Example of army officer biography auto

Green Dawn Global Takeover

2012.09.25 02:55 Kvothe24 Green Dawn Global Takeover

A mission to spread the great green word across the land. Place your troops in public places and post here. Over!

2018.09.24 19:17 himynameiszck DisinformationWatch: Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance

Disinformation, if unchecked, leads to radicalization. Reddit is full of subs that do little else but spread disinformation. The mods of those subs are incompetent, absent - or worse - spread disinformation themselves. Our goal is to help the admins identify such subs so we can deplatform them. DisinformationWatch understands itself as a complement to AgainstHateSubreddits.

2024.05.14 22:05 Euphoric-Earth-4765 An inside look at the culture and ideology of Faith Comes By Hearing_PART 2

*Management style:
Not democratic/participative. Not transformational. Not Coaching. Very much Autocratic/Authoritative/Coercive. Sometimes Laissez-faire. Style depends on the department.
*Chain of command:
The ministry is seen as a church by top management. Top management are the “elders” and the CEO is the Senior Pastor. Then there is everybody else. So, confidence is put on their positions of authority. They are, in all sense and purposes, the “spiritual leaders”. They present themselves as having spiritual authority and, therefore, as being entitled to receive immediate agreement and unquestioned compliance.
Also, there are multiple management layers or chains which this quote sums up as well:
"When you become an admiral, you never have bad meals and you never hear the truth. there are all these layers of management and buffer layers and each one is afraid to tell unpleasant truth to the top levels.... “
Not a culture of authenticity where everyone on the team, including management, is encouraged, and expected to be who they are. There is a sense that top management puts up a false front, they seem to want to appear perfect. Illusions of invulnerability exist. They always lead well, they always make the right decisions, they never admit mistakes, etc. Want people to think they got it all together- all rainbows and lollipops. Do not exhibit vulnerability. Toxic positivity is also very much present: Everything is seen as “awesome”. So, there is judgment if you have a bad (not "everything is awesome") day.
The vertical chain of command, results in less collaboration, slow communication, lack of career growth, feelings of subordination, and decreased employee empowerment. Top management sets the rules and standards without any input from the “bottom” employees. Employee questions, concerns or ideas have to go up several steps of the chain of command so that upper management can address or approve. The bottom employees do not have the ability to make decisions related to their work or a particular situation. So, not everyone feels equal.
So, if you are not a spiritual leader, you are just basically told to submit and listen to those who are in authority over you because they are the people that “hear from God” and you are not and so whatever they say goes. And they set up a scenario where they basically kept those of us who were not spiritual leaders dependent upon them.
Many in management are overconfident and overestimate their abilities. They have a simple idea of how things are and how things work. Unfortunately, they make decisions that impact entire departments without gaining the needed knowledge.
The chain of command and lack of ongoing training also results in many employees being promoted so much that they max out their competence and will remain there until they leave or are let go. So, you end up with many in the role of management that lack the training and competence of the respective department. So, employees with the most authority are often not the most experienced and not adept in the particular field leading team members. And employees with the most experience and skills and knowledge and wisdom have the least (or no) authority.
Good leaders don’t always claim the “leader” title. Oftentimes, good leaders are those with more understated temperaments. Leadership is as much about listening as it is about telling. However, people with the most open and receptive personalities often do not have much authority.
Also, how the chain of command should operate when there is a unit that acted without proper authorization, it is not a junior authority who’s going to bear a responsibility for that, but somewhat of more senior status. And that’s true in any military or business or ministry operating by a code of ethics. So, if someone at the bottom of the chain is struggling, failing, or making mistakes, those at the top of the chain bear full responsibility. Everything stands or falls on leadership. Unfortunately, the chain at FCBH is not two directional.
There is also a sense that top management promotes employees who are least-competent but pose no risk to their own position (in-group bias) to management.
Work environment or culture is not set up for employees to give honest feedback/opinions or to deliver bad news or to question or disagree with management.
Sample bias is also common. Management will send an email asking for feedback but they won't consider how only the people who are open to talking and sharing their opinions will participate while others won’t. Bias arises because employees with specific characteristics (e.g., extroverts) might be more likely to agree to participate than others, making the participants a non-representative sample. People with strong opinions or substantial knowledge about a specific topic may be more willing to give feedback than those without. Management does not follow up to determine why they are unresponsive or follow up frequently to reduce attrition.
Management claims they want to hear from employees, but they only want opinions and ideas on matters that are superficial or trivial. So, few employees give candid feedback on important and significant matters.
Top management does not involve employees in the change process when changes occur.
Management does not ask for honest feedback on their leadership or on decisions that are made that affect employees. Management will not ask how they are doing as leaders, what employees need from them. No regular check-ins or 1:1 on employees’ professional and personal well-being. Are employees stressed, disappointed or feeling burdened physically, emotionally or spiritually? No growth and career discussions.
Management will ignore most feedback, comments, suggestions even when it's common knowledge but will adamantly listen to employees who preface with "God told me to tell you..." Or “I felt God say …” or “God spoke to me and said…”
For example, management started focusing on Gen Z only after a few people claimed that “God told us that Gen Z are important for our future business growth.” In another instance, someone said “God gave us this word: we as a ministry need to really consider how everyone is wired, how each person is different. How people have different personalities.” Then, management affirmed this “word from God.”
If one employee brings something up to management it is often ignored and the employee is gaslighted. If two or more employees bring the same thing to management, then God is communicating something and they take it seriously (per Matt 18). Even if it is just coincidence or frequency bias.
Groupthink, confirmation bias, in-group bias, illusions of unanimity, and self-censorship is very prevalent in the culture and especially in their meetings. There is a lot of direct pressure to not question, to conform, to agree with the views and personal convictions of the top management. Employees condemn those who disagree or question top management and they accept those who agree, creating immense pressure for conformity.
So, many employees frequently remain quiet, preferring to “keep the peace” rather than disrupt the uniformity. Employees are pressured to hide problematic information (especially from top management).
*Disagreements/Different perspectives:
Top management will also point out the working and living conditions of international employees to “encourage” local employees to not “complain” or give critical feedback or bring up legitimate problems (e.g., fumes or loud noises from construction in the building).
Management also often commits the "ends (or goals or vision) justify the means" fallacy: the work, the production and distribution of bibles (the ends) being done is more important, so employees shouldn't complain at all about the means or their working conditions (broken chairs, broken or inadequate equipment, poor work-life balance, bad management).
And, if management disagrees with you, with your observations, feedback, suggestions, or theology, they will often try to trump you with spirituality or vague meaningless spiritual terminology instead of using Scripture (properly interpreted), facts and reasoning.
In addition, top managers will take great offense when employees question or disagree with the directions and decisions they make. Dissent is not welcomed. Respectful debates/disagreement is not encouraged. Open discussion and alternative perspectives are not encouraged. Management does not value, support, or respect diverse opinions and ideas. They do not actively seek out different viewpoints. Do not allow people to speak their perspective, their thought of mind. So, there is no psychological safety. Employees do not feel comfortable expressing dissenting opinions without fear of retribution or judgment. Afraid of breaking the little glass image. People do not feel comfortable sharing setbacks, mistakes, failures. Management does not encourage open communication. Management often seeks agreement, instead of posing honest questions that challenge the status quo and provoke critical thinking and discussion. They do not encourage employees to challenge them. In fact, they are seen as a type of complaining or critical feedback and so are viewed as sin. This makes top management seem self-centered.
*Appeals to emotion: Guilt and Shame:
Top management often shares their personal opinions and convictions (e.g., spending money only when absolutely necessary, not accepting large gifts, not buying fancy items) as something everyone should do. It’s never direct. It's always through stories. Management loves stories. The personal convictions of management are presented as more than preferences.
For instance, top management encourages extreme frugality and poverty through their personal anecdotes #loudbudgeting and stories from international cultures. Think along the lines of: “we, here in America, have no right to be sad or to complain about things or to request better things or ask for accommodations or for more employee engagement because others (internationals) have it much worse.” Even wanting better equipment and supplies or asking for better working conditions is frowned upon (in some cases seen as a sin), even if your request helps you to do your job more effectively and makes the work better (a new whiteboard, a new office chair, better computers, etc.)
Example: “You should really try to come in to work even if you feel bad, even if you are snowed in and the roads are hazardous because people need to get our bibles. And our international employees work in much harsher conditions.”
You also get this feeling from the way they communicate that top management would rather not pay their employees. They would prefer it if everyone just worked for free because “we are on a mission from God. We are doing the Lord's work.” There is also a sense that employees should be more than willing to sacrifice their well-being, career goals, financial goals, personal goals for reaching people with their Bibles.
Leadership sets the example and expectations, so this all ends up making employees confused and feeling guilty and ashamed. Guilty and shameful about asks, spending money (even their own). Guilty and shameful about having nice things (new car, new phone, new tv), about making needs known, about sharing concerns regarding work, about asking for raises to keep up with cost of living, etc.
Example: An employee has continued to use an old whiteboard. It is so old it is hard to read and difficult to erase. Management likes to tell donors: “We don't spend money on everyday things like whiteboards…. Instead, we use that money for more bible recordings, for people to hear about Jesus.”
This also causes confusion. Every few months there is a meeting where management discusses how sitting on stores of money is bad, but spending it is also bad, but also not spending it is bad... "Being rich is bad. Money is bad. let's not accumulate money, that's bad. We must think about how people will see what we have. So we should look poor and not appear too frivolous." But top management is okay with receiving gifts from donors and other ministries. Management personally does not like to have nice “fancy” things, and as a ministry, they say FCBH should also not have nice fancy things, they should use the money for other more important things. They don't like when other ministries use their money for nice fancy things, but it's okay if other ministries give FCBH nice fancy things like tote bags, key chains, mugs, phone holders, lunch bags. Another example, it took them years to repaint the parking lot. It was at the point where people did not know where to park. Before repainting, management decided to remodel the hallways and install posters and multiple monitors with language stats.
There is also a subtle sense that producing audio and video bibles is the highest calling one can have. And it's implied that FCBH is the main means God uses to fulfill the great commission: “God needs FCBH to do these bible recordings or people (specifically unreached internationals) will go to hell.” So, top management hints that working anywhere else isn't really serving God (or at least, not serving God as well as one could if they worked somewhere else). They imply that working at this ministry is the only way to truly serve God and fulfill your calling. They also use this framing to guilt and shame employees into not quitting. Management implies that employees should not take opportunities to leave or take other jobs because getting the Bible to people is God’s highest calling for us as Christians:
“If anyone leaves FCBH, then they must not really understand the vision/calling. They are not committed to saving people. We should be willing to give up things to fulfill the calling. The apostles did not pursue better jobs and so God will provide if we need better pay, benefits, career. For those of us who join the ministry to hold true to get God's word to every person, it takes discipline because we have opportunities to do other things. I'm sure that Noah had problems with Builders because he probably had hundreds of people not thousands working on the ark. They started their own businesses and started side things going on. pretty soon they'll have no time to work with him on the ark. and you can have all kinds of diversionary things happen. and so we want to understand they focused in the ministry. and that's been one of the things that I've really tried to do is what did God tell me at the time this ministry began because I was not interested in this ministry. I was interested in living by faith and experiencing God through people and seeing people experience God. and when I was praying about that here in Albuquerque the Lord said bring my church together and make disciples. and then he also told me that when his people think the same they are one. so it's not a matter of getting rid of the buildings or the leaders but it's a matter of people thinking the same. They can go to different denominations, different buildings, have different teachers, and different preachers and leaders but once they think the same, they're one and that's what his objective was. and so that's when I felt like the Lord said get God's word to every person. So I'm challenging us to stay true to what God has called us to do. and every time somebody leaves the ministry there are reasons for leaving. but it startles me a little bit, because I think well we haven't, we haven't communicated the vision very well somehow because they didn't get it. like Noah building the arc. it it's a long project it's not a month or a year two years or three years. our immediate goal is 2033 and it means that we're committed to a cause. and that means some of us we give up something. I we've given up stuff we live in a small apartment and that's what we saw that God had us do and that's our lifestyle we we tone down our lifestyle to get the cause committed to the cause. and and I know that's difficult for some, in some cases maybe there's financial needs because of family growth and stuff there they just can't afford to work in the ministry. but sometimes it's a choice and every time somebody leaves it where it's actually a choice. I think we haven't communicated the mission very good the vision very good. I've been looking at is that could you imagine read reading the New Testament. and finding out that Peter about halfway through or Paul halfway through the ministry all of a sudden got a better job offer. and stopped their portion of the ministry they held the course no matter what happened. whether it was good or whether it was bad. Paul talks about this and sometimes we want to follow the Lord. but we don't impart on ourselves the same responsibilities that those disciples did. so when God Empower them is he empowering you in the same way. and you're making choices that maybe you shouldn't make that you will impart and say the Lord is leading me someplace else when in fact maybe it isn't. it's just a better offer. if the Bible in the New Testament was reading a little bit different than Stephen left the ministry at this point or James left the ministry at this point because of something I think we need to be very very careful and why I say that is that as we work internationally.”
SO, there is a lot of guilt and shame about leaving to pursue other interests or meet needs. Guilt and shame about wanting to leave to advance and develop professionally. For this reason, many remain “loyal” and stay at the ministry.
So there is lots of control and manipulation in the work culture.
*Weekly worship meetings:
These are mandatory and there are some legitimate concerns:
Top management seems to have misconceptions about true worship and worship experiences. They often reduce worship to singing by their communication, the way “worship” is used. Worship is seen as something we do on occasion - once a week, when we gather at work for the mandatory worship time. Top management, by ignoring other styles, seems to believe that there is a single style of worship which is correct for Christians.
And it seems like just about anyone can lead worship or be on the team: anyone that can play an instrument. Top management does not require a worship class or agreement to biblical principles concerning worship as a prerequisite for employees who desire to plan and lead worship experiences. So you end up with people who have different views/philosophies on the worship team. Unfortunately, many who lead do not take the time/effort to plan and lead worship experiences, to discern from songs that are better suited for individual or private worship from songs that are corporate or public worship, to discern songs that are controversial/questionable (have bad theology, weak theology), songs that are theologically ambiguous or songs that lean more towards “feminine” attributes. Most, if not all, of our modern “Christian” worship music is written at a simplistic level of understanding and comprehension. Most music tends to appeal to our emotions. Many songs appeal mostly to women. So there is a great need for teaching on the biblical principles concerning worship. Also a need to choose theologically balanced songs with music appropriate for the people. Unfortunately, many of the songs chosen are theologically incorrect (e.g., having elements from the Word Of Faith movement, New Apostolic Church, New Age). Songs are often not theologically balanced. Songs seem to be chosen for their emotional impact, to make employees feel good; many focus on just one aspect of God (e.g., love). Many promote self-centered worship.
Most of the worship leaders just sing the songs: They do not actually “lead” people into worship. They do not help people connect the lyrics of the song to where they are at in their personal life, to teach them something about God or help the people understand what this song means and what God wants them to get out of it, so they're not just singing songs and just doing, going through the motions or help them understand the depth and the richness of what lyrics mean and how it applies to their life. What matters to them seems to be whether songs are impactful, moving, and beautiful. (Whatever that means.) Whether songs make employees feel good. They don't seem to care whether the songs actually reflect truth: Do the lyrics line up with Scripture? Do the songs glorify self or God? How would new Christians or nonChristians interpret the song?
Theology is the study of God and it's very important doxology is an expression of praise to God so the point here is that all theologies should ultimately lead to doxology if theology doesn't lead to doxology then we've actually missed the point of theology so if you have theology without doxology you just have dead hold orthodoxy which is horrible. On the other side you have the people who say “forget about theology I just want to praise.” But if you have doxology without theology you actually have idolatry because it's just a random expression of praise but it's not actually informed by the truth of who God is so God is
concerned with both he's concerned with an accurate understanding of him and that accurate understanding of him leading to a response of praise adoration and worship towards him.
*Leadership quality:
Top management has more respect for donors and guests than their employees.
Management lacks basic core leadership principles/values:
Unfortunately, many employees are not given power or resources: Management just gives them the responsibility to get things done. Before responsibility is given, employees should be equipped: be empowered, have the authority, be given resources and have the experience. Employees are not empowered as individuals to solve their own problems using their own solutions. Micromanagement is often required every time the situation changes or problems arise. Employees are not inspired to act as leaders for themselves, delivering amazing performance without guidance. They have coaching sessions but only when there’s a problem. True coaching occurs regardless of whether the individual is crushing their goals or falling behind. Management does not seem to care about unlocking a person’s potential and getting the most of their performance. They seem only interested in producing more followers, not more leaders.
No method to hold management accountable to core values listed in their own Employee handbook. Employees are expected to abide by the procedures and rules described in the handbook but top management can choose to ignore it when it is convenient for them.
-Top management are NOT learners: No desire to develop and improve their skills.
-They do not ask employees: What’s one thing you see me doing—or failing to do—that you think I should change?
-They do not ask how they are doing as leaders. Or ask employees how they’re doing.
-They do not ask what employees need from management that they are not giving them.
-No performance evaluations for both management or non-managment.
-They often fail to emotionally connect with employees.
-They do not speak to employees' needs first.
-They do not focus on what they can put into people rather than what they can get out of them.
-They do not understand basic psychology, how people think and behave.
-They are often resistant to (and even hate) change: Perhaps because they fear losing control. In fact, new information, objective facts, research, stats, and even new ideas are often ignored in favor of what's easiest to do or because of tradition. If something has been done and “works”, top management does not see a reason to question it or to improve on it. If something was tried 5, 10, 20, even 50yrs before and failed, top management does not see a reason to try it again even if the exact circumstances have changed.
-They do not empower or give the means, the power or opportunity to do to employees.
-They do not trust others to follow through managing processes and performing tasks.
-They do not lead by example.
-They do not know when to move forward and when to back off, what to improve and how radical those improvements should be.
-They often fail to see options, and plan and prioritize.
-They fail to develop leaders around them.
-Their communication is often poor.
-Their listening is also poor: do not listen for more than facts, but also the feelings, meanings and undercurrents.
-They do not take the time to get to know the people they lead: no weekly check-ins which top organizations have to discuss how employees are doing professionally and personally. Management doesn't ask “what was good this week? What was not good this week? How is your well-being? How is your family?”
Competence in leadership skills is also poor.
-They are not teachable: not willing to keep learning, growing, improving in leadership and management practices: FCBH has a yearly “leadership” summit. But, the way it is set up, it reinforces weaknesses instead of challenging leadership growth.
The summit is also just for a select few in top management. Not every employee is seen as a leader so most employees are excluded.
Top managers attend the summit but there is no followup, no post accountability by other managers and especially by the employees that are under the managers. No discussion on how management will apply what was learned.
Some of the past speakers have had questionable characters and even questionable teachings (Judah Smith). Leadership qualifications and theological background seems to be ignored in favor of charismatics, dynamics, popularity.
-Top management does not take responsibility for their part of a disagreement or failure and apologize.
-They often embrace a victim mentality.
-They often limit yourself by your job title.
-They do not invest in better tools or processes.
-They are content with the status quo.
-They allow their past achievements to stagnate their desire to keep learning.
-There is a lack of discernment, finding the main cause of problems/issues.
-They do not anticipate problems.
-They do not accept the truth of the problem: Do not face up to the reality of the situation;
-They get bogged down in the details.
-They often avoid problems.
-They don’t deal well with problems.
-They do not have their team study all angles.
-They often do not value nontraditional thinking: Don’t embrace change, ambiguity and uncertainty well.
-They do not work well with differences.
-They do not have their own mentors or provide mentorship to others.
-They do not invest to improve their own professional or leadership skills.
-They are often insecure, constantly seek validation, acknowledgement and love.
-They limit employee's success and recognition:
-They do not seem interested in making people successful: Don’t attempt to remove barriers that prevent employees from being successful.
If an employee who is not management has a great idea to improve the work, management often does not support it and may secretly try to shut it down.
When a team succeeds, management will not give other people credit and instead take the credit themselves.
It seems like some of the people working there were given the title of management, the position, and that alone made them qualified. Management or leaders assume that their position alone qualifies them to make critical decisions where they may not have the best data, insight, wisdom, skill, experience. Just because one may have the word “manger” in the job title, does not automatically make them a great leader. Leadership is about dealing with people, and the dynamics between those people, and influencing people.
*Dead end career path:
For the most part, top management assumes that team members are fine and "settled", rather than taking the time to understand their true feelings and needs. They do not ask employees where they are struggling, where they are having trouble, what frustrates them the most?
Management does not seem interested in making employees better both personally or professionally. They do not have a growth plan or professional development plan for employees. No job related training. They do not provide what is needed to help employees to grow and improve. They don't provide opportunities for employees to apply their talents and expertise. They don’t ask how they can better support employees. Employees don’t check on each other.
One is expected to work until health deteriorates and skills become obsolete so you leave in a worse place than you started. For most employees, there is no long term future with the organization. Management does not let employees know how they are doing and what the future looks like for them. What the opportunities are. They do not take the time to learn from employees what they want to be. No honest conversations to understand employees goals and ambitions. So, because there is no growth or development plan, no career path, once your skills are outdated, they will probably let you go or they will keep you in the same position and your salary will max out.
Management does not coach employees on how to manage their time, priorities, and energy; no teaching on how to problem solve, or make better decisions, or how to set boundaries or how to minimize context switching and zoom fatigue.
submitted by Euphoric-Earth-4765 to u/Euphoric-Earth-4765 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:03 Soninetz SimpleTexting vs. Twilio: Best SMS Solutions Battle

SimpleTexting vs. Twilio: Best SMS Solutions Battle
When it comes to SMS marketing platforms, the battle between SimpleTexting and Twilio is a clash of titans in sending texts. While both offer robust features for businesses to engage with customers through texting and sms apps, they differ significantly in terms of user-friendliness, pricing structures, and customization options. SimpleTexting shines with its intuitive interface and all-in-one solution tailored for small to medium-sized businesses. On the other hand, Twilio stands out for its extensive developer tools and scalability, making it a top choice for larger enterprises seeking advanced customization capabilities.
Useful Links:
  1. SimpleTexting LifeTime Deal
  2. SimpleTexting Free Trial

Key Takeaways

  • Consider Ease of Use: When deciding between SimpleTexting and Twilio, prioritize the platform that offers a user-friendly experience to streamline your communication processes.
  • Evaluate Integration Options: Assess the integration capabilities of both platforms to ensure seamless connectivity with your existing tools and systems for enhanced efficiency.
  • Analyze Features for Future Needs: Look beyond current requirements and assess the feature sets of SimpleTexting and Twilio to align with your anticipated needs in 2024 and beyond.
  • Listen to User Feedback: Pay attention to user reviews and feedback on both platforms and apps to gain insights into real-world experiences and make an informed decision based on user satisfaction.
  • Choose Wisely: Select the platform that best meets your specific communication needs, budget constraints, and long-term goals after thorough consideration of all factors.
  • Trial and Compare: Conduct a trial or demo of both SimpleTexting and Twilio to directly experience their functionalities and make a well-informed choice based on your firsthand experience.

Ease of Use Overview

User Interface

SimpleTexting offers a user-friendly interface, making it easy for beginners to navigate and send messages efficiently. The platform's layout is intuitive and straightforward, enhancing the overall user experience.


Twilio, on the other hand, provides seamless integration with various systems and applications, allowing for a more customized messaging experience with sms and texting. Users can easily connect Twilio with their existing tools without facing compatibility issues for texting and apps.
Ready to level up your customer engagement? Try SimpleTexting for free and automate your welcome messages today! 🚀

Support Services

SimpleTexting excels in providing excellent customer support services, offering quick responses to queries and technical assistance when needed. Users can rely on their support team for guidance and troubleshooting.

Training Resources

Twilio stands out with its extensive training resources, including documentation, tutorials, and webinars. These resources empower users to maximize the platform's capabilities and explore advanced features effectively.


Both platforms prioritize accessibility, ensuring that users can access their services across different devices seamlessly. This flexibility enables users to manage their messaging campaigns conveniently from anywhere.

Integration and Flexibility

Customization Options

SimpleTexting offers a range of customization options for sms, texts, and messages, allowing users to tailor their messaging experience to suit their specific needs. From personalized messages to branded templates, including SMS and apps, the platform provides flexibility for businesses to create unique communication strategies.

API Integration

With Twilio, users have access to a robust API that enables seamless integration with existing systems and applications to send SMS messages. This allows for efficient communication workflows and the ability to automate processes, enhancing overall productivity.
Both platforms support integration with popular CRM systems like Salesforce, ensuring a smooth flow of data between different tools for enhanced customer engagement.


When it comes to scalability, Twilio stands out with its ability to handle high volumes of messages without compromising speed or performance. This makes it an ideal choice for businesses looking to expand their reach and accommodate growing customer bases.
In contrast, SimpleTexting offers a user-friendly interface that simplifies the process of scaling up messaging campaigns. While it may not match Twilio's capacity for large-scale operations, it provides a straightforward solution for smaller businesses looking to grow steadily with sms, apps, marketing, and messages.

Feature Comparison for 2024

Messaging Capabilities

SimpleTexting: Known for its user-friendly interface, SimpleTexting offers seamless SMS marketing tools for businesses of all sizes. It provides features like mass texting, scheduled messages, sms, auto-replies, and use.
Twilio: Twilio, on the other hand, is a robust platform that not only supports SMS but also offers a wide range of communication channels such as voice calls, emails, and chat. It provides extensive customization options for messaging workflows.
Useful Links:
  1. SimpleTexting LifeTime Deal
  2. SimpleTexting Free Trial

Integration Options

  • SimpleTexting:
    • Integrates with popular CRMs like Salesforce and HubSpot.
    • Offers API access for developers to create custom integrations easily.
  • Twilio:
    • Provides a flexible API that allows integration with various third-party apps.
    • Supports integration with cloud platforms like AWS and Google Cloud.

Automation and Scalability

Both platforms offer automation features, but Twilio stands out in terms of scalability. With its pay-as-you-go pricing model and global reach, it's ideal for businesses looking to scale their messaging operations efficiently with sms and text.

User Feedback Analysis

Customer Satisfaction

SimpleTexting: Customers praise the user-friendly interface and excellent customer support. They appreciate the ease of creating and sending messages.
Twilio: Users value Twilio's robust features for advanced messaging solutions, text, and apps. However, some find the platform complex for beginners.

Pricing Feedback

  • SimpleTexting: Users highlight SimpleTexting's transparent pricing structure, suitable for small to medium businesses.
  • While Twilio offers scalable pricing options for messages and text, some users mention high costs for additional features.

Feature Requests

Customers using both apps and platforms express a desire for enhanced automation features to streamline messaging processes efficiently.

Technical Support

Users commend SimpleTexting's prompt and helpful customer service, resolving queries effectively. On the other hand, feedback on Twilio's technical support varies, with some experiencing delays in issue resolution.
In analyzing user feedback between SimpleTexting and Twilio, it is evident that both platforms have strengths and areas for improvement based on customer experiences.

Choosing the Right Platform

Integration Options

SimpleTexting offers seamless integration with various platforms, facilitating easy communication management. On the other hand, Twilio also provides robust integration capabilities, ensuring smooth operations across different systems.
Both platforms support API integration, enabling businesses to connect their existing tools effortlessly. This feature enhances workflow efficiency and overall productivity.

Pricing Comparison

When it comes to pricing, SimpleTexting offers straightforward plans based on the number of contacts or messages. In contrast, Twilio follows a pay-as-you-go model, where you only pay for what you use. This flexibility caters to businesses of all sizes.
  • SimpleTexting: Clear pricing structure based on contact/message volume.
  • Twilio: Pay-as-you-go model for cost-effective communication solutions.

Customer Support

SimpleTexting boasts excellent customer support services, providing prompt assistance to resolve any issues or queries. Similarly, Twilio offers comprehensive support through various channels like chat, email, and phone.


You've now explored the differences between SimpleTexting and Twilio, delving into their ease of use, integration capabilities, upcoming features, user feedback, and how to select the best fit for your needs. By understanding these aspects, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your goals and preferences. Ensure you prioritize user experience, flexibility, and the specific features that matter most to you when choosing a platform for your communication needs. Make the choice that best supports your business objectives and enhances your overall operations.
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submitted by Soninetz to NutraVestaProVen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:58 Blazin95 Overwhelming Army stacks WH3

Currently I'm playing the game on very hard and it gets really frustrating when for example reikland and other factions have an upwards of 7+ armies, even though i can destroy them easily (Wulfrik Mammoth doomstack) i find it very hard to progress due to them always sending more armies. Is there a mod to limit how many stacks AI can have? I Don't mind AI having 4-5 but more than that is excessive.
submitted by Blazin95 to totalwar [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:55 LordGreim225 Beginning of the Great Assault (Operation: Rolling Erosion)

Beginning of the Great Assault (Operation: Rolling Erosion)
It had been too long. Far far too long since they had a command meeting.
(Like seriously really sorry this took so long.)
‘The situation had been developing for some time, & for a time Greim had no idea how to recover the situation as it evolved. Now however he had a plan. Not the best or most sophisticated Plan. But they were against the clock & the situation would only get worse if they waited too long.
”Ladies & gentleman. It has come to my attention that the High lords will not be sending further support for this campaign for the foreseeable future. With numerous wars against the Tyranids and the Indomitus crusades, we will have to make do with what we have. What’s more, word has reached the wider T’au Empire of our invasion of the system. We are unsure if they will be dispatching a Fleet and further military support at this time. As such we are against the clock here. If we take this system & bring them to heel at the negotiation table we can ultimately be victorious on the field & let the negotiators and politicians ensure we keep what we take. As such we will review what I have gathered From our situation.
Older situation map.
”As far as I’ve gathered we have very little progress in our assaults on the defensive lines of Camburg. We have taken the Sanguine Bridge & made ground toward but not taken the Firekeep. Ka’esh Fortress, the T’au’s primary military airbase is still operational. I’d have hoped we had taken more ground, but given our situations that occurred it’s remarkable we did not lose more ground. With the clock ticking & our pool of manpower no longer going to be increasing or replenished as easily we need to hit the T’au’s primary nerve in the Gryllus system before we are too weak to do so in the future. I had hoped further forces from other fronts could aid in this, but we are out of time & would lose ground elsewhere we can’t afford to give anymore.”
’The dark briefing room of the Strategiums holo map lit up with new icons of their situation.’
Opening maneuvers
“This plan is not very complicated in its opening moves. We will hit the T’au with sudden overwhelming force wherever we can. They need both these fortresses to maintain the defense of Camburg. Firekeep is situated on one of the only land crossings, & with Ka’esh fortresses air bases operational crossing the river with pontoons, or fording with vehicles would be far too costly, as such the Kestrels will cordon & destroy the airbase utterly. It is of T’au design & as such unsalvageable, it is to be utterly razed to the ground. The titans & a Large contingent of Aironautica will provide assistance & heavy fires support. But this is a very well defended target. We believe several T’au super heavies to be present. This mission is their atonement for previous transgressions & to prove their loyalty as good guardsman, if they succeed they will be rewarded. The large support elements is to try & mitigate the losses as much as possible & give them a fair fight. The fortress also hosts a large garrison of T’au auxiliary infantry & conscripts alongside Fire warriors, so be advised. We estimate their strength at 5,000 Fire warriors & 9,000 auxiliaries & conscripts. However the air power is their greatest strength. We will send numerous hydra flak battery squadrons to further assist in this assault.”
’He scrolled toward the Firekeep.’
”The rest of the army will hit the firekeep in force. This is a major training center for T’au fire warriors & we expect stiff resistance here. They know they’re the last line against us & Camburg itself. T’au infantry & human auxiliaries will be the bulk of their defenses. This was once an imperial installation & its architecture shows.
Example of the Firekeep curtain walls.
While this fortress could theoretically be resanctified & saved, that is no longer a concern. This fortress & its defenders must be silenced & we can’t cordon them off like Ka’lesh fortress. So its destruction is likely necessary. The Krieg 5th will bombard the fortress as will all available heavy guns not used for the destruction of the T’au airbase. The 5th will use its breaching drills to create passages to breach the curtain walls & storm the outer gates from the inside to open the gates for our forces. Once inside clear the fortress top to bottom, regiments that specialize in this type of environment will take point. If the drills fail we will bombard the fortress till it is rubble & storm it traditionally. The Titans will relocate once the airbase is most in ruin & is unable to be threaten our flanks any longer. Once the airbase is cleared our forces can also ford the rivers & begin moving on Camburg itself.
Phase II of the operation:
The holodisplay projects the capital city of the T’au Empire’s government in the Gryllus System
Camburg is a major city, the largest in the system in fact & primary seat of power for the T’au Prelate ruling over this system. It is heavily defended by both Fire Warriors, Human Auxiliaries, Kroot, & even hosts a Demiurg population alongside other client races. This isn’t going to be an easy nut to crack. While not a hive city it is still a damn big one. Multiple levels exist in certain districts that go into the earth some nearly a deep as the buildings are tall. Its population estimates vary, but we estimate several tens of millions at minimum. The city is several thousand kilometers in length as well.
A T’au entertainment Dome, a popular attraction in one of the eastern city Parks This one is primarily used by the water caste, where public debates into philosophy & questions are discussed at length for hours & hours on end in a unique sort of Diplomatic debate Sport that seems popular among the caste.
The largest subterrainain district in Camburg in the older human districts. T’au technology & human culture blend. This area is the entertainment
A Auxiliary conscripts sketch of Mesme Districts Curtain walls. The T’au primary Barracks and Fire Castes living quarters are situated in between the T’au made eastern portion of the city & older human settlement next to the Etherel prelates primary residence & government building. Security is tight as such & these walls are a major line of defense for the leader of the Gryllus system. The artist was captured in a recent raid & this was found on her person. She has since been taken for further questioning & is scheduled to be sent to the Penal Colony Agri World in thanks for her cooperation.
The Aun Reach Compounds view of the city. This is one of the most heavily defended regions & buildings in the entire system.
An Artists depiction of the local peacekeepers of Camburg. This station is run by both humans & T’au. Despite what one might think, water caste primarily makes up the bulk of law enforcement in the T’au empire. Their diplomatic skills
One of the T’au loading bays & Battlesuit Armories. The heaviest suits that are more akin to flightless walking tanks are stationed in Camburg as a last line of defense. Though not numerous, there destructive power is equal & or super-passes any Imperial superheavy & some are even designed to hunt the might god engines if rumors are true.
As stated in a previous debriefing. The T’au Auxiliaries defense corp has taken its toll in this war & its numbers once in the millions of volunteers are now being supplemented by conscripted soldiery. These troopers are given quick rudimentary training & their equipment now shows it. Once wearing full combat suits able to help regulate temperatures & have built in comms. Now these fresh soldiers are given basic fatigues, a chestplate, & a padded kevlar like hood designed to protect them from shrapnel & weather. Their primary weapon a “Pulse Defender” is a semi auto Pulse weapon with no stock or advanced scope beyond basic iron sights
‘The intelligence dockets were detailed & more information could be provided if asked but the lord general continued.’
Icons lit up once again like before one the map with new objective markers highlighted in gold for priority & green for non essential or secondary.
“Our assault on Camburg will be absolute & to hammer home our advantage in numbers We still have we will strike with force on the Western half of the city. This is primarily the older settlement from the original human colonists. As such the architecture will primarily be imperial of origin in certain areas. However expect Xeno buildings & designs added as well. If things go well enough attacking the airbase Kestrel & titan forces will join us from the north, though this plav can operate without them. As we approach the city, first blood will go to the Astartes, if they are willing. Any space marine compliments available will attack the Spaceport in a rapid shock assault via however they wish. Anti air is present but I doubt that can stop angels of death for long. Their mission will be to destroy any T’au air assets capable of defense & reduce the spaceport or any ships present to nonfunctional. This will eliminate the threat they can evacuate their leadership before we can reach him. After they have caused enough damage they can withdraw at their discretion.”
’He panned over the guards & knight elements.’
”We will begin with a bombardment of the outer defenses & target troop staging areas such as Barrack’s & Aun‘s Reach. This is a civilian rich environment. They will likely try & flee from other gates. Hopefully in the east where they are out of our way & hamper the T’au’s movements. Once we have a breach alert all personnel to increase pressure & pour all available units in. Once we are inside the fun part starts. We expect stiff resistance, barricades by conscripts. Murder holes, emplaced T’au turrets & every vehicle & battlesuit they can throw at us alongside infantry. This will be a war of Rats, warrens & destroyed buildings will become fortresses in their own right. My regiment is specialized in shock assault & hive warfare, this will be our element. Many of you I know it will be the same. I will make my headquarters in Alexia‘s Mercy Basilica as it’s old, large & sturdy & capable of holding what I need Being close enough to our lines in the north for further resupply. Our greatest challenge will be Aun’s Reach. This is the resident of the T’au Prelate Aun’Ui Vior’Shi, they will do anything to defend him. He is priority one, take him alive, if we do. We could force the entire system wide T’au force to surrender, We expect other Ethereal to be present as well, kill or take them alive if you can. That massive structure is the central nerve of the T’au forces here in the system. Speaking of Ethereal's there is a target of interest regarding that.
’He pointed to objective J.’
”This which we have dubbed Seekers Rest, is a facility reserved for a T‘any sub group called Yasu'caor or Seekers in gothic. This seems to be a philosophical concept but its administrative one is something analogous to an T’au equivalent of an Inquisition.“
‘There was a pause with such connotations.’
”It’s members are exclusively of the Ethereal caste & while I suggest you research them with data that can be provided, they will often be accompanied by retinues of varying backgrounds including there client races both of militant & other backgrounds. As such capturing this facility & its occupants would be a valuable asset. If needed I’m willing to provide rewards to the soldiers who bring them in, & no it would be open to units who assisted them as well equally. This mission may require a more subtle hand but I’m open to suggestions.”
“The T’au military commander is one named Stoneguard. There are other forces present alongside fellow T’au military leaders. Stoneguard believes in a patient hunter tactic of his species. He is patient & calculating & usually defensive, a dangerous combination for a defensive commander. Goad him as much as you can but do not fall for easy traps. Draw him in & lure him to situations he can’t win either way. We won’t take the city in one swift strike likely. But if we do this, we could cripple its defenses & make the other half much easier to take. I will now open the floor to discussion of tactics & methods for making this a reality.”
‘He sat down & let the projection stay.’
(Estimates for enemy forces to be determined. We should outnumber them in most scenarios but they will be dug in more often then not.)
submitted by LordGreim225 to war_for_Gryllus [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:53 Mobile-Career-316 Type me please.

• How old are you? What's your gender? Give us a general description of yourself.
  1. Either agender and/or pangender. I’m also either asexual and/or pansexual. I live comfortably alone but have a decent number of friends that I maintain communications with. Onlookers seem to believe I am dating all of them (not all at once but individually depending on which one I am “closest” to), which I take to mean that I apply no distinction between a friend and a partner (which I can agree with), hence the asexual/pansexual duality. Not really sure what this has to do with typing but there's a description.
• Is there a medical diagnosis that may impact your mental stability somehow?
• Describe your upbringing. Did it have any kind of religious or structured influence? How did you respond to it?
I had a whole paragraph here but I realised it was probably very NSFW so I've decided to remove this part.
• What do you do as a job or as a career (if you have one)? Do you like it? Why or why not?
I’m an engineer, a mix of both hardware and software. I like the work of my job, but I don’t care much for the job or career part of it. I don’t have any career ambitions and would rather just learn the skills that the work can provide me and then move on to becoming entirely self-sufficient and only working for myself. I don’t think it's the other people aspect I dislike here as such, more the lack of independence and control over how I spend my time. That said, it’s worth it to live on my own two feet away from disturbances in the house.
• If you had to spend an entire weekend by yourself, how would you feel? Would you feel lonely or refreshed?
I know I would be completely fine, as I do this regularly. I don’t think I feel lonely nor refreshed. I generally have plenty to do with my time and find ways to occupy myself, even if that involves doing nothing and resting. If I’m interested in someone's thoughts or feelings on a topic I will just message them without issue and I usually do this once or twice a day, but there are many occasions in which I will just be focused on doing my own thing and won’t have contacted anyone.
• What kinds of activities do you prefer? Do you like, and are you good at sports? Do you enjoy any other outdoor or indoor activities?
I do all kinds of activities, from reading to games to sports. I’m very good at sports and enjoy them, but I usually choose to stay inside over doing them. I think to an onlooker a lot of my activities could look more like work than fun, but I get fun out of them. You would be most likely to find me (or not) inside reading some kind of research paper or building a machine. If not that then you’d find me playing a single player RPG/sandbox style game and if not that then you’d probably find me meditating/introspecting. You’d probably only find me outside playing sports if I’d been asked to by a friend.
• How curious are you? Do you have more ideas then you can execute? What are your curiosities about? What are your ideas about - is it environmental or conceptual, and can you please elaborate?
Very curious. I research just about everything in depth and if I had free time I would research even more. It’s become something of an inside joke at work that I will come in and have some kind of new theory or discovery to share with the office about some random topic that has nothing to do with the last. I don’t think I have more ideas than I can execute, it's more that I have more ideas than I do execute. I’m actually not a very ambitious person despite my insatiable curiosity, so there are many occasions where I will do nothing at all. Aside from the theories I create from whatever information/topic I have been researching, most of the ideas I present to others are to do with having fun. I often create small games using the objects we have in our environment (like playing cards or checkers pieces) on the spot, improvising the rules as we go along DnD style. I actually was invited to play DnD once with a friend group but I was something of a nightmare of a player since I would come up with completely outlandish ideas that the DM couldn’t handle. I was never invited to a session again after that.
• Would you enjoy taking on a leadership position? Do you think you would be good at it? What would your leadership style be?
Being a leader isn’t tied to my self identity at all, but it does seem to be the impression other people get about me. I have been told several times that I would make a good cult leader (concerningly) and that I always seem to end up in charge of a situation. I don’t really do this on purpose but a lot of the time I am the only one who will speak up and start moving a group forward when we are in a situation that calls for it. I have been told that I am quite a diplomatic leader that makes sure people get along, have something to do and feel supported. That said, I personally don’t like telling people what they should value. I am of the belief that it is their own choice to decide that. I will however help people by telling them the actions they could take in line with those chosen values. I also think conflict is quite important and I will only try to keep the conflict civil without ending it until both parties are satisfied and have conveyed everything they wish to. This also includes conflict with me, I dislike “sweeping things under the rug”.
• Are you coordinated? Why do you feel as if you are or are not? Do you enjoy working with your hands in some form? Describe your activity?
I think I am. I often feel as though my entire body is under my control and I am very intune with any physical sensations. I fear being paralyzed or losing mental integrity. This is the reason I avoid dangerous and reckless behavior that could result in losing control of my mind or body. I will not partake in highly “extreme” sports such as free climbing and I will not consume any kind of drugs to an extent that it affects my mental state, including alcohol.
• Are you artistic? If yes, describe your art? If you are not particularly artistic but can appreciate art please likewise describe what forms of art you enjoy. Please explain your answer.
I’m not actually sure. I like writing stories and drawing, but I wouldn’t consider myself an artist. I am very interested in art and have been learning how to properly paint and create music on and off for a while now. I think it's probably similar to sports in the sense that I enjoy it but rarely choose it over another activity. I don’t really enjoy going to art museums, I find art to be subjective so interacting with it from such an objective standpoint disinterests me. A lot of my friends are artists and I support them in their endeavors.
• What's your opinion about the past, present, and future? How do you deal with them?
I don’t think about the past much unless I actively make myself do so to search for something there. I am very in tune with the present and am constantly looking out for dangers in my environment and observing people, but it's not my main way of thinking. I am almost always thinking about the future, both in terms of potential futures as well as what future I am aiming for. I have some trouble deciding on a future to aim for since all of the options seem so appealing and I don’t particularly want to close any of them off. There is a part of me that wishes I was immortal so that I could experience as much of everything as possible. This is probably also the part of me that likes stories and hearing the experiences of others since I get to understand a whole other world with its own futures in such a short amount of time.
• How do you act when others request your help to do something (anything)? If you would decide to help them, why would you do so?
I will help immediately. I’m not entirely sure why but I imagine it has something to do with me enjoying solving problems, whether that problem is mine or anothers. I have largely minimized my worldly connections and needs so I often appear to “go out of my way” to help others even if it appears like it's sacrificial to myself. I don’t find it sacrificial to myself at all. I don’t need anything to be comfortable, it’s all just building upon that initial comfort as a kind of “excess” or “abundance”. I could lose everything I own tomorrow and be absolutely fine. All of this to say, I don’t sacrifice myself for others, I just help them most likely because I enjoy it. I do not consider myself a “good” person for doing this, in fact I do not really believe in the concept of good or evil at all.
• Do you need logical consistency in your life?
I think the fact that I immediately thought both yes and no for this question points to me not needing it. I certainly try to be logically consistent, but it's not the end of the world if I’m not. I think it's more important to me that I not be in denial about it.
• How important is efficiency and productivity to you?
I do aim for efficiency but it’s not very important to me. While I do want to make the most of my time in this life, if I don’t feel like doing anything then I won’t. I’m comfortable with being unproductive and “lazy” for as long as I like.
• Do you control others, even if indirectly? How and why do you do that?
I think I’m indirectly controlling. I don’t use force to control people (at least not anymore), I’m more inclined to engineer the circumstances of a situation in a way that results in people choosing to move in one of the ways that I want them to. Nobody has told me I am controlling, nor do they seem to feel they are being controlled. I don’t really do this intentionally, it just ends up being the path that I go down based on the options I have available (perhaps I am being controlled by something as well?). I’m not sure why I do this but if I had to guess it would be to protect myself and others from being hurt, after all you can’t be hurt if the option isn’t even available.
• What are your hobbies? Why do you like them?
See activities. My topics of interest are usually to do with people, nature or technology.
• What is your learning style? What kind of learning environments do you struggle with most? Why do you like/struggle with these learning styles? Do you prefer classes involving memorization, logic, creativity, or your physical senses?
I teach myself things. I always seem to find teachers/tutors intellectually suffocating. Outside of that I take any form of information possible.
• How good are you at strategizing? Do you easily break up projects into manageable tasks? Or do you have a tendency to wing projects and improvise as you go?
I break tasks down instinctively. I do like to plan out the whole project before I start but I have no problem deviating from the plan and improvising if I think of something I like the sound of more. This usually results in the finished project looking very different from the plan and taking longer than it could have.
• What are your aspirations in life, professionally and personally?
None really. I’m content with just existing. However, in terms of what I choose to pursue it would be perfection in all fields, having all knowledge and having experienced everything, as well as transmitting this perfection to everyone else so that they stand beside me. More realistically, I’m trying to buy some land and build a community so that as many people are under my direct protection and responsibility as possible. The world has many powerful people that are looking to exploit the innocent solely for their own gain. I’m not expecting a utopia but I would hope it would be more comfortable for people to live in than the insecurity of greater society. It’s nice to think of spending the rest of my days with this small community.
• What are your fears? What makes you uncomfortable? What do you hate? Why?
As mentioned earlier, I fear losing autonomy of my body and mind. I think I would still be comfortable in this state as I would get used to it but I actively avoid it coming to pass. I don’t think I hate anything, I don’t think in black and white. I’m not even sure I think in shades of gray, it seems more like the whole spectrum of color to me. I mentioned I don’t really believe in good or evil. In the event that someone is judged as evil by the world I can easily look at them and find just as many things people would find good. Does this make me endlessly accommodating of the actions of others? Certainly not. It’s just a matter of managing a conflict of interests, which is not something I struggle with.
• What do the "highs" in your life look like?
I can’t really think of anything that would fit a “high”. I think the closest thing would be my family and my friends. I’m not sure why they are what comes to mind. I mentioned before that I would be comfortable with losing everything I own since I have discarded worldly attachment, but for some reason when I think of losing people it's not such an easy answer.
• What do the "lows" in your life look like?
There was a time just after I had graduated high school and before I had moved out that I was highly depressed. I lacked any kind of purpose or direction in life and thought that I should have it. I also felt immense guilt over the harm I had caused throughout my school life. I believed that I should hide myself away from all life so that I never had the choice to take those actions again. It took me over a year living in this state to finally pull myself out of it. I discarded my need for a purpose or a direction and I discarded the need to be forgiven for the past so that I could live a new life. I discarded any other need that I could find as it is when a need is unmet that you enter a victim mindset, which is a mindset that I really want to avoid in me.
• How attached are you to reality? Do you daydream often, or do you pay attention to what's around you? If you do daydream, are you aware of your surroundings while you do so?
I’m not attached to reality at all. I daydream very often but I do pay close attention to my surroundings while I do so. I think having extremely sensitive senses helps with this. I have quite a vibrant and detailed imaginary world.
• Imagine you are alone in a blank, empty room. There is nothing for you to do and no one to talk to. What do you think about?
I would think about the same things I do as I fall asleep. In other words, I’d just daydream about hypotheticals and the future. Possibly not the future in this case as there might not be one but I imagine I’d be able to entertain myself endlessly in my head.
• How long do you take to make an important decision? And do you change your mind once you've made it?
I think of myself as having 3 decision makers. My rational mind, my sensory body/gut and my emotional heart. If all 3 are in agreement, I am able to make a decision very quickly. If 2 are in agreement, I will take longer to weigh up the options before I choose as often they will end up in agreement after I have thought it through. I will do the same if none are in agreement. In the event that they still can’t come to a unanimous decision I will flip a coin or roll a dice and go with the option that picks. I do this no matter how “important” the decision is.
• How long do you take to process your emotions? How important are emotions in your life?
Apparently I don’t feel emotions in the way other people do (at least according to the people I’ve spoken to about this). I tend to recognise emotions through the bodily sensations they apply to my body, for example, I can tell if I'm angry by my body feeling hot and my jaw feeling tense. With reference to my 3 decision makers, this means I can only figure out what my heart is telling me by going through my body. In chaotic or highly sensory situations where there is not enough time or space to recognise what I am feeling, it’s as though I am not feeling any emotion at all. I tend to think they are just as important as the other 2 decision makers when deciding things, as emotions are the basis for deciding what you value. If you don’t know what you value, you can’t determine what the best actions are for you to take according to those values, which results in nihilism. I think people would be surprised to learn that I consider emotions important. I have an almost entirely inexpressive face and a monotone voice which has resulted in me being called a robot quite often. In the times that I do have an expression, it is usually fake and done to make the other person feel more comfortable.
• Do you ever catch yourself agreeing with others just to appease them and keep the conversation going? How often? Why?
No. If I want to keep the conversation going then I will intentionally disagree with them to see how far they can take their opinion and understand it better. If I disagree with someone, I will inform them of my perspective. I do not wish for them to agree with me to “appease” me, although I will understand if they make that choice. I want them to inform me of their whole perspective so that I can understand it. If they can convince me after all this, then I will truly agree with them. This is not always the case though, I can imagine times that I would pretend to agree with someone, but it would have to be “worth” it.
• Do you break rules often? Do you think authority should be challenged, or that they know better? If you do break rules, why?
I don’t think rules are set in stone. If I disagree with a rule and there are no meaningful consequences, then the rule may as well not exist for me. I make no comments on others' takes on that. I will challenge authority any time I want to. Whether or not they “should” be challenged depends on what you value in an authority, but for my case the answer is yes they should be. In the event I am an authority I would want to be challenged, it would be both an opportunity to test my ability as well as to exchange information with people.
submitted by Mobile-Career-316 to MbtiTypeMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:49 AskACapperDOTcom I need an astronomer/astrophysicist… thermal dynamic fabric of space. = theoretical

I sent a tweet out to the NASA family of Projects on Twitter. I basically am proposing that space is not a void. But it’s a gel that surrounds all things. And space is actually a thermal dynamic process in work. My vortex mathematics account for hawking radiation leakage , and even frame dragging, I’ve included my math on my image in Twitter. If you want to upload the image to a GPT, it can tell you what my foundational math is working on. I just don’t have any any peers or anybody that can understand these complex concepts.
If you imagine, a gel cube inside the gel is a thermal dynamic liquid. That is softened by the sun activity and it behaves like any viscous liquid would under thermal dynamic conditions. When you picture this gel, what your picture is actually the fabric of space. So when an astronaut is floating in space, they’re floating through this stream of thermal, dynamic, solar wind through the medium of gel . I’m just using gel as an example. This is a very cool idea in my opinion, but I thought of it so of course I think that. I just need somebody that understands solar mathematics to verify and start implementing some of my equations.
I am an auto didactic learner… So I no I’m not a educated man, but I just don’t know the nomenclature. I’m trying to articulate things, and my words are failing. But if you put my math into a GPT and I can provide more. I came to this conclusion because I didn’t like the trampoline analogy. It didn’t make sense. And then I started thinking about gravity Wells, and then I dove into black holes and came out this side.
Anyway, I’m on Twitter all day long. If you have any questions, feel free to ask and can somebody from NASA just contact me so I’ll stop posting my stupid theories. I just wanna get it out there so people can start using it.
Chuck Bittner, a boy with a dream… And a wheelchair :-)
submitted by AskACapperDOTcom to Astronomy [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:47 MordorBurns Things that were irreversibly lost with the 3.23.

Things that were irreversibly lost with the 3.23.
While 3.23 is certainly a major stepping stone in SC's development and lots of flight model's additions are highly welcome - thruster ramp up that helps to mitigate pip wiggle scripting, tri-chording crutch was also nerfed and so on - unfortunately some things with Master Modes are fundamentally flawed:
  1. HOTAS/HOSAS setup is no longer a match for HOSAM users due to removal of auto-gimbals.
Instead of balancing things out and adding server checks for auto-gimbals' position to avoid cheating, they simply removed them completely which gives tremendous advantage to mouse players due to its naturally being a much more precise tool by design.
Because Squadron42 is targeted for a much more casual audience and joysticks are a rarity among that demographic.
  1. Magical 30G of a spacebrake - NAV->SCM switch (second image).
No more need to watch and control your ship's speed - just boost, hit NAV mode limit, close on your target until 1-2 km away and switch to SCM, then engage a spacebrake.
Very immersive and totally not game breaking at all.
Who needs retroburns and applying your skill to actually pilot your ship anyway?
Instead of completely breaking and destroying any sense of logic by splitting low-speed flying into two discrete separate modes why not just remove NAV mode at all?
Slowboating 300 km to a Lorville crash site (last phase of OD) is a time wasting thingy, be it at 200 or at 1000 m/s.
Especially when QT rework/boost/whatever is just around the corner.
Yet, Squadrons42's arcadey flight model has an upper hand in PU.
  1. PU is becoming a griefers paradise (third picture), simply because it's not even remotely possible to escape a stealth Hornet Ghost flying at maximum NAV speed which needs only 2-3 seconds to stop right beside a happily mining prospector and shred it to pieces with guns or send some missiles its way while the prospector is helplessly trying to flee, unable to use CM while in NAV.
F8C can detect a Ghost in a NAV mode from about 6.9 km away with it's S2 radar, so it takes just a few seconds of closing in and engaging a Magical 30G Spacebrake to stop just a few hundreds meters away from a target.
And, no, escort won't help, just like a long term rep and other not-yet-implemented gameplay mechanics.
Since all of them are able to be avoided/mitigated by meta-gaming, speaking about some dedicated 3k griefers org for example whose rite of passage for new members was pad-ramming PO back in the day.
They are still around and kicking, although their members are having all kinds of difficulties with SC lately, from not being able to process payments with RSI to connectivity issues 😆😆😆
  1. And the thing that saddens me the most is that, according to Yogi Klatt, they were simply ordered to port SQ42's flight model over to PU without even having the time to adapt it:
Yet now it's clear to everyone that NAV mode is a step in wrong direction that makes flying and combat completely unnatural, illogical and overall more arcadey, oversimplified experience.
All the while pledge income in sinking, CIG have made $25 millions so far which wouldn't be able to cover their OPEX.
There is certainly still a window of opportunity to rethink priorities or, at least, not to force us to play in Star Citizen by Squadron 42 rules, yet the time is short.
submitted by MordorBurns to starcitizen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:47 Soninetz SimpleTexting Demo: Explore Dashboard

SimpleTexting Demo: Explore Dashboard
Want to revolutionize your communication game? A simpletexting demo is all you need. Dive into a world where seamless messaging meets efficiency. Witness firsthand how this tool can elevate your business interactions, customer service, and streamline your processes. Say goodbye to communication barriers and hello to a new era of connectivity. Ready to unlock the power of simpletexting?
Useful Links:
  1. SimpleTexting LifeTime Deal
  2. SimpleTexting Free Trial

Key Takeaways

  • Utilize the Dashboard: Familiarize yourself with the SimpleTexting dashboard to efficiently manage your campaigns and messages.
  • Craft Effective Campaigns: Follow the steps outlined in the article to set up impactful campaigns that resonate with your audience.
  • Enhance Message Effectiveness: Implement the tips provided to enhance the quality and impact of your messages for better engagement.
  • Prioritize Compliance: Manage your contacts and ensure compliance with regulations to maintain a positive reputation and avoid penalties.
  • Maximize Communication Tools: Explore and leverage the various communication tools, such as sms, message, customer service, and keyword within SimpleTexting for seamless and effective interactions with your audience.
  • Stay Informed: Regularly revisit the dashboard features and campaign setup guidelines to stay up-to-date and make the most of SimpleTexting's capabilities.

Exploring the Dashboard


The SimpleTexting demo provides a comprehensive data collection tool for businesses. By clicking through the dashboard, users can enhance their website experience.


Users can easily access different sections like Keywords, Adding Contacts, and the Inbox. This allows for seamless management of contacts and messages.
Streamline your communication with SimpleTexting's automation tools! Sign up for a free trial now and start sending out-of-office texts effortlessly. 📲

Features Showcased

The demo showcases essential features such as auto-confirmation messages and link shorteners. These tools help streamline communication processes for businesses.

Setting Up Your Campaign

Creating Campaigns

To start your campaign, navigate to the dashboard and select the "Create Campaign" option. Enter your desired marketing message and choose relevant keywords to trigger automated responses. Customizing messages based on user responses can significantly enhance campaign engagement.

Managing Contacts

Importing contacts is crucial for successful campaigns. Utilize the platform's tools to organize contacts into specific lists for targeted messaging. By categorizing contacts based on demographics or behaviors, you can tailor campaigns for better results.

Enhancing Messages

Incorporating images in your text messages can boost campaign performance. Upload visually appealing images that resonate with your audience to increase engagement rates. Track link clicks within messages to analyze campaign effectiveness and optimize future messaging strategies.

Enhancing Your Messages

MMS Messaging

MMS messaging allows you to display multimedia content in your messages, such as images, videos, and audio clips. This feature enhances the visual appeal of your texts.
Custom Fields Utilize custom fields to personalize messages based on collected information about your contacts. Tailoring messages increases engagement and fosters a deeper connection with your audience.

Targeted Texts with Keywords

Send targeted, personalized texts to contacts using keywords and custom fields. This feature enables you to create specific campaigns tailored to individual preferences and behaviors.
Useful Links:
  1. SimpleTexting LifeTime Deal
  2. SimpleTexting Free Trial

Managing Contacts and Compliance

Adding and Sorting Contacts

Contacts can be easily added to the platform through manual entry, CSV upload, or integration with CRM systems. Once added, they can be sorted into lists based on demographics, behavior, or engagement levels for targeted messaging.

Ensuring Compliance

The platform is equipped with robust compliance features to safeguard customer privacy. It automatically manages opt-ins, opt-outs, and ensures adherence to regulations governing the use of personal information and identifiable data in SMS marketing campaigns.

Engaging with Customers

Through the inbox feature, businesses can initiate two-way conversations with customers. This allows for personalized responses to queries, feedback, or support requests, enhancing the overall customer service experience.

Navigating Communication Tools

Inbox Feature

When using SimpleTexting's demo, the inbox feature facilitates two-way communication with customers. It allows for seamless interaction, ensuring prompt responses and effective engagement.

Subscriber Growth Tools

Discover a range of tools within SimpleTexting that aid in gaining new subscribers and business growth. These tools are designed to streamline the process and enhance user experience.

Support Options

Explore the various support options offered by SimpleTexting, including phone assistance, email support, and live chat services. These avenues ensure that users receive timely help whenever needed.

Final Remarks

You've now gained insights into SimpleTexting's dashboard, campaign setup, message enhancement, contact management, and communication tools. By mastering these features, you're well-equipped to maximize your text marketing efforts. Take advantage of the platform's capabilities to engage your audience effectively and drive results for your business. Whether it's crafting compelling messages or ensuring compliance with regulations, SimpleTexting offers you the tools to succeed in your marketing campaigns.
Now that you have a comprehensive understanding of SimpleTexting's functionalities, it's time to put your knowledge into action. Dive into the platform, experiment with different strategies, and monitor the outcomes closely. By leveraging all that SimpleTexting has to offer, you can elevate your marketing initiatives and achieve your goals efficiently. Start implementing what you've learned today and witness the impact on your campaigns!
Take control of your messaging strategy with SimpleTexting! Sign up now for a free trial and add emojis to your texts without hassle. 😊

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I access the SimpleTexting demo dashboard?

To access the SimpleTexting demo dashboard, visit the official website and look for the "Demo" or "Try it Now" option. Click on the link to explore the features and functionalities of the platform.

What steps are involved in setting up a campaign on SimpleTexting?

Setting up a campaign on SimpleTexting involves creating a new campaign, defining your target audience, crafting engaging messages, scheduling message delivery, and tracking campaign performance through analytics provided by the platform.

How can I enhance my messages using SimpleTexting?

You can enhance your messages on SimpleTexting by personalizing content, including multimedia elements like images or videos, utilizing emojis to add visual appeal, incorporating strong call-to-action phrases, and optimizing message length for maximum impact and engagement.

How does SimpleTexting help in managing contacts and ensuring compliance?

SimpleTexting provides tools to organize contacts into segmented lists, automate opt-in and opt-out processes to ensure compliance with regulations like TCPA and GDPR, maintain detailed contact records for each subscriber, and enable easy management of contact preferences.

What communication tools are available on SimpleTexting for effective navigation?

SimpleTexting offers a variety of communication tools such as two-way messaging for interactive conversations with customers, autoresponders for instant replies to incoming messages, scheduled messaging for timely campaigns, link tracking to monitor click-through rates, and inbox management for streamlined communication.
Useful Links:
  1. SimpleTexting LifeTime Deal
  2. SimpleTexting Free Trial
submitted by Soninetz to NutraVestaProVen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:46 moodykitty27 29/F desperately seeking advice after ALL-ON 4 implants. PLEASE HELP :(

I'm going to try to keep this short, but also give enough information for analysis and advice. Feb. 20, 2024 I underwent the All-on-4 procedure for my top arch. I'm a 29-year-old female battling with chronic illness my entire life. That, paired with other factors, has caused massive tooth decay in my mouth starting very early. I have some fears regarding dental work related to a bad experience having my wisdom teeth & "12 y/o molars" being removed at 15. But I got over it and sought the treatment. Open and willing to do whatever was needed to get my smile back and be able to eat normally. I've lost over 30 pounds in the last year, and I'm basically malnourished at this point.
I went to an implant clinic local to me and financed a 20k loan for just my top arch. Thats all I can afford right now. This whole experience has been SO traumatic for me.
From being fully awake through the whole process, after I was promised that between the night before meds and morning anxiety medication along with nitrous that I would be totally out. The meds were never called into the pharmacy. I was told me they would only be available the night before for pick up. When they weren't found at any pharmacy in town , I called and their office was closed already. Nobody answered the after-hours line. So I just had to show up at 7am for my procedure without having taken them. I let them know and they told me that the nitrous should still knock me out. Which i believed to be true, past dental work with it would have me knocked out!
But I sobbed and cried and prayed for almost 6 hours while they extracted 14 teeth, it wasn't quick or easy at all, then they placed my implants. 5 of them.
All of my care has been from different providers at the same office. The dentist who I was told would be taking care of my entire process did my numbing shots then left. Someone I didn't know took over. I've never seen her in the office since that day. This has happened almost every follow up.
My pain for the first month was truly unbearable. I work 45 hours a week and they promised me I would be totally fine to work. I wasn't. I did still work without missing a single day, but that was by the grace and strength of God. Also, the demand of my huge loan payment monthly. The gum pain, nerve pain, constant intense throbbing finally subsided less than a month ago. I still get a lot of throbbing at my implant sites, but I continue to hope it's just the osseointegration that I'm feeling.
I went in weekly describing my pain and concerns and was ignored and told 'its normal". They refused to do any scans, check my stitches that never dissolved, I had to nicely demand the remove them after about a month in half because they were all untied and hanging out of my temp but also lodged underneath it.
I have almost ZERO ability to clean in between the acrylic temp and my gums. One side has space the other is smashed into my gums. Totally uneven. It even feels completely unbalanced in my mouth and moves and makes loud clicking noises. I've timed the amount of time I am cleaning and water flossing in a single day and it typically is about an hour total. Yet my mouth tastes terrible all the time. I can feel food lodged between that I'm not able to get out. I've told the dentist this every single time and I'm ignored.
I have so many questions and concerns regarding this whole experience, but most importantly is this:
Next week I start getting fitted for my permanent teeth. I feel so insecure in my knowledge of how this is supposed to look, fit, and feel. I dont know how to properly advocate for myself and care. I always trust the experts. I'm not a dentist, they are. But I dont trust mine. He has mislead me on many things, gets angry if I say i don't want or like something. For example my current and only temp just simply doesn't fit. It looks ridiculous. I'm not the only person wo has expressed this. My entire family has said the same things. But he refused to even discuss a differnt temp that I have had to wear for months. I explained it not even the aesthetic that I can't deal with its the fit and feel. He was clearly annoyed and told me he's not making another. Mind you he prints these in office with a 3d printer. When I had something almost pertruding through my gums in the front of an implant site he wouldn't do a scan. They finally agreed to do it at my next appointment, only because it's time anyway since this would be my first scheduled "pre op" appointment. If I hadn't been there by request weekly the first two months this would've been the only time I was seen or checked in this whole process.
My screws have fallen out and been replaced. Each time this happened I asked if they would please just check underneath for trapped food and I was told No every time. With no explanation. Is this normal?!!? I truly don't know. But it doesn't feel normal or right. I paid 20k for this. I feel like I've been scammed in way.
If anyone at all could give me ANY info or advice I would be so grateful. I can elaborate more on anything needed I just don't want to ramble and complain. I just wanted my smile back and the ability to eat. Im down to 94 pounds. Eating is barely possible. They didn't tell me anything about my diet restrictions until after the implants were in. I totally get why it would be soft foods only, but I don't understand why they wouldn't tell me things like this at my consult. It's one of the many things that I feel was ignored and left out when discussing this treatment option for me.
One final thing. While adjusting my bite one day he was filing down the implants in the back. I must note that my bottom teeth aren't in great condition but I'm taking great care of them until I can afford to have them done as well. Without any warning the dentist started filing down MY natural bottom teeth. Not just a little, noticeably even to the eye. I made many noises and waved my hands trying to get him to stop. He continued until I got loud and was pulling my head away. He removed he his hands from my mouth clearly annoyed with me. I asked "are you filing my bottom teeth?!?!' His response- "they're bad anyway". He knows that i can't afford to fix them right now. We discussed this many times. Needless to say, I left in a complete panic attack. Why was that necessary?? Or even an option to him. I now understand dental work and standards are different all over the world. I had zero issues with the ethnicity of who provided my care. But after further research I've seen many things about dental work in India and how brutal it can be. I'm truly don't mean this in a bad way. It's just what I've read in my many hours of research on the topic.
Dentists, assistants, anyone with knowledge or experience. PLEASE any info would be so helpful to me.
Please and thank you again. Sorry for the long post. This truly is the abridged version of this story sadly. I'm just read for this to be over. But I just need the results to be worth the 20k and the trauma.
submitted by moodykitty27 to Dentalimplant [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:43 moodykitty27 29/F desperately seeking advice after ALL-ON 4 implants. PLEASE HELP :(

I'm going to try to keep this short, but also give enough information for analysis and advice. Feb. 20, 2024 I underwent the All-on-4 procedure for my top arch. I'm a 29-year-old female battling with chronic illness my entire life. That, paired with other factors, has caused massive tooth decay in my mouth starting very early. I have some fears regarding dental work related to a bad experience having my wisdom teeth & "12 y/o molars" being removed at 15. But I got over it and sought the treatment. Open and willing to do whatever was needed to get my smile back and be able to eat normally. I've lost over 30 pounds in the last year, and I'm basically malnourished at this point.
I went to an implant clinic local to me and financed a 20k loan for just my top arch. Thats all I can afford right now. This whole experience has been SO traumatic for me.
From being fully awake through the whole process, after I was promised that between the night before meds and morning anxiety medication along with nitrous that I would be totally out. The meds were never called into the pharmacy. I was told me they would only be available the night before for pick up. When they weren't found at any pharmacy in town , I called and their office was closed already. Nobody answered the after-hours line. So I just had to show up at 7am for my procedure without having taken them. I let them know and they told me that the nitrous should still knock me out. Which i believed to be true, past dental work with it would have me knocked out!
But I sobbed and cried and prayed for almost 6 hours while they extracted 14 teeth, it wasn't quick or easy at all, then they placed my implants. 5 of them.
All of my care has been from different providers at the same office. The dentist who I was told would be taking care of my entire process did my numbing shots then left. Someone I didn't know took over. I've never seen her in the office since that day. This has happened almost every follow up.
My pain for the first month was truly unbearable. I work 45 hours a week and they promised me I would be totally fine to work. I wasn't. I did still work without missing a single day, but that was by the grace and strength of God. Also, the demand of my huge loan payment monthy. The gum pain, nerve pain, constant intense throbbing finally subsided less than a month ago. I still get a lot of throbbing at my implant sites, but I continue to hope it's just the osseointegration that I'm feeling.
I went in weekly describing my pain and concerns and was ignored and told 'its normal". They refused to do any scans, check my stitches that never dissolved, I had to nicely demand the remove them after about a month in half because they were all untied and hanging out of my temp but also lodged underneath it.
I have almost ZERO ability to clean in between the acrylic temp and my gums. One side has space the other is smashed into my gums. Totally uneven. It even feels completely unbalanced in my mouth and moves and makes loud clicking noises. I've timed the amount of time I am cleaning and water flossing in a single day and it typically is about an hour total. Yet my mouth tastes terrible all the time. I can feel food lodged between that I'm not able to get out. I've told the dentist this every single time and I'm ignored.
I have so many questions and concerns regarding this whole experience, but most importantly is this:
Next week I start gettting fitted for my permanent teeth. I feel so insecure in my knowledge of how this is supposed to look, fit, and feel. I dont know how to properly advocate for myself and care. I always trust the experts. I'm not a dentist, they are. But I dont trust mine. He has mislead me on many things, gets angry if I say i don't want or like something. For example my current and only temp just simply doesn't fit. It looks ridiculous. I'm not the only person wo has expressed this. My entire family has said the same things. But he refused to even discuss a differnt temp that I have had to wear for months. I explained it not even the aesthetic that I can't deal with its the fit and feel. He was clearly annoyed and told me he's not making another. Mind you he prints these in office with a 3d printer. When I had something almost pertruding through my gums in the front of an implant site he wouldn't do a scan. They finally agreed to do it at my next appointment, only because it's time anyway since this would be my first scheduled "pre op" appointment. If I hadn't been there by request weekly the first two months this would've been the only time I was seen or checked in this whole process.
My screws have fallen out and been replaced. Each time this happened I asked if they would please just check underneath for trapped food and I was told No every time. With no explanation. Is this normal?!!? I truly don't know. But it doesn't feel normal or right. I paid 20k for this. I feel like I've been scammed in way.
If anyone at all could give me ANY info or advice I would be so grateful. I can elaborate more on anything needed I just don't want to ramble and complain. I just wanted my smile back and the ability to eat. Im down to 94 pounds. Eating is barely possible. They didn't tell me anything about my diet restrictions until after the implants were in. I totally get why it would be soft foods only, but I don't understand why they wouldn't tell me things like this at my consult. It's one of the many things that I feel was ignored and left out when discussing this treatment option for me.
One final thing. While adjusting my bite one day he was filing down the implants in the back. I must note that my bottom teeth aren't in great condition but I'm taking great care of them until I can afford to have them done as well. Without any warning the dentist starting filling down MY natural bottom teeth. Not just a little, noticiably even to they eye. I made many noises and waved my hands trying to get him to stop. He continued until I got loud and was pulling my head away. He removed he his hands from my mouth clearly annoyed with me. I asked "are you filing my bottom teeth?!?!' His response- "they're bad anyway". He knows that i can't afford to fix them right now. We discussed this many times. Needless to say, I left in a complete panic attack. Why was that necessary?? Or even an option to him. I now understand dental work and standards are different all over the world. I had zero issues with the ethnicity of who provided my care. But after further research I've seen many things about dental work in India and how brutal it can be. I'm truly don't mean this in a bad way. It's just what I've read in my many hours of research on the topic.
Dentists, assistants, anyone with knowledge or experience. PLEASE any info would be so helpful to me.
Please and thank you again. Sorry for the long post. This truly is the abridged version of this story sadly. I'm just read for this to be over. But I just need the results to be worth the 20k and the trauma.
submitted by moodykitty27 to Teethcare [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:43 Illustrious-Lemon592 My hopes of Gerry Andersons Cutaway by Graham Bleathman

My hopes of Gerry Andersons Cutaway by and done by Graham Bleathman and here are the list
Fireball XL5
• Fireball XL5

• Space City

Planet 46
• Subterrain Fighter

Hypnotic Sphere
• Hypnotic Sphere

• E-Type Tanker (EF-Z4)

The Doomed Planet
• Flying Saucer

The Sun Temple
• J17 Warrior Rocket

• Sun Temple

Space Immigrants
• Mayflower Colony Ship (Mayflower 3)

Spy In Space
• SS Thor

Space Pirates
• Liberty-Class Space Freighter

• Q-Ship

Last Of The Zanadus
• Explorer EX10

Space Pen
• Freighter 2X4

Convict In Space
• Type 37H Spacecraft

Wings Of Danger
• Robot Bird

The Triads
• Trooper 2 Rocket

• Light Patrol Craft (LP22)

• Gamma Ship

• Space Rescue Craft

Mystery Of The TA2
• TA-Class Explorer Craft (TA2)

The Granatoid Tanks
• Granatoid Tanks

The Robot Freighter Mystery
• Robot Freighter

• SCS Valiant

Invasion Earth
• Invaders Ship

A Day In The Life Of a Space General
• A-Type Bulk Freighter (Freighter A14)

• G-Type Tanker (Tanker G (for George))

Space City Special
• Supersonic Military Airliner (SL6 Supersonic Airliner)

• Marineville

• WSP Headquarters

• Terror Fish

• Titanica

• Island of Lemoy

• X20’s Sub

• WASP Spearhead Jet

• WASP Arrowhead Jet

• WASP Helicopter

• WSP Sea Probe Sub

Plant Of Doom
• Pacifica

Sea Of Oil
• Oil Rig

• Gerit's Sub

Hostages Of The Deep
• Island of Lull

• Gadas’s Sub

• Gadas’s Base

The Big Gun
• Solarstar Missile Ejector Sub

• Solarstar

The Golden Sea
• FD7 Ship

• B1 Bathyscaphe

• Titan's Personal Underwater Craft

The Ghost Ship
• Ghost Galleon Ship

The Ghost Of The Sea
• Yellow Sub

• WSP Guard Submarine

Emergency Marineville
• Val Island

The Invaders
• WASP Weather Station

• Epayus & Ilium’s Base

• Underground Travel Drilling Cylinder

Raptures Of The Deep
• Hepcat Sub

• Tempest Tower

The Man From The Navy
• WN27 Sub

Pink Ice
• Pink Ice Sub

Star Of The East
• Gunboat Wadi

• WSP Remote Control Freight Airliner

Deep Heat
• Robot Sea Probe

• Voldana

In Search Of The Tajmanon
• Tajmanon

Titan Goes Pop
• WASP Hover Scooter

Tune Of Danger
• Downbeat Sub

A Nut For Marineville
• Missile Sub

Trapped In The Depths
• Undersea Fish Farm

• Magnet Tug

Eastern Eclipse
• APF1 Biplane

A Christmas To Remember
• Mystery Sub

The Lighthouse Dwellers
• Supersonic 101 Airliner

• Thunderbird 1

• Thunderbird 2

• Thunderbird 3

• Thunderbird 4

• Thunderbird 5

• FAB1

• Round House

• Hood’s Temple

• Creighton-Ward Mansion

Pod Vehicles
• Mole

• Firefly

• Monobrake

• Jet-Air Transporter

• Firecat

• Neutralizer Tractor

• DOMO (Demolition and Object Moving Operator)

• Elevator Cars

• Mobile Crane

• Booster Mortar

• Excavator

• Laser Cutter

• Recovery Vehicles

• Transmitter Truck

• Dicetylene Cage

Trapped In The Sky
• London International Airport

• Fireflash

• TX-204 Target Carrying Aircraft

Pit Of Peril
• Sidewinder

• Copter Watchdog

The Perils Of Penelope
• Monorail

• Anderbad Tunnel

Terror In New York City
• U.S.N. Sentinel

• Operation Moving Empire State Building

• Terror In New York City Rescue

Edge Of Impact
• Red Arrow Jet

• Foreign Fighter Jet

• British Telecom Tower

• Edge Of Impact Rescue

Day For Disaster
• Martian Space Probe (M.S.P)

• Day For Disaster Rescue

30 Minutes After Noon
• Hudson Building

Desperate Intruder
• Submarine Transport Truck

• 3E Submarine

• Mobile Control Room Caravans

• Lake Anasta/Lost Temple

End Of The Road
• Gray & Houseman Road Construction Vehicle

• Explosives Truck

• End Of The Road Rescue

The Uninvited
• Desert Jeep

• Zombite Fighter Jets

• Lost Pyramid of Khamandides

Sun Probe
• Sun Probe

• Cape Kennedy Solar Control Centre

Operation Crash-Dive
• Operation Crash-Dive Rescue

Vault Of Death
• Bank of England

The Mighty Atom
• Atomic Irrigation Station (Australia)

• Government Research Unit

• Saharan Atomic Station

City of Fire
• Thompson Tower

• City Of Fire Rescue

The Impostors
• EJ2 Jet

• Central Office of the General Staff Command

• Space Observatory 3

• Jeremiah Tuttle's House

The Man From MI.5
• FAB 2

• Carl’s Submarine

Cry Wolf
• Dunsley Tracker

Danger at Ocean Deep
• Ocean Pioneer Tanker

Move - And You're Dead
• Parola Sands Raceway

The Duchess Assignment
• Gazelle Automations Inc

• The Duchess Assignment Rescue

Brink Of Disaster
• Brink Of Disaster Rescue

Attack of the Alligators!
• Ambro River House

Martian Invasion
• Martian Invasion Movie Set

The Cham-Cham
• RTL-2

• Matthews Field Air Base

Security Hazard
• Security Hazard Rescue

Atlantic Inferno
• W.N.S. Reaper

• Seascape

• Bonga-Bonga

• Atlantic Inferno Rescue

Path Of Destruction
• Crablogger

• Crablogger Base Control Vehicle

• Path Of Destruction Rescue

Alias Mr. Hackenbacker
• Skythrust

• D103 Airliner

Lord Parker's 'Oliday
• Solar Station (Monte Bianco)

• Sentinel Base

• Pirate Satellite TV Station KLA

• Telsat 4

Give Or Take A Million
• Container Rocket/Christmas Rocket

• Coralville Children's Hospital

Captain Scarlet & The Mysterons

The Mysterons
• London Car-Vu

Winged Assassin
• Delta Tango One-Niner (DT19)

• Culver Atomic Centre

Point 783
• Observation Post Point 783

Renegade Rocket
• Base Concord

• Variable Geometry Rocket (VGR)

• J17 Interceptor Jet

White as Snow
• TVR-17

• USS Panther ll

Spectrum Strikes Back
• Hunting Lodge

• Liquid Oxygen Truck

Shadow Of Fear
• K14 Observatory

• Mini Sat 5

The Trap

Lunarville 7
• XK3 Rocket

The Heart Of New York
• Spectrum Security Vault

• Criminal Sub

• Second National Bank

• Koala Base

Fire at Rig 15
• Rig 15

Flight to Atlantica
• V.17-Alpha Bomber

Crater 101
• Lunarville 6

• Moon Tank

• Moon Tractor

• Mysteron Attack Vehicle

• Mysteron Control Vehicle

• CB29 Space Probe

Noose of Ice
• Snow Cougar 21

Treble Cross
• XK107 Bomber

• Euro Tracker

• SKR4 Rocket

Flight 104
• Flight 104 Airliner

Expo 2068
• Nuclear Reactor Facility

• Transport Truck 43

• Seneca Remote Control Cargo Helicopter

The Launching
• Tribune 3

• Atomic Liner (President Roberts)

Codename Europa
• Vadon Base

• Maximum Security Centre

Attack on Cloudbase
• Mysterons Flying Saucer

Joe 90

• McClaines’s Cottage

• W.I.N Headquaters

• Jet Air Car

• W.I.N Company Car

The Most Special Agent
• MiG 242 Fighter

• Hovervan

• AV21 Passenger Jet

Big Fish
• U85 Submarine

Business Holiday
• Fast Attack Vehicle A14

• Beneleta Army Base

Most Special Astronaut
• O.T.C Space Station

• Orbital Transfer Company (O.T.C) Triton OC2 Rocket

Arctic Adventure
• V107 Bomber

• Vostula Base

• Deep Sea Recovery Vessel Athena Submarine (DSRV-3)

The Fortress
• Fortress

• Stealth Hovercraft

Colonel McClaine
• U59 Wildcat

The Race
• U87 Army Vehicle

The Professional
• Langallo Castle

• Spider Riot Control Vehicle and Guard Vehicle

• F116 Jet

• Cherook Penitentiary Truck

• Prime Minster's Monorail

Attack Of The Tiger
• VG104 Fighter Bomber

• Eastern Alliance Missile Base

Mission X-41
• Test X-41 Helijets

Test Flight
• Orbital Glide Transport 780 (O.G.T)


• Harlington-Straker Film Studios

• Space Intruder Detector (S.I.D)

• Space Interceptor

• Moonmoblie

• Moonbase Defence Vehicle

• Lunar Carrier

• Lunar Module

• Neptune Space Monitor

• SkydiveSky 1

• Seagull X-Ray

• S.H.A.D.O Albatross

• Kingfisher VTOL Aircraft

• S.H.A.D.O Mobiles

• UFO Flying Saucer

• SHADO Executive Car


• Hawknest

• Treehawk

• Spacehawk

• Hawkwing

• Battlehawk

• Terrahawk

• Battletank

• Hudson

• Groundhawk


• Zelda’s Ships/Lair (Fin, Dog, Shark, Rhino, Ice-Box, and Phantom)

submitted by Illustrious-Lemon592 to u/Illustrious-Lemon592 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:42 Tycho_Jissard MS-ISAC CYBERSECURITY ADVISORY - Critical Patches Issued for Microsoft Products, May 14, 2023 - PATCH: NOW

DATE(S) ISSUED: 05/14/2024
SUBJECT: Critical Patches Issued for Microsoft Products, May 14, 2024
OVERVIEW: Multiple vulnerabilities have been discovered in Microsoft products, the most severe of which could allow for remote code execution in the context of the logged on user. Depending on the privileges associated with the user, an attacker could then install programs; view, change, or delete data; or create new accounts with full user rights. Users whose accounts are configured to have fewer user rights on the system could be less impacted than those who operate with administrative user rights.
THREAT INTELLIGENCE: Microsoft is aware of CVE-2024-30040 and CVE-2024-30051 being exploited in the wild, as well as functional exploit code being available for CVE-2024-30050.
RISK: Government:
Home users: Low
Multiple vulnerabilities have been discovered in Microsoft products, the most severe of which could allow for remote code execution.
A full list of all vulnerabilities can be found at the link below:
Successful exploitation of the most severe of these vulnerabilities could result in an attacker gaining the same privileges as the logged-on user. Depending on the privileges associated with the user, an attacker could then install programs; view, change, or delete data; or create new accounts with full user rights. Users whose accounts are configured to have fewer user rights on the system could be less impacted than those who operate with administrative user rights.
RECOMMENDATIONS: We recommend the following actions be taken:
Microsoft: https://msrc.microsoft.com/update-guide/ https://msrc.microsoft.com/update-guide/releaseNote/2024-MayMS-ISAC CYBERSECURITY ADVISORY
DATE(S) ISSUED: 05/14/2024
SUBJECT: Critical Patches Issued for Microsoft Products, May 14, 2024
OVERVIEW: Multiple vulnerabilities have been discovered in Microsoft products, the most severe of which could allow for remote code execution in the context of the logged on user. Depending on the privileges associated with the user, an attacker could then install programs; view, change, or delete data; or create new accounts with full user rights. Users whose accounts are configured to have fewer user rights on the system could be less impacted than those who operate with administrative user rights.
THREAT INTELLIGENCE: Microsoft is aware of CVE-2024-30040 and CVE-2024-30051 being exploited in the wild, as well as functional exploit code being available for CVE-2024-30050.
submitted by Tycho_Jissard to k12cybersecurity [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:41 krabottke RTS game idea set in the pacific theatre bringing back Factions from Generals

English is not my mother tongue, so please have patience with my writings
This just came to my mind and I wanted to share it with you and maybe start an interesting discussion.
I am a long time fan of different RTS Games, ranging from Red Alert 2, Generals, World in Conflict, Company of Heroes but also Anno and Age of Empires. All of these games have unique features that I would love to see and play in a combined game, setted in modern or near future times.
The game would set in the pacific and would bring back the classic Generals Factions USA, China and GLA/Mercenaries in amphibious warfare, bringing back sea, air and land units, fighting on deserted Islands in the tropics, big cities near the water in the phillipines cold conditions in the Aleutean Islands. Thick rainforest will camouflage your units from drones flying overhead. Rivers floating thorugh the islands will allow for quick hit and runs of fast moving boats. A storm makes receiving call-ins impossible. The focus lies on infantry, Tanks are hard to get but even more powerful when fielded. After receiving a promotion you can finally call in an Amphibious Assault Vehicle, transporting your troops behind enemy lines and provide fire support along the way. Small airdropped buggies racing over the one asphalted road on an island, sorrounded by deep woods, starting loitering munitions behind the front line which will be directed by frontline troops.
You will have few ressources, big maps which challenging and ever changing environments, bringing unique strategic opportunities.
When playing the US for example you would start with a three man Scout Team, landing on an unknown island and find a place along its coast to call in a seaborn Logistics-Drone for starting up your base. This could be shore based to provide for maritime units but be easier to spot or more towards the inward of the island for astealthier approach. Once the base is established you will need to secure the flow of ressources. This could either be ore or rare earths found on the island or supplies coming from outside of the map via Drone delievery.
Since scouting is a vital part of the game you will then field a two man Long range recon patrol team, steahlted all the way but highly fragile. You send them to explore the island, to find ressources or the enemy. Once they make contact you make use of their special ability – they lay down a volume of fire to supress the enemy squad and make a fast escape. Now you know where to go next and plan your army composition accordingly.
Just a quick idea, I would love to know what you guys think? How would the GLA and China play in these circumstances?
submitted by krabottke to commandandconquer [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:39 CiaranKD Microsoft 365 Business (Personal Use)

For those who are like me and use M365 Business Premium for personal use, what do you use it for?
I use Business Premium because I use all of the features of Office in my day to day life (writing letters, managing finances through spreadsheets and PowerBI visuals, plus I enjoy having my phone enrolled in Intune knowing I have more control over it, and the various other things a normal person wouldn’t give a shit about, for example:
I’m sad I know, but I do enjoy making full use of a product, especially when it’s paid for and also helps me learn about things I can then implement in a work/production environment safely.
And I would never ever go back to having a free email account like @gmail.com, it’s just so unprofessional.
submitted by CiaranKD to sysadmin [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:37 TrackingSystemDirect Employee Internet Monitoring - 5 Scary Ways Employee Internet Monitoring Technology Is Watching You At Work!

Employee Internet Monitoring - 5 Scary Ways Employee Internet Monitoring Technology Is Watching You At Work!

5 Scary Ways Employee Internet Monitoring Technology Is Watching You At Work!

Did you know your employer might have read every email or private message you sent on your work computer? Scary thought, isn't it? Why would they do that? Employee internet monitoring—that's the watchful system tracking your online work habits. Ever clicked on a website and then realized hours have slipped by? Employers are keen to cut down on that. Reading this, you'll learn why monitoring is in place, how it benefits you, and what you can do to bypass the 5 most common methods of employee internet monitoring.
Learn more about GPS car tracking here: https://spacehawkgps.com

Top 5 Ways How Employers Monitor Internet Activity

Web Content Filtering

Web content filtering functions by employing software or hardware solutions that evaluate and control the websites or content categories an individual can access. For instance, a company might use this tool to block access to social media websites during work hours to ensure employees stay focused and prevent potential security risks associated with these platforms. This approach helps employers enhance employee productivity, maintain network security, and ensure compliance with company policies regarding internet usage.
How to bypass web content filtering. Employees may attempt to bypass web content filtering by using a VPN or accessing blocked content through a proxy server. However, it's crucial to note that these methods may violate company policies and could have consequences.

Firewall & IDS Logs

In your workplace, there are likely tools like firewalls and Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) that generate logs tracking what happens on the company's network. These logs note things like the data going in and out, IP addresses, and connections. Your employer uses these logs to keep an eye out for unauthorized access, malware, or anything unusual happening online. For example, if you accidentally download something suspicious while at work, these logs record it. This helps your company respond quickly and look into anything that seems out of the ordinary, making sure everything stays secure and compliant with company policies.
How to bypass firewalls & IDS logs. Employees usually cannot directly bypass firewall and IDS logs, as they are backend security measures. However, if employees engage in activities that trigger security alerts, employers may investigate their actions based on the log data.

Keystroke Loggers

Keystroke loggers are surveillance software that track every key you press on your computer. Companies install them to monitor employee activity, ensuring work-related use and securing sensitive data. Imagine typing confidential client information; keystroke loggers record this to prevent data breaches. They also help enforce company policies by flagging non-work-related activities during office hours.
How to bypass keystroke loggers. Use on-screen keyboards or text-to-speech tools as they don't involve physical keystrokes. Additionally, encrypted communication apps can obscure the content of your messages, though this may not prevent loggers from detecting that you've sent a message. Always be aware that attempting to bypass company monitoring tools can violate company policy and have serious repercussions.

Employee Monitoring Software

Employee monitoring software is a tool your company might use to oversee your computer activities during work. Popular brands of employee monitoring software include Time Doctor, VeriClock, and InterGuard. And why might a company use these products? One example is to flag when you send an email containing sensitive company information, ensuring data security and policy compliance.
How to bypass employee monitoring. You could use personal devices during breaks for private communications. However, circumventing these systems can lead to disciplinary action or job loss, so always consider the consequences and adhere to your workplace's guidelines.

Network Traffic Analysis Tools

Network traffic analysis tools examine your internet use, identifying what sites and services you access while on the company network. Companies deploy these tools to spot unusual activity, like accessing high-risk websites, which could introduce security threats. Picture clicking on a streaming service during work hours; these tools alert IT that non-work-related traffic is occurring.
How to bypass network scrutiny. Consider using a virtual private network (VPN), although this may contravene company policies. Alternatively, use your own data plan on personal devices for non-work browsing to stay under the radar.
Related Content: How Companies Track Vehicle Fleets

7 Ways How To Tell If My Boss Is Spying On My Computer

  1. Be aware of alerts and notifications from time tracking and productivity measuring software on your company computer.
  2. Surf for common social media applications and see if they are blocked.
  3. Check the task manager on your computer to look out for any activity monitoring software that you may not be aware of.
  4. Compare the bandwidth allocation and application restrictions on your computer with a colleague’s. If your company computer has more restrictions, chances are you are being monitored by your boss.
  5. Indirectly ask the IT department of your office. This is because not all monitoring software leaves a presence in the task Manager. Some employee monitoring software is more advanced, they run in a stealth-mode and cannot simply be opened.
  6. Open your computer’s webcam to assess if it's operational without your approval.
  7. Read your job contract or your company’s employee handbook. If a clause for employee monitoring is present then surely your boss is keeping a check on your internet usage.

Legal Compliance Tips: Responsible Employee Monitoring for Business Owners

If you're a business owner, you're legally allowed to monitor your employees, provided there's a legitimate business interest. Striking the right balance between managing work processes and respecting employees' privacy is essential. Additionally, employees should be notified before any monitoring takes place. Consent requirements may vary depending on your location.
With the rise of remote work, employee internet usage monitoring software and user activity tracking tools are increasingly popular. These systems help improve productivity and protect against insider threats. While it's true that monitoring can boost network security and prevent data loss, it's important to recognize the potential privacy invasion that comes with it. To maintain trust, encourage employees to keep social media usage limited to personal devices and non-work hours. Here are some things you should consider before monitoring an employees' computer activities:
  • Understand local regulations: Research and familiarize yourself with employee monitoring laws in your region to ensure compliance.
  • Establish a clear policy: Create a comprehensive, written policy outlining the extent and purpose of monitoring and share it with employees.
  • Obtain consent: Obtain employee consent, if required by local laws, before implementing monitoring practices.
  • Focus on work-related activities: Limit monitoring to work-related internet usage and activities to minimize privacy invasion.
  • Be transparent: Clearly communicate the monitoring practices, tools, and objectives to your employees.
  • Avoid excessive surveillance: Steer clear of overly invasive methods, such as keystroke logging or unauthorized webcam access.
  • Regularly review your policy: Periodically review and update your monitoring policy to ensure it remains compliant with evolving legal requirements and best practices.
  • Respect personal boundaries: Refrain from monitoring employees during non-work hours or on personal devices.
  • Prioritize employee trust: Create a supportive work environment that respects privacy while maintaining productivity and security.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Employee Internet Monitoring legal and necessary for my business?

Yes, Employee Internet Monitoring is generally legal, but laws vary by region, so it's crucial to understand local regulations (ACLU). Monitoring software can help track employees' web activity, bandwidth usage, and application usage, offering insights to improve productivity and maintain platform security. However, it's essential to strike a balance between monitoring and respecting employees' privacy.

How can I effectively monitor employee internet usage without invading privacy?

To monitor employee internet usage responsibly, establish a clear policy and communicate it with your staff. Focus on monitoring work-related online activities and use web filtering or data loss prevention tools to prevent access to inappropriate content or unauthorized file transfers. Be transparent about monitoring practices to maintain trust and avoid overly invasive methods like keystroke logging.

What are some of the best employee monitoring software options?

Popular employee monitoring software includes Time Doctor, ActivTrak, and Teramind. These tools provide a range of features like tracking time spent on tasks, monitoring app usage, and offering workforce management solutions. By comparing features, you can choose a tool that best aligns with your business needs and goals for increased productivity.

Can monitoring software help remote workers stay productive and engaged?

Absolutely! Monitoring remote employees' online activities can help you identify areas for improvement and provide tailored support. Tools like terminal servers or remote desktop solutions facilitate remote workforces, while features such as video recordings and behavior analytics help optimize remote employees' performance. Remember, it's essential to communicate expectations and foster a culture of trust.

How can I use the data from employee monitoring tools to improve my business?

Monitoring tools give insights into employees' time management, app usage, and web browsing habits. Use this data to identify trends, detect insider threats, and allocate resources more efficiently. Implement training programs, set performance benchmarks, and consider offering incentives for increased productivity. Ensure you use the data ethically and transparently to maintain a positive work environment.

Can My Employer See My Internet Activity?

Yes, your employer can use various workplace surveillance software and hardware to record everything you do online. Employee monitoring solutions use sophisticated tracking technologies, like geolocation, keystroke logging, and screenshots, video recording. All this data can be stored via cloud computing and can be run through complex algorithms to anticipate insider threats, measure individual and team productivity, as well as retrace various steps leading to any problems or data leaks.
Related Content: Are Employers Allowed To Track Employee Vehicles?
submitted by TrackingSystemDirect to GPStracking [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:36 moodykitty27 All-on-4 dental implant nightmare. Please HELP. 29/F needing any answers/advice desperately.

I'm going to try to keep this short, but also give enough information for analysis and advice. Feb. 20, 2024 I underwent the All-on-4 procedure for my top arch. I'm a 29-year-old female battling with chronic illness my entire life. That, paired with other factors, has caused massive tooth decay in my mouth starting very early. I have some fears regarding dental work related to a bad experience having my wisdom teeth & "12 y/o molars" being removed at 15. But I got over it and sought the treatment. Open and willing to do whatever was needed to get my smile back and be able to eat normally. I've lost over 30 pounds in the last year, and I'm basically malnourished at this point.
I went to an implant clinic local to me and financed a 20k loan for just my top arch. Thats all I can afford right now. This whole experience has been SO traumatic for me.
From being fully awake through the whole process, after I was promised that between the night before meds and morning anxiety medication along with nitrous that I would be totally out. The meds were never called into the pharmacy. I was told me they would only be available the night before for pick up. When they weren't found at any pharmacy in town , I called and their office was closed already. Nobody answered the after-hours line. So I just had to show up at 7am for my procedure without having taken them. I let them know and they told me that the nitrous should still knock me out. Which i believed to be true, past dental work with it would have me knocked out!
But I sobbed and cried and prayed for almost 6 hours while they extracted 14 teeth, it wasn't quick or easy at all, then they placed my implants. 5 of them.
All of my care has been from different providers at the same office. The dentist who I was told would be taking care of my entire process did my numbing shots then left. Someone I didn't know took over. I've never seen her in the office since that day. This has happened almost every follow up.
My pain for the first month was truly unbearable. I work 45 hours a week and they promised me I would be totally fine to work. I wasn't. I did still work without missing a single day, but that was by the grace and strength of God. Also, the demand of my huge loan payment monthy. The gum pain, nerve pain, constant intense throbbing finally subsided less than a month ago. I still get a lot of throbbing at my implant sites, but I continue to hope it's just the osseointegration that I'm feeling.
I went in weekly describing my pain and concerns and was ignored and told 'its normal". They refused to do any scans, check my stitches that never dissolved, I had to nicely demand the remove them after about a month in half because they were all untied and hanging out of my temp but also lodged underneath it.
I have almost ZERO ability to clean in between the acrylic temp and my gums. One side has space the other is smashed into my gums. Totally uneven. It even feels completely unbalanced in my mouth and moves and makes loud clicking noises. I've timed the amount of time I am cleaning and water flossing in a single day and it typically is about an hour total. Yet my mouth tastes terrible all the time. I can feel food lodged between that I'm not able to get out. I've told the dentist this every single time and I'm ignored.
I have so many questions and concerns regarding this whole experience, but most importantly is this:
Next week I start gettting fitted for my permanent teeth. I feel so insecure in my knowledge of how this is supposed to look, fit, and feel. I dont know how to properly advocate for myself and care. I always trust the experts. I'm not a dentist, they are. But I dont trust mine. He has mislead me on many things, gets angry if I say i don't want or like something. For example my current and only temp just simply doesn't fit. It looks ridiculous. I'm not the only person wo has expressed this. My entire family has said the same things. But he refused to even discuss a differnt temp that I have had to wear for months. I explained it not even the aesthetic that I can't deal with its the fit and feel. He was clearly annoyed and told me he's not making another. Mind you he prints these in office with a 3d printer. When I had something almost pertruding through my gums in the front of an implant site he wouldn't do a scan. They finally agreed to do it at my next appointment, only because it's time anyway since this would be my first scheduled "pre op" appointment. If I hadn't been there by request weekly the first two months this would've been the only time I was seen or checked in this whole process.
My screws have fallen out and been replaced. Each time this happened I asked if they would please just check underneath for trapped food and I was told No every time. With no explanation. Is this normal?!!? I truly don't know. But it doesn't feel normal or right. I paid 20k for this. I feel like I've been scammed in way.
If anyone at all could give me ANY info or advice I would be so grateful. I can elaborate more on anything needed I just don't want to ramble and complain. I just wanted my smile back and the ability to eat. Im down to 94 pounds. Eating is barely possible. They didn't tell me anything about my diet restrictions until after the implants were in. I totally get why it would be soft foods only, but I don't understand why they wouldn't tell me things like this at my consult. It's one of the many things that I feel was ignored and left out when discussing this treatment option for me.
One final thing. While adjusting my bite one day he was filing down the implants in the back. I must note that my bottom teeth aren't in great condition but I'm taking great care of them until I can afford to have them done as well. Without any warning the dentist starting filling down MY natural bottom teeth. Not just a little, noticiably even to they eye. I made many noises and waved my hands trying to get him to stop. He continued until I got loud and was pulling my head away. He removed he his hands from my mouth clearly annoyed with me. I asked "are you filing my bottom teeth?!?!' His response- "they're bad anyway". He knows that i can't afford to fix them right now. We discussed this many times. Needless to say, I left in a complete panic attack. Why was that necessary?? Or even an option to him. I now understand dental work and standards are different all over the world. I had zero issues with the ethnicity of who provided my care. But after further research I've seen many things about dental work in India and how brutal it can be. I'm truly don't mean this in a bad way. It's just what I've read in my many hours of research on the topic.
Dentists, assistants, anyone with knowledge or experience. PLEASE any info would be so helpful to me.
Please and thank you again. Sorry for the long post. This truly is the abridged version of this story sadly. I'm just read for this to be over. But I just need the results to be worth the 20k and the trauma.
edit: I don't smoke or drink at all. I can add pictures upon request and hopefully will be receiving copies of my x-rays this week. Several requests have been made by me to the office for them but I still haven't received them yet.
submitted by moodykitty27 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:28 WBCommisioner The AI DESPERATELY needs additional motives to progress themselves.

I'm trying to be realistic when I ask for AI improvements. I understand CA will never be able to implement machine learning generative AI state of the art logic into this video game.
MOTIVE to me would be the easiest to implement. Right now, if you try a mod that randomizes start locations (or removed default aversion values all together) you'll notice that the AI quite literally sits on its hands for endless turns.
It seems these factions have nothing to strive for besides slapping the neighbors they traditionally spawn next to. Well what if a randomized pool of motives was introduced into the game? For example, what if AI Franz had motives that drew from the following randomized pool each game.
-10% of focusing on eliminating all greenskins
-5% chance of wanting to conquer Ulthuan
Etc. Etc. Etc.
Obviously, less loreful motives would be much more rare. But this would both give the AI a push to establish and grow themselves across the map, while also keeping campaigns fresh and unique.
If we introduced additional motives, while also improving the AI settlement/army building logic, I think the game would be in an amazing spot.
What do you guys think of giving the AI additonal motives? Do you like the idea of a randomized pool?
submitted by WBCommisioner to totalwar [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:23 Gambit-Accepted Wehr Battlegroup And DLC Ideas

Wehr Battlegroup And DLC Ideas
Continuing this series on Battlegroup ideas, today is Wehr. Here are my DAK Ideas. To reiterate, I wanted to make these ideas thematic, different from existing battlegroups, unique and mostly historically accurate. Here I use the units that are already in the game files and propose how they could be implemented in an interesting way. Relic seem to have developed several bunker types which they intend to use, so when designing my battlegroups, I did it in a way where these bunker types were used but didn’t make the battlegroup Italian Coastal 2.0, rather fed into a larger idea. I introduce and expand a number of mechanics I have discussed in my other threads:
Central Idea: All in prevention, counter attack. Your opponent would have a hard time overwhelming you in one all in push. The left side of the tree consists of mostly callins and quick dispatch units for handling flanks quickly, the right side is more logistics themed with multiple reactionary abilities.
BMW R75: Not a lot to say here, similar to the DAK bike except with an MG 42. It could be made to have no reverse, like the Coh1 bike, that was a fun mechanic.
4-Man Pios: Again, self-explanatory.
Sd. Kfz. 251 Variants: This gives you access to other 251 variants, either by upgrading the 251 directly or by calling them in. I’ve chosen these 2 versions that I feel open up a lot more strategies, Mortar HT and Luft tier would be quite good, that tier lacks indirect. Pakwagen Panzer Gren tier would also be strong, as that tier lacks mobile AT. The ATHT would have the same AT performance as the Marder, but would have less HP and no lockdown ability.
Panzer III H: As a unit to add to Wehr’s roster, this makes a lot of sense on many levels. In terms of performance, this would be closer to the Crusader medium tank. In terms of the timing, it would arrive at the same time as the Stug and the Wirbel, but unlike both of those specialists, this would be a generalist for that timing.
Temporary Armour Assignment: This is exactly like the mechanic I described in my DAK designs. How it works is that this munitions only ability is used and a Stug, P4 pair arrive from off map. Neither unit requires fuel, manpower, upkeep or population. They benefit from all the upgrades that affect the normal version, ie vet and armoured skirts. You have direct control over them but after a set period of time, they will turn to AI control and leave. This makes them really good as a reactionary ability (your opponent is doing an all in) or as your own all-in, especially if you’re already maxed out on population. You’re especially incentivised to make risky plays with them as armour preservation is not so important. The number of use cases for this ability are so numerous that I won’t explain it anymore, it should be obvious how strong this is. I think to balance this out, it needs a heavy munitions cost and a long recharge timer.
AI Temporary Elephant Assignment: One of the questions I’ve been asking myself since Coh3 came out is how do you add heavy tanks to the game in such a way that it’s not frustrating to play against and doesn’t break it. Given that the game is set so much earlier in the war and a number of the factions don’t have ready access to tank destroyers like the SU-85 and the Jackson, you can’t simply throw in the Elephant and hope for the best. To be completely explicit, I don’t see how the US with their current roster are expected to deal with a Coh2 style heavy tank destroyer. However, in Halo Wars 2 Blitz game mode, how it works is that you can call in a Scarab and its an incredibly strong unit but after a certain period of time, it spontaneously explodes and the game returns to normal. Why wouldn’t something similar work for Coh3? The risk reward calculus of using it would be; can you get enough damage done in the period available to justify the expenditure? There are a few ways that this could be implemented, you could, for instance, give the player direct control over the Elephant but I’m in favour of doing this slightly differently. Like the Infantry Assault ability for the US Advanced Infantry Doc, I think this should be AI controlled, should be on attack move and should be targeted on a position. After the timer, the unit would drive off map. This way you get the power fantasy of using a heavy tank without the game breaking potential of a heavy tank camping for the entire game between 2 VPs and zoning out all tanks. The reason I prefer this method of implementation is 2 fold; the first is that counterplay is much simpler, you just avoid the area and wait for it to time out. The second is that it has that appeal of being somewhat like a mini campaign mission within the game, you have to defend the tank with your forces as it advances. Your opponent would be easily able to flank it if its on it’s own, but when you support it yourself its more potent. The one exception to this AI control that perhaps should be considered is allowing the player to control the tageting directly, You wouldn’t want the Elephant to shoot at some random infantry while your opponent moves double Archers into position. In terms of relative strength of the abilty, I think if it was implemented in this fashion, the Elephant ability wouldn’t be that strong. I feel direct control over a P4 and a Stug is much stronger than an AI controlled Elephant. To me this is the best way of getting heavy tanks into the game.
Logistics Field Officer: The right side of the tree very much has a logistics theme to it, starting with the officer. The Resource Priority ability works well with a variety of units, one could see this being handy in a situation where you want to increase the ROF of an MG, Mortar or Pak being extremely useful. Situations where you want to increase the ROF on a tank to help it win the engagement would also be strong. Speeding up the recharge on a Nebelwerfer would also be a common use. Source Replacements I could also see being a heavily used ability, either on the field or in base. Finally, given this battlegroup is munitions intensive, the Supervise Resource Extraction ability will allow you to increase your income like a cache does. You could even have some rush strat builds involving the officer, but unlike caches and trucks, the unit can be repurposed to do other things afterwards.
Panzerschreck Trailer: This is another type of trailer unit. I’ve talked about trailer units a few times in my other posts, but here is the rundown: My thinking with this is that its a brand new unit type, which loosely can be defined as a support weapon. How it works is that infantry squads can crew it, push it around, vehicles can tow it, etc. When in a position, it provides an aura which in this case recharges nearby snares faster. However, the unit shouldn't require pop cap and moreover, you can actually manually decrew it and it will still provide you the benefits. So for example, let's say it spawns in your base and you want to setup a strong point, you can crew it with a squad, wheel it over to a house near the frontline and then decrew it. Units within its vicinity would still be benefiting from the aura. When you want to move it, recrew it again, or tow it, to a new location. The beauty of this dynamic is that your opponents can steal these units from you like an ATG, so while they don't take up popcap and would be relatively cheap (say 100 to 150 manpower), you're still incentivised to protect them. You can also attack move them with AT guns etc, would be interesting to play around it. I think it would make for a fun dynamic, but would need to be coded from scratch. It also indirectly makes tow yet more useful. With this trailer specifically, it’s aura will recharge nearby snares faster, however squads can also collect a Panzerschrek from the trailer for a munitions cost. This Panzerschrek is timed, so after a duration the squad will drop it. This is going to really strong in situations where your opponent is doing an all in dive with light vehicles and/or tanks and you need to bolster your AT immediately to hold on. Picking up these Panzerschreks is not cheap, but it makes it much harder for your opponent to dive you and also allows you to go for low AT builds with this trailer as the backup. The way I see this until being used is wheeling it behind a hedge or building near your cutoff and running over to grab a Panzerschrek if its needed. Let’s say your opponent does a double M8 dive, your 2 Grens and a Panzergren pick up 3 schreks between them and your opponent is basically able to do nothing but wait for them to time out. This could buy you enough time to reach T4 or whatever else you were doing. It’s a tool that adds a lot of flexibility to your composition, but remember if you get forced off, your opponent can just steal it and then its your problem!
Weapon Stores: This gives your pios the ability to build Riegel mines but also Weapon Supply Bunkers. Now, the bunker has a straight forward aura that increases ROF of infantry and their grenade recharge times, but it also has another more expansive mechanic of temporary weapon upgrades. I’ve talked about this mechanic at great length in my Luftwaffe Field Division faction design, where the faction essentially revolves around that mechanic, but here I use a simplified version for a Wehr battlegroup. The TLDR is that infantry squads can pick up weapon packages from the bunker to either augment their current DPS or completely change the role of the squad for a short period. For instance, Jagers can pick up Beretta 38s to transform the squad from a mostly mid range unit, to a short range one. Grens can pick up G43s to improve their mid to long range performance and Pios can pick up an MG34. All the options are avialable to you. However, the upgrades are not timed, but depletable. This means that if the squad is not in combat, the upgrade duration doesn’t tick. You have to be in combat to expend the upgrade. The situations where something like this would come in useful are numerous, but to name a few; giving all your grens weapons at any point in the game, augmenting your jagers with MG34s, giving Stosstruppen Berettas so they become a close range powerhouse, or even double MGs. Relative to normal weapon upgrades, these upgrades are inefficient, but for rush strats they can be strong, as well as augmenting your units in the lategame with the extra munitions you have in the bank.
HE Shell Delivery: Improves the splash and anti infantry power of all your vehicles at the cost of penetration. This could be somewhat tricky to use, as your opponent will become aware of its activation immediately and will come in with their vehicles. But situations where your opponent has dug in with ATGs and AT infantry, this ability will be devastating.
Central Idea: Team weapon play, heavy fire power and artillery. Good for just battering your opponents head on.
SD-2 Line Drop: This is similar to the equivalent ability in Coh1, however the big difference is that you can customise the area where the mines will fall. For instance, you could do a relatively small field on a VP for 50 munitions, or you could do a large line of mines to completely block off a flank with mines. This flexibility allows you to employ the ability in a number of situations and adds some nuance to its employment. It terms of how this would work in game, I feel click and drag would be sufficient, the munitions cost being visible on the cursor. In the context of this battlegroup, it can block off the flanks of your team weapons.
Pre-Sighted Terrain: This feeds into that team weapon focused gameplay, having extra range on your Paks and MGs in an area is going to be really strong. You could even use it with Mortars and Nebels for an extra long range barrage.
7.5cm Flak 264/3(i) AA/AT: The Flak 264/3 is an Italian medium AA piece that fits into what I will refer to as the ‘premium anti tank gun’ category. Similar to how the MG42 and DSKH were premium MGs, this ATG will be better than your standard ATG, at a higher price point. On the scale of ATGs, this will lie between the Pak 40 and the Flak 36 in terms of raw firepower. The damage should be exactly as the Pak 40, however it should also benefit from 10 more range and also the ability to shoot down air. The drawback however is that it should be relatively slow to move, like a Pak 40 in camoflage mode. For small adjustments, this should be fine, but to move it across the map, it would be easier with a tow vehicle. This means there are tradeoffs with this option relative to the Pak 40, the situations where the Flak 264/3 would be better is when you don’t want to invest in a wirbel but still want AA on demand when you need it (2 of these should take down planes pretty quickly), or situations where you’re camping 2 VPs and don’t expect to have to move around much, allowing you to utilise the greater range. Paks are going to be better when you need to move around a lot and expect your opponent to invest in indirect fire.
Flakvierling 38: This gun is exactly as on the Wirbelwind, except it’s a team weapon. Relative to the Flak 30, this would have the advantage of suppression and probably better anti infantry performance. Perhaps starting with the same stats as the DAK Flak halftrack and going from there would be a good place to start.
28cm K5(E) Barrage: Heavy railway barrage, not much to say here.
7.5 cm IG 37: This is essentially work like the LeIG for DAK, it’s a later version of the same concept. Wehr don’t have anything like the Heavy Mortar equivalent and this would be it. This would be handy if you wanted to go Luft tier or tier 4 without having to tech to get Nebels.
Springer Remote Controlled Bombs: Conceptually, this is identical to the Goliath remote controlled bombs, except these bombs are twice the size and are significantly more dangerous as a result. For me, one distinction that could be made would be dialling up their effectiveness against your opponent’s base structures. One thing I feel Coh lacks are tools for crippling your opponent’s tech. Kane’s wrath has a plethora of units and abilities for exactly this purpose and their employment is great to use and even more exciting to watch. So the Spinger should be able to knock out 75% of the health of a base tier structure. So conceivably, you could get a 251, drive it over to or into the base, deploy a Springer and blow it up next to T4, finish it off with Paks or Stugs. This will reinforce that whole dimension of the game, camping on 2 VPs will be much easier to punish.
Sd.Ah. 57 Munitions Trailer: Another style of trailer, as discussed above. Here it would be used directly with team weapons to increase their ROF. It can also be used with indirect, so Rocket artillery would recharge faster. I feel the situations where this would be useful are fairly obvious but one extra way of making it interesting would be if it had an AOE explosion on death. So your opponent would be incentivised to move in with vehicles and target it down. They could also just steal it for themselves.
Wurfrahmen 40 UE (f): Standard rocket artillery. One question I would expect a Wehraboo to ask is ‘why this and not the Panzerwerfer?’. The way I see it, this only has 4 rockets, so its damage per barrage is less. This leaves scope to make the barrage recharge time shorter, meaning you need to micro it more, but also, its less of a wipe machine or do nothing unit. You can also give it a lower price and require less population. Looking at the Walking Stuka in Coh2, that unit either killed everything or missed and was largely a waste of resources and popcap. If you can have the same unit, but with less alpha damage, at a cheaper price and popcap, it should be more consistent over the course of a match. It would also be easier to fit into your composition and would see greater use as a result. This essentially is why I picked this unit. That and because its new and different.
AI Double Wespe Temp. Assignment: Like the Elephant assignment above, this is where double Wespe artillery pieces come onto the field and are controlled by the AI. They attack move to the target, shelling your opponent’s units within range. This ability should be much easier to employ, as they barrage from long range, but also they should be easier to counter (you can just dive them). Since we’re not using new vehicle models, it should be cheaper to develop and its different from the existing off-maps.
Central Idea: Long range engagements.
MGZ34 MG42 Scopes Upgrade: Simple upgrade, improves range and sight of MGs once they upgrade themselves for munitions.
AI Double Sniper Temp. Assignment: This is most similar to the Wespe ability I just described, except with 2 snipers. What this ability would be strong aganst would be team weapon camp and entrenched infantry, as well as guarding VPs in the lategame. What this ability would be pretty bad against would be an opponent with several light vehicles and tanks which can drive up and elminate the snipers in 5 seconds. Its not like the AI will dodge. This ability is augmented by the numerous sight abilities and units in this battlegroup.
Panzerbeobachtungswagen III: This is most similar to the 254 artillery observer for DAK, except where the abilities are largely air based. The unit has an MG, so it can be used to attack troops early on, but its mostly used for the focus sight ability in conjunction with tank destroyers and team weapons. The SD-2 Ground Burst drop I see being more like the M83 Cluster Mine drop from Coh2. The Ju-88 P-4 Heavy AT Strafe, is actually a 50mm cannon, so different from the JU-87 we have now by having more alpha damage.
Fritz X Guided Bomb Strike: This is probably most similar to the Stuka Dive Bomb in Coh2, however, the big difference is that you can manually guide it to the target. The inspiration for this are the Predator missiles from MW2, however in Coh3, the easiest way of implementing this to my mind is that the player has to keep the cursor where they want the bomb to land. However, if they don’t want to do this, as it prevents other micro, you double click and it will go to where it was last targeted. So the situations where you’d want to perform this micro are quite niche, basically when nothing else is happening for 5 seconds. I think a sensible decision should be to cut off direct control from the player 2 seconds before it hits the target, so its still possible to dodge but harder.
Nashorn Tank Destroyer: Not much to say here, its basically the Archer.
Grenadier K98k Scopes Upgrade: Not a lot to say here, range and sight augmentation for grens.
Ranged Bunker Options: Here we use some of the bunkers Relic has already invented. The mortar bunker is simple enough, but the Observation bunker is a bit more interesting. This emplacement should have a long line of sight, but it should be restricted to a narrow arc which can be refaced. This encourages active micro of the emplacement. It would be strong in matches where this is placed behind team weapons and artillery for spotting targets but would not detect flanks. Somewhat reminds me of the child’s game ‘Spotlight’.
Fusiliers: These are another unit that Grens can be swapped out for. Unlike Jagers and Panzergrens, this unit is purely focused on long range DPS. You could use Gebirgsjager here instead, I use Fusiliers as one of my other designs uses Gebirgsjager.
Range Adjustment: This unit ability increases the squad’s accuracy after each model drop to a maximum of 30%, 5% per model. I could imagine in most situations, this would be a simple DPS boost, but there would be situations where fighting low health squads where this would be especially strong. The same kind of logic applies to the ATG and Tank Destroyer ability, where everytime they land a shot while the ability is active, it increases their accuracy and ROF.
Focused Gunnery: A global sight and range buff for vehicles, at the cost of speed. This blends well with the other abilities in the battlegroup.
Central Idea: Area denial.
Grenadier & Pio Field Defences: Gives access to a number of build options. Panzer-Stabmine 43 AT Mines are a variation on normal mines, where the emphasis is placed on the heavy engine critical rather than the damage of the mine. So these mines would be relatively spammable, specialised against vehicles and would cause a heavy engine damage critical. The focus here is leaving your opponet’s vehicle stricken and being able to move in with your own vehicles to take it out. However, unlike say Riegel mines, it doesn’t do that much damage, so your opponent will have a much easier time of quickly repairing off the damage. It’s a variation on mines with its own drawbacks and strengths. However, the main structure you get access to is the Luftwaffe Relay Point. This emplacement can call in strafing runs within its vicinity, the AT strafe would be particularly strong if combined with the Stab mine as it would be far harder to dodge. The relay point though can also call in a variety of crate drops with different infantry buffs. Ammunition crates increase ROF, which is simple enough, but the Explosives Crate doubles the squads grenade ability the next time its used. For instance, Grens would throw 2 stick grenades for the price of 1 with a 0.5 second delay between each throw. Naturally, this is pretty strong and also munitions efficient, at the cost of extra micro. The mechanic could also be made to give squads that don’t normally have a grenade, a grenade. For example, it would be cool if Jagers/Pios got stick grenades after picking up one of these crates. I’m not sure what you would do with Stosstruppen, a bundle grenade assault? Sounds overpowered and incredibly fun. Double frangible sounds fine. Camouflage Crates give your squad moving camo for 60 seconds, so you could conceivably pick up this crate on the way to your opponent’s side of the map and use it to ambush or do all manner of things. One question that would need answering is whether or not is should be possible to stack these crate bonues, I could foresee camoed Panzergrenadiers with double bundle grenades being very very good. Perhaps the best way of soft nerfing this combination is to have a shared cooldown timer of 90 seconds on the crates, this should severely limit the number of times a player can get explosives and camo at the same time.
251/17 Halftrack: Exactly like Coh2.
Cannone Da 105/28 Howitzer Emplacement: A general howitzer emplacement, you could use the LeFH but this emplacement already exists.
Panzerturm IV: A mixed AT and anti infantry emplacement. This emplacement absolutely should take up pop cap but also have prioritise vehicles.
Bf109 WerferGranate 21 Rocket Strike: This would fire 4 rockets in unison, have fairly high alpha damage and flame dot damage. You would most use it against team weapons and infantry, especially in denying point caps, but potentially you could use it against vehicles, particularly if they hit a panzer stab mine, to cause them health damage and prevent them from being repaired.
Sd.kfz. 251/16 Flame Halftrack: Similar to the unit in Coh2, except you can also upgrade it with MGs. As a general comment, I feel this unit and flame weapons more generally should have bonus damage against base tech structures. Sneaking flame tanks into the base and burning down your opponent’s tech is so much fun in Kane’s wrath and I feel Coh3 would do well to capture some of that magic. So being able to burn down a tech structure in 30-45 seconds in would give this unit extra utility, currently it fees like the flame units lack flexibility relative to their autocannon equivalents.
Infantry Gestreckte Ladung: This ability is on infantry and it essentially is a grenade that sits between the Bundle Grenade and a Satchel charge on the spectrum. It would have the same damage as a bundle, but a longer fuse and shorter range. However, the charge would have bonus damage against emplacements, buildings and field defenses. The ideal use case would be against units behind sandbags and wire, as it would destroy them completely. Its much more likely to land than satchels, with its shorter fuse time, but is not as a good as bundle grenades which do the same damage with an even shorter fuse. So the bonus against field defences is the main advantage of the grenade. It goes without saying that this ability benefits from the Explosives crate from the other side of the tree.
Decima Squad Infiltration: This squad is most comparable to Stormtroopers in Coh2. You would largely use the squad to charge cutoffs and plant explosives on points, its going to be strong in VP wars. This squad has no camo out of the box but you can get that from the other side of the tree.
Communication Breakdown: This is activated in a circle zone and no off-maps can be used in it for the duration, nor do any global abilities like Designate Assault Position work there. There are many situations where something like this would be useful, for example, preventing someone from calling an off-map in during your assault, preventing an off-map being called in on a crucial VP in a close match. The main use I could see people using this is with their emplacements on the other side of the tree, preventing say bombing runs, etc.
In Deckung!: This abilly mixes well with a variety of the other abilities in the battlegroup. Getting cheaper grenades will allow you to spam them during the duration of the ability, if you combine that with the Explosives crates, it will be yet more efficient. 15 munitions Panzer Stab mines will be strong. The crucial thing with this ability is timing, as you need to use grenades and mines en masse to justify the initial munitions cost.
Other Unit DLC
As I discussed before, I think it would be a mistake for Relic not to include the substitute units feature. In terms of what units should be substitutable, this is what I feel makes sense:
Finally, as a general change, I feel we need to talk about the Pak 43. The Pak 43 is already in the game files and is presumably lined up for a battlegroup. I feel this unit should just be added to T4 so that stock Wehr has an answer to heavy tank spam (thinking about Matildas and Grants here). Wehr doesn’t have a great answer for dealing with heavy tanks, short of building 3 paks or several marders, neither of which are great from a faction design perspective. They come quite early, relatively, so improving their performance messes with the flow of the game and makes T4 less attractive, why bother going T4 if all the AT you need is in T2/T3? A Pak 43 in T4 has a pleasing symmetry between DAK, Brits and Wehr. If US got he M5 ATG (which they should), all factions would have this common tool. A number of players have been calling out for the Panther to be added to T4, I don’t think that’s the play here, as it would dominate so many other options. The situations where you would build a Pak 43 over a Panther are quite niche (look at Coh2), so having the more attractive unit in stock over the less attractive solution in a battlegroup, to me makes little sense. The Panther would also crowd out Flak 36 Emplacment play. However, the Pak 43 is easier to counter for your opponent, using indirect etc, while also giving you a reason to go for a battlegroup with Panther as the main attraction. Essentially what I’m getting at is that the Panther is too dominant of a unit to be in T4 and the Pak 43 should be there in its place.
submitted by Gambit-Accepted to CompanyOfHeroes [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:22 lexothegod Directors are terrible and running the school

Hello everyone, I am a 22/F and work at an early childhood education center. The place I work at is privately owned by a man, but is a corporation, if that makes sense. There have been a lot of issues since working here. First off, they encourage sick children and workers to come here. If one of my kids is throwing up, running a fever, or obviously very ill, they do not make them go home. They just tell us to give the parents a courtesy call and let them know the child does not have to go home. For workers, they do not let us go home if we get sick at work. We have a stomach bug going around and 3 of my coworkers are vomiting in the classroom bathrooms or trash cans. Our directors will not let them go home because they are fever free. One time, I was running a 102.8°F temperature and vomiting. I sent them a picture of the thermometer and said I would not make it in as I was sick. They responded saying they were understaffed and needed me to come in or it could possibly result in a write up. I got a doctor’s note so they couldn’t write me up. I was out a few days. The issue is, not everyone here has a backbone and they come to work sick when the directors tell them they can’t call off. There is always something going around at work. There was another time I contracted hand foot and mouth disease. I saw the doctor on my lunch break and confirmed it. I went to my boss’s office after my break, gave her my doctor’s note and let her know I had to go home as I was contagious. She said no and made me stay the whole day. I did not know how to advocate for myself. They would not let me go. This is a major issue here. Everyone here is always sick because of it. I’m sick at least once a month. I am sick today and my boss went off on me stating that people calling off here has become normal and she is tired of it. She told me she feels like I don’t even want to be here and that I am faking sick to get out of work. She told me if I stay home today, regardless of a doctor’s note, she will write me up and I am at risk for being fired. Every time I’ve been sick I have provided a doctor’s note. I have never not provided one. My call outs have always been valid. If I am not contagious, I am here. I am here today despite being in pain and contagious, though. Another example, 4 months ago, a 13 month old girl went to the doctor. She tested positive for RSV and came back. The mother said the doctor said she needs to be out until she is fever free, but she works here and had no one to take her child, so her and her child were here. The whole school broke out in RSV, and one girl was hospitalized for a few days.
Another issue is the directors play favoritism. The directors and 9 of the teachers here always go out and party together. All of their kids are best friends. The directors let these teachers they are besties with get away with anything and everything. It took one of them smoking weed in the bathroom to get fired, despite neglecting kids. I went into her class once and her kids had not had diaper changes in 5 hours. One of the kids’ diaper was split in half. Parents were complaining about their kids having severe diaper rashes. She would also scream in their faces and chase them with a hose outside. Again, it took her smoking weed in the bathroom to get fired. But I’m at risk for being fired because I get sick a lot. I was never sick a lot before working here, by the way.
They are also really rude with the way they talk to people. One of the teachers was concerned because we were out of ratio so she called the director asking for help. The director came outside and yelled at her, saying she knows ratio and knows how to do her job and does not need help because she’s been doing it for years. Also, this school is never following QA unless QA is here.
There is probably more I’m not even thinking about right now that has happened. There is more I didn’t mention just because this is already so long. I’m just stumped at what to do, who to call? Do I just quit? I’ve been here a little over a year and I’m tired of it.
We also signed contracts stating that we have to give 60 days notice before quitting, or they can keep our last paycheck due to trauma from lack of staffing. They said they can even ask us to give more money than the last paycheck if deemed necessary. These contracts, to my knowledge, aren’t actually legal contracts since they aren’t notarized.
submitted by lexothegod to ECEProfessionals [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:21 PaleoWorldExplorer My Idea for the New Sequel's Plot: GxK: Pandemonium

My idea for the GxK sequel plot would begin with Godzilla waking up from his sleep in the Colosseum and returning to Tiamat's former layer to complete his evolution. Fast forward a few months later, and Godzilla emerges from the lair, completing his evolution and starting to look a little bit more like Tiamat.
Fast forward a few years, and Monarch detects two previously unknown Titans emerge from the Hollow Earth, Titanus Qalupalik, an ugly serpent-like fish or amphibian emerging from the Arctic Circle, and Titanus Dakuwaqa, a shark Titan emerging from a portal in the sea near Kadavu Island. Monarch figures they are here to take over the niches left by Scylla and Tiamat. Godzilla encounters Qalupalik first, who is combative, and they get into a quick one-sided fight which forces Qalupalik to submit. Godzilla gives her a pass and accepts her to take Tiamat's place. Then Godzilla meets up with Dakuwaqa, who begins a ritualistic dance of sorts to gain Godzilla's approval. After Godzilla inspects him and his demeanor, he accepts Dakuwaqa to take his new territory. Then, Godzilla moves to Madagascar to rest.
On the human side of the story, public outrage over the incompetence of both Monarch and world governments to prepare for these Titan attacks is at an all-time high. Governments are now arguing over how to deal with them. Some leaders want to eliminate Godzilla because they believe Godzilla is going to attack them anyway regardless of whether they provoke him or not and that he is too powerful to let alive. Others want to focus more on a Hollow Earth takeover and declare war on the Kongs because they fear that they can plan another attack on the surface world. Monarch tries to assure them that such an event would not happen again because of their change in leadership, but many are still unconvinced. The American government, along with other NATO countries, begin investing in developing a new type of military weapon to deal with Godzilla, the Super X. They also are trying to seal up the holes left in Hong Kong, Cairo, and Rio de Janeiro to ensure nothing from the Hollow Earth can use those portals to invade the surface world again. Monarch gets into heated conflicts over world governments over the portals, as they want to keep a few open for research purposes among other things. The governments relent and allow the portal in Barbados to remain open but require them to invest in extra security in case of an emergency.
Returning to Godzilla, he is suffering from irritating skin parasites (these parasites would be Shockirus, Endoswarmers, or an original kaiju). To deal with them, he begins trying to scrape them off by rubbing himself against the seafloor near the coast of Madagascar. He also tries reaching for some with his jaws and claws. The people on the beach are witnessing this as it is happening, and once Godzilla gets rid of most of the parasites, the beachgoers realize that some of them haven't been killed yet, and as they are aggressive and still larger than humans, they emerge from the shore to attack humans. But this terror is short lived as Godzilla quickly comes in to finish them off. Godzilla then returns back to the water but stays close enough to the island where people can clearly see him. He floats in the water, similarly to a crocodile, with his head and eyes above the water. He is staring at the people and the coasts intensely, which makes the beachgoers feel uncomfortable. Then, it transitions to some flashbacks where we see Madagascar 5 million years ago. These flashbacks would likely be of Godzilla's memories of his youth, from his birth to the other megafauna that used to exist on the island back in the day. Then, it would transition to another flashback where Godzilla encounters some indigenous people on Madagascar as a more mature individual. He curiously stares at the people and the chieftain looks back with great reverence. The people bow and begin to worship him, and Godzilla continues to look at them tenderly. Returning back to the present day, Godzilla lets out a deep low bellow, which gives off the impression of sadness. In reality, Godzilla is upset that he has become more disconnected to the world he protects and now feels like his life has become nothing but fighting to protect it without being able to take pleasure in its wonders.
Switching the attention to Kong, a fight sequence occurs between Kong and another Great Ape wielding a heavy machete. They are fighting in the battle arena as some apes watch the fight while others are busy doing other things. Kong prevails and the Great Ape falls to the ground. After the fight, Kong helps the Great Ape back up. It turns out the fight was nothing more than training; one of the things Kong has begun to do since his rise to power is to teach his people self-defense. As the audience gets a better look of what life is now like in their layer, it is revealed that Kong has recruited a group of Great Apes to assist him in pushing forward his policies. For example, there is a group of Great Apes that are tasked with keeping track of their inventory and rationing their food and water for the tribe. Another group was tasked to build a safe bridge replacing the giant skeleton, which was at this point completed. Others are taking care of the children and so on. Then there are apes that are farming fields of crops, which Mothra periodically visits to pollinate. Shimo, meanwhile, is just chilling with the apes and is not confined to her pit anymore. Kong has no generals or anyone with military roles as he has no interest in conquest and does not see the need for an army at the moment. Kong also does not allow anyone to gather food or water on their own except for him, because he does not want to put anyone else in danger. He meets up with Suko after his duel and is approached by Boots, who is also now a trusted advisor to him, and is alerting him of an approaching Titan. It turns out to be a squadron of Monarch HEAVs and Jet Jaguar, piloted by Trapper. After the fight in Rio, Monarch sent expedition crews to visit the Kong lair, and were horrified by the living conditions that Skar King created. So, they planned an initiative to deliver humanitarian aid to the apes, providing them with food or water, and also trying to make diplomatic measures with them and the Iwi tribe. They have developed a new type of bioengineered crop made from various Hollow Earth flora and Titan cells to feed the apes (which can be a set-up for Biollante in a future installment) and a new type of HEAV that can carry a heavier load to transport these resources. They also created a humanoid mech named Jet Jaguar, piloted by Trapper, which serves as both a diplomat and a vet, fully equipped with veterinary tools that allow it to treat pathologies for Titans, including the Great Apes. In addition, Monarch has rebuilt the Titan Hunter with some improvements as NATO voted to force them to reconstruct it as a self-defense weapon in case of another Titan attack. Since that has not happened yet since the Rio attack, the Titan Hunter has not yet been used. Jet Jaguar and the HEAVs are arriving at the lair with another shipment of resources, including more tools for the apes to plant their own crops. While the Great Apes begin to collect the shipments from the HEAVs, Kong greets Jet Jaguar, who is here to treat a Great Ape with severe physical ailments. This ape has torn tendons and ligaments from slave labor and requires casts for all of his limbs. The challenge with treating the apes is that they are still cautious of foreigners, so Monarch has had to learn patience when working with them. They also have only one mech to perform surgeries with, so they can only treat one ape at a time. Kong and Jet Jaguar meet up with the patient, an as they perform surgery, Kong has to be with the ape to soothe and comfort him as Jet Jaguar begins surgery. After a successful surgery is completed and the Monarch team departs, Kong sits back and looks at his tribe. He begins to have feelings of self-doubt, that he is not up for the task, despite trying his best. He also still feels Skar King's presence, as the pain and damage he has caused still greatly lingers even after death. Kong begins to suffer from insomnia and nightmares from Skar King, showing his presence is still strong and relentless even after death.
Then, the Monarch team visits the Iwi city and delivers the rest of their resources which were designated for them. Here, in this scene, while the audience gets a better glimpse of what life for the Iwi is like, they also get to see Phosphera, another guardian Titan (The best explanation I can come up for why Phosphera did not show up to fight Skar King in the previous movie here would be that she was in a metamorphosing stage during the events of GxK and was too immature to safely break out of her cocoon until after the events of the movie.)
Back on the surface world, in a lab somewhere in the U.S, scientists are experimenting with a genetically modified colony of Shinomura, which would be the main antagonist(s) of the first half. These scientists work closely with the federal government. They believe that it would be more effective to genetically engineer a kaiju superbug that can quickly evolve, spread and annihilate the Hollow Earth ecosystem at much lower costs than constructing mechs which take much longer to do and a lot more money. The cells are dormant and can only be activated by exposure to radiation, which is why Godzilla does not detect them or see them as a threat. The cells are transported by a ship to North Carolina where another portal to the Hollow Earth has been opened. The military plans to release them into the Hollow Earth and then quickly seal it, but it is backfired by a group of mercenaries who attack the ship and want to take the cells for themselves. Unfortunately, the cells are released, and they are not far from a nuclear power plant which also happens to be using the pink super charged radiation gathered from the Hollow Earth, so the cells multiply and grow, turning into a swarm. The cells combine into arthropod like monsters that are too small to be Titans but large enough to attack humans. They begin attacking nuclear plants and surrounding cities while others retreat into the Hollow Earth, which catches Godzilla's attention. Mothra gains wind of it too and emerges onto the surface world to aid Godzilla. By the time Godzilla gets to North Carolina, the swarm has absorbed enough energy to combine into a singular, massive, supercharged form that rivals Godzilla in size. They begin to fight, while the military decides to resort to Plan B and send the Super X against Godzilla. The first battle is fairly even until the Super X begins to attack both Shinomura and Godzilla, blasting chunks of Shinomura away. It becomes a three-way battle until Shinomura escapes and retreats into the ocean while Godzilla is distracted fighting the Super X. Mothra eventually arrives and Godzilla and Mothra destroy the Super X. Then Godzilla pursues the main Shinomura heading for Japan while a few other smaller colonies move to other locations.
Back in the Hollow Earth, the Shinomuras that escaped there quickly grow and begin running amok on the planet. Kong is travelling with Shimo and Suko. They are gathering more food and water to bring back to the tribe, but their trip is quickly interrupted by a squadron of Shinomuras that have combined into their arthropod like forms but now rival Kong in size. Kong leaves Suko with Shimo and takes them on himself. He has no problem ripping the Shinomuras apart with his axe and bare hands. He overpowers them individually, but as the Shinomuras recombine and reshape themselves, they begin to overwhelm him. He notices Shimo and Suko are prompted to do something about it, even though he doesn't want them to, but eventually relents and retreats into a nearby body of water to shake them off of him. Kong quickly jumps out of the water and Shimo freezes and traps the Shinomuras in the water. The trio realize that even more Shinomuras are on the way and transforming into something deadlier. The three immediately turn back and run straight for the lair. As they are running, Kong gets flashbacks of being pursued by Skar King's goons; the Shinomuras remind him of the destruction and chaos that was left behind in Skar King's advance. Kong calls out to the apes farming as he makes it back to the lair and motions them to get inside immediately. He closes up the entrance and warns everyone of the emergency. He has everyone gather all of the resources they have and take refuge in Shimo's former lair, which they now use as an emergency bunker. Boots signs Kong what are they going to do next, and Kong admits he doesn't know, but he intends to be the one to check when it is safe to leave again. Meanwhile, the Iwi are in a similar predicament and Phosphera swoops in to defend the barrier against the invading Shinomuras.
In response to all of this, Monarch sends militaristic HEAVs to neutralize the Shinomuras and has Trapper (or some other character) tasked to pilot Titan Hunter to pursue the main Shinomura on the surface and kill it. Kashiwazaki is evacuated before Shinomura arrives on the scene. Shinomura begins to attack the Kashiwazaki nuclear plant when Godzilla and Mothra arrive to fight it once again. As this is happening, the other colonies arrive to other regions of the world, gaining more strength and attacking other major cities. Godzilla notices this and is conflicted on how to deal with the threats as he is fighting, but Jet Jaguar arrives in Kashiwazaki to fight Shinomura. Godzilla charges up to attack Titan Hunter, thinking he is a threat to him just like the Super X, but Trapper notices this and bows to Godzilla before he can attack. Godzilla accepts this surrender, but quickly shifts his attention back to the Shinomura. Eventually, Titan Hunter, Godzilla, and Mothra defeat the Shinomura, but soon after, several Shinomura supercolonies that supercharged themselves on Hollow Earth energy have reemerged on the surface world to the point where there is at least one attacking each continent of the world. The largest and most powerful colony is in the Yucca Mountain Nuclear West Repository in Nevada. Godzilla is forced to send his alpha call and awaken all of the surface Titans to attack the Shinomuras, so battles begin breaking out across the world. But Godzilla realizes it is not enough and ventures into the Hollow Earth to get more help. Mothra and the Titan Hunter stay behind to hold the line while Godzilla is away and Mothra moves on to Nevada to tackle the Shinomura there, and the Titan Hunter follows her.
Most of the Titans appear to be holding their ground for the most part, but not outright winning either. However, they start to have more problems as some Titans take advantage of the chaos to pursue ulterior motives. Amhuluk wants to fight to claim his desired territory in the Amazon again and travels to the Amazon to fight Behemoth over it and causing a three-way fight between them and the Shinomura colony attacking the region. Meanwhile, in the Hollow Earth, Camazotz reemerges and sends his minions out to devour everything in their path, including the smaller Shinomuras. So Amhuluk and Camazotz become the main antagonists during the second half. Some of the hell swarm attacks the ape lair, and Kong leaves to confront them before they break through. He is able to kill a large number of them, but there are too many for him to handle, forcing him to retreat back into the lair. Several escape into the lair, which Kong is able to kill. When he reunites with his people, he gets more flashbacks of his memories of both Camazotz and Skar King. The attack of the hell swarm reminds him of the invasion Skar King launched against the Hollow Earth and surface world a few years back.
Godzilla travels through oceanic Hollow Earth portals and passes through various ruins of extinct Hollow Earth civilizations along the way. He detects Amhuluk's movements and realizes what he is doing. Godzilla gets really mad, but reluctantly continues on his current path as going back to confront Amhuluk would take up too much time and energy. He makes it into the Hollow Earth and heads over to the ape lair and finishes off the rest of the hell swarm that was still attacking the lair. Afterwards, he charges up his breath and blasts the entrance open again, startling all of the apes. Kong grabs his axe and gets in a defensive position, but after hearing a roar realizes it is Godzilla. He calmly walks into the ape lair, but the other great apes become angry and leave the bunker to mob, surround and harass Godzilla. Godzilla does his best not to escalate tensions, but snaps his jaws, hisses, and sometimes pushes the apes away. Kong roars at the apes and directs them to move away from him. The apes follow his orders and Kong approaches Godzilla. He realizes that he has called on him for help against the Shinomuras. Kong decides to go with Godzilla but does not want to bring Shimo or any of the apes with him. The apes beg for him not to go, and even Shimo seems to cry out for Kong to stay, but he rejects allowing any of his people to put themselves in danger, and he puts Boots in charge while he is away. He says one final goodbye to Suko and leaves with Godzilla.
They have to fight off many smaller Shinomuras while travelling to the surface world while heading for Nevada. Meanwhile, Mothra and the Titan Hunter are already there fighting with the super Shinomura colony. The fight is rather even, but Trapper feels like the fight is going to quicky turn against their favor if they do not get backup soon. Some drones and fighter jets arrive to strike the Shinomura. Eventually, Godzilla and Kong arrive to fight the Shinomura, but Kong notices the Titan Hunter, and has a vision of Skar King, seeing both the Titan Hunter and Skar King as the embodiment of cruelty, destruction, and conquest. Kong attacks the Titan Hunter out of anger, forcing Godzilla to be the one to shove Kong away and break it up. Kong takes a closer look at the Titan Hunter and realizes that it is not the same pilot as the one that hunted Hollow Earth fauna. The Titan Hunter bows to Kong to show he is on the same side and they resume fighting the Shinomura. So, a large portion of the movie would be showing scenes of the Titans fighting the Shinomuras at random intervals, giving a glimpse of what is going on in all of the areas where fights are happening.
Shifting back to Godzilla and Kong's fight, things begin to look grim as more Shinomuras arrive from the Hollow Earth and combine with the supercolony, and Godzilla, Kong, Mothra, and the Titan Hunter begin to struggle against it. Godzilla is still capable of holding some of his ground, while Kong and Mothra are forced to step back as close-range combat is no longer viable. The Titan Hunter gets beaten up really bad and seems to be done for until an ice blast hits the Shinomura. It is Boots, who is riding Shimo, and has gathered the strongest and physically capable apes to help their leader (A fairly large number of fit apes were left behind to care for the elderly and the children). Kong does not know whether to feel happy that his people have his back or mad that they disobeyed his orders but regroups with them regardless and regain their edge against the Shinomura. Then we see more scenes of the other fights going on around the world before Kong's army, Shimo, Godzilla, Mothra, and the Titan Hunter defeat the super Shinomura. While the organic Titans return to the Hollow Earth to finish off the Shinomuras still running around in there, the Titan Hunter lags behind from all of the damage it has sustained, but the pilot persists with helping the Titans.
Back in the Hollow Earth, Godzilla, Mothra, Kong's army, and Shimo run through the Hollow Earth, assisting the local fauna in fighting off the Shinomuras. The Titan Hunter tries its best to follow them and fight off the Shinomuras, but they eventually overwhelm them, forcing the pilot to eject himself. Luckily, a HEAV is nearby and is able to rescue him. Then, a good chunk of the plot would then focus on shifting back between the Hollow Earth fight and the rest of the fights happening on the surface. Kong directs a portion of his army to join Phosphera in defending the Iwi city, which is now under attack by both Shinomuras and Camazotz's minions. Phosphera is close to dying (and eventually does), but the apes are able to kill most of the enemies while the rest retreat. Godzilla and Kong split up, with Kong pursuing Camazotz and Godzilla returning to the surface to confront Amhuluk. Kong leaves Boots in charge of his army and takes a few other trusted friends of his to confront Camazotz, but Shimo follows them, wanting to accompany them. Kong gets more flashbacks of Skar King when he used Shimo to try to execute him, and Kong was unwilling to let Shimo go with them since he did not want to use her for fighting his enemies. Shimo persists and eventually Kong reluctantly lets her join them.
Back on the surface world, Behemoth is not faring well against Amhuluk. The Shinomura colonies in the eastern hemisphere begin to lose the fight and as some of them are killed, the victor Titans travel to regions of the world where they still persist. In South America, however, the Shinomura colonies are still giving the defending Titans a hard time. Behemoth and Amhuluk killed the Shinomura colony, but to Behemoth's dismay, Amhuluk absorbs the remains of the Shinomura colony. It is close to killing Behemoth until Rodan shows up to fight Amhuluk. Rodan quickly gets the upper hand over Amhuluk with his airborne abilities and greater agility. But Amhuluk is not affected that much by Rodan's fiery attacks, as he reinforced his body with fire resistant plants like redwoods. The tables turn on Rodan until Godzilla emerges to fight Amhuluk. So Rodan and Godzilla tag team Amhuluk while Behemoth tries to get the strength to get back up.
Meanwhile, back in the Hollow Earth, Kong, his few trustees, and Shimo are looking for Camazotz and travel through a dark, stormy stretch of rough, mountainous terrain. They find Camazotz in a plateau surrounded by a supercell. They see that Camazotz's minions are feeding him, and he is gaining strength from the radiation that his minions got from hunting Shinomuras. So, Kong, his trustees, and Shimo fight the hell swarm and Camazotz. At this point, the Shinomuras are losing out on the fight with a few large colonies remaining, and Amhuluk and Camazotz become the main threats now. The plot then moves on to showcase some of the final remaining fights between defending Titans and the last Shinomura colonies and see the fights end with the Shinomuras killed. So, the main focus turns to Godzilla's fight, Kong's fight, the fight at the Iwi city barrier, and Boots' crusade to kill the last Shinomuras, which is coming to an end. The fight between Kong and his allies and Camazotz eventually breaks through onto the surface in Canada. Camazotz creates a supercell storm and begins getting an upper hand against Kong and his allies with his new power up. Back in Brazil, Godzilla eventually kills Amhuluk and Rodan and Godzilla both head to Canada. Behemoth gets the strength to get back up.
Back in Canada, Kong and the apes come up with a new strategy to cover their ears with dirt as protection against Camazotz's sonic screams. Kong then tries to do the same with Shimo, but when he does, Shimo does not like the sensation and pushes Kong away. He does not bother trying again and tries to kill all of the minions which are biting him and the apes and causing too much blood loss. Shimo does not fare well against Camazotz despite her size as his cyclone and sonic scream overwhelm her ice breath. Eventually, Mothra emerges to fight him after dealing with the last of the Shinomuras and blasts him with her god rays. Highly stunned and weakened, Kong grabs ahold of Camazotz and notices Rodan approaching to help. He throws him at Rodan's direction, who grabs him with his talons and starts burning him. He holds him in place for Mothra to shoot Camazotz with her webbing. Then Rodan drops Camazotz and Kong finishes him off.
Godzilla arrives onto the scene not long after and shoots his atomic breath to eliminate Camazotz's storm. With all of the hostile Titans dead, Godzilla almost sends the Titans back to sleep, but Mothra approaches him and begins to communicate. The plot then ends with Godzilla returning to Madagascar to take a rest at the coast and watch life as it happens on the island. Kong returns to his people in victory, and they are finally able to leave their lair safely. And Mothra takes over Godzilla's role of balancer, allowing Godzilla to take his well-deserved vacation. This idea of a plotline would mean the movie would be 2 hr 30 min or even 3 hrs so we get the most fighting sequences out of it. I know I glossed over a lot of the human aspects and that I left a lot of the specifics of how a lot of the fights between most of the unseen KOTM Titans would look like, so let me know what your thoughts on this are.
submitted by PaleoWorldExplorer to Monsterverse [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:17 Desh_Thierre Morale and Modifiers

I thought I had morale rules down but seem to have drifted off core rules the last while. Want to check I have myself back right on track.
Example unit is Reg Inf Base Morale Value of 9.
Pins a -x modifier to 2D6 roll for Order tests and Morale tests. Always perform Order test when unit has Pins. e,g Reg Inf receives ADVANCE Order with 1 Pin. Roll 2D6 and must roll 8 or lower to act on Order. Same would apply if unit had to perform a Morale test for any reason.
No NCO is permanent -1 Modifier to Base Morale. It applies to Order tests (if they must be taken) and Morale Tests. e.g. Reg Inf receives ADVANCE Order with 1 Pin. Roll 2D6 and must roll 7 or lower to act on Order. -1 for Pin & -1 (Permanent) for No NCO. Same would apply if unit had to perform a Morale test for any reason.
Italian ‘Avanti Savoia’ does not allow for Super Vets. It still caps out at 10 and an Order or Moral test still fails at 11 or 12. So basically only Inex and Reg Inf benefit from it normally and Vet can ameliorate the effect of Pins with it.
The Finns ‘Sisu’ rule does allow for 11 "super vets" however.
So it is beneficial to take out NCOs with snipers and the team leader for non "TEAM WEAPON RULE" small units such as the HQ officer or FO if he has attendants. Apart from the other better reasons to target HQ reasons such as those.
Have I got that right?
submitted by Desh_Thierre to boltaction [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:13 Yurii_S_Kh Dachau 1945: The Souls of All Are Aflame

Dachau 1945: The Souls of All Are Aflame
by Douglas Cramer
The Dachau concentration camp was opened in 1933 in a former gunpowder factory. The first prisoners interred there were political opponents of Adolf Hitler, who had become German chancellor that same year. During the twelve years of the camp's existence, over 200,000 prisoners were brought there. The majority of prisoners at Dachau were Christians, including Protestant, Roman Catholic, and Orthodox clergy and lay people.
Countless prisoners died at Dachau, and hundreds were forced to participate in the cruel medical experiments conducted by Dr. Sigmund Rascher. When prisoners arrived at the camp they were beaten, insulted, shorn of their hair, and had all their belongings taken from them. The SS guards could kill whenever they thought it was appropriate. Punishments included being hung on hooks for hours, high enough that heels did not touch the ground; being stretched on trestles; being whipped with soaked leather whips; and being placed in solitary confinement for days on end in rooms too small to lie down in.
The abuse of the prisoners reached its end in the spring of 1945. The events of that Holy Week were later recorded by one of the prisoners, Gleb Rahr. Rahr grew up in Latvia and fled with his family to Nazi Germany when the Russians invaded. He was arrested by the Gestapo because of his membership in an organization that opposed both fascism and communism. Originally imprisoned in Buchenwald, he was transported to Dachau near the end of the war.
In fact, Rahr was one of the survivors of the infamous “death trains,” as they were called by the American G.I.’s who discovered them. Thousands of prisoners from different camps had been sent to Dachau in open rail cars. The vast majority of them died horrific deaths from starvation, dehydration, exposure, sickness, and execution.
In a letter to his parents the day after the liberation, G.I. William Cowling wrote, “As we crossed the track and looked back into the cars the most horrible sight I have ever seen met my eyes. The cars were loaded with dead bodies. Most of them were naked and all of them skin and bones. Honest their legs and arms were only a couple of inches around and they had no buttocks at all. Many of the bodies had bullet holes in the back of their heads.”
Marcus Smith, one of the US Army personnel assigned to Dachau, also described the scene in his 1972 book, The Harrowing of Hell.
Refuse and excrement are spread over the cars and grounds. More of the dead lie near piles of clothing, shoes, and trash. Apparently some had crawled or fallen out of the cars when the doors were opened, and died on the grounds. One of our men counts the boxcars and says that there are thirty-nine. Later I hear that there were fifty, that the train had arrived at the camp during the evening of April 27, by which time all of the passengers were supposed to be dead so that the bodies could be disposed of in the camp crematorium. But this could not be done because there was no more coal to stoke the furnaces. Mutilated bodies of German soldiers are also on the ground, and occasionally we see an inmate scream at the body of his former tormentor and kick it. Retribution!
Gates of Dachau Concentration Camp
Rahr was one of the over 4,000 Russian prisoners at Dachau at the time of the liberation. The liberated prisoners also included over 1,200 Christian clergymen. After the war, Rahr immigrated to the United States, where he taught Russian History at the University of Maryland. He later worked for Radio Free Europe. His account of the events at Dachau in 1945 begins with his arrival at the camp:
April 27th: The last transport of prisoners arrives from Buchenwald. Of the 5,000 originally destined for Dachau, I was among the 1,300 who had survived the trip. Many were shot, some starved to death, while others died of typhus. . . .
April 28th: I and my fellow prisoners can hear the bombardment of Munich taking place some 30 km from our concentration camp. As the sound of artillery approaches ever nearer from the west and the north, orders are given proscribing prisoners from leaving their barracks under any circumstances. SS-soldiers patrol the camp on motorcycles as machine guns are directed at us from the watch-towers, which surround the camp.
April 29th: The booming sound of artillery has been joined by the staccato bursts of machine gun fire. Shells whistle over the camp from all directions. Suddenly white flags appear on the towers—a sign of hope that the SS would surrender rather than shoot all prisoners and fight to the last man. Then, at about 6:00 p.m., a strange sound can be detected emanating from somewhere near the camp gate which swiftly increases in volume. . . .
The sound came from the dawning recognition of freedom. Lt. Col. Walter Fellenz of the US Seventh Army described the greeting from his point of view:
Several hundred yards inside the main gate, we encountered the concentration enclosure, itself. There before us, behind an electrically charged, barbed wire fence, stood a mass of cheering, half-mad men, women and children, waving and shouting with happiness—their liberators had come! The noise was beyond comprehension! Every individual (over 32,000) who could utter a sound, was cheering. Our hearts wept as we saw the tears of happiness fall from their cheeks.
Rahr’s account continues:
Finally all 32,600 prisoners join in the cry as the first American soldiers appear just behind the wire fence of the camp. After a short while electric power is turned off, the gates open and the American G.I.’s make their entrance. As they stare wide-eyed at our lot, half-starved as we are and suffering from typhus and dysentery, they appear more like fifteen-year-old boys than battle-weary soldiers. . . .
An international committee of prisoners is formed to take over the administration of the camp. Food from SS stores is put at the disposal of the camp kitchen. A US military unit also contributes some provision, thereby providing me with my first opportunity to taste American corn. By order of an American officer radio-receivers are confiscated from prominent Nazis in the town of Dachau and distributed to the various national groups of prisoners. The news comes in: Hitler has committed suicide, the Russians have taken Berlin, and German troops have surrendered in the South and in the North. But the fighting still rages in Austria and Czechoslovakia. . . .
Naturally, I was ever cognizant of the fact that these momentous events were unfolding during Holy Week. But how could we mark it, other than through our silent, individual prayers? A fellow-prisoner and chief interpreter of the International Prisoner's Committee, Boris F., paid a visit to my typhus-infested barrack—“Block 27”—to inform me that efforts were underway in conjunction with the Yugoslav and Greek National Prisoner's Committees to arrange an Orthodox service for Easter day, May 6th.
There were Orthodox priests, deacons, and a group of monks from Mount Athos among the prisoners. But there were no vestments, no books whatsoever, no icons, no candles, no prosphoras, no wine. . . . Efforts to acquire all these items from the Russian church in Munich failed, as the Americans just could not locate anyone from that parish in the devastated city. Nevertheless, some of the problems could be solved. The approximately four hundred Catholic priests detained in Dachau had been allowed to remain together in one barrack and recite mass every morning before going to work. They offered us Orthodox the use of their prayer room in “Block 26,” which was just across the road from my own “block.”
The chapel was bare, save for a wooden table and a Czenstochowa icon of the Theotokos hanging on the wall above the table—an icon which had originated in Constantinople and was later brought to Belz in Galicia, where it was subsequently taken from the Orthodox by a Polish king. When the Russian Army drove Napoleon's troops from Czenstochowa, however, the abbot of the Czenstochowa Monastery gave a copy of the icon to czar Alexander I, who placed it in the Kazan Cathedral in Saint-Petersburg where it was venerated until the Bolshevik seizure of power. A creative solution to the problem of the vestments was also found. New linen towels were taken from the hospital of our former SS-guards. When sewn together lengthwise, two towels formed an epitrachilion and when sewn together at the ends they became an orarion. Red crosses, originally intended to be worn by the medical personnel of the SS guards, were put on the towel-vestments.
On Easter Sunday, May 6th (April 23rd according to the Church calendar)—which ominously fell that year on Saint George the Victory-Bearer's Day—Serbs, Greeks and Russians gathered at the Catholic priests’ barracks. Although Russians comprised about 40 percent of the Dachau inmates, only a few managed to attend the service. By that time “repatriation officers” of the special Smersh units had arrived in Dachau by American military planes, and begun the process of erecting new lines of barbed wire for the purpose of isolating Soviet citizens from the rest of the prisoners, which was the first step in preparing them for their eventual forced repatriation.
In the entire history of the Orthodox Church there has probably never been an Easter service like the one at Dachau in 1945. Greek and Serbian priests together with a Serbian deacon wore the make-shift “vestments” over their blue and gray-striped prisoner’s uniforms. Then they began to chant, changing from Greek to Slavonic, and then back again to Greek. The Easter Canon, the Easter Sticheras—everything was recited from memory. The Gospel—“In the beginning was the Word”—also from memory.
And finally, the Homily of Saint John Chrysostom—also from memory. A young Greek monk from the Holy Mountain stood up in front of us and recited it with such infectious enthusiasm that we shall never forget him as long as we live. Saint John Chrysostomos himself seemed to speak through him to us and to the rest of the world as well! Eighteen Orthodox priests and one deacon—most of whom were Serbs—participated in this unforgettable service. Like the sick man who had been lowered through the roof of a house and placed in front of the feet of Christ the Savior, the Greek Archimandrite Meletios was carried on a stretcher into the chapel, where he remained prostrate for the duration of the service.
Other prisoners at Dachau included the recently canonized Bishop Nikolai Velimirovich, who later became the first administrator of the Serbian Orthodox Church in the US and Canada; and the Very Reverend Archimandrite Dionysios, who after the war was made Metropolitan of Trikkis and Stagnon in Greece.
Fr. Dionysios had been arrested in 1942 for giving asylum to an English officer fleeing the Nazis. He was tortured for not revealing the names of others involved in aiding Allied soldiers and was then imprisoned for eighteen months in Thessalonica before being transferred to Dachau. During his two years at Dachau, he witnessed Nazi atrocities and suffered greatly himself. He recorded many harrowing experiences in his book Ieroi Palmoi. Among these were regular marches to the firing squad, where he would be spared at the last moment, ridiculed, and then returned to the destitution of the prisoners’ block.
After the liberation, Fr. Dionysios helped the Allies to relocate former Dachau inmates and to bring some normalcy to their disrupted lives. Before his death, Metropolitan Dionysios returned to Dachau from Greece and celebrated the first peacetime Orthodox Liturgy there. Writing in 1949, Fr. Dionysios remembered Pascha 1945 in these words:
In the open air, behind the shanty, the Orthodox gather together, Greeks and Serbs. In the center, both priests, the Serb and the Greek. They aren't wearing golden vestments. They don't even have cassocks. No tapers, no service books in their hands. But now they don't need external, material lights to hymn the joy. The souls of all are aflame, swimming in light.
Blessed is our God. My little paper-bound New Testament has come into its glory. We chant “Christ is Risen” many times, and its echo reverberates everywhere and sanctifies this place.
Hitler's Germany, the tragic symbol of the world without Christ, no longer exists. And the hymn of the life of faith was going up from all the souls; the life that proceeds buoyantly toward the Crucified One of the verdant hill of Stein.
On April 29, 1995—the fiftieth anniversary of the liberation of Dachau—the Russian Orthodox Memorial Chapel of Dachau was consecrated. Dedicated to the Resurrection of Christ, the chapel holds an icon depicting angels opening the gates of the concentration camp and Christ Himself leading the prisoners to freedom. The simple wooden block conical architecture of the chapel is representative of the traditional funeral chapels of the Russian North. The sections of the chapel were constructed by experienced craftsmen in the Vladimir region of Russia, and assembled in Dachau by veterans of the Western Group of Russian Forces just before their departure from Germany in 1994. The priests who participated in the 1945 Paschal Liturgy are commemorated at every service held in the chapel, along with all Orthodox Christians who lost their lives “at this place, or at another place of torture.”
submitted by Yurii_S_Kh to SophiaWisdomOfGod [link] [comments]
