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The Snack Pack Lifestyle

2024.06.07 23:52 KaleidoMary The Snack Pack Lifestyle

I have long struggled with diet. Many years ago I quit cooking as it actually became dangerous since I didn't have the energy and focus to keep myself safe while using hot burners and sharp knives. I'd also developed the terrible habit of using food for comfort and struggled with making good food choices. A couple months ago I came up with a system for myself that has been life changing. I call it The Snack Pack Lifestyle. I'd started buying the little snack packs you can get in grocery stores that have veggies, ranch, cheese, etc but they were expensive and because of how they're packaged the veggies weren't that fresh and I'd need to eat them within the first couple of days of purchase. I was frustrated with this and that's when it dawned on me I could just make my own. Once I started doing this I realized there were all kinds of things I could put in a snack pack to diversify my diet and my new lifestyle was created. I purchased a bunch of reusable/disposable compartment food storage containers (these can be easily cleaned or tossed out if need be), heat seal bags, large and small disposable dipping cups with lids (all purchased from Amazon) and I saved any disposable utensils I got from restaurants. Each snack pack has a mix of veggies, fruit and protein. Examples include; raw veggies, ranch, fresh fruit, healthy crackers, organic cheese sticks, organic mini meat sticks, nuts, applesauce, cream cheese, tuna salad, chicken salad, organic sliced meat, cottage cheese, etc. I'll also include a little treat in some of them such as highkey cookies or an Atkins bar. If I'm really wanting a no-no food like Doritos (they have mini Doritos and Sunchips now!) I can throw in a small pack and have my treat without overindulging. I make my own nut, cookie and chip packs with the heat seal bags (I have a food saver but the packs just need to be sealed so a handheld sealer would work too). For example I'll put a small handful of nuts or three highkey cookies in a pack and I'll make about a months worth at a time. The preparation of washing and cutting up fruit and veggies can be time consuming and exhausting so I'll usually do preparation one day then put the snack packs together the next day. I have a drawer dedicated to my snack pack items. I'll put together 6-8 snack packs at a time. I'm not a big eater to begin with so I often eat snack packs as meals. I'll also do some hot food ones with chicken strips or mini tacos and just warm them up in the microwave. I also plan on doing breakfast ones with silver dollar pancakes, sugar free syrup, scrambled eggs and fruit. The possibilities are endless and your snack packs can be completely customized to your liking, which is great if you're a finicky eater like me. This system has helped me in several ways. I've taken the stress out of deciding what to eat. Trying to figure out what to eat with my husband has become exhausting and if he wants something I don't it's ok because I have my snack packs. I have absolutely no schedule. I sleep when I sleep and I'm awake when I'm awake, I have no control over it and I'm often awake at night but when I get hungry at 2 a.m. and I have to fend for myself it's fine because I have my snack packs. I had developed terrible digestion issues due to medications and poor diet choices and my digestion issues have gotten much better due to the healthy snack packs. I find it fun deciding which pack I want to eat since I make sure they're all a little diverse and I can't believe how good they are. They are always satisfying and if I happen to be more hungry I can just have another snack pack. If you are struggling with diet and feeding yourself I highly recommend adopting this system. The Snack Pack Lifestyle is one of the best solutions I've ever come up with. It's ok if you feel like a kid eating your snack pack, that's one of the things that makes this system fun and if you have kids this idea could spare you some sanity 😁
If anyone would like me to post my specific combos that I use let me know.
submitted by KaleidoMary to SalemSpoonies [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 23:13 SanderSo47 Directors at the Box Office: Richard Donner

Directors at the Box Office: Richard Donner
Here's a new edition of "Directors at the Box Office", which seeks to explore the directors' trajectory at the box office and analyze their hits and bombs. I already talked about a few, and as I promised, it's Richard Donner's turn.
Initially, Donner wanted to develop a career as an actor. He gained a bit part in a television program directed by Martin Ritt, who encouraged Donner to become a director instead, and he hired Donner as his assistant. Through his connections in Desilu, he started directing commercials. In the 60s, he transitioned into television, directing episodes for shows like The Twilight Zone, The Fugitive, The Man from U.N.C.L.E., Get Smart, and Gilligan's Island. Afterwards, he had his chance to direct films.
From a box office perspective, how reliable was he to deliver a box office hit?
That's the point of this post. To analyze his career.

It should be noted that as he started his career in the 1960s, the domestic grosses here will be adjusted by inflation. The table with his highest grossing films, however, will be left in its unadjusted form, as the worldwide grosses are more difficult to adjust.

X-15 (1961)

"Actually filmed in space!"
His directorial debut. It stars David McLean, Charles Bronson, James Gregory and Mary Tyler Moore, and presents a fictionalized account of the X-15 research rocket aircraft program, the test pilots who flew the aircraft, and the associated NASA community that supported the program.
There are no box office numbers available, but it is said that it had a short and poor theatrical run. Reviews were mixed, and Moore said she's not proud of the film.

Salt and Pepper (1965)

"Join the club."
His second film. It stars Sammy Davis Jr., Peter Lawford, Michael Bates, Ilona Rodgers and John Le Mesurier, and follows two nightclub owners finding themselves in trouble over a woman's death.
It received mixed reviews, and it earned $1.75 million in rentals.
  • Budget: N/A.
  • Domestic gross: $1,750,000 in rentals. ($17.4 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $1,750,000.

Lola (1970)

"It may be love... but it's definitely exhausting!"
His third film. It stars Charles Bronson and Susan George, and follows a 38-year-old writer of pornographic novels who meets and falls in love with a sixteen-year-old school girl whilst living in London.
There are no box office figures, but you can be sure of something: it was panned by everyone.

The Omen (1976)

"If something frightening happens to you today, think about it."
His fourth film. It stars Gregory Peck, Lee Remick, David Warner, Harvey Spencer Stephens, Billie Whitelaw, Patrick Troughton, Martin Benson, and Leo McKern. The film's plot follows Damien Thorn, a young child replaced at birth by his father, unbeknownst to his wife, after their biological child dies shortly after birth. As a series of mysterious events and violent deaths occur around the family and Damien enters childhood, they come to learn he is in fact the prophesied Antichrist.
Producer Harvey Bernhard came up with the idea for a film about the Antichrist after talking with one of his friends. WB was on board, but they later pulled out, so 20th Century Fox agreed to distribute the film. Donner favored an ambiguous reading of the script under which it would be left for the audience to decide whether Damien was the Antichrist or whether the series of violent deaths in the film were all just a string of unfortunate accidents. Seltzer rejected the ambiguity favored by Donner and pressed for an interpretation of his script that left no doubt for the audience that Damien Thorn was the Antichrist and that all of the deaths in the film were caused by the malevolent power of Satan, the interpretation that Bernhard chose to go with.
There were some... dark stories over the making of the film. Some aren't confirmed, but others are verified. So take the following with huge grains of salt.
In September 1975, Peck was flying to London, and during the flight, lightning struck the plane. Shortly after, executive producer Mace Neufeld's plane was also struck by lightning while en route to Los Angeles. That's twice in a span of only a few weeks. Then, writer David Seltzer's plane was also struck by lightning. And, while filming in Rome, lightning narrowly missed striking Bernhard. Lightning may never strike twice, but four times, and to different people whose only six degrees of separation at the time was The Omen? Oh, it gets even creepier. A scene was postponed, which meant Peck was not needed on the set, so a private jet that the crew was going to charter to bring Peck in was not necessary. The next day, it was reported that the plane they had intended to book hit a flock of birds and crashed, killing everyone on board.
Neufeld, probably already on edge after his plane was struck by lightning, was planning to eat at a restaurant nearby, but it was hit by an IRA bombing. The day after filming, the hotel that Donner had stayed at was also bombed.
John Richardson, the set designer, created a particularly macabre scene where a character dies from decapitation resulting from an automobile accident. While in Holland in August 1976, Richardson and his assistant, Liz Moore, were struck by a freakishly unfortunate fate. They fell victims to a head-on-collision, where Moore was cut in half, in similar fashion to the one Richardson had designed for the film. It happened in a Friday the 13th, near a road sign which says: “Ommen, 66.6 km.”
Does that send you shivers down your spine?
Is all of this true? I... I'm not sure. I don't fully believe it. But I also don't fully not believe it. Whatever the case, it's truly one of the most insane behind-the-scenes stuff.
After a slate of weak films, Donner finally got his big break here. The film earned $78 million worldwide, becoming a huge box office success. While it initially received mixed reviews, its reputation grew with time and it has been named as one of the best horror films of the 1970s. It would spawn a franchise, but Donner didn't return for the director's chair. Why? He was preparing for something super.
  • Budget: $2,800,000.
  • Domestic gross: $60,922,980. ($335.7 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $78,722,980.

Superman (1978)

"You'll believe a man can fly."
His fifth film. Based on the DC Comics character, it stars Marlon Brando, Gene Hackman, Christopher Reeve, Jeff East, Margot Kidder, Glenn Ford, Phyllis Thaxter, Jackie Cooper, Trevor Howard, Marc McClure, Terence Stamp, Valerie Perrine, Ned Beatty, Jack O'Halloran, Maria Schell, and Sarah Douglas. It depicts the origin of Superman, including his infancy as Kal-El of Krypton, son of Jor-El, and his youthful years in the rural town of Smallville. Disguised as reporter Clark Kent, he adopts a mild-mannered disposition in Metropolis and develops a romance with Lois Lane while battling the villainous Lex Luthor.
Ilya Salkind had first conceived the idea for a Superman film in late 1973, and he bought the rights with his father Alexander the following year. DC wanted a list of actors that were to be considered for Superman, and approved the producer's choices of Muhammad Ali, Al Pacino, James Caan, Steve McQueen, Clint Eastwood and Dustin Hoffman. The filmmakers felt it was best to film Superman and Superman II back-to-back, and to make a negative pickup deal with Warner Bros. To show how serious he was, Alexander hired Mario Puzo (The Godfather) and paid him $600,000 to write the script.
Francis Ford Coppola, George Lucas, William Friedkin, Richard Lester, Peter Yates, John Guillermin, Ronald Neame and Sam Peckinpah were in negotiations to direct. Ilya wanted to hire Steven Spielberg to direct, but Alexander was skeptical, feeling it was best to "wait until [Spielberg's] big fish opens." His film, Jaws, became the highest grossing film ever, and the Salkinds offered him the job, but by that point Spielberg chose to make Close Encounters of the Third Kind instead. Guy Hamilton was hired, but left before filming due to legal issues. After seeing The Omen, the producers offered the job to Donner. He was planning to direct the Omen sequel, but decided to take Superman instead. Donner was dissatisfied with the campy script and brought in Tom Mankiewicz to perform a rewrite to start from scratch. According to Mankiewicz, "not a word from the Puzo script was used."
Before Donner signed, the film already cast Marlon Brando as Jor-El in 1975. And his terms were insane; top billing, a salary of $3.7 million and 11.75% of the box office gross profits (totaling $19 million), and his scenes had to be filmed in 12 days. He also refused to memorize his dialogue, so cue cards were compiled across the set. Hackman was cast as Lex Luthor days later, getting a $2 million salary. The filmmakers made it a priority to shoot all of Brando's and Hackman's footage "because they would be committed to other films immediately."
The first plan was for a famous star to play Superman, although Robert Redford, Burt Reynolds, Sylvester Stallone and Paul Newman all declined. When Donner signed, he decided to get an unknown actor. Reeve was suggested, but Donner and the producers felt he was too young and skinny. When other actors weren't convincing, they decided to give a screen test to Reeve. They wanted him to wear a muscle suit, but Reeve instead decided to take a strict physical exercise regime headed by David Prowse. After gaining enough weight, he was cast. Compared to Brando and Hackman, Reeve was paid just $250,000 for Superman and its sequel.
Filming began in March 1977, and it lasted 19 months because they were filming two films. The budget was $55 million ($303 million adjusted), which made it the most expensive film by that point. Warner Bros. only planned to distribute the film in North America, but was so impressed by the Krypton sequence, that they decided to distribute it worldwide. It was supposed to last eight months, but there were conflicts on set.
Donner had tensions with the Salkinds and producer Pierre Spengler concerning the escalating production budget and the shooting schedule. Richard Lester, who worked with the Salkinds on The Three Musketeers and The Four Musketeers, was then brought in as a temporary co-producer to mediate the relationship between Donner and the Salkinds, who by now were refusing to talk to each other. On his relationship with Spengler, Donner remarked, "At one time if I'd seen him, I would have killed him." Due to this, they decided to stop filming back-to-back with the sequel, and Donner was assigned to finish the first film. By that point, 75% was already shot by Donner.
The film opened with $7.4 million in its first weekend, despite playing at just 508 theaters, breaking a record for Warner Bros. As it expanded, it earned $10.3 million in its third weekend, which was the biggest weekend in history. Through the December 22-28 week, it earned a colossal $18.5 million, a figure that no film achieved in just 7 days. It eventually closed its domestic run with $134 million. And WB was right in believing in its worldwide prospects, as the film earned a huge $300 million, becoming their highest grossing film.
The film also received critical acclaim, and it has been named as one of the best films of the 1970s. It won a Special Oscar for its Visual Effects. The film was deemed a cultural landmark for comic books, and it has been proclaimed by many as perhaps the most influential comic book film ever. For the world finally believed that, indeed, a man could fly.
With this, Superman was finally an icon on the big screen. While Donner filmed 75% of Superman II, he was controversially fired before resuming his duties. There would be more Superman films in subsequent years (including one next year), but none have captured the cultural zeitgeist that this one achieved.
  • Budget: $55,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $134,478,449. ($646.7 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $300,478,449.

Inside Moves (1980)

"It'll make you feel good, and that ain't bad."
His sixth film. Based on the novel by Todd Walton, it stars John Savage, David Morse, Diana Scarwid, and Amy Wright. It follows a man who became crippled after a failed suicide attempt, and he turns to drink, favoring a local dive bar frequented by the handicapped. There, he befriends the bartender, an ex-basketball player saving up for corrective surgery in hopes of returning to the court, and meets a kind young lady who aids him with his physical and mental rehabilitation.
Donner states that he agreed to direct the film only to take his mind off being fired and replaced from Superman II. He referred to the film as "the smallest film I could do that was just very near and dear to me, at that point, and I felt this is going to take my mind totally off that."
It received mixed reviews, and made just $1.2 million at the box office.
  • Budget: N/A.
  • Domestic gross: $1,200,000. ($4.5 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $1,200,000.

The Toy (1982)

"When Jackie Gleason told his son he could have any present he wanted, he picked the most outrageous gift of all... Richard Pryor."
His seventh film. The film stars Richard Pryor, Jackie Gleason and Scott Schwartz, and follows a janitor at a department store. The owner's son is told that he may have anything in the toy department. He chooses the janitor, who the owner pays to spend a week with the boy.
The film was panned by critics, and was named as one of the worst films of the year. But with $47 million at the box office, it was still a success.
  • Budget: $17,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $47,118,057. ($153 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $47,118,057.

The Goonies (1985)

"Join the adventure."
His eighth film. The film stars Sean Astin, Josh Brolin, Jeff Cohen, Corey Feldman, Kerri Green, Martha Plimpton, Ke Huy Quan, John Matuszak, Anne Ramsey, Robert Davi, Joe Pantoliano and Mary Ellen Trainor. In the film, a group of kids who live in the "Goon Docks" neighborhood of Astoria, Oregon, attempt to save their homes from foreclosure and, in doing so, they discover an old treasure map that takes them on an adventure to unearth the long-lost fortune of One-Eyed Willy, a legendary 17th-century pirate. During the adventure, they are pursued by a family of criminals who want the treasure for themselves.
Donner noted both the difficulties and pleasures of working with so many child actors. He praised them for their energy and excitement, but also said that they were also unruly when brought together. While Donner is credited as the director, some have referred to producer Steven Spielberg as co-director.
The film received a great response, and after a slate of weak films, Donner bounced back with a much needed box office hit. The film was very influential, and it helped launch the careers of many of its stars.
  • Budget: $19,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $63,711,145. ($185.6 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $124,311,145.

Ladyhawke (1985)

"A magical adventure."
His ninth film. The film stars Matthew Broderick, Rutger Hauer and Michelle Pfeiffer. The story is about a young thief who becomes unwillingly involved with a warrior and his lady who are hunted by the Bishop of Aquila. As he learns about the couple's past and secret, he chooses to help them overcome the Bishop's forces, and to lift an infernal curse.
It received mixed reviews, and it failed to recoup its $20 million budget.
  • Budget: $20,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $18,432,000. ($53.7 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $18,432,000.

Lethal Weapon (1987)

"Two cops. Glover carries a weapon. Gibson is one. He's the only L.A. cop registed as a..."
His tenth film. It stars Mel Gibson, Danny Glover, Gary Busey, Tom Atkins, Darlene Love, and Mitchell Ryan. The film follows a pair of mismatched LAPD detectives — Martin Riggs, a former Green Beret who has become suicidal following the death of his wife, and veteran officer and family man Roger Murtaugh — who work together as partners.
Recent UCLA graduate Shane Black wrote the screenplay in mid-1985. Black stated that his intention was to do an "urban western" inspired by Dirty Harry where a violent character "reviled for what he did, what he is capable of, the things he believed in" is eventually recruited for being the one that could solve the problem. His first draft was quite different from the final film; it was darker in tone and it included massive action scale sequences. The ending of the script contained a chase scene with helicopters and a trailer truck full of cocaine exploding over Hollywood Hills with cocaine snowing over the Hollywood sign.
The script was rejected by some studios, but Warner Bros. took an interest. Producer Joel Silver was brought in and worked with Black to further develop the script. Donner also brought in writer Jeffrey Boam to do some uncredited re-writes on Black's script after he found parts of it to be too dark. Donner got Gibson involved, while someone else suggested Danny Glover. After a successful screen test, the film was greenlit.
The film was a huge hit, earning $120 million worldwide and continued launching the careers of Gibson and Glover, even if they already had a few recognizable titles by that point. It also received very positive reviews, and was another prime example of the buddy cop genre. Another Donner W.
  • Budget: $15,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $65,207,127. ($179.9 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $120,207,127.

Scrooged (1988)

"The spirits will move you in odd and hysterical ways."
His 11th film. Based on the novella A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, it stars Bill Murray, Karen Allen, John Forsythe, John Glover, Bobcat Goldthwait, Carol Kane, Robert Mitchum, Michael J. Pollard, and Alfre Woodard. The film is a modern retelling that follows Frank Cross, a cynical and selfish television executive who is visited by a succession of ghosts on Christmas Eve intent on helping him regain his Christmas spirit.
After Ghostbusters, Murray only took a brief appearance in Little Shop of Horrors and chose to take a break. When he did feel a desire to return to acting, he said the "scripts were just not that good", and he returned to the this project as he found the idea of making a funny Scrooge appealing. Murray was paid $6 million for his role. He helped the writers, Mitch Glazer and Michael O'Donoghue, in rewriting.
Murray struggled with a scene where he reveals his redemption live on TV. Wanting a central acting moment, however, Murray gave an emotional and intense performance, deviating from his marked positions and improvising his speech. Glazer and O'Donoghue thought that the actor was suffering a mental breakdown. After he was finished, the crew applauded Murray, but O'Donoghue remarked "What was that? The Jim Jones hour?" Donner turned and punched O'Donoghue in the arm, leaving him bruised for a week.
Despite the commitment, however, there was drama behind the scenes. Murray said that while he was enjoying the experience of the script and having fun as "the meanest person in the world", he found the production "sloppy" and has expressed unhappiness with the final cut. For his part, O'Donoghue later said that Donner did not understand comedy, omitting the script's subtler elements for louder and faster moments. He estimated that only 40% of his and Glazer's original script made it into the final film and the surviving content was "twisted". Murray was also not content with Donner, "Scrooged could have been a really, really great movie. The script was so good... He kept telling me to do things louder, louder, louder. I think he was deaf." Donner, meanwhile, has a much more positive memory of Murray, calling him "superbly creative but occasionally difficult - as difficult as any actor."
The film received polarizing reactions, particularly for the tone. But as it was Murray's follow-up to Ghostbusters, it made $100 million worldwide, making it a box office success. In subsequent years, it has become a Christmas classic.
  • Budget: $32,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $60,328,558. ($159.8 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $100,328,558.

Lethal Weapon 2 (1989)

"The magic is back."
His 12th film. The second installment in the Lethal Weapon franchise, it stars Mel Gibson, Danny Glover, Joe Pesci, Joss Ackland, Derrick O'Connor and Patsy Kensit. In the film, Martin Riggs and Roger Murtaugh protect an irritating federal witness, Leo Getz, while taking on a gang of South African drug dealers hiding behind diplomatic immunity.
After the first film's success, Joel Silver asked Shane Black to write a sequel. Although he was struggling with personal issues, Black still managed to write the first draft along with his friend, novelist Warren Murphy. Although many people thought that their script was brilliant, it was rejected by Silver, Donner and the studio for being too dark and bloody, and because in the ending of the script Riggs dies, while they wanted to keep him alive in case of further sequels. They also wanted the second film to focus more on comedy, while Black's draft focused more on courage and heroics, like Riggs willing to die to protect Murtaugh and his family, due to his love for them.
When his script was rejected, Black felt that he had failed the producers. Black refused to re-write the script and quit from the project after working for six months on it. Black later said how the problem with the second film was that they did too much comedy, and how he dislikes the third and fourth films because of the way Riggs's character was changed. Donner got Jeffrey Boam back to rewrite, and one of the biggest changes was expanding Leo Getz's character.
The film received very great reviews, and saw a big increase from the original, earning $227 million worldwide.
  • Budget: $30,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $147,253,986. ($372.3 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $227,853,986.

Radio Flyer (1992)

"Powered by imagination."
His 13th film. The film stars Lorraine Bracco, John Heard, Elijah Wood, Joseph Mazzello, Adam Baldwin, and Ben Johnson and is narrated by Tom Hanks. Two young boys try to transform their toy into an airplane after their stepfather turns abusive. They wish to escape the physical abuse and fly away to safety.
The film received negative reviews, and it barely got 10% of its budget. Luckily for Donner, he had another film for that year.
  • Budget: $35,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $4,651,977. ($10.3 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $4,651,977.

Lethal Weapon 3 (1992)

"The magic is back again."
His 14th film. The third installment in the Lethal Weapon franchise, it stars Mel Gibson, Danny Glover, Joe Pesci, Rene Russo, and Stuart Wilson. In the film, Martin Riggs and Roger Murtaugh pursue Jack Travis, a former LAPD lieutenant turned ruthless arms dealer, during the six days prior to Murtaugh's retirement. Riggs and Murtaugh are joined by Leo Getz as well as internal affairs Sergeant Lorna Cole.
Jeffrey Boam's first two drafts of the script were different from the final film. The character of Lorna for example was not a woman in original drafts, but the original character still had the same personality and was just as lethal and crazy as Riggs, making him his match. Riggs also had an affair with Roger's daughter Rianne, and a few parts in the final film where Roger suspects that Riggs and Rianne are interested in each other are only parts left from the original drafts. Donner demanded some big changes on the script which included changing the original character of Lorna into a woman and turning her into Riggs's girlfriend. He also re-worked the script to be less story-oriented and not focus on the main villains but instead on the relationship between Riggs and Murtaugh. He also toned down action scenes from the script and brought back Leo Getz into the story. All of his scenes were written in afterwards.
The film received mixed reviews and was considered as weaker than the previous films. But it still earned $320 million worldwide, becoming the highest grossing film in the franchise and Donner's highest grossing film (although Superman still has that title adjusted for inflation).
  • Budget: $35,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $144,731,527. ($323.4 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $321,731,527.

Maverick (1994)

"In their hands, a deck of cards was the only thing more dangerous than a gun."
His 15th film. Based on the 1957–1962 television series, it stars Mel Gibson, Jodie Foster and James Garner (who starred in the original series). The film follows Bret Maverick, a card player and con artist who collects money in order to enter a high-stakes poker game. He is joined in his adventure by Annabelle Bransford, another con artist, and Marshal Zane Cooper, a lawman.
The film received positive reviews, and was another great success at the box office, earning $183 million worldwide.
  • Budget: $75,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $101,631,272. ($215 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $183,031,272.

Assassins (1995)

"In the shadows of life, in the business of death, one man found a reason to live..."
His 16th film. The film stars Sylvester Stallone, Antonio Banderas, and Julianne Moore. Professional hit-man Robert Rath wants to fulfill a few more contracts before retiring but unscrupulous ambitious newcomer hit-man Miguel Bain keeps killing Rath's targets.
The film was panned by critics, and was a box office flop.
  • Budget: $50,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $30,303,072. ($62.3 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $83,306,268.

Conspiracy Theory (1997)

"Jerry Fletcher sees conspiracies everywhere... one has turned out to be true. Now his enemies want him dead. And she's the only one he can trust."
His 17th film. It stars Mel Gibson, Julia Roberts and Patrick Stewart, and centers on an eccentric taxi driver who believes many world events are triggered by government conspiracies, and the Justice Department attorney who becomes involved in his life.
The film received mixed reviews, and despite earning $137 million worldwide, it wasn't a box office success due to its high budget.
  • Budget: $80,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $75,982,834. ($148.4 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $136,982,834.

Lethal Weapon 4 (1998)

"The gang's all here."
His 18th film. The fourth and final installment in the Lethal Weapon franchise, it stars Mel Gibson, Danny Glover, Joe Pesci, Rene Russo, Chris Rock, and Jet Li. It follows Martin Riggs and Roger Murtaugh as they investigate a Chinese immigrant smuggling ring. A crime boss named Benny Chan leads them to the Chinatown.
Wanting another film in the franchise, Warner Bros. and Joel Silver tried buying a new spec script titled Simon Says in hopes of rewriting it into a script for Lethal Weapon 4. Written by Jonathan Hensleigh, the story was about a police detective and a shop owner forced to find and stop bombs planted all over a city as part of a mad bomber's revenge plot against the detective. 20th Century Fox then bought the script, and decided to use it as the basis for a new Die Hard film, Die Hard with a Vengeance. Donner was committed to another film, but Gibson was not interested.
The film had a very difficult pre-production, as the script was still being re-written and rejected. Silver ultimately brought in TV writer Channing Gibson to work on the script, after he was impressed by Gibson's rewrite of a spec script titled Sandblast. Gibson took the gig thinking it would be a more relaxed writing job than anything he did for TV. However, much like the previous two sequels, the script kept getting changed and rewritten over and over again. Gibson would end up doing more work and revisions on it than on all of his TV work put together. Production even started with only half of the script.
Something you might have noticed, is that the budget was far larger than the previous films. While the previous two films cost $30-$35 million, Lethal Weapon 4 had a budget of... $150 million ($288 million adjusted). Which means that at that point, it was the most expensive R-rated film ever and the third most expensive film, just behind Titanic and Waterworld. Why? Because the delays kept coming... but Warner Bros. was desperate in greenlighting the film. Realizing they had no big tentpole releases scheduled for summer 1998, Warner Bros. finally greenlit the film in late 1997. So they opened all their wallets and started shooting in January 1998, despite having one third of the film not written yet, including the ending. Due to issues during filming, including the script changes, production ended around mid May, less than two months before its scheduled July release. The ending was not written until it was finally time to film it. Editors had to work very quickly to have the film ready, which is why the trailers feature some deleted and alternate scenes which are not in the film. So the film was greenlit, filmed and released in theaters in the span of just 7 months.
The film received mixed reviews. And if Warner Bros. was confident that spending $150 million to rush a film was worth it, they were in for a rude awakening. The film earned just $285 million worldwide, which meant that the film was a box office flop.
It was the last film in the franchise. Although a gang in a pub in Philadelphia kept the spirit alive by making three sequels, one of which had Danny DeVito as the bad guy.
  • Budget: $150,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $130,444,603. ($250.9 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $285,444,603.

Timeline (2003)

"You're history."
His 19th film. Based on the novel by Michael Crichton, it stars Paul Walker, Frances O'Connor, Gerard Butler, Billy Connolly, David Thewlis, and Anna Friel. It follows a team of present-day archaeology and history students who are sent back in time to medieval France to rescue their professor from the middle of a battle.
The film was a critical and commercial failure.
  • Budget: $80,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $19,481,943. ($33.1 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $43,935,763.

16 Blocks (2006)

"1 Witness... 118 Minutes."
His 20th and final film. It stars Bruce Willis, Mos Def, and David Morse. The film unfolds in the real time narration method, and follows Jack, who is assigned the task of escorting Eddie, a witness, from police custody to the courthouse. However, when they are attacked on the way, Jack learns that the entire NYPD wants Eddie dead.
The film received mixed reviews, and it marked his fifth bomb in a row. It was his final film before his death in 2021.
  • Budget: $52,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $36,895,141. ($57.3 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $65,664,721.


No. Movie Year Studio Domestic Total Overseas Total Worldwide Total Budget
1 Lethal Weapon 3 1992 Warner Bros. $144,731,527 $177,000,000 $321,731,527 $35M
2 Superman 1978 Warner Bros. $134,478,449 $166,000,000 $300,478,449 $55M
3 Lethal Weapon 4 1998 Warner Bros. $130,444,603 $155,000,000 $285,444,603 $150M
4 Lethal Weapon 2 1989 Warner Bros. $147,253,986 $80,600,000 $227,853,986 $30M
5 Maverick 1994 Warner Bros. $101,631,272 $81,400,000 $183,031,272 $75M
6 Conspiracy Theory 1997 Warner Bros. $75,982,834 $61,000,000 $136,982,834 $80M
7 The Goonies 1985 Warner Bros. $63,711,145 $60,600,000 $124,311,145 $19M
8 Lethal Weapon 1987 Warner Bros. $65,207,127 $55,000,000 $120,207,127 $15M
9 Scrooged 1988 Paramount $60,328,558 $40,000,000 $100,328,558 $32M
10 Assassins 1995 Warner Bros. $30,303,072 $53,000,000 $83,306,268 $50M
11 The Omen 1976 20th Century Fox $60,922,980 $17,800,000 $78,722,980 $2.8M
12 16 Blocks 2006 Warner Bros. $36,895,141 $28,769,580 $65,664,721 $52M
13 The Toy 1982 20th Century Fox $47,118,057 $0 $47,118,057 $17M
14 Timeline 2003 Paramount $19,481,943 $24,453,820 $43,935,763 $80M
15 Ladyhawke 1985 Warner Bros. / 20th Century Fox $18,432,000 $0 $18,432,000 $20M
16 Radio Flyer 1992 Columbia $4,651,977 $0 $4,651,977 $35M
17 Salt and Pepper 1965 United Artists $1,750,000 $0 $1,750,000 N/A
18 Inside Moves 1980 Associated Film Distribution $1,200,000 $0 $1,200,000 N/A
He made 20 films, but only 18 have reported box office numbers. Across those 18 films, he made $2,146,151,267 worldwide. That's $119,230,625 per film.

The Verdict

Despite the inconsistency of his filmography, it's hard to deny Donner as a very influential figure of cinema.
He was an expert in handling many genres; you'd expect the director of The Goonies to make 4 Lethal Weapon films? Or that the guy who made The Omen would make Scrooged? Sure, his last films indicated that he might have lost it, but you can't blame him for trying. The fact that he was willing to make Lethal Weapon 5 before his death show he was very committed. He was never too old for this shit.
And of course, there's Superman. The film that changed comic book films as we know them. It wasn't the first, but it was perhaps the most influential. There's an argument that either Batman, The Dark Knight, Iron Man, The Avengers, Deadpool or Joker are more influential, but those films wouldn't exist today if it wasn't for Donner. It's why Kevin Feige shows the film to all the cast and crew before filming any MCU film. If the film was put in the careless hands of a mediocre director, it would've been forgotten almost immediately. And the genre would be very different today. So it's a testament to the strength of the film of how much it could change the landscape of what was possible. He and Christopher Reeve really offered something fresh and exciting. They truly made the world believe a man could fly.
Hope you liked this edition. You can find this and more in the wiki for this section.
The next director will be Ang Lee. A very important filmmaker.
I asked you to choose who else should be in the run and the comment with the most upvotes would be chosen. Well, we'll later talk about... Roland Emmerich. Is it Joever for him?
This is the schedule for the following four:
Week Director Reasoning
June 3-9 Ang Lee What happened to Lee?
June 10-16 Zack Snyder RIP Inbox.
June 17-23 Tony Scott Action films have not been the same ever since his death.
June 24-30 Roland Emmerich The King of disaster films.
Who should be next after Emmerich? That's up to you. But there's a catch.
For this week, you'll choose from four options, all picked by me. So we won't accept any other suggestions this week. I'll give you four directors, and the director with the most upvotes will get his own post. And here they are:
  • Joe Dante: Like Donner, a very influential figure of the 70s and 80s.
  • Renny Harlin: One of the most popular directors with the biggest amount of flops. How does he do it?
  • John McTiernan: An important action filmmaker... who literally went to jail.
  • Rob Reiner: Another actor who had an incredible run as a director, before falling with North.
So which one should be next? That's up to you.
submitted by SanderSo47 to boxoffice [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 01:40 Leather_Focus_6535 The currently 105 inmates executed by Florida since the 1970s and their crimes (warning, graphic content, please read at your own risk) [part 1, cases 1 to 52]

Here is my list of Florida's post Furman execution roster that I wrote for my personal death penalty project. To be clear, the dates given here are a loose timeframe of an offender's first known criminal activities (including misdemeanors and delinquent activities) to their executions, and not at all their years on death row. In a large number of death penalty cases, the offenders were committing high level felonies, even other murders in extreme cases like Ted Bundy, well before the murders that condemned them. I wanted to encapsulate the earlier known or suspected offenses in order to express the scope and scale of their crimes.
As a warning, due how the death penalty is utilized in the United States, many of the surveyed crimes are extremely graphic by nature. Please read at your own risk. On a different note, Florida is the last currently completed list. I'm still working on Texas, and as of now finished 484 entries out of the state's 587 cases to date.
As with my lists for Missouri, Virginia, and Oklahoma, reddit's character limitations forced me to split Florida's roster into two parts. Here is the link to part 2.
The currently 105 executed offenders, cases 1 to 52:
1. John Spenkelink (~1972-1979, electric chair): While on the run after escaping from a Californian prison, Spenkelink picked up 45 year old Joseph Szymankiewicz while he was hitchhiking. Like Spenkelink, Szymankiewicz was a career criminal, and had a conviction for murdering a owner of a furniture store during a robbery. They went on a nationwide crime spree together, but Spenkelink shot Szymankiewicz and disemboweled him with a hatchet while he was asleep in a hotel room. He claimed that the killing was done to protect himself from a sexual assault and being forced to play Russian Roulette, but this was rejected by the courts. Spenkelink had several previous convictions of armed robberies, some of which he was serving when he escaped from California.
2. Robert Sullivan (1973-1983, electric chair): Sullivan and his accomplice abducted 38 year old Donald Schmidt from a Howard Johnson's he managed. They bound Schmidt's hands behind his back, and drove him to a remote swamp in the Everglades. He was beaten with a tire iron and shot four times in the head. The pair then took Schmdit's watch and his credit cards from his body.
3. Anthony Antone (~1970s-1984, electric chair): Antone, a high ranking mobster, was hired by a crime boss to arrange the murder of Richard Cloud, a 33 year old private detective. He arranged for two of his associates to gun down Cloud on his own front porch. Although he wasn't directly present at the crime itself, Antone bore the harshest penalties due to his employer and one of his triggermen committing suicide in custody and the surviving triggerman agreeing to testify against him.
4. Arthur Goode III (~1960s-1984, electric chair): Goode lured 9 year old Jason VerDow into a forest, and raped and strangled him to death. The next day, he abducted Billy Arthe, a 10 year old Guatemalan immigrant, and took him on a journey to Washington D.C. On their way through Virginia, Goode kidnapped 11 year old Kenny Dawson. Both boys were sexually abused, and he strangled Dawson to death with a belt in front of Arthe. Arthe was rescued when a passing woman recognized him from the news coverages. Good was notorious for being a shameless pedophile who openly flaunted and defended his predations of young boys to any listening ears. When he acted as his own attorney during the proceedings for VerDow's murder, Goode's defense entirely hinged on pedophila apologetics and advocacy. He started victimizing younger boys in his early teens, and dealt with several accusations of sexual assault throughout high school. His execution was somewhat controversial, as Goode was cognitively disabled and had the mentality of a young child.
5. James Adams (~1962-1984, electric chair): During a burglary of a ranch, Adams beat the owner, 61 year old Edgar Brown, to death with a firepoker stick. Several of the undisclosed items Adams stole in the robbery were discovered in his wife's car. Prior to the murder, Adams had a rape conviction that gave him a 99 year sentence, but he managed to escape from prison.
6. Carl Shriner (~1962-1984, electric chair): Shriner shot and killed Judith Carter, a 32 year old clerk, while robbing a convenience store. He was involved with petty crimes since he was 8 years old, and Shriner was on parole for armed robbery at the time of the murder.
7. David Washington (1976-1984, electric chair): Washington started his crime spree by fatally stabbing a minister, 69 year old Daniel Pridgen, during a robbery of his home. A few days later, he broke into a home that had 64 year old Katrina Birk and her 3 sister in laws inside. He tied up all four women, and stabbed and shot them. Birk was killed, but her sister in laws survived with crippling injuries. The day after Birk's murder, Washington and his accomplices kidnapped 20 year old Frank Meli from a university, tied him to a bed, and tried extorting a ransom from his family. When that failed, he stabbed his captive to death. In his 10 day long murder and robbery spree, Washington stole jewelry, a car, an undisclosed amount of some money from Pridgen, and $8 from Birk and her sister in laws.
8. Ernest Dobbert Jr. (1972-1984, electric chair): Dobbert routinely tortured his children with beatings, poking their eyes with his fingers, dunking their heads in bathtubs, and burnings with cigarette lighters. Two of them, 9 year old Kelly and 7 year old Ryder, were strangled to death during one of his daily beatings and torture sessions.
9. James Henry (~1965-1984, electric chair): Henry invaded the home of Zellie Riley, a 81 year old Civil Rights activist. He tied up and gagged Riley, slit his throat with a razor blade, and stole $64. A few days later, Henry shot and wounded detective Ronald Ferguson in a confrontation. He previously shot and injured a man in one incident and non fatally stabbed a man in another, and alleged in both cases that the circumstances were self defense. However, the apparent victims made identical claims that Henry was trying to rob them.
10. Timothy Palmes (1976-1984, electric chair): Palmes used his girlfriend to lure her employer, a 41 year old furniture store owner named James Stone, to her apartment and knocked him unconscious with a hammer. Palmes and his other accomplice, Ronald Straight, bound him with wire and locked Stone in a wooden box they specifically made for him. They tortured their captive by slowly cutting his fingers off, and stabbed him 18 times with a machete and knife. The trio dumped Stone's body (which was still trapped in the box) into a river and stole his watch, car, and $2,800 from his store. Palmes tried to blame the killing entirely on his girlfriend, but she was granted immunity in exchange for testifying against him and Straight.
11. James Raulerson (1975-1985, electric chair): Raulerson and his accomplice robbed a restaurant at gunpoint, and raped one of the female employees. When the responding officers arrived at the scene, the pair engaged in a shootout with them. Both Raulerson's accomplice and a policeman, 23 year old Michael Stewart, were killed in the skirmish.
12. Johnny Witt (1973-1985, electric chair): Witt and his accomplice frequently stalked random people they could in the woods, as they were thrilled by the prospect of hunting other human beings. On a whim, the pair ambushed 11 year old Jonathan Kushner while he was riding his bike. They incapacitated Kushner by hitting him in the head with a drill star bit and gagged him. After they tossed him in the back of their truck, Kushner suffocated on the gag. Witt and his accomplice then cut the boy's stomach open to prevent bloating, engaged in intercourse with his body, and buried Kushner in a shallow grave.
13. Marvin Francois (1977-1985, electric chair): During what is now called the "Carol City massacre", Francois and two other men, Beauford White and John Ferguson, forced their way into a drug house. They tied up the 8 men and women inside (who were all between 24-45 years old), and shot them all in the head. Only two of the victims, 45 year old Johnnie Hall and 24 year old Margaret Wooden, survived. A total of $800 was stolen in the attack. Accomplice Ferguson (who was executed in 2013) also committed a series of unrelated murders that Francois wasn't involved with. These crimes are discussed in depth under Ferguson’s section (case 78) in Part 2 of this list.
14. Daniel Thomas (1976-1986, electric chair): Thomas and his accomplices, dubbed the "Ski Mask Gang" by the media, went on a rampage that involved the burglaries of 16 homes and the rapes of 5 women. The husband of one of those women, 49 year old Charles Anderson, was shot dead in an attempt to protect her. Other murders attributed to the Gas Mask Gang include 20 year old Henry Kersey (shot to death while trying to defend his wife, who was then tossed off a bridge) and 70 year old Tessie Henderson (succumbed to injuries received in a beating). Another woman was blinded after members of the Ski Mask Gang poured liquid plumber into her eyes.
15. David Funchess (1973-1986, electric chair): Fuchess was fired from a liquor store due to the owners suspecting him of stealing money. A year later, he assaulted his former workplace with a knife. He stabbed two employees, 62 year old Bertha McLeod and 52 year old Anna Waldrop, and a customer, 56 year old Clayton Ragan. Waldrop and Ragan were killed at the scene, while McLeod died from complications relating to her injuries two years after the attack. Fuchess left the store with several canceled checks that total around $6,000. He had several misdemeanors and minor felonies on his previous record that included theft, loitering, obstructing traffic, public intoxication, and disturbing the peace. Fuchess also attracted some public sympathy due to him being a Vietnam combat veteran that was diagnosed with PTSD.
16. John Straight (1976-1986, electric chair): As mentioned in Timothy Palmes' section, Straight took part in the torture murder of David Stone, and the robbery of his furniture store.
17. Beauford White (~1963-1987, electric chair): White was another participant in the "Carol City massacre" that the previously mentioned Marvin Francois was involved in. He had a lengthy criminal history dating back to the 1960s, and one of his past convictions was related to an attempted rape.
18. Willie Darden (~1970s-1988, electric chair): Darden was convicted of the shooting death of 54 year old James Turman and the non fatal shooting of a 16 year old neighbor while robbing Turman's Furniture Store. Turman's wife was also raped in the robbery. Some supporters had citied that he was tried by an all white jury, and used it to push a narrative that Darden, a black man, was condemned out of racism. He had several previous convictions, which included assault, forgery, theft, and the attempted rape of a 70 year old woman. Darden was on furlough for the latter conviction during the time of Turman's murder.
19. Jeffrey Daugherty (1976-1988, electric chair): While on a road trip with his uncle and girlfriend, Daugherty murdered at least 4 women and one man, 68 year old Carmen Abrams, 50 year old Betty Campbell, 49 year old Lavonne Sailer, 28 year old Elizabeth Shank, and 18 year old George Karns. The victims were slain through either shootings or stabbings at grocery stores, gas stations, and restaurants they worked at, but Sailer was attacked while hitchhiking. Daugherty mostly murdered for personal enjoyment, but he often stole coins, clothes, and watches from the victims.
20. Theodore Bundy (~1970s(?)-1989, electric chair): Across multiple states, Bundy kidnapped, raped, and murdered a bare minimum of ~20-36 females between the ages of 12-26. Although his true body count is uncertain and heavily disputed, most experts agree that it well exceeds official estimates. Bundy's abduction tactics were diverse, and ranged from grabbing targets by force, pretending to be a cripple in need of help, posing as emergency workers, seduction, and luring them in through hitchhiking. On some occasions, Bundy broke into the residences of victims, and assaulted them in their bedrooms. After an abduction, the victims were bound with handcuffs, raped while they were alive, and he engaged in acts of necrophila with their bodies. Most of his killing methods were strangulations with cords or beatings with tire irons and other blunt instruments. Several victims were also decapitated, and he kept their heads as trophies. Bundy disposed of corpses by dumping them in deserts, mountains, swamps, and other remote wilderness environments accessible to him.
21. Aubrey Adams Jr. (1978-1989, electric chair): Adams lured 8 year old Trisa Thomley into his car by offering her a ride home from school. He tied the girl up and dragged her to a remote forest. She was then raped and suffocated with a plastic bag.
22. Jesse Tafero (~1960s-1990, electric chair): A pair of patrolmen, 39 year old Phillip Black and 39 year old Donald Irwin (who was also a Canadian constable), found Tafero sleeping in his car with his wife, their children (which consisted of a 9 year old son and a 10 month old daughter), and a friend. What exactly occurred next is heavily disputed, but Tafero or his friend shot both officers dead, after they noticed a gun on the dashboard and asked the group to climb out. The group then fled in a police car, disposed of it, and kidnapped a man to carjack him. Tafero's execution was controversial, as his head caught on fire during the electrocution, and his supporters cited evidence of his friend (who was sentenced to life, but was released in 1994 on good behavior) being the triggerman in the shootings. He also had a long history of armed robbery, rape, and sodomy. Tafero's wife was initially condemned for the murder, but her sentence was reduced to 25 years to life on appeal in 1981, and was released with an Alford Plea in 1992.
23. Anthony Bertolotti (1983-1990, electric chair): Bertolotti enticed 46 year old Carol Ward into his home with the promise of helping her make a phone call. He held Ward at knife point, demanded money, and raped her. She was stabbed to death during the assault, and Bertolotti drove away with her car. In the trial, Bertolotti alleged that Ward offered him sex in exchange for stopping the robbery, and used it to claim that his angry girlfriend made him kill her for it.
24. James Hamblen (1984-1990, electric chair): Hamblen shot and killed 34 year old Laureen Edwards during a robbery of her store. Despite forcing Edwards to disrobe, Hamblen left he unmolested. He then fled to Texas and quickly started a relationship with 20 year old Debbie Abbott. A month later, Hamblen shot Abbott dead during a heated argument.
25. Raymond Clark (~1964-1990, electric chair): In 1964, Clark beat Marshell Taylor, his landlord's 14 year old son that he groomed and abused, to death with a pipe. After his parole at an undisclosed date in the 70s, Clark groomed another 14 year old boy into an illicit relationship. He recruited him in the abduction of David Drake, a 49 year scrap dealer. With the boy's help, he kidnapped their victim at gunpoint with the intentions of ransoming him back to his family. The pair forced Drake to write them a $5,000 check, and shot him in the head. When he wasn't able to cash in the check, Clark dropped his accomplice off at his home to avoid being charged with the boy's kidnapping, fled to California, and tried to trick Drake's family into paying his ransom. However, a series of calls was traced to his accomplice, and he implicated Clark to the police.
26. Roy Harich (1981-1991, electric chair): Harich kidnapped two teenage girls, 18 year old Carlene Kelly and 17 year old Deborah Miller, after luring them into his van from a beach. The pair were then both sexually assaulted. He shot Kelly dead, slit Miller's throat, and dumped them on a highway. Miller survived the attack and dragged herself to safety.
27. Bobby Francis (~1970s-1991, electric chair): Suspecting him of being a police informant against his drug trafficking enterprise, Francis abducted 35 year old Titus Walters. He tied him up and forcibly injected drano and battery acid into his body for a span of two hours. Despite Walters' pleas for his life, Francis shot him in the head and heart.
28. Nollie Martin (1977-1992, electric chair): Martin and his accomplice robbed a convenience store at knifepoint, stole $90, and kidnapped the clerk, 19 year old Patricia Greenfield. She was then raped and stabbed to death by her captors.
29. Edward Kennedy (~1977-1992, electric chair): In 1977, Kennedy and some partners shot and killed 33 year old Robert Brown, during a robbery of a motel. He was given a life sentence for the murder. Four years later, Kennedy escaped from prison. While on the run, he broke into a house in hopes of stealing money and guns. The homeowner, 32 year old Floyd Cone Jr. returned home with his cousin, 35 year old Robert McDermon (who worked as a state trooper), and unwittingly intercepted Kennedy. He shot them both dead, fled to a neighboring home, and took a 21 year old woman and her 4 month old son hostage. After a hour long standoff, Kennedy released his captives and surrendered himself to the police.
30. Robert Henderson (~1964-1998, electric chair): In December of 1982, Henderson went on a month long rampage across 6 states. He raped, robbed, and murdered a total of 12 people between the ages of 11-79 through shootings. Three of the victims where his wife's parents, 61 year old Ivan and 57 year old Marie Barnett, and her 11 year old brother Clifford. A few other victims were women, like 50 year old Dorothy Wilkinson, 37 year old Cheryl McDonald, 30 year old Jerilyn Stanfield, and 21 year old Lucinda Russell, that were kidnapped from their workplaces and homes and raped. A couple more were men, such as 79 year old Murray Ferderbe and 61 year old Sam Corrent, that he killed while robbing their homes and businesses. Henderson's last remaining murders were a trio of hitchhikers, 27 year old Vernon Odom, 23 year old Frances Dickey, and 18 year old Robert Dawson, that he killed together. Last but not least, Henderson bound an unidentified woman and her 12 year old daughter at gunpoint during a break in of their home. After Henderson raped the mother, he tried to do the same to her daughter. The mother then broke free from her restraints, and chased him away from her home. Contemporary media reports noted that the mother "fought harder for her daughter then she did for herself." Henderson had prior convictions of growing marijuana, assaulting officers, and stealing license plates.
31. Larry Johnson (1979-1993, electric chair): During the robbery of a gas station, Johnson shot and killed the clerk, 67 year old James Hadden. Like David Funchess, Johnson enjoyed a considerable amount of public sympathy due to him being a combat veteran of the Vietnam War.
32. Michael Durocher (1983-1993, electric chair): In 1983, Durocher made an agreement with his girlfriend, 31 year old Grace Reed, to conduct a murder-suicide pact involving her 5 year old daughter Candace and their 6 month old son Joshua. Although he shot and stabbed them all to death, Durocher backed out of his end of the pact. He later shot dead 27 year old Thomas Underwood while robbing a decorating story in 1986, and beat his roommate, 38 year old Edward Childers, to death during an argument in 1988.
33. Roy Stewart (1978-1994, electric chair): 77 year old Margaret Haizlip invited Stewart into her home. When she caught Stewart stealing a gold watch from her medicine drawer, Haizlip tried to evict him. In the confrontation, Stewart raped and strangled her to death with an electrical cord. Her body was found with 8 broken ribs, a fractured larynx, bite marks on her thighs and breasts, several contusions, and a torn vagina.
34. Bernard Bolender (~1970s-1995, electric chair): In a drug deal gone wrong, Bolender and two accomplices abducted their dealers, 39 year old John Merino, 38 year old Rudy Ayan, 33 year old Nicomedes Hernandez, and 25 year old Scott Bennett, at gunpoint, and robbed them of their jewelry. All four men were beaten with baseball bats, stabbed, and burned with heated knifes to extort an additional source of cocaine from them. Most of the hostages died in the 2 hour long torture session, but Merino was still alive when Bolender burned him and the other hostages' bodies in a car. Although most of his criminal history is murky, Bolender was heavily involved in the drug trade during the 1970s at the bare minimum.
35. Jerry White (~1962-1995, electric chair): White robbed a grocery store, and held the owner, 53 year old Alex Alexander, and a trio of customers (which consisted of 34 year old James Melson, an unidentified man, and the man's 12 year old daughter) at gunpoint. He shot and killed Melson, wounded Alexander, and tried forcing the father and daughter into a freezer. When the pair refused, White tried to shot them, but his gun misfired. The man and his daughter were able to flee with their lives and called the police, while White ran off with $338. White had 9 previous convictions, which included attempted murder, armed robbery, theft, and burglary, and was first arrested at the age of 14.
36. Phillip Atkins (1981-1995, electric chair): Atkins kidnapped 6 year old Antonio Castillo and molested him in a forest. When Castillo threatened to tell his parents about the abuse, Atkins bludgeoned him to death with a pipe.
37. John Bush (~1970s-1996, electric chair): Bush and three other men kidnapped 18 year old Frances Slater from a gas station she worked as a clerk at. They stabbed her to death and stole $100 from the register. Slater's murder attracted national attention due to her being the granddaughter and heiress of renowned singer Frances Langford and the outboard motor mongrel Ralph Evinrude. Bush's previous convictions include rape and robbery.
38. John Mills Jr. (1982-1996, electric chair): Mills and his accomplice tied up and abducted 30 year old Les Lawhon after ransacking his trailer for any valuables. They took him to a nearby abandoned airport to hideout. Lawhon then was beaten with a tire iron and shot in the head execution style.
39. Pedro Medina (1982-1997, electric chair): Medina tied up and gagged 52 year old Dorothy James in her home. He stabbed her to death and stole her car, which he was captured sleeping in by investigating police officers. His execution was a source of controversy, as Medina's head burst into flames as he was electrocuted on the chair. Medina's case and similar incidents led to Florida gradually phasing out of the electric chair in favor of lethal injection.
40. Gerald Stano (~1960s-1998, electric chair): Stano was convicted of murdering 22 women and girls between the ages of 12-35, though he admitted to 41, and is suspected of a total of 88 killings. His victims were all lured with promises of rides, payment for sexual favors, or abducted through force. The methods he used were diverse, and included drownings, shootings, stabbings, and strangulations. Most of the sources noted that none of his victims were raped, and that Stano seemed to have murdered out of an enjoyment for killing. As a child, Stano was charged with fasley pulling fire alarms at school and throwing rocks at cars. He was also fired for stealing from coworkers in one of his jobs.
41. Leo Jones (1981-1998, electric chair): Supposedly out of revenge for being brutalized by policemen, Jones was convicted of killing Thomas Szafranski, a 28 year old officer, in a sniper attack. Szafranski was driving his patrol car when he was ambushed and murdered. His execution was contested, as Jones claimed that he was coerced into confessing by investigators through beatings, and one of the apparent witnesses allegedly recounted his testimony.
42. Judy Buenoano (~1957-1998, electric chair): Over the course of 11 years, Buenoano poisoned her husband, 32 year old James Goodyear, her son, 19 year old Michael, and her boyfriend, 39 year old Bobby Morris with arsenic to collect their life insurance policies. She also made an attempt to poison another boyfriend after he was injured in a suspicious explosion, but was foiled by a police investigation. As a young girl, Buenoano assaulted her father, stepmother, and stepbrothers, and served a two month sentence for it.
43. Daniel Remeta (1985-1998, electric chair): Remeta and his accomplices shot and killed 5 people, 60 year old Mehrle Reeder, 55 year old Glenn Moore, 42 year old Linda Marvin, 29 year old John Schroeder, and 27 year old Larry McFarland, across Kansas, Arkansas, and Florida. The victims were all murdered in convenience store, restaurant, and gas station robberies.
44. Allen Davis (~1970s-1999, electric chair): Davis broke into a home with the intentions of raping 9 year old Kristina Weiler. Although no sexual assault occurred, Davis tied Kristina up and shot her in the head. He also struck her pregnant mother, 37 year old Nancy, 25 times on her head and face with his pistol, and left the body "bruised beyond recognition." When Kristina's sister, 5 year old Katherine, tried to escape, Davis shot and bludgeoned her to death. He then sacked the home for any belongings. Davis was a long time felon, and had several previous convictions of burglary, child molestation, and involuntary manslaughter. His execution caused significant controversy, as his nose bled all over his body during the fatal shocks, and he suffered burns to his legs, head, and groin. The backlash, combined with other botched incidents like Pedroa Medina and Jesse Tafero, resulted in Florida replacing the electric chair with lethal injection.
45. Terry Sims (1977-2000, lethal injection): George Pfeil, a 57 year old deputy and WW2 veteran, walked into a pharmacy that Sims and his 3 accomplices were robbing, to pick up a prescription. Upon seeing what was happening, Pfeil pulled out his gun and engaged the robbers, but was killed by them in the shootout. Although Sims was injured, he managed to escape the scene, and was captured a month later while trying to carry out another robbery in California.
46. Anthony Bryan (1983-2000, lethal injection): Bryan and his accomplice kidnapped a night watchman, 60 year old George Wilson, and used his keys to rob a bank he guarded. They drove Wilson to a remote forest and shot him in the head. The pair dumped his body in a creek and drove their car into a lake to destroy any evidence.
47. Bennie Demps (~1971-2000, lethal injection): Demps received his first death sentence in 1971 when he shot and killed a real estate agent, 54 year old Robert Brinkworth, and his client, 64 year old Celia Puhlick, while the victims were trying to engage in a house sale. He also wounded Celia's husband, 62 year old Nicholas, and stole a safe from the house. However, his first death sentence was lifted from the brief nationwide capital punishment ban from the Furman decision. Two years after his first death sentence was commuted, Demps was given a second death sentence when he fatally stabbed another inmate, 23 year old Alfred Sturgis, on the behalf of the Perjury Incorporated prison gang. Sturgis was in prison for murder, and he was targeted due to Perjury Incorporated's suspicions of him of being an informant.
48. Thomas Provenzano (1984-2000, lethal injection): In retaliation for being charged for disorderly conduct months earlier, Provenzano stormed a courthouse, and shot and killed Arnold Wilkerson, a 60 year old deputy that was a veteran of WW2, Korea, and Vietnam, on the scene. Two more policemen, 53 year old Harry Dalton Jr. and 19 year old Mark Parker, were also hit by gunfire, and they both died from complications relating to their injuries years after the attack.
49. Dan Hauser (1995-2000, lethal injection): Out of a desire to kill somebody, Huser enticed a stripper, 21 year old Melanie Rodrigues, into a motel room with the promise of payment for sexual services. After they had intercourse, he strangled her to death. Hauser was also caught stealing a truck months before the murder.
50. Edward Castro (1986-2000, lethal injection): Castro lured three homosexual men, 57 year old Austin Scott, 50 year old George Hill, and 46 year old Claude Henderson, from gay bars. The victims were all tied up and stabbed to death in their homes. After each killing, Castro left with valuables such as cars, watches, rings, money, and wallets.
51. Robert Glock II (1983-2001, lethal injection): Glock kidnapped 34 year old Sharilyn Ritchie from a mall parking lot and forced her to withdraw $100 from an ATM. He then drove Ritchie to a forest 60 miles away and shot her in the head. Ritchie's wedding ring and purse was also stolen in the attack.
52. Rigoberto Sanchez-Velasco (1986-2002, lethal injection): Sanchez-Velasco raped and fatally strangled Katixa Ecenarro, his girlfriend's 11 year old daughter. While awaiting execution for Ecenarro's murder, Sanchez-Velasco got into a fight with fellow condemned inmates, 41 year old Charles Street and 30 year old Edwin Kaprat, and stabbed them both to death. Kaprat received a death sentence for the sexual abuse and torture-killings of 4 elderly women, while Street was sentenced to death for the shooting murders of two police officers.
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2024.05.01 19:46 Leather_Focus_6535 The 77 inmates executed by the state of Georgia since the 1970s and their crimes (warning, graphic content, please read at your own risk)

Here is the list that I wrote for Georgia's post Furman execution roster for my death penalty project. Like with the previous posts, the dates aren't a precise duration of time spent on death row, but rather an approximation of their earliest known criminal activities to their executions. Many of the crimes discussed in this post are also extremely horrific, and thus please read at your own risk.
As I finished finials yesterday, the remaining states, Missouri, Virginia, Florida, and Oklahoma might be released on a quicker pace. I'm planning on doing Missouri next, but it might be split into at least two separate parts due to the currently 98 executions that have taken place.
The currently executed 77 inmates:
1. John Smith (1974-1983, electric chair): Smith and his wife decided to kill her ex husband, 38 year old Ronald Atkins, and his 29 year old wife Juanita, when they learned that the daughter she had in their former marriage were beneficiaries of the Atkins' life insurance policy. The couple and another accomplice lured the Atkins' to their home with a promise of selling them a television set, and shot them both dead.
2. Ivon Stanley (1976-1984, electric chair): Stanley and an accomplice abducted Clifford Floyd, a 46 year old insurance agent, after they lured him into the accomplice's apartment. Floyd was dragged into a forest, beaten with a hammer, and tied to a tree. He was then shot and buried alive in a shallow grave. Floyd succumbed to a combination of blood loss and suffocation and a total of $234 was stolen from him in the attack.
3. Alpha Stephens (~1961-1984, electric chair): In 1973, Stephens shot dead 57 year old Louise Mercer while robbing a grocery store her brother owned. A year later, Stephens abducted Roy Asbell, a 49 year old minister, from his home with a gun he stole from Asbell's son. Asbell tried bribing his captor with hundreds of dollars in cash for his life, but Stephens simply snatched the money away, dragged Asbell to a barn, and shot him in the head. He had a significant rap sheet that included several armed robberies, prison breakouts, auto thefts, kidnappings, and burglaries, and was first arrested at the age of 16.
4. Roosevelt Green Jr. (1976-1985, electric chair): During a robbery of a convenience store, Green kidnapped the clerk, 18 year old Teresa Allen, stole $466 from the cash register, and drove away with his loot and hostage in her car. He then raped Allen, shot her to death, and dumped her body on a dirt road.
5. Van Solomon (1979-1985, electric chair): Solomon and his accomplice Brandon Jones gunned down 29 year old Roger Tackett while robbing a Tenneco store he managed. Ironically, Solomon himself was shot by an assailant robbing his grocery store some years before the murder.
6. John Young (1974-1985, electric chair): Young attacked 6 elderly men and women with bottles, lamps, fireplace pokers, and vases in their homes, across a single neighborhood. 3 of the victims, 85 year old Coleman Brice, his 83 year old wife Gladys, and 83 year old Katie Davis, were beaten to death in the assaults. Several variables such as jewelry and watches were taken as well.
7. Jerome Bowden (1976-1986, electric chair): Bowden and an accomplice stabbed 55 year old Kathryn Stryker to death and gravely wounded her bedridden mother, 76 year old Wessie Jenkins while burglarizing their home. Several items, such a wig, a pellet gun, some jewelry, and a television set was stolen in the intrusion. The television set was sold by Bowden to one of his acquaintances. Jenkins initially survived the attack, but died from complications relating to their injuries after Bowden was indicted for her daughter's murder.
8. Joseph Mulligan (1974-1987, electric chair): As part of a scheme to collect an insurance policy, Mulligan shot his sister's estranged husband, 30 year old Patrick Doe and Doe's girlfriend, 25 year old Marion Miller, while they were driving to a party. Doe was a captain in the United States Army at the time of his death.
  1. Richard Tucker Jr. (~1963-1987, electric chair): In 1963, Tucker stabbed his aunt, 61 year old Annie Armstrong, 14 times with scissors while burglarizing her home. He was released from incarceration in 1978. 6 months after being let out of prison, Tucker abducted 50 year old Edna Sandefur from a hospital parking lot while she was visiting her ill mother, and drove her to a remote warehouse. He robbed and raped Sandefur, and then beat her to death with an iron pipe. Tucker also had previous convictions of burglary and attempted rape.
10. William Tucker (1977-1987, electric chair): Tucker abducted 19 year old Kathleen Parry, a pregnant clerk, while he was robbing a convenience store she was working at. He forced Parry at knifepoint to withdraw money from the cash register, and dragged her into his car. When they drove to a chapel, Tucker stabbed her to death.
11. William Mitchell (1974-1987, electric chair): Mitchell accosted 50 year old Willard Williams while he was walking down a street and mugged him of $4. He then forced Williams to lay down and shot him execution style. In the following day, he held 34 year old Peggy Carr and her 14 year old son Christopher at gunpoint while they were opening their family owned store. Despite Peggy giving him $160, he made rape threats against her and forced the pair into a freezer. Both mother and son were shot several times and left for dead by Mitchell. Christopher died at the scene, while his mother survived her injuries.
12. Timothy McCorquodale (1974-1987, electric chair): McCorquodale and his entourage accused Donna Dixon, a 17 year old runaway, of stealing money from him and giving it to a black pimp that he thought she was having a relationship with. He bombarded Dixon with racist insults and sexual advances as he and his accomplices kidnapped her from a club. After she was taken to McCorquodale’s apartment, Dixon was bound, and repeatedly beaten and raped. They tortured her by cutting her breasts with razor blades, burned her body with cigarette butts and candle wax, and she was violated with a bottle. The abuse ended when McCorquodale broke her arms and legs, and strangled her to death with a clothesline. On death row, McCorquodale escaped with three other inmates, including Troy Gregg of the 1976 Furman vs Gregg infamy. After the group took refuge at a biker bar, McCorquodale beat Gregg to death in a fight with the help of a Outlaws Motorcycle gang member. Days after Gregg's murder, McCorquodale and the other surviving fugitives were recaptured hiding out at an Outlaws Biker's home.
13. James Messer Jr. (1979-1988, electric chair) To get back at his estranged wife for leaving him with their children, Messer kidnapped her niece, 8 year old Rhonda Tanner, while he was picking her up from school. He raped and severely beat Tanner in a forest and stabbed her to death.
14. Henry Willis III (1976-1989, electric chair): Willis and his accomplices abducted a policeman, 29 year old James Giddens, that was dispatched to stop their robbery of a food market. They took the captive officer near a lake, where he tried to escape by jumping into it. Willis and one of his partners shot Giddens dead while he was trying to swim to safety.
15. Warren McCleskey (1978-1991, electric chair): McCleskey robbed a jewelry store at gunpoint, and fired on the responding officers. One of the officers, 30 year old Frank Schlatt was killed in the shooting.
16. Thomas Stevens (1977-1993, electric chair): Stevens and Christopher Burger abducted a fellow soldier, 20 year old Roger Honeycutt, who was also working as a cab driver, when he picked them up from the enlisted men's club on Fort Stewart. Honeycutt was tied up with a cord, robbed of $20, and sodomized repeatedly by both of his captors. The pair then locked Honeycutt in the trunk of the cab, and drove it into a pond as they jumped out. Being unable to escape, Honeycutt drowned as his car sank into the pond's depths.
17. Christopher Burger (1977-1993, electric chair): As mentioned under Thomas Stevens' section, Burger assisted in the robbery, abduction, rape, and murder of Roger Honeycutt.
18. William Hance (1977-1994, electric chair): Hance, a former Marine that transferred himself to the Army, abducted at least 3 women, 32 year old Irene Thirkield, 24 year old Karen Hickman, and 21 year old Gail Jackson. Thrikield and Jackson were black prostitutes and Hickman was a white Marine servicewoman that was stationed in the same base as Hance. They were all raped and beaten to death with jack handles and tire irons. In a misguided attempt to throw off the police and attract media attention, Hance staged a convoluted hoax involving a race war between a gang of white vigilantes and a gang of black counter vigilantes. He tried to pretend that his victims were murdered from retaliatory killings between the two groups. Hance was also suspected in the murder of another woman in Indiana, but was never charged of it.
19. Nicholas Ingram (1983-1995, electric chair): Ingram broke into the home of 55 year old J.C. Sawyer and his wife Mary. He forced them to hand over $60 and their car keys at gunpoint, tied the couple together to a tree, and shot both of them. J.C. was killed, while Mary survived their ordeal. Ingram then stole their car and fled to California. While a fugitive hiding out in California, he committed another carjacking, and ran off to Nebraska, where he was detained for a DUI and deported back to Georgia to face trial. Due to being a British national, Ingram's execution sparked outrage in the United Kingdom.
20. Darrell Devier (1979-1995, electric chair): Devier lured 12 year old Mary Stoner into his car while she was walking home from school. He raped her in a forest, made an attempt to strangle her during their struggle, and crushed Stoner's head with a rock. Months before the murder, Devier was accused of raping a 13 year old girl, but the charges against him were dismissed from the lack of sufficient evidence.
21. Larry Lonchar (1986-1996, electric chair): During a dispute over gambling debts, Lonchar confronted his bookkeeper, 54 year old Wayne Smith, at his condo while pretending to be a FBI agent. In the altercation, he bound Wayne and his 24 year old son Steven with handcuffs, and shot and stabbed them to death. Wayne's girlfriend, 45 year old Margaret Sweat, called 911, and was also shot and stabbed to death while she was on the phone with the dispatcher. Another one of Wayne's sons was attacked in the incident, but he managed to survive his injuries.
22. Ellis Felker (1977-1996, electric chair): Evelyn Ludlam, a 19 year old cocktail waitress for the Holiday Inn, was lured into Flelker's clutches when he promised her work at his leather store. For religious reasons, Ludlam was disaffected with her job, and wanted a new line of work. Felker raped and strangled Ludlam to death and sexually mutilated her body. After he murdered Ludlem, Felker dumped her remains in a creek. He was registered sex offender with a sodomy conviction at the time of Ludlam's death.
23. David Cargill (1985-1998, electric chair): Cargill and his brother stormed a gas station, and forced a couple, 41 year old Danny and 29 year old Cheryl Williams, to lie on the floor. Cheryl was a clerk for the station, and Danny stopped by to help her close down after he put their sons to bed. The brothers shot the couple execution style, and stole a total of $482.79 from the register. They were also involved with several carjackings.
24. Terry Mincey (1982-2001, lethal injection): Mincey and his accomplices robbed a convenience store at gunpoint, and forced the clerk, 38 year old Paulette Riggs to empty the cash register into their bag. They shot her dead, and took 2 teenage siblings hostage that were present in the store. Coincidentally, a firefighter pulled up to the scene to refill his truck, and Mincey shot and wounded him. The siblings took the opportunity to escape and fled into a nearby field.
25. Jose High (1976-2001, lethal injection): High and his accomplices abducted 11 year old Bonnie Bulloch and his stepfather, 27 year old Henry Philips, from a gas station they were operating, after emptying the cash register. The robbers forced the pair into their car, reportedly taunted the captives about their intentions to kill them, and drove to a remote forest. They then shot Bulloch dead and wounded Philips.
26. Fred Gilreath Jr. (1979-2001, lethal injection): Gilreath's wife, 28 year old Linda, moved out of their home to escape their disintegrating marriage. When Linda returned with her father, 57 year old Gerrit Van Leeuwen, to pack up her belongings, Gilreath shot them both dead.
27. Byron Parker (1984-2001, lethal injection): Parker enticed 11 year old Christie Griffith into his car after she missed her taxi that was supposed to take her to her older brother's high school graduation. He bound Griffith to a tree, and raped and strangled her death, while his two year old son was waiting for him in their car.
28. Ronald Spivey (~1961-2002, lethal injection): While playing pool at a bar, Spivey got into a fight with 32 year old Charles McCook over money he perceived to have won, and shot him to death. A day later, he robbed a bank and took hostages. He fatally shot Bill Watson, a 40 year old off duty police officer that tried to stop him, and injured the manager, 21 year old Welton Allen. Allen tried fleeing to a nearby restaurant, and Spivey following him into it in pursuit. He fired on the establishment in an attempt to kill him, but missed and wounded an employee caught in the crossfire. Spivey then kidnapped a waitress and forced her to drive him to Alabama. She was rescued unharmed by local authorities when they pulled over and captured Spivey. A search of the stolen car found that Spivey stole a total of $360 in his robberies. His previous convictions include several counts of forgery, armed robbery, and auto theft.
29. Tracy Housel (1984-2002, lethal injection) Housel was a sexual predator and thief that victimized men and women alike between the ages of 18-45. He worked as a interstate truck driver, and picked up victims that he befriended from stops all across the country. They were driven to isolated locations, where Housel would bind, rob, and sodomize them. His killing methods were diverse and circumstantial, but Housel mostly used strangulations, beatings, and stabbings in the attacks. Housel was convicted in the deaths of Troy Smith (age unknown) and 44 year old Jean Drew, and is suspected in and/or confessed to 15 other murders. He was also responsible for several non fatal assaults and robberies. Like Nicholas Ingram, Housel's death sentence and execution sparked outrage in the United Kingdom due to him being a British national.
30. Wallace Fugate III (1991-2002, lethal injection): Fugate forced himself inside the home of his ex wife, 39 year old Pattie. He pistol whipped Pattie dozens of times and shot her dead in front of their 15 year old son. Unrelated to the case, but that son was beaten to death in the same house by his friends a year after Fugate's conviction.
31. William Putman (1980-2002, lethal injection): Purtman shot and killed 49 year old William Hodges on the side of a highway. Hours later, he snuck up on a married couple, 28 year old Kate Back and 22 year old David Hardin, sleeping at a rest stop in their car with their children (which included a 9 year old daughter, a 7 year old son, and an 11 month old daughter) and 14 year old niece. He shot David dead and tried to abduct Kate. When she resisted and screamed for her husband, Purtman shot her as well and fled the scene.
32. Larry Moon (1984-2003, lethal injection): According to prosecutors, Moon ambushed 34 year old Ricky Callahan while the later was walking to a pharmacy to buy headache medicine for his wife. Callahan was shot in the head during the attack and had $60 taken from his wallet. Moon was also suspected in the shooting deaths of Jimmy Hutcheson (age unknown) and Thomas DeJose (age unknown), several robberies, and the abduction and sexual assault of a female impersonator. The prosecution failed to convict him for the murder of DeJose on the grounds of self defense and the murder of Butcheson on the lack of sufficient evidence. His conviction for Callahan's murder is contested, as Moon and his supporters claim that a late hitman confessed to the killing.
33. Carl Isaacs (~1960s-2003, lethal injection): Isaacs, with the help of two of his brothers and a cellmate, escaped from the Maryland State prison, and fatally shot 19 year old Richard Miller when he tried to stop them from stealing a car. The group drove by a Georgia gas pump in the hopes of refilling their getaway car. However, the pump was empty, and decided to burglarize a nearby trailer belonging to the Alday family (which consisted of brothers, 62 year old Ned and 57 year old Aubrey, Ned's sons, 35 year old Jerry and 32 year old Chester, and Jerry's 26 year old wife Mary) while they were gone. When the family returned home, Isaacs and his accomplices held the entire family at gun point, gang-raped Mary several times, and shot them all dead. Isaacs had a very troubled history, and committed several burglaries and robberies as a teenager.
34. James Brown (~1968-2003, lethal injection): Brown went on a date with Brenda Watson, a 21 year old stripper. After they were drinking and partying together at a bar, Brown tied up Watson with nylon stockings, and raped and asphyxiated her by shoving panties down her throat. He had a long history involving violence towards women. One of his previous convictions involved an incident of him breaking into a woman’s home, and (non fatally) stabbing and sexually assaulting her. Brown also had a warrant at the time of Watson’s murder for aggravated robbery, kidnapping, and sexual assault charges when he lured another woman by posing as an artist in need of a model.
35. Robert Hicks (~1970s-2004, lethal injection): Hicks laid his eyes on 28 year old Joni Rivers while she was talking to her boyfriend using a grocery store payphone. He chased down Rivers when she tried to flee from him and nearly decapitated her in a frenzied stabbing attack. Rivers' shoes, shorts, and ring were taken and found in Hicks' car. Hicks was released from prison months earlier after serving a half of a 15 year sentence for sexually abusing a 16 year old girl.
36. Eddie Crawford (1983-2004, lethal injection): Crawford tried spending the night with one of his estranged wife's sisters after a drinking binge, but she ejected him from her home. Out of anger, he abducted Leslie English, her 2 year old daughter, from the girl's bedroom, and then raped and strangled her to death.
37. Timothy Carr (1992-2005, lethal injection): Carr and his girlfriend attended a party with 17 year old Keith Young. The couple decided that they wanted to rob the boy, and they lured him into a forest with the help of two other teenagers. Carr slit Young's throat, and then proceeded to beat him to death with a baseball bat. He and his accomplices stole a $125 paycheck and Young's car in the robbery.
38. Stephen Mobley (1991-2005, lethal injection): Mobley shot and killed 25 year old John Collins while robbing a Domino's Pizza restaurant he was managing. He had also held up 6 other restaurants and dry-cleaning shops at gunpoint in his month long crime spree.
39. Robert Conklin (~1981-2005, lethal injection): Conklin stabbed his boyfriend, 28 year old George Crooks, in the ear with a screwdriver in their apartment, and dismembered his body. In an attempt to get rid of the remains, he stuffed them in a garbage disposal in their kitchen and a nearby dumpster. At the time of Crooks' murder, Conklin was on parole from a 6 year sentence for armed robbery.
40. John Hightower (1987-2007, lethal injection): While under the influence of cocaine, Hightower shot his wife, 41 year old Dorothy, and his stepdaughters, 22 year old Sandra and 19 year old Evelyn Reaves, to death in their sleep.
41. William Lynd (1988-2008, lethal injection): Lynd got into an argument with his girlfriend, 26 year old Ginger Moore, over a planned vacation and shot her to death. While on the run in Ohio, he tried to hijack a car, and shot the driver, 42 year old Leslie Sharkey, in the process. Sharkey managed to crawl to safety, and notified the authorities of the attack. She died of her injuries a few days after the shooting.
42. Curtis Osborne (1990-2008, lethal injection): Osborne, a career drug dealer, shot his girlfriend's brother, 29 year old Arthur Jones, and Jones' girlfriend, 28 year old Linda Seaborne, dead in argument over money gained from a motorcycle sale. His death sentence was controversial, as Osborne claimed that his attorney denied him a plea bargain for a racist agenda.
43. Jack Alderman (1975-2008, lethal injection): In an attempt to collect a life insurance policy, Alderman beat his wife, 20 year old Barbara, to death with a wench.
44. Robert Newland (1986-2009, lethal injection): Newland went to the apartment of his girlfriend, 27 year old Carol Beatty, after a drinking binge, and tried to kiss her. When she rejected and slapped him, Newland stabbed and disemboweled her alive. Just before she succumbed to her injuries, Beatty used her own blood to identify Newland as her attacker to the first responders.
45. William Mize (1994-2009, lethal injection): Mize was a leader of a white supremacist gang called the National Vastilian Aryan Party, in which 34 year old Eddie Tucker had filed to join. When Tucker disobeyed his orders to burn down a "crack house" as part of an initiation ritual, Mize lured him into a forest and shot him dead.
46. Mark McClain (1994-2009, lethal injection): McClain robbed a Domino pizza parlor after ordering a pizza. He shot the manger, 28 year old Kevin Brown, dead and stole $130 from the register.
47. Melbert Ford Jr. (1986-2010, lethal injection): Ford had a very specific fantasy about robbing, abducting and then murdering his ex girlfriend, 30 year old Martha Matich, after forcing her beg for mercy. He decided to make his fantasies into a reality, and stormed the grocery store she worked at with the help of an accomplice he hired. Ford shot Matich and her niece, 11 year old Lisa Chapman, dead, and stole $579 from the register.
48. Brandon Rhode (1998-2010, lethal injection): Rhode and his accomplice Daniel Lucas broke into a house, and encountered the residents, 37 year old Steven Moss, and his two children, 15 year old Kristin and 11 year old Bryan. Bryan was home alone when the intruders arrived, and tried to fight them off with a baseball bat. Lucas and Rhodes quickly subdued the boy and shot him to death. Kristen and Steven were also shot dead when they returned home. Their bodies were discovered by Gerri, Steven's wife and the children's mother. The pair were career burglars, and previously targeted the Moss home weeks before the massacre.
49. Emmanuel Hammond (~1983-2011, lethal injection): Hammond, his girlfriend, and her cousin spotted 27 year old Julia Love broken down on the side of the road. They dragged her into their car after she declined their offer for a ride. Love was tied up, forced to withdraw $140 from an ATM, and raped. The attackers partially strangled Love and shot her to death in a remote forest. In exchange for having all charges dropped, Hammond's girlfriend agreed to testify against him and her cousin. He tried to hire a fellow inmate to permanently silence her testimony, but was foiled by prison officials. Hammond had numerous previous convictions, but my sources didn't disclose details.
50. Roy Blankenship (1978-2011, lethal injection): Blankenship climbed into a home of 78 year old Sara Bowen after breaking her window. He raped and beat Bowen, and penetrated her with a bottle. She succumbed to a heart attack from the stress of the assault.
51. Andrew DeYoung (1993-2011, lethal injection): Wanting to use their life insurance policies to start his dream business, DeYoung stabbed his parents, 42 year old Gary and 41 year old Kathryn, and his sister, 14 year old Sarah, to death, and unsuccessfully ordered his accomplice to kill his 16 year old brother Nathan. Nathan escaped through a window and went to a neighbor for help.
52. Troy Davis (1988-2011, lethal injection): Davis was sentenced to death for a crime spree involving several robberies, the non fatal shooting of a teenager, and the beating of a homeless man, Troy Young (age unknown). Larry MacPhail, a 27 year old police officer and security guard, was shot and killed when he intervened in an attempt to protect Young. Davis' execution was controversial, as he managed to amass a popular following that believed in his innocence during his time on death row. He previously plead guilty for a carrying concealed weapons charge, and Davis paid a $250 fine as part of a plea agreement to avoid prison time.
53. Andrew Cook (1995-2003, lethal injection): On a random whim, Cook walked up to a couple, 22 year old Grant Hendrickson and 19 year old Michele Cartagena, parked near a lake, and shot them both to death in their car.
54. Marcus Wellons (1989-2014, lethal injection): Wellons took an obsessive sexual interest in his neighbor, 15 year old India Roberts, and began to stalk and harass the girl in an attempt to groom her into a "relationship." At one point, he even pressured his girlfriend's 14 year old son to date her. His illicit pursuit of Roberts alarmed his girlfriend and she tried evicting him from their apartment. With his relationship in shambles, Wellons' behavior escalated beyond the breaking point. After he ransacked his now ex girlfriend's apartment and poured bleach on her clothes, Wellons ambushed and abducted Roberts while she was walking to school. He raped and strangled her to death with a telephone cord.
55. Robert Holsey (~1990s-2014, lethal injection): Holsey shot and killed Will Robinson, a 26 year old Sheriff's Deputy, during a robbery of a convenience store. At the time of the shooting, he was on parole for an armed robbery conviction.
56. Andrew Brannan (~1980s-2015, lethal injection): In 1998, Branner was pulled over for speeding by Kyle Dinkheller, a 22 year old deputy. While Dinkheller was trying to file a citation, Branner became belligerent, pulled an M1 carbine out of his truck, and opened fire. Dinkheller was killed in the shootout, but he managed to wound Branner in his return fire. Branner was a Vietnam combat veteran, and he tried to use PTSD as a defense for the fatal shooting of Dinkheller and previous domestic abuse charges from his ex wife.
57. Warren Hill Jr. (~1985-2015, lethal injection): Hill was given a life sentence when he shot and killed his girlfriend, 18 year old Myra Wright. His sentence escalated to death a few years later when he fatally beat his cellmate, 34 year old Joseph Handspike, with a nailed board. At the time of his own murder, Handspike was also serving a life sentence for shooting and killing a restaurant manager during a robbery.
58. Kelly Gissendaner (1997-2015, lethal injection): Out of a desire to leave their marriage and to collect a life insurance policy, Gissendan assisted her boyfriend in abducting her husband, 30 year old Douglas, from their home. Her boyfriend stabbed Douglas to death, and she set their car on fire to destroy his body. The couple were also charged with attempting to intimidate witnesses during the murder trial.
59.Marcus Johnson (1994-2015, lethal injection): After Johnson picked up 35 year old Angela Sizemore from a bar, he sexually assaulted her with a knife. Sizemore was stabbed 41 times in the attack, and her throat was cut. Her body was found in her car by a man walking his dog hours after the murder.
60. Brian Terrell (~1992-2015, lethal injection): Terrell forged up to $8,000 in checks using 70 year old John Watson's name. Watson, who was seeking a relationship with Terrell's mother, tried to make a deal that he wouldn't pursue any charges if the money was returned to him. According to prosecutors, Terrell broke into Watson's home, and beat and fatally shot him to avoid repaying the money. His execution caused controversy, as the defense attorneys claimed that the footprints at the scene were smaller then his feet, and that he was condemned only by what they perceived to be misused testimony from his cousin (that testified against him in exchange for a plea deal) and a neighbor (who allegedly claimed that they saw "someone else walk out of the home"). Those arguments were shut down by the courts, but embraced by anti death penalty activist groups and outlets. Regardless of his guilt or lack thereof, strong evidence points to him perpetrating similar armed robberies of other homes, and was on parole at the time of Watson's murder.
61. Brandon Jones (1979-2016, lethal injection): Jones was an accomplice to the above mentioned Van Solomon, and participated in the robbery that killed Roger Tackett.
62. Travis Hittson (1993-2016, lethal injection): Hittson, who was serving on the U.S.S. Forrestal, was convinced by a crewmate to kill Conway Utterbeck, a 20 year old fellow sailor, for the thrill of killing. When they were off duty, Hittson and his accomplice walked into the home of Herbeck's parents, and found Herbeck sleeping on the couch. Before they shot him to death, the pair bludgeoned Herbeck with a baseball bat. To prevent the body's identification, they chopped off his hands, feet, and head with a hacksaw, and dumped his dismembered remains in two separate burial sites across a 300 mile radius.
63. Joshua Bishop (1994-2016, lethal injection): Bishop and another man accosted 44 year old Leverett Morrison at a bar, and demand to have the keys to his jeep. When Morrison refused, the pair beat him to death. Bishop also orchestrated the beating death of 36 year old Ricky Wills for having intercourse with his prostitute mother. The prosecution declined to charge Bishop for Willis' murder, as they wanted to use it as evidence to help secure his death sentence for Morrison's slaying.
64. Kenneth Fults (1996-2016, lethal injection): Fults forced his way inside the home of 19 year old Cathy Bonds. He bound, gagged, and blindfolded Bonds with duct tape, and made an attempt to smother her with a pillow. When that failed, Fults shot Bonds in the head, stole her keys, and drove away with her car.
65. Daniel Lucas (1998-2016, lethal injection): Lucas was the accomplice to the above mentioned Brandon Rhode, and he assisted him in murdering Steven Moss and his children in their home.
66. John Conner (1982-2016, lethal injection): In a drunken rage, Connor beat his friend, 29 year old James White, to death with a whisky bottle and a stick while visiting him in his home. The two had gotten in fight when White refused to take Connor to a liquor store.
67. Gregory Lawler (1997-2016, lethal injection): Lawler and his girlfriend were walking home intoxicated after drinking heavily at a bar, and got into a fight. A witness called the police, and officers, 28 year old John Sowa and 38 year old Patricia Cocciolone, were sent to the scene. They carried Lawler's girlfriend to their car, and drove her to the couple's apartment. Lawler was allowed to walk home unescorted. When he arrived, Lawler grabbed an AR-15, and fired on the officers. Sowa was killed, while Cocciolone survived with crippling injuries and called for backup. The other officers besieged Lawler in his apartment, and he surrendered after a 44 minute standoff.
68. Steven Spears (2001-2016, lethal injection): Spears suspected that his girlfriend, 34 year old Sherri Holland, was cheating on him. He reacted to his suspicions by wrapping Holland's head with duct tape and suffocating her with a plastic bag in her home.
69. William Sallie (1989-2016, lethal injection): Sallie's ex wife, 19 year old Robin Moore, divorced him for his physical abuse and moved back to her family (consisting of her parents, 49 year old John and Linda (age unknown), and her siblings, 17 year old April and 10 year old Justin). He was able to acquire visitation rights to their 2 year old son from the courts, and used that pretext to attack the family. Sallie charged into the Moore family home, shot and killed John, wounded Linda and bound her to Justin with handcuffs, and kidnapped Robin and April. The sisters were both kept captive and sexually assaulted together in a trailer, but they were spared and released after a few hours.
70. J. Ledford Jr. (1992-2017, lethal injection): Ledford was welcomed inside a home by the wife of his neighbor, 73 year old Harry Johnston Jr.. He tied up the couple at knifepoint, stole an undisclosed amount of money and guns, kidnapped Johnston, and drove away with him in his truck. Johnston's body was later found near an abandoned building. He was half decapitated, had a knife embedded in his back, and covered with several minor stab wounds.
71. Carlton Gary (~1964-2018, lethal injection): Gary raped and murdered at least 8 mostly elderly women between 40-89 years old. Almost all of his victims were killed in their homes, but his youngest, 40 year old Marion Fisher of New York, was abducted while walking out of a bar. They were all strangled to death with nylon stockings, which is why Gary was given the “Stocking Slayer" epithet by the media. Despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, including positive DNA tests, testimonies from surviving victims, fingerprints found on crime scenes, and semen samples, Gary still has a vocal following trying to proclaim his innocence. He had an extensive criminal history, which started with several arson, assault, and robbery charges as a teenager.
72. Robert Butts Jr. (1996-2018, lethal injection): Butts and his accomplice Marion Wilson carjacked Donovan Parks, a 24 year old off duty correctional officer, after he agreed to give them a ride home from Walmart. They forced Parks to exit the car and the shot him in the head execution style. Both Butts and Wilson were part of a Latin Kings set, and are believed to have killed Parks to gain more prestige from their gang. Butt's previous convictions include charges of shoplifting and burglary.
73. Scotty Morrow (1999-2019, lethal injection): Angry that his ex girlfriend, 26 year old Barbara Young, broke up with him for his abusive behavior, Morrow shot her, and her friend, 21 year old Tonya Wood, dead in their home. A third woman, 18 year old Latoyna Horn, was injured in the shooting. Young's two children, a 5 year old son and an 8 month old daughter, witnessed the killings, but were unharmed.
74. Marion Wilson Jr. (1999-2019, lethal injection): Wilson assisted Robert Butts, a fellow Latin King gangster, in the carjacking and shooting murder of officer Donovan Parks. He had a lengthy and very violent criminal history, which included the non fatal shootings of a Mexican migrant worker and a drug dealer during robberies, unprovoked assaults on a classmate and a youth worker, and an arson attack on an apartment complex. His friends noted that Wilson had a penchant for animal cruelty, and they reported seeing him shooting dogs on random whims.
75. Ray Cromartie (1994-2019, lethal injection): While robbing a grocery store, Cromartie and his accomplice shot two clerks, 50 year old Richard Slysz and Daniel Wilson (age unknown). Slysz died at the scene and Wilson survived with crippling injuries.
76. Donnie Lance (~1990s-2020, lethal injection): Lance broke down the door of his ex wife's, 39 year old Sandra, and fatally shot her boyfriend, 33 year old Dwight Wood Jr.. He then used the butt of his gun to club Sandra to death. According to court documents, Lance subjected Sandra to extreme abuse during their marriage, and reportedly kidnapped and tortured her with beatings, strangulations, and electrocutions on numerous occasions.
77. Willie Pye (~1985-2024, lethal injection): Pye's ex girlfriend, 21 year old Alicia Yarbrough, had a child with another man that he believed was his. Despite his suspicions, Yarbrough and their boyfriend pushed Pye out of the child’s life. In retaliation, Pye and two accomplice’s broke into Yarbrough’s ex boyfriend’s home to rob it, but found her alone with her infant. They abducted and robbed Yarbrough of her jewelry at gunpoint, raped her for several hours in a motel room, and shot her a total of 3 times in the head. Due to reports of him allegedly being cognitively disabled, Pye’s execution sparked some controversy. He was previously convicted of burglary.
submitted by Leather_Focus_6535 to TrueCrimeDiscussion [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 03:15 Sxvorii [S] Savivor Season 3 Africa FULL SEASON

Helloooo!!!!!! I'm sorry for the long wait, I was just struck with demotivation yet again, and part of that is due to a little announcement I have to make.
Basically, all of the pictures on all of my simulators have expired. It's very frustrating, and I've learned my lesson to not use Discord for my images anymore. So, if you go into the BrantSteele simulations, the pictures will be blank. HOWEVER, all of my google docs have the pictures preserved, so you can look on there to see the cast photos!!!!! I'm still upset over the pictures randomly dying, but I'm glad to at least have some preservation of them in the google docs.
Now, let's meet our new cast fighting for the $1,000,000 grand prize!

RETURNEE: Svetlana "Lana" Sarkisian (She/Her): 34, Pilot u/Twig7665 SAVORY'S BIG BROTHER: (S9: 4/16) After her showing on Savory's Big Brother, Lana's confidence has grown. She found pride in her gameplay, and also thoroughly enjoyed her time in the house. Lana used this confidence to redefine herself, quitting her job as an air traffic controller and becoming a pilot again. This ended up working better for her, with Lana keeping her job as a pilot. Lana also found a widow named Carter with a young son, and they began dating. Now, Lana is playing for Carter and his kid, ready to do whatever to win.
Olivia Atkins (She/Her): 42, Sales Manager u/Sle3dgeMan After her boyfriend left her once she became pregnant, Olivia has been a single mother of twin boys. She has worked hard in order to give them a nice life, sacrificing her own health and life along the way. Now, her boys are in college and she has been able to rest a bit, experiencing freedom she hasn't before. Olivia is a head-strong person due to her work experience, and while that can rub people the wrong way, she has a soft heart and good intentions.
Jaclyn "JJ" Hatfield (She/Her): 24, Hairdresser u/PureVanilla5 After her mother was killed by a drunk driver when JJ was 3, she was raised by just her father. Due to the incident with her mother, JJ has never drank any alcohol, instead getting her happiness from others, sharing her bubbly personality. JJ lives with her dad at the moment, as well as her grandmother who was just diagnosed with dementia. This has caused a huge fear for JJ, as she never wants to forget everybody that she loves.
Francesca Bandoni (She/Her): 31, Food Critic u/BigTeddyBear20 Born in Italy, Francesca grew up with her mother and older brother. Her mom was an amazing cook, and Francesca loved eating her food and giving feedback, which was mainly compliments. However, as she grew up, Francesca's brother went to jail for a while, and her mom was bedridden from sickness. Francesca became an important figure in the house, helping her mom. Francesca decided to be a food critic, giving her brutally honest feedback to restaurants around the world. Francesca is blunt, and doesn't mind if her honesty hurts others, inside or outside Savivor.
Simon Lundberg (He/Him): 44, Electrician u/Twig7665 Simon had a relatively normal childhood, going into university for engineering. Here, he met Kim, and the two married during their third year of university. Soon after Simon got his degree, they had a son named Tyler. Simon worked as an electrical engineer, working on many buildings. He and Kim had two more kids, living great for years. However, their son Tyler began to frequent forums for very disturbed people, their views changing Tyler. Simon and his two youngest discovered that Tyler had murdered Kim, and attempted to attack Simon as well. Simon was able to restrain him and have him arrested, despite the difficulty. This completely destroyed Simon, and he began drinking constantly, feeling depressed. At his trial, Tyler begged for forgiveness, which Simon did not give, and Tyler was given a life sentence. After Kim's funeral, Simon had a change of heart, wanting to honor her memory and make his kids' life as good as possible. It hurts to leave his kids, but Simon knows how much the million dollars could help his family.
Nikandr "Nik" Kuznetsov (He/Him): 25, Middle School Teacher u/BigTeddyBear20 Nik grew up in Russia with his family until his parents tragically died when he was 9 years old. His grandparents took him in, moving to America to have a better life. Now grown up, Nik stands proudly at 4'7", not letting his height define him. Nik always had respect for his teachers growing up and their abilities to deal with students. So, Nik applied at a middle school and became a history teacher, quickly becoming one of the most popular teachers there. Nik is known as a very nice and outgoing man, as well as knowledgeable, both book smart and street smart. Nik wants to win the money to give back to his grandparents, who have raised him.
Valentín "Valen" Leiva (He/Him): 31, Hairdresser u/Nahuelfire39 Ever since he was a child, Valen had a flair for style. His parents wanted him to become a doctor, but Valen didn't care, instead pursuing his passion for hairdressing. As a hairdresser, Valen earned a reputation for his skilles and extroverted personality. However, his conservative parents didn't fully accept this, causing some tension. Valen does still maintain some contact with his family, but they're not very close. Something that Valen hasn't told anyone, though, is that he cheated on his husband, Tomás, with another man for purely sexual reasons, and Valen knows that his marriage would be destroyed if it ever came out.
Derrick Lumbrin (He/Him): 45, Uber Driver u/swoldow Derrick was raised in a very poor area of Detroit as the youngest of 5, his family struggling to survive. Led by his siblings, Derrick found himself in the wrong crowd, doing drugs and smoking. This led him to lose motivation, and Derrick dropped out of high school after his siblings did. With his father losing his job, the 5 siblings all joined a gang in an attempt to make money, dealing drugs and doing minor crimes. However, being the youngest, Derrick didn't get to do much "cool" stuff, staying as the getaway driver. After being tasked to steal $100,000 from a bank, the cops arrested Derrick's 4 brothers. As Derrick was the getaway driver, and not in the bank, he blended in and wasn't arrested. Derrick has become a loner after his entire family was jailed, except for a woman named Jadonna, who quickly became Derrick's love. The two now have a kid together, and Derrick works for Uber, leaving his past behind him.
RETURNEE: Kyle Simmonds (He/Him): 32, Poker Player u/asiansurvivorfan SAVORY'S BIG BROTHER: (S7: 2/14) After Big Brother, Kyle continued his success in playing poker. He developed his already good skills, only learning more tricks to get his way. This continued, and Kyle became one of the best poker players in his state, debatably the country. However, it is lonely at the top. Despite his success, Kyle hasn't done much outside of that. He doesn't have much of a social life, and he pretty much just waits for his next match. Getting called back for Savivor was a shock, but a much needed change for Kyle. He hopes to change his life up a bit, and enjoy the thrill that is Savivor.
Simon Wells (He/Him): 30, Chef u/Sl3dgeMan Simon grew up poor, unable to go to college. This resulted in Simon working as a janitor in a restaurant, struggling to make it by. However, the head chef learned of Simon's situation and decided to train Simon hoping to get him a job in the kitchen. Simon took to cooking easily, soon becoming one of the best linemen in the restaurant. Now, Simon is on Savivor, hoping to win the money to pay for much needed renevations to the restaurant.
Trenton "Trent" Adema (He/Him): 34, Horror Author u/IdkWhatToDoHere- Growing up as a teenager, Trent discovered Big Brother alumni Nevada Raye before her fame took off. Seeing someone around his age grow in popularity so much, Trent was very inspired to be like her. He moved to Romania to freshen up his view on life, and has been working as a horror author. There, Trent heard about Savivor, which he decided could be a big break for him.
Basim Burhan (He/Him): 51, Bank Teller u/swoldow After his mother died giving birth to him, his father, without the money to raise a child, put Basim into fostercare. Being the only Arabic person in his orphanage, Basim was singled out. This led to extreme paranoia from Basim, developing into OCD. Despite his poor social skills, Basim had the intelligence to back himself up, studying economics and finance. Due to this, Basim got a scholarship for an ivy league school, doing amazing there and getting a job as a bank teller. However, on his first day the bank he was at was robbed of everything, and his paranoia had a resurgence for the past 30 years he's been at the bank. Basim has heavy trust issues, but it also helps him find liars easily. Basim hopes to use his intelligence to do well on Savivor, as long as he can manage his paranoia.
Aubrey McDaniel (She/Her): 35, Veterinarian u/dksurvivor Being raised on a farm, Aubrey has grown a deep appreciation for all animals. Putting in the work, Aubrey studied years at a veterinarian school, which has led her to run her own veterinary hospital now. Aubrey has spread her love for animals, appearing on multiple TV shows about animals. Aubrey is one of the best in her line of work, and she plans to use her experience with medicine to be an asset to her team, and ultimately win.
Chantel "Chan" Woo (She/Her): 26, Starving Artist u/PureVanilla5 Chan always enjoyed drawing, and her loving family encouraged this passion of hers. Chan is very quiet, but a very creative and somewhat fit person. In her community college, Chan met Mindy, and the two hit if off. They currently live in an apartment together, very happy with their lives. However, Chan has been a bit of a workaholic, neglecting her health to draw. Mindy had encouraged her to take a break, and maybe sign up for Savivor!
Thaily "Black Diamond" Simon (She/Her): 26, WWE Wrestler u/Nahuelfire39 Thaily's father, Brock Simon (AKA Top Dollar) was a legend in the growing world of WWE. However, after threats of defamation, her father was forced to retire. Determine to represent for him, Thaily joined the WWE world under the name "Black Diamond" referencing her father's tendency to wear black, and representing the funeral of her opponents. Black Diamond has grown to be one of the most popular WWE wrestlers currently. She remains single, instead focusing on her career, wanting a partner to share her passions, and possibly joining WWE together. Thaily believes that her fliratious personality can add to her character of Black Diamond, but the game of Savivor. Her younger siblings have always been her biggest supporters, encouraging her to succeed in whatever she does.
Whitney Laurent (She/Her): 23, Fashion Designer u/IdkWhatToDoHere- After moving out, Whitney struggled greatly, barely able to make it by with her debt. After being evicted, Whitney found someone who noticed her potential as a designer, and was generous enough to help her. This little boost was all she needed, and Whitney is now known as one of the best fashion designers in New York. Hearing about Savivor, Whitney wanted to challenge herself while also giving herself a chance to grow her fame.
With that, here is the season link! the Google Doc with writeups, As well as the WIKI!
1st: I REALLY liked Simon L this season! His game was always on a gradual rise, and it was great to see. I think the fact that Simon L never received a vote shows how strong his social game was. He was aligned with the biggest forces in the game, but never received the same heat that they did. On top of that, he aligned with different sides of the tribe, not limiting himself. Simon L's navigation of the social aspect of the game is one of the best social games that we've seen. He managed to let his guard down throughout the season, and him and JJ were an unexpected, but lovely duo.
2nd:>! JJ was a very interesting character for me to write. She's definitely a very kind person and player, but she also is a strategic player, which I don't think usually go together in these simulations. JJ's social game was also very strong, truly just covering all bases of the game. Near the end of the game she became somewhat of an underdog, being the only person outside of the majority alliance. However, JJ navigated it amazingly, and I think her immunity streak was really fun to watch and made the game interesting. JJ was an amazing finalist, and this definitely deserved to be a close finale between the two.!<
3rd: Valen really played a solid game! I didn't think of him too much during the simulation, but once I was writing it I realized that his social game was great. He obviously had a little social stumble at the beginning, but Valen corrected himself quickly. From there, I think that Valen just focused on having fun and enjoying his time on the island. He had some strong allies, which gave Valen some strong protection. He could just sit back and be known as the fun entertaining guy while his allies took the shots for him.
4th: WOW, Olivia! I feel like the pressure of the game really got to her, and it affected how she played. Olivia is a very intelligent person, and that showed early on (and throughout the game.) However, whenever she voted for Chan, and Francesca called her out for it, I think Olivia's game nosedived. She seemed to get caught up in the drama of the game, focusing less on her strategy. While Olivia's alliance was able to help her make it far, it was innevitable for her to leave. However, Olivia was one of, if not the most entertaining player here!
5th: Basim truly had an amazing storyline. He came into the game as not the most social person. This did lead to him catching some stray votes, but Basim really shined after the tribe swap. Newly invigorated on a tribe that didn't suck, I think Basim came into his own. He opened up more than anyone else, which was a pleasant surprise from him. I didn't expect Basim to be a social focused player, but he was one of the most fun people to write. I feel bad that he got stuck between his allies at the end, and if that didn't happen I could've seen him at the end.
6th: Kyle always impresses me with his gameplay abilities. His early alliance with Chan and Basim was great, and I really feel like Kyle had such a strong grip on the premerge. However, he definitely shined more in smaller group settings, as the merge was rough. I think Kyle's reputation from Savory's Big Brother caught up to him a bit, and he didn't know how to handle it. On top of that, he lost most of his allies besides Basim. While Kyle put up an amazing fight, it was innevitable for him to go.
7th: I always root for Lana, I really love watching her play! She's one of the best social players that I have ever had, which is crazy because her social stat isn't even a 5. Lana worked really hard to make good relationships early on, and it paid off for her! However, she spread herself a bit too thin, as she had a bunch of friends, but no strong allies. If Kyle didn't win immunity, I think Lana could have made it further in the game, but with Kyle off the list, all eyes fell to Lana.
8th: Francesca was REALLY fun! She didn't have much going on early on, kind of just going through the motions of the challenges, tribals, etc. However, Francesca shined during the merge. Her explosive fight with Olivia was really interesting, and it changed the way Francesca played. Francesca was honestly incredibly smart in catching her position in the game. However, she was a bit too direct, and it led to her downfall.
9th:>! Nik was a bit of a random elimination to me. I feel like he was doing a pretty average job the whole game. He socialized with everyone, but not too much, just enough to keep himself stable. I guess him winning the first immunity just painted a much too big target on his back. It felt like people just needed someone to vote for, and Nik fell victim to it.!<
10th: Chan definitely had a roller coaster of an experience. I think her social game was one of the strongest of the season, which showed with her multiple allies and friends. However, this worked both ways for her, as some people felt that Chan was a bit too much. I think Chan is just a very all or nothing girl, and it applied to the game. So, it makes sense that in the merge, where there are some people who have rarely worked with Chan, they're offput by her extremely outgoing nature.
11th: Trent was someone who definitely got screwed over by the swap. While he wasn't an absolute competiton beast, I feel that Trent was in a comfortable position on his original tribe. However, he got swapped into the minority of his tribe, and the members that did swap with him were both aligned with one another. Trent immediately fell to the bottom of his new tribe, and couldn't do too much to fix it.
12th: I really liked Aubrey, so I was sad to see her go. I feel like she was just an all around good person, and a good player. She proved that she could work hard for her tribe, taking a shot of cow blood as an animal lover. Aubrey was in a good position to make the merge on her original tribe. However, like Trent, the swap sent Aubrey to the bottom of her new tribe, and she didn't seem comfortable in the new environment.
13th: Black Diamond had a WILD experience. I felt like she was at least going to make the merge, and then be an early out there. However, as I began writing the simulation, her elimination definitely made sense. I'm not sure the teams portion of the game works well for Black Diamond. She seemed so focused on herself and her skills that she didn't worry as much about her fellow tribemates.
14th: Derrick was.... Quiet. He definitely had the skills going into the game to do pretty well. However, I think Derrick just got pretty shy and unsure of what to do. I'm not sure I had him say a single word, actually. I was a bit upset over that, because Derrick was a very interesting character with a great story.
15th: The less successful Simon of the cast, Simon W struggled for sure. He wasn't even a weak player when you look at his stats, I just think he was on a pretty strong tribe, and a very strong cast. Simon W was good, but there were always people who were better, and his game crumbled when he couldn't take a shot of cow blood.
16th: Similar to Simon W, Whitney just didn't stack up with her skills. I don't think she was bad at all, but it just always goes the same way: the person who struggles the most in the first immunity is the first person to go.
Yet another AMAZING season!!!! I really enjoyed the alliances of the season, especially Simon L and JJ's duo. We had a day 1 alliance make it all the way to the final 2, and I think it just goes to show how strong our final 2 were. This was also an incredibly strong cast, and it showed with the power struggles throughout the season. The very loud personalities like Olivia, Basim, or Francesca really carried the entertainment. However, this allowed for players like Simon L or Valen to sneak under the radar. Simon L was an absolutely amazing winner, and I think his gameplay was very unique to him as a person. I'm very happy with this season, and while I wish we could have seen more from some of our early outs, I wouldn't want to change it at all.
Thank you so much for waiting, and for reading/tuning it! Stay put for Savory's Big Brother Season 13, where we will then have Savivor Season 4, the last season before All Stars 1!
submitted by Sxvorii to BrantSteele [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 05:57 rlockwich 12 Years Later - Keto Then & Now

Just looking to vent here, share MY opinion, though it may be entirely WRONG, but from my perspective. :)
For fun and for reference to think back in time for myself…Every single time I went to a restaurant and ordered a specific way that made me look like a weirdo to explain to a waiter I was on keto—to have them ask me, what’s that? Hearing that dozens of times between friends, family and restaurants. “Oh so that’s like the atkins diet then?”
Anyways, for anyone who has been on keto or followed Keto for over the last decade, what do you think about what Keto has turned into in terms of grocery shopping. Back in 2012 when I first heard of Keto and lived on keto it was so simple to learn how to shop at the grocery store—stick to the outside walls, don’t touch the inner isles. Meat, Cheese, Veggies. You could use flax seed, almond flour as substitutes if you want to make something as a replacement—sure, that’s fine but still people weren’t getting too creative back then.
Trying to remember back, on keto—if there was literally ANY product back then from a grocery store inner isle that was labeled as ‘keto’ the only conversations in the comments being had were to AVOID it, that they lie, it’s not keto, it will kick you out, do not trust it.
This brings me to now. I never lost weight falling for store bought keto bread, keto cereal, keto muffin mix, keto tortillas, keto ice cream.
Companies cashed in on keto becoming the new fad diet and started coming out with tons of garbage labeled as keto.
I feel bad for anyone struggling to lose weight falling for these inside grocery store isles on products labeled as keto—I really don’t think it’s going to happen.
I’m only losing weight again for the first time in the longest from going back to the basics—meat, cheese, vegetables—tracking under 20g net carbs and a calorie deficit.
submitted by rlockwich to keto [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 06:24 St_Augustine_Discord Live Music and Events for Friday April 12th

Live Music

2024 St. Augustine PoetFest

Day 2 — Friday, April 12

Day two includes a variety of events throughout the city from 10:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. During the day, performances, lectures, author discussions, and workshops will be held on the Flagler College campus. An open mic event will follow in the evening at Relampago Coffee Lab.

Flagler College Campus

Ringhaver Student Center — 50 Sevilla Street

Relampago Coffee Lab — 74 Spanish Street

Indigo Sol Yoga Retreat

Other Desert Cities — A Staged Reading

Admission: $10.00 per person.
When: Fridays, at 7:30 on November 3, 2023, and on January 12, February 9, and April 12, 2024.
Where: The Center for Spiritual Living, 1795 Old Moultrie Road, St. Augustine, Florida 32084

Flagler College Theatre Arts Dept: If/Then

Lil Ed & The Blues Imperials at Cafe Eleven

submitted by St_Augustine_Discord to StAugustine [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 06:23 St_Augustine_Discord Live Music and Events for Friday April 12th

Live Music

2024 St. Augustine PoetFest

Day 2 — Friday, April 12

Day two includes a variety of events throughout the city from 10:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. During the day, performances, lectures, author discussions, and workshops will be held on the Flagler College campus. An open mic event will follow in the evening at Relampago Coffee Lab.

Flagler College Campus

Ringhaver Student Center — 50 Sevilla Street

Relampago Coffee Lab — 74 Spanish Street

Indigo Sol Yoga Retreat

Other Desert Cities — A Staged Reading

Admission: $10.00 per person. When: Fridays, at 7:30 on November 3, 2023, and on January 12, February 9, and April 12, 2024.Where: The Center for Spiritual Living, 1795 Old Moultrie Road, St. Augustine, Florida 32084

Flagler College Theatre Arts Dept: If/Then

Lil Ed & The Blues Imperials at Cafe Eleven

submitted by St_Augustine_Discord to StAugustineBeach [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 02:27 shoenberg3 Must-eats, especially ethnic food?

Hello, I will be visiting your lovely city from Omaha this week. I was wondering what are some of must-eats that I should consider when I visit soon.
For example, are any of the ethnic groups over-represented and therefore are there associated ethnic restaurants that are excellent? I love all kinds of food, from Mexican to Asian.
Thank you for your feedback!!
belated update:
I had a wonderful time in KC. Nelson Atkins really blew my mind. I also loved the downtown and Country Club Plaza area. We ended up in the Union Station at night to use the restroom, and that was also quite a surprise (and bit eerie in there)! For food, I actually went with Wah Gwan which was really really good Jamaican(but slightly pricy), and also Slap's for BBQ, which was spectacular. Liked it better than Joe's that I went to last time. Thank you again for your suggestions. Certainly will hit KC again and check out some of these spots.
submitted by shoenberg3 to kansascity [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 10:35 Icy_Transition_9767 Taking Kansas City by Storm

Hello fellow midwesterners,
I (34 M) will be visiting from Milwaukee on a Friday in May. I'll be flying in early morning, leaving in the late evening same day, and I have a rental car. I have never been and need help. I know I'm being overly ambitious with my itinerary, so I'm seeking local guidance.
I've viewed the visit KC site and perused KansasCity. I have a list of things/restaurants and I want to know if it's something worth doing or if I should skip it. Did I miss anything?
City Market Kansas City Berkley Riverfront Union Station (& planetarium?) Rock Island Bridge National Frontier Trails Museum Negro Leagues Baseball Museum Fed Reserve Tour Third Friday KCK?
On the fence about these two - we have plenty of museums in Milwaukee. Kansas City Museum Kemper & Nelson Atkins art museums
Any shopping/walk around areas I'm missing out on?
My favorite thing about traveling is trying local food. I'm a good eater. Here's a list of spots I've compiled from your comments and I need to know where to go for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Maybe even a snack or two. Like... give me your suggestions as if it's your last meal.
Lidia's Harp BBQ Joes BBQ Slaps BBQ Gates Rosedale Roscoe's Jackstack Q39
Tl;dr I'll be there 12 hours - enough time for three meals and some quick touristy things. Tell me what to smash or pass on.
Thanks! I appreciate it.
submitted by Icy_Transition_9767 to kansascity [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 06:00 St_Augustine_Discord Live Music and Events On / Starting on Thursday April 11th

Live Music for this Thursday

2024 St. Augustine PoetFest

Day 1 — Thursday, April 11

Day 2 — Friday, April 12

Day two includes a variety of events throughout the city from 10:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. During the day, performances, lectures, author discussions, and workshops will be held on the Flagler College campus. An open mic event will follow in the evening at Relampago Coffee Lab.

Flagler College Campus

Friday, April 1210:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.Book BazaarOutside Ringhaver Student CenterPoetFest brochures and schedules available. Books and recordings from local authors and featured poets will be for sale.

Ringhaver Student Center — 50 Sevilla Street

Friday, April 12 10:00 a.m. - 10:50 a.m.Blending Poetry and Comedy The Virginia Room, 2nd FloorNew Jersey Poet Sam Rubenstein shares a series of comedic poetry performances.Friday, April 12 11:00 a.m. - 12:20 a.m. Women in Writing: Spotlight on Women Who Inspire The Virginia Room, 2nd Floor With presentations by Shannon E. Stephen, Eleanor Tremayne, Cynthia Atkins, and Victoria Nations, this segment will discuss how representing women's voices can bring balance to creative and social spaces.Friday, April 12 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.San Diego Scene Spotlight The Virginia Room, 2nd Floor Presented by Chris Vannoy (New Generation Beat Poet Laureate) and Christophver R., two members of The Mightier P.E.N.S. (Poetic Expeditionary Nation of Semanticists).Friday, April 12 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.Improv Comedy Spotlight The Virginia Room, 2nd Floor Presented by Amy Angelilli and The Adventure Project/Third Space Improv.Friday, April 12 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.Menorcan Heritage in Poetry The Virginia Room, 2nd Floor Historical and cultural presentation by Ann Masters, Poet Laureate of the Menorcan Cultural Society.Friday, April 124:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.Keynote Presentation The Virginia Room, 2nd Floor Given by George Wallace, a New York poet & writer in residence at the Walt Whitman Birthplace.

Relampago Coffee Lab — 74 Spanish Street

Open Mic Night, hosted by the Flagler College English Dept.

After a full Friday of poetry and spoken word events, the Flagler English Department students and faculty invite locals and visitors to join them in an evening of creative performances. Tucked away in the back garden of Relampago, this regular open mic night event will include poetry and musical performances. Sign-up starts at 6:00 p.m., with the first reader beginning at 6:30 p.m.Admission: Free and open to the publicWhen: Friday, April 12 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.Where: Relampago Coffee Lab, 74 Spanish Street, St. Augustine, Florida 32084(No parking available onsite. Paid lots nearby.)

Day 3 — Saturday, April 13

Day three will see another day full of diverse and engaging sessions. Starting at 10:00 a.m. and concluding around 7:00 p.m., the final day of the festival will take place in various buildings on the Flagler College campus. The festival will conclude in the evening with an awards ceremony and reception.

Flagler College Campus —

Saturday, April 13 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.PoetFest Alive! Outside of Ringhaver Student CenterPoetFest brochures and schedules available. The St. Johns County Library system's Book Mobile will also be onsite.Saturday, April 13 11:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.Typewriter Poets and Indie Market Pop-Up Back Paver Patio of Ringhaver Student Center Located between Markland Place and the Ringhaver Student Center, this space will host a pop-up market space with local crafts and goods. Poets will also compose improvisational poems on their typewriters.

Ringhaver Student Center — 50 Sevilla Street

Jay's Place — 1st Floor

Saturday, April 13 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.Registration, Book Bazaar, & Festival Contact Center Publications, author recordings, and local student literary magazines for sale.

Ringhaver Student Center — 50 Sevilla Street

Gamache-Kroger Theater — 1st Floor

Saturday, April 13 10:00 a.m. - 10:50 a.m.Student Showcase Presented by Flagler College English Department.Saturday, April 13 11:00 a.m. - 11:50 a.m.Faculty Showcase Presented by Flagler College English Department.Saturday, April 13 12:00 p.m. - 12:50 p.m.Dramatic Play Reading - "The Poet's Masque" Presented by Amy Goldin and A Classic Theatre.Saturday, April 13 1:00 p.m. - 1:50 p.m.Storytelling Showcas ePresented by Margaret Kaler and the Tale Tellers of St. Augustine.

Ringhaver Student Center — 50 Sevilla Street

Virginia Room — 2nd Floor

Saturday, April 13 10:00 a.m. - 10:50 a.m."Kerouac's Last Two Years - St. Petersburg, Florida" Larry Jaffe, Poet in Residence at the Jack Kerouac House, disusses and reads the works of the infamous writer, who lived with his wife and sister in St. Petersburg, Florida from 1967 until his death in 1969.Saturday, April 13 11 a.m. - 11:50 a.m."From Bookstaplers to Substack - Publishing 101"Dustin Brookshire (Limp Wrist Magazine) and Johnny Masiulewicz (Happy Tapir Press) examine the process of self-publishing.Saturday, April 13 12:00 p.m. - 12:50 p.m."Music and the Muse"Featuring poet Claire Conroy (Maine) performing to improvisational music by singer songwriter Taylor Teachout followed by a Q&A discussion on how music can take your poetry to the next level.Saturday, April 13 1:00 p.m. - 1:50 p.m."Florida is Haunted: Poetic Ghosts in the Sunshine State"Featuring Ma Bones, Nick Dunkenstein, Keri Foster, Damon Thomas, enjoy an hour of poetry inspired by hauntings and the haunted. As Jacques Derrida said — "It is the question of ghosts."Saturday, April 13 2:00 p.m. - 2:50 p.m."The Antinomian Outsider aspect of The Beat Generation"Presented by Outlaw poet Ron Whitehead, who hails from Tennessee.Saturday, April 13 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.Closing Event
Saturday, April 13 5:00 p.m.Celebratory ReceptionFinale celebration — poets and guests all invited!

Boozin' on the Boulevard

Indigo Sol Yoga Retreat

Lee Rainie: "A. I. & U."

Milano Comedy Room: Mike Palma

Flagler College Theatre Arts Dept: If/Then

Coco Montoya at Cafe Eleven

For future events please visit the Discord.
submitted by St_Augustine_Discord to StAugustineBeach [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 06:00 St_Augustine_Discord Live Music and Events On / Starting on Thursday April 11th

Live Music for this Thursday

2024 St. Augustine PoetFest

Day 1 — Thursday, April 11

Day 2 — Friday, April 12

Day two includes a variety of events throughout the city from 10:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. During the day, performances, lectures, author discussions, and workshops will be held on the Flagler College campus. An open mic event will follow in the evening at Relampago Coffee Lab.

Flagler College Campus

Friday, April 1210:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.Book BazaarOutside Ringhaver Student CenterPoetFest brochures and schedules available. Books and recordings from local authors and featured poets will be for sale.

Ringhaver Student Center — 50 Sevilla Street

Friday, April 12 10:00 a.m. - 10:50 a.m.
Blending Poetry and Comedy The Virginia Room, 2nd FloorNew Jersey Poet Sam Rubenstein shares a series of comedic poetry performances.
Friday, April 12 11:00 a.m. - 12:20 a.m.
Women in Writing: Spotlight on Women Who Inspire The Virginia Room, 2nd Floor With presentations by Shannon E. Stephen, Eleanor Tremayne, Cynthia Atkins, and Victoria Nations, this segment will discuss how representing women's voices can bring balance to creative and social spaces.
Friday, April 12 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
San Diego Scene Spotlight The Virginia Room, 2nd Floor Presented by Chris Vannoy (New Generation Beat Poet Laureate) and Christophver R., two members of The Mightier P.E.N.S. (Poetic Expeditionary Nation of Semanticists).
Friday, April 12 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Improv Comedy Spotlight The Virginia Room, 2nd Floor Presented by Amy Angelilli and The Adventure Project/Third Space Improv.
Friday, April 12 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Menorcan Heritage in Poetry The Virginia Room, 2nd Floor Historical and cultural presentation by Ann Masters, Poet Laureate of the Menorcan Cultural Society.
Friday, April 12
4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.Keynote Presentation The Virginia Room, 2nd Floor Given by George Wallace, a New York poet & writer in residence at the Walt Whitman Birthplace.

Relampago Coffee Lab — 74 Spanish Street

Open Mic Night, hosted by the Flagler College English Dept.

After a full Friday of poetry and spoken word events, the Flagler English Department students and faculty invite locals and visitors to join them in an evening of creative performances. Tucked away in the back garden of Relampago, this regular open mic night event will include poetry and musical performances. Sign-up starts at 6:00 p.m., with the first reader beginning at 6:30 p.m.
Admission: Free and open to the public
When: Friday, April 12 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Where: Relampago Coffee Lab, 74 Spanish Street, St. Augustine, Florida 32084
(No parking available onsite. Paid lots nearby.)

Day 3 — Saturday, April 13

Day three will see another day full of diverse and engaging sessions. Starting at 10:00 a.m. and concluding around 7:00 p.m., the final day of the festival will take place in various buildings on the Flagler College campus. The festival will conclude in the evening with an awards ceremony and reception.

Flagler College Campus —

Saturday, April 13 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
PoetFest Alive! Outside of Ringhaver Student CenterPoetFest brochures and schedules available. The St. Johns County Library system's Book Mobile will also be onsite.
Saturday, April 13 11:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Typewriter Poets and Indie Market Pop-Up Back Paver Patio of Ringhaver Student Center Located between Markland Place and the Ringhaver Student Center, this space will host a pop-up market space with local crafts and goods. Poets will also compose improvisational poems on their typewriters.

Ringhaver Student Center — 50 Sevilla Street

Jay's Place — 1st Floor

Saturday, April 13 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Registration, Book Bazaar, & Festival Contact Center Publications, author recordings, and local student literary magazines for sale.

Ringhaver Student Center — 50 Sevilla Street

Gamache-Kroger Theater — 1st Floor

Saturday, April 13 10:00 a.m. - 10:50 a.m.
Student Showcase Presented by Flagler College English Department.
Saturday, April 13 11:00 a.m. - 11:50 a.m.
Faculty Showcase Presented by Flagler College English Department.
Saturday, April 13 12:00 p.m. - 12:50 p.m.
Dramatic Play Reading - "The Poet's Masque" Presented by Amy Goldin and A Classic Theatre.
Saturday, April 13 1:00 p.m. - 1:50 p.m.
Storytelling Showcas ePresented by Margaret Kaler and the Tale Tellers of St. Augustine.

Ringhaver Student Center — 50 Sevilla Street

Virginia Room — 2nd Floor

Saturday, April 13 10:00 a.m. - 10:50 a.m.
"Kerouac's Last Two Years - St. Petersburg, Florida" Larry Jaffe, Poet in Residence at the Jack Kerouac House, disusses and reads the works of the infamous writer, who lived with his wife and sister in St. Petersburg, Florida from 1967 until his death in 1969.
Saturday, April 13 11 a.m. - 11:50 a.m.
"From Bookstaplers to Substack - Publishing 101"Dustin Brookshire (Limp Wrist Magazine) and Johnny Masiulewicz (Happy Tapir Press) examine the process of self-publishing.
Saturday, April 13 12:00 p.m. - 12:50 p.m.
"Music and the Muse"Featuring poet Claire Conroy (Maine) performing to improvisational music by singer songwriter Taylor Teachout followed by a Q&A discussion on how music can take your poetry to the next level.
Saturday, April 13 1:00 p.m. - 1:50 p.m.
"Florida is Haunted: Poetic Ghosts in the Sunshine State"Featuring Ma Bones, Nick Dunkenstein, Keri Foster, Damon Thomas, enjoy an hour of poetry inspired by hauntings and the haunted. As Jacques Derrida said — "It is the question of ghosts."
Saturday, April 13 2:00 p.m. - 2:50 p.m.
"The Antinomian Outsider aspect of The Beat Generation"Presented by Outlaw poet Ron Whitehead, who hails from Tennessee.
Saturday, April 13 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.Closing Event
Saturday, April 13 5:00 p.m.
Celebratory ReceptionFinale celebration — poets and guests all invited!

Boozin' on the Boulevard

Indigo Sol Yoga Retreat

Lee Rainie: "A. I. & U."

Milano Comedy Room: Mike Palma

Flagler College Theatre Arts Dept: If/Then

Coco Montoya at Cafe Eleven

For future events please visit the Discord.
submitted by St_Augustine_Discord to StAugustine [link] [comments]

2024.04.02 17:17 Leather_Focus_6535 The currently 43 offenders that have been executed by the state of South Carolina since the 1970s and their crimes (warning, graphic content, please read at your own risk)

By popular request from yesterday's post on Indiana's executions, I've decided to release my list for South Carolina's execution roster that I made for my personal death penalty project since the 1970s. Which state would you like to see covered next?
The executed 43:
  1. Joseph Shaw (1977-1985, electric chair): Out of anger for his girlfriend leaving and cutting ties with him, Shaw and his accomplices decided to hunt for random women and girls to rape. 21 year old Betty Swank had the misfortunate of being the one they laid their eyes on, and they abducted her as she was walking home from work. She was sexually assaulted and shot to death by Shaw. A few weeks later, the group abducted 14 year old Carlotta Hartness after they gunned down her boyfriend, 17 year old Thomas Taylor. Hartress was gang raped and fatally shot. Their bodies were both stripped of their wallets by Shaw and his gang.
  2. James Roach (1977-1986, electric chair): Roach was one of Shaw's accomplices. He was sentenced to death for taking part in the Taylor-Hartness murders
  3. Ronald Woomer (~1971-1990, electric chair): Woomer and a partner sought to steal the coin collection of 67 year old coin collector John Turner, and shot him dead with a shotgun in the process of carrying out their plans. The pair then broke into a home, and gunned down 27 year old Arnie Richardson and his 37 year old sister in law Earldean Wright. Richardson's 5 year old daughter survived with severe gunshot wounds, and was able to bike to her aunt's home for help. Their third and final attack was the abduction of two convenience store clerks, 34 year old Della Sellers and 24 year old Wanda Summers. Both women were raped and shot in the head. Sellers died instantly, but Summers managed to escape with facial disfigurements, and contacted the police. Woomer surrendered while his partner committed suicide to avoid capture. Woomer had a long rap sheet that dated back to his mid-teens, which included several charges for petty thefts and drug possessions, and a statutory rape conviction for an illicit relationship with a 15 year old girl.
  4. Donald Gaskins (~1953-1991, electric chair): Gaskins murdered a bare minimum of 14-31+ people between the ages of 2-45, and buried them in his backyard. His killing methods were very diverse (which included stabbings, poisonings, drownings, strangulations, beatings, shootings, and a bombing), as were his motivations. Some of the victims were underaged girls (including his own niece, 15 year old Janice Kirby) he molested that were threatening to report their abuse, a few others were accomplices in various crimes that he had disputes with, and he occasionally murdered out of racism. In one case, he drowned a white woman, 22 year old Doreen Dempsey, for getting impregnated by a black man, and her 2 year old daughter Robin for being a biracial product of their union. Most of his victims were buried in his backyard. On death row, he blew up Rudolph Tyner, a 23 year old fellow death row inmate, with improvised C4. Tyner was sentenced to death for murdering a couple during a robbery, and the victims' son hired Gaskins to kill him. Gaskins had an extensive criminal record that included several incidents of burglaries, assaults, rapes, fencings, and fraud.
  5. Sylvester Adams (1979-1995, lethal injection): Adams broke into the home of 16 year old Bryan Chambers to rob it. When he couldn't find any money, Adams abducted Chambers and tried to ransom him to his family. Unfortunately, Chamber's mother didn't realize what was happening when Adams called her to make demands, and blew him off. Out of frustration, Adams strangled Chambers to death with a cord.
  6. Robert South (1983-1996, lethal injection): South murdered Daniel Cogburn, a 29 year old police officer, in a drive by shooting. Cogburn was citing a traffic ticket that had nothing to do with South when he was shot dead by him.
  7. Fred Kornahrens III (1985-1996, lethal injection): Kornahrens stormed into a mobile home to confront his ex wife, 35 year old Patti Avant after stalking and harassing her for an undisclosed period of time. In the following rampage, he shot and stabbed Patti, her 10 year old stepson Jason, and her 69 year old father Harry Wilkerson to death.
  8. Michael Torrence (1987-1996, lethal injection): Torrence's sister in law worked as a stripper and was allegedly taunted by a pair of patrons, 41 year old Dennis Lollis and 31 year old Charles Bush. She complained to her husband, who was also Torrence's brother, about them. Seeking revenge, the couple recruited Torrence, and they hunted down Bush and Lollis. The sister in law first lured Bush to the brothers by pretending to be a broken down driver needing a ride home. When they arrived at the family home, Bush was beaten with a tire iron and strangled to death with a dog leash. The trio then snuck into a motel room Lollis was staying, and stabbed him 20 times as he slept. Both Bush and Lollis were robbed after they were killed. A few months after the Bush-Lollis murders, Torrence picked up Cynthia Williams, a 20 year prostitute, and shot her dead when they got into an argument. He had previous convictions, but the sources available to me didn't disclose any details about them.
  9. Larry Bell (~1975(?)-1996, electric chair): Bell is confirmed to have abducted and murdered 17 year old Sharon Smith and 9 year old Debra Helmick, and is suspected in the disappearances of 26 year old Sandee Cornett and 21 year old Denise Porch. With his verified and convicted murders, the victims were raped and suffocated with plastic wrapped around their faces. During the course of the kidnappings and manhunt, Bell taunted Smith's family through phone calls and letters.
  10. Doyle Lucas (1983-1996, lethal injection): Lucas burglarized the home of couple 65 year old Bill and 64 year old Evelyn Rayfield, and shot them to death.
  11. Frank Middleton Jr. (~1980s-1996, lethal injection): While serving a 6 year sentence for stabbing a 13 year old boy over a dime dropped at a phone booth, Middleton escaped from prison. As a fugitive, he robbed, raped, and fatally strangled two women, 49 year old Shirley Mack and 21 year old Janell Garner. Garner was murdered in the courtyard of a Catholic school, and Mack was killed while walking home from night shift as a cook for a local restaurant. Middleton also sexually assaulted an unidentified woman at a gas stop, but she managed to survive the attack.
  12. Michael Elkins (1990-1997, lethal injection): Elkins and a partner feigned car trouble on a remote section of the highway to entrap good samaritan drivers. The victim who took the bait was 59 year old Patricia Whitt. She was stabbed to death by Elkins and he stole at least three of her rings.
  13. Earl Matthews Jr. (1984-1997, lethal injection): Matthews tried robbing 16 year old Lucia Aimar and her boyfriend at gunpoint when they pulled into a drive restaurant on a date. After seizing money from Aimar's purse and her boyfriend's wallet, Matthews tried forcing them to give him a ride. The couple resisted him, but he shot both of them in the struggle. Aimar died of her injuries, while her boyfriend survived the attack.
  14. John Arnold Jr. (1973-1998, lethal injection): Arnold, his cousin John Plath, and their underaged girlfriends lured 33 year old Betty Gardner, a black farmhand, into their van. Out of a desire to kill a black person, they gang-raped Gardner, stomped on her chest, stabbed her with pocket knifes and broken bottles, and strangled her with a belt and rope made out of bundles of clothing. The attackers then carved "KKK" on Gardner's corpse and defecated on it. Arnold had an extensive criminal history, and his past convictions included assault, false imprisonment, and burglary. He also was involved with fatally shooting a friend, 18 year old Frank Winchnarz, but evaded prosecution from the lack of sufficient evidence.
  15. John Plath (~1970s-1998, lethal injection): Plath assisted John Arnold and their underaged girlfriends in gang-raping and lynching Gardner. Like his cousin, Plath had an extensive criminal record, which included charges of attempted robbery, theft and auto theft, harassment, and receiving stolen goods. He also shot and wounded his ex girlfriend, but she refused to press charges.
  16. Sammy Roberts (1980-1998, lethal injection): Roberts abducted 3 gas station attendants, 55 year old Louis Cakley, 28 year old Bill Spain, and 23 year old Kenneth Krause at gunpoint and forced them into his vehicle. He robbed his captives and drove them to a remote wooded area. The victims were then shot to death, and some were repeatedly stabbed.
  17. Larry Gilbert (1977-1998, lethal injection): Gilbert and his half brother J. D. Gleaton stabbed and shot 44 year old Ralph Stoudemire to death in the process of robbing a gas station he owned. Both were under the influence of drugs during the attack.
  18. J. D. Gleaton (1977-1998, lethal injection): Gleaton assisted his above mentioned half brother Larry Gilbert in murdering Ralph Stoudermire, and robbing his gas station.
  19. Louis Truesdale Jr. (1980-1998, lethal injection): Truesdale abducted 18 year old Rebecca Eudy from a grocery store. He raped and shot Eudy to death, and left her body in her car. Truesdale previously had a sexual relationship with Eudy, and he used their history to claim to the courts that she went with him willingly.
  20. Andrew Smith (1983-1998, lethal injection): Smith got into an argument with his cousin, 82 year old Corrie Johnson, and her 86 year old husband Christy, over their car. In the following altercation, Smith stabbed them both to death. Corrie was found with 17 stab wounds on her body, while Christy had over 27 stab wounds on him.
  21. Ronnie Howard (1985-1999, lethal injection): Howard and an accomplice flagged down Chinh Thi Nguyen Le, a 34 year old refugee from Vietnam, at a stop sun and robbed her at gunpoint. The pair then suffocated Le with a plastic bag pulled over her head and stole her car. Howard was also involved with 72 armed robberies. Most of his previous targets were Taco Bell and Pizza Hut restaurants.
  22. Joseph Atkins (~1969-1999, lethal injection): In 1969, Atkins stabbed his 23 year old half brother Charles after returning home from the Vietnam War. Charles had a history of being abusive to Atkins. On one occasion in their childhood, Charles hospitalized Atkins after stabbing him in the stomach. Atkins was sentenced to life in prison, but was paroled in 1980. About five years later, he killed his adoptive father, 75 year old Benjamin, and a neighbor, 13 year old Karen Patterson, with a shotgun and a machete in a drunken rampage.
  23. Leroy Drayton (1984-1999): Drayton robbed a gas station and kidnapped the clerk, 19 year old Rhonda Smith, at gunpoint. After taking her to an abandoned coal mine, he shot Smith to death.
  24. David Rocheville (1991-1999): After watching Dances With Wolves in a movie theater, Rocheville and his partner Richard Longworth decided to rob the establishment. The pair shot dead the usher, 19 year old Alex Hopps, and abducted another employee, 24 year old James Green. They forced him to unload money out of the ticket booth, tossed Green into their van, and drove away with him. When they stopped, Rocheville killed Green by shooting him in the head.
  25. Kevin Young (~1980s-2000, lethal injection): Young and 3 other men robbed 35 year old Dennis Hepler in front of an elementary school where he worked as a principal. After Hepler gave them his wallet, Young and one of his accomplices shot him to death. Young had an extensive criminal history, though the sources accessible to me didn't give any specifics.
  26. Richard Johnson (1985-2002, lethal injection): Johnson and two others were picked up by 52 year old Dan Swanson while hitchhiking. Johnson fatally shot his host in his sleep, and commandeered Swanson's RV with his companions. They went on a drinking binge while they were driving, which attracted the attention of Bruce Smalls, a 30 year old patrolman. When Smalls pulled the group over, Johnson shot him to death.
  27. Anthony Green (1987-2002, lethal injection): Green held up 36 year old Susan Babich at gunpoint when she pulled into the parking lot of a mall. After snatching her pocketbook, Green shot her to death.
  28. Micheal Passaro (1998-2002, lethal injection) During an argument with his estranged wife (who was his second wife, whom he married after the passing of his first), Passaro burned down their minivan with their daughter, 2 year old Maggie, in it. Passaro initially intended to self immolate with the van, but jumped out at the last minute. Reportedly, he wanted to inflict pain on his current wife, and be reunited with his first wife in heaven.
  29. David Hill (1994-2004, lethal injection): While driving a stolen car with a stash of maijuana, Hill was stopped by a police chief, 37 year old Spencer Guerry. In a desperate attempt to avoid arrest, Hill ambushed and fatally shot Guerry as he was checking his license and identification cards.
  30. Jerry McWee (1991-2004, lethal injection): McWee and an accomplice robbed a convenience store for money to buy beer. The clerk, 32 year old John Perry, was fatally shot in the head in the process, and the pair stole $350 from the registers.
  31. Jason Byram (1993-2004, lethal injection): In the early hours of the morning, Byram entered the home of 36 year old Julie Johnson. He found Johnson sleeping on the couch, and stabbed her with a butcher knife Byram grabbed from the kitchen. Bryam then stole her purse, jumped out of a window, and drove away with her van. Johnson's husband found her mortally wounded on the couch, and she succumbed to her wounds on the way to the hospital.
  32. James Tucker (~1960s-2004, electric chair): Tucker drove up into the driveway of 52 year old Rosa Oakley and chatted with her. After he determined that she was alone, Tucker shot Oakley to death and stole $14 from her purse. A few weeks later, he targeted a cottage owned by a horse racing training school, and found the tenant, 21 year old Shannon Mellon, sleeping on the couch. Tucker bound Miller with duct tape, shot her in the head, and stole $20. Tucker had an long criminal history and his earliest offenses happened when he was a child. Some of his previous convictions include sexually abusing an 83 year old woman and an 8 year old girl, and several break in and theft charges.
  33. Richard Longsworth (1991-2005, lethal injection): Longworth was an accomplice to the previously mentioned David Rocheville. He helped him with the robbery murders of two theater employees.
  34. Hastings Wise (~1980s-2005, lethal injection): Wise was fired from the R.E. Phelon factory, which he perceived was for racially discriminatory reasons. In a fit of rage, he stormed into his former job, and shot his ex boss, 56 year old Charles Griffeth, and 3 coworkers, 31 year old Ernest Filyaw, 30 year old David Moore, and 27 year old Esther Wood dead. Wise was an ex convict, and had previous convictions of bank robbery, theft, and possession of stolen goods.
  35. Shawn Humphries (~1984-2005, lethal injection): In 1991, Humphries robbed a convenience store at gunpoint. When he saw the owner, 43 year old Dickie Smith, reaching for a gun, he fatally shot him. Humphries previously served prison time for breaking and entering and auto theft.
  36. William Downs Jr. (1991-2006, lethal injection): Downs committed his first verified murder in 1991 when he abducted 10 year old James Porter. He raped and strangled the boy to death. 6 years later, Downs intercepted another boy, 6 year old Keenan O'Mailia, while he was riding his bicycle. Like Porter, O'Mailia was raped and strangled to death. Downs engaged in acts of necrophilia with both of his victims' bodies.
  37. Calvin Shuler (1997-2007, lethal injection): Shuler worked as an armored car driver and security guard. He ambushed 3 of his coworkers while they were passing through a neighborhood, and shot one, 77 year old James Brooks, to death. The survivors returned fire, but were wounded by him in the shootout. Although Shuler managed to seize the armored car, the money inside was damaged by gunfire and blood stains, and was forced to abandon it empty handed.
  38. David Hill (1996-2008, lethal injection): Hill's twin 3 year old sons and 2 year old daughter were removed by CPS from his and his ex wife's custody on allegations of neglect and sexual misconduct. In retaliation, Hill stormed a social services office, and shot 3 social workers, 52 year old James Riddle, 35 year old Josie Curr, and 30 year old Michael Gregory, dead. Riddle was killed for being the worker that took his children, Gregory for being a witness, and Curr for simply being black.
  39. James Reed (1993-2008, electric chair): Reed briefly dated 28 year old Laurie Rego while they served in the army together, but he was arrested for assaulting her when she tried to break up with him. During his time in prison, Reed wrote threatening letters to Laurie. After he was released, he went to the residence of Laurie's parents, 51 year old Joseph and 46 year old Barbara, to search for her. When Laurie wasn't present, Reed shot Joseph and Barbara to death.
  40. Joseph Gardner (1992-2008, lethal injection): Gardner and two other men abducted 25 year old Melissa McLauchlin after she drunkenly locked herself out of her own house, and forced her into their car. McLauchlin was taken to a mobile home, tied up and gang raped by them and two other men. She was soaked with hydrogen peroxide and bleach, shot 8 times, and dumped near a highway. The murder was pushed out of Gardner's desire to avenge Rodney King's beating and centuries of oppression against Black Americans.
  41. Luke Williams (1991-2009, lethal injection): To collect a life insurance policy, Williams beat his 39 year old wife Linda to death and fatally strangled his 12 year old son Shaun. He placed their bodies into the family van and crashed it into a tree in order to make it look like an accident. Days before the murders, Linda had made complaints to a crisis hotline that Williams was abusive to her.
  42. Thomas Ivey (~1993-2009, lethal injection): Ivery and another inmate escaped from jail while awaiting trial for a reckless firearms discharge accusation. The pair abducted 30 year old Robert Montgomery while he was walking home from work and shot him to death. Two days later, they fatally shot a police officer, 38 year old Thompson Harrison, that approached them for questioning in a mall.
  43. Jeffrey Motts (1995-2011, lethal injection): Motts was originally serving a life sentence for stabbing his great aunt and great uncle, 73 year old Etta Osteen and 79 year old Clyde Camby to death during a 1995 robbery. His sentence escalated to death in 2005 when he fatally stabbed his cellmate, 26 year old Charles Martin. Martin was previously sentenced for an aggravated assault charge, and was months away from release at the time of his death.
submitted by Leather_Focus_6535 to TrueCrimeDiscussion [link] [comments]

2024.03.12 00:33 garvisgarvis My experience, so far

I (M62) have been fighting "stomach issues" since I was a child. I had it wrong the whole time!
When I was a kid, my family would occasionally order in Chinese food and it would consistently give me problems. After a meal, I'd head to the bathroom and the rest of my family would either tease me (about the Chinese-food Blues) or be angry thinking I was just shirking clean-up duty. That's my earliest memory of the problem.
As I grew up, I would have problems from time to time eating different things. When I started getting "real" jobs, the stakes were raised because having "problems" sometimes meant ditching out of important meetings, being a nervous wreck when traveling and the like. My colleagues would get the rental car while I'd hit the bathroom. I'd pack extra underwear. I've done unspeakable things behind dumpsters in downtown entertainment districts. Aaarrrggghhh. I have been embarrassed, steaming mad and at my wits' end more times than I can count.
I longed to linger after a restaurant meal, or follow a nice dinner with some live music somewhere. But I was not afforded luxuries such as those.
Then I thought I had a break in the case. When I was close to 40, I went on the Atkins diet and eliminated nearly all carbs for a couple of months. I lost some weight, but not as much as I hoped. I hadn't noticed anything else special about the diet until I decided to stop it and I ate two bagels (which I'd been craving the whole time!). Soon after, I had major cramps and I drew an invalid conclusion that cost me decades of continued problems. I thought I had a problem with wheat (this may not be true, but I'll know soon). I adjusted my life accordingly. Chinese food Blues? That must have been the soy sauce—Kikkoman is brewed wheat, after all. One traumatic incident that followed Lobster Bisque must have been the roux the dish was based on. After a while, though, I had to bend some facts to make things fit. Sometimes bread didn't give me trouble (maybe the problem was wheat flour and not wheat cooked at high temperatures). Sometimes pasta wasn't a problem. But I would get waves of bad symptoms now and again and they left me confused. And angry. And frustrated. For a couple of decades.
Well, this past fall, I guess it was the last straw. I was booked for a one-week meeting in Las Vegas, and the night before my flight out, I had terrible symptoms. Angry, embarrassed and defeated, I cancelled and told my team I wasn't feeling well. And I called my doctor, whom I've spoken with before about this.
This time, he suggested I learn about FODMAPs, and he gave me a little flyer that had been photocopied a hundred times which acquainted me with the main concepts: what to eat, what to eliminate, how to test foods by re-introduction.
After a few days of low FODMAP eating, all symptoms were gone and my poops were 3s and 4s on the Bristol scale. There was no more urgency around my bathroom usage. I knew I was really onto something.
After a few weeks, I started re-introducing foods AND I LEARNED A COUPLE OF CRUCIAL THINGS!
First: When I had problems, I always thought the culprit was, more or less, the last thing I ate. Not true. It took 18-24 hours for my re-introduction of milk to produce symptoms. And they were unmistakable symptoms—the first ones in weeks. Being aware of this one fact could have been immensely helpful.
Second: controlled re-introductions produce data where anecdotes and anger had been. I have no problem with Avocado, Cauliflower, Almonds, Raisins (though these might make me a little itchy). But milk is a problem and—drumroll—garlic wrecks me. GARLIC?!! It certainly explains the Chinese-food Blues. I bet they were garlic bagels. It also explains the utter unpredictability I've had to deal with. I eat (ate) garlic without any consideration to its effect on me. I could tell you when I ate bread, diet soda, green peppers, kimchi, Thai, Indian, etc. BUT, I could never tell you when I had garlic. It was completely off my RADAR. Outside of my awareness. As sure as I'm writing this, though, garlic has so far been culprit number one. Milk, too, but I don't eat much hi-lactose dairy.
My next re-introduction is onions. I have a bad feeling about them. After that, cherries and cashews are all that remain. I plan to circle back on a few things just to be sure. You see, I love salami and have eaten some during the elimination phase unaware that it probably has enough garlic to start me rumbling.
In closing, I'm so happy. It won't be that long until I retire, and I think I'll be able to travel, to get out more and enjoy myself with my (very patient and understanding) wife and our friends.
I've truly enjoyed reading all your stories and have been looking forward to telling you mine. I wish you all the success and satisfaction that I've found in the FODMAP universe. I would advise anyone to be patient and deliberate. Don't confuse thoughts, ideas, stories and hunches with recorded observations. Get a good logging app—(I really, really like Cronometer(.com), figure out your triggers and enjoy your new-found freedom.
submitted by garvisgarvis to FODMAPS [link] [comments]

2024.02.10 04:43 Slight-Coffee955 Gulf Requirement

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submitted by Slight-Coffee955 to Gulfjob [link] [comments]

2024.02.01 03:48 Slight-Coffee955 Jobs

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submitted by Slight-Coffee955 to Gulfjob [link] [comments]

2024.02.01 03:47 Slight-Coffee955 Jobs

Gulf job Company vacancy 01st February 2024
🇰🇼 Kuwait work visa Reputed Elevation burger units One of the leading Switchgear manufacturing Co. Leading restaurant.
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submitted by Slight-Coffee955 to Gulfjob [link] [comments]

2024.01.29 01:07 Alex72598 Hell's kitchen S23: preview

Narrator: Previously, on Hell's Kitchen...
Replaying key moments from S22 finale
N: Two worthy opponents faced off for the right to a $250,000 Grand Prize and a head chef position at Gordon Ramsay's Hell's Kitchen restaurant in Las Vegas, Nevada. Johnathan Benvenuti, the 28 year old sous chef from Huntington Beach, California, put his leadership skills to the test against Ryan O'Sullivan, the 28 year old chef from Cork, Ireland, each hoping to make their American Dream come true.
It was a hard fought battle, but in the end...
Replaying moment when Ryan's door opens
N: Making Ryan the 22nd exceptional individual to overcome every test, challenge and obstacle and add his picture to the Hell's Kitchen wall of fame. For the families and friends of the two finalists, it was a day to celebrate all that they had accomplished,. Chef Gordon Ramsay, however, isn't one to rest on his laurels for long.
Music stops, then starts again slowly
N: As soon as the celebrations had come to an end, Chef Ramsay was already thinking about the next group of hopefuls that would be walking through the front door of Hell's Kitchen. The process of creating a head chef worthy of a stunning high end restaurant is an ongoing one, but no matter how many times he has to start from scratch, Ramsay is determined to mold these rookies into his proteges. But this time, Ramsay has decided to return the competition to its roots, in more ways than one.
Dramatic music plays
Ramsay: "For the first time since season one, we are going to start with mixed gender teams, and we are going to stick with it."
Chefs are seen cooking frantically in both kitchens
Ramsay: 'The challenges have been reworked, a mix of the old and the new."
The chefs present their dishes to Ramsay, who is holding something similar to a punishment pass.
N: The one thing that hasn't changed is that in Hell's Kitchen, nothing is guaranteed, and no one can afford to let their guard down.
Ramsay: "The person leaving Hell's Kitchen is..."
The chefs look stunned
N: So get ready for another season of drama...
Chefs bickering
N: Culinary disasters...
Ramsay: "Shut it down!"
N: And eventually...
Ramsay: "That is absolutely delicious, one of the best in the history of this competition."
N: A chef who will rise to the occasion and cross the threshold to victory.
Door opens and the screen fades to black
Ramsay: "I tell every group of chefs this, but you lot need to know it most of all: Be ready for anything, and everything."
HK intro theme plays while the chefs are introduced.
Blue Team
Marshall Collins - 25, chef from Norfolk, Virginia
Sabrina “Bree” Wilson - 26, caterer from Milwaukee, Wisconsin
George Hadley - 28, private chef from St. Louis, Missouri
Avery Bauer - 28, Sous chef from Seattle. Washington
Jose Luis "Fonseca" - 29, line cook from Reno, Nevada
Jasmine Brooks - 26, chef from Davenport, Iowa
Wade Mathis - 21, chef from Wilmington, North Carolina
Maya Ortega - 27, Sous chef from Albuquerque, New Mexico
Lorenzo Rossini - 31, pizzeria chef from Brooklyn, New York
Red Team
Olivia Taylor - 28, line cook from Dayton, Ohio
Nolan Corbett - 37, Executive chef from Boston, Massachusetts
Faye Atkins - 33, chef from Beaumont, Texas
Ken Morimoto - 26, steakhouse chef from Santa Barbara, California
Isabella Harper - 25, chef from Orlando, Florida
Joshua “Josh” Mitchell - 23, chef from Bentonville, Arkansas
Cassandra “Cassie” Arlough - 29, Sous chef from Rockford, Illinois
Terrance West - 24, line cook from Palo Alto, California
Leilani Kim - 27, private chef from Honolulu, Hawaii
submitted by Alex72598 to HellsKitchenFanFics [link] [comments]

2024.01.28 21:26 Alex72598 (fictional) Hell's Kitchen S23 - preview

Narrator: Previously, on Hell's Kitchen...
Replaying key moments from S22 finale
N: Two worthy opponents faced off for the right to a $250,000 Grand Prize and a head chef position at Gordon Ramsay's Hell's Kitchen restaurant in Las Vegas, Nevada. Johnathan Benvenuti, the 28 year old sous chef from Huntington Beach, California, put his leadership skills to the test against Ryan O'Sullivan, the 28 year old chef from Cork, Ireland, each hoping to make their American Dream come true.
It was a hard fought battle, but in the end...
Replaying moment when Ryan's door opens
N: Making Ryan the 22nd exceptional individual to overcome every test, challenge and obstacle and add his picture to the Hell's Kitchen wall of fame. For the families and friends of the two finalists, it was a day to celebrate all that they had accomplished,. Chef Gordon Ramsay, however, isn't one to rest on his laurels for long.
Music stops, then starts again slowly
N: As soon as the celebrations had come to an end, Chef Ramsay was already thinking about the next group of hopefuls that would be walking through the front door of Hell's Kitchen. The process of creating a head chef worthy of a stunning high end restaurant is an ongoing one, but no matter how many times he has to start from scratch, Ramsay is determined to mold these rookies into his proteges. But this time, Ramsay has decided to return the competition to its roots, in more ways than one.
Dramatic music plays
Ramsay: "For the first time since season one, we are going to start with mixed gender teams, and we are going to stick with it."
Chefs are seen cooking frantically in both kitchens
Ramsay: 'The challenges have been reworked, a mix of the old and the new."
The chefs present their dishes to Ramsay, who is holding something similar to a punishment pass.
N: The one thing that hasn't changed is that in Hell's Kitchen, nothing is guaranteed, and no one can afford to let their guard down.
Ramsay: "The person leaving Hell's Kitchen is..."
The chefs look stunned
N: So get ready for another season of drama...
Chefs bickering
N: Culinary disasters...
Ramsay: "Shut it down!"
N: And eventually...
Ramsay: "That is absolutely delicious, one of the best in the history of this competition."
N: A chef who will rise to the occasion and cross the threshold to victory.
Door opens and the screen fades to black
Ramsay: "I tell every group of chefs this, but you lot need to know it most of all: Be ready for anything, and everything."
HK intro theme plays while the chefs are introduced.
Blue Team
Marshall Collins - 25, chef from Norfolk, Virginia
Sabrina “Bree” Wilson - 26, caterer from Milwaukee, Wisconsin
George Hadley - 28, private chef from St. Louis, Missouri
Avery Bauer - 28, Sous chef from Seattle. Washington
Jose Luis "Fonseca" - 29, line cook from Reno, Nevada
Jasmine Brooks - 26, chef from Davenport, Iowa
Wade Mathis - 21, chef from Wilmington, North Carolina
Maya Ortega - 27, Sous chef from Albuquerque, New Mexico
Lorenzo Rossini - 31, pizzeria chef from Brooklyn, New York
Red Team
Olivia Taylor - 28, line cook from Dayton, Ohio
Nolan Corbett - 37, Executive chef from Boston, Massachusetts
Faye Atkins - 33, chef from Beaumont, Texas
Ken Morimoto - 26, steakhouse chef from Santa Barbara, California
Isabella Harper - 25, chef from Orlando, Florida
Joshua “Josh” Mitchell - 23, chef from Bentonville, Arkansas
Cassandra “Cassie” Arlough - 29, Sous chef from Rockford, Illinois
Terrance West - 24, line cook from Palo Alto, California
Leilani Kim - 27, private chef from Honolulu, Hawaii
submitted by Alex72598 to HellsKitchen [link] [comments]

2023.12.10 19:23 SirMatthew74 Ok, let's get this going.

I won't write much, but keto is massively underutilized, IMO. I believe it should be offered to ALL people with intractable seizures.
I was on keto about ten years ago, for about nine months. It worked like a charm. I was seizure free. I was never hungry - ever. On carbs I'm famished 24-7, but when burning fat I just don't get hungry. I don't think I lost much weight, but my skin really cleared up.
Before keto I was a mess, constant seizures. I asked my doctor about it and he put me on "Modified Atkins". Technically I had "medical supervision", but it was minimal. After starting I figured if I was going to do it, I was going to do it all the way. To be honest, Modified Atkins, or any other "less extreme" version was a lot more confusing for me because it was a lot harder to eat the right things in the right quantities. I was afraid of not being able to do it right. So, I put myself on Classic Keto. I didn't have any help at all. I did educate myself about it, a lot. I do NOT recommend that. No matter what diet you are on, you really need several weeks worth of nutritionist planned meals to get you started, and regular visits with a keto doctor (a pediatric neurologist if you have to).
I got most of my calories from heavy cream. A daily menu was something like heavy cream twice a day (whipped with a little cocoa, stevia, and vanilla), a salad with crushed nuts, radishes, and some "Mrs. Dash" (with oil and vinegar, not "salad dressing"), and pork chops. After my body made the transition I was never hungry. Sometimes I made keto cheesecake. I liked making keto ice cream. It was just heavy cream and strawberries. I can't remember if I added stevia or not, I think I just relied on the strawberries. I would have eaten avocados and macadamia nuts everyday, but it was super expensive and really hard to get good avocados. I would have eaten bacon everyday, but that's astronomically expensive. I think I tried doing some sausages, but I was always afraid of exceeding my carbs with those, even though I was super careful about it (most of them have a lot of carbs, but not all).
It wasn't hard in terms of self control. Once I've decided I'm just not eating something at all, it's not an issue. Deciding not to eat something can be hard, but once the decision is made I'm fine. "Moderation" is much harder (hence "Classic" not "Atkins"). Since I wasn't ever hungry, I wasn't really tempted - except I used to lust after vegetables in the grocery store. I could always find something at restaurants because you can just order meat. I did worry about sauces and things like that, but it didn't seem like an issue.
The hardest thing was finding stuff to eat in general. There are all sorts of recipes online, and I had a login to at least one "medical" keto site. The problem is that it's hard to do if you do it alone. I lived alone, and had absolutely no help. It's hard to buy a variety of foods in small quantities for anyone living alone, on keto it's even harder. I was going to school and didn't have the energy to be doing "recipes" and things, especially baking cheesecake or almond flour stuff.
I'm not very good with planning or executive function. I could weigh my food everyday and do calculations, but I never planned things out very well. When in doubt, I played it "safe". As a result I know I didn't get all the nutrition I should have. I was scared to eat too much vegetables (they're carbs). I never got enough protein because it was expensive.
Eventually my back, which had been bad for years, finally gave out and I had surgery. It's possible that keto had something to do with the deterioration, but like I said my nutrition was much poorer than it should have been. After the surgery I quit keto. I often think about doing it again, this time with proper help, but it's a lot.
FYI: You can't just start keto and expect it to be great immediately. You can't just do "vegetables and meat". You have to know what you are doing. You need a doctor and nutritionist. It may take you more than two weeks for your body to switch over. You will probably feel tired because basically you are "starving" - it's called "keto flu" because it feels kind of like having a cold. It's easy enough to do though, because if you get hungry you can eat as much sugar free bacon as you want (or avocados, nuts, etc.). Your body is used to burning carbs and it will burn carbs for as long as it can. If you just cut them off your body may not want to burn fat. It won't transition unless it has to. If you are eating too much carbs, or the wrong carbs, your blood sugar may be unstable. That might result in low blood sugar, which is a seizure trigger. Also some people probably start eating all kids of artificial sweeteners - which are seizure triggers for a lot of people. It's generally not a good idea to eat "sugar free" or "keto" prepared foods, unless you really know what you are doing. They have all sort of artificial stuff in them and a fair amount of carbs. On epilepsy some people have reported having seizures when starting keto. This is probably because of low blood sugar and/or artificial sweeteners. You have to stay on it for at least a week to be in ketosis, more like two.
I would highly recommend people try it, with the proper medical support, especially young kids. It may not get them off meds, but they may be seizure free, and they may be able to take less meds. That would be a huge advantage growing up.
submitted by SirMatthew74 to ketoforepilespy [link] [comments]

2023.12.04 02:02 cheaptissueburlap BSB news For Week #57, November 27th, 2023

What happened last week?
November ended with a 9% gain on US stocks, stimulated by lowering inflation and the perspective of rates cuts. This was also an exceptional month for bonds.

Traders are now pricing in rates cuts as early as march 2024.
World leaders agreed to tax methane emission for OnG, the goal is to phase it the technology by 2030
IWM and gold breakout on friday
What to watch for next week?



Kraken Robotics Awarded $1 Million Contract to Survey Buried Subsea Pipeline - PNG.v
announced it has been awarded a contract for a specialized sub-seabed survey to map the exact location and integrity of buried pipelines. The contract, valued at $1 million, will be completed in the first half of 2024. It builds off a previous sub-seabed acoustic survey that Kraken completed last year
Quisitive Announces Sale of PayiQ - QUIS.v
announced that it has entered into a definitive stock purchase agreement dated November 28, 2023 with Fulcrum IT Partners pursuant to which Quisitive has agreed to sell its LedgerPay, Inc subsidiary which includes the PayiQ cloud-enabled payment processing platform, operations and team. Completion of the Transaction is subject to a number of standard conditions and is expected to close on or about December 31, 2023.
Acquisition Terms
The consideration for the sale of the PayiQ subsidiary will consist of the issuance of 27,000 preferred shares of Fulcrum Payments to Quisitive. On the third anniversary of the effective date of the Transaction, the Consideration Shares shall be automatically converted into common shares of Fulcrum Payments with a value equal to US$1,000 per share, provided that the common shares of Fulcrum are listed and posted for trading on a recognized stock exchange in Canada or the United States. If Fulcrum’s common shares are not publicly traded at such time, Quisitive shall have the right to require Fulcrum to purchase all or a portion of the Consideration Shares for a purchase price equal to US$1,000 per share, for aggregate consideration of up to US$27 million.
Quisitive may also be entitled to additional contingent consideration in the form of performance earn-outs if PayiQ achieves certain financial thresholds during the three-year period following the closing of the Transaction. The amount of the earn-out is a maximum of US$18,000,000 payable in cash based on PayiQ exceeding revenue growth targets.
Xtract One Technologies Selected by Community Health Network for Weapons Detection Services -
has been selected to protect key hospital locations in the Indianapolis-based Community Health Network (“Community”). The system underwent a rigorous and successful 30-day pilot program at Community Hospital East, during which the technology demonstrated its effectiveness in detecting weapons.The SmartGateway will soon be available at multiple Community hospitals including Community Hospital North, Community Behavioral Health, Community Fairbanks Recovery Center, Community Heart and Vascular Hospital, Community Hospital East, Community Hospital South, Community Hospital Anderson, and Community Howard Regional Health.


The United States Department of Defense Awards Multi-Million-Dollar Grant to South Star Battery Metals to Support the Accelerated Expansion of U.S. Domestic Battery Graphite Production Within the Contiguous United States of America - STS.v
is pleased to announce that it has received a US$3.2 million grant (equaling approximately CA$4.4 million) from the Department of Defense ("DoD") under the Defense Production Act ("DPA") Title III authorities utilizing funds appropriated by the Inflation Reduction Act, to advance a National Instrument 43-101 Feasibility Study ("FS") for the BamaStar Graphite Project
Kraken Awarded $3 Million Seabed Survey Contract - PNG.v
has been awarded a $3 million contract to supply high-resolution seabed mapping services (Robotics as a Service or RaaS) to a survey operator, in support of an unnamed navy customer. Under the scope of the contract, Kraken’s KATFISH™ high-speed seabed intelligence solution will be used to acquire high-resolution seabed maps of various ports and harbours, as well as route survey datasets to support maritime domain awareness
Therma Bright Prepares FDA 513(g) Review Document for its AI-Driven Digital Cough Analyzer (DCA) - THRM.v
announced today that its AI-driven Digital Cough Analyzer (DCA) is ready for a 513(g) request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
The formal 513(g) request is a means for Therma Bright to obtain information from the FDA regarding the classification and regulatory requirements for its acoustic AI digital cough technology to be used as a remote therapeutic monitoring (RTM) solution.
AtkinsRéalis-led consortium signs $750M contract supporting Romanian CANDU reactor life extension -
have signed a contract with Nuclearelectrica S.A. (SNN) to provide engineering, technology and procurement of tooling and reactor components in support of the life extension of SNN's Unit 1 CANDU® reactor at the Cernavoda Nuclear Power Plant in Romania. The contract is valued at approximately $750 million. As the exclusive licensee of the Canadian-owned CANDU intellectual property portfolio and contributing its unique expertise to all aspects of CANDU technology, AtkinsRéalis is the only organization that has taken a leading role in all CANDU reactor life extension projects to date globally


Aduro Clean Technologies Expands Technology Evaluation Scope with Leading Petrochemical Company - ACT.cse
announce the expansion of its Phase 1 testing scope with a major global energy company which recently joined the Company’s Customer Engagement Program (CEP). This expansion follows the Company's previous announcement on October 11, 2023, and reflects the participant's growing interest in exploring the potential of Aduro’s Hydrochemolytic™ technology.


Happy Belly's Heal Wellness QSR Takes Next Steps Towards US Entry with the Signing of a Ten-Unit Term Sheet in Florida, USA - HBFG.cse
has now signed as of November 30th, 2023, a ten-unit term sheet for the state of Florida for Heal, a fresh smoothie bowls, acai bowls, smoothies, and delicious breakfast waffles quick serve restaurant.

submitted by cheaptissueburlap to Baystreetbets [link] [comments]

2023.11.27 23:19 cheaptissueburlap BSB news For Week #56, November 20th, 2023

Sorry if I'm a bit late this week, I'm sick af.
What happened last week?
Short week for the american thanksgiving.
Big week for CEOs on wall street, with Sam Altman being reinstated at the head of OpenAI with probably a change of board coming. CZ the canadian wonder had to resign from Binance after pleading guilty to violating the Bank Secrecy Act and to pay a $4.3 billion fine .
What to watch for next week?


Happy Belly Food Group's Smash Burger Brand Rosie's Burgers Signs 20 Unit Area Development Agreement in Alberta - HBFG.cse
announce the signing of an area development agreement for the province of Alberta for the opening of 20 franchised restaurants of Rosie's Burgers ("Rosie's"), a boutique QSR restaurant brand serving original recipe smash burgers, poutine, onion rings, milkshakes and more.


Liberty Defense Delivers HEXWAVE to TSA - SCAN.v
announce that it has delivered a HEXWAVE™ system to the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), completing the contract under the TSA's On-Person Screening Capability Program for the screening of Aviation Workers. Liberty's HEXWAVE is a next generation, high throughput, contactless threat detection system for concealed metallic and non-metallic objects, using AI to provide automated decisions to security operators to process people at speed.
Spin Master and YouTube Sensation Ms. Rachel Announce A New Collection of Developmental and Early Childhood Learning Toys -
leading global children's entertainment company, and popular children's educators and entertainers Rachel Griffin-Accurso and Aron Accurso, creators of the Ms. Rachel YouTube channel for babies and toddlers, are teaming up to create a collection of developmental and early childhood learning toys. The deal, brokered by CAA Brand Management, a division of leading entertainment and sports agency Creative Artists Agency (CAA), establishes Spin Master as Ms. Rachel's global master toy licensee, delivering hands-on play to Ms. Rachel's avid fanbase of 50 million unique monthly viewers, and counting, with the first items launching Fall 2024.
as revealed plans to more than double its UK workforce and operational footprint over the next 12 months. Announced in conjunction with the UK Space Conference 2023 taking place this week in Belfast, MDA confirmed plans to expand its talent base and operational capacity across the UK as the global space economy continues to grow.
As part of its UK expansion, MDA has announced plans to hire 75 new employees in the UK by the end of 2024, doubling its current UK workforce of 75 existing staff. The company is now actively recruiting for entry level to senior positions in critical engineering disciplines including systems, payload, antenna, software, electronics and assembly, integration and test.


AtkinsRéalis Awarded $30M US Florida Department of Transportation Engineering Services Contract -
has been awarded a $30M US contract to provide general engineering consulting (GEC) services for the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). AtkinsRéalis has provided GEC services for more than 35 years to multiple FDOT districts across the state.




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