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Jordan Peterson: Descensus ad inferos

2014.07.13 19:41 umlilo Jordan Peterson: Descensus ad inferos

Welcome to the discourse! This forum is dedicated to the work associated with Dr. Jordan Peterson: a public intellectual, clinical psychologist, and professor emeritus of psychology at the University of Toronto.

2024.05.05 03:39 Kuzlatko MTG expanze se zkratkou a popisem a mechanikami, 1993-2022 (LEA až DMU)

MTG expanze v CZ, od LEA 1993 do DMU 2022
Zkratka Název expanze Datum vydání Popis expanze Herní novinky
LEA Limited Edition Alpha 05/08/1993 První vydání Magic: The Gathering, které položilo základy pro celou hru. Obsahovalo základní karty a pravidla. Uvedení konceptu hry, základní pravidla, základní karty.
LEB Limited Edition Beta 01/10/1993 Druhé vydání MTG, opravená verze Alfa setu s lepšími tiskovými chybami a balancem. Opravené chyby z Alfa vydání, lepší kvalita tisku.
2ED Unlimited Edition 01/12/1993 Třetí vydání MTG, které umožnilo širší dostupnost karet pro hráče bez změn v designu karet. Větší dostupnost karet, bílé okraje namísto černých.
ARN Arabian Nights 17/12/1993 První skutečná expanze hry, přinesla karty inspirované příběhy Tisíce a jedné noci. Rozšíření univerza hry, nové karty nezávislé na základním setu.
ATQ Antiquities 04/03/1994 Zaměření na artefakty a příběh bratrů Urzy a Mishry, první hlubší rozšíření příběhu v MTG. Představení mechanik jako Banding a Artifacts.
LEG Legends 01/06/1994 První set s multicolored karty a legendárními bytostmi. Představení multicolored a legendárních karet.
DRK The Dark 01/08/1994 Temné téma, nové karty jako Blood Moon. Rozšíření tematických prvků, nové karty zaměřené na speciální efekty a schopnosti.
FEM Fallen Empires 01/11/1994 Tribal synergies, frakce a kmeny jako Thrull. Rozšíření tribal tematiky, některé karty podporují konkrétní typy bytostí.
ICE Ice Age 01/06/1995 První set z chladného světa Dominaria, Snow-covered lands. Představení Snow-covered lands a Cumulative upkeep.
HML Homelands 01/10/1995 Zaměření na příběh Garruka, méně strategické karty. Zaměření na flavor a příběh, méně strategické karty, které byly specifické pro příběh.
ALL Alliances 10/06/1996 Rozšíření příběhu Ice Age a přinesení konfliktů a spojenectví mezi různými frakcemi. Zavedení pitch spells, karty, které můžete hrát za alternativní ceny.
MIR Mirage 07/10/1996 První expanze z "bloku" Mirage, zasazená do exotického světa Jamuraa, který je plný politických intrik. Představení nových mechanik jako Flanking a Phasing.
VIS Visions 03/02/1997 Pokračování příběhu Mirage, s důrazem na rychlejší a agresivnější karty. Uvedení nových multicolor karet a změněné tempo hry.
WTH Weatherlight 09/06/1997 Začátek Weatherlight Saga, představující hrdinské cesty posádky lodi Weatherlight. Představení mechanik jako Landcycling a Graveyard fetches.
TMP Tempest 13/10/1997 Zaměření na konflikt na plánu Rath, součást Weatherlight Saga. Zavedení mechaniky Shadow a nové karty jako Cursed Scroll.
STH Stronghold 02/03/1998 Expanze zaměřená na tvrz Volratha v rámci Weatherlight Saga. Představení Buyback a další pokračování v Weatherlight Saga.
EXO Exodus 15/06/1998 Závěrečná část příběhového oblouku Tempest block, vrchol konfliktu mezi Weatherlight crew a silami Volratha. Zavedení mechanik jako Echo a card recycling effects.
USG Urza's Saga 12/10/1998 Začátek Urza's blocku, zaměření na Urzu a jeho vynálezy. Představení mechanik jako Cycling a Echo, nové artefakty.
ULG Urza's Legacy 15/02/1999 Druhá část Urza's blocku, rozvoj tématu vynálezů a artefaktů. Uvedení ability Flash, nové silné artefakty.
UDS Urza's Destiny 07/06/1999 Závěrečná část Urza's blocku, zaměřená na osud Urzy a jeho vliv na Dominaria. Rozšíření témat vynálezů, významný rozvoj tématu enchantments.
MMQ Mercadian Masques 04/10/1999 Zaměřené na intriky a politiku na tržištním světě Mercadia. Zavedení mechaniky Masques blocku, jako je Rebel.
NEM Nemesis 14/02/2000 Pokračování Mercadian Masques, s důrazem na konflikty a odvetu. Představení Fade counterů a nových strategií pro combat.
PCY Prophecy 05/06/2000 Závěrečná část Mercadian Masques blocku, kde se hráči střetávají s přírodními katastrofami a proroctvími. Uvedení Rhystic mechanic, která umožňuje interakci s manou soupeře.
INV Invasion 02/10/2000 Expanze zaměřená na multicolor karty a interakce mezi různými barvami many. Rozšíření multicolor karet, představení split karet a kicker mechanic.
PLS Planeshift 05/02/2001 Druhá část Invasion blocku, která dále rozvíjí téma multicolor a interdimenzionálních bitev. Zavedení nových multicolor karet a zesílení tématu domain.
APC Apocalypse 04/06/2001 Závěrečná část Invasion blocku, vrcholící ve velké finále mezi silami Dominaria a Phyrexia. Uvedení nových "enemy" multicolor karet a představení pain lands.
ODY Odyssey 01/10/2001 Téma založené na hřbitovu, zaměřené na využití karet v hřbitovu pro zvýšení efektivity karet v ruce. Představení Threshold a Flashback mechanik, které umožňují využití hřbitova.
TOR Torment 08/02/2002 Expanze s temným tématem, zvýšený důraz na černou barvu a její schopnosti. Představení mechaniky Madness, která umožňuje hrát karty za speciální ceny.
JUD Judgment 27/05/2002 Balancování předchozích setů, zejména zvýšení síly bílé a zelené barvy v porovnání s dominantní černou. Uvedení "Wishes" karet, které umožňují hráčům využívat karty mimo hru.
ONS Onslaught 07/10/2002 Expanze zaměřená na kmenové témy, hlavně kolem elfů, goblinů a wizardů. Rozvoj tribal mechaniky a uvedení nových typů karet jako Morph.
LGN Legions 03/02/2003 První all-creature set v historii MTG, s důrazem na kmenové synergie a bytosti bez jiných typů karet. Uvedení mechaniky Amplify, posílení tribal strategií.
SCG Scourge 26/05/2003 Zakončení Onslaught blocku, téma zaměřené na dračí karty a velké bytosti s vysokými manovými náklady. Představení mechaniky Storm, podpora pro high-cost karty.
MRD Mirrodin 02/10/2003 První set Mirrodin bloku, zaměřený na artefakty a metalový svět Mirrodin. Zavedení Equipment a Affinity for Artifacts.
DST Darksteel 06/02/2004 Druhý set Mirrodin bloku, přidává nové indestructible a charge counter artefakty. Uvedení Indestructible a charge counters.
5DN Fifth Dawn 04/06/2004 Závěr Mirrodin bloku, rozšíření konceptu vícebarevných artefaktů a podpora minoritních barev. Představení Sunburst, podpora pro vícebarevné artefakty.
CHK Champions of Kamigawa 01/10/2004 První set Kamigawa bloku, inspirovaný japonskou mytologií a historií, s důrazem na samuraje a duchy. Uvedení Bushido, Soulshift a Arcane.
BOK Betrayers of Kamigawa 04/02/2005 Druhý set Kamigawa bloku, přináší téma zrádců a nové ninja bytosti. Zavedení Ninjutsu, posílení ninja tématu.
SOK Saviors of Kamigawa 03/06/2005 Závěrečný set Kamigawa bloku, zaměřuje se na duchy a interakce s arcane spells. Uvedení Sweep a Epic, závěr Kamigawa příběhu.
RAV Ravnica: City of Guilds 07/10/2005 První set Ravnica bloku, představuje konflikt a spolupráci mezi deseti různými gildami města Ravnica. Zavedení konceptu gild, nové guild-specific mechaniky jako Dredge a Transmute.
GPT Guildpact 03/02/2006 Druhá část Ravnica bloku, zaměřuje se na tři specifické gildy, každá s vlastními barvami a mechanikami. Představení nových gild, Haunt a Bloodthirst.
DIS Dissension 05/05/2006 Závěrečný set Ravnica bloku, zavedení posledních čtyř gild a jejich unikátních mechanik. Kompletní set pro všech deset gild, představení Forecast a Graft.
CSP Coldsnap 21/07/2006 Návrat do světa Ice Age, se zaměřením na chladné a ledové tematiky, doplněk k Ice Age blocku. Představení nových karet s tématem chladu, uvedení Recover a Ripple.
TSP Time Spiral 06/10/2006 První část Time Spiral bloku, vracející se k některým starším mechanikám a tématům MTG. Uvedení Timeshifted karet, mechaniky Flashback, Suspend.
PLC Planar Chaos 02/02/2007 Druhý set Time Spiral bloku, zaměřený na alternativní realitu a zvraty v existujících pravidlech. Zavedení color-shifted karet, nové verze starých favoritů.
FUT Future Sight 04/05/2007 Závěrečný set Time Spiral bloku, ukazuje možné budoucnosti a experimentální designy. Představení karet s futuristickými mechanikami jako Delve a Poisonous.
LRW Lorwyn 12/10/2007 Set zasazený v idylickém světě plném folkloru a mytických bytostí, jako jsou elfové a goblini. Rozvoj tribal mechaniky, uvedení Planeswalkerů.
MOR Morningtide 01/02/2008 Druhý set Lorwyn bloku, rozšiřuje kmenové linie a představuje nové klany a kmeny. Posílení kmenové dynamiky, uvedení nových lordů a kmenových efektů.
SHM Shadowmoor 02/05/2008 Set ve stínu Lorwynu, s temnějšími tématy a transformací světa. Zavedení hybridních many nákladů, představení persist.
EVE Eventide 25/07/2008 Závěrečný set Shadowmoor bloku, přináší do hry více temných a hybridních karet. Rozšíření hybridní many, uvedení chroma a untap symbol mechanik.
ALA Shards of Alara 03/10/2008 Set založený na světě rozděleném na tři frakce s unikátními tematikami a barvovými kombinacemi. Zavedení exalted a multicolor karet, focus na tri-color shards.
CON Conflux 06/02/2009 Druhý set v Shards of Alara bloku, přináší další karty a strategie pro tri-color frakce. Rozšíření témat tri-color shards, zavedení Domain a Multicolor karet.
ARB Alara Reborn 30/04/2009 Závěrečný set Alara bloku, první set, kde jsou všechny karty multicolored. Kompletně multicolor set, uvedení Cascade.
ZEN Zendikar 02/10/2009 Set s tématem dobrodružství, explorace a hledání pokladů na divokém a nezkrotném světě Zendikar. Představení mechaniky Landfall, Treasure.
WWK Worldwake 05/02/2010 Rozšíření Zendikar bloku, přináší další podporu pro exploraci a land-based strategie. Rozvoj Landfall, uvedení multicolor manlands.
ROE Rise of the Eldrazi 23/04/2010 Závěrečný set Zendikar bloku, představuje Eldrazi, starodávné a mocné bytosti, které se probouzejí z uvěznění. Uvedení Eldrazi, Annihilator, nové velké bytosti.
SOM Scars of Mirrodin 01/10/2010 Návrat do světa Mirrodin, tentokrát s důrazem na konflikt mezi původními obyvateli a infekčními Phyrexiany. Zavedení Infect, Phyrexian Mana.
MBS Mirrodin Besieged 04/02/2011 Druhý set v Scars of Mirrodin bloku, zaměřuje se na eskalující válku mezi Mirrans a Phyrexians. Rozvoj témat Infect a Phyrexian Mana, Battle Cry.
NPH New Phyrexia 13/05/2011 Závěrečný set Scars of Mirrodin bloku, ukazuje Phyrexiany převládající nad Mirrodinem. Dominance Phyrexian témat, Phyrexian Mana rozšíření.
ISD Innistrad 30/09/2011 Set zaměřený na gothic horror, příběhy o upírech, vlkodlacích, a duchách v temném a nebezpečném světě Innistradu. Uvedení Double-faced cards, Flashback.
DKA Dark Ascension 03/02/2012 Rozšíření Innistrad bloku, dále rozvíjí téma hororu a zvyšuje sílu temných bytostí na Innistradu. Rozvoj Double-faced cards, zvýšení síly undead.
AVR Avacyn Restored 04/05/2012 Závěrečný set Innistrad bloku, zaměřuje se na návrat Avacyn a dalších andělů, kteří bojují proti temnotě. Představení Miracle, zvýšení síly andělů.
RTR Return to Ravnica 05/10/2012 Návrat do města Ravnica, tentokrát s novými intrikami a konflikty mezi gildami. Znovu uvedení populárních gildových mechanik, Overload, Detain.
GTC Gatecrash 01/02/2013 Druhý set v Return to Ravnica bloku, zaměřuje se na zbývající gildy a jejich souboje o moc. Představení nových gildových mechanik jako Battalion a Cipher.
DGM Dragon's Maze 03/05/2013 Závěrečný set Return to Ravnica bloku, dramatické uzavření bojů mezi gildami. Uvedení Fuse karet, závěr gildového příběhu.
THS Theros 27/09/2013 Set inspirovaný antickým Řeckem a jeho mytologií, bohové, hrdinové a monstra hrají hlavní role. Představení Devotion, Heroic, Bestow.
BNG Born of the Gods 07/02/2014 Druhý set Theros bloku, dále rozvíjí příběhy bohů a jejich vliv na svět. Rozšíření mechanik Heroic a Bestow, noví bohové.
JOU Journey into Nyx 02/05/2014 Závěrečný set Theros bloku, vrchol konfliktu mezi bohy a smrtelníky. Uvedení Strive, poslední bojové vyzyvatelé.
KTK Khans of Tarkir 26/09/2014 Set založený na válečných klanech na světě Tarkir, kde se pět klanů snaží ovládnout zemi. Představení Morph, Delve, Prowess.
FRF Fate Reforged 23/01/2015 Druhý set Khans of Tarkir bloku, set ve kterém se historie Tarkiru mění díky cestování v čase. Uvedení Dash, Bolster, Mechaniky změn v čase.
DTK Dragons of Tarkir 27/03/2015 Závěrečný set Khans of Tarkir bloku, ukazuje alternativní budoucnost, kde draci dominují světu. Rozšíření tématu draků, uvedení Formidable, Rebound.
ORI Magic Origins 17/07/2015 Set zaměřený na původní příběhy pěti klíčových planeswalkerů. Představení double-faced Planeswalker karet.
BFZ Battle for Zendikar 02/10/2015 Návrat na Zendikar, boj proti Eldrazi. Uvedení mechanik Devoid, Ingest a Landfall opět v akci.
OGW Oath of the Gatewatch 22/01/2016 Spojení planeswalkerů proti Eldrazi, druhý set v Battle for Zendikar bloku. Představení Support, Colorless mana symbols.
SOI Shadows over Innistrad 08/04/2016 Návrat do gothic horrorového světa Innistrad, zaměření na záhady a strašidla. Uvedení nových double-faced cards, Investigate.
EMN Eldritch Moon 22/07/2016 Závěrečný set v Shadows over Innistrad bloku, Emergence of Emrakul a další Eldrazi horory. Rozšíření tématu double-faced cards, Meld.
KLD Kaladesh 30/09/2016 Set založený na světě plném vynálezů a inovací, domovském světě planeswalkera Saheeli. Představení Energy counters, Vehicles.
AER Aether Revolt 20/01/2017 Vzpoura proti útlaku na Kaladeshu, druhý set v Kaladesh bloku. Rozvoj mechaniky Energy, představení Revolt.
AKH Amonkhet 28/04/2017 Set inspirovaný egyptskou mytologií, svět kontrolovaný Nicol Bolasem. Uvedení Exert, Embalm, Aftermath.
HOU Hour of Devastation 14/07/2017 Klimax příběhu na Amonkhetu, Nicol Bolas ukazuje svou plnou moc. Představení Afflict, Eternalize.
XLN Ixalan 29/09/2017 Dobrodružství a objevování nového světa plného pirátů, dinosaurů a ztracených pokladů. Uvedení Explore, Raid, a Treasures.
RIX Rivals of Ixalan 19/01/2018 Pokračování příběhu o hledání Zlatého Města Orazca na Ixalanu. Rozšíření mechanik Explore, Raid, a nová Ascend.
DOM Dominaria 27/04/2018 Návrat na historický plán Dominaria, oslava 25. výročí hry. Představení Historic, Sagas.
M19 Core Set 2019 13/07/2018 Základní set zaměřený na základy hry a výchovu nových hráčů, obsahující různé ikonické karty. Zahrnutí karet pro výuku nových hráčů, planeswalkery.
GRN Guilds of Ravnica 05/10/2018 Návrat do města-gildy Ravnica, první set trojdílného Ravnica bloku zaměřený na pět z deseti gild. Uvedení nových a vracejících se gildových mechanik.
RNA Ravnica Allegiance 25/01/2019 Druhý set na Ravnici, zaměřující se na zbylých pět gild. Představení dalších gildových mechanik.
WAR War of the Spark 03/05/2019 Masivní bitva na Ravnice, kde se setkávají mnohé postavy a planeswalkery bojující proti Nicol Bolasovi. Vysoký počet planeswalker karet, každý booster obsahuje planeswalkera.
M20 Core Set 2020 12/07/2019 Základní set, který nadále podporuje výuku nových hráčů a zahrnuje strategické karty pro zkušenější hráče. Zahrnutí pěti Planeswalker decks, tematické sady.
ELD Throne of Eldraine 04/10/2019 Set inspirovaný evropskými pohádkami a arthuriánskými legendami, magický a mystický svět Eldraine. Představení Adventure, Food tokens.
THB Theros Beyond Death 24/01/2020 Návrat na Theros, zaměření na podsvětí a bohy. Rozvoj mechaniky Escape, Sagas.
IKO Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths 24/04/2020 Set plný monstrovitých bytostí a mutací na divokém plánu Ikoria. Uvedení Mechanic Mutate, Companion.
M21 Core Set 2021 03/07/2020 Základní set zaměřený na základy hry, s několika významnými reprinty a novými karty. Reprinty oblíbených karet, podpora pro různé formáty.
ZNR Zendikar Rising 25/09/2020 Návrat na dobrodružný plán Zendikar bez vlivu Eldrazi, s novými a vracejícími se mechanikami. Uvedení Mechanic Modal Double-Faced Cards, Party.
KHM Kaldheim 05/02/2021 Set inspirovaný severskou mytologií a Vikingy, nabízející bohy, legendy a hrdiny. Představení Mechanic Foretell, Boast.
STX Strixhaven: School of Mages 23/04/2021 Set zaměřený na magickou akademii, kde se pět kolejí specializuje na různé typy magie. Uvedení Mechanic Learn, Lesson.
AFC Adventures in the Forgotten Realms 23/07/2021 První set Magic kombinující Dungeons & Dragons tematiku, přináší klasické D&D prvky do hry. Představení Mechanic Venture into the Dungeon.
MID Innistrad: Midnight Hunt 24/09/2021 Návrat na temný plán Innistrad, zaměřený na vlkodlaky a nekonečnou noc. Rozvoj Mechanic Daybound/Nightbound, Disturb.
VOW Innistrad: Crimson Vow 19/11/2021 Pokračování na Innistradu, tentokrát s tématem upíří svatby a intrik. Rozšíření Mechanic Daybound/Nightbound, Exploit.
NEO Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty 18/02/2022 Návrat na Kamigawa v cyberpunkovém stylu, kde se tradiční se střetává s futuristickým. Uvedení Mechanic Reconfigure, Ninjutsu.
SNC Streets of New Capenna 29/04/2022 Set zaměřený na gangsterský svět New Capenna, s pěti rodinami bojujícími o kontrolu města. Představení Mechanic Connive, Blitz.
DMU Dominaria United 09/09/2022 Návrat na historický plán Dominaria, s důrazem na jeho bohatou historii a legendární postavy. Zahrnuje Mechanic Read Ahead, Enlist.
submitted by Kuzlatko to mtg [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 03:42 Creativehunger0 EFMP in Tech School

Hey there, I'm a military spouse and currently going through the most frustrating process imaginable, the efmp process. My husband is currently in tech school at Sheppard AFB, he's due to graduate May 16th, were supposed to be going to Fairchild AFB in washington State. We are currently waiting to be approved by EFMP, I do have a mental diagnosis (psychosis). We are currently Level 5 (Gaining SNC) we've been at level 5 throughout the whole week, our efmp coordinator did tell us that it is moving along fairly quickly. But now I'm getting worried that I might get denied for having this diagnosis and my husband being stuck at tech for a lot more time. I know I shouldn't have but I did end up searching the internet and came across some horror stories of ppl getting denied simply bc their wife had asthma and someone being stuck at tech for 9 more months. I'm stressing bad. What's the liklihood of us getting denied? Not only that, but we are looking to rent outsode of base and the apartment place are going to get in touch with me soon and ask about signing the lease agreement, im afraid of going through with it only to get denied travel and im worried if i dont go through with it only for them to aprove us, i feel stuck in limbo. Next week he's 1 week put from graduating and we're still on level 5....
submitted by Creativehunger0 to AirForce [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 02:41 cstaff3259 [WTS/WTT] Slipjoints, Peña, 3xWatch bundle (2xCitizen,1xGshock)

Unfortunately I’m not really working while I finish school so these are up with price drops!
Jeff Mitchell Trapper, Stag & CPM-154 - $475 OBO
Would possibly trade this for a different custom or GEC with cash. Pull is about a 7, touch of blade play. Really great walk and talk with gorgeous stag, knife is in excellent shape and shows no wear
Smith & Sons Tupelo - $335 $290 OBO
These are sold out currently, pre order price was $350. This is BNIB and comes with a leather sheath (not normally included). AEB-L, made in the USA in their new Louisiana factory. Really nice american made modern slipjoint, pull is a smooth 5 with excellent walk and talk
Chris Taylor Zulu - $775 $725 OBO
Very light carry and use, nearly perfect, one tiny mark on the spine that’s tough to see and a smudge by the nail nick. 4.1” closed, mammoth covers and shield. Comes with a nice zipper pouch.
Pena Zulu Custom - $725 $710 OBO
First owner, comes with northwoods leather slip. Minimal carry and use, no wear to speak of. Great action.
Watch Bundle - $275 OBO or TV of $325
I really don’t know shit about these or watches, got them as part of a bundle a while ago. G-Shock needs a button but works fine without it (just the black piece that covers the metal button under it), the one citizen with the strap has a pretty scuffed up glass but it’s not impeding reading it or anything. The other watch appears to be a Citizen Promaster Skyhawk? Which are like $400+ alone, so enjoy my ignorance if that’s the case!
Would trade these for a custom slipjoint or GEC with cash added
submitted by cstaff3259 to Knife_Swap [link] [comments]

2024.02.13 15:41 FakeElectionMaker I am writing a timeline where Somaliland does not merge with Somalia in 1960 and becomes a socialist dictatorship under an OC politician.

I am writing a timeline where Somaliland does not merge with Somalia in 1960 and becomes a socialist dictatorship under an OC politician.
Early life of Abdillahi Masoud (1925–1944)
Hargeisa, British Somaliland in the early 20th century.
Abdillahi bin Yakub Masoud was born in Hargeisa, British Somaliland, on 16 September 1925, to an influential noble family of the Eidagale sub-clan of the Habar Gerhajis. He was a descendant of Isaaq Sultan Guled, who resigned between 1750 and 1808, and Abdillahi Masoud constantly boasted about this heritage.
Abdillahi Masoud was educated in some of British Somaliland's most elite schools, but, according to author Mohamed Diiriye, his childhood was marked by "a constant search for belonging and purpose", which he sought to fullfil by constantly writing poetry, which remained his hobby into his adulthood and presidency. In late 1941, Masoud, who by then had an arranged marriage to his cousin and two children, joined the Somaliland Camel Corps as a private in the 'A' (Camel) Company, remaining in the unit until a 1944 mutiny he took part in, fighting in the final stretch of the East African campaign before that.
In 1945, Abdullahi Masoud took place in a Islamic and nationalist rebellion led by Sheikh Bashir, being captured and tortured by British forces as a result; those abuses only reinforced his opposition to colonial rule and capitalism, as Masoud eventually became a socialist who believed in government ownership of industry and the dominance of cooperatives in agriculture.
Abdillahi Masoud as a nationalist activist
Masoud was eventually captured, arrested and exiled to the Saad-ud-din archipelago in northern Somaliland.
In 1945, Abdillahi Masoud was one of the hundreds of Somalis who took part in Sheik Bashir's rebellion against the British. Armed with a carbine, he attempted to build on the mutiny that happened the previous year in order to get the military units in the city to revolt, and personally attacked loyal British soldiers along with "10 to 15" of his allies. They were unable to capture the colonial capital, and eventually suffered defeat at the hands of the stronger colonizers.
Abdillahi Masoud and his rebel unit were captured by the British and exiled to Saad-ud-din. There, he claimed to have faced torture by British police, who were accused of denying him food and water, preventing him from changing clothes for days, and beating his body, trying to get him to reveal the names of his comrades. Some historians dispute these allegations, but they helped build Masoud's image and popularity in Somaliland.
Following the defeat of the rebels on 9 July 1945, Masoud and his coterie were joined by other rebels who had been found and captured. He wrote poems on the walls of his prison that were preserved after it turned into a museum, and was released in 1946, subsequently continuing his nationalist activities.
During the following decade, Masoud estabilished himself as a Somali nationalist and Islamic socialist, who supported independence for Somaliland, land reform in the countryside, and a vigorous campaign of development. A charismatic leader, he was considered to be a radical, later in contrast to the moderate Muhammad Haji Ibrahim Egal, and advocated for an anti-colonialist and progressive revolution.
In 1954, Masoud formed a pro-independence big tent party, the Somaliland National Congress (SNC), which advocated for independence for Somaliland, be it immediately or through a plebiscite or referendum, and did not address policies to be adopted after independence, in order to prevent rifts between moderates and socialists. Other leaders of the SNC included Garad Ali Garad Jama and Ahmed Hajji Duale, who represented the moderate and socialist wings, respectively.
Three years later, Masoud became a member of the Somaliland Legislative Council, not being chosen to the executive council due to his radical views. Instead, he chose to pursue grassroots support for Somaliland independence, opposing unification with Italian Somalia on the basis of colonial borders being "fictitious" and the different precolonial history of the two regions, founding a SNC union controlled by the radical wing, and holding rallies and propaganda campaigns.
In May 1960, the British Government stated that it would be prepared to grant independence to the then Somaliland protectorate. The Legislative Council of British Somaliland passed a resolution in April 1960 requesting independence. The legislative councils of the territory agreed to this proposal.
Premiership of Muhammad Haji Ibrahim Egal (1960–1962, domestic policy)
The first parliament of Somaliland, 1960.
Ibrahim Egal ordered the parliament to write a constitution for Somaliland by 1961. However, infighting between the moderate and radical factions of the SNC led to him choosing a trip of jurists to do it instead; they wrote a democratic constitution with wide civil liberties and protections for private property, and it went into effect on 16 October 1960.
Ibrahim Egal sought to improve living standards in Somaliland, one of the world's poorest countries, with one of the goals being to undercut the popularity of the socialist Abdillahi Masoud among the masses. His administration built a coal-fired power plant in Hargeisa, a textile factory in Burao, began literacy campaigns, abolished and criminalized slavery, implemented mandatory vaccination against smallpox and other diseases, and created an income tax. However, many of these policies displeased the traditional Somaliland elites, while the radical faction of the SNC argued they did not go far enough.
Egal also had to deal with Abdillahi Masoud's popularity and power as Ministry of Interior. Masoud used his position to create police and intelligence agencies directly controlled by him, and they collaborated with the unions Masoud also opposed to oppose the SNC's "reactionary" and "imperialist" tendencies. In 1961, Masoud made the intelligence agencies take courses on socialist theory, and started buying weaponry from the Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia, ostensibly for law enforcement, but the most likely goal were preparations for a coup d'etat.
In December 1961, the Somaliland Congress of Trade Unions (SCTU), a syndicate directly controlled by Masoud, launched a general strike against the Ibrahim Egal administration, which crippled the already weak economy and led to Ibrahim Egal sacking him. Masoud took advantage of this to launch a coup d'etat on 5 January 1962, which overthrew the unpopular Ibrahim Egal administration within days and transformed Somaliland into a socialist dictatorship.
Premiership of Muhammad Haji Ibrahim Egal (1960–1962, foreign policy)
Ibrahim Egal attended the 1961 Belgrade conference, thus making Somaliland a founding member of the nonaligned movement.
Ibrahim Egal, and his foreign minister Hajji Ibrahim Nour, sought to make Somaliland Internationally recognized. To this effect, he paid state visits to 15 countries, including the United States, France, Brazil and Yugoslavia, and ratified the 1926 Convention Against Slavery.
Unlike the pro-Soviet and Third Worldist Abdillahi Masoud, Ibrahim Egal sought to play the United States and Soviet Union against each other, and avoid dependence on any foreign country. An important step was his participation in the nonaligned movement's first conference in 1961; Somaliland is a founding member of the NAM and has remained a member ever since.
In spite of the failure to unify the two countries, Somaliland kept friendly relations with Somalia, which remain to this day, especially since Somalia was one of the most stable and prosperous countries in Africa before 2021.
During his presidency, Somaliland signed technical collaboration treaties with Britain and the United States, while exchanging goodwill and trade missions with the Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia.
In April 1961, there were violent crashes between Somaliland's army and Ethiopian tribes near the border between the two countries. Ibrahim Egal soon travelled to Jijiga in order to negotiate a settlement with the tribes, who agreed to a nonaggression pact with the Ethiopian government of Haile Selassie as a mediator. Relations between the two countries remained peaceful until Masoud took power.
Six months earlier, Ibrahim Egal had founded the Somaliland Army as a 3,500-men force trained and armed by the British, and, in March 1961, estabilished an air force with 3 C-47 transport aircraft. Both of these moves were meant to avert a possible coup by Masoud and the SNC radicals, but they demanded that Somaliland align itself with the Eastern Bloc and buy most of its weapons from them. After Masoud took power, he expanded the military and militarized Somaliland's society.
In fact, no tanks were used in the coup d'etat, as the Somaliland Army did not operate any. Instead, only infantry was used to seize power.
Following the coup d'etat, Muhammad Egal and other government leaders were imprisoned or fled into exile, with military, police and intelligence officials seizing power and decreeing the suspension of the Constitution pending the writing of another.
After taking power, the 36 year-old Abdillahi Masoud gave a speech in the radio where he announced:
"Dear Somalis! The National Revolutionary Council has taken power, overthrowing the corrupt and reactionary National Congress government, whose leaders have fled the country. This is the beginning of a revolution by and for the people, and against poverty, ignorance and imperialism. We shall be happy and respected. Allahu Akbar and long live the Motherland! National anthem plays"
Masoud would go on to rule Somaliland until his death in 1989, whereupon he was succeeded by his second son (the eldest being passed over for succession due to his erratic behavior), who began reforms that turned the country into a democracy.
Presidency of Abdillahi Masoud (1962–1964, domestic policy)
Masoud created a new flag for Somaliland, based on the flag of the Isaaq clan. In 1992, the flag was replaced with another that did not have tribalist connotations.
On 5 February 1962, Abdillahi Masoud declared himself Prime Minister of Somaliland and Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces. He suspended the Legislative Assembly, with its functions being taken over by the National Revolutionary Council of ten men (all police and intelligence officers), and outlawed all political parties. The presidency was held by Ahmed Hajji Duale, who helped implement a Islamic legal code in Somaliland.
Masoud also sought to turn the country into a socialist economy controlled by the state and agricultural cooperatives. He created a national bank and nationalised all other banks, encouraged the formation of agricultural cooperatives, abolished rents on land, made education mandatory for all children under 14, nationalised industry, mining and transportation, and began a policy of strengthening Somaliland's internal market, seeking to reorient the economy away from commodity exports.
The Somaliland Intelligence Service and the military police soon launched mass arrests of opposition members, many of whom were tortured or starved to death, and a concentration camp was built in a remote area of Somaliland with assistance from the Czechoslovak government. Masoud concentrated power in the Isaaq clan, with its members recieving favorable treatment and holding the overwhelming majority of government positions.
Throughout 1962, Masoud issued decrees improving the status of women, including giving them the right to vote, outlawing polygamy, dowries and FGM, encouraging and publicly funding their education, and appointing them to low-level government positions. Those measures met with resistance from conservative tribes, culminating in a revolt in February 1963, which was quickly crushed by the government.
Masoud sought to create a cult of personality, with portraits of himself being placed in buildings and homes, carried in the streets in massive rallies, and even carried in people's clothing. His full title eventually became "His Excellency, President for Life, Abdillahi bin Yakub Masoud", and the international airport in Hargeisa was named after him.
In 1964, Masoud was elected the first president of Somaliland with 100% of the vote, while the newly-founded People's Democratic Party of Somaliland swept all seats in Parliament. He then ordered the writing of a constitution that centralized virtually all power in his hands and made Somaliland a socialist one-party state.
submitted by FakeElectionMaker to AlternateHistory [link] [comments]

2024.02.12 04:14 pikol14539 jokes snc made in driskill vid

there are a number of things i could say about snc most recent vid that put me off, but the one thing that stuck out to me the most, was the sexual jokes they were making. particularly the ones about a 4 YEAR OLD. i haven’t been a fan of them for even a year, but the jokes they were making were disgusting. they’re both grown men. what were they thinking? i literally couldn’t believe they thought they could let that slide. and they clearly didn’t see anything wrong with it like wtf? it made me wonder how they joke off camera. that entire vid was cringe honestly. it’s annoying how they keep making the same middle school jokes. their humor is just unbearably unfunny and cringe as of recent and it’s painfully obvious that they are trying to appeal to a broader audience but it’s only making their core audience turn away. even though i’ve been here a short time, i’m done i just can’t they’re honestly so annoying now i’m sorry.
edit: i’m just now realizing this post might’ve come off as a bit hateful and i want to say that, that wasn’t my intention. i was genuinely just upset in the moment. i don’t think snc are terrible people but the jokes didn’t sit right with me. that’s all. i’m not one to hate. i don’t want that.
submitted by pikol14539 to SamAndColby [link] [comments]

2024.02.08 20:15 Chemical_Knowledge64 Which of these 16 GB x 2 ram sticks should I upgrade to for my PC?

So in the short time I’ve had my PC, one thing I’ve consistently found is that 16 gb total system memory (currently 8 GB x 2 at 3200mhz cl16), while fine for gaming only and nothing, isn’t gonna cut it for multitasking with games, even with lighter games, taking up at least 10 GB of system ram. I’m also in college, so I do wish for the ability to have multiple apps and programs open in the background, so while I wait on a lobby I can check school related things during my wait time and get those kinds of work done. So I’ve decided one update I must make is upgrading my ram kit to 16 gb x 2 sticks, where speed isn’t important and capacity is, but it would be nice to have faster ram from 3200mhz. Of my short research, I’ve found these sticks:
For 3200 mhz sticks:
-Teamgroup T Force 16 gb x 2 3200 mhz for $55.99 from micro center.-ddr4-3200-pc4-25600-cl16-dual-channel-desktop-memory-kit-tlzgd432g3200h-gray)
-Crucial Pro 16 gb x 2 3200 mhz for $64.99 from micro center.-ddr4-3200-pc4-25600-cl22-dual-channel-desktop-memory-kit-cp2k16g4dfra32a-black) Also available from Best Buy for the same price. Side note: with my limited time looking at my motherboards QVL support list, I found this particular ram stick combo to be supported on the list and saw it had 2/4 dimm slot support so with this ram option, it looks possible I could buy these exact ram sticks again should I need it which I don’t and total up to 64 gb ram at 16 gb x 4. I’ll put an edit if none of that information lines up.
For 3600 MHz sticks:
-Teamgroup T Force 16 gb x 2 3600 MHz for $62.99 from micro center.-ddr4-3600-pc4-28800-cl18-dual-channel-desktop-memory-kit-tlzgd432g3600hc-gray)
-G Skill Ripjaw 16 gb x 2 3600 MHz for $67.99 from Newegg.
-Corsair Vengeance 16 gb x 2 3600 MHz for $68.99 from Newegg.
For 4000 MHz sticks:
-G Skill Ripjaw 16 gb x 2 4000 MHz for $71.99 from Newegg.
So which one of these sticks should I get? Do you have a 16 gb x 2 ram kit that I haven’t listed that I should check out? Reminder that my budget for the ram kit is absolutely no more than $80 before tax, so the ram sticks I’ve listed out in this post all meet that budget requirement. I also don’t really care for rgb. Appreciate your responses and can’t wait for recommendations from yall.
submitted by Chemical_Knowledge64 to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.02.08 16:42 smhdurrani Imran Khan and Elections

Before we vote for Imran Khan this time maybe we all should remember how:
1) The domestic violence bill was lost in a black hole as PTI government decided to refer it to the "Council of Islamic Ideology" which in past has stated
"A husband should be allowed to lightly beat his wife if she defies his commands and refuses to dress up as per his desires; turns down demand for intercourse without any religious excuse; or does not take a bath after intercourse or menstrual periods." "DNA evidence in a rape case should be inadmissible".
2) Imran Khan stated "If a woman is wearing very few clothes it will have an impact on the man unless they are robots. It’s common sense."
3) Pakistan was ranked 6th most dangerous country for women in 2019 and further climbed upto 4th most dangerous in 2021.
4) Pakistan was ranked 117th for Corruption Perception Index in 2018 and 140th in 2021 by Transparency International.
5) Its so-called Single National Curriculum (SNC) hides systemic changes going far deeper than the ones conceived and executed by the extremist regime of Gen Ziaul Haq.
The SNC massively prioritises ideology over education quality and acquisition of basic skills.
First) A column-by-column comparison with two major madressah systems — Tanzeemul Madaris and Rabtaul Madaris — reveals a shocking fact. Ordinary schools will henceforth impose more rote learning than even these madressahs. Normal schoolteachers being under-equipped religiously, SNC calls for summoning an army of madressah-educated holy men — hafiz’s and qaris — as paid teachers inside schools.
Second) It is false that a hefty dose of piety will somehow equalise students of Aitchison College and your run-of-the-mill neighbourhood school. The legendary Mahmood and Ayyaz prayed in the same suff (prayer line) and established a commonality without ending their master-slave relationship. Similarly, rich and poor schools will remain worlds apart unless equalised through school infrastructure, well-trained teachers, high quality textbooks and internet access.
Third) It is false that school systems belonging to the modern world can be brought onto the same page as madressahs. Modern education rests squarely upon critical thinking, and success/failure is determined in relation to problem solving and worldly knowledge. Madressah education goals are important but different. They seek a more religiously observant student and a better life after death. Understandably, critical thinking is unwelcome.
he Punjab government has made teaching of the Holy Quran compulsory at the college and university level. Without passing the required examination no student will be able to get a BA, BSc, BE, ME, MA, MSc, MPhil, PhD or medical degree. Even the Zia regime did not have such blanket requirements.
submitted by smhdurrani to PakistaniiConfessions [link] [comments]

2024.02.07 21:00 VodkaClubLime Guide to Moving to Wisconsin

Whether you’re relocating for work, family, or just looking for a change of scenery, Wisconsin has so much to offer. From the bustling cities of Milwaukee and Madison to the natural beauty of the Door Peninsula and Apostle Islands, there’s something for everyone in this great state. But before you start packing your bags, you’ll want to make sure you have a plan in place to ensure a smooth and stress-free move. That’s where we come in! In this guide, we’ll provide you with all the information you need to know about moving to Wisconsin, including tips, tricks, and the best moving companies to help you get there. So sit back, relax, and let’s get started on your Wisconsin adventure!

Great Places to Live in Wisconsin

Wisconsin is home to many great cities and towns, each with its own unique charm and character. Here are some of the top places to consider when moving to Wisconsin:
  1. Milwaukee: Wisconsin’s largest city and cultural hub, Milwaukee is known for its festivals, breweries, and museums. Some popular neighborhoods include the Historic Third Ward, East Side, and Bay View.
  2. Madison: The state capital and home to the University of Wisconsin, Madison is a vibrant college town with a thriving arts and music scene. Some popular neighborhoods include Downtown, Willy Street, and Atwood.
  3. Green Bay: Home to the Green Bay Packers, Green Bay is a sports lover’s paradise. It’s also known for its beautiful waterfront parks and family-friendly attractions. Some popular neighborhoods include Astor Park, Downtown, and Allouez.
  4. Eau Claire: Located in the west-central part of the state, Eau Claire is a small city with a big heart. It’s known for its music festivals, bike trails, and local food scene. Some popular neighborhoods include Third Ward, Randall Park, and Mount Simon.
  5. Appleton: Located in the Fox River Valley, Appleton is a charming city with a strong sense of community. It’s known for its museums, historic architecture, and outdoor recreation opportunities. Some popular neighborhoods include Downtown, Northland, and Memorial Park.
When choosing a place to live in Wisconsin, it’s important to consider factors such as job opportunities, cost of living, and quality of life. Do some research on the local schools, healthcare facilities, and transportation options. And don’t be afraid to reach out to locals for their recommendations and advice.
No matter where you choose to live in Wisconsin, you’re sure to find friendly people, beautiful scenery, and plenty of things to see and do.

Job Opportunities in Wisconsin

Wisconsin is home to a diverse range of industries, offering a variety of job opportunities for both skilled and unskilled workers. Here are some of the major industries and top employers in the state:
  1. Manufacturing: Wisconsin is a leader in manufacturing, with industries such as paper products, machinery, and food processing. Some top manufacturing companies include Kohler, Briggs & Stratton, and Oshkosh Corporation.
  2. Healthcare: With an aging population and a focus on wellness, healthcare is a growing industry in Wisconsin. Some top healthcare employers include Aurora Health Care, Marshfield Clinic, and Gundersen Health System.
  3. Technology: Wisconsin has a growing technology sector, with companies such as Epic Systems, Rockwell Automation, and Fiserv. Many of these companies are located in the Madison area, which has been dubbed the “Silicon Valley of the Midwest.”
  4. Agriculture: Wisconsin is a major producer of dairy products, cheese, and cranberries, among other crops. Some top employers in the agriculture industry include Sargento Foods, Johnsonville Sausage, and Ocean Spray.
  5. Tourism: Wisconsin’s natural beauty and cultural attractions draw millions of visitors each year, creating job opportunities in areas such as hospitality and recreation. Some top employers in the tourism industry include the Wisconsin Dells water parks, Lambeau Field (home of the Green Bay Packers), and the Harley-Davidson Museum in Milwaukee.
When looking for a job in Wisconsin, it’s important to research the specific industry and company you’re interested in. Check online job boards, attend job fairs, and reach out to staffing agencies for assistance. Networking is also key, so don’t be afraid to attend industry events and connect with professionals in your field.

Education in Wisconsin

Education is highly valued in Wisconsin, with a variety of options available for students of all ages and backgrounds. Here are some of the top universities and educational opportunities in the state:
  1. University of Wisconsin System: The University of Wisconsin System (UW) is made up of 13 universities and colleges, offering a wide range of undergraduate and graduate degree programs. The flagship campus, UW-Madison, is consistently ranked among the top public universities in the country.
  2. Private Colleges and Universities: Wisconsin is also home to many private colleges and universities, including Marquette University, St. Norbert College, and Lawrence University. These schools offer a variety of degree programs and are known for their strong academic reputations.
  3. Technical Colleges: Wisconsin has 16 technical colleges, offering vocational training and certification programs in fields such as nursing, welding, and automotive technology. These programs are often more affordable and provide hands-on training for students looking to enter the workforce quickly.
  4. Continuing Education: Wisconsin has a strong commitment to lifelong learning, with many opportunities for continuing education and professional development. The UW System offers online courses and certificate programs, and there are many community education programs and adult learning centers throughout the state.
When considering education in Wisconsin, it’s important to research the specific programs and schools that meet your needs and interests. Look for schools with strong academic reputations and supportive communities. Don’t be afraid to reach out to current students and alumni for their experiences and recommendations. And remember, education is an investment in your future, so choose wisely and make the most of your opportunities.

Cost of Living in Wisconsin

Wisconsin offers a relatively low cost of living compared to other states in the US, making it an attractive destination for those seeking affordable living. Here are some of the factors to consider when estimating the cost of living in Wisconsin:
  1. Housing Costs: Housing costs vary widely depending on location, with cities such as Madison and Milwaukee being more expensive than smaller towns. According to Zillow, the median home value in Wisconsin is around $200,000, which is below the national average.
  2. Transportation Costs: Wisconsin has a well-developed highway system, making it easy to get around by car. Gas prices are slightly below the national average, and car insurance rates are relatively low. Public transportation is available in some areas, such as Milwaukee and Madison, but it may not be as extensive as in larger cities.
  3. Food and Entertainment Costs: Wisconsin is known for its affordable dining options, with many local restaurants offering reasonably priced meals. Entertainment options, such as movie theaters and museums, also tend to be relatively inexpensive.
  4. Healthcare Costs: Wisconsin has a relatively low cost of healthcare compared to other states, with many affordable health insurance options available. The state also has a strong network of healthcare providers, including hospitals and clinics.
When considering the cost of living in Wisconsin, it’s important to research specific areas and compare costs to your current location. Use online cost of living calculators to estimate expenses such as housing, transportation, and food. And don’t forget to factor in state and local taxes, which can vary depending on location. Overall, Wisconsin offers a relatively affordable cost of living, making it a great place to call home.

Outdoor Recreation in Wisconsin

Wisconsin is known for its natural beauty and abundance of outdoor recreation opportunities. From hiking and biking to fishing and kayaking, there’s something for everyone to enjoy in Wisconsin’s great outdoors. Here are some of the top outdoor recreation activities to try when living in or visiting Wisconsin:
  1. Hiking and Camping: Wisconsin has over 95 state parks, forests, and recreation areas, offering miles of hiking trails and campsites for overnight stays. Some popular hiking destinations include Devil’s Lake State Park, Kettle Moraine State Forest, and the Ice Age Trail.
  2. Water Sports: With over 15,000 lakes and 33,000 miles of rivers and streams, Wisconsin is a paradise for water sports enthusiasts. Popular activities include kayaking, canoeing, boating, and fishing. Some top spots for water sports include Lake Michigan, Lake Geneva, and the Wisconsin River.
  3. Winter Sports: Wisconsin is known for its long, snowy winters, making it a great place for winter sports such as skiing, snowboarding, and snowshoeing. Some top ski resorts include Granite Peak, Cascade Mountain, and Devil’s Head Resort.
  4. Biking: Wisconsin has over 1,400 miles of designated bike trails, ranging from urban bike paths to scenic country roads. Some popular biking destinations include the Great River State Trail, the Elroy-Sparta State Trail, and the Glacial Drumlin State Trail.
  5. Golfing: Wisconsin is home to over 500 golf courses, including some of the best courses in the country. Some top golf destinations include Whistling Straits, Erin Hills, and Blackwolf Run.
When enjoying outdoor recreation in Wisconsin, it’s important to follow safety guidelines and be respectful of the environment. Take precautions such as wearing appropriate clothing and gear, carrying plenty of water, and staying aware of weather conditions. And remember to leave no trace, taking care to leave the outdoors as you found it for others to enjoy.

Cultural Attractions in Wisconsin

Wisconsin has a rich cultural heritage and a diverse range of cultural attractions to explore. From museums and galleries to music and festivals, there’s something for everyone to enjoy in Wisconsin. Here are some of the top cultural attractions to check out:
  1. Museums and Galleries: Wisconsin has many museums and galleries that showcase the state’s history, art, and culture. Some popular museums include the Milwaukee Art Museum, the Wisconsin Historical Museum, and the Harley-Davidson Museum.
  2. Music and Performing Arts: Wisconsin has a thriving music and performing arts scene, with venues such as the Marcus Performing Arts Center in Milwaukee, the Overture Center for the Arts in Madison, and the Weidner Center for the Performing Arts in Green Bay. The state is also home to many music festivals, including Summerfest in Milwaukee and Eaux Claires in Eau Claire.
  3. Festivals and Fairs: Wisconsin is known for its many festivals and fairs, celebrating everything from cheese and beer to cranberries and kites. Some popular festivals include the Wisconsin State Fair, Oktoberfest in La Crosse, and the Great Taste of the Midwest in Madison.
  4. Sports: Wisconsin is home to several professional sports teams, including the Green Bay Packers (football), Milwaukee Brewers (baseball), and Milwaukee Bucks (basketball). Attending a game or exploring the sports history and culture of the state can be a great way to experience Wisconsin’s unique cultural offerings.
When exploring Wisconsin’s cultural attractions, it’s important to plan ahead and do some research to find events and venues that match your interests. Many museums and cultural centers offer free or discounted admission on certain days or times, and some festivals and events require advance ticket purchases. With so many options to choose from, there’s always something new and exciting to discover in Wisconsin’s rich cultural landscape.

Tips for a Smooth Move to Wisconsin

Moving can be overwhelming, but with the right preparation and planning, you can make your move to Wisconsin as smooth and stress-free as possible. Here are some tips to help you prepare for your move:
  1. Research Moving Companies: When choosing a moving company, it’s important to do your research and choose a reputable company with experience in long-distance moves. Consider factors such as pricing, reviews, and services offered. Moving Truck Driver is a great option, providing reliable and professional moving services to make your move to Wisconsin a success.
  2. Create a Moving Checklist: A moving checklist can help you stay organized and on track during the moving process. Make a list of tasks such as packing, forwarding mail, and transferring utilities, and set deadlines for each task to ensure everything gets done in a timely manner.
  3. Purge Unnecessary Items: Moving is a great opportunity to get rid of unwanted or unnecessary items. Donate or sell items that you no longer need or use, and consider renting a dumpster or hiring a junk removal service to dispose of larger items.
  4. Label Boxes and Keep an Inventory: Labeling boxes and keeping an inventory can help you keep track of your belongings during the move. Use a color-coded system or label each box with its contents and destination room to make unpacking easier.
  5. Pack a Moving Essentials Box: Pack a box with essentials such as toiletries, clothes, and important documents to have on hand during the move. This can help you avoid searching through boxes to find necessary items.
  6. Take Photos of Electronics: Take photos of electronics such as TVs and computers before disconnecting them to make reconnecting them easier.
  7. Notify Important Parties of Your Move: Be sure to notify important parties such as your bank, employer, and utility companies of your move to ensure a smooth transition.
By following these tips and planning ahead, you can make your move to Wisconsin as smooth and stress-free as possible. Don’t forget to take time to enjoy the journey and explore your new home once you arrive

Welcome to Wisconsin: Where Adventure Awaits!

Congratulations on your decision to move to Wisconsin! With its natural beauty, rich cultural heritage, and abundance of outdoor recreation opportunities, Wisconsin has something for everyone to enjoy. Whether you’re looking for a bustling city or a quaint small town, you’re sure to find a place to call home in this great state.
Remember to take advantage of all that Wisconsin has to offer, from hiking and biking to festivals and fairs. Try new foods, explore new places, and make new friends along the way.
So, grab a bratwurst, put on your cheesehead, and get ready to experience all the wonders of Wisconsin. Welcome to the Badger State, where adventure awaits!

submitted by VodkaClubLime to MovingTruckDriver [link] [comments]

2024.02.07 12:53 VodkaClubLime Moving to Wisconsin

Congratulations on making the decision to move to Wisconsin! Whether you’re relocating for work, family, or just looking for a change of scenery, Wisconsin has so much to offer. From the bustling cities of Milwaukee and Madison to the natural beauty of the Door Peninsula and Apostle Islands, there’s something for everyone in this great state. But before you start packing your bags, you’ll want to make sure you have a plan in place to ensure a smooth and stress-free move. That’s where we come in! In this guide, we’ll provide you with all the information you need to know about moving to Wisconsin, including tips, tricks, and the best moving companies to help you get there. So sit back, relax, and let’s get started on your Wisconsin adventure!

Great Places to Live in Wisconsin

Wisconsin is home to many great cities and towns, each with its own unique charm and character. Here are some of the top places to consider when moving to Wisconsin:
  1. Milwaukee: Wisconsin’s largest city and cultural hub, Milwaukee is known for its festivals, breweries, and museums. Some popular neighborhoods include the Historic Third Ward, East Side, and Bay View.
  2. Madison: The state capital and home to the University of Wisconsin, Madison is a vibrant college town with a thriving arts and music scene. Some popular neighborhoods include Downtown, Willy Street, and Atwood.
  3. Green Bay: Home to the Green Bay Packers, Green Bay is a sports lover’s paradise. It’s also known for its beautiful waterfront parks and family-friendly attractions. Some popular neighborhoods include Astor Park, Downtown, and Allouez.
  4. Eau Claire: Located in the west-central part of the state, Eau Claire is a small city with a big heart. It’s known for its music festivals, bike trails, and local food scene. Some popular neighborhoods include Third Ward, Randall Park, and Mount Simon.
  5. Appleton: Located in the Fox River Valley, Appleton is a charming city with a strong sense of community. It’s known for its museums, historic architecture, and outdoor recreation opportunities. Some popular neighborhoods include Downtown, Northland, and Memorial Park.
When choosing a place to live in Wisconsin, it’s important to consider factors such as job opportunities, cost of living, and quality of life. Do some research on the local schools, healthcare facilities, and transportation options. And don’t be afraid to reach out to locals for their recommendations and advice.
No matter where you choose to live in Wisconsin, you’re sure to find friendly people, beautiful scenery, and plenty of things to see and do.

Job Opportunities in Wisconsin

Wisconsin is home to a diverse range of industries, offering a variety of job opportunities for both skilled and unskilled workers. Here are some of the major industries and top employers in the state:
  1. Manufacturing: Wisconsin is a leader in manufacturing, with industries such as paper products, machinery, and food processing. Some top manufacturing companies include Kohler, Briggs & Stratton, and Oshkosh Corporation.
  2. Healthcare: With an aging population and a focus on wellness, healthcare is a growing industry in Wisconsin. Some top healthcare employers include Aurora Health Care, Marshfield Clinic, and Gundersen Health System.
  3. Technology: Wisconsin has a growing technology sector, with companies such as Epic Systems, Rockwell Automation, and Fiserv. Many of these companies are located in the Madison area, which has been dubbed the “Silicon Valley of the Midwest.”
  4. Agriculture: Wisconsin is a major producer of dairy products, cheese, and cranberries, among other crops. Some top employers in the agriculture industry include Sargento Foods, Johnsonville Sausage, and Ocean Spray.
  5. Tourism: Wisconsin’s natural beauty and cultural attractions draw millions of visitors each year, creating job opportunities in areas such as hospitality and recreation. Some top employers in the tourism industry include the Wisconsin Dells water parks, Lambeau Field (home of the Green Bay Packers), and the Harley-Davidson Museum in Milwaukee.
When looking for a job in Wisconsin, it’s important to research the specific industry and company you’re interested in. Check online job boards, attend job fairs, and reach out to staffing agencies for assistance. Networking is also key, so don’t be afraid to attend industry events and connect with professionals in your field.

Education in Wisconsin

Education is highly valued in Wisconsin, with a variety of options available for students of all ages and backgrounds. Here are some of the top universities and educational opportunities in the state:
  1. University of Wisconsin System: The University of Wisconsin System (UW) is made up of 13 universities and colleges, offering a wide range of undergraduate and graduate degree programs. The flagship campus, UW-Madison, is consistently ranked among the top public universities in the country.
  2. Private Colleges and Universities: Wisconsin is also home to many private colleges and universities, including Marquette University, St. Norbert College, and Lawrence University. These schools offer a variety of degree programs and are known for their strong academic reputations.
  3. Technical Colleges: Wisconsin has 16 technical colleges, offering vocational training and certification programs in fields such as nursing, welding, and automotive technology. These programs are often more affordable and provide hands-on training for students looking to enter the workforce quickly.
  4. Continuing Education: Wisconsin has a strong commitment to lifelong learning, with many opportunities for continuing education and professional development. The UW System offers online courses and certificate programs, and there are many community education programs and adult learning centers throughout the state.
When considering education in Wisconsin, it’s important to research the specific programs and schools that meet your needs and interests. Look for schools with strong academic reputations and supportive communities. Don’t be afraid to reach out to current students and alumni for their experiences and recommendations. And remember, education is an investment in your future, so choose wisely and make the most of your opportunities.

Cost of Living in Wisconsin

Wisconsin offers a relatively low cost of living compared to other states in the US, making it an attractive destination for those seeking affordable living. Here are some of the factors to consider when estimating the cost of living in Wisconsin:
  1. Housing Costs: Housing costs vary widely depending on location, with cities such as Madison and Milwaukee being more expensive than smaller towns. According to Zillow, the median home value in Wisconsin is around $200,000, which is below the national average.
  2. Transportation Costs: Wisconsin has a well-developed highway system, making it easy to get around by car. Gas prices are slightly below the national average, and car insurance rates are relatively low. Public transportation is available in some areas, such as Milwaukee and Madison, but it may not be as extensive as in larger cities.
  3. Food and Entertainment Costs: Wisconsin is known for its affordable dining options, with many local restaurants offering reasonably priced meals. Entertainment options, such as movie theaters and museums, also tend to be relatively inexpensive.
  4. Healthcare Costs: Wisconsin has a relatively low cost of healthcare compared to other states, with many affordable health insurance options available. The state also has a strong network of healthcare providers, including hospitals and clinics.
When considering the cost of living in Wisconsin, it’s important to research specific areas and compare costs to your current location. Use online cost of living calculators to estimate expenses such as housing, transportation, and food. And don’t forget to factor in state and local taxes, which can vary depending on location. Overall, Wisconsin offers a relatively affordable cost of living, making it a great place to call home.

Outdoor Recreation in Wisconsin

Wisconsin is known for its natural beauty and abundance of outdoor recreation opportunities. From hiking and biking to fishing and kayaking, there’s something for everyone to enjoy in Wisconsin’s great outdoors. Here are some of the top outdoor recreation activities to try when living in or visiting Wisconsin:
  1. Hiking and Camping: Wisconsin has over 95 state parks, forests, and recreation areas, offering miles of hiking trails and campsites for overnight stays. Some popular hiking destinations include Devil’s Lake State Park, Kettle Moraine State Forest, and the Ice Age Trail.
  2. Water Sports: With over 15,000 lakes and 33,000 miles of rivers and streams, Wisconsin is a paradise for water sports enthusiasts. Popular activities include kayaking, canoeing, boating, and fishing. Some top spots for water sports include Lake Michigan, Lake Geneva, and the Wisconsin River.
  3. Winter Sports: Wisconsin is known for its long, snowy winters, making it a great place for winter sports such as skiing, snowboarding, and snowshoeing. Some top ski resorts include Granite Peak, Cascade Mountain, and Devil’s Head Resort.
  4. Biking: Wisconsin has over 1,400 miles of designated bike trails, ranging from urban bike paths to scenic country roads. Some popular biking destinations include the Great River State Trail, the Elroy-Sparta State Trail, and the Glacial Drumlin State Trail.
  5. Golfing: Wisconsin is home to over 500 golf courses, including some of the best courses in the country. Some top golf destinations include Whistling Straits, Erin Hills, and Blackwolf Run.
When enjoying outdoor recreation in Wisconsin, it’s important to follow safety guidelines and be respectful of the environment. Take precautions such as wearing appropriate clothing and gear, carrying plenty of water, and staying aware of weather conditions. And remember to leave no trace, taking care to leave the outdoors as you found it for others to enjoy.

Moving to Wisconsin - Continued
submitted by VodkaClubLime to MovingTruckDriver [link] [comments]

2024.01.28 12:34 rotentomattoes any advice?

any advice?
im definitely not new to wattpad, ive been on it since 2021 and ive (tried) writing stories, but never have the motivation to finish them. also, when im writing dialog, what else do i say other than "he said", "(name) said", "i said", etc? it gets very repetitive. ALSO, whats a better (and more fun) way of keeping up with plans? usually ill write them in the desc until i get ready to publish (as you see) but then after i publish i move them to notes. (4 more alsos, im a wing it writer most of the time, its an x oc, what should i make the "big and depressing" thing and how should i get them tg? ill take any suggestions)
submitted by rotentomattoes to Wattpad [link] [comments]

2024.01.15 08:13 ironjosh300 Started playing Arena after returning from Alpha and beta sets & Jumped to Standard Plat in my first week.

I was very hesitant about playing due to a rough experience of losing what now would be valued at $500k worth of alpha, beta, mirage cards about 20 yrs ago. So it took a lot for me to come back to MtG after 20 yrs..
But, When I jumped into it, i was shocked that they gave Mythic Rares for free to jumpstart your collection.
I pulled my first Bloodletter of Aclazotz from my initial packs and was hooked !
Here's my deck and the rest of the story is after:
There's a constant prick of damage and controlling of other decks. The combos work well together, and its a ton of fun! In most wins, ppl dont have any monsters left of cant stop the damage, and its really fun!
But platinum does slow down it's win ratio. This is the first deck i've built in over 20 yrs and am happy to say that at least ive gotten this far.
I really enjoy talking to other ppl who come from my "era" of magic, or ppl who started with Arena. Standard reminds me of the old school play, so I am sticking with it!
Let me know in some comments what you guys would change to get it through Plat!
thanks in advance. IJ300
submitted by ironjosh300 to MagicArena [link] [comments]

2024.01.15 03:58 cheaptissueburlap BSB news For Week #63, January 8th, 2024

What happened last week?
CPI came in hot compared to expectations, It seems like services + shelter and car insurance (+20% yoy) were the culprits for the surprise to the upsides.
CPI m/m: ACTUAL 0.65% .. Expecting 0.2% CPI y/y: ACTUAL 3.9% .. Expecting 3.2% CPI Core m/m: ACTUAL 0.5% .. Expecting 0.3% CPI Core y/y: ACTUAL 4.9% .. Expecting 3.8%
The last percent to reach for the FED inflation target might be stickier due to the nature of the basket components left to cool down, especially as we are now seeing the geopolitical aftermaths of the situation in the middle east, especially after the assaults by rebelous factions on Maritimes transports routes (suez Canal).
Traders are seeing a 75% chance for a first rate cut in March, there is two more Inflation and job reading to come before that, which could influence the FED’s decision until then. The dot plot are still pricing the first rate cut later this year (H2).
Bank earnings started on Friday with: citybank, bank of america, wells fargo, and JPM notably

sp500 just broke ATH
What to watch for next week?
Bank earnings continue as we are starting the first earning season of 2024


Bird Joint Venture and Atkinsrealis (former snc lavalin) Awarded The Alliance Development Agreement To Deliver The East Harbour Transit Hub In Toronto - -
has entered into an Alliance Development Agreement to work collaboratively with Metrolinx to deliver the East Harbour Transit Hub. Bird is partnered with AtkinsRéalis under the Rail Connect (RC) Partners joint venture.


Nextech3D.AI Expanding AI Patent Portfolio and Announces Six New 3D Modeling Contracts & Renewals - NTAR.v
announces an uptick in sales with a series of six 2024 contracts, renewals from: CB2 - a division of Crate and Barrel, Artika, renowned for its avant-garde lighting solutions, Raptor Tactical, a designer and manufacturer of modern tactical equipment for Military, Police and other Law enforcement units, William Wood Mirrors, EOD Gear supplies, providing Tactical Gear to EOD Techs and Commands, SWAT, and City Grounds, and sees other growing sales opportunities in its 3D modeling pipeline. anticipates continued momentum in 3D modeling demand to reinforce its position as a leader in the development and deployment of AI for in the 3D modeling industry for e-commerce.
Yerbaé Expands Distribution, Secures Authorization with Kroger Division- Pick n Save - YERB.u (tsx.v)
announced a significant expansion in its distribution channels through a strategic partnership with Pick n Save, a mid-west supermarket chain owned by Kroger.
VSBLTY Completes Trial of AI-Driven Retail POS Solutions with one of the Worlds Largest Brewers - VSBY.cse
has expanded its Advanced Object Recognition software in conjunction with one of the world’s largest brewers to validate product recognition and inventory control at point-of-sale enabling even greater real-time analytics and reporting. The Initial deployment in Mexico is being deployed this January.


BQE Water's Selen-IX™ Process to be Key Component in Rehabilitating Flow from Historic Tailings Facility at the Wharf Mine - BQE.v
reports the successful completion of on-site pilot demonstration of its patented Selen-IX™ process at the Coeur Wharf Mine in the northern Black Hills of South Dakota, USA. The demonstration was the first critical step in the process of implementing selenium treatment that meets permit conditions associated with the mine expansion. The project is now fast tracked for full scale implementation in 2024.
Sparta Group Announces Software License Deal to Help Canadian Transportation Industry Enter New Era of Growth and Innovation - SAY.v
announced it has a software license agreement ("the Agreement") with U.S based TruckSuite™ LLC ("TruckSuite") that will allow Sparta to provide the new, comprehensive TruckSuite™ Mobile App in Canada; customizing it to address the specific needs of Canadian truckers.
Under the Agreement, Sparta will be the exclusive marketer and seller of TruckSuite™ products in Canada and will have the right to use the TruckSuite™ name in Canada. In addition, Sparta will have a non-sublicensable and non-transferable license for Canada to use the TruckSuite™ technology platform and related mobile application known as Biztech (the "Software"). Biztech allows businesses to sell products and deliver services remotely with an enhanced customer experience. The initial term of the Agreement is for 2 years and is subject to automatic renewal for an additional successive two (2) years term unless terminated earlier. The Agreement stipulates that Sparta Group will issue to the Vendor: (i) 5,000,000 common shares as a one-time License Fee; and (ii) a monthly fee of $1,750 for basic maintenance and hosting fees beginning January 1, 2024.
RecycLiCo’s Recycled Battery-Grade Lithium Carbonate Successfully Tested in LFP Battery - AMY.v
announce that the Company’s recycled lithium carbonate, from lithium-ion battery waste, has passed a comprehensive suite of tests conducted by a battery materials company in Asia.
RecycLiCo's lithium carbonate, contained in a Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP) battery, was subjected to several industry-standard tests, including LFP fabrication and cell testing. The results indicate that the Company's lithium carbonate has met, and surpassed the specifications required by the battery materials company, thus demonstrating the recycled product’s battery-grade quality.
Thermal Energy Subsidiary Receives Purchase Order for 8 Boiler Economizers - TMG.v
announced that its wholly owned subsidiary, Boilerroom Equipment, Inc. ("BEI"), has received a purchase order valued at approximately $540,000 from a Fortune 500 food processing and commodities trading company for eight HeatSponge boiler economizers. This is the largest single order in BEI history. The project is expected to be completed and revenue earned within the next six months. All figures are shown in CAD.
was awarded a grant for 97 school buses and related charging infrastructure, representing a total of $38 million, as part of the U.S. EPA's latest round of awards under the Clean School Bus Program. With this latest round of awards, the EPA has more than doubled the funding amount initially announced in April 2023, thereby allocating nearly $1 billion to 67 applicants. Based on the EPA, these awards are expected to facilitate the purchase of over 2,700 clean school buses in 280 school districts serving over 7 million students across 37 states.


SolarBank 3.7 MW Geddes Project Completes Mechanical Construction - Largest Project to Date to be Owned by SolarBank - SUNN.cse
Anounce that it has completed mechanical construction on the 3.7 MW DC Geddes project (the "Project") that is being developed by the Company in Geddes, New York. The next step is completion of final electrical work and acceptance testing. The Project is expected to become operational during the second quarter of 2024. Subject to receipt of financing, the Company intends to own and operate the Geddes project. In addition to this round of financing, the EPA is currently accepting, until January 31, 2024, applications for the 2023 Clean School Bus Rebate Program. The agency expects to award at least $500 million in funding under this round by April 2024.
Datametrex Generates over $1 Million Revenue in December for IT Services - DM.v
announce that it has recorded over $1 million CAD in revenue with expense of approximately $650K CAD at a gross profit margin of approximately 36% for IT services in December, through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Datametrex Korea. This performance not only reflects the company's progress and adaptability in a dynamic market environment, but underscores the effectiveness of the Company's 'deep and narrow' strategy.
The December revenue is a result of the Company's 'land and expand' strategy with major clients like LOTTE. This approach has not only fortified existing partnerships but also enabled expansion into new areas within these large organizations.
Kinaxis Rolls Out New Innovations to Revolutionize Stretched Retail Supply Chains -
announced an expansion of its retail offering with the release of multiple new AI- and ML-powered innovations that provide retailers with end-to-end supply chain transparency, demand forecasting, and powerful simulation scenario planning capabilities to ensure customers can buy the goods they want, when and where they want them, regardless of unforeseen disruptions. Kinaxis’ enhanced retail offering now includes:
Demand.AI innovations – powerful machine-learning based models tailored to the scale and complexity of retailers that enables better understanding of how both internal (e.g. frequent price changes, new product introductions, changes to promotional plans) and external factors (e.g. social sentiment, weather, shifts in consumer behavior, local/national events) are influencing short and long-term demand for their products, and which can inform actions to maximize revenue opportunities and proactively resolve risks.
Replenishment Planning – an all-new capability that enables retailers to better manage replenishment parameters across their supply chain to ensure every item at every store and distribution center gets restocked in a timely manner while establishing guardrails to protect stores from shipping excess inventory that would exceed their shelf-life capacity and increase their inventory holding costs.
Demand Planning innovations – provides retailers with easy-to-interpret visualizations that explain demand patterns while enabling them to make instant adjustments to forecasts based on human insights around trends at any part of their supply chains, by product, geography, store, SKU, day and more.
XTM Rolls Out Certified Earned Wage Access in Canada and US – First Vertically Integrated Solution – Free to Employees and Employers - XTM.v
“Through our QRails acquisition, XTM became the first vertically integrated, fully SAP-certified provider of on-demand pay, which is a game-changer for employers who want to offer impactful, retention-focused benefits to their employees at scale,” said Marilyn Schaffer, CEO, XTM. “Since the acquisition of QRails in August of last year, we have seen significant momentum for EWA within the U.S., including a 328% YOY increase in revenue. We are excited to bring this innovative payroll enhancement to Canadian employers and payroll
About QRails / AnyDay
QRails Inc. (“QRails”) is a fully owned subsidiary of XTM. A cloud-based, API-driven issuer-processor QRails enables payroll providers, financial institutions and other global fintech companies to keep up with the on-demand economy by delivering innovative digital payment solutions to their employees. QRails helps companies modernize and leverage payroll as a differentiator in attracting and retaining talent all at low to no cost for the employee and employer. QRails’ flagship solution, AnyDay™, is the first provider to own their full tech stack that powers their Earned Wage Access solution.

A2Z Smart Technologies Corp. Unveils Cust2Mate 3.0 Smart Cart - AZ.v
proudly introduces Cust2Mate 3.0, the latest iteration of its smart cart.
Designed to meet the evolving demands of consumers navigating an extensive array of choices and the challenges faced by retailers in an era of thin profit margins and increased shrinkage, Cust2Mate 3.0 brings a host of new features to the forefront.
At the heart of the innovation is the all-in-one detachable panel, featuring a 13.3" interactive touchscreen. This panel easily clips on to any shopping cart, transforming traditional shopping carts into multi technology smart carts. Cust2Mate's 3.0 smart cart, designed for ease of mass production and reduced installation and maintenance costs, also results in a considerable reduction in weight, significantly enhancing maneuverability and space efficiency.
announce, that effective January 9, 2024, its DroneCare project, with Halton Healthcare Services Corporation ("Halton Healthcare") is commercially operational.The DroneCare project will deploy DDC's patented drone delivery solution to establish a new two-way transportation link between two of Halton Healthcare's hospitals, Milton District Hospital and Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. This bidirectional route will facilitate the exchange of a variety of critical medical supplies between the two hospitals including but not limited to laboratory blood, urine and tissue specimens requiring testing. Additionally, the Canary Remotely Piloted Aircraft ("RPA") will be used for this project making it the first commercial route for the Canary RPA.
GreenPower Announces Delivery of 10 EV Star Cab and Chassis to Global Retailer in Canada - GP.v
announced that the company delivered 10 EV Star Cab and Chassis at the end of the quarter ended December 31, 2023. In addition to the delivery of the 10 EV Star Cab and Chassis, GreenPower also delivered nine BEAST school buses in California, four Nano Beast school buses in West Virginia, two EV250 thirty-foot transit buses to a city in California, five EV Star Passenger Vans leased to an airport and transportation services providers, one EV Star Refrigerated Cargo Van to a University in California, two EV Star Passenger Vans and an additional EV Star Cab and Chassis during the quarter ended December 31, 2023. GreenPower has more than 100 EV Star Cab and Chassis ready for delivery which were delayed by customers. Additionally, Lion Truck Body, a wholly-owned subsidiary of GreenPower, delivered 40 truck bodies during the quarter.


Canada Nickel Receives Equity Investment from Samsung SDI - CNC.v
Samsung SDI to invest US$18.5 million and acquire approximately 15.6 million shares of Canada Nickel, becomes an 8.7% shareholder
Samsung SDI granted the right to purchase a 10% equity interest in the Crawford project for US$100.5 million upon a final construction decision
Samsung SDI will be granted certain offtake rights to the Crawford project's nickel-cobalt products subject to the completion of the 10% equity investment in the Crawford project

submitted by cheaptissueburlap to Baystreetbets [link] [comments]

2024.01.15 01:43 Weezaschrist Housing benefit question?

Hi, so here is my situation and a little back story for context? I’m currently in receiving Universal Credit with lcwra, which minus various deductions amounts to £613 per month and I also receive and PIP of £400 per month. I was previously renting a 2 bed flat through a private landlord and my rent was £525pm and although for thfirst 4 years I lived there with mmy daughter who was always in full time education (school, college snc now university) I was always told my housing benefit entitlement would only pay £475 towards the rent and i had to make the shortfall myself despite not being able to work due to illness for the last 6 years. When My daughter moved out and into university accommodation, I was told I no longer qualify for 2 bedroom housing allowance and that my housing benefit payment would only now cover £425 of the rent and again, I’d have to pay the shortfall myself, fast forward 18 months and the rising cost of living I found myself unable to afford to live there aespite getting extra help towards the rent i got into a small amount of rent arrears which resulted in me being served an eviction notice but at the same time, also being given more aid in the form of a discretionary housing payment which then meant that while my eviction proceedings were carried out the rent was paid in full until I left the property. I’m staying with a relative right now while I try to find suitable accommodation for myself and have been told I’m only entitled to a 1 bed property housing benefit allowance, fair enough but here’s where it gets complicated, i’ve always been on excellent terms with my ex husband and his girlfriend of 15 years and i often have their little girl of 11 years over to stay at my house so she can spend time with her sister (my daughter) and although I’m of no real connection to her, she always affectionately calls me her step-mum More recently my ex and his partner have separated and unfortunately it is not amicable at all and for the past 12-18 months, my stepdaughters mum has been struggling terribly with her mental and physical health and therefore I now have had my stepdaughter staying over 3-4 nights a week and this looks like it’ll be our situation for the foreseeable future to which all parties are happy with until things improve for her mum but my question is this, because my stepdaughter lives with me 40-50% of the time, will I be entitled to a bedroom allowance for her to have her own room? Currently we share a bed when she stays and I do not claim any benefits for her, they are all paid to her mum and she often provides me with somewhat of what she needs While she’s with me from said child benefits , but would I qualify for the housing benefit allowance for a 2 bedroom property or would I only be entitled to a 1 bedroom with me being a single person with no “officially” dependent children despite the situation?
submitted by Weezaschrist to DWPhelp [link] [comments]

2023.12.19 23:27 LeAntiVillain [Northern and Eastern Ontario - 19th - Post 2] LeAntiVillain Holds Rally in Ottawa

Ottawa, ON - After being nominated as the PC candidate for Northern and Eastern Ontario in Ontario's general election, LeAntiVillain held a rally to speak to his supporters and discuss policy.
"I'm so glad to be here in Ottawa to talk to all of you great folks! Days ago, I was nominated as the PC candidate for MPP for Northern and Eastern Ontario. As your MPP, I will be more committed than ever to getting affordable housing built, keeping taxes low on the middle class, and making our great province energy independent without the use of fossil fuels.
Since 2018, our government has delivered on these ideals with little baggage compared to the liberals, who have repeatedly gotten into scandal after scandal while trying to convince Ontarians that they are the party of responsible government. This same posturing is seen on the federal level, where the liberals are constantly embroiled in controversies, whether it be failing to hold a public inquiry into foreign interference or the SNC-Lavalin scandal.
The reality is that the PCs are the only party which will act responsibly in government; the liberals are constantly embroiled in scandal, and the Alliance has no track record, but they'll likely just tax the hell out of all of you to pay for their expensive pet projects; just like the former New Democrats.
Under Zhuk236's leadership, our party will continue to be an advocate of keeping taxes low and creating new jobs in Ontario through pro-business policies, and we will move forward with a series of reforms that will put money in your pocket while making advancements in areas such as climate change and indigenous rights.
For instance, our plan to develop and maintain nuclear power plants across the province will create thousands of new jobs in the energy sector and ensure that Ontario is only reliant on clean energy, making our province a global leader in the fight against climate change and strengthening our relations with provinces that share these ideals, such as Quebec and British Columbia.
Another one of our key reforms will be to make education in Ontario more efficient in order to invest new funds into lowering class sizes and ensuring that new schools are constructed across the country to accommodate the younger generation. For instance, we will be making changes to high school graduation requirements so that students have more knowledge in the field of science while eliminating requirements such as Arts and Physical Education that are often unnecessary for students going into fields that are STEM-focused.
Folks, the PC plan for the future is one that will ensure that your tax dollars are spent efficiently and one which will put money back in your pocket after years of federal liberal rule. If you want real action from a stable government, vote for me and the Ontario PCs on December 21. Thank you for coming!"
submitted by LeAntiVillain to OntarioSimCampaigning [link] [comments]

2023.11.17 17:42 Thingstodo919 Things to do this weekend!




Join the Thingstodo919 email list here for a weekly events newsletter. Doing anything interesting this weekend? Let us know your plans in the comments!
submitted by Thingstodo919 to raleigh [link] [comments]

2023.11.06 22:37 ___Benzene___ return of the 40 y/o Toronto subway Incel

return of the 40 y/o Toronto subway Incel
if you look at my post history you’ll see i found another message written in a toronto subway station from who i am certain is the same guy as this, they express the same sentiments and claim to be the same age. extremely bizarre behaviour
submitted by ___Benzene___ to IncelTears [link] [comments]

2023.09.26 04:49 BelleskaTROn- Some codes for free packs, xp, and sleeves!!!

Was looking up the worn back sleeves and came across this. Most all of the codes for packs worked, some of the xp codes worked, like 1 or 2 of the sleeve codes worked.
MTG Arena codes: Free sleeves, cards and packs (September 2023) Pocket Gamer
Edit: In case you don't trust random internet links, don't blame you, I've copy pasta them below. Left off the sleeves because none really worked for me.
submitted by BelleskaTROn- to MagicArena [link] [comments]

2023.09.23 20:10 mynameisjames303 Controversies of Justin Trudeau

I started writing a 'Controversies of Justin Trudeau' page this morning and got stuck after researching if controversy pages are encouraged by Wikipedia or not. I noticed his personal page is very very light on controversies and criticisms, but he does have a healthy amount of pages that describe some issues in depth.
However, I continue to see a lack of writing about his response to the Canada Convoy, NATO defence spending in his main articles.
Can someone help me navigate the politics of Wikipedia and/or help me expand this article before posting?
Thank you!
{{Short description23rd Prime Minister of Canada}} {{pp-semi-indefsmall=yes}} {{pp-move}} {{Use Canadian Englishdate=May 2021}} {{Use mdy datesdate=July 2023}} {{Infobox officeholder honorific_prefix = [[The Right Honourable]] name = Justin Trudeau honorific_suffix = {{post-nominalscountry=CANPCMPsize=100%}} image = Justin Trudeau at the 2023 US-Canada Summit (52807412945) (cropped).jpg caption = Trudeau in 2023 order = 23rd office = Prime Minister of Canada term_start = November 4, 2015 term_end = monarch = {{plainlist * [[Elizabeth II]] * [[Charles III]] }} governor_general = {{plainlist * [[David Johnston]] * [[Julie Payette]] * [[Mary Simon]] }} deputy = [[Chrystia Freeland]]{{efnThis position was vacant from February 6, 2006, until November 20, 2019.}} predecessor = [[Stephen Harper]] successor = successor = office1 = [[Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs (Canada)Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs and Youth]] term_start1 = November 4, 2015 term_end1 = July 18, 2018 predecessor1 = [[Denis Lebel]]{{efnThe Cabinet position was titled “minister of infrastructure, communities and intergovernmental affairs”.}} successor1 = [[Dominic LeBlanc]]{{efnLeBlanc succeeded Trudeau in the Cabinet position, but with the title “minister of intergovernmental and northern affairs and internal trade”.}} office2 = [[List of leaders of the Liberal Party of CanadaLeader of the Liberal Party]] term_start2 = April 14, 2013 term_end2 = deputy2 = [[Ralph Goodale]]{{efnThis position has been vacant since November 3, 2015.}} predecessor2 = [[Bob Rae]] (interim) successor2 = parliament3 = Canadian riding3 = [[Papineau (electoral district)Papineau]] term_start3 = October 14, 2008 term_end3 = predecessor3 = [[Vivian Barbot]] successor3 = birth_name = Justin Pierre James Trudeau birth_date = {{Birth date and age19711225mf=yes}} birth_place = [[Ottawa]], [[Ontario]], Canada death_date = death_place = party = [[Liberal Party of CanadaLiberal]] spouse = {{marriage[[Sophie Grégoire TrudeauSophie Grégoire]]May 28, 2005August 2, 2023reason={{abbrsep.separated}}}} children = 3 father = [[Pierre Trudeau]] mother = [[Margaret TrudeauMargaret Sinclair]] relatives = [[Trudeau family]] residence = {{unbulleted list[[Rideau Cottage]] (primary)[[Harrington Lake]] (seasonal)}} alma_mater = {{unbulleted list[[McGill University]] ([[Bachelor of ArtsBA]])[[University of British Columbia]] ([[Bachelor of EducationBEd]]) [[École Polytechnique de Montréal]] (no degree)}} occupation = {{hlistPoliticianteacher}} salary = $389,000 (2023){{cite web url= title=Indemnities, Salaries and Allowances date=April 1, 2023 website=Library of Parliament access-date=May 4, 2023}} website = {{unbulleted list{{URLhttps://pm.gc.caGovernment website}}{{URL website}}}} signature = Signature Justin Trudeau.svg signature_alt = Vectorized signature of Justin Trudeau. module = {{Listenpos=centerembed=yesfilename=Justin Trudeau voice.oggtitle=Justin Trudeau's voicetype=speechdescription=Trudeau celebrating Canada DayRecorded July 1, 2018}} }} '''Justin Pierre James Trudeau''' is a Canadian politician who has served as the 23rd [[Prime Minister of Canada]] since 2015. He is also the leader of the [[Liberal Party of Canada]]. Trudeau has been a subject of various controversies throughout his political career. This article aims to outline and discuss some of those controversies in detail. Justin Trudeau's time as Prime Minister has been marked by a number of controversies that have received both national and international attention. These controversies range from his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic to allegations of corruption and misuse of power. == Ethics Investigations == Trudeau has faced multiple ethics investigations during his time in office. His involvement in the Aga Khan island trip, Finance Minister Bill Morneau’s failure to disclose that one of his private corporations owns a villa in the south of France, and the [[WE_Charity_scandalWE Charity Scandal]] led to ethics inquiries that questioned his judgment and integrity.{{cite webtitle=Trudeau’s cabinet faces 5th ethics investigation — here’s how Stephen Harper’s office comparedurl= Newsdate=February 13, 2019}} == Blackface Incidents == In September 2019, TIME magazine published a photograph from Trudeau's 2001 yearbook that showed him wearing brownface at an "Arabian Nights"-themed party when he was a 29-year-old teacher. Trudeau also admitted to wearing blackface in high school, and yet another instance surfaced from his time in Jean Brebeuf high school.{{cite webtitle=Justin Trudeau Wore Brownface at 2001 ‘Arabian Nights’ Party While He Taught at a Private Schoolurl= 18, 2019}}{{cite webtitle=Video shows Trudeau in blackface in 3rd instance of racist makeupurl= Newsdate=September 19, 2019}} == COVID-19 Response == Trudeau faced criticism for his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. Accusations ranged from the slow initial response to criticisms about vaccine procurement and distribution.{{cite webtitle=Criticism of Trudeau's COVID-19 responseurl= News}}{{cite webtitle=How Justin Trudeau Didn't Deliver on COVID-19url= Post}} In response, 'F*ck Trudeau' signage has become popularized nationwide.{{cite webtitle=PM Trudeau says he's focused on moving forward post-separationurl= Newsdate=August 21, 2023}} == Role and Criticism in the 2020-2021 Rideau Hall Workplace Controversy == In 2020-2021, [[2020–2021_Rideau_Hall_workplace_reviewa workplace review of Rideau Hall]], the official residence of the Governor General of Canada, revealed allegations of harassment and a toxic work environment under Governor General Julie Payette. The controversy led to Payette's resignation in January 2021. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who had appointed Payette in 2017, faced criticism for the selection process. Conservative leader Erin O'Toole accused Trudeau of inadequate vetting and called for consultations with opposition parties for future Vice-Regal appointments.{{Cite newsdate=January 21, 2021title=Canada's governor general resigns after report finds workplace harassmenturl= 23, 2021work=[[The Guardian]]language=en}} NDP leader Jagmeet Singh emphasized the need for Trudeau to take measures to ensure a harassment-free work environment at Rideau Hall.{{Cite webtitle=Canadians react as Julie Payette steps down as Governor Generalurl=[[Toronto Star]]agency=[[The Canadian Press]]date=January 21, 2021access-date=January 23, 2021}} == SNC-Lavalin Affair == In February 2019, allegations surfaced that Trudeau and his office had attempted to press Jody Wilson-Raybould, while serving as Minister of Justice and Attorney General, to intervene in the criminal prosecution of SNC-Lavalin. Trudeau denied the allegations, but the affair led to significant public scrutiny and multiple resignations.{{cite webtitle=SNC-Lavalin affair: Trudeau denies wrongdoing in criminal caseurl= and Mail}}{{cite webtitle=SNC-Lavalin scandal: a timelineurl= News}} == Canada Convoy Protest and Emergency Act == In early 2022, a convoy protest organized against COVID-19 mandates led to road blockades and large-scale disruptions. Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act for the first time in Canadian history to manage the situation. This decision faced substantial backlash for potentially infringing upon civil liberties and for its perceived heavy-handedness.{{cite webtitle=Trudeau invokes Emergencies Act to end trucker protestsurl= News}}{{cite webtitle=Criticism and consequences of invoking the Emergency Acturl= News}} == NATO Defence Spending and Leaked Pentagon Document (2023) == In April 2023, a leaked Pentagon document revealed that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had privately told NATO officials that Canada would not meet the alliance's 2% GDP defence spending target. The leak led to criticisms about Canada's reliability as a NATO partner and its broader military commitments. Trudeau did not confirm the leak but maintained that Canada remains a "reliable partner" to NATO. The incident sparked international concern and debate over Canada's defence capabilities and commitments.{{cite webtitle=Trudeau privately told NATO Canada would never meet 2-per-cent defence spending target: reporturl= Globe and Maildate=April 19, 2023}}  

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2023.09.02 11:22 mantou24 Santa Chengdu fanmeet links and some random Into1 stuff (02/09/2023)

Santa’s first fanmeet on September 1. Nice to see most of into1 has had fanmeets/toumusic festivals by now. Collection of links here (1hr):
I still haven’t finish watching.
Support Santa’s new song, released yesterday on his YouTube:
Santa is also recording a new variety show called 我可以47, seems to be sports related. His stage on Rising land should be this week.
Boyuan’s Tangerine MV with English sub:
Beijing concert links. Gonna be honest, I don’t really like Keyu’s songs besides Stay so don’t ask me how the concert is, I only watch the dancing ones, Yetao went to support. Part 1. 【20230826周柯宇北京巡演(上)】 Part 2.
Stage on Oriental Billboard singing 无名的人: Mika has Ring A Bell concert today, Sept 2.
His program seems to be ending, his recent performance in it:
More Liuyu cause hey I’m an online stalker, need my fix hahaha
Individual version, adorable Liuyu: Quoting Liuyu’s funny c-fans comment: Watching Liuyu makes me understand the happiness of how men feel looking at sweet girls (甜妹). Fans call Liuyu ‘puppy girl’ for that cuteness 😂
Cute Nine: Dorky Keyu, that smile: Cool Boyuan: Cute shy Riki and his trademark hehehe giggle:
The interview tasks, it’s pretty long ago, but I found a cut so sharing here, so each boy in the interview leave a task for the next person: Mika is the cutest awww. Anyway Linmo’s task for the next person is his super long list of blessings, Liuyu’s task is to dance Ayo, AK says if it’s Keyu to do his famous rap scene, poor Mika got it instead hahaha. Mika’s task is to make a heart gesture with their hands pose, interviewer asked ‘so easy?’, he says because he love them so he didn’t wanna make it hard. ☺️
Funny if you understand Chinese, Into1 and douzhi (fermented soybean milk juice): Mika was so excited and then he cried 😂
Jiayuan and Nine at Coca Cola event: They also sat opposite each other
Dianjing cover in a Tencent show 少年行. They changed the choreo and song: Video compared to Into1: I think the changes are too much that they can’t be compared at all as the difficulty level is totally different. Time to rewatch Dianjing (costume change version):
submitted by mantou24 to into1 [link] [comments]

2023.08.30 23:27 cheaptissueburlap BSB news For Week #42 and #43, August 14-21 2023

All right guys sorry, but I was on vacation so took some time off, normal schedule should resume.

Canadian news For Week #42, August 14 2023


DIRTT Selected for Innovative Education Projects in Kentucky and Western Pennsylvania-
Announce they recently secured over $6M USD in construction projects with major education clients including Armstrong School District, Western Kentucky University, and berea college. These projects were awarded due to Construkt and ID+A’s proven abilities to deliver dynamic and modern learning environments using DIRTT’s innovative interior solutions and streamlined construction methodology.


Plurilock Signs US$2.2 Million Contract with U.S. Department of Defense - PLUR.v
announce that the Company has signed a US$2.2 million contract with the U.S. Department of Defense (the 'Customer') for a period of 1 year.
The Customer has previously signed multiple contracts with Plurilock and represents one of the Company's existing customers within the government vertical in North America. The Company intends to continue strengthening the relationship with the Customer as well as other existing customers within the public sector.
TFI International Completes Previously Announced JHT Acquisition -
Announced that it has closed on the previously announced acquisition of JHT Holdings, Inc., a leading asset light logistics and transportation provider in North America for Class 6-8 truck manufacturers.


Ritchie Bros.' Flexible Solutions Deliver Strong US$44 Million Onsite Sale for Industry Leader WB Pipeline -
announced that its subsidiary Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers (America), Inc. sold nearly US$44 million of equipment for industry-leader WB Pipeline LLC on August 9, in Splendora, Texas. Thousands of bidders onsite and online around the world competed for more than 2,700 pieces of diverse, well-maintained, ready-to-work equipment items in Ritchie Bros.' largest pipeline construction auction of the year.

SNC-Lavalin signs first Canadian battery plant mandate for $141 million, strengthening country's Electric Vehicle manufacturing capability -
has been awarded an initial works contract by EcoProBM, a global leader specializing in cathode materials, to design and build one of Canada's largest Cathode Active Material (CAM) plants in Bécancour, Québec. The initial works contract is worth approximately $141 million, and represents SNC-Lavalin's first major mandate in the electric vehicle (EV) battery market in Canada.



Canadian news For Week #43, August 21 2023


SHARC Energy Receives Purchase Order for Brooklyn Development Supported by Governor of New York - SHRC.v
is pleased to provide an update to a previous announcement regarding a transformative $1.2 billion redevelopment in Brooklyn’s East New York neighborhood led by Apex Building Company, L+M Development Partners, RiseBoro Community Partnership, and Services for the Underserved. SHARC Energy has completed the final submittal process with its New York State representative HIGHMARK and has received a purchase order for a SHARC 660 Wastewater Energy Transfer (“WET”) system to be included in the initial phase of the development. Approved and Now Trading on the OTCQB Exchange Under the Ticker TGGLF
announce that the Company's common shares are now available for trading in the USA on the OTCQB Venture Market under the stock symbol: TGGLF.

Liquid Avatar Technologies Receives Offer to Sell Metaverse and Proof of Humanity Programs - LQID.cse
announce that it has received a non-binding offer for its controlled subsidiary, Aftermath Islands Metaverse Limited ("Aftermath Islands") and its Liquid Avatar Mobile App from a private Swiss based Metaverse and virtual experience organization. Contingent on financing in an amount to be agreed, final agreements and financial terms being agreed, and all necessary approvals, the transaction, should it come to fruition, is expected to provide Liquid Avatar Technologies with cash, primarily for debt reduction, and an expected significant amount of equity in the new parent company.


PyroGenesis Confirms Receipt of $826,000 Down Payment for 4.5MW High Power Plasma Torch System -
, confirms today that further to its press release dated August 1, 2023, it has received the down payment of $826,000 associated with the $4.1 million contract for a 4.5MW high power plasma torch system. The client is a U.S. corporation that regularly serves as a prime contractor for the U.S. government as well as for public and private customers in the aeronautics and related industries.


CAE supports US Army High Accuracy Detection and Exploitation System -
has been awarded a contract from Leidos on the Department of Defense's Sentinel task order for a dedicated Full Flight Simulator (FFS) in the Bombardier Global 6000/6500 configuration at the Dothan Training Center to support the High Accuracy Detection and Exploitation System (HADES).
Under the terms of the contract, CAE will build and deliver a 7000XR FFS to support the U.S. Army G-2 Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) Task Force and the Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) requirements of providing timely, relevant, and accurate intelligence to tactical, operational, and strategic commanders.

HEO-Three New Water Treatment Projects Add $8.5 M to The WTS Backlog - HEO.v
announce that its Water Technologies & Services (WTS) business was recently awarded three new water treatment projects, including drinking water, wastewater, and water reuse applications, totalling $8.5 M. These projects speak to the growing demands for water needs of all kinds and increase the WTS backlog to $64.0 M.

Draganfly Awarded Canadian Provincial Wildfire Services Contract
announce it will be providing drone pilot crews and drone technology to a Canadian Provincial Government to assist with firefighting mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery efforts.
Draganfly’s advanced drone technology and highly trained personnel will aid emergency services in their mission to protect lives, property, infrastructure, and ecosystems.

Atlas Engineered Products Announces Acquisition of a Truss and Wall Panel Manufacturer in New Brunswick, Canada - AEP.v
has completed the acquisition of Léon Chouinard et Fils Co. Ltd./Ltée. ("LCF") located in New Brunswick, Canada. LCF is a manufacturer of roof trusses, floor systems, and wall panels and a supplier of engineered wood products ("EWP").
"We are excited to announce the acquisition of our 8th manufacturing facility. Now is the time to move forward with a strategic acquisition that expands our reach into a new location as we continue to grow our national footprint," said Hadi Abassi, CEO, President and Founder of the Company. "LCF fits nicely into our overall, long term strategic plan and we are excited they have joined the AEP group of companies. The Company is currently reviewing a number of additional acquisition targets and will maintain a disciplined approach to acquiring new manufacturing facilities that fit our long-term goals."


Zentek Announces Distribution and Supply Agreement with Henry Schein, Inc. - ZNTK.v
This initial agreement will be for a period of three years and is for Canada and the United States. Sales of ZenGUARD™ surgical masks in the United States will commence upon facility establishment registration and issuance of market clearance from the Food and Drug Administration.
Henry Schein is the world's largest provider of health care solutions to office-based dental and medical practitioners. The Henry Schein team will market and distribute ZenGUARD™ surgical masks to dental practices in the U.S. and Canada.
submitted by cheaptissueburlap to Baystreetbets [link] [comments]

2023.08.25 22:23 Majoraatio A set with unconventional color pairs

Imagine a hypothetical standard set. It's a set with five factions, like Streets of New Capenna or Strixhaven: School of Mages. However, instead of being strictly enemy color pairs (as with STX) or shards (as with SNC), the color groups don't follow this structure. For example, the structure could be:
Selesnya (ally) Gruul (ally) Izzet (enemy) Dimir (ally) Orzhov (enemy)
Abzan (wedge) Jund (shard) Temur (wedge) Jeskai (wedge) Esper (shard)
I'm still maintaining color balance here, since I'm not a monster.
My question is, would it be possible or likely for us to see a set like this made? Or is the idea of the ally/enemy and shard/wedge divide too ingrained, and a set like this would fight intuition too much and feel jarring? Return to Ravnica and Guilds of Ravnica both had an unusual grouping of pairs, but they were immediately followed up by the other five. I think Ixalan has been the most experimental with its system of two shards plus two enemy pairs, leaving one enemy and one ally pair with no focus. Do you see potential in breaking away from the rigid structure of "enemies with enemies and wedges with wedges"?
submitted by Majoraatio to magicTCG [link] [comments]

2023.08.25 06:10 Saugalyfe905 Female Hip-Hop Drop Watch: August 25th


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