Nclex questions gallbladder

Student Nurse: tips, advice, and support

2012.12.09 12:39 Baconated_Kayos Student Nurse: tips, advice, and support

Practically anything and everything related to nursing school.

2019.09.24 00:21 milehigh777 PassNclex

Welcome to PASS NCLEX! This subreddit is about the NCLEX exam. If you have taken this exam, share your experience and tips with others. If you are going to take the exam, explore the subreddit and ask questions.

2009.08.03 18:21 kingofbigmac DiagnoseMe

The Internet's walk-in clinic. Because going to a doctor would be too expensive.

2024.06.09 06:28 pinkglittersparkles2 Second opinion on ER visit

Background: 40F, diagnosed with obesity, PCOS, asthma, past with anemia, various mental health concerns. Had a sleep apnea test years ago that was normal.
Saw my PCP recently with concerns….awful, never ending heartburn even on drugs like Pepcid, so bad I’m throwing up during the day, getting heartburn from water and pills and waking up during the night gagging on stomach acid. Can manage on Prilosec, but I was concerned that PPIs are not good long term, but was told “Eh. It’s fine. See GI” so I have an appointment scheduled.
Then, I’m super concerned about my weight. I’ve gained about 50 pounds in a year without much change to my appetite and eating habits. That’s after 4 months on Wegovy where I ate next to nothing and lost 3-4 pounds when you’re supposed to lose that a week.
I was just told “Well you’ve just got to lose weight. I know it’s hard…” along with a referral to a dietitian.
I left crying and didn’t even talk about the shortness of breath I was experiencing because I just felt so defeated.
I’ve been experiencing shortness of breath for several months. I chalked it up to recovering from Covid, asthma, not being strict enough with asthma meds (they’re expensive), allergies, but it’s only continued to get worse. I’ve been working on small things to try to get my weight more under control (like always) in the meantime…
But….I noticed yesterday that I was really struggling to breathe. I got in bed and had trouble kissing my husband because I couldn’t breathe. I realized I woke up several times during the night gagging and gasping for air.
Woke up this morning, felt meh and ate something small, journaled and watched some Netflix. Next thing I know, I wake up four hours later after falling asleep upright on my couch, tv on, light on. I had a ridiculous headache, was very much tired and fatigued and my feet were swollen, double their usual size.
I felt scared and went to the ER to get checked out, worried about heart issues, retaining fluid…that sorta thing. My ECG and heart rate showed nothing abnormal on my Apple Watch if that is significant.
Long story short I was sent home with a referral to pulmonology (a call I’ll have to make) to see about sleep apnea or asthma stuff.
And here I am, looking at the test results on MyChart and I’m not convinced that there’s nothing wrong…especially since I’m just sitting here on my couch, same temp in here as always, sweating with a 100 BPM resting heart rate (elevated for me).
First…the BNP Peptile - EDTA plasma test was elevated. It was 247.7 pg/mL. Nothing I’m Googling says that is a good thing, especially mixed with other symptoms.
I was also told that my chest x-ray on my lungs looked fine, but my heart seemed a little large on the X-ray, but they couldn’t get that good of a look, but I shouldn’t worry about it. But the chest x-ray reading doesn’t seem exactly “normal” either.
And with the ECG. The world “abnormal” is mentioned a couple of times…and that doesn’t seem “normal”…but I’m not a doctor.
Please, please. I feel so defeated and ready to give up. I know I’m fat. But I am completely miserable. This can’t just be from being fat.
My daily medications include: Prozac, lamictal, Trazadone, atenolol (for anxiety, not high blood pressure), Metformin (I’m not diabetic; I take it for PCOS and preventative blood sugar management), Lipitor (small dose)….and I think that’s it. I’ve had my gallbladder removed in 2019. No other surgeries or autoimmune conditions or anything. No cancer history. Mom died at 50. Dad has had prostate cancer along with blood pressure issues with no diagnosis.
Willing to answer whatever questions needed, except my exact weight in numbers.
submitted by pinkglittersparkles2 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:12 Then_Competition_864 2 months post op

Hey guys! I just wanted to share some stuff in case anyone was scared and anxious like I was for my (21F) surgery and recovery.
I had my surgery in April and it went pretty smooth I’d say. No complications. I did cry a lotttt cause I was terrified. It’s okay to be emotional. This was my first surgery and first time under anesthesia. So I was thinking I was gonna die (I know I’m dramatic, but it was a big deal for me and my anxiety).
For the first two weeks, I was miserable ngl. I’m a side sleeper so sleep wasn’t really working out for me on my back. I was anxious with the meds and in pain without them. No matter what I ate, I needed to use the restroom 20 minutes later. (No joke, don’t mess around with it, I had too many close calls). And I felt just weak all around so I took 2 weeks off of work instead of 5 days.
At one month I would say I improved a lot. I was getting my strength back up. My glue had came off. I was able to tell what was causing me to use the bathroom in urgency and avoided those foods for a while. But I realized I had lost a LOT of weight. Nearly 30 pounds since my attack in March. I also had kind of like gallbladder attacks but not too terrible. It was scary, but I’ve had all the testing done that insurance would cover and nothing is wrong.
Now at a bit over two months, I am seeing more of my regular bowel movements. I actually have stools again! But I think I’m more constipated now so I’ve been taking miralax and it works pretty good. I have my complete strength back. Soon, I’ll be heading in to the gym to start my work outs again. And I’m glad I don’t have to be in constant fear of another gallbladder attack.
Moral of the story: if you’re scared about the recovery or the surgery, you will have ups and downs. You will be okay. And if you’re on your recovery journey after surgery and are asking yourself “when will I feel normal again?” Take your time. All bodies heal differently. You had surgery! That’s a big change for your body. If anyone has any questions about surgery or post op, feel free to ask. :)
submitted by Then_Competition_864 to gallbladders [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:41 Legitimate_Ear_5839 NCLEX!

Hey all I took the NCLEX for the second time today, feel like absolutely crap it stopped me at exactly 85 I was hoping to keep going. I fee like I got at least half of those questions wrong and felt like they were the most basic questions, don’t know where to go from here. Any advice is really appreciated! Thank you so much.
submitted by Legitimate_Ear_5839 to nursing [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:41 Correct_Armadillo_91 Passed in 110 questions!

I took the nclex on Friday 5/31 at 11:00am in Florida. The computer shut off at 110 questions. On Sunday at around 3pm I was able to get my quick results and found out I passed and Monday morning I received an email from the board with my license number!
I studied for about 4 weeks, I listen to all 12 of Mark K lectures, lightly reviewed Barbara O’s nclex study guide, and did archer assessment every other day and reviewing the rationales (I finished 51% of the q bank).
I definitely do not recommend trying the Pearson pop up as I got the bad pop up and it made my weekend an emotional roller coaster until I got confirmation I passed.
submitted by Correct_Armadillo_91 to PassNclex [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:40 Longjumping_Bid_3828 Urgent Assistance Needed

My name is Nate, and I am in my final semester of nursing school (yay!). I have subscriptions for UWorld and NCLEX Bootcamp (I purchased Bootcamp last night and ran through their GI questions for my GI exam on Monday). I also have Kaplan, which my school forced us to get for our final class, assuming I pass the three I am currently taking, so I cannot use that QBank as freely as I can UWorld and Bootcamp because the school has us on a strict schedule when it comes to using Kaplan. I am just wondering if I have enough to first survive my classes (in my Monday class, I am at an 81% test average with three exams left, including the previously mentioned GI exam in two days; we have to stay above 80% to pass the class at the end of the semester in five weeks) and eventually prep for NCLEX (provided I graduate which I cannot say is a certainty until the semester is over because I refuse to jinx myself before then). I struggle with case studies on our school exams and learning the content. I retain just enough to survive my classes, but I feel like I am always going in there unsure of myself on exam day because of my long-term struggles with retaining information. My study habits aren't great, but I have run 118 questions between Bootcamp and UWorld today on GI content as I am typing this. Any advice about tools to assist with learning is appreciated :-)! Thank you all for your time reading this!!
submitted by Longjumping_Bid_3828 to StudentNurse [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:51 laneygracee took my exam yesterday

hi everyone!
i took my exam yesterday (friday) at 8 am and it stopped at 85 questions.
as someone who went into it expecting the full 150, my heart DROPPED when my screen went black. i feel like i wasn’t absolutely confident in ANY of my answers. however, i left with a positive attitude and the lady at the Pearson desk kept telling me, “I really don’t think you have anything to worry about”.. made me skeptical that maybe the Pearson people know?? just a thought.
but my main question is—is the pearson vue trick still accurate? i waited 3-4 hours after i took my exam and got the NCLEX information email following my exam. i got the good pop up saying, “our records indicate…” but i’m just so afraid to believe it as i cannot believe i could’ve passed in 85. just wanted to hear everyone’s thoughts!!!
submitted by laneygracee to PassNclex [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:44 RipleyDipley22 Failed at 150 but…….

I wanted to post something because I know how discouraging it can be failing and having to pick yourself up and start studying again. Since failing, I have had a couple of days to reflect on things and I wanted to give my two cents for what it’s worth. Truly, the NCLEX is not as hard as it seems going into it. I used bootcamp and Mark K to study. Once I got going, I felt it was incredibly similar to bootcamp. With that being said, I truly believe that how you were taught in school and how you study for NCLEX matters. Where I know I went wrong was not having good test stamina and letting my anxiety get in my way. When I hit 85 questions and it kept going, I was disappointed even though I had told myself to prepare for all 150 questions. The best advice I can that I plan on using going forward is work on your active recall of the information you are learning, learn to use a similar environment that requires you to sit and focus for a long period of time, take your time with each question, dont rush, and realize that more questions isn’t bad. If how you studied isn’t working, maybe try changing the environment or how you’re studying. This is just me but I also wished I hadn’t waited so long to take my test. 6 weeks was truly to long and I feel I would have done way better had I hunkered down and taken the test right away instead of waiting. The report I got back showed that I was on the line of passing. Had I slowed down and got out of my head more, I believe I would have passed. Also, in my experience, the PVT does not work. I tried it mainly to reregister to take the test again and I got the “good”pop up even though I had failed. I also received my results 24 hours later from my states BON so I highly recommend just waiting it out. Hopefully someone finds this helpful and feels like maybe they aren’t alone. Failing the first time doesn’t make you a bad nurse and has no reflection on your abilities. Not all of us are great at test taking and that’s ok. You just have to figure out what works for you and practice that until you are so comfortable that it’s second nature. Good luck future nurses!
submitted by RipleyDipley22 to PassNclex [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:09 Flat_Respect9230 PASSED AT 85Q

Hey everyone! I made a post 2 days ago FREAKING out and convinced I failed the NCLEX but my quick results said PASS! I’m so over the moon about this . I wanted to tell everyone DONT GIVE UP! Keep pushing! Feel free to leave questions I’ll answer them about my experience! I used Uworld and Mark K lectures for my study along with some HURST review.
submitted by Flat_Respect9230 to NCLEX [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:30 nurseboii01 Passed in 85 questions first try

Passed in 85 questions first try
For those who are getting borderlines on Archer, you can still pass the first time! I also had a friend who scored low but still passed the first time!
My advice is, don’t bother learning the content on Archer. LEARN HOW TO ANSWER NCLEX QUESTIONS on archer. I rarely looked over the rationales.
I also used Mark K to relearn the content. A lot of people say to only listen to lecture 12 but I highly recommend listening to them all.
Overall, I would not study for too long or try to relearn EVERYTHING. You will not know everything but that is okay!!!! Just go into the exam with confidence and you’ll do great :)
submitted by nurseboii01 to PassNclex [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:44 annastacianoella NCLEX Nightmare? Conquer Those Questions Like a Pro! 💪

Fellow nursing students, the NCLEX looms large, casting a shadow of anxiety over our studies. But fear not! We can tackle this beast together!
Let's share our strategies, tips, and resources to conquer those tricky NCLEX questions:
Need additional support and resources?
Let's conquer the NCLEX together! We've got this! 👊
submitted by annastacianoella to NursingAssignments [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:43 Reasonable-War-7975 NCLEX Nightmare? Conquer Those Questions Like a Pro! 💪

Fellow nursing students, the NCLEX looms large, casting a shadow of anxiety over our studies. But fear not! We can tackle this beast together!
Let's share our strategies, tips, and resources to conquer those tricky NCLEX questions:
Need additional support and resources?
Let's conquer the NCLEX together! We've got this! 👊
submitted by Reasonable-War-7975 to NursingAssignmntHelp1 [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:03 No_Policy115 Stopped at 89

I just took the NCLEX today and I don’t know how to feel about it. The exam stopped at 89 for me and idk what that means 😭 I felt good about some questions and others not so much.
Did any of your tests shut off at 89? And did u pass? Asking for a friend 😭😭
submitted by No_Policy115 to PassNclex [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:33 FabulousUse21 I just received the best news of this year so far!

I just found out today that I one and done-d it in 85 questions. I actually teared up reading it because it took a lot of work and time to get to where I am today. I was lucky enough to have a cousin who gave me some tips and gave me an idea of what the NCLEX was like. She’s the one who also advised me to check out NCLEX subs for info and advice, so I did most of the research on my own from there.
First thing I did was read up on the NCLEX and every little detail about it. Next step was finding good review material, this one took a while before I finally settled on Mark K and Bootcamp. For my study plan, since Bootcamp already had a couple, I just used that and added more of what I thought I still needed to do. I used their 2 month schedule which left me 2 more weeks before my exam to regroup and check what I still needed to improve and for last minute test runs of the exam.
I kept reminding myself that I didn’t have to finish at 85 since it didn’t really mean much but it did shut off there. I took 2 breaks in total which was just the amount I planned on so I could pace myself and relieve some of the anxiety mid-exam. I walked out of the testing center feeling super relieved because it’s finally over. I wasn’t even thinking about the results (not because I was confident about passing but because I did not have the energy or will to actually mull over it). I felt like I answered a lot of the questions right, even the cases, but I was also really unsure about a lot of it so I was honestly lost on what my chances were.
I got 4 high chances on my Bootcamp readiness exams and was scoring above average on my question banks by the time my exam date came. The Bootcamp videos were a huge help, most especially their case study rationale when it came to getting a hang of answering the NCLEX. Mark K was a huge help when it came to prioritization and safety. It gave me a better idea on how to dissect the questions and pick the best answer.
If there’s anything you’ll take from this post it’s:
  1. Pace yourself. Both when you’re writing the exam and when you’re studying for it.
  2. It’s okay to not get high scores initially, read your rationale and work your way up.
  3. Test runs are a must. 85 questions is no joke, so is 150. Get yourself acclimated to that.
  4. Arrive early to the testing site so things can be done smoothly and without panicking.
  5. Once the test is over let it go. It’s already done.
  6. Don’t lose hope. Keep fighting until that very last question. You can do this.
submitted by FabulousUse21 to NextGenerationNCLEX [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 15:58 illadapter Passed on 85 questions

Just dropping in to give some relief to those stressing, the NCLEX RN was not that bad! I honestly felt prepared for it. Granted I have taken the NCLEX PN before and having taken one prior was tremendously helpful as I knew what to expect and alleviate some of the anxiety that comes uncertainty. The NCLEX RN honestly seemed easier than the PN and idk the reason for that. This one I walked out knowing I passed.
For study tips: - don’t cram yourself with information. It is a test of safety. Focus on triaging patients and priority interventions. I got a TON of those questions. -I just used ATI, but any program that offers mock CAT exams, USE THEM!! Mine kept shutting off at 85 and definitely made me feel more confident going in. -review delegation too, they love to ask about that
For exam tips: -wake up early, get yourself going you don’t want to be groggy going in -wear something comfy and get your protein in (as Nurse Mike says 😉) -take your time on the case studies. I got 5 of them, and sometimes I’d hit next and just realize I missed a piece of info. They are lengthy and it’s like solving a puzzle, sometimes you have to keep digging for clues. You have 5 hours you will have time to slow down on those. -I and nursing school can’t stress this enough- ABCs and ADPIE. I really found myself with so many questions like this.
Good luck all and thanks for sharing your tips and tricks for me! You all got this, the pass right is high this year.
submitted by illadapter to PassNclex [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 12:28 Tartanrebel019 Surgery 7/6/24 by NHS Scotland , post op day 1.

Hey, thought I'd share my surgery experience with NHS Scotland. First thing I want to say, is that you are treated really really well and carefully by all the staff.
I was to go there for 7:30am, arrived in the waiting room, signed in etc. What I thought was interesting they didt allow anyone else to be there with you, you go it alone, they were told to leave and can only see you when they come to pick you up.
Had a bit of a long wait, the nurse from my anesthesia team met me first and went over some similar questions pre op give you, she then said the next person to meet me was my anesthesiologist. I didn't wait long after to see her, she was super super cool and chill and went over everything, I said how I am worried that I am anemic, she said my level 100 is completely fine, she didn't know why people were panicking about it, she said the surgery would only be a big risk if it was at 75 or 80.
The surgeon met me next, he seemed familiar, he asked if I remembered him, I said kind of, he said he was one of the surgeon's who saw me back in A&E in October and since then he's been following my case and insisted that he did the surgery as he knows about me. I was so glad about that, he gave me two options, both are valid. One go ahead with surgery then get the anemic investigated, two cancel surgery to get the anaemia sorted out then do surgery. I was like I've prepared and came all th way here so I went ahead with it, which he was totally cool about.
Went back to the waiting room and got really nervous when I was called to change for theatre. Two other woman were there, one was also getting gallbladder surgery and I am so thankful to her, she had a few surgeries before and kept me calm about everything, we just ended up chatting away all 3 of us. Yeah I felt so much calmer and relaxed after our talk. I was taken last to the anesthesiologist room before being taken to theatre.
I want to say please don't be scared at all of getting anesthesia, I mean that. Everyone was so chill and give you some strong painkillers to make you drowsy, then they start the process by injection while giving you an oxygen mask. It's just like falling asleep, I woke up what seemed like 2 minutes later but it wasn't haha, omg I felt like I just had the best sleep in my entire life! I felt so good and relaxed.
Pain wasn't that bad, only the incision at the belly button hurt the most, yes it's painful but manageable. First thing I noticed was my constant chronic gallbladder pain is gone!! GONE!! I didn't have a sore throat from the tube just had to clear my throat alot after, water helps. My surgical team came to visit me and said the surgery was a complete success. My gallbladder had alot of adhesions around it, like alot. And I had more stones in it than my scans picked up, a ton of stones some really big ones they could even feel through the gallbladder. You're not allowed to get a picture or see the stones.
I was meant to go home the same day but the gas pains were so bad that they kept me in, like gas pains are no joke omg it is bad but walking around helps ALOT. I'M doing good now, there is no restrictions on what you can eat right away but they prefer you to eat sensible. Which I'm doing, you get two weeks off, if you need longer contact your GP.
I'm really glad I went ahead with surgery, it feels really scary at first but it really isn't.
submitted by Tartanrebel019 to gallbladders [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 11:12 Primary-Gas-8441 Could this be pancreatitis

Burning/tender pain under right rib
Hi 👋 32 female, BEING TREATED FOR HEAMOCHROMATOSIS, current ferratin is around 140 with 74% saturation ,non smoker, tee total, healthy -ish diet , bodybuilder, been taking testosterone for 3ish years history of on and off cloudy urine had full STI/STD screening, bacterial swabs all clear, fully recovered alcoholic and prescription drug addict haven’t touched either in over 6 years
I’m UK based and on Saturday out of nowhere I started getting a sharp stabbing pain directly under my right boob I initially thought this was a pulled intercostal muscle so thought nothing of it.
A few days after I noticed when i pushed on the area under my ribs it was tender I went to the GP who has referred me for a livekidney scan but then last night I started to feel a bit feverish, needed to wee a little more than usual and the pain was also in my shoulder blade but the shoulder pain doesn’t seem as noticeable this morning still feeling warmer than usual
I woke up this morning still not feeling “ill” but I don’t feel good and the burning/tender feeling is still there My Whole right side feels off and I know there is something going on with an organ within this area. I’ve pin pointed it to my livepancreas or gallbladder.
My dad has had his gallbladder removed he also nearly died from chronic pancreatitis in the past year, my aunt currently has a gallbladder full of stones and “slush”, my uncle has just had his kidney removed so understandably I’m worried about this area of my body.
My question is, I’m not comfortable waiting for a scan that could be months , and have considered heading up to a&e would this be warranted in this case? I was thinking of phoning the out of hours to also see what they think, I don’t want to waste valuable resources but I also know something is going on in my body.
Anyway thank you for reading I really appreciate it!
Edit should also add I’ve been feeling like there is less room in my midsection like I just feel inflamed I can’t explain it
submitted by Primary-Gas-8441 to pancreatitis [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 07:03 zombiefiedcrypt im struggling so much and i dont know what to do... (advice wanted if possible within my means, but please be nice, im not doing too well right now)

trigger warning for disordered eating, medical emergencies, and just general self-hatred.
im currently bawling my eyes out while i type this, so apologies for any spelling or grammar mistakes.
i was diagnosed with pcos in 2019 in indiana, but my life was so hectic at the time that when i moved to ohio a couple of months later, i completely forgot about it, so for context i technically was already diagnosed but didnt remember it (im also on mental health related medications that cause brain fog, so the stress of that paired with family issues and moving in with my mother didnt help). i went to an obgyn to get diagnosed in ohio, and they did a blood test and said that my hormone levels were fine, so i didnt have pcos, and they lied in my medical records saying i denied hirsutism and other pcos related symptoms, so i didnt go back. i was 210 lbs at 5 foot 8, so it wasnt that bad, but i felt horrible about myself and like a complete failure, so much so that i went inpatient to a mental health facility for reasons i dont feel comfortable exploring publicly, but it was bad.
my mother recommended i try a diet called optavia, so i paid half and she paid half, and i got down to 150 in an unhealthy amount of time, before i had gallstones in my bile duct and had to get my gallbladder removed, and was advised to stop the diet. within months i skyrocketed back to 190, and my pcp re-diagnosed me with pcos, but only told me i should eat less and exercise more, and would not refer me to an endo because "the people we refer to only take people with abnormal test results nowadays" for context, im autistic and i pace as a self-soothing mechanism. i pace over 50,000 steps a day because im on ssi because i cant work (i struggle with sensory related issues so bad that at 24 years old i have violent meltdowns still with no way to stop them, i dont hurt people but i throw things, which i am ashamed of, im sorry), so i have a lot of free time at home. i do not do well with other types of exercises because i have a sliding hiatal hernia, so i dont know what to do in that department.
i also have hypothyroidism and my tsh was recently tested at .53, and the lowest on mychart before it says its abnormal is .27, but the doctor said it was okay, despite it being a sudden drop from the 2.0-3.0 range, as well as my vitamin d dropping suddenly, she told me to take over the counter pills for my vitamin d, but i cant afford to buy them because i only get 943 dollars a month, and i have to make 250 last a whole month after bills, not even counting the money i have to spend on food for myself to last a whole month. i feel like im being failed by my doctors all around, and in a fit of desperation im going back to the same obgyn in upcoming months, hopefully being taken seriously now that i have paperwork from 2019 and from my previous doctor saying i have pcos, but i dont know how to advocate for myself because ive never done so, and i have medical trauma from not being taken seriously until it gets so bad i cant be ignored anymore, especially from my parents.
when i had my gallbladder issues my mom left me on the floor crying for 1-2 days (cant remember how long, it was all a blur), it wasnt until i physically could not speak and told her via text that if i died it was her fault while laying on my stomach in the middle of the living room on the floor, that i went to the er. i was very obviously jaundiced out of my mind and was immediately taken back for testing. im also worried if i push to be taken seriously ill be labeled a maligner or something, because i have been for my mental health issues by psychiatric stays in the past. im 24 but i constantly get told i act younger than i am, probably because of the autism, im not sure, but i feel so lost and small and i dont know what to do.
i posted a question on the r / columbus subreddit asking for experiences from people with pcos for the specific location i was going to, and was immediately given unwarranted and unasked for medical advice by a nurse who sarcastically called me out for complaining about 'canned diet and exercise not being something i wanted to hear', and after a while they deleted their comment, but i was so jarred by it that i deleted my post entirely and cried myself to sleep.
i dont want to be a skinny toothpick, i dont even just want my weight to be dealt with. i want to have periods again, i want to stop craving sweets constantly, i want to at least lessen my hair on parts of my body, i want to not be tired 24/7, i want to be a healthy but not unrealistic weight, i want to feel good about myself, i want to stop being hormonal. when i got my tubes taken out last november, i had cysts all over my fallopian tubes. im in so much pain but im so used to it that i dont often feel it until it really hits, and then its crippling and it hurts so much. i feel dramatic. my doctors make me feel like im dramatic. am i being dramatic? i dont even know anymore
i just want to be happy with myself, but it feels so far away, and i cant even afford vitamin d supplements, so how am i supposed to buy all these pcos related supplements? im on buckeye medicaid and i dont even know which medications can be covered to help me. ive been asked if ive been told im diabetic before and ive said no, and the doctors move on, but i feel like that possibly means im pre-diabetic but no one has ever put it in a chart or went further than asking that question, so i dont even know. i feel like i need to be handheld through this process but i dont even know where to begin or if im allowed to ask for help, or who to ask for help from.
im so stuck and so alone and i dont know how to even help myself.
submitted by zombiefiedcrypt to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 06:49 sthpwcees 13lb dog on 125mg of Ursodiol

My dog weighs 13 pounds and was prescribed 125 mg of Ursodiol twice a day for what he called a sludgy gallbladder. Upon reading about the medication, it appears that it is a really high dosage, more than what is recommended. He is a 12 year old Chihuahua terrier mix.
He is supposed to take this everyday for the next 3 months. I guess my question is if this is the proper treatment for what I'm assuming is Biliary Sludge based on what I've read. I just can't find anything that details the course of treatment of the gallbladder with ursodiol.
This is my first post here. Sorry if it's not correct in any way. Any help or insight is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
submitted by sthpwcees to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 03:14 ahrumah Question for those that passed/failed the NCLEX and only used Archer…

Can you post your stats? Specifically, interested in how much of the qbank you used and what percentage you got correct. Would also welcome any impressions of how the QBank compared to the real thing. Thank you!
submitted by ahrumah to PassNclex [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 02:57 Mahoushi Things Smell and Taste Different

I'm curious to know if anyone else can relate to this, or if it's something to be concerned about. Just to clarify, this is a post-op question.
A lot of things smell and taste slightly different, and all different in a similar way, like there's this underlying odour or flavour I never noticed before I had my gallbladder removed. I thought it was the medicine leaving my system and I originally associated the smell with 'hospital', but I had my surgery on 28th April and I still notice these changes.
I notice it most when I eat something with bread, and I smell it most in my sweat, but I have noticed it after I go to the bathroom too. It's not bad, just different, and I'm curious to know if anyone else can relate.
submitted by Mahoushi to gallbladders [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 02:52 i-am-just-tr0ubled Got my first C

I am a nursing student in the first semester of an ABSN program. Today I got my first C in a fundamentals exam. I didn't fail (70%, C-), but I was only a few points away from doing so.
I come from a strong academic background but from a different field - psychology. I graduated from my previous program with a 3.95 GPA, so I am not used to C's. Getting such a low grade really hit my ego. The hardest part about this is the NCLEX questions style: there are always two good answers and I feel like I always end up choosing the (slightly) wrong one because I overthink.
To make it all worse, I keep comparing myself to my classmates who got a better grade than I did.
How do I handle this ego hit? Do you guys have any recommendations on how to handle NCLEX-style questions?
submitted by i-am-just-tr0ubled to StudentNurse [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 02:12 SureTopic9080 How quick are quick results?

Took my NCLEX-RN today (Friday) at 8am. I don’t want to be checking all day tomorrow if there’s no chance they’ll come.
Exam felt hard and I had to guess on a few questions but I shut off at 85 so I am trying to stay confident.
I used Archer and Mark K for 2 weeks.
submitted by SureTopic9080 to PassNclex [link] [comments]