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Wake up, Dickheads! It's time for Faust!

2012.04.05 16:54 Wake up, Dickheads! It's time for Faust!

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2013.11.24 07:46 loves_being_that_guy The Letter K


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2024.06.09 00:24 askkristin How to Write the Credit Perfect Dispute Letter

How to Write the Perfect Dispute Letter to Clean Up Your Credit Report. 😱 Credit repair doesn't work, but this credit sweep strategy does! ! If you would like to get a free credit sweep consultation head to https://my740.com. Credit Sweep Cheat Sheet Link is below this text. 👉Get the 4-page cheat sheet FREE on my Telegram channel https://sendmeto.co/telegram
In this video, you'll learn a step-by-step method for writing the perfect dispute letter to remove negative items from your credit report. The process includes answering essential questions for your letter, constructing a compelling dispute reason, and utilizing a proven structure for effectiveness. The guide also covers how to document inconsistencies across different credit bureaus and handle disputes efficiently, whether you're an individual or a company. Additional tips are provided to avoid common stalling tactics used by credit bureaus. For a comprehensive understanding, viewers can access a downloadable worksheet, a full credit suite training, and other resources through the described event.
00:00 Introduction to Writing the Perfect Dispute Letter 00:26 Key Questions for Your Dispute Letter 00:48 Example Dispute Letter 01:22 Structuring the Perfect Dispute Reason 02:04 Detailed Examples of Dispute Reasons 02:28 Finalizing Your Dispute Letter 03:13 Additional Resources and Conclusion
Get the Chat with Credit Course at https://sendmeto.co/chat. Get the Dispute Funnel Course at https://sendmeto.co/funnel. Learn about the coaching on my Patreon store under memberships at https://patreon.com/740creditscores
250 collections removed before and after video https://youtu.be/zam8srBB7Qo Importance of sending dispute letters via certified mail short https://youtube.com/shorts/rK-rnS9gJ74?feature=share
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Join my Exclusive Youtube Newsletter at https://sendmeto.co/ytfam, where you'll receive exclusive content, free offers, discounts, early releases and more! As a way to say thank you, you'll receive free and instant access to my "How to Remove Any Account" Google Spreadsheet that walks you through creating a dispute reason step-by-step.
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⭐ Video Notes :
submitted by askkristin to u/askkristin [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:51 Solrawitch Having to go full parallel with yet another meta

This is gonna be a long one, so sorry in advance but I really can't TLDR.
General TW: mention of SA, mention of substance abuse
I guess I'm mostly just looking to vent. I've just been struggling with this a lot. I (f28) have been with my spouse NP (m30) M for almost 13 years. We are married, have a child (under 10), and have shared housing and finances. We were monogamous for the majority of that time but after years of discussing it and looking into Polyamory, had opened our relationship to be poly roughly 3-ish years ago. This is not an issue of poly-under-duress on either side, as non-monogamy of various natures was something we had been discussing after I had come to terms with my own bi-sexuality. (M has also identified as bi)
We have each had a handful of partners in this time, and I have tried my best to be a communicative and respectful partner and a cordial meta. We were originally practicing KTP and things were going well for a while. One issue came up with one of M's early partners- A. A had some problem and attitude with me right out of the gate. I just kind of brushed it off. I wasn't really worried about it till M had shown me what she had been saying to him about me, and it was all very disrespectful and childish. One thing that really stood out to me about these messages was that M didn't defend me at all in them. He just let her say horrible disrespectful things about me and apologized to her and begged her not to leave. I asked him why she was comfortable talking to him like that, and he said he did defend me, just in person. I don't understand why he'd allow someone to talk to him the way she did about anyone he cared about, (friends, family, spouse, whatever. This has never been an issue before) or why he'd beg a relationship that was only a couple of months old to continue.
Later M confided in me that A had done things like giving him the silent treatment for several days for not dropping everything to go to a weekend art festival with her and had pressured him into sexual situations involving her spouse that he wasn't comfortable with. after about 4 months of this and me saying I needed to be parallel for my own mental health after I blocked her, they broke up.
At the same time he was dating A, M was also dating S until S had a mental breakdown about how their same-sex relationship was a sin. He's had several other short-term partners since then but nothing really serious. I understand dating as a man is difficult, but I really didn't see this as some sort of competition to accumulate partners.
I have had a few different partners in the beginning, but formed connections with my two partners J (m37, 1.5 years), and T (m29, 1 year). I feel like M was jealous of my other relationships, but I made sure to set aside time specifically for him. no phones, just us. And I have done my best to communicate with him and make sure I am not doing anything that makes him feel uncomfortable especially in our shared home.
In November 2023 M had another connection fizzle out, and I knew he was feeling particularly down about it, so I made date night plans with him that week to stay in on a child-free night and make his favorite dinner together. I had work that day, and he stated he was going to be helping our mutual friend K with moving stuff around at her apartment. I had asked him to swing by the grocery store afterwards.
For context, F had reached out to me regarding K being SA'd while she had been sugar-dating and asked me to talk to her. K did not reach out to me, but I wasn't going to just not check on her after being told this because I know how traumatic it is. When I spoke to K she talked a little about the assault and vented about how she felt the need to purchase speed from her dad (who is her former SA abuser) in order to "ease the stress" of living with F. I told her she probably shouldn't be doing that, but she was convinced that because she was only micro-dosing and making a pill last a few days by mixing it into a 2L of soda that she had it under control. Afterwards I let her know she could reach out for help with whatever she needed. I told M how she was struggling and that I offered to help out and he said he'd offer help too. So it wasn't weird to me that he had offered to help move things around the house for her.
He had been sending me messages throughout the day and "helping her move furniture" was revealed over the messages to be getting dressed up, treating her to a moderately expensive lunch, going to a local bookstore, and walking around the mall to buy little treats.
We had always communicated about new partners before this point, and K was someone we had lived with previously and neither of us were really particularly happy living with her or spending a lot of time with her and her toxic behavior towards F in our space from what he had conveyed to me at that time (around 5 years ago). As far as I knew, we had only really maintained a friendship with K because of our longstanding friendship with her boyfriend F, who has been our friend almost as long as M and I have been together and would not break up with her despite his expressed displeasure in several aspects of their relationship he had come to M and I for advice on several occasions. (serious things like her weird attachment to her dad who again, had SA'd her, and how she had been threatening to move back in with him whenever F didn't meet her demands) So, you can see how I really didn't see this coming beforehand.
So I asked M point blank if this was a date with K, since he gave no indication of it beforehand. He said it was and that he thought he told me. I assured him he hadn't. He ended up cancelling our plans for the night by staying out with her till it was too late. I ate dinner alone and expressed to him how it was hurtful to have not communicated to me and then to have blown off our plans made in advance. He apologized and expressed to me how he would do better in the future.
That was roughly 7 months ago.
In those 7 months several additional hurts have been made.
-No communication before she started spending the night at our house and I had to hear them on multiple occasions having sex. One of these occasions being in the shower against the wall of my bedroom. (I didn't consent to that and it has seriously fucked me up in a huge way mentally. I have been clawing my way out of a massive depressive spiral since, and dealing with the death of my grandmother at this time did not help at all. This would occur 2-3 days a week, every week) He again apologized and expressed to me how he would do better in the future.
-I expressed not being okay with them having sex in the house and was expected to believe that all further noises I heard during her sleepovers that were still occurring on a weekly, and later reduced to bi-weekly basis were simply her normal bodily noises from her GERD. I included myself in this as well, if I had a partner over while M was home we would not engage in sexual activity.
-Every single sleepover involved her getting absolutely shit-faced drunk and/or high from MMJ edibles.
-He has left family gatherings and holidays for 45 minutes to an hour and a half at a time to go "talk" with her, In particular saying they were going to go get a drink from the gas station on thanksgiving.
-Kept me up late hours with the noise they make on nights when I had work, which again I am supposed to believe is all just normal passive bodily noises from her acid reflux, and the occasional instance of my cat knocking things over and definitely nothing sexual or her drunken stumbling.
-I expressed needing to re-connect and wanted a date with the two of us that didn't involve watching him text her. this turned into an expensive dinner with me listening to him talk about her.
-M had been leaving work early on a regular basis to drive her to things like doctor appointments and such. (1-2 times a week minimum).
-He forgot to get our kid up to school after I was already at work, and on multiple occasions just had a different family member pick her up so he could have more alone time with K.
-He lost his job. He says this is because of a technical error on one of the terminals he was assigned to wrecking his productivity on multiple occasions, so I was now the only income providing for our entire barely-middle-class no savings lifestyle.
-Asked my help in paying for an out-of-state trip with his best friend (using money I got from refinancing my vehicle. I had planned to use that money to pay off my credit cards and my lawyer I had needed for a recent legal problem involving a protective order, and to make repairs on our home) that later turned out to be a double date/ 4 day vacation. I was the only one working at this time. He swears he told me. He absolutely did not. He again apologized and expressed to me how he would do better in the future. (at this point we had a massive fight where I told him I am not a wallet for him to use to fund trips with his equally unemployed partner. I ended up moving all of my things into the spare bedroom and sleeping in there for several days)
-I have funded multiple dates through our joint bank account during his time being unemployed, despite expressing how I didn't appreciate it. (for reference, I work 60+ hrs a week and my check alone is barely enough to keep our household expenses afloat without paying for any dates- mine or his)
-She was constantly leaving laundry behind, like crop tops, bras, socks, etc that I was finding in my couch and mixed in with the household laundry. So I was literally washing her damn underwear.
-In April I blew up because their late night nonsense had prevented me from getting more than an hour of sleep before my 12 hour shift. I told him at this point that the sleepovers were over with with no amount of uncertainty and we fought about it again. I told him I needed something closer to garden party, I'm fine seeing her at holidays and birthday parties but that I really needed my space and the disrespect I had been enduring was not going to happen anymore. I included myself in this as well, my partners would not be spending the night anymore either. Even to the point that when T took me out for dinner and his car broke down I let him borrow my truck to get home rather than have him crash in the spare room because I'm not going to make a space where I can be accused of holding double standards.
After all of this occurred, I got a callback from HR at my job setting up an interview for a promotion I had applied for. Getting this promotion would mean roughly $4k more per year on my salary which would definitely ease the financial stress we were under as a single income household. Because we were no longer having sleepovers in the house when the other person was there, and my interview fell on one of my days off later in the afternoon we scheduled a date between myself and M for the day before. The plan was to have our date, M drop me off at T's apartment, M would pick up K to sleep over back at our house, K had work the next day at 10:30 (just got a new job) so M told me he would drop K off at 10:30am and pick me up from T's apartment afterwards- which was only 15 minutes away. This would give us time for the hour drive back to the house, and time for me to change clothes and drive to my workplace before my interview, about 45 minutes of elbow room in our time.
Communication was minimal that morning, which is normal for when we're with others, and it dropped off entirely after he said he was leaving the house so I just assumed he was driving. At about 10:40 I asked if he was nearby and if I should start heading downstairs, he hadn't sent me an update saying he was on his way like he normally would. he finally gets back to me around 10:45am letting me know that he had just dropped her stuff off at her apartment and was running late because her dogs needed to be walked and her NP, F, hadn't walked them before he left for work that morning. He still needed to drop her off at her job which apparently didn't actually start until 11. He did not pick me up until around 11:10am. we rode home in silence for the hour drive until we were pulling into the driveway and he said something about his tire needing to be checked on his way to get our kid from school. I ran inside, got dressed, ran back out and barely made it to my interview on time. (I didn't get it. Better luck next time I guess)
After the interview he had been in the next town over to get our kid from school and we were discussing over text how it absolutely wasn't okay to have changed plans without talking to me about it, and that someone elses dogs shouldn't have ever had priority over me or my time- especially since the interview for this promotion was going to make things better for all 3 of us as a family.
Well, during this argument I got a message from my sister in law C.
K had apparently blocked me but decided she needed to get the last word in. So she sent a message to C to give to me. It was around 10 paragraphs about how I am emotionally abusing M every time I've set a boundary and stood up for myself, asked for everything they put me through because of the open status of our relationship, am petty and jealous, imagining things, wished I'd have come to her instead of M (as if it was a meta problem and not him being a bad and uncommunicative hinge), and finished it off by talking about how she thinks I'm super hot and she hopes we can reconcile in the future.
I sent screenshots of it to M, asking what K knows about my marriage that I don't and it was the equivalent of pouring gasoline on a campfire. Our argument blew up bigger than it was originally, he dropped our kid off at the house after school and drove off. I was worried he was going to self harm after some of the things he said. He did eventually come home and talk to me. He apparently had no knowledge or input on her little letter to me, denied that he's ever called me abusive to her etc.
we ended up talking for about 4 hours and working things out that night. I let him know from that point on that I wanted full parallel, not garden party at all with her. this was a little over a month ago and I keep having nightmares where I'm forced into parent-trap type situations where he tries to force me to reconcile with her. I asked him for reassurance that he understood my boundary the other day and he did reassure me, but expressed how he was upset about it and doesn't really have time to see or talk to her as often anymore since he started his new job.
I'm in therapy.
I tried finding a couples therapy we could afford, but the few places I could find that would be affordable wouldn't see us, stating that my being in individual therapy is a "conflict of interest" for couples therapy. Which I've asked around on, and it's definitely BS, but I can't afford to get couples therapy till we get our financial situation ironed out.
We've been doing better over the past month, but I keep having this horrible anxiety like the other shoe is about to drop.
I'm sorry this is so long. I just don't feel right venting to my other partners.
I just miss actually feeling compersion.
submitted by Solrawitch to polyamory [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:29 disiradosti172 Master post o Europskim izborima

Master post o Europskim izborima
Prokastiniram ovaj post vec mjesec dana. Malo ce biti kaoticno, jer mi se iskreno ne da. Ako vidite typo, ne, ne vidite typo.
Ako se nekome ne cita o ovome, evo vam strip Moč Evrope o EU. Nije na hrvatskom, ali vjerujem u vase osnovno razumijevanje slovenscine. Good luck!
Ili pogledajte Kurzgesagt videe Is the European Union worth it or should we end it? & Is the EU Democratic? Does Your Vote Matter?
Krenimo s ovime:
Ako ima neki zakon, regulaciju ili kaj vec koji ja nisam spomenula, mozete poprilicno jednostavno pogledati kako su zastupnici proslog saziva glasali. Ima i ova stranica - https://howtheyvote.eu/votes - ali kad sam usporedivala tu stranicu i sluzbene podatke sam naisla na dvije greske, tako da bi bilo dobro da pogledate sluzbenu stranicu iako je puno kompliciranija za koristenje. Morate znati barem broj zakona, znaci naci tocni zakon koji vas zanima - pogledati kad je izglasan (prve dvije tocke bi bile dosta jednostavne na ovoj howtheyvote stranici) - otici na sluzbenu stranicu - dolje desno imate kalendar, nadite datum glasanja - na desnoj stranici imate "roll call votes" gumbic - na listi nadite stvar koja vas zanima, klinite na +
  • Jedan od najbitnijih tema, barem meni osobno, je klimatska kriza.
Zasto? Europa je kontinent koji se najbrze zagrijava, gotovo dvostruko brze od prosjecne globalne stope. Strategija EU-a za prilagodbu klimi predvida da ce toplinski valovi ubijati oko 26-89 tisuca Europljana godisnje od sada do 2050. To jest, bez provedbe mjera za ublazavanje i prevenciju klime. 2022. godine tijekom toplinskih valova umrlo je vise od 60 tisuce Europljana. Evo jedan zanimljiv clanak o tome i zasto i kako.
  1. godine vlade EU-a potrosile su više od 400 000 000 000 € (400 milijardi) na subvencije za fosilna goriva – ukljucujuci porezne olaksice za mlazno gorivo i korporativne pogodnosti.
IMF Fossil Fuel Subsidies Data: 2023 Update
E, ekipa koja ima sezonske alergije - jeste li znali da upravo klimatska kriza doprinosi duljoj i intenzivnijoj sezoni alergija? Vise razine ugljicnog dioksida povecavaju razinu peludi i snagu peludi. Fun!!!
Talk is cheap, ali zato ovdje mozete vidjeti tko ima najbolji track record glasanja sto se tice klimatske krize.
WWF ima rang listu politickih skupina i nacionalnih stranaka u EU-u na temelju evidencije glasovanja o zakonodavstvu o klimi, prirodi i oneciscenju: Are your representatives Protectors, Procrastinators, or Prehistoric thinkers?
Stay Grounded je napravio sveobuhvatnu analizu manifesta svih deset stranaka na europskoj razini. Ova analiza usredotocuje se na njihovu predanost reformi zrakoplovnih politika, s ciljem da se ocijeni njihova spremnost za prijelaz na odrziviji i pravedniji okvir mobilnosti.
  • Zadnjih par tjedana bilo je dosta pitanja o tome tko je za vecu integraciju EU
Bila su i neka pitanja o tome tko bi htio zajednicku EU vojsku, ali mislim da kod nas nema stranke koja je pricala o tome. Volt, jedina paneuropska stranka, se zalaze za EU vojsku i federalnu EU, ali nemaju listu u RH. Fun fact: u Njemackoj na listi imaju Hrvaticu.
Parlamentarne skupine koje podržavaju federalisti:
Kako su grupacije glasale u vezi nekih tema koje su nam svima bitne? Here we go:
(grafike su preuzete od The Left, stranke koja nije aktivna u RH. I European Greens (grupacija u kojoj je Mozemo i u kojoj ce mozda biti Gen Z) imaju slicne grafike ali sam uzela od The Left da ne bude kmecanja.)
Roll Call vote result on the resolution as a whole on the inclusion of the right to abortion in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights voted on 11/04/2024
BTW. Europski parlament prozvao Hrvatsku, proglaseni smo zemljom koja postavlja prepreke pravu na siguran abortus
Roll Call Vote result on AM 3 rejecting the European Semester for economic policy coordination 2024 voted on the 27/03/2024
Nasi zastupnici i europska grupacija kojoj pripadaju:
S&D (Progresivni savez socijalista i demokrata): SDP - Borzan, Jerkovic, Matic, Picula
EPP (Europska pucka stranka / demokrscanski ): HDZ - Zovko, Sokol, Ressler, Glavak
Renew (Obnovimo Europu): IDS - Fleko
NI (nezavisni): Zivi zid - Sincic, Nezavisni - Kolakusic
ECR (Europski konzervativci i reformisti): HRAST - Ilcic
Kako su do sad glasali? Par po meni zanimljivih glasanja gdje vidite kakve ljude smo stavili u EU parlament. I molim bez nekih gluposti poput "a kAj Ja zNaM zAkAj sU gLaSaLi pRoTiV, mOzDa su iMaLi DoBaR rAzLoG". Linkani su svi zakoni, svi roll call votes, citajte i vidite kakve osobe saljemo u EU parlament.
Inclusion of the right to abortion in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights ZA: Matic, Picula, Jerkovic PROTIV: Sokol, Ilcic ; svi ostali nisu bili prisutni
Combating violence against women and domestic violence The law requires all EU countries to criminalise female genital mutilation, forced marriage and cyber violence such as the non-consensual sharing of intimate images. ZA: Borzan,Flego, Glavak, Jerkovic, Matic, Picula, Ressler, Zovko, PROTIV: Ilcic, SUZDRZANI: Kolakusic, Sincic: nije bio prisutan Sokol
CSA/ chat control/Objasnjenje zasto je ovo uzasan i opasan zakon ZA: SVIH 11 ZASTUPNIKA osim Sincica, koji je bio SUZDRZAN
Revision of the Multiannual Financial Framework AM 11 - veci porezi na neocekivanu dobit/ tax the rich PROTIV: SVIH 11 ZASTUPNIKA osim Kolakusica, koji je bio SUZDRZAN
Ako vas zanima sto grupacije govore u programima - u/180250 je napravio odlican post koji sadrzi par videa o tome sto svaka grupacija zastupa.
Sto kazu nase stranke?
Ovaj N1 clanak ima sazetak programa najvecih stranaka.
SDP je kao za radnicku klasu, ali kad idu glasati to zaborave. Imali su par dobrih istupa sto se tice prava potrosaca. Najavljuje da ce provesti Europski plan priustivog stanovanja s pripadajucim investicijama, kao i Strategiju EU-a za borbu protiv beskucništva. Također i da “velike korporacije i ultrabogati pojedinci moraju platiti svoj pošteni udio Europi, i to putem učinkovitih poreza na korporacije i kapital najbogatijih pojedinaca” (koga ovi zajebavaju, glasali su protiv takvih stvari). Spominju i borbu protiv korupcije jacanjem EPPO-a i OLAF-a.
HDZ lize dupe EPP-u. Oni zele jacu demokraciju (HAHAHAHAHAH), ravnomjerni regionalni razvoj RH (ko ce im reci da je to do sad bio njihov posao?), prosirenje EU, RH kao prometno i energetsko cvoriste i slicne fore.
Mozemo je vjeran svojoj grupaciji, zele jako puno ulaganja u zelenu tranziciju i gradnju industrije, veca radnicka prava, zele da zene imaju pravo na dostupan i besplatan pobacaj u svim zemljama EU-a i da svi imaju pristup priustivim lijekovima i medicinskim postupcima, bolje zeljeznice i javni prijevoz, zele uspostaviti Europski fond za prirodne katastrofe i prosiriti europsku zracnu flotu za gasenje pozara, zele da europski porez na ekstraprofit postane trajan.
DP se protivi svemu sto Europska Unija predstavlja, ali netko od njih ce veoma rado tamo sjediti i dobivati mjesecnu placu od 10000€ i srati po tome kako se EU treba unistiti. "U Europskom parlamentu borit ćemo se za povratak ovlasti nacionalnim državama."
Most se isto protivi Europskoj uniji, kaze da se protivi nametanju"ideologije" kroz razne inicijative, dokumente i zakone s europske razine ali istovremeno bi nametali krscansku ideologiju i povijesni revizionizam. “Mi trebamo u EU imati zajednički vrijednosni okvir, ne trebamo se sramiti svojih korijena, svoje kršćanske baštine, želimo da ona uđe u temeljne osnivačke ugovore EU kako bi se upravo na tim izvorima stvarale zajedničke politike i da bi naši ljudi mogli živjeti bolje”. Kako bi ga ismijali da pocne pricati takve gluposti u EP-u.
Gen Z lista Nine Skocak zalaze se ulaganjem u izgradju javnih stanova (izgradnja zasebnog fonda) te regulacija velikih investicija u stanove, prosireni Erasmus+ program s vecim stipendijama, za moderne zeljeznicke sustave, regulaciju digitalnog prostora (ukljucujuci AI) i zastitu privatnosti, zelenu tranziciju (ukljucujuci nuklearnu energiju).
submitted by disiradosti172 to croatia [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:11 sparklwei help me finding this song pleaaseeee

hi! i'm looking for a song that i just remember the cover of the album on spotify ☠️
it was a rap song (by a male artist) and in the cover was a little illustration of the rapper and i think a dog? maybe a dobberman or something like that idk (if i'm not crazy, i'm not sure) — i used to listen in 2019-2020
i'm pretty sure that the name of the artist or the name of the song have the letter K in it
i remember the illustration of the rapper very clearly, he had a beard and was using a black shirt and a golden chain
submitted by sparklwei to WhatsThisSong [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:57 Ok_Team5576 Italy visa process from VFS global Mumbai

Since we got so many mixed signals while we were doing our research for a Schengen Tourist Visa, here is our end to end experience with VFS Global in Mumbai for a visa for a 10 day honeymoon trip to Italy as a 30 year old who owns his own firm and a 27 Year old IT professional.
Visa appointment: You need to book an appointment with VFS Global for your Visa. We opted to book the appointment via our tour agent who took 13k from us. This amount included our Visa Appointment, Free Cancellation Flight Tickets, Travel Insurance and Hotel Bookings. We booked our appointment in the month of Jan and received a slot for 7th May. This date was okay for us as we were planning to travel in the month of July.
Documents needed:
Own Business All passports 4 Photos( ask your photographer for specific requirements for Europe Visa they always know) Cover letter Flight tickets, Hotel bookings, travel insurance(covering at least 30,000 EUR) and detailed itinerary. 6 months Personal and Company Bank statements signed and stamped by the bank (please note, personal bank balance has to have an avg balance of minimum 2.5L and do not deposit large sums in your accounts at the last moment) 3 Years personal and Company ITR KYC documents: Aadhar Card, Pan Card( Personal and Company), Vaccination Certificate GST Certificate all 3 pages with photo/partnership deed/ memorandum of association Marriage certificate if spouse name not mentioned in passport Credit card statement with limit
Salaried All Passports 4 Photos( ask your photographer for specific requirements for Europe Visa they always know) Cover letter Flight tickets, Hotel bookings, travel insurance(covering at least 30,000 EUR) and detailed itinerary. KYC documents: Aadhar Card, Pan Card( Personal and Company), Vaccination Certificate NOC from Company with Signature and Stamp with leave approval from HR (Companies normally have a format for it but you can also get it from the vfs global website) 6 months Personal bank statements signed and stamped by the bank (please note, personal bank balance has to have an avg balance of minimum 2.5L and do not deposit large sums in your accounts at the last moment) Salary slip for the last 6 months signed and stamped by your company ( pro tip: add your bonus statement as well) 3 Years Personal ITR Marriage certificate if spouse name not mentioned in passport Credit card statement with limit
Day of the Appointment: Our appointment was at the VFS Global Mahalakshmi office. We reached around 8 15 for our 8 45 Appointment. (Always prefer to have a morning appointment as the whole process takes around 2 hours). There is water available and there is also a small cafe in the building which serves coffee and sandwiches. Once you reach the office, there is a queue on the ground floor according to the time slots, so at 8 30 am everyone with the 8 45 appointment has to stand in the queue. There will be a person who will do an initial check of your documents and check your appointment letter( please take a printout of your appointment letter without fail). The VFS staff will try to push their premium services on you on the pretext that the process will take very long. But if you have all your documents in place and can wait for an hour or two these services are not at all required. Once you reach the VFS Italian Office, you will receive a token. (Our token no. was 4) There are around 8 counters where VFS employees take your documents. According to your token you will be asked to report to anyone of the counters. There is no interview per say. But ensure you know your itinerary well as they will ask for that. They will thoroughly check all the documents, especially the bank statements. In case if any documents are missed they will ask you to get them by EOD. After submitting the documents, you have to give your biometrics and then pay around 15k as processing fee for 2 people ( both cash and card are accepted but just to be safe carry cash)
Visa Status: We were told that we will get to know the status of our Visa within 15 working days. We had not opted for the courier services which are available for a small fee. We got a call from VFS Global on 15th May (within 5 working days) stating that our passports were back from the Italian Consulate. We were told, we will have to come and sign a letter and collect our passports. Since the passports are received by VFS in a sealed envelope, they don't know the status of your Visa so there is no point in asking them. Since we got to know about the letter, we were under the impression that our visa request was rejected. Once we reached the VFS global office we were given the sealed envelope with our Passports in it. We received the Visa for one month. Along with that we had to sign an acknowledgement that we have to report to a VFS Global office within 5 days of our return to India along with our passports and all the necessary immigration stamps. After we asked for more details we were told this is a new process started by the consulate to ensure people are coming back to India.
Our overall experience was pretty good and smooth even without the premium services.
submitted by Ok_Team5576 to SchengenVisa [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:50 Lilfundip1111 I miss my brother when I'm drunk

I am quite tipsy when writing this. It seems like I'm following a pattern of my family, only letting your feelings out when you've had a few. My brother (D) was 12 years older than me, he has the oldest and I'm the youngest. We have different mothers but that never made a difference to me. There's a lot of homemade video tapes that my dad kept. My favorite is me and him in a hammock in summertime. I was a toddler fast asleep in the comfort of his arms. In therapy I've been asked to find my safe space, and this is it. He used to teach me self defence. He was able to pick me up with his thumbs. To me he was the strongest person alive.
In 2020 he committed suiced by heroin. He had had issues with panic attacks his whole life. About a week before he died he reached out to me on fb messanger. We had had limited contact due to his alchohlism and mental illness the last few years. He got irrationally angry with me at a family gathering years before, saying is should never ever reach out to him for help. He apologized after, but I was kinda scarred by that. Anyways in this message he told me about his struggles ans attempt to k*ill himself before. I tried to be supportive and asked if he had the help that he needed now and he said he did.
So then I got the call that he's no longer with us. This period is kind of fuzzy so I'll skip ahead to the letter.
The suicide note was found months later. It was from about 6 months before he died. The place and method were different.
Up til this point my perceptions of our relationship was as listed above. He was my big brother and I was his baby sister. He would protect my from everthing. Then I was sent the letter with a warning, dad does not want you to read this. Adressing me and one of my brothers( A). But ofcourse I wanted to read it. He listed family and friends one by one, with longer paragraphs about my older sister (his only full simbling) and my youngest oldest brother (J) (whom he worked with). And then there was the shortest paragraph of me and brother (A). "We were never really close, I wonder why". This shattered me. He had a totally different view of our relationship. Before this I had focuses on being there for my familiy, especially my dad. And I couldn't admit to my dad that this broke me. Because it would break him. My brother (A) is now dealing with gambling addiction and I'm scared to lose him to.
I've been through some other terrible things the years after and currently battling ptsd and panic attacks, something he said in his last message he'd hope I'd never experience. I feel like I'm dissapointing him in that way.
I hope his last message was an effort for him to change our relationship from what he had written in the letter.
Just writing this down feels better. But I haven't had the time grieve. I miss him, and our family. It will never be the same.
submitted by Lilfundip1111 to GriefSupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:29 Incognito_Ninjav2 How do I know if aftermarket parts are street legal in a state?

Second post of the day, I have horrible memory to post everything in one. Crosspost, thought you guys would know more about this
Been in CA my entire life, in a few other states I've lived they've never cared about emissions at all (which surprised me especially from hawaii) Anyway,
It's easy to figure out what I can and can't put in my car in CA. Step 1. Nothing that's isn't OEM step 2. Just to drive the point home, every single after market part will say in big bold letters "NOT FOR SALE OR LEGAL IN THE STATE OF CA"
moving states and I want to make sure the 2 parts I did put in my camaro while in CA are going to meet emissions standards in maryland. Or just take them out now that I have the OEM here.
Edit: been having them in CA but took them out and out OEM when I registered my car when I brought it from Hawaii. I've read maryland also does emissions testing on newly registered cars but unsure I'd they're as strict as ca, don't want to take a gamble and take it as is just to have to buy OEMs over there
Edit: k&m cold air intake and racechip
submitted by Incognito_Ninjav2 to camaro [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:10 secretfinaccount Letter Requesting More Info to Process Return but Refund Already Issued

Hi, just received a 12C letter from the IRS asking for “more information to process the [2023] return” and they’ll “issue any refund due to [me] in 6 to 8 weeks.” My tax return was e-filed in April and the refund came through without any apparent issue (dollar amount matches, online transcript shows “846 refund issued”). The letter is asking for form 8995, schedule D, schedule 1 and schedule 3 because they are “incomplete or missing”. Looking at the PDF of the thing that was supposed to be e-filed all of those are on there.
Do I just send in copies of that form and schedules? Or is it worth trying to get through on the phone to figure it out? It’s perplexing to me that they don’t have that part of the efile package and that they sent the refund on the 1040 already.
When they ask for “all supporting forms or schedules, as required” they aren’t looking for copies of the sources of all the numbers, are they? I don’t need to send in the K-1s, 1099s, etc.? I don’t need to send in all the things in the tax package labeled “keep for your records” etc? Each request is “Form/Schedule is incomplete or missing from your return. Complete the form/schedule with information that supports ABC on line X of Form 1040. Also attached all supporting forms or schedules, as required.”
I understand not to file a 1040-X or send the 1040 itself, just the schedules and other requested information. Self prepared with turbo tax.
(Edits to add information asked for in comments)
submitted by secretfinaccount to tax [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:38 littlelulumcd So Tell Me Everything Is Not About Speak Now, But What If It Is? Album Cover and Album Prologue

So Tell Me Everything Is Not About Speak Now, But What If It Is? Album Cover and Album Prologue
Well, well, well! That was quite the mash up on N1 in Scotland 👀
I had something else queued up to write next but after that performance, I knew I had to come back to this series!
BTW, If you didn't know that I'm writing a series about Speak Now, and you want to find my other posts, you can click on my name to find them.
In my last post, I realize that i got ahead of myself because I said I’d be doing a song analysis next, but I actually want to talk about the album cover and prologue first.
Disclaimer#1: A lot of what I’m going to write about is what I think happened, not what I’m saying 100% happened. I’m happy to hear other interpretations or if you disagree, that is fine too!
Disclaimer #2: Taylor is an unreliable narrator. That has been established in many different ways, in many different contexts, and with many different examples. If you think something couldn’t have happened because of something Taylor said about an album, or song, I urge you to go back and read the first sentence from this disclaimer.
Disclaimer #3: I have adhd so I’m very likely going to make spelling/grammar mistakes - please accept my apology is advance for that. And for my overuse of commas.(My apology as well for all the additional context my adhd is going to give you in parentheses throughout this post).
Disclaimer #4: I decided not to venture into the ethics of creating public narratives about public people and then packaging that up for your fans to eat up like Taylor likes to do. There is a time and a place for that conversation, but the focus on my Speak Now writing is about might have happened. I also have a hard time having sympathy for John Mayer or Jake Gyllenhaal who agreed to the appearance of dating a much younger woman - which is gross and should not be normalized. Did she cross a line at times - like with Joe Jonas’s ex - maybe, but she was 18-20 when she did this and had no idea where things would end up with her easter eggs. Plus if she felt cornered by her label and the music industry, I have sympathy for that.
At some point, my posts are going to be nothing but disclaimers lmao.
Album front and back cover

Front cover

Back cover
The first thing that stands out to me is the yellow dress of it all.
If Speak Now is the album that started her forced closeting, then the appearance of the yellow dress (when Fearless had yellow themes), is…interesting.
Fun fact: But I’m a Cheerleader (the movie that a lot of people think introduced the concept of yellow as a closeting color to Taylor) was released in 1999.
Fun fact that I’m introducing for no reason whatsoever 👀: The episode of Mad Men that uses the term “lavender haze” aired on October 19, 2008
Purple has a long history in the queer and lesbian community. The most obvious being lavender which is not the purple on the cover.
Fun colour fact: There is a lavender purple.
According to this article, the designer for the original Speak Now dress describes it as a “strapless violet ballgown” 👀
Violet is often associated with lesbians
Violets have been associated with lesbian love since the 6th century, thanks to the work of the greek poet Saphho, from the isle of Lesbos. Much of her poetry centered around the relationships and love between women, who she often described as wearing garlands of the flowers and other plants.
The bisexual.) flag also uses purple
The pink color represents sexual attraction to the same sex only (gay and lesbian). The blue represents sexual attraction to the opposite sex only (straight) and the resultant overlap color purple represents sexual attraction to both sexes (bi).
Yet another fun colour fact: red and blue (which makes purple when mixed together) were the colour choices for Taylor’s next albums after Speak Now
Album Prologue
When I first looked at the prologue artwork I thought it looked like a pride flag, but then I realized that it’s missing purple. Taylor being dressed in purple on the cover then finishes the pride flag.
Maybe this is the first example of Taylor literally flagging what she really felt.
The way I approached the album prologue and subsequent song analysis is to look at the text without taking into account the romantic nature of the songs that Taylor tells us is there. Like I said at the beginning of the post, Taylor is an unreliable narrator and her public narratives have for a lot of people, become such a part of analyzing her work.
I’ve bolded what I want to emphasize.
Back then, Taylor did not speak her truth. Like Laura Dern says in the Bejeweled mv “Speak Not!” and I think that line is in that video for a reason because that is what Taylor did during this time.
I really hope she takes the chance to speak her truth now.
Speak now or forever hold your peace, the words said by preachers at the end of wedding ceremonies all over the world, right before the rows. It's a last chance for protest, a moment that makes everyone's heart race, and a moment I've always been strangely fascinated by. So many fantasize about bursting into a church, saying what they'd kept inside for years like in the movie. In real life, it rarely happens.
Ouch ouch ouch. Looking at these words today, knowing what happened post Speak Now hurts. I can’t imagine then what it feels like to Taylor - especially when she revisited this album and everything else that might have happened during the rerecording process.
Real life is a funny thing, you know. In real life, saying the right thing at the right moment is beyond crucial. So crucial, in fact, that most of us start to hesitate, for fear of saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. But lately what I’ve begun to fear more than that is letting the moment pass without saying anything.
I think most of us fear reaching the end of our life, and looking back regretting the moments we didn't speak up.
When we didn't say 'I love you! When we should've said 'I'm sorry. When we didn't stand up for ourselves or someone who needed help.
The pain continues lol. But besides that, she doesn’t assign gender to her first love (while in the sentence before making reference to a boy whose heart she broke).
I think is Scott B. is the mean man and the someone who made her world dark for a while
What catches my attention most of all is “the girl who stole something of mine." Without the public narrative of BTR, that line can be read very differently. It could potentially tie to Dear John and an older woman - which isn’t my read on the song, but my interpretation isn’t the truth. Especially when some people think Dear John and ATW have connections.
It can also be read as the girl stealing her heart. Which is what I thought as soon as I read that line. What stops a lot of other people from seeing the line as possibly queer, is that they feel they already know what Taylor is talking about. So they don’t actually read what she writes. They rely on public stories to do their analysis.
These songs are made up of words I didn't say when the moment was right in front of me. These songs are open letters. Each is written with a specific person in mind, telling them what I meant to tell them in person. To the beautiful boy whose heart I broke in December. To my first love who I never thought would be my first heartbreak. To my band. To a mean man I used to be afraid of. To someone who made my world very dark for a while. To a girl who stole something of mine. To someone I forgive for what he said in front of the whole world.
The first line, I take as directed at Scott B and in this case, it’s not something that Taylor said to him, I think she is writing about what was said to her by Scott B.
The second line I bolded is what I believe encompasses so much from the Speak Now era. Taylor wanted to tell her truth, she planned to tell her truth, but then never got the chance. And I think she is haunted by that choice. We hear that over and over again throughout Taylor’s discography, especially since folklore.
Personally, I have spent a lot of time hating myself for the choices I made when I was young - which isn’t fair, I know, I’m in therapy lol - and given how much bigger in a lot of ways, Taylor’s choices were at this age, I can see why she might be struggling with self loathing as well.
Words can break someone into a million pieces, but they can also put them back together. I hope you use yours for good, because the only words you'll regret more than the ones left unsaid are the ones you use to intentionally hurt someone.
What you say might be too much for some people. Maybe it will come out all wrong and you'll stutter and you'll walk away embarrassed, wincing as you play it all back in your head. But I think the words you stop yourself from saying are the ones that will haunt you the longest.
I mentioned in last SN post that I think the concept for the OG Karma album started with Speak Now. The first line I highlighted makes me hope that she has also been planning a tell book on what she’s endured through the music industry since Speak Now as well. I mentioned this in a comment recently, in the LWYMMD mv, when she supposedly mocks Kim K by saying she’s “keeping receipts”, I want to believe that is a warning to Scott B/Scootethe music industry.
And it also feels like she’s saying she knows she can’t speak now, so she is going to wait for her turn, even if that isn’t what she wanted to do or hoped to do.
So say it to them. Or say it to yourself in the mirror. say it in a letter you'll never send or in a book millions might read someday. I think you deserve to look back on your life without a chorus of resounding voices saying I could’ve, but it's too late now.
There is a time for silence. There is a time waiting your turn. But if you know how you feel, and you so clearly know what you need to say, you'll know it. I don't think you should wait. I think you should speak now.
PS: To al the boys who inspired this album, you should’ve known. :)
If Taylor has been planning to come out at various points from Speak Now onwards, I do not believe she will give that plan up even with all the roadblocks and pain along the way.
I just can’t see a world where she will lets everyone who kept her in the closet get away with that.
I’ve shared this quote before when I’ve written about Taylor, but it definitely fits here too. Taylor said this in 2022 at the Tribeca Festival, and I feel like it was a warning to those who think they've won.
And also think that Taylor will stay in the closet forever, or won’t Speak Now about what has happened to her
People greatly underestimate me on how much I’ll inconvenience myself to prove a point if I think I'm right.
submitted by littlelulumcd to GaylorSwift [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:37 Born_Chemical_6971 Employee Garnishment wrongly served

Garnishment went to the wrong addresses (an old business address from years ago). Correct address has been updated across all areas years ago. All tax returns, unemployment Worker’s Comp., etc. I’ll use the current address. Not sure how the courts got this old address that hasn’t been active for five years. Either way, garnishment for an employee was served to that address. As a result, garnishment was not set up because we were never made aware and the current resident at that address signed for it and never informed us. A hold was placed on our account yesterday afternoon in the amount of the entire garnishment which is quite large. The courts were already closed when we discovered this so we are waiting until Monday to reach out to them. Has anyone had any situation like this? And advice on how to handle? The employee no longer works for us and only worked for about $3000 worth of pay total but now we have over 20 K of their debt deducted from our account. Do we simply call the courts and send proof they are using incorrect address? Do we have some protection since the person who signed for the certified letter has no affiliation with our business? We reached out to the current resident and she confirmed she got it, but had no idea how to get in touch with us so she shredded it. (Insert head against wall). Not sure how they can hold us liable for this? Prior to this being served and since this was served, both we have received numerous child supports and unemployment request, etc. to the correct address so all offices have the correct address. Any help is appreciated.
submitted by Born_Chemical_6971 to Payroll [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:22 Ryac_ Drove 5 hours today to pick this up - 152 LD's - Pioneer DVL909 and receiver VSA E06

Drove 5 hours today to pick this up - 152 LD's - Pioneer DVL909 and receiver VSA E06 submitted by Ryac_ to LaserDisc [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 14:02 alleybetwixt This Week In KPOP - June 8, 2024

Welcome to This Week In KPOP, a collection of everything you may have missed during the past week on kpop.

June 1, 2024 - June 7, 2024


# Votes Thread Comments
1 (+1884) GFRIEND reunite at 2024 VIVIZ World Tour 'V.hind: Love and Tears' in Seoul 49 comments
2 (+1858) Fantagio's Girl Group Weki Meki Will Reportedly Disband Following June Comeback 206 comments
3 (+1802) Red Velvet to make their comeback with a mini album at the end of June 103 comments
4 (+1335) SOURCE MUSIC updates on their proceedings against violation of LE SSERAFIM’s rights and interests 151 comments
5 (+1312) EXID’s Hani Announces Marriage With Heartfelt Letter 32 comments
6 (+1311) (G)I-DLE SOYEON to go on a temporary hiatus from current promotions schedule to focus on her health 88 comments
7 (+1250) Weki Meki included on 1theK official June comeback line-up 125 comments
8 (+977) SM Firmly Denies Rumors About NCT's Haechan And Johnny + Announces Legal Action 177 comments
9 (+946) Dispatch Reveals Former T-ARA's Areum Has Been Forwarded To Prosecutors In Disturbing Child Abuse Case 118 comments
10 (+900) ARTMS' 1st Full Album "DALL" becomes their first album to surpass 100,000 sales on Hanteo 52 comments


Votes Thread Comments
(+296) Megathread 9: HYBE vs. ADOR - Shareholders' Meeting recap, Min Hee Jin Press Conference pt.2, and More 6561 comments


# Votes Thread Comments
1 (+851) Happy 14th Anniversary to SISTAR! 17 comments
2 (+491) Happy 7th Anniversary to Chungha! 7 comments
3 (+120) Happy 3rd anniversary to MINIMANI! 3 comments
4 (+114) Happy 4th solo anniversary to BTOB Seo Eunkwang! 1 comments
5 (+107) Happy 14th Anniversary to HYOLYN! 2 comments
6 (+101) Happy 17th anniversary to FTISLAND! 7 comments


# Votes Thread Comments
1 (+441) [Song Cover] NMIXX Lily - Complicated (orig. Avril Lavigne) @ Re-MIXX (240605) 14 comments
2 (+384) [Live] LE SSERAFIM - Easy + Smart + Interview @ MTV Push (240603) [ENG SUB] 25 comments
3 (+245) [Performance] ATEEZ – WAVE, BOUNCY, UTOPIA, Crazy Form, The Real, WORK, Answer, Fireworks @ Dingo’s Killing Voice (240604) 28 comments
4 (+206) [Performance] XG - WOKE UP (M2 Relay Dance) 10 comments
5 (+150) [Live] Comeback Stage: KEP1ER - SHOOTING STAR @ Mnet M Countdown (240606) 5 comments
6 (+130) [Performance] ARTMS - Virtual Angel (Curator Masterpiece Performance Video) 0 comments
7 (+120) [Performance] Kep1er - Shooting Star (M2 Performance37) 1 comments
8 (+114) [Live] MAMAMOO Solar (Host: Lee Mujin) - But I, Decalcomanie, Flowers (Miley Cyrus), Some (Soyou & Junggigo) @ Leemujin Service Episode 117 (240604) [ENG SUB] 3 comments
9 (+110) [Live] Comeback Stage: ARTMS - Sparkle @ SBS M The Show (240604) 0 comments
10 (+102) [Performance] MAMAMOO Moonbyul - DARK ROMANCE (Performance Video) 2 comments


# Votes Thread Comments
1 (+175) aespa Karina (with ITZY Yeji) - Armageddon (Dance Challenge) (240606) 4 comments
2 (+162) aespa KARINA & GISELLE (with NewJeans MINJI & HAERIN) - Armageddon (Dance Challenge) (240608) 22 comments
3 (+117) NewJeans Danielle & Hanni (with aespa Ningning & Winter) - How Sweet (Dance Challenge) (240608) 20 comments
4 (+72) aespa Winter (with NMIXX Sullyoon) - Armageddon (Dance Challenge) (240605) 0 comments
5 (+69) XG Juria (with WayV Xiaojun & Yangyang) - Woke Up (Dance Challenge) (240607) 2 comments


# Votes Thread Comments
1 (+447) Where Are They Now (8 years later) - Produce 101 (Season 1): A Status Update on I.O.I members in 2024 72 comments
2 (+351) Throwback: TAEYANG released "EYES, NOSE, LIPS" this week in 2014 34 comments
3 (+36) JTBC Girls On Fire - Episode 8 (Post-Episode Discussion + Preliminary Ranking + Playoffs Round 1 Performances + 4th Elimination) (240604) 66 comments
4 (+32) /kpop Top Ten Tuesdays Results: VIVIZ (2024) 16 comments
5 (+21) What Are You Listening To? - June 05, 2024 6 comments
6 (+20) JTBC Girls On Fire - Episode 1 2 comments
7 (+16) Weekly Discussion (Jun 3, 2024 – Jun 9, 2024) 1 comments


Date Performances Discussion Thread Winner
20240601 Music Core Thread aespa
20240602 Inkigayo No Broadcast. No Winner.
20240604 The Show Thread ATEEZ
20240605 Show Champion Thread aespa
20240606 M!Countdown Thread aespa
20240607 Music Bank Thread ATEEZ


Day Artist Album Title Type Music Video Streaming
1st Big Ocean BLOW digital single BLOW Spotify / Apple Music
2nd Bat Apt. Bat Apt. debut compilation full-length album BAT APT. / Life of… / La-ga-da-di-do Spotify / Apple Music
Nahee Ending full-length album Honesty (prod. LAZY) / Ending (prod. LAZY) Spotify / Apple Music
3rd W24 Memory Making Moment mini album Celestial Night Spotify / Apple Music
AKMU LOVE EPISODE mini album Hero Spotify / Apple Music
BADVILLAIN OVERSTEP debut single album BADVILLAIN Spotify / Apple Music
Kep1er Kep1going On full-length album Shooting Star Spotify / Apple Music
WayV (NCT) Give Me That mini album Give Me That (Korean Ver.) / Give Me That Spotify / Apple Music
Xdinary Heroes Open ♭eta v6.1 2024 Xperiment Project single Boy Comics Spotify / Apple Music
4th I:MOND WE ARE GRAVITY debut digital single Slippery Spotify / Apple Music
Yein (Lovelyz) I will be your spring digital single I will be your spring Spotify / Apple Music
5th CRAVITY SHOW OFF Japanese single album SHOW OFF Spotify / Apple Music
NCT DREAM Moonlight Japanese single album Moonlight Spotify / Apple Music
SPIA Deeeep digital single Deeeep Spotify / Apple Music
ATEEZ, Don Diablo WORK Pt.2 remix single WORK Pt.2 Spotify / Apple Music / YouTube Music
ANODE iMaGiNe #1 English digital single Trouble (Eng Ver.) Spotify / Apple Music
Han Seungwoo (VICTON) SCENE single album Blooming Spotify / Apple Music
TWS hey! hey! pre-release single hey! hey! Spotify / Apple Music
High Tension Gonna Be Alright digital single Gonna Be Alright
6th Won (I1IT) HAPPY WON DAY digital single HAPPY WON DAY Spotify / Apple Music
Woosoo (ex-SEVENUS) It′s all about me mini album Flower / In the mirror (ITM) Spotify / Apple Music
GHOST9 Awesome day digital single Awesome day Spotify / Apple Music
Nicole (KARA) 5!6!7!8! digital single 5!6!7!8! Spotify / Apple Music
7th DPR IAN SAINT mini album SAINT Spotify / Apple Music
Jungkook (BTS) Never Let Go digital single Never Let Go Spotify / Apple Music
ONE PACT PARADOXX single album FXX OFF Spotify / Apple Music

"This Week in KPOP" Archive

submitted by alleybetwixt to kpop [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 12:13 pyrofromtf2real What's the most intense K-pop song starting with the letter L.

Kick It by NCT 127 won first place, while the runners up were Blackpink's Kill this Love and Ikon's Killing Me.
A lot of the songs in the next few positions had "kill" in them. (Kill Bill by Brown Eyed Girls and Kill Shot by Itzy, for example)
I wonder what songs will come out of top on L.
submitted by pyrofromtf2real to kpoppers [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 09:29 Shoobledob Please add this big games

It would be nice if they added a pop up that says if you are selling something like a huge for a super low price. I have accidentally sold a huge for a few thousand diamonds twice because I accidentally pressed ‘k’ for thousand instead of ‘m’ for million. I mean the letters k and m are right next to each other. Maybe I’m just slow lol
submitted by Shoobledob to PetSimulator99 [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 09:14 KookachuSeagull_07 What's the Sexiest K-pop song that starts with letter 'W'?

Welcome back guys!! The winner of the letter V is Vibrato by Stellar!!
Honorary mentions are Vengeance by BIBI, Vanilla by KAI and View by SHINee!!
Drop down the 'W's guys!
submitted by KookachuSeagull_07 to kpoppers [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 07:54 catbulliesdog Disprove This CounterDD - The Zookeeper Theory - Judge Him By his Actions

Disprove This CounterDD - The Zookeeper Theory - Judge Him By his Actions
TLDR: Ryan Cohen has now sold or diluted into four straight meme squeezes, shutting them down just before, or on, the Friday OPEX they were set to explode. He's also failed to earn appropriate interest on the cash pile for multiple years in a row.
I know this post won't be popular or well received, but we've always tried to be a community focused on DD, even if it was DD we didn't initially like, and after the second straight dilution into a gamma ramp in a month, this is something we need to start looking at. I'm going to cross post this in basically every single GME sub, and I think it will be very informative to see which ones the mods take it down in. That said, I encourage all apes to refute and/or disprove my arguments in the comments, I'll edit the best and most upvoted rebuttals into the main body of this post.
I'll address the first issue first - the constant dilution. Since Ryan Cohen was elected Chairman of the Board in June of 2021, Gamestop has issued new shares intentionally three times, and unintentionally once. First was on June 9th, 2021 - the day of the earnings report. This was an issuance of 5 million shares, or 20 million shares post splividend. The company had $770.8 million in cash on hand and had just retired the final $216.4 million of long term debt - this was financed by a previous 3.5/14 million share offering. The company was losing money at this point, but finished closing out its debt and did have a sizable war chest of cash on hand. The stock was trading at a high of $282/$70.50 on Jun 7, hit $344/$86 on Jun 8 and had cascading FTD cycles indicating a run higher. The day the dilution was announced, Friday, Jun 9, the stock opened at $328/$82, and by the following Monday it closed at $211/$52.75. The dilution was announced heading into a Friday, and the squeeze was stopped.
The next dilution was apparently unintentional - the stock split via dividend (splividend). The splividend was long awaited by apes as a supposed kill shot on the short hedge funds (SHF). It was announced on July 6, 2022 and occurred on July 22, 2022. Accompanying the splividend was an increase in the size of the GME shelf (shares the company could sell into the market without stockholder votes of approval) to 1 billion shares. However, the stock-as-dividend was issued on July 18th, and trading began on a split adjusted basis on July 22nd. Because these dates were separated by four days, the DTCC was able to instruct brokers to handle this as a regular split, rather than requiring shares to be distributed as a dividend, thus effectively creating an additional 225 million short shares that never had to be borrowed or located. This is the point where we began to see the T+35 FTD cycles time out and lose amplitude. Mike Recupero, then CFO was fired July 7 of 2022, supposedly for messing up the splividend filing in a way that allowed shorts to not only evade consequences, but actually benefit from it. Recupero is now a high level executive at Amazon, if it was a mistake and not on purpose, he sure must interview well. If it wasn't a mistake, you have to ask who gave the order?
Next up we have the whole fiasco with the BoBBY stock. This is the point where I began to become suspicious of Cohen, when he fired off an angry letter to the BoBBY board for not communicating with him after he purchased a large stake in the company, all the while he was not, and still has not, communicated with apes, who own a much larger % of GME than he did of BoBBY. Just in my personal experience, every hypocrite of this level I've met has been a deeply self-centered/selfish and untrustworthy person, YMMV. On August 17th, 2022, BoBBY stock went up to a high of $23.08 during an FTD cycle, then on Thursday, August 18th Cohen dumped his entire stake, causing the price to tank to $11.03 on Friday, August 19th, killing the squeeze. The company never recovered and went out of business several months later - in part due to what can only be described as "alleged" executive malfeasance.
Cut to May of 2024, the company just had a fully profitable year, but is trading around a price of $10. GME spikes to 80 twice in premarket on Tuesday, the 14th, and on Thursday, May 16th trades in a range of 27.59 to 35.24. Before options strikes were added on both Tuesday and Wednesday the highest strike available that week was $30. There is a huge gamma ramp built up... and on the morning of Friday, May 17th, GME does an out of nowhere 45 million share offering - coincidentally just what Jim Cramer was publicly asking for the day before. The stock trades in a range of $19.70 to $22.41, the gamma ramp and squeeze are killed.
Now we're up to today, June 7th, 2024. The stock is squeezing again, there's a huge gamma ramp, shorts are freaking out and begging for a share issuance, GME hits $67 in After Hour trading on June 6th... and out of nowhere, Cohen announces a share offering of 75 million shares pre-market, an amount of shares equal to the amount we've collectively managed to DRS over three years. The stock trades in a range of $48 to $26.12, the gamma ramp and squeeze are killed. Again.
There's an old line that you've probably heard before:
We're looking at, depending how you count here, 3-5 times Cohen has taken direct action with personal sales or share offerings to kill a stock squeeze or gamma ramp, and EVERY SINGLE TIME he's done it its been on a Thursday or Friday to maximize the gain for call sellers and hedge funds and maximize the losses for retail traders and shareholders.
Now, we get to the more complex and far more damning evidence: GME's Net Interest Income (NII) over the last few years. It's not where it should be, to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars of lost revenue.
To put all this in context, according to the 8-K filed this morning, GME had, for the 13 weeks ending on May 4, 2024, NII of -14.9million. They also had Cash, Cash Equivalents, and Marketable Securities (CCEM) of $1.083b for that quarter. The 3-month/13 week T-Bill during this time paid 5.25% APY, which would have earned them $14.2m in interest income over that time period. So what the hell did a company with zero long term debt spend $29.1m in interest on over 13 weeks?
There's really only two explanations for this: the company is being horrifically bad with financial management, or, more likely, they're not even putting the cash pile into 3 month treasuries. But maybe they really need the liquidity and can't do the week to week rolling treasury plan like Buffet does with his cash pile (you spend 1/13th of your cash on 3 month t-bills every week, so you've always got cash coming up every week, but the 3month is one of the most liquid assets on earth already) then you've still got the option of using a corporate money market account (this is like a checking account for corporations where the account pays the 3 month rate - .5 or 1% or something and just puts the money you give them in 3month tbills) and you'd still earn like 11.5m/q.
Look, you remember how GME had a whole bunch of thisclose to profitable earnings Q's last year? Almost all of them would have been profitable if the company had just earned easy peasy interest money on their cash pile. You can make all kinds of arguments for why GameStop hasn't used the billion+ they've generated and sat on via share offerings to make acquisitions or investments. There's literally no reason as to why they're not taking advantage of elevated rates and just earning interest on the money while it's sitting in their accounts.
And given that they're not even using the money to collect bare bones interest revenue, there's even less reason for them to collect more of it via additional share offerings. Like, is RC trying to build a money vault to swim in or something?
So, the question you're probably asking now is why? And I think the answer lies in Cohen's path to Chewy. RC famously went to, and was rejected by, over 100 Venture Capital Firms when trying to build Chewy. He got funding from one place, Blackrock. Imagine how grateful you'd be to the one group that gave you the money, the chance, that believed in you, to make your dreams come true? To make you rich beyond your wildest dreams? For RC, that group is Blackrock.
All that follows is tinfoil fueled speculation:
In 2021, the runup wasn't just Roaring Kitty and Wasabi Sub. There were big institutional players on the side of GME too, they didn't care about retail or MOASS or anything like that, they just wanted to burn their Wall Street competitors that were short. And to do that, they needed to get the other Wall Street plants out of the company and put their own guys in. Enter Ryan Cohen. Blackrock wants to burn Citadel as revenge for Tesla, so they use GameStop, and RC does them a solid, and gets to keep the company afterwards as a reward.
Then something nobody expected happened, Instinet/Nomura was in default danger, so APEX clearing turned off the buy button, and a million Apes were born. Then something even more unexpected happened, the Apes turned out to be diamond handed badass warriors from hell and responded by turning off the sell button. And we've kept it off for three and a half fucking years.
Now, as much as the wall street scum despise each other, they all hate us even more. And they had a problem, the apes were organized, we voted, we were good stockholders, we read the filings. If they tried to just kill GME like they were doing to Movies and BoBBY with plants, we'd vote out their board, and leadership, we'd already proven we could do it once.
So Blackrock turned to their boy, Ryan Cohen, and asked him to play zookeeper for the animals. His job would be hard, but it wouldn't take very long, and he could pay himself with cash when the company went down. Again, the apes fucked this plan up, we never got tired, we never got discouraged, and we never sold. In fact, we just kept buying, and pushing the board to do things to burn the shorts. They also knew that apes wouldn't support more dilution of the stock after it got voted down hard with movies. So they came up with the idea of the splividend, ordered Recupero to fuck it up, and rewarded him with a nice promotion over at Amazon afterwards. The splividend was the bait, and the 700 million share shelf left over afterwards was the hook.
And that hook has been used twice on us now, to stop explosive upwards movements in the price of the stock.
As for Cohen, he just keeps playing zookeeper. Posting meme's, making rare bold statements with no specificity and doing absolutely nothing but running the company in place like a treadmill. No vision, no action, just the promise of tomorrow.
The ape gets fed by the zookeeper, gets entertained by the zookeeper, relies on the zookeeper to keep the ape safe. But at the end of they day, even if the ape doesn't know it, the ape is in jail, and the zookeeper is his jailor.
Cohen isn't here to kill Gamestop, he's here to kill MOASS, or failing that, to make it as mild as possible. I think that's the real Kansas City Shuffle DFV was warning us about. We think we're thwarting the HF with Cohen, but really we're playing into their hands. I think all the anti-takeover provisions Cohen is putting in place are aimed not at SHF's, but at RoaringKitty, and I think the Babadook quote in the RK tweet thumbnail wasn't aimed at the shorts, it was aimed at Ryan Cohen. Remember, in Watchmen, Ozymandias and Dr. Manhattan were actually opposed to and trying to kill each other. If nothing else, ask yourself this: if Ryan Cohen is trying to build some kind of investment holding company, and he's actively searching for a CIO, why in the name of god is he not courting a guy who already owns the stock, loves the company, and turned $50,000 into hundreds of millions?
I want to take a second here and say that even if he is a plant, Cohen can't actually stop MOASS, every time he kill shots a squeeze or gamma ramp with an offering like he did in May, or again on Jun 7, GME ends up with a much bigger cash pile, which raises the floor. Before the May run-up I put the company's liquidation value at around $10/share - cash on hand+inventory+real estate locations - the last one is more valuable than many people think - the big fight over RadioShack's locations during their bankruptcy proved this.
After this current round of dilution is done (probably finishes between Jun 14-Jun18 based on current volumes and size of offering) I would put the liquidation value of GME at $16-18 depending on how much is raised, and that will be our new floor. There is a T+35 day on the 18th for the May 14th runup, but there is a strong chance those are being closed early with the offering. But its possible the swap rollover volume is so high it doesn't matter. Look, I truly wish I could go to the shareholders meeting next week and try to address some of this myself, but it's too late for me to be able to get away and go down there.
So I'll just ask anyone who is going, to do what you can to get some kind of comment on vision for the company, plans for use of raised funds, and a pledge to stop diluting so much. We're way too late to get official shareholder proposals added, but I will absolutely be putting some up next year specifically to stop additional dilution without shareholder approval, demand the board articulate a clear, actionable vision for the company going forward, including specific planned uses of cash reserves.
Stay safe out there apes, XXXX holder, CS 00105XXX (yes, I was one of the first 10,000 apes to set up an account there), you're all beautiful, wonderful people.
Disprove my thesis.
submitted by catbulliesdog to GME [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 07:50 catbulliesdog Disprove This CounterDD - The Zookeeper Theory - Judge Him By his Actions

Disprove This CounterDD - The Zookeeper Theory - Judge Him By his Actions
TLDR: Ryan Cohen has now sold or diluted into four straight meme squeezes, shutting them down just before, or on, the Friday OPEX they were set to explode. He's also failed to earn appropriate interest on the cash pile for multiple years in a row.
I know this post won't be popular or well received, but we've always tried to be a community focused on DD, even if it was DD we didn't initially like, and after the second straight dilution into a gamma ramp in a month, this is something we need to start looking at. I'm going to cross post this in basically every single GME sub, and I think it will be very informative to see which ones the mods take it down in. That said, I encourage all apes to refute and/or disprove my arguments in the comments, I'll edit the best and most upvoted rebuttals into the main body of this post.
I'll address the first issue first - the constant dilution. Since Ryan Cohen was elected Chairman of the Board in June of 2021, Gamestop has issued new shares intentionally three times, and unintentionally once. First was on June 9th, 2021 - the day of the earnings report. This was an issuance of 5 million shares, or 20 million shares post splividend. The company had $770.8 million in cash on hand and had just retired the final $216.4 million of long term debt - this was financed by a previous 3.5/14 million share offering. The company was losing money at this point, but finished closing out its debt and did have a sizable war chest of cash on hand. The stock was trading at a high of $282/$70.50 on Jun 7, hit $344/$86 on Jun 8 and had cascading FTD cycles indicating a run higher. The day the dilution was announced, Friday, Jun 9, the stock opened at $328/$82, and by the following Monday it closed at $211/$52.75. The dilution was announced heading into a Friday, and the squeeze was stopped.
The next dilution was apparently unintentional - the stock split via dividend (splividend). The splividend was long awaited by apes as a supposed kill shot on the short hedge funds (SHF). It was announced on July 6, 2022 and occurred on July 22, 2022. Accompanying the splividend was an increase in the size of the GME shelf (shares the company could sell into the market without stockholder votes of approval) to 1 billion shares. However, the stock-as-dividend was issued on July 18th, and trading began on a split adjusted basis on July 22nd. Because these dates were separated by four days, the DTCC was able to instruct brokers to handle this as a regular split, rather than requiring shares to be distributed as a dividend, thus effectively creating an additional 225 million short shares that never had to be borrowed or located. This is the point where we began to see the T+35 FTD cycles time out and lose amplitude. Mike Recupero, then CFO was fired July 7 of 2022, supposedly for messing up the splividend filing in a way that allowed shorts to not only evade consequences, but actually benefit from it. Recupero is now a high level executive at Amazon, if it was a mistake and not on purpose, he sure must interview well. If it wasn't a mistake, you have to ask who gave the order?
Next up we have the whole fiasco with the BoBBY stock. This is the point where I began to become suspicious of Cohen, when he fired off an angry letter to the BoBBY board for not communicating with him after he purchased a large stake in the company, all the while he was not, and still has not, communicated with apes, who own a much larger % of GME than he did of BoBBY. Just in my personal experience, every hypocrite of this level I've met has been a deeply self-centered/selfish and untrustworthy person, YMMV. On August 17th, 2022, BoBBY stock went up to a high of $23.08 during an FTD cycle, then on Thursday, August 18th Cohen dumped his entire stake, causing the price to tank to $11.03 on Friday, August 19th, killing the squeeze. The company never recovered and went out of business several months later - in part due to what can only be described as "alleged" executive malfeasance.
Cut to May of 2024, the company just had a fully profitable year, but is trading around a price of $10. GME spikes to 80 twice in premarket on Tuesday, the 14th, and on Thursday, May 16th trades in a range of 27.59 to 35.24. Before options strikes were added on both Tuesday and Wednesday the highest strike available that week was $30. There is a huge gamma ramp built up... and on the morning of Friday, May 17th, GME does an out of nowhere 45 million share offering - coincidentally just what Jim Cramer was publicly asking for the day before. The stock trades in a range of $19.70 to $22.41, the gamma ramp and squeeze are killed.
Now we're up to today, June 7th, 2024. The stock is squeezing again, there's a huge gamma ramp, shorts are freaking out and begging for a share issuance, GME hits $67 in After Hour trading on June 6th... and out of nowhere, Cohen announces a share offering of 75 million shares pre-market, an amount of shares equal to the amount we've collectively managed to DRS over three years. The stock trades in a range of $48 to $26.12, the gamma ramp and squeeze are killed. Again.
There's an old line that you've probably heard before:

Once is happenstance, Twice is coincidence, Three times is enemy action.

We're looking at, depending how you count here, 3-5 times Cohen has taken direct action with personal sales or share offerings to kill a stock squeeze or gamma ramp, and EVERY SINGLE TIME he's done it its been on a Thursday or Friday to maximize the gain for call sellers and hedge funds and maximize the losses for retail traders and shareholders.
Now, we get to the more complex and far more damning evidence: GME's Net Interest Income (NII) over the last few years. It's not where it should be, to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars of lost revenue.
To put all this in context, according to the 8-K filed this morning, GME had, for the 13 weeks ending on May 4, 2024, NII of -14.9million. They also had Cash, Cash Equivalents, and Marketable Securities (CCEM) of $1.083b for that quarter. The 3-month/13 week T-Bill during this time paid 5.25% APY, which would have earned them $14.2m in interest income over that time period. So what the hell did a company with zero long term debt spend $29.1m in interest on over 13 weeks?
There's really only two explanations for this: the company is being horrifically bad with financial management, or, more likely, they're not even putting the cash pile into 3 month treasuries. But maybe they really need the liquidity and can't do the week to week rolling treasury plan like Buffet does with his cash pile (you spend 1/13th of your cash on 3 month t-bills every week, so you've always got cash coming up every week, but the 3month is one of the most liquid assets on earth already) then you've still got the option of using a corporate money market account (this is like a checking account for corporations where the account pays the 3 month rate - .5 or 1% or something and just puts the money you give them in 3month tbills) and you'd still earn like 11.5m/q.
Look, you remember how GME had a whole bunch of thisclose to profitable earnings Q's last year? Almost all of them would have been profitable if the company had just earned easy peasy interest money on their cash pile. You can make all kinds of arguments for why GameStop hasn't used the billion+ they've generated and sat on via share offerings to make acquisitions or investments. There's literally no reason as to why they're not taking advantage of elevated rates and just earning interest on the money while it's sitting in their accounts.
And given that they're not even using the money to collect bare bones interest revenue, there's even less reason for them to collect more of it via additional share offerings. Like, is RC trying to build a money vault to swim in or something?
So, the question you're probably asking now is why? And I think the answer lies in Cohen's path to Chewy. RC famously went to, and was rejected by, over 100 Venture Capital Firms when trying to build Chewy. He got funding from one place, Blackrock. Imagine how grateful you'd be to the one group that gave you the money, the chance, that believed in you, to make your dreams come true? To make you rich beyond your wildest dreams? For RC, that group is Blackrock.
All that follows is tinfoil fueled speculation:
In 2021, the runup wasn't just Roaring Kitty and Wasabi Sub. There were big institutional players on the side of GME too, they didn't care about retail or MOASS or anything like that, they just wanted to burn their Wall Street competitors that were short. And to do that, they needed to get the other Wall Street plants out of the company and put their own guys in. Enter Ryan Cohen. Blackrock wants to burn Citadel as revenge for Tesla, so they use GameStop, and RC does them a solid, and gets to keep the company afterwards as a reward.
Then something nobody expected happened, Instinet/Nomura was in default danger, so APEX clearing turned off the buy button, and a million Apes were born. Then something even more unexpected happened, the Apes turned out to be diamond handed badass warriors from hell and responded by turning off the sell button. And we've kept it off for three and a half fucking years.
Now, as much as the wall street scum despise each other, they all hate us even more. And they had a problem, the apes were organized, we voted, we were good stockholders, we read the filings. If they tried to just kill GME like they were doing to Popcorn and BoBBY with plants, we'd vote out their board, and leadership, we'd already proven we could do it once.
So Blackrock turned to their boy, Ryan Cohen, and asked him to play zookeeper for the animals. His job would be hard, but it wouldn't take very long, and he could pay himself with cash when the company went down. Again, the apes fucked this plan up, we never got tired, we never got discouraged, and we never sold. In fact, we just kept buying, and pushing the board to do things to burn the shorts. They also knew that apes wouldn't support more dilution of the stock after it got voted down hard with popcorn. So they came up with the idea of the splividend, ordered Recupero to fuck it up, and rewarded him with a nice promotion over at Amazon afterwards. The splividend was the bait, and the 700 million share shelf left over afterwards was the hook.
And that hook has been used twice on us now, to stop explosive upwards movements in the price of the stock.
As for Cohen, he just keeps playing zookeeper. Posting meme's, making rare bold statements with no specificity and doing absolutely nothing but running the company in place like a treadmill. No vision, no action, just the promise of tomorrow.
The ape gets fed by the zookeeper, gets entertained by the zookeeper, relies on the zookeeper to keep the ape safe. But at the end of they day, even if the ape doesn't know it, the ape is in jail, and the zookeeper is his jailor.
Cohen isn't here to kill Gamestop, he's here to kill MOASS, or failing that, to make it as mild as possible. I think that's the real Kansas City Shuffle DFV was warning us about. We think we're thwarting the HF with Cohen, but really we're playing into their hands. I think all the anti-takeover provisions Cohen is putting in place are aimed not at SHF's, but at RoaringKitty, and I think the Babadook quote in the RK tweet thumbnail wasn't aimed at the shorts, it was aimed at Ryan Cohen. Remember, in Watchmen, Ozymandias and Dr. Manhattan were actually opposed to and trying to kill each other. If nothing else, ask yourself this: if Ryan Cohen is trying to build some kind of investment holding company, and he's actively searching for a CIO, why in the name of god is he not courting a guy who already owns the stock, loves the company, and turned $50,000 into hundreds of millions?
I want to take a second here and say that even if he is a plant, Cohen can't actually stop MOASS, every time he kill shots a squeeze or gamma ramp with an offering like he did in May, or again on Jun 7, GME ends up with a much bigger cash pile, which raises the floor. Before the May run-up I put the company's liquidation value at around $10/share - cash on hand+inventory+real estate locations - the last one is more valuable than many people think - the big fight over RadioShack's locations during their bankruptcy proved this.
After this current round of dilution is done (probably finishes between Jun 14-Jun18 based on current volumes and size of offering) I would put the liquidation value of GME at $16-18 depending on how much is raised, and that will be our new floor. There is a T+35 day on the 18th for the May 14th runup, but there is a strong chance those are being closed early with the offering. But its possible the swap rollover volume is so high it doesn't matter. Look, I truly wish I could go to the shareholders meeting next week and try to address some of this myself, but it's too late for me to be able to get away and go down there.
So I'll just ask anyone who is going, to do what you can to get some kind of comment on vision for the company, plans for use of raised funds, and a pledge to stop diluting so much. We're way too late to get official shareholder proposals added, but I will absolutely be putting some up next year specifically to stop additional dilution without shareholder approval, demand the board articulate a clear, actionable vision for the company going forward, including specific planned uses of cash reserves.
Stay safe out there apes, XXXX holder, CS 00105XXX (yes, I was one of the first 10,000 apes to set up an account there), you're all beautiful, wonderful people.
Disprove my thesis.
submitted by catbulliesdog to GMEJungle [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 07:49 catbulliesdog Disprove This CounterDD - The Zookeeper Theory - Judge Him By his Actions

Disprove This CounterDD - The Zookeeper Theory - Judge Him By his Actions
TLDR: Ryan Cohen has now sold or diluted into four straight meme squeezes, shutting them down just before, or on, the Friday OPEX they were set to explode. He's also failed to earn appropriate interest on the cash pile for multiple years in a row.
EDIT: First counter-DD added at bottom.
I know this post won't be popular or well received, but we've always tried to be a community focused on DD, even if it was DD we didn't initially like, and after the second straight dilution into a gamma ramp in a month, this is something we need to start looking at. I'm going to cross post this in basically every single GME sub, and I think it will be very informative to see which ones the mods take it down in. That said, I encourage all apes to refute and/or disprove my arguments in the comments, I'll edit the best and most upvoted rebuttals into the main body of this post.
I'll address the first issue first - the constant dilution. Since Ryan Cohen was elected Chairman of the Board in June of 2021, Gamestop has issued new shares intentionally three times, and unintentionally once. First was on June 9th, 2021 - the day of the earnings report. This was an issuance of 5 million shares, or 20 million shares post splividend. The company had $770.8 million in cash on hand and had just retired the final $216.4 million of long term debt - this was financed by a previous 3.5/14 million share offering. The company was losing money at this point, but finished closing out its debt and did have a sizable war chest of cash on hand. The stock was trading at a high of $282/$70.50 on Jun 7, hit $344/$86 on Jun 8 and had cascading FTD cycles indicating a run higher. The day the dilution was announced, Friday, Jun 9, the stock opened at $328/$82, and by the following Monday it closed at $211/$52.75. The dilution was announced heading into a Friday, and the squeeze was stopped.
The next dilution was apparently unintentional - the stock split via dividend (splividend). The splividend was long awaited by apes as a supposed kill shot on the short hedge funds (SHF). It was announced on July 6, 2022 and occurred on July 22, 2022. Accompanying the splividend was an increase in the size of the GME shelf (shares the company could sell into the market without stockholder votes of approval) to 1 billion shares. However, the stock-as-dividend was issued on July 18th, and trading began on a split adjusted basis on July 22nd. Because these dates were separated by four days, the DTCC was able to instruct brokers to handle this as a regular split, rather than requiring shares to be distributed as a dividend, thus effectively creating an additional 225 million short shares that never had to be borrowed or located. This is the point where we began to see the T+35 FTD cycles time out and lose amplitude. Mike Recupero, then CFO was fired July 7 of 2022, supposedly for messing up the splividend filing in a way that allowed shorts to not only evade consequences, but actually benefit from it. Recupero is now a high level executive at Amazon, if it was a mistake and not on purpose, he sure must interview well. If it wasn't a mistake, you have to ask who gave the order?
Next up we have the whole fiasco with the BoBBY stock. This is the point where I began to become suspicious of Cohen, when he fired off an angry letter to the BoBBY board for not communicating with him after he purchased a large stake in the company, all the while he was not, and still has not, communicated with apes, who own a much larger % of GME than he did of BoBBY. Just in my personal experience, every hypocrite of this level I've met has been a deeply self-centered/selfish and untrustworthy person, YMMV. On August 17th, 2022, BoBBY stock went up to a high of $23.08 during an FTD cycle, then on Thursday, August 18th Cohen dumped his entire stake, causing the price to tank to $11.03 on Friday, August 19th, killing the squeeze. The company never recovered and went out of business several months later - in part due to what can only be described as "alleged" executive malfeasance.
Cut to May of 2024, the company just had a fully profitable year, but is trading around a price of $10. GME spikes to 80 twice in premarket on Tuesday, the 14th, and on Thursday, May 16th trades in a range of 27.59 to 35.24. Before options strikes were added on both Tuesday and Wednesday the highest strike available that week was $30. There is a huge gamma ramp built up... and on the morning of Friday, May 17th, GME does an out of nowhere 45 million share offering - coincidentally just what Jim Cramer was publicly asking for the day before. The stock trades in a range of $19.70 to $22.41, the gamma ramp and squeeze are killed.
Now we're up to today, June 7th, 2024. The stock is squeezing again, there's a huge gamma ramp, shorts are freaking out and begging for a share issuance, GME hits $67 in After Hour trading on June 6th... and out of nowhere, Cohen announces a share offering of 75 million shares pre-market, an amount of shares equal to the amount we've collectively managed to DRS over three years. The stock trades in a range of $48 to $26.12, the gamma ramp and squeeze are killed. Again.
There's an old line that you've probably heard before:
We're looking at, depending how you count here, 3-5 times Cohen has taken direct action with personal sales or share offerings to kill a stock squeeze or gamma ramp, and EVERY SINGLE TIME he's done it its been on a Thursday or Friday to maximize the gain for call sellers and hedge funds and maximize the losses for retail traders and shareholders.
Now, we get to the more complex and far more damning evidence: GME's Net Interest Income (NII) over the last few years. It's not where it should be, to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars of lost revenue.
To put all this in context, according to the 8-K filed this morning, GME had, for the 13 weeks ending on May 4, 2024, NII of -14.9million. They also had Cash, Cash Equivalents, and Marketable Securities (CCEM) of $1.083b for that quarter. The 3-month/13 week T-Bill during this time paid 5.25% APY, which would have earned them $14.2m in interest income over that time period. So what the hell did a company with zero long term debt spend $29.1m in interest on over 13 weeks?
There's really only two explanations for this: the company is being horrifically bad with financial management, or, more likely, they're not even putting the cash pile into 3 month treasuries. But maybe they really need the liquidity and can't do the week to week rolling treasury plan like Buffet does with his cash pile (you spend 1/13th of your cash on 3 month t-bills every week, so you've always got cash coming up every week, but the 3month is one of the most liquid assets on earth already) then you've still got the option of using a corporate money market account (this is like a checking account for corporations where the account pays the 3 month rate - .5 or 1% or something and just puts the money you give them in 3month tbills) and you'd still earn like 11.5m/q.
Look, you remember how GME had a whole bunch of thisclose to profitable earnings Q's last year? Almost all of them would have been profitable if the company had just earned easy peasy interest money on their cash pile. You can make all kinds of arguments for why GameStop hasn't used the billion+ they've generated and sat on via share offerings to make acquisitions or investments. There's literally no reason as to why they're not taking advantage of elevated rates and just earning interest on the money while it's sitting in their accounts.
And given that they're not even using the money to collect bare bones interest revenue, there's even less reason for them to collect more of it via additional share offerings. Like, is RC trying to build a money vault to swim in or something?
So, the question you're probably asking now is why? And I think the answer lies in Cohen's path to Chewy. RC famously went to, and was rejected by, over 100 Venture Capital Firms when trying to build Chewy. He got funding from one place, Blackrock. Imagine how grateful you'd be to the one group that gave you the money, the chance, that believed in you, to make your dreams come true? To make you rich beyond your wildest dreams? For RC, that group is Blackrock.
All that follows is tinfoil fueled speculation:
In 2021, the runup wasn't just Roaring Kitty and Wasabi Sub. There were big institutional players on the side of GME too, they didn't care about retail or MOASS or anything like that, they just wanted to burn their Wall Street competitors that were short. And to do that, they needed to get the other Wall Street plants out of the company and put their own guys in. Enter Ryan Cohen. Blackrock wants to burn Citadel as revenge for Tesla, so they use GameStop, and RC does them a solid, and gets to keep the company afterwards as a reward.
Then something nobody expected happened, Instinet/Nomura was in default danger, so APEX clearing turned off the buy button, and a million Apes were born. Then something even more unexpected happened, the Apes turned out to be diamond handed badass warriors from hell and responded by turning off the sell button. And we've kept it off for three and a half fucking years.
Now, as much as the wall street scum despise each other, they all hate us even more. And they had a problem, the apes were organized, we voted, we were good stockholders, we read the filings. If they tried to just kill GME like they were doing to Popcorn and BoBBY with plants, we'd vote out their board, and leadership, we'd already proven we could do it once.
So Blackrock turned to their boy, Ryan Cohen, and asked him to play zookeeper for the animals. His job would be hard, but it wouldn't take very long, and he could pay himself with cash when the company went down. Again, the apes fucked this plan up, we never got tired, we never got discouraged, and we never sold. In fact, we just kept buying, and pushing the board to do things to burn the shorts. They also knew that apes wouldn't support more dilution of the stock after it got voted down hard with popcorn. So they came up with the idea of the splividend, ordered Recupero to fuck it up, and rewarded him with a nice promotion over at Amazon afterwards. The splividend was the bait, and the 700 million share shelf left over afterwards was the hook.
And that hook has been used twice on us now, to stop explosive upwards movements in the price of the stock.
As for Cohen, he just keeps playing zookeeper. Posting meme's, making rare bold statements with no specificity and doing absolutely nothing but running the company in place like a treadmill. No vision, no action, just the promise of tomorrow.
The ape gets fed by the zookeeper, gets entertained by the zookeeper, relies on the zookeeper to keep the ape safe. But at the end of they day, even if the ape doesn't know it, the ape is in jail, and the zookeeper is his jailor.
Cohen isn't here to kill Gamestop, he's here to kill MOASS, or failing that, to make it as mild as possible. I think that's the real Kansas City Shuffle DFV was warning us about. We think we're thwarting the HF with Cohen, but really we're playing into their hands. I think all the anti-takeover provisions Cohen is putting in place are aimed not at SHF's, but at RoaringKitty, and I think the Babadook quote in the RK tweet thumbnail wasn't aimed at the shorts, it was aimed at Ryan Cohen. Remember, in Watchmen, Ozymandias and Dr. Manhattan were actually opposed to and trying to kill each other. If nothing else, ask yourself this: if Ryan Cohen is trying to build some kind of investment holding company, and he's actively searching for a CIO, why in the name of god is he not courting a guy who already owns the stock, loves the company, and turned $50,000 into hundreds of millions?
I want to take a second here and say that even if he is a plant, Cohen can't actually stop MOASS, every time he kill shots a squeeze or gamma ramp with an offering like he did in May, or again on Jun 7, GME ends up with a much bigger cash pile, which raises the floor. Before the May run-up I put the company's liquidation value at around $10/share - cash on hand+inventory+real estate locations - the last one is more valuable than many people think - the big fight over RadioShack's locations during their bankruptcy proved this.
After this current round of dilution is done (probably finishes between Jun 14-Jun18 based on current volumes and size of offering) I would put the liquidation value of GME at $16-18 depending on how much is raised, and that will be our new floor. There is a T+35 day on the 18th for the May 14th runup, but there is a strong chance those are being closed early with the offering. But its possible the swap rollover volume is so high it doesn't matter. Look, I truly wish I could go to the shareholders meeting next week and try to address some of this myself, but it's too late for me to be able to get away and go down there.
So I'll just ask anyone who is going, to do what you can to get some kind of comment on vision for the company, plans for use of raised funds, and a pledge to stop diluting so much. We're way too late to get official shareholder proposals added, but I will absolutely be putting some up next year specifically to stop additional dilution without shareholder approval, demand the board articulate a clear, actionable vision for the company going forward, including specific planned uses of cash reserves.
Stay safe out there apes, XXXX holder, CS 00105XXX (yes, I was one of the first 10,000 apes to set up an account there), you're all beautiful, wonderful people.
Disprove my thesis.
Hey I asked ChatGPT and this is the counter DD:
Sure, here are three counter-arguments to the provided DD on GameStop and Ryan Cohen:
  1. Strategic Financial Management: The dilution of shares, as managed by Ryan Cohen, could be seen as a strategic move to raise capital and strengthen the company's financial position. Despite the timing coinciding with potential squeeze moments, this approach ensures the company has sufficient funds for future growth, investments, and operational stability. The consistent increase in cash reserves and the elimination of long-term debt indicate a focus on creating a sustainable business rather than short-term stock price manipulation.
  2. Interest Rate Misinterpretation: The criticism of GameStop's net interest income (NII) may be based on a misinterpretation of their financial strategy. Companies often need to balance liquidity with potential returns, and keeping cash readily available might outweigh the benefits of slightly higher interest earnings. Additionally, other operational costs, investments, or financial maneuvers could account for the reported interest expenses, not necessarily poor financial management.
  3. Market Dynamics and External Factors: The stock market is influenced by a myriad of factors, and attributing the suppression of GameStop's stock price solely to Ryan Cohen's actions might oversimplify the situation. External market forces, regulatory environments, and broader economic conditions play significant roles. Moreover, the narrative suggesting Cohen's allegiance to BlackRock lacks concrete evidence and veers into speculative territory, undermining the credibility of the overall argument.
  1. yeah, thats the basic dilution sucks but is ultimately good argument.
  2. i didn't want to get too into the weeds on corporate finance and different strategies, but the NII is still way too low, by a ridiculous amount given the size of the cash pile relative to the short term expenses an inventory the size of GME's should be creating.
  3. yes, that last part is speculation, and I clearly labeled it as such.
submitted by catbulliesdog to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 07:36 EndAltruistic3540 Discord vs Bill Cipher Alternate Ending (Remade)

Discord vs Bill Cipher Alternate Ending (Remade)
All credit goes to Taurock (@taurock96) for their Drawing
(takes place right before Bill Cipher grabs Discord:
Bill bellowed, his voice echoing with the weight of omniscience, "I AM AN ALL-SEEING GOD!"
As Bill Cipher's vice-like grip seized Discord and forcibly expelled him from his own corporeal vessel, a wicked smirk danced across the face of the interdimensional trickster.
But this time, the stage was different. Amidst the chaos, Discord's cunning prevailed, teleporting both adversaries into the labyrinth of his consciousness. Fluttershy's worried gaze followed Discord's motionless form, his eyes shut in deep concentration.
Within the kaleidoscopic expanse of Discord's mind, a clandestine gambit unfurled. While Bill Cipher remained oblivious, Discord orchestrated a ruse, projecting an illusion of his own defeat. With a deceptive echo, Discord taunted, "An all-seeing god? Your hubris blinds you to your own downfall."
The soul Bill thought he had obliterated was but a phantom, a mere illusion woven by Discord's masterful manipulation. In a startling twist, Discord seized control, stripping Bill Cipher of his nefarious powers. Bill's frantic protests dissolved into silence as Discord muted him, his words reverberating backward, a cryptic incantation lost in the void.
Discord's mind ignited with azure flames as he turned to face his friends, gratitude swelling in his heart. Addressing Bill with a mixture of scorn and sorrow, he declared, "You'll never comprehend the essence of friendship, for your existence is but a symphony of suffering inflicted upon others."
Bill Cipher's digital facade began to glitch, his pleas for mercy drowned in the void of Discord's resolve. With a triumphant smirk, Discord resolved to eradicate the memory of Bill from every corner of existence.
As Bill Cipher's essence flickered, Discord's mind collapsed upon itself, erasing the interloper from the fabric of reality. Yet victory came at a grave cost.
When Discord finally opened his eyes, Fluttershy enveloped him in a tight embrace, only to be met with a chilling response, "Who are you, and why are you hugging me?"
Tears welled in Fluttershy's eyes as the truth dawned upon her. In the annals of time, Bill Cipher had been vanquished, but the memories of their shared adventures had been swept away in the tempest of Discord's sacrifice.
Fluttershy gets the letter Discord wrote, and it's the reformation spell that he ate in season 3... but Fluttershy knows that this won't be the same Discord as she knows...
(Discord looks towards us and says "what's with the crowd here?" as he doesn't remember the fight at all
submitted by EndAltruistic3540 to deathbattle [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 06:05 Bacterial_Sizzle Run, lol, a Run - RK meme analysis

Everyone has a different interpretation of the memes. I think I have a coherent narrative and posting to collaborate or be downvoted. I've spent 3 weeks analyzing the memes and this is what I've got. Before anyone says I haven't considered the clocks/lyrics/rewinds/3 runs - I have. See my past posts. This is the most coherent narrative I can find that matches the reality we live in. I watch in forward order, always consider puns, and the same visual effect as in the crop circle meme (the sparkly blur?) is the emphasis when meaning is unclear. Also, if there's no talking, the lyrics.
Gamer, play forward (Pay Attention Meme)
I'm gonna to do something myself. I'm back and at full strength. (Thanos, Wolverine).
I'm amazed you're still here. We're done when I say we're done. I'm still holding and I've got a clever plan. (Cat's still there while exit music plays, Light of the Seven Plays).
First, we're going back into the green - but not for long. (Overture).
We can't forgive the sins of the past. One day we'll understand, but time to get ready for battle. (Gangs of NY - there's a pun here I don't get. The enemy is colored green but wearing red. It probably means something like naked shorts?)
I'm gonna be doing something unexpected. (Car veers)
There's a way out and the dog days are over. (Dog Days - I have a tinfoil theory about horses here, but this is all I'm sure of).
Everyone assemble, we're going in for our last battle. (Cap is about to say "Avengers Assemble" here, its very significant in movie context)
Diamond hands are about to nuke the enemy. (Thor)
Law enforcement is coming to do a reckoning. (Tombstone, see reckoning definition, movie context).
I'm back and we're gonna send this thing into hyperdrive. (Pirates, MIB)
I have more complicated strategies in mind than "no fighting." It's gonna be a busy few weeks. (No Fighting - the end is significant, although ignored by most).
It's quite a fuckin thing. We're going to pretend to go out with a bang, directed by RK. I've got everyone's attention now. (Pikey Reaction)
The enemy isn't expecting this. (Troy)
Sometimes when you fuck around, you find out. No one is gonna top how hard we rag on the bears. (Arrested Development)
Our enemies are planning to blast us with noise. (The Town/Fury Road - the car people are the enemy per movie context)
Things are gonna get savage. (Kingsman)
We're aiming to shoot up. (Oceans 11, just has double meaning and is unclear to me)
There's a paperwork anomaly and we're gonna be dancing about it while pointing at RK. (Loophole)
The calls are a warning. The CAT is up and RK is playing the Riddler. (Paul Dano was RK in Dumb Money and the Riddler in The Batman. He's wearing an upside down alien head here. He's the alien.)
Let's play again. When your friend sends you a message, light it on fire (as in, spread the word). (Mr Robot)
Friends are going to be talking about how we're doing a requel of 2021. It's just a movie. (Requel)
But the idea of RK is scaring the bears. (Candyman)
People could walk away when the ATM happens, but RK and these memes are crazy and someone is calling (making calls). (No Country for Old Men)
The calls for Gamestop are going to be executed. (Braveheart)
We feel great about ourselves, but we have a scarlet letter on us. (Sexy walk meme)
Gamestop is going to do something extraordinary. It isn't enough to be back in the saddle again. (Prestige)
Everyone wonders what Gamestop is doing. People see the reaper coming for Gamestop. Code ROARING KITTY is on now. We're in prep mode. (Bourne)
The media is smack talking Gamestop (lyrics). But we're gonna mess everything up and turn things upside down. (Ozark/Daily Mail).
We've got a crazy plan. Come along! (Star Wars)
RK is being true to himself, but he might seem kind of crazy. (Wu Tang).
I'm going to be taking on a different personality. (This could alternately be Fortnite = Fortnight, 14 days - but he's playing a moon knight and that reading makes more sense in this narrative)
RK is always seen as the good guy. He's going to do something to contradict this. (Mr. Niceguy, lyrics)
RK is going to become DFV. (Fight Club, 1st YOLO in my interpretation)
How did I get so much money? Can't explain here. (Breaking Bad).
Everyone thinks I'm in charge even though I'm really not. (Oceans 11, AVOCADO-IN-MY-ANUS, movie context)
And the media has no idea what's really going on. (Rapid Fire)
It's not clear who's in charge. (ThoQuill)
People are questioning if they're really into RC or not. (Love Actually)
While everyone was gossiping about me/this, there's a secret plan. (Gossip Folk, devised a plan is in double dutch. I have other commentary on the Emojis but ask me if you really care)
FOMO is gonna set in. (Pizza)
RK is playing the black swan. (Spiderman/Black Swan)
There's a lot of drama and we like that. (Busta Rhymes)
You have questions. We've been waiting for this. It's all part of the plan. (Joker)
Now I've got everyone's attention. Part of the plan is getting caught. (Bain)
I just realized something that's been staring us in the face the whole time. (Usual Suspects, movie context)
There's a great comeback, but we're not gonna dumb it down for a mass audience. (RK, Seinfeld).
People don't want anything to do with Gamestop right now. Twitter is the best place for people to see what's going on. (SNL)
These Tweets are gonna bring all the freaks out. (Beat Saber)
We're gonna be everywhere. People can't escape us. (Red Right Hand).
We've turned into something else because of this stock. (Me, Myself & Irene, movie context)
The media will keep attacking us, but it's all gonna be in front of a live audience. (Truman)
We're gonna be fighting a lot of battles, but we have good motivation to do it. (Furi)
How do I know this will work? You gotta have instinct. Feel it. (Tenet)
We're going to convince others to go down the rabbit hole. (Alice/Matrix)
We're going to fight back/do something drastic. (K Police, see full music video for context)
In 2021 when Gamestop blew up, everyone was after me. I've waited long enough. No one suspects me. (Shawshank)
This is the Kansas City Shuffle. Everything you see (the meme movie/RK). It's a catalyst. Made you look. (KCS)
We're ready for battle. (Kill Bill)
Pay strict attention: CAT is watching us. (Pay attention)
Hit me baby one more time. (Brittney, 2nd YOLO)
Time to release some documents that scare the bears! (Goosebumps)
Me and my friend are gonna be celebrating. (Best Friends)
Get ready. We're never gonna survive unless we're a little crazy. (Urban Jungle, this is literally a meme of someone in a red bandanna directing something weird)
RK is going to surprise everyone. (Signs 1)
There are no coincidences. (SIgns 2)
Two things are coordinated/working together. It won't make sense to us yet though. (Signs 3, code just says Ovaltine).
People want to understand what's happening with Gamestop. (Signs 4, the signs are blurred, movie context)
The news thinks RK seems seems genuine. It might be disturbing to some people. (Signs 5 - I think this is the Livestream)
People are not going to understand this. (Unknown cartoon).
People see RK and think he just makes Gamestop memes. They find it kind of cute. (500 Days of Summer, still livestream)
They also think he might have gone a little crazy. (Shining)
This is to where I think we are in present day. I would really welcome other interpretations - especially any pun meanings I haven't been able to figure out. I am pretty sure there's a lot missing, but this all seems to line up with reality.
submitted by Bacterial_Sizzle to GME [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 06:03 omegacluster Daily Release Dump 2024-06-07

Yesterday's releases are:
submitted by omegacluster to ctebcm [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 06:03 InfinitySpaceCadet Keyboard typing numbers I stead of letters

I’m using the most recent version of Windows on a hp laptop. All of a sudden my u I o j k l keys are typing numbers instead of letters. I’ve tried fn num lock and it doesn’t change anything. I’ve tried windows + r, and tried to type osk (for on screen keyboard) but I can’t type that because the o types out as a 6. Please help! (Typing this on my phone, which is why it’s looking normal)
submitted by InfinitySpaceCadet to techsupport [link] [comments]
