Frisco pitbulls Is there a danger in taking extendz

Lads that you’re in awe at the size of.

2018.01.05 11:35 VilePug Lads that you’re in awe at the size of.

Absolute Unit : an Animal or Public Figure, who is larger than we should normally expect.

2008.03.27 06:37 Texas

A place for all things Texas. Please familiarize yourself with the rules, y'all.

2015.04.22 07:04 NaturalSeaSalt creepyencounters: post your mildly creepy encounters here!

This sub is for creepy, human-to-human encounters where you weren't actually in any immediate, life-threatening danger, but that sufficiently creeped you out enough to share.

2024.06.09 07:44 Background_Big_3140 You people are what’s wrong with brown communities

This sub isn’t for public service to “spread awareness”
Awareness for what? That there’s a scrawny creep on the loose and he’s Telugu?
This sub is literally a forum for discussing goatavaneesh’s latest mentally ill stunt.
This shit is not entertainmeant. This is shit is not a fucking joke. This is real shit. This is real life. All you underdeveloped brown kids can not comprehend that this type of attention literally endangers the safety of all women in the city he’s in. Most of y’all have not been outside. Most of y’all drive your tesla to ur mediocre local college and deal with self hate.
As soon as the kid humiliates himself online all you nasty ass people run to this sub to post about it. Get like four karma points off it. And then proceed to elevating your ego by comparing yourself to a literal predator.
And every time y’all do the same shit. Y’all act so shocked a telugu would do this. Then you’ll go ahead and say the meanest shit about this guy that you do not know. Probably some shit your dads said to you when you did some dumb ass shit to piss him off and ofc you heard onto that shit.
Now you see a misbehaving Telugu kid and you finally get a chance to give what you got.
Instead of encouraging him to seek professional help to stop being a threat to the public,
instead of helping his parents and his brother cope with the public humiliation by being there for them as a community,
You people literally just serve yourselves by clowning embarrassing hard on a lonely ass mentally ill ass kid. Making him worse And ultimately putting women in danger
You people can not connect the dots. You all have mommy daddy issues you need to take care of. You people make me very sad
submitted by Background_Big_3140 to goatavaneesh [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:10 Kaiju_zero [Complete] [137K] [Supernatural Romantic Thriller] Angel's Demon

WARNING: This is classified as a fan-fiction in the Hazbin Hotel world. I know FF is frowned upon by many. This story is set 99% in an original world with only one HH character as a major character. The story is original, the world is mine, as well as the OCs.
Title: Angel's Demon
Word Count: 136,466
Genres: Supernatural ThrilleRomance
Audience: 16+
Trigger Warnings: Violence, Death, Gore, Sexual assault/molestation (implied only), Sexual situations (On page), profanity, drinking, smoking. (TBH, it just clicked how dark this sounds)
Feedback requested: Obvious plot holes. Missing details (I know for a fact I need to add descriptive text for character introductions during revisions), the fact that I have sections that change from present to past tense (I know of a few but getting them all pointed out as I begin working on editing will be SO welcomed) Confusion about action/events. and I welcome suggestions to add details to certain situations to flesh out what may seem lacking (A battle between two demons is far shorter than I'd intended, and will likely improve that as well) As for grammar, spelling and so on; I have a couple of programs that point those out. If anyone were to say 'Hey, let me edit for you'.. after four months of writing.. I'd scream yes.
Summary: Kevin Collins, AKA "Angel" Is an ex-special forces ranger turned tracker. His self imposed mission; to find and rescue lost, kidnapped and exploited children. On one of his missions, he stumbles upon an injured woman. Believing she's a victim who escaped, he takes her to his van and dresses her wounds, asking who she is. She says her name is Charlotte, but she can't remember anything else. She asks how he found her, and he explains what he's there for. When she learns that children are in danger, she changes into a demon; something that scares the both of them. She begs Angel to not abandon her, and offers to use her powers to help him on his mission. He agrees, and so begins their journey to save souls, discover her past and in the process; fall in love. However, their journey will attract the attention of an evil so great, it threatens to rip them apart and make Charlotte into the most dangerous demon on Earth.
Scene Summary: Charlotte's first semi- solo mission to find and rescue a lost child in the mountains. (chapter 6)
Seconds had ticked by and Charlotte was already ahead of the groups that had begun to fan out. She cleared 50 yards ahead and stopped. Closing her eyes, she inhaled as deeply as she could and was greeted with a barrage of smells. Trees, bushes, animals, flowers, insects.. she could detect them all. But the scent of the boy was absent. Determined, she began to run, her cloven feet deftly carrying her over fallen branches, jagged trails and she moved in a wide zig-zag pattern, covering a lot of distance in minutes. Stopping at a sound she hadn’t quite picked up before, she closed her eyes and recognized a river, flowing fast in the distance south of her. She took another strong whiff and was greeted by the scent of water, algae, fish, mud and..
Her eyes snapped open. The boy’s scent was mixed into the rolling smells of the river! Turning towards the strongest of the smells, she picked up her pace and raced towards the river, opening up all of her senses to their max. In moments, she stood on the bank and looked down at the rushing waters. The sun had faded and now with the overcast clouds, twilight was taking hold. Darting her eyes and inhaling as deep as she could, she picked up two things; the scent of fear and distant crying.
“Angel?” She whispered into the headset. In took a couple of beats, and she heard his smooth voice.
“I’m here. Had to move away a bit from the others first. You have something?”
“I got his scent! I can’t tell how far off he is, but I think he’s in the river!”
Angel hissed urgently, “Go! Find him!”
She didn’t give a response as her legs started moving. Heart aching, Charlotte followed the scent and sound for nearly 300 yards down river, having now gone out of the search grid area. Thanks to her demon form, she alighted over the rough terrain, her eyes wide to let all the possible light in and give her a clear view of her surroundings. A quick pause to listen, the sounds of crying now lapped over the sounds of the river and she honed in.
Stepping over a ridge of an embankment, she looked down into the rushing water and there was the boy, stuck in a fallen tree that was a third of the way into the fast moving river. She quickly accessed that he had to have fallen in some place upstream and got carried to this spot, catching the tree to stop himself, but the water was too fast for him to pull himself out. She could tell he was fading, fast. If she didn’t get him out, he’d drown.
“Angel!” She radioed, “I found him! I found him! Track the tag! I have to get him out, now!”
“I’m coming!” Angel’s voice affirmed, with a hint of pride for her, and she clicked off the radio and looked around, seeing what she could do.
“Fuck, if only I had wings!” She cursed her limitations, but pushed it aside as she needed to rely on what she did have. Moving down to the edge of the river, Charlotte saw that he was out of her reach by some twenty feet. Testing the strength of the fallen tree, she tentatively started to crawl out but could only get half way when she heard snapping. The tree was not going to hold her weight if she went any further. Quickly thinking, Charlotte wrapped her demon tail around a thicker branch and slipped into the rushing water, the force more than she anticipated and it knocked her against the tree.
“OOMPH!” She let out a pained shout and the boy looked her way, eyes bloodshot from crying and let out a fearful whimper. Cursing herself again, she bit her lip and reached out for him. She knew he'd be scared at the feeling but if she could carry him around the tree and swim him to shore, maybe he’d think he got a current to lead him ashore.
Charlotte reached out but he was still out of her reach and she couldn’t get closer. She saw a six foot thick branch, broken off from the tree, lodged in among the other branches and thought if only she’d grabbed it first, she could reach him with it. She stared at the branch for an infinite but split second moment, wishing she had it and then she felt something solid in her clawed hand.
The branch she wanted had blinked out of it’s lodged spot to reappear in her grip, conjured as if by magic. Charlotte gasped. How? How!? She pushed the question aside and slipped the branch through the water until it nudged the boy. Would he grab it? She took a chance. “Grab the branch.” She spoke just loud enough for him to hear.
“Wha..?” He couldn’t say much else, his strength was giving out, and he was losing consciousness.
“Please, sweetie, grab hold… trust me.. please.. please.”
Subconsciously, he did as she asked and she pulled steady and firmly those frightening last few feet against the force of the river and brought him to her. She retracted her claws, letting her human hands take over and she grabbed him and pulled him to her. He was out, his body having given up and she put all of her strength into her tail and it pulled her till she could get her waist above the torrent of water. Lifting the boy into her arms and growling deep, she lunged and landed them roughly on the mud and sludge of the river’s edge. She flipped onto her back, the boy held in her tight embrace and she lay on her back, breathing hard, energy spent and she started crying.
He heard him take in a shuddering breath, followed by regular breathing and she cried harder, holding him close and comforting. I won’t let anything happen to you, she thought. I won’t let anything happen to ANYONE! She declared to herself.
She lost track of how long she lay there, body pressed into the cold wet mud, her cloven hooves splashed with lapping water at the river’s edge, but her ears picked up Angel nearing her and she sniffled in relief. She looked up over above and behind her as falling dirt signaled Angel’s arrival at the edge of the embankment.
Angel saw the boy suspended inches above the mud, as if floating and he slid down to kneel next to him and Charlotte’s invisible form.
“You okay?” He whispered.
Charlotte’s wet filled throat croaked back, exhausted “Take him.”
Angel slid his arms under the boy, sliding over Charlotte’s body and she closed her eyes, grateful for his touch and he lifted the boy up and off of her. He stood, boy cradled in his arms, and looked down at the human shaped indent in the mud.
“You can come out.”
The mud shifted but Charlotte didn’t appear.
“I.. I’ll meet you back at the van.”
The tone in her voice told Angel all he needed to know, and without another word, Angel took the boy and began the trek back to meeting spot.
When Angel had moved a distance away, Charlotte finally pulled herself to her feet and wrapped her arms around herself, and felt the sludge slide down her back, her blonde hair nearly a fully dyed shit-brown, and shivered in the growing cold. Taking slow deep breaths, Charlotte pulled at her demon powers and her body began to sizzle, steam rising up off her body, both warming her and drying her. She was still so dirty but the chill in her bones had gone. The few moments alone allowed her to regain her composure, and with a crack of her neck, she turned and took off at a full run, and headed back to the van.
submitted by Kaiju_zero to BetaReaders [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:00 Dazzling-Stick-7980 Seeking Advice for Camping in Townsville

Hi everyone,
Firstly, Thank you all for your help and support in my previous posts. I’ve been learning a lot from this Townsville subreddit, and your advice has been incredibly valuable. You are all very friendly and helpful.
I'm an international student new to Townsville, and I'm planning my first solo camping trip. I recently camped once in Wilsons Prom, Melbourne in a caravan park with experienced colleagues and it was very basic and safe. Now I’m ready to try it on my own. I’m thinking of spending one night camping on Magnetic Island or any beginner friendly places (any recommended caravan parks or camping grounds to build up some confidence for solo camping?).
I would love to hear everything I need to know about camping in Townsville. Here are some specific questions I have:
  1. Best Camping Spots: What are the best places to camp around Townsville and Magnetic Island?
  2. Gear Recommendations: I used a swag last time, but I'm considering buying a 2-person tent that I can also use for future trips. Is this a good idea for a beginner? any easy to set up alternatives? my colleague recommended me to ditch tent and just carry a single stretcher and a mosquito repellent. Unlike Melbourne, I heard there are quite many dangerous snakes here.
  3. Essential Items: What should I absolutely bring with me for a one-night or two camping trip? can I just carry water and buy some food instead taking a camping stove for 1-2 nights camping?
  4. Safety Tips: Any specific safety tips or things to be aware of while camping in this area?
  5. Activities and Must-See Spots: Any recommendations for activities or must-see spots on Magnetic Island or any other places in general?
  6. Also heard snakes are hibernating at the moment and it is recommended to wait few months?
Looking forward to your suggestions and tips!
Thank you.
submitted by Dazzling-Stick-7980 to Townsville [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:44 VeryFinalAvenger M4F - USA/Anywhere. Searching for my soulmate - the most amazing woman in the world.

Hey there! Im honestly just posting this instead of journaling today. I dont expect to find anyone through reddit, but there always is a chance as love can come from anywhere... There is a quote that goes "put two ships on open sea without wind or tide, and they will find one another." To be quite honest, this word is filled with turbulence, wind and tide... and even now im not sure who I am searching for, so consider this post a message in a bottle.
About me...
I am on the younger side, 6ft with brown hair (slightly blonde at times), jade eyes, tan skin and a fit/athletic build but not super muscular (around 185-190 pounds). I have a well groomed stubble/beard (like Chris Hemsworth) I take care of myself and have one tattoo on my chest. My personality type is INFJ-A. Being that personality type I can basically change myself to fit the person I am around - so for example I can be quiet or outgoing depending on what the person I am around wants. I am not the smartest person (123 IQ - so im not that unintelligent either) but I have very high EQ and am thus a very discerning and intuitive person.
I have many hobbies... I love watching movies (all genres but Asian romantic dramas/comedies are my favorite by far), watching tv shows and prank videos, listening to music (pop is my favorite genre and Ava Max is my favorite singer by far!), studying the film industry, psychology, philosophy, eschatology and various other things. I love self defense, having meaningful conversations, meditation, and long walks at night. I am a homebody and prefer to relax in bed but I can easily go out and hang somewhere like a mall or party if there is something to do. Swimming is also a hobby of mine but I live in a small town in the desert so its not something I can do often.
I have many skills including - self defense, psychology, mentoring, counseling, writing, drawing, poetry (only when im in love), dancing, singing, survival, housework, cooking, cleaning, strategy, gaming, and anything with pets or babies. I have others but those are what comes to mind. Ive lived alot of places (over 60), have accomplished many things and have seen and heard many stories.
My line of work is the most important thing in my life, and my only non-negotiable that I am not willing to change (meaning I will change EVERYTHING about my life otherwise should you but ask). I work in trauma/rape/human trafficking and delinquency recovery for young girls. This job takes all my time four days a week and is something I put my entire heart into. There is no terror greater in the world than that of rape and sexual trauma and I am doing everything I can to try to help so many innocent women recover from its effects.
One day I am going to launch a nationwide and eventually global organization that will protect anyone who comes through our doors 24/7 and will work in any country to eliminate sexual violence by any means necessary - including standing against tyrannical governments. This will take time and one day may even cost my own life, but I will do anything I can to end this horror on the world. I understand if this type of lifestyle is not something you want to get involved with or support - or if you are looking for someone famous and rich, if that is what you want I wish you all the luck in the world - but that person is not me.
As for what I believe about relationships - I firmly hold that respect, loyalty and communication are the foundation of any healthy and loving relationship - and without them being given from both parties, a relationship is doomed to fail. I also am a huge believer in duality, that we have dualistic emotions, tendencies, emotions i.e. ying and yang inside all of us - and in order to love someone fully you have to understand and accept the entirety of a person, not try to change them or love them in "slices" so to speak. Ill include a link of some articles ive written about relationships-
About who I am looking for... My Standards
So the only true non-negotiable is attractiveness (being beautiful/stunning) and being faithful. I have no other standards, pet-peeves or "personality requirements" - I will accept you for who you are and will not hold to you to act a certain way, make me feel a certain way, meet certain requirements, have a certain "personality" I enjoy etc. As long as you are the same woman I fell in love with, as long as I wake up to the same eyes every day that is all I care about, and aging doesnt matter to me - we all age in time, and my love for your beauty will never change. I will stand by your side through anything - crime, pain, hardship, sickness, disability, anger, abuse etc... as long as you never cheat on me. One thing about me is I am loyal for life, meaning once I fall in love with someone - and she gives me love in return, I will never be attracted to anyone else ever. I am "korsavalae sexual" - basically meaning I am loyal for life to the woman of my dreams. "Sata-pai" is an ancient egyptian word meaning I am your chosen because you are my chosen/you are my chosen because I am your chosen. I believe strongly in that term.
About who I am looking for... My Preference
All this being said, just because I am open to fall in love with any woman as long as there is basic attraction doesnt mean I dont have preferences. To be honest I am looking for a woman as amazing and beautiful as Ava Max... and if I cant find someone like her I would rather be alone. As I said in my post title I am searching for the most amazing woman in the world. Dont get me wrong, everyone is beautiful and amazing in their own way... I am just searching for someone extra special.
I also prefer the "bad girl" personality type, which is so hard and rare to find as most women fall into the opposite category... law abiding, hard working, genuinely good people. This is just a preference as I am open and sometimes attracted to sweet women, but I prefer bad girls i.e. offset moral compass, hot, parties like crazy, lives life by her own rules, dangerously minded, vindictive if betrayed, resourceful, skilled, sensual and sexual when aroused, reads others like an open book, able to change to get what she wants, a partner in life and crime.
On top of that... I only really want someone with a "yandere" personality type - meaning someone who is loyal for life, falls hard in love and lust, devoted to her love to the point of obsession, would rather die or do anything than lose her lover, will be sweet and loving to her partner, and takes care of who she loves. This obviously is not the way most people are, and is not the healthiest mentality - which is why it will never be a standard I hold my partner too... its just my deepest wish, I mean if someone isnt willing to lose themself for you, then there will always be a limit to their love.
Final comments...
Again I do not expect to find someone like this, but if one does not reach for the stars, what is even the point of looking up? As for me, I am willing to give my everything - my heart, mind, soul to the woman I love. Whatever she wants I will be, whoever she is I will adore - I am very affectionate but will give all the space my partner wants and needs. Every moment I am not helping others would be devoted to her love. I never get angry, cheat, or strike out in anger. I will support whatever her dreams are and will be there whenever she needs. I believe that the core of love is devotion - and I am willing to devote the entirety of myself - even my own life if she asks. I do not expect the same in return and know that most likely I will always be willing to give far more than I ever receive, and I am okay with that. The reason for that is simple, love is the core of my being. I believe a healthy relationship means listening and searching out the wants and needs of ones partner, treating every day like it is the last we will have together and pouring my heart and soul to her happiness.
Thats all I have to share, again I totally understand if you are searching for something different, or even think I should want something different. We all have our hopes and dreams, and this is mine. I hope each person reading this finds the partner of their dreams too.
submitted by VeryFinalAvenger to r4rYandere [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:39 JoeTaymer Email tree 17

Email tree 17
A new concept that I came up with called email trees. Essentially if someone would like to email me a photo of a tree I’ll do what I can in order to give you and opinion on how I might prune it myself. Or perhaps any issues that I can see with it.
As this is an experiment, I have no idea how well it will turn out. There are a number of severe limitations which I am faced with because I cannot see and interact with the tree in person, pictures are a bit 2D, reality is 3D. Obviously being there in person and being able to work on the tree would be best, hiring an Arborist to come to your property would always be the best option. Remember tree work is inherently dangerous, don’t try anything that is beyond your capability.
A pair of bypass pruners should be used for the smaller cuts\_1\_2?
A handsaw should be used for the larger cuts (I find very little use for loppers, they cause too much damage)
This is a bit more of a mature tree and is in generally good health. The defoliated and dead limbs which are circled in black seem to be coming from the neighboring tree, in any case they are dead and should be removed.
As far as this tree is concerned, there is a larger branch marked in red that should be removed. It seems the top of this branch broke off a number of years ago and it is currently displaying rather erratic growth which dosen’t add to the overall structure of the tree. The picture is a bit hazy but you’ll first want to remove the lateral limbs which are marked in light blue, this will remove the weight from the limb which will help ensure a cleaner final cut. As the photo is a bit blurry I am having a hard time determining where the branch union is specifically and have placed a green V and red dotted line in the approximate location, If the branch union is lower then make the cut lower. In situations like this where the branch union is a tight “V” take care not to cut into the neighboring branch when your finishing your removal cut.
Next, there are two yellow marked limbs that are just above the red marked branch, these appear to be dead and should be removed at the trunk.
Lastly, there are two orange and blue marked limbs if they are in contact with each other then overtime when the tree moves in the wind the two branches will rub together and damage both parts. Once again, if they are in contact then one side should be selected and removed. Start at the tip of the branch trace it back and remove a piece at a time branch union by branch union until they are no longer in contact. A guide has been provided below in photo’s #2 and 3.
Pictured below is an example of the damage that can be caused by an inclusion- when two limbs rub together for a period of time. I also have a longer article on this subject should you be interested and can be found under the title “inclusions”.
Reference guide
Pictured below is a tree which I pruned, both small cuts and large cuts are highlighted, this should serve as a guide for what your final cuts should look like. As a rule of thumb all cuts should be at approx. a 45 degree angle from the parent limb (reference the green arrow). You’ll want to avoid making cuts which leave behind a considerably smaller limb to replace the one which was removed as highlighted by the yellow limb which is about 1/3 the size of the green limb that it is replacing. the proper size for replacement would be 2/3 the size.
If the picture of the tree that you send in has a area circled in red- red being the color of removal. The picture below has an area circled in red, imagine that these are the limbs which are touching the house and therefore need to be removed. Since this area is circled in red we will select a branch starting at the tip and work our way inward as highlighted by the purple arrow. Of our two highlighted limbs you’ll note that you have 2 and 3 different options respectively on where you will choose to make a cut. If your uncertain, you should always start with the smaller cut as you can come back at a later time and make the larger cut later.
Picture #2
Here are some examples of a few more larger cuts that have been made at the proper angle.
Picture #3
Remember that with any tree pruning we are removing the trees ability to collect energy for itself, therefore not more than 1/4 of the canopy should be removed in a given year.
If I’ve recommended that you remove a branch which is too large for you to handle, cut the limb up in a number of smaller pieces before making the final cut where I’ve suggested.
Best of luck pruning your tree.
If you’d be kind enough to send me a photo of your completed pruning so that I can see the results of my suggestions that would be much appreciated.
submitted by JoeTaymer to Philippinetreeworks [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:37 new-werewolves Would humanity survive against these shapeshifting monsters?

A new species of shapeshifting predators has been discovered by scientists. However, no one knows how long they've been around.
In their natural forms, these monsters can reach up to 3 meters tall with sharp claws and resilient organs that allow them to survive most environments. What's disturbing however, is that these creatures have a diet consisting of human flesh.
Studies of the corpse reveal that these creatures can alter their size and shape to a limited degree. They can:
It's very difficult to spot these creatures but there are tells that might help you distinguish them.
It is speculated that humans outnumber these creatures, so they choose to blend into society rather than hunt us down in their natural forms.
Some of these creatures prefer to hunt alone while others form packs and groups.
These shapeshifters are dangerous as they could either be your local police officer, a famous politician, your neighbor, or even your own family members.
They can turn into any human being they want.
Would humanity survive? or will we go extinct?
submitted by new-werewolves to hypotheticalsituation [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:24 islrubsca Difficulty with streaks

I'm not blaming the game as I know it has to be some error on my part, but I've noticed a very distinct pattern of failur. The percentage of time that I die immediately after a kill is insane. It happens in every game, every lobby and almost every map. I kill someone, often at the time i don't even identify any other enemies in the vicinity, then before the guy hits the ground, I'm killed by a teamate who just appears at that exact moment I get the kill. Its not uncommon for this to happen 6/7+ times in a row during the game. And as a result so many games end in KD of 1.
In fact, the instances where I get a kill and don't immediately die in a literal fraction of a second after, are so few and far between, that when it happens, I'm so surprised that I'm not dead, I have to gather my focus and continue playing. It actually feels like there is some code/algorythm in the game that says 1 kill = insta melt. Almost like the oponent running away from my dead body is just a scripted animation that I see every time i get a single kill. Clearly I'm doing something wrong.
I've learnt in this game it's very dangerous to challenge multiple enemies, to always shoot from cover and be ready to back out of a gunfight when things get hairy. Navigate around the map so you are not exposed to too many angles or flanking opportunities. Always try and stay close to team mates, to limit the number of times you are facing multiple enemies alone. But sometimes it seems hopeless and I just surrender myself to the fact that when I get a kill i die IMMEDIATELY before I even recognise a second player is there.
I do think that the relatively small maps, density of lobies and speed of movement contribute somewhat. I also find the mini map is not that great at giving a snapshot of enemy position (unlike COD for example). Often when I glimpse at the minimap, I find I'm killed in that microsecond of distraction form the game, so I find myself utilising it less.
I really wonder what it is I'm doing wrong thats causing it to happen so frequently. Sometimes I think i need to play a little more conservatively rather than rushing objectives, but it feels like that's how this game was meant to be played. At the same time it's also really important to take advantage of cover and not over commit in gunfights.
I know everone says KD doesn't matter in this game and it's all about the objective. I get that. But I feel like good players, regardless of the their commitment to the objective, don't have 1 or >1 KD. I'd reaaly like to improve my ability to support my team, play the objective and put sstreaks together without dying instantly every time I get a kill.
submitted by islrubsca to XDefiant [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:22 Initial_Grape_8384 A mixed bag of my thoughts on my 2 and half hours of play time.

I played this on Steam before it was delisted last year and many of the issues I had then are still issue's now BUT there were some major developments that I came back too and thought this game is really special... JUST not for me... as is anyways.
Solo play is still monumental issue (to me) BUT love that they added solo queue on a rotating timer. Leading me into my next issue.
  1. Enemies are still to Tanky with how many can engage you easily overwhelming a solo player.
  1. Number of enemies in any given room/dungeon is way too dense for how tanky they are. (It took me 10 minutes to fight my way out of 1 room to then start having the invisible wall push me into another room that hasn't been cleared out so now I'm running from one room to the next trying to stay ahead of the death wall and have a small army of enemies on my heel waiting for me to stop at a door to open or close it.)
I think with either a lower number of spawns or a reduction of health for mobs would help out tremendously (again my thoughts but the design is up to the developers). Having a run start me off in a spot where I have to engage in more than a 1v2 PvE in the first few seconds makes me just let them kill me so I can move on because I'm not taking out 2 basically tanks while hopefully dodging around the room/hallway (and quite possibly pulling other mobs, because of the number of spawns in any given room) and lets not forget other players and/traps that are all to eager to "help". Leading me into my next talking point.
Other players. I personally don't have an issue with a game that has PVP even as hardcore as this is BUT these extraction looters all have the "kill on sight" mentality that really sucks as it probably would as everyone is trying to get out with as much as they can and if that includes the loot I have taken 10-20 minutes to collect (and lose) then so be it but that still leaves me thinking that this genre (especially this game being a dungeon crawler with overwhelming number of enemies) could be better but it seems that the "get good" chads tend to flock to these games and defend them and their kill on sight gameplay. I would like to see not only the players name but maybe add some sort of morality system where their name in game and kill feed and VoIP changes color based on the style of gamer they are.
RED names for people that engage in PVP and kill often, White for people that ride the line (might kill you, might help you) or Blue for players that are within close proximity to players without actively trying to kill them and maybe help instead.
This system would let everyone in a lobby see how much danger they are in from other players almost immediately, Reds are engaged on sight OR run from (if you can) lastly begging for your life might work (probably not though). White names would still have to feel each other out (they may help you or they may kill you and take your stuff) and blues you are probably safe to trust and team with (but still could be killed by them as "accidents" can happen, I see a funny YouTube video of someone earning a blue name and killing players/teams who trusted them).
To end the long winded thoughts, The game has a very special niche in the extraction looter genre and I am personally in love with the concept and actively want to play it, but I think it still needs a balance shift for solo lobbies, and some sort of system in place that creates more than just the "kill on sight" mentality these games in the genre are so bad about becoming and something this simple would turn some players from murder hobos into helpful wonderers.
submitted by Initial_Grape_8384 to DarkAndDarker [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:20 David_Lee060814 I thought if a strange Alternative Storyline of Dragonball…….(1st arc)

The story Starts off like this:
*Goku's journey in Dragonball is pretty much the same,only this time, he lands on earth with Raditz and Turles ( I decided to make them triplets..... for some reason ) Raditz is the middle brother, and has the role of uniting the brothers together whenever they get into a fight with each other. Turles, the oldest, has the smartest brain of all three, and usually is the general of the group. Goku..... is Goku.
*The Three go through the casual stuff that Goku originally went through, with some changes. Raised by Grandpa Gohan, Grandpa Gohan gets killed by the soldiers of the Red Ribbon Army, they meet Bulma, Yamcha, Tien, blah blah blah, Goku trains with Master Roshi (with Krillin )and Kai, while Raditz works in, or rather sneakes into, the Red Ribbon Army as a general. and yes he smokes the entire army....
Now we get to the main plot: *TURLES**. Turles, after cooking the Red Ribbon Army in South City, Turles finds a strange tree, The Tree Of Might. Turles, being smart, knows what the tree is doing, and blows it up. He does eat its fruit, very scrumptiously. After that, Turles decides to take its seed and brings it to Dr. Briefs, and after analyzing it, Dr. Briefs tells Turles to stay away from it, as the seed possesses a radiation that has the ability to change the molecules and structures of cells of anything, and it might be too dangerous for Turles to take the mutation of his body from it.
After that incident, Turles keeps training, then meets someone, *ARALE**, the two go on a adventure, then realizes that a forest is corrupted with the seed of the Tree of Might, and the branches/roots started attacking Arale, and Turles saves her, and purifies the forest. Arale, appreciative of his bravery, kisses him, and promises to return to him someday in the future.
Time passes to the 7 year gap between the Cell saga and Buu saga. Turles is now a University student and intern in Capsule Corp. Suddenly, him and Gohan feel a strong energy coming nearby, and realizes a big spaceship has enterd Earth. There, from the spaceship, comes out a Saiyan. Turles realizes who he is. It was his childhood friend; *BROLY**, a Giant Saiyan with a shoulderless battle armor, a giant ear fur as his belt scarf, and Ba's head fuleather that he attatched to the armor like a hoodie, and a electric shocking neck brace. also, he had a hatchet... Turles finds out that, ever since Planet Vegeta was destroyed, Broly was abused by his Father, Paragus, as his weapon. Knowing this, Turles tries to talk Broly out, but Broly Charged him.
*The 3 fight for 19 hours, Gohan is out, Chelai and Bermo, Broly's friends, manage to break the remote for his neck brace, and was beaten to a pulp by a pissed off Paragus. Seeing this, Broly, who was Super Saiyan, breaks the brace with his hand, and Punches Paragus in the face, and says he's not fighting anymore, then proceeds to take his friends to a safe place, and..... after some conflict, asks Turles to kill him, since he can't kill his own father that he loved to his life. Turles Doesn't, but still kicks Pargus, and then throws him into prison.
After some time, and the happy Broly bear hugs him a bit too hard, Turles offers him a job in Capsule Corp. Bulma agrees, but Broly says that he wants to rest in the woods for now, but promised that he will visit him from time to time. Before Broly leaves, a door knocks, and Dr. Briefs introduces a young lady that wishes to be Turles' assistant. A young lady with purple hair, bright blue eyes, and earrings that had the jewls shaped of angel wings. It was *ARALE**, and before Turles could do anything, she rushed to him and hugged him, and Turles hugged her back, happy.
*Some more time has passed. Goku became a Suit Tailor, and made bulletproof suits and battle armor for his friends and soldiers. Also, he was the leader of a new group, Blue Ribbon Army: which was an organization made by the strongest warriors of each of the 12 universes to protect the universe. He also became the assistant of the Grand Priest, and checked if the gods of destruction were doing their thing right. Zeno wasn't safe from his vision, either.
Raditz became a police officer, and the main general of the universe 7's side of the Blue Ribbon Army, alongside Vegeta.
Turles, stepped back from fighting, and became Bulma's partner as a scientist. Arale was a good assistant for him.
Broly, became a Blue Ribbon soilder, but not just any soldier, a Bowtie, which was basically a special soilder that had the permission to be summoned to other universes...
*Everthing was peaceful.... until a disaster happened. Cracks of space appeared all over the 12 universes, and evil warriors like Bojack, Z Broly, Janemba, and a bunch of unknown threats came out of that crack and was causing trouble. Goku, actually being smart, decided to call all the leaders of the Blue Ribbon Army to prepare for a war, and asked Zeno if he could seal the crack, but Zeno couldn't. Not knowing what to do, Goku decided to do what's important first: protect. And so, the greatest war began. What happens after this..... is to be continued...
That was part 1 of what I came up with.... I don't know what to call this storyline, but it's the weirdest thing I've ever thought of....
submitted by David_Lee060814 to Dragonballsuper [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:20 Tryingmybest2567 FC and Francine AU

For the record they are kids during this whole ordeal.
its starts when Francine and FC start a show with Funtime Freddy's help, and you know what happens to people who gets shows, they get trauma.
So, first off, Francine gets wings. She learns how to fly and it's a whole lot of fun, shenanigans, and what not. like when she got the whole daycare on a sugar rush with magic, (I came up with after watching Cotton candy from Helluva boss over and over again) Until the Stitchwraith gets his hands in their business.
Then, FC gets kidnapped by the Stitchwraith (before the whole taking down Stitchwraith arc) and Francine is like, I'll save you. And Stitchwraith rips off her wings.
So, FC manages to get both of them out of there, and Francine by all miracles survives the blood loss, and Golden Freddy starts healing her wings (they are inherently magical) with the spirit pool water.
Anyway, Freddy gets sick, and Toy Chica goes missing, so Francine has to go back to daycare. And she is not having it. There is a whole point where Sun is like we better figure out how to have her not have mental breakdowns in here every minute, or she can't come back. So, FC starts to go with her and its good for a while.
So, one day, Foxy and Freddy are working late so Lunar is watching them, and he didn't do a very good job because the computer malfunctions and the portal is opened while they are in it, and they get transported to an alternate dimension.
In This Dimension, Francine is a lot older and is Evil. She lost her whole family and took over the world by tricking golden Freddy into letting her become Magic Keeper so he can retire. But Francine and FC get transported into the middle of a dinner where Evil Francine takes control of all the important people in the world. (Think Anastasia's Villian song animatic) Anyway, Evil Francine finds FC and Francine and goes back to when she was really young and scared and is like, I'll give Golden Freddy back his job, and just releases everyone.
Francine really likes this solder version of herself and begs Evil Francine to go back with her and FC, so Evil Francine does, and is just kind of staying with the Fazbears as of now. She now goes by Fran instead because it's easier. (Sidenote is that Fran's dimension wasn't killed by Ruin because the Creator had already made to many advances for Golden Freddy's liking and Golden Freddy just got rid of that creator)
Turns out she wasn't the only thing that came from that dimension, a force actually told Fran to do everything she did in her dimension, and it fallowed her. So, she is trying to help Francine get better (you know traumatized) and FC doesn't trust Fran. He didn't even want her to come back with them in the first place. So, FC discovers the dark force talking to Fran and misunderstands it.
So, he drags Francine to Fran, where she is talking to the dark force, and Francine gets like really mad at Fran and just magics her out of the house, which Freddy Magics back in, then Francine Magics back out, and so on. until Fran explains that the dark force is the thing that killed her family, and she was simply a puppet to it and that it would hurt others if she didn't do what it said.
Next thing you know, Puppet over here, like what is saying it will destroy everyone I care about, and just insta kills the thing, basically (after a lot of difficulty) But the Dark Force is now caught somewhere in Golden Freddy's spirit lake.
Now have to do something about that because it's poisoning the spirits and if they let it out, it could like murder the family in one go via Fran because it already imprinted on her. That now becomes a Puppet and Charlotte problem (that's its own story). But Fran gets into therapy, (Earth reopened it to spite the new moon. Lunar's idea). And then we transfer to a more FC heavy plot.
The whole idea of having it focused on one or the other is that they are kids and really at their age can't think for what others want all that well. So, it is a very unbalanced dynamic and won't get healthier until they are older and have developed better social skills.
But back to the FC plot. The whole Fran and the Dark force thing are going on simultaneously to when FC gets hid powers. (Also, when Francine gets her wings back, but that is not the point) So once that becomes no longer one of the channels main issues, it goes to FC training and Francine trying to help but getting in the way.
that all leads to FC getting super mad at Francine, and he just yells at her. So, Francine goes back into the dark deep hole of her trauma. and FC keeps training, but now he's run into a road black. So Lunar, the coach at this point, uses this as an opportunity to make him go talk to Francine. And they handle it very well for being so young.
It essentially goes like this FC: when you were trying to help you didn't and that made me mad Francine: when you yelled at me, it scared me and I felt sad. FC: I'm sorry for yelling, I will try to use my words. that's what father tells me to do. Francine: OK I will too.
Turns out the roadblock had nothing to do with that, and it was just the dark force apparently being negative star power, like the Astrals but negative. So now everyone is thinking, we need to put it back in its home dimension, so it doesn't wreak havoc. Then it's like, we can't move it remember, so they decide to put it in FC's core, and have him release the negative star power in that dimension.
news flash, didn't go to plan, and the negative star power from the dimension our story takes place in is released in such large amounts in severs the connection between the dimensions and now FC is trapped there. why can't they just open a new portal? because Star power stays in its dimension for the most part, so it was like they dimension collided and then bounced away from each other so far, that dimensional portals can't be placed with current technologies.
So, plan is, essentially dimension hop to a specific dimension at a specific time so that Fran's home dimension, which is moving back again at a slow pace, is in the vicinity and then dimension hop all the way back. Which isn't just complicated for one reason. 1: Dimensions are always moving around each other and that could make making a specific route very hard. 2: Dangerous and dead dimensions do exist and should not be touched. 3: even though Fran's home dimension is slow moving, it is fast compared to other dimensions normal movement.
That's all for now, I'll add more later.
submitted by Tryingmybest2567 to SunAndMoonShowfans [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:10 Significant-Creme870 UP Mindanao or AdDU ?

Hii from davao city here and ABM graduatee. Enrollment na ngayun june and I'm still undecided sa school na papasukan. UPM is very prestigious, I admit plus masyadong malapit lang sa bahay ko but wala doon course ko, I choose BACMA (Bachelor of Communication and Media Arts) there although this course is great di ko alam anong papasukan ko na trabaho nito in future plus from ABM ako and I want a degree na may board exam in the end. If I go here I can make my mother happy and can save tuition expenses since my mother is a solo parent and i have six siblings plus she alwayd nags me about giving up the slot ko sa UPM since its very prestigious school na daw kaysa sa AdDU (fyi: AdDu rn is the most top performing school next to usep then UPM) but my mom rants about me wasting my oppurtunity to be a iskolar ng bayan. While im AdDU i took BSA ( BS ACCOUNTING) and got accepted na din there since its currently the best school in davao offering accountancy course but with very high and strict retention policy which can be dangerous for me in the future. In BSA kase, I can see my self taking that path na pagtapos ko ng course nayan exam na ako tapos if lucky magiging CPA na (My ultimate dream kasi is having a title beside my name) 🥹 if you're asking what career path I would want to take then I can't answer it confidently and its still a blur for me huhuhu hence this is both a course and school dilemma. I need your advices pleasee. I'll be elated if i can hear your honest opinion in this matterrr.
submitted by Significant-Creme870 to CollegeAdmissionsPH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:10 duellingislands 4:47 EEST; The Sun is Rising Over Kyiv on the 837th Day of the Full-Scale Invasion. A refreshing drink for your summer parties: Cherry Kompot!

4:47 EEST; The Sun is Rising Over Kyiv on the 837th Day of the Full-Scale Invasion. A refreshing drink for your summer parties: Cherry Kompot!


Majestic Kompot.
Who doesn't love fruit??? Okay, well maybe someone is resistant to the wonders of nature, and it is their right. But Kompot - the light, sweet and natural fruit drink popular in Ukraine, Poland and other countries - cannot have enemies, or at least this is what I want to believe. Kompot does have its natural predators, though… those with a sweet tooth and a love for refreshing drinks. Well, I do have a sweet tooth and I remember drinking Kompot all year round as a kid, freshly made in the summer and “canned” for the winter.
The word Kompot comes to us from Latin (compositus, which means “mixture”) all the way through French. Despite its decidedly international name, fruit beverages like Kompot have been made in Ukraine for a very long time; you may remember our post on the very traditional Uzvar way back when. Well, Uzvar is actually a variation of Kompot that is made from dried fruit instead of fresh. Ukrainians love their food preservation techniques, after all.
Nowadays Kompot is still a staple of holidays and hot summer evenings… as we are now entering the peak of fruit season, I hope you can taste it soon too!

Low-Hanging Fruit

Kompot is very easy to make and next to impossible to mess up (so it’s a great opportunity to press your kids into kitchen service!).
You can select just about any fruit that strike your fancy (or combinations of a few)… even when they are about to become a little “too ripe”. The most popular flavor in my neck of the woods is the cherry one (you may have noticed from our recipe posts in the past that we are a little cherry-crazy). But apples, pears and plums are not far behind and are also fantastic.

How to Make Cherry Kompot

Sometimes it's best to just make a LOT of it to save for those moments in winter when you'd like to be reminded of summer.
  • Water: 3 liters
  • Cherries: 800 grams
  • Sugar: 300 grams
    • (more or less, depending how sour the cherries are, and your taste)
  1. Bring the water to boil and dissolve the sugar in it.
  2. Carefully add the cherries and boil them for about 5 minutes.
  3. Then take the pot off the heat, close it with the lid and allow it to cool.
  4. It is preferable to let it fully cool naturally.
  5. Serve in glasses, and it's always a nice touch to include a few cherries in each glass! Be nice and don't play favorites with the cherries. ;)
Tips and Variations
  • There are slightly different Kompot philosophies depending on which fruit you are using.
  • If you want to make Kompot from strawberries, you might consider adding a bit of mint. The ratio of ingredients otherwise stays the same.
  • The recipe for the apple version calls for 1 kilogram of apples, 400 grams per 3 liters of water. You need to peel and cut the apples before putting them in the hot water, and boil it for a longer - maybe about 10 minutes.
  • Kompot preserves very well in jars long-term (and this is very common to do in Ukraine for the winter months), but if you're not familiar with the principles of canning/jarring, please familiarize yourself with the fundamentals first as it can be dangerous!
  • Try garnishing your Kompot with a little lemon or lime and enjoy it in the sun with friends. Have fun, my fellow Kompotvores!
Psst! There are some related posts!
Read about Vyshnyak, the sweet cherry alcoholic drink you can make at home HERE.
Another tasty and unique summer drink is Elderflower Kvas, which we wrote about HERE.


Part of our series on Ukrainian recipes! You can find the other entries in the series here:
Borshch Varenyky (Recipe) Varenyky Cultural Background Horilka Banosh Hrechanyky Kyivskyi Cake Makivnyk Vyshnyak Drunken Cherry Cake Varenukha Pumpkin Porridge Lazy Varenyky Holubtsi Kalach Kvas Christmas Borshch Uzvar Kutya Beetroot Salad Kapusnyak Nalysnyk Bublyk Deruny Wild Mushroom Sauce Kozak Kapusnyak Yavorivskyi Pie Spring Dough Birds Kholodets Easter Bread (Babka/Paska) Khrin & Tsvikli Shpundra Teterya Green Borshch Kalatusha Elderflower Kvas Crimean Tatar Chebureky Ryazhanka Verhuny Liubystok (Lovage) Young Borshch with Hychka Baturyn Cookies Strawberry Varenyky Stinging Nettle Pancakes Kholodnyk Syrnyky Salo Kotleta Po Kyivsky (Chicken Kyiv) Savory Garlic Pampushky Pampukh (Donuts) Halushky Odesa Borshch Korovai Hombovtsi Traditional Medivnyk Space Age Medivnyk Mandryk Pliatsky: Royal Cherry Ohirkivka (Pickle Soup) Benderyky Pliatsok "Hutsulka" Kruchenyky Vereshchaka Medivka Honey Cookies Fuchky Khrinovukha Knysh Bryndzya Kalyta Pasulya Pidbyvana Kapusnyak Kvasha Kachana Kasha Mazuryky The Ponchyky of Lake Svitiaz Rosivnytsia Kulish Shcherba Dandelion Honey Sandy Varenyky Potaptsi Kasha Zozulya Tovchanka
The 837th day of a ten-year invasion that has been going on for centuries.
One day closer to victory.


submitted by duellingislands to ukraine [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:07 LucyAriaRose AITA For Telling My Sister That She Shouldn't Overvalue Herself And Prepare For The Worse?

I am NOT the Original Poster. That is u/Popular-Valuable-243. She posted in AmItheAsshole

Do NOT comment on Original Posts. See rule 7. The latest update is 7 days old due to the rules of this sub

Trigger Warnings: sudden parental death; controlling behavior
Mood Spoiler: just tough all around
Original Post: April 6, 2024
Throwaway Account
I (21f) Have an older sister "Eve" (29f) who had her first child, "Lori" (1f) and while this should be a time of joy an excitement there's actually a lot of tension and brewing resentment between her, our mom, and her husband "Jack" (29m). Despite it being unplanned Eve's pregnancy was wanted and Jack was an involved partner. He went to most of Eve's appointments, took the birthing classes, and supported Eve's decision to just have our mom in the room while he wanted outside when she gave birth.
The plan was for our mom to be by Eve's side in the room and to help stay for a week after Lori was born. Everyone was cool with this but unfortunately our aunt got into some drama with her husband in another state and our mom rushed over to be at her sister's side. Eve was already in her 3rd trimester so Jack didn't like the idea of our mom going and voiced it. Our mom tore Jack a new one and Eve even got on his case about it so he apologized. However, Eve ended up going into labor and Jack ultimately was the one in the room while our mom was away.
When she called, our mom expressed being sad over not being there for the birth of her first grandchild and she and Eve decided that no one else in the family would see Lori until she got back. Without discussing it with Jack. He was understandably not happy as his mom lived about 45 minutes away and was looking forward to meeting Lori too as she was the first grandchild on both sides. Eve pulled the "I just gave birth" card and Jack reluctantly allowed it. On the day that our mom was supposed to come back she missed her flight and couldn't get a new one until the following morning. Our mom could've just rented a car but she didn't want to spend the money since the airline wouldn't refund the money.
Jack was brought up allowing his mom to come again, but Eve refused citing that he already agreed. Unfortunately, Jack's mom was in a car accident and passed before ever getting to meet Lori since Eve wouldn't even allow a video chat. Jack was distraught, he moved to the guest bedroom, went to the funeral alone and refuses to engage with Eve at all.
Jack's side of the family keeps calling and messaging Eve to tell her what a selfish and awful person she is and Jack refuses to defend. Eventually, Eve got sick of it and packed up and left to our mom's house to "teach Jack a lesson" but he hasn't texted or called. Our mom thinks that he just needs some space and that he'll call soon but I just laughed at that. Didn't mean to though.
My mom and Eve asked me why I laughed and I tried to brush it off or even leave but they couldn't let me and pressed for answer. Eventually, I told her that while the accident wasn't her fault she did keep Lori away from Jack's mom meeting her for a week and now she never will. There's no way Jack is going to ever love you enough to forgive that and that you should prepare for the worst. Eve started to bawl her eyes out while mom berated me so I left. AITA?
Edit: Just to clarify because I keep seeing this when the accident first happened Eve has apologized three separate times (Jack has admitted to this) and Eve intended to go to the funeral with him but he drove off without her. Jack does interact with Lori it's Eve that he's icing out and my niece is the only thing he's willing to talk to Eve about. Jack had been living in the guest room for 5 months before Eve left. She's offered to go to couple's counseling but Jack has refused.
Relevant Comments:
What was up with your aunt?
OOP: To be fair it wasn't a small thing. My aunt's husband was revealed to be cheating and used her personal information to take out credit cards in her name to pay for his side piece. Plus the potential danger of her own health.
Commenter (downvoted): YTA
You are COMPLETELY right. But you were an AH to mention it. WHY rub it in, and cause drama. YOU should have kept silent, staying out of it would have been the reasonable option.
They needed someone to blame - why offer yourself up for that?
OOP: I tried to brush it off and walk away but they physically stood in front of my way and demanded an answer.
Commenter: If she's still bad mouthing him, she obviously didn't mean it [the apology] with an understanding of what exactly she did wrong. Hope Jake is well supported by his family and can see his daughter soon.
OOP: Eve hasn't bad mouthed him (at least to me) since his mom's accident. But she is frustrated that he's no longer affectionate and doesn't engage with her like before.
Commenter (downvoted): YTA. Sorry, but are you married? A parent? In love? In a relationship? No, then maybe put a cork in it.
Why would you say something like that? It was incredibly vindictive and nasty. She is a new mother going through ish, and you could have been compassionate. Even civil. You laughing at someone's misfortunes, much less your sister, says a lot about your character.
Her husband may never forgive her, but that's not on her. To be honest, it would be hard to forgive you for kicking her when she was down, so there's that.
OOP: Married? No. A parent? No. In love? Yes. In a relationship? Also, yes.
And please read the post again. Lori is now a year old and Jack's mom died when she was less than three weeks old. This has been an ongoing issue with months and I TRIED to not say anything and even walk away in order to be civil but my mom and sister kept pressing me for an answer.
Commenter (part of a longer comment): why didn't Jack just let his mother come anyway? I'm amazed he put up with that bullshit, he sounds like a treasure of a husband and Eve really screwed herself by treating him and his family like that.
OOP: Because it was just supposed to be one week. No one saw this accident coming and Jack didn't want to stress out my sister (who had just even birth). He was trying to respect her wishes and got screwed over because of it.
Commenter: The fact that your sister wouldn’t even allow a FaceTime? That’s some RIDICULOUS PETTY BULLSHIT. She deserves to be a struggling single mom for that choice alone. I wouldn’t blame jack for being the type of coparent who will only coparent thru a phone app. JFC
OOP: Yeah I think her being pregnant made her lose touch with reality and logic a little bit. She's usually understanding and reasonable.
Eve's apologies/Mom's apologies:
OOP: From what she told me it was a "I'm sorry I did x" the first time and then "I'm sorry but I didn't know that y would happen" and then "I'm sorry but we can..."
OOP: My mom did reach out to give her condolences for Jack's mom's passing but I don't know if she apologized for insisting on being the first grandparent to see the baby. Also I know that Eve apologized at least three separate times but it could've been more. I honestly don't know.
OOP is voted NTA
Update Post: June 2, 2024 (almost 2 months later)
It's been a couple of weeks and due to people still occasionally asking I thought I'd give a people some quick updates to the situation. Here are the basic bullet points:
This is all I know for right now and my mom is NOT happy with any of this and is calling Jack a controlling AH but my sister is holding firm in an effort to save her marriage. She claims that BIL and her are making progress in counseling and I hope for her sake that it's true. It's gonna suck not being able to see my niece as much as I wanted for the next possible few years but compared to never being able to see her at all (like Jack's mom) it is what it is. I know a lot of you may not be happy with this update but it is what it is for now.
Relevant Comments:
OOP's thoughts:
I won't deny that Jack is taking full advantage of Eve's willingness to do whatever it takes to save the marriage, but Jack has never come off as a controlling person in the past (I mean he didn't put up any opposition to Eve's requests/demands since finding out she was pregnant) but Eve has a support system if she feels like it's getting to be too much.
I'm not going to get involved until I suspect violence.
(to a different commenter): I won't deny that Jack is taking advantage of the situation. He's hurt and angry and very resentful. He laid out his terms and Eve is agreeing to them. Plus they're in counseling. It's not ideal but it is what it is.
Commenter: It doesn't read to me that OP is being restricted. OP is free to visit their niece. Jack's family just gets priority for holidays and it seems like OP's family assumed that they would get majority of them (hence "won't see kid as often as I'd like to").
OOP: Yes. It's just the holidays for our side of the family. Right now I could drive up to see my niece so long as a call first.
Commenter: What is the issue with the baby’s name? Was Jack railroaded over that as well?
OOP: From my understanding Eve got pick the first name and Jack got to pick the middle name (from a list of names that Eve had), and my niece took Jack's surname.
(to a different commenter): To appease Jack. He didn't really get much of a say over naming the baby. My sister really played the whole "I'm the one carrying the baby" card.
Commenter: I don't get why your contact with your niece have to be limited? I'm not sure the marriage will last anyway, with these conditions.
OOP: Right now it seems like Eve is just doing whatever she has to do to keep Jack from leaving her as well as getting back on Jack's family's good side.
Commenter: I don't how I feel about this. Changing the baby's name after a year to whatever the husband wants? Priority for holidays for five years? No pictures for your mom unless Jack approves of it? This seems like jumping from the frying pan directly into the fire. If these are the terms set up by Jack in order to "save" the, I doubt the marriage counselor knows about these specific ones I mentioned and two, is it even worth saving? Your sister has no autonomy over their child, no autonomy over her schedule, no ability to share a photo with her mother. You have limited contact with your niece. Who really won here other than Jack and his family who might, someday, be nice to your sister?
Yes, your sister was wrong in the original post. Of course she was. But not ONE things on this list can change what happened. Not one. And this parts of this list sound like they could lead to some DV situations in the future on Jack's part. Isolation from support systems is one of those factors.
OOP: Jack's mom suddenly passed away, and she was a loving and sweet person. I wouldn't exactly call it a "win."
Also from what Eve has told me it's not "isolation" so much as strict boundaries. Eve said that these restrictions were only for the baby and that she's able to still have regular contact with whoever she chooses.
Commenter: yiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikes. what a hard overcorrection.
i can't imagine them ever getting back on the right footing again after this. eve will lose herself with guilt and trying to keep the family together and jack will lose himself in trying to forgive but also punish eve for what he lost. at that point it's not two people in love, it's just two people filled with resentment and "trying to make it work".
OOP: They're going to couple's counseling is all I can respond with. We'll see what happens.
Commenter: OP sounds disgusting too, calling PPD a “card” sister will play. Shame on you, OP.
OOP: I referred to it as a card because of how my sister is using her diagnosis with Jack. She literally said "he can't be angry with me I have PPD."
(in response to someone asking if she really has it): No, it's real and I do believe her because her personality did change the further she got into her pregnancy. It's just the way my sister is using her diagnosis that made me word it the way that I did. She's very "he can't stay angry with me I have PPD" and "he has to forgive me I'm not mentally well."
Commenter: Is the postpartum diagnosis is what made him to be willing to work it out? Not sure how that was connected to what she did.
OOP: I mean, he wasn't open to couple's counseling BEFORE the official diagnosis.

submitted by LucyAriaRose to BestofRedditorUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:06 adrianlannister007 Wrote a story after a long time, please pour in your honest opinions.

"Ravens are considered as the reincarnation of dead ancestors" I told myself as a Raven landed on my window. I had been living alone living alone with my father and now alone,I do miss him often.
It's been so long since I have had a good lunch,I was sick of the rice Porridge. Thoughts on having a good lunch blooded my mind and I guess my tummy felt the same urge.
I went downstairs and the reports from the mental health hospital lied on the table. The word 'Schizophrenia' caught my eye, I was curious about various mental health issues since my school days and especially the dangerous ones like Schizophrenia. Suddenly images of my father came to my mind, warm one's..."poor man" I thought. I decided to walk to the nearby store as I couldn't find the keys to our car. Met a few of my dad's old friends,they enquired about him and as usual I was silent.
I came back home,there was enough meat in the fridge i took a portion of it and then separated the liver portion from the rest, never really liked its taste. I am not a good cook i have never cooked much before,it was always him... I took out his old Japanese knife,it felt so weightless, this knife was a souvenir from his Japan trip.
The warm.smell of boiling meat gave me a thrill, it's been so long indeed...
I waited patiently for an hour and finally the lunch was ready. I served myself .I took a bite from the smallest piece on the plate. Nothing made me as excited and thrilled as the taste of human flesh. People often call me a psychopath ,i disagree ...and I hate it when people compare me to such filthy creatures. I have never had a troubled childhood,I have never been abused. I just relieve people from their pains,i relieve people from this world of sufferings; and the flesh it's just a souvenir for me, just like that old Japanese knife it's a souvenir i collect once I ventures deep into the human flesh. The flesh is a reward I give myself for my kindness,my selfness,for this noble duty. I feast on it to keep myself healthy for my next venture, I always keep myself healthy to help the next victim of this world. I have never laughed out loud like those pathetic maniacs when I help someone escape the pain....,it does give me a boner though, I can't control it....our flesh is like a disobedient child.
My Father too called me a psychopath when the police took for helping my mother. I loved her so much and that's why I did it!!! No one understood me. I patiently suffered inside a mental asylum for two years and finally last week the doctor signed my 'relief' papers, I laughed thinking how different our methods were. He promised my father that I was alright, I WAS ALRIGHT AND I KNOW THAT BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE!!!.
My father didn't seemed so happy to take me home though. He started crying as soon as we reached home. I couldn't bear seeing him in pain, after a lot of contemplation I went inside the kitchen and brought out that fine knife,yes! I was willing to sacrifice my freedom for my father. Just a swing and his head rolled on the floor like an airless football,it spun and spun and spun....until it finally stopped with his eyes staring at an old damaged clock "the time up" I thought and couldn't help myself from laughing the dry humour.
I finished my lunch and went back to my bedroom,now there were two Ravens. Dad has joined my mother and I heard someone opening the gate...,my sister,my dear lovely sister! When we were kids our parents always asked me to keep her happy and I WILL!!...
Thank you for reading 🙏.
u/plane_assistance_999, your opinion is valuable too cause I aspire to be a writer and filmmaker someday so....
submitted by adrianlannister007 to Coconaad [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:01 PsychonautAspie MINO has done the ultimate number on me - she is absolutely determined that I will NEVER have any kind of meaningful existence

I’m DESPERATE for help. I’ve posted to both the UK MH sub and the DV sub - and both have simply removed my posts. This is very long, very rambling, very surreal, and contains mentions of r*pe, so please be aware if you’ll find that triggering.
Both my parents are narcissists, but this concerns my mother (though I have no relationship with my father, either). My MINO (mother in name only) has sabotaged my life at every turn, whatever I’ve tried to do she’s destroyed. It didn’t help that I didn’t attend a conventional school (it had nuns - of the Irish Catholic ‘spare the rod and spoil the child’ variety). She absolutely HATED me me being good at anything; I could read and write before I started in reception - but the head put the idea into her head that I was dyslexic (she hated me for some reason, she called me ‘satanic’ and ‘the devil’s daughter’). I finished the school reading scheme, such as it was, before I’d been in Reception a half-term, my classmates always used to ask me how to spell words, etc., basically I found pre-prep incredibly boring, because I was so far ahead of my peers (that sounds really arrogant and conceited, doesn’t it…?), so I used to take myself off and do my own thing. MINO arranged for me to have extra lessons in literacy which, obviously, I never went to (because I didn’t need them). They were taught by Sister Mary Candida, who taught nursery (and once LOCKED me in a cupboard).
So determined was I to get out of her stupid lessons that I came up with a plan; I had a book I was reading at home (I forget what it was now, but that’s not really relevant). It had my name and an address label inside the front cover and I thought that, if I took it to school and showed it to her, she would demand I read to her from it and that would be that. Of course that didn’t happen.
So I took my book into school and I showed it to her. The resulting conversation went something like this:
SMC: “Did you find that…? Give it to me and I’ll find out who it belongs to:
Me: “No, Sister, it’s mine. I’m reading it at home”
SMC: “Don’t be silly, that’s a grown-up book” (it wasn’t really, but far more advanced than what your average 5-year-old would be reading) Me: “I’m not being silly, it’s my book - look it has my name in it”
She obviously decided that I’d written my name in someone else’s book, because she whacked my hands with her ruler (standard nun-issue weapon) and I was forced to write ‘little girls who tell lies will burn in hell’ 1,000 times (yes, really)
She gave the book to Sister Kevin (head) who called my mother; MINO denied ever seeing me with the book (she LIED to a nun). MINO then arranged for me to have lessons with s SaLT from the Dyslexia Institute - they obviously ‘loved’ me because they were spending all this extra money on me.
Again, I went twice and then stopped turning up. I took my book and went and hid behind the pre-prep where I thought nobody would find me. The deputy head did (she wasn’t a nun, but she might as well have been). My mother was obviously called into school again.
That night, they removed all the furniture from my room - including the carpet tiles (under which there was concrete) and as punishment for wasting their money, I was forced to sleep on the bare floor (if you were to ask MINO about this, she would deny it ever happened). I used to write a kind of diary/journal - she found it, and I was forced to watch as she ripped out the pages and BURNT them.
I spent my entire childhood being dragged round child shrinks - she even considered having me enrolled in a residential school.
I wanted to die aged 5. I tried to kill myself aged 6.
She sent me to Sunday school (they rarely attended church) where I was r*ped by the curate. I do remember one incident where she literally frogmarched me up to the altar to get her some flowers one Mothering Sunday. I also remember her taking me to WHSmith’s and choosing a mother’s day card, making me pay for it out of my pocket money, then dictating to me what I should write in it when we got home.
I left school at 16 with no GCSEs I desperately tried to leave, but my parents live in a small town with not much in the way of public transport (and, obviously, I had very little money).
She has ensured that I’m completely dysfunctional.
Because I was so desperate to get away, I made the mistake which has led to the situation I now find myself in. I moved in with someone I met on a forum; he seemed charming enough - but what really attracted me to him was the fact that he lived at the other end of the country. In his forum bio he said he was a “former alcoholic” and divorced. If I’d had my wits about me and wasn’t so desperate to get away from my PINO (parents in name only) that should’ve been a massive red flag but, obviously, I wasn’t thinking straight.
He lived in the middle of the arse-end of nowhere in County Durham (and I mean that, where he lived was just a row of houses surrounded by fields). It was okay for a while, then he became controlling. Then violent. Obviously the “former alcoholic” was a lie - he was drinking at least a bottle of gin a night. I wasn’t allowed to use the computer, unless he was there to supervise. He took my phone and chucked it over the wall into the adjacent field where it was promptly trampled to bits by cows. He worked for BT as an engineer, so it was trivially easy for him to bug the landline (he used to explain the delay in call connection by the fact we were so remote). He r*ped me. More than once. He controlled what I ate - and when. He changed the locks on the front and back doors, and refused to give me the keys. He forced me to pay my benefits into a joint account. I wasn’t allowed to leave the house unless he was with me.
I attempted to escape; he’d made the mistake of giving me a credit card and I thought that, if I could just get a bus into Darlington I’d be able to get a train - and I’d be free (of course I had no fucking idea where I was going to go). He got absolutely shit-faced one evening and passed out on the sofa. I found the front door key in his pocket, packed up what I could, and left. I had about 8 hours to wait out before the bus arrived. Thankfully, it was June so it was warm.
Unfortunately, he woke up and went looking for me; he found me and dragged me back. He then decided he’d had enough of me, downed most of a bottle of rum, forced me into his van and locked the doors. Once we got onto the A1(M) he floored it, I can’t remember where he decided to dump me - somewhere in the Midlands, I have a feeling it was either Stoke or Stafford. I do remember he was doing around 100 - I honestly thought he was going to kill me.
I didn’t know wherever-it-was, anyway. So there I was, with no phone, obviously I was a complete mess and, even though it was the last place I wanted to go, I had no choice but to return to my parents.
As you can imagine, I had a complete breakdown, which mutated into PTSD. I was trapped; obviously, they weren’t going to do anything to help me and there was nothing I could do to help myself - at least not while they were in the house (because, obviously, I couldn’t use their landline while they were there).
Eventually, they fucked off on holiday for a fortnight, so I took the opportunity to attempt to escape; because I’d escaped a violent relationship, I called Women’s Aid, thinking I’d be able to get myself into a refuge at least.
(This next bit won’t mean anything to anyone outside the UK/Ireland, and I’m really posting here because I need help from people in the UK)
What actually happened was they contacted social services and I had two social workers at the door. They made assumptions that, because I was basically living in a dump (for reasons I would hope were obvious) and that I was basically stuck in bed, that I didn’t understand the health risks of living in such a state - NOT because I’d escaped a violent relationship and had a complete breakdown.
I was sectioned. Spent almost 18 months in an ATU (assessment and treatment unit). From there, I was moved to a care home for people with learning disabilities and complex needs about 100 miles away. It was only when I was there - and quite by chance - that I learnt that I was now being held hostage by the Court of Protection under the Mental Capacity Act and DoLS (denial of liberty safeguarding).
My detention under both is unlawful because, in order for the court orders to be valid, the person to whom they’re being applied has to have undergone an assessment and, had I undergone assessment, I’d have known I was detained. I do not lack capacity.
I was there for another 18 months, where I had to contend with another resident constantly slamming his bedroom door (staff were meant to be posted outside his room to prevent him doing so, but he was extremely obese, prone to violent outbursts and they were scared of him, so there was rarely anyone there).
I was then moved to a poky little flat back in my parents’ home county; the flat was up a steep flight of stairs and I was struggling with my mobility. Due to the court orders, I am essentially gagged and nobody has to take a blind bit of notice of anything I say. When I bought food, I had to struggle with it up four flights of very steep stairs myself. Eventually the flat manager told staff to bring it up and I’d put it away. Then I had to contend with the flat manager binning it less than 2 days after I’d bought it, claiming it was all out of date. So, eventually, I just stopped eating. If I left the flat, she would ‘stalk’ me, following me about 10 paces behind.
I managed to escape from there early one morning, after lying to her manager that I needed to take my MBP to the Apple Store. I got on the first bus to the nearest station, and got on the first train and ended up in Birmingham. I then got the next train out of there and ended up where I am now. I spent 3 months in hospital (where I couldn’t get taken seriously so I am now severely chronically ill), where I saw 2 psychiatrists who stated that I was completely lucid, that I didn’t have any mental illness (how they couldn’t see how traumatised I was, I’ve no idea) and that I wasn’t suicidal. I was then dumped where I am now - and this is by far the worst place I’ve been - and this is what prompted this post because I need help, it’s not hyperbole to say my life is in danger.
I am trapped - both legally and physically. This is WORSE than being in a violent relationship because I can’t escape; if I was to do so, the police would simply bring me back here.
Staff control my food. Just like my ex
Staff have taken my phone. Just like my ex
Staff are physically abusive if I don’t do what they want, when they want. Just like my ex.
Staff have full control over my finances. Just like my ex.
Staff control who I see - and when. Just like my ex.
Staff won’t allow me to keep the flat front door locked, just as my ex changed the locks on the front door of his house - and refused me a key - so he always had access.
Staff control my internet access. Just like my ex (they have removed the router from the flat, so they can now cut me off whenever they feel like it, this is a connection that I am paying for, but they control my finances, so they can claim they are)
Staff open my post. Just like my ex
There is an alarm on the front door of the flat (100dB, which is well above the threshold which damages hearing), so I am literally trapped. I can’t leave. I have been informed by staff that they are legally allowed to enter the flat at any time and for any length of time. They have told me that this is “written down”, but that they “don’t have to show it” to me. I am now severely chronically ill, due to the abuse, the stress and the fact that I am being denied anything remotely resembling proper meals (a ‘meal’ often amounts to nothing more than cheap processed meat dumped on a - very often paper - plate).
The door alarm (cheap Chinese junk, you can buy a pack of 10 for around £12). I have severe tinnitus and hyperacusis (pathological hypersensitivity to noise).
Link to photo of the door alarm - I have removed several of these, but they keep replacing them
submitted by PsychonautAspie to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:56 Throwaway777W Is Plano a good place for Asian-Americans?

I'm Korean, MIGHT move to DFW in 2025.
I know Plano has a lot of Asians and that they're very diverse. I know that the Asian community in Plano is one of the oldest in DFW and has been around for AGES. Also what kinds of Asians?
Are other parts of North Texas like this? Are the Asians more settled in Frisco or are they indeed very recent immigrants, and is there any racism (and I don't just mean from white people, in fact whites usually are less outwardly racist towards Asians than others).
I know that South Dallas is more dangerous for Asians due to crime problems there but that is further away. But I have been hearing that even more Northern DFW suburbs have some of this type of nonsense, of course, it is still isolated, but not good.
Also finally which parts of DFW (Northern) are more Asian? Thanks!
submitted by Throwaway777W to plano [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:47 ryansmith0123456789 BBUS Winner Ranking (No Season 1 Obviously) Please Sound Off with Thoughts 😀

Plan to make an updated one after rewatching all seasons again
Criteria: Agency, - Clear Intricacy to Game - Repeatability to Prove Skill not Luck Circumstances - Social, Strategic and Comp Abilities - Production Integrity (how much proven interference)
S-Tier (Best of the Best, Could Do It Again)
  1. Dan BB10 (the magic man himself, Dan stands out because of how different it is to the previous three. Far from the clean run throughs like the previous three, Dan faces legitimate adversity almost instantly with his number one ally imploding and suspected number two completely throwing him to the wolves. He recovers from this by proving his unwavering loyalty to the top dogs and mastering the art of threat level in ways that no one else rly had before. When the exact time comes, Dan flips the power structure of the house on its head and somehow manages to make amends with all of his enemies he makes from this to dominate the jury questioning and win in the first clean sweep vote in the shows history. The only thing left was whether or not he could do it again… until he was sitting in the final two chairs four years later that is…
  2. Derrick BB16 (the catalyst behind Cody’s success was ultimately derricks in BB16, one of the very best pure games ever played and never truly faced danger. Had literally everybody believing he was on their side throughout. The question of the repeatability may be warranted because of how big of a name Derrick is to casuals, but we essentially saw the strategy play out again thru Cody 6 years later. All time great at every aspect of the game…
  3. Cody BB22 (Up there with Paul for absolute best strangle holds on a season, while people say pregaming, this always happens in returner szns and literally everyone else could have accessed this as well. One of the very best comp threats ever and just 2nd unanimous winner at the time. Factor in his 2nd place finish and he’s proven he can do it multiple times, matter of fact, that 2nd place finish is the catalyst for this only being 3…
  4. Andy BB15 (In a season with so many big personalities and game players, Andy perfected the floater rat strategy and dominated the end game against the remainder of his alliance. When there are literally montages of everyone believing that they are safe when you win HOH, it’s safe to say you have a shit ton of control and social capital. Best part is much like Drew, I could almost guarantee he could do it again. Some knock for being too passive, but I still believe it’s one of the very best winner games.
A-Tier (Great, Replicable Games without Question)
  1. Will BB2 (may take some heat for this as well, but I see wills BB2 game as somewhat overrated, he actively ostracizes himself early on and continues to antagonize people thru out. Still, this is recognized as the pioneer game and he more than proved he could do it again with an even better BB7 performance)
  2. Drew BB5 (very similar to the game Hayden played but with the opposite outlook, rather than having a showmance at the start and flipping to the four man alliance, Drew takes the opposite route as he excellently pivots to Diane and the twins after riding high with the horsemen thru the first few weeks of power. Before ultimately cutting her for the easier win, not to mention him being picked for the veto every single time in jury solidifying one of the very best social games and most underrated winning games ever.
  3. Hayden BB12 (the ace of the brigade, Hayden works seamlessly thru the game with very little trouble. He works incredibly well in all three major facets of the game and does it using the strategy used so often in modern BB with the plus one. Two things for me place him below the next winner, one being his showmance actively somewhat putting a target on his back, two being his alliance doing so much work that I wonder how he works without them, great player nonetheless.
  4. Nicole BB18 (One of the more underrated games of all time in my opinion, actively positions herself behind the biggest threats aka the men of that szn and aligns herself extremely well rly from start to finish, on top of this we know with 100% certainty with not one but technically two endgame appearances after this)
B-Tier (Good with Questions) 9. Maggie BB6 (One of the more overrated winners from what I’ve seen, put still very good nonetheless. She successfully seals the opposite sides fate thru her excellent manipulation of Howie, and put herself in a good spot in the end, but therein lies the issue of half of the house hating her, just don’t know how well her game would translate and never will)
  1. Lisa BB3 (Very good social player who to me doesn’t get the credit she deserves because of Danielle losing, despite being in such a stacked final 3 I felt as tho she played strongly in her own right. Actively kept her showmance out to better her own chances, sick)
  2. Kaycee BB20 (Pains me to say as a Tyler fan and avid vacation alliance hater from over on MTV, but her game translates to at worst a deep jury run every single time, deducting points for Tyler very much running the game strategically for her as she was completely invincible for the better part of half the szn, but a great social and comp player almost every time)
  3. Xavier BB23 (Strong enough social game, could translate well, very tough to get a true read with so many players within the alliance actively sacrificing their games with moves for the greater good, solid enough tho)
C-Tier (Decent Winning Games, but very flawed players)
  1. Mike BB7 (good enough of a game, but truly lucks out playing next to a Top 3 player of all time as his ride or die doing the brunt of the work, positions himself very well, but i struggle to see his social game working well in other spots because he’s so abrasive to others as we saw twice)
  2. Jun BB4 (might catch some heat for this, but super overrated in my book. Wins largely because of such intense despair for Allison and beats no one else. Credit to her for recognizing this, but she treats people so poorly that it’s tough to see this translating well in different social settings)
  3. Steve BB17 (shows some good instincts for game, but lacks agency for so much of it that I question how repeatable it truly is, positions himself well enough in jury, but strikes me as a social outcast in many scenarios
  4. Jackson BB21 (very flawed winner, who rly gets works himself into an insane comp run with many physical consecutive ones much like Jag, I do like how he works himself into the majority and recognizes the need to flip to Cliff/Nicole, but burns far too many connections along the way, actively abrasive to so many people, tough to see his winning game translating)
  5. Taylor BB24 (another winner easily going home week one if not for the twist/Paloma being Paloma, but not rly her fault in her defense. Shows some social potential, but basically lucks into the majority with the leftovers flip being the other people’s work rather than her own, lacks agency for sure, but certainly not the worst, awesome story arc as well)
D-Tier (takes a ton of good fortune, or potentially poor gameplay otherwise to even get there, decent players but not very repeatable)
  1. Jordan BB11 (overhated as a winner, but still unbelievably lucky to have the house flipped with the qu handed to Jeff, not the worst of winners but seriously lacks agency and struggles in most scenarios to make her own endgame)
  2. Ian BB14 (really not that much unlike Josh’s arc, out week one if not for Mike saving him, actively targeted numerous times and trusted the wrong people aka Dan and Danielle when they were ready to flip on him at every turn, insanely fortunate/luck comp streak to even get there, and again with the Josh comparison, Dan lost because the of jury’s sentiment, not because Ian was better)
  3. Adam BB9 (another week one boot if not for the biggest house pariah of all time, dumb formatting, actively makes poor plays in the jury phase, wins against a bigger numbskull, glad he’s gotten his life together tho)
F-Tier (not repeatable, should not have won in any circumstance, poor social games or other)
  1. Josh BB19 (social liability in every game that’s not BB19 and the watered down modern versions of the challenge, out the first week if not for safety and lucks out because everyone hated the man who had the choice of taking literally anyone he wanted and just happened to pick him, bad player)
  2. Rachel BB13 (not repeatable in nearly any other circumstance, not only handed 5 other vet shields but also her boyfriend being evicted not once but twice over her because of his own deliberate doing, and don’t get me started on the production garbage in the jury phase…great character, horrible player)
  3. Jag BB25 (Literally sent home on a unanimous vote… insanely lucky facing weak competition in a stupid amount of physical comps, ridiculously was handed HoH in consecutive weeks and still fucked it up)
  4. Evel Dick BB8 (Evicted several times if not for America’s Player aka production, literally gifted daughter in the game, bullshit all the way thru)
submitted by ryansmith0123456789 to BigBrother [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:34 gaiaisonline Drag artists, drag culture, and the LGBTQ nightlife have always been pivotal in revolution, politics, change, civil disobedience, protest and anarchy.

Drag artists, drag culture, and the LGBTQ nightlife have always been pivotal in revolution, politics, change, civil disobedience, protest and anarchy. Historically, trans people, drag queens, queer individuals, LGBTQ artists, ballroom culture, vogue, music, and fashion have been powerful influences on the public, defying governmental control. However, despite being “unregulated”, the government has continually sought to stifle revolution, consciousness, and class unity(i.e pinkwashing).
As a drag artist and gay person during the current global political turmoil, I feel connected to the rich history of my queer identity and culture, and this is compelling me to take action. Yet, given the state of drag and LGBTQ pop culture today, this mission feels like SUCH A HUGE challenge. I am a drag artist in West Hollywood with a little following and limited performance opportunities, because i'm juggling school commitments and financial stuffs yall know how it be!! I've participated in protests at my university, but I still struggle to see the Los Angeles community caring deeply about these issue that affect them!
This Pride Month: there is no pride in gen*cide. I've been encouraging my peers and local business owners to speak out against the injustices perpetrated by our government, yet the response has been minimal. The commercialization of drag, driven by television and pop culture, has shifted its focus from community empowerment to mere profit. This shift is dangerous, especially now, when our art and nightlife should be platforms for protest and dialogue like they have always been.
And so As I write this, I realize I'm seeking help from you guys. What do you all think? How can we, as a community, effect change? How can I contribute more effectively? What strategies can we adopt to integrate revolution and activism into nightlife? How can we merge pop culture with protest, transforming a night out into an opportunity for community building and meaningful action?
let me know yall -- and btw this is my 1st time on reddit so i want to talk more and learn more !
submitted by gaiaisonline to Anarchism [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:32 LothlorienElf7 Am I the only one

I feel stupid because I went to see fellowship of the ring in theaters today and even though I know Gandalf doesn’t stay dead after falling in Moria, somehow it still gets me every time? I thought “I know how this goes because I read LOTR many times throughout my life and seen the movies before so I’m not going to cry! No way!” But then the balrog comes out and the rest of the fellowship is watching helplessly while Gandalf faces it and stands there in front of it. And the balrog falls but then snags him with his whip and he tells the rest of them to run before falling into darkness…. As soon as Frodo yelled “nooo GANDAAALF!” I just started tearing up. I don’t know why because I know he’s not gone forever and is going to come back later, but the feeling that scene gives me just makes me want to crawl in a hole… later when they’re taking a moment to rest but clearly thinking about Gandalf I just feel sad for them (especially Frodo being in the most danger as the ring bearer) because I can imagine how hopeless they might feel without Gandalf. Not only is it sad to lose him but scary too since Gandalf was a powerful helper, probably only Legolas (of everyone in the fellowship) comes close to having any powers or strength that men or hobbits don’t have, and even then he still is limited (as far as I know he can’t use magic or anything like that, though he is tireless and great with a bow). Boromir’s death also got me, when I was younger and first watched the movies and read the books, I didn’t always understand where he was coming from, and didn’t like him as a character as much as I do now, but when I watched it today I felt truly sad. When he gets into the scuffle with Frodo over the ring and they’re fighting over it, I don’t blame Frodo for being scared and wanting to get away, but using the ring to disappear wasn’t a great idea. As soon as he disappeared Boromir immediately snapped out of it and I felt kind of heartbroken when he just sat there yelling “Frodo, I’m sorry!” because he realized what he had done. He doesn’t even get to apologize face-to-face or explain his actions and make up for them because he dies not long after that…he’s left with trying to explain what happened to Aragorn in a few sentences while he’s laying there dying and just hoping that everyone will forgive him, and also being concerned about merry and pippin being taken by the orcs. I don’t think he really wanted to hurt Frodo at all, and when Frodo told him he wasn’t himself I think that was exactly it- he was just an imperfect person tempted by the ring. Boromir wasn’t evil, the ring/ Sauron is. Anyway I’ve gone on longer than I meant to with this post… I just want to know whether or not you guys cry about Gandalf and Boromir too 😭
submitted by LothlorienElf7 to lotr [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:28 lionblazethefrick Rant: why I often feel frustrated about North American urbanists.

Rant: why I often feel frustrated about North American urbanists.
I needed to let off some steam earlier so I wrote the following post earlier today; I intended to post it much earlier but it probably needed some revision anyways. So here is my pitch: if I could ask one question to all North American urbanists and people in NA who follow city planning, it'd be just four words. "Where is your rage?" If I was allowed to ramble for a longer period than that, it'd probably be this post. I'm sorry for the rant.
So the question is this: where is the rage for a city being torn apart by massive roads and highways that pollute it to nobody's business? Where is the rage for a city still building historically classist and systematically racist developments to this day? Where is the rage when homeless people must live between poorly maintained railroad tracks and a golf course for the wealthy?
Sacramento. That's the name of a city that's brought me far too much stress recently. Sacramento's done this to no end and aims to continue doing this. The city destroyed its Japantown to build a park just for the Capitol Building. It carved through and separated its oldest part of town with a massive interstate highway. It gutted its once-robust streetcar system for three LRT lines that really don't quite cut it.
These actions were often done to appeal to the car and with the wealthy in mind.
Today, it aims to widen I-80, I-5, US-50, and CA-99... so you know... pretty much every fully-separated highway it has authority over. It's building new isolated single-family developments far from anything else, as are all its satellite cities and suburbs. It's torn out large swaths of natural space in the name of "flood control" (which they've failed at many times before, and residents have said has worsened since). And nearly everything that exists outside about a half square mile city center just... looks like this:
El Camino Avenue @ Yorktown Avenue looking east via Google Maps
To be quite frank, I'm exhausted with this place. It is lost in the 1960s with no plan to exit this hellscape that it has created. It plans on widening those highways because it indeed expects to build even more places like this - places where you have to drive just to go literally anywhere because walking is impossibly slow, difficult, and dangerous.
As you can see, I'm an obnoxious winge-fest about this place because I have to live near it all. I've only just become an adult and I've got no job - here's to hoping - so I'm landed here for the foreseeable future. This is the view I see of the city.

I think people don't like negativity. This makes sense, because avoiding constant negativity and hate and anger is healthy, and people who are always negative are also often very miserable. Additionally, I firmly believe that positivity towards positive actions done by cities is a vital aspect to urbanists' advocacy. When a city does something that will improve its quality of life, sustainability, and health, that should absolutely be applauded. I also know that small things matter and that small steps are required to get on the right track. And on top of that, I get that perspective changes how you view a place.
I've been told that I should be grateful for living in Sacramento. After all, I have a roof over my head. I don't have to cycle 10 miles down winding midwest country roads with not even a painted bike gutter to get to the nearest grocery store. And while that is a valid perspective and I am glad for the little things about where I am vs where I could be, it's extremely hard for me to personally digest this response. I should be grateful for... this??
Yorktown Avenue @ El Camino Avenue, looking west down El Camino via Google Maps
When people's reactions to my complaints about a place like this is to say "be grateful, cause it could be worse," that just shows how utterly dystopian this part of the world is. It not only doesn't console me but it makes me even more upset knowing that THIS is one of the better parts of the continent.
Yes, I would rather be here than biking next to racist pro-lifers in lifted F-150s trying to rolling-coal me. I know it's a relative privilege to be able to live in a city that has some modicum of safety outside a car. But why is it I feel these folks are telling me I should be happy to live in a place like this? That modicum of safety is TINY and while Sacramento's nowhere near the worst it's still a miserable place people clearly don't care about and just hope to get out of as soon as they can.
Is it a privilege to live in a fairly regular North American car pit?
It's perspective that leads people to these takes, I know. Some folks are truly roughing it somewhere where they can't even afford a car and have to walk through dumps like this. But that's such a dystopian take. "Hey buddy, it only goes down from here," it says. "Those are the shining lights. Lovely, ain't they?"

In my opinion, the positive aspects of a place get disproportionately more positive attention than the negative aspects get negative attention. Sacramento's a great example of this. Downtown is absolutely beautiful. Like. It's called the city of trees for a reason.
K Street @ 9th looking west via Google Maps
Look, there's absolutely nothing wrong with being happy about this place. I'm happy about it. I want to see more of it and I want people to show their approval for places like this. It's just that at least from my perspective it often feels like North American city planning followers will point to places like this and give them showering Urbanist Gold Credits for Doing The Good Street Thing. And again, I want to emphasize that we should amp up places like this because these are the type of places we want every place to build.
But that comes with the caveat that we also do need to remember that this is the little half square mile. Like so many other cities in North America, there's this little world almost separate from the rest where it's actually really nice with lovely old streets and great transit. But that's the key, it's almost a separate world.
In Sacramento, it's not immediate suburban sprawl hell the moment you step out of that little plot, but it is a place choked by highways and that place quickly deteriorates in quality the further out you go. Additionally, the price of living in downtown Sacramento - while inconsistent and volatile - is pretty hard to justify. People can easily be paying $4k for a studio, or almost worse be paying something relatively reasonable but end up in an apartment that has few or no amenities and is practically preparing to fall apart next time an earthquake hits. People shouldn't be stuck somewhere miserable or stung for something just livable.
And the areas outside downtown are just. 1960s American suburban art, in the derogatory sense. If anyone's still reading this, have you watched the movie adaptation of A Wrinkle in Time? Bit of a spoiler but there's a scene where everything's been tailor-made to be identical to everything else, including people and their schedules, and it's a stereotypical American cul-de-sac suburb, and it's creepy. Yeah, tell that to Sacramento and its suburbs and they'll take it to the next level by not only making it real but making it even more devoid of life.
Auburn Boulevard west of Sylvan Road, looking west via Google Maps
So yes, the downtown's beautiful, but can you really still say Sacramento's all that good if most of it looks like this, and this is how most Sacramento residents actually experience the city?
When I'm told I should be grateful for where I live, this is the lens through which I see it. I almost never get to see downtown. So to be honest, I can't help but look through my lens and say, no, I'm sorry, this is fucking miserable. Frankly, the thing I'm most grateful for is that I know a few things about city planning and can identify that these issues exist.

So why don't I just move out?
Well, let's think of some cities known for their great urbanism in North America.
Vancouver! Vancouver's pretty great, it's beautiful, it's in Canada so free healthcare - oh my, the median rent's $2,950 per month.
Toronto! Toronto's not quite in the northeast, but it is close and that area's known for its urbanism and great city pla- $2,650 per month.
So Canada's a bit of a no-go... how about New York City? I hear it's hands down the best city in North America. Oh wait, that's right, the rent's infamous for being like $10,000 for a tiny little box.
And that's the main issue. There are some places with incredible urbanism but to be brutally honest, they're still so fucking unlivable due to the cost of rent alone. I mean, it's San Francisco everywhere!
Remember also that I have no money of my own, so it's not like I can just book a one-way to Chicago.
Let me be a bit aggressive for a moment. "Just move out" is one of the laziest, most privilege-lensed, fucked up responses possible.
So, I should advocate, then, right? But with what platform? Nobody's gonna listen to this random singular person who whines about stroads. And it's also a time and energy investment that brings you right into the heart of the firey pits of American politics. Look, I'm just one person and while I'm sure they're there I've never met anyone else who is as open about the city's planning nightmare. Hell, how long's CAHSR taking even with advocates in favor?
One of my biggest frustrations is that I always feel like I have absolutely no power in this country. My voice is unheard by everyone but a little group of friends. Honestly, for me, it'd almost be easier to move out, because as far as the government in charge is concerned, I simply don't exist. Telling me to "just advocate" completely misses that advocacy only works if people are willing to listen, and frankly, nobody who can do anything about it is.

Let me talk for a minute about "the northeast and Chicago problem". What's this? Well, it's when North American urbanists champion the same small set of cities that happen to have a pretty significant positive background with city planning already. NYC, DC, Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, the Twin Cities.
Look, these cities are wonderful, but most of them are in the wealthiest subset of North America where a massive portion of the continent's economic wealth is concentrated. I get the vibe that people think these places are representative of the whole country. They aren't. The suburbs of Sacramento are a way more accurate depiction of what it's like to live in the United States or Canada. And so I continue feeling my anger towards them.
Look, there's an entire section of interstate that totally flouts the interstate regulations because a town in Pennsylvania didn't want their car tourism to dip. This story of "please don't remove the cars, we'll lose our tourism" is almost (not quite, but almost) exclusively North American. The places worse than Sacramento only make me even angrier, because the way the people in power have configured them has created a nightmarish dystopia machine.
I like Chicago and I respect the northeast because these places are truly the royalty of North American city planning for a lot of people and a lot of reasons. But they only represent a tiny bit of the region and most people don't have the privilege of living in these places. Yes, the whole NJB "give up on America" thing very clearly came from a place of privilege and was kinda nuts, but the whole "just move to Philly" thing is almost on the same tier and I'm just so tired of it.
The worst part? There are just so many things about even Chicago and NYC that scream "gutted for the car" or some other issue like financial deficit or historical racism. An entire black neighborhood was bulldozed to put Central Park in NYC and the city barely even acknowledges it. What about the BQE? That tore New York's neighborhood apart and the city still pays for it dearly.
Hudson River Greenway by the World Trade Center, NYC, looking south.
A lot of even New York City is still absolutely bleeding for the mistakes made for the car. Congestion, massive stroads through the urban core, highways cutting off every waterfront. And this is NEW YORK CITY.
There's a lot to love about a lot of places in North America. A lot of places have something that is genuinely very charming about them. I personally love the neighborhood of Fremont in Seattle for its unapologetic weirdness - they even have a statue of Lenin that someone mortgaged their house to bring to Seattle. I can also see the charm in New Orleans's historic cultural prowess and lovely canals that crisscross some of the city. And Sacramento has its lovely street trees. There is lots of charm to be found in even the most roughed-up places.
However, that just makes it so much sadder that these places have been almost buried in cars. I just can't help but see so much waste, shattered potential, and destroyed city fabric in these places. Why are we still gladly erasing the charm of a bizarrely imported statue or a culture scene so big they name things after and make art all about the city that created it with flavorless stroads with no sidewalks and Camazotzian dystopia cul-de-sacs? Where is the rage for the people whose houses get bulldozed to cram another lane in?
Looking west down New Orleans's Madrid Street, between Arts and Music Streets, via Google Maps.

I want to see positivity. But I also want to see what places are actually like, and to be honest, even in places known for something truly charming and powerful, the place that once may have been isn't there anymore. I personally think that just because there's something that is generally appealing about a place, doesn't mean it's a good place.
Just because Sacramento has a nice downtown does not mean I should hold back my thoughts about the new single-family exurbs going up left and right.
Just because New Orleans is historic, doesn't mean I'm going to see the appeal given a lens into what the city's actually like.
If a city is underrated and financially struggling, it's more fuel on the fire against car infrastructure. When Sacramento pours billions into highway widening projects, they're pouring that financial investment down the drain. These decisions are made at best carelessly and at worst still with the intent to make the rich richer, and I will continue to be upset at places like Sacramento for said decisions.

All people deserve better.
People shouldn't have to bike 10 miles without any protection to get to a store. People shouldn't have to rely on depreciating assets to get anything done in their lives. People should be able to enjoy a beautiful urban core without having to return home to a rundown apartment next to a highway and a stroad. People deserve to be able to afford mixed-use developments. People deserve not to be kicked out of a place they may already be struggling to pay for just so a polluting, wasteful highway can be blasted right on through their home. People deserve not to suffer for the continued systemic racism and classism of the current, outdated city planning standards still followed by a wide majority of North America.
This way of doing things is wrong.
So, I will ask just once more. North America: where is your rage?

Thank you if you're still tolerating my whining and rambling. I hope you can understand my frustration and perspective. I want to make really clear that I know North America isn't totally silent about this. There are lots of small towns and great groups working to improve on the mistakes that haunt us from the 1960s. But I get very jaded and frustrated so often and I just needed to let this out or I'd itch for eternity. Please feel free to tell of your perspective because perspective matters. And remember: we all want the same thing. We want the domination of the car to end.
This is not my main account -- I will be watching on this post as u/thatsalice. Thanks for your time!
submitted by lionblazethefrick to fuckcars [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:22 Spritepage Narcississtic Stepsister

Hi, Let me start off by saying that I've never writen here before but need help in what to do. My story starts off with a father who has been my Rock and hero all my life. I was born to a mother and father who never married because my father's mother didn't think my mother was good enough for her son and did everything including threaten to disown him if he didn't marry the woman she wanted him to be with. My mother had to prove paternity thru the friends of the court in getting a DNa test done because she stated the he denied me being his at first and this was due to my fathers mother and his current wife and once paternity was established It was proven that he was indeed my biological father. He never denied me but his name was never put on my birth certificate. I'm 52 so back then if you were not married and getting help from the state the fathers name wasn't put on the birth certificate if the father didn't sign. Let's skip to today where I have a brother who is the only connection to my father and a (so-called stepsister- no relation) someone who my father helped raise but he never adopted her because her father was still alive. My father was going thru a health scare where he needed heart surgery but kept prolonging to get it done. During one of his stays at a rehabilitation center he told me he wanted to give me Power of Attorney. That's when I was told my Brothers son stole my Dad's credit cards and linked them yo a cashapp account and bought a car while stealing alot of money from my father. I was livid. I spoke to Sherry who told me that she had taken Dad to the police station to file a report then to his bank to make a fraud report. I spoke to her and told her my plans and she hurriedly ran down to Probate court and put in for gaurdianship over my father. It was until my father asked me to get him a lawyer I didn't find out until 3months later that she had gotten guardianship. She was very sneaky and slick about it. So I moved in going on a year with my father and took care of him making sure to keep him safe, fed and making sure he took his medicine, going to doctors appointments and just being his daughter who enjoyed spending time with him. I made it clear to my nephew who had stolen from my father the sum of $26,000, if he ever stole anything else from my father again I would make his life a living hell and he said it was all a misunderstanding. I told him there was no misunderstanding stealing from someone I love. The look on my face made him realize I was serious and wasn't dealing with his shit. It was bad enogh my brother had beat up on Dad because Dad wouldn't supply him money for his drug habit. My brother would stand over Dad with weapons and terriorizing him where he could sleep. All he would do is sit up on the side of the bed a sleep sitting up. My Dad was completely traumatized from all that abuse. See this didn't just start with my brother my older sister stayed in the house for 25years and didn't do anything to help but be verbally abusive to him and moving her out of the house was the best thing that he did. Well moving forward in July my father finally got his living will and Revocable Trust done which names me as the executor over his estate and she was listed a a patient advocate and to make sure that all of his bill were paid after he passed. She was not to recieve anything because she was not an heir. My father had children including myself which makes it 3 biological children and 2 step kids which were not adopted but thru marriage he claimed them. One passed away and that left (Let's use Sherry as her name) Well she didn't sign her part to the Living will until September 8th. Moving forward his wallet came up missing and his phone when she came over. Then she'd text me and ask if I'd seen his phone which he had just used talking to her that morning. I had reminded her of needing help because Dad was getting to the point he was using the bathroom on himself more and more. I was continuously cleaning up floors and clothes and bedding but I knew it was something that had to be done. I told her multiple times that I would need help with a caretaker fro 12am-8am she took her time getting someone. She kkept saying she was looking for someone. Now I guess your asking why didn't I get someone? Well she had stated enough times that she was his gaurdian and she would be taking care of anything dealing with him medically. But she continued to do things like trying to get him to sign over power of attorney so she could get inyo his bank account. Thanksgiving came around and Dad wanted to go over to his friends house which was his ex-wife's sisters house when his wallet came up missing gor a second time. He wasn't able to go yo the bank or do anything Little did she know my father was up on her games so he told me that he was signing over the car to me and did but I didn't file the trasfer until the begining of the next year. I had taken care of my father for the whole year with no help except when he fell a cpl of times and had to ask a co-worker to come by and help me get him up. Sherry would only come by maybe once out of each month oe twice if she was begging for money. So December came in thats when everything hit the fan it was late December when she came over to take him to his doctors appt. She told me 3 days before she was going to get her cousin to take him but then she asked me to use the car. I told her no because I had important things that needed to be taken care of and I couldn't not attend. She got upset and thats when the 1st threat in about she would be putting in for me to be put up out of my home. I asked her what made her think she could put me out of my home because of not using the car. I asked her was she sure making threats was what she wanted to do? She said yeh and I don't care how you take it. Then she made an even bigger threat by telling me just cause you have a gun I have one tok and I will use it on you. I said ok I want you to remember that you made these threats. Now picture someone just showing up to your house and all of a sudden your sleep and they've hired someone to come in and clean out a space that my Dad used as his bedroom which was full of valuables,clothes,important papers and things my father treasured. But also your stuff that you've stored in the space. Now this happened on New Years Eve. I called Sherry to find out why my stuff had been thrown out and she said I'll call my cousin and we'll be over on New Years day to get everything back in the house. I knew just from the conversation that wasn't going to happen so I had to hurry home from work to get all my stuff that was thrown out.. I was beyond pissed to say the least. But the next thing to happen was the human society was called on me to get my dog taken away from me. When they arrived they said they recieved a call that the aminal had been living in dangerous and abusive conditions. I laughed and invited them in so the could see the dog. They burst out laughing when they say the dog and said that my dog was spoiled and loved the heck outta me. Then while they were leaving said they'd write in their report that this was a false report. I thanked them. About a couple of days later my Dad ended back in the hospital because he refused to take his medicine and his body started swelling up and retaining water. So during this time Sherry and her crew were showing up knowing that I worked midnites and kept opening up doors and window and it was cold as heck outside also making alot of noise.They were trying to piss me off to say I would move. I just kept my door closed but then it came to a point in February that I had had enough and told the Since Dad wasn't here they didn't need to be here in the house. I had to change the locks also. I realized then just how things were going downhill fast with my Dad. When he did make it home for the last time Sherry had invited church and friends of my father over and decided to tell me that she was upset with me because I got Dad an attorney which he asked for to get his will done. She was yelling so loudly that everyone was stunned but when I asked her what she was really upset about she said that You shouldn't have gotten him a lawyer to do any estate planning cse she should have been the one doing it. I told her that Dad asked for an attorney and he didn't want anyone being a part of what he wanted in his will he gave her a part to play and she wasn't satisfied with that answer she she stated closing in on me into my personal space to yell in my face about her not getting anything. I told her you are not an heir Dad had 3 kids and he had every right to do his Will the way he wanted. Sherry had been calling the estate lawyer trying to get him to transfer everythong into her name. She just kept on harassing him and having Dad call him even though he was in full blown dementia. Dad had told me he didn't want her having access to his bank account and wanted me to follow everything to the letter. Right after having this talk Dad was right back in the hospital 5 days later. So I called Sherry the nite before because she said that there would be someone here to watch Dad so my thieving nephew showed up. I really didn't want him there in the house but I couldn't call off from work so I had to leave Dad in his care. So when I got off work my nephew who had stolen the money from Dad who was watching Dad said Dad was changed and good but hurried out the house. I walked into my Dad's room and my heart broke because my nephrw let him sit in Urine which had travel from the back of hos head down to the calf's of his legs and I mean the smell told me my nephew hadn't done anything he claimed. I just broke down crying and had my co-worker who came home with me to be a witness helped me get Dad cleaned up and helped me tak the bedding off the bed to was. I couldn't kerp it together. I cried my heart out. I was glad to have help that morning. Then Sherry's cousin and daughter came over to help out with Dad the Sherry showed up and while in my room I kept hearing whispers tgen I heard let me know if she comes out. I was on the phone speaking with a friend when I decided to look out my side window when I saw Sherry taking the license plate off my car. I went out to say something but she had jumped into her car and drove off very fast. Then Dad's nurse showed up and quickly told me to call the abulance to get him to the hospital because he wasn't getting better he was getting worse. I hurried up and called an abulance then called Sherry to let her know but she didn't pick up. She did however call back 10 minutes later. I was in the midst of me giving the emt's Dad's medicines Sherry arrived and gave the gaurdianship paperwork to get him to the hospital. After the abulance left I got in the car and went straight to the police station to report my license plate was stolen by Sherry. I walked in one day and Sherry had turned the electricity and heat off in the house. I had them turned back on. Then of course she did the same thing with the water. Dad never made it back home from Rehibiltation or the nursing home. She texted me and lied by saying that she was putting him in 2 different nursing homes the said he was going to the nephews house that had stolen the money but she wouldn't give me the address. I asked her for it and text my nephew both of them wouldn't answer me back. I put in to modify the guardianship but it was adjourned for a week when we got to court finally and the judge listened to her side and I never got a chance to say what has been going on. So Sherry lied so much on me during the zoom court meeting and then stated that I was a danger to my own father. I was so taken aback by this statement. She also said she went and got another will done 1-2 months before Dad passed which was May 1, 2024 the will stated that he wanted me to arrange his funeral. Sherry had obituaries printed with my Dad's name being incorrect and also as a last result to get me to act out at the funeral put in the obituary that I wasn't even his daughter but his God-Daughter. I knew it not to be true so it didn't bother me. Her family and Dad's friends walked up to me and kept apologizing for my lost and also apologizing for the way Sherry had treated me and what she put in the obituary. My Dad had a great send off because of his Lodge brother giving him a sword sulute but I couldn't stay because I knew I would say something. Then after that my oldest son started calling me asking about his aunty. I kept telling him she was no kin to him but because he's stuck on stupid and parked on dumb he believes anybody who will give him money. He called and told me that his kids mother and tge kids needed a place to stay and I told him no because he had stolen from me before and was disrespectful about it and ft nobody should say anything to him. Look when your child tells you after he has stolen from you that your just some B-_+# out in the street and he doesn't care if he stole from you. You tend to learn to separate yourself from tge turmoil of chaos in their life so you don't get caught up. So he thought calling Sherry was going to help his plight. He has been warned several times to not get close to her because she is a narcissist. If she can't get what she wants and control you, she will do and say anything to get you on her side so that you have no one to listen to you. Right now I'm in the process of trying to get the house turned over into my name since Dad said in his will the house goes to me. What would you do to handle someone who doesn't care about anything but money and anything that they can do to throw you in a bad light?
submitted by Spritepage to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:21 Spritepage Narcississtic Stepsister

Hi, Let me start off by saying that I've never writen here before but need help in what to do. My story starts off with a father who has been my Rock and hero all my life. I was born to a mother and father who never married because my father's mother didn't think my mother was good enough for her son and did everything including threaten to disown him if he didn't marry the woman she wanted him to be with. My mother had to prove paternity thru the friends of the court in getting a DNa test done because she stated the he denied me being his at first and this was due to my fathers mother and his current wife and once paternity was established It was proven that he was indeed my biological father. He never denied me but his name was never put on my birth certificate. I'm 52 so back then if you were not married and getting help from the state the fathers name wasn't put on the birth certificate if the father didn't sign. Let's skip to today where I have a brother who is the only connection to my father and a (so-called stepsister- no relation) someone who my father helped raise but he never adopted her because her father was still alive. My father was going thru a health scare where he needed heart surgery but kept prolonging to get it done. During one of his stays at a rehabilitation center he told me he wanted to give me Power of Attorney. That's when I was told my Brothers son stole my Dad's credit cards and linked them yo a cashapp account and bought a car while stealing alot of money from my father. I was livid. I spoke to Sherry who told me that she had taken Dad to the police station to file a report then to his bank to make a fraud report. I spoke to her and told her my plans and she hurriedly ran down to Probate court and put in for gaurdianship over my father. It was until my father asked me to get him a lawyer I didn't find out until 3months later that she had gotten guardianship. She was very sneaky and slick about it. So I moved in going on a year with my father and took care of him making sure to keep him safe, fed and making sure he took his medicine, going to doctors appointments and just being his daughter who enjoyed spending time with him. I made it clear to my nephew who had stolen from my father the sum of $26,000, if he ever stole anything else from my father again I would make his life a living hell and he said it was all a misunderstanding. I told him there was no misunderstanding stealing from someone I love. The look on my face made him realize I was serious and wasn't dealing with his shit. It was bad enogh my brother had beat up on Dad because Dad wouldn't supply him money for his drug habit. My brother would stand over Dad with weapons and terriorizing him where he could sleep. All he would do is sit up on the side of the bed a sleep sitting up. My Dad was completely traumatized from all that abuse. See this didn't just start with my brother my older sister stayed in the house for 25years and didn't do anything to help but be verbally abusive to him and moving her out of the house was the best thing that he did. Well moving forward in July my father finally got his living will and Revocable Trust done which names me as the executor over his estate and she was listed a a patient advocate and to make sure that all of his bill were paid after he passed. She was not to recieve anything because she was not an heir. My father had children including myself which makes it 3 biological children and 2 step kids which were not adopted but thru marriage he claimed them. One passed away and that left (Let's use Sherry as her name) Well she didn't sign her part to the Living will until September 8th. Moving forward his wallet came up missing and his phone when she came over. Then she'd text me and ask if I'd seen his phone which he had just used talking to her that morning. I had reminded her of needing help because Dad was getting to the point he was using the bathroom on himself more and more. I was continuously cleaning up floors and clothes and bedding but I knew it was something that had to be done. I told her multiple times that I would need help with a caretaker fro 12am-8am she took her time getting someone. She kkept saying she was looking for someone. Now I guess your asking why didn't I get someone? Well she had stated enough times that she was his gaurdian and she would be taking care of anything dealing with him medically. But she continued to do things like trying to get him to sign over power of attorney so she could get inyo his bank account. Thanksgiving came around and Dad wanted to go over to his friends house which was his ex-wife's sisters house when his wallet came up missing gor a second time. He wasn't able to go yo the bank or do anything Little did she know my father was up on her games so he told me that he was signing over the car to me and did but I didn't file the trasfer until the begining of the next year. I had taken care of my father for the whole year with no help except when he fell a cpl of times and had to ask a co-worker to come by and help me get him up. Sherry would only come by maybe once out of each month oe twice if she was begging for money. So December came in thats when everything hit the fan it was late December when she came over to take him to his doctors appt. She told me 3 days before she was going to get her cousin to take him but then she asked me to use the car. I told her no because I had important things that needed to be taken care of and I couldn't not attend. She got upset and thats when the 1st threat in about she would be putting in for me to be put up out of my home. I asked her what made her think she could put me out of my home because of not using the car. I asked her was she sure making threats was what she wanted to do? She said yeh and I don't care how you take it. Then she made an even bigger threat by telling me just cause you have a gun I have one tok and I will use it on you. I said ok I want you to remember that you made these threats. Now picture someone just showing up to your house and all of a sudden your sleep and they've hired someone to come in and clean out a space that my Dad used as his bedroom which was full of valuables,clothes,important papers and things my father treasured. But also your stuff that you've stored in the space. Now this happened on New Years Eve. I called Sherry to find out why my stuff had been thrown out and she said I'll call my cousin and we'll be over on New Years day to get everything back in the house. I knew just from the conversation that wasn't going to happen so I had to hurry home from work to get all my stuff that was thrown out.. I was beyond pissed to say the least. But the next thing to happen was the human society was called on me to get my dog taken away from me. When they arrived they said they recieved a call that the aminal had been living in dangerous and abusive conditions. I laughed and invited them in so the could see the dog. They burst out laughing when they say the dog and said that my dog was spoiled and loved the heck outta me. Then while they were leaving said they'd write in their report that this was a false report. I thanked them. About a couple of days later my Dad ended back in the hospital because he refused to take his medicine and his body started swelling up and retaining water. So during this time Sherry and her crew were showing up knowing that I worked midnites and kept opening up doors and window and it was cold as heck outside also making alot of noise.They were trying to piss me off to say I would move. I just kept my door closed but then it came to a point in February that I had had enough and told the Since Dad wasn't here they didn't need to be here in the house. I had to change the locks also. I realized then just how things were going downhill fast with my Dad. When he did make it home for the last time Sherry had invited church and friends of my father over and decided to tell me that she was upset with me because I got Dad an attorney which he asked for to get his will done. She was yelling so loudly that everyone was stunned but when I asked her what she was really upset about she said that You shouldn't have gotten him a lawyer to do any estate planning cse she should have been the one doing it. I told her that Dad asked for an attorney and he didn't want anyone being a part of what he wanted in his will he gave her a part to play and she wasn't satisfied with that answer she she stated closing in on me into my personal space to yell in my face about her not getting anything. I told her you are not an heir Dad had 3 kids and he had every right to do his Will the way he wanted. Sherry had been calling the estate lawyer trying to get him to transfer everythong into her name. She just kept on harassing him and having Dad call him even though he was in full blown dementia. Dad had told me he didn't want her having access to his bank account and wanted me to follow everything to the letter. Right after having this talk Dad was right back in the hospital 5 days later. So I called Sherry the nite before because she said that there would be someone here to watch Dad so my thieving nephew showed up. I really didn't want him there in the house but I couldn't call off from work so I had to leave Dad in his care. So when I got off work my nephew who had stolen the money from Dad who was watching Dad said Dad was changed and good but hurried out the house. I walked into my Dad's room and my heart broke because my nephrw let him sit in Urine which had travel from the back of hos head down to the calf's of his legs and I mean the smell told me my nephew hadn't done anything he claimed. I just broke down crying and had my co-worker who came home with me to be a witness helped me get Dad cleaned up and helped me tak the bedding off the bed to was. I couldn't kerp it together. I cried my heart out. I was glad to have help that morning. Then Sherry's cousin and daughter came over to help out with Dad the Sherry showed up and while in my room I kept hearing whispers tgen I heard let me know if she comes out. I was on the phone speaking with a friend when I decided to look out my side window when I saw Sherry taking the license plate off my car. I went out to say something but she had jumped into her car and drove off very fast. Then Dad's nurse showed up and quickly told me to call the abulance to get him to the hospital because he wasn't getting better he was getting worse. I hurried up and called an abulance then called Sherry to let her know but she didn't pick up. She did however call back 10 minutes later. I was in the midst of me giving the emt's Dad's medicines Sherry arrived and gave the gaurdianship paperwork to get him to the hospital. After the abulance left I got in the car and went straight to the police station to report my license plate was stolen by Sherry. I walked in one day and Sherry had turned the electricity and heat off in the house. I had them turned back on. Then of course she did the same thing with the water. Dad never made it back home from Rehibiltation or the nursing home. She texted me and lied by saying that she was putting him in 2 different nursing homes the said he was going to the nephews house that had stolen the money but she wouldn't give me the address. I asked her for it and text my nephew both of them wouldn't answer me back. I put in to modify the guardianship but it was adjourned for a week when we got to court finally and the judge listened to her side and I never got a chance to say what has been going on. So Sherry lied so much on me during the zoom court meeting and then stated that I was a danger to my own father. I was so taken aback by this statement. She also said she went and got another will done 1-2 months before Dad passed which was May 1, 2024 the will stated that he wanted me to arrange his funeral. Sherry had obituaries printed with my Dad's name being incorrect and also as a last result to get me to act out at the funeral put in the obituary that I wasn't even his daughter but his God-Daughter. I knew it not to be true so it didn't bother me. Her family and Dad's friends walked up to me and kept apologizing for my lost and also apologizing for the way Sherry had treated me and what she put in the obituary. My Dad had a great send off because of his Lodge brother giving him a sword sulute but I couldn't stay because I knew I would say something. Then after that my oldest son started calling me asking about his aunty. I kept telling him she was no kin to him but because he's stuck on stupid and parked on dumb he believes anybody who will give him money. He called and told me that his kids mother and tge kids needed a place to stay and I told him no because he had stolen from me before and was disrespectful about it and ft nobody should say anything to him. Look when your child tells you after he has stolen from you that your just some B-_+# out in the street and he doesn't care if he stole from you. You tend to learn to separate yourself from tge turmoil of chaos in their life so you don't get caught up. So he thought calling Sherry was going to help his plight. He has been warned several times to not get close to her because she is a narcissist. If she can't get what she wants and control you, she will do and say anything to get you on her side so that you have no one to listen to you. Right now I'm in the process of trying to get the house turned over into my name since Dad said in his will the house goes to me. What would you do to handle someone who doesn't care about anything but money and anything that they can do to throw you in a bad light?
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