The effects of cigarette smoke on a plant project


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2024.06.09 04:00 dreamed2life The Best of Mars in Astrocartography and Relocation: Your Guide to Power and Action

Mars, is associated with action, energy, and assertiveness, is a planet that, contrary to some beliefs, is not inherently "bad." Its placement in astrocartography can be a powerful catalyst for positive change. Understanding Mars in different house positions, especially in a relocated chart, and considering its natal aspects, can be key in harnessing its dynamic energy for specific life goals.
Mars Lines in Astrocartography: Unleashing Dynamic Energy
Mars lines in astrocartography offer unique opportunities:
Optimal Houses for Mars in a Relocated Chart
1st House (Self-Assertiveness and Vitality):
6th House (Daily Work and Health):
7th House (Partnerships and Interpersonal Dynamics):
8th House (Transformation and Shared Resources):
10th House (Career and Public Life):
Harnessing Mars’ Energy Wisely
Importance of Natal Aspects
Redefining Mars’s Role
Mars is not just about aggression or conflict. It symbolizes the courage to act, the drive to pursue passions, and the strength to defend what matters. It’s a planet that encourages action and determination.
Mars lines in astrocartography can be transformative, offering energy, assertiveness, and the drive needed to make significant life changes. Whether boosting your career, empowering personal relationships, or navigating transformative experiences, Mars provides the dynamism to achieve your goals. By understanding Mars in your astrocartography and relocated chart, especially in relation to your natal aspects, you can tap into a wellspring of power and action, using Mars not as a source of conflict but as a force for positive and assertive change.
submitted by dreamed2life to ProAstrocartography [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:57 PeanutNSFWandJelly Need advice on filling huge man made hole in property.

TL;DR: Huge hole dug in property 60+ yrs ago, need to fill it as it is causing the property around it to slope down year after year and is going to be a problem for the existing house on the property and future projects. What are my options for filling? Do I have to pay, or are there companies or contractors that will come dump dirt they dig from other projects into this thing on the cheap/free? Western Wa, Thurston County
Mom is getting older and we are starting to transition property over and build another home on our 1 acre chunk. So I'm looking into everything we need like surveys and everything and there is one big hole in everything, literally.
The person who owned the property before my grandfather bought it apparently had the opportunity to make some money selling fill dirt. People came to the property and dug out a 10ft deep oval that's about 20ft W and 35-40ft L. You can still see after all this time the end they clearly drove the trucks in to get it.
So the entire time he owned it, and then my mother after him until the present day, it was left as is. Problem is the ground around it has been slowly sinking and a slop is creeping up towards the house and I imagine in a few years it will reach the foundation and start having an effect. Obviously it also hinders our freedom on how to build out the rest of the property and where we can place the new home/septic/well.
My mom swears we can fill it cheaply, that lots of projects need places to put dirt they dig out and that they'll come do it for free (or even pay?). That sounds too good to be true, to me. Anyone able to relate to me their experience in matters like this? Is this true? If so do I just call construction companies or contractors to talk about it, or post something on social media? What things do I need to consider? Western Wa, Thurston County
Thanks for any who stuck with the post to the end, I greatly appreciate any information you all have.
submitted by PeanutNSFWandJelly to homeowners [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:53 231923 New Sipmodule Ideas

submitted by 231923 to helldivers2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:51 231923 New ship module ideas

submitted by 231923 to LowSodiumHellDivers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:48 Bishop-Boomer A House Divided, A Homily Prepared For Sunday June 9, 2024

The Collect
O God, from whom all good proceeds: Grant that by your inspiration we may think those things that are right, and by your merciful guiding may do them; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
The Gospel
Mark 3:20–35
20 And the multitude cometh together again, so that they could not so much as eat bread.
21 And when his friends heard of it, they went out to lay hold on him: for they said, He is beside himself.
22 And the scribes which came down from Jerusalem said, He hath Beelzebub, and by the prince of the devils casteth he out devils.
23 And he called them unto him, and said unto them in parables,How can Satan cast out Satan?
24And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.
25And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.
26And if Satan rise up against himself, and be divided, he cannot stand, but hath an end.
27No man can enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house.
28Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme:
29But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation.
30Because they said, He hath an unclean spirit.
31 There came then his brethren and his mother, and, standing without, sent unto him, calling him.
32 And the multitude sat about him, and they said unto him, Behold, thy mother and thy brethren without seek for thee.
33 And he answered them, saying,Who is my mother, or my brethren?
34 And he looked round about on them which sat about him, and said,Behold my mother and my brethren!
35For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and my sister, and mother.
Commentary on Today’s Gospel Selection;
In the process of doing the background research for this homily, I stumbled across a somewhat unique approach used by another minister. He used, as an analogy, movies of the apocalyptic genre, otherwise thought of as the “end of the world as we know it” genre.
This minister noted the common thread in these movies of the hero/heroine (protagonist) discovering that somehow the world was about to suffer some sort of cataclysmic event, then this person attempts to tell the world, and is either ignored—having been deemed crazy—or becomes the target of governmental henchmen seeking to silence him/her. The remainder of the movie centers around this person trying to tell the truth to the masses and save the world.
The minister in question, noted how that in this passage from the Gospel of Mark, Jesus is somewhat like this generalized protagonist in end of the world movies, in that he knows the truth and others are trying to shut him up.
In verse 22, Marks tells us that the religious leaders of Jerusalem, had left what was to them the center of the Jewish world, and walked over a hundred miles toCapernaum, apparently, for the sole purpose of discrediting Jesus. Like the henchmen in one of these end of the world movies, these men had gone to great lengths to travel, a journey requiring several days of walking, to cast aspersions on Jesus and his teachings falsely claiming that he was in league with Satan, casting demons out of the possessed in the name of Beelzebub.
Jesus used logic to thoroughly rebuke their false premise; “How can Satan cast out Satan?And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand. And if Satan rise up against himself, and be divided, he cannot stand, but hath an end.No man can enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house.”
This simple logical concept, that of “A House Divided Cannot Stand” has withstood the test of time from the depths of antiquity, through the ages, to even the modern day. The enemy, be it thoroughly human, or those of the principalities of this world, (see Ephesians 6:12) has known that by inserting insurgents into the target group, with the intention of those insurgents planting the seeds of division and distrust, the target group looses it cohesion and is weakened so that it no longer has strength in numbers.
Mark tells us in verse twenty that a multitude was following Jesus. The religious leaders of Jerusalem saw this growing—army of sorts—as a threat to their control and collusion with the Roman occupation of Judea, so they sought to introduce seeds of doubt in the minds of the multitude following Jesus. They thought if they could convince them that Jesus was himself colluding with the devil, they could destroy the single-mindedness determination of the multitude to follow Jesus.
We see the enemies of the church universal, and even that of our country and western ideologies in general, sowing seeds of doubt. Attempting to convince the masses that Christianity—in its traditional form—is in effect demonic, as well as Western democratic principles. These insurgents attempt to convince the people that progressive secularism and political socialism are far superior to religion (Christianity in particular) and that socialism, if not absolute communism, is superior to Western Democracies and the Representative Republic form of governance used in America.
The one great lesson that we should have learned from the historic events of the twentieth century, is that absolute secularism and socialism eventually leads to a totalitarianism that borders on communism, if it does not indeed totally embrace communism. Millions of people in the 20thcentury were sacrificed to the modern day equivalent of Moloch, a false god created by the demonically possessed minds of men intent on control of the people.
Those hell bent on destroying culture, almost always begin with an attempt to discredit and destroy religion, simply because it is their goal to replace religious worship with total dedication to the state.
In the first century, Jesus was offering a radically different type of belief system, one that was not dependent on outward compliance with rules created by mankind, but by love for God. This was an absolute threat to the privilege of the religious leaders and the state of collusion they enjoyed with the Roman governor who tolerated their belief system as long as that cooperation benefited the Romans.
The same system that Jesus promoted two thousand years ago, is seen as a threat by regimes who want the people to bend a knee to the government and not God. Regimes such as the Chinese Communist Party have brutally subjugated Christians—and other religions—in China in an attempt to replace the worship of God, with that of worship of state. In the West, political persecution is only but beginning to become widespread, but none the less it is a very real specter on the horizon.
But like the frog in the allegorical tale, in which the frog is put into a pot or water, and that water slowly brought to a boil so that the unassuming frog remains oblivious to the danger its life is in, Christians in the West have largely failed to take note of the actions of insurgents attempting to destroy the church from within by divisions.
Jesus said; “And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.” What was logic used by the Master to expose the acts and lies of the Scribes, Pharisees, and Herodians in the first century, becomes not just apt logic today to expose the actions of would be totalitarians, but a warning from God as well. A house—be it a church or a government—can not stand, if it is divided against itself.
While socialism has steadily evolved from democracy towards secular totalitarianism in Western Europe, and a very vocal minority in America has advocated for tearing up the constitution and replacing the republic with a European style socialism, populist grass roots movements have grown exponentially in an attempt to slow if not destroy the goal of the totalitarians.
By the time you read this, we should know if the predictions were correct that the people of Western Europe would take back their democracies from the totalitarians, at the election polls. Those politicians running on a platform of reversing the trend towards totalitarianism are favored to win. Likewise here in America we are but five months away from an election likewise predicted to be a referendum on progressive socialistic agendas.
But these trends are not enough, we must heed the advice and warning from Jesus in that “And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand” and not only rescue our country from impending demise, but our church as well. We must recognize the insurgents implanted in the church, and with brotherly love and Christian compassion, help them to understand why their goals are divisive and contradictory to the traditions of the church; traditions have withstood the test of time.
We thank you, loving God, that we have gathered in your presence and shared in worship. Now may we go forth into the world, confident that we are your children, knowing that you have called us by name. In our daily life, may we align ourselves to your will, seeking direction to follow the plans you have for us which give us a hope and a future in Jesus Christ, and may we have patience in the waiting. In the challenges and joys we face, may we be assured that we do not face them alone. Let us go in peace, hope and love, in the name of our compassionate and powerful God the Son our Savior, and the comforting Holy Spirit. Amen.
submitted by Bishop-Boomer to BreakBreadYESHUA [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:48 Basic_Heat4929 How do you know when your marriage can't be saved

My husband and I are 45 and 44 respectively. We married almost 18 years ago, his 2nd marriage, my 1st. He had 2 kids from his previous marriage. I never had any kids prior to our marriage. He pursued me strongly, and despite the fact that I typically wouldn't date someone with kids, or someone who smoked, he won me over. (He lied about smoking for a while but I ended up smelling it on him; huge turnoff and I have my reasons for not dating smokers.) After we got married we started discussing when we wanted to start a family. He said that he really wanted to start a family with me. I ended up agreeing so went off BC. We got pregnant only a few months after "trying". As soon as I got pregnant, he said we made a mistake. (On top of that, the news wasn't well received by hardly anyone I know except some coworkers. It was so strange, because we both had jobs, we had our own place, fully independent, no substance abuse issues besides him smoking, etc.) During the pregnancy and after our amazing daughter was born, he became really disinterested and disconnected from me. I used to think IF I ever had kids, that I may want 2 so they could each have a sibling. It ended up being so stressful between me and my husband, and his kids from his previous marriage, and his EX, that I didn't have another.
Since then, it's been like pulling teeth to get him to do anything with me, anything with our daughter and me, etc. It doesn't matter if it's going to the neighbors' house for a couple hours or going an hour away somewhere. Doing anything outside of "his" room or outside our house is a monumental task that usually starts with a HUGE argument. I feel like a single mom so often. We're in our own world, and he's in his. I'm the one who has homeschooled her while also working full-time, managed her extra activities, now starting college prep, etc. He has NOTHING to do with it. It's really hard to even get him to attend any of her activities as an observer. If he does, he whines the whole time. I'm the one who has taught her things like how to drive, how to fish, how to do yard work, how to cook, etc.
His reasons over time for not going anywhere with me and/or our daughter have included: he was really overweight and felt insecure in public (he lost all the weight he gained and then some); he couldn't go that long without smoking (he actually wasn't even a chain smoker and quit smoking 3 years ago); money (we BOTH work demanding jobs full-time and make almost the same salary, which is about 6X the average for our area); work (we BOTH work remotely at HOME, which is part of the reason I would like to take a break from the house occasionally), and more.
He is ONLY interested in me if we are about to have sex.
I didn't get married 18 years ago just for a sex partner. I got married to have a life partner.
Why have we not gotten a divorce? Our finances are entangled. We just bought a house a couple years ago that I love after selling the one we lived in for a long time. We have a daughter together.
And I know this isn't one sided. His disinterest in having any kind of relationship with me outside of sex pisses me off. So every time he says NO to yet another thing, I often get mad. There are many times now that I just don't even ask because I know he's going to say no. Why should I have to BEG him to do anything with me, like watch a movie in the living room or go out to eat? I'm not asking for a trip out of the country.
He NEVER suggests we go anywhere of course. And as I just mentioned, he won't even sit in the same room as me to watch anything on or anything.
Like I said, we BOTH work full-time, and we both bring in about the same salary. My job also provides our insurance. I cook great (but he usually refuses to eat anything I cook), I clean the disgusting stuff he doesn't want to (like HIS piss and shit off the toilets, all the sinks, etc.) He also does some things around the house thankfully, BUT also uses those specific things as a reason to not go anywhere. He can't go because he has to empty the trash cans. We use a lawn service so he doesn't have much yard work to do. And he doesn't hardly repair or fix anything himself (that's me OR he insists on paying a repair man), so it's not like he has home projects to work on.
I'm just so lonely and I don't understand what to do besides get a divorce. Divorce seems impossible due to the house, finances, and impact on our child (yet we fight SO OFTEN, which I know is also bad). I can't recall being able to go through a full day without fighting unless we weren't around each other much. Since the first year of our marriage, he has threatened divorce in so many arguments, and they're usually dumb petty/small arguments about something illogical. (His parents divorced when he was a teen; my parents have been married over 50 years.) When I try to have regular discussions with him, he jumps to one extreme or another. For example about our marriage in general, he says because it's not completely horrible 100% of the time we don't have issues. Or because he doesn't do drugs or doesn't drink, etc. I should be happy. Seems like an incredibly low bar. And I don't even have super high expectations.
I would like to be able to do "normal" things with my husband so I don't think getting a friend would solve this issue. I know spouses can have separate activities and I'm totally fine with that. BUT there must be a way to do things besides just sex together. Otherwise what is the point. (He won't even sit down to eat with me at our table at case it's not obvious what I really mean with refusing to do stuff with me.)
TL;DR: Husband refuses to be my partner and acts like a roommate the majority of the time.
submitted by Basic_Heat4929 to marriageadvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:48 Bishop-Boomer A House Divided, A Homily Prepared For Sunday June 9, 2024

The Collect
O God, from whom all good proceeds: Grant that by your inspiration we may think those things that are right, and by your merciful guiding may do them; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
The Gospel
Mark 3:20–35
20 And the multitude cometh together again, so that they could not so much as eat bread.
21 And when his friends heard of it, they went out to lay hold on him: for they said, He is beside himself.
22 And the scribes which came down from Jerusalem said, He hath Beelzebub, and by the prince of the devils casteth he out devils.
23 And he called them unto him, and said unto them in parables,How can Satan cast out Satan?
24And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.
25And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.
26And if Satan rise up against himself, and be divided, he cannot stand, but hath an end.
27No man can enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house.
28Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme:
29But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation.
30Because they said, He hath an unclean spirit.
31 There came then his brethren and his mother, and, standing without, sent unto him, calling him.
32 And the multitude sat about him, and they said unto him, Behold, thy mother and thy brethren without seek for thee.
33 And he answered them, saying,Who is my mother, or my brethren?
34 And he looked round about on them which sat about him, and said,Behold my mother and my brethren!
35For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and my sister, and mother.
Commentary on Today’s Gospel Selection;
In the process of doing the background research for this homily, I stumbled across a somewhat unique approach used by another minister. He used, as an analogy, movies of the apocalyptic genre, otherwise thought of as the “end of the world as we know it” genre.
This minister noted the common thread in these movies of the hero/heroine (protagonist) discovering that somehow the world was about to suffer some sort of cataclysmic event, then this person attempts to tell the world, and is either ignored—having been deemed crazy—or becomes the target of governmental henchmen seeking to silence him/her. The remainder of the movie centers around this person trying to tell the truth to the masses and save the world.
The minister in question, noted how that in this passage from the Gospel of Mark, Jesus is somewhat like this generalized protagonist in end of the world movies, in that he knows the truth and others are trying to shut him up.
In verse 22, Marks tells us that the religious leaders of Jerusalem, had left what was to them the center of the Jewish world, and walked over a hundred miles toCapernaum, apparently, for the sole purpose of discrediting Jesus. Like the henchmen in one of these end of the world movies, these men had gone to great lengths to travel, a journey requiring several days of walking, to cast aspersions on Jesus and his teachings falsely claiming that he was in league with Satan, casting demons out of the possessed in the name of Beelzebub.
Jesus used logic to thoroughly rebuke their false premise; “How can Satan cast out Satan?And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand. And if Satan rise up against himself, and be divided, he cannot stand, but hath an end.No man can enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house.”
This simple logical concept, that of “A House Divided Cannot Stand” has withstood the test of time from the depths of antiquity, through the ages, to even the modern day. The enemy, be it thoroughly human, or those of the principalities of this world, (see Ephesians 6:12) has known that by inserting insurgents into the target group, with the intention of those insurgents planting the seeds of division and distrust, the target group looses it cohesion and is weakened so that it no longer has strength in numbers.
Mark tells us in verse twenty that a multitude was following Jesus. The religious leaders of Jerusalem saw this growing—army of sorts—as a threat to their control and collusion with the Roman occupation of Judea, so they sought to introduce seeds of doubt in the minds of the multitude following Jesus. They thought if they could convince them that Jesus was himself colluding with the devil, they could destroy the single-mindedness determination of the multitude to follow Jesus.
We see the enemies of the church universal, and even that of our country and western ideologies in general, sowing seeds of doubt. Attempting to convince the masses that Christianity—in its traditional form—is in effect demonic, as well as Western democratic principles. These insurgents attempt to convince the people that progressive secularism and political socialism are far superior to religion (Christianity in particular) and that socialism, if not absolute communism, is superior to Western Democracies and the Representative Republic form of governance used in America.
The one great lesson that we should have learned from the historic events of the twentieth century, is that absolute secularism and socialism eventually leads to a totalitarianism that borders on communism, if it does not indeed totally embrace communism. Millions of people in the 20thcentury were sacrificed to the modern day equivalent of Moloch, a false god created by the demonically possessed minds of men intent on control of the people.
Those hell bent on destroying culture, almost always begin with an attempt to discredit and destroy religion, simply because it is their goal to replace religious worship with total dedication to the state.
In the first century, Jesus was offering a radically different type of belief system, one that was not dependent on outward compliance with rules created by mankind, but by love for God. This was an absolute threat to the privilege of the religious leaders and the state of collusion they enjoyed with the Roman governor who tolerated their belief system as long as that cooperation benefited the Romans.
The same system that Jesus promoted two thousand years ago, is seen as a threat by regimes who want the people to bend a knee to the government and not God. Regimes such as the Chinese Communist Party have brutally subjugated Christians—and other religions—in China in an attempt to replace the worship of God, with that of worship of state. In the West, political persecution is only but beginning to become widespread, but none the less it is a very real specter on the horizon.
But like the frog in the allegorical tale, in which the frog is put into a pot or water, and that water slowly brought to a boil so that the unassuming frog remains oblivious to the danger its life is in, Christians in the West have largely failed to take note of the actions of insurgents attempting to destroy the church from within by divisions.
Jesus said; “And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.” What was logic used by the Master to expose the acts and lies of the Scribes, Pharisees, and Herodians in the first century, becomes not just apt logic today to expose the actions of would be totalitarians, but a warning from God as well. A house—be it a church or a government—can not stand, if it is divided against itself.
While socialism has steadily evolved from democracy towards secular totalitarianism in Western Europe, and a very vocal minority in America has advocated for tearing up the constitution and replacing the republic with a European style socialism, populist grass roots movements have grown exponentially in an attempt to slow if not destroy the goal of the totalitarians.
By the time you read this, we should know if the predictions were correct that the people of Western Europe would take back their democracies from the totalitarians, at the election polls. Those politicians running on a platform of reversing the trend towards totalitarianism are favored to win. Likewise here in America we are but five months away from an election likewise predicted to be a referendum on progressive socialistic agendas.
But these trends are not enough, we must heed the advice and warning from Jesus in that “And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand” and not only rescue our country from impending demise, but our church as well. We must recognize the insurgents implanted in the church, and with brotherly love and Christian compassion, help them to understand why their goals are divisive and contradictory to the traditions of the church; traditions have withstood the test of time.
We thank you, loving God, that we have gathered in your presence and shared in worship. Now may we go forth into the world, confident that we are your children, knowing that you have called us by name. In our daily life, may we align ourselves to your will, seeking direction to follow the plans you have for us which give us a hope and a future in Jesus Christ, and may we have patience in the waiting. In the challenges and joys we face, may we be assured that we do not face them alone. Let us go in peace, hope and love, in the name of our compassionate and powerful God the Son our Savior, and the comforting Holy Spirit. Amen.
submitted by Bishop-Boomer to AngloCatholicism [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:44 Ok-Term3338 Alright tonight is my quit night

I’m 28 and have been smoking cigarettes, hookah, and vaping on and off for 10 years and vaping constantly for 4 years. Tonight I’m getting serious about quitting.
I have been having some shortness of breath symptoms like when you have anxiety and it’s hard to take that deep breath. It’s also harder to breathe through my nose these days. Thing that pushed me over the edge though the heartburn symptoms. I’ve never had heartburn and one day it just began and has been happening for the last 2 weeks and that has caused a ton of anxiety. I have some toothpicks and gum to keep me from going insane but I’m ready for it to suck for a month. Any tips on quitting or anyone have similar symptoms??
submitted by Ok-Term3338 to QuitVaping [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:44 Bishop-Boomer A House Divided, A Homily Prepared For Sunday June 9, 2024

The Collect
O God, from whom all good proceeds: Grant that by your inspiration we may think those things that are right, and by your merciful guiding may do them; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
The Gospel
Mark 3:20–35
20 And the multitude cometh together again, so that they could not so much as eat bread.
21 And when his friends heard of it, they went out to lay hold on him: for they said, He is beside himself.
22 And the scribes which came down from Jerusalem said, He hath Beelzebub, and by the prince of the devils casteth he out devils.
23 And he called them unto him, and said unto them in parables,How can Satan cast out Satan?
24And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.
25And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.
26And if Satan rise up against himself, and be divided, he cannot stand, but hath an end.
27No man can enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house.
28Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme:
29But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation.
30Because they said, He hath an unclean spirit.
31 There came then his brethren and his mother, and, standing without, sent unto him, calling him.
32 And the multitude sat about him, and they said unto him, Behold, thy mother and thy brethren without seek for thee.
33 And he answered them, saying,Who is my mother, or my brethren?
34 And he looked round about on them which sat about him, and said,Behold my mother and my brethren!
35For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and my sister, and mother.
Commentary on Today’s Gospel Selection;
In the process of doing the background research for this homily, I stumbled across a somewhat unique approach used by another minister. He used, as an analogy, movies of the apocalyptic genre, otherwise thought of as the “end of the world as we know it” genre.
This minister noted the common thread in these movies of the hero/heroine (protagonist) discovering that somehow the world was about to suffer some sort of cataclysmic event, then this person attempts to tell the world, and is either ignored—having been deemed crazy—or becomes the target of governmental henchmen seeking to silence him/her. The remainder of the movie centers around this person trying to tell the truth to the masses and save the world.
The minister in question, noted how that in this passage from the Gospel of Mark, Jesus is somewhat like this generalized protagonist in end of the world movies, in that he knows the truth and others are trying to shut him up.
In verse 22, Marks tells us that the religious leaders of Jerusalem, had left what was to them the center of the Jewish world, and walked over a hundred miles toCapernaum, apparently, for the sole purpose of discrediting Jesus. Like the henchmen in one of these end of the world movies, these men had gone to great lengths to travel, a journey requiring several days of walking, to cast aspersions on Jesus and his teachings falsely claiming that he was in league with Satan, casting demons out of the possessed in the name of Beelzebub.
Jesus used logic to thoroughly rebuke their false premise; “How can Satan cast out Satan?And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand. And if Satan rise up against himself, and be divided, he cannot stand, but hath an end.No man can enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house.”
This simple logical concept, that of “A House Divided Cannot Stand” has withstood the test of time from the depths of antiquity, through the ages, to even the modern day. The enemy, be it thoroughly human, or those of the principalities of this world, (see Ephesians 6:12) has known that by inserting insurgents into the target group, with the intention of those insurgents planting the seeds of division and distrust, the target group looses it cohesion and is weakened so that it no longer has strength in numbers.
Mark tells us in verse twenty that a multitude was following Jesus. The religious leaders of Jerusalem saw this growing—army of sorts—as a threat to their control and collusion with the Roman occupation of Judea, so they sought to introduce seeds of doubt in the minds of the multitude following Jesus. They thought if they could convince them that Jesus was himself colluding with the devil, they could destroy the single-mindedness determination of the multitude to follow Jesus.
We see the enemies of the church universal, and even that of our country and western ideologies in general, sowing seeds of doubt. Attempting to convince the masses that Christianity—in its traditional form—is in effect demonic, as well as Western democratic principles. These insurgents attempt to convince the people that progressive secularism and political socialism are far superior to religion (Christianity in particular) and that socialism, if not absolute communism, is superior to Western Democracies and the Representative Republic form of governance used in America.
The one great lesson that we should have learned from the historic events of the twentieth century, is that absolute secularism and socialism eventually leads to a totalitarianism that borders on communism, if it does not indeed totally embrace communism. Millions of people in the 20thcentury were sacrificed to the modern day equivalent of Moloch, a false god created by the demonically possessed minds of men intent on control of the people.
Those hell bent on destroying culture, almost always begin with an attempt to discredit and destroy religion, simply because it is their goal to replace religious worship with total dedication to the state.
In the first century, Jesus was offering a radically different type of belief system, one that was not dependent on outward compliance with rules created by mankind, but by love for God. This was an absolute threat to the privilege of the religious leaders and the state of collusion they enjoyed with the Roman governor who tolerated their belief system as long as that cooperation benefited the Romans.
The same system that Jesus promoted two thousand years ago, is seen as a threat by regimes who want the people to bend a knee to the government and not God. Regimes such as the Chinese Communist Party have brutally subjugated Christians—and other religions—in China in an attempt to replace the worship of God, with that of worship of state. In the West, political persecution is only but beginning to become widespread, but none the less it is a very real specter on the horizon.
But like the frog in the allegorical tale, in which the frog is put into a pot or water, and that water slowly brought to a boil so that the unassuming frog remains oblivious to the danger its life is in, Christians in the West have largely failed to take note of the actions of insurgents attempting to destroy the church from within by divisions.
Jesus said; “And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.” What was logic used by the Master to expose the acts and lies of the Scribes, Pharisees, and Herodians in the first century, becomes not just apt logic today to expose the actions of would be totalitarians, but a warning from God as well. A house—be it a church or a government—can not stand, if it is divided against itself.
While socialism has steadily evolved from democracy towards secular totalitarianism in Western Europe, and a very vocal minority in America has advocated for tearing up the constitution and replacing the republic with a European style socialism, populist grass roots movements have grown exponentially in an attempt to slow if not destroy the goal of the totalitarians.
By the time you read this, we should know if the predictions were correct that the people of Western Europe would take back their democracies from the totalitarians, at the election polls. Those politicians running on a platform of reversing the trend towards totalitarianism are favored to win. Likewise here in America we are but five months away from an election likewise predicted to be a referendum on progressive socialistic agendas.
But these trends are not enough, we must heed the advice and warning from Jesus in that “And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand” and not only rescue our country from impending demise, but our church as well. We must recognize the insurgents implanted in the church, and with brotherly love and Christian compassion, help them to understand why their goals are divisive and contradictory to the traditions of the church; traditions have withstood the test of time.
We thank you, loving God, that we have gathered in your presence and shared in worship. Now may we go forth into the world, confident that we are your children, knowing that you have called us by name. In our daily life, may we align ourselves to your will, seeking direction to follow the plans you have for us which give us a hope and a future in Jesus Christ, and may we have patience in the waiting. In the challenges and joys we face, may we be assured that we do not face them alone. Let us go in peace, hope and love, in the name of our compassionate and powerful God the Son our Savior, and the comforting Holy Spirit. Amen.
submitted by Bishop-Boomer to All_About_Him [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:42 H-O-S-S Currently LVL 134, My 2 cents, all two cents.

I like the game. It’s fun, shoot shoot, boom boom, friendly fire, enemy parts flying all over, rando lobbies with who knows what you will run into. I’ve made friends whom I look forward to playing with, ive perfected my strategy on all mission types. I like to play with people that are serious and want to slam objectives just as much as I like to play with cadets that have no idea what to do. I like to play with with Special Black Ops teams that Helldive with no deaths (myself included when I lean forward in my chair), just as much as I like to play with those that die 12 times in 5 mins (me 400 hours ago). I like to play. The game is good.
All the Buff/Debuff patches and changes to gameplay that have come from headquarters have never put a limp in my stride, I overcome and adapt. Through the wild crashes and laggy boots to the friendless friends lists and impossible matchmaking, ive done my part. I’ve kept my head screwed on and patience in check for the love of democracy. I’ve touched grass when things weren’t working well and kept seated next to the hum of my PC when Major gave me an Order and provided me with sweet uninterrupted gameplay.
Some of the weapons/strategems are good, some are terrible, I like them all. I like to drop to lower levels and give them all a go sometimes just to change cadence.
Anyways, now I’ll talk Meta, IMO as of now. -I like to get lots of kills but I also focus on objectives and stay on the move. -I like to NOT DIE but we are Helldivers, it’s going to happen. -I like Bugs AND Automatons, I do not discriminate with thy enemies. Both must suffer.
ARMOR Bugs: -Any Armor with extra stims, usually medium, sometimes light. I’ll have 20 stim uses sometimes lol but NEVER DIE. Sometimes I’ll injure myself at the end of stamina drain just to pop another and be able to keep running. Bots: Medium with Explosion Resistance. For me this is a no brainer.
GUNS AND STRATS Bugs: -Incendiary Breaker, Grenade Pistol, Stun nades. -Auto Cannon, Orbital Precision Strike, Eagle Airstrike, Orbital Gas Strike. NOTES: I swap the AC and Gas for Quasar and Jetpack sometimes.
Bots: -Incendiary Breaker, Grenade Pistol, Stun nades. -Auto Cannon, Orbital Precision Strike, Eagle Airstrike, 120mm Barrage NOTES: I swap the Incendiary Breaker for Jar-5 sometimes. And I swap AC and 120mm for AMJetpack sometimes. Spear also shines on Bots, especially for objectives/factories.
BOOSTERS: I ALWAYS pick Increased Reinforcement Budget first until I play a match and see that my team isn’t dying much, then I’ll go Stamina, Hellpod Optimization, and Vitality in that order. Always Vitality/HO for Eradicate and Defend missions.
Yes, it’s boring and both are basically the same, but this is my meta for smashing high level difficulties. And with these setups I DELIVER SWEET DEMOCRACY, I’ve fine tuned these load outs for survival and death dealing at a pace my enemies CANNOT handle for I as of now am a 10 Star General in the battle for superearth. I obviously change it up when there are certain effects like Orbital Scatter which makes the Gas and Precision almost useless. The Incendiary Breaker isn’t my favorite gun to use, but imo it’s definitely the most op, specifically when paired with the grenade pistol as backup. Grenade pistol is op on bots as well.
I do like many of the other Guns and Strats and have really been switching it up allot on playing a lot of level 7s since hitting lvl 130. I usually exclusively Helldive but it definitely gets insane with Bots I’ve grown to stick to 8s and 7s unless I’m with guys that are ready for Hell. Bugs I’ll probably only ever Helldive unless I make a low level/skill buddy that wants to tone it down from time to time.
GENERAL NOTES: -Gas is soooo good for bug breaches, I get 40+ kills with it regularly on one toss, strategically placed -Eagle Smoke is very fun and great to use, makes evacuate citizen missions trivial. -Stalkers and Gunship factories are a priority.
AUTO CANNON BACKPACK RANT: Stun Grenades on chargers, AC all the way, Juke em, stun, 3 quick shots to the fleshy butt and they are gone. Heavy Stategems for Titans(I’ve become well attuned to the Precision Stirke, AC to also blow their undersides off so they can’t spit. There is actually 2 separate spots on their undersides that can be blown off.
AC one shots Brood Mothers, and makes Hive Guards and Warriors easy, also my favorite on Stalkers, Spewers? Quick 3 to the body anywhere gone.
Snipe bug holes from across the map when you can barely see them? AC says yes, Shrieker Trees and Spore Trees? AC also says yes although it does take 1 1/2 mags per.
Stun Grenades to Hulks, two tap to the eye with AC and move on. Shoot off Factory Striders front lasers and get under em and dump AC mags, dead. Gunships, 2 or 3 tap to one of the engines, done. I usually just dump mags into medium bots without going for headshot precision, at high levels it’s all about killing fast and moving on sometimes it’s just not time for precision.
The AC also has a ton of ammo and since I’m usually cruising through POI’s I never run out of ammo even if my team is burning Resupplies. Also, I’ve gotten used to diving prone before making shots as it wildly increases your precision with the Auto canon as well as every gun.
FINAL THOUGHTS: -I do believe in the extra strat over Rovers and Shields, but i appreciate all play styles. -I do have a hard time playing with guys that use the infinite grenade glitch. It makes winning feel unfulfilling, and it’s literal evidence of a skill issue imo. -I do wish there was something to do with all of my capped out samples and medals. But I’m not trippin. -Early on in the game I would get aggravated by guys doing things that I did not understand or playing very unorganized or accidentally killing me or throwing 380s on evac or small eradicate missions. You know the list of wild things that can happen in this game goes on forever, but after the hours I’ve dumped into it, I now understand there’s no reason to get mad at most things. It really is mostly just funny. -The game is good and I like it. I’ll take a break once I hit level 150.
If you read this entire post, you’re a trooper. I’m just bored and at work right now plus I would like to be more active on Reddit as it is pretty much my main source of information these days. So feel free to ask me questions or have a discussion on HD2.
submitted by H-O-S-S to helldivers2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:39 Fit_Average7532 Need help on whether i should get a pic or keep my xbox series s

I've wanted a PC for years now, and I think I'm finally ready to get one. However, there's one problem: I need a PC that's better than my Xbox Series S. Currently, I have a budget of $400, which isn't enough to get a high-quality gaming PC. But, if I sell my Xbox Series S and some other items I have, I could raise an extra $300. That would give me a total budget of around $750 to $800.
I'm really torn about what to do. On one hand, I've been using my Xbox Series S for a while and it serves me well for gaming. It’s easy to use and I don’t have to worry about compatibility issues or building anything. On the other hand, getting a PC would open up a lot more possibilities for gaming, productivity, and customization. I could play a wider variety of games, use mods, and also use the PC for other tasks like schoolwork or creative projects.
The main question is whether my budget will be enough to get a PC that outperforms my Xbox Series S. I don’t have any experience building a PC, so I would need to buy a pre-built one or pay someone to assemble it for me, which might add to the cost. I’ve heard that building your own PC can be more cost-effective, but I’m worried about making mistakes or not knowing how to fix things if something goes wrong.
Should I take the plunge and try to get a PC, or should I stick with my Xbox Series S? Is it possible to get a good, reliable PC within my budget of $750 to $800 that would be a noticeable upgrade over my Xbox Series S? Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by Fit_Average7532 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:39 tempmailgenerator Automating Email Notifications for Student Placements Using React TypeScript

Empowering Placement Management with Automation

In today's fast-paced educational environments, managing placement activities efficiently is crucial for both institutions and students. The integration of technology into this process not only simplifies management tasks but also enhances communication and preparation. Particularly in college placement management projects, the ability to automate email sending based on specific criteria such as skills and interview schedules represents a significant leap forward. This capability ensures that students receive timely and relevant information, helping them to prepare adequately for upcoming opportunities.
React TypeScript emerges as a powerful tool in developing such automated systems. By leveraging React's user-friendly interface design capabilities alongside TypeScript's strong typing for safer code, developers can create more reliable and efficient applications. This article delves into the practicalities of setting up an automatic email system within a React TypeScript framework. It aims to guide you through the essential steps to configure and deploy an automated email notification service that can dynamically send personalized emails to students based on their unique skill sets and interview dates, ensuring no one misses out on their next big opportunity.
Command Description
nodemailer Module to send emails directly from Node.js
useState React hook for setting state in a functional component
useEffect React hook for performing side effects in a functional component
express Web application framework for Node.js, for building web applications and APIs

Advancing Email Automation in React TypeScript Projects

Automating email notifications in a React TypeScript application, especially for college placement management, requires a blend of frontend interactivity and backend reliability. The frontend, built with React and TypeScript, offers a robust and type-safe environment for developing user interfaces that can efficiently gather student data, including skills and interview schedules. By leveraging TypeScript, developers can ensure that the data handled across the React components is structured and consistent, reducing the potential for errors. This setup allows for a seamless integration with backend services tasked with the actual sending of emails, providing a smooth experience for both the developers and the end-users.
On the backend, Node.js emerges as a popular choice due to its non-blocking I/O and event-driven architecture, making it suitable for handling operations like sending emails which do not require computational power but depend on waiting for I/O operations to complete. Coupled with libraries such as Nodemailer, the backend can efficiently manage email sending tasks based on triggers from the frontend, such as the completion of a form indicating a student’s availability for interviews. Moreover, using Express.js simplifies the creation of RESTful APIs that the React frontend can consume to send data to the server. This synergy between React TypeScript and Node.js encapsulates a full-stack approach to implementing automatic email notifications, highlighting the importance of both frontend and backend technologies in creating a feature-rich, user-friendly application.

Automating Email Dispatch with React and TypeScript

Node.js combined with TypeScript
import express from 'express'; import nodemailer from 'nodemailer'; const app = express(); app.use(express.json()); const transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({ service: 'gmail', auth: { user: '', pass: 'yourPassword' } });'/send-email', async (req, res) => { const { to, subject, text } = req.body; const mailOptions = { from: '', to, subject, text }; try { await transporter.sendMail(mailOptions); res.send('Email sent successfully'); } catch (error) { res.status(500).send('Error sending email: ' + error.message); } }); const PORT = process.env.PORT 3000; app.listen(PORT, () => console.log(`Server running on port ${PORT}`)); 

Enhancing Email Automation with React and TypeScript

Email automation within a React TypeScript environment bridges the gap between static webpages and dynamic, interactive web applications. The fusion of React's reactive components and TypeScript's static typing brings unparalleled reliability and maintainability to the development of automated email systems. For educational institutions and businesses alike, this means delivering timely, personalized communication with less manual oversight. React's component-based architecture allows for the easy integration of user input forms, while TypeScript ensures that the data flowing through these forms is well-defined and error-free. The end result is a streamlined process from user interaction to email dispatch.
This technological synergy is not without its challenges, however. Ensuring that emails are sent securely and efficiently requires a solid backend infrastructure, often implemented with Node.js and Express. Furthermore, developers must navigate the complexities of email delivery, including handling bounce rates, spam filters, and ensuring high deliverability. Solutions involve meticulous attention to email content, structured email design, and adherence to email sending best practices. As developers refine these systems, they contribute to a more engaging and responsive digital environment, where automatic emails become a seamless part of user interaction, enhancing the overall experience.

Email Automation FAQs

  1. Question: What is the best way to handle user authentication for sending emails?
  2. Answer: Implement OAuth2 authentication with your email service provider for secure token-based authentication, ensuring that email sending operations are secure and user credentials are not exposed.
  3. Question: How can I test email functionality in a development environment?
  4. Answer: Use mail mocking libraries like Nodemailer Mock for Node.js or test email services like Mailtrap to simulate email sending in a controlled environment without sending actual emails.
  5. Question: Can I send HTML emails using React and TypeScript?
  6. Answer: Yes, you can generate HTML email templates within React components. Use server-side rendering techniques to convert these components into static HTML strings that can be sent as email content.
  7. Question: How do I manage dynamic email content based on user data?
  8. Answer: Use template engines like EJS or Handlebars in conjunction with your backend server to dynamically insert user data into email templates before sending.
  9. Question: How can I ensure high deliverability for my emails?
  10. Answer: Ensure your emails are SPF, DKIM, and DMARC compliant, monitor your sending reputation, and maintain clean email lists to avoid spam filters and blacklists.

Wrapping Up Automated Email Dispatch with React and TypeScript

As we delve into the intricacies of automating email communications within React TypeScript applications, it's clear that this technology stack offers a powerful toolkit for developers. The combination of React's component-driven architecture and TypeScript's type safety creates a development environment where complex, automated tasks become more manageable and error-prone processes are minimized. This setup is particularly beneficial for applications requiring dynamic user interaction, such as the management of student communications in educational institutions. By integrating backend services like Node.js and Nodemailer, developers can implement automated, secure, and efficient email dispatch systems. These systems not only save time and reduce manual effort but also provide a more personalized experience for the end-users. Ultimately, the success of such systems in enhancing communication and operational efficiency underscores the importance of adopting modern web technologies and best practices in software development.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:38 3Huskiesinasuit What fish or aquatics to put in .5gal jar, for child's school project

Short version: My girlfriend's son(12) has to do a 'live aquarium' with a jar provided by the school for his Earth Science credit, to make up for missing midterms due to illness. It must include 'naturally source substrate' at least two different 'locally sourced aquatic plants' and at least one 'live animal or aquatic species'.
I realize that most fish you can get in a pet store that are kept such in small tanks are not suited for those conditions. I have kept tanks in the past, with great success (my placo had to be rehomed after growing too large for the largest tank i could fit in my house. Thought i got one of the 8" species, but he was 17" when i rehomed him).
I toyed with snails, but most aquarium snails are illegal here in Maine, and the ones that arent, require 10 gallon set ups to be healthy.
The teacher suggested Mosquito fish, but i know from experience they need minimum 10gal for a small number.
Fish will be retanked in a larger set up, but will need to spend at minimum 2 weeks in this tiny glass jar they gave us.
My girlfriend's son missed his midterms due to pneumonia brought on by asthma, and he has already repeated 6th grade once before for similar reasons.
Every aquarium website and Aquarium specialty store has either lectured me on proper tank size, or asked me to leave/end contact.
Reddit is my last effort, before i just do what the teacher suggested, and put a pair of Mosquito Fish in the jar, which i would rather not do.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions, and yes i know, this is an incredibly stupid, and cruel 'school project'.
submitted by 3Huskiesinasuit to Aquariums [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:35 sameed_a benefits of innovation in project management?

Post Content:
I'll never forget the day my boss handed me the reins to a multinational project with no guidelines or process to follow. It felt like trying to ride a bull with a silk thread as a lasso - impossible and destined for failure.
My team and I would sit there, staring at the chaos on our boards, trying to make sense of all the tasks and deadlines. It was like trying to decipher some ancient language that only we had been privy to. There were so many tasks, so many goals, and so many deadlines - all muddled together in a haphazard mess. We were stressed, the project was staggered, and we were missing deadlines like a kid trying to catch raindrops during a storm.
That's when we realized that we needed a change. We needed an innovation - something that would turn this chaotic mess into a streamlined, efficient operation. So, we turned to Agile Project Management. The idea of breaking down the project into manageable 'sprints' where we could prioritize the tasks based on the urgency seemed like a potential game-changer.
The results were incredible. Our stress levels dropped, our productivity skyrocketed, and we never missed a single deadline after that. By cutting down the lower value tasks and emphasizing the high priority ones, we were able to complete the project with significantly reduced stress and increased efficiency.
Seeing the impact of innovation in project management, I started researching other mental models and frameworks that could help us in our work. What I uncovered was a gold mine. From the Pareto Principle, which suggests that 80% of results come from 20% of actions, to the Eisenhower Box that helps in decision-making, each model provided a new perspective on how to manage projects more effectively.
Innovation in project management is not just about using new tools or technology. It's also about thinking differently, adopting new mental models, and restructuring our approach to be more efficient and productive.
P.S. Just so you know, this was inspired by a myriad of experiences in project management and not a singular anecdote. But, hey! If it helps you imagine the chaos of catching raindrops during a storm and how Agile can serve as your lifesaving umbrella, then my hypothetical story has done its job! Embrace innovation, folks, it's a game-changer!
submitted by sameed_a to mentalmodelscoach [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:34 gemsNbendz Tobacco spontaneously sprouted in garden?

Tobacco spontaneously sprouted in garden?
NYC sprouted in tomato and basil bed last year pulled roots out and now 2 this year.. more info below.
Last year mid season these big green leaves that grow each day popped up in my garden (zone 7b old map//zone 7 new) tobacco isnt grown locally in NYC and i make my own compost and use the same bags of mushroom compost lobster compost and humus bags for years and never had anything pop up like this. Now this year they popped up again same exact spot but with a second head a couple inches away from the first .
Can anyone say if this is tobacco or not? I did a google image search and it comes up for Nicotiana tabacum ( i know google image seach can be wonky) but i thought iit might be tobacco and it was solidified when an older guy from the Dominican Republic who lives across the street said “your growing tobacco?! We used to roll cigars on my uncles farm” i dont know how it could’ve been introduced — last season pics had plants in and this season has cardboard over the soil for reference if it even matters
Also my tomato plants got a virus some type of blighht around the same time these came up it only effected the plants in that box as anoither bed 20 ft away was fine and fed/ watered in the same ways you can kind of see it on the he last pics from last season
submitted by gemsNbendz to PlantIdentification [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:30 bluesunday21 nicotine

I am a masochist. Don't worry, this is not \that sort of letter.*
I’ve been thinking a lot about why I started smoking on this arduous journey of quitting nicotine, and have found self-psychoanalysis to be incredibly dull work.
Modern mental-health speak is wholly useless in my (damn near futile) efforts to rewire my brain. It just makes the cravings worse. People seem to think the inclination to diagnose every facet of the human experience is new. You and I both know - nothing is new.
I came across a video where someone was telling people how “summer” brings upon “manic episodes” so we need to “watch our mental health.”
I don't have the heart to squeeze my Self in between the lines of the DSM-5, so I gave up and landed on masochism. Cue the Freud haters.
I wish I could say that down the line I’ll be one of those people who can smoke the occasional cigarette, but it would be a lie. I enjoy the punishment too much. Self-flagellation, etc. It’s why I never could tell you the truth.
These days though, I’m all in or all out. How about you?
submitted by bluesunday21 to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:28 Dapper_Rooster_3795 this is way easier than i expected

hey yall!
on friday morning i had one cig left and was about to drive about three hours to my parents house for the weekend. the night before i made my peace with the fact that i wasn’t gonna buy any more. the one left was gonna be the last one.
going on 48 hours no nic and i haven’t had any adverse symptoms except i was a little bit cranky today. i don’t even wanna say i’m having cravings. every few hours i go “i want a cigarette” and then i pop a few mints and the feeling passes. i don’t feel like im desperate to smoke at all. i really don’t feel different at all.
i transferred the money i would have spent on cigs into my savings + just am reminding myself of the health benefits. idk this is just way easier than i expected which is nice
submitted by Dapper_Rooster_3795 to quittingsmoking [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:27 damnmaster Bots difficulty and enjoyment

I would love to add that this is entirely my own opinion. I understand that plenty of people currently love how oppressive the bots feel and I’m not here to take that away from them. For those people, I would love your input on how you feel the bots challenge you in general so I can have a better idea on why people love them.
For me, I feel like the final “meta” way of dealing with bots are unfun. They are challenging for sure but not in a way I feel the borgs were in HD1.
I really feel like they missed what made bots fun in HD1. Nothing in HD1 felt contrived. Every death you got was entirely your fault/bad choice in tools. You had the capability to avoid all damage if you’re good (except for illuminate gates fuck those).
Whether it currently feels fair right now isn’t important. What is important is that it feels unfair but not in a fun way. When I die to bots, half the time I’m not entirely sure what killed me. That’s why I really would implore for laser pointers. The original game did something similar for illuminate sniper troops and it felt fantastic. You could see where you’re being shot at and make a decision on whether you wanted to counter snipe or take cover. There are no decisions to be made against bots, you take cover or you’ll die. You run or you die.
It has been good in that you need to have good map awareness and strategically plan your attacks. But it also makes it feel like you made a mistake where you didn’t even know you were being tested.
Some fantastic things about the current system that I don’t think should be taken away is
  1. Cover, you should never be allowed to just run out into an open field, this should definitely be a death sentence
  2. Strategic ambush, currently it feels amazing to happen upon a side objective, and efficiently clear them before they can fire back. Planning an angle of attack and enacting it is very satisfying. Even baiting troops out into better spots is viable although you’d have to kill then quick to prevent patrols. Lots of decisions that mechanically challenge the player here. I love it especially when a team of you storm a base. Feels so damn good to run between the levels dodging fire.
  3. Map awareness is so much more important and you really feel like you’re moving through hostile territory. Bugs may have this but it’s definitely more sparse and comes in bursts. For bots, you always need to be aware where enemies are and make sure you aren’t accidentally attracting the wrong attention.
These things aside, these are some of the things that I feel could be added to smooth out the learning curve and provide natural difficulty scaling. While there are level systems already existing, there are still massive jumps in difficulty and when missions take so long, it’s a major investment in time to do weaker missions where you may not even face higher tier enemies to allow you to practice taking them on in a safer environment.
  1. Introduce more CC tools like taking less damage when running (smoke isn’t consistent enough) or better navigational tools. Both which take up a slot but will help newer players smooth the curve. Once they are good, they can then utilise that slot for something meaningful.
It obviously shouldn’t be OP or a necessity to run but a decent quality of life (heat vision as an example).
  1. Have more clearly telegraphed attacks, it’s already difficult when there are dozens of them but I feel like sounds, visuals can all help to make it better. Potentially having the first rocket miss might be an amazing tool in that you always are aware that something is coming while keeping that fear constant. This is something done in the last of us to amazing effect
  2. high fire rate enemies should have worse accuracy, their goal should be as suppressive troops, if you stay in the open or don’t duck, you’re gonna be cooked. But you can dive to cover, wait for the battery to empty, and know you have a few seconds while their ammo recharges. Having consistent ways to outfox the bot would be cool. Like if you know how long their weapons take to fire again, or if you know certain signifiers that means you can retaliate.
  3. Have beefier armoured vehicles for players but significantly reduced ammo and armour. Maybe you have to carry additional shells for tanks but they should act like actual tanks do in modern battles, infantry to cover while the tank has to decisively aim to knock out big targets. The tankiness allows for you to be pseudo-invincible but you’ll have to abandon them more often when they run out. So it’s good for short strategic defenses or assaults but you can’t be expected to rely on them.
I’d really hope for a himars like weapon. Mobile artillery strike but extremely squishy and good for one/two volleys, you have combined arms to take an objective which feels cool as heck.
With this, the attacks that are meant to kill you (rockets/tanks/near range attacks) all feel like decisions, do you have enough skill/the right tools to just run away? Or do you hope that you can dive to cover and still have time to back off? Or do you dive and counter attack?
These should not be done to make the game easier but be done to mechanically test the player to make right decisions. These are bots after all and they should have pretty standard ways of fighting.
My hope for illuminates is that they have a certain “code of honour” that dictates how they fight but they are still more intelligent in flanking and ambush.
Maybe they won’t attack you if you’re down, they prefer to have you set up as bait. Or melee attackers will they’ll target the strongest player a little bit more as they are a worthy foe. The snipers will try to snipe the soldier furthest away as a means to counter snipe/take out stragglers. That way if you have a playstyle, you have to know what you should be dealing with and how your playstyle will be challenged. The difficulty isn’t just increasing waves and armour but additional mechanical challenges that you have to learn.
That way difficulty is scaled based on your own abilities and if you find it difficult it automatically scales backwards.
submitted by damnmaster to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:27 Soggy-Employment-690 Chance an slightly above average African American(m) student, with mid/bad EC’s looking to pursue CS

Demographic: African American, Family income is 150k, but my mom(single parent) is retiring this year, I attend a fairly good boarding school. Maryland
GPA: 3.8/4.0 unweighted, 4.0 cumulative. School doesn’t do class ranks
Course Work: By senior year, I will have taken 12 Honors classes and 2 APs(my school only offers BIO and Java), I self studied for lit but idk how that went
ACT: 33(aiming for a 34-35) Took today actually, felt good
intended track: CS
ecs :( - Volunteered as a swim instructor sophomore and Junior year(plan to continue this senior year) -150 hours Community service - CS Club member: potential for Co-leader in Senior year - 1st stand Bass within my school’s orchestra - Founder of the Archery and ASL Club - Co-leader of philosophy club - Passion project: Created an app to make the art of bonsai more accessible and straightforward(unfortunately a company released a similar app about 2 weeks before my finish date ). I’m looking for new ideas for another project - Head Lifeguard(JOB) -Gardening club -Varsity Swim Team - Outdoor’s program; kayaking, fishing, hiking, planting, connecting with nature…..
Letters of Rec: Should be good
essays: strong writer so might be good. Working on it
Reaches: Rice(ED/EA), UMD cs(EA), Purdue(EA), JHU(EA), MIT(EA+ Legacy), UW Madison(EA), FSU(RD), UCF
Targets: OSU, UMN, UMass Amherst, SBU
Safeties: ASU, UofU, UMBC(Ea/RD)
Any advice would be appreciated
submitted by Soggy-Employment-690 to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:25 HyderNidPryder 500 o Ferfenwau / 500 Welsh verb-nouns with verb stems (Set 4)

Berfenw / Verb-noun Ystyr / Meaning Bôn y ferf / Verb stem
acennu to accentuate, to stress acenn-
achredu to accredit; accreditation achred-
adalw to recall, to summon back, to revoke, to repeal adalw-
ad-dalu to repay ad-dal-
ad-drefnu to reorganise, to rearrange ad-drefn-
adfeddiannu to repossess, to regain afeddiann-
adleoli to relocate adleol-
adlynu to adhere adlyn-
adsefydlu to rehabilitate; to re-establish, to reinstate adsefydl-
aduno to reunite adun-
adwerthu to retail, to resell adwerth-
afradloni to waste, to squander, to spend extravagantly afradlon-
angori to anchor angor-
ailadeiladu to rebuild ailadeilad-
aildrefnu to rearrange, to reorganise, to restore aildrefn-
ailddarganfod to rediscover ailddarganfydd-
ailddatblygu to redevelop ailddatblyg-
ailddefnyddio to reuse ailddefnyddi-
ailddosbarthu to reclassify; to redistribute ailddosbarth-
ailenwi to rename ailenw-
ailethol to re-elect ailethol-
ailfeddwl to rethink, to change one's mind, to reconsider ailfeddyli-
ailgartrefu to rehouse, to rehome ailgartref-
ail-greu to recreate ailgre-
ailsefydlu to re-establish, to rehabilitate ailsefydl-
ailstrwythuro to restructure ailstrwythur-
ailwampio to revamp ailwampi-
allbynnu to output (in computing) allbynn-
allforio to export allfori-
alltudio to deport, to exile alltudi-
allyrru to emit, to give off allyrr-
amaethu to cultivate amaeth-
amgodio to encode (computing) amgodi-
amgryptio to encrypt amgrypti-
amgylchynu to surround, to encircle, to encompass amgylchyn-
amharchu to disrespect amharch-
amlinellu to outline, to sketch amlinell-
amseru to time, to date, to take your time amser-
andwyo to spoil, to ruin andwy-
anesmwytho to become or make uneasy, anxious or restless, to disturb, to disquiet anesmwyth-
anfarwoli to immortalize anfarwol-
animeiddio to animate (make an animation) animeiddi-
anweddu to evaporate, to vaporize, to produce steam anwedd-
anwylo to cuddle, to caress, to cherish, to endear anwyl-
apwyntio to appoint apwynti-
aralleirio to paraphrase, to reword aralleiri-
arallu to make changes, to alter; to alienate, to estrange arall-
arddweud to dictate (for transcription) arddywed-
aredig to plough ardd-
arolygu to survey, to inspect arolyg-
asesu to assess ases-
atafaelu to confiscate, to seize, to distrain atafael-
atalnodi to punctuate atalnod
atgyfodi to resurrect, to revive atgyfod-
atodi to append, to attach (document etc.), to add to atod-
awdurdodi to authorise, to empower awdurdod-
awyru to air, to ventilate, to aerate awyr-
baldorddi to talk nonsense, to babble, to prattle baldordd-
beichio crio to sob beichi-
betio to bet (money) beti-
bigit[i]an to provoke, to annoy, to pick a quarrel, to nag (De Cymru)
bipian to bleep, to beep bipi-
blaguro to form buds, to put out shoots, to sprout blagur-
blaseiddio to flavour, to season blaseiddi-
blingo to skin, to flay bling-
blysio to crave blysi-
bod gan rywun to have, to possess
bod wrth eich bodd yn / gyda to love, to be in one's element (doing / with)
bod yn edifar gan rywun to regret
bod yn well gan rywun to prefer
boddhau to please boddha-
boneddigeiddio to gentrify; to ennoble boneddigeiddi-
botymu to button botym-
braenaru to fallow, to prepare for cultivation braenar-
bragu to brew (with malt) brag-
brechu to vaccinate, to inoculate brech-
bridio to breed bridi-
britho to go grey (of hair or beard), to dapple, to speckle, to fleck, to mottle brith-
brodio to embroider brodi-
bronfwydo to breastfeed
buddioli to benefit, to profit buddiol-
bwrw cenllysg to hail (weather) (Gogledd Cymru) bwri-
bwrw cesair to hail (weather) (De Cymru) bwri-
bwydo ar y fron to breastfeed
byddaru to deafen, to become deaf byddar-
byrddio to board byrddi-
byrhau to shorten, to abbreviate
byseddu to finger bysedd-
bywhau to animate bywha-
bywiocáu to enliven
cadwyno (wrth) to chain (to) cadwyn-
caethiwo to enslave, to addict caethiw-
cafflo to cheat (De Cymru) caffl-
calchu to lime calch-
camdreiglo to mutate incorrectly (grammar) camdreigl-
camgymryd to mistake camgymer-
camsefyll to be offside (in football, rugby etc.)
camymddwyn to misbehave, to commit misconduct camymddyg-
canlyn to follow; to court canlyn-
canoli to centralize, to focus, to mediate canol-
carco to care, to take care of, to mind; to be thrifty (De Cymru) carc-
cardota to beg (for alms) cardot-
carthu to purge, to clean, to muck out animal dwelling carth-
castio to cast (especially in an acting part); to play tricks casti-
catalyddu to catalyse catalydd-
cefnu ar to turn one's back on, to forsake cefn-
cenhadu to propagate (message / faith), to conduct a mission, to proselytise cenhad-
cenhedlu to reproduce (offspring); to conceive (offspring) cenhedl-
ceulo to clot, to coagulate, to congeal ceul-
ciwio to queue ciwi-
clatsio to strike, to hit (De Cymru) clastsi-
clatsio ymlaen to crack on, to persevere (De Cymru)
clau to clean (De Cymru)
clocsio to clog dance; to make or repair clogs clocsi-
clochdar to cluck, to cackle, to boast
clodfori to praise clodfor-
cloffi to become lame cloff-
cloncan to chat, to natter, to gossip, to prattle (De Cymru) clonc-
clustnodi to ear-mark clustnod-
clwydo to roost clwyd-
clytio to patch clyti-
cnoi cil to ruminate (chew cud, also figurative), to think over cno-
coethi to refine, to purify coeth-
colledu to cause loss to, to damage colled-
conan to grumble, to complain (De Cymru)
condemnio to condemn condemni-
costrelu to bottle costrel-
creithio to scar creithi-
cribddeilio to extort, to plunder, to take by force cribddeili-
cribinio to rake (Gogledd Cymru) cribini-
crisialu to crystalize crisial-
croeshoelio to crucify croeshoeli-
croesholi to cross-examine, to cross-question croeshol-
cronni to amass, to collect, to gather (together), to accumulate; to dam up cronn-
crosio to crochet crosi-
crychu to wrinkle, to crimp crych-
crygu to stammer, to grow hoarse cryg-
cuddio rhag to hide from
cwmpasu to encompass, to circumscribe cwmpas-
cwnnu to raise, to put up, to rise (= codi, o cychwynnu) (De-ddwyrain Cymru)
cwrcwd to squat, to crouch cwrcyd-, cyrcyd-
cydlynu to cohere, to stick or cling together, to form a whole cydlyn-
cydweithredu to co-operate cydweithred-
cydymffurfio to conform cydymffurfi-
cyfannu to make whole or entire, to unite, to integrate cyfann-
cyfanwerthu to sell wholesale cyfanwerth-
cyfeddach to carouse (b) [unusually, this verbnoun is feminine]; carousal
cyfeilio to accompany (with music) cyfeili-
cyflyru to condition cyflyr-
cyfodi (form of codi) to lift, to rise, to raise cyfod-
cyfosod to place together, to juxtapose, to combine cyfosod-
cyfrodeddu to intertwine, to twist together cyfrodedd-
cyfrwyo to saddle (horse) cyfrwy-
cyffesu to confess (especially religiously) cyffes-
cyhwfan to wave, to flutter, to heave cyhwfan-
cylchdroi to rotate, to revolve cylchdro-
cymedroli to moderate, to temper cymedrol-
cymodi â to reconcile with cymod-
Cymreigio to make (more) Welsh Cymreigi-
cymudo to commute (travel) cymud-
cymynnu to bequeath cymynn-
cynllwynio to conspire cynllwyni-
cyplysu to couple cyplys-
cysegru to consecrate cysegr-
cysodi to type-set cysod-
cysoni to regularize, to harmonize cyson-
cystuddio to afflict cystuddi-
cywasgu to compress cywasg-
c[y]weirio (S) to mend, to put in order cweiri-
chwerwi to become bitter chwerw-
chwilfriwio to smash to pieces, to shatter chwilfriwi-
chwyldroi to revolutionize chwyldro-
chwyrlïo to whirl chwyrlï-
dadbacio to unpack dadbaci-
dadlaith to thaw [out] (De Cymru) dadleithi-
dadlennu to uncover, to unveil, to reveal, to expose dadlenn-
dadrithio to disillusion, to disenchant, to restore to original shape or form dadrithi-
dallu to blind, to become blind dall-
damsang (ar) to trample (on) (De Cymru) damsang-
darfudo to convect (heat in physics) darfud-
dargludo to conduct (electricity, heat in physics) darglud-
dargyfeirio to divert, to redirect, to diverge dargyfeiri-
datganoli to decentralize, to devolve datganol-
datgarboneiddio to decarbonize datgarboneiddi-
datglymu to untie datglym-
datgoedwigo to deforest datgoedwig-
datgomisiynu to decommission datgomisiyn-
datgymalu to dislocate, to disjoint, to take to pieces, to disassemble datgymal-
datsgriwio to unscrew datsgriwi-
dedfrydu to sentence (in court) dedfryd-
deddfu to legislate, to enact, to decree deddf-
dengid (= dianc) to escape (Gogledd Cymru) dihang-
deigrynnu to shed tears deigrynn-
delfrydu to idealize delfryd-
deor to hatch (egg etc.), to hatch out; to brood, to incubate deor-
deud (= dweud) to say (Gogledd Cymru)
diarddel to expell, to excommunicate, to disown diarddel-
diarfogi to disarm diarfog-
diasbedain to resound diasbed-
dichon (= gallu) to be able (formal) dichon-
diddyfnu to wean diddyfnu-
diengyd (= dianc) to escape (Gogledd Cymru) dihang-
difrïo to revile, to denigrate, to disparage difrï-
difwyno to spoil, to mar, to defile, to pollute difwyn-
differu to differentiate (calculus) differ-
diffygdalu to default (on debt repayment) diffygdal-
digolledu to recompense, to indemnify, to compensate digolled-
diheintio to disinfect diheinti-
dihoeni to languish, to pine, to fade away, to wither dihoen-
dihysbyddu to drain (liquid from), to empty, to exhaust dihysbydd-
dinoethi to strip, to make bare dinoeth-
diosg to take off (clothes / shoes), to undress, to strip; to divest, to cast off diosg-
diota to imbibe, to booze, to tipple
diraddio to degrade; to dismiss diraddi-
dirprwyo to deputize, to appoint a deputy; to act as a delegate, deputy or representative dirprwy-
distewi to be, keep or become silent, to silence, to hush distaw-
distrywio to destroy distrywi-
distyllu to distil, to drip, to fall in drops distyll-
diweddu to end, to conclude, to finish diwedd-
diwydianeiddio to industrialize diwydianeiddi-
dodwy to lay eggs dodw-
dogfennu to document dogfenn-
dreifio to drive dreifi-
dryllio to break to pieces, to shatter, to wreck drylli-
dweud y drefn wrth rywun to tell someone off
dyddodi to deposit (layer of sediment, fat), to precipitate dyddod-
dyfeisio to invent, to devise dyfeisi-
dyfnhau to deepen dyfnha-
dyfrio to water, to irrigate dyfri-
dylunio to design dyluni-
dylynu wrth to adhere to, to cling to dylyn-
dynesu to approach, to draw near, to come nearer dynes-
echdynnu to extract echdynn-
eilio to plait, to braid, to interweave; to compose (song or poetry) eili-
eilio to second eili-
eilunaddoli to idolise eilunaddol-
eneinio to anoint eneini-
enllibio to slander, to malign enllibi-
eplesu to ferment eples-
euogfarnu to convict, to find guilty euogfarn-
euro to gild eur-
ewyllysio (i) to will ewyllysi-
ewynnu to foam ewynn-
ffansïo to fancy ffansï-
ffieiddio to abhor, to detest, to loathe, to hate; to be digusted at, to be revolted by ffieiddi-
ffromi to be angry, to rage, to fume ffrom-
ffrwtian to splutter (also of engine) ffrwti-
ffrwythloni to fertilize (impregnate), to become or be fruitful ffrwythlon-
ffyrnigo to become angry or enraged, to grow fierce ffyrnig-
gaeafgysgu to hibernate gaeafgysg-
galarnadu to lament galarnad-
gefeillio to twin gefeilli-
geirio to express in words, to word geiri-
gellwng to allow to go, to let, to permit, to leave to, to release gellyng-
glasu to turn blue glas-
gloddesta to revel, to carouse, to feast; (g) revelry, carousal, feasting
glynu (at) to stick (to), to glue glyn-
godinebu to commit adultery, to fornicate godineb-
goddiweddyd to catch up with, to catch fugitive, to overtake goddiwedd-
gogoneddu to glorify, to extol gogonedd-
gohebu to report, to correspond goheb-
goleddfu to slope, to slant; to modify (in grammar) goleddf-
goresgyn to gain possession of; to overcome, to defeat goresgyn-
gori to brood, to sit on eggs gor-
gorlenwi to overfill gorlanw-, gorlenw-
gorweithio to overwork, to cause to overwork gorweithi-
gorwneud to overdo, to exaggerate
graeanu to grit (road etc.), to spread gravel over graean-
grilio to grill (food) grili-
grymuso to strengthen grymus-
gwamalu to be frivolous, to waver gwamal-
gwangalonni to lose heart, to become discouraged; to discourage gwangalonn-
gwarafun (i) to forbid, to prohibit; to prevent, to hinder, to deny; to begrudge, to resent gwarafun-
gwarantu to guarantee (a product etc. by agreement) gwarant-
gwastatu to level, to make level or even gwastat-
gwawrio to dawn gwawri-
gwelwi to grow pale gwelw-
gwersylla to camp gwersyll-
gweu to weave, to knit gwe-
gweud to say (= dweud) (De Cymru) gwed-
gwledda to feast, to revel gwledd-
gwreichioni to spark, to emit sparks gwreichion-
gwrteithio to fertilize (with manure, compost etc.) gwrteithi-
gwrthdystio to protest, to remonstrate; to give counter-evidence gwrthdysti-
gwrthryfela to rebel, to revolt gwrthryfel-
gwrychio to bristle gwrychi-
gwyngalchu to whitewash gwyngalch-
hadu to sow, to produce seed had-
haeru to insist, to assert, to allege haer-
halltu to salt hallt-
hamddena to spend time at leisure, to relax, to take respite hamdden-
haneru to halve haner-
hunanasesu to self-assess; self-assessment hunanases-
imiwneiddio to immunize imiwneiddi-
impio to graft; to implant; to (cause to) bud / sprout impi-
inswleiddio to insulate (in a technical sense) inswleiddi-
integru to integrate (calculus) integr-
israddio to downgrade, to demote israddi-
labelu to label label-
llabyddio to stone (cast stones at) llabyddi-
llaesu to slacken llaes-
llafnrolio to rollerblade llafnroli-
llafurio to toil, to labour, to strive llafuri-
llanw (=llenwi) to fill (De Cymru) llanw-
llawenhau to gladden, to make cheerful; to rejoice, to be cheerful llawenha-
lleisio to voice lleisi-
llên-ladrata to plagiarize llên-ladrata-
llesgáu to languish, to become feeble, to feel faint llesga-
llethu to overwhelm, to swamp, to stifle, to crush, to overpower lleth-
llewyrchu to shine, to give light, to gleam; to be successful llewyrchu
llochesu to harbour, to shelter lloches-
lloffa to glean lloff-
lluniadu to draw (in a technical sense) lluniad-
llurgunio to distort (facts, the truth), to mangle, to disfigure, to corrupt llurguni-
llwydo to turn grey, to go mouldy llwyd-
llwyfannu to stage (theatrical or musical performance); to appear on stage llwyfann-
llwyo to spoon out, to ladle out llwy-
llyfnhau to make smooth, to level, to polish llyfnha-
llyfnu to harrow; to smooth llyfn-
llythyru to correspond by letter, to write letters llythyr-
maglu to snare, to trap magl-
magu pwysau to put on weight
malurio to smash (to bits), to pulverize maluri-
manwerthu to retail manwerth-
marchogaeth to ride a horse marchog-
martsio to march (to make a marching movement) martsi-
masnachu to trade masnach-
medi to reap, to harvest med-
meddalu to soften, to become soft meddal-
meddyginiaethu to medicate, to treat medically meddyginiaeth-
meiddio to dare, to venture, to presume meiddi-
meindio to mind, to care meindi-
meintoli to quantify meintol-
meiriol to thaw, to melt meiriol-
melynu to become yellow; to make yellow or golden melyn-
melysu to sweeten melys-
melltithio to put a curse on, to curse melltithi-
mercheta to chase wowen, to womanise, to flirt merchet-
merlota to go pony trekking
methdalu to be bankrupt, to be insolvent; bankruptcy methdal-
mewnfudo to immigrate mewnfud-
moduro to motor, to drive modur-
modylu to modulate (in physics) modyl-
moelyd to overturn (turn vehicle etc. upside down), to topple (De Cymru) (from "ymhoelyd") moel-
moli to praise (in worship / adulation) mol-
morgeisio to mortgage morgeisi-
morio to voyage by sea, to sail mori-
morthwylio to hammer morthwyli-
mudferwi to simmer mudferw-
mudo to move, to migrate, to move something from one place to another mud-
nadu to prevent, to hinder, not to allow nad-
naddu to shape with a sharp tool, to chip (at), to hew, to whittle, to trim, to carve nadd-
negyddu to negate negydd-
nodweddu to characterize, to be characteristic of, to distinguish nodwedd-
nychu to become weak or feeble, to waste away, to pine; to make weak, to enfeeble nych-
nyddu to spin (wool, yarn), to wind, to twist nydd-
odi to snow (Gogledd-ddwyrain Cymru) od-
odli to rhyme odl-
olynu to succeed, to follow (in succession) olyn-
optimeiddio to optimize optimeiddi-
paldaruo to talk nonsense, to blather (Gogledd Cymru) paldaru-
parablu to utter, to say, to speak, to babble parabl-
parlysu to paralyse parlys-
paru to pair par-
pasteureiddio to pasturize pasteureiddi-
peillio to pollinate peilli-
perffeithio to perfect perffeithi-
picedu to picket piced-
pilio to peel pili-
piltran to potter about, to fiddle (Gogledd Cymru) piltr-
pistyllio ['r glaw] to pour with rain pistilli-
plagio to plague, to afflict, to annoy, to pester plagi-
pledio to plead (in law), to offer as excuse or justification pledi-
plicio to peel, to pluck (feathers), pluck stringed instrument plici-
plisgo to shell, to peel, to exfoliate plisg-
plismona to police, policing
plymio to dive, to dip, to sound (for depth), to plunge (into); to plumb plymi-
poblogeiddio to popularize poblogeiddi-
pontio to bridge, to span ponti-
portreadu to portray, to represent portread-
prinhau to become scarce, to diminish; to make scarce, to restrict, to curtail prinha-
priodoli to attribute, to ascribe priodol-
prisio to price; pricing prisi-
puro to purify, to refine pur-
pwrcasu to purchase pwrcas-
pwyllgora to hold, frequent or attend committees
recriwtio to recruit recriwti-
rhacanu to rake (De Cymru) rhacan-
rhagdalu to prepay rhagdal-
rhagfynegi to predict (in a technical sense) rhagfyneg-
rhaglennu to program; programming rhaglenn-
rhamantu to romance; to romanticize rhamant-
rhechain to fart rhech-
rhefru to babble, to rant, to scold, to complain rhefr-
rheibio to seize by force, to ravage, to plunder; to bewitch, to cast a spell on rheibi-
rheoleiddio to regulate (control indirectly through rules, processes or effects) rheoleiddi-
rhicio to score (a scratch or notch), to notch, to groove rhici-
rhincian dannedd to gnash / to grind teeth (especially from rage) rhinci-
rhoid (= rhoi) to give, to put, to place (Gogledd Cymru) rhodd-, rhoi-
rhwydo to net rhwyd-
rhychu to crumple, to crease, to wrinkle, to become rumpled; to cut trenches / furrows / grooves rhych-
rhyfela to wage war, to war rhyfel-
rhynnu to suffer from cold, to freeze; to cause to be freezing cold rhynn-
saernïo to fashion, to construct, to build (as an artisan; also figuratively) saernï-
samplu to select or capture samples (in a technical sense) sampl-
sarnu to trample on, to spoil, to spill sarn-
sboncio to bounce, to spring sbonci-
sbrotian to rummage, to nose about sbroti-
seboni to soap, to lather; to soft-soap, to flatter sebon-
segura to idle, to laze segur-
sengi (ar) to tread (on), to trample on sang-
Seisnigo to Anglicize Seisnig-
selio to seal seli-
serennu to shine like a star, to sparkle, to twinkle, to shine brilliantly, to dazzle serenn-
sganio to scan (in a technical sense e.g. with a machine) scani-
sglefrfyrddio to skateboard sglefrfyrddi-
sglefrolio to roller skate, to rollerblade sglefroli-
sgleinio to gleam, to shine (be or make shiny), to polish sgleini-
sgrinio to screen (for disease etc.) sgrini-
sgriwio to screw sgriwi-
sgwrio to scour (clean / polish by rubbing), to purge sgwri-
siffrwd to make a rustling sound, to shuffle (cards etc.) siffryd-
sleifio to wriggle, to steal past, to slink, to creep sleifi-
sleisio to slice sleisi-
smentio to cement smenti-
snorclo to snorkel snorcl-
sodro to solder, to fix firmly in place, to place firmly sodr-
steilio to style steili-
stelcian to skulk, to stalk, to prowl, to lurk stelci-
stido bwrw glaw to pour with rain (Gogledd Cymru)
stilo to iron (De Cymru) stil-
straffaglio to struggle straffagli-
stryffaglio to struggle stryffagli-
stwna to potter about, to fiddle about
suro to sour sur-
swatio to crouch, to squat; to cuddle, to snuggle (up) in bed swati-
sychlanhau to dry clean sychlanheu-, sychlanha-
syflyd to budge, to move, to stir syfl-
syfrdanu to stun, to stupefy, to amaze, to astound syfrdan-
syrffedu to suffer from a surfeit, to feel fed up, to overindulge, to be bored stiff syrffed-
taeru to insist, to assert, to argue, to disagree taer-
taflunio to project (an image) tafluni-
taranu to thunder, to sound with thunder taran-
teilwra to tailor teilwr-
teneuo to thin (out), to dwindle teneu-
tirlenwi to landfill tirlenw-
tonni to undulate, to form waves, to oscillate, to surge up, to fall in waves (of hair) tonn-
traddodi to deliver (verdict, speech, sermon); to hand down, to hand over, to transfer traddod-
traethu to talk, to narrate, to relate, to speak (publicly) traeth-
trafaelio to travel; to labour trafaeli-
traflyncu to guzzle, to gobble up, to devour traflync-
trawsgyweirio to change key, to transpose, to modulate (in music) trawsgyweiri-
treiglo to mutate (grammar); to roll treigl-
treio to ebb, to drain away trei-
tresio bwrw glaw to pour (thrash) with rain
tresmasu to trespass, to encroach, to infringe tresmas-
troedio to tread, to step troedi-
trosleisio to dub, to do a voice-over trosleisi-
trydaneiddio to electrify trydaneiddi-
trydar to tweet, to chirp, to twitter trydar-
tryledu to diffuse (in physics and chemistry) tryled-
trysori to treasure trysor-
twrio to rummage, to burrow (= tyrchu, turio) twri-
tyllu to make a hole or holes [in], to dig, to bore, to drill, to perforate tyll-
tyrru to pile up, to amass, to throng tyrr-
tystio to testify, to witness tysti-
unioni to straighten, to put right, to redress union-
wado to beat, to strike (De Cymru) wad-
wyna to give birth to lamb, to lamb
ymbarchuso to make oneself respectable, to become respectable ymbarchus-
ymbellhau (oddi wrth) to distance oneself (from), to go further away ymbellha-
ymdoddi to integrate (into society); to melt, to dissolve, to merge ymdodd-
ymdrochi to immerse oneself (in water, or figuratively), to bathe ymdroch-
ymdynghedu to swear an oath, to vow, to pledge ymdynghed-
ymddiddan to converse, to chat, to speak ymddiddan-
ymfudo to emigrate, to migrate, to move (house) ymfud-
ymgeleddu to care for; to cherish, to succour, to provide shelter / comfort / food ymgeledd-
ymgodymu to wrestle, to grapple ymgodym-
ymgolli to lose oneself ymgoll-
ymgreinio to grovel, to prostrate oneself, to wallow ymgreini-
ymgrymu to bow, to stoop ymgrym-
ymgyfarwyddo to get acquainted with, to familiarise oneself with, to get used to ymgyfarwydd-
ymgynnull to assemble, to congregate, to gather together ymgynull-
ymhél â rhywbeth to be involved with something ymheli-
ymhelaethu to elaborate, to expand on ymhelaeth-
ymlwybro to make one's way, to wander ymlwybr-
ymofyn to seek, to desire, to want ymofynn-
ymrafael to differ; to disagree, to quarrel, to wrangle ymrafael-
ymresymu to reason, to think logically, to argue ymresym-
ymryson to compete, to contend, to quarrel ymryson-
ymsefydlu to establish oneself ymsefydl-
ymsuddo to sink, to submerge, to immerse oneself ymsudd-
ymwrthod to abstain (from), to refuse, to reject, to forsake ymwrthod-
ysgafnhau to lighten (load, weight) ysgafnha-
ysglyfaethu to prey upon, to plunder ysglyfaeth-
ysgwyddo to shoulder ysgwydd-
ysigo to sprain, to buckle (distort) ysig-
ystreulio to rinse ystreuli-
ystwytho to make or become supple ystwyth-
submitted by HyderNidPryder to learnwelsh [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:25 Genoss01 MMW: DJT will get credit for the Democrat's booming economy, again

Trump came into office on Obama's booming economy and took credit it for it his first month in office. He handed Biden an utter smoking ruin which Biden turned around, creating the best economic recovery from Covid worldwide.
But a majority percentage of Americans give Trump credit for Obama's booming economy and believe Biden has been terrible for the economy. Biden's economy is getting so good that soon it will be hard for anyone to ignore. In the next years, the economic effects of his landmark bills such as the infrastructure bill, IRA, CHIPS Act, etc will start having a powerful effect and if Trump wins he will get credit for it all.
Then Trump will destroy the economy, hand it to a Democrat and the Democrat will get the blame for that while Trump will get the credit for the booming economy he inherited from Biden, rinse repeat.
submitted by Genoss01 to MarkMyWords [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:24 larockies Have you lost any other bad habits while on this med? NSV!

I have stopped smoking cigars! I smoked "chick cigars" for forever! It was more of a mental habit vs physical like cigarettes are. I'd sit outside for hours smoking and scrolling. After three weeks on this med I just quit. This benefit alone makes this medication worth it to me!!! The added bonus is the weight loss. ❤️❤️
submitted by larockies to WegovyWeightLoss [link] [comments]