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Outwit, Outplay, Out-upvote

2008.04.18 10:33 Outwit, Outplay, Out-upvote

Information and discussion about the greatest show in television history: SURVIVOR!

2012.07.15 02:34 Blizzxx The Sword Art Online Subreddit

The official subreddit to discuss the Sword Art Online series, as well as the other series (Accel World, The Isolator, Demons' Crest) written by Reki Kawahara.

2015.08.20 04:27 Bill_Schnicklefritz Taskmaster: the TV show (and book and board game).

Taskmaster is the BAFTA award-winning comedy show that sees 5 comedians/celebrities take on challenges across a series to find out who can be crowned champion of Taskmaster.

2024.06.10 00:18 Papoteur_LOL Hi guy, I want to watch this show, but I do not have the add-on Anybody know how to find the right add-on ? It is a French TV show

Hi guy, I want to watch this show, but I do not have the add-on Anybody know how to find the right add-on ? It is a French TV show submitted by Papoteur_LOL to StremioAddons [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:18 randomrandomrandom8 Anyone have experience with this Mysterious Code VK64 chronograph?
I really like the indices design and the Tiffany blue dial. However, most of the posts/reviews I see online are ones that have the printed indices and the printed logo rather than the linked watch, which has applied indices and the cursive logo.
submitted by randomrandomrandom8 to ChineseWatches [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:18 iseeyoualwaays My story

My story begins me as a little 7 year old boy. The year is 1994.
As a young child. I played with G.I Joe's and barbie dolls. I wpuld undress them and swap clothes on each one. I would put the G.I Joe in the barbie car and put Barbie in the G.I Joe jeep.
I had a fascination with horses and western stuff as any other young boy of the 1990s. Would always watch western starring Clint Eastwood with dad. I was always a mommas boy, eventually spending nights on the couch watching Allie Mcbeal and episodes of E.R starring George Clooney among others. I spent a lot of time with my mother. Really just ignoring the macho stuff with my dad who was a coach of my brother's hockey team.
I used to run around alot with friends among the condominiums, where we once lived. My childhood was sparwling with freedom of movement and wonder and imagination. I truly enjoyed the connections I made and friends along the way.
Around the age of 7, I made a friend. Her name was Maddy (not using real names). He father was Canadian and she spent weekends with him because Maddies Parents were recently divorced. I remember Maddies room being so vibrant in color, pinks, oranges, reds everywhere.
Maddie and I would hang out a lot, and me hanging around her father also. The three of us used to trek up to the community pool and I would bask in the sun, while also doing belle flops from failed cannonballs.
One of the greatest things I developed as a child was my imagination. Granted it's no surprise children develop alot mentally around this time. Such wonder, beauty and possibilities in the world we see or so we should.
I would say one of the biggest things that stood out was my ability to fantasize about worlds. To see the world I created in my mind. The plastic Lego blocks and sets I would build had a major development in this I imagine. I was always working with my hands "making" something.
Anyways, I would always imagine fantastical worlds. Worlds filled with dinosaurs, cars and bright colors, vibrant colors.
As time pressed on, I would venture into Maddies room when she was away with her mother. Often times I would find myself in Maddies father condo while he went out for grocery shopping. This was the 1990s and young kids could be left alone in an unlocked apartment.
I had free reign over Maddies Room, and I ventured into her wardrobe. She mad the most colorful dresses and outfits to see. So naturally I try on some of her dresses to boot.
I found this particular red dress enticing. I couldn't quite understand what I felt when I wore that red dress and, and immediately upon Maddies father coming home from the grocery store, I promptly took the dress off.
From that time on, I'm convinced Maddies dad did see me wear it, but didn't tell my father. I was scared.
My family had been going through family therapy and I was declared ok by the psychiatrist to be ok. A little Welbutrin went a long way I supposed.
A few things wpuld shortly happen that would solidfy my femininity for the rest of my life (and I'm glad it did despite the circumstances I was put in)
A while later after that summer had passed, I remember an overflow of overcast skies. Now in my mind at the time, this meant Halloween and shortly thereafter Christmas was near by. It was a pleasant feeling I felt in the air, just like the cool pool warer around my skin on a hot day.
There were to gay gentleman that lived above us. (To this day, I'm convinced these memories are represses) because the life of me I cannot recall most details.
Anyways, they were always so nice to me and I enjoyed their company. They spoke to me in such a kindness I could not hold back and embraced thier hospitality. I would eat dinner up there sometimes and watch TV sometimes. So one night in particular I remember going up there and seeing them. They were both so kind and welcoming.
This is where it gets fuzzy. Like the order of operations we later learned in school, it is as follows.
I remember walking up to thier condo. I remember hanging out on thier bed. They were both laying on thier bed side by side. Then the rest is blank. I wake up on the bed, many hours later and felt a little funny. Again, these men were so kind, as I child I didn't know what to think, if I did any thinking at all.
The following day, a mysterious brown wallet with 400 dollars was dropped outside my small bedroom window. I brought the wallet up to them but they denied it being thier wallet, and told me that I could keep it.
My dad was enthused I "found" the money, but I never told him where it came from.
Shortly after this, I feel something changed inside me. I felt at ease, maybe it was a release of tension, I honestly could not explain it.
Same-sex experiences were rampant in my childhood, and to be honest it took me years to understand it's method of solidifying my effinate nature. I was not only sexually exploited by two homosexual men, but also from a mentally challenged man in his 30s. The entire neighborhood found out that I A.B (not using real names) and I were not the only ones that were abused sexually.
Since that experience wit the two gentleman above my parents condo, my path as a transgirl (many years later) would come to fruition.
I tried on Maddies dresses more, and eventually, I stop because Maddies father dead on sees me and I freak out. I remember the cold eyes in his face. The look of disappointment. I was shamed. The feeling inside me was pushed down so far that I forget out about it. I quashed it perhaps.
Later in high-school, I began to talk to Juan (not using real names). I flirt with him and and made plans to see him. He was a beautiful young boy just as I was I imagine. I never had problems getting girls. Every girl in high school that I showed interest in, I would make love to and kiss. So many different kinds of girls, beautiful girls.
Anyways I feel like I'm losing my steam here lol.
I became part of the LGBT club on campus. Meeting different people and making great friends. I think what I failed to notice is maybe people thought I was bi sexual, but made no inclination to prove people right about that assumption. I was told by a dear friend that she saw the true person I was and not to be afraid to be that person. It never hit me what she meant by that, but I suppose this in reference to her ability to read a person's true character.
Time would go by and and I would get married and have a daughter. I was married for 15 years. Through us growing part and much trauma later, the marriage ended. After some soul searching and thinking in my echo chamber, I came across transsexuals.
There was a huge stigma against them and not much was known. I saw photos of them and how beautiful they were and didn't know how they became to be that way. I was just blown away that an individual could become a beautiful woman.
It wasn't until after I found out about HRT in the 2020s that I cross analyzed myself. How a person can come to a conclusion about thier body, mind and spirit is still beyond me but only the fact that "it felt right" for me.
I remember myself wearing those dresses at age 7 and I'm sad i wasn't able to further explore that part about myself but since now I have the means and motivation, I will become the woman I was meant to be.
Thanks for reading. If I piqued an interest. Feel free to comment.
submitted by iseeyoualwaays to u/iseeyoualwaays [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:17 Insatiable_Dichotomy Annoying neighbor kids

I've lived in my apt for 4 years. In January, new people (mom, grandma, 2 preteen boys) moved in across the hall. In this building, everyone pretty much keeps to themselves and it was pretty quiet until they showed up. Mom seems ok when I talk to her but I've had to thrice tell grandma not to shut me in the basement when I'm doing laundry, the kids don't know how to move through the building without stomping/slamming every single door. Grandma and the kids leave garbage of all types (toys, wrappers, actual food waste - pizza slices, baby carrots, ice cream, clothing items) everywhere - the hall, the outdoor areas, the basement. They scream and yell to communicate with one another and their friends (who also behave like them). Mom makes half-hearted attempts to correct them like after 30 min of them hanging out in the hall will say they're too loud, should come in and shut the door. Today when they ding-dong-ditched me while I was watching and I went over and made them tell her, she made them apologize and said they wouldn't do it again but they'll just do other stuff. I've made a few complaints to management who seem responsive but without mom enforcing I feel like I'm not sure what else they can do? It's not even just them all the time it's their friends, too. Yesterday someone was emptying mutiple bottles of water down the basement stairs over the afternoon and discarding the bottles in the hall. Beyond being annoying that creates a safety hazard. I plan to speak again to the property manager tomorrow and I know I should have already gotten a doorcam but I'm so tired of it. My son just got dropped off and the youngest opened the door and screamed at him and then said "oh sorry we thought you were your mom." Last week the cops were here three nights in a row because their neighbors were reporting attempted breakins (HIGHLY UNUSUAL for our area) but I have half a mind that it was more related to the nfh than the ones that were reporting the problem. I guess just ..looking for moral support...
submitted by Insatiable_Dichotomy to neighborsfromhell [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:17 Elite_Nightshade Doesn't Arcane Caitlyn look a lot like Jett??

I was just randomly watching the Arcane trailer, when I noticed that Caitlyn (at 1:39) looks very similar to Jett. I know Jett is also featured in a poster later in the show too.
Does anyone know if this is intentional, or if theres some kind of story here??
submitted by Elite_Nightshade to VALORANT [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:16 Bulky-Swordfish7185 Any shows or books recommended for learning Romanian?

Hello, I am currently learning Romanian seeing as I wish to live there in the future. Are there any books recommended or maybe shows or other media that I can watch so I can learn more? That's how I learned English.
submitted by Bulky-Swordfish7185 to romanian [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:16 shogunofsarcasm [TOMT] Music video from early 200s with a train?

I remember watching a music video around the early 2000s on MTV and have never been able to find it. I think it was on their show of "banned" music videos but might not have been. All O remember was that it was some kind of techno or electronic music and featured a high speed looking train with a human face on it that was possibly singing the lyrics to the song or in a race with another similar train. The video was very dark. Did I make this up? Does anyone know?
Thank you
submitted by shogunofsarcasm to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:16 run_u_clever_girl 43F - Introvert Looking for New Connections Online

I'm an introvert looking to have conversations with intelligent, emotionally mature people ages 25-43 who are well-educated, well-spoken, kind, and considerate. I like people who are intellectually curious and interested in learning things.
US/UK/EU/AUS/NZ please!
Some things about me:
And if you're still with me, I would love it if you could tell me the following:
submitted by run_u_clever_girl to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:16 TheSpookyJzz Some-what new to anime and looking for recs

Hey all! I’m looking for recommendations for animes that I enjoy. I’ve seen a good handful of isekais and I’m trying to break the pattern of watching just isekais. Here are some of the shows I’ve seen/liked
. Delicious in Dungeon . Ghost Stories .Food Wars . Restaurant in Another World . Isekai Izakaya . Toriko . Dark Gathering . The Vampire Dies in No Time . Skull Face Book Seller . Am I Actually the Strongest . Is This A Zombie? . Beast Tamer . Campfire Cooking blah blah . High School DXD
Plus much more. Thanks for the help everyone!
submitted by TheSpookyJzz to anime [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:14 Peridot1708 Is it possible to make an app that combines the cataloguing services of Letterboxd and the streaming services of Netflix/Amazon/Spotify etc??

I know Letterboxd has a "where to watch" section that connects you to the streaming service if the movie is available in it, but i meant what if you could watch a movie/tv show and then rate, review and tag whatever you watched + make lists of it in the same app
submitted by Peridot1708 to AppIdeas [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:14 BetterIntroduction39 my pc was given a permadeath that i felt was unwarranted, my dm was not receptive

this is my first time posting here, and unfortunately it’s not on a good note. basically, what happened is what’s in the title. i’ll go into more detail now.
i was playing in an online campaign of 6 pc’s and a dm, me being one of the pc’s. this campaign was the dm’s first time dming. i knew 4 of the pc’s and the dm for over a year through a public discord server we met, and i considered them all friends of mine. the final pc was an irl friend of mine who i’ve known for 5 years.
my character was a half elf bard who’s major character traits were being untrusting and selfish. she was chaotic neutral, and never did anything if there wasn’t something in it for her. she was antagonistic towards people who gave her instructions, found it difficult to take orders, and generally was a mean person. i made this explicitly clear with the dm and every other pc, and they were all fine with this. it was never brought up as an issue, either in or out of character. when i role-played as her, i would insult other pc’s and npc’s, i would speak sarcastically, and i would be off putting to be around generally. but, i was also trying to become friends with the other pc’s, preventing one from going to jail by charming a guard, doing my best to defend them when i felt they were wrongfully accused of something, and sometimes i would compliment them. i also explicitly stated several times to every other pc and the dm that my character would grow to be more trusting and nice as time went on, which is something i did in the session last week and the session today as of writing this post. during last weeks session, i made sure one of the other pc’s was comfortable while we swam (they were a tabaxi and i put them in my bag and swam with them in it so they wouldn’t get wet), i also thanked the dm’s npc for the benefits he gave me (this npc gave every pc a benefit for the next encounters). i even revealed my characters true name to this npc, which for her was a big deal because she was using a false identity that none of the other pc’s knew of (i made this clear to the other players and the dm out of character ofc). in todays session, one of our pc’s made a string of bad decisions that caused him to wake up, throw up, and go insane for an hour during our long rest, and i had my pc comfort him while he cried, take the clothes off her own back to shield him from the rain, and play music for him to help him come to his senses (the music didn’t work because he wasn’t sane but hey i tried T-T)
today’s session was the problematic session. almost directly after what i just described, my character went to sleep (she was on watch duty before this, as we were long resting in a forest that had wolves in it) and in her sleep, she placed a gold coin in her mouth. the dm’s npc instructed us to do that if we wanted to reach out to him in our dreams. in my pc’s dream, instead of the dm’s npc, there was a different npc no pc has met before and was introduced prior. i began talking to this new npc, found he was a 9 year old kid, could cast basic cantrips such as light, and knew the npc’s that the party had met before. after talking to this npc for a bit and getting nowhere with what i wanted to ask to the npc i was originally trying to meet, i called the npc i was trying to meet a scam artist, and tried to leave the dream realm and wake up.
the dm instead had a hell scenario planned for my pc, where she was attacked by snakes and had her senses removed. my character was infuriated by this, as she felt that she used a gold coin for nothing except a bad dream, so she lashed out at the npc’s. i mentioned out of character during this that her doing this was not a smart idea, but in character it was the only thing she would’ve done in this scenario. this was not responded to by anyone. eventually, the hell scenario ended and the npc i was trying to reach via the dream revealed himself, and my pc was rude to him, as she was just put through hell and this npc was already a dickhead to her (talked down to her, stole her waterskin, had her meet with a 9 year old kid instead of him even when she followed his exact instructions to meet him). the dm then made this npc teleport her back to her home, which was on a different continent than the one campaign took place on. he then confirmed out of character that this would be a permadeath.
after this, i bring up to him in pms that i felt that this was unfair, as my character having a permadeath for acting in the way that was normal for her, and she did before, was not a good story beat. he did not respond to my pms, and instead made me talk to him in the discord server that we played the campaign in. before this, i had pmed him before, related both to stuff about the campaign and not about the campaign, none of which he responded to in pms either, opting rather to make the conversation public. he explained how my pc “crossed a boundary” and was being punished. i brought up the fact that i was not warned in any capacity that my pc was breaking a boundary. there was no session 0 for this campaign, and the dm had never warned me that my actions would have consequences of this degree. in earlier sessions, my pc lost out on starting gold and ruined relationships with npc’s, but that’s relatively minor in comparison to an effective permadeath. i expressed how this hurt my feelings, as i felt that i was not communicated to properly and was being unfairly punished. the dm then says he was unsure of whether or not he should feel remorse for this decision. i said that this was a dick move, and he responded in ways that made it clear that he did not care that he hurt my feelings.
it was never said to me that my pc acting this way was that detrimental to the campaign. it was never said to me that, in that moment, my pc would get a permadeath due to her actions. the dm claimed to have warned me in character, but the warning he used was, and i quote, “you really shouldn’t say that stuff about others. that really rude. you should be kinder” which we’re all said, in character, by the dm, through the mouth of a 9 year old kid. the other “warning” he gave was the hell scenario i described, but earlier in this session another pc had a very similar scenario happen to him, and his consequence for it was throwing up and going insane for an hour, not a permadeath. i said that i was not warned effectively and if there was an issue i was completely unaware of it, as it was never brought to my attention. i also mentioned that i was not opposed to a permadeath for my character if i was informed of it beforehand, i had a backup character for this campaign as i understood the likelihood of my pc dying was high due to her personality. but again, i was not made aware of this beforehand, which is why i felt that it was unfair.
me and my irl friend of 5 years left the campaign today, as the dm was not reciprocative to our criticism as either a dm or a friend, as we both felt that i was being treated unfairly. i left the server that the campaign was held in and unfriended the dm on discord. after i did this, i asked one of the other pc’s for a status update on the server and campaign as a whole, and she mentioned that the campaign would most likely end there, as it was down 2 pc’s and it had a very sour note attached to it now, something i explicitly stated i didn’t want to happen. i did not want the campaign to end entirely, i wanted to not be a part of it anymore, which is why i pmed the dm, but again, my pms were ignored and the only way i could engage with the dm was in the public server. every other pc was on my side, stating that this was either unfair or the dm fucked up, but the dm didn’t budge.
im saying this here because i want opinions on this situation from people i don’t know. everyone i know was on my side, but i want to make sure they’re not just saying what they think i want to hear. do you think this is a justified permadeath, and do you think i handled this appropriately ? if you have questions i’ll try to respond to them, as i really just want more opinions on this situation as a whole, on what i did wrong and what i could change in the future. i have never had something like this happen before, and i have played in over a dozen campaigns before this.
so, reddit, please tell me your thoughts on this if you have any.
submitted by BetterIntroduction39 to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:13 NotGatling 32 [M4F] US/Online - What my dating profile would look like on Amazon

32-year-old male finding his way through life, ready to begin the next chapter in life! Soon 33
☆☆☆☆ 3 Customer Reviews 4 Answered Questions
Price: Varies ✔ Small chance he is eligible for Amazon Prime.
Stats: 6' tall / 195lbs Hazel Eyes INFJ
Appearance: *Hair will return 2025. Bald by choice.
Only 1 In Stock. Images show minimal wear or tear and may include a lifetime warranty.
He has called Maryland home for the last 10 years and is open to relocation.
He's got his life together and is ready to share it with someone special.
The TL:DR version: Best described as a gamer who enjoys nature, exploring, and living life. Looking for something serious.
Product Description
The product is currently traveling across the United States via Airbnb. The journey started in January 2024 and has been West Coast focused so far. Currently, the product is in the Portland area for the summer. He then plans to head East slowly to Pennslyvania to spend time with the family for the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.
NotGatling is a down-to-earth, semi-nerdy, sarcastic, witty human with semi-dark humor. It is hard to pinpoint his personality as it can jump from goofy and playful to serious, depending on the event/occasion.
NotGatling's interests and hobbies range from gaming/geek things to exploring nature and cities, whether it's hiking, kayaking, backpacking/camping, or going to pop-up shops/events, concerts, new food places, or museums. When he isn't exploring, he can usually be found gaming, watching his comfort shows(Bobs Burger, Community, Parks N Rec), or watching Hockey. He is a Capitals fan but is rooting for the Oilers.
Product Information
Level of Education Details
Bachelors Network and Cybersecurity
Future Plans Wants to acquire a Masters or begin a Bachelor program in the science field.
Work Experience
Job Details
Army 2011 - 2017
IT Engineer / System Administrator 2017 - Current
Dream Job? He thinks its teaching. But with IT pay. One can dream.
Customer Questions & Answers
Question: Why is he trying out the digital nomad lifestyle?
Answer: His work is implementing hybrid work next year. He is taking advantage of his last year fully remote to explore.
Question: What is he looking for in a potential prospect?
Answer: He is seeking someone who shares his interests. He usually vibes best with people who like playing video games and exploring nature, cities, or new food spots.
Question: Does he want kids and to have a family?
Answer: He had a vasectomy back in 2022 once Roe vs Wade was overturned. He doesn't want to 100% rule out the possibility of a family but leans heavily towards the DINK life.
Question: What does a breakdown of his day look like?
Answer: He lives the early birdlife and finishes work just after lunchtime. After work, he can be found exploring a nature spot, going to the gym, or checking out a local attraction. When he isn't out and about, he is usually gaming or researching what's next.
Customer Reviews
☆☆☆☆☆ The best son I've ever had. - A text from Mother
A blessing from god. You're down to earth and never ask for anything in return. You could stop by and visit more often, but I understand you're living your life.
☆☆☆☆☆ Truly an amazing person. - An old Army friend.
Thank you very much for taking this trip with me. I truly appreciate you and all you have done with me and for me since I first met you at WLC 2 years ago. Stay wonderful and beautiful you! Try your best to find joy in everything you do.
☆☆☆ Why don't you visit more often? By the rest of his family. *When he lived in Maryland
You live 2 hours away?! Why don't you drive up here every day and visit us?!
Check Out
To add to the cart, send a message with information about you. Age, pics, location, info about you. It all helps.
submitted by NotGatling to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:13 audreyvixens Experience with PP leep procedure?

I've had several abnormal paps in my life. After being on hormonal birth control for 10+ years I quit a year and a half ago and my last pap was abnormal HSIL. Didn't specify anything other than HSIL.
So Planned Parenthood scheduled me for a colposcopy/ leep procedure. I had a colpo done years ago in a specialist office when I had insurance. Although I've been going to Planned Parenthood for years I've never had any procedures done there.
I called a few offices around my city and a lot of them are 8x the cost for leep due to using anesthesia. I know Planned Parenthood does it in office with numbing agents? I'm just worried what that's like I guess, my nerves are through the roof.
On top of being weary, I was supposed to have my procedure done last Thursday. (3 weeks after pap). I checked in online and they confirmed my appointment the day before in voicemail. I also got the automated text in the morning confirming the appointment. When we drove to the office in the next city, they pulled me aside in the back and told me they "were trying to call me all day yesterday." I had one message from them confirming the appointment, no other calls, no one cancelled the appointment.
The lady behind the desk told me they had to reschedule because they didn't have the right tools because they expired. Expired... When my appointment was a week out. She literally kept telling me that "that's why I was trying to call you!" In a tone like it was my fault I showed up to them unprepared. I left in tears (anxious, worried, pissed off...)
Now I'm really curious how the procedure is because my confidence level has dropped very low.
Any insight is appreciated.. TY
submitted by audreyvixens to WomensHealth [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:13 CT_Phipps Reckoning of New York demo spoilers

Well some interesting things for New York City as per the first two games:
* Julia is a Primogen so the "Good Ending" is canon.
* The Toreador Fledgling shows up as a Hound, so Coteries has a canon ending still.
* The Hunters are utterly wrecking shit in New York and have wiped out most of the Dustborn, including their Primogen.
* You're playing a Ravnos con woman of Asian descent. You'll also get a campaign path to play your Caitiff bodyguard.
* D'Angelo is confirmed to have been the head of your coterie and is more your sire than your actual sire-sire.
* Feeding is an optional rule as is Hunters showing up if you break the Masquerade.
* The Circulatory System is a major part of this as is the blood trade.
* You basically get dragooned into selling out your sire for the blood trade poaching he's done (which since it was online, may have clued in every vampire in New York to the SI). Which is actually really smart if the SI started selling blood to find the vamps who'd buy.
* You can't not choose to sell him out and die so I suspect this is going to have little player choice this time around.
* All of the designs appear to be photographs painted over like the V5 art in the main books. Some of them look terrible like Qadir and Panhard.
* I already ship the two main characters. They have the "bicker and should end up in bed" vibe that television has taught me.
submitted by CT_Phipps to VampireTheMasquerade_ [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:13 NotGatling 32 [M4F] US/Online - What my dating profile would look like on Amazon

32-year-old male finding his way through life, ready to begin the next chapter in life! Soon 33
☆☆☆☆ 3 Customer Reviews 4 Answered Questions
Price: Varies ✔ Small chance he is eligible for Amazon Prime.
Stats: 6' tall / 195lbs Hazel Eyes INFJ
Appearance: *Hair will return 2025. Bald by choice.
Only 1 In Stock. Images show minimal wear or tear and may include a lifetime warranty.
He has called Maryland home for the last 10 years and is open to relocation.
He's got his life together and is ready to share it with someone special.
The TL:DR version: Best described as a gamer who enjoys nature, exploring, and living life. Looking for something serious.
Product Description
The product is currently traveling across the United States via Airbnb. The journey started in January 2024 and has been West Coast focused so far. Currently, the product is in the Portland area for the summer. He then plans to head East slowly to Pennslyvania to spend time with the family for the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.
NotGatling is a down-to-earth, semi-nerdy, sarcastic, witty human with semi-dark humor. It is hard to pinpoint his personality as it can jump from goofy and playful to serious, depending on the event/occasion.
NotGatling's interests and hobbies range from gaming/geek things to exploring nature and cities, whether it's hiking, kayaking, backpacking/camping, or going to pop-up shops/events, concerts, new food places, or museums. When he isn't exploring, he can usually be found gaming, watching his comfort shows(Bobs Burger, Community, Parks N Rec), or watching Hockey. He is a Capitals fan but is rooting for the Oilers.
Product Information
Level of Education Details
Bachelors Network and Cybersecurity
Future Plans Wants to acquire a Masters or begin a Bachelor program in the science field.
Work Experience
Job Details
Army 2011 - 2017
IT Engineer / System Administrator 2017 - Current
Dream Job? He thinks its teaching. But with IT pay. One can dream.
Customer Questions & Answers
Question: Why is he trying out the digital nomad lifestyle?
Answer: His work is implementing hybrid work next year. He is taking advantage of his last year fully remote to explore.
Question: What is he looking for in a potential prospect?
Answer: He is seeking someone who shares his interests. He usually vibes best with people who like playing video games and exploring nature, cities, or new food spots.
Question: Does he want kids and to have a family?
Answer: He had a vasectomy back in 2022 once Roe vs Wade was overturned. He doesn't want to 100% rule out the possibility of a family but leans heavily towards the DINK life.
Question: What does a breakdown of his day look like?
Answer: He lives the early birdlife and finishes work just after lunchtime. After work, he can be found exploring a nature spot, going to the gym, or checking out a local attraction. When he isn't out and about, he is usually gaming or researching what's next.
Customer Reviews
☆☆☆☆☆ The best son I've ever had. - A text from Mother
A blessing from god. You're down to earth and never ask for anything in return. You could stop by and visit more often, but I understand you're living your life.
☆☆☆☆☆ Truly an amazing person. - An old Army friend.
Thank you very much for taking this trip with me. I truly appreciate you and all you have done with me and for me since I first met you at WLC 2 years ago. Stay wonderful and beautiful you! Try your best to find joy in everything you do.
☆☆☆ Why don't you visit more often? By the rest of his family. *When he lived in Maryland
You live 2 hours away?! Why don't you drive up here every day and visit us?!
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submitted by NotGatling to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:13 crappyfart69 2 different cases for covered california

Hello everyone
My family has two separate eligibility letters coming in for two different case numbers.
We did recently get a bill for one of the case numbers and a notice of termination from medi-cal for my son.
Is this a glitch in their system? Because our premiums are all messed up, my son is terminated from medical but does not show up on covered Californias monthly premium sheet
Our incomes are different on each of the case numbers. I think we may have two separate online accounts for covered California that have two different incomes.
Will we be okay if we just call them tomorrow and get it figured out?
submitted by crappyfart69 to HealthInsurance [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:13 CT_Phipps Reckoning of New York demo spoilers

Well some interesting things for New York City as per the first two games:
* Julia is a Primogen so the "Good Ending" is canon.
* The Toreador Fledgling shows up as a Hound, so Coteries has a canon ending still.
* The Hunters are utterly wrecking shit in New York and have wiped out most of the Dustborn, including their Primogen.
* You're playing a Ravnos con woman of Asian descent. You'll also get a campaign path to play your Caitiff bodyguard.
* D'Angelo is confirmed to have been the head of your coterie and is more your sire than your actual sire-sire.
* Feeding is an optional rule as is Hunters showing up if you break the Masquerade.
* The Circulatory System is a major part of this as is the blood trade.
* You basically get dragooned into selling out your sire for the blood trade poaching he's done (which since it was online, may have clued in every vampire in New York to the SI). Which is actually really smart if the SI started selling blood to find the vamps who'd buy.
* You can't not choose to sell him out and die so I suspect this is going to have little player choice this time around.
* All of the designs appear to be photographs painted over like the V5 art in the main books. Some of them look terrible like Qadir and Panhard.
* I already ship the two main characters. They have the "bicker and should end up in bed" vibe that television has taught me.
submitted by CT_Phipps to WhiteWolfRPG [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:12 Adam-Lebzo Problems with my Victory Kraken V4 Preamp

I bought a Victory Kraken V4 Preamp a few weeks ago during a business trip and when I got home and started toying with it, I was just unable to get the levels of gain that I should be able to get.
All online reviews show that you should be able to get screaming high-gain metal gain from the Victory Kraken V4 Preamp on "Gain 2" with the gain know around 6. However, even with Gain completely maxed, my unit stays fairly within hard rock territory. For context, the gain I am getting from it is very similar to what I am getting from my Marshall Silver Jubliee Mini on the Lead Channel with Gain on 7.
I have tried this unit as a Standalone unit (Guitar - Victory Kraken V4 Preamp - Audio Interface - Cab sim), I've tried it in Amp through mode into a Marshall Silver Jubliee Mini, an Egnator Tweaker 40, and an Engl Powerball II, and the results are all the same - very underwhelming levels of gain.
Am I doing something wrong or do I have a faulty unit?
submitted by Adam-Lebzo to guitarpedals [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:12 CT_Phipps Spoilers for the Reckoning of New York demo

Well some interesting things for New York City as per the first two games:
* Julia is a Primogen so the "Good Ending" is canon.
* The Toreador Fledgling shows up as a Hound, so Coteries has a canon ending still.
* The Hunters are utterly wrecking shit in New York and have wiped out most of the Dustborn, including their Primogen.
* You're playing a Ravnos con woman of Asian descent. You'll also get a campaign path to play your Caitiff bodyguard.
* D'Angelo is confirmed to have been the head of your coterie and is more your sire than your actual sire-sire.
* Feeding is an optional rule as is Hunters showing up if you break the Masquerade.
* The Circulatory System is a major part of this as is the blood trade.
* You basically get dragooned into selling out your sire for the blood trade poaching he's done (which since it was online, may have clued in every vampire in New York to the SI). Which is actually really smart if the SI started selling blood to find the vamps who'd buy.
* You can't not choose to sell him out and die so I suspect this is going to have little player choice this time around.
* All of the designs appear to be photographs painted over like the V5 art in the main books. Some of them look terrible like Qadir and Panhard.
* I already ship the two main characters. They have the "bicker and should end up in bed" vibe that television has taught me.
submitted by CT_Phipps to vtmb [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:12 Rfall86 Can someone explain Punk to me?

I stopped watching shortly after attitude and only recently started watching again during this year's WrestleMania. Great show.
From someone who doesn't get it; I haven't seen him wrestle. His mic skills seem to be great. He has a very...normal physique. Can someone clue me in on why so many love him?
Not trying to be obtuse, but I'd like to know what to look for. Thanks.
submitted by Rfall86 to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:11 svillebs3 Battery Issues Epix Gen 2

Hey all, I just bought a brand new epix yesterday. I set it up yesterday, fully charged it, to which it was showing 15 days of battery life before I went to sleep.. Woke up to find a dead watch with no battery, any ideas? The watch was in sleep mode and do not disturb over night, nothing else was in use.
submitted by svillebs3 to garminepix [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:11 emorejahongkong Interview links: Glenn of Jill; Jordan of Nicole

Very impressive Jill Stein interview with Jordan Chariton at Status Coup.
Interesting interview by Glenn Greenwald of RFKJR's running mate Nicole Shanahan
On Israel from 4:39: Shanahan cautiously hints at criticism not only of Netanyahu & Biden but also RFK Jr.; referring to this as “one of the issues of most heated debate” between Shanahan & Kennedy, from 6:15.
Glenn’s questioning was less well prioritized than his customary high standards (spending too much time on Shanahan’s donations). Most egregiously Glenn failed to ask a question along these lines:
'In light of your strong opposition to censorship, and your cautious call for Israeli "restraint," how much --if any-- of the growing censorship, criminalization and beating down of anti-Zionist speech, online and in campuses, do you --and does Bobby-- oppose?'
submitted by emorejahongkong to WayOfTheBern [link] [comments]