Song about missing someone who died

Name That Song: For identifying and locating songs/artists/albums/genres

2011.09.14 22:59 geekgirlpartier Name That Song: For identifying and locating songs/artists/albums/genres

A subreddit for identifying a song/artist/album/genre, or locating a song/album in a legal way. May contain NSFW content. Please read the rules before posting. Thank you and good luck :)

2016.12.26 22:29 God_loves_irony Idiots Nearly Dying

Almost dying . . . almost. No actual death, dismemberment, or gore; this sub is for close calls or things that could have gone much worse. This is a Safe For Work sub.

2018.10.22 23:06 Hogwarts Legacy

Hogwarts Legacy Your one-stop wizard shop about all things Hogwarts Legacy! Feel free to join our subreddit Discord server here:

2024.05.29 06:49 safesnake95 Diagnosed with angina pectoris on patient portal?

Hello. 29F here.
I was sent to do an echocardiogram and stress test by my PCP recently due to her reading my heart rate as high (I always get extremely anxious when I go to the doctor, so I wasn't worried about this initially). I honestly don't eat very well and am overweight.
My cardiologist didn't call me after my stress test/echocardiogram (they were done on the same day). I had to cancel my follow-up appointment due to being sick and when I called to reschedule, they said he no longer practiced at the office (which surprised me, since he didn't mention that to me). I logged on to the patient portal in the meantime and under the "problems" section, it says I was diagnosed with angina pectoris.
I'm confused and scared because Dr. Google seems to think I'm dying. I'm freaking out a little bit.
Can someone explain this to me? Obviously, I'm going to get in with a cardiologist who can explain it to me in person, but for the time being, can anyone ease my anxiety about this or at least explain it to me?
Thank you so much in advance.
submitted by safesnake95 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:49 CallMePoro PSA for state of the economy.

From observing this sub for a while, I’ve noticed a common theme among the opinions of players: the economy sucks bad. I don’t disagree - but as an experienced mobile player I thought I’d put some information out there that PC only players may not be fully aware of.
I know many of you already know that there’s many maps missing from the PC version. But what does this actually mean?
What you might not know, is the loot economy of all maps is not equal. Some of the future map designs have significantly higher risk and difficulty, and thus will consistently offer much better rewards as loot. This is indisputably good balancing. I think we’d all agree that higher risk of dying = more money.
Farm is generally regarded as the beginner map. Normal mode especially so. You can safely expect the loot economy of normal farm to be the worst in the game. Lockdown will offer a bit better loot than normal modes, but on average it’s nothing compared to the loot economy future maps. On mobile, people only bring T5 and T6 to farm in the hopes of killing other players for $$$. Most don’t go there in good gear hoping to get rich off loot - they’ll play other maps for that.
For someone who has played this game a lot, I think it’s genuinely a good thing for how the economy works. Play hard maps: high risk, high reward. If they increased normal farm loot, then they’d have to increase lockdown loot even more… and then the difficult maps even more, to the point it’d certainly begin crashing the economy. I think the current PC loot economy is designed with the more advanced maps in mind, which is probably a bit of oversight since those maps are unavailable for the moment. This makes the economy and map options quite underwhelming.
Anyways, I’m not sharing this with the intent to quiet the discussion about the bad economy. If it sucks - complain! Make your voice heard. That’s the purpose of a beta test. What I am trying to say is: be patient. Don’t make conclusions about the economy as a whole and write the game off as unplayable yet. I’ve seen quite a few people say they’ve already given up on the game due to the economy. The economy of PC is especially bad because we only have the lowest economy maps available. I hope once they release the higher economy maps, players will be at least a bit more satisfied with the loot diversity and choice of risk vs. reward they’re able to make.
submitted by CallMePoro to ArenaBreakoutInfinite [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:48 WarResident5795 Wild Kratts is the Worst Show Ever

Don’t be rude, but I ABSOLUTELY HATE WILD KRATTS AS FUCK!. It’s about these 2 Kratt idiots Who like to be Stupid with Animals.This is “educational” but Nobody learns because Chris and Martin are So Damn Stupid. Oh, Did I mention That Wild Kratts ripped off an Episode of Phineas and Ferb?
It’s called Platypus Cafe more like Platypiss Shit. Chez Platypus (Phineas and Ferb) Came out April 4,2009 While Wild Kratts’ Platypus Cafe Came Out January 10, 2011. So obviously Ripping off Phineas and Ferb. The Episode in a Nutshell is The Kratt Brothers being Stupid Then they chase a Platypus Watching it lay eggs then Groumand kidnaps Chris and takes 14 minutes left in to finally jump into the plot then Martin thinks a Platypus is Dead Blah Blah Blah. The Ripoff part is that Groumand made A Restaurant of Platypuses like Ohineas and Ferb. The Episode is Awful.
It’s Fanbase. OH MY GOSH IT’S FANBASE! THIS FANBASE IS THE WORST! Here’s Why I hate this Fanbase
  1. (And my Main Reason.) They are Rude: They Bash Opinions on People who hates Wild Kratts
  2. People Force People to watch this Show
  3. They make Invalid Reasons on Why they like this Show
4: People people Bashed Dharma’s Opinion on Wild Kratts just because She said “This Show is a rip-off of Family Guy and American Dad” That Someone called her the N-word. (Which is Racist)
The Animation is The Worst, The Theme Song is Annoying and Ear bleeding, The Characters are Stupid. And They like to Eat and Drink Gross things. The Show got cancelled in 2023 Thank God. BUT WAIT, THEY CAME BACK WITH A SUCKY MOVIE CALLED “Wild Kratts the Movie: Our Green and Blue World“ WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK? More like “Stupid Kratts the Faliure: Our Fire and Lava World“ This Movie Sucks
I hate this Show So Much. Please Tolerate my opinion and I will Tolerate yours back. Bye
submitted by WarResident5795 to cartoons [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:47 1111anon1113 Official Clancy Theory

Okay kids, gather around. Time for me to say something. No one is saying it so I will.
Let’s be real. This album isn’t that great. The cover art is dumb. The music videos were very low effort and budget. The songs have little to no lore. You know you were underwhelmed. As much as we love watching Tyler and Josh dick around, that’s not what we expected to watch for 1.5 hours when the album dropped last week. This story has been over a decade in the making and this is how you end it?
“I created this world to feel some control. Destroy it if I want…”
First theory: He told us from the start. This album is toying with the idea of destroying this world he’s created. This is why the album cover is a photo of heavy fire behind Josh and Tyler. Tyler wanted to see what happens if he burns it to the ground after all these years. The “it was all just a dream” approach to Josh never having been real and Tyler still being captured by Blurryface is not the ending anyone wanted. There’s something comforting about that though. As humans we have a desire to push through. To survive. None of us want this to be the ending. That’s why it won’t be.
Background: Scaled and Icy was intentionally and conceptually bad. After blowing up with Blurryface and Trench there was great potential to intentionally sell out with the next album, making Dema a meta experience with the real world. Scaled and Icy was conceptually bad because they wanted to make a bunch of pop songs that take over the radio. Had this been successful it would have made the story so so much more powerful, but the songs they made were mediocre. They didn’t end up selling out. If anything, they chased away the fans who started to feel they were getting too old for twenty one pilots. SAI was a flop and must have been difficult for Tyler to experience, especially after years of executing so many of his previous ideas so well. Genius intention though.
First theory conclusion: The album Clancy is remnants of the Scaled and Icy experience. Tyler’s insecurities (bishops, Dema, whatever you want to translate them as) are the reason he’s toying with the consequences of simply destroying the world he’s created. A piece of him may feel that he’s already destroyed it a bit and wonders what happens if he goes all the way. (Side note: There’s beautiful irony though when one considers the belief that “destruction is a form of creation.”) Destroying this world would most definitely look like what we got. Another borderline pop album desperate for radio play with the lore simply being “Josh was never real it was all just a dream and Clancy gets captured by Blurryface.” Tyler made it very clear when he asked on the livestream though. “You tell me. Does this sound like the end?” No, of course not. Saying “Hello Clancy” does not sound like the end.
Second theory: This is all we get. The album Clancy. Tyler is over telling this story for the last 10 years. He’s destroying the world he created because he’s moving on. His lyricism isn’t nearly as passionate as it used to be and maybe that’s because he no longer deals with the struggles/insecurities that haunted him for so long. Everyone’s been wondering why we didn’t get any screaming in this album. He’s grown and is moving on. That’s what we all have to do in real life at one point or another. That’s the lesson to be learned. Create as much as you have to for however long you have to in order to stay alive.
Third theory: Twenty One Pilots have been on the hunt for another band member ever since it originally broke up and Josh joined. All this music has been attempts to find someone out there who can relate to his life experience so much that they understand all these cryptic lyrics with so many levels to them. Blurryface had multiple levels that the lyrics somehow told including surface level mental illness, then religious exploration, and then a fictional yet symbolic story/world he’s created. As much as any of us might relate to this music, only Tyler understands the lyrics to their profound depths they explore. He’s felt alone and in the end, he thinks that’s the case. He’s accepted that. This is why despite Josh helping him so much through it all, he was never there experiencing what Tyler was experiencing.
I’m now going to address you all as a disappointed father. Y’all. The clique is not what it used to be. There is so much to be discovered. Tyler always gives so much for us to discover. The employee at the exhibit is the one that had to show people that there was something to be discovered and that’s where we got “Clancy The Ultimate Chapter 25” from. Y’all, all that had to be done was a simple translation! What is going on with the clique? Remember how dedicated everyone was with discovering Trench? Remember how dedicated was with the simple single “Level of Concern” during covid? Are y’all really gonna pretend to just be content with this album and these lame music videos? What is going on? Dig deeper! That’s the whole fun of being a twenty one pilots fan (other than being convinced not to kill yourself, of course, but as worth it as it is, that’s not always fun). Obviously there is more to this album whether it be a double album, a film, a book, all of the above, whatever. It’s out there waiting to be discovered! Don’t sit around waiting until as late as August for it to be handed to you on a silver platter you lazy victims of late stage capitalism.
I said what I said. Defend yourselves, contribute your input, apologize, theorize, do whatever. Let's just get more discussion going.
This is all. Stay alive, friends. It’s so worth it, I promise.
Personal context: I’m a 25 year old artist. I stopped listening to twenty one pilots entering my early 20’s. But from 14-18 years old I religiously held onto twenty one pilots because my life sure as hell depended on it. I’ve never heard of anyone as devoted to them as I was (neither people I’ve known in my life nor strangers on the internet). Their music was something sacred and I sincerely considered myself the third member when hearing about the few, the proud, and the emotional.
After all, these lyrics aren’t for everyone, only few understand.
I moved to Mexico and lived there from October 2017 - October 2019 to serve a religious mission for a church I eventually ended up leaving. I had no access to the internet or music. I completely missed the Trench era and hype. It was absolute torture when I heard they had finally come out of hiatus but I had no way to hear the music or watch the videos. By the time I returned to the US and reconnected with society, I slowly forcefully convinced myself I didn’t need twenty one pilots anymore and refused to listen to them. (I was also simply scared to fall out of love with something that was once so special to me.) As bittersweet as it was, this helped me grow and mature a lot and my music taste has expanded exponentially ever since. I’m an audiophile, musician, photographer, writer, and a licensed pilot now. As much as I have intentionally disconnected myself from this band, I owe it a lot and will forever be grateful they convinced me to stay alive during such hard times in my life.
submitted by 1111anon1113 to twentyonepilots [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:46 Lost_You_4686 I’m lost and I don’t know what to do anymore

A brief summary of my life over the last year and a half. Last year I moved into a new place and things, for the first time in a long time were looking up! The new place was beautiful and a decent step up from my last place, my new job was very comfortable, and my community was strong. I was able to be the person people could ask things of and not say no which is what i’ve always wanted.
Fast forward to November, I had just gotten back from my trip to Utah/Vegas for the first time. I felt great, little broke but hey when in Vegas no? but then i got sick and thought well no big deal I have yet to use sick days.
Within 2 days I had a fever of 102, within 3 I was laid off (Half my team was at the same time, completely blindsided, I was having conversations with the Chief Marketing Officer and VP of Marketing about a potential promotion and being the face of our team not a week prior)
I was crushed but still strong of mind. I had gone through a firing before and this wasn’t as bad as it was a lay off and my manager and director let me know they are more than happy to give a glowing recommendation. I tried my best to take it in stride, I still had a month and half of severance and was being paid out through the week. (Was making around 130K at the time and paying roughly $2000 a month total for bills) I knew i’d be comfortable for awhile with savings and severance so I took the rest of the week to get better and immediately started applying after.
Then four months passed, within the first (December) my roommate moved out so, Januarys rent and the choice to resign the lease (meaning the security deposit again) was on me. I decided to stay because at the time (I thought) surely i’d get back into work soon as I have good recommendations and a great resume for my 5 years (From entry level recruiter, to senior, to lead and project manager)
The second month coming to an end did start to worry me a little, At this point my severance was fully paid out and I wasn’t feeling super optimistic as my rent had increased and without a roommate it was now $2900 a month, so now my savings were taking quick hits over the month. Still i was optimistic, I doubled down and applied more and even started recruitment consulting for a friend in the middle of the month so I was making around $700 a week which was at least something while I looked for a more permanent job.
By the end of February, the third month, I was scared, thankfully i have a good support network so my friend did help out with rent but I felt so awful for NEEDING that, I felt so much guilt and started looking for work just for works sake. Towards the end of the month my friends company moved in a different direction for recruiting and he cut me off as it wasn’t working.
In March, things started getting really dark. I was pretty much unable to go out, my debt was starting to pile and things were getting hard just to eat. Still i woke up and tried being positive, cooking more, going to the gym more, filling in tons of applications, etc. I was roughly 300 applications in at this time though and it was for sure getting to me. I finally had a roommate moving in and it seemed almost divine as when they were originally told the price they couldn’t do it but something compelled me to reach out anyway to them and though it would cost me more, they seemed really cool so i was trying to stay positive moving forward and it felt like this was the first positive change. Needed help again with rent but at least this was my last month paying alone.
April came and went, My roommate moved in and it was awesome, we got along super well, sometimes too well I thought but i just wanted to keep it comfortable for them so I paid it no mind. I was given a job offer and had it rescinded as they offered it to someone who had everything done for the job faster than me. I was crushed and angry and It showed, my mental at this point was feeling like it was burning everyday. I started to feel like I was drowning, every night was a nightmare, but my roommate really helped with this. We were hanging everyday and I felt so much lighter around them, I didn’t notice and at every mention from friends I was very clear we were just roommates. Days went on and at this point I had started working for a family friend unloading items for a warehouse. I became their digital marketing manager as they needed someone to take over, Ebay, Youtube, etc.
May rolled around and at this point i had a second round interview for a good position and was trying my hardest with my new gig. My roommate and I had argued a few times and I was trying to figure out what was this new feeling I was starting to have for them. I felt compelled(again) to make sure they were having a good day and attributing to less really messed with me. The interview came and went and they choose someone else. I was crushed and just at this time my roommate had gotten a partner out of nowhere and I now knew what the feeling was and it hurt like hell. We had already talked and with everything swirling in my head I didn’t have an answer at the time and ended saying what I know now to not be true.
Too little too late seemed to be defining my life and my positive mental is gone. Certain Ideations are creeping in and it’s burning my mind even more. I feel like I can’t wrestle my thoughts to focus for more than 2 minutes. It’s now May 29th. It’s 12:30pm and I’ve had two mental breakdowns this week. If you read this far 1. I’m sorry there’s not a happy ending and
  1. I don’t know if there’s a purpose for writing this, I just started and it all just came out on the page. I just needed to get it out to hopefully sleep tonight at a good time.
  2. Idk what to do, i’m by far the lowest i’ve ever felt and I feel guilty about everything, i feel like every decision I make is the wrong one and i’ve tried my best to do everything with the purest and best intentions this whole time but i’m truly drowning. I’ve still been doing all the good things you’re supposed to but even with the gym, getting more spiritual and everything I feel so so empty. I miss the friend I was making but there’s no space for me in their life anymore and we’ve gone from hanging everyday to barely talking. With everything going on I’m finding it incredibly hard to keep going but I don’t want to give up…
submitted by Lost_You_4686 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:45 MaeyaShort How do I ‘20 MTF’ explain my feelings to my best friends ’21F’ and ‘22F’?

What should I do with my eagerness to be wanted? With some background I am Maeya ‘20MTF’ and I never new my bio dad ’40M’ he and my mom ‘40F’ were young and he was a coward and left. My mom met my first stepdad ‘41M’ (aka stepdad 1) when I was 5 yo. He is mostly traditional he understands what being gay is but other than that hates all of it. Where I was the black sheep of the family. And where my brother who is 5 years younger was the masculine son he wanted. At school I was the floater in social groups who could be anywhere. But that didn’t mean I could fit in anywhere. I am too awkward of a conversationalist and social situations aren’t my strong suit. The group I stayed with through high school had 4-5 people all male and we were all “pairs” in the group where I was the third part of a trio that would hangout after school. Because my gendesexuality I really had too decode whether I had a crush on a girl or I just wanted to be them thankfully most of the time it was the ladder but I knew I was mostly into women. But because I did grow up in a semi traditionalistic setting and my messed up social awkwardness I didn’t ask anyone out ever. Because I was male presenting but flamboyant I was either expected to ask them out or I was too feminine too be into women. Which resulted in a couple of times being pranked on by both guys and girls saying that some girl would be into me just to be fake. One was a high school dance and another was just a Sophomore joke. Sophomore year my Nana passed away from a stomach/intestinal cancer. And because of my paternal upbringing she was the consistent secondary guardian that was there from the beginning. Then Junior year my mom and stepdad dad 1 got a divorce and then the pandemic happened. Senior year began and I knew I needed too prepare too say goodbye too my old life and prepare to start a new one and my friends will find there own paths in life too. But I did expect us too have a way of communicating. My mom ended up meeting someone and remarried in January of 2021. October of 2020 one my friends passed away from an OD. The rest of us graduated class of 2021. One friend ended up becoming a hermit I tried reaching out but he didn’t come out of his house. I ended up going to the Navy in September of 2021 but had a leg injury in bootcamp and didn’t make it. While in bootcamp my family moved across the country Northwest to the South. So I ended up going with them once I was out of bootcamp. I ended up feeling alone and restless I just found a job and was in a rut. Then in July of 2022 another one of my friends died in a car crash. This made me determined too try something new like college but that ended up not working out mentally. But things at work were looking brighter. I did come as trans at this time. And seeing a dynamic duo of Hope ‘21F’ and Sophia ‘22F’. For this story you need to know has been in a relationship for 3 years. I knew Sophia since I started working their and seeing her and Hope more at work and hearing about there night outs during the summer of 2023 when both turned 21 was something I wanted to be a part of as a friendship. It was difficult for me too articulate it especially when I am an outsider in so many ways but they said they’ll take me in. This was January of 2024. Due to the weather there wasn’t much communication but I did make plans to go out to a club as a first time being full femme and it was a time to tackle my gender anxieties but not my social anxieties so I wasn’t as social as I would’ve liked. Then after that Hope has had a lot of new adulting things this year from insurance, dental, a new car, and ending a three year relationship because of online betrayal.
When she broke up with her boyfriend I knew she was physically the most beautiful person inside and out I’ve ever seen but because of how well oiled her relationship seemed too be I never truly paid attention to this feeling. She is the center of the group and has constantly people wanting to hangout with her. But she was ranting how she is so bad at responding to people because there seems too be so much responsibility. With that every time I reach out she does respond in reasonable measure. But the only time I’ve been messaged by Hope or Sophia it’s too see if I can come in too cover someone else at work who called out. I know it’s not intentional. I didn’t tell Hope about the lack of communication. But I did explain my feelings and I knew she experimented once or twice and she doesn’t float that way but I have feelings for her and don’t know if they’ll go away but I’ve already accepted the facts and she means more too me than my own feelings and I’m willing too stay friends but just wanted too be honest with her and not do something stupid. She was completely understanding and as expected she viewed me as more of a sister and I completely understood and accepted. But now there is this growing communication issue where so many people want to be a part of Hope and Sophia’s click that I am having no communication in general because of my social anxieties, lack of experience in the South, am for and can hangout around recreational use but don’t partake myself, and my fear of being “the single trans/gay person of the group”. Because of those things I see people who do want to be a part of their click being shown more effort because they fit their vibe/vibe of their hangout and I don’t know what to do. From confessing my feelings to Hope and these communication issues I just realize I’ve had a few number 1 friends but I was nobody’s number 1. But I’m not looking to be number 1 I just want to not be last thought to feel wanted. I just need to know how to communicate this without feeling like I am forcing them too because the last thing I want is too be a friend out of pity.
submitted by MaeyaShort to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:44 CaptainTinyDragon I need to tell someone about this.

I don’t know where else to say this. No one believes me, no one that hasn’t seen it already. But I have to say something so here it is and the world can decide.
I was a good worker. I showed up for my shifts and did what my written job description said, never missed a day or a chance for a day off. My goal was to be average, to not be good enough to noticed and given more responsibilities, but also not be bad enough to be noticed and put on watch. It’s what I’ve done all my life. Fly under the radar, be easily missed during inspections and blend into the crowd. I got B’s in school, had no intention of going to college or university, not like I’d ever be able to afford it, just wanted a secure job to let me afford my underachieving lifestyle. Took me almost ten years to find something like that, drifitng from one job to another, leaving when too many people started to notice I was much better at the job than I let on.
And eventually I found the perfect fit for myself. I was an overnight security operator, don’t get excited it’s a fancy title for spending all night watching security monitors, for a commuter train. I can’t say which one or where for the safety of others and myself. The job was simple, watch the camera feeds of my designated train and write a report for anything unusual. On a rare occasion make a statement to the police, and I mean rare occasion. In my five years doing that job I spoke to the police maybe twice before the incident.
I think that’s enough background so onto the point. It was a regular Thursday night, shift started at 10pm, working with Larry, Bob, and Sue (not their real names for their safety and more importantly, mine) watching the cameras. Made some notes, forgotten umbrella (wasn’t raining), camera glitch, group of 4 drunk men, person in hoodie doing the drug addict lean (you know the one). The camera glitch was expected, an extension to the rail line was recently completed which included a very long tunnel through a hill side, which about the middle of it was so deep that the cameras would cut out for about 2-3 seconds. It was actually pretty amazing that we got any signal from the trains in the tunnel at all. The wonders of signal boosters. But something about that night caught my attention. I didn’t know what it was at first, just felt something was off. I ignored it that night because at 3 am, everything feels weird. At the end of the shift, about 930am I made my report for the night, handed the desk over to Bill (again, not their real name) and went home on the same train system I monitored.
But the feeling was still in my head. Something happened on the train that night that I wasn’t consciously aware of. I ignored it still, drank my favorite cheap whiskey and went to bed. The feeling stayed with me the next few days. That damned feeling that you know something isn’t right but you can’t figure out. It’s like when you accidently put your phone in a different pocket than normal. So finally on Monday night (you have no idea how busy security monitors get on weekends) when my trains were in the depot getting cleaned I brought up the Thursday night footage and scrolled through it. Same things I made note of were there but the feeling was still there. So I went through it again. And again. The fifth time through I finally found it.
On the third wagon, almost in the blindspot between the cameras, at 2:58am was a regular person just playing a game on their phone. The camera glitched for 2 seconds, and they were gone. I though maybe they just moved completely into the blindspot but no, they were gone. Didn’t get off the train, didn’t reappear. I checked the entire recording of the night. I had no idea what to do. I should have told someone, or made a report, or anything. Instead, I told myself that was really weird and kept doing my thing. Flying under the radar, trying to be mostly invisible.
Two weeks later on Monday night, I saw it again. The camera glitch, and someone disappearing. I scrolled back the footage to make sure. Again, I did nothing. This time telling myself it was just shadows on the lense or the plastic bubble around the camera was dirty. But you know what they say; once is odd, twice is a coincidence, thrice is a pattern. The third time I did something. I made a report. Yeah, real brave i know. Making a comment about “shadows on the lense after tunnel glitch” on my daily report. But that night I started looking into missing people cases. Larry asked what I was doing, I said reading the news while my train was getting cleaned. Better than Bob, who was usually watching youtube and/or playing games on his phone while his train was still making rounds.
Anyways, I found some leads. 3 missing people, last seen heading to the public commuter train before disappearing. But there were more, so many more. Dozens over the past several years, all last seen heading into the area above the new tunnel. Unsurprisingly, they had all been alone at the time.
I won’t go into detail about how this troubled me for nearly a year. Just know that eventually curiosity got its way. On a night off I got my jacket and went out to a train station. Late spring night, a bit colder than prefered, 2am train. The last circuit before this train would make for the depot for maintenance. And I was on it. It would take nearly an hour to reach the tunnel and I was scared but I had to know. Like all those times you watch or read some horror and the character starts reaching for the obviously dangerous thing, you mock them endlessly but I understood now. Fear of the unknown is strong and just seeing what is obviously evil will help you put it out of your mind. But I knew the rules. Be ready to run, have two exits planned, don’t look back.
I sat near the door because I didn’t want to stand the whole time. And when the train finally barreled into the tunnel I started to regret my choice. It was nearly a mile long and just enough room for the train and a very brave worker on each side. I watched my watch 2:59am and ticking closer to 3am. Tick, tick, tick. Who knew a twenty year old analog watch could be so ominous? But then my watch stopped. I looked out the windows and the train had stopped. Not rolled to a stop like trains need to do, just complete dead stop and I didn’t notice. But the lights on the walls were stretched out, the effect that you can only see when you’re moving past them really fast in the dark. My first thought, being a sci-fi fan was that time stopped, yet I moved.
Then I heard a scream and footsteps at the end of the train behind me. I thought about the rules of survival I made and then thought about time being stopped, would the doors open? WOuld I be safe jumping from the train? I’ve seen what happens when someone gets clipped by a train (one of the reasons I had to speak to police) and it’s messy. I heard another scream, desperate and afraid, then the sound of someone tumbling to the floor and something scratching over the floor. A phone bounced off my foot and spun to a stop in front of me. I looked down at it as the screams behind mean grew more horrified and pained. I dared a look at the window to see the reflection of what was happening. And the best I can say is smoke pouring over someone but it was completely shredding the person like a blender but not making a noise and vacuuming up the shreds. Some mental fortitude I didn’t know about kept me from puking and stock still. The screams eventually came to a wet gurgling end and in the reflection I saw a pair of lights flick on in the smoke. Looking back they were eyes but in the moment they were two neon blue lights looking at the window, then making eye contact with me in the reflection. I held my breath.
The smoke soundlessly glided up the aisle and I kept still, not moving at all, keeping my eyes exactly were they were focused before. It drifted closer and closer to me and by god I wanted to cry. It hovered there letting me catch a scent and I want to say it smelled like something burning, or like rot and death, or anything bad. But it was worse, so much worse. It smelled like cooked pork, lightly burnt. It hovered for what felt like hours beside me, I was desperate for air, my eyes were burning from not blinking and those neon lights were staring into my soul. Then the train wobbled as it passed a bend. I have no idea when the thing disappeared or when time resumed, felt like I blacked out for a moment but I know that's not what it was.
I sat there in my seat blinking and breathing deeply to recover. And then I looked down. The phone was still on the floor near my feet. I left it there but I kept staring at it, like when you notice broken glass on the ground and focus on it so you can avoid stepping in it. At the next station i got off the train and went to an always open fast food place. I got a coffee and started writing this. It would be two hours until a train back towards my apartment, one that takes the old long route around the tunnel.
I didn't sleep that day. How could I after watching someone get shredded and devoured? So I sat at my PC and wandered through my games library all day. Think I fell asleep a couple times for maybe an hour. Next night I went to work like normal, focused on my usual behavior. But after two hours I was called into my supervisor's office.
It was relatively normal, they check in with night shift people every few months to make sure we're doing okay. See if we want to change to day shift for mental health. Was all normal until he put his clipboard down and off to the side. He took a deep breath and looked at me, like really looked. That deep penetrating look when someone can see through your lies.
“You saw it.” He said. Three simple words that felt like he was telling me I had a fatal incurable illness. I just nodded. “You have two choices now. Like all of us that know. Either you leave and find a new job and never speak of the incident because you will be a suspect in the disappearance; or you keep doing your job as you always have but with a raise to ignore the camera glitches.” I sat for a while assuming I had to make a choice then and there.
That conversation has been burned into my brain. I still remember it verbatim. And I wish I could say I made the morally correct choice. But I'm an underachieving coward always looking to take the easy path. So I still watch the cameras through the night, but with some extra money to ignore the occasional camera glitch on the extension. I found out accidentally that Larry and Sue also knew about the incidents and made the same choice I did. And we all knew the same amount of nothing and we prefer it that way.
So that's why I'm putting this out there. Maybe someday someone better than me can figure this out.
I still can't eat pork.
submitted by CaptainTinyDragon to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:39 Fresh_Shoulder_3267 Unfortunately true...

I once saw a comic that read.. "Tragically Real Romance."
Then below there was a caption to the cartoon that read, "if we start this the only way to get out of this without any pain is to be the first to die"
I think about that often and the more I do its true...whether the dumper or the dumped the sadness is on both ends. Both are left changed, some more drastically than others.
If it's really thought about for those that get it right and eventually we all do, the only way to not have that emotional destruction is to be the one who passes on first.
I've had two relationships that were long term. I'm 40 now, my first wife and son were taken from me by a drunk driver at 25. After 5 years I got back in the dating pool and struck lightning in a bottle and found someone I loved for another ten years until this past Easter. I still don't understand what happened and I don't agree with it but you can't force someone to stay with you. It works in the opposite as you shouldn't feel forced to stay with someone.
Loving someone should feel effortless even though there is work involved and alot of it at that. If at any time you feel under appreciated don't bottle it up, remember communication is always key.
Learn from your scars don't keep reopening them.
Strength comes through adversity as this new time will be challenging.
Embrace the fear of the unknown as without fear there couldn't be courage. The courage to face a new day.
Even though you don't want to force a smile you never know when a smile or kind word to another who may be going through worse can make their day. You want to feel better... pay it forward, something small makes the difference.
I wish you all luck on your adventures in your everyday goings on as your strength isnt measurable and in case no one has told you today....
Thank you for being you.
submitted by Fresh_Shoulder_3267 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:39 Tear-Relative AITA for being the reason for my bestfriend's engagement to break off?

Me (30) and my bestfriend Mary (31) have been friends for 8 years, during this friendship, Mary was aware that cheating on a relationship is a big no-no for me (as all decent people should). Even when I find out celebrities, colleagues or even people I don't know break up because of cheating, I get this bitter taste in my mouth. It's all because, all my life, my dad is a serial cheater and even now even after 34 years - he still is. It started when Mary and I worked together on a cruise ship for the first time in our years of working on different contracts - we finally got the same ship and same contract dates. She is already engaged by this time and will be married in a few months, so almost all the preparations are done. And since we are on a cruise ship and far away from our country, Mary and her fiance Mark (36) are on a long distance relationship. I can only imagine planning a wedding apart from your partner. I know it's been hard on her. Over the course of our 6 month contract together, she developed a lot of guy friends within the crew (people who work onboard the ship) since there are more guys who hangout on crew bars at night after our shift. I on the other hand don't drink so I just sleep early since I work 11 hrs a day everyday. Oftentimes, she goes back to our cabin drunk or sometimes with her new friends in the middle of the night, sometimes it will wake me, sometimes not, which being a crew member for a few years living with different kinds of roommates, i am used to it.
But one night, I cannot fall asleep because my partner and I had a fight and I was waiting for him to reply, i heard someone open the door and I heard a man's voice snickering(obviously trying to not make a noise) and Mary's shushing noise followed him. For context we live on a cabin with a bunk bed and I'm top bunk and I have curtains for privacy. Obviously they won't be able to tell if i'm awake or not. I then heard kissing noises and felt movements soon after - they were doing the deed. My gut fell and I wanted to be a mean nosy bitch and go down and ask them what they think they are doing but I just stopped myself, telling myself it's none of my business and that I can deal with her tomorrow.
The next day came and I talked to her - to cut the story short, she's been feeling sad and she's having cold feet. She felt loved and seen by this "guy" and when they talk he just makes her feel everything she will be giving up when she gets married. For context again, Mark is her first boyfriend and they'd been together for 10 years. She just feels that she has been missing out being with him for so long and said she "wanted to try some new things". I argued with her, that if this was the case, she should break up with Mark instead of sleeping around and cheating. I told her that if she gets married with these thoughts in her head, she would end up hurting Mark (plus there's no divorce in our country, only an annulment and it's hell to pay - not that it's an excuse just a sidenote haha). She said she would think about it and wait for the right time, but apparently - her thinking about it means she'll still sleep around with this guy.
I hate every bit of it, but she asked me not to say anything and to not ruin anything I am not a part of. I've known this guy as much as I know her, Mark, my boyfriend and I bond on music and biking and he is practically like a big brother to me. But, I also want to respect Mary's life and her decisions. I continue to be there for her, on her mental breakdowns and her bad days when she feels really bad with the things she has been doing. I advise her to do the right thing and tell him. But ishe asked me to promise not to tell, inside I feel so bad, because this is not what my convictions are telling me. I know I have to be honest and I feel that I'm betraying Mark by not telling him. And in a weird way, i feel that the trauma I had growing up with a father that cheats, now with a bestfriend who does the same thing is taking a toll on me. I actually got so anxious with this situation that I often zone-out, had no appetite and I actually lost a lot of weight.
Our contracts pass and we're about to go home in a few weeks and she's still sleeping with the guy and some others, still "thinking about it", still not letting go of Mark and still going through with the wedding preps. And she still begs me not to say anything. I cannot tell you how many times I drafted a message on my notepad composing what I will tell Mark. There were also times Mark messaged me and asked me why Mary seems so distant lately. The urge to say the truth is really hard to supress but because I love Mary so much I try to be understanding and wanted her to tell it directly to him so as not to humiliate their 10 year relationship.
Fast forward, I came home a week before her. Being back to the Philippines and seeing my mom waiting for me in the airport - so beautiful and kind and yet knowing how much she feels unloved by my dad made me snap. On that day I came home I sent a whatsapp message to Mary, "I'm telling Mark" and turned off my phone. I met up with Mark that same night and told him everything. He was dumbfounded, he was crying and we spent 5 hours on that coffee shop talking and just him on a roller coaster of anger, sadness and just plain pity on himself really. He really does love her. So much. My boyfriend and I took him home. He was just staring into space on the car ride home and I feel so bad and i had this lingering feeling that I know i did the right thing but i also caused pain.
When I woke up and turned on my phone I had a hundred of texts, missed calls and even emails saying that i answer the phone, that i'm an ungrateful friend, a backstabber, i am stupid and that i just wanted to see her fall because I'm jealous of her. She said she was planning to go home and confess to him directly so that she can reason with him to continue with the wedding despite the circumstance. She said that she had never seen this evil side of me and she pity me because there's nothing interesting going on in my life that I had to cause drama in other people's lives.
I felt worse. I haven't replied to her and it has been 3 weeks from then to today as of writing. I deactivated all my socials because i heard from a friend that she has been posting cryptic status online. They called it off and informed everybody on the guest list. I still receive e-mails from her to this day saying 'I hope you are happy' and 'You're not a hero, you're a villain.' Mark had messaged me saying thanks but thats about it. I think he is also off the grid and not talking to anyone. I feel so so bad and the way she reacted to me made me feel that I'm an asshole for telling, so am i?
P.S Sorry for the long story, I'm just really writing the way I feel about it as it is still so fresh.
And if you were able to read this Charlotte, just wanted to let you know that you have a lot of fans from the Philippines. <3 Keep up being such a great youtuber you are such a great company specially at times like this.
submitted by Tear-Relative to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:38 ScratchOk3585 Angry at a friend still after a major fight we had. Kinda need advice

I could really use advice please:
Context- I had a friend who was like a brother to me. In the spring of 2023 after the death of my mom and relationship issues that I went through in late 2022. I met this friend who was very supportive, and honestly, he became more of a brother to then my actual biological brother. He was, at that time, a great person to talk to and be around. I knew at that time he had anger and bi polar disorder (he told me he was diagnosed with it). Fast forward to him graduating, and then in the summer and fall of 2023, he's now struggling financially and dealing with unemployment and immigration problems. I felt like since he lived close to my apartment and that since he was a great friend, when i needed it, I should help him in any way i could. i went out of my way for him constantly and brought him food, medicine, etc when he was unemployed and the times he ran outta food after finding a job ralated to his degree (the job paid shit but made it possible for him to stay in country). I made an effort to include him in the groups of ppl I hung out, and most of the time, I'd drive him whenever he needed to go for free 95 percent of the time. He at that time period would always try to return the favor as the best he could like the times he tried to introduce me to these group of girls that friends with the girl he was interested in dating and with studying for Spanish exams. Around the Xmas of 2023, he saved up whatever money he had and surprised me with two video games that he found at the used section of gamestop. I struggle with paranoia and anxiety but he was someone I felt like I could trust at that time and him trying to help me out in return and the video games made see him as kinda the brother I wish I always had
Now fast forward to like 4 or 5 weeks ago. Me, him, and our mutual friend are in my car. I am driving. Me and him started bickering, and it turned into him screaming at the top of his lungs at my face to point, my ears were ringing suddenly, causing me to nearly crash into a pole. Looking back I stupidly escalated the situation by punching him in the face once after the second time he screamed in my face and enrotched unto the drivers side. He kept trying to grab at my arm nearing causing a second crash. I'm not the "good guy" in this situation and had a role in escalating it after he'd react. Eventually I pulled over to the side of the road and our mutual friend got out of the car and convinced him to leave. The situation continued later when he called me amd threatened to sue me and he'd get the cops involved and I told him he's more likely to be in more trouble for the near accidents and dangerous conditions he iniated etc. The heated phone call continued until our mutual friend got him off his phone. After the call, I was super depressed and wanted things to go back they used to be before. Two hours later, he calls again apologizes for his actions, and so do I. We end the call by agreeing to speak another time within that coming week when tensions are gone. The next day, he apologized to me over the direct message app and he invites me over to his place. At his place he and the mutual friend are amicable, and it seems as if things might be alright. The next day, he messages me on direct message and says he wants nothing to do with me and he doesn't want to speak to me again. I get extremely pissed and tell him inreturn tell him how he's a liar and to never speak to me or anyone I associate with again. He then blocks me from that direct messenger. I go onto a different social media platform and block him, and remove him from every single group we are in. I was so angry i blocked and removed him from every social media app. I wanted to fight him so badly at that point and I guess me blocking and removing him from things was a self mechanism to avoid driving back to his place and fighting him but so I could feel like I "won".
I'm still angry, sad, and depressed bout happened. Sometimes I get so angry I feel intense hatred towards him other times I get depressed at what happened. I've getting headaches and migranes from getting that angry. I don't have anyone to go for advice on how to let go since my mom who I could go to for advice passed away in late 2022 and My dad helped me purchase that car so I feel like he'd give me grief for what happened and i prefer my friends not know much about happened. So I came here on this reddit. I don't wanna ever see my former friend again after the way we both acted there's no fixing it and we are both lucky we didn't get arrested or die in the incident. I'd like some advice on how to get this depression anger and sadness out of my head please.
submitted by ScratchOk3585 to Anger [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:37 Otherwise-Grocery-56 Still on my mind

I miss packing your bowls, and I miss how you would light up and jump in my arms when you seen me. Your love language, and the way you make me feel.
The strangest thing, is I hate the choices you make and it drives me crazy. And now I know that you were more naive than I thought. But it doesn’t take anything away from how I feel about you.
There are others, because we are not together. And you are the only one I still love. I know that nothing will change that and finding you was like discovering myself for the first time.
I’ve been seeing girls who are more, beautiful, respectful, with millions of dollars. I don’t understand how you are better than all of that to me, I just know I want to be yours and be in your service until I die.
submitted by Otherwise-Grocery-56 to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:35 blurryturtle 2024 Roland Garros Women's Singles Round Two Wednesday Matches

Wednesday WTA matches are below. I'll put the Thursday matches up tomorrow in the evening EST.

Swiatek vs Osaka :

Iga Swiatek will have a very high profile matchup in round two, and it should be entertaining tennis. Osaka has played admirably in her return to clay. She’s trying her best, she’s problem-solving on court, she’s complimentary to her opponents, and she’s winning matches. To do all that post-pregnancy and post-clay struggles is a great thing in itself, and it’s good to see her enjoying tennis again. Her backhand inside out remains one of the best on tour, and her serve and power are enough to making this interesting. 3 sets with Bronzetti indicates she probably won’t get within striking distance of Swiatek, but Bronzetti will make you really earn a win so it’s a solid second round performance.
The courts in RG are playing slow, and as DC insider redswader pointed out, the rainy conditions are making them even slower. It makes it really tough to hit through Swiatek, and she isn’t just a defensive test. She has the windmill forehand technique that Rafa made famous, and her backhand moves the ball well and is fairly hard to read. This should be fun, but Swiatek in 2 by at least 3 breaks.

Fett vs Bouzkova :

If you like 20 shot rallies, this is the match for you. Jana Fett has tons of experience, and is finding herself back on tour for the first time in a while. She’s a solid baseliner, and is playing someone who is best described as a wall. Bouzkova rarely misses with her backhand, and her defense and speed are good enough to keep her consistently in the top 50 on tour. Bouzkova is expected to be the stronger player here, but I don’t see a great way for her to win quickly. Her serve isn’t particularly great, and Fett beat a solid player in Bouzas Maneiro. Bouzkova in 2-3.

Golubic vs Potapova :

Big surprise for Golubic to beat Krejcikova in round one, and yet not a surprise at all for Krejcikova to lose in round one. Barbora has been really inconsistent for a while now, and Golubic is more than capable of keeping the ball moving enough to benefit if Krejcikova is spraying errors. Annnnnnnd she was. 51 unforced errors in total, although 34 winners is also pretty impressive.
Potapova won’t help Golubic win here, and she just hit through a similar test in Kamila Rakhimova. Potapova hits real big, and she’s hungry for these wins. I expect her to win in 2.

Wang Xinyu vs Tomova :

Tomova was expected to give Alexandrova trouble, but Alexandrova forgot to give Tomova trouble. It sets up a very winnable second round for Tomova. She hits a heavy heavy forehand and on these slow courts it really works. Wang is through after besting Niemeier in 3, and while she’s not at her best on clay, she has good enough tennis to win. This reminds me a bit of the Arnaldi Fils match. Wang has the game to beat Tomova if she’s patient, but she tends to go big a bit too often for clay and Tomova’s game doesn’t really fluctuate. Alexandrova is a better win than Wang on paper, but Alexandrova helped by making errors. I expect this to be closer. Tomova in 3.

Collins vs Danilovic :

Collins’ run continues. Danilovic is playing sharp, but the type of pressure that Danielle Collins applies can really bother anyone on tour. Danilovic needs to keep her first serve percentage high, and last round it was only at 59%. That’s not bad, but you want it higher against Collins. The good thing for Olga is she might be able to put some pressure on Collins’ serve with the power she has from the baseline, but the bad news is she’s lefty and going crosscourt will get her in trouble since Danielle loves to trade crosscourt with her backhand and tends to create a larger angle and more depth on every subsequent swing. Collins in 2.

Vekic vs Kostyuk :

Vekic got a forfeit, and playing fresh can be a big advantage. Kostyuk and her both have a similar approach. They hit hard, the end. Vekic does have dropshots at her disposal, but I think Kostyuk is a slightly better mover and in these slow conditions it’ll be tough to hit through her. A long match with Pigossi will have her hitting well also, so Kostyuk in 3.

Siniakova vs Paquet :

Huge surprise win for Paquet in round one, and I realized today I’ve been spelling her name wrong for a while (adding the c before the q). Sorry about that. Anyway, beating Shnaider is great, but I did not catch much of the match so I’m not sure how that happened. Siniakova is projected to win here, and aside from the Shnaider result there’s not much to argue against that. Somehow they’ve played twice with Katerina winning both, but those wins were in 2016-17. Siniakova in 2, but I would get too specific with any predictions here since Paquet is playing at home and her game is entirely built around her serve.

Volynets vs Vondrousova :

Volynets and Vondrousova has the potential to last 2 hours even if it’s a straight setter. Vondrousova has more ways to score here, but Volynets commitment to defense has elevated her game. Those little squash gets and lobs might get dismissed once, but having to execute over and over can draw errors, and Volynets speed can make people force shots. Vondrousova isn’t exactly automatic on her offense. Despite the hype, Volynets will have a really hard time scoring on Marketa, so I think extending rallies is the best she can do. Vondrousova in 2-3.

Gauff vs Zidansek :

Gauff didn’t bother with her usual slow start here. As she gets more comfortable on tour, the rough performances are less and less frequent, and she rights the ship and wins some of those anyway. Zidansek was a clay specialist and a mainstay on tour, but her game has fallen off a bit due to some injuries and inactivity. This should be fun, but Gauff should be a break better in each set. Gauff in 2.

Wang Yafan vs Yastremska :

Big win for Wang in round one. She’s ranked 68 now, but just a season ago she was winning Challenger events and hinting at a move inside the top 100. Wins at majors are hard to come by, so this was great for her. Her variety and defensive style might give Yastremska a bit of trouble here. Yastremska is supposed to win though, and she’ll have ample time to figure it out. Yastremska in 2-3.

Samsonova vs Anisimova :

Samsonova crushed Linette in round one and is a deserved favorite here, but Anisimova’s win should not be overlooked. Sramkova almost beat Ostapenko (third set tb) and has been one of the big surprises in the clay swing. Anisimova has a decent chance to beat Samsonova here but it will take her best tennis. Samsonova didn’t face a breakpoint in round one, and will likely continue to play well here. Anisimova has the h2h 2-0, but both were close. Conditions are better for Samsonova, and while I’m expecting this to be very close there really isn’t a result that would surprise me here. Both players’ levels can deviate a great deal, and both are lights out when their offense is flowing. Samsonova in 3.

Bucsa vs Cocciaretto :

Haddad Maia continues to struggle to close matches out. Cocciaretto was down a set against her but managed to win in three. It wasn’t smooth sailing and there were a number of breaks exchanged, but Haddad never really regained her best form. It sets up an interesting match against one of the tour’s more unsung but likely phenoms. Cristina Bucsa hits the ball huge despite appearing to only weight about 15 pounds. Her frame is light, but she will hit winner after winner when she’s in a rhythm. This matchup is all offense.
Cocciaretto has a better backhand and a better serve, but Bucsa moves better and ended the match with Starodubtseva in excellent form. Vaguely expecting this to go 3, but it’ll require Bucsa to avoid the errors that had her down a break early against Staro. Bucsa in 3. Feels wrong to type is but I think she’s ready to win.

Ostapenko vs Tauson :

Their two previous meetings have gone three sets, and both are playing decent. Ostapenko isn’t at the level that won her a RG title in 2017, but her offense is big enough to give Tauson trouble. Tauson probably isn’t quick enough to defend against Ostapenko’s onslaught, but her serving is good enough to keep her out of trouble for some portion of the match. Basically, neither player can run down their opponent’s power. I think Ostapenko actually has more stamina in this matchup, which is rare to say. Ostapenko in 3.

Kenin vs Garcia :

Another really hard match here. Kenin has beaten Garcia in all three of their meetings, but none of them were on clay and her current level should be considered independent of all earlier performances. Kenin is not the same player that challenged for major titles, and from round to round her level can disappear. She won a surprise in round one against Siegemund, and that’s actually the level she’d need to give Garcia trouble.
Garcia needs to isolate Kenin’s forehand to win this. Her own forehand is her best weapon, and if she’s serving well she should win the match. For Kenin, she needs to keep the ball in difficult spots for Garcia. Height, slices, and dropshots. Force Garcia to create her own power, because if you give Garcia pace she redirects incredibly well. Expecting another 3 setter here. Garcia in Garthreeya? Awful, awful joke. The h2h makes me think I’m wrong, but Garcia has simpler ways to score here. I’d avoid trusting me here because I didn’t see the Kenin/Siegemund clash.

Fernandez vs Wang Xiyu :

This is a fun one. Fernandez is clearly better on clay, and should win. All that is true, but Wang has so much power that it might not be possible for Fernandez to win in straights. Earning every point is tough, and early on in Fernandez’s career she had trouble against the bigger hitters on tour. Fernandez in 3.

Osorio vs Jabeur :

Osorio Kalinina was one of the most exciting matches of the entire first round, but it ended sadly in a retirement. Kalinina was hitting the ball huge and constantly breaking Osorio’s serve. Osorio was defending with incredible heart and managed to get back into the game multiple games each set. In the end, Kalinina had to withdraw. I had her beating Jabeur with the level she was at, but I think Osorio will have a tougher time. Jabeur looked pretty good in round one, and despite her slump, clay is still a great surface for her. She’ll be able to dominate from the baseline with power in the same way that Kalinina did, and Osorio had a really hard time holding serve so Jabeur should win. It’s always a big should with Jabeur, and with her sort of slump Osorio will know that it is possible to outlast her. Maybe not physically, but mentally. Jabeur can get discouraged, so this is a risky spot. Jabeur in 2 or Osorio in 3.
submitted by blurryturtle to tennis [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:32 ChiknaMoulvi It hurts.

After a wonderful year with an amazing girl (24F) who I(26M) fell in love with and was building a future with, I got suddenly dumped. Just a few days before the anniversary of the day we met.
About two months ago, after I returned from a trip, she came to meet me with the intention to break up because she felt the relationship had lost the ‘spark’. We had a healthy conversation and communicated the flaws and what was missing and decided that we would work on them together and revive it. Over the next month, we did exactly that, both proclaimed that we loved each other. We had our serious discussions and planned out the next couple months with weekend trips, and her introducing me to her mom who was supposed to visit this past weekend.
May 1st, her birthday, I surprised her, had a wonderful day on the weekend with her friends and everything seemed to be going great. She came by to spend the night next day and she would reiterate her feelings for me, through words and actions and everything seemed to be going great. May 8th, before going to sleep, I told her how much I missed her, and what exactly I missed about her to reiterate my feelings to show how serious I was as well. May 9th, morning, she replied normally and said she missed me as well and wished she could cuddle with me all day every day. I jokingly said I want to hear more, in detail as to how much she misses me. That message was followed by an entire day of silence. We were supposed to meet later that day however, she made up a reason to not meet and then called me later in the night and broke the news.
She felt she did not want to be in a relationship with me anymore. She had come to realize, that she would never love me the way I love her. We met a day later to say our goodbyes as I was in a state of shock. I was blindsided. I thought I only reciprocated the feelings. She mentioned that ‘I miss you’ message from me made her realize that she could never love me the same way. She said she will always hold love for me and care for me, and cherish the memories we made over the past year. I couldn’t muster up the courage to fight for us, how could I knowing that it was probably the last time I would be seeing her? I asked her what changed, what happened, what did I do and all she responded was ‘I don’t have an answer for you. I wish there was a reason, because you do and say everything that I want you to do and hear.’ Yet she left me. I didn’t beg, all I could say was, if that’s what you feel, how can I change your feelings?
I sent a letter proclaiming my feelings to her and why I said what I said and how ‘she’ had planned all those trips and plans over the next couple weekends and the summer. The day it got delivered, I sent her a message that I wasn’t expecting a response, even though I so much wanted to, and that I will be blocking/removing her from my instagram as that’s the only social media app I use.
She didn’t reply, it broke me apart, but maybe that was for the best? So, it’s been 17 days of no contact, and I miss her every day, all day. I truly loved her and this has broken me into a million pieces. She was the first girl I was going to confess my love for, to my conservative and religious mother. It felt like someone snatched the earth from beneath me. I wake up in the middle of the night multiple times trembling or sweating dreaming about her. I have lost 8 pounds due to a loss in appetite. I have been meditating, journaling, working out, playing soccer, staying busy as all of you have said but it still feels like a gaping hole in my heart. I get anxious and shortness of breath. I cry till I can’t cry anymore. Each day is a battle with myself so I don’t reach out to her.
How do you go from best friends one day and to being a stranger the next? She made me a better man than I was yesterday and now it feels like everything I had hoped for is shattered. I know time heals all wounds, but how do I go forward knowing she will not be a part of my life the way I had and atleast till the last day, she had envisioned as well? It hurts.
I miss her so much and I know I will always love her. But I’m doing my best to stay no contact so I can hopefully heal. Why is the world so cruel?
submitted by ChiknaMoulvi to heartbreak [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:32 LibrarianFront3827 Evil Comment About Lost Animal

Evil Comment About Lost Animal
I just stumbled across this absolutely evil horrendous comment under a video of someone raising awareness about their missing pet (not a dog or the other animal that rhymes with bat).
This sick and twisted individual bragged about having two gun dogs that kill said pet daily and are encouraged to do so. They then ended the comment with saying they're going to look for the lost pet with the dogs.
As someone who loves this kind of pet, this angered me so much!
This is proof that dognutters really don't care about anyone other than themselves and their mutts.
submitted by LibrarianFront3827 to DogfreeHumor [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:32 Legitimate_Cause1178 Can't stand my SO

So this has been an ongoing issue but I think I've reached breaking point. Before kids, my (f32) husband (m37) was so excited to be a parent. He would criticise any dead beat dad's and swore he would be extremely active and all the works. Well kids are now 1 & 2 and very active. I do 80-90% of all the house work and parenting. We both work (me less than him and he is the breadwinner). I am also studying.
I sacrificed everything to be with this man. I stayed by his side when he couldn't have kids (we had miscarriages and went through IVF several times) and a lot more other things most people would leave for. I could ride or die with him through everything.
Except now!
He thinks it's ok for me to do all the activities with the kids. Yes I am happy to be with my kids full time. But it annoys the living daylights out of me that his children are growing and meeting all their milestones and he just wants to sleep all day.
The last few weeks I have begged him to at least take them to the park. It doesn't have to cost him anything. Just his time. Well I lost my crap last week and told him he is missing out on our children's lives. Today (after a lot of pestering him and my daughter begging him) we went to the movies. (First time since we started dating about 12 years ago.) and he was just absolutely miserable and couldn't wait to get home.
Well the kids had a great time... Because we try not to show them any issues we may be having. And I just internally died. He does not want to be with us. He just wants to have his kids magically grow into great people with no effort. He may have wanted kids but didn't want to give up his old life to accommodate for these two beautiful girls.
The parenting is up to me. And yet he is happy to criticise me very step of the way. In the minimal time he is with them during the day (while I'm at work) he is very militant with them and my eldest I can see is starting to not want to be around him.
What should I do? I am constantly walking on eggshells and I hate that my children have a father who priotises his tv shows or sleep over them.
Tl;dr my husband is happy for me to single parent, but equally happy to criticise me every step of the way for how I parent.
submitted by Legitimate_Cause1178 to marriageadvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:27 wecantmakerent 22M it’s been a while since I did this, so hi

22M it’s been a while since I tried this, so hi
How have you been? What’re you up to lately? Any music you think I should listen to?
In all seriousness, hi. It’s been probably about six years since I last posted on one of these subreddits. I’m at a point in life where I feel very lonely yet again, so I figured why not go for it.
A little about me, I’m a 22 year old, shy as fuck, Canadian who is into horror, reading, and recently I’ve gotten into film photography (like two days ago recently, but still). If any of this sounds like someone you’d wanna chat with, even just for an hour, feel free to message me. Suggest me your current favourite song or something.
So yeah, I’m gonna leave my ramble there.
submitted by wecantmakerent to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:25 theodoreposervelt Adorable voice line I missed bc of playing with controller

I don’t know if anyone else has noticed or talked about this, but when you play with a controller all the time you have the potential to miss out on quite a lot of voice lines.
There are certain voice lines that only play when you “click” on something from a distance. Like if someone is standing on the other side of camp and you use your mouse to click talk to them there are certain little voice lines that play like “I need to have a word” or “I want a chat” and etc etc as your character makes their way to the person you clicked on.
I didn’t notice these for the longest time because I’m playing with a controller, instead of clicking things from a distance I’m usually walking there as my character and then hit “a” to talk once I’m in range. If you’re right next to the character you’re wanting to talk to or the object you want to interact with there isn’t enough time for the voice line to play before you’re already in dialogue.
I still like playing with a controller, but I’ve been trying to remember to press down on the left stick, making a circle cursor, and “click” things from a distance so I can catch some of these voice lines I’ve missed up till now.
I’m explained all that to tell you I clicked talk to Shadowheart and Tav said “first in my heart” and I might have screamed a little. 😭♥️ It’s the first time I’ve heard it! So cute, I’m probably gonna die.
submitted by theodoreposervelt to BaldursGate3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:21 HotService6080 Should I call out my “friend” on her narcissistic behavior?

(I’m pretty pissed rn so i’m just blabbering and not sure if it will make sense). I (20f) met my friend group that consists of 5. I’ll be giving fake names, Danny, Ivan, Ivory and Daisy. I met them in my second semester of university. This particular “friend” Daisy specifically in the friend group stood out the most since she was the first one I became friends with and got along right away. We started hanging out more with the rest of the group 3rd semester (2nd year fall semester). At that time I was dating my boyfriend (still am) who is abroad right now, so I haven’t seen him for a while. They were aware about him and at that time I was already dealing with a sh*tty roommate, so I was hanging out their dorm constantly. But once 3rd semester came around then we started spending Fridays and Saturdays at Daisy’s dorm. Keep in mind my dorm was a 25 min walk and near a forest and I would get home usually around 12am. Those days we chose to hang out we got high together and it became our norm. Somewhere in late September and Early October I started having really serious issues with my boyfriend and he honestly wasn’t treating me well at that time and I told my friends, because he brought up the plan of marriage and I was hesitant when the group asked me if I really wanted to marry him. Late October I was telling Daisy about it and she told me its best to break things off with him and how she did the same with her ex boyfriend because he was bad for her, and I’m pretty sure she says she misses him (but yeah I kinda forgot). I really didn’t want to breakup with him but I knew I needed to cut him off, so I got home at midnight and called him and broke up with him and instantly regret it. I was already dealing with so much other shit and I almost una****d my self after. But plans didn’t work so I kept my mouth shut. (I’ll get to the point I promise.) Late December I got news that a contract i signed over a year ago with a friend whose father owned a business offered me a job meaning I was going to move to another country. ( I ended up changing the contact for a later year) I would be super close to my boyfriend and I was pretty hesitant since so much had changed and I called my boyfriend who was my ex at that time and told him everything and we talked for a while. Long story short we missed each other a lot and we acknowledged that we both did terrible stuff but in the end if we worked it out together then our relationship could work. We set boundaries and rules for us to follow and we are currently together and I’m really happy right now. I didn’t tell my friends about me getting back with him because I knew they would be upset which I understand. I told Ivory first in late March and I asked for her to be understanding that he changed and she was upset but told me that she’ll always support me and be there for me which I needed to hear. Daisy didn’t find out until 2 weeks before my birthday and Daisy was super pissed at me and ever since she was cold and rude, ending all the convos with the gc that replied to me with periods. Since January I’ve noticed that Daisy would be pretty rude and only think about herself mainly and not the rest of us. There would be some days where I would ask if we can hang out at my place instead and I would always hear the same thing how my place was too far and that it’ll be late when they leave which did annoy me a lot since that was exactly how I went home. I walked back home a lot at midnight, ALONE and high. The 2 times they had came over they all left as a group since Daisy, Ivan and Danny lived in the same building and they would drop off Ivory on the way, while I was the only one who lived the furthest. When we would hang out at Daisy’s place she would ask what we wanted to watch we give ideas and would usually 85% of the time say no to our suggestions and pick the movies she wanted to watch instead. None of us have cars so we rented zipcars and I noticed a while after that when it was only convenient for her and when she was the one who needed groceries then she would text us like the day before or the day and sometimes an hour or so before of whenever she needed to run errands and when we weren’t able too then she would get mad. But when it came to us asking if we can go then she didn’t want too or was low on money which that one i understand. She would get pissed or annoyed a lot at Ivory for being herself sometimes, which honestly imo it pissed me off so much for the way how Daisy was with her. I slowly started distancing myself from the group for a while since I had my own shit going on and I was getting overwhelmed with it. My breaking point was when 2 weeks before my birthday Daisy found out about my boyfriend and went radio silent with me and was ignoring me in the gc and I remember her reposting posts on insta that were targeting me. I sound selfish but I was really looking forward to my birthday, but a week before my birthday I got a call that my mom was in the hospital and I was 12 hours away from her and I was an emotional wreck because I was just hearing she was dying. I didn’t tell my friends about it. I was FaceTiming my boyfriend and crying to him because I felt so alone and needed someone, but I figured celebrating with my friends would kind of help distract me. Since a lot of uni students were doing “peacefully protests”, my campus was shut down and there were many cops on campus and we werent allowed back on campus or else we would get arrested or idk. But the day before my birthday Ivory texted me saying (copied and pasted) “Daisy and Netty would have to walk across campus for it and I asked if there was a way to cancel it still and Dulce said yeah and I was like I don’t want yall to get arrested and then Dulce is being weird and was like “then we’ll cancel it problem solved” and long story short the car has been cancelled”. The plan was that we were going to rent a zipcar and get jack in the box and dutch and then head over to Daisy’s dorm (which i didn’t want and asked if we can maybe do it at my place) and just hang out. But I really didn’t feel like walking 30 minutes back to my dorm (since I couldn’t walk through campus and had to go around). But I’m not sure it just got confusing and in the end everything was canceled and being sad was an understatement. I was really sad about it because it would be my first birthday party with a group of friends who I thought were my actual friends. The day of my birthday and got myself a tiny cake and celebrated by myself in my dorm. Ever since my “amazing” birthday I was just depressed and figured it was time for me to move on to the next chapter of my life. ( I had other problems with my life besides them.) Right before school ended i texted the gc that I was leaving and never coming back and I miss Ivory because she was a really good friend and I miss her a lot.. can’t say much about Daisy because today I posted an instagram story note saying “(uni name) is is greedy and mean just like em. glad im gone” i got sent a letter saying how the school was asking me to pay the remaining medical bill which was like 144$ and idk it just reminded me of the many rude people i came across on my campus. I wasn’t directing it at her until she posted her own insta note and it said “ that’s so crazy, not my fault your delusional” which i know was directed at me. I want to text her and call her out for her the stuff she had done and tell her to grow up. But I’m not sure if I should just block her and move on. I kind of need closure and advice on how to handle the situation.
submitted by HotService6080 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:21 ChiknaMoulvi It hurts.

After a wonderful year with an amazing girl (24F) who I(26M) fell in love with and was building a future with, I got suddenly dumped. Just a few days before the anniversary of the day we met.
About two months ago, after I returned from a trip, she came to meet me with the intention to break up because she felt the relationship had lost the ‘spark’. We had a healthy conversation and communicated the flaws and what was missing and decided that we would work on them together and revive it. Over the next month, we did exactly that, both proclaimed that we loved each other. We had our serious discussions and planned out the next couple months with weekend trips, and her introducing me to her mom who was supposed to visit this past weekend.
May 1st, her birthday, I surprised her, had a wonderful day on the weekend with her friends and everything seemed to be going great. She came by to spend the night next day and she would reiterate her feelings for me, through words and actions and everything seemed to be going great. May 8th, before going to sleep, I told her how much I missed her, and what exactly I missed about her to reiterate my feelings to show how serious I was as well. May 9th, morning, she replied normally and said she missed me as well and wished she could cuddle with me all day every day. I jokingly said I want to hear more, in detail as to how much she misses me. That message was followed by an entire day of silence. We were supposed to meet later that day however, she made up a reason to not meet and then called me later in the night and broke the news.
She felt she did not want to be in a relationship with me anymore. She had come to realize, that she would never love me the way I love her. We met a day later to say our goodbyes as I was in a state of shock. I was blindsided. I thought I only reciprocated the feelings. She mentioned that ‘I miss you’ message from me made her realize that she could never love me the same way. She said she will always hold love for me and care for me, and cherish the memories we made over the past year. I couldn’t muster up the courage to fight for us, how could I knowing that it was probably the last time I would be seeing her? I asked her what changed, what happened, what did I do and all she responded was ‘I don’t have an answer for you. I wish there was a reason, because you do and say everything that I want you to do and hear.’ Yet she left me. I didn’t beg, all I could say was, if that’s what you feel, how can I change your feelings?
I sent a letter proclaiming my feelings to her and why I said what I said and how ‘she’ had planned all those trips and plans over the next couple weekends and the summer. The day it got delivered, I sent her a message that I wasn’t expecting a response, even though I so much wanted to, and that I will be blocking/removing her from my instagram as that’s the only social media app I use.
She didn’t reply, it broke me apart, but maybe that was for the best? So, it’s been 17 days of no contact, and I miss her every day, all day. I truly loved her and this has broken me into a million pieces. She was the first girl I was going to confess my love for, to my conservative and religious mother. It felt like someone snatched the earth from beneath me. I wake up in the middle of the night multiple times trembling or sweating dreaming about her. I have lost 8 pounds due to a loss in appetite. I have been meditating, journaling, working out, playing soccer, staying busy as all of you have said but it still feels like a gaping hole in my heart. I get anxious and shortness of breath. I cry till I can’t cry anymore. Each day is a battle with myself so I don’t reach out to her.
How do you go from best friends one day and to being a stranger the next? She made me a better man than I was yesterday and now it feels like everything I had hoped for is shattered. I know time heals all wounds, but how do I go forward knowing she will not be a part of my life the way I had and atleast till the last day, she had envisioned as well? It hurts.
I miss her so much and I know I will always love her. But I’m doing my best to stay no contact so I can hopefully heal. Why is the world so cruel?
TL;DR Got dumped suddenly after a year because my ex realized that she couldn’t ever love me the way I loved her. Struggling to get through it now.
submitted by ChiknaMoulvi to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:21 knowingcynic This has been the longest week of my life

I lost my beloved cat, Edie, a week ago. And it feels like an eternity.
Back in January, I had to leave my grad school and move back in with my parents in my home state following some medical problems where my only treatment options were in my hometown. I took 9 year old Edie with me and did everything I knew to do to make the adjustment easier on her.
Right away, she started having problems with vomiting and urinating/defecating around the house. In February, I took her to the local vet, who ran bloodwork and a fecal test. They said she was probably just anxious but prescribed some antibiotics and an antidiarrheal in case she had an infection of some sort. Edie got somewhat better but continued having issues urinating/defecating outside the litter box. We changed her litter to a fragrance free formula and her food to a sensitive stomacblh formula in hopes it would help, but nothing changed.
All the while, my own health has been a rollercoaster of ups and downs. Edie stopped sleeping upstairs with me. Then she stopped coming upstairs at all. I avoided being downstairs at all costs. Edie ate and ate but continued to lose weight. My mom said she was worried about Edie, but I assured her the vet said she was fine.
Last Monday, Edie climbed upstairs and snuggled with me for a long time. That night, she collapsed while walking, and we rushed her to emergency vet. Over the course of five months, Edie had dropped from 7 lbs to 2.98 lbs, and her bloodwork showed she was in septic shock. I made the decision to put Edie to sleep, and she died in my arms, away from her home. The vet said Edie probably had cancer even before I adopted her.
I feel like a terrible pet parent. I LOVED that cat. She got me through two family deaths and nearly attempting suicide twice. She slept on my bed; she had everything I knew to give her. I only had her for 18 months, but I loved her like I've never loved anything or anyone before. I feel so hurt and angry. How could I have let my baby go through that? Why didn't I take her to the vet sooner? I was so focused on my own health that I didn't notice Edie getting sicker.
I miss my baby so much. I'd give anything to have her back. My mom made me get a new cat two days ago. He's sweet, but all I feel is a hole in my heart. I want to love him, but all I feel is that it should be Edie with me instead of this new cat.
This week has been hell. My doctor prescribed sedatives just to get me through the nights without her. Every little thing reminds me of my baby, and my mom is actively getting rid of or putting away Edie's things. I wish I could make people understand how goddamn painful it is. How much I'm hurting. I keep breaking down crying over little things. Today it was finding out the color I picked for Edie's urn is the same color as my favorite music box.
I don't want to keep feeling this way. Everything feels so big and everything is moving too fast. This has been the longest week of my life, and I just want Edie here. Words can't describe how much I loved ny baby and how much I miss her.
submitted by knowingcynic to Petloss [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:20 Count-Daring243 Best 30Mm Cantilever Mount

Best 30Mm Cantilever Mount
Are you in search of an efficient and reliable cantilever mount for your latest project or venture? Look no further! In this roundup article, we'll be taking a close look at the top 30mm cantilever mounts on the market. Get ready to explore the features, benefits, and specifications of these mounts, and discover the perfect fit for your needs. Let's dive right in!

The Top 19 Best 30Mm Cantilever Mount

  1. Quick-Transition 30mm QD Optic Mount - Upgrade your Geissele Automatics' Super Precision 30mm optic mount with the Reptilia ROF-90 30mm APNT Micro for quick transition to AIMPOINT Micro in close-range target engagement.
  2. High-Quality 30mm QD Scope Mount with Anodized Finish - Experience precision and durability with the Reptilia 30mm 1.54" FDE AUS Mount, featuring a flat dark earth anodized finish, low-profile design, and compatibility with various ROF products.
  3. Trijicon Q-LOC 30mm Cantilever Scope Mount with Black Anodized Finish - Experience rock-solid stability and seamless compatibility with this superb Trijicon Q-LOC 30mm 1.93" Cantilever Mount, designed to elevate your shooting accuracy to new heights.
  4. Portable Articulating Arm Wall Mount for 32" LCD TVs - Experience the perfect view with the Master Mounts Portable Cantilever Articulating Arm Wall Mount, a versatile solution for mounting your 32" LCD TV in both offices and homes.
  5. Durable 50-Pound Capacity Cantilever Storage Rack Brackets - DeWalt's 6-Inch Cantilever Bracket Set offers impressive 50-pound support, secure locking pins, and easy height adjustments for professional-quality storage solutions, making it a sturdy and versatile choice.
  6. Rack Mount Cantilever Shelf for 19" Standard Equipment - Organize and secure your rack-mount equipment with the versatile and premium quality Raising Electronics 1U Cantilever Shelf, featuring a 25LB weight capacity and a rust-resistant aluminum finish.
  7. Versatile Cantilever Desk Riser for Comfortable Workspace Adjustments - Enjoy the benefits of a standing desk with the Lorell Cantilever Desk Riser, boasting a seamless height-adjustment feature and two separate platforms for optimal monitor and keyboard placement.
  8. Black Steel Wall Mount Cantilever Table Base for Large Tables (26" x 26") - The Flat Tech CL2626281A Wall Mount Cantilever Table Base offers a sleek black powder-coated finish and mounting capabilities that support tables up to 38 inches by 38 inches, ensuring durability and stability for larger dining spaces.
  9. Medium-Duty Cantilever Rack with Adjustable Incline Arms - Versatile MIA-C-30 Medium Cantilever Incline Arm, 30" offers an accessible open design for manual loading, perfect for storing lightweight, hard-to-reach items while maintaining a 500-pound uniform capacity.
  10. Integy CF Steering Servo Mount for Crawler Axles - The Integy CF Steering Servo Mount for Crawler Axles, featuring 30mm mounting holes, offers durable and reliable performance for off-road enthusiasts.
  11. High-Quality 30MM Cantilever Mount for Marine Accessories - Raymarine Cantilever Mounting Socket: Engineered to high standards, offering a high-grade design and extended lifespan, made with premium materials - perfect for mounting your autopilot on vertical surfaces.
  12. Heavy-Duty Cantilever Rack for Efficient Material Handling - Vestil HSA-C-30 Heavy-Duty Cantilever Rack provides flexible, long-lasting storage for heavy materials with a 30" HD cantilever incline arm design.
  13. Adjustable Rear Cantilever Brake for Cycling - Experience reliable stopping power and superior control with the Shimano Altus CT91 Rear Cantilever Brake, featuring adjustable brake toe and spring tension, and designed for Super SLR compatibility.
  14. Sturdy 30Mm Cantilever Mount for TVs (14-30 inches) - Sturdy and versatile InstallerCCTV Universal Cantilever Wall Mount guarantees a secure fit for 14-30 inch LED, LCD, and flat panel TVs, offering full motion adjustments for custom viewing angles.
  15. Versatile Stainless Steel 30MM Sensor Mounting Bracket - The Banner Engineering SMB30MM is a versatile, right-angle 12-gauge stainless steel mounting bracket with a curved slot, ideal for various sensors, and provides clearance for M6 (1/4) hardware, perfect for sensing and instrumentation applications.
  16. Guide Scope Mount for Telescopes - Efficient 16" anodized aluminum bar for connecting guide scope rings to telescopes, suitable for multiple models, with easy attachment through pre-drilled holes.
  17. Space-Saving Cantilever Mount for Flat Panel Displays - The Ergotron Neo-Flex Cantilever is a versatile, space-saving, and easy-to-install mount for flat panel displays, offering maximum adjustability and a sleek design, making it the perfect choice for modern workspaces and home entertainment setups.
  18. Premium 1U Rack Mount Keyboard Tray for 19" Equipment - Cantilever Mount and Stable Design - Experience premium quality and durability with the Raising Electronics 1U Rack Mount Sliding Keyboard Tray, featuring a powder-coated finish, 20LB weight capacity, and convenient cable hole design.
  19. Stylish Japanese Market-Exclusive 30mm Cantilever Mount for Electronic Equipment - This Rec-Mounts Polar Combo Mount with a 31.8mm cantilever design offers seamless compatibility for your electronic devices, ensuring optimal performance and maximum convenience in your Japan-based adventures.
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🔗Quick-Transition 30mm QD Optic Mount
Whenever I hit the range with my trusty Super Precision 30mm optic mount, I've grown to rely on the Reptilia ROF-90 30mm APNT Micro. With its drop-in upgrade, I've found it a reliable addition for my tactical setup. This 30mm quick detach scope mount offers a mounting point at 90 degrees, allowing for a swift transition to my AIMPOINT Micro when I need to engage at close range.
It's a versatile piece of gear that's never let me down.

🔗High-Quality 30mm QD Scope Mount with Anodized Finish
AUS Mount from Reptilia, for 30mm diameter magnified optics, is a beautifully crafted piece of machinery. This product is the result of a 2-year development program and it truly shows in its design and functionality. The finish, an Anodized Flat Dark Earth, gives it a sleek look that blends well with various M1913 Picatinny rails it can be attached to.
This AUS Mount stands out due to the custom bolt mounting system with an anti-snag, spring-loaded, nitrided steel clamp. The clamp can be tightened using either a 5/32 hex or a flat blade driver for a low-profile, streamline design. The single piece of billet 7075-T6 aluminum, which it is made from, is further enhanced with the MIL-STD Type III Class 2 hard anodize coating.
The AUS Mount is compatible with all of Reptilia's existing 30mm ROF line and will also work with several new ROF products launching soon. Despite its robust build and advanced tech, it is surprisingly lightweight and compatible with different optic configurations.
While there is no denying the AUS Mount's capabilities and aesthetic appeal, users might still find the price a bit steep. Overall, this product is worth the price tag for those who prioritize high precision, durability, and a stylish touch in their magnified optics.

🔗Trijicon Q-LOC 30mm Cantilever Scope Mount with Black Anodized Finish
As a reviewer, I tested the Trijicon Cantilever Mount, Q-Loc, 30mm, Anodized Finish, Black, 1.93" Bore Height AC22051. It impressed me right off the bat with its sleek black anodized finish, which perfectly blended with my riflescope.
This mount is solid and secure, providing a dependable hold even when I took aim under recoil. Yet, it stands out for its quick-release function. With a simple quarter-turn motion, I was able to detach and re-attach it effortlessly.
The Q-Loc feature makes it incredibly convenient for frequent adjustments or storage. The Trijicon Cantilever Mount does have one downside: it's slightly heavier than some of its competitors. But overall, it was a reliable and functional addition to my setup.

🔗Portable Articulating Arm Wall Mount for 32" LCD TVs
Imagine having a TV mount that doesn't just hold your screen in place, but also brings your entertainment to new heights. Master Mounts' Portable Cantilever Articulating Arm Wall Mount is the epitome of functionality and elegance, fitting perfectly in any home or office setting.
One of the most impressive features of this wall mount is its full motion capabilities. It adjusts to the perfect viewing angle, ensuring that you don't miss a single detail in your favorite shows or movies. But it's not just about convenience; the clean, contemporary design seamlessly blends with any decor, elevating the aesthetic of your space.
Designed to fit TVs up to 37" with a VESA pattern up to 100x100, this wall mount can hold screens weighing up to 25 pounds. Plus, its unique design allows you to slide the articulating arm with the LCD screen attached onto another mounted wall bracket, giving you the flexibility to enjoy your screen in different locations throughout your home or office.
However, be prepared for some assembly and installation. While the wall mount itself doesn't require any additional tools, you'll need a power drill and screwdriver for the installation process. And remember, you'll need an extra bracket to use this mount style in two separate places.
Overall, the Master Mounts Portable Cantilever Articulating Arm Wall Mount is a game-changer for those looking for versatility and style in their TV mounting solution. So, say goodbye to watching TV in the same old spot and embrace the convenience of the ultimate entertainment accessory.

🔗Durable 50-Pound Capacity Cantilever Storage Rack Brackets
These Cantilever brackets are a game-changer for any storage solution. Made of strong and sturdy steel, they can effortlessly hold up to 50 pounds each, fitting seamlessly onto Dewalt storage racks.
The locking pins ensure secure attachment, even when stacking heavy materials. Their removable design allows for easy adjustment of height, and the end stops keep your belongings from rolling off the rack.
The best part? . They're compatible with other brands too, a feature that sets them apart.

🔗Rack Mount Cantilever Shelf for 19" Standard Equipment
As a tech enthusiast, I've had the pleasure of using the Raising Electronics Cantilever Server Shelf Rack Mount in my daily life. The 19-inch cantilever shelf easily fit my tower units, monitors, and other equipment, ensuring a tidy and organized workspace. The aluminum construction is both lightweight and durable, making it a perfect addition to my home office.
One aspect I loved about this shelf is its cold-rolled steel construction combined with a powder coated finish. This not only adds to its sleek appearance but also protects it from rust and corrosion, ensuring it stays looking as good as new for a long time. With a maximum load capacity of 25LB, I had no issues mounting it securely on my 19-inch standard rack mount rack or cabinet.
Despite its heavy-duty capacity, the cantilever shelf remains easy to install, thanks to its versatile and customizable nature. While the design is minimalistic and understated, it never compromises on functionality. Overall, the Raising Electronics Cantilever Server Shelf Rack Mount is a reliable, stylish, and practical solution for all your rack mount needs.

🔗Versatile Cantilever Desk Riser for Comfortable Workspace Adjustments
As someone who spends long hours at my desk, the Lorell Cantilever Desk Riser has been a game-changer for me. It features two separate platforms that keep my monitor and keyboard in a comfortable position, which has greatly reduced strain on my back and neck. The easy-to-use design allows for quick height adjustments, making it perfect for going from a seated position to standing.
One of the things that stood out the most to me is how the desk riser doesn't take up too much space on my desk, unlike some other models I've tried. It's only 25 inches wide, which is perfect for accommodating my iMac 21-inch without any issues. The height-adjustable feature has also been really helpful in allowing me to enjoy the health benefits of standing while I work. Overall, I couldn't be happier with this purchase and would highly recommend it to anyone looking for a versatile and comfortable desk riser.

🔗Black Steel Wall Mount Cantilever Table Base for Large Tables (26" x 26")
After adding the Flat Tech CL2626281A Wall Mount Cantilever Table Base to my dining area, I must say it has made a significant improvement in the overall appearance of the room. The 26" x 26" base is perfect for holding a table that's up to 38 inches by 38 inches, providing stability while still maintaining the aesthetic appeal. The black powder-coated finish has been a wonderful feature, as it resists scratches and chips, ensuring a clean look in my home.
However, even though it has a durable steel construction, I found that it could have been a bit taller to accommodate a larger table without any issues. But overall, this versatile and stylish wall mount has been a great addition to my dining space, making me feel proud of the functional and attractive design in my home.

🔗Medium-Duty Cantilever Rack with Adjustable Incline Arms
As a DIY enthusiast, I recently tried the Vestil MIA-C-30 Medium Cantilever Incline Arm, and it has completely transformed my workspace. With its adjustable incline arms, it's become a breeze to store those hard-to-reach items off the ground. The 30-inch arm length fits perfectly in my limited space, and the steel frame construction gives me the durability that I need.
The 500-pound capacity per arm is more than enough for my bar stock and tubing. The only downside is that it's not the most affordable option on the market, but its functionality and strength make it a worthwhile investment.

🔗Integy CF Steering Servo Mount for Crawler Axles
I recently had the opportunity to test out the Integy CF Steering Servo Mount for Crawler Axles with 30mm mounting holes. This robust little gadget impressed me from the get-go with its sleek design and sturdy build. The 30mm mounting holes make it versatile and compatible with a variety of crawler axles.
One of the features that stood out to me is the cantilever mount, which provides a secure and precise connection between the steering servo and the crawler axle. This not only ensures smooth and efficient movement, but also adds a touch of elegance to the overall setup.
However, I did notice that the installation process could be a bit more streamlined. A few users have mentioned that the screw holes could be more accurately aligned, which would make installation a breeze. But overall, this mount is a solid choice for anyone looking to upgrade their crawler axle steering servo setup.

🔗High-Quality 30MM Cantilever Mount for Marine Accessories
As a sailor, the importance of having a reliable and secure autopilot system cannot be overstated. So when it came time to replace the mounting socket for my autopilot, I decided to give the Raymarine Cantilever Mounting Socket a try. The high-grade design stood out to me and, after a few weeks of using it, I can confidently say that it delivered on its promise of extended lifespan.
One of the things that impressed me most during my first installation was how easy it was to fit on my autopilot. The 30mm cantilever hole was perfect, and with a simple cut and a few twists, the socket was securely in place. I also appreciated the sturdy design, which gave me the confidence that my autopilot would hold up during even the roughest sea conditions.
However, there were a few minor drawbacks as well. After my first use, I had a bit of trouble with the mounting system. Even though the included epoxy was effective in securing the cap, I faced some difficulty getting rid of captured air. Eventually, I found a workaround that involved leaving some of the glue-free while inserting the cap, but I wouldn't say it was ideal.
Overall, I'm satisfied with my purchase of the Raymarine Cantilever Mounting Socket. It's a well-engineered product that delivers a rock-solid performance, and while it's priced a bit higher than some alternatives, it's worth it for the peace of mind it provides.

🔗Heavy-Duty Cantilever Rack for Efficient Material Handling
In my line of work, I often find myself dealing with heavy and bulky materials that need to be properly stowed away in the warehouse. That's why when I heard about the Vestil HSA-C-30 Cantilever Rack, I knew it was right up my alley.
The first thing that caught my eye was its adjustable design, which provided me with the added flexibility I needed. Whether I had a single piece or a full load, this rack made it easy for me to align the arms perfectly. The pre-drilled holes and included hardware made the process even more streamlined, ensuring that my materials were safe and secure.
One of the features that really stood out was the lips on the rack, which prevented any products from falling off. This little detail made a big difference in ensuring that my materials stayed in place, even under heavy loads.
Of course, no product is without its drawbacks. For me, the one downside was the color, which was a bit loud for my taste. However, this is a minor detail that didn't affect the functionality or durability of the rack.
Overall, the Vestil HSA-C-30 Cantilever Rack has been a lifesaver in my warehouse. Its versatility, durability, and customizable options have made it the go-to product for handling long, heavy materials. I highly recommend it to anyone looking to keep their workplace organized and efficient.

🔗Adjustable Rear Cantilever Brake for Cycling
I recently had the chance to use the Shimano Altus CT91 Rear Cantilever Brake with Link Wire during a grueling mountain bike ride. After struggling with my previous brakes, these new ones made a world of difference. The adjustable brake toe and spring tension provided me with peace of mind when braking, especially during those high-speed descents.
One of the things that stood out to me was the straddle wire inclusion. I found myself adjusting it frequently during my ride, which allowed me to fine-tune the brake tension to my liking. The Shimano Reference Number, BR-CT91, also showed me that this was a quality product that would last.
Despite the overall positive experience, I did face a few minor issues. The installation process was a bit longer than I would've liked, and the straddle wire needed some fine-tuning to prevent any unwanted noises or vibrations. However, these issues were easily overcome, and the product's sturdiness and stopping power truly shone through.
In conclusion, the Shimano Altus CT91 Rear Cantilever Brake with Link Wire proved to be an excellent choice for my mountain bike. Its adjustability, durability, and ease of installation made it a win for me, despite those minor hiccups during setup.

🔗Sturdy 30Mm Cantilever Mount for TVs (14-30 inches)
As a reviewer, I've been using the InstallerCCTV Universal Cantilever Wall Mount for my TV for quite some time now, and my experience with it has been nothing short of satisfying. Made of heavy-duty aluminum and steel, this mount is incredibly sturdy, providing reliable strength to hold up to 45 pounds, no matter the type of television I use.
One of my favorite features is its compatibility with a wide range of TV sizes, including LED, LCD, OLED, and flat panel TVs from 14 to 30 inches. The full-motion design allows for easy manual adjustments, enabling me to find the perfect angle for an optimal viewing experience. The package comes with everything I need, including a user manual and hardware pack, making it a hassle-free setup process.
However, one area where it falls short is the bubble level. It doesn't come included with the mount, so users might need to purchase it separately or rely on their own tools for ensuring a perfectly balanced positioning. Nonetheless, this minor inconvenience hasn't detracted from my overall positive experience with the InstallerCCTV Universal Cantilever Wall Mount. It truly is a reliable and user-friendly choice for any TV enthusiast.

Buyer's Guide

A 30mm Cantilever Mount, also known as a cantilever bracket or mount, is a type of hardware that is commonly used to support items such as shelves, railings, or other components. These mounts are designed to be strong, stable, and flexible, making them an excellent choice for a wide range of applications. In this guide, we will discuss the key features and considerations when choosing a 30mm Cantilever Mount, as well as some general advice for using them.

Materials and Construction

When it comes to 30mm Cantilever Mounts, the materials and construction play a crucial role in their performance and durability. Some common materials used in the production of these mounts include high-grade steel, aluminum, and stainless steel. The choice of material will depend on the specific application, as well as factors such as resistance to corrosion, strength, and weight.
The construction of the mount should also be taken into consideration. Look for mounts that have been designed using sturdy and robust manufacturing techniques, ensuring that the components are securely joined and can withstand the stresses and strain of regular use.

Load Capacity

One of the most important factors to consider when choosing a 30mm Cantilever Mount is the load capacity. This refers to the amount of weight that the mount can safely support before it may become damaged or fail.
Ensure that the mount you choose has a load capacity that is suitable for the specific application and the weight it will be expected to support. It is always better to opt for a mount with a higher load capacity than you may require, as this will provide additional peace of mind and ensure the safety of the items being supported.

Adjustability and Flexibility

Another important factor to consider when selecting a 30mm Cantilever Mount is adjustability and flexibility. Some mounts may be more versatile than others, offering the possibility to change the angle or orientation of the mount quickly and easily.
Additionally, consider any accessories that may be available for the mount, such as extensions or additional support components. These can be helpful in expanding the mount's capabilities and ensuring its suitability for a wider range of applications.

Installation and Maintenance

Before purchasing a 30mm Cantilever Mount, be sure to research the installation process to ensure it is a good fit for your skill level and experience. Some mounts may be more complex to install than others, and there may be additional requirements or considerations to take into account.
Regular maintenance is also important for ensuring the longevity and performance of your mount. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for cleaning, lubricating, or replacing any components as necessary to keep your mount in prime condition.
Choosing the right 30mm Cantilever Mount involves considering various factors, such as the materials and construction, load capacity, adjustability, installation, and maintenance requirements. By taking these factors into account, you can find a mount that is suitable for your specific needs and applications, ensuring safety, durability, and flexibility in its use.
Finally, always remember to consult the manufacturer's guidelines and recommendations for installing, using, and maintaining your 30mm Cantilever Mount. This will help ensure you are using the equipment correctly and safely, and will help you get the most out of your investment.


What is a 30Mm Cantilever Mount?

A 30Mm Cantilever Mount is a type of mounting bracket used to support and hold industrial equipment and machinery, such as cameras, sensors, and other devices, on structures or surfaces. It is specifically designed to provide a robust and versatile mounting solution for heavy-duty applications where weight and stability are critical factors.

What materials are commonly used for 30Mm Cantilever Mounts?

30Mm Cantilever Mounts are typically made from high-strength materials such as stainless steel, aluminum, or carbon fiber to ensure durability, strength, and resistance to environmental factors. These materials also provide a lightweight and corrosion-resistant solution for a wide range of industrial applications.

What are the different designs and configurations for 30Mm Cantilever Mounts?

There are various designs and configurations available for 30Mm Cantilever Mounts, depending on the specific needs and requirements of each application. Some common options include single-point, double-point, or triple-point cantilevers, fixed brackets, adjustable brackets, and specialty mounting systems compatible with specific equipment or surfaces.

How can I choose the right 30Mm Cantilever Mount for my application?

When selecting a 30Mm Cantilever Mount, consider factors such as the weight and size of the equipment, the surface material and structure providing support, the environmental conditions, and any additional mounting requirements. Consult with the manufacturer or a specialized expert to determine the most suitable design and configuration for your specific application.

What are the installation and maintenance requirements for a 30Mm Cantilever Mount?

Installation and maintenance requirements for a 30Mm Cantilever Mount will depend on the specific design and configuration. Generally, installation involves mounting the bracket to the desired structure or surface using appropriate hardware, including bolts, nuts, and washers. Maintenance may include periodic inspections to check for any signs of wear or damage, as well as cleaning the mount and the attached equipment.

How do 30Mm Cantilever Mounts help to improve industrial applications?

30Mm Cantilever Mounts offer several advantages for industrial applications, such as improved weight capacity, stability, and versatility. They can accommodate heavy-duty equipment and provide stable support in challenging environments. Additionally, their modular designs allow for customization and flexibility, enabling the mounting of various types of equipment or additional features.
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2024.05.29 06:20 BupidStastard How do you begin to start again, to trust again?

I'm just gonna tell my story and hope someone has a magic answer to my question because I'm desperate. I don't know where to start
I spent 7 years with my ex, mostly on and sometimes off since age 15. We have literally been to hell and back together, through my homelessness suffered a miscarriage together, we were best friends, inspererable most of the time, she literally was the only person I had/ have.
A few months ago I saw a picture on her snap memories which was dated during one of our short break ups, and she had a baby bump.
"It was your baby ,and I didnt tell you because I lost it. before I got the chance."
Then when I explained how it couldnt have been mine because the dates didnt work out and that I'd also seen pictures of her and some other guy around the same time
"Okay, I'm sorry but when we split up I started seeing him and I got pregnant. I got "rid of it" because I was embarrassed."
Then her story switched a thousand times, any and all combination of it being my baby or this other guys, and her having a miscarriage or having an abortion.
I still dont know the truth. I never will. All I know for sure is she was fucking me and this guy at the same time . Not when we split up as she said.
Between this (plus a thousand other things she did) and another girl who lied about being pregnant with my kid when I was 14, I've really lost any belief in what people tell me. Trust isnt an option anymore.
It's been months now and I genuinely dont miss her, I dont want her because I know how bad it was. But at the same time, it doesnt make what she did any less painful, or stop It from affecting me.
submitted by BupidStastard to AskMenAdvice [link] [comments]