Nausea, pain under ribs, headache, diarrhea, extreme tiredness

Die apple, die!

2013.02.15 17:05 corbs Die apple, die!

Fructose malabsorption [FM] is a digestive disorder of the small intestine and those diagnosed with FM are unable to process fructose as a result of deficient fructose carriers. Symptoms of fructose build-up differ from person to person and each person tolerates different things in different amounts. This is a support and knowledge-sharing subreddit for those dealing with fructose malabsorption.

2024.06.08 18:00 Wi3rdo_wandering My cat has IBD and ate something from the trash and has not been eating or drinking water for two days but the only emergency vet is 2 hours away

Hello so my cat has been diagnosed with IBD for awhile. She's always had problems with vomiting and diarrhea and it has been a challenge understanding what medications to be on and figure out her diet.
She's been the most stable as ever for awhile. I switched to cooking chicken/turkey with a supplement and using 3mg of prednisone every other day, and She's been fine except for a few mild flares.
Usually once she eats she starts grooming herself and either wants to play or is really calm. But lately she started getting really ravenous and I didn't want to overfeed her. I guess her excessive hunger was a problem and she tried eating out of the trash when I was away :(
This lead to her being in pain and not eating for about a day. I had to go back and forth with the vet because they were taking too long but finally I got an appointment to get an xray to make sure she did not have an obstruction and did blood work. There was no obstruction, her blood work showed dehydration. The vet have her a vitamin B shot to help her get an appetite
She's been really weak after that and not eating still. Finally she got an appetite and asked for food. But she could only eat a few bites. She ate again but she threw it up again immediately.
This is where I messed up and tried to give her anti nausea medication and she started foaming at the mouth :(
The next morning she seemed a little better. She was sleeping and asked for food, I heard her go to the litter box (she peed but idk when) , and she was able to eat a few more bites.
I'm waiting to see if she can hold it down...but obviously this is an emergency situation.
The vet said the the anti nausea medication can make dehydration worse and it's supposed to be given under normal conditions. They said she should go to an emergency vet clinic.
The only clinic is 2 hours away and it's very hot. She usually pants in the far and tries to shove herself out of the cage, and the clinic usually had several hours of a wait time.
I'm really worried the ride and the wait could kill her.
My instinct is to let her rest more and try to take her to the clinic later. I am hoping she is drinking water when I am not around but I really have no idea.
I really don't want to make the wrong decision.
submitted by Wi3rdo_wandering to CATHELP [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 17:10 Teeshadog Hello darkness my old friend

Hi everyone. I had what my mother referred to as "attacks" from the age of 4 to the age of about 16. Hospitalized every time. Diagnosed with CVS somewhere in my pre teen years, can't exactly remember. At 16, the migraines started and I suffered with those till around 28 or so. Then the headaches went away and everything stopped till I was around 37 years old. I started to get the CVS "attacks" again every 2 years or so. I'm 48 now and just finished an episode. Started with severe cramping in lower abdomen, but then turned into my usual attack. Severe nausea, severe vomiting, followed by an extremely hot bath. Every 45 minutes like clockwork for 14 hours. I took like 10 baths. Either I get a crazy stomach bug every few years or it's my old friend CVS coming back to haunt me. Back when I was a child they found that some combo of steroids and pain meds would stop the attack. (Back then it was demerol and decadron). Zofran and Phenergan do nothing. Now when I get it I just have to power thru to the other side and try not to get dehydrated. A few times over the last several years I have ended up in er for iv but no one ever knows what CVS is and so I'm too scared to ask for a pain med because it will just look like I want a pain med? Has anyone else had relief from a pain med? What else can I do when I get an attack besides try to stay hydrated and take hot baths? Sorry so long!!
submitted by Teeshadog to CyclicalVomiting [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 17:01 nujunuek Please help, my struggle with cultural difference and how impacted my mental health

Hello, I didn't know to put it in french or English, I felt I could explain it better in English, would it be the same in french? Should I redo it in french?
Here is my story I can make it more detailed and explainatory but it would be too long, I hope I will be understood, I can make it more emotional but I don't want to put my feelings and identity in the open I feel uncomfortable
I came from a country in Asia to France, not east Asia though, after I learned cross cultural psychology terms, it's a culture that is called collectivist, where people are very aware of and have strong social conscious about society way of thinking, value, judgement rules and pressure to confirm, and are shame based societies, where the self concept is social interdependent and collective, I am one of strong receptive and sham ables person especially with something like what I will speak about
I came with my family to France and western countries since quite some years, in my culture like a lot of other eastern collectivistic cultures too, family bonds are specific and sacred, intense feelings and attachment cherished, with hierarchical structure where ideally older have parental like affection toward younger who have filial like affection, intense feelings, sacrifice, duty, strong attachment, interdependence and harmonious filial interaction, it's filial piety, parents and children and older younger siblings, and my family is very much like that and I have overwhelming tenderness for this, and I have the habit to seek stories or videos that draw such feelings in several languages
I am the type that is extremely introverted, loves reeding, have top scores, love analysis and thinking logically, have strong imagination, and spend most of his time alone in his room, I only had one friend at school then university I know several languages, but best at english, I also know some Japanese and Chinese as I feel special connection to both cultures but I also feel inferiority complex toward western culture especially American, however before 4 years I started to become more and more isolated from my culture, more and more absorbed by English world of internet witch for me is western culture, and became kind of assimilated partially and influenced or at least feel the Americans and western way of thinking, similar to how one thinking change a bit with language as it's tied to culture and mindset, at that time I knew that western culture is less oriented to family but not about the pressure and values and underlying psychological differences, it seems and especially in American context due to individualism values and upbringing, there is a tendency to put social pressure and shaming to make families individualized and emphasis on emotional and personal distance and independence and other things like equality, viewing anything that mean contradict that with suspicion, shame, pathologize and sexulize it, add to it the little familiarity with close family in eastern way and social narrative different that emphasis different thing( conflict instead of harmony), through a lot of ways like shaming suspecious comments or pop psychology concept specific to American context
The first time I read in the internet before two years in English how Americans pathologize and even sexulize such sentiments and interaction and their derivative feelings in forums and sites and videos like in tiktok and youtube forexemple in a video of interview of sweet Chinese older brother younger sister that take care of her and loving like a father to her and all comments in other languages positive but in English things like sus and Alabama ect, i hade strong reaction, I was extremely shocked, I felt extreme shame, my sense of security shattered (remember my identity tied to society) and I felt to be honest traumatised, I hade a lot of reaction following days but the most important is strong headaches and pains in head, thinking about the subject, intrusive thought about what I read, self critical conversation especially in form of social shaming, felt like losing my identity witch I learned recently called dissasociation, and strong shame about my feelings and stress and pressure on my right brain and like supressing my feelings, I developed urge to continue reading but more and more urge to avoid English interly contradictory, to witch I resisted I shut my self almost interly in my room for 3months with minimal contact with my family and felt like losing slowly my feelings and emotional memory with strong shame and pressure to supress witch I learned that it's called emotional detachment, one day I felt the pain descending to my heart and it's beating so fast I went to the hospital, to witch they didn't find any physical cause so they took an appointment with a psychiatrist to me, but because of my ignorance on mental health, cultural difference in communication and above all that I didn't tell them any of my story or true symptoms or true feelings because of my insecurity and ignorance but like very vague description that hide anything related to the subject they gave me a diagnosis and medication that didn't work for two years and don't resemble any of my symptoms but my vague misleading description, the symptoms and sense of shame and my continues reading and trying to feel my feelings continued but go and come in intensity but I recently became very worse and emotionally detached and mentally very bad, couldn't sleep so my general doctor gave me lorazepam, witch is anti stress and anxiety, and my headaches went away, I started reading and educating myself on the subject and found my true experience and symptoms resemble PTSD actually, I opened up about my experience to my family and they agree that that's probably it, I opened to my psychiatrist but he dismissed me and invalidated my experience and insisted on his diagnosis and it ended painfully for me and I don't want to repeat my this experience at all, I talked to an American therapist online on a good website and he also think its cptsd and a burnout from stress with depressive symptoms and that the conflict between my values and worldview and that of western way of thinking caused me internal conflict and shame, I went to a psychologist here and I didn't felt like he understood me, I feel very invalidated and in self doubt, my past conversation with some people who understood my feelings before months kind of saved me, I feel very misunderstood and in self doubt
Please tell me is my story that not understandable and unvalid ? Do you understand it ?
Also I am searching an psychiatrist who well versed in cross cultural psychology and have good understanding to both western and especially American culture and eastern culture who would understand me
submitted by nujunuek to france [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 16:57 Kaelani_Wanderer [Kaurine Dawn] Chapter Seventeen: The Fingers of Khaotum

Author's note time again :D First off, sorry I'm a little bit late with this one; I crashed our hard last night, early lol
Secondly, in this chapter is the first instance of any mention of Khaotic, the language that Khaosicans, and by extension, Khaotum, uses. To give an idea of how it sounds, imagine somebody talking while trying not to throw up, but while also standing either beside or actually in a pool of water that's got bubbles audibly rising through it and popping.
[First] [Glossary Addendum] [Previous]
[The Cerebis Chamber of the Aurora Caelum Procella, orbiting Haldios IV, 31st of Daeghird, 5016 TE]


As we reached the entry to the Cerebis chamber, I turned to Lan, and asked him through our connection,
Can you guard the door for us? Nobody enters except by my allowance. He dipped his head, and with a low huff, turned at the door and sat down. Akyra looked at me, and I said simply,
"Best Sentinel in the Cluster." With that, I scratched his favourite spot, between his ears, and chuckled. Then we stepped through, and the chamber's lights came on, illuminating two chairs. One had a simple sensor cap, and the other had a full immersion helmet. I sat down in the Subject chair, and Akyra sat in the Interrogator chair, and pressed the buttons to begin the sequence. As she brought the systems online, I said,
"You'll want to set it to immersion mode." She nodded, and carefully placed the immersion helmet on her head, and I placed the sensor cap on my own. The helmet visor illuminated, and her now green gaze looked at me through the golden screen.
"Are you ready?" I asked, and she nodded. I nodded back, and pressed the holographic "Start" button.


Lord Aerrus nodded to me as he pressed the button to initiate the connection, and the room faded away as the feed layered itself onto the visor. I took a deep breath and prepared myself for the coming disorientation, as my auditory and visual senses were replaced by those of Lord Aerrus.
The darkness flickered, and soon enough, I opened my eyes, blinking a couple of times, before looking around. I was in some kind of... Orbital station? No, there was a waterfall in the distance. A waterfall required gravity, which was impossible to create on this scale with any technology the Cluster Council had at its disposal.
"Cewa, what can I do for you?" A male, Terran sounding voice said behind me, sounding surprised to see... Me? Lord Aerrus? I realised that it would be the latter, given that this was a memory of his. I turned to the voice, and replied,
"I need to see the Archive relating to Khaos-corrupted groups." The owner of the voice was indeed Terran, but also not. His skin was as pale as the moons of Haldios IV, but he was obviously not Terran. He was garbed in robes of a deep blue, and adorned with silver moons of various Cycle stages.
"That's Luunah." Cewa's voice said, cutting into the feed. "And yes, I do mean that Luunah. His actual name however, is Luunrahkis. He resides here in the Cascade of Worlds, alongside his sister Sholhara, who we know as Solahra, and the previous wielder of the Tempest, Aberra. You won't see him in this memory however." As Cewa fell silent, the memory resumed. The man, Luunah, nodded, and turned around, leading us to this 'Archive'.
After a minute or two of walking, we entered a small portal, and found ourselves in a massive library. Luunah walked over to a standing basin, and gestured to it. I nodded, and replied,
"Thank you. The first group has shown itself in my reality; They call themselves the 'Fingers of Khaotum'. It's starting to spread all over the news in the Cluster. I'll be ordering the deployment of the Blade Fleet as soon as I leave here." Luunah nodded, and walked away. I sighed, my vision bouncing slightly as I did so, and laid a hand on either side of the basin.
As the view filled with the basin, which was somehow getting bigger while also not moving, we were plunged into an even deeper vision. In this vision within a vision, a green-skinned Terran-like creature was standing where this memory had begun.
"Khaotum will attempt to corrupt the minds of weak-willed individuals. It will show them visions that entice them to its side, showing a fabricated reality of how the Khaos Raelms actually function. These visions will show the targeted individual a world where yes, everything is always in motion, but it is slow, methodical. Ordered. But the reality is anything but." The being walked over a section of wall, and waved his hand. The wall melted away, revealing a scene that was oddly hypnotic. The ground seemed almost like it was... Flowing, but in such a way that you could tell that it was also stationary. Then the being waved its hand again, and
I jerked in the Cerebis chamber chair, my instincts telling me to back away from the danger. But I couldn't tell what the danger was. It was as though it was... "The Khaos Raelms. Your instincts are probably screaming themselves hoarse at you right now, from there mere sight of them. They are also the endgame of Khaotum." Cewa's voice came through the feed again. Then, the momentarily frozen image in the wall started moving again. "Khaotum wishes to convert all realities to be this." The being said. "I would show what a Khaosian looks like, but I doubt anyone wants to have a headache from this Archive. So I will instead say this: If you cannot comprehend something that you're looking at, unless you focus on either its shape or the colors that make it up, you're probably seeing a Khaosian. If that's the case... You have my sympathy. Especially if it's noticed you."
With that, the being waved its hand again and the wall returned.
"Khaos Corruption is easy to spot; The Corrupted will sing the praises of some variant of a paradise which is never static. They may call it an Evershifting Paradise, or perhaps a Formless Heaven. If the Corruption is strong enough, they may even call it A World of Eternal Change. It goes without saying, but each of these names is an indicator of ever increasing corruption." The world froze, and suddenly I was looking at Lord Aerrus through the gold visor of the immersion helmet. His gaze was fixed on me, and he gestured to the waste bag he had grabbed mere minutes earlier.
I nodded, and took off the helmet, then, placing it on the panel and opening the bag, my stomach violently emptied its contents into the bag. When the retching subsided, Lord Aerrus asked,
"Are you able to continue?" I nodded shakily, and replied,
"I see why you didn't want to discuss this with the crew..." He nodded.
"You're a veteran of the Uhines conflict, aren't you?" He asked, and I nodded, my tail twitching at the memories the name brought up. The planet was no more, but the scars remained.
"I am thankfully shielded somewhat by the knowledge that even if our reality is lost, I will survive... But those like you who do not have such a luxury... I'd rather protect you from as much of this knowledge as possible." I nodded, and placed the helmet back on. The feed flickered back to life as the helmet made contact with my head.
The being sighed, and waved its hand once more.
"Beyond those who are Corrupted, we have... The Taken. These are people who are so Corrupted that their physical form has been twisted by the Corruption. These are not Khaosians, however. At least not yet. A Taken can still be killed, although it takes the power to sunder realities to do so, according to current knowledge. No known material can be wielded against them... And even Luunrahkis Himself seems to fear for our civilisation if Khaotum ever reaches our reality." The being looked directly at me, and added,
"Sholhara, I... I don't understand... Why are you having me repeat all of this information to you? Is it not in the Scrolls? In the Archives of the Great Cascade?" My view bobbed, and a female voice replied,
"Of course. However, the Scrolls are made of Ordered Matter. If the worst were ever to happen and Ambere fell..." The being's skin deepened to a rich purple, and he swallowed. Then he nodded, the movement jerky and stiff.
"I think that should do for this Record though; I will go and submit it to the Archive. Your name and likeness will live on as long as the Archives survive." The voice continued.
As the voice fell silent, the basin shrank back to its normal scale, and my hands raised slightly from the basin, shaking as though I were ill, or cold. I heard a sharp exhale, as though Lord Aerrus was trying to calm himself within the memory, and then I walked over to another basin. My hands came down onto the basin's sides just like before, and I looked down.
"Most likely the one viewing this in the Cerebis chamber with me is Akyra... Hopefully I remembered to get you a waste bag. And, if Luunah smiles upon me, I got one with a reverse filter... Because you will most likely be using that bag again."


I closed the connection to the Cerebis chamber, and sighed.
"You're not going to like what comes next..." I said to Akyra, and she looked at me through the helmet again.
"That basin? That's the Record I had Boltz make of his nightmare. The one that showed us what Khaotum was doing... A Cycle ago." She nodded, and I opened the connection again, allowing the memory to resume. We descended into the Record, and the nightmare began.

A few minutes later, as the nightmare ended and my memory rose from inside the basin, Akyra had to once again remove the helmet to retch into the bag. I couldn't say I blamed her however; If I wasn't prepared for what I saw, I too would have needed a bag to empty my stomach into. As she closed the bag, she shook her head, breathing heavily.
"That's... That's all I can take for now..." She said, and I nodded. She stood up shakily, and I took off the sensor cap, replacing it on the panel and shutting down the connection fully, before walking around to her side. She gratefully put an arm around my chest, and I reciprocated, helping her walk shakily towards the med bay. She would need to stay there for a little while to recover from what she had seen in the memories, but she would thankfully be fine aside from that.
I opened the door, and Lan looked around, before standing up.
Nobody tried to enter while you were in there, Stormborn. He said, and I nodded to him.
"Thanks, Lan." I said, and he fell in behind us as we made our way to the med bay.
That bad? He asked, and I nodded.
"That bad. She's a veteran, even more experienced than I am... but it was still more than she could handle. And this is unfortunately just scratching the surface." I replied. Soon enough, we made it to the med bay, and I guided her to a bed, before she handed me the waste bag and I dropped it into the incinerator chute.

A few minutes later, Akyra was laying on the bed, and I walked out of the med bay. Suddenly, my comm unit beeped, and I answered it.
"Aerrus." I said, and the voice on the other end said,
"Cewa, you might want to get into your suit, and then get back to Command." It was Boltz, and he didn't sound calm.
"Copy. Be there in around 3 minutes." I turned to Lan, who dipped his head. Giving a very thin smile, I climbed onto my companion's back, and we sped through the spacious corridors to my quarters, where I hastily stripped off my casual civilian clothing, dropping it on my bunk, and put on my flight suit. Once I was suited up, I climbed back on Lan's back like a Lupine horse, and we madly dashed back to the Command bridge.
Arriving under a minute later, I leapt off Lan's back and Boltz, seeing my arrival, waved me down to the CT.
"Raider band, one jump out. Looks like they're Fingers." He said, and I nodded.
"Let's get them then." I turned to the navigator, and said,
"Make the jump. Lieutenant Zerrekhul, you're with me. Lan, I want you in the hangar once we drop; Co-ordinate resupply with ground crew." Lan dipped his head and I mounted up. Instead of simply beginning to head to the hangar however, he looked expectantly at Boltz, and I grinned.
"Mount up, pilot." I said, and Boltz blinked before doing as ordered. On the back of Kaelani we made record time to the hangar bay, where Boltz and I slid off his back and rushed to our fighters.
The canopies were already open for us, and we both climbed in almost in sync Our canopies closed over our heads, and once we were secured in our flight seats, the fighters were tilted to a 90 degree angle for the drop. Focusing on my own craft, I activated each system, with the only indicators of the systems activating being the illumination of a series of small lights.
Taking a deep breath, I shoved my hands into the control gloves, and the craft whirred to life. As the energy flowed from my hands, the controls lit up, as did the panel itself. I locked my feet into place, and counted down. Three... Two... One... With a thud, the small craft dropped like a stone, and I powered the engines up to full. The sudden increase in power resulted in me being pushed back in the seat, and I flew away from the drop hangar with expert precision.
With another deep, focusing breath, I oriented myself towards the enemy, and looked around.
"Orientation... Planet with polar cap visible... Orient as down." In a rapid sequence, the lights indicating the rest of my squadron, who had deployed with us, blinked acknowledgements.
"Polar cap orientation... North." I added, and they blinked again. Now we had our orientation, because compasses would be no help in an exoplanetary environment, and there is no down without gravity.

Soon enough, I was circling the raiders' craft, my weapons reaching out like teal arms to strike the hull. Within minutes, the craft was crippled, and I dropped my visor, sealing my helmet. As soon as the seal indicated full contact, I popped the canopy of my fighter, and launched at the hijacked ship. I floated through the void of space, eventually hitting the airlock, and cycled it. I watched as the air vented, before I pulled myself into the airlock, faint thumps accompanying my fingers making contact with the entry rails. It seemed the raiders, or perhaps the crew, had disabled gravity. I hit the airlock release, and the door slid shut behind me, before a moment of silence, followed by a hissing sound as the airlock filled with atmosphere. The inner door opened, and I spoke into my comms.
"Boarding successful. Moving interior." I said, and Akyra's voice crackled over the comms in reply.
"Aurora copies, Storm Leader. Good hunting." I grinned inside my helmet, and pushed off the airlock door.

After a few minutes, I heard voices, but they were... Slightly garbled. I sighed; They were Corrupted. Reaching deep inside, I took hold of my power, and floated around a corner, revealing a group of around seven or eight of them. I popped my visor, and said,
"Sorry, but this party is over." One of the Corrupted turned, and I saw their eyes were swirling black and brown.
"Khget theh eentreudah!" It said, in extremely rough Khaotic. I simply grinned, and replied fluently,
"I'm a native. And you? You've defected. Pity it was to the wrong side." The Corrupted blinked, and then the others rushed me. I threw my head down to lock my visor back into place, and shoved my hand out, fingers shaped into claws. As my fingers connected, I allowed the Tempest to flow, resulting in an inhuman scream ripping itself from the throat of the Corrupted I touched.
Another came at me from the side, and I spun around, using the now floating body to give myself angular momentum, and the second Corrupted was sent flying as my boot slammed into its gut. I pushed off from the wall, only achieving a very slow speed due to my distance, and grimaced. I turned on my jetpack and gave myself a boost, then rotated myself with the maneuvring jets and assumed a crouching position. I landed on another Corrupted, and fried its internals as well, before leaping off towards another, slapping my hand onto its face and pushing the Tempest through my palm.
The face almost immediately blackened from the electricity I poured into it, before I flipped off it into the fifth Corrupted, which just so happened to be the one who ordered the others to attack.
"Orderis says hello, Khaotum." I grinned, and placed both hands on the Corrupted's head. I pushed the Tempest through both hands, causing the head to pop into black goo. I leapt off its now headless body and slammed into the sixth Corrupted, riding it into the seventh, leading both to hit a control stick of some kind. The stick penetrated the second Corrupted in front of me, and partly embedded itself into the first.
I flicked my wrist, sliding out my plasma dagger, and I stabbed its chest, before ripping my arm out to the side. Black slime flew across the room and splattered on the walls, before I turned to the final Corrupted. As I prepared to leap at it, the Corrupted shook violently, before its body twisted unnaturally, and then the swirling darkness spread from its eyes to its entire body. Once the conversion was completed, it grinned at me, showing slick, black teeth, and I got the distinct impression that it was holding a singular form to make it easier for me to comprehend it, as a taunt.
I refused to acknowledge the taunt, and the grin faded slightly.
"Chiild of Oorder... Why do you resist the inevitable?" It asked, the sound like an evershifting ocean of lava. I shrugged.
"Call it the Terran spirit. I suggest you pull back from this reality, unless you want me to hunt down your core universe and rip it apart from within, just like Aberra did with the Twilit Raelm to deny it to you." I said. The thing laughed, the sound like clashing metal, and I pulled down my small Kaurine Blade from its inverted sheath. The hilt was already attached, so I simply held it at the ready.
"A pitiful defence, Mortal..." The thing crooned, and I grinned.
"It's called Kaurine. And it's about to make you feel a new emotion: Fear." I said, and Empowered the Blade. The creature seemed to be unfazed by it... At least until I activated my jetpack to boost past it, slicing through its arm in the process. It twisted around, howling with rage and pain as I held out a hand to stop myself on the far wall.
"IMPOSSIBLE!" It roared. I simply opened my visor, and allowed the Tempest to fill my body. I felt my eyes begin to glow, and grinned. As I let the Tempest spread ever further, it filled my body, before beginning to creep up the Blade in the form of fog. The creature floated backwards, and stammered,
"W-W-What ARE you? You are no Mortal!" I spun the Blade, something only possible without gravity, and replied simply,
"A Guardian of Orderis." And with that, I launched off the wall, slicing the creature in two, the Tempest-covered Blade burning its form as I passed. As it died, its body slowly being consumed, it asked,
"What is that material?!" I turned around and replied,
"Ambere and Haldios combined. Two realities, in one cosmos. It is crystallised Orderis, and a biphysical material. You can target one reality, but not both... And that will be your downfall." The thing screamed in agony and rage as the body was reduced to no more than a head, and finally, it was gone. Almost as soon as it vanished, the gravity returned and I fell to the floor.

Almost immediately, a voice came through the comms system of the ship.
"Whoever you are, thank you. We... We couldn't stop them. We tried, but... Anyone we sent in... They... Changed. It was like they were being puppeted." I walked over to the nearest viewscreen, where a Draekkus male was speaking. His face seemed to light up with happiness when he saw my face. I nodded, and replied,
"That's because they were. They are what are referred to as Corrupted. They've been taken by a new force that has only just made itself known in our universe." The Draekkus blinked, and said,
"So... So these aren't just ordinary raiders?" I shook my head.
"No, they are attempting to sow discord and division within our galaxy, in order to give them an entry point deep inside the universe. The only solution is to eliminate all that are Corrupted, or, as I plan to do, take the fight back to the enemy." I said, and then looked towards the airlock.
"Would you be able to give me a boost back to my fighter? It's the one that's floating with the canopy open." I said. The Draekkus nodded, somewhat surprised, and I smiled.
"No gravity, meaning I can use the venting atmosphere to launch towards my craft." I explained, anticipating the question.

A few minutes later, I was looking through the window to my fighter, still floating where I left it. I nodded to a viewscreen to my right, and said,
"Blow it." There was a pop, followed by a hiss that got cut off almost as soon as it began, and I was floating towards my fighter, the only one left deployed. I impacted the edge of the cockpit, and maneuvred myself into the seat just in time to see the freighter ship's engines begin to glow a deep purple, and it vanished with a flash of light. I pulled the hatch down, and flew back to the Aurora after a job well done. But this would be only the beginning of our work.
[Next: An Angel of the Forest]
submitted by Kaelani_Wanderer to redditserials [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 16:53 lewdlizards Looks like I'm joining the club

Looks like I'm joining the club
Got the call from my Dr. Yesterday after two years of searching for an answer!
I had a ton of symptoms that where very strange to say the least. And it all started when my vision weirdly enough.
  • chronic diarrhea
  • extreme fatigue (like otherworldly tired)
  • abdominal pain / stomach cramping *Can't really describe it other than "my guts feel like angry snakes"
  • vomiting
  • nausea
  • occasional light headedness -heat intolerance -vision loss -light sensitivity
  • brain fog -intense itching of the hands and feet / itchiness in general
And several other symptoms beyond this list - these are just the big ones.
I knew of AGS but I am pretty hyper diligent when it comes to ticks -- we're both guessing I've had this for years and no one thought to run the test for it (based on the history of my symptoms)
  • I haven't been keeping a food journal during all this (probably should have) so I never really put it together that once I ate red meat/dairy my symptoms would return or worsen significantly.....and for the longest time I never even reacted to either!!! AND after learning reactions occur hours after exposure kinda made a lot of instances where I was violently ill suddenly make a lot of sense.
  • on Monday I did a colonoscopy and had to do bowel prep. All I consumed the day before was beef broth and stomach /guts hurt so bad and I vomited before the procedure...everyone chalked it up to the prep being nasty but there are several other instances like that.
  • TLDR; Dr. Ran this test as a hail Mary and it was positive. She called me to explain what alpha gal was and to avoid mammalian meat and dairy. I also got a referral to an immunologist for further treatment though she explained there's no "cure"
What are some good resources other than the AGS website?
I was also wondering if there where any support groups floating around!
submitted by lewdlizards to alphagal [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 16:36 MaxBurman Theory: What Does the Science Say?

DISCLAIMER: This post does not provide medical advice. Only a doctor can establish a diagnosis and select the appropriate treatment.
In this post, I tried to find a scientific explanation for the side effects of Lion's Mane. If you are experiencing side effects and don't want to go into the theory, you can move on to the next post:
(will be published later)

What is known about the pharmacology of Lion's Mane?

Lion's Mane contains many components – Erinacines, Hericenones, Polysaccharides and others. Obviously, the science is not yet aware of all the effects of Lion’s Mane due to the large amount of substances. But as practice shows, usually only one or a few substances isolated from mushrooms and plants have a significant effect on humans. In my opinion, in the case of Lion’s Mane, Erinacine E has the most significant effect. Erinacine E is an agonist of the k-opioid receptor.\1][2]) Activation of the k-opioid receptor can cause the following effects: analgesia,\3][4]) stress and anxiety,\5]) panic,\6][7][8]) psychotomimesis and dysphoria,\9][10]) dissociation and changes in sensory perception,\11]) disruptions in sleep,\12]) depression and anhedonia.\13][14][15][16])
Several in vitro studies have found that Lion’s Mane affects NGF and BDNF.\17]) This may also contribute to the development of side effects.

Other natural agonists of the k-opioid receptor

Salvinorin A (main component of Salvia Divinorum) is a potent selective k-opioid agonist.\18]) This substance can cause severe dissociation (depersonalization and derealization), dysphoria, pro-depressant effects, fear, terror, panic, increased perspiration and other negative effects.\11][19][20]) There is at least one known case of toxic psychosis after intake of cannabis in combination with Salvia Divinorum.\20])
Noribogaine (component of Iboga) is most potent as a serotonin reuptake inhibitor, but it also acts as a moderate k-opioid receptor agonist.\21]) There are several known cases of Iboga-induced manic episodes. They lasted 1-2 weeks and manifested as insomnia, irritability, impulsivity, emotional lability, grandiose delusions, rapid tangential speech, aggressive behavior and suicidal ideation.\22])

Lion's Mane side effects

Stories from this community describe the following side effects:
Usually, people have only part of these symptoms. Also, everyone has different intensity and duration of effects. In most cases, noticeable improvements are seen 3-4 months after the onset of side effects. Symptoms may increase and decrease in waves.

Lion's Mane can cause Substance-Induced Disorders

Substance-Induced Disorders (SIDs) occur when a drug or medication triggers a mental health condition. SIDs typically match up with symptoms of their non-substance-related counterparts. For example, substance-induced bipolar disorder and normal bipolar disorder can appear the same from the outside. The key difference between them depends on the cause: substance-induced bipolar disorder is caused by abuse of medications like stimulants, while it's believed that a mixture of genetics and upbringing causes normal bipolar disorder.\23][24])
If not much time has passed since the last use of Lion's Mane, it is too early to suspect the development of any disorder. Here is a quote from the HPPD test – it may be relevant to other disorders as well:
"Psychedelic and other drugs especially can cause increases in neuroplasticity and visual oddities in the immediate period after trips that may last as long as two weeks. If it has been less than two weeks, this may be a result of the drug's acute impact rather than a longer-term condition like HPPD."\25])
In addition, a disorder is only diagnosed if its symptoms cause significant distress or significant impairment in daily functioning. If symptoms already existed before taking substances, it is not Substance-Induced Disorder, but an exacerbation of an existing condition.\23][24])
Substances that can cause SIDs include: caffeine, cannabis, metamphetamines, alcohol, hallucinogens, opioids, benzodiazepines and other substances.\23])
Depersonalization-Derealization Disorder
ICD-11 code: 6B66
Symptoms of depersonalization include:
Symptoms of derealization include:
A survey of 394 adults found that the group with drug-initiated DPDR showed significantly greater improvement over time than the group with non-drug-initiated DPDR, although the groups did not differ in reported psychotherapy or pharmacotherapy effectiveness.\27])
Substance-Induced Anxiety Disorder
ICD-11 code: 6C4E.71
Common symptoms of a substance-induced anxiety disorder include:
Anxiety Disorders include Panic Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, etc. You can find more information about Anxiety Disorders in this article.
Substance-Induced Sleep Disorder
ICD-10-CM code: F19.982
Common symptoms of a substance-induced sleep disorder include:
Substance-Induced Depression
ICD-11 code: 6C4E.700
Common symptoms of substance-induced depression include:
Lion's Mane causes dysphoria, so the following symptoms may be more relevant:
Additional substance-related disorders:
You can find more information about substance-induced disorders in the following articles:

Other causes of Lion's Mane side effects

Allergy. At least one case of anaphylaxis after consuming Lion's Mane has been described in the scientific literature.\30]) A food allergy is an abnormal immune response to food. The symptoms of the allergic reaction may range from mild to severe. They may include itchiness, swelling of the tongue, vomiting, diarrhea, hives, trouble breathing, or low blood pressure. This typically occurs within minutes to several hours of exposure. When the symptoms are severe, it is known as anaphylaxis.\31])
Cytotoxicity. Studies of Lion's Mane aqueous extract on three cell types showed no cytotoxicity.\32][33]) In addition, animal studies of Lion's Mane mycelium and fruiting body have found no signs of toxicity, morbidity or mortality even at high dosage.\34][35][36])
Post-Finasteride Syndrome (PFS). Finasteride side effects are primarily sexual and include erectile dysfunction, decreased ejaculatory volume, a decrease in libido, as well as gynecomastia.\37]) There are no stories in this community mentioning gynecomastia, which raises doubts about the PFS theory.
Other contradictions:
A study of the characteristics of men with Post-Finasteride Syndrome found no abnormalities in blood tests, but fMRI showed changes in the activity of brain regions involved in sexual function and depression.\40]) This is the main similarity with the effects of Lion's Mane. But in my opinion, the changes in brain activity during Lion's Mane administration are caused by the activation of k-opioid receptors, not by 5-AR inhibition.
Undeclared substances and contamination. Supplements in general may contain undeclared substances and contaminants that pose health risks. Judging by the stories in this community side effects due to contamination are very rare. Here are the studies on the subject from Johnny Harris' video Your Supplements are a Lie:

Some thoughts

In my opinion, the most dangerous side effect of Lion's Mane is dysphoria, as it increases the likelihood of self-harm and suicide even in healthy people. I dread to imagine what could happen to people who already have a depressive spectrum disorder... Unfortunately, there is already one known case of suicide after taking Lion's Mane. If you can influence this situation in any way, such as spreading the word about the side effects – please do so. It is hardly possible to ban this supplement completely. But there should be a warning with contraindications on the packaging so that people will be aware of their risks.
References are listed in this post.
submitted by MaxBurman to LionsManeRecovery [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 16:25 MaxBurman Theory: What Does the Science Say?

DISCLAIMER: This post does not provide medical advice. Only a doctor can establish a diagnosis and select the appropriate treatment.
In this post, I tried to find a scientific explanation for the side effects of Lion's Mane. If you are experiencing side effects and don't want to go into the theory, you can move on to the next post:
(will be published within a day)

What is known about the pharmacology of Lion's Mane?

Lion's Mane contains many components – Erinacines, Hericenones, Polysaccharides and others. Obviously, the science is not yet aware of all the effects of Lion’s Mane due to the large amount of substances. But as practice shows, usually only one or a few substances isolated from mushrooms and plants have a significant effect on humans. In my opinion, in the case of Lion’s Mane, Erinacine E has the most significant effect. Erinacine E is an agonist of the k-opioid receptor[1][2]. Activation of the k-opioid receptor can cause the following effects: analgesia[3][4], stress and anxiety[5], panic[6][7][8], psychotomimesis and dysphoria[9][10], dissociation and changes in sensory perception[11], disruptions in sleep[12], depression and anhedonia[13][14][15][16].
Several in vitro studies have found that Lion’s Mane affects NGF and BDNF[17]. This may also contribute to the development of side effects.

Other natural agonists of the k-opioid receptor

Salvinorin A (main component of Salvia Divinorum) is a potent selective k-opioid agonist[18]. This substance can cause severe dissociation (depersonalization and derealization), dysphoria, pro-depressant effects, fear, terror, panic, increased perspiration and other negative effects.[11][19][20] There is at least one known case of toxic psychosis after intake of cannabis in combination with Salvia Divinorum[20].
Noribogaine (component of Iboga) is most potent as a serotonin reuptake inhibitor, but it also acts as a moderate k-opioid receptor agonist[21]. There are several known cases of Iboga-induced manic episodes. They lasted 1-2 weeks and manifested as insomnia, irritability, impulsivity, emotional lability, grandiose delusions, rapid tangential speech, aggressive behavior and suicidal ideation[22].

Lion's Mane side effects

Stories from this community describe the following side effects:
Usually, people have only part of these symptoms. Also, everyone has different intensity and duration of effects. In most cases, noticeable improvements are seen 3-4 months after the onset of side effects. Symptoms may increase and decrease in waves.

Lion's Mane can cause Substance-Induced Disorders

Substance-Induced Disorders (SIDs) occur when a drug or medication triggers a mental health condition. SIDs typically match up with symptoms of their non-substance-related counterparts. For example, substance-induced bipolar disorder and normal bipolar disorder can appear the same from the outside. The key difference between them depends on the cause: substance-induced bipolar disorder is caused by abuse of medications like stimulants, while it's believed that a mixture of genetics and upbringing causes normal bipolar disorder. [23][24]
If not much time has passed since the last use of Lion's Mane, it is too early to suspect the development of any disorder. Here is a quote from the HPPD test – it may be relevant to other disorders as well:
"Psychedelic and other drugs especially can cause increases in neuroplasticity and visual oddities in the immediate period after trips that may last as long as two weeks. If it has been less than two weeks, this may be a result of the drug's acute impact rather than a longer-term condition like HPPD."[25]
In addition, a disorder is only diagnosed if its symptoms cause significant distress or significant impairment in daily functioning. If symptoms already existed before taking substances, it is not Substance-Induced Disorder, but an exacerbation of an existing condition.[23][24]
Substances that can cause SIDs include: caffeine, cannabis, metamphetamines, alcohol, hallucinogens, opioids, benzodiazepines and other substances.[23]
Depersonalization-Derealization Disorder
ICD-11 code: 6B66
Symptoms of depersonalization include:
Symptoms of derealization include:
A survey of 394 adults found that the group with drug-initiated DPDR showed significantly greater improvement over time than the group with non-drug-initiated DPDR, although the groups did not differ in reported psychotherapy or pharmacotherapy effectiveness.[27]
Substance-Induced Anxiety Disorder
ICD-11 code: 6C4E.71
Common symptoms of a substance-induced anxiety disorder include:
Anxiety Disorders include Panic Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and others. You can find more information about Anxiety Disorders in this article.
Substance-Induced Sleep Disorder
ICD-10-CM code: F19.982
Common symptoms of a substance-induced sleep disorder include:
Substance-Induced Depression
ICD-11 code: 6C4E.700
Common symptoms of substance-induced depression include:
Lion's Mane causes dysphoria, so the following symptoms may be more relevant:
Additional substance-related disorders:
You can find more information about substance-induced disorders in the following articles:

Other causes of Lion's Mane side effects

Allergy. At least one case of anaphylaxis after consuming Lion's Mane has been described in the scientific literature.[30] A food allergy is an abnormal immune response to food. The symptoms of the allergic reaction may range from mild to severe. They may include itchiness, swelling of the tongue, vomiting, diarrhea, hives, trouble breathing, or low blood pressure. This typically occurs within minutes to several hours of exposure. When the symptoms are severe, it is known as anaphylaxis.[31]
Cytotoxicity. Studies of Lion's Mane aqueous extract on three cell types showed no cytotoxicity[32][33]. In addition, animal studies of Lion's Mane mycelium and fruiting body have found no signs of toxicity, morbidity or mortality even at high dosage.[34][35][36]
Post-Finasteride Syndrome (PFS). Finasteride side effects are primarily sexual and include erectile dysfunction, decreased ejaculatory volume, a decrease in libido, as well as gynecomastia.[37] There are no stories in this community mentioning gynecomastia, which raises doubts about the PFS theory.
Other contradictions:
Lion's Mane reduces 5-AR activity by about 20%, which in no way distinguishes Lion's Mane from other medicinal mushrooms[38];
Finasteride reduces blood DHT levels by about 70%[39]. Most likely we would already know about the comparable effect of Lion's Mane, but we have no such data;
Symptoms of PFS are primarily sexual. Symptoms after Lion's Mane are primarily psychological (anxiety, dysphoria, etc.);
PFS does not occur after a single Finasteride tablet. In the case of Lion's Mane, long-term side effects may occur after one pill.
A study of the characteristics of men with Post-Finasteride Syndrome found no abnormalities in blood tests, but fMRI showed changes in the activity of brain regions involved in sexual function and depression [40]. This is the main similarity with the effects of Lion's Mane. But in my opinion, the changes in brain activity during Lion's Mane administration are caused by the activation of k-opioid receptors, not by 5-AR inhibition.
Undeclared substances and contamination. Supplements in general may contain undeclared substances and contaminants that pose health risks. Judging by the stories in this community side effects due to contamination are very rare. Here are the studies on the subject from Johnny Harris' video Your Supplements are a Lie:

Some thoughts

In my opinion, the most dangerous side effect of Lion's Mane is dysphoria, as it increases the likelihood of self-harm and suicide even in healthy people. I dread to imagine what could happen to people who already have a depressive spectrum disorder... Unfortunately, there is already one known case of suicide after taking Lion's Mane. If you can influence this situation in any way, such as spreading the word about the side effects – please do so. It is hardly possible to ban this supplement completely. But there should be a warning with contraindications on the packaging so that people will be aware of their risks.
submitted by MaxBurman to u/MaxBurman [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 16:02 mywaggle What is Heat Stroke in Dogs?

Heat stroke is a potentially life-threatening condition when your dog’s core body temperature rises dangerously high due to excessive environmental temperatures and/or the lack of opportunity to cool themselves down effectively. This serious condition can result in severe health complications and even death if not addressed promptly and appropriately.

Understanding Heat Stroke vs. Hyperthermia

Many online sources incorrectly simplify matters by stating that heat stroke in dogs is simply a temperature above 104°F (40°C), and such sources will often also use the terms “heat stroke” and “hyperthermia” interchangeably. These sources don’t provide the full picture, and here’s why:
Hyperthermia is just a fancy way of describing a core body temperature which is too high. However, this isn’t always due to heat stroke; bacterial and viral infections can also cause your dog’s body temperature to become very high, and in this case providing home care or veterinary treatment for heat stroke would be the entirely wrong plan for the patient! So, it’s clearly an important distinction to make!
Before we move on, let’s summarize those key points:

Symptoms and Signs of Heat Stroke in Dogs

So, how do you know if your dog has heat stroke? Recognizing the early signs is crucial for timely intervention:

Early Signs to Watch For

Severe Symptoms

If your dog is unable to cool down, heat stroke may progress, resulting in more severe signs:

Heat Stroke and Dehydration in Dogs

Heat stroke often goes hand-in-hand with dehydration in dogs. Medically speaking, when we say “dehydration,” we mean that water losses have exceeded your dog’s ability to keep their fluids topped up, resulting in low total body water (both inside the blood vessels and within the cells of the body). Every pet owner should be aware of the signs of dehydration in dogs.

Signs of Dehydration

Mild Dehydration

Mild dehydration doesn’t have any visible signs, so you won’t be able to notice it, other than the fact that your dog may seem thirstier than usual.

Moderate Dehydration

Moderate dehydration occurs once your dog has lost between 5-9% of their body’s normal total water volume. At this point, you’ll notice that:

Severe Dehydration

If the situation is allowed to progress to severe dehydration, your dog will develop:
Severe dehydration can be fatal within hours, as cardiovascular shock occurs due to insufficient volume of fluid being present within the blood vessels. For this reason, it must be rapidly addressed with intravenous fluid therapy under the intensive care of a veterinarian.

Prevention of Heat Stroke in Dogs

The good news is that heat stroke is an entirely preventable problem. Following precautionary measures, especially in summer, will help protect your pet from the effects of this perilous predicament.

Tips for Preventing Heat Stroke

  1. Check the Temperature: Before exercising your dog, check the temperature. Some dogs, especially those who are overweight, flat-faced, puppies, or those with thick coats, may experience heat stroke during exercise even at relatively low temperatures of 70-75°F (21-24°C).
  2. Provide Cool Spaces: Ensure your pet always has access to a cool, shaded, and well-ventilated location where they can rest.
  3. Constant Water Supply: Never let your dog’s water supply run dry. Keep fresh, cool water available at all times.
  4. Use Fans: Consider providing your pet with a fan; the movement of air over your pup’s body will really help them to cool down effectively.
  5. Monitor Temperature in Vehicles: If traveling with your pet in a car or RV, constantly monitor the internal temperature and humidity in real-time with the Waggle Pet Monitor. This device will promptly notify you of changes, allowing you to make sure your four-legged friend stays cool, comfortable, and safe.

Using Temperature Monitors

Temperature monitors are a fantastic way of helping to keep your pet safe in summer. Owners should ensure such devices are correctly fitted and maintained according to manufacturer guidelines and remember that every electronic device, however well designed and built, has the potential to fail in rare circumstances.

First Aid for Heat Stroke in Dogs

Whether on the road, in the dog park, or at home, if you notice signs that your pet is overheating, it’s crucial not to delay acting. It’s recommended to prioritize cooling your dog down even above transporting them to the vets, although you should also call your local vet clinic for advice at the same time as starting first aid cooling measures.

Immediate Actions to Take

  1. Move to a Cooler Place: At the first sign of heat stroke, immediately move your dog to somewhere cool (but not cold). Provide good ventilation and airflow, for example, using a fan.
  2. Offer Water: Offer your pet fresh, cool water but do not try and force them to drink.
  3. Apply Cool Water: If possible, pour cool (but not cold) water over your dog, avoiding their head.
  4. Avoid Wet Towels: Do not place wet towels over your dog’s body. This was once recommended as a first aid measure for heat stroke, until it was discovered that the towels would actually rapidly warm up and then begin to trap heat and make matters worse rather than better.

Seek Veterinary Care

You’ll also need to transport your dog as soon as possible to your nearest veterinary hospital, where they will be admitted for stabilization if your vet confirms the diagnosis of heat stroke.


Heat stroke in dogs is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition that requires immediate attention. By understanding the signs and symptoms, taking preventive measures, and knowing what to do in an emergency, you can protect your furry friend from the dangers of overheating. Always be vigilant, especially during the warmer months, and ensure your dog has access to cool, shaded areas, plenty of water, and is not over-exercised in hot weather. With these precautions, you can enjoy a safe and happy summer with your canine companion.
4oHeat stroke is a potentially life-threatening condition that occurs when your dog’s core body temperature rises to a dangerously high level due to excessive environmental temperatures and/or the lack of opportunity to effectively cool themselves down. This serious condition can result in severe health complications and even death if not addressed promptly and appropriately.

Understanding Heat Stroke vs. Hyperthermia

Many online sources incorrectly simplify matters by stating that heat stroke in dogs is simply a temperature above 104°F (40°C), and such sources will often also use the terms “heat stroke” and “hyperthermia” interchangeably. These sources don’t actually provide the full picture, and here’s why:
Hyperthermia is just a fancy way of describing a core body temperature which is too high. However, this isn’t always due to heat stroke; bacterial and viral infections can also cause your dog’s body temperature to become very high, and in this case providing home care or veterinary treatment for heat stroke would be the entirely wrong plan for the patient! So, it’s clearly an important distinction to make!
Before we move on, let’s summarize those key points:

Symptoms and Signs of Heat Stroke in Dogs

So, how do you know if your dog has heat stroke? Recognizing the early signs is crucial for timely intervention:

Early Signs to Watch For

Severe Symptoms

If your dog is unable to cool down, heat stroke may progress, resulting in more severe signs:

Heat Stroke and Dehydration in Dogs

Heat stroke often goes hand-in-hand with dehydration in dogs. Medically speaking, when we say “dehydration,” we mean that water losses have exceeded your dog’s ability to keep their fluids topped up, resulting in low total body water (both inside the blood vessels and within the cells of the body). Every pet owner should be aware of the signs of dehydration in dogs.

Signs of Dehydration

Mild Dehydration

Mild dehydration doesn’t have any visible signs, so you won’t be able to notice it, other than the fact that your dog may seem thirstier than usual.

Moderate Dehydration

Moderate dehydration occurs once your dog has lost between 5-9% of their body’s normal total water volume. At this point, you’ll notice that:

Severe Dehydration

If the situation is allowed to progress to severe dehydration, your dog will develop:
Severe dehydration can be fatal within hours, as cardiovascular shock occurs due to insufficient volume of fluid being present within the blood vessels. For this reason, it must be rapidly addressed with intravenous fluid therapy under the intensive care of a veterinarian.

Prevention of Heat Stroke in Dogs

The good news is that heat stroke is an entirely preventable problem. Following precautionary measures, especially in summer, will help protect your pet from the effects of this perilous predicament.

Tips for Preventing Heat Stroke

  1. Check the Temperature: Before exercising your dog, check the temperature. Some dogs, especially those who are overweight, flat-faced, puppies, or those with thick coats, may experience heat stroke during exercise even at relatively low temperatures of 70-75°F (21-24°C).
  2. Provide Cool Spaces: Ensure your pet always has access to a cool, shaded, and well-ventilated location where they can rest.
  3. Constant Water Supply: Never let your dog’s water supply run dry. Keep fresh, cool water available at all times.
  4. Use Fans: Consider providing your pet with a fan; the movement of air over your pup’s body will really help them to cool down effectively.
  5. Monitor Temperature in Vehicles: If traveling with your pet in a car or RV, constantly monitor the internal temperature and humidity in real-time with the Waggle Pet Monitor. This device will promptly notify you of changes, allowing you to make sure your four-legged friend stays cool, comfortable, and safe.

Using Temperature Monitors

Temperature monitors are a fantastic way of helping to keep your pet safe in summer. Owners should ensure such devices are correctly fitted and maintained according to manufacturer guidelines and remember that every electronic device, however well designed and built, has the potential to fail in rare circumstances.

First Aid for Heat Stroke in Dogs

Whether on the road, in the dog park, or at home, if you notice signs that your pet is overheating, it’s crucial not to delay acting. It’s recommended to prioritize cooling your dog down even above transporting them to the vets, although you should also call your local vet clinic for advice at the same time as starting first aid cooling measures.

Immediate Actions to Take

  1. Move to a Cooler Place: At the first sign of heat stroke, immediately move your dog to somewhere cool (but not cold). Provide good ventilation and airflow, for example, using a fan.
  2. Offer Water: Offer your pet fresh, cool water but do not try and force them to drink.
  3. Apply Cool Water: If possible, pour cool (but not cold) water over your dog, avoiding their head.
  4. Avoid Wet Towels: Do not place wet towels over your dog’s body. This was once recommended as a first aid measure for heat stroke, until it was discovered that the towels would actually rapidly warm up and then begin to trap heat and make matters worse rather than better.

Seek Veterinary Care

You’ll also need to transport your dog as soon as possible to your nearest veterinary hospital, where they will be admitted for stabilization if your vet confirms the diagnosis of heat stroke.


Heat stroke in dogs is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition that requires immediate attention. By understanding the signs and symptoms, taking preventive measures, and knowing what to do in an emergency, you can protect your furry friend from the dangers of overheating. Always be vigilant, especially during the warmer months, and ensure your dog has access to cool, shaded areas, plenty of water, and is not over-exercised in hot weather. With these precautions, you can enjoy a safe and happy summer with your canine companion.
submitted by mywaggle to u/mywaggle [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 12:51 Important_Cheek_7246 Help : Anxiety related to HIV

Urgent : Is it HIV or Blood Infection
28 M - India - Need Advise as I am freaking out
28M - India - Bit of a Health Freak & Anxiety - Help me!
No sexual encounters. On last month 23rd I went for buying Aquarium. The salesperson Damaged his hand and it bleed. He washed and wiped the blood with the usual cleaning cloth.
Then he packed my tanks and there was no blood on tank. I took those tanks in hand and i came home and washed hands as usual. But it was a brief time I carried the tanks on my hand. No visible scratches but still I am doubtful.
Nothing much after that. In last 2 weeks, i developed some bouts of feverishness. Temperature of body is always under 99 degree F. Always. But I feel feverish once in a while in a day. It becomes feverish and it becomes normal on same day.
Stools are pasty. Not loose. Is this Diarrhoea? Pain in upper side of throat. No pain in swallowing but I feel something is wronger on upper side. Lymph nodes are swollen below ears in chin area. Pain in groin - no swells (not sure if I am checking correctly), no swelling of nodes under jaw - but there is pain across.
Whenever I feel feverish, Temperature is always normal. Used different thermometer to confirm and they are confirmed to show correct readings.
General Fatigue. General Tiredness. Food consumption is usual.
Pressure is always between 80/120 to 100/150. Pulse ranges from 80-110.
Took blood test. CRP is 12. I read on internet and freaked out that I might have HIV or something. Did ECLIA and it was negative. All values are okay in the report as per doctor. Few years back, I had ASO test and it was reactive and took treatments. And ASO came down.
He gave me Doxicyclin 100mg for 6 days (1 in morning and 1 in evening). Back on my neck hurts. Sometimes blurred vision.
1) Am I having diarrhoea? 2) Am I having any blood borne infection like HIV or something?
Symptoms: 1) Feverish intermittently. No temperature 2) Continuous fluctuations of BP from 80/120 to 100/150 with pulse usually resting at 80-90 and it hits 100-120 for a brief time. 3) Swollen lymph nodes in Chin /Jaw/Ear intersection area and pain in all lymph nodal area without any swelling 4) Pasty non loose stools 5) Mild Headache on left side 6) Ear Tingling Sensation and Mild numb ear pain
Climate: 1) I stay in Bangalore and went through a swift Change in climates from 37+ to 22+ and fluctuates.
Exposure 1) Sexual - None 2) Non Sexual - Described above 3) Blood contacts - Not as far as I know 4) No visible wounds on Fingers
Please advise me. I will abide by the rules - No DMs, No cross questions.
To be clear: I have a history of depression and overthinking for which I was on treatment and treatment was over a year back.
Blood Test: All within range. Lymphocytes of 72% (2% above cut off) Rest are 25%, Mono 0% and Eosno 3% CRP is 12 and cut was 6.
This incident happened on 23 May 2024 No major cuts. A small skin peeling - not trauma. It peeled on its own.
Had all tests on 5 June including HIV ECLIA and it was negative.
submitted by Important_Cheek_7246 to askashittydoctor [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 10:53 Character-Dig2135 Should I be worried I have h pylori or stomach cancer?

Yesterday: Woke up belch burping like crazy but had no pain in stomach just gassy at times, could eat more today but notice for awhile now I get acid reflux and depending on the food could be worse and only time I feel some pain is when I feel above my belly button when I press in I get a weird dull pain then it fades away. Overall I’m belch burping a lot and having lots of acid reflux and burning in stomach on and off. I could burp for an hour straight even without eating anything. I know my period is due in a few but I’m concerned I could have h pylori or stomach cancer. I saw many young people have stomach cancer in their 20s
Other day: still belching not as gassy in the moment, above belly button still feels a bit weird but pain went away and toward the left side a bit feels like a balloon at times then I belch and feel better. Overall don’t feel as bad as last night under belly button it is sensitive to touch a bit. Have burning in stomach after eating
Yesterday: Was feeling better even had somewhat of a normal bowel movement, later on I pressed right above my belly button going a little bit to the left and I got a dull burning pain going up a bit and around belly button and now it hasn’t left and I can’t stop belch burping again. I have been taking Zantac and it has been helping me keeping that pain bloated gas feeling away but not so much today maybe it’s also because I took ibuprofen and also I do not have a fever but my period is due in 8 days. Basically it feels like someone punch me in the stomach now
Say before: stomach feels kinda better today, went to the bathroom felt like I had a wall on the side of my rectum with sharp pain went very small stool and sorry for the tmi but it smelled horrible, besides that my face has been feeling flushed took my temperature and it’s between 100- 99.7 I’ve been highly stressed and my vertigo has been really bad today. Stomach overall as I said feels a bit better but kinda also feels like someone has punched me in my stomach/lower abdomen
Few days ago: Light sharp pain around my belly button that goes down to my uterus (kinda) and light pain around the belly button especially when pushing down around my belly button it feels funny weird light sharp pain and lower stomach pain area. Pressing around the area feels sensitive hurts a bit near my hips down, gassy and feeling slightly better after burping also symptoms could act up more after eating or when feeling more anxious. Took Zantac last night helped me a bit
Female/24, Back in January I’m not sure if I had a stomach bug or after years my ibs came back but for like two months I couldn’t really eat and belch burp a lot, after sometime it all kinda went away but my bathroom habits i noticed kinda changed. Recently few weeks ago I came down with a cold and was taking a lot of honey which I think cause me to get a flare up again with ibs and I was also extremely nervous under a lot of stress due to personal reasons, was constipated then started to go more normal once I added more veggies into my diet but I started having to be careful what I ate as I would have to run to the bathroom or start burping like crazy then last Sunday I felt everything kind of calmed down til Monday morning where I woke up feeling fine went to go eat some left over zucchini and within an hour I started to burp like crazy and have really bad cramps and kept going to the bathroom floating stools with watery D. also got a hive. Since Monday I have not been the same I can’t eat can’t even have water just some gatorade everything makes me burp like crazy for hours gives me lots of gas and hurts my stomach. Basically the gas, burping nonstop, and diarrhea/floating stools are back. I did feel like a band wrapped around my tummy whenever I ate something other then rice and some soreness in the right upper side of my stomach there the other day but I also did do a workout that did and haven’t felt anything today, also had some light pain that would go into my back for a bit but that stop as well.. right side has always stick out been bigger then the other side of my upper stomach for years. I know that I’ve been having a lot of stevia in my stuff recently and I just ovulated yesterday lastly I deal with vertigo and back attacks that put my body in fear mode overall I do have a very nervous stomach and all the pains feel like gas pains
I’m in a toxic relationship and have family issues I’m always anxious and stressed
submitted by Character-Dig2135 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 10:51 Character-Dig2135 Should I be worried I have h pylori or stomach cancer?

Yesterday: Woke up belch burping like crazy but had no pain in stomach just gassy at times, could eat more today but notice for awhile now I get acid reflux and depending on the food could be worse and only time I feel some pain is when I feel above my belly button when I press in I get a weird dull pain then it fades away. Overall I’m belch burping a lot and having lots of acid reflux and burning in stomach on and off. I could burp for an hour straight even without eating anything. I know my period is due in a few but I’m concerned I could have h pylori or stomach cancer. I saw many young people have stomach cancer in their 20s
Other day: still belching not as gassy in the moment, above belly button still feels a bit weird but pain went away and toward the left side a bit feels like a balloon at times then I belch and feel better. Overall don’t feel as bad as last night under belly button it is sensitive to touch a bit. Have burning in stomach after eating
Yesterday: Was feeling better even had somewhat of a normal bowel movement, later on I pressed right above my belly button going a little bit to the left and I got a dull burning pain going up a bit and around belly button and now it hasn’t left and I can’t stop belch burping again. I have been taking Zantac and it has been helping me keeping that pain bloated gas feeling away but not so much today maybe it’s also because I took ibuprofen and also I do not have a fever but my period is due in 8 days. Basically it feels like someone punch me in the stomach now
Say before: stomach feels kinda better today, went to the bathroom felt like I had a wall on the side of my rectum with sharp pain went very small stool and sorry for the tmi but it smelled horrible, besides that my face has been feeling flushed took my temperature and it’s between 100- 99.7 I’ve been highly stressed and my vertigo has been really bad today. Stomach overall as I said feels a bit better but kinda also feels like someone has punched me in my stomach/lower abdomen
Few days ago: Light sharp pain around my belly button that goes down to my uterus (kinda) and light pain around the belly button especially when pushing down around my belly button it feels funny weird light sharp pain and lower stomach pain area. Pressing around the area feels sensitive hurts a bit near my hips down, gassy and feeling slightly better after burping also symptoms could act up more after eating or when feeling more anxious. Took Zantac last night helped me a bit
Female/24, Back in January I’m not sure if I had a stomach bug or after years my ibs came back but for like two months I couldn’t really eat and belch burp a lot, after sometime it all kinda went away but my bathroom habits i noticed kinda changed. Recently few weeks ago I came down with a cold and was taking a lot of honey which I think cause me to get a flare up again with ibs and I was also extremely nervous under a lot of stress due to personal reasons, was constipated then started to go more normal once I added more veggies into my diet but I started having to be careful what I ate as I would have to run to the bathroom or start burping like crazy then last Sunday I felt everything kind of calmed down til Monday morning where I woke up feeling fine went to go eat some left over zucchini and within an hour I started to burp like crazy and have really bad cramps and kept going to the bathroom floating stools with watery D. also got a hive. Since Monday I have not been the same I can’t eat can’t even have water just some gatorade everything makes me burp like crazy for hours gives me lots of gas and hurts my stomach. Basically the gas, burping nonstop, and diarrhea/floating stools are back. I did feel like a band wrapped around my tummy whenever I ate something other then rice and some soreness in the right upper side of my stomach there the other day but I also did do a workout that did and haven’t felt anything today, also had some light pain that would go into my back for a bit but that stop as well.. right side has always stick out been bigger then the other side of my upper stomach for years. I know that I’ve been having a lot of stevia in my stuff recently and I just ovulated yesterday lastly I deal with vertigo and back attacks that put my body in fear mode overall I do have a very nervous stomach and all the pains feel like gas pains
I’m in a toxic relationship and have family issues I’m always anxious and stressed
submitted by Character-Dig2135 to AskDoctorSmeeee [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 08:39 Other-Educator-9399 Quitting using drinking as a coping mechanism and considering quitting altogether.

I haven't officially or formally quit drinking yet. I've never developed a physical dependency, never had a health problem directly caused by drinking, and never drove drunk or been in any trouble with the law. I've never even had too much difficulty cutting back when it was getting to be too much, and I've gone for months without it before. However, I've always tended to drink as a coping mechanism when I am very emotionally upset about something or I'm under extreme stress, and it has gotten out of hand at times. I've noticed that as I've gotten older (currently 39), I don't tolerate it as well and I get insomnia, headaches, acid reflux, etc after any more than 2 drinks.
This week, my stress level has been through the stratosphere and my mental health has been absolute garbage due to problems at work. On Monday, I bought two bottles of cheap wine and hid them in the closet, and drank half of one of them. The need to hide it was a wake up call, and it ate me up inside so much that I eventually confessed it to my wife. She asked me to please not drink to cope while I'm going through this hell at work. I respect her, so I listened, and I haven't drank since Monday. I'm still in a great deal of torment over what is happening at my work, but my baseline level of anger has been lower than it would have been if I were drinking. My wife said she noticed a difference in me, and we also have an 8 year old daughter that I want to be the best possible Dad to. For some other context, I'm in therapy and heavily medicated for almost every anxiety disorder you can think of, plus depression.
A couple of questions: My wife and many of my friends and family are not official teetotalers, but very rarely drink and have gone for a year or more without touching a drop. For someone in my situation, what would be the pros and cons of going into this category vs officially never drinking again? Also, for those of you who drank to cope with stress or negative emotions, how did you cope without alcohol? Did it feel like the only alternative was to be in unbearable pain?
submitted by Other-Educator-9399 to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 06:14 EngineeringLumpy Experiences going from 2.5 mg letrozole to 5 mg

What was everybody’s experience? I tried 2.5 mg days 3-7 in March and got pregnant but unfortunately miscarried. I also still ovulated really late that cycle and had no mature follicles at my scan on day 11, so we were surprisedd I actually got pregnant. My progesterone on 9 DPO was also low for pregnancy (10). I was taking 200 mg suppositories at night but still miscarried. We don’t know if it was from genetic problems or something else though. I am now 9 DPO after loss and spotting with low progesterone levels on Inito so I’m assuming my period is coming. Also have crazy PMS symptoms that I never had before my miscarriage! My side effects on 2.5 mg were slight nausea and headaches. 8 days after I took my last letrozole I got really sick and started throwing up and having diarrhea, but I’m thinking that was probably viral because my husband started having diarrhea and fever 3 days later. I was initially worried it was from the letrozole or that I had OHSS (because my ovulation was when I was sick), but I never had severe abdominal pain or anything. Just vomiting, diarrhea, fever, and body aches. Probably not related to the letrozole right?
submitted by EngineeringLumpy to TryingForABaby [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 05:05 DALTT Mysterious Illness - Back With More Info

So this is gonna be long, please bear with me! Kinda desperate for help at this point. About me…
I’m 35, a trans woman, I don’t drink or do drugs (been sober 6 and a half years), meds I’m on are gabapentin (1,000 mg in total a day), estradiol (4 mg a day), Metformin (850 mg 2x a day), Sumatriptan (50 mg as needed for migraine), Klarity-C eye drops, and then over the counters I take are vitamin D and omega fish oil.
Conditions I have been officially diagnosed with: insulin resistance, dry eye (more on this in a bit), facet arthropathy in multiple areas in my neck, thoracic spine, and lumbar spine, as well as disc degeneration in multiple areas as well.
Family history of heart disease, loads of connective tissue disorders in my family (spondylitis and psoriatic arthritis on my dad’s side and rheumatoid arthritis on my mom’s side).
Symptoms came on over a decade ago. It started with a stiff neck and stiff hands. Then over the years, that has progressed into constant joint pain throughout my back and neck, knees, hips, even ankles and feet. I had enough dexterity issues develop with my hands that I had to stop playing piano and Oud (like even just typing all this now my hands feel stiff and painful). My joints, especially in my back and hips are constantly popping. Not cracking. It’s like my range of motion will limited and slightly painful, and if I lean into that stiffness and pain, something will pop and then my full range of motion will be restored. I’ve developed chronic tinnitus (no hearing loss, I’ve been tested, including once recently). Migraine. Brain fog. Intense intense fatigue where sometimes I literally cannot stay awake through the whole day. Also have gastrointestinal issues: constant bloating, often alternate between diarrhea and constipation. Also my hands and feet often swell/get super stiff feeling, but not like classic RA swollen red joints. More like sausage fingers/toes.
And then about a year ago, the thing that has really disrupted my life: extreme dry eye, constant eyelid edema that hasn’t gone away in over a year, and ocular pain. It came on VERY suddenly. Like I hadn’t even so much as looked at an eye drop in my whole life to suddenly having a Schirmer’s score in the basement and needing them constantly within the span of a few days. And then about a month after the onset of the dryness, my eyelids very suddenly swelled up on a random Sunday in April of last year, and got so painful that I spent 6 weeks barely able to keep my eyes open until some monster doses of steroids both systemic and topical finally got it under control. But still the swelling has never entirely resolved, nor has the pain, but it’s at least improved enough that I’m marginally more functional. And still to this day no eye doctor has had a good theory of what happened beyond that they think something systemic is going on. Anyway!
I have seen rheumatologists over the years in the past. And tbh, before the eye symptoms came on, I was a super active person. So we’d do blood work. Nothing would pop, and I wouldn’t pursue any further testing cause I just was too consumed with my life to spend too much time pursuing a diagnosis and I was essentially just dealing with it.
That was until the eye involvement really derailed me because it’s been impossible to just deal with it. And every eye doctor I’ve seen has said they are certain something systemic has to be going on to see the level of persistent ocular inflammation I have around my eyes (more the lid and the tenon’s capsule than the ocular surface itself). And recently my eye doctor took a really close look at my eyelids and asked if I had any thyroid issues, because he was seeing some signs of Thyroid Eye Disease. Though he also cautioned that what he was seeing could be caused by a few other more benign things as well like severe allergy. And so I was sent back to a rheumatologist who came highly recommended.
And some stuff did pop positive on my blood work this time: my sedimentation rate was high (though not insanely so, normal range was 0-19 and I was at 24), I was a weak positive for histone antibodies, and I was a weak positive for this 14.3.3 ETA test which is supposed to measure inflammation in your joint fluid but it’s a somewhat newer test, and then my T3 uptake and FTI was high (normal range was 80-200 and mine was 227) but my TSH and T4 were normal. And then everything else was clean. Negative on ANA, negative on C-Reactive Protein, negative on Rheumatoid Factor and essentially every other rheumatological test he did. He also did an MRI of the pelvis, and everything was normal except “L5-S1 intervertebral disc desiccation. Bilateral L5-S1 facet hypertrophy with small joint effusions.”
When I had my follow up, the doctor essentially said that the things I did pop positive for, he said were meaningless because the sedimentation rate wasn’t that high even though it was outside the normal range. I’m not on any medications known to trigger med induced lupus that would account for the histone antibodies and it was a weak positive anyway. And that the 14.3.3 ETA test was also a weak positive. And then there was nothing in the MRI of the pelvis that seemed to show anything. And the thyroid, since my TSH and T4 were normal the high T3 uptake was irrelevant. And he said essentially given my symptoms and family history that it would be a good idea to get a rheumatology work up every six months. But that he can’t make any kind of diagnosis and all he can do is send me to pain management.
Then I brought up the thyroid eye disease thing that the eye doctor said. And he said it is possible to have thyroid eye disease and a normal TSH and T4, but investigating that more robustly is not his area of expertise and he referred me to endocrinology.
So I guess my questions here are two fold: one, I’ve essentially lost a year and a half of my life to whatever is going on with my health and feel no closer to figuring out what the hell is going on. So if anyone has any thoughts on paths of investigation, or further questions to hone in on any ideas, I’m all ears. Second, I’m just curious if folks agree with the rheumatologist’s assessment that the things I did test positive for were essentially meaningless as far as identifying a potential rheumatological cause?
Third, would pushing for additional MRIs with contrast this time help give any additional info?
Thank you everyone!
submitted by DALTT to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 04:01 olive_leigh Going off Depo and side effects.

I am 30F and recently stopped taking my Depo shot after 7 years as it’s been too long and hoping to have children in the future if I can conceive. BUT I am now almost 2 months off and the side effects are horrendous! Extreme cramps, back pain, headache, dizziness, fatigue, nausea, extreme anxiety, mood swings,and little to no appetite. Is this normal? I couldn’t get out of bed yesterday because it was so painful any time I moved I have sharp pains and couldn’t even sit up without feeling like I was going to pass out or vomit. I can’t find any to no information on side effects. I’m starting to get worried. It doesn’t seem like this is normal side effects that I can barely function.
I originally was put on depo for my endometriosis and weight. I was barely 90 pounds and ended up in the emergency every period I had. Yes having birth control and no periods was amazing but I don’t know how much longer I can deal with these symptoms. I’m also terrified to start my period again as I’ve heard it comes back with vengeance.
Does anyone have any advice? Is this normal to feel all these symptoms after 2 months? When will it stop? How long till my period comes back?
Any advice is welcome please.
submitted by olive_leigh to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 01:02 HFY_Inspired The Prophecy of the End - Chapter 30

Chapter 30 - Interlopers
Previous Chapter
“Okay, you’re SURE this won’t be permanent?” Trix tried to turn her head to look at the computer console as the two other women worked behind her back.
“Sure we’re sure. It won’t wash out with water but we have a solvent on hand that’ll nullify the dye. Makes it completely clear. Technically still present but invisible.” Min swiped a finger up the side of Trix’s head. The computer instantly changed. “YES! Yellow along the sides, and red up top. That’s PERFECT.”
“Hold your wings out to the side, feathers.” Ma’et gazed down at the pattern and arrangement of the feathers on the wing. “Yeah, definitely. Make the wings match the hair. Or, uh, head feathers. Whatever it’s called. Red along these big whatchamacallums. Yellow above. And when her wingtip controls finish fabbing, the silver will look amazing next to it.”
“She really ought to have earrings too.” Min glanced at each of the long, elf-life ears tipped with small, fine feathers. “We could do some really intricate patterns with ears that long.”
Ma’et glanced up there and shook her head. “It’d look great but I’m not touching any piercings without Josh. No way I want to find out they have arteries up there the hard way.”
The computer image was shifting rapidly as they spat out ideas, but since Min and Ma’et wouldn’t let her see she had to be content with their descriptions. “I’m just a little nervous about this. I really, really don’t want to have to pull those feathers later.”
Ma’et put her hands on either side of Trix’s head, tilting it slightly as she watched the computer image changing. “Don’t you guys dye your feathers back on Kiveyt?”
“Sure. We have both impermanent and permanent dyes.” Trix fought the urge to swat away the hands that were moving her head around. “Impermanent dyes wash out with water. Permanent ones don’t. Only way to undo those is to pull the feathers out entirely, which is both painful and embarrassing until they regrow.”
Min was putting on plastic gloves as she adjusted the dye solution to match the colors on the screen. “Do your feathers ever just fall out by themselves? On Earth, birds lose feathers over time as they get replaced. ”
“Healthy feathers don’t fall out, no. They can be pulled out but it isn’t pleasant. Damaged feathers will fall out on their own.” Trix lifted up her arm and placed a finger under one of her feathers to lift it up. “Actually there was a big trend thirty years ago to trim the vanes of each feather into various patterns. But that had the same problem as dyeing the feathers, where if you wanted to undo it you had to pull the trimmed feathers out.”
Min and Ma’et shared a glance at that. “Should we consider…” Min began, before Ma’et cut her off. “Nope. Solvent will clear the dye but it won’t undo a trim.”
Min nodded and picked up a series of plastic strips. Each strip was placed under a line of feathers on Trix’s head to separate out each line of feathers along the group, to ensure that no dye would leak onto other feathers.
Ma’et put on gloves of her own and picked up a small detailing brush. “You know, we really ought to have asked Alex to join us.”
Trix fought to keep her head still. She’d been warned what might happen if she moved too much, and she had no desire at all to make an already lengthy process take even longer. “Why’s that? Do we need his approval for something like this?”
“Nope.” Min lifted up her brush and began to carefully brush the solution over the feathers just above Trix’s forehead. “He’s just really, really good at it. He actually taught the both of us how to do dye our hair.”
Ma’et nodded, as she joined in brushing the red dye along the plastic line at the front. “He won’t tell us why, but I had some issues doing it myself at first. It was really uneven, I’d get dye everywhere, it was a mess. He taught me how to make it even and clean. Hell, if Min’s busy or something I still make him dye my hair.”
Trix began to turn her head out of habit, but was stopped by a strong hand against her temple. “Red isn’t natural for you?”
“This shade of Red isn’t natural for any humans. Natural redheads are a lot closer to a brown than mine.” Ma’et swiped her fingers against a towel, and dipped the brush back into the solution. “There are treatments that can make dyes like mine permanent so our hair always grows with this color, but I like being able to change it up. When we’re done I’ll show you some of the photos I’ve taken with different styles and colors.”
“When we’re done. How long will that take?” Irritation tinged her voice as Trix struggled to fight it down.
“Sorry, feathers. But we’re still looking at another hour or so, minimum. The solution dries fast though, so by the time we’re done with your wings your head will be ready for brushing.” Ma’et lifted the uppermost plastic to begin on the layer below it. “Bear with us while we work, will ya?”
“Fine, fine.” Trix took a very slow breath trying to stay as still as possible. “Now what were you saying before about piercings?”
“It’s a fashion thing back on earth. You have metal studs put through your ears to…”
Alex shoved a spoonful of cereal into his mouth absentmindedly as his eyes scanned down the quickboard. The latest survey data here at Point 3 was more disappointing than he’d hoped. The mineral content was high but much of it was in the form of metallic salts and various alloys that would be much, much more work to separate and extract into pure forms than free elements. It would still be worth the effort of doing so, but since the asteroids in Point 2 had similar composition minus the alloys, extracting from that first would be greatly preferred.
He was going over some of the math in his head when a bright, colorful apparition walked through the door.
His spoon froze two inches from his mouth as his eyes flicked up to the resident Avian. The feathers along her head crest had been dyed a brilliant crimson, with orange and yellow bordering them - making the crest distinct and almost hair-like from the rest of her plumage. In addition the large feathers of her wings were dyed similarly, with brilliant red along the large feathers on the bottom of the wings, shifting to orange and yellow above.
It took a few moments for Alex’s mental gears to shift properly but before he did, Trix had walked over to the food dispenser. She walked back to the table with a plate of toast and eggs, raising an eyebrow as she looked at the Captain. “Problem, babe?”
If the sudden change in appearance hadn’t caught Alex entirely offguard, the sudden vernacular would have. The spoon clattered down into the bowl as his fingers relaxed with the surprise, the sound shaking him loose of the sudden surprise. “Trix, where did you hear that?”
Trix sat down, putting an egg on her toast and covering it with entirely too much tabasco sauce. “Min and Ji say it all the time. They always say it’s a joke. Why?”
“Uhm. Okay, well… it’s sort of an extremely familiar greeting. Like… ah, sort of sometimes used with...” Alex fumbled for words and eventually gave up. “Par, help me out here.”
“Certainly. Trksehn, while the word can be used informally between very close friends it’s also known to be used between even closer relationships, such as lovers or family. Using the designation of ‘babe’ often carries connotations of interest as well; often designating attractiveness to the subject.”
Trix nearly dropped her toast as she glanced over the captain with mortification on her face as she absorbed what she just heard. “Oh, uh… I knew it was a joke and I didn’t realize, so…”
Alex shook his head, reaching over to grab a napkin to mop up the milk he’d spilled when he dropped his spoon. “No worries. I’m not offended. Just, ah, you might want to run those little jokes past Min before using them on the rest of the crew.”
Trix nodded, and took a big bite out of the toast. After chewing briefly, she swallowed and looked a bit guilty. “Sorry again. I didn’t really know what it meant. Ji and Min always thought it was hilarious when I said it, so…”
Alex waved it off. “No need to explain. I know those two well enough to know how they are.” He picked up the spoon and crunched down on another mouthful of cereal, before pointing it towards Trix. “Mrph, Thrm Eye…” He swallowed heavily. “Sorry. So that Dye job?”
Trix grinned and spread her wings wide, showing off the colors. “Ma’et says I’m a natural redhead, so they went with bright and fiery. What do you think?”
“It suits you incredibly wel! I’m assuming they used triethylaminete? I wouldn’t normally ask, but I have no idea what Kyshe will think of it and I promised not one feather damaged….” Alex glanced over the large, brilliantly-dyed feathers somewhat trepidatiously.
“I have no idea. Min and Ma’et could tell you. They did say they had something they could put on to make it clear if I don’t like it.” Trix reached over to brush her fingers over one of the scarlet-hued feathers. “I asked like, six times.”
“Probably was then. I think it looks great, but obviously I’m not the one you’re interested in impressing. It’ll be interesting to see the reactions back on Kiveyt.” Alex finished off the cereal rapidly and pushed the bowl aside. He keyed in a sequence into the pad. “Josh, go ahead and start the recall on the salvage ‘bot. I’ve seen all I want to see here. Drop a beacon and let’s get packed up. Trix should be up to the bridge in like, fourty-five. Let’s try to get underway to Point 1 within 30 of her arriving.”
Trix finished off the first piece of toast, and was coating the second egg with tabasco as she looked up. “Weren’t we planning to be here for a few more days?”
“Yeah, but the core samples are making it pretty clear that this place isn’t worth our time. I’d rather get started on the big money items.” He turned back to the face on the quickboard. “Any issues with that?”
Josh was already entering in the commands to halt the core sampling process, and detach the bot from the most valuable asteroid present. “No issues here. If you want to leave that fast, though, we’ll have to leave the tap here.”
“That’s fine, we have enough scrap on board to fab a new one long before we arrive. I’m going to tell ‘Manda about the change in plans. Let me know if anything comes up.” Josh simply nodded in response, and the screen blanked out.
Alex tapped a couple more times on the quickboard. “Amanda, I know you’re asleep right now so I’m just going to leave this message. I’m sure you’ve noticed but Point 3 ain’t worth the time compared to 2 so we’re taking off early. Get started on whatever you can identify from here on out, but I want a rundown of the biggest money we can fit in the hold within a day. We’ll have Trix get some experience splitting rocks, just to liven things up. Let me know if there’s any issues with the plan.”
He tapped the end button, and turned to Trix. “Any questions, Pilot?”
“Just one. What do you mean by splitting rocks?” Trix finished off the second piece of toast and began wolfing down a third.
“Well, the ship ain’t very big. The biggest and richest asteroids out there would dwarf us, and moving them is a headache. We can’t take them through d-space without expensive external shielding we don’t have, so we’re going to have to break off great big chunks in order to grab ‘em and stuff ‘em in the hold. We do that with the salvage bot’s drill and some very carefully placed explosives. You had fun shooting shit out in space, I figured maybe blowing shit up then chasing down and grabbing them with the shuttle might pique your interest as well.”
“You know, that actually does sound like it might be right up my alley…” Trix grinned. “It’s been weeks since Farscope and I wouldn’t mind taking the shuttle out for a spin.”
“Perfect. Ma’et’s got experience with that so we’ll pair you two up for shifts once we reach Point 1.” Alex stood up and lifted the quickboard up, tapping it on his shoulder. “I’m going to start making arrangements for that. Josh’ll handle any other questions you have, but call me if anything he can’t answer comes up.”
The bridge of the Dreadnought ‘Calamity’ was dead silent, save the ever-present barely audible hum of the ventilation systems that made life possible in the infinite inky void of space and the soft tapping of fingers against control consoles. Captain Nathaniel Wessex sat in the command chair of the gargantuan ship, waiting patiently. Despite the nervousness and tension among his crew, his face was a mask of calm.
Underneath the mask, where none could see, where he hid his emotions he railed against the politicians for choosing him for this assignment.
Sending a dreadnought on a diplomatic mission was about as far from typical as it gets. Dreadnoughts were annihilation made manifest, the sort of thing you send to strike terror into your enemies. Every single meter of deckplate, every single kilometer of cable within the ship was designed and built around a single purpose : Destruction. On a scale never before seen in the days of blue-water ships making their way via sail or propeller across the vast waves of earth.
Yet every argument against the deployment by the captain himself, his superiors in the navy, and even many in the government were dismissed. First contact had been made and the polities of both Sol and Proxima were in utter chaos. The border disputes, the tension over Keplite, the endless posturing by each side had crashed down in the space of hours. Now the tension was entirely over whether or not one side or the other would pull off a coup with these new species, and whether or not the known hostile races would interrupt the diplomacy. Each side was eager to impress and terrified about the unknown, necessitating his ship’s presence.
Rumor had it that Proxima had known for well over a month about the discovery, and was negotiating with Sol about making an official trip to the Perseus arm of the galaxy to meet with the new species there. Whether or not they believed it at first, once the emergency beacon from the Arcadia had arrived everything changed. The full data dump had immediately been sent to Sol and with it, the two sides had come together faster than imaginable for their own goals. Proxima, leveraging the information as a means to ensure peace. Sol, attempting to ensure that Proxima would not attempt to represent humanity without equal opportunity to be involved.
The diplomatic mission was put together in mere hours and his ship was tapped for it nearly from the get go.
And now as he stood ready to serve his military, his country, his species he fought desperately not to let his emotions show as the colossal hulk of the Sol Dreadnought ‘Imperium’ sat there, a scant ten thousand kilometers from him. A week ago they’d be warming up weapons, loading missile launch bays, and Damage Control units (along with the inevitable medical corpsmen) would be prepping to race across the ship wherever needed. Now both ships were present for something other than fighting, a deeply unnatural feeling.
On the bridge he was secure, of course. A Dreadnought’s armor and shielding were unmatched, and even if his opponent was as heavily armed and armored as he was they could withstand an incredible amount of punishment. More than enough to be able to retaliate in kind. The thought that any aggression would result in mutual destruction of the two vessels, however, was anything but calming.
“Any word from the Sol delegates?” He kept his voice perfectly calm, cool and collected as he turned his head to the communications station.
“No sir. Last communique from the USN was just to expect a delay. No details beyond that.” One of the communication techs brought up the message log and read it off dutifully, and the captain suppressed a sigh. And a swear.
“Thank you, Lieutenant.”
Damned diplomats. “You’d think that for a group whose entire job is to ensure that everything goes as smoothly as possible they’d at least have the courtesy to show up on time,” he thought to himself. The Dreadnought escort from Sol had arrived with time to spare, but the diplomats themselves were still no-shows.
Thirty minutes later, the Comms station finally reported back. “Sir. Incoming from the Imperium. Rear Admiral Soldado is requesting a direct line to yourself and to the head of the delegation.”
“Thank you, Lieutenant. I’ll take it at my chair.” The words of the captain alone were enough for a screen to immediately slide out from the side of the command station, rotating on an articulating arm around to face him. It was blank for a brief moment before two faces appeared side-by-side in front of him.
“This is Captain Wessex of the PSA Calamity.”
“It is an honor, Captain Wessex. I am Rear Admiral Chloe Soldado of the USN Imperium.”
“Rear Admiral, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I am the representative of the Proxima delegation to Farscope, Kase Tremaine.”
“Thank you for receiving our communication. We’ve been notified that the courier ship being used by our envoy has been delayed due to an issue with its Keplite Core. Our diplomatic delegation has changed ships and will be arriving within the day. We apologize for the delay but appreciate your patience in this matter.”
Kase leaned back in his chair on the screen. “Such occurrences are not uncommon, Rear Admiral. I appreciate your bringing it to our attention. If I may, I believe it may be prudent for us to enter D-Space as soon as your delegate arrives. We have a lengthy journey ahead of us and it would be advisable that we begin as quickly as possible.”
Rear Admiral glanced over off screen briefly, then back. “I see no issue with that. If I may, however, is there any particular need for such haste?”
Kase and Captain Nathaniel briefly made eye contact before the Captain cleared his throat. “It’s not so much a need for haste so much as, well, several members of our government wish to have… Other representatives of humanity present in the Perseus arm as quickly as possible. The ship which has made first contact is known to have a somewhat ‘eclectic’ crew and one of our tasks will be to, ah, well… clear up any potential confusion about our species once we arrive.”
The allusion to an ‘eclectic’ crew immediately caught the Rear Admiral’s attention. “Could you perhaps be a bit more specific?” She inquired.
Kase looked distinctly uncomfortable, but mentally steeled himself as he powered forward with the explanation. “Ah… well, to be frank the first contact ship is the Arcadia. Commanded by one Alexander Sherman. If you’re unfamiliar with him, I recommend reading up on the exploration of the habitable exoworld ‘Guylevo’. And, ah, the aftermath of the incident wherein the good captain was expelled from the Terran Explorers League. If you lack the data on your ship, we can transmit it over…”
Captain Wessex silently prayed that they did indeed lack the data, since that would give them an excuse to terminate the call before the Rear Admiral was apprised of exactly who they’d be dealing with once they reached the Perseus Arm, but unfortunately there was no luck there.
“Guylevo?” The Rear Admiral turned to the side as she pulled up the database entry on it, and began to skim. Her expression twitched noticeably as she read, and… was that a smile? No, definitely not.
“I see. So to sum up, the ship that made first contact has a Captain with a history of making immature jokes, acting before he thinks, and being inordinately stubborn.” The Rear Admiral turned her attention back to the faces on the video call. “Does the data dump we received from his ship contain any details about his activities out there?”
Captain Wessex nodded at that. It seemed like she wasn’t about to blame Proxima for Captain Sherman’s eccentricity, which was a pleasant surprise. “It does, yes. Have you had much time to read it?”
“Only skimmed at the moment. I’ve several staff members who are poring over it in detail, but for myself it’s been a bit of a whirlwind getting everything prepared for this expedition.”
Kase and the Captain were both on the same page here, and he immediately jumped into the opening she gave them. “In that case, I believe the most prudent thing to do would be to adjourn for the time being while we wait for your envoy to arrive. We can spend the time reading up on the Captain’s activities as well as go over the species profiles present within the dump.”
The Captain nodded with approval, and the Rear Admiral sat silent for a moment as she considered. “In light of the amount of unknowns that the data will likely clear up, I think that’s not a bad call.” She finally stated. “According to the information we were presented, we’re looking at a twenty-eight day trip to our destination along the optimal path. Given that’s the case, we’ll have plenty of time to formulate plans and goals once we arrive. Thank you for your time, Gentlemen. I shall leave you to it.”
“I look forward to speaking again with you soon, Rear Admiral.”
The shuttle rocketed through space, twisting around as a massive articulating arm extended from its back. A loop of braided metal cable hung at the end of the arm, and it instantly tightened around the spinning chunk of metal the shuttle was chasing. The cable immediately released from the arm, allowing the metal chunk to continue to drift briefly before it began to reel in.
“C’mon, Josh. You said that one would be tricky.” Trix released her wingtip controls and sighed contentedly. Flying the Arcadia was amazing, the ship was massive and powerful beyond anything she’d imagined. But the shuttle was responsive, quick and nimble in a way a massive ship never could be.
Honestly compared to firing the Railcannon, blowing up the massive rich mineral was lackluster. The salvage ‘bot set the charges, the charges went off, and then the huge chunks began to float away. Amanda and Alex were using the salvage ‘bot’s thrusters to keep the big chunks in place while the small chunks that were sent flying were grabbed by the shuttle. Trix and Ma’et were in the shuttle, with Trix running down the expensive debris while Ma’et controlled the SRMS arm that actually hooked the asteroids.
From there the braided cable would be slowly wound back in, the tension eventually bringing the metal chunk to a relative stop compared to the shuttle. The arm would then guide it into the main shuttle body, before they went off on another run chasing down even more.
“That one WAS tricky. It’s just that we have such an excellent pilot and system specialist that you’re making even the tricky ones seem easy.” Josh chuckled over the comm. The cable was being slowly drawn in as Trix let her wings droop back down.
The new wingtip controls were unlike any before. Even her Aunt’s controls were nothing compared to the engineering that had gone into hers. She no longer needed to use the flight stick, instead her wingtip controls could be used to interface directly with the shuttle. While it wasn’t more precise than the flight stick, to her it was a more natural way of flying. Haptic feedback would also give her tactile response information when flying in atmosphere (Or so Min had claimed). Most impressively, she could move her wings in front of her and create a holographic screen that could display media. It was slightly lower quality than a quickboard, but far more portable.
The humming stopped and Trix sat waiting as the image of the metallic debris on the monitor slowly ceased its spinning. Before the cable’s tension could begin spinning it in the opposite degree, the SRMS arm latched on and the tension was released as the cable spun out and loosened around the rock. The cable itself whipped around as the tenson it had built up from the spinning space rock was released, but Ma’et had expected this and carefully positioned the arm so that it did little more than bang against the metal.
“That’s seven big chunks so far,” Ma’et had commented as she maneuvered the arm around to place the rock near the shuttle’s exterior access door. The compartment was a vacuum from previous collections so aside from the motor humming as the door opened, there was no rush of escaping air or other noise. “Wonder how much they’re worth?”
“Well, we’re going to have to separate out the alloys, but preliminary guesswork based on the spectroscopic analysis indicates… roughly two point six billion credits for the metallic asteroid as a whole. So the piece you just ran down is somewhere in the neighborhood of 3 million credits or so.” Josh’s shift was nearing its end, so he sounded a bit on the tired side. “Unless you meant in local currency, in which case your guess is as good as mine.”
Trix felt the banging of the rock as it was stowed away in the shuttle hold through the soles of her feet, the tips of her talons rattling slightly against the padded flooring as the shuttle’s gravity re-engaged and all the collected precious metals settled down against the floor. She swept her wings around and reached out to press her fingers against the metal controls, feeling the shuttle’s engines grow in power as she did so. “Where to next?”
“Hold that thought.” Alex responded over the comms, and suddenly the comm channel grew louder and much, much busier.
“We caught the edge of the flash on the aft array.” “We couldn’t have seen it if we were moving, the engine wash would have blinded those sensors.” “Ship heading coming around 90-counter. Reorienting the primary array, port-side.” “Do we have any data to refine the angle further?” “No, the flash didn’t last long enough.” “We had cameras on the asteroid when the flash happened. Any chance of refining the data based on the reflection from the flash on camera?” “All video feeds are being run through analysis. Based on current facing, suggesting to reorient the primary array at 337 degrees, with 14 degree inclination.”
“What’s going on?” Trix glanced over at Ma’et.
“Not sure. Something happened, that’s for sure.” Ma’et reached out to grab a cable from the console in front of her, and pressed it to her temple. “Not enough bandwidth from here for me to link in directly but… it looks like there was a massive flash. EM data across nearly the entire spectrum, all at once. We’re trying to figure out what caused it.”
“Shit. Everyone, I think that flash was an FTL arrival.” Alex sounded worried, and suddenly one of the displays on the shuttle blinked to life. A blurry, grainy image of a bright object appeared - slowly coming into more and more focus. “It’s still being analyzed but that looks an awful lot like the same ship that showed up here last time we were in system. The one that took a shot at us.”
The image continued to be refined, slowly. “I’m calling it.” Alex’s face appeared on another console, opposite the blurry image. “Trix, Ma’et, back here now. Salvage Bot is bringing over a big chunk of the asteroid with it. Between that and the bits you scooped up, we’ve got roughly six percent of the asteroid in storage. That’s good enough for me. Trix, once you get back on board I want you on the bridge. This might be a long shift, so get whatever rest you can and let Ma’et pilot the shuttle back.”
Trix released her wingtips and glanced over to Ma’et. “Well then, care to do the honors?”
Trix jogged on up to the bridge, and immediately took her seat. “So what’s going exactly?”
“Well, the big flash we now think was definitely the arrival of another ship. It came in much closer to us than the last time we encountered one, and this time we were looking out for it which is why we missed it the first time. Par’s been reviewing records from when we were rescuing the trade ship crew and we found a similar flash appearing before we detected the Tanjeeri ship coming in.” Alex gestured to the main screen and this time the image of the ship was not blurry at all. It was much crisper and detailed, though the fact that it was a ship wasn’t quite as apparent to her.
The image showed an odd looking object that almost seemed to be a collection of spheres with debris sticking out of it. The front had a weird curved hook-like structure, and there were long spines sticking out the sides. The rear of the vessel bulged out strangely, giving it an ugly and lopsided look. Trix couldn’t help but compare it to the Arcadia, which seemed sleek and angular in comparison.
“That’s a Tanjeeri ship?” She couldn’t quite keep the derision from her voice, and Alex nodded. “Matches the only one we’ve seen ourselves. We honestly don’t know much about it. But it’s formidable enough that the rest of the species out here fear them, so we don’t want to find out first hand just what it can do. We currently have it at slightly over one hundred sixty million kilometers, which is why it took so long for the image to resolve into this.”
Trix punched up the details on her console. “So at our max acceleration, they’re still 16 hours away?”
“Yep. But near as we can tell they’re barely coming in at 4 G’s, so that puts them at closer to 25 hours away. Thing is, there’s no guarantee that’s their max acceleration. And keep in mind they’ve already got some velocity built up while we have none. If we let them get too close before moving, they could reach us even if we out-accelerate them.” Alex sounded worried.
“Okay.” Trix began going through a mental checklist of the ship’s readiness. “Engines are almost entirely ready. You want us to just fly away as fast as we can?”
Alex shook his head, but kept his eyes locked on the screen. “I don’t want to fight, but at the same time this is a good opportunity for us. Last time we faced the Tanjeeri we couldn’t respond well because we had rescuees on board. This time I want to get a slightly better grasp of their capabilities. I want you to fly perpendicular to them - let’s start a big curve around the system. Give it, say, 6 G’s of acceleration. We’ll build up velocity but give ourselves a fair amount of leeway so we can see how fast their ship can actually go.”
Trix punched in the commands and brought up a large-scale model of the system they were in. She blew it up on the main display for the captain to see. “In that case, why don’t we cut behind the fourth planetoid’s orbit here? If they follow us and try to head us off inside our curve, it’ll force them to cut in further or go wide. Either way, it’ll give us a chance to gain a bit of extra distance on them as they compensate.”
Alex looked up at the plot with surprise, then down at Trix. “You just th… nevermind. That’s a good idea. A damn good idea. Plot the course, pilot.”
Trix couldn’t help but beam with pride at the praise, and immediately began punching in course corrections and instructions on her console.
Alex, for his part, brought up his own console. “P, did you prompt her to do that?” He wrote to Par.
Not at all, Captain. That idea was entirely hers.”
“You mean after 25 days spent studying she’s become adept enough to be able to plot two converging courses, calculate the interception point, and then line it up with an orbital object to force the Tanjeeri to divert?”
“She’s been an exceptional student, Captain. And while she does make extensive use of the computer’s abilities to calculate the courses, I believe she has a natural talent for visualizing courses in a 3D space and then plotting them at her workstation.”
“You might see it as natural talent but I see it as pure genius. It’s almost scary how well she’s fitting into this role.”
“What we call it is immaterial. Her skills are immature and she lacks experience but she shows incredible promise to be a first class pilot. That’s what matters the most.”
Alex grinned as he closed the chat window and stood up. “Attention all crew. We have confirmation of a Tanjeeri vessel on an intercept course with the Arcadia. In order to better understand what we’re facing, we’re not leaving immediately. Our plan is to keep a very, very respectable distance from them and see how they maneuver. How fast they are. I’m also planning to drop a decoy and see how good their sensors are. But, absolutely zero combat. If anyone has questions or concerns now’s the time to bring them up. Otherwise it’s business as usual for a while.”
He sat back down, and spoke directly to Trix. “Go ahead and plot the course, Pilot. Then I want you to go get eight hours of sleep. I want you rested when we let them get close enough to really start evaluating them.”
Trix nodded, then tilted her head at the Captain. “What about you? Will I be rested up and you’ll be dead tired?”
“Nah. I’m cheating.” He held up a small inhaler. The word on the side took a minute to translate, but eventually she saw ‘Insomniol’ appear in a language she could understand. “Staving off sleep for the next couple days. I’ll be paying the price for several days after this, but once we’re done I’ll recuperate while we’re in d-space on our way back to Kiveyt.”
Trix peered in closely at the inhaler. “Would that work for me if I used it?”
“No clue. Your biology is similar to ours, but tiny differences can result in extremely different effects. Best not to risk it until we know for sure.” Alex made a shooing motion with his hands. “Get a quick bite, and get some rest. You’ll be glad you did.”
Next Chapter
submitted by HFY_Inspired to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 00:55 ParkingDegree9430 Test Results

Test Results
haven’t seen my provider in a few months. they stopped taking insurance. Visit is expensive. My mother said she would try to pay it. At this point I’m so utterly confused and my quality of life is all but gone. I have GI issues that are random. I have constipation more often but if I use the bathroom afterwards I get an uncomfortable, dull ache, nausea. Location is under left rib. I believe that’s where the small intestine starts. Today I saw sibo in a post. I had sibo around 2 yrs ago. Thought I’d mention. List of diagnosis Mold exposure, LYME, MCAS, and POTS. a new one 1 gene of celiac Started treatment with the binders. But we moved from another home that had mold . Was treated. The house had extensive flooding later learned. I was sick more often than not. I get cognitive and executive functioning most but also bodily sick. Right before we moved the hvac was replaced in the attic. I saw the worker come out of the attic. The flood pan under the old unit was metal and rusted so bad the bottom was gone. Not sure if that part was important but it was. A day or two went by and I began to react to the air blowing out of the vents throughout the entire house. Not visible . I brought a sampling a lab and it looked like a starch like substance Thought oh just dust(an allergen for me have saw the allergist) said my reaction of a hypersensitivity. It was getting worse heart racing and I’d begin o feeling looped out and brand was gone, catatonic like, couldn’t walk well, lose my ability to spell. Long story short never found out the true identity of this “dust,powder,particulate” We moved 2 years ago to another home. The lease is ending in August. Moving into this current house. I threw out all the furniture. Except a fabric recliner and the fabric dining chairs. I had my daughters and my clothes washed. My life was back but slowly it started again. I was tolerating it. We did remove the recliner and chairs a few days later. It was the same thing from the vents of the previous home. I tried to clean and eradicate it but it began to get out of my hands. Now it started on the clothes, bedding, couches. Reaction was what I felt at the other house. I went to so many specialist. Go to a psychiatrist. My husband still doesn’t believe me. What is odd is the garage floor effervescent was seeping from the concrete. Then the end of last summer it got into the hvac. The end all for me. It’s so incredibly bad its touched everything. I bring something from the home it’s on it. I had a mold person out he said likely in the attic of the previous home it unsettled a colony. And followed. I recently went through bins of clothing in the garage little spots of mold forming. I have to change the air filters every couple of weeks. Air purifiers couldn’t keep up, I used air scrubber and they helped but not long finally I was given an MCAS diagnosis. I do have POTS. I was thinking start the binders again? Will it help with the extremity of MCAS. I do try to not be inside the house. Avoid the trigger. Yeah my house not so easy. I’m on so many antihistamines . They help but I’m inside my home and constantly triggered. Wanted to leaving without anything but I have a family. At the same time I’m there but not. Like I said separation is seriously though so much abusing words about my crazy made up mental illness manifesting etc. Moving soon end of lease in August. I have the hardest time inside the garage attached to the home.
submitted by ParkingDegree9430 to ToxicMoldExposure [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 00:47 derrelltheauthor Temporary light: prologue (first time writing fr, would like to know ways i can improve)

The world we live in by xavion forbes
Beautiful sky, beautiful sun
Raindrops fall, shadows lurk
Pitiful insect beneath the earth
While those on the surface smiled and danced
The devil himself cackled and pranced
The knights who bowed to dejection
Fell victim to the wicked angel’s deception
Believing all his charming lies
The knights set out to claim their prize
Exterminating shadows and light
The knights cheered with delight
“Hooray! Hooray!” they yelled as they wept.
And though it may seem grim
Alas this is the world we live in
The sun rose over the forest as water drops ran across their leaves and landed on the undergrowth. A
group of five kids ran through the wet grass. Two of the kids were girls. They all had long silky white
Hair that stretched past their pointy ears. They laughed as they ran through the wet grass.
A small, beautiful fairy flew up to one the boys, her wings glistening in the sunlight as they flapped.
“Ailwi your mother has summoned you.” she spoke
“Okay!” said Ailwi as he ran toward the center of the forest.
After a while he stopped at a small village known as ‘heart of the forest.’ a place found deep within
The center of the forest. He left footprints in the soft, wet soil next to the tracks made by the wheels
Of wagons, the air was calm and smelled of purity. His home, like all the others was mad of clay and
Wood. He knocked on the door of his house and a tall, pale old man wearing robe like clothes.
answered. Ailwi’s bright green eyes lit up with glee he looked at the man.
“Dad! You’re Back!” he exclaimed as he flew into his father's arms.
“Ailwi! Nice to see you.”
“You took forever father!”
“I’m sorry i got something to make it up to.” he said as he reached into his travel bag.
“You need to stop spoiling the boy he already Makeru he is 10 years old already and where is Praxidike?”
“I’m not too sure Kamali did you call him?”
“Oh no i forgo-of course i did!”
“What a free spirit that boy is, he’ll be a great warrior someday.” Chuckled Makeru
“He’ll be a tough-skulled warrior.” said Kamali irritated.
Makeru walked over and hugged his wife.
“Don’t be like that now, you know i missed you too.” said Makeru as he hugged and rocked her.
Kamali’s blush appeared on her pale soft skin.
“Anyways i called you here because you need to feed Zeus, i already have the food here.” Said Kamali
“Yes ma’am.”
Ailwi grabbed the small wooden bowl of greens and took it outside.
“Zeus, Zeus!” he called.
A beautiful unicorn appeared from the forest. It was elegant from the golden air it exerted to the way it
Walked. It's radiance was unmatched. Ailwi laid the bowl on the ground and petted Zeus whilst it ate.
“Oh how nice it must be.” he thought to himself.
Makeru walked by and put a hand on his shoulder.
“What’s on your mind?” he asked.
“Why don’t they visit us?”
Makeru looked at the ground then at his son trying to figure out what to say.
“Due to survival instinct we always fear the bigger fish.” he said as he stroked his white beard.
“But we can protect ourselves.”
“We are a powerful race.” said Makeru as he looked away.
“As elves we are much more gifted than the humans...” he continued.
“Why don’t we show them that we are not a threat?”
“Fear and pride are terrible pair.”
“’s impossible.” aid Ailwi with a golf ball in his throat as he looked at the ground.
Makeru looked at Ailwi.
"From the moment we are born we a given a choice and make our decisions accordingly, which is likely
what caused this rift to open to begin with, but our choices and decisions are slowly
becoming intertwined with one another.” he said as he rested a hand on Ailwi’s head
“So how do you walk along humans?”
Makeru smiled knowingly as if waiting for that question.
“When you’re a merchant you pick up a few tricks.” he spoke
He reached into his bag and put on a necklace with a bright blue gem. Makeru put the
necklace on. He Face began emitting a bright light Blinding Ailwi. He rubbed his eyes and
looked back at his father only To see a human man with short curly brown hair and eyes
sitting next to him. Fear and confusion washed over him, only for it to quickly subside when
he heard the man laugh.
“Dad?” he said asked a slightly annoyed tone.
“Yep.” Makeru chuckled.
He took off the Necklace, turning his face and hair back to normal.
“Neet trick huh?.” he asked as he continued laughing./
“Well now.” said Makeru as he picked up Zeus’ empty bowl.
“Go be a kid.”
Makeru got up and ran back to play with his friends.
“Hey what took you so long Ailwi?” asked his younger brother.
His brother was a pretty tall 9-year-old kid, sightly taller than most elven children including his brother.
His white hair was held up in an elven warrior's ponytail, held up by a small, slim piece of rope.
“Praxidike mom called both me and you.”
“Yeah, but I just got the hang of this trick i can do with my magic.” Explained Praxidike.
“Watch this.”
Praxidike took a deep breath and pointed an open hand to a tree. Light emerged from his hand and the
Tree began to move. Crack!Crack!Snap! Trees branches crackled as they began to animate.
One of Which elongated itself and reached down to Praxidike. he walked upon the branch
and it raised him into the air. Once it stopped Praxidike to a sigh of relief and wiped the
sweat off his forehead.
“Wow that was awesome!” cheered one kid
“Cool!” cheered another
“Ailwi I need help.” laughed Praxidike nervously.
“I don’t have the energy to do that again.”
Ailwi reached his hand towards the ground and took a deep breath. His hand began to
emit a bright green light. A small Wurl wind began to form.
“Alright jump!”
“Sure it’s safe?”
“Have I ever wronged you?”
Praxidike gave him a skeptical look.
“Have I ever dropped you.”
“Come on!” demanded Ailwi
Praxidike looked at the ground below and how far it was and shook his head.
“I can’t.”
Praxidike's legs were jelly, his heart pounding he swallowed the gulf ball sized lump in his
“Come on move Praxidike this isn’t becoming of a warrior.” he thought to himself.
He shut his eyes, trying to think of a way to get out of this mess.
“Praxidike you can do it!” yelled AIlwi.
Praxidike snapped out of it and took a deep breath.
“You are a warrior.” he thought as he got up.
Body still trembling he jumped off and fell into the Wurl wind, catching him.
“Thanks Ailwi.”
“You're welcome.” he said.
“Well, who's wants to play hide and seek?” said one of the kids.
Everyone said they wanted to play, except for Ailwi.
“Is it because you have never won a single game before?” teased Praxidike.
“No! You guys hide too well.”
“And you don’t know how to at all.”
“No, it’s just-”
“Don’t worry we can play without you.” said one kid.
Ailwi’s ear turned red with anger and embarrassment.
“Fine! I'll find you this time! I’ll find all of you!”
Ailwi turned around, covered his eyes and began counting.
The rest of the kids quickly fled giggling as they ran. Once he finished he began looking for them.
“I’ll show them.” he thought.
“I will win.”
After while he was still looking for them. His pointy ears became red again.
“Where are they?!” he said aloud as his hand began to emit a green light.
A Wurl wind began to form around him. exerting an impressive amount of force on
everything around Him, strong enough to push the trees back. Then it stopped.
His eyes felt stuffed as he tried to hold back his tears.
“I can’t do it!” he yelled as he ran away.
Praxidike clenched his fist as he saw Ailwi run.
Ailwi’s tears broke past his defenses and ran down his cheek. Once he got home, he ran and gave
Kamali tight hug.
“Mom!” spoke Ailwi as he buried his face into his mother’s all white dress.
“What’s wrong Ailwi.”
“I(sniff)hate(sniff)it!” cried Ailwi.
“Alright let’s go outside and talk about it until your father gets home.”
Kamali gently put her hand on Ailwi’s back and walked him outside.
“Now tell me what’s going on.”
Ailwi wiped his face.
“Everyone(sniff) is better than me at hide and seek and i hate it!”
“That’s okay-”
“No, it isn’t, everyone is good at(sniff)something(sniff)like Praxidike and I hate it.”
“Ailwi!” snapped Kamali.
Ailwi jumped at the sudden remark.
Kamali took a deep breath and sighed.
“Back when Makeru was a still a warrior he was tasked to train some of the young elves for combat.”
She spoke.
Ailwi looked up at her curiously.
“On his first day he came back home extremely mad. He told me he couldn’t stand how slow they
“So, I told him ‘Maybe your just fast’ which made him a little angrier.”
“But the next day he came to me with a beautiful bouquet of flowers and thanked me...He
told me that I was right because though things started rocky once he slowed down and
adapted to their pace they got things a lot quicker”
“Understand what I'm trying to say?”
Ailwi looked at the ground then back at his mother then nodded.
Kamali knelt down to Ailwi’s level.
“And though it is okay to be angry we don’t hate anyone.” she said as she kissed his
“Can I go back?”
“Sure.” answered Kamali as she gave a soft smile.
Ailwi ran back into the forest and found his friend along with his brother who had his arms crossed.
“All together.” he spoke.
“We’re sorry for hurting your feelings.” Praxidike and the kids said in unison.
“And I'm sorry for making fun of you.” said Praxidike.
“Why are you apologizing?”
“Because.” spoke Praxidike
“I saw you crying and realized that we took are jokes too far and that I shouldn’t have
pushed you to play a game that you didn’t want to play.” he continued.
“Don’t worry I'm sorry for quitting the game and leaving.” said Ailwi as he extended his hand.
Praxidike shook head and gave his older brother a hug.
“I want to play one more time.” said Ailwi.
Everyone looked shocked then skeptical.
“Are you sure?” asked Praxidike.
Ailwi gave a determined nod.
“Let’s play one more time, just don’t cry when you can’t find us.” said Praxidike.
He turned around, covered his eyes and began counting.
Again, the kids quickly fled. Once he finished counting, he began looking for them. After a
while once Again, his ears began to turn red them He paused, took a deep breath, and
closed his eyes. his hands began to glow, and a strong gust of wind blew in all directions.
Then he felt some resistance in the wind in multiple Places. He could feel it all. From the
motionless trees to the traversing animal. he could feel four people which he quickly
chased after. Finding all of his friends.
“You did it Ailwi!” cheered his brother.
“I can’t wait to tell mom.” Said Ailwi happily.
Both Ailwi and Praxidike ran home to tell their mother the good news.
“Mom, he won!” announced Praxidike.
“Oh really?”
“I don’t know.” spoke AIlwi
“I just took your advice and I think i got stronger!” said Ailwi jumping with joy.
Kamali smiled.
“That’s great Ailwi.”
“How about you use that strength to help me peel and cut these vegetables?”
“Yeah.” said Ailwi as he walked over and began cutting the potatoes.
“Hey everyone!” announced Makeru as he walked in.
Praxidike tackled his father to the ground.
“Good one Praxidike but tackle old men.” said Makeru as he let out and exaggerated
“You choose to be old.” spoke Kamali.
“Ailwi won hide hand seek for the first time.”
“Oh really? Great job!”
Makeru’s face became serious as he quickly got back onto his feet.
Kamali walked over to Makeru.
“What’s going on?” she asked.
“I don’t know... I’ll go check it out, but just in case get the kids ready.” said Makeru as he left.
Makeru jogged to the front of the village, where other male elves stood. The all glanced at
his upon Arrival.
“Elves! We need to prepare for war! I already sent someone to evacuate the women and
children to the cavern!” Yelled One of them as he walked in front of the small platoon of
“Are enemy is not too far away and they are storming through front of the forest and have
broken the concealment barrier, we need to use this time to our advantage! We are going
to take them from all sides. We need to send five hidden archers on the eastern, western,
and southern sides of the army, the rest of us will take our post in those places as well.
Now Let’s finish what the human started two-hundred thousand years ago. Now get
The elves mounted their unicorns and headed to their respective positions. The elf who
explained the battle plan stopped Makeru.
“It’s been a while, Joseph.” Said Makeru with a faint smile.
“Yes, odd that a rusty treasure such as yourself is entering battle.”
“Indeed bu-“
“I think it is better you head for the cavern you should feel much more comfortable there.”
“Well we all have are reasons.”
“Not when you left.”
“There were multiple.”
“Ah let me guess… the traitor?”
“Much more than that…”
“He committed sin against the natural order and was punished accordingly.”
“The natural order is what got us here and his sin would have made this punishment a lot
easier on us.”
“You have the heart of a coward.” Finished Joseph as he left into forest.
Makeru sighed, got on Zues’ back and followed. The Children followed there mothers in a
straight line while a bright glowing green fairy in the front illuminated their path in in the
stary night under the full moon. Ailwi and Praxidike clung to both sides of Kamali.
“Mom happening?” asked Ailwi.
“The forest warriors have to carry out their duties.” Answered Kamali.
“But will dad be okay?” asked Praxidike.
“You know as well as I do what your father is capable of.”
“But he is old now and he hasn’t fought in years.”
“He has beaten formidable creatures of the forest, can’t do that without a trick or two up
your sleeve.”
“Why did he leave in the first place if he was so strong?” Asked Ailwi
“Not to sure, he told me that that he ‘chose peace’ that was all…”
“Are we almost there?” asked Praxidike.
“Yes, just walk a little longer.”
“I can’t my feet hurt. Ailwi carry me on your back.” Whined Praxidike.
“No! Why would I?!”
“Because I’m your young brother and I won’t stay that way forever.”
“Fat chance! You’re bigger than me! If anything, you should carry me!” yelled Ailwi.
“No.” pouted Praxidike.
The troops of elves stood at their positions where they readied for battle. Humans on
horses dodged passed the trees and began their attack on the elves. Joseph took out his
enemies one after the other. His sword cutting through their flesh like a knife through
butter. The area was filled with blood splatter and battle cries. Joseph created magical
barrier as a large fireball torpedoed towards him. It broke straight through making contact.
He let out a blood curdling scream as his now lifeless steed fell on his leg. His foe stood
over him and raised his blade. The human stopped as an arrow shot through his head,
spilling warm red liquid on Joseph’s face. Joseph removed his leg and stumbled as he got
up. He heard something big and fast approaching. He put up a barrier up on all sides as it
got closer and closer, smashing the trees in its wake. Then it stopped. Within a nanosecond
a giant fist punched through the barrier.
“What’s wrong with my magic?!” he thought.
The smell of smoke and death spread alongside the fire that torched the forest. His
comrades began to drop one by one. A fifteen-foot-tall green creature with four muscular
arms and one eye stood over Joseph holding a massive, spiked metal club.
“They have cyclops?!” he thought as it began to raise its weapon over its head.
“I have no regrets.” He continued as he stared death in the eyes.
“Hurry put up your barrier.” Yelled a voice before the monster shrunk down into an infant.
Thud! Boom! The descending club bounced off the barrier and landed on the ground. A
sword cut though the baby cyclops’ neck sending his it’s head flying through the air.
Joseph looked up to see who saved him. This elf looked tall and muscular in his white shirt
that was stained with blood alongside the intricate golden maze-like patterns that matched
the unicorn he sat upon. He had the appearance of a man, who was no older than twenty.
“Get up, there is another one coming, bigger than the one we just fought.” Said Makeru as
he Stretched his hand out.
Joseph picked himself up and grabbed his sword. A much larger cyclops with six arms
bashed it’s way though the trees and elves then towered menacingly over the two. It raised
all six clubs and swung them at it’s targets.
“Let’s go!” said Makeru as he ran towards his opponent.
He swiftly avoided five clubs and reached His hand out, but the sixth club hit him with the
force of a semi-truck and sent him flying into a tree. Zues got up and ran into the chaos.
“Zues-” yelled Makeru, trying to lift himself up.
Blood spilled out of his mouth as he fell back onto his knees. His body was on fire and
everything around him began to blend together in a red, blurry mess.
“For them…” he thought as he got back up.
“I need you to make me an opening!” commanded Makeru.
Joseph clenched his teeth and put as much power in his barriers as he could. The clubs
bounced of the Barriers allowing Makeru to get close enough to touch it. The cyclops
became an infant and once again, Makeru cut it in half. The clubs rained down as Makeru
took a deep breath. Joseph stared in awe.
“I have the heart of a man.” Said Makeru as he we ran back into the fierce battle.
Multiple massive, scaley beast with large wing hovered over the forest as fire spewed from
their deadly jaws.
“What beast don’t these humans have?!” thought Joseph.
Huge glowing blue arrows shot the creatures out of the sky. A fairy hurriedly fly towards
Joseph and collapsed in front of him. He picked her up in his hand.
“What’s wrong?!”
“There are human forces surrounding the forest and they are closing in!” explained the
fairy. Joseph froze. His pale complexion lost what little color it had.
“F-from th-the beginning.” He mumbled as he dropped the fairy.
He stared into the space in front of Himself, sniffling, mouth agape.
“No…Humans…Humans! HUMANS!” he screamed as he fell onto his knees.
A sword sliced through his neck causing his head to roll on the soil beneath him. Makeru
continued to cut his enemies down. Three men surrounded Makeru and swung their
swords with tremendous speed.Makeru quickly parried the blows and cut one of them in
half. The other two simultaneously aimed for Makeru’s neck. Makeru shrunk down into an
infant and touched both of their shoes, turning them both into old men. He grew back to
his original size then cut the men down. He jumped in the air to avoid the fire ball that was
hurled toward him but a thin drop of water shot through his leg at the speed of a bullet. He
fell to the ground hard. He felt the ground shake and quickly used his three remaining
limbs toto jump out of the way. Makeru landed next to the spikes that had emerged from
the ground. Makeru focused his mana inside his leg and his wound closed up but he still
stumbled as he got up. Multiple Beams of water shot through his body then a long blade
pierced his torso. He placed his palm on the man who stabbed him causing him wilt and
shrivel into an old man. Makeru removed the sword from his torso.
“I would have died either way, no matter what I chose…Huh? Sorry Kamali.” Thought
He turned around and stared at the raging chaos. Watching the elves and humans kill each
other as smoke enveloped his lung with every breath. Another beam of water shot through
his chest. He stared at the man he had killed with a blank face.
“What are you?” he asked aloud with a blank face before collapsing and bleeding out.
Praxidike and Ailwi continued to cling to their mother on their way to the cavern.
“Are we almost there?” asked Praxidike.
“Yes very close.” Said Kamali.
“Are those fairies?” asked Ailwi, pointing at the strange orangish red lights approaching
them. Kamali squinted her eyes and created a large clear semi-sphere that emitted a faint
purple hue around everyone.
“Everyone, they found us, run!” she yelled.
the women ran with their children and separated from the group into the forest. Kamali ran
with her children’s hands in hers.
“Mom why are we running?” asked Ailwi.
Kamali stopped behind a large tree.
“Mom, what’s happening?” asked Ailwi through his heavy breath.
Kamali gulped and sighed.
“We are in a terrible battle.” She said.
“With who?” asked Ailwi.
“What about dad?!” asked Praxidike panicked.
Kamali looked down and sighed.
“We need to help him!” Yelled Praxidike.
“Be quiet…”
“But you love him, he is your husband and our father! He needs-“
“I do love him, with all my heart even when he was seen as a disgrace for leaving the army I
stayed by his side, but now you are our sole responsibility, and your safety is what matters!”
“We are fam-“
“Yes and because of that we can not help him!” she said through burning tears.
The two hugged Kamali and cried in her arms. Snap! Kamali’s ear twitched at the sound of
a twig Snapping causing her to perk up. She cupped the cheeks of her children.
“You must go.”
“What?” The two asked in surprise.
“You must run without me. Now!”
“But mom-“
“Ailwi take care of you brother and keep him safe.”
“I love both of you so much please never forget that.” Said Kamali as her voice cracked
“Please!” yelled Ailwi.
“Run! Now!” said Kamali as he pushed her kids.
The two ran as fast as they could into the forest and were soon out of sight. Five men
surrounded Kamali ready to attack. Ailwi and Praxidike kept running and once again
stopped behind a tree.
“Ailwi. Mom, Dad.”
“It’s okay they’re strong, they know how to fight they can win.” Encouraged Ailwi.
“Please, you understand Ailwi, they need help!”
“But we cannot help them.”
A lump enveloped within the two’s throats. Praxidike fell onto his knees and punched the
“Why is this happening?!” he said as his tears ran from his cheek onto the white lily beneath him.
Tears began to weld in Ailwi’s eyes but he refused to let them fall. He knelt down and gave
his weeping brother a hug.
“It will be over tomorrow, hopefully.” He said while rocking him.
They both flinched as they hear a twig snap. Before them stood a lengthy human with a disgusting
toothy Grin. His mouth moved but neither of the two could understand a word he uttered.
“Stop please.” Begged Ailwi.
The man face contorted into a disgusted and unpleased expression. He raised a glowing
hand causing The two to move out of the way as fast as they could, allowing the tree
behind them to be torched by The fireball.
“Ailwi we need to fight!”
Ailwi looked at Praxidike with wide eyes then Back at their enemy.
“No we can’t!”
“We have to!”
Ailwi swallowed hard and got ready for the fight right in front of him. Zeus was still
galloping within the forest. Before being stopped by four men. Praxidike created a tree
which wrapped around the man. The Man set the tree ablaze and quickly grabbed Praxidike
by the neck.
“Let me go!” He yelled.
Ailwi threw a powerful gust of wind at the man, making him stumble and trip over the tree
root created by Praxidike, dropping the child in his grasp. He threw a fireball at Ailwi,
forcing him into hitting his back on the tree hard, knocking him to the ground. Fire
enveloped the man’s fist before dealing Praxidike a blow to the gut so hard that his rib let
out a sickening crack. The fiery barrage of didn’t let up each punch to his face and torso
would burn his skin terribly. Finally, the man stopped, and the fire ceased, allowing
Praxidike to fall to the ground. He Picked him up by the neck and stood over Ailwi with the
same disturbing grin as before. Ailwi looked at his burnt and battered brother in fear.
“Please…stop…let him go.” Pleaded Ailwi, grabbing the man’s feet as he cried.
The man kicked Ailwi off of him and laughed. Praxidike’s whole body was set ablaze within
the mans grasp screaming in agony.
“NO!” screamed Ailwi.
Praxidike went silent and the man dropped his burning corpse. Zues was still fighting off the men far into
the forest. Soon they caught him within a net, raised their mighty sword and brought it
down upon his neck, slaying the last unicorn. Ailwi gazed upon what was left of his brother
in terror. His blood ran cold, he lost his breath, and his head was painfully pounding like a
drum it was so loud that he could barely hear the sound of his heart that was pounding in
his chest like an engine. The man’s wicked laughter echoed in Ailwi’s entire body causing
his blood to boil.
“Why...WHY?!” he screeched as his wind broke through the fireball that was launched at
him and condensed into sharp, powerful blade that beheaded his foe.The blood spilled on
Ailwi’s frightened face and mixed with his tears.
“No…I d-didn’t mean too…”
The pounding in his head got worse as vomit spilled from his mouth. Then he fell to his
knees and Passed out from both mental and physical exhaustion. Once he awoke the sun
rose, shining it’s light upon the tainted forest. Ailwi got up and began looking for his
mother. After a couple of minutes, he found his mother’s corpse lying on the ground, her
torso severed in two. Soon he also found Makeru on the ground, his body riddled with
holes. Ailwi fell onto his knees and cried on top of his lifeless father.
“Please don’t (Hiccup) leave me!(sniff).” He cried.
“I need you.”
After some time, he walked back to the village.
“Someone? Anyone?” he called. The houses were broken down and charred. He walked
over to the Rubble that was once his house. A blinding blue light emitted from it revealing
his mother. She was made of the same blue light that blinded Ailwi.
“Mom?” asked Ailwi through quivering lips.
“Ailwi, my son.”
“Mom!” exclaimed Ailwi as he ran to her to give her a hug.
He phased through her and tripped. The spirit turned around with a face of pain and sorrow.
“Ailwi, I love you more than life itself.”
“I couldn’t save him.” Said Ailwi while still on the ground.
“You’re safe and that’s all that matters.”
Her body began to flicker.
“I don’t have much time.” She continued.
“What’s wrong?”
“My soul must travel to heaven.”
“No, don’t go! I don’t want to be alone!”
“You won’t. I need you to promise something.”
Ailwi got up and looked at his mother with curiosity.
“Do not bear any hatred in you heart, not toward the humans, not towards anyone.”
“What?! They killed everyone!”
“NO! how could I forgive them?! After everything they stole!?”
“Please Ailwi I beg of you.” She said while cupping his cheek and giving him a kiss on his
“Please.” She continued before completely fading away.
Ailwi cried harder than ever as he fell to the floor.
“MOM! Come back! Please!”
“I promise…” he said as he curled into a ball.
Something gleamed within the wreckage of his house. He picked himself up and pulled it
out of the dirt.
“Dad’s Necklace.” He said as he clutched it.
Once he put it on his face began to change. His long white hair shortened and browned
and his ears shrunk and became round. He looked into a nearby puddle and stared at his
new human appearance.
“I’m a monster.” He said with a blank face. before falling to his knees, weeping loudly.
submitted by derrelltheauthor to StoryWriting [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 00:10 Mindless_Payment_761 Xenomorphs Everywhere Chapter 02 Part 01

Stockholm 8 July 2026
Michael is lying in his bed sleeping but suddenly he opens his eyes and immediately feels that he is completely rested. Michael turns and looks at his digital clock on the bedside table and it's only 8am but Michael decides to get up straight away and eat breakfast. Michael gets up at 9:30 a.m. normally, but he thinks he's had enough sleep.
It has been a week since Michael wished that the Alien queen and several warriors should exist for real in Stockholm and it has been an extremely difficult week for Michael. Michael became extremely tired already the night he made the wish and the next day he only left the bed when he went to the toilet. The staff immediately guessed that Michael must have wished for something but he lied and said it wasn't so.
The staff contacted the workmates but they had not heard or noticed anything strange with Michael. The staff also talk to Sven and he tells us that Michael seemed a little absent at times when they met but nothing more than that. Sven forgets to mention that Michael asked about some large space that was not easily accessible and he does not mention that he has told Michael about the underground tunnel.
When the weekend comes, Michael is still unwell and the staff guesses that he has been infected by some virus or disease. Michael gets a throbbing headache on Saturday morning and it doesn't go away until late Tuesday night. Michael also has a lot of pain in his body from Saturday morning until Monday evening. Michael is in so much pain that he can barely move. Michael's father visits Michael both on Saturday and Sunday and he is worried about his son's health. Michael's father also believes that Michael must have wanted something from the world of the movie but soon changes his mind when he sees his son's tormented face on Sunday.
One of the nurses who goes out on urgent matters at the residence gives Michael several painkillers and several vitamin tablets and it seems that they help, even if Michael does not have the strength to do so many things. The staff do weekly shopping for Michael and they also buy his favorite sweets.
It is only on Wednesday that Michael feels normal again and he wants to go out straight away, but the staff decides that he should stay at home for safety's sake. Michael is at home all day and he begins to plan what he will do when he gets to the Alien queen. Michael has already planned that he will use the bike and ride down the tunnel to get to the Alien Queen faster. If his plan works, Michael will take several eggs that the Alien queen has laid and place them in a few different places where there are a lot of people in motion. Michael has already decided to place some eggs at T-Centralen, Brunkebergstunneln, Slussen and Sergels torg.
Michael knows that some human will see the eggs and become curious and approach them. When they are close enough, the eggs open and a facehugger jumps out and impregnates the victim. Once the chestbuster in the stomach has grown, it explodes out of the victim's stomach and soon grows into an adult alien if fed enough food. Michael understands that some people will die, but he is attracted by the idea of full-grown Alien monsters running around the streets and eating people. Michael doesn't know if his wish worked, but he hopes it did.
Michael goes into the kitchen and starts his kettle and takes out several sandwiches and spreads lots of margarine on them and rinses some tomatoes and slices them and puts them on top of the sandwiches. Simple and easy. When the tea water has boiled, Michael pours it into his favorite cup and takes out his favorite tea. Michael likes to drink Earl gray in the morning. As usual, Michael is sitting in the kitchen eating his breakfast.
When Michael has finished eating, he goes straight to the bedroom and puts on clothes that he is not too careful with. It is quite possible that the clothes will get dirty when he handles the eggs. Michael puts several large flashlights in his backpack. The flashlights have fresh batteries and shine very well. They may be needed if the tunnel lacks lighting. Michael puts several large empty garbage bags into his backpack. It is good to transport the eggs in the garbage bags. Then no one can see what he has on his bicycle saddle. Michael puts on comfortable trainers and takes the bicycle helmet in one hand and leaves his apartment and goes out into the common corridor belonging to the accommodation.
The staff are in their office and they are surprised when Michael comes out into the hallway and is heading for the entrance and exit. Michael greets the staff and explains that he has had breakfast and is going out for a bike ride. The staff asks Michael if he is okay and he is. Michael says he is expected back before lunch or shortly after. The staff say goodbye to Michael and he leaves the accommodation.
Michael collects his bicycle in the bicycle room and immediately starts cycling towards Mariatorget. It is not a long way between the accommodation and Mariatorget and Michael will be there soon. Michael immediately sees that both the fence and the high bars are gone and he sees the entrance immediately. The entrance is fully open and Michael cycles down into the deep tunnel. The tunnel is well lit and Michael doesn't need his flashlights. Michael does not see the Alien queen or any Alien warriors as he rides down the tunnel and he guesses that they are further into the tunnel.
It is pleasantly warm in the tunnel and Michael thinks it is nice that it is not cold in the tunnel. Michael continues cycling and passes a place where the road splits in three different directions and he continues cycling on the road going forward. Soon he passes another place where the road splits, but MIchael chooses to continue cycling.
Michael has been cycling for almost half an hour when he realizes that the Alien queen and her warriors are not at the passage in the tunnel but must be at one of the places where the road split in different directions so he has to cycle back from the beginning of the tunnel again. Michael passes the last fork in the road but he realizes that the Alien Queen is not there but at the first fork in the road. Michael cycles as fast as he can through the tunnel and arrives at the road split in just under 15 minutes.
Michael looks at the two directions and tries to guess which direction the Alien Queen is. For some reason, it becomes the road that leads to the right. So far, there are no revealing details showing that it is the right way, but Michael still feels that he is heading in the right direction. Michael notices that the heat is getting hotter the further in he gets and soon he sees something that convinces him that there are Alien monsters here.
There is some transparent secretion on some of the walls and it reminds of the same secretion seen in the Aliens movie when Ripley is near the Alien queen but also where all the people are gathered in cocoons. Michael realizes that he is on the right track and decides to jump off the bike and lead it instead. Michael is sweating profusely because it's so hot. Even more secrets are visible on the walls when Michael has come even further in and soon the road splits once more. This time, Michael immediately sees which path to take. He begins to approach the Alien Queen.
There is clear secretions everywhere on the ground and on the ceiling and Michael thinks it is slimy but when he feels it he discovers that it is completely dry and not slimy at all. Michael pulls hard on the secret that grows in the ceiling and it is incredibly strong and he almost cannot separate it but succeeds in the end. Michael is impressed that the secrecy is so strong. It does not appear to be strong. Michael picks up his cell phone and photographs all the secretions.
Michael suddenly smells a special scent that he has never smelled before. The scent is partly reminiscent of what it might smell like in an old potato cellar, but also what it smells like when wood is burning. There are a few other smells behind the two strongest and they are reminiscent of blood, sperm and felines, among other things. Michael sneezes involuntarily because the scents are so pungent. Michael looks around but sees neither the Alien queen nor her warriors but he guesses that they must be nearby.
Michael sees a small opening in the wall and he immediately understands that the Alien Queen must be in there. Michael parks his bike outside the opening. He is unsure how the Alien Queen will react to his cycle. Michael enters through the opening and emerges into a gigantic space. The ceiling must be at least 20 meters or higher in here and Michael wonders what is above this space. It doesn't take long before Michael sees several Alien eggs. They are still very moist and slimy even though the space is very hot. The eggs look exactly the same as they do in Aliens. Michael knows that the eggs open when they sense the presence of prey so he tries not to get too close to them.
Michael sees a quick movement to one side and when he looks closer he sees that there are several Alien warriors further into the space and they seem to be watching him even though they have no eyes. Michael goes further in and is greeted by more eggs but they are not as moist as the first ones he saw. Michael concludes that these eggs are not as fresh. But where is the Alien Queen? She is definitely not in front of him and not over where the Alien warriors are.
Michael turns and looks towards where he came in and directly sees the Alien queen. She is only a few meters from the opening and Michael watches as she lays an egg. The egg lands softly from the large ovipositor and Michael moves so that he can see the Alien Queen pretty much in front of him and now he can also see the long and large egg sac where the eggs are formed. Lots of gooey mucus drips from most of the egg sac and Michael can see a new egg starting to form and getting bigger. The egg tumbles around inside the egg sac and begins to move forward. The egg sac is very long and soon the Alien queen lifts her ovipositor and it seems that she is looking for an empty place for the egg that is on its way through the egg sac and she soon finds a free place. The egg slides out through the ovipositor and lands softly on the ground. Michael becomes absolutely fascinated watching the process but he can't stand here all day just watching her lay her eggs.
Michael starts to advance towards the Alien Queen but she doesn't seem to react at all. Michael sees that the Alien Queen has retracted most of the front of her head like a turtle and only the very tip of it is sticking out. The magnificent crown higher up on the head is easier to see because it is so long and large. Michael thinks the Alien Queen resembles a large insect except for the magnificent head crown. She looks mostly like a wasp or a bee. The long spider-like legs stick out on either side of the Alien queen and Michael wonders if she can use them somehow. The Alien Queen's long arms hang from either side of her and they are massive. The slightly shorter arms are higher up and they also hang freely at both sides. The long and spine-like tail stands right up behind the Alien queen. A new egg slides out through the ovipositor and lands softly on the ground. The egg is placed very close to where Michael walks and he moves a little so he is not too close to the egg.
Michael approaches the Alien Queen and he can smell her breath. The alien queen has a very hot breath and Michael guesses that she automatically heats up part of the tunnel. Michael notices that the Alien Queen doesn't seem to notice him and he gets disappointed but then he remembers that it seemed like the Alien Queen in the movie was asleep when Ripley entered her hive and he thinks that it's entirely possible that this Alien the queen is also sleeping at the moment.
Michael decides to wake up the Alien Queen and he whistles softly so as not to startle her but the Alien Queen does not react. Michael whistles louder and now it seems that the Alien Queen is waking up. A new egg slides out through the large and long ovipositor and lands softly on the ground with a sticky sound. The alien queen slowly pushes out part of her head and now Michael can see her huge jaw and finally her whole head. The alien queen appears to be looking directly at Michael but she does not appear to be aggressive. Michael notices a movement just behind him and he turns around and sees two warriors almost behind him and is scared for the first time. But the Alien queen also seems to see the two Alien warriors who are behind him and she loudly hisses at them and they retreat. The alien queen hisses very loudly and the sound is reminiscent of both the angry hiss of a swan but also the reptilian hiss of a snake. It is a sound that evokes fear in MIchael even though he knows that the Alien Queen saved him from being attacked.
A thick and transparent mass lands on the top of Michael's hands and he realizes that it is the Alien Queen's drool landing on his hands. Michael turns his hands so that the palms are visible and an even thicker lump of thick drool lands in his hand. Michael feels the drool and it feels thick but also fluid somehow. The slime is almost reminiscent of K Jelly, It's been a long time since Michael saw that in the store but it had a very interesting texture and feel when touching it. Michael looks at the drool and another large lump lands in his open hands. Michael gets an idea and smears himself with the Alien Queen's drool. Michael chooses to smear himself with the drool even under his shirt. Now he smells like her.
The alien queen's long and large spine-like black tail sways faintly behind her and Michael thinks it moves almost like a cobra about to attack. The Alien Queen extends her long arms and it almost looks like she is going to grab Michael and he involuntarily recoils but the Alien Queen relents and moves them in a different way. Michael finds the Alien Queen moving in a very sensual way and his body reacts to it. Michael is unsure whether or not to show that he is sexually attracted to her. It is a difficult choice.
The alien queen opens her huge jaw and Michael can see the inner mouth. The inner mouth looks very big and Michael didn't think it would be as big as it actually is but on the other hand Michael can only compare how big it looks in the movie. The alien queen's hot breath sweeps over Michael and he almost finds it too hot. In between, big chunks of the Alien queen's drool drip from the big jaw and they land on Michael's arms and hands.
The alien queen lowers her big head towards Michael and he guesses that she is studying him and she can do that if she wants to. The alien queen's thick drool lands on Michael's shirt but also in his hair and it feels strange when it starts to run down his neck. Michael reaches out a hand and gently pats the Alien Queen's large head. It feels very hard and she is really hot even on top of her head. Michael pats the oblong giant crown and the texture on the back of her head feels very interesting. The Alien Queen doesn't seem to mind being patted on the head so Michael continues to pat her. Since Michael is standing so close to the Alien queen, he can easily see where the egg sac itself and her body are joined together
Meanwhile, another egg slides out of the large ovipositor and lands softly on the ground. Michael looks at the big eggs. There are already a lot of eggs in the hive and since the Alien queen lays new ones at short intervals, it won't be long until there are eggs just about everywhere. Michael feels that he must help the Alien queen and spread the eggs in different places in Stockholm and he suddenly gets an idea of where to start first.
The person who bullied Michael the most at school lives not too far from Mariatorget and Michael knows that it is that person's birthday today. Michael looks at the eggs in a whole new way and grins. The bully will get a very special present today. A deadly gift. Michael looks at the Alien queen and hopes she accepts him taking several of her eggs.
Michael goes towards the eggs closest to the entrance because they are the closest. Michael bends down and lifts one of the eggs and is surprised that it is not as heavy as he thought it would be. The egg weighs a maximum of five kilograms and is easy to lift. The alien queen sees what Michael is doing and hisses weakly. She doesn't seem to like him touching her eggs. Michael drops the egg and walks up to the Alien Queen and starts talking to her.
Michael has no idea if the Alien Queen understands what he is saying but he hopes she does. Michael again pats the Alien Queen's huge crowned head, making calming noises. After a while, Michael opens his backpack and takes out one of the empty garbage bags and approaches the eggs again. The alien queen seems to be alert but she doesn't hiss when Michael lifts one of the eggs and puts it in the empty garbage bag. Michael hopes it doesn't matter that the opening of the egg is pointing down. Michael looks up at the Alien Queen and smiles at her
Michael goes out through the entrance and exit and puts the garbage bag on the rear bike rack and he turns the garbage bag so that the opening of the egg is facing up. There are low noises from inside the garbage bag and Michael hopes that the egg doesn't open and a facehugger jumps out through the garbage bag. Michael unlocks the bike and rides as fast as he can through the tunnel and it is not long before he is out of the tunnel and facing the sun again.
Michael cycles towards the villa where he knows the bully lives. When he arrives, he takes an extra look at the name on the mailbox so that no one else has moved in without his knowledge. But it says Zizer H on the letterbox and Michael knows the name is correct. The bully's name is Henrik Zizer and he apparently hasn´t changed his name. From the beginning, Zizer was a large family and they had many children, of which Henrik was the one who was heard and seen the most. But the other children moved on but Henrik chose to stay with his parents for some reason and when the parents died, Henrik inherited the villa. Henrik lives alone except for an incredibly ugly cat that Michael has seen a few times when he has passed by the villa.
Michael unloads the garbage bag and carries it in one hand while he walks into the garden of the villa. The garden was nice when Henrik's parents took care of it, but it mostly looks like a junkyard these days. Henrik has an expensive and nice moped and there are lots of tools for maintenance of the moped in the tall grass. Michael knows that Henrik always used to put the house key under a special stone that was by the stairs at the villa and Michael soon sees that the stone is still there and when he lifts it he sees a house key there.
Michael picks up the house key and unlocks the front door. It is dirty in the dark hall and Michael puts the garbage bag on the floor so that it is quite close to the front door but not right when you enter the hall. Michael makes sure that the opening of the egg is facing up and then he pulls off the garbage bag. The egg has not opened but small movements are visible on the outside of the egg. Michael slowly backs away from the egg and when he is at the door, it suddenly opens. The egg opens just like a flower and Michael rushes out of the hall and slams the door shut as fast as he can and locks the front door.
Michael puts the house key back where he took it and puts it on the stone and starts to walk out of the garden but suddenly hears a moped approaching very fast
Uh oh.
Michael is still in the garden when the moped stops in the street and a fat person jumps off the moped and approaches Michael menacingly.
Michael immediately recognizes this person even though he is significantly fatter than he was at school and he has also changed his appearance a little but not for the better.
Michael clears his throat and looks at Henrik.
Michael can see that Henrik is searching his memory to be able to tell who is standing in front of him and he looks thoughtful.
Henrik looks at Michael in surprise. Considering that he bullied Michael at school, he never thought that one day Michael would be standing in his garden.
Henrik and Michael stand and look at each other. They remember their school days together. Henrik was the toughest and made the most noise at school, while Michael was the one who was noticed the least except when he was bullied. Michael was always quiet and mostly mumbled if anyone spoke but him. Henrik scratches his dirty hair. He looks a little confused.
Henrik raises his eyebrows. He has actually heard of Asperger's Syndrome but didn't know it had changed its name. Henrik suddenly sees the Alien queen's drool, which still looks wet and which is mostly on Michael's shirt.
Michael can't help but laugh when he realizes that the Alien Queen's drool resembles lube.
Henrik looks thoughtful. Something about this doesn't feel quite right. Henrik suspects that Michael is trying to trick him in some way. Henrik still decides to go and see what he got as a present and he walks past Michael and heads towards the villa's stairs. Henrik lifts the stone and picks up the house key and unlocks the door.
Michael quickly walks towards the stairs and is almost there when Henrik opens his front door. Henrik sees the open egg as soon as he has opened his front door and he stands hesitating in the doorway. Whatever it is, it cannot be used for any moped. It takes a few seconds before Henrik recognizes the egg and knows what it is. It wasn't that long ago that he watched the movie Aliens.
Henrik watches as the facehugger gets ready to jump out of the egg and he starts to slowly back away from the open egg but Michael is right behind Henrik and pushes Henrik as hard as he can and Henrik loses his balance and falls straight towards the egg. The Facehugger explodes out of the egg and attaches itself directly to Henrik's face. It starts to sizzle from Henrik's face as if it was eaten away by the face-hugger's chemcals. Henrik lands straight on the floor in front of the now empty egg. The facehuggers 8 digits has a firm grip on Henriks face.
Michael enters the hall and turns Henrik's body over so he can see what is happening. The facehuggers 8 digits climbs a little further up over Henrik's face and the long and strong tail helps hold Henriks face still. Michael would like to see when the facehugger gives Henrik its eggs through the proboscis and he turns Henrik so that he is lying on his side. Michael can now see when the face-hugger's proboscis begins to penetrate through Henrik's open mouth. The proboscis looks very soft when it enters Henrik's mouth, but it suddenly becomes very stiff. Michael is surprised that the proboscis becomes stiff but he thinks that it helps it penetrate deeper into the mouth then. Michael thinks that the proboscis will only penetrate the beginning of the throat, but it continues even further down, and Michael feels with his finger on Henrik's neck how the stiff proboscis continues to penetrate further and further down the throat. A clucking sound is heard from Henrik's throat as the stiff proboscis continues to penetrate in an uninterrupted movement. Finally, it stops and the now long and stiff proboscis stops penetrating through Henrik's open mouth.
Michael hears a loud hissing sound and at first thinks that the sound is coming from either the face-hugger or Henrik, but when he looks up and looks around the hall, he sees Henrik's ugly cat and understands that it is the one who is hissing. The cat is completely white but is very fat and has very unkempt fur. Michael has seen the cat walking around the area and he doesn't like the look of it. The cat hisses again and arches its back into a high arch. It is clear that the cat does not like the face-hugger and hisses at it.
Michael can see that the proboscis swells up and that something begins to move through the proboscis and down where it enters Henrik's mouth. It looks like several smaller lumps are moving through the proboscis at a high speed and Michael guesses that the lumps are some kind of eggs and that there are so many of them so they will start to grow quickly in Henrik's stomach. Michael can see that the two appendages hanging out of the side of the facehugger are periodically inflated and deflated and he guesses that it breathes through the appendages. Of course, it could also be that it fills up with more eggs, but it probably doesn't do that. The smaller lumps continue to flow uninterrupted through the facehugger's proboscis and down through the part of the proboscis that is inserted into Henrik's mouth. Michael can feel the lumps moving down as he feels the outside of Henrik's neck. The facehugger is very productive to say the least. Michael wonders how Henrik would have felt if he hadn't been unconscious.
Michael sees the last lumps run down the proboscis and then it's over. The proboscis of the facehugger quickly becomes completely slack and is no longer stiff. It has done its job. The facehugger pulls its limp proboscis from Henrik's mouth and it disappears into the facehugger. When the entire proboscis is lifted, the facehugger releases its grip on Henrik's face.
The facehugger scitter towards the cat and the cat hisses and runs away. Michael thinks it looks fun when the facehugger scitters over the floor. The facehugger runs into a room that is next to the hall and Michael follows to see what the facehugger is doing. It's a smaller bedroom and the facehugger runs under the bed and stays there. Michael kneels down and looks under the bed. The facehugger is furthest up against the wall and Michael sees its 8 fingers begin to pull inward and he understands that it is dying. Michael grabs the facehugger's long tail and pulls it off the bed and it puts up a weak resistance but it's obvious it's dying. Soon the facehugger is completely still and Michael carries it back to the hall and thinks about what to do with it and the egg.
Michael will remember that there is a smaller lake in the area and he decides to throw the egg and the facehugger into the lake. No one is swimming in the lake anyway. Michael puts the dead facehugger in the egg and tries to close the egg. It is not easy to close the egg because the four parts that open like a flower have become hard and rigid. Michael takes the garbage bag that the egg was in and he puts the egg back in the garbage bag and leaves the villa.
Henrik is still lying on the floor and Michael thinks it would have been fun to watch the chestburster explode from the stomach but he knows it could have been dangerous for him if he was still there. Henrik had perhaps pushed himself against Michael when the chestburster had started to be born and then both Henrik and Michael had died and that is not part of Michael's plan.
Michael goes straight to his bike and puts the trash bag on the rear bike rack and he makes sure the rear clamp presses over the trash bag so it doesn't roll off the bike. Michael bikes to the smaller lake, parks the bike and removes the garbage bag from the bike stand and walks to a suitable spot where he can drop the egg. Michael sees a slope going down to the water and feels that this place is going to be good. Michael takes the large egg out of the garbage bag and lets it roll down the slope and into the water. Lots of bubbles form in the water as the egg sinks to the bottom of the lake and Michael stands quietly and watches the bubbles. There are many thoughts running through his head.
Michael is fully aware that Henrik will die and that he has now become a murderer. Michael feels no sadness that Henrik will die because he bullied Michael so badly at school. Michael has had dreams where he takes revenge on Henrik and now the dream has come true and he feels almost proud of himself but he is aware that he should feel ashamed. Sven and the staff as well as the parents had not thought that Michael did the right thing and what has happened must remain a secret that only he knows.
Michael doesn't think too much about the fact that several people will die when he places the eggs in the crowded places. If Sven or the staff had known about Michael's plans, they would have most certainly called the police and forced him to stay in his apartment until the Alien Queen was killed and the eggs destroyed. Michael intends to keep the Alien Queen a secret, maybe he can show her to Alexander. Alexander is a work colleague and he is careful to keep secrets.
Michael rides his bike back to Mariatorget and the tunnel where the Alien Queen is. When Michael has cycled down the tunnel, he remembers that he should place some of the eggs in some selected places in Stockholm, but he does not know exactly which way he should cycle to get to the places. Michael remembers that there is GPS in the cell phone and he picks it up and cycles to the first place where the road splits. It doesn't seem like a good place on the right side, but on the left side, Michael sees that there is a road to Slussen under the tunnel and he lets his GPS show him how to cycle to get there. Michael stands and thinks and decides that he will place an egg at Slussen very last before he cycles home because he and Sven will take the ferry to Gröna Lund.
Michael cycles to the next place where the road splits and he checks how he should cycle to get to the T-centralen, Brunkebergstunneln and Sergel's torg and also how long it takes to get to the various places. Michael decides to place the first egg in T-Centralen and then Sergels Torg and after that Brunkebergstunneln and lastly Slussen. That order seems the most logical.
Michael cycles back to the Alien queen and she has laid even more eggs and also moved a little bit. Michael guesses that the Alien queen's warriors have helped and moved her. The alien queen recognizes Michael and she appears to be looking at him with some interest.
Michael thinks about the best way to get the eggs into the remaining four garbage bags. Lifting the first egg went well, but he feels he exposed himself to a great risk being so close to the egg. Michael looks at the Alien Queen's large ovipositor and soon has a great idea. He will put the garbage bag around the ovipositor when it is time for a new egg. The egg will automatically slide into the garbage bag and Michael doesn't even have to touch it. In addition, the egg is facing upright from the beginning. It's a really brilliant idea.
Michael picks up the first garbage bag and approaches the Alien Queen's large ovipositor and he can immediately see that a new egg is making its way through the egg sac. Michael places the garbage bag under the ovipositor and pulls the garbage bag up a bit so that it is as extended as possible. The alien queen doesn't seem to notice what MIchael is doing and it doesn't bother him. It certainly makes her less suspicious if she doesn't notice what's happening with the four eggs. Michael sees when the egg is dropped into the garbage bag and as soon as it is completely down, he removes the garbage bag around the ovipositor and immediately takes out a new garbage bag and waits for the next egg to be laid. Michael pushes down the opening of the trash bag containing the first egg. It is not good if the egg feels his presence.
There's bubbling and gurgling from inside the egg sac as a new egg begins to form and it's a very organic sound and Michael likes it. Michael wonders if the Alien queen can sense when the eggs are being formed and if so how it feels to her when they are being formed. Michael hopes that the Alien queen is not in pain when the eggs are formed because it is a continuous process. Michael is extremely close to the Alien queen and he wonders if his friends would have dared to stand as close. Michael thinks that most people might have avoided the Alien Queen entirely if they could, but he himself thinks it's cozy to be so close to her. Although she can certainly be dangerous, she is still a mother.
Michael sees that the new egg is on its way through the egg sac and he approaches the ovipositor. Michael places the second garbage bag under the ovipositor, making sure the garbage bag is as extended as possible. The ovipositor undulates gently as the egg moves through it and there is an organic sticky sound when the egg lands in the garbage bag. When the egg has landed properly in the garbage bag, Michael removes the garbage bag around the ovipositor and places that garbage bag next to the first one and he closes the opening of the garbage bag so that it is closed. Michael takes out a third garbage bag and waits for the next egg to be ready to lay.
The alien queen turns her big head towards Michael and it looks like she's wondering what he's up to. Michael chooses to walk away from the ovipositor and advances towards the Alien queen. The alien queen lowers her huge head as he gets closer and copious amounts of clear, thick drool lands on Michael's shirt and runs all the way down to his pants. Michael can't help but giggle at the Alien Queen drooling so much.
Michael raises his hands and gently pats the Alien Queen's huge head and she seems very calm. Michael wonders if the patting has the same effect as in humans. Michael gets really hot in the face when the Alien queen breathes on him and the drool continues to run down the shirt and pants and it doesn't take long until even the pants are wet from the thick drool. Michael thinks he has to change his clothes before he can meet Sven. Michael almost reaches the oblong head crown and he finds it impressive. Especially when she is so close that he can really see all the details of the crown but also the Alien Queen herself. The long and large spine-like tail sways behind the Alien Queen and Michael is almost hypnotized as he tries to follow its movements. Michael sees and hears as another egg comes out of the ovipositor and lands softly on the ground.
The alien queen turns her large head and looks the other way and Michael soon goes back to the ovipositor and patiently waits for the next egg to travel through the egg sac and emerge through the ovipositor. Michael looks above the Alien Queen and it looks like the white secret in the ceiling is holding the Alien Queen so she is standing steady. Michael wonders if it is the Alien queen herself who is doing the secret or if it is her warriors who are doing it. Michael thinks that people might have been able to use the secret to secure things considering how strong and durable it seems to be.
Michael sees that a new egg is coming through the egg sac and approaching the ovipositor and he places the garbage bag so that it is all around the ovipositor and then he lifts the garbage bag so that it is extended. The egg lands in the garbage bag with a soft thud and Michael immediately removes the garbage bag from around the ovipositor and moves the garbage bag to where the other two are. Now there is only one egg left and Michael looks at his watch. It shows 11.30am. This took longer than he had expected but Sven won't arrive until 2pm and Michael expects to be home by then.
Michael takes out the last garbage bag and stands watching as the next egg is formed in the egg sack. Michael finds it fascinating to watch the eggs form. It happens so quickly and he wonders how it is possible that it can be formed so incredibly quickly. Michael also feels that the facehugger was very quick and efficient when it pushed its proboscis into Henrik's mouth and filled him with its eggs.
Michael sees that the new egg is beginning to be transported towards the ovipositor and Michael places the garbage bag so that it is all around the ovipositor and waits for the egg to land in the garbage bag. The ovipositor undulates slightly a few times and there is a sticky organic sound and Michael can see on the outside of the garbage bag when the egg lands in it. Michael removes the garbage bag when he knows the egg is at the bottom and he puts the garbage bag next to the other three. Now he just has to say goodbye to the Alien queen.
Michael grabs the four garbage bags and he holds two in each hand. Michael walks towards the exit of the hive when the Alien Queen hisses very loudly and Michael turns to her and looks at her questioningly.
The alien queen looks at him for a long moment but seems to calm down again and Michael exits the hive and goes straight to his bike which he has parked right outside the entrance to the hive. Michael places the first two garbage bags on the rear bike rack and the other two above them. Michael makes sure the garbage bags are secured properly and then he starts to ride his bike out of the part of the tunnel where the Alien queen is.
submitted by Mindless_Payment_761 to Xenomorphseverywhere [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:26 bkjogjibnh Sugar Defender Reviews and Complaints: What You Need to Know

Thinking about using Sugar Defender to manage your blood sugar levels? Navigating the sea of online reviews can be daunting. Are the glowing reviews trustworthy, or do concerns about a "Sugar Defender scam" hold weight? This in-depth review aims to uncover the truth about Sugar Defender.
We'll explore user experiences and the science behind the ingredients. Whether you've read rave reviews or encountered warnings of a "Sugar Defender scam," this analysis will provide the insights needed to make an informed choice. We'll delve into independent reviews, consumer reports, and potential complaints to offer a balanced view. Is Sugar Defender a genuine solution for blood sugar management, or just another overhyped supplement? Join us as we uncover the truth.

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Sugar Defender's Promised Benefits
Natural Ingredients: A blend of plant-based ingredients designed for gentle blood sugar support. Liquid Drops: Convenient and easy-to-use liquid drops for daily dosing. Blood Sugar Management: Aims to regulate blood sugar levels and improve metabolic health. Appetite Control: Claims to curb cravings and reduce food intake, aiding weight management. Energy Boost: Aspires to enhance energy levels by optimizing glucose utilization. Cognitive Enhancement: Supports cognitive function and memory for better mental clarity. Money-Back Guarantee: Offers a 60-day money-back guarantee to reduce purchase risk. FDA-Registered Facility: Manufactured in an FDA-registered facility, indicating quality standards. Easy to Use: Liquid format eliminates the need for swallowing capsules or tablets. Free Bonuses: May include educational materials on blood sugar management and healthy recipes.
Product Overview
Name: Sugar Defender Health Focus: Blood sugar management Form: Dropper Ingredients: Eleuthero, Coleus, Maca Root, African Mango, Guarana, Chromium, Ginseng, Gymnema Dosage: 1 ml per day Quantity: 30 doses Benefits: Appetite suppression, enhanced energy, improved cognitive function, weight management Pros: 100% natural, plant-based, GMO-free, non-addictive, 60-day money-back guarantee, FDA-registered GMP-certified facility Cons: Available only on the official website, individual results may vary Side Effects: No reported side effects Bonuses: The Ultimate Tea Guide, Learn How to Manage Type II Diabetes Price: $69 Refund Policy: 180 days Availability: Exclusive to the official website Official Website: Click Here Sugar Defender: A Balanced Perspective Pros:

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Natural Approach: Uses natural ingredients for a gentle solution. Convenient Dosing: Liquid drops are easy to incorporate into daily routines. Multifaceted Support: Targets blood sugar, appetite, energy, and cognitive function. Financial Security: The 60-day money-back guarantee provides some protection. Quality Assurance: Made in an FDA-registered facility, ensuring adherence to standards. Cons:
Effectiveness Unclear: Limited independent verification of effectiveness. Varied Results: Individual experiences may differ. Limited Availability: Only available through the official website, affecting accessibility. Unveiling the Formula Sugar Defender is positioned as a dietary supplement for blood sugar management, boasting a blend of natural ingredients aimed at promoting healthy blood sugar levels and overall metabolic health. The primary goal is to regulate blood sugar, potentially curbing cravings and aiding weight management. It also claims to enhance energy levels and cognitive function. However, it's crucial to remember that Sugar Defender is a supplement, not a miracle cure. Its effectiveness and the validity of its claims require careful consideration. This review provides a balanced perspective on its potential benefits and drawbacks.
The Mystery Behind the Creator
Unlike many supplements that highlight their creators, Sugar Defender's origins are somewhat mysterious. There's no readily available information about the individual or team behind it. This lack of transparency might be concerning for some users, as knowing the background and qualifications of the creators can build trust. However, this doesn't necessarily negate the product's potential effectiveness. Some companies focus more on the science behind the ingredients rather than the creators. For those seeking transparency, this anonymity might be a point of hesitation.
If you're considering Sugar Defender, research the ingredients and their potential benefits for blood sugar management. Additionally, look for independent reviews from verified users to get a broader perspective. The decision to trust Sugar Defender, despite its mysterious origins, ultimately rests with you.
The Science Behind Sugar Defender
Sugar Defender features a blend of natural ingredients aimed at supporting healthy blood sugar levels. Here's a closer look at the science behind some key components:
Chromium: May improve insulin sensitivity, aiding blood sugar control, though evidence is inconclusive. Alpha-Lipoic Acid: An antioxidant with mixed results on blood sugar regulation. Gymnema Sylvestre: Contains gymnemic acid, which may reduce sugar cravings and improve insulin sensitivity. The exact dosages and the combined effects of all the ingredients in Sugar Defender aren't well-researched, and the product itself lacks extensive clinical trials. This doesn't negate its potential benefits but highlights the need for further research and a critical approach.
Detailed Ingredient Analysis
Eleuthero (Siberian Ginseng): An adaptogenic herb that may help manage stress and improve stamina, though its impact on blood sugar is limited. Coleus Forskohlii: Contains forskolin, which may aid weight management and blood pressure, but its effects on blood sugar are unclear. Maca Root: May boost energy and mood, but more research is needed on its impact on blood sugar. African Mango (Irvingia Gabonensis): Could help suppress appetite and improve cholesterol, with emerging evidence on blood sugar effects. Guarana: High in caffeine, it may increase energy and suppress appetite, though its role in blood sugar management is unclear. Ginseng: May improve energy and cognitive function, with some studies suggesting it could help regulate blood sugar. Gymnema Sylvestre: May reduce sugar cravings and improve insulin sensitivity. Alpha-Lipoic Acid: Plays a role in glucose metabolism, with mixed research results. How Sugar Defender Works Sugar Defender claims to work through several mechanisms:
Blood Sugar Regulation: Ingredients like Chromium and Gymnema Sylvestre may enhance insulin sensitivity and reduce sugar cravings. Appetite Control: African Mango and Coleus Forskohlii might help suppress appetite and manage weight. Energy and Metabolism: Eleuthero, Maca Root, and Ginseng may boost energy and support a healthy metabolism. These are theoretical mechanisms, and the actual effectiveness remains unclear.
Instructions and Considerations Dosage and Administration:
Recommended Dosage: One dropper (1 ml) three times daily. Method: Take drops under the tongue, hold for a few seconds before swallowing, preferably with meals. Consistency: Use consistently for at least three months to see potential benefits. Lifestyle Modifications:
Healthy Lifestyle: Maintain a balanced diet and regular exercise. Sugar Defender should supplement these efforts, not replace them. Consulting Your Doctor:
Medical Conditions: Consult your doctor if you have pre-existing conditions or are on medication. Pregnant/Breastfeeding Women: Should seek medical advice before use. Be Cautious and Realistic:
Approach Claims Critically: Independent research and reviews can provide a balanced view. Individual Results Vary: What works for one person might not work for another. Potential Side Effects Sugar Defender is generally safe but may cause mild side effects like:
Digestive Discomfort: Bloating, gas, or diarrhea. Headaches: Mild headaches due to changes in blood sugar levels. Nausea: Occasional nausea. Dizziness: Slight dizziness or lightheadedness. Allergic Reactions: Rare allergic reactions. Sleep Disturbances: Changes in sleep patterns. If any side effects persist or worsen, discontinue use and consult a healthcare professional.
Is Sugar Defender Safe? Sugar Defender is generally safe for most people when used as directed. It's made with natural ingredients and adheres to quality standards. However, pregnant or breastfeeding women, and those with pre-existing conditions or on medication, should consult a healthcare provider before use. Individual responses vary, so monitor how your body reacts and make informed decisions.
By following these guidelines and consulting with your doctor, you can decide if Sugar Defender is a suitable option for you.
Who Should Avoid Sugar Defender?
While Sugar Defender is generally safe for most individuals, specific groups should exercise caution or avoid using the supplement altogether:
Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women: Limited research exists on the safety of Sugar Defender's ingredients during pregnancy and lactation. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should consult their healthcare provider before using this supplement.
Children: Sugar Defender is formulated for adult use and may not be suitable for children. Parents should consult with a pediatrician before giving Sugar Defender to children.
Individuals with Medical Conditions: Those with pre-existing medical conditions, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or gastrointestinal disorders, should consult a healthcare professional before using Sugar Defender to ensure it is safe and appropriate for their specific health needs.
Allergies: Individuals with known allergies to any of the ingredients in Sugar Defender should avoid using the supplement to prevent allergic reactions.
Medication Interactions: Some ingredients in Sugar Defender may interact with certain medications. Individuals taking prescription medications should consult their healthcare provider before using Sugar Defender to avoid potential interactions.
By considering these factors and consulting with a healthcare professional when necessary, individuals can make informed decisions about whether Sugar Defender is suitable for their individual needs and circumstances.
Sugar Defender: Sifting Through Customer Reviews (4.8 Rating with a Cautious Eye)
Sugar Defender boasts a high customer rating of 4.8, but it's important to evaluate this critically:

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The Positive Side: Many customer reviews highlight positive experiences, such as improved blood sugar control, increased energy levels, and reduced cravings. Users often appreciate the ease of use (liquid drops) and the natural approach. A Cause for Caution: A near-perfect rating (4.8) can be suspicious. Genuine reviews tend to reflect a mix of positive and negative experiences. There is a possibility of biased reviews influenced by marketing or affiliate programs. Looking Beyond the Ratings: Focus on the content of reviews rather than just the star rating. Look for detailed reviews describing the user’s experience, both positive and negative. Consider the reviewer's background and potential biases. Sugar Defender Customer Reviews: A Journey Through User Experiences
30 Days: Sarah M. (4 stars): Noticed increased energy and fewer afternoon slumps. David L. (3 stars): Found the taste manageable but saw no major changes in blood sugar yet. Emily K. (5 stars): Experienced significant reduction in sugar cravings and healthier food choices. John T. (2 stars): Disappointed with no significant change in energy or blood sugar levels. Maria P. (4 stars): Liked the convenience and felt slightly lighter, hoping for more progress. 90 Days: Sarah M. (4 stars): Significant improvement in energy levels and positive changes in blood sugar readings. David L. (3 stars): Cravings less intense, but blood sugar readings still inconsistent. Emily K. (5 stars): Managed to lose weight and stabilize blood sugar levels. John T. (3 stars): Slight improvement in energy levels, unsure about continued use. Maria P. (5 stars): Lost weight and improved blood sugar control, very positive results. 180 Days: Sarah M. (5 stars): Consistent healthy blood sugar levels and improved energy, essential part of health regimen. David L. (4 stars): Stabilized blood sugar readings and managed cravings better. Emily K. (5 stars): Dramatic improvement in energy, sleep, and overall health. John T. (4 stars): Significant improvement in blood sugar control after six months. Maria P. (5 stars): Maintained weight loss, high energy levels, and good blood sugar control. Where to Buy Sugar Defender?
Sugar Defender is exclusively available for purchase through its official website. Buying directly from the official source ensures authenticity, special offers, dedicated customer support, and secure transactions.
Sugar Defender Pricing:
Single Bottle: $69 Three Bottles: $177 ($59 per bottle) Six Bottles: $294 ($49 per bottle) Refund Policy:
Sugar Defender offers a 60-day money-back guarantee. If you're not entirely satisfied with your purchase, you can request a full refund within 60 days of receipt.
Customers may receive complimentary ebooks, guides, or additional products to support health and well-being as part of their purchase.
FAQs About Sugar Defender:
Ingredients: Eleuthero, Coleus Forskohlii, Maca Root, African Mango, Guarana, Chromium, Ginseng, Gymnema Sylvestre. How it Works: Claims to regulate blood sugar, control appetite, manage weight, and boost energy. Benefits: Blood sugar management, appetite control, weight management, increased energy, improved mood. Usage: Recommended dosage is one full dropper taken three times daily, preferably with meals. Side Effects: Generally safe, but some may experience stomach upset or headaches. Purchase Location: Available only on the official website. Cost: Varies, with bulk purchasing options offering cost savings. Reviews: Positive reviews on the official website, but independent reviews should also be considered. Scam Concerns: No definitive evidence of a scam, but transparency issues and limited clinical trials raise concerns. Alternatives: Other blood sugar support supplements with established brands and clear ingredient information are available. Final Word on Sugar Defender
Sugar Defender appears to be a promising supplement for blood sugar management, but it's important to approach it with a critical eye. While many users report positive experiences, the lack of transparent ingredient dosages and limited clinical evidence should be considered. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement.

Visit Official Website To Order Sugar Defender Click Here

submitted by bkjogjibnh to nflstreamsbaltv [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:09 lesbianintern Pursuing a Diagnosis

Hi everyone,
I’m 22f and recently the birth control I use for extreme period symptoms hasn’t been helping, as I’ve been bleeding and having a “period” every other week. Before this, BC did ease my symptoms but I have times where they are still unmanageable with BC. I’m going to my OBGYN soon to try and resolve the bleeding, and I was wondering if I should pursue an endo diagnosis. Usually when I see my OBGYN I’m just too exhausted from everything to keep advocating for myself.
Ever since I first got my period, they’ve been extremely painful. I’ve passed out in the bathroom and woken up on the floor confused. Sometimes I vomit and shake and turn very pale. I’ve scared roommates because sometimes I just lay on the ground screaming. Sometimes it’s too painful to scream or cry and I just can’t do anything. Occasionally when it gets to that point I have suicidal thoughts, because the pain is just so all consuming and I need it to end. I don’t think I would ever actually go through with that, but it does scare me. I’ve ended up in the ER twice due to cramps because I had extreme pain in public and other people have insisted on taking me to the hospital. Nothing ever came out of those visits except for extra pain medicine.
For other potential symptoms, I have very extreme chronic fatigue. I did get a sleep apnea diagnosis which helped a bit, but the fatigue still feels like it’s coming from every part of my body. I get headaches and pains in my lower back and legs, but those are manageable. I’ve tried masturbating on my period to relieve cramps, but an orgasm leads to extreme cramps deep in my body. I have extreme pain with bowel movements during my period, and that’s when I’m most likely to pass out.
I’ve been on BC pretty much since I got my first period because my OBGYN said the pain was normal. My old primary doc said I probably have a low pain tolerance and told me to use naproxen. The only time I got some validation from a medical professional was when I had appendicitis, and a nurse kept offering me pain medicine, but I declined saying it was absolutely nothing compared to my cramps. That concerned him but I was pretty young when that happened and my parents weren’t worried about it.
I’m nervous to try for a diagnosis and waste time, money, and more mental energy, especially if it turns out I don’t have endo. I know people have said they got diagnosed when they had an appendectomy, but since that didn’t happen to me I’m worried I’m incorrect with my concerns. I also had surgery last year that ended badly after a reaction to the anesthesia, and the idea of going under again for laparoscopy terrifies me.
Regardless I just have a gut feeling that now might be the time to pursue a diagnosis. I know this is a really long post, but I was wondering if anyone had any advice or similar experiences. If I do decide to push for a diagnosis, I would love to hear any tips for taking care of yourself through that process. Thank you in advance. 🩵
submitted by lesbianintern to endometriosis [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:43 Emotional_Sun4405 Did I have a miscarriage??

Hey everyone! So i’m really scared and confused. I am 24 years old and just found out three days ago I was 3 weeks pregnant. I’ve been having a lot of various symptoms and had a visit to the hospital yesterday. I was told I was going to miscarry due to my HCG levels being so low (they were 90). I had an ultra sound done on Wednesday and Thursday and they haven’t seen anything in my uterus yet. While I was at the hospital I started to bleed like a maroon color and didn’t think anything of it. I got home and my underwear was soaked. I also didn’t think anything of it and changed into a pad. I fell asleep and woke up with pain and extreme nausea with the feeling I had to poop. So I sat down on the toilet and to my surprise there were blood clots and a bunch of tiny tissue (i’ll post the picture). My pad didn’t have anything on it but some brown spotting and it looked like coffee grinds..
Today I had another two blood clots. I have been having under arm pain as well. My cramps actually feel relieved when I pass the clots but then they come right back. I was having stomach pains Wednesday and yesterday but they resided and now are in my lower tummy/pelvic area/ and lower back. I go tomorrow to get my HCG levels tested again. But. I was wondering if this is all normal and part of implantation, or am I dealing with a miscarriage/ectopic?
submitted by Emotional_Sun4405 to pregnancyproblems [link] [comments]