
this is supposed to fix stuff

2024.06.07 19:05 cieje this is supposed to fix stuff

according to my mom, like 4 chiropractors (I had to explain the education difference between an actual phd and a chiropractor) utilize a technique to adjust some verterbrae in your neck, and it nearly miraculously resolves some issues with ms. she's been trying to convince me to travel like 1500 miles for treatment.
this is the "proof" she sent me:
submitted by cieje to MultipleSclerosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 19:36 12Chrisstian25 Covenant items Ps5 DS3

Can somebody help me with the covenant items like verterbra shackles or concord kepts. I can also help you if you help me
submitted by 12Chrisstian25 to SummonSign [link] [comments]

2023.10.14 09:57 pjtaillight How to get medical treatment at MMI?

State is MO. I have an attorney.
I had a vertebral burst fracture over 6 months ago. I was initially treated at an ER then referred to a neurosurgeon through a different ER. He ordered a hard-shelled TLSO brace, that WC didn't get me until four months after the accident. WC never referred me to spine doctor of their own choosing. WC did refer me to pain managment but cut that off abruptly and without notice. When the neurosurgeon started suggesting surgery to remove my damaged verterbrae, WC sent me to IME (also a spine surgeon) who said I didn't need surgery and referred me to PT. (I had a follow-up appointment with the ER referred neurosurgeon but WC stated that wasn't authorized so I didn't go.) I have not finished PT, but after a follow-up with the IME, he now says I am at MMI. I still have neurological symptoms and pain. The IME won't acknowledge the numbness/weakness in his reports and won't refer me to pain management. He has ordered me to a functional capacity exam.
I do not know how in the hell I am supposed to live with the residual neurological symptoms and pain. I don't have a treating physician anymore and now that I am at MMI, I don't have an income to even try to pay for treatment on my own. Everyone around me says I was so lucky to survive the accident and I just think they are plain wrong. I wake up every morning disappointed that I survived the night. Does anyone here have any advice as to how I can get medical treatment? My attorney says that it will be a long drawn-out hassle to get a second opinon through WC.

submitted by pjtaillight to WorkersComp [link] [comments]

2023.04.13 09:16 SteadfastEnd I have compressed neck vertebrae. Never done traction therapy. How does this work?

Finally found the source of what's been bugging me for years - compressed verterbrae in my neck.
Doctor told me I need 3 months of therapy of 2-3x traction each week. Sounds terribly expensive. I have never done it before. Do I just find a physical therapist and ask them to apply traction to my neck?
submitted by SteadfastEnd to ChronicPain [link] [comments]

2023.03.29 02:58 engacad Laminectomy/MD concern

I'm finally getting to see a minimally-invasive surgeon for consult through Kaiser for my C5-6 left foraminal stenosis.
I'm concerned that with MD or laminectomy, I'd be losing part of bone (lamina) that would be gone forever. That may destabilize the other nearby verterbra (if not immediately at some later point) as that's the bone on which the adjacent verterbra sits.
It's like losing some part of body which may eventually be useful at some point later in life or old age.
Anyone else had these concerns? How much of bone tissue is removed during the procedure?
submitted by engacad to Microdiscectomy [link] [comments]

2022.11.15 09:14 27bluestar Need Root Canal Probably but severe lockjaw

Hello all, I had a mild pain on my crown of my back right molar Thursday morning last week. I thought it was just sensitive, since the crown is near the nerve. I'd occasionally get flare-ups on and off since I got the crown in May, which my dentist said is normal since it would go away within a few hours. Now, in five days, my gums sting a bit from irritation, though they don't look swollen except a little around the molar and the pain is radiating across the whole right side of my mouth. Saturday saw me develop a tight jaw and now it can't open more than half an inch. It is excruciatingly painful and my right lymph node in my neck is swollen and extremely painful, producing thick mucus in my upper throat that makes it a little hard to breathe. I haven't had a fever yet, but I'm terrified. I see an emergency dentist at 3 pm today (it's 3 am EST now). Can they treat the lockjaw so that I can get some relief? I was worried about the money, since I've maxed my insurance this year, but I can't wait another six weeks and this pain has gotten so horrible that I will literally shell $5000 out of savings in a heartbeat to get any relief at all.
Sorry for this lengthy post, but I'm really scared. I don't think any other pain has been anywhere close to this pain in my life, and I've dislocated a finger before, had a fracture of a lumbar verterbrae in a bicycle crash when I was 22, and had a near-septic case of MRSA in my ledt knee as a kid and had ut drained without numbing. Could they give me something to loosen this jaw so they can get into my mouth more?
submitted by 27bluestar to askdentists [link] [comments]

2022.11.09 19:36 Kev1nho PS5 Verterbrae farming - suck at pvp

Hi, I suck at pvp and I’m desperate for Verterbrae shackles. I’ll gladly return the favour. Password: shackles
Edit: I’m at Church of Yorshka
submitted by Kev1nho to SummonSign [link] [comments]

2022.10.25 02:39 meringueisnotacake What is happening to me? Flu symptoms and other weird stuff

Female, 38, 5'4", 165lbs Was in car crash Oct 21 - broke pubic rami, verterbrae c3 and t11/12, l5/6, whiplash, anterior wedge fractures (3 adjacent), sternum and sacrum - all stable fractures
Currently managing pain with Duloxetine as I have CKD2.
Started physio two weeks ago and had last session with deep tissue massage last Tuesday.
I woke abruptly at 2am Sunday morning with intense aches all over my body and a swollen and scratchy throat. Pain lasted all night and into next day when I vomited three times. Fever followed (39.6°) and sweating. Became increasingly harder to swallow. Body aches intensified and only codeine would help pain. Some stuffiness in the ear.
Sunday night I had little sleep. Movement hurts anyway due to my past injuries but this illness seems to have exacerbated the pain tenfold.
Covid tests all negative.
Today my temperature is managed by paracetamol but I still need codeine for the pain. My armpits are tender to touch, as are my sides (over my ribs). I have intense lower back pain and standing straight hurts. My shoulder muscles feel right, tender and I struggle to turn my neck.
Weirdly, despite being on desogestrel contraceptive pill and only experiencing minor breakthrough bleeding since starting I also bled heavily Sunday night. This has now become a sticky discharge with red streaks.
It feels as if my body is shutting down!
I work in a school and this is my week off. I also completed a course of EMDR therapy last week. I am unsure if this is relevant?
I have spoken to a pharmacist who has said as my throat is just red to take rest and fluids, but I feel rotten.
submitted by meringueisnotacake to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2022.10.08 22:18 Salade_de_poney PC - Farming Vertebra Shakles

Anyone down to farm verterbra shakles with me?
submitted by Salade_de_poney to SummonSign [link] [comments]

2022.09.29 01:06 MicahThinks Stem Cell or Growth Hormone Treatment

Does anyone have any info on these treatments for the back. Have you had any and have they worked? I have some arthritis near a damaged verterbrae that's causing pain and I wonder if that's a better option than the whole burn the nerve scenario.
I am also having a hard time finding a pain center that does it. Thanks.
submitted by MicahThinks to ChronicPain [link] [comments]

2022.01.11 13:06 tomlbn [HELP][PS4][DS3][verterbrae farming][NG+]

Can Anyone please help farm these out? Thanks so much in advance.
submitted by tomlbn to SummonSign [link] [comments]

2021.12.07 05:39 giggles45678 [ps4] [ds3] Need help farming verterbra shackles

Would anyone want to help me farm vertebra shackles form the mound makers? Can offer souls and boss souls in return.
submitted by giggles45678 to SummonSign [link] [comments]

2021.11.29 12:58 Yoimjamie Calling bullshit on HR

HR are there to protect the company from you, not the other way around.
This prick literally must have looked at my raw numbers of sick days taken and decided to accuse me of faking illness. Mind you, I had taken only the sick days I was allowed to under Australian law… I had also taken additional days off, of UNPAID leave, because like an idiot, I believed in my company and didn’t think HR would pull this sort of shit.
So I quit and threatened to sue. This email chain may not be as satisfying to read as it was to write, but maybe one or two of you might get a kick out of it. I’ve removed identifying features (including an oddly-named department we used to have, not too many companies would have one by the same name, so it’s also redacted)
Also, the “sensitive surgery” I had to have was on my dick, I don’t mind saying here, but I didn’t want this fucker to have the satisfaction of laughing at me for it. Penis surgery isn’t fun, but it’s pretty funny, even to me!
Email chain:
I have some feedback for you regarding your choice of words and level of professionalism at our last meeting in the (LOCATION) branch. During that meeting, you called attention to the amount of medical leave I have had to take during my time at (LARGE MULTINATIONAL COMPANY), including some leave without pay, over the last 2 years. You used the words “… some of which you may have been genuinely ill for”, directly implying that there was some leave I took during which I was not sick, and asking me what the likelihood was that this might happen again in future. I can only imagine that you hadn’t looked into the reasons I had to take leave, which were well documented. I will summarise for you now, for posterity’s sake, though you do already have full access to this information. In the last two years, I have had the bad luck to be subject to:
· Surgery on my left hand after a cycling accident incurred on my way to work, in which my 5th digit’s proximal phalanx was shattered into many fragments. During the surgery, a plate and 9 pins were inserted in the former location of the bone, where they remain. I came to work the day after having had this surgery, but was sent home and told to get a note from a doctor stating that I was healthy enough to work, which I duly did the following day and returned. I had fortnightly subsequent half-days at work in order to attend the physiotherapy sessions to ensure satisfactory functioning of my hand.
· Non-elective abdominal surgery of a sensitive nature, after which I developed a haematoma and had to be rushed back to the emergency ward for treatment – I was back at work after about 4 days despite the complication.
· A diagnosis of acute epstein-barr virus infection, which was only made after two weeks of serious illness during which doctors could not pinpoint the problem, and two admissions to hospital to treat breathing difficulties due to a swollen throat. Before the diagnosis, on suspicion of a bacterial infection, I was given copious amounts of amoxicillin antibiotics which unfortunately, when given to someone suffering from acute EBV, cause a severe rash over all parts of the patient’s body for several days. Overall, the EBV infection was considered ‘acute’ for about 5 weeks, after which I was given the all clear to resume work.
· A badly bulging disc between my L4-L5 verterbrae, which occurred directly after the end of the acute phase of the EBV infection. Since I had been sleeping for approximately 16 hours a day and had spent so much time prone and on my back, and potentially exacerbated by the EBV infection itself (it was never confirmed that the infection had infiltrated my spine, but it was suspected by both my doctor and physiotherapist), I developed a disc bulge so severe I was unable to gain my feet unassisted, and completely unable to dress my lower half. During some of this time, after the initial extremely painful phase had passed with intense physiotherapy, my partner was helping to dress me in the morning, and I was coming to work anyway, walking very slowly and in considerable discomfort.
The above four points account for the vast majority of any leave I have taken during my time at (COMPANY). Besides those, I have had only the occasional malady that happens to all of us from time to time. All of the above information was advised to my supervisors at the time of occurrence – in fact I even sent in photographs of my rash, and copies of the CT scan results I had regarding the state of my spinal column. I also kept HR informed and had meetings with (HR GUY’S BRANCH COLLEAGUE) regarding the prospect of getting a special chair to avoid further injury to my vertebrae and discs, and signed a consent form for HR to contact both my doctor and my physiotherapist.
To then be told by you that I had taken too much sick leave, with the words “some of which I may have been genuinely ill for”, was extremely disappointing and in my opinion unacceptably unprofessional. It is your responsibility to be informed of any employee’s medical conditions they have advised (COMPANY) they are affected by, if any. Based on the above quoted comment, and the questions you directed at me in that meeting, it seems that you were not.
When I joined DEPARTMENT, one of the pieces of advice I was given regarding gathering full and accurate information about complicated pricing requirements was: “A face-to-face conversation is worth twice as much as a phone call, and five times as much as an email”. It has proven to be good advice. I am also under medical orders not to sit for long periods of time, and to get up at least once every half hour, and to walk as much as possible. This medical direction was also related to my management and to HR after sustaining the injury. After the above comment, for you to then further suggest that I am getting up too often out of my seat, in your words “to talk to people, or make too many cups of tea”, quite frankly is hard to even believe.
Almost entirely as a result of the above, I decided to look elsewhere for employment and have had the good fortune to be invited to join (FIRM FROM UNRELATED FIELD, so I will be leaving the industry at least temporarily. My last day with (COMPANY) will be April 13th.
Please take this feedback constructively.
Regards, ME
(4 weeks later)
It has been four weeks and I have not yet seen a response to the below.
I’m sure I needn’t remind you that it’s a primary function of HR to minimise legal liability to (COMPANY). As you should also be aware, it is explicitly, litigably illegal for an employer to suggest that an employee disobey medical orders of which the employer has been informed, and doubly egregious to do so under threat of termination. Do you still have nothing to say in response to any of this?
Tomorrow is my last day with (COMPANY), I would expect to see some acknowledgement before then.
Thanks and best regards, ME
(Later that day, he replies, adds my manager to CC)
Morning ME,
I considered your email but chose not to respond. I took the view that you were providing your comments for my information.
However, your comments in your follow-up email do warrant a response.
I am offended at your assertion that I suggested you disobey medical orders or in any way threatened you with termination of employment. I made no such comments. (MY MANAGER AT THE TIME) was a participant in the meeting you refer to and I am sure she would support me on this.
ME, I wish you good luck in your future endeavours but please, in future, refrain from making spurious allegations against co-workers.
Regards HR GUY
(4 minutes later, I add his manager)
Your exact words, after suggesting that I am rising too often from my seat (the need for which had been communicated to management, as explained) were: “if this continues we may have to have another conversation regarding your future at COMPANY”.
Thanks and best regards, ME
(A couple of hours later, I add his manager’s manager and the regional VP)
Whether mendacious or simply symptomatic of faulty memory, it ill behoves you to flatly deny actions you took, of which there were more than one witness. I see you’ve added (MY MANAGER AT THE TIME) to CC, with whom I’ve already spoken to about this issue. In fact we thoroughly discussed your behaviour when I tendered my resignation. After probing her memory of your behaviour in that meeting and learning how closely it matched mine, I wouldn’t count on her backing your denial of these events. I would advise you to instead carefully consider exactly what you said and did, and choose a more responsible course of action accordingly.
Under no circumstances should you interpret my emails as an accusation of deliberate breaking of the law: indeed, my entire bone of contention from the beginning of this email thread was your ignorance of facts it was your duty to be aware of: namely, that I had been medically ordered not to sit for extended periods of time, and to stand at least once every half hour, and walk as much as possible. As explained below, I had informed both the HR department and my own management and colleagues of this fact. Your department was furnished not only with my personal reports regarding my spinal health, but also a signed document allowing you to consult my doctor and physiotherapist at your leisure. As evidenced by the description you applied to me in the meeting in question (a “fit, healthy young bloke”), it’s obvious that you chose not to do any such consulting, nor even glance at my medical history. It was your duty to be informed of my medical situation, and you were not. Your failure of duty caused you to break workplace law in suggesting that I disobey medical orders, irrespective of whether or not you’d chosen to inform yourself of the existence of said orders. Ignorance does not excuse breaking the law. I would refer you to a legal precedent for such a situation: Chetcuti v. Coles Group Supply Chain P/L, 2012.
A veiled threat is still a threat, and even if you did successfully make the argument that a “conversation regarding your future at COMPANY” does not constitute a threat of termination, that is moot. The law was broken the moment you suggested I stand less often, counter to medical orders: the fact that in that meeting you also raised the spectre of a potential future “discussion regarding my future” does not make the lawbreaking more severe, it merely serves to point out the gravity of your mishandling of this situation.
I would strongly advise you to take ownership of your mistakes and learn from them. Denial of facts will not serve anybody, least of all yourself.
Thanks and best regards, ME
submitted by Yoimjamie to antiwork [link] [comments]

2021.08.19 23:53 forever_lurching Looking for opinions on my lower back X-rays

Link to X-Ray in question: Hello all! 28F
My problem: Since the start of this week my lower back (around my sacrum) has been causing me pain. This pain ranges from a dull ache while standing, to acute pain if I'm shifting around quickly. This pain is also accompanied by random muscle spasms. At this point I'm not able to fully stand up straight so I'm basically lurching forward as I walk.
I got X-rays of my lower back on Tuesday and as I expected my pelvis is misaligned but the biggest concern is the spacing between my bottom verterbraes - it seems to be starting to sandwich together a little bit. I'm really just looking for any feedback on this X-ray. The pain, spasms, and mobility is getting better each day so I know it's probably not severe but wanting some different opinions.
More background if interested: Roughly 5 years ago I had a dance injury and the chiropractor I went to told me my sacrum was rotated. I got regular adjustments for awhile and stopped going after I felt normal again, never got any X-rays done back then. Fast forward a few years, I notice that if I don't exercise the area regularly and just sit on my bum all day that area gets really sore and tight - this will last maybe a day and with regular exercise and engagement it goes back to normal...Unfortunately this time around the symptoms are more severe and I know this was caused by me not exercising and sitting for extended periods of time.
submitted by forever_lurching to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2021.05.22 19:24 gkovostis New to online ds3 and need help with covenant items

I've been trying to get the ds3 platinum offline for a long time now but couldn't do it because of covenant items. Now that online is free on ps4 for this weekend it's an opportunity for me to finally get it. Is there any way someone can help me get proof of concord and verterbra shackles because I don't seem to be getting any matches
I'm sl 191 on ps4
submitted by gkovostis to darksouls3 [link] [comments]

2021.02.12 02:39 multilingualTCK Unresolved finger movement problem

My husband is a professional musician (male, in his early 30s). He hurt his shoulder at the gym about 6 or 7 years ago, and started having problems moving the middle, ring and pinky fingers on his left hand. He was told he had a compressed verterbrae, he got treatment for it, it improved but only slightly. He saw neurologysts, did electromyography and they found no problems. He did MRI and echo of his hands and arms, they saw no problem in the images. He saw numerous physiotherapists, back specialists, hand specialists, tried acupuncture, cupping therapy, nothing worked. He goes to a good gym with experienced physiotherapists trainers. He tried seeing a psychiatrist, which helped with how he deal with the emotional side of it, but didn't help with his hand.
It gets worse when he has stomach probelms. It had gotten better during the quarantine, but it started getting worse when he started feeling more stomach problems again. Now it's migrated to his right hand. Did a blood test, nothing wrong other than having slightly low "good cholesterol". Modified his diet to address the issue, nothing.
We don't really know what else to do or who to see. Has anyone gone through anything similar? Any advice on what we could try? We are really desperate because we feel like there is nothing more we can do. If anyone has any advice at all, it'll be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this.
submitted by multilingualTCK to Advice [link] [comments]

2021.01.25 15:23 BaronAaldwin Verterbrae from the spine of a North Atlantic Right Whale. Taken by me in late 2020. Hull, UK.

Verterbrae from the spine of a North Atlantic Right Whale. Taken by me in late 2020. Hull, UK. submitted by BaronAaldwin to pics [link] [comments]

2021.01.18 00:03 thefourblackbars Gerber Vertebrae replacement

Any suggestions for a replacement sheath for a Gerber Verterbrae?
It's a great little knife, but the original sheath is crap!
submitted by thefourblackbars to knifeclub [link] [comments]

2020.10.21 03:56 Livia18 (HELP) (PC) (DS3) (NG+) Farming Verterbra Shackles

I'm happy to farm wherever, Just need some peeps to help me out :D
submitted by Livia18 to SummonSign [link] [comments]

2020.06.12 12:34 Snoo75867 [help][ps4][NG] verterbrae shackle farming partner

In first game need 27 vertebrae shackles, any fancy letting me stab them in the head? Willing to return the favour. Dark souls 3
submitted by Snoo75867 to SummonSign [link] [comments]

2020.05.01 15:48 rosetiler [HELP] [PS4] [lvl81 NG] Please! I need some help with farming Verterbra Shackles.

I need 20 more. I am playing for the first time so I don't quite understand how this works, but I am ready to die 30 times for you in return if you need covenant items too. Sorry if this sounds cowardish but yes, I'm a noob and other players on Irythill arena are smashing me in PvP .)
Thank you in advance!
submitted by rosetiler to SummonSign [link] [comments]

2020.03.29 04:06 Nodveidt [HELP] [PS4] [DS3] [VERTERBRAE SHACKLES] [PONTIFF BONFIRE]

You get 1 Ember for each Verterbrae Shackle i get !
Pass: doggo
Trying to get that elusive platinum trophy!
submitted by Nodveidt to SummonSign [link] [comments]