Bactrim forte indicacion

احد دكتور يشرح ذا ؟

2024.04.16 22:15 qwertysize احد دكتور يشرح ذا ؟

احد دكتور يشرح ذا ؟
الوالد له فتره يروح المستشفى يقول بس تحليل جيت اخذت جواله اشوف التقارير بس تحاليل عادية ولكن فيه الادوية هاذي قوقل صراحة مافادني هو راح بسبب انتفاخ الغدة وحسب كلامه الدكتور يقول اخذو عينة واموره تمام بس حنا نعرفه انه مايعلم احد باي شي وخايفين عليه اذا عندكم اي علم افيدونا بالله
submitted by qwertysize to saudiarabia [link] [comments]

2024.03.01 12:51 MedlinFirm Enfoques De Defensa Del Derecho Criminal

Enfoques De Defensa Del Derecho Criminal
A medida que el abogado de defensa criminal aprende más sobre los planes del acusado para su caso, un enfoque de defensa criminal para sus cargos penales comenzará a tomar forma.
Representar un caso con éxito puede resultar en un acuerdo de culpabilidad, una condena por un cargo menos grave, o incluso un veredicto de no culpabilidad. Esto consiste en documentación, coordinación, adhesión a las instrucciones del patrón, confesión, persuasión del jurado, declaración de culpabilidad, estudio de las pruebas, avance del caso y orientación continua.
Como puede ver, el abogado de defensa criminal aumentará las indagaciones que podrían presentar pruebas que posicionan al acusado en un lugar diferente o un relato diferente del incidente. El enfoque del plan de defensa criminal también varía dependiendo de la conducta del acusado penal y de cómo responda a las preguntas del fiscal.

Establecer Un Enfoque De Defensa Criminal Etapa 1

El secreto del éxito de la defensa criminal es atenerse a las reglas. Para establecer una representación legal exitosa, el acusado debe seguir las instrucciones. Existen numerosas pautas para llevar a cabo una demanda de defensa criminal.


Cada una de ellas quiere guiar al abogado en el proceso de recopilación de pruebas para apoyar la culpabilidad de su cliente. Por lo tanto, las instrucciones se redactan para facilitar la comunicación entre el cliente y el abogado, y no para que sean poco claras o innecesarias en el sistema de derecho criminal.


Cada componente de la estrategia de defensa criminal debe coordinarse para que la defensa tenga éxito en el tribunal. Una de las indicaciones más específicas es que el jurado se concentre en lo que el abogado de la defensa criminal está declarando y no preste atención a lo que la fiscalía está declarando. Aunque pueda parecer sencillo, en realidad no lo es.

Instrucciones Patrón

A veces, el área de investigación de un participante del jurado es insuficiente para garantizar la culpabilidad o la inocencia de un acusado. La fiscalía tiene un caso mucho más fuerte para condenar a su defendido si el jurado hace caso omiso de las instrucciones patrón. Es importante seguir las instrucciones patrón en estas situaciones para obtener los mejores resultados del jurado.


En algunos casos, el abogado aconseja a su cliente que si confiesa, el caso será abandonado. Aunque puede parecer la opción incorrecta, el abogado puede convencer a la defensa de que se declare culpable para saltarse el juicio por completo y recibir penas que el acusado pueda comprometer.

Establecimiento De Un Enfoque De Defensa Criminal Etapa 2

Persuadir Al Jurado

Un abogado de defensa criminal fuerte debe persuadir al jurado para que absuelva a su cliente. Encontrar a alguien que exprese su preocupación en muchos casos requiere una oferta sólida de tiempo de prisión.

Declararse Culpable

Antes de que comience el juicio, frecuentemente es preferible que el acusado se declare culpable en ciertas situaciones. El castigo típico para alguien que acepta una declaración de culpabilidad pero que luego se demuestra que es inocente es la libertad condicional.

Conozca Las Pruebas

Otro enfoque de la defensa criminal es cuando un acusado piensa que la fiscalía está ocultando información a la policía y al gobierno que podría explotar en su contra. Ya sea que se relacione con los cargos presentados contra su cliente u otro individuo, el abogado debe aprender cuáles son las pruebas.

Avanzar En El Caso

Es importante recordar que el abogado del acusado criminal determinará cómo proceder con el caso. Usted no tiene ningún derecho bajo la ley a ser escuchado o a que las pruebas sean tomadas en cuenta en el estudio durante un juicio si decide contratar un abogado basado en una consulta gratuita.

Busque Orientación Continua

Durante esta evaluación, su abogado tendrá en cuenta toda la información. Si no está de acuerdo con algún aspecto del procedimiento, es importante que busque la orientación de su abogado. Para ser precisos, el cliente tiene que decidir qué hacer, pero el abogado debe asegurarse de que el cliente es conocedor y comprende todos los datos relevantes para tomar una decisión educada.

Aprenda Más De Un Abogado Criminalista De Fort Worth Sobre Los Enfoques De La Defensa

Dependiendo de los requisitos de su caso y los hechos en un registro, usted puede tener acceso a varias estrategias de defensa criminal. Póngase en contacto con un abogado penalista de Fort Worth, Texas, para aprender más de inmediato.

Más Información The Medlin Law Firm en TradeFord Cómo Llegar
The Medlin Law Firm 1300 S University Dr #318 Fort Worth, TX 76107 (682) 204-4066
submitted by MedlinFirm to u/MedlinFirm [link] [comments]

2024.02.28 15:22 CheapElderberry6651 UTI after sex

Hello everyone, I am a 35 year old female who gets a UTI every time after sex even after strictly following good hygiene. 1). Me and partner maintain good hygiene. I had the same problem with other partners too. 2). I always pee after sex 3). I have consulted many urologist. My cystoscopy results are all normal. 4). I was put on 6 months of cefixime but even then I got 5 breakthrough infections during the 6 months. 5). My culture reports were always sterile except 2 times. One time, it was strep B and other time it was polymicrobial. 6). My routine after sex is to immediately pee ( I do not pee before sex because if I do that, i cannot pee after, I am empty), clean and take a low dose of Bactrim forte (800mg/160mg), the following day I drink d- mannose 2 times and also take 2 cranberry tablets. I try to maintain a gap of 3 hrs between d-mannos and cranberry. 7). I am taking garden of life UTI probiotic capsule everyday. I was also using the probiotic ovules every 3 days. 8). I am on 2 hormones pill but i am sure it does not have an effect as I have UTI before when I was not on birth control.
Even after doing all this, in the last 4 months of starting prophylactic bactrim, I have had 3 breakthrough infections. Sometimes bactrim works but one day suddenly I get an breakthrough infection. Similarly, with cefixime, I had 5 infections last year. Normally, when you are taking prophylaxis antibiotics you should not worry about taking cranberry or d-mannose.
I live in France, hiprex and UTI vaccine are not approved here.
I really need help.
submitted by CheapElderberry6651 to Healthyhooha [link] [comments]

2023.08.15 16:33 Smooth-Astronaut713 Shampoo for rats

Shampoo for rats
Will any of these be a good shampoo to bathe my rats in? I’m trying to get them something to soothe their skin because they have mites that’s being treated.
submitted by Smooth-Astronaut713 to RATS [link] [comments]

2023.05.17 15:08 TigerSimilar Please answer if you know about this 🙏🏼

Hi everyone. 24M
To sum up. I took a month ago 2 pills of bactrim (then stopped because it’s dangerous) then during 10 days Bactrim forte, twice a day even though I didn’t have any infection. It fucked me up with a really bad allergic reaction (to sulfa I believe) : dizziness, fever, rash, itchiness, red skin, hallucinations etc etc. I immediately stopped taking it and everything since then has been horrible.
Then because I was allergic to it My urologist prescribed me with Cipro (lol) which I didn’t take again. And he also prescribed me tamsulosin (Flomax) once a day because for my cpps I have hesitancy, weak stream and so on. I took it for 15 days then I stopped 2 days ago and since then I have a lot of dizziness when lying down and starting to sleep/closing my eyes. And some cervical/neck discomfort. Because of this I can’t sleep properly.
Do you know it there is also sulfa in Tamsulosin that could cause these effects I have ? Or it’s the tamsulosin side effects that are still in my body even after 48 hours since I took my last pill? Or this could be something else?
I’m becoming to feel horrible, I’m really depressed because of all of this. WHY DID I STARTED TAKING THESE ANTIBIOTICS IF I DIDNT HAVE ANY INFECTION. I really blame myself for this. Why was I so stupid…. Don’t know if I will eventually feel better one day. Maybe too late… :(
My life since then has been a nightmare. Please help me or answer me I beg you.
submitted by TigerSimilar to PelvicFloor [link] [comments]

2023.05.17 15:07 TigerSimilar Please answer if you know about this 🙏🏼

Hi everyone. 24M
To sum up. I took a month ago 2 pills of bactrim (then stopped because it’s dangerous) then during 10 days Bactrim forte, twice a day even though I didn’t have any infection. It fucked me up with a really bad allergic reaction (to sulfa I believe) : dizziness, fever, rash, itchiness, red skin, hallucinations etc etc. I immediately stopped taking it and everything since then has been horrible.
Then because I was allergic to it My urologist prescribed me with Cipro (lol) which I didn’t take again. And he also prescribed me tamsulosin (Flomax) once a day because for my cpps I have hesitancy, weak stream and so on. I took it for 15 days then I stopped 2 days ago and since then I have a lot of dizziness when lying down and starting to sleep/closing my eyes. And some cervical/neck discomfort. Because of this I can’t sleep properly.
Do you know it there is also sulfa in Tamsulosin that could cause these effects I have ? Or it’s the tamsulosin side effects that are still in my body even after 48 hours since I took my last pill? Or this could be something else?
I’m becoming to feel horrible, I’m really depressed because of all of this. WHY DID I STARTED TAKING THESE ANTIBIOTICS IF I DIDNT HAVE ANY INFECTION. I really blame myself for this. Why was I so stupid…. Don’t know if I will eventually feel better one day. Maybe too late… :(
My life since then has been a nightmare. Please help me or answer me I beg you.
submitted by TigerSimilar to Prostatitis [link] [comments]

2023.04.29 17:49 TigerSimilar Mu updated journey and I’m pretty confused af…

I have CPPS and also hypertonic pelvic floor (diagnosed by several docs and PFPT). For at least 2/3 years. I was only diagnosed this year
My symptoms until last week were weak urine stream, pelvic pain, relatively frequent urination, I had back pain groin pain, sometimes pain while peeing, ejaculation pain and ED. So the pretty classics.
I got a blood, urine and sperm test and they all came back negative, also Uroflowmetry (which was 18 ml/s two weeks ago until last week also and I had at least 3 DRE done and it was painful. Also, I had a transrectal ultrasound and everything was fine, prostate size normal, no calcification etc.. Urologist prescribed me Cipro (which I refused) and then he prescribed me bactrim forte… I finally accepted to take it because I was in a « why not » mind. What a mistake of mine… 10 days after starting the bactrim I had a really bad reaction with red skin, like a rash, with fever, dizziness, lymph nodes and it was itching af. I immediately stopped bactrim and fortunately 3 days after stopping bactrim it all went away.
But I also had another thing that happened to me in the meanwhile :
What confuses me?
So Last week, while I still was on bactrim, out of nowhere I didn’t feel the need the pee anymore even though I had drunk the same amount of water (2L per day). So I went to the bathroom and I had to strain a lot for the pee to go out… and not as much urine went out a usual. I went to sleep and on morning the same happened to me. I began to be really stressed and anxious so I wen to ER because I thought my bladder was filling itself and that I couldn’t pee but in fact they did ultrasound and it wasn’t urine retention…. So I spend the whole week staring and bearing down (not good to do it) in order to pee. I also developed abdominal and pubic muscles soreness because of how much I was straining. I still got it now even tho I’d say it’s a bit less.
I started a urine journal and I was peeing approx the same amount of water I was drinking so It was good sign. Days go by and now I’m still on the same shit. I have a lot of urinary hesitancy, don’t really feel the need to pee like I did and the flow is weak. Weaker than when I did the urolflowmetry 2 weeks before. But you know what? I don’t have pelvic pain like I used to anymore, don’t have pain while urinating anymore. It was like a trade off of some of my symptoms with other new symptoms.
I don’t know if it occurred because of bactrim (because it happened at the same time my reaction happened) or my cpps and hypertonic pelvic floor worsened in that matter but I’m pretty lost. It all happened in like one day.
Do you have an explanation for this? I’m starting PFFT this week and also my urologist gave me Tamsulosin alpha blockers for the hesitancy and the weak flow stream. Didn’t took them yet, maybe tomorrow morning.
Do you have an explanation ? What could I do next?
submitted by TigerSimilar to PelvicFloor [link] [comments]

2023.04.29 17:48 TigerSimilar Mu updated journey and I’m pretty confused af…

I have CPPS and also hypertonic pelvic floor (diagnosed by several docs and PFPT). For at least 2/3 years. I was only diagnosed this year
My symptoms until last week were weak urine stream, pelvic pain, relatively frequent urination, I had back pain groin pain, sometimes pain while peeing, ejaculation pain and ED. So the pretty classics.
I got a blood, urine and sperm test and they all came back negative, also Uroflowmetry (which was 18 ml/s two weeks ago until last week also and I had at least 3 DRE done and it was painful. Also, I had a transrectal ultrasound and everything was fine, prostate size normal, no calcification etc.. Urologist prescribed me Cipro (which I refused) and then he prescribed me bactrim forte… I finally accepted to take it because I was in a « why not » mind. What a mistake of mine… 10 days after starting the bactrim I had a really bad reaction with red skin, like a rash, with fever, dizziness, lymph nodes and it was itching af. I immediately stopped bactrim and fortunately 3 days after stopping bactrim it all went away.
But I also had another thing that happened to me in the meanwhile :
What confuses me?
So Last week, while I still was on bactrim, out of nowhere I didn’t feel the need the pee anymore even though I had drunk the same amount of water (2L per day). So I went to the bathroom and I had to strain a lot for the pee to go out… and not as much urine went out a usual. I went to sleep and on morning the same happened to me. I began to be really stressed and anxious so I wen to ER because I thought my bladder was filling itself and that I couldn’t pee but in fact they did ultrasound and it wasn’t urine retention…. So I spend the whole week staring and bearing down (not good to do it) in order to pee. I also developed abdominal and pubic muscles soreness because of how much I was straining. I still got it now even tho I’d say it’s a bit less.
I started a urine journal and I was peeing approx the same amount of water I was drinking so It was good sign. Days go by and now I’m still on the same shit. I have a lot of urinary hesitancy, don’t really feel the need to pee like I did and the flow is weak. Weaker than when I did the urolflowmetry 2 weeks before. But you know what? I don’t have pelvic pain like I used to anymore, don’t have pain while urinating anymore. It was like a trade off of some of my symptoms with other new symptoms.
I don’t know if it occurred because of bactrim (because it happened at the same time my reaction happened) or my cpps and hypertonic pelvic floor worsened in that matter but I’m pretty lost. It all happened in like one day.
Do you have an explanation for this? I’m starting PFFT this week and also my urologist gave me Tamsulosin alpha blockers for the hesitancy and the weak flow stream. Didn’t took them yet, maybe tomorrow morning.
Do you have an explanation ? What could I do next?
submitted by TigerSimilar to Prostatitis [link] [comments]

2023.04.24 17:33 OkPerformer6828 Neck rash - should I be concerned?

1 week ago I started following protocol: Malarone + Bactrim. (I have to add Azithromycin in week 2)
Since starting protocol I was feeling pretty well, and tolerated everything well but today around noon I noticed rash on my neck.
I’m concerned because my doctor worned me about allergy reaction to Bactrim, which can be dangerous.
However, I took Bactrim forte (2x dose) about 3 months ago and tolerated it well without any side effects.
That rash appeared suddenly at 4 pm - at the time I did two things: eated almonds for snack, and took liposomal gluthatione shortly before rash appeared.
Also, yesterday I shaved my neck with razor, and I have pretty sensitive skin so maybe that’s a thing. But it appeared suddenly today, not after shaving.
I didn’t took my antibiotics yet today, so I think that rash is not from Bactrim but I want to be sure.
Today I’m not taking any antibiotics and watching the rash - if it’ll go away shortly I’ll be calm.
What do you think? It’s not a big deal, or should I be concerned and stop taking antibiotics?
submitted by OkPerformer6828 to Lyme [link] [comments]

2022.10.16 15:19 FigureInteresting362 Elevated MPV in dog, what does it mean

We rushed our dog to the vet this morning cause he didn’t want to eat and we noticed he had watery stools. So we got his cbc done, everything is within normal range except for his MPV count, which is slightly elevated. The vets said that it could be that he ate something he wasn’t meant to and it caused an upset stomach. So they prescribed him metronidazole and bactrim forte for 7 days. But I don’t buy it cause our dogs very particular with what he puts in his mouth lol. Does anyone have insight on this? I researched about high MPV in dogs and it said it could be something genetic?
Age: 1 year and 8 month old unneutered Breed: German Sheperd. Medical history: none except that he’s cow hocked if that’s important
submitted by FigureInteresting362 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2022.10.02 01:53 Both_Group_2458 LE5 L3Y Car Possible Location (Read comments for info)

LE5 L3Y Car Possible Location (Read comments for info) submitted by Both_Group_2458 to GameTheorists [link] [comments]

2022.10.02 01:20 Both_Group_2458 L35 L3Y Car Possible Location

L35 L3Y Car Possible Location submitted by Both_Group_2458 to DHMIS [link] [comments]

2022.08.05 02:26 Tj08 Recurring Infection for ten years- all doctors are stumped

Hello all, and thank you in advance for reading my lengthy post. I am hoping to turn to the expertise of the internet after real life doctors have failed to provide me with any answers over the past ten years.
I am 31F, 160cm, 70kg, Caucasian. I have no existing medical issues except well controlled asthma (Symbicort 200/6). I do not drink or smoke or do drugs, I never have. I currently live in Sydney Australia.
Since I was approximately 21 I have been getting large abscess like lumps on my face. These lumps are around the size of half golf balls and are incredibly painful. They always occur after a period of stress in my life, and generally happen approximately once a year. Each time I have gotten one of these lumps I have been to the GP, and eventually I was referred to a few different dermatologists to further investigate the issue, but everybody has come up empty regarding why these occur and what to do about them.
Some key features of these lumps are:
-When cut open, there is nothing inside them but blood. Like, literally nothing else. -When swabbed/biopsied/scraped to be sent off for testing, the tests reveal literally nothing. No bacteria, nothing out of the ordinary, they all come back completely empty/normal. As far as my dermatologist has stated, they have ‘tested for everything’. -They only respond to erythromycin. No other antibiotic works on them. -They are very painful and red and angry -No dermatologist or GP has ever seen them before -All dermatologists or GPs mistakenly assume it’s Staph or MRSA or some sort of other similar infection, but all tests prove otherwise, and it doesn’t seem to make sense since when they do have to drain them, nothing is in there. -Up until this most current infection, they’ve all gone away with erythromycin, but this one isn’t. -I have undergone the staph eradication program religiously, four times, it has not made a difference. -I have tried Keflex, Bactrim, doxycycline, amoxicillin, respirim forte, metronidazole, and probably a few more antibiotics I can’t think of, none of these have been effective. -The lumps have never occurred anywhere else on my body but the left side of my face -They do not start out as pimples or anything, they basically sprout up painfully overnight -In one of the photos, it looks like there is a head on it. The head opens up and blood just normally pours out. This time it's been almost two weeks and the head hasn't opened. My doctor advised me not to touch it.
I am at a loss currently sitting in the emergency room because my GP referred me after this current lump is very close to my eye and not responding to antibiotics. The doctors here don’t even know what to do. Any advice, suggestions, questions, etc would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
submitted by Tj08 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2021.12.24 22:38 BarisKvs Autoimmune Disease

Hi ! First I have autoimmune thrombocytopenia (the value of thrombocytes are between 40 and 60 ) My ANA test is High positive I have hepatomegaly (160 mm ) And IgM deficiency( Not very severe) And sometimes which there is not spesific time period between but I have itchy rash allergy Sometimes I have heart palpitations And when I was a child I had asthma ,mid ear infections(10 12 times in a year) and oral aphthaes ( 5 6 times in a year ) And also mt Coombs is positive What yours opinion about my disease?
submitted by BarisKvs to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2021.08.19 07:24 throwaway22872021 Lumps in legs-doctors seem baffled.

Male, 36 years old, 120 kilos, 166cm. Suffer from anxiety and on 10mg of escitalopram daily and have been been for a few years.
It all started about 4 months ago with a lump on my left ankle, it was annoying and became infected with cellulitis. I was started on bactrim which did nothing so was then put on to resprime forte which cleared it up. The problem is more lumps have appeared over my legs, sometime also getting cellulitis before being treated, disappearing and turning up elsewhere on my legs. The lumps are always below my knees and seem to turn up randomly.
I currently have on on my left leg and one on my right which seems to made up of 3 smaller lumps. I’ve had the following blood tests: -Random BSL -EUC -LFT -FBE -CRP -HIV All have come back fine and show no inflammation or infection.
I also had a lung x-ray which also came back fine.
The lumps were given an ultrasound and the report says the following: “The lumps correspond to non-specific,non encapsulated subcutaneous oedema. It could be post injury,they may be inflammatory”
These definitely aren’t from bumping them or any type of injury. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks greatly in advance.
submitted by throwaway22872021 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2020.10.08 09:23 anonymous01272 fungal acne or bacterial/hormonal acne??

hi all. to start off with, bit of context. in january 2019 i began to get a severe outbreak of what looks like acne on my chest. the spots are all the same - quite small, red and pus-filled. it absolutely covers my chest and leaves me super insecure. after a few months of dealing with it, i visit my doctor, who refers me to a dermatologist. that dermatologist prescribes me with bactrim (resprim forte) and i start taking it immediately. after a few weeks of taking it, i began to start having quite a severe reaction to the bactrim, so i stop taking it. however, skin remains clear for the next six months.
that brings us to january 2020, when my skin flared up again on my chest - as well as my upper arms and back (mostly upper left side). again, after dealing with it for many months, trying different things to get rid of it (with no success) i went to see a dermatologist again. this time, i was prescribed with minocycline.
i’ve only been taking the minocycline for a few days, but so far, my acne has actually seemed to have gotten worse! it does tend to flare up spontaneously, but im seriously worried, it’s awful at the moment, probably the worst it’s even been. it’s even on my face (mostly forehead, some around mouth on cheeks).
i’ve considered that it might be fungal acne (pityrosporum/malassezia folliculitis maybe) - it fits the bill, aside from that fact that it isn’t itchy at all. and if it is, i’ve heard certain things about minocycline making fungal acne worse. my dermatologist has great reviews, but im starting to have my doubts about whether he prescribed me properly. which leads me to my questions
does it sound like fungal or bacterial/hormonal acne to you? what should i do next? could the minocycline be making it worse? does anyone have similar experiences? how do i get rid of it!
i feel like i’ve tried everything - saliyac acid, glycolic acid, benzoyl peroxide, duac (clindamycin) gel, coconut oil, nizoral shampoo, head and shoulders shampoo... you get the picture. i’ve had no side effects whatsoever from the minocycline (other than the potential flare up) and i want to keep taking it just in case it does work. but what do you guys think?
submitted by anonymous01272 to acne [link] [comments]

2020.01.04 17:47 majesticallyawkward1 Curology vs. derm?

So I already see a dermatologist for acne. I'm on oral bactrim, EpiDuo forte, and topical clindamycin. I still have closed comedones on my forehead that WILL NOT go away and hormonal cystic acne around my chin/jawline. Would curology help any more than my dermatologist? Or is it mostly for people who don't see a dermatologist?
submitted by majesticallyawkward1 to acne [link] [comments]

2019.08.24 18:23 HotGrabba Bactrim Forte or is it Sulfur Soap Working?

I have been using both Bactrim Forte (sulfamethoxazole trimethoprim 800-160) and sulfur soap for over a week now. I am seeing great clearance in my skin. However I don tknow if it is the antibiotics acting this fast or the sulfur soap. After washing with th sulfur soap my face instantly feels smoother. Could the Bactrim antibiotic work this fast?
submitted by HotGrabba to acne [link] [comments]

2016.09.06 23:29 podemosspb 35 Países donde los EE.UU. ha apoyado fascistas, narcotraficantes y terroristas. He aquí una guía útil para un delincuente internacional apoyado por Estados Unidos. Vol 3

-21. Corea
Cuando las fuerzas estadounidenses llegaron a Corea en 1945 , fueron recibidos por funcionarios de la República Popular de Corea (KPR), formados por grupos de resistencia que se había desarmado la entrega de las fuerzas japonesas y comenzado a establecer el orden en toda Corea. General Hodge tuvo ellos expulsados ​​de su despacho y se coloca la mitad sur de Corea bajo la ocupación militar de Estados Unidos. Por el contrario, las fuerzas rusas en el Norte reconocieron la KPR, lo que lleva a la división a largo plazo de Corea. Los EE.UU. en avión Syngman Rhee, un exiliado de Corea del conservador, y lo instaló como presidente de Corea del Sur en 1948. Rhee se convirtió en un dictador en una cruzada anticomunista, detener y torturar a sospechosos de ser comunistas, brutalmente sofocar rebeliones , matando a 100.000 personas y prometiendo para hacerse cargo de Corea del Norte. Él fue al menos en parte responsable del estallido de la Guerra de Corea y de la decisión aliada para invadir Corea del Norte Corea del Sur una vez que había sido recapturado. Finalmente fue obligado a renunciar por masivas protestas estudiantiles en 1960.
-22. Laos
La CIA comenzó a proporcionar apoyo aéreo a las fuerzas francesas en Laos en 1950, y mantuvo involucrado allí por 25 años. La CIA ha diseñado al menos tres golpes de Estado entre 1958 y 1960 para mantener el crecimiento de izquierda Pathet Lao fuera del gobierno. Se trabajó con la derecha capos de Laos como General Phoumi Nosavan, el transporte de opio entre Birmania, Laos y Vietnam y la protección de su monopolio de la comercio de opio en Laos. En 1962, la CIA reclutó un ejército mercenario clandestina de 30.000 veteranos de las guerras de guerrillas anteriores de Tailandia, Corea, Vietnam y Filipinas para luchar contra el Pathet Lao. Como un gran número de soldados estadounidenses en Vietnam se enganchó a la heroína, América del aire de la CIA transportó el opio del territorio Hmong en la llanura de las jarras de laboratorios de heroína del general Vang Pao en Long Tieng y Vientián para su envío a Vietnam. Cuando la CIA no pudo derrotar al Pathet Lao, los EE.UU. bombardeó Laos casi tan fuertemente como Camboya, con 2 millones de toneladas de bombas.
-23. Libia
Guerra de la OTAN contra Libia epítome del presidente Obama "disfrazada, silencioso y sin medios de comunicación" enfoque de la guerra. Campaña de bombardeos de la OTAN se justificaba de manera fraudulenta al Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU como un esfuerzo para proteger a los civiles, y el papel instrumental de la occidental y otras fuerzas especiales extranjeras sobre el terreno estaba bien disfrazada, incluso cuando las fuerzas especiales de Qatar (incluyendo ex-ISI mercenarios paquistaníes ) liderado el asalto final sobre el al-Aziziya en Trípoli Bab HQ. La OTAN realizó 7.700 ataques aéreos , 30.000 -100.000 personas murieron , pueblos leales fueron bombardeados a escombros y la limpieza étnica, y el país es un caos como milicias islamistas formados en Occidente y armada perpetrados aprovechar las instalaciones de petróleo y territorio y luchan por el poder. La milicia de Misrata, entrenados y armados por fuerzas especiales occidentales, es uno de los más violentos y poderosos. Mientras escribo esto, los manifestantes han irrumpido simplemente el edificio del Congreso en Trípoli por cuarta o quinta vez en los últimos meses, y dos representantes elegidos han sido herido de bala mientras huían.
-24. México
El número de muertos en la guerra contra las drogas de México aprobó recientemente 100.000. El más violento de los carteles de la droga es de Los Zetas . Los funcionarios estadounidenses llaman los Zetas "los más avanzados tecnológicamente, sofisticado y peligroso cartel de la droga que operan en México." El cartel de los Zetas fue formada por las fuerzas de seguridad mexicanas entrenados por las fuerzas especiales de Estados Unidos en la Escuela de las Américas en Fort Benning, Georgia, y en Fort Bragg, Carolina del Norte.
-25. Myanmar
Después de la revolución china, los generales del Kuomintang se movieron en el norte de Birmania y se hicieron poderosos capos de la droga, con la protección militar tailandés, financiación de Taiwán y el transporte aéreo y el apoyo logístico de la CIA. Producción de opio en Birmania creció de 18 toneladas en 1958 a 600 toneladas en 1970. La CIA mantuvo estas fuerzas como un baluarte contra la China comunista, sino que transformó el "triángulo de oro" en el mayor productor de opio del mundo. La mayor parte del opio fue enviado por los trenes de mulas en Tailandia, donde otros aliados de la CIA enviadas a los laboratorios de heroína en Hong Kong y Malasia. El comercio se movió alrededor de 1970 como socio de la CIA general Vang Pao estableció nuevos laboratorios en Laos para proporcionar la heroína a las indicaciones geográficas en Vietnam.
-26. Nicaragua
Anastasio Somoza gobernó Nicaragua como su feudo personal durante 43 años con el apoyo incondicional de Estados Unidos, como su Guardia Nacional se comprometió todos los crímenes imaginables de matanzas y torturas a la extorsión y violación con total impunidad. Después de que finalmente fue derrocado por la Revolución Sandinista en 1979, la CIA reclutó, entrenó y apoyó mercenarios "contra" para invadir Nicaragua y llevar a cabo el terrorismo para desestabilizar el país. En 1986, la Corte Internacional de Justicia de Estados Unidos encontró el culpable de agresión contra Nicaragua para el despliegue de los contras y la minería puertos de Nicaragua. El tribunal ordenó a los EE.UU. a cesar su agresión y pagar reparaciones de guerra a Nicaragua, pero nunca se han pagado. La respuesta de Estados Unidos fue declarar que ya no reconocería la jurisdicción obligatoria de la CIJ, el establecimiento de manera efectiva en sí más allá de la norma de derecho internacional.
-27. Pakistán; 28. Arabia Saudita; 29. Turquía
Después de leer mi última pieza de AlterNet en la fallida guerra contra el terror, ex experto en terrorismo del Departamento de la CIA y el Estado Larry Johnson me dijo: "El principal problema con respecto a la evaluación de la amenaza terrorista es definir con precisión el patrocinio del Estado. Los mayores culpables hoy, en en contraste con hace 20 años, son Pakistán, Arabia Saudí y Turquía. Irán, a pesar de los desvaríos de derecha / neocon, no es tan activo en el fomento y / o facilitar el terrorismo ". En los últimos 12 años, la ayuda militar de Estados Unidos en Pakistán ha totalizado $ 18,6 mil millones. Los EE.UU. simplemente ha negociado el mayor acuerdo de armas en la historia con Arabia Saudita. Y Turquía es un miembro de larga data de la OTAN. Los tres principales patrocinadores del terrorismo en el mundo de hoy son aliados de Estados Unidos.
-30. Panamá
Funcionarios antinarcóticos de Estados Unidos querían detener a Manuel Noriega en 1971, cuando él era el jefe de la inteligencia militar en Panamá. Tenían suficiente evidencia para condenarlo por el tráfico de drogas, pero también era un agente de largo plazo y informante de la CIA, así como otros agentes de la CIA de tráfico de drogas de Marsella a Macao, era intocable. Fue cortado temporalmente suelta durante la administración Carter pero por lo demás mantuvo la recogida de al menos $ 100.000 por año a partir del Tesoro de Estados Unidos. Cuando se levantó para ser el gobernante de facto de Panamá, que se hizo aún más valioso para la CIA, al informar sobre las reuniones con Fidel Castro y Daniel Ortega de Nicaragua y el apoyo de Estados Unidos guerras encubiertas en América Central. Noriega probablemente abandonó el tráfico de drogas en alrededor de 1985, mucho antes de los EE.UU. lo procesó por ella en 1988. La acusación era un pretexto para la invasión estadounidense de Panamá en 1989, cuyo objetivo principal era dar un mayor control sobre Panamá los EE.UU., a expensas de al menos 2.000 vidas .
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