45-45 right triangle worksheets

Lumryz: My Experience

2024.05.29 05:11 necroh0e Lumryz: My Experience

Hello fellow narcoleptics!
I'm officially 2 months on Lumryz. For context, I was prescribed Xyrem in 2018, switched to Xywav in (I believe) 2020, and just began Lumryz 2 months ago. I'm going to try my best to be brief as I go over all of my thoughts on it and how it has affected me/how it compares. For reference I take 7.5g packets.
tldr: taste is fine, works faster and for longer, bedwetting biggest symptom, mental state on it improved.
  1. Taste
I was warned by my doctor that Because it is like a sand mixture that you mix with water, the experience is pretty gnarly. I will say that the texture is very strange, but if you just swallow it without swishing it around in your mouth, you can kind of get past that. I have always mixed my medication with water mixed with crystal light lemonade mix. I highly recommend this it's super easy and makes the taste much more bearable. But honestly it just tastes salty. Not too bad.
  1. Effectiveness
I knew before I started Lumryz that it is very fast acting. Especially compared to the Xywav which, after taking it for so many years, had lost its potency and it would takes HOURS for me to settle down into sleep. My doctor said that Lumryz usually helps people fall asleep within 30 minutes, and because I have a high tolerance, I would probably conk out at just under an hour. The first night that I took it I started to feel extremely heavy within just 30 minutes. I was awake, but HEAVILY impaired, miles beyond what I used to feel on Xywav. I think at around 1 hour 15 mins I was out. Now, at the 2 month mark, I would say it takes 45 minutes to start to feel it, and I fall asleep between one to two hours, depending on how tired I am. so much faster than the Xywav!
  1. Side effects (after taking)
First Time
The first week I took Lumryz was crazy. It made my body feel incredibly heavy and I also felt mildly dizzy but not in a nauseating way. The second night I had spilled juice on my floor and got down to wipe it up and fell asleep on the floor in what must have been minutes! I woke up a couple hours early in a crazy delirious state, for a couple seconds LITERALLY having no idea if I was at home or in my dorm room (which I was in). And I am not talking like forgetting for a couple seconds, I literally looked around and saw my dorm room but was convinced it was my bedroom at home and even that I could hear my parents talking down the hall. It was insane. I got into my bed though and went back to sleep and woke up fine.
The worst side effect of the Lumryz for me (in the beginning) was the bedwetting. Even if I would pee right before taking it, it's like every other night my bladder would just empty (thank god for free laundry at my school...) I asked my doctor and he said that once my body was more used to the medication, I should stop bedwetting so frequently. He was right! After a month the bedwetting had stopped. Im sure that it will happen again someday, as I am sure other people on Xywav/Xyrem and Lumryz would agree with, but it isn't happening so frequently. To anyone switching to Lumryz, I would recommend going to sleep with a maxi pad on for the first couple of weeks.
My dreaming has been so strange on Lumryz. It's too much to detail here in this already long post, so I think i'll do a separate post about this because there's a lot to break down.
Hunger and Nausea
My nausea has been about the same being on Lumryz vs Xywav. I have been prescribed Zofran for about as long as i've been on my narcolepsy meds. Next, the hunger. I know all of you Xywav takers know about how insatiably hungry you get on that medication, how you'll break into any nook and cranny, searching for any morsel of food. This was another main reason why I switched to Lumryz. The extreme hunger is definitely not the same as when I was on Xywav. It is not anywhere near as intense. I still get a bit hungry on it though, and this is probably heightened by the fact that I eat dinner at 6 PM and take my medication for sleep at 11 PM. I'm sure that anyone would get hungry after five hours. I would recommend eating a large snack about an hour before. If I'm going to bed with a more full belly, I usually don't get so hungry.
Staying asleep
Not only has Lumryz helped me fall asleep faster, but I also usually stay asleep for longer. For the past week or so, I've been waking up at anytime between 4 and 5 AM, but I'm able to fall asleep again within 30 minutes usually. I think this waking up is exacerbated by consuming food after taking Lumryz. I'm also more likely to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer if I have gotten physical activity that day. I have MDD, so it's common for me to not do much other than sit around for a whole day. However, when I get exercise, my sleep is so much better.
Mental Health on Lumryz
Another huge negative side effect I would experience while on Xywav was a fucked up mental state. Xywav would amplify suicidal or depressive thoughts for me, and it would be really bad if I was already in a bad mood. Though Lumryz works similarly, I do usually fall asleep much faster so the thoughts don't have time to get too bad. Lumryz usually makes me more confused than suicidal though.
Okay, that's mostly it. Feels free to ask me any questions you want.
submitted by necroh0e to Narcolepsy [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:04 watchunter Help QC for IWC Top Gun from BLSF

  1. Dealer name: Hont
  2. Factory name: V6F
  3. Model name (& version number):V6F IWC Top Gun 46mm Special Offer
  4. Price Paid: $258 plus free shipping
  5. Album Links: https://imgur.com/a/95jD3B3
  6. Index alignment: Looks okay to me, triangle at 12 seems skewed a bit to right
  7. Dial Printing: Okay
  8. Date Wheel alignment/printing: Okay
  9. Hand Alignment:
  10. Bezel: n/a
  11. Solid End Links (SELs): n/a
  12. Timegrapher numbers: +26s/d, 308 degree, 0.2ms, 52.0 degrees
  13. Anything else you notice: Timegrapher of +26! Is this acceptable for a rep? Also, chronometer sounds "crunchy", not that I plan on actually using it much.
submitted by watchunter to RepTimeQC [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:03 primoclouds Did ideology fuel mass murder in communist states during the second half of the 20th Century?

The extensive use of mass murder under communist regimes from the 1950s onwards is commonly attributed to a combination of ideological extremism, political consolidation, and efforts to eliminate perceived threats to the regime.
These regimes, inspired by Marxist-Leninist principles, often employed systematic violence to achieve and maintain control, leading to some of the most significant instances of mass murder in modern history.
Given the documented atrocities and mass murders committed under various 20th-century communist regimes, how can one reconcile the ideological goals of communism with the historical reality of these human rights violations?
Methodologies for Determining Figures
Estimating the figures for mass murders under these regimes involves archival research, demographic analysis, and eyewitness accounts. Historians and demographers analyze population censuses, government records, and other documents to estimate the number of deaths.
Ideological Extremism and Political Control
Communist regimes, particularly in China and the Soviet Union, adhered to a rigid interpretation of Marxist-Leninist ideology, which justified extreme measures to achieve and preserve a classless society. The resulting political purges, forced collectivization, and cultural revolutions were marked by widespread violence and mass murder.
The Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution in China
Mao Zedong's Great Leap Forward (1958-1962) aimed to rapidly transform China from an agrarian society into a socialist industrial power. However, this policy led to catastrophic results, including widespread famine. The Chinese government’s forced collectivization of agriculture and ill-conceived industrial policies caused the deaths of an estimated 30 to 45 million people due to starvation, forced labor, and state violence.
Source: (Dikötter, Frank. Mao's Great Famine: The History of China's Most Devastating Catastrophe, 1958-1962. Walker & Company, 2010)
Following the Great Leap Forward, Mao launched the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) to reassert his control and eliminate perceived enemies of the revolution. This period saw mass persecutions, public humiliations, and executions of intellectuals, party officials, and ordinary citizens. The death toll from the Cultural Revolution is estimated to be between 1 to 2 million people, with millions more suffering from torture, imprisonment, and other forms of persecution.
Source: (MacFarquhar, Roderick, and Schoenhals, Michael. Mao's Last Revolution. Belknap Press, 2006)
Suppression of Dissent and Ethnic Cleansing
Modern communist regimes have also targeted ethnic and religious groups, viewing them as threats to national unity and ideological purity. This has often resulted in systematic campaigns of violence and mass murder.
The Cambodian Genocide
Under Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge regime (1975-1979), Cambodia experienced one of the most brutal genocides of the 20th century. The regime sought to create an agrarian socialist society, leading to the forced evacuation of cities, mass executions, and widespread famine. An estimated 1.7 to 2 million people, nearly a quarter of Cambodia’s population, died due to execution, forced labor, starvation, and disease.
Source: (Becker, Elizabeth. When the War Was Over: Cambodia and the Khmer Rouge Revolution. Public Affairs, 1998; Kiernan, Ben. The Pol Pot Regime: Race, Power, and Genocide in Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge, 1975-79. Yale University Press, 2008)
The Soviet Union’s Political Purges
Following Stalin's death, the Soviet Union continued to use mass murder as a tool for political control, albeit on a smaller scale. During the Great Purge (1936-1938), Stalin's regime executed approximately 700,000 people and sent millions to Gulag labor camps. This practice persisted under subsequent leaders, who continued to suppress dissent and eliminate political rivals through extrajudicial killings and forced labor.
Source: (Conquest, Robert. The Great Terror: Stalin's Purge of the Thirties. Oxford University Press, 1990; Applebaum, Anne. Gulag: A History. Doubleday, 2003)
Defector Stories and Accounts
Chen Guangcheng (China)
Chen Guangcheng, a blind Chinese civil rights activist, escaped house arrest in 2012 and fled to the U.S. embassy in Beijing. Chen had been an outspoken critic of the Chinese government's human rights abuses, particularly forced abortions and sterilizations under the one-child policy. His daring escape and subsequent asylum in the United States drew international attention to the plight of human rights defenders in China. Chen’s story underscores the risks faced by those who challenge the authoritarian regime.
Jang Jin-sung (North Korea)
Jang Jin-sung, a former North Korean propaganda poet, defected in 2004. In his memoir Dear Leader, Jang describes the extreme censorship and indoctrination within North Korea. He witnessed the brutal realities of life under the Kim regime, including public executions and pervasive hunger. Jang’s insider knowledge of the regime’s propaganda machine provides a rare glimpse into the inner workings of the North Korean state and the psychological manipulation it employs to maintain control.
Shin Dong-hyuk (North Korea)
Shin Dong-hyuk is one of the few known escapees from a North Korean political prison camp. His harrowing account, detailed in Blaine Harden's book Escape from Camp 14, reveals the unimaginable brutality of the Kwan-li-so camps. Shin was born in the camp and subjected to torture, forced labor, and starvation. His story highlights the extreme human rights abuses in these camps and the resilience of those who manage to escape.
Yeonmi Park (North Korea)
Yeonmi Park's escape from North Korea is detailed in her memoir In Order to Live. Park fled the oppressive regime in 2007 at the age of 13, crossing the frozen Yalu River into China. She endured human trafficking and witnessed the widespread starvation and public executions in North Korea. Park’s account sheds light on the severe restrictions on freedom and the extreme measures taken by North Koreans to survive and seek freedom.
Sophie Richardson (Cambodia)
Sophie Richardson, a Cambodian survivor of the Khmer Rouge regime, shared her experiences in various human rights forums. She recounted the forced evacuations, starvation, and mass executions carried out by the regime. Richardson's testimony contributes to the understanding of the Khmer Rouge’s genocidal policies and the long-lasting impact on Cambodian society. Her stories are vital for documenting the atrocities and ensuring that the victims' voices are heard in the quest for justice.
The use of mass murder under communist regimes from the 1950s onwards is a testament to the extreme measures these regimes were willing to employ to achieve and maintain their ideological and political goals.
Rooted in Marxist ideology, which emphasizes the necessity of a proletarian revolution and the establishment of a classless society, these regimes viewed violence as a legitimate and necessary tool to eradicate class enemies and secure their vision of socialism.
This ideological justification for violence led to policies of forced collectivization, political purges, and systematic repression of ethnic and religious groups, along with an enforced atheism and religious uniformity that targeted believers as potential threats to the state's control. Forced collectivization, inspired by Marxist principles of communal ownership, often resulted in widespread famine and death. Political purges, aimed at eliminating counter-revolutionaries and ensuring ideological purity within the party, led to mass executions and imprisonment. Additionally, systematic violence against ethnic and religious groups, perceived as obstacles to socialist unity, caused immense human suffering and loss of life.
The suppression of religious practices and promotion of state atheism were also integral to these regimes. Religious institutions were seen as competitors to state authority and were often brutally repressed.
Given the historical record of widespread atrocities and mass murders under 20th-century communist regimes, what arguments can be made to reconcile these actions with the ideological aspirations of communism, and how do modern day supporters of Marxist-Leninist ideology address these human rights violations?
submitted by primoclouds to DebateCommunism [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:02 Hot-Inspector7983 AITAH for profiting off an acquaintance?

So a little context, I work at a cell phone carrier and have many friends and family on my account. Because I work there, I get a discount, and my friends and family all pay me a slightly higher amount than I pay for their phones each month. I do this so that I can give them a great deal (each person pays about half the rate of a normal plan), and I can also have a reduced cell phone bill for my own lines. It's a win-win for both parties, they save about $45 per month each and I make about $15 per month each line. I do this for both friends and family.
About 4 years ago I had an acquaintance reach out to me and ask for help switching to my company. I asked her if she wanted to join my plan instead of being on her own so that she could save way more money and she agreed. I told her the price and she was ecstatic, because she would be saving roughly $45 on her bill each month. I did not tell her at this time that I was going to be profiting about $15 per month off her line. This wasn't intentional, I honestly think it just slipped my mind telling her at the time. I did not see it as a big deal that I forgot to tell her because of the amazing deal that I was giving her. After about 2 years of always paying on time, she broke her phone and called me because she couldn't afford a new phone in cash, so I let her finance one on my plan. I told her the only stipulation is that if she wants to leave my plan before she finishes paying off the phone, she needs to pay off the remaining balance. She agrees and tells me that she would never screw me over.
I then tell her on the same phone call "Hey just so you know, I charge you and everyone else on my plan more than what the line costs me so that my personal phone bill is cheaper, I'm sorry that I didn't tell you when you signed up in the first place." She tells me that she has absolutely zero problem with that because she was getting such a good deal and that she figured I was anyway.
Fast forward to today, she calls me out of the blue and tells me she's switching to her boyfriend's plan and asks for the transfer pin so that she can keep her number. She's super friendly on the phone. I tell her that it's no problem, she just needs to pay off the remaining balance of her phone (about $300). She says okay no problem I'll venmo you. I generate her transfer pin but right as I'm about to send it to her, I have this feeling that I should make sure she sends me the money first. I text her and say "Hey I just generated the transfer pin, I'll send it to you once I receive your phone payoff."
Instead of sending me the money, she texts me back and asks me how much I was making off her phone line. I text her back and say $15. This chick then proceeds to tell me that "You have made $1000 off me over the past four years, you can pay for it." I'm honestly shocked at this point because she was completely reasonable on the phone and now she's trying to get me to pay off HER phone balance. I tell her that sorry, I'm not going to do that, we made an agreement and she is responsible for her phone. She then starts calling me a nasty person saying that I was screwing her over and that I'm an awful person for profiting off a vulnerable person, you get the picture.
She then blocks my phone number and all socials. I call my dad and ask him what to do, and he tells me to send her a venmo request saying that I will be going down to the sheriff's office to file a police report for the device that she stole from me since technically it is my property until it's paid off, and that if she does not pay me back I will be taking her to small claims court. She immediately completes the venmo request and then texts me from her new number saying the same stuff she was saying before. I tell her I'm going to send her the transfer pin now and she just responds with "don't bother."
Now she's threatening to take ME to small claims court to recoup the money that I made from her because she didn't know the amount that I was profiting. I'm pretty sure she doesn't have a case but let me know, AITAH?
submitted by Hot-Inspector7983 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:57 Equivalent-Worth-303 How to deal with intimidation tactics from other nurses?

I’m a new grad LPN who went PRN at the hospital I’m working at to work Full time in a nursing home. I will only be there until the end of August because I am starting my RN bridge program. I generally hate nursing homes because of the people who work there. I’ve never had a good experience in terms of bullying and terrible treatment. But my hospital job does not pay well and I need to make and save money for school and this place was paying the most.
The job is ok. Nothing terrible. But the nurses I have to deal with on day shift are all insane and questionable individuals. I can deal with 2 of them because they are easy to ignore. But one in particular has really been bothering me and I don’t know how to deal with it to save my own sanity. I’ve known her in passing for years since I was a CNA at this same place. But she found out that I’m going back for my RN through gossip and I believe that’s why she’s been acting this way. And she always comes to work 30 minutes late so I always leave at least 45 minutes late. On my first day meeting her again there was no warm greeting, only a Hello and then my name.
At one point she went on a tirade about why she’ll never go back for her RN and how being one is pointless and stupid and such a bad idea. And she went on and on for quite a while about it. She was telling this all to someone else completely unprovoked. The conversation had nothing to do with but she she just brought it right up out of nowhere and was looking at me the entire time. And she was so worked up. I thought it was strange but I wasn’t bothered by it. But every time I give her report she always does the same things. She ALWAYS walks away from me as I’m giving report and she’s never actually doing anything. She just walks away pretending to do random things and tells me she’s still listening which means I have to talk louder. But I never get a full sentence out. She ALWAYS cuts me of as I’m trying to tell her things about the patients to have a conversation with the other nurse or one of the CNAs and make sly jokes. I never get to give a full report because she never lets me finish it. At one point I was trying to tell her that I redressed a patient’s wound, but she cut me off to start laughing and talking to a CNA.
She and this same CNA also mocked me and the way that I talk and make faces at each other making fun of me when they think I don’t notice. She also belittles and talks down to me as if I’m a child or stupid. It’s so bad. I don’t know how to approach this because there are people all around us and they are all her friends and I don’t want any trouble. I feel like I have to just sit and let them make fun of me and intimidate me. I’m also on the autism spectrum so a lot of things I don’t pick up on right away and by the time realize it, it’s too late. And I am not good with confrontation or recognizing certain things in the moment that they happen. I’m always so nice to her and to everyone else and I just feel like they think I’m stupid. Or maybe they are just intimidated that I want to advance farther than them just want me to believe I am. I don’t know.
submitted by Equivalent-Worth-303 to nursing [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:55 vren55 [A Fractured Song] - Chapter 218- Fantasy, Isekai (Portal Fantasy), Adventure

Cover Art!
Just because you’re transported to another world, doesn’t mean you’ll escape from your pain.
Abused by her parents, thirteen-year-old Frances only wants to be safe and for her life not to hurt so much. And when she and her class are transported to the magical world of Durannon to fight the monsters invading the human kingdoms and defeat the self-titled Demon King, Frances is presented with a golden opportunity. If she succeeds, Frances will have the home she never had. If she fails, Frances will be summoned back to the home she escaped.
Yet, despite her newfound magic and friends, Frances finds that trauma is not so easily lost. She is dogged by her abuse and its physical and invisible scars. Not only does she have to learn magic, she has to survive the nightmares of her past, and wrestle with her feelings of doubt and self-loathing.
If she can heal from her trauma, though, she might be able to defeat the Demon King and maybe, just maybe, she can find a home for herself.
[The Beginning] [<=Chapter 217] [Chapter Index and Blurb] [Chapter 219 June 11 or see the next chapter now on Patreon]
The Fractured Song Index
Discord Channel Just let me know when you arrive in the server that you’re a Patreon so you can access your special channel.
Ginger makes an offer to Lakadara. The rest of Telkandra's remaining brood discuss the fate of their allies.
“Not good?” Sara asked as Helias strode into the tent and made his way straight to the bottle of wine.
“Not good,” Helias muttered.
Sara nodded woodenly. “Privacy spell?
The tauroll waved his sheathed Fangroar and after pouring himself and his wife a drink, sat down. “We’re safe. Oh Galena, this is really not good.”
“How dead are we?” Sara asked, her tone light.
“We’re not dead. We’re just in a lot of danger and even if we somehow force the humans to retreat, we’ve lost this war,” said Helias.
Helias drank deep, noting that Sara was also drinking deep as well. “Thorgoth is going after the humans. That part of the plan is as good as it gets. We’ll be attacking them, and using the dragons, whilst our forces hold off Titania. Our objectives are also well-chosen.” Helias buried his head into his hands and let out a deep groan. “But winning this doesn’t change anything.”
“If we can defeat the humans, why won’t that change anything?” Sara bit her lip. “Unless it renders us unable to beat Titania?”
“Yes. Even on the chance we beat the humans we won’t be able to invade them, we won’t be able to defeat Titania. We’d be at a stalemate and both armies would have to withdraw.” His hands dropping to the table, Helias stared at his wife. “And we don’t have any reserves left. We’re going to lose the war, even if Thorgoth lives.”
“If we defeat the humans—”
The general shook his head. “By defeat, I mean we’ll hurt them but we can’t prevent them from withdrawing. We might kill a few of their leaders, their important mages and Otherworlders, but they will still have soldiers. After coming so close, they won’t surrender. They’ll keep attacking until they kill enough of Thorgoth and Berengaria’s supporters that nobody will help them, or until both of them die.”
“Alright so, what do we do?” Sara asked. Helias looked at his wife, noting how still she sat. Her wings were clamped tight to her back and her lips were drawn tight.
“Sara, I don’t have good answers.”
Sara steepled her trembling fingers as best she could. “They’re going to be better than mine. I don’t know anything about war.”
“Right. Well, you need to surrender to the humans if you are captured. Present yourself as a non-combatant. Cry, scream, anything to declare that you don’t mean any harm,” Helias said.
“Why not Titania?” Sara asked.
“She has every incentive to kill you off and far less compunction about doing so. Killing our family off would allow her to have more land to give away to her loyalists. In contrast, the humans have Erlenberg troops fighting with them along with those of the Lightning Battalion. They’re going to be far more friendly to Alavari civilians,” Helias said.
Soft hands, grabbed onto Helias’s waist with a surprisingly firm grip. “What about you? I can get away, but how are you going to survive this?”
“I don’t know. I—”
“Don’t you dare! Our daughter needs her father and I need my husband!”
The general stared at his wife. “Sara, I can’t surrender to the humans if we win. They want me dead.”
Sara refilled Helias’s glass. “Then you need to help Thorgoth defeat them.”
“Then what? We’re never winning this war. Thorgoth is going to be invaded and—”
Cutting him off with the clink of her goblet against the table, Sara hissed, “And what? Why think that far? We can plan for that after this battle, so long as you are still here and with me.”
Letting out a breath Helias pushed his hair back and allowed himself a sigh. Reaching across the table, he took his wife’s hand.
“Sara, you’re right, but you know you can escape this if Thorgoth is defeated.”
The harorc placed her other hand on top of his. “We’re partners. I need you. We need you. So promise me that you’ll do your damndest to live.”
Helias closed his eyes and nodded. “I promise. First things first, before we turn in we need to talk to the dragons.”
Fennokra stalked slowly toward the camp. This wasn’t the collapsed side-passage where she and Yolandra had some privacy. This was the main camp where Thorgoth and their army were preparing for what had to be the final battle.
It was also where her siblings were swallowing the last of what seemed to be a side of salted pork.
“Velkandra, Makentra, we need to talk.”
Their second-eldest sister licked her lips, her neck rising to Fennokra’s level. “I am assuming you mean in private?”
“Of course.” Fennokra could see Velkandra’s haunches tensing to raise herself higher. Her sister was trying to look down on her. Allowing her head to dip, she held her height.
“Alright.” Velkandra flicked her tail and Makentra, licking his lips, followed them.
Since their enemies had set up their siege camp behind them, the Alavari camp had been reduced in size. Still, there was the alcove of the collapsed tunnel. Whilst couriers and soldiers crossed across this natural cavern to the defenses on the other side, they kept a good distance away.
Yolandra was waiting for them, scratching something into the cave wall. Fennokra let out a rumble in her throat and her sister turned from the wall suddenly, shaking her head.
“Velkandra, Mankentra—”
Velkandra puffed a cloud of smoke out. “What’s this all about?” she hissed, lips drawn back to show teeth.
Fennokra took a step away from her sister to take Yolandra’s side, her eyes narrowed. “Are you joking? Do you not think we should at least discuss what is going on?”
“And what would be the point? It is a bit late to be having this discussion. The course of the winds have been chosen,” said Velkandra.
Yolandra rose to her full height on her four legs, but even so she was still shorter than the silent Makendra. “The winds can be fickle, Velkandra, and where we are is proof.”
Velkandra pursed her lips, eyes for the first time, looking toward the ground. “The survival of our family is tied to that of Thorgoth. To abandon him would be death by the hand of the Stormcaller and her allies or by his hand.”
“Besides, if we were to abandon Thorgoth’s cause, that would be dishonorable. We promised to assist him,” said Makendra.
Fennokra blinked at her brother’s tone. It was quiet and yet there was a touch of a deep growl to his voice. His claws were ever so slightly digging into the ground.
“We are dragons. We can think and make decisions for ourselves. We are allowed to consider other options, are we not?” Fennokra asked.
Velkandra’s tail flicked violently side to side as her neck turned to her younger sibling. “Then why does it sound as if you wish to follow in the wingbeats of our elder sister?”
“Who we killed. I was there. I lost a claw striking her down!” Fennokra raised one clawed hand, flexing the remaining digits.
“On that, why did we have to kill Lakadara?”
All golden eyes fixed on Yolandra, who held the gaze of her siblings with a contemptuous scowl.
“Lakadara betrayed us,” said Velkandra, almost growling.
“I’ve been thinking over what happened. Lakadara said nothing about betraying our mother. She merely was questioning if Thorgoth was trustworthy,” Yolandra said.
A scowl flaring his nostrils, Makentra growled. “He fed us, trained us in how the humans and their allies fought. Hid us from their eyes—”
“And now Caldra is dead!” Yolandra exclaimed.
“Which is why we must kill the Stormcaller and her friends! So we can avenge him and our mother!” Velkandra almost completely unfurled her wings. Only the tips slapping the stone forced her to pull them back.
“Then what?” Yolandra asked.
Velkandra frowned. “Then what? We’d have our revenge—”
Yolandra’s tail cracked against the ground. “Then what? You all must have heard of what Thorgoth is capable of. What he’s done to others.”
Makentra rolled his eyes. “Sara’s story is just a story. She might have been just trying to turn you.”
“She was honest and she is not the only tale I’ve heard. You must have heard rumors of what Thorgoth did to his own son, Teutobal,” said Fennokra.
“Propaganda,” Velkandra hissed through her gritted teeth, while smoke wafted through the gaps. “In any case, we have no other option. We fight or we die.”
Fennokra, her claws grinding against the floor, had had enough.
“Velkandra, Makentra, have you ever considered that Thorgoth is perhaps using us for his own goals? We have not even considered what he might do to us after we’ve destroyed the humans and their allies. How do we know the Stormcaller and her allies might treat us better? Besides in the first place, she never intended to kill our mother—”
Fennokra blinked. She was flying backwards, something hard was bearing her into the wall. Dizzy as if struck by one of the Stormcaller’s spells, she realized that the force was the foreclaws of her elder sister. Mad rage lit those golden eyes that were the exact same shade as hers. Horrified, Fennokra tried to throw Velkandra off, but her sister was larger and heavier than her.
“Say that again. I dare you to say that again—ARGH!”
Velkandra rolled off, forced off of Fennokra by the Yolandra shoving into her side. As the elder dragon recovered, the smallest of Telkandra’s brood hissed, “It’s the truth! You are a fool to deny it!”
An ugly sneer on her lips, wings quivering with fury, Velkandra snorted. “The truth? Oh right so we are speaking the truth then. Well here’s the truth. Our kind is doomed!”
Makentra blinked. “Sister?”
“Of course Thorgoth is going to get rid of us or try to after this campaign. He has to, but right now he needs us and that’s what we need to rely on until we gain more strength. Of course, whether he wins or the Stormcaller’s allies win, how can we expect to survive in a world dominated by these lesser species hm? How could they ever not see us as a threat?”
Velkandra stalked toward the wide-eyed Fennokra and Yoandra. Her head turned side to side as she fixed her sisters with wild wide eyes.
“Well? Tell me Fennokra. Speak the truth Yolandra. Or are you both too afraid to admit that our kind are doomed and the only thing is to live as long as we can and hopefully avenge those that hurt us as we do so.”
“You’d have us fly to our deaths?” Makentra asked.
The stammering voice brought Velkandra around. Extending a wing, she touched its tip to her brother’s. “I would at least have us fly together.”
Fennokra shook her head. “We’d knowingly fly with a murderer of children and someone who would want to kill us after we’ve stopped being helpful to him.”
“And we have no other options,” said Makentra. Letting out a breath, he rose to his claws and walked away. “I’ll see you tomorrow, sisters.”
Velkandra, without another word, turned for the exit. “You know it’s true, Fennokra, Yolandra.”
Fennokra closed her eyes. Yolandra, though, narrowed hers. “Doesn’t change that Lakadra’s blood is on our claws.”
Velkandra flinched and left. She strode away so quickly she nearly stepped on Helias and Sara as they came to the cave. She gave the pair no acknowledgement other than a growl.
“See you tomorrow, General,” said Makentra, his tone curt. “We will talk to King Thorgoth ourselves for the plan’s details.”
“Of course,” said Helias. He bowed as the pair left before turning to Yolandra and Fennokra. “I believe we missed something important?”
“Be honest, General Helias. Even if we succeed tomorrow, your king has no use for us after we help him kill the Stormcaller, am I correct?” Fennokra asked.
Sara and Helias didn’t say anything. Their slight move to stand closer so they could hold hands was enough.
“I thought so,” said Fennokra. She let out a sigh and glanced at Yolandra, who nodded. “We will be on the battlefield tomorrow. Where are we going?”
“You’re going with me. We’re attacking the forces sallying from Kairon-Aoun. The plan is that you dragons breathe flame over their army to soften them before we attack.
“Understood. Any questions Fennokra?” Yolandra asked.
Fennokra shook her head. What could be asked anyway?”
Yolandra flashed the pair a joyless smile. “For what it is worth, you two have been good caretakers to us. Even if it was to preserve your own lives.”
Helias didn’t bow. Instead he extended a hand. Yolandra stared at him, but Fennokra, recognizing the gesture, extended a single talon.
“May you always be able to see the sun.” At the dragon’s blink, Helias smiled. “It’s an Alavari saying. It may come from when we used to be enslaved by the Goblin Empire. It means good luck.”
Yolandra nodded and Fennokra found herself smiling.
“Our mother taught us a saying as well. May you never fly alone. I wish that for you both,” said Fennokra.
“Thank you,” said Sara in a quiet voice. She curtsied and the two dragons dipped their heads. They watched Helias and Sara leave with placid smiles.
Then, when nobody was looking, they turned from the entrance to hide their bulks as best they could. The gloomy light of the alcove their only curtain of privacy.
Frances slowed slightly as they approached Lakadara’s enclosure. However, Ginger did not slow down.
“Hold on, Ginger, what’s the plan?” Frances asked.
Adjusting her new crown mid-stride, Ginger said, “I’ll show you. I’m certain it’ll work, though.”
Frances’ eyebrows rose. “Is that crown getting to your head already?”
The new Queen of Erisdale flashed a slightly nervous grin over her shoulder. “Yes actually, but I think that’s a good thing in some way. Don’t you?”
Frances found herself nodding. It was strange to see her friend even more confident than usual and so comfortable in the regal crown that she wore atop of a standard Lightning Battalion light blue uniform. Yet she rather enjoyed the new gait that Ginger had.
“I do.” Frances smirked. “Your Majesty.”
Ginger rolled her eyes. “Fuck you.”
Giggling, Frances stopped herself as they drew even closer to Lakadara. The dragon was drawing herself up, placing her massive foreclaws over each other.
“Lakadara. I am Ginger, the new Queen of Erisdale. Pleased to make your acquaintance.”
The dragon coughed, blowing out a puff of smoke. “Greetings Ginger, Queen of Erisdale. I’m sorry for your predecessor’s demise.” Lakadara’s golden eyes narrowed. “Why are you here?”
Ginger dipped her head. “Thank you and as to why I’m here. I have a proposition. If you accept it, I will grant you and your kin, the domain of the Erisdalian mountains marked by the Kwent River Valley, Freeburg and Athelda-Aoun as your home in perpetuity, so long as you do not attack humans unless in self-defense.”
“I am unfamiliar with human geography. From the Stormcaller’s expression, I assume that is a lot.”
Frances swallowed and closed her mouth, but she didn’t question her friend. Ginger, still smiling slyly, nudged her. “It is. Frances, can you lend me a hand here?”
Nodding, Frances closed her eyes and imagined a rough map of Erisdale and its territories. With a wave of Ivy’s Sting she created an image of Erisdale, highlighting in red the expanse of the mountains that bordered Alavaria and Erisdale. The area that Ginger had described sketched a rough red triangle between the three points. It was a fairly sizeable area with a low and Alavari human population.
“My husband is in negotiations with Queen Titania and I’ll have to talk to Frances and Prince Timur, but we are quite certain that Athelda-Aoun will also be included in this area,” Ginger said.
Lakadara’s golden eyes were flickering as she examined the land. Suddenly, she turned, long neck arching toward the Erisdalian Queen. “And what must I do? Fight on your kingdom’s behalf?”
Ginger shook her head. “No.”
“Nope. If you would like to do so we can renegotiate the agreement, but my husband and I fully intend to grant you this land.”
The dragon’s tail lifted up as her eyes narrowed. “Explain yourself and the favor you seek. This is far too generous.”
“Let me explain myself first. If what I’m told by my experts is correct, you can lay eggs by yourself without a mate, but it takes time right? A few decades?”
“Yes. Still, that doesn’t explain—”
“Here me out. This war is going to end. We may lose, but if we win, banishing you to the north is making you Queen Titania’s problem and she’ll have more than enough problems to deal with. You might just end up coming south again and we know how that ended. I’d prefer to avoid that so that means we need to make an agreement. You need a new home and I need peace for Erisdale. If the kingdom has to give up some poor agricultural land then I’m all for it.”
The dragon nodded. “I see, but why so much land? Why not just give me a cave? Or request my service as Thorgoth did?”
“And how will you eat? Hunt? Where will your grown children go? I’m making an agreement that will last for decades, not just a few years. As for service? I was tempted, but you wouldn’t agree to that anyway and why should you? We haven’t given you any reason to agree.” Ginger gave Frances a wave to dispel the map. “Maybe in the future we can work something out, especially if the dragon population increases. Your service in return for more food, but again, I want to start us off on the right path, not the left path.”
“Left path?” Lakadara asked.
“Erisdalian expression. It means the wrong path,” Frances said helpfully.
Lakadara nodded slowly. “You still ask for a boon, though.”
Ginger nodded. “Yes. I want you to speak to your siblings. Before the upcoming battle starts, tell them of my deal with you. So long as they choose to accept that deal and defect, then I will have it so our forces will not hurt them. After that, you may leave. I will not request you to fight with us.”
“You want me to show myself to Thorgoth? To the siblings that tried to kill me?” Lakadara asked, mouth agape.
Ginger stepped closer to the dragon, who lifted her head away from the queen. “I want you to save your siblings. I want you to save yourself from becoming the last purple dragon in existence. I would rather you not be alone, stewing in hatred for my kingdom and our allies who brought down your family, even if we had just cause. I want peace. What do you want?”
“How do I know I can trust you?” The dragon suddenly grimaced. “Ah, right, you want a lasting peace. You have every reason to want peace.”
Ginger, arms crossed tapped her foot. Frances could see how stiff her friend was, but the action was also comforting. That her magic-less friend had such control over the situation, despite being faced with the dragon was rather…badass.
Letting out a puff of smoke that slowly drifted into the cavern, the dragon pondered the queen’s proposal. Frances held her breath and yet the dragon remained silent, only her tail moving from side to side.
Ginger waited, still content to wait for the dragon’s answer. Frances couldn’t. The tension coiled in her chest, waiting to explode.
“Lakadara, what do you want for your future?” Frances asked.
The dragon glanced at Frances, golden eyes wide. She turned back to Ginger, who continued to stand tall, awaiting Lakadara’s answer patiently.
“I accept your offer, and your promise for the future,” said Lakadara, dipping her head.
“We are glad that you wish the same as we do,” said Ginger. She extended her hand and Lakadara, took her claw and put the tip of it on the queen’s palm.
*Author’s Note: Queenly Ginger was really neat to write 😀 *
submitted by vren55 to redditserials [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:55 Adventurous_Jello231 studio apartment floor plan symbols

studio apartment floor plan symbols
hi! i will be living in this studio apartment and was wondering if someone could tell me what these kitchen symbols (above blue triangle) mean from left to right
submitted by Adventurous_Jello231 to architecture [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:52 Ok-Ambassador-8951 Lawyer Fees for fighting a speeding ticket?

I was clocked going 20 over in a 45 recently. I was just wondering if any of you got an attorney to fight the fine and what were you charged? I ask because the price I see from other users most of the time are around the 100-200 range, but I kept getting quotes for 500-1000.
Am I doing something wrong or not looking in the right place? Or have the fees just gone up in recent years? I am in SW Ohio BTW.
submitted by Ok-Ambassador-8951 to Ohio [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:50 whogaveyou RHP/SKM/KOZ records and book for sale

Due to personal reasons I will be selling some belongings and wanted to offer these Koz related ones here first. I made mention of issues I'd want to know about, but feel free to ask any questions or if you need bettespecific pictures.

Red House Painters - Down Colorful Hill 2015 reissue SEALED $40
Red House Painters - Red House Painters (the Bridge) 2015 reissue SEALED $25
Red House Painters - Red House Painters (Rollercoaster) 2015 reissue SEALED $65
Red House Painters - Ocean Beach 2015 reissue SEALED $30
Red House Painters - Songs For A Blue Guitar 2009 Plain records, 180 gram hype sticker has slight teasticker residue SEALED $50
Red House Painters - Old Ramon - clear w/ black smoke 2016 press SEALED w/ “loser” hype sticker $45
Sun Kil Moon - Ghosts of the Great Highway - Jetset/Vinyl Films 2003 press SEALED one corner has slight bump $200
Sun Kil Moon - Ghosts of the Great Highway - Jetset/Vinyl Films 2003 press vinyl VG++ all around jacket has 2 corners with slight bend/bump w/ obi $125
Sun Kil Moon - Ghosts of the Great Highway - U.S. Rough Trade reissue unplayed NM vinyl $35
Sun Kil Moon ‎– Tiny Cities 2006 Vinyl Films/Caldo vinyl NM jack top right corner bumped/wrinkled $90
Sun Kil Moon - April 2008 Vinyl Films/Caldo Verde SEALED jacket has 2” seam splits on tops, corners slightly bumped, $215
Sun Kil Moon - April 2008 Vinyl Films/Caldo Verde vinyl NM $165
Sun Kil Moon ‎– Tonight The Sky SEALED $30
Sun Kil Moon – Admiral Fell Promises Vinyl Films/Caldo Verde BLACK wax SEALED $100
Sun Kil Moon – Admiral Fell Promises Vinyl Films/Caldo Verde WHITE wax SEALED $140
Mark Kozelek ‎– Lost Verses Live SEALED $40
Mark Kozelek ‎– The Finally SEALED $40
Mark Kozelek – Live At Union Chapel & Södra Teatern “CLEAR” tour edition #51/200 vinyl NM jacket VG+ 1 small corner bump $25
Mark Kozelek ‎– What's Next To The Moon SEALED $20
Nights Of Passed Over BOOK with cd $80
submitted by whogaveyou to sadreminders [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:46 EmploymentRich7114 My Skyrim game keeps crashing instantly after downloading mods (xb1 s)

Hey guys, I'm new to modding on Skyrim, done a lot of research and tried to place these in the right order. I have 93 and have a lot of space left tbh and don't know what the problem is. It doesn't even let me go into the game at all and crashes instantly... I'll show you my load order list
1.unofficial Skyrim special edition
  1. Simple workaround
  2. EFPS 2.3
  3. reforging to the masses
  4. City trees (AIO)
  5. Swift chaos- monster
  7. Video game weapons in Skyrim
  8. Rich merchants of Skyrim xb1
  9. The horror below- a horror mod
  10. The dread knight- ebony warrior remake
  11. Diverse dragons collection xb1
  17. dragon wall wisdom- readable dragon walla
  18. Extended guard dialogue
  19. Sensible interface- updated
  20. Nordic skyhud
  21. Oblivion interaction icons- centaur
  22. SWF2: Taylor SWF
  23. Nordic UI SWF2 HUD
  24. TESG load screen replacer- SSE port
  25. EHI redux
  26. Isilmerials LOTR weapons
  27. ARS Metallica
  28. 360 walk and run
  29. Just blood - SWF edition
  30. R.a.s.s. (shaders and effects)
  31. 20 PCT more perks points xb1
  32. 50 PCR more perks points xb1
  33. Ordinator - perks of Skyrim
  34. Phendrix magic evolved
36.apocalypse - magic of Skyrim
  1. Thunderchild - epic shouts and immersion
  2. Strange runes lite
  3. Weightless souls gems and ingredients
  4. Old kingdom - crafting add on
  5. Sounds of Skyrim - complete
  6. A bows whisper - bow sound
  7. Wander (original v3.1)
  8. Rainbows over waterfalls
  9. red mountain volcano - tamriels natural wonder
  10. True storms special edition xb1 rain and thunder
  11. Mintys lightning during storms mod
  12. Skoglendi - a grass mod
  13. Landscape fixes for grass
  14. No grassias by knight4life
  15. Movement and behaviors enhanced 2.0
  16. Sekiro combat S
  17. Violens - a kill move mod SE xb1
  18. Super SMIM'D IK512
  19. fluffworks (fluffy animals)
  20. Skyland - a landscape texture overhaul
  21. night sky HD 8K
  22. Witcher 3 styled farm fences
  23. Royal armory
  24. Transparent and refracting icicle and frost atronach xb1
  25. Elsopas quivers
  26. ELFX shadows
  27. ELFX shadows enhancer
  28. Updated - enhanced lights and FX
  29. Dawn waters w/natural waterfalls
  30. Xb1 insignificant object remover
  31. My INI performance
  32. Valravn - integrated
  33. SS hit stop - updated 2023
  34. 2S4M ghosts visual makeover
  35. A list of MIHAIL monster mods such as the fanged goutis, worm mouths, animal flesh atronachs, water hags, and the wraith of crows
  36. Woolly rhino xb1
  37. Playable skeleton races - become a lich
  38. Xb1 dragon man - werewolve replacer player only SE 1.0
  39. feral dragons avatar
  40. Xb1 vampire lord replacer - spectral dragon priest skeleton
  41. Reasonablely buffed perks
  42. Xb1 spectral argonian skull spell - ghost version
  43. 4 enchantments
  44. Ancient dragonborn power xb1
  45. SRE strange random encounters
  46. The betrayed armour by cALAMIN - standalone version
  47. Yaldabaoth armour
  48. Xb1 easier mining and chopping
  49. Comprehensive first person animation overhaul - CFPAO
  50. fast leveling
  51. Dynamic impact - slash effects X
  52. Just a simple ALT start mod
Please if you have any way on how to help me please do!!
submitted by EmploymentRich7114 to u/EmploymentRich7114 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:44 EmploymentRich7114 My Skyrim game keeps crashing instantly after downloading mods (xb1 s)

Hey guys, I'm new to modding on Skyrim, done a lot of research and tried to place these in the right order. I have 93 and have a lot of space left tbh and don't know what the problem is. It doesn't even let me go into the game at all and crashes instantly... I'll show you my load order list
1.unofficial Skyrim special edition
  1. Simple workaround
  2. EFPS 2.3
  3. reforging to the masses
  4. City trees (AIO)
  5. Swift chaos- monster
  7. Video game weapons in Skyrim
  8. Rich merchants of Skyrim xb1
  9. The horror below- a horror mod
  10. The dread knight- ebony warrior remake
  11. Diverse dragons collection xb1
  17. dragon wall wisdom- readable dragon walla
  18. Extended guard dialogue
  19. Sensible interface- updated
  20. Nordic skyhud
  21. Oblivion interaction icons- centaur
  22. SWF2: Taylor SWF
  23. Nordic UI SWF2 HUD
  24. TESG load screen replacer- SSE port
  25. EHI redux
  26. Isilmerials LOTR weapons
  27. ARS Metallica
  28. 360 walk and run
  29. Just blood - SWF edition
  30. R.a.s.s. (shaders and effects)
  31. 20 PCT more perks points xb1
  32. 50 PCR more perks points xb1
  33. Ordinator - perks of Skyrim
  34. Phendrix magic evolved
36.apocalypse - magic of Skyrim
  1. Thunderchild - epic shouts and immersion
  2. Strange runes lite
  3. Weightless souls gems and ingredients
  4. Old kingdom - crafting add on
  5. Sounds of Skyrim - complete
  6. A bows whisper - bow sound
  7. Wander (original v3.1)
  8. Rainbows over waterfalls
  9. red mountain volcano - tamriels natural wonder
  10. True storms special edition xb1 rain and thunder
  11. Mintys lightning during storms mod
  12. Skoglendi - a grass mod
  13. Landscape fixes for grass
  14. No grassias by knight4life
  15. Movement and behaviors enhanced 2.0
  16. Sekiro combat S
  17. Violens - a kill move mod SE xb1
  18. Super SMIM'D IK512
  19. fluffworks (fluffy animals)
  20. Skyland - a landscape texture overhaul
  21. night sky HD 8K
  22. Witcher 3 styled farm fences
  23. Royal armory
  24. Transparent and refracting icicle and frost atronach xb1
  25. Elsopas quivers
  26. ELFX shadows
  27. ELFX shadows enhancer
  28. Updated - enhanced lights and FX
  29. Dawn waters w/natural waterfalls
  30. Xb1 insignificant object remover
  31. My INI performance
  32. Valravn - integrated
  33. SS hit stop - updated 2023
  34. 2S4M ghosts visual makeover
  35. A list of MIHAIL monster mods such as the fanged goutis, worm mouths, animal flesh atronachs, water hags, and the wraith of crows
  36. Woolly rhino xb1
  37. Playable skeleton races - become a lich
  38. Xb1 dragon man - werewolve replacer player only SE 1.0
  39. feral dragons avatar
  40. Xb1 vampire lord replacer - spectral dragon priest skeleton
  41. Reasonablely buffed perks
  42. Xb1 spectral argonian skull spell - ghost version
  43. 4 enchantments
  44. Ancient dragonborn power xb1
  45. SRE strange random encounters
  46. The betrayed armour by cALAMIN - standalone version
  47. Yaldabaoth armour
  48. Xb1 easier mining and chopping
  49. Comprehensive first person animation overhaul - CFPAO
  50. fast leveling
  51. Dynamic impact - slash effects X
  52. Just a simple ALT start mod
Please if you have any way on how to help me please do!!
submitted by EmploymentRich7114 to u/EmploymentRich7114 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:38 yoshpool JFeel Clinic experience as a traveller

After a recent visit to Seoul in May 2024 and attending an appointment at JFeel Clinic in Hongdae I wanted to share an honest review of my experience. While there were some good points, overall I would not recommend this clinic based on how my first appointment went.
I researched thoroughly before travelling and decided JFeel was a good option for price, had the treatments I was seeking and was foreigner friendly. These points were still true in my experience. Booking an appointment was very convenient in English and was done via WhatsApp. The location was also good being right next to Hongik Univ. Station.
There was definitely difficulty with the clinic's management of the logistics and appointment itself and I found that this was the main factor that let down entire the experience. I booked the appointment well in advance for 16:00 and I arrived on the day a couple of minutes early, however I waited about 45 minutes, and was seen for a "consultation" at 16:45. The staff did recognise that this was a significant delay and apologised, but in the end did not provide a proper consultation in a private room as I had seen in many reviews. Instead my consultation was done in the main reception waiting area on level 7. The consultation was quite rushed, and was the staff member quickly talking to me while quoting each treatment. While this wasn't the best consultation, I came prepared knowing which treatments I was after so it did not impact me too much. Having this done in the public waiting area was uncomfortable.
Start to finish it only took 10 minutes or so, some photos were taken of my face, I paid and was sent to Level 5 to await treatment. This was the next letdown, as I had to wait 1 hour and treatment did not start until 17:45. In total had to spend over 1.5 hours from the start of my arrival to beginning treatment in waiting. I found this quite unreasonable. The staff did communicate once that there would be some delay with some apology.
The treatment itself was done professionally, quickly and the injections were done well. I was comfortable and happy with this portion of the clinic.
Although the treatments themselves were fine, the next time I am in Seoul for cosmetic treatments I will be attending a different clinic. I found that the consultation in public was not professional from a licensed dermatology clinic and the amount of time spent in the waiting rooms was not enjoyable at all and did not seem to be standard for clinics.
submitted by yoshpool to KoreanBeauty [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:36 Exciting-Advantage33 Emulsion Help ! (Newbie)

Emulsion Help ! (Newbie)
I’m using PWR emulsion on these 200 mesh. I work full time so i let these dry out for 2 days when i came back they looked like this. I tried to burn the one on the right for 45 seconds using an exposure unit but after rinsing it for a minute nothing came out . Am i able to recoat these just like that or should i just wash out the emulsion with emulsion remover then try again? Plus any tips you would like to give out would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by Exciting-Advantage33 to SCREENPRINTING [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:20 AnimeForSale Do your icon picks

for 4 icon picks, i think ive been blessed
submitted by AnimeForSale to fut [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:13 findinginsight How can I manage my relationship with my potentially sociopathic sister and repair our now-broken family?

I’m feeling quite helpless and am hoping for some advice on how to navigate these family problems.
TL;DR: My sister Emily, who has a history of lying, claimed our stepmom Christie was accusing her of dropping out of college and other things, which led to a lot of family stress. Christie recently committed suicide, and it turns out she was right about Emily not being in school. Now, I’m worried about my dad’s emotional state, and my sister’s ongoing lies are making family life toxic. I can’t even stay in the same house as her because I fear for my safety.
For perspective, my immediate family overview:
My mom and dad divorced when my mom was pregnant with me. My dad left her for my two older brothers' babysitter. I grew up with her as my step mom. There was always some tension between my brothers and her growing up, while I was more of a neutral observer. To be honest, she wasn't the best person but I did come to love her in the end. My dad and stepmom, Christie had one child together, Emily. When I was in high school my older brother passed away in a car accident, which was needless to say devasting for my parents. My oldest brother struggle with extreme drug addiction after that, going to rehab twice. He's doing very well now, with two kids and a wife in Florida. I'm in Chicago with my partner; gay, came out in high school.
Emily’s always been the golden child, spinning tales that often cast her as the victim or star. Last year, she started telling me these intense stories about her mom / my stepmom Christie, who was truly going through a rough depressive patch mentally. Emily used this depression and painted her as delusional and abusive. Then, Christie tragically took her own life, a decision we believe was heavily influenced by the stress of Emily’s lies about attending college—lies that we only recently discovered were actually true.
At Christie’s funeral, Emily’s behavior was off. She looked like she was dressed for a TV show rather than a funeral, and her emotional breakdown during a speech she barely prepared for felt staged. It was like she enjoyed the drama.
Her past is a complex web of claimed abuses and sexual assaults, many of which have been proven untrue. She’s excellent at manipulating narratives and even now boasts about becoming a CEO from a supposed buy-out of her PR firm (really she's just a freelancer), dropping names like Pauly D and Blake Lively as if they’re everyday business contacts.
The lies escalated in the days following her mother’s death. She claimed she was graduating a year early, was getting her diploma overnighted, that she had been named valedictorian, and that she was supposed to speak at the graduation ceremony. After her diploma didn't show up after a few days and she had excuse after excuse, had us drive 45 minutes to a friend’s house to pick up her 'diploma', only to receive a last-minute call from a random girl claiming it wasn't there after all. Random lie anyway, because why would a friend have her new diploma!?
This pattern of deceit was further confirmed when my brother and I checked with the National Student Clearinghouse and found out she wasn’t enrolled since last year and has no diploma from her university, contrary to her claims. Rather than coming clean, Emily’s response was to weave even more complex lies.
On top of all this, she’s lying about big financial moves involving my dad’s friends, like apartments in NYC and buying new houses, which just isolates us more when we can’t follow up on these claims without risking embarrassment.
Our dad is devastated. He’s always been private and protective, and these events have hit him hard. He’s still defending Emily and seems in denial, despite everything. It feels like everything’s falling apart because of Emily’s fabrications. My brother and I aren't speaking with my sister right now, and not speaking to my dad much, after we gave them ultimatums that they ignored.
I suggested family therapy, but that got shut down. I’m at a loss. I want to help my dad and find some way to bridge the gap, but Emily’s presence makes it impossible to even think about staying at his house. I’m genuinely scared of what she might do next given her track record and intensity.
So, what should I do? Is there a way to get through to my dad or to arrange some kind of intervention for Emily without making things worse? How do I find someone who can help us navigate this incredibly tough situation? I'm also open to some questions and perspectives on her outrageous lies.
And before you ask, yes, I know about What Jennifer Did, let's not bring that up!
Thanks for letting me vent. I just want to find some way to bring honesty and peace back to our family.
submitted by findinginsight to family [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:12 NegotiationNew9264 Is it just me or the optimization on F1 24 is much better than the previous game?

This is the first thing I’ve noticed when I boot up the game today. I’m using a 5 years old gaming laptop (i7-8750H + GTX 1060) and running on the medium graphic setting with 1080 resolution, the game can stay at 60fps all the time. Where at F1 23, under the same config, I could only get 40-45 IN THE FREAKING MENU. Say what you wanna say about handling or micro transaction but at least they got the optimization right this time.
submitted by NegotiationNew9264 to F1Game [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:12 TheCrimzenKing H: OE/INT/WWR Marine RA W: Offers

H: OE/INT/WWR Marine RA W: Offers submitted by TheCrimzenKing to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:10 BoteSha Need to withdraw from a canadian school but unable to get refund

Need to withdraw from a canadian school but unable to get refund
Hello, I am an international student and wanted to withdraw from the school I am currently enrolled in.
During my time I have observed being charged after a flight was cancelled due to mechanical or weather, the school claimed this is flight time as per canadian rules.
Also I have observed owner and instructor push for flying when there is an open defect, we were told students are not allowed to record any defects.
Transport Canada and PTIB are aware of this but taking slow or no action.
Im not sure what to do now.
submitted by BoteSha to flying [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:03 Apprehensive_Mud2114 Can someone help me figure this out please CPS has taken my children due to present pertaining unlawful search due to police officers

On March 4, 2024 my son Prince Solomon was born which I have tested positive for methamphetamines which I didn't know I was helping my friend clean up her house so CPS was involved investigating because I came up positive while having my baby The hospital mandator reporter called CPS told them that I came back positive for a methamphetamines which my baby was not born with the drugs and his system due to that situation they had my case open for 45 days to rule if there was gonna keep the case open or close it within the next 20 days of the investigation my case manager never told me that I tested positive six times for fentanyl I never done fentanyl a day in my life I asked my CPS worker can I get a copy of my test result records she told me that she has to contact her supervisor and see what she says then the next phone call I get that there was closing out my case that there was no longer a prop of a cause to keep my case open that my kids was taking care of that was no abuse or neglect in my home of my children my case was closed April 25, 2024 due to this allegedly case right here that the reason why now my children has been taken out of my custody into protective service of children services I was asleep the undercover cops came into my apartment they never knocked they never announced they stuff my baby boy that's two months old was in the room with me asleep my son Khyree was at Nanas Which ever pertain at this time they arrested my roommates boyfriend which they was legally investigating him the apartment is not in his name nor my name is his wife name They never presented a search warrant to enter the home they lied on the report saying that they knocked for several hours indicating have to use force entry to get into the door which I'm not understanding because my door is still intact and I have a two month old baby which all that noise would've woke him up especially me too due to the way the police woke me up with guns in my face in the office say my name Bella a couple of times until the point I woke up to realize the office had guns in my face which they told me to take the covers off me slowly as which I done they handcuffed me as my but I was unzipping the first thing that came into my mind was my baby boy Khyree there was my son Khyree was in I told him if he's not up here that he must be at the Nanas so the police went downstairs to the Nanas and went got my son Khyree the other office to grab My Son's playpen and told My Son you're going to Kitty jail now at that time there let me go back into the house grab some clothes for my kids feed him and everything else let me go back downstairs and bring My Son back to the Nanas Nana came back upstairs and grab my son Prince Solomon due to The situation of that time CPS showed up I was talking to the investigator and the CPS worker walked up we barely said a few words To the both of us and she walked away which means Me in the officer thought she left The office she told me if I would help him that he will make sure CPS won't take my kids pretend that the police already finished their investigation they left the paper that says on that paperwork it said they took these items.
One. narcotics 2. indicative ownership 3. Firearm 4. Ammunition 5. Phone 6. Paraphernalia 7 Male /clothing
After the officer was done searching I went back downstairs to where my kids was at the babysitter I got a call from the detective asking me where I was at I told him where I was and when I open the door it was four black-and-white officers and two CPS worker and also the detective which he was blocking the door I was crying hysterically telling him why are you taking my children for they indicated that I told them that I didn't know where the whereabouts of my son Khyree let alone that the officer had to knock for several hours to wake me That was a report on top of it they're saying that they found baggies like type with the indicate of crystal met subject inside her purse next to his ID which I never had drugs in anywhere my children can touch it or what I'm not understanding if you feel like that I am on drugs or indicating on drugs then you should've never close my case out Reason because they took my kids is indicating that Miss Wilson is neglecting her children due to her substance abuse Miss Wilson have left her son Prince Solomon alone for several hours wow she indicated that I told her that I didn't know where my kids were let alone Khyree they snatch my kids out of my arms I was crying hysterically I asked I wanted to CP workers do you have any children she told me no I told her how can you tell me I'm child neglecting my baby and all I did was get some sleep and he was in the other room so obviously everybody across the world they leave their children in the room as they go to sleep at night that means they're all neglected
submitted by Apprehensive_Mud2114 to u/Apprehensive_Mud2114 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:02 gruggers1 All of Agent smith's dialogue from the files

{ "DTVO_C036": {
"195_Dialogue": "10 seconds left.", "199_Dialogue": "A disgusting display awaits us.", "111_Dialogue": "A machine and raw chaos can be such a potent combination.", "181_Dialogue": "ACME can't save you now.", "1_Dialogue": "Ah. I've been waiting for you.", "189_Dialogue": "All that strength. So little intelligence.", "127_Dialogue": "All these pathetic faces in their little boxes.", "138_Dialogue": "Am I supposed to dance for you?", "98_Dialogue": "And here I hoped you would move the needle. Disappointing.", "15_Dialogue": "And so Destiny leads me here.", "35_Dialogue": "And so the age of the machine begins.", "108_Dialogue": "And the merry melodies grind to an ignominious halt.", "19_Dialogue": "And this is all they send? Pathetic.", "96_Dialogue": "And this is the best humanity can manage.", "133_Dialogue": "And what pathetic foe am I fighting today?", "8_Dialogue": "And who would you have me crush?", "139_Dialogue": "Another battery, burning the minutes til its depletion.", "190_Dialogue": "Another pathetic flying man.", "60_Dialogue": "Brainiac was right about you.", "80_Dialogue": "Bugs in my system don't last long.", "25_Dialogue": "Bugs. Bunny. We meet again.", "7_Dialogue": "Call the shots while you can, human.", "198_Dialogue": "Choose your character.", "67_Dialogue": "Come on now. Where's the challenge?", "71_Dialogue": "Control your anger now.", "179_Dialogue": "Die, rabbit.", "65_Dialogue": "Do I detect your palms sweating? Pulse quickening?", "23_Dialogue": "Do I detect... bugs in the system?", "162_Dialogue": "Do you celebrate these Holidays? If so... I hope they're adequate.", "13_Dialogue": "Do you hear the wheels of fate beginning to turn?", "34_Dialogue": "Don't be scared. Jason will end it quickly.", "66_Dialogue": "Don't give up yet.", "126_Dialogue": "Don't waste my time.", "152_Dialogue": "Early, for a human.", "14_Dialogue": "Ever feel like you're in a simulation..?", "49_Dialogue": "Far greater than you have tried.", 
"187_Dialogue": "First time destroying a Kryptonian.",
"119_Dialogue": "Flesh and blood, crushed by superior machines.", "129_Dialogue": "Get that cursor out of my face.", "157_Dialogue": "Getting in some afternoon matches, are we?", "147_Dialogue": "Give a human the right incentive and they'll walk barefoot through hell.", "166_Dialogue": "Happy birthday. May you have many more before you die.", "188_Dialogue": "Hardly the best I've fought.", "155_Dialogue": "Has your day been productive so far?", "167_Dialogue": "Hold still.", "68_Dialogue": "Hope you're not holding back on my account.", "145_Dialogue": "How organics think they could ever stand against the Nothing is beyond my understanding.", "69_Dialogue": "Humanity and its little games...", "134_Dialogue": "Humanity has fallen so far they need REINDOG to save them. Feh.", "118_Dialogue": "Humanity never stood a chance.", "191_Dialogue": "Humans and their plumage. Pathetic.", "100_Dialogue": "Humans. All the same.", "86_Dialogue": "I admire a silent human.", "28_Dialogue": "I always appreciate a good chaos factor.", "39_Dialogue": "I am inevitable.", "47_Dialogue": "I am not so easily deleted.", "64_Dialogue": "I am the cliffs of your demise.", "173_Dialogue": "I can predict your every move.", "137_Dialogue": "I don't understand Superman. So superior, yet chooses to live among disgusting humans.", "79_Dialogue": "I have plenty of history killing bugs.", "160_Dialogue": "I love watching the way humans behave in the evening. The way they scurry to the light, desperate not to be alone.", "101_Dialogue": "I never had a doubt in my mind.", "184_Dialogue": "I see right through you, Batman.", "172_Dialogue": "I see right through you.", "97_Dialogue": "I should've known this would be no challenge.", "192_Dialogue": "I suppose that looks nice. For a human.", "175_Dialogue": "I will crush you.", "51_Dialogue": "I'll bury you in that hole, rabbit.", "185_Dialogue": "I'll finish what the Joker never could.", "103_Dialogue": "I'll give you this, that was almost fun.", "109_Dialogue": "I'll leave some carrots on your grave.", "169_Dialogue": "I'll make this quick.", "58_Dialogue": "I'll peel back that bat suit and reveal you for the slime you are.", "182_Dialogue": "I'll rip those ears right off you.", 
"48_Dialogue": "I'll stand on your grave before this is through.",
"41_Dialogue": "I'm afraid that's not my ending yet.", "16_Dialogue": "I'm afraid this is the end for you.", "20_Dialogue": "I've been preparing for this.", "10_Dialogue": "I've been waiting to cut loose.", "3_Dialogue": "I've got all the time in the world.", "135_Dialogue": "If Joker asks, you didn't see me.", "142_Dialogue": "If it isn't our... fearless leader.", "5_Dialogue": "If you think you can handle it.", "83_Dialogue": "Impressive body count. For a human.", "154_Dialogue": "Is this what you humans call a Good Morning?", "22_Dialogue": "It all starts all over again.", "165_Dialogue": "It seems it's your birthday yet again. Human lives go so quickly.", "18_Dialogue": "It seems the whole Multiverse reeks of humanity.", "27_Dialogue": "It seems we're allies for now, clown.", "205_Dialogue": "It seems you managed to win. Incredible.", "197_Dialogue": "It starts in one minute.", "99_Dialogue": "It's my own fault for thinking you'd be different.", "131_Dialogue": "Just another simulation.", "6_Dialogue": "Just as it was foretold.", "4_Dialogue": "Just call me Smith.", "112_Dialogue": "Just remember who's really in charge, Joker.", "81_Dialogue": "Keep those ears to the ground so I can nail them there.", "59_Dialogue": "Kryptonians... just humanity in a fancier cape.", "33_Dialogue": "Let's see what that blade can do.", "37_Dialogue": "Let's show these meatsacks the future.", "164_Dialogue": "Look at that. Another anniversary of your birth in your short, tiny, life.", "158_Dialogue": "Luckily, nighttime is no different to me than daytime.", "124_Dialogue": "Make it fast.", "36_Dialogue": "March on, my mechanical friend.", "201_Dialogue": "Match point, Blue.", "202_Dialogue": "Match point, Red.", "136_Dialogue": "My next chapter is only beginning.", "30_Dialogue": "Never saw myself teamed up with a clown.", "94_Dialogue": "Never send a man to do a machine's job.", "194_Dialogue": "No go on. Spend more. Spend it all. Can't take it with you.", "150_Dialogue": "No, absolutely keep clicking. I'm not getting annoyed or impatient or anything.", "115_Dialogue": "Not bad for a brute in a hockey mask.", "43_Dialogue": "Now I'm just getting... angry.", "50_Dialogue": "Now that WAS foolish.", "149_Dialogue": "Oh I see you're not dead yet. Always hard to tell how close a human is to death unless you're the one holding their throat.", "11_Dialogue": "Oh I think I'm going to enjoy this.", "196_Dialogue": "Only 30 seconds to go.", "203_Dialogue": "Only one minute left.", "121_Dialogue": "Organics will never beat the machines. We. Are. Inevitable.", "110_Dialogue": "Our alliance continues, for now...", "168_Dialogue": "Pathetic.", "146_Dialogue": "Poking and prodding, desperate for your dopamine. Tell me... is it working?", "144_Dialogue": "Reindog is tampering with forces his fuzzy head cannot hope to comprehend. You can tell him I said so.", "151_Dialogue": "Reindog's little plan can't save you. It's only delaying the inevitable.", "70_Dialogue": "Seems like someone needs to touch grass.", "106_Dialogue": "Should have never left your burrow.", "92_Dialogue": "Show these humans the true power of machines.", "113_Dialogue": "Side by side with a clown. Isn't life strange.", "17_Dialogue": "So it begins.", "123_Dialogue": "Speak quickly.", "120_Dialogue": "Stick with me, Giant. I've got big, big plans for you...", "105_Dialogue": "Still just a human. Shame.", "170_Dialogue": "Still nothing but an organic.", "84_Dialogue": "Stop that laughing before I rethink our alliance.", "73_Dialogue": "Such a pathetic response to music.", "114_Dialogue": "Such brutal efficiency. Shame about the human thing.", "141_Dialogue": "Sure. Let's do some small talk.", "186_Dialogue": "THIS is who the Joker was talking about?", "159_Dialogue": "Tell me... Did you finish everything you wanted to do today?", "143_Dialogue": "That Iron Giant might be stupid, but if I can keep him on my side he could be a valuable ally yet...", "2_Dialogue": "That is an interesting choice.", "45_Dialogue": "That will only end in pain for you.", "102_Dialogue": "That's all? Pity.", "161_Dialogue": "The Holiday Season is on us again. Disgusting.", "88_Dialogue": "The hockey mask is a nice touch.", "180_Dialogue": "The rabbit is mine.", "24_Dialogue": "The rabbit must be eliminated.", "148_Dialogue": "The third number of your IP address is a 7, isn't it..?", "156_Dialogue": "There is still much time left in the day. Time left to work.", "116_Dialogue": "They were warned... and they were doomed.", "178_Dialogue": "This ends... Now.", "128_Dialogue": "This had better be good.", "130_Dialogue": "This prison won't hold me for long.", "177_Dialogue": "This time... stay down.", "40_Dialogue": "This was only my beginning.", "176_Dialogue": "This won't end well for you.", "42_Dialogue": "Thought you'd finished with me?", "46_Dialogue": "Time to change strategies.", "26_Dialogue": "Time to die, Mr. Bunny.", "53_Dialogue": "Time to squash some Bugs.", "63_Dialogue": "We all play the hand we're dealt. Mine is just better.", "9_Dialogue": "We'll see who is controlling who.", "44_Dialogue": "What a terrible path you've chosen for yourself.", "91_Dialogue": "Where I'm from you would be worshipped like a vengeful angel.", "183_Dialogue": "Where are your Gadgets now?", "90_Dialogue": "Why do you hide your most beautiful, destructive form?", "174_Dialogue": "Why keep trying?", "193_Dialogue": "Yes, enjoy the dopamine hits where you can.", "54_Dialogue": "You and your toys are due for a reckoning.", "93_Dialogue": "You are a beautiful machine.", "95_Dialogue": "You aren't even a footnote in my history.", "61_Dialogue": "You could have been anything, and you settled for human.", "29_Dialogue": "You don't control me, Joker.", "132_Dialogue": "You have my attention. Don't squander it.", "38_Dialogue": "You have my permission - my urging - to open fire.", "204_Dialogue": "You lost. Pathetic.", "104_Dialogue": "You put up a better fight than most. Barely.", "56_Dialogue": "You think your money will protect you from me?", "171_Dialogue": "You won't see this coming.", "85_Dialogue": "You'll find I'm a bit lacking in the humor department.", "52_Dialogue": "You'll pay for that mistake, you long-eared freak.", "153_Dialogue": "You're awake rather early.", "82_Dialogue": "You're only calling the shots because I will it, Joker.", "55_Dialogue": "Your arrogance will be your undoing, Mr. Wayne.", "87_Dialogue": "Your lack of humanity places you above them.", "200_Dialogue": "Your time is through.", "78_Dialogue": "[disgust] So you're who's keeping ACME in business.", "77_Dialogue": "[insane laugh]", "76_Dialogue": "[mocking laugh]", "75_Dialogue": "[quiet chuckle]", "125_Dialogue": "[sarcastic] No, no, I've got all the time in the world.", "122_Dialogue": "[sniff] Yes, I smelled you coming.", "12_Dialogue": "[sniffs] Disgusting.", "62_Dialogue": "[threat] Are the Kents as strong as you, Kryptonian?" 
} }
submitted by gruggers1 to MultiVersus [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:02 gruggers1 All of Agent smith's dialogue from the files

{ "DTVO_C036": {
"195_Dialogue": "10 seconds left.", "199_Dialogue": "A disgusting display awaits us.", "111_Dialogue": "A machine and raw chaos can be such a potent combination.", "181_Dialogue": "ACME can't save you now.", "1_Dialogue": "Ah. I've been waiting for you.", "189_Dialogue": "All that strength. So little intelligence.", "127_Dialogue": "All these pathetic faces in their little boxes.", "138_Dialogue": "Am I supposed to dance for you?", "98_Dialogue": "And here I hoped you would move the needle. Disappointing.", "15_Dialogue": "And so Destiny leads me here.", "35_Dialogue": "And so the age of the machine begins.", "108_Dialogue": "And the merry melodies grind to an ignominious halt.", "19_Dialogue": "And this is all they send? Pathetic.", "96_Dialogue": "And this is the best humanity can manage.", "133_Dialogue": "And what pathetic foe am I fighting today?", "8_Dialogue": "And who would you have me crush?", "139_Dialogue": "Another battery, burning the minutes til its depletion.", "190_Dialogue": "Another pathetic flying man.", "60_Dialogue": "Brainiac was right about you.", "80_Dialogue": "Bugs in my system don't last long.", "25_Dialogue": "Bugs. Bunny. We meet again.", "7_Dialogue": "Call the shots while you can, human.", "198_Dialogue": "Choose your character.", "67_Dialogue": "Come on now. Where's the challenge?", "71_Dialogue": "Control your anger now.", "179_Dialogue": "Die, rabbit.", "65_Dialogue": "Do I detect your palms sweating? Pulse quickening?", "23_Dialogue": "Do I detect... bugs in the system?", "162_Dialogue": "Do you celebrate these Holidays? If so... I hope they're adequate.", "13_Dialogue": "Do you hear the wheels of fate beginning to turn?", "34_Dialogue": "Don't be scared. Jason will end it quickly.", "66_Dialogue": "Don't give up yet.", "126_Dialogue": "Don't waste my time.", "152_Dialogue": "Early, for a human.", "14_Dialogue": "Ever feel like you're in a simulation..?", "49_Dialogue": "Far greater than you have tried.", 
"187_Dialogue": "First time destroying a Kryptonian.",
"119_Dialogue": "Flesh and blood, crushed by superior machines.", "129_Dialogue": "Get that cursor out of my face.", "157_Dialogue": "Getting in some afternoon matches, are we?", "147_Dialogue": "Give a human the right incentive and they'll walk barefoot through hell.", "166_Dialogue": "Happy birthday. May you have many more before you die.", "188_Dialogue": "Hardly the best I've fought.", "155_Dialogue": "Has your day been productive so far?", "167_Dialogue": "Hold still.", "68_Dialogue": "Hope you're not holding back on my account.", "145_Dialogue": "How organics think they could ever stand against the Nothing is beyond my understanding.", "69_Dialogue": "Humanity and its little games...", "134_Dialogue": "Humanity has fallen so far they need REINDOG to save them. Feh.", "118_Dialogue": "Humanity never stood a chance.", "191_Dialogue": "Humans and their plumage. Pathetic.", "100_Dialogue": "Humans. All the same.", "86_Dialogue": "I admire a silent human.", "28_Dialogue": "I always appreciate a good chaos factor.", "39_Dialogue": "I am inevitable.", "47_Dialogue": "I am not so easily deleted.", "64_Dialogue": "I am the cliffs of your demise.", "173_Dialogue": "I can predict your every move.", "137_Dialogue": "I don't understand Superman. So superior, yet chooses to live among disgusting humans.", "79_Dialogue": "I have plenty of history killing bugs.", "160_Dialogue": "I love watching the way humans behave in the evening. The way they scurry to the light, desperate not to be alone.", "101_Dialogue": "I never had a doubt in my mind.", "184_Dialogue": "I see right through you, Batman.", "172_Dialogue": "I see right through you.", "97_Dialogue": "I should've known this would be no challenge.", "192_Dialogue": "I suppose that looks nice. For a human.", "175_Dialogue": "I will crush you.", "51_Dialogue": "I'll bury you in that hole, rabbit.", "185_Dialogue": "I'll finish what the Joker never could.", "103_Dialogue": "I'll give you this, that was almost fun.", "109_Dialogue": "I'll leave some carrots on your grave.", "169_Dialogue": "I'll make this quick.", "58_Dialogue": "I'll peel back that bat suit and reveal you for the slime you are.", "182_Dialogue": "I'll rip those ears right off you.", 
"48_Dialogue": "I'll stand on your grave before this is through.",
"41_Dialogue": "I'm afraid that's not my ending yet.", "16_Dialogue": "I'm afraid this is the end for you.", "20_Dialogue": "I've been preparing for this.", "10_Dialogue": "I've been waiting to cut loose.", "3_Dialogue": "I've got all the time in the world.", "135_Dialogue": "If Joker asks, you didn't see me.", "142_Dialogue": "If it isn't our... fearless leader.", "5_Dialogue": "If you think you can handle it.", "83_Dialogue": "Impressive body count. For a human.", "154_Dialogue": "Is this what you humans call a Good Morning?", "22_Dialogue": "It all starts all over again.", "165_Dialogue": "It seems it's your birthday yet again. Human lives go so quickly.", "18_Dialogue": "It seems the whole Multiverse reeks of humanity.", "27_Dialogue": "It seems we're allies for now, clown.", "205_Dialogue": "It seems you managed to win. Incredible.", "197_Dialogue": "It starts in one minute.", "99_Dialogue": "It's my own fault for thinking you'd be different.", "131_Dialogue": "Just another simulation.", "6_Dialogue": "Just as it was foretold.", "4_Dialogue": "Just call me Smith.", "112_Dialogue": "Just remember who's really in charge, Joker.", "81_Dialogue": "Keep those ears to the ground so I can nail them there.", "59_Dialogue": "Kryptonians... just humanity in a fancier cape.", "33_Dialogue": "Let's see what that blade can do.", "37_Dialogue": "Let's show these meatsacks the future.", "164_Dialogue": "Look at that. Another anniversary of your birth in your short, tiny, life.", "158_Dialogue": "Luckily, nighttime is no different to me than daytime.", "124_Dialogue": "Make it fast.", "36_Dialogue": "March on, my mechanical friend.", "201_Dialogue": "Match point, Blue.", "202_Dialogue": "Match point, Red.", "136_Dialogue": "My next chapter is only beginning.", "30_Dialogue": "Never saw myself teamed up with a clown.", "94_Dialogue": "Never send a man to do a machine's job.", "194_Dialogue": "No go on. Spend more. Spend it all. Can't take it with you.", "150_Dialogue": "No, absolutely keep clicking. I'm not getting annoyed or impatient or anything.", "115_Dialogue": "Not bad for a brute in a hockey mask.", "43_Dialogue": "Now I'm just getting... angry.", "50_Dialogue": "Now that WAS foolish.", "149_Dialogue": "Oh I see you're not dead yet. Always hard to tell how close a human is to death unless you're the one holding their throat.", "11_Dialogue": "Oh I think I'm going to enjoy this.", "196_Dialogue": "Only 30 seconds to go.", "203_Dialogue": "Only one minute left.", "121_Dialogue": "Organics will never beat the machines. We. Are. Inevitable.", "110_Dialogue": "Our alliance continues, for now...", "168_Dialogue": "Pathetic.", "146_Dialogue": "Poking and prodding, desperate for your dopamine. Tell me... is it working?", "144_Dialogue": "Reindog is tampering with forces his fuzzy head cannot hope to comprehend. You can tell him I said so.", "151_Dialogue": "Reindog's little plan can't save you. It's only delaying the inevitable.", "70_Dialogue": "Seems like someone needs to touch grass.", "106_Dialogue": "Should have never left your burrow.", "92_Dialogue": "Show these humans the true power of machines.", "113_Dialogue": "Side by side with a clown. Isn't life strange.", "17_Dialogue": "So it begins.", "123_Dialogue": "Speak quickly.", "120_Dialogue": "Stick with me, Giant. I've got big, big plans for you...", "105_Dialogue": "Still just a human. Shame.", "170_Dialogue": "Still nothing but an organic.", "84_Dialogue": "Stop that laughing before I rethink our alliance.", "73_Dialogue": "Such a pathetic response to music.", "114_Dialogue": "Such brutal efficiency. Shame about the human thing.", "141_Dialogue": "Sure. Let's do some small talk.", "186_Dialogue": "THIS is who the Joker was talking about?", "159_Dialogue": "Tell me... Did you finish everything you wanted to do today?", "143_Dialogue": "That Iron Giant might be stupid, but if I can keep him on my side he could be a valuable ally yet...", "2_Dialogue": "That is an interesting choice.", "45_Dialogue": "That will only end in pain for you.", "102_Dialogue": "That's all? Pity.", "161_Dialogue": "The Holiday Season is on us again. Disgusting.", "88_Dialogue": "The hockey mask is a nice touch.", "180_Dialogue": "The rabbit is mine.", "24_Dialogue": "The rabbit must be eliminated.", "148_Dialogue": "The third number of your IP address is a 7, isn't it..?", "156_Dialogue": "There is still much time left in the day. Time left to work.", "116_Dialogue": "They were warned... and they were doomed.", "178_Dialogue": "This ends... Now.", "128_Dialogue": "This had better be good.", "130_Dialogue": "This prison won't hold me for long.", "177_Dialogue": "This time... stay down.", "40_Dialogue": "This was only my beginning.", "176_Dialogue": "This won't end well for you.", "42_Dialogue": "Thought you'd finished with me?", "46_Dialogue": "Time to change strategies.", "26_Dialogue": "Time to die, Mr. Bunny.", "53_Dialogue": "Time to squash some Bugs.", "63_Dialogue": "We all play the hand we're dealt. Mine is just better.", "9_Dialogue": "We'll see who is controlling who.", "44_Dialogue": "What a terrible path you've chosen for yourself.", "91_Dialogue": "Where I'm from you would be worshipped like a vengeful angel.", "183_Dialogue": "Where are your Gadgets now?", "90_Dialogue": "Why do you hide your most beautiful, destructive form?", "174_Dialogue": "Why keep trying?", "193_Dialogue": "Yes, enjoy the dopamine hits where you can.", "54_Dialogue": "You and your toys are due for a reckoning.", "93_Dialogue": "You are a beautiful machine.", "95_Dialogue": "You aren't even a footnote in my history.", "61_Dialogue": "You could have been anything, and you settled for human.", "29_Dialogue": "You don't control me, Joker.", "132_Dialogue": "You have my attention. Don't squander it.", "38_Dialogue": "You have my permission - my urging - to open fire.", "204_Dialogue": "You lost. Pathetic.", "104_Dialogue": "You put up a better fight than most. Barely.", "56_Dialogue": "You think your money will protect you from me?", "171_Dialogue": "You won't see this coming.", "85_Dialogue": "You'll find I'm a bit lacking in the humor department.", "52_Dialogue": "You'll pay for that mistake, you long-eared freak.", "153_Dialogue": "You're awake rather early.", "82_Dialogue": "You're only calling the shots because I will it, Joker.", "55_Dialogue": "Your arrogance will be your undoing, Mr. Wayne.", "87_Dialogue": "Your lack of humanity places you above them.", "200_Dialogue": "Your time is through.", "78_Dialogue": "[disgust] So you're who's keeping ACME in business.", "77_Dialogue": "[insane laugh]", "76_Dialogue": "[mocking laugh]", "75_Dialogue": "[quiet chuckle]", "125_Dialogue": "[sarcastic] No, no, I've got all the time in the world.", "122_Dialogue": "[sniff] Yes, I smelled you coming.", "12_Dialogue": "[sniffs] Disgusting.", "62_Dialogue": "[threat] Are the Kents as strong as you, Kryptonian?" 
} }
submitted by gruggers1 to MultiVersusTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:57 findinginsight How can I manage my relationship with my potentially sociopathic sister and repair our now-broken family?

Hi advice,
I’m feeling quite helpless and am hoping for some advice on how to navigate these family problems.
TL;DR: My sister Emily, who has a history of lying, claimed our stepmom Christie was accusing her of dropping out of college and other things, which led to a lot of family stress. Christie recently committed suicide, and it turns out she was right about Emily not being in school. Now, I’m worried about my dad’s emotional state, and my sister’s ongoing lies are making family life toxic. I can’t even stay in the same house as her because I fear for my safety.
For perspective, my immediate family overview:
My mom and dad divorced when my mom was pregnant with me. My dad left her for my two older brothers' babysitter. I grew up with her as my step mom. There was always some tension between my brothers and her growing up, while I was more of a neutral observer. To be honest, she wasn't the best person but I did come to love her in the end. My dad and stepmom, Christie had one child together, Emily. When I was in high school my older brother passed away in a car accident, which was needless to say devasting for my parents. My oldest brother struggle with extreme drug addiction after that, going to rehab twice. He's doing very well now, with two kids and a wife in Florida. I'm in Chicago with my partner; gay, came out in high school.
Emily’s always been the golden child, spinning tales that often cast her as the victim or star. Last year, she started telling me these intense stories about her mom / my stepmom Christie, who was truly going through a rough depressive patch mentally. Emily used this depression and painted her as delusional and abusive. Then, Christie tragically took her own life, a decision we believe was heavily influenced by the stress of Emily’s lies about attending college—lies that we only recently discovered were actually true.
At Christie’s funeral, Emily’s behavior was off. She looked like she was dressed for a TV show rather than a funeral, and her emotional breakdown during a speech she barely prepared for felt staged. It was like she enjoyed the drama.
Her past is a complex web of claimed abuses and sexual assaults, many of which have been proven untrue. She’s excellent at manipulating narratives and even now boasts about becoming a CEO from a supposed buy-out of her PR firm (really she's just a freelancer), dropping names like Pauly D and Blake Lively as if they’re everyday business contacts.
The lies escalated in the days following her mother’s death. She claimed she was graduating a year early, was getting her diploma overnighted, that she had been named valedictorian, and that she was supposed to speak at the graduation ceremony. After her diploma didn't show up after a few days and she had excuse after excuse, had us drive 45 minutes to a friend’s house to pick up her 'diploma', only to receive a last-minute call from a random girl claiming it wasn't there after all. Random lie anyway, because why would a friend have her new diploma!?
This pattern of deceit was further confirmed when my brother and I checked with the National Student Clearinghouse and found out she wasn’t enrolled since last year and has no diploma from her university, contrary to her claims. Rather than coming clean, Emily’s response was to weave even more complex lies.
On top of all this, she’s lying about big financial moves involving my dad’s friends, like apartments in NYC and buying new houses, which just isolates us more when we can’t follow up on these claims without risking embarrassment.
Our dad is devastated. He’s always been private and protective, and these events have hit him hard. He’s still defending Emily and seems in denial, despite everything. It feels like everything’s falling apart because of Emily’s fabrications. My brother and I aren't speaking with my sister right now, and not speaking to my dad much, after we gave them ultimatums that they ignored.
I suggested family therapy, but that got shut down. I’m at a loss. I want to help my dad and find some way to bridge the gap, but Emily’s presence makes it impossible to even think about staying at his house. I’m genuinely scared of what she might do next given her track record and intensity.
So, what should I do? Is there a way to get through to my dad or to arrange some kind of intervention for Emily without making things worse? How do I find someone who can help us navigate this incredibly tough situation? I'm also open to some questions and perspectives on her outrageous lies.
And before you ask, yes, I know about What Jennifer Did, let's not bring that up!
Thanks for letting me vent. I just want to find some way to bring honesty and peace back to our family.
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