some torrid twisted affair but instead, it'll be me who starts the courting ritual just to see if I can make you laugh like that again. I am going to stay for a while, so it seems I’ll take you up on your offers. I wish I could curse you. I wish I could condemn you. But all I can say is thank you and we’ll talk about this later when I’m ready. When I’m ready to..."
Seth had an odd twinkle in his eye as he said, "I'll come when you call."
Saral’Aureila felt a heavy loss in her chest when he let her go that almost hurt. Oh, is he a devilish one indeed. I'm so screwed, and the little bastard knows it. He’s got me simpering to bring him to my bed and I'm actually happy he did it. Damn. The Lone Hunter got me, and I didn’t even know it. My… Lone Hunter… wants me. Death, wants me… to be happy. Damn. How did I miss it?
Seth turned and faced the whole group and immediately they loudly renewed their barrage of questions around him. He was trying to explain more but they were too excited about happy kids, what they lived in, was it heaven or Candyland, and if it was Candyland could they go, and more.
Saral’Aureila felt an arm on her back and found Kathy standing next to her again.
Kathy took a heavy put upon sigh. "I keep doing it, Saral’Aureila. As soon as I think I have that guy figured out, he does something like this, and I have to start from square one again. It gets annoying after a while."
Saral shook her head. "No. You've got him pegged. He's got me Kathy just like he has all the others. Don't be surprised that within a year, I'm as pregnant as Voren is. To see him have that kind of joy again, to have him show me a world that's dedicated to a joy that I've always hoped existed….Kathy, I'd give anything to him for it. And… if I’m to be honest with you, I just did. I’m going to climb into a bed on all fours with him and be happy about whatever he wants to do with me."
"Please tell me you aren't serious." Kathy said quietly as she closed her eyes trying to deny what she heard. "He has so many in his grasp. He's connected like a virus or a spider to so many; it scares me. Please. Don't. He already has two wives. He doesn’t need you in his bed too."
"Kathy. That's what you're missing. You're seeing his influence and connections as bad things. But it's those connections that build a stronger more united family and community. It's exactly my life's work but he's just better at it. To have that man… to feel small kicks within my own belly because of him one day… I’m sorry, but I will let him have me after I see that protected land of his because his connection to me is through my joy. I know it and so does he, the smarmy little runt. Perhaps you just need to figure out how to connect to him in your own way and…"
"I have my connection to him. I'm his failsafe. If he goes black, I'm the one who will end him," Kathy said affirmatively.
Saral’Aureila shrugged and huffed. "Then you have my respect, and I will pray to the moons he never makes you need to use it on him. It would be better for us all, don't you think?" Saral’Aureila asked while she eyed how Allessandra was holding onto Aiden while they listened to Seth tell them that that land was protected from all but himself and very few others that had earned it. He also told them to go bug Inanna because she was one of those few who could visit. But he did throw them a bone and tell them that gingerbread houses did exist there because Grandpa Grimm had a giant sweet tooth.
Kathy sighed in defeat. "From what Aiden tells me, he might just do that, and I'll pray with you. We need all the help we can get."
"Speaking of Aiden, is that normal? If I recall, Allessandra was practically a second matron to him, or at least that's how she's always talked about him." Saral’Aureila pointed at Aiden and Allessandra standing in the mix around Seth. She was noticing that as the group around Seth were chattering away, Aiden had his thumb hooked into Alessandra’s waistband and was lightly tapping or squeezing her butt and tugging at her skimpy bikini bottom so that it rode up her butt all the while Allessandra had her hand fully down the back of his jean shorts, doing much the same.
Kathy hung her head this time. "Saral’Aureila. I'm too tired to ask. Want to go sit with me in the kitchen and let me ignore this for a while?"
Saral’Aureila took pity on her new friend in arms, "Well, I am a Moon-Maiden and that's what we do. Lead on and tell me more about this war zone I find myself in."
Kathy perked up and took her by the arm. "That's the spirit to survival around here! Come, I'll bet you anything Jake's been hiding in there this whole time like a coward."
submitted by Feyfyre1 to HFY [link] [comments]

2023.10.29 22:16 PinFabulous Power Rangers Beyond The Future Episode 36

This Episode is a Crossover between Power Rangers Beyond The Future and Monster Brawlers
The Scene Begins as Foobo lands in a World Along with Zane and Mordecai
Mordecai: Ah I think scraped my gum on the floor
Foobo: Is Everyone alright?
Zane: I think I am
Mordecai: What the hell is this place?
Foobo: Hm..
Foobo catches the Brown Power Capsule
Foobo: Talk a about a win win am I right
Zane and Mordecai: Yeah *Sarcastically *
a Parasite like creature fly towards attacking them
Foobo: Argh!
They then looks towards the creature that just assaulted them like a mere dog
Mordecai: Aaah what the hell is that thing?
Foobo: Thats a parasite!
Mordecai: A Parasite?
Zane: So what does that mean?
Foobo: Were in the Monster Brawlers world
The flying Parasite like Creature decides to take the capsule
Foobo: Hand that over you ugly winged bastard!
Foobo Zane and Mordecai chase after the creature as they Morph
The winged like parasite creature fires a beam from a far away
Foobo Mordecai and Zane then fire back but then as the creature had enough he starts to fight with them all
Foobo uses his Alien Mega smasher sword to slash at it but it scratches Foobo in the chest
Zane uses the Holy cross bow to fire at the Parasite but that just makes it madder Bad move Zane
It then screeches at him like a roaring siren
Zane: Ow my ears are bleeding inside!
Mordecai then uses his Master Cavalier Sabre to a mega quake however it moves away swiftly
Foobo: We were right there you know
Mordecai: You should have moved out of the way then
Flying into the sky comes Devon (Drago Man) with his sword slashing the parasite
Drago Man: Hey!
Foobo and Zane: Devon!?
Mordecai: Who?
System Voice: Sword Card
Drago Man summons his sword but it hits his hand
Drago Man: Ow! Aaaaah!
He then picks it up from the ground
Drago Man: Aaaah Makes blowing sounds guess i'll have to use the other hand then
Drago Man charges towards the parasite
Drago Man: Yaaaaah!
The Parasite then head butts him
Zane: Wow he wasn't this much of a goofball during the fights we had in the previous crossover
Foobo: Zane that was a serious type of action show this is a comedy remember?
Zane: Now i remember
Drago Man then Activates his final move card
System Voice: Final Move card
He jumps in mid air with a fire kick killing off the parasite immediately as so he thinks
Zane: guess he still has a bit of a bad ass in him
They then go up to Drago Man
A brief scene of Raina watching from the mirrors is seen watching them knowing that Devon is back
Raina: Ugh I need my vibrator
The Scene cuts to Zane with Mordecai Foobo and Devon
Mordecai: So who's this guy again
Zane: Mordecai Devon Devon Mordecai
Devon: Wow loved your performance as the joker in suicide squad can I take a photo with you quickly?
Foobo: Its Mordecai not Jared Leto
Devon: Oh .. Sorry it's just with the long hair and
Mordecai: Don't worry it happens all the time
Foobo: So what makes you spring back into Action Dev?
Devon: I'm afraid to tell you that The Monster war has repeated itself all over again
Mordecai: War what are you talking about?
Foobo: You weren't in the Crossover so you wouldn't know
Zane: Its Technically like the Movie hunger games starring starring Jennifer Lawrence and like that kamen rider series call Ryuki but with Humans turning into Cybernetic creatures
Foobo: But I don't understand I thought Darwinian wanted a new beginning for him and his sister why start all of the destruction again
Devon: Not Darwinian .. Raina
Zane: Who thats?
Devon: A far new creator of the war who's his successor i don't even fucking know what she's trying to achieve but whatever sounds Stupid and it's quite plaguy that i have to start the same chapter from the scratch and thats not the worst bit she made do a Monster mike
Zane: Monster Mike?
Devon: Magic Mike but with Monster Brawlers
Cut away happens
Raina: Oh yes dance dance for your creator mommy is getting so turned on
Cut away ends
Foobo: Than we have to find her fast before
Foobo then gets an alert from Ken
Foobo: Yes?
Ken: Foobo A little help please?
The Scene cuts to Foobo Zane Mordecai and Devon arriving to see whats happening
They come across their friends Robin Morgan and Collin facing off against Skater Alligator (Bullin) Blue Rang (Rusto) and Rev Roader (Steve)
Morgan: If i wanted to get fight a giant Blue rang i would have took on Dory
Blue Rang uses his Blue Boomer Rang to throw at Morgan
Blue Rang: I'd thought you would catch that don't you Australians use boomerangs
Morgan: Im from New Zealand you prick
Skater Alligator rides away with his Gator board and steps on Collin's foot
Collin: Ow!
Collin shoots him off his board with his Shepard Staff
Skater Alligator: You on the spectrum bro?! god made me broke my shin bone
Robin tries to hit Rev Roader with his Operator Rod but he just keeps on Missing
Rev Roader: Im over here now im over there can you really catch me
Robin: Fuck this noise
Robin does the unthinkable by using his Zord to crush Rev
Rev Roader: Hey Red ranger guy i was only jerking with ya do you mind if you don't flatten me to a debby's pancake please?
Robin: Nah I don't mind
Devon: Oh here we go again Transform!
He turns into Drago Man to end the fight also Zane Foobo and Mordecai Morph Also
Drago Man: Stop! Stop!
Zane: Guys enough
The Rangers and Brawlers seem not to be listening to what Drago and Foobo are saying
Foobo Loses his patience as he uses his sword to stop the fight by doing a fire attack injuring them all
The Scene cuts to the Rangers and Brawlers having a conversation
Zane: Thats the reason why you were fighting?
Robin: Yes they were cyborgs disguised as humans trying to take over the present thats what were doing remember rabbit protecting humanity
Foobo: Those guys aren't part of the Cybernetic army there Monster Brawlers ou Baboons
Collin: I have no idea what that is
They all look at each other
Devon: Humans who are given A box called a monster deck that allows them to turn them into Cybernetic creatures to battle for survival god it feels like I have to explain this to every Ranger now
Robin Collin and Morgan: Oooh
Robin: Got it
Collin: Definitely understand now
Foobo: Get on your knees and apologise this once
Collin: Does that include me?
Foobo: Yeah it does
Collin Morgan and Robin: Sorry
Robin: Turds *Mumbles under breath
Foobo: I heard that
Steve: No hard feelings
Devon: I was looking for guys but thank god I magically found you
Bullin: Ditto bruh
Zane: You know these people Devon?
Devon: Of course they were new Brawlers that I assembled to help stop the war between all the Brawlers Bullin
Bullin: What up bruh
Devon: Rusto
Rusto: Howdy
Devon: And Steve
Steve: Hey
Foobo: Hang on a second Where is he?
Devon: Where's who?
Foobo: Miguel.
Devon: I don't know but if he shows up anytime sooner then he shows up anytime sooner
Miguel (Commander Coyote) is seen listening to Lincoln park while smoking a ton of cigs
Manny comes in with news
Manny: Dad I..
Miguel: Not now so daddy's busy
Manny: My god you suck
Miguel: The hell did you just say!?
The Scene cuts to Shane (Psycho Piranha) sitting outside of Ethan's office sleeping
He is seen sleeping on the desk however suddenly Raina teleports in front of him
Shane: Woah who are you you some sort of hooker?
Raina: Um excuse me why would you think im a hooker? geez your so stereotypical
Shane: Well Sorry for my rudeness not but can you tell just look how your dressed guys are literally lusting over you you bimbo anyway what do you want from me?
Raina: I am the one who stands before you I am Raina
Shane: You sure are going to make it rain looking like that
Raina: Enough I get it i know how sexualized look i brought you a gift
She hands him over his Monster deck
Shane: Holy shit its been a while my good ol friend
Raina: Its about time you came back to your fighting time and showed all of those Brawlers how you handle your Opposers
Shane: Hm.. You got more of these right?
Raina: I have plenty why?
Shane: I just feel the need to my own posse of brawlers for once
Shane's gang Drake ( Hell Gazelle ) Duncan (Cervirus) and Preston (Earth Quack) walk into the room
Shane: About time you guys showed up i have something for ya
He gives them the Monster decks
Drake: What are these phone cases?
Shane: Not phone cases Monster decks and do you have those donuts you stole
He hands the donuts over to him and takes a bite
Shane: Ugh this is custard
He throws it to the ground
The Scene cuts to the Bugle
Devon: You remember this place right?
Zane: You kidding why wouldn't i?
Zane spins on the chair
Zane: Woohoo
Devon: Stop that the last time you spun on the chair it broke and i had to use my ps5 money to buy a new one
Sue then shows up for work
Sue: Devon i just got words there were more Monster sightings we need to ...
He then sees Mordecai's Beautiful eyes
Sue: Handsome Devon who is this man?
Devon: Oh that's Jared Leto I'm kidding this is Mordecai and Zane and Foobo
Sue does not say anything
Devon: Sue... Hello Earth to Sue!
Sue: Oh My apologies im Sue anyway we better start heading before Apple seed bugle gets their before us
Devon: Ugh those guys
Sue: I know
Devon: Hey can Devon Mordecai and Foobo come too?
Sue: Of course
Joseph pops up only to see Foobo in the office
Joseph: What so Hans i can't bring my pet hamster into work and Devon gets to bring his blood stained rabbit in bullshit
The scene cuts to Devon Sue and the rest at a high school
Devon: Blue tiger high this is the school i used to attend to too so your saying the parasites made their attack here?
Sue: Afraid so so better start taking pictures
Zane: Oooh can i take some pictures to
Sue: Sure whatever despite you guys not even working here
Mordecai: I didn't bring my phone
Sue: I got you covered
The Rangers Devon and Sue start looking for any monster Activity around the school
Suddenly hovering noises are then heard
Mordecai: Oh god what is that sounds like my computer on stand by
Devon: Once you hear that sound when your a Brawler i think you know what that means ... trouble
A parasite then grabs Sue by the
Sue: Aaaaah Mordecai help me
She then gets dragged into the Monster world
Mordecai: Why'd she only say my name?
Foobo: Oh my god that's the same Creature that has the power Capsule
Zane: The Capsule? what about Sue?
Foobo: Oh right her
Devon: Transform!
Zane: Its Morphing Time!
The four of them Transform/Morph and enter the Portal
The Scene cuts to Drago Man entering the Monster world
He searches across the building to see where Sue is
Drago Man: Damn and just as i thought i killed that beast Sue sue sue where you at
Sue: Uh up here Ass hole
Drago Man then spots Sue sitting on top of the building
Drago Man: Coming bitch
He flys up to come and rescue her as he does he summons his drago sword
He starts slashing the Parasite two times however the parasite gets out a giant claw
Drago Man: Woah that shit could give me a trim
He then slashes Drago Man in the chest as he sparks a bit
Drago Man: Fuck!
Sue: Are you okay
Drago Man: I just got my chest slashed by a giant claw what do you think?
Sue: Didn't mean to offend you
The Parasite then comes for Drago Again
Dragon Man: Man Miguel whatever your doing i can sure need a hand right now
Miguel is still smoking while listening to Lincoln park
It then goes for another slash however Drago Brings on the heat as he breathes out fire
Foobo Mordecai and Zane make there arrival but late
Drago Man: Where the hell have you guys been?
Zane: Dude you had a cycle we had to walk twenty eight miles just to get here
The Rangers start to help Drago Man once more but suddenly a get a surprised attack by a Total wave which they avoid quickly Who Appears to be Psycho Piranha
Psycho Piranha: Guess who's back again Pussies
Zane Drago Man and Foobo: Shane!?
Mordecai: Another purple evil looking dude wow more of us just keep on coming huh?
Psycho Piranha: But this time i've come prepared
The other evil brawlers show up too
Drago Man: Bad ass i knew you'd help us again just like the crossover we had a few months ago
Psycho Piranha: Help? we aint helping were wrecking you guys until your skull turns into a powder
Drago Man: This is what i get for having Optimism
Piranha Earth Quack Cervirus and Hell Gazelle swoop down attacking the Brawlers and Rangers
Hell Gazelle uses his Hell Horn gauntlet to start attacking Mordecai however he uses his Master Cavalier sabre however Hell Gazelle sends out his Demon Gazelle brothers
Mordecai: Oh.. im this were i enter wussy mode isn't it
Hell Gazelle: Yep
His Minions then chaser after him which he runs for it
Foobo takes on Earth Quack
Foobo: What can you do hm?
Earth Quack: This
Earth Quack makes a loud quack which causes an earth quake
Foobo: Aaaaah! This is the second time this has happend
Zane: Why do they call you Cervirus
Cervirus: Because of what im about to do
He fires at Zane but Zane misses the attacking making it land on a bird which causes it to act glitchty
Drago Man fights with Piranha as they clash with their swords
Drago Man: I really do not wanna repeat the same scenario again
Psycho Piranha: But we have no other choice do we?
Drago Man starts to disintegrate and so does the rest of the evil Brawlers
Psycho Piranha: Oh yeah still can't forget that let's go boys
Hell Gazelle: Aw but I wanted to watch my Minions feast on this guys guts
Psycho Piranha: Later now come on
They leave the Monster world
Drago Man: I better scram too before I end up like those things from Minecraft
Sue: Hello what about me!>
Drago Man: Alright Alright keep your pants on woman
The Scene cuts to The Good Brawlers and Rangers meeting up with Devon
Steve: Devon we heard something happened you doing alright?
Devon: Im fine however i was doing my work shifts and one of my colleagues was kidnapped by a parasite and peak part is Shane formed a group of bad brawlers himself
Bullin: Thats peak NLG
Devon: You lot could have been there where were you?
Steve: We wanted to but Rusto stopped for a frozen yogurt
Rusto: What so I can't try a new flavour before the day I die?
Bullin: Of kidney failure
The others Then see a car drive past who appears to be Steven Ethan's assistant
Devon: You?
Then Ethan (Techo Gecko) enters out of the car
Devon: Ethan?
Ethan: Devon the dork long time no see
Devon: And Ethan the womaniser How you been?
Ethan: Good me and Steven just been back from our trip from Los Vegas enjoying the finest casinos and hotels and the ladies the final move card once i was done with my battle if you know what i mean?
Devon: Ugh fucking horn dog and speaking of battle the Monster war started again
Ethan: Really wow tell me something i dont know
Devon: Sue was dragged into the Monster world by a parasite
Ethan: Huh? is she okay?
Devon: She's fine me and the guys just rescued her about a minute ago
Ethan: Thank god for that
Devon: Since your here do you think you can lend us a hand against Raina
Ethan: Who's that sounds like a name for a stripper right Steven
Steven: Priestly sir
Devon: Enough the chad behaviour you in or you out
Ethan: Im out
Devon: Oh typical
Ethan: Of Battery .. What were you saying again
Zane: He was saying if you were in or were you out
Ethan: Oh im in
Devon: Good Miguel i still can't get a hold of Miguel even tried to text him dont know if he's either answering
Mordecai is at home sitting in his house shirtless with his jacket on his head and listening to liar by Henry Rollins
Manny: See mom he's been like this all morning i had to walk all the way home from soccer practise all because of dad
The scene cuts to Shane and his Boys heading back into the office
Drake: Boy i had idea being a whatever its called we just turned into could be so dope
Shane: A monster Brawler
Drake: Yeah that
Raina: So did you boys enjoy yourselves?
Preston: No we didn't ... because it was a blast during my whole life i never went to war ever since my dad tried to sign me up for the army i didn't even make it there
Raina: Good im glad you all had fun but the fun is just going to get funner
Shane: How?
Raina then brings out Monstercron
Duncan: Whos that?
Shane: Him!? Why's he here?
Raina: I resurrected him
Shane: Well Unresurrect him i don't anything to do with that Brawler again
Raina: Why not?
Shane: Lets say he do some messed up shit
A cut away of Monstercron stepping on his stomach and making him vomit a fountain is then seen
Raina: Oh your not doing this alone Monstercron has came prepared with mod gods more with such intimidating power
The scene cuts to The Rangers and Brawlers Meeting Sue
Ethan: Sue my darling i
Sue then gives hm a slap
Sue: Where the hell have you been you missed our date you Ass hole
Devon: Ooooh shit even i felt that
Ethan: I had a rare disease i had to been rest for a few days thats the reason
Sue: Wait is this true?
Steven: Pretty much
Sue: Oooh now i feel bad but sorry im no longer the title you call darling i found a new boo a boo that'll have time for my wants and requires
Ethan: Really who's that
Sue: Mordecai
Ethan: Mordecai?
Mordecai: Oh she means me and im no ones Boo i don't believe in romance
Sue: Ugh than you just a bore
a hovering sound then return as trouble is near once more
Everyone starts to find a place to transform
Devon: Transform!
Ethan: Transform!
Zane: Transform!
Foobo: Wrong transformation call Zane
Zane: I know but i'd thought it be cool
They all enter the Monster World to see What's all the Danger about
Collin: I don't see anything must have been a false alarm don't worry everybody we can go home
Zane: Maybe that False alarm is a true alarm look
They then spot Monstercron in the sky
Techo Gecko: It can't be
Foobo: Who is this being?
Drago Man: Not a being a God Monstercron
Monstercron: Correct Dragon I have made my return
Techo Gecko: We've kick your ass before and we can do it again
Monstercron: I think that sentence you've spoken should have been Us
Foobo: Us?
Other god brawlers show up for the battle
Robin: Oh we are fucked
Monstercron: In thee Ass
The Monster God Brawlers charge at the Rangers and Brawlers
The war then begins
Foobo: I just wanted to receive the Power Capsule not get myself implicated in war with a bunch of Cybernetic Monsters
Drago Man: Welcome to my world cry baby
Zane uses his Holy Paladin sword to make a strike at Monstercron but Monstercron quickly teleports
Zane: Huh?
Drago Man: Yeah just to remind you he does that often when you try to get the first strike so .. uh better get used to it
Blue Rang tries to throw his Rang at the other evil brawler but she uses her wings to shield herself
Blue Rang: Tarter sauce
She then uses her Feather card to shoot Feathers at him
Morgan uses his Claw hook to nearly grab her however she catches it and pulls him back striking him
Rev Roader uses his super speed plus his Runner Blade to Approach the Neptune brawler however he uses its tidal wave to flush him away
Rev Roader: Aaaah fucking stop!...
Robin then fires with his blasters but he also gets flushed also
Robin: Still better than my girlfriend's juice
Techo sues his Bazooka to launch at Monstercron but misses and hits Mordecai
Mordecai: Ow!
Techo Gecko: Sorry i'll do it again
Mordecai: For what!?
Techo Gecko: For stealing my girl dickhead
Psycho Piranha jumps down from a far along with his Team
Techo Gecko: Shane!?
Psycho Piranha: Surprised to see me?
Techo Gecko: No
Psycho Piranha: What happened to you why suddenly back in the game?
Techo Gecko: Didn't want to be but here I am
He then tries to go for Techo and Mordecai which they end up both fighting him
Monstercron goes for Foobo but he Teleports too
Foobo: Did you really think you were the only one with telekinesis?
Monstercron stays Silent
Foobo: Thought so
Foobo uses his Super Mega Alien Smasher Sword to clash to slash him but he Teleports then goes for Monstercron however Teleports too and strikes him
Drago Man: I'm calling for back up
Drago Man then uses his Monster phone to call for other Monster Brawlers
Zane: Hold on you can use cell phones in the monster world?
Drago Man: Apparently
Popping out of the Mirrors is Pixie Fixie (Emma) Surge Centaur (Clifton) Scutterfly (Lindsey) and Snail Trail (Brady) and the rest of the rangers
Snail trail takes very slow to approach the fight as the Brawlers are just watching
Drago Man: I know what your thinking yeah he's pretty slow God and people thought Crabber Stabber had shit moves just check him out in battle
Snail Trail: Just give me a minute guys i'll be right there
Drago Man: Just sit yourself out of this one Brady
Monstercron: You will not end the battle
Zane: We'll fucking see about that
Zane uses his Golden Eagle Paladin Warrior mode and so does Drago Man by using Warrior mode
Meanwhile the Rangers and Brawlers are facing off against each other
MG: So why do they call you Pixie Fixie?
Pixie Fixie: Because i fix things
MG: Clever hey i got a phone where the portal's kinda messed up you mind fixing it for me
Pixie Fixie quickly fixes her phone
Bob is then seen riding on Surge Centaur
Bob: Forward Pinkie Pie we must vanquish these gods!
Surge Centaur: My name isn't pinkie pie you fat ass hole!
Snail Trail: Still coming guys just give me a second
Drago Drago: You literally have a speed in your holder just use it!
Snail Trail: Oh right
He then uses it to to go super fast
Ken: Hey do you mind giving that Speed card to Kliff
Drago and Zane then do their final finishers to end Monstercron
Monstercron: No Raina will not allow this to be the end
They both drop kick Monstercron as so as they think
Zane: We got em
Monstercron: Oh really?
Drago Man: Oh come on!
The cloud then start to change as Raina appears
Drago Man: Oh this bitch
Brandt: Humna Humna
Raina: Good evening my darlings how#s everyone are we all happy with our daily battles
Drago Man: No
Raina: Good good im so happy everyone is having a good time in the Monster wars
Drago Man: I said No end this all now!
Raina: Im afraid thats a negative Dwayne
Drago Man: Devon
Raina: Dont feel so bored im just make this even more fun than it already was
Drago Man: Were not!
Raina then summons her More Evil Brawlers who were previously killed in other episodes
Techo Gecko: This Episode gonna have a cliffhanger just by foretell
The Ending scene cuts to Miguel sitting in his room playing a guitar
His wife Bonnie then throws a bottle at him
Miguel: Aaaah Women are you out of your fucking mind
Bonnie: Your damn right i am you've been sitting in your room all morning just smoking cigars and listening to different type of rock stars go get some fresh air and play with your son god!
She slams the door
Miguel: Go get some fresh air and play with your son mimics
Miguel starts to hear Hovering noises
Miguel: Again? The Battle has begun all over.. again shit i bet that Moron is seeking charity for help
He gets out his Monster Deck to begin his Transformation
Miguel: Transform!
He turns into Commander Coyote for the final time and enters the Monster world
Bonnie then comes in to check up on him again
Bonnie: He's fighting again im not even surprised its like im married to the Robert Pattison Batman
The End
submitted by PinFabulous to WacoverseFanfics [link] [comments]

2023.09.28 11:41 nuraman00 The Beverly Hills 90210 Show Podcast: Episode 96: Super Deluxe Christmas Party II.

All of the remaining StorySlams are aired (as well as a replay of Dylan's Confession).

* Rosin likes Christmas more than Hanukah, because he liked dressing up and singing with the chorale.
* He would have pancake breakfasts at the Hillcrest Country Club.

* His father was a pediatrician. His patients would send 50 - 70 Christmas gifts to his dad, whom they loved.
* His dad would then play a game with the family. If they could guess what the gift was, the family could keep it.

Storyslam # 1: Lords Of The Dance.

Season 1:

Lord Of The Dance:

1 week before the spring dance, Kelly is on a date from hell, seeing "Lord Of The Dance". She's with the senior class President from the rival school, Rodney.

He wants to make out with Kelly right there in the mezzanine, during the dance troupe. She plans to ditch him at intermission, when she sees a hot dancer come on stage, and steal the show.
Kelly goes to the bathroom after the show.
She hears Cindy's voice in one stall, then Brenda's voice in another stall.
They are surprised to see Kelly. Cindy explains that a relative of Jim's from Dublin left two ticktets for Brenda and Cindy.
Kelly says she liked the hot dancer. Brenda says that's Cousin Conor.
Cindy lets Kelly know that Cousin Conor will be at the house afterwards.

Walsh House:

Kelly meets Conor at the Walsh house. She notices Brandon seems distant, and goes upstairs to study.
They flirt. Kelly says she doesn't have a date to the spring dance, so Conor offers to take her.
The next day, at school, Brenda warns Kelly that Conor spent the week going from girl to girl in Minnesota, when the dance was at Minnesota last year.
Brenda warns Kelly not to expect him at the spring dance.

Spring Dance:

Cousin Conor didn't show up. The "highlight" of Kelly's evening was dancing with David Silver. It hasn't been a good night.
She goes to the parking lot and is about to get in her car, when she hears tap dancing. It's Cousin Conor.
He says he didn't have her phone number, and she was unlisted. Kelly asks why he didn't get her phone number from Brenda.
He says he wanted to show up and surprise her.
He says he's the world's greatest kisser. They kiss, and Kelly's life isn't the same.

Season 4:


Donna is in Houston. Kelly is trying to get over what John Sears did at the Downey House.
Kelly and David are at odds, because their parents are having a custody battle over Erin. They are sitting at opposite sides of the table.
Kelly and Dylan are fighting too.
Kelly leaves to head back to the beach apartment, and a taxi is there. Cousin Conor comes out.
Kelly and Conor recall the last time they saw each other . . . which happened to be over summer, after Kelly and Dylan left each other in Europe. Kelly had headed to Dublin, and Kelly and Conor had spent a week not leaving the house, having sex everywhere.

Conor says he has a show coming up in Las Vegas. Kelly says she is sick of Las Vegas, she was just there for Brenda's wedding.
Conor doesn't have a place to stay, he was going to sleep at the Greyhound bus station.
Kelly invites him to the beach apartment, since it's empty, because Donna is in Houston, and David is staying with Mel.

Beach Apartment:

Conor has to sleep on the couch.
Kelly goes to get her grandmother's quilt, and comes back and finds Conor naked.
Kelly tells him "we are not sleeping together".
Conor calls her "your majesty". Kelly says to stop role playing, because it's a huge turn on. They proceed to have sex.

Season 5:

Brandon, Kelly, Jim, and Cindy are camping in Minnesota during summer.
Brandon and Kelly stop by a general store, and this girl gives Brandon a mean look. She says Brandon moved to California without saying goodbye.
After she leaves, Brandon tells Kelly what happened. In 9th grade, Brandon and that girl were dating, until Brandon found her cheating with Cousin Conor.

Brandon says Cousin Conor is such a prick, and he has such an ego, calling himself "the world's greatest kisser".
Brandon says when the dance troupe was in Minnesota, Conor tried to have sex with every girl there.
Brandon then remembers, didn't Conor hit on Kelly at the Walsh house, before the Spring Dance?
Kelly then thinks of 3 possible options: Deny (Steve Sanders credo); come clean; or admit to making out (middle ground).
She does the latter, and says they made out at the spring dance.
Brandon is not happy. Kelly reminds Brandon that that was the same dance where Brandon thought of her as a sister.
Brandon is quiet.

The next day, Brandon tells Kelly that Conor showed up at the Walsh house. Brandon thinks he was following Valerie from Buffalo.
Brandon also says that he talked quite a bit about Kelly and what Conor and Kelly did . . .
Kelly is about to come clean . . .
And then Brandon says that Conor is such a bullshit artist. He talked about having threesomes, and how great he was in bed.
Brandon knows that Conor is really not that great in bed, because he talked to Brenda. When Brenda was with Darla Hansen, Darla confirmed to Brenda that Conor had prematurely ejaculated when Conor and Darla tried to have sex.

Brandon says that he doesn't think Conor will see Kelly again, because he introduced him to Valerie, and things those two were off to a quick start.
Brandon then goes to kiss Kelly. He asks, who's the world's best kisser, Cousin Conor, Dylan, Jake, or me?

Kelly: I choose me.


(Voice fan/actor - character)

Jennie Garth - Narrator Kelly Taylor
Caitlin Hicks - Young Kelly Taylor
Jonah Platt (professional actor) - Cousin Conor
Danielle Soto - Brenda Walsh
Corbin Portor - Brandon Walsh
Charles Rosin - Rodney
Carol Potter - Cindy Walsh

* Carol Potter joins the podcast.
* She's visiting her niece, and the niece's daughter, in Canada.
* She was excited to resume her role of Cindy.

Storyslam # 2: The Fling.

Season 5:

* David's tour with Babyface lasted for 3 dates, before Babyface and the rest of the band left for 7 weeks in Europe.
* David has just come back from the doctor, getting his medication for crabs.
* Brandon, Steve, Kelly take Valerie out to a bar, Doheny's, as she's new in town.

* David is there. He ses Jesse and tries to order a 7-up, a Shirley Temple , and 3 shots of tequila.
* Jesse: Uh-oh.
* Jesse (silently) doesn't give it to him, since David is under age.
* David takes the beverages he is given (non alcoholic), and the goes to the bar to sit. He accidentally sits next to Donna.
* David sees Donna, for the first time, since the events of the season 4 finale.
* Donna: Fuck You, David.

* Maggie sees this and says that if Donna won't dance with him, she will.
* She claims to have known Donna from before.
* Maggie then says she'll get the drinks.
* David says he can't anymore, he has to drive to Palm Springs.
* Maggie invites herself.

* They get to his grandparents pool.
* Maggie: It seems lame to put on a bathing suit when we both know it's only a matter of time before you rip mine off.
* They get naked.
* Just as they're about to have sex, his grandparents walk in.
* David and Maggie are on the road, driving back to Beverly Hills. He can't believe that it's the 2nd time his grandparents have interrupted him at their house, when they were supposed to be away at Rancho Mirage, getting blood transfusions.
* Maggie is tired of hearing of hearing David whine, and says so what if his grandmother saw his hard on. She's had a shitty weekend too.

* Maggie explains that she was at her sister's wedding, and all anyone said to her was they can't believe the younger sister got married first.
* Maggie was supposed to get married two years ago to Pete Ferriero, but he left her at the altar.
* She's been left at the altar, twice.
* All of the guests say they're sorry for her, and she's tired of hearing about it.
* She's been celebate for two years.

* David and Maggie stop by a pasture by an access road, and have sex.

* Two weeks later, David is at the doctor's again. He has crabs again.
* David: She told me she was celebate!
* 2 hours later, David kisses Clare for the first time.


(Voice fan/actor - character)

Aaron Karo (professional comedian) - Narrator, Older David Silver
Jared Kusnitz - Young David Silver
India Pearl Ajir - Maggie
Chrystal Hayes - Donna Martin
Diana Lowe - Grandma Silver
Joseph Recendes - Grandpa Silver

* Jared was in the original production of Cruel Intentions: The Musical.

* Rosin remembers when he was 11 or 12, Bing Crosby's "Do You Hear What I Hear" came out, and was a huge hit.

Storyslam # 3: Christmas In London.

* Brandon is visiting Brenda for Christmas in London.
* He knocks on the door, and sees Roy Randolph, who is house sitting for Brenda.
* Randolph explains that Brenda is in Edinburg, working on a hush hush one woman show.
* Brenda has built up a large fanbase, because she was in a sketch comedy about Shakespeare, and took first place.
* Brandon decides to join Randolph in going to King's Crossing. But first they stop by Brenda's favorite pub, Barnaby's.
* Everyone knows Brenda there. They've often had beers and danced with her, after some of her shows. They love her.
* Brenda also gives great fashion advice to the patrons there too.

* Pete Ferriero is visiting from out of town, at Barnaby's. He's waiting for his girlfriend, Clare Arnold, and asks who Brenda is.
* Mrs. Teasley is at Barnaby's. She says Brandon still owes her 2 hours of detention. Mrs. Teasley isn't allowed to retire until Brandon serves his detention.

* Professor Finley: Bah Humbug.
* One of the patrons says one time, Brenda kept ordering banana daiquiris, and talking about some guy named Dylan.
* One of the patrons says one time, Brenda kept doing peach schnapps. The patron says, "if you do enough of those, you're bound to show your Joe E Tatas."
* Felice Martin: She's seen Brenda's performances, and they're just ok.
* Mel Silver: Don't be ridiculous. Brenda is amazing.
* Brandon just realizes that Allison Lash is the one singing at Barnaby's.
* The Bartender just gets a fax from Brenda. It's the program for tonight's show:

Title: The Triangle
Director: Dylan McKay


(Voice fan/actor - character)

Jason Priestly - Narrator Brandon Walsh
Jason Carter - Roy Randolph
Sarah Melson - Allison Lash
Denise Dowse - Mrs. Teasley
Alan Toy - Professor Finley
Katherine Cannon - Felice Martin
Matthew Laurance - Mel Silver

Pub Patrons:

Louise Smith
Chris Papaminas
Ana Leorne
Thaty Silviera
Rebecaa Shin
Larry Mollin
Karen Rosin
Charles Rosin
Melanie Rose
Pete Ferriero
Yukari Sakaki
Lisa Enriquez
Leeann Yops

* Louise, one of the fans who had previously been on the podcast, and lives in London, is on the podcast now. She says it was fun.

submitted by nuraman00 to BeverlyHills90210 [link] [comments]

2023.08.15 08:42 TraderTed2 You're Playing With Him Wrong: An Impassioned Defense of Yonny Chirinos

I get it. You don't like Yonny Chirinos. You think he's unworthy of even the fifth starter role on a team that's had a revolving door of guys try out for that spot (thanks for playing, Dylan Dodd, Jared Shuster, Kolby Allard, Mike Soroka, AJ Smith-Shawver...) His starts generally end poorly. If the Braves win, it's because they've scored a lot of runs.
What if I told you that Yonny Chirinos is ... actually kind of good? Not great, not a secret star, but kind of good. What if I told you that the way to get there was just shortening his workday?
Fact #1: Yonny Chirinos has been better - or at least spicier - in Atlanta than in Tampa Bay.
ERA ain't everything. Yonny Chirinos' 4.02 ERA as a Ray was held together by duct tape and prayers; he was striking out a miserable 4.45 hitters per 9 innings (that would've been a career low for Josh Tomlin!) and basically surviving off an unsustainably low BABIP. Meanwhile, in Atlanta, Chirinos has basically doubled his strikeout rate while keeping his walk rate in check. He's also generating ground balls at the highest rate of his career. His problems: a .386 BABIP and a 26.7% HFB rate. No pitcher allows a .386 BABIP over a full season, and no pitcher lets over a quarter of fly balls leave the yard over a season. So Chirinos' xFIP as a Brave is a perfectly cromulent 3.79.
Again, I'm not saying he's been great. But those numbers say 'perfectly fine pitcher who's looked worse than he is', not 'wow this is the worst thing ever'.
Fact #2: Yonny Chirinos should not face more than 18 batters in competitive game situations.
We've had this discussion with Drew Smyly in 2021, Ian Anderson last year, and now Chirinos. Some dudes aren't built to face an order a third time.
Chirinos his first two times through an order: 3.81 FIP/3.52 xFIP
Chirinos his third time through an order: 20.07 FIP/6.43 xFIP
Unless you're winning by a lot or losing by a lot, you can't let Chirinos face that 19th batter! He loses command, he gets hit hard, he isn't fooling guys like he did the first two times. And he's doing real good work the first two times. A 3.81 FIP/3.52 xFIP is nothing to sneeze at! Those marks would put him ahead of Charlie Morton and Bryce Elder this year (he's better at avoiding walks than Morton and better at generating strikeouts than Elder.) It's just that he has a hard expiration date that the Braves have basically ignored.
Fact #3: The bullpen absolutely can bridge an extra inning or two in Chirinos starts without being worked to death.
There's this narrative going around (thanks in large part to the manager) that the Braves' bullpen is constantly teetering on the verge of overuse and that they'll all be cooked to death by October if you ask them for more innings. So here are some realities.
  1. The Braves are 17th in the MLB in bullpen innings pitched this year, despite the uncertainty in the rotation and despite missing Fried for a long stretch.
  2. Exactly one Braves reliever is in the top 50 in baseball for relief innings pitched. It's Michael Tonkin. The next Brave on the list is Collin McHugh at 54th. So Braves relievers are either not being used all that much or are the sorts of pitchers who, with respect to Tonkin and McHugh, you aren't hellbent on conserving for October.
  3. The Braves threw two of their best relievers - Pierce Johnson and Joe Jimenez - in a 9-run game today, presumably because both of them needed work. (Apparently neither needed work with the bases loaded in a tie game yesterday.)
TL;DR: Yonny Chirinos has been effective as an 18-batter pitcher, and he can face more guys if you have a large lead or deficit. He's not some awful pitcher; his numbers are basically attributable to misuse, and the Braves have the resources to correct that misuse.
submitted by TraderTed2 to Braves [link] [comments]

2023.07.20 18:35 klutzysunshine Jared and Genevieve Padalecki ‘Celebrity Family Feud’ Air Date Revealed (August 13th)

Jared and Genevieve Padalecki ‘Celebrity Family Feud’ Air Date Revealed (August 13th) submitted by klutzysunshine to JaredPadalecki [link] [comments]

2023.07.20 18:35 klutzysunshine Jared and Genevieve Padalecki ‘Celebrity Family Feud’ Air Date Revealed (August 13th)

Jared and Genevieve Padalecki ‘Celebrity Family Feud’ Air Date Revealed (August 13th) submitted by klutzysunshine to GenevievePadalecki [link] [comments]

2023.07.19 06:24 Rushzilla What's the scariest/craziest thing that happened while you watched an episode of Supernatural?

I saw the post by someone who watched the Bloody Mary episode the first time and got scared out of their mind and it reminded me that that was the scariest episode I ever saw - not cuz of the episode alone, but cuz of what happened while I was watching.
I got into spn a bit later cuz a guy I dated was into it (he thought he looked like Jared Padalecki so he was super into it). Anyway, I ended up buying the first two seasons to watch on my own. I had gotten super into it and would marathon it (this is before I had anything to stream, so I was watching DVDs in my room which was my parents' basement).
I was pretty sleep deprived while watching the Blooded Mary episode. I was super wigging myself out especially cuz there was a mirror in the basement. I did my best to not look in the mirror's direction. And then I thought I saw something above move. I paused the show and looked up at the ceiling tiles. Nothing. So I pressed play again, and the ceiling tiles started lifting up a bunch more with knocking sounds.
And suddenly, bats!
There were bats in my room! I ran up the stairs screaming (ps I'm in my early 20s when this happened - not a kid). I was so loud that my dad came running down the stairs. He opened our front door and was able to get one of the bats out but he swatted another with a badminton racquet and unintentionally killed it.
Then we were bummed about the dead bat and realized that bats had taken up living in our basement tiles and had to get an exterminator. This is in Toronto, in Canada, and we had never seen bats in Toronto outside of a zoo before
Anyway, what's the freakiest thing that happened to you while watching Supernatural??
submitted by Rushzilla to Supernatural [link] [comments]
